Daily Reflector, March 12, 1895

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Weather Bulletin. nots Bethel Items. 2 THE LEGISLATURE. _ -
Wednesday: showers, warmer.|_ Beruet N.C. Mar. 11 1895."Mr: Se


_ oThe Office Begging.
It looked Monday like every
body was well enough satisfied
with Dick King being Sheriff, as
no one 6!se seemed to want the
office when an opportanity "was

offered for occupying itT a short;

while... The bond suits -came up
again in court that day to be tried
before a jury... The regular jury
for the week was exhausted with-
out getting a jury fur the case.
The question then arose a3 to
who shouid be appointed to act as
Sheriff and summon jurors, being
@ party to the suit debarring
Sheriff King from performing this
duty. Counsel for the defense
called the - attention of the Court
to the fact that the Coroner was
the proper person to act as Sher-
iff under such circumstances,
owhen counsel for the. plantifi
thinking the other side sowe-,
what anxious for the Coroner tv
serve objected to him, the fact
coming out in the argument. that
coupled with his other good traits
of characier, he.was a Democrat.
Then the. amusing spectacie fol
Jowea of eyérybody suggested by
one side being objected to by the
other side, while ail who were

suggested by the Court asked to}

be excused from serving. Matters

- went on in this way until Court
adjourned for the day.
This morvipg,at the opening

of Court Judge Coble, appointed
ex Sheriff Ailen warren to act as
Sherif du-ihg the contiruance of
the trial. By noon reeess the ji y
was selec.ed and is comp of
the following A. James,

* »
* ot

W. G. Barnhill, J..L. Moore, J. B.

Galloway, G. W. Stokes, BB.

Summerell, W. C. Gardner, Lewis):

' Hudson, W. M. -Kinsaul, oJ. HR:
- ~Beardsley, J. B- Whitebu:st, L- W.
ee Sheree 2 eS, ee


ee ~

Geo. Blount of Williamston spent
Baadny and Sunday night in

been spending some time at
Scotland Neck. and Weldon,
returned home last week.

Mayor D.C. Moore went to Green-
ville to-day. ,

sister, of Edgecombé, were visi"
town Saturday and Sunday.

the other by Harry Rolla and
Bro. Saturday night. | :

sumetime in Craven county.

continues to

Mr. J. H. Johnston, who has

Post Master S. A. Gainer and!

Miss Malena Deavenport and

relatives in and around


We had two shows here ~last
week one by G. F. Roberson an
Ward Bros. Friday night and

Quinesty Items,
QUINERLY, N. C., March 12th,18965.
Rey- Alban Greaves filled his
regular appointment.at St. Johns
Sunday aud Sunday night.

_ Mr. N. H. Tiipp went to Wash-|
ington Sunday and retured yes-
terday. a

Miss Lula Builer, of Craven
county, is visiting relatives here.
Dr. Waring, of Edwards * Mills,
spent Saturday and Sunday here

Miss Addie Butler returned
home Sunday after spending

Miss Nita May is visi: ing rela-
tives in the city.
~ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Laughing-
house went to Newbern Friaay
and returned Sunday. :

, Mr. L. B. Mewborn is the best
pleased man we know of just bow,
beg. test: See asc re



; man was beard to -

com player

r¢ Ww +
down as
rp teed



oThe Senate to-day again cor

sidered in

one half of l_per cent-

to apply to dealers on 1 po:
icense-tax on dentists
he $250 tax on dealers in
ans not to a

; impos
ing $10
making t
pianos and or
to resident dealers.
The Republicans made an
fort not to have a new
ment of property until two y
hence, but the Populate defeated "
dithis;so the assess nent will be
made this year. " me
The Senate vote
here until the calendar is cleared. "
The House passed on final "
bills appropriating $9.000 ©
buildings at the Deaf, :
» und Btind " Institution,
chartering the Elon, " ee,
and Altamaha railway; to ap-
propriate $8,500. annually, to "
the SoldiersT Home; to appro:
annually . to the�
~and Mechanical.
College, for new dormitories: and
heating apparatus, and to amen
the cha.ter of Raleigh. :
The Legislature. . elected
f Wake (Populist), .
r, the Repab
ts voting sulid:

d to rémai

for new

priate $7,500

: sted Oth
Wilson, 0 a
way Commissionue
cans and Populis |
ly for him, Democrats voting
Thomas W- Mason the pres
incumbent, and elected Char
Cook, of Warren (Republi
Judge of the new Eastern�
nal Circuit, of - )
the Demoerats voting for J. -
McOali, of Mecklenburg.

he river is reported fall
and the fishernien. are hb
t a oe t er

seven. counti
Jid Fusion yx

EF * Pa
pt san

a on,

a~? a -


Bot ey




" ce osname en

- oThe Fasionists passed a resolu-
~tion Saturday t remain in ses-

~ gion until all the bills on the cal--
ender were passed but it is gen-

erally believed that the body will

~ adjourn to-day. _

Wonder if the little spurtin the
cotton market so close to planting

~ time 1s not for the purpose of en

ticing the farmers to put in moreT

acres of it than they hadintended.

Farmers will do well to handle
the cotton crop lightly this year.

Populist can vever again say
aaything about caucuses, for -no

body ever met before this legisla-
*- tare that had to cadcus On eyery-|will be to mourn for their beloved

thing that came before them.

: - Thia is necessary when you at-

= temptto do what they did be"

- esuse it could not be expested|

thateven Popsalists- would eve:

* vote for such measures, without

being whipped into it.
Qeder the Revenue Act
poll tax is $124, the Statetax 21

_. 9-8 cents, the pension 3 2-3 vents

the schools 16 centa, on » incomes

- and gross profits from _propert
pot taxed 5 per cent. an@igu fe


«fees 1 2 per cent. @n excess Over

$1,000, and 1 4 per cent. on excess
= over $1,000 to $5,000, and 1-2 per
~ eent, between $5,000 ard $10,000

_ oThe taxon oi
- 3,000 and on cigarettes 10 cents

oe , $100, and a tax of 2 per cent.
: yo ece in this State. State| are dispnsed to make homes?

- are to pay 850 on $256,000 of|Thes do away, bary from sight al!
$1,000) jaalonsies, all spite werk;
icing andj more for a few indryi

foracomm ig Ps

per 1,000. The sewing machine
tav 1a $50°, o or organ dealera,
otax $250. The tax on drommers is

-$100, which shall give exemptioa

from all other licpuse tex The
-heense for inst rance co apanies is

ioean shes amen for each


as second-class mail matter }¢


is 5+ cents per

= pital. The tax be
* is 1 petcont. on.gcoss|np, rab your eves,


cocky of smistiepene which

body of misrepresentatives whi
has been in Raleigh for the past


3 7 it - :
nnite to make is the biggest kind

of a city.


letters complains the most of the
management of ~the postofiice; the

sixty daye tearing to pieces thé). who complains thé most of

admirable system of govetnmentitis preacher pays the

which the State has had for the
past fifteen or twenty years, will
adjourn and be known no more in,

least; the man who.complains the
most of his. neighbor is the mean-_
est neighbor, and the man who
has the least sense is the mon

the State in the capacity which! cited. And it may. aleo

they have disgraced it during
their session at the Capital. There!
is not a patriotic citizen of the
Stete who will not rejoice that
this day has come and ttrat the
majority in this Legislature will
go into oincéaous dasatade� re-
turning to their homes ounnoticed
lanhonored and suaosanz,� and:
whose chief occupation probably

Fred Douglas, and keep the day
lof his death, which they so hon-

ored(?) by adjourning, sacred
sore all others of the calendar.
"""" SD

Talk for the Town,

Tie following taken from the
O auge (Va.) Observer might be

| profitably read several times over!

by the peop'e of Greenville:

BRither runs town witn vim = or
ja t sell out and leave it. Men
who are all the time trying to get
~out of business or ont of town will
never try to build up either.- One

lof the two thiags rant be done"' Butter. per ib

run the town for all it is worth, get
ap steam-and keep it up, or_qait
the whole thing, slide out and let
naturetake its course- Do you
want trade? Bid forit. D» you
want business to come to your
town? Encourage those who do
come. o you want a prosperous
town, where people can come whe

work no
but al!

most fault to find with the way it
isT ran." Orange (Va.) Observer.

A Strange Sight. -

Won't it bea sight oto make
men and angéls weep� at the next
comm n*ement at the State Uni-
versity to seé seated on the ros-
trum, am
trustees of that honored institu-
tion, a convicted crimnal like
GideoniteT 8S. Otho _Wilson?
What a disecration!"Chatham

' Alarge

steamer struck a pier of
a few minutes. Several passen-
gers were drowned.



Hand your supscription to the

Greenville Market.

ew o"-"-"-_"-
Corrected by S. M. Schultz, at the
Old Brics Store. )


perity and mutual.

f ; cs rs
le aga " .

: ee gl
2 ae ang E

o 5 ee ie a is :
oUp. Your| Gotten Need

per bu

r% Zo

niBeed Meal

~The man who gets the fewest

added that the man who. borrows id
his neigbor'Ts newspaper has the

ong the distinguished "

a bridge at Cincinatti and sank 10°

19 to 2%.
Western Sides 6 6010 74
Sagar cured Hains ll tg 12
Gorn -* 40 to 60
Corn Meal 50 to 80
Cabbage 5 to 15
Flour, Family 390 to 340
Lard 6 to 10
Oats , 50 te 60
Potatoes Irish, per bb! 200-to 350
Potatoas Sweet,per bu 30 to 40
~a od 3 to 6
c 16 to 26
Salt per Sack 80 to 20°
Ohickens 124 to 20°
Eggs pet doz : 10
Beeswax, per Ib




i ,
¥ * . é i =
é i : Saeed j Fi fe z
te eee ae 5 jah ei teed a a My as eC Fev d- ~i
BN i a an lk ah DN kD ae le cf


ae ae ae ry ab



pantie kas este LANs OY | CHEAPER. FIRE I NSU RAN: SE
a their yearTs supplies wilting aie ae
= iterést toget our prices before pu. | By. making every policy-holder a sharer in the. profits. All 3 qept

ng elsewhere. Ourstock: ~is complete - ~serve of 10 percent. are. returned. to the. pty elder
Dh oat ie branches. =

- FLOUR, COFFEE, SUGAK. Subscribed by twenty. capitalists whose names. represent over Five Mazx0Ns 0

RICK, TEA, &e. DOLLARS. Policy-holders are non-assessable.

DIRECTORS: J. 8. Spencer, E. Ds atta, Wm. E.. Holt D. G. Worth; :
ToBAcra SNUFF . & iexea MacRae. Lawience 8S. Holt, Samuel M James P Sawyer, 8. +
Edwin Shaver, F. J- Murdock, L. ire Rrolt, Bennehan Cameron, A. FS

we buy direct from Manufacturers, ena!
bling youto buy at one profit. A com lag liolt, J. M. Worth, a ..W. Scott, J. Van Lindley. Li. Me

lete stock of a
T ot RNITURE sscliiae tbe sai M. en President; E. P. Wharten, Vice-President; A.) |
Cc 9 tary ~Treasurer. oe


alway s Onband and sold at prices tosuit| when your policy expires see that it is renewed in THE SOUTHERN ar )

the times. Our goods areall bought and | yp ~CO.
sold for CASH therefore, having no risk MUTUAL INSURAN CE CO.

to-run,we sell ata close margin.

Greenville: N.C


oThis Reminds ©

D® D. L. JAMES, ge ~You every i
DENTIST, tists) | e he th 0

GREEN a 4 Cc.

are for sale by


S.E. PENDER & �,�0.,/BYO'" 4 anus,
ges� Practice in all the Courts.


And Stove Dealers. | Arrouneys-aT-Lae®,

GREENVILLE, N. C. | "" +
THOS. J. JARVIS. - ALEX. 1.2640
yARvis & BLOW, _


laa Practice i in ails tre Corer ee


aac A. SMITH,
- GREENVILLE, N. C. John E. Woodard. F. C. Hardie. oe
nest Lig wah steieeet acts | «2 Wilson, N. C.. Greenvil'e, N. �,�.
ley Naeeene tarhtiel ea



: j 2. = pak 8 HF y E +0 , oq os
A Fresh Hominy and Grits just} 0
receiyed at D.S. Smith's. _- aes 2 Me. J. A. Dupree went to Beth-

_. Banday was a beautiful to-day. prs
oTendall.the cbarches hat large) 46 wy Bogwell left this

a, Buy Cotton Seed Meal at the morning for Norfolk. ~~ ~

=, Old Brick Store. Mr. R. Is Smith has gone to
o¢ £ oe ba on Soo ee Norfolk and Richmond to buy
_ Senry Sheppard. . ,_ sborsee.

-. Oream Walout Candy, Apples, Miss Bettie Warren is back

-- Péars, aad Oranges, cheaper than from a visit to relatives at Wash

_ ever, at Morris Meyer's.

"For Cotton Seed Meal and)
°Hfalls and Shingles call on Heor,
- §$Sheppard. Prices low down.

Fresh lot Fancy Cakes and)
Cra¢kers at J. U. Starkey & Co's.

Greenville Always Wins

We notice io the list of prewi-
umé awarded at the recent fuir at
Newberne, publishea 1n the /our-
nal,that Allen Warren &_Son.,
_ proprietors of Riverside Narser
jes, were awarded $5 for the best
collection of cat flowers. The
game geatiemen were awarded
ove of the special premiums, a

7 oi i
i *
j * ~ -
a « =
= i: 4 f
a te

ing~ on.

Rey. D. B. Clayton will preach
in the Court -House to-night and
to-morrow night. .

Miss Katie Moore returned
Monday from a yisit to her home
in Washington.

- Miss Claude Lancaster, of Kal-
eigh, is visiting the tamily of Mr.
J. 58. Congleton.

We had a pleasant call this
morpihg from Rev. R. D. Carroll,
of Winterville.

-gilver castor offered by L. H.
Catler & Cc., for the best display.


ef cat flowers, byacinths and ger-|


_- The pictures exhibited in the
windows of some of our wmrer-
_¢hants this morning is an insult



Miss Myra Skinner has retuined
to Salem to school, her health
being restored.

Miss Ulara Bruce Forbes and
Master Fred retarned this. morn-
ing from Kinston.

Mr. M. R. Lang left this morn-
ing for the northern cities to
make his spring purchases.

' to cur wives and daughters, and

.eyery father and husband shouT),

rise up and resent it. The follow-

-- -ivg has been sa~d this morning
* . about this nome | that proposes
~~ to show bere on Tharsday nig t:

oThe ma ssid he would not
advise ste abe to take thair
- wives the firet night-� A travel

jog tian said, it was oalow down
o Lee w.acother said that po-.e
~ under 18 would be ~admitted.

rd have mercy apon &
fathers and hus-

not to. adit their

del phia.

| Mr. W. B. Brown, of the firm
~of Brown & Hooker,
north to ase Lew

Mr. and Mrs. Weinberg, of
| Norfolk, arcived Monday ¢6vening
ito visit Mr. dud Mrs. M.-R. Lang-

has gone



Mrs. R. M. Hearne and littl-
\Edward, of Washin
iting the family of

| Tren.

njare- vis-
r. Alleu War-

[ad:, who has been visiting . rela-
tives here, left

Pu} 0

| Mr. J. P. Gregory,
billed the town yes

_ Mr. John H. Taft, ot Daa kitk,|

today. for oPhila |.


a Give it the Go By.

ronday for te


|Bughsh -.to* appear. her
Thursday night _" ests 3 *
From the character ofthe pic-
tares that have been displayed "_"
we should judge that it is not a s
proper show for people of refine- ~
ment te patronize. Hearing of a
the remark made this morning by "
a drummer who hadTseen @ per-~ |
formance by this.company, that =
it was of a very indecentand low .
character, the RErFrLzecTOR com- oa
municated by wire with both - 3
Washington and Tarboro, w ae
theTshow appeared last week; to ~.. _
obtain the opinion of people of be
those towns as to its character. ~
From Washington we learn that ne
it was a very vulgar and indecent oe
show and not attended by any pa
ladies at all. From Tarboro we a
were told that it was about on a o=
par with theT oBijou� and -low oe
down variety shows of, Norfolk i
and other ecities. With such 8 =
reputation a& this theT peopie of me)
Greenville ~should show their i
self respect and refinement by o4
keeping away from such a fper- a
formance. 7 bes
Since writing the above some ss
citizens have kanded in a com- a
munication that appears else- Pe
where. Ge
- Tbe rain will cause the river to :
swell still higher. . 5
The Observer says that eggs 2
sold at 6 cents per dozen in Char-. ei
lotte Saturday. a
The Place to Sell your 2
j e ye


Grimes, of "

Daily Reflector, March 12, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 12, 1895
March 12, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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