The East Carolinian, May 24, 1995

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May 24,1995
Vol 69, No. 93
The East Carolinian
Circulation 12,000
East Carolina University
Greenville, N C
8 pases
Fire blamed for Ringgold evacuation
Around the State
(API - Three people were
killed and four others were injured
last Wednesday when fired em-
ployee began shooting at former co-
workers at a machine tools distri-
bution center in Asheville.
James Floyd Davis. 47. was ar-
rested and charged with three
counts of murder after the shoot-
ing at the Union Butterfield Divi-
sion plant in south Asheville.
(AP) - Larry Demeryaccused
in the slaying of Michael Jordan's
father, has been transferred from
the Robeson County Jail in
Durham, to a state prison next door
for safety reasons, State Depart-
ment of Correction officials said
Around the Country
(AP) - The remains of the fed-
eral building in Oklahoma City, a
stark reminder of terror, tumbled
to the ground today in an orches-
trated series of muffled booms as
friends and relatives of bombing
victims looked on. In Michigan, the
brother of one of the suspects was
released from custody.
The nine-story shell collapsed
in a cloud of grayish-brown dust
when the dynamite charges care-
fully placed by demolition experts
went off. It was a contrast to the
thick black smoke that boiled up
April 19 when a 4,800-pound bomb
tore the face of the building away.
(AP) ? People may lose some
ability to remember as they age
because they've shifted much of the
job to a less efficient part of the
brain, a study from Miami Beach,
Florida suggests.
Using brain scans to watch the
mind in action, researchers found
that such people may move much
of the work away from areas behind
the forehead and beneath the left
temple, and put more of a burden
on an area in the back of the brain.
Around the World
(AP) - A professor who wrote
for a government-run newspaper
has been shot and killed in west-
ern Algeria, security officials said
There was no claim of respon-
sibility for the slaying Monday night
in Oran, but suspicion fell on Mus-
lim fundamentalist militants who
have targeted reporters, intellectu-
als and officials in a 3-year-old in-
Bakhti Benaouda, 34, who
taught at the Oran University Arab
Language Institute, was shot at
point-blank range by two armed
men, witnesses said. Benaouda, the
46th journalist killed since the mili-
tants launched their fight to bring
down the army-backed government,
wrote for the El-Djoumhouria news-
(AP) - Police arrested an
American man and two Thais in
Bangkok yesterday wanted by U.S.
authorities for smuggling young
women to New York City to serve
as captive prostitutes, an official
Unattended stove
the culprit in
Monday's fire
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
On Monday at 12:27 p.m the
Greenville Police and Fire Depart-
ments and ECU's Police Depart-
ment responded to an alarm at
Ringgold Towers, while residents
evacuated the building.
Hollie Simonowich, manager of
Ringgold Towers said that a resident
came downstairs from the fifth floor
to tell her she smelled something
burning and saw smoke.
Simonowich then went upstairs and
checked Room 500.
"There was smoke and the
alarm was going off in the room
Simonowich said.
As she went downstairs in the
elevator, Simonowich said another
resident who happened to have a cel-
lular phone called for assistance.
Once on the main floor, Simonowich
pulled the fire lever. She said help
arrive quickly.
"It (help) took about three min-
utes Simonowich said.
The firemen found that the resi-
dent had left something unattended
after cooking on the stove.
"They put food on to cook and
left the building Simonowich said.
"They forgot to turn it off
There was little damage to the
room or the hallway.
"There was no water damage,
no fire damage - the smoke dam-
age is moderate to the room said
Tony Smart, battalion chief of shift
one for the Greenville Fire Depart-
During the incident, ECU's Po-
lice Department and Greenville po-
lice officers blocked the campus'
Cotanche Street entrance from traf-
fic for a period of time.
"Emergency vehicles were
there said Teresa Crocker, direc-
torchief of the ECU police depart-
ment. "They blocked off the en-
trance for safety reasons
Crocker said this was necessary
because if the fire department had
needed to pull fire hoses across the
street, cars could not be allowed to
run over them.
Simonowich said this type of
occurance is not uncommon.
"They do not cook very well
Simonowich said. "It happens quite
often. Usually, though, we find out
about it before it gets this far
Simonowich said all the dam-
ages are insured by Ringgold Tow-
ers. The contents in the apartment
are insured by the ownerrenter, or
the person's parents if they are re-
quired to sign the lease.
ECU acquires
new property
Photo by KEN CLARK
Fire and rescue workers arrived within minutes of being notified of a fire in Ringgold Towers
Monday. Residents were required to evacuate the building, no injuries occured.
Patients find help in
Jenkins Cancer Center
Marguerite Benjamin
Start Writer
Land grant allows
expansion of
intramural sports
Laura Jackman
Staff Writer
East Carolina is expanding again,
with a new, state-of-the-art intramu-
ral sports complex.
Last December, a six-acre tract of
land valued at $706,000 was donated
by the Blount family of Greenville. Ear-
lier this year, ECU purchased an ad-
ditional six acres for $500,000 to make
a 12-acre total. The facility will be
named the William Gray and Barbara
K. Blount Intramural Complex after
the donating family.
The sports complex will contain
10 footballsoccer fields, five softball
diamonds and space for lacrosse and
rugby matches.
"This generous gift and sale will
provide East Carolina students a lo-
cation for top-of-the-line intramural fa-
cilities said Jim Lanier, vice chancel-
lor for institutional advancement.
"The complex will be one of the fin-
est facilities of its kind and will ben-
efit students for generations to come
Construction is slated to begin
in November and expected to be com-
pleted by late 1996. The site of the
facility is next to the Belk Allied
Health Building, where the climbing
tower is located. The fields will span
through the existing trees that cur-
rently serve as a border for the uni-
"The real advantage to this plan
is that all the intramural games will
be played in one space. The area will
have its own identity Lanier said.
The bulk of ECU's present intra-
mural fields are located near Dowdy-
Ficklen Stadium. The move to the Al-
lied Health site will create a large cen-
tral area for other campus' needs. In
addition, the entire area will be lighted
to allow the fields to be used at night.
"The increasing demands for
parking and facility construction have
resulted in a significant decrease in
recreational playing fields over the
past five years said Nance Mize, di-
rector of recreation services. "And we
have estimated that between 300 and
500 students use the fields every
week. The ever-increasing demands
and growth in intramural sports, club
sports and informal recreation require
additional playing fields and deserve
quality playing surfaces
See GRANT page 2
The American College of Sur
geons Commission
on cancer has ap-
proved only one-
fifth of the nation's
cancer programs.
The Leo Jenkins
Cancer Center, a di-
vision of University
Medical Center of
Eastern Carolina-
Pitt County, was a
recent recipient of
this approval.
The award
certificate which
signifies approval
for three years, was
also given to the
Cancer Center in 1992. The criteria for
receiving this award are many, and the
"Receiving this
approval again
demonstrates to
the community
and to the region
that total cancer
care is available
right here"
? Phyllis DeAntonio,
program manager
standards of the organizations receiv-
ing this approval are very high.
"Receiving this approval
again demonstrates to the community
and to the region that total cancer care
is available right here said Phyllis
DeAntonio, pro-
gram manager for
the Cancer Center.
"This approval will
continue to impact
us as far as referrals
and research
diagnosed with can-
cer find that medi-
cal expenses and
hospital visits are
only a small part of
their concerns. In
order for patients to
cope with their ill-
nesses, they often
need counseling and emotional sup-
Joyner reaches a million
Wendy Rountree
Assistant News Editor
Joyner Library celebrafed the
acquisition of its millionth volume last
month with the addition of two books
on English explora-
tion. The books,
written by Richard
Hakluyt, were pub-
lished close to 400
years ago.
"Among aca-
demic libraries, the
million volume
mark is usually a
milestone that signi-
fies that a collection
has accumulated
enough books, jour-
nals and other ma-
terials so that the
capability for doing
research, extended
study and so forth is much better
said Dr. Kenneth Marks, director of
Joyner Library. "Typically, those uni-
versities that specialize in research,
that are recognized as being among
the best academic institutions from a
quality stand point are the ones that
have library collections that number
more that a million volumes
Marks said that only a small num-
ber of universities in the country have
reached that mark.
"There are
somewhere be-
tween 150 and
160 academic li-
braries that have a
million volumes or
more Marks said.
"It's not a large
number of librar-
ies and it suppos-
edly puts you in
good company
Only three
other universities'
libraries in the
There are
between 150 and
160 academic
libraries that have
a million volumes
or more
? Kenneth Marks, director
of Joyner Library 'N5C0hapel
7 7 Hill, N.C. State
and Duke, are
among that number.
"Very few people on this campus
realize the size and scope of Joyner
Library said Don Lennon, coordina-
tor of special collections for Joyner
Marks said that when a library
reaches the level that Joyner now has,
it can more effectively enhance the
graduate programs on campus.
"It would not cause a graduate
program to be put in place but it cer-
tainly would be a benefit to existing
programs Marks said. Putting to-
gether the library collection to sup-
port a graduate program is something
that is not done quickly and is not
done overnight.
"Nevertheless. I don't think any-
body would take issue with the state-
ment that would say, it's impossible
to have a good graduate program with-
out a good library and it's perhaps
fair to say that you can't have a good
library without good graduate pro-
grams. They go hand in glove he
Lennon said that the library cel-
ebrated on April 28 in Mendenhall
with a dedication and a symposium.
The topics ranged from a talk on the
virtual library to a talk on Hakluyt's
See MILLION page 2
"Our cancer center is committed
to the highest quality care and lifetime
follow-up care for patients said
DeAntonio. The approvals program
recognizes these are important parts
of a successful cancer program and
promotes consultation among patients,
their families and their physicians.
The Commission on Cancer dic-
tates that approved programs have a
tumor registry. A tumor registry is ef-
fective in that the process involves the
collection of information on all patients
who are diagnosed or treated for can-
cer at the institution. This allows the
institution to maintain contact with
patients after discharge which ensures
continued health care and rehabilita-
tion assistance.
"Information collected through
the registry allows us to participate in
national studies designed to improve
patient care and treatment said
DeAntonio. The American Cancer So-
ciety estimates that more than 80 per-
cent of newly diagnosed cancer pa-
tients (an estimated 1.252,000 cases
this year alone) will be treated in the
relatively few programs approved by
the Commission on Cancer.
According to DeAntonio, receiving
the three-year certificate of approval
will help the center fulfill its mission
to provide the best cancer care in east-
ern North Carolina.
"This will also contribute to the
future of cancer care by allowing us to
participate in research De Antonio
said. He expressed the importance of
the team approach to ensure better pa-
tient care.
The Leo Jenkins Cancer Center is
currently offering a program to help
adults diagnosed with cancer, their
families and friends cope with the chal-
lenges of cancer.
The program, created by the
American Cancer Society and fittingly
called "I Can Cope offers participants
practical information, encouragement
and insight to help with the day-to-day
issues of living with cancer.
"The program began on April 18
and will be ending on June 6 said
Ellen Walston, a clinical social worker
and chief organizer of the 8-week pro-
See CANCER page 2
Hats off to Marshallpage 4
Looking for a reality breakpage O
Men's track heads to championshippage
Wednesday Thursday
Partly cloudy
High 85
Low 64
Partly cloudy
High 84
Low 62
Phone 328 - 6366 Fax 328 - 6558
The East Carolinian
Student Publication Bldg. 2nd floor
Greenville, NC 27858
Student Pubs Building;across from Joyner
i.i i.i a ??win.
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?? ? ???
mmmwhw vmHm
Wednesday, May 24, 1995
The East Carolinian
Artists' work pays off
Ira Varney
Chris Brantley
Staff Writer
Three local art students had
their talents pay off last month when
they received awards for their
achievements in painting and vari-
ous other art forms. The awards
were in the form of grant and schol-
arship money.
Michele Roberts, a junior at
ECU, was honored by the Liquitex
Excellence in Art Student Grant pro-
gram with a $500 award for art ma-
terials and supplies. Rebecca Putze
also received the award. Roberts and
Putze are two of more than 200 stu-
dents nation-wide to receive a cash
or materials grant this year. This
award is designated primarily for
students who concentrate in paint-
ECU art majors were encour-
lected from 31 students competing
for the scholarship.
"I was amazed that I had won
with all of the competition Varney
said. "I felt confident about the di-
versity of my work because of the
progress made in my summer expe-
Varney has spent his summers
studying art at the North Carolina
School of the Arts, Governor's
School and Rhode Island School of
the Arts. She recently received a
teaching fellows scholarship and
plans to pursue a career in art edu-
aged to apply for the Liquitex award
earlier this year. "1 just sent slides
of my work and a written commen-
tary Roberts said.
"I felt that the experience I ac-
quired from the art exchange pro-
gram in Italy last summer helped my
work progress. I was influenced by
others who were in the program in
Roberts worked in an exhibition
in Italy during the four week pro-
gram led by ECU art instructor R.G.
Brown. Most of her work has been
nonrepresentational painting and
charcoal drawing. Some of these
works have been on dis-
play in the Gray Art
Gallery in the Jenkins
Fine Arts Building.
"Painting will al-
ways be something I
want to do, but I plan
to pursue a second de-
gree in film Roberts
Another art stu-
dent, Ira Varney, of
Rocky Mount Senior
High School, received
the H. Alexander and
Judith Easley scholar-
ship to study art at
ecu. The scholarship is Award winner Michele Roberts stands
worth $1,200.
Varney was se-
in front of one of her many paintings.
Traffic radio hits waves
Andi Powell Phillips
Staff Writer
ECU Parking and Traffic Services
is trying to make parking on campus
a little bit easier through their new
"information station a radio broad-
cast which can be heard on AM 530.
"The service provides informa-
tion on parking for visitors, students
and faculty about directions, where
to park, the rapid shuttle service from
Minges, and general information such
as the location of Parking and Traffic
Services so that visitors can come
pick-up parking permits said Leslie
Craigle, marketing director for busi-
ness services. "If you are familiar with
the radio information stations as you
enter Disney World, it is similar to
those, but on a smaller scale
The broadcast recordings are
made by telephone by Patricia Gertz,
director of parking and traffic services
and they can be updated if any emer-
gencies arise, or during special events
such as football games or concerts,
Craigle said.
"If the shuttle service is not op-
erating for some reason, say a school
holiday or during a break, or traffic
needed to be directed for special
events parking, it would be broadcast"
she said.
ECU Parking and Services
bought the radio service, the funds
coming from parking fines and fees,
Gertz said.
"The system was purchased for
about $15,000, including installation
and training Gertz said. "Currently
there is a minimal telephone line
charge per month, but that will be
eliminated when the telephone num-
ber becomes a campus number
Craigle said the radio signal can
currently only be picked-up very near
campus and it can be a little fuzzv.
"We're planning to enhance the
sound quality in the near future she
And there are other improve-
ments the department hopes to make
as well.
"Eventually, we'd like the broad-
cast to contain more information
about the university and for people
in outlying areas to be able to hear
it Craigle said. "Right now there are
signs on the perimeter of campus, but
we're hoping to establish signs just
outside of town and have directions
to the campus and other information
for visitors
between 2
ond 5 p.m.
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Rock n' Roll
Now In Its
23rd Year
ViVIN j JEjIx from page 1
gram. "We will be starting a new
group in the evenings in July or Au-
gust, and we encourage people to pre-
Walston said the program has av-
eraged about 10 people per meeting.
Since program groups are closed af-
ter the first weekly session, the same
group of people attend each week for
the duration of the program. This lim-
ited group size ensures a feeling of
personal support and that no partici-
pant misses any stage of the program.
"For each program in the series,
we have a variety of speakers which
include doctors, nurses, physical
therapists, massage therapists, dieti-
tians, lawyers, social workers and
more Walston said.
According to Walston, week one
of the series is dedicated to learning
about cancer, the topic of week two
is understanding treatment, and dur-
ing week three, participants leam how
to manage the effects of illness and
The next five weeks respectively
focus on keeping well in mind and
body, common concerns, feelings, ex-
ploring self-esteem, mobilizing re
sources and support and celebrating
"That's going to be our big
party Walston said of the eighth
week. The program is free of charge,
but pre-registration is required. Dates
for the new series and more informa-
tion can be obtained from Ellen
Walston at (919) 8164801.
MILLION from page 1
The three volume set, The Prin-
cipal Navigations, Voiages,
Traffiques. and Discoveries of the
English Nation were a gift from The
Friends of the Library. The first book
contains the two volumes published
in 1598, while the second book con-
tains the third volume published in
Hakluyt, was the first to write and
to educate his fellow Englishmen
about the explorations and accom-
plishments of English explorers.
Lennon said Hakluyt, a friend of
Sir Walter Raleigh's, included in the
book a list of the names of the origi-
nal Roanoke Island settlers, who went
down in history as "The Lost Colony
"The Sir Walter Raleigh voyages
to Roanoke Island, which of course
has considerable impact on North
Carolina's history - all we know about
VjlvAJN J. from page 1
An access road will be built con-
necting the existing Allied Health
Building parking lot to the new com-
plex, and additional parking will be
provided along this road. Once the
complex is completed, the university
plans to convert the fields around the
stadium into athletic parking.
The construction will be in two
phases. The first phase includes the
construction of the access road, play-
ing fields and a central building which
will contain water fountains, bath-
rooms, first aid and storage space.
Phase two would later convert an ad-
ditional small tract of land into more
playing fields.
"One of the most important ele-
ments of this facility is it gives another
permanent green space on campus
and it is important that we keep these
kinds of areas open and accessible to
students Lanier said.
A natural buffer of trees will sur-
round the completed site providing an-
other aesthetic value to the facility.
"Well over half of the student
body is involved in intramurals at any
given year, so this is a very signifi-
cant gift from the Blount family
Lanier said.
them comes from Hakluyt's Principle
Navigations Lennon said.
Marks said the Hakluyt books are
probably the most notable addition
that the library has received.
"There are probably none in the
library's history that stand out the way
the millionth volume has Marks said.
Marks said the books will boost
the university's maritime, coastal and
marine programs.
"Typically, when a university has
a library past the millionth volume
mark, they seek out a work that rep-
resents something that is unique
about the university or that is a
strength of the academic programs
Marks said. "As we looked at the divi-
sion of academic affairs and some of
the program proposals that are going
forward for additional academic pro-
grams, it seemed clear that if we could
find a volume that was a oriented to-
wards maritime history, coastal and
marine activities that it would repre-
sent a long held focus for the univer-
"It also would represent an ac-
knowledgment that the university is
interested in Ph.D. programs in mari-
time history, coastal and marine stud-
ies. A publication like Hakluyt pro-
vides original source material for re-
searchers and students who previously
would have to travel to other locations
to find the information
The books will be on display in
the manuscript collection area in
Joyner Library until the end of the
waiK-ins Hnyiime
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Wednesday, May 24, 1995
The East Carolinian
Our View
Since ECU
officials thinks it
is okay for on
residents to hike
all the way to
Todd to eat, are
they planning
to foot the bill
for the those
who suffer heat
We are the summer school elite. We are few in number, but
we are HERE. Instead of lying on a beach somewhere or doing
an internship for needed job experience, we have opted (volun-
tarily or involuntarily) to spend at least part of our summer
marathoning through classes every day.
So, we should at least not have to walk a mile and a half to
Todd Dining Hall to get a decent meal.
The policy, which started last summer, requires that stu-
dents living in residence halls during the summer purchase
meal plans, even if they use their declining balance during the
regular school year. These residence halls (with air condition-
ing, thank God) are currently Cotton, Fleming and Jarvis and
are located on Central campus much closer to Mendenhall caf-
eteria than Todd on College Hill. The upstairs of Mendenhall
is open and even Hendrix Theater is planning to show a few
movies this summer. So, why not open the cafeteria.
Yes, there are less students on campus now than in the
fall or spring semesters and a lot of students live off campus.
But, we are still ECU students whether it is May or January,
and we should have some breaks. If we are forced to buy a
meal plan in order to live on campus, we should have a conve-
nient place to use it.
Okay, the Wright Place and the Croatan are open, but they
basically serve fast food. Sometimes people want a real meat
and potato kind of meal, you know. The kind that includes the
four basic food groups, yeah, including vegetables.
As the summer progresses, (we know how hot it gets in
Greenville) students who find themselves walking to Todd in
the sweltering heat might not make it back to Central campus
because of heat stroke. And, stubborn students, who refuse to
give in and walk and who are fortunate enough to have cars,
face wasting gas which their last $4 paid for and running up
useless mileage on their speedometers.
Granted, when incoming freshmen and their parents come
to stay on College Hill during orientation, the university, un-
derstandably, wants to show them the best and newest (Todd)
that it has to offer, but it is also important that the university
does not forget the students who are already here - way down
the Hill on Central campus.
The East Carolinian ?
Reality basically bites
I weni to see While You Were
Sleeping with some friends last week
and I really enjoyed it. My friends,
however, complained that it was too
unrealistic. I hear that alot, that this
movie is too farfetched, or that televi-
sion sitcom doesn't reflect real life and
I think GOOD! I get enough reality
from the 6 o'clock news when I can
bear too watch it. I don't want to
spend my leisure time watching rec-
reations of the horrible things nature
and man inflict on themselves and on
one another. I think that's why televi-
sion shows like Seinfeld and Friends
are so popular. They take you com-
pletely away from reality for half an
hour. Anything that can do that de-
serves an award and yet many people
say sitcom television is trash and
"fluff" movies are disregarded as un-
important Some people say that those
kinds of entertainment don't teach
you anything, but I have to disagree.
So-called "light" entertainment
teaches you how to laugh and be a
little silly and it reminds you that not
all people are out there plotting to
maim and kill their fellow human be-
Andi Powell Phillips
Opinion Columnist
There's enough
violence and
despair in real
life. Who wants
to see it in the
ings. When I see a movie that is fun
and upbeat and hopeful, not only do
I enjoy the movie itself, but it serves
as proof to me that there is at least
one other person cut there who still
daydreams and imagines the way
things could be.
I guess what kind of entertain-
ment you like depends on how you view
the world. Me, I see the world as a huge
amount ofpotential for happiness, the
majority of which is being wasted. I
like to see movies and television that
show the way things might be if only
(fill-in your solution for world peace
and harmony here.) But, obviously,
from the number of reality-based cop
shows, news magazines, real-life disas-
ter shows, etc. there are people who
like their entertainment a little grim-
mer. I can only guess at why this is so.
Maybe they get a sense of well-being
from watching other people suffer and
thinking it could never happen to them.
And, of course, there are those who
like to take entertainment to the next
level and watch horror movies, the
grosser the better. I won't even specu-
late about the motivations of these
people, 1 think we can all use our imagi-
nations here.
Anyway, if I get anything impor-
tant across in this article I want it to
be this: Too much reality is like too
much of anything, it can kill you (or at
least make you wish you were dead.)
While we need to know what is going
on in the world around us, it is good
to escape from it once in a while and
just laugh until you snort soda through
your nose!
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
After reading "What's the pur-
pose of 1065?" by Maureen Rich, I
felt it necessary for an educated re-
sponse. As an educator it is my re-
sponsibility to defend mathematics
and our education system.
I believe the author's logic to
be completely sound, provided the
article was written by a device that
does not use semiconductor tech-
nology (i.e. No word processor,
computer, or any electronic device),
in a room lit by candle light or the
sun. The room should be of wood
construction with no engineered
timbers, on a cracked concrete slab
or dirt foundation. The room
should be located where there is
sic no telephones, televisions, AC
electricity, or carpet. All of these
condition should also apply to the
publication in which it is printed.
These criteria are required be-
cause, despite popular belief, Sci-
entists, engineers, and every day
Joes who invent are not, in general,
bred to do these things. That is,
they are formed by some type of
education. I use to believe math
was worthless until one day I
learned that .999 1 (An easy
proof with knowledge of MATH
1065). The absurdity of this in-
trigued me so much that 1 wanted
to learn math! I am now a physics
graduate. My point is, that the gen-
eral college requirements are (1) for
exposing students to all areas of
study so that they may make an
educated decision about what kind
of career to choose, and (2) for giv-
ing students the fundamental tools
to carry out their decision. Since
you are a journalist I do not believe
that you consider researching a
Stephanie Lassiter, Editor
Tambra Zion, News Editor
Wendy Rountree, Assistant News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Brandon Waddell, Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Brian Paix, Assistant Sports Editor
Stephanie Smith, Staff Illustrator
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Jack Skinner, Phot ? apher
Darryl Marsh, Creative Director
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson, Copy Editor
Paul D. Wright, Media Adviser
Janet Respess, Media Accountant
Deborah Daniol,Secretary
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday.
The lead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters to the
editor, limited to 250 words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right
to edit or reject letters for publication. All letters must be signed. Letters should be addressed to Opinion Editor,
The East Carolinian, Publications Building, ECU, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. For information, call (919) 328-6366.
Politicians: Demigods or demons?
When terrorists struck in Okla-
homa recently. I thought that Presi-
dent Clinton handled the situation
perfectly. His opening statements per-
fectly expressed the moral outrage we
all felt at such a heinous act. This was
surely the president's finest moment
Unfortunately, his follow-up state-
ments regarding political speech in
our country were not as well handled.
Not, as many conservatives have
claimed, because he cast his net too
broadly, including in it mainstream
commentators like Rush Limbaugh.
Instead, he should have pointed out
the serious problem that plagues
American political discourse.
If the president really wanted to
help, he would have fearlessly pointed
out the many voices in all the parties
who make reckless and foolish state-
ments about their political opponents.
All too often, rather than engage in a
serious debate of the issues, politi-
cians and pundits of all ideologies are
too willing to settle for attacking the
character and motives of those with
whom they disagree.
Take, as merely two of the most
recent and obvious examples, the
president's proposed health care plan
and the Republican's proposed block
grant approach to school lunches. Re-
publicans, with very few exceptions,
questioned the first couple's charac-
ter and attacked the president and
first lady for "trying to socialize" the
story (an exac parallel to item 1) a
waste, nor do I believe that you
think learning to write (an exact
parallel to item 2) is a waste.
Finally, I know that Maureen
Rich will take the time to read this
response because as a journalist she
cannot afford to be so closed
minded that statements like "Don't
bother ending in your responses,
because nothing anyone says can
convince me that Math 1065 serves
a purpose are sincere!
Brian Hall
Opinion Columnist
disintegration of
our society is
most evident in
the animosity
shown between
political parties
economy, rather than debate the plan
upon its merits.
When these same Republicans
earlier this year proposed sending the
school lunch program to the states,
the democrats accused them of not
caring if America's children starved
and of wanting to balance the budget
"on the backs of America's children
Both of these ideas merited a
fuller and more intelligent debate than
they received. The president and Mrs.
Clinton are undoubtedly right that
something needs to be done to con-
trol health care costs. Perhaps their
plan was not the best way to do so,
but 30-second commercials and five-
second sound bites on the news were
not the way to prove that it was not
Likewise, the Republicans are
surely right in pointing out that the
federal government has grown too
large to effectively administer many
programs. Perhaps the school lunch
program should nut be sent to the
states. The way to show this, however,
was not by sending the president to
eat tacos at a school cafeteria, but by
proving to Congress and the Ameri-
can people that such a move would
be a bad idea.
The worst form of such political
language is found in fund raising let-
ters, such as the now infamous NRA
"jackbooted thugs" letter, which the
president has rightly condemned.
Another example, which he has not
condemned, is a Democratic National
Committee letter which described
Newt Gingrich as the "most danger-
ous" man in our nation's history.
We seem to have lost the idea of
the loyal opposition upon which
multiparty democracy is based. This
is not to say that there has ever been
a golden era in our history, free from
demagoguery. However, we at least
used to be able to recognize it as such.
This points out the true prob-
lem, which is not that politicians are
acting this way, but that it is work-
ing. Too many of us are willing to
believe the worst ahout our political
opponents. Until we insist upon an
end to this demonization of our ad-
versaries, the current trend will con-
Hey Aldridge, shut up!
Recently 1 called an out-of-state
friend who served in the Army with
me. He said he had read about
Greenville recently in his local news-
paper. He laughed and joked that
Greenville must be ,i pretty backwards
place to elect a state representative
who would say women who are raped
cannot get pregnant.
As amazing as it sounds, Rep.
Henry Aldridge said in a House com-
mittee debate and again on the House
floor that women who are raped can-
not get pregnant. He said, "Their
juices don't flow it's not natural
He also commented that women who
are sexually assaulted must be promis-
cuous. Within minutes after his in-
flammatory speech, his comments
were being carried across the coun-
try by the Associated Press wire ser-
The New York Times. Washing-
ton Post and Miami Herald along with
? newspapers and radio stations across
the US carried his remarks. Henry
Aldridge put Greenville on the map.
CBS radio news and National Public
Radio carried his comments across the
nation. One could almost hear the
sound of Aldridge bumper stickers
being peeled off cars throughout Pitt
The amazing point is not that
Aldridge made these comments, but
how he kept the voters from finding
out about his extremist views until
after the election. He spent $64,000
to ride the Republican wave into Ra-
leigh by distracting the people with a
well orchestrated mass media cam-
paign. This is more than anyone has
ever spent to capture a state house
seat from Pitt County.
Thomas Blue
Opinion Columnist
Thanks to Henry
Aldridge1 s
diarrhea of the
Greenville is
now on the map
Aldridge used the bait and switch
to get a state house seat. First, he ran
a series of ads that showed his grand-
children jumping around on an old
home movie. He told us he wanted to
change the General Assembly, because
he was concerned about their future.
However, he didn't tell us how he was
going to change Raleigh. Well, I guess
we know now.
The second part of his campaign
was to destroy the reputation of the
incumbent representative. Aldridge
sent out thousands of mail pieces that
hit mailboxes across the county two
days before the election. The most
inflammatory one alleged his oppo-
nent coddled child molesters, because
he voted for the Structured Sentenc-
ing Act
Henry Aldridge was even more
loose with the truth than most politi-
cians are. The Greensboro News and
Record called this mailing a dishon-
est disgrace to campaigning for pub-
lic office. It's almost secondary that
every member of .Aldridge's own party
voted for the bill during its final read-
ing in the state ! ouse. Doesn't the
Iruth matter in politics anymore?
Henry Aldridge deceived the
public with a big money campaign.
He told us his opponent was against
the Intruder Bill throughout the
race. Yet, in reality Rep. McLawhorn
introduced and sponsored the very
bill he was accused of having fought
against. On the other hand, Henry
told us he was going to cut govern-
ment. He failed to mention that he
was going to vote to cut 46 faculty
positions at ECU. When are politi-
cians going to start being honest with
It's sad that most politicians
want to distract us from their records.
While Henry was reciting that he was
against taxes, he must have wondered
how he was going to reconcile that
with his remarkable record of hav-
ing supported tax increases. After all,
he is the same Henry Aldridge who
voted for poll taxes, property tax in-
creases and even an increase in the
fees to bury people in Greenville's
city cemetery. His poll tax charged
people money to vote. Thank God the
Supreme Court decided to protect us
from politicians who want us to have
to pay to exercise our right to vote.
It's too bad they can't protect
us from politicians who try to deceive
us to get elected to public office. Our
state representative exemplifies what
is wrong with America's political sys-
tem. Politicians in both political par-
ties need to be honest with the pub-
lic about where the stand and what
thfir record is. One can only hope
more of them get caught like Henry
Aldridge did.
William T. Younger, III
ECU Alumni, Graduate student
1995 University Award
"Seventy-f ive percent of the public get their
information from TV. That means 75
percent of Americans are under-informed.
You must read newspapers, you must read
magazines, you must read books
? Bernard Shaw, news anchor, 1994.

01- ? -jl"i mii i Hij,
Wednesday, May 24, 1995
The East Carolinian
HeTs more than Barefoot
J. Marshall brings
entertainment to
ECU year-round
J. Miles Layton
Staff Writer
In the beginning there was the
Student Union. Then came J. Marshall,
assistant director of student activities.
Marshall has a large part in bringing
anything from the Spin Doctors to
Forrest Gump to East Carolina. As
adviser to the Film, Lecture, Special
Events and Popular Entertainment
Committees of the Student Union, his
influence is widespread. But what in-
fluences Marshall?
As an undergraduate at the Uni-
versity of North Dakota, Marshall was
dragged reluctantly to see guitarist
Leo Kottke play before a packed
house. Well known in musician circles,
Kottke had not broken into the main-
stream music Marshall listened to.
"That was one of the best con-
certs 1 had ever heard Marshall said.
"Ever since then I was constantly on
the search for good music
Marshall was a very active under-
graduate. He was a member of Sigma
Chi fraternity, a senator in student
government, and active in the univer-
sity union. He left with a degree in
public administration and went to
graduate school at Northern Arizona
University where he received a mas-
ters in education and counseling.
Marshall worked extensively in resi-
dence life, where he was unhappy.
"I didn't like the discipline end
of residence life which is a big part of
what you do
While doing an internship in the
student activities office. Marshall de-
cided this was the direction he was
headed. After graduation he became
the assistant dean of student activi-
ties at Southern Arkansas which has
approximately 2,300 students.
Attracted to Greenville and hop-
ing to serve at a much larger univer-
sity, Marshall moved to East Carolina
in 1990 where he has served as assis-
tant director of student activities. He
feels the student activities office is as
important as academics.
"1 think what we do here is as
important as what they do in the class-
room because we provide hands-on
opportunities for students in leader-
ship, marketing and social skills which
are valuable in real life
Marshall said that students in the
Student Union go out and have to put
together a program that is entertain-
ing and sometimes educational to the
student body. That's no easy feat, but
nothing can bea seeing everybody
having a good time like at Barefoot
on the Ma
? "It's like an athlete coming off
the court with a win when I see the
crowd smiling Marshall said.
Despite all the hard work the
Student Union does during the year,
Marshall feels they do not get much
recognition because few mainstream
bands appear. Most students are re-
luctant to experiment with music like
he was, but he says today's undiscov-
ered musicians are tomorrow's head-
liners. He recalled the Spin Doctors
played to a whopping crowd of 87 a
year before their chart-topping album.
The Connells and UB40 have also
made appearances before going main-
"Those are the kind of things, if
you take a risk, you may see before
they take off Marshall said.
Part of the reason large acts do
not appear is lack of a Dean-Dome- or
Walnut-Creek-sized venue. Marshall
has worked diligently and has suc-
ceeded in getting Williams Arena open
for a Homecoming concert. He thinks
that if a big band plays, more people
will come out for the quality, smaller
"If we did a few major concerts,
it would improve our credibilty before
they see what we are doing on a
See MARSHALL page 5
And the winner is
Photo Courtesy of ECU News Bureau
Djean Jawrunner, an ECU graduate student in sculpture.won an international mold-making
competition. The spoils of her victory include a $2,500 scholarship and $1,000 worth of
mold-making equipment for the school. Who says art degrees don't pay off?
Set sail on a Crimson Tide
Hackman and
Washington shine
in Naval thriller
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
At the beginning of last sum-
mer, Speed proved to be the action
film to beat in the summer compe-
tition. This summer an early action
entry, Crimson Tide, seems des-
tined to follow in the tracks
Crimson Tide takes place
aboard the nuclear-powered subma-
rine, USS Alabama. The Alabama,
in Navy slang, is classified as a
boomer: a large sub that carries
nuclear warheads. A boomer's mis-
sion is to provide a deterrent to
nuclear war. The sub remains sub-
merged for several months at a time
without anyone knowing its loca-
tion. The theory behind this se-
crecy is that any aggression by a
foreign country can be met with
swift retaliation before any enemy
subs can attack the boomer.
The end of the
Cold War seemed to
mark the end of es-
pionage thrillers as
well as contempo-
rary military films.
Yet the human
mind can be cre-
ative when pressed
and thus Crimson
Tide resonates with
an urgency cap-
tured from today's
headlines. The film-
makers have wisely
capitalized on the
precarious world
situation brought
about not by gov-
ernments but by fa-
natical coalitions of dissatisfied citi-
Crimson Tide opens with a
CNN news correspondent relating
the events leading to a tense situa-
tion in Russia (The same reporter
appears at the end of the film also,
providing a framing device for the
movie). A
small, hostile
group of Rus-
sians seizes a
nuclear base
and threatens
to launch its
against the
United States.
From this
overview of
the world situ-
ation, Crim-
son Tide
switches to a
world within a
world, the in-
sides of a sub-
marine. Ex-
cept for brief scenes on land at the
beginning and end of the film.
See TIDE page 5
Yet the human
mind can be
creative when
pressed and thus
Crimson Tide
resonates with an
urgency captured
from today's
Home Grown music sprouts downtown
Photo courtesy Leeway Productions
Here we see local rock favorites Purple Schoolbus relaxing
around their pavement-eating namesake, which they will be
riding into the Homegrown Music Festival, where they will
perform in all their magenta glory.
Brandon Waddell
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
For the first time since Barefoot
on the Mall, out-of-towners will
decend upon Greenville to be given
attendance credit for music appre-
ciation. No, the music building has
not been engulfed in towering in-
ferno; but the downtown area will
be on fire on June 9 and 10 for the
Home Grown Music Festival. The
festival is the first of its kind in
Greenville; 11 bands with different
musical styles will play simulta-
neously at both The Attic and
Peasant's Cafe.
The bands playing in the festi-
val are all members of the Home
Grown Music Network, an associa-
tion of independent bands working
concurrently to promote themselves
to success on a nationwide level. All
acts being featured in the festival are
ones who have current CD releases
available and are seasoned live per-
formers. Bigger-name acts include
Purple Schoolbus, Knocked Down
Smilin Omnimous Seapods, Flyin'
Mice, Melanie Sparks Band and
Keller Williams.
The Home Grown Music Festi-
val is the brainstorm of Lee
Crumpton, founder of LeeWay Pro-
ductions and Paul Edwards, owner
of Peasant's Cafe. Originally concep-
tualized as a mini-Lollapallooza of
sorts where a few of the bands in
Crumpton's Home Grown Music Net-
work would travel the region play-
ing several different venues; the idea
was aborted when major booking
problems became unavoidable. Over
a pizza, the pair decided to take a
different approach; they decided to
have their bands all come together
in Greenville and play over a week-
end. In association with Steve
Neragis of Orange Records and Mike
Luba of Cellar Door. Crumpton and
Edwards sold The Attic's owner, Joe
Tronto on the idea and created the
first Home Grown Music Festival.
"Since its inception in Greenville,
many people from not only North
Carolina, but also South Carolina and
Virginia are looking at the Festival.
Should it be as successful as we be-
lieve it will be, this type of event could
spread all over the region Edwards
Festival events will begin early on
both Friday and Saturday nights at 6
p.m. with Agents of Good Roots and
Keller Williams, respectively, playing
live outside of CD Alley promoting the
festival. Advance tickets are already
availible for S15 at CD Alley, Peasant's
and The Attic. An advance ticket en-
titles the bearer to admission to both
venues both nights and a free T-shirt.
CD. Reviews
Thurston Moore
Psychic Hearts
Kris Hoffler
Staff Writer
Have I ever told you how much 1
like Sonic Youth? I'll spare you the gory
details. Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth
has released a solo album, and need-
less to say I'm having a hard time re-
maining objec-tive about it
Sonic Youth is a band that first ap-
peared in the early '80s and helped to
change the face of underground rock.
Much of the crap you hear today was
influenced by them directly or indirectly,
but the fact that it's crap is not their
Moore is one of the Youth's gui-
tarists, but to say he plays lead or
rhythm would be misleading; you can't
really apply conventional rock lingo to
?. band with such a sound. Lee Ranaldo
is the other guitarist for the Youth, and
he helps Moore on this release as well,
mixing and recording two of the songs.
Kim Gordon, Sonic Youth bass player,
didn't play at all on this release.
Moore has had many side projects
with REM, the deceased Kurt Cobain
and various other artists, but Psychic
Hearts is his first solo release. There
are 15 tracks on this album that range
from the wilderness landscapes of static
noise that you would expect from Sonic
Youth to some very structured and al-
most conventional- sounding songs.
The album opens with "Queen Bee
and Her Pals This is
a very structured
song with a set pat-
tern framing it the
tempo shifts aie re-
peated over and over.
It's like four mea-
sures of melodic
sounds interspersed
with rhythmic pound-
ing; you really have to
hear it to understand.
The lyrics are consis-
tent with what Moore
has written before,
filled with subtle re-
bellion, subversion
and sexual ambigu-
ity: "Mr. Muscle man vou've got to stop
and think, there was a time when God
was dressed in pink Good stuff.
The title track, "Psychic Hearts
consists of two strummed chords and
no more. This is a minimal song about
people faced with hard circumstances.
Then there is "Blues from Beyond the
Grave an instrumental that is a shape
shifter. It changes from melodic to cha-
otic distortion to
soft and minimal
string picking and
fades out.
Blues" is an eerie
song with only
Moore and guitar.
You can really hear
the underproduc-
tion on this song;
the voice sounds
distorted and
flawed while the
crackle and hiss of
the amplifier are
still audible. With
this kind of music,
the less a song gets cleaned up the bet-
ter it will be. Allowing the background
noises of electric equipment to come
through is consistent with his work with
Sonic Youth. When using noise as mu-
Psychic Hearts
is one more
excursion into
the abstract, a
gift from one of
the neo-masters
of the art of
the imperfect.
sic, anything goes.
The last track on the album is an
epic study in textures, rhythm and
soundscapes. "Elegy for All the Dead
Rock Stars" has no lyrics and goes on
for some 20 minutes. The song drifts in
and out, changes, becomes hard, then
soft, raging, then quiet. This is Moore
pretending to be Jackson Pollock. It's
kind of like he's standing over a canvas
letting the paint drip from the brush to
create random streaks and swirls that
culminate in one beautiful mess.
This is a great album, much more
accessible than some of his early work
with Sonic Youth, but consistent with
their sound. Thurston. for you I'll tip
my hat You and the Youth have taken
the sounds of modem America (static,
engines and machines, electric fans, traf-
fic noise, city sounds, phones too long
off the hook, a million heads stirring
on their pillows) and made it into mu-
sic. Psychic Hearts is one more excur-
sion into the abstract, a gift from one
of the neo-masters of the art of the im-
perfect Buy it. Screeeeeeeeech Crack!
"A Drop in the Bucket" is just
what it claims to be: a very tiny
drop in the great screaming
bucket of American media opin-
ion. Take it as you will.
Mark Brett
Ufestyle Editor
"Keep in touch
With these words (or words
much like them), many of us bid
farewell last month to graduating
friends. At the time, we meant it. In
the emotional swells of saying
goodbye, we were sure that noth-
ing could keep us from remaining
close to our departing pals.
But now it's summer. They're
gone, we're here, and life is moving
on. You can't just call up Bob when
you're bored, because Bob has
moved to Venezuela. So you call
Sam instead. You have every inten-
tion to write Bob, but that summer
class load is eating up a lot of your
time. And besides, you're mostly
hanging out with Sam these days.
One thing leads to another, and
old friends like Bob become after-
thoughts. "I've got to write Bob"
becomes "I'll write Bob if I get the
time and then diminishes to "I
wish I had written Bob It's a slow,
steady decline that's difficult to
What got my mind on this was
an encounter I had with some old
friends from my hometown last
weekend. I didn't meet them in col-
lege, but these two guys were my
very best friends in a difficult pe-
riod of my life. Then, four years ago,
we all went our separate ways. One
of them lives in Arkansas now, the
other in South Carolina. By an
amazing fluke, all three of us were
back in oi. hometown at the same
We got together, and things
were going great. We talked and
laughed and did all the things that
old friends do. It was almost like
we'd never left town, that we were
all four years younger, with more
hair and a wild passion for slam
dancing. We shared our latest con-
spiracy theories and compared
record collections. It was all turn-
ing into some crappy, sentimental
sitcom moment so we decided to go
out and rent a movie.
It was when we realized that
the local Wal-Mart was a field the
last time we saw each other that it
sunk in. What had we been doing
these last four years that was so
damned important that we couldn't
have at least dropped each other a
letter? One of my friends had a baby
last month, and I didn't know his
wife was even pregnant!
Major, life-changing events had
taken place and we hadn't bothered
to keep each other updated. This
got me thinking about all the people
I've left behind in my long college
career, and all the ones who have
left me. I remembered a letter I
abandoned in February and really
wished I hadn't lost the address.
When we parted company the
next day, we all vowed to keep in
touch with each other. And we
meant it. But here I am writing this.

Wednesday, May 24, 1995
The East Carolinian
? ' ? ? ? 2fei
from page 4
Crimson Tide takes place com-
pletely underwater.
Within the confines of the sub,
communication is critical. Thus
when a Russian sub attacks the Ala-
bama and a series of events con-
spire to make communication im-
possible, the sub becomes deaf and
blind. No commands can be relayed
to the sub, thus leaving the sub lit-
erally hanging in the water. The last
message they receive orders the
Alabama to fire against the Soviet
base before the rebels finish fuel-
while you wait
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??i r-
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ing their missiles.
Though protocol requires a
confirmation message before
launching nuclear warheads, the
time wasted waiting for that con-
firmation would make the nuclear
strike ineffective since the Soviet
warheads would have already been
The dilemma faced by the Ala-
bama crystallizes in the conscious-
ness of the commanding officer,
Captain Frank Ramsey (Gene Mack-
man) and the executive officer,
Lieutenant Commander Ron
Hunter (Denzel Washington).
Ramsey views the situation simply:
he sees the last order as binding
and thus sets the sub for launch
depth. Hunter fears that Ramsey is
being too hasty and is also violat-
ing protocol. Thus Hunter puts
Ramsey under arrest and locks him
in his stateroom.
Amid the power struggle on
board the Alabama, a Russian sub
still lurks in the water. Torpedoes
are fired and a hair-raising chain
of events unfold that threaten to
sink the Alabama. The confusion
caused by the Russian attack leads
several officers to question
Hunter's authority. They decide to
recapture command of the boat for
Ramsey by force. They raid an am-
munition locker, unlock Ramsey,
and prepare to confront Hunter
while the threat of nuclear war
looms ever closer.
The tension in Crimson Tide
mounts continually. The various
battles being waged on board and
outside the sub fully engage the
viewer's attention. The USS Ala-
bama becomes a microcosm of the
world situation where two equally
valid points of view must somehow
be reconciled in the face of immi-
nent danger.
One of the main reasons Crim-
son Tide works so effectively is the
direction of Tony Scott. Scott's un-
impressive resume, including Top
Gun and Days of Thunder, give
only a hint of his ability to orches-
trate such a tense thriller.
Last year's True Romance fi-
nally awakened this critic to Scott's
talents. With a good script Scott's
slick, glossy direction can be a valu-
able asset to a film. The trouble
with Top Gun and Days of Thun-
der was that the films had insipid
writing. Quentin Tarrentino's script
for True Romance gave Scott the
necessary canvas on which to paint
his glossy vision.
Michael Schiffer's top-notch
script for Crimson Tide has again
provided Scott with the proper can-
vas for his work. The picture Tony
Scott paints borders on great art.
For a thriller, one will not see much
better than Crimson . Tide.
Schiffer's story pits two men
against each other, not protagonist
and antagonist, but two men with
different ideas. The fair treatment
given to both Ramsey and Hunter
strengthens the story by giving it
Scott's camera work propels
the tale by hurtling down narrow
passageways and sliding under-
neath catwalks while feet shuffle
above. Shots of crewmen sliding
down ladders intercut with exterior
shots of the sub eftectively convey
the confinement of the sub. Despite
Scott's roving camera and quick
edits, he also knows when to hold
a shot with very little motion. Con-
frontations between Hunter and
Ramsey take place with very little
intrusion by the director. Scott re-
alizes that he has two incredible
actors in front of his lens so he lets
them fill the screen with tension.
Scott's judgments have never been
better. From beginning to end he
knows how to shoot a scene for
maximum effect.
Hackman and Washington en-
ergize the screen with their perfor-
mances. Each actor brings a fully
realized character to the story.
Gene Hackman (which 1 have said
before) can do very little wrong. For
his impressive roster of film roles
he rarely gives a bad performance,
even in bad films. Washington has
joined the ranks of premier lead-
ing men - he gets top billing over
Hackman. With steely coolness and
silent grace, Washington fills his
roles with a gentle but firm human-
Like Speed before it, Crimson
Tide has set the pace for the sum-
mer. A thriller with as much depth
and as much momentum will be
hard to find at a local theater. Crim-
son Tide is the kind of film that
gets one's adrenaline flowing. Get
on board for adventure and see for
yourself why "nothing can stop the
On a scale of one to ten, Crim-
son Tide rates an eight.
from page 4
movies like Disclosure and Higher
Learning are more than entertain-
ment, Marshall says. Disclosure was
requested by a professor who wanted
to show her students the flip side of
sexual discrimination. The controver-
sial movie Higher Learning had a can-
did discussion afterward. Marshall
thought the discussion was educa-
"We took what we perceived as a
problem and addressed it an educa-
tional, provocative way Marshall said.
Movies that will be playing this
summer are Forrest Gump,
Apocolypse Now and The Princess
Bride. Gump opens the summer sea-
son on Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Hendrix
The famed sex guru Dr. Ruth
and respected linguist Noam
Chaunsky have highlighted the lec-
ture series in the past.
Marshall is reluctant to move
ahead in the next couple of years.
He is interested in someday becom-
ing head of student activities here
or abroad, but only if he can stay in
close contact with students.
"I would like to be in a director's
position of a school of similar size
doing the same kind of thing. I en-
joy it he said. "I get to do what I
like to do at the current level, but
the higher up you go the more ad-
ministrative it is
Natural life I
The average smoker spends about $l,000year on
hisher habit!
-NIRSA Natural High Flyer
This message has been brought to you by Recreational Services and Housing Services.
Tuesday & Wednesday
Classics Night!
1.00 Bottle beers & Hi-bal!s
1C Coors Light Draft
Show your ecu l.D. at the door
and get $1. OFF admission.
Tropical Night!
I2.00 Frozen Margaritas &
2.50 sex on the Beach and
Bahama Mama's
3.50 Pitchers of Margaritas
1.00 Domestics & Hi-balls!
Ladies' in free All Night
greeks in for only 2.00!
If you have good grammatical skills, are familiar with Associated Press
Style, have a 2.0 GPA or better and are free on Tuesday afternoons, give
us a call or stop by the Student Pubs. Bldg. Ask for Stephanie. We pay
and it ain't shabby.
Catholic Student Center
Ascension Thursday, May 25,
Mass Schedule
6:30 PM
Regular Summer Session Schedule
Sunday: 11:30 AM and 8:30 PM
Weekdays: 8:00 AM
Wednesday: 5:30 PM
All Masses Are At
The Newman Center, 953 E. 10th St.
(At The East End Of Campus)
For more information about these or other programs, call or
visit the Center daily between 8:30 am and 11:00 pm
Fr. Paul Vaeth, Chaplain and Campus Minister
E ?
In the U.S we use
338 billion gallons of
fresh water per day.
Wash your hands in
cold water. While
waiting for hot water,
you will waste any-
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5 kinds of craft brewed beers
on tap at all times
?Largest selection of domestic
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Friday & Saturday
1.00 Bottle Beers & Hi-balls
2.50 Pitchers of Draft Beer
3.50 Pitchers of Margaritas
PLUS Lots of other bar specials! Sf
Creeks in for $1. before
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? 2.0 GPA

Wednesday, May 24, 1995
The East Carolinian

IS SuY Wicc
TYPf "8 THE 80JINSS otfK
5m" 4E KN?W NOTHlrtfr ABOUT"
CoMVi)T?S y?. He ruSr
A?t V TMOSf ?Ly
. ft ertv
TVPe'C: TMf HACtee ftfCK TW'S IS T?t" Stce-MADE" EW- vOHO KJowS ?&? A-Bour , Coi't'TEeS yoj no Hfsrov T? Nvoo LIFE AU. iiT4 YvVrirL-r

and t-ne ukes
QRA4?W ScMl??
'SH h? vevf )
ten to
TVff A
TvfE'E T?f Aeri5-r neex.
yf S t?(is i$ rvs most nAnte&us
TUBY use conevortes to CHEaTE
art. twi , ' '
"7WF' THE GAMen d?cS
?peoVv? i?M jPOXf A Co?rVTE? To
Titv To '?"V. WE ?Mrf Ttf f oT? I
1 Lanky
5 Steep slope
10 Burrowing
14 Potpourri
15 Disappear
16 Baking need
17 Kick
18 Wed on the run
19 Comic Jay
20 Columnist
21 Serene
22 Commences
24 Bed canopies
26 Toothed wheels
27 Printer's
28 Certain
31 Bloodhound's
34 Lumps
35 In the past
36 Transport
37 Traverse
38 Pack
39 Pretty ? picture
40 Form
41 Suppose
42 Treat in a way
44 Sheltered side
45 On the warpath
46 Refined
50 Accompany
52 Mild oath
53 Chicken ? king
54 Bank deal
55 Eastern bigwig
57 Journey
58 Funny Johnson
59 Brutuo e.g.
60 Worker and
61 Lack
62 Locales
63 Got it!
1 Go ? tor
2 By oneself
3 Jungle beasts
4 Fate
5 Old weapons
6 Jail rooms
7 Unit of matter
8 Capitol worker
9 Shows
10 Teeth
11 Use hyperbole
12 Fasting period
13 Biblical name
21 Coin
23 Labels
25 Collapsible
26 Silly one
28 Skiing milieu
29 Freudian
30 Uses oars
31 Swindle
32 Lawsuit
33 Kill
34 Box
37 Prates
38 Beef fat
40 Wound cover
41 Man
43 Pressed
44 Hears
46 Legendary
47 Makes money
48 Select group
49 Fall from grace
50 Panache
51 Tender
52 Salesman's car
56 Swab
57 Mai ? (drink)
01995 Tribune Madia Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
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IT. or Tommy Williams
756-78157 58-7436
AUGUST for 3 bedroom house close to
campus. $180.00month. Call 758-7579
size lots available in new mobile home
Community 12 mintues from Creenville
or Kinston "Quality not Compromise" 919-
est selection of campus rentals available
May 1st and August 1st Duplexes, Houses.
Apartments Call HOMELOCATORS 752-
ROOMMATE WANTED: Female to share
Brand new 4 BR, 3 full bat h apartment
home. $250 per month plus 14 utilities.
Swimming pool, aerobics, exercise center,
club house, lighted tennis cour ts and lots
of extras including continental breakfast
each Friday morning and valet dry clean-
ing. Call 321-7613.
at Kings Row Apartments. 2 bedroom
apartment with plenty of furniture. 12
rent is $190 and deposit is $190. Must
pay 12 utilities. Swimming pool and laun-
dry room on premises. Also on ECU bus
route. If interested, please call 551-7632
and leave a message.
ROOMMATE WANTED: Male to share
brand new 4 BR, 3 full bath apartment.
$250 per month plus 14 utilities. Swim-
ming pool, tennis, volleyball, weight room
and more. Call 321-7613.
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
colator Downtown Greenville, Apartments
B and C $450 & $525 a mont h. Above
BW3's Apartment 9 - $500.00 month.
Above Uppercrust Bakery Apartment 5 -
$475.00 month. All available now! Please
contact Yvonne at 758-2616.
PARKING PROBLEMS, 1 bedroom, fur-
nished, stove, refrigerator, $275 incl. wa-
ter, available for 2n-i session and fall, 758-
ABLE with Student Patrol Unit: Help keep
your campus safe while earning money for
school. Stop by the ECU Police Depart-
ment to pick up an applicat ion.
Experienced wait staff needed. No phone
calls please. Apply in person between
2.00pm and 6:00pm.
for Friendly, Dependable, Hard-Working
Employees. You must be able to work be-
tween 11am and 2pm. Apply in Person
after 3pm. No phone calls.
package handlers to load and unload t rail-
ers for the AM shift, hours 3-7am, $6.00
hour, tuition assistance after 30 days.
Future career opportunities in operations
and management possible. Applications
can be filled out at t he ECU CoOp Office.
MOTHER'S HELPER: Seeking respon
sible. fun-loving person to super viseplay
with 2 boys (6 & 8). Pick up from day
camps (2-5pm). some full days (9-5pm),
between day camp sessions. Non-smok er,
driver's license in good standing Call 756-
TELEMARKETING - Davenport Exteri-
ors Thermal Guard - $5.00 per hour plus
bonus. Easy work, Flexible hours start
today. Call 355-0210.
Students needed! Fishing Industry. Earn
up to $3,000-$6,000 per mont h. Room
and board Transportation! Male or Fe-
male. No experience necessary. Call (206)
545-4155 exCA53623.
cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma-
terials provided. Send SASE to Central
Distributors PO Box 10075, Olathe, KS
S1750WEEK possible mailing our
circulars. No experience required. Begin
now. For info call 202-298-8952.
Cain Career Experience and save
$4,000.00. Please c?!l 10800-2514000 ext.
1576. Leave Name, School now attending
and Phone Number.
$1000's weekly working at home mailing
our circulars. Free details, Send SASE:
R&B Distributors, Box 20354, Creenville,
NC 27858.
ATTENTION LADIES Earn a 1,000 plus
a week escorting in the Greenville area.
Must be 18 yrs old: have own phone and
transportation. We are an established
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"McSummerjobs"? Earn $3,000-$6,000
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more information call 1-206-634-0468 ext
& Full-tome employment available at Na-
tional Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preservies.
Benefits bonuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804
ext. N53622.
Must be 18 years old. Playmates Massage,
Snow Hill, NC (919) 747-686.
SALES. Sell Automated Teller Machines
in Eastern North Carolina. Leads provided.
Transportation required. $750sale. (919)
QoomMb Qates
9197567382 Hill
weMiHj! ? MMpttOM ? sfwriof wraekms
player's club
For Sale
in private sector grants & scholarships is
now available. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or parent's
income. Let us help. Call Student Finan-
cial Services: 1-800-2636495 ext F53624.
Resumes - Quick & Professional, Term
Papers, Thesis, other services. Call Glenda
standards are high but you have no free
time to meet quality people, let us help.
Our clients are discerning singles who
seek long-term relationships with their
ideal "someone Now in our 5th year.
Introductions Ltd matchmaker. 321-
MOVING SALE: Sleeper Sofa $100, Re-
cliner $50, Coffee Table $50, End Table
$20 or all for $175. Prices negotiable. Call
BEADS - Cultured Pearls, Fresh Water
Pearls, Cloisonne, Amethyst Garnet Black
Onyx, Hematite, Rose Quartz. Tiger Eye,
Jaspar, Soladite, etc, Many Shapes and
sizes. JEWELRY FINDINGS 14 Karat
Gold, Cold Filled - Sterling "Love Letters
Beads and Findings, Call 756-1855
FOR SALE, Huge couch seats 5 people
$90, loveseat $50, Brand new twin bed
(still wrapped in plastic) $80, Rose atin
& Lace comforter set wcur tains $100.
Clark 830-4816, 816-2689, Terry 321-
Sundance, Shimano Deore DX, Ritchey
Mavic Components. Vetta computer and
pump. Testerossa helmet Rock Ring. U-
lock. $500.00 (a deal!) Call Craig 321-0862.
MOVING MUST SALE: nice loveseat
good condition$75, clean area rug-$25,
small coffee table$15. Please call 355-
6801 after 5pm or leave a message.
FOR SALE: Large sofa $20, Sleeper sofa
$20, Wooden dresser $10 and end table
$5. Call 830-9442.
condition, call 830-2675
We Will Pay You
$ CASH $
We Also Buy
Also Broken
Gold Pieces
We Also Buy:
CD Player's
Student Swap Shop
SUMMER HRS: THURS-FRI10-12,1:30-5 & SAT FROM 10-1
Ascension Thursday Mass: 6:30pm at the
Newman Center. 953 E. loth Street (Next
to the East end of campus). For further
information call Fr. Paul at 757-1991.
This five-session workshop will give you
the tools and information to choose the
right career and major. Five different as-
sessment insturments included. Begins
Monday, May 29 at 3:00pm. Only one first
summer session. Call 328-6661 for more
information. Counseling Center.

Wednesday, May 24, 1995
The East Carolinian
Pirate track team
returns to NCAAs
Keith Barker
Brian Paiz
Assistant Sports Editor
Load up the van for Knoxville.
The 1995 ECU men's track team will
make a return trip to the NCAA Out-
door Track and Field Championships
after posting a season-best time of
39.63 in the 4 x 100 Meter Relay race
en route to claiming the IC4A Cham-
pionships last Sunday in Fairfax, Va.
ECU's time was one of the top
12 in the country, which helped them
land a spot at the NCAA Champion-
ships, taking place from May 31
through June 3rd.
Sophomores Lewis Harris,
Dwight Henry and Brian Johnson
along with junior Keith Barker helped
the Pirate squad return to the national
championships after a one-year ab-
sence. In 1992 William Davis, Corey
Brooks, Fred Owens and Brian Irvin
qualified in the 4 x 400 for the Pi-
rates, which marked the last time ECU
sent a team to the event
"We ran probably as good as we
could in that race said ECU head
track coach Bill Carson. "We have a
great chance in the nationals
Other teams competing in the
NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Cham-
pionships include Louisiana State,
which had the best qualifying time,
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Southern
California, Kentucky. Texas Christian,
Houston, UCLA, Texas El Paso,
Clemson. George Mason and Okla-
homa. The top eight teams will in the
event will place.
In women's track news, the 4 x
800 relay team of Cindy Szymanski,
Megan McGruder, Stacy Green and
Alexis Jacks broke a school record for
the Lady Pirates squad by posting a
time of 9:08:76 at the ECAC Outdoor
Competition in Fairfax, Va on Satur-
day. They placed sixth in their heat.
The 4 x 100 meter relay team placed
fifth in their heat with a time of 47:05.
Freshman Saundra Teel also ran her
second-fastest time of the season with
a time of 14.76 in the 100HH.
an ECU
Climbing has proven
to be a popular
recreational activity in
Greenville. The ECU
climbing tower is
open on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings
from 5-8 p.m and is
located behind the
Allied Health Building.
File Photo
Summer intramural
action starts next week
Brian Paiz
Asssltant Sports Editor
ECU basketball coach Joe
Dooley has signed his first recruit
of his young
coaching career.
Morris Grooms a
6-foot-7 forward
from Pasco-
Hernando Com-
munity College
in Newport
Rickey, Fla
Grooms averaged
14.0 points and
9.0 rebounds, 5.0
assists and 3.0
blocks per game
for Pasco
Hernando, which finished 23-9 last
Grooms was an honorable
mention All-Sun Coast choice last
season. Pasco-Hemado were in the
Top 10 in Florida all season and
were defeated in the conference
Grooms played high school bas-
ketball at Pompano Beach's Ely
High School. He averaged 10.0
points and 7.0 rebounds per game
as a senior, leading the Ely to the
state champion-
ship. Grooms
chose ECU over
Georgia South-
ern and Central
"Morris is a
very athletic for-
ward that can
create matchup
problems for op-
ponents Dooley
said. "We will be
? Joe Dooley abe t0 use him
in a number of
David Gaskins
Recreational Services
"Morris is a very
athletic forward
that can create
match up
problems for
ECU still has two scholarships
to fill.
The East Carolina baseball
See NOTES page 8
As temperatures begin to rise,
the action heats up on the playing
fields and courts of ECU where in-
tramural sports action is set to be-
gin for the first Summer Session. The
upcoming session offers a variety of
exciting activities for the sports en-
Headlining the opening summer
session will be Softball and 5-on-5
Basketball. The registration meetings
for interested team captains in these
two activities was held yesterday, and
signups for teams takes place today
from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room
104-A Christenbury Gym. All players
must be currently enrolled students
or presently employed facultystaff
of the university in order to partici-
pate. Individuals who do not have a
team are invited to attend the meet-
ing for placement on a team or
should contact the Intramural Sports
Office in room 104-A.
Early indications are that Kevin
Fields, a long time IM veteran will
have one of the stronger 5-on-5 bas-
ketball teams, while the men of "Pi
Kappa Phi with Matt Wecker lead-
ing the charge, are also rumored to
be here in Greenville. Both Men's and
Women's divisions are available for
Basketball. All games will be held in
Christenbury Gym.
In Softball, the ever-present John
Whitehead and the "Economics So-
ciety" are expected to enter a team,
while summer regulars "U-Lose
with Stephen Lovett and Eddie Coble
and the "Penthouse Players" led by
Dave Pond, are also expected to con-
tend for the title. These teams were
involved in some outstanding play
last summer, and are anticipated to
compete fiercely again this season.
Men's, Women's and Co-Rec divisions
will be offered for Softball.
For those intramural partici-
pants interested in individual sports,
Bowling Singles and Tennis Singles
are popular events during the first
session. The registration deadline for
both of these activities will be at 5
p.m. on Wednesday, May 24 in
Christenbury Gym, Room 204. Par-
ticipants should be prepared to com-
plete entry information at the time
of registration. There is no cost for
participation in any of these Intra-
mural programs. For further informa-
tion, please call David Gaskins or
Kari Duncan at 328-6387.
ACC Tournament
officials mull over
possible move
Dave Pond
Sports Editor
Hoops gone?
(AP) - With the possible move
of the Atlantic Coast Conference
baseball tournament, civic leaders
are looking at
making a South-
eastern Confer-
ence tourna-
ment bid.
The ACC is
expected to de-
cide today
whether to
move the tour-
nament which
has been in
Greenville the
past nine years
and has become
one of the big-
gest revenue-
'The reputation of
that (ACC)
tournament I
think is known by
anybody who
follows college
? Glenn Thackston
SEC Spokesman
producing col-
lege baseball tournaments in the
The league's coaches think
that holding it in Greenville gives
nearby Clemson too much of an
advantage. They voted to move it
three years ago, but were over-
ruled by the ath-
letic directors.
N.C is
Greenville's main
competitor for
the tournament
this time around.
Gene Krcelic,
president of
Greenville Events
Inc said that on
Saturday he con-
tacted SEC offi-
cials about the
bid process for
that tournament.
The SEC is
going to an eight-team, neutral-site
tournament next season after play-
See ACC page 8
NBA referee could be
ejected from playoffs
File Photo
The always-popular College Hill basketball courts are barren of any student life after
the university yanked down the rims for the summer.
After feud with
Drexler, ref hasn't
worked playoffs
(AP) - NBA referee Jake
O'Donnell. who had a run-in with
the Houston Rockets' Clyde Drexler
two weeks ago, may not work any
more playoff games this season, ac-
cording to a newspaper report.
O'Donnell hasn't been as-
signed to a game since ejecting
Drexler from a playoff contest
against Phoenix on May 9. Follow-
ing an investigation, the NBA re-
scinded all fines against Drexler.
including the automatic $1,000
that comes with an ejection.
The Houston Chronicle, quot-
ing unidentified sources, reported
Tuesday that O'Donnell's absence
is a clear sigr the NBA didn't con-
done his conduct in the Houston-
Phoenix game.
"There's no reasonable expla-
nation why one of the league's best
refs like Jake wouldn't be doing
games a source told the paper.
"It's obvious the league didn't like
what happened in that game
Another source said there's a
chance O'Donnell won't work any
more games during the playoffs.
The NBA refused to comment.
O'Donnell officiated games
during the first round of the play-
See REF page 8
Ok, so the Bulls are out of
the playoffs and everyone is boo-
hooing over Michael's inability
to return his team to glory in
the NBA race. It wasn't Jordan's
lack of play - although he did
seem to get tired and sloppy at
the three-minute mark of every
fourth quarter pretty consis-
tently. The Bulls demise began
as soon as their front-office
brass decided not to resign
Horace Grant, letting him and
his everpresent colored goggles
sign with Orlando. No one
stepped up to fill his place, and
not even the three-headed Bulls'
center of Wennington, Longley
and Perdue could make a last-
ing impact on opposing centers.
On the other hand, Orlando, an
altogether well-balanced team,
showed poise under pressure
and ridded the playoffs of the
Bulls and what would have been
an endless glut of commercial-
ized Mike-hype. The key to fu-
ture success in Chicago will be
how Jordan and the '96 version
of the Bui's gel in training camp
and during the early stages of
next season, something that was
missed badly and exposed in the
playoffs this year.
Speaking of Jordan, why do
commish David Stern and the
rest of the NBA upper crust care
what jersey number is worn dur-
ing a ball game? Like opposing
defenders are not going to rec-
ognize Jordan (or any player, for
that matter) if Mike's wearing
number 23 instead of 45. If an
athlete is good enough to have
a number retired, then it's his
forever, meaning he should be
able to don the "forbidden gar-
ment" whenever he wants -
without having to ask permis-
sion from middle-aged short
guys who sponge off Jordan's
success anyways.
Congrats to Evander
Holyfield for taking a 10-round
decision from Ray Mercer, add-
ing a well-needed chunk of le-
gitimacy to the upper echelon
of the heavyweight picture. Vet-
eran sparring partners Oliver
McCall and Bruce Seldon both
lucked into their belts, while
See POND page 8

Wednesdav 24 1995
J'he East Caroimian
Topless dancer beats
NBA hoopster in court
from page 7
from page 7
iiS" PAWN ON 9-6 M-F . 9 3A1 i
14 ? te
Comer of 10th & Dickinson
e: S
identally spilled i
woman's back, she kicked
tlu- groin and was stai
d him a, gi
ng and push
Cat. g d it
in court i . to disi
-? e terms of the' settlement, appi
d M : . Contra Cos
? g ic iurt
NOTES from page 7
from page
linion joins Richmond, and James
? iman I H ?? Madison University as participai
id an early exit alter the NCAA Tou
nddiopping week. )DL' will face M
. and Man.1. Tallahassee. Fla. on
-the JMU will battlle SWC participant Rice
ament in Baton Rouge. Fla.
vitha Richmond will also play on Tl i
I as 5-13 in da. - el to Clems
S.C. to tangle with Jacksonville
Oldl CAA UniversityThe three teams making tro
d con- the NCAA Tournament for the -
over marks the first time ever that more
mond at than two teams has been sent :
? ice
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e loyal
le. If he
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We, the TEC
editors, do
not want to
write every
story for our
section. If
you'd like to
write for us,
call 328-
6366 and
ask for Dave
or Brian.
1526 Charles Blvd. Across from FicMen Stadium Gall 321-7613

The East Carolinian, May 24, 1995
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 24, 1995
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