Daily Reflector, March 1, 1895

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~~ Greenville, N, C., March 1, 1896.

No. 70.

Local Trains -and Boat Schedule,

train going
Going south,

arrives 6:40 A.
Aebuse ait 7
wight, arrives 1:51 P,

Passenger and mail
north, arrives 8:22 A. M.
arrives 6:37 P')M;

North Bound freight;
ves 1015

isT a-rives truot! Wash
yy, WedtiesdayT und Fri-iay
hingtou~Puaesday, Thare.

. Sliowers to-night and Saturday
tair decidedly colder Sunday.


Fire Destroys Entire Husiness Portion
of the Town"Loss Between $250,-
900 ani $400,000.

(Special to Reflector.)

Kinston, N. C., March 1."The
most deéstructive: fire that eyer
visited this town occurred yesier-
day afternoon and nearly the
usiness portion of the
ay. ~Nothfoug
mad career of the
ndsome Brick build

away as though
igoftunder. ""

entire b 3
| ept aw

| The fire onwiniwote 4 about 3: 30
o'clock in B. M: Field's stables.
~in in makagsy Ew oit 3

n caused by
cigarettes mm. the
iog.G lot of hay.
os where th


3 = ag Ree ade Ee, OP Sate
% 3 oe
pet Siadiew Se 2 i¢
eae | # cs. ~ 4 e
ee ee

~LoftinTs block octupied by 8- H.
| Loftin as residence and store, the
tbank and J. T. Skinner; Einstein
Bros. double store and warehouse,
Hotel Tull under which was:A.S
PadrickTs book. store; Dr. TullTs
residence aud office ; J- WwW: Gol.
linTs house 0 _by. 8... Ein

stien: barber Sos -parrooin of
L. J... Whaley; J. W- CollinTs
hardware store ; J. T. Ball's store
and. residence;. S. H. . AbbuitTs
three y brick buiding occa"
pied by Abbott & Samrell ; store
house of Alex Fields; building of
S H. Loftin occupied by J. B.-
Perry under which were offices of
S. H. Rountree, Jr., and J. F. Tay
lor ; two-story brick building oc"
cupied by. H. C. Brewer as bar,
C. W. Crabtree as tin shop aad

ings occupied by W R. Bond as
butcher shop and J. C. Waguer
beer bottling works; the lar

bardware store of B)- W. Canady
and three wood buildings in rear ;
livery stables of W. D. LaRogae ;
residences of S. M. Harrell, Muss
Mary McCoy, A. J. Loftin, Dr. W.
A. J Pollock, A. Harvey and J.
D. Sutton. :

Every house on the squares on

«|which stood Hotel Tull and Oct
- \tinger Bros., store is ~burned.

the town.
fire but were extinguished.

7 o'clock. 7

and $400,000, The



with the 1


Es we

ea 23 eters foe eS
ee ie eS 2
de ~



| Dawson Bros; two frame bnild-/|

|Reruector. The merchants were=- -

One two story house and two
smaller ones occupied by negroes
were burned in another part of

' Many other buildingsT caaght

fire was got under control about was the champion and could th

+ The loss is estimated between

idiy,jamount of iusurance is not yet
1ce,| known but is small in comparison

8 aT dge W. 8. Herbert lost almost the
area: ga ee lentire outfit of the Free ress
de dadet which were|Office and had no insurance at all

ard room, Harri His residence also came

endeavoring to save some articles
Mrs. Wilson narrowly escaped
losinz her life. Parties rashed in
and reseued her from the burning
building. r.
The Baptist parsonage build _
ing, occupied by M. H. Quiuerly,
whose wifs Mrs. Alfred Forbes
and Miss Florence Williams, ~of
Greenville, were visiting, . nar".
rowly escaped. All tue farnitare
)was.moyed out. " 3 :
Many other buildiugs were in
such danger. that the contents ©
were raovad oat. The streets
are scattered full of furniture and
merchandise and some of the
people have nowhere to place the
few effects they succeeded in sav-
ing from the fire.

A message fur assistance was
sent to Newbern and the fire
company with their engine ar-
rived by special train at 7.15, but
the fire was under control.

At Bethel.

The editor spent 2 very pleas: "
ant day at Bethel Thursday and ~
put in some good work for the.

having a quiet day, owing to the
people in the country takiug
advantage «f the pretty weather _
for farm work, and they had
plenty of time to talk to us. Thev _
all expressed hope of a
trade this spring. A number of
the young men were amusing
themselves in swinging a_ thirty
pound maul. Mr. J. R. : Bunting
. ' : : A % be
it farther than any one else. a
sides our chats with the mer~
chants we spent very pleasant "
brief intervals with Rev. W. A.

Forbes, the family of Dr. B. J. "
Grimes, Col. N. M. Hammond at
the depot, Postmaster S. A- Gain-
er and Mayor D. C. Moore, Prof.
McWhorter reports a splendid
school. - Bethel ~is a good to

like Wie"Rarecrom

- eee ee eee 2
Go gions Sepak ee a
ee SS ee eee res ee
ee é


Bee, eee oe P opn-
3 list Senator Fone North Garolins

here; being initiated. 19.
Mrathor her gowky looking ee tel J
ly dad with long, dark-brown hair
~lwhich ws very straight. a

oSubseription 25 cents per ons


Entered as second-class mail matter.

TT "

Mr. Bissell has. Yoeos a8 othan
ms re gs ike a horse mane.
Post Master General. ~There.w |wears a fall dark beard which

be no sorrow felt in the South: at}: vale was has oweT man: in . the grows abont in spots. Yet he is

this. It would heve been ~better chow his ged hall : oy aa ~2 |said be be Bech ahaha fellow ned HP his |
sery-|Show his ness: is ap: |friends: predict: he will: m

py ene min domed: W: pointment ~Every one arose Jname in the Senate... {f he niome

a Wiese . 2 SF Virginia. with ngtatulated the Senator exceptihe will deceive his appearance,

Uli this: one. ~Even the -strangers|whbich ia. not that of a statesman.�
be appointed in his «place. Mr-|whd were stopping &: iday or ~so} Butler has announced th at. he

one of tie first: men ofjin the National Capitol came for: | prefers to'sit on: the | ~Republican ..
vaeg cee States and will! fill'well ward and introduced themselves:jside of the chamber, and it: is»
th +f 6f th that they might grees Fp grt ~they'|presumed he will act with the Re-

any place within the gift 0 Cl really were glad of &ppoint-}publicans in..an, attempt to re-
nation. There will befew ~Repub- went Bat the are berth: dis jorganize the Senate.

lican Post Masters whsn he ne by a asee napdl " Baar tren! erill make the Washington:

usily eng wi turkey~julist in~ the ~SeraT

oeea re ae _.,.,and eranberries- * He did not. even} Co rrespondent Atlanta Constitution.

"""""""""""""" ""ESEE"

1 in aia that the Populist. fa}, Th was ong f, the dtsnomers| gh, 201 het� poqarathed
8 a le near Ss ©

the Legislature held a cancusTa a gerne @, tak oJad dahook tho $10,000 to the U. diversity ufT North:
few nights.ago at which | Jit was hand o 4 FAR ~handsomé Senator, Carolina, at Chapel Hill $1,000 to
agreed that it is, time to call | that. called attention to what was|the Episcopal Diocese ~of North
halt with this Legislature-or they }¢ ag, 99- Sw nas that Be asked. Carolina; $500 tothe Diocese of
would be awaitowent up body and|? ptt said a f ~dram mer, East Carolina for Missionary
soul by the Republicans. It is oO ae echt Singers the | Purposes;: ragrtage Pe legie """
said to have been agreed ~that North, Ca: : '|\Good: Breptwrsts* rp Raleigh.
from now until. the close of. the | |

Mere ai we a te vory:' gowes 4
session they vote fot no. more. bad some, bat his looks erases him

legislation just to please the Re-|no company-.

publicans If they wilf do this] after dinner was over Mr. Skin- A | OM Se
the people.may yet be saved, from) ner: ~congratulated ~the Senator OLD'1 \ DRIAL

having placed apon them oBome| "Upon. i being . deported. fro MO |
exceedingly bai bills, bat meqatodis : poseetaarciwa opt et ve : gos s earl
believe they will. ** lime, N Narth - Carolina, as Sad bake | Bn Stee apne

~ig! there, replied. oAnybody , might|chasing elsewhere. tgurpricerbnto
The Democrats havé:showa up be. elad, to. be deported , fyem ~A allits branches. ~

~ | North Carolina, Aer $h®, Pare
being Sect eed A ~be pliced the Legislature.�

upon the people: bythe ,Legisla-| : ~sPhatis ~alt: nidutimoat! altint! RICE, TEA, &e.:
tare until the Senate has resorted @ésbred ~Washington, replied Mr |. v nboraaw a OWES? MAR :
to gaz law to prevent béing ~ven! Sitdsier, oaccidents: will: Happes:|. JACEO:
tilated. They have limited� ~all in the besat-regalated~ fa oikhes- jut Maul , .
speeches to:five minuteT: - sp ~Think oSo ghey will, = said the: Kiet Shin youe bey at ab ene pre A com
of aman having..to discuss: the tine »Lever oa r oa va

Election bill and~ the County: Gov-|called a... or boned
ernment billin ~five ominfites~ Tt| being . head
Besedook as if there mightT béoa yeurself., The fi

and ;free, discussion of im-|"** that sue!

ant at tastfers in~ which ~the peo- Sours etch�:

. we intérested.� ach : anit

Heeb ts ig ate

esi +

taaed, aties deliberation Pa de-|
bate, to adjourn in honor of two
white ~ men: ~:and: | then: ~turned ;
around aud adjoursed in honor

dais: abit, ils
ten. oCia

jg. PaNDaR & Co,

And Stove- Dealers.



Teh Goods; Stored: &e....

bf vag =a
2 Ss + ;

ry Agent for Rambler ~and: ~Crescent


Profossignat Cards.


ns John E/ Woodard. F. C. Harding,

oT assure you, sir, I cannot live with-

out your danghter.�
Oh, you Overestiinate="me.�"� " Fiie: |
gende Blaetter.


Hand. ToeN panserieuan to... the
carriers... . .

FF % 4a



~Stop buying the 00 bought
~rlask seasons Ont buy hiptsi

just aval Tt is an ~old song| "

to say goods are cheaper and tar

iff off &e., bat come and see for

you Soe re y rare:

lower, lower } than

last season. This i is ang facks.
~" for a


wa eg £
eres =
- 1s ats

_ Wilsén, N.C. . Greenyilie, N. G.

' Greenville, N- Cc.)

and: opeti caness of eluims. -

3. H. ~BLOUNT.. J. L. yi

sar Practices in all the Courts.»




ALEX. L. 8.0%



yARvis. & BLOW,



| GP Practice: tie: nyse resent


much| 7 = ae etrixecn 3
i tor |

wo ~ Patronage soleea yi °

igi 14.

Neil ecmaiauicn ~walling Sth off.

March ~at cdat 40 Close basizess

Repairing promptly ut icnded ito
of ajpegto. | There, is, ) BO Rial fy no | .

Special attention given to coliecyrons

This Reminds |.

in the. ,
month. of .

* Rebrudry that if
- you have.
your Printing done
at the |

It will be does right,

It: will be done in style;

and it always suits.
These points. are
well. ~worth wel ighing
in any sort: ;
of work: but

~ahove all things in, eg
© You Job, Printing: ~i



But Items Purely Original That
Are Given Away.


Third Month.

This is the month for kites.
- Gounty Commissioners meet
next Monday-

Buy Cotton Seed Meal at the
Old Brick Store.

Tucker & Edwards horse suc"
takes place to-morrow. "
Be very careful about fires
when the March winds blow.

Fresh lot Fancy Cakes and
Crackers at J. L. Starkey & CoTs.
~This is the first spring month,



_ but we must wat and see bow

much spring it brings. :
Cream Walnut Candy, Apples,
Pears, aad Oranges, cheaper than
ever, at Morris Meyer's.
For Cotton Seed Meal_ and
~Hulls and Shingles call. on Henry
Sheppard. Prices low down.

Fancy Prices A THING OF THE
PastT."Just received & line of
beautital samples for Tailor Made
Suits. Perfect fit and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call and see sam-
ples. H. C. Hooker.

The Rail Road Co. has just had
the side-track extended in front of
Sheppardsstorage warehouse and
he is pow prepared to store end
deliver gueno, for parties desir
ing it, on reasonable terms. He
has several car loads of cotton
seed meal and hulls, just arrived.
Prices low down to suit the times

Unfortunate Kinston.

In another column the RE-
FLECTOR publishes a fall_account
of the Gisustrous fire at Kinston.
That beautiful town has been &
great sufferer from fires in late
years, but this 1s the most serious
one that has visited there.
Greenville fecvis a warm sympa-
thy for ovr fire-stricken neizh"
bor and is ready to extend-a help-
dng hand if needed. The RE-
FLECTOR is efpecially sorry to
Jearn that the Pree Press office
also went wn in the

t Wie tobe:

ume its publica"


| at Least The Named Ar�,�, to Make




ey =

News for Cur Readers.

po ee
Mrs. L. Branson, of Raleigh is

visiting the family of
Harding: -

Mr. E. H. Shelburn and Master
John returned Thursday evening
from Richmond.

Mr.G. B. King came
Washington City, Thursday
night. and returned this morning.


Rey. U. M, Billings, of Virginia, | fi}

will preach in the
here Sunday morning and

P : cd pe 2 ae 4 = :~ £


was occupied by the discussion
the bill to create a criminal circuit
of Wake, Hulifax, Edgecombe,
New Hanover, Craven, - Meck-

lenburg, Wayne, and - Forsyth.

Fasion caucus.

This had been agreed onT by the the ~weather.
wo Populists

bolted that caucus, and opposed
the bill. An amenument was
adopted, striking out Wake,

Wayne, and Forsyth,
ing Vance, Robeson,
The bill passed. a c|

Bills were introduced to govern!
the insurance busin

and insert-
and Warren.


the charter of the Atlantic and
North Carolina railway, so the
Legislature will appoint, directors;

to protect tobacco-growers ag inst
warebousemen; to amen the

charter of Asheville; to regulate
passenger-rates on railways, mak-
ing first-class fare 2 cents per
mile and second-class fare 1 1-2
cents per mile; children ander 12|
one these rates penalty fcr
violation of act, $500. ,

3 _A bill was also introduced to so
amend article 6. of the. Constitu.
tion that the Legislature, in
enacting laws for registration, can)
only prescribe the taking of an
oath to support the Constitation

and laws of the United ~States
and of North Caroline, aud no"
other ia Soren nte gt 7 be pre-
scribed. Other new bilis are to
reduce salaries of officers, and
faculty of the State

in from}:

Baptist ehurch|

The session of the Senate sonnet :

place-on that date regard]

� At our stables in Greenville on

turday, March ~id, 1895...


conic on
i ae 75 i -.
i i : ae
ay ~ ee i
if ti mae : .
: | S
i F = = ae
- ah a! Te ae pe ee
Ps aa Syne * Fs

at Auction. They wi
be sold'to the highest
bidder without regard »
to price. Nostock put - »
up will be taken down.
bought in for us; but.
will be knocked off to
the highest bidder... -

i coaeiy t positively take

liess of

Pg ie F

ess; to amend}.

in assignmente. jo

The Place to Sell your


Daily Reflector, March 1, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - March 1, 1895
March 01, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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