Daily Reflector, April 26, 1895

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Vol. 1.

GREENVILLE, N.'C., APRIL 26, 1895.

Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

train going
Going South,

Passenger and mail
north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6:37 P. M.

North Bound Freight, arrives 6:45 A.
M, leaves 10:15 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives 1:51 P
M , leaves 2:11 P. M.

Steamer Myers arrives from Wash
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday.

te Sa


Weather Bulletin.
Showers Saturday.



You may talk about your street cars and

ron -idinT on the train.

But I'll take mine out in Tcycling when
there is no snow or rain 5

~Cause a feiler then goes glidinT just
like the air was greased,

AnC it fills you with a ticklinT just like
before youT ve sneezed.

Then it draws out all the sweetness and
the viger in the air,

And it stuffs it in your system and just
simply leaves it there ;

Ani if youTre sick and triflinT from pieas-
ure, work or sin,

That sorter takes and lifts you from the
hole that youTve got In.

And it makes you strong andi healthy,
and it fits you for your work,

And it makes you want to hustle in the
place of grunt and shirk"

It mates you fit your clothing, *cause it
makes you wantto eat"

Makes fat meat good as honey,
makes sleepinT just as swept.


So I donTt take no more sea-shore, with
its *skeeters and ite sand,

And the very ancient maidens who are
not much in demand ;

And when for fun and physic others
seek the mountain air,

I just,ride my old bicycle, and I guess.

I get my share. "Sam Bean.

Graveyard Insurance.

News reached here that gross
~swindles in the way of graveyard
insurance have been unearthed at
the town of Baanfort. Two farm-
ers and a medical examiner are
involved. In some cases persons
almost at the point of death were
insured, and in one case this was
done after the insured positively
refused to be a party to the fraud.

The conspirators offered the~ wid-

ow $2,000 to ticipate in the
suits against t companies- Ila
some cases the insurance was ob-

tained by means of

tions, sound men representing
tnemselyes as the assured, when

ids have


i weather. Bi:


She stood like an angel just wandered
from Heaven, .
A pilgiim benighted away fren the
And little we deemed that to mortals
were given
Such visions of beauty as came from
her eyes.

She looked up and smiied on the
many giad faces,
-The.riends of her childhood, who
stood by her side ;
But she shone oTer them alllike a queen
of the Graces,
When blushing she whispered the
vows of a bride.

We sangan old song, as with garlauds
we erowned ner
And each left x kiss on her delicate
And we prayed that a blessiug might
ever surround her.
And the future of life be unclouded
as now. -


Served by our ~oLeased� Underground

The planing-mill,of the Reinhol
Lumber Company, Lebanon, Pa.,
and $30,000 worth of lumber were
burned. Loss. $100,000; Insur-
ance, $19,000. -

The planters of Eastern North
Carolina and South Carolina
should invest in tobacco trans-
planters and save money, time
aud tabor and be independent vf
dry seasons."Winston Tobacco

The Supreme Court of Wiscon-
sin handed down a decision es-
tablishing the validity of the law
which provides that life impris-
onment operates as a decree of

legal proceedings.

child of J- T. Lupton, was

absolnte divorce without further)

Sallie Lupton, the six. year-old | "

I have bought a drummer's samples at. i

~ and will sell them at: i
5O Per Sent. Neduct

The Leader in Clothing. T


F ames

Highemith left o~here on
wheels yesterday morning at 8:15

miles in -a little less than eight
hours. They went four miles be-
yond Tarburo and came back. by
the way of bethel, reaching here
about eight oTclock last night.


North Carolina, Martin County
Superior Court. f Before N. S..Peel C*k
Dennis Simmons, plaintiff,

C W Grandy, A H Grandy, F 1. Gran-
dy, W W Hunter and wife, Sophie E

E ~Taylor, Elizabeth Balanee, D H
Carter and wife, V W Carter. J O
Guthrie undi wife, Jessie M Guthrie

W.iubbs, Trutee, John F
ed... 2d, C O Reed, Sophie E
iM Simmons, Sidney M
en, John RK McMillen, Mary E

Messrs. L. H. Pender and Zeb:
their |

oTclock and travelled sixty-three.


Runter, W R Taylor, and wife, Annie |

Cotton and Peanuts,

Below are Norfolk prices of cot
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnis
by Cobb Bros. & Uo., Coaimissiou 4
chants of Norfolk: -

Good Middling
Low Middling"
Gerd Ordinary.

Tone"barely steady.



OO wit

Extra Prime
Egys"11 ct» " Firm. oe
b&b. E. Peas"best, 2.50 to 2.75 per t
oa damaged, 1.50 to 3.75.
Black end Clay, 99 to 1,00 pet bush


Greenville Market

brids oy She wor kis the river| Mellen J WH Mary MeMil.| Corrected by 8. M. Schalts, at
ridye- e was last seen on the cr ATOR, ALY SOY 7 Ps ~chaltZ, a6
bridge about 5 o'clock yesterday " sore, and L W MeMillen, de- CE Bejes peere. Se
afternoon and missed about a| The defendants will take notice that be nhs pote o:
half hour afterwards. The river|the plainiff has begun an action against | soar tenet diame lit
was dragged and the child found |them in this court for the purpose of | Gorn " wt
near the wharf about 8 oTclock." |*elling for a division that Swamp prop-| Corn Meal - o1 B0t
Washington Messenger lerty in Martin county in which said | (;anbage eae
} - plantiff and defendants are tenants in) Piour, Family 300 to
Ayden items _[gemmon, commie. serene ve iar Ss
AypEn, N. C., April 26th."The |sisting of a track of swamp lat ibd T pothesis Fetch. ver bbl anc.
lan of the tobacco warehouse to|t#ining by ¢ timations ~fiveT thousand | potatoas Awect pet bu. 30
or iit here has been d cand |#cres, and alot of canoes, and the said | sugu et :
uilt here has be: rawn and | sofendal soled the 881d) Sagar ee 3
is on exhibition at A. L, Harring- oy office in Willecaaiton Ps 5 aah wen Je:
tonTs store. ... 4... of June 1895 and answer or Jemur to) op, fcc : 124
|. Both the tobacco fine factories |*hy uint. or petition in said action. | Egy | . |
are running on full time filling|..; ndants w teks e that | Beeswa Sirs
No people hardly seen in town)relief demanded by said plaintiffs wi
now, farmers all being at. work | be grante 1. Witness 2 y OD 3a) ° We

taking advantage of

peeks MRA a Bh Se Ee TD RSs

Ba Se eee ees ee es ae

| DAILY REFLECTOR. |end ribs are equally importsnt
factors, yet a tobacco may be
\produced posessing in the main
~all those characteristics aud ret

~be very déficiedt in Gombustibili |

q a 7 a Y. J- oWHICHARD. Editor.
j Subscription 25 cents per Month.
» (Bntered =e second-class mail matter.


-. ...



2 =D ating: Cashier, John R.
a. Wand haz fled from Char-)
tte suddenly. One thonsand|
dollars has been offer:d as al®
- reward for his capture. Som e|
_ think he has committed suicide.
3 Astheinvestigation proceeds he)
is found to bea forger as w

us a defaulter. The amounts
_ cantime to increase ulso and
_-will reach at least fifty thous-
and dollars There fs ~some
_ continue at his being allowed
_ toescape. He was at nis home
- and no effort so faras is known
| Was madeto preveat his fleeing
_ from justice.


= The Kinds Productive of Certain Re-
= sults.

@outhern Tobacconist, Richmond.)

_. The tobacco plaut p:obably
- posesses more individual peca-
liarities thaw any other plant
ander general cultivation, and
because of its pecoligeifies its
eultare cannot be engaged in with
@By measure of saccess by farm
@rs voskilled and inexperienced
im bandlivg the crop. The differ-
@nce in grode and quality of to"
bacco was recoznized at a very
_ @arly period in the hixtory of its
@ultivation and cut ea iieat rec"
_ erds of saies show'ng very differ-
' emt prices, depeodiuy almost eu-"
tirely upon quality. Notwith-
standing the early and gsneral
= BE pobuitios of difference in qual-
_-atres of tobacco, we find that
_ there is a very decided lack of in-|
tion upon the subject of |
se aint are the requisites of soil, of
fertilize tion aud of growth which
" goto make up the desired quali-

Of course tobaccos for different
Gi poses are graued upon very
iferent seales, but the bulk of.
erop is used for smvking and
god itis smoking tobacco that
rules aud «els the prices in the
market. In smoking tobacco the
avor and aroma imay be said to
primary essentials and if

~ty, that is baving a poor burniny
quality, and, in cofseguent -
\thereof, be very nearly worvhiess,
~and in order to ve used to any

advantage at all must be mixed

With tobaccu pOssessing a very
©| good combastibtiity, thas causing
ove tobacco to burn and sell theT

A goed burning tobaceo is Ore
that owill ntinue $2: glow for
some consider time after be-
ing ignited, nee ~pale, pray
or white ash and 1n cigars the ash
should hold togéthber.

There is no plant ander gener-
al caltivation that ex1n ~be wodi
~ded to a greater extent tm ome or
all of these essential qualities by
fertilization ahd cultivetion than

the tébaeco piant; aad particular.

ly is thistiue in regard to com.
bastibility. Experiments have
shown that the combustibility of
tobacco is chiefly dependent upon
the cowposition of the ash ; that
i¥, upon the proportion and com-
bination of the mineral coastita
ents of the plant.

In appiyimg rertilizers or m -
nure of course itis always desir
able to produce an iucrease in the
yield aod in geuweral that is the
plimary otject of fertilization.
and it is only in the increase of
yield that we commonly book the
orofit from the application of
wanuare. With tobaceo we find
carselves confronted with a very
~different condition of affairs, it
often being easy to prodace au
increase in tie tiefd, but the pro
duct will be of au inferior quality
and, in consequence, its total
yalue much less than it would
have been withour the fertiliza-
tion- Again, fertilizers will often
show irtic 1f awy Increase in yield,
but cause a eréat improvement
in quality, and thas giva retarns
by bringiag mure per pound than
it would have otherwise. The
Maryland Agricaltural Experi.
ment Station has been making
expétiments alung this line and
stadyipg the flect of our chiefl?
f-rtilizing element upon the -
ing habits of . the. tobacco

quality, aud

= making the texture,
ness of leaf with smail veins

burning: ee tee ~axperi:

Maryland soils, yebnave brought!

out m facts that are ual
applic to the erup whe :
tgrown. The experiments show

{the petash saits to. be -tbhe most
~potent factors in changing the
composition and quantity of the
tobacco produced. It was shown
very plainly that muriate of pot-
asb, kaivit and low grade sul

phate 6f pdtash were ubfii far use
as & tobacco fertihzer and should
never be applied to lands that
were ever to be cultivated in to

bacco; because the chiorine
which these potash salts ~centain
is taken up yecy freely by the
tobaecce piant and chlorine always
produces a tobacco with bad
burning qualities. Ou the other
hand, high grade sulphate of pot
ash always improved the burning
qualities. Carbobite of potash
(ashes) prodaces tobacco witb
ithe best combnstibility. The ap
plication of potash was in most

in yield, but in mauy cases the
increase was smail.

Phosphorié acid proved to have
but litthe direct bearing upon the
combustibility, but 1t generally.
produces a very decided increas-
in the yield. Lime and magnesia
compounds in small quantities
seemed to producé little effect
pro orcon, but in large quanti-
ties it produced a tobacco that
cared badiy and had an inferior
texture ; the dtration of glow was
considerably larger with lime and
magnesia tubacco, but iu many
cases the ash wes of a bad color
On the whele, while lime and mag-
sesia will often very materialiy
increase the yield, yet their
quality is such ¢hat their applica:
tion Canudt be recommendded,

The salient priaciples io the
use of fertilizers for the tobacco
crop may be summarized as fol-

ist. Apply fertilizers with ref.
erence tu the improvement of the
quality rather than the quantity
aod uever sacrifice gquality of
obacco for quantity-

Qud. Many things that pro-
duee marked. inerease in yield
make tobacco of iaferior quality.
3rd. Use. _coucentratéd " fertil


oP neg aces apply fottilinere.t0

tobacco that. contains "" if

cases accompanied by an increaseT

Yh orine | ory

tobacco to burn badly.
6th. Néyér apply common

suits to tobacco lands. .
7th. Donot furnish the pot~
tash of a tebacco fertilizer by
means of muriate of putash as it
prodaces a bad quality.

8th. Do not apply kainit to
tobacco or tobacco lands, as it
produces a bad quality of tobac-

9th. Do not use low grade
sulphate of potash in tobacco
fertilizers as it causes inferior
quality in the tobacvo.

10th. Bigh grade sulphate of
potash always improves the qual-
ity of tobaceo and generally in-
creases the yield.

llth. The tobacco having the
best combustibility was grown
with carbonate of potash but the
cost of carbonate often excludes
its use.

12th. Never apply lime to
laud immediately before planting
itin tobacco. In fact its bad
effects in curing will sometimes
last for seyeral years.

13th. Phosphotic acid géner-
ally increases the yield, but does
not affect the quality.

14th. Nitrogen produces in mest
elses an increased yield, but to
marked effects on quality could be

15th. Yard manure is not well
adapted to tobacco, as it is apt
to coptain detrimental chloriné
compounds and contains réla-
tively too much nitrogren and too
little phosphoriv acid and potdsh:

H. J. Patterson "

Chemist Maryland Experiment



You can buy a


at almost any price.

The Superb Columbia in 4 styles
at $100 each...

The No. 1&2 Hartford at $80 each
-weight 24 pounds,

The No. 3& 4 Hartford at $60 each
weight 27 pounds.

Thé No 5 & 6 Hartford at #50 each
weight 24 pounds.

All thiede are fally backed by
the Columbia guarantee. There
aré none other, for the price; as
eae see can get catalogues

'Colambia saat haga een ville, NO.





Superior Court Clerk, E. A. Moye.
Sheriff, R. W. King.

Register of Deeds, W. M, King.
Treastrer, J. L. Little.

«=o Dr. C. OH. Laughing-


Commissioners"C. Da-~son,
Leonidas Fleming, T. FE. Keel, Jesse L.
Smith ands. M. Jones.

SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell.
SupTt. County Home, J. W. Smith,

Board Education"J. R..Cengle
chmTn, F. Ward and R. C. oGanndn: one

SupTt. Pub, Ins., W. H. Ragsdale.


Mayor, J. L. Fleming.
Clerk, G. E. Harris.
Treasurer, J. S. Smith...

Police"W. B. James, chief, T. R.
Moore, asst; J. L. Daniel, mete

Councilmen"J. ~S: Smith,
L. H. Pender, W. J. Sowell,


The meanest man_ lives in
Guilford. He was bothered by
rats"big rats, little rats, and
rats of all kinds"and hardly
knew what to do Last week
he took a deep cold and lest all
sense of smell.
lot of rough ou rats and placed
it abont his house. Soon un
pleasant odors arose until his
family could scarcely stay in
the house, bat he was all right,
he couldnTt smell anything and
was happy for he 1s about to

_T |get rid of the pests even if in

doing so his fami ly have to
leave home.

(ee ene So
Of the 6,970 new post-offices
established in the United States
in the jast four yeurs, 4,496 are
in the South. This affords

striking evidence of the in.
crease of population in the

Pearce, nes = Soath, and of the business de-
A. Wilks, Dempey oay yelopment of .his section. ©
Baptist. ServiceaTeyery Sunday. {ex- Professional Cards.
cept i rorning and Mt, Rev. om
on ureday 0 v .
illings, pastor, Sunday School at.9-30| (YR. D. L. JAMES,

A. Me 0. D. Rouneree, "t.

Episcopal. Services ¢ fourth Sun-
day morning and night. Rev. A,
G Rector. Sunday Schoo] at 9:30

Ai M, W. 8. Brown, SupTt.

Methodist. Services every Sanday
Prayer meeting:
. F. Smith,

=} si aad tight.
night. Rey |
day School at 9:30 A. 7. A.

peer, Sem Supt.
Sedu ~pars

Hines, ere

Services -ever ygth third

Sunday. meornt and na
ca ag night te. R.. ye,
Sa Sehvol at 9:30



Attorney and Counselor at-Law,
Greenville, Pitt County, N.C. -

Practices in all the Courts.

Ciyil and criminal Business Solicited,

Makes.a special of fraud diyorce,dam-

ages, actions to recover land, and col-


Prompt and careful attention given

all business.

Money to loan on approved security.

A. M. B. D. Evans, Supt ~Terms easy:
Covenant Lodge No. 17.1. O. O, F-, LOUNT & FLEMING
meets every Tuesday night. Dr. w. H. B ATTOBNEYS-AT-Law,
Bagwell, N.G.. . GREENVILLE, BM. C.

Greenville Ledge No. 281 A. F.4
M., menees frat and third Byodsy

A.|B@P Practice in all the Courts.


w. M- Kings ". M.


"" TE TH o""


a ene mt

5 W.

$ JOB +- PRINTING f}..


Pa a omg eee Sores as yer tl
& x





er & BLOW,

aa pears Ay Aol si N.C

The Meanest Manin Guilford.

Then he got a!

S.-Y ?. Schultz



ing their yearTs supplies will tind

their interest to get our prices befo

chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete

o allits branches. | |

RICK, TEA, &. "
alwuys at LowEs? Marxert Paros.


we buy direct from Menufacturers, ena
i soe rh rere | buy at one profit. A com


always onhand and sold at ' 3 tosuit
the times. Our bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no ris
to run,we sell at a close oe

8. M. SCHULT2,
Greenville. N.C



~Greenville, N.O.

Contracts ~taken for ebibdirn
tegen " mee buildings.

usee_ chan any.
. Plan and specifications
carefully made at short notice. All
work guaranteed -firstclass in
every respect. Prices made very

The Place to. Bell ~your



oO. L. JOYNER, peor

re pp. |



4 John a H.W éoderd, ~Be.

Wileo, Bu Ge: o_Haraing re ae



ee IG
: eo Tees _

You every y day

in the month eae
: April that if

- you have

your Printing done

at the


Tt will be done right

ae #

ola Tt will be done in ty

and it always suits,

- These points are


well worth weighing

in any sort.

of work, but.

above all, things in

Your Job Printi




- exsagmemecremne Be.) carried by|


ads season. Our Stock of "


Ladies & Childrens


is the largest cheapest euer of-
Jered in this town, come and see for
yourself and be convinced.


Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace

Goods qld on }their merits! a
prices made accordingly.

J. B. CHERRY o Co.

nd |

Sureri sed?

Of course you are, and so
is every one else who sees
my beautiful Ime of gicda.

I am offering


and Laces that will astonish ycu.
For the men I make a specialty of

6: ie AWD "",,


My styles and prices will
meet any to be found.


""a nice line of "


which I will sell cheap. Call and
examine qualicy and price

. . can't be beat.
8-pountl CAN CORN... .... 10 ets.
@-pound CAN TOMATOES.. .10 ets.

and many others just as cheap.

4 Bob White� and oSporting Ciud.�

f-* D.S' SMITH. ©

neces to-day. oe: 7
Mr. Frank Wooten is beck rom

Jones county.

Mr. D. t ko -
Ap. & Senin woo Kin:

Mr) Prank | Carr, of
eounty, is in town. he

Mr. J. L. Fountain, of Falkland,
came dowa this oon.

Mr. 5B. Plemine tetarhed is
morning from Craven county-. _ «

Mrs. H. G. Jones ».returned
eke ohab idl sddakedw
J. Summerell, atAzden, spook to-|
day here.

Mr. W..H. Cox AB retarped
home from a trip to Norfolk and
W ashington-

Messrs. oWheeler Martin and
o- G. Lamb, of BS left
ithis morning. ; |

| Mr. and Mrs. 1.

la A. Cobb, of
| veal es
speongs, and. pd. little

his ~widrelng | to
' it isi it
daagh ees nid-Hown
~Thureday-eventmg-"40"visit Mr.

nd: Mrs. M.. R. Lang aud Feqar
dd home hs day, . * y
Mrs. Julian ~Tiniberlake,

sigh, came in on Thursdag/evén-

ings train to visit her parents, Mr.
ears R. R.. Cotton ~near Fatt:
= : Ls

Rev. W. B.QuUiver,-of Walming.

arses hae Reon Sistas re Bere. C.
Bopeike? apbeal ead Taome

|to- day. ry
i . } i} ft

| The serviced witch | Bi
oct pate tencde fee

io of such a

rpey, wikt r¢sulf io |b


te Secon
reg a ee

purely "Gospel seabed of the Anos
tles. His presence and work has

kate: oheen
Bente church for
lve days have


Bost CIGARS in town, leading brands|long be

atiis expectid: to arrive this eveping

hee eT

a ae

wees ick up and and Served 1 Frteh.
ga viii 3% = re bo ytils
i Fieen ia + oii Hl aethen Rie 5 tice
iy Soy ig sufe.

~ dw .
~& man neve Jetiieebseleak don. - is
aptil he Fuus for office...

There is still much erator, inthe
river bot it.is falling fast... .

e| first race - took place: this
erngop ont.at the jrack, etierret

5,000, Ni: GxskFresh Corned. Hie.
Tings just:received,..J- J, CHERRY,
Fashions seem to. takee remes,

"sleeyes w jarger . aud . boa-
pets smalfer. 4

The Southerner Bays ~the "eGbae..
co market fur ~Tarboro | ~next sea-
sou is a y

oThe oraces to-day made, ~things
look bustling around town, many
| People éoming to see them.

Fi-State SenatirT WillisT RB
Willems, of this~eounty, is fore «
man of the grand: jury of. the
Worjeral Comurt,in session at New-.


Gov. Elias CarrTs delicious Buat-
CaF; FT ocents per� pound. Come
quick/te the Old Brick Storer;

We have had a few beautifal
days.and the farmers have m
eeod use of them, gadgiog fr
the fact that so. few peuple from
the country have been seen in

Pitt County Rifles have jaa
purchased two: haidsome osnare
drums. - They. were used. for. the
first time in to-days drill, Mesers.}-
Lawrence Hooker and. Thes
Necks beiag the performers oa


- ees, amy

WTOAON | 48078

. ee

W My


ne ssi


Bananas 20 cents perT dozen or
two dogen for 35 cents, Lemons
20 cents per dozen, Apples, Or-

anges and fr-sh aie at Morris
SPheMecting =

The ~meeting oin the Baptiat i
churéh Gid not close last nighv-
The pastor, Rev. G- M. Billitge,
held aaveeee this morning and
Rey. J: H. Lamberthb, of Mt. Airy,

lg [nFINvAg



and will preach to-night. There}
will be�"� no ~servicesT tomorrow,
Qde|Satarday, bat services both morn-
ing aud evening ou Sunday.


on al

AOR ta Sg,



Daily Reflector, April 26, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - April 26, 1895
April 26, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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