The East Carolinian, May 18, 1994

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Pirate Comics, crunk-ums!
Check out that summer half page
thinq going on. And it's in color so
neaiof Look at the backpage now
or suffer a slow and painful death.
The Youth Experiment'
Sonic Youth gives listeners a
"fever-dream of an album" to
enjoy with their latest
release, Experimental Jet
Set, Trash and No Star.
Story on page 5.
Today kTomorrow
tjjHigh 76')
The East Carolinian
Vol. 69 No. -27l3Crj
Circulation 5,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Wednesday, May 18,1994
10 Pages
ECU graduates 2,100 in spring commencement
Photo by Leslie Petty
This is the future, or so say the commencement speakers. Some graduates listen attentively to journalist Daniel
Schorr; others toss a beach ball, uncork champagne bottles and celebrate in their own way.
By Maureen Rich
Managing Editor
Hot sunshine beating down
on black robes mattered little to the
class of 1994. ECU's eighty-firth
Spring Commencement, which
took place May 7, offered the gradu-
ates one last chance to show their
spirited sides. They took advan-
tage of this opportunity.
The entertainment began
when the graduates marched onto
the field of Ficklen Stadium. Origi-
nally estimated to be 2,100, approxi-
mately three-fourths of the gradu-
ates actually participated in the cer-
emonies. Those who did partici-
pate made up for those missing.
Shouts of welcome to family
and friends seated in the stands
filled the air, and so did some grad u-
ates. Bv climbing up on their seats,
many graduates found a better way
toensure they would be easily spot-
ted. Balloons peppered the field as
well, offering another visual attrac-
tion. One student took no chances
and held up a posterboard reading,
"Here I am
As the ceremony began, the
notorious beach ball could be seen
launched from corner to corner of
the Held,butthewind wasnotagree-
able and security quickly confis-
cated any stray balls. Boos from the
graduates drowned out the senior
class president's speech as the beach
ball was whisked from the area,
and the confiscating faculty mem-
ber gave a helpless smile.
The graduates would not be
undermined, however. A feeble
wave rippled through the group
during the ceremony Gaining mo
mentum, almost all of the gradu-
ates then took part in a wave the
surged across the field. Cheers and
applause for this united effort once
again drowned out the words of
the speaker. Reports that security
members were seenapplauding the
show could not be confirmed.
Persistently, the graduates
managed to maintain their side-
show throughout the entire cer-
emonv. Bubbles wafted through the
air at one point. Some were legiti-
mate bubbles, others smelled a
bit like champagne.
Tine commencement ad-
dress, given by renowned jour-
nalist Daniel Schorr, alsocatered
to the light, carefree sentiments
of the students, but also ottered
some strong, realistic advice.
Schorr based his speech on his
own experiences during the 50
vears he dedicated to journalism.
His speech was not prepared, he
merely kept to his own personal
style and made it up as he went
He offered his first bit of
advice immediately in thespeech.
Schorr told the graduates that, as
they prepared " to leave these hal-
lowed halls and go out into the
cold, cold world they should
heed one piece of advice.
"Don'tgo'Schorrad vised.
"There's nothing better out there
than what you have here Schorr
compared this day and age to his
own time of graduation.
Joyner renovations
remain on schedule
Additional parkins spaces to be lost behind
Joyner Library
By Stephanie Lassiter
Assistant News Editor
The Joyner Librarv reno-
vations will not cost as much as
originally projected; however,
the leftover monev will not be
used to build a parking deck.
Estimations for the three-
phase expansion project
reached as high as S29 million,
butaccording to ECU Comp-
troller Dan Bishop, the new pro-
jections are under budget, yet
the money must return to its
original owner. The Board of
Governors for the UNC system.
"The additional monevj
is not left up to the university
Bishop said. "The money is ap-
propriated by the Board of Gov-
ernors and it will go back into a
In time, the monev will be
allocated for other projects
throughout the UNC school sys-
tem. Many wonder why the ex-
cess money allocated for the ex-
pansion has not been used for
the acquisition of the old Rose
High School property, but it
must be returned to the Board
of Governors. The acquisition
is still under negotiations. A sta-
tus report was sent to Raleigh
yesterday Bishop said, but a
change in school system per-
sonnel has created a stand-still
on the process.
Although the cost of the
expansion project is consider-
ably lower than previously pro-
jected, the renovations will not
be short-changed Joyner will
be doubled in size, to 300,000
square feet, an addition of
160,000 square feet. This will
create additional space for
books and students. There will
be space fur ! .5 million volumes
dt text, up from the . urrent . a-
pacity of 970,000. Seating will
increase from 1,100 seats to
2,000 dditionally, 36 to 38 ar-
eas will be provided for group
study meetings
Parking spaces began dis-
appearing as construction be-
gan Friday, May 6. The first
phase of construction will be on
the back of the existing build-
ing and should take approxi-
mately 19 months. The new
building will vacate much of
the parking lot located behind
The second phase of con-
struction, which will last 10 to
11 months, will include renova-
tions on the East Wing and the
creation of a pedestrian corri-
Construction should begin
within several weeks of the of-
ficial groundbreaking ceremony
set for May f, said Bruce Five,
director of facilities planning.
"We expect to have the
contractor on-site within the
next three to four weeks he
The general contractor for
the expansion project is J.H.
Hudson of Greenville. Other
contracts for renovations and
expansion have been awarded.
According to an article
published in The Daily Reflector,
the architects responsible for de-
signing the new Joyner Librarv
have received an award for their
excellence in design. The Win-
ston-Salem and Piedmont sec-
tions of the North Carolina
Chapter of the American Insti-
tute of Architects have honored
the firm of Walter Robbs
Callahan & Pierce with a merit
award for excellence in design.
"The scale is good, and I'm
sure it will contribute a great
deal to the campus a repre-
sentative ol the American Insti-
tute of Architects said in a pre-
pared statement.
Joyner I ibrary was built
in l-t and received its first
and only renovation in 1975
when an annex was added. I he
newh renovated library is ex-
pected to be completed in by
uly 1-h
ECU students
and Pitt
speaker Dr.
J o y c e I y n
Elders. The
the need for
health care
reform and
gun control.
Photo by
Leslie Petty
Elders stirs up ECU
By Jason Williams
News Editor
Seldom do students remem-
ber the commencement speaker.
Even the most famous people of-
ten give long, boring speeches at
graduations. On May 5, however,
graduates from the ECU School of
Medicine listened to Surgeon Gen-
eral Joycelyn Elders deliver an
impassioned speech about health
care reform and the role of doc-
tors in the 1990s.
Before Chancellor Richard
Eakin introduced Elders to a ca-
pacity crowd at Wright Audito-
rium, Craig Souza, chair of the
ECU Board of Trustees, addressed
the graduates. He commended Dr.
lames Hallock, dean of the School
of Medicine, tor "rising above
political pettiness and narrow-
mindedness" by not rescinding
Elders'invitation in the wake of
political protests.
Eakin then introduced El-
ders as an "able-minded" per-
son with a "strong will and
said she is one who "doesn't
pull anv punches I lesaid she
has authored more than 100 re-
search articles and is well-re-
spected in her field for her work
in rural medicine.
Elders began her remarks
bv mentioning several crises in
our nation's history.
"Why do we need health
care reform?" she asked. "I say
we have a crisis. Health care
See ELDERS page 3
Four graduates win Outstanding Senior awards
By Tammy Zion
Staff Writer
Four outstanding seniors re-
ceived ECU's University award
during graduation May b. Cesar
Colon, Amanda Hines, Angela Ba-
con Reid and Carol Shields were all
recognized bv the Alumni Asscxria-
tion for excelling in academics, ser-
vice and leadership at ECU and in
the community. The University
award, presented as an engraved
plaque, is the most prestigious
honor given at graduation. The
Alumni Associate n also establishes
a SI ,000 scholarship in the name of
each recipient.
Several students were nomi-
nated for the award which is given
each year. Faculty members nomi-
nate students, and finalists partici-
pate in an interview with several
alumni members. Finalists must
give a three-minute presentation
and then answer questions. The
committee asks questions about
everything, from topics concerning
the students' majors to how they
would like their obituary to read.
Colon is a graduate of the
nursing program. He was a non-
traditionalstudentseekinghLs third
degree; he has previously obtained
a degree in criminal justice and
holds a Master's degree in public
administration. Colon commuted
from New Bern and maintained a
4.0 average while keeping a part-
time job as a pharmacy technician
He said that although everything
around him has fallen apart in the
past few vears, achieving at school
has been his greatest focus.
"I can hardly get my head
through the door Colon said,
about winning the award. "This
was not a goal I set out to doI just
simply wanted to do as best as I
possibly could, and as it turns out,
it has far exceeded my expectations
and evervoneelse'swho'sbeen with
Colon described the alumni
interview as stressful.
Colon sa i d the cornrni tree had
several very specific md tough
questions which he had to answer.
The questions dealt with men in
nursing, health care reform and the
reason he chose nursing as a major.
Colon is a member of Sigma
Theta Tau. a nursing honor society
and is planning to continue with
graduate school on a part-time ba-
sis. ie is also hoping to work in the
critkalcareunitatCraven Regional
Medical Center here he expects to
eventually work in the recovery
"I could not have Aoiw what
I did without my wife, and my
family has been very supportive
and very very tolerant because
when I do get focused. I tend to get
blinders on and ignore much ol
what's going on around me and
my co-workers have been a great
help Colon said
Colon said that before com-
ing to ECU, a job with the govern-
ment took him all around the world
but that he likes North Carolina
and Last Carolina.
"I have enjoyed EastCarolina
University as much, i! not more-
See SENIORS page 2
Undergraduate chemists present research at national symposium
By Ten Howell
Staff Writer
TwoECU undergraduate stu-
dents and an organic chemistry
professor. Dr. George Evans, par-
ticipated in the 14th Annual I n-
dergraduate Research Symposium
in Blacksburg, Virginia, at the Vir-
ginia PolytEchnk Instituteand State
I niversit) (VP11
Christophei Brannen and
Paul T. lampbell I, two chemistry
students, attended the meetings on
March 23-2r along with Virginia
lech students affiliated with the
American Chemical Society I he
purpose of the meetings was to
provide opportunities tor under-
graduate students to present their
own research results, as well as
listen to other students and i hem
ists from a wide di ersirj i 11 hem
istr. biology and biotechnologx
Dr. liacv Wilkins, Ph.DDi-
rector of the Center for Biotechnol
ogy at VPL was the keyru te spea ker
at a dinner banquet held on Fridaj
night Dr Wilkinsbroughtforthan
interesting siide show about the
future and further ad ancement ol
biotechnology . his terminology be-
ing "the applied scien eoflife 1 h
Wilkins asked the students dial-
ing questions on ethic sand in-
spired some v tthhis insights and
ideas of a new job market that
willcombinechemistrv and other
numerous disciplines.
Paul I C ampbelin anlI
senior chemistn major, shared
his resean h i ampbell po
was entitled "Thi Synthesisand
Palladium I
I Ivcbroesterifu tie; il i

2 The East Carolinian
May 18. 1994

1 e4����(
Hey, hey, hey � we're stuffed
Move dmt, Barbie. Watch out, Barney. You've got com-
petition. Now Beavis and Butthead dolls, tutted clones of the
channel surfing, suburban misfits of M TV lame, can be found
at a retail store near you. And just like their cartoon counter-
parts, the two dolls utter such typical "Beavis& Buttheadisms"
as, "Yeah, heh, heh, hen, ' "This sucks' change it "Shut up.
Butthead and "Whoa' I hat wuz cool " 1 he talking dolls,
manufactured bv Dakin Inc retail tor s25 and join a line ot
other Beavis & Butthead merchandise that includes ke chains,
gvm socks and � yes � spitballs.
Snacking � it's good for you
It's midnight, you are cramming tor exams and it hits: a
snackattack. Should you indulge? Good new Dieticians now
sav snacking can stave off "carb cravings" and help people
meet their dailv nutritional requirements. Starches, once mis-
takenly thought to be fattening foods bv many dieters, have
reached new levels of respect among health-conscious eaters
In fact, carbohvdrates such as bread, cereal, rice and pasta now
form the foundation of the U.S. 1 tepartment ot Agriculture's
new "Food Guide Pvramid" for a health) diet. That means
nibbling on such foods as whole-grain crackers and pretzels
can be a part of meeting your daily nutritional requirements
Students invent "green" crayons
Three Purdue University students looking for new uses
for soybeans have invented crayons that are as Earth-friendly
as they are kid-friendlv. As part of a university -wide competi-
tion sponsored bv the Purdue Department of Agronomy and
the Indiana Soybean Development Council, the winning stu-
dents were awarded $5,000 for their invention, which they
havedubbed 'EarthCrayons The crayons are petroleum-tree
and composed entirelv of biodegradable materials. Using hy-
drogenated soybean oil insteadof petroleum-derived parafin,
the students manipulated the ingredient mix and manufactur-
ing process to come up with a crayon that is comparable in
color, appearance and firmness to leading brands of crayons.
The crayons are nontoxic and washable
Compiled by Stephanie Lassiter. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
k at it. ! reall en
the trip.
Colon restores arsinhis free
time m has planned to lake a
vacation with his family follow ing
I nation.
Xmanda 1 lutes. 20, will be
entering graduate school at Duke
University to stud) religion and
pursuedm torate in literaturenext
fall. X Greenville native, limes'
father is a professor at ECU. She
said that when it came time to
i hoose a college, there wasnodoubt
in her mind about where she
u ani � ' .
i line- is an English graduate
with a 4.0 GPA and a member ot
several organizations on campus.
During her three years at EC U,
I lines has been president of Omi-
cron Delta Kappa, a national lead-
ership honorsociety, president and
vice-president of East Carolina
Honors Organization (ECHO),
treasurer tor Phi Sigma Pi, and
taught as a student at North Pitt
High School In addition, limes
has obtained nine scholarships and
is a member ot Phi Kappa Phi, a
national honor sih ietv
Time management, that's
How do you get
your name in
print You can
get atrested, or
you eun write for
TEC news. Drop
by the Student
Pubs Bldg. at 4
p.W today and
find out more.
B Summer '94 W
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Ladies Free
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"Dance, Dance, Dance"
Continued from page 1
I lines said
linesultimati .
college, possibly here at EC L ifthe
religious studies program expands.
She is hoping to finish graduate
school ahead of scheduli
she finished earlv from ECl
Hines said that her involve
ment with Phi Sigma Pi and
societies has given her an outer
link to the ECU community. She
even hangs out with her friends in
front of the student store. Shi
she also goes to football games and
refuses totakeeighto'cloc ki lasses
just like anv other student
"lam like any other student
I linesaid emphatically.
"A lot of things 've do
far as holding offices are because
wanted togive more to the group "
she said. "They've already given
me something
"While I will go aw aj f n
graduate school and maybe tor a
while to work, this area, this school
and the role of last Carolina and
thecommunitv area big part of my
life, my heart and my memories
Hines said
ngela Bacon Reid was also
an English major with a 4.0 aver-
age. She held a double minor in
medieval and renaissance studies
and was the first person to gradu-
ate from ECU with a classical stud-
award has
iier I '
In a

�� eon
i scholarship

ment, vol irious or-
ns a nit " Phi
kappa Phi and Sigma I au I 'elta
.inii . bils Reid also has
a eof
neoush multiph
At present, sin h. ;erbiis
and - ing the babies
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May 18. 1993
The East Carolinian 3
Continued from page 1
trogen I leterocycJes: Preliminary
Studies of the Potential Use of An-
ionicC hiral Auxiliaries in the Asym-
metric Catalysis Heterocycles is
the cyclic molecular arrangement
of atoms of carbon and other ele-
ments and an aruon is a negatively
charged atom or radical in a ionic
compound. For the past two years,
Campbell has worked in the labora-
tory of Dr. George Evans and plans
tocontinue his chemistry studies in
graduate school.
Christopher Brannen,an East
Carolina sophomore and under-
graduatebiology majorchemistry
minor, presented a slide show
entitiled, "The Chemistry of Some
Imines: Intermediates in the Syn-
thesis of Substituted-N-Nitro-
samines Imines is a compound
containing thedivalent radical NH,
combined with two acid radicals,
and a nitrosamine is a series of or-
ganic compounds derived from
amines and containing the divalent
N x NO radical.
.As a result of this complex
sounding presentation, Brannen
was awarded a fellowship by the
National Science Foundation's re-
search experience program for un-
dergraduates that will begin after
his freshman year. Brannen spent
mostofhistimeduring the summer
of 1993 with the Department of
Chemis'v at Wake Forest Univer-
sity in Winston-Salem.
JamesC. Fishbein, a physical
organic chemist, helped to steer
Brannen in the right direction.
Brannen intends to do more research
this summer and has high hopes tc i
be accepted into the ECU School of
Medicine after his graduation in
May 1996.
Continued from page 1
costs too much and delivers too
She said even though the
United States spends more on
health care, ours is not the healthi-
est nation in the world.
"We have the very best doc-
tors, the best medical schools, hos-
pitals and high technology she
said. "The problem is that we do
not have the best delivery system
to take care of our citizens.
"Every criminal has the
right to a law ver. Why shouldn't
every sick person have the right
to health care?"
Elders said the United States
spends more as a percentage ot
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
on health care than any nation in
the world. The problem, she said,
is that the nation does not spend
enough on preventive health care.
She said that guns have be-
come a health care issue. "I'm
sure you know hunters shes lid.
"My dad was a hunter forever,
and I know you don't hunt with
Elders also said health care
professionals will have to deal
with "children ha ingchildren
She said hei goal is universal ac-
cess for children, and for all chil
dren born in America to be
d anc
"I'm not about abortions
she said, "i haveneverbeenabout
abortion. 1 want to prevent un-
wanted pregnancies
She said a final concern doc-
tors u ill have is teaching young
people to be responsible for their
own health. "We need to teach
young men to be responsible
Elders said. "We've allowed
young males to go around and
donate sperm. We need to offer
hope to these young people
As Elders spoke, a crowd
of approximately 50 people pro-
tested her visit at the east end.of
the mall. The crowd included
area farmers as well as several
"I'm here to protest the to-
bacco tax said graduating se-
nior Brant Thompson. "Taxes
killed jobs in the tobacco indus-
try. 1 stand in full support of
farmers and the right of anyone
who wants to smoke
"In my day, grass was some-
thingyou mowed. Coke wassome-
thing vou drank, and pot was some-
tiling you cooked in he said.
On a more serious note, Schorr
recounted the moments of his ca-
reer that seemed to shape his out-
look on life. He focused on his own
"Three R's reality, risk and re-
demption. Appropriately, he re-
ferred to the latter as he remem-
bered the late President Richard
Schorr said the most impor-
tant aspect of one's accomplish-
ments is personal satisfaction �
knowing that what was right took
precedence over what was easiest
and most accepted. He advised the
graduates that someday they would
be faced with a risk. He reminisced
of his own Watergate days, when
he risked being jailed for defending
the First Amendment.
In a show of good humor,
several of the commencement
speakers played to the festive, comi-
cal atmosphere. Dr. Patricia Ander-
son, chair of the faculty, ran down a
"Top Ten" list of advice for the
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Continued from page 1
graduates from faculty members in
"David Letterman fashion
Several "snippets of advice
as Anderson called them, received
lengthy applause and abundant
Number nine, contributed by
Beth VVinstead, from Allied Health
Sciences, advised: "Wisdom does
not come from study, it comes from
showing up for life Number five,
by Larry Hough from Political Sci-
ence, suggested: "Don't let them get
to ya. Life is tricky out there
Number three, by Rick Barnes
from Flealth Education, reminded
students: "You should celebrate
what you've accomplished, but
don't forget that tomorrow the sun
rises, and you must, too
And the number one snippet
of advice came from Anderson, her-
"Always do your homework
for meetings, for interviews, for life
she said. "And leave your beach
balls at home
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Page 4
May 18, 1994
Jaaoa Willkim, News Editor
Stephanie B. LaaMcr, AssL NewsEditor
Warren SumBcr, Lifestyle Editor
Mark Brett, Asst. Lifestyle Editor
Brian Olson, Sports Editor
Dave Pond, Awe Sports Editor
W. Brian Hall, Opinion Page Editor
Chris Kemptc, Staff Illustrator
The East Carolinian
Gregory Dickens, General Manager
Maureen A. Rich, Managing Editor
Tonya Heath, Advertising Director
Alexa Thompson. Copy Editor
Marcia Sanders, Typesetter
Lisa Scsaoms, Typesetter
Deborah Daniel, Secretary
Tony Dunn, Business Manager
Mirjie O'Shea, Circulation Manager
Burt Aycock, Layout Manager
Patrick Hinaon, Asst. Layout Manager
Mike Ashley, Creative Director
James B. Boggs, Asst. Creative Director
Leslie Petty, Photo Editor
Chink Nguyen, Systems Manager
Serving the ECU community since 1925, The East Carolinian publishes 12,000 copies every Tuesday and Thursday. The
masthead editorial in each edition is the opinion of the Editorial Bosjd. The East Carolinian welcomes letters, limited to 250
words, which may be edited for decency or bnvity. The East Caroikm an reserves the right to edit or reject letters for publication.
Letters should be addressed to: Opinion Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.
For more information, call (919) 757-6366.
Time for an end to personal attacks
A few years ago. Queen Elizabeth'created
quite a stir in the British press by publicly com-
menting on her "annus horriblilis Though he
probably will not publicly admit it like she did,
by the time this year is over, President Clinton
might well feel that 1994 has been his worst year
by far. Just since December, the President has
faced three major assaults on the already shaky
perceptions of his character and credibility. The
latest of these, the allegations of sexual harass-
ment by Paula Jones, are potentially the most
damaging and the most unfair.
- - Like too many political figures in the recent
past, Mr. Clinton now faces unsubstantiated
aharges of impropriety, charges which have at
lpast the appearance of political motivation. In
the "last few years, either the level of morals of
our public officials has drastically dropped, or
members of all parties have decided that it is
easier to sling mud than to attempt to refute
their opponents' arguments. While there is some
evidence to support the first contention, in most
cases it is the latter that holds.
; In the present case, even if then-Governor
Clinton did everything that Jones has claimed,
the only sensible reason for bringing it up at this
time is to sully the President's reputation in
hopes of hampering his political power. If the
motivation were to right an injustice, the appro-
bate time for such an action would have been
ree years ago, immediately after the incident.
This practice of using negative campaigns
to embarass political opponents is as old as our
epublic. However, previous campaigns' rheto-
ic appears quite kindly compared to our own.
or example, Richard Nixon was widely reviled
for stating that political opponents were soft on
communism. In the past decade, the practice of
using well-financed smear campaigns has been
refined and perfected. Beginning with the nomi-
nation of Judge Robert Bork, special interest
groups began to compile and release data on
appointments and candidates with whom they
The most lasting and dangerous result of
all this character assasination has been not to
any individual's reputation, though that is bad
enough. The really terrible outcome is that it is
further alienating an already overly cynical
public. The profession of politics, already widely
despised as the province of crooks, is even more
degraded in the public's sight when its
practioners resort to personal innuendo rather
than principled debate. Since politicians de-
pend upon the good will of the populace to
accomplish their goals, the end result is the
inability of anyone to lead effectively.
Even more revolting is the hypocrisy ex-
hibited on all sides in these controversies. The
staunchest defenders of Senator Bob Packwood
are now the President's harshest critics. Femi-
nists who called for Clarence Thomas' head are
mostly silent on the present issue.
All of this shows that allegations of wrong-
doing belong in a court of law, where disinter-
ested parties may weigh all the evidence and
come to a fair decision.
Until such time as a court rules that wrong-
doing has occurred, the loyal opposition should
continue using logic and reasoning to show
why the government is wrong and leave the
scandlemongering to the tabloids.
By Gregory Dickens
Society's obsession with death pathological
was alright but what you've been Warrell. ("Hey, Vern God, I hear
eating in the meantime is akin to that and I wanna strangle him so
eating a chlorine-and-lava sand- much, I watch someone getting
wich. So what can we eat? Heck wacked on TV just to release the
By Laura Wright
Tacky expressions of love sincere
In my home town of
;Greensboro, North Carolina,
hhere is a man who decorates his
house every Christmas. I don't
tean that he strings lights
Jcross the gutters and sticks a
reath on the door, I mean he
Joes all out. In his yard he puts
plastic sleigh complete with 8
reindeer, a
he loves the world and this is
how he will leave his mark on it.
Essentially, we all strive to
gain immortality. In order to
give our lives meaning, we feel
that we have to leave something
of ourselves behind. I think this
desire to be remembered has
caused a lot of my friends to
attempt to
Santa Stops
ere" sign
its in the
music blares
from the
that sit atop
his roof, and
lights cover mmm
It's very much
Chase's house
Essentially, we all
strive to gain
immortality. In order
to give our lives
meaning, we feel that
we have to leave
something of ourselves
like Chevy
in National
Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Enough said.
Ive always wondered how
this Irian manages to pay his
powenbill for the month of De-
cember. He lives in a little house
and every inch of his property is
covered with electrical Christ-
mas juhk. I don't know his name
but he has decorated his house
in this manner for as long as I
can-remember. Cars line up and
drive by while he sits on the
porch and waves.
When I was in high school,
(thought that this guy was tres
icky. After my first psychol-
gy class in college, I theorized
tat he hadn't received enough
ttention as a child. Now, how-
ver, I believe that he does this
. to his house each year � spends
ridiculous amounts of money on
electricity and sits on his porch
in 30 degree weather�because
write the great
novel. Some
people write
books. Some
people paint
pictures. Most
people have
children �
what better
way to outlive
yourself? The
little old man in Greensboro,
NC, decorates his house.
And I think that those
decorations are an act of love,
too. It's hard for me to admit
that an act of love can emerge
from the commercial consumer-
ism concept of Christmas that is
represented by all of his glitz.
Still, it seems that the carloads
of children, counting the days
until Santa Claus brings the Ju-
rassic Park action figures or the
Super Nintindo Game System,
chill out and look on in wonder
as they pass by the home of this
Christmas man.
But it's May and I'm talk-
ing about Christmas. The rea-
son that this story came to mind
is that not long ago, I went to a
place called "Acid Park" in Wil-
son, NC. According to local lore,
Acid Park was built by a father
for his teenage daughter, Terry.
Apparently, the daughter was
coming home down a curving
backwoods country road when
she lost control of her car,
wrecked and died. Her father
built a monument to her so that
no one would ever again miss
the curve in the road that cost
his daughter her life.
If you approach the curve
in the road at night, Acid Park
looms like a huge collection of
amusement park rides. It seems
to appear out of nowhere�as if
the headlights of the car some-
how cause it to exist. As you get
closer, you discover that the
"rides" are actually metal struc-
tures that are covered with re-
flectors. The trees along the sides
of the road are also covered with
reflectors and the remains of the
crashed car sit by the roadside
with the name "Terry" spray
painted on a nearby tree.
Naturally, cars drive by
and slow down, high school stu-
dents hang out and drink beer. I
wondered if the park perhaps
causes more wrecks than it pre-
vents. Still, "Terry" has been im-
mortalized and her father has
left something of himself be-
hind. His daughter would have
been the mark that he left on the
world, but when she died, he
had to recreate himself in some
other way.
So, a monument of metal
and bits of reflective plastic
seems like love to me � at least
if the story surrounding its cre-
ation is true. Maybe this all
sounds a little bit corny, but I
think that love is a hard thing to
come by. Besides, it gives local
teenagers and bored college stu-
dents something to do when
they're bored on a Friday night.
Sometimes, tacky can be beauti-
We got some sorta thing
about death in this country. On
TV, if someone ain't yapping about
whether someone else has the right
to decide to shuffle off this mortal
coil, they're discussing the legal-
ity of helping someone to die. Turn
the channel, oh, look, a new tally
on how many people died in a
country, where we're expected to
take action. Wail a minute longer
and the tube'U tell you who all
died in this country, in this state,
in this county, in this town. But
more importantly, they died vio-
lently. (Except for celebrities; how
many heart attacks, strokes and
old age deaths do you hear about
in the media?) The deaths of note
are horrible, sudden and violent.
Can't take the news? Turn
on music. Well, shoot, there's an-
other tribute for someone who
died too soon by dramatic and
self-inflicted acts. Tune the sta-
tion. Oh, wait, this is my favorite
song. The one about the guy kill-
ing his girlfriend or his friend or
someone who looked at him the
wrong way. ("Dude, it's killer. It
shot right to the top of the charts.
Number one with a bullet)
Too much? Read a magazine.
Oh, right. Forgot. The other coun-
tries' dead and that musician and
the president and Doctor Death.
You might wanna put the maga-
zine down and ha ve a snack. Well,
turn that page, bubeleh, and read
about how anything you sink your
teeth into is gonna make you keel
over and rot. Well, you give it up
don't eat anything. Starve. Waste
away. Die. Doht!
Go outside and breath the
fresh � oh, by the way, the acid
rain and ozone depletion is super
bad for ya � air. And run your
toes through the grass. Pesticides,
pal. A proliferation of pesky prod-
ucts for putting down pests that
pollute people. Point? Oh, yeah
We got this deathwatch
wish that goes beyond the border
of morbid like Dick Vitale in a
Taco Bell commercial. (Momenta
mori, baby!) If "Rescue: 911" and
"Cops" and weren't enough for
vicarious death experiences, the
"reality sells" ideal of entertain-
ment has overstepped the once-
refreshing bounds of plastic me-
dia characters. I grew up thinking
the" Incredible Hulk" and "The
Rockford Files" weenied out on
us for being so prim about vio-
lence. It was obviously staged and
shot and that level of suspension
of disbelief worked fine until
Stephen Boccho gave us shows
that went from being gritty in re-
gards to attitude to soaking from
the amount of blood shown. But,
then there's "MASH" wheresome-
one was bound to bleed in every
episode. And this is TV Guide's
choice for best sit-com ever. Any-
way, don't think I'm blaming one
man for the downfall of civiliza-
tion. If I did, I'd blame Ernest P.
I think that we were exposed
to the violence we always pre-
tended with either in leisure or in
entertainment. We played cow-
boys and indians and army. We
shot each other, died only to get
up a few seconds later and go
a'killin' again. It was fun because
we knew we could get shot, die
and go on. We escaped death.
Cartoons are such a gas because
you just know the coyote's gonna
plummet like a stone to the can-
yon floor and then only have a
bandage on his noggin while he
plots to eat the roadrunner.
We grew up knowing about
death enough to understand that
tricking it is funny. Slapstick hu-
mor is built on it. Wrestling and
Sly Stallone make money off of it.
But, we're hip-deep in death
now. And it's revolting. Being re-
minded about one's mortality is
healthy. Being awash in it is de-
bilitating. Constant awareness of
death leads to inhibitions and tri-
fling fears.
Yeah. OK. We're gonna bite
the big one someday, but why do
it everyday? It's just weird. And
all those earning money off of our
dea th awareness�the war hawks,
the true-story movie makers, the
insurance companies, cigarette
manufacturers Man, they're re-
allv making a killing, huh?
Letters to the Editor
To the Editor,
I am writing in response to the incident that
occurred on College Hill recently. There seems to
be a trend around here that when someone gets
into trouble, it is always someone else's fault.
People, we are no longer children. We need to
learn to take responsibility for our actions.
It is very embarrassing to me to turn on the
news and see people at this university fighting.
Not only were they fighting, but they were fight-
ing over a water gun. This type of display is
humiliating toward the image of ECU. Family
and friends even called to inform me that this
"event" was televised in Charlotte on the news.
ECU does not need this type of publicity.
To get back to the issue, we do not need to
blame the outcome of this on someone else's race.
The fact that the public safety officer was white
has nothing to do with it. The officer was just
doing hisher job.
People need to grow up and realize that
they are here for an education, not to be enter-
tained for 4 years or more. We are all adults here
(in age anyway) and we need to blame ourselves
for our wrongdoings, not someone else.
Sandy Bean
To the Editor,
I've been hearing about your little SG A con-
test, and I have to say it amuses me. All this
trouble, all this fuss, all this scandal and for
what? Leadership?
Let's be honest about what SGA is. It's a
bunch of fraternitysorority leeches building a
resume while siphoning as much university
money as possible into the Greek system's beer
fund. If SGA were to disappear tomorrow, what
would the average non-Greek ECU student lose?
Absolutely nothing.
If SGA is really this useless, and they've
never demonstrated otherwise, then disbanding
SGA seems like the only reasonable thing to do.
In theory, student government is a good
idea. In theory, it gives the student body some
small voice in shaping the policies that will affect
it, and gives the students peaceful and effective
ways to voice grievances. If SGA ever served that
purpose at ECU, it hasn't done so in recent
What ECU has instead is a bunch of greedy
little schoolyard children, grabbing as much as
they can for themselves and their friends, and
helping nobody beyond that small group. If
that's student government, I suggest giving stu-
dent anarchy a try.
Dennis Wilhelm
ECU '93 Graduate
AU letters, in order to be considered for publication, must be typed,
under 250 words, and contain your name, class rank, major and a work-
ing daytime phone number. Send these to: Letters to the Editor, me East
Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C 27858-4353.

� �1 H sm-vmm.
The East Carolinian
May 18. 1994
Page 5
Walnut Creek offers hot summer lineup
Photo Courtesy of MCA
Legendary Blues guitarist B.B. King is just one of the artists who will visit
Walnut Creek Amphitheatre this summer. Watch TEC for previews and
recaps of some of the hottest shows coming in this concert season.
This Month at Hardee's
Walnut Creek
By Warren Sumner
Lifestyle Editor
"Something old, something
new, something borrowed, some-
thing blue
A timeless saying usually re-
served for matrimony, but one
that holds true for the lineup of
music scheduled at the Walnut
Creek Amphitheatre this summer.
There will be something for ev-
eryone this year at the Creek, as
the city of Raleigh will host the
biggest and the best the music
industry has to offer.
The venue is known for fill-
ing the North Carolina summers
with an incredibly diverse offer-
ing of national musical acts. This
year's lineup is no exception.
Nostalgia will be a big theme
at Walnut O ek this year, as it
will host plenty of acts from yes-
teryear who are trying to reignite
the fires of days gone by. In Au-
gust, the Amphitheatre will
present the Eagles, who are tour-
ing for the first time in over a
decade. Given the rabid reaction
of North Carolina ticket-buyers
after the announcement of their
concert dates at the Creek, the
Eagles concerts promise to be
among the biggest shows of the
summer. But the Creek's rock and
roll offerings go far beyond that.
Legendary folk-rock heroes
Crosby, Stills & Nash will per-
form at the Creek in June on their
25th anniversary tour. Jimmy Buf-
fet returns with three sold-out
June shows that testify to his as-
tounding staying power. The
Beach Boys, the Moody Blues,
Traffic, REO Speedwagon,
Steppenwolf, Lynyrd Skynyrd,
and the Steve Miller Band have all
announced dates at the venue,
with Steely Dan closing the sea-
son on Aug. 30.
Rhythm & Blues and Country
will also be well represented this
summer, with some of the biggest
stars in those mediums already
slated to perform. Wynonna Judd,
one of the country genre's biggest
stars, visited the Creek Saturday,
but fans interested in 'kicking up
their heels' will have plenty of
chances left. The Creek's lineup
will provide concert-goers with
opportunities to see Brooks &
Dunn, Marty Stuart, Hal Ketchum
and Hank Williams, Jr. with Colin
Raye and the Kentucky Head-
hunters. Festivals sponsored by
the Winn Dixie grocery chain and
Miller Beer will provide fans of
R&B chances to see "something
blue" with artists such as B.B.
King, Dr. John, K. C. and The Sun-
shine Band and the Platters per-
forming at extremely affordable
In addition to the contempo-
rary country artists mentioned
above, Walnut Creek will play
host to some of the hottest new
bands in the industry. Phish, a
group making quite a stir with
their ever-growing legion of fans
invades the Creek in June on the
"Hoist" tour. The Crash Test
Dummies, perhaps the most
unique band to break through to
the mainstream this year, will
open for Elvis Costello at the
WRDU Earthbuddies Celebration
and concert-goers will be treated
to the sounds of Big Head Todd &
The Monsters and the Screaming
Cheetah Wheelies, who will sup-
port the legendary Allman Broth-
ers Band in July. The Brothers re-
turn to the Creek supporting their
new album Where It All Begins,
which hit record store shelves ear-
lier this month.
The "something borrowed"
category will be taken care of by
the performances by Bette Midler,
and the King of the Cover-Tune,
Michael Bolton. The Divine Miss
M' brings her revue to the Creek
on June 2, and will surely present
a variety of standard ballad re-
makes that have been a staple in
her career. Bolton performs this
Friday, ready to capitalize on
his multiple platinum album
successes. The pop-music super-
star will supplement his own
music with the cover remakes of
'60s and '70s songs that have
helped his albums earn their
platinum ratings.
Ticket prices at the Creek
are affordable, for the most part,
averaging around $16 for seats
on the Amphitheatre's lawn sec-
tion and $35 for seating in the
Pavilion section. Certain shows
carry a higher rate. The Eagles
lawn seats will carry a cost com-
parable to other show's Pavilion
seating, (around $40) while a seat
in the Pavilion section at the
Eagles shows will cost $97. Bette
Midler's show also carries a
slightly higher price-tag than the
average ticket fare.
Ticket information and
schedule updates can be ob-
tained from the MCIConcertline
at 1-800-48-Creek.
Michael Bolton
Friday, May 20
7:30 pm
Brooks & Dunn
Aaron Tippin
Faith Hill
Saturday, May 21
On Sale Now
On Sale Now
Winn Dixie Presents 2nd Annual Rib Cook-off and Music Festival
KC & The Sunshine Band
Gloria Gaynor
and Guests
Friday, May 27
Marty Stuart
Hal Ketchum
Saturday, May 28
REO Speedwagon
Sunday, May 29
Little Anthony &
The Imperials
and Guests
Monday, May 30
On Sale Now
$5.25 per day
$12.25 weekend
On Sale Now
$5.25 per day
$12.25 weekend
On Sale Now
$5.25 per day
$12.25 weekend
On Sale Now
$5.25 per day
$12.25 weekend
Take Your Chances
A Worth A Try
SShS ,
w 0 m m Highly Recommended!
Sonic Youth
Experimental Jet Set,
Trash and IHo Star

Once the music leaves your
head, it's already compromised. �
Jack Brewer
This quote is scrawled on
the back of the liner card for
Experimental Jet Set, Trash and
No Star, the new release from
college-radio legends Sonic
Youth. Apparently, they took
the words to heart. This music
is drastically under-produced;
a lot of it sounds like it was
recorded in one take to keep it
raw. Most of Sonic Youth's pio-
neering, feedback-heavy noise-
guitar music is raw, of course.
But Experimentalet Setisa spacy
fever-dream of an album, com-
plete with stream-of-conscious-
ness lyrics and only slightly
more structured music.
This experiment in low tech-
nology begins with "Winner's
Blues a straight-forward
acoustic piece that sounds like
it was recorded in somebody's
living room. Acoustics are an
unusual wrinkle for guitarist
Thurston Moore, since the Sonic
Youth sound relies so much on
distortion and feedback, but he
handles it well. A simple song
about winning prizes that you
don't really want, "Winner's
Blues" is a nice, quiet intro that
is anything but what long-time
fans would expect.
The next track, "Bull in the
Heather is a bit more in the
Sonic Youth style, but it's the
style of their early work. Slow
and halting, "Bull in the
Heather" is a fitful song about
desire and the need to be de-
sired. Sonic Youth's leader, Kim
Gordon, delivers this one with
her trademark sensuality and a
throaty whisper so desperately
hot it could melt steel. With very
little in the way of coherent
rhythm and no hooks in sight,
it's surprising that this track was
chosen for the first single. But I
admire their guts.
Much like "Bull in the
Heather the first half of the
album sounds very much like
Sonic Youth's earlier work. The
songs are slow and dream-like,
with a multi-layered structure
that doesn't seem structured at
all until you listen closely. Both
raw and intricate, this is some
brilliant music. But it has the
tendency, like the band's ear-
lier work, to run together at
times. One song sounds much
like the next, which causes the
listener to lose track of them as
individual pieces of music.
But these songs give way to
the driving, aggressive punk
beat of Sonic Youth's later work
on the second half of the album,
beginning with "Androgynous
Mind This track deals with
Christianity versus homosexu-
ality, and the moral dilemma
this conflict causes. Sonic
Youth's solution is bound to
infuriate some people, however;
as -in the final verse, Gordon
sings, tverytning is an ngnt
God is dead And you were
Moving into less controver-
sial territory, we get other Sonic
Youth gems sung to punk's
tribal beat. "In the mind of the
Bourgeois Reader" is a thump-
ing rocker jam-packed full of
cartoon and breakfast cereal
references. Along with this
frenzied stream-of-conscious-
ness jam, there's "Tokyo Eye"
and "Waist a desperately
chilling number about
anorexia. The album ends with .
"Sweet Shine another slow
piece that reflects "Winner's
Blues This one is less purely
acoustic, however, and maybe
less pure in general. "Sweet
Shine" definitely wasn't cut in
a living room.
It's far from slick, how-
ever, and in that way it's much
like the rest of Experimental jet
Set, Trash and No Star. This lack
of production doesn't mean
the album is sloppy, though;
this is good music being
played well by some talented
people. It's not the best work
Sonic Youth has done. But, as
the title suggests, this album
is an experiment, an attempt
to make music that's true to
tne original vision or tne mu-
sicians. And that can't be all
� Mark Brett
Assistant Lifestyle Editor
Lawrence falls short in Crazy
Fox star out of his medium on large screen
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
The very first time I ever went
on a date, I saw a movie called
Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset
Strip. Though slightly embarrassed
by the language and the explicit
sexual content, I found myself
laughing heartily (with a small
amount of trepidation for fear 1
would offend my date). Richard
Pryor. amidst his raunchiness,
found a way to entertain.
I thought back on that Pryor
film recently when I saw Martin
Lawrence's first concert film, You
So Crazy. Owen Gleiberman re-
cently wrote in Entertainment
Weekly tha t La w rence was the step-
child of Richard Pryor if Eddie
Murphv was Pryor's son.
When Pryor, Murphy and
Lawrence are considered in chro-
nological order a definite evolu-
tion becomes clear. The ground-
breaking routines done by Pryor
were expanded upon by Murphy
and then further expanded by
Lawrence. The ground that Pryor
broke was that of the limits to
which a comedian could take
raunch. Pryor explicitly talked of
sex, Eddie Murphy talked more
explicitly about sex, and Martin
Lawrence, well, he talks even more
explicitly about sex.
Yo� So Crazy has no MPAA
rating because the rating given it
was NC-17, meaning no person
under 17could see the film.You So
Crazy is a concert film with no
violence and no nudity, yet was
slapped with this rating because
of its language and sexual content.
Martin Lawrence pushes the
boundary of good taste farther than
it need have been pushed. He
seems to think, much like Andrew
Dice Clay, that raunch itself is
funnv. A correlate of that theorem
is that the raunchier the material,
the funnier the material.
Had Lawrence invested some
of his energy into creating funny
stories with genuinely amusing
angles, then the raunch may have
added to some of those stories.
What Lawrence does instead is talk
for 90 minutes the way he would
talk to a couple of male cronies.
The stories seem to be told at ran-
dom with little or no point.
You So Crazy was shot at the
Majestic Theater at the Brooklyn
Academy of Music. At least two
shows are combined in the final
concert footage. That two shows
were intercut can be surmised by
Lawrence's towel which seems to
drift from the top of his stool to the
bottom, as he paces back and forth
across the screen. Since I noticed
this continuity error early in the
film, watching to see the towel
jump from top to bottom actually
proved more entertaining than
most of what was being said on
Although You So Crazy dete-
riorates rapidly, the first 20 min-
utes do provide some genuine
See CRAZY page 6
When a Man sobs into mediocrity
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
When a Man Loves a Woman is
a new film detailing the rela-
tionship between an alcoholic
and her family. Billed as a love
story, this emotionally charged
picture attempts to chronicle the
suffering and the redemption
sometimes associated with alco-
Meg Ryan is Alice Green, a
woman who, from all exterior
appearances, has a comfortable,
happy life. Alice has a depend-
able husband, two darling chil-
dren and a stable career. She lives
in a pleasant two-story house in
San Francisco and drives a
Yet, Alice complains of the
pressures of her workplace, her
family and her life in general. At
one point, she tells her husband
Michael (Andy Garcia) that he
has no idea what she goes
through. To deal with the bur-
dens of her life, Alice drinks.
Though this movie makes it
Photo Courtesy of Buena Vista Pictures Distribution
Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia star in When a Man Loves a Woman, a
story about how alcoholism affects a relationship.
clear that Alice has a problem, tells him of the liquor she has
the magnitude of her illness does
not become apparent until well
into the film. After collapsing in
the shower, which results in a
brief hospitalization, Alice tells
Michael that she had been stay-
ing high all day recently. She
hidden all over the house and I
how she would drink prima- I
rily vodka so that Michael I
could not smell it.
Alice enters an extensive
See MAN page 6

6 The East Carolinian
May 18, 1994
detoxification program to cure
her of her habit. Though fright-
ening and difficult for the entire
family, both Michael and Alice
know that such drastic measures
need to be taken.
While the first half of When a
Man Loves a Woman details the
downfall of Alice, the second half
tells the story of her slow recov-
ery. Alice claims that she wants
a drink all the time following
her detox program. She keeps
Michael at arm's length, which
prevents their relationship from
When a Man Loves a Woman
never recovers from its lack of
focus. The filmmakers (director
Luis Mandoki and writers
Ronald Bass and Al Franken)
never make it clear just what
kind of story they want to tell.
At first, Alice's problem rests
with only her and the audience
empathizes with Michael, but
later in the film Michael gets si-
lently recriminated because he
thinks he can always solve
Alice's problems. As this be-
comes clear, the audience begins
to pity Alice.
The film tries to paint a real-
istic portrait of the detoxifica-
tion process, but only does so in
brief snippets. With all its
changes in tone, the one consis-
tency in this movie is its melo-
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Continued from page 5
dramatic manipulations. Much
like last year's My Life, in which
Michael Keaton wrung tears
from viewers as a man dying of
cancer, When a Mn" Loves a
Woman maneuvers iis main par-
ticipants into scenes of contrived
tension designed primarily to
make eyes water and to propel
the story only as an afterthought
Many of the contrivances
employed in this movie develop
the necessary emotional power,
but there are far too many of
them. Michael decides at one
point to move to Denver for a
while, and spends several ago-
nizing minutes saying good-bye
to his two daughters. Michael
also stands up at an Al-Anon
meeting and emotionally talks
about his spouse and his daugh-
ters. Alice also gives an emo-
tionally-charged speech at the
end of the film jerrybuilt into the
script to ensure enough sobs for
the climactic finale.
One of the main problems
with When a Man Loves a Woman
is the overabundance of over-
blown scenes. The characters do
not come to life in this film. They
only go from one overly dra-
matic moment to the next with
no prerequisite connection.
So many big scenes only
serve to undermine the power of
the film. Instead of gradually
building to a powerful climax
within the context of the film,
each scene ends with a powerful
climax which eventually wears
out the viewer, either from too
much emotion or sheer boredom
when the folly of the filmmakers
becomes apparent.
Also particularly annoying
is the overuse of music to under-
score every scene. While talking
seriously in a beach-side pool
while on vacation, the conversa-
tion between Michael and Alice
can only be heard over silly mu-
sic designed to heighten the dra-
matic tension. Several times in
the film images flash across the
screen while a pop songster, like
Percy Sledge or REM, wails in
the background. This video ef-
fect is meant to propel the film
quickly to its next dramatic en-
counter, but instead only serves
to give the audience a chance to
get readjusted in their seats.
Enough details about the re-
lationship between Michael and
Alice are written into the script
of When a Man Loves a Woman that
any couple seeing the film will
have something to talk about af-
terward. Unlike a work of art,
though, the discussions will end
without further insight into the
human condition being gleaned.
Michael and Alice's problems
seem to be their own without
much connection to the univer-
sal problems of mankind.
Though disappointing, the
film does provide some emotion-
ally charges moments. For an en-
tertaining date, one could do
worse than take one's significant
other to see this movie. On a scale
of one to ten, When a Man Loves a
Woman rates a five.
Roseanne set for divorce
time Roseanne Arnold really
means it.
At least, that's what her
publicist said when the actress
filed for divorce Friday from
Tom Arnold.
It's the second time the TV
star has moved to end her mar-
Last month, she alleged
spousal abuse but withdrew her
petition after just a few days,
denying that her husband of
four years ever hit her.
The new petition cites ir-
reconcilable differences, publi-
cist Kevin Campbell said.
After the first filing, Arnold
predicted he and his wife would
reconcile. This time, he kept
Arnold "has nothing to say
Continued from page 5
laughs (more than the next 70 min-
utes combined). Lawrence talks
about racism, Rodney King, Mor-
gan Freeman in Driving Miss Daisy,
and the difference between how
whites and blacks watch movies. A
foreboding feeling permeated the
theater though, when he began talk-
ing about how none of Dorothy's
companions in OZ tried to have sex
with her while traveling down the
Yellow Brick Road.
Lawrence does no impressions,
recites no interesting poetry, and
makes very few interesting obser-
vations about life. In short, he per-
forms none of the prerequisite du-
ties of a comedian.
Lawrence does try to make up
for his dearth of material by infus-
ing his show with much energy and
enthusiasm. He bounds from one
side of the stage to the other, rarely
taking the time to sit. The one time
he takes a drink of water he apolo-
gizes for it and jibes the males in the
audience who complain that they
came to laugh and not to watch
Lawrence drink water.
Richard Pryor could be funny
in his stand-up routines, though
rarely in a Hollywood motion pic-
ture. Eddie Murphy could be
funny in both film and in concert
though Raw, Murphy's last con-
cert film, slid into tediousness
quickly. Martin Lawrence has
proven that he can be quite funny
on television, in Fox's Martin, but
You So Crazy expands on all the
worstpartsof Murphy 'sRaw and
becomes tiresome to watch.
Since Lawrence has already
found a medium in which to be
funny, maybe he should stay
On a scale of one to ten, You
So Crazy rates a four.
L b I-
Shibley will review The Crow for
next Wednesday' iestie.
at this time his publicist, David
Brokaw, said.
The new petition says the
Arnolds have been separated
since December, asks that Mrs.
Arnold not be compelled to pay
alimony and asks the judge to
divide her multimillion-dollar
The Arnolds just bought a
$3 million house next door to
their Brentwood mansion.
Arnold is executive pro-
ducer of his wife's hit ABC-TV
show "Roseanne" and she is ex-
ecutive producer of his far less
successful CBS-TV show "Tom
The two have other TV
and movie projects in the works
with their Wapello County com-
pany, and they opened
"Roseanne and Tom's Big Food
Diner" in Eldon, Iowa, last year.
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The East Carolinian
Page 7
May 18. 1994
Baseball heads to
CAA Tourney
in Virginia
By Dave Pond
Assistant Sports Editor
With a May 8th double-
header sweep of George
Mason, the ECU baseball
team staked its claim on fifth
place in the CAA regular sea-
son race. Coach Overton's
Pirates finished the regular
season with a 34-16 overall
record, but only a sub-par 8-
9 record in the CAA.
Yesterday, the Pirates
traveled to Norfolk, Va hop-
ing to defend their 1993C AA
Championship. The Pirates
first game will be tonight at
7:30 versus the suprisingly
competitive UNC-
WilmingtonSeahaw'ks, who
finished the regular season
with a 10-8 CAA record, 28-
25 overall.
If the Pirates win, they
will take on the CAA's num-
ber one-seed, Old Dominion,
who comes into the touma-
mentwitha 14-4CAA record,
33-10 overall. The Monarchs
earned a first-round bye.
All in all, the Pirates have
enjoyed success during the
1994 season, both as a team
and individually. Senior
thirdbaseman Rick Britton
was named the CAA Player
of the week May 9th, joining
March 14 recipient
centerfielder Jamie Borel.
Britton leads the Pirates in
batting with a .383 average,
and Borel ranks ninth in the
nation in stolen bases with
.863 averagestealsper game.
On the mound, ECU has
been strong as well. Junior
southpaw Richie Blackwefl
is ranked eighth in the nation
in strikeouts per nine innings
(11.5), and leads the Pirate
hurlers with 78.
Senior Johnny Beck is
tied for second on the ECU
career victory list with 29
wins. As a team, the Pirates
have compiled a 3.33 earned
run average.
Gill named
standout for
1993-4 season
(SID)�Junior center Anton
Gill was named East Carolina
University's "Most Outstanding
Player" at the school's annual
men's basketball banquet on
April 26, held at the Ramada Inn.
Gill, a native of Raleigh, N.C
was also given the squad's Out-
standing Rebound Award. The
6-8,207 pound Gill averaged 14.5
points, 6.2 rebounds and shot 59
percent from the floor.
Kevin Armstrong, a 6-6 se-
nior forward, won the team's
Most Improved Player award.
The Gastonia, N.C. native, aver-
aged 2.5 points and 2.7 rebounds
per game, starting seven games
this season, including the last six
Wilbert Hunter, a 6-5 senior
forward, was given the team's
Defensive Award.
The Raleigh, N.C. native, was
a key reason why the Pirates fin-
ished first in the Colonial Ath-
letic Association in scoring de-
Lester Lyons, a 6-33 1 2 se-
nior guard, earned the squad's
Top Free Throw Percentage
The, N.C. native, finished the
season hitting 82.6 percent (76 of
92) of his free throws.
Kareem Richardson, a 5-11
sophomore guard, was given the
(team's Assist Award.
The Rantoul, 111. native, aver-
aged 7.6 points, 2.6 rebounds and
3.9 assists per game. Earlier to-
day, ECU announced
Richardson's intentions to trans-
fer to the University of Evans-
Richardson jumps ship to Evansville
'Ice' to be closer to home
Conover enjoying
life in the fast lane
By Brian Olson
Sports Editor
Picking a goal or carreer in
life is not always easy and some-
times you have head in the direc-
tion of something you have a
strong desire for. ECU student
Mike Conover faced this situa-
tion and now is taking to the race
The hard working Conover
family is associated with the East
Carolina Motor Speedway in
Robersonville, NC, and this is
Mike's rookie season behind the
wheel in late model stock car rac-
ing. His biggest accomplishment
so far was placing first in just 1" is
third start at the end of April.
Conover attended the local
D.H. Conley high school and af-
ter not getting accepted to ECU
the first time, he took on odd jobs
for a few years to search his path
in life. After that was
unsuccessful a light went
popped in his head and he de-
cided to go back to school at Pitt
Community College. Hecrack the
books and made nothing but A's
and received acceptance into
ECU. He is currentlv a freshman
and a major is still undecided, but
a carreer in racing is his goal.
While his family has only
been in the business for three
years, he has loved the sport as
voung kid from New York. Now
he lives in Greenville and he says
he wouldn't live anywhere else
Mike did not just jump into
late model stockcar racing. In last
year's division he raced cars
similiar to go-carts and then dirt
sprint cars. This was a jump from
the lowest to highest form of rac-
Since he has graduated from
Conley, he has not forgotten
those roots. After himself and
his family formed the Conover
Motor Sports business they
helped with the dropouts. His
dad started it with the AIP
(American Institiute of Plant
Engineers) at Burroughs wel-
They would work hands on
with the teenagers and helped
them feel part of his team phi-
"A lot of these kids they
don't feel like they are worth
anything Conover said. "So if
they get to rely on each other,
that can be a difference. That's
bascially all we can do. We teach
them about racing, but we can't
make them do these things. We
get them excited about it. This
angle with the race car though
seems to work because when
they come out to see it thev say
He feels these kids need to
look up to people in the business
sin iliar to the wav he looked up
to Richard Petty and the Ala-
bama gang.
What many people do not
see is all the hard work the
Conovers put into the sport.
Mike feels he does not have a
social life because he his always
so busy. He is always picking up
parts, making repairs, practic-
ingand hitting the school books.
The family has no sponsers
o thev are responsible for all
the finances that go into the busi-
Mike savs he is always cau-
tious with his car because that is
his whole life.
You can watch Mike and
others every Saturday night at
the Speedway.
Photo by Max Dolder
ECU freshman, Mike Conover is seen here with his late model
stock car in victory cirlce. He is the youngest driver in his divison.
By Brad Oldham
Staff Writer
After selecting ECU as a senior
in high school, Kareem Richard-
son was looked at by both coaches
and fans as one of the brightest
prospects that ECU basketball had
seen in some time. Easily one of the
top 150 players
coming out of �
high school, Rich-
ardson was
greeted by Green-
ville with open
The 5'11
point guard from
Rantoul, Illinois
possessed the
speed and court
smarts to step in
and make an im- m
mediate impact in
the CAA conference
home she will have a better oppor-
tunity. Pl,us Evansville has a real
good program under head coach
Jim Crews, and I just feel it will be
a good situation for me
Richardson wasted no time in
establishing himself as a leader
both on and off the court in his two
years at ECU. He quickly found
himself in the startingpoint guard
i position, a
File Photo
Kareem 'Ice' Richardson's point guard position will possibly be
filled by freshman, Jerod Cohen or sophomore, Skipp Schaefbauer.
66 Basically, the
reason I
transferred was I
wanted my mom
to be able to
watch me play.
Now after
playing in just his second season at
ECU, Richardson has decided to
transfer to the University of Evans-
ville, located in Evansville, Indi-
"Basically the reason I trans-
ferred was I wanted my mom to be
able to watch me play Richardson
said. "My first two seasons here it
was hard for her to travel and see
me play. With me being closer to
role that he
excelled in
for the Pi-
rates, help-
ing ECU
win the
CAA cham-
and landing
a spot on
the CAA
HiHHM team his
year. His numbers were impres-
sive, especially for a freshman. He
averaged 7.1 points per game and
was second on the squad in assists
with 74, and third on the team in
steals with 31. He aiso performed
in the class room, maintaining the
highest grade point average on
the ball club.
You might say that
Richardson hit a "sophomore
slump" last season. After sprain-
ing his ankle in the season opener
ag.inst UNC Charlotte, it
seemed to take him awhile to get
back on track again. The ankle
problems continued throughout
the season, including another
sprain in the second half against
George Mason in Feb which
caused Richardson to sit out
against American.
He still displayed the type
of game that drew fans out of
their seats and coaches to drink,
though. He put on a show in
Richmond on Jan. 22, pouring in
17 points in 34 minutes in the 80-
72 losing effort. But the consis-
tency game-in and game-out was
lacking. It was obvious that he
was putting all he had into the
game, but more often than not
he ended up trying to force things
to happen. It seemed like he
never really got set mentally into
the type of style play he and
everybody else around him
knew he was capable.
So just two years after his
arrival, Richardson is departing
for Evansville to play for coach
Crews and the Aces. It's defi-
nitely a loss for ECU and a sig-
nificant gain for Evansville.
For "Ice" Kareem
Richardson was truly a class act,
and will be a hard player for
coach Eddie Payne to replace.
Letches Cooke join the NFL
(SID) � ECU football play-
ers Morris Letcher and Jeff
Cookee signed free agent con-
tracts following the draft with
teams in the NFL.
Letcher, a 5-9, 165 pound
wide receiver, signed with the
Miami Dolphins, and Cooke, a 6-
1, 277 pound defensive tackle,
inked with the New York Jets.
Last season, Letcher caught
27 passes for 311 yards and three
touchdowns, playing in nine
The Kansas City, Kan. na-
tive, also returned 11 punts for
a 5.3 yard average and 23 kick-
offs for a 15.2 yard average.
Cooke, a native of Sanford,
N.C, recorded 90 tackles last sea-
son, including nine behind the
line of scrimmage for minus 29
Cooke recovered one fumble
and also forced a fumble.
Cooke, an All-South Inde-
pendent choice in 1993, rejoins
Jet defensive line coach Larry
Coyer, who served as East
Carolina's defensive coordinator
last season.
Also former ECU quarterback
Jeff Blake is with the Jets.
File Photo
Former ECU standout wide receiver Morris Letcher could possibly be
turned into a special teams player for Don Shula's Miami Dolphins.
The duo joins Bernard Carter
and Carlester Crumpler as re-
cent members of the NFL. Carter
was a sixth round pick in the
NFL draft by the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers, while Crumpler
was selected in the seventh
round by the Seattle Seahawks.
Bucs catch Kerner from Florida State
By Aubrey Hoover
The Daily Reflector
Just when you thought East
Carolina basketball coach
Eddie Payne's recruiting sea-
son was over � along comes
Jonathan Kerner.
Kerner, who spent the last
two seasons playing sparingly
at Florida State, said May 11 he
plans to transfer to ECU for his
final two years of eligibility.
"I just got off the phone
with them (ECU officials) to
tell them I was coming Kerner
said in a phone interview last
Wednesday afternoon. "Once
I decided to transfer and talked
to Coach Payne a few times I
had a feeling I'd end up there.
And when I visited I knew it
was a perfect fit
ECU officials are prohib-
ited from commenting on
Kerner until the official trans-
fei papers arrive in Green-
ville � leaving questions
about Kerner's scholarship sta-
tus. ECU used its last scholar-
ship to sign 6-1 point guard
Damond Van Weerdhuizen last
If Kerner is on scholarship
one of two things is true � a
current roster player is leav-
ing the program or one of
ECU's six previous signees is
not coming.
Kerner, a 6-11, 230-pound
center out of Atlanta, averaged
2.5 points and 1.7 rebounds as
a sophomore at Florida State.
He started two games and
played in 18 contests, averag-
ing 9.9 minutes a game.
Kerner averaged 11.8 min-
utes in Atlantic Coast Confer-
ence play, averaging 1.9 re-
bounds and 2.0 points per
NCAA rules mandate that
Kerner must sit out his first
year at ECU before being eli-
gible for the 1995-6 season.
"Playing time was a big
reason I decided to leave but a
lot of it was personal Kerner
said. "I just felt like I could be
happier and have a bigger im-
pact somewhere else
"Sitting out a year will be
tough but I know it will help in
the long run Kerner said. "It
will give me time to refine my
skills and concentrate on
Kerner narrowed his
choices to ECU and CAA ri-
val UNC-Wilmington. His de-
cision was made easier when
Seahawks' Head Coach Kevin
Eastman left the school to take
the head coaching position at
Washington State.
"It had a big influence on
me Kerner said. "But I al-
ways thought I'd go (to ECU).
Coach Eastman leaving just
made it an easier decision
Kerner, who originally
chose FSU over Wake Forest
and Southern Methodist, was;
guided to ECU by Seminoles
coach Pat Kennedy and assis-
tant coach Kenny Williamson.
Kennedy knew Kerner was
transferring but wasn't aware
on May 11 the center decided
on ECU.
"They're good friends of
ours Kennedy said. "A lot
of those schools were calling
and I think the world of Eddie
and (ECU assistant) Joe
(Doolev). They don't come
any better than Eddie Payne
and I'm glad he's in a place
where I know he'll be happy
"But tell Eddie to remem-
See KERNER page 8

- .p rj- - ,
ii i'ii jiii i.i li M ;
May 18. 1994
The East Carolinian 8
Pirates ink versatile freshman from Texas
(SID)�Lawrence Thomas, a 6-5
forward guard from Dallas, Texas
has signed a national ktter-of-intent
. to play men's basketball at ECU,
school officials announced April 27.
Thomas comes to East Carolina
from Pinkston High School in Dallas,
where he played for coach Michael
"Lawrence brings a lot of versa-
tility around the perimeter to our pro-
gram, as an athlete, a passer and he
understands the game real well said
Pirate head coach Eddie Payne He is
a fine person and will make an out-
standing contribution to our pro-
A four-year letterwinner, Tho-
mas served as the Viking's' captain
and was a first-team All District
12AAAA selection for the last two
Last season, Thomas averaged
13.5 points, 10.5 rebounds and 7 as-
sists per game while shooting 77
percent from the floor. The Vikings
finished the season254 and advanced
to the area finals.
As a junior in 1992-93, Thomas
averaged 12.5 points, 7.5 rebounds
and 7assists per gamewhile hitting 72
percent of his field goals. The Vikings
finished theseason24-6and advanced
to the area finals.
During his sophomore season,
Thomas was named Newcomer of
the Year in District 12AAAA and was
a second team all-district selection.
During summer league action in
Dallas last year, Thomas was named
his team's NfVP. He has also partici-
pated in the Las Vegas International
and Huntington Beach International
all-star games.
Thomas isalsoactiveinhisschool
and community. He is Senior Class
President, President of the Pinkston
High School chapter of Fellowship of
Christian Athletes and is a member of
the National Honor Society, Pan Am
Club, Spanish National Honor Soci-
ety and the Literary Debate Club.
Thomas, who turned 18onMarch
13, is the son of Susan King.
Continued from page 7
Two essential
for a perfect
ber me when he (Kerner) starts
to play because I did all the
Despite his lack of playing
time, Kennedy thinks the time
spent at FSU will be valuable
to Kerner. In fact, Kennedy be-
lieves the fact that Kerner is
transferring shows a positive
in the center's attitude.
"When a youngster be-
lieves he can contribute more
than he is, I think that's good
Kennedy said. "It shows that
he wants to be out there and
thinks that he should be out
there. That's what you are look-
ing for in any player
fire You flwarc of
What Is Unfolding?
A Slide Presentation of the Evidence
General Classroom Bldg Room 2004
Wed. May 18 at 8:00 pm
Apostolic Campus Ministry
"Jonathan is a guy that
worked as hard as anyone
we've had here. He practiced
every day against guys like
Andre Reid and that's made
him better every day He's a
great addition for them. He has
the potential to be an extremely
good low-post player
Along with Armstrong,
Hunter and Lyons, Curley Young
and managers Jim Argent and
Mark Hanley were given Senior
Awards for their commitment to
the Pirate basketball program.
The Pirates finished the 1993-
94 season with a 15-12 record-the
squad's highest winning percent-
age since the 1979-80 season.
The Sports
Department is
hiring writers for
the summer
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For Rent
for apartment 12 block from art
building, 3 blocks from down-
town, 2 blocks from supermarket.
Starting in June. Call 757-1947.
share large 3 story house 3 min-
utes from campus by car. Must be
non-smoker, grad student pre-
ferred, commuter ideal. Please call
Michael at 752-3635, leave mes-
sage if no answer available May
Ringgold Towers. Private room &
bath. Female only. For more in-
formation call: Amy Beth, 758-
SUMMER? Apt. for rent across
from campus.200.00 a month.
Call Heather at 704-664-3757.
For Rent
A BARGAIN ! 3 bedroom house
$320,000 or 3 bedroom duplex $
400.00. Walk to campus, 752-1375.
CHECK THIS 1 bedroom du-
plex, 5250.00, or 2 bedroom du-
plex,325.00 pets ok. 752-1375.
room 2 12 Baths, with a Base-
ment, S 800.00, 14 mile to cam-
pus. 7522-1375.
to 6 bedrooms, Houses, Duplexes,
& Apartments, all around Cam-
pus. 752-1375.
DORM BLUES ! Nice 3 bedroom
duplex,450.00. Or spacious 4
bedroom house,
TOWNHOUSE, 2 bedroom, 1 1
April 26. 1994
For Rent
2 bath, available May 31, wd
hook-ups, ceiling fans, attic, dis-
posal, dishwasher,450.00 a
month. Call Mikenights, 524-4695.
FOR 2 BEDROOM APT. 1 block
from campus, rents S 142.50 rent,
deposit is the same as rent 12
utilities, washerdryer included
in rent. Call 757-2820, leave mes-
ROOM ATE NEEDED to share a
2 bedroom and 2 bathroom mo-
bile home at Greystone Mobile
Home Park. Can start renting May
18, only175.00 and 12 utilities.
Prefer non-smoking male. Call
Scott Tanner at 321-0404 if inter-
B3 Help Wanted
NEEDED AT ONCE Girls, Girls,
Girls. Earn big summer cash. The
best summer job around. Play-
mates Adult Entertainment call for
more info. 747-7686.
ERS needed. Apply in person at
Kelly's. Thursday, Friday, and Sat-
urday. 758-0080.
SALES. Earn good money with
flexible hours and gain valuable
business experience. Call Bonnie
at 355-7700 for more information
and possible interview.
PEOPLE to operate cart in shop-
ping mall in Greenville, Wilson or
Rocky Mount. Call the
Globetrotter in Raleigh (919) 782-
5450, to arrange interview.
! Assemble products at home. Call
Toll Free, 1-800-467-5566, ext. 5920.
TIONS for female escorts and
dancers. Lucrative income avail-
able. Call 321-8252, or 714-5350 for
JOBS- Tour guide, dude ranch,
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call 1-206-634-0468, ext. C5362.
Many positions. Great benefits.
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For Sale
FURNITURE: Couch and
matching chair,80.00 (set).
Kitchen table wchairs,
$ 75.00. Tan lazy-boy,40.00.
CARS, Trucks, Boats, 4-Wheel-
ers, Motorhomes, by FBI, IRS,
DEA. Nationwide auction list-
ings available now. Call 1-800-
436-4363, Ext. C-5999.
MOPEDS, Honda PA 50, only
600 miles,550.00. Puch, 2000
miles,400.00, excellent condi-
tion, 100 MPG, 30 MPH, No
license required. 756-9133.
Sickle Cell Anemia and the
Issue of Race in Twentieth Cen-
tury America. Wednesday,
May 25,1994,1:00 - 5:00 p.m
Brody Auditorium. Free and
open to the Public. For further
information, call 816-2797.
Volunteers are needed for the
ninth annual telecast of the lo-
cal Children's Miracle Network
Telethon, which supports the
Children's Hospital of Eastern
North Carolina, a division of
Pitt County Memorial Hospi-
tal. Sought are people who can
assist for any period of time
from 9:00 p.m. Sat June 4, to
6:30 p.m. Sun June 5, by
perfoming tasks that range
from answering phones to pro-
viding hospitality for special
guests. Airing on WITN-7, the
telethon will benefit the pedi-
atric specialty hospital wheh
serves 34 counties in eastern
North Carolina. Local seg-
ments originating from the
Brody Medical Sciences Build-
ing on the East Carolina Uni-
versity School of Medicine
campus will alternate with the
national broadcast from
Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif.
Persons interested in joining
the Children's Miracle Net-
work in a "Celebration of Life"
should call the local telethon
of fice a 1816-KIDS or 1 -800-673-
The Newman Catholic Student
Center invites the summer stu-
dents and guests to worship
with them. Sunday masses:
11:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. (fol-
lowed by refreshments) at the
Newman Center, 953 E. 10th
Street, right next to the East end
of the campus. Join us also on
Wednesday evenings for Mass
at 5:30 p.m. followed by fellow-
ship. For further information,
call Fr. Paul Varth, 757-1991.
752-7303 1 209 E. 5th St.
3 Greenville, NC
-Wednesday 18
Undefeated, Undisputed!
Thanks For Voting Us
The "Best Place To Hear Live Music"

Mike West
8? Jeff Shaw
Doors 9pm & Show 10pm
$1.50 Highballs � $1.50 Tallboys
-J The, �� vAiy
Thursday 19
, t r frrt
Only $4 '
adm for
Friday 20
The Other People
kA 80S Retro Rock $2.00 32k. Dn

r'T M
Saturday 21
A Tribute to KISS
flame breathing, blood spitting,
make-up wearing rock & roll
Only S4
adm for

Tuesday 24
r'j ; A
$2.00 32oz Dmft ?
'Hie Attic Comes Unplugged"
This Tuesday
$1.50 Imports � $1.50 Domestics � $1.50 32oz Draft
25 words or less:
Each additional word $0.05
�AN ads must be pre-paid
Any organization may use the An-
nouncements Section of The East
Carolinian tolist activities ande.ents
open to the public two times free
of charge. Duetothe limitedamount
of space, The East Carolinian cannot
guarantee the publication of an-
for Wednesday
$5.50 per inch:
Displayed advertisements
may be cancelled before
10 a.m. the day prior to
publication however, no
refunds will be given.
For more
call 757-6366.
Make for
a pretty
Recreational Services
can cure the summer
study blues!
Call 757-6)87 for more details.
Intramural Sport Schedule j Adventure Program Schedule
Register as an individual andor learn. For details call j Registration is required for 1st session trips & workshops.
David Gaskins at 757-6387. ; Registration begins May 16.
1 si Summer Session ��� � .
May 29 � Whitewater Rafting - Notichucky
May 24 � Softball Registration � 4:00pm I Pre-Trip Meeting is held May 25 at 5pm in 117 CG
May 24 � 5-on-5 Basketball Registration � 4:30pm June 4 � Windsurfing Trip - Outer Banks
May 25 � Bowling Singles Registration � 4:00pm I Pre-Trip Meeting is held June I at 5pm in 117 CG
May 25 � Tennis Singles Registration � 4:30pm j June 11 � Beach Horseback Riding Trip - Cedar Isle
May 31 � Basketball HORSE � CG � 4:00pm j Pre-Trip Meeting is held June 8 at 5pm in 117 CG
June 7 � Frisbcc Golf Singles � 4:00pm j Recreational Outdoor Center Hours: (117 CG)
June 7 � BIG SPLASH Golf Bonanza � 4:30pm I Monday � l:30pm-5:30pm
June 14 � Bball Shooting Triathlon � CG 206 � 4:00pm Tuesday-Thursday � 3:00pm-5:30pm
aii . . -ii u iu n i �� � Friday 11:30am-1:30pm
All registrations will be held in Biology 103 unless noted. j Saturday & Sunday-Closed
- . j Phone: 757-6911 or 757-6387 for details
Drop-In Recreation � � f
Christenbury Mon. & Wed6:30am-8:00pm : FitnCSS ClaSS Information
Weight Room Tues.&Thurs 6:30am-6:30pm j Register for first session May 16-20
Fr6:30am-1:30pm First session is held May 17-June 16
Garretl : .
W-iaht B�m kfc. it ,�� : M�awcdFn 6:30am-7 20am (Hi-LoSTEP) CG 108
Weight Room MonThI:00pm-6:30pm j Mon & Wed 3:004:00pm (Basic STEP) Garrett
I Mon & Wed 4:04-5:05pm (Toning) Garrett
Christenbury ! Mon & Wed 5:15-6:l5pm (Low Impact) Garretl
Swimming MonFn6:30am-8:30am Tu&Thur 3:30-4:00pm (Bellv Busters) Garrett
Pool MonFn11:30am-1:30pm : Xu&Thur 4'05-5:05pm(Ht-LoSTEP) Garrett
001 ' I Tu&Thur 5:15-6:l5pm (Basic STEP) Garrett
Minees '� Tu&Tnur 5:IV6:i5pm(Aquarobics) CG Pool
� . . MonFri4l5pm-7:00pm : .�. �
Swimming c . , 7 . ,mK Register in 204 Christenbury Gym M-Th from
Pool y2:OOpm-5:00pm : �:00am-5:00pm Sessions end $7.50 for students, faculty,
; staff, and spouses. All classes are available on a drop-in basis
n�h� m u; . u- us. . . ; by Purchas,n? � drop-in ticket in 204 Christenbury
Christenbury Mon. Wed hn Il:30am-I:l5pm ; Gymnasium in minimum increments of $5.00 for students
Gymnasium Mon. Thurs4:O0pm-6:00pm and SI0.00 for faculty, staff, spouse

Ml 1 �lj�lil ��!����'�
by Dickens
The Real Worl
The East Carolinian
is now hiring for
Account Executives
� unlimited earning potential
� must be enrolled at ECU
� 2.0 GPA required
Here is your opportunity to gain
valuable real world experience and
also make some money as an
advertising representative for The
East Carolinian. IS you are interested,
please stop by the Student
Publications Bidg across Srom the
Library, and fill out an application.
HAV� 2.0 GPA
� � � � CLIP AND MAIL NOW! � � � � � � � � � -
� � �� � CLIP AM) MAIL NOW ��- �J

The East Carolinian, May 18, 1994
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 18, 1994
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