Daily Reflector, January 12, 1895

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vol. 1.

Greenville, N. ~ Se January 1 12, 1898.

Local Trams and Boat Schedule. ;

Passenger and mail train going
north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6:37 P..M.

North Bound Freight, arr ives 9:45 *
M, Jeaves 10:15 A. M.

South Bound Freight, arrives- 1: 51 Ps
M., leaves 2:11 P. M.

Steamer Myers atrives from Wash
ington Mohday, Wednesday and Friday
leaves for: Washingtou coumanee Thare
day casas Saturday. | :

n=. les

5 "Weather Bulletun,
Sunday fair, cold T wave.


Cream oF ~Local News Boiled bewn
for Busy: Folks.

The sewer near the Academy
has: been repaired to-day.

The frost this morning looked
there was so

much of it.
Help the Datty REFLECTOR
along by subscribing. Don Tt

cripple it by being a borrower in-
stead of a patron.

keeper or Salesman in General
Merchandise store: Will give
satisfactory testimonals. Apply
for name et REFLEecToR offise.

; nn
A Pleasant Surprise,

Friday night Ts express brought
the editor a box which we appre-
ciate very highly. It was sent by
Col. J. S. Carr, of _Durham, and
coutained a pice clock, a -large

ackage of the old genuine Uur-
ee smoking tobacco, - several:
packayes of the famous Durham
short cut and seyeral packages of
the o400 cut plug. � The clock

-represents an extra lurge size

suck of Durham tobacco and- has
been given a prominent position
ECTOR office, ~and. ~the

force wil abi Se
whiffs of these: Seats et tobaccos:

- The clever Colonel has our heart-

iest thanks for the box.


Going South, ,

jernment system and the systems


y. delightfal|


Peeatas: :

Governor Carr's: message to Rte
Legisluture was an able doen-
ment and makes a grand showing
jfor the. Democratic. government
and management of 7 North Caro-
lina Ts affairs. . ;

Excellent advice is giver, the
islatare to beware of the
enactment of partisan legislation | _

and of chang:ng the county gov-

ef the various public institutions.

An increase Of the pension tax
to 44 cents is recommended, as
are uiso the equalizatiop of taxes,
the increase of school taxes to
twenty-two cents.

The Atlanta. Exposition is
heartily endorsed aud the legisla-
ture is asked to make an az ooh
priation for an exhibit.

Fifty thousand aollars contin-
gent appropriation for the . pen-
itentiary is asked. for and the :pur

5 exhibit all bills for public print

ing under the new law...
- Bill introduced by. French, of :
New Hanover, to repeal «present.
election law aud_replace it oy one ©
box and one ballot system...

By Ewart to repeal the ~county
government. law and. establish:
jeounty boards: ot trustees. and
boards of audit and finance, ._..

By Winburne to make six per.
cent the legal rate of interest.

~French. was made chairman. of
the committee on rules, Ewart of |
the committee of _ privileges and |
elections. :

Notices of fine. election contests
a8|were filed, these being in er
combe, Granville, ~Pamlico: and.
Halifax. :


Buy Cotton, Seed ,Meal at the
Old Brick Store. | as

Large crowd at Tucker & Ea
ward's. stock auction Pies ist oan
Some nice animals were. sold: "
Prices run from $9 to $90. ake

chase of conyict farms is recon.) = "


The Governor says that the
Shelfish Commission ~has. been
unable to enforce the oystor law,
asit hus no funds, and ;North
Carolinans have defiantly violated
the law by dredging for oysters.
The Governor emphatically "de-
clares that the present oyster law
is a failure aud suggests a new


Tae Fusionists began active
work in the Legislature.
Senator Mewborne introduced |
bill which, under suspension of
the rules, was promptly - passed,

repealing the act ofthe last ,Leg-

isluture which amen:led the char-
~ter of the Farmers T Alliance.

- Grant and Patterson were
sworn in as the Senators from
Wayne, "Aycock and Smith, Dem

ocrats, not appearing cr making)
any claim to seats.

That of the House was longer. _
Secretary of State Coke ootific

appropriation to carry it into :

Senate session was very short. oe

Remarkable - © ©:
O Cutiin {isis
Clothing. a
Must reduce -
[] Stock for [)
_ Spring Goods. -
. ((o)) � Ee
Goods, :
[| Notions, a
Shoes, Hats.



Reduced 1 :
ou Along with: ee
a The above. Ae
((o)) ne

the House that he ~was ". to

lank WILSON. �

�"� ye What a gga

Rh ae ee @

we Ww:




. Bryan Gard

2 . 2 oe nae ee fa a Ss


, words; Et J Williams.

hyde d B Gass E 6 Ed-
ville "W B Burnett.
nd "W T Pierce.

Subscription 25 cénts per Month. |

Entered as second-class mail matter.


GREENVILLE, N. ©., Jan. 7, 1895.
" Board of Commissioners for
Pitt county met this date, pres
ent. C.. Dawson, crairman, T. E.-
Keel, Leonidas Fleming, J. I.
Smith and 8S. M. Jones.

Orders for paupers were issacd
as follows:

Martha Nelson 2 00,
Smith 200, Jacob MclLawhorn
150, Nancy Movwore 3 00, Susan
Briley 2.50, Lucinda Smith 1 50,
Patsy Lockamy 2 00, Henry Har-
ris 2 50, Benj Crawford 2°50,° Jno
and Hettie Audrews 300, Ken:
neth Henderson 3 00, Eliza Ed:
wards 1-50, Carlos Gorham 2 V0,
J T HH Bibb 200, Henry Dail 2 U0,
Sam and Amy Cherry 4 00, Fan-
nie Tucker 1 50, J O Proctor 5 00,
Alice Corbitt 3 00; Easter Vines
1 50, Alex Harris 12 00, Winifred
Taylor 600,. Mary Briley 50,
Lydia Staton 1 50, John ilam 1 50,1.
W H Parker 2 00,3 G-Nelson 1 50,
Winnie Caapman. 150, Poll
Adams 1 50, J W Crisp 1's0, WE
Williams 2 00, John Oriap for
wife 150, James Long 15 00,
Amelia Heathly 150, Edwin
Haddock 1 50, R E Mizell 3 00.

The following orders_ were is-
sued for general county purposes :

Chas Skinner 196). R L Joy-
ner 7 92,C Kiusaul 2403. Joho

Flanagan 323 35, D J Whichare).

125 00, W M King 5771, E A
Moye & 95 W-R Parker 18 00,- W
H well 2410,. Edwards &
Broughton 29°80, J W Smith
34 43; W T Smith 13628. G H
Leggett 390, Andrew Rob usou
31 00.

Li_ense to retail i.qaor for six
months granted to tus fullowing -
3 ed oa ge Es Geene & Ov,

\trom payment on

Pactolus "J R Davenport. -
Oakley "W_E Fleming.
Chicod "N H Bedard.

~ Centre Bluff "J S Warren.
Dongola "T L Turnage.
Penay Hill "W S. Hicks.
Marlboro "S S Harris.
Cobb Ts Store "C D Smith.
Hill "J Ss Keel.

' Dr. oW. ' H. - Bagwell, S=apt-
Health; présented report for De-

lcember which was ordered filed.

Joshua WiSmith appointed Supt-
Home for Aged and Infirm at $25
per month.

Samuel R Ross, ay." appointed
keeper of bridge at Greenville at
$20 per month.

H J Hoyle elected Standard

The following were exempted

som poll tax for 1894 :

W J Manning. Austin Flood,
Me Wuichard, D C Stoxes, R L
Moore, Herry Fulford, ..John
Mewborn, G W. Abrams, J F

oThe followinz were relieved of
double tax for 189%:
TJ Jarvis, Alonzo Wilson, Benj

Weatbineton, Ohiver Smith, Mes... LG

M ~S Moore, T C Moore. -

WM Moore relieved from pay
nent on $500 solvent credits er-|
roneously charged against him.

w Ww Leggett was -re
$744 personal
property erroneously charged
against him. ~
~Lhe following were allowed to
list taxes for 1894: - -
Jawes E T Roverson, Iredell
Moore, Zeno Lyons; Jobo Nich- "
olson, T VW Cox, W A Meeks,}
Mrs M S Moore, Oliver Smith, W
G Gray, G W Smith, Margret
Smith, J T E-Thorough, Elias Ed
wards, M 3B Barber, Guilford T


Lawboro, W J Jenkins, Jd D
Lukes; Sylvester Williams, Mrs./
Margret oBelcher, Mrs. ~Susan

Cobb, L Looker & Co. Os |Bloont. J N Bvuum and wife. R

ear Hooker, W .E Belcher, J A
Brady,:J Q Smith &�,� Co, H O


-Bethel "Joha S Powell, Robert

Grifton "E A Bland, E -Uang,

Grimesland "J* O Rroctor
; . Moore & Co.



B Bynam: aud - wife, - Hattio i

| Jany. o8th, 1895.
Boaré " re-assem bled, all pre "
sent. j
The ofollowing orders were

| Overten,


Cox 5 00, R W King 1747
Flanagan Bug ae Sg 70, R
Ee toe Be a
by ing 12 00, BS n 160, 8
Carson 3,10,58 M M Tones 2 10,

Dawson 12 80, L. Fleming 13 00,
T E Keel 13.70, Jesse L, Smith
11 40, C Kinsaul 1 00.. :

Ordered that Sheriff refund to
Wiley P Norcott 38 cents, er-
roneously changed against him
in Greenville Stock Law territory. ©

Ordered that all délinguents
who pay their taxes before May
ist, 1895, are~ hereby . released
from double tax:

- W H Ross, Gonstable of Pac-
tolas township, tendered his
official bond with W G Mizell
and J R Daventort as sureties
which was accepted and official
oath administered. ~

Dr. Charles. O T'H Laaghing- "
house tendered his official bond
as Coroner with McG Ernul and
JJ Laughibghouse as sureties,
which was aceepted and official
cath administered.

The following jurors were
drawn for Mareh-term of Supe-
rior Court *~

First Week "J W Brewer, R D
Whitehurst, J oR Overton, J J
Barris, G Ww Gainer, W i. Hardy,
H ws Wm Teel,. Robt L
+Niehols, oCathrell, David ©
Stokes, John F Bogs Heweome
Worsley, J onan arren, -
Greene Jr, ye
H Flanagan, TF E Robiason.

Secoud Week "F J H P Bry-
ait, M A James, W H White, J
6B Galloway, J. -R_ _Davis,. R..D
Cherry, L H Allen, J -L
Allen John Baker, D N Nobles,
'R B Suswerell, J- B Gay, wc
~Gardner, Jas_H- Whitehurst, w
G@ Barnbill, J H Smith, C P
Moore, "G W Stokes. ~~
~The Board adjourned till Jan.
2ist. ut whi¢h time a ee ;
jing -will be trek) to -evnsider the

}Stocks. G W Venters, James Mu-jbonds of WA Harrington T ~ona J

AL Thigpen - 3
a e
~ The Caarlotts Observer showed
enterprise in printing Gov. Uarr's
message to the Legislatare in
Te occupied sixteca col-
umus of small ty pe. |


Plenty ofland mortgage blanks
at. REFLECTUR office now, ~also

J 4 Har ~ington 16 65, DrBT

chattel mortages, deeds and ~erop-

atm ies ve tRe Te
7 ris ae aie ae :
co ¥

The Preservation. of Rolls .or
_ Folded Sheets.

It ~was T only when writing was

made upon separate Mpic

sheets, of pliable and ~perishable

- material that binding proper was in-


vented to hold the pieces or sheets:

together and give strength to them
- and protection and beauty.

But, says the Fortnightly Review,
we must distinguish. The pliable:
written sheet may be.either rol'ed
or folded, each giving rise to a form
of binding peeuliar to itself. The
rolled sheet is: bound by: fastening
each ~sheet to the other sideways and
- rolling the whole from end to end,
the last sheet serving as a cover to
all the rest. This form of binding
is no:doubt the more ancient 6f the
two, and it was a long time in
general use. 1t was used, for ex-
ample, by the Egyptians "it was
probably invented by them "and it

~~ was used by the Greeks and T by the

Romans, and great libraries of rolls
existed for some time after the
Christian era, and many industries

~ were engaged in contributing to the

perfection of the binding. It has,
however, been T superseded for many
wenturies by the: folded form T of
literature, the invention of which is
attributed to Eumenes,. king of
_-Pergamus (from whom, too, comes.

our parchment, or. skin, prepared T

for writing on), in the third century
before Christ. oBut, if the form has

disappeared, the terminology of the.

ag rolt has survived, and the word
- oyolume, � originally a thing that is
~ rolled or wound up, i. e.,-a roll, is

- = now applied indiscriminately to its

Substitute, the book

The folded � sheet, or ieetion: as it
is called, is bound by simply. sew-
- ing or Otherwise fastening the parts
.- of the sheets to one ~another. at the
_. back crease or fold, and a number of

of | folded

. sections are bound: oby ~fastening
each of them to some common sup-
- portat the back, so that whén all; ".
are séwa. or.other wise fastened they A

2 _-may yet-be free tg- open and to shut

edge. �
Phe in vention of the folded sheet | =
- thus gaverise ~to the invéntion- of}

~~ modern binding, which in its essence:

ig theunion at the back of the folded |,
~sheets, poh Mh gre Soustjtuted


-.|be delivered Thursd:

- at pleasure: at the front or fore} _

Wunlvries on ~Gane ~Vance wilt |"
ay of next)

wéekin the Senate by Senators}.
|Ransom and Jarvis and a numher
of other. Senators. �
tive Henderson will-call together
the House delegation for the pur-|



pose of making arrangements|~

there in- a few days. Perhaps
every North Carolina member will
deliver an address.

Cotton anda Peanuts.

Below are Norfolk prices of cotton
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished

by Cobb Bros. & Co., Conimission Mer-
chants of Norfolk :


Gooa Middling , 5 9-16
Middling - 5}
Low Middling " 413-16
Good Ordinary 42
_ ne: een
Prime . 12
Extra Prime 24
Fancy 2
Spanish | 5
Tone " Dull
Eges "steady at 18to 19 cts.
is. E. Peas "best, 1.75 to 2.00 per bag.

damaged. 1.00 to1.75..
B aek and Clay, 60 to 75 per bushel.

Professional Cards.



Greerivil.e, N.C.

Prompt attention to business. Office]

at Tucker & Murobvy Ts old stand. .

sonvies & BLOW,


J Practice i in. 2ilthe Courts.





, ~Barbers. ae


ae N.C.
ww Patronage solicited, � :

earner OPE ERE: a


~}the t
"fsold an aaa



0. L. JOYNER, Prop.,



S. PS ig Ss chults


ing their year Ts supplies will find
tints Pitt ealteaan Gur prices " ore mi ay
chasing elsewhere: Suratock is comp lete
n allits pumas 4


al ways at Lowner Maxkivr PRICES.

~we buy direct from Matiufacturers, ena.
bling " " buy at one " aA com
plete stock of !


sia ove on pentane wn at ae proc T tosui -

to run,we sellat aclose margiv. "
~Respect: :


ie ee :
s. ee: SCHULT2, " LS
Crreenville, N. oe

all boughtand ~~ ds 2
sore, having no risk �

a ;


; stre et Methodist
Z Seas



Faces re as mefiacts " Before

Tat Rebects | ota @
Mr, Frank Wobtes Vane AGA
to Grifton last

Mr. John E. roodard went
down to Kinstdn 1 ht.

Miss Lucy ed last
night evans @ visit to Raleigh and
oo. J. OH. ughin
went to Kinston rtrd t ent |can
returned to-day.

Mr. B. T. Bailey returned Fri-
day night from a visit to his peo-

ple at C ie; Va.
Mu | and J.

B. Johnson, a went to Tarboro
to-day to spend Sunday there.

Mrs. Lucy Hester, who was
visiting her father, T Mr- Warren
Tucker, near Greenville; returned
to Goldsboro this morning. :

Maj. H. Harding and Mr. B. F.
Sugg ret from. this
morgihg, where they atten the};
meeting of the Gran i toa of | W
Masons. -They report a very
interesting meeting.

" " aL

" " "m

Five" Good State Ttsms.

The Sheriff of R-t erson coun-
ty has resigned, Moving to town
ac ee er up ble than i bond}

tod torn tetanic an he) wan

John © ~ori the. Wilming-
ton embe7zler who vave Fifth

pres es trouble, has esca

he insaue asylum at. :

ogh J. T Carter, edi.or of _ the.
Rutherfordtcn _Herald,..was ar-
rested for eros rocks through
the ws.ofa conitemporary Ts:
« fice Ia default of bail Yeo was
committed to jaik = -
11,00M acres ot land in the yicini-
ty ty of SMe de have ee aaiage oN
or New Jerse SSINOER:
families ore: there. at
early day. uk colony tabu: Michi i
ese snd Ohio have also purchas
od 200s acrés in Bertie county ~
nee. d

000. I

~charch of � that}

Heavy Bnow. batt 8
vailtag T h : tris

De. Witt C. ! sa poss sa rg
New York T Stoc Exchange, "

Mis. J. Fiend had her child

frome to death in ~Camden county; | vi


The New Hampshire ~Republi |.
re_renominated W.|%!


A gane T of dangerons counter-'
feithre. oe been discoved at Bran-
swick, Ga., and theleader arrested-

A collar factory at St - oJoseph, T
Mo., destroyed by fire, loss. $150).
t gave employment to 300°

The Califoraia Joxialatare can-
yassed +g? State returns and de
clarea J. H. Budd elected Gov

.Give ressman W. L. Wilson, of
ext Virginia,expreeses the belief
shake an ~extra session of Congress
will be unavoidable.
Another fire at Toronto, Cana-
da, destroyed $1,000,000 :-worth - of;
property. Several very large
buildings were burned.

~There is no hope for the re-

oovery of Vice-President Steven-
iseh Ts daughter, who has been sick

for some weeks at Asheville.

O. \Y. Rollins and his wife were
[feapd dead i in ate gion a Min :
nea i oun wit: 1
them 29 er | marder and sui-

William Smith, an employee,}*
was found guilty of stealing 52,000

Bureau of Engraving ant Print
ing. He was from New Jersey.

The Exchange Bank, of oYork |
ville, 8. C-, was giveu a verdict,.
for $10,000 in a suit against Hab-
an|bard, Price & Co.,* com:nission |
fnerchants of New York.

Another full honse greeted the:
Chick Concert Company last

|passed any previous
adJarge landscape

one. T


ie Bre. BR a

E. Chandler for the U- 8..Senate. |.

.}Mary.E Cooper,

two cent postage stamps from: ".

~night and the performance ~ on)
~with his left hand,

The acting ~on at eo up

is |G a ~Sake or
dgieoeeal® � : saxah is ~wenitis
4 ce: te a Mai. A. Harding at il

a ghureh-Sanday School

Se icebiaiies

~Marriage Lacenses "
Duacina this: week Régister of
Deeds: oKing issued iicenses to
\twelve couples, seven: white and
five colored, as foilows :
oWhite:John. Baker.and. Carrie
Harris, Jas... Roberson ~and
per, Jad: Moslender "
and Lillie Whiehard, D.. M. my
Lawhorn and. Della Jackson, L.
H. Edwards and. Bettie Norris..A: .
J. Hardee and Ada Cannon, Jar-
rett Vaughan and: Henretta. Vain-

right. |
oxeiaieg "William Lae. and
Rosetta. Briggs, James Brown

and Eliza Forbes, Frank Streeter
and. Annie Johnson, Joseph
{Gardoer and Florence Hardee,
March Vines and Amanda Tyson.

8. E. PENDER & CO.,
And Stove: Dealers.

Repsiring promptly attended: to

_ "DEALERS InNn " . .

Lamp Goods, Bicycles, &c. .

Agent for Rambfer and Crescent
| ~Bicycles.

o2 eS the place for "


Have Children Shoes at 5
-16 cents. mg Bes

and also have acom pl et 2 line of ". ,

Sphool at ~9:30 A- Me Tuay ser- ~

Daily Reflector, January 12, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - January 12, 1895
January 12, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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