Daily Reflector, December 2, 1895

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eons eigen

nat mega tme a eti ot

, Editor and Owner.


islets ss nein itnit aati tai aon lg tee AE

_ GREENVILLE, N. C., ~MONDAY, wsae 2, wena



- eal oye epg a





for this week

New Dress





~Shoes, Hats,

, ae

ont eo


A Series of Articles on|

~| the market, and to supply this Rountree,

ii WHERE?)
~ . ng a
sina ne

» | vated crops of the. weed - for four years ap

with-the other members cot the firm. ial

the Star Ware-


build and operate

aca nccitiieneemeantl

the History of To-
bacco Culturein
the Eastern .


The rapid growth-of the Greenville
tobacco market demanded more floor
surface to handle the increased trade of

~Brown & Co., early in the spring 0
this year, commenced the erection of
the Star Warehouse, which was com-
pleted and opened Aug. Ist. |
This house took rank among the
older ones just as though it had been in
operation ever since the market was
-established., It is 80x160 feet in size,
the offices being on thé side of the
building so as to.take -up none of its
floor space. It has ample skylights
which diffuse a soft, mellow light over
the entire sales floor, and is admirably
quipped in every way for handling and



The janoir member of the firma is
Wiley Brown, and as the senior jocu-
larly says, a red headed man is 2 nec
essary adjunct to a well regul: ated Tyus-
ness. Mr. BrownTs early business ca-
reer was in mercantile lines.


°selling tobacco. Hons
number of years he carried on a sue-
cessful dry goods business, first in CO-
parinership with a brother and then
a'one, and enjoyed.a large trade, See-
ing the tobacco industry was an inviting |
field for investment, early this year he
closed out his mercantile
joined the firm to bu'ld the Star. Wiley
Brown is an, energetic young man, full

business and

of enterprise, and possesses fine busi-|
ness qualities. While he knew nothing
of handling tobacco before this year he
is picking up the kuowledze rapidly
and is making a good worehouseman,


There is not a more populas man in
he is a member of this firm, he is so in

the county than this gentleman.

his individual business oc-

te soldier,

a silent way,

eupying his entire time,
we ff - Twas elso a vallant Cay, Jeces

Cc, dD. ROUNTREE. : :
gome int the army when

After the

* ~e .& . .
business here and has tullowed It since,

verve Vou,

This ge nutleman i is the senior member war he coiered ihe drag

of the firm, and is well known. to the
people of Pitt and surrounding coun-
~Mr. raised on:

or COULrteous

be Dt Nate

rm ~ Lise.»
Chere is no more oblicie

: 2 bs reat Wir i
ties. Rountree was eon thomant MOV Waele Gch

enlist in the army. So enthused with
patriotism was he, that he ran away
from home and started to Fort Sumter
to tender h is services to the Confeder-|
acy. Arriving atthe town of Wilson
and learning that a company was be-
ing organized there, he enlisted in that
on the 18th of April, 1861. This com-
pany was sent to Fort Macon, and af-|-
ter service a short while young Roun-
tree and Mr. W. IT. Lucas, both of}
whom had been trained in a. military
|school, were detailed to. go to Hyde}
county and organize a company. Soon
after this he ened home, and find-
Ling that, Col. E, C. Yellowley was or-}.
}ganizing a company here he joined that}
{and was commissioned as one of its|
Lieutenants. He went through the war]
in this company and though in many] _
hot battles was only once wounded and}
-|then but slightly. He was prisoner
at Fort Delawaresvhen the war ended |
and was not released until the 17th of Romitrec, oBrown & Co., were fortu-
June, 1865. : nate in. securing the opcaviees. ot that
After the war Mr. Rountree return} yeteran warchotseman, Capt. Ed ML
ed to Pitt county and engaged in farm) Pave, ws aanay: erat ecnmal nk eee
jing. In 1887 he moved to Greenville | Star.) 'Phis coming spring: Capt, Pace
and began merchandising but did not} yiit have beeu ta the vavarehonse: busi,
abandon his firming interests, [le was | jogs twentyT seven Yonge atid hie ix a
amongT those «who . becanie: interest- youn? man vet (so he swys.) Ele has
ed. in tobacco growing here oand eulti- probably handled more ~tobacco thin
any, warchousenan living on i Jose
In 1894 he closed, out his mercantile. leaf amarkert, Ade, commenced the: bank


ae csi Ha PAC ~i tl |

f with the ware=| With His brother wns the founder/of the

Theses aForetaste

~ * ry . May os ry y » We : ( ~ bd »
farm near Greenville. He was but 19 | and Greenvillé has ne more successful }
years old w hen the war broke outsand | business man than he. Lie is a sub-
was the first man from Pitt county to} stantial man to have at the back of an

iknows tobacco from the plant hed to
oTthe consumers use.

/Tduring the Kirk troubles

{business and went on. ~the tobacco. mar-| neg inT Danville, Va. in 1869. and,
afin ket to acquaint, himself, wi
ci house business, aod this yea aaocited

- Of Winter in the air
these days that makes
brisk trading. ~Never :
before were we ~sO well
prepared for the fall
and winter trade as
now. See us for any-
thing in CLOTHING "
mthe everyday busi
ness Suit to the most
expensive Suit. Over-
coats, Underwear, Hats
Scarfs, �,�hirts. Hose,
Gloves, etc. Every-.
where you'll note that
prices are at the lowest
notch at which honest
reliable goods can be



bring big business: Big
i Va ne in aClas change, and this in torn
| "" the protita to be
reduced to a sural] wargin.
BRISK. SALES! be the tides flow blithl¥ eae�
MINIMUM PROFITS! brings Grist to our Mills, and Power
INCREASED BUSINESS! | to your Purse. Our CLOAKS Aeog
Dry Goods, Shoe
and everything else we have in stock. :
ez LANG'S.

trade produces quick ex-
up with the Lide of Progress eyery time. So do our

and was selected with the late Col
Williamson to serve the writ of habeas "
corpus upon the cut-throat Kirkat Yane ~
Ile served in the war with @
ny fram Pitt Capte :

Pave picttres a bright future for Cireene
ville-and the paps dae COUNTER tribs
utary to this market

Mie the wagon to, the sales floor.
Millions and millions pounds of the weed
have passed through his hands, and he|«

the factory where it is manipulated for] « equnty.

Capt. Pace was
~closely identified with North Carolina



i owoUNTHER, BROWN & © crema |

tH vad oh ancl taway ven |
: a et ~ray deta ot: nd
ha eee ' y, hy : a tae ry en :

lh e tvs

P mS i WEE

sunny oe bys: Roa Tr OT
i 4

Premen method of Ianiliig� tobaccg

it id ie

ng rates are liberal and can be
fad on application to. the editor or at
omce. :
e desire a live correspondent at
very postofiice in the county, who will
end in brief items of NEWS as it occurs
in each ~neighborhood, Write plainly
- and only on one side of the paper.

dain Siemans tees enue ater


. ~Liberal oCommission on subscrip-
tion rates paid to agents.



sate meme
. se

Moxpay, Decemper 2N», 1895.
¥ a : voy nll A
. The life saving service last year: res-
gned 5,382 persons from shipwrecked

--yessela, and yet there js no branch of

ngewe soreness eb = a pancreas mere I

ot ag!

: ~That fellow who bought & $150. pair
~of horses in Chicago, took them to the
horse show in New York and sold them
for $6,000 to General Torrence, a Chi |

~ engo man, struck a soft snap. :
A genius has devixed for sleeping

- carriages a system of beds made of rub-

: ber bags, which are to be stretched over
~steel frames and 4ntlated with hot air
from the locomotive. In fifteen min-
owtes an entire car can be made ready for
the night. In the morning, when the
be hot air is turned off, the mattress and
: pillows will immediately coHapse.
They are Moving South.

ee *

The Nashville (Tenn.) Bannes gives
"some interesting figures showing a de-
x cided movement of farmers from the
- Northwest to the South. . Within the
past six months over two hundred and
fifty have settled in Tennessee on the
Tine of the Northwestern Division of
he Nashvilte, Chattanooga and St.
Louis: Railway. The prominent cit-
-iwens of Nebraska, who , have recently
purchased farms in Tennessee, declare
that the moyement from the Northwest
© 4 the South will swell in volume with-
outa parallel in the history of the
country as soon as the people can dis-
pose of their present holdings in that
oe region. _ Fifty persons in one batch set-
+ -tled.in Lewis county. last week, On
as the Sparta Division eighty families
_ have located within the past six months,
* and many others are expected in

received an accession of se
. Northwestern farmers to its

/ ent.
Ts ~Hay in Georgia.



t f

erous and att

short time. Madison ~county, Ala., of

© which Huntsville is the county seat, has
ven hundred

f population
within the past two years. Huntsville
has increased its population ~from
about 8,000 in 1890 to 13,600 at pres

~hore was an interesting and unique
~at Albany, one of the most pros. |
ractive cities in South
iia, one day last week. It

saw. After the awards had been 1
there were a number of jolification

The inventor of soap was a friend at
the Gospel. ~

Wisdom can live on

ple under foot.

; * : *
a good man rich,

would do him most good.

at the end of the longest tunnels,

great ones.

direction who thinks money can

him hippy.
the warning.

mon man on stilts.

Parents and children drift apart

RamTs Horn.
Ce caceaenanmannneatanne
Worth Carolina As a Place To


ing m
bast re

and there pass bis allot
and contentment.
pines a prolific soil with a

who desire to live as long us
as mortals ain have.

Those whose
wards a pastoral life, will find in
Carolina more

than any civilized placeT
The climate is all that could be
ted"mild and_ healthy,

kind. Everywhere are flowers,

songs. of myraids of birds fill

what fools tram-

A wrong desire. overcome is a temp-

tation resisted. | :

No matter how safe sin may look,

its death. eae

It dosenTt take much money to make
A bad man most hates the things that

. Wrong principles are as wrong in
hese iy : : politics as they are in religion.
" the Government service less appreciated

a | ee k. ~Phe bestT views are sometimes right

Tf we do not learn from little trials,
the lesson-may have to be taught in

The man is traveling inT the wrong

Love sees danger afar off, but the
loved one too often tums a deaf ear to

When we come close to a giant,
he often turns out to be only a com-

where they begin to think there ave |
some things too small to talk about.
Shouting in church during a revival
is one thing, and paying the preacher
jn chips and ~whetstones is another."

fo live men must work. The think-
an, however, to discover the place
where the least labor will produce the
turns and then other conditions
are favorable, will go to ihat location
ed time in peace
Where nature com-

healthoul climate, is the spot for those

ble and with as little trouble and worry

astes incline them to-

advantages and fewet
drawbacks te a pleasant, even existence }

to November it is gentle summer
the fierce, hot, blistering summer of
the North, but suanmer with beauti

flowers, softT breezes, showers like an
gelsT tears and a mild warmth that
seems to fill one with love for all mane!

are a mass of verdue, huge trees are
covered with fragrant blossoms and the

~There is no enervating heat, no sultry | 0B
atmosphere, but the gentle warm ain) ys


mie Wha sits na ia the big, bow chair
The seornfnT like to fill,

But makTs his cure aye wsir and mair

RN Bee - i 2
ext dresses. ~Thus the Georgi farmers are| "thy Work the Muistor's will? Saneal Howes ~
~~ """ - =jadding to the alliteration ohog and we ie vines it trae his sicht sas ea Sad el vm ads at, M.P
wae aa So aad eg eee. : : coor | gme or fur awa, eC- "Znd Sunday ! rt »i
- sroond-class mail matter. | hominy� that of hay, all of which are 63 in daylicht an in midnicht Pitt county, 5. JohnTs.
ie a oo bs Tes ae ¥ : * * Lee 3} j Ki youT In ~ , a
a ee destined te add to their comfort and " gues ie oh a Dee, Sth-2nd Sunday in Advent EPs
RIPTIO? ATES. " . ~ ; ot wan Shall flourish like the it ev % shaelTs.
a ION RATES ' prosperity. That grows beside a burn} Z Pit uty? 5 Michael's 5
Se = a odl $3.00 " Whatr fruit we see aye hingin free Dec. 10th"Tuesday. " /., Geer
ee : = : As simmer days return; . ville, 8. PaulTs.
* os ' Words of Wisdom. T Whase smaTest leaf shall neTer be lost scan Ne re
é eae 10 Selassie "Tho ither trees hac nile; Dec, 13th"Friday, : Vancebory, 8.
. a An blithe may boas: throT s frost 4 PaulT |
n town by carriers without) To Jive an ~aimless life is to lose} A aah cobs gis ee Paul's. : |
3 2 Dec, 15th"3rd Sunday in Advent, M.

That man may gang to sell or buy
An still good Inck comma,

Ye may rely whateTer he try
Shall prosper in his han.

But wae the men that bellwards lean,
Wi! satanTs rule conform;
They'll stoiter rown till they gang doon
Like stooks afore the storm,
Nor will ae rascal be alloTd,
~_m paradise to dwell;
For God hath vooTd nane but the good
Shall sit beside himselT.
eae Toronto Globe.




The General's Interviews In 1s76 With
the Treacherous Indian Chief.

Made insolent by recent successes,
Sitting Bull in 1876 sent word to
Colonel E. & Otis, who was escort-
ling one of MilesT supply trains, to
get out of the way, as he was scar-
ing off the buffalo. oIf you donTt,�
said the note,. ~I will fight you
again. I want you to leave what
you have got here and turn back. I
mean all the rations you have got
and some powder.T Colonel Otis,
however, kept on, the Indians from
time to time firing upon him.

When General Miles heard of this
affair, ho moved after Sitting Bull
and on the 2ist of October found
him near the head of Cedar creek.
The famous medicine man sent in a
flag of truce, and an interview was
held between the lines under an
agreement that General Miles should
take six persons with him and Bit-
ting Bull also six.

oSitting Bull,T said the general
in telling the story to the writer,
ospread out a blanket and wanted
me to sit down upon it, but I stood




right |
o| wp while be sat down. As we talk-| . eee Bright. Ce ives AMO B
ed~one and another young Indian . Red......6. 0 + * 3 to 4
sauntered up uniil thero were per- Lugs"Common Sg si yee 00 6
haps 10 or 15 ina half circle. One|: . Goor pe cuperee 964 Tto 16
of my men called my attention to «Pine... sears ees 12 F078
this, I said to Sitting Bull, ~These Currens"Common... -- -.6 to It
men are not old enough for council, se Good....+ ++: .124 to 20

and unless you send ,them Sack we
will stop talking.T ~Soon afterward
the interview came to an end with
nothing settled. I found out later
from a scout and interpreter named


the ait, \ sk

noir county, Holy Innocents.


Beaufort county, Trinity
oHilton, 8. Martin's.
Gatesville, 8. MaryTs.


M. P., oxobel. S, MarkTs.

hk. P., Noodvilie, ertie county, Grace
Chureh. :
~Dee, 8lst"Tuesday. Windsor, 5.


Cirealation. E. P.,

chureh of the advent.

Evening Prager. Hely
ut wllT Morning Services.
( atechized
Vestries wiil please be
the Bi-hop. Offerings



Tops.--Green.... eee ey

g to
7 with
th onies

a ) ~ 7 =e
, drawn four strapping horses, and} THE FIRST PSALM IN SCOTCH, © Appointments : the Bishop of
n whieh was piled an evan hundred Best is the man thé taTs noe stock Ss
= ; 4 : : 4 : er what the god kees Say; """
of as fine hay as G olla daa Wha Wai trock wiT sinfuT folk 1895. :
Nor walk within thelr way; Dee. 1st"let Sunday in Advent, Le-

Dec. 6th"Friday, E. P., Dawson's

, Beaufort county, Zion church.
1oth"3rd Suuday io Advent,
Washingtoa, S. Peters.


Dec. 17th--Tuesday,

Dec, 19th"Thursday. EK. P., Ham-

Dee, 22nd"ith Sunday in Advent,
Dec, 25th"Christmas * Day,
ounty, 8. Peter's. |.

Dec. 26tu"Thursday, F


est. 5, Ste-

Dec. 2%th--Sznday after Christmas,

$96. .
Jan. Ist--- Wednesday, Fest. of the

lymouth, Grace |


Jan, Williamston,

yer; BE. P=

The Chiidren
practica le. The
prepared to mcet
to be for Diocesan

M. P."Morning Pra



ccempnsinianativanicnccaatiais tO


meme el


1 to 24

Fine.... seee ee .. to

Cotton and Peanut.

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and pexnuts for yester@ay, 6 furnished

by Cobb Bros. & Commission Mer-



n all its branches.


, .S we TL,

ing their yearTs supplies will tind


hen, EK. P., Murfresboro, 5+ B hone lo sed IppHes |
| , their inceres} tages our prices befere pux
Dec. 29th"Sunday after Christmas, chasing elsewhe ~Ourstoek is complete

RICK, PEA, be.

always us LOwg3s? MARKET PRICES |


~we bay direct from Manitaccurers; ena
bling youto bay.ar ove prot, A com

slete stock of


always onband-@nds0 id at prices fosu)t
the times, Our gogds !

reall bougbtand
sold for GASH thérelére, having nofisk
to run,we sell at a close margin.

S. M. SCHUL''2,. Greenville. NO



ou of this School will

The next sessi
. begin on
® | ?

and centinue for ten months. -

The course embraces all the branches
usually taught in an Academy.

~Yerms, both for, tuition and beard

reasonable, aoe oe pg ab re We
fitted and equipped for

Boys weil

North: CarolinaTs


John Brughier that one Indian mut- . . 1 ype
tered, ~Why don't you talk strong gharts of Norfok : business, by taking the acadentic
tohim?T and that Sitting Bull re- COTTON. arias te ee el al
plied, ~When I do that I am going to Good Middling 8$|puarantees thorough Seacaeiion W
kill him.T Brughier also told me peng | dling 8 oe enter, wi.h credit, any College in North
that orie of the young warriors slip- | Good Ordinary at a aie Dye erat) 4
peda carbine up under Sitting BullTs| ~Tone"firm. , ~ i bs nar PA ee é pots
; bette it ts wall ~or the truthfulne "this
buffalo robe, But I had in mind the PEANUTS statement.
genial, fate of Canby and had instructed | Prime ~ 93| Any young man with character and
the troops on the ridge back of us to Extra Prime 4 moderate ability taking & ~course with
T | keep the spot in range.�T sian 3} cad gt ee 2 poo *
posel- ; ; anis $1 bu $o continue in e higher schools.
ee eau owe
T : . : ndard.
duce the Indians to obey the govern- Neither time nor- attention nor
ment and to go to their reservations. Greenville Market. nett will be spared to make this school
Ainsid Sitting BullTs answer.was emphatic: ne a , ng ie could wish, or
North} "scp Great Spirit made m an In- Corrected by 6. M, Schultz ian urthes partieogigr; sd hb wt
dian, He did not make mé an | Butter, per 10 14 to 25 W. H. RAGSDALE,
~agency Indian, and I do not intend hese n orig 6 to 7| July 30,1895. Principal
| to be one.� : ; Sugar cured Hams 12 to 184 : oe
upon eart he : n Corn 41 to 60 oe sk ae bien. "
expec: Seeing that further parley ~was | Corn Meal 50 to 68 LNA Laer '
From April} Useless, General Miles gavo an ~ulti. | Flour, Family 4.00 to 4:50 O ege ee otel .
April nfo through the interpreter: | bur OC dae =D
no'} oell him that either I will drive | Sugar {0 °5| MRS- DELLA GAY, Proprietress
a oe out of the country or he will| Coffee 18 t0 9h Po eel eo + ne
~| drive me out, I will take no ad: | Salt per Sack 85 to 1781. Convenient to dépot Lad tol ehh to:
~vantage of the flag of truce and will | FD ae a ae sian ie
ve him 15 minutes to get back, to UZe8 oie h ar Best and highest location around
his lines, If my terms are nat ac- Beesw " popcatba' Splendid wnineral water.
1 20") qepted by that time, will open re.� | ry wa hve po aby MACE
8 ADS Bull ith a The Charlotte nrda Pe side Be a é Ps
u fol- , , ~rerms reasonable. cs





| that cause# vegetation to grow with 4] Oi ks was burning hete aid Sire to \|
enatg ot ineredible. , | stop any advance of the troops. DAILY : TABLES.
2 (are oare 2. The se ta with him only 398 rifles, ) AND OPO ees
| climate is conceded to superb, but | while the IndiansT swarmed in far |. gee ENR
aable if it is superior to, our greater num bers in front and on the WEEKLY On 286 mone moar Five
entire year is delightful, flanks, but his men went forward cae Cd, Seumnenbee
ee alee ~| with a rush, and the hostiles were | be od tatty SM iphise yap
: Juliane upon | ariven twoscore miles to the Yel- be Be cere | Passengers carried to any
has a better | Jowstone, leaving some of their dead {ndependent and fearless ; bigyer and nie at reasonable rates. G
» to long. |in their flight,"George BE. Pond more attractive than ever, it will be an orsées. Comfortable Vehicles. "
) MoClureT Maes sing, ra me tunble visitor ~or to the home. the inh oai '
is WT Ree atfice, the club: oF the work room, or See ORRIN aT
{HE DAILY OBSERVER. | dy thik tae Os Nace
: in All of the news of he world fea a J, had: Meet ey & Co |
_ Ant Na Seen re
blow ui ross himself ; or weep |: Yi | | a.
wt the ame of Jesus, soar on wings of | N |
tuina [ecstacy when he hears descriptions of) "°°" 77 Aiea lic nde ne |
ha NI 4 �,� HY 1d eee ie 4 ~ \ ae Ape
hm tn hm | | or oyu
~~ bing nlipac roc aa the| pole, The expression. is still used| ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR
; but if he is dishonest he with this meaning when applied to Gend for sample copies, Address
Me: rg esa Poyiner seeder bey yr Se aaa ee oTHE OBSERVER,
at 1 ee SRE, sailyard and the like, | ae 3 T

ie oe ee i

I, x . | bang went the cork and away went
\ PRAINS GOING NOTRH. Cheap Excursion Rates| tne beer. The first rush of it knock-

Ft 4 3 2 a3 x ae é ; 4 &
oGiuuineroy & WaLDON R.8.| Professional Cards. |' toto ev AN oLD SHOWMAN. "
AND BRANCHES, aa See a ye apres Pe:
taba sige ~|qnos. J.JARVIS. = ALEX LBLO | yg ys es sania aaih teal
: ese js aa ~ "_"s* " "| ol@ showman, owe had about 30 of |
oe a age ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. - | them once in a big cage with a shelf 2 | me
A TRATES GOING SOUTH, - QRERNVILLE, N.C along each: side, up high, for them eS ee ET ge
esis sea tif tae Gast to Iie ot and» little Gend tree ait) GIVES YOU THE NEWS FRESH EVERY
Deed i Bins eS |e Fracticel bighespd resonant ~ | the ends of the branches sawed off} * J THE NEWS PRhon byes
Nov. With [2/2 c| |ég } standing in the middle for them to AFTERNOON (EXCEPTSUNDAY)AND "
ot ZAA\A4 |49_ |; u.snounr. 3.1. FLEMING| climb up to the shelves by and to a5 WORKS FOR THE BEST
fay Wa ; _M Rlouny & FLEMING: ~hang on to by their tails if they | - "INTERESTS OF" "
Leave Weldon | 11 55)9 27 ces _-ATYORNEYS-AT-LAW, wanted to. One day weset inon) . ee
At. BogviMt [12 541020 | GKEBNVILLE, N. ©. | the bottom of the cage a champagne 3 ~
a i | Be Practice in all the Vourts, | pottle filled with ~very highly fer- " : |
Ly Tarbvro 12 20 wes 3 ~| mented root and with the cork| . . . oie . ee
caus j"|."_ | L. C, LATHAM. HARRY SKINNER | held in with a cord tied with a bow-
Ly Rocky Mt. {1 0510 244 600), ATHAM & SEINNER, knot. The monkeys got up on the ,
Tae tlgon� 2 05/14 03) ae | at shelves and up in the tree and pe See ) :
oe Ly Fay'uevill 180 12 63) ArronuersnaT-LAw looked down on this bottle very sus- : : con oe Roa
ap Florenes. | 72) 308 |. Deo ys Hever gees piciously. Finally their curiosity) GREEN VILLE FIRST, PITTCOUNTY SECOND, |
en cg aed Bamana Peas: wean See aie -""'| got the better of them, and they; 3 ee sabi git oe aun ani an
SE) ob John E. Woodard, F. ©. Harding, | came down and moved around the OUR POCKET BOOK THIRD. ,
es : Wilson, N. C. Greenville, N.�,�,| bottle to inspect it. At last they| " ae : eo pS
ee wi .-|" |"| OODARD & HARDING, got near enough to touch it and han- : : :
greece : A.M | ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, die it, and finally they upset it over nteinnieates { jemmanguinee
Ly Wilson 408) re Greenville, N- |on its side. Then one of the mon- :
: Gaal rey 3 13| Special attention given to collections | keys began pulling at the String, |... | ite ee
Ar Wilmington|T 5 45 { 945, and settlement of claims. with the rest all clustered around. : pene eh ke
~|p. M. A.M At last he pulled the knot loose; and| SUBSCRIPTION 25 Cents a MONTH. |

"""z - ed over three or foyr of the monkeys
Dad | Re | & o ~gay nearest the muzzle of the bottle, and sects (o) "
| or oa os Ze a itdrenched half a dozen of themand| - | | | oe! Pas
eeapalen Fesbig! Baa oe , ' i+ ee, | wet all of them more. wim fee ee ~i a
A; MIP. M. Cotton States and international: Expoatio went through the bunch of monkeys Pett AULA: oR GOP aE BOR) Ue ae a
Ly Florence | 8 13 Sipe 3 : like a puff of smoke, spattering and hal .T nt name
| pe As suaytlle : pt e : ATLANTA, GA. flying in all directions. An instant aa eee E ye ioe §
ye Wilse u 1 20111 98} 4 later the monkeys were up the tree ci
empty n, sem "|"- Sept. 15th, to Dec. 31st., 1895. and lying along the shelves. There
Fe VIA : , was nothing left on the floor of the ,
cs cage but the empty. bottle. Agee

vite ~/The Atlantic Coast Lme ~A number of times after that we

lee or Me ee P.M. set bottles of beer out in the sun to| " anaes | , ~is
Ly Wilmington KS 25 i 00) Presa. be " Megs! eine ferment and then, set them in the FUBLISs =) EYEE Wa NESE ee ee
Lv Magnolia 56 § 31 (Sleeping Cars between New York anil | gage, but the monkeys never would) , |

Ly. Géldsboro ~12 05 y 40;| atlanta Ga. via Richéiond, - Petersburg, reeateh them. We ead set the bot-

Ar Wilson 1 00 10 27| Weldon, Jtocky Mount, Wiison, Fayette- : : » i

Ly Lavboro ~ 248 Hl uclabe ville, Florence, Orangeburg, Aiken and| tles in, but we couldn't make the One Dollar Per Year

mle , + 3 Oe Augus a. For Rates, Schedules, SleepT monkeys pull the string. " : : oe tes reel
Gian . ing Car accommodations call on or ad-| ~There was a lady standing in


ates id= dress any agent Atlantic Coast Live, or! front of the cage one day who had. ) ay * ae Po
: ae Aa) 44 a the nndershgnet ps on a hat with a big bunch of red This is the P 0 les i avorite,
ere | | 1, W.MORRIS,: C.-5.C )
Sumas | is. i (P. MIP. M, |" Div. Pass a 20% CAMPDEUL, cherries and a lot of flowers on the an ae ei sy Diy Ae
Ly Wilson = | 1187, 1187, 10 32) Gharleston,3.C. y dass Abt, | topof it. A monkey reached through | eo | | é es : :
ArRocky Mt | 3881207 10 15 /. vy ewERsoN, HM, Bilm@son, | {ODarS and i mt sali THE TOBACCO DEPARTMENT, WHICH
Ar Tarboro | 4 Het, May, Abst: GenT. Pass, Ast ati nat Ga ong ga goanieeyen IS A REGULAR FEATURE OF THE PAPER,
Ly ~Larboro- t py, N.C? nd | aa
Lv mocky Mt | aagl jo | : | aod tried'to drag fe tsoughthebare| - «18 ALONE WORTH MANY TIMES THE
ArWeldon | 1 63) | : 7�. | into the cage. Thrée or four other SUBSCRIPTION PRIOK, |
: aH Gatton States & International Expstion, | visitors standing near rushed uptime Oe
ae Sra we, sling er ATL ANTA, GE ORGIA grabbed the hat, and they pulled ,
aves on o. + My: ux " ~ ~ : a
- pom,, arrives Scotland Neck at.4.55 p wia the one way while the monkey ynlien tDe Ca (0)

®., Greenville 6.47 p,.m., Kinston 7.45 other. They finally got the hataway | «
p,m. Returning, lanves Kinston 7.20 SEABOARD AIR LINE. | from the monkey and returned it to
a.m., Greenville 8.22 a. m. Arriving the lady. The cherries were about

i . T ad Vestibuled Limited Trains , } ae
St on La Weidor 11,20 am upon ~which no extra fare is charged. ali gone, and what there was left of When you need e= |

. : the rest of the hat really wasnTt of
oT URSION LY much account. The lady said she

RATES. . ; -. . SERVICE. | would have to be paid for the hat,

Tkrough Pulimaa Buffet Sleeping Cars and she sade for she cai omo8. : Fi
and day. coaches Pat ~o Why, certainly,T said the man OU Gee & MN Noh:

chi inT the box office. ~How much do
Washington, D. C. and ~you value the hat?"

Fg ao

sah; Ps 6. %la athe: - Portsmouth, Virginia.) ° o*~Fivedollars,T the lady said, and

: Raleigh R..K. dailyexceptSun-| via the box office man handed out the Se nnT : ro
. day, at 4 p.m ys Sunday, 3 00 P.M; Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, money. | ai . Don | forget the :
sarin pm Sac, | Weldon. Ralelit. Seathors Ploas.N. Cy) te ee ator GUGM realy ex aes | :
ish Fates mares x Femour ester,S. C;, Elberton. Athens, Ga. dently pleased. ~I didn't really ex: ~

hy, 8.00 BaRdeT 2.2 7.3] Loare Weldon, 3.00 4. ¥.12ug0 | poot you would pay for it� shes, Reflector Office.

erie 10.95 fm vand 11. 45) ~arrive Atlanta 4:09 B. M., 5:20 A. M.


ie Cah ee d she turned to go away. a
oWhisan ga WiAland N. next day, Leave Wilmington, 12:20 mast nape .
eee es aon wham raped noon, 320 P. M.. Arrive. Tack 4.09 ~Madam,T said the man in the
a d3bo hab Siuthtield 7°30 ; yes Re. P. M., 5.20 A. M., next day. box office, and the lady turned | . ~"-O"
sturning leaves Sinithtield 8.00 a.m, are}. 48k, for. tickets via oTHE SEA- around. ~We'll take the hat now, | - ~og A waves
rives wt Goldsrors 9.30¢.m. sgn td AIR LINE. if you please.T es : ee eas a are
Ce Gas eee kOe, ullman Sleepmg Car reservations} ~~ ~What?T said the lady. 4 * AITITTRO |
Trams im Nashville branch seaye will betinade:}and farther stor mation ~* oThe hat, if you asin said WE HA VESAMPLE FACILITIES phe
tater re eta "Hope 8.80 peeps Facile! cy © 80Y] the box office man, ~We've paid for FOR THE WORK AND DO ALL
p in. Retwrniog leave Spring Hope the undersigned. ce A ae ad would like to haveit.T ) KINDS OF COMMERCIAL AND "
poe By igen eae agr er eg e s H. W.B.GLOVER,.T,J,ANDERSON,| Of course tho lady couldn't go TOBACCO WAREHOUSE WORK.
Geode ount 9.05 a m, dally excep Traffic Manager. GenT! Pass. Agt,| away Without a hat, and the upshot : cy | RCRD 3 Peer
ei E. ST. JOHN of it was that she returned the $5) . gun
Prvius on Latta brench, Florence B o Vice-Prest lent. and went away with the hat.
Ri, leave Lasta 640 p m, aavive , Dunbar eneral Offices, Portsmonth, Va. oStanding in front of the cage one

7.50 p wm, Clio 5.05 p.m. Returning!) aaah : Our:
Jeave ei}iot6.10 am, Dunbar 6.30.8 i "" day was a man who had on a pair of) Vy i

~ arrive Latts 7,50 am, daily except Sun- Barbers. _ ~~~ | gold spectacles, A monkey reached

Workf,and Prices Nuit our Patrons.

through and took the spectacles off

° or?

nti wk Wh vas geen poet : the manTs fdse. The man was great-| Retr: |
B hi pis , ip . re aN

ee cay, ees ene rere A. SMITH, ly surprised at this, but he was:@) sens 66! | | aetna TYE Big | oh koe SE

11,10 a.m. and $8.50 p, m~ Returninggs - TONSORIAL ARTIST. great deal more surprised when he eee ee ee Sai r |

~ Reha +
ry! eet

~ : ,


f. a a -.
; i op

. i) o| ;

poate ond )


Jeaves Clinton nt 7.00 a. m. and ,00 p m, GREENVILLE, N.o. _| saw the monkey, still standing'close

rain No ; ' Pate og | : } o a : bie + i sad ui mY
Train No. 78 makes close connection, ow Potronage soliched. by him, push thé glasses out of the 1 i 3

abies orb gyre eg oe Ms ene Tomy . ree re , " | ~frame and putT them ~in his*mouth TH fe & C OR BOOK
shmone. also ab Reavky Mount wi MUNDS. arte | UA. UR
Norfolk aid Carolina 8 R for Noriolk Ht : BF eae chi ti estes gt it ici papi 9p RAT A wn rowan Ro yenarnt
aii all points North via Norfolk, . ares pert ae RRA yom! es ae ga 0 eH Lal agik biel mesh bag =) gd set LAME Ses eg bia pail gk
: | Special attention given to cleaning) "7! 0 much wire intoa ~me 78" "CHEA Orn DT ACRINW AR VILLEF

wie JO te oi sate small bunch. One of our men went oma s. 18 THE, | PEST PLAOWIN GREENVI FOR"

eG oe ae (Supt Gentlemens (lothing. Tree tua dae Wad ebcbad? on ~wen KAR al Ye, tN sales |
Pe ae is i fs ; gene 2 Y ~ ' 4 % { * Lie ee Berry i ¥ et ok wee At i rand git

DM, EMERSON, Trafiie Manager. | ~~ doT the.dage And choked Mdapet|\ onload in vain lings |


art ee eee eee heen tT haw GET 8" godt MAMMA of
af cater uae THE MORNING STAR. his ~mouth, and Fe gre the|
eit ne ghd dg | frame away from him, and we re-



5 2 4aY :

oe AE po. eee ae ST A
ae LANTIC & NORTH CARUOLIN | |) The 0 turned them to theyowner. Of 2 i a
A tee SIMON TABLE | Corin 2208 fa conrae they mere ot of much us kali nln yolopegs
; AO) i sch, Dee Path, 1808, ily: Nowe to him in that shape, but it was the; Books, oo.iom) alhveiges andy,
Te a3 rare tae) best we could do'*New Yorkt Bun, d.Note,..., 11 y sbyles,,,Handaome
By Feel ING. ~ Sigel si aia H o ~ Sy ) i : il aaah ls . pant i 4 w la he CWA A ah Be, a eter ~ aa | r
| ney ~y aR ~ ~a 1 ie ae Im Kither Case Missed, | The: ih o ' ~,. R008 | : Y is
he WAS, ae. Act ee ee a ° ~He as & ell Mt as al Ra ap, Bil. Ds, ew tod 10, cents andy fe) 5 ] an
, t Goal sy | @ was & well todo looking stran- ~ter and NoteT! 4. : Slates, Lead a , i
Pas inity| | Page, Dally} ~ger, and when he had retired for the | Pander uieil ert ikke " ernie wel
Randa [STATIONS Fs The. __; | night the landlord "#aid to ~his wife, Pape?) 2" ) (ARAN h AOR SPS Re me
i a a eek ye Rk Tar { oe TAO: oIf we don't get 7 gootl speck out of aah iieibiht Tule i itty ~ek woe yoowlwatdteipayy a
me Rs. My MY eM eb f Pia wr ~s " 4 ~i wit i: ea hy adi i pp el o4 ed ; ae
a es oer ~ - " rae - " ; : td him, T'll miss my guess. ve ental vm | ve : ; Thiet les Me aot Otis 2. wd oiaty hall olla queda) iw nek

wr ane
eee, *
As Mahia:
7 A ¥

yoy || -Attter he, had been there o, week He AW Aa Ma fn Ailey babbeb piston oath nara gat}
bill tn: , ,

een & ¢ ) v ern. + i ey 8) tie ie Eee Ca ae UE La |g iT andl iW leh také thelend) !/Fall 1e Oo Lo he is by best a aw vl
"7 98] 7 88,/MorehTdCity 6:8 | wife after they had talked'thé mat-| ~The-elebrated.-Dismond Laks, uj! colors, an ih" *
oP OT ae -OR| ter over; oyou hiave tmissed your} "" Muoilaleyithe best matie; nstatt| ~tio te}
ae aaain 4 epnaeeta ite Ranke DALY 0 Tonntah guess" fe | | aolaceagnt bea the Bark So sould ~have ong Radi
ee | per Wu. H B OL.00: per ; Yes," said the landlord humor- itand every busines§ mau should ~have
m Tlauoes ft NeaT P oe i gs ously, oI have missed my guest.""~| | ra hake Pencil-Holders, Rubber Bam
"train, West, Tea ng Goldsboro 2.35 pm!" rop., ilmington, N.C | Boston Courior. " a forget us when you want anything in the Stal

ged aa a pie hat Ma Ha hells bate)

to-| oEortox Reriecror: the Pre] isto oyner. GPS |
: ON eee oa
~ must surely be proud ot the moye you} °�* pi Soe
hg, bs Moor rue from Burgaw | Sadek ss sieges oh ~5. Hooker vs. Cherry. .
y yuan Daily. There is not a shadow of doubt} 45%. Chen vs. Blount.
Se a Heung rea ag £ Moore, of Williamston, is |in the minds of business people that : TUESDAY. ,
9s success to any busipets, attending court. advertisement, not competition, is the | 53. Dewey. Bros, vs. Moye.
{ede Rev. R. W. Hines essicead to ad life of _ pi papi enterprise) ¢3. Smith vs. Johnson...
os "ee thet oming. must be advertised. 5o musta fown,| 7g. Keel ys. Cherry.
jon.� pa because business makes a town and a) 9) Garris ys. Heath.
aes "| G. W. Williams took his family to| town makes business. . Some time ago - Hathoway vs.Staneill.
ye aes = SCHEDULES. Rocky Mount to-day. this writer had oceason to stop iM) 99 Wittiame va, Williams,
5 icine: Mrs. LC. Ricks: bee gone i Elm Danville, a. and while there received | . 08. Green ve, Minche
i ik a copy of Tue Daiuy Rerretror.| .
nd mal train sist {oN to visit relatives. 4 eae ta standing near saw it and WEDNESDAY.
seiltin: ou . , a] that th do i 97. Garris ve, Smith,
o3, B. Latham has taken a position | asked, oIs that the best you can do in
fille for a daily? I thought you 98. Garris ys. Nobles.
ies 9:50 4 [as clerkavith H. B. Clark. Green\ y! y :
7 ees ~ Mel d Gatarda had a powerful town there from what| 106. Kinsvul vs, Joyner.
athe "on na Freight, @ arrives 200 p.| Judge J.D. ver arrive , Y |} have heard.� The writer explained| 114. Cox vs, 0. L. Joyner.
X _ leaves 2:16 Fibs night-na0 pola nS niga that it was a new enterprise, that it}. 115. Cox vs. Nelson,
ain rs arrives from" Wash} Miss lone May,-of Farmville, is vis-. had doubled its size in three months} 116. Cox, Trustee vs. Hart.
aon ond ncn Tae sth iting Miss Hortense Forbes. * | time, and that before it was one y ear| 117, Webb vs. Matthews...
dati eng es : ee a ik old it would be doubled in size again.) 419, Ellington & Brown va. Smith,
ae Mrs. G. H. Coleman, of Petersburg,| That prophecy has come true and| 49) Harrington vs Burnett "
is visiting Mrs..A. B. Ellington. : meer i
is visiting. Mrs..A ~| GreenvilleTs business men should rall
Misses Novella Higgs and Lillie No- to your support in your work as never
bles returned from Miia Saturday. before, seeing thatthe town isnot judged i be rioe vs Pollard
by what is said about it as it is by its} 196 Barabill vs Turner
Ww. M. ~Lang and R. L. Davis, of paper. The outside world does not is gern saa pinch
: 2 _|Fanuville, wer here, sigese ~on busi-| believe all it hears, but does rely upon 148. C a Gon sgre
ae "pro sg = oe ae ore: tails etre he copy sien neg 169. G. Lumber Co. vs. Bernard &
oOR ~DRIPS. age, M. D. Hi as left this morning | =2ECTOR will do more i urning the Hooker.
ahieenene for Baltimore sleet her holiday eyes of business toward Greenville than} 156, Lockridge & Co. vs. Anderson.
_ Doings of the Day Dotted Down. | stock. what a dozen men may say. 157, Cox vs. Warren,
: I write this of my own free will and FRIDAY
D = uber : Miss Jesse M. Snapp, of Greenville, | not because I have any special interest 159. Mizell ys. McGowan
7 Tenn, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W-Jin the business enterprises of Green- 167. Bullock kh Bul.ock ~
ce Court week. Morgan. OF 3 . ville, but because, as an unprejudiced| 170, Mathews & Edwards vs, Webb.
ao ~Twelfth month. R, B Smith, of Ayden was here observer, I see a a nicely of | ue pt VS. ro:
2 ae ; your enterprise being heartily support- + scuowan vs, Harris.
: ShoweryT ~nb afierhiion, © "|to-dyy on business for the acai :
: County + aschoe Co, led by the citizens of Greenville. , | SATURDAY.
The last month of the year is wit . M. |. 177. Ricks, Exrs et. als. vs. Stancil
" w. _C. C. Clark and J. H. Matthews, of et als. .
oe New ~Bern, are spending the week here. 182. Edwards vs. Edwards,
Does Wealth Dispel Love. 183, Stokes vs Stokes.

, Giecavitn Lodge 264, A. F&A?
_ M, meets to-night. ?

- fresh Groceries.
The County Commissioners ohad a
busy session to-day. .
Ofcourse we will have some weath-
er now"it is court week.
Full line fresh Grocerieoand. choice
+ Fruits at D. S. SmithTs.
mber gives us five Sundays, five
: Monilays, five ~Tuesdays and. Christ
; iy rou want nice holiday goods wait
ea see the stock now being selected by
_ Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
| Just received a car load: of the best

: Flour at the lowest prices. Guarantee
an otatisfuction. D. W. Harper.

A fence has been put up to keep |
- vehicles from driving across the pointT

fen street at Five Points.


prettiest line ever shown in Greenville.
Mus. M. D. Higgs,

lt wns the prize house of J, W

igo instead of J. S. Jenkins &
; Co, as stated in the ReFLector.

_, Naws"The best... flour. ,

Don't forget D. S. Smith for . nice}

|W. HL. MgGowan, John R. Hart, R. S.

where Dickerson avenue makes into

Iam now North making selections
~of holiday, goods and will have the

; that caught fire Saturday

Mr, Clark is selling a | medicine of his |
own manufacture. :

J. H. Kinion, H. A. Paramore, Ri},
M. Williams and J. R. Jolly left this
morning for Raleigh to attend the Fed-
eral Court as witnesses.

Superior Court.
The December term . Pitt Superior
Court convened this morning with his
Honor, Judge J. D. civ presiding.
Being a term for the trial of civil cases
only, the calendar as published was
taken up.
The jury for the first week is com-
posed of H. A. Kittrell, A. A. Forbes,
G. FE. Harriss, Wiley Brown, Wm.
House, J. A, Stokes, H..N. Gray, W.
J. Little, W. W. Thomas, John S.

James, W. E Proctor, W. W. Owens.

CouldnTt Find the Verdict.
The following story is ~credited to a
Texas paper. In one of the earliest
trials before a colored jury in that State,
the twelve gentlemen were told by the
judge to oretire and find the verdict.�
They went into the jury room, whence
the opening und § nttiug of doors and
other sounds of unusual commotion
were presently heard. At last the jury
g | cate bac into court, when the foreman
| announced: We hab looked everywhar,
ie for dat verdict"in de drawers

~fine horses und mules. Wait, for him. |
Le ee oe Suir & Co. |


~ince at !
~Rateous, nts, Aa ly a te which old)
Sauce. 4 el tops were}

Ke he tee

n't you alike Tue Dairy Revie.

p ab 8. M. Sebalts, |

Haney and silver moaned in a Nail Keg.

some far prehistorie time I was in love

go to afternoen services in Lent and
pray for that love to last, because the
sensation was so much to my taste.
used to have ecstatic feelings when his
foot was on the stair, and I sat sewing

but | it, ain't no-

oDid nobody ever tell you that in

WithT ty husband?� said Mrs. Romaine
oWell, I was, I used to}

I ~

little baby clothes. We lived in a
plainish way then; $3 spent in two
theatre tickets was a tremendous outlay,
and we walked out to dinners, I_tuck-|
ing up the train of my best gown. un-
der a long cioak, and laughing if� the
wind snatched it away from me at the
corners and whipped it around my feet.
Then he grew richer, and we broad-
ened the boarders of our phylaetery,
and then"how"when"dear knows. if
I can remember, we grew further and
further-away from each other. Now,
when he is at home I am aware of it,
because he is there behind a news
paper, but that is all! When our lips
meet it is like two pieces of dry pith
coming together. I know ~nothing of
his affairs, nor he if mine. I have
money in abundance, Money"mon-
ey"who cares for money when a manTs
heart and soul and brain have gone into
he '

Some Bird Laws.
A license fee of $25 is imposed upon
non-resident gunners in Minnesota, A
similar law. does not go into. effect in
North Dakof& until 1896, although the
intention was to make it applicable to
1895, Non-residents are not allowed
to kill gume of any kind in, Missouri.

season is to be fixed by the Commission-

ers of each county, Arkansas exact &
license foe of $1

Pema bevy dati nt fy
~ | ~ i if it vit ihe i: mnt t" ae hi La un \ ow i 4 t
UE We hay ee Has i Hits oa

Nag ete

not tried and disposed of during the
ee week stand continued for the

i every non-resi- dl

All cases set for the first week and


8. Ward vs. Sugg.

22. Hooker vs. Latham,

26. White vs. Fleming.

26. Tucker vs. Satterthwaite. .

28. ~Davenport vs. Satterthwaite.

87. Claflin & Co. vs Louchhein.

Cobb, As. vs. Rasberry.

R. Greene vs. Cherry AdmTr.

Spain vs. Spain. ,

Bernard vs. Burgess.

Ward ys, Bruce,

Diliott Bros. vs the G.L. J. L


Bullock vs W. & W. R. Re

Davenport vs. W.& W. R. R.

Beach ys. W. & W, R. R.

House vs. W. & W, B. B.

Page, Guard, vs. W. & W. RR.

Brown vs. W, & W. R- R,
Barnhill va. W & WRR.





belonging to the
im the plan

lot number
used by the townTof Greenville.as a Mar,

Board of County
Board of Vomm
do hereby give public notice

lot will be e to publis
biebest ie geen ia front of the Oo

ce his deed. Title

Sale of Valuable Town

In obedience to an order made by the
Board of County Commissioners at their
on the first Monday in Novem-
directing me us the Clerk of
said Board to advertise for sale the lot
County.ot Pitt, known
of the town of Greenville as.
102, it being the lot now |

ket House with the permisson of the
Commissioners. 1,
William M, King, �,�x officio Clerk of the

ioners of Pitt peat,

salt Met

Where you will find

displayed the 1 a
best assorted line of the
eerie aint

of many and varied kinds.

Goods and :
ing Goods,
i Neckties,
_ Hand

@ styles,La-

and Childrens Fine and Heavg
Shoes and Boots in endless
styles and kinds, Carpets, Rugs

Foot Mats, Mattings, Flooring

and Table Oil Cloths, Lace Cur-

tains, Curtain Poles and Fixtures,

Valises, Hand Bags, and a stock
of FURNITUR. ean sur-

emibline sy
Xo ; ~a Uy wnat 2
| (thay OD -


* gl

prise and delight you both as |
to quality and price, Baby Car-
riages, ey Groceries, Flour,
Meat, Lard, me (8 Molasses,
Salt, "Bagging and Ties, Peanut "
Sacks and Twine, We buy


ie a
and pay ~the highest. market ces
for them. i


Ae Lee

Mr. NE eee ee coading SokT ts, dashed in| day the Och ri oon Mo, Ma
ENC ae *
Eger eye io ied sing eligi Sth vie re bell ig ie ons thiol iteynold 8 SHOES te
Michigan wo Ke
ats bity apd privilege of killing deer. In Florida arate pablo tn ana: Men sand Boys canTt be
a Be id si 1, | there willl be « close season of eight |#WO years, x i nterest On be \.
infor: i $750 edhe rol consecutive months on deer, The close pet Sees e at any time Hyd at. )
sds d abana woul

Re ene oor t
a Ge t Lisi baal dint Omar iabars 2 ts AQ al te ~ligeaiioa. fone
Yh eae ee x Gail eo ute iti eat ts a
¥ Me wy ot re. a th Vf mh \of _ 7 Oe highly ee ine

"uy Tsien Altad bias Ga Psat? ~obey

wi Wy


Hey te ht ar ee ate ty



We i) ae rd

uf nit vtyia fe,

ie, 4 Lb at eh f

is al


Daily Reflector, December 2, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - December 2, 1895
December 02, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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