The East Carolinian, July 10, 1996

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July 10,1996
Vol71,No. 63
The East Carolinian
Circulation 5,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
10 pases
Around the State
RALEIGH (AP) - Consumers
will benefit from a court ruling
allowing the manufacture of a ge-
neric version of the ulcer medica-
tion Zantac, but the corporate
side-effects remain to be seen.
Novopharm Ltd a Canadian
company, won a court ruling last
week allowing it to make a
cheaper, generic version of the
Glaxo Wellcome drug that is the
most widely prescribed medicine
in the world.
Any job losses in Zebulon
might be offset by the $38 mil-
lion plant Novopharm has built
in Wilson, where it hopes to be
making the generic version of
Zantac by July 1997.
A man accused of killing a mem-
ber of a well-known Duplin
County family cannot plead inno-
cent by reason of insanity, a judge
has ruled.
Coley was charged with first-
degree murder in the slaying of
Willie Phipps of Faison. Phipps
and his father, Lacy, were driving
to the grocery store Sept 5 when
a bullet fired from the woods
struck their car, hit Willie in the
back and killed him. Another bul-
let grazed Lacy's head. Coley
could get the death penalty if he
is found guilty of first-degree
Even though the judge re-
jected the plea, state law requires
the court to allow evidence sup-
porting the insanity defense.
Albright ordered that Coley un-
dergo a psychiatric evaluation this
week for the prosecution's use.
Around the Country
fired nurse's aide was charged
Tuesday with raping a comatose
woman, who later gave birth with-
out ever regaining consciousness.
Prosecutors said a DNA
analysis of blood taken from John
Horace, 52, established him as the
Horace was arraigned on
charges of rape and sexual abuse
for allegedly attacking the woman
last summer in a nursing home
in suburban Brighton. The 30-
year-old woman was injured in a
car wreck in 1985.
The woman's Roman Catho-
lic family ruled out an abortion,
and she gave birth normally on
March 18. The 2-pound, 11-ounce
boy was born two months prema-
turely but was otherwise healthy.
Horace could get up to
32 years in prison.
DETROIT (AP) - General
Motors Corp. is recalling 292,860
1996 and 1997 cars because of a
defect that may cause the vehicles
to backfire and in rare cases lead
to engine fires.
The recall includes some
1996 Pontiac Bonneville sedans,
Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight and
Eighty-Eight luxury cars, Buick
Park Avenue, LeSabre, Riviera
and Regal models and some 1997
LeSabre sedans that have 3.8-li-
ter engines, the automaker said
today. All were built before May
UNC budget debate continues
grapple with
House and
Amy L Royster
Assistant Naws Editor
The UNC system budget is up
in the air while legislators try to
compromise the republican-con-
trolled House of Representative's
budget with the democrate-con-
trolled Senate's budget in a spe-
cial session called by Gov. Jim
According to SGA President
Angela Nix, on Monday July 8, a
conference committee returned to
Raleigh in order to start from
scratch on the budget.
Nix said that there are sev-
eral issues being debated by leg-
islators which will directly affect
ECU. Health insurance for gradu-
ate students, tuition remissions,
salary increases for state employ-
ees and faculty, money to enhance
fire safety equipment in residence
halls, the Fire Safety Loan Fund, the
Distinguished Professors Endow-
ment Fund, and funding for technol-
ogy are issues that would be affected
by the budget
"I want students to realize that
there are key officials who are will-
ing to help us but we must contact
them while they are in the special
session to let them know our posi-
tions Nix said.
As reported in an earlier issue
of TEC , the House's initial budget
provided for none of the governor's
suggested $100 million for the UNC
system, cut $6 million from the cur-
rent budget and put $398 million in
In an Asheboro press conference
held on June 27, Speaker of the
House Harold Brubaker justified the
House's plan to keep $398 million
in savings by explaining that the state
needs to save for a future School Con-
struction Bond.
"The House and Senate have
proposed a School Construction
Bond referendum of $1.8 billion, by
far the largest in state history
Brubaker said.
According to a memo from
Emmett M. Floyd to the board of
trustees, the Senate ammended the
House's budget by adding $65 mil-
lion more for universities. The
Senate's budget included approxi-
mately $4.5 million for health insur-
ance for graduate and teaching as-
sistants, $17.8 million for funds for
academic enhancement, $750 thou-
sand for the Distinguished Professors
Endowment fund, $200 thousand to
strengthen undergraduate education
and $3 million for equipment and
Nix said that the time has come
for the conference committee to
come up with some sort of compro-
"The UNC budget will be a com-
bination of the House and the Sen-
ate budget Nix said. "I hope that
students take the time this week to
encourage their legislators to pass a
budget that is most favorable for the
Senator Ed Warren (D-Pitt) said
that he hopes that the House of
Representative's budget will arrive on
his desk by Wednesday.
"Once the House sends us their
budget we will react immediately
Warren said.
House and Sentate 199697
Budget Adjustments Comparisons
Area of Funding UNC State teacher and worker payHouse $34, 975,629Senate $42,980,916
Health Insurance for Graduate Teaching Assistants$0$4,550,000
Funds for Academic Enhancement$0$17,800,000
Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust$0$750,000
Strengthen Undergraduate Education$0$200,000
Equipment and Telecommunication$0$3,000,000
Students voice concern over budget
SGA confronts
Amy L. Royster
Assistant News Editor
"I wanted to make sure that
the governor knew that students
have strong concerns about the
UNC system's budget SGA Presi-
dent Angela Nix said.
Last week SGA officials from
ECU attended a citizensforum
scheduled by Gov. Jim Hunt in
which the governor attempted to draw
last minute input from citizens before
the special session of the legislature
met to finalize the state's budget
The citizens forum was held Wed.
Jury 3 in New Bern in courtroom num-
ber one of the Craven County Court-
house. The forum was one of four fo-
rums which were also held in Char-
lotte, Goldsboro and Green�ooro. A
panel of legislators including Senator
Beverly Perdue were also in atten-
Nix, SGA Vice-President Eric
Rivenbark and SGA Treasurer
Jonathan Phillips said they traveled
to the forum in order to speak with
legislators specifically about the UNC
system budget
Rivenbark said that his motiva-
tions for attending were similar to
"It was important that when the
governor stopped in Eastern North
Carolina, that he see representatives
from ECU in the form of student gov-
ernment, panhellenic representatives
and reporters
Hunt opened his address by
speaking about the issues which were
left unfunded when the House of Rep-
resentatives and the Senate failed to
reach a budget Hunt said the state
had been left without plans for pris-
ons, additional staff for district
attorney's offices and money to en-
force environmental bills.
"The legislators left without a
budget with more than 12.500 more
students coming to schools in about
a month Hunt said.
Hunt explained his proposals for
the budget which included expanding
Smart Start, putting a uniformed law
officer in every school, giving school
teachers a pay raise, leaving $6 mil-
lion in Raleigh in savings and placing
students with behavior problems in
alternative schools.
Hunt said that the UNC sys-
tem would fall behind other uni-
versities unless the budget in-
cluded funding for state employee
pay raises and technology.
"I think we have got the best
public university system in
America Hunt said. "It's slipping
in important ways. We are losing
top people
Hunt opened the forum to
citizens' questions and comments
for more than 30 minutes. While
See BUDGET page 3
Uhe University (Remembers
Belk-Tyler gives arts a boost
Jacqueline D. Kellum
Staff Writer
(antes (3u �arris
ECU Student Stores reluctanly bid a fond farewell to one of its dear-
est allies, James E. Harris, who passed away after a heart attack on June
Known mainly for his years of service and dedication to ECU Student
Stores, Harris was an asset to the university for many years.
Harris, who was responsible for the art and school supplies in the
Student Stores since 1967, took pride in his work and made sure the
book store kept up with the latest trends.
Fellow employees remember Harris saying that the part of hs job he
enjoyed most was meeting and helping the customers.
Harris, a native of Farmville, attended NC A&T in Greensboro and is
survived by his wife, Pearl, two daughters, Jennifer and Debbie and two
grandchildren, Emily and Wesley.
East Carolina got $10,000 closer to their goal of
raising $2 million for an endowment for the arts when a
gift was presented to the Office of Institutional Advance-
The Campaign for the Arts began soon after the
Shared Visions campaign ended. Carol Woodruff, who
is the director of marketing in the Department of Uni-
versity Unions and is also the acting director of the S.
Rudolph Alexander Performing Arts Series, said that
the Shared Visions campaign was a fund-raiser for the
entire campus in general.
"It was a big fund-raising effort for the whole cam-
pus-wide community, which closed in December Woo-
druff said.
After the Shared Visions campaign ended, having
raised $50 million for the ECU campus, the focus shifted
to the Campaign for the Arts.
"Shared Visions was the biggest fund-raising effort
that the University had done collectively for the entire
university. A lot of the funds that came in were ear-
marked for a specific department. There had never been
any real effort to seek money specifically for the arts
Woodruff said.
The Campaign for the Arts is relatively new and
received a significant boost with the $10,000 gift from
the Belk-Tyler Foundation.
The Belk-Tyler Foundation has a history of support-
ing the arts at ECU. Mr. Greenville Banks, who is the
Regional Manager of Belk and the General Manager of
the Carolina East Belk, has particularly been involved
in ECU's arts activities. The Carolina East Belk was one
of the charter members of the group which eventually
See ART page 3
Photo Courtesy of Department of University Unions
Mr. Greenville Banks, Belk Regional
Manager and Manager of Belk at Carolina
East Mall, presents Vice-Chancellor of
Institutional Advancement Jim Lanier with
a $10 thousand check from the Belk-
Tyler Foundation to benefit the S. Rudolf
Alexander Performing Arts Series.
Beck is not a loser with his new releasepage 3
Opinion writers duel over VMI issuepage "I
Pirates assured spot in Conference USApage O
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Wednesday, July 10,1996
The East Carolinian
Medical school receives grant
Larceny - A staff member reported at 9:52 a.m. the larceny of a fire
�xtinguisher had been stolen from the Ragsdale building.
Driving While Impaired - At 1:08 a.m. a non-student was stopped for
driving after consuming alcohol, underage drinking, overloading of a ve-
1icle and possession of alcohol.
Driving While Impaired - A non-student was arrested for driving
while impaired and driving without an operator's license at 12:40 a.m.
Assault On A Female � A non-student was arrested for assaulting a
:emale at 12:40 a.m.
Driving While Impaired - A staff member was arrested for driving
while impaired at 4th and Rotary Street at 2:29 a.m.
July 3
Fire - A staff member reported at 5:47 p.m. that there was a fire in
:he electrical room at the Croatan. The Greenville Fire Department re-
sponded to the call and extinguished the fire. The fire started in the
Tfotor of the air conditioner.
July 7
Second Degree Trespassing - A non-student who had been previ-
ously banned from campus was issued a state citation by the ECU police
ior trespassing at 7:32 p.m.
Larceny - A faculty member reported that $150 was stolen from his
office in the Fletcher building. The money was in his desk and the office
was locked when he left the office at 2:17 p.m.
Second Degree Trespassing - A non-student was cited on a state
itation for second degree trespassing. He was stopped by ECU police at
:he intramural field at Berkley. The subject was banned from campus at
7:32 p.m.
July 8
First Degree TrespassingBreaking and Entering - An unknown
person broke into the change machine located in the basement of Aycock
Residence Hall. The person removed all the money from the machine. The
:rime was reported at 8:04 a.m.
Computer Tampering - A faculty member reported that someone
lad used his computer over the weekend without consent from him. The
:rime was reported at 10:20 a.m.
Suspicious Person - A student reported that a male subject approached
-rim and another student and tried to sell them drugs. The student ad-
vised the subject to leave. When police arrived at 3:05 a.m the subject
was gone.
July 9
Controlled Substance ViolationAlcohol Violation - A non-student
was issued a citation for the possession of alcohol as well as a controlled
ubstance at 1:30 a.m.
Compiled by Amy L. Royster from official ECU police reports.
assistant program
gets $667,334
Kelly Sullivan
Staff Writer
ECU'S new Physician's Assis-
tant Studies Program is already re-
ceiving recognition only five
months into the program, thanks
to a major grant.
The Kate B. Reynolds Chari-
table Trust of Winston-Salem
awarded the School of Allied
Health Sciences with a $667,334
grant to be dispensed over a three
year period. It is the largest grant
ever received by the School of Al-
lied Health Sciences.
The grant will help launch a
new undergraduate program in
Physician's Assistant Studies, Dr.
Harold P. Jones, dean of the School
of Allied Heaith Sciences said.
"This generous grant from the
Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust
will make it possible for us to move
forward with the Physician's Assis-
tant Program, which is critical in
making health care accessible to all
the citizens of North Carolina Dr.
Jones said.
Football stadium
expansion on hold
Budget to
determine Dowdy-
Ficklen fate
Amy L Royster
Assistant News Editor
ECU officials with big plans for
Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium are holding
their breath waiting to see whether or
not legislators will include money for
an expansion of the stadium in the
state's budget
Mike Hamrick, ECU's athletic di-
rector said that $6 million has been re-
quested from Raleigh in order to add
8,000 upper deck seats on the north
side, 1,460 club level seats, and 3,000
end zone seats. Hamrick said that the
university has raised $12 million in pri-
vate support for the expansion.
"F every two dollars that we put
into the project we wanted to ask the
state for one dollar Hamrick said.
Hamrick said that the $6 million
will pay for itself in approximately 3.3
years because of the amount of money
that visitors to the stadium will spend
in the local economy.
"The expansion is good for the
economy Hamrick said. "We will have
additional seats for additional fans who
will spend money staying in local ho-
tels and eating in local restaurants
Hamrick points to research on an
upcoming game in Charlotte as testi-
mony to the stadium's value to the
"The upcoming NC State game
that will be played in Charlotte over
Thanksgiving will produce $20 million
for the local economy Hamrick said.
Hamrick said that the expansion
will directly effect the economy by pro-
viding 750 new jobs within the stadium.
In addition to additional seats,
Hamrick said the plans call for cosmetic
renovations as well.
During the last session of the leg-
islature, the $6 million was not included
anywhere in the budget According to
Nix, much finger pointing began over
which legislator was responsible for fail-
ing to include the money, which was a
request from the capital, during the last
In a fax to TEC, Aldridge included
a copy of a bill to be introduced in the
second extra session of the legislature,
dated July 1, entitled An Act To Appro-
priate Funds To the Board of Governors
of the University of North Carolina to
complete expansion of the Dowdy-
See STADIUM page 3
The program's educational
goal is to provide a primary care-
oriented, rural-based training pro-
gram for entry-level health care
"The philosophy behind the
Physician's Assistant Studies Pro-
gram fits well with the School of
Medicine's emphasis on training
generalist physicians Dr. James A.
Hallock, dean of the School of
Medicine, said.
The program was approved by
the University of North Carolina
Board of Governors in February. It
is the only state-supported assistant
studies program in North Carolina.
Physician assistants are health
care professionals licensed to prac-
tice medicine under a physician's
supervision. Some of their respon-
sibilities include taking medical his-
tories, performing physical exami-
nations, ordering and interpreting
tests, making diagnostic evalua-
tions, writing prescriptions and
carrying out treatment plans.
The Kate B. Reynolds Chari-
table Trust chose to award ECU
with the grant based on the S-hool
of Medicine's dedication to increas-
ing access to health care in unde-
served areas, John H. Frank, direc-
tor of the trust's health care divi-
sion, said.
The grant will help pay the
salaries of two staff members who
will develop clinical training sites
and one staff member who will
handle admissions. It will also fi-
nance equipment for the program
and other educational costs.
Without the grant, recruitment
and admission to the program may
have been delayed. Jim Keller, act-
ing director of the program, said.
Now the program will proceed ac-
cording to schedule, admitting its
first 20 students next spring to be-
gin studies in the summer of 1997.
"The grant'sl a life saver
Keller said.
The program has already re-
ceived nearly 2.700 inquiries. Pref-
erence will be given to North Caro-
lina residents who live or have lived
in rural, medically undeserved ar-
eas in the state and demonstrate a
commitment to returning to those
areas after graduation.
The Kate B. Reynolds Chari-
table Trust was created in 1947 by
the will of Mrs. William N. Reynolds
of Winston-Salem. Three-fourths of
the trust's income is designated for
use in health-related programs and
services throughout the state, with
the remaining one-fourth devoted
to the poor and needy of Winston-
Salem and Forsyth County.
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The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 10,1996
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from page 1
Drunk drivers "Booze & Lose
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became the Friends of the S.
Rudolph Alexander Performing Arts
Series. Mr. Banks also participated
in deciding which performers would
come to campus each year as a mem-
ber of the Performing Arts Series
The $10,000 gift that Belk-Tyler
gave was designated specifically for
the Performing Arts Series, but will
also count toward the $2 million goal.
The Performing Arts Series
brings a variety of high-class perform-
ers to ECU each year, such as world-
renowned ballet companies, sym-
phony orchestras, theatre troupes
and individual performers. Next year,
the Performing Arts Series will in-
clude the North Carolina Dance The-
atre, the London Chamber Orches-
tra, and the opera The Barber of
Seville, among others. It was re-
named the S. Rudolph Alexander
Performing Arts Series in June of
1995 in honor of the man who
founded the series.
The $2 million goal of the Cam-
paign for the Arts, once attained, will
be shared among the School of Art,
School of Music, the Department of
Theatre Arts, and the Performing
Arts Series.
"Theoretically, if we raise $2 mil-
lion, and the interest rates were such
that we were each able to skim $30
thousand a year from it for the four
different areas, that would just be a
huge boon to each of us Woodruff
The Performing Arts Series is
currently supported by ticket sales
and the support of patrons such as
those belonging to the Friends of the
Performing Arts Series. Students
who are interested in obtaining tick-
ets for either the full 1996-97 sea-
son or individual performances are
eligible for discounted rates and can
purchase tickets at the Central Ticket
Office in Mendenhall.
Kelly Sullivan
Staff Writer
After achieving a dramatic in-
crease in seat belt use, the North Caro-
lina governor's highway safety initia-
tive has turned its efforts to cracking
down on drunk drivers.
The North Carolina Booze It &
Lose It campaign, the nationally rec-
ognized program dedicated to reduc-
ing the number of alcohol related au-
tomobile accidents, is getting a new
weapon to help stop drunk driving.
On July 1, officials unveiled a
state of the art breath-alcohol testing
mobile unit to aid officers in enforc-
ing the campaign. Assistant Public In-
formation Officer Frank Smith said
the mobile unit will be equipped with
everything officers will need to en-
force the program.
The 32-foot long vehicle will be
equipped with two intoxilyzer 5000
breathalyzers, telephones, worksta-
tions, lavatories, DWI checkpoint
signs as well as cones and traffic vests.
"One of the things the unit will
be used for will be at checkpoints
Smith said. "It will help local police
departments and smaller police de-
partments by solving the problem of
travel time. A lot of the time, officers
have to take drunk drivers all the way
back to the station for alcohol tests,
and this can take a lot of time. One of
the benefits with the unit is that ev-
erything will be right there
Smith says that the Booze It &
Lose It campaign will be more suc-
cessful with the addition of the mo-
bile unit
"The unit will also be used as
an educational tool at high schools
to educate kids on the dangers of
drunk driving, and so that they can
see what happens to drunk drivers
when they are caught Smith said.
The mobile unit will be accessible
to all state enforcement agencies by
bookings through the Forensic Test
for Alcohol branch of the Department
of Environmental Health and Natural
The 1995 Booze It & Lose It pro-
gram is a continuation of the most
extensive statewide law enforcement
and education effort in U.S. history!
The goal of the program is to lowoC
the number of impaired drivers o��
North Carolina highways, saving lives,
preventing injuries and avoiding the
health-care costs associated with al
cohol-related traffic accidents.
"We've seen a dramatic decline,
in the number of alcohol related;
crashes since the program began (in!
1994) Smith said. "For example, in-i
1990, there were 602 alcohol-related-
fatalities in North Carolina, account
ing for 44 percent of overall traffic fa
talities. In 1995, there were 392 deaths
only 27 percent of all North Carolina
traffic fatalities. That's a dramatic de
cline and a good improvement. Of,
course, too many people keep dying, I
but this program is helping to elimi-
nate that"
The mobile unit was scheduled to
appear at a checkpoint between 10th
Street and 14th Street on July 2 but
was canceled due to poor weather. A ;
return date is planned but has not been ,
scheduled yet For more information
contact CapL John Ennis at Greenville
Police Department at (919)8304330. !
STADIUM from page 2
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Ficklen Stadium at ECU. The bill in-
cluded $6 million to complete the ex-
pansion, provided the funds are matched
on the basis of two dollars of non-state
funds for every one dollar of state funds.
Senator Warren has pledged his
support to the expansion as well.
"If there is any way it can be in-
cluded. I will do it" Warren said. "My
focal point of my career is making sure
we get every dollar for ECU
Hamrick said that he is optimistic
that the House and the Senate will reach
a budget which includes this money.
"I know our local legislators are
working hard for it" Hamrick said "Rep-
resentative Aldridge and Senator War-
ren are in support of it Senator Mark
Basnight has also said that he is in sup-
port of it"
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BUDGET from page 1
citizens voiced their opinions on
Smart Start, the importance of clean-
ing up the Neuse River and other is
sues, several people addressed con-
cerns over the UNC system budget
Chancellor Joseph B. Oxendine
from Pembroke State University ad-
dressed the governor and panel of leg-
islators about his fear that without
adequate funding, the UNC system
would become less competitive.
"Our universities are - if not the
best- certainly in the top three Ox
endine said. "We need better salaries
to recruit the very best"
Oxendine added that with the j
state enjoying "economic good times
he encouraged the legislators to pass j
a budget that allowed for pay raises, j
Elizabeth City State University;
Chancellor Mickey Burnin was in at
tendance and called for legislative
support of the UNC system also.
Hunt ended the forum by calling;
on citizens to participate in the pro
cess by contacting their legislators
and informing them of the issues they'
want included in the budget
"As many people as we've got
here today, we've got to call them (leg-
islators) up and write to them Hunt
According to Nix, legislators are
considering including $4 million dol
lars for the Fire Safety Loan Fund
which would help facilitate interest-
free loans for off-campus residenc
halls to install sprinkler systems and �
fire alarms. - �;
After the forum, Nix asked Sena-�.
tor Perdue what position legislators
were taking on such funding.
"It's down to one mile now and
there is a lot of resistance Perdue
said in response to Nix's question.
Phillips said that he agreed with
Nix that funding which would facili-
tate sprinkler systems was essential.
"My main goal today was to se
cure funding for sprinkler systems
Phillips said.
Nix said that she felt good abouT
the outcome of the forum and her
opportunity to speak with Senator�
Perdue .
"I was impressed that the gover
nor was able to be present and listen
to a variety of citizens' opinions Nix
2 FOR 1
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Wednesday, July 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
Our View
So, the state House has opted to cut $6.3 million from the
UNC system budget and strike a blow for ignorance in North
What are they thinking? In a time when America can barely
compete in the world market because our educational system
is a joke, they decide to slash funding. With an almost $400
million excess in the state budget, they decide that they can
no longer afford to subsidize one of the better state university-
systems in the nation.
It's not that the amount they're cutting is crippling. Spread
out over the whole university system, $6.3 million will only
cause a few ripples here and there in the individual schools. Of
course, anybody who's ever worked for the university will tell
you that things are pretty lean as it is. But we'll squeak by.
The real insult here is that these cuts come in the face of
Gov. Hunt's proposed $100 million increase in the university
system budget. That extra money was going to go to stuff like
salary hikes for faculty and staff, health insurance for teaching
assistants, new equipment and library materials, research grants
and financial aid.
While these are things the universities certainly need to
keep up with other schools around the country, we could get
by without them. Granted, with that extra $400 million float-
ing around, you'd think they could cough up a little more dough
for their schools. But to cut more on top of that
In part, this is an attempt by the House to force the UNC
system to raise its tuition rates to match those of other schools
around the country. On the surface, that doesn't sound like an
unreasonable request
But you have to realize that North Carolina has low tuition
because some smart cookie in our state's history realized that
the vast majority of our population is poorer than dirt. With
higher tuition rates, a lot of North Carolina citizens would
never make it to college. They'd never leave the farm, or the
ghetto, and we'd be every bit as ass-backwards as the rest of
the country seems to think we are.
But low tuition reaps the state other benefits, too. Stu-
dents flock to North Carolina from all over the country be-
cause they can go to school cheaper here than at home. More
students equals more people, and more people equals more
money. More money equals good business, and a stronger state
Raising tuition could be disastrous for North Carolina, but
the money to keep the schools cunning has to come from some-
Let's face it, the UNC system has become the victim of
petty political squabbling in the state capitol. Hunt faces a lot
of opposition in the Congress, and their refusal of his univer-
sity budget is just a way for them to strike out at him. Some-
body needs to remind these jokers that education is not a po-
litical football they need to be kicking around. Not with what's
at stake.
Luckily, the House is still kept in check by the Senate. If
the Senate budget is more favorable to the university system,
we may not see the cuts voted on by the House.
Let's hope the Senate is a little less petty, and a lot more
Gov. Hunt's
proposal for
UNC system
was trashed by
the House. But
the $6.3
million in
additional cuts
is a slap in the
face to
education in
"The Constitution is the enduring charter of
our nation and our liberties. It should not be
treated as a billboard on which to plaster the
bumper-sticker slogan of the moment
KWMCED 13.2S 5f
0 "�FcN
The East Carolinian

Brandon Waddeli, Editor-in-Chief
Celeste Wilson, Production Manager
Marguerite Benjamin, News Editor P Wlker' Staff ustrator
Amy L Royster, Assistant News Editor �T !? AsSiStant
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor 5?l ' ProduCtion Assistant
Jay Myers Assistant Lifestyle Editor Fe�Py Edi!�r
Amanda Ross, Sports Editor �"� Lattimore' Editor
Paul D. Wright. Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Craig Perrott, Assistant Sports Editor
Matt Heatley, Electronics Editor
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The lead editorial in each
edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited
for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should
be addressed to Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27854353. For Information call (919)
'Dcielcetq, &vtumU4t�
Gen. Patton's place falls to VMI has Southern
political correctness discomfort
Anthony Slade
Opinion Columnist
Edward M. Kennedy, U.S. senator, 1995
I would like to start out by expressing my absolute lack
of gratitude for the Supreme Court having complicated the
gender issue in America even further. The Virginia Military
Institute (VMI) ruling was a move that was completely dic-
tated by the politically correct" mandate cast upon Ameri-
cans during the reformation fervor of the late 1980s and early
1990s. Give this nation a fresh decade and we think the slate
is perfectly clean to begin instilling new ethical quotas. The
media parsers with even- special interest group in the self-
importance handbook and next thing you know, there's no
smoking allowed in Taco Bell. Blink, collect yourself, and you
suddenly realize that your face is stinging because the food
server has slapped you silly for referring to her as a waitress.
Then one morning Charlie Crewcut (name changed to pro-
tect his real chauvinist identity) wakes to his first day at VMI.
hops out of his bunk and heads to the latrine where he finds
another cadet engaged in the non-traditional VMI process of
shaving her legs. Oh. it's only the lonely dream of a freshman,
homesick for his girlfriend, right? Actually, the reality is that
our constitution has a little section in it about equal protec-
tion. Last week this clause enabled our justice system to de-
rail the VMI legacy by ruling that females must be allowed to
apply to the military college. This coming after a 157 year
trend of all-male enrollment The decision by seven of the
eight Supreme Court justices will not oniy cause huge rifts
in the flow of education at VMI. but in America's academic
institutions collectively.
The libertarian philosophy that change is good is appro-
priate and necessary' in a great deal of our socioeconomic
dilemmas, but only through prudent and logical consideration.
What seems to be lacking in this coeducational landmark is
foresight There is no question that women should be en-
titled to a fair shake when vying with men for job status. It
should also go without saying that the idea of equal protec-
tion should secure a level forum for females in the coed class-
room. The problem is that it doesn't We have heard on mul-
tiple occasions in the past that the Constitution is outdated.
The ideals that our forefathers put forth were noble and
just but have been consistently ineffective in the past half
century. Yet it is the dog-eat-dog credo of our wonderful bu-
reaucracy that is still perpetuating dissension amongst the
sexes in academic facilities. So why are schools like the
Citadel and VMI being targeted by the ACLU and groups like
the National Organization for Women (NOW)? It's not so
difficult to see the motivation.
When Nancy Mellette decided that she wanted to be the
first female admitted into the Citadel, it didn't take long for
feminist coalitions to make her their flagship. What better
way to set a precedent than to take on one of the oldest male
traditions in the nation? Poor Nancy just wanted to serve her
country. She didn't realize that groups like NOW are more
interested in extermination rather than integration. The VMI
incident is no different Rather than creating a sensible alter-
native. NOW opted to use the Supreme Court which is ma-
nipulated by a 320-year-old document that in theory reserves
the right to change the policies of any public establishment
As usual, there is a gap between theory and reality. Reality is
that this is a disruption in a process of higher learning that
produces a more ethically sound man, which is what we all
want right? That's why the school still exists, because that is
what it was good at Perhaps in a Utopian setting it would
benefit all if a military college were open to both sexes. The
state of our nation does not allow this though. The line be-
tween genders has widened due to the misuse of equality
issues as a political tool. Special interest groups continue to
come up with short-term solutions to long-term problems they
have perpetuated. It seems that the admittance of young
women into VMI is only a preamble to a huge sexual harass-
ment scandal that will undoubtedly occur. Until then, NOW
will wait for the opportunity to seal the fate of an undeserv-
ing scapegoat
Colleges and universities were created to suit the spe-
cific needs of every individual. Public funding has enabled
every type of person to learn without the distraction of preju-
dice. The Virginia Women's Institute for Leadership was
formed with that idea in mind. It may not have been as well
orchestrated as it should have been. That is due to the misap-
propriation of public funds, not because VMI wanted it that
way. Unfortunately, Patton's alma mater is now in a catch-22.
To retain male exclusivity would require outrageous private
funding; that's not likely to happen. The other side of the
coin shows a quality school going under, because the people
who initiated this change do not want to see integrated suc-
cess in its hallowed halls. This gender modification at VMI
has exploited these young women; calling attention to them
will inevitably cause endless arguments in a setting that is
designed to preserve peace. At the same time, the special
interest groups involved will get the kickbacks they
wanted from al! this attention in the first place. I think
Patton would agree that this has all been one big red
herring, where young women like Nancy Mellette get
no other opportunity than to be an answer to a trivia
Jennifer Hunt
Opinion Columnist
Women walking among the rats and wrecking havoc on a
157-year-old tradition is becoming a reality for the Virginia Mili-
tary Institute (VMI). This is the feeling of many of the alumni,
students and staff of the institute. They see women as a threat to
their precious system and rules, instead of opening up their eyes
and arms to the amazing set of challenges put before them.
This Friday and Saturday, the board of visitors of VMI will
meet to devise their official response to the Supreme Court's
June 26 ruling that the institute must admit women or forego its
public funding. In the days since that ruling came down, some
alumni did openly weep, others were extravagantly defiant "We've
had people urge us to do things we didn't think were proper,
spiteful things, vengeful things says Edwin "Pete" Cox III, the
outgoing president of the VMI Alumni Association, who declines
to elaborate but says he didn't answer those particular letters.
The more rational extremist view, meanwhile, was to make
the school private. The money needed would likely top $100
million. Becoming a private school would be loaded with prob-
lems. As a private school, VMI would no longer receive a state
subsidy. This year, the school will receive $103 million from
Virginia taxpayers. Directors of the school's Alumni Association
have decided to recommend a multi-million dollar fund-raising
effort to give VMI the money to separate from the state. "But no
one has written a six figure check yet" said Col. Mike Strickler,
spokesman for VMI.
You might say that the upcoming meeting represents a
struggle for the institute's Southern soul, having lost its six-year
battle to remain all-male (a battle that was nothing if not South-
em. the doomed attack on the high ground, Gettysburg all over
again.) To many Southerners, of course, there is nothing so
distasteful as having the federal government tell you -once
again- that you are wrong and backward and need to change.
Even if the government's right VMI has two equally Southern
solutions that lie before it It can accept defeat with honor and
grace (like Robert E. Lee), or it can self-destruct in the process of
"If we've teamed anything, we've learned to take orders
says Cabell Brand, VMI class of 1947. But it's also true that in
the course of its distinguished military history, VMI has culti-
vated a reputation of keeping up the fightand not backing down
to defeat VMI's response is also a '904sh angry mate quality and
a sense of violated male solidarity that mirrors the response to
the nation's service academies when, 20 years ago. Congress
compelled them to admit women. It is also worth pointing out
that a certain other Southern school reacted surprisingly: two
days after the ruling came down the Citadel declared that "effec-
tive immediately it would "enthusiastically accept" qualified
Not VMI. Instead, Superintendent Josiah Bunting III de-
scribed the ruling, written by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as a
"savage disappointment" to VMI alumni and warned that the
Institute couldn't rxssibry begin admitting women this fall. And
now the board of visitors is taking weeks to produce its final
answer, leaving us to wonder if Virginia will attempt the same
contortions it committed with "missive resistance" in the 1950s
(inducting the creation of private academies) in a fruitless and
dishonorable effort to avoid integrating public schools.
In filing after filing, the state of Virginia had argued that
women would "destroy" VMI, saying that men would never feel
comfortable encountering women in the rat line, which is the
central element of the school's self-described "adversative sys-
tem" of ritual deprivation and humiliation.
It is for this reason that the privacy option is being dis-
missed by many alumni and VMI supporters. Bunting is even
downplaying the possibility. "The school and its supporters and
students will discharge our responsibilities under the court or-
der with honor and in a gentlemanly manner he said.
Bunting has said that he will resist making all but the most
minor changes to accommodate women, or altering VMI's physi-
cal regime.
I understand the fight and the desire to stay within the
tradition, but times have changed and women are capable of
exploring new frontiers and breaking barriers that hold them
back. I feel that if the school were private and a woman forced
entry, it would be a different issue, but the issue ahead of us is
the financial funding of the school. Virginia taxpayers of both
sexes should not be obligated to pay for a single-sex school out
of their hard-earned taxes. "The decision's been made and I'm
giad it's over says Cabell Brand who lives in Salem. Va and
whose family connection with VMI goes back to the Battle of
New Market "VMI fought a good fight and it s over with, so lets
put this behind us and go on I would like to participate with
VMI alumni who have some resources into setting up a really
innovative scholarship program to get the best students we can
get in the next generation and improve the school in the next
100 years making it a better school
This is a hidden challenge for VMI and they haven't real-
ized the great possibilities that would accompany a coed institu-
tion Making VMI coed and doing it right could be the most
invigorating challenge of Josiah Bunting's distinguished career.
The rat line will not get in the way of the first female Rhodes
scholar to walk the line. This is a new and exciting challenge
and it should be embraced with an open mind and optimism for
the future.

Wednesday, July 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
M M �"HP1
Nostalgic Fett-ishism
reaches new heights
Library of the Future
Once the current expansion construction is complete, crackling neon lights will make
our visits to the second floor of Joyner Library more exciting than ever.
"4 Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a
very tiny drop in the great
screaming bucket of Ameri-
can media opinion. Take it as
you will.
Joseph Elchehabi
Staff Writer
You notice them ever day.
though you try not to. You
don't know their names, but
their faces have probably
outlasted your boyfriends and
girlfriends. And if you returned
to ECU ten years from now
(hey, it could happen), they'd
still be there on the same cor-
I'm referring to
Greenville's homeless.
No matter how chaotic my
life gets, all I do is stroll down-
town, and suddenly my exist-
ence is given some semblance
of symmetry -even meaning -
all for what? A dollar? Fifty
Sometimes a superficial
sense of self-worth can be had
for less. Last week, while I was
finishing a Number Three at
Subway, an aged schizophrenic
slapped me on the back. This
guy was at least six-two and
weighed well over 200 pounds.
I almost choked on my sub.
�'Cuse me sir he said,
�you a Christian man?" I didn't
feel special because he'd asked
this of everyone at the counter.
Then: "Be good, and do what
your daddy tells you 1 gave
him my drink when I left. By
the way he thanked me, you
would have thought I'd bought
him a new pair of shoes.
Lately, though, they've
been getting on my nerves. Not
the crazy folks; some of those
guys are actually better com-
pany than most "sane" people.
No. I'm talking about guys like
Mr. White Pants. He's one I al-
ways see trying to squeeze a
dollar out of local passersby.
1 have absolutely no re-
spect for Mr. White Pants. He
cornered me one day in front
of the library. "I'm hungry he
said. "Gimme a dollar so 1 can
In my backpack I just hap-
pened to have six chicken sand-
wiches, which I'd lifted from a
certain all-u-can-eat place (you
see, 1 was broke too). I offered
the guy some of my food.
Caught off guard, he shook his
head, mumbled something in-
coherently. I forked over two
quarters, half of what I had,
' See DROP page 7
CD Reviews
Star Wars returns
with collectible
Jay Myers
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
It's the late '70s and early '80s
all over again. Not only are KISS. Styx.
Kansas, Meat Loaf. Reo Speedwagon.
Foreigner and Peter Frampton all
touring this summer, but Star Wars
action figures are also available once
more. Ah nostalgia, thou art as cruel
as thou art comforting.
Most of the freshman that will be
arriving this fall were born in 1978.
the year after George Lucas' amazing
space opera was first released, so they
can't possibly remember what the
marketing frenzy was like back then.
For us older folk, however, the
memory is oh so vivid.
I was nine years old when my
grandparents took me to see Star
Wars for the first time in a dingy sec-
ond-rate theater nestled in the Ten-
nessee mountains. Whilst they snored
away next to me. I sat in open-eyed,
slack-jawed wonder as my life changed
before my eyes.
Unless you were a kid in 1977.
you can't imagine the impact this film
had on our collective imagination. It
exploded across
our generation and
redefined the way
many of us think.
As with the
Star Trek fran-
chise. Star Wars
has spawned a le-
gion of fans who so
desperately want to
possess the physi-
cal being of this
imagined universe
that they will pay
big money to have
The addiction
is so bad that a
bootleg copy of the
Star Wars Holiday
Special, an odious
piece of work
broadcast origi-
nally over the
Thanksgiving holi-
day in 1978 which
featured Harvey
Korman in drag as
a space-age Julia
Child and the
overly goofy char-
acters Itchy and
(Chewbacca's fa-
Photo Courtesy of Kenner Toys
Here we see Boba Fett, resplendent in his
Mandalorian supercommando armor. Yum!
See FETT page 7
Derek T. Hall
Staff Writer
People, are you ready for this
summer's most explosive album? Beck
Hanson, who some would argue is the
epitome of music's comical side, has
surprised us with Odelay. an excel-
lent follow up to last year's Mellow
If you're hoping I would give a
brief explanation of the lyrics on this
album, forget it. Beck speaks a lan-
guage all his own. "And everybody
knows my name at the recreation cen-
ter he sings on "Devil's Haircut" the
opening track. Not a lyric that you
would find on an everyday album:
however, it is Beck's charm that makes
him the star that he is.
As the disc rolls on, you'll find a
crazy tune called "Where It's At?"
Most likely you've had the pleasure
of hearing this on your local radio
station. The song is basically about
how different people get their groove
on. It's about everyone having a good
time in their own way.
On this album alone. Beck
Hanson plays acoustic guitar, slide
guitar, electric guitar, harmonica,
bass, drums, percussion, analog key-
boards, electric piano, clavinet, organ,
and celeste. And he sings!
Don't get me wrong: he did have
a few of his friends come in and record
a few tracks, but there is no reason at
all that his name shouldn't be on the
cover. It's his sound. It's his band. It's
Beck and that's all there is to it.
The most impressive thing about
this album is that it's not done to im-
press anyone. It's exactly the ingredi-
ents that could serve as fills for ev-
eryone else's studio work, but Beck
does something special with it that
turns that filler into a masterpiece.
Another great thing about
Odelay is the artwork. The pictures
on the inside are things he's touched
upon in the recording of the album.
On the back cover is the phrase L
Suis un Revolutionaire That's
French for "I am a Revolutionary
Some won't know what to think about
this. Some will listen to the record.
read this, and still not understand.
That's the whole great thing about
Beck. It's for him to understand and
for you to find out. if you want to. No
This album will probably serve as
Beck's finest work: however. I will not
be surprised to find out that his next
release goes through the roof as well.
After all, he is a revolutionary.
Characters bog down
Independence Day
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
"It's War of the Worlds meets
The Towering Inferno
I imagine phrases like that
were thrown around quite a lot
when Independence Day. this
summer's biggest blockbuster film
to date, was being pitched around
Hollywood. In this big budget ex-
travaganza, the writingdirecting
team of Dean Devlin and Roland
Emmerich (Stargate) have at-
tempted to mesh the sensibilities
of 1950s alien invasion films and
1970s disaster movies.
On the surface, it sounds like
a great idea. An all-out alien inva-
sion, all the world's greatest cities
wiped out in minutes, heroic regu-
lar joe types fighting against impos-
sible odds, several million corpses
I can't imagine a much bigger di-
saster, or much better subject mat-
ter for a popcorn sci-fi epic.
But in addition to all that,
we're presented with no less than
13 characters that we're supposed
to care about and keep track of
through all the destruction.
Granted, only about five or six of
them have what I would call lead-
ing roles in the film, but dragging
around seven or eight supporting
characters (and a virtual army of
minor characters) takes its toll.
By the time we're introduced
to all the co-workers, children,
spouses, generals, radar operators,
deadmeat fighter pilots, housepets
and general rabble the film throws
at us, I just don't care anymore.
You'd figure, with the aliens bump-
ing off so much of our surplus
population, that some of these
people would die. But no. They live,
and linger, and spend most of the
film's first hour dragging things
And to make matters worse, al-
The Lemons
Pat Reid
Staff Writer
While "sturdy" isn't usually
used to describe a lemon, in the case
of The Lemons' debut album it
works fine. Sturdy is just that: a
solid effort of driving, catchy songs
that leaves no one questioning how
The Lemons like their music: loud
and powerful.
At the opening of "In My Way"
The Lemons lay down a sound of
driving duel guitars and a full, solid
rhythm. It's in this fashion that
Sturdy manages to never let up on
energy or force until the last note
of "Any Mere Mortal" fades. How-
ever, this same drive and pounding
rhythm leaves them without much
diversity and may end up being their
By the start of "Shakin' My
Head the second song on Sturdy,
it becomes apparent that lead singer
Greg Loveli isn't much for singing:
however, emotional screaming
seems right up his alley. Fortunately,
the music and Lovell's vocals man-
age to complement each other for
the time being and leave "Shakin
a pretty catchy punk song. In fact.
Sturdy seems to be based on catchy
punk songs.
Unfortunately the third song,
"Alright Already is the beginning
of a downhill turn for the musical
side of The Lemons. After a few
more mediocre songs, the lack of
actual singing begins to take its toll,
See STURDY page 7
Acting saves Phenomenon
Travolta triumphs
as super genius in
Dale Williamson
Senior Writer
Humans are fascinated with
those who possess extraordinary in-
telligence, particularly when the sub-
ject can make for a good story. In
1968. Cliff Robertson won an Acad-
emy Award for his portrayal of a men-
tally retarded patient turned genius
in Charly. Last year, filmgoers expe-
rienced the wondrous intellect of
Powder. And now regular guy John
Travolta expands his mind in Phe-
nomenon, a film that isn't as intelli-
gent as it would like to be but is still
packed with enough emotion and
talent that one doesn't care.
The almost tired concept of Phe-
nomenon is simple enough. Travolta
plays George Malley. a totally likable
yet simple man who lives in a small
Capraesque town. George isn't an
idiot. In fact, he has a desire to learn
what he can. including such things
as the Spanish language. However,
things just don't melt easily enough
into George's brain. That is until
George is struck by an unknown,
blinding flash of light from the night
skies above on his 37th birthday.
Suddenly. George is able to compre-
hend everything from chess to phys-
The bulk of the film focuses on
George and his struggle to be a su-
per genius unlike anything human-
kind has ever known and at the same
time remain the same old George ev-
eryone in his small California town
has always loved.
Director John Turteltaub, who
last hit it big with While You Were
Sleeping, and writer Gerald DiPego
stumble at several points, but they
ultimately are able to deliver on the
emotional goods. Like Powder. Phe-
nomenon goes straight for the heart
by filling the story with tender mo-
ments where characters truly inter-
act with one another. George's rela-
tionship with Lace (Kyra Sedgwick)
and her children is handled in a
subtle, honest manner that serves to
further develop George and the film's
overriding theme of humanity.
Also. Turteltaub and DiPego ex-
plore some intriguing elements
within their concept, such as the
� mini
Coming soon for your
edification and amusement:
Wednesday. July 10
at Peasant's Cafe
Thursday, 'uly 11
ECU Faculty Jazz Ensemble
at Staccato Cafe and Grille
Agents of Good Roots
at Peasant's Cafe
Haiders of the Lost Ark
at Fleming Hall
(outdoor showing)
(Paradise Theatre Tour!)
with Kansas
at Walnut Creek
in Raleigh
Friday, July 12
Running from Anna
at Peasant's Cafe
at Underwater Cafe
Yince Gill
with Kathy Mattea
at Walnut Creek
in Raleigh
Saturday, July 13
Day room
at Peasant's Cafe
Brothers from Mother
at Underwater Cafe
Meat Loaf
at Walnut Creek
in Raleigh
Monday, July 15

Florida Printmakers Society
at Gray Gallery
(runs through July 26)
Tuesday, July 16
Plato's Cav(
at Peasant's Caft
at Hendrix Theatre
at the ECU Summer Theatre
in Wright Auditorium
(runs through July 20)

Wednesday, July .10,1996
The East Carolinian
New PBS documentary praises and
damns television for young audiences
LOS ANGELES (AP) - "Signal
to Noise: Life with Television" asks
viewers to look at television to re-
ally see television.
The three-part series on PBS
examines the medium and the
people who make it, exploit it and
watch it. But "Signal" has some-
thing up its film sleeve: the pro-
gram slyly uses TV's tricks to en-
tertain as well as enlighten.
The snappy pacing and lippy at-
titude say MTV; the meaty commen-
tary they adorn says beware, tele-
vision is more than just a home for
"Wheel of Fortune and we must
understand how it influences us.
A subversive dissection of tele-
vision using television � now that's
truly Must-See TV. The Indepen-
dent Television Service series airs
on consecutive Thursdays starting
this week and concluding July 15.
Producer-writer Cara Mertes,
who originated the idea and orches-
trated the work of 21 independent
filmmakers, says creating a lively
program that praised TV, while at
the same time damning it, was in-
deed the goal.
"We wanted the show to be dif-
ferent because we wanted to say
hey, we know some people like tele-
vision. In fact, a lot of people like
television. In fact, we like televi-
sion, too
But that doesn't mean blind de-
"We respect its effect, respect
its potential and have no respect
for how the potential's been
wasted said Mertes.
The first hour, "Watching TV
Watching Us looks at TV's com-
mercial soul and the love-hate rela-
tionship the medium inspires in the
viewers-consumers it manipulates.
"The ads on TV, I think, are a
bunch of yelling people, and they're
all arguing Buy me, buy me, buy
me we hear from a bright young
TV watcher, Zachary Gelnaw-Rubin.
"Watching TV" gives TV admir-
ers space, too. One quirky little seg-
ment consists of a producer's paean
to actress-comedian Roseanne;
when the star and fan meet,
Roseanne seems bemused by her
The second episode, "TV Real-
ity?" charts how society is pre-
sented and shaped through news
and entertainment programs. "Re-
mote Control the concluding
hour, is a sobering look at the
promised glories of TV, including
interaction, in the age of the infor-
mation superhighway.
"Signal to Noise Mertes ex-
plains, is a catchy engineering
If the signai-to-noise ratio is off
in any transmission, including TV,
then the signal can be interrupted
and "you're not getting any infor-
mation. So it kind of metaphorically
applies to TV she says.
Mertes makes sure she's got
the right ratio in her series, creat-
ing a forum for many voices with-
out losing sight of the big-screen
picture: the social, economic and
political implications of TV and
how to uncover them.
There are, appropriately
enough, soundbites galore:
If television is a window on
the world, and it can be, it's always
important to remember that
somebody's framing it for you
cautions veteran journalist Linda
TV is advertising and adver-
tising is TV. They're almost one and
the same today says candid ad ex-
ecutive Donny Deutsch.
What children get trained to
do at a very early age through com-
mercials is to package them-
PHENOMENON from pages
public reaction to George's unex-
plained gift and the government's
unwillingness to let someone with
George's brain power go unchecked.
The filmmakers even offer an alter-
native explanation for George's situ-
ation, one which attempts to be more
plausible than extraterrestrial inter-
Unfortunately, the film is not
without its weaknesses. Turteltaub
goes for the MTV crowd too much by
filling in the gaps with nifty pop tunes
from the likes of Peter Gabriel over
lengthy montage sequences.
And DiPego goes for the golden
Oscar with too much zest by giving
his characters one too many preachy
lines. Dialogue dealing with a man's
need to support his woman and a
man's human spirit meaning more
than his brain's biological make-up
aren't totally nauseating here simply
because the outstanding cast is made
up of solid professionals.
Ultimately, Phenomenon is saved
by its cast Robert Duvall and Forest
Whitaker naturally improve any film
they touch, and Kyra Sedgwick is an
underrated presence that deserves
more box office attention than such
flat performers as Demi Moore.
Even with the strong supporting
cast, the film's true hero is Travolta,
who shows no sign of slowing down
since his comeback. Unlike his char-
acters in Pulp Fiction and Get Shorty,
George Malley is a regular Joe who
only desires a simple life. And unlike
his performance in Broken Arrow,
Travolta gets an opportunity to tone
down his act and focus his efforts
more on an actual human being as
opposed to some caricature. The film
demands an actor with Travolta's cha-
risma, and he definitely delivers.
Phenomenon is not (forgive me
for saying this) a phenomenal movie.
The pacing is probably a bit too le-
thargic for many, and a good editor
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Q1.3 FM
r East Carolina University
could trim down the story to under
two hours. Still, if you don't care
about tornadoes or alien invasions,
then Phenomenon is this summer's
most intelligent alternative.
On a scale of one to ten, Phenom-
enon rates a seven.
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The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 10, 1996
JLJKVJr from page 5
and he finally left me alone. Now
when he badgers me. I ignore him.
I don't give out money any-
more - unless I know exactly where
it's going. A year spent in Buenos
Aires hardened the bones around
my heart. The bones, mind you, not
the heart. There, every day. one
sees entire families begging in the
How do you say no to a mother
who stands at your restaurant
table, crying baby in arm, and
watches you eat your milanesa? You
get used to'it. Or you don't eat.
I give what I can give the best
I can. I give at church: I give my
time; I even give my food - if some-
one really wants it. But why do I
still feel guilty when I turn down
somebody like Mr. White Pants?
Should 1 feel guilty?
Have fun
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�JcJL I from page 5
ther and son) as well as the first ap-
pearance of the ever-popular bounty
hunter Boba Fett. sells at conventions
for as much as $30.
Star Wars mania hit its lowest
point when the Donny and Marie
Osmond variety show did a musical
skit featuring themselves as Luke and
Leia. Kris Kristofferson as Han Solo.
Paul Lynde as Grand Moff Tarkin. and
Redd Foxx as Obi-Wan. complete with
roller-skating, scantily clad female
stormtroopers. This too can be had
on video at most conventions for an
equally exorbitant price.
Star liars spawned two sequels
which were so popular that I doubt I
need to name them here, and next
year, 20 years after its initial release.
Star Wars will return to the big screen
in a new enhanced version with addi-
tional computer-generated special ef-
To introduce this 20th anniver-
sary extravaganza, Lucas has engi-
neered an unbelievable marketing
blitz, the keystone of which is the re-
release of some of the most success-
ful consumer products ever: Star Wars
action figures.
Originally, the popular line of
toys stretched over all three movies,
was in continual release from 1977
until 1985. and included over 100 fig-
ures. 20 vehicles and several playsets.
The amount and variation of toys avail-
able was a wonderland for kids and a
nightmare for their parents.
Nowadays, those same figures are
worth some serious cash and I wish I
still had mine. I made the mistake of
giving them to my little brothers, who
proceeded to mangle and destroy the
entire collection.
Luckily for all the nostalgia junk-
ies like me the figures are making a
big comeback. Although many of the
buyers are older Star Wars fans, there
are quite a few kids out there scarf-
ing them up too. As TEC staff writer.
ECU graduate student and Star Wars
fan Dale Williamson puts it. "Star
Wars has influenced much of the en-
tertainment we have today. We are
nostalgic about it because of how it
first affected our imaginations, and we
want that for our children as well
Beginning late last year. Kenner
Toys began releasing a new line made
with new molds for the '90s con-
sumer, each costing about $5 apiece.
Princess Leia now sports a massively
muscular physique and Luke looks
strikingly similar to professional
wrestler Lex Luger. Despite those
flaws, the figures are flying off the
shelves faster than the Millennium
Falcon in hyperdrive. Everybody can
once again own their vevy own Boba
It appears that the market for
these hunks of plastic is so strong
that in less than a year the collect-
ible price for Princess Leia or Lando
Calrissian (two of the harder to find
figures) is as high as 40 to 50 dol-
lars. And it's not stopping there.
Plans call for an almost never-end-
ing line of new figures, possibly
eclipsing the colossal numbers of the
original release.
Considering how much interest
there is now, by the time the next
trilogy of new films appears Lucas
may very well conquer the world by
bankrupting it.
most all the actors are stuck play-
ing the worst kind of Hollywood
stock characters.
So we get Randy Quaid as the
Alcoholic Crop-Duster who Saw
Too Much in Nam.
We get Will Smith as the Cocky
Black Fighter Pilot (basically, that's
Will Smith in a flight suit).
We get Judd Hirsch as the
Crotchety Old Jewish Father.
We get Jeff Goldblum as the Re-
ally Smart Guy who gets so caught
up in his own thoughts that
thethethe the words, yes the
words, they, ah, they don't come
out the way they're supposed to
(you know, the guy he's played in
every movie since, ah. The Fly). Oh
yeah, he's Environmentally Con-
scious, too.
The only person who gets to
do much of anything interesting
here is Bill Pullman as the presi-
dent. Pullman gets what is easily
the juiciest part in a rather dry
collection of characters with his
Gulf War hero president, a reason-
able man of peace who. once all the
facts are on the table, takes deci-
sive action.
Also to Independence Day's
credit is the handling of the inva-
sion itself. The special effects are
very nice indeed, and they didn't
blow the best shots (that is, those
that look the least like models) in
the commercials. The arrival of the
alien ships is pretty awe-inspiring,
for example, and some of the dog-
fight sequences are also quite thrill-
The aliens are appropriately
equal opportunity employer, mf
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evil and creepy. Their technology
is some of the best sci-fi design
work I've seen in a long time; all
the various ships are variations on
the basic flying saucer design, from
the small two-man fighters all the
way up to the huge Mother Ship
that stays in orbit.
Devlin and Emmerich even tie
the whole thing into our existing
UFO abduction mythology, right
down to visiting the top-secret gov-
ernmental alien research facility,
Area 51. These sequences, in fact,
are some of the best in the film,
giving us the only scenes of the
aliens in action outside their ships
and establishing them as success-
ful villains. Blowing up a bunch of
cities is all well and good, but un-
til we see our heroes face-to-face
with the bad guys, they remain a
vague, impersonal threat.
So yes, Devlin and Emmerich
hit all the alien invasion notes cor-
rectly. The problem is. those notes
are pretty obvious ones. Anybody,
given the formula and a halfway
decent video dub of The Day the
Earth Stood Still, could have
cobbled this script together.
Of course, I'm a big fan of
these movies. I've seen a million
alien races attempt to take over the
Earth in a million different movies.
This is very familiar ground. For a
more mainstream audience, how-
ever, maybe it's fresh and different
and new.
But not for me. Despite Inde-
pendence Day's flag-waving good
time of a climax, and its nice spe-
cial effects, I can't say I found it
much more than mediocre. With so
much stuff fighting for screen time,
the film ultimately chokes on its
own poorly-chewed conceptual
On a scale of one to ten, Inde-
pendence Day rates a six.
OlUivDY from page 5
such as on "Plead the Fifth The
song starts out excitingly different
from the others and proves itself to
be as musically sound as the first
couple of tracks, but Lovell's growls
break the groove and lower the com-
plete song.
In fact, about the only highlight
song left after "Shakin' My Head"
is "Any Mere Mortal Instead of
jumping right into the song like
usual The Lemons build up to a cli-
max and kick a pounding groove
until the end.
Overall, Sturdy is a pretty mu-
sically sound album. The Lemons
pull from the punk stylings of The
Ramones on "Come Ta Grips" and
are reminiscent of The Kinks at the
beginning of "Flack Pulling on this
wide a range of influences helps the
band to achieve a high level of
achievement musically. Too bad for
them that Lovell's growl drags the
whole effort down. Another bad
point for them is the narrow sound
of Sturdy. There is only so much a
band a can do with basic driving riffs
and pounding rhythm. That recipe
was okay this time, but the album
shows no real diversity and leaves
me wondering what they'll do next.
Hopefully by opening for such
a diverse range of bands as Circle
Jerks, Cheap Trick and Fear they are
learning new things and will be able
to spread their sound out some in
the future.
"Last year I had an opportunity to live on campus and be
a winner. But instead I chose to live off campuswhat a
mistake. I got stuck with utility, phone and cable bills.
The security deposit I had to pay for the apartment really
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and then wash all the messy dishes. I even had to clean
my own bathroomYuck! I didn't have time to meet new
friends because I had to spend so much time cleaning
my apartment�not to mention shopping for groceries. I
had an 8:00 class, and searching for a commuter parking
space was a big headache. If I had lived on campus, I
could have just walked to class. Boy, did I learn from my
mistakes. Now I'm back on campus with my friends!
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I lllll � I
Wednesday, July 10, 1996
The East Carolinian
Football team
finds new home
ill's ec programs roll
through summer
Dill Dillard
Senior Writer
The new trend these days
for professional sports fran-
chises is to threaten to move if
the city doesn't provide a new
stadium or arena.
Well, sports fans, there's
trouble in the Queen City.
That's right, the Charlotte Hor-
nets are stirring a ruckus in
the NBA community. At least
the fine folks in the front of-
fice are.
Let me give you the situa-
tion. The Hornets' owner, as
well as founder, George Shinn,
is not satisfied with his team
playing in a multi-million dol-
lar arena that is less than a de-
cade old. HMMMM. I guess I
should give you my prognosis
of the situation.
I know the new fad for pro-
fessional franchises is threaten-
ing to move if they don't get
the facilities they so desire. For
example, the Houston Oilers
moving to Nashville. The last
few years the city couldn't care
less what happens to the team.
Attendance is low, interest is
way low and the maintenance
as well as field quality is inhu-
manely lov.
I mean folks, (to imitate
Jeff Foxworthy) "if you stop
play at a NFL game because
you have to patch up the astro-
turf, you might need to get a
new stadium Now that's a
need for either a new stadium
or a new location.
Now when you talk about
the Hornets, that's another
situation. There is no real in-
terest or fan support problems
for Shinn's troop, and this isn't
an 80-year-oid rattrap they're
playing in. It is one of the top
notch arenas in the NBA.
Sure, a downtown arena
would be more convenient for
other teams coming in. but
George, let's think about what
you're saying here. You want
to build an arena in place of a
20.000 seat capacity facility
that is usually sold out to start
with, just for a more conve-
nient location?
George, check the fan sug-
gestion box, pal. I think your
fans, the folks that pay the bills
when it comes to pro sports,
don't want to see a new arena.
I think you gave them one
thing they've been wanting, a
new coach.
Now the other thing that
Hornets fans do want to see is,
yes. a renovation in the Char-
lotte Coliseum. It's not extra
luxury boxes. No, not a new
scoreboard. It's a new piece of
the hardwood that says "1997
NBA Finals
Cathy Biondo
Rec Services
Interested in getting fit for the summer or just relaxing? Recreational
services offers something for everyone, from aerobics to movies.
The rec services fitness program offers serveral ways to get in shape. The
fitness program provides ways to help build and maintain a healthy lifestyle
with aerobics, personal training and weight rooms.
Work out in Christenbury weight room or Garrett weight room individu-
ally or with a friend. The weight rooms offer a variety of free weights. Nautilus
and cardiovascular machines. If you are more serious about your workout or
want some additional assistance, the fitness program offers personal training
upon your request.
The aerobics classes are already in full swing but it's not too late to drop
in. With your drop-in pass, you can attend any five classes you would like to
try. There are a variety of aerobic classes to choose from including Interval
Power, Step, Aqua Fitness and Belly Busters.
A drop-in ticket costs $7.50 for students and S10 for faculty staff and a
drop-in Belly Busters ticket costs $3 for students and $5 for facultystaff.
Tickets can be purchased in 204 Christenbury.
For those who would like to relax and have some fun, rec services offers
a Natural Life Program. The Natural Life events provide students with non-
alcoholic social events. Some of the fun-filled events include parties. Double
Dare, King & Queen of the Halls. Jimmy Buffett Bingo and Bike-n-Blade Ro-
The Natural Life events are a great opportunity to enjoy a night with
some friends or meet new people. Double Dare is similar to the wacky game
show seen on televison. Register in the fall to get slimed.
If you like bingo, Jimmy Buffett Bingo is the place for you. Buffett Bingo
includes a night of food, prizes, games, Jimmy Buffett music and lots of fun.
For a relaxing summer night under the stars, the Natural Life Program in
conjunction with the Student Union Film Committee and Fleming Hall is
offering Fleming Fresh Air Flicks. On July 11 at 9 p.m. "Raiders of the Lost
Ark" is playing in the Fleming Courtyard. There will be free popcorn and
snowcones, so come out and enjoy the movie.
Rec services offers much more. For more information call rec services at
328-6387 or come by 204 Christenbury.
File photo
East Division- New York
Central Division- Clevland
West Division- Texas
East Division- Atlanta
Central Division- St. Louis
West Division- San Diego
The Pirate football team, seen here in the Liberty Bowl, will now be affiliated with Conference
USA. ECU hopes to begin conference play as early as the 1997 season.
Amanda Ross
Sports Editor
ECU is now breathing a sigh
of relief. The university's quest to
be affiliated with a football confer-
ence has been met.
Over the past year. Conference
USA was showing a lot of interest
in accepting the Pirate football
team into its program. That inter-
est is now a reality and the only
thing left to do is work outthe fine
details of the contract.
ECU will not play in the con-
ference this year, but Athletic Di-
rector Mike Hamrick hopes that
ECU will begin conference play in
A big plus with the affiliation
to the conference is the scheduling
of future non-conference games.
"Over the next eight years our
non-conference games will im-
prove Hamrick said.
Some of the teams scheduled
for the next several years, which in-
cludes games played here in
Greenville and away, include Duke.
Miami. Navy. N.C. State. Syracuse,
Virginia Tech. Wake Forest, and
West Virginia.
Along with the non-conference
games. ECU will play games with
the teams in Conference USA.
Those teams are Cincinnati. Hous-
ton, Louisville. Memphis. Southern
Miss, and Tulane (with Army possi-
bly being added to the conference
later on as well.)
"We will have a great confer-
ence schedule and we are really ex-
cited Hamrick said.
A conference affiliation will
also mean that ECU will have the
chance to play for a national cham-
pionship, something that hasn't
been possible since 1977. Confer-
See FOOTBALL page 9

Drive" to Bradford Creek
Time to
tee it up
at area
Sports Editor
Note: This is
the fourth in a
series about golf
courses in and
around the Pitt
Greenville area.
Bradford Creek
Golf Club here in
Greenville has
been plagued by
bad weather and
bad luck. Forced
to close down for
the majority of
this summer, the
course is ru-
mored to be
ready to re-open
at the end of this
The course is conveniently lo-
cated on Old Pactolus Highway, just
down the road from the Big Splash
driving range. If you don't know
where in the world that is. just take
Greenville Boulevard east towards
Washington (the town, not the
nation's capitol).
When you leave the Greenville
city limits. Greenville Boulevard
turns into alternate 264. Travel
about a mile or two and turn right
at the first light you come to. This
is Old Pactolus Highway. The Big
Splash is about half a mile on the
right, behind Hard Times, and
Bradford Creek is a couple of miles
furher down on the right. You'll
know you're in the right place if you
see an old graveyard in the middle
of the parking lot (yikesl).
As mentioned earlier, Bradford
Creek has been closed for some time
to repair damaged and diseased
greens. When I last played there,
they were using the temporary put-
10 Minute
Water can be
swim for your
a pretty thing to look at and play in; but when you're golfing the object is to avoid having to
balls. Play it safe. Leave it short of the water, hit it well past or expect to grab a snorkel.
ting surfaces, which was like putting
in your yard. 1 missed a two-foot
birdie putt on one of those things.
That sucked.
Anyway, the rest of the course,
excluding the greens, is pretty good.
The fairways are of nice quality, and
with the exception of two holes, are
straight on and wide open (which is
how I like em).
The first fairway is parallel to
the practice range, giving me and
my fellow slicers an opportunity to
lose a ball to start with. There is
another graveyard between fairways
two and four. If I hit a ball in there,
I'm not going to get it. They should
have a "Bradford Creek Halloween
Holiday Tournament" in October.
Holes 12 and 13 offer dog legs
for the eager golfer. There is a suffi-
cient amount of water and thick
brush to make you take some drops,
and plenty of sand for you to cuss
at. A wise man said one time that
the best sand shot was not to hit it
in the sand at all.
This is a Scottish style course
equiped with a few grass-filled bun-
kers (Or were they greens?). If you
saw Jack Nicklaus at the Scottish
Open last year, you know that it took
the Golden Bear 17 strokes to get
out of one of those bunkers. Don't
be afraid, though. I personally don't
think they're as bad as that.
The cart paths are the only
paved ones in town, and the club
house, which is still under construc-
tion, is a huge facility and is ex-
pected to be very plush. There isn't
much shade on the course since it's
out in the farm lands, but there is
usually a good breeze blowing. Take
along some sun screen if you're a
fair skinned golf enthusiast.
Bradford Creek is a brand new
course and is going through some
natural growing pains. In five years
or so. when everything has had time
to grow and fill out, 1 predict this
will be an excellent course.
Back in the spring, the rates
were S10 to ride nine holes and $15
to play the whole course. When they
open back up. the green fees will
probably be about five dollars or so
more than that. Don't hold me to
that, though.
Rating: On a scale ranging From
driver to putter, with putter being
the best. I give Bradford Creek, or
at least the replacement green ver-
sion, a five wood. In due time, this
course has the potential to achieve
a wedge or even a putter status.
It you just want to hit some
balls, the Big Splash aqua driving
range is the place for you. At this
range, you actually want to hit the
ball in the water. Self-billed as "the
country club of driving ranges the
Big Splash offers a large driving fa-
cility with grass and mat tees, a chip-
ping area, a sand area and a putting
green. Buckets of balls range from
about $2.50 for a small bucket to
$8.50 for a large one.
(Huntsville, Alabama) - The
NCAA has placed Alabama A &
M on a five-year probation for
rule violations in soccer and
track. The school also has to for-
feit its 1994 NCAA Division 11
women's outdoor track and field
(San Antonio) - San Anto-
nio Spurs chairman Robert
McDermott, wants to sell the
team for $120 million according
to a published report. The San
Antonio Express-Sews says
there is mounting opposition
within the 21 member ownership
group to the sale of the team to
the Maloof family of New Mexico.
(Portland) - NBA center
Kevin Duckworth is familiar with
people who were arrested for
stealing jewelry from his home.
Police yesterday apprehended
Duckworth's cousin and his
cousin's wife after some $32,000
in jewelry was found in their
apartment. Ronnie and Rebecca
Jo Duckworth have been
charged with aggravated theft.
New York and Philadelphia
have new assistant coaches. The
Knicks have added Brendan
Malone and Tom Thibodeau to
Jeff Van Gundy's staff. Malone
was Toronto's had coach last sea-
son. The 76ers have named Ed
Badger and Bob Ociepka as as-
sistants to first year coach
Johnny Davis.
Walker Lee Ashley, a former
linbacker for the Minnesota Vi-
kings, pleaded guilty Monday to
stealing about S1.300 in public-
funds. .Ashley took money from the
city of Eagan for forging checks the
city had issued in connection with
a youth development program by

The East Carolinian
Wednesday, July 10,1996

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FOOTBALL from page 8

Office 204 Eastbrook Drive
Greenville, NC
ence USA is affiliated with the Lib-
erty Bowl right now, but as
Hamrick pointed out, when the
contract talks are up with all the
conferences and their bowl tie-ins
in about three years, Conference
USA could possibly be affiliated
with another , Nll
ECU is
very familiar
with the Lib-
erty Bowl, go
ing for the past
two years, and
of course win-
ning the bowl
game last year
Earlier in
the talks with
the board of di-
rectors of Con-
ference USA,
there were some problems between
Louisville and the board. Louisville
was concerned about adding an-
other member to the conference
because it would cut down on their
non-conference games. At one
point, there was some speculation
Obviously, that
expansion dealt
with us here at
East Carolina,
and now we are
in the process of
working out the
� Mike Hamrick
whether Louisville would remain a
member of the conference, but ac-
cording to Hamrick, Louisville will
"Louisville and the conference
had some disagreement on some is-
sues, and after some serious discus-
JJ,J , sion they came to
the conclusion
that the best
thing for the con-
ference would be
to expand
Hamrick said.
"Obviously, that
expansion dealt
with us here at
East Carolina,
and now we are in
the process of
working out the
There was
also a lot of
speculation that
the Big East conference was look-
ing to end its affiliation with
Temple and allow ECU to join, since
we play many Big East opponents
and have fared well.
"We did have some discussion
with the Big East but at this time
Conference USA is the direction we
are heading to Hamrick said. "We
need a conference to play football
Besides scheduling perks, be-
ing affiliated with this conference
will boost ECU's participation in
working with other conferences
around the nation, as well as some
of the top football programs in the
"Conference USA is one of the
eight major equity conferences,
therefore we will have a significant
vote in the governing of the NCAA
. If there is ever a national playoff
for a national championship in foot-
ball, I'm sure the eight conferences
will be involved with that playoff.
There are a lot of pluses
Another plus is the national ex-
posure ECU will receive with more
air time on the television.
"They have an excellent televi-
sion contract Hamrick said.
Hamrick sees nothing but posi-
tive things resulting from ECU join-
ing the conference.
"It gives us good scheduling
opportunities, we create rivalries
and we will play for a conference
championship Hamrick said. "We
needed to be in a conference. There
are very few schools that aren't in
a conference and I just don't think
we can survive without being in a
conference, unless you're a Notre
Many schools who have been
traditionally independent football
programs are now seeking affilia-
tions with conferences. Army's fu-
ture with Conference USA is an ex-
cellent example.
"Army is now considering join-
ing a conference, and they have
never been in a conference to my
The future looks promising for
our football program, which has al-
ready made itself nationally known.
Affiliation with the conference will
only strengthen ECU's growth
within football.
"I think the fans are very ex-
cited Hamrick said. "We needed
a home for our football program
and now we have it
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Wednesday, July 10,1996
The East Carolinian
Randall Rozzell
For Rent
For Rent
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
One and two bedroom apart-
ments S285-S340. Water-
sewage, Free Washer-Dryer
Hookups. Quiet location
near Malls and Restaurants.
Call 355-4499
Brasswood apts.
Near Lowes
Jasmine Garden
� walking distance to campus
�pre-leasing for June 16
� 1 and 2 bedroom units
� washerdryer hookups
�All major appliances
Remco East, Inc.
1807 S. Charles Blvd.
Hu.uf lor Ken! . .
Has Hurb'tS Street .RK.ZIviths. Heat fc An Se-euritV
jseni Nirt1 lVr MonthNo lYN
fn 1 i2th street i BK. 112'
Kith (. (.iSpiii;V.i,S.O0 Per
Month. o Pet- 1 S;
�etii'itv 1-VpoMt Required On
Both. Duffus Realty, ine
1 AND 2 BEDROOM Apartments. Duplexes
and Townhouses for rent Many locations to
choose from Currently Prc-Leasing for the Fall
Call Waii.wright Froperty Management 756-
Duplexes. 2br. 2 bath, fireplace, deck, ceiling
fans. S275 - 1 2 utilities. $200 Deposit Lease
available August 1st 7524)097
105 El 1TH ST. 3 BD 1 hath V D. DW. Cen-
tra AC 5640 Month. 830-9502
leges. Female Professional or Graduate Stud-
ent S200 per month plus utilities. Call Eliza-
beth at 355-0687 evenings or Dr. Adlers resi-
dence 355203.
Must like to have fun but also a serious stud-
ent. Smoker preferred Call Brande at 754-0337
or 758-3810
Immediately Two bedroom duplex. W D.
fenced yard S275 - utilities and phone. Must
not mind animals Dead head. Call 756-5340
One bedroom close to campus. Water, sewer,
cable. No deposit Pets okay. Call 752-8985.
Leave a message.
1203 FORBES ST. 1BD 1 Bath WD Hook-
up. Remodeled Kitchen & Bath. Big Rooms.
Nice Yard. Pets OK. Lawncare included S300
month 830-9502
distance to campus. Own room, washer and
drver. and lots of extras. Call 752-8682
115E. 13TH ST. 5BD 2 Bath. W D Hookup.
Stove. Frig. Central Heat Big Rooms. Lots of
Parking. Lawncare included. Pets OK! S850
month. 830-95(12
113 E. 13TH ST. 1 BD 1 Bath Stove. Frig. Cen-
tral Heat AC Unit. Ceiling Fans. Off Street
Parking. Pets OK. Lawncare included S200
month 830-9502
ment with for August Must be responsible up-
perdassman with fun attitude and no parasitic
boyfriend who'd want to move in. Call (910)
HOUSE FOR RENT: Graduate Students only.
Close to Hospital. 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath. Could be 3
Bdrm. Central Heat & Air. Lots of storage.
Urge yard w large dog run. New fridge. Wash
dry hook-ups. One year lease @ S600 mo. Ref-
erences required. Call 321-0278. Available Au-
gust 1st
Come take a walk through the construction
site of our newly renovated complex located
on West Eighth Street.
Brand new 3 bedroom apartments CAMPUS POfflTE
2 full baths " T&
Water and sewer included Managed by
Close to campus and downtown
Laundry facilities on site
6 month or 1 year leases
bedroom house close to campus. $250.00. 1
1 2 bath. Possible Pets. No furniture needed.
Call Kim at 830-9036
mate wanted to share 2 bedroom. 1 1 2 bath
apartment. SI75 month - 1 2 utilities and
phone. Washer - Dryer. Call 754-2419
ed to share three bedroom house on Meade St
Close to Campus. WD. A. C. $242 month -
1 3 bills. Call 752-6999
D1ATELY Two bedroom apartment close to
campus. S200 - 1 2 utilities. If interested please
call 758-3299
113IE. 13TH St 3BD 1 Bath Washer Drver
Frig. Stove. Window A C and Ceiling Fans
Lawncare included. Pets OK! $550 month B30-
share 2 BR apartment near campus. 1 2 rent
& utilities; cable included in rent. W D hook-
ups, dishwasher. Call Dawn 752-8401.
Pitt Property Management
' 758-1921 f.
108a Browntea Dr.
� WESLEY COMMONS: 1 and 2 bed-
room, ranae.refrigerator washer, dryer
hookups, decks and patios in most units,
laundry facility, sand volley court.
Located 5 blocks from campus. Free
water, sewer, cable.
�WYNDHAM CT: 2 bedrooms stove,
reirigerator. dishwasher washerdryer
hookups, patios on 1st floor, located 5
blocks from campus.
appliances water, basic cable. 5 blocks
from campus. New ownership. $375
deposit. $37Smontn
ROOM. $275. on river. watersewef
included, walk -in closet, spacious bed
room on site laundry.
gust 1 to share 2 bedroom. 2 bathroom apart-
ment near campus. Own room and bathroom.
S163 per month. W D. DW. Call 758-4325
115E. 13THST5BD 2 Bath Avail 8-1 $850
Month. S3o-9S02
I EASY-GOING. FUN-LOVTNG. clean roommate
wanted ASAP to share 4-BR house on Jarvis
St. Pet OK. Washer dryer, private room w ca-
ble. M Fcal! 752-9102
house on First and Warren. S200 month plus
1 3 Bills. NEED ASAP. Please call Rich or
Shawn at 931-0940.
105 E. 11TH ST. 3BD 1 Bath W D. DW. Cen-
tral ACS Heat, Nice Private Back Yard. Lawn-
care included. Pets OK' S640 month 830-9502
1205 FORBES ST. 3BD, 1 Bath U D Hook-
up. Remodeled Kitchen & Bath. Central A C
& Heat Nice yard. Pets OK. Lawncare includ-
ed: $500 830-9502
113 E 13TH ST. 1 BD 1 Bath. Avail 6-1 S200
Month 830-9509
bedroom. 1 1 2 bath apartment. Avail. 8-1.
Walking distance to campus. W D hook-ups.
Pets OK. Call 931-0358
great two bedroom. 2 1 2 bath condo with pool
and cable included. Rent S250.0O Please call
- Rare Opportunities - Available June 1st For
$775.00 a month Please contact Yvonne 758-
2616. New Fire System and Security!
College agent Program
Immediate Opportunities for
Self-Motivated, Well Rounded Students in
Good Academic Standing
�Actual business experience for their resume
�Develops networking and business relationship skills
�Flexible work schedule
One in three college agenLs becomes a full time associate upon graduation
jeffery H. Mahoney '217 Commerce Street � (919)355-7700
For Sale
87 FORD TEMPO $500 Call 521 -5593
AKC BASSET HOUND SIX months old. spad.
black and tan. extra large kennel included, all
shots and medicines to a great home, great with
people. S250 (752-95231 (9101 643-8197.
(laptop) 64oK RAM. 20MB Hard Drive. Modem
Tandy JP250 Inkjet Printer. $600 for both. Call
VFR 750 "93" MOTORCYCLE, metallic white,
corbm seat. Yosh pipe, center sta new tire
and chain, optional clock, neve' been down, all
records, excellent shape. 24K j�.20i. 752-9523
WHITE 1992 GEO PRIZM with automatic
steering. A CAM FM cassette stereo and still
under low mileage range. Call 321-7362
3 bedroom 28.12 bath Townhomes
Pets allowed 401b limit. Carport,
balcony exterior storage room.
Amenities washer8.dryer included,
garbage disposal dishwasher. Nothing in
the area compares Reasonably Priced!
Call Pilt Prop. Management at 758-1921
CAST Station in Eastern North Carolina WFXI
Rk B 14 is seeking Two Account Manager's
One to service the Greenville Area and anoth-
er to service the Morehead City. New Bern. Jack-
sonville Area. Candidate must possess strong
communication skills and a willingness to learn
in a fast paced lucrative environment. Broad-
cast sales experience is a plus WFXI Fox 8 &
14 is home of the Carolina Panthers. Dallas
Cowboys, the NFC Football Television Sched-
ule. The 1996 World Series, and Superbowl
XXXI If you are interested in selling the hot-
test station in the market. Please send resume
to GSM WFXI 5441 Television Place. Morehead
City. NC 28557 EEO
mg lor an excellent paying iob give us a call.
Playmates Massage Snow Hill NC 919-747
AIRLINE JOBS - Apr'ications are now being
accepted for domestic & international staff
Flight attendants, ticket agents. reservationists.
ground crew - more. Excellent travel benefits!
Call Airline Employment Services for details.
1206-971-3690 ext L53621
CRUISE SHIPS HIRING Travel the world
while earning an excellent income in the Cruise
Ship & Land-Tour industry- Seasonal & full-
time employment available. No experience nec-
essary For more information call 1-206-971-
3550 ext C53626
ABLE with Northwestern Mutual Life. Must
be good public speaker. Call Jeff Mahoney at
ents Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to
S3.00O-$6,000 per Room and Board!
Transportation! Male or Female. No experience
necessary Call (206) 971-3510 ext A53625
up to $25-45 hr. teaching basic conversation-
al English in Japan. Taiwan, or S. Korea No
teaching background or Asian languages re-
quired. For information call:(206l971-
Bonders needed for Greenville Area. If you are
looking for an excellent paying part-time job
and career experience, give us a call. Black-
weirs Bail Bonding Co. 1 -00-614-9744 pager
or 752-4807
now. for free info call 202-298-0683.
your home. 13 month old girl. Hours vary from
9:0(1 to 5:00. Call after 4:00 any day. Ask for
Tina. 238-2548
KEME.COM scholarships, academic & career
resources, internships, sports, news, entertain-
ment travel music, debates and 1.000's of links
public and private sector grants & scholarships
is now available. All stu-ents are eligible re
gardless of grades, income, or parent's income.
Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1
S35.00 half day. ECU graduate student. Call
Nikki 746-7511 leave message.
a canopy! Two canopies for rent. $125.00 de-
livered and setup oi $80.00 as-is per day De-
posit required 752 5533 Ask for Jenn.
wanted to play in Band Classic and Progres-
sive Rock Please call Steve at 754-2171. Leave

ner to share healing massages Also seeking
Fun-Loving ladies to share music & sunshine.
Write now: DT. POB 8663. Greenville. 27835.
Photos helpful
assist physically disabled student. Must be non-
smoker. Will require about 35 hrs 7 dav vk.
Vacation 1 wkd 6 wks off. Pay is negotiable;
or willing to subsidize rent. Call Kevin at (9191
with flexible hours? ECL' is looking for a few-
good Pirates to contact alumni for the Annual
Fund program $5.00 per hour Contact the
Telefund Office at 3284215
Exciting opportunity to Oin fast growing
telecommunications co Offers great income
potential with less office hours Choose full or
part time and get paid to train others'
Call nowi
Brian Hansley � 32.1 -7313
FRISBEE GOLF SINGLES: Recreational Serv-
ices Frisbee Golf Singles is Julv 17 ft 18 Come
and join the fun 3:00-6:00pm at the Frisbee
Golf Course. For more information call Recrea-
tional Services at 328-6387
INTERESTED IN GOLF? Recreational Serv-
ices is offering Golf Singles The entry dead-
line is July 16 at 5:00pm in 204 Christenbury
Gym. For more information call Recreational
Services at 328-6387.
Academy is trying to find a room for a male
student Inative of Thailand) from Julv 22 - Au-
gust 23 Must be near campus or on the ECU
bus route Anvone wanting to earn some extra
cash please call Mike at 328399 lor Addition-
al information.

The East Carolinian, July 10, 1996
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 10, 1996
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