Daily Reflector, November 13, 1895

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Munford Ts.



@ |225,000 pounds. lin

A Series of Articles on a



Some Interesting Facts About Green
ville Now and Greenvile Five
Years Ago.

Whether there was much mon:
ey made we don't know, bat we
do know that some of our mer-
chant buyers found that they knew
more about handling ® cotton
crop than they did a tobacco crop
and soon left off baying tobacco.
Daring this year by bard work

and the expenditure of a good =e " T
deal of money the market sold| bere- Greenville sold during this

1892 the| ¥°8F 2,235,000, The fourth vear
built |Of the market opened ausp~scious,
ly. Still another warehouse was
built by Forbes & Moye, but we.
could not get prise room. The
American Tobacco Co. wanted
a five story building aud Messrs.
manently establish thet firm on Hooker & Bernard that. if
this ssarhick: When the market|*be Company would agree to take. |
opened that year we had in ad- the house for two years they,|
dition to a few of the buyers of would built it. Thisthe Amer-_
the previous year Mr. RB. W. ican Company very naturally re -
Royster, who during this year fused to do not knowing anything | !
worked had and helped to hold about the market. The house bed |
up the market which sold 1,225,- to be built and we could get ro.
000, an increase of s million one to do it unless the rept was.
pounds over the first year. Prize geuranteed for at least two years.
room was very much needed now |S° m order to get the house M-.
We had two warehouses and two J. W. Morgan, G. F. Evans and
ise | could be |O- L. Joyner
induced to build a prize house ment guaranteeing the
and as & lust reaort the Greevville/*wo yoars- During this year sev-
forward and@|eral more buyers came to Greer-
i whose names and their iden

ee annette


ville and thus the American To-
bacco Co. was established

Eastern Warehouse was
and run by Joyner & Heilbroner-
They aiso built the leaf factory
now owned by J. N. Gorman &
Co., on borrowed money and sold
it at a sacrifice 1n order to per-


but best is kept

Subscription 25 cents per oonth.

oBatered dr vecond-cmse mail matter.


matter in charge baye commen~);

ced active york at ite
erection ofa mobumeit fn Ric
they will be oready
corner stone laid mext May dur-

ee 2 Ha 8

_E Get the ris Rigen the}

by UA Sitch gegpeias -wp- interview need

~ tisement as news matter.

without the knowled,e and cons

ee ee vor

in many pevet ek Ehecepantry

_| hitherto cangid alison peepgspicable.
| Washington an reRon

aaa and if be bh
dew&e to aoehe
of iP per

reveages bh b ade
eiecifen su


a 6





but Ww ® ever

to it. It i
sary that a person
Tae oe epee the



Below are Norfolk
and peanats for yester

" of cotton
ay, as furnished
md Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-

apts of Norfok


Good Middling 8 7-16

city. er attack the weak or the|� ar ay small e109." tal Sow Mita x
. To eee T? Fs u -
. : ay Atgument. et?) w Good Or yu .
Now it isi i on@r vidicaje-unles~ There is one, boar it iu ee a ry
Yankee up io Ne ~Yor : there is sowe a bsclute Lai pe-|Man Ts life. Payee of his} pime ANUTS
has secured a petens ar , Wyn Ahe deligague | Extra Prime *4
corr ot Se) ee ae pfipepge, and alithe | osncy s1ba
advantages in that no macilage is : 0 not believe they Het nga pose ioe a: a - ra pone "easy. J £5
~ased, and it is ss eligi Lana iit } nor She only eae mg : ol oat as
tc manufacture. This is done by VIL 8u t your :? woe ve a ae, me ie g| Greenville Market.
aveone. Bat + not oor all lige Peni f vate 5.the t SPOT
ee Cee ee eee nee a ~met wre ta te adele net! bred ¢ at. tg Western Sid : 7
| ; } c . oy * 16 , es
» CoP EEA ape cd nth, SEE | bat tuss cateideteric. oe}! hbig boys i tah As voy BYR Sugar cured Hams 12 to 134
fo mPTIE Abb VewE kk6w ddd BB tm, the ome Bie Sh ere Meal 50 to 83
drawn withogjearing the paper. uaverAat Hibs if ranch 28 Bes Bent °° ne oye $9 femur, Pari 4.00 to 450
It 18° also that not being erT hers ~* 8 bE pResd beeen 4 Fare Oats , : 53 to 10
3 teobniral lifeT dua i Ser aed food BBY, ie 2 verlhjSart, vito
eacl vel containing Eos * t
eS | of BarT pendatter 2 vdetiretOt love tras 8510173
mig ch (py mai =O will be Betti (Hair'the� privédtT6 nah Aa: HE, af ont a 64 eee rma o124 to 20
= be dak cot ate as(i- newest. - Hee ee Bsr = ee hee per doz 124 to 16
ow) ten 2 Weaker: homevdesa a Obra oky BP ands what Beeswax. per :
ops * | Uviverift f8°T atitiet}; toh, 2 "

, pg! 3 mt mag "
ee set Toh eth ee 15. LOOT,
Eee geet et
oI? Weve? Held & bderyi'"'! foo aTs RE aaah _ |

TL HOM Yash WeT thé" C8 atte realy {af Seonce 3° SECrERE } emulate iimbas
are ~a garwoad to re oe t i oe 2. btly fu de
. Stat sagraw te GIIY | NORY
ia "forte SH a Ba Bare {Pit : |
i. 7 8 «Si, gen b WILMINGTON. N. C.
} apoken are. ae This Laund nest work in
" gl ; caw & ~be South, a p are low. We
, ¢ 2a ae ~wt bed » /4 ake shipments eyery Tuesday. Bring
) ; pee . _|your work to our store on Monday and
eT eee toe afresh gg tari Pye spyery promptly. Prices
ave Betts
os pou =F FANS OOS. 5 Greenville Collegiate
. Try 7 20) ops BOs edi oy

3 tid} ods « ds ow tons owit a Institute.

) Serr bi? iy area . S.D. Bagley

io es oh ce ine e Thtog ~wil eon

a ~ n

Real edt ay S976, co 180% mid MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.1895. All
~~ ing ~ ead good hoses Alans oOFK | Ree, ll: Branches, fon opee Mp
; te atiég! 3 i2 so! Bl em a ieeruetion
ete UF oBey Sa aéoriead | oro reasonable. g be bat Kind.

Pocpivet-Glase ylnee 2 desired. | Calisthenies

i aidides§ hei Prin-

Pena Greet.ville N, C.


: uiis. S. DELLA rae Pa WE
ive SigionT baned Sige
epot aout ~Bie
_ if na a oun a
icons? f$tnon ari BY oP ee o-
a3" eat 3 di osebsons) a
; ates Bae
p. 4 S39
23 mets 25 |.
£ib oss
se oF . « BOE
on , - eect
a= Be
= Basso Chile ~
ee oi, Sab!
318.0. Sal, oPasee
ota = 23 |pottt af
Loe BSS Horses,
i ft i 52S | Cotten
Soa Be zg | Cth
P oo e.
aa ae waar M? weer * Es am 5
~ete UFE & Cigo RS ik ; KG QF
wi pbyodirect fro MaautnctureTs, ena we ta he bya ee
og you to buy af date protit, /A com ae .,Mikha 3 =
toe of : Bm -
bw Mente crea} ayitis ral :
=. SB : . a6 Through gb Pulim men Bait, Seen Cass
as : ~Be | Washington; R.-G-and_
i ee Portsmeuth, Virginia.

om, En er one QUGTELO IO
Perk rs k at.
e ormance Sahat eee Afternoon a bites at and pa 1p nt i Weldon. Raleigh, Southera Tinea ae, ©.

hester,S. Ci, aaiptaboe Athena, 2

. Leave
31: 12e reed 2s iio BS REL oe rivé Ataposte : 5:90 A
hee. oon oft Sepoot win | Bit mate T Cheap. Excorsion mt, nex ay ed Sangh ey
| 233 Apes e oe ' nvon, 3 20 P. * Arrive "Atlante 4.09

ae a = = P fiz ani ts ss can is testa soe - M., » Qext a _
Th ww S BARVIO po Sf ALES bh BLOF po cues PEEK. ) Tn xl4a BE fin ¥ ak al siwiil ipa -
~| ona BLOW, 4 epee ase [BOARD ATR LINE.

| ATT OH HY BAB: bs LAW: nw Head se Ae

ah. aiken
ue ot ae ~all the branche

The �,�
ooa ~GREEN VITLE N.C! 1° furshahed oape
Gi Syamapesge = and benrd We Pra tes Oo renee Ageatiot thé »

for er errr ey ie Sa Tit

ae ene |: ~WiBGLOVER, 1.504 NDERSON,
ners PAPE ah fae aah L pean a Gan" Past Ast

if Sa qyeses. apes (eBT. AO BN,
wo sis KBEN L8,, . Ge: tehT a Waits� na! Sr BARA. le
; eo pier ores og, ane Viaad Bpee� Be Generel. PMA FRY...

HES. ?aa ae O° Chaney om am re betwe gan� Bpiace ater fore a
Neat SEIN Ne Ry Wet oa gecko Hoon Seana

none ate ow - | Reser or Rate Siahedules
Bi, ty a gO erate pe PAR Sa ats
et, Fa ej shartandbalgouda aseeag tue id eee
Aca a

Jat. MOBRES,: a0. 6: CAMPDELA,:

| Rebiaaa a MR


~The Baltimore Clothing Store

I invite you to inspect my beaatiful



Gents Furnishing Goods

I will be mighty gisd to wait on
you and smew to you my stock.
You wil Be surpeiceed to hear
my Lew Prices that I reduced
simee I boaght my Low Tarif
goods. 1 will give the benefk to
you just te build me up a trade

in Greenville, WU.
Be sure to come to see me for these

Goods most be sold at

_ ever ou the morning train to

Rer. E. C. Glenn, of

Gay with friends here.

T. K. Randolph left this
New Orieans auJ from the
Ceatrai America to join his

Mra. S. C. Wells and two ¢

McD. Holliday, of this county, to Miss)
Pletemce Harper, of- Dann, oun De}
ember 18th.

M. ©. Biount, of Bethel, Ret. BL. Davis

lot of viamend
flaid made, and
at Reflector

The westher is missing a right prety,
chance to sgow. _

aod W. M. Lang. ot Formeee. oot ©

P, H. Pelletier, of Newbern,
dem of the Greenville Lauber
pany, spent Tursday here looking over;

ing train. He expressed hfmisel? as
9 well pleased with the splendid work of
the new mill.

mile this side of Grifton. A log
the engine neseding witér
uncoupled aad started dewn to
the | at Grifton w take on a
sapp A work train was load"
ing with gravel this side of Grif-
tom end the engine of. the
train ran ~uto it, derailine s

ears and knocking them over in
the cut Nove of the crew were
~burt, the only damage being to/T
OTB tbe cars and engine. A wrecking

clear thetraca. The south botad

oe freight and passenger trains were |on
YWYyTT aees both held here until the track
wi pe fo eel Wednes"| The had weather this week bas been
day Aydea Friday of each|giving the tobacco warehouses light

the improvements tnat have been @ adel shildren e especially.
around the plaot and lef&e on the mlT?

* Sere anc witli remain through the
&, ziving cwo performances dail.

. promise an interesting program
Faerie cight and invite the ladies aud
You willjget twe



large prize houses were built by
O. Hooker, and one by Forbes

& Moye. The Star Warehouse
@#as built by Rountree, Brown &
Oo. and the EasternT was en-
larged to nearly double rte for-| ¥
mer size. Already the four ware- | Salt
houses have sold nearly 4,000,000
pounds and itis not overestima-
ting it to say by the close of the
five dud «a half or six
pounds and daring the next sum-|REYNO
juer we hope to soothe Amorionn| eet
bacco Co. erecting a stemmery| DOAt
here. We confidently look for
the early establishment here of

will come factories and :
other branches of industry

never thought of nor never)"
dreamed of Eve seirs ago. ~


= ov a eS ee : a _

? 4
o P
ya ¥
= me ra ie
ber ®
i ey ote yah

re |


Find and
Sumee Chitdrgns Fs ~in famed

al Nar a

oand Table Oil Cloths Wee Cur-
tains, Curtuin Polés and Fixtures,

Valiscs, Hand

, and a stock
that will sur-

Pe phasiipend price Bobp\ esd

Fig "Groceries

Late, Sper, Moiasn Molasses,


some of the largest tobacco frmalRot é
the continent and with o these| triesT

8 i

Daily Reflector, November 13, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - November 13, 1895
November 13, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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