The East Carolinian, June 23, 1993

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Summer Funk Aerobics
Dionne Evans helps
summer school students
keep the calories off
with intense instruction
at Christenbury Gym.
Story page 7.
The East Carolinian
Vol. 68 No. 39
Circulation 5,000
Greenville, North Carolina
Wednesday, June 23,1993
8 Pages
Construction set to begin on video facility
By Molly Perkins
Staff Writer
Construction of a new
video production facility will
soon begin in Joyner Library.
The studio, which will be lo-
cated on the first floor of
Joyner's east wing where the
library's in-house bindery used
to be, is the first broadcast qual-
ity television facility on theaca-
demic campus.
The studio will provide
services for two groups on cam-
pus. It will serve as an instruc-
tional facility for students, as
well as a studio for many types
of production by the Academic
Communication Support Ser-
"ACSS, which is a depart-
ment within Joyner Library, is
involved in video and image
production for east campus
explained Kenneth Marks, di-
rector of Joyner Library. "There
is a similar department that does
the same thing for the medical
school he said.
Gary VVeathersbee, of
ACSS, said that now there is
only one studio where broad-
casting is taught, but it is not of
broadcasting quality. This fa-
cility will bring ECU up to date
in the broadcasting area.
The new studio will add to
other highly technical multi-me-
dia equipment used by ACSS.
The facility will have the new-
est type of BetacamSP equip-
ment, the kind that is purchased
by major networks and TV sta-
tions. It will be hooked to the
statewide CoNCert video net-
work, as well as the cable tele-
vision educational channel. The
studio will also have an on-line
editing system and a laser-disc
recording system.
Students in Advanced
Television Production in the
Communications department
will greatly benefit from the new
video facilities. Thestudiowill
enable students to gain experi-
ence with modern video equip-
ment by viewing and taking part
in video and television produc-
Marks said construction of
the new facility will begin in
not before August first. "The
studio should be completed by
November, but won't be avail-
able for production use until
the spring semester of 1994
Marks said.
He explained that after the
construction is completed, there
will be a lot of internal work to
do to make sure all of the equip-
ment is working properly.
Communications major
Greg Spencer was very excited
to hear about the new studio.
"The studio we work in now is
have to be able to put your
hands on the equipment that
the places where you'll apply
for jobs are using.
" I realize the equipment
is expensive, but it really does
make a difference. You can't
prepare for a job in a high-
tech market by using a 10-year-
old camera
The money to build the
studio in Joyner Library was
allocated by Chancellor Rich-
ard Eakin. The designers of
the studio are Walter Davis
the latter part of the summer, pitiful Spencer said. "You Associates.
Congress considers new
student lending program
By Warren Sumner
Photo by Cedric Van Bur�n
Students in the Financial Aid office on ECU campus stand in line and apply for assistance to help them during
their college careers. With Clinton's new loan system, colleges will find it easier to access thes" funds.
Assistant News Editor
The U.S. Congress is now
considering a revolutionary
new bill proposed by the
Clinton administration.
This proposal deals with a
new student lending program
to reform the current loan sys-
The objective of the pro-
posal is to grant students enter-
ing college easier access to funds
that would lessen the burden of
college expenses, while at the
same time saving taxpayers
Clinton's proposal would
establish a system of direct lend-
ing which would eliminate
"middlemen such as banks
and other financial institutions,
from involvement in the loan
If the bill achieves its de-
sired results, the students will
be able to receive loans at lower
interest rates and be granted
greater flexibility in loan repay-
In a May 26 written pro-
posal to Congress, Madelein
Kunin, the Deputy Secretary of
Education, showed support for
the proposal and defended
against what she labeled as false
accusations from lobbyists rep-
resenting the interests of the
current lending system.
"The intensity of recent
lobbying efforts against student
reform is a useful reminder that
the purpose of the student loan
program is to serve students,
not to preserve a system for the
benefit of providers Kunin
"These groups have
hired some of the highest paid
lobbyists in town to help con-
vince you and the public that
the President's proposal will
not work.
"What they have been
saying is, at best, misleading
and often just plain wrong
In the Congressional
proposal, Kunin set out to dis-
pel a number of myths that
she believes the lobbyists
have fostered.
She stated that the popu-
lar notion that the bill's effec-
tiveness has been overempha-
sized is incorrect, as well as the
conception that a direct lend-
See CONGRESS page 2
Workshop offered to
help adult students
By Gina Jones
Staff Writer
On Saturday, June 26, a
"Return to Campus" workshop
will be held for returning adult
students. The workshop, spon-
sored by the ECU University
College and Undergraduate Ad-
missions, is not new. It has been
held in the past and has been
very successful.
The workshop is designed
to help adults not to feel left out
of the college experience.
"It the workshop is an
effort the university i s making to
encourage adults said Dr. Rob-
ert Denney, associatedirectorof
University College. "The goal is
to reassure adults that they can
return, and are welcome
The workshop will offer
sessions explaining the admis-
sions process, career choices,
payment of tuition, financial aid,
cooperative education and col-
lege stress. There will also be in-
formationaboutstudentlife. The
Student Life Handbook, Bridg-
ing the Gap, will answer ques-
tions about housing, child care
and othersocial opportunities re-
turning students may need.
"Although there will be
many changes awaiting return-
ing students, the largest obstacle
will be the students' commit-
ments Denney said.
"They have to continue
with their lives and with adjust-
ing their activities and sched-
The "Return to Campus"
workshop wi 11 be held on June 26
from 8:30-1130 a.m. in the Nurs-
ing Build ing. There is no charge,
but enrollment is limited. For
advance registration,call Univer-
sity College at (919) 757-6488.
11th professional school opens in July
By Warren Sumner
Assistant News Editor
With chairman appointed,
departmentsreorganized and fac-
ulty motivated, ECU is preparing
to open its 11th professional
The School of Health and
Human Performance will begin
operation on July 1 after integrat-
ing three university departments
into one of the largest schools at
the university. Formerly the De-
partment of Health, Physical Edu-
cation, Recreation and Safety, the
new school will provide valuable
health education opportunities to
an already-expanding medical
base at ECU.
The School will now house
the department of Health Educa
tion, Physical Education, and Lei-
sure Systems Studies.
Dr. David White, acting
chairman of the Department of
Health Education, said he is ex-
cited about the new possibilities
the school will create.
"This school has the poten-
tial to draw more top quality stu-
dents White said. "It creates an
opportunity for these depart-
ments tobecome more visibleand
for our faculty to have a better
chanceat get tingresearch grants
White said that he thinks the
contributions the centerwill make
to Eastern North Carolina will
greatly benefit the region, espe-
cially in the health arena.
"I think we provide a great
deal of support in disease preven-
tion and health promotion. I think
we will strengthen the university's
overall impact on the health of
the citizens of North Carolina
and on the region tha t we serve
Each department will
house its own sub-divisions to
create a large variety in the
school. The Department of
Physical Education will include
Human Performance and Bio-
mechanics laboratories, while
the Department of Health Edu-
cation will house the university's
popular Sports Medicine cur-
See SCHOOL page 2
EC pledges troops to safe areas in Bosnian cities
(AP) � European Community
leaders promised today io send
troops to protect Muslim civil-
ians in six Bosnian cities, but re-
buffed a German proposal to arm
therepublic'sembattled Muslims.
The community stance in
Copenhagen piled pressure on
Bosnia to concede defeat in the
war and accept a Serb-Croat pro-
posal to carve Bosnia-
Herzegovina into three ethnic re-
gions. Bosnia's collective presi-
dency voted today to go toGeneva
on Wednesday todiscuss the pro-
posal with Serb and Croat lead-
In a final statement issued at
the end of a two-day summit, EC
leaders said they had "decided to
respond positively" to the United
Nations' call for 7,600 troops to
guard civilians in six besieged
Muslim regions designated as
"safe areas
Member states were urged
to "comply with that request
within their abilities but no spe-
cific number of troops was men-
tioned in the statement.
Dutch Prime Minister Ruud
Lubbers said no EC states had
offered troops except the Nether-
lands, which pledged 400on Mon-
France and Britain already
provide most of the 10,000 U.N.
troops already in Bosnia guard-
ing food and medicine convoys.
A resolution to send 7,600
more troops to the six Muslim
cities was approved by the Se-
curity Council last week. But
deployment was expected to
See TROOPS page 2
School buses save environment with natural gas power
HIGH POINT (AP) � The snub-
nosed school bus, that a High Point sales-
man isdriving across the country lookslike
hundreds of others that roll off the assem
bly line each year. But the gas tanks hold
natural gas instead of gasoline or diesel
Ken Hedgecock, sales training man-
ager for Thomas Built Buses, set off Mon-
day on a 3,500-mile, 35-day "Carolina-to-
The cross-country jaunt will include
nine stops where school administrators,
state and local officials will be able to see
and test drive the vehicle.
Hedgecock's ultimate destination is
the National Conference of State Legisla-
tures annual convention in San Diego, said
Allan Haggai, advertising and sales pro-
motion manager with ThomasBuiltBuses.
"Our market is asking for these
buses he said. "We started building pro-
totypes about a year and a half ago. We've
got an order for about 15 that we're build-
ing now
Vehicles powered by natural gas are
better for the environment, Haggai said.
While the busHedgecockwillbedrivingto
California was made to use natural gas,
gasoline-powered buses can be retrofitted
to bum natural gas.
Until recently, buses powered by
na rural gashaven'tcaughton because there
are few fuel stations. But the increasing
availability of fuel makes natural-gas ve-
hicles more practical, Haggai said.
"The state of Texas now requires all
systems with more than 50 school buses to
purchase natural-gas buses when buying
replacements Haggai said.
The natural-gas tanks give the buses
a 300-mile travel range, Haggai said.
ThebusHedgecock isdriving is pow-
ered by a 5.6-liter engine developed jointly
by Hercules Engine Company, of Canton,
Ohio, and The Gas Research Institute of
Chicago. The tour is jointly sponsored by
Hercules and Thomas Built.

eats j fries m lbto
A squirrel, r fffjB tired of the Iwrfrilfl. , la
same old j1 . Yj�
nuts, feastsM flfl
on some-i .f3ir 1
one's ��w�li" tiPtp �J5
leftovers. fM?11fp �

Photo by m Cedric 1 lfc.
Van Buren 1 mf�m-i- aft!

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June 23, 1993
round Othfi
Defectors challenge Japan's governing party rule
More students work while in school
ording t report by the American Council on
I ducation, a greati ol undergraduate college stu-
dents ,nv working while enrolled in college than ever before.
The Council's report said that working student percentages
have risen steadily in the past dec ade, largely attributed to the
growing number of older, non-traditional students attending
classes. The majority of students surveyed for the report cite
"financial need" as their reason for working.
New York university sponsors voter drive
The City University of New York is holding a student
registration drive to enable its students to register to vote. The
drive is being implemented throughoutthe university 'sschools,
and is a part of it's two-year and four-year programs. The
university has had such drives since 1987, but this is the first
time in its history of having them in the summer. University
officials said more than 160,000 voter forms have been distrib-
uted in the past six years. Officials will distribute thousands of
forms to their summer enrollment and to all applicants to the
admissions office of the university. The deadline for the regis-
tration is Aug. 20 for the primary election. School officials claim
theCUN Yeffort is the largest voter registration effort in America.
"This summer registration initiative is intended to help our
students gain a head start in order to meet the voter registration
deadline said Chancellor W. Ann Reynolds.
Libraries share electronic texts
Five Virginia university libraries will provide student and
faculty access to literary databases in a project described as the
largest sharing consortium of its type. George Mason Univer-
sity, the College of William and Mary, the University of Vir-
ginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Virginia Common-
wealth University will all share the works of 1350 poets. The
poetry, collected in 4,500 volumes, will be available to users by
computers in their dormitories, offices or homes through a
Chadwyck-Healey database program. The database contains
the collected works of the entire body of English poetry, from
Anglo-Saxon times to 1900. Users will be able tc access the
database; identify specific poems; trace themes; and compare
usage in poems by different authors in different centuries.
Compiled by Warren Sumner. Taken from CPS
and other campus newspapers.
rOKYO(AP) Puv-reform
lawmakers furthei chipped away
atalmost 40 years of Liberal Demo-
cratic rule today as a second fac-
tion ol governing party defectors
prepared to launch theirown splin-
ter group.
The departure of the group
led by former Finance Minister
Tsutomu Hata came a day after 10
lawmakers announced the creation
olfa new party called Sakigake.
The defections are eroding
the Liberal Democrats' once
unchallengeable grasp on power
and haveleftPrinuMinisterKiichi
Miyazawa bereft of influence just
as Japan prepares to host an eco-
nomic summit next month of ma-
jor industrialized nations.
pa ssage of a vote of no confidence
against Miyazawa last Friday are
now maneuvering to win backdis-
illusioned supporters ahead of July
18 elections by distancing them-
selves from their scandal-tainted
Continued from page 1
Hata, 57, and about 40other
legislators submitted resignations
at the Liberal Democratic Party
headquarters today, according to
an aide who spoke on the condi-
tion of anonymity.
"We must create a true poli-
tics that can be really and easily
understood by the people Hata
said in an interview reported in
the Nihon Keizai Shimbun,a lead-
ing economic daily.
Hata's group led the revolt
in parliament Friday that forced
entity Council last week. But de-
ployment was expected to take
months, in part because of the
difficulty the United Nationsan-
ticipated in marshaling that
many soldiers and equipment.
Lubbers said the statement
did not include the German pro-
posal to lift the U.N. arms em-
bargo because "it creates the ex-
pectation that you don't believe
in your own policy" to step up
humanitarian aid.
Producing a letter of sup-
port from President Clinton,
Dr. Carolyn Hampton has
been named acting dean of the
A veteran of ECU science
education, Hampton is cur-
rently an associate dean for re-
search in the ECU College of
Arts and Sciences.
Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Ger-
many had urged the community
to press the United Nations to
lift an arms embargo to help
Muslim forces repel advancing
Serbs and Croats.
The Muslims say the em-
bargopenalizes them more than
Croats and Serbs, who are much
better armed and get weapons
from neighboring Croatia and
The IJC did, however,
soften its longstanding opposi-
tion to lifting the arms ban.
Continued from page 1
In an interview with the
ECU News Bureau, she ex-
pressed her optimism for the
new program.
"These programs and
the other academic disciplines
will help the new school be-
come one of the best in the
country she said.
Miyazawa, 73, to call early elec-
tions. Hata'sgroup was expected
to set up a new party Wednes-
The chances for the newly
emerging parties to unite with
older opposition parties in suc-
cessfully challenging the Liberal
Democrats remain unclear.
want to clean up Japan's notori-
ously corrupt political system,
with its system of pork barrel
spoils and influence-buying.
Continued from page 1
ing program will ,uft the finan-
cial loan burden to the nation's
"We do not foresee in-
creased administrative costs to
institutions and have carefully
crafted the legislation to meet
that intent she wrote.
"Moreover, no institution
will be forced to originate
loansD3 lending will save
$4.3 billion over the next five
years by substituting federal
borrowing for private capital
Kunin said that the new
bill proposal would not serve to
provide a substitute to private
sector involvement in loan
grants, but would instead cre-
ate a partnership between the
government and private indus-
try for loan revamping.
"The reality is that the
President's proposal will build
a new publicprivate partner-
ship, through the competitive
selection of contractors, who
will be chosen on the basis of
price and quality, to act as al-
ternative originators and to
service loans. The current sys-
tem uses private lenders to
provide capital to students and
to service loans, but it does not
use competitive forces to re-
duce costs or ensure quality
"Instead, by statute, all
lenders, no matter how they
perform, receive the same ftit
of return, 3.1 percentage points
over the treasury bill rate
f �
while you wait
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If you have never climbed before, you must participate in a Climbing
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large group workshops are being held second session; Wednesday,
June 30 & Wednesday, July 14 from 3:00-5:00pm for $5.00. Or, you
may sign up on Wednesday or Thursday for a daily workshop at a
cost of $5.00.
?rop-in climbing hours
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Register for any Adventure
Program in the ROC,11 7
Christenbury Gym, on
Monday from
1:30pm 5:30pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, it
Thursday from
3:30pm 5:30pm
Friday from
11:00am 1:30pm
Passes may be purchased in room 204 Christenbury Gymnasium
Monday-Thursday from 7:30am-5:00pm and on Friday from
7:30am-11:30am. Prices are as follows:
Day Pass:
Session Pass:
$1.00 for Students
$2.00 for FacultyStaffGuest
$10.00 for Students
$15.00 for FacultyStaffGuest
Take a weekend off and enjoy the outdoors with an adventure trip
unlike anything you'll do this summer.
Windsurfing Outing
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Beach Horseback Riding
When? Sunday, July 11
Where7 Cedar Island, NC
How Much? S45 for Students, $50 for FacultyStaffGuest
Hanggliding & Windsurfing
When? Friday & Saturday, July 16-1 7
Where7 the Outer Banks, Kitty Hawk, NC
How Much? $70 for Students, $80 for FacultyStaffGuest
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The East Carolinian
Page 3
itry's Good' kicks off summer theatre
Photo by Cedric Van Buren
"Our Country's Good" mixes entertainment and a theatrical message to provide quality theatre. Performances
start at 8 p.m. and will run through Saturday night.
Hollywood animation
makes 'Jurassic Park'
By Ike Shibley
Staff Writer
Trying to criticize a film like
Jurassic Park that has all the ear-
ma rks of being one of the biggest
grossing movies of all time pro-
vides innumerable challenges.
First, one must try to ignore
the hype preceding the film and
the marketing ploys that run con-
comitant with the film's release.
Secondly, one needs to try to
look on a more challenging time
course than two hours or even the
length of the summer to chart the
quality of the film. One tries to
judge what the long-term impli-
cations of a film like Jurassic Park
maybe. Will it galvanize the cin-
ema tic consciousness the way Star
Wars did or will it quickly fade
into a mere cinematic footnote as
Batman has done?
Thirdly, a critic needs to ac-
knowledge the technology and
special effects used to create the
film while not being over-
whelmed by them. Many pictures
have created new technologies,
but most of that technology then
gets used in much more solid cin-
ematic productions.
Ji4rassic Park provides a pleas-
ant summer diversion and may
even become the highest grossing
film of the year, but it will not be
long remembered as anything
more than a slick Hollywood pro-
duction mat tells a tired tale of
monsters chasing humans.
The only novelty Jurassic Park
offers comes in the form of the
monsters. Although they aredino-
saurs, these creatures bearstriking
similarities to King Kong, Godzilla
and the aliens in Aliens. Instead of
exploring the truly unique side of
creating dinosaurs, Steven
Spielberg instead explored the Hol-
lywood side of creating them.
As soon as a worker on the
island makes a shady deal to steal
someembryosanda tropical storm
is tracked by the National Weather
Service, the audience can see the
huge cogs of the transparent plot
beginning to show. They can hear
the groans and squeaks of the tired
plot machinery trying to muster
enough energy to reach the pre-
determined conclusion.
JurasskPark suffers from the
same ills as Cliffhanger. The film-
makers begin with a novel con-
cept with great promise, then bas-
tardize it by imposing a sagging
Hollywood plot.
Spielberg, who has been re-
sponsible for some truly great
Hollywood films like Jaivs, E.T.
and Raiders of the Lost Ark, has
faltered recently with Hook, and
though Jurassic Park is better,
Speilberg has not regained his
Though Jurassic Park can in
no way compa re to the sheer mag-
nitudeof incompetence exhibited
in Hook, it does suffer from the
same major ill�too many inter-
esting sets and not enough story.
As in many Spielberg fables,
children get introduced into the
melee. Try as he may, Spielberg
ca nnotcon vince the a ud ience tha t
thechild ren are really in any dan-
ger. Youngsters in the audience
may be convinced, which is just
one reason why they should not
see this film, but most anyone
See JURASSIC page 4
7�6t?s Pap smears
Question: Exactly what is the
purpose of having a Pap smear?
Answer. A Pap smear is done
to see whether the cells of the
cervix are normal. Sometimes a
Pap smear will reveal other
changes on the cervix. These
changes do not necessarily indi-
cate cervical cancer.
A Pap smear is considered a
screening test only. Upon receiv-
ing an abnormal result, further
tests are needed to confirm the
nature of the abnormality.
During a Pap smear, random
samples of cellsare obtained from
the cervix.
A device known as a spatula
is used to gather cells from the
cervical area. The cells are stud-
Answered by Jennifer Phillips
Student Health Services
ied under a microscope by trained
technicians who classify the cells
according to their microscopic
There are five classes: Class 1
is considered a normal result;
Class 11 usually indicates some
type of infection or inflammation
of the vagina; Classes HI and IV
are suspicious for tumors but not
definite; Class V is definite for
It is important that women
hav a Pap smear done annually
after the age of 18 whether they
are sexually active or not (unless
otherwise advised by a physi-
cian). Risk factors for cervical can-
cer include:
� Sexual intercourse at an
early age (teen or younger)
� Sexual intercourse with
more than two partners
� Sexual intercourse with
someone who has had more than
two partners
� Genital herpes
� Genital warts
Questions for the health col-
� umnshould bedirected tojenni-
fer Phillips, Student Health Ser-
vice, ECU, Greenville, 27858.
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
Over the years, the theater has
striven to provide the masses with a
three-fold prod uction: entertainment,
theatricality and a thematic sense all
in one two-and-a-half hour play.
This season's Summer Theatre
at the ECU Playhouse doubles this
triad by providing three individual
plays thatrepresentthisrombination
of showmanship and subject matter.
"If you take thissummer, in toto,
as a whole, each of these plays has a
great deal of intellectual content as
well as theatrical content as well as
entertainment value said John
ECU's Summer Theatre. "Each of
these plays embodies an idea and a
theme, a very strong thematic mes-
sage, as well as great entertainment
When asked about his choice of
plays, Shearin commented thata the-
ater company working out of a uni-
versity has a need to reflect the mis-
sion of that university in its work.
"A great part of that university
mission is to try to elevate the stan-
dards, to try to com-
municate themes, to
try to exercise
I would never
foresake theatrical-
ity and entertain-
ment for a message.
For me, the best the-
ater is the theater of
ideasexpressedinahighry entertain-
ing way
This year's season opened yes-
terday with the Olivier Award-win-
ning play, "Our Country's Good
Providing the meat between thebread
about pioneer women. The season
will conclude with "Letrice and
who also wrote "Equus" and
"Our Country's Good written
by Timberlake Wertenbaker and
adapted from Thomas Keneally's
of the penal system in New South
Wales, the Bri tish colony tha tevenru-
ally became Australia. Set in the late
1780s, the play centers around the
convicts' treatment and behavior in
this horrible, often violent, micro-
cosm of society.
The thrust of the play occurs
when theGovernor announces that
a play will be presented with the
convicts as actors. The focus is
turned on toa lieutenant in the Royal
Marines who is named director,
and is thus simultaneously inun-
dated by potential actors looking
for any form of mental escape and
constrained by the rigors of mili-
tary discipline.
With the concept of a play-
within-a-play, "Our Country's
Good"allowsforacertain amount
of cross-casting. According to
Shearin, this forces actors to main-
tain a high sense of concentration
See SUMMER page 4
Summer soars with Ultimate
players in Emerald City
Staff Writer
While some students suffer
through the boring summer eve-
ningswatchingrerunsof "The Andy
Griffith Show" and chugging down
cheap combinations of malt and
hops, many other students are rev-
eling in a summer activity that of-
fers exercise, competition and fun,
as well as a great chance to meet a
variety of different people.
The sport is Ultimate, a fast
paced game similar to frisbee foot-
ball. The summer league mles are
informal, perfect for both the peop le
wanting to learn to play, and those
who just wanta relaxed athleticand
social environment.
Ultimate is a non-contact
sport that is self-officiated; in other
words, players are on the honor
system and must be willing to call
fouls on themselves as well as on
the other team. Games are played
until a score of 15 is reached, one
point at a time.
UnJike the regular season, sum-
mer league teams are co-ed. This
summer, the league boasts a roster
of about60participants,divided up
intoaround fourteams, butnew-
comers are always welcome, ac-
cording to the league director
Gary Hurley.
Many of the players thissum-
mer are first rimers, like Kim
Edwards who plays ultimate be-
cause "it's fun, and a little differ-
ent, plus ifs great exercise. They
throw everyone together, and
even though you leam mostly on
your own, the regular ultimate
people help you figure things
See ULTIMATE page 4
Need info on financial aid, career options, admissions?
ECU Career Workshop
East Carolina University will hold a "Return to Campus" work-
shop on Saturday, June 26 for people thinking about beginning or
re-entering college.
Sponsored by the ECU University College and Undergraduate
Admissions, the workshop is scheduled for 8:30-11:30 a.m. in the
Nursing Building on campus.
Workshop sessions will include information about financial
assistance, career options, the admission process, academic sup-
port services and student services. In addition, adult students will
discuss their decisions to return to school and provide insight on
some of their experiences. Basic strategies on how to balance work,
home and school obligations will also be discussed.
There is no charge for the workshop, but enrollment is limited.
For advance registration call the University at 919-757-6488.
Who's There ?�
AtticHard TimesCorrigans
Follow for NowDance LessonsBruce Frye
Friday:Friday:(Ladies free)
AmateursBillie Joe RoyalSaturday:
Saturday:Saturday:Abandon Real
Sweaty, dreamy imagery: Insane Jane is tight on newest release, 'Sweet Finger'
By Mark Brett
Staff Writer
Insane Jane likes breasts. Or
at least I assume they do; both of
their albums feature mammaries
prominently on the cover.
Their newest release, Each
Finger, has infrared, photo-
graphed, glittered-covered
breasts, with a cross hanging be-
tween them. An appropriate im-
age for an album that concerns
itself mostly with sex and reli-
The first track, "Daisy is
about the orgasm of a masturbat-
ing peep-show dancer. Her at-
tempt to just lie back and enjoy it
for once, however, sends her au-
dience into a rape-bent frenzy.
Continuing in this vein is "I'm
Flying which mixes drugs with
orgasm, creating a lofty effect.
Filled with sweaty, dreamy
imagery, these two songs set the
tone for Enci Fwfr. Insane Jane's
musical style, which also tends to
be sweaty and dreamy, works
well in these pieces. The listener
is carried along by the flow of the
album. For the first 20 minutes or
so, Each Finger is fascinating.
Then we get to "1 Won't
� Stand an excellent piece of mu-
sic about the futility of martyr-
� dom. "I Won't Stand" breaks the
spell. This is a tough song about
the underlying meaning of Chris-
tianity. martyrdom is a good
thing. When lead singer Yellow
declares "I won't stand For the
man of the cross she's not only
refusing to be a majtyr, she's re-
fusing to worship one. This song
is a shift in Each Finger, a shift in
topic and in complexity. Inequal-
ity of the music soars.
Normally, a good song is not
a bad thing. "I Won't Stand" is so
very good that the rest of the al-
bum suffers in comparison. Plac-
ing a song this spectacular in the
middle of an album is a lot like
premature ejaculation, and Insane
Jane has blown their load real
good this time.
After "I Won't Stand the
band returns to the dreamy stuff,
but the thrill is gone. Their style
flattens out and every song
sounds the same. The listener's
attention wanders on to more in-
teresting things�the patterns in
the wallpaper or that familiar
household chore. There's a glar-
ing error in musical judgmentthat
needs to be pointed out.
"Smoke! Smoke! I'm gonna
smoke you up, roll you in my
fingers and lighta torch for love
Sound juicy? It should. It's from
"Lollipop Serenade another sex
song. Exclamation pointsabound
as Insane Jane glories in the plea-
sure of oral fornication. Thisone
should be air fast and bubbly
and shuddering, shouldn't it?
Sorry, but it'sdelivered with all
the emotion and raw sexuality
of a dead muskrat.
Despite their second-half
fade, Insane Jane is a talented
band, and Each Finger offers 25
minutes of tight, will-be muzak,
for all its listenability.
My verdict? If you can find
it in the bargain bin, pick it up.
Just don't pay full price for
half an album.

June 23. 1993
Continued from page 3
xact same
In otht I very little
surprises lurk on the this island. In
fact, excepting the explanation for
how the dinosaurs were created,
I no creativity.
is watched movies
ave written it.
spite all the negative
-in that surfaces after think-
ing about the film, one cannot deny
heer power of Jurassic Park.
The beauty and strength of the di-
nosaurs provides much enjoyment.
The beasts�from Brachiosaurusto
Tyrannosaurus Rex to a bird-like
Continued from page 3
dinosaur called a velociraptor�
kok incredibly real.
The actors do a workman-like
job of handling their duties through
most of their characters are one di-
mensional. Sam Neill as the head
paleontologist provides a compe-
tent lead whose disgust for children
gradually fades as he spendsa har-
rowing night alone in the park with
them. Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum
and Richar3 'Attenborough (as
John Hammond, the curator of
the park and whose grandchil-
dren get stuck in the park fill their
roles with aplomb. . -
One admirable touch that the
asks Hammond how he created
the dinosaurs. Hammond shows
Gran t and the aud ience a f il m sta r-
ring "Mr. D.N.A" that succinctly
Plenty of veteran players, from
both the Iratesand Helios (the ECU
club teams) are playing this sum-
mer. Some, said Hurley, "have
played for six or seven years, and
they're out there with people who
have never picked up a disc
Many of the newcomers are
hoping toplay with either the bates
or Helios next fall, and members of
both teams have mentioned that
they are recruiting for regular sea-
son play. But as Dave Bundy said,
summer league allows "guys and
girls to come out here and play a
good game that makes everyone
happy, whether you're looking for
exercise, social interaction or com-
After the first few practice
weeks of the season, the teams will
start keeping score for each game,
and every day will bring different
teams into play against each other.
The games will lead to an end of the
league tournament, where the win-
ners will take home a trophy. Until
that time, the players hit the ECU
practice fields behind Ficklen sta-
diumevery Tuesday and Thursday
at5:30p.m. The only gear necessary
to play is shorts and T-shirts, but
cleats are the most prevalent form
of footwear. A175 gram disc is also
suggested, but not required.
Along with the regularly sched-
uled gameson Tuesdays and Thurs-
days, informal practicesareheld on
Wednesdays and Sundays. "We
might also travel down to
Wilmington toplay with fheirsum-
mer league
Payment of su mmer dues ($10)
insures each player a summer
league T-shirt and entrance to the
end of the season tou mament party.
"If you just want to play first ses-
sion, second session or both, we're
at your disposal Hurley said.
Interested people should either
call Hurley at 758-5793, or show up
on the practice field. You will know
you are in the right place if dogs are
swarming the field; water bottles,
coolers and bicycles are scattered
along the sidelines and crazed ath-
letes are diving headlong into the
air after discs. One of the blood and
dust covered participants might be
Trevor Burnette, who after numer-
ous aerial acrobatics, has decided
"it's gotta begood foryouif ithurts
Continued from page 3
and continuity in order to maintain
the play's integrity.
"All of those charactersare very
different in the kinds of demands
they make on the actor � they're
different emotionally, they'rediffer-
ent physically, they have different
voices, different points of views
Shea rin said. "Theactor must be able
to not only master these differences
in character, but be able to shift gears
in a matter of seconds � go out of
one scene, make an immediate shift
ofgearsa id a coat change and come
on as another character in a very
demanding scene
"Our Country's Good" hosts
several veteransofSummer Thea tre,
including Tom Spivey, Elizabeth
Townsend, Dan Strickler and Donn
Youngstrcm. Audienceswill remem-
ber these favorites from past perfor-
mancesof'The Fantasticks "A Mid-
summer Night's Dream "Lend Me
a Tenor" and "Dracula
Ticketpricesare$1750 for adults,
$1250 for senior citizens and $750
for chi Id ren. ECU students may buy
discounted tickets (with a valid I.D.)
for $10 if bouth between 7:45 and 8
p.m. the night of the performance.
Greenville Aquarium's
C i
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Returning Students
If you plan to live off campus, you can eliminate at least one long line by arranging
your utility service in advance. By planning ahead, you can save valuable time � and
possibly money. The following options are available:
Option A: No Deposit Required
At your parents' request, your utility
service may be put in their name. Just pick
up a "Request for Utility Service" applica-
tion from room 211 in the Off-Campus
Housing Office, Whichard Building or at
Greenville Utilities' main office. 200 W. 5th
Have your parents complete the
application (which must be notarized) and
mailittoGUC, P.O. Box !847, Greenville,
N.C. 27835-1847. alt: Customer Service.
?Remember to attach a "letter of
credit" from your parents' power company.
Option B: Deposit Required
If you wish to have the utility service put in
your name, a deposit will be required. Deposits
are as follows: . . , . . .
wilh electric or woul electric
gas space heating or gas space heating
Electric Only SI00S75
Electric & Water SI00S85
Electric. Water & Gas SI 10S85
Electric & Gas SI00S75
You can save time by mailing the deposit
in advance Be sure to include your name, where
service will be required, when service is to be cut
on and a phone number where we may reach you
prior ) your arrival at the service address.
"Our Country's Good" will
run through June 26, with matinee
perforances at 2 p.m. on the 23rd
and the 26th. "Quilters" will open
its weekof performances on July 6.
explains the procedure in layman's
terms. Thisavoidstalkingdown to
the audience. If the "Mr. D.N.A"
film had not been employed, the
scientist would have had to ex-
plain the procedure in language he
would not normally use.
The sequence avoids that trap
by having a film within a film.
JurassicPark should have been
either a family film, with some
violence, or a realistic adult film
rife with suspense.
Instead, Spielberg tried to wal k
a fine line between the two
worlds and ended with a com-
promise that, while exciting,
probably will not lead to a lot of
repeat business. JurassicPark is
too adult for children and too
childish for adults.
Still, unless you want to be
the only one on the block or in
the dorm who has not seen the
summer movie, you 'I I probably
have to seeurossic Park. No mat-
ter what any critic says, Jurassic
Park does provide summertime
50,000 TITLES
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Mass Schedule:
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WED: 5:30 PM
All Masses are at the Center.
Fr. Paul Vaeth, Chaplain & Campus Minister
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The East Carolinian
Page 7
Sports med still improving
Student trainers spend man
gaining valuable first-hand
Photo courtesy ot Sports Medicine
y hours helping the various athletic programs while
Staff Writer
The Sports Med icine program at East
Carolina University is one of the true
unsung heroesinECU'sathletic program.
The program is not only an invaluable
part ofPirateathletics, but isalsoa strong
academic program for aspiring trainers.
The Sports Medicine Division of ECU
is working on its 23rd year of involve-
ment with the athletics department.
Started by Rod Compton in 1970, the
division also instructs its students in the
academic background they need to help
become athletic trainers.
Acting Director Mike Hanley stresses
the importance of the relationship be-
tween the student's practical work and
classroom requirements. "Many people
see the student trainers at various ath-
letic events, but don't realize that they
also have academic requirements they
have to fulfill in the classroom Hanley
There are three levelsof achievement
for those involved with the program:
rookie, curriculum and staff positions.
When students enter the program, they
are already on the rookie level. This is
the stage where the student observes,
handles routine duties and gets ac-
quainted with the program. Prospective
trainers decide at this level whether or
not sports medicine is for them.
Students who choose to take the next
step advance to the curriculum level. At
this point, students have decided to be-
come more involved in the program and
are on the road leading to their certifica-
tion as an athletic trainer.
If the first part of this road is trav-
eled with success, the student advances
to the final and most prestigious level.
Only 12 students are selected for "staff"
positions. "They are the best of the best
according to former director Rod
Best of the best in ECU's sports medi-
cine program is really an accomplish-
ment. Students leam from certified ath-
letic trainers who are working within
their field on a daily basis. This oppor-
tunity is seen as an advantage because
"many programsdon'tevenallow their
student trainers to talk to their physi-
cians according to Compton.
Another big advantage for ECU's
student trainers is the number of hours
they spend on their hands-on training.
The National Athletic Trainers Asso-
ciation (NATA) requires a minimum
of 800 hours over the two-year period
of a student's junior and senior year.
The average ECU student trainer
spends between 2,300 and 2,500 hours
in practical hands-on training. "Thisis
a great advantage for our students
Hanley said.
ECU's Sports Medicine Division
is only getting better. NATA is in the
process of delegating part of the ac-
creditation process to the American
Medical Association (AMA).
Hanley said, "this (move) will pro-
with greater recognition, and even
more respect
Bailey serves sports fans well
By Robert S.Todd
Sports Editor
Brian Bailey's office at
WNCT-TV isjustwhatyou would
expect from a sports fan � or
Greenville's premier sports caster.
The walls are covered with
memorabilia, autographs,
plaques and photosof Bailey with
Harry Carey, the Hall-of-Fame
ChicagoCubs Announcer, former
Dallas Cowboy coach Tom
Landry, Michael Jordan and Ri-
chard Petty.
Bailey is the consummate
sports fan, whether it is riding
donkeys or playing golf at
Pinehurst. Unfortunately, being
a sports caster is not all glory.
"We had to do a donkey bas-
ketball game for charity Bailey
said. "Some were really easy to
ride and some would just dump
you off. Right when 1 got in the
game I hopped on a donkey and
tried to be real gutsy about it.
Hop on this donkey and go after
it. And right when I got on, he
dumped me.I landed righton my
back and thought I was paralyzed.
I thought 'this is the way to go.
I'm going to be paralyzed from
the waistdown because I fell off a
damn donkey But it turned out
it was just bruised really bad
He has had his moments in
the spotlight though. Shooting a
round at Pinehurst with Gary
Overton, ECU's baseball coach,
Bailey teed-off the 257-yard "Hall-
of-Fame Hole" No. 4 with players
on the green. After his swing the
players on the green waved a
towel at him. Bailey apologized
for leaving his ball only ten feet
away from the pin and interrupt-
ing their game. He scored an eagle.
"That might be my most glori-
ous moment in everything Bailey
After graduating from Old
Dominion University in 1984, he
began work as the sports editor of
a newspaper in Franklin, Va. He
quit two weeks later because he
had to do the obituaries every
morning. After a short tenure at a
sporting goods store, he came to
Greenville and has been working
for WNCT ever since.
bailey began doing news re-
ports and sports on the weekend,
but quickly found himself at the
reigns of the nightly sports cast.
For the past two years AP has hon-
ored Bailey and his crew as the
best sports cast. Bailey describes
the award as a total team effort,
much like the team effort required
to win in sports.
As a child Bailey, like all other
sports casters, fell in love with ath-
"When you get into the fifth or
sixth grade, you made the deci-
sion you wanted to be an athlete
and you get to junior high school
and you're not a great athlete and
you've got to do something else
He said. "I knew I wanted to be a
sports writer or sports caster
Bailey played offensive tackle
in high school and is a member of
a growing li st of stars who attended
Indian River in Chesapeake, Va.
He was a teammate of William
Fuller,now playingwith the Hous-
ton Oilers. NASCAR driver Rickey
Rudd also went to Indian River
and, most recently, Alonzo Mourn-
Bailey's sports background
has helped light the path to his
Brian Bailey
success today, and sports are very
much a part of his family's life as
well. He and his wife have a daugh-
ter and son (named Ryne after
Chicago Cubs second baseman
Ryne Sandburg).
"My wife wouldn't go for
Roger (as a name) Bailey said.
His childhood hero was Dallas
quarterback Roger Staubach. "He
was 'H' number one
Despite this seemingly perfect
job there air many drawbacks. He
must spend less time with his fam-
ily and sometimes findsitdifficult
to enjoy sporting events the way
he would like.
Football season proves io be
the most challenging time of the
year, "because on Friday nights
we do a 15 minute show Bailey-
said. "I begin working on that, the
Sunday before that Friday. We
send out seven or eight different
crews to maybe 14 or 15 games.
The hardest part is the organiza-
Through all the stress of orga-
nization and the speed with which
television operates, Bailey main-
tains his cool and overcomes the
stereotypes of TV sports casters.
"I think a lot of sports writers
give TV sports casters a bum
wrap Bailey said. "See, we're
more of a headline service. We
See BAILEY page 8
Esquinas' needs to do more soul searching
(AP) � This was a better world
when people did their rehabilhaungin
private. A much better world, in fact
Historically speaking, everyone
has their share of trouble. Adam and
Eve couldn't resist temptation, and
it's been a struggle for everyone else
Whafs different today is that
some of the most troubled among us
week with Richard Esquinas' self-
published,self-flagellating little tome:
"Michael & Me: Our Gambling Ad-
diction My Cry for Help
Esquinasdid somanyinterviews
and took such a beating in such a
short time Thursday that it seemed
like he was usinga stuntdouble. But,
In each interview, the belea-
guered but still-standing Mr.
Esquinas had his story and he was
sticking to it He wrote the book, he
insisted, to take the final step in his
own recovery and to prod Michael
Jordan into taking the first one. And
hereleased iton theeveof the biggest
game of the NBA playoffs, he said, to
put the record straight before swirl-
ing rumors clouded the whole mat-
Sounds reasonable. Of course,
Esquinas probably could have
See LITKE page 8
Evans stars in ECU
aerobic program
By Misha Zonn
Assistant Sports Editor
While most ECU students
are taking it easy during the
summer, watching TV or bar
hopping downtown, Dionne
Evans keeps up a rigorous ath-
letic schedule as a fitness in-
structor. For any student who
is interested in getting off the
couch and shaping up, classes
will be available all through-
out summer school at
Christenbury Gym.
Evans says she became in-
terested in fitness at an early
age. "At first, I started teach-
ing dance and gymnastics
classes. Then, at the age of 16,
I began teaching aerobics.
Shortly after that, I went
through the process of getting
officially certified Evans
Now, Evans teaches a
wide variety of classes that in-
tegrate all of the different ath-
letic moves that she has
learned in the past. Classes
range from beginner routines
to the advanced workouts that
involve longer, high impact
work outs. The list of options
includes a basic class, high im-
pact, a high-low impact mix
tnat involves both high and
low impact equally, and an
aquatic aerobics class. A popu-
lar step class is also offered, in
which participants use a stabi-
lized step in order to trans-
form a normal aerobics rou-
tine into high muscle oriented
Two of the more difficult
classes are the thirty minute
abdominal workout, and the
relatively new funk aerobics.
"Funk aerobics combines hip
hop dance moves and aerobics.
People that take the class usu-
ally have a lot of fun Evans
said. "People shouldn't be
afraid to come out and give
this stuff a try
The classes that Evans
teaches are open to all ECU
students, but she finds that the
only class that the men show
Dionne Evans
up for in great numbers is the
step class. "Not that "many
guys take the classes. Most of
the ones that do come out go
to the step classes because it is
more muscle oriented work
Evans said.
Evans worked briefly
with members of the football
teaminordertoworkon their
stamina and coordination. She
said that at first, some of tne
players were skeptical be-
cause they were already go-
ing through a lot of running to
keep in shape, but that even-
tually, attitudes changed.
"At first some of them
were like 'Okay, this is going
to be a joke But then, they
realized how hard it really is.
They end up liking it, and their
attitudes end up changing a
lot Evans said.
For all those interested
in the classes mentioned, they
should stop by Christenbury
Gym for more information.
Class times include an early
morning 6:30a.m. classas well
as 3 p.m 6:15p.m. and 7 p.m.
Tobacco ban adjustment may be difficult
Baseball officials cite health reasons
NEW YORK (AP) � Tobacco
won't be worth spit in the minor
leagues anymore.
Players are now banned from
smoking and chewing tobacco at
minor league stadiums for health
reasons, baseball officials said.
"Many businesses have
banned tobacco in the workplace
said Peter Widdrington, adminis-
trator of the commissioner's office
and chairman of the Toronto Blue
Jays. "That is what we're doing
Players will be penalized $300
for violating the rule. While offi-
cials can unilaterally put the rule
into effect in the minor leagues, it
is the subject of collectivebargain-
ing with the Major League Base-
ball Players Association.
"I think it's a good idea said
Pat O'Conner, chief operating of-
ficer of the National Association of
Professional Baseball Leagues, the
governing body of minor league
Chewing tobacco is a baseball
institution dating back to the 19th
century, and tobacco companies
have been one of the sport's big-
gest advertisers.
Government officials have
pressured baseball teamsin recent
years tp decrease their alliance on
tobacco advertising.
Widdrington said he hoped
the players' association wou Id con-
sider enlarging the ban to the ma-
jor leagues at some point.
"It's an important health is-
sue he said.
Six teams in outdoor stadiums
have imposed full or partial bans
on smoking: the BaltimoreOrioles,
Detroit Tigers, Los Angeles Dodg-
ers, Oakland Athletics, San Diego
Padres and Toronto Blue Jays.
Anti-smoking groups have
pressured the New York Met to
remove a large cigarette ad from
the outfield at Shea Stadium.
Janzen becomes youngest Open champ
didithis way, which is tosay the way
it is almost never done.
Leejanzen skipped much of the
suffering, most of the dues-paying
and the entire bit about having to
learn to lose a major before you can
win one.
failed to so much as make the cut.
And despite sharing the first-round
lead in both the most recent Masters
and British Open, the-fourth-year
pro was never in serious contention
for either of those, nor golfs two
other major championships.
Yet, in the course of a single
round, by holding a lead and hold-
ing off one of the game's best chas-
ers, Janzen's reputation made the
leap from unknown to unbreakable.
"He's one of the so-called new
breed out here said Payne Stewart,
thel9910pen champion who trailed
janzen at day's end by the same two
strokes he began it
"I'm 36 and he's 28, so I guess
it's OK for me to call him that. And
like I said, he's got the game and
he's got the ability and he's going
to be around for a long time
And so the collective groan
that accompanied Janzen's final
putt dropping amid the New Jer-
sey foothills for a record-tying 272
was not the pros who pu 'sued him
all week, but teaching pros every-
where who wi 11 now have an even
harder time convincing their best
pupils how genuinely tough the
road is ahead of them.
'Itsurprised melittlebit Janzen,
the youngest Open champion in 15
years, said Sunday without so much
as a trace of guile.
"I have a belief that just because
I couldn't do it. 1 still knew how to
hold thedub, where to aim and all I
had todo he added, "was hit good
Lest anyone think it was really
that simple, however, think again.
Janzen madeplentyofhisbreaks
himself, principally bv refusing to
back down on those occasions when
caution would have killed his
chances. Htfe was also the benefi-
See GOLF page 8
- -

June 23, 1993
himself from
the flocl ting a olumn for
Thci � and said he loves
putting his ideas to paper. He is
also quite the prognosticator. Be-
fore the NBA finals began, he cor-
rectly predicted a Bulls win in the
opening game and expects them
to take the series in six. Never one
to turn down requests from the
jed from page 7
itl think il � the job.
mall ant! someone
�Tt you Brian Bailey
fcer?' and 1 turn mv
ip, then the 'say. Yeah, he's
i ter, but he'salsoa jerk
reenville sports fans would
feel the loss should Bailev leave for
a larger market. Hehas the love for
sports that is necessary to succeed.
"Anyone can get up there and
read the scores Bailey said.
"You've got tohave your own per-
sonality and inflect your own fla-
vor into the sports cast
That he does.
Trivial Trivia
�Jake Gibbs, later a big league ballplayer, was
third in the Heisman voting as a Mississippi quar-
terback in 1960.
�In four seasons at Notre Dame, George Gipp
averaged 6.3 yards per carry on 369 attempts.
�Former heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson
won eight title fights by a knockout and lost four
the same way.
�Georges Carpentier of France, a one-time light-
heavyweight champion, was known as the "Orchid
�In 1989, U.S. International scored 150 points
in a basketball game and lost to Loyola, Calif, 181-
�In a 1950basketballgame, Duke trailed Tulane
by 29 points at halftime and eventually won, 74-
CALL 758-5393
Continued from page 7
ed tlie desired effects with a
letter to Jordan, or by submitting an
article with the names deleted and
without all tiie celeb photos to some
obscure psychiatric newsletter. But
then, how many of us would have
slvired his inspiring story?
The really scary thing is that
Esquinas might realize he's onto
somethingand if so, thathispublish-
ing career might be beginning in-
stead of ending. If this first book sells,
he presumably could acquire other
ices, buddy up to other similarly
fixated pro athletes and have a shelf
of sports titles in the bookstores by
For baseball, "Jose & Me: Our
Need for Speed My Squeal for
Brakes For football, "Jimmy
(Johnson) & Me: Our Hair Care Prob-
lem My Cry for a Mousse That
Doesn't Flake For hockey, "Dale
(Hunter) & Me: Our Craving for Late
Hits My Plea for Some Time in the
Penalty Box
Continued from page 7
ciary of so many other breaks that
right about the time the first one oc-
curred, he was moved to wonder
aboutdivineintervention. After send-
ing his tee ball into the right rough at
No. 10, a thinly hit, seeing-eye 5-iron
sailed untouched through a stand of
trees and came torest25 feet from the
"Iturned tomycaddyand said it
was amazing that the ball went
through. Then I thought, Those are
the kind of things thathappentoguys
tha t are destined to win
"I knew there was still a lot of
work to bedone'Janzen added. "But
I started feeling that way rightthere
Reasons to keep feelingthatway
followed with almost stunning fre-
quency. The second bogey ofjanzen's
round atNo. 12had leveled the match
at five-under, and when he settled
over a difficult left-to-right curling
18-fboterfor birdie twoholes la ter,he
was drained.
"I'd used up every ounce of en-
erg)' in my body. I was tired. 1 didn't
know ff I would have enough to fin-
ish the round. Then making that putt
Janzen said, "a completely different
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The East Carolinian, June 23, 1993
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 23, 1993
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