The East Carolinian, November 15, 1990

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?lie lEast Carflltman
Serving the F.ast Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol.64 No.61
Thursday, November 15, 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
12 Pages
Press attorney disputes no-camera policy
By Michael Albuquerque
sist.?nt New s I ililot
n attornc spot lahzing in the defense oi the
collegiate student media saidMonda that theuniver
sit ma have violated the First Amendment rights oi
the E( I Photo l ah and other local media during a
censorship debate on o S
According to Mark ioodman exe utivedirectoi
ol the Student Press 1 aw c enter in ashington D.C
the universih is ovei extending its authority on the
1 ho d nivcrsirv I nions) do risk grounds for a
lawsuit it you wish to pursue the mat tot he said
? ? They (University Unions) do risk
grounds for a lawsuit if you wish to
pursue the matter 5 J
? Mark Goodman, Director of the Student
Press Law Center In Washington DC
rhecontroversyecntersaround an eight year old equipment will not Ix' permitted in hall during the sented bv Student Unions, we have a ne,ht to set
guideline that prohibits the use ot i ameras and other time ol the performance guidelines
recording equipment in Hendrix fTieaterforl niver According to Rudolph Alexander, the director of However, the media guidelines have not boon
Mt I nions events l niversit) 1 nions, thel niversity is operating within implemented for all of the University Unions'events
its legal limits at Hendrix Theater rwo recent examples of thisdis
TTie guidelines foi media coverage ol such events In presenting events, we a responsibility to crepancy are I larvey Gantt's speech on Ocl 24 ami
states Photographu television, video and recording the audience he said When the program is pre- Suzi Landolphi's performance on Oct Is
Ken Hammond, the associate director of
Mendenhall Student (enter. said last week that the
rules would not apply to the (.antt speech because it
was co sponsored with the Political Science Depart-
ment 1 (calso explained the reason tor the guidelines
We got .i number ot complaints trom patrons
who had lights (from cameras and other recording
equipment) turned in their eyes Hammond said.
' Alexander agreed but said University I nions
would alw ays cooperate with the media as long as it
didn't create a disturbance tor the audience
1 hat sounds like a prettv bogus ew use it me,
Goodman said in response to the claim
V hentoldofthenatureofthe( omplaml (ioodman
said it seemed irrational that such a rule would be in
affix t to i ensor the media b not allow ing photogra
phers ac ess to events
It seems to me it's prettv siiu to have this law for
a debate about censorship,kxximan said lalk to
them about the irrationality of the situ.n ion and try to
See Dispute page 2
Rodnay Strickland- Photo Lab
Students wait to register 'or spring classes outside of Whichard Building Wednesday At press time
underclassmen were sleeping near the entrances ot department buildings to vie tor courses
Expressions wins prestigious,
national Pacemaker Award
Bv lohn Manning
Special to The Eastarolinian
c Vi i 4 I tprcmiiMs magazux received the
prestigious Pacemaker Award ot I xcellen e for its tall
989issueatacollegemedia onfemx em Washing! i
"I think it wasa great honor that the magazine
received such a high honor as the Pa emaker becaust
BwPacernakerhasbeen classified as the Pulitzer Pnz?
ot college journalism, said Reginald I hllahunt, wh
received the award on the behalf of the magazine
l"he Pacemaker Award was presented b) tl
Associatedollegiate. Press
I"he say that one of our strengths was that
the art was wr clean nd attractive Pillahunt
said. They mentioned that this cover was a
beautiful, simple cover of special quality
I a ? ist'n fromh0othermaga
mes to receive this r.u emaki r ward, I "hllahunt
rhere were three itegones that wereused
to judge the magazine features spe taltyaudience
and general interest I ??: ? ? won the Pace-
maker under the specialty audience ategory
1 rhespet lalrv magazinesaremagazmesthat
f(Kus main)) on engineering; agnculture hu
mamties; social sciences Creek social and a a
Shelter gives abused
women new direction
Bv 1 aIova Hankins
Suit Writer
According to recent studies, ever) minute tour
women are abused, either mentally or plu su all) in
thel nitedStatesb) men the) once loved or still love
At ireenv ille organization is trying togiveabused
women a new direction in their lives
New ! ire lions offers help tor battered women
looking for a way out of a abusive relationship I heir
Slogan is. when home is where the hurt is. New
' nrt'i tions (an help
The organization operates under the I'itt (. oun
trv Family Violence Program Md otters services
including a 24 hour crisis line, shelter, support groups
and information on how to prosecute an abusive
Mary CHare works directly with the shelter
program in the Pittount) area
Established in Q tober 1986, the shelter otters a
place tor the women to escape the battering cycle and
begin to plan a new life.
iI are said the shelter sees around 40 people a
month, up trom last year s average ol 25
A woman will somehow believe she deserves to
bestruck i athrine Beckman, of the ECt Counsel-
ing c enter, said
Beckman compares the women to professional
"The) are willing to take all the bad to get the
See Shelter page 2
Costa Rica program offers diversity
By Megan Smith
Staff Writer
E( U otters an exciting op-
portunity tor students to travel,
study and learn in a Spanish
speaking culture during summer
s( hoot.
! he ECU Costa Rica Program,
which was established in 1972,
allows students to take university
courses in the Latin American
The program's intent is to
provide FC'U students the chance
to live in another culture Dr. John
Bort, the program's director, said
I lo is excited about this year's
program because it is different
from previous programs Thisyear
includes a separate program,
during the second summer session,
that is aimed at students who are
interested in improving their lan-
guage skills.
"The program has been highly
successful and has been expanded
to include a wide range of activi-
The first summer session pro-
gram is trom May 13 tojune 24.
1991. The courses available are
Anthropology 2020 and 4000. Bi
ology 3660, Environmental (.col
ogy 1700, and Spanish 1041 and
Bort said that independent
Study projects can be arranged on
an individual basis if the ottered
courses do not appeal to students.
AH classes, except Spanish, are
taught in English bv faculty
members from ECU or UNC-W
"This year's faculty members,
together at the same tune in t OSta
Rica, will make tor an outstanding
educational experience
Bort said
During the six weeks inosta
Rica, excursions are planned to
various locations throughout the
country. This year's itmerarv in
eludes trips to PoasV oleano. which
has an altitude ot .W teet and
Manuel Antonio National Park,
where wild monkeys are com-
monly spotted yd I'lava
According to Bort, Tamarindo
has five unique beaches with a
bird sim tuar) a beach composed
completely of shells, a white sand
and a black sand beach "
During one weekend, each
faculty member will plan a sepa-
rate trip w hich students may par-
ticipate in One weekend is free to
allow students the opportunity to
explore and travel on their own.
The second session, fromjul.l
to Aug. 6,offers classes in Spanish
conversation advanced oral and
written Spanish, and cultural
See Costa Rica page 2
An ECU student poses
coast of Costa Rica last
m the Dole Banana
Photo courlasy ot Magan Smith
Plantation on the Pacific ties to appeal to students with di
verse interests. Bort said

Student Unions current media
guidelines for Hendrix Theater
violate the First Amendment
guidelines regarding freedom of
the press.
Ben Owen, an ECU art student,
camesanold. family traditional
into the ninth generation as a
pottery craftsman
Vollevball team hopeful as they
prepare for the Colonial Ath-
letic Association Tournament
in Wilmington
Omitted 6

Ultjc ?uat(!Iaralinian November 15,1990
ECU Briefs
Continued from page 1
'Air Jordan's' mother to speak at
third annual chancellor's forum
"wo eastern North C arolina sports personalities and the
motherol basketball superstar Michael Ionian will sin-ak at the
third annual E( l Chancellor's Forum Ian 7-8,1991.
Forum speakers will include Iwo distinguished athlete
civtches ?. Ivdo I King l' Goldsboro and Horace Hones
M Kinne) from I oh land in Pamlicoi onntv, along with Deloris
lordan ot Wilmington president ot the Michael lordan Foun-
dation and mother ot the tamed basketball player
King is .1 formei major league baseball pitcher who has
idged the New York Yankees Atlanta Braves and San
t i am isco I .lanls
U Kinne commentator for Atl.mtu i oast( onterencebas
kotbalt games coached the Wake I oust I niversity basketball
i from 152 to lJf? Previously he played professionally tor
Ihe W ashingtonaps and tin Bostoncities
I X'loris lordan mothei of five children includinghicago
lls stai Michael lordan is owner-operator ot Righl 23 By
Ian sporting goods stores and heads the Michael lordan
?undation a charitx organization
Public relations workshop to be
offered as part of Saturday series
Publu Relations I hrough New sletters, I hsplaysand Desk
'ublishing, ist; ? pi if a dav long workshop to be offered
: i i. arolina I niversit Saturdav No 17
program is sponsored b the F( I 1 Vpartment ot 1 ibrar)
? rmal n Studies as part of its Saturdav Senes for librar
and w ill he dnei ted in Diane Kesler an instructor in th?
. irtment
1 he workshop is -? heduled for u a m to I p m in Room 221
ot)ld lo nei 1 ibran I ee toi partii ipation is $2(1 per person
( on tinning education units or recertitication credits are avail
Two art seniors to show work at
local gallery through Saturday
iMavcuxoH harlotte and Kimborlv Ruark of Silver
Spring, Md are showing examples of their art work at the I pper
rust gallt r on Has! I ifth street this week
h exhibitors arc senior students in the F.( I Sehoolof Art
md are candidates loi ihi Bacheloi of Fine Arts degree in
ironmei gn
Ma - ingmodelsof building: made from matbtvard
i ? ? I 24 b ; inkmgs on vellum ot floorplans,
levations site plans and perspectives
Ruark is showing architectural'dra wings done with pen and
. ?? nl phot'graphs and a selection of ceramics pastel drawings
gtempei I ngs
Handmade art to be shown, sold
at Art School's Christmas sale
ramies n . i ctmg cards cr art objects, all
imade b art students .it EC! w ill be exhibited and sold at
th mnual Schix l rt Christmas Sale N , " De 1 Ihe
n held in ? nkms I me rl enter
ah' v
h p in on
hursda and 1 nda
jackpot of a man who iscanngand
loving she said
Physical abuse, the most fre-
quently reported abuse, occurs in
a cycle
1 irst the "tension-building"
phase sets in as minor battering
incidents oc ur
Actual battering incidents
usually incur alter the first stage
In the afterward" stage, the
abuser becomes affectionate and
promises never to harm the victim
again I Infortunately, thisdoesnot
always happen
Each year approximately two
million women are abused And
50 percent of the total American
female population live in tear ot
men who have sworn they
would love them forever, studies
At New 1 fire rions, the women
are ottered a wide variety of ser-
vices, including legal assistance
I"heshelterma ad lsethe woman
to seek a restraining order on the
abuser without the need ol an at
H filing a series ol papers at
the i lerk ol Superior ourt s of-
fice, the woman can have a re
straining order placed on the man
The cost tor the process is 4 1
tor filing and $4 tor the sheriff to
serve the papers on the person
However it the woman has no
Costa Rica
funds available, the forms can be
filed in forma pauperis.
A witness must be present to
sign tor this process, which serves
as a protective act for one year
"For women to get help, the
system must be more effective to
the woman's needs O' Hare said
"This problem affects our most
basic part ot society, our family
and our relationship. Unless we
deal with it adequately it is going
to affect our society '
TamrmeCroyin R I gradu-
ate student, serves as the shelter's
director of extended services. Croy
assists women alter they leave the
center and try to become accli-
mated to a new life
The shelter serves as a phvsi
cal and psychological defense tor
the woman Croy said "The
whole crux tor the domestic vio-
lence problem is protection
Once at the shelter, the
women's individual circumstances
are evaluated to determine the oc-
currence of violence in her life
The woman is told of her options
and begins to adjust to making
decision tor herself
"We don't make decisions tor
the women Croy said 'We help
them to become as independent as
ITie average stay at the shelter
is 45-90 days, but the woman are
permitted to stay longer, it net es-
Croy stressed that the shelters
are not the total cure
"Shelters are not the end-all to
domestk violence Ifwomendon'l
havei (immunity support, they will
teel like thev have no options and
go back to their husband Croy
For further information or as
sistamv. all New Dim tionsat7S7-
ni l
The Army Is now offering nurses with BSNs a $5000 bonus
Nurses who qualify can join our health care team and receive $5000
at their first duty assignment
Army nurses also receive a competitive benefits package
? continuing education opportunities
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? travel, here and overseas.
But Army nurvinc is more. Army nurses can expect to practice
inavariefv of facilities - field hospn.iK dinks, or medical centers;
and a variety of settings - management, administrative, practitioner
and clinical
Army nurses can also expect to haw autonomy in making
patieni care decisions, following the Army's Standards of Nursing
To qualify you must:
? have a BSN and be licensed to practice in the I S (or be a
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? meet the Army's physical and moral standards
For more information, call you Army Nura Representative.
.? . i ' ' . ? icon:
, i.n ' : ; hi Saturdav I 'ei I
i emptied Irow I I I News Huir.iu rrpoffc
Crime Scene
'Sidewalk surfer' gets campus
citation for skateboard violation
. ? ? i . i i:
id nee Hall report ot dispute between
i it lent turned over to the assistant coordinator. No
? t taken
1714 Belk R sit nee Hall served papers on subject; conta? t
n i ide
16 lenkins Fine Arts Center campus citation issued to
stud nt for a skateboard s kvlation
Erwin Building investigation of automobile accident
Ird md K k.1 "? ts: campus citation issued for stop
sign v iolation
m2t) Gfeem R '? flail report of a possible fight in
progi ess uni gi rw
105 BelkK ' lall ampuscitanon issued to student
tor p issmg on the right and u eeding the posted speed
IN i often Resideno Hall investigated a larceny report
122 lones Residence Hall report of damage to personal
? pert)
. 1 ix allege Hill Drive campus citakn issued lo student
tor ex eeding the safe speed
November I 3
l i$ lones Residence Hall report ol larceny ol a bi y N?
, ii klen Stadium non-student passing out handbills
,n tl man parking kH same advised of EC! policy con
io i?t itation ind kfl area
i - k Residence Hall: report of activated fire alarm on
Ifloxn ? iiised by someone lighting matches
. '1 ones Residence Hall report of suspicious activity;
Lrbal warning for parking violation
2141 Flanagan Building campus citation issued to student
? i i eeding the posted speed
16 9th and lames streets stopped vehicle under suspi
i us circumstances ubjei I arrested tor driving with a revoked
In en e
23(M) t n klen .in report ol innired student, same
transported to Pitt unty Memorial Hospital
November II
o.Ms let, bei Residence I (all report ot loud subjects; same
fled on arrival
(1254 Wbichard Building report of loud subjects; same
, r en final v arning
0341 tvik Residence Hall (parking lot) report of loud
subei IS; vime given verbal warning
i?s4? I oca t ion unknown assisted Greenville police serving
papers on sube ts
arvia Residence Hall served papers on a subject.
MM taken lo I'oln ? I epartment
( nm. SMM ? Mfcefl him "Hi. nlHI l s'?'I? ?"??
readings in Spanish .is well as in-
dependent studies
Raouel Manning ol the For-
eign I anguage I ?epartment, is in
charge ol this part ol the program
I his is the I anguage and
( ulture Program's second year It
started be ausemanv public school
teac hers had expressed a desire to
go with the progT tm but could not
due to the program s time sched
ule " Manning said
Phis program was designed
tor the middle ol the summer a!
lowing them to finish the school
war teaching
1 ast vear 3 program included
I 5 te.u hers and Manning ept ts
to have an even greater response
this year
Since thepri igram is primarily
languagi and vulture oriented.
students ire encouraged to take
work out a new polii v tor the fu-
ture it the performers don t mind "
Alexander disagreed and re-
mained firm on his stance against
any changi ?
?s loiras w i ire pav ingtnese
individuals to ccimeantl speak m e
don't have to do that, and we re not
gonna do it, he said
Ken I 'rake, the Student I nion
president said he could see valid
arguments tor both sides of the is-
I here's bound to be a way to
compromise and find a solution to
the situation Drake nd
(ioodman agreed with
Hammond that the University
Unions could probably make re-
strictions it it was in a person's
contract, but with so many discrep-
ancies in the policy it could not be
enforced without the individual
pertormer's approval.
"You (the new s media I need to
s,iv to them We havegood reason
Continued from page 1
excursions to museums, theaters
and public and private schuvils
Included are trips toartagO,
Irau Volcano, ValledeOrosi,and
Ujarras Other tnp are to I imon
C ahuita. Puerto Viejo and a banana
plantation ail located on thear
ibbean coast
Bort and Manning Nth said
thev are looking forward to an-
other great vear mosta Rica
" This program should be K't
ter than any of the past due to the
expansions and improvements
that we have made' Bort said
For more information on the
Costa Rica Program, stop by the
Center for International Programs,
A 102 in Rrevvster or see Dr. ohn
Bort, A-439 in Brewster, or Raquel
Manning, Room "22 in General
c lassroom Building.
Continued from page 1
to pursue this from a legal stand-
point, but we prefer to work this
out rationally (.oodman said
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alic gaat (larulinian N ember 15,1990
Around other campuses
Parent renews
lawsuit against
UNC-Chapei Hill
I In' parent ni . female w ho
va- denied admission to the I mi
h ol V'tilu aroltrtdatt hapel
I lill in l?89 has renewed .1 ?. il
law sun against I niversih poi
. -nit filed In Don Mall v?l
o lel onn claims thai 1 lall s
Jaughtei u .is reje led K the
? ? ? ? t despite meeting ad
? ixnnroments w hileothoi
U ss quuhtiod students vi'U ,td
1 k n ih . 11 h
? I- hildron
ilnmni ? ildren hose
;? irentsareempkn ed in I he I V
s st? m m 're admitted tilthou;
ss qual '
. Hall s .??
pi inde i el s. ?
Universities place
in regional top 10
Continued from page 1
thi n pn ntatn
s,ns ivavs that th
Loans may become
harder to obtain
I . :
- s
Supplemental loans tor sru-
- u?r Under-
? ird and
:? ii ?? nths
Schools building
powerful telescope
dernic organization and minorit) ingisacredittowurhumanvalues fhecoi
croup- such as blacks Native I xpressions received one ot for I rj
Americans Hispanics Ravs and seven of the Pawmakei Wardsthat could improve thepmductkw of I
others, Diliahuntsaid were awarded to magazines magazine in layout, typography a
rhe ssooiated C ollegiate It was an honor to not onl othei imas
Press andoltege Media dvisers accept the award for 1 upwssims. but It wasmaml) looking at the
judges' summary statement te it vvas also an honor to be at the rvstol the best and
pnsskins said nt'erence where we could see how Dillahunt
lit ,s .1 n to discover a otherrruigazineswereputtogethei Four ! ?: ? stall men
magazinenotgiventotheusualgtvils Dillahunt said beTsandhwulreadvnserCHiyVVikjntz
rhe fact that von have devoted a rhe conference allowed sin travi ledtoW
magaziw h a definite sxnologica oral membersot the! . is stall tall nat ?
need shows a sensttivitv in to observe the work of other Pace
ofyouradmi -h tudent makei winners and college maga
bod 'mos
The can vim n ?hed By obser tng these other col thoo
theartwork andmot - publications and b attend
1 ?
I hiU i well kno
i ?. v ill ha ea t ur
? ? ualtt I
? the most
rtant I pes I astroi
. here said I v as
? lessor Bru i i inu'
Student tails 50
feet from top of
fraternity house
Nj( i hapel 11 all student is
condition at L a
ittei laiii . ' ni
root of the Sigma Phi 1 psilon
temitN houseSundav mornii
nn to police reports
- : lancxx k .i unioi was in
juredatanon-fraternit) sponsored
I irt Phis means that no alcohol
purchased thai ,ening with
? ? ? mds R bb Beattv
? ?: . nter-l raternitv
I niversit) vill not in
i idenl sim e the
traternit house is located on pn
. ? I redSt hro? der
issi ? i harw ? !i.r?t student
Students protest
building of center
i ? s '
ations protested ppala
? u -? :?? m .ersil?.
f a $24 milln wn studi i I i
( ompiUd by Ann I dwafds
Tom Togs Outlet Store
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CUhe ?aat (flarolfntan November 15,1990 3
Around other campuses
Parent renews
lawsuit against
UNC-Chapel Hill
The parent of a female who
was denied admission to the Uni-
versity of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill in 1989 has renewed a civil
lawsuit against University per-
The suit, filed by Don Hall of
Knowille, Tenn claims that Hall's
daughter, was rejected by the
University, despite meeting ad-
mission requirements, whileother
less qualified students were ad-
I (all said that black male ath-
letes, out ot state students, children
of alumni and children whose
parents are employed in The U NC
system were admitted although
they were less qualified.
Nichole Hall's grade point
average in high school was2.8 and
her Scholastic Aptitude Test score
was around 900.
Universities place
in regional top 10
1 wo North Carolina universi
ties, Wake Forest and Appalachian
State, have been named to the
South region's top 10 list bv U.S.
News & World Report.
Wake Forest topped the list,
while ASU rounded out the poll at
10. The "report card" wasreteased
in the magazine's Oct. 15 special
issue, America's Best Colleges
The statistical data used to
compile the list includes informa-
tion about faculty, courses, finan-
cial resources and level of student
satisfaction among other criteria.
Loans may become
harder to obtain
A compromise worked out b
President George Bush and con-
gressional leaders may cut up to
$500 billion over the next five years
could take $2 million from the
students loan program.
Supplemental loans for stu-
dents. Parent Loans for Under-
graduate Students, Stafford and
loans would all be affected. The
compromise followed four months
of intense negotiations over how
to bring the federal budget under
Schools building
powerful telescope
The physics and astronomy
departments at Columbia Univer-
sity and the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill are work-
ing together to build one of the
world's largest and most powerful
The telescope, which will be'
built inCerro,Chile,a well-known
astronomical site, will have a four-
meter telescope capable of pro-
ducing the best image qualitv
It will be "one ot the most
important telescopes to astrono-
mers anywhere said UNC as-
tronomy professor Bruce Carney
Student falls 50
feet from top of
fraternity house
A UNC-Chapel Hill student is
m satisfactory condition at UNC
Hospitals after falling 50 feet from
the roof of the Sigma Phi Epsilon
fraternity house Sunday morning.
According to police reports.
Holly Hancock, a junior, was in-
jured at a non-fraternity -sponsored
party This means that no alcohol
was purchased that evening with
chapter funds, Robb Beatty,
President of the Inter-Fraternity
Council said.
The University will not in-
vestigate the accident since the
fraternity house is located on pri-
vate property, said FredSchroeder,
assistant vice chancellor of student
Students protest
building of center
Eighteen campus and local
organizations protested Appala-
chian State University's construc-
tion of a $24 million student ac-
tivities center last week
Compiled by Amy Edwards
demic organization; and minority
groups such as blacks, Native
Americans, Hispanics, gavs and
others' rhllahunt said
The Associated Collegiate
Press and College Media Advisers
judges summary statement to F
pressivns said
"lit is) a H to discover a
magazine not given to theusual goals
The fact that you haw devoted a
magazine to a definite sociological
need shows a sensitivity on the part
of your administration and student
"The care you have lavished
on the artwork, and most of the writ
mgisacredit to yourhuman values"
Expressions received one of
seven of the Pacemaker A wards that
were awarded to magazines
It was an honor to not only
accept the award for Expressions, but
it was also an honor to be at the
conference where we could see how
other magazines were put together
rhllahunt said.
The conference allowed sev-
eral members of the E tpressions Staff
to observe the work of other Pace-
maker winners and college maga-
Bv observing these' other col-
lege publications and bv attending
Continued from page 1
the conferences the representatives
for Expressions saw ways that thev
could improve the production of the
magazine in layout, typography and
other areas
"It was mainly Uxiking at the
best of the best and going from there
Ditlahunt said
Four Expressions' staff mem-
bersand faculty adviserGay Wilentz
traveled to Washington, DC, to the
fall national convention of NSPA
More than J,000 college stu-
dents and media advisers attended
the o l 4 convention.
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?ije SaHt (Earolintan
Serving the I asi Carolina campus community since 1925
oSEPH L ENKMS JR General Managei
Mu HA1 i G. MARTIN, Managing Editoi
Tim Hampton, News I iitor Mk ?im i At bi gi erqui , Assi News Editor
Mai i King, Features Editor Stuari C)i IPHANT, Asst. Features Editor
DOUG Morris. Sports liffw Eari i M. M Ai in, 4ssf Sports Editor
Carrii Armstrong, Special Sectionsl litor Scoti Maxwell, SatireEditor
Am Edwards, Copy E tit ? Deanna Ni u,i oski,Copy Editor
MlCHAI i LANG, I ditorial ProJwi n Manager Lario HUGGINS, Ou ulation Manager
Jm Parker, Staff Illustrator Stuart Rosner, Systems Manager
Chris Norman, Darkroom hnician Phong Luong, Business Manager
March O'Shea, Classified ds Technician Deborah Daniels, Secretary
ia ampus community since 1925, emphasizing information that directly affct is
, Easit liman publishes twice a week with a circulalionol 12.00(1 tht i I
ae am advertisements that discriminate on the basis ol age, scj creed 01
-? Joes not necessarirepresent the views of one individual, but ralhci
is a majomy opinion of the Editorial Bo, r?J ihet asiCaroltnianv.elcom - etters expressing all points of view I etters should
be limited to 250 words or less Foi pui oses ol decenc) and bra it) ? I aslarolinian reserves the right to edit tetters foi
cation Letters should be addres; I to fhc Editoi The East Car liman. Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, N.C
'u East Cart Union has served the East C iro
III students DunngtheECl schcxi ycai '?
c ?' Union reserves the right to refuse oi d;
ona! nrigin fhe masthead editorial nead
27834; or call (?
Pagi 4, Thursday, November 15. 1990
University Unions regulations pose threat
For the second time in as many
years, members of the student media at
ECU are getting the short end of the stick.
On Mov. 3,a photographer from the
ECU Photo I ab was denied entry into an
event at ! lendrix Theatre a censorship
debate, ironically. The Student Union de
tended this, claiming their rules and regu-
lations tor the med ia say thatphott (graphic
and recording equipment are not allowed
in its sponsored performances.
Rudolph Alexander, director oi
University Unions, said the university re-
tains the right to set guidelines tor Student
Union-sponsored performances. That is
correct, but some of these regulations ob-
served by the Student Unions infringe on
the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
Administrators or the Student
Unions need not be reminded of the
hierachy of laws in this nation. TheConsti
tution guarantees freedom of the press
and denies any state from making or
enforcing any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States and to deny this, m any
way, is wrong.
The University Union's eight-year-
old policy makes no difference between
an event and a performance. For that in-
difference, the policy is deeply flawed.
During an event, ideas are exchanged;
during a performance, an individual or
groups entertain.
There is a certain atmosphere be-
tween a performer and the audience, lb
takeaway from the performer's routine or
act would rob him of his livelihood. Ethi-
cally, that would be wrong for a journal-
ist ? not to mention that, with good rea-
son, it's against the law.
In this case, the participants were
debating ? exchanging ideas - not per-
forming. They were talking about law and
how it is interpreted.
Not only did the Student Unions
deny photographers the right to cover the
event, but they also denied readers an
opportunity to see the two debaters
"caught in the act so to speak. Photogra-
phv is essential to print media ? after all,
as the cliche has it. a picture is worth a
thousand words. Photos have the ability
to( apture the emotions and circumstances
ol the moment in a way impossible to
match with the written word.
Members of audiences have in the
past complained about the lights aftd about
flashes going off in their eves. But that
should be expected at a public event. And
the media has just as much right to attend
as anyone not in the media.
The photographer from the ECU
Photo I ab told event coordinators that he
would not be using a flash, but instead
high speed film. Still, he was denied ac-
cess. But a reporter trom P:t' East Carolin-
tan entered with a microcassette recorder,
which was in their full view the entire
time. ?
So why was the reporter allowed to
enter with recording equipment, while
the photographer was refusedPossibly a
lack of enforcement? I lardly.
This is not the first time the media
have been banned from a performance
sponsored by the University Unions. Ac-
cording to a source in a Greenville me-
dium, they have had trouble reporting
events in I lendrix Theatre for years. The
source did say, however, that after some
discussion with organiers, they were
eventually allowed to enter with their
Rules governing the media during
University Union sponsored events are a
bit overboard. We call upon the rules com-
mittee to redefine the ambiguous policy of
University I fnion, and allow all media the
right to access to non-performance events
with cameras and recorders.
The media is being denied access
with their equipment. But more impor-
tantiv, the readers and listeners of ECU
and Greenville whether they are stu-
dents are not are tailing to be informed
of beneficial information.
If these regulations are not recon-
sidered, then this could set dangerous
prescedent tor the rest of the university to
Reader misunderstood intention of column
By Darek McCullers
Editorial i ohimnisl
hen 1 read a recent re-
sponseto nn artu les I wasboth
puzzled and surprised 1 he
reader supposedly 'suffered
through" m articles; this is un
This reader also said nn
articles includea i onstant bar
rage ol Christian propaganda
misquoted and twisted to the
?a.u (I see it md that I am
seeking, a perverted form ol
attention, setting myself) up as
.1 campus religious martyr
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank her for her
comments and sa that I am
som she feels this way rhis
concern comes from a misun
derstanding ol several things.
i irst I think the reader has
misunderstood the meaning
the editorial section of a news
iper i bis , hon pro ides a
cross-section oi opinions and
ideals on events, situations or
concerns?! today rhe last time
I checked, the criteria tor writ
ers was journalistic merit the
quality, not nature of the writ-
I ha e distinguished my
self as a journalist, and have
been acclaimed for the quality
not nature of my work In fa I
1 am surprised at the reader s
i omments
Having worked together
previously, 1 know that this
reader is opposed to cens r
ship Is it right to censor
Nathaniel Meade who wrote lor
an entire year on the em ir
ment? Or is it right I
t. hippy Bonehead tor some
questionable comments it 1
made? Is it right tocens r some
National Endowment for
Arts artists ? ho may porti in
the obscene and ludicrous sid
of life? No it is not 1 hcrefore.
sh tuld I be censored tx ? ?. i ?
w rite articles on the world from
a black or religious perspec ti ?,
Second the reader has to
tally misunderstood my i
ttves I ??? .is k cused
be campus martyr According
to the American Heritage I h
tionary this word is defined is
person who makes great
sacrificesor sutlers much ii
der to further a beliet, cause, or
Marty r is a stal I ?
vou don't sot ours, f up tor il
I am a mar - i marl. i
? ? letti
5in .? . immitl
? ? lib. to,d ' ?? .
i ord, since the- ?g f
? ive sough I ? ' ? ? . ?
sphere i ?( influi no md th
the world I bis ?. ision b ?' '
take form in higi
i served a- firsl e-presid
? the s, hool
! -t"od upagatnsl th
? hsgruntled black studi i I
ho v anted to in
? ? syst m in th?
drama department; thisdid not
happei ' d with the stu
: nts in their efforts to rcdn
t he parki i pro!
,U ' still
I c rea ted I ' ' '?
me i peer partnci
pr ogra I ria
ponded I i c r:sis m
? itionsby creating a
.man relations
mmittee i lonthi
mittee that has i reati d i very
successful Studi nl 11 a her Ad
See Intention, page 5
On the Fringe
Mass transit the ticket to the future
Bv Tim E. Hampton
1 ditorul (. olumnist
With the recent explosion ot
petroleum prices trom the on-
slaught of the Persian Gulf c risis,
Americans must now reconsider
their stand on fuel consumption.
)iscussionsofenergy alternatives
such as wind power, solar power
and geo-thermal power have re-
surfaced trom a decade of obscu-
But come on, we are Ameri-
cans our nation will never col-
lectively craw 1 out of Us personal
ied world ol transport until the
price of gas climbs to the highest
However, weaning Amen
cans off the millennium-old foliage
would take a drastic measure tar
more severe than previous oil
price jumps Americansand their
cars crave the depletable substance
and throw tantrums without it
America's infatuation with
the automobile is inarguably the
rootot the fuel dilemma,but 1991 Is
drivers are unruffled by the
present price jump, seemingly in
anticipation ot a sudden dash back
to normalcy. FTiis optimistic out-
look may he dimmed by the advent
ot war in Persian Gulf, an item
which presently places a higher
premium on even higher prices
I he lu; Oil Embargo had
motorists alarmed and frightened
by an unprecedented crisis: gaso
line would no longer cost JOcents
per gallon tor eternity. It scared
drivers with long lines at the
pumps and alternating fill-up
day s Drivers were scared straight
into small cars in hopes of by-
passing much of the ongoing di
lemma More miles to the gallon
only put the nation into a stati
temporary contentment, and
evaded the energy consumption
I ? gineers and lobby ists
from lapan and 1 Vtroit ha edone
little to discourage this const int
need tor crude oil even though
they tout the solution in the f rn
of high-mileage econ-boxes In-
stead of solving the problem ol
dependence on fuel, small cars
have only extended it Theobses
sion with dm mg and automobiles
has become ingrained into our
society to the point where we
identify a car with freedom, w hen
in a paradoxical sense, it has made
us more dependent
Other ideas to make the na-
tion and world less dependent on
oil have also tailed Research into
other sources of power is a long
drawn-out process which has not
. iclded i ? ptable results at
pmmisesi dfortheimmedtati
?s argue that by i
nipulating natural forces int
? k ai v hargt ? h
stored in batteries it is possib ?
runanelectn ir H ?w i vt r wind
power is ai ? ? quitable alt n
live Whi ? i d power has
realized as a "
in Denmark, a windmill pi
on Northarolina mounl
didn't produce the power s ii
expet ted
With present technology
it pow er is also impra I
irea need I
taic cells t
enough energy to propel an
mobile In addition geo-them
power is a localized source "
? gy whic h is unavailable in m
parts of the country
All these sources are b i
on the assumption that a
fident, electric car can be design J
that would be- capable of ma
taining the speeds traveled
todav's highways a feat sen ntisi
ha e as yet, been unable '
Mass transit, a new syst n
ol buses and trams may be thi
only quick solution to ending
See Transit page 5
Letters to the Editor
Write letters to
about budget
lo the Editor:
So here weare: the library
is only open 85 hours a week,
there is talk ot a four-day week
tor summer sessions, there isn t
enough paper to have tests,
there aren't enough classes
there is no money to continue
TAs, etc. When will this stop
and who do we blame1
Well, (me thing is for sure,
it won't Slop without partici-
pation bv students and the par-
ents of students voicing an
Who do we blame' We
should blame our state go
ernment, and we should blame
them loudly. If we want a de-
cent education, or at least the
money to continue an average
education without tuition in
creases and less services, we
must write letters to our state
congressmen and state sena
tors But don't stop there call
your parents and ask them to
write a letter
It's just too sad to sit back
and watch this insanity con
tinue We must act now, and
voice our opinions on our de-
meaning situation.
David Mason
looks for a
To the Editor
M name is Stephen L
Adams and there's nothing
better than getting a letter
It your readers are inter
ested m address is
Stephen I Adams?
5) E-Div.
FPOSan France -
Cah t 36674-1708
Looking forward to hear
mc trom you

dljc ?aat(Earolinian November 13. 1990
Continued from page 4
vocac) ream werechargedtobcgoodstew
Howevei most impor ards
tantly, 1 have imported powei To such readers I repeal
and encouragement in God at I said in .1 lettei iboul
?? ? it racial tension I said I w mt
iroli 1 . ii ! seemed to
.? tt .1 extremist ?! ovei
d hearing .Instead ot bt m and most im kind ot pei ??? ho
. i ? is fueled 1111 I 1
? ? . ? ? , mi .1. tr ' thox
? ?? - a-ho havi ?; ? ' '
11 ? 1 r t h v . 111 1 11 n, 1 .
ear old has done ill ot thi
nd tuat
k t'orra
1 indn 1 I
Continued from page 4
at ECU,
h im to
The East
Carol in inn
Sen ing the East
( tirofititi (eimpus
1 nmnwnit situ e
Order your college ring NOW
)mc. Nov 26,27&28 lime: 10-4 Deposit Required: $20.00

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(Bile ?aatOIaroltntan November 13, 1990 5
IntGntlOn Continued from page 4
vocacy Team.
However, most impor-
tantly, I have imported power
and encouragement in Cod at
youth revivals throughout
central North Carolina. A 19-
year-old has done all of this
through faith in Cod.
The final and most im-
portant point is that this reader
(like soffit others) has totally
misunderstood Darek
McCullers, the person.
1 have a vision based on
liberal and situations!ethics. 1
don't work for racial improve-
ment simply because it's good
for society; 1 do it because Cod
told the Pharisaical lews in the
book of Acts that thev should
not discriminate
1 don't work to improve
the environment because it's
good for future generations; I
do it because we were given a
command in the book of Con
esis 10 "take dominion over
the earth and because we
were charged to be good stew-
To such readers, I repeat
what 1 said in a letter about
racial tension I said "I want
to apologize if I seemed to
come off as extremist or over-
bearing. Instead of being that
kind of person, I am one who
is fueled. I am fueled bv a
genuine desire to see those
who have been exploited,
misused (and) abused, in the
institutionalized situations of
today realize their full poten-
tial as individuals
This will come through
perseverance dedication Mid
yfs- a strong taith i n (.(i One
will be tossed like leaves in the
wind without it.
I'm sorry that the reader
does not agree everyone has
their own opinion. However,
I hope that the reader (and
others) will continue to read
the articles
Continued from page 4
Hair is feeler
addiction to automobiles and
petroleum Following the 1-u
ropean model, Americans
would devise an intricate route
of transport Trains would link
cities and small towns while
buses would provide the
around town travel America's
leading passenger railroad
service, is both expensive and
lacks a complete schedule of
stops An effort to increase train
service would entail investing
a large amount of capital into
new tracks and additional
trains, but the dividends would
be great
For example, Europeans
presently may travel thousands
of miles m a relatively inex-
pensive rate because of the
Eurail s stem
The incentives of using
the rail and buses relv on the
tact that it costs less to travel bv
train than bv automobile and
in so doing, the existing plan
attracts millions r?f travelers
each vear
In order tor a mass transit
system to effectively work m
the U 5 it would need to be
both convenient and reliable
elements absence from the
existingbusand train network
It must also bo competitively
priced in relation to car travel,
a factor which may not come
mtoplav untilpemleumprices
Mass transit is bv tar a
much more realistic response
to the nation's energy woes
than bv producing higfi-effi-
cient automobile engines and
developing other terms of en
For the
turn to
The East
Serving h
Carolina l
10- 20 Lbs. Avg Self
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These Dinners Do Not Come Pre-
Heated, They Are Heat & Serve Items
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Sweet Potato, Lattice Apple
Or Mincemeat)
Precooked Weight
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Intervention in South America Stop
Aids biological war on addicts Stop
the assault or the onstitutior Stop
the whotosale criminalization ol mi
COAI ITION 212 1245
C ATHi i RON Even though wen
miles apart "a .oi' foi ?? '?
stronger dav after day! Uve Rick il
Iowa State Tx DoMcBabs
rut rune,is oi alpha m
DEI LA would liketi wish ? v n
ahapp mdsafcThankhgiii ?
Spec ' ipp ?
Shannoi Weil ; j J Hicks i :?
Smith Kim Zai i ?
Weathers W low you
ivinningtheall ECL'SnecerSI
rs E
Ml 111 H Oll VND ?'?
had greal I n i wit! ? vet ????'? n
the Mpha Sig houst ?i Sal
night rhanks I hcBn thersot'S
rau( iamn i
?h : bne us n the ? ??- - test
looked ?' ai : -
. .
Zeta ? '? ?
eni Hednck TI bsaBartu
il I on ? i ? is ? ? '
Betsy Hicks reasurei " " ?'? ?
Secretar) Lisa Taylor Histoi
Maureen McHugh Panh
Wend Sheri Ethei Ige i ?
do a ?reat tor
BETA PI'S Of - Itstarte
?;m songs VNi nethemalll it
triginal We an the pl iges
best! We made iseern
iati ires fron
? tKT
:? onlv
ame and had a blast osc

back! Hhii and 1 Kl-
shine And vi ? Sig 1 p - ligl ' ?
out life! Hey Beta's ivanl some
Hai t sid i
housi cspotted EA'sto
the:? ? ?'?' ?? '?
hatexatemeni nlybel
? :? v ien i idii . ? c Kappa
nlcdces W haven't lost that! vwj
tcs can really last H
the bus to m Hiltoi ???? g
times we will hav o ? ? ?
We had a ? ;
we would Vs evcrv
lanced as if the ' ' ?

MM kta rhcEvenl
PIKA'S inks foi
A di i iv ?'? ? '? ? ?
. ? ? rd I the ne
love Al ? '?'?
PHI 1 l v
? ?
irn phi
?? - Love,

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ductivtri better technology and en
trepreneurship, the American tret.
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National I uture Business I eaders ol
America Phi Beta Lambda and
local chapter
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rafted and proceeust
nd art eu
' ies Nov 13 ECU Jazz Band Der
msA I i Retchei R
Ha B:i5p.rr fre. Wed N v I
5tev? Rtts fi n one Gi lual R
ntal Retcher Rectal "h p rr
? East ii
rill meet at S
dav N v( mbei 15
( ampus Meeti
tht basement '
? : tn Lent
Room located
I lall
rhurs -v
L oni i ?'
n I inals featuring stu
nts ?' the School of Musi Fletchei
Recital Hall WWpm fr? I Dial757
for the School of Music's Re
avrded Calendai
attention Special Education Majo
Stud nt C ouncil for Except i
ildrenwill .i holdii i its ne
ii gor rhursda) Nov I
SeasonCelcbratior wr usai I
what ( i beei Vk'i
Speight 201 at 5:15 pm
ss(R 1AT1QN
participate in Adopt i Hig w ij or
Thursday Nov I5thai ; ; Meet at
( entura Bank formerh Planter s
Bank) in thearolina East Mall
Parking foi All AMA members are
encouraged to participate and bring
a friend wear long pants For more
info contact Kristine at ; 9270
11 u are invited v attend a study ol
( od - Word with a group that wel-
comes all people We provide fel-
lowship activities and serious Bible
studv tor those who are interested
We meet weekly on Wed nights at
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tween Cotancrw Street and Evans
Street If you have any questions call
hm furner at 752 7199
t'snot to ?? ? ipi ? : ' th? Na
: . Stud : " : v
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tional or inw mai i i ?
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abroad ?pp irtunihes 11 you are ir
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a brochure and appli ihor I ra this
tHilE iEaat Olarolmfan
Apply today at your college newspaperf
(second floor of the Publications Bldg. across from Joyner Library)

November 15,1990
?tn gagt (garoUntan
Young potter carries on tradition
By Celeste Hoffman
Staff Writer
.3S.M - M 'BSV 0? T'
l-St? Oirlurss
b is
1 hs studio is an old shack with
a dirt Root and an oil can made into
a wood-burning stove Pieces ot
pottery ajescattered.systematicafly,
on hand built wooden shelves that
rise crookedly from the floor to the
Pieces wore created in this
modest studio. bv Ben ()wen 111. tor
such famous people as Ronald
Reagan, Perry Comoand BobHope
Owen usually can be found on
weekends, hunched over his wheel,
turrungpots, whilehiskitten, iokhe,
sleeps in his lap
Owen 22,ofSeagrove,N is
no stranger to fame 1 le is the ninth
generation ol potters to ome from
his family His grandfather Ben
Owen, was nationally known tor
his superb craftsmanship In 192J,
Owen was named Master Potter
Owen became interested in
pottery through his grandfather. "1
would walk out to the shop, and he
would show nit- what he used to do
and i always questioned him
Owen said I always had so many
questions that 1 wanted to ask him
low did you used to do this ' 1 low
did you used to do that Owen
said ho cot to the point where he
could really work with theclay and
make it look like something
When ho was- 10-years old,
()wen -slid that ho wanted to be an
electrical engineer it really in-
trigued me that there were i n winv
complicated, technical things you
had to work on to cot things to work
right, and I always thought that I'd
lilcetobesomebod) likethat Hut as
I crw oldor, I became more aware
of the cla) and vs hat 1 could do w ith
it,and I thought about it a kit more
Owen said he never felt over
shadowed bv his grandfather s
success At the stage I'm in now
Michael and Jacob discuss . '? is to why
being plagued by terrible visions
Jacob's Ladder'
res horrors
a ii i
closed tho shor.
pieces can still N
f mental illnes!
By Lewis Coble t Writei
icob - I adder written by
Rubin is a rivetinj
? taining just at .
horror 1 ho mm ie dives into ttv
rpui - tersthatsi terea it
ud illusi '
rectoi dnanl netakesthe
v A . suspense ridden tour
of the psychological boundaries
tween genuine mena e and the
imagined horrors of the mil
Themovie isbasedona youi
man wl erved in the Vieti
war and ivas exposed to the dn
BZ rh - govemnv nt dei
the chargesol drugexperi nenta
n on An ei m "
zie delves into tl
?math of the effects of the dr ig
? the survivors
Jacob Singer is a u tnam
, ,f6 is slowly evi rii . ii I
i nightmare. Unexplainabli
lucinations and terrifyinj
. ? splinteringa ob si
,l,t A walk down the sf
?r i simple train ride becomefilled
Aitn dread and fear lacob dis-
vers that there is nowhere he
in run because no one can hide or
ipe their own mind
Refusing to surrender bis
sanity, Singer begins to sean h f ?r
?? isons to his insanity and expla
nations to his questions He soon
ivers a conspiracy full of de
mysti ryfoi
key I
the ending ti
t under
? leeper
ti t. that
i!it and
? . rcd
I. 'WO ll.lllltM M.isiei I f??.i, S1KCOSS l IIRT 1.11,1 i i
the highest titlegiven toa potter In where 1 am an established potter, 1
lorn he retired because of arthritis tlV mill having tho same i
Some of his
seen at the
Owen's father, Ben Owen jr ,is
a tanner and was never really inter-
ested in learning to continue the
1 he shop was reopened in WM
whenOwen r .decidedtosellsome
of his father - w ?rk, and .it the same
time display his son's pieces rhe
shop has been open ev or since, with
Owen doing the throwing, and his
lather the glazing.
?ie same nan I
m grandfatherisagift Sometimes
1 think a lot Of people huv m work
becauseof mygrandfatherand what
he did, and now I'm doing the same
thine It's a tradition that's being
handed down, he said
In the last year, Owen s?iid he
has developed a new perspective
on his work It I want to succeed in
the future and make a name for
myself Ben Owen III, not jusf Ben
i )wen in general 1 am going to have
to create shapes and forms that an
going to speak out tor myself.
Ben Owen ill showcases one of his pots
coveted ceramtsl throne
Owen i- i ' develop his
own more modem, style Me is us
ingsomeof his grandfather - tradi-
tional forms and modifying them
into his o n stv ?
Owen maintains t modest atti-
tude about his success 1 ve always
- ? a ven quiet person I was al
wavs scaaxi ? "aid lose fnend?
Photo by C?t??'? Hoffman
?Owen is heir to a highly
becauseof what I've achieved witti
m life 1 just never wanted it to get
in tho way I have tost some friends
because ot things I've done and it
hurts sometimes
Owen said it was hard to ox-
plain tpot'piehoiw hedividod what
to do with his life at Mich an earh
See Potter page 9
ne truh
I ? '? elp
? i -?ige
? ? s bizarre
? ? I he sus-
? movie
? 11 ? ? ? ? the
it SingeT
then really
? , meone
? ivesthe
? their
i tho pon ? ?
- it The
mat not
Photo by C?l?st? Hoffman
ZZZSeZ UHW sponsor a ?? y M So P?a,?n,c Osua M ?eek .?
Sotia is heralded as one of the premiere European orchestras "T'T T
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra visits ECU
lal ef-
nhbuted to
Bv Heather Modlin
statt Writer
I charactei ; ? raphy
assisted actor I m Robbinsby not
usinganomnisi ienf pointofview
By showing ?? ?' monsor hallu-
t inahom froi nl (acob s point
a re real or
his part
. i r sure it thev
ms ilsoplayed
I adder'
hibiting a
? 9
rhe Performing Arts Series
Committee, and the Department
ot University Unions, together
with Kauko Hillver, brought the
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra to
Wright Auditorium on Phursdav.
Nov. 8.
The orchestra is Bulgaria's
"symphonic ambassador and
.?no of eastern Europe's finest or-
The orchestra was founded in
1928 bv violinist and conductor
SashaPopov rhe orchestra started
making foreign tours in 1939,
performing in Tans, Rome, Ath
ens. New York. Geneva, Moscow
and others.
The Sofia Philharmonic is
Bulgaria's longest standing or-
chestra, Md has been linked with
renowned Bulgarian conductors
Konstantm lliev and Dimiter
( omposel mitriShostakovich
has said of the Sofia Philharmonic,
M warm thank- to the wonder-
ful orchestra ot the Sofia Philhar-
monic for the tremendous pleasure
n gave me with the exquisite pi -
formance of m works
rhe orchestra's repertoire in-
i hide- works from the 17th
through the 20th centuries and
mam works b contemporary
Lggerate claims
Bulgarian composers The Phil-
harmonic reputed!) performs
wonderful oratorio and muw.
works bv Bach Handel
Beethoven. Schubert Mahler. Orff
and Verdi
The Sofia Philharmonic Or-
chestra has twice been awarded
the ieorgj DimitrovOrder which
is Bulgaria s highest cultural
The Philharmonic is led bv
See Orchestra page 8
Coming Up
By Sheri I.ynn Jernigan
Staff Writer
u Attorney M vl arle
ays he hopes most students di'
not have ?negative opinion about
the police force Flo said the Stu-
lentS who do are probabl) acting
lefensively b? ause they or their
friends, have been caught dome
something illegally
"We don't differentiate be
tween students and anyone else
he commented
M,( arlevsaid the police pro-
tect and defend the lite and prop
ertv of individuals equal!)
Within the last five weeks
several students, who have re
ceived noise citations said the
should have boon warned first,
Miarlev said
"What the students' concerns
boiled down to w ere asking Offl
mon courtesy from the off?C fS,
he said What the community is
? ? ?? . students is that same
con ?? i ? urtesy
?tter reading the Sepf 18 ar
. ?,? ii Hnian of se
oral students tccountsof the patty
on larvis Streel ? lid I hat -
not th ??? i ? ! ' ' ud it
He -aid the ke) to the situa-
tion was the tune of d about 2
a m . the time ot year, mid-Sep-
tember Alien people sleep with
?a ltOow ?pen. and the neighbor-
hood, a residential neighborhood
? part) with people drinking and
rnusx playing is going to disturb
pe pie
Sonvonc was disturbed and
made a complaint, he said
would hope students understand
legitimate concerns police officers
have when answering anv distur-
bance call at 2 am he added
Referring to the "Sisters Sue
( itv" article, McCarlev said the
officers acted reasonably when
thev defended themselves. The
two students reportedlv kicked,
shoved and scratched the officers.
"We do the best ob we can to
train the officers and convev to
them the philosophy of coopera-
tion with people in a community
Mc( arlev explains We can I
guarantee that cooperation with
every encounter
When defendants act abu-
sively. McC arlev said the officers
react accordingly
McC 'arlev said that police of-
ficers involved in the Tar River
Halloween party acted lawfully as
Hundreds of people were on
private property disturbmc some
older people who lived in the
neighborhood It was the officers
dutv to respond to the complaints.
McCarlev said
1 le said that some people who
had Ken drinking were throwing
rocks and beer bottles I be ottic
ers did not know what to expect
and wore helmets. McC arlev -aid
( hiet of fC'l Police Ron
Averv said he does not detect
hoshiit) between the students and
the. ampuspolice, mgeneral, sav
ing only the mmority of students
hold negative attitudes against
police officers
Averv agrees with McC arlev
in that students mav be detendinc
When a student is arrested Of
given a ticket, he or she is angrv
and hurt and often has to lace the
dean or their parents This often
leads to the student exaggerating
or even King about the situation,
Averv explains.
"Police officers lust don't do
some of the things that students
sav said Averv
He savs officers perform law-
See Authorities page 9
P.nk Floyd, The Wall"
Mind Over Matter
Hell Comes to Froglown
To be announced
Sex Love and Money

?Iiie ?aat (?arulintan November 15,1990
Campus Voice
Do you think the United States
should declare war on Iraq?
K.n lr in (.r.ul stiuhnt
I nlish
o ihc I has thru own polict1 forn
ib?vi made us ttu' mforcei ol world
UHlCC It is ItOl rv.ilk .111 oil wat, it 9 usl
sriH'hing to improve iht' ct'onom tor big
busint'sscs k?f ol people aft going to dio
Irnnifei ()rt Sophomore
I nut' 1 due at ion
o I don't feel like : s oui plai e to gel
involved ar mort than we alff.uH havi
Ion 11nsiin, I nrshman
'h su ,ii 1 iJni ation
? ? ifthel S dtx sn 1 -
' 1
m tin ??
I on .1 Bai u'tt, funioi
i I don I want .1 .? n ! don'l want an
I I.irk ,un;h.m. Irt'shm.m
c (instruction Management
I ? ? ?

I'Ik.Ims K,llt lit.llin.iii I I I'hutli I .it'i
WZMB Top 13
iper (. hnnl ? ?
Meal ippel " - M
?? in limbo V hal
i I il ii; K me 11 tendh
i h. ! all A Sidi
'1 Inspiral arpets i il
Vnd) Brtn kman I U m t let KilKJ
- Blaki Babies "Sunburn
1 Phe Flicks Hawaii v
I ?. 1 .1 in Sinatra; 1 .1W
I onnells )ne Simple v 1 r 1
l.Y I lindu I ove rods Mil : .
??. . ' ??;?
1 iiiniMli'il I'v IWlh I llisnii
Bits and Pieces
irli ie close calls increase again
? , . tl n the ground are expected
M ? al ? r.i port.ihon Satetv bard l
! i : iral statistics show mi id
tin- is " in,1.11 thi'v are slowlv increasing igain
hlem 1 likely I .?? I ??? nore traflii is .11 nm
1 ; 1 .i. ? illi.nn I a noi 1 'i tin- I I
"Tom Sawyer" tops readers' poll
? ? ?. ? 1 . I ? gram asked mayors (?f 32S cities in the
mi ! stall to name their favorite childhn?d stories lln-
ni ? I I I I ? rrv Fint ind -m Saw ver 1 ami ml
ked "Held V innie the Pooh and
Male mavoi puked I he I ittle I ngine thai
1 ducation suffers from boring texts
l S education sutlers from pour teachei training and poor
ti-vtlks according to a report released Sunday from Lynne
( in in , hairman ol the National Endowment foi the I lumani
1 !u ne says prospo tive (ea hers should spend more time
tudying subjects the) vmII eventual!) teach and thai man)
?? t(books are so dull thai no one would read them voluntaril)
Notre Dame fight song ranked No. 1
Niot onl) does the Fighting Irish ol Notre Maine have the
USA's top-ranked football team bul they also have the top
ranked fight song A University ol Northern Illinois academn
? i nli i i.l his rankings ol the best I i ollcge fighl songs
V illiamStud well's list ranks I heVw tors from the I niversit) ol
Mi. htgafl X ihhI In third pl.n e, "i n Win. himii. from the I in
. r iit i 't V is? onsin
,gfcl I, ? ? ? , ??.?' ? ??
Continued from page 7
Mush Director and Conductor
fmil fabako and featured guest
iohn soloist Miih ho Mm I
fabako has served as Musk Di
re tor and i onductor ol the
Sofitski Solisli' i hamber en
soluble sin. e 1979 He h i- com
pos'd works that have bet n puh
lished and performed in Bulgaria
ind abroad in. hiding I ? I'
tor Double Bass .hhI Orch ?? :
Stun Musu lor Orchestra and
Mim he has boin a
ral international dlslini I
I or i ? i ? ? - ' irtl ? 'i il
il -
I; ? ? ' ? . n in 1 ?
tirst prizes at the same competi
tion in 1974, among others
Mini he has performed as ?oloisl
m a number ol famous on hestras
including the Ri ?val rhilharn
('rehesira ol 1 ondon, the I i ?ndi n
Symphon) i r In Ira I Buchan I
and . ithers
I he program consisted ol i
? . rto and a s mphon
? .i d b Peter IKn h b haikovsk)
hestra I
h.iikiu sk) s I8120v rture I 'i
. iohnoni erti - in K
s mphi m ?
minor i p Wi Mi; ' perfot
i ?. i. ilm olo before Ihc i '? i
he ? ???
perfi rman. eearned them a ? ' ;
? . atn m tr. ?m the audu i - I
students and patn ?ns in Wi . I p
:iiht. inum
- mbonepi rl m ?. ? n
Berl Sulln in ?aid ol ! he)
r. markable I he) were an
p;roup Ihi'v showed a lot of depth
t musu lanship and deptl
; ?? n. usl 1 '
- ? ,T 'tip
? merit ol the . em erti i It's iist
,i in ; ? ? Ihe string!
pia. ato When the w I
mes in Itl
? . ? ? ? i mu
? ? isarea reatorch
?? i ? lid ???ell
Continued from page 7
it, he said, but hel rvl to learn. I rea
I - ? ? - . ? ?: i n c! ' ? lid ? ?'???'
? ith nght n. ? ?- u I i
I : ?

? ? ?' It
r. tv
litwn i
aid thai ? tudenl I i
tent r?ul I ? " ? ? ' it tl ?
It tl ' " '
still need I I ' ? ? inn
I, bul lon't need I Ii 11 i
so tl ? ' ? hut once I gel
tif hi
. rv busv. I
? - ? I.
? rk at I
? ?? ithill. III heabli I i
. istnavel
The East Carolinian is currently accepting applications for a
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(Etje tart Carolinian November 15,1990
Campus Voice
Do you think the United States
should declare war on Iraq?
Ray Irvin, Grad. Student
"No, the U.N. has their own police force.
Nobody made us the enforcer of world
)ustice. It is not really an oil war, it's just
something to improve the economy for big
businesses. A lot of people are going to die
Jennifer Ort, Sophomore
Dance Education
"No, I don't feel like it's our place to get
involved any more than we already have
on Hvnson, Freshman
Physical Education
" e. if the U.S. doesn t stop them, they will
attack elsewhere
Tonya Barrett, junior
"No, I don't want a war. 1 don't want any
fighting or dving, just peace
Clark Vaughan, Freshman
Construction Management
"No, the U.S. would just be getting them-
selves into another situation like Vietnam.
The U S. citizens will not back another war
like that in the long run
Compiled by Marjorie McKinstry
(Photos by Celeste Hoffman ? ECU Photo Lab)
1. Super Chunk - "One Word"
2. Meat Puppets - "No Strings Attached"
3. in limbo - "What?"
4. Charlatans U.K. - "Some Friendly"
5. The Fall - "A Sides"
6. Inspiral Carpets - "Life"
7. Andy Breckman - "Don't Get Killed"
8. Blake Babies - "Sunburn"
9. The Ricks - "Hawaii Ave
10. Trashcan Sinatras - "Cake"
11. Connells - "One Simple Word"
12. Hindu Love Gods - "Hindu Love Gods'
13. Mary's Danish "Experience
Compiled by Beth Fllison
Bits and Pieces
Airline close calls increase again
At I ist 240 close calls with planes on the ground are expected
this y? i, reports the National Transportation Safety Board. Al-
thou ' Federal Aviation Administration statistics show incidents
?v di it since the 1987 high, they are slowly increasing again.
"The problem is likely to get worse as more traffic is accommo-
iated hi airports says William Laynor, of the NTSB.
"Tom Sawyer" tops readers' poll
Book It! literacy program asked mayors of 325 cities in the
United States to name their favorite childhood stories. "The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and 'Tom Sawyer' came out
on top Female mayors liked "Heidi "Winnie the Pooh and
I ittle Women Male mayors picked The Little Engine that
Could "Black Beauty and "Hardy Boys
Education suffers from boring texts
U.S. education suffers from poor teacher training and poor
textbooks, according to a report released Sunday from Lynne
Cheney, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humani-
ties. Cheney says prospective teachers should spend more time
studying subjects they will eventually teach and that many
textbooks "are so dull that no one would read them voluntarily
Notre Dame fight song ranked No. 1
Not only does the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame have the
USA's top-ranked football team, but they also have the top-
ranked fight song. A University of Northern Illinois academic
librarian released his rankings of the best 13 college fight songs.
William Stud well's list ranks "The Victors" from the University of
Michigan second. In third place, "On Wisconsin from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin.
eCwyf tnA nM,A VAft tP Inprmlm NHwk
Continued from page 7
Music Director and Conductor
Emil Tabakov, and featured guest
violin soloist, Mincho Minchev.
Tabakov has served as Music Di-
rector and Conductor of the
"Sofiiski Solisti" chamber en-
semble since 1979. He has com-
posed works that have been pub-
lished and performed in Bulgaria
and abroad, including "Concerto
for Double Bass and Orchestra
"Starry Music for Orchestra and
Minchev has been awarded
several international distinctions.
For example, the fourth Prize at
the Carl Flesh International Com-
petition in London in 1972, three
first prizes at the same competi-
tion in 1974, among others.
Minchev has performed as soloist
in a number of famous orchestras
including the Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra of London, the London
Symphony Orchestra of Bucharest
and others.
The program consisted of a
concerto and a symphony com-
posed by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
The orchestra performed
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, Op.
49, Violin Concerto in D Major,
Op. 35, and Symphony No. 4 in F
minor,Op. 36. Minchev performed
a violin solo before the intermis-
The orchestra's incredible
performance earned them a stand-
ing ovation from the audience of
students and patrons in Wright
Trombone performance major
Bert Sullivan said of, "They were
remarkable. They were a really fine
group. They showed a lot of depth
of musicianship and depth of ex-
pression. They were just a really
tight group
I especially like the 3rd
movement of the concerto. It's just
a nice piece. The strings were all
pizzacato. When the whole brass
section comes in on the 4th
movement, it was a musical mo-
ment It was a really great orches-
tra; they really did well
Continued from page 7
age. "I guess all the marbles just fell
into place
"1 like to boast to I certain ex-
tent, but I always think that there is
always something out then that I
still need to do. People can recog-
nize it, but I don't need to tell them
so they'll recognize it Owen said
of his work.
His schedule is very busy. He
studiesall week at school and, givs
homeevery weekend to work at the
shop. It iseasy for him to get burned
in perspective. "It's just something I
have to live with right now, and on
down the road I'll get some of the
rewards said Owen.
I am going through the hardest
part of it nght now, but once I get
over that hill, I'll be able to go down
to the valley and just enjoy some
things for a change
Owen attributes his success to
"the existence of patience and a
willingness to learn. I really don't
think I could succeed at what I am
doing now without it.
"1 have all my optimism m my
future as far as my own business
Owen said that are students do not
have enough optimism as far as
making it in their crafts. "Everyone
can succeed, you just have to talk to
other people who have done it and
see how thev did it
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tfllic JEaat Carolinian Novem 5.1990
Continued from page 7
1Kht side to the dark sid, of this Flashdance" and 'H2Weeks courage, dealing with themes that moviesthal iello hasactw
Jacob's Ladder-really isn't like usually aren't dealt with Other actors including
i ted in
"lacoD'S Ladder riMilv isn t iim' usuaiijFoiwiw
?? , r.ncn I'ruill I a U?r iihc .in
(wanted to explore what is any movie 1 ve ever seen, says
lSt terrifying to mo not just Lyne I. was terrifying and Elizabeth Pena play:
icar but psychicallv horrifying worked on man levels
aysRubin Rubint imeuponhi
in s,?
He had -i i liat ht
ked " 1N1 w ork sub- 1 ame
. station M mind started
? ? it
girlfriend, who tries to help him deal of experience and i reati it
Lyne brought in producer through his times nf insanit rhe movie did possess an
Man Marshall, who has produced Pena isprobably better known tor vutnght theme but Rubin ex
such movie hits as "Pink Floyd her role in La Bamba or in the pressed the essence of the movie
rhe Wall "Angel Heart" and comedy 'Down and Out in when he said Iacob's Ladder
Beverly Hills She has also had realh reaches into certain dark
areas r.irt1- of ourselves '
refuse to examine during the light
.1S '
ns as
roles in television showslike I lil
Lyne and Marshall chose Tim Street Blues and ign
Rubin Robbins tor the crucial role of Lac)
md icob Singei Robbins had
a roles in movies like Bull Danny iello portrav th
Durham 1 rik the Viking and charactei 1 ouis a u iro
Cadillac Man" I was excited praetor and loval friend to I acob wing them tocome to tl
i bvthowntinj; savsRubin and Harlem Nights and H? th. that u insi-eand touch
Kelt the script had extraordinarv Right Thing" are )ust a fe them and be free of them
ot d.u
ibout digging into ttv
human psvi he and pui Jeep
teai s and uni ons? i ?us terror
Continued from page 7
are officers did not know who was
their telling the truth
! !e adds that even those who
lso when i makes may have been passing by should
(ticei ivill ar have known not to go where there's
ick as .i trouble
Vven points out thai the
ufoanvl ;ki nroblen ?oms bigger than it is
m it We sometimes have prob
I ms w itii students a ting up but
k ill those thousandsol peoplt
iving themselves, h?
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The power to be your best'

? 1? Eaat (EaroUnion. Novfmber i5,1990 9
Continued from page 7
light side 10 the dark side of this
I wanted to explore what is
most terrifying to me not ust
scary, but psychically horrifying,
says Rubin Rubin came upon his
idea in an unlikely fashion he
dream it.
He had a nightmare that he
was locked in a New York sub-
wax station. My mind started
protecting that the only way out
was to go tarther down Rubin
says. 1 vikc up sweating and
thinking, V hat a great idea tor a
The film was directed bv
dnan Lyne, director of such
tilms as 'Fatal Attraction
"Flashdance" and "9 1 2 Weeks
"Jacob's Ladder' really isn't like
any movie I've ever seen says
Lyne. "It was terrifying and
, worked on many levels
Lyne brought in producer
Alan Marshall, who ha s prod uced
such movie hits as "Pink Floyd ?
The Wall "Angel Heart" and
Lyne and Marshall chose Tim
Robbins for the crucial role of
acob Singer. Robbins has had
roles in movies like Bull
Durham "Erik the Viking" and
"Cadillac Man "1 was excited
by the writing says Rubin, "and
1 felt the script had extraordinary
courage, dealing with themes that
usually aren't dealt with
Elizabeth Pena plays lacob's
girlfriend, who tries to help him
through his times of insanity
Pena is probably better known for
her role in "La Bamba" or in the
comedy "Down and Out in
Beverly Hills" She has also had
rotes m television shows Hke 1 ItH
Street Blues" and "Cagne &
Danny Aielo portrays the
character Louis, a angelic chiro
praetor and loyal friend to acob
"Harlem Nights" and "Do the
Right Thing" are ust a tow ol the
movies that Aiello has acted in
Other actors, including Matt
Craven, Pruitt Taylor Vine and
Patricia Kalember. added a great
deal of experience and creativity.
The movie did possess an
outright theme, but Rubin ex-
pressed the essence of the movie
when he said; lacob's ladder
reallv reaches into certain dark
areas, parts of ourselves that we
ret use to examine during the light
of day.
It's about digging into the
human psyche and purging deep
tears and unconscious terror ?
allowing them to come to the sur-
face so that you can see and touch
them and be tree of them

Continued from page 7
enforcement procedures carefully
and accurately because they are
afraid of being sued or losing their
Also, when an officer makes
an arrest a second officer will ar-
rive within minutes to ack as a
witness. A very said. The arresting
officer will not do any thing know-
ingly incorrect in tntnt ot a civilian
and another officer Avery said.
Speaking ol the 1 ar River Hal-
loween partv. Aver saj s the old
excuse, 1 was just passing by.
becomes difficult to believe. The
officers did not know who was
telling the truth.
He adds that even those who
may have been passing bv should
ha ve known not to go where there's
Avcrv points out that the
problem seems bigger than it is.
"We sometimes have prob-
lems with students acting up, but
look all those thousands of people
m ho are behaving themselves he
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. we i 15. 1990
?JIE ?aat (flarulinian
Volleyball team prepares for CAA tournament
H 1 ts.i Mi idopolous
? is the tin- team in kills with M7 and in digs with
. , ? hi htttn . rage i third in thoA
hind two other Pn ite
Schultz is second in the A I i io tl ?
? ??s and sixth tor kill-
?? i"
play thi i ? :?
? ? ?
i I
aiheels haibor
ireams of bowl bid

Silber contributes
talent, dedication
to swim team
B ngel Frye
i.i I i I i ? '? i ? iritlinui
i n n e i ?
- ? .? ?
lomets make changes
i hopes of improving
asttl ?
i the first I
ui the 1 tornets
ting - nnng and
isthavei ?,
i I ?? ; said p
? ? . niillian i rhe
, ? hould
? imod ihe
im ii
i ? ?
i md
Don't get cross with us
? ?. . ?. . te the ? ??? ' it the pr
naria ? ? ?? ire kld Dancers perl
? i
ItHX ind k'ard e
SUbi ? imod of I
?? ? ? ?? I! '?
? . . ? . n ? ' ?
? . ? ?? tt this was th
program t. ?
m i ? '?
Stationary bicycles aid in indoor aerobic excercise
AT Mori In
mencans an taking tl eir work
, ?uts' ' ' ' ? Tsbve'ft, is
n a stationary I ? u'n
i ? : ? t. these important
? ????. i make then ' '
; , exei - : i ?
Li(H t. ir 'i our ph si lan w ill .
vou -i complete medu ,il examma
hen and let i ki it vou ha
an restn boi ?? I ? i oxen l-mc.
Make sure your bio ? l is in
good wort , ? let and that there
ip ? kxise r broken part- Tie
?at should be idjusted to a i om
fortable height so that your knees
are just slighth benf W ai om
fortable loose fitting absorbent
tl s and sturdv athlel I ?
ind sweat - ck
1 rink r.vm temperature flu
ids b t n '? ii ? ' nd ifti ? youi
i n t n 11
tllllds you -Wi
: ? ns that teel
. , . ? ? retches vou
ii t bad
nld : ? ? lalmg in

ike at tn
jli lia i pi ' mimed warm
up d ' "?'
? ersaK iym
h"qui ment, pi ' Prv
? ?
n :iu user
pedal's first at a ; dnd
gradualK m? ' nsit
. ? ' '
pedaldui rV I
bu Iviiftit
inpi ? ?? it ? iptimal ? ii
? iti ? n .
th '
Mt 1 ! v '
vears old I ? '
PuIn sab
age ?
ag ? S
lls 41
rati hi
- ? ? r -it
?? , most important p ? ?
i ii ii , ? -
s r exei ? ' v? le shi
ii idustmont (or work
Begin vi in ' ? lutswitha h
time pent ?d perhapsaslittleastwo
to three minute's al i lower vt rk
load range D ?n progresM-el
add ni(n exei ise '??? ind i
diffu uIt work load to your regi
nun i i'ur goal should lx '
cisecontinuouslv foi 20 U)minutes
.it voui target pulse rati ? best
results, vou shtulde mini
mum ol three brnos pei wok on
alternate da - a ith no rrure than
rwidaysb? tv eenexeri is sessions
Includt a hhI down peniKl
; . . rse 11 kxi. t n
? ? ?-oui
film keepinj
t. , . ress
, . . evek
tt, ? i number ol workout
options will help keep vour work
ol,ts eroBKck?
u ? i v.uiipU' offers s? ? oral norcisc
. Bike . . ;?


November 15, 1990
QIhe JEaat (Earpltntan
Volleyball team prepares for CAA tournament
By Lisa Spiridopolous
Staff Writer
With a record of 13-17 overall and an iVSColonian
thletic Association record, the Lady Pirate volley-
vamenterstheCAA tournament in Wilmington
a ;th nothing to lose
We're definitely the underdog, said first vear
1 coach Martha McCaskill 'We re going to go
,mt there and give it our all, we have nothing to lose
ECU enters the tournament suttenng from a
v game losing streak, ending the season Tues-
e 6,against UNC-Greensboro
rhe 1 ady Pirates are seeded sixth in the tour-
nent, and will face George Mason (3-2, 12-14)
t morrow at 11 a.m. It they win, the team will face
. rican University (3-2. 21 v) at 6 p.m.
A ilham and Mary enters the tournament as the
nber one seed, boasting a perfect 5-0 record in
i rtrerence play,and they will face the winner of the
he lames Madison (2-3, 13-16) UNC-Wilmington
18-9) match. The final game will be played on
-?? irday at 1:30p.m.
I lespite the teams re ord, ECl is ranked eighth
e nation for their hitting percentage of 286byrhe
lleyball Coaches Association and have been as
high as number three during the season.
Sophomore hitter Wendy Schultz has been a
rtsistent leader tor the Lady Pirates this year. She
dreams of bowlbid
leads the the team in kills with 297 and in digs with
390. Her .286 hitting average is third in the CAA,
behind two other Pirates.
Schultz is second in the CAA for aces, third for
digs and sixth for kills.
Junior hitter Rhonda lackson is first m the CAA
with a 322 hitting percentage, lackson is fifth in the
CAA in digs with 286.
The team's only senior, hitter Christine Belgado,
is leading the team in solo blocks (31) and is second
in the CAA with a 301 hitting percentage.
Belgado and junior Tanya Hargrove have been
an important factor at the net defensively for the
Pirates They have combined for over 50 blocks
Sophomore setter fenny Parsons is fourth in the
CAA and leads the team in assists She is averaging
4.78 per game. Over the season, she has accumulated
S40 total assists and is followed bv sophomore
Shannon McKay who has 424
Sophomore Windv Mizlo and freshman Tracy
Sumrell have also contributed in the L.adv Pirates
scheme. Mizlo played in every match this season and
was a consistent player with almost HX) kills and
over 170 digs.
Asa freshman, Sumrell saw action in 29 out of 30
matches and was an important player as both a
starter and oft the bench. She was second on the team
with 34 service aces
As far as first seasons go, McCaskill was pleased
with the young team's effort. "All in all we had a
pretty good year We hung in pretty well considering
Pio:o a3esy ot Soos In'o'aror
The 1990 Lady Pirate volleyball team will play the George Mason Un.vers.ty Lady Patriots Friday m the
first round ot the 1990 Colonial Athletic Association volleyball tournament
CAA tournament with a good mental attitude in
we were so v oung.
Next year the l ady Pirates will be returning all hopes ot an upset
but one starter and should have the needed expert I really believe that wecouW take a tew matches
ence to be successful ? vw jrt Plav,n? UP to lU,r V " shou,d
Thel advPiratesarehopingtogointothisyear's well said McCaskill
talk is oft-limits tor North Caro-
.1 plaversand coaches this week,
? wd coach Mack Brown said
"We talked to our team on
inday about we do not want to
?ear the term bowl mentioned
again. Brown said at his weekly
newsconference Let's talk about
our teaffv That's what we' ve done
ill vear We can't do anything
? r the bowl except to play good
So we have a rule in our
building this week Mo coach, no
aver mentions the word bowl
? s go to work and try to have
the second winning season in
all at orth Carolina since
83 It's important to this team to
: ea winning season
The Tar Heels (5-4-1, 2-3-1 m
Atlantic Coast ConferenceI
an outside chance at either
Peach Bowl. Aloha Bowl or
rty Bowl, according to Ath-
Director lohn Swofford.
Swofford said some other
is must lose,though, for North
?lina 10 get a bid In addition
of course, the Tar Heels must beat
ACT rival Duke (4-6, 1-5) Satur-
' 1 think it depends on what
happens elsewhere Swofford
said. "I don't think there's any
question if we had six wins going
into this week, we'd be in a bowl
Brown said he plans to spend
mi st of practice time this week on
rusottense.whichgroundtoahalt '
the last two weeks in losing 20-3 to
( lemson and 24-10 to Virginia.
Perhaps no one on that oi-
tense has struggled more than
quarterback Todd Burnett He
went T-of-20 for 71 yards against
Virginia before being replaced by
c huekie Burnette in the fourth
quarter Chuckie Burnette then led
the Tar Heels to their only touch-
down of the day, driving the team
80 yards in 10 plays.
Brown said the two QBs will
split practice time this week.
"We will play the one who
moves us Brown said. "We need
somebody to give us that spark
offensively. We've got to improve
to have a chance to beat Duke
Hornets make changes
in hopes of improving
Silber contributes
talent, dedication
to swim team
By Angel Frye
Special to The Fast C arolinian
Charlotte Hornets are in for some
changes with coach One Littles
planning to alter two starting
After five games (actually
? we have to change some
? ngs. It looks like I will change
starting) spots Littles said
I'll just have to look at how
he ombinations play together
The Hornets averaged 113
points per game in their first three
ntests, in which they went 2-1
In the last three games, all losses
on the road, the Hornets have
i.rraged 84 points.
Littles wouldn't sav which
-pots are up for grabs, but specu-
i non focuseson the small forward
position. He said third stringer
Randolph Keys outplayed starter
!hnny Newman and backup
Kelly Tnpucka in the three-loss
road trip.
Keys is the best defender of
the three, said Littles, which isn't
in idental to scoring points
Stopping the other team is the
best way to get the Hornets run-
ning on offense, and transition
pxunts have been in short supply
for a team committed to the run-
ning game
Charlotte scored ust four
points off fast breaks in the first
half of Saturday's loss to the Chi-
cago Bulls.
Still, Littles worries about how
to handle demotions. It's a touchy
subject, even on a team that started
20 different lineups last season.
"When we get home, we've
got to make changes, but we've
also got to be careful he said.
' Tou can lose the guy you (anger)
bv sitting down, after you've lost
the guy you already sat down
Clearly, something has to
happen The Hornets never ex-
pected to win a majonty of games
on this road trip ? Chicago and
Cleveland are among the NBAs
better teams ? but losses to those
teams surrounded a franchise-low
27-point first half in a 29-point
loss to the Minnesota
Certainly the past three games
were tougher than the first three,
because of opponent and location.
But it doesn't explain the Hornets'
decline in shooting, sconng and
"We just have not played well
at all this road tnp said power
forward Armon Gilham. "The
coach is upset, as well he should
Gilliam had all but carried the
Hornets in the first three games,
leading the team m scoring and
rebounding on each occasion at a
pace of 23 points and 12 rebounds
Caicstt Hoffman ? Photo Lab
Don't get cross with us
These dancers excite the crowd at the preseason scrimmage with
Sparta Club The Pure Gold Dancers perform at every home basketball
game as part of the halrtime show
Asoneot the tew freshmen on
the ECL womens wim team,
JaquelineSilber s shy and demure
manner hides the talent and
dedication she has toward her
sport Affectionately called "iddie
biddie" bv teammates, laquelme,
although small, carries her weight
as a teammate like a pro
"She is a verv sweet and hard
working voung lady and a great
asset to the program said head
coach Rick Kobe She isoneot the
cornerstones of the team and a
future leader whose involvement
we are looking forward to
A freshman out of Titusville,
Fla Silber came to ECL with a
reputation for excellence, setting
her high school's record in the
100-yard breaststroke and quali-
fying as a state finalist in the same
event. Since arriving at ECU she
has shown great promise in the
freestyle event with wins over
conference leaders in both the
1000- and 200-yard events.
Silber learned of ECL's pro-
gram through fellow swimmer
ohn Springer, a junior who swam
with her club team at Brevard
Space Coast Swimmers in Flonda.
"I felt that this was the best
program for me and is basically at
mv level said Silber.
Attending college tor Silber,
who was homesick at tirst, wasan
adjustment, but she seems to have
handled the change well. Being
affiliated with the swimming pro-
gram has allowed her to iurt.
people who can rotate to herancf
are very supportive of her
"At home swimming was
more of an individual sport, here
it is more ot a team thing, said
Silber " Lhesupportof teammates
makes a big difference
Silbersfarted swimmmgat the
age ot eight, and continued be-
cause ot her love tor the sport
"l'merv dedicated. It would
take a lot to keep me trom attend
ing practice or a meet "
Kobe agreed She has a great
attitude Inathlet" svoucan have
talent, but the attitude is the most
important said Silber
Heingoneot the top freshmen
m the Colonial Athletic Associa-
tion hasn't slowed her drive in the
"I'd like to continue improv-
ing as a swimmer and eventually
break records in the 1000 and 500
free she said.
"The most pressure I ve ex-
perienced is the pressure I put
upon myself 1 w ant to do good in
everything I do she said.
Silber said she hopes to
maintain a balance between school
and swimming
Stationary bicycles aid in indoor aerobic excercise
? " ? inanMiaa vonr bicvcle work
(AP) ? More and more
Americans are taking their work-
outs to the great indoors by exercis-
ing on a stationary bicycle. If you're
an indoor cyclist, these important
tips can help you make the most of
your workout.
First of all, before beginning
any exercise program, see your
doctor. Your physician will give
you a complete medical examina-
tion and let you know if you have
any restrictions when exercising.
Make sure your bicycle is in
good working order and that there
are no loose or broken parts. The
seat should be adjusted to a com-
fortable height so that your knees
are just slightly bent. Wear com-
fortable, loose-fitting absorbent
clothes and sturdy athletic shoes
and sweat socks.
Drink room temperature flu-
ids before, dunng and after your
bicycle workout to replace body
fluids you sweat away.
One of the most important
parts of your stationary bike work-
out is the warm-up An effective
warm-up increases body
temperatur and pulse rate and gets
oxygen flowing. Begin your 10-
minute warm-up with some light
pedaling to warm up muscles, then
do some easy relaxed stretches.
Don't bounce or jerk when stretch-
ing, hold static tensions that feel
good. Following the stretches you
can get back on the bike and pro-
gressively build the pedaling in-
One recently introduced
computenzed exercise bike actu-
ally has a pre-programmed warm-
up designed into it. The
AeroBicycle, from Lruversal Gym
Equipment, provides several pre-
programmed workout modes.each
with a warm-up where the user
pedals first at a reduced level and
gradually increases the intensity of
How long or hard should you
pedal dunng your workout? Each
person hasa target pulse rate range
where he or she gets the most aero-
bic benefit. You can figure your
approximate optimal target pulse
rate range using the following for-
Beginner level (220? your age)
x 60c. Example: 220 minus 40
years old 180 x 60 - 108 Target
Pulse Rate.
Intermediate level (220your
age) x 70
Advanced level (220?your
age) x 85.
Your exercise bicycle should
have an adjustment for work load
Begin your workouts with a shorter
to three minutes, at a lower work
load range. Then progressively
add more exercise time and a more
difficult work load to your regi-
men. Your goal should be to exer-
ciseconbnuously for 20-30 minutes
at your target pulse rate. For best
results, you should exercise a mini-
mum of three times per week on
alternate days with no more than
twodays bet ween exercise sessions.
Include a cool-down period
following your bicycle workout.
Fhe best way to cool down is to
gradually decrease txxi v movement
until your pulse rate, breathing and
perspiration rate have returned toa
normal resting state. The
AeroBicycle also includes a pre-
programmed cool-down penod
that keeps the blood circulatjngand
helps prevent dizziness. Never sit
down immediately after getting off
your bike Keep moving and let
your system unwind.
the real key to an effective
bicycle workout is motivation. To
help keep yourself motivated, try
toexerciseat regular brneseach day
maki ng it part of you r daily rou hne.
Set realistic goals and monitor your
fitnesscapabilitiesbv keeping a log
that measures your progress.
Selecting an exercise bicycle
that offers a number of workout
options will help keep your work-
outs interesting. The AeroBicycle,
for example, offers veral exercise
See Bike page 12

Htlc ?a?t(Uarolintan November 15,1990
ECU Briefs
Martin, Logan play in All-Star Games
Offensive guard Chad Martin and defensive tackle Ernie Logan
w ill be playing in post-season bowl games this year Martin, a native
ol Palm Coast, Fla has been invited to play in the annual Kelly Tire
Blue-Cray All Star Came on Christmas Day in Montgomery, Ala
Martin and 1 ogan have also been invited to plav in the All-America
Football Classic on Jan 20 in Tallahassee lla. Logan will not be able
to pl,n in Ihe post season game due to an arm injury suffered earlier
in the season
Koonce has hopes of entering the NFL
Before the start of his senior season, George Koonce's name had
not imeupver) often when talking about topdofensiveperformers
But as the season progressed Ihe New Bern natives plaj improved to
the point v here he v as getting a lot ol looks
K. oih e finished the season with 87 tackles, including 16 behind
the line ol scrimmage, a team high 1 lealso led the Pirates in sacks(7)
.iiui quarterback hurries(V).
Fisher has great season for the Pirates
lumor I uke I isher has become one ol the most productive tight
ends in thecountr) I he Medford.N I native caught 35 passes for 534
irds,mdsix touchdoM nslasl season I Ic had caught at least one pass
in the las! 16 games prior to tho Memphis State contest However,
si mg .h lion on iust several plays as ,i Mocker. Fisher's string was
pped I'went) two of Fishers 35 catches were for first downs. Iwi
ears ago l isher was ,i reserve at inside linebacker tor the Pirates.
i tmj'ilrti from Stfcirfs htformstiott Ki-frfs
New conference may be created
Sports Briefs
Grigsby leads early in bass tourney
v HA'ITANOOGA lenn (AP) Shaw Crigsby of Gainesville
I la caught six bass totaling 9 pounds 4 ounces I uesday to take the
nisi round lead in the Golden Blend Diamond Invitational Bass
( hampionshipathickamauga Lake
I'ollowing Grigsbj wore ken Mc leer ol Springfield Mo. six
Kiss ?? pounds 1 ounce Dwavne Morton Knoxville, six bass s
pounds I bounces Uk Waggoner ol pex,N.( three bass 8pounds
c? ounces; and Homer I lumphre sof Minden, La five bass, 8 pounds.
? mint es
tter Wednesda s competition the field ol 120 anglers will be
: ii the final two rounds I nd.n and Saturday 1 irst prio in
urnament is $30,000 plus a $15,000 pickup truck.
Baseball bargaining session to begin
: v H)Rk ? P1 Negotiators from the major leagues re
. im a propiisal from the minor leagues and said they hoped
; ??s, hodulea bargaining session on the Player I developmentontra t
I xla
III 1urra thechiel negotiator tor the majoi leagues, said he
. i tewing th? two-page proposal with his bargaining commit
!?. ? . ? tin same time,ommissioner Fa) Vincent said he might soon
be? diih invoh ed, in the talks
i had believed an agreement was close before he tra eled
eeksagi ifoi a postseason tour, but a deal ould not K-
he major leagues then announced they would hold their
? meetings at Rosemont, 111 next month rather than join
in Los Angeles for the traditional joint session
Tarpleywill miss season due to injury
. S 1 Forward Roy larplc) will miss the rest of the
i eneks season after ligament damage was discovered in
? . hi knl ?
l,i l I during surgery larple) wasmjuredin
Friday's 111 ut' . i? ton over c hlando but tin
??? ast a dislocated kneecap
throscopu sun ? i . on Ro revealed .i fresh teai ol the ante
? rui at ligament with complete detachment in an area of previ
1 r Pat F vans said It also revealed a tear in the back
f the lateral cartilage rhe procedure went well Weexpect
? havi full n oven and he could be read) for the playoffs in
in v had averaged 20 points and II rebounds in five games
?1 pen ont trom the tieUI
new basketball league featuring
DcPaul, Marquetteand four other
teams probably will draw two
members from the already strug-
gling Metro Conference
The new league will be called
the Big Midwest and also include
Memphis State. Cincinnati, Ala-
bama-Birmingham and St. Louis,
said IhomasCarpenter.president
of Memphis State.
Affiliation agreements are
being prepared and should be sont
sixm to the schools expected to
join the new conference, (arpen-
ter said Tuesday.
Anytime (schools) allow
those drafts to be drawn up, it
means they're willing to come on
board, at least that's my assump
tion he said
Metro Commissioner Ralph
McFillen said Tuesday he Has
heard talk about a new basketball
league but has been fold nothing
of the impending loss ol more
Metro members.
The Metro already is dealing
with the announced departures of
Florida State to the Atlantic (oasl
( (inferenceand SouthCarolina to
the Southeastern Conference.
Ihe loss of Memphis State and
( incinnati would leat e the Metro
with 1 ouisville, Southern Missis
sippi, rulane and Virginia lech
ireinia lech has been linked t ith
a possible move4o the Atlantic 10
to replace Penn State, which joined
the Big Ten.
Officials at schools said to be
lined up tor the Big Midwest de-
clined comment, but iene Bartow,
athletic director and basketball
coach at Alabama Birmingham
indicated he might go tor such an
It such .i league is formed it
would be good tor L AB and good
tor the city of Birmingham, said
Bartow , whose team is now in the
"sun Belt Conference
McFillen said he was sur
prised to hear olarpenter s
Metro athletic directors met
in Atlanta List week and tenta
tivelv agreed to begin football
iompetition among their schot l-
he said Another meeting before
the end ol the month could firm
Up these plans
I would hope that no deci-
sions (by Memphis state and
( incinnati) are reached prior to
that time because 1 think wearcon
the verge ol being able to make the
Metro a comprehensive confer
ence McFillen said from his ol
fice in Atlanta
Metro Conference schools
, ompeteina variety of sports with
basketball the most visible and
I m r.i 11 e. For years the league has
debated adding football to its
athletu programs
Continued from page 11
Presents StllCflCIlt
Budget Night
$100 Imports $2.50 Teas
$1.00 Cans $2-50 Picthcrs
$1.50 Highballs
Sunday is
Rassae ? Prosressive Nisht
Ladies Free .$1.00 imports
?. ?$2.50 Pitchers
Every Thursday .Free Admission
modes to choose from, such as Roll
ing I (ills, Steady C limb and Con
stantRPM. It abo has a Fitness lest
program that can measure your tit
ness level in penentile ranking ac
cording to national M( A norms
1 Hher nice features to look tor
in a stationary bike include pulse
rate monitoring and displays that Equipment, In. Bo
show exercise time, work load. pedal l.? pids
speed, distance traveled, and num 7901
ber ol calories burned
C ycling your wa) to fitness
ona stationary bike can be effective
as ivell as tun it you keep these tips
in mind.
For a tree titness proi hure
titled litness Your Best Invest
ment write I niversal Gym
?7(1. Ceiiar
A 52406 rall NOO-55.V
Kings' Motta suspended for next game
1 V iORKlAP) 1 hi k Motta, coa? h ol theSat ramento Kings
has been suspended for one game and fined $500 foi bumping an
offu lal during a game against the New 1 ork Knicks on Saturda)
Motta's suspension will be in effect tor the Kings next game,
1 hursd.ii nighl at home against San Antonio.
WBA to sanction HolyfieldHolmes
FVV YORK(Al') rhe World Boxing Assoc iation will sarw tion
the heavyweight championship fight between Evander Ffolyfidd
nut eorge I oreman sel tor April 19 in Atlantk11v
WBA attorney lame Hums said that his organization would
unee its approval of the fight toda) provided the winner meets
tr WBA's top-ranked contender as oi (urte II, IW1 Right now,
? nner champion Mike Tyson is ranked No I by theV BA, the World
mg- iurM il and the International Boxing federation
1 yson fights Alex Stewart on Dee B at Atlantic Cit)
I he w B a I read) has said it would strip 1 lolvtield of the crow n
? istm nth against James "Buster" Douglas on a third round
knockout 1'hat organization said Holyfield's first defense must K-
? .Illis soil
Mu t HI is expected to follow the lead of the WBA and sanction
the Holyfteld Foreman bout The 42-year-old Foreman is ranked
fourth b) tin EM si th b the WBA and seventh In the IB!
Bruins lead early in All-Star balloting
Nl V "i ()KK AP) Boston Bruin teammates Kay Bourqueand
( am eel have taken theearly lead inballotingtor?heHI. All Star
am l.m lu at i hkagii
Bourque a defenseman who won the orns Trophy and was
id nnd in the M P w?te last season, leads all players in the I'nnceof
Wales(inference with ?4 votes, and Necly, a right wing, is
? ?nd ni tin balloting u ith 42,823
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On rhe Down rown Walking Mall Bellow The fizz
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A .
Volume 1 No.
November 1990
NAZMB celebrates
Christmas in
Santa ?? ? ' ?'
i l'l H 111 '1 i' ? " .
I; uri illy.Sa
imtins .i!s.i'
) s
rw eive ' mi love,
rooi ni ? ?' m .??.? i
? ? , r-A(. , pi ist ? si
' I I
. ? : ,ti . ? n nvcn m
Sinct everyone is out t hool when
the good stut? is traditionally going on,
WZMB officially celebrates Christmas this
month rhey're such nice people and the) ? :
love to (five away presents.
Nocme can"wait for Christmas, so,
why wait: I he celebraaon has already been
WZMB, you i
itimi material compensation
to do is listen foi Santa'sjet andlx the third
v. Mernhnsnnas is November
,si. I W
Pam '?'?
Photo - Sandi 18? Phippi
Bob Mould dazzled tans at Duke University on
Halloween night
. )& Nl-WNCvVS-IVJ l

i wxmmtvmm
?? WWv AUftAttwW,
" Executive staff attends media convention
What do you get when you take 2,000 college radio
programmers, 1,000 record company executives with ex-
pense accounts, 7 panel discussions on the record and
radio industries, and about 200 bands, then put them in the
Vista Hotel in New York far four days? You tret a lot of
schmoozing, a ton of new information, and about 13,200
hangovers, also known as the annual College Mediajournal
The College Media Journal (CMJi is a naoonal
college-onented radio trade magazine. The weekly pub-
lication supplies informanon on upcoming releases, tour
lnformaoon, record reviews and music chart information.
CMJ is one of the half-dozen industry trade papers that are
highly respected, if overhyped, by record and radio type
alike. A record review in GV1J is practically a guarantee that
the album concerned will be played by hundreds of stations
across the country. Appearing on CMJ's Top 150 pushes
that success even further.
The convention serves a valuable purpose to those
who work in college radio and those who want to be aired
on college radio. Sure, the convention is fun, since the
registration fee covers admittance both to the record
company exhibit room ? where meeting, milling and tree
stuff abound ? and to about 20 clubs where nearly 200
bands play throughout the course of the week. But the
panel discussions supply a great deal oi information con-
cerningintcrndsadon affairs, music programming, major
and independent record labels, how to interview artistsand
much more. This year, for example, .i network system for
music directors around the country was set up to get
feedback from other stations about various programming
problems, as well as tips on local bands.
In addition to learning how to better serve individual
needs, the convention is a great chance to meet the people
who call radio stations every week to ask how their records
are doing (known as tracking). These record reps check on
stations to track records, send promotional items and are
generally fun to talk to. They are also the people who are
given expense accounts and ire known to gather up a herd
of radio people and take them out.
This year's convention featured keynote speakers
Eric Bogosian, known for his social commentary and his
role in the movie "Talk Radio and rap artist Kns Parker,
of Boogie Down Productions. I heir main points con-
cerned censorship in America, calling tor a moral recon-
struction of our society to include tolerance
Some of the alternative bands who performed in-
cluded the Soup Dragons, The Posies, Mary's Danish, the
(iooCioo Dolls, Superchunk, Buck Pets, Dave Stewart, the
Councils, the Blake Babies, Bob Mould, Primus and a
range ofpop, punk and reggae bands. 1 here were a number
of rap artists, including Movement Ex, 2 Black 2 Strong,
Three Times Dope and 3rd Bass. CMJ also conducted a
Metal Marathon during the convention, which our metal
director attended. 1 le saw a speech by I-emmy of the band
Motorhead and shows by Armored Saint, Corrosion of
Conformity, Alice in Chains and King's X.
Needless to say, the CMJ convention was a consid-
erably busy week. During the day, there were debates,
discussions and information sessions at night, everyone was
club-hopping and making friends I hose of us at VVZMB
who were luckv enough to attend brought back memories
and new skills. That is what college radio is about.
li son
Monday nights can be made exciting, worth living
VVZMB knows that most students have a hard
time thinking of a good reason to look forward to
Monday is the day we realize we never did the
studying we meant to do on Saturday and Sunday ? the
day we have to drag ourselves out of bed early in the
morning when we slept til 2 p.m. the day before. This is
exacdy why New Rock 91 makes Monday nights excit-
ing ? you've had a rough day and you deserve a treat.
The Monday night line-up begins at 7:30 p.m.
with Music View, a thirty-minute syndicated program
that spotlights up-and-coming progressive bands. Each
week, you can tune in to hear songs and interviews from
a group who's sure to have a great future in the alterna-
ave scene.
Adventures in Modern Recording follows at 8
p.m. Music director Beth Ellison hosts Adventures,
playingcuts from the latest shipment of album releases
The listener gets a preview of what will be put on the
rotational play list for the following weeks
Atp.m you can hear an entire album on
Earwax, a type of premier for WZMB's hottest new
album of the week. It's a super way to find out if an
album is worth buying, rather than blindly purchasing
an Ip because of one song you've heard and liked. Most
of the time, you can hear the album on Karwax before it's
in the stores.
After Earwax, the fun continues with the VVZMB
'Top Thirteen. At 10 p.m Chris King counts down to
No. I with the most popular songs from our play lists.
Move over Casey Casern! After that, the Kingman pli ys
all your requests from I I p.m. to midnight You get to
program a full hour of the best progressive runes. It's
like Burger King ? you can have it your way.
The midnight hour brings the TDK New Music
Report, another nationally syndicated program that
features more established bands. You hear interviews,
band histories, criticisms and, of course, great music.
The New Music Report also reports on musical styles
and movements going on in different parts of the coun-
try and world. By the aui of Monday night, you really
know your stuff.
So why be down- "VVZMB makes Mondays worth
living Beth Ellison said. Don't condemn yourself to
football and reruns of Letterman, tune in to VVZMB to
start your week anew
Susan Nelson
STATIC? Monkeyspank: Demons Flew
OMt Of My MoUth (Merkin Records)
Managing Amok Mkhael Marts
Editor: Carre Armstrong
WZMB CoQRDWfroie Kate McCleuavd
Advextbng Director: Adam Biankenshw
A oramsw; Production Manages: Warren Kessler
STATIC, a tabloid concerning the campus radio
station, WZMB 91.3, is a supplement to 'The East
Carolinian and is published monthly. STATIC
welcomes all comments and story ideas. Address
correspondence to Special Sections Editor, 'I"he East
Carolinian, Publications Bldg East (Carolina
University, Greenville, N.C 27834, or call us at
With many bands, one song on an album sounds just
like another. Not with Monkeyspank.
These guys are musical chameleons, changing their
sound from track to track. 'This short album, Demons llcv;
Out of My Mouth, has only seven songs varyi n g from hardroc k
to metal to funk to psychedelia to progressive pop. The
WZMB pick from the album is "l am sam a funky,
thumping song with vocals that start out calm and work
into the range, then soothe the ear again.
Another excellent track is "1000 dead jim backuses"
with a guitar progression that moves the song along a
jumpy bass and funk beat. This piece has an aggression that
excites the listener definitely not a wimpy band.
Another great is "akio's dead with it's quirky,
oriental-Style guitar picking and a rhythm reminiscent of
Will and the Bushmen. "Dr. omar" combines a horn
section and a dance beat that makes it a potential pop hit in
college radio. In fact, all the songs on this album have
something to make them unique. Monkeyspank is a band
to watch. Request them at WZMB .wu you'll know what
I'm talking alniut.
?Kate McClelland
2 STATIC November 1990

Alton Murdoch named Newscaster of the Month
Uton Murdoch started working at
WZMB iast spring is a newscaster and an
mate DJ.
"Radio is something I've always been
interested inhe said. "Hove the musichcre. We
play better music than everyone else "
This semester Alton has a show
Wednesday nights from IOp.m.tnmidnight,in
addition to his newscasting duties I uestiays at
W a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Seven-thirty in the
morning! Vnich means he has to be at the
staoon at 6:30 a.m. to get his stones together and
organize frw his broadcast. I he job he does
earned him the tide of November Newscaster
of the Month.
A native ofMoorehcad (aty, Alton is in
his third year at ECU. At the present nine, he's
a science education major, but he's thinking of
changinghismaprtolffrxuicasting. I leplanstn
work at least part-nme at a commercial radio
station after he gratiuates, lut Top40 rack will
loves progressive music, including the Red I lot
(hill Peppers the fides. Bob Mould andjane's
Alton takes his job as a newscaster seri-
ously, and mes to be as knowledgeable about
world events as he has time n 1 ie. VV Me the 6-e-
minutc news bites at WZMB are short, .Alton
believes"every litrJc bit helps()f course, many
people get their news from IV; but Alton said,
"u Mgctrnoreaom newspapers than FVnew
lton reads the paper almost ever) day.
"A paper can ;nc you a more in-depth, detailed
storv'hcsaid (letting the news is important to
Alton. I le saui he teeis mat people can easily lie
taken advantage of if they don't know what the
government and businesses are doing, "Some
students aren't too aware; but I've noticed a rise
in interest he said "I think students pay more
attention than they did a few years ago
Alton has many causes to which he is a
frequent contnUitnr, including Greenpeace
ActionAlton is also opposed to U.S. involve-
ment in the Middle Kast. "It's not as though
Kuwait was a democracv he said "We aren't
there to protect freedom and liberty, but to
protect cheap oil
But Alton isn't serious all the nme. He
likes to go downtown and see live lands, espe-
cially the Earth Murchants and In Iambo. He
gpCS to pomes, to the lieach ? wherever the
action is. He's ust a party animal! Of course,
everyone at WZMB is fun; lut Alton has that
perfect balance between doing a conscientious
job and socializing with his co-workers.
Congratulations, Alum, on your much-
deserved recognition.
?Kate McClelland


Harry Taylor? ECU Photolab
Alton Murdoch WZMB's Newscaster of the Month
DJ of the Month is respected and admired
Dan Machold doesn't have a girl-
friend. "I don't have the time or money for
one, "he said. I )andrmks wine coolers ("but
don't put that m there, Kate"). But despite
these facts, Dan is one hell of a DJ, making
him November's DJ of the Month.
A music education major, Dan came
go WZM B in the fall of 1989 simply because
he loves alternative music, i le figured that
being a DJ would be a good way to hear a
wide variety t progressive tunes since he
said he doesn't "have the money to buy all
this stuff
I le a add have just listened to WZM B,
but I guess he didn't figure that out. Dan is
very obsessed with the fact that he doesn't
have money DO get the things he wants. I le
may have been under the mistaken impres-
sion that people make money in college
Dan does a job here at ZM B that most
jocks can't do: he wakes up at 5 a.m. to sign-
on WZMB at 5:45 a.m. His show, on Tues-
days and ITiursdays from 5:45 a.m. to H
a.m is not only punctual, but also musically
Dan plays a variety of tunes because
he said his "favorites may not be someone
else's favorites " Dan's picks include the
Smiths. I iousemartins, and the Alarm, but
he plavs a variety of lesser known bands.
Since people are ux tired co call m many
requests, he tnes to play something differ-
ent for everyone. I is main guideline during
his show is "not to vthing too mellow
I don't want to put everybody back to
sit ep
I an'sloveofmusic continues outside
of the station's control room. His studies in
music center on the piano, but he also plays
trumpet, guitar and a number of other
instruments. 1 le also writes songs and is in
a band, the Upstartrows, who have played
nights. The band plays all onginals, with a
unique, folk-type sound. 1 Tie band has a
See DJ, page 4
Harry Taylor? ECU Photolab
Dan Machold WZMB's DJ of the Month
Harry Taylor ? ECU Photolab
Krtsly Allen: WZMB's Sportscaster of
the Month
isn't just for
the Mows
"I shock a lot of people said Kristy
.Mien. "They go, 'what are you doing lis-
tening to that music?
Kristy is not your usual WZMB
weirdo. In fact, she's more like the "girl next
door but when she decided she wanted
some on-air experience, somehow she fit
right in.
A broadcasdng major, Kristy applied
at ZMB this semester with the intention of
becoming a newscaster. She said she hopes
to start a career in radio producdon, so she
was willing to take whatever job she could
get to build her expernse. Once hired as a
sportscaster, Knsty impressed sports di-
rector Dave Reichelt with her enthusiasm,
professionalism and committment.
In one semester, Kristy has gone far.
She does the sports every Monday at 7:30
p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30
a.m. But not only does she do her regular
sportscasts, she also sat in the press box
during the Homecoming game and did
WZMB's Quarter Reports.
Soon she'll be commentating at the
Lady Pirates basketball games. Not bad for
a girl who never really paid attention to
sports before her new job. "Now I read the
sports secnon in USA Todayand I've started
watching more sports on TV said Knsty.
Besides sports, WZMB has helped
Knsty discover altemauve music. "Before, I
listened to a little Jane's Addiction she
said. "Now, I listen all the ome Once she
becomes more familiar with the music, she
wants to become a DJ.
At the moment, her next ambition is
to start doing the news. She's very happy at
WZMB, and plans on working there until
graduaoonin December 1992. She likes the
See Sportscastingpage 4
STATIC NJoyt.mbf.r 1990 3

6 00 AM
8:00 AM
10:00 A.M.
New Rock 91
Specialty Weekend
12:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
Sounds of Jazz
WZMB Blues
6:00 P.M.
Monday through Friday 6:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M.
Radio Free
(8:00- 11:00
Pirate Talk (11.00
Insight (11 30)
Steel Trax
(4:00 - 8:00)
8:00 P.M.
Adventures in
Mod Recording
10:00 P.M.
Mu&ic View (30 mm )
Rock Outlet
Ail Request
12:00 A.M.
2:00 A.M.
Sign Off
All Request
Sounds of Jazz
(4 00 -6 00)
Radio Free
(8 00 -? 10 00)
Club 91
Rap Attack
Request Line NeWS 91 Mondays Fridays
a"4 A N1 30,9:30.10:30
,ii m it ;n , m I W?pm ' MJpni " M)fi m
Metal Mayhem
Heavy Metal 12 A.M. - 4 A.M.
Night Dreamlnr,
fact that more women arc reporting sports and doesn't
feel out of place in that field.
Knsty said she doesn't believe there should Ik-
locker room interviews after games. "I wouldn't want to
go in but men shouldn't be able to go in, either she said
"There should be a sqiaratc interviewing nxm.
Knsty has a different idea of fun. She likes to go to
the Fin and see jaw. bands. At age 20, she can't go out
Continued from page 3
dnnking, but she loves to dance She goes to Bogie's on
Wednesday nights, but prefers Thursdays "because it s
After she graduates, Knsty wants to go back to
R,chmond to start her broadcasting career. But while she s
here, she's expanding her honons, achieving new goals
and doing a great job at WZMB
Kate McClelland
Bob Mould demonstrates musical freedom
This 11 alloween the festmoes were so numerous and
spread out I had to leave Greenville and the party martyrs
ill search of a higher plane of musical freedom
I found it. Bob Mould, ex-frontman for I luskcr l)u
was playing at Duke University. Mould iscurrently on a US
tour with Anton her (drummer and Golden Palominos
gum) and Tony Ma.mone (bassist and ex-Pcrc Ubu guru)
to supiH,rt Bob's latest solo effort, Block Sheets of Ram
The show opened up quite disappomnnglv with,
dare I say, a performance by Ultra V.vui Scene. U S
Obviously didn't feel like bang there, which was evident on
their solemn faces and the effortless playing attempt by the
four members. TTie ma)onry of their music ended up with
odd noises made by impressive guitar gadgets spread ac ross
the stage. A real guitar solo would have been nice, but 1 must
not be too selfish.
Despite the head-on collision of the warm-up band,
Bob Mould's energy and musicianship took me far away
from the disaster I had )ust experienced. Starting out: wuh
:?- , i.
4 STATIC NovF.viBi R 1 WO
the whole crowd knew Bob wasn't messing around I he
show only got letter with many songs from BLuk Sheets and
a few from Workbook. To keep in the spirit of Halloween,
Bob did let out one "Boo "
slower tune was (K-rfonned by Mould, an acoustic
song, The 1-ast Night wheh was played well. Even
though the song was much slower and quieter, the energy
level was still as grand as when he played songs such as "Out
of Your Life
Three encores v.ere played to end the night W ithin
these encores, hits such as "Sec a I ttlc I ght" and "It's I OO
1 ate" were played to the botSttTOllS delight of the crowd.
()ne interesting and surprising encore was a cover ot Neil
Young's "Cinnamon Gifi but even a classic such as that
couldn't stop me thinking that Mould's music would one
day be in just as high regard.
Mould is a true showman, along with ling a supenor
songwriter Next nme he plays in this area, I'd suggest you
?Dave Mason
Continued from page 3
mandolin player, but no drummer. Talk about an
As a man who likes the taste of his own blood,
Dan is odd, eccentnc, but sweet. I lis competence at
work and his km iwledge of music make him respected
and admired at WZMB. In fact, he was DJ of the
Month last Apni, too
He plans on staying at the stanon unnl he
graduates in December 1??1, but then he plans on
leaving North Carolina to go to graduate school,
mayle in his home state of New York. But in the
meantime, employees and listeners of WZMB alike
will enjoy the work he docs on the air.
?Kate McClelland
Radio Fi

The East Carolinian, November 15, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 15, 1990
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