Daily Reflector, February 1, 1895

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Gresaville,} N. Oy February i "1895.

Spree gis so cecal


Little Irems Hustled Together that. Tell
the News Quick.

One month of 1895 gone.

ay Cotton Seed Meal at the

Oia" tick Store.

There are fourteen prisioners |

in jail.

Fine stock of Shoes just in at
J... Starkey & CoTs.

My new spring samples for cus
tom made suits just in. F. Wilson:

For Rent."Two Seine Fishet-

ies near/Pegtolig.| | A pl
J.J. Fei tis ae ay

gs Bros have moved the

sete 2 Erte cme whet Be

discontinued Seater: there.

At our stables in GreenvilleT on}

ry Sth; 1885,
(ype mile |

at Auction. They will |
©! be s6ld to the ~highest
bidder without regard

to vill, be Nostock: aoe
payee Pie
mabe gee Sor" 0
wilt teks ed, off to...)

the highest bid der....

nv &- HOWARDS:




But ~People. ~who are ~Caaght in the
Busy World.

ivy 734

nigt from Norfolk.»
morning for Baltimore.
'|Scotland Néck tris morning:

from his, visit to Rocky: Meunt.

the road.

idebwerr gr to=Norfotk ~yesterday. _.

Mrs. Delphia * ~Qaine
SH stan a position cs.

Deéeed's office. socs

(Tobacco. Cloth at LangT S

This month ink ogives: ae four iy

of every day in the; week.

gressman W. A: B: BranchT forT

several packages oF ~seed. �

Regular session of, the. Board of
bs ipsigks taggin missioners nextT

bey: will

at tha, meetin g. .

PELE GRAPH ai ews.



lot Menylen,: Miss., faited for $115, |

� potter ditpotfedTt in a. p at

house at Denver, Col., wrecking
the building , everal |
employes.) . + ie koe:

a Fawkes oni ~a Yoiat tt tts

eto hist:

Mr. Jacob Edmonds. left. Shin ~
Mr. Emmet Savage weitit i" :
Mr. .J- W.. Wiggins. has returned ; -

Dr. W. H: BagwellT: came in last}.
.|night from a piv fessional, trip UP. i

Hy has}. -
deputy with |.
her father ~in. ~the 5 AORN of +

: Phe *Rertxcror | thanks | Con- 3

Mon}: ° ,

sani a ttre er

Bonet Rein ; acta ba mine ¢�,�

| (COMFORT! [.


PRS eee

uss |
Mr. Charles Cobb isT sick in | ana! ss what we can aye you in

. Skinnervilte: :
Mr. R.J. Cobb - returned last}

Bion F. R

and. Bay State Shoes.
Every pTr warranted.

and Ziegler Bros.T
Hand -


. and styles,

dt is your. trade we

~ s ojbant.and. we pret
to. beat the. mar


tia oAND pate

AT dost.

de #ran' oi mee mile

Next door to bank.

b. FOR DEO. 1
~ E. P. Reed & Co.Ts ~
oHand - Made Shoes .

5 eet . -
slash pastels seinen ie: Pe
5 + . Ra ee Se
ce oe
r ie 4 ~""

ey 7 apishiie fi
ae oHand. MadeT s oShoes

ade. Shoes.
Every pair guarteed, ..

For Children!.-.
» os We have the very ©
best makes. All,sizes



G6 Is
ee 3 aii re

to reduee stock ~for Spring» elas: ie

z4 eh oe

2=�,�ome see what we, ~can ~do,T Po ta

a Om ee .

"2 oe� : icht, o
DAILY) Rates Spartanburg, Oni uf hgftreform� | \
_ Entered as ceaakdhalane: mail matter. Butter r lb 9
Sees a anatase OLE cho tery
~Mr. Moody says the Legislature tainly a president; in| Sugar cured-Hame i} to 12
will probably adjourn by the 1 Marion Eiatioe.. That &-| Corn ¢ 40 to 60
of February ce pibidebt phd! In order to get the Ben. Corn Meal 50 to 80
of North, Cerolina ywould say, Hopablicass te balp. te "_ organ-| Flour, Family 300 to 840
amens ee that body. We Swoald like for) Lard es thao
Gene ment e__ goin tare ti a oe [Feces
. : T r
wrong at ava i 3 Les atuge fom? 1 But itTs offices and pot Sage we tt | 2 Sees
has vot turned out @ emo " utbas Othese . re | 16to 25°
and put ina Fasiony tin two eopleTs leaders oire: after.) apbeds (abe r Sack a
three days. 4 om |fazmers, pill : Egg pet do adnate
"-~ ** anythi u ry 20
". eee Beovercly coral . 5, tora0
ere sec =o themge vas... - 7 U to |
. . "_* ony ~500
""" ma ey hag te ~ ier a tbo full, verte ed. Meal 21,90
aneaties Ne ee a oat hii hee |e aa
. todge:.
iS a of ai Ts may oe do, he: spe teense pee thatT a a oe pale
_"" "o conciliation of Ocalaism ;a
agree: ZY EB pr ism is, to use a darkey-|, WILE ROWNT Su.
- |e, the: least of their stad. |: ¥: B.

ew wew hoped thet the Leg

islature-will mpt ony ae: State
Guard-firthet-thaaT té- withdraw
the five ~*hougaad dollare:jap
propristed for the encampment.


Cowper wrote some lines about

swearing, which it would be

worth. while for every? one to

learn :

oIt chills wy blood to hear the -hijest

Radely appealed to on every thrilling

Maintain your rant, volgarity despise"

To swear ts neither brave not wige,��

oSome who would not swear by
the name of God, think 1
of swearing oBy George,� or oBy
jingo,�. or by something Velse ;
others ery out, * 000d Gracidus !�

or oMercy on me!�
toT prof

Seg craar
a¥é to the
ar Sarior ssid when on earth:

nie en se Hy



and the like. |
means t

sages inene " just ores ad out
aS e duat, are " rlatwe


Mary M. Bes'y,® and Jason

ges, of cetown, Cape
were en to be The anoles,
forty-three years- The -enp

ent was a _ Tho

because J eet
out df ~his eyed
a aodkercbief, "Miss--Seety says

sheis glad» the ~discovery owas
made, becaaseTshe had her suspi-
cions - for Spicy
Orange (Va) Ubserver.

Time is mone to busy people
DonTt bother! them: It 8 ~said |-

that: a« bigT carpetT: pimurtttengatee
explained t ~some ~visitors ~that
she reason he allowed: #obody in|
the work-rooms--was that every
band would} hitderéd obt oleast
five minutes and it-amounted to

true of she iadévidual as
number of. hands, that

(h dere cabencle
a "Jackson, Miss., Chariot:


coat dealin the aggregate ot}

hiadrances count up consi Tere


, pris the place for"_)

Have Children oy

3. 40


sold at very close Margin.

See his; $18. Sewing. Machine.




& 00,


: ~The desire for ~Copulatity, in, otol:

extentT. a ~ leudebie:.am-

10n, but it is better to have} i

sonie Stibiniés: antl s - ~Sonseience

that will sjend & thevrene gral OLD B fe

truth than,

to. be; popular . ah. Mee
expense, af . .

Fone s respect, ;

erzoy onnat would, bls mats
allowing. i§B002 to evemy|o
to contest his|"�
~~ a4

top tol

Crag: seat

With the excep tipaat SE it may
be washed with warm ~water: ~and
auy pure soap. It should thenT be}
put into boxwood sawdust ~to Ary.
It~this is done it will not need, toa. ~bei.
polished. Boxwoeed sawdust is very
fine, and will therefore not scrately)
what is put into it, and, moreoyer, |
it ~absorbs the moisture quickly,

thas helping to give the jewels a high: 17

polish. Boxwood may be-obtaited'

from avy desler in ojewelers� sup-|~
plies, ~ot cottd-be- ordered throiigh a

jeweler. you, cannot: gét box:
wood the jewels ae be polished -by-

shee. a. yon you ate oeretiee

your pearls have never been cut and
that they are without flaw do pot
ranel ed Sao PAE Ra de

jewelry is practically absolete.
Diamonds are Serie with
every thing but ¢ Pre this con-

cession has banish Fond onyx."
Philadelphia Ledger.

New Railway en London. } C
A railroad enterprise of consider-
able extent and importance, which
bas been held in check for many
years by }xeegtfeddffigting interests,
will soon/be brought to completion
in England. This is the extension
of the Manchester, Sheffield & Lin-
colnshire re

than bie A} Coakd dave tis bded Hoce
the scheme was first broached, but
it. was not until last year that the

cored RY Oni ate

road will be aboutone hundred miles

DonTt put your hght under a/&




: RICK, TEA, Seu» «

- FR

puy tureet Tt:


3 renin sell at a else *

atwisws at rp hag st ee ea

FFa& Clears:


Ivays on hand od
mes. u o e & a4
old for CASHT Srevetore: havin, fag Fiak

8B. Mt. SCHULIS, |

, areenvie, Nj; c


Breeicioent ach at

ee Pa

DP? ds

eye Pa

GRmENvii Le! Ne

diiecil ira oes


oa) Oman ao SKINNER,


" os

Ji Ter ae ie


Prompt ~attention to bt
at Fucker SM ureh yes

Laas } Pars fie =

il:e, -C. ,
petand.. +?

JARVIS BLOW, seb aeelighie a

rt ey a wv


eo Fraction. al atic: ourt

Legroom fe ee

? +e +e PE,


+s the ee f aa


AS | Ti &* ia 3 x pas

andl cies pre oaa ne *

: _ bushel oe lai hianitetenilh Sa

m pene a epna{y
you to at ane profit. . A com ;
Zour same prot

lf yaniv sai ene]

= ee re bin ;

§ kf ta , ee
LSz% eee) ; Ru he
rEye Fist
: pee

oTe.will be done. pao
obs It will ber done in ae,

oyou have

yo our Printing si me es"

ats . OFFICE!

and it always ienits.

- These points are

oe pee

well ti sighing

in anyT sort

ee ger a peel ra i Se a ee ee uk St laa a PE nee a ele eg en ee ee po ee ge ee a eS LD eee ee
ace at See ea ee tees tee eat ee Eo ieee os gs ee a ee a ee Sie es ; + eae ee

the tamil


and Mrs. DP. eleod, of Wash ei | Chloe bom ~rane

Rocking chair; Mrs. 8: A! Char
lotte. of: -xetiscd. et 3) tud-. now
� r Ret, vib pepe

oF. Binith
eet 2h 254 mae yapkios and towel
iss Emily Duneap.- 4; rs. Wi y Bro peo
La F. Smith. o
a a favorite Silver cake basket, Mrs.� ce { Bp es oA. Pokbe

aod Bobert L. Humber, a very a pioxle castor, Misa Lillie Webb | Rug, D: J! 'Whichatd- *
oung Gree 6. fruit
The reves geo erry ad by noel ZN iro accot Glothat LangTs

Rev. J. D. Moore, of the boat, Mare,
Baptist church at ort: The ye aa t10 oe

wedding! march was ead py! Silver andT as pickle boat, Comed an6 Peansta,
Belo folk f cot
Mies Lteile Devi Me. and Mee, Boil arenas cE Bena fo cain

Following the ceremony a wed-
aing bret ies wee percel tcar| | SROMMRE eae Ree saat Soe fice oe
a ry M.

left Le edionaie by boat for ee botadT: pitcher, Mrs. E.. Ds Good Middling . 5 7-16

rehead git where + at took | Jones_ap Middling u
Mi:tdlin 411-1
the mornin Silver vet pou oa dak. Mids! Te | Lov g
They teas way of ~of Goldavore cle ONone womfad): ,
Rocky Mount and Hobgood, or Gioha | ober re J. D. Dayis. PEANUTS,

at the latter place were egw te Sitver salt and pepper xes, | Common 1to!

a dinner and ~rédeption at the| Mrs. F. D. Swindell, Go TOs Feige Prime 2 ee

home of Mr. and Mrs W. as Silver napkin rings, MraT L. C./p 23
White, the latter a sister of Mr.| Duncan. Syeunlal :

Humber. | They axrivedic nen Silver toothpick holder, Leslie! Tone"dall.

ville on the evening train and sup | Davie ere sready at 20 to 21 cts.

per was oy 4 to ev pore ote Silv ar § onatd | °-, E - Fore ae damaged. to3 8 . 5 RAS

some fripn atthe home: the | plates, ._ and Webb. l

groom. a Batter knife, Mie. W . Dancaa. eta queried xiii tests reaenit

The social circles of Greenvill Half d ilk hiefs
gain a charming addition, o the Miss ~M. Irelend..'. Ppa ekere osine Place to Sell VO

person of Mra: Bumbér sad/s Silver and glass frnit stand,
is warmly welcomed to our town.| Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webb. .....

Poa couple were the recipients| Hand alihedl plaeque oma) :
pe sy bendeome, ~and msefnl}dasel, Miss Maud Davis. | TOBACCO!
presents. China and silver cracker jar, - :

Three beantifal sofa pillows| Mrs. M. Byrnes, of New York. |
from Misses Sunie Ne and Lala! Silk searf, Miss-Alice aged
Gabriesed MrsDevie. (i [)/::| Hand painted scarf Mrs. | THE
Silyer ladle. gold lined, Mr.|Noe and iter- )
and Mrs. Charlie Wallace. Celluloi ~Miss, Carrie

Glass cake stand, Cc kL. ber - .
eater Te OAT rman cages ree ot. EASPERN
ep of misin, Mrs. Geoffrey. Mrs. Hudgins. ae
Silver shell, Mise. Ger ilk handkerchief and eee: :
trude ey, of Wilmington, set, Mattie Jones.

oream pitcher; drs. Wi) Pair towels, Miss Dais ~Whi . *
p. Balt [ayer ara te . -OBACCO

gq Dewbie J Ste ae i we 1
We tal jars, Mrs. M.
Spsata mo Miss



ie 7 ~JOXNER, ~Prop,

* ; rz *. 97 crety ,itei ; ercit
é ae 2 i as 2? &-3 2" 2 S453 ~
: o F *
! 5 ta
ont t/ Flare

Daily Reflector, February 1, 1895
The newspaper was established in 1882, and was originally named the Eastern Reflector. It was founded by Julian Whichard and David Jordan with equipment they purchased from The Greenville Express. On December 10, 1894, it adopted the name The Reflector and began publishing every day. Cox Newspapers acquired The Daily Reflector in 1996. Creator: Daily Reflector (Greenville, N.C.) - February 1, 1895
February 01, 1895
Local Identifier
NC Microforms
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