The East Carolinian, July 6, 1994

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Cream of the Crop
ECU'S Jay Keller became the first North
Carolinian to be selected as an Ail-American
in Rugby. Story on page 7.
imr attaltjJy LtapiNc; wsl of VitaminpacCq.d
f 0(Mi. QOOV fOM. &0TU &L.OOV ANiP &LAPPLE.1
ti is ii i ai r i crrcKi: th himii:
Allmans and Phish rock Creek
Hardee's Walnut Creek Amphitheatre has
played host to several spectacular
concerts this summer. See show reviews
on page 5.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. -35- Z)
Circulation 5,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Wednesday, Julv 6,1994
8 Pages
Campus beautification campaign continues
Stephanie Lassiter
Assistant News Editor
As usual, Greenville is ex-
periencing a hot and humid sum-
mer, and the last tiling most people
want to do is be outside digging
holes and building structures. But
someone has to do it.
Dr. George Harrell, associ-
ate vice chancellor for business
affairs, and facilities services fac-
ulty members arc spending the
summer completing various
projects to improve the looks and
security of the campus.
"We are working on the
southside of Brewster, landscap-
ing in front of the building
Harrell said.
Harrell said once completed
later this month, the landscape
will be similar to that near the
music building.
Some people may have no-
ticed the street signs which have
been placed around campus.
Roadways through campus have
been named Faculty Way and
Alumni Circle. Harrell said the
university funded the street sign
Additionally, the workers
are installing outdoor information
boards around campus to provide
visitors with maps and campus
information. The boards will be
located at the entrance to Jenkins
Springer named N.Y.
college president
Jason Williams
News Editor
The Board of Trustees of
The City University of New
York (CUNY) named ViceChan-
cellor for Academic Affairs at
ECU Dr. Marlene Springer as
President of The College of
Staten Island. Springer will be-
gin September 1.
A specialist in nineteenth
century British and American
literature and women's litera-
ture, Springer earned her Ph.D.
in English Literature and her
M.A. in American Literature at
Indiana University. She re-
ceived her bachelor's degree in
English and business adminis-
tration at Centre College in Ken-
"Dr. Springer brings exten-
sive administrative and aca-
demic experience to the presi-
dency of The College of Staten
Island, as well as a particular
background in enriching aca-
demic programs and services
said James P. Murphv, chair of
the Board of Trustees.
Springer has been Vice
Chancellor since 1989. Prior to
coming to ECU, she was Asso-
ciate Vice Chancellor for Aca-
demic Affairs and Graduate
Studies at the University of Mis-
souri-Kansas City in 1985, and
earlier served there as Acting
Associate Dean, Chair of the
Department of English and as a
member of the faculty from
She was also chosen an
American Council for Educa-
tion Administrative Fellow in
1982, and served as Visiting Pro-
fessor at the Universidade Fed-
eral Fluminse, in Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, in 1975.
"I have enjoyed my work
here at Last Carolina, but this
gives me the opportunity to be
the president of a fine univer-
sity, and I'm looking forward to
working there Springer said.
She said she is proud of
her accomplishments at ECU.
"We continued the emphasis on
a quality education, strategic
planning, program review We
instituted 23 new programs, the
quality of students has im-
proved Of course, that has
been a joint effort with every-
body here
She is the author of Ethan
Frame: A Nightmare of Need, Tho-
mas Hardy's Use of Allusion and
Edith Wharton and Kate Chopin:
A Reference Guide; editor with
Haskell Springer of Plains
Women: The Diary of Martha
Farsworth; and editor of What
Manner of Women: Essays on En-
glish and American Life and Lit-
erature. She is currently at work
on a book-length study of The
Correspondence of Harriet Beecher
Stowe and 19th Century Women
of Letters.
Nationally recognized as
an education administrator,
Springer chaired the Commis-
See SPRINGER page 2
Thousands of
flock to the
ECU Student
Stores to
Dean Speier
Photo by
Leslie Petty
Art Building, between Brewster
and Fletcher music building and
at the culvert bridge at the bottom
of College Hill.
have just about
gotten our big
projects done
for the fiscal
year Harrell
said. "We are
looking for ad-
ditional funds
at the begin-
ning of the vear
(Julyl) '
Harrell said that much of
their construction work has been
postponed until the first of the
fiscal year, because many of their
funds come from reallocation.
Probably in the second week
m �f July
LUe haue jus t
about gotten our
big projec ts
done for the
fiscal year "
Dr. George Harrell
Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
tion on a traffic
Christenburv Gvm should
cilities ser-
vices will be
clearing out
the woods
below Tod d
said. Before
the end of
ight at
"The Department of Trans-
portation will be doing the light
project Harrell said. "We will
be doing landscape projects in
support of the light which will
hopefully be safer for the stu-
Incaseanvone remembers the
1994 senior class project, it has not
been started, m uch less completed.
"We have not finalized the
design of that Harrell said.
Harrell said the senior class
wanted to produce a walkway
across the area between Cotten Hall
and Fifth Street where people are
now trampling the bushes and cre-
ating a dirt pathway.
Harrell mentioned a walk
through campus with Chancel-
lor Eakin, members of SGA and
several deans, held several week
ago, to determine where lighting
could be improved upon. Hesaid
the chancellor and SGA would
discuss it and meet with Facili-
ties Services to determine future
Harrell wan ted to warn stu-
dents and faculty members of
potential danger around con-
struction areas.
"We would like the stu-
dents to be careful and not enter
any of the construction sites on
campus Harrell said. "Wecer-
tainly don't want anv students
This is the future
site of the
Joyner Library.
few who are
students now
will be around to
enjoy the results
of the
Photo by
Leslie Petty
German reunification studied
Stephanie Lassiter
Assistant News Editor
Those who ignore, the past arc
condemned to repeat it.� George
Santayana, philosopher, regarding the
Some three vears after the
Berlin Wall was razed, the Ger-
man government is making an
effort to educate our educators
about the changes which have
occurred in the former East Ger-
many and West Germany.
Dr. Michael Bassman, direc-
tor of Ethnic Studies, was one of
20 professors who attended the
eight-day intensive seminar en-
titled "Germany Since Reunifica-
tion: From Euphoria to Disillu-
sion" and held in Berlin.
Bassman, who teaches Lit-
erature of the Holocaust, believes
his students will benefit from his
participation in the program.
"Being able to share the in-
formation of what is happening
in Germany is very important
Bassman said. "I was interested
in knowing that the Holocaust is
being taught in the schools in
German v
The seminar, sponsored bv
the German government, was
designed for foreign professors to
visit Germany and see what has
happened since reunification.
"I heard about the program
through an international organi-
zation in New Yorkhe said. "We
met in Berlin and staved in the
former Fast Berlin
Baseman said thegri nip vis-
ited Wannsee, where the logistics
of the Final Solution were deter-
mined. A museum educating Ger-
mans about the Holocaust is also
located at Wannsee.
"There is an attempt to deal
with its (Germany's) past and to
recognize the past Bassman said.
The Holocaust was an at-
tempt to exterminate the Jewish
population of Europe. Si million
Jews and five million non-Jews
were killed.
"It happened just 50 vears
ago, and the world was silent and
allowed this to go on he said.
Students in Bassman's Lit-
erature of the Holocaust class
(ASES2001 or ASES2002-Honors
Seminar) read novelsdealing with
the Holocaust, some written by
Holocaust survivors. Addition-
allv, the students view documen-
taries about Hitler, the Third Reich
and the Holocaust in general.
"As someone who teaches
the Holocaust, it was interesting
to be in Berlin and realize what
had happened in the past
Bassman said.
The group of professors at-
tend ing the seminar also met with
Berlin Police Commissioners, rep-
resentatives of different political
parties and members ot Parlia-
ment. Later, the group went to
Poland to visit a new international
university on the Poland and I ler-
man border. The construction ot
th�� university was a joint effort
between the Polish and German
governments to have an interna-
tional universit
Ironically, while meeting
See BASSMAN page 2
For Your Information
The Pitt County AIDS Service
Organization (PICASO) will begin an
information and referral line one evening
a week starting Wednesday, July 6, from
6 to 8 p.m. A PICASO volunteer will
provide basic HIVAIDS information and
referrals to other community-based
service agencies and state and national
HIVAIDS organizations. The number is
Russians teach during summer
Wendy Rountree
Staff Writer
Visiting Russian professors
Dr. Alexander Mechitov and Dr.
Helen Moshkovich will be teach-
ing ECU students more than the
functions of bits anil b tes this
summer. Mechitov and
Moshkovich, who hail from Mos-
cow, are currently teaching intro-
ductory computer courses in the
Decision Sciences department
from a Russian perspective.
Mechitov and Moshkovich,
who majored in economics and
minored in mathematics, were
graduate students at Moscow In-
ternational University. Mechitov
is also associated with the Rus-
sian Academy of Sciences for Fun-
damental Research.
Since being at ECU, the two
instructors have noticed differ-
ences between the American and
Russian university systems.
First, the organization of
the s stem here is more flexible
Moshkox u h �-aid Students i an
r-nt ourses Mid
change majors. In Russia, the
student's course path is specia 1-
ized from, the beginning and
undergraduates take five vears,
he said.
"Students in Russiahave
to choose their major and fol-
low special sets of defined
courses Mechitov said.
Moshkovich said that dur-
ing a student's first year, he or
she is placed in a sma 11 group of
25 students who are on the same
course path. The student stavs
in this group throughout the
five vears of undergraduate
stud v.
Moshkovich said because
of economical Mid political
changes occurring in Russia, the
university systemnow gives the
possibility to students to
change, especially those in
banking, economics, and engi-
neering. The more flexible sys
tern gives students the oppor-
tunity to receive minors
"In the last two years, the

I � ���-s�
2 The East Carolinian
July 6, 1994

Students less knowledgeable about biblical references
President says college students are no slackers
President Bill Clinton told an audience of University of
California-Los Angeles students in May not to believe those
who criticize the college-age crowd as a generation of slackers.
Clinton made his remarks during a May 20 ceremony celebrat-
ing the school's 75th anniversary. The president was the recipi-
ent of the UCLA Medal, the highest honor from the university.
After expressing his appreciation and congratulations to the
university, Clinton quickly turned his attention to the college
students in the audience. The president reminded students that
they were not the first generation to be labeled in such a negative
light. Clinton went on to say that the very citizens described as
"lost" were those who fought in World War II and helped lead
the nation thereafter. The president closed his speech with a
challenge to students.
Fewer students are seeking degrees today
For the first time in more than 12 years, the number of
students seeking degrees has declined, according to The Col-
lege Board's "Annual Survey of Colleges From the fall of 1991
to the fall of 1992, the average total enrollment decreased by 1.7
percent. The majority of the decrease was among part-time
students, which fell by a little more than eight percent. Average
enrollment declined by more than 11 percent at two-year insti-
tutions and by slightly less than two percent at four-year insti-
tutions. In addition, the survey also states that women continue
to outnumber men at college, where 54 percent of all enrolled
students are female and 46 percent are male. From the fall of
1991 to the fall 1992, minority enrollment increased by 1.2
percent, accounting for 19.9 percent of all first-time freshmen
A "smart" sprinkler
Automatic sprinklers whirring through rainstorms may
be a thing of the past, thanks to an invention by a team of
Colorado State University students. The students have devel-
oped what they call a "Smart Valve which can actually deter-
mine whether a yard needs watering. The valve � a series of
pistons, metering chambers, valves and hydraulic fluid�uses
a porous ceramic wick to sense soil moisture levels and control
when the yard is watered. Ultimately, the "Smart Value" could
help relieve the strain on finite water resources, its creators say.
Compiled by Stephanie Lassiter. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
(CPS) � Walking on water.
The forbidden fruit. The troubles of
Job. Conquering Goliath.
Increasingly, college students
are finding themselves stumped by
such well-knownbiblical references.
Although the Bible has been called
the single most influential book in
thehistory of Western culture,many
academics say it seems to be unfa-
miliar territory to more and more
college students.
"What some would consider
basic elements of our culture, many
students simply don't know said
Benjamin Wright, assistant profes-
sor of religion studies at Lehigh
University. "While they may have
heard of a reference, such as David
and Goliath, in a non-contextual
way, if you ask them to tell the story
to you, they can't
"Students are appallingly ig-
norant of the Bible said Jay Hol-
stein, the J.J. Mallon Professor of
Judaic Studies at the University of
Academics say an increas-
ingly large number are lost when
they encounter biblical references
in their coursework and day-to-day
life. Without a basic knowledge of
the stories in the Old and New Tes-
taments, students have a difficult
time understanding literary illu-
sions in Moby Dick and even lyrics
in U2 songs.
"For certain, without some
training in what is called religious
studies, students will have absolute
gaps in their knowledge and aca-
demic sense of literature, art and
law in Western civilization Hol-
stein said.
"The biblical tradition is im-
portant and essential to the devel-
opment of Western culture said
Michael Coogan, professor of reli-
gious studies a t Stonehill College in
Boston and co-editor of the Oxford
Companion to the Bible. "You can't
understand the various traditions
of our society without some knowl-
edge of the stories and history of the
English professors say they
can no longer assume students will
comprehend the nearly limitless
number of religious allusions found
in literature, including such classics
as John Milton's Paradise Lost, Will-
iam Faulkner's Absabm, Absalom
the poems of T.S. Elliot or the works
of Shakespeare.
M. Katherine McGrory said
she recently found that only half the
students enrolled in her "Poetry in
Drama" class at Georgetown Uni-
versity said they had any familiar-
ity with the Bible.
"The class focused quite a bit
on Yeats, who uses a lot of biblical
imagery said McGrory, who is
also executive director of the Soci-
ety of Values in Higher Education,
a non-sectarian, non-profit society
of scholars in Washington.
Most students' knowledge of
the Bible before entering college is
restricted to what they learned in
the home, church, synagogue or in
religious educationclasses,say edu-
cators. McGrory also points out that
posed of people from an array of
religious backgrounds. "Thesacred
text in many students' homes may
have been the Koran she said.
Meanwhile, 13.1 percent of all
college freshmen last year listed their
religious preferences as "none ac-
cording to the Higher Education
Research Institute at UCLA.
Still, the majority of all college
freshmen, 82.2 percent, reported
having attended religious services
"frequently" or "occasionally" dur-
ing the past year, the survey said.
"A Gallup poll a few years
backstatedthat90percentof Ameri-
can households own a Bible
Coogansaid. "Isuspectmostdonot
read it, however. The problem is
thatpeopietendtothink of the Bible
exclusively as a religious text, and
those who teach the Bible are under
suspicion of proselytizing
Nationwide, of the 2318 col-
leges that offer a bachelor's degree
or better, 25 percent of all public
universities and 65 percent of all
private colleges haveprograms in;
religion and theological studies,
according to a survey by the
American Academy of Religion
in Atlanta.
David Hoekema, academic
dean at Calvin College in Grand
Rapids, Mich, said many colleges
affiliated with religious institu-
tions continue to offer courses that
cover the Bible as part of the core
requirements needed for gradua-
tion. "But I wouldn't expect there-
to be any consistent program or
intention for public institutions to1
make a course on the Bible as part
of core requirements he said.
"That would raise red flags to
many m.
Instead, Hoekema said
many colleagues are introducing
sections of the Bible as part of the
assigned reading in history or lit-
erature classes, for example, to;
provide students with the back-
ground they'll need to further,
understand the coursework. "I
think the education is being done
piece by piece within classes he
Coogan said he doesn't
agree with some of the hand-
wringing that he sees among pro-
fessors who say thelack of histori-
cal and cultural knowledge among
students impedes their ability to
teach the classics. u"
Continued from page 1
cnange was possible because of
the appearance of the private sec-
tor in connection with private uni-
versities Mechitov said.
Moshkovich said the Rus-
sian university system stresses
theory and thinking-skill learning
methods and that job skills are
"taught strictly She said this
could be incorporated in the sys-
tem because under the previous
government, a specific job was
waiting for each individual gradu-
The two instructors also no-
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ticed differences between Ameri-
can and Russian students.
"Russian students are more
active in lecture Mechitov said.
"They can discuss the lecture be-
tween themselves and give re-
marks. American students act like
students in Russian high schools
or secondary schools
"Not much feedback
Moshkovich said. "They act
much more respectful, distant
Moshkovich said in Russia,
professors are much more distant
from students than in America,
and they offer fewer office hours
to their students because there is
not a "tradition" of giving stu-
dents extra time out of class peri-
ods, except for special lectures
given to answer students' ques-
tions before final exams. She also
said that in Russia, students are
more oriented to their own work,
while in America, professors have
more control.
Moshkovich said most of the
time professors only give one test
during the semester, the final
"Final exam is much more
important in Russia
Moshkovich said. "Students are
usually given oral exams
Mechitov said that students
are given three days to study and
to prepare for their exams.
"They are expelled from the
university if they don't pass the
exam within three times
Moshkovich said.
Moshkovich and Mechitov
said they had many reasons for
coming to ECU.
Mechitov said the idea is to
build contacts between ECU fac-
ulty and Moscow University fac-
ulty to study each others' research
and education processes, common
research interests and publish ar-
ticles. "Also, we want to create
opportunities for faculty and stu-
dent exchange between the two
"We are interested in ex-
change not only between the busi-
ness schools, but in the other aca-
demic areas too said Dr. Robert
E. Schellenberger, chairperson of
the DecisionSriences Department.
On July 6 and July 12,
Mechitov will give lecture presen-
tations at 2 p.m. in the General
College Building, room 3012. The
lectures are sponsored by the Deci-
sion Sciences Department.
In the first lecture, entitled
Russian Scientific and Educational
Systems Mechitov said he wants
to "get ECU faculty members, who
may visit Moscow University, ac-
quainted withRussianeducation"
"I will speak about how
classes are organized, the relation-
ship between teachers and stu-
dents and outline the structure of
research institutions in Russia
Mechitov said.
The second lecture will be
"Current Economic and Political
Situations in Russia
"I will speak about cur-
rent economic situations, particu-
larly social mentality. How Rus-
sians perceive change, "Mechitov
said. "Also, l will outline the
main political situation and fig-
ures. What policy they persue
Both instructors plan on
taking back new teaching tech-
niques to Moscow from their
teaching and cultural experiences
at ECU.
dent and professor during the
teachingprocess Mechitov said.
, "It is very good practice
for us Moshkovich said. "We
teach the same course in the
Moscow University. Course is
nicely done fat ECU. Lot of work
is done to prepare materials.
Also, make more emphasis to
Moshkovich said she
would try to give lectures that
described what students needed
tbdo. She also said that giving a
number of separate assignments
would give students good prac-
tical experience.
Continued from page 1
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with American correspondents
based in Berlin, Bassman met Rick
Atkinson, who is the American
correspondent for the Washington
Post, based in Berlin. Atkinson at-
tended ECU and spoke at spring
graduation several years ago.
During his spare time,
Bassman traced the Jewirh legacy
in Berlin.
"Especially in Berlin, there
is complete chaos because the
people in the West resent tine
people in the East Bassman said.
"Everywhere in the east you see
rubble, while the former West Ber-
lin looks like any modern city
Bassman also said that 85
percent of West Berliners still con-
sider themselves to be West Ger-
mans, not Germans.
Bassman said that in a re-
cent election, 80 percent of the
people living on the East side,
which was a communist police
state until 1991 when the wall
came down, voted for a commu-
rust party to be formed again.
"There seems to be a lot of
nostalgia for the past he said.
Bassman visited Humboldt
University, located in the former
East Berlin. Before fleeing Ger-
many, Einstein taught at
Humboldt. Before reunification,
there were 4,000 faculty mem-
bers at Humboldt. When Ger-
many reunified, the university
deposed 3,000 faculty members
and hired new people.
"All of this causes resent-
ment Bassman said.
Bassman mentioned visiting
tine Topography of Terror, in Ber-
lin, where the Gestapo Headquar-
ters was once located. All mat
remains are some underground
rooms. Today, there is an attempt
to start a museum.
"I was pleased to see tine
number of Holocaustmuseums
Bassman said.
Bassman said that Berlin
was once divided into four parts:
.French, English, American and
-Russian. The Allies have con-
tinued to march each month,
but marched for the final time
during Bassman's stay in Ger-
"The Allies would march
in Berlin once a month and when
1 was there was the last time
they would ever march he
The Literature of the Ho-
locaust course is taught each
spring and is a partial require-
ment for the Ethnic Studies mi-
nor. Other courses in the minor
curriculum include African-
American Literature, Women's
Studies, Ethnic Studies, Gay Lit-
erature, as well as many other
courses in anthropology, mu-
sic, sociology and other related
fields. Those interested in know-
ing more about the Ethnic Stud-
ies minor, or the Literature of
the Holocaust course, can con-
tact Dr. Basman at 757-6539.
Continued from page 1
sion of the Role of Teacher Edu-
cation, of the Association of
Teacher Educators in 1992 and
holds leadership posts in the
Southern Association of Col-
leges and Schools, the Ameri-
can Council of Education and
the American Association of
State Colleges and Schools and
She succeeds Dr. Edmond
L. Volpe, who will retire this
month after 20 years as presi-
dent of the college.
The College of Staten Is-
land was founded in 1976
through the union of Staten Is-
land Community College and
Richmond College of CUNY.
A four-year senior college with
an enrollment of 12,500, it of-
fers undergraduate degree
programs in 45 disciplines, the
master's degree in 10 programs
and participates in the Uni-
versity doctoral degree pro-
grams in four areas.

�� �K
TTie East Carolinian
JUly 6, 1994
Page 3
The East Carolinian
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S-�M be addressed to: Opinion Editor, 77 tor CM Publications Bldg ECU, Gxeenvdle, N.C Z7B5U353.
Far more infonnation, call (919) 757-6366.
World Cup mania strikes soccer hinterland I
3 World Cup Soccer swept into America last
moYtth on a wave of media hype, and for once
the final product may have matched its billing.
By all accounts, the international soccer
tournement has been a huge success thus far,
and this success shows all signs of continuing.
Unfortunately for American soccer fans,
the U.S. team was eliminated from the World
Cup by Brazil on Monday. Many had hoped for
a "miracle on grass" to match the "miracle on
ice" 1980 Olympic hockey team, believing that
such an improbable American victory would
ignite American interest in the game.
Those who hoped for such an outcome
suffer from a misunderstanding of such events.
In the 14 since the Lake Placid Olympics, there
has been no huge upsurge of interest in hockey
in America. Moreover, the increase which has
occurred owes more to skillful marketing by the
NHL and the play of talented Canadians like
Mario Lemieux and Wayne Gretsky than any
faded memories of past amature glories.
American soccer aficionados hope that
someday the game will be as wildly popular
here at home as it is elsewhere. However, such
fans miss several important considerations
which determine any game's popularity.
- In most other countries, there are far fewer
team sports to compete with soccer's dominance.
Furthermore, the game has through the years
become deeply embedded in those cultures, in
much the same fashion football, basketball and
baseball are part of ours. Children who grow up
playing a sport become the adult fanatics who
pay huge sums of money to support their favorite
� What's more, like many aspects of
American culture, our sports, such as basketball,
are gaining acceptance overseas much faster
than the more international sports, like soccer or
team handball, are gaining here. If soccer will
ever be really popular here, the Federation
Internationale de Football Associations (FIFA),
its governing body, is going to have to make
some changes to make the game more palatable
to the average American. One idea would be to
remove that silly offsides rule. This seems
roughly equivialent to saying that a wide receiver
on a football team cannot run past the defensive
backs to catch a touchdown pass. Something
else which would help would be to get more
American commentators for the TV matches.
Just hearing the British announcers saying things
like, "Holland are grates on the nerves.
The US. has much tobeproud of regarding
this World Cup. Not only did the American side
reach the second round for the first time in 64
years, it played one of the finest teams in the
world nearly even. In fact, the American team
might have been one of the most refreshing and
intelligent teams in the tournament, bccr.u�e
unlike many of the other teams (say, Colo abia),
there was no obvious pressure to succeed.
On a bigger level, the staging ot the
tournamentitself hasbeena success, withpacked
stadia to see all the matches. With the exception
of the murder of a Colombian player, and a
minor disturbance by Mexican fans, there have
been no major outbreaks of fan violence as too
often plagues the sport in Europe and South
America. America has proven itself not the
narrow, insulated nation it is often portrayed as,
but a place which welcomes new ideas and
By Patrick Hinson
By Laura Wright
Spousal abuse now seen as national epidemic
Fourth feelings frequently ignored in daily life
' It seems like most of
Greenville showed up to see the
fireworks on the Town Common
on Monday night, the Fourth of
July, and I doubt any of them were
The fireworks show was
outstanding, and I was pretty
shocked to see how much carnival
ahposphere Greenville actually
shipped onto the Common. I was
very impressed with the whole
tHhg. It seemed to me like people
ot all ages were having a good
time, riding the rides, hanging out
walking around or just watching
ancl dancing to the music. It was
good to see the people of a town
come together like we did and get
along, celebrating something that
we should all, at least at one time
or another in our lives, try to
I don't know what it was
about the fireworks show that
night, but for the first time in my
life (and maybe I should be
ashamed to say this) I watched a
fireworks display on
Independence Day and actually
thought about what July 4th really
means (or at least should mean) to
me and many other people. I mean,
if you can, just stop for a second
and try to think about how lucky
we are just to be able to celebrate
something like this, celebrating the
fact that we are free. We are a
nation of people who come
together one day a year and
celebrate being free, yet we live
and work and study together
freely every day. In many places
in the world the concept must
seem as alien as Martians or black
holes, yet we have grown so
accustomed to it that we never
even think about what it means,
much less how much it has cost us.
What does freedom mean? You've
probably thought so little about it
in your life that the thought
wrestles with your patience and
intelligence. You try to sum it up
in one word, to toss it off as
something given, something
obvious, which I guess is what it
mostly is, at least for our
generation. But freedom is more
than that, and, somewhere deep
inside, you must know that it is
I know I can't really
understand freedom because I
have never heard the sound of
gunfire in my direction, or had to
run for my life, or had to kill
another person in the name of
freedom. I have never left a part of
me, an arm or a leg, in a foreign
country, orbreathedmy lastbreath
in a place far away from home and
family on freedom's behalf. I have
never feared for my life, and grown
old too soon from that fear, nor
fought a war I didn't believe in in
the name of freedom. I have never
spent a day in a Chinese prison, or
in a Russian gulag, or ducking
Serbian shells, or hiding for my
life because I belong to a minority
tribe, clan or group of people. I
have never taken up arms and
fought against what I felt was an
unfair government in the name of
freedom, as our great-great-
grandfathers did, and so many
others whom we will never know,
who shed oceans of their blood on
the very soil of this country that
we take so much for granted, that
we drive across and party on. I
didn't fight for my life, my family
and my beliefs against a tyrannical
king, against unbelievable odds,
like our forefathers chose to do,
when the world was young, in the
name of freedom.
I, of course, have never been
enslaved, nor had to fight and
suffer for centuries for my rights
as a human being, and as a citizen,
as my African-American brothers
and sisters have, and as the women
of the United States have, and as
many of them still do. I have never
heard the sound of cannon fire,
nor held a dying friend in my arms
on a battlefield, nor lost a father,
brother, or mother whose life was
sacrificed in the name of freedom.
I have never felt what it is like to be
segregated, oppressed,
imprisoned or murdered just for
being different, for being the
wrong color or of the wrong
religion, as so many people have
been and as they still are in many
places. I have never known these
things. I have never fought in anger
over freedom. I have rarely even,
in my entire life, ever discussed it
that much with anyone else. I guess
it was just always there. I was just
always free, so I can never really
know the feeling the way it
probably should be felt.
There's a lot to be thankful
for, much more 1 guess than we
can ever realize. However, if we
can just try to realize it, attempt to
imagine what freedom and
independence actually mean to us,
and what they have meant to us
for such a short time now (just a
little over two hundred years), and
how hard 200 we've fought for it
in that time, I think that will count
for something.
We may all come up with
different versions or definitions of
what freedom may mean, but in
the end I think they will all boil
down to the same thing, and when
you think about it, it feels pretty
good, doesn't it?
Suddenly, the phones at
battered women's shelters are
ringing off of their hooks.
Suddenly, men are asking for help,
apparently just now realizing that
beating women is uncool.
Suddenly, every talk show, from
Geraldo to Oprah, is featuring
women who kill abusive
husbands, husbands who are
recovered wife beaters and women
who were stalked by their
husbands after they tried to leave.
Thank you, O. J. It's as if there
wasn't a problem until O. J.
Simpson presented it to us. It's as
if there wasn't a problem until he,
a well-known football player, "fell
from grace (I am so sick of
hearing how he took this fictitious
fall) and allegedly killed his wife.
Now, to men, O. J. represents that
which they least want to be, and to
women, that which they've known
all too well, for way too long.
I don't want to dwell on the
media circus that has become of
the murders of Nicole Brown
Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I
honestly thought that one article
about the absurdity surrounding
those crimes would be enough,
but I have some more to say. After
this article, I won't ever even
mention O. J. Simpson again. I'll
be happy if no one ever mentioned
him again, and I am definitely
ready to stop hearing how sad it is
that this is happening to HIM.
It is truly disgusting that it
takes the implication of someone
famous to wake up the American
public to the reality of desperate
For example, Rock Hudson
alerted us to the reality of AIDS.
With his death, we became aware
that a problem existed. But it really
took Magic Johnson's admission
of illness to make us feel at risk.
Magic became some sort of hero,
simply because he slept around.
It is curious that our culture
tends to view its athletes �
particularly its male football and
basketball players�as inherently
good, incapable of the faults of
other human beings.
The same thing that was true
for AIDS is true for spousal abuse.
The statistics have been around,
TV movies have been made about
the subject, we had all heard about
"battered wife syndrome before'
Nicole Simpson was found dead
last month. It didn't change
anything thatother celebrities had
been accused of beating the
women in their lives � for
example, Miles Davis, Ike Turner
and Jackson Browne all come to
mind � until a nationally known
and respected football player is
accused of murder.
It sucks that such extreme
circumstances are necessary to
make us aware that women die
every day at the hands of men
who supposedly love them. It
sucks that we place such irrational
faith in men who have done
nothing more than exhibit the
ability to successfully score points
in a game.
I hope that things will get
better as a result of the attention
given to the fact that Nicole
Simpson was a battered woman. I '
hope that maybe men will start to
realize that abusing women is a
much more serious offense that it
has been perceived to be in the
past. Women have been aware of
this fact, and maybe now if O. J. is
stigmatized with the label of wife
beater, other men will work harder
to avoid similar fates.
It just simply is not enough
for the victims to realize that
spousal abuse is a horrible thing.
It is more important that the
abusers and those with the
potential to be abusers (i.e. men in
general) view abuse as socially
unacceptable. It seems that if peer
pressure can cause people to do
bad things, thenit stands to reason
that Ucankeep people from doing
bad things as vfell. If men start to
speak out on behalf of women, if
men start to put pressure on other
men to stop beating women,
maybe our chances for survival
will increase.
I've said it before, and I'll say
it again now, because it seems
relevant: more women are abused
on Super Bowl Sunday than any
other day of the year. I think it's
about time we examine our
idolization of the violent side of
sports. I think it's past time for us
to reevaluate our choices of heroes.
By Jason Williams
Criticism of fanatical religious right not bigotry
Arkansans(Theseparticipantsare annoying man with funny hair,
notactors;theyareactuallitigants who does sort of a religious talk
who agreed) who level charge show on the Family Channel on
Recently, there has beenmuch
talk among political types about
an anti-Christian bias in the
popular media. I don't buy it, and
I think I can present a pretty strong
case against that argument. Before
going any farther, however, I
would like to say, for the record:
With people like Jerry Falwell, Pat
Robertson and John Ankerberg
(more on him later) representing
religion to the public, I wouldn't
blame folks for being turned off.
President Clinton recently
lashed out at his conservative
critics, most notably the
Reveraaaaand (say it like Rush
Limbaugh pronounces Jesse
Jackson's title) Jerry Falwell. Rep.
Vic Fazio called Falwell and others
like him "hatemongers Surgeon
General Joycelyn Elders made a
reference to "the un-Christian,
religious right I say "Amen" to
each of them for having the guts to
stand up to the bullies.
Falwell has a television show
called the "Old Time Gospel
Hour which airs several times a
week on the Family Channel, and
onother religious stations as well.
From this "bully pulpit does he
preach? Does he teach his
interpretation of the Bible? No, of
course not. He talks politics. Only
there is no one to argue with him,
no one to present the opposite
And he sells videotapes. Not
videotapes about how to be a good
Christian, mind you. He sells tapes
on which, appear ordinary
after unsubstantiated charge,
including murder, against the
President. Curiously, Falwell
defends the tapes on TV talk
shows, but objects when someone
says he himself accused Clinton of
murder. Can you say "covering"
your butt?'
Robertson has an equally
obnoxious show, broadcast four
times daily where I live in Florida,
but shown originally on the Family
Channel, which Robertson
partially owns. "The700Clubso
named because he asks
contributors to donate said
amount annually, is not as
offensive as Falwell's, in part
because it doesn't purport to be an
exclusively religious show, and
also because they have decent
special features and some fair
Notice I said some fair
reporting. With the exception of
international events, reporters for
"The 700 Club" give their stories
an obvious conservative slant;
watching solely this news, one
would get the impression that the
only things that happened in
America were abortion protests.
And Robertson, like Falwell, isn't
afraid to get his digs in about the
President, Democrat members of
Congress and international figures
who are not adherents to his
John Ankerberg is an
Sundays at 11:30 p.m. He mostly
stays out of politics, saving his
venom for religions and
denominations of Christianity that
do not match his own.
Lately he has been attacking
Catholics for, well, not being
Protestants, and he pretty much
condemns them to hell for their
Catholicism. In the past, his shows
have assailed Jews, Moslems, Free
Masons and the occult. I'd hate to
see what he thinks of Unitarians.
Of course, I know these
buffoons don't speak for most
Christians, nor most
conservatives. In fact, many
Christians and many
conservatives distance themselves
from these characters every chance
they get. But, by that same token,
the President and others ought to
be able to call these people what
they are � religious bigots �
without being called anti-
Now back to that media thing.
Ever notice that all of these TV
preachers, all of the conservative
columnists, authors like Dan
Quayle and William Bennet,
Limbaugh and all the rest of the
folks who complain about the
liberal media � they're always on
TV, on the radio or in the
newspaper when they say it. And
I'll bet not one of them has ever
appeared on the "Old Time
Agnostics Hour
�MM � MM

Page 4
June 29, 1994
room for140.00 13 utilities.
Call 830-2007, ask for Paul.
FOR FALL to share 3 bedroom
house located in a quiet neighbor-
hood near the hospital. Must be a
serious student and non-smoker.
$ 260.00 rent month includes utili-
ties and cable TV. If interested call
Harold after 4:00 p.m. at 830-5160.
wanted for apartment 1 2 block
from Art Bldg 3 blocks from
downtown, 2 blocks from Super-
market. Starting in August. Call
Preferred Male Student to share a
two bedroom and two bathroom
mobile home at Greystone Mobile
Home Park. Only175.00 and 1
2 utilities. If interested, call Scott
Tanner at 321-0404.
RENT: 302 Lewis Street, 5 minute
walking distance from ECU cam-
pus, off street parking, garage,
fenced yard, central AC, house
fans, kitchen appliances, hookups,
no pets, 1 year lease,675.00 de-
posit. Available July 1. Call (910)
WANTED to share large house (3
minutes from campus) for the
summer. Contact Mike at 752-
preferably male, responsible, neat,
non-smoker for own bedroom in
Eastbrook Apts.185.00 per
month, plus 12 utilities and
phone. Call Andi at 830-5250.
room duplex160.00 or 1 bed-
room furnished apartment $
Now Taking Leases for
1 bedroom, 2 bedroom &
Efficiency Apartments.
CALL 752-2865
250.00. Walk to campus. Call 752-
1375. Homelocators.
CHECK IT OUT! 3 bedroom
house600.00 or huge 4 bedroom
townhouse 2.5 baths,800.00 near
campus! Call 752-1375.
PETS OK! 1 bedroom house $
255.00 or 2 bedroom house325.00,
pets ok! Call 752-1375.
room350.00 or 3 bedroom duplex
$ 500.00 call 752-1375. Homelocators.
MATE to share two bedroom apart-
ment starting August 1st, one block
from ECU Campus. Call Angie, (910)
NEEDED A.S.A.P Dogwood Hol-
low Apts. Close to campus, 225
month and 12 utilities. Own bed-
room, own bath. Neat and non-
smoker. Call 752-9633.
AUGUST, preferrably a non-
smoker, and semi-serious student
for a 2 bedroom 2 bath duplex on
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MEDIATELY. Male or female,
graduate orprofessionaLOwnroom,
pool, tennis courts, quiet.165.00
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townhouse at Sheraton Village. $
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ter 5:00 p.m.
PMT problems. Amazing, safe, natu-
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minute recorded message.
A five session workshop is being
offered by the Counseling Center to
help you answer these questions. Take
assessment instruments, learn career
research skills, and find out how
personality affects career choice.
Summer Session II workshops begin
theweekof July 4. Limited Enrollment.
Call 757-6661.
Employment opportunities are
available to students who are
interested in becoming PERSONAL
CARE ATTENDANTS to individuals
in wheelchairs. Also, READERS AND
TUTORS are needed. Past experience
is desired but not required. If
interested, contact: Office for Disability
Support Services Brewster A-116 or
A-114 Telephone: (919) 757-6952
The 1993-94 Treasure Chests are
here! Be sure to pick up your FREE
video yearbook. Available at the
Student Store, The East Carolinian,
Joyner Library, Mendenhall and the
Media Board office in the Student
Publications Building.
Two presentations on current
Russian problems by Dr. Alexander
Mechitov of the Russian Academy of
Sciences: July 6 (WednesJay) at 2:00
p.m. in GCB 3012, "Russian Scientific
and Educational Systems and July
12 (Tuesday) at 2:00 p.m. in GCB
3012, "Current Economic and
Political Situations in Russia
Literacy volunteers will hold a
three day workshop to teach
volunteers how to become reading
tutors. The workshop will be held
on July 14, 15, and 16th, during
daytime hours. Call Literacy
Volunteers at 752-0439 for the
workshop schedule, meeting place,
and additional information. One in
every four adults in Pitt County
cannot read the directions on a
medicine bottle or a child's note
from school. You can change the life
of one of these adults by giving
them the power of reading. Call
752-0439 for more details.
(on, vcu ARE a treat.
We want cartoonists. We need cartoonists. We pay cartoonists.
If you want to be published in Greenville's only forum with original strips by
students, lissen up!
To apply, you must bring to our offices two finished 8" x 13" (two tiers
worth) samples of your proposed strip (lettering, inks, the whole taco) on
cardstock paper in heavy black ink. That's right, we are demanding. But if
your work is good, you'll run every week in Pirate Comics.
See Stephanie Smith, staff illustrator, for further information.
We're on the second floor of the student publication building.
And we're waiting.

The East Carolinian
July 6, 1994
Page 5
Walnut Creek hosts Allmans
Photo by Laslm Patty
The Allman Brothers was the latest band to grace the stage of Walnut Creek's
Amphitheater, wooing the crowd with nostalgia and some great weather.
By Warren Sumner
Lifestyle Editor
Lightning flashed. Guitars
screamed. The earth moved. (Well,
sort of.) What more could anyone
ask for from a rock concert than
was presented by the Allman Broth-
ers last Friday at Walnut Creek?
There was a festive atmo-
sphere, beautiful weather, great
sound and great music. The Broth-
ers were smokin' and so was their
audience, enjoying a sweaty, shin-
ing day. The stench of barbecuing
food and skin mixed with the crisp,
sweet smell that filtered through
the Raleigh air. (Gee I wonder what
that was.)
The Brothers were supported
by two relatively new bands to the
scene: Big Head Todd and the Mon-
sters, and The Screaming Cheetah
Wheelies. Bom bands did an admi-
rable job opening the show, but it
quickly became apparent that the
majority of the Creek-goers had
dome for rhp soundsof Greg Allman
and the boys, who started their set
around 8:00.
The Allmans provided the
crowd with all the hits they knew
and loved, as well as the future
classics off their new album Where
It All Begins. Ripping through over
three hours of music, the band in-
termingled their old and new songs
as to where anyone who wasn't
familiar with their material
wouldn't have known the differ-
ence. Early in the show, the group
performed "All Night Train
"Soulshine" and "Sailing Across the
Devil Sea" off their latest release,
along with their classic standard
which was performed under fitting
weather. Of course, the crowd
cheered louder for the older favor-
ites, but no one seemed to object to
the new material.
The Allmanscontinued in their
more classic mode with "Seven
Turns" and "Midnight Rider" be-
fore cranking out their biggest hit
from the new album, "No One to
Run With as the Raleigh sun di-
minished into the night. A slow,
grooving version of "Jessica" was a
highlight of the spectacular show
that had the dancing crowd grind-
ing up the turf on the Creek's lawn.
The Allmans soon went into a
twenty-minute version of "In
Memory of Elizabeth Reed All
the players in the band had their
chance to solo in this tune to the
delight of lovers of music improvi-
After "Elizabeth Reed" the au-
dience was ready to jam and the
Brothers didn't let them down with
a smoking version of "One Way
Out The Brothers left the stage to
thunderousapplause,but returned
to pound out a couple of older fa-
vorites to finish off the crowd.
"Southbound" and "Whipping
Post" provided an incredible en-
core to the concert, until theCreek's
See ALLMAN page 6
Speed lives up to hype as blockbuster
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
The ultimate summer film has
sped into Greenville in the form of
a high octane, souped-up, marvel
of a vehicle called Speed.
Speed begins with a nail-biting
elevator sequence thatwould serve
as a finale in many inferior films.
In Speed, former cinema tographer
Jan DeBont orchestrates a thrilling
scene in which an elevator is rigged
to drop thirty-five floors unless
the terrorist is paid three million
DeBont directs his first feature
with such aplomb that one would
never know it washis first. DeBont
cut his teeth as a cinema tographer
for big-budget thrillers like Basic
Instinct. He knows that a thriller
like Speed needs to keep up the
pace so that the audience does not
get bored. He mainta ins the break-
neck momentum from beginning
to end such mat, true to its title, the
film keeps moving.
Keanu Reeves turns in his first
certifiable starring performance as
thwarts the terrorist (Dennis Hop-
per, in a great over-the-top perfor-
mance) in the beginning of Speed,
which leads the terrorist to exact
his revenge on Jack by placing a
bomb on a bus that is set to ex-
plode if the vehicle drops below 50
mph. Reeves imbues Jack with all
the necessary charisma and cour-
age to make him into a genuine
hero yet also gives Jack enough
human characteristics so that the
audience knows that he is no su-
Reeves' acting is good, but
Sandra Bullock's, an ECU gradu-
ate, is great. Bullock shone lastyear
in Stallone's Demolition Man and
she glimmers in Speed. Bullock
plays Annie, a passenger on the
bus who is forced to take over the
wheel when the driver gets shot.
The warmth and humor she brings
to the role gives the viewer wel-
come relief from the crises occur-
ring on screen. She sheepishly
tells Jack that she needs to make a
confession. She tells him that she
has had her license suspended.
When Jack asks why she coyly
looks up and says: "Speeding
Bullock serves as the perfect
foil for Reeves and the two have
many great moments together
while speeding down the L.A.
Freeway. By the end of the film the
viewer cares about both these char-
acters even without knowing any-
thing of their personal life.
The wit shown in Speed, as
well as the exciting story, can be
credited to one man, Graham Yost
In a Hollywood world where mul-
tiple screenwriters show up in the
majority of credits (and some films,
like The Flintstones, have as many
as thirty-two writers) a single
screen writing credit deserves ad-
miration. Though Speed will never
be mistaken for art, the finely tuned
plot and the light dialogue make it
a model for all action films.
Speed is so good that it rivals
last summer's The Fugitive, though
the latter film delivers a more sat-
isfying package upon repeated
Creek crowd gets
damp fillet of Phish
CD Reviews
CD Reviews
viewings. (I confess to already hav-
ing seen Speed twice since it opened
three weeks ago.)
Speed will leave you exhausted
by its final reel. More action and
than one could get in an entire day at
King's Dominion. This roller coaster
ride is guaranteed to thrill. I have
even taken to telling friends thatlwill
refund their money if theydonot like
Speed, so sure am I of its appeal.
Speed is one of those films that
everyone can like, much likeTTie Fu-
gitive There is mercifully little blood-
shed and the language is fairly re-
strained. With action, spills and a
likable busload full of people on the
vergeofdisasteronecannotgo wrong
by going to see Speed.
Speed is the epitome of a great
summer film. It makes you want to
cozy up with a big bucket of buttery
popcorn�damn the cholesterol�
and let your mind consume the
equivalent of that popcorn. Useless
mental calories never tasted so good
On a scale of one to ten, Speed
rates an eight.
CD Reviews
By Burt Aycock
Staff Writer
A couple of days before I left
town to go to Phish's June 29
show, at Raleigh's Walnut Creek
Amphitheatre, I dropped in a lo-
cal record and tape store to pick
up one of the band's five albums.
I had been listening to Lawn Boy
for several months and wanted a
different dose of Phish's sound
to prep me for the concert.
While I was browsing
through the CD section, I asked a
friend of mine (who just hap-
pened to be working behind the
counter) to recommend another
Phish album. As he was putting
their latest release, Hoist, into the
store's sound system for me to
listen to, he said, "Some people
say they're gonna replace the
GratefuiDead. Butlthinkthey're
better than that
I think my friend, who prob-
ably knows as much about re-
cent music history as anyone in
Greenville, was referring to the
level of Phish's musicianship as
compared to Garcia and his gang.
A debatable topic, no doubt.
What most people mean when
they say, "PhishisthenextGrate-
ful Dead is that they are draw-
ing in the same tie-dyed crowd.
When I got out of my truck
in the rain-soaked Walnut Creek
parking lot and started making
my way to the amphitheatre, the
rumors I'd been hearing about
this change-of-the-guard were
Despite a steady rain, there
were groups of Phishheads scat-
tered among the cars. Some were
merely standing in circles taking
in whatever toxins they had pro-
cured for the show. Others were
skipping merrily through the
mud puddles, humming indeci-
pherable tunes. There were even
several groups of vendors sell-
ing large balloons filled with the
ever popular giggle gas. Ah, to
have a cerebral hemorrhage at a
live show.
Yes, they have definitely in-
herited much of the same crowd
that flocks around The Dead. But
Phish has done something new
with that acid rockcountry
blues mixture. They've given it a
more modern, tongue-in-cheek
twist. It's a bouncy, funk-influ-
enced sound that only gains
strength in a live performance.
The first discernable song as
I made my way to the ticket gate
was "Sample in a Jar the sev-
enth track off of Hoist. The dis-
tant lyrics "And I was foggy,
rather groggy You helped me
to my car" seemed oddly ap-
Following a rain-soaked
roar of approval, Phish broke
into one of my favorite ditties
off of their albumLonm Boy(You
know, the one with the half-
buried vacuum cleaner on the
cover). "Bag it. Tag it Sell it to
the butcher in the store ech-
oed over the edge of the grassy
stadium as I moved past sev-
eral orange ponchos guarding
the press gate.
There was still a steady
downpour when I finally found
a vantage point in the back row
of seats. A sort of Joe Walsh
sounding tune with a hand
clapping intro kept a carefree
crowd on their naked toes.
Phish then ripped through
the gospel-influenced "Julius
the first track on Hoist. The ma-
jority of the songs that wrapped
up the first set were from the
album "Junta including the
melodic "Silent in the Morn-
ing the jazzy "David Bowie
and the biologically-inspired
"Golgi Apparatus
I'd like to thank The Kind
Sisters of Jarvis St. for taking
time out from their rain danc-
ing to share with me their vast
knowledge of Phish song titles:
Peace, Sisters.
I sat on the outer fringe of
the crowd during the break and
munched on some Fritos VA
smuggled past security. By the
time Phish took the stage for
their second set, the rain had
stopped but the temperature
had dropped a good ten de-
I stayed on my cement
perch and watched the pass-
ing Phishheads (or is it
Phishtails?) for three or four
more songs. A pre-pneumo-
nia chill and that end-of-con-
cert monotony told me it was
time for departure.
The next time you hear that
Phish is in town (okay, we'll
say Raleigh), shell out a little
cash and get a dose of their
They're a band not with-
out traceable influences. But
that doesn't detract from what
they do. It's how they inte-
grate and modernize those in-
fluences that sells the CDs and
keeps the Phishtails coming
back time after time.
CD Reviews
s UH. . . no
TUke Yonr
MWortH A Try
s Hignly Recommended
The Venus Trail
One of my favorite methods of
reviewing music is comparing the
band being reviewed o other, bet-
ter-known bands. It's a good
reviewer's trick, a sort of short-cut
useful in writing about bands unfa-
miliar to readers. It might be a little
unfair, but it gives readers an im-
mediate idea of what they're deal-
ing with.
So, when I was listening to The
Venus Trail, the new release by vir-
tual unknowns the 3Ds, I was natu-
rally looking for comparisons. The
problem, in this case, is pinning
down any one band to compare
them to. At turns, the 3Ds sound
like any number of classic alterna-
tive bands.
For example, The Venus Traits
opening track, "Hey Seuss with
David Mitchell's screaming vocals
and growly-guitars, could sit com-
fortably on any Pixies album. Also
sung by the 3Ds' female vocalist
DeniseRoughan, which soundslike
one of Kim Deal's sweetly soothing
Pixies tunes.
But "Ice with a muddy, le-
thargic beat and syrupy, grunge
guitar work, might be a forgotten
Dinosaur Jr. track from 1989, with
Denise Roughan standing in for J
Mascis. Even closer to Dinosaur
Jrschurning sea-sick style is "Phila-
delphia Rising sung by David
And "The Venus Trail" itself,
the album's title track, is a bone-
nasty Sonic Youth style snarler .Tak-
ing a less hectic page from the Sonic
Youth playbook, The 3Ds also give
us "Jane dr which features loads
and loads of distortion.
So, to say that The 3Ds wear
their influences on their sleeves
would be an understatement. But
they don't simply copy their idols.
In the more interesting tracks from
The Venus Trail, the 3Ds mix and
match their influences to good ef-
fect. "CashNoneforinstance,stirs
Dinosaur Jr. vocal syrup in with a
Pixies guitar jangle for an odd ef-
fect. The sound of thick, meander-
ing vocals laid over a bouncy back
beat is jarring, but not unpleasant.
Even more jarring, but also more
effective is "Man on the Verge of a
Nervous Breakdown On this one
the 3Ds manage to marry Sonic
Youth's snarl and slash to Dino-
saur Jrs more laid-back sound.
But what really makes the 3Ds
shine is their ability to hide their
influences and create a more origi-
nal sound. On tracks like "The
Youngand the Restless" and "Sum-
mer Stone they give us some re-
ally nice, distortion-heavy noise
rock. Their influences are still sort
of obvious, but they've finally cre-
ated a style of their own.
All in all, The Venus Trail is a nice
little album. The 3Ds have the poten-
tial to become a very good noise rock
band, if they can only break further
away from the bands they try to
copy. While they can duplicate the
Pixies' vocal balance, the' don't re-
ally have that band's strange perver-
sity. While they can also distort and
moan like Dinosaur Jr they can't
oopyJMascis'laid-back insanity. And
playing in Sonic You th'snerve-rend-
ing distorted noise style is fine, but if
you can't duplicate their intellectual
snarl, you're not going to get very far.
The 3Ds need tofind their own voice,
and their own style to become truly
great Until they do, they'll just be
above-average. Granted, thaf s not
bad. But they could be more.
� Mark
21 Ways To Grow
Following the 1 smash suc-
cess other Motown-debut album.
Inner Child, Shanice is set to re-
turn to the airwaves with her sec-
ond effort. 21 WaysTo Grow
marks her sophomore project for
the label and will introduce the
public to a mature, sophisticated
Inner Child stormed the
charts in 1992, vaulting Shanice
into the dubious position of one
of Motown's new sensations.
The album's smash single, "I
Love Your Smile dominated
radio and video outlets and
strengthened Shanice's position
on the scene.
Since then, Shanice has cap-
tured the German Golden Lion
award for "Best International
Artist has been nominated for
a Grammy award as "Best R&B
Female Vocalist has collabo-
rated with artists such as Kenny
Loggins and contributed songs
to the soundtracks of "Beverly
Hills 90210 Boomerang and The
Meteor Man.
Shanice is back with a 13-
track CD comprised of mostly
ballads and up-tempo R&B, and
a new attitude about who she is.
Off the Motown label, the CD is
titled 21 Ways To Grow, and as
she approaches her 21si birth-
day, this is undoubtedly her
See SHANICE page 6

Hill Ill i�" �����MMM
6 The East Carolinian
July 6. 1994
Disney roars at box office
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
Disney's latest animated classic,
The Lion King, has reared into theaters
and is quickly becoming the biggest
hit of the summer.
Hailed as a cross between Bambi
and Hamlet, this new film tells the tale
of a baby lion named Simba who is
one day destined tc rule the jungle like
for Simba Mufasa's brother Scar has
his own plans to be king and to do so
needs to kill both Simba and Mufasa.
Simba is forced to leave to leave
the jungle when he thinks that he has
killed his father. Years later,the jungle
in ruins under the rule of Scar, Simba
returns to claim his throne.
' This simple tale is told with the
usual Disney panache Colorful char-
acters dominate the screen through-
out 77k lion King. Zazu, a jungle bird,
serves the role of sidekick to the king
but then has a minor role once the
story concentrates on Simba. Three
hyenas add a dark humor to the film
as mey try to kill Simba but can never
quiet accomplish their task. A wart-
hogand a weasel befriend Simba dur-
ing his exile A female lion named
Nak, a baboon who is a wizened
out the cast of characters mTheLkm
- One of the nice touches of The
lion King is that the father's role is
emphasized. Lately Disney has been
paying homage to dads with the
, Belle's father in Beauty and the Beast,
and King Triton in The Little Mermaid.
King Mufasa is the most dominant
dad to date.
r As voiced by James Earl Jones,
Mufasa's advice to Simba seem like
universal truths. The booming bari-
tone of Jones gives Mufasa a regal
Some of the other voices in The
UonKing indudeMatthewBroderick
as the adult Simba, Nathan Lane as
the weasel, Whoopi Goldberg as one
of the hyenas, and Jeremy Irons as
Scar. Irons givesScar a slick menacing
style His voice drips with honey as he
tries to set up Simba to be killed.
TheLkmKing does well when it
sticks to its simple story. But the film
is a musical and the music is what
sabotages theftlm. Tim Rice and Elton
John are responsible for the songs in
The Lion King and they make one
sorely miss Howard Ashman who
died several years ago. Ashman was
responsible for the snappy, witty ryr-
kscfTheLittkMermaid, Beauty and the
Beast, and several songs in Alladdin
The songs in TheLionKing lack snap
and wit They help tell the story but
they have little life on their own. They
do not soar the way "Friend Like Me"
or "Under the Sea" does. No song
catches the interest of the viewer the
way the opening song does in Beauty
andtheBeast and Alladin.
The only song still echoing in the
viewer's ear upon leaving the theater
may be "Hakunah Matatah a catch
little number which means "don't
worryThe rest of themusic will stay
in the mind no longer than it takes to
finish the song on screen.
77k LkmKingisnaka bad film but
itlacks the spark of Disney's previous
three films. My family ranked the last
four films and the consensus was:
1. Beauty and the Baast(possibly
the best ever)
2 The Little Mermaid
3. Alladdin
4. 77k Lion King
For family entertainment no stu-
dioisbetter than Disneybutnot every
film can be a classic
On a scale of one to ten, 77k Uon
King rates a seven.
Greenville sun-lovers
flocked to the Town
Commons Monday for
the city's Independence
Day celebration. The
carnival pictured was
followed by a fireworks
display after the sun went
Photo by
LmII Patty
Continued from page 5
Rent includes
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coming-of-age project. With song
titles like "Don't Break My Heart
"Turn Down The Lights "Give
Me The Love I Need "When I Say
I Love You and "Never Chang-
ing Love there exists a surplus of
passion and sensuality in her mu-
Track number four, "Turn
Down The Lights (described by
Shanice as "my adult ballad"), is a
definite standout and my personal
pick. This track bears a striking
resemblance to Toni Braxton in
lyrical content and its sensual, emo-
tion-filled style.
The next track, "Some-
where which is the first single, is
reminiscent of a Janet Jackson tune
with its up tempo beats and strong
chorus. This song is about a young
woman patiently searching for
the perfect relationship.
The CD also contains a
couple of hip-hop tracks includ-
ing "Ace Boon Coon which was
written by Shanice along with
Jermain Dupriof theKrissKross
management group and "I Like
also written by Shanice and re-
sembles Arrested
Development's "Everyday
Overall, the album has a
fair amount of versatility and
contains more than one poten-
tial chart buster. Oh, and if bal-
lads are what you're looking for,
this one's definitely for you.
� Martin
Continued from page 5
skies were filled with fireworks in
celebration of the upcoming Inde-
pendence Day on Monday. As daz-
zling as the firework presentation
was, it couldn't compare to the fire-
works on the stage. The band was
incredibly tight and played the
majority of the songs the audience
had come for.
Perhaps the only disappointing
absences were the omissions of
"Ramblin' Man" and "Revival In
light of the performance given and
thelengmoffheAllman'sother tunes,
this was certainly understandable.
Although theCreekwasn'taspacked
this time as it was at last year's show,
this reviewer thought their �. 2-
mance was better and well worth the
price of admission. It is refreshing to
hear a successful band's new mate-
rial and haveitstand up to theold.
Perhaps the Rolling Stones
. could take a lesson.
while you wait
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The East Carolinian
July 6, 1994
Page 7
ECU's Keller makes N.C. history
File Photo
The ECU rugby team, "The Ruggers" as they liked to be called, are one of ECU's finest clubs. The team was a
success against other North Carolina teams this year, particularly N. C. State, Duke and UNC-Charlotte.
By Jeanette Roth
Guest Writer
Ail-American status is reserved
for those who have reached the pin-
nacle of skill development in a par-
ticular sport. Michael Jordan, for
example,isaclearpictureof athletic
prowess in mid-air.
Jay Keller, on the other hand, is
the first North Carolinian to ever be
selected as an All-American in
rugby. A full-time undergraduate
student at ECU, Keller is pursuing a
double major in History and En-
glish with no scholarship.
"Jay combined the most of the
best traits with an intense desire to
do well said Larry Babbitt, ECU's
Club Rugby ccach and adviser.
Doing well is an understate-
ment in the case of Keller. His list of
awards began in the fall of 1993
when he was selected to represent
ECU, the local Rugby Union and
then the United States as a member
of the USA Rugby East squad.
In the spring of 1994, he was
invited to the National Rugby
Camp, at Annapolis, Md and flew
to California to play as a member of
the East Team against the "cream of
the rugby crop" from around the
nation. While there, Keller served
as a reserve and starter against the
U.S. Pacific squad, Canada, and the
All-Military team.
The Club Rugby team is cur-
rently celebrating its 20th anniver-
sary at ECU. Although seasons in
the past have been marked by
good and bad performances, the
1990'sha vebeenkind to the squad:
For the last four years, ECUS
rugby team has been crowned
Union Champions. Considering,
that the majority of team players
had never played rugby before
joining ECU, one irrefutable key
to success has been the strength of
ECU's team leaders. With several
graduate students and three-to
four faculty members at the fore-
front teachingcoaching system
has developed that should make
any intercollegiate football pro-
gram take notice. �,�
The snow-balling success of-��
the 1994 team speaks for itself. A �
N.C. State Tournament win over
Duke (31-0), the hammering qf�
N.C. State (60-0) and most imporj
tantlv, the crowning victory over
UNC-CH (46-3), in a Richmond,
Va tournament. .rrr,
For a team with little financial- �
various members of three sepa-
rate squads, this blood and guts
team has one characteristic un
common to the typical rugby�
prortrait heart. �,
nus (Fall '94), will no doubt conn,
tinue the ECU Rugby tradition as.
an alumni member of the squads�
The traditions of leadership and
teaching have already begun by;
ECU's newest All American.
U.S. team
will not be
(AP)�The final whistle
gathered them up from ev-
ery comer of the field, the
end of their quest becoming
in some ways a mirror im-
age of its beginning.
Never more a nation of
immigrants than when it
comes to soccer, the United
Statespulled together a team
with precious little tradition
and even less history and �
on the Fourth of July, no less
� nearly pulled off one of
the greatest upsets the game
has ever seen.
"I'm sad because we
haven't been able to go for-
ward Bora Milutinovic said
jus moments after Brazil's
1-0 victory Monday.
As befits a Serb who
endeared himself as
America's Coach, he was
speaking Spanish through
an interpreter.
"But at the same time, I
am very happy Milutinovic
added, "becauseof theeffort
my players put forward
He then proceeded to
single outthe fire-engine red-
head, Alexi Lalas, the
dreadlocked Cobi Jones and
the tonsorially unspectacu-
lar Mike Sorber, not, as one
might guess, because of their
radically different ap-
proaches to grooming, but
becauseof their absolute lack
of World Cup experience.
"I mention them
Milutinovic said, "because
they came straight out of
college and they have faced
the players who have the
greatest experience in the
world. That should show
everybody that the U.S. has
a great future in soccer
That, of course, remains
to be seen. There is no longer
any doubting, however, that
the United States at lasf has a
foundation to build on. Be-
fore their brave run ended
on a shimmering California
afternoon, inside a stadium
built for American football,
this curious mix of home-
grown products and citi-
See WORLD CUP page 8
Wednesday Tuly 6 Co-Rec
9 p.m. F2 Summer's Finest
vs. Fun Team
Wednesday Tuly 6 Men's
9 p.m. F3 Penthouse Players
vs. Huckleberries
10 p.m. F3 Summer's Finest
vs. Crusties
Thursday Tuly 7 Co-Rec
9 p.m. F2 Economics Society
vs. Fun Team
Thursday Tuly 7 Men's
9 p.m. F3 Penthouse Players
vs. Crusties
10 p.m. F3 Summer's Finest
vs. U Lose II
Wednesday Tuly 6
De Mala Muerte
vs. Crusties
8:30 p.m. CG
9 p.m. CG
9:30 p.m. CG
Nowhere to Run
vs. Solomon's
Wisemen Return
vs. Da Fat Kats
F2, F3 - Ficklen Intramural Fields 2 and 3.
CG - Christenbury Gymnasium
Teams hope to leave mark �
1 � tm
(Rec.Serv.)�With the sec-
ond summer session well un-
derway, the seasons for sev-
eral Intramural Sports activi-
ties are set to begin. High hopes
prevail as a number of teams
feel that they have the oppor-
tunity to compete for the titles
in 3-on-3 basketball and soft-
In 3-on-3 basketball, sev-
eral teams appear to be early
favorites. The 1993-94 Schick
Super Hoops campus champi-
ons "Longfellows" return in-
tact led by Neil Torrey, Eric
Foley and Todd Moser. Sum-
mer 5-on5 champs "The Fat
Cats" do not appear ready to
relinquish their loity status, as
James McGee, Todd Stephens
and Brian Haislip lead this strong
unit. 5-on5 runners-ups, "The
Crusties" have split into two
teams as Jacob Jones, Shannon
Cowan and Brad French com-
prise the original members, while
sharpshooters Daniel Finn and
Chris Loeffel have broken off to
form "Nowhere to Run and are
joined by Frankie Durham. Also
in the hunt is the ever-dangerous
"Solomon's Wisemens Return
as well as Brandon Wooten's "De
Mala Muerte
In softball, "Summer's Fin-
est" attempts to defend their first
summer session Co-Rec title
against their top rival, "The Eco-
nomics Society who have a 22-
player roster. "Economics
Society"continues to rely on the
steady pitching of Diana
Mahoney and the hard hit-
ting of Diane Cutshall, Andy
Campbello and Lester
Zeager. The infamous "Fun
Team" boldly promises that
this session will be different,
as thev intend to capture the
championship behind the all-
around play of Jeff Money.
The men's division returns
with last session's runners-
up "U Lose II" as the top team,
with Stephen Lovett and
Mike Kehoe providing the
necessary leadership. Other J
top teams include Dave J
Pond's "Penthouse Players J
"Summer's Finest" (an all
Photo by Leslie Petty
"Swing batter, batter, batter, sw-i-i-i-ing batter Intramural softball
and basketball are ready to start their new season. Good luck to all teams. j�
Valenzuela returns to Dodger Stadium, but in a Phillies red uniform
(AP) � In a city where people
seem to come together only for di-
sasters, natural and otherwise,
Dodger Stadium teemed Sunday
with 54,167 unabashed nostalgics
for Fernando-mania.
Many even arrived by game
time, so fervent were they about
Fernando Valenzuela's return, al-
beit in a Phillies uniform.
They not only rooted their
former Cy Young Award winner to
the mound that made him famous,
but rose in applause as he struck out
All-Star slugger Mike Piazza to end
the first inning.
"He played here for 100 years.
The guy's a legend Piazza said
later. "I would have cheered him,
But not even the rare support
of the sellout road crowd could help
Valenzuela overcome the Phillies'
moribund bats and defense in a 3-1
loss, his first ever to the Dodgers.
"What can I say? We lost the
game said Valenzuela, shrugging
off the emotion of his homecoming.
"I'd rather pitch bad and win the
Valenzuela did his part, keep-
ing the Dodgers' big hitters off bal-
ance, scattering six hits in as many
innings, walking none. He also
smacked the first of four Phillies
hits off Orel Hershiser, another
former Cy Young winner, who
pitched seven innings for liis fifth
win this season.
All i t took to dampen the drama
of their pitching duel, however, was
a couple of catchable second-inning
Texas League popups that found
the short outfield grass.
After Tim Wallach doubled to
start the inning, Raul Mondesi hit
the first ppp to right field. Tony
Longmire hroko late on it and
missed it by inches. Mondesi got a
double on it, but Wallach held at
third thinking the ball would be
Next up, Cory Snyder hit the
same ball, but higher, over short-
stop. For some reason, no Phillie got
near that, as it landed alone, equi-
distant from left fielder Pete
Incaviglia, shortstop Kevin Stacker
and center fielder Milt Thompson.
"I thought both balls should
have been caught manager Jim
Fregosi said. "I don't think
Fernando should have given up a
Wallach came in on the sec
ond blooper then Rafael Boumigal.�
dropped a nice squeeze bunt tSl
score Mondesi.
Otherwise, Valenzuela
puzzled the Dodgers, allowing jusjj
two singles over the next four in-
nings. But Hershiser did the samGJ
to the Phils, keeping everything iff;
the infield until Valenzuela's thirds
inning, two-out single. Thompm
son followed with a single of his "
own, but Mickey Morandinjj"
grounded out to end that chanosjj;
See BASEBALL page 8 ��,

8 The East Carolinian
July 6, 1994
Strawberry returns at AAA
(AP) � Darryl Strawberry took
anothei step toward returning to the
majors Monday night, hitting a home
run and a single in his first two at-bats
lor the Triple-A Phoenix Firebirds.
Playing for the first time since
sigrungwithSanFranciscoonJune 19,
Strawberry batted third and was in
right field for the Giants' top farm
team. He singled sharply in the first
inning and hit a solo homer estimated
at 410 feet in the third against
Pitcher Keith Morrison got some
revenge in the fourth inning, striking
out a swinging Strawberry with a 3-2
breaking balL
had his first fielding opportunity. He
picked up a single but was unable to
throw out a runner who scored from
It was Strawberry's first game
since April 2, a day before he left the
Los Angeles Dodgers without an ex-
planation. On April 4, he admitted
that he had a substance-abuse prob-
Strawberry spent four weeks at
the Betty Ford Center, negotiated a
settlement that released him from the
Dodgers and later joined the Giants.
The Giants have ha- him on a
conditioning program t-nce they
signedhim. Althoughhisschedulefor
returning to the major leagues hasn't
beenrevealed, itisbelievedhe will join
the Giants after the AU-Star break.
The 10,000-seat Peoria Sports
Complex was sold out, but the stands
were sparsely occupied until just be-
fore gametime, probably because of
the 108-degree temperatures reached
in the Phoenix area before nightfall.
a ball and then singled up the middle
against Morrison. The crowd cheered
him when he came to the plate and
Strawberry's homer in the third
put Phoenix ahead 3-2 J .R. Phillips,
who has played for the Giants mis
Continued from page 8
The Phils put their lone run up
rn the sixth, when Thompson
talked, took two bases on a steal
and a throwing error by Piazza, and
scored on a grounder to first by
A golden opportunity to win it
for Valenzuela was squandered in
the seventh. Hershiser, who was
tiring visibly,allowedaleadoffwalk
to Kim Batiste and then gave up a
chopped single to Longmire, who
took second on a wide throw to
third by Mondesi in right.
With the lead run on second,
however, catcher Mike Lieberthal
popped out to short center field.
After Stacker walked to load the
bases, Jim Eisenreich, pinch-hitting
for Valenzuela, grounded into a
double play to shortstop.
"The seventh inning was the
difference Valenzuela said, "but
giver credit to Orel. He pitched
pretty good
No Phillie got past first base
after that as Todd Worrell pitched
two innings of hitless relief, and
besides, Brett Butler scored an in-
surance run for L.A. in the eighth.
If the younger Phillies thought
this game was anythingspecial, they
didn't have the wherewithal to do
anything about it. They looked kind
of listless throughout.
But the Dodgers and their fans
will no doubt remember this one
better. Some fans started the ova-
tions as the former Dodgers ace
waddled to and from his warm-ups
in the Phillies bullpen.
"All I try to do is keep it close
and give the team a chance to win
Valenzuela said. "I think I did that
this afternoon
Valenzuela's appearance
meantnearly 20,000 additional fans.
Scalpers who usually wave tickets
outside the Dodger Stadium park-
ing lot were holding up "I need
tickets" signs an hour before game
Continued from page 8
male version), "The Crushes" and
Darren Sams' "Huckleberries
Also upcoming for the sec-
ond summer session is four-per-
son volleyball, wiffleball and
putt-putt golf. Volleyball will be
held weeknights in Chris tenbury
Gym and is open to men's,
women's and Co-Rec teams. The
registration meeting for inter-
ested teams and players will be
held today at 4 p.m. Wiffleball is
a rapidly growing sport at ECU,
after being introduced introduced
this past fall. Five players are
needed to compose a team. For a
taste of something a little differ-
ent, softball and baseball enthu-
siasts, as well as the participant
seeking a new challenge, are in-
vited to become involved in this
exciting sport. Games will be held
weeknights at the Ficklen Sta-
dium Intramural fields.
The wiffleball registration
meeting is today at 4:30 p.m. Putt-
putt golf will be held at the Green-
ville Fun Park on US Highway
264. There will be an optional
information meeting on Tuesday,
July 12, at 4 p.m. All registration
information meetings will con-
ducted in Biology North, room
106. For further information on
intramural sports offerings,
please contact David Gaskins or
Kari Cleveland at 757-6387or stop
by 204 Christenbury Gymnasiu m.
Brand New For '94
YClllvllCyV at Kingston Place
While birdies are tough
to come by in golf,
birdies can be made
much easier in disc
golf. ECU'S disc golf
course is located on the
football tailgate fields
next to the baseball and
softball fields.
Photo by
Leslie Petty
zens-for-hire saw to that.
They left behind them enough
grit, enough glory and video high-
lights to fire up the imagination of a
country that only a month ago
ranked the world's most popular
game just behind log-rolling as a
spectator sport.
There was Thomas Dooley, the
German-born midfielder whose G.I.
father left the family behind a year
after his birth, orchestrating the U.S.
attack one moment and the next,
sweeping a certain Brazilian score
away from the U.S. net with a bril-
liantly executed back-kick.
There was Lalas, short on skill
but long on toughness and guile,
scrambling all afternoon to stay in
front of the nimble Brazilian for-
ward tandem of Romario and
Bebeto�and knocking them down
on those occasions when he
Continued from page 7
There was Jones spreading the
defense with fast-forward runs
down the flanks.
And any random sampling
of the U.S. jerseys being worn by
fans in the stands suggested just
about everybody on the roster had
managed to catch someone's fancy
during the two weeks of the tour-
In the end, unfortunately, that
was hardly enough to stop mighty
Brazil. The Americans were
outshot 16-4, outmaneuvered at
almost every turn, and as the game
drew on, even outhustled for loose
"We put up a fight and we put
on a show this whole competi-
tion said Roy Wegerle, the South-
African bom and English League
striker who came to play for
America because he found a bride
from Florida.
"We've beaten teams people
we didn't think we'd beat and we
may have pulled off an upset to-
day, but we weren't good enough.
We didn't take the game to them
when we should have
Fhat formidable task will now
be entrusted to the U.S. side that
competes in the next World Cup,
four years from now in France.
Whether Milutinovic winds up
as coach of that squad, or whoever
it is, he will have to cobble together
a Lineup in much the same way this
team was put together. He will have
to sift through the collegiate ranks
for the tough, promising kids, con-
vince a handful of expatriates from
the far-flung professional leagues
of other countries to come home,
and perhaps find the occasional
gem, like Wegerle and Dooley,
with enough American in their
background to satisfy the folks at
But there is the sense already
that all these things will be easier
The sense that more and bet-
ter American athletes will stick
with soccer longer; that more and
better American players will have
even that some of the players with
those credentials will suddenly
look hard to find an American
perched in the family tree.
And all because of this bunch.
"I think we did a lot for our
country U.S. defender Marcelo
Balboa said. "We were hoping to
do more
For now, at least, they've ac-
complished enough.
Olson's Trivia Quiz
Q. What team did O.J.
"The Juice" Simpson
play for when he won
the Heisman Trophy in
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The East Carolinian, July 6, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 06, 1994
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