Fountainhead, August 2, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for ever 50 years.
With a circulation o 4,500,
this issue is 8 sages
Gresnville, North Carolina
2 August 1978
Heep makes Who's Who p. 2
War on roaches . . .p. 2
Grease soundtrack . . .p. 5
Marshall University . . p. 7
Brewer meets with Board of Trustees
News Editor ?
in 11 a summer meeting Thurs-
day, the ECU Board of Trustees
heard remarks from Chancellor
Thomas B. Brewer and voted by
acclamation to retain current
officers of the board into the
1978-79 year. Troy W. Pate Jr. of
Gddsbao and Ashley B. Futrell
of Washington will return as
chairman and vice-chairman, res-
pectively, of the board.
Moving to re-elect the current
officers, Trustee Dr. Andrew Best
indicated that in a time of
aansition, it is perhaps best to
retain effective leadership. He
then moved for a suspension of
the rules of election to allow for a
motion to carry for re-appoint-
ment byacclaimation. The motion
was seconded by Trustee Dr. J.
Earl Danieley and passed by the
In an opening statement to the
board, Brewer noted that a
housing shortage would curtail
growth of the university unless
oolutions were found. He stated
ynrollmenf figures indicated
i net increase of 300 more
nmen than last year's dass.
en -ver also mentioned that pro-
j .s on the stadium addition
indicated that the facility would
be ready for the September 2
opener against Western Carolina.
Concerning Title IX grie-
vances brought against the unive-
auy Brewer said that "we are
going to bypass the regular
hearing-procedure type thing
and by August 10 we will present
to the gnevants what we feel to be
a workable plan
Brewer told the trustees that
no further statements concerning
alleged NCAA recruiting viola-
tions in the basketball program
would be made until an internal
investigation was complete. Say-
ing only that "we are aware of the
preliminary investigation
drewer added that ECU would
have "the most competitive athle-
tic program possible" within
NCAA regulations: The basket-
ball program and Coach Larry
Giilman are currently under invest-
igation fa alleged irregularities
in the recruitment of D.H. Conley
star Al Tyson.
In other matters before the
board, Chancel la Brewer
brought three motions befae the
body which "need immediate
attention All of the motions
were passed by the trustees.
The first motion concerned
petitioning the Greenville City
Council to release the area
oetween 9th St. and the alley-way
south of the Mendenhall building.
A companioi request was fa a
oan of $230,000 to pave that and
other parking areas which cur-
rently are covered in dirt a
Chancel la Brewer indicated
that repayment of the loan fa the
parking las would be returned
hrough parking fees. In answer
o a question from Tommy Joe
Payne, Brewer said that paving
expense would na have an
immediate effect on current park-
ing fees. Parking fees are now set
at $10 per year.
The second request fa ap-
proval was fa a loan of $125,000
to complete the snack bar located
in the student stae. This loan is
to be repaid from profits of the
bookstae, which namally are
given over to the schoiarshio
That last action befae the
board went into executive session
See BREWER p.3
first time Thursday with the Board of Trustees in
regular sessior.
Photo by Jim Barnes
First test-tube birth
produces questions
The birth in England last week
of the wald's first test-tube baby
oes na mark the beginning of an
jrweilian era of growing human
eings in lobaataies. Rather, it
is one mae milestone in the
progress of modern medical
science, one of which will benefit
women - no have been unable to
rum cniidren, accading to a
uccta of the ECU School of
I think it's a tremendous
step faward in the treatment of
some kinds of infertility said
oh ban Dr. Jarlath MacKenna,
n assistant professa of Obstet-
icsand Gynecology. "I think it's
ery airy he warned, concur-
; with the opinion of the
- .ijicoctas who engineered the
u jaK.nrough. "It should not be
misunderstood that this is some-
ning that will be readily available
! .werybody tomarow
The baby girl, ban to Mr. and
Mrs. John Brown of Otdham,
England, developed from an egg
fertilized in a controlled atmos-
phere and replanted in the
mother's womb when it was ten
days old. MacKenna explained
that this was the only difference
from a namal pregnancy, not
mg that the actual site in which
conception occurs should not,
physiologically, make a great deal
of difference.
"All that'sbeing done, in this
particular case, is that the
developing itself takes pises in
an atmosphere, an environment,
which temperature-wise and nut-
ritiovwize is oompstsblewith what
it would have around it in the
numan body fa ten days
President Carter to visit Wilson Saturday
President Jimmy Carter will
be in Wilson Saturday fa a
three-hour visit in suppat of the
tobacco farmers and Democratic
senataial candidate John
Although the visit is a shat
aie, with oily two appearances,
much wak has already gate into
the planning of Carter's trip,
mostly effats of the White
House, which has set up an off ice
in a downtown Wilson hotel.
Wilson Police Chief Robert
Key has been working with Secret
Service agents providing security
fa the presidential motorcade.
"I think we've about got it all
planned so everything will go
smoothly Key said. "I have
been pre-ptenning the security
with federal people all week. I
will be calling in extra officers
Saturday; all off-duty men will be
called in
It would appear that traffic
and security is all the help the
White House requested of Wil-
son. City fathers apparently are
not being consulted about the
itinerary or length of the trip.
Those details are being handled
from a special off ice leased by the
White House in a Wilson hotel.
Maya H.P. Benton Jr. will be
out of town until Friday, but aides
indicated that to their knowledge,
the maya was not involved with
Carter's trip to Wilson, ins
Chamber of Commerce also stal-
ed that they had not been asked
to join in the planning of the visit.
All questions amcerning the visit
are being rsfsrrsd to the special
office set up by the Whits House.
Carter's schedule In Wilson,
accading to Sharon Metcalf of
the White House press office,
calls fa the president to be met at
the Hocky-Mount-Wilson Airport
by N.C. Govana Jim Hunt and
an aseatment of state and local
officials. The motacsde will
move from the airport to the
Wilson County Library, where
Carter will address citizens
assembled at the library.
From ths library
Carter will than move to the Heart
of Wilson Motel, where he will
attend a private luncheon with
stats Democrats. Carter is
expected to boost the campaign of
John Ingram, who is attempting to
Sss CARTER, p. 3)

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 2 August 1978
continued from p. 1
ttjause this research enables
a normal I y-oocuring event to take
place when the natural process is
impossible, MacKenna sees no
moral objection to it.
"I think if it is done in the
rests of providing a child to
b.nebody who is not capable of
having a child otherwise, that it is
a perfectly acceptable
procedure he said. "What it is
essentially dcx.ig is bypassing an
area of the body that is not
functioning prope. ly.and then
re-inserting the embryo in its
appropriate environment from
then on and at lowing nature to
assume its course. Which I have
no quarrels with
The ethical considerations,
MacKenna feels, lie with the
Lost and found
is now located
at campus
police station
rights of the family and their
baby. He is concerned at the
"international exposure" of the
ni. the sensationalism which
could develop from it. and the
ensuing lack of privacy which the
family would suffer. This consid-
eration is, he feels, the reason for
the scanty information which has
been received, "and rightly so
MacKenna hopes that the
event is treated as the scientific
iep forward that it is , and not as
a sensational feature. Proper
explanations by physicians and
media will, he feels, clarify the
matter fa the public, and prevent
science-fiction horror stories from
sprouting. He does not foresee
;he development in the future of
. hing like an artificial uterus
rtrnich would enable the entire
jregnancy process to take plaoe
ide of the mother.
I don't think that's even
motely on the horizon he
mphasized. "That's carrying it
no the realm of science fiction
lere s a heck of a difference
ween what's been done and
test tube artificial human
jvelopment if you will, where
you take a sperm and an egg and
sort of grow a human. We're
nowhere near that and I hope we
never get there.
1501 S. Evans St.
Backpack, camping equipment,
boots, shoes, rainwear. Military
Jackets. Surplus of all kinds.
Special jeans $3.95.
919 Dickinson Ave.
Parking on 10th St.
Trade Paperback Books
Hours Daily 9-7 Sun 2-6
A Democrat for the United States Senate
fighting for you!
Students who want
to help
in the
U.S. Senate
call Randy Ingram at
758-657 for details on our
future meeting times.
Paid fry by Charlie Webb, treasurer.
EDWARD A. REEP, ECU artist-in-residence.
Reep receives Who's Who honor
News Editor
Edward A. Reep, artist-in-
residence and painting professor
m the ECU School of Art, has
been selected for inclusion in the
1978 edition of Who's Who in ?
America, a notable reference
biography of important contem-
porary persons.
Before ooming to ECU in
1970, Reep served as painting
and drawing instructor for several
art schools, and as visiting artist
at Southern Illinois University.
Other honors include nomination
to the American Academy of Arts
and Letters, a grant award from
the N.C. Foundation of the Arts,
Presidency of the National Water-
oolor Society and an award as
.Outstanding Educator of
Reep has heid numerous
shows in United States museums,
including the National Academy
of Design, the Corcoran Gallery
and the National Gallery of Art.
and has exhibited in Italy as well
His works can be found in
collections ranging from the
Greenville Art Center to the Los
Angeles County Museum to the
United States War Department in
Washington, DC. He has earned
two dozen awards in competition
for wateroolor. lithography, oils
and drawing.
Reep holds a long hst of
to his credit, in
al Army-published
books, listing in Who's Who in
American Art. Who's Who in tfu
Southeast. tnd Who's Whom the
West, and other noteworthy
' ? tuthor o'
i kjntenl of Wateroolor anil
md drawings in-
n several other works o'
up in New York
: in
World War II as Captain of
Corps of Engineers. He
distinguished himself as war-
I ondent in Africa and
Italy, designing and supervising
ductio A nine volumes of the
History of the Fifth Army.
Housekeeping asks for help in pest war
Assistant News Editor
Bill Whichard, Direct-
or of Housekeeping at ECU urges
student and faculty to guard
against pests and rodents. "It will
take 100 percent from everyone -
housekeeping, students, vending
people, and faculty members - to
conquer the problem Whichard
On each floor in each dormi-
tory there is a form on "the most
noticed bulletin board" that
students may sign if they have a
pest problem. Each month,
Southern Pest Control answers
00! iplaints listed on those forms
aocording to person and room
"But there is another prob-
lem Whichard said. "When the
sheet is pulled down, our purpose
if defeated. This problem is more
prevalent in boys' dorms almost
100 peroent over there. We
usually only get one out of ten
that have pest trouble. Tearing
down the sheets seems to occur
most during exam times. I guess
they have to take out their
frustration on-something -
Whichard added that if the
page is torn down, a student may
submit hisor her complaint to the
Housekeeping Office or the man
slot near the west-end water
oooler in Aycock Dormitory base-
ment. "We can only serve rooms
that report trouble. If we go in
your room when you aren't there,
without authorization, we break
the law. If anyone has a problem
in between Southern Pest
Control's visits, just call 757-6169
and report It Whichard stres-
Each summer the empty
dorms are fumigated or
"fogged The poison is left out
until just before student? return.
Although the fumigation leaves
an odor, the fumes are unharm-
ful, Whichard commented.
Whichard pinpointed cooking
as the basis of the pest problem.
If studentswould use containers
for fruit and vegetables - or for
any food that collects moisture
most of the problems could be
eliminated. However, dirty dishes
are also an attraction for pests
"The academic buildings are
never fully fumigated because no
oookmg goes on there. Some
roaches, a lot of ants, and some
mice are found in them, though.
iTpeopie woulcTbe more careful
when eating sweets and putting
sugar in coffee, etc this problem
ooi iM 'Ted
The Home-Ec and Nursing
building is not much of a
problem; carefulness and cleanli-
ness are taught there. The
building is periodically sprayed
for ants whichard said.
At times fleas are a problem in
the dorm when students bring
shut by short
News Editor
An electrical short in the
wiring caused Mendenhall
Student Center to be shut down
Friday morning for the rest of the
day, aocording to ECU Plant
Engineer Larry Snyder.
The student center was closed
at 10 a.m. Friday due to power
failure, and crews worked all
kend to repair the damagi
Mendenhall was re-opened Mon-
day morning on schedule. Accor-
ding to business manager, Paul
Breitman, there were some prob-
lems with the air conditioning at
thai time, but by ten o'clock they
were fixi

ig list of
Jit, inciutl-
s Who in
Nho in the
Aho in the
author o'
color and
. , in-
vVixks 0'
New York
: in
31 n of
as war-
I Nursing
t of a
id deanli-
;re. The
roblem in
its bring
in the
ut down
jst of the
J Plant
is closed
o power
ked all
3d Mon-
. Aooor-
ar, Paul
le prob-
jning si
xk they
continued from p 1
concerned Trusts approval for
8 purchase of a medical
? linic m Bethel Brewer indicated
that the ECU Medical School has
requested the purchase of the
Clinic fa use asa training clinic in
its family practice program.
The leasing of the clinic will
funded through the Medical
foundation, while the ultimate
jurchase revenue for the aoquisi-
n of the clinic will be provided
nrouQh fees paid by those
?x)eiving clinic service.
It wag also noted that the
formal installation of Brewer as
chancellor will be on Saturday,
Octoocr 2b. .u home or away
luotban game is scheduled for
iat date, to avo'd conflict of
. i lute or interest.
needs news writers
for the fall
snlariel positions
nre available.
Come by
offiees for details
continued from p. 2
stray dogs or cats u 'o their
rooms. Fleas are probably the
hardest to get rid of. Onoe they
get in the carpet, we must use a
poison so strong that the student
would not be able to stay in the
Whichard requested that
"When a person signs the sheet
he or she should seal all edible
food, move things away from the
walls and off the floors. Students
just do not realize the liability of
housekeeping; it's tremendous.
Sometimes we must use a poison
that is not as strong to avoid
contaminating food, etc exposed
in the person's room
continued from p. 1
defeat Sen. Jesse Helms, (R.
N.C.) in November.
Tuesday, Governor Hunt and
John Ingram opened a Welcome
Carter headquarters in Wilson
and urged citizens to turn out and
weloome the president. In brief
remarks at the opening of the
headquarters, Hunt said that "he
(Carter) is our kind of people. He
understands us. And he's
probably the most moral, Christ-
ian and humane president ever to
lead our nation. He cares about
the tobacco farmer, and he cares
about the Democratic party.
That's why he's coming here
Photo by John H. Qrogan
HOT, HOTTER, YET hotter still as Dog Days broil Greenville
Hause to have musical
compositions published
Assistant News Editor
Robert Hause, ECU
Music Department faculty mem-
ber, recently submitted two com-
positions for publication. Hause's
two pieces are "Sonatina an
original by Hause written fa
violin and piano and 'Tocatto In
G Major BWV 916 originally
written by Bach for the harpsi-
cord and transcribed by Hause for
a full symphony orchestra. "I
took it ("Tocatto") from a piano
copy; when I wrote it I had the
larger orchestras, such as univer-
sity orchestras, in mind
The premiere performance of
Tocatto in G Major" was at the
ECU Spring Concert on April 25.
1978, according to Hause.
Although Hause has compos-
ed and arranged pieces before, he
had never submitted any for
publication. He also stated that
he sent scores of both composit-
ions and a tape recording of
"Tocatto in G Major" toShawnee
Press in Delaware Water Gap,
Pennsylvania. Shawnee Press
publishes music of all types,
including vocal, according to
When asked how he feels
about the publication of his
compositions, Hause replied.
"I'm very happy. I have compos-
ed and arranged pieces before,
but never submitted them for
publication. This is the first time,
and I'm very pleased.
Pantana Bob's
See You
In The Fall !
This is the last issue of Fountainhead for
the summer. On August 28, registration
day, the all new and improved
will be printed and distributed
throughout the campus community.
Remember to pick up a copy of the
when you return to school for the Fall
on August 28.
Art & Camera Shop
12 Exp. Color Him
Developed and Printed
20 Exp. Color Film
Developed and Printed
Ektechrom or Kodachrom Proc
20 Exp
$1.49 ??r

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 2 August 1978
Bright future for
campus media
ECU campus media are rapidly moving to the
forefront among univeristy media in the state. Thanks
in large part to the far-sighted policies of the Media
Board, student media, especially FOUNTAINHEAD
and WECU, will at last participate in the growth
which has characterized this university for the past
25 years.
WECU will no longer be an institution unknown
to all but a few dorm residents; once the station
begins broadcasting FM, students, faculty, and the
public will be able to enjoy its varied programming,
at least within the city limits of Greenville, and
possibly as far as Raleigh, depending on what
transmitting power the Media Board and the FCC
will allow.
The station's format of album rock, with frequent
forays into jazz, classical and other fais of music,
should be well received by the student body, yet it
will still offer something for those who prefer less
popular styles of music.
This issue of FOUNTAINHEAD is the last in our
present tabloid format. Beginning with the Aug. 28
edition, FOUNTAINHEAD will return to the
broadsheet format used several years ago.
FOUNTAINHEAD will also expand its coverage to
include njjcity and regional news. The newspap-
er's recerfjHffcscnption to the Associated Press will
providefiCfl students with accurate, professional
ooverage of university related events throughout the
The rapid growth of our student media is a
natural side-effect of the continuing expansion of
both the university and Pitt County. It is now up to
the students who work in these media to meet the
challenge presented to them and turn out a product
which is as good as or better than any in the state.
We will no longer gaze upward in awe at the
media of other North Carolina universities; at last we
can meet them squarely in the eye and say, in the
words of former Chancellor Leo Jenkins, "here
stands a university Here also is a free and
responsible student operated media.
Serving the East Carolina community tor war titty years.
" Ware it left to ma to decide whether we should have
a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thomas Jefferson
EditorDoug White
Production ManagerLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
News EditorsJim Barnes
Karen C. Blansfield
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
Sports EditorChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspeper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU and is
distributed eadn Tuesday and Thursday, weekly during the
Mailing address Old South Building, Greenville, N.C 27834.
Editorial off ices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually.
Police Chief Cannon a 'male chauvinist'
Polios Chief E. Glenn Cannon:
Your speculation as to why
Greenville has seen an increase of
rape this summer is very interest-
ing, and on the verge of being
nauseating. With the insinuation
that females are raped because
"they're parading back and forth
in the room with no clothes on"
not only indicates your male
chauvinism but clearly reveals
your blindness as to the real
You seem very sure of your-
self in that many women in
Greenville "prance around in the
room with nothing on A state-
ment like that leaves one to
wonder just how you know such a
And finally we come to your
solution to the problem: if women
would just take preventative
measures not to prance around in
front of their windows with no
clothes on the incidence would
surely decrease. Well I have a
solution to the problem that is as
equally asinine as yours: why
don't we just surgically remove
the penis of the "suspicious
looking person(s) lingering a-
round the neighborhood
Unfortunately, the raper
would be less humiliating to me
than the attitude you have
Janet Blanchard
contained 'erroneous assertions'
Several erroneous assert-
ions were made in the July 26
editorial, "Gun Control: Yes
The Second Amendment clearly
stipulates that "the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed This is an
inalienable right, not conditioned
upon the existence of a militia.
The editorial implicitly blames
guns for homicides committed
with guns. The editor forgets one
thing people, not guns, commit
crimes. What is needed is the
administration of justice.
According to the results of a
recent survey sponsored by the
American Law Enforcement Of-
ficers Association, two thirds of
the nation's law men believe that
mandatory national firearms reg-
istration would have no signifi-
cant effect on crime.
The proposed change in reg-
ulations by the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms is a way of
bypassing Congress (the elected
representatives of the people) to
institute national firearms regis-
tration by bureaucratic decree.
The start-up, paperwork, and
annual operational oostsof such a
data bank would far exceed $4.2
million, the the figure quoted in
the editorial.
Despite the prohibitive finan-
cial costs, I believe the greatest
danger inherent in a gun-registra-
tion progress of this magnitude is
the potential for the information
to be used to confiscate guns. It is
better fa a citizen to have a gun
and not need it than to not have a
gun and need it.
The Second Amendment guar-
antees citizens the means to
protect themselves from attempts
on their lives and property by
Senator James McClure ob-
serves: "The regulations propos-
ed by BATF are not merely
unauthorized by existing law,
they are demonstrably in direct
contradiction to the legislative
intent of Congress. This blatant
attempt to usurp congressional
authority demonstrates onoe
again that certain government
officials consider themselves to
be above the law. Nothino in the
Constitution that I ar aware of
gives gun control advocates the
right to pass law by decree
Sincerely yours,
Lyle Barlow
Forum policy
All Forum letters must be
typed or neatly printed and
contain the author's name, sign-
ature, and their address or phone

ITie soundtrack has WJ
'humor and sweetness'
2 August 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Assistant Trends Editor
Watching the play or the
movie Grease one is bound to
miss much of the music, at least
many of the less obvious things
about it, because his attention is
occupied with the action going on
stage or on the screen.
Listening to the soundtrack of
Grease, though, in the privacy
. comfort of one's own grotto,
one becomes aware of many
nuancesof the music, of little bits
of humor, sweetness and musical
pastiche that went by him at the
movie or the play.
The music to Grease is funny.
It is a light parody of tie Hit
Parade fifties-style rock an1 roll.
The people who put the musical
together did not attempt to stay
within the strict limits of leather -
lacket. flat-top goldies though.
The title song for instance is
very much a seventies post-disco
number and the fact that Frankie
Avalon sings it does absolutely
nothing to change its modern
character The song "Grease"
more than adequately introduces
the muacal.
The soundtrack is full of
places where the music does not
even allude to fifties-style AM
radio. For instance on "Greased
Lightening" (for those of you
who've seen the movie this is the
song that they sing about their
souped-up jalopy) there are about
fifty measures of a distinctly
post-hard-rock guitar solo.
The guitar solo is clearly a
musical, stylistic anachronism
but that fact does not diminish
our enjoyment of the song. In
fact, it calls attention to the fact
that the musical is a spoof, not an
imitation, of the fifties and the
juxtaposed styles appeal to us as
a humorous, unexpected contrast.
Another instance of the new
meeting the old is evident on the
Sha-na-na song, "Born to Hand
Jive There is a section of the
song that is surprisingly disco-
The arrangemental tongue-in-
cheek is much of Sha-na-na's
The Fifties are camp now
(rather, were camp about seven
years ago and are now just
reaching the high-school bourge-
oisie in the form of the movie) and
the musical makes the most of it.
One of the most interesting
things about the soundtrack is
that spoofs of fifties songs
co-exist with real hits from that
decade. Frankie Avalon sings a
dehciously ludicrous spoof-song
"Beauty-School Drop-Out" and
Sha-na-na?k an equally ludicrous
version of real Fifties song
"Blue Moon.
This mixture of the spoof
along with the real thing spoofed
is one of the most delightful
aspects of the album.
Olivia Newton-John oomesoff
better on the soundtrack than she
does in the movie. It's difficult to
imagine a character like Danny
(John Travolta) actually doing
anything with a character like
Sandy (Olivia NewtonJohn) ex-
cept worshipping her from afar
because one feels he would just
crush her to death.
Travolta is too hot and
Newton-John is too cool. A
relatonship between them would
be like trying to mate a hot dog
with a bunch of cotton candy.
Even towards the end of the
movie when Sandy doffs her
pom-poms ("Good-bye, Sandra
Dee") there is a lack of chutzpah
Larry Carbon's guitar playing is outstanding
Beginning In the early seventies with the Crusaders, he made quite a
name for himself with his impeccable feel for his instrument, and since
that time has played, with everyone from Al Jarreau to Steely
JOHN TRAVOLTA AND Olivia Newton-John in a scene from Grease "lack of oomph
about her newly assumed sensua-
lity which makes one wonder
exactly how deep it goes.
Nevertheless, mellow marsh-
mallow Newton-John does have a
pleasant, if tepid, passable voioe.
Her performance of "Hopelessly
Devoted to You is the best thing
she does and that isn't too good.
The same song done by Bette
Midler would be much better.
John Travolta is either singing
above or below his range on the
whole album. One senses that he
has a good voice somewhere if he
could only find it. There is
something undignified, un-star-
like in his falsetto and something
too ersatz-Elvis Presley in his
basso oon brio.
The supporting cast is good
and comes across as strongly on
the soundtrack as it does in the
movie. Stockard Channing's
Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee" is
a short song and possibly the
wittiest in lyrics and performance
on the whole album.
All the Sha-na-na songs are
expectable Sha-na-na. If you like
them you'll like them.
The stars and the cast have an
exuberance though that makes
the album a really fun thing. The
short-comings, i.e. Travolta's
voioe and Newton-Oohn's lack of
oomph, all conveniently may be
interpreted as intentional gauch-
erie on their part, and one really
doesn't mind interpreting them
that way.
If you're really a Travolta
hard-core case, or have a Newton-
John sweet-tooth this double
album would probably be worth
the money. Otherwise, you'd do
better to wait for their next
pot-boiler. Album provided cour-
tesy of Record Bar.
Carlton 's guitar is 'superb'
Staff Writer
To those of you who take interest in reading the
credits on the back of album oovers. this name
should be immediately recognizable
To those of you who don read the backs of your
albums, go check a few out, and I guarantee you will
find this name more than onoe.
For years Larry Carlton has been one of the
brightest most sought after studio guitarists around.
Beginning in the early seventies with the
Crusaders, he made quite a name fa himself with
his impeccable feel for his instrument, and since
that time has played with everyone from Al Jarreau
to Steely Dan.
Carlton's style ia ver?"tile enough for just
about all kinds of music.
Unfortunately first rate studio musicians don't
always make first rate solo albums. While Carlton's
expertise on the guitar can not be debated, his
songwriting and production can.
The production and mixing of this album are
nothing more than adequate, and it seems suprising
to me that a musician who has always been
surrounded with quality performances as a studio
musician would allow his solo effort to be so poorly
Carlton's guitar playing is superb, but is mixed
much to loud to the point that one has to really
conoentrate on the rhythm track and mentally remix
the sounds themselves .
Howevei ah these things aside the album
certainly does have some redeeming factors, and I
am probably being a little hard on it because I
expected so much.
Carlton s guitar playing shows influences from a
wide variety of people, (Carlos Santana, Jeff Beck,
B B King; but he has managed to combine these
blues mfluenoes with his own jazz flavorings to
produoe a style that is refreshing and truly unique.
His playing is extremely fluid and lively.
The best cut in the album is the danceable
Room 335' whose trendy beat and intense guitar
lines make you tingle by the final chorus, but at
times sounds a little too much like Steely Dan's Peg
without vocals.
Other standouts on the album are the blues
ballad "Only Yesterday" and the Latin flavored
"Rio Samba
Six of the eight cuts on the album are
instrumentals, and the other two should have been.
Carlton is an excellent guitarist but a lousy singer
The music is very contemporary, a jazz base with
crossovers from many other idioms.
If you are into the guitar at all, this album comes
highly recommended, and despite the disappointing
jobs of recording and mixing, Carlton's guitar is
outstanding and nearly makes up for these

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAP 2 August 1978
The Driver 'drowns suspense in a
fashionable flood of brutality; blood'
Trends Editor
Suspense is a question, and
the question now is: "What is
happening to Suspense films in
the Seventies?" God help us if
movies like The Driver provide
the answer.
This answer is not a happy
one. Had the producers attempt-
ed to parody other suspense films
805 Dickinson Ave.
Greenville. N.C. 752-5186
such as Bullitt or The French
Connection (films that feature car
chase sequences which disting-
uish them) then the ride might be
palatable. But The Driver is
devoid of any joking or high-spir-
ited, facetiously elicited sex.
There wasatime in the Sixties
when the glorious era of the
private eye thrillers was succeed-
ed by some very fine spy
suspense stories. It was a logical
progression: the spy of the
screen was very much the same
man as the private detective had
been. He was a loner; he was a
bit of a rebel against established
powers but worked for them,
chippily, because he believed in
right and justice more deeply
than his flip wisw '? might
have indicated.
The Driver doesn't fall into
any of the Sixties' categories of
suspense films nor any of the
Seventies' "new waves, angries,
or undergrounds
Bruce Dern plays an angry cop
thirsty for the arrest of the elusive
"best wheel-man in the busi-
ness" (robberies, et. al.). One
would have thought he might be a
little more selective in choosing
his scripts in the wake of his more
successful films - this summer's
sleeper Coming Home, notably.
Ryan O'Neal plays "the dri-
ver" with the absence of verve
that the script obviously calls for.
I can't fault the cast.
"The driver" regards the
world with a cynical eye, jaundic-
ed by experience, and this is just
as well because he is not too
surprised when he is double-
-crossed by everybody.
As a psychological thriller,
The Driver falls flat on its faoe
because it is not redolent of the
fears and weaknesses, the sense
of imbalance and insecurity,
which should constantly seem to
erode the structure of our urban
Like Dirty Harry, Bruce Dern
has withdrawn, at least ethically,
from the organized police so as to
free himself fa a no-holds-barred
shot at O'Neal. Unclear motiva-
tion on his part as well as on the
parts of the other characters,
including sexy psuedo-love-inter-
est Isabel Adjani, take us on an
obstacle course that leads no-
The Driver doesn't offer even
the simplest foundation of
compelling us to wonder what is
coming next. This is the essence
of story telling. The producers of
The Driver should have known
this instinctively. They are too
quick to jump on the suspense
bandwagon and they render
suspense as their only ingredient.
The camerawork is as crude as
the voioeless acting; the charact-
erizations simplified to the point
of caricature.
If a suspense story is what
they are trying to sell, they have
yet to learn how to tell it.
This package includes only its
fair share of violenoe, some of
which results in the film's only
genuine surprise. The twist
comes midwaythrough The Driver
when a two-bit hold-up artist,
promised his freedom by Dern if
he will play along with a set-up
that should land O'Neal behind
bars for the first time, crosses
the driver and then gets oocky.
We are led to believe, early on,
Ryan O'Neal, Isabel Adjani
and Bruce Dern
that O'Neal's code of ethics
doesn't permit himtocarry a gun.
We are never given any reason to
believe otherwise - so when he
pulls a .45 out of his jacket and
lays his double-crosser to rest, it
is certainly an effective moment.
This sequence hardly pulls the
film up from the depths of its own
listless style, so I don't regret
having spoiled the surprise for
any formerly unwary potential
is a 90 minute vehicle for two 15
minute chase sequences and
forces us to squirm during 60
minutes of filler.
It seems that suspense in the
classic mold is being drowned in
the fashionable flood of brutality,
blood and slick car crashes.
A movie is a creature of
fashion; and fashions, by defini-
tion, fade and are supplanted. As
the wild rush of "freedom" to the
"I would gladly swap 'The Driver's'90
minutes for the famous 11 minute car
chase xSrectedwith such verve by Peter
Yates in the 1968 'Bullitt
The Driver promises some
imaginative stunt driving and it
delivers in this department. The
film opens with a 15 minute chase
sequence that involves at least
eight patrol cars on the prowl in
hot pursuit of O'Neal. The film
concludes with a 15 minute chase
sequence that involves at least 50
innocent drivers, one bad guy and
no patrol cars they would only
be getting in the way.
The Driver, hence, in essence,
screen subsides, there will be
more films which take the best of
the new liberty and ally it to the
most durable of the old
I would gladly swap The
Driver's 90 minutes for the
famous 11 minute car chase
directed with such verve by Peter
Yates in the 1968 Bullitt - even
though the streets are conveni-
ently devoid of any traffic during
the sequence.
Good Food
Good Drink Good Music
And Good People

2 August 1978 FQUNTAINHEAD Page 7
arshall to be improved
Sports Editor
This is the final in a series of
jting reports on ECU'S 1978
football opponents. The Pirates
home opener will be September 2,
Against Western Carolina of the
Southern Conference.
Marshall, one of the Southern
Conference's newest members,
(had quite a rough go of it last
I year. The Thundering Hero won
It seems that with such a
strong offensive team returning
this time , and a 1,000 yard
rusher last year, that Marshall
should be in for some additional
winsasopposed to last year. This
could and should happen but 'he
defense which allowed a whop-
ping 34.4 points per game last
year must be improved upon to
oome up a winner.
Ellwood feels that the two
biggest weaknesses in his defen-
no league games and won only
two the entire year.
Things look to be different this
year however as head coach
Frank Ellwood welcomes back 34
lettermen. The vast majority of
those lettermen were starters last
year. In fact the Marshall offense
returns all eleven of its starters.
The best of those eleven is
Marshall's first 1000 yard rusher,
C.W. Geiger is his name and if
Marshall's 1978 opponents are
smart they will take Geiger
At the important quarterback
positior senior and three year
starter Bud Nelson, 6'1 - 206, will
be at the controls of Marshall's
Power-I attack.
Tim Campbell, Mike Bailey
and Bob Campbell all were
lettermen at the running back
positions and all return this time.
Kevin Jackson and Ray Crisp
are the receivers.
At the center position Greg
Smith returns to anchor a tough
front wall.
At the guards Sylvester
Drobney and Dan Wells are the
big movers with Matt Games and
Howie Harris playing the tackle
sive troops are the linebacking
and the secondary positions.
At the linebacker positions six
different lettermen will fight it
out. They are Hobart Phillips,
Mel Adderton, Dennis Bellamy,
Mike Sprouse and Luke Spmcer.
In the secondary Sam Kinker
will provide experience.
The line returns George Elliott
5'11 - 225, at middle Dave Kirby
6'Q- 230 and Brian Hite6'1 - 246
at the tackles.
In summing up Marshall's
chances for the 1978 season it
appears that a lot of what
happens to the Thundering Herd
will no doubt depend on how
much better the defense is than
last year. The offense has the
people to get the iob done but,
unfortunately all the offense in
the world isn't going to help
Marshall if that defense doesn't
get more stingy with the yardage.
The Marshall schedule looks
rather tough also with games
against UT-Chattanooga, East
Carolina, Kent State, and Miami
Ohio bmg faced
When all is said and done it
appears that the Herd will
probably move up the conference
ladder but still end up a game or
two short of a winning season
unless the defense comes on
By Chris Holloman
Ficklen almost finished
Work on ECU'S Ficklen Stadium is nearly complete as of this week.
The trim work and work on the pressbox is expected to be completed in
plenty of time fa the home opener against Western Carolina.
The new scoreboard for Ficklen is expected to be n
sometime in the next two weeks according to Athletic Director"
Cam. The scoreboard will be fully computerized and have a rnessage
board The scoreboard itself will be the second largest that th.s
company has made. It is 40 feet long and 18 feet high.
The ever changing Southern Conference will again be a problem for
Virginia Military Institute and finding conference opponents. VMi
must oiay five SC games to be eligible for the title but because of the
Xnnin, of the conference VM. only plays three Southern
Conterence opponents. Thus games against William and Mary and
East Carolina will count as Southern Conference games. Last year VMI
had to count William and Mary. Richmond and lost by one point to
ECU. The Keydets are defending SC co-champions.
Th.sooming season ECU 11 game schedule will be telecast
this fall by WITN-TV (Channel 7) in Washington.
The show win be a one-hour edited review of Pirate football for he
week including the important action and scoring plays from the
previous day's game.
The format is similar to the national telecasts of eDame
football The games will be aired at 11 30 a.m. and again at 11 30 p.m
Sick Jones and former ECU runningback Ken Str.yhorn handling
;he commentary.
This fall a familiar number will be missing when
the Pirates take to the field fa the opener against WCU. The number
,s 99 and the player ,s Wayne Poce. Last spring Wayne sutured a
knee ,n)ury and will be red sh.rted fa the coming V?J
such a dedicated player w?l have to sit out fa a year "?"??
part in the spat he en,oys the most The bright spa ???"??? ?
that Wayne will be able to play in 1979 fa the Pirates. H.a ability as a
leader on the field will be missed this fall.
Harold Randolph, the famer Pirate linebacker and All-America
seems to be makmg a real impression on the Dallas Cowboy staff. In
an exhibition game last weekend Randolph, also known as too
small " intercepted a pass and ran 40 yards fa a touchdown With
more play like that. Randolph should make the Cowboys roster th.s
Fall football practice to start next Saturday
.UU?f?S Bu, we have good people with f ? ,1 '?) ?

Assistant Spats Edita
Mae than 150 players are
expected to repat fa pre-season
practice at ECU next Saturday
when the Pirates will begin
preparations fa their season
opener against Western Carolina.
A taal of 38 lettermen return
from last year's team which
finished 8-3 including wins over
AtlanticCoast Conference schools
N.C. State and Duke.
Among the 38 returning let-
termen will be 13 starters with
seven oi defense and six on
offense There's a la of wak to
do to have the kind of defensive
team we want and the kind o
season we want to have said
head coach Pat Dye who will
jin his fifth season at ECU
?But we have good people with
more expenenoe than we've ever
had coming back befae, so I
know we can have a fine club this
The players will repat Satur-
day, August 11 with a phao
session scheduled that maning.
Physicals will be given Sunday
and a light wakout may be held
later in the evening.
Practices without pads will be
held through Wednesday with
contact drills scheduled to begin
Thursday. The NCAA prohibits
practices with pads fa the first
three days.
tCU has always attracted
numerous walkons, which are
players who oome out fa the
team without a scholarship, and
this season will be no excpetion.
See WALKONS p. 8

!9f ;v
r T

, canfflrnEENINUMBEfl 21 will lead ,ne Pirate ' Jarfsor-wlle mil ,?n Ml fellow M??n.M ttm
L,?"ZS, ?. ?ft. "? ?? ?,? ,n a wee

Page 8 FQUNTAINHEAD 2 August 1978
Walkons will be important to ECU football once again
continued from p 7
than 50 walkons are
d to report fa
according to ECU assistant coach
Dick Kupec.
It's impossible to tell exactly
how many will actually show up
fa practice said Kupec. "We
maJly get anywhere from 45 to
50. But it s Man l to tell how many
will actually make the lean
The Pirate coaching staff
signed 27 high school seniors to
grant-m aids last season while
several walkons from last year
were awarded scholarships.
Two players who were expect
ed to play key roles for ECU this
eaaon have already been
Senior Wayne lxilt. a th
?iterman at defensive ta
reinjured his knee last month and
will be out for the y? Pool e will
be eligible to play next season.
! reshman quarterback Olive
i elton suffered a severe knee
injury two rveeks ago during
tio fa the North South Boys
Home ah Star - held in
A' ECU s season opener
Western Carolina draws
the I
Besi eason
i - tile commu-
? ECU alumni and students
'??: bombarding the office with
calls concerning ticket arrange-
ments for the N.C. St
Three years ago, tickets to
I rte and North Carolina
to the
put was no limit I
amount ot tickets anyo ?
couid purchase. But the 1976
Carolina game in Kenan Stadium
was a ell jt and the last three
N.C State games in Carter
Stadium have been played before
apa ity crowds
ne been real ui
I about the ticket sit
ion admits Edwards. Mo
the poepie who have ca
found out there an
admission tickets havi
md joined the Pirate (
We like toencourage people to go
i1 the Pirate Club
because the seats u get with
season tickets in Ficklen
lium will be much better and
the athletic de-
? with funding choiar-
ngly. Edwards has
alls and
?' ' ' ' ?' ? thered with
favors from
pi I
leneral a mission ticket
ailed me and
ked for any special favors. I
rea"y ?te anyi
doing it eithi
Edwards, a native pf. Green-
ville, has always been closely
involved with athletics. She was a
member of th women's basketball
if am:
"Roy Roaerx wuvLfe ecwH?AHT
UillDQ 'SOU - W&D 2?e
nUUf0 THL)C5- SAT 2.
2A? g g.
And get three gemes for only $1.25.
( Per Person Rate )
Phone 758-1820
team fa two year sat Chi cod High
School (now D.H. Con(.V) and
worked with students in the ECU
Financial Aid Office for a number
rejoining the athletic
irtment last Jam
I'd always been a big Pirate
fan but I never though; I would
the chance to work in the
athletic department. noted
Edward. "But when the chance
came along. I jumped at the
!)'?! the job
I was real ? I to
All nighl camping
in front of the ticket off i
been going on fa a nui
('ears at North Carolina and N C.
State, and f dwardi
the same thing come Sept 5 when
tickets for the UNC and N.C.
State games ao on sale for ECU
er Mil b a
few peq
?.ml i dv
problems witl te
90ld thai s it i just wa
?- ?? lisapp
l??? N i ? imention halt I
own of Greenville
THIS WAS THE scene in 1976 as stuc Us camped
?ut m ,ront ol Mm9es to buy bCU-i VC football
this year.
same tnmg is expecteo to nappen
Tickets for UNC-
NCSU games
Visit Our Ctntfn
And Se Foi Yourself
Wiy WeMakf The Differtnct
( Uiv. I ?M ft WWfcendj
f "i 'lasses m yoiii area (ill
919489 820
Suit 10? Croft Hldq
2634 Chappl Hill Blvd
Durham, NC It If) I
Outside Hi Mile ONI t
A limited supply of tickets for
students will go on sale for the
N.C. State and North Carolina
football games Tuesday, Sept. 5
at the ECU Athletic Ticket Office
in Minges Coliseum.
Students may purchase two
tickets to both the State and
Carolina games with a student
I.D. and an activity card.
Cost of the first ticket will be
$4.00 and the additional one will
b?; $8 oo rickets for the State and
Carolina games will be available
the same day, according to ticket
manager Brenda Edwards.
No general admisison tickets
will be available to the public. All
non-students must be member of
the Pirate Club to purchase
tickets to the UNC and State
ECU opens its season Sept. 2
when the Pfrates host Western
Carolina in Ficklen Stadium.
rheECU ricket Office will be
m 8:30 to 4:30 p.m

Fountainhead, August 2, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 02, 1978
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