Daily Reflector, July 2, 1895

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Vol. 2..

C7 RE ee


-7 ; Tt. 2 See
: 1 #7 PL gy Fe =


. O., JULY 2, 1695. ©

Lecai Trains and Boat Schedule.

Passeng-r and mail train going
north, arrives 8:22 A. M, Going South,
arrives 6:37 P. M.

North Bound Freight, arrives 6:45 A.
M, leaves 10:15 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives 1:51 P
-, leaves 2:11 P. M. ,

Steamer Myers, arrives from Wasb
inston Monday, Wednesday and Friday
eaves tor Washingtou Tuesday, Thure
day and saturday.


" ~~ ~~

Weather Bulletin.

Scattered showers to-day, fair
to-night and Wednesday.


Vakley Items,
Oakey, N. C., July 1st, 3895."
Mr. I. H. Little and wife spent
Sunday here.

Mr. W. J. Little end sister,
attended the union at Spring
Green Sunday.

Mr, W.H. Williams made a
business trip to Pactolus Fri-
day night.

Mr. Keoscoe Little returned
home last week from the coast.
He is looking well and reports
a pleasant time. |

Saturday at 10:30 P. M. the
sad news reached this place of
of the death of Mr. B. O. Fiem-~
ing. He wasa member of the
Disciple church. He had been
sick for a year. He leaves no
near relatives but many friends
1o mourn his death.

Honoring Our People. .

We haye seen a copy of the
Knoxville, Tern., Journal of June
16 containing a full account of a
very brilliant entertainment ten-
dered by Lieutenant and Mrs.
Lawrence D. Tyson toex-Goyern-
or and Mrs. T: J. Jarvis dauritvg
tneir recent visit to that city.
The Journal pronounced it the
most brilliant social function of
the week, and the. most elegant
ofthe many entertainments ten-
dered to the distinguished guests
Lieutenant Tyson was a. Pitt
_gounty boy, and took especial. de-

ithe town being among the sign-


The Town Council] oSets DownT on

the WheelmenTs Petition and Di-
vide on the License Question,

The Town Council had a fall
attendance of the Board at their
meeting Monday night and they
had.a breezy session,somewhat in
keeping with the stormy weather
that prevailed outside. The weath-
er was so bad that the REFLECTOR
had no reporter present, and we
have to depend on what can. be
gathered outside as to what was

The matters of most importance
that occupied the attention of the
Board was action on two peti-
tions before them. One of these
petitions was in behalf of the
wheelmen of the town that they
be allowed to nde bicycles on the
sidewalks except between the
Court Hoase and Five Points on
Evans street- This petition had
between 75 and 100 signatares,
many of the leading citizens of

ers, but 1¢ was ignored by the
Board and tabled by a vote of 5
to 1. |

The other petition was against
the granting of license to sell hig

uor near the tobacco warehouses:
This petition also had a large
number of signatares, nearly 100
names beiug to it. Lhe question
was warmly discussedT and when
a vote was taken regulted in a tie,
Councilmen Brown, Smith and
Raffie yoting to grant the license
aud Councilmen . Godwin, Wilks
and Jenkins against ~the license.
Mayor Forbes took the side of the
citizens and cast, his deciding vote
against issuing the license.

~The asnal monthly ~ bills were
~allowed. =~: eo

, ~Maule Kitied

While hands were hauling logs
this morning on WallingTs tram
read, a few miles below town, the

digbt.in thas honoring -old: timeT

friends of himself and parente.

The rain has given Crops
hump. TirT

grade, allowing it to,ran down, on
the. mates:;,,One- of the: moles:

a big
_..s badly as to ruin the animal.�

eonsoling thought, that

brake to'the track ~broke on aj)

goods this

will suit
goods but



make room for my incomingT fa

same. Come and see.


and Slashing prices.

week. My entire stoc

ois thrown open to the. public. an
you just name the price ~andT 'w

Low _ prices...
the quality remains th

Fi 2k £:


et a?

et "

In Memoriam of Ruth Cherry.

Wednesday, June 19th,just a¢ twilight
was drawing her curtain, death came
and found strange beauty on that
cherub brow, and that. sweet. spirit took
its flight to hé@aven. Pure and transient |
asthe morni.g dewdrops she passed
from her earthy suffering to rest in
sweet blissfullness. Her shinirg face
is radiant with Heavenly light, and
gweet little angel, we know her brow
is decked with an ermine of Paridise.
Oh! the gentle form of darling Ruth
slumbers in that city of the, dead, bat
her spirit is in the bosom. of God.
Mourn not but draw comfort from. the
your tender
lant, though nipped in its sweet
ragrance, has exchanged her suffering

eternity... ods ; berg

Now, dear Pattie let the remembrance
coving voice opmne like visions of tender-
est recollections from the sorrowful
past. Try~to look forward ~to a day of
reunion when your darling shall be the
first to welcome you to the upper

o~One by one earthTs ties are broken
._ As we see our love decay,

And the hopes so fondly cherished, |
Brighten but to pass away.

One by one hopes grow brighter.
- As we hear the shining shore,
For we know across the river "

Wait the loved ones gone before.�

. Aunt Lucre.

The Press says the Confederate
monument at Raleigh is being

}was killed and another-injured 8

yesterday and were

test | your.work, "
here to sing praises thioughout endiess ; ~~

of her sunny laugh, and sweet little |:

| Good MiddtingTS ©" 7"
} Middling fated of

| Spanish

The County - Commissione
could: not finish all. their: wo
again to-day: Poe ual para nt

ii boii SH Ws

J. L. Starkey & Co: ~have tak
the agency for thé City Elsct
Laundry, ofT Wilmington: * Tt
lanudty does the finést ~sindT ' be
work of any establishment in ~'t!
State and is the equal ~of atiy''¢
work done in the North.�See't
agents for prices and: ~give: th

#25343 js Fale oa es

Below are Norfolk, ,
and peanuts for yesterday, as fu
by Cobb Bros. & Co.,T
chants of NorfolkT: *

. Paeites -oorTrron.

Lew Middliing: «©: i) our
.Good Ordinary .
Tone"dull. 4 WO

Prime -
Extra Prime ~
|Fancy: =



Fim, Giind of tae

E T id 24a

B. E. Peas"best, 2.50./ta 275; per,


woomgpeston dean ern care irae f
oo¥eees for souvenirs.

a �,�

dam to 1.76,
| Black and Clay, 90 to dp mga

matters of tnis kied left to be at-

- hence in 6 great many instances

|. oftrade and thriving under con-
we ditions a great dea! less favorable

Subeorillon 25 Scents per Month.
oEn as second-ciass Mail matter.

Local, PBs AT
bed ope

There is one thing set Green.
ville needs just at present inoue,
than snytbing else, and that isa
first-class Board of Trade, consis-
ting of the active. energetic: basi

men. We have found sever
al letters in our box lately, direct-
ed4o the Greenville Board of
Trade, and thinking probably the,
were intended for the Tobacco
Board of Trade we opened them
and ip every instance found they
were seeking information about
ourtown and coastry. Now if
we had an organized Board of

of our merchants and sud
~take the

ness men generally, who
an interest oin lettin
world know what we bad and the
inducements we could offer to
visitors, we could the more sssityT
impress home seekers and busi-"
meses men by anited and concert"
ed action, than in the slip shod
manner in which it must necessa-
rily be done until we have an or
ganized board of this kind. Again
what is everybody's business, and

tended to by any and everybody
will most likely go unnoticed, and

the town loses 4 good citizen,
when by prompt aétention it might
haye saved one. There are num-
bers of towns in this State with
mot near so many inhabitants as
Greenville, and whose natural re-
sources are much more limited,
that have regular organized
Boards of Trade through which
medium tney are bringing them-
Selves to the notice of the world

than ours.

If the people of Greenville want
to induce capitalista to come
among us,if they want the natu-
ral resources and latent industries
of our country opened up, if they

this particular, we have said to
those who might come

Thies of gitizens whom we would
Tiké to have, have jastly | n of.
|fense and withoutT "an investiga-
tion of our sdvantages and in ig-
uorance, caused by our indiffer-
ence, they havegivea us the go:

Prof. E W. Smith, President of the

Oemmercial College of Kentucky
University Has pen Away:

~We have jast learned of the
death of Prof. E. W. Saiith, Pres-
ident of the Commercial. College
of the University of Kéntocky at
his home in Lexinetor.

Fiye years ago Abe writer , en -
tered the Commetciai College ~of

Keutecky University, and our

first instructions were given by

Prof. E. W. Smith. Atthat time
we had never remained long from
home, and naturally we were blue
and homesick beyond expr ession.
For the kind fatherly words of
advice and cheer and the many
little innocent, amusing jokes
that he told to kill the dall mo
notony and the ever concentrated
thought ot home, we shall hold/j,
his memory in kind reverence..
His mind always seemed to be
fall of beautiful thoughts and i®
his daily lectures in the school
room the weight of his discourse
always tende | to the elevatioa of
mankind and tie parificativun of
morals. On acovart of his age,
we suppose, at that time his ar-"
ticulation was sinothered and we
frequentiv nvuticed iuattention on
the part of some uf the pupils,
but when hee-ame ino to tecture
we always gave im our undivid"
ed attention wit the result of al-
ways feeliag after each lecture
that we had been benéfited more
than double the value of time em-
ployed on our books.

ing .
By our siletce ohéretéford jiu oe 28 I is yes

* 4 oo

wit its vicissitudes
and sorrows are over, is to look
back! -upoo © 4heT stage of

tion and know that we §,have
done all that. we could toward ele-

vating our fellowman and as little
as possible toward his .degrada "
tion. This Prof.Smith could right-

fully claim- He _ devoted bis
life to the elevation of young men
and now be has gone to claim his

_""" eee

The following gives some little
insight into the politics of Eng-
land at the present time :

The political character of the
new Parliament as determin ed by
ap imperial forecast gives tbe
Unioaistaa solid majority. The
most sauguine liberal estimate as
published by the Westminister
Gazette almits that the Unionists
will gain 32 seats, wnich means
64 votes on a division and entails
a steady majority in Parliament
of 24. Athoroughly non-partisan
view assigns to the Unionists a
majority of 80, but Cock- a-Hoop
conservatives predict a majority
of 120, but the latter figures are
ridiculous. Any how the Liberals
enter the lists with a feeling of
despondency and a conviction
that they will meet such a defeat
as will establish a Unicnist goy-

jeroament in power for the next

seveu years.

oWe have not a ghost of a
chance,� said Sir Charles Dilke
in an interview to-day; othe Un-
ioniste are certain to secure a
solid vote which will coop them

mS powes for a long time to come.�

last hope of the home
rulers apon an appeal to
Mr. Gladstone. The leading Mc-
Carthyites and seyeral staunch
English adherents to home rule
privately approached Mr. Glad-
stone beseeching him to issue
a manifesto and also to engage in
some degree of active personal
intervention during the electoral
period, but they got negative re-
plies in every case, some times
directly from Mr. Gladstone, and
some times ¢ Mrs. Glad-
stone, who declares that her hns-
band must not be troubled with
reference to ear beds ecnnected
with the political situation. She
is convinced that the'physical and
mental! disturbances sects
political _ excitment yo Wo


Renin ohh te!

er? -2 + =

nts| If they
overT they wont log

reason she wilt be Over-|sincere and candid


this country
e tnat, with
_|the exc: ption of Senator Morgan,
of Alabama, there is "yed in it a
man of the first order af ability
who is advocating the ftée coin-
age Of silyer"Charlotte Observer.
Sevuator Pugh, colleague of
Senator Morgan, is thought to
be a big enough man to be Chair-
man of the Judiciary Committee
of the United States Senate ; Sen-
ator Voorbees to be Chairman of
the Committee of Finance; Sen~
ators Daniel, Jones, Berry, Geo.
Turpie, Walthall, Butler of South
Carofina, Blackburn, Cameron,
Coke, Teller. Roach, Gordon, Ba"
con, Call, Pasco, Jones, Dubois,
White of Cal: fornia, Harris, Bate,
Vest and Cockrell, 2 are jus ustly re-
{garded as among the ablest men
in the United States Senate.
Thev. certainly are the ablest
Democrats in that body. and some
of them are men of othe first
order of ability.� Inthe House,
Chas. F. Crisp is regarded as the
leader of the Democratic forces,
and is one of the few men who
eyer declined a seatin the U. S.
Senate. He has been a judge,
and he is a man oof the first
order.of ability� if there are any
in the House. One of the strong-
est leaders on the floor of the
House is Benton McMillan, of
Tevnessee and such men as Oul-
berton, Richardson, Black, Bland,
Hutch, Fithian, Williams. Huant-
er, Wheeler and dozens of others
are thought tobe pretty tig men
in their States, and have come
to exert wide influence,

Besides, such rampant anti sil-
ver wen as Sherman and Car-
lisle once favored silver. The
Asheville Citizen says that Pres"
ident Andrews, of Browo Uni-
versity, is for free coinage.

Most of the brains in the Mid-
die and New England States are
opposed to free coinage. In the
balance of the country a large
majority of the men of the first
order of ability oare fn favor of
free. coinage.� It is certainly
trae in North Carolina in ~he ra-
tio of 16 to 1 "Raleigh News and

Womans Greatest Charm

I am quite sare that men regard
osweet simplicityo as the greatest
charm in women and especially
in girls, writes Ethel Ingalls j in &
delightful dissertation on oThe
Girl in Society,o in the July
Ladies Home dournal. This does
not Peppa icosrtar erg in the sim-"
perin but an absence of
that a ected. air of boldness and
mannishness which has lately
~been assumed by tow mwuny really

lovable girls. Then, too, sincerity
sed in expression.is one of the: chai-

acteristics that charmi meu. To be
the girl in
~need never be abrapt nor .

self- assertive.

Pete ee ee ed eee Fee Bere, arty, oAho. | ee te aS ee Oe


Saperior Court Clerk, E.A. Moye.
Sheriff, R. W. King.

Register of Deeds, W. M. King.
Treasurer, J. L. Little.

Coroner, Dr. C. OTH. Laughing-

, ouse.


Commissioners"C. Dawson, chmTn..
Leonidas Fler ing, T. E. Keel, Jesse L..
Smith ands. M. Jones.

SupTt. Health, Dr. W. H. Bagwell.

SupTt. County Home, J. W. Smith.

County Examiner of Teachers."Prof.
Ww. H. Bagsedale.


Mayor, Ola Forbes.

Clerk, C. C, Forbes.

Treasurer, W. T. Godwin.

Pulice"J. W. Perkins, chief, Fred.
Cox, asst; J. W. Murphy, night.

Councilmen"W. H. Smith, W. L.
brown, W. ~T. Godwin. T. A. Wilks,

Dempsy Ruffin, Julius Jenkins.


Services every Sunday (ex-
and night. free
ht. Ve Cc. M.

cept second) mornin
weceting Thursday n
Billings, waster Suuday School at 9:30
A. M. UC. D. Rountree, SupTt.

apical No regular services.
Episeopal. Services every fourth 5un-
day .moruing and night. Rev. A,
Greaves, Rector. School at 9:30
Ww. B. Brown, dup t.

Methodist. Services every Sunday
morning and uight. Prayer meeting
Wednesday night. Rey. G. F. Smith,
pastor Sunday school vat 9:80 A. ~M.A.

Bb, bllington, Supt.

Presbyterian. ~Services ever y lst ned
3rd Sunday morning and night. Pra
meetingT uesday night. ev. Archi
McLaucblin, pastor, Sunday School ae
9:30 A. M.,B. D. Kvans, SupTt


Covenant Lodge No. 17. I. O. O,° F:,
meets every Tuesday night. Dr. W.H
Bagwell, N.G.

Greenville Lodge No. 281 A. F. & A.

M., meets first and third Monday nights
w. M. King, W. M






Her Ancestors. "

A young.matron, of .New . York
having a strong liking for the sunny
south, impdrted from!old Virgin-
ny� a. eolered \cook: named +Penina, |
who understood the mysteries of
corn pone and hoe ~cake; and whose
dishes of terrapin, wild turkey or
venison ragout could: not be beaten.

One day PeninaTs mistress con-

| ceived the idea of giving her a treat,

and took her to the park to seeT the
animals, in ¢he,*~zoo..� She was.de-
lighted with everything she saw,

jand standing oda the liousT cage


~What dat say, honey?� pointing
to the label at the top of the cage:
*~Lion hab: Africa.� -

oOh, that. says the ison came from

oShore Tnuff! oAnd de eltant, whar
be come from?�

a6 A frica.�.

~*AnT deT de hippotmusses, whar
dey come from?�

Africa.� ° .
**AnT de corkerdiles?�
oAfrica.� - ; 3 +
**AnT de ostriches?� ;
** Africa.�

**AnT de monkeys, 80T camels, anT
giraffs, anT cape buffiers, anT ant-
eaters, anT big ~snakes"whar dey
come from?�


*oAa'de big pink flowers down by
de fountain?�

~"Yes,T they came from Africa.
Why, Penina, your ancestors come
from Africa, too.� .

~Shore Tnuff], Shore ~nuff! Bress
your heart, honey pears to me Africa

yearth.�"N.. . Home imeem.

A Case in Natural ~History.

Many years ago ~ago Noah Webster
classified a fish as an oviparous,
vertebrate animal, breathing by
means of gills or branches, and liv
ing mostly im the: water. Now
comes another. Webster"survamed
Loper"who keeps a atall in the city
market and who declares by his acts
that a fish is either a fruit or @ veg-

Beeause of this peculiar entomo-
logical classification the. new .Web-
ster is in ~trouble. . _ The fishmen at
~the city market are after him and

the city may cancel ~his lease.

Some time ago Loper seeured from

4&1 W. N. Irwin aJlease.on stall 46, city

market. The lease gave. him per-
mission to deal .in fruit and vege-
tables. He sold fresh-fish, too, along | ~

p| ~with banands and potatoes, and tow
#\ the fishmen want the city: finanee
,|pommittee to: declare that:e fish. is |:
Gi tie tee ~fruit.nor. a,yegetabie, and

! in Rope Toe tae sal

Serban pe

¢ may tive bisT lease |

makes de wtcent show: on dis yere

You every day
in the month o t
June that if

you have

your Printing done

at the
It will be done right,
It will be done in style|"
and it always suits.
These points are
well worth weighing
in any sort
of work, but

above all things in
Your Job Printing. |;



or Segeicngs Goon olen NAO.


A) x bane EDMUNDS.
F Unies Orem) é

" |arrive 7

A-. o Sa! |
Lv Florerce 2 38 ¥
Lv Fayetteville}. 10 i
Ly Ima .. |.12.82). _. ;
xn | 1 201128
$2 |
ee 9: tae ¢
pMage oe) | | 8
iv Goldsboro | 12 06 | 9 4
25 a
~ss 4
z sz :
P.M. 6 oRPS PS 8
Ly Wilson 1:30 11:82):10 §
Ar Rocky Mt | 2 33 {4Ze7)
| Ar Tarboro SA | he
Lv Tarboro mi os
Lv Mt 9 33 {12.07}
~Ar Weldon 348). 60

Train on Scotiand Neck Branch Ro:
eaves Weldon 3.40 p. m., Halifax 4

p. m. . 0 BE
@., ? fe 8.3, . seas :
m.. eaves. 4
pin enville 8.23 Weldon Arriy
Halifax at 11:00 a. m., Wi don oui

Sundsy, ay
arbore To's am. and� nh ;

ge ee ee ee ee ee. ee ee ee ee ee Fe ee� ee ee ag a TY Se : aS Ble ae a7 ra ia, of re i.
Le a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee er mn ke a ee eee ee ee me oe ry
: Rae ee ee ge kas en aa ee
" ;

ae a a = . z = 2 : pe eee i a ee Sent ~a ~ ee ba red é FE as i canta fi 2 : o.
_". - a» sil bin on ag ee aN ee wa gs " at * rt ee =e aie en edie ee
i = a ae. : J Be

: ' x

_ YOUR--ATEENTION, " OR "2BR rp ATS TEP cos |r 0 870,

% oAIA AM AT The Year Gets Older, Not These Folks - Served Gri : or 2 hr a a
«IS .CALLED.10 TEE ELEGANT a aaa Ss . Schultz
town. o/i; ji The tiver goes np again. eC Cu: Me

_. "LINE OF" Mr. W. 8S. Greer, of Balimory- is in
DRESS GOODS, SENS, LAGE, ess % "8 ~~ smn po mg Sthee��"�|OLD BRICK STORE

Mr. J. H. Blount wentto Washing
". Glens, BS OF a" ton to-day. jan The dust has given place. to| [LARMERS AND MEKUHANTS BUY

Bf H. G. Jones, went to Scotland mud. - ; Prete benated he) te supplies Theme po.
Neck to-day. Be sure and stent the Musi-| chasing elsewhere. Ourstock is complete
Rev. A. McLauehlin, returned Mon-|nale apd Farve. at the. Opera|� allits branches.

Ii day evening. H Jaly 3rd...
4 this season, Our ~Stock af Miss Aylmer Sugg came home from one o . PORK SIDES&SHOULDERS.
; - - + Kinston this moroing. Services in the Presbyterian FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAK.
2 S.H.O.! E. S, ling Miss NovellaiWiges is visit |Chureh to-night. ~RICK, TEA, &c.

: Butter kept in refrigerators at
_ AND | Mra. M. M. Welson has gone to Phil-|J_ J, Starkey &Uo's. * always ut LowgsT MAREET PRICES.

adelpbia to spend some pime. | ; .
Ladies & Childrens | Mrs. Wiggs, of Four ~Oaks. is visiting | Attend the Musicale Means TOBACEO SNUFF & CIGARS

{- | Goodrich. o| bling youto buy at ong profit. A com:
~SLI PPERS'! ' ace e O era House. lete stock of
| Mr. Cc. M. Bernard ~eame home from! h P 9 P

| Wrightsy:'le Monday evening. His fam-| We just got the showers Mon-
zis the largest and cheapest ever @f- ily remain there. day evening, but it ~rained sure F U KR N iTU rm bE


= t

Galea ik seth

fered in this town, come and see for reg Wess Th] Langatet, .
d pt [Tarboro, | enough always onhand and soldat prices to suit

: yourself ana be convinced. | who has been dutieee Mrs. W. H. Ha ah ee Miche jhe times. Quz goods areal] boughkt and
[rostons returned home to-day. | SUMMER Dainks" Cream soda, | sold for CASH t refore, having no risk

TURE WIR Sac ces ee ST ee
ac as rR th parencs, Dr. | anced Mrs.) ade, soda water, &e., at Morris M. SCHULTz,

le me home to-day. * ~Greenville. N. .Cc

eee Window Shades and Lace. THE WAYS OF A MULE. ee _ | =
. "" oWith one accord all agree that

Goods sold om their merits and ete vrokitnTeg seca uatii Made tol do the fare at the Ocracoke Hotel Professional Cards.
prices made accordingly. Bo. an


~equals Morehead or any otber re. B. 'F. TYSON,

J. B. CHERRY & Co. Mr. Bryant Hardee bas had a/sort in the State. Ail whe have

lauee getung & a of tobaccp been down say this, and the fish-| Attorney and Counselor at-Law
", ues out home. e came 1D/| was never better." 7 Greenville, Pitt County, N.C.
H. G. JON Es, /Monday afternoon with a mule saa ~~ SF rete! fF Practices in all the Courts.

. Finest N. Y. Fresh | 7 ; Civil and Urimtival Business Solicited.
and cait to carry them out. The N. Y. Fresh Butter. The Sa age ual of fraud dtyoree,dam-

7 Bi ~flues were placed (iy. the cart | and Best Blended Tea 25cts per Ib. ages, actionT to recover land, and ecol-
ithe mule started eet Not | at be Old Brick Store. lections.
: ~a hundred yards bad been gone 13 Prompt and careful attention given

Greenville N.C over before that mule by n to| - Good mausie, good singing, best ,�"�! business.
bi *

show displeasure at ~the ~mittling |talent secured at entertainment by Tertes civ. ipan on approved-srcurity-

~of the flues, and with a humpiy. J;
~and a jamp he let out, gallopped rammuleg Daughters, Jaly Srd, at ~~ L. PLEMING
FP |around the Academy grove, and) pera House... " es 4 LOUNT. & FLEMING!
: taken for modern sesattered the fines Over, thie earth. B ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,

atyie brick Ae trick and wooden buildings.|Ttie idea of carrylug tue load LOCAL NOTES AND TOBACCOT GKEENVILLE, N. ©.
Old housee changed to any plar home behind the mule was aban-/ © _JOTTINGS | say~ Practice in ali the Coarts.
desired. Fis specifications doned, and when Mr. Hardee : _
earefully made at short notice, All came back and a barrel of - BY O. L- JOYNER. L. C. LATHAM. HARRY SKINNER.
work . pet Er first-class in == take send) the mae . pata�"� @ BKINN cr,
suery compos ces made ¥ walk off as meek as & mb. Oe
low ~ry |Today Mr. Hardee came back! We understand that a good) ~. 4rronweys-.T-Law,

" for the-fines with aborse, another;many farmers are cuting tobacco GREE- oVILLE. N. t-

a ver cominsg aiong with theirhi . ~~
- Greenville Market. Noale aleo. Aud the a would this week THOS. J. JARVIS. ALEX. L. BLOW

~not pull flues, eituer, but as s00n There is much need of a road JARVIS & BLOW,
as the load. wads ,j01.0n the cart he|leading from the Farmville read ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW,
g5 scattered them all over Fivelsgomewhere between Moye'TsSchool aie ek oLE, aio &-


.Weatern Sides 6.60 to 73, Points. It was concladed to Rive .
Sagar ¢ured Hams irte 1 the mule auvuthber tmal. H ag| House and the race track to com _3 $i et
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pare soni 50 te 80 of a flue he odanced to the wausic.�|college building and Mr. A. O-/ .U~ : C. ~Bbe title, w.C.
Plour, Fumily 6.25 toh .50 i Gt 3 sn hs the a they NoblesT place. This would cut off OODAMD & § BARDING.

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Oss. - + 50/ made up their minds to load that} about three perp ih he in Greenville, N.«
= 64ieS\cart. EnoughT ut! the eye apt distance and avoid pulling a load), Sppolal attetitied given. to:collectiogTs

Sack ee apo around thet /uute. vo obold up and down, the. hills in bad}

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ne male isand iw dry weether. oThere are


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Daily Reflector, July 2, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - July 2, 1895
July 02, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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