Daily Reflector, September 7, 1896

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(rere rerentemtetntensnemnnemoent sent


TERMS: 25 Cents a Month,

D.J. WiIcaa LBD, Editor and Owner,



, :

7 oe

desigucr o! styles tor
a 5

~~) / ae

New ani c apieteline

(yf """



Dress Goods,

andTrimmiigs to match

ot and

In endk KN OY riety.

Come and Lop them, no
_ trouble. to SHOW goods.

@. T. Munto rd.

oNex: oon Abed ak af
Guen viltes .

~ |C Joyner, J F Allen, G T Tyson.

| Macon Haddock,

executive committee, J. J. Elks,


ne teen

Good Meetings all Over the County.

ee en

~Phe Reriecror gives below re-
ports from as many of the prima:
ries as Came in today.


Meeting called to order by A.
S. Walker, chairman. W. C. Joy-
uer, Secretary.
[yey Smith
G T 'Tysor
J EF Allen
Win MeArthur

Walker, chairman, I M Smith, W

Joab Tyson

W A Pollard
G W Crawford
A A Joyner

Committee"A §

For Constable"C D Smith
For Magistrates"J £ Allen, I
A Nichols, Joab Tyson.

Edgar Buck J C Smith

A D Johnson ES Dixon

B W Tucker W H Allen

Josephus Move J C Albritton
RH Allen J J Sutton
Nash Hardee paul Harrington
Augustus Forbes H F Keel

W B Albritton

Town"J G Move, W L Brown
F C Harding, R W King, R M

gar Buck,

A D Jobnston,

J © Albritton, chairman, L L
Kittreil, © G Moye, W H Allen,
T F Christman.

South Side, east of Railroad,-"

Meviing called to order by J. | |
A. K. Tucker, chairman tuwuship


JJ Laughinghcuse, J B Grimes,
W E Porter, CM Jones,
Tarael kKdwards, JA K Tucker

Rebt D.xon, J L Cox,

J B Galloway, LS Edwards,
J A Proctor. JJ Elks,
Mack Williams, W L Clark,
J A Smith, PW Arnold,
N 'T Cox J H Mills,
Claud Cannon. J J Oakley,
JJ Malls, George Sutton

Frank Stocks
W F Carrol,
LH mills,

Executive Committee"J Bb
Grimes, chairmar, W L Smith, L
A Arnold, Claud Cannon, Robt
Dixon, J A K Tucker, W L Clark.

For Constable--Fred Mills.

For Magistrate"Dr C M
Jones, J J Laughingbouse. N T

The delegats were instructed to
use every effort to secure the
nomination of J. A. K. Tucker for


Meeting call ed to order by J D
Cox, chairman. W C Jackson, sec-

LN Edwards,
H C Venters,


4 G Fumes «' & RB: Moye
JH Blount | WR Parker...
W H Smith - oWH Ragsdale
RW King _ FC Haraing
| LE Moore ~F rown.,,
DJ Whichard » JL Sugg aft
A L Blow Olen: Warren.
1E B Dadley, Wo Vainright
J LSmith F G Moore 2h:


Caleb Cannon EC Cannon,
John Pierce, w B Suwrell,
Chas. McGuchon, SawT! Mumford
Dr. Jas Dixon, JS Hines,

J J Jackson, Jos Gaskins,

J Z Brooks, Asa Garriss,
K Lang, J R Jobrson,
W F Hart, BH Ives,

A G Cox, J J May,

Fred McGlobon, J H Smith,

W C Jackson,

H.E Eliis, /
J D Cox,

Josephus Cox, ) CO

J W Cannon, Le Fayette Cox

J A Brauch, W Worthington.

Ayden pPrecinct"C Dawson,
chairman, J H Cobb, John Pierce,
RU Cannon, Emiet Spier.

Winterville rreciunct"A G Cox, |
chairman, J J May, Jesse Cannon
Wm Worthington, J D Cox.

For Vonstable"Woodie McGlo.

For Magistrates"J D Cox, J
R Forbes, J J May.

Between three hundred and
four hundred Democrats were
present and after the work of con-
vention a Free Silver Club was
organized. . |



| Such, ability and command of language

paul Harrington. chairman, B W
Tucker, 8 W Brooks, G M Tuck-
er, Nash Hardee.

For Magistrates"CO D Roun-
tree, W R parker, J T Smith, H PQ
Keel, C A Tucker.

For Constable"R A Forbes.


Meeting called to order by J B
Little, chairman executive com -
mittee. H W Whichard, secre-

WG Mizell, OE Whichard |
J R Barnhill, D H James,
B B Satterthwaite, J J Moore,

T J Danie}, M T Spier.

Executive Committe"J B Lit-
tle, chairman, DH Jawes, JR
Barnhill, R B Fleming, H M

Nemizations for Magistrates
and Constable left open.


Meeting called to order by L B
Mewborn, chairman. Canady
Moore, secretary:

F M Kilpatrick J K Witherington
N BR Cory J A Smith
AJ Roach W F Mewborn
EA Johnson GB Kilpatrick
W B Blaud J B Kilpatrick
Joe Pittoam Jesse Cox
W J Laughinghouse J J Moore
JA Gardoer RH Garris

For Constable"J A Hardy.

For Magistrates" J K Wither-
ington, Job Moore, A I Roach.


Democrats Arcuseil.

The vest kind of news has been com-
ing in today from the primaries held in
the different townships on Saturday.
Avall there was a larger
Contentnea town"

than 1. past years.
ship reports between three hundred and
four hundred present, which is unpre-
cedented tora primary. W2 take it
that this indicates that the Democrats
of the county are aroused to the impor-
tance of earnest work in the coming
campaign, and they have started in
with a determination to win.

An Able Young Man.
_ Rey. A. Setzer, of Catawba county,
came to Greerville Saturday evening
and occupied the pulpit of the Baptist

church Sunday worning and evening.|. -

Mr. Setzer is astudent of Wak3 Forest
College being only in his second year
at that institution. All whe heard him

Ricnard Hardee ,

North Side"Leondis Fleming, |
chairman, O W Harrington, Kid- |

| Veet %

South Side, west of Railroad" |



Are being received daily and if youmwant .ar "

-clegant suit of clothes sec


headquarters for men, boys and youths 4



as represented. *Prices are lower this season

Satisfaction guaranteed in every case.

than ever known before. Don't fail to see meT



Sixteen times as many nevelties in nn Ladies :
Goods as we have even shown,

Sixteen times as many styles in Ladies "
Dress Goods and Trimmings as we have for- "
rerly shown. :

Sixteen times as handsome are our entire.
purchase for the coming season, .

Sixteen times as much business do we ex-
pect with the many bright and. prilliant goods
that crowd our counters. Call and see if We
~canTt show you the thing you want.



N ew Fall Goode.

gre aA eHE

% fe t

Department of Dry. Goods °
' Department of Notions


speak in highest praise of the two ex-
cellent sTrmens he deliyered here. |

as, he possesses is found in few young
men. He. returued. toT Wake Forest


oWhere to Register.

The Rerrector is requested ty call |
. the, attention of all voters living icT

the 2nd, 3rd and 4th wards of. Gee: n"
-dville that registration books will be open |T
~Yarthe Greenville Iron Works the prop-
jerdays. Remember that an entire new

.O W Harrington SI Dadley

registraticn is neces: ary for the comin,

| of the bysivess in ail its details.

Department of lotbinz
Department of Shoes
Department of Trimmings.

We have mastered. the tnatricaci

We give you elegant things at ec .

~nomical. prices. The stocks ~are richly complete and ex ipite

beautiful. In bulk and variety they are not equalled élaawh

she whole southern coantry. The grace and nice harmoay, thé toa

and charming taste of nearly'~all the tine ~homes: in gthis comme
were inSpired by suggestions of our artists. a

Loaadership easily centers here. .


convention named as electors two
Democrats, one Populist aud one

been done toward fasion. The
State conventions till to be held
will have to consider it.

; "" = = 1 ee
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor.

ee a tions.
EVERY AFTERNOON (EXCEPT SUNDAY)-| 7) atiohican unioa isT compiete. ,

silver Repvblican, and it is prob-
able that this division will be

on enon naheioe incest

_ntered as second-ciuss mail matter. | OC
. _ | Silverite, |

meta on " In Nebraska the Democrats |
SURSCRIPTION RATES. will probably get the support of

ene NA .

Onc yea. - - $3.09 the Populists for their electoral ;
ee ca " -t * 2 o39/ ticket and the Populists the sup-
ne i . - td

port of the Democrats for their |

ware + nt arriers Without
Delivered in town by carriers |
State ticket. The arrangements |

xtra cost.

Advertisng rate
4ad on application to the e

s are liberal and can be

arc in progress. |
ditor or at

In Virginia an effort is being,

office , . ie
me - |}made to secure fusion, in which
a case the Populists may get three
tt ooh Kn tid 4 at r 7
We desire 2 1i¥3 ee 41), 0f the 12 electors. ;
avery postoflice inthe covaty, who W! . ; |
send in brief items of NEWS as it eecurs In Iowa close fusion has been |

perfected, the Populists getting
three electors. They and the sil-
ver Republicans will get a snare

fa each neighborhood, Write plainly
aad only on one side of the paper.


Lineral Commission on t9SCrI | of the congressional and State
ion rates paid to agents. nOmibations.
ao | on Georgia there is uo fasion, |

ce epreyUpeER 7TH. 1896.
Monpar. SEPTEMBER «Tile 18°

= ~~ _ 7 ofa failure to secure a majority |
WILL THE SENATE ELECT THE 'for any ticket the Legislature
VICE PRESIDENT? will choose electors. Of course

they will be Democratic electors.
In West Virginia there are
some impediments to fusion, but |
oBryan is almost certaiu to get al


- The Columbia State, after a
study of special dispatches 1 the

Chicago Record, figures out that |

sufficient States will haye Demo-| the Populist votes.

cratic-Populist electoral fusion to, In Kentucky there is a little

a lpg :
throw the election of Vice Presi-| friction between Democratic and
* : a) , | | | Mist lanavers, b , t | on

dent of the United States into the | Populist man ers, bué the Popu

Senate. If Mr. Sewall coes not | lists are expected to support Bry

recieve a wajority of the elecioral| n and Sewall.

yotes, the election is thrown intoT Iu Alabama the Populist are
o9 | :

the Senate and only the two can- demoralized by their failure to

didates receiviug the highest elect a State ticket in combination
at IC :

, sista | wi . . r ,
nuwber of votes are elegible. | with the Kepublicans. The con-
These will, if fasion 1s consum"| servative element want to sup-
mated as now planned, be Hobart) port the Bryan and Sewall elec

A . : \ . } , .
and Sewall, aud the Senate being | tors put out by the Democrats,
for silver, it is presumed if will of! wnile the radicals want to fight it

% ; |
course elect the Democratic can~ | out. There ig no doubs of Demo-
didate. The following, from the | cratic SER OTS:

accepted by the other conven- three stright tickets, Democratic,
| Republican and Populist.

The electoral ticket has ten Dem-,| Populists have fused by dividing
, . \.
ocrats, three Populists and one|the electoral vote equally.

~dwelling upon the high
lands of Asia Minor, to whom the
|gods gaye powar to transmuts by
~his touch every article into gold.
The modern Midas, lives in Wall
istreet, and the power of the laws
|of this country Uas furnished him
~an alchemy by which
mutes such articles as he desires
to gold.
is known as Heidelkach, or Ikle-
heimer, or Lazard, or Rothsebild,
or Belmont.
$62,000,000 of the bonds sf

7 a: icovernipeut aud taned thew into
and each of the parties will nave! 2° a

. . 1s
its électoral ticket. fa the event l

the farmersT Waeat and corn and
oats and hovs and meat and cattis
and horses aud turued thew into
a gcoiden profit for
i;means Of cheapening produco apd
| mnaking money dear.

cle of the labourer
aud artTsau and meade for himself
a golden prot, by

In North Carolina there are

In Indiana the Democrats aud

ES a

The Touch of Midas

Midas was aking of Phrygia,

he traus-

He isealled Midas, buat

Ye touched recently

e ¢ ) ( |
. golden profit of $8,009,090, that |
bad He has

he government

himseif, by

He touched the bone and mus:
and mechanic
means of al
high provectiye tariff.

He touched the patience aod
skiliand toil of the small mer-
chant and tradesman and gola
flowod into his coffers, by means
of trusts and combines. |

He touched the administrators
of the affairs of this country and
a golde. karvest, by


oAnd now he is seeking to sub
jectto his contaminating touch
the suiirages ofa free people, that
from their wrecked jiberties may |

State, shows the status of fasion | In Oregon negotations are in
~progress between Democrats, Pcp-
alists and silver Republicans.
The plan contemplates two Popu-
lists, one Demoerat and one silver
Republican as electors.

In Texas the Populist man-
agers have fused with the Repub-
licans and the bolting gold Dem-
ocrats, the three snpporting the
McKinley and Hobart ticket. It
~is not believed, however, that the
Popuiist vote can be delivered to

In North Dakota the Democrats
and Populists haye fused, but tbe
details are not given. - .

In Idaho tne Democrats, Pop-
ulists and
have nominated the sime electors,
and Bryan will get 23,000 out of

up to date:

In Califoruia fusion has been
perfected with the upanimous
concurrence of both conventions,
and an electoral ticket of five
Democrats and four Populists
has been put in the field. At the
last State election the Democrats

and Populists combined had a

majority of 28,000 over the Re-


In Wisconsin arrangements jor
fusion are in. progress with every
prospect of satisfactory comple
tion. The Democrats will give
the Populists two of the best
places on the State ticket and the
Populists will vote for the Vryan
and Sewall electors.

In Washington fusion 18 com-
plete, the Democrats and Popué |} 25,000 votes cart. |
lists dividing the electoral ticket) lo Kansas the fusion plan
agreed upon gives the Democrats
the electoral ticket and the Pop-
ulists the State ticket. The com-
bination 18 doublé-riveted.

In South Dakota fusion is
agreed upon, but the details will
not be arranged until some time
this month. Itis probable that
Watson will be ignored in making
_ In Minnesota fusion is estab- | up the electoral ticket.
lished, the Democrats getting} In Lovisiana, the Populists
~ four electors, the Populits four| having a working fusion in State

and the silver Republicans one. politics withthe Republicans no

oThe fusion is the most complete | fasion is likely.

ever known in the State.� ' | In Maryland there is but a hand-
In Wyoming Democrats and| ful of Populists and they are not

In Utah the Democrats and

jver Republicans will combine
on the Democratic electors. The
straight Populists and McKinley
Republicans, neither having
much strength, will probably
nominate straight tickets as a
raatter of form.

silver Republicans |

diwavs onliand and soldi prices to sure |
the times. Our goods aveall bought ans |

to rui,we seliat a ciose margin.

means Of favorite legislation. - |

tree ROT LS




"- LINE OF "

Wall Paper!

ever shown ip Cosenvillee Be
All new
styles, wot ei cla wtece ip the lot.
Will take ,

sure to me{ my ~ Ha pies

Pe ts LPre

iu bringing

Semples tu vou ueme lf you will

notify mic et ts shop near Hum-

bers, cu Diener s 1 avenue,


Green. ihe Market. |

Corrected by S. M. Schultz.

Butter, per | 15 to 25
Westerh Sins 43 to 5
Sugar eured bate 10 to 124
Corn 40 to 60

50 to 65
3.75 to 4,45

Corn Veal
Flour, Pariiv

i ing their yearTs supplies will fe Oats 39 to 40
Lheirinrerest toget our prices befere pu | Sugar : 4 to6
chasing elsewhere Ourstock iscomplete | Coffee 13 to 25
nallits branches, )Salt per Sach SU to 1 ie

"a WO CNP OG SIP AL Chiekens 10 to 2
rLOUR, ult £ fabio SUGA» eye vee dez W to ll
Beeswax. pe: 20

WV? | tA fe,
RICK, iA, &e.




we bus cirect from Manufacturers, Cua
A com

no il T o+ yh oo


ying Yuato buy ab one profit.
xlete stock of



sold for CASA therefore, having no vise |

3. MO SCHU'T? Greenville, No |

"Select Female School

I have secured the services of a thor-
oughly competent teacher and shall
open a school for girls in the building
on my premises lately Occupied as music
rooms. ~The session begins ou


ee cee neem eo epee

and will eontinue for ter months.
The terms are as fellows ,

Primary English per mo. $2 00
Intermediate ** .. o $2 50
Higher sf ess $3 OU
Languages (each) °° s S1 OU

Musie, including use of instrument $3 CO

Those who desire to patronize the
school had better apply early 6 onlv a
limited number be will taken.

flow wu wider, broader golden
stream into his coffers. Legend

tells us that the ancient Midas
perished miserably at the hands
of an indignant people, whose
whole produce he terned into
gold. The modern Midas may
profit by his example.--Duarhaw

SSS eee "

A secrer Vo Ink.

Ali the ink with which che United
States government prints its papor
money is made by ong man. The
father of the present manufacturer,
a Mr. kdde. invented tho ink, bat
he never toll any one how the ink
was made until just before he died,
when he let his son into the secret
of its composition. Hada fatal ag
|}edent happened to the inventor ba.
ture he told his son abovt tho ink
the government printer would have
been in a dilemzua, for Mr. EddyTg
invention is the only kind of ink
that will prift on the peculiar sur.
face of the fiber of which govern.
ment note paper is made.

The present Mr. Eddy employs
only six men in the manufacture
of hisink, and none of them is in
the secrot. Not one of them has
yet seen Mr. Eddy in the interest-
ing actof mixing the ingredients
of which the ink is composed. He
locks himself up in his own room
two weeks in every year, and it is
there and then that he mixes stuff
enough to supply the government
with ink for the ensuing 12 months
and receives for this $50,000 a year.

Populists each have full electoral] expected to put up an electoral
tickets in the field, but the indi- | ticket. |

cations are that the Populists| In Maine there were at the last
will withdraw theirs in return for| election but 4,000 Populists. Many
representation on Democratic|haye gone over to Bryan and Se-
county and legislative ticket. | wall, while many who dislike Se-

In Arkansas there is no fusion. | wall will support McKinley.

Democrats, Populists and Re-} [pn Qhio fusion has been ar-
publicans are ogoing it alone.�| ranged, and the Populists are to

Dead AntsT Heads Pat to Use.
One curious fact about an ant is
that the grip of its jaws or mandi.

|. Greenvilie, N. &,


Mal: deadeny,

| a mF
The next session of this %school *will

| ti {a
;oven On

MONDAY SEPT. 7, 1896.

and continue for 10 months.

The terms are as follows.
Primary English per mo.
Intermediate * �"�
Higher i $3 00
Languages (each) ** * $1 50

The work and diselpline of the schoo)
will be as_ heretofore. _

We ask a continuance of your past
iberal patronage. ;



$2 00
$2 Vb


Fall Session Opens Sept. 14,

Hand peanuts fo)

Cctton ang ceantt,

Below are Noiloik prices OF Couvok.
vescerda\ as furnished

by Cobb Bros. & © ofninission Mere
charts of Wartok -

Good Middling 74
Middiiny 74

Low Siieddlins 7
Good Ordinary 6 7-l6
~Poue"quie ,

Prime 24
Extra Prime 3
Maney 3}
Spanish $1.10 bn

Ww a tT.

bY ¢. L. JOYNER.

DUG§" Comir nt. . Led LO 8

«o ine. ... eo oeed...7 to 14
Currens Common... ....64 told
o Kine. 10to18

i |

Ao gba He uN

; ete, CART VIRAL,
[ie te ee

yf el BET Y bran: See
Re i cas ied Pk ae ondary orTere
meqary LUO POLSON permancntly
mecycured in latoch days, Youcan be treated af
Ph baetaael Oni? forgamie price undor same fuarane
Hatien thy ty. ifiyouprefer tocome here we willcons
MR� traci to py railroad fareand hotel bills,and
nocharge,if we fuil to cure. If-veu have taken mere
cury, 100ido potesh, and still huve aches and
ains, Mucous Pateliog in mouth, Sore Throat,
imples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on
eny part of the body, Nair or Eyebrows fallin
out, it is tis Secondary BLOOD POISO
we guRrentce tocura. We solicittha mest obstis
nate cacos and thalienre the world for a
Case We Gavaotoure. This disease bas aways
bafiled tT19 «kis: of the most eminent physic
Ciang, S500,006 eanical behind our uncondle
tional guaramy. Abselcto proofs sent sealed on
Applicatien. Agcress NOO REMEDY COs
907 Dbasenic Sem cle. CoLOAGO, TLIe -

PORE AW ete a hl la

| Wiii open at oElm Cottage,T
Oct. 2nda Hoi: School for Git's.
from 8 to 16 yexrs of age. Nuin-
ber limited to .0. Address

Mrs. A.J. McC. WHELAN,

Norwocd P. O Nelson Cc.

Professional Cards.


John E. Woodard.
Wilson, N.C.
~treenville, N.
~pecial attention given co collections
and settlement of claima, .
Loars made on short time.

i, U. Harding,

Fer terms &¢, app'y to
Greenville, N.C.

The Charlctie


North Carolina:s


ee AP

bles is retained for hours or ever
days after death.
fact has enabled the Indians of Bra.
zil to put the heads of dead ants to
use in their simple surgery. The
sides of a wound.are drawn togeth.
er, and the necessary number of

Knowing this |

large ants are held with their heads |

Of course the Democrats will] have five electors out of 23. They
| bave polled as many as 52,000
votes. ,
In Tennesee the Populiats are
weak and no fusion arrangement

+ In Iilinois fasion has been con.
summated, the Democrats having
2@and the Populists tour clectors.

atter mayTvote for Sewall in-


0 the -Democratic{

to the ridge directly over the gash.
When their jaws come together on
the place where the skin has been
separated, the insectTs head is pinch-:
ed off and left clinging to the sever.

In Montana nothing has. yet


{ndependent and fearless ; clgger an
more attractive than ever. it will be a
invaluable visitor to the home. th
office, the club or the work room.
All of the news of the world. Com
plete Daily reports from the Stat.
- and National Capitols. $8 a vear
A perfect family journal. A!
ml ae of the soit ~The reports
from the Legislature a lal. Fea-
ture. Remember the Weekly Ob-
server. ~

Send for sample copies. Address

has been made. They sre expect-| ed skin, which they hold together
vote for Bryan and Sewall, | antil the wound is perfectly healed.
ed to vote for Bryan - vat | -St. Louis Republic. |


| Vants. Fish an


S. D. BAGLEY, A. M., Prineipal.

Next session will begin 7th day of
septembeT 1893. Iustruetion thorough
"Discipline tin bet kind. Pupil
prepared to enter any college, or for
business, For putieulars apply to the
Prine: pal, T

Sarbers. |

Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Pressing Gents Clothes a specialty

Nee Te,


Special attention given to cleaning
Gentlemens Clothing. }

H J. A, Burexss, Mer.
~Washington, N.C,


This Hotel has been thoroughly renu
vated, several new rooms » ele-
tric bellsto every room. Atten tive
sters sery ed a
Patronage of traveling public ol ie
Centiely located. .


Greenville, No.


neers _

WALMINGT JN & W: eer re
ue IN & a "
AN Niaie Bs =
ano : D BRANCHES. ° DeMO; KAT: ane
Ccné » ROAD lip Few ~
a e al Lic ef, bx om) W. He
- A . 44 A T . . mo st Sn ot
: INS GOING SOUTH : WILL PRESIDENT. To amTi ree'd islreh 18 126 00/6100 F October 5 | cama
Date the 4 JAM I: BRYAN | fines and JW Perkins : , ForbTs . ¢ 28 Ola Fo b March 3
&C ° . IN�,�Draski T T StS . , . | 26 Ons ~DER ,
June 14th | Bh S| ae con view. raska. foam't reed oan 2. 144 37/40 S E Pena eel 7 6 35 ie + more
846. = Ie | ron nT .- PRESIDENT ae m W. OH C : er &C . 8 Clark
oe o4 oo ov [o) | (2) GI ARI T " INT. tax eoll Wr a ° Cox . m0) 9 .
(Ae (Fa hUR SEWALL 1 were 335 oot Octol arenes ee
Leav Ww Ml " of Maine oam ~t reed rie 1. vod 00 ee D D Haskett ver 8 ~ oa, Cc C Forbes
e ~ MiP ~ . iJ. W ; "er aske 81 DS Smi
Ar. Roe eldon 11 55! M.| A. M|° For To amT Apri . W. Perkins 18 28 dv K C William 236 DS Smith .
.Rocyk Mt | 1 a ; 44 , FOR CONGRESS"FIR 0 amTt reed Pa a 2. S28 ie Samuel Mayo 11 71 s30 7 Mose
~~ 039 a ST DISTRICT ~red Cox ,JIwWwp 8 001 042 | MoT
3, | w. H. LUCAS stricr. |ToamT | AprilT Cox 81 cy erkins 1} 243 W oye
2 je : mTt ree? pril 3 a9 | 92 Moses Ki 15 00! 90: m Pippi
Lv Tarb " of Hy ; 5; ecTd from Fr es Kin : 933 Ippin
arboro - yde county n Fred Cox 114 Willi x 35 00191 JTM
12 12 nty . To amT Avril 6 OX 58 a srr is Clark 219 Moye
- amt reeT pris 6, 3 10 113 Will 1M 219 Abran sed
Ly Woks we | 1010 | ase yom W. H. Cox od 1. Starkey 75 asa Win Waldron
Wilson HO | "" ax collector 1o/ TM Y 5 (
Lv Sel 2 041 5 45 T . To amT April 23 415 9 Moye 900) o97 Mar
Lv Ravn . we 1 i State Ticket o amTt reed Pee OS » 00 Ie o A Wilkes § 49 oe Greenville paren 6
y tteville - ue le . unty cost . Au I [P Ki 12 00 298 Greeny nber Co
Ar. Florence 4 86 1.7 , eee fo am't rec'd nay 6 ) 9 ¢5) U5 Fred Coe 1 65 LIL JIB ouille Lumber Co
a 3) 4 FOR at ta hy so @ /OX ; "FL OVA Pry N :
7%) 3 4] cyncs he Wwwts ENEMA Cet) 18 S Jas Yelllowle 9 59 | 215 Alfred F oben
et we covninae: [Roam ne tom nt cats 3.00 /M Faen om ae
Gm tk coe ed fro y 5P ~ on, 1222 Bi arch 7
og | of Porsyh. ) To amT win ds Peakins 50 00] 10! yCrer Phunmer OTF Long Bill Britt an
"__ Zo | "_" OamTt rec'd May 8 50 01 9 RB Cherry g 24| 224 T A Wilkes
"|! FOR LIEUT. G ~dt from W. HL �,� 12... W Murphy 99/218T Amos W i
Lv Wi PM.) "-| "" THOS. Pr. GOVERNOR : ON collector I, Cox pny 62 58 | 246 F G Ja eee
L ilson Ml [A.M ~ W. MASON Cony 200 Tala.e ¢ Nov 99 0g | 220 John mes
v Gold 08 of Nor T ; : 13 ovember 9 Russ
Lv ee 5 10) " 620 Northampton. Total amount g ry) it? Ola Forbes 9, Be
snona , | | 708 " ut receiv "___ . . | 285 Whi arc
Ar Wilmingto 4 16 | T 05 | FOR SEC: ived. 83873 30 Newer ber 90 84 216 White & Speiet h9 |
n Pp. | | 9 re CH to an. OUK CR 30.1731 TA Wilke er ¢. 216 D D Haskett. pnt
M 5 ca Z me NM. 5 be | 139 . 8S ' %
| M. COOKE | 139 Sam Ma 932 SI o
~A. M ot I renklin b) May 2), 1895 | i ce on. 1 07} 233 Simon aie 16 e
TRAINS GOING " oe - NO. TOW] L Os Ss J W NM 15 Co a Jas Kinion ng oe
NOTEH FoR AL 1OM ISSUED i: 6 LL a phy 695 | 247 J ee Case :
- | PAUDITOR: ] Rai ~ ~ AMOUNTT abgie y ah | 994 \r oe i
; ts idol Ever UN PGS 1 oo YW Perki :
Date | RM. EU ~verett , 126 Shee W 2 erkin
sprit 20 in lm 7 7 PEAEAA J 8 Bf (156 Willis Sei OE ss ae oat a Wilson
~ 2t) pi | =. | ot Bunecemel o ; June 3 O0) ye s CJark 097 Gam R ~ s
IS9G. , | Oo: 5 ae | DS 2 George Neal ek l 1 Brown & Hooker ; nes 240 Elis Maas :
a " ' Z5 | FoRT oe e Randal Eo | 7 oo bP Moye 20 . | 229 WW ae an :
Ly FI lca a eine Chars mule LTR sy } a Perkins 16 09 28 W Kies :
Moreres | nme M = Jb. LYCOCK STW Perks ere Sark: ry - :
a Fayettevitle 4 es | oo Wayne X 6 John Hines 337 an tare Harvis 1313/2 : March 2
A aie i " map | ayne, - Abram H 1060 ober ye ree 3 ( 2 Wills Clatk » 2] 4
Ar Wilson 7 . 8 Jnli arvis 3 37 ubven Clark 5.3 :
" | ~ | | tye , is Jenk? . ~lark sx) ) Mar |
~ wt � 11 as, | SUPT. PULLEC. ENST 9 Fad enn 3.10 io Frank Wilsou 307 48 J W Perk ns ch 23 é
x me ae , _. | J (' ey ~ . NS TRUCTION . Wa T A rH fae ( R No d ~e j ) Nf; 19 :
oc ee J.C. SCARBOROU ~ cOS - fovember 3) =v 00 | 24 rn 9 () :
Moe oO ARTDOROUGH . ir { sg (J) 9 veenville oven � | 451 Luttow: reh v7 BY
pe | tf fobns oo yw Hune 4, - yi NS bie ~ville Lumber © ;
OE | | oreston. 13 * Perkins Ane Vex o 9} ge | 250 Neubin T March 28 SMH :
om ot | a , i n Voye | . nee aren Pollard Jo oo DEC Fo ; lark
iy Wilnington M 1 | FOR ATTORNEY a Mm red Cox i ~0 152 ue Forbes | be ores 21 50 :
fv Maztoiis 1 25, jee oe VE LORSTYSGENERAL } Greenville 2 1) | 152 Greeny ile Lumber C Bes: 2" April : 00
Lv Goldsbor: - nn ie 0G | ELT, OSBORNE o | Lat: key Lamber Co. 99 yy | int Ola Be rbes cI ey ! ee _ Murphy pul 2 200 ?
Sei ro) 12 OL | (RB co 19D 1 Has ECS | 267 A ex Dame |
LV Carbore | 1 ow | | y "Gl Cf MeckJenbure, V4 Alfred a ; K3g, Iso Wilii Nove »mber 1» ») 20 84 We Peter icon o 00 .
Sa aEaeEEEEieeaE 218 10 27! en - ® ae Forbes _ ~ 3°) 2M Ct es O56 fp eyes .. |
ana ie PPOR ASSOCES�: ro Forhes WO ry Oe 50 | UG? « it Moye
ee a ba, vere? FUSTICES OF TF 20 Ol arb . 42. Al Novem 4 1 262 JT Moye 90 |
20 , 3 prowe �,� - THE &be 1) J \W + yes ° 6g | | | i Cc C For be amcer 14 = 2au J ui May . 6 35
lo | sm ra ME COURT PL Se irphy 13 9 sJ EW . 278 Ola F ve 12 00
" [ao Pare | ALC. AVERY, of on ae Viavo 1330) | 2 Worten 5 on] 25 Tol Forbes 15 00
oet wind, OF ur PWC WY o en ~ :
Lv Wi PML - GH. BROWN, of Burke Hines 6 wy gt eam V November 16 12.201 Soe sine 20 85 :
Ni yisen i Pop. vy | _ Not Beavfort 1, _ 145 vo au faye \2 27? James aldrop i fo :
. ar Rocky Mt 2 ea 1135 14 "3 | a T 9� Moses WiN ine 4 : ison . November 2¢ leo} 276 Blou ay 25 00 i
A en . dvi 132) TOW -" Walitans ewan Wilkes o0 24 nt & Fleming 15
f jerber 4 Sepeeeieeeninteatael - 1] i. | N UREA : | ot 1) Wiley R: 2 rd Cox ~~ 0
Ly Tarbor | 4 it} ee SURERT RPORT On A MGT dune d P75] cal Niner tei 6 37} we Willis Graha i" 0oO
iy Rc ° \ i H R -"_" 0 saa ~atks 145 . darris ao) TS am 000 e
seky N | epoit ct =) Wallis Gr dsade Pri Valo i Sta kev ~ 7
Ar Weil y Mio 2 43: of W. 'T. Goa ITN: s Graham oor! 40 NICE 1 be 264 Thonins 30
eer - 2 1 the Town SsGnen n, Treasurer of 30 Nata peut 3 3 au ee . 28/3 a hum will wake :
, | +reenvili ren ohitley on N« 4&7], 268 Heriy jams 7 Bf 5
Train o 1] e, N. co | 31 He ey ) +) = yvember 22 how bj ery uM: ) 3
Scot! _"" a enry Lewis | 225/149 5 'P Moy o* i278 vs Arsh 8 2B e
Caves Weld and Neck 3 11895 Is am ihe) MoOVe itl Forbe ue) ;
rp) f eae Ny db prt Odo. : a. = \ ~ 7 3 eS
p. m�"�., arrives 3.55 DP. m. franen Road! A ae DR, , July 2? 237 b Reaben Clark 16 50 vie Ren ¢ berry 50 :
mw. G . es Heotls Nr alitax j acct. Ww thi out , 48 J W P 8 . oJ HA} James th. _ J Tsum ( CO :
, Greenville 6,47 and Neck at soll) ith suid ~Town G IGBSEP erkins 144 dar = Hatterson 5.05 | 264 Fred ~ast 1 50
p.m. Remnant AT pom... Ki 4.55 ToamT Vay 2 eneal tn a XK Pender o- James Hatterso » O3 OK; ve (OX �
a. rning Inst td oam t re 5) : J 20 l 49 } ' 35 00 uu Ovo 1 I ed ' ] 50 :
Aan pte eee Kinston i re from J. 8. Sinitl red Cex 18 Decembrr 3 450 red Cox 7 BO |
Xx at 11 a 6 Vad ormer T . i : ; } OD mR - 176 J \V Urn ay el ve a | ry 4 : |
Sr ee Sn Fe aaa taal Hove once June d az64 sit tem Welb ae 25.00/ 10d W berkin 2a Do ae oa " 00 :
Japruny Toes aun | eed from J W 135° A Wilkes Son WLC CE ens 6 oo lov we Waldro , ~
arrives Parp 8. rnin Branch le (To amTt re oo tr und costs ee Ste ue 3004 18 ienben ci k Ga 2WPC omond if |
s ary G } ; ove { r¢ , - 34 = . Aue . 0) D5 58 7 a : AGIK e . :
m., Tarb rele 8.50 a. ind 3.00 p.m, \ Mark he J. W. i erkins 34051 45 D D H: Nugu-t 2 5 { 158 Wiley Randolpt 12s! 54 G Ay rit 11 270 :
Tardor ore 9.45 a. m m., and 4,40 | ~To amTt rec'd ae ret ts elt BA jacket (Wr? bred Cox a "Olore qreen: ile Lrinbe c
and 6 oe p- m., meting ey nnd an Fred Cox lines 9 00} 46 7 Ww ya 2 a i I A Wilkes 4 o 80 ie Date me 975
11.50 a. m.. ,, arr sle 10.20 a. wy, | S 64 TAS phy 8 74 I MLCT: 000 | i Ale aniel 7
a. MM. w1 ives W: mw. 1 foo duly 2. 11 0 4T A Wilkes 101 160 bee Fama Willis Grah: a 0)
gp Sunday. Cor ie p. mn. Pall ton ered oe Joe P MT eo Sil Tatham eae ohn orn 1 73) oh Willis Cae ae -
nat? 7 mee AY n » IIc \ 1 e R 2 Sil; . �,� QT | A ~ : Vv . . . ATH 2 5 :
marie &E ex ves surpore ge To 4 from ah W. Perkin 25 25 as Yellowley 1 194 Ned spell . ° ~4 2+3 Reubin Clark one :
day taleigh i. a. 0, Via Al oamTt reed f rents ° Ausust 3 port Thos, Williams are 4 pri 5
y,at 4d 50pm. . daily exe be- from Fred Cox fi 29 92 69 Willis Clary usust 0 ~*) Mins 9/284 Ola F April 29 1 50
Retne Piormouth a HEY 0PM | ant costs oxfines 66 Abram ae 5d December 6 310 a Portes |
ven : ~ hn LR M:! amT Aue ~ ~ arris o- 55 Teaae Price . % 8 :
Sunde ing 2ouves Plymout 1. 5.25 pe] breetd fron SW I i (Ue : 123 /ieb JP Moye. 283.8 EB Pender May 1 Ds |
v5 6.00 a. m. MN Wad: a} oo n WoL iS Aug . 1 12341 ove 6 | nder & Co :
arrive Ws Lio Ra, sund: av 9, ly exeept | To amT Tax (ol pare - COX o0 WOM Kine: gust 10 21) 153 J LT Moye 3 00 :
ro . au , I - ] y ;
Train on M 25 am a ve aN. nTt reeT treat a hase tax 35 ¢ x7 Wm ae " Ju. Starkey & © : oo | 28h Zeno Brom May 5 46 :
o aX WAHL a ~ Valdr ; 2 yw (par
Gold3bor n Midland N.C, nd VW, 46 tux col. ar Hi. Cox 90 | 47 ILE aldrop 115 12d W Mu °. Oo | ered part paymen
0 dail bran ~ array lie , Daniel ° a B rphy 5 23 vine) T ent ou
Wm, ar riv in y; exee pt s ch le: VES To; AUGUST ). ense 10 Ey 60 lount & Fie © aw . :
turnin g Snaithtield unday. 6.05 ime reeT d th =o. on Auenst : o ming 20 00 | 270) | May 11 385 C6: :
£ le: 4Ves ( 7° 30 a a) YW. H. R28 W on ne9 cust D4 66 . . Le eel t oo dO 4 e WwW | erki ; :
rives it G s Smithtiel am R tux Coy. ! Ox = V Kine W4D J Whi iber 7, 001 rere HS a
oldsh eld 8 00 e- | ~Lo am't re ee vin 77 Sherman. J Whichaid per cei t com ont ~
Tra ~ ors 9,30 &. m,, ar- rec'd frou 3 g house 5 ce enermen Fore -- lio L P Price Jor reeTts (387% 40 00 :
Rovk a in Nashville n. i . _ «IS col, d . "Cox e 500, PA eee HERS ee Price 2 no | (3873,08) 116 19 :
N. y Mount at e branch samt rec'd fr diy ie ; . ] 42: po Deermt at 45 | a ;
ashville 4 » 4.30 leave ° rom W nse 15 (Soyveonye 22) 165 Henry : ber 6. 20 | an :
? m. e008 put, Ss Pp. W.. arrive rax Col, pr - HH. Cox 000} 58 P ptember 3 Psi} ury Sheppard (Boy 38475 30) |
80 Returning pring Hope 5 s i, purchase ta: 63. rter P]_mme December 7 $1cu! ne General fi ~ :
Oa,m., Nast leave Spri pe 5,20 To amTt reeT eptember 3. 11 59 3.0 W Perkins . 162 Willi mber 7. Ivy). Ww. T. Ge it ; |
cr Mount nvilie 839 am ar Hope ee trom J. W (oars 0} 63'T A Witkes. 7 45] 156 James | Waldrop | Fxamined and j op IN, Tre a 266 43 :
ag em aa intB Toone ee fe viking [og het enn to 82 va age wis Graham en ace |
rains o xeept; kins a ; om. We P 85 52] | ~rea Cox JW Perkins § 98 | 154 Caeser UE 9 00 V. A. WILKS : ; |
4. leave on Latta brave M mt paid W. L. Per- 33 Willis Cl: » 8 00! 139 Si eser Blount 8 374 oe LKS Committee
1.3 ave Latts 6 veh, Flor r savor pro tem Brown TOWN 6 Clark 70.00 0 Silas Donels hee FMETERY 1N a
ce oui By Olle x05 m, adrive Dunbar To amTt reeTd frem Fr 8 87 Ds Smith BA) 1/3 Reuben ( ~lark Be 18:5 DR, mune: o
ae pete 10am, Dunbar Returving andere ed Cox fines °° sl 2 H a 100) 171 Ola i, Becenber 18 7 grt To am't redTd ay o() 4
7.00 79 (Caese 5 92 a Forbes . 2 r L.
omin a0am, daily ae a my To amTt reeTd ember 4. a) a Kennedy , a ws en soe ere cane Smith
A) Le ~ ° . i . . JX , ( s as . 4
saw tor i horon Branch le : mirket Me Perking 93 J C ae 50) 182 C Me a kins rly. ) ToamTt aon rt 3.5 00 :
po a. m. and. ily, y, except Su War-| To ain't neoth eae i8 6) 35 . & Son 15 00 mo) ue lo vo! iW " Gok of lot to ,
e th rom W. H.C x, 9° o cember $ ; a
Train No? at7.00 Puna Returning collector W. H. Cox tax 71 Willis Cl September 4 0/183 TM Mp 2 ee Tot : 12 50 \
at Weldon f 8 makes close ud 3,00, m To am.t reeT October | 615 11 84 OC sal 184 Willis C 1)-oember 24 5 00 otal = :
Kinmone, so oe ig connection] CORO re nT A Wilkes smo) ag Wiig Chk we
orfolk an at Ro. . all rail vi olleetor Ox tax 9 Sam 12 50) 185 t : Ko) 1 00 | B; Janvarv
ne all slat Caroling ke Mount with To amT Octobe 100 95 Z ous! Mavo 2 00 187 ae Clark 1 8. By amTt paid Ed Lat 8.
nts North via N for Noriolk Yt rec'd from we 8. 00 ooker 31 50 fd Latham i 83 No 38 Latham, orde
JOHN F. pin To amTt market rents W. Perkins 97 September 1 50/193 dT January 2, 1896 1 lo B Octoh ; , ~
R ene ERSON. 1 , neral Supt. To amTt fit costs . Perkins 43 I V Shanken 9 60 sd C : forbes 12 00 1896. No. 34 zathbam, order p
~ UNUY, G ratlie Man . rom Fred U 4é 65 pare tarkey oR RS 190 2 ponbes 6 BY . April 14
wenT Manager, To am'Tt yy casts Cox fines te 96 Willis Clark JW Murphy 9 a yam t pri W, ah ri 4 00
r) rom 25 4 ~ . Ji - a re) 989 ° 5 or
| r collector W. H. Cox tax 5 20 3 ITM September 19 2 95 me Fred Cox anuary 3. 15 00 Re 3. Oho , order _
No : oy . - en Cherr yam a cer 8 ; }
HE oanT vem 62 yé 5 ert prid F
MORNING 8 mnt ree rom J WP aE 01 eo |e WL Brow 4000) jog, N° fd Latham, order
~The TAR, To am'~t Besnpieon costs erkins 55 Sane any 15 on 191 Ore , 7 Bo By ca May J 10 OD
in ; - -s , ie ~ i sat ; nan
Da Oldest a atketocate Perkins 62 25/99 Lae elite 15 00 198 William Wakiro 100g paid s Latham, order
N r N 2 Greenvi eee . Do o x4] BY 3 per "
WSpa and ¢ om Fred Cox fi ° Lumber Co, 8 42 2) leming , eipts 1 32
7 5 r in| i. I neies nes . September 2 : 3 93/179 WHC January 17 35 00 "_
~North le irol oamTt rec'd ee 5. 15 95 a a Murphy 0 ox J . Bal. d 40.92
J 2 Ola 2 CCK anuary dve ¢ i
The ee ina. To amTt reo'dtipe cst rerking 44 Ola Forbes 40 00 200 Forbes 0 ree examine ved, CODWIN ae 6 58
-Five- D ox fines 86 D September 21 Zo 84 C Williuns y 23. ° . H. SM ot
ae : 4 D Has ~ KF T . A. W i
vies Class inthe Sta aily of om Fred Cox 465133 Willis Clark�. oie Ola Forbes. ida Fe 15 | wrearnrer of the GUDW Commitee:
of Ameri Limited Free ee nag Rae 00] a Septembe 775 | 100 Biount & February.6, | 4a0| 3 sect, with the Spee of 'G
of the Ten Silver and honey i a W. H. Cox. (99 aT King r 2g Flaming. "ie oLoos the Special Tax Fund.
Ree 4 ebro : 1 P De ry °
State Banke Daly bo Tax }| To amTt recTd fr wr gf: o318 50 illis Cin . 135 204 CC Forbes ary 7 : 001) am't reins
. epte ro r
Lettie Waki go On | To amTt Rage oe Cox s eke & ane 18 as 206 JT vice. ebroary 18 . 6 co1 18:6 Tax Collector H Cox
Wa, KR per | To amTt and costs Fred Cox fines 38 75/80 Taw ike Lumber Lo. £0 00 01 dN eee | 6 00 | To amTt rect trom 1 ¥ 68.05
ford som | et 8 F 4 om W
Ww faeverbngg N.C ae eSheotorT H,T Cox . Sh i We Wao 3 a4 5 wee on 22 15 00 : Tax sae en H aa
a . . o amT prit 11 00 00
* To a Janu 3 15 Pp Porte rop 5 2 P Noveoti t 1ecTd
mTt reeTk ary 23, 15 00. r John ~ é loSPJ t 3 00 from W
t 73 son 1 ~ obnson Tax H
tes eaiecton Por se3T Moye vin aetna sny� a loo rl Sins
15 00 [et A Wilkes yy 0 | 408 aware 25 1 00 | 8 Per cent som: al SD cotdndl
251K _ Feb lo« Fal. easurer é 455
J Jenki ruary 29 oo] Fal. dre Spec 13 66
| Eramhin wT Las Fon 4168
ad al ands IN, Tren 168°,
proved sui rs 7
by eons
? bi PILAE ss] c me *
8 comitice.

Parlor Suits, Ce!
oBoards, Diving Tables,
Bedsteads, Muti: esses,

cba F :
aes Siege

ae oe

2 sghro



biceps neensin natin rey Meni sce



Your attention ~is called tu oar

large and excullent line of


"" Fon


"Consisting of"

Beautiful, stylish, up-to-date,
ana cheaper than ever before.





of diferent kinds ad deseriptt

Never were they more beautl
thin this season.



"Come see our"


conn eer encelit



Keeping Constantly. at it britgs success


Creates Many a new business,
Enlarges many an old. business,
reserves many a iarge business.
Keyives Inauy aduli business,
Ltescues many a lost business,
Saves tuany a failing Dbusiuess.
S-eures success to wny business.

ome a

fo oadvertise judiciousiy,TT use the
ec fumrs of the REFLECTOR

cco ene emempmtnneneneeen "ostetttinee names "_""-


train yoing

Passenger and mail
Going South,

north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
urrives 6:47 P. M.

North B ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
M, leavesl0:10 A. M.

M. leaves 2:15 P. M.

steamer ~l'ar River arrives from Wash-
inyton Monday, Wednesday and Friday
ieaves for Washington Tuesday, Thuce
day aud Saturday.




fore eee

Sce Which You Are Interested in.

omrcn eerie

Apply to F. C. Taid'ng.



This immediate section got only al
sheht touch of the rain Suiday night

hey are the® correct styles aud



Window Shades, Curtain Poles.
"A line of"

Oxford Ties

or Ladies aud Ciiidren that has
never ocen equaled in this town.



Shoes, S0es,

for every buyer who wants au
horest. reliable, wearing articles.

to protect you from the sua and


Gentlewen come and examine our
"line of-




Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cutis, Straw
and Fur Hats, Suspenders and
Hosiery. Shoes in correct styles,
best quality aud popular prices.
We can and will please you if you
will give usa call.

"Our line of "


is complete and embraces wany
uscful articles of genuine merit.
Our Oak Suits are lovely. ~Easy
~comfortable Rockers of many
different kinds. Dining and Par-
~for chairs, Lounges and Couches,
Centre ~lables, Side
Tin Sales,
Floor aod |
~Table Oil Cloths, Mattings of

whesp aud good grades.


of beaatifulfdesigns:

oQome and see us we will. be
~more'than pleased to whow. yout
ugh ourstock. A careful in-
oeapection will repay you mary
mos.the.cost. . ?


sion at the Academy today w th ob boys

pre sent.

Parker Fountain Pens.

is the best pen he ever used.

_ lister of Deeds: of Pitt county. It. the
| yoters'of the county endorse ~my: uetion
by electing me I will serve them faith: |

but afew miles south of us fared a little
better. We learn that at Washing ton
a heavy rain fell.

The oSouthern Leader,� sull boids

the Jead as the best o cent
Nothing equals it. D. S. SMITH.

aw, t

The Rerctecror has a new carrier
on the Forbestown route. Any one
tuiling to get their paper can be supplied

ii chey notify us promptly.

Best Butter ou we at olurkeyTs.

You can buy wamber at StatenTs
Mill, just 44 miles trom town, at *Sin-

Gold = Standard
C. R. Spiigur, Manager.

le Mices.�T See

Prot. nagsdale opened his tall se3-

Mrs. ForbesT school opened
with 1&8 oils.

Vermont Butter for sale at D.&,

Miss Bettre Warren will open her
school in Mzs. WhichardTs school-romm
on Monday, 14th, September.

Fresh Carr But er to-day, at 5S. BM.
Schultz. .

Call for Royat Parent FLorr
No (1) if yeu wantsthe best made.
The Reflector Boox Store has jpst
received a new supply of those famous
Ask any per-

son having one and he will tell you it

The Greenville Bank is now locased
in the new Elliott block on east side of
main street.

Tabketa, Slates, Peneil;, Refleasor
Book Séore..

A tresh lot of rus Uream Cheese and.


Fine Malian Magaroni, just recaived,
at J... TunstallTs.

South Bound Freight, arrive 2:00 2.

Money loaned on 30, GU and 901
J ans oti QO. L. Joyner left this morning tor


Vermons. Butter, oa ice, at J. S. Tan- in


and Go ng.

Littleton today.
| Ex Sherritt J... K.TTucker went to
Tarboro today.

Unarlie Latham left today for Bangham
school, Asheville.

Miss Etta Hives returned Satuiday
evening trom Tarboro.

J. S. Jeakins
evening from Dauville, Va.

returned = Saturday

Louis Meyer went to ~Tarboro ~this
morning to spend atew days.

Misses Rebecca Cory and Leila
Cherry lett this morning tor Richmond.

itend school.

| |
Mrs. W. T. Hines, of Dover, who:

has been visiting the family of Lovit,
flines, left today.


Mrs. J. J. Perkins and Misses ivaunie|
Hives and Ella King returned home|
Saturday evenins trom baltimore.
| |
Capt Geo. Hawks, who has been,

taking a two weeks yacation, was back:


on his iun on the passenger train today.

Danville and other Virgina tobacco |

. . ; |
markets in the daterest of the trade |





Mrs. Watts Mrs.
Woiliamstun, who have vewu

and Keith, of

1 0,0 i

Mrs. Jolin #lanagan retuswed home

+ meee gare siberian ts

Cur Kodak Catches ihem Cominy; |

, {
Rev. J. W. McNamara retucned to.

| co
icheap prices �
Misses Daisy Tucke: and Mamie}

(ylloway went to Tarboro today to at-|

J. We HIGGS, Pres, 4. S. HIGGS, Cashier
i Maj. HENRY HARBING AssTt Cashier.


A brilliant display of «| ; 9
! ; | 2 |
FALL & WINTER! | Greenville, N.C.


BoyTs 2-Piece Suitsin the newest
effects and all the last weavesT

Everybody says my stcre is the
~cheapest plece in town and I

| Representing a Capital of More Than a: Hale
Million Dollars,


Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore, Md.

The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland
och, N.C.

Noah Biggs, Scotland Neek,_N.. �,�.
R. R. Fleming, Pactolus, M. �,�.

D. W. Hardee Higgs Bros.,
reenville, W. C.

ee rae ae HE

We respectfully solicit the accounts
of firms, individwals and the general

Checks and Acegunt Books furnish-

ed on application.

want youto come and save mon-

ey. My motto is: oCheap, cheap


2 awlsT Jewelry State.




_" Oo or; a4 2 ©
= a _ 2
""" -. om) " ~ ©
\ " EI = 5
S Se is 1 2 = 5
2 eee =) se 7. CO =
= - 2 = Cad
Sesaex ELZ WU: 5
ee a ee YY. com
" = ~ Ke ~
oooaR SE A. 4 -
: oa ss .
= Cc FS 0 F aa tT Oy
oS mm OS = oO '@) . &
pe = _- FS = ° _ ©
iss ZO WN ns



Miss Ayliner Sugg returned Satur-


day county.

Miss Lizzie Dail, ot Snow Eilhk, accom-

panied her home tor a visit

evening from



Miss Mary L.. Lacy, of Sout. bos -
ton, Va. arrived Saturday events to
take charge cf Mrs. Alfred ForbesT
school. Miss Lacy bears the very
highest testimonials as a teachew and

Mrs. Forbes was toxtunate in sesuring:

her services.

""""" 7

store to supply your
neeas in the line of
Choice Grogeries. |
~fhe shelves.are filledT
with: brightly colored |
poxesand tins of gaod
things, and barrels: of
ground grains, caltes
and erackers, boxes: of
spices andi bottles of
pickled friaits and vege-
tables. |
There is, a. wholesom-
ness; anci sweetmess
about the store that
charms tJre visitor. He,
carries 2, full and com-
plete stock of tancy and
staple goods embrac
-everyching that 1S.
found in~a trulyT
first-class grocery.



"" fore.


I have just returned from the


wherel havepurchased a

Large, New, Cheap
and stylish line of goods

We are not LOW on one thing just to catch your eye and
t posted. We sell our

. high cn others because we think von are no
(| , goods at the
and whether you are an expert or not does not effect our prrce one
=e cent. Our gaods have the stamp of reliability, combining: style and
- . quadity with lowest price, and they will bring you sucsess agfunst
Is ready in his ne�,�w).ii sompetitors. My stock of

CLOTHING by'tny ciotaing
stare. Iwill sell up-to-date Clothing.

Thavkiog you for past favors, L hope to be faverd with your
future patronage. I am Yours.to Piease,

Leader of Sty les.

R. A. TYSON, Vice-Pres't.}). J... LET LE. CashTr.


@@ +B 033.2]

Sa Paid in Capital $25,000.00.

{WI 6@3222-
1 Banking Business and Seticits Collections and Ace

Capital $50

Tramsacts a Genera

connts ef Responsible Persons and Firms.

A new supply ob Diamond Inks and
Cream mucilage at Reflector Book

Best lend Tew ,25¢ per 1., at S.
M. Schultz.

For Rexnt"My dwelling heuse hear

Dickinson Avemae.
Mss. E. M. Writ iams.

rels to tuwn, Saturday, and sold them
all before he could get by one Dblo-k.
~He had a pretty good hunt.

For Rent"The ~store recer tly vc-

Baker & Hart, nex; to Re

}cupied by

flector office.
1 take this method ot: declaring my-
self an Independent candidate ~for Reg-

fully. C. O. Brow».

One man brought 23 - dressed squir |

\liott bnildin g,

, neators of Correct Sryl


oWinterville, N: C., Sept. 4th, 1898.


~N ~ ~ . ~
~ n AN Wass a ibs: 2 IR
+ . * S Z ; i
; ~ a. :
af a § }, . ya
A } 3 A o¥¢

next door'to: the
= get hardware, stoves an


Greenville Bank;where you cam: #
dtinware in abundance and cheap, too.
ho » oal ~ a eke

; ak


Daily Reflector, September 7, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - September 7, 1896
September 07, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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