The East Carolinian, June 21, 1995

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June 21,1995
Vol 69, No. 96
The East Carolinian
Circulation 5,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
10 pages
SGA break-in under investigation
Around the State
(AP) - As the population
booms in the tiny 1'ender County
community of Rocky Point, new
subdivisions are springing up.
And a modern gas station is re-
placing the Trading Post.
It's the same scene all across
the Cape Pear region. As
Wilmington continues to grow,
more and more people are flee-
ing the city and other urban ar-
eas, looking lor a rural lifestyle,
a slower pace, cheaper houses and
lower taxes.
But they've brought with
them some city like problems, cre-
ating demand for services that
just aren't available in rural ar-
And if history is any measure,
meeting that demand will some-
day carry a price.
It happens in all metropoli-
tan areas eventually. Traffic, taxes
and high-paced city lite drive
people to look for a peaceful al-
In the Wilmington area,
people arc finding it in such
places as Rocky Point, about a 20-
minute drive up Interstate 40 in
Pender County, and in the new
developments along NC. 133 near
Belville in Brunswick County, a
short five-mile commute from
downtown Wilmington.
Around the Country
(AP) - Mother Teresa dedi-
cated a shelter in the nation's
capital lor women and their new-
borns Monday with the goal of
preventing abortions.
She was joined by Hillary
Rodham Clinton, who said the
shelter "will grow to have mean-
ing in people's lives as lives here
are saved and changed
The first lady pleaded for
more people to adopt children, cit-
ing some 400,000 children in or-
phanages across the country. She
urged people not to be discour-
aged by a Jew high-profile cases
in which courts have taken chil-
dren from adoptive parents.
Around the World
(API - A released Canadian
peace-keeper said in Zagreb,
Croatia. Monday that he feared for
his life on the first day of his cap-
tivity when Bosnian Serbs shack-
led him tu an ammunition dump
as a deterrent against more NATO
air strikes.
An image of Capt. Patrick
Rechner. chained to a pole and
blinking in the sunlight, flashed
around the world May 26. the day
Bosnian Serbs seised U.N. peace-
keep. - ifter NATO planes
bombed an ammunition dump
near their Pale headquarters.
(AP) - Discord between Brit-
ain and the Irish Republican
Army's political allies has mired
Northern Ireland peace talks and
put the IRA's 10-month-old truce
under severe strain.
Britain reatfirmed its deter-
mination Monday to disarm the
outlawed IRA, its goal in six
months of painstaking talks with
the IRA allied Sinn Fein party.
Club solicitation
possibly linked to
university labels
Stephanie Lassiter
ECU Police are investigating an
alleged breaking and entering of the
Student Government Association
(SGA) office following complaints
that orientation students received a
mailing from a local nightclub us-
ing copies of university-generated
address labels.
Dean of Students Ronald
Speier would not comment on who
is being investigated tor the break-
in. but did say he sees a connection
between the mailing labels used by
The Elbo and those ordered from
the university by SGA President Ian
When Eastman was questioned
about the labels, he told Speier he
thought his office had been entered
by a perpetrator. Speier said he be-
came suspicious when he found the
labels ripped at the perforations and
out of the order in which they were
printed. Speier said he helieves the
labels were ripped apart, photocop-
ied and returned to the SGA office.
Eastman told TEC he had no idea
why the labels were ripped apart.
The disarray and separation
led me to believe that these labels
were in fact the labels used (by the
Elbo) Speier said. "The president
of student government informed me
that his office was entered into ille-
gally and that the labels were sto-
len The SGA labels are currently
in Speier's possession.
On Monday, June 12. Speier
told Betty Hardee. associate direc-
tor of university unions for
Mendenhall operations, to call the
Questions loom
over pay change
ECU Police to begin a criminal in-
vestigation for breaking and enter-
Speier said after evaluating a
mailing which he was given by the
parent of an orientation participant.
he could tell the labels were photo-
copies of labels printed by the uni-
"It was in fact an East Carolina
University label Speier said.
The mailing included a welcom-
ing letter from Elbo owner Kirby
Bryson, a membership application,
a map showing the route from Col-
lege Hill to the Elbo and several free
passes. It reached the homes of the
second group of orientation stu-
dents just days before they arrived
on campus for orientation.
Bryson invited the new stu-
dents to The Elbo Room for a "full
line of specials each night Speier
noted only a handful of freshmen
students are of legal drinking age.
Sgt. Michael Jordan, the case in-
vestigator, is on vacation this week.
hut Police Chief Teresa Crocker said
the inv stigation will continue next
week. Because the mailing sug-
gested the use of alcohol, the Alco-
See SGA page 3
The Elbo Room
Grtmvillt NC. 17S5S
I would like to lake this opportunity to welcome you to Cast Carolina University
and wish you the best of success in your future endeavors I would also like to extend to
you a personal invitation An invitation to be my guest at one of ECC"s students favorite
gathering spots for 25 years. The FJbo Room
Our facility has a full line of specials ea.n night, dance floor, game room, and all of
the music today's college student is looking for. and all at prices you can afford To r.iAe
it even more affordable, you can use the membership application enclosed to receive one
to two dollars off the admission price every night plus bring you' friends from other
schools as a guest when they come to visit
Elbo memberships will be on sale during orientation, the cost is just five dollars for
four years (your entire time at ECU) Your savings will pay for your membership within a
month, usually But before you spend any money for a membership, use the enclosed free
passes, come downtown, and see for yourself why ECU students have made the Elbo the
place to relax after each days classes for 25 years1
After you've finished with the days orientation activities, use the enclosed passes
(there's one for each night you are here) along with your student ID or computer card at
the door to get in free If you would like to take advantage of the membership sale, fill
out the card, bring it to along, and one of our staff will assist you in filling it out so you
will have it to use when you return in the fall There's also a map enclosed to help you
find our location, which is walking distance from campus
1 will be looking forward to meeting you, and my staff and I will be preparing
everything including lots of free prizes and piza to make your visit to our club a most
enjoyable and entertaining experience Sec you a: orientation.
Kirby ! Bryson
General Manager
Orientation students received a personal invitation, as well
as free passes to attend the Elbo during their visit to ECU.
Stephanie Lassiter
Editor's Note: This story is a fol-
low up to "Pay change breaks stu-
dents " which was printed in the June
14 TEC. '
As pay day u
finally draws
near for work-
study and self-
help students,
many are still
wondering why
they never re-
ceived word of a
pay day delay or -
who was respon-
sible for the de-
Although the original decision to
delay paying students was made in
early March, minimal notification was
made to students causing some con-
fusion and frustration. Furthermore.
Comptroller Dan Bishop said students
served on a task force to make pay-
roll changes, but later told TEC dur-
ing an interview Friday, June 16 that
no students were present.
As reported mTEC on June 14.
Comptroller Dan Bishop said students
I was just doing it
as a compromise
and trying to
satisfy student
� Dan Bishop
are being paid on June 23 as a com-
promise. Because of a change in com-
puter systems, students were origi-
nally supposed to be paid June 30.
"I was just doing it as a compro-
mise and trying to satisfy student re-
quirements Bishop said.
Bishop, the
comptroller, is re-
sponsible for
proper use of uni-
versity funds.
Nora Case,
payroll supervisor.
said the change af-
fected 1.103 self-
help and work
study students em-
ployed on the June
payroll. During the
spring and fall se-
mesters, more
than 2,000 students are employed in
self-help or work-study positions.
Millie Murphrey. secretary for the
Student Government Association
(SGA) office, said she received notifi-
cation of the first payroll change only
through word of mouth. She did re-
ceive a notice on June 6 regarding the
June 23 compromise. Murphrey said
the late notice on June 6 hindered get-
See PAY page 3
Artistic Endowment
Photo by KEN CLARK
Student Store Manager Mike Coston presented a $2,000 check to Vice Chancellor of
University Unions Rudolph Alexander and PaceSetters' President Myrna Bruner for the
Performing Arts Endowment. The award was given June 13 in Alexander's office.
Alexander retires after 33 years No arrests made in
Laura Jackman
Staff Writer
��� ��
In 19H2. Fast Carolina was still
a college, houses and trees existed
where Mendenhall is now. Ficklen
Stadium still had wooden bleach-
ers and a man named Rudolph
Alexander took a job as the assis-
tant dean of student affairs. Over
the next 33 years, he would become
a valuable university leader and
leaves us in his final position as
assistant vice chancellor of univer-
sity unions.
On June 30, after a full day's
work, Alexander will retire from
ECU, taking with him a career full
of expansion, hard work and most
importantly, fun.
"Some years I've worked as
many as 150 to 200 nights, as well
as full time days, but I didn't care
because it was fun Alexander said.
"I've always had fun in my job and
I pity anyone that doesn't
As assistant dean. Alexander
advised the Student Government
Association (SGA). was in charge of
booking and contracting SGA pro-
grams, worked with off campus
groups who used some of the
school facilities, oversaw the calen-
dar of events and worked with
other various student groups.
"1 developed a position and in-
creased my responsibilities, and
over the years, that position ex-
panded a great deal he said.
The expansion of his position
included an up-grade from a part-
time secretary to a full-time staff
of 33. Alexander also witnessed the
separation of student media and
student programs from the control
of the SGA. He set up the Central
Ticket Office: he also served on and
was in charge of the committee that
renovated Wright Auditorium.
"I'm proud to have a role in
making Wright Auditorium what it
is today, and all of that was done
in a peaceful and harmonious way
he said.
Alexander is credited with
booking more than 200 events an-
nually, and attracting more than
125.000 persons for various cul-
tural events, entertainment, recre-
ation and social activities.
In the summer of 1974.
See RETIRE page 3
Spent cartridges
found outside
downtown club
Tambra Zion
New Editor
Eight or nine gunshots were
fired from a car outside a down-
town club late Sunday night, ac-
cording to Greenville police re-
ports. The shooting followed and
may be related to an earlier scuffle
in the Elbo Room.
"It was around two o'clock
and they (the suspects) were dis-
cussing something in the corner
there was no music on said
Elbo owner Kirby Bryson. "Some-
body drove out of the parking lot
and fired some shots
Bryson said the incident oc-
curred after some bouncers es-
corted three suspects to the door.
He has owned the Elbo, located at
417 Cotanche Street, for several
years and said he has never expe-
rienced an incident like this before.
"There was some sort of fight
a bunch of bouncers broke it
up said Senior Tracy Zivin. an
Elbo patron who was present at
the time of the shooting. "After
that I was getting ready to walk
out the door when I heard four or
five shots fired people came
rushing back in. somebody said
hit the deck
Zivin grabbed her roommate
and hid against a wall in the build-
See SHOOT page 3
Strange things lurk undergroundpage 3
Did TV taint the image of nam?page 4
Bloom leaving ECUpage
Partly cloudy
High 85
Low 65
Partly cloudy
High 84
Low 65
Phone 328 - 6366 Fax 328 - 6558
The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg. 2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;across from Joyner

fHr w 4r-l�iXPai�.�HiinpPl' i,i.
Wednesday, June 21,1995
The East Carolinian
June 14
Assist rescue � A student was transported from Christenbury Gym-
nasium to Pitt County Memorial Hospital after falling and hitting his
head while playing basketball.
Breaking and entering- A student reported that someone attempted
to break into his vehicle while it was parked east of the Croatan. A win-
dow was broken out during the process.
June 15
Larcenybreaking and entering - A staff member Jenkins Art Build-
ing reported that someone had stolen a color monitor. Entry was possi-
bly gained by a key found broken off in the door.
Harassing phone calls - A student reported that her ex-boyfriend
was making harassing phone calls to her
Assist rescue - A non-student was found incoherent in her car on
Ficklen Drive. She was on her way to Florida coming from Arizona when
she became confused and ended up in North Carolina. Greenville rescue
took her to Pitt County Memorial Hospital where she was admitted.
Contact was made with her son in Florida concerning her welfare.
June 16
Damage to property � A glass door and window were found dam-
aged at Wahl-Coates School.
June 17
Prostitutionaiding and abetting prostitution - A non-student was
arrested for prostitution in the Fifth and Reade Streets parking lot An-
other non-student was arrested for soliciting of prostitution.
Electrical fire - The elevator motor for the freight elevator in the
Brody Building caught on fire. Greenville Fire Department and ECU's
on-call electrician located the problem and turned off the elevator.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from official ECU police reports.
Replacement search halted
Yarbrough to
remain in
academic affairs
another year
Andi Powell Phillips
Staff Writer
The position of ECU's vice chan-
cellor of academic affairs has been
filled, but only temporarily. Dr.
Tinsley Eugene Yarbrough has
agreed to continue serving the of-
fice for another year, until a replace-
ment can be found.
Yarbrough stepped in as interim
vice chancellor for academic affairs
when the previous vice chancellor,
Dr. Marlene Springer, was appointed
president of the College of Staten
Island last summer.
"Dr. Yarbrough has served as in-
terim vice chancellor of academic af-
fairs during the '9495 year and his
performance has been splendid
said Chancellor Richard Eakin. "1
am delighted he agreed to continue
serving and 1 look forward to work-
ing with him in the coming year
Yarbrough said he will spend
another year in the office because
he is needed, but looks forward to
returning to his regular duties as a
political science professor.
"I enjoy working with Dr. Eakin,
his staff and the various deans and
directors, but my heart is in teach-
ing and research Yarbrough said.
"I teach such classes as Constitu-
tional Law, Civil Liberties and, of
course, the basic political science
classes that everyone has to suffer
Yarbrough said it was not his
decision as to whether he would be
called to serve again next year if the
search fails.
"I feel confident the search will
be successful this year he said.
"There were several factors working
against us in last year's search that
won't be this year. For example,
when interviews for the position
took place last year, the indication
was that Dr. Eakin was leaving and
I believe that was of some concern
to some of the candidates. Without
that factor, I feel we will have a suc-
cessful search next year
Dr. Mary Ann Rose, assistant to
the chancellor for special assign-
ments and equal employment oppor-
tunity officer, headed last year's
search committee. She said the pro-
cess is a lengthy one, but it is not
uncommon for the first search to
"After the committee forwards
our recommendations to the chan-
cellor, it goes to chance Rose said.
"He can say thank you, but 1 don't
like any of these candidates, start
over, or I'll take over from here.
Then it is out of our hands.
"The committee does not offer
jobs or negotiate salaries or any-
thing along those lines, we simply
find the best candidates and brini?
them to the campus for interviews
and then make recommendations
based on those interviews and other
Last year's search brought four
candidates from Hawaii, Washington
state, New Mexico and West Virginia.
Rose said each candidate had meet-
ings with groups such as the faculty
senate, the chancellor and his staff,
graduate school representatives and
the deans and directors in academic
affairs. An open meeting was also
held for anyone wishing to meet the
candidates. At the end of this pro-
cess, however, the chancellor did not
name a permanent replacement.
"Due to a combination of fac-
tors the search was not successful
Eakin said. "I could not specify one
certain thing as the reason. We hope
to resume the search in the fall and
fill the office for the '9697 school
Rose was unaware of whether
the previous search committee would
be re-appointed, or if a new commit-
tee would be formed at interview
"If the chancellor would like us
to continue, we are ready to go to
work, Dut if he chooses to appoint a
new committee, we would be glad to
step down Rose said.
Vice chancellor to focus on funds
J. Miles Layton
Staff Writer
Elementary kids
surf Internet
ECU helps eastern
schools gain
on-line access
Toby Russ
Staff Writer
The ECU School of Education has
joined with elementary and secondary
schools throughout northeastern North
Carolina to form a computer network
called EastNet
The schools use EastNet to gain
access to the Internet and LeamingNet,
a service provided by ECU faculty that
elementary and secondary teachers can
access to ask questions about science,
math, social studies and communica-
"We started the project in mid-
January, and its success has turned out
to be quite phenomenal said Dr.
Emmett Floyd, director of the Eastern
North Carolina Consortium for Assis-
tance and Research in Education
More than 1,600 teachers and fac-
ulty throughout northeastern North
Carolina have accessed the Internet
since the project began
"We initially started with two
schools and now have schools in 27
counties that have access to EastNet
Floyd said.
The LeamingNet portion of the
project is designed to allow teachers to
ask for assistance from any branch of
ECU faculty, not just the School of Edu-
A group of teachers and media spe-
cialists are reviewing the Internet ser-
vices to determine what will be useful
to the North Carolina Standard Course
of Study. Parents will also have some
The service is geared more toward
the elementary schools than secondary
"Previously, these services were
only available at high schools, so we
wanted to do something for elementary
students so they could get used to us-
ing the Internet" Floyd said.
The students have used the
Internet more than expected.
"Since March 1, we have had
13,891 individuals log-on to the system
Floyd said.
"That adds up to 5,741 telephone
hours. We thought it would take 18
months to two years to achieve this kind
of success
A national search and 80 can-
didates later, a new associate vice
chancellor for institutional advance-
ment has been appointed.
Malcolm Woodall will be raising
money for the Shared Visions pro-
gram which enhances university
The new associate vice
chancellor's varied background will
make his fundraising duties pos-
sible. Woodall grew up in Pitts-
burgh, Pennsylvania where he went
to Pointe College to major in En-
glish. He paid for school by using
his musical talents as a drummer in
a local band. After graduation,
Woodall became director of disaster
relief for the Red Cross, where he
led the relief efforts for the
Johnstown flood.
Woodall said the stress of such
a challenging job taught him a lot.
"This job (Red Cross) allows you
to function under pressure and to
work with a variety of people under
a stressful environment Woodall
He gained valuable experience
in sales and marketing from Equi-
table Life Insurance, the second larg-
est insurance company in the United
States, before deciding to return to
To pay for a master's degree in
public administration at the presti-
gious Carnegie-Mellon University,
Woodall worked in the development
office where he received more than
an education.
"I discovered that I liked to
work with people and be involved
with a good product Woodall said.
"I found I could use those sales
skills for a university
Woodall said he was attracted
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to the university setting because of
the diversity, youth and intelligent
He worked his
way into the posi-
tion of vice presi-
dent for institu-
tional advancement
at Carnegie-Mellon
where he raised the
school's funds to
new levels and es-
tablished the first
overseas office in
Woodall became interested in
the position at ECU after seeing an
ad in the Chronicle of Higher Edu-
"I wanted to come into a larger
institution and help it go to next
Woodall said.
"My goal is to
the best job I
can do here.
"I am de-
lighted to be
here and ex-
cited about
to work with
the university
and take East
Carolina University to the next level
of fundraising
At Carnegie-Mellon, Woodall
raised $16 million through corpo-
"I discovered that
I liked to work
with people and
be involved with a
good product
� Malcolm Woodall
rate donations.
He said his greatest accomplish-
ment at the school was meeting his
future wife, a Yale graduate.
Beyond the office, Woodall is an
avid Beatle fan. He first saw the
popular rock group live in a Pitts-
burgh arena.
"I liked their personalities, the
way they put their music together
was unique and it changed every
year Woodall said. "The Beatle phi-
losophy was that they would never
create an album they could not do
Woodall other interests include
poetry. He has had a few works pub-
lished and has hosted some poetry
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The East Carolinian
Wednesday, June 21, 1995
Disney set to build new park
(AP) - The Walt Disney Co. an-
nounced plans today to build a
fourth theme park in Central
Florida. Disney's Wild Animal King-
dom, featuring beasts from real life
and mythology.
Walt Disney Chairman Michael
Eisner called the new park "a cel-
ebration of animals that ever or
never existed at a news confer-
ence this morning.
Disney had held off making a
formal commitment to the $760 mil-
lion-plus. 500-acre project largely
because of declining attendance,
but Eisner said attendance has
been rebounding.
"We don't feel our business is
anything but extremely strong. Walt
Disney World is having a banner
year Eisner said.
The new park is due to open
in 1998. The centerpiece will be a
' "Tree of Life a swirl of animal im-
ages that will be larger than Space-
ship Earth at Epcot Center.
The Disney World complex cur-
rently includes the Magic Kingdom,
Epcot Center and the Disney-MGM
Studios. The company already has
cleared a huge area for the new
park on property west of the stu-
The 500-acre animal park will
include the sort of high-tech thrill
rides found in other Disney parks.
But the new theme park also aims
to deliver lessons on conservation
and wildlife protection, both in its
rides and through research and
other programs.
The park would ultimately in-
clude themed "lands" connected by
a central hub: Africa, which takes
visitors on a mock safari: the Beastly
Kingdom, focusing on mythological
creatures; and Dinoland, with dino-
saurs as the theme.
Ivfc 1 HvJC from page 1
Alexander moved into his fourth
and final office in the new
Mendenhall Student Center.
"I was part of the planning
committee for Mendenhall and I
feel very proud to be part of that
too Alexander said.
While there, he developed the
Performing Arts Program, formed
the Student Unions to take over the
student programs and entertain-
ment and served as administrator
of the media board.
"Rudy Alexander has had a long
and distinguished career at East
Carolina said Chancellor Richard
Eakin. "He has many accomplish-
ments here, and most noticeably, is
his strong leadership with the Per-
forming Arts
Alexander's loyalty to ECU is
not all business-related though.
"I received both my Bachelor's
and Master's degree from here when
ECU was still a college he said. "I
could have gone somewhere else to
work but I didn't want to. I love this
In addition to all the programs
Alexander has been a part of, he has
been recognized for all his hard
work time and time again. Awards
include The Fannie Taylor Award for
Distinguished Service to the Per-
forming Arts by the Association of
College. University and Community
Arts Administrators, as well as the
Programmer of the Year Award.
Alexander was acknowledged in The
Marquis Who's Who in Entertain-
ment in 1992.
"Alexander is a special person
who has contributed so much to the
university said Vice Chancellor of
Student Life Al Matthews. "He will
be sorely missed
As the day draws near when
Alexander walks out of Mendenhall
for the last time, he is spending his
time planning the next phase of his
"I plan to travel a little bit and
I like to garden, both vegetable and
yard work. I still feel young at heart
and I have lots of enthusiasm he
"Somebody asked me how many
days I have left and I said I don't
know, I'm not counting
What Alexander does know is
that he is leaving ECU "feeling very
proud of the things we have done,
Greenville. NC
from page 1
Parkvictv I Kingston Place
is now
New Look - New Management
New and newly renovated 1 and 2 bedroom, 2 bath
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with washers and dryers, free cable and water.
Pool, clubhouse & more. ECU bus service.
hoi Law Enforcement (ALE) is also
involved in the investigation. The
ALE works with the state police to
investigate crimes dealing with alco-
hol abuse.
During orientation planning,
university organizations were offered
the opportunity to order mailing la-
bels of all incoming students. Use of
the labels was strictly limited to offi-
cial university organizations for ap-
proved use. Only three sets of labels
were ordered. The first set, ordered
by Student Leadership Development,
has not been picked up. The second
set, ordered by Army ROTC, was
used for a mailing under the super-
vision of Capt. Bill Pitts. The third
set was ordered by SGA.
Dale Emery, SGA vice-president,
said summer mailings are part of his
responsibility, yet he never arranged
Mass Schedule:
Sun: 11:30 AM and 8:30 PM
Wed: 5:30 PM
All Masses are at the Center
Fr. Paul Vaeth Chaplain & Campus Minister
and I emphasize we
Many people believe part of
what makes Rudy Alexander so spe-
cial is his attitude towards team-
work. "We are all part of the uni-
versity picture and we compliment
the academic program very well.
Once again, I'm very proud to have
been apart of it
Finding a replacement for
Alexander may not be easy but, "we
have started the process for a replace-
ment Matthews said. "We'd love to
have someone by the fall
In the meantime, the halls of
Mendenhall will be a little quieter,
but full of wonderful memories.
"I've personally enjoyed working
with Rudy Alexander and I wish him
all the best in his future Eakin said.
to send anything to the new students.
SGA Secretary Millie Murphrey con-
firmed that Eastman ordered the la-
bels through her at least six weeks
"We hadn't talked about doing
the mailings since the elections
Emery said.
Eastman said SGA was planning
to send the new students a three-step
flier about SGA, but a flier had not
been designed. Eastman said he was
waiting to receive envelopes before
designing a flier.
"Nothing was mailed out
Eastman said. "We were waiting for
the envelopes to come in
At the time of the alleged break-
in Emery had Eastman's keys to the
SGA office, but Emery said he had
no involvement in the incident.
"I would never do anything to
jeopordize my position Emery
Because the labels are of stu-
dents who are not currently enrolled
at East Carolina University, they are
only available from the university and
are strictly for university use. Speier
said he had discussed this with
"The university does not make
available lists or gum labels of stu-
dents to non-affiliated organizations
or agencies he said. "The list that
was secured (by The Elbo) was of ori-
entation participants who are not yet
enrolled at East Carolina University
and are not yet students at the uni-
versity. Therefore any information
about them is not yet circulated
Speier said he has received com-
plaints from many orientation parents
since the Elbo mailing was received.
The orientation presentation has been
adapted to address the issue.
"It came across like we supplied
the labels he said. "I can tell you
that in no way did the university sup-
port this. Anybody involved is going
to be held accountable. This is a pub-
lic trust issue
oilUU JL from page 1
"Whoever saw it said he fired
straight up in the air Bryson said.
No injuries occurred.
"Basically someone (a patron)
got thrown out and they don't even
know if it's connected said Sgt.
Doug Jackson of the Greenville Po-
lice Department. "They don't even
know who it was. They have some
suspects because they were
thrown out of the Elbo, but that's
mere speculation as far as who did
the shooting
Jackson said the case will not
be investigated because the gun-
shots were fired into the air.
Bryson reportedly recovered four
.380 auto shell casings from the
"Officers were sent when it
happened but when they got
there the suspects had already left
the area
The number of shots fired is
not exactly clear. Police reports
stated eight or nine, Bryson said
he heard two or three and Zivin
heard four or five.
According to police reports, a
bouncer was assaulted during the
"Complainant advised the re-
porting officer that the victim of
assault had been struck about his
person and was bitten by the sus-
pect police reports stated.
Two employees of the Elbo
Room refused comment.
from page 1
ting the word out to many SGA em-
"It was short notice she said.
Although intended to filter down
from the divisional offices to the stu-
dent employees, the message was not
received by all students.
A memo attached to the checks
of all full-time university employees
and graduate assistants notified them
of the payroll switch which would
change their payday from once at end
of the month to twice monthly. No
similar notification was sent to work-
study or self-help students. Had a no-
fi"iiKTinrilirtifrl h lariwdB ;n tv
ther April or May, the message could
have reached all employees.
"Yes, I could have put a note in
the student paychecks Bishop said.
"I didn't feel it necessary
Bishop said the computer system
change to a user friendly system was
made April 3. The payroll department
had the opportunity to notify students
in either their April 15 or May 15
check, but no notification was made.
Instead, a memo was sent to seven
division heads.
"There may have been a break-
down in communications Bishop
said. "And timing is one reason and I
guess if I had to do it again, probably
I would've notified because we felt
that with the communication of a li-
aison person within each division that
was ample notification
Students were scheduled to be
paid June 30, six weeks after their pre-
vious May 15 paycheck. Many stu-
dents complained of the financial bur-
den such a wait would put on them,
therefore the compromise was sug-
gested. Bishop said a task force con-
sisting of representatives from the
divisional areas including the vice
chancellor for student life, athletics
and institutional advancement, payroll
office and the computer centers made
the decision. Bishop later reported
there were no student representatives
in this group as he had indicated ear-
lier to TEC.
"I don't know. I don't know
Bishop said. "There weren't any (stu-
dents) in that meeting
In the past some summer school
work-study and self-help student em-
ployees have been paid on the 15th
of each month, while others were
paid at the end of June and again on
August 15. According to Case, the de-
cision was up to the individual de-
partment based on its own budget.
"University departments are al-
lotted money that they have to use
prior to the end of June 30, so most
of the departments did pay their stu-
dents again on June 30, then they
did not pay them again until Aug. 15
for their July time Case said. This
period, between the end of June and
August 15, would allow for the end
of the fiscal year and the beginning
of a new budget.
Graduate assistants were not af-
fected by this payroll change since
they are classified as university em-
ployees and are paid twice monthly.
During the fall and spring semesters,
approximately 700 graduate students
are employed. The payroll office esti-
mated there are 400 summer gradu-
ate assistants.
In previous years graduate stu-
dents have been paid in one lump
sum for their summer school em-
ployment, but this year a new sys-
tem was developed to pay these stu-
dents in three increments over the
Bishop said paying work-study
and self-help students on a twice
monthly basis is being considered,
but it is difficult because of the high
turnover rate among these students.
TEC wishes
Mr. Rudolph
Alexander a
very happy
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I� � w�to.mriimmHium � w 'i�
Wednesday, June 21, 1995
77ie East Carolinian
Our View
It's a matter of courtesy, really.
The rumors started trickling down sometime early this
month. The university was changing its payroll dates, and we
wouldn't be getting checks on the 15th. Many of us, onlv half-
listening to these little gossip sessions, missed the rumor of
dismissed it as the paranoid ramblings of the campus sewing
Certainly, we reasoned, the university would have notified
us weeks in advance. After all, we counted on this money for
food, rent and textbook. Our lives revolved around our regu-
larly scheduled paychecks. Certainly we would have been told
about any kind of change in that schedule oh, say, six months
in advance as prescribed by law?
But the rumor persisted and finally we had to accept it.
Our pay wasn't coming in on the 15th. Finally, the informa-
tion sifted down that we would instead be paid on the 30th.
In a panic, we ran out to the grocery store and stocked up on
Ramen Noodles and tuna in preparation for the economic siege
that would soon be upon us.
In response to our complaints, the university has moved
our pay day up to this Friday, June 23, with the next check
coming at the end of July. This way, we have a five-week gap
between checks rather than a six-week gap we would have
suffered otherwise.
Well thanks, guys, but it's a little late. We appreciate the
effort, but couldn't you have thought of this earlier? If you're
going to spring sudden schedule change on us, couldn't you
have eased the transition a little from day one? Couldn't you
have planned that five-week gap to begin with? Or better yet,
shouldn't we have been given a little warning?
We'll take the "early" check, thanks, but don't expect us
to act like grateful settlers saved from certain death by the
ECU calvary.
We're not complaining about the change itself, but the
way that change has been carried out. This situation demon-
strates yet again our school's utter lack of concern for the
needs of its students. An awful lot of ink has been spilled in
these pages about such inconveniences as shrinking parking
lots and constant construction, but these situations are just
more symptoms of the same problems.
, The university doesn't give a damn.
Think about that as you eat your sumptuous dinner of
Mac and Cheese tonight and wait for your paycheck to buy
food that wards off malnutrition. And keep it in mind when
you delay the purchase of text books for your second summer
session classes.
It's matter of courtesy, while apparently ECU administra-
tors don't have.
Once again the
university has
proved they
don't give a flip
about the
people who
make it a
When the
decision was
made to
change the
payday, where
were the
TV divides Vietnam views
Television has changed the face
of America. Young Americans
across the country share the com-
mon experiences of Al Bundy,
Seinfeld and O.J. Simpson. Images
of sitcoms, news and game shows
permeate American society. Politi-
cians give speeches about the ad-
verse effect of television and enter-
tainment on America. It seems that
an entire generation of Americans
is growing up in the aura of televi-
Sixty-seven percent of people
surveyed in a 1992 poll said their
primary source of information in
that election was television adver-
tising. TV has become our
country's primary source of news
and information. Images of
Chechnya, Bosnia and Kuwait
flicker across our living rooms only
seconds after they occur on the
other side of the world. Mass com-
munication routinely shapes our
Television and movies can even
affect our perception of historical
events. An entire generation of
Americans has grown up since the
last helicopter took off from the
roof of the Saigon Embassy. Our
perception of Vietnam lies in his-
tory books, Rambo movies and com-
ments from those who lived
through the era. However, televi-
sion left a very different mark on
those alive then.
CNN did not bring an occa-
sional image of a shot down pilot
being tortured in Somalia. Instead,
it carried the reality of war into
American living rooms nightly. It
is difficult for the generation grow-
ing up watching Seinfeld to imag-
ine the impact this had on the fab-
ric of American Society. The
Thomas Blue
Opinion Columnist
shapes out
evening news brought graphic im-
ages of death in Southeast Asia into
American homes every night.
It brought pictures of Vietnam-
ese civilians slaughtered at Mai Lai,
American POWs in Hanoi and
nightly bombing missions over
North Vietnam. Television showed
the Vietnam War every night for
several years before people began
to question our reason for being
there. The Johnson Administration
deployed more troops. A growing
number of Americans asked why.
Scenes of a divided America be-
gan to compete with war footage
on the nightly news. Protesters
marred the 1968 Democratic Con-
vention. College students were
gunned down after having thrown
rocks at National Guardsmen at
Kent State. Meanwhile. 18 and 19
year olds were dying at an unprec-
edented rate in Vietnam.
Many young men sought to
avoid the blood bath in Vietnam.
Some did it overtly by burning draft
cards and protesting. Many tried to
obtain student deferments and
other exemptions to avoid being
drafted. Some went when they were
called. Others didn't. A few young
men volunteered to fight in the war.
Others volunteered to obtain cushy
duty and avoid it.
Vietnam divided American so-
ciety. Political parties, garden clubs
and even families were split over
the war. Television brought the
crystal clear images of this division
into living rooms every night. Col-
leges burned with debates and fires.
America was at war with itself over
the conflict in Vietnam.
This intense conflict lies just
below the surface of American poli-
tics. The aftermath of the Vietnam
War still lurks in a generation of
Americans that grew up glued to
the TV sets watching the nightly
chaos. The division transcends com-
munities, families and even politi-
cal parties.
Television in our generation
carries the fruits of this conflict
into our homes. Reporters ques-
tion why Republican Dan Quayle
and Democrat Bill Clinton did not
serve in Vietnam. Republican Presi-
dential candidate Phil Gramm is
probably preparing his answers for
the same questions. The split over
Vietnam was most obvious during
the President's last State of the
Union Address. Vice President Al
Gore fought in Vietnam. Newt
Gingrich and Bill Clinton did not.
One political party would love
to grab the mantle of patriotism
over Vietnam from the other. How-
ever, the truth is that America was
divided, even across political party
lines then as it is now. Although
Vietnam is no longer beamed into
our homes every evening, it still is
a river of division flowing through
an entire generation of Americans.
The East Carolinian
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor-in-Chief
Tambra Zion, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Brian Paiz, Assistant Sports Editor
Paul Hagwood, Staff Illustrator
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Jack Skinner, Photographer
Ken Clark, Photographer
Darryl Marsh, Creative Director
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Miles Layton, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniel.Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday.
The lead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right
to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be addressed to Opinion Editor,
The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919) 328-6366.
Is there truth in politics?
What I know about politics could
tit on the head of a pin. and that is
more than I want to know. Call me
irresponsible, unpatriotic, unin-
formed, whatever you like, but I hate
politicians to the point that I usually
jump up and turn the channel if one
comes on my television screen. And
this hate I feel, stems from fear.
I honestly fear most politicians
because I fear what they can do once
they are in office. They are all smiles
and promises on the campaign trail,
trying to "win friends and influence
people but once the spotlight dims
and they have a few shadows to prac-
tice politics in, they forget the prom-
ises they made (as if they ever in-
tended to keep them) and, in fact, of-
ten do just the opposite of what they
promised their constituents. Of
course, they spend the next election
making up excuses for the failures in
the previous term and promising to
do a better job the next term - and
they keep getting re-elected!
My belief in the election process
has been shaken more each year
Strom Thurmond has been re-elected
to the Senate. I have never met the
man personally so I cannot comment
on his actual mental faculties, but I
can say that on television the man
appears to be senile and not a little
Andi Powell Phillips
Opinion Writer
i distrust
because they
hire image
moronic. He makes the depiction of
southerners in "The Beverly Hillbil-
lies" look pretty accurate. Why does
he keep getting re-elected? And please
don't say that it's because of people
like me. because as I much as I dis-
like politics and distrust all politicians,
I do vote - for whomever I feel is the
lesser of two or three evils.
I distrust politicians because they
hire image consultants, because other
people (too smart to be politicians)
write their speeches for them, because
they use every local, national and in-
ternational crisis as a photo-op and
because they wear sincere expressions
like props from a third-rate theater
After all of this, the public does
not see one glimpse of the real per-
son behind that politician, they just
see the "package" that has been de-
signed for their mass consumption. I
cannot trust an image. I would like to
see a real man or woman run for of-
fice, just once before I die.
If, when he was accused of smok-
ing pot in college, Bill Clinton had
said. "Yes, I smoked pot in college, it
was stupid and I regret it but I did do
it I would've had a lot more faith
and trust in him. But, by saying he
didn't inhale, I mean please, I felt that
he was treating all of us like idiots
and expecting us to smile and cheer
for him. And the majority of us did.
Here are my hopes for the next
presidential elections: I hope that
there will be a candidate who owns
up to hisher mistakes, who will put
the needs of our country as a whole,
above those of himselfherself and
hisher friends, and that the major-
ity of the voting public will respect
honesty and sincerity enough to go
beyond party politics and petty self-
interest, and elect himher instead of
the candidate with the well-tailored
suit, the $100 haircut and the pocket-
ful of lies to cover-up his past I can
dream can't I?
"In old days books were written by men of
letters and read by the public. Nowadays
books are written by the public and read
by nobody
- Oscar Wilde, British dramatist (1894)

Wednesday, June 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Explore campus oddities
The remnants of
the Cold War
shape ECU today
J. Miles Layton
Staff Writer
The Berlin Wall has come down
but the remnants of the cold war re-
main among other oddities of the
'60s. Fallout shelters, underground
tunnels and a fortress are the last
remains of the turbulent era of the
Cuban Missile crisis and student un-
Over 50 fallout shelters have
been converted back to basements
and classrooms all over campus. Not
to be confused with a bomb shelter
which protects from the initial blast
of a nuclear weapon, fallout shelters
protect people from dangerous radio-
active debris. Of course, these shel-
ters were set up by Civil Defense and
authorities with the idea in mind that
survival is possible.
Bill Gentry. Chief of Response
for Emergencies for North Carolina
is in charge of the Emergencies Op-
erating Center in Raliegh. This body
was part of the Civil Defense Depart-
ment in the late '50s and '60s.
"You must understand the cli-
mate of the times to totally appreci-
ate why these fallout shelters were
created Gentry said. "The govern-
ment seriouslv considered nuclear
ovcc fZ.evcecv
Batman flies
war a possibility because they had
just shortly left a major world war.
The Cuban Missile crisis. Sputnik and
everything put people into a panic.
"The government viewed nuclear
war as a disaster and like any major
catastrophe, set up plans through
civil defense to deal with it
Fallout shelters were equipped
with medical supplies and protein-
rich hard candy. Many years later, the
candy was found to have carcinogens
due to the dyes.
"Most places were not equipped
with food or water because it was
thought that an attack would not be
instant, without warning said Gen-
The federal government stopped
supplying the shelters as time wore
on and the threat became less imme-
During the height of the cold
war the federal government rented
Out of Order
See ODD page 7
Photo by KEN CLARK
Students passing this emergency phone outside Mendenhai
Student Center had better hope that no major catastrophes
break out in the immediate future.
but never soars Deadheads go Phishin
" - t tr JL. V L ?? V vnralief tfnitnrkt Trpv Anxrt.icin ami Phish is rnm'iltlv on tour sun
Dale Williamson
Staff Writer
The bat signal is out again with
the release of Batman Forever, but
this time it has a new face and a
new attitude. Tim Burton has re-
linquished his directorial throne to
Joel Schumacher and Michael
Keaton has passed his cape and
cowl over to Val Kilmer. The result:
a flashier, sexier Dark Knight that
flies but doesn't
quite soar.
Those who
Burton's dark vi-
sion in the first
two films may be
Those who have
desired more ac-
tion in the cape
crusader's film
adaptations will
be thrilled.
Gotham isn't ex-
a c t 1 y
Disneyworld. it
is definitely
more colorful and goofy. Perhaps
the goofy nature of the film is what
keeps this bat from reaching new
heights. The dialogue is in need of
repair, and some of the action se-
quences border on just being silly.
But admittedly this Batman is fun
to watch.
Thankfully. Val Kilmer isn't
shoved to the side like Michael
Keaton was. Schumacher spends
time with Bruce Wayne's psyche
and allows Kilmer to prove that he
Photo courtesy of DC Comics
is right for the part. Already know-
ing why Wayne became a super-
hero, audiences finally get a
glimpse of what made him choose
the bat as his symbol of fear.
Kilmer's Batman is more active
as he performs mind-boggling flips,
karate-kicks dozens of thugs, and
leaps off towering skyscrapers.
Kilmer's Batman is also homier as
he struggles with psychiatrist
Nicole Kidman, who can't decide if
she wants to sleep with Bruce
Wayne or
Batman. Good
thing dual per-
sonalities are
her specialty
But what j
a Batman movie
without the vil-
lains? This time
around we get
Jim Carrey's gig-
gling Riddler
and Tommy Lee
Jones's scarred
Two-Face. I
won't even go
into these guys'
evil motives; suf-
fice to say that
they are there to
give Batman something to do.
Carrey looks great as the Riddler.
and he does turn in a few laughs.
Unfortunately, Two-Face is a
missed opportunity. One of
Batman's most interesting and com-
plex villains is reduced to being a
vengeful thug, and Tommy Lee
Jones is reduced to a manic, over-
the-top performance. Balancing the
calm manic emotions of Two-Face
See BATMAN page 7
Brandon Wadded
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
A wave of tie dye T-shirts and
sordid hippies swayed to and fro with
the melodious sounds of Phish Fri-
day night. Thousands of Phish-heads
sang and danced along to the New
England band's "message in a bottle
Over the last few years, Phish
has acquired a following comparable
only to Jerry Garcia and the Grateful
Dead. To this ever-growing legion of
devout fans. Phish isn't just a band;
they're a way of life. Like the Dead,
these dedicated folks religiously fol-
low their band and hundreds of boot-
leg copies of each live concert are
dispersed into the underground com-
munity following each show.
This is the 18th show of the sum-
mer tour for the bootleg taper who
introduced himself to me as simply
Brian. Throughout the entire four-
hour show. Brian manned his taping
mechanism, plugged directly into the
soundboard. Phish is one of the few
bands that allow such outright tap-
ing of their shows.
Walnut Creek's parking lot over-
flowed with VW buses, falling out of
these vehicles were folks asking,
"Hey man, I need a miracle, can you
help me out?" As ticket availability
became scarce, the need increased for
From the start, promptly at 7:15
p.m this quartet filled Walnut
Creek's stage with their legendary
aura. An intricate keyboard set-up to
the left, drum kit to the right, lead
vocalist guitarist Trey Anastasio and
bassist Mike Gordon occupy
centerstage. The die-hard fans are
awestruck as they are seen dancing
in the foremost seating section.
When the crew from Vermont plays
their funky, addictive vibes, the en-
tire amphitheater's foundation moves
back and forth.
Phish is currently on tour sup-
porting their fifth release. Hoist. For
this album the band set out to make
a cleaner, tighter record emphasiz-
ing more on their song writing craft.
The northern travelers are proud of
their latest. "It's our best record, no
See PHISH page 7
Photo courtesy of Elektra Entertainment
Looking more like Duran Duran than the Grateful Dead,
Phish poses for their super-cool publicity photo. Friday's
show found them looking more granola-crunchy, however.
CD. Reviews
Kilmer's Batman is
more active as he
performs mind-
boggling flips,
dozens of thugs
and leaps off
Courtesy of CD Alley
Batman Forever
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
Yes there is another Batman
movie and yes there is another
soundtrack. I don't know when the
trend of marketing the hell out of
the music presented in a movie be-
came popular, but the world is a
better place because of it. Not only
do we get the relentless barrage
from ads about the
movie, but several
fast food chains will
be selling some
worthless plastic
trinket with the
movie's logo embla-
zoned upon it to
milk the public a
little more.
Then again,
maybe the
soundtrack is the
least irritating as-
pect of the whole
thing, but only if the music is good
In the case of the Batman Forever
soundtrack, it is pretty good at
The music on this release can
be put into thrie main categories:
real underground music, pop alter-
native and pop. L'2 crosses all those
boundaries and opens the CD with
the strange "Hold me. Thrill me.
Kiss me. Kill me The song utilizes
both modern techno sensibilities
and the old-fashioned rock guitar.
Since L'2 has mastered both, it's not
an awkward song, possibly the best
one on the whole CD
and Seal are
two of the
more pop-
groups on
the release.
B rand y ' s
Where Are
You Now?" is
a slow and
funky groove
that shows
her mastery
0 f rhythm
at such a young
The songs utilize
both modern
sensibilities and
the old-fashioned
rock guitar.
eve i
age. Lenny Kravitz composed and
wrote the tune for her and she sang
Seal's song is strangely seduc-
tive and difficult to dislike (believe
me I tried). His "Kiss from a Rose"
is a ballad that's thickly layered and
very produced, but good.
See FOR'VER page 7
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claims to be: a very
tiny drop in the great screaming
bucket of American media opin-
ion. Take it as you will.
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
The release of the film The
Bridges of Madison County re-
minded me of a pet peeve of mine
involving books and movies. Many
people who saw The Bridges of
Madison County have said that
the film really does justice to the
book. At this comment 1 get in-
censed since the film created art
where only clumsy, vapid writing
existed before.
Here is the comment I most
often hear about books and mov-
ies; "The movie was good but the
book was so much better. Isn't
that always the way it is?"
This vacuous assertion can be
answered with firm assurance:
Much of the time books are
not better than films. Yet the mis-
guided belief exists that books will
always be the preferred way to tell
a story. The notion that an author
will always find a better way to
introduce the reader to his char-
acters than a director is one I
would like to try to dispel.
A film version of a book can
convey ideas in much more con-
centrated form. Steinbeck's exten-
sive descriptions of Oklahoma in
The Crapes of Wrath were distilled
down to some realistic sets that
adequately portrayed the miser-
able situation of the Okies. Once
the description had been elimi-
nated John Ford's film could con-
centrate on the characters, espe-
cially Tom Joad (Henry Fonda).
The film experience differed
from the experience of the printed
word but both achieved artistjc
success. Many other films have
matched the quality of the source
material. W'uthering Heights.
Olivier's Hamlet. Branagh's
Henry V. To Kill a Mockingbird
and Lolita were all films worthy
of their inspiration.
A book has to struggle not
only with descriptions of the en-
vironment in which the story oc-
curs but descriptions of the
character's actions. A good actor
can say more with a wink of the
eye or a nod of the head than some
authors can with an entire page
devoted to describing that action.
As a collaborative media film of-
fers many pleasures (such as act-
ing, cinematography, directing)
that may best the printed word,
which is limited by its black and
white text.
More than a few books pro-
vide little more than a passing di-
version yet inevitably become
great works of cinematic art. One
of the most obvious examples of a
mediocre book being turned into
a great film is The Godfather.
The Godfather, the book, con-
tained no inherent greatness. The
story of a Mafia family provided a
typical gangster film format. What
director Francis Ford Coppolla
was able to do. however, was to
provide a glimpse of Mafia life
from inside. Coppolla painted a
family picture, one where the fa-
ther is the breadwinner trying to
raise three sons the best he knows
how. Great acting, assured direc-
tion and wonderful cinematogra-
phy make The Godfather a classic
of cinema.
Other films have bested their
printed source. I can safely say
that the following films were bet-
ter than the books from which
they came: The Hunt for Red Oc-
tober. The Firm. Stand by Me
(from Stephen King's novella "The
Body"). 2001: A Space Odyssey
(actually based on a short story).
Patriot Games and Presumed In-
Pre. .imed Innocent provides
an interesting case study. The
book was too long for the simple
mystery that it was. Rusty Sabitch
was an interesting character (al-
though 1 found Harrison Ford's
portrayal much more interesting
than what I imagined from the
book) but too many minor char-
See BUCKET page 7

Wednesday, June 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Friday, June 23 Jupiter Coyote

.at the Attic (deadhead)

AtticHlirmWest Side Story
at McGinnis Theatre (musical)
� �
Coming soon for your8 p.m.
edification and amusement-Bad Company
Wednesday, June 21Ted Nugent and the Chris Duarte Group
Comedy Zone at the Atticat Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh (classic rock)
Rasta Rafiki at Peasant's CafeSaturday, June 24
(reggae)Edwin McCain
West Side Story at McGinnis Theatreat the Attic (classic rock)
(musical) 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.Catfish Jenkins at Peasant's Cafe
Boston at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh (classic rock)West Side Story at McGinnis Theatre (musical) 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.
Thursday, June 22Sunday, June 25
Blue Miracle at the Attic (deadhead)West Side Story at McGinnis Theatre (musical)
West Side Story8 p.m.
at McGinnis Theatre (musical) 8 p.m.Anita Baker at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh
Do you have an upcoming event thatyou'd like listed in our Coming Attractions
column? If so. please send us int jrmation (a schedule would be nice) at:
Coming Attractions
The East Carolinian
East Carolina University
Student Publications Bldg.
Greenville. NC 27858
Portuguese author stirs controversy
NEW YORK (API - Portugal's
greatest novelist doesn't much like to
"Writing doesn't give me plea-
sure says Jose Saramago. "It's a job
like any other. And anyone who says
working is a pleasure - I don't be-
lieve them
Saramago says he never had any
ambition, and at a robust 72, he's
happy with what he has accomplished.
Widely identified as the greatest liv-
ing writer in his country, he certainly
has little to prove.
He continues to write, and is
working on a new novel, Essay on
Blindness. Why?
"I think there are three or four
ideas, preoccupations, obsessions that
I have Saramago said in a recent in-
terview at his publisher's New York
office. "Writing is the only way to
communicate them
And then, putting aside a half-
hearted modesty that seems more
studied than natural. Saramago runs
his hand through his wild, white hair
and lets slip a coy smile: "These pre-
occupations seem to interest other
Saramago's books are widely read
in Portugal and have been translated
into nearly 30 languages, winning
prestigious prizes across Europe. For
the past several years, Saramago has
been seen as a top candidate for the
Nobel Prize in literature.
The Stone Raft, his fourth book
in English, was published last month
in the United States.
Three others have not been trans-
lated, but for his 72 years, Saramago
still has an unusually short bibliogra-
phy. The reason is his relatively short
career: After publishing a novel when
he was 25, he hardly wrote for 20
Political control stifled the writer,
and he still bristles at the prospect of
censorship: he moved to the Canary
Islands two years ago after Portugal
refused to let The Gospel According
to Jesus Christ compete for the Euro-
pean Literature Prize, even though it
was the nominating committee's pick.
Saramago doesn't like to speak
of exile, but says he feels more com-
fortable on the island of Lanzarote.
He traces the start of what he
calls the most important part of his
work to as recently as 1980, six years
after Portugal's right-wing dictator-
ship was overthrown.
An atheist and communist activ-
ist, Saramago's novels are polemical,
and hit at Portugal's most entrenched
The Gospel According to Jesus
Christ, released in the United States
last year, portrays Christ as the lover
of Mary Magdalene who tries to back
out of the Crucifixion. "If I were of
the church, I wouldn't like it either
Saramago said after the book's re-
The Stone Raft tackles another
controversial topic: European identity.
In a wild and picaresque tale, Spain
and Portugal split off from the rest of
Europe and drift together into the At-
Pandemonium breaks out on both
sides of the divide as five protagonists
journey across what was once the Ibe-
rian Peninsula to find out whether
their unusual but somewhat mundane
actions are responsible for the split.
The book originally was published
in 1986, the year Spain and Portugal
entered the European Community.
Saramago lobbied hard against inclu-
sion, and still worries that "what is
being built is a new German Empire
Saramago says Portugal and
Spain should move away from Europe
and toward Latin America and Africa,
which formerly were linked by colonial
Appropriately, in The Stone Raft,
the peninsula comes to rest in the
middle of the Atlantic, squarely be-
tween Angola and Brazil.
"It's as if I wanted to abandon an
exhausted Continent to go south in the
hope that the south one day can be-
come an area of development and well-
being he said.
Watch out for food poisoning
Natural life I �
On average, the more a student drinks, the lower hisher
grades will be.
-Alcohol and Drugs on American College Campuses
This message has been brought to you by Recreational Services and Housing Services.
Steve Kimmel
ECU School of Medicine
Food poisoning can be a serious
problem, especially for older people,
pregnant women, infants, young chil-
dren and anyone who has a chronic
disease or a weakened immune sys-
tem. People who have diabetes or
AIDS and those receiving chemo-
therapy for cancer also need to be
extra cautiou;
What can you do?
First, avoid restaurants that do
not have an "A" rating and never eat
raw meat or raw seafood. Do not eat
undercooked or raw eggs and use
extra care in preparing cust.irds.
homemade ice cream and mayonnaise.
Cook food to a temperature of at least
160 degrees Fahrenheit. Take care
when handling raw
poultry that can �
contain harm
ful bacteria.
Wash your �
hands and ev-
erything that
comes in contact
with the raw chicken.
What are the signs and symptoms
of food-borne illnesses?
The symptoms are nausea, vom-
iting and diarrhea. They usually be-
gin within hours, but can begin a day
after eating the infected food. If you
think you or your child might have a
food-borne illness, see your doctor
right away.
If you have any questions, talk
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MMMI - - �
The East Carolinian
Wednesday, June 21, 1995
FOREVER from page 5
PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, and The
Flaming Lips provide some of the
weirder tracks on the disc. PJ
Harvey makes her strange contor-
tions of the blues on "One Time
Too Many Nick Cave (without The
Bad Seeds! is his normal dark, dis-
turbed self. The Flaming Lips make
an accessible but odd noise on "Bad
Michael Hutchence (front man
for INXS) does a cover of the Iggy
Pop tune "The Passenger and
murders it. That was one to leave
The one rap tune on the CD is
a gem; Method Man's "The Riddler"
is funky and most enjoyable, a song
by one twisted artist about a
twisted criminal mind.
Overall this is a good
soundtrack. It's a healthy cross sec-
tion of what's out there today in
music land. Due to the difficulty of
rating an album with 14 different
artists, one has to consider both
the good and the bad and arrive at
a happy medium, which is probably
a good description of the album. It
doesn't really present any new-
ground as far as soundtracks go;
this is no concept album like "The
Making a concept soundtrack
for a Batman movie sounds like a
novel idea to me; Trent Reznot
could do it justice or even Sonic
Youth, but the movie would have
to be of a darker sort.
I would have even preferre an
album of unknowns, but we can't
please everyone now can we?
"O-lvJiT from page 5
question frontman Trey begins.
"We didn't agonize over details, we
didn't fix every mistake, we kept it
Apartment with
water included
central air
Across from
campus, spacious
floor plan
with appliances.
hot water,
heat included
loose and honest he stated. The
band had initial concerns that the
finished Hoist wouldn't sound like
themselves, but Trey humorously
confessed, "most people have told
us that on this record we sound like
ourselves more than ever before
Most of the folks in Raleigh
certainly agree. No one seemed to
be able to stand still at this show.
Of the thousands who witnessed
this fabulous performance, few sat
still for more than a second. The
entire capital city "aquarium" was
swimming with aquatic energy.
Some fans believe the band is
going a bit mainstream for their
tastes. Seated next to me. a long-
haired gent peered at ne from un-
derneath his "phisherman's hat" as
he noticed me covertly taking notes
of the performance. My musky
neighbor, a Phish fan calling him-
self Freddy, disagreed with the
horde of happy fans. "Ho5 is their
worst album he stated. "I'm just
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BATMAN from page 5
would have given this character
more depth. Better yet, devoting
another entire film to this charac-
ter would have given him the jus-
tice he deserves, but I won't go into
Robin (played by Chris
O'Donnell) is also introduced, and
to my pleasant surprise the film-
makers effectively work him into
the story. O'Donnell has the punch
necessary to make this Robin fly,
and the film draws some nice par-
allels between Robin and his pointy-
eared partner.
Other strong points of the film
glad they opened with Halley's
Comet unreleased on any Phish
CD) It's a cross between bebop and
rock and roll. They don't play it
much, so at least the bootleg tapers
are happy, they got a song not many
others have Freddy concluded.
Phish pulled out all the stops
during their second set. Opening
with "Runaway Jed violinist Boyd
Tinsley (Dave Matthews Band)
joined foursome on stage. The song
featured a now legendary violin
solo and an impromtu jam session
with Phish and Tinsley.
The band played two sets, each
lasting about an hour and a half.
At the beginning of the concert, the
sun shone high in the clear sky. As
the concert wore on, the sun set
behind the horde of people seated
on the lawn. When the concert
ended around midnight, the
performance's energy escaped into
dark Raleigh night. The Creek's
parking lots filled once again with
satisfied concert goers. Only the
bootleg copies of Phish's only
North Carolina show linger on af-
ter Friday night's explosive perfor-
9-6 M-F
9-5 SAT
All Transactions Strictty Confidential
Corner of 10th & Dickinson
include some dynamite camera
work (the circus scene needs to be
viewed on a wide screen), the re-
turn of Michael Cough as Alfred the
butler, and a soundtrack that
boasts a new song from U2. Ulti-
mately. Batman Forever is a good
interpretation of an American icon,
but it suffers from the difficult task
of trying to reach a wider audience.
Which Batman is preferred: the
darker, more realistic knight or the
flamboyant, out-of-this-world super-
hero? Hollywood may never know.
On a scale of one to ten. this film
rates a seven.
from page 5
the top floor of Old Austin building
for $5000 a month. No one is certain
what they were doing, but one rumor
was that they used the space as a clas-
sified post to hear Soviet airwaves.
The beautiful building has since been
torn down, but the mystery remains.
The '60s brought civil unrest and
student rebellion. Protest marches
against the war and demonstrations
for and against civil rights changed
the attitude of college students nation-
Steve Wilson, who graduated in
197(1. recalls the night and day-
changes campus went through during
those hectic days.
1 got here in '66 and everybody
was preppie. In '68, everything
changed to long hair and beards
Wilson said. "The change came be-
cause a lot ot out-of-state students
came in bringing new clothes and
ideas. It just seemed to change all of
sudden. There was even a march
against the war and students would
have sit-ins in the mall
During this time. Brewster was
built. Completed in 1970. the giant
fortress could be easily defended if
students decided to take over.
Retired Professor of History Dr.
Mary Jo Bratton said the building was
to house offices of several deans.
Brewster wings and the court-
yard can be locked off at all outside
entrances. The windows were de-
signed so that bricks could not be
lobbed easily through them and no
one could easily get in.
"The building had this system of
locks that if the doors locked, no one
could get in or out. The professors
protested this because of the difficul-
ties getting in and out of the build-
"The building is a monument to
student unrest of the "60s Bratton
What would bomb shelters and a
fortress be without tunnels? Steam
tunnels run all over campus. Most of
these tunnels are not accessible to
man or beast, but a few run for sev-
eral hundred yards. Steam pipes run
through these tunnels all the way
from Fifth Street to Fourteenth where
the physical plant is.
In fact, a lot of these hot pipes
can be seen behind DarryTs restau-
rant. After crossing the old railroad
trestle, the pipes can be tracked
through a mysterious path in the
woods between Tenth and Fourteenth
Street. This path was once where the
railroad cars brought coal to the physi-
cal plant.
Dr. Harrell, Director of Facilities
Services, said these tunnels cannot be
turned into transportation tubes be-
cause steam is so efficient.
would like to thank Martha
Elmore of the University Archives
and Phillip Lewis, Director of Health
and Safety for their long hours help-
ing me find documents and maps
which were harder to find than the
Holy Grail.
from page 5
acters were introduced. I can remem-
ber the lawyer played by Raul Julia
had an assistant in the book who
played in a band. The part of the as-
sistant was cut from the film which
streamlined the plot.
Turow was only creating the char-
acter to fill space because the charac-
ter played no role in the book. A fiim
sometimes must trim an author's
ideas, which often proves a great as-
set to the story. Too many current
authors write to fill the space instead
of concentrating on the art.
1 am a strong advocate of read-
ing and I do not mean to suggest that
films should replace the printed word.
Plenty of great books have been given
shoddv treatment on celluloid. Books
stimulate imagination and open doors
to untold worlds. But so much mod-
ern fiction only wants to tell a simple
story. That story can often be more
effectively told on film.
One critic said that John
C.risham's novels are really just glori-
fied screenplays. If a film is going to
be made from the story, why waste
time with a mediocre book? Instead,
spend two hours with the film and
the four extra hours on a good book.
Time is too short to be wasting it with
hack authors.
Next time you make the unsup-
ported assertion that books are always
better than movies, take some time
to think if you truly believe this. I. for
one. will thank you.
28B0F IBthSt.
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8 Wednesday, June 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
;Think You've got what it takes?
Pirate Comics needs you! We are looking for those brave souls that
are ready to meet deadlines and crave the feel of ink between their fingers.
If you thin1- you have what it takes then submit your artwork on a 812 x
1 3 sheet of heavy drawing paper to "St. Paul" in the East Carolinian office.
Located across from the library. All submissions need to be inked and final
(no sketches please). OK, Now get your behinds a drawin' cause times a
runnin' out.
if&faid fiy
Help Wanted
SI750 WEEKLY possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 301-306-1207.
TELEMARKETING Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Guard � $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy work. Flexible hours start
today. Call 355-0210.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to Central
Distributors PO Box 10075, Olathe, KS
66051. Immediate Response.
ATTENTION LADIES Earn a 1,000 plus
a week escorting in the Greenville area.
Must be 18 yrs old; have own phone and
transportation. We are an established
agency, check out your yellow pages. Call
Diamonds at 758-0896
& Full-time employment available at Na-
tional Parks. Foiests & Wildlife Preservies.
Benefitsbonuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804
ext. N53623.
ECU Transit
Driver s
ECU TRANSIT is looking for mature, dependable, and outgoing
individuals to provide quality service for the transit system.
Must be a registered ECU Student or incoming student with at
least two or more semesters remaining to work.
Punctuality is a must!
Must complete all training this summer to start full work
schedule for Fall semester. Must like driving and have good
driving record!
(DWI's and frequently ticketed drivers need not apply!)
North Carolina class "B'CDL license with passenger
endorsement and no air brake restriction will be required;
however, we will help you get your proper license.
Previous experience is a plus.
Must be in good standing with the University.
For more information and applications, stop by the ECU
Transit office in Mendenhall (RM2S8), or call 328-4724.
Monday - Thursday 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM
to $2,000Vmonth working on Cruise
Ships or Land-Tour companies. World
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lina Indoor Shooting Range. 2pm -
12midnite. Walk-ins encouraged, Gun rent-
als available. Closed Sundays and Mon-
days. Discount with Student ID. Call 757-
SMALL-TIME MOVER have van will move
students within Greenville area $30 per
haul, you load. Please call to make appoint-
ment. Raymond L. Brown. Letter Perfect
Signs 756-5520.
HORSE FOR LEASE - Local Doctor look-
ing for experienced rider to 12 lease Ara-
bian at Rock Springs Equestrian Center.
$125 month. Call Liz at 321-1291.
in private sector grants & scholarships is
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cial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F53625.
standards are high but you have no free
time to meet quality people, let us help.
Our clients are discerning singles who
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Introductions Ltd matchmaker. 321-
Certified LD teacher is
accepting new students
for the fall semester.
Begin your college career
with support systems
in place.
Call 830-0781.
Please leave a message

Systems Analyst needed
Qualifications include:
� 2.0 G PA or better
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� Currently enrolled as an ECU student
For more information call Stephanie
Lassiter at 328 - 6366.
For Rent

Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
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Clean and Quiet, one bedroom
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J.T. or Tommy Williams
share 3 bedroom Condo. Tanning beds,
weight room, pool. Must love animals. Call
mate needed, must be neat, responsible,
but laid back - frisbee golfer a plus. Call
754-2892 and leave message.
1 full bath apartment available for sub-
lease. $200 per month. Close to campus.
Please call 830-2750. Leave a message.
share a room in 2 Bdrm Apt located on
10th St; $133. person13 utilities
clean, responsible; a must see. Cheaper
than a dorm. Please call 752-0229 or 752-
July. S150 plus 1 3 utilities and local
phone. Call 7584532 IMMEDIATELY.
ning July or August. Two blocks from cam-
pus. Completely furnished except for bed-
room. S250.00month$80 utilities.
Newly renovated. Call Leslie at 752-6849.
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cludes all applicances. washer & dryer! 2
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851 -1153. Rent till closing. Immediate
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cassette. 136.000 highway miles. Excellent
condition, well maintained, and very de-
pendable. 3540 MPG. Cur rent blue book
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6974(daytime) or 353-1223(night) leave
message. Buy the "perfect college car"
from an ECU Grad!
1987 SAAB 2-DOOR. Red with tan inte-
rior, automatic, air conditioning, AM FM
cassette, sun roof, runs great. LOADED.
Asking $4,000. 328-6974(Day). 321-
lent condition, 1985 MONTE CARLO 6cyl,
AT, PS. PB $1000.00 FIRM (was $1500.00)
Call 7564873 Anytime.
GUITAR(S) CALL 637-6550.
Ushers needed beginning fail semester.
Minimum wage, 8-12 hours week. You will
usher at Student Union movies, Travel-
Adventure films, and other miscellaneous
events held in Hendrix Theatre. Call Lynn
at 328-4766 for more information, or pick
up a job application at the Business Of-
fice in Mendenhall Student Cent er.
needs volunteers to help senior citizens
with daytime transportation needs and
friendly visiting. For information call 752-
The results of the 1994-95 ECU Adult
Undergraduate Student Needs Survey are
available on request in Adult Student Ser-
vices. 211 Whichard.
This live-session workshop will teach you
about time management, note taking, test
preparation, test taking, and relieving test
anxiety. Take assessment instruments to
find out your level of functioning in each
area. Begins Monday. June 26, at 3:00pm.
Only one summer session. Call 328-6661
for more information. Counseling Center.
Join us for a Lunch Canoe Trip on the
Tar River July 9 from 10am to 3pm. Trans-
portation, instruction, boats and equip-
ment are included in this Sunday cruise
for the bargain price of $20. The deadline
for signing up is June 30 in 204
Christenbury Gym. For more information
call Recreational Services at 328-6387.
Paddle on out to see the Loggerhead
Turtles July 12 during the Teen Canoeing
Day at Hammocks Beach State Park.
Transportation, instruction, and canoeing
equipment are all included in this day long
adventure for the bargain price of $15.
The registration deadline for this day long
adventure is June 30 in 204 Chr istenbury
Gym. For more information call Recre-
ational Services at 328-6387.
It's never to late to start your fitness rou-
tine! Registration for the second Summer
session of Fitness Classes will be held in
204 CG June 12-June 26 from 8am-5pm.
Call Recreational services at 328387 for
more information.
Get your teams registered for competition
on June 27. Softball Registration will be
at 4:00pm in BIO 103 and 3-on-3 basket-
ball registration will be at 4:30pm in BIO
103. For more information call Recre-
ational Services at 328387.
Have you seen it? Are you in it? Have you
picked up your FREE copy? ECU'S pre-
mier edition of our video yearbook- The
Treasure Chest! Tj get your free tape,
bring your student ID by the Media Board
Office, or The East Carolinian. 2nd floor.
Stndent Publications Buildingtacross from
Joyner Library). Hurr y while supplies last.
tpmmr -

�PI �'i'�H 1 mi .��.
Wednesday, June 21, 1995
T?e East Carolinian
Another exodus from
Pirate Athletics
Assistant A.D.
leaves for SEC
Conference job
Charles Bloom
Brian Paiz
Assistant Sports Editor
Charles Bloom, ECU's assistant
athletic director for media relations,
has accepted a similar position in
the Southeastern Conference (SEC),
Dave Pond
Sports Editor
It's about time that some
quality fights have come out of
the heavyweight division. First,
Evander Holyfield proved he in-
deed is "The Real Deal com-
ing back from on-again, off-again
health problems to take a hard-
fought decision from a tough
Ray Mercer last month. How-
ever, to be ranked across the
board by the numerous (we'll get
to that later) boxing federations,
Holyfield's heart was further
tested last week in New York.
There's nothing wrong with his
heart, as he proved against Mer-
Then, Tommy Morrison un-
leashed a huge left-hook on the
way to TKOing Razor Ruddock
in six rounds on pay-per-view's
tiny UVTV network, a network
closely aligned with USA's Tues-
day Night Fights.
"He was hurt Morrison
said. "I started with hooks then
came right down the pipe, and
he wasn't able to block those
shots. Tyson was right, though
- Ruddock does punch like an
'F-ing' mule
Ruddock, who returned to
the ring after a 16-month hia-
tus from the sport, fared well
against Morrison, dropping him
to his knees with an early-round
uppercut, before faltering in the
sixth. Although he lost,
Ruddock's performance, as well
as Mercer's performance against
Holyfield, easily places the two
fighters back into the upper glut
of heavyweights.
Also on the card, former
NFL Houston Oilers' running
back and first-round draft pick
Alonzo Highsmith moved to 3-0
in his new career in the ring with
a jarring body shot against a
blubberyKing Hicpotype
fighter. The straight right was
about the only technically-accu-
rate punch Highsmith offered
during the fight. Zo's got pop,
but won't get props until he gets
skills. Oh well, at least he's not
prancing around in WWF tights
See CHEAP page 10
and will become the conference's Di-
rector for Media Services. He re-
places Karen Frascona. who left the
SEC to become assistant athletic
director at Villanova.
Bloom's duties in the SEC will
include serving as the conference's
football media contact while coor-
dinating information for all 19 con-
ference sports.
"We are extremely pleased to
welcome Charles and his family to
the SEC staff said SEC commis-
sioner Roy Kramer. "He blends a
solid background in managing the
day-to-day operations of a Division
I media relations office, along with
strong ties to several of our mem-
ber institutions
Bloom is familiar with the SEC,
having worked as the associate
sports information director at Ole
Miss (1987-88) and as the assistant
sports information director at Loui-
siana State University (1985-87).
Bloom came to ECU in 1988 to
fill the sports information director
position. He was promoted to assis-
tant athletic director in June 1994.
He is a 1985 graduate of the Uni-
versity of South Carolina, and has
also been involved in the NCAA
College World Series and the 1984
Summer Olympic Games.
Bloom has seen a great deal
happen at ECU in his tenure. The
Pirates competed in the Peach and
Liberty Bowls, and in 1993, the
men's basketball team made a trip
to the NCAA tournament. ECU As-
sistant Athletic Director Henry Van
Sant said Bloom will definitely be
"We are very sad to see him
leave, because he has done a great
(SID)-Neil Roberts, who has
spent the last three seasons at
Mount Olive College, has been
named head women's soccer coach
at East Carolina University, athletic
officials announced on Tuesday.
Roberts served as Mount
Olive's head men's and women's
soccer and golf coach prior to his
appointment at ECU.
A 1987 graduate of the Univer-
sity of Delaware and native of
Hatboro, Pa Roberts served as the
men's coach at ML Olive since 1992
and led the Trojans to back to back
winning seasons in 1993 and 1994
with a 8-7-4 and 9-8-1 records re-
For his team's winning efforts,
Roberts was named the Carolina's
Conference Men's Soccer Coach of
the Year in 1990.
Prior to his collegiate coaca-
ing, Roberts served as head men's
and women's soccer coach at New
Bern Senior High School from
1990 to 19992 where he was the
North Carolina Soccer Coaches
Association Region III Men's Coach
of the Year in 1991 and the Mid-
eastern Conference Men's Soccer
Coach of the Year in 1990.
Roberts served as head soccer
coach at Jordan High School in
Durham from 19988 to 1990 after
receiving his Masters in Physical
Education at the University of
North Carolina in 1989. Roberts
served as graduate assistant coach
for the national champion UNC
women's varsity soccer squad from
1987 to 1988.
Roberts, 29, resides in
Greenville with his wife Kelly and
son Tyler, age 2.
job VanSant said. "However, we
are very happy in the fact that
Charles is making a great career
A search committee has been
formed to find Bloom's replacement,
and Van Sant said that they hope to
have the position filled by August
"The job opening will be adver-
tised nationally in the NCAA news-
letter he said. "I figure we will start
getting inquiries within in the next
couple of weeks
Brian Paiz
Assistant Sports Editor
When I first heard the news 1
did not want to believe it. No,
someone was not sick, or some-
one had not died, but once again,
ECU's athletic department was
losing another great asset.
The same old song was once
again being played in Pirate ath-
letics, but this time, the music was
even worse. Charles Bloom, assis-
tant athletic director for media re-
lations at ECU, had joined the list
of other athletic administrators
who have parted for more pros-
perous jobs in recent months.
This one hit close to home for
me, because I have a great deal of
respect for "Bloomer not only as
a former member of his staff, but
as a person.
When I started at ECU back
in 1992, I had no idea why I was
in college. I was just going
through the motions everyday, not
having any idea what I wanted to
accomplish. Then I came in con-
tact with Charles. He hired me as
a volunteer assistant in the sports
information department.
Charles taught me how to get
organized. He took me to my first
press conference and introduced
me to people .ho he thought
could be beneficial later in life. I'm
not going to lie, 1 hated doing
school work, but Charles kept me
going. He told me that if I wanted
See PAIZ page 10
Dick Vitale?
File photo
Hey Jeff Charles, Pee Dee looks like he is trying to take your job. Sooner or later he might
be an ESPN sportscaster. Da Da Da Da Da Da!
Championship play
highlights intramurals
David Gaskins
Recreational Services
Several weeks of intense intra-
mural sports action culminated
with championship contests in bas-
ketball and softball. as well as the
conclusion of the tennis singles
While championships were
played on Monday night, the results
were not available at press time. Re-
ports on the championship games
will appear in next week's column.
In men's Gold basketball,
"O.D.B behind a balanced offen-
sive attack featuring the long-range
bombing of Neal Torrey and Phil
Purdie squared off against "Full
Tilt who are led by the smooth
moves of Matt Wecker and the vet-
eran leadership of Todd Wilson.
"O.D.B thrashed the "Devils"
65-29 to reach the finals, while
"Full Tilt" defeated the "Quiet
Storm" 55-43 to earn a chance at
revenge for an early-season blow-
out loss to "O.D.B"
The men's Purple playoffs pro-
duced somewhat of a surprise
matchup as "A Dynasty in Waiting
who added several players after the
season started, faced the "Fab
"Dynasty" point guard
Roderick Lenk has provided season-
long leadership, while captain
Henry Macri boasts a deep bench
of fresh players to wear down op-
However, the key moment for
this team came during their first-
round playoff game as Vander
White drained a three-pointer with
one second remaining to carry the
"Dynasty" to a 46-43 win over the
"Bulging Tacos
In the semifinals, they contin-
ued their hot play as scrappy
Mitchell Butler sparked a 51-41 win
over the previously undefeated
The "Fab Fife" had a strong
regular season, but played very
poorly in a regular-season loss to
the "TPKs In
the semi-final
rematch, how-
ever, the defense
tightened up
and took them
to a big early
lead. Despite a
late rally, the
"Fife" held on
for a 59-55 win
behind the open-court skills of
Chris Wright and the long-range
shooting of Joel Tate.
In softball, rainy weather con-
tinued to wipe out early-week play,
but playoff action continued
through the latter part of the week
to set-up the final battles.
In men's Purple, "Summer's
Eve continued their domination
as they reached the finals with an
18-13 victory over "Ward's Team
Rob Reiner led the "Summer's" at-
tack, scoring four times, while Mark
Hessert scored four times for
In the other semi-final, Donnie
Berini's "Unknowns" defeated an
undermanned "Cavemen" squad to
earn a finals rematch with
"Summer's Eve
In men's Gold, "U-Lose"
struggled through the semis play-
"O.D.B thrashed
the "Devils" 65-
29 to reach the
ing shorthanded, as they were car-
ried into extra innings by the "Pent-
house Players While the "U-Lose"
were not working, they strung to-
gether a series of base hits to bring
seven runs across the plate in the
final inning for a 20-13 victory.
Marvin Johnson homered twice to
lead the "Penthouse" attack.
Facing "U-Lose" in the finals
will be "Slow and Sloppy The
flexed their col-
lective muscles,
showing a bal-
anced attack as
five different
players scored
three times in
their 19-9 win
over "Transit Au-
thority Bran-
don Taylor led the "Sloppies" de-
fense with a crafty arsenal of
pitches, while Will Stanley led the
"Transit" offense from the lead-off
position by scoring twice.
In tennis singles. John
Matijevic won the men's division
with a perfect 3-0 record in the
round-robin tourney. Second ses-
sion intramural sports gets under-
way next week. The registration
meetings for Softball and 3-on-3
basketball will be held on Tuesday,
June 27 at 4 and 4:30 p.m respec-
Any team captains interested in
placing an entry into the league
should attend this meeting. Indi-
vidual players seeking team place-
ment should also attend to assist in
this process. For further informa-
tion, please contact David Gaskins
or Melissa Dawson at 328-6387.
Carr names himself new Celtics coach
(AP) - M.L. Carr has never
coached before. His boss doesn't
know if he can. Yet the Boston
Celtics director of operation took
the coaching job Monday after a
long search.
The enthusiastic Carr is devoted
to changing the somber mood sur-
rounding the once proud franchise.
He is committed to installing a run-
ning game and will rely on his assis-
tants to help him
do it.
"It's an open
question to
whether or not
M.L. can coach
Celtics chairman
of the board Paul
Gaston said at a
news conference.
"I think we're all
going to have fun
finding out
Carr, 44. had
one year added
to the three sea-
sons remaining
on his contract
and will handle both jobs.
Chris Ford, fired May 17 after
five years as coach, had received a
contract extension from Carr last
summer. But Boston was the only
playoff team this year with a losing
record and was eliminated in the
first round. Shortly afterward, Ford
was dumped.
Carr showed no concern about
the possibility his tenure might end
before his contract expires.
Asked if his appointment is just
a short-term move until another can-
didate and Gaston would like be-
comes available, Carr said, "If there
is someone that we deem better
suited at any point during my ten-
ure, we won't
hesitate to
He added
that he offered
to give Gaston a
letter of resigna-
tion on which
Gaston could fill
in the date when
he no longer
wants Carr.
"I think I
have all the tools
in the world to
make this thing
happen Carr
said, but there's
no way in the world you can know
Carr said the Celtics contacted
a number of potential candidates, in-
cluding coaches Mike Jarvis of
George Washington, Roy Williams of
Kansas, Rick Pitino of Kentucky,
and John Calipari of Massachusets.
"It's an open
question to
whether or not
M.L. can coach. I
think we're all
going to have fun
finding out
� Paul Gaston
He also talked with former Detroit
pistons coach John Chaney and San
Antonio Spurs assistant Dave
Cowens, who coached the Celtics for
part of the 1978-79 season. In the
end- though-33 days after the Celtics
stayed close to home.
Carr played with Boston from
1979 through 1985, then joined its
scouting department. He served as
director of community relations be-
fore succeeding David Gavitt as di-
rector of basketball operations one
year and five days before Monday's
Asked if he had ever coached
before, Carr said, "just pickup games
and junk like that
Dennis Johnson, one of Fords
assistants who will keep his job, said
Carr " has played this (game). He
knows the Xs and Os from there. It
hasn't changed that much.
Johnson noted that John Lucas
became a coach without experience
in that job.
John Kuester, the team's video
coordinator and scout last season,
was named an assistant. The Celtics
hope to retain Don Casey, Ford's top
assistant last season, who has been
wooed by Pistons coach Doug
Dominique Wilkins, Carr's ma-
jor free agent signing shortly after
taking over the basketball opera-
tions job. applauded the appoint-
"He was one who showed a lot
of confidence in me before I got
here said Wilkins, who was
benched early last season by Ford.
"I love to run. I thought we walked
it up too much this year
The Celtics started last season
with an up-temp approach, but For
got away from it when he felt that
he didn't have the proper person-
"The system is, was and will be
an up-tempo, very aggressive defen-
sive team Carr said. "If you con-
tinue with that and you don't aban-
don that, you eventually get where
you want to be
He added his attendance at
practices and on road trips last sea-
son gave him a familiarity with the
"This team is obviously a team
in transition he said. "Who knows
the personnel Any better at this
point than I do.?"
Carr is the Celtics 12th head
coach, seven of them former Boston
"I think it's a good decision be-
cause M.L. is a great motivator said
team president Red Auerbach, who
won nine championships in his 16
seasons as Celtics coach. "I'm all for

��� ������
Wednesday, June 21, 1995
The East Carolinian
Straw" to stir Yankees drink I "Last Call" for
head Wolverine
(AP) - After a trip to the Betty
Ford Center, a guilty plea for tax eva-
sion that led to a $350,000 fine, two
positive cocaine tests and a 60-day
baseball suspension, Darryl Straw-
berry is returning to New York.
Strawberry , who left the New
York Mets after the 1990 season to
sign with the Los Angeles Dodgers,
agreed Monday to a one-year contract
with the New York Yankees that will
guarantee him at least $850,000.
"I'd like to hang out the welcome
mat and say that he's a part of our
club and that he can help us in a posi-
tive way Yankees captain Don
Mattingly said in Baltimore before the
Yankees played the Orioles.
Strawberry's agent negotiated
the deal with Yankees owner George
Steinbrenner. According to the team,
the 33-year old outfielder will join the
Yankees "as soon as he becomes eli-
gible under baseball rules He is eli-
gible to play Sunday.
"1 personally want to thank Mr.
Steinbrenner for the faith he has
shown in me Strawberry said in a
club-released statement. "The fans in
New York are the best in baseball and
1 will do everything 1 can to justify
Mr. Stein brenner's confidence in me
and the trust of the fans
In November of 1990, when he
agreed to a $20.25 million, five-year
contract with the Dodgers.
Strawberry's view of
the Big Apple was
"I think a lot of
the fun was taken
away because of the
pressure and the
situation in New
York Strawberry
said then.
Strawberry has
14 home runs and
54 RBls his past
three seasons in the
majors � a total of
104 games. And he's
been bothered by
nagging injuries, in-
cluding a bad back.
"It's kind of an unknown where
he is Yankees manager Buck
Showalter said. "It's been a while since
he's played competitively. From what
I've heard, he's in pretty good shape.
We'll see
Strawberry is completing a sus-
pension imposed by acting commis-
sioner Bud Selig following the
outfielder's positive cocaine tests on
Jan. 17 and 18.
On Apri1
24, U.S. District
Parker, Jr. or-
dered Straw-
berry to repay
$350,000 in
back taxes and
sentenced him
to six months of
home confine-
ment. But
Parker permit-
ted him to leave
home for prac-
tice and games,
and allowed
him to travel to road games with a
baseball team.
"We feel confident that Darryl
will do his absolute best for us said
Steinbrenner. who signed reliever
Steve Howe, anther player with a his-
"I'd like to hang
out the welcome
mat and say that
he's a part of our
club and that he
can help us in a
positive way
� George Steinbrenner
Yankees owner
tory of cocaine use. "We are support-
ive of Darryl. and we shall do every-
thing possible to help him meet the
challenge ahead
Strawberry is under house arrest
in Palm Springs for tax evasion but
the government said it would allow
him to return to baseball. He has been
practicing with an independent team
in Palm Springs. California.
When he negotiated his release
from the Dodgers last year, Straw-
berry was given $4,857,143 last July
1. including $2.5 million tor half his
scheduled 1995 salary.
Under 'his deal with the Yankees.
Strawberry is guaranteed $675,000
this season. Because of the strike and
the cocaine suspension, the outfielder's
listed salary would be about
$1,223,000 for him to gross that fig-
The Yankees have a $1.8 million
option for 1996 with a $175,000
buyout. They have until Nov. 1 to exer-
cise the option, and if they do. his sal-
ary next season becomes guaranteed.
The contract also contains a possible
$100,000 bonus this season, apparently
at Steinbrenner's discretion.
JTxliAi from page 9
like a certain former NFL Giants
Last Saturday night. Riddick
Bowe returned to the ring after
three sub-par performances and car-
ried the dead weight of Jorge Luis
Gonzalez around the ring for 15
minutes before finally dropping him
in the sixth round. After Gonzalez
beat Bowe in an amateur fight, the
two had traded words, shoves and
wine glasses for the past seven years.
"I wanted to win for the
people Bowe said after the fight.
"A lot of people despise Jorge
Gonzalez and I wanted to show that
Riddick Bowe is back
Bowe proved on Saturday that
he could back up his talk, while all
Gonzalez, the self-titled "King of
KOs could do was blow more smoke
and get punched in the face.v
Looking at the light heavy-
weight division for a moment, James
"Lights Out" Toney continues to look
sharp, and took the vacant WBU title
from an overmatched Freddie
Delgado on CBS Sports. Toney, al-
ready the USBA champ gained his
second belt at his new weight.
from page 9
to be successful, I needed a college
education. The job in sports infor-
mation, in fact, helped me not to
become a dropout statistic. He
helped me mature in my work, and
most of all he helped me mature as
a person. Charles was a father fig-
ure. a
'Bloomer" was one of those
people behind the scenes. He spent
many hours, some late at night in his
office, preparing press releases, work-
ing on media guides and taking
phone calls from people who wanted
to know more about ECU athletics.
He was a spokesperson for the Uni-
versity, always acting in a very pro-
fessional manner.
The Southeastern Conference
has made a terrific choice in hiring
Charles. He can only make a confer-
ence that is highly recognized even
better. New ECU Athletic Director
Mike Hamrick will have some big
shoes to fill when he goes out to hire
someone to take Charles's place.
Let's just hope there is another
Charles Bloom out there somewhere.
Earlier in the week. Toney
showed a more humanitarian side, as
he and his wife befriended a home-
less family, offering support to those
less fortunate. Delgado wasn't as
lucky, being floored by the first
punch of the fight - a Toney left
Toney methodically stalked his
opponent, toying with him until he
tired of the game in the fifth round,
sending Delgado to the canvas for a
10-second nap. Lights out. indeed
Getting back to the alphabet
soup of boxing federations, organi-
zations, councils and unions, there
are simply way too many. With so
many belts that even Mr. T would
strain under the weight of all the
gold, another problem currently ex-
ists, if that wasn't enough.
The federations whose champi-
ons are held in the highest regard
(the IBF. WBF and WBC) have three
of the worst champions out there.
Don King has two of the beits in his
stable, around the waists of Oliver
McCall and Bruce Seldon. They,
along with George Foreman, are the
kings of the "big three while Bowe,
Morrison. Holyfield. Ruddock and
Mercer all either hold nominal belts
or can't get what would be consid-
ered legitimate title shots - which
explains why they've been fighting
each other.
"As everyone knows, rankings
are pretty much bullcrap Morrison
said. It's a popularity contest based
on who puts asses in the seats, and
based on that I'm one of the top three
guys out there
(CPS) -University of Michigan stu-
dents and alumni say they were shocked
by the arrest and subsequent resignation
of head football coach Gary Moeller.
At a university where football
coaches have become living legends,
many Wolverine fans are asking them-
selves what could have led to Moeller's
drunken dethronement
In 1990, when Bo Schembechler
announced his retirement as coach of the
I'M football team, he was honored with
his share of accolades on and off the field.
And while the legendary coach never
brought a national title home to Ann
Arbor, he was recognized for his com-
mitment to excellence and his well-run
Gary Moeller had enjoyed a similar
tenure until recently. Since his first sea-
son, Moeller has fallen short of a national
title but won enough Big Ten champion-
ships to keep the alumni happy. And like
Schembechler before him. Moeller's pro-
gram remained clean.
But after Moeller's arrest last week,
some cracks have begun to appear at the
base of the proud Wolverine foundation.
"I don't think Moeller did anything
wrong when he was coach, but it's obvi-
ous that the pressure just got to him
says Rick Chabula, a UM sophomore.
"There's a lot of people here who want
the coach's head every time we lose a
game. You can put up a good face, but
you're bound to crack at some point"
Moeller. 54. was arrested April 28
after hassling customers at a restaurant
in suburban Detroit. As police took
Moeller through the parking lot. the
Michigan coach punched an officer in
the chest Moeller is being charged with
disorderly conduct and assault and bat-
tery. The two charges, both misdemean-
ors, carry a maximum penalty of 90 days
in jail and a $50!) fine.
Michigan President James
Duderstadt suspended Moeller two days
after the incident telling reporters that
"the most important thing in intercolle-
giate athletics at Michigan will involve
the integrity of our program
Two days later. Moeller resigned. "I
would like to make it clear that my con-
duct last Friday is in no way an indica-
tive of an alcohol problem, that it does
not reflect on any family difficulties be-
tween me and my wife. Ann, or any other
member of my family said Moeller in a
released statement "I have left my job
as head football coach, but I still have
my family and my dignity
Moeller's resignation came as a
shock to most football fans, including
Chris Luendowski. who graduated from
Michigan in 1992. "I thought it would
blow over in a week but the media really
seemed intent on making it an issue
says Luendowski. who still travels to at
least four games in Ann Arbor a year
from his New York home. "They cruci-
fied the guy. What he did was stupid,
sure, but he didn't deserve to get hung
out to dry
Those close to the program say
Moeller was constantly stressing integ-
rity and good conduct to his players. Two
hours after his arrest last week. Moeller
regretfully maintained his position.
"I tell those guys all the time you
want to be good, bust your ass. Because
that's the thing, I believe in that" says
Moeller on a police tape. "1 love my foot-
ball players, and I love my daughters
In cases where misconduct was re-
ported, athletic director Joe Roberson
says that the responsible players were all
immediately disciplined. "There has never
been any question about the quality of
Coach Moeller's program he says. "We
stand by the integrity of Michigan ath-
Hey do you want to
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The East Carolinian, June 21, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 21, 1995
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