Daily Reflector, March 26, 1895

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Greenville, N. C., March 26, 1895.

Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

Passenger and mail train goiné.
north, arrives 8: ry A.M. Going Sou
arrives 6:37 P.

North Bound Freight. arrives 6:45 A.
M, leaves 10:15 A. Mi.

South Bound + tine arrives 1:51 P.
M., leaves 2:11 P. M

Steamer Myers atrives from Wash
ington Mondsy, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, Thure
day and Saturdav.

Weather Bulletin.

_ Fair, colder Wedpesday moru-



What is Havpening Over the State,

A farmer near Salisbury has a
ben which has just laid two black


A marvelous find of gold is_re-
pam at the Ingram Mine, Stun-
y county. Duriug the past few
days numerous nu,gets, the larg-
est weighing two pounds, others
smaller, have been dug out, and
he supply seems stiil p-entifal.

Odd Fellows Vie:t Kinston,

The S. T. Hovuker aeeeee team
of Covenant Lodge «I. O.. F.:
report a pleasant ane to y Kinston
Monday Sdaht. The_ Odd Fel-
"_ who went down were Messrs

T. Hooker, W- H. Ragsdale, D.
F Seaaee, J. White, J. J. Cherry,
E. A- Moys, ©. D. -Rountree,_ B.
L. Humber, T. R. Moore, F. M.
Hodges, Ola Forbes, Frank John-
ee W. Hardee, S. B. Hardee,

J. ¥. Johnson, Morris Meyer, W.-
Le Brown, Zenc Brown and W.

H. Bagwell. - . After conferring the.
igs which occupied until

2 oTclock, the Kinston Lodge ser-
ved a turkey lunch.

The rookive trolley-cars have
killed 104 men, women, an.t chil-
dren since electricity waT intro:
duced asa motive power in the
summer of 1892. "

which Iam offeringat low Pipures:


That Bed Tax.

Referring to the fact that the
Hotel De Gurley made Senator
Fowler p extra bed tax, the
Sampson oDemovrat says:

oAs a matter of fastios to Mr.
Fowler individually,the Democrat
will say that he op the
tax in the Senate. But his party
favored it and levied it. Mr.
Fowler hai been ascustomed to
pay $1.00 a day at this hotel, and
could not understand the sudden
rise in rates to $2.00.�

, Building a Race Track.

A club has been organized here |-
to build a trace track and the


land of Mr. J. L. Moore on the
Farmville road, saeely one and a
half miles from town

~Edwards and R. L. Smith
ris g the construction of the!




are beyond a doubt the bent" ever stowT & here.


uae and see me.


work of laying it off hes com-
~The track will be a half
mile circle and is located on the}

~Measrs. N. H. Whitfield, Heury |

Opened up and gee A for your inspection.
styles, colors and prices. Never before have oY
had such a nice an cheap asror assortment.




Served by our Leased� Underground

The burning of a farniture
factory at Toccoa, Ga., caused @

bed | loss of $40,000.

A New York jewlery store was ae
robbed of $6,000 worth of dia-
monds in broad daylight.

Fire in the St. James Hotel af .
Denver yester damaged the
hotel to the amount of $50,000.

J. W. Haggerty, city treasurer " .
of Manniagton, W- Va., abot and
killed himself yesterda:
short $1,700 in his

Rev: Dr. William Browa
professor of ancient I la
Roanoke Coll ;
dead from ~pop oxy:

~The stores present a le 3
acene now, 80 many new goods
are being opened. ,

Subseciption: 25 cents per Pronth.

_| (Emtered as second-ciass mailceg tey id

\rise cotton has been selling 3 at

8 ato ee te O69 Sh sodki Tt pa a:

l sire. 1 Ton Meal. ~tor

quick or you will be

= recur f the fa
bee aceecae _& 2 resrrence oF She ar =. oHENRY ~SHEPP sn,
q iD Ww "iisitsSac 3 mec A 2: 2 5 eB ee .*,
o lofgaoh, the =. hon ESTABLISHED 18%5...:

to be ever thus that. our people

i+" a 5
Cr athena: o2 se Midi, 1 sae sak Cl | ise ON: hos chultz
s ah a 4 h¢
See n- aa = pei at THE th. diet
tective jation, ade it, that)
following aqdregs: TE pecs eet | ~BRICK STORE
Ply or cents witht
oTo the oi and I state}, 2
aa Gill al, en men er : Shen te hc Neel s ee pot chalet
ace by to vet ot cés ere pu
~ _ strategic thovetent be nt eerie Bos oe : ais w he bet | chasing sianlichita: Seis iscom}y dete
tiem. into the. saicid en pete : fxtle othe a all its brane hes.
_ in! e ida ~oan ~ na oover othe mortgag yg
tingacaint geaago in : =| PORK § SIDES&SHOMLDERS,
ae me
" _! cent RICK, TEA, &c.
ges = " ~
ore gud pee ee Lae Ba ob al + .wivwiys at bow gs? MAREET PRICES.

would bave been lower ts ood
e beep, and ny, erie
season is | ~at Ba

tape is Sabétantisll+: out. reat

hands of the farmer; these gentle

bent eletmeRefor bortsy ie

us and

ae lao 4

season for poking our crop this

= tet
banaly nay & era nittih fos thetelow


ETT aVGraperr Unters verte,
and though p.2e,4pay make a
smaller crop che ensuing seasou
vf 1895 96. if we have a yuiny or

while cotton was moving in

ta ee PE
of running: veiues up aimply as a
dicice to induce the farmers to
vlant_more.cotion. than possibly |
inténded. .


oI warn the farmers of theT Mee ie all Srovabal it sea
South that the price of the last) spade. lower, and may b oPillts

few days'is fictitioas. It ois the

product of a conspiracy of men
to systematically rob the produc-

er of his legitimate. gaaus .1t is Vt

of 1881, when we hada super

dance of the poerer qualities.

last Season, andT its classification| .

baye a recorrence of. thie� hebeon 4


weTbuy airéect ftom 'Wanufdevtrers, ena
bling Sati ty ~Bay at Lone profit. idol peo
plete stock of .


-yaonband and soid ut prices te suit
oh times. yi zoods areal) vibe and
sold for CASE ~therefore, haying no risk
to Truh,we selt atT a ~close nner gto.�

Réspecifully, wy Te
S. M. SCHULT 17,
Greenville. N. Cc


br Oorratted: bp: me Me Pehle, rat the
Ol@ Bricks $tore: ; ;

« e é

conld then expect thu samhepBettdr, per tb ««! wo «bed 9 to 25
.»& delasioa,aad a snare.. to. catch relative Fi, eg the 8: ade Buen oe Tam sa, ¢60;t0. a
the uususpecting . faemer, baaer | which. eae af, course. * aK nies ae eured ams | argdee .
: rene aim into the toils of th-| considerably . reduced Fouls |Bo +! oMeal 2 LO 5 to RO
er ree-milnon surplus, sO - \from the whole, @rop- abbage «© és 3c? gees Biteais
thal tu ree? down values fower| oJ iny "Ai +h Sit HE Flour, Famiy ae B00 N0 340
jast seagbn ~with an Tucreas- rf

tention of eotten growses: to ~this}



ed surplus on baud © ious sebeme and ada ta " eee
| ress ag ks fii per bot ogit
u oDet tue pe ple Dewvasit iS Ai von this letter as-.a: cavdéat; tbat) Potdtods ste be UO BU te
5 baut to catch these who. wili--bite- vou = poli paaes ney iby. -biais' Sugar! ryt: Hi tqptt ft dunetl. 5
ong ane rie legitiamte twolf imi sheep's clothings: or, in| Rese Feige ee ide nag tsar -
ee PONS 5 ny pis cFesorT toby er -words,: this ~heetnis ohplllt Bhickens osenid ©: ap * 20734 30
bs vr. pion Bae, RM edpthing 6: i 11k to bueil eggs pen don «9081 vores!
bie Gins © ah scx8 . » pt Chios 1 Deol 3 Sala 3 : 23
Reset ta Se Whee
Big ~~ fo 1S SOs @EgBo
eWALBOBVi hides: 8 © 4 ew Tdpted
Jern«t *Minks Curt Tex a adinee te

or& ,poas

naeh 46 CAPITAL $100,000.00.

_ Supecribed vy twenty sanieallate whoer LER, repr esent. over Frye sini OF


oDIRECTORS : : J. ~Ss. ~Spencer, x "D, Latta, ~Wm. E Holt, ~D, a: Worthy D
MacRaé- Lawience S - Holt, Saniuel McD- "Pate. ~James sp. | ae
awi J- Mardack :ks Holt, Bennehan Cameron, A Bee

: fe J. yan pindiey., 4, mrs Scott, E.. Ra

WortT Ui.
MaAllisher, Seprctary and Cevpeurer.

eat cart &

whey our | fey éxpires ~See that it is yenewed in PHE, SOUTHERN sroor|

MU TUAL iN Aiindtenesaie Cx badioeds

? . i @

i's role er are ies promin oAlhpresiie exoeptia | re
Nad returiicd & the aera |

y-holders are hoa-eaeeeanly.

ae fav = Tera, N, 18 1 oad |

rs aw 8K

Sawye a = Ss.

ar f,-

EL P. pT oth View Prccidenbt As W.

oy : - BS

i Paes ; oi a
mi ee

= OE EY Set RE


~ Professional Cards.

~R. D. L. JAMES,

chants of Norfolk : oe ot. Mew Selma? |
rr ~y GRBEEN VILLE, ng ja
de a8 f * th. Ms ¥ ~j COTTGR. - is Ar.. Wilsgn
~Good Middling a EI a "6 3-16
Low Middling .. sagen Ge Te Ubs1 - :
Good Ordinazy 55 eeseeccices HH BIB] pace inc sled le

pes� Practice in all the Courts.

~- : Bri ivG aeene . inf 8 a
: MP fas to a ee ve lg} Lv Goldsboro 1 9 40.-
1. C. LATHAM HARRY SKINNE f'35 54 P . hee o2 ce Wild ~ 140
ATKAM & SKINNER, Fancy rime | soled oes Siders Aen Pee te sé
Spanish. . ; . ree. ai} £% age tdi fs B 5 og
ArronssypaTlAy? | , Pone"stdady. ~~ ~ vl @ Rs
GREENVEULE: N. -)Bgys=dulbat Setsso - lade 41 Al.
iH. . Peabé"besty: 2,50: to 2.78 ere Phage: ae mera] Te
Zz tpi! Sou aepagedsck Wito 1280c jo" |B. Me. My
THOS. J. JARVIS. ALEXL.26.0 " Black ange Clay. o 1.00 per bushel.� Lv 7 Wilsén 1:30)°° ~|1PS32r 10 32
yAnvis & Bxow, 4 Winnie os pee pt. jade meoky Mai: op Pp BBeps x 1207) TP 16
it: x It | ipete Aces ri re 2 hae
ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, AL 2) dav Terborw- t
: mj - () aM) [Ly Rocky Me Ta"

wees & HARDING,

| by Cobb. Bros. &. Co.) Coa mission Her-

ee a34 et 3° 4

Cotton ent Péanute:':
. Below, are Nort
dnd peanuts. for yes erday, | as . fur nished


me: 7 E WILMINGTON, a : ul

~Mar, 25,

| ene Weldon
Ar. irc sible 3

eS =

ud Tarboro

tiv Wilson
Lv Selma --. | 2.
Ly Fa ~tteville 4
4Ar-Florence |".

- Rocky, Ma ae

ae on a a ss :


Lv Wit: bax

Ly Golishoro
|by Ma ach
- ASH ningion|


prices of, yotton

an eee
pa ita.


* Pe

Ly aor! ce |.
Ly Fay waar ieae

-. }LwXfilmington}

ht oHPLM,
feat tat a see 1} .

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bea we

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Ge ee er ee ee ee er een i

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6 2 ee ee ae




Not oft of Shad, But Whales Caught
in the Reflector Net.

This has been a real March

Oh, those shirt-waist silks at

- Buy Cotton Seed Meal at the
Old Brick Store.

DonTt torget to hand your
subscription to the carrier.

A large sign has been painted
across the front of the King

Mrs Bettie Taft is having her
residence on corner of Second
and Eyans street painted

For Cotton Seed Meal and
Halls and Shingles call on Henry
Sheppard. Prices low down.

Trv ore of thosre splendid Par-
ker fountain pens at Reflector
Book Store and you will be
pleased with your purchase.

DonTt forget the pretty line of
tablets and box papers at Reflec-
tor Book Store when you want
something nice to write on.

(A whisper to Ledies only).
Go to see the beantiful silk and
wool crapeons and other novelties
in dress goods at LangTs.

The young ladies of the Bap-
tist church will have a oBonnet
Party� on Fridav evening and
from what they tell us it will be
very interesting. _

Eggs tonk a fall Monday after-
noon~"in the vicinity where the
colored salvationists were harang-
uinge- The audience scattered
under the shower. Throwing

eggs was not the correst atep to

take to express disapproval of the
presence of such a crew. :


. as T
Rev. A- Greaves left for Kins-
ton last night.

Mr. A. R. Dupree went
Richmond to-day.

Col. J. W. Johnson, of Oklaho-
ma City, O. T., is in town.

Mr. H. G. Jones arrived from
Scotland Neck Monday night.

Mr. J. H. Blount returned
Monday night from Elizabeth

Mr. Charlie Harrington return-

6d Monday night from Scotland

Mr. H. C. Edwards went to
Norfolk this morning to buy

Rev. C. M. Billings will preach
in the Methodist Church Wednes-
day night.


Messrs. D. W. Hardee, D. 8.
Smith and 8. B. Hardee left this
morning for Norfolk:

Miss Rosa Arthur, of Holly Hill,
Craven county, is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. W. B. Bargess, in

Miss Jenne Burgess, who has
beep visiting her brotuer, Mr. W.
B. Burgess, returned to her home
in Washington to-day.

Conductor Jones had charge
of the passenger train Monday
evening in pixce of Capt Hawks
who is off for a brief spell.

Cept. John Saseer, of Goldsboro
has been spending a few days
with his daughter Mrs B. ¥.
Sugg, and returned home to-day.

We regret to learn that Mr.
B. FP. Sugg, who has been off on
a business tour, is quite sick at
Mt. Olive. Mrs. Sugg left this
morning to attend him.

Mr. P. G. Howe, ing
the Howe Enzine and p Co.,
is bere trying to sell a fire engine
fathers wiil named a trade

wien wayr = jn

_ _ o gt be zt 6 :

' &

ij :

: j Pe tide '

45 5

ist, 2nd,

General Admission,

The finest collection of Wax
Figures ever shown under a tent.


are for sale by


And Stove Dealers.

The Place to Sell your



O. L. JOYNER, Prop.,



- Greenville, N.C.



ee Beg ee a re i Nien Re kg aa gee SR Oe kg ee 2. ee
ede Ua ates iteng eR 2

Daily Reflector, March 26, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 26, 1895
March 26, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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