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oGREENVILLE, nN. ahs NOVEMBER | 26, 1895.
for this week
~New Dress
Fine Clothing
oes, Hats,
hese 3
oe eR
Munfor ls,
~Goods, fa
®| Some of Those Who Have Carried.
Tneir Part of the Burden in Push-
mec testomacwrmrana ei ;
In 1893, just after the: ware-
son, one morsing watkir ¢ leis ate-
ly around the warehouse floors
timid, boyish appearance, was a
handsome young man with 4
frank, hopest, open face. Being
a stranger and alous wa ap-
proached, and in an informal
him without telling ours or ask-
our chat we found out that he
was thinking of coming to Green-
in coming was to bny. tobacco.
This, of course, interested us in
him and wespokeas encouraging
ingly to him as we could. He
said he was coming to Greenville,
if the boys would let him stay
name was
ae aes
that he came to
lbegan making friends and an
houses were opened for that sea -|
with a very unassuming air and |
manner began discussing with:
ing his name. In the course 07}
ville to liye and that his object;
Of Winter in theair
fromthe eve
ness Suit a2.
where you'll note.T i
prices are at the lowest
notch at which.
"" goods ~can can Be
= KING pa ieaoie wee!
Everybody hereabouts knows and learning more
George, for from the very dav basiness. Early in the fall he
~Greenville he|again returned to Greenville and|
began buying. After closing up|
easy matter it seemed for him to|his year's business here, there be- | �"�
ing no sales here during the
good of it is he has them neg poner p boncoapted » positige 687 rother
a Se: scores� wherever ~he is tra
oHe has made them and: the
\here. Hethen told us that his|buyirg right: away, principatly
wrappers and finé Guttérs- Up to
this time Greenville had never
jhad a chartered Tobacco Board
of Trade, but now the buyevs and
_|warehonsemen came together
_jand incorporated a constitution |
oland by laws under the State laws
| |for regulating and controlling
| {the sale of leaf tobaéco on the
\Greenville market.. At the very
lofficers. Mr. Harrison was.elect-
jed Secretary and Treasurer which
~position he has filled so admir-
_|ably and accarately that without
_.|@ single dissenting voice he has
| {been re-el
8 today Secretary and Treasurer of
| |the Greenville Tobacco Board. of
Trade. :
~| ~The summer of T94 Mr. Harrison |
every time and is
spent in the large leaf centers
: aequainting himeseif with the trade
abont his
|first meeting for the election of.
they. ever saw. A irri
~@ Very young man, ~only | 4
salesman for 8 et:
York house. The summer of this 3
\~year he spent traveliag. in the
rorthernand middle States which
position was both pleasant» and
profitable, but laterin the sum"
mer he was offered a sitaation by
T. E. Roberts & Co. to come back
to Greenville in additio2 © ~to. the
basiness he had already bailt up
here. This, coupled with " ohis
natural inclination to come back
South, caused him to resign his
place with the New York firm and
promptly the first� of August
he was on hand.
Since Mr. Harrison has oe
in Greenville we haveseen a good
deal of his manner of working up
tobacco and ve heard nom
bers of others, whose 8 lent
two years, old, but he ~ kc
Pa = = -- : es ~
~"_ J- WHICHARD. Editor,
© Buibsceiption 25 cents per Month.
Yaland, amount to figures almost beyond
Valgettibs Joisuntontacs comprehension, bat omy year
~and with 5,060~ ~square. milés-to/adds to the sum. total. rtunes
spare? This is trie! It. you will are made by it and millions use-
tae'a string and-streten itfrom|lessly or -unintelligently spent. }
1893. | ; |
Novissth Thursday,T Farmville, En-
~the farthest point in . Carrituok |it is a large world--we inhabit,| manuel.
Dec. Ist"Ist s Sunday. ~in Adyent, Le-}
county ~to the outer edge of Cher-|and when any cousiderable part) noir Dees Sed oak ~Enbocents.
okéee coutity, and holding the) of its citizens glance Our way in a
~thumb st Currituck turn the string | financial sense it means much. 8. Mary
Tuesday, E. P., Kinston, ,
Dec. ee. een riday: E. ~P., Dawson's
northward the Uherokee- end wil!| Business men of today must rec~|Sehool House |
putyou inthe middle -ot Zeke|ognize and act uponthis fact or pipegcth--tad Gonder sn Advent, M. P.
Champlain across Virginia, Mary. soon -be telegated tothe rear.
Dee. 8th"-2ud fm cige in Advent, EP,
land andall intervening states-| Every successful business man of|P it Feige Beg ig a p?: Gr.ea-
New York included, to the lake'|the future must become in some Ville, &: Paul's. ;
A great and marvelous State traly|way an advertiser. He must, by} 5 Dec. 1sth"Friday, Vaneeboro, | 8.
eR A oF ee
and in many ways. It has: -~more|One deyice or another, secure at- ~Des. 16th"sra Sunday ~in ~Advent, M.
sounds and rivers than any other |tention" American Druggist and Bip gg rhe fa ty, Zion ere
state perhaps in the Union.. It} PAarmaceutical: Record. E. P., Wastiingtoai S- Peters,
has a greater variety of .produc- " ==
tion possibly than any other. Its . Preparing for His Burial
Dec. 17th"Tuesday, Chocowinity, }-
county, Trinity z. E.
Dec, eae eee. + Ham-
poe sie gare en
manifold resources are only be-| A gentleman living in Salisbury
ginning to be known. It is very) iia oho j is now enjoying perfect paeertle, gape edly el Soe
e & requestT Of aleounty, 8. Peter's.
quenymen near town that sopnds shen, BP. Martresboio S Fest. 8. Ste-
Bae y Chctmnn at
rich in forests, in fine native
woods. There ought to be a half health has made
dozen or more large furniture
manufactures inthe State. But a little queer.~ HeT ~wants a septi-
the products of North Caérolina
are too numérous and important
for present _handling." Wiim ming-
and this is the style after which |:
it is to be fashioned: The sides, |Ch
end and bottom are to be of rock
ton Messenger. five inches thice and well� cement. 1896.
SS ed -together. © The inside latge
Counties in the United States. enough to admit his body.
" lid will be one of the same Pi
The 61 States and Territorjes
are subdivided into 2,359 soa-lbe insert i thi oh whichT!
chre of stone made for ohimself MP, Rozebel
ness as the sidés and a giass will] |
Dec. 22nd"4th Sunday in Advent,
Day, Gates
2th"Sanday after Christmas,
« Pi Woodvilie, county, Grace
Dec. Sist"Tuesday. Windsor, 5.
Jan. lst--Wednesday, Fest. of the}
basis viO) E. ?P., iymoath, Grace
: Siened fe ~the tomb. The sepul-| Missions. "__
ire when Snished ~Will ~be placed
lisbury cemetery on top
dies it
uy! a
; with as + 3 af : 28 4. b
o1B, 5 155, Le fe ;
13T. Maine has 16 ~andi 3 2 iis hse
cee ae oNorth Garo- he spate� Fs pose
_ lina, with about the same area ~lthe sur a |
~_ 191 counties ge hat 7s ae Amare Tatas ai
_Fglinhe North Carolina 20, Hileat of borpemarnante pleas: |
Kentucky 18, South Dakota 11; ure of witnessing Friday, when
(89 adj maw? +2} to 33
weeee eR
se Br my A T° 37 sapse++-4 to 8
7. Sas so
4 ¥ is i 2d nog, © 2 t t Fehon s. = eae? = (eo
. eeee* eos Pe
= Fine.... eeeees --t0
Gs Or bat we fi ** 443 £406 a
aif Seat : oGood 2.654 -%5 jewel tage te
ny} wes: tn ey tmbens cepa Ke
Pri bes BESS AES Reece
axis Fuge, - en ee ED 34
Ns ee FY 3}
Corrected by 8. M. Schultz.
ntter., perly T : 7s 16 to 2
estern Sides *" © ¥ 6 to? -
am cured Hams 12 to 183
40 to 6U
Sonn Meal 50 to 63
Flour, Family . _ 4.00 to 4°50
Lard 5} to 10
Oats 40 to 50
_ ate
Chickens 123 to 20
r doz a 124 to 15
ber y j, {20
a Ea
] Os Bs ot yt eet
ake shipments eyery Tuesday. Bring
oar work to our store on Monday fn
ill be fo 0.4 an
furniahen Sa wekikelon: Wi
2) Tae ~ainstoie
if SER i
. _ North: ~CarpithaTs
FOREMOST Fak E WsP rephestd
&. a P 4 #
aN ip , *o oS
4% fe
Independent and i Seechoch ; bi Besant
more attractive than
invaluable visitor tham ever, 46 yi " the
office, the club or the work room.
t* (26a �,� eed a:
| Na. 78
Dally,: ¥
. iw
Ly Wilson
Ar Rocky Mt
MRS: bop pars
eres ae sand to: the to-
On Fifth needa near FiveT
bien =m id eed
Fboignastn, preted rates bo any -
ey eiantheewii "
Sept. 15th, to Dee. Bist; 1895,
o2 oLecal Trewme and, ont Bon 8 3 ies . a ee SSS a
ee ee a ee Third Person, Plural Number, Present
- Tense, Potential Mood.
and mail train =
e822 A. M. Golag
rriyes$: 7P.M. . [| Mis.J. Hi. Blount te pve o-
z oTgoeee gees arrives 9:50 A may: a
: ee arrives p.| -SF. Freeman, of Piymonch, is is
he. ~eaves 3:18 F se 2:00 _jtown. ty a ses
ington Monday, ye ceica weeny
goeepeey ae waa Tuesdsy, Thurs |°
� and Saturday. Zss4 5 TF AGGITh
Weather Bulletin. o3
Cold waye, temperature will 1
falltwenty degrees or more . by
Wednesday morning. Wedres-
day, fair. 3 fs -}Matthews. son ee ~ eR
OUR BUYERS. Rocky Mouut. | : :
w30"-oeo "" "
whose interest and welfare he
Rock, or wing bor sister i 3-7 =
a 5g ae oe ee
eens Een * Sol Coben, and Le __Waloan, * Wet PSOE Y
Mr: Harrison: is of a facies rn Tots isla « =
turn of miad, never foreing him-, Miss Becta ~Worthington. of Farni+)
se'f forward, yet not averse to Ville. is visiting. friends here. [
social life. He is especially fond Supe na wee Pee
of his friends and alw willing: ' tapt. e504: RCN ¥¢ position.
to make sacri*ces inTthe Mrs. rhs Wus visit-
Asa friend and companion ~he is ing her sister; Stak. mater et this
warm hearted and~true and be- morming- pe "" peonens
longs to that class of men that Mize . rsa Wie
of life and trying always to see
the good ratier ~than the faults| .* rychduio Beier, Pespacd* for is
! nature, As a obusiness oman|nesday nignt, Noy. 27th, |... | |Rext.week bring alengs dollar for the}
eS punctuality seem
: will take Ey pontassas assistant |
_ -yer wil fine er pent Tes cents
woth ~of ycr mos nices - little pai-)
per, idont no egsacterly how long
risk de chances. i herd ~som
one say, yer was gwine, ter maik
P it largir soicam to de subskrip-
_ Sinles | kese domes toe for it. | 5
odes tyr rbg oy ly aos
sell miy baccer-at sich an sich er|Fane
4 place i telle dem i am er pure pittia
- kownty gintansels ami .
dat mout bee but i bleeve - i willof» Fatki . sd ospent. Satur Jay ,
When you ocome tn 40. attena court
Pitt county Superior..Court, for the
tris] of civil cases only, will convene
; ote is J Sig Metror will pre-
. §heeeal
cer at Gat mosT butifal: town Shanes tages ano ere nae, ne : 5
de tar.whair yer are wel peered ~ed there, being his sateass 8b
ae. Heep, home and family burying
i ty in fimo. for th o