The East Carolinian, September 29, 2005

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ow prices
s & Free
t 12th trip
6 www.
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also offer
apers for
problems in
Marquette University
'defines the line'
Marquette University is the
first school in the U.S. to take
steps in preventing illegal file-
sharing on its campus by enacting
the Business Software Alliance's
"Define the Line" program.
"Define the Line is an aware-
ness program designed to educate
students about using commercial
software legally, respecting copy-
righted works online and under-
standing the impact of software
theft on all of us according to
Define the Line.
Research from Define the Line
has shown how little students
understand about online ethics.
More than 60 percent of students
claim they rarely or never pay for
commercial software programs.
Surveys also show over half of
students believe there is nothing
wrong with swapping files in the
workplace. This data comes from
an Ipsos Public Affairs Business
Software Alliance survey of 1,000
students conducted in June.
Define the Line offers 10 good
reasons not to download software
illegally. Getting suspended
from school, having a computer
infected with viruses or having
that computer crash are some
of the reasons not to download
illegally. Also, potential employ-
ers may get word of those illegal
actions, which could result in not
getting a desired job.
Marquette is one of the schools
that will start to take disciplin-
ary action because of unethical
computer use. They are trying
to take a pre-emptive approach
in solving future problems.
"Define the Line" helps Mar-
quette take a proactive stance
on illegal downloading before it
becomes a problem said Kathy
Lang, Marquette University chief
information officer.
"It is especially important at a
school like Marquette, where the
computer system is an integral
part of serving our students as
well as employees
Define the Line will help
our students, as well as faculty
and staff, understand how illegal
see FILES page A2
Volume 81 Number" THURSDAY September29,2005
The current
of free trade
Free trade has ups and
downs for society
B-GLAD held their first social event of the fall semester with the sneak preview of the film, Transgeneration, at Mendenhall this month.
B-GLAD comes out of the closet
Student organization
plans another
eventful year
The Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian
Allies for Diversity is boasting its
largest student turnout since its
inception in 1994.
Around 42 members of stu-
dent, faculty and staff comprise
the club this semester, with 10
percent hailing from the public
or Pitt Community College. B-
GLAD is "dedicated to the promo-
tion of diversity awareness and
education on-campus as well as
in the community
It also serves as a socialsup-
port group for its members.
"B-GLAD benefits the univer-
sity community as a whole said
Ajay Sarwal, Student Union vice
president, graduate student in
sociology and club member.
Their first big social event
of the year on Sept. 13 was a
sneak preview showing of the
film Transgeneration. The film,
about four college students who
are living as transgenders, is an
eight-part documentary series
airing on the Sundance Channel
beginning Sept. 20.
"People can relate better to
the characters in the film because
they're college students Sarwal
"It kind of normalizes it
He also admits there is a good
deal of "transphobia" even in the
gay community.
"The GLB community is just
as confused about trans-genders
as straight people Sarwal said.
Approximately 120 students
attended the film. "��
"We were impressed with
the number in attendance. After
the film screening, we increased
our membership said Dani-
elle Campbell, president of B-
GLAD and senior work site health
Transgeneration can also be
seen every Tuesday night at 9
p.m. on the Sundance Channel.
B-GLAD also attended the
NC Pride Festival and Parade on
Sept. 24, held at Duke University
in Durham with 8,000 people
"Weneed to workoncreatinga
friendly GLB climate so that more
people can feel comfortable just
being themselves Sarwal said.
Other announcements and
events led by the group can be
accessed on their Web site at ecu.
The group also works closely
with Habitat for Humanity and
was planning a fundraiser for the
Hurricane Katrina relief, only to
be rained out last week by Hur-
ricane Ophelia. Plans are also in
the making for a drag show to be
held in Wright Auditorium in the
spring of 2006. All proceeds will
go to the Pitt County Aids Service
Organization, a group that pro-
vides "general support for HIV
AIDS prevention, education pro-
grams and community outreach
to residents of Pitt County and
several surrounding counties in
eastern North Carolina Student
tickets will be priced around $10
with the public paying approxi-
mately $20.
B-GLAD also provides stu-
dent panels for classes discussing
topics of sexual orientation and
gender roles. Students can also
engage in Q&A with group mem-
bers. Professors generally request
the student panels.
When asked if she thought
it was difficult being openly
gay at ECU, Campbell said she
would like it if people were more
"Being gay isn't hard; it's
gaining acceptance from others
Campbell said.
Sarwal also concedes that
the climate on .unpti. "is not as
good as it needs to be
B-GLAD meets every Wednes-
day at 8 p.m. in Mendenhall
Student Center. For more infor-
mation on this organization, con-
tact the president at bglad(smail.
This writer can be contacted at
Free trade is projected to play
a role in upcoming congressional
elections, and many people are
leery of free trade agreements such
as the North American Free Trade
Agreement, the European Union
and the newly-formed Central
American Free Trade Agreement
because they fear more jobs will
leave the U.S. and head over-
seas where workers are happier
with much less compensation.
The voters very well could
hold the majority party in Con-
gress liable for passing CAFTA
in July. Public dismay was evi-
denced by President Bush's lowest
approval rating of his administra-
tion the day that CAFTA passed.
Many textile jobs have been
lost in the south central part of
North Carolina due to free trade.
Representative Robin Hayes,
Republican from North Caro-
lina, despite initially opposing
CAFTA, voted on the measure
even though it could mean hard
times for his constituents. His
office could be threatened. Free
trade is a bitter issue as evidenced
by the fact that CAFTA passed the
House of Representatives by one
vote, putting election pressure
on every candidate who voted
for it.
Of course, voters should bear
in mind that 15 Democrats
crossed party lines to pass CAFTA
and that the Bush administration
is negotiating ways to protect tex-
tile jobs in the U.S. with quotas
and limits.
"This is the beginning of the
process, and we have a long way
to go said Hayes.
"But this is a heck of a step in
the right direction
It seems that the Chinese
are equally optimistic in their
view of the progression. "The
Chinese government and the U.S.
government are taking positive
steps on discussions for specific
arrangements on textile issues
see FREE TRADE page A6
House will examine j Man who killed his ex-wife during an
Katrina relief contracts eight-hour prison furlough is executed
day after castigating the federal
government's ousted disaster
chief, a House panel is hear-
ing pledges from government
auditors that they will closely
examine millions of dollars in
contracts the Bush adminis-
tration awarded to politically
connected companies for Hur-
ricane Katrina relief.
The inspectors general from
half a dozen agencies, as well
as officials from the Govern-
ment Accountability Office,
on Wednesday were address-
ing a House subcommittee
on the Katrina cleanup and
announcing several new audits
to combat waste and fraud.
They are pledging strong
oversight that includes a review
of no-bid contracts and close
scrutiny of federal employees
who now enjoy a $250,000
- rather than a $2,500 - pur-
chase limit for Katrina-related
expenses on their government
issued credit cards.
"When so much money is
available, it draws people of
less than perfect character
H. Walker Feaster, inspector
general of the Federal Com-
munications Commission, said.
"It underscores the need for
internal controls of the money
going out
The joint appearance of gov-
ernment auditors comes amid a
flurry of legislation pending
in Congress that would create
additional layers of oversight
to the Katrina contracting and
award process.
It also comes amid growing
charges of favoritism that crit-
ics say led to government mis-
steps in the wake of the Katrina
disaster. In a House hearing
Tuesday, both Republicans
and Democrats assailed former
see AUDITORS page A2
Indiana executes Matheney
(AP) � A man who beat his
ex-wife to death with an
unloaded shotgun during an
eight-hour furlough from prison
was executed early Wednes-
day, hours after the governor
denied his request for clemency.
Alan Matheney, 54, was pro-
nounced dead at 12:27 a.m. EST
after receiving a lethal injection
at the Indiana State Prison In
Michigan City. Matheney said
his attorney would give his final
Matheney was sen-
tenced to death in 1990 for
murdering 29-year-old Lisa
Bianco. Prosecutors said he drove
to the South Bend suburb of
Mishawaka, broke into Bianco's
home, chased her outside and
beat her to death.
When granted the prison
furlough, he had been serving
an eight-year sentence for a 1987
assault on Bianco and confining
their two children.
The murder came just months
after images of Willie Horton, a
murderer who committed a rape
while on prison furlough in Mas-
sachusetts, helped derail Massa-
chusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis'
1988 bid for the White House.
In Indiana, then-Gov.
Evan Bayh suspended the state's
prison furlough program after
Bianco's murder. The program
has since been reinstated, but
with tighter restrictions.
The state also agreed to pay
$900,000 to Bianco's estate and
the couple's children, who were
home at the time of the attack.
Bianco had divorced
Matheney in 1985. She continued
to fear her husband even after
his incarceration and had gotten
assurances from prison officials
that she would be notified if he
was ever released.
She was not notified of the
furlough, however, and Matheney
violated the terms of his pass and
an earlier court order when he left
central Indiana for her home.
On Tuesday, Gov. Mitch Dan-
iels denied defense lawyers'
request to consider blocking the
execution on grounds he was
mentally ill.
Millie Bianco, the victim's
mother, said although she
believed Matheney deserved to
be executed, she had mixed feel-
ings about Daniels' decision.
"This is a man who washed
dishes in my kitchen and who
could be charming, who loved
his dog she told The Associ-
ated Press by telephone from
her home in Lake Alfred, Fla. "At
times your mind skips back to
those parts. So it is hard
Matheney spent his final
day Tuesday meeting his two
grandchildren for the first time,
said Java Ahmed, an Indiana
Department of Correction
spokeswoman. His 22-year-old
daughter brought her 7-month-
old daughter and 2-year-old son
to visit.
About 20 death penalty oppo-
nents marched in front of the
prison banging drums Tuesday
evening to protest the execution.
It was the state's fifth execu-
tion in 2005, the most in a
single year in Indiana since the
death penalty was reinstituted
in 1977.
Female suicide bomber kills six at Iraqi army recruitment center
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) � A
woman suicide bomber attacked
an Iraqi army recruitment center
Wednesday, killing at least six
people and wounding 30 In a
northern city where coalition
forces had routed insurgents in a
major offensive this month.
The attacker, who was wear-
ing men's clothing, detonated
hidden explosives containing
metal balls while standing in
line with job applicants at the
first of three checkpoints out-
side the center, said Maj. Jamil
Mohammed Sadr, the Iraqi army
commander based there.
Insurgents have rarely used
women to carry out their attacks
in Iraq.
The blast occurred in Tal
Afar, 95 miles east of the Syrian
border, and it highlighted the
difficulty of maintaining secu-
rity in the towns in the large
northwestern region stretching
to the border, where insurgents
are most active.
Iraqi authorities claimed
nearly 200 suspected militants
were killed and 315 captured in
the Sept. 8-12 offensive in Tal
Afar. But U.S. and Iraqi troops
discovered afterward that many
of the insurgents had slipped out,
some of them through a network
of underground tunnels.
Most of the forces that partic-
ipated in the offensive have since
withdrawn, though U.S. troops
maintain a base and outposts in
Tal Afar, 260 miles northwest of
"Due to the security vacuum
after the withdrawal of (Iraqi)
police commandos from Tal Afar,
the terrorists came back again
said Abbas al-Bayatl, a parliament
member and an ethnic Turkman
- a community that has a large
presence in Tal Afar.
The blast was similar to an
attack a day earlier, in the town
of Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of
Baghdad, where a man strapped
with explosives blew himself up
in a police recruitment center,
killing nine Iraqis.
Soon after the Tal Afar offen-
sive, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the
Jordanian-born, Sunni Arab
leader of the al-Qaida in Iraq
insurgent group, declared all-out
war on Iraq's majority Shiites.
On Tuesday, Iraqi and U.S.
forces announced they had shot
and killed Abdullah Abu Azzam,
the No. 2 leader of al-Qaida in
Iraq, in a raid on a high-rise
apartment building in Baghdad
over the weekend. The coalition
called Abu Azzam the master-
mind of an escalation in suicide
bombings that have claimed
nearly 700 lives in Baghdad
since April, and said he was the
financial controller for foreign
fighters who entered Iraq to join
the insurgency.
Al-Qaida in Iraq issued an
Internet statement denying Abu
Azzam was the group's deputy
leader, calling him "one of al-
Qaida's many soldiers" and "the
leader of one its battalions oper-
ating in Baghdad The statement
confirmed the Baghdad raid
but said it was not certain yet
whether he was killed.
Iraqi government spokes-
man Laith Kubba warned that
insurgents would likely carry out
revenge attacks for Abu Azzam's
death. He said the militant "was
supervising on a daily basis almost
all the attacks that happened (in
Baghdad) I le was fully responsi-
ble for preparing and sending the
car bombs that killed hundreds of
innocent Iraqis
see BOMBER page A6
INSIDE I News: A2 I Classifieds: A8 I Opinion: A4 I A&E: Bl I Sports: B6

Page A2 252.328.6366
THURSDAY September 29, 2005
Attention all student
organizations. The ECU
2005 Homecoming Planning
Committee would like to remind
you to turn in your Homecoming
Participation Packets along with
your $30 by this Friday, Sept.
30 before 5 p.m. at the Taylor-
Slaughter Alumni House located
at 901 E. Fifth Street. In order
to be registered to compete
in any of the Homecoming
Festivities this year, your packet
and fee must be turned In. No
late packets will be accepted.
For more information, please
visit the official 2005 Purple
Reign Web site at Homecoming., or contact the
Alumni Center at 328-1839.
ECU to host Military
Appreciation Day
ECU will celebrate Military
Appreciation Day Saturday,
Oct. 1 to recognize and honor
the sacrifices made by the
men and women of the armed
forces and their families.ECU
faces Southern Mississippi
in a Conference USA football
match-up at 6 p.m. in Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium. The day will
feature many military festivities
along with recognition of military
dignitaries and hometown
A discounted ticket price Is
available for all current and
former military members and
their immediate family members.
Tickets are available for $15
with a military ID. The price
includes a game ticket and
a concessions voucher for a
hot dog and a Pepsi fountain
drink. In addition, ECU will be
offering bus service to and
from the game to participating
military bases in eastern North
Tickets are available on all
participating military bases and
through the ECU Athletic Ticket
Office (1-800-DIAL-ECU). They
may also be bought the day of
the game.
In the article "Students In
COAD 1000 take initiative
to help county the COAD
Department is comprised of
regular faculty members. The
adjunct professors mentioned
in the story work along with this
faculty. The program has been in
place for about 10 years.
Jarvis Lecture
Title: ECU Jarvis Lecture:
Event Date: Thursday, Oct. 13
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Where: Harvey Banquet Hall,
Minges Coliseum
Summary: Duke ethicist
Stanley Hauerwas will examine
America's love of longevity and
fear of death at ECU'S annual
Janis Lecture on Christianity
and Culture series.
Details: Hauerwas will compare
American versus Christian views
on death and talk about why
Americans tend to put too many
expectations on physicians and
the medical profession.
Web site:
Contact: Calvin Mercer at or call
Technology Fair
Title: Think-In - Technology
Event Start Date: Wednesday,
Nov. 2
Event End Date: Wednesday,
Nov. 2
Time: 10 a.m. -2 p.m.
Where: Mendenhall Student
Center Great Rooms
Details: This Fall, Academic
Outreach and Information
Technology & Computing
Services will host Teaching
with Technology 2005: A Think-
In of Best Practices. This event
will provide ECU faculty the
opportunity to share their
expertise using technology
in both face-to-face and
distance education courses.
Faculty are invited to submit
proposals for laptop poster
sessions. The poster sessions
will be available from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. and should include
course demonstrations that
showcase the use of technology.
Faculty and staff attendees
will have the opportunity to
judge presentations and a first
prize will be awarded in each
Web site:
News Briefs
Duke brings together
'poetasters' for academic
DURHAM, NC (AP) - Students at Duke
University have listened to foreign
language lessons and reviewed
lectures using their iPods. In New York,
other students put together unofficial
audio guides for the Museum of
Modem Art and made them available
as podcasts.
The projects were among those
mentioned Tuesday during a
symposium that was expected to
bring about 500 educators, journalists,
podcasting practitioners and others
to Duke to discuss how podcasting
is shaping business, law, journalism
and college classrooms. Organizers
said they believed the two-day event
was the first academic podcasting
Podcasts are downloadable audio
files that are often similar to radio
programs. They can be broadcast on
Apple's popular iPods or computers
with compatible software.
"Podcasting is kind of at this
transitional moment said Casey
Alt, the symposium coordinator and
Duke's Information Science and
Information Studies administrative
director. "It's growing rapidly. It's
becoming more commercialized,
more corporatized. It's kind of entering
a scr of adolescent phase"
The purpose of the symposium was
to take a look at podcasting and
"maybe have some Impact of where
it goes Alt said.
Some universities are tapping into the
phenomenon as they look for new
ways to reach college students.
"What we should be doing Is making
use of the media that they use" such
as cell phones, Instant messaging
and iPods, said Tim Lenolr, a Duke
professor who teaches about the
social and ethical Implications of
modem science.
Last year, Duke handed out free iPods
to its incoming freshman class. The
university, which spent $500,000 on
the pilot program, hoped the players
would enhance student's learning.
The program was scaled back this
year and IPods were to be issued
only to students enrolled in certain
Podcasting makes it easy for faculty
to use new sources of material
In the classroom, said Lynne
O'Brien, director of Duke's Center
for Instructional Technology. For
example, she said one professor has
students listen to recorded lectures
by others on famous philosophers
and then discuss the lectures when
they get to class.
Republicans nope next
nominee's confirmation process
goes as smooth as Roberts
WASHINGTON (AP) - Now that John
Roberts is assured of becoming the
newest Supreme Court chief justice,
Republicans are pointing to the
conservative judge's confirmation
process as the way future candidates
should be treated.
The same rule, the same tradition,
the same process should continue to
be the process for the next nominee
said Sen. Jon Kyi, R-Ariz chairman
of the Senate Republican Policy
Roberts, who will be confirmed on
Thursday with support from almost
three-fourths of the 100-member
Senate, has gone through the Senate
relatively unscathed from the day
Bush tapped him as the nation's
109th Supreme Court justice.
"If being intelligent, brilliant, a superb
lawyer, the greatest legal mind of your
generation and well qualified is not
enough, what is?" said Sen. Undsey
Graham, R-S.C, a member of the
Senate Judiciary Committee.
Despite complaining about the White
House's decision to withhold his
documents from his time as deputy
solicitor general and Roberts' refusal
to fully answer their questions during
his confirmation hearing, the Senate's
Democratic leadership decided not to
try to delay Roberts' confirmation or
to attempt a filibuster.
Almost two dozen Democrats are
supporting the conservative judge
as the successor to the late William
H. Rehnqulst. "He is a person of
outstanding ability and strong
character who possesses In my
view a deep commitment to the law
and the principle of equal justice
for all said Sen. Christopher Dodd,
But senators are expecting a
more partisan fight over Bush's
replacement for retiring Justice
Sandra Day O'Connor. She often
has been a swing vote, a majority
maker whose replacement could
signal a shift on the court on many
contentious Issues Including abortion
and affirmative action.
Bush has promised to nominate
justices in the mold of Antonln
Scalia and Clarence Thomas, two
of the court's most conservative
members. Replacing O'Connor, who
was considered a moderate, with a
hard-right conservative would move
the court further to the right.
"I fear this nominee and the next
nominee will shift the court to that far
right extreme said Sen. Mark Dayton,
D-Minn one of the Democrats who
opposes Roberts.
Republicans are calling on Democrats
to treat the next nominee just as
Roberts was treated. "It seems to me
that on this particular nomination
we conducted ourselves well, and
hopefully we can do that again said
Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the
Senate's number two Republican.
Typhoon Damrey makes landfall
In Vietnam, knocking down trees,
power lines
THANH HOA, Vietnam (AP) - After
killing at least 31 people in China
and the Philippines, Typhoon Damrey
slammed ashore Tuesday In Vietnam,
forcing the evacuation of nearly
300,000 people along the coastal
The most powerful typhoon to hit
northern Vietnam in a decade injured
nine people after it landed in Thanh
Hoa province, packing winds of up
to 60 mph, said Le Van Thao of the
National Meteorology Center. Thanh
Hoa is 100 miles south of Hanoi.
About 144,000 people from Thanh
Hoa and another 145,000 from
three surrounding provinces were
evacuated from low-lying homes,
schools and government buildings
before the storm hit, said provincial
disaster official Tran Quang Trung.
Some 950 homes were destroyed and
another 9,000 were badly damaged.
Power outages were reported In Thai
Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces, home
to 5 million people.
More than 25,000 soldiers have been
sent to help reinforce sea dikes and
evacuate people, state media reported.
High tides sent 15-foot waves surging
over a 100-mile sea wall in Thanh
Hoa and Nam Dinh, Trung said. In
another spot in Thanh Hoa, waves
burst through the dike, creating a
100-foot-long break that flooded
one village.
National broadcaster VTV reported
that falling power poles injured five
people in Thanh Hoa, while disaster
officials said four workers had been
slightly injured while clearing downed
trees from the streets.
About 700 people were stranded in
Thanh Hoa's Quang Cu village after
surging waters breached a dike and
engulfed their homes, VTV reported.
Initial damage is estimated at $5.2
million in Thanh Hoa alone, disaster
relief officials said. About 950 homes
were destroyed and another 9,000
lost their roofs.
VTV showed Deputy Prime Minister
Nguyen Tan Dung, wearing a rain
poncho and soldier's helmet, touring
a district In Nam Dinh province where
dikes were breached, inundating
three villages with 5 feet of water.
"Up to now, no deaths have been
reported. That's our victory he said.
Surrounded by rescue workers In life
jackets, Dung urged local authorities
to evacuate more people to safety
and provide them with food and
health care. Some 30,000 people
from the district had been evacuated
to higher ground the night before.
Weather forecasters said Typhoon
Damrey was weakening as it slowly
moved across northern and central
Vietnam. By late afternoon, it was
already crossing the border into
Eight flights to and from Hanoi
were canceled Tuesday, temporarily
stranding 400 passengers at
the airport, said Vietnam Airlines
spokesman Nguyen Chan.
FlleS from page A1
downloading has an impact on
the lives of others. We feel it will
set a standard
However, there have been
measures already taken to stop
students from downloading
songs illegally.
"Campuses were shrinking
the available bandwidth on
the network to discourage illegal
downloading said John Mullen,
vice president of Dell's higher
education business.
Lisa DiCarlo, technol-
ogy writer from,
writes that Dell and Napster
are forming a coalition to give
students an opportunity to get
songs with less legal infringe-
ment involved.
"Napster will make its entire
music library available to cache,
or store, on Dell servers at colleges
and universities that participate
in the program. The songs will
be available on systems locally,
on systems managed by Dell, so
there will be minimal impact on
bandwidth said DiCarlo.
This benefits students and
gives even more market capital
to tech-conglomerate Dell.
Many consumers have trou-
ble understanding the need
for file-sharing rules because
they believe once they purchase
something, they have unalien-
able rights to do whatever they
want with it.
"When you purchase soft-
ware, you do not become the
owner of the software accord-
ing to the Business Software
"Rather, you are licensing
the software. Licensing means
you are purchasing the right
to use the software under cer-
tain restriction imposed by the
copyright owner, typically the
software publisher
This writer can be contacted at
from page A1
Federal Emergency Management
Agency Director Michael Brown,
who critics say lacked proper
experience for the job, for his
performance in handling emer-
gency aid.
"The Bush administration's
culture of cronyism comes at
the expense of public safety
House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi, D-Calif said. "It is uncon-
scionable and must stop imme-
Brown admitted making some
mistakes but placed the brunt of
the blame on the Louisiana gov-
ernor, the New Orleans mayor
and even the Bush White House
that appointed him.
Rep. Christopher Shays, R-
Conn said Wednesday that
while Brown made mistakes,
so did others. "He can't be the
scapegoat. First responders are
local and state, and the governor
and mayor did a pathetic job of
preparing their people for this
horrific storm Shays said on
NBC's "Today" show.
At the same time, Shays said,
"there was a huge void" and
Brown "became a strict construc-
tionlst and didn't want to fill in
that void
On Wednesday, lawmakers
turned their attention to the
lucrative Katrina contracts.
In the weeks after the Aug.
29 storm, more than 80 percent
of the $1.5 billion in contracts
awarded by FEMA for Katrina
work were handed out with little
or no competition or had open-
ended or vague terms that previ-
ous audits have cited as being
highly prone to abuse.
They included contracts such
as a $16 million deal involving
Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg,
Brown & Root Services Inc. of
Arlington, Va that has been cited
for overcharging the government
for work in Iraq; and San-Fran-
cisco-based Bechtel Corp. Both
companies have strong ties to the
Bush administration.
Primary oversight falls to
the agency IGs and the GAO,
the auditing arm of Congress,
but critics have said that isn't
enough. The various proposals,
including ones from Republican
Sen. Susan Collins and Pelosi,
the House Democratic leader,
call for a specially appointed IG
who would oversee all the various
agencies' work.
But in their testimony
Wednesday, the inspectors
general said additional review
was unnecessary. The GAO and
Homeland Security Department
IG Richard Skinner have said
they would look closely at the
no-bid contracts that may have
been unfairly awarded based on
political connections.
Pentagon auditors also
announced a broad-scale review
of their defense contracts. The
measures Include sending teams
of auditors to the Gulf Coast to
monitor reconstruction efforts.
Investigators also will care-
fully examine whether federal
employees have been abusing
government-issued credit cards
since their purchase limits were
hastily raised to $250,000 to
help pay for hurricane-related
Previous government audits
have shown that the credit cards,
which typically have a purchase
limit of $2,500, were improperly
used to pay for prostitutes, gam-
bling activity and even breast
implants. About 250,000 federal
employees have the government
credit cards.
Dover school board member, Alan Bonsell, and other administrators debate 'intelligent design
Pennsylvania school
discusses evolution theory
former physics teacher testi-
fied that his rural school board
ignored faculty protests before
deciding to introduce the theory
of "intelligent design" to high
school students.
"I saw a district in which
teachers were not respected for
their professional expertise
Bryan Rehm, a former teacher
at Dover High School, said Tues-
Rehm, who now teaches in
another district, is a plaintiff
in the nation's first trial over
whether public schools can teach
"intelligent design
Eight Dover families are
trying to have the controversial
theory removed from the cur-
riculum, arguing that it violates
the constitutional separation
of church and state. They say it
effectively promotes the Bible's
view of creation.
Proponents of intelligent
design argue that life on Earth
was the product of an unidenti-
fied intelligent force, and that
Charles Darwin's theory of natu-
ral selection cannot fully explain
the origin of life or the emergence
of highly complex life forms.
Aralene "Barrie" Callahan,
a former member of the Dover
school board and another plain-
tiff in the case, said that at least
two board members made state-
ments during meetings that made
her believe the new policy was
religiously based.
At a retreat in March 2003,
see WITNESS page A6
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Yearbook Staff Positions Available
The Buccaneer is East Carolina University's yearbook. It
has not been published in the print format since 1991.
The Buccaneer is producqjdLby a collective group of
student staff members.
A history of student life, activities, and sports, for each
year is documented through pages, pictures and
copy of The Buccaneer.
The Buccaneer is now accepting
applications for:
Editor in Chief
ManagingCopy Editor
Photo Editor
Volunteer Writers
Section Editor
Volunteer Photographers
Please call Yvonne Move at 328.9200 or stop by Self
Help Center Suite 205A (301 Evans St.) Greenville for
more information.
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Page A4 252.328.9238
THURSDAY September 29,2005
Our View
Stop cell-phone walking
We could get to class significantly quicker if
students put more emphasis in the walking part
of walking and less emphasis on talking with
cellphones. Do you think you are multi-tasking
when you do that? Well, unfortunately, you are
not very good at multi-tasking. We at TEC rarely
come across anyone who can effectively carry
a phone conversation and walk faster than a
tortoise with arthritic ankles.
Your attempt at multi-tasking is an abysmal
failure. Moreover, you steal the precious time
we need for producing an effective newspaper,
especially the news section. Nobody has time
to walk endlessly around campus because
they are stuck behind a cell-phone talker and
cannot move ahead without walking into the
street or mud. It should never take 20 minutes to
get from Mendenhall Student Center to Dowdy
Book Store.
Why do students walking to class 'nave the
pathological impetus to talk on a phone
during such a short period? Do you get bored
that easily? Are you trying to quit smoking by
holding a phone instead? Most of these walks
through campus cannot last that long. Taking
a few minutes and focusing on getting where
you have to go cannot be that grueling.
There are other things to do while walking. ECU
still displays one of the most beautiful college
campuses in the state. Mother Nature's serenity
is a gift to anyone who walks through central
campus in front of Joyner Library (minus the
construction in front of the financial aid office).
Nature is not boring either. Hawks have been
known to feast on dead squirrels under the
trees during the fall. Of course, you should not
slow down your walking pace to watch this but
rather you should step aside to enjoy. The living
squirrels, on the other hand, are great models
for how fast you should move.
Another deviation from cell-phone strolling is
walking with friends. This way you can embrace
in social capital while walking at the normal
pace of a healthy adult. Speed walking has
plenty of advantages for your health as well.
By ditching the idiot phone and picking up the
pace, you can get out of our way and improve
your heart rate simultaneously.
Cell-phone walking is irritating to others and
indirectly detrimental to your health. Do the right
thing for your impatient, busy, ECU brethren who
are in a hurry.
Our Staff
Jennifer L Hobbs
Editor in Chief
Chris Munier
News Editor
Alexander Marcinlak
Web Editor
Carolyn Scandura Kristin Murnane
Features Editor Asst Features Editor
Tony Zoppo
Sports Editor
Nina Coefield
Head Copy Editor
Tanesha Slstrunk
Photo Editor
Brandon Hughes
Asst. Sports Editor
April Barnes
Asst. Copy Editor
Herb Sneed
Asst Photo Editor
Edward McKIm
Production Manager
Serving ECU since 1925, TEC prints 9,000 copies
every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the
regular academic year and 5,000 on Wednesdays
during the summer. "Our view" is the opinion of
the editorial board and Is written by editorial board
members. TEC welcomes letters to the editor which
are limited to 250 words (which may be edited for
decency or brevity). We reserve the right to edit or
reject letters and all letters must be signed and
include a telephone number. Letters may be sent via
e-mail to or to The East
Carolinian. Student Publications Building, Greenville,
NIC 27858-4353. Call 252-328-6366 for more informa-
tlort One copy of TEC Is free, each additional copy is $1.
My Random Column
25 things you never knew until now
In place of Tony McKee's Thursday
article, I am writing for your amusement
today. He is taking a day to recover from
an injury sustained this week for all of
you who are wondering. I know you will
all miss him gracing us with his presence
but I took the time to fill in for him. 1
hope you don't miss him too much to
enjoy a bit of my knowledge.
Since I have quite a bit of space, I
decided that I would write on the things
I have learned in college. I started a list
in class and continued it at work with
some help from my co-workers. We
decided that the last few years have
taught us many things. About life, and
how we all are feeling about It.
Here we go with the 25 things, in no
specific order, you never knew before
attending college:
1. No matter how much you sleep
you get, you are always tired.
2. Procrastination leads to time
management skills.
3. Partying on a school night
makes the next day "fuzzy
4. There is nothing better then a
Taco Bell run at 1 a.m.
5. The older you get the older
you feel.
6. No dress code makes girls dress
like fools.
7. Bojangle's cures hangovers
(so do Totinos frozen cheese
8. You can actually live off of
Coca-Cola and Poptarts.
9. Homework is a legal form of
10. "Professor office hours" are
11. College is not high school.
12. Money makes you lose your
13. Your most important
possessions are those you carry
on your key ring.
14. Pizza, French fries and nachos
are a well-rounded and balanced
15. You should be weary of
professors who are excited to
teach at 8 a.m.
16. Some of the best nights involve
staying home and watching a
movie with your friends.
17. The need for home fades with
the years away.
18. Football games aren't all about
19. The more you let your work
pile up, the less sleep you get the
night before it is due.
20. Naptime is no longer an event
to calm Kindergartners down.
21. Freebie golf and beer pong are
treated in the same regard as
Olympic Sports.
22. If you actually talk to your
teachers you will do better in
the class.
23. There can't possibly be $200
worth of information in my
education books.
24. True friends will outlast time.
25. Being a grownup means
responsibilities that you are not
ready for.
So, there you have it. My 25 biggest
things I have learned as I am starting my
third year of college. I will be back next
Wednesday in my usual space for my
column. Hopefully for me and all of his
loyal readers, Tony McKee will be back for his
usual entries, though I am glad that I could
entertain you with my ranting through my
filling in. I hope 1 enlightened you as to what
my college experience has taught me and I
encourage you to add your own experiences
to the list It makes for a great laugh.
-Jennifer Hobbs
In My Opinion
Bush could name O'Connor replacement as soon as Thursday
Senate votes Thursday to confirm the
first of two President Bush nominees to
the Supreme Court, the administration
is wrapping up an interview process
similar to the one that produced Chief
Justice-designeejohn G. Roberts Jr.
While Bush asked aides to research
more female jurists for this opening, he
is also looking at longtime candidates
who have backing from conservative
legal organizations, said attorneys
familiar with the review.
The president has also evaluated the
records of Hispanic, African-American,
and white male candidates, mindful
that any proposed replacement for
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor will likely
provoke a fight.
"Democrats seem more ready to fight
this one, almost no matter who it is said
Jennifer Duffy, Senate editor for the Wash-
ington-based Cook Political Report.
Bush could make his nomination
as early as Thursday, the same day the
Senate is expected to confirm Rob-
erts to succeed Chief Justice William
Rehnquist, who died Sept. 3.
And while the president ordered aides
to review more female candidates, attor-
neys familiar with the process said he has
ruled out no individual or group.
"I am mindful that diversity is one
of the strengths of the country Bush
said earlier this week.
Virtually any nominee could pro-
voke protest - from Bush allies as easily
as Democrats.
If Bush nominates appeals judge
Priscilla Owen, he risks uniting Demo-
crats who once blocked her appoint-
ment as a federal judge.
If he picks his close friend, Attorney
General Alberto Gonzales, to be the
Supreme Court's first Hispanic justice,
he faces opposition from conservative
supporters who call the attorney gen-
eral squishy on abortion.
And if he picks any white male to
succeed the first woman justice, he
will face the disapproval of some of
the women around him, including first
lady Laura Bush, who has suggested she
would favor a female justice.
As they had with Roberts, White
House attorneys have followed a hand-
ful of potential high court candidates
for years, compiling information In
notebooks for Bush's perusal.
One difference from the process
that yielded Roberts' candidacy is a
more abundant presence of women,
including Karen Williams, an appeals
judge from South Carolina, and Harriet
Miers, who as White House counsel is
helping to conduct the search.
The list also includes more familiar
names: Owen of Austin, Texas; Edith
Jones of Houston; and Janice Rogers
Brown of Washington, D.C. -all federal
appellate judges.
Bush and aides say they have
reached out to nearly 70 senators on the
upcoming choice. Democrats have sub-
mitted several "consensus candidates
but all are considered long shots.
Other consultations have come
from conservative legal groups that
have long made the federal courts a top
priority. They include such groups as
the Federalist Society and the American
Center for Law and Justice.
Some groups are endorsing specific
candidates. The United States Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce, for instance,
has urged the president to name Gon-
zales to the court vacancy.
"We think it's time for a Hispanic
Supreme Court justice said chamber
spokesman Guillermo Meneses.
Gonzales isn't the only minority on
the list. Bush is said to be considering
former deputy attorney general Larry
Thompson, an African-American who
is general counsel for PepsiCo.
White male conservatives also
remain in contention. They include
Michael Luttig of Virginia, Michael
McConnell of Utah, and Samuel Alito
of New Jersey.
Tony Perkins, president of the influ-
ential Family Research Council, said
the administration seems to be going
to great lengths to consider a woman
to replace O'Connor. He said such a
move would have no significance to his
socially conservative organization.
"The only thing that matters to us is
that it is someone who understands the
role of the court the way the president
has described it Perkins said. "That is: to
interpret the laws; not to create policy
Nan Aron, president of the Alliance
For Justice, said Bush has consistently
nominated what she called extreme
conservatives for all kinds of judgeships.
She expects him to follow suit soon.
"The best way to galvanize the right
wing she said, "is to give them their
Pirate Rant
1 thought pirate rants were a place for
MATURE college students to express
their thoughts and ideas, but I was
wrong. Can anyone tell me why lately
the pirate rant section has become a
place for people to try and slide in
their racist comments and views?
To the beautiful blonde In the navy
pants with the green polo horses
embroidered on them walking to
Brewster on Tuesday: I love you.
You are the classiest thing going.
Does anyone else find it amus-
ing when people ask you not
to assert your opinion on them
because It's your opinion wrong?
Campus Safety and SafeRide suck.
To anybody who wants to see the
football team do well this season.
Show up for the game on Saturday
and make some noise. It starts at 6
p.m. and you don't realize how much
of a difference you make to the team.
Is chivalry totally dead or what?
That's mighty nice of you guys
who will force the lady to stand on
a totally crowded bus while you
nonetheless will put your book bag
in a free seat next to you so she
can't sit down. On the Minges bus at
9:30 TTH, you know who you are
How come the clown only comes
out of the clock on Sunday nights?
We've gone out there every night, but
it only comes out on Sundays. Why?
To the "Fraternity" living in
the Sorority house this year
Do us all a favor and vandalize
yourselves so we don't have to.
I'm not racist, I hate everybody equally.
Yoda says, to the ranter who said my
sentences were bad: judge me by my
grammar, doyou?Thedark side, I sense
in you. Jump into the septic tank, you
should. Much to learn, you still have.
I'm the guy who needs a scantron
on test dayand I always get one.
So a message to all you ECU professors
out there who think that YOUR class
is the ONLY class we have, and we
have no other responsibilities. How
about the other 5 classes we have
on top of youri?and workoh yea
and you require volunteering hours
for your class too right?and group
activities OUTSIDE of class time.
And did I mention that I'm a college
student, I'd like to have SOME social
life before I die. OH YEA! I must have
missed the memo that there will be
40 hour days now instead of just 24.
To the liberal who supports Bush.
You are no longer a liberal, and
our party would fair better without
people like you. If I only had half a
brain I would think Bush was doing
a wonderful job, but alas I have a
fully functioning brain that won't
allow me to view the world through
rose-colored glasses. WAKE UP!
Why do people assume your not being
American if you don't like Bush? GET
OVER it. Bush leadership sucks, you
and I both know it. Don't be afraid
to admit you made a mistake by
voting him into office! We all make
a mistake, that is part of learning.
Tony McKee makes average right
wing Republicans like myself look
bad. His opinions have actually
pushed me to be more liberal on
some Issues. May God help me!
I am so glad to see Tomeka Steele
present the other side of partying too
much at ECU. I thought her earlier
article promoting the "downtown
bar" scene was totally irresponsible
and I was embarrassed for her and
Student Life at ECU. I am glad to
see her latest article detailing the
underbelly of underage drinking.
As both a journalism major and
former newspaper reporter, it is of
the utmost essence to present both
sides of an issue objectively. Glad to
see you learned that lesson Tomeka!
So has everyone on campus been
enoying Noises Off on channel 27?
1 know I have. Staring at Michael
Caine and Mark Linn-Baker (the kid
from "Perfect Strangers" not Balki)
for the last week oodles my noodles.
Why do so many students expect to
be spoon fed knowledge and taught
exactly what is on the test? Hey,
here's a news flash, "Read your text
books, take notes (which requires
that you be awake In class) and
study for your tests. Then you might
EARN a decent grade Crap, all that
requires effort. Who'd a thunk it?
Greek LifeIf you're a poser and
you know It clap your hands.
If you live in Pirates Cove make
sure they give you a parking pass!
My roommate got towed and they
never told her she needed a park-
ing pass! In the middle of the
night we had to go with J100 cash
behind the Piggly Wiggly. And then
Pirates Cove won't take the blame.
I graduate In May and I could not be
happier to leave. It's not Greenville
or ECU, I love both. But it's that
college environment that comes
with a small town that I must
get away from. I will not miss it!
I don't knowbut the truth hurts.
Editor's Note: The Pirate Rant is an
anonymous way for students and
staff in the ECU community to voice
their opinions. Submissions can be
submitted anonymously online at, or e-
mailed to edltor&theeastcarolinlan.
com. The editor reserves the right to
edit opinions for content and brevity.

1 Hinged fastener
5 Stroke on the
9 out (declined)
14 Italian wine
15 Clarinet's cousin
16 Biller's partner?
17 ERA, e.g.
18 Planted, as
19 Put to use
20 "Love Songs"
23 Upper limit
24 Smack
25 Uncle Tom's
26 Tap gently
29 Worn away
31 Bikini bandeau
32 Tepee shape
33 Star of "Ghost"
35 El Greco's
36 Field of teeth
38 Bit of trickery
41 Muscle and
bone specialist
45 Lawman Wyatt
46 Request
47 Whole
48 Mama sheep
49 Muscle spasm
50 Had a bite
51 Spare part?
52 Japanese
55 The Evil One
58 Match
59 Helper
60 Make jubilant
61 Otherwise
62 Winter blanket
63 Ocean
64 Origin
65 Berry and Kesey
1 Bothered
2 "Top Hat"
3 Hollywood
4 Pocket bread
5 God of the sea
6 WWII sub
1234166r019101 1' '13
D 2005Tribun� Madia SsrvlcM. Inc.
All rights r�s�rv�d
7 Hauls with a
8 Easiest to chew
9 Florida city
10 Vatican figure
11 Outdo
12 Sushi choice
13 Matter-of-fact
21 Having a motif
22 Ms. Gardner
26 "Annabel Lee"
27 Picnic pest
28 Place-kicker's
30 Buttoned
31 Invigorating
32 Underground
burial chamber
34 Eardrum
35 Old hags
37 Balanced on the
38 Charge
39 Uncooked
40 Exist
42 Flying group
v3 3IV(18V:l'vHV8
43 Checked the fit
44 New Testament
46 Intention
49 Dirties
50 Move upward
52 Gorge
53 Corduroy ridge
54 Difficult
55 Tennis unit
56 Pugilist Laila
57 Small bit
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Wed Sept 28th at 9:30pm
Thurs Sept 29th at 7pm
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Sat Oct I st at 7pm &
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Wed Sept 28th at 7pm
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Fri Sept 30th at 7pm & Midnight
Sat Oct 1st at 9:30 pm
Sun Oct 2nd at 7pm
Wed Oct. 5th at 7pm
Thurs Oct. 6th at 9:30pm
Seven will be playing at Midnight on the 7th
Sat Oct. 8th at 9:30pm
Sun October 9th at 7pm
Wed Oct. 5th at 9:30pm
Thurs Oct. 6th at 7pm
Fri Oct. 7th at 9:30pm
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from page A1
With the Tal Afar blast, at
least 72 people have been killed
In attacks since Sunday.
In southern Iraq, police found
the badly decomposed bodies of
22 Iraqi men who had been shot to
death and dumped in a field, many
of them bound and blindfolded,
said Police Lt. Othman al-Laml of
the Wasit provincial police.
He said the victims appeared
to have been killed more than a
month ago, and their identities
were not immediately known,
but the district - northeast of
Kut. about 100 miles southeast of
Baghdad - is mostly Shiite.
The U.S. military announced
Wednesday that a Marine from
the 2nd Marine Division, II
Marine Expeditionary Force
died from a non-hostile gunshot
wound two days earlier near
Fallujah. The incident is under
The death brought to 1,919 the
number of U.S. service members
who have died since the Iraq war
started in March 2003, according
to an Associated Press count.
The ECU Media Board
welcomes applications for
en it mm
Free Trade
from page A1
said a Chinese spokesman. "Both
sides wish to find good solutions
through common efforts
Free trade, which is aimed at
integrating the world's economy
through eliminating trade barri-
ers such as tariffs and duties, is
often a sore spot for small com-
munities and individuals who
stand to lose obs. Those who
stand to lose their jobs obviously
are less concerned about the ben-
efits to the global economy.
There are many disputes on
free trade and its regulations
even in North America. Recently,
the U.S. declined to abide by the
NAFTA panel's decision that the
United States return about $4.2
billion in collected tariffs on
softwood lumber since 2002.
The decision angered Canadi-
ans to the point that they have
considered raising tariffs on U.S.
exports to compensate.
This series of events has led
Canada to set a goal of improv-
ing relations with Asia, China in
Canadian Revenue Minis-
ter John McCallum, who once
worked for RBC Centura, said,
"China is crucial for Canada
China has recently overhauled
its currency policy by lifting its
peg on the U.S. dollar. The U.S. is
not alone in changing rigid poli-
cies in support of free trade.
1 low political candidates and
administrations handle the free
trade issue will go a long way in
deciding the 2006 election.
This writer can be contacted at
The board is seeking fulltime students interested in serving as the day student repre-
sentative on the Media Board, the 11-person board which governs the media at ECU,
WZMB, The Rebel. The East Carolinian, and Expressions.
To qualify, you must be a student living off campus who is not a member of a sorority
or fraternity and you will be expected to attend a late afternoon meeting monthly.
For information, contact: ECU Media Board Office
205A Self Help Center
301 S. Evans Street
Greenville, NC 27858
Applications due Friday, October 7th at 5p.m.
from page A2
a board member "expressed he
did not believe in evolution and
if evolution was part of the biol-
ogy curriculum, creationism had
to be shared 50-50 Callahan
At a school board meeting
in June 2004, when she was no
longer on the board, Callahan
recalled another board member
complaining that a biology book
recommended by the administra-
tion was "laced with Darwinism
"They were pretty much
downplaying evolution as some-
thing that was credible she
In October 2004, the board
voted 6-3 to require teachers
to read a brief statement about
intelligent design to students
before classes on evolution. The
statement says Darwin's theory is
"not a fact" and has inexplicable
"gaps and refers students to an
intelligent-design textbook for
more information.
In a separate development
Tuesday, two freelance newspa-
per reporters who covered the
school board in June 2004 both
invoked their First Amendment
rights and declined to provide
a deposition to lawyers for the
school district.
Both are expected in court
Wednesday to respond to a sub-
poena to testify at trial, said Niles
Benn, a lawyer for the papers.
Lawyers for the school district
have questioned the accuracy of
articles in which the reporters
wrote that board members dis-
cussed creationism during public
In other testimony Tuesday,
plaintiff Tammy Kitzmiller said
that in January, her younger
daughter opted out of hearing
the statement - an option given
all students - putting her in an
awkward position.
"My i4-year-old daughter
had to make the choice between
staying in the classroom and
being confused or she had to
be singled out and face the pos-
sible ridicule of her friends and
classmates she said.
The Dover Area School Dis-
trict, which serves about 3,500
students, is believed to be the
nation's first school system
to mandate that students be
exposed to the intelligent design
concept. It argues it is not endors-
ing any religious view and only
letting students know there are
differences of opinion about
The non-jury trial is expected
to take five weeks.
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Soccer Registration Meeting
Time 5 PM Location MSC Multi-purpose Room
Soccer Officials Clinic
Time 9-11 PM Location SRC 202
3-on-3 Basketball Registration Meeting
Time 5 PM Location MSC Great Rooms 1&2
Adventure programs
River Sweep Clean-up Tar River
Registration Deadline 927 Pre-Trip 927
Rock Climbing at Pilot Mountain
Registration Deadline 923 Pre-Trip 927
Canoe Camping White Oak River
Registration Deadline 930 Pre-Trip 104
Boat and Board Surfing Carolina Beaches
Registration Deadline 930 Pre-Trip 105
Whitewater Western Carolina
Registration Deadline 107 Pre-Trip 1012
Pool Session and Pre-Trip on October 12
Backpacking at Linville Gorge
Registration Deadline 107 Pre-Trip 1011
Tar River Canoeing, Greenville
Registration Deadline 1018 Pre-Trip NA
Rock Climbing at Pilot Mountain
Registration Deadline 1014 Pre-Trip 1018
Sea Kayaking at Bear Island
Registration Deadline 1014 Pre-Trip 1018
Caving in Virginia
Registration 1021
Whitewater Canoe Kayak Haw River
Registration 1021 Pre-Trip 1026
Pre-Trip @ 6:00, Pool Session @ 7:00 PM
Cost $3545
Cost $5565
Cost $5565
Cost $95110
Pre-Trip 1025
Fitness Programs
October Fit Fest
Location SRC 240 Registration Begi
Campus Dining Done Right
Location SRC Classroom Reg. Dates 815 -
Dynamic Definition - Yoga & Pilates
Location SRC 238 Registration Begi
Hatha Yoga
Location SRC 239 Registration Begi
Mission Accomplished! Goal Setting
Location SRC Classroom Registration Begi
Frightfully Fit - "BOO
Location SRC 240 Reg. Dates NA
Exercise Wisely for Faculty & Staff
Location SRC 240 Registration Begi
Tai Chi
Location SRC 238 Registration Begi
Yoga at Noon
Location SRC 239 Registration Begi
ns 926
ns 926
ns 926
Arise Programs
Wheelchair Rugby
Time 8-9 PM
Wheelchair Basketball
Time 8 - 9 PM Location
Hand Crank Bicycle Workshop
Time 4:30 - 6 PM Location
ARISE Committee Meeting
Location SRC Sports Forum
SRC Sports Forum
SRC Rotunda
Time 4-5:30
Time 7-8 PM
Time 7:30-9 PM
Wheelchair Basketball
Time 8 - 9 PM
Location SRC 122
Location SRC Climbing Wall
Location Williams Arena
Location SRC Sports Forum
Carolina (252)328-6387

Page A8
THURSDAY September 29, 2005
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Arts & Entertainment
'Corpse Bride' success for Depp
Page B1 252.328.6366 CAROIYN SCANDURA Features Editor KRISTIN MURNANE Assistant Features Editor THURSDAY September 29, 2005
Got Problems?
Dear Features,
I have worked very hard for the past
two years at ECU. My GPA is a 3.2
and I just applied to a very exclusive
program in my major and was
rejected. This means that I will have to
stay In school for another three years
If I want to get Into this program. How
can I fill these three years of time so
that they are not totally wasted? I am
sure other students have problems
like this but I really need some help.
Rejected and Confused
Dear Rejected and Confused,
You are right, there are many other
people at this school who have
been denied acceptance from an
exclusive program such as Nursing,
Communication Arts or Graphic
Design. This can affect not only
your academic career, but also your
outlook on life. We suggest going
to the department and asking how
close you were to being accepted
and Ifthere is a waiting list you can be
placed on. Sometimes acceptance
letters are sent out to people who
have applied from other schools
and do not accept the Invitation to
attend. Ifthere is no other option, think
about getting another degree in the
mean time. There are always student
loans and academic scholarships for
funding purposes.
Pasta Prlmavera
3 carrots, peeled and cut into thin strips
2 medium zucchini or 1 large zucchini,
cut into thin strips
2 yellow squash, cut Into thin strips
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 red bell pepper, cut Into thin strips
14 cup olive oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground black
1 tablespoon dried Italian herbs or
herbs de Provence
1 pound farfalle (bowtle pasta)
15 cherry tomatoes, halved
12 cup grated Parmesan
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
On a large heavy baking sheet, toss
all of the vegetables with the oil, salt,
pepper, and dried herbs to coat.
Transfer half of the vegetable mixture
to another heavy large baking sheet
and arrange evenly over the baking
sheets. Bake until the carrots are
tender and the vegetables begin
to brown, stirring after the first 10
minutes, about 20 minutes total.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta In a large
pot of boiling salted water until al
dente, tender but still firm to the bite,
about 8 minutes. Drain, reserving 1
cup of the cooking liquid.
Toss the pasta with the vegetable
mixtures In a large bowl to combine.
Toss with the cherry tomatoes and
enough reserved cooking liquid to
moisten. Season the pasta with salt
and pepper, to taste. Sprinkle with the
parmesan and serve immediately.
Caprese Salad
1-12 pounds vine-ripened tomatoes
1 pound fresh mozzarella
34 to 1 teaspoon fine sea salt or
fleur de sel
Freshly ground black pepper
13 cup packed basil leaves, torn or
cut into thin strips
14 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Slice the tomatoes and cheese
Into 14-Inch thick slices. Arrange
the salad on a serving platter or
individual plates In an alternating
pattern, with two to three slices of
tomato for every piece of cheese.
Season with the salt and pepper to
taste. Scatter the basil leaves over the
top and drizzle with the oil. Serve at
room temperature
Fruit Salad with Cannoll Cream
13 cup whole milk rlcotta cheese
2 tablespoons plus 13 cup whipping
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
Pinch ground cinnamon
12 ounces fresh strawberries, hulled,
quartered (about 2 12 cups)
12 dry pint fresh raspberries (about
1 14 cups)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2 kiwi, peeled, cut into 12-Inch pieces
3 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted
Stir the rlcotta and 2 tablespoons
of cream In a medium bowl to
blend. Using an electric mixer, beat
the remaining 13 cup of cream,
powdered sugar, and cinnamon In
a large bowl until semi-firm peaks
form. Fold the rlcotta Into the whipped
cream. Place In the refrigerator for at
least 30 minutes to stiffen and yield
a creamier filling. (Can be prepared 4
hours ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)
Toss the strawberries, raspberries,
sugar, and lemon juice in a medium
bowl to combine. Let stand until
i juices form, tossing occasionally,
about 15 minutes. Add the kiwi.
Spoon the fruit mixture into 4 dessert
bowls. Dollop the rlcotta cream atop
he fruit. Sprinkle with the almonds
I and serve.
Taken from foodtv.
The best animated film of
the year
With Tim Burton's Corpse
Bride, we are treated to the first
full length film to be completely
animated by stop motion since
The Nightmare Before Christmas.
This is a very meticulous type of
animation figures made of clay
and latex over a complex wire
structure as the main characters.
Animators set up a shot, cap-
ture one single frame and then
move the characters just a tiny
bit more before taking a second
picture. After 24 pictures have
been taken, we have only one
second of film.
Needless to say, this takes a
very long time to animate. Corpse
Bride took somewhere around
five years to complete. That's
why movies like these should
never go under appreciated.
Corpse Bride follows young
Victor Van Dort (voiced by
Johnny Depp). He is due to wed
Victoria Everglot (Emily Watson),
a young woman whom he has
never met in person. This mar-
riage was arranged by both sets a
parents - Victor's parents (Tracey
Ul 1 man and Paul Whitehouse) are
excited about this union, while
Victoria's (Joanna Lumley and
Albert Finney) are quite reluctant.
Johnny Depp plays Victor Van Dort who is to be wed to the 'Corpse Bride Helena Bonham Carter.
The reasons behind this mar-
riage are explained to us, but not
very well. This is one of the main
plot flaws in this film. Being a
children's movie, this doesn't
need to be explained in great
detail. All we need to know is
that Victor and Victoria are to be
married and there's nothing they
can do about it.
Upon meeting Victoria,
Victor doesn't really know what
to make of the whole situa-
tion. He can't really decide if
he loves her or not. According
to Victoria's parents, however,
marriage is not about love, but
about a partnership instead.
Victoria, on the other hand,
likes Victor right away and she
looks forward to their wedding.
At the rehearsal, Victor has
a little trouble remembering his
vows due to his nervousness. The
Pastor in charge of this marriage,
Pastor Galswells (Christopher
Lee), tells Victor not to come back
until he remembers his vows.
Victor strolls through the
woods that night practicing his
vows to himself. He practices
them while looking at a tree and
places the wedding band on one
of the branches. This branch is
not really part of a tree. It's a
dead hand that comes back to life.
This is the Corpse Bride (Helena
Bonham Carter).
Victor is now married to the
Corpse Bride and is taken back
to the dead world which is very
dark in the classic Tim Burton
manner. But Victor doesn't want
to be married to a dead woman.
He does in fact love Victoria and
he wants to be with her.
Corpse Bride is not as dark as
the title makes it sound. This is a
very lighthearted love story that
kids will enjoy too. The story was
conceived by Burton and writ-
ten into a screenplay by Pamela
Pettier, Caroline Thompson
(who collaborated with Burton
on both Nightmare and Edward
Scissorhands) and John August,
who marks his third collabora-
tion in a row with Burton Big
Fish and Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory precede this). With the
exception of the weird wedding
arrangements between the two
families and the dastardly plan
of the movie's villain Barkis Bit-
tern (Richard E. Grant), this is a
very solid screenplay. It runs a bit
short, but it doesn't matter. It's
enjoyable from beginning to end,
and all 76 minutes of runtime are
filled with so much heart and
depth for its characters.
Like Nightmare, there are
songs, but not as many as the
earlier film. Corpse Bride marks
yet another union of Burton and
longtime music composer Danny
Elfman. Elfman, who wrote songs
for Nightmare and for Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory penned new
songs for this film and they are
once again classic Elfman songs.
His time in the 1980s band Oingo
Boingo helps make his songs
extra strange whenever they are
on the screen. His orchestral
score is also, as usual, very solid.
see BRIDE page B2
Television's fall ratings brawl Sound to remember
Networks 'ready to
rumble 'in your living
Every season, television net-
works flash all their lights, push
all their buttons, and scramble
to bring their best palate of side-
splitting comedies, heart-stop-
ping dramas and captivating real-
ity shows to your television. Every
season they hope their lineup
will make you put the remote
on the coffee table and tune
out all the other stations. This
fall, the competition rages on.
Thirty-one new shows
are coming to your television,
and many of them look like
winners. Only time (and you)
will tell in the end, but each
one of the four major net-
works has an ambitious lineup.
NBC is coming off a season
where they slipped from first to
fourth in the 18-49 demographic.
That means that they are the least
watched network among people
ages 18 to 49. Their headlining
effort is Martha Stewart's version of
"The Apprentice It will be just like
Donald Trump's show, but tailored
to Martha's interests such as home
renovation, entertaining and style.
"The Apprentice: Martha Stewart"
will be showing on Wednesday
nights from 8 - 9 p.m.
NBC's most promising offer-
ing is a highly-touted and adver-
tised comedy called "My Name is
Earl" starring Jason Lee. You will
recognize Lee (Sans Mustache)
from his roles in some of Kevin
Smith's movies, like Mallrats and
Dogma. On "My Name is Earl" he
stars opposite Jamie Pressly as a
former crook who wins the lottery
and decides that he can right his
wrongs rjy resolving his crimes.
The show is a half-hour long
and airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m.
Of course NBC has a few
proven winners helping bolster
its lineup. The drama heavy-
weight "Law and Order" shows
on NBC, along with its two spin-
offs ("Special Victims Unit" and
"Criminal Intent"). "The West
Wing" has moved to Sunday
Thirty-one new
shows are coming to
your television, and
many of them look
like winners. Only
time (and you) will tell
in the end, but each
one of the four major
networks has an
ambitious lineup.
nights at 8 p.m. and should be a
heavy hitter as well.
ABC moved up from last
place to third place in the rat-
ings last year, and deservedly
so - the scandalous bombshell
"Desperate Housewives" makes
its home on ABC as does the
popular "Extreme Makeover:
Home Edition "Lost a power-
fully successful show about being
marooned on an island, main-
tains a strong spot on Wednesday
night. For all the hard core sports
fans, ABC is also the home for
Monday Night Football.
ABC's lineup starts with
"Alias the sleek spy thriller star-
ring Jennifer Garner, has been
moved from being after "Lost"
to a more competitive spot on
Thursday night where it will com-
pete with "Survivor" on CBS.
The good news for ABC is
they have another bombshell to
drop on the television world. The
network's newest drama with a
bullet is called "Commander-in-
Chief a daring offering about
the first woman President of the
United States. Geena Davis stars
as Mackenzie Allen, the Vice
President who assumes the job
when the President dies. Davis
also stars as a mother of three
children. The show is sure to cap-
ture more of the demographic of
women who tune in for "Desper-
ate Housewives "Commander-
in-Chief" airs on Tuesday nights
and begs to be watched.
Two comedies are also making
debuts on ABC. "Freddie" stars
Freddie Prinze Jr. as a chefres-
taurant owner surrounded by
women and Brian Green (yes,
Brian Austin Green from "Bev-
erly Hills 90210"). The show airs
on Wednesdays before "Lost
Also hitting the scene is "Hot
Properties a comedy about four
women who in a New York real
estate office together, sort of the
northern version of "Designing
Women "Hot Properties" airs
on Fridays before "2020
The champion of the ratings
race is CBS, sitting at number
one overall and tied with Fox for
the lead in the key 18-49 demo-
graphic. The network won the
ratings race by the largest margin
seen in 16 years, and boasts some
see FALL TV page B3
Ten Thousand Fists'
packs powerful punch
For the band from Chicago
that formed sometime in 1997,
their third studio album could
have been business as usual.
Lead singer David Draiman
and company could have been
content to rest on the laurels of
their two successful albums, The
Sickness and Believe. For a group
that has already had an album
top the Billboard 200 and been
a headliner for Ozzfest, they've
achieved a very acceptable level
of success. So with all that suc-
cess, can Disturbed still turn
out successful and hard-hitting
Is Ten Thousand Fists hard-
hitting enough?
The band's third full-length
studio album comes at you hard,
strong and with a message. The
thirteen tracks on this album
are a noticeable departure from
their 2001 debul The Sickness
and show off a remarkable
growth. The sometimes fright-
ening anger-driven vocals and
music of The Sickness have
evolved into prophesizing,
telling lyrics with the same
guttural drive that Draiman
has always brought to the stage,
backed up by melodies that
radiate with power and force.
Compare a radio single
from each album. The band's
smash-mouth debut "Stupify"
impressed fans with a power-
ful melody and oriented them
to the sound of Draiman's
animal rage, and had an ele-
ment of anger that at times
seemed out of control. Their
first single from "Believe
the second album (released
in 2002) was a heartfelt but
hard core story of faith called
"Prayer" with a message that
see SOUND page B3
Advice from South Georgia hooker 'Pulpwood Annie'
For a good time, read
about a hooker and a
smart aleck college guy
On the cover, the Image of Annie is worth a thousand words.
In Republic, the ancient Greek
philosopher Plato attempted to
answer the question "what is
justice and why should we be
just?" To answer this question,
Plato didn't write in his own
voice - rather he spoke through
characters, namely his deceased
mentor Socrates.
In his first, fictional novel,
The Pulpwood Annie Chronicles,
Max Courson follows a similar
line. While he's not attempting
to explain questions which have
plagued humanity for thousands
of years, Courson's novel does
have an underlying philosophy
which is as colorful and intrigu-
ing as the character he's chosen
to speak through: a Georgia
hooker named Pulpwood Annie.
As a journalist, Courson
initially found it difficult to
come up with dialogue for fic-
tion. Having to make up words
and conversations didn't come
naturally to him. However, as he
became more comfortable, his
array of characters took on a life
of their own and suddenly, the
stories began to flow.
Courson sets his novel in
south Georgia - a locale rarely
used as a setting for books and
movies. It was his interest in
sharing a little bit of history from
this colorful area that helped
motivate him in writing The
Pulpwood Annie Chronicles.
Courson wrote these stories
in the hope that his readers of
a fun time getting to know his
eccentric characters. On his Web
site, he describes his book as a
"damn good read down at the
shore where you can just pick it
up and relax with it on the beach.
It's a short novel, broken into 17
short stories. The book begins
with a description of its charac-
ters, conveniently breaking down
the personas of 52 of Zenobia,
Georgia's residents for further ref-
erence throughout the reading.
Pulpwood Annie, the center
of the stories, is the self-described
"queen of the south Georgia truck
stop and honky-tonk whores
Her favorite companion is an
unnamed smart-aleck college
guy. While he always refuses her
advances, she has a good time
discussing the finer things in
life, such as her "trip to Floridy"
and the men she finds herself
sparring with.
The "smart-aleck college guy
like many young students, feels as
though his education elevates him
and makes him superior to some
of the people he meets. However,
the underlying philosophy in the
Annie stories is that there's always
something to be learned. Courson
points out that "the overly edu-
cated always have things to learn
that come only from experience
outside their own circle
For Annie, it's that she "pos-
sesses certain feral wisdom and
The "smart-aleck college guy"
finds he is fascinated by her sto-
ries and continues visiting the
bar on weekends for her company
(and the fact he normally lacks
access to beer in his dry home
town). Periodically, in a tactless
manner, he'll take some shots at
Annie. However, it's her experi-
ence and point-of-view on life
that makes her a fascinating char-
acter. Her uncouth nature and
forthrlghtness keeps the "smart-
aleck college guy" on his toes.
see ANNIE page B3

TEC's Masterpiece Spotlight
Band felt blue but the
album hit big
The best albums are the ones
with a great story attached to
them. Legendary guitarist Eric
Clapton wrote Layla and Other
Assorted Love Songs strung out on
heroin, madly in love with his
best friend and Beatle George
Harrison's wife Patty Boyd. John
Lennon recorded Plastic Ono
Band months after the
dissolution of the Beatles
while undergoing primal
scream therapy.
My favorite story, how-
ever, is the one attached
to alt-rock band Weezer's
second album Pinkerton.
Typically, bands write
their second album on
a tour bus in between
concerts and appear-
ances promoting the first.
Weezer, atypical in every
sense of the word, went
another route.
Disillusioned with
rock 'n' roll following
the success of their self-
titled debut album and hit
singles "Buddy Holly" and
"Say It Ain't So Weezer
frontman Rivers Cuomo under-
went painful surgery to lengthen
one of his mismatched legs, grew
a beard and began attending
classes at Harvard University.
Unlike Motley Criie drum-
mer Tommy Lee's recent stint at
the University of Nebraska for his
reality show "Tommy Lee Goes
to College Cuomo's stay wasn't
so pleasantHobbling around
campus with a cast on his leg and
a giant beard covering his face,
Cuomo was ignored and even
ostracized by students. Cuomo
fell into a depression.
But he didn't just sit there
and cry about his life. Like any
musician worth his salt, Cuomo
decided to channel his pain into
his music and began writing
songs for Weezer's second album
The album is a stark contrast
from their debut, which saw the
band as idealistic, optimistic and
good-humored. Pinkerton is abra-
sive and raw in its sound with
lyrics that sound like they were
written while Cuomo was stand-
ing on the edge of the rooftop,
contemplating whether or not to
take that final plunge.
The album begins with a
bang. In "Tired of Sex over a
crunchy, distorted rhythm and
keyboards straight from a Cars
song, Rivers laments the mean-
ingless sex which has come with
his sudden fame and asks sul-
lenly: "Why can't I be making
love come true?"
The next three songs on the
album find Cuomo in a similar
state of mind. With frustration
seemingly venting from their
instruments, Weezer proceeds to
tear through a three-part response
to the rejection from a woman.
In "Getchoo Cuomo is
bargaining: "You know this is
breakin' me upYou think that
I'm some kind of freakBut if
you'd come back to meThen you
would surely seeThat I'm just
foolin' around In "No Other
One Cuomo is in denial and
will have "No Other One" than
the one he's been scorned by. In
"Why Bother he's apathetic to
the entire process.
With track five, Cuomo's
anger turns to despondency
and poignancy. "Across the
Sea" is about a letter Cuomo
received from a young Japa-
nese girl who had fallen in love
with his band. Cuomo, feeling
rejected by those around him in
Cambridge, became fixated on
the letter and the girl to the point
of obsession.
"So I sniff and I lick your enve-
lope and fall to little pieces every
timeI wonder what clothes you
wear to school - I wonder how
you decorate your roomI wonder
how you touch yourself and curse
myself for being across the sea"
cries Cuomo, tortured by the
concept that the one person who
may truly understand, who he
may love, he can never have. The
album is clearly the best on the
album and interestingly enough,
Cuomo quoted the letter so often
and distinctly in the song, he
gave the young girl a portion
of the royalties for the song.
The rest of the songs are casslcs
as well. "The Good Life" was
written about the torturous leg
surgery and how he's now been
relegated to being an old man
with a cane. "El Scorcho" Is a
humorous, quirky song about a
girl who rejects Cuomo.
"Pink Triangle" is about a
girl Cuomo is infatuated
with who turned out to be
a lesbian. "Falling for You
with its amazing dual-
guitar solo and thumping
bass, Cuomo has fallen
in love but wonders if its
even worth it at all.
Finally, the album ends
with "Butterfly a moving
number consisting of only
an acoustic guitar and
Cuomo's broken voice.
The catharsis of the album
has clearly hit him as his
voice is worn but tender.
In the song, he offers a sor-
rowful apology to a butter-
fly he's killed by keeping
it in a jar. The symbolism
seems to be he's apologizing to
himself for slowly killing himself
by his self-imposed isolation.
Sadly the Pinkerton story did
not go well after its creation. It
was a dismal failure by both
fans and critics and sold poorly.
It forced Cuomo to become a
recluse, hiding away in a small
apartment to be away from the
world which has lambasted him
for putting his heart and soul
on display. He wouldn't record
another album for six years and
would refuse to play songs from
Pinkerton once he began touring
Though there may be a happy
ending after all. In the time since
its release, it has become a cult hit
and is considered the highlight
of Weezer's career. Rolling Stone
panned it as the worst album of
the year, however placed it in
their Rolling Stone "Hall of Fame"
in 2005. Maybe hindsight is
2020 but 1 have no idea how this
didn't become an instant classic.
It's the most moving, amazing
album you'll ever hear.
This writer can be contacted at
1 Hi Price
Pitchers of Draft
Mexican Restaurant
from page B1
I le is one of the best film compos-
ers working today.
Unlike Nightmare, Burton
actually had a hand in direct-
ing this film. His co-director
was Mike Johnson and the two
of them have made significant
advances in the camera work for
stop motion animation. When
looking back at Nightmare after
watching Corpse Bride, one may
find that the animation has
improved by miles. It would be
like comparing the animation of
Snow White to the animation of
Finding Nemo.
Corpse Bride is the best ani-
mated film of the year. It's got
a heart at its center that's much
bigger than the ads reveal. This
solidifies the fact that Burton
has not lost his creative touch
and that we should be expecting
more great things from him in
the future.
Grade: A-
This writer can be contacted at
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This book i
college students
to the "smart-a
most young ad
off to authorit
For an ECU stu
read this book,
author is that
one can read a
book down anc
later and not wc
lost track of whs
book flows wel
and easy read. 1
student, it's ni
couldn't be ovei
has always exci
lyrics and imaj
to forget. In "P
showcased a
sound that had
down. Now, th
completes the
band with a ha
That sound is
powerful lyrics
they've manage
anger of their fii
Every albur
thing in com
- they all refl
Draiman's angei
his upbringing,
gious family, 1
their wishes a
attitude can be
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Anilie from page B1
This book is a good read for
college students. It's easy to relate
to the "smart-aleck college guy
most young adults tend to wise
off to authority at some point.
For an ECU student, a reason to
read this book, according to the
author is that "being episodic,
one can read a chapter, put the
book down and pick it up much
later and not worry about having
lost track of what's going on The
book flows well, and it's a quick
and easy read. For a busy college
student, it's nice to relax after
a long day and read something
that's humorous, yet contains
some deep notions about society.
Courson wrote this book,
yet it's creating was a real family
affair. It was Courson's step-
daughter who inspired him to
begin writing the short story
which would serve as the nov-
el's first chapter and spawned
the subsequent chapters. Cour-
son's wife Naomi edited the
book despite certain reserva-
tions about the book's material.
"She's an excellent editor, but
she cringes at the thought of
my writing about lowlifes like
Annie. She would much prefer
that I write something that could
be sold in religious book stores
said Courson.
"I told her about Samuel Clem-
ens's wife, who was embarrassed
about his 'trashy' stories of Huck
Finn and Tom Sawyer. Naomi
bugged him to write more elevated
material. It didn't sell. So, my wife
held her nose, figuratively speak-
ing, and edited the copy
The Pulpwood Annie Chron-
icles should prove to hold well,
appealing to college students
and young adults. Even though
it's a work of fiction, much of
it came from Courson's per-
sonal experiences. One chapter,
according to Courson, "was
based on information a North
Carolina convict told me, and
chapters 13 and 14 were based
on information from a man
who was on the FBI's Ten Most
Wanted list for two years
The Pulpwood Annie Chronicles
is a self-published novel that can
easily be found on the author's
web site,, or
on An interesting
and thought-provoking book,
The Pulpwood Annie Chronicles is
sure to make you smile, laugh
and, hopefully, think. First time
authors always have the poten-
tial to be great, up and coming
authors. Who knows, maybe
Courson is one of those up and
coming great authors.
This writer can be contacted at
SOUnd from page B1
couldn't be overlooked. The band
has always excelled at powerful
lyrics and images that are hard
to forget. In "Prayer" Disturbed
showcased a highly evolved
sound that had not been watered
down. Now, the song "Stricken"
completes the evolution of the
band with a hard-driven sound.
That sound is fused with their
powerful lyrics and shows how
they've managed to combine the
anger of their first album and the
contemplation of their second.
Every album does have one
thing in common, however
- they all reflect lead singer
Draiman's anger directed towards
his upbringing. Born into a reli-
gious family, he rebelled from
their wishes and a lot of that
attitude can be read and heard
in Disturbed's songs. They're not
anti-religious, however - they do
have a lot to say about judgment,
redemption, and faith.
The two tracks from Ten
Thousand Fists that have been
released are "Overburdened" and
"Stricken two solid numbers
with a lot to say and a lot more
to feel. Yet the two best songs on
the album have not been released.
After listening to this CD a few
times you will have memorized
the lyrics to the best tracks and
will not even notice when you
are singing along with them on
the radio. The title track "Ten
Thousand Fists" and "Deify" are
the best two songs on an album
packed with quality.
"Ten Thousand Fists" strikes
the heart with powerful images
and a juiced-up guitar line that
hooks you Instantly. There is
no way to avoid the image that
infects the minds of listeners as
they listen. The song is a revolu-
tion anthem - the ten thousand
fists is an image of ten thousand
people holding their fist in
the air in a show of strength:
"Evil can no longer cover their
eyes, if this disturbs you then
walk away, you will remember the
night you were struck by the sight
of ten thousand fists in the air
the song's driving chorus says.
When you listen to the song,
you can almost see a man standing
on a high point, screaming to the
masses about what they want and
what will be done. Another sort
of hallmark of Disturbed songs
are the lyrics between the last
choruses spoken in a low chant
with an infectious sound. In "Ten
Thousand Fists" that chant goes:
"We are the ones that will
open your mind, leave the weak
and the haunted behind
The other powerful song
from this album is "Deify which
begins with a sound byte of Presi-
dent Bush talking about America
fighting for goodness and righ-
teousness in the world.
Then it breaks into a song
about betrayal, pain and a
feeling of guilt. The song hits
on points about living a lie
and innocence dying and not
being able to sleep. The strik-
ing part of the song is again the
chorus where Draiman screams
about not letting the person
he's talking to be made a god.
"You're no immortal, I won't
let them deify you, leave you as
the new messiah
The message in Disturbed's
music is clear and powerful as
always, and Ten Thousand Fists
is no exception. It may prove
to be the most powerful, emo-
tionally charged, and successful
album they've put out in the end.
Buy the album for the music,
buy it for the lyrics, but most
importantly, buy it because of its
power. You'll feel it as soon as the
first track plays. This album has
unmistakable power - it has the
power to make you a soldier, nod-
ding your head in time to the music
and holding your first in the air.
This writer can be contacted at
features@theeas tcarolinian. com.
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Fall TV from page B1
of the most popular shows run-
ning today. If you like to watch
"CSI "Survivor "60 Minutes"
or "The King of Queens you're
tuning to CBS CBS is taking the
field without "Everybody Loves
Raymond" this year, as the love-
able comedy show ended a nine-
year run in May. Taking the slot
of the popular comedy is another
successful comedy, "Two and a
Half Men" with Charlie Sheen.
CBS only introduces six new
shows to its winning lineup,
including two comedies and
a few dramas. Friday's lineup
is totally remodeled, with two
of the three shows that night
being new. A mystic drama
called "Ghost Whisperer" and
an alien series called "Thresh-
old" join returning crime drama
"Numb3rs" in this lineup.
With FOX holding claim to
"American Idol" and also sport-
ing such successful series as "The
O.C "The Simpons" and "24
it doesn't seem there would be a
need for major change. After all
they are holding a piece of first
place in the 18-49 demographic.
Still, FOX is making some
changes also, adding five dramas
and two new comedies to their
lineup. Their prime new drama
is called "Prison Break" which
follows the lives of two broth-
ers. When one gets into trouble
for a crime, the other brother
(a structural engineer as luck
would have it) commits a crime
to join his brother in prison so
he can break out with his brother
and set the record straight.
In addition to "Prison Break"
FOX is adding a forensic drama
based on the life of a real anthro-
pologist and author, Kathy Reichs.
The series, called "Bones fol-
lows the skills of a character in
Reichs' books, Dr. Temperance
Brennan. In this show Bren-
nan is played by Emily Descha-
nel, and her co-star is David
Boreanaz, formerly of "Angel"
and "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
With all four networks throw-
ing some impressive shows into
the ring, it'll be solely up to
viewers which network comes
out on top.
This writer can be contacted at
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Oh No? Oh yeah! OK Go album
Album shatters
I thought I had OK Go's Oh
No pegged before I had even
listened to it. I even knew how
I would craft my review of the
album before 1 had heard one
note: It would begin with a com-
plete and utter damnation of Top
40 Radio and the nasally, com-
mercial power-pop rock which
has infested it as of late.
Then, much like TEC Opinion
columnist Tony McKee, 1 would
pine for the "good ole' days The
"good ole' days in my case being
the early-to-mid 1990s, a time
when you turned on the radio,
you heard substantial rock music
like Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots
or Soundgarden.
After I was done pining, i
would dismiss OK Go and its con-
temporaries as soulless, unimagi-
native hacks who aim their fluff-
rock at 14-year-old girls who are
too young to understand that
rock 'n' roll could be so much
greater. Lucky for me, 1 actually
listened to the album before I
started writing because I couldn't
have been more wrong.
OK Go are not the whiney,
nasally "rockers" that I had
assumed. So where did this pre-
conceived notion come from? It's
hard to tell. Maybe it was their
quirky name. The power-pop
"phenomenon" which I've come
to disdain is littered with quirky-
band names like Bowling for
Soup, Fountains of Wayne and
Breaking Benjamin. I must have
jumped to the conclusion that a
newer band with an unconven-
tional name would follow along
the same lines.
It probably didn't help ti.ct
the band's first single from their
debut album "Get Over It" was
featured on Madden NFL 2003
and thus was driven into my
head after hours and hours of
playing. With it's annoying hand
clap Introduction, bombastic
chorus of "Hey!Get-get-get-
get-get over it and screeching
keyboards, I didn't like it the first
time. Imagine how I felt about
the song 4,000 plays later.
However, like I stated earlier,
whatever misconception that
1 had about the band went out
the window from the moment
I heard the scratchy opening
guitar licks of Oh No. Please let
me reiterate: OK Go are not the
whiny, nasally power-pop band
that I pegged them to be.
Instead, with their thump-
ing, guitar-driven anthems, I'd
place them more along the lines
of Franz Ferdinand and the
Strokes, bands who in the past
I've compared favorably to the
Rolling Stones circa the 1960s.
The Rolling Stones of the 1960s
were, in my opinion, the second
best band of all time, surpassed
only by the Beatles. Suffice to say,
that's a big "thumbs up" for the
Strokes, Franz Ferdinand and in
this case, OK Go.
OK Go broke out of the
Chicago music scene in 2002
on the back of their self-titled
debut album and breakout single,
the aforementioned "Get Over
It The album was fairly well
received by critics, although it
was panned by Rolling Stone in
their Oct. 3, 2002 edition. In
his review, Tom Moon gave the
album two stars out of five and
after listening to it to prepare
for this review, I'd have to agree.
There's fust too much packed into
it. There are too many competing
sounds. The production (or over-
production) is so slick you can
feel the goo on the wrapper.
So after two years of tour-
ing the globe and another six
months of writing new mate-
rial, the band hit the recording
studio in Malmo, Sweden under
the guidance of Tore Johansson.
Johansson is best known for his
work on Franz Ferdinand's debut
album and is very open about his
contempt for the cookie-cutter
glossiness of most American rock
albums. Put simply, he's the per-
fect producer for OK Go.
With Oh No, OK Go kicked
the distracting overproduction of
their debut to the curb in favor of
stripped-down, lively rock 'n' roll
fueled bouncy guitar riffs so catchy
that you'll need to have them surgi-
cally removed from your head.
The album begins with
"Invincible a pulse-pounding
ode to the woman with who
has apparently ripped singer
Damian Kulash, Jrs heart to
shreds. "When they finally come
to destroy the earth Kulash, Jr.
ponders out loud, "What'll you
do to them?Gonna decimate
them like you did to me?Will
you leave them stunned and
stuttering?When they finally
come, how will you handle
them?Will you devastate them
The track, complete with
falsetto vocal harmonies that at
once would make Queen proud
and Weezer blush, sets the tone
for the first half of the album per-
fectly. The tracks which follow,
save for the peculiar yet haunt-
ingly beautiful "Oh Lately It's
So Quiet follow the format laid
down by "Invincible" yet never
sound dull or repetitious.
The first eight songs on the
album could easily be the most
consistent block of music on a
new album this year with the
standout tracks "Here It Goes
Again" and "It's a Disaster" and
the most peculiar refrains I've
heard in years.
In "A Million Ways while
Kulash, Jr. croons "Oh darling,
you're a million ways to be
cruel listen closely and you
listen and you'll hear the rest
of the band singing the refrain
"one zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero in mono-
tone. It's strange but give It a
chance. It's strangely delightful.
After the eighth track "No
Sign of Life things go a little
sour. "Let it Rain" and "Maybe,
This Time" are a bit too dull and
dreary. "Crash the Party on
the other hand, sounds a bit too
upbeat although it does contain
some of the wittiest song writ-
ing on the album. The final
track "The House Wins with its
keyboards and over-synthesized
guitars sounds like it was left over
from their debut album.
However, none of these songs
are bad at all. In fact, there's only
one song on the entire album that
I would call bad and that's "Tele-
vision, Television" which is com-
pletely dreadful. But that's not
nearly enough to keep me from
saying that Oh No is an excellent
album. Twelve of its 13 songs are
terrific. Baseball players who bat
.400 make the Hall of Fame on
the first ballot. On Oh No, OK Go
batted .923, knocking at least half
a dozen out of the park.
Hopefully people will be
more open-minded about OK
Go than I was originally was.
Hopefully people will look past
the comparisons to Franz Ferdi-
nand and see them for what they
really are: a damn good band.
And while I'm at it, hopefully OK
Go will consider changing their
name - it's the only thing that I
dislike about them at this point.
This writer can be contacted at
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Oh No? Oh yeah! OK Go album
Album shatters
1 thought I had OK Go's Oh
No pegged before I had even
listened to it. I even knew how
I would craft my review of the
album before I had heard one
note: It would begin with a com-
plete and utter damnation of Top
40 Radio and the nasally, com-
mercial power-pop rock which
has infested it as of late.
Then, much like TEC Opinion
columnist Tony McKee, I would
pine for the "good ole' days The
"good ole' days in my case being
the early-to-mid 1990s, a time
when you turned on the radio,
you heard substantial rock music
like Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots
or Soundgarden.
After I was done pining, I
would dismiss OK Go and Its con-
temporaries as soulless, unimagi-
native hacks who aim their fluff-
rock at 14-year-old girls who are
too young to understand that
rock 'n' roll could be so much
greater. Lucky for me, I actually
listened to the album before I
started writing because I couldn't
have been more wrong.
OK Go are not the whiney,
nasally "rockers" that 1 had
assumed. So where did this pre-
conceived notion come from? It's
hard to tell. Maybe It was their
quirky name. The power-pop
"phenomenon" which I've come
to disdain is littered with quirky
band names like Bowling for
Soup, Fountains of Wayne and
Breaking Benjamin. I must have
lumped to the conclusion that a
newer band with an unconven-
tional name would follow along
the same lines.
It probably didn't help that
the band's first single from their
debut album "Get Over It" was
featured on Madden NFL 2003
and thus was driven into my
head after hours and hours of
playing. With it's annoying hand
clap introduction, bombastic
chorus of "Hey!Get-get-get-
get-get over it and screeching
keyboards, I didn't like it the first
time. Imagine how I felt about
the song 4,000 plays later.
However, like I stated earlier,
whatever misconception that
I had about the band went out
the window from the moment
I heard the scratchv opening
guitar licks of Oh No. Please let
me reiterate: OK Go are not the
whiny, nasally power-pop band
that I pegged them to be.
Instead, with their thump-
ing, guitar-driven anthems, I'd
place them more along the lines
of Franz Ferdinand and the
Strokes, bands who in the past
I've compared favorably to the
Rolling Stones circa the 1960s.
The Rolling Stones of the 1960s
were, in my opinion, the second
best band of all time, surpassed
only by the Beatles. Suffice to say,
that's a big "thumbs up" for the
Strokes, Franz Ferdinand and in
this case, OK Go.
OK Go broke out of the
Chicago music scene in 2002
on the back of their self-titled
debut album and breakout single,
the aforementioned "Get Over
It The album was fairly well
received by critics, although it
was panned by Rolling Stone in
their Oct. 3, 2002 edition. In
his review, Tom Moon gave the
album two stars out of five and
after listening to it to prepare
for this review, I'd have to agree.
There's just too much packed into
it. There are too many competing
sounds. The production (or over-
production) is so slick you can
feel the goo on the wrapper.
So after two years of tour-
ing the globe and another six
months of writing new mate-
rial, the band hit the recording
studio in Malmo, Sweden under
the guidance of Tore Johansson.
Johansson is best known for his
work on Franz Ferdinand's debut
album and is very open about his
contempt for the cookie-cutter
glossiness of most American rock
albums. Put simply, he's the per-
fect producer for OK Go.
With Oh No, OK Go kicked
the distracting overproduction of
their debut to the curb in favor of
stripped-down, lively rock 'n' roll
fueled bouncy guitar riffs so catchy
that you'll need to have them surgi-
cally removed from your head.
The album begins with
"Invincible a pulse-pounding
ode to the woman with who
has apparently ripped singer
Damian Kulash, Jrs heart to
shreds. "When they finally come
to destroy the earth Kulash, Jr.
ponders out loud, "What'U you
do to them?Gonna decimate
them like you did to me?Will
you leave them stunned and
stuttering?When they finally
come, how will you handle
them?Will you devastate them
The track, complete with
falsetto vocal harmonies that at
once would make Queen proud
and Weezer blush, sets the tone
for the first half of the album per-
fectly. The tracks which follow,
save for the peculiar yet haunt-
ingly beautiful "Oh Lately It's
So Quiet follow the format laid
down by "Invincible" yet never
sound dull or repetitious.
The first eight songs on the
album could easily be the most
consistent block of music on a
new album this year with the
standout tracks "Here It Goes
Again" and "It's a Disaster" and
the most peculiar refrains I've
heard in years.
In "A Million Ways while
Kulash, Jr. croons "Oh darling,
you're a million ways to be
cruel listen closely and you
listen and you'll hear the rest
of the band singing the refrain
"one zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero in mono-
tone. It's strange but give it a
chance. It's strangely delightful.
After the eighth track "No
Sign of Life things go a little
sour. "Let it Rain" and "Maybe,
This Time" are a bit too dull and
dreary. "Crash the Party on
the other hand, sounds a bit too
upbeat although it does contain
some of the wittiest song writ-
ing on the album. The final
track "The House Wins with its
keyboards and over-synthesized
guitars sounds like it was left over
from their debut album.
However, none of these songs
are bad at all. In fact, there's only
one song on the entire album that
I would call bad and that's "Tele-
vision, Television" which is com-
pletely dreadful. But that's not
nearly enough to keep me from
saying that Oh No is an excellent
album. Twelve of its 13 songs are
terrific. Baseball players who bat
.400 make the Hall of Fame on
the first ballot. On Ok No, OK Go
batted .923, knocking at least half
a dozen out of the park.
Hopefully people will be
more open-minded about OK
Go than I was originally was.
Hopefully people will look past
the comparisons to Franz Ferdi-
nand and see them for what they
really are: a damn good band.
And while I'm at it, hopefully OK
Go will consider changing their
name - it's the only thing that I
dislike about them at this point.
This writer can be contacted at
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Page B6 252.328.6366 TONY ZOPPO Sports Editor BRANDON HUGHES Assistant Sports Editor
THURSDAY September 29, 2005
TEC Top 10: Week 1
A look inside this weekend's top games
We've learned at least one thing will always be constant in college football coming
off of last season and after the first four or five weeks of this year - USC never
Even down 13-0 to PAC 10 rival Oregon after the first quarter last week, USC
squeaked away with a 45-13 win. We can also take something else away from that
victory. The Trojans take delight in completely crushing opponents after allowing
them some small glimmer of hope in the game's early frames. Pete Carroll you are
a cruel man.
USC takes on another PAC 10 foe this week in Arizona St. Let's take a look at that
match up, along with four more, and five professional matchups for this weekend's
gridiron action.
USC at Arizona State
The Trojans are the schoolyard bullies of the
Pac-10, and the rest of the country is their play-
ground. USC decided to spot Oregon an early lead
last week before unleashing their juggernaut offense
for a 45-13 route, but don't look for that to happen
against Arizona State. The Sun Devils do have an
impressive offense in their own right, averaging
over 40 points per contest, and they will be a big test
for the USC defense. But, barring any unforeseen
injuries or star quarterback Matt Leinart being dis-
tracted after knocking up a Hollywood starlet with
his ever growing popularity, the Trojans will coast
Into the national championship game undefeated.
USC wins 42-21.
Michigan at Michigan State
The Spartans will come into this rivalry match-
up ranked No. 11 in the country while the Wolver-
ines have lost two straight and dropped out of the
Top 25 after 114 weeks in the rankings, the longest
streak in the country. Much of Michigan's struggles
have been the result of injured running back Mike
Hart. When healthy, Hart is one of the top backs
In the Big Ten, but Michigan will have to make
due without him at full strength and that will be
a tough task against the Spartans and quarterback
Drew Stanton. Stanton has completed 73 percent
of his passes with 13 touchdowns and just two
interceptions this season. The Spartans keep rolling
with a 31-17 win.
Florida at Alabama
New coach Urban Meyer has the Gators chomp-
ing up the competition and quarterback Chris
Leak Is performing like a future Heisman Trophy
winner. A win over Alabama would go a long way
for a SEC championship and look for it to happen
on Saturday.
The Florida offense is starting to resemble the
Fun N' Gun of old and I'm predicting a Hi .S bowl
for the Gators. The Crimson Tide get pegged for
their first loss this weekend as Florida goes into
Tuscaloosa and wins 27-13.
Green Bay at Carolina
Jake Delhomrr.e hasn't been the quarterback
Panthers' fans have come to know and love, com-
pleting S3 percent of his passes this season and
tossing four interceptions, the last of which cost
Carolina a win against Miami last week. Green
Bay is also desperate after starting 0-3 with future
Hall of Famer Brett Favre struggling under center.
A loss in Week 4 for either squad could cost them
a playoff berth. I'm going to take Carolina in this
one as much as I love Favre. The game hasn't passed
him by, he's in great shape with plenty of talent left
in his cannon for a right arm, but the Packers are
too weak in other areas. The Panthers improve to
2-2 with a 23-17 win at home.
Notre Dame at Purdue
Notre Dame is finally returning to football glory
after a 3-1 and a resurgence of life In the program.
New coach Charlie Weis will get the credit, but
don't forget its Tyrone Willingham's recruits who
are getting the job done. Quarterback Brady Quinn
has thrown for 10 scores and just two picks, but
faces the No. 22 ranked Boilermakers at Purdue.
Purdue faltered down the stretch last week against
Minnesota and look for the Irish to take advantage
of another meltdown. Notre Dame takes it 33-24.
Minnesota at Penn State
Minnesota stunning upset in double over-
time over Purdue last week propelled the Golden
Gophers to a No. 18 national ranking. Both teams
come into the match-up undefeated with Min-
nesota boasting one of the best rushing offenses
in the country and the ageless coach Joe Paterno
heading the Nittany Uons program. Penn State's
unexpected 4-0 start will be quickly over with Min-
nesota winning 33-17.
Dallas at Oakland
If Kerry Collins and Randy Moss are on your
fantasy football team, you're a lucky man. Unfor-
tunately for Oakland, their play has resulted in zero
victories. But this tandem leads the best 0-3 squad
in the league and look for things to turn around
quickly, starting against Dallas. Moss is the best
receiver in the league, hands down. Forget Terrell
Owens, his end zone celebrations are more enter-
taining than his play and that's not a good thing.
Watching Moss go up between two defenders and
pull down touchdown after touchdown Is a thing
of beauty and Collins, one of most underrated
players in the league, will continue to benefit.
Oakland notches their first win of the season with
a 30-17 victory.
Seattle at Washington
Washington shocked the Cowboys two weeks
ago with an improbable fourth quarter comeback,
their first victory in Dallas since 1995. The win gave
them momentum and a 2-0 record heading into the
bye week, but the verdict Is out on whether or not
the Redskins offense will spring to life against the
Seahawks. Clinton Portis is starting to run outside
the tackles and that should help the passing game.
Mark Brunell currently heads the quarterback car-
ousel in DC, and it will be the play of that group
who will determine whether the Redskins rumble
into the post-season or remain a money-eating
black hole where results are never seen. I think
Washington's defense is more than good enough
to hang with Shaun Alexander and company this
week and Brunell will do just enough to pull out
another win, 17-14.
San Diego at New England
Not that I was ever on it, but let me just say I'm
the first to jump off the Patriots bandwagon. Losing
two assistant coaches in the offseason is enough to
effectively end New England's dynasty even after a
2-1 start. The Pats are still one of the premier teams
in the AFC, I just think this is the year someone
else gets an opportunity in the Super Bowl. Tom
Brady has been solid, but the running game has
been horrendous. Corey Dillon is averaging just 2.7
yards per carry, not to mention the Pats have suf-
fered some key losses on defense, including safety
Rodney Harrison, who is out for the season. The
Chargers have one of the top offenses in the NFL,
but I just don't think they can go into Foxboro and
toss the Pats around. New England gets the ground
game going and takes a 28-20 win.
Philadelphia at Kansas City
Now that the off-season drama between Terrell
Owens and the Eagles Is over, at least temporarily,
Philly has been outstanding since a week one loss to
Atlanta. Donovan McNabb has been gobbling up his
Campbell's Chunky Soup and lighting up opposing
defenses, but did receive troubling news this week.
McNabb will need surgery to repair an abdominal
strain, but says he will continue to play through the
pain. Kansas City hopes their two-headed monster
of Priest Holmes and Larry Johnson in the backfield
will offset an ailing McNabb. I'll take the Eagles In
this pair of 2-1 teams, especially after the Chiefs'
embarrassment at the hands of Denver last week
Philly wins 24 20.

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Aaron, Hall of Famers back
Selig's steroid proposal
(AP) - Career home run
leader Hank Aaron and four
other baseball Hall of Famers
told Congress on Wednesday
they support commissioner Bud
Selig's proposals to toughen the
sport's drug-testing policy.
Invited by Selig to appear at
a Senate Commerce Committee
hearing on steroids in sports,
former star players Aaron, Ryne
Sandberg, Phil Niekro, Robin
Roberts and Lou Brock were not
on the witness list. But Sen. John
McCain, R-Ariz who ran the
hearing, asked them to speak
before the testimony of Selig and
the commissioners and union
leaders of four major professional
sports leagues.
"I want to applaud the com-
missioner, and I also just want
to make sure that whatever we
do, we make sure that we clean
up baseball said Aaron, whose
record of 755 homers is being
approached by San Francisco
Giants slugger Barry Bonds.
Sandberg, who addressed
steroids during his Hall of Fame
induction speech in July, told
the Senators: "We here today
owe America's pastime a strict
Selig, baseball union head
Donald Fehr and officials from
the National Football League,
National Basketball Association
and National Hockey League
were called to discuss two pieces
of Senate legislation that would
standardize drug policies across
sports. Three similar bills have
been introduced in the House.
The focus, though, was on
baseball - much as has been the
case since the House Govern-
ment Reform Committee grilled
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One item
Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmeiro,
Selig, Fehr and others about ste-
roids on March 17. Palmeiro, who
emphatically told Congress that
day he had never used steroids,
was suspended Aug. 1 after fail-
ing a drug test.
Five weeks after that hear-
ing, Selig proposed toughening
baseball's penalties. Fehr made
public a counteroffer this week.
McCain wanted to know why
the process has moved so slowly,
asking Fehr repeatedly: "Don't
you get it? "
"We're at the end here, and I
don't want to do it, but we need
an agreement soon. It's not com-
plicated. It's not complicated.
All sports fans understand it
McCain said. "I suggest you act
and you act soon
Pressed for a deadline for an
agreement, Fehr said: "Would I
expect it to be by the end of the
World Series? I would certainly
hope so
McCain sponsored the Clean
Sports Act, a companion to the
House bill introduced by Gov-
ernment Reform Chairman Tom
Davis, R-Va. Sen. Jim Bunning, a
Kentucky Republican and former
pitcher elected to baseball's Hall
of Fame in 1996, sponsored the
Professional Sports and Integrity
"There are some who will
say Congress has no business in
this issue McCain said. "But
professional sports have not
acted, and we have an obligation
to our young people
Baseball, Bunning said,
"seems to be the biggest prob-
In April, Selig called for a
50-game suspension after an

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initial positive test, a 100-game
ban for second-time offenders
and a lifetime ban for a third vio-
lation. Currently, a first offense
carries a 10-day ban. Fehr offered
Monday to accept a 20-game
penalty for first-time steroid
"We believe that we've made
a lot of strides and we are
prepared to do a lot more Fehr
testified Wednesday, adding
later: "I think we're very close to
an agreement. I'll be surprised if
we can't work it out
Selig acknowledged that
"baseball presently has a prob-
lem adding, "It is my goal
to eradicate the use of perfor-
mance-enhancing substances
from the game and I will not
leave one stone unturned until
this happens
Both Senate bills call for a
two-year suspension the first
time an athlete fails a drug
test and a lifetime ban after
a second failed test. The four
leagues whose officials appeared
Wednesday have less strict penal-
ties, though all have toughened
or proposed toughening their
programs in recent months - in
some cases, right before or after
congressional hearings on the
"For whatever reason, you
just can't get it done, and you
can't get your act together Bun-
ning said. "I and millions of fans
think that's pathetic
He has said he expects
legislation to reach the floor
of Congress before the end of
the year, and on Wednesday,
Bunning spoke of being, "on
the brink of possibly passing
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2shae Allison: Receiver among nation's best
i Allison staying humble
as notoriety increases
Aundrae Allison somersaulted
into the endzone when he first
scored as a Pirate during the annual
spring game. Then, he wanted to
make a splash. But now three games
later, he's already trying to hide
from opposing defenses.
Allison will see double and
triple teams from the South-
ern Mississippi secondary on
Saturday. But, it's nothing new
to him. He's dealt with corner-
backs in his face during the
last two games. Still, the junior
ranks second nationally with
148 receiving yards per game.
Oh yeah, he's also third in
receptions per game with 28 in
three contests.
In a day when the receiver posi-
tion has dawned a new diva attitude
at the professional level, Allison is
just chill. He doesn't walk with a
swagger dHMttttcg 'he damn ball.
There' ��� p or bling. u on
does is sport two Pirate Nation
bracelets, one on each wrist.
At practice, Allison is the last
one to leave. He stayed 10 min-
utes after everyone else was done
running umpteen wind sprints to
patiently answer questions. His
teammates had already show-
ered. He was still sweat-logged
in his practice gear Ignoring the
mosquito swarm around his legs
answering my pointless ques-
tions about middle school.
Cool as a cucumber. The
potential All-Amerlcan wideout
drips poise. He also exudes humil-
ity. A trait rarely seen in today's
collegiate athletes when recruiting
services have scouted them since
they entered high school.
But recruiting companies
were originally scouting Allison
for a different sport. The Kan-
napolis, N.C. native lettered
four years in basketball. It was
only natural considering that his
entire family played roundball.
After all, Allison hadn't put a
helmet on since the fourth grade.
Only when he was a junior did he
start to play football.
"I came out for football to get
stronger for basketball season
said Allison.
"It was coincidental because I
started getting more looks in foot-
ball. I took that and ran with it
And run he did. He was so
good that he verbally commit-
ted to play at UNC. Allison
earned a trip to the Shrine Bowl,
the primer all-star event for the
state's best football players.
"I didn't really do a lot of
research on (ECU) Allison said of
his original iccrulting process.
"They were more of an eastern
type football team and I was from
ihe WCJt �: e ct the state. I never
really heard a lot about ECU
Allison never made it to UNC.
Before hand, he enrolled at
Coffeyville (Kan.) Community
College. A Kan. in-state policy
that only 11 out-of-state players
can play forced Allison to face a
redshirt season. Instead, he found
Georgia Military College.
The ECU pipeline that pro-
duced Keith Stokes and Derrick
Collier served as home for Alli-
son. Still thinking he had a roster
spot at UNC, as a sophomore he
earned JuCo All-American honors
and was selected team MVP. Then
things went south.
"It was towards the end of
November Allison said of his
recruiting troubles.
"They were looking towards
bringing in freshmen. Right
then, I just knew my possibilities
of going there was rare
UNC's garbage became ECU's
treasure. Allison had formed a rela-
tionship when a Skip Holtz coached
South CarolinaJV squad prevented
Georgia Military from going to the
national championship.
"The coaches came at me
with a plan Allison said.
"They were strong about what
they were looking forward to
doing. They believed in it. They
believed in me
Allison enrolled at the begin-
ning of the 2004 spring semester.
Allowing him to undergo IS prac-
tices in spring ball and summer
conditioning put him ahead
the rest of the newcomers. Still
he wasn't familiar with James
Pinkney because of Plnkney's
academic troubles.
"We talked a lot during the
summer Allison said of the pair
having class together.
"We just clicked. I know he's
a guy that I can rely on in the
clutch. Also, I know he can rely
on me. It's worked out perfect
The pair hooked up on a 50-
yard bomb down the left side
to take the momentum In the
season opener against Duke.
Allison snagged 10 receptions
(fourth-best In ECU history for
163 yards (seventh-best) in his
Division I-A debut. Through three
games, his pace hasn't let up.
"When you get him the ball,
good things happen said Holtz
of his prized recruit.
"He has as much talent as
anybody I've had play for me. As
an all-around complete receiver,
he's got speed. He's got hands.
He's a worker. I really think he's
got a chance to be something
special. Allison has been a force
for our offense all year
Allison will be matched-up
with talented USM cornerback
John Eubanks on Saturday. During
the preseason, Eubanks was named
the nation's No. 3 ranked defensive
back by The Sporting News.
"We've got to be prepared for
a physical battle Allison said
about getting ready for USM's
"We've got to be more disci-
plined and stay focused. Hope-
fully, we can use the home crowd
to our advantage
Asked about opponents' prep-
aration to enforce double teams
Holtz had full
confidence in Allison.
"When people double team
him, I hope he can keep It up
all year
This writer can be contacted at

Robert Tillman
Skip Holtz has been pleading
for a receiver other than Aundrae
Allison to step up and make
plays. With Southern Mississippi
touting a talented secondary,
now is more crucial than ever.
Junior H-Back Robert Tillman
plans to be that guy.
Tillman notched seven
catches for 63 yards in his first
full collegiate game against Wake
Forest. But, Tillman, who plays a
hybrid of the running back and
receiver position, faded away
against West Virginia last week.
Tillman notched only one catch
for nine yards and had three runs
totaling no gain.
Tillman also faded away on
the depth chart last season. In
fall camp, he volunteered to
move over to receiver due to a
crowded backfield to get more
playing time. Tillman started in
the season opener against West
Virginia, but fell off the map
soon afterwards. He logged only
three catches for 73 yards.
Now Tillman can use the
best of his natural abilities in his
new role. He is a potent speed
threat after being clocked in
high school at 10.7 seconds in
the 100 meters. He also won the
N.Ca. 2-A long jump competition
as a junior.
He already bested his two-year
catch total in three games this
season with nine. He recorded
his first career touchdown catch-
ing a 3-yard fade route against
Wake Forest.
"We're trying to establish
another guy so it's not just the
Aundrae Allison show said
Holtz after the Deacons game.
Tillman is also an option
to get the ball on reverse or
end around plays. Though he
doesn't have positive rushing
yardage yet, the junior has
shifty moves and the vision
necessary to navigate through
the USM defense.
Tillman may be the recipient
of plays called directly for his
expertise. In the Wake Forest
game, the plan was to use Till-
man as a double threat. But the
early score from Wake prevented
ECU to fully implement their
game plan.
His ability to stretch the
field with his speed and pass
catching techniques should
alleviate some of the increased
pressure Allison will endure.
Cover corner John Eubanks and
free safety Trevis Coley will most
likely be occupied with stopping
Allison. When Allison begins to
see double teams, Tillman and
backup walk-on Philip Henry
might find themselves alone in
the open field.
Tillman will be matched
up with either Jasper Faulk or
returning starter Caleb Hendrix.
If Allison keeps the majority of
the USM secondary distracted,
Tillman could put up career
John Eubanks
John Eubanks will cherish his
impending match-up with Aun-
drae Allison. It will be a preview
of what the senior All-American
will see on Sundays next season.
Eubanks, the all-world Southern
Mississippi defensive back, proj-
ects as a sure fire NFL lockdown
But Eubanks had to walk a
fine-line to get his senior cam-
paign in full swing. He, along
with tight end Pedl Causey was
supposed to be suspended for
USM's season opener against
Tulane on Sept. 4. Due to Hur-
ricane Katrina and the cancella-
tion of the game, Eubanks was
allowed to play in the season
opening 30-21 defeat to Ala-
Then, Hurricane Rita post-
poned yet another USM game
until the latter part of the season.
Now into the fifth week of the
season, USM has only played
Though Eubanks has had to
wait, he was up to his old tricks.
He intercepted McNeese State's
second possession to give USM
field position on the Cowboy 42-
yard line. Coming out to start the
third quarter, Eubanks returned
the kick-off 70 yards setting up
a USM touchdown.
The 2004 Conference USA
Special Teams Player of the Year
is no stranger to long returns.
Last season, he logged 21 kickoff
returns for 618 yards, averag-
ing 29.4 per return, with one
touchdown return, a 97-yard
score against Houston. Eubanks
also had 21 punt returns for 161
yards, including a long return
of 51 yards.
The standout junior season
earned Eubanks plenty of pre-
season accolades. The Mound
Bayou, Miss, native received
Watch List honors for the
Bednarik Award, given to the
defensive player of the year,
Jim Thorpe Award, given to the
nation's best defensive back and
Bronko Nagurski Trophy, given
to the best defensive player in
collegiate football.
Eubanks scored his first inter-
ception return for a touchdown
against ECU as a sophomore in
2003. On the way to locking
up a C-USA championship and
the outright bid to the Liberty
Bowl, Eubanks intercepted an
errant Paul Troth throw. The
interception was a career-high
80-yard return.
Last season, Eubanks contin-
ued his onslaught. He returned
a punt return 51 yards and for
good measure returned a kickoff
84 yards to set up USM scores.
Eubanks wants to do the
same again against ECU's spe-
cial teams. In the first three
games, ECU has given up a
100-yard kickoff return and a
78-yard punt return, both for
Red Zone efficiency Establishing run will be all-important
crucial for Pirates
Chris Johnson will be instrumental in the Pirates success against Southern Miss Saturday.
1. Establish the run early
ECU tried to establish the
run early last week against West
Virginia. ECU ran the ball 12
times before Kort Shankweiler
completed the first pass with
12:45 left in the second quarter.
The Pirates opened up the game
with three consecutive runs by
Chris Johnson before they even
attempted to throw. Johnson
got 28 of his 92 yards in the first
three plays from scrimmage.
Johnson's ability to knife
through the Southern Mississippi
defense would allow for Holtz
to free up his passing attack.
Instead of loading against the
pass by dropping seven into cov-
erage, the USM linebacking corps
will have to stay in the box.
In the last two games, John-
son is averaging 97 yards. Many
of Johnson's runs have come
off delay or regular draw plays
out of the shotgun formation. If
USM is forced to pay attention to
stoppingjohnson, then Aundrae
Allison could be freer to roam.
Coaches disagree on which
comes first, the running game
or the passing attack. Most con-
ventional coaches believe the
run opens the pass. Lately with
the rise of the spread offense,
coaches have been more accus-
tomed to see the short pass free
up the run. Either way, a sub-
stantial running attack would
no doubt allow James Pinkney
more time to go through his
Johnson may finally have
a solidified offensive line. The
same five players have started
the past two games, but not in
the same positions. For USM,
even more adjustments have
been made. Guy Whimper moves
from the left tackle slot to the
right side while Eric Graham
moves to left tackle from the left
guard and Chris Sellers switches
to right guard from right tackle.
2. Defensive momentum
The Pirate defense made a
statement against WVU During
the second half, the Mountaineer
running attack was non-exis-
tent. A crucial late game stop
on fourth down allowed the
offense one last attempt to win
the game.
Just a week earlier, the Pirates
looked the like the porous 2004
squad allowing 407 yards on
the ground to Wake Forest. Not
so last week in making a 280-
yard improvement against a
solid WVU running game. USM
brings in the 24th ranked scoring
offense highlighted by running
back Larry Thomas.
ECU's defense only allowed
14 points against WVU The first
touchdown was a result of an
offensive fumble. The second
touchdown was caused by a
misread by safety Pierre Parker
on a play-action fake.
If the Pirate D can bring
their same emotion, then it will
directly lead to Pirate points.
ECU currently is tied for ninth
in turnover margin with 1.7 per
game. USM has only fumbled
once so far this season.
The secondary is seventh in
passing defense giving up 129.3
yards per game. Zach Baker is
tied for second in the nation in
interceptions with three picks in
three games. USM quarterback
Dustin Almond has tossed three
picks in just two games.
The veteran linebacking
corps has been outstanding.
Chris Moore is on par to rack up
117 tackles for the season. If he
continues his pace, he could end
up being the No. 4 ECU all-time
3. Six points, not three
ECU would be 2-1 if they
scored touchdowns instead of
field goals last week against
WVU. ECU has an 84.6 percent
success rate when moving the
into the opponents' red zone.
ECU only notched 12 points
in four trips inside the red zone
in Morgantown. The Pirates
missed a golden opportunity
with a first-and-goal attempt
from the WVU 5. The Pirates
were forced to settle for a Robert
Lee 25-yard field goal. Had ECU
converted a touchdown, the
score would have been tied.
The Pirates have scored six
touchdowns and five field goals
inside the opponents' 20 yard
line. Even though the Pirates
have only squandered two scor-
ing chances, touchdowns have
been rare. It won't be easier
knowing that USM has allowed
the fewest touchdowns (131) in
the NCAA since 1999.
ECU has yet to let bruising
fullback Jamarcus Veal carry the
ball. Veal, used predominately
as a blocking back is the only
power runner on the ECU roster.
Both running backs Johnson and
Brandon Fractious rely more on
speed and quickness, rather than
Also, tight end Shawn
Levesque is another weapon
that hasn't been used in goal line
situations. Levesque has good
hands, but rarely finds the ball
sent his way. A play-action fake
could release Levesque or backup
Sean Harmon to be wide open in
the back of the endzone.
1) Mental Preparation
Southern Miss is one of sev-
eral college football programs
that were affected by Hurricane
Katrina. The recent tragedy
forced a couple of these programs
away from home. Although the
Eagles have escaped that fate,
the emotional damage done by
Katrina has affected anyone in
and around the Gulf Coast.
Mental preparation is crucial
to all sports and in light of recent
events, coaches and players
afl" having a tough tlrhe being
completely focused at the task at
hand - winning football games.
"I think they have handled
it good said Head Coach Jeff
Bower, concerning how the
players have handled issues with
"There's not much you can
do about it. You just adjust your
plans and you keep a positive
attitude. We've prepared for two
games that we didn't play, but
you know that we'll eventually
play those games. I think the
players have handled it well and
we gave them some time off to
keep them mentally fresh
Playing with a collective clear
mind is a problem Southern Miss
will have to overcome against
a blossoming football team on
their home turf. Going into
Dowdy-Ficklen is not an easy
task for any team to undertake.
In addition, Southern Miss hasn't
played in two weeks after their
game against Houston last week
was cancelled.
They have already had two
games cancelled this year, so
rust may also be a factor in how
the Eagles come out against the
Pirates. If the guys in black and
gold can't get their minds right
for this contest, they'll be 1-2
through their first three games
this year.
The Golden Eagles will look to Eubanks as their top playmaker,
both on defense and on special teams.
saying McNeese St. isn't a good
team, well, yes I am.
The Pirates finally proved
against West Virginia last week
that they could in fact put a stop
to a team's ground game, and a
good one at that. Southern Miss
has to come in on a mission to
commit to the ground game,
busting it in between the tackles
early and often.
2) Finding the run game
Southern Miss was shut down
by Alabama's run defense Sept.
10, as Larry Thomas carried the
ball 12 times for 23 yards. The
fact that he ran wild against
McNeese St. at home the very
next week doesn't impress me
and it couldn't' have done much
to boost Bower's excitement.
This game against ECU will be
a good gauge to find out if the
lack of a running game against
'Bama was an aberration or If the
Eagles really can establish some
semblance of a ground game.
The run game is crucial for
almost every football game
because of two major things: It
keeps defenses honest and it can
assist in establishing a rhythm.
Rare is it that you find teams
like Utah or Hawaii that can
(or could) pass to set up the run
andor pass the entire game and
still keep the clock running.
As good as Dustin Almond is,
the Southern Miss offense isn't
built like that. This team must be
able to run the ball effectively to
beat talented opponents. I'm not
3) Keep the passing game
The Pirates have forced seven
interceptions so far this season
and show no signs of slowing
down in the secondary. ECU is
eight-deep in the defensive back-
field and Zach Baker is tied for
fourth in the nation with three
picks thus far.
Needless to say, passing
against ECU has been quite a
mountain to climb for all three
of their opponents this season.
However, the Pirates are going to
see the best passing game they've
come across yet when the Eagles'
take to the field.
Almond is a dual threat quar-
terback, something that ECU
hasn't seen so far this year. He
Is known for making plays more
with his arm than his feet, but
he is certainly more than capable
of running for a first down when
the Eagles' need one. Also, his
number one target, Antwon
Courington, is lightning in a
bottle and can be down in a
heartbeat. ECU will have to make
sure they lock Courington up
and prevent any big plays down
the field.
So far this season, ECU has
done rather well covering the
deep ball, and one thing we
haven't seen teams do a lot
against the Pirates yet is work the
short passing game, particularly
the seams.
Southern Miss should try
to exploit ECU's linebacking
core. The Pirate linebackers are
athletic and decent in coverage,
but as is every linebacker, their
first responsibility is to stop
the run. Defensive Coordinator
Greg Hudson has also shown an
affinity for blitzing in obvious
passing situations this season,
opening up holes in the middle
of the field.
The Eagles will have to try
and work the short sidelines
and the seams of the field. They
should come out with at least
one tight end, work the ball
in the middle to him, and also
dabble in the world of tailback
and wide receiver screens.
Almond should also be look-
ing to his check downs more
often than not because the
Pirates have been solid in down-
field coverage all season so far.
Rather than forcing the second-
ary to make all the plays this
time, USM has to force ECU's
defensive lineman and lineback-
ers to ston the air attack.

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The East Carolinian, September 29, 2005
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 29, 2005
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