The East Carolinian, September 27, 1994

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Orange Crush
Syracuse beats Pirates 21?18 behind a
strong running game. For the bitter details,
check out page 10
Beer Games
Alternatives to "Quarters" and "I
Never" offered in The Complete
Book of Beer Drinking Games.
Check out your choices on page 7.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. 47
Circulation 12,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Thursday, September 27,1994
12 Pages
Public Safety responds to ABLE grievances
By Tambra Zion
Assistant News Editor
Allied Blacks for Leader-
ship and Equality (AB! E)
marched in silent protest last
April in an effort to improve
what the group believed were
poor practu es and standards by
Public Safer). Throughout the
summer, Public Safety and
ABLE met and ABL.l president
Demetrius Carter is satisfied
with the efforts made by Public
Safetv so far.
"There has been an in-
crease in the annum tot minority
officers and they have made
efforts to include diversity train-
ing in the overall training oi all
the officers including new ones
and the ones who are on the force
now "Cartersaid. "Theyaremak-
ing an effort, but we haven't met
with them this tall
ABLE presented a list of
grievances to Teresa Crocker, di-
rector of Public Safety, in April.
The list included the need formore
African-American ,nd minority
officers, diversity training for all
officers and a student review
board tor the hiring of new offic-
ers. Crocker said the number of
African-American officers has
been maintained at 22 percent,
and the department gained one
female employee this summer.
"Weare putting together
career fairs at predominately
black institutions Crocker said.
Mainlv, the department is filling
vacancies by word-of-mouth.
Diversity training is some-
thing Crocker felt was needed
even before ABLE listed it as a
"That's on-going she said
"It's something that needed to be
done because African-Americans
are not the only cultural group on
campus that we have to deal with
on a daily basis
Crocker was seeking a di-
versity training program before
ABLE protested that one was
needed. Currently, officers take a
course that deals with cultural
diversity in 10 to 15 cultures.
Crocker said the course, offered
by the North Carolina Justice
Academy, mainly provides in-
struction on offensive behavior.
Eor example, telling some people
to raise their hands may mean
execution in another culture.
"In a lot of the issues that
come up, students believe officers
lack sensitivity. That's probably
true Crocker s.iid.
A student review board was
organized bv Student Life to rep-
resent all areas of campus,
Crocker said. The board reviews
all newly hired officers
She also stressed that there
is a need for public safetv to meet
with all groups on campus
"Its everyone. Fraternities,
sororities or on campus groups,
even R.A.s. There a re concerns thev
have that might not be voiced by
another group Cnxker said.
Cartersaid ABIT'has not met
with Public Safetv this tall and is
unsure how the group stands at
this time 1 le said the issue is no
longer ABLE's major concern.
The group is seeking out speak-
ers on diversity training and con-
troversial topics.
"We want to remind people
that ABLE is not an organization
strictlvtor AfricanAmerican stu-
dents. It is open to the entire ECU
community and university
Carter said. "Our purpose is to
educate ECU students and fac-
ulty on the history, the culture
and socially about the African-
American culture and our expe-
rience here in .America
Career Services offers computer-aided career search
By Stephanie Lassiter
News Editor
Often, students think
they know exactly what oc-
cupation thev want, until
thev get into the position and
realize the pay is not worth
the effort or that their per-
sonalities do not exactly '
the role. Before students
into such a predicament,
they can research job possi-
bilities and determine where
they fit into the professional
Resea rch " often
scares people away, but Ca-
reer Services has made it so
easy that all that is required
is a simple touch ot the but-
ton. With SIGI-Plus, a com-
puterized career guidance
systeiii, students can n
search qualities expected of
the employee, what career
options exist tor particular
majors, as well as salary
ranges. SI1 also otters ,i
graduate school selector w here
a student can research various
graduate schools and the pro-
grams thev otter.
In as little as an hour, a
student can determine which
values are most important in
their career planning.
" 1 his is a computer pro-
i which allows people to
" irk i 'i their own, to explore
career information and help in-
dividuals look at their own
strengths and values said Dr.
fames Westmoreland, director
oi C .uvor Services.
Westmoreland said the
program is imsv it' use. with
on-screen instructions, which
ate as simple as pressing a
single key on the keyboard.
"I stress the simplicity of
it he said.
The program not onlv lets
the students know what a pro-
fession expects from an em-
plover, but also what the em-
ployer can bring to the com-
pany. Personality traits are
matched with particular occu-
"It is in a sense a prefer-
ence inventory
Westmoreland said.
Westmoreland encour-
ages students to call or stop by
one ot the sites to set up a time
to use SIC.1 1 hi' program al-
lows tln student to save their
record on the system for later
use. Additionally, user can
print out information found
while researching on SIGI.
TheSlGI-Plusprogram is
ottered at Career Services, lo-
WrKwn lbs! 4e?
won smmrmmm
m. smmr
ouse iacross
from Mendenhall) and in the
Counseling Center, on the third
tloorof Wright (above The Stu-
dent Stores). Lor more infor-
mation, or to set up an appoint-
ment, students can call Career
Services at T2K-ht)5() or The
Counseling Center at "2S-6bbl.
"Students should come
into either site and ask to use
SIGI to explore career possi-
bilities Westmoreland said.
Photo Courtesy ot Career Services
Pitt County gets cultural
By Shannon Cooper
Staff Writer
Six elderly blacks of Pitt
County areappearing in a series ot
soon-to-be-tekv ised videotaped
interviews that are sure to make
The interviews entitled
"Growing-Up African-American in
Pitt County are ot three men and
three women, ail over the age of
! he six-part series was pro-
duced by Mary Boccaccio and Man
Williams, who are both on the ECU
academic librarv staff. Those inter-
v lew ed were Geneva Atkins, 1m)b-
ert Lee Cherry, George Garrett,
I udlleGorham, Bessie Ward Harris
and frank Perkins, Jr.
The interviewsarebeing aired
on public access channel 7 every
Monday and Wednesday at 7 p.m.
The interviews are a six-part series
that will air for six weeks, beginning
Sept. 12.
The participants were asked
questions concerning family life,
church and businessactivities, local
politicsanci education in PittCounty
during theearlypartofthiscenturv.
The topics were broad, explained
Boccaccio, each individual had his
See PITT page3
Army cadets score
high at training camp
While students are
being forced to lock
their bikes to trees
and to lightpoles, the
office of Parking and
Traffic Services is
making no plans to
purchase any
additional bike
racks. Their is some
good news though, a
new bus is on the way,
but it will not be
ready until the
spring and it will
replace an older bus.
Photo by Stuart Williams
By Susan Schwartz
Staff Writer
The Advanced Camp at
Fort Bragg, N.C is the destina-
tion for ECU's third-vear Army
ROTC cadets who a re con tracted
to become officers. Students in
the Army ROTC program at
ECU work during the school
year in the classroom and in
training, learning how to be
come Army officers. Thev go to
Fort Bragg to compete for their
choice of first assignments after
college graduation.
Advanced Camp is the tool
the Armv uses to evaluate ca-
dets' ability to lead troops
This summer, ECU cadets
and nursing cadets scored
v ery well.
The cadets are graded
on the Armv's "16 Leader-
ship Dimensions including
their influence, decisiveness,
ability to make judgments,
mission accomplishment and
physical stamina
The ECU cadets com-
peted against cadets from
universities east ot the Mis-
sissippi River. In each pla-
toon ot approximate!) 50 ca-
See CAMPpage3
The election scheduled for
Wednesday Sept. 28 has
been postponed, by SGA,
until next Wednesday, Oct.
5. Voting whereabouts and
other pertinent information
will be published in TEC
next Tuesday

? ?-
2 The East Carolinian
September 27, 1994
Volunteer experience offered to students
September 20
Biology Building ? A student reported the larceny of her
book from her desk in the Biology Building.
Allied Health Building ? A student reported that one of
four males produced a semiautomatic handgun after a dog barked
at the group walking on the rugby field. The gun was never
pointed at anyone. Officers searched the area, but the suspects
were not located.
Flanagan ? A student reported the larceny of her bicycle
seat at the rack east of Flanagan.
Rawl?An officer responded to a report of a student having
seizures. The student refused rescue and was transported to his
residence and left in the care of his roommate.
September 21
Garret Hall?A resident reported being assaulted by a male
trying to sell him an unknown object. When the subject refused to
buy anything, the suspect pulled out a small pocket knife. The
resident ran and reported the incident. No suspect was found
: when officers searched the area.
September 22
North of Joyner Library?A Scott Hall resident was issued
a campus appearance ticket for disorderly conduct and a resident
of Belk Hall was issued a campus appearance ticket for alcohol
violation after a student reported seeing a domestic dispute north
of Greene Hall.
Belk Hall ? A resident reported that a male entered her
unlocked suite and exposed himself to her. The area was searched,
but the suspect could not be located.
Fletcher Hall ? A student reported smoke ir e stairwell.
An investigationrevealed that person(s) unknown had discharged
a fire extinguisher.
September 23
North of Fletcher?A Garret Hall resident reported being
assaulted by a male who kicked and hit him on the back and head.
The victim said the suspect ran toward the downtown area.
Compiled by Tambra Zion. Taken from official ECU Crime
By Todd Carper
Staff Writer
ECU students who have
settled into their fall routine and
discovered that their schedule per-
mits some spare time should be in-
terested in what the student volun-
teer program has to offer this year.
The volunteer program,
which began in 1989, has directed
eager and willing students to vari-
ous local agencies who provide
needed assistance to area residents.
According to Judy Baker, di-
rector of the ECU Volunteer Pro-
gram, in the original concept, the
program drafted students from
Health lOOOcourses mainly because
ECU has the second largest health
program in the United States. How-
program outside of the health cur-
riculum, that today the program is
offered to any individual or group
who wishes to volunteer. Over 1,800
studentsparticipated in the program
last year.
At present, the program offers
volunteer work through 50 agen-
cies, including: The Dream Factory,
an organization who fulfills the
dreams of serious or chronically ill
children; RealCrisisCenter,anorga-
nizationoffering counseling services;
and The American Red Cross and
Project Pals, an organization that
works with at-risk youths ages 7-17.
"Agencies say they couldn't
do it without the help of ECU stu-
dent volunteers, so ECU students
do stand for something positive
Baker said.
Baker said volunteering is also
an important way for students to
make decisions on career choices.
"Manystudentschoose to vol-
unteer in their selected majors, giv-
ing them a feel for what they will
face in the near future Baker said.
For the first four years, the
volunteer program was funded
through federal and private grants,
but last year marked the first time
the program was fully funded by
the university. Baker attributed this
to the interest the university has in
the growth and development of the
volunteer program.
a great deal of its success to the
university and its support Baker
Baker said each semester the
program adopts goals for its partici-
pants and their involvement with
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September 27, 1994
The East Carolinian. 3
Continued from page 1
or her own specialty.
"We discussed civil rights in
Pitt County with Mr. Garrett, and
we discussed education in Pitt
County with Lucille Gorham, who
was once on the Board of Educa-
tion Boccaccio said.
importance in African-American
"She Gorham is the first black
female, that I can recall, who was
really visible in politics in this
county Williams said.
Williams and Boccaccio ex-
plained that the interviews were
? used io educate people in the Pitt
' County area, as well as to preserve
j Pitt County's history.
? "I think it's a sharing for the
young. Especially when these people
die it's history lost Williams said.
The production of the series
was sponsored by WOOW, M-
Voice, York Memorial AME Zion
Church and Joyner Library. There
was no problem getting support
from the community, explained
Williams. A matching grant was
also donated by the North Carolina
Arts Council.
According to Boccaccio and
Williams, the six-part series is not
all that will be done to highlight the
history of Pitt County.
"Public access channel 36 is
going to pick up on the series and do
differentpeople.Inaddition, they're
going to videotape some memora-
bilia William said.
Continued from page 2
East Carolina Playhouse
1994-1995 Season
Norman Pjtutiij and MeKifl Frank's
Coiorlul Mu.kJ burjWiUivj tf Capp's Dogpaieh. USA
(X'Ktw6. 7.8.0 I "and Ii. IW4
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William Shakespeare'
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March 3d. v. April 1.2 .3and4. mS
the organization.
"The goals are to increase
the number of students participat-
ing in the volunteer program, to
increase the totalhour commitments
and to continue to provide a well
structured volunteerprogram she
variety of opportunities to those
students interested in the volunteer
DevelopmentCorporation will con-
duct a youth festival on October 1.
Anyone interested in sports and art
and would like to volunteer should
contact Kechia Adams or Barbra
Fenner at 752-9277.
Pitt Volunteer Action Center
needs assistance with registration
atthe Risk Management Workshop
being held on October 6. Anyone
interested in volunteering should
contact Debra Ta vasso at 830-6271.
The American Red Cross will
conduct a blood mobile on October
10 from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center. Inter-
ested volunteers should contact
Helen Monroe at 758-1142 (please
call a week in advance).
Any student interested in vol-
unteering is encouraged to stop by
the Volunteer Program Office located
in Christenbury Gym, Room 201 or
ca U the 24-hour telephone service and
leave a message on the answering
A calendar of upcoming events
is posted outside of the office along
with volunteer opportunity sheets
which list agencies and their needs.
Student volunteers are asked to
contact Judy Baker before beginning
any volunteer program so that neces-
sary universitv insurance forms and
program records can be completed or
"We want students to know
that we will work with and help any
student who wishes to take the time
to be a volunteer Baker said.
News Writer
Thursday at
Continued from
Dm Carolina
April 2(1. 21.22. 2 ?. 24 jnj 25. IW5
(i. h mail
haM Cjiojiflo; Playhouse ?
. f ast r.tnOmj I nuiTMly
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dets, 10 percent receive a score
of 5, 20 percent receive a score
of 4, and the remaining 70 per-
cent receive a score of 3.
"Of the five individuals
that we sent to Ad vancedCamp
from ECU, two received a score
of 5, two received a score of 4,
and one cadet received a 3 said
Captain Bill Pitts, professor of
military science and tactical of-
ficer at this year's camp.
Tactical officers and Non-
commissioned Officers (NCOs)
watched the cadets' perfor-
mance at camp and graded them
according to the criteria set out
by the Army's leadership di-
mensions. The cadets are looked
at not only for their leadership
abilities, but also for their abili-
ties to work on a team.
"The whole concept of be-
coming a good not just
being a good leader, but a good
follower said Pitts. "A good
officer is able to take orders as
well as give orders
During the six weeks of
Advanced Camp at Fort Bragg,
the cadets planned and carried
out a variety of missions, in-
cluding an air mobile mission,
reconnaissance missions, am-
bushes and attacks.
All cadets were given op-
portunities to lead missions and
were then evaluated on their
The evaluation that the ca-
dets receive is the Army's way
of assessing individual cadets'
leadership potential. It is also a
tool that the cadets can use to
assess their own capabilities.
"I learned more about my-
self one day at camp than I did
in a year of classroom instruc-
tion said Jonathan Smith, ECU
Cadet Major SIS5.
Smith said, the cadets ro-
tated three days in the field and
would come out of the field for
one day of "recovery time in
which they would clean their
equipment and be prepared to
go back into the field by five
a.m. the next day.
High performance at the
advanced camp is essential to
determining what kind of mili-
tary careers the cadets are going
to have after graduation
"Performance at camp
dictates the cadets' commis-
sion and whether they will be
able to go regular army, active
duty, National Guard or Army j
Reserves said Jason
Weiseman, ECU Cadet Major
Weiseman said the pla-
toon operation was the tough-
est phase and the greatest chal-
lenge at camp.
"In the platoon op, you
are in charge of 45 soldiers,
and you have to conduct a mis-
sion at night said Weiseman.
"It was a tough operation, but
it teaches you to use key per-
sonnel and to communicate by
Weiseman said that the
experience at advance camp
gave the cadets good exposure
to the real Army. The ROTC
program prepares the cadets
for the Advanced Camp, and
they get a lot of satisfaction ;
out of preparing for camp and
knowing they have done well. ;
Pitts said the ROTC
nurses did very well at their
Advanced Camp as well. The
nurses' camp consists of five
weeks of clinical nursing at an
Army hospital. After the five
weeks, they go to Fort Lewis,
Wash, for 10 days of leader-
ship training, where they il-
lustrate their soldier skills.
"We sent two nurses this
year from ECU said Pitts.
"One of our nurses received a
score of 4. The other received a
score of 3
Pitts said that the train-
ing offered by Army ROTC is
useful experience whether the
individual plans to go into the
military or not. People with
military training are sought af-
ter by many large corporations.
Any student interested in
the Army ROTC program can
enroll in military science for
two years with no military ob-
Questions about the pro-
gram should be directed to the
military science department,
located on the third floor of the
Rawl Building.
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September 27, 1994
Page 4
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correction ribbons. 6'2" 17th St. Dave
Endress design surfboard. Tri-Fin.
Box Tail. 758-0324. Leave message if
no answer.
WETSUIT: Full 32 O'neill Reactor
in perfect condition. Call Van at 830-
1853. Leave message if not there.
1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP to the club
for women only. $29.50 per month.
Call 752-6094
FOR SALE: Waterbed- king with
heater, waveless. 6 drawers below.
Excellent condition. 756-8285 before
9pm or leave message.
heater, pads etc. you won't beat this
deal. Its a steal. Must move it or lose
SEX! Now that I have your atten-
tion, what are you waiting for? Get
the body you always wanted: Met-
Rx, Creatine, Vanadyl Sulfate,
Cybergenics, Cybertrim, Super Fat
Bumers,SuperChromoplex, Weight
gain powders (all), Amino acids, Hot
Stuff, Herbs, Multi-Vitamins, and
many more at discounted prices! Call
Brad today at 830-2128 for more info.
Services Offered
NEED TYPING? Campus secretary
provides professional, fast service,
(stored on Macintosh disks) Low
rates. 15 yrs. experience with student
papers. 355-3611 after 5pm or leave
and other social groups. Your party
isn'tpump'n until Mobile Music Pro-
ductions disc jockey service arrives.
MMP provides the music you want
to hear when you want to hear it-
Experienced DJ's with the widest
variety of music. Call Lee @ 758-4644
early for booking.
TUTOR LD teacher with 20 years
experience will tutor general college
courses. Call 830-0781
velop a flexible body and a flexible
brain with Awareness through move-
ment. Free intro session Sept. 28 and
classes begin in Oct. Call Therapeutic
Innovations 830-6886 for details.
secretarial work. Specializing in re-
sume composition wcover letters
stored on disk, term papers, thesis,
legal transcriptions, general typing
and other secretarial duties. Word
Perfect or Microsoft Word for win-
dows software. Call today (8am-5pm:
752-9959) (evenings: 527-9133).
valuable time by letting a professional
type it for you. Good price! Good
idea Call 946-1175
Help Wanted
II II PUTI Of the TlllJlti
Pick Up Applications at
Construction Site Located at
315 E. 10th Street
(beside Kmko's)
Mail in Applications to
P.O. Box 3797
Greenville, NC 27836-1797
Gr?jt Plata to Woih
Ftailbi Noun
$10-$40QUP WEEKLY, Mailing Bro-
chures! Spare Full-time. Set own
hours! Rush self-addressed stamped
envelope: Publishers (GI) 1821
Hillandale Rd 1B-295, Durham, NC
LADIES WANTED: Models, Danc-
ers, Escorts, Masseuars. Earn BIG
BUCKS in the cleanest club in North
Carolina. Mustbe 18 YearsOld. PLAY-
MATES Adult Entertainment. 919-
$1000 plus a week escorting in the
Greenville area with a liscensed
agency. Also need one part time re-
ceptionist at $7 ph. Must be 18, de-
pendable and have own phone and
transportation. Call Diamonds or
Emerald City Escorts at 758-08 or
BREAK TRIPS! Sell 8 trips and go
free! Best trips & prices! Bahamas,
Cancun, Jamaica, Panama City! Great
resume experience! 1-800-678-6386!
WANTED America's fastest grow-
ing travel company now seeking indi-
viduals promoting trips to Jamaica,
Cancun, Bahamas, Florida, Padre,
Barbados. The easiest way to free
travel, fantastic pay. Call Sunsplash
Tours 1-800-426-7710
SPRING BREAK '95- SeU trips, earn
cash & go free Student Travel Ser-
vices is now hiring campus
represenatives. Lowest rates to Ja-
maica, Cancun, Davtona and Panama
City Beach. Call 1-800-648-4849
LET-Merchandiser position. This is a
part-time position (up to 30 hours per
week). The job requires customer ser-
vice skills, pricing merchandise, stock-
ing shelves, and other duties as di-
rected. Previous retail background
b'pful. Applications may be obtained
at Agri-Supply, Rt. 5 264 Ext Green-
ville. No phone calls. EOE
FUNDRAISING choose from 3 dif-
ferent fundraisers lasting either 3 or 7
days. No investment. Earn $$$ for
your group plus personal cash bo-
tra cash stuffing envelopes at home.
All materials provided. Send SASE to
Central Distributors PO Box 10075,
Ola the KS 66051. Immediate response.
tertainment agency seekingphysically
fit attractive female applicants. Must
have own transportation and be be-
tween the ages of 18-25. Call 1-800-
848-6282 to set up an interview
AVERAGE $8HR as part time deliv-
ery person. Own vehicle, insurance,
and good driving record required-
Apply weekdays after 1 lam at Chop-
Chop, 310-F Arlington Blvd.
ANDY'S at the Plaza is now accept-
ing applications for cashierserver.
Must be able to work TTh 11:30-2 or
M W F nights. No phone calls please
Assemble our products at home!
Amazing 24 hour recorded message
reveals details! Call today! 1-919-243-
9305. Leave your telephone number.
LAZY BACHELOR, living 4 block?
from ECU, is looking for a hard work-
ing "individual" to clean his house.
Call mark 758-5235
GRAD STUDENTS Sales intern-
ship available gain valuable work ex-
perience call Susan at 355-7700 for a
possible interview
pay. Call Heather 758-2522 for details
COURIER: to work part-time for
busy medical practice. Make deliv-
eries, run errands, do filing. Appli-
cants must be able to work Mon.
through Fri. l-5pm and have a good
driving record along with reliable
transportation. Interested
applicationss should send their re-
sume or make application at Pitt
Surgical, P.A. 905 John Hopkins
Drive, Greenville, NC 27834
SUBWAY is now accepting applica-
tions for all stores in Greenville. All
hrs. available, seeking clean, very
dependable individuals. Apply in
any location, please no phone calls.
Store employees, asst. managers, and
manager positions available. Apply
within. For manager position con-
tact Matt Smith 758-8768
MATH WHIZ? know anything
about Logic on Computers? Student
needs help now! Easy work (if you
know what you're doing) and great
pay! Call 758-2336
WEAR. Brody's is accepting appli-
cations for part-time sales associates
in such areas as Junior Sportswear,
accessories and Cosmetics. Hexible
scheduling options: 10am- 2pm,
12pm- 9pm, or 6pm- 9pm. All retail
positions include weekends. Cloth-
ing discount. Interviews held each
Mon. and Thurs l-4pm, Brody'sThe
BRODY'S FOR MEN is accepting
applicationss for part-time sales as-
sociates. Weofferclothing discount
flexible scheduling options: 10am-
2pm, 12pm- 9pm, or 6pm- 9pm. All
retail positions include weekends.
Interviews held each Mon. and
Thurs l-4pm, Brody's The Plaza
You probably don't have room for
this on your answering machine if it
was a call
LEADERSHIP. Experience matters!
Elect Troy Dreyfus as Senior Class
President. Vote tomorrow w ECU
STC Meeting today 5:00 English dept
WZMB 913 FM would like to an-
nounce employees of the month:
News: Rodney Young, Sports: Paul
Richardson, DJ: Andy Laraia. Spe-
cialty show of the month: Club 91
(Rap). Congratulations, keep up the
great work!
RACISTS: They came for the kikes,
They came for the Pollocks, and they
came tor the Niggers, and you laid
silent. They will come again for the
Kikes, They will come again for the
Pollocks, and they will come again
for the Niggers, and you will lay
silent. But one day- they will come
for you, your mother, father, brother,
sister, son or daughter and there will
be complete silence- For you will be
alone with no one left to turn to. Wise
up: The majority of our world's soci-
eties do not revere pale skin, round
eyes, and straight hair. -W.M
BECKY? Don't worry, with that
wide-spread head you'll find a new
kissy boyfriend before you're dead.
Greek Personals
ALPHA PHI: Thanks for all your help
during Rush. It went great and we
couldn't have done it without you.
CHI OMEGA- Champagne brunch
was even better the 2nd time around.
Hopeyourpledgeshadagreattimeat ;
the beach, last weekend. Pikes!
-r i
SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA-thanks for ;
helping us ha ve another terrific rush ?
Great job Pikes!
CHI OMEGA bid night was more"
than the Day after. It was a night we'll j
never forgetiThanksMarkHoneycuttr;
for an excellent job! See you soon-
PI DELTA: This hasbeen a great rush!
Thanks to Jen and Honor and all rhe'J
sisters who helped. Congratulations
to all our new pledges- this will
dennatelybeatimetoremember.Love '
Pi Delta Sisters . , :
class officers- Pres: Mary Marshall
Harris, Vice: Dana Thiedeman, Secre-
tary: Jessica Ennis, Treasurer: Jen '
Nolan, Panhellenic: Courtney
Blakeslee,Delegatess:NikkiSearsand .
Alumnae relations: Beth Thompson,
Smith, Intiamurals: Brandy Wood,
Historian: Kelly O'Connol, Commu-
nity Service: Debra Nagle, Songleaden
Cindy Ladas, Special Events: Lauren
Carletto. We're proud of you and we
know you'll do great! Love, Chi
night was great. You all did a really '
good job of showing off your stuff
We hope to see you all back next
semester. The brothers of Sigma Tau.
CRON PI, 1994 Greek Week 2 Cham-
pions We really appreciate all you
guys and girls did in our group.
Thanks again. Brothers, Sigma Tau
Class President and Jon Hardie- Se-
nior Class Vice-Pres. Let experienced
leaders represent you!
SELF. Elect Troy Dreyfus-senior class
president. Bring your ECU ID vote
The application process has been re-
opened. The new deadline is October
3,1994. Please see any member of the
Organization of Black Faculty and Staff
for an application or contact Yolanda
Burwell, 216A Ragsdale.
Psi Chi All members please attend
meeting in Rawl 103, Thursday Sep-
tember 29, 5:30-6:00.
Pre-Physical Therapy Club: Our next
meeting will be Oct 3 at 7pm in
Mendenhall Social Room. Dr. Albright
is our quest speaker. All are Welcome!
ECU CR's meet every Thursday in
GCB 3006 6pm. Do your part to eject
Clinton from office: vote Republican.
Party and register to vote at The Attic
on Tuesday October 11. SAVE the
country from disaster: vote Republi-
You Are What You Eat! If you could
change one thing about dining on cam-
pus, what would it be? Let Campus
Qjning Services know at the next Stu-
dent Foodservice Advisory commit-
tee meeting. All ECU students are in-
vited. The meeting will be held Thurs-
day, September 29 at 4pm in
Mfenjdenhall Student Center room 212.
Refreshments are provided.
ECU Ceramic Guild presents its An-
nual Mug Sale, Thursday, September
29 and Friday, September 30 from 8am
to 5pm. Located on the East Carolina
University campus in the Lobby of the
Leo Jenkins Fine Arts Center on East
Fifth Street, Greenville, NC. ECU Ce-
ramic Guild is a non-profit campus
A graduate student bible study is in
the process of being formed. All gradu-
ate students are encouraged to partici-
pate in this exciting new study. For
further info, contact Dave Woolever at
On Monday, September 12, the New-
man Catholic Student Center started
its program entitled "Beauty and Be-
lief An In-DeptKlookatCatholicism
This program is an inquiry program
for any student wishing to leam more
about Catholicism. It is also for Catho-
lics who may want to make theirCON-
FERMATION or First Communion. The
program begins at 7:30. For further
details, please call Fr. Paul Vaeth at the
Center, 953 E. 10th St. 757-1991.
Vamosa planearactividades! Help plan
future activities for the upcoming year.
Come give your ideas! When? Wednes-
day Sept. 28 at 5:00pm Where? Foreigh
Language lounge GC 3016 For more
information contact: Ramon Serrano
(328-8542) Karina Collentine (328-4129)
ECU Sociological Society will hold its
third meeting on Wednesday, Septem-
ber 28, at 1.00 in room BD 301. All
graduate and Undergraduate students
are welcome to attend.
PICASO the Pitt County AIDS Service
Organization, is sponsoring an HTV
AIDS information line every Wednes-
day night from 6-9pm. Anyone with
any questions about HIV, AIDS or re-
lated issues is encouraged to call 830-
Come let's go water ski! The ECU Water
Ski Club is look for some people inter-
ested in waterskiing. Come toour meet-
ings on Tuesday nights at 9:15-10:15 in
Mendenhall Room 14 or for more infor-
mation call Thomas or Jason 758-8215.
Beginners are welcome.
Guys grab your girlfriends, and gals
grab your boyfriends, and head to Biol-
ogy 103 at 5:00pm on September 27. It's
time for the Co-Rec Basketba U competi-
tion. Recreational Services is proud to
bring you Intramural Sports.
Employment available to qualified
graduate students who are majoring in
either learning disabilities, school psy-
chology, or rehabilitation studies. Du-
ties will include counseling and deliv-
ery of academic support services to a
diverse population of students with
special needs. For further information,
contact the office for Disability Support
Services, Bre wster A-l 16, telephone 328-
The second annual "Fantastic Fall" Arts
& Crafts Show will be held October 15 &
16,1994 at the future Travel & Tourism
Center (old "Nichols" building) on
Greenville Blvd. in Greenville. Only
handcrafted items will be accepted. For
more information or application, call
(919) 249-2802 or 249-0486.
The 1993-94 Treasure Chests. Be sure to
pick up your FREE video yearbook.
Available at the Student Store, The East
Carolinian, Joyner Library, Mendenhall
and the Media Board office in the Stu-
dent Publications Building.
Will have its first meeting on Thurs.
Room 248! All interested health ma-
jors are invited to come and see what
this support group has to offer.
The career services office will hold
orientation meetings in Mendenhall
Student Center, Room 221 for seniors
and graduate students graduating in
Dec. 1994 or MaySummer 1995 on
the following dates: Tues. Sept. 27,
5:00pm and Mon. Oct. 3 12:00 noon.
The program will include an overview
of services available to help prospec-
tive graduates find employment, as
well as procedures for registering with
career services. Students will also re-
ceive irtstuctions on establishing a cre-
dentials file and how to participate in
employment interviews on campus.
No pre-registration is required.
?All ads must be pre-paid
25 words or less:
Students $2.00
Non-Students $3.00
Each additional word $0.05
$5.50 per inch:
Any organization may use the Announce-
ments Section of The East Carolinian to
list activities and events open to the public
two times free of charge. Due to the
limited amount of space, The East Caro-
linian cannot guarantee the publication of
The career services office will present,
several workshops on resume writing
Wed. Sept. 28 at 5:00pm Tue. Oct. 4 at
3:00pm and Mon. Oct. 10 at 12:00 noon- "
in Mendenhall, Room 14. Participants
will leam about format, content and -
production of a professional resumei"
Handouts will be available. This work i
shop is especially designed for prospecr ,
tive graduates, but is open to anyone. ?
Seniorsandgraduatestudentscomplet- '
ing their degree in Dec. 1994 or May A1'
Summer, 1995 are invited to attend an "
interview skills workshop on Thur. Sept.
29 at 4:00pm or Wed. Oct. 5 at 12.00
noon. Sponsored by Career Services
the workshops will be held in .
Mendenhall Student Center, Room 14
They are also open to students seeking
internships and co-op experiences.
Displayed advertisements may be
canceled before 10a.m. the day
prior to publication; however, no
refunds will be given.
For more
information call
Friday 4 p.m. for Tuesday's edition.
Tuesday 4 p.m. for Thursday's edition
? - .? ?

September 27, 1994
The East Carolinian ?
Page 5
The East Carolinian
? ?? ? w , . ,
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Tonya Heath, Advertising Director
Stephanie B. Lassiter, News Editor
Tamhra Zion, Asst. News Editor
Mark Brett, Lifestyle Editor
Kris Hoffler, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Dave Pond, Sports Editor
Brad Oldham, Asst. Sports Editor
W. Brian Hall, Opinion Page Editor
Stephanie Smith, Staff Illustrator
Printed 08
Thomas Brobst, Copy Editor
Jessica Stanley, Copy Editor
Alexa Thompson, Copy Editor
Jon Cawley, Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mike O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Celeste Wilson, Layout Manager
Patrick Hinson Asst. Layout Manager
Sean McLaughlin, Creative Director
Randall Rozzell, Asst. Creative Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chinh Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU. Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 328-6366.
Troops' lives recklessly risked in Haiti
The U.S. has been in Haiti for more than a
week, and already there are signs that things are
not going very smoothly. This past weekend's
firefight between U.S. Marines and Haitian
police demonstrates the danger of intervening
in the internal disputes of foreign powers. Since
there is no obvious enemy, everyone is a
potential threat.
This dangers to our soldiers and marines is
only part of the reason that we at The East
Carolinian disagree, respectfully, with the
decision of our president to send troops to
Soldiers agree to risk their lives in the service
of the country. It is an understood part of the
contract that they make upon enlisting.
However, in return, the state has an obligation
not to risk those lives foolishly or unnecessarily.
We at TEC would place this affair in Haiti in
the second category.
The president has never made a convincing
argument for U.S. involvement in Haiti. His
contention that a dictatorship there is a threat to
the U.S. does not hold water. For over 200 years,
the U.S. been able to maintain its democracy
while Haiti has never had one. It seems a
reasonable principle that committing troops to
a civil dispute only leads to disaster and
The president has also not clearly articulated
a cogent policy for our troops. The purported
reason for our involvement, the restoration of
duly elected President Jean-Betrand Aristide,
will be accomplished by Oct. 15 at the latest.
However, this weekend Defense Secretary
William Perry said that U.S. troops will be in
Haiti at least through the end of the year.
This would make one believe that the
administration knows that "restoring"
democracy to a country with no tradition for
democracy and with an illiteracy rate as high
as Haiti's is going to be a long and difficult
Another of our concerns with this current
operation is that the Clinton administration
has renounced the Monroe Doctrine, which
has been the basis for American foreign policy
in the Western Hemisphere for over 170 years.
By seeking permission from the United
Nations (while at the same time not seeking
permission from Congress), the president has
set a precedent which might require UN
approval for U.S. involvement in our own
We can only assume that the president is
quite thankful that former President Carter,
along with Gen. Colin Powell and Sen. Sam
Nunn, was able to avert what could have been
an extremely dangerous opposed invasion of
Haiti by U.S. troops.
We disagree with this current policy and
hope that our troops will be brought home as
soon as possible. However, like all of America,
we unreservedly support our troops as long
as they are in this potential hostile
Immigration reforms needed immediately
The recent exodus of Cuban
and Haitian refugees who fled
their homelands towards U.S.
shores was an awakening for many
Americans who were oblivious to
our continuing immigration
America has been referred to
as-a melting pot. Our history
confirms that we are, in one way
oranother, a nation of refugees.
But we cannot continue to allow
th? massive inflow of immigrants
tojpersist without paying the
economic and social
consequences. We cannot save the
world. ?
1 There are at least three
categories of immigrants: illegal
inmigrants, legal political
refugees and legal non-refugees.
The illegal immigrants require
no. detailed description ? they
enter our borders without U.S.
permission. Legal political
refugees predominantly come
from communist and ex-
communist countries seeking
asylum. These aforesaid groups
are usually unskilled and only
slightly educated.
i Once the previous two
groups enter our country they
typically depend on the welfare
system. When we speak of an
immigration crisis, the latter two
gr6ups are the crux of the problem.
The approximately 800,000
immigrants who arrive under the
regular immigration program are
not at fault. These are generally
hard working, educated, self-
sufficient individuals who do not
rety on welfare. Unlike illegals and
political refugees, studies prove
thfct the legal non-political
intmigrants pay much more taxes
thin they take up in services.
! So when addressing the
immigration dilemma, it is
important that we do not speak of
immigrants as an organized group
of welfare recipients. Indeed,
today, as in the past, immigrants
have made significant
contributions that improved our
nation. They have brought skills
which have strengthened
One fine example of
immigrant success is George J.
Borjas. After coming to America
from Castro's Cuba at the age of
12 in 1962, Borjas is now the leading
immigration economist in the
United States.
"the U.S. is allowing
in too many
immigrants with
little education at a
time when the
economy demands
ever-higher levels of
skills and training

While at one time he
supported the idea of open
borders, Borjas now asserts that
"the U.S. is allowing in too many
immigrants with little education
at a time when the economy
demands ever-higher levels of
skills and training
We cannot provide enough
low-skilled positions for all these
people. A direct consequence will
be that the division between the
haves and the have nots will be
widened. As the demand for
highly-skilled workers increases,
the number of jobs for the lesser-
skilled will decrease. Continuance
along this path is a sure fire
By Steven A. Hill
formula for economic and social
In the thick of the fighting over
the immigrant issue is California,
where the violent L.A. riots
occurred. Having experienced an
extreme example of social unrest,
California taxpayers are feeling it
in the wallet as well.
It is reported that each family
of four in Calif ornia is contributing
$400 per year for illegal immigrant
health care, education, shelter and
incarceration. About 10 percent of
California's overall budget goes
to support of illegals. Because his
? state has been inundated with
immigrants, California Governor
Pete Wilson has demanded $2.3
billion is federal assistance to
support the burden immigrants
place on local welfare, health and
education systems.
California is not alone.
Altogether, governors of five
states are suing the federal
government for assistance,
including Florida, where illegals
cost Floridians $900 million
As it stands now, the U.S.
accepts more immigrants than
any other country in the world.
While many immigrants have
valid heart-wrenching stories that
would justify their plight, America
must enforce a pragmatic
immigration policy ? or else risk
financial and social ruin.
According to the Immigration
and Naturalization Service, there
are at least 4 million
undocumented illegals in country
and 1,000 illegals entering U.S.
borders each day. Action must be
taken. We need to meet this
dilemma head on. The problem
can only be improved through
strict enforcement of immigration
Tolerance: society's most valuable lesson
By H. White
In last Tuesday's East
Carolinian, an article addressing
federal intervention in the schools
was printed. While the article did
focus on its intended topic, albeit
in a fragmented manner, theauthor
seemed to be writing about a
different matter completely. The
author's main concern was
apparently that "Gay activists have
been permitted to infiltrate our
nation's schools
The implication in the
aforementioned statement is that
homosexuals, excluding any other
special interest group, have
contrived a secret agenda with the
intention of forcing their lifestyle
on everyone, especially young and
impressionable children. (For a
moment, everyone should forget
about Corporate America pushing
its way into the classroom and
influencing our kids.) As citizens
with "ethical standards" we must
rally together and stop the insidious
homosexual plague that is infecting
our kids.
Another statement was made
that schools in our country
"celebrate National Coming Out
Day as a high holy day
Furthermore, theauthor expressed
his "concern" that "our nation's
children are being indoctrinated
with the ideology of Gay Rights
If any school in America does or
has ever fostered an environment
that was sympathetic to gay
students, then I am at a loss to
render its name here. Even so, I
doubt that National Coming Out
Day will ever be elevated to the
same status as Christmas or Easter.
Regarding "indoctrinating
students with the ideology of Gay
Rights I am unaware of any gay
activist, bearing a resemblance to
Joseph Goebbels, who has
proselytized the benefits of a
homosexual lifestyle to anyone's
children. Yes ? the scheming and
ruthless Queer Gestapo has been
rounding up innocent students for
decades and whisking them off to
gay bars with cafe curtains and
forcing them at gunpoint to listen
to old recordings of Judy Garland.
Humor aside, I think that it is
reprehensible for anyone to make
the judgment that someone else's
lifestyle, a lifestyle whichcomprises
another's personal identity, is
unethical or unacceptable. No one
has to accept another person's
lifestyle or habits, but tolerance is
what allows a diverse society to
peacefully coexist. The majority of
gay men and women are not asking
for acceptance. They only beg to be
treated as part of humanity and not
as miscreants with perverse
I agree that the federal
government should not force any
school system to teach a curriculum
inclusive of homosexuality as an
alternative to procreative sexual
practices. 1 would also concur that
it should be incumbent upon
parents to teach their children
values and morals ? not the
government. However, as Huxley
makes the salient point in his book
Brave New World Revisited: "Unrest
and insecurity lead to more control
by central governments and an
increase of their power
If and when American society
can overcome its fears and
prejudices then I suppose the guys
on Capitol Hill will quit sticking
their noses in everyone's business.
Until this happens, the government
will continue to act like the mother
who has to separate her children
because they cannot get along.
I should like to offer this final
point for reflection. It has never'
been a case of gays trying tp .
"infiltrate" theschoolsoranyother .
institution for that matter.
Throughout history, gay men and
women the likes of Leonardo da
Vinci, Gertrude Stein, Peter ?
TchaikovskyandWillaCatherhave ?
been accepted in the schools as -
great thinkers and creators wha I
have tried to ennoble and enrich
their fellow man and woman, by
and straight. ???;
Regardless of sexual
orientation, one is still aft
individual worthy of respect and
dignity. What a person does inhis ?
or her own bedroom has no ?
bearing on his or her value to the
rest of society. Likewise, because
someone has a particular -
orientation does not mean that he
or she is necessarily a moral and
upstanding citizen either. The.
author of last Tuesday's article,
quoted Adolf Hitler. Well, Hitler ;
was not gay, but he sure as hejl .
was not moral either. - ,
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor:
Exiled President Aristide of Haiti was elected
President of Haiti in 1990. In 1991 after following
non-democratic practices such as keeping his
country's Parliament, which is equivalent to our
Congress, from doing its job as a legislature, Aristide
was thrown out by Lieutenant General Cedras and
two other Senior Military Officers.
General Cedras has wanted new elections for
some time, and an interim President was installed
temporarily. President Aristide earlier this year did
not want an invasion into his county. President Bill
Clinton who is suffering from political problems
convinced Aristide to ask for a military invasion
during the middle of this year.
If you go back to 1992 and 1993 Bill Clinton was
criticizing people for making money during the 1980s,
but failed to mention he and his wife made $1.2
million is questionable investments. Are the Clinton's
sic Socialist like Aristide is? Z
Meanwhile, in Haiti the upper income citizen
or job creators, do not want Aristide to be returned tr
power because they fear retaliation. Because of thft-
President Bill Clinton wants to spend $500 million in
Haiti, of which $250 million would go towards job
creation in Haiti. Further, Bill Clinton cannot promise
that the situation will improve after American
If put back in power Aristide has promised to
leave office in 1995 after new elections are held. Why
not let Haiti hold elections now without Aristide?
Because Clinton does not mind the killing of American
soldiers for an unworthy cause!
Lennie E. Peterson
Urban & Regional Planning
To the Editor:
As I stepped into the office of SGA Vice-
President, I was very excited as well as nervous
because I knew I had some huge shoes to fill. Troy
Dreyfus, the previous vice-president, set a precedent
for all future officers. Troy is a proven leader and
has demonstrated this numerous times in this
position as well as in other roles such as SGA chief
of staff, student welfare committee member, junior
class officer, and the list goes on and on. Now, Troy
is running for a position that has a special interest
for me ? Senior Class President. A person in this
position does several things, including being in
charge of the senior class gift, and speaking at
graduation. I graduate in May, and I want someone
who is a proven leader and someone who has
relentlessly worked for the students of East Carolina
to represent my class at commencement. This person
is Troy Dreyfus, and on Wednesday, Sept. 28,1 will
cast a vote for Troy to show that I care who represents
my 1995 graduation class and me. Seniors, you
should do the same!
Sheila Boswell
SGA Vice-President
The East Carolianian is now accepting applications for Opinion Editor.
Applications are available at the Students Pubs Building. Call Brian Hall at
328-6366 for more information.
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The East Carolinian
September 27, 1994
A lhtoi
Ij the
By Mark Brett
Lifestyle Editor
"A Drop in the Bucket" is just
what it claims to be: a very tiny drop in
the great screaming bucket of Ameri-
can mediaopinion. Takeitasyou will.
Beer games create intoxicating fun
"The choice of a new genera-
'Ancient Chinese secret,
'Pizza pizza
"Just do it
"It keeps going and going and
going" ?
Sound bites from the adver-
tising jungle we all blaze trails
through every day. Americans are
constantly under high-pressure
sales pitches from an infinite num-
ber of sources, all of them sending
us one message: spend, spend,
This is nothingnew, of course;
advertising is nearly as old a con-
cept as capitalism. As a concept,
there's nothing wrong with ad-
vertising. It's all part of free enter-
prise. Businesses need to adver-
tise, and advertising revenues keep
TV, magazines and newspapers
afloat. And some commercials are
even pretty entertaining. I, for one,
found those Nike ads with gay,
heroin-addicted poet William S.
Burroughs pretty amusing.
But does advertising really
need to be so all-pervasive? If we
want to enjoy any public enter-
tainment, we can't escape com-
mercials. Remember when one of
the benefits of cable TV was that
you didn'thavetositthrough com-
mercials? It was one of the things
that made cable worth paying for.
But now there is no such thing as
commercial-free TV.
Granted, the cost of running a
TV network has no doubt gone up
since I was a child, and the addi-
tion of commercials was a neces-
sary evil. I can understand that.
But, on the other hand, how ex-
pensive can it be for the USA net-
work to run repeats of old sitcoms
24 hours a day? How much does it
cost for Ted Turner to run movies
that he already owns on his TNT
network? Not a lot, I bet.
At least, not enough to ex-
plain the increase in advertising
time American television has un-
dergone in the last 20 years. Ac-
tual running time, without com-
mercials, for hour-long TV shows
in 1974 was 50 to 51 minutes. To-
day it's 45 minutes, less for more
popular shows. An hour consist-
ing of two half-hour programs is
even worse: the average sitcom
actually lasts 20 to 21 minutes. So
two half-hour sitcoms give us a
whopping 20 minutes of ads over
the course of an hour. That's a full
uiird of your viewing time spent
listening to sales pitches. Feeling
used yet?
Less insidious, but more an-
noying to my mind, is the addition
of commercials to movie theaters.
I'm not talking about ads for up-
coming movies. Movie trailers alert
me to something new that I might
want to see, so I don't mind them.
What I'm talking about is the pres-
ence of ads for Coke or pizza or
cars. These ads, often TV commer-
cials projected onto the big screen,
are just plain offensive. If I pay
$5.25 to see a movie, I most defi-
nitely don't want to be subjected
for free.
My usual reaction to these in-
trusions is tobellow, "Ohboy! I get
to TAY to watch a TV COMMER-
CIAL I only hope that my sar-
casm is not lost on those around
During one of my many rants
on this subject, a friend asked me,
"What do you want, a cartoon?"
"Yes I shouted. "A cartoon
would be nice! Whatever hap-
pened to entertainment?"
Advertising happened. A mu-
tually beneficial part of our free
enterprise system has become a
See BUCKET page 9
By Steve Griffin
Staff Writer
This is a story for everyone
who likes to drink lots of beer.
There is a new, revised and ex-
panded book of beer drinking
games written by the same three
guys who wrote the first one. Ten
years after the first book was writ-
ten back in their college years in
New Haven, Andy Griscom, Ben
Rand and Scott Johnston have
come out with even more games
in their new book called The Com-
plete Book of Beer Drinking Games.
The book starts with an intro-
duction called "A Few Words
About Life, Love and Beer The
intro talks about the history of
beer and the goodness beer brings
to America. The authors say, "Beer
is the drink America comes homes
to, the drink of quittin' time, back-
yard barbecues and nights out
with the gang
The next section goes into
"Beer Game Etiquette giving 10
common rules when playing
drinking games, such as not say-
ing the word "drink Both of these
need no explaining to experienced
beer drinkers out there. The next
part goes into essential equipment,
like towels to clean up messes and
the appropriate cheap beers to
drink with beer drinking games.
Before getting into the games,
the authors give their "Boot Fac-
tor" philosophy for the book. The
lowest score is Boot Factor One,
which is forbeginningbeer drink-
ers. The highest rating is Boot Fac-
tor Five, an "assumed heave
even for experienced drinkers.
A sample Boot Factor One
game is Stack-a-Brew, which is
simply stacking beer cans until a
person knocks them over. Who-
ever knocks them over has to
drink a beer.
Boot Factor Two involves
"mastering the unique verbal and
non-verbal language associated
with beer gaming Factor Two
games include "Thumper" and
"Famous names which are clas-
sic beer drinking games with a little
In this section they also talk
about their "Beer Finishing
School which teaches some clas-
sic party tricks with beers. Can
crushing, opening bottles with
your teeth and pouring beer on
your head are what set you apart
from the average, everyday beer
Boot Factor Three games are a
little more difficult to play than
Factor Two. These include "Beer
Golf "I Never" and some games
that require more talent, like
"Quarters" and "Frisbeer
Frisbeer is where two players stand
about 30 or 40 yards apart and
throw a Frisbee at one another's
bottle or can. If your beer is hit,
you must take a gulp and walk
one step toward your opponents
bottle. The authors say, "this
process can continue, well, as
long as you can walk
Boot Factor Four involves
"no winners, only survivors
These include "Beer-An-In-
ning "Shot-A-Minute" or "The
Century Club which is taking
a shot of beer every minute for
100 minutes. This is a fun game
if you can last.
Boot Factor Five games are
for only the most experienced
See BEER page 9
Bus delights campus
By Shannon Gay
Staff Writer
The third annual Sunsplash
Saberslash, sponsored by the ECU
Student LInion, was held on the
campus mall last Friday night. This
concert had three of Greenville's
favorite bands, Fuego Del Alma,
Knocked Down Smilin' and
Purple School Bus.
Fuego Del Alma was the first
band to hit the mall stage around
7:00. This Flamenco guitar group,
based here in Greenville, got their
start at the Peasant's Cafe on open
mic night. They had such an over-
whelming response from that
show the members decided to
form a band. The guitarist from
Sex, Love, and Money takes on a
whole new gt ue of music with
his Spanish style guitar playing.
Fuego's music is nothing short of
Those who came out for the
show stood almost motionless as
they watched the incredible mu-
sic being created before theireyes.
The musicians are so talented you
almost feel like you are in a Span-
ish- speaking vorld. This is not
your average downtown band,
and if you haven't had a chance to
see them make a the time. Fuego
del Alma is a real crowd pleaser,
and as they exited the stage
around 8:00 it was obvious that
the crowd didn't want them to
Chapel-Hill-based band
Knocked Down Smilin' began to
play at 8:20. They too are regulars
at Peasant's. The band members
said that they consider Greenville
their second home. Knocked
Down Smilin' have a real groovy
style. Their music flowed well with
a roots rock appeal. The singer's
voice was strong and impressive
and the bass player was quite
During the show, members of
the Student Union passed out yel-
low foam sabers to the crowd,
See BUS page 8
Concert propelled
at a great Velocity
By Meredith
MTV enjoys intellectual copulation
By Daniel Willis
Staff Writer
Do you want to know what
people think about sex? Well, to-
night at 10 p.m MTV will air a
special titled "Smart Sex The
show will feature young adults
telling their sexual views and ex-
periences in a one-hour program
hosted by Christian Slater. "Smart
Sex" offers a variety of views deal-
ing with how certain young adults
are coping with sex in the age of
AIDS and other sexually trans-
mitted diseases.
The program has no doctors
or authority figures. Instead, it
has people talking about what
they are doing and aren't doing
sexually. Eleven young adults
from different sexual back-
grounds will be interviewed. Fol-
lowing are some of their stories.
Carol, a 23-year-old from
New York will tell of discovering
that she is HIV-positive during a
prenatal checkup. Fortunately, her
son continues to test negative.
Bill, a disc jockey from New
York State, talks about the numer-
ous sexual encounters he has had.
Bill claims that he can tell whether
or not his potential partner will
infect him.
Matt and Vickie, a couple from
Horida who have decided to delay
having sexual intercourse, will talk
about their relationship. They
openly speak about their sexual
histories. Additionally, they are
going to pursue HIV testing and
Lakita, a 24-year-old female
from Los Angeles is interviewed.
She decided at the age of thirteen to
delay sex until marriage. Her fam-
ily has supported her on this deci-
Dwayne is a 19-year-old gay
man who says that his parents have
been very supportive of his
lifestyle. He's had few partners,
and believes he has always prac-
ticed safe sex.
A model named Vivian from
Manhattan speaks of her experi-
ences, explaining that in the past
she didn't use protection consis-
tently. She changed her mind upon
discovering thather boyfriend was
cheating on her. Now she insists on
condoms every time she has sex.
"Smart Sex" was produced by
noted writer and producer Linda
Ellerbee. "Many young people
know the facts about HTV and other
STDs. What they don't know is
how to use the information to pro-
tect themselves Ellerbee said.
Smart Sex' provides a personal
look at the sexual choices young
adults are making and how some
of them are now living. This is a
story of truth and consequences
Assistant Lifestyle
Withanew five record deal
from Sub-Pop Records, health
insurance, and an MTV video.
Velocity Girl has nothing left
to go for but super stardom,
and with those stars in their
eyes, they "rocked the
Cradle" in Chapel Hill Thurs-
day night.
Influenced by great bands
such as The Beach Boys, Echo
and The Bunnymen and New
Order, Velocity Girl has been
said to be one of the most up
and coming bands since Nir-
Sarah, the singer, along
with Archie, who also sings
and plays guitar, have used
their past influences wisely.
By incorporating wonderful
harmonies and melodious
guitar riffs, they really know
how to get the crowd going.
In fact, there was this one
silly guy who got so excited
that he started stage diving.
Let's just say that it really
pissed Sarah off, for she
stopped singing in the middle
of the song and shot daggers
at him with her eyes from the
Apparently this took care
of the problem, because the
diver looked kind of embar-
rassed. Needless to say, he
didn't do it again after that.
Velocity Girl started off
their set with songs from their
new album Simpatico , and
by the end of their set, the
crowd was loudly begging
for more.
For their encore, they
played a cover of an Echo
and the Bunnymen song and
New Order's "About Face
Packed with energy even
after recently touring Eu-
rope, Velocity Girl is one of
those bands definitely worth
checking out if you haven't
done so already.
Opening for Velocity Girl
were Grover and Ceil. I was
very impressed with local
band Grover and their
unique pop sound, so try to
catch them live sometime.
trash this band, but I hate
listening to a group that
doesn't have enough talent
to achieve the sound they're
going for.
These guys played noth-
ing but noise. Noise isn't so
bad in and of itself, but this
was nothing but unstructured
noise. Ceils music justseemed
to have no point
I hated them so much, in
fact, mat I went outside until
they finished. The Cat's
Cradle made a big blunder
when they put this band with
Velocity Girl and Grover.
J Pathetic JJ Lame ? Pretty Good J? Brilliant
Thee Hypnotics
The Very Crystal
Speed Machine
The BlackCroweshavenot only
been busy making a new album,
but producing and working with
other bands. In fact, their lead singer
Chris Robinson produced the latest
album from Thee Hypnotics, The
Very Crystal Speed Machine.
It's interesting to hear music
coming out of England now. It
sounds as if there is a lot of confu-
sion in recent British music due to
the numerous sounds coming of
age lately. Thee Hypnotics do not
partake in the hysteria and stick to
what they know, and that's all.
The first four songs on die al-
bum are frightening. They can al-
most keep you from listening to the
other songs. The rest of the album is
excellent musicians playing excel-
lent music. Jim Jones uses his vocal
ability very well with a strong simi-
larity to the latest work of Lenny
Kravitz. The blues influence shines
through on "If theGoodLord Loves
Ya" and "Rays Bauldelaire Thee
Hypnotics use many blues influ-
ences that many bands wouldn't
have the guts to use, such as slide
guitars and numerous piano tracks.
Changes flourish through the songs
creating an atmosphere of non-mo-
notony and originality, which is
refreshing. Although there is a
heavy blues influence, you can't
ignore the melodic guitar tracks
placed throughout the album.
Ray Hanson proves himself as
both a powerful and gifted guitar-
ist. His solos, placed evenly through-
out the album, don't separate from
the music. Hanson's solos work in
cooperation with the songs to form
what sounds like very professional
Bassist Will Pepper gets a
workout on "Tie it Up which is
the album's strongest track. Remi-
niscent of the old Chili Peppers,
Will Pepper throws around a base
line that only a true bassist could
Thee Hypnotics have been ex-
tensively touring over the last six
months, with a stop at the Cat's
Cradle. On the last Black Crowes'
tour, Chris Robinson brought Thee
Hypnotics with him to open a few
shows. So, if you get a chance to see
The Crowes with Thee Hypnotics,
it would definitely be a show not to
? Quentin
Liz Phair
That Liz Phair's a punk.
When her huge debut CD, Ex-
ile In Guyville, came screaming out
of nowhere, Phair stepped up to
the mike of small-label rock and
slapped it out of the hand of what-
ever band du jour was getting me-
dia attention and announced her-
self with moody, catchy songs of
sex and power, while not dip-
ping into the dry barrel of social
commentary (Please, any artists
listening, don't strain to change
the world in overwrought ear-
nestness. Just shut up and sing).
She whispered and bellowed
vignettes of spontaneous inti-
macy and struggles for control in
a jaded tone, singing with the
voice of a fourteen-year-old, of-
ten in an electronically-layered
chorus reminiscent of a much-
too-knowledgeable middle
school glee club. Sounding like
the love child of Julie Cruise and
George Thorogood, she matched
dead-pan monotone with growl-
ing flirts and canary-like falsettos
just as perfect in attitude as those
copped by Bono on U2's last two
With percussionist Brad
Wood and Casey Rice on guitar,
Phair (playing guitar and piano)
crafted a patchwork sound that
easily could be imagined coming
See PHAIR page 9

8 The East Carolinian
September 27, 1994
Continued from page 7
which "mostly ended up being
chewed by the numerous dogs
running around the mall. All in
all, Knocked Down Smilin' put
on a good show and got to play
some songs off their first album
to a large turnout of ECU stu-
The crowd grew larger and
the time for Purple School Bus to
play came at 9:30. Immediately,
people began to get up and dance.
The Bus plays a lot here in Green-
ville, most frequently at the Attic.
They are always a good show
and this time was no exception.
Their sound is like a peaceful burst
of energy, they can be described
as a cross between the Grateful
Dead and Santana. The keyboards
combine with the guitar to en-
trance you and make you want to
get up and groove.
Their second song, "Help Me
Find My Way must have been
the song everybody wanted to hear
because the crowd erupted and
began to really jam to the music.
The band also played songs from
their first album, which went over
as well with the audience as the
cover tunes did. The Bus always
puts on the type of show that leaves
the audience in great spirits.
The concert was a success for
the Student Union and all those
who attended. Fuego del Alma,
Knocked Down Smilin' and Purple
School Bus put on excellent shows.
The turn out was tremendous and
everyone left with a smile on their
Love tackles all, hopes CBS
you've lost your NFL broadcasts!
Whatcha gonna do now?
GotoLoveld, that's what. Starting
Sunday, it's a whole new ballgame as
the networkcourts female viewers with
aimance novel-based movies in the
time slot where football was king.
"Treacherous Beauties with
Emma Samms, Catherine Oxenberg
and Bruce Greenwood, is the first of
four 90-minute films based on Harle-
quin books. They'll air at 4 p.m. EDT
through Oct. 16.
For 38 years, CBS and the NFL
were Sunday afternoon steadies. Then
young and dapper Fox Broadcasting
Co. sauntered in, whispering sweet,
willing ear to woo it away.
That left CBS with a program-
minghole,andadedsion. "Wetook
a look at the available audience out
there, and we said, 'Well, women
haven'tbeenprogrammed to said
Steve Wamer,CBSseniorvicepresi-
dent for program planning.
According to Nielsen figures
for the first two weeks of the season,
Fox posted a 13 percent audience
increase over CBS' ratings last year.
The numbers also show that about
twice as manymenaswomenwatch
the broadcasts.
Towintheslightedfemale view-
ers, CBS turned toward its Harle-
quin Books film project. But can me
romance novels be effectively trans-
lated to thesmallscreen?JimHenshaw,
executive producer of 'Treacherous
Beauties" says they can?with care.
"We tried to develop what we
called believable fantasies he said.
"What we've tried to do is create a
realistic story and then overwhelm it
with romance
'Treacherous Beauties" is about
a woman trying to track down the
man who killed her brother. In "Bro-
ken Lullaby the heroine encoun-
ters a mystery while tracing her ge-
nealogy to the tsars of Russia. Mel
Harris ("thirtysomething") and Rob
Stewart star.
Don't expect all cliches to be
banished. Faithful romance readers
willbeserved astheactionpauses for
sensual scenes, such as in a sauna or
?honest, this is what the producer
said ? a woman watching a man
wash a horse.
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September 27, 1994
The East Carolinian 9
Continued from page 7
beer drinkers. These include "Kill
the Keg which has two cardinal
rules: one, the tap must never be
closed and two, no beer can be
spilled or wasted. The "100 Beer
Club" is another Factor 5 game.
You must drink 100 beers in one
weekend. I would suggest not try-
ing mis unless you are a pro. The
authors advise"discipline,a5teady
This book is a must for any
college student or any devoted beer
drinker. It has some great old and
new games and some hilariously
funny advice from these guys.
My friends and I tried some of
the new games in The Complete Book
end, and they work I especially
enjoyed "Frisbeer which is great
to do outside on a beautiful sunny
day in Greenville. I found out what
they meant aboutbeinghard to walk
after a couple of rounds of this game.
Continued from page 7
monster. America has raised a gen-
erationof mentally abused children,
bombarded by commercials. The
advertising blitz of normal televi-
sion is nothing compared to what
goes on during children's' shows,
and MTV seems to be giving more
time to ads than to videos.
But there is a backlash. As a gen-
eration raised on TV's commercial
wasteland, we don't respond to ads
the way we're supposed to. The su-
per-toys we drooled over on TV
turned out tobepiecesofplastic crap,
and we became jaded at an early age.
TV trained us to be cynical about the
claims of its advertisers, and now
we're more interested in the facts. If
we like something, well buy it Oth-
erwise, leave us alone. Whatitcomes
down to is this: a monkey driving a
car with a bunch of women who are
apparently into bestiality isn't going
to make me buy Pepsi when I prefer
Coke. Maybe ifs time for the media
big shots to realize that
1o t6e otktfcej o
fyou aie caidiaCfy
iuutted to t?e office
at 5:30 oi 76wu-
datj to ie introduced
to (foul (teat aJJc'J-
taut iCaom d-icvei.
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Coot; from;
Page 7'
through a Stanley garage door
With chord changes that barely
convince the listener thatthey work
and piano playing that at times
edges the tempting line into conve-
nient poignancy, she has brought
unabashedly pop sounds to stark,
almost embarrassingly direct nar-
rative and has delivered a Fran-
kenstein monster of loose fitting
limbs, tendons and hair. Ifs art
organic sound that could be mis-
taken for trying to reach too many!
demographics if only it wasn't de-
livered with so much
Phair doesn't care and she may
throw in a "fuck" or two just to see
if you really aren't paying atten-
Like I said, she's a punk.
With Whip-Smart, Phair strolls
on miraculous pop architecture on,
the 14 new songs she "directed as'
the credits state. Take "Chop
sticks the CD's first cut, with thej
cute morphined version of the ba-
sic piano tune under the deflating
story of a one night stand. Rock
eted with distorted funk, "Super
nova" starts hard and builds to he;
killer chorus buoyed by Rice's;
warped psychedelicguitar. "Nash-?
ville another dreamy tune in the:
style of Guyoille's "Canary, "Mes-
merizing" and "Gunshy recalls
Angelo Badalamenti's work on the
two "Twin Peaks" soundtracks;
with its sax and chimes (An early;
drawback to Whip-Smart: botr?
"Nashville" and the preceding!
"Shane" refuse to end. The lastj!
lines of each are repeated like a?
mantra until he fade finally into;
sonic static).
But some songs astound in the;
elements cobbled for each work
The title track bounces along in ftsJI
imaginings of raising a son, sgpf-r
ing as a gratefully-received break ;
among slow, brooding tunes, unfit;
you get to the ebullient choRfe,
"When they do the double-dutcK
That's them dancing I can't de-J
cide if ifs ska or rockabilly but if s?
silly and infectious. Following fhis?
Phair snarls through thelivid"Jeal??
ousy" roaring like a train and on ?
the warpath. Ifs startling in its di-
rect despite, not something PhairJ
the constant exhibitionist, has.?$
vealed before. $' 5
Whip-Smart does GuytHlle jos-l
rice. While not so explicit whfcrcl
isn't necessary since the iistenef is2
already familiar with Phair's ethics
and logic, it continues to displays
musical. But she's fighting uridpr
two disadvantages: theexpectatifla
of her to encapsulate female masic
like a social statement with each-
effort, which leads to comparisons!
ing to do with how good a songis,
and, secondly, the trend to unplug!
and prove musicianship can work-
without possible studio wizardry;
especially if it uses distortion oaf
feedback. If those qualities interest
listeners, then Whip-Smart may
draw them in and seduce them. But
be warned: this isn't chick punk or
chic punk. Withboundingbass, vo-
cals hitting extremes in pitch and
tone and stabbing guitar in tunes of
sex and assuredness, this, first and
foremost, is rock and roll. J
- Gregory
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? The East Carolinian
September 27, 1994
Page 10
ECU fails to contain ground game, loses 21-18
Photo by Garret Killian
Junior Smith led a ground game that could muster up just 54 net yards against a tough
SU defense. However, he needs just 44 more to become ECU'S all-time leading rusher.
by Brad Oldham
Assistant Sports Editor
After the first quarter of play in
ECU's 21-18 loss to the Syracuse
Orangeman Saturday afternoon at
Dowdv-Ficklen Stadium, it looked
as if the Pirates might be drinking
freshly-squeezed orange juice after
the game.
ECU had a 100 lead and every-
thing seemed to be going their way.
Three quarters later, it was a differ-
ent story altogether, as Syracuse
strangled thegameaway from ECU
and left Coach Logan and th; Pi-
rates with a bitter taste in their
"We're good enough,butwe're
not sick and tired enough to win
games like this Logansaid. "When
we get sick and tired of enough, so
that it gets to the core of our very
being, we'll win that game
ECU jumped on the Orangemen
early in the first quarter. On second
down and six yards from the SU 26
vard line, senior Orangemen quar-
terback Kevin Mason (12-19, 130
yards) hit junior receiver Marvin
Harrison (four catches, 64 yards) in
what looked to be a quick 34 yard
gain for Syracuse. Harrison
coughed it up, and the ball was
recovered bv ECU junior
cornerback Emmanuel McDaniel.
Logan kept the excitement
coming. The Pirates took to the air
as sophomore quarterback Marcus
Crandell (21-43, 280 yards, no in-
terceptions) found sophomore re-
ceiver Allen Williams in the end
zone for a 45-vard touchdown.
The Pirates pulled off a per-
fectly executed on-side kick after
the touchdown. Sophomore kicker
Chad Holcomb booted the ball di-
agonally to Jerris McPhail, who
caught the ball in the air, giving
ECU possession on the Pirate 46-
yard line. The drive was killed
when on second-and-ten from the
SU 22-yard line, Pirate running
back Junior Smith (18 carries, 73
yards) fumbled.
The ball was recovered by SU,
who then gave itback to the Pirates
when Mason was picked off by
Pirate safety Dvvight Henry. The
Pirate offense would get to the SU
3-yard line,buthad to settlefor a20
yard field goal by Holcomb, in-
ECU Notes
(SID) ? ECU's men's soccer
squad displayed their best perfor-
not enough, as the University of
Richmond blanked the Pirates2-0
in CAA action Sunday afternoon
in Greenville.
"Our kidsgaveitall they had
saidhead coach Sccwh'CarevWe
played our best game to date, but
what can I saw We stall didn't
The Pirates came out in the
first halt looking like a hungry
team. The stingy ECU defense, led
by the hustle i rf sophomore Chris
Padgett limited the Spiders to just
15shots m g al, UR'sseason-low.
ECU displayed intensity and dis-
cipline to shut out the Spiders
during the first 43 m inu tes of play.
However, the Pirate defense,
which had bent on a tew occa-
sions, finally broke at the 68:05
mark when senior Joe Basiledrove
in the game-winner off of an indi-
rect kick from Spider teammate
sgeir Asgairsson. Midfielder
David Austen added a late goal to
preserve the win for Richmond.
The Pirates (0-7,0-3 in C A A
will have a v t a week to prepare
?eir Oct 5 matchup against
natii inked William &
Man who visit C ireenville tor a
i 4 p.m. start.
mere I Libert
Lisa - -
ing the Raines to a 5-4 women's
. er ECU in
iturday afternoon.
Pirate Rebecca Hester
md opened up
the scoring in the match. E
Robvn D i ab i recorded
to 2-1,
Liberty outset ?ed ECU 4-2 in
die second half. The Ladv Pirates
recorded 14 shots on goal to
? fry's 15.
he Lady Pirates, now 1-4
i werall,l-3intheCAAwillretum
b) actii in Wednesday, Sept. 28, as
they travi tteville, NIC, to
face Method ist i iltege.
Incrosscountrv action, ECU's
cross country teams competed
Sept. 24 at the (Ireensboro Invita-
For the I a
. i
all with i
rnaku . .
Senior 5ti
dy Pirates, Dava
hing second over-
- 23 despite
. i thea lurse.
: y ireen i( ?ld
Church Va.) turned in a strong
performani efiriishinginfifthplaee
i iverall.l Iertimeofl8:49wasthree
seconds faster than lastweek'stime
at the UNC-G Invitational. lam
Rhodes (Mechanicsburg, Pa.) also
had a g d r.u e, finishing with a
tune of 19 12 which was good for
eighth place overall
inner was
n ike fr im
See NOTES page 12
Pirate ruggers take two from Wolfpack
By W. W. Ellis
Staff Writer
The Pirate ruggers took on NC State last
Saturday in Raleigh and came away with an
ugly 16-12winoverafired-up Wolfpack squad.
The Pirate Second XV also won 12-5 in a rain-
soaked match. In both games, the Wolfpack
was seeking revenge for a humiliating 60-0
Saturday, State's fiery enthusiasm nearly
caused the Pirates to self destruct.
East Carolina weathered a state offensive
surge at the start of the match While the
Wolfpack could not score, the Pirates got a
luckv break on a long kick ahead. David "Su-
per Rookie" O'Briant chased the ball, dodged
around two State defenders and touched it
down for a five-point try. When Rich "Opie"
Moss notched the conversion, the seven-point
lead only made State m aggressive.
The Pirates tried to establish control, but
the frenzied state attack began to cost the red
forwards offsides. Moss kicked to the goal
posts twice more in the first half, giving ECU
a 13-0 lead,but ECU ran outof steam at theend
of the half. State's pressure netted them two
tries and a conversion to make the game too
close as the half ended with the Pirates ahead
It was a poorlv played match with ECU
whistled up for over three dozen penalties.
Momentum shifted repeatedly as the purple
ruggers made errors in offsides, late tackling,
killing the ball and questioning the referee's
authority. These unnecessary penalties were
brought on by Pirate frustration with their
inabilitv to overwhelm the Wolfpack's enthu-
siasm for physical contact and spoiling the
Pirate game plan.
The ECU ruggers are rebuilding with
new, inexperienced backs, but a core of vet-
eran forwards led by AD-American Jay Keller,
Bvron Sullivan, Casey Brannigan and Jordan
Ashbum carried the team. Oddly enough,
while the Pirate forwards led the way, it was
the backs who got the glory of scoring against
a fired-up State.
The second half was more of the same
with less scoring. The Pirates bent, but did not
break in the face of repeated Wolfpack thrusts
against the ECU goal line. The Pirate offense
File Photo
See RUGBYpageff
Spikers win tourney
(SID) ? ECU's four-game vic-
torv over UXC-Wilmington 15-8,
14-16, 17-15, 15-6 propelled the
Ladv Pirates to capture the team
championship at the UNCC-
Hampton Inn Volleyball Invita-
tional, in Charlotte, N.C, Saturday
ECU, UNC Charlotte and
LTNC -Wilmington each finished
the tournament 3-1, but the Lady
Pirates were determined the
champs by virtue of their game
record. ECU finished with an 11-5
game record, while UNCC and
Wilmington finished 1 l-6and 10-5
Pro gnostic at or
Standings-Week 3
Sophomore Carrie Brne led the
Ladv Pirates with 18 kills against
Wilmington. Three other ECU
players registered double-digit kill
performances as East Carolina reg-
istered a season-high 67 team kills.
Staci Winters added 15 kills, while
Melanie Richards and Gwynn
Baber added 13 kills each. The vic-
torv over the Lady Seahawks marks
the first time the Ladv Pirates have
defeated Wilmington in three at-
tempts this season.
Earlier, ECU disposed of North
Carolina A&T in three quick games,
See V-BALLpagef 1
ECU'S Rugby Club team took on N.C. State
in a rematch of last spring's state
championship, which the Pirates
dominated, easily winning 60-0.
Intramurals heating up
(RS) ? Alternative sports ac-
tivities are the hottest thing in recre-
ation today. Take, for example, the
surge of thrill seekers who have
gotten into the sport of rock climb-
ing. On any one night, viewers of
ESPN2 can witness a mirage of un-
familiar sporting events as Ameri-
cans continue to seek the thrill of
victory and agony of defeat.
EastCarolina studentscanseek
similar extracurricular fun through
programs and services offered by
the Recreational Services depart-
ment. Most Intramural Sports pro-
grams are free of charge and offered
during afternoons and evening
hours at facilities and fields in close
proximity to all areas of campus.
Men's and women's divisions are
open for registration by students,
faculty and staff.
With the fall semester well un-
See RECpage11
Player of the Week
Chris Justice 4
V( 11-12 Sports Director
Dave Pond 5
TEC Spurts Editor
Brian Bailey 10
tV,VC79 Sports Director
Phil Werz 15
Wn V 7 Sports Director
Brad Oldham 19
TEC Assistant Sports Editor.
WZMB Sports Director
Note: Points are allotted as the
difference from the final point
spread in each ECt' game, then
added together. At the end of the
season, the prognosticator with
the lowest total vwll be declared
the winner.
Capriati delays come-
back because of injury
(AP) ? Jennifer Capriati's
long-awaited return to tennis
may be delayed.
The New York Times reported
in yesterday's editions that
Capriati will not play the Euro-
pean Indoors tournament at
Zurich, Switzerland, next week
becaue of a groin injury. It was
not clear when she intends to play
In her last match, Capriati
suffered a first-round loss at the
1993 U.S. Open. She had planned
to return to the women's tour at
Burned out by tennis and de-
spairing overherappearance and
relationships, Capriati, who
tu rned pro when she was 13, told
the Times she once thought about
killing herself.
I lerproblemscametoa head
after her U.S. Open loss last year.
She had nightmares after losing
in the Open in 1991 and began
crying incessantly after this lat-
est loss.
"I started out OK, but at the
end of the match I couldn't wait
to get off the court she told the
newspaper. "Totally, mentally, I
just lost it, and obviously it goes
deeper than that one match.
"I really was not happy with
myself, my tennis, my life, my
parents, my coaches, my friends.
When I looked in my mirror, I
actually saw this distorted im-
age: I was so ugly and fat, I just
wanted to kill myself, really
Capriati, 18, told the Times
she feels many of her problems
stem from turning professional
See CAPRIATIpage72
Mitchell Galloway
SO-1L, WR, 5-10,173
The South Carolina native
played in ten games last year,
and used that experience on
Saturday, running two kicks
back for 61 yards, while catch-
ing 5 passes for 43 yards.
"Mitch is a hard worker
ECU fullback Damon Wilson
said. "You know that ou can
count on him. He'll give you
100 every time, with no
creasingthe Pirate lead to 10-0 after
a quarter of play.
Itdid not take theOrangeman
long to strike in the second quarter.
After an eight-play drive of 54
vards, SU running back Malcolm
Thomas ran 12 yards up the middle
to find the end zone, making the
score 10-7, ECU.
The Orangeman forced ECU
to punt on their next posession. A
33 yard punt bv freshman Matt
See ORAUGEpage12
Pirate Report Card
Crandel and line plaved tough.Coslh turnovers.2 minute offense hurt.B-
Second and third quarter plas less intense.Consisieno neededO

Special Teams:Grade
Perfect onside kick, and Leine shined in first game at home .A
Took adanlage of momentum swings. Shotgun on third and onSB
Pirates plaved tough and were outmanned bv a more tilenaicuniB
kill ECU
By Aaron Wilson
Staff Writer
The ECU defensive unit fal-
tered Saturday against the
Orangemen, giving up 256
rushing yards on 51 carries.
Most of these yards were gained
strictlv on the triple option play,
out of either the "I" or "Wish-
bone" formations. Quarterback
Kevin Mason scrambled 11
times for 58 yards and two
touchdowns, while tailbacks
Kirby Dar Dar and Malcolm
Thomas combined for 37 car-
ries for 183 yards.
Option football has been
svnonvmous with Syracuse
football for vears, and has been
the mold for their running game
week after week. They execute
the play as well as anyone in the
The Orangemen offense in-
volves a triple option, meaning
of f to the fullback on a dive play
up the middle or come down
the line of scrimmage keeping a
"5-by-5" relationship (running
five yards inside and ahead of
the tailback) with his TB.
Then, depending on what
kind of read the defensive end
and force player (strong safety)
gives him, the QB can either
keep the ball or pitch it to his
tailback. Syracuse's option is
even more dangerous because,
as Pirate fans will remember
from the last two times these
teams played, the quarterback
will run either a play action or a
freeze play with a fake to his
fullback, and then bounce out
for a long pass.
"Obviously there was a
breakdown, it was a plan that
could have worked but Syra-
cuse exploited our mistakes
Pirate "Mike" linebacker B.J
Crane said "I'll take full blame
and responsibility when I make
mistakes. This Saturday against
Southern Mississippi we will
come out and play hard nosed
kxitball for sixtv minutes. It will
There areanumberofways
to defend this play. East Caro-
lina chose to "slow-play" the
quarterback, playing inside-out
with our defensive ends and
" willie" linebacker, forcingMa-
son to make the decision
whether to keep the ball orpitch
it. The success of this defense is
predicated on the ability of the
strong safety getting off of the
slot receiver's stalk block and
get to the pitch mail.
In Saturday's game, Ma-
son was contained for the most
See OPTION page 11

11 The East Carolinian
September 27, 1994
- Cont. from
V-BALL Page 10
15-11, 15-5, 15-9. Winters led
the Lady 1 rh a 14-kill per-
Wii ? "
Laurent repres CU on the
all-tournament team, while Win-
ters also w as 9 the tourna-
ment MVP honor- The
Smithsburg, MtL, nath e recorded
-Pk.i ' rthel ad)
Pirate- Coastal Carofina's Shay
Goulding. orth Carolina A&Ts
Michelle ttswood,
Wilmington's Josk Youngblood
and Ginger Ma m rounded out the
ECU, now 7-8 on the season,
will return home for a 6 p.m.
Weclnesdav matchup as they host
Coastal Carolina in Chrisrenbury
Memorial Gymnasium.
Continued from page 10
Cont. from
page 10
derway, a number of activities are
in progress with playoff hopes riding
high tor a number of teams. Flag
football is the largest activity at the
present time, with 112 teams play-
ing during the regular season.
While the "Super Ho's remain
the class of the league, the late ar-
rival of "Pray for Rain" superstar
quarterback Pat Watkins makes
them a legitimate contender once
again. Rumor also has it that the
"Snapper Kings" ha veadded aquar-
terback to relieve Steve Roberson of
these duties and return him to the
receiver position. However,
"Cvnergy X-treme with Todd
Humble leading the way, is also a
team to be reckoned with.
This fall, a number of non-tra-
ditional sporting events will be of-
fered bv the department. In October,
bring back the days of yesteryear
and those joyous times in recess by
signing up for a Dodgeball Tourna-
ment. This collegiate version of "hit-
n-run" is a rapidly flowing activity
that combines skills inherent in bas-
ketball, team handball and football.
Teams with a minimum of five
and maximum of ten players are
required to enter into the league.
Individuals interested in playing are
encouraged to attend the manda-
tory registration meeting held Tues-
day, Oct. 4 at 5 p.m. in the Biology
Building, Room 103.
Whatsets this playground game
apart from traditional dodgeball is
thatduringtheallotted thirty minute
time limit, teams will play several
different dodgeball game adapta-
CLUB 7:57
Carlos Alzaraqui
W Comedy Club
Monday, October 3,7:57 pm
Mendenhall Student Center, Room 244
Sponsored by the Student Union Popular Entertainment Committee
Friday, September 30 & Saturday, October 1
All movies start at 8:00 pm in Hendrix Theatre
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For more
information, call1
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tions making this tournament a
fast-paced stress releaser.
Other unique Intramural Sport
opportunities include the Ocean
Spray Table Top Football Tourna-
ment, sponsored by the NFL and
the National Intramural-Recre-
ational Sports Association. This in-
augural event takes place on four
nights prior to televised Monday
Night Football games beginning
September 26. Students may sign
up for any of the three qualifying
rounds. Remember thehand-made
paper footballs flicked across the
cafeteria table in grade school?
Well, that's the amount of physical
effort required to participate in this
table-top contest held in Jones Caf-
A team of three (with at least
one male and one female player) is
required, and registration dead-
lines are the Friday prior to each
Monday night game. The top four
teams from the qualifying rounds
will advance to the championship
tournament, with ECU winners
eligible for regional competition.
All teams qualifying for the cham-
pionship playoffs will receive t-
shirts and NFL hats. Regional
champions win a trip to the Na-
tional Table Top Football Champi-
onship in Miami, Fla with even-
tual National Champions winning
Super Bowl XXIX tickets.
To round out the Intramural
Sport alternative scene is the Tur-
key Trot Thanksgiving Run held
in November and the Friday Night
Exam Jam held in early Decem-
More adventurous alterna-
tives are available through the Rec-
reational Services Adventure Pro-
gram. The popular ECU Climb-
ing Tower is available through
this program, as well as outdoor
trips, workshops, equipment
rental, and the ECU RopesCourse.
A complete guide to an ECU
Adventure is available at the Rec-
reational Outdoor Center located
in 117 Chnstenbury Gymnasium.
Look for more details on upcom-
ing trips and workshops, as well
as information on how to climb, in
upcoming editions of The East
Cont. from
page 10
part, but the Orangemen exploited
the size difference between their
huge slot receivers Roland Will-
iams (6-4,252) and Eric Chenoweth
(6-3,234) and the Pirate safeties.
This size advantage led for ex-
tra yards by the Syracuse offensive
backfield as they bulled their way
over ECU's defensive backs. An
advisable substitution for the Pi-
rates would be to have played Juco
transfer Jermaine Smith, a 6-3,217
lb. safety who was highly recruited
out of NE Oklahoma A&M, and
chose ECU over Tennessee,
Clemson, and Maryland.
The Pirates stayed in the same
"Bench" defense for almost the en-
tire game. The much-needed blitz,
which could have proved effective
with the outside linebackers crash-
Mason, was absent from the game
"Other than a forty yard run,
we felt like we were sound funda-
mentally Pirate defensive coor-
dinator Paul Jette said. "We had a
chance to make a play but we
missed the tackle. You can't afford
to make mistakes like that against
a good team like Syracuse
The Pirates defense had been
strong all year, but Saturday it
was strictly "bend but don't
break There were not enough
substitution and variation of de-
fensive fronts and coverages. This
week will represent another chal-
lenge with the physical Southern
Mississippi offense and their
"smash-mouth" style of football
coming to town. Getting back to
basics and a few changes in per-
sonnel and scheme should right
Saturday's wrongs for the ECU
defense on against the Golden
"This week we had a defense
designed with the end and willie
linebacker having the quarter-
back Pirate defensive end Willie
Brookins said. "I decided to slow
play the quarterback and give the
safety time to get of f his block and
get the pitch man. I am sick and
tired of coming up short and the
whole team needs to be tired of
it for us to start winning these
close games
failed as every chance was thrown
away to the ref's whistle for infrac-
tions. State made mistakes too; in
the 86th minute, Moss gave the Pi-
rates breathing room with another
penalty and the final points of a 16-
12 Pirate victory.
"We madea lot of mistakes that
keptusfromdominating the game
said lock Casey Brannigan. "State
didn't get caught quite as much as
we did,but they didn't have a kicker
and we did The feeling was ech-
oedbyseveralPiratebacks. Outside
center Kevin "Woodstock" Vallade
summed it up: "We played poorly
and made a lot of mistakes trying to
make something happen, but we
shut down State's backs In the
end, that was enough because the
Pirate forwards were just a little
better at controlling the ball.
In the second match, the Pirates
jumped out to an early lead and
held on to win 12-5. The first ECU
score came when a Pirate penalty
passing got theball into the hands of
Chris "Tackleberry" Wiescemarin
who touched downin the Wolfpack
ingoal. Twenty minutes later, fol-I
lowing a relentless series of rucks
and mauls which shifted the ball
rapidly from one side of the field to
another, the Pirate forwards deliv-
ered the ball again. This time, Mike
Mulvihill carried the ball into the
State endzone for a try converted by
Smitty Smitz. This gave the Pirates
all the points they would need.
State was not dismayed and
maintained pressure on the Pirates.
All but one Wolfpack thrust was
beaten back by the Pirates, but the
stress oninexperiencedbacks finally
told. State got a try in the comer as
four backs ran the touchlineforatry.
But that was it for a match that saw
ECU's second side come away with
a 12-5 win.
Both Pirate teams are unde-
feated at 3-0 going into the last ma-
trix match. Next weekend, ECU
pkiysatUNC-Wilmington. The win-
ner will be the eastern team for the
pionship match to determine the
representative to the regional cham-
8:00 pm in Hendrix Theatre Thursclay, Septemter 29,1994
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September 27, 1994
The East Carolinian 12
Continued from page 10
irJ line,the Pirates
rwo quick i ompletions by
ndzone. 49yardline.
the On third and one, Crandell
?tor droppedbacktopassandwassacked
n ersion After an bv Syra( use lineman Wilky Bazile.
iltv was called ' Weweretryingtogetareceiver
mithlaunched i ipen in the middle of me field, but
?tocomplete we couldn't get our formation
Vith just over five straight and we couldn't execute
Cont. from
page 10

pass to receiver
and met Linwood Debrew was short of the
acuse s running attack head on, first down, as SU went on to win 21-
? trangeman to punt with 18
theg ime. "1 said we use them (Syracuse)
uti ve (the offense) wereon as a measuring stick Logan said
we knew that the de- likedsomeoftherhingsIsawIcan
iin fense would get us the ball back say this for a fact, we've played th se
receiver Mitchell Gallo- guvs four or five times since I've
irds)said "We been here, and this is the first time we
? -lavs, and haven't given up any big plays. We
lurtwominuteoffenseready. played well enough to win on de-
i happened we couldn't con- fense
Furmanwithatimeol 17:3- Irteteam
title went to Furman who scored 33
points, he Lady Pirates finished in
sea ind i ut of 22 teams just 13 points
behind the Paladins. For the men it
was a disappointing day, finishing
ninth, out of 11 teams with a total of
345 points.
SeniorSeanConnolly (Charlotte,
N.C.) was in the top overall runners
until the entire group made a wrong
turn and withdrew from the race. For
the Pirates, sophomore Paul Gorman
(Clayton, N.G turned in his best per-
formance of the season, finishing in
ht 1th placeoverall with a time of 2853.
I i irnian had the best individual
finish for the Pirates. Senior Mark
Mathis Keamersville, N.C.) also had
his season-best performance nnish-
: i ig second on the Pirate squad with a
time of 2925. The team title went to
Brevard College (53 points) who won
by 33 points over a second-place fin-
isher UNC-Chapel Hill (86 points).
too early.
"I was always expected to be
at the top, and if I didn't win, to
me that meant 1 was a loser she
said. I felt like my parents and
everybody else thought that ten-
nis was the way to make it in life,
they thought it was good, but I
thought no one knew or wanted
to know the person who was be-
hind my tennis life
Now, she said, "It's just a
game to me now.
"I don't care about being No.
1, but I'm ready and willing to
give it a battle, and that's what
sports is all about. There's no
ending to my story yet
Last year, Capriati withdrew
from her family and in November
moved into her own apartment in
Boca Raton, Fla. Her legal prob-
lems began Dec. 10, 1993, when
she was arrested for shoplifting
but claims she accidentally took
Cont. from
page 10
the ring from the store.
On May 16, she was arrested
in a Coral Gables, Fla motel and
was arrested on a misdemeanor
charge of marijuana possession.
She went into a 28-day treatment
program at Mount Sinai Medical
Center in Miami Beach, Fla.
Capriati, after having not
touched a racket for months, said
she realized she wanted to play
tennis again last winter.
"It wasn't like I wanted to
go back to it yet she said. "But
when I thought about the slams,
I always thought, 'I'll be there
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vesquite-gulled stec- mannaied m crumicKum
wCi (gaic po'i'ev and olive ol) Served w.rh
Fiemdhfnea cnor-o rteons ond Rour ton.Ilos
Stok mormoted in odobo sauce and mesquite
a-ed to Defection Served with a zesty cheese
enchitado, ftce. and oeam
lender 'nevquite grilled ch.cen breosi, Posted
w.ih special chilpotle barbeque sauce Served nee, Criarro beans c"d vegetables
8 45
The cho CM of pori tendeHo-n. mci"o'eo
odebe iouce aid fieque-9-illed Served c-
r.ce with choo beans de gate aria
flour tort.llos
Mesqc,te gnlied ihiTip wrooped ir. bocon
and basted with kp.ced gaic bv"ef Served
wrti fiee cKoto beor.i orvd fresh vegg
8 45
POLLO 5 25
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4 49
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? ? ?rJ pOt tQVt
EL POLLO FLOJO8 59EL TORO BRAVO ? . ?' ' ? ? ? ' ? " -?? . ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ?
Al! you need to mce you- ow kj" ioccs'
Scved o' yout tooie on a sizzling stci'lei, guocomole, pico de go!b beo1 ond now tort Hot
TendV ol mor,noted beef For one 8.45
0; cnicl-en qnlled wirfi on.ons . -
For two 14.75
and bell oeoperj 'oppec witn
c roojted peppe'
Freth corro's ond potc'oei Fc oe 8.45
steomed end qr e -? red M A .e
F0'wc 14.75
oe'i peppers on-oni ond zuCi-ni.
Cowboyi love t too1
med jhnmp souteed bell peppers ond onions. For one 9.45 For v-c 16.75
The Me?.co? Gito Cheeic So-?iw.c"
A iafge fiouf tuHd w.tfc melnd ch?e? ond roncKero ovct T-v or ?et?ct.o of
8 59
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A .arae !o tort C stuAtd ?"? enae' cKut
6 25
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?e ,r, o deiicoui red so?ice
heese ono served with 'ice
? Tjrge Sou' 'oniirj ?- ? Al CRMH 0d
:evirs covered ? o so?ror red vouce ana
? eese Se'vec m ce
l o-3e' 'c verv? you nore e"icientiy c
StaDRung teosc-ec chvfaen ?ceed - "
pniom be peooe's oc toenotoM lo'ded ir a
large lour lorllo and covered with red KM, e
ond metied cheese Se-ved wftri -ce 0"r ?ee-i
a large Row tot 'c "v ?"e' s' bs o1
mcinoted bee, bee i ond topoec m -
sauce aid melied cheese Gorruttwd ??
Vec i '
?t'eou's'v ?e ?(?. ?? i


The East Carolinian, September 27, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 27, 1994
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