The East Carolinian, November 15, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Pirates Crown Knights
ECU tops the UFC Golden Knights 23-20
to ensure their first winning season since
1991. See page 8.
7 )
4B3K M i 1 i S IHiV
W low'23 nVVnN
A Drop In The Bucket
Our crotchety media opinion column rages on,
complaining about all the lastest in cultural stupidity. This
week: America embraces evil! See page 6.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 58
Circulation 12,000
Tuesday, November 15, 1994
Greenville, NC
10 pages
Veterans Day celebrations commemorate heroes
Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
Last Friday, as many students
were sitting in classrooms tak-
ing notes or taking exams, other
ECU students were spending the
day commemorating those who
fought in past wars.
Veterans Day, founded
shortly after World War I, is held
every year on the eleventh day
of the eleventh month. Accord-
ing to a representative from the
ECU history department, this
day commemorates the signing
of the armistice, a cease-fire to
stop fighting.
Recognition services were
held in and around Greenville
throughout the day Friday. At
11a.m the Pershing Rifles Com-
pany of the Army ROTC pre-
sented the flag at the Pitt County
Veterans Day ceremony. Air
Force Cadets hosted the event.
"Our kids acted as host and
hostesses for the event said Lt.
Col. Mike Myrick of the Air Force
ROTC. "It was great for our
young people at our university
to pay tribute to not only the
sacrifices made, but to those who
lived through wars
Slay Jackson, student service
manager in the admissions of-
fices, said there are 500 veterans
and 67 disabled veterans cur-
rently enrolled as students at
The recognition ceremonies
continued at the Town Commons
with a speech by Mayor Nancy
Jenkins, whose husband, the late
Leo Jenkins, was a former ECU
Chancellor as well as a veteran.
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Photo courtesy of The Daily Reflector
Desert Storm veteran LTC Levin speaks to the cadets prior to the run
Alan Hoffman, a Vietnam vet-
eran and anchor for the Channel
9 news, also spoke. Hoffman won
the Distinguished Flying Cross
and the Purple Heart for his ef-
forts in Vietnam.
Master Sgt. Charles Thomas
of the ECU Army ROTC read a
special message from Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, John
Shalikashvili. Vice Chancellor for
Student Life Al Matthews, also a
veteran, represented Chancellor
Eakin during the commemora-
tion ceremonies.
"Thaxton also gave a very
emotional speech Earnhardt
said. "It was the proudest I've
ever been here at East Carolina
Major Jim Cook of the Army
ROTC felt the event was a tre-
mendous success, especially for
the ECU cadets.
"It was completely cadet-run
he said. "They lined it up ? they
did an outstanding job. It was a
logistical challenge. To me, as a
veteran, it brought a different
meaning to see young cadets do
what they did to honor our vet-
erans. They represented the
school verv well "
After those activities, the
Army ROTC cadets began "The
Run for Honor" from the
Greenville Town Commons to
the border of Wilson. Forty-one
cadets participated in the run.
"We ran from the Town Com-
mons in Greenville to Wilson,
Photo courtesy of The Daily Reflector
ECU Army ROTC cadets begin The Run for Honor, a 36.1 mile trek between Greenville and
Wilson to commemorate Veterans Day. CMaj. Fred Howey leads with the American flag.
down highway 264 to raise pub-
lic awareness for Veterans Day
and veterans' service said Ca-
det Lt. Col. Tom Earnhardt.
Earnhardt said originally the
cadets were scheduled to run
three-mile legs, but the cadets
averaged nine-to-12 mile legs.c
Maj Jason Weiseman, operations
manager ran the entire 36.1 mile
stretch. All of the cadets ran the
last two-mile leg into Wilson. The
seniors began the run from the
commons and ran past the hos-
pital, which was the first three-
mile leg.
Earnhardt said the cadets re-
ceived support from police units
from Pitt, Greene and Wilson
counties, as well as from the
North Carolina Highway Pa-
The cadets were welcomed
into Wilson at a reception co-
ordinated by Bob Thaxton, a
decorated veteran. The cadets
were presented with sym-
bolic keys to the city of Wil-
son. The Wilson Veterans of
Foreign Wars provided
drinks and food for the re-
Mixed emotions, questions still remain over split
Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor ?
This article is the second in a three-
part series on the communication
department split.
The transitionof the bachelor of
science program from the depart-
ment of communication into the
department of library scienceshas
raised many question. Students
have mixed reactions concerning
how the division has affected them
and what each program's curricu-
lum now consists.
"I've talked to other students
and they don't think its right for
them to split the BA. and the B.S.
programs said Mike Lee, a jun-
ior in the B.A. program.
Allison Turner, a B.S. student
said the change has been positive.
'In terms of congestion, more
access to advisors. I just feel like
there were too many students for
one chair. Dr. Auld has been ex-
tremely helpful to me Turner said.
"We are a professional school
that offers a series of professional
programs, one of which is the B.S.
in communications said Dr. Larry
Auld, chair of the department of
library science. "The degree re-
mains unchanged
Another B.S. student believes the
split has not been beneficial.
"You basically have to fight to
get a camera said Forrest Shelor, a
B.S. major. "In one instance I went
out and rented a camera because
three cameras were broken"
Shelor has concerns that the
equipment available to students for
production is insufficient, and that
all equipment should be available
to all students.
"I've found that there's a lot of
shortages in the department even
when they were together Shelor
said. "The problem is there's not
enough money for faculty and
there's not enough equipment"
A senior, Shelor said he has al-
ways had problems in signing up
for classes
"In the department (as a whole)
you couldn't just build up on
classes, you took the classes you
could get Shelor said.
B.S. professor Robert Caprio be-
lieves those problems stemmed
from having too few course offer-
"Previously, students attempt-
ing to meet the requirements of
their concentrations discovered
that too few courses were offered
in media Caprio said. "Drastic
substitutions were made As a
result, the students were being
cheated, preventing himher from
receiving a legitimate education in
hisher chosen concentration
Dr. Charles Coble, dean of the
School of Education, plans to offer
enough classes to fill major require-
"We'll see how registration goes,
and if we have enough students to
sign up we'll be able to present
that we have the demand
B.A. majors were not sent a let-
ter informing them of the break-
Shelor said the departments
should work together in the future
in order to benefit students.
"The strange thing about the
communication department is
you're supposed to be able to com-
municate with other people, but
they can't even talk to each other
Sholer said.
B.A. major Mike Lee believes he
will benefit from the division.
"I'll be able to learn more, I think
it's the department basically the
same thing'he said.
Lee is a transfer student and
public relations major. He said he
has not had any problems in regis-
tering for classes.
A major component remaining
with the B.A. program is human
communication and theory classes.
"There are two ways you can do
something, you can go by trial and
error, or you can go by theory
explained Dr. Mary Anne Leon.
"Try it 100 times until you get it
right, or use theory and pick the
best way the first time
Theory classes teach students
how to plan marketing strategies
for public relations.
"public relations it's mar-
keting an organization, I will
be learning how to do that in
the next year or so Lee said.
"In PR you have to learn theo-
ries so you can concentrate
more on why you're doing the
PR He feels the department
has helped him.
"A lotof agencies aremar-
keting, advertising and PR
said Casey Carter, a B.A. ma-
jor. "There's a PR specialist and
an advertising specialist to-
gether, we have to follow cer-
tain things to put together a
campaign ? what we have to
do is specific
Leon said several jobs are
available to students majoring
See COMM page 3
Native American Ethnic issues addressed in speech
TV stars to visit
Nan Patterson
Staff Writer
It is time to learn a little history
that might just captivate your atten-
tion in a way quite different from
how the average history book might
try. This lesson involves a soap op-
era star.
November is Native American
Heritage Month. Kimberly
Sampson, president of the Native
American group on campus, is work-
ing with Minority Affairs and Stu-
dent Government to bring two
speakers to campus.
"I met them both at a Native
American conference in Horida, and
I felt that by bringing in younger
speakers they could relate to college
students better than someoneolder
Sampson said.
One speaker, Kimberly Norris, is
an up-and-coming young actress
from Oklahoma. She currently re-
sides and works in Los Angeles,
California. Asa graduate of UCLA,
shehasappeared in"Geronimo "As
the WorldTums "Seinfeld "North-
em Exposure "Son of the Morning
Star" and "Knight Rider 2010
Norris sees first hand the difficul-
ties that face young Native Ameri-
cans across the country. She feels the
need to help other Native Ameri-
cans win the ' ile over drug and
alcohol abuse, racism and teen preg-
Brian Frejo, also speaking, has the
same feelings. As a graduate of The
University of Oklahoma, Frejo has
appeared in "The Last of the
Mohicans "Under Seige" and
"Murder She Wrote
Their goal is to "let Native Ameri-
can youth realize their full potential,
that each and every one of them is
created for greatness
The event will be held on Nov. 16
in Mendenhall StudentCenterGreat
Room. Speakers begin at 7 p. m. w i th
a reception following. Contact Kim-
berly Sampson at 752-2319 for more
Wendy Rountree
Staff Writer
America belongs to no one particu-
lar group at all. The only really true
American is American Indian?
Shirley Chisholm.
Chisholm, the keynote speaker
last Thursday for the Minority Stu-
dent Affairs Lecture Series and The
Student Union, spoke on the topic
Unity Through LMversity. She be-
came the first African-American
woman to be elected to the U.S.
Congress in 1968 and made history
in 1972 by seeking the presidency
of the United States.
"We must never forget that
America has been a haven for all
kinds of peoples, coming to these
shores, seeking the fruition of their
dreams and aspirations and their
hopes because they were fleeing
from political, economical and reli-
gious persecution Chisholm said.
Chisholm said that through the
years the country has had an influx
of immigrants from the Italians,
Irish and Spaniards to, more re-
cently, the Cubans, Vietnamese
and Haitians. She said it was im-
portant to realize and to acknowl-
edge the contributions all these
peoples have given to American
"Why am I going through all
this Chisholm said. "You must be
saying, 'What is she up to?' I am not
up to anything except to say that
we must never, never forget how
America was settled and that the
strength of America lies in the con-
tributions of all of these different
peoples that came here and discov-
ered and invented certain things
"We forget that because of our
myopic vision about people, ste-
reotyping people on the basis of
their skin color, and yet we have to
recognize that if you remove the
outer coverings of our skin, that we
all have the same blood coursing
through our veins, the same pair of
lungs, the same guts, the same ev-
erything. We're all alike under-
neath. The only thing we vary in is
shades of white to shades of black
and we must never forget that
The 70-year-old Chisholm said
all Americans shared a common
spirit, one that sought opportunity.
"This basic commonality in and
of itself as to why we were here
would have resulted by now in a
kind of cohesiveness in America
because in spirit, in spirit we pos-
sess the kind of measurement of
circumstances as to why we came
to these shores Chisholm said.
By the year 2050, Chisholm said
50 percent of the labor force will be
Caucasians and the other 50 per-
cent will be people of color. She
said that in order for the future to
be as harmonious as possible, ev-
eryone will have to learn to respect
and understand each other.
"America is not monolithic
Chisholm said. "America is a multi-
religious, multi-ethnic society.
There are over 996 different kinds
of religious sects in these United
States of America. So, we have got
to find a way to respect each other
and live together or we'll swim
together beautifully or we will sink
together and drown
Chisholm said we must address
the problems of the people in the
inner cities by giving them fair op-
portunities and by using the
skills and talents they have to
"If many of the cities with
their large numbers of non-Cau-
casian individuals are not pro-
ductive segments because they
continue to face racial and eth-
nic barriers, then said cities will
a trophy on the v ine Chisholm
said. "Our United States of
America will no longer be able
to go to the highways and by-
ways and the villages and our
towns and our cities and talk
about being the number-one
industrial, technological nation
in the world. We will be enun-
ciating beautiful rhetoric that
comes trippingly forth our
tongues, if the people in this
country do not want produc-
tive citizenship
Chisholm said people have
to accept criticism in order to
make the country better.
"We must be able to accept
constructive criticism
See ETHNIC page 3
H-? ?i

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2 The East Carolinian
November 15, 1994
New marketing director named
Andy Turner
Renew your driver's license on campus
Hofstra University in New York is planning to offer a sub-depart-
ment of motor vehicles so students and faculty can avoid the long lines
usuallv associated with the DMV. Students and faculty will be able to
renew driver's licenses to the state's new bar-coded system which
contains photos and eve exam records to be kept on file at the school. The
services are free of charge.
Students under investigation for moving a vehicle
Three students at the University of Indiana are under review by the
student judicial review for violating student code by picking up the rear
end of a car and trving to rum it. Police reports stated the students were
turning the car sideways so it would be illegally parked. The judicial
review board is still trying to determine whether the students violated
university codes.
Electronic glitch delays registration
Students at Appalachian State University experienced frustrating
waits while trying to phone in their schedules for next semester.
Verification codes for student ID's and pin numbers were taking up to
30 and 40 seconds to register. The problem was made worse when
students started hanging up and calling back, causing a rift in the system
and even more delays.
Students are sick of plastic peddlers
Concerns have surfaced about the availability of credit cards to
college students. One girl has even sued her credit card company,
claiming she was uninformed about the high interest rates and trapped
into paying outrageous service fees. Several credit companies have sent
representatives to various universities promoting cards and exploiting
students. College newspapers from across the country warn students to
be wary of solicitors to and be careful when spending.
Student editor resigns after pulling false fire alarm
The editor-in-chief of Columbia University's daily student newspa-
per resigned last month after allegedly pulling a fire alarm to stage a
photo of a fire truck in action. Two other staff members also resigned.
The newspaper ran an editorial explaining the situation to students.
Falsely setting off fire alarms is a misdemeanor.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
Staff Writer
ECU may get more exciting
entertainment, as a new market-
ing director has recently been
hired. Carol Ogus Woodruff,
former marketing and educa-
tional director of the Alabama
Shakespeare Festival, has been
named the new marketing di-
rector for the ECU department
of university unions.
Woodruff comes to ECU with
15 years of experience in mar-
keting the arts. She most recently
served as marketing director
with the Alliance Theater in At-
lanta. She has won numerous
awards in professional arts mar-
keting, including the Alabama
Governor's Award for outstand-
ing arts administration.
Originally from Raleigh, Woo-
druff graduated cum laudefrom
Appalachian State University.
She is happy to be back in North
Carolina after living in Atlanta
and Alabama.
"I grew up in North Carolina
and have been away from North
Carolina for a number of years
Woodruff said. "1 met a fella
when I was in Atlanta, and when
we got married, we decided to
come back to North Carolina to
be near to our families. I had a
previous knowledge and respect
for the (ECU) Performing Arts
Series and found out there was
an opening
As marketing director, Woo-
druff finds ways to disperse in-
formation to the public about
university union programs.
These programs include the Per-
forming Arts Series, the Travel
Adventure Series, the ECU Art
Smart program for children and
Family Fair, which is held on
"It being marketing director
entails a lot of opportunities to
get the word out about the per-
forming arts here Woodruff
said. "ECU has a responsibility
to make available top-notch ev-
erything, whether it is the Per-
forming Arts Series or educa-
tional opportunities.
"It entails working with stu-
dents on campus. I get to pro-
vide marketing expertise to some
of the students on campus
Woodruff hopes to accom-
plish several goals as the new
marketing director.
"I hope to find a way to com-
municate to the students about
the richness of the programs
there are she said. "Also we
would like to see it expand so
that these performing groups
stay two nights, not just one
She also hopes to spread
awareness in the community
about how excellent the Perform-
ing Arts Series is.
"The Performing Arts Series
is recognized throughout the
country Woodruff said. "I am
not sure if the people here recog-
nize the prominence. People of-
ten do not recognize the rich-
ness in their own backyard
Woodruff says the students,
faculty and staff have been great
to her so far. She likes being near
relatives and close to the beach.
She also likes the lifestyle in
"We really like the pace here.
In Atlanta, it was rush, rush,
rush Woodruff said.
"People here have more time
to be leisurely and friendly. 1
really like the people I work
with every day. I like coming
to work
The Performing Arts Series
has several exciting events
scheduled. On Nov. 18, the
Dance Theater of Spain will
perform "El Teatro De Danze
For further information
about University Unions
events contact the Central
Ticket Office at 328-4788,
Monday through Wednesday,
from 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
I : ???;
Is Right!
Our classifieds are only
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November 16
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November 19
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nOon day
The Saucy Jacks
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Croatan on Wednesday, November 16 and at
Wright Soda Shop on Thursday, November 17
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November 15, 1994
COMM From p.
The East Carolinian 3
in PR and journalism.
"One of our best students is
working for Southern Progress
Magazine in Alabama Leon said.
She said job opportunities for com-
munication majors are numerous.
Dr. T. Harrell Allenhair of the
B.A. program, said the print jour-
nalism concentration is now known
as Journalism.
"When you see an advertisement
for a job, it doesn't say print Allen
said. "Print implies narrow, jour-
nalism is a more universal term
Students in the B.A. program are
geared more toward computer de-
sign than B.S. students. The pro-
gram requires students to learn
desktop publishing programs and
rto think in front of a computer.
"My understanding is the B.A.
program is the public relations, and
there's no need for them to use that
equipment Shelor said, referring
to the video toasters and field cam-
eras the B.A program acquired in
the division.
Allen said the B.S. program re-
ceived all television equipment,
because the B.A. program does not
involve that medium. The B.A. pro-
gram does require field cameras for
public relations projects and classes.
Allen said the department has
taken a budget cut since the divi-
sion, and does not have sufficient
funds for repairing broken equip-
ment. He is currently trying to se-
cure funds to improve memory ca-
pability in the Edward's lab located
in General Classroom Building.
Both programs will overlap in
some way s. After this semester, stu-
dents most likely will not take
classes from the other department.
With the program split, all
courses were also divided. The B.A.
program has created a new pro-
duction class to replace production
classes taken in the split.
"I'm taking a multimedia pro-
duction class said Steve Griffin, a
B.A. major. "That's really the only
production class I've had to take ?
PR is mostly theory classes and strat-
The B.S. program is also plan-
ning to create research and theory
classes to substitute B.A. classes.
"Our course work provides
theory research and practical ap-
plication in forming and communi-
cating messages via video and au-
dio components utilizing skills com-
mon to all mediums including edu-
cational, digital, business and cor-
porate uses Caprio said.
B.S. majors can concentrate in
media production, media perfor-
mance, electronic mass media man-
agement or electronic news.
B.S. students will still receive a
communications degree and will
follow the same course work, or
can opt to follow new guidelines as
they emerge. Auld said the depart-
ment has no desire to change the
name of the degree, processes
which would take over two years
in North Carolina legislature to
Both programs are planning to
ride America's information high-
way of the future and plan to start
applying multi-media resources
and curriculum in the future.
From p. 1
Chisholm said. "Sometimes
people say 'If you don't love it
leave My grandmother used to
say, if you love something or love
somebody, you talk about it and
try to do something about the in-
equities that exist and don't try to
sweep things under the prover-
bial rug and hope to God that this
will disappear
Chisholm said Caucasians also
struggled to settle in America but
always had an edge on the oppor-
"We know that the majority of
people in this country, including
Caucasian people, did struggle
too Chisholm said. "We are not
saying that we are the only ones
who struggled, but one might say,
however, they had a ready made
passport into American society.
They were able to move out, get
more opportunities and build
themselves a back support. That
passport was a white skin
Chisholm said to the ECU
students present that they were
part of the Talented Ten, a
phrase coined by W.E.B.
Duboise which once referred to
African Americans who had the
opportunities to go to college.
She said she used this phrase
because now only 10 percent of
our young population goes
straight to college after high
"You can help to bring about
change Chisholm said. "The
kind of change that education
can bring to fruition Chisholm
said. "A college education
means much more than keep-
ing your course requirement
and memorizing your textbooks
and notes for a test. Your edu-
cation is designed to open that
great window of understand-
ing, helping us understand
Chisholm said a college
education should help students
develop their own philosophies
for life and develop leadership
There was a short question
and answer period after the lec-
ture. Students and a few others
asked questions about last
week's national election results,
Proposition 187 in California and
the real possibility of eliminat-
ing racism.
Some students saw the lec-
ture as a learning experience
both on the national and per-
sonal level.
elegantly said Lydia Williams,
senior criminal justice major.
"She did not edit anything. She
said exactly what was on her
mind and she spoke the truth. I
believe it may have offended a
few individuals in the audience,
but it was the truth and that's
what America needs, the truth
"I enjoyed the presentation
said Vikki Armstrong, sopho-
more criminal justice major. "My
father asked me if I really knew
anything about Shirley
Chisholm, and I had to say no,
but that I would come to learn.
This was a real good learning
Other students hope to see
more of these types of lectures
given oncampus and wish more
people would attend.
"As a sophomore at East
Carolina University, I'm very
pleased to see her here tonight
because it is inspiringto the black
students ? one because we are
here and we are the minority,
and two because some things
aren't always done properly on
this campus said Darrell
Armstead, a mathematics edu-
cation major. "So, it's something
to lift our spirits. I think she did
a very good job and I hope to see
people and things like this hap-
pen on this campus for years to
"I feel she was a really won-
derful, dynamic speaker said
Ashley Payne, senior English
major. "I wish that a lot more
people showed up
Dr. Brian Haynes, director of
the office of minority affairs, in-
troduced the speaker and
thought the speech was timely.
"Just in response to what she
was talking about tonight, I think
it was a very, very appropriate
topic, given college life today
Haynes said. "As you know,
there's been an increase in eth-
nic intimidation, racial harass-
ment, sexual harassment, etc
on college campuses and in the
larger society. I think the topic
tonight about unity through di-
versity was very, very appropri-
Haynes said Chisholm was
the first speaker for the Minority
Student Affairs Lecture Series.
"This is the first in a series of
lectures Haynes said. "We'll
do one in the fall, one in the
spring each year, bringing in big
name speakers to talk about top-
ics that pull people together. That
is why we wanted Ms. Chisholm
to come in first and talk about
unity through diversity. That's
what these lectures are going to
be about, bringing people to-
f THT lOf
?i miinw
I .1 IT

4rig East Carolinian
11 m gr-
- .iilijuim; ITIi
November 15. 1994
The East Carolinian
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Chris Warren, Advertising Director
Stephanie B. Lassiter, News Editor
Tambra Zion, Assr. News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Meredith Langley, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Aaron Wilson, Asst. Sports Editor
Steven A. Hill, Opinion Page Editor
Stephanie Smith. Staff Illustrator
Printed on
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Jessica Stanley, Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson. Copy Editor
Jon Cawley. Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary-
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Jon Cawley, Asst. Layout Manager
Sean McLaughlin, Creative Director
Randall Rozzell, Asst. Creative Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian. Publications Bldg ECU. Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 328-6366
Republican victories brings challenges
One week ago the American
people used the power of the vote to
speak their minds. Republican politi-
cal aspirants were elected into office
and the Democrats were snubbed.
TEC would like to acknowledge
the voices of the people who utilized
their sacred right to vote and to send
politicians "a message.To deny that
there was voter discontent is ludicrous.
What compelled Americans to reject
Democratic control of Congress so
In the November 13, 1994, issue
of The Daily Reflector,Democrat W. G.
Squires from Charlotte, N.C. said that:
"We need to shake up the establish-
ment by letting them know there's
something voters can do This should
be a warning to the newly elected Re-
publican majority to not rest on their
laurels ? or else!
A recent poll by Republican poll-
ster Frank Luntz said that nearly three
out of four Americans concede that
the federal government is overgrown
and too powerful. Tven a majority of
Democrats (64 percent) admit that the
government power has become grossly
over swollen.
So Americans last Tuesday
sounded the death knell for New Deal
liberalism and its Socialist overtones:
Government is our keeper; We shall
not want. Apparently most voters
agree with Betty M. Gilbert of Myrtle
Beach. An interview with her in last
Sunday's Daily Reflector yielded this
response: "We have more than we need
from the government she said"Let the
private sector take care of as much as it
The Republican Contract with
America, which seeksto shrink the enor-
mity of the federal bureaucracy, won
the right to prove to be more than lip-
service. If the Republicans fail, the wrath
of the voters is sure to be felt again.
This election may prove to be the
dawn of a new era for American poli-
tics. Not because the Republicans won,
but rather because of the age of infor-
mation we live in. There has been an
exponential increase in the number of
ways voters can access information to
keep tabs on their elected officials.
Politicians must now face some
hard facts, namely that they can no
longer deceive voters with rhetoric
alone. The campaign issues they em-
brace in speeches at home cannot be
jettisoned when they come up for vote
in Washington. If they are going to talk
the talk, they had better walk the walk
as well.
And for those Americans who
thought their vote was meaningless,
several races were decided by narrow
margins.So, your one little vote does
count. Even the ant bites!
Elections render vote for change
Unless you are a political
junkie like myself, you are prob-
ably ecstatic that the 1994 elec-
tions are finally over. For those
junkies like myself, however, the
past week has been paradise.
Not only have the elections
taken place, but the air waves
have been filled with experts dis-
cussing the election and what it
One of the most interest-
ing things to me is that the elec-
tion seems to have raised more
questions than it answered.
For example, does the over-
whelming Republican victory
represent a basic change in the
American political landscape in
the way that the 1932 election
did? Or was it simply a revolt
against a rather unpopular presi-
The initial theory that the
public was simply anti-incum-
bent has clearly been discred-
ited by the fact that no Republi-
can incumbents lost in races for
the House, Senate or governor-
I believe that this election
may show that Americans have
learned to nationalize Congres-
sional elections, in much the
same manner as elections in En-
gland or other nation's run by
If so, then this would mean
the we have come back to the
notion that the true power in our
government is rot in the execu-
tive, but the legislative.
It unequivocally shows a
turning point in American poli-
tics. The conservative reaction
against decades of "literal big
government" began with the
election of Ronald Reagan in 1980
and has come to fruition.
What the new Republican
majorities in Coneress make of
their opportunities will decide
whether this will be a good thing
for the country. The stated goal
of the House Republicans, the
Contract with America, contains
many excellent ideas for reduc-
ing the size of government.
"Real" welfare reform, a
balanced budget amendment
and reduction of Congressional
staffs are great first steps to this
end. Newt Gingrich, sure to be
the next Speaker of the House,
came out publicly this past week-
end in favor of eliminating
wasteful and unnecessary pro-
grams like the National Endow-
ment for the Arts (NEA), Na-
tional Endowment for the Hu-
manities (NEH) and subsidies to
Public Broadcasting (PBS).
Real reduction, however,
is going to require the political
courage to go far beyond these
popular steps.
For example, it is extremely
doubtful that a party led by the
likes of Bob Dole and Jesse Helms
in the Senate will have the intes-
tinal fortitude or ability to cut,
much less eliminate, agricultural
Talk about cutting welfare
for the poor is popular. What is
needed is the reduction of
"middle-class welfare like the
aforementioned farm subsidies
and college loans, if we are to
really get a grip on our budget
Moreover, if the politicians
are willing to make these diffi-
cult decisions, will the Ameri-
can people accept them? Ameri-
cans overwhelmingly said last
Tuesday that they want
smaller government. I doubt
that we really mean it.
What we really mean is
that we want smaller govern-
ment for evervone else
by Brian Hall
Americans, like every-
one for that matter, have a
tremendous ability to believe
two conflicting points of view
at the same time. This cogni-
tive dissonance can be seen in
the overwhelming belief that
the government should simul-
taneously solve our problems
and leave us alone.
Ernest Hollings used to
sum up this feeling by telling
the story of a former constitu-
ent of his who went to college
on the Gl Bill, bought his
house with a VA loan, got
medical care at the VA hospi-
tal, and sent his children to
college with student loans. He
then went to Washington on
Amtrak to tell the senator to
get the government off his
A final point about the
Republican agenda is that it
does contain a few disturbing
elements, like "voluntary"
school prayer. If the Republi-
cans really want to expand our
liberties, then they would do
best to avoid doing anything
to threaten the wall of separa-
tion between church and state.
History is replete with ex-
amples of the tragedies that
result from the combination
of the two.
Lastly, if the Republicans
do attempt measures such as
these to restore "family val-
ues Democrats should not
be afraid to prevent them by
either filibuster or veto.
They have made their
own job more difficult in the
past few years by constantly
and childishly criticizing their
opponents as obstructionists.
Perhaps now they will learn
the joys and benefits of such
Love takes many forms, but all are essential
Love ? a word that lends
itself to a variety of ambiguous
interpretations. What can be
considered the act of loving
depends upon whom you speak
Nowadays, people use the
term "love" rather indiscrimi-
nately when talking about most
anything or anyone.
A man says "I love my
wife yet has no qualm what-
soever about "loving" the
blonde, buxom, aerobics in-
structor, 'Candie who lives
down the block.
And while Candie
"loves" an intense, physical
workout, she does not mind
"loving" the guy up the street
just the same.
Johnny loves his mom and
dad. He appreciates all that they
have done for him.
However, Johnny only
loves his mom and dad when
they have "done for him" and
not otherwise.
He also loves the new car
that his parents bought him for
graduating from high school.
Tonight, Johnny will show
his girlfriend, Linda, how much
he "loves" her in the back of his
beloved automobile.
Television evangelist,
Jimmy Swaggart claims that he
"loves the Lord
Unfortunately, the Lord
was confined to a night stand in
a sleazy motel that faithful night
when Swaggart decided to
transfer his love for Jesus to an
aspiring young actress training
for the role of Mary Magdalene.
Social taboos, being what
they are in America, make it
difficult for everyone to love
whom he or she would like.
Ideally, a man and a
woman can and should love one
another, provided of course,
that they have the same ethnic
Mixed marriages or rela-
tionships never work ? look at
Othello and Desdemona or Ted
Danson and Whoopi Goldberg
for that matter.
Such relationships end in
suffocation, or worse, they end
in a botched practical joke at a
celebrity roast. (I hope that any
racists out there are not taking
me seriously.)
Worse than the aforemen-
tioned scenario is any display
of affection between persons of
the same sex.
Biff and Joe can show their
"admiration" for one another
by slapping each other's rump
after winning a football game,
but God forbid if this admira-
tion should extend itself to their
buying a one-bedroom apart-
ment and moving in together.
The way in which we
choose to express our love, or
whom we choose to love, is not
By Joshua White
the underlying concern. Oi
greatest concern should be th
we do love, and that in the a
of loving we are unselfish ar
true to our hearts.
We should not put bourn
aries on whom anyone shou)
Likewise, we should n
confuse our love for mated,
things with the feelings that v
hold for other human beings.
One can love a car till
breaks down or a Playboy cei
ter fold until the next issu
comes in the mail, but the lov
that we give to otheis trar
scends time and an expire'
The Zen poet Thich Nha
Hanh has expressed thes
thoughts on love in his booi
Peace is Every Step .
"We really have to under
stand the person we want t
love. If our love is o'ly a will t
possess, it is not love.
If we only thirk of our
selves, we cannot love. You can
not resist loving another per
son when you really under
stand him or her
If we would just take the
time to understand others, ther
perhaps we could grow to love
them and stop hating everyone
in the world.
Love takes many forms,
some peculiar, but all are es-
QpataBfe Qjioits
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an
act, but a habit
"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestion-
able ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor
?Henry David Thoreau
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
matters compared to what lies within us
? Oliver Wendell Holmes
"I touch the future, I teach
? Cynthia Ann Broad, quoting Christa McAuliff
8: HE HAS To set
nf v. i

November 15, 1994
The East Carolinian 5
The East Carolinian
For Rent
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
?1 and 2 Bedrooms
Clean and Quiet, one bedroom
furnished apartments. $240 a
month, 6 month lease.
2899-2901 East 5th Street
?Located near ECU
?ECU Bus Service
?On-Site Laundry
"Special Student Leases"
I.T. or Tommy Williams
-781 5. 758-7436
For Rent
3br, 2 1 2bath townhouse. $150per
month. Available mid-December.
Call Julie ? 752-3848
apart near campus, ECU bus stop,
furnished, laid back, $197 1 2 utili-
ties. Call evenings 752-1033
For Sale
FOR RENT one bedroom apartment
$265month. Washerdryer hook
up. Quiet area. Great location. Call
KINSTON PLACE 2 bedroom, 2
bath to share with 2 other girls Dec
through May. Furnished and cheap!
Contact Ali or Jill at 830-5299
townhouse seeking roommate to
share for $215 part of utilities. Fire-
place, washer dryer, cable, pool, and
ac. Contact Jamie 321-8306 or leave
nished 3 bedroom 2 12 bath
townhouse- Quail Ridge. $250
month- utilities & cable included
plus 1 J phone. Contact David or JC
756-7374 available in Dec. or Jan.
HOUSE TO SHARE- Couplestu-
dent (Black) Christian, non-drinker
or drug user, clean excellent home-
lDminutes from ECU- $150 month
. for 2- Call 321-7723 leave your
number on ans. mac.
bdr. apt. Twin Oaks- $193 rent 1
3 util Call 758-2834 ask 4 Tracy or
semester. $180month. 2 bedroom
in Tar River Estates. Preferably fe-
male. Call 758-7617
room, 21 2bath townhouse in Twin
Oaks. $150month plus 13 bills.
Prefer female non-smoker- will con-
sider otherwise. Call 830-0579
2 bath apartment with washer
dryer. $238 month 12 utilities.
Walk to campus. Move in Dec. CA11
Cindy 758-3458
ROOMATE NEEDED next semes-
ter, non-smoking, female, serious
student to share 2 bdrm. apt. Down
from campus. $193.50month 12
utilities. Call Corie Bullock 830-
Services Offered
SALE! SALE! SALE!? There only 2
months left to use the Gateway to
Greenville Coupon Book. I have so
many left and want to get rid of them
for only $2. $! per month. If you use 1
coupon you save double. Come and
save on Food entertainment and
many other things. Call 758-4459.
TREK 7000 with Manitou 2shx.
Purple with bar ends, 2 water bottle
cages, speedtrip odometer, seat
pack, zoom handlebars, new tires.
$950. Call Brian, 321-7805
1987 VOLKSWAGON FOX for sale
106 K miles. It's in my driveway and
I want it the hell out. Call me. You
want to drive it away today, I'm
ready. Runs fine I just need the
money Asking $1000 but I'll take
anything reasonable. Farfignuguen
this car out of my driveway. Call 758-
CAMERAS: We buy, sel 1, trade qual-
ity used equipment. Top doliar paid.
Why pay twice as m uch for new when
you get quality for less? ASAP Photo
& Camera, Bells Fork Square, 321-
FOR SALE: Couch, recliner, chair,
futon, carpets. All perfect for dorm
orapartment. Must sell; moving. Call
DR. MARTENS: Black, size 11. Brand
new. $100. 830-0860
PLAYER. Great condition. Has mu-
sic search for your tapes and anti-
theft option as well. "1120 neg. Norm
CONVERTABLE. New brakes and
clutch with JVC pullout radio $1700
negotiable. Call 830-1612.
spring suit, & 6'2" Diamond Glassing
Surfboard for sale. All in perfect con-
dition, call John at 830-1853. Leave
message if I'm not there.
SOLOFLEX Like new. All attach-
ments and accessories. Moving and
have no room for it. $800 obo. Call
Martin 758-9412
Services Offered
Please call 792-5463
er $5 billion in free financial aid is now
available from private sector grants &
scholarships. All students are eligible
regardless of grades, income, or par-
ents income. Let us help you. for more
info, call: 1-800-959-1605 ext F53621
TYPING Reasonable rates" re-
sumes, term papers, thesis, other ser-
vices. Call Glenda: 752-9959 (days);
527-9133 (eves)
color prints in quality zippered case.
Studio and shooting fee included.
Three day turn around. All for $99.95.
ASAP Photo & Camera, Bells Fork
Square, 321-8888
DV-1 Greencard Program, by U.S.
Immigration. Greencards provide U.S.
permanent resident status. Citizens
of almost all countries are allowed.
For info & forms: New Era Legal Ser-
vices 20231 Stagg ST Canoga Park,
CA91306 Tel: (818) 772-7168;(818)998-
4425 MonSun lOam-llpm.
BILLS? Interested in saving 50 on
your phone calls? With Excel Service
you can, and we pay to switch you
back if not completely satisfied. Con-
tact Mike Carey at 752-2879
PROCESSED? Low rates include
spell-check, grammatical corrections,
guaranteed work. Campus secretary
with 15 yrs. experience. Cal 1 355-3611
after 5pm or leave message.
Chris 752-6255
TRANSCRIBING: Oral histories,
interviews, conferences, meeting, etc.
Help Wanted
MM Help Wanted
$10-$400UP WEEKLY, Mailing Bro-
chures! SpareFull-time. Set own
hours! Rush self-addressed stamped
envelope: Publishers (GI) 1821
Hillandale Rd? 1B-295, Durham, NC
GRAD STUDENTS Sales intern-
ship available gain valuable work ex-
perience call Sara at 355-7700 for a
possible interview
SKI RESORT JOBS- hiring for 'vin-
ter quarter. Up to $2,000 in salary &
benefits. Skisnowboard instructors,
lift operators, wait staff, chalet staff,
other positions. Over 15,000 openings.
For more info call: (206)634-0469 ext.
V 53622.
MENT- Make up to $2,000-$4,000
mo. teaching basic conversational
English abroad. Japan, Taiwan, and S.
Korea. Many employers provide room
& board other benefits. No teaching
background or Asian languages re-
quired. For more information call:
(206) 632-1146 ext J53622
Help Wanted
up to $2,000month working on
Cruise Ships or Land-Tour compa-
nies. World travel (Hawaii, Mexico,
theCaribbean, etc.). Seasonal and Full-
time employment available. No expe-
rience necessary. For more informa-
tion call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C53622.
MANAGEMENT: seeks ladies 18and
older. Earn Big Bucks while you learn.
Full Time nights and Part-time any-
time. Call for an appointment Play-
mate massage (919) 747-7686.
The Greenville Recreation and Parks
department is recruiting for 12 to 16
part-time youth basketball coaches for
the winter youth basketball program.
Applicants must possess some knowl-
edge of the basketball skills and have
the ability and patience to work with
youth. Applicants must be able to
coach young people ages 9-18, in bas-
ketball fundamentals. Hours are from
3:00pm until 7:00pm with some night
and weekend coaching. This program
will run from the end of Nov. to mid-
February. Salary rates start at $4.25
per hour. For more info please call
Ben James or Michael Daly at 830-
4550 or 830-4567
tra cash stuffing envelopes at home.
All materials provided. Send SASE to
Central Distributors Po Box 10075,
Olathe, KS 66051. Immediate re-
WANTED Individuals, student or-
ganizations and small groups to pro-
mote Spring Break '95. Earn substan-
tial money and free trips. Call the
nations leader, Inter-Campus Pro-
grams 1-800-327-6013
1 I
PART TIME SALES help needed.
Apply in person at Paynes Jewelers
684- C Arlington Blvd. (Facing
$1000 plus a week escorting in the
Greenville area with a liscensed
agency. Must be 18, dependable and
have own phone and transportation.
Call Diamonds or Emerald City Es-
corts at 758-0896 or 757-3477
idea for fundraiser. Earn extra money
in your spare time. Work your own
hours selling someof the hottest prod-
ucts on the market today- self defense
products. Contact Mike Carey at 830-
$1500 WEEKLY POSSIBLE mailing
our circulars! Noexperience required!
Begin now! For info call 202-298-8935.
A DEGREE IS GREAT but a degree
with practical experience is better. On
Line Information Services is currently
taking applications for part-time tele-
phone collectors. If interested" please
apply at 1206 Charles Blvd. Greenville
BRODY'S is accepting applications
for additional part-time sales associ-
ates for the fashions you love to wear:
MissyJunior Sportswear, accesso-
ries and Young Menswear. Flexible
scheduling options to fit most needs:
10am-2pm, 12pm-9pm,or6pm-9pm.
Retail postions include weekends.
Applications accepted Mon. and
Thurs l-3pm, Brody's The Plaza.
NEEDED: Someone to care for an
eight month old boy for approxi-
mately 20 hours a week. Must have
own transportation and references.
Pay negotiable. Please call 816-2278
from 8am-5pm ask for Pam and 321-
3432 after 6pm.
dents needed! Fishing industry. Earn
up to $3,000- $6,000 per month.
Room and board! Transportation!
Male or Female. No experience nec-
essary. Call (206) 545-4155extA53621
would be. Happy 2lst birthday! Lov?
your roommates, Wendy Renee
C- The brown chair sits on its side
The purple cow has tonsilitis and can'
sing in the opera tonight. -J.
Organize IS students for
Spring Break to Cancun, Nassau,
or Jamaica!
Call 1-800-4-SUN-Bound
SPRING BREAK! Early sign-up spe-
cials! Bahamas Party cruise 6 days
$279! Includes 12 meals 6 parties!
Cancun & Jamaica $399 with Air from
Raleigh! 1-800-678-6386
CIALS! Panama City Oceanview
Room with Kitchen & free bus to
bars $129! Davtona (Kitchens) $159!
Cocoa Beach $159! Key West $229! 1 -
'95! America's favorite spring break
company! Guaranteed lowest prices
to Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas,
Florida, South Padre, Barbados. Book
early and save $$$! Organize small
group and travel free! Call for free
info packet. Sun Splash Tours 1-800-
Break- How about it in the Bahamas
or Florida Keys. Where the Party
never ends. Spend it on your own
private yacht. One week only $385
per person. Including food and much
more. Organizers may go for free!
Easy sailing Yacht Charters 1-800-
ERS! Book now & save. Jamaica $439,
CancunBahamas$399, Panama City
$119, Daytona $149, Organize
Groups, Earn cash, & travel free.
Endless Summer 1-800-234-7007
Greek Personals
WIN, WIN, WIN- Epsilon Sigma Al
pha will sell tickets Nov. 14-16 in fron
of the Student Store. For $1 each yoi
can buy chances to win many prize
donated by local merchants. Proceed
will benefit the Greenville Homeles
Shelter and ways and means.
THETA, Sat. was "in Limbo but thi
social was great. We had a great tim
and hope to do it again. Delta Chi
PI LAMBDA PHI, Congratulation
on getting your charter. Delta Chi.
ALPHA PHI, we enjoyed the "tack?
tourist" social. You guvs were styl
ing. Delta Chi.
Lambda Phi for receiving your na
tional charter and being voted int
IFC. Great job and keep up the gooc
held Mon Nov. 21 from 4-6pm at tht
bottom of College Hill. Volleyball
food and fun Sponsored by Alph;
Phi. Proceeds go to Alpha Phi Foun
dation. Call 758-1880 for details!
ROBIN WILSON, We hope that
Nov. 16 is everything you hoped it
On-Campus Contact:
Angel ? 328-9961
Stephanie @ 758-8479
Cancun from $359
Jamaica from $399
Florida from$129
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J The next Gamma Beta Phi meeting
I will be held on November 15 at
? 5:00pm in Room 244 of Mendenhall.
? We will be informing new members
about their upcoming inductions and
collecting 3 canned goods for a ser-
vice point.
ECUSS: Attention Sociology majors
J and minors: The ECU Sociological
" Societywouldliketoinviteyoutobe
? part of the ECUSS Workshop. It will
- be held on Nov 16 in Brewster D,
? room 305 at 3:00pm. The workshop
i will feature Dr. Caston and Ms. Smith
? who will give us tips on interview-
! ing, resume writing, careers in Soci-
ology and there wil also be free food.
Will be hosting a North Carolina
NGM rally on Saturday November
19,1994 at Agnes Fullilove Commu-
nity School located at 1615 Halifax
St. Greenville NC starting at 8:00am
Performing groups will include the
ECU Gospel Choir, and PIC step
team. For more informa tion you may
call Robin Wooten at 328-7706.
Our organization is helping in a
Thanksgiving canned food drive for
the needy from Monday Nov 14 to
Tuesday Nov 22. There will be a box
at the downstairs door of the Air
Force ROTC Detachment building,
which is right next to the Wright
Place and Student Stores. Please
come out and donate a little to those
who don't have a whole lot. Thank
Last meeting Dance of the semester!
Live old-time music by Elderberry
Jam, 7:30pm, Friday, Nov 18, in
Leodonia Wright Bldg. (Behind Stu-
dent Health). Come alone or bring a
friend. Free!
"Wart Cures & What to do Till Your
Water Breaks: Feminist & Folklonc
Analyses of Home Remedies and
Health Beliefs" is the topic of a
Women's Studies Alliance program
to be held Thursday, November 17,
1994, 4pm, in the Multi-Purpose
Room on the first floor of Mendenhall
Student Center. This presentation is
the first in a 1994-95 series sponsored
by the ECU Women's Studies Alli-
ance and the Women's Studies Pro-
gram. For more information contact
Denise Sutton 328-6389 or Karen
Baldwin 328-6726. Everyone is Wel-
Monday, November 21 12:30 -
1:30pm, Brody2W-50.JamesG. Jones,
MD Executive Director North Caro-
lina Health Planning Commission,
Raleigh, NC. Sponsored by
Deptartment of Medical Humanities
816-2797. The Public is invited to at-
Epsilon Sigma Alpha will sell tickets
at $1.00 a piece in front of the Student
Store November 14-16. With the pur-
chase of a ticket you have a chance to
win many prizes that have been do-
nated by local merchants. Proceeds
from the drawing (held November
20th) will go to Greenville Homeless
Shelter and ways and means.
Remember that if you entered East
Carolina University as a first-year stu-
dent in or after Fall 1993, you need 12
hours of writing-intensive courses to
graduate. To meet the requirement,
complete ENGL1100, ENGL1200, one
3-hour writing-intensive course in
your major, and any other 3-hour
writing-intensive course. Check the
Spring 1995 Schedule of Classes for
writing-intensive courses or sections
of courses in your major.
ECU LaCrosse will be hosting it's 1st
annual Fall Ball Tourney November
19-20. Please come out and support
Pirate LaCrosse.
HALL (unless otherwise shown) and
Claire Chesson, voice 7:00pm?WED
Scott Carter and Christopher
Kn ighten, Conductors; Louise Toppin,
soprano(Wight Auditorium, 8:00pm)
Fran Parrish, soprano, andJUNIOR
RECITAL, Eliazbeth Faucette, mezzo-
soprano 7:00pm FRI NOV 18?SE-
NIOR RECITAL, Anna Kindlev, trum-
pet 7:00pm SENIOR RECITAL Anne
Sorbera, clarinet and Rebecca
Robertson, hor 9:00pm GRADUATE
JAZZ COMBOS, "An Evening of El-
egance and Classic Jazz Ballads
Carroll V. Dashiell, Master of C er-
emonies (Location TBA 9:00pm SUN
Frank , Director(Greenville Museum
of Art, 2:00pm EASTERN YOUTH
ORCHESTRA, Christopher Kighten,
Conductor 4:00pm GRADUATE RE-
CITAL, Natalie Humphrey, soprano
RECITAL, Steven Laven, cello 8:00pm
The annual Turkey Trot Run will be on
November 16 at 4:00pm. There is a
mandatory meeting forall participants
on November 15 at 5:00pm in Bio 103.
For additiona information call Recre-
ational Services at 328-6387.
JimmBuffett Bingo will be on Novem-
ber 18 at 8:00pm in Christenbury Gym-
nasium. Bring a can of food to benefit
the homeless for admittance into this
Natural Life Event. For more details
call Recreational Services at 328-6387.
Professor Richard Taylor will be par-
ticipatingin the Faculty Development
Abroad program in LONDON, spon-
sored by the College Division of the
American Institute for Foreigh
Study(AIFS), of Greenwich CT. Pro-
fessor Taylor, of the English depart-
ment, will be accompanying a group
of students on the Richmond College
InternationalSurnrnerSession in Lon-
don. The program offers such courses
as Art History, Business, Communi-
cations, English Literature, European
Studies, International Relations, Po-
litical Science, Sociology and Theater.
The program includes round trip air
fare, housing, meal plan, tuition and
social and cultural activities. Optional
excursions can be taken to Strattord-
on-Avon and to Paris, Brussels and
Amsterdam. Students who are inter-
ested in joining Professor Taylor and
the group next summer, should con-
tact him at 328-6687.
The Pitt County Arts Council's Arts
Day '95 will be field on Saturday, Janu-
ary 28th at the Pitt Plaza Mall. The Arts
Council is inviting any and all artists
representing all mediums to contact
them about booth space to display and
sell their wares! Grass Roots organiza-
tions are invited to contact the Arts
Council as well to reserve booth space
for display information. This year the
Council invitesallCommunity perform-
ers to submit audio and video tapes in
order to be considered for entertain-
ment during the day as well. The Arts
Council is also taking names of volun-
teers who wish to donate their time for
set up and on-going activities during
Arts Day as well. Direct all submissions
and inquiries to The Pitt County Arts
Council ARTS DAY 95, PO Box 8191,
Greenville, NC 27835 or call 757-1785
for booth application forms. For further
information phone Ilene Cox at 752-
3247. Students Welcome.
25 words or less:
$5.50 per inch:
Any organization may use the
Announcements Sectionof The
East Carolinian to list activities
and events open to the public
two times free of charge. Due
to the limited amount of space,
The East Carolinian cannot
guarantee the publication of
Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesday's edition.
Tuesday 4 p.m. for Thursday's edition
Displayed advertisements
may be canceled before
10a.m. the day prior to
publication; however, no
refunds wi'l be given.
For more
call 328-6366.

? ;?wmm

November 15, 1994
677f East Carolinian
The East Carolinian
l Drop
in THE
Language barriers crossed by dance
Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
"A Drop in the Bucket" is
just what it claim to be: a very
tiny drop in the great scream-
ing bucket of American media
opinion. Take it as you will.
America has embraced evil.
This rather melodramatic
realization struck me this past
weekend, when I (and what
seemed like half of Greenville)
went to the movies to see In-
terview With The Vampire.
Much to my surprise and dis-
may, the audience seemed to
be embracing Lesta t, the char-
acter played by Tom Cruise.
Granted, Cruise is Mr. Top
Gun; he's the golden boy of
modern cinema and has spent
much of his career playing the
hero. But, as anyone who has
read the novel Interview is
based on knows, Lestat is the
villain. He is cruel and capri-
cious, and also quite insane.
He commits despicable acts
in the name of his own ego.
Little is different in the film;
Lestat is marginally less con-
temptible, but he's still defi-
nitely wearing the black hat
from my point of view.
Why, then, was the audi-
ence laughing so readily when
he took verbal jabs at Louis,
the moody and introspective
rfarrator of the film? When
Lestat danced with a corpse,
why didn't anyone seated
near me seem at all disturbed?
Whv, when Lestat killed, did
they cheer him on?
1 blame Charles Bronson.
In Death Wish and its innu-
merable sequels, Bronson
plays a man seeking revenge
for the rape and murder of his
wife or daughter or pet ham-
ster (in the end, does it really
matter which?). He goes out
and deals with the criminal
element on their own terms,
and we cheer him on as he
shoots, stabs, hangs and gen-
erally exterminates the
wrongdoers. The Death Wish
character is what's known as
an antihero, a theoretically
heroic figure who does some
pretty nasty stuff to get the
job done; the end justifies the
means. Bronson certainly isn't
the only antihero stalking
around the pop culture land-
scape of the American psyche.
Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry
is much the same, and the
clones of both characters are
In fact, most of the heroes
in American action films for
the last 10 or 15 years have
been antiheroes. Our heroes
and villains have been get-
tingcloser and closer together,
until we get Arnold
Schwartzeneggar (who basi-
cally plays thesamecharacter
in every film).
Schwartzeneggar is such an
Jennifer Coteman
Staff Writer
Dance is the language that spans
all cultures. It frees the mind, calms
the soul and gives the dancer the
freedom to express emotions that
have no true physical form.
The Spanish culture is one that
greatly appreciates artistic expres-
sion through dance.
One of Spain's most recognized
dance companies, Teatrode Danza
Espanola, will be performing at 8
p.m. on Nov. 18 in Wright Audito-
Teatro de Danza Espanola
(Dance Theater of Spain) is world-
renowned. Luisillo, the founder
and choreographer, has received
many honors and awards, includ-
ing the coveted Gold Medal Bern
Meritate from Pope Paul IV. His
dance troupe has traveled to over
15 countries, including Australia,
New Zealand, Japan, China and
the United States.
The company is comprised of
30 dancers, singers and musicians.
There are also four featured danc-
ers ? Maria Vivo, Emilio
Hernandez, Mariano Cruceta and
Daniel Fernandez. Along with the
corps de ballet, two guitarists and
two flamenco singers, the stars
perform two numbers per show.
In their 1994-45 season, they will
perform "Luna DeSangre" ("Night
of Blood") and "Cafe Del Puerto
"Luna De Sangre" is loosely
based on Shakespeare's "Romeo
and Juliet The passionate story
of gypsy love is performed in clas-
sic flamenco style. Flamenco is a
moving combination ot singing
and dancing, and virtually all of
the musical accompaniment is live
and on stage. Also performed in
flamencostyle is "Cafe Del Puerto
which has the unique feature of
improvisation, giving the dancers
the freedom to change according
to their emotions. It is never the
same show twice.
The stars of this company have
not only studied intensively with
some of the greatest dancers in
Spain, but have also earned recog-
nition in their own right early in
their careers. Maria Vivo is consid-
ered the brightest new female fla-
menco dancer in Spain. Emilio
Hernandez began his professional
career at age 16. Mariano Cruceta
started even younger at age 14 and
has starred in several other dance
See DANCE page 7
Photo Courtesy of Columbia Artists Management Inc.
Teatro de Danza Espanola swings into action in "Luna De Sangre which this world-reknowned
Spanish dance company will be performing at Wright Auditorium at 8 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 18.
Branaueh stitches Frankenstein together
u ? .thPlattPr of whom recently wrote child. stem could have become hac
Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
Kenneth Branagh has been
hailed as a boy genius by some
critics for his work on Henry V,
Dead Again and Much Ado About
Nothing. Others find Branagh a
showy, but ultimately hollow,
writer and director who has not
deserved all the praise heaped on
him thus far in his career. A friend
of mine has taken the latter posi-
tion, I the former.
The release of Branagh's new-
est film, Mary Shelley's Franken-
stein, has renewed the debate.
Unfortunately this debate will not
easily be settled by Branagh's lat-
est work. Though the signs of ge-
nius appear in the film, too many
obvious melodramatic devices
appear as well. Perhaps the work
of an inferior director would not
demand as much scrutiny, but
because Branagh has shown such
promise, Mary Shelley's Franken-
stein must be approached as a
work of art
Shelley's book has rarely been
followed in Hollywood. Audiences
view Frankenstein as a green-
skinned, box-headed,
bolt-necked mon
ster of the same
name. The
creature about
which Shelley
wrote never
had a name,
thus adding to its
loneliness, and
though hideous
from all the stitch
ing that held him
together, he re-
sembled a man more
than a monster.
Branagh's film re-
mains closer to the book
than might be expected but he,
along with the writers, also changes
many crucial points in the story to
make the film his own.
The screenplay w'as written by
Steph Lady and Frank Darabont
tthe latter of whom recently wrote
and directed The Shaivslmnk Re-
demption). The writers whip up a
more energetic story than Shelley
could have
Shelley penned
Victor Franken-
stein (Kenneth
Branagh) as a
tortured scien-
tist who never
recovered once
creating the
creature (Robert
DeNiro), while
Lady and
Darabont write
Frankenstein as
a man happily
going through
life except when
he gets rudely
reminded that he has created a
creature that could cause massive
suffering. The Frankenstein of the
screenplay seems more like the ir-
responsible father of an illegitimate
The screenplay also heightens
the melodramatic language to the
point of triteness. At one point the
creature yells with much vigor: "I
will have my revenge Though
the creature is quite talkative in
Shelley's book ? in fact the crea-
ture talks for a third of the book to
relate the story of his suffering to
Frankenstein ? his speech never
deteriorates into Hollywood
drivel. Though Shelley perhaps im-
bued the creature with a language
a bit too ornate for his crude un-
derstanding, she can be excused
because of the beauty of her writ-
ing. The tripe spewed by the crea-
ture in the film is enough to make
one cringe.
Another major change from the
book occurs in the characteriza-
tion of Frankenstein's best friend
Henry (Tom Hulce). Henry serves
mostly as comic relief in the film
whereas in the book, which has
absolutely no light touches, Henry
served as the physician Franken
stein could have become had it
not been for his obsession.
Henry's fate is left open in the
film, but in the book his fate was
sealed from the moment he was
Both the writers and Branagh
are probably to blame for the
melodramatic staging of some
scenes. A mountain-top picnic
thr.t allows Frankenstein and his
family to collect the electricity
of lightning in their bodies is
too goofy to be believed. And
the death of a character by re-
moving the heart seemed ex-
cessive. Branagh let his enthusi-
asm soar a tad much.
Yet most of Mary Shelley's
Frankenstein holds together well
and holds the viewer in its spell
remarkably well. Branagh has
done a magnificent job of fram-
ing the story the way Shelley
did. The film opens on the Arc-
tic Sea where Robert Walton
Discover nature in Riding the Blue Silk
Kris Hoffler
See DROP page 7
Staff Writer
It has been said that rock 'n' roll
has taken the place of poetry in
our culture. This may be true in a
larger sense, but for some of us
poetry is still an important me-
dium of expression.
In her book Riding the Blue Silk
Marie Watson Blair presents 33
poems that are simple in form yet
expansive in their treatment of ev-
eryday assumptions. There is
much to be said for the written or
spoken word that is outside of any
major industry.
Marie Watson Blair was born in
Wilson, N.C in 1936. She is a
graduate of Barton College (for-
merly Atlantic Christian) in Wil-
son, with a bachelor's degree in
English. Her roots ar in a South-
ern tradition of storytelling and
she writes to continue that tradi-
tion and her own family history.
The book jacket says that she
chooses poetry as her genre be-
cause of her belief that "less means
Blair's poetry is distinctly South-
ern in many ways, most notably in
her treatment of nature. She talks
about the shoreline a lot, that of the
Outer Banks in particular. It's not
that she names places that makes it
so obvious, because she doesn't; I
am very familiar with the area and
the descriptions fit perfectly.
There are also the geese of the
inland marshes, many of which
are not too far from here, and the
gulls of the shore. "Goose music
can be heard seen as a dark mov-
ing line in love with air The
nature poems and her reverence
for all that is natural form an ap-
pealing aspect of this collection.
The local birds are a favorite
subject of hers, but there are other
specific Southern things that catch
her poetic eye. The roses in the
yard, the Spanish moss on the trees,
summer storms and winter winds
are all treated with awe and due
respect in verse. There is also the
regional beauty of "Jack of All
Trades A poem about an old
friend of hers, a "tall thin black
man with a ready smile (that)
CjD Review
This box holds the key
to understanding the de-
vious ways of our CD
reviewers. Enjoy!
) i LAME
? 0
Jameshasdoneitagain. Along
with "super" producer Brian
Eno, the band has just released
the sister album to Laid, titled
Wah Wall. This album consists of
23 mouth-watering composi-
tions that stem from the impro-
visations they came up with
while thev were in the studio
recording Laid.
Anyone who hasn't hoard
James m eds to check them out.
Thev use interesting mixing tech-
niques, especially on "Low-
Clouds which includes what
sounds like an airplane flying
over your head while it's thun-
dering outside. Their ideas are
fresh and exciting and gives
them a definite edge over many
other pop-alternative acts.
Wah Wall boasts some great
songs, especially when you con-
sider that they wire made up at
the last minute. rhe album's sec-
ond track, "Pressure'sOn fea-
tures singer Tim Booth's incred-
ible falsetto voice as a haunting
effect on this depressing ballad.
Later in the album, we're
treated to catchy tracks like the
beautiful "Building a Fire" and
"Lay the Law Down The latter
of these two tracks has a nice
feel, like you're walking through
the jungle laying the law down
like Tarzan.
After repeated listens to tracks
like these, one question about
Wah Wah still haunts me. How
does a band make an album of
improvisations that sounds as
good as Wah Wah does? Is it the
fact that they have a good pro-
ducer and knowledgeable mix-
ers, or is it James' talent show-
ing through?
"All but three pieces of Wah
Wah are being born as you hear
them in an attempt to capture
the moment of creation sponta-
neously writes Tim Booth in
Wah Wah's liner notes. If this is
really the case, it's definitely the
band's talent, and this album
deserves to be heard.
If you're familiar with the ma-
terial from James' Laid album,
you can hear snatches of some ot
those songs hre. But if James is
new to you, Wall Wah will mainly
offer some of the best music
you've ever heard in your life.
So do the music world a favor
and buy this album. James' cor-
nucopia of auditory delight
should, at one time or another,
be experienced by all.
made time slow down It is a
poem about a lazy summer af-
ternoon and a visit to an old
friend that always brings com-
fort and fond memories to two
friends ? and to the reader who
is allowed to look in on this
A few of the poems are a
reflection on a childhood long
past but that still lives within
the poet. They are not a lament
of a time long gone, but a revel-
ing in the memories that are left
behind. There are other poems
of reminiscence thatarenot spe-
cific to childhood, but of the
course of life in general. "Keep-
sake" is an exploration of an old
trunk in the attic, ghosts of past
tea parties and "wish you were
here" postcards filling the room
with fleeting memories.
There are a few scattered po-
ems on poetry and the poet. She
says that poetry is "Assembling
what we are by what we want
remembered. Making order
out of chaos in a world going
too fast trying to freeze it
there You might say that her
poetry is of everyda) life, but
she denes everyday assump-
tions by making the mundane
into something not so common-
place. It is the obvious and the
profound. "Here is life having
to explain nothing about it-
self? riding the blue silk
when vanishings are needful
Mane Watson Blair's Riding
the Blue Silk is revealing and
See BLUE page 7

nbei 15, 199-J
East Co tin 7
FroAT) p. 6
dun t even Is this attitude ery far i ?
nted moved from that ol I estat, the
evil vampire? "God fills indis-
He cheerfully dispatches the criminately Lestat says, "and
one lin so shall we rhat kind of wan-
ludience ton and childish destruction is
n ing the not something to be cheered lust
I of watching someone because Lestat is charming (or
and dii like .1 worn irtzeneggarfunny)doesn't
: s hobnailed boot mean we should like him. Fair)
nation?Somebody lied tale wolves love to hide in
or framed him, or what- sheep's clothing, but children
me plot device h n know better than to trust them.
excuse to break some Perhaps it would do us all some
Basically, he had .1 bad good to reread our Brothers
( 1 rim m.
& 4
From p. 6
hot wings
oDD pJ
300 i. Greeiville BM.
Stte??ille, NC 27J?i
(Acrott froM Ceiifott In)
(919) 321-6968
I Quinn) desperately
searches for the North Pole The
similarities between his quest and
Frankenstein's quest to create life
provide a stark reminder that
Frankenstein's foil) isoft repeated.
An unbridled desire to succeed at
a goal can sometimes blind the
person possessing such lofty aspi-
The staging of the storm on the
Arctic Sea immediately grabs the
viewer. When Frankenstein begins
his story, the plight of Walton re-
mains in the back of the viewer's
mind Frankenstein pleads for
Walton to help him kill the crea-
ture but Walton first takes Fran-
kenstein to his cabin where the
scientist spins his unnerving tale.
Frankenstein's story begins in
his comfortable home where his
pregnant mother dotes on him. In
a grisly scene, Victor's mothei dies
in childbirth and Victor becomes
so distraught that he subcon-
sciously comes to believe that his
goal in life should be to conquer
death. Upon arriving at medical
school, Victor meets Professor
Waldman (John Cleese, looking
unrecognizable and doing a bril-
liant job) who claims to have al-
most perfected reanimationof the
dead. When Victor finally decides
to embark on his own scientific
experiments to create life, it is
Waldman's brain (who has been
killed by a beggar) that hedec ides
to use. The beggar who is executed
tor killing Waldman hangs in the
village square and provides the
raw materials' for Frankenstein's
The creation scene itself occurs
on a grand scale. It one can get
past the obvious implausibilityof
Frankenstein having such an in-
credible lab set-up, then the'birth'
of his creature can be enjoyed for
the overblown cinematic fun that
it is. The large membrane in which
Frankenstein kept his electric eels
(which substitute for lightning as
the power source), however,
caused me to scratch my head,
wondering "What the hell is that?"
With amniotic fluid covering
his creation to
is nude and I i an! ?
onl pants :
nakedness both
ation feel at birth
not b ; '
gone into making the film
sible I he melodran i clone
and the dialogu
sounds do nright dumb. I
overall eff
4 In I-
Sports ?
Sports Pad SpcttfSa
Sports Pad Sharkys? Splash
? Splash Sports Bar ?
18 & OVER
Meat & Potatoes
Come into any club entrance Thursdy and
feel tree to roam from club to club!
i disi on eii I ? '
les much to discuss
I ; i nken stein lea es
in the prec trious posi-
tii m of having to pro e somi
. next effort, lor now the
nee need only sit back, ig-
he manipulations and
entertained. For, it m
. Sift'i s' ranken
great entertainment
()n a scale of one to ten .
Frattki nstein ra I
From p. 6
r a rms I
ns, nf li
Lucky Lindy Flies Again
Photo Courtesy of ECU Travel- Adventure Film Series
Enjoy the sights of St. John's. New Foundland. Charles Lindbergh's last stop in North
America, in Lindbergh's Historic Flight, a part of the ECU Travel-Adventure Film Series.
From p. 6
troupes. Daniel 11 rnandez was
a soloist during se i i
of Italy and Fran( e befort join-
Marjorie Karta
ing leatro de Danza Espanola. assume I uisillo is no less
With such an outstanding amazing. Indeed, his
group of performers, one must awe-inspiring. I uisillo h,
ther trained 01 v orl I h
many of Spain's finest d
eis 1 liscompany has the honor
(t being the first dance troupe
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to perform in the ? lementine
Room of the Vatic in in over
400 years. In addition to the
Bern Meritate, I uisillo :
the Medaglia de
ol the low n t i nini ?' ? ?! Milan,
the Med igli i d'( h
la Fenice the
oi KAI in Rome, tht Ros
Garda of the Verona Festival
and man) other honors
The ch
resi ei ti
ttTTHl. tulkmml or itbmk origin, ige. or bndicip.
u ra n i o u
rform is oi
should not be mis vitro
de I )anza Espanola w ill be in
c .1 een ille for one night only.
Ticket are S stu-
dents and children and Sh
ECU facult and staf'I osl for
the gen ral publi ticl
ets sold at "
Croup rates ?. i ailable I or
more informal ioi tacl the
tral 1 ic k( t Offio
casant s
Info. HOTLINE 752-5855
?? ft ' HUQM7E KM
(Please no drums, and if you people don't start
preparing a little better we're going to buy a gong.)
recording artist
(One of our better
Raggae bands)
?t.unMi'1 Be kind to

m m i
! .
8 The East Carolinian
November 15, 1994
The East Carolinian
ECU ensures first winning season under Logan
Aaron Wilson
Assistant Sports Editor
The mark of a good football
team is one that can play less than
its best and still emerge victori-
ous. ECU escaped with a close
win over a tough, nationally-
ranked I-AA opponent in Central
This win over UCF accom-
plished two things: Pirate head
coach Steve Logan's first winning
season and (with a Memphis loss
to Tennessee in Knoxville) an op-
portunity to go to the Liberty Bowl
on New Year's Eve.
"A winning season is some-
Pirate Report Card
Smith and Crandel! carry a
somewhai-sluggih Pirale offense.
Defense mediocre against
smaller I-AA opponent.
Special Teams:
Levine kicks well. Holcomb
continues to struggle. Perez
Gameplan basic, lacked new
wrinkles. Hey. at least we won.
ECU pulls one out in a boring
game. Increase intensity, please.
thing that is very hard to come by
Logan said I'll take a win any way
I can get one. This program has
only had a few winning seasons in
the past 10 years. I want to change
that and make winning a habit. I
gave my seniors a hug and told
them that they were winners for
"When it was 102 degrees in
July running on that track, Junior
Smith and Damon Wilson, in par-
ticular, coined the phrase. 'No Ex-
cuses We are a banged and bruised
team right now. Our second team
offense and defense played almost
the entire fourth quarter, and they
did a great job
Central Florida opened the scor-
ing with Charlie Pierce's first of
four field goals when he booted a
27-yarder to put the Golden Knights
up 3-0 with 8:34 left in the first
quarter. The drive was keyed by
the strong rushing of Florida State
transfer Marquette Smith who to-
taled 101 yards rushing on 22 car-
"We began to stop him as the
game wore on Logan said. "They
ran that zone dive, and we brought
the blitz later on and got some re-
sults. He's a good back, and he
earned his yards
Smith gained 59 of his 101 yards
in the first quarter but was less of a
factor as the game went on as UCF
went to their passing game.
The Pirates answered right back
with Marcus Crandell's short toss
to Allen Williams to put the Pirates
up 7-3.
"We were on the goal line, and
we ran a flag off of a option route
Williams said. "I came off the ball
and got behind my man. Marcus
found me and we were able to get
the six points
Early in the second quarter, ECU
had a chance to put Central Florida
away when Junior Smith's 64-yard
touchdown run was called back
due to a holding penalty on the
Pirate offensive line.
"The touchdown they called
back reallv swaved this football
game Logan said. "It really hurt
our momentum and kept UCF in
this ball game
UCF capitalized when, after a
blocked punt, Pierce kicked a 48-
yard field goal. The Pirate defense
came up big on the drive, keyed by
Daren Hart stuffing UCF tailback
Gerod Davis in the Golden Knight
backfield to force UCF to kick the
After a long sustained drive, the
See UCF page 10
Photo by Harold Wise
The Pirates' defense succeeded in containing a powerful Golden Knight offensive unit on
Saturday afternoon. Mark Libiano (81) is ECU'S leading tack'er going into the Memphis game.
Player of the Week
Managers star behind the scenes
Aaron Wilson
SoIL, IB, 6-1, 235
B.J. moved back into the
starting position at mike line-
backer against UCF, and came
away with 15 tackles (2 for loss)
and a game-shifting 40-yard
interception return to set up a
Junior Smith TD.
"Basically, I dropped back and
saw the QB looking right at the
receiver Crane said. "I was in
the right place at the right time
On the season, Crane's 73
tackles places him second on the
Pirate roster, although he did not
start the six games prior to
Saturday's UCF contest.
"BJs really good in pass
defense Coach Logan said. "It's
like having an extra DB out
Assistant Sports Editor
From keeping track of the
socks and the jocks to the high-
tech work that they do in keep-
ing head coach Steve Logan
hooked up to his offensive and
defensive coordinators in the
press box, the approximately
20 or so ECU football manag-
ers are a very essential part of
the program.
"We take a lot of pride in
what we dosaid Director of
Athletic Equipment Mike
Sinquefield. "You can't worry
about any external situations,
no one knows or cares when
they open up a newspaper and
look at a team's uniform and
helmets. We take pride in hav-
ing a good-looking product. You
don't get in to this for the glory,
you do it to be part of a team,
and without us, we can't play
Sinquefield came to ECU
from Louisiana State University
and made sweeping changes in
the way the equipment room is
"Just like a new head coach
or AD, it was a transitional pe-
riod when I came here
Sinquefield said. "The players
and managers have responded
well, and that it is comforting to
know that they feel good about
how things are done now
A tour of the ECU equipment
room is an interesting one. Pirate
sports memorabilia is well-dis-
played and the room is an well-
organized, structured place with
each single piece of equipment
having its own special place and
"We have different jerseys for
offense and defense Joe
Hammett, a student manager
from Lumberton, N.C. said. "For
example, yellows are for QBs be-
cause they are hands-off in prac-
tice. We keep everything sepa-
rate and neat so we know where
everything is
Managers are responsible for
the replacement and upkeep of
all of the football team's equip-
ment, especially helmets and
shoulder pads.
"We are constantly checking
equipment Hammett said.
"We also spray and wipe down
helmets with Fantastik to keep
them looking good. You have
to change the hardware and
snaps on helmets a lot to keep
them safe
Coaches and players are very
particular about what they wear
and how they look in games.
"We have the towels in here
manager Jason Roberson said.
"The coaches' bags, slacks,
shirts and tennis shoes. We keep
a lot of extra gear because ev-
eryone wants new stuff ?
gloves, shoes, wristbands, you
name it.
ECU wears Nike cleats and
turf shoes and is much hap-
pier with the Portland, Or.
product than the Riddell s
they used to wear.
sNike is as good a quality
shoe as any, Roberson said.
alt is much better than Riddell.
We don t wear low-cut shoes.
For wet games we wear screw-
in cleats for better traction.
Our turf shoes are a good-
looking shoe, very comfort-
able too.
The coveted wool letter
jacket with the leather sleeves
can also be found in the ECU
See MANAGER page 10
Pirate swimmers down Charleston
Eric Bartels
Staff Writer
With a small crowd on hand
at Minges Aquatic Center on
Saturday morning, ECU s swim
teams improved their records,
breezing past the College of
Remaining focused through-
out, both men s and women s
teams swam out to early leads,
as the men claimed a 132-81 win
and the women won easily 127-
)We swam great, Pirate
swimming coach Rick Kobe said.
3We had our best swims so far,
even with the exhibitions.
Although it was not recorded,
the women s team claimed all but
one event. In exhibition swims,
one team leads the other team by
a large margin of points, and it is
not necessary for the leading team
to collect those points if they will
win easily without them.
However, the Lady Pirates did
finish first in the five events in
which points were given.
The 400-Medley Relay team,
consisting of Amanda Atkinson,
Kim Field, Sandra Ossmann and
Samantha Edwards led the meet
with an easy victory. Junior Rachel
Atkinson (1000-Free) and
Samantha Edwards (200-Free) con-
tinued the attack with first-place
The lead then extended when
junior Jackie Schmieder took the
200-Individual Medley and sopho-
more Melissa Phillips won the 200-
Junior Hilary Stokes captured
the 100-Free, while Atkinson placed
first in the 200-Back.
Keeping the Lady Pirates 4-0,
sophomore diver Beth Hanna
placed first in the one-meter dive.
The three-meter dive was an exhi-
bition in which Stacie Haymes won.
The men s team performed sol-
idly, and they had an easy time
with the Charleston Cougars. Like
the women, the men gave up three
events to exhibitions, but held
onto the early lead as they im-
proved to 2-2.
Sophomore Chris Bembenek
and freshman Jim Broughal led
the men s team with two victories
each. Broughal stole the 200-Free
and the 100-Free, while Bembenek
captured the 200-Back and shared
the 400-Medley Relay win with
teammates Patrick Kesler, Adam
Ciarla and John Donovan.
Freshman Mike Donovan con-
tributed with a win in the 1000-
Free, and sophomore Jon
Languell rounded out the indi-
vidual competition with a 200-
Fly victory.
In an easy meet, the men s
diving team won both compe-
titions without opposition. Se-
nior Scott Kupec and freshman
Stephen Barnes finished first
and second recectively in the
one and three-meter dives.
The Pirates will be on the
road, once again, as Kobe takes
his teams to Davidson College
for a three-team meet against
Davidson and Georgia South-
ern on Nov. 19. The Pirates will
then return home on Dec. 10 to
host the Duke University Blue
ECU men's tennis graduates four seniors
Jody Jones
Staff Writer
For the past few seasons,
ECU has
leged to
have four
. outstand-
! ing play-
' ers oh it s
men s
team: Ben
;Sa m m y
;t a 1
"a n d
? Jamie Holt. All four seniors
' are in their final year of eligi-
?bility and finished with good
;fall seasons. Although the
1 group has accomplished quite
a lot for the tennis team during
their play here at ECU, each one
has so much more to offer off the
came to
and is a
He said
that the
one thing
?he en-
about ECU was playing for Pi-
rate tennis coach Bill Moore.
aThe transition from England
was hard from me, but Coach
Moore made it easier forme, he
Ben Atkinson
said. aHe just wants you to give
100 percent. He does not put that
much emphasis on winning, he
wants you do to your best.
In En-
never re-
ally had a
He only
had one
other per-
son to
Eatln, a
friend and a good player.
alt tennis has put a lot of
things into perspective for me,
Atkinson said. 3We would just
go out and play whenever we
wanted, and there was not any
time you had to go and practice
like it is here.
3 I really enjoyed the compe-
Sam Fisher
Tal Frydman
tition and the fact that I got to
meet so many other players, he
said. 3That is the main reason 1
The thing about himself that
Atkinson is most proud of, how
ever, is the fact that he has sue
cessfully made the transition be
tween cultures.
si know
people who
refuse to change
to the culture,
he said. 3l feel
that have learned
a lot of new
things because I
was willing to
After gradua-
tion, Atkinson
plans on going
back home and
spend a little
time traveling
around the
Sammy Fisher is a communi-
cations majOt from Goldsboro,
NC. Sammy transferred to ECU
after playing his freshmen year
at Pembroke State. He
earned his best finish as a
Pirate this season when he
came in fifth at the Old Do-
minion In-
3 T h e
part of ten-
nis that is
the most
fun is com-
said, alt
has taught
me how to
adjust to
life pre-
Throughout his college
career, Fisher has been able
Jamie Holt
See TENNIS page 10
hkp wm fl ???-?
ta&mtmm m

?? m if
November 15. 1994
77fe ??.? Carolinian 9
ECU's Tae Kwon Do Club kicks into action
(RS) ? ECU's Tae Kwon Do
Club got things kicking Aug. 29
with its annual club-opening
demo. Tae Kwon Do is a Korean
martial art that dates back over
2,000 years. The Tae Kwon Do
club was established in 1988 un-
der the supervision of Master
Byung Lee.
Master Lee holds fifth-degree
black belts in Tae Kwon Do,
Hapkido and Wharangdo. Todd
Harris is the current Sa Bu Nim
(instructor) and has been the head
instructor at ECU for the past three
years. The club has provided in-
struction in the art of Tae Kwon Do
and self defense for over 500 people
since 1988. The club has grown
from a faithful three members in
1988 to a family of over 40 dedi-
cated practitioners.
In 1992, Sa Bum Harris put to-
gether ECU's first competition
team, which has grown from 1 to
13 members since 1992. In the two
years the team has been estab-
lished, it has won many titles, in-
cluding four state titles, two colle-
giate national titles, and five ETF
National titles, among others.
So far this semester, the team
has competed in three major tour-
naments. On Oct. 8, Scott Tanner
competed in the East Coast Finals.
Scott fought hard, but lost out in
the first medal round. Although
disappointed, he brought back two
bronze medals, one in forms and
the other sparring.
On Oct. 15 the team sent three
members to Raleigh to compete in
the Eagle Tae Kwon Do National
Championships. In this tourna-
ment, a competitor receives an
overall score for forms, breaking
and sparring ? instead of being
judged in separate divisions.
Chantel Sabus, Tiffany Shuler
and Sa Bum Harris' rigid training
paid off when all three captured
first place. The last tournament of
the semester was the collegiate
nationals, held in Ames, Iowa. The
students have trained hard for this
tournament working out hours a
"Although everyone did not
win, we are happy with the re-
sults Sa Bum Harris said.
Chantel's and Tiffany's dedication
paid off, when Chantel won two
silvers and Tiffany a bronze medal,
ranking them second and third
respectively among all the club
members in the United States.
Although the others did not
bring back medals, both
Terrance Evins and Scott Tan-
ner are ranked in the top 10 in
their university divisions. This
is one of ECU's most up and
coming teams. The members put
in hours of rigorous and ex-
hausting training, but in the end
it pays off. If there is any doubt,
just look at what the team has
done in just two years.
Prognosticator Stats
Name PointsAv. per game
Dave Pond 70 TEC Sports Editor10.0
Brian Bailey 75 WNCT-9 Sports Director10.7
Chris Justice 75 WCTI-12 Sports Director10.7
Phil Werz 77 WITN-7 Sports Director12.8
Brad Oldham 10414.9
WZMB Sports Director
Note: Points are allotted as the difference
from the final point spread in each ECU
game, then added together. "Av. per game' is
the average number that the prognosticator
misses the spread by each game.
? Phil missed one week in the standings.
MLB owners plan new proposal
(AP) ? Baseball owners are put-
ting together a new collective bar-
gaining proposal, their first offer
since June 14.
Whether or not it includes a salary
cap is the big question.
"I'm not going to talk about it
owners negotiator Richard Ravitch
said Sunday night, one day after three
days of talks between the two sides
er. 4ed at a conference center in Rye
Brook, 25 miles north of Manhattan.
"All I'll say is I'm delighted we're
working to get ready for Thursday
said Ravitch, who was supplanted
by Red Sox chief executive officer
John Harrington as the owners' chief
negotiator on the first day of renewed
talks last Thursday.
The new proposal will be unveiled
Thursday when the owners and play-
ers resume talks near Dulles Airport in
Washington under the guidance of
mediator W.J. Usery.
"We discussed it once and we'll dis-
cuss it again Wednesday in commit-
tee Ravitch said.
Harrington was working on details
of the new proposal Sunday night and
didn't return phone calls.
On Saturday, union head Donald
Fehr said owners should know what
the players are willing to agree to.
"A salary cap is not something the
players are much interested in he
That has been the union's stance all
along ? it forced the strike Aug. 14
that led to the cancellation of the rest of
the season and the World Series ? and
player reps Brett Butler and Kevin
Brown stuck publicly to the party line
at the talks in Rye Brook.
Management's new proposal could
center around the "luxury tax" concept
discussed in the last round of talks in
early September. At that time, union
officials met with Harrington and Colo-
rado Rockies chairman Jerry McMorris.
Those discussions ended Sept. 9, when
owners rejected the offer and didn't
counter it.
The union's proposal was for a rev-
enue tax of about 1.6 percent on the 16
top clubs by revenue and a payroll tax
of about 1.6 percent on the top 16 clubs
by salary. That money would be redis-
tributed to the small-market teams.
However, teams wanted a tax high
enough to slow the escalation of player
If owners do in fact make a proposal
on a tax plan, it would presumably be
with a rate that the union would feel
was much too high. Usery, given his
style, probably would then try to get
players to raise the percentage they
would agree to. In that method, he
would attempt to force both sides to
a middle number.
"He's very aggressive, very de-
termined acting commissioner Bud
Selig said Saturday. "A great level of
intensity. You can see now why he's
as successful as he is
We will be having a
TEC sportswriters
meeting on Thursday
at 4:45 p.m.
while you wait
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(AP) ? Since the Dallas Cow-
boys already own the moniker
"America's Team' maybe the
San Francisco 49ers could get
away with billing themselves as
Scarlett's team.
Yes, that Scarlett. The coy
spendthrift who puts off facing
the really tough decisions in a
way that most Americans can
relate to: "I'll think about (fill in
your own dilemma here) to-
Not many teams have mort-
gaged their future the way these
49ers have. In an abrupt depar-
ture from the organization's past
operating philosophy, the direc-
tives issued from San Francisco's
headquarters seem to have be-
come win now and think about
tomorrow tomorrow.
With an aging roster and a
bloated payroll, it could be more
than a few tomorrows before the
49ers get another chance as they
have this season at reaching the
Super Bowl. But none of that
seemed to matter Sunday, after
they had muscled their way past
those troublesome Cowboys for
the first time in their last four
"This defense was revamped
basically to beat Dallas said
Merton Hanks, the San Francisco
safety who made two touch-
down-saving interceptions in the
21-14 win. "It was put up or shut
up time for us and we pretty
much came through
This one was for those people
whobuy everything on time. For
the guys who just have to have
fancy cars, and then have to drive
them with one eye on the road
and the other on the rearview
mirror ? looking out for the
"Repo Man
In the last 10 months, the 49ers
have spent millions on a hand-
ful of free agents and tinkered
with the salary cap in a way that
will almost certainly haunt them
next season and for many more
to come. And they have done
this with only one goal in mind.
Beat Dallas. Right now.
"The Cowboys have given this
team fits the last couple of
years said Ken Norton, the
linebacker who came over from
Dallas, "and I wanted to help
change that
For the time being, at least, he
and all the other expensive pick-
ups have.
Norton teamed Sunday with
fellow linebackers and free agents
Rickey Jackson (New Orleans)
and Gary Plummer (San Diego)
to gum up the Cowboys' rushing
game. Running back Emmitt
Smith, who generally treats the
49ers like the extras in his per-
sonal highlight film and accu-
mulated 109 yards in just the sec-
ond half of one previous meet-
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ing, managed only 78 yards in
all of this one.
Behind the linebacking
corps, Deion Sanders (for-
merly of Atlanta) played Dal-
las receivers and San Francisco
killers Michael Irvin ? mostly
? and Alvin Harper ? occa-
sionally ? to a draw. He
picked off one pass early, con-
vincing Cowboy quarterback
Troy Aikman to spend the rest
of the afternoon throwing else-
where. More importantly, by
shoring up the corner, Sand-
ers freed up Hanks to return to
his natural spot at free safety
and concentrate on the middle
of the field.
Aikman still managed to
finish a respectable 23-of-42 for
339 yards, but the three inter-
ceptions were not the only
messages the 49ers' defense
whispered in the earhole of
his helmet.
Jackson killed another drive
late in the third quarter with a
sack and his linemate, Dana
Stubblefield, spent much of the
afternoon in Aikman's face.
And then there was Richard
Dent, the sack specialist who
came over the free-agent tran-
som from Chicago and was
licking his chops watching
Sunday from the sideline. He
will be ready in January, when
the two teams figure to meet
in the NFC championship for
the third season running.
"You don't win champion-
ships until January Hanks
said, trying to keep a lid on the
celebration afterward. "We'll
see what happens in January
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1 0 The East Carolinian
November 15. 1994
From p. 8
to play a sport, and hold down
a job while graduating on time,
not an easy thing to do. Last
summer, Fisher traveled to
Germany to play tennis with
Athletes in Action, a Christian
"I play tennis because of
God Fisher said. "The fact
that 1 have been able to main-
tain my faith throughout is
something I am very proud of
he said.
Fisher clearlv stated that the
one thing he would miss most
about ECU tennis was his team-
"We have a great time to-
gether, especially on road
trips he said. "We got into a
tennis ball fight in the van dur-
ing one trip, and balls were
being thrown everywhere. I
love being a part of these
After graduation, Sammy
plans to play in tournaments
for three months and then go
to a seminary to get his
master's degree.
Tal Frydman is from
Woodbridge, Conn (Amity
High School), where he was an
Honorable Mention All-Ameri-
can in 1991. His biggest accom-
plishment at ECU came this sea-
son, when he qualified for the
Rolex Regional held in Chapel
Hill last weekend.
"My favorite part of the game
is the competition, because any-
body can beat anybody on any
given day he said. "Tennis has
taught me that when you set
goals and achieve them, it is very
The things that he will remem-
ber most are the road trips.
"We have just gotten closer as
we travel Frydman said. "I en-
joyed visiting other schools and
meeting other guys on other
teams as well
Once he graduates, Frydman
plans to attend law school.
Senior Jamie Holt will gradu-
ate in December with a degree in
exercise physiology, but he will
not be leaving the team. He will
become a graduate assistant next
semester, although his compet-
ing days will be over.
"Tennis has taught me a lot
about myself Holt said. " I have
learned how to handle myself,
pressure and how to be a leader.
Coming in as a freshmen, 1 was
just another player, so I had to
prove myself. My goal was to
finish .500 in my personal
"My favorite personal memo-
ries came against Davidson and
George Mason he said. "Our
team was down, and the out-
come of my matches determined
whether we won or lost I was
able to come from behind both
times and win
Holt is applying to graduate
school for physical therapy. His
first choice is ECU, but he is also
looking at Miami, University of
Alabama-Birmingham and
Each of these four players has
left an indelible impression on
the Pirate tennis team, and are
four different types of players
with similar goals. The four have
a special bond between them that
not even the passage of time can
The one thing they each had
in common was each other.
These guys have become the
closest of friends, and they just
enjoy hanging out and playing
tennis together.
From p. 8
Pirates were unable to score when
Chad Holcomb missed a 38-yard
field goal attempt. Holcomb
missed two out of his three at-
tempts on the day ? One bright spot
for the Pirate special teams was
the play of E.J. Gunthrope, who
made several hard hits on kickoff
coverage. Gunthrope has consis-
tently brought everything he has
to every tackle this year.
"I just feel like I am relentless
Gunthrope said. "If I don't get
them first, then they will get me. I
always go full speed. I love con-
tact. 1 love to hit. Even when I hurt
myself it feels good
B.J. Crane, who made his re-
turn to the ECU starting lineup,
made the play of the game when
he intercepted Daren Hinshaw's
pass and took it up the left sideline
all the way to the UCF 10-yard
"B.J. is a really good pass de-
fender Logan said. "He's like an
extra defensive back out there
Crane had 15 tackles, two for
losses, to go with his INT.
"Basically, when I dropped
back, I saw the quarterback look-
ing right at his receiver Crane
said. "Ibrokeon the ball, and when
I caught it, I tried to get in that end
one. Thank goodness I was in the
right place at the right time. C )ur D-
linedeservesa lot of credit, because
without their pressure on the quar-
terback, I couldn't have made that
Junior Smith, playing in his last
game ever in Dowdy-Ficklen Sta-
dium, capped Crane's pickoff by
running for his ninth touchdown of
the year. Smith rushed for 127yards
on 21 carries in the game.
After the half, Jerris McPhail,
plavinghurt with a severelybruised
thigh, got into the scoring act, by
catching a h2-vard touchdown pass
from Crandell to put the Pirates up
20-9. The footrace to the end zone
was no contest, as McPhail turned
on the speed easily outrunning the
UCF defenders.
"Coach Logan and Coach Berry
noticed that the safety and the cor-
ners were biting hard on the run so
they decided to get me down field
and stretch the defense McPhail
said. "Marcus hit me, and I just ran
down the field for six points. My
leg was aching quite a bit, but the
more I pla ved, the more it loosened
up. I was only running 75-80 per-
cent of my full speed on that play,
but I guess it was enough to score
David Hart intercepted
From p. 8
locker room.
"You have to earn this
jacket Hammett said. "If you
don't participate in a certain
number of plays you can't have
one. Managers have to be in the
program for two years to get
one of these
The managers spend a lot of
time in the equipment room and
have even created their own
lounge and locker room, which
used to be a shoe bin for Pirate
athletics, to hang out in. They
painted the walls, put down car-
pet and took some lockers out
of Scales Field House. They also
brought in a TV and a refrigera-
As a manager, each person
has an important role to play in
order to keep the event running
smoothly. The list of their jobs
include spotting the balls, hold-
ing the chains at practice, keep-
ing the footballs dry and sound-
ing the horn for practice to start.
"We do the stuff nobody sees,
the behind-the-scenes work
manager John Delk said. "I feel
like we are a vital part of this
Pay is definitely low, but they
don't do this for the pay ? they
do it for the love of the game.
Rocky Lewis's (student manager
from Clinton High School and
former starting QB) father is the
head coach at Clinton, and the
close proximity to big-time IA
football gives him and the rest of
the managers a chance to learn a
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lot about football and possibly
go into coaching.
"We start out at $200 a month,
but that includes lots of athletic
clothing, caps, shirts, shorts
Hammett said. "You go up $50
for every football season you are
out there. I would do it for no
pay because I love football
One of the most important
jobs a manager can have is hold-
ing the cord for Coach Logan's
head set and making sure it
doesn't get tangled. Fortunately,
Logan doesn't pace or pick as
much grass as Notre Dame coach
Lou Holtz.
"They are responsible for
making sure that he doesn't have
to worry about anything but
coaching Sinquefield said.
"They have to stay in his hip
pocket and get him drinks, just
basically be at his service and
make sure that he keeps an open
line of communication with the
coaches in the booth
The football players appreci-
ate what the managers do and
also feel like they are a big part
of the program.
"They work hard said RB
Eric Blanton . "They do all the
dirty work. We appreciate them
taking good care of us
Lamont Burns (OG) and Daryl
Jones (RB) agree with Blanton's
"If it weren't for them, we
wouldn't have a program
Burns said. "Sinquefield came
in and got a bunch of guys to-
gether, and he coached them up
just like any other athletic team.
As far as I'm concerned, they are
"We couldn't do this alone
Jones said. " 'Sinque' and his
crew do a good job of keeping
things organized
Sometimes the most impor-
tant people aren't the ones that
get all the glory or that are in the
spotlight. The ECU managers are
a prime example of this. They
really do keep the football pro-
gram afloat and functioning
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Hinshaw's pass to set up
Holcomb's 28-yard field goal.
making the score 23-4 at the end
of the third quarter.
UCF mounted a comeback and
scored on another Pierce field goal
and a Hinshaw-to-Whittemore
ID connection to make the score
Pierces onside kick was suc-
cessful and the Golden Knights
regained possession with just
over two minutes remaining in
the ball game I'he Pirate 'D' bent
but didn't break as the pressure
of defensive linemen, Walter
Scott, BuckCollins, Lorenzo West
and Willie Brookins didn't give
Hinshaw time to throw. Brookins
who made his return to the lineup
after a knee injury had sidelined
him,played well puttingconstant
pressure on the quarterback.
"If there is a better, tougher
player in the country 1 am not
aware of him Logan said.
"Willie Brookins is the kind of
guy you want to have in your
program. He is plaing with a
really bad knee, and he refuses to
quit He is a big-time football
Walk-on defensive back
Tabari Wallace (New Bern HS)
saved the game with a big inter-
ception to preserve the win.
"I was happy to see that
Logan said. "Tabari is a hard
worker who got in the game and
made a big play. He has worked
hard all year long in practice, and
I was extremely happy to see him
make that play
"I knew my chance would
come sooner or later Wallace
said. "I feel like it definitely saved
the game and kept oar hopes
alive for the Liberty Bowl. This
has been an up-and-down year
for me, but Coach Pagano has
encouraged me a lot. I have "een
waiting for a chance to show my
talents to the hometown crowd,
and 1 am really glad I got the
chance to show what I can do
This win was critical to ECU's
bowl hopes,and if somekeyplay-
ers can get healthy, the Pirates
have an excellent chance to beat
Memphis next game and finish 7-
"This win means a lot to our
program, especially the seniors
Crandell said.
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If you need additional information or require Special assistance please call Recreational Services
at 328-6387. This NATURAL I.IFF. event has been sponsored by ECU Recreational Services,
Housing Services, and Campus Dining Services,

The East Carolinian, November 15, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 15, 1994
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