Daily Reflector, April 7, 1896

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} ot wa
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Bie |) hs: WHI HARD, ~Baitor and Coles) e ai : oTRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION.


eee re aE aa ts arn non cui a . _ ae

THE SAME. Oaxuty, N. C., April 5, 1896." Boys Spring Suits.
Miss Mollie Williams, from near Tar- : . : ss hoe te

tor what ~dently been T boro, was visiting relatives here last
jtor who has evidenhy Seen poszum | week and returned home"Sunday.

honting : |
. Mrs. J. E. Hines, of Rocky Mount
oThe rabbit he goes , , y ,
goes jumpinT on, the |, visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.

coon runs mity fast, vans .
H. Williams at this place.

g| HereTs an originul poem from an ed.

it haveT: some beaut ies ,
to select from. Moth-

. | The possum takes his time at ease, but
comes erlong at last. S. R: Ross returned home Monday ers come: and | gee me
The rabbit roams the broom sedge-field, |trom Wilson where he had been at- and: the prices will sur- .
the racooon hunts the creek, tending the Baptist union. |
The" is cae everywhere with! 4 runaway horse created some ex- prise y you. All. of the |
ee aes his cheek. citement here Saturday but outside of ~latest styles; and: colors

oThe raboit wears a bushy tail as white breaking one cowTs leg no other dam-
as driven snow, age was done. The horse belongs to

The Tcoon he also has a tail, but wears S. G. Williams.

and a perfect fit guar-
anteed. In speaking

ds selling T jt not for. show. T
But ob, that ~possum, heTs a sight, with Winterville Items, of Gent's Clothing | and
tail so long and bare, WInTERVILLE, N. C.,"On Wed-
He wraps it round a Tsimmon limb and | nesaay the Ist of April, at the home of of their fit and finish. L
eats the Tsimmons there. Mr. .G. k. Dixon, Mr. F. O. Cox and received the. a
E « Miss Maggie Cox were united in mar-
pri n g ' ee sed inet wail he Possul® | riage by Rev. R. D. Carroll, of Smyrna, lopk! A Saturday night:
7 But when that rabbit. got the start it Sg Seager " POSSOM HOLLOW, ne oe 4 b, 1
, ) , Saturda 4t 390
XN ovs tx es put pili lee aoe W. Smith with Mfss Sarah Tripp,|Mr, Frank WILSON, G ~lie, N. C. Y) AP
| Thet rabbit he would quickly speed] _, ; , ,; . 0 reenville,
away and dod George Weathington with Miss Laura] Dear Sir:"You have made a liar of me. A friend of mine
, y and dodge the dog, \ . , toe
to And when old Joler got in sight, that Cox, S. K. Hamilton with Miss Phelia} saw the Spring Suit I nan of you, and asked me.who my
: vr got in sight, that). After ~he ceremony a supper tailor was. I gave him the, name of a prominent tailor and

rabbit found a log. thought it would end there, Butno! He asked me how much

was served. The presents were numer-

suit the oHe hied himself up in that log, s0]ous and very nice. it cost, and had to tefl him another lie, ~ButT the ~part I feel
oanttingly he thought, mean about is the tailor got the credit that belongs to'you. _ |
7 - Misses Carrie and Henrietta Wesson Yours, ete., C. L. OTHIER.

amallli And then old Joler barked with rage
-milllions. till we that rabbit caught. have just moved in the new millinery ~T
You may talk about yer poundcake store on Mills street next door to B. FT. F R AN K. V V iiss O He

: : . Maaning.
Th yer puddinT and yer: pie 8
© amt The following is the roll of honor bins Li. NG C LOTH VER.

JesT give me Tpossnm sop in mine, I'll

° git there on e1 fly. of Winterville high school, taught by| * ee "
prettiest oThat Tpossum got outdacious teeth, he Miss Nannie Cox: bs ae Varin, : ni
i Gussie Speight, Maggie Brown, W. C.

grins from ear to ear, ; f
Vinson, Mima Cox, Effie Cooper, E.)

~we He looks quite odd up in a tree"but 3 |
line oh, that meat how dear. F. Tucker, Sarah Little, Rosa A.
Cox, Mattie Jarrells, Dorah Cox, Rosa

Just bake him in the bakinT pan with

taters all betwixt, L, Cox, Atwood Kittrell, Claude Har- D Those who desire to dress in stvle for a o emall
ot Dress And then prepare yer knife anT fork"|"gton, Fred Weathington, Lula Smith ress sum-can-be accommodated bv shopping at RICKS &
: Carrie Brown, Minnie McGlohorn, TAFTTS. We have never shown a more pleasing

the good things EE goes ot Dress Goods, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves,

o Ophelia Parker, Bessie Cannon, Mary
G oods I used te hiyt a ~ee and bunt Parker, C. A. Weathington, Dorah in Corsets and Corset Waists.
~break, PYs Smith. The: highest averages , were :
Old sere pie him, too, betore | de b y Mattie Jarrell and Rosa, Cox. S t le Persian and Dresden
° we Wentiaway, . | | , ¥
T "- aes Effect shown in great profusion and that lovely Linen
rimming S, Sometimes that ~possum he would climT ahisherd! Tusa Color predominates in all Wash Fabrics, even in the
way upsome. crogked vine, Wuicuanp, N.C. April 7th, 1896 for imported Swiss"sach a8 we..are showing. Solid
. e And keep us huntinT all the nigut be-| � ENOL IS I NO T ~ $]inen color ground, Red, Nile, Heliotrope. and Blye,
mbroideries fore he showed his sign. Corn planting is progressing. with smail ue Dots. a Ls anion (it % ext
oy ye es rm ni . comes our line of dainty welt Organdies (wit that
oAt last I ~shinedT his piercing eyes, F Hee and frost three last mornings, be a wiry finish) of all desirable evening shades. Noxtis
Cl thi like sparks up in the air, ore tis. a complete line of Dimities in all colors. Our lines :
O Ing s I then went scaling up that vine and] © Nice spring weather to-day. oaeea of incipd out fo shige | have aorer ian sar 2
passed in our former effo

found him hangingT there. W. A. Fleming, of Hassell, and

| h I gave the vine a monstrous shake, the Mark Cherry, of Bethel spent a day ee
~possum holding tight, S

zB 3 Until we all came tumblinT down with |@nd night here last. week. um |

all our blated might. Five trains a day. are causing the

and oThat Tpossum hit the ground with | drummers to swarm.
comma cee wile wan wes den 4 batineeT| 2 Correct Styles We Lead.

Old Joler grabbed him. like a flash be- Greenleaf Johnson,


Ld 2

N ti fore I raised my head. president of the Greerleaf Johnson
. O 10ns I put that ~possum in a sack and then Lumber Co., was the guést.of W. R.| ==-""- TT eT ToT " ie meme "r
| for home we went, Whichard trom. Friday until Sunday - | 1 ' | me
| A thinkinT of the fall: I got by. being| afternoon. He was looking after the| | 1, ny vo
at | ~Possum ~bens, lumber interest here. :

Fault in the Mail Service. The post office was moved last week}
It seems that somecf the mail of the |jnto the new building recently erected |.

Marvelously weekly edition of the RevLECTOR went | for-that purpose. .W..R. Wichard, Sr., But. we he" ve come again, |

astray last week, Complaint comes .t0 | has opened a stock of Groceries in same :

it , ~us that no papers at all reached oPacto- | puifding. an
OW Ins, Whichard or Oakley, on the Wash- J. H. Woolard & Sons have pur-| The late fire caught! us just: as we were opening basiness 10 ie
. mgton branch road. Why the papers} » 04 4 tot and are preparing to build| Ville, bob we have built a new:store next ~to the Reflector :
. tor these offices failed to reach their) | tore near the depot , office, below Five Points, od) are now ready to.
fig ures. destination we: are unable to. tell, as otai ve ; . | , "" serve | the iphibligin"--
they were mailed as usual on Tuesday Elder 1, S: Ross, of Hyde couaty, nm i nets Is OUR |

i phen tes


night and they left the Greenville office | preached at Briery Swamp Sunday.

~ | promptly on Wednesday morning. :

ene | vovwomnmnrconnwsnvawmmee | Complaints have also reached us that Mrs. Feldenheimer Dead. ~ a
aus Tur Daity Rer.ector for some of| . It iswi th sorrow that her friends here ui of ef

: . these same offices on the Washington learn of the sadden death of Mrs.) J. Bat we also cu a complet line ot". i

_| branch . are often carried. on, through Feldenheimer, of Philadelphia, which
to Washington and returned to their) occurred on Saturday. Just two weeks |T |
, , destination theT next day, sometimes} ago Mrs. Feldénheimer ~was in Green-'} mii.) tae i a , | OED RE " ap
iain |». |delayed'for several days. It is not | ville ~visiting Mr: and Mrs. Mi Ri Lang, Tae Se

i. " to have to report any | orte for atidT wt'tat tiie wasT in. the best of Paints,-Oils ~aad Pamala tibiae

.j '|non-performance of duty, ut, if such |health. Leaving here shé went by scanty ply
| Wo buy for CASH and soll for, GABH, , consequently can daty
| jones reach us again wei will. feel | Tarboro; Goldsboroiadd .(Ridhmand} to in out lin pot » 00 ae ios , nan ga)

| os cnarslnty b6) nequaintT the postal au- spend a tew'days before returninghome- |' competition pig a :
! benim with the facts, ° : Pedple who | Soon aftér teaching! Richmond she was |.
| : iceiye | taken wiok: wnd had to'\be odrriéd on |.

| : a asa i, and ie, sida cael?
I rartati anu oe Piramal pega j veialti

a whi ae oa ti ait
Sia trees o* bbe 4A ~tt Aone A ed aE PTO LOH GATTI Gitte) L

4 = ee i

id on application to the editor .or; at
| Wet desire ja; iwve correspondent at
nies ry postoffice in the county, who will
d in brief items of mayb as ft, Occurs
Teast neighborhood. Write plainly
-, od only op. gne side of the paper =

eiey) Liberal ~Commission on . supscrip-
tion rates paid to o""



a Bee ae m



ai : » Thespay, Apri. TTH, 3896,


oThe S labepor edition oof the Raleigh
' "News ahd. Observer which came to this
\ office Monday night is aT mammoth

paper and teken with the eotton edition
which appeared 1 Jast fall. mark the com-
. pany as the most -énterprising ~news
~" papet establishment that has ever ex-
_ isted in the State. The tobacco edition
oIs superior toT the one issued upon the
oeotton interest. . There
- dating the. good that will accrue. to,
these interests by these editions. Every
o town in the State engaged in the to-
bacoo business to Any extent wis
~a ~place in this paper. The mel who

satis Ga. SER, e ae :

ig no caleu-

are handling this, product") also: appear | «

dn photograraph.together with brief

history of the rise and | progress of the
~ itdastey, Some of the descriptions

réad like: fairy tales and yet, they ar and on the one! opposite the'¢om.

ae to life. All� honor and creditT to
the News and Observer for this won-
| derful stroke ot journalism.

However, it is due to Greenville for
ous to state that justice is not done the
Greenville market in thTs special edition
In the matter prepared by the ~Néws
and Observer staff this market is cred-
. ited with only. three million pounds for

the season, while the sales up to the
ofirst of March had already exceeded
five million pounds. Some other state.
ments are also at variance with the facts
as given

in the letter written from

Ho Wound Wa Tada

whic talked at All the yen toes
ich io amilies: jas arisen,

ovowed he~ would have none rag
such unbappiness in hisTr. He'd
never, never take a wife, though
she be swamped with gold, until
10 ge a cits
6 ¢ Hat his |

it. wee

Mi: ~ghaetad�"� ost! bescrrad to
find a woman of the model which
was imprinted on the mind he
Garried in~his'noddle:
~She must not list ~to alandocls
tongue, nor see my indiserstions:; |,
she must not postr ~whan Ido}:

a heballe Ape |
, Sasieet auy.a C

~Ration, saw girl's who dligtage |
rty show. oe maida 3 in ye

he found bis

| of a hen.is someti
95} marbles «and shirt

re ff} 7

ay = * r P re po a :
a ¥ eee 10
os vipa 1 | Delivered in town by carriers without
oa a rtisng rates are liberal and cgn be

Pika 5 Hi
On the subject of hens a boy
writes; oHens is curious ao-
imals. They donTt have no nose,
nor no teeth, nor no ears. ~They
swallow their vittles whole snd
chew it up in their crops inside
ofTem. The outside of héns iis
generally put inter pillars and
inter feather dusters. The inside
fro with
such. A hen is very much small.
er than a goodTmgny other an-
imals, but they edig up wore
cabbage plants: than anything
that ainTt a hen. Hens is very
useful to lay eggs for plum pud-
dings: Skinney Bates eat so
much pudding once that it sent
him into the collery. ~Hens has
got wings and can fly when they
get scart. -cut Unele WilliamsTs
henTs head off with a hatchet and
it scart her to death. Hens some-
times make very fine spring
chickens."Butlington News.
His oAecounts Balanced.

A young husband, finding that
his pretty, but, extravagant wife
was considerably exceeding their
income,� obrought her home one
evening a neat little account
book, finely bound avd looking
very attractiye. This he present-
�,�d to her, together with $100.
oNow, my dear,� he said, I
want you to patdown what I give

7S 4

A eau a received this morn
ing by Chief uf Police Flowers trom

Jas. F. King of Greenville, Ni� C., ~of |

tering a reward fory the recovery of a
horse and the capture of the thief who
stole it from him 9n March14th, The
description of the thief fits ~exactly the} th
man.who made off with..Mr....MartinTs
team Monday,- It, .is.no doubt the,
same man and if he keeps up this. style
ot traveling he will yet be captured."
Fayetteville Observer.

Curiositics in Signs.

oThere is a sign on TwelfthT street
which states, without explanation or
punctuation, ~Shoes _ shined. insideT,�.
said a well known traveling man the
other day. ~There could be a book
written on signs and names. Now,
that one there; nu one wants his shoes
shined inside.

There are some peculiar combina-
tions of names and words in signs.
I notice that a man named Garden is a
gardener at Washington ; Cook & Fry,
used to be in the hotel business in
Nashville; Congressman Steele of Ind-
iana formerly had a law partner named
Robb at Marion ; Hoss and Bull were
at one time copartners at- Kokomo ;
Day & Knight are leading grocers at

~Keokuk ; Gander deals in corn at St.

Louis, andit is caid that I Ketcham, for
many years a leading lawyer ct Jack-
sonville, Ili., has U. Cheatham for a
partner, athough the latter, since I

you on this side and,on the other
write down the way it goes, and
in a fortnight I will give you an-
other supp!y.�

A eouple of weeks Iatet he ask-
ed forthe bdok: * °

oOh, Lhave.kept the aercnr

all right,� said his wife, producing
the little leather volume; osee, |

here it.is,� and ~Plone page. was


Cab aiba | from ~Wes, 6100,�

prehensive hittle summary :
oSpent it ali. "Pittebarg | Bul-


at 3
SweetTs Sayings.

shut never has to eat crow.

oIt is more blessed té pive than
to receive,� remarked .Fitzsim-
mons, a8 he thumped Maher.

To write an epigrabi all you
have tudo is to think up some-
hing mean in two lines and make
it rhyme.

A Houston girl who had light
flaxen hair, and didnTt like it, was
reminded that.tow_heads are ~bet-

4 ter than none.T Le!

oA good name ig etter than

oTrichés,� as the forger- Pehiorked

when he affixed the name of the
millionaire to a heavy. check. _

~Songy pis is Ipéatioaed &f on
of the causes of soggy pie is the

of the causes 0 dyspepsia.
young married woman.

the siete would |

. twoald .! antl bet fai ly tried |

git fobent
pf a ~in a
New York paper. Soon we ex-
pect to hear of acoregia octo-
genarians.� .

as A litoag! fort ethane

Wan omaddest man arourd
wie ington to-day is he who at-
ten a the dead letter ale mot

oJohnnie,� | said his siother, odid
Sg st wi hh a school ceed for}

Pea eT at iis pac


;Alurphy, Saw Dentist.�

The man who keepe Mid mouth |


have known him, has been a farmer of
that couuty and a client of Judge
Ketcham. | |

oAt Paxton, Ill, Alexander Sam-
ple has a sign, without & punctuation,
which reads, ~A Sample Lawyer,T
while at Mount Vernon, in the same
State, an undertaker named Fly an-
nounces his business witha sign read-
~Fly Coffin Shop.T Near the
Union depot in Kansas City Mrs. Mur-

|Phy, has succeeded her husband in the

toWnership of a saw-filing shop and an-
nounces the fact by her sign, oMrs.

are what you want in

oO tae

iia = ,

Because an old style hat never
shows the wearer to be up to date.


is in and embraces the verv latest
, (styles and shapes of new Pattern

T also havea lovely display of
Shirt Waists, Stamped Linens,

+ Embroidery Silks, Rib bon Collars

and other new goods.
My entire stock is prettier than

lever before.




Stables located near the Johu.
Flanagan Bopgy | Co. and Market
| House.

I conenstnamenatatnmmanendl

Passengers. carried: toT an
int at reasonable rates

Horees. Comfortable, Nehisiee


| qm mamta. |
mA ~ RG
Washington, WG rani

the eyes out of the jororst"Wilmin g:
ton Star .

aint ht

With every facility for transacting 3
Banking Business. This Bank solicits
raed of merchants, farmers and

ihess of Tesponsible persons and
nn Ten ering all the courtesies that
are usually extended by a well conduc-
Led and ng-banking house,

lowest rates.




ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befere pu:
chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete

n allits branches.

RICK, TEA, &e.

always ut LOWEST Marxer Prick:


we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena
bling youto buy at. one protit, A com
9lote stock of


always onhand &nd sOlé i: prices tosut
the t mes. Our goods areal! bought and
sold for CASH therefore, baving no risk
to run,we sell at a close margin.

S. M. SCHULTa.Greenville, NC

"_ sen ee eet pen i tn en a nn

lngerrs sad Whotunle Desiomts silliest

widen taae sem ee ec

P, H. Pelletier
President. :


Always in the market

for LOGS and pay
Cash at merket prices
Can also fill orders
for Rough & Dressed
Lam ber promptly.

Lovit Hines,
~ See. & ~Treas®


Give us yourorders.
8. C. HAMILTON, Jr, Manazer.



' Bto Dlights 80c each per month.
10 to 12 tights 70; o. *
12 and up 65c..

&e o4

it stores, 3
20 aud up be Sach ~per montn.
~Less than 20, stere rates.

dh eet $1. 00 each. per. month,

sy i di rites
light saat

i ts 050% aminiy
the ch

By sp

oCollections remitted ~promptly and at| a:



Not less than three lighte put

ae ene oes Ye egy i r
ty = eee

|s pezear

~Trae fel

wn a NG Wall PaperT

ever shown in Greenville. Be
sure to see my samples. All iéw
styles, uot an old piece in the lot.
Will, take pleasure in bringing
samp es to per pee it if you Will
notifi m6) | 1p near Hu-
bers; on Dickers oH Byénite, 1°




I will establish a Brick Yard at

'|Qreenville and will be ready to

fill orders for Good Brick by the
middle of April. Parties con-
templating building would do
well to see me, as I will be

pared to supply them at as tow
prices as good Brick can be sold.


Greenville Market. |

Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.
Bntter, per 1D ' . TY to 25
Western Sides " "| Oto 7
Sugar cured Hams 10 to 12
Corn 4)) to 60
Corn Meal 50 to
Flour, Family 4.26 to 5,
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 35 to 40
Sugar 4 to6
Coffee 15 to 26
Salt per Sack 80.to 1 75
Chickens 10 to
Eggs per doz TW tot
Beeswax. per 20

Cotton and Peanut,�

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros & ~Comuntssion � Mer~
chants of Norfok;:

Good Middling 7 1536
Middling y Hel
Low Middling re :
Good Ordinar y 68
Prime ; 8}
Extra Prime 28
ancy x
Spanish . MANDY
Tone"firm. am pian



pi. ah


bY p. L. JOYNER -
Tors."Green.... .....++ 1 to 2
o Brighi.... .. yess 4to.85
o Rediiv..c 8 tod
Luas"Common ..410 6
* Good........+ -.. 7.to.16
« Bine.... saes'ey so 12 toT8
Currers -Common... 6 to 11
o " Good..... ...,124 to 20
o Fine.... .... .. MY WO O74

Promnenny , Cards

bi e 3
¢ Ae iin Sok tle. * i

ten en ens an. mac

k) Successors to Lathaw & Skitinhor .

esac sates cael
S # ras

gear } = 7 #
B.Wootdrds F. 2. Hurulmg,
* Wilson, N.C. Greenville, N. «

ATTORN � Gree hee 1

Special attention given to colle tione
anu settlement of claims. a

po =

ay ts


o hy



Patronage solicited. Cleaning, Dyeing
and Proseiug Gents Clothes a specialty

a oben EDMUNDS.


_ ae an ee tag aD te oti ee gia

WILMINGLON & W DON R.Bb ~ Pestaiianding is Frinil | ees
fr In the British Medical JournalT a| @
AND FLORENCE RAIL ROAD satstice say Tint man of women of] pysicians in France are battling with}
' 2 | | eorfeet proportions is six Sanen Seen starvation, and he adds that physicians
Cgudensea senedule. a the right foot is long. }° themselves are largely responsible for
£ | "Workmen excavating te @ house | this state of affairs. They ohave taught GREERVILLER. C., Feb. 26th, 1896.
_" Ee inT Portland, Ore, @ week ago, UN-/ jady patronesses of different societies ~
a ee eirthed a large two-handed sword, | +o diagnose diseases, to dress and band- J. oh, SUGG, Agert Victor SafeiCo.
_ SEAR 90. ° stich as was used in the early piahaiee age wounds, to vaccinate their own Greenville, N, C.
- Ceres a "A baby. that at its birth six weeks| children and those of their neighbors. Dean* ~ins :
worst RS 1B8] |S. | ago weighed only as much as the New | Mediesl science is vulgarized in every | =~ ieetds po et hal po mca srs son bee
106,T 133 18 z Za ick midget, nae | and ao patt way. Doctors write to important daily |o �' preserved in tact ali its-contents ip the late fire !
SE she eA cy , pounds, and is now under two pounds | papers explaining how bronchitis and oe
A. M.IP.M. A. M | im weight, is living and doing well in| cramps of the stomach are to be cured, in Greenville on the 16th inst. The safe stooa = :
Leave Weldon | 11 55] 9 27 Essex, Conn. and in fashion journals they teach how * & point in my office in the Opera House | ;
Ar. Rocyk Mt | 1 00/10 20 "One of the results of a visit of a to cure pimples and avert headaches. ock that must have been cne of the hottest
" ""|""~" |---| party of scientists to Alaska is the} Five hundred thousand gratuitous co- parts in the great conflagration. It contained 43
? Wy a : demonstrated fact that ¢oal abounds | sultations are given yearly in Paris dis- many papers and other things of value. When
Ly Tarboro 1212 ® |invour northwestern-most territory | pensaries, and in this way - large itT was he out of the ruins and opened, some
villqaat. |e an | and may be mined in close proximity | amount of fees is diverted from the i twelve bonrs after the fire, everything in it was
: a Booky Ms : 09 a 6 451 to the best and most a¢eessible har- | medical ene " Chicago Jour- found to be'sately preserved and in good con-
Lv Selma 2 33 hors in that in a 4 ae nal. . disor I cheerfully make this statement. of
Ly Fay'tteville, 4 3012 63 osdPhe common horsefly is said to : acts in recognition of the valuable service ren-
ran. Even More Wonderful. .
Ar. PPI | UF 25h3 00 fa ee With 16,000 sore hat is 5 oWhen you come to think of it it is dered me by this safe and you are at literty to
eT ED. Te ap .compoubd eyes have.each | a nail" Now many men have make such use of it as yOu may see proper.
Gm factts. By this singular arrange- chieved distinction i th.� said the | =!"
O32 tae heis enabled to see in every di- Ela ehh fhe winweviny » * ais: i PRPR YT JARVIS.
Ao : reetion, and-to-elude with great skill 7 ; etn , fis
TT TES |g | and tccens the many angers that | oPossibly, possibly.� replied the}. The Victor Safetis made in in all sizes, ive-
Ly Wilkon | 2 08 6 20| threaten his daily existence. aicteda things every day that-ate more nient for home, farm, office or ¢ eneral business
Lv Goldsboro | 8 10 7 0 ker sonne galieet men * Maine 4 ¥ pm wonderful than that.� use. Every Safe sold witha guar antee to be wis
Ar Wi anal B45 915 inci tall and of symmetrical build, uch ss wiat?� || proof." Prices range from $16 up.
de S- A.M | weighi ng wore than 200 pounds. He haven't achieved distinction but who
rT rides a bieycle,-whieh he had to have think they have.� , J. |. S | IG G, A gen A
oonan cote NOTRE. ~ mace ripen lit oe lees. i And the man with the magazine was
. : o16 | : inced."Chicago Post. em
Deed re iT By g is leader of the local cornet band. Sa hI GREEN VILLE N. C, ee
Mar. 14, 6a i sa Some idea of the immense number ? eee eee
1896. ZO 124 aa of aa 2 eid ad be prt ean - } ea |
cena oeutaieedamend eenentens "7 | eee | erode from the fact: that a man in | "8 goa
Ly Florence A MiP. ra + | northern territory | recently caine CR E E NVILLE \ ie
eterna sol 4 | across a omob� of them about four ~ : i. ane
in Sena Ip aa 9 40 | miles wide, and as elose as they could . ai ~ ti.
Ar--Wilsn.. L 20/11 35 run together. Some parts of the coun-| §]}f fh nek 3 , |
witthniphe df lca | try are so honeycombed: with hess | . | y )
ae i, \ | that it is hardly safe to ride or drive. | 3
$2 Lb ahipalesttiettanbied tam abetncs GIVES YOU THE NEWS FRESH EVERY
o" """ "~ || "| "-|"" | far out at sea off the coast of the Ar-| ~The next session of this Scivul will o AFTERNOON (EXCLPTSUNDAY) AND
Wilmington ier 5 P.M.) gentine Republic on a voyage which begin on oWORKS FOR THE R78"
wy if aa 1b at (00) ended at Tacoma, Wash., recently. iets | _INTERESTS OF. _
ue Gol sboro -{ 12-0 9 an The captain says the dust was very | oo
ar Wilsoo if 4 i1 pal 10 27 ~fine and of a light! buff color. As the
Ly farboro. | 248 duststorm blew toward the ship it $9. A ° . - QO +r ee
et + ~|--"" ~~ +144 | paee very mucly Sith ra dust | and centinue for ten months. } Last : aes
di * are t pat lied onc '
aa r= Beane eal ell nage captain sues The ovuree embraces ull the branches (GREEN VILLE FIRST, PITTCOUNTY SECOND
Za wo it came from some volcano in active | UUGUy u- AL In an Academy, ) :
ie = |p " : eruption. . ~Terms, both for{ tuition and board OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD.
» Ml. - MIP. M, reasonable. td
ry vine Mt oY tp o " % DOWNING THE DEALER, Boys weil fitted and equipped for " .
* . y , sow the Neophyte Put the oKibosh� on business, by se we wih te - . v
Ar Tarboro 400 the Yorkshireman. course alone. Where they wish te |
oLv Tatboro ? It takes a Yorkshire man to make a|Purste ~a higher courses this� sclwol Su BSCRI PTION O25 Cents a MOWTH.
Lv Rocky Mt | 2 17 21 horse-dealer, but this time the canny | Suarantees thorough preparation te
Ar Weldon 1 01 Tyke missed his mark when he tried enters wi-l credit, aay College in North ean


ates teeneanmenn

Re Big Seotia nt Neck Braneb Road

8 Weldon 3.55 p.�"�., Halifax 4,1
ga rives Scotland Neck Ab 4.55 p
Gree ctv 6.47 p, M., Kinston 7.45

B. m. Returning, lenves Kinston 7.20
, Greenville 8.22'a. m. Arriving

Ha fax at 11:00 a, ., Weldon 11.20 am
daily except Sunday.

Moraine on Washwigton Branch leave
ashington 8.00 a, m.,.and 3.00 p.m,
arrives Parmele 3.60 a. ~m;, and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a.:m. , returningleaves
Darboto.8.30 p. m4 Parmele 10.20 a. m.

pd 6.20 9. m,, arrives Washington

60 a. m., and 440 p.m. Daily ex-
ept Sunday. Connects with trains on
~Seotlind Neek Branch.

Traurleaves serper % NO, via Albe-
marle & Raleigh K. &, daily axcept Sun-
day, at 450 p. m., Sunday: 800 P.M;

arrive Plymouth 9.00 P. ., 5. 28 p. m,
Keturning .2aves Plymouth daily except
'Sundsy, 6.00 a. m. -, Sunday 30 2 m.,

itive Tarboro 0.25 am ound ll. 45

Train on Midland N, C, branch leaves
Gold8boro daily, except Sunday, 6.05 a
an, arriving Smitktield 7°30 a. m. Re-
~uring Teaves Srvithfield 8 00 a.m wy aT
Rives it Goldsborg 9.30 a. m. a
i: Trams: in Nashville branch

ovky Mount at 4.30 p. m,.
| NashvilleT5.05 jp: m.,
Rod: Returuiog Jeave, Spring.

nis, Nasheite's, Byam, & |

Trvins on Latta breneh, Florénee R
4., leave Latta 6.40 pm, atrive Dunbar
1.50 pm, Clio 8.05 p m. Returning
deave al 6.10 nga, Dunbar 6.30:a m,

Pahigde atta 7.50 am, daily except Sun-

Train -on�,�itnto /Brelich leaves War-
sow for Clint koh: ay oexéept ee War
1L.10 a.m. and 8.50 p, m- Returniag
leaves Clinion ef 740 a. m. aud 3,00 p m,

Train No. 18 makes close. connection
at Weldon forall aE daily, all rail 8

Rei darlin Xt tor

ne all points North via Nor onfolk

General Suyte

at M, MERSON, ~Trattie Minuge -.

HAENLY, Gent Managers. | /
ey I alt ~

eg ok



my dal yee (TME"


a . Se Gee on? -
~ we igh at ©.
ne hat pny tetas�

| country; been ridden as a charger;

| ceHent park hack; never siely or
| since he was fodled, and subject to any

leave |
arrives |
Spring Hope B30 |

tivé at:
0 ks 905. a) m, daily, except

| for help, Then, seizing a: 298


taking in a Neophyte in the horse busi-

Said the dealer:

oNow thereTs a little Toss I can war-
rant. HeTs a clever, perfectly- -trained.,.
snafile-bridle hunter, and fast; up to
twice your weight across any country.
Sold for no fault, well bred and power-
ful, highly couraged, good tempere:l|
and temperate with hounds, quiet and}
free from vice.� Well known with her}
ninjestyTsfithe Surréy, (Berks, Cam-'
bridge, Essex, Ke nt, Warwickshire, Mr. !
Seatton's,� the Quorn, Pytchley and
several other tiptop: packs. Winner cf
many races, out of constant work; per-
fectly sound, grand action and thor
oughly broken. Goes well in harness;
has run wheeler and leader in a team,
will work in a.eart, plow or harrow.
Never out of his place, a capital jumper,
never made a mistake in his life over
hank, timber, water, stone wall, hill,:or
; xale country. Best ladyTs Toss in the

plenty of quality and manners; splen-
did mount; dont shy, never stumbles;
good walker and first-class trotter; ex-


vet.Ts examing tion, and to. Pe sold for 2.
song!� i

oAb,� said the Neophyte, oI'm dbviht
ful heTs scarcely enough of aToss for me.
'f he could only trap rabbits, manage
fcreign and fancy poultry, rear pheas-
ants, do a little plain gardening, milk
and look after a cow and pig, wait at
table, teach in the Sunday school and
play the organ in oehurch, why, 1
wouldnTt mind ~taking him on six
ienthsT trial! , Eh?�

Mo deal."N. Y. ecreary:

AW Cour Ea
nae ~I Nott a ba frapedus act
in San Rafael yesterday. Some little

children were playing ball on the street,
eas a big blackog ran t ipaltid Sprang

ty Al sissy siolt box,T @ threw. up |
hands and screamed. The dog

a ang toward him again, but did not
quite reach him. The little fellow waa |
paralyzed with fear, and could do noth- |
ing but seream as the dog made re-4.
peated springs at him.. A woman on~
the opposite side ef the street saw the |
little fellowTs peril, and looked around |
stone, |
She ran up and hurled ; Zap jeder}
It turned tail and ran own street
as fast as it could go, till it overtook |
the stone, picked it up, trotted back,

laid it at the woman's ¢éet) and stood | - ec abibs
wagping | hasan edinonthag galt 1M

| ments to continue iu the higher scho

Daly Newsp

Caroline or the State University. tr
refers tc ore who have recently left
its wall ~or the truthfulness of this

Any young man with cheracter and
moderate ability taking x course with
us will be aided in making in

The discipline will be kept at its
present standard,

Neither. time | nor attention nor
work will be spared to make this -schoes
ali that parents could wish,

For further particulars see Or ad-


July 60.1895. Princip

: oe 18 AOR WORTH MANY 4 y

The Charictte


North Carclinass




2 SRN a ean

independent and fearless; bigger an
wore attractive than ever. it will be a
invaluable visitor to the home. th
oll:ee, the club of the work room,�

All of the news of the world. Com
plete Daily reports from the Stat
and National Capftols. $8 a vear
A perfect famity journal. All the



One Dollar Per Year,
This hs the Poy = le e's |

"(0)- +

T/When you need @=-

DonTt forget the
Reflector Office.

t tig
@.8F +.

Qe ee


news of the wuek. The seports)
trom the Legislature a een Fea-
oture. Remember the Weckly Ob-
server, "

Send for sample copies, Address = | jit

- THE shivcaapen endian Hn


The 6 Oldest

aper it


ee ee

| aie ae _taeten Por. siren

Favors Limited aa fi a "Blates

i] Ke vi it i ~i
ee dbo day Re hy sit ie
Cup, Penenl-Hoid :
F t
A 4

ington. oNC [var eoyihing Hae



te ote, Boo

Our, Work and Prices Suit our Patrons,

(Q) ate ceeeeneen, enorme�

ee ae Mie
P 5



| boas
i ioe Memorand mya and

oat ons]

( + Fy A * an
iy ty ft :
can ed er
At! Bel 4
i sat


to the eet have: things __. JUPICIOUS ADVERTISING
that you w l have to. buy co
ue eer " oe pte m4 ae
- your Socuaee cash the Creates many a new business,
_ store of ; i ; Enlarges many an old business,

reserves many a large business.
Revives many a dull business,
- Rescuce many a lost business,

: Saves many a failing business.
Secures sveness to any business.
¥ To oadvertise :judiciousiy,� use the
olumps of the By
Whore. yuu, Will fad, | SS ==
displayed the largest an TRAIN AND BOAT SCHEDULES.
best assorted line of the seeing
following goods: |. Passenger and. mail train going

north, arrives $:22 A.M: Going South,
irrives 6:47 P. M.

North B ound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
M, leavesl0:10 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P.
A. | Me leaves 2:16 Peaks ©
4°) | Steamer Tar River arrives from Wash-

| | ington Menday, Wednesday and. Friday

| jeaves for Washigton ~Tuesday, Thure

day-and Saturday.

Dress :

Goods and Fair to-night and Wednesday, warm-

3 ,?
aps inh er Wednesday.
Gentlemen SS
aeae.| PARA


~Shirts, | gorintstings Caught Under the Reflec-

i our torTs' Umbrella.
Hand "
~Scarfs, Cotton 7} to-day.
Collars, Spring is here in name only.
Hosiery, a .
~Yank - The mornings continue quite cool.

Charleston Rice 5 cents a pound at
Caps t J. S. TunstallTs.

aero Shirt waist patterns 10 ccnts at Mrs.
nobbiest | 1, GriffinTs.. ~Try them.

e. styles;La-
. digs,Boys, AtS. M. Schultz, Link Sausage and
Mountain Butter.

Hats and

and Childrens Fine and Heavg Ladies and Misses Dress Patterns

Shoes and Boots in endless 10 cents at Mrs. L, Griffin's.

styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs " 25,000 oSweet Moments� Cigarettes
at JovberTs prices.

ost | Hols Mattings, Flooring J . L. StarKEY & Bro.
d Tab lL Clot ;, Lace C 7, ¢
ee Piet eda dikdires | Hophni © pendan hops two

~of FURNITURE that will sur | house to-night.
Sporting Club and Golden Seal
Cigars, at J. 5. ~CunstcllTs.

DonTt miss the oShoe and Slipper
eas vaaes-+ 2 Bazarr� and oFairy Drill� at Star
o ~1 WOME 4 y

a Kn V3 intd/ oY Warehouse to-night.

LT es

ey eee

Full variety CrossmanTs Vegetable
and Flower Seeds at J. L. Starkey &

At Tur Star Warenovse To-
NiGHtT."Beautiful display of Rambler
Bicycles. DonTt fail to see them, no
charge to look.

4 Rok ee, ae aa eee

5 . i *
: ' Faget oa ®
NG Avi \ o®

oct \ Uf a x Choice prunes, cleaned ~Currants and

iE ON 4 VA \ 4 PAX \\ : x 2 y
Romy wan


Corn Stareh at J. 5. TunstallTs.

Something New and Sweet,T Peanut
Klakes at S. M. Schultz.

F Capt. E. M. Pace sent the ReriEc-
tora large tobacco plant from Ma-
| rion, S.C. oWe showed it to the buys
prise and delight you both as : a eS a
to quality and price, Baby Car- |
riages, Heavy Groceries,T Flour, Cod Fish, Irish Potatoes, Prepared
Meat, Lard, Sugar, ; Molasses,T | Buckwheat, Oat Flakes, Cheese, Mac-

Salt, Bagging and Ties, Peanut 7
Sacks and Twike ; Ve i ered P. R. Molasses, at S. M.
on ' chultz.

This week Mr. Morris Meyer will

A No MS. eee
~Qyaee sou 1U o|b main street, to have it in nice order

for the summer trade. His business
and pay the highest market prices | will be temporarily suspended while the
for them. ~~ improvementsT are going on.
The oSouthern Leader,� still holds
the best 5 cent smoke.
it) D, S, Satie,


ie oe

|, Mr EH, Shelburm, has purchased
from ef hi & McCullen the

new brick store which

2 t ated. i t Shy ts)
the handsomest soda
hroygh? 40. this peotion. ~

2 é
| Attendants at


bd: ~Try a palit andT be
pe celebrated R.
ecialty.. Our goow

va� ago evad Hgode bey

¥ &

ilht te Ot�


a he, RY oyp fwel hoger have ee
Nt paldigea laew | OR OTM EF.


(Were Out ToDay: °°

J. Jd. Cherry went to.-Richmond _to-
W. T. Brickell is back from Wel-
don. :
Donnell Gilliam, ot Tarboro, is _ here
at court. eae
Miss Lora Biinn left towlay for
Misa Ione May, of Far.nvilie, is vis-
iting Miss Hortense Forbes.
Mrs. Nicey Carr,.of Greene, is. visit-
ing the family of J. S. Tunstall.

J. §.°C. Benjamin returned from
Robersonyille Monday evening.

L. V. Mo:rill and J. D. Grimsley,
of Snow Hill, ure here at court.

R..W. Crenshaw, one of our tobacco
boys, left this morning for Lynchburg.
He will return in July.

Our Poet, Cardenas and Golden
Seal Cigars at Jesse W. Brown's.

There will be a meeting of the stock-

tendance requested.
S. T. Hooker, SecTy.

DonTt Fail to Attend.

Tonight in the Star Warehouse the
ladies of the M. E. Church will give a
very interesting entertainment. The
oShoe and Slipper Bazaar� and oFairy
Drill� will be the leading attractions
and there will be many other enjoyable
features. The Forbes Orchestra will
furnish music.

Will Work the Convicts.
The Board of County Commission-
ers have ordered the purchase of tools

Jand will put the county convicts at

work. The first work tuey do will be
on the ~dam beyond the river bridge.
This is a good move, and we hope will
go on until the roads all over the coun-
ty are worked.

Of Interest to Advertisers.

ly editions ot the Rerrector are
preserved in nicely bound volumes that
are always handy for reference. These

volumes are often referred to by law-
yers and others to establish proof that

certain legal matters are properly ad-
vertised as required by law. The Re-
FLECTOR is also adopted by the Board:
of County Commissioners as the offi-
cial paper of the county. These facts
should be considered by persons having
legal advertising to do, as when the pa

pers are so well preserved access can
be hai :o the files without trouble.


[enema meenl

|Two Ladies Die While Visiting a

Sick Sister.

The Reriector learns of two
strange deaths that. recently, occurred

lin Bethel township. About _ three

weeks ago Miss ~Chrissie, CarsonT went
to visié her niece, Mrs. M. A. James,
near Conetoe, and while there was
taken sick ~with fever: iA week , later
her sister,,.Miss Bedie Carson, went, to

~|Mr. JamesT to see her. Not tong

after reaching there she was sitting in
4 ehinit takinig vithT tie familys phen
she was suddenly seized with some
trouble apdT died in'a few. minutes, ag
Me told afew days later by our Beth-

el correspondent... ifiss/~Chrissie ; Car
sonTs sickt ess continued and on last
| Saturgey another sisieny Mrs, ~Bheopht
lus shill, ivent to hie! ~JamesT to
see her. Mrs, Bagghill sat, up with the
family, antil bed time and) retired.

~sumtay |Next merging se ws fond ded i
were Tde- bed. Bhe showed tio signs ~of ' bickness

the nig Pa aa
whe 2 es a i , ure me r r

bolders of the Greenville Driving As-|...
sociation at Brown & HookerTs store on [4
Thursday night, April 9th. Full at-[°'

| Mrs. HornesT store, postofitee corner:

The files of both the daily and week- |

Cy arn ; fs
~ »

13s Ss saat an et es ~ a EERE RE Deas pace we
Hninine!) |
sa ae eee
aU Effet: @
vie be OC cp TO te
2h.o fissts ©
35. CQ 3 FE nee, %
e 7 i eRe
Be p Poese ea
2 P m& 2 eB Z
af es hat A
s ee ee | ae
~et a o mS}
- WM AR 4 Say om . yy!
S 2 ; fA 3: er a as il
4) 2 BS TRO | ae
Ss cy y 23 2 23 6 A iy 3 ke
"4 T ; | f r ~aw mS Sheed S be
so @ Besse ee
3. © Of Pah ) 3
oe NM gceeee |OVERLOADED.
= @ +s sae 43 No matter; I can furnish
pa ang one the purest
= ont od .
oe a ie) 2.0.4 i oe
eens tercit @ | FAMILY GROGERILS
20 Q Ph ST Ss o
Ee a BES Bice:
ee pa dos @ ; :
5 ie SOEos | if you want them. Every-
Se * S oe (Os) thing fresh and good and
oS ch 27580 _ prices the best ever of-
OR MM, C8 Bog - fered. I believe I can
ms ®65
=? Q of 26 sell cheaper than anv one
go @ ore '« *@ else and invite you to-call.
Purveyors of Good Advice and Dealers
in Diy Goods, Clothing, Shocs
and GentTs Furnishings� |

i ~ if aa j + ~
, I ta
~ : et
i : ; ;

Now that we ine seeneed of amplé Hose with which to fight the
flames we would call your attention to our stock of HOSIERY for


For the ladies we have them all qualities and various styles to
match your low cut shoes. For, the Misses we have them plain and
ribbed for both dress-and school wear. For the Children we have
then in all atyles, including: the half-and three-quarter lengths for
infant wear. Ask to see.them when ~you next call and they ~witl
surely please you. Every pair of HOSE sold over our counters es
fast black and are gauranteed absolutely fadeless cr money will.b



roy iN Go To}e"-


D. S. SmithTs

The February fire made G RO C ER I ES.

a clean sweep of my store

and stock, not leaving me EVERY THING FRESH AND
a pennyTs worth ofgeods, |. err?
but T have come again NICE. J UST RECEIVED A

and opening this week a NICE. LOT OF GRITS, HOM-
Brand New Stock. |... Pe Ae ae



I am now located in CBRY STORE.

Hats, GentsT Furnishings, é&c.

the store formerly occu- 2
pied by W-8. Rawis, the aoe
jeweler, and invite you to BUTTER A SPECIALTY. .

examine my new stock.


2 : A" | "A fresh line of "
FOR SALE. oo) case
i? Ma Ee sgeranees i mien ghee. £ Family : GROCE 4 | ~

" Consisting of "



The King House property, on
7 main street, the most desirable
hotel in the cify, largest patronage, well ~i
equipped 3. storyT building, 20 rooms
pe meosieand? buildings, good well F lour, ' Lard,

water, 86 inch teracotta eurbing"price a bish a CA ee

sg igi ait ot corner 2ed and Cotaneh ~Meal, Sugar
reets,7 rooms, and other neeessary ca nk a ee T

bulldings. oTerms cjsy, a 4 ~ke iy xe, &e mx

_ Mouse. and lot cn Washington street oh Ae tet i

5 vooms and kitchen, | good wellT water.

oA Ya! oeines, 96478 |
a te oe Ce thik een okey, vOriW ith 20 low. meee
Ape astBRP afar cu. | LIURU Paty Th Ul

4 F

owhich I am_

+) andy I milly y


~ea Tuas
. a *

ee iat A Ae

Daily Reflector, April 7, 1896
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 7, 1896
April 07, 1896
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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