Daily Reflector, August 2, 1895

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C., AUGUST 2, 1895.

Local Trains and Boat Schedule.

train going

Passenger, «nl mail
Going South,

north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
arriyes 6:37 P. M.

North Bound Freight, arrives 9:50 A
M, leaves 10:10 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives 2:00 P.
~M., leaves 2:15 P.M.

Steamer Myers arrives from Wash
ington Monday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for Washington Tuesday, ~thurs
day and saturday.

a edt

Weather Bulletin,
Saturday, fair, slightly warmer
~ju tbe interior in the morning.



Mr. J. S. Jenkins has just re-
~turned from Richmond, Va.

Greenville expects to reach the
five million mile post this season.

There area good many prim-
ings coming to market upgraded.
-In this condition they cannot se!'
well and hence a great desl of
dissatisfaction from such sales.

Forbes & Moye have commenc
ed work on their new prize house
It will be located just west of their
warehouse, and in convenient
proximity to it. Thusthe Green-
ville tobacco market continues to
increase its facilities.

The Woman's Edition of the
~Southern Tobacco Jorurnal issued
~for the benefit of the Twin City
~Hospital is jast out. It is a lite"
~rary treat indeed, and contains
~interesting reading matter on va"

mous topics, spiced with literary
taste, which can only emanate
~from the minds of cultured female
writers, tempered in their exp res-
~sion by the genial _ influence
thrown around them in their sun-
ny southern homes. Following is
~the Greenville market report as
prepared by Mrs. R. R. Cotten
*for that issqe:


Although the youngest tobacco
market of any note, in North Ca-
rolina, Greenville shows a reco
tull of encouragement for the fua-

~ture. The town is surrounded by

rd| ville College Institute, is changed

a fine country where tke culture
of tobacco was cow menced about
ten years ago.

acreage was so rapid that the ne"
cessity of a home market soon be- |
same evident. |

The first warebouse was built!
in 1891, and the Greenville To-:
bacco Maerket dates from that
year, when 200,000 pounds were
sold. Another wrrehouse was
built in 1892. and that year the
two warehouses sold _ 1,200,000;
pounds acd in 1893 the same two}
warehouses sold 2.200,000. This

tinued increase of acresge in the|
surrounding country, stimulated |
the business men of the place aud)
another warehouse was built in
1894, when the sales increased to
3,250,000 pounds. That year the
Greenville market paid out $300,

000 for tobacco, while the Jocal
cotton market only distributed
about one half that amount. This
increase of circulating currency
has caused an increase of business
in every brauch of trade, and
lifted to some extent the dark
cloud of pressing necessities
which had aepressed the farmer.

~he average price of tovacco
for the last four years has been
104 cents.

There are eight prizeries here
now, with bright prospects of
others at an early day. The Amer-
ican Tobacco Company has one
40x140, with five floors, and with
a capacity for re-ordering a balf
million pounds during the sea":

The increase of population in
Greenville since 1890 has beer
equal to, if not gieater, than for a
decade prior to that time. This
is direcily attributable to the to-
bacco market, which is proved by
the fact that the neighboring
towns have not increased propor-

The present season opens aus-
piciously. Still another warehouse
has been added and another in-
crease in sales is assured. The
growing crop in the surrounding
country is large aad fine, cures
haye commenced, primings are
already coming in, and live, ener-
getic men in charge of the mar-
ket, and fine facilities for hand-
ling the weed, a prosperous sea-
son is copfidently expected.

We are requested to announce
thatthe opening day of Green

increase of business and the con-"| '


The first experiments were 80}
satisfactory and the increase |



ES |


My loss, Your Gain,


Man Killed.
A colored man named Noah

ing while beating a ride under
one of the cars On the north
bound freight train. It hap-"
pened near Littlefield.

Thirty Cents for Two Bottles.

A young man in town was
badly sold this morning. He re-
ceived a box by express on which
there was 30 cents charges. He
was very much elated with
thoughts of an bouquet from bis
girl, bat imagine his surprise
upon opening the box to find that
it contained two empty _ half-pint
oticklers� with a note explaining
that it was learned he was paying
a premium on empty bottles.
He said he would not have mind-
ed paying the 30 cents so much if
the bottles had even been filled
with Panacea water, but their
bare emptness almost produced

Hundreds of martins can be
seen in the vicinity of the depot
these evenings. Throngs of them
roost in the oak trees in Agent

at the recent of patrons from
August 25th to September 2nd.

J. R- MooreTs yard, and in the
Hooker & Bernard prize house.

Chapman was killed this morn -| », utter

Greenville Market.

Corrected by S. M. &chultz.

per lb 17 to:
Western Sides . 6.60 to
Sagar cured; Hams 11 to
Corn 40 to |
eee ~ 50 toT
Flour, Family 5.25 to .
Lard 6 to |
Oats . i
Sugar . 4 to
Coffee 16 to!
Salt per Sack 80 to 2
Chickens &20 to |
Eggs per doz
Beeswax, per lb ag
Kerosene, 133 to:
Pease,per bu £3
Hulls, per ton 6 |
Cotton Seed Meal 20 5
Hides 5 to

Cotton and Peanuts,

Below are Norfolk ~prices of cotto
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnishe
by Cobb Bros. & Co., Commission Me
chants of Norfolk :


Good Middling


Low Middling

Good Ordinar

B Dol


Prime - |
Extra Prime é
Fancy f
Spanish 3@1 bu

¥E, 10 cts." Firm.
B. | ~ Peas"best, 2.50

to 2.75

1.50 to 1.75.

~to 1.00 per bushe

ag gt ile a al ME a a a a a a ll ete lS Oe a oe Me

ee 2 Fogle peas est Es RE eres
gh ra a

1 en ene eee A.

DAILY REFLECTOR. |verting into stareb, by pulling| never finds out thatit has black
and bauling as oat by ore nose feet.

_WHICHARD. . |aod toes, langbi t ile|
" se ~ bine a I'll-gotten wealth cannvt build, p

A Photographing Bullet.

A bullet provided with a tiny
~as be, strange to say had never hotographic outfit of its own is the
Subscription 25 cents per Month. laughed before. God bless old any kind of a house upon the latest invention of a German named
iaughing Mac. We hear be has ;o¢k. Herr Neesen. In carrying out this
Entered as secood-ciass mail matter. prown rich on the basks of the ingenious idea, Prof. Neesen has
~" oRobesonian.� Well, we have Never step over one daty t©% provided a bullet which carries a

EVERY AFTERNOONS (EXCEPT SUNDAY) often said a Scutchman could perform another. Take them a8 minature photographic plate. This

re a " """" grow rich on less food than &0Y they come. | plate, which is very scnsitive, is
THE PRESS CUNVENTION. other bamau who could est dirt slipped into a slit in the bullet so as
and ac naked. . Jes wan wpe does not eee to receive its light through a pin-

. o Fell, we rejoice atthe saccess his talent will be sure to wisjudge pole in the conic or forward end of

The convention of the North of this Press Convention, aud re- bis waster. the missile. In this manner a gyrat-

Cerolina Press met in Greensboro ith tb Sy ling te tenses . Sw whie
last week sod bad a most epvjoys phe oa heapirit. Lei ete City The greater the house built ont 1k line is traced on aks plate, which

J Ee y at Faken op sapd, the wore foolish the! ~34 complete record of the LulletTs
ble time, said to be the wost en fconum ss man who builds. ioscillations from the moment it
joyabie that bas ever been held We read the above from the ~leaves the muzzle of the gun until

, of the Asso- : W hen the prodigal started buck the impact with the tarve!.
during the existence of the pen of Col. Creecy, the oldest ,., his fathers bouse he diduTt

iation. in a parenth-s we mast -o3 | .
be allowed to oy that is error. member of the State Press, with pave to go all the way alune. Life of Ocean Cables. .
The year of the meeting at Goldus- more than ordinary pleasure. A good many things cau beT Where the bottom of the ocean is
boro in 1850, we think it 85. Ar that time we were one of the fogad out about human nature bad an ocean cable will frequently

ie a Gaal heist little fellows of the Association, by charging teu cents admission. last only three or four years, but oa
ed ap tovitation to Glee Alpine in fact the youngest, being then . " a ood potion wire taken up after
aprine~ wasthe most debgbtful not quite seventeen yexrs old, DonTt be a Bump on a Log. lan go ves oes been found almost
all 10 the history of the Press | etearle oo . | ood
bat we remember distictly the e somethiny, do something, if " "-"-"" oo

Convention. That, including the . - - | ;
delay at Turkey Tail station was night at Turkey Tail station nothing else, march to the music,
the climaa of earthly happiness waiting for the train to get out keep up with the procession"


Perhaps the present members of ofa land slide at Mund Cur. don't be jost a Biher ot apace "s
. , e
the gang were ob o6 ID Col. Creecy iu the barrel of d P a lj o The steamer Aurora leaves Washing-
arms, but that meeting was the .4, Spd never Wh accomplish BUY-\ ton every Saturday night at 11 oTclock
best of ail The flood at Beao- wheat and Bro. Mc Duirmid S thing. Popularity is a very DICE arriving at Ocracoke Sunday morning
fort wasa sorrow tbat cLanged laugh will long be in evidence. thiny to bave, it wakes a wan feel at 7 o'clock. Returning leaves Ocrn-
the par of the Couvention. ~contented and happy, but it some |coke Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, ar-
poss oa

= times exbausts bis pocketbook and |"iving at Washington Sunday night at
bat disastruus as it Was, it was a (12 oclock. Fare for the round trip

breeder of joy out of sorrow. Regarithe Stock, makes bim afraid to either act 9) yy

Oat of it came the happiness of ; the man, or express his own cpin-

Glew Alpine sod ont of the acci- _ It will soon be a Jelsure seasen jon. If you cannot leadin the MID-WEEK TRIP
dent snd delay at Tarkey Tail for farmers. Mauy good people thought of the worid, be content) .

7 come to town and thouyhtiessly ito fo.low, but vot uptil after bon | ohe same steamer makes a wid-week
came the joy of that giorius and , , ~trip leaving Washington Wednesday

pever-to be_forgottea night. Me- bitch their horses or mules to @ est investigation bas couvinced -o. ies ut 7 oeloe ne .
Dierwid. who yet lives, tuack the post or a walling where they you that whalyou are doing will jie, Gaylords.. Auiova, Onecan ra
good Lord, was in fall feacher, stand hours and hoars together in accomplish the greatest good to Swan Quarter, Returning leaves Oc-
and the silver rattic of bis laugh the hot sap. This injares the the many. Unotabilitry way wake racoke ~Thursday mornings at 6 oT clock
aa echoud tnrocgh the darkpess as stock, besides being a source OF you tbiok that you are the most twuching at ile points. Fare for the
r- a bugie call tw mirth. Harrell, *evere suffering. Lu the hot 8au important individual ip the city, TNA SB east

. who #as ewphaticaily «dail, was the horse or mule gets thirsty and the center of attracuou, tue pivot J+ 4. urgess, Gen. Mer.
provoked to wit by the magnetic Dabgry ; aud it all cvald be avoid: around which ail wust revolve to "
rippte of Me's unrivalied iauguter, ed vyalittie care. Be wercifal weet the desired end, but be sure. The Charlotte

tothe faithful beasts, for they you are fullowing the bubble of!

whwee reserve faud furoisued a . |
supply of laughter for bis own Serve their owners well. Pat them soap, that for a suuit time reflects
and wibers wit sod Lumor. We !0 & shade aud water thew "Scot- all the Leauties cf the rainbow.
bad thought we ware alucky man laod Neck Vemocrat. bat the bubble will Uurst, and like

wheo we fouad a soft cashivu ib ""SE" Eee your unstability. epbeusr ral popu:

am open head barrel vf wheut, Wise Words. larity, baret when you little ex"
which was pleasant cnough, bat pectit You cau do nothing with |

North CarolinaTs

as We slept and snored we sank " out indepeadence of actiun, aad) FOREMOS®T NEWSP \PER

am the yielding wheat ont! A lie bas co conscience. a wil aud opiniou or your own. DAILY
oar nose and our toes were The world was born blind. Don't be a bewp oo a loxy"be a AND
brought ia contact, and then we . wmau." Washington whessenger. : WEEKLY.
entered op a stentoran burst of, When love bas the power lt """""_
pasal and laryogeas welo'y that will always belp. Wanted. Independent and fearless ; bigger and
endangered the rafters aui shin- " imore attractive than ever. it will be an

Weepnjoy wach wheo we aro A friend who will recognize me invaluable visitor to the home. the
otlice, the club or the work room.


% gies op the roof and cow plecely :
threw Me's side show iu the shad» thankfai for little. when I am compelled to wea.
aod made pretty Miss Mock. of ; . patched pauts; who willtake my

nd Whoever goes wrong bimseif/ P* Y ; All of the news of the world. Com-

| Salisvary,to whom we had of- band aslam siidiag down hillT
o | i 6 ab army astray. i , - plete Daily reports froin the State
our hand and heart five ead josteud of giwivg meakick to and National Capitols. $8 a year.

ve times at Glen Alphive W be ; ing baste pd t- wh i lend)
" ° on you fiud vourself getting bp iny Gesceut: who wit tend THE WEEKLY OBSERVER.
fainc from pure exbaustivo from. 5 wab ted look ap ime adollar without two dollars: A perfect family ees All the
laughter. We would bave oied security;who will cone to me. news of the week. + The reports

au jagiorious death in that whea: Every young map wast either when I am sick; who will pull off from the Legislature aspecial. Fea-
o~drowaded, as it were, in| 50 op streaw or drift down. his coat and figbt for me when ture. Remember the Weekly Ob-
of cerial, had not vld : the odds are two toone; whwe will, " *¢rver- ;
, kind, dear old soul, oteppel| It costs sometLing to do right, nt me rein wy Lacx 9s he ONES ONE DOLLAR A YEAR.
Aaughing long enough to dig 4 pot a great deal more not to do it. to my face. Sach a friend, Send forsample copics. Address
~gut of that barre! uf wheat which * spies ; is wanted by ten thousana beings| THE OBSERVER,
ar perspiration wes rapidly con-| A bird with bright plamage/throu boat the whole world. Charlotte, N. @

= ao wr,

Ere ae emg Se ee Se ees EPO eg ee ae.

eehe ye Soe Bee ee Te Ses Se Oa ie gel ee a eee RS


Superior Court Clerk, E. A. Moye.
Sheriff, R. W. King.

Register of Deeds, W. M. King.
Treasurer, J. L. Little.

Coroner, Dr. C. OTH. Laughing-


Commissioners"C. Dawsen, chmTn.
Leonidas Fleming, T. EK. Keel, Jesse L
Smith ands. M. Jones.

SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell.
SupTt. County Home, J. W. Swith.

County Examiner of Teachers."Prof.
W. H. Ragsdale.


Mayor, Ola Forbes.

Clerk, C. C. Forbes.

Treasurer, W. IT. Godwin.

Police"J. W. Perkins, chief, Fred.
Cox, asset; J. W. Murphy, night.

Councilmen"W. H. Smith. W. L.
Brown, W. ~IT. Godwin. T. A. Wilks,
Dempsy Ruffin, Julius Jenkins.


Baptist. Services every Sunday (ex-
cept second) u.orning and nigiit. Prayer
meeting Thursday night. Rev. C. M.
Billings, pastor. Sunday Schvol at 9:30
A. M. U. D. Rountree, SupTt.


No regular services.

Services every fourth Sun-
day morning and night. Rev. A,
Greaves, Rector. Sunday School at 9:30
A. M. W. B. Brown, Supt.

Methodist. Services every Sunday
moruing and night. Prayer meeting
Wednesday night. Rey G. F. Smith,
paste: Sunday xchool at 9:50 A. M.A.

B, Kllington, Supt.

Presbyterian. Services every Ist anc
3rd Sunday morning and night. Prayer
meeting tuesday night Rev. Archie
MeLauchlin, pstor. Sanday Schvol at
9:30 A. M.,B. D. Kvans, SupTt.


Covenant Lodge No. 17. I.
meets every ~Tuesday night.
ket, N.G.

Grecnville Lodge No. 281 A. F. & A.
M. reets first and third Monday nights
Zepo Moore, W. M

oO. oO, F.,
D.D. Has-



"SEND rouR"




Tens aae Work.


} moderate ability taking a course with

D| present standard.

.} work will be spared to make this school
§jail that parents could wish.

Educational ©
Greenville Collegiate


*oREENVILLE, N.C. S. D. Bagley,
Gy A. M. Principal. With full corps of
Teachers. Next session will begin
the Eugli: sh Branch:s, Ancient and
Modern Languages. Music wiil oe
taught on the conservatory plan,
by agraduate in mus~c. Instruction
thorough. Discipline firm, but kind.
Terms reasonable. Artand Elocution
will be taught, if desired, Calisthenics
free. For particulars address the Prin-

cipal, Gree: ville N, ©,


The fall terin of my school will open in
the Masonic Lodge building

Monday, Sept., 2nd T95,

Cour-e of study embraces the usual
English branches, higher mathematies,
Latin and Freoch.
Number of pupils will be limited.
Apply for terms.

MOK Obnt

I will open a select Music School on

Monday, Sept. 2nd., T95.

Instruction thorough. No extra charge
* for use of Piano. lerms furnished

on application


Male Academy.

The next session of this School will
begin on

MONDAY, SEPT, 2, 18d,

and continue for ten months,

The course embraces all the branches
usually taught in an Academy.

Terms, both for tuition and beard

Boys weal fitted and equipped for
business, by taking the academic
course alone. Where they wish to
pursue a higher course, this school
guarantees ~thorough preparation to
enter, wi.b credit, any Collegein North
Carolina, or the State University. It
refers to those who have recently left
its walls for the truthfulness of this

Any young man with character and

us will be aided in making arrange-
ments to continue in the higher schools.
The discipline will be kept at its
Neither attention nor

time nor

Send in your boys on the first day.
For further particulars see or ad-

Im Business Part of City

Singular Test of Sanity.

An Italian named Nino was on trial
at New York for the murder of his
wife. To test his sanity two medical
experts resorted to a= singular
method. They went to Nino's cell
and there rehearsed before him the
supposed scene of his wifeTs murder.
Next a dummy was introduced, and
the prisoner was asked to show them
just how he had committed the
crime, which he did. All this time
a@ recording instrument had been at-
tached to the prisonerTs wrist, and
as it showed that the action of the
manTs pulse had not been accelerated
during the mock tragedy, the ex-
perts concluded that he must have
been insane when he did the deed.
They did not believe it possible fora
person to feign insanity for any
length of time."Springfield Repub-

Watch Dials.

When watch dials are enameled
they are first prepared with a back-
ing of sheet iron, having raised
edges to receive the enamel in
powder, which is fused. After
cooling, the lettering and figuring
are printed on the plate with soft
black enanael by transferring. The
dia! is again placed in a ~~muffle,� or
oven-shaped vessel, to fuse the
enamel of the lettering or figuring.
The enamel used is composed of
white lead, arsenic, flint-glass, salt-
peter, borax and ground flint, re-
duced to powder, fused and formed
into cakes.

The MuleTs Misfortune.

_An old darky lived in the south
who was a great barterer, and it
was very hard to beat him on a
trade. It seems he had sold a mule,
guaranteeing him faultless. The
purchaser shortly after came back in
a great rage, and said:

~~Look here, you rascal, that mule
you sold me is blind in one eve; you
assured me he had no faults.�

o *DavTs right, sah; dat mule habe
no faults. Ifhe am blind { in one eye,
dat am his misfortune, not his
fault.TT-"HarperTs Round Table.


Mrs. W.M KING, Prop,





Se Patronage solicited.


Under Onera House.


* Sea SDS ;
July 5th
Lepee {Weldon
Ar K Hacvkc om
Lv Tarboro 12 20 saps
Ly Rocky Mr. 1 050 au} H 6.
Ly Wilson, | |. 2.03/12 08) | 40 |
Lv Selma ~ 2 53 o2� =
Lv FayTtteville| 4 30/12 63
Ar. Florence 7 15) 3 00
: IPM, A.X
Ly Wilson 213 aim 63
Lv Goldsboro 2 10 oof ne
Lv Magnolia 4 16 8
Ar Wilmington} 5 45) " + 104
P.M.) | JA.
ines GorNe| Na | di! :
~pad z = a Be ee
July th | Se lS Ep fg
1895. | ZA IBZ A] ol oR
a.&lpawt- fe
Ly Florerce j 8 15] 7 35)
Lv Fayetteville; 10 55! 9 35 y
Lv Selma. (| 12.82) [ |}:
Ar Wilscn 1 20/11 28
7 Tesi tf ali
eS e ELe
A. M.|
Ly Wilmington}. 9 20]
Lv Magnolia. | 10 56] |
Lv Goldsboro | 12 06) |
ar Wilson 1 00). -
1 sa
P. M.|
Lv Wilson 1 30
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 P
Ar Tarboro. 2 48
Lv Tarboro ar ~
Lv Rocky Mt 2 33) ° 12 27 *
Ar Weldon 3 48}. 12 50

Train on Seotianad Sey Befney. Ros
eaves Weldon 3.40 + |

p.m., arrives Scot 4.08
., Greenville 6. 87 ey, Seoear'd 7.3
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m.. Arrivix

Halifax at 11:00 a. m.,; Weldon 11.20 a:
jaily except Sunday...

Trains on Washnigton Branch lea
Washington 7.00 a, a arpvee Parme.
8.40 p. m., Tarboro 9. returnin
leaves Tarboro 4.50.p.. m.. F np sos fa
p. m,, arrives W : 35 pn
Daily except Sunda PC aneete wit

-|trains on Scotiend Neck-Branch.


Ri July 30, 1895.


- Special attention ven fe. "
Gentlemens Cloth othinge

a ae

oTM: EMBRSON, Traffic Mana;

Train leaves Tar NOC, via Aly
marle & Raleigh R. R. daily ex tea U2
fay. at 6 00 pm. Bunter 800 P. M
arrive Plymouth 9.20. P. M., ir ig 1
Returning leaves P uth.

Sundey, 5.30 a. m., unday 9.3 nm
arrive Tarboro 10.25 am fog it. o4
a. Mm, age oe
JOHN F. copie! Ey

General Su;
J. K, KENLY, GenTl ah


Ribbons. Gloves, Mitts, &c., carried by


"this season. Our Stock of"

_S-H.O. E.S,

Ladies & Childrens


is the largest and cheapest ever of-
Jered in this town, come and see for

pourself and be con


Mattinys, Window Shades and Lace

Goods solid on
prices made according!y.

J. B. CHERRY & Co.


Just received a nice line of pure North

Sweet Gum and Feps


Maoufactured at Nertiand Neck. Aids


& he oe ops ;
LAfir meriig ara

dig-ation. whiters teeth aad cures sore
4 throet. At tne same time youl eneodr-
J age ho ewe tadusteries De chewing this

Gem For +ai-


RR te RR ea

J. LL. Starkey & Co.



This Laowiry dows the Gacst work
the Meath, ani prices are low
make shipments «very f oesdiay-.
your work to our store on wnclay
@@ be forwaries prom;iy.
lists feruishe ¢ on applbcation:

E College Hovel

WBS DELLAGAY. Proprictress



Cenrenteat to depot avd to the to
bac _o warehou--s

Bewt asd highest locatio:
Greenville. Splendid mineral water.
Rows large and comt.rtabie. Table:
' with the beat the market af-





Shown by People Stirring Azeunt)
These Warm Days.

Mr. YW. D. Carstarphen is in town. :
Mavror D. C. Moore, of Bethel came in
| Thursday evening.

Messrs. A. L- Blowand W,
rington went to Tarboro today.

Mr. W. O. Dixon, avery clever mwer-
chant of Hookerton, was in town today.

Mi~s Leta McGown returned this
morning from a sisit to relatives at Tren

Mr. C. M. Bernard went down the
road last nigit aod returned this morn-
ing. |

Mr. H. A. sutton and Master Hugh
Sheppard returned trom their visit .o
Kinston this morning.

Messrs. fT. E: Hoberts
left this morniog for
and Chase City.

H. Har-

R. H.


Mr. J.C Tysoa, clerk at the bank, is
yguike sick. Mr. Hi. P. Harding is filling
bis plece during his si -Kuness

The body of the colored boy :
James Johnston, who was
drowoed Tuesday afteruoon, was
found Thursday evening obear
Pactolas landing. The body was
under a log aud was discovered
by a colored mau who went oat
to catch the log.

This afternoou Master Fred
Forbes bas bis goat out coversd

in blanket and with | egs ban-
daged"in regalar race track
style"wziyiog oBillie� a obit of

waiking exercise. Tie boys wh»
were disposed to be jealous want
ed to know of Fred how
his goats lege sore.



Recc:4 of Matters of General Interest


A wule was killed io Rowan
cocaty by bee stings.

Sam Nicxle, of Sarry county,
was inostantiy killed by a faltiog |
limb while cuttioe down a tree.

A family in Raleigh was made
vyioleotivy sick from eating
poison inthe wilk from
the cream was wade.

The arrest of a number of peo

jole at Beaufort for couspiripg to-
wether aod swindling reveral in-


1Ce |

Brings New Items, ~and The Reflector
Gets Them.

The nights are cool and make .

sleeping fine-
All kinds coc! drinks and fruits

~at J. L. Starkey & CoTs.


S.-W: Sehultz


The farmers are beginning to)
lay by their crops.

Botter kept in refrigerators at
J. L. Starkey &OoTs.

The Kinston tobacco market |
will open on the loth.

New Corned Mallets and Cod)

Fish at S. M. Schultz.
There's nothing the matter with

ing their yearTs supplies will fad
ithetr interest to get our prices before
|chas ng elsewhere. Onrstock is comp
o all its branches,



RICE, TEA, &c.



this moon, so tue ospooneyT
folks say-

Still a greater reduction mn
summer goods at LangTs.

Rev. Jobn Phillips will preach
at Tucker's school Loase second |
Sanday io AuyusBt.

For the best Cigar in town
to J. L. Starkey & Co.

The colored Baptist Sunday
school hed ao excursion Ou steaw:
er Myers this afternvon.

Wasbington is taking steps to'
Gieen- |

have a fuir. Wake ap,
ville, and get @ Move Ou.

Avothber very fair break out at|

the warehouses to-day, with pri-|

Ces even better thau vesteiday.

The Edgecombe Guoards and
Washingtou Laight Ipfaatry go!
into camp at

The Oil Mills above Tarboro

have let ga coatract for a pew

steamer to ply Tar river in place!

of the Beta. Tbe vew boat will)

be built in Washington.
Friend Jim Starkey took a
party fora ohay ride� from the

depot on bis dray Thursday even-
ipg. but the hay was missing.

|Nut W bittield was cuaperune.


John E. Harst, eenior member

of the firm of Horst, Parnell & Co.,
of Baltimore, is the Democratic
~nominee for Governor of Mary-

| An effoit is being made to se-
re the removal of the headquar
of the Southern Railroad

from Washingtou City to Atlap"


Robert © Scott, ex-city Treas-
arer, of Jacksoy ville, la.,. bas
been arrested on a charge of em

surance companies, ca
Tgepateg pee seusation.
is now io

~bezzling $10,707 belonging to the

progres at Morenead.T city.

Ocvacoke next

| we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena

~bling youto buy at one protit. A con
| plete stock of


|alway 7s onhand and soldat prices tusuit
| she times. Our goods areal] bought and
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk
|to Tuh,we sell at a close margip.
Greenville. N.C




Professional Caras.

| Sa

B.° F. "TYSON,

| Attorney and Couuselor at-Law
| Greeuvilie, Pitt County, N.C.
| Practices in all the Courts.
| Ciyil and Criminal Business Solicite J.
| Makes a special of fraud diyorce,dam-
jages, actions to recover land, and col-

Prompt and careful attention given
ail business.

Monty to loan on approved security.
Perms easy.



s@y� Practice in all the Courts.



{*T Ham @ SKINN adc,

GREE- oVILLE. N. tc.
jAnVis & BLOW,

@@ Practice in. alltne Courts


John E. bvbateea iar F. ©. Hardi
Wilson, N. C. Greenville, N
; Greenville, N-
Special attention given to coilections
and settlement of claims.

Daily Reflector, August 2, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - August 2, 1895
August 02, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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