Daily Reflector, October 2, 1895

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| The reports of correspondents of
ithe Weekly Weather Crop Balle-
tin, issued by the North Curolioa
State Weather Service, tor the
week ending Saturday, September
28th,1895, continue to be unfavor-
able. Tue extreme heat snd dry-
ness coutinued until cooler weatb-
er set in Ou Friday aud Saturday.

The mean terperature for the
tira. tive days averaged 13 degrees
~per day above the normal.
~Drought cuntinues unbroken and
is greatly dawaging all fall crops.
Streams and wells are very low.
Peanut-digging bas commenced
and corn is being gatnered in.
Very fine and large crops of fod-
der und hay have been saved.
Fall plowing still at a standstill
for lack of raiu-


Extremely hot, dry weather
contiuued until the very end of
the week. when cooler weather
setio. Tue droughtis unbroken,
no rain Lavine fallen anywhere
except nea: the extreme eastern
coast. All late crops are suffering
|from drought, especially peas,
~potatoes, turnips and young rice.
~OUstton ripened prematurely aud
matty leaves aud young bolls fell
off. Cotton is being rapidly pick
ed out now. Corn is dry enough
to gather and is being housed.
More fodder and hay have been
saved than for years. No fall
plowing done.


Gea. William Mahone, of Vir.
ginia, hus suffered a stroke of
paralysis and 1s in critical con-
diticn. . :


Your judgment: by

offering you something .

for nothing. Good Clothing is always worth a
fair price. We spare no pains to give you the

best at a small profit.

The King





- To the farmers of Morth �,�arolina. -


That I will be at the following named places for

the purpose of selling Farm

Rights for my improved inethod of haaging tobacco"xnown as the Loop

String Patent.

By a vremature explosion in
a Misouri rock quarry five pevo"
ple lost their lives.

The Valley Mutual Life [asur-
ance Company; of Staunton, Va.,
has failed. Their business was

Our line embraces Biou F. Rev-
nolds fine makes for Men. Zieg-
ler Bros. and E. P. Reed & Co.'s
for Lad-es and Children. Alsoa
full line of cheap and mediam
SHOES at old prices although
the manufacturers have male an
adyance of 25 per cent.



transferred to another company.

Oh! those Capes at LangTs.
They are from 18 to 40 inches
long"and 100 to 135 inches
sweep. |

oSouthern Leader,� best cigar
in town, at D. 8. SmmithTs.

This is the month for fairs and they

are being talked and «udvertised all

By snother vear Pitt ought
county fair..

around us.
to have a

Patented by P. B.
duly assigned to me as appears of Record ia the Patent office of
the United States at Washington, D. .

Farmer Oct. 2%, 1889, and by him

~The very low rates

made below will hold good until Oct. 2), 1895, to wit:
For Five Acres or less, $3.00. Fora greater number than Five Acres, $5.00.
I shall be glad to meet the farmers in persun at Greenville, N. C. (Wednesday

and Thursday, Oct, 2d and 41rd. Tarbor»,
4th and 5th. Rocky Mount, N. C Monday and Tuasday,
Wilson, N. C., Wednesday and Tharsday,
Fridaypand Saturday, october llth and 12th. Parties who prefer to purchase "
Farm Rights at once, or who cannot meet me at an
O. on -Danville, Va.. or by

remit at my ri-k by P.

dress at Laurel Grove, Va,, and Rights

jng please state number of acres grown this year.



N. C., Friday and Saturday Octo
October 7th and 8th.

October 9th and Iv.

of the placed named,
egistered Letter-to my
will be promply sent by mail.



Arden Nelson (c»\.) who has

been a on pilot Tar river fora
vumber of years, in fact the oldest,
died in our city yesterday. He
ran on a flat before ever a steam
boat was known on Tar river.
"Washington Messenger,


Lang's. ee 4
For a good smoke try oSouth-

ern Leader� at D. 8. SmithTs. "

The outlook is that tomorrow will be
a file day for the races, with the excep~
tion of an abundance of dust. ce

. Oetoder "
Louisburg, N. C, |

In writ- ©

A full line of Boys Clothing oe


making such an

L =

Subscription 25 cents per Month.

"Entered ss second-ciass mail matter. brought against


move the case.

the proscution ima case to be

|looks onTthe surface that he
afraid to face what might be

Judge Green, who was presid-~
ing, denied the motion to f-

e is T° =
,..| MRS. DELLA GAY; Proprictress
his record.} Conyenient to depot and to the to-|

bacco warehouses.

Best and highest location areund
reenville. Splendid mineral water.
Rooms large and comfortable. Table

supplied with the best the market af

The question of the opening

of the Atlanta Exposition on
Sunday was settled ata meet"|
ing of the directors on Mouday
evening. The vote was over-~
whelmiugly against having
the gates open on Sunday.
This is al] right, snd shuws that)
our Southern capital city pro



Once Fanny bought six yards ef cloth
| To make a pair of sleeves,

|The lot those great creations take

Is more than one believes

And when the gown washalf worn out
| This - irl of dainTy taste.

To bloomers soon reduced the sleeves
And threw away the waist.

Terms ressonable.

Greenville Collegiate

*oREENVILLE, N.C. S.D. Bagley,

A. M. Principal. With full corps of
Teachers. Next seasion will begin

poses to respect the LordTs day. And now along the ocean sans the EKuglish Branches, Aneieut aud
Whosoever ,honcreth the! She trips, so fetching cute, waaae anguages. Music will or
. sy T her bicycl } ~ 1�,�@ conservat ,

lord. him will the Lord honor |For shes cae wid tei ha eee) by a graduate in music. Instruction
: : de a bathing suit. thorough. Discipline firm, but kind.

and we pene wt will a eee and mae ~ New York Journal. Terms reasonable. Art aud Elocution
with this Exposition. This will be taught, if desired, Calisthenics

shows a marked difference be-|
tween Chicago and Atlanta and|@REENV
between the north-west and the!
South as regards the Sabbath

t """
- AmMammoth meeting has been SOTATIONS
. . * J AT N .
held in Chicago expressing 2

sympathy for the Cubans. Res. | Lugs"Common
-elutions were passed asking the ~Good
United States-to recognize as) o Fine
belligerents the men whv are Cattters"Common
fighting tor their freedom. A_ . ocuae
large number of organizations!


free. For particulars address the Prin-
cipal, Gree: vile N, C.


Male Academy.


310 4|
ey |
4 to % | The next session of this School will
7 to 10) begin on
8 to li)
0.13 MONDAY, SEPT. 2, 1895
15 to 27: T Sl! T

jand continue for ten months.

were represented, and many'}
telegrams and letters of appro- |
valofthe meeting were read/an

Cotton and Peanuts.

Below are Norfolk prices of eotton |} bl
d peanuts for yesterday, as furnished |Feasonadle.

The course embraces all the branches
ustally taught in an Academy.

Terms, both for tuition and bear!


8-17. Schultz



ing their yearTs supplies will tind
their interest to get our prices befcre pu.
chasingetsewhere. Qurstock is complete
n allite branches.



we buy direct from Manufacturers, pna
bling youto buy at eae protit. A com
wéte spock of

always onhund and said at prices stosult
jhe times. Qur goods area bought and
sold-fer CASH therefore, having norisk
to run,we sell at a chése margin.

3. M. SCHUPz,.~+menvitte. N C

The ce a

Daily Newspaper in

North Carolina.

The Only Six-Dollar Daily of
its Class in the State.

. \by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer| Boys weil fitted and equipped for:
from prominent men- Every | phavcs of Norfok : business, by taking tlie -aesdemic .
available foot of space in the) on | Course srone. Where Si al aie to
. { COTTON. }pursce a higher course, this schoo
hall was filled, aad every sen. Good Middling 8 15-16/uarantees ~thorough preparation to
timent of sympatby for tne Cu, Middiirg 8% enter, wih credit, any College in North
|Low Middling 8 3-16°Carolina, or the State University. It
bans was cheered to the echo | Good Ordinary 74 refers to those who have recently left
It is not believed, Lowever, that! Tone"steady. atemmentet the truthfuluess of this
the United States will ae PEANUTS. 7 T Any young men wth character ani
with the insurrection. : 4 moderate ability taking a course with
Extra Prime 3 us will be aided in making arrange-
= = | spanish $1 3 ments to cuntinuue in the higher school-.
7 | Pee ere: | The diseipline will be kept at its
Some months ago the Ww il |= ne"steady | present staudard.
mington Dispatch criticised ° | Neither time por attention nor
- : 4 rk will b ; uke this ~
some of the acta of Mayor Fish-; Greenville Market. sr paps cotmen? make this scnool
blate, of that city, whereupon Corrected by S. M. Schulte | For further particulars see or ad-
the Mayor had the editors of Batter, per lo 15 to gx | Tess W. H. Ragsp ine,
that paper indicted for crimt: | oe Bit me = iol (July 30,1895. Principal.
nal libel. When the case was Cor, 40 to & | "
brought up befere New Han-; Own Mell ~ xi 0 65 Barbers.
@ver-court. on Monday, the LardT " 83 to 10] = "
Mayor bad presented an aifti- Sugar 40 fo 38 AMES A. SMITH,
davit asking for a removal of | Coffee 16 to 25/- aCe incclpidgi 6
~Salt per Sack 1 UO tol 75 REENV » Ns
the ease to another county OP Chickens (23 to 20; @@ Patronage solicited.
. | 4
the ground that he did not be~) Eggs per doz 10 to a3 "
= . -, Beeswax. per iz ' wrt .
lieve he could get a fair trail Kerosene. 11} to 15 SRGERT OMNES: -. =
in his own city and _ cotinty. pieced, mae ery sh Dn �,�f°Under Overa House.
This seems rather unusual for Hine. des Seed 6109 Special. attention given to cleaning

Gentlemens Clothing.

oFavors Limited Free Coinage
'Of American Silver and Repeal
jot the Ten Per Cent. ~Tax on
State Banks. . Daily 50 cents
per month. Weekly $1.00 per
year. Wma. H. Ba RNARD,

Ed. & Prop., Wilmington, N.C.

oJ . L. Starkey & Co,



This Laundry does the finest work in
It south; and Pticew are low. oWe
wake shipments eyery Tuesday. Bring
Ngo bd our store on Monday and
tw ' forwarded promptly. Price~
! piieation |

ists TQ) ished on app


ersatz oeae a SHgoet J 12% 28a adticok a Es
(OFT Qtaira . ooo agg Tpaever saievda. HA ALEX, 0. BLOW:
~te , oy

= _ a * = a , ATTORN R¥S-AT-LAW,

Denese ot Bate: M. icing. ATLANTA, GA. aren n .
oeeene Dh een September 18th---Décembe- sith, 1885. EUR 2 sp wo rede
Coroner, Dr. Cc. OH. Laugbing- p 5 + tie jisi biitiens T¥ Gels sere aa
us e ; eL 1D ie% DRA ZRE
For the above occasion the Southern ~Bailwa: ; il w-rate roun and Connselor at-Law
rip tickets to-Atlahta, Gavngd reagan oe ithe ads mat as a rewrite Fits, Comment. G-
""T " " ote nnn mn " ""_" Civil and Uriminal Busintes Galieite2. =
aera $5, i by ch gf 4 Makes a special of a a
weatth. DP. 40! FROM A | OB -C | D jE |sges.actions to recover iand, and eol-
y nt a. W. Smith. " "" = "_ : "_""! lection ; :
Sent: Mannix Heme. 7- W- Smith. | itexmdria, Va..c.......05c0- veveie ees 496 DBiI9 28) 2. 4 G0i2..8 i
wit orth of Tesphers"1 rof.| Asheville, N. C..........--.-c cc cee oe. AE OBES Oo MOR EBT eb loan |
oe eee rlington, N.C... 2.22206. 2eee ee 8 TONS PU...) 8 6B... 4 is edby.
. on ""_"_" keville, Wa..... ceoeeeee a}, Ae. +2. ARORA OEEIS 2 94° 963 eseoe [OP ea bo
SFPTY prpcens, ~ S hrereennn A CS 3 Bit 33: a 50i,..,
: - : : 2 i si 3 ob, eee 2868 ye ercee neces ee ee 1 «eee 3 pe ease
rite . £9 | [chee Htigevilg: ) RCTS soo oof pit of venrgh neo 5
hee. i a apel Hilf, N. C......... ooo ce cece ween! OG:.... :10 $d; .... Ge
~Treasurer, w. . Godwin. " u et. Pa) Re oS TE obese soso Hs penta a0): eeeee : ce t e aire Lara oii : |
Police"J. W. Perkins, chief, Fred. tiarlotte, ee teecces H per reaNy ety TIT
Cox, aset; J. W. Murphy, night. Rae Vane een oi BO OBIE 7 os ME Dh LC. LAPHAM. MABRY SHINNER
Ceanciimen"W. H. Both, W. L. rbham, N.. Qoccnniin AoAS bag --- 40. 4B: ..., gata s SKID Sat, iuiliahh
brown; °\W. ~fT. Godwin. ~f. A. Wilks,| Front: Royal, Va...........6...... gece eh 25/19 25: ..,. Mf sete - ia atenn ines
Dempsy Ruffin, Julius Jeakine. eee nen Pie bees ee's Sense rtaht po 95,4, : 9 20...
| lendos bara, N Uno nacsosnoncenn000006 91 7515 95: ....' AL @0)...
tk topelie 3 ~C. een2eeee eeccpeeeesee Fe Cn Oe i .
CHURCHES. Quin isw.ce bc ou bwedssdwae'ccs 60a! 6% ws saver Ti es
Ravti Hick oh Pein, N. C.......... wee ce cece eo cE BEF. i ie * Venbons BoD. ~Diecnyile, 3
Peon Searotng nad (ex-| St Se pings I | eee e cece ee cL 00 OODAKD & HARDING,» i 3;
cept seohag erning a ite ayer ., STEED Ebb do ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,
ineetin yn . Cc. M.- Hende Meese ht ane oe
Billings; passédr. Bunda Schdol a* 9°34 ~Lyoch woe 5.9 ee SA noone ange amas oid
A. M. i Ertan TIoezington, N- ©... ec eee eee 16 Special at
wai No. Morpenten, N, Cote we cece eevee eee oil
aay ~Serv sulblt f sry toarth a Loft DE eceee ecerccecces ore ceeeee + il
at oManday School st 9:55] Orange, Vann. -sc2-cercevceceuceucecseei
An Me Ws B went Oxford, N. C..... eee @e e@eerseevesees ss ,|)
- Methodidt: SetvicesT every Sunday | Richmond, Va......... es vee 8
morning and a Eat Prayer meeting Reidsvnll a N. 0......:2000:2083 ig
Wednediay® digg rot a8 $300 a. a: Baie NG. Sees e ses ssescces a ion
8. Bilio ogrone Se Te. Seth Basigo, A. eens: ) We 48
ptr aavingg, V Lipcacccecececeeecccesece 20

a and 1 x Int and alisha C. teen . 15 39:
mecting pan night. Cooper ees Oa ite Gectctcrseeett: seessssth ape
MeLqueniy Seeo h proven Orereerqerererrsestts snilB


PTA A HOTTA fame gee v8 |\pDAILY
US URLL | i jHABLUL he 6's wine cede ecdecccce 23 6647 Me
, LO Wilkos NO Be 2510 BBL. AND

Covetitht Lodge No. 17. 1. 0. 0, F-.| Wilk wes ncracncer cee ce neces OZR BB os a |
every T ry night. D.D. Has- Winston Bi oN am 8G� 2 ee cee Sag oo st WEEKLY.

et, N .G. a Poe wie FS a7; "" . """ ~ "_"_" 4

oa Be No. 281A. F. & A. Rates trom intermediate points in proportion. ne Ly ~

iedT Magdsy pin fs

Inde odent ana terol and
a ceoetive than @ i ger. =
aire ayod bis ash ~ebbin reiditd: be cr

| Column A. Tickets will be sold on Be petite 5 and T2, dod dally from Sep-
| tem ber 15 te Depember 95, inclusiy ith fina? Fimic January 7, 1696: .: Col-
miumn Bb: Ndd sal daily froas 8-ptemuer 16 to) Jenember 16,- a
¥q| With tinal lienit Shoe (20) er! rom dahon sale. atone Cs wich oat


J 1s. ve, with Tha % pane * _
rHiroit | rad plete Dait reports from the State
" z ' The 8, ee te
Sala YOUR" #1 (10) Bene trom iaT Ge Axio Colamn E: WPichuets! witli Imi "eeven = Tt ox =
~JOB PRINTING. rargepel Say December 80, 1895, inclusive, rath. oak lenis seven '(7). ane ~from
= : oO: 7

yb dh Ba ..4p| SHE SOUTHERN GAILWA is tne
ed aetad st FO Teal 1 Grounds, havin e-track, standard ~ga

i R Ornten: city of Atlanta oO xposition Grouges, me ais 7 a2 pba T ; n | Ma lees
gel For tickets and full information apply to your eares ager oF address ress, . i . } ORLY Ok bdortiak « Yen ee
D ee M. ~CULP.: Pia: Mer: : AW A. PURE,@. P. A! gona scllethafusbopicell adie

$sh oa2



132 4

is egtom, D.C, "THE OBSERVER,
Penna, Ave Washiogton, ; eT as i

ee gp

ey Tra isaeiieniinat®

mea PT At

north, arrives 838 A. 3 Going South,

ae ike
North. Bound Ereight, arrives 9:50 a
M, lesveadtrl@ A- Me

The Months Pass, But People im Larg-| yo ttors

oAOU eo eg

South Bound
M., leaves eas

ington Monday. ¥
leaves for Washington
day and saturday.

arrives 2:08 P.

Thanks, Many Times.

thing. ° ide of
the "* iat bop tat ao Billa Tie and

, gr pr of 1
good cigar, emd: the
eno wained ia the the-office T

* Th

bight ~an@ presented us a box of

the famous oScuatheraT

will be pleasantly remembered |
for days ye teranme s0 wip intaige.in
delightful. - whi ffs.

been sampled all acianing
the ~ Gender� / surely
takes theT ~The omodesty of

the donor caused him to wish his

name withheld, but he added that
of cigar. can Se

thie braad
at D. S. Smith's


ig al

J. H. Blountis attend: ta
denton. os RY oB
J. H. Tucker left tocay to reiuro tw
his home viel & - adie

Bruce Latham, cf Plymouth, is here
yisititig his brother, ~Maj. Lathaui.

J. 5. Cy Benjamin, of obersoaville,
day. His many friends were iat to
see him. ;

Ww. Cy willet, of the firm of Hackburn|
& Wiliet, Ben Hann, oJimmie,� Fred
Sweet, and Herb Tisdale, ali of New-|
bern, are bere to attend the races. |

H. E\ Seeman, of Darbam, let this
morning. Like atl vther Yisitura he
wis greatly tiaprédsed_ with | Greéguville
and the immeusity of our bebpond mar

Misses oMatic Blow, Bessie Harding,
Addie Jonnsgton, Ada Tyson. Mary
Sinith, Bettie Tripp sid a Miss Cox
left today for the ~N. & E. Dopiece at
Gréensboro. sie

~The hotel sroukil the
certainly raise a racket dram ain
their. conde eh Dyases. Sule 0
"" me of che houses 19 ailyaaciby caus


rn or

Is now Gomplete.

He wants your trade
He'll get it too if

uare wide-awake
please remember to
see CLARK when
you want

Nice line of suaaplen for Custom Work

in Men's Ulething--Prices. yery - cheap
Hy, B.. CLARK.

fAIHr Go Ati:
~Middle store ip Opera © House Block.



-j|and predict & bright future for Aim. If

jin Pitt county

they represent are
really am

Mr. H. B. Clark whe was 80 long

popular sa n with Mr. W.F, cae
of thiselty, has opened wstore if Green- |,
vile. We wish friend Heitiry success

he hasdearned his lesson wel from his

late employer he will, things hustle

and his stor - will be. crowded with cus-
tomers. "Washington Messénger..

A New York magistrate had de
cided that it is legat ta sell soda
water ou anday, but po chew-
~ib, gum. The | basis of his decis-
ion is that the former has ad: es
tablished respectability, but the
later has not.T

T | An Uajest Law.

the revenue act that places a tax.
of $250 on dealers in pianes and
organs, and directs the sheriff to.
proceed as the law directs againstT
parties engaged in selling pianos
saw dnos uob apply ( amecio Che

ro u agents whu
take orders for imstrauments for
factories or dealers cutside the
State. Itisan nnjust_ law .that
taxes.a citizen of the State $250
for doing business: and at the
same time those doing the same
business outside the State can
send inp all the aconte they please
jand pay vo tex. Bat the.


if it does appear b

dodd m% @xdané the Siiériff from
executing it. aoe bent shore i is mo no

cue. wow NX


spent Tuesday night here and tert ty

jis guing rigat duwa iu the PAB | The

The State. Treasurer ~ eS sent!
out adtices to the Sheriff of each |.
county relative tothe ~section of |;

,to be able to have some good plays pre-

tature made the ~ag and as the).
State Treasurer. intimates, even if| _
nsome that |

Himmler esaicee aitail

Services in the ATG church at

' The svcademy boys have siarted their

fope bs ; at Troetes 4
Fresa Lunen Biscuits just in at *D. 8.

Large of Jamas grapea are
being made from here every uay.
rhey will ~melt in ye your ~mouth, ~those
FreshT Lunch Biycuits at D. . omithTs.

"¥ifty-one young lawyers were grant-|
ed licenses Dy the Supreme YEE, vs |

W.P. Ormand is aise. puting te a

Planters Warehouse.

17th." Guv.
Butter loday- M. SowuurzT

The artesian. well up ia tolfucbe: sown

Ogre 3

e works tively. aa afl

We have not seen the ? Rifles out : on/
drill in sometime, , .dfush TE HAVE
up, boys, and cOwme -QutT '

T Ex-Senatof Jarvis Stvig bas ifood Ween ippont. 4
the executive eo 167 ON Urtiy
}Cacolina, of tae N. ativual ual Suvec meme:

"The tobacco apes ae ~ate. " now:
working anuer the pcw schedule uf
~utes as uads by tue (ast Legiaineare,

This is the season. of the yesr * for. fori
est fires, and the cuvui� sud pessuas |
hunte.s shuuid ve Carefur hop they das

tueir torches ai uigul.". 7,

3 3
Daring the mouta of. Se ptember:

ster uf Lecis issued eixbovul ud cieagbat?

censes, UVe ior Waite aul eicveu for

colored cuuplos. " J
VHS bess live: of, ~Tablets, Note

Pauper, Muveivpes, Box Paper,

auu Cards in tuwu Cau De coud

at the Ketlecior BpUS, stare. |

Talking through theT nose or ~with »
yore that sounds hike % date *drent tind
been swallowed is gé fadT ~auw, ochat
tuc weather causes oo

w. HE. Long tells ts hee HAS Yate nf

the Uperu House~aud expects

sented he:e seapon. ~i'ae re-

�,� ube com.ug
opening of the Upera Honse will be a}:

picusore to many of our peopic.



When your ~thoughts
to the man
that vou-

this winter for the: onntern:
of yourself and familv turn

yuur footsteps toward the
store of

stovk of goods in the pate! Ss test |

due fréwii |

~| prise and delight. you both: as

12 Salt, "Bagging

many loge

of many and varled kth tesT

Dress: Goods. ~and Trimmings ;
~( Netions, Gentlemens. Furnish~.
ing . Goods.:: Shirts; Neckties,

Four-in-Hand Seargs, Col-
lars. Hosiery, Yankee Notions,

Hats and Caps the ~noatest and
nd Chitdrins Fi ps hee

a. ine

1| Shoes. aad Bele in endless.

styles and kinds, Carpets, RugsT ~

Foot Mats, Mattinys, Flooring
. and Table ~OilT Cloths, Lace, Cur Aid
tains, Curtuin Poles and aay
Valises, Hand Bags; and @ stoch
-of FURNITURE that will: sur

to quality and priee, Baby~ Car-
riages, Heavy Groceries, 'Flour,
jar, Molasses, "
i Ties, Peanut °

Sacks and Twine, ' We Buy


aad aay the- highest marke Brice
for them.


s SHOES. for

Men and Boys canTt be



retot cPrern wT? 4
~sto van
Shie ra rates

3 *|polnt reat

ble Vehicles.

- On Fifth Street ear Five |;

hg yg. F liinilepeacnitiges. | ¢
~tenement é
ate « +
pair and be

~se + 8 isle. _ Gur Pricer ne
�,� Tene sists oe CietEEaR

Daily Reflector, October 2, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - October 2, 1895
October 02, 1895
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