Daily Reflector, November 29, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

ON. ca NOVEMBER 29, 9, 1805, :

=: lite difficult -renditron,
x wa character that took a deal of-hard

| bright.

" © ledgement of her beauty 1s she}

_ |ray, was grandly « impersouated
sland he played--the villian with
+. lthat tact that he: alone- possesses |*

* and captured the audience by his}

ma? [and displayed be oa sve bf ororyles :


" ~The Play Thanksgiving Night.
oAmong the Breakers,� at the
Opera House, under the manage-
ment of Miss Bessie Jarvis, was
® roaring success throughout and
elicitedT much applause. It was |
well rendered and every charac-
ter suetained beyoad expectatio=

A crowded house greeted the
amateurs and they were at their!

. Miss. Eva OTHagau inthe doub
le role of Mother Cary; a fortune
teller and the wife of David Maur-
ray, deserved special mention fur
being a

study. to assume. The general
verdict was that it wes admirably
sustained and fur above the av-

. Mise Sallie Ligadests as Miss
Minute Daze executed herT ~part
well and was bigily praised by



Sa ti


ii. 1g everyaey he
ness § the most
ee cates. eaeT Over-
coats, Underwear, Hats
Scarfs, hirts. Hose,
o Gloves, etc. Every-
where. "you'll note that
prices are at the lowest
notch at which honest
yoo eee goods can be


ES au KING See

all. She made quite a. hit.in her
refusal of Peter Paragraph -who
was making love. to Bess Siar-

Biddy of it and married her. His
Irish brogue was up to date and
his character perfect.

._ Hon: Brace Huater, F. M.
Miss Jennie James, gd "Bess Hodges, the old man character
Starbright, a owaif cast: oap ~by. the and father of Bese Starbright,was
=lwaves, was. as bright ; apd fas" a bard role, but Frapk was équal

cinating as ever and captured the k and mastered it to the |
audienceT withT her ~besutifal - act- pe ornate ion eae |

ing. She was met by an. uoknowl-

|first entered. \erTs ward, oJadge� Ollen E. War- |

| ~Now Biddie Bean, ~Miss:: Hen-|
nie Sheppard, was a trueT Irish}
.|girl, and was highly appreciated eS
-}for her ~bright, Snappy acting
Orlend was a opiddie, oendade.� Hey
is always with satisfaction that}.
you can listen to-her for she: is
{well ap in her parts and has ex
~ leellent talent. - :

_ | Ge Baitison, ~as. Dayid Mur:

and note book «im band was up

ane De, "_ took a

| dantcer rs

| : acting. pinky wervant, |
red Larry ~Divine, w. a ~Corbett,
oe ~eee assissvant,. was: an. Irish}
_» |lad. with a heart brim fall of pated
= riment and love tor. Biddie metres


-©larence Hea: RES iene

ren, always up, in-.any -character)}
was at his best }

and: made, love ~with.a vengeance|
wo Bows Starbright ee was suc-

Peter Picsarank. | a ~newspaper
reporter, R-tlywan,-with. pencil}

Soar: t tribulations� mas fin » 4
ae = geal Bes great ot well ae e1

ually. Westbrook is great ee"
his timely hits were well received
His whistling solo. was fine and
he received an encore. -
The plot to the play was good
and well laid and could be readily
caught on to and the best-of its
ind we have. witnessed: Too
~mach praise canoot be bestowed "
~on the manager and-we attest
will soon present another...
The orchéstra was. otek
of. Woodard, piccalo; Forbes. aman: 2
}deliu: Wacren, cuitar,, and. they "
discoursed sweet. music. sheemathy
ont the evening which was hag
ly enjoyod. by. those. present and
added much to the das ning et
tainment._- :

to snaffand slways on tbe alert}, ane bof
for an item, and with tove im his odigieacn i oe ah Vices
heart for Minnie Daze as big as oe ek ag
a barrel, was hisientt ig. fe one the tol

wenrook| He was on tine a om d

d mules sand will be back
ow ¢ ays. ~Wait for them "

i be sold at panic prices,
Cs ote. _# car load and they
RB. L. Surra & Co,,



, er be ok da dé

" men who want to be settight who

ebaee, 2 25 cents per Month.

for: oOde Ucliberate Spinidn ois
het Whines: whe ha ve-defranded
us oat of the jast fruits -of-enr
labors are as guilty of the théeisia

the sight pf Almighty as. therne
who, stole pélicor iGteen's 4ow.
is no jon to think that
ay ~will | pot escape hell in the

Fe ea

next world as easily as they have
+he cceag saxtigee aa Me Airy
News: +
. =e
What the Bditor we and Heéars.

One of the rte trials of the
newspaper profession -ts that its
membefs are conipeliled to sée
omore ef the world thant any other
profession. Through every news-
paper office ~day after. day zo al!

be ~wreaked, ali the mistakesT that
~watt te be corrected, all tite dull

ere that -wabt tobe thourht
tall theMaieanness that
quelle Setee 65 saye thé tax ~of
~the adv o�,�0tatib, oall the

seo. e

ve ieee� ali crack brain-


"-vou as second-class fae bees ;

| plainly od painfully ovisible that
_-|long-at the wine cup. That he

~ ,|take apon himselfa golemu vow

| 5th.

When st oe came oit- was
youngT man had lingered too

was drunk and am no cundition tu
stand before God's altar and tu

was obvious...

The young fady irhow he was
to wed wag auick to , parceive his
want of respect for herself and
ithe occasion apd like a. sensible
woman @ requested that he be
not allan te leave. his. buggy or

noone néver to see ~ia ~Seain.
"""""" ES

Baptist. State te Gonvention.

The Baptist oState ~Convention
in Greensboro December

Rév. Dr. B.'H. oMarsh, of Ox.
ford, is président of ~the cbhven-
tion. Rev. Di. A.M Simms, of
Raleigh, will préach the introduc:
tory sermon. "

On ~December, 4th, the day be-
fore the convention, «the ~Baptist:
Young PecpleTs Gonyention -witt
Meet. This fs in-charge of- ~~®| Chareh,
committee of two, Rev. Bi Van
Déevyentér, of Burlington, aid Rev.
c. 8. oe Sets of Etigabeth
City. s
a . tictbltieathintesinhiennts

apie 23 ofthe, Road,



} oAny a 4 Shin etakbosll
rhood. my. friend?� : =
_-SSeven-wp anT draw. poker.�

oI mean, sny live. game?�

; aeotelen ae

Avpointmeste By she dahiop of z


aes in Advent, Le-

sour county, Holy Iutiocens. |
Dec 3rd"Tuesday, E. P., Kinstong!

S. MaryTs.

Dec. Gth"Friday, z. P., DawsonTs

Seiyeol. House . = =

oDee 8th"tnd Sunday tn Advent, EP.;
Pi: tevuuty] piddichaclTs. :.

a ae FS

ofer Friday,

Dec. Uith--3rd. Sunday in Advent, M.
P,, Beaufort county, Zion church.

Dee. 15th"srd Sunday in ~Advent,

E..P., Washington, 8. Peters.

sot 171h-"-Deesday, » @bocow inity,
ort county, Trinity. Chapel.

Dec, Weh"~Phoreday, EB. P., Ham-
Hten,'S.: Martius. . ~

~Vaneeboro, 8.

Dec. 22nd"ith - ~Sunday ~in Advent;
Gatesville, 5. Marys... Pee oe

Dec. 25th"Christmas Day, | Gates
jcouhty, S. Peter's.

Dec. 26theDhursday, Fest. s, ste-
Pigns Bio i hur tresboro, 3- Barnabas.

De oe my after Cbristmas,

habe tia ier vere: Christu. as,

iene P a codvilie, Lertic gounty, Grace!

Dee. Sist"Tuestiay. isonet . Pa


Jan. eaine pte Fest. of the:
| Circulation. -E. Ps ee, Grace!
| Williamston,

lat, of the early,

= MP I eg . Praver. Be. P=

" Bynses..: 294

- ,ORerings t to be for Docesaa

SaMaivwcededawben MARKET
a ee & 4

3 ee

coe as sa beck

25. 7 Bhawce eee
ee et 4193
as 5: pope

¥er SEE *

a if = aa

in Adment. �"�. P. ?

Pitt county ity, Pudgnnds rs
2 apae mB iPs iieieaeli i}

vil aii B, ulTs. Z :



3 " , - - - ae

Groenvilis Market.

: Ce d by S, M?Sehultz.

~Gatter, ~3 54 WF 16 & 25
; Western Sid : 6to7
4Sagar cured Hams 12 to 133
Corn 40 to 6.)
orn Meal 50 to 65
|Flour, Family 4.00 to 4-60
;| Lard 5} to le
4U to 50

85 to

oS. L Starkey & Co.



ges Pt ede G.

"" ¢ Pg "

A This work in
se South, and prices are low. We
make shipments eyery Tuesday. Bring
your work to our store-en ates a

t will bés Or wi a? ny
ifarnished daapot at -~ oe

~The Charlotte


ONY Grids:

FORE MOST N : ee ne nae



a atanatiig

Independent and
"| More attractive than

jimvaluable visitor to oe
+ ., offiee, the elope ,

: DatLy

ee ; of
= Se le 2 = ale * a's
Bee oh eon Poy :
# -


are Vote it 2) 1) | |Be bas ey peed aes ome ?
SS . four and «@ half feet, the half ofoot!
ae phe being joined © to- tneT fore:4 Sel ft
These pigs are five weeks Oo, all)
hearty and doing well,

= nd Pa Ei 4 hier d ies: =te E "
om . + = . 4
oP . Be te Me
4 - ~ ss ~Bes
- a + ~ 5B a Ss
* sc
re i oa ee 7 3 Si BEES Peer

2 ke

ne MRS. DELLA Gay, Proprietidis
2 Ror Se

: Bon
renient to.depet. and .to the tor

- Best and entnesa location ~ar
- reenville. en mineral water.
oRooms tar} sfurtable: - oDable

.. | Special attentionT
a. and settlement of cle


~| a? o ey att s oS resist

oTonacto snUFF acibaRs

~STABLES. Siaets p pay at one prois. A ~2 con |

On Fitth St trees near Five: . FU RNITURE gral fs ATLANTA, GA. ae :
oe eee cre aia e Sept. i6th, to Deo. Bist 1886,
eons carried to an spel ¥ sic:

a li at a
int at reasonable rates oii fie Te phen e. x a eke
Comfortable Vehicles. ' ile eh ciation ae at

aaa GREEN tLe oIth -Atiaintio Coast Line "

Soke £ivice aetees chi das


Ly Florerice
Lv etteville

45. Wits 8

a ee
mec O°

No. 48.

S *% 3
kd A disieeth ree: Ona ee ae WE De ee oy eS Cae Mee: 2S =

Z james A. SMITH,

~})oPhrobgh Pullman Palace -Buffet
Sleeping Cars between. Rew. York :
Atiuaota Ga. via P e:


MIP. MI oT he 2 aaa Ne Q.. ceo. po: Weldon, hocks Mount, Wllsod |
~Yo 33/@@" Patronage « ed. 3 aii ea ea) saeke wet Illes Sites�
11 16 i The next session : ; School w' 4 ia

"" |. JERBERT EDMUNDS, 0 = | Date ON icc k sb aaen fngTCar wcdommoaa ions eal! on

4 §..:) - FASHIONABLE BARE ER. ....

a i ioe

: ns aie ein bh ! i

; anon orton monte

| ithe course in an Academy.
cememuler for. tuition ~isd: Doar &:

druvede: | ii
Ly Wilson ME fF 333)" 12

At Tarbere =,

20 am | ty Wie ee i jvourse ulone. Where they hte
Satta at i one a Weldon 0-3 Daily N@wWspaper Lm forsce x obiser course, this sets

Tenen, Potuntiol Mood.

= fe chden, ok Mivanaeenitie instaans.

Agent J. R. Moore went to Burgaw

"webs site pent o168 otland
to spend Thanksgiving.

Mrs. P. �,�. ~Monteiro -retarned from
ere Feeeay aveding.

L. 8. Pender left Thursday morning

_. foi Atlanta to attend the Expositton.





Miss.Annic Uarding, of
Sitaed wstedas at masts a 6

Mrs. Eva Matebwell, of _ Beaufor
ner es 1 net epee Mrs W:
B. Greene.

Rev. W. Hines will preach io the
pope trai amped mee

J. B. Edwards and family, of Seot-
land Nees, whe had bees Sh eed
gee: wgermeme eirse ime

says op iii .

Be, eistte ae Saude 3 St

"Charities lens.than x month off. |; 4 th

~aPaew ares MB

non acoening = mt sii =

aaa $6.58; Thomaaville
Orphanage, $16.26.

oe eee KingTs Sonali eranei

* eck Aietlarek: ae ceed usual trim-


_| Ue BEYLACTSE tome ripe tomarves this | |

" epaninaal tt show storm comiug. T 74

x Policcean T.. k.. Soars 3 Si
pideal Wb tune vo-cbens aigedsic Tne}
reason is I keep mice, fresh guods. Fs
_D. 8. Surra.

~The fellow! whe 936 the mé¢st


a suffering _bu- |; =~ peering Py gene | jast
mseteti ha tevstesutshe oe hight. ih
colletcion " WiiehT end bs diidads proyes ~ that}

sharpelr&_idd peiicil, it will be
- | one " ia her favor._

Never parchiase ~Jove riénuship by} ;
idle apres ebikakisad oe

a8 Sue as be ot | atnp PAs mous,

suypif of: dreah bs
ee Geode, al


~*~ §

Se meer
DS Smith's.

~Lhe girl whet: -ghte site sli aae Ss

|ten, the best kiud of a wite.

3 *%

£ Shesk ened -cé wieraingT ~had the}

but the suashine drove it away,

it is not safe 19 jadgs 4 jes oqur-
age by the tote of yoice he emplbys

Eee Be anesthe ic hss cian oA

ber father makes, eae ee Ae

Daily Reflector, November 29, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - November 29, 1895
November 29, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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