Daily Reflector, January 26, 1895

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Vot. Tae "Greenville, N. Oy January 26, 1896. No. 41.

Ia labenied amie bin THE LEGISLATURE. MF 7
Mowe fair; temperature will} ee CO ORT ! =
fall - ~twenty ~degrees by Sunday! THURSDAY. . DURABILITY t
night. ~jini e aie Phere The principal new bills iatro-
EE -|duced in the Legislature to-day O
TELEGRAPH NEWS. » | were as follows: To preyent any)

save chartered companies from | That is what we can give you in._ ©

to improve the public roads eal 7 "
cae nee" loonvict labor; to equalize taxa] FT C) HLS.

909..|tion ; to encourage the study of
i eee it is carn tet "| civilT government tn the public o : 3
M wae. "Heo d a * oyoung schools ; to abolish days of grace yee a a

to limit to the punishment of

divorced woman: at : Savannah,
petty larcen to award the pub. FOR MEN !

ites committed suicide Oy shoot | le peiatineT aia binding to the

herself Bion F. ReynoldTs Hand-Made
Rea! Rindoiph. Churchill is inbiged Gua hekled dtbese he ne Shoes ind Bay State Shoes.
House on an electTon case from Every pair warranted.
i a men held. up ial robbed ®] Granville county.
ray MeOhinu: 2 hows The Fusionists on the Elec-/FOR LADIES!
4 oa kid nk aL, |tions Committee all signed the
respondent, was killed on the majority report in favor of Crews,| E. P. Reed & Co.Ts Hand-Made
=: in Brazoria, Texas, by Har-' the fasionist contestant, and while Shoes and Ziegler Bros.Ts Hand _
7 Fire did. $25,008, dana ee to|tie Democratic minority contend. teed. Shoes. Every pair guar-
Hotel Vendome, New York. ed for the rights of Lyon, the sit.

A financial panic tie meumiber, Crews was seated

reiges iNiiy's strict party vote of 59 to. 38. : 7
Binghameton, N. Y. Several his: is the fourth Democrat. un FOR CHILDREN ¥

banks are in trouble. .|seated in the House ~The case |
; . We have the very best makes.
Parkersbuee, WV it pam ope all gO One way. | All sizes and styles. " :

ot seriously injared two Tobacco Clothat LangTs}
Led desperadoes robbed the

of see. Pour�

i ~Narrow Eacape, | *
~were Mr, w. E. Belcher went out in}

"" the county on horse back-Friday| 3 ~abd: we are "orepered. 4 3
o ara $50,000 da has|tight., While riding alone. the) ® gue che lor aise er
uit for mazes has road the sae ed.and: fell,| fm Shoes at low prices.

been brought against the Norfolk \throwing Mr. Belcher off. and fall-

Pilot Pablishing Company b cbr tit j
Hoa. John E. Massey, Superin, (ik Over on him. Fortunately be

escaped with no injury © except !
Virginie. Public Instruction of being consi iderably braised,
oAyden Notes, : ilies ~Takes: thie: Lead, |
som, N C., Jan 26.--A ape a
ht. io damage a _ |Best 200 pounds Of tobacco r

2 me | to. reduce stoek for Spring Goods, :
piGanmmennan has we can Poa sighed

oEntered #s second-class mail matter.

The RerLEcTox. has zecsived
from Hon. R. B.,

sioner, the wnat Late |
) 3au,0t Statistics
ot Cat BetUS tele be

Washington officials. report that! Get
ade so abc past there ~have

ae Shope the

itr �,�
ing the eipemacsot tit Bebring| 5
Sea commissien; appointed bo |e
pend the ccst



There is more Enuro-

pean scum in thé White Siddéd
than we have any use ! for


The higb- -handed. meastires re-

Tes san will submit}
35 docwmpnts i

cain ag et
cBeliiwl uel No Radek of 8S

sorted to by the Fusionist in the
and fill their. places by Populists

ty cain Rook HieHol 1asi aod
{cepa MINNA
Lem iMidditag

ahete ia aye es.

Dipper,� " tn" whieh

et the ee elapmeoeiive ~T thank

oaet po og
the oOld ope en

i alee
ee m

when I was

Bucket,T Some of my best-drinke
Ed Abad s babbanut Ripper,

dover were
but that was not destined to immor-
like.the teres fotiumate ~Irc-

i el deve : abways shad va

great liking for ¥atteab! land: bis
gand L-+iope veut

iong continue tos meke: wines

.| happier i & their, domids tieT bist6

tac? w beotovi
joola od: abisine bhediig io: ot)

: |

peanuts for yesterday,

dsad& Ge.,!

as fur

piielocats olf

2 iwobad

4 tia i at .sii Ne 1f4 side
deserve?T the ~cdsdemnation o eee Cidivatywcl 2 ~aomoten
eyery man who has. any...rrspect| Pre Hj) ~Tone-sne WEE bib coud
for justice and law, and aaless we), Prime ad+oY¥ TULGe base ¥ letoH
are mistaken they are ees tt. ra Paadet (ice jefousal at £53
this condpiopstioh [drek@ «bi pyro LA a

nish sidvors gi otf #808
ally. Nobody ever met which was

more regardléss of évery . ~estab-
lished custom of Legislation.


Words of Wisdom,
aera te ee pum wy ie :

owT'tan � generalty T ~air!
ake loveT thee is in

heartT by the way he, opens ia

a eee in

very apt to make ir stop pray-
ing that they may be pure in


hear any music that suits them,
except when -théy ~are playing|,

foposited hg dlr

age the
~4 market v

wt at Sgt Ce
& worldly wey is}


eet Tc ve
ia ~of BS, : Nepean act, .


1x8 ax P.

BP chee, 2 £ ;
Sas "0 200 Ber baie
OF: . be 5

Corrected by S. M. Schultx? bt ~tieT

OOD 08 ¥ sot 380
go Fv me ahers sdanoid sepl
3) sidstd eee ee

Bur fe sas... 4 oidh te
fn waa oeol sits te seas
HGabbage : opte is! -
Floor, Famtty aio mebvA 00 to £40
J "_" 50 to

Ikisb, Hews! .\) A 300s

first fiddle. Sok it Polke 2s Swe! dr busiciv mBweodint
Cot covehebte tb ae of sees babe tks a stot egemab o% oi a
ey young man ought to make! jt@T Mes 843 c sare ie rt ee ae 2 =
yan in debt POO a MOVE PGB staat oe ooeti odes os wiletert bus
: get tM ees m4 §�"�% : a: . : (bev
ey ~at " e dagger in ite Ms 7 oe wee et Saal
oe Iumbia,. Fe:|Kecosene. sb do Jin} exw ows
with ~whieh voouer orT later : fet nt ak Jonagle coi Mts ecg
1 st = tian @ og Hund, Per tou� ¥
. ~th cited thetoet 6 it le TL watiet TeV
- eScliaeds tae

odishor. io .biewokL
aeve 28 ide



ores SSRAOT�"�|

Mr. A. A. Baker, of New Jersey, |

dropped dead hunting near).
Newbern on or Pe tietay.

The Herald tejig mech arabe

colored man bei
bury. Anengine run over him

and literally tore his limbs in

hourt kflet thitchions


The Statesville Landmark re-
ports of . j vr pe Dy e
Rody ef treolorthlckend did in a
clump of busbes in Iredell coun-
ty. The manTs skull was crushed.

Hodek ten Gane Gibce.. Dec

Mrs. M. B. Brown, of Washing-

ton. pris th cette her es

the the

letatd duos hha bdo be

appropriatida SUSOEM&iTor phan.

~~ eiglsoG o70I7 bad.
Ho Bheltrdand «ia pedes'o


sah men nad antl 8 _experi-~


State to be used as an orphanage! =

ina ey fet: gi late Pp: 14 ~ 4a e.
oae . : t tusdga@ BY whee Pepet e aova as
; - ee ts o* gi oF = at
webu 7 etroce trom Man ufacta ay Sorter ne Se
bli -* r siltvad fad te 1ad: thee th,
ng you to 7 ae acne ita be for Bi | ,
*| plete epee wen if rai 3 2 by ¥ ss + ist Bate os
40 Be 2. wet y tin at
, your i 2 ] 3 35
oFURST godess ) big ng et e . =
».-! aotd Cras bak we eet on saweseDieeak cond
lwa ~on helen 401d at prices tosu) «cet at i kenin aot
he t mes. Ou pomgies Lee Petes ; ai ~ab. fea 2 #3) a a ae =
piditoeiaeet ¢ | : i-wiqd 4 8 To bit 19
at oun : Work HH! O55 is
amblids 9 ~dyate : Hel | i e 2a

Gi Snr Oe ia elie od cmned: ert
_ATHAM & SKINNER, yiotog

deft) il

try in searc

Soité Patt of tHe sit
and they T caicadien

and drove | sa nse et, re~|at Pt


~ :
IDOE darteny o3 i Boner
to WOStIt vat Oo ' ohid nes in fied

W OTIOMI-o Te esiv 1392


t:mill Be'dousliirat

yell IOI 1% wor rthewetgh .

� "a e1i2i.i} sd? a: ne
: lt ce. Bh eee = 5
a tw Zz . and oa ; jig. oe me
jiwia feta ahil intl a: o¥éb'ev gia =. zt Te
; ev nat A eat? iat =
: : ulanentk? 443 200 =F ~Pay i xlt
o i aia ae
oheatn £35 inst the: aT oF) Se
433 finiy # weTh nen aus

24 dda i 1

Et ety ar

63 :

qiney: 5s res =


ha seer

fee aie ei



1 eet ie a



~ar Sagi ; rw od ft re "=q0 OD yin OF eseneoll
we .

% sia Elle Ai ui F ; bietOica *} & a i, 3 a oiciv tit) 7. ae! :
: aa ati ae of zl it és s00H eta agin? oct
yine of3 paw Bart dike wa:
5 ~bcos read. ofe.8 wiiig} | @NG: He alWays: suits.T
~ a! . al ~Ene 91008 " ¥ O85 ak ani bs Dae
: a i Ean nozotl ~ ts tA siwonll 3 voit

petolos eg T woe th A :

=. 31
5 a: 1ese eeit
; sad Oke ad, i vo tinbs ol oe # omits: are " eat ns
ins 2 ~ mail. be i: FSi Fs GS eo Jat 23
bS! foots £4 2 ss et! sy!
rnos:d. re co elad A aae BRED a: cctnpnibcateentiaanoeatsen et

Ta ATA AWyo' ,aastd ad yrol) df -G Yo ath ta
VILLE Neg & ix looube! sloia Jian B JOG yi Gaol pdd ago

f 2 Ortgs ific da: 5 arr ail SOP.0» ~2 ti ) a

Se ee " a #1naq Sey vee per ion leict oct

woth, Barberse. WwW. AI! de bos A uit jig BOGE , S60 je Yo ties

tigi re a) eovlr if work work, put "8

~to #QUoe! int fie! saw euuH oaa HAGE ait iw Pus
goers An =! $8 JOU eB aboos edi Dissent ye is SET Ga
A weak VE wap oh ALTE ty bas vad thee eats at
| Patronage solicited. "BOY SOND: - {se Ret

oe reese @ peal onan ae sag ent 979

aif Bi Sener

Je moths aie ated? in et

nies att Werld.

Me. R. B. Smitb, of Halifax, is

in town. 22

Mr. W. A. Wiousiag: of Hassels, |,

18 here to-day.
Mrs. Georgia | Pedrce returned
this morning from a visit to

MeN. H. Whi _ went to
Kinston last night ~ returned | y
this morning.

oMrs. W. M. Brown. iday
evening for Kinston ~te t Mre.

H. H. Wilson.

Mr. J. = Small, one of Wash-
ngtonTs attorneys, spent
baal and to-day here. T

ase H. ~Tucker, of Asheville, rood
arrived on v mer tle 5 oa. Se n.

His many friends are : plad | osteo
to see him
Rev. A. Greaves came over

from Kinston this morning and
will cunduct services in the Epis-
copal church to-morrow.

Mrs. W. P. Hall and children
1etnrned this morning }frow Ms.
Olive, where théy have rans

npendiog several weeks.
ry. ) ic| Meal

Miss Lettie McCoy,
te-cher at the 'Saatied

Friday evening to spend . ro
days at her home in LaG

Tobacco Cloth at Lake Areata

et issued licenses to six coup-
les, four white and two colored.
The whites are Hen

3 a Washington Gray and Ellen

welt insult Biosae | The win

colored re [fot

Old ~Brick
The rain oFriday nicht® washed

eroued towns Sli sg

J. L. Starkey & Co's. ee

The: horse auction
raGene large crowd
EdwardsT... stables... Several
d animals: were sold.

PAS ie


x, |

various sections of the county say
it wey tS yeu: eal

our7 Shap pea, 2a
just arrived tor sale cheap.

Kinston and) Scotland Neck|!
i jare both-talkipe:.of buildi to-
warehouses. Gaesnvilis
ee eee " wet a


oBay Cotton: ~Seed aan





oni 3


Fiidsy. sisi: sais rain ~seems. iam :.
People from | |

Greenville, x. ~pf

ly + oct iy

S.. E PENDER & 00,


eS Se ete ETP e ee

Repairing: Promptly stiended to

And Stove a ae

Daily Reflector, January 26, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 26, 1895
January 26, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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