Fountainhead, June 21, 1978

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Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 4,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
Vd. S3, No.? East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina 21 June 1978
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
HoHerin' contest . . .p. 6
Health care shortage . . .p. 5
Buddy Rich . . .p. 8
William and Mary . . .p. 10
Media Board meets
Staff Reporter
News Editor
The Media Board approved
presscardsfor FOUNTAINHEAD
reporters and discussed the res-
ponsibilities of the Media Board
secretary at their meeting, Tues-
day, June 20.
In another matter before the
Media Board, John Jeter, general
manager of WECU-FM, filed a
formal oomplaint before the board
concerning a meeting held
between Dean Tucker, Mr.
Alexander, and Tommy Joe
Payne of the Board and Dr. Benz
and Mr. Rees of the drama and
speech department.
Jeter noted that the meeting
had concerned WECU operations
and that he had not been notified
of the meeting. He thanked the
board fa looking into the matter.
Dr. Benz, professor of com-
munications, told
FOUNTAINHEAD that he and
Mr. Rees had contacted Dr.
Tucker and "asked for a meeting
of the Media Board. The Media
Board is the prospective licensee
of the FM radio station, and we
Head photographer
felt that since we do teach
broadcasting that we might have
some sort of input that might be
useful. We asked that the meet-
ing occur and that we might
present our formal willingness to
do whatever possible to make the
station the best it could possibly
When asked why Jeter was
not present at the meeting, Benz
replied that "we just asked Dr.
Tucker, we wanted to present
some ideas to him to my
knowledge t here was no excl usion
of John, to say, 'we don't want
him there or that sort of thing
There has been some oonoern
by WECU management over a
possible conflict between stud-
ents and faculty concerning man-
agement and programming prac-
tices Aooording to board member
Rudolph Alexander, the radio
station is to be a student-run
station, operated by student
funds. Also, Alexander told
FOUNTAINHEAD that "the pro-
gramming (of WECU)will reflect
the tastes of the students
Earlier, Jeter told
thing I want to make known is
that since the drama department
did not give js any money or
didn't help tin applying for the
Board names Podeszwa
News Editor
The Media Board approved
Pe.e odeswa as head photo-
adphet ol the Photo Lab
f-uueszwa said that he was
' very excited aoout starting the
new academic year this fall.
"For one reason, th.s year
were in much better shape
because I'll have three pnoto-
grapers this year instead of just
two like last year Podeszwa
He also cited the addition of
more equipment to the Photo Lab
as a reason for the improvement
over last year.
"We've always needed cer-
tain equipment which we just
couldn t afford and now we have
it, ' Podeszwa explained. "We
used to have to choose a
photographer on the basis of what
equipment he had. Now we can
concentrate more on his abilit-
ies. "
Podeszwa also said that this
year would be off to a better start
because all the equipment was
intact in the Photo Lab.
"There has been a lot of
missing camera equipment over
the past years Podeszwa said.
"Most of this equipment is finally
being replaced.
Podeszwa brings with him a
remarkable portfolio of past
photoqraphic experiences.
He became interested in
photography about 12 years ago
and while in high school estab-
lished a photography lab in his
school and worked on the year-
After high school Podeszwa
said he did odd jobs as newspaper
photography and wedding port-
While serving on a naval ship
he talked the Navy into setting up
a photo lab on board.
I did two cruise books, which
is the equilavent of a y Took,
and I also did some reinais-
sanoe work Podeszwa said.
We would be about two
miles off a Russian trawler - a
supposed Russian trawler he
said grinning, "and I would zoom
in on it with my lens.
Podeszwa said after he got out
of theNavy he went :o California
tna took a portrait course at
Berkley and did port'ios for
some models. I
FM license), I don't think they
have the right to come in and use
the station for classroom pur-
poses. This is a student-run
station, paid for by student
money; they (faculty) don't have
the right - they just don't
Dean Tucker, Media Board
member, expressed the hope
after Tuesday's board meeting
that the students working with
the station, and interested faculty
members, would pool their tal-
ents and oooperate to make
WECU a successful FM station.
Doug White, editor of
FOUNTAINHEAD asked for the
approval of the press cards that
will enable FOUNTAINHEAD
reporters to review movies, re-
oords and athletic events without
White said the cards will cost
$43.41 for 200 and will be funded
with money from the printing
funds. White feels this will
alleviate the problem of some
people claiming to be from the
FOUNTAINHEAD and receiving
free services.
The Media Board's secretary
He came to ECU in 1976 and is
working on his B.F.A. in com-
munication arts in the School of
HOLLER!N' WAS IN at Spivey's Corner this past weekend. The annual
event which attracted a crowd of 11,000 this year, revived once more
the folk art of holler in' - even if microphones have now replaced good
oe' lung power See story, p.6
f Photo by Pete Podeszwa
will be a state supported position
and the board is beginning to
formulate a job description. In-
cluded in these responsibilties
will be the running of the
Compugraphic machine which
sets the paper's type and general
accounting skills
Aooording to Rudy Alexander,
Assistant Dean of Student Af-
fairs this may be revised in the
fall when the position is open, he
added that everything the Media
Board does this summer is
tentative and subject to change in
the fall.
Maintenance costs cited
Parking fees to rise
Staff Reporter
ECU students are in for a big
surprise when they go to register
their vehicles fa the 1978-79
school year.
Parking registration fees have
risen from $5 for the last year to
$10 for next year.
Parking decals go on sale July
10, but even with the raise in
price, a parking space in the
immediate area of your class a
dorm won't be guaranteed.
Joe Caider, director of secur-
ity, says the raise in the decal
Caider says that the price of
the decal from the printer has
tripled over the past three or four
years The cost of other needed
materials has also risen.
There is perhaps a bright side
to the prioe increase. When
registering two oars this fall, the
second decal will only cost two
Bicycle decals will also go on
sale in July and the cost will be
the same as last year. Decals from
the 1978-79 year expire Septem-
ber 1.
Libertarian Party tries for ballot
Staff Reporter
Libertarian Party representat-
ives, working to get the pan on
the ballot in North Carolina, were
on campus last week soliciting
signatures from registered North
Carolina voters.
Representative Marion
Williams said 10,000 signatures
from registered voters were need-
ed before the party could be
Placed on the North Carolina
"We hit the 10,000 mark
Wednesday, but we need 4,000
more signatures just to be on the
safe side. Technically, we need
14,000 signatures to cover our-
selves if some of the 10,000
signatures are not valid she
Representative Jay Hilgartne.
said the party collected about 800
signatures in the Greenville area.
"After our three day stay
here, we will be moving on to the
Raleigh-Durham area. We will be
trying to meet the June 15
deadline fa the 10,000 signa-
tures he said.
Aooading to their statement
of principles, Libertarians hold
that all individuals have the right
to exercise sole dominion over
their own lives, and have the right
to live in whateva manner they
choose, so long as they do not
faabily interfere with the equal
rights a ahersto live in whatever
manner thev choose

Pane 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1978
Co-op students receive on-the-job training
Staff Reporter
The ECU Office of Cooperat-
ive Education is placing an
increasing number of students
from various on-campus depart-
ments in parttime and fulltime
lobs according to Mrs. Fredi
Sandy" Green, a Co-op coor-
Mrs. Green, the newest mem-
ber of the Co-op staff, said the
program has been revitalized in
the last six months.
"The main thrust of the
program is to help students
acquire on-the-job training and
skills. Employers expect both
experience and a degree from
employees she said.
"Our program is unique
Mrs. Green continued. "A stud-
ent can attend school and work on
alternating semesters, and he can
get all the benefits of a fulltime
Mrs. Green cited several
examDles of students now work-
ing on Co-op jobs. One such
student, Richard Harrell, is direc-
tor of Parks and Recreation (PRC)
in Robersonville, North Carolina.
Harrel's job is fulltime in the
summer and parttime during the
school year.
"Several students are design-
ing brochures and newsletters at
Pitt County Hospital. Other stud-
entsare working in artsand crafts
at Nags Head. They are getting
first-hand experience at mer-
chandising continued Mrs.
After Co-op students grad-
uate, many of them often go on to
fulltime positions with the agen-
cies with which they worked as
undergraduates. Mrs. Green cit-
ed ECU Senior Danny V. Nowell
as such an example.
"It was my first semester
working on a Co-op job Nowell
said. " My position title was
Personnel Management student
assistant he added.
When Nowell went to work
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with Co-op, he had eight hours
left to graduate. He is now
enrolled in summer school comp-
eting six of those hours needed to
graduate. Sociology Department
Chairman Melvin Williams allow-
ed Nowell to complete the two
remaining hours in Washington,
D.C where later in the summer
he will return to work fulltime.
"When I return, my position
title will change to Personnel
Management Specialists
Nowell said.
"My work involved writing
job descriptions, conducting exit
interviews, and serving on
screening panels. Working with
Co-op has given me a chance to
gain job experience and to work in
a metropolitian area - something
I really wanted to do continued
He added that in worKing for
the federal government, he gets
health benefits, paid holidays,
flexible working hours, and non-
competent promotions. Nowell
plans to work permanently with
the General Accounting Office.
When asked if he missed not
graduating with his classmates
last May 19, Nowell answered
that by working with Co-op, he
now has an excellent chance of
permanent employment - some-
thing Spring graduates may not
By working with Co-op.I have
an early chance with the job
markRt hefore the msiaunht of
the ring sale.
save up to $22?00
1978 Spring graduates he said
Nowell urges interested stud-
ents to apply early with Co-op
(Rawl, 313). Minority students
should espeaally apply he
Mrs. Green acknowledged
that Co-op is "anxious to increase
its minority enrollment "We
are now waking with the hearing
-impaired and other handicapped
students she said.
"Many students, though, do
not wish to leave North Carolina
to work on Coop jobs. In the
future, our office plans to initiate
activitiesto involve more students
with Co-op she added.
Mrs. Green is one of a
three-member coordinating team
for Co-op. The other coordinators
include Mrs Karen Frye and Dr.
Barry Davidson. Dr. Betsy Har-
per heads the program.
Mrs. Green graduated from
the University of California at
Berkley with a Masters degree m
Sooioinq?, She is now enrolled en
a parttime basis in the doctoral
pruyram in education at North
Carolina State University A
Woodrow Wilson fellow, Mrs.
Green previously served as assis-
tant professor at Concordia Col-
lege in Oregon At Oregon State,
she taught courses on the black
woman and the black family.
Math Department
selects new chairman
Staff Reporter
The ECU Math Department
after a 2-year search, has a
chairman, according to Dr.
Kathenne W. Hodgin. chair-
person of the search committee.
Dr. Robert C. Shock, chosen
over about 100 applicants, comes
to ECU from Southern Illinois
Dr. Shock received his PhD
from UNC-Chapel Hill, his MA at
the University of Arizona, and a
B.S. at Bowling Green State
University. He has taught at the
University of Arizona, Ohio Univ-
ersity and Southern Illinois prior
to coming to ECU.
Dr. Shook is doing research
on coal extraction and utilization
Listed in Who s Who in the
Mideast, his special interests in
math include algebra, linear
programming and non-linear pro-
Dr. Shook, married and the
father of 3 children, will begin
work at the end of July.
Only two days left!
College jewelry by
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Men's traditional Slladlum rings and selected women's fashion rings are an
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Proposes Child Health Reform Act
mating team
Frye and Dr.
Betsy Har-
Juated from
California at
?rs degree in
' enrolled on
the doctoral
n at North
iversjty A
3llow, Mrs.
red asassis-
icordia Coi-
regon Sate,
n the black
reen State
ught at the
Ohio Univ-
hncxs prior
ig research
ho in the
nterests in
?ra, linear
-linear pro-
d and the
win begin
Helms visits new infant intensive care facility
Staff Reporter
Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C,
visited the nearly completed new
intensive care aenter at the Pitt
Memorial - ECU medical comp-
lex June 10 and afterwards held a
brief news conference.
The 33-bed infant care center
facility, which will be completed
and officially opened in a few
weeks, is designed to offer
intensive neonatal care for the
newborn in a 29-oounty region of
The area has a higher
infant mortality rate and a
higher inciaence of maternal
health problems than other parts
of N.C. and other states, accord-
ing to ECU health officials.
After touring the facility,
Helms made a brief statement in
which he expressed his conoern
for the infant mortality and
maternity health care in eastern
"The death of 2,400 infants a
year in North Carolina is a
tragedy we can no longer toler-
ate Sonata Helms said. "This
nursery facility means that in the
future, hundreds of babies who
would otherwise not be able to
live to see their first birthday, will
now see that birthday and many
Helms said newborn care
centers like the one at Pitt
Memorial have achieved drastic
declines in infant deaths as well
as in infant retardation and other
conditions such as cerebral palsy.
Helms also announced that he
introduced to the U.S. Senate
Friday legislation to improve the
administration of federal mater-
nal and infant care programs.
The legislation, entitled the
"Maternal, Infant and Crippled
Children's Health Reform Act
would provide that states such as
North Carolina, which have high
infant mortaltiy rates, be given
priority in federal funding; estab-
lishing a new office to coordinate
maternal and child care pro-
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grams, and provide that doctors
with practical experience advise
HEW (the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare) on policy,
new regulations, and determine
where the greatest health care
needs in this area exist.
Dr. Archie Johnson, past
president of the N.C. Pediatric
Society who accompanied Helms
on the tour said the legislation
proposed by Helms would provide
increased aid to those who need
it most and that it could also
reduce long-term health costs.
"You are either going to pay
for ahealthychild early in life
said Johnson, "or you are going
tr pay thousands of dollars later
U special education and rehabil-
tation of a retarded or crippled
Helms said the toal cost to the
ffideral government of his pro-
;osed legislation would be $190
million dollars and added that
under that legislation during the
fiscal year 1978, N.C. would
receive nearly seven million dol-
lars from HEW.
"In all probability, there will
be little if any additional expense
to the taxpayer and a great deal
more service Senator Helms
Among those present during
Helms' visit were Dr. Leo
Jenkins, chancellor of ECU, Dr.
Archie Johnson; Dr. Edwin
Monroe, vice chancellor fa
Health Affairs; Dr. Jon Tingle-
stad, chairman of the department
of pediatrics, ECUSchoolof Med-
icine; Dr. William Laupus, dean
of ECU School of Medicine; Dr.
Darnell Jones, of the ECU
department of obstectrics and
gynecology, and several other
doctors involved in the field of
infant and maternal care and
crippled children.
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Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1978
De-press the hollerin'
The lenth Annual Spivey's Corner Hollerin'
Contest went on as planned last Saturday,
attempting to preserve the dying art of hollerin' in its
pure form.
But the oontest was far from pure due to the
overabundance of journalists and broadcasters who
often threatened to overshadow the contestants in
the various events. The occurances last weekend
were typical of an ugly trend in modern society, that
of the news media taking over the events which they
are trying to cover.
Nowhere was this interference more evident than
in the greased pole climbing oontest. A film crew
from the syndicated television series, "Big Blue
Marble" was constantly getting in the way of
spectators, judges, and fellow media people,
obscuring the competition of just aboaut every
bystander at one time or another. There were
several delays as the show's host Clark Brandon took
several takes of his introductory monologue. Later,
after the oontest, the directdr filmed a judge
greasing the bottom of the pole as if the oontest
hadn't happened yet.
Onstage, the innumerable television cameras,
microphones, and photographers blocked the vision
of anyone in the audience who was sitting slightly left
or right of center.
It seemed as if there were more media people
than the general public.
The contest was covered by the Associated Press,
United Press International, The News and Observor,
The Sampson County Independent, The Sun Journal,
The Fayetteville Times, The Daily Tar Heel,
FOUNTAINHEAD, Big Blue Marble, and the BBC.
One cameraman was overheard instructing a
bluegrass band to "get those people on their feet out
there. We need some shots of people dancing in the
If an event is staged solely for the purpose of
ooverage in the media, a so-called media event, is
there any reason to oontinue the event, or, more
importantly, is there any reason to oontinue covering
the event?
The news media should be wary of events that
may, even with the best initial intentions, evolve into
media events which serve only to exploit the
journalists and debase the integrity of the event's
Serving the East Carolina community tor art fifty years.
'Ware it left to me to dedde whether we should have
a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thomas Jefferson
EditorDoug White
Managing EditorLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
News Editors Jeannie Williams
Jim Barnes
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
Sports EditorChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD it the student newspaper ot East Cat Jina
University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU and is
distributed each Tuesday and Thursday, weekly during the
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C 27834.
Editorial offices: 757-6366, ?57-6367, 757-6308.
subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually.
Scott resident complains of roaches
I honestly believe that all the
roaches from Ayoock, Jones, and
Belk have left their homes and
migrated to their summer retreat
(Soott Dormitory). I'm also sure
that if the Pitt County Health
Department paid a visit and saw
all these little aitters, they would
close the dormitory.
I can live with a few, I'm sure
that anyone can. But it seems
as if their whole entire world
population has taken residence in
Scott. (Half of the population
seems to live in my room.)
I have tried everything from
killing them by hand to Raid to
Black Flag Motels. Nothing
seems to work!
I keep all my food covered, no
dirty dishes, etc. But I still can
kill an average of 14 a day, plus
not to mention the ones that die in
the roach motels. AM my
suitemates follow the same
guidelines for cleanliness, but
also have the same problems.
For example, I never
feel lonely. When I eat, they all
come out to join me. I never sleep
alone, either. The other night I
got to go to bed with two big
brown ones. Wow! Isn't that
Also, since the tennis courts
aren't finished yet, I still keep my
backhand in shape by taking an
old FOUNTAINHEAD and swing
away. (I bet Jimmy Connors
never got to practice his backhand
in this manner.)
They also provide the enjoy-
ment of trying to step on them to
heat that lovely sound when you
squash them . . CRUNCH'
But the climax of all this fun
occurs when you spray Raid on
the Grande Roaches (those are
the one that are four to six inches
long) and watch them run into the
wall and give you a disco dance
lesson before they die.
I guess sinoe there is not much
else to do in Greenville, the
Housing Office and Maintenance
Department want us to keep
entertained with these little
pests. However, just as the old
cliche states, 'too much of
anything can be bad fa you I
tend to have to agree when it
comes to these aitters.
Joey Crutchf ield
Student criticizes 'fuzzy' bureaucrats
Whoever was in charge of
deciding where to place the stop
signs on the main road through
the campus must be a real
intellectual featherweight. At
least half of the signs are either
unnecessary a misplaced.
It doesn't take a great deal of
mental wherewithal to realize that
if roads intersect and stop signs
must be placed on one of the
intersecting roads, it is preferable
toUtop the incoming traffic from
the less traveled road, rather than
impede the larger traffic flow.
On both sides of the steam
plant small roads intersect the
main one. Rather than stop the
traffic on the side roads, some
fuzzy-thinking bureauaat decid-
ed to stop traffic on the main
road, thereby stopping maybe a
thousand cars a day, rather than a
few dozen at most.
Not that cars on the main road
are travelling at any great rate of
speed anyway, what with a speed
break befae the stop sign on the
main raod in one direction, and a
speed break and a hill on the
And the stop signs at the base
of the hill (at the top of the main
road, near Tenth Street), are
equally senseless. Someone
(ono9 he negotiates another main
road speed break there) entering
the parking area near the old gym
Memaial Gym and Tenth Street
could be served just as well with a
yield sign. The stop sign in the
other direction, at the entrance to
the main road, near the old gym,
is absolutely pointless.
Someone out there in that
gray maze of the wald of the
bureauaats must be a lover of
bottlenecks, aggravation, and all
that is senseless.
Ronald Maell

21 June 1978 FOUNTAlNHEAD Page 5
Eastern TV. C. faces health care shortage
Staff Reporter
Beware Eastern North Carol-
inians! You may die sooner than
you think.
Eastern North Carolina is
noted as having "a long way to
go" to catch up with the rest of
the state and nation in health
care, accordion " Or Edwin W
Monrnp vice chancellor for
health affairs at ECU
in a recent newb bureau
release, Monore cites the prob-
lem being compounded by "hav-
ing fewer doctors, fewer nurses,
dentists, allied health profess, "ri-
als and fewer hospital and
nursing home beds
Dr. Robert E. Thurber, chair-
man of the department of Physio-
logy at the ECU School of
Medicine agrees with Monroe.
Thurber stated it isnot the quality
of doctors but the quantity. He
said the doctors in eastern North
Carolina are very qualified.
"We just need more like
them he said.
Eastern North Carolina is low
on the list of physicians to patient
ratio in comparison to the rest of
the nation. It is rated as the 35th
worst, with a ratio of 74 medical
doctors per 100,000 patients as
compared to the national average
of 163 medical doctors per
100,000 patients.
Dr. Thurber stated several
major reasons for such a poor
ratio . He cited the main prob-
lems of the mal-distribution to be
the social advantages of the
community and the preference of
the spouse.
Thurber further stated that an
effort was being made to change
the poor ratio. "It's slow but
effective he said. Several ef-
forts include an area health
educaiton system, which is un-
ique to North Carolina, and
volunteer organizations such as
the heart fund and cerebral palsy
Eastern North Carolina is also
noted for having major heart
diseases, and high death rates
from heart diseases, high blood
pressure, stroke and cancer.
Thurber states it was un-
known why these statistics were
so high in this part of the state.
Many people have researched the
question, but none have found an
Programs are underway in
an effort to help bring the current
health status of eastern North
Carolina up to that of the rest of
the state and nation. One such
program is EAHEC- Eastern Area
Health Education Center, the
youngest of the state's nine
regional organizations devoted to
improving the quality, quantity
and distribution of health care
EAHEC was formed in 1974
under the leadership of Dr. Erwin
Monroe, vioe chancellor for
health affairs at ECU. Accordina
to a recent news bureau release,
included in EAHEC's 23-county
service area are Currituck, Cam-
den, Pasquotank, Perquimans,
Gates. Hertford, Bertir, Chowan,
Dare, Tyrell, Martin, Washing-
ton, Beaufort, Hyde, Pamlico,
Craven, Pitt, Greene, Wayne,
Lenoi' Jones Onslow and Cart-
eret. making it geographically
the largest of the state's nine
regional organizations.
EAHEC's objectives include
continuing education programs,
supplying audio-visual equipment
to hospitals, and offering techin-
cal assistance to those interested
in developing their own educat-
ional presentations.
According to Patterson, the
availability of EAHEC's prog-
rams isan enticement for physic-
ians to locate in eastern North
"In fact Patterson stated,
"the number of physicians in our
area, particularly those in prim-
ary care (family practice, internal
medicine, pediatrics, and obstet-
rics and gynecology), has in-
creased markedly since the
EAHEC program began
Dr. Thurber cites the problem
of eastern North Carolina's health
status problem as showing im-
The number of physicians in
the area is coming up. Graduates
are starting to stay in the state
Health status is a serious
problem in eastern North Carol-
ina right now. But with more
programs like EAHEC, the health
problems of eastern North Carol-
ina can be brought up to par with
the rest of the state and nation.
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1978
10th annual Hollerin' Contest
DEW ITT HOW ELL, 1978 men's Hollerin' Champ.
The fine art of hollerin'
News Editor
Hollerin' is here to stay.
The lost art of hollerin a
custom traditional in this area
years ago, is on the return.
Saturday marked the tenth
anniversary of the National Hol-
lerin' Contest, held in Spivey s
Corner, a rural crossroads com-
munity in Sampson County, N.C.
The event, held every third
Saturday in June, was attended
by a crowd of 11,000 who came to
hear people whistle, croak, holler,
and tell what it was like "in the
old days
This year's events included a
Watermelon Roll, a Greasy Pole
Climb, a Conch Shell and Fox
Han Blowin' Contest, Whistlin
Frog Croakin and a junior, ladies
and men's Hollerin' Contest.
Judges fa the events included
ECU Head Football Coach Pat
Dye; Thad Eure, N.C. Secretary
of State; Harry Gatton, N.C.
Bankers Association; Bruoe Joy-
ner, N.C. Cystic Fibrosis Found-
ation; and Charles O. Whitley.
U.S. Congressman.
Drew Carter and Allen Bowl-
ing, both ECU students, were the
only oollege students among the
Carter placed second in the
Conch Shell Contest, having won
the event three years ago.
Bowling and Carter partici-
pated in the Men's Hollerin' but
did not place.
Cloggers, gospel singers,
bluegrass and country music
groups provided entertainment to
an enthusiastic crowd despite the
hot weather.
Those who were near enough
to the Watermelon Roll were
liberally sprayed by the hoses of
volunteer firemen as they attemp-
ted to keep participants in the
roped arena from escaping with
the melons by aiming the heavy
stream of the hose at their feet.
The aowd moved on to the
Greasy Pole Climb, which proved
to be harder than it looked.
Ambitious dimberstneaagain
and again to reach the top of the
greased pole but it finally took
teamwah by a group of Army
dentists from Ft. Bragg, N.C, to
pile a pyramid of bodies around
the pole as Joe Scarpella climbed
to the top to reach the ten-dollar
The Junia Hollerin' Contest
was held on stage as the aowd
heard a variety of hollers with
some amazing volume produced
by boys and girls under age 16.
The Conch Shell Caitest.
which consisted of rowing into a
oonch shell and pfooucing bugle-
like blast, was won by David
Wheel of Goldsbao, N.C. Wheel
"played" a variety of 'attack
calls' on the oonch shell.
The Frog Croakin' Contest
was won with an admirable aoak
by Randy Gray of La Grange,
DAN McLAMB. 1977 winner
The winner, Robbie Goodman
10, of Clinton, N.C, was a
unanimous decision with his
"rescue squad" holler, vvhich
sounded almost exactly like the
siren of an ambulance.
"This is the first time I ever
oome and the past two a three
years I been wantin' to come up
here and do what I been wantin
to do, and that's my holler
Goodman said. "I'm glad I got
somebody to carry me this time
and his hollerin' pal
The Whistlin' Contest pro-
duced a variety of tunes, come-
and-get-it whistles, and bird calls
from contestants of all ages.
Eric Furman of Garner, N.C.
won with his deep-baked possum,
sauteed possum, and possum-in-
wine sauoe (to the tune of La
W Hollerin' Ca
The Ladies' Hollerin' Contest,
next on the agenda, was eagerly
anticipated by the aowd.
Last year's winner, Iris Turner
of Fayetteville, N.C, became
practically an overnight cele-
brity when she appeared in the
Tonight Show with Johnny
Carson after winning the title last
She thanked the aowd fa
coming and proceeded to give her
winning holler to an appreciative
The women contestants had
whoops, calls, and hollers ot
ear-splitting intensity; but over-
all, Frances Barefoot and her dog
"Peanuts were the favaite as
she was chosen the 1978 Ladies
Hollerin Champ.
continued on p. 7
r est i
the World

A WHISTLIN1 CONTESTANT and his racoon,
Pop-atop "
COUNTY AND BLUEGRASS bands entertained an enthast,c crowd of 11,000

d a
21 June 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Photos by Pete Podeszwa
PA T DYE, ECU head football coach, looks on with other judges.
continued from p. 6
Now we re going to yell loud
enough to be heard call the way in
Washington, D.C Barefoot
said, cradling Peanuts, her Chih-
She proceeded to give a
high-pitched holler and Peanuts
joined in with her to provide one
of the most original and distinct
-ive hollers of the day.
The Men's Hollerin' Contest
was captured by Dewittt Howell
of Goldsboro, N.C. with a clear,
singsong holler.
During the intermission be-
fore the judges' decision, former
champions entertained with win-
ning hollers from past years.
Each year a new event is
added to the agenda of events.
The Frog Croakin' Contest was
the new addition this year, while
last year's Ham Holler-In was
repeated again.
The Ham Holler-In consists of
ham radio operators who broad-
cast messages nationwide the
morning of the contest.
In 1972 a "Prettiest Possum"
contest attracted a "contestant"
all the way from Miami. The
Florida possum, Beauregarde I,
was defeated by a sun-bonneted
North Carolina possum from Elm
DREW CARTER OF ECU placed second in the
Conch Shell Contest.
The first annual Hollerin
Contest in 1969 became widely
publicized when the first champ-
ion hollerer, Dewey Jackson
appeared on NBC s Tonight Show
with Johnny Carson.
Many of Dewey Jackson's
successors also visited the To-
night Show and other nationally
televised programs.
Paul Parker, 87, the 1974
Hollerin' champ, made history
when he appeared on the Mike
ALLEN BOWLING, AN ECU student. oVes a toller.
THE ?INCREDIBLE HULK1' holler as done by a
tumor contestant
THE CROWD HAD just as much fun hollerin' back
Douglas Show with comedian Red
Skelton and asked who Red
Skelton might be. Skelton liked
him so much that he asked Parker
to appear again later.
Last year's winner Dan
McLamb, a former Sampson
County commissioner, won with
the addition of his three-legged
dog Percy, who hollered along
with him.
McLamb, Percy and women's
champ Iris Turner were guests on
the Tonight Show also.
The revival of the lost art of
hollerin' was due mainly to the
founder, Ermon Godwin, Jr
Dunn Banker and Spivey' s Corner
Through his efforts, Godwin
promoted the hollerin' into an
international contest.
Christine Godwin, his wife,
commented that the Hollerin'
Contest has put Spivey s Corner
on the map.
"We've got a lot of publicity,
and I guess we're known all over
the United States she said.
Ermon Godwin wondered
aboui continuity of the contest
even in its first year, 1969
Godwin's concern was report-
ed to have resulted from the fact
tha the winners had all been
members of the senio generation
who remembered when hollerin
was the chief means of commun-
ication between neighbors, farms
and fields, before the telephone
was brought in.
Ermon said that many of the
younger challengers were just
screamers saying that true
hollerin' is an art that takes
practice, understanding and
"much doing
Despite Godwin's concern, it
looks like "the lost art of
hollerin " has been sufficiently
revived to ensure a continuing
interest fa many years.
In Godwin's own words, "it
will continue as long as the world
wants hollerin

age8 FOUNTAIN HEAD 21 June 1978
Buddy Rich
The acclaimed jazz drummer
and his 15-member band
come to ECU campus Friday
ECU News Bureau
Jazz drummer Buddy Rich
and his 15-member band will
appear at ECU Fn June 30, at 9
p.m. in Wright Auditorium.
The performance is scheduled
m conjunction with Rich's visit to
ECU as part of the Seventh
Annual Percussion Symposium,
sponsored by the ECU School of
Music and the ECU Division of
Continuing Education, in cooper-
ation with Ludwig Industries.
Tickets, priced at $3 each, will
be sold at the door, beginning at
7:30 p.m. or may be purchased in
advance at selected locations in
Greenville, Rocky Mount, Jack-
sonville, Kmston, Tarboro. Wil-
son and Washington.
Before he began traveling
with hisown band in 1966, Buddy
Rich performed with such notable
musicians as Tommy Dorsey,
Frank Sinatra and Harry James.
In the past 12 years, the Rich
band has traveled and performed
throughout the world, playing in
theatres, concert halls, and disco-
Although he is bet known as
a jazz drummer, beginning at the
age of seven. Buddy Rich is also a
dancer, singer and a karate
enthusiast who holds a "black
belt. He is also a frequent guest
on the " Tonight Show' and other
television programs.
Nantucket's strengths lie in
clean, tight vocal harmonies
Staff Writer
The word is out and spreading
fast: Local oand makes good.
Yes, after yeas of paying
dues, the American dream has
actually come true fa these six
southern boys, and right here
before our very eyes.
What inspiration it is to know
that it is still possible for anyone
to make one. (Yes, anyone).
Patterned after the formula
MIKE UZZELL, TOMMY Redd, and Kenny iyouie or jrea ounv
that brought Boston to such
national prominrnoe, Nantucket
unfortunately lacks in certain
areas and makes it only as far as
Trenton on their trip to the top.
The album is centered around
the songwnting of Tommy Reid,
who composed all of the cuts on
the album. Throughout the album
his songs approach success, but
invariably seem to end up inches
These writing flaws are a
result of sixth-grade lyrics, and
consistently boring verses.
The choruses however, are
fresh, and alive with full harmon-
ies and interesting chord
changes, but the monotony of the
verses leaves one mentally rush-
ing ahead of the verses in order to
get to the choruses (and relief)
Side one plays pretty much
like one long song, with a steady
hard-driving beat throughout.
However side two shows us
some diversity. The keyboards on
"Spring Fever" are a pleasant
change from the raunchy guitars,
and Eddie Blairs sax solo on
"Girl You Blew A Good Thing" is
terrific, making one wonder why
the sax is not used more
throughout the album.
The album strengths lie in the
groups clean, tight harmonies,
and the overall vocal arrange-
The arrangements are truly
unique and well performed, and
help to round off the edges of the
otherwise raw sounding tunes.
Most notable in this respect
is the vocal on the chorus of
"Never Gonna Take Your Lies
The weaknesses on the other
hand are in the instrumental
arrangements, and the unimagin-
ative guitar playing.
The rhythms are choppy and
seem to leave the members of the
band waking against each aher,
while Mark Downing's guitar
licks sound as if they were
recaded five years ago.

JAZZ DRUMMER BUDDY Rich and his 15-member band will a
at ECU Friday, June 30, at 9 p.m. in Wright Auditorium.
Not a cop-out
Arabesque is mature,
unadulterated jazz
Assistant Trends Edita
John Klemmer's new album,
Arabesque, is not a oop-out.
Arabesque is an album full of
mature, fa-real jazz, without any
impurities added like rock a
An arabesque is "a oomplex
and anate design of intertwined
flaal, foliate, and geometrical
John Klemmer's jazz then is
an arabesque of music, it is a
oomplex and anate r'esign of
intertwined tena sax, Fender
Rhodes, piano, electric bass
drums and acoustic guitar.
The arrangements are fully
developed and compelling. They
succeed in carrying out interest
Klemmer himself plays the
tena saxophone with wit and
intensity. His saxophone sputters
in time, flies oooly through the
aystal air of the string accompan-
iments and then soars off into a
brilliant solo.
It is saxophone with a sense of
huma, aie who has lived through
life in the seventies and can still
laugh and be optimistic.
If you met this saxophone in
the would probably ask it
over fa dinner.
Klemmer is admirably and
excitingly accompanied by Pat
Rebillot s Fender Rhodes and by
Roger Kellaway's piano. Both
musicians equal Klemmer in the
freshness of their sound.
The instrumentalists on
Arabesque play a pure, modern
jazz, as aocesible as it is
oompositionally oomplex.
Klemmer's jazz is not nostal-
gic fa the days of Basie,
Ellington, Brubeck, and the MJQ
but it is the latest development in
their great tradition.
The album begins with the
dreamy first few measures of the
song, "Paradise
After that glimpse of the
Arcadia of jazz the song picks up
a beat bought somewhere in New
Yak and proceeds to cook like
Mama Leonia until the end.
K lemmer' s sax would melt the
fat off a cab-driver's neck, while
Rebilia's Fender Rhodes en-
hnces the sax as well as glows in
i wn perfamance by virtue of
i ? impeccable rhythmic com-
plexr .
II variety is the spioe of life
then variation is the spice of
music. Roger Kellaway seems to
play jazz piano with this in mind
and his perfamances are full of
drama, dash and romance.
Arabesques main fault is that
it is little too much of a good

21 June 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
PRINTS BY GEORGE Rouault are currently on exhibit in the
Mendenhall Student Center Gallery. Rouault outlined bright color
fields in black, a technique called "dassonism which reflects his
early training in designing stained glass-windows. His work combines
coloristic expression with somber subects resulting in a unique sense
of the tragedy of living in the contemporary world. The Rouault show
is the first in a series of exhibits which the committee will present,
according to Jeff Fleming, chairperson of the Student Union Art
Exhibition Committee Shows scheduled for the upcoming year
include the colorist Josef Alber's photographs of the Lower East Side
from the Jewish Museum, the annual REBEL show, and the lllumnia
Nicholson and Dunaway star
Chinatown on Mall Tuesday
This Tuesday night, June 27,
the Student Union Films Commit-
tee will present its fifth Free Flick
of the summer, Chinatown, at 9
p.m. on the Mall.
Set in seedy Southern Calif-
ornia of the 1930's, Chinatown
Continued from page 8
thing. The arrangements of all
the songs on this album are
distressingly similar, if equally
It would have been a good
idea fa K lemmer to do a song al I
by himself, or one with just his
sax and piano.
A little change in the instru-
mentation of the songs would
have added diversion to the
album. John Klemmer is so good
we long for him to develop a
three-dimensional style.
Each song on the album is a
speeding statement on the energy
of new jazz. Perhaps a slower
number would be the needed tail
on this wildly flying kite.
John Klemmer realizes that
true jazz bass must be felt more
than heard and his arrangements
are never too bassy. Nor are his
drums ever instruments of tor-
The sax, Fender Rhodes,
piano, bass and percussion are
finely orchestrated and directed
toward Klemmer's brilliant jazz
Arabesque is not a oop-out. It
does impugn our intelligence with
one formulaic, "sure-fire hit on
the whole album.
The album is polished but not
glossy. It is original and yet
Arabesque clearly deserves a
place on the summit of jazz of this
reverberates with the subtle
eroticism of the love affair
between Jack Nicholson as the
small-time shamus and Faye
Dur ;vay as his big-time client.
As with the film-noir detective
movies it styles itself after, the
mood in Chinatown is pervasive,
ominous and shadowy.
Director Roman Polanski div-
erges from the traditional genre
by wearing throughout his beau-
tifully oonoeived movie a moralis-
tic, if highly complex, tale of
values corrupted by greed and the
lust for power.
The film was nominated for
ten Academy Awards.
Rain site fa the film will be
Wright Auditaium.
Next week's Free Flick on the
Mall is the supernatural hara
tale The Possession of Joel
Delaney, starring Shirley
MacLaine and Perry King (Andy
Warhol's Bad).
Continued from page 8
Alas, what I say is inoonseq-
uentail, fa its really up to you,
John Q. Public.
Already receiving consider-
able airplay along the east coast,
their debut album just may have
what it takes to bring them the
national prominence they seek.
Style and Cut Treatment
Vi Price, Reg. $13.00, NOW $6.50
Located on East 10th Street
Next to Kings Sandwich
Phone 752-7630
Toni U The Boys Are Back
Em Tonitc
at the
Thurs. Concert XI tc From Charlotte
Featuring Their Harley Hog
& The Rockers 50' Review
Fri&Sat End Of Week Customer Appreciation 9-11
Sun-Ladies ite & Orientation Specials
Your education doesn't stop with a baccalaureate degree. It
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Take the Air Force for example As a commissioned officer you'll
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You i an gel there through the Air Force ROTC program In fact.
we have a scholarship plan that will net vou $100 a month tax free
and pay for .ill tuition. Books and lab fees And that will free vou to
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you're headed
( heck it (mm Iin out how. you can get Into a 'graduate pro
gram like the Air Force It a great way to serve you i ountr
possibly find your fomial edu anon extended .it Air I on e expense
Vv iTos( ymnxczz
Gateway to a great way of le.

Pag?10 FOUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1978
W&M to be tough
Sports Editor
This is the fifth in a series of
scouting reports on ECUs 1978
football opponents. Next week we
will scout the Tar Heels of North
One thing that seems to stick
out in the minds of people who
saw last year's Oyster Bowl
encounter with William and Mary
was the fact that it was cold But
if the weather was a bi bizarre
what happened on the field
against the Indians made most
Pirate fans forget they were oold
IN LAST YEARS encounter the Indians of William
and Mary won a 21-17 victory over ECU ruining the
Pirates bowl chances for last year. In this
photograph Harold Randolph and Tommy Summer
put the stop on W&M's tailback.
Wayne Newnam 's 'Purple Gold
Rush 'aids football promotion
Assistant Sports Editor
"CarolinaFever "Run With
Dunn and "The Purple Gold
Every year college football
promoters across the nation labor
hour in end working on these
colorful slogans in promoting the
coming gridiron season.
Last year North Carolina fans
were struck with "Carolina
Fever The slogan was so
successful that the Tar Heels are
using it again and are already
selling season tickets at a record
pace, At Duke, the Blue Devils
will "Run with Dunn
At East Carolina, Pirate fans
are urged to stake their daim in
"The Purple Gold Rush Oddly
enough, the idea popped into
Wayne Newman's head one even-
ing while taking a shower.
"I concentrated for two or
three days on an appropriate
theme for the coming season
explained the personable director
of sports promotions at ECU. "I
went through a dictionary trying
to find some expressive words
that would incorporate the theme
around the school colors and the
expansion of the new stadium.
"Suddenly it just came into
my mind. I liked the idea of
playing off the land rush since it
concentrated with our school
odors. I got some reactions from
some other people and everybody
seemed to like it
Although the primary purpose
of a promotions program is to sell
more tickets, Newnam also feels
the slogan should enoompass
several other ideas.
"The total exposuce of the
ECU athletic program is also
important said Newnam.
"We've had some great years in
football over the past few seasons
and we want all our alumni and
the community to know it
And whether it's ticket flyers,
programs, schedule cards or
bumper stickers, Newnam is
responsible for designing and
selling the items at ECU athletic
"They're so many different
things you can do in promotions
and get a lot exposure noted
Newnam Everybody likes bum-
per stickers and colorful items
which are attractive. I like to
concentrate more with art rather
than using photographs so it
appears as something a little bit
different than other schools.
Newnam has designed an
attractive football ticket flyer and
has distributed more than 150,000
across eastern North Carolina. He
has also re-designed the football
program and will have 20,000
copies on sale at games this fall.
Newnam has also conoentrat-
ed on radio and television adver-
tising in an effort to sell tickets,
something which has never been
done before at ECU.
"With a new stadium, a
successful football program and
ECUs move towards big time
athletics, promotions is becoming
more and more important to the
program explained Newnam
"Just like it says, we want
everybody to join "The Purple
Gold Rush
by the end of the game.
The Pirates were defeated by
the Indians 21-17 in a heartbreak-
ing defeat. The game featured
some of the most questioned calls
by the refs you would ever see.
And who oould forget former
Pirate head coach Jim Johnsons
gallent effort to keep W&M's
Tom Rozantz out of the endzone
with a 'arkle from thp sidelines.
Well, putting last year's game
aside we will look at a William
and Mary team that returns the ?
bulk of last years starters (13).
The Indians also have most of the
lettermen back (37). This spells
trouble for the opposition because
the Indians will onoe again be a
formidable team to contend with.
The big reason that William
and Mary will be very hard to
beat is their quarterback, Tom
Rozantz. Rozantz has been start-
ing atquarterback for the Indians
fa the last three years and has
seen the downs (a 2-9 record in
1975) and the ups (7-4 and 6-5
logs in the last two years) so
Rozantz knows how to win He i, -i
pre-season All-American in most
Last year Rozantz mixed his
plays so well that the Pirates were
unable to stop the Indians when
they needed to. Rozantz has
always been 'ough on the Pirate
secondary so most people expect
more of the same this year.
Another reason the Indians
are expecting to be on the
warpath again this year is be-
cause both receivers are brck
from last year. They are Jim
Manderfield and Ken Cloud.
These two latched on to almost all
of Rozantz passes last year.
Coach Ken Hutcherson who is
soouting the Indians calls these
two "super and probably the best
anywhere in the country
Other starters returning to the
William and Mary offense are
Hank Zimmerman, and Mark
Braun at the guards, Steve Kuhn
and Allen Goode at the tackles,
and Jim Kruis at the fullback.
The William and Mary def-
ense lost all of the secondary but
returns its linebackers and part of
the line.
The big play man fa the
Indians on defense is Jim Ryan a
6'1" 210 pounder. At the other
linebacker position Melvin Martin
Part of William anc Mary's
large, (240 pound average), line
returns this time around. At the
defensive end Rolfe Carawan
returns. Middle guard Dave
O'Neill returns also. In the
defensive backfield expect to see
Joe Agee, Scott Hays, Keith
Potts, and Ken Smith.
The defense on the Indians is
rated by coach Hutcherson as
having aveage speed but excel-
lent technique to make up fa lack
of speed.
In commenting on the Indians
as a whole coach Hutcherson felt
that in ader to stop the Indians
you have to stop Rozantz. That
has proved very hard fa the
Pirates the last two years.
In summing up the chances
fa William and Mary in '78 it
appears that the Indians will go as
far as their defense will allow
them to go. The offense should be
explosive with Rozantz back at
the controls. Also the coaching
staff of coach Jim Root is
probably one of the best any-
As far as Pirate's chances
against the Indians is concerned
the Indians must play in Ficklin
Stadium fa the first time in two
years so at least the Pirates will
have the Indians on the home
turf. Anaher motivation fa the
Pirates is the fact that the game
will be Honecoming. The Indians
are no doubt the toughest Home-
coming opponent the Pirates have
had in seven years so the game
will be a real thriller. Fa ECU to
win Rozantz has to be stopped
and the Pirate offense must be
consistent. If na the Pirates oould
'oseheir scalps onoe again to the
maians of William and Mary.
JIM ROOT A football player under Woody Hayes and Ara
Parseghian at Miami of Ohio enters his seventh season at William and
Mary Root has brought W&M to greatness since he replaced Lou
Holtz in 1972.
As we ti
week we se
two teams i
the Stroker
we saw th
defeated De
while the St
Back by a sc
and Lighten
The Nads de
In Tuesd
Stadium is a
of last Tuesc
had been or.
some last mi
All the
completed ,r
the tadiur
side ot the sti
finished and
completed b
being built ui
stadium. Tht
the stadium
within a few
The press
on schedule,
installed and
scon. Most o
1604 1

And g

21 June 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Pag? 11
Two teams remain Undefeated in intramurals
Staff Reporter
As we turn to uoftball for this
week we see that there are still
two teams undefeated. They are
the Strokers and Lumber and
Lightening. Both hold records of
Looking at last weeks games
we saw the Dead End Kids
defeated Delta Sigma Phi 11-9,
while the Strokers defeated Laid
Back by a score of 10-3. Lumber
and Lightening barely got by the
Supersonics by the score of 12-10.
The Nads demolished Once Again
In Tuesday night's action the
Strokers defeated Delta Sigma by
a score of 8-2 while the Super-
sonics barely edged by Sigma Phi
Epsilon and Friends by one run,
8-7. In the night cap there was a
real thriller. Summer Times Blues
rallied in the sixth inning by
scoring 8 runs to tie Kappa Sigma
Cold Beer 16-16. Then Summer
Time Blues scored three more
runs to make the score 19-16 and
that is where it remained.
In softball we have two polls
selected by the two graduate
umpires Ginger and Leigh.
1. Lumber and Lightening (4-0)
2. Strokers (4-0)
3. Summer Time Blues (3-1)
4. Super sonics (3-1)
5. Dead End Kids (3-1)
1. Lumber and Lightening (4-0)
2. Strokers (4-0)
3. Supersonics(3-1)
4. Dead End Kids (3-1)
5. Summer Time Blues (3-1)
Turning to 3-on-3 basketball
we only have one undefeated
team. Old and Slow at 6-0.
The teams seem to be pretty
well balanced in both leagues.
There is still one more night of
Dlav left and with the record so
ever, anything could happen.
There will only be two teams
sel ted out of each division to
play in the playoffs.
Looking at the tor. teams e
rww ?
1. Scott Reasers(5-1)
2. Old and Sow (6-0)
3. Marantha (4-2)
4. Rockets (5-1)
5. Bullets (4-2)
6. Oreo's(3-2)
7. Rover Todds (4-2)
Ficklen Stadium enters final construction
8. Orbiteers (4-3)
9. Omega (4-3)
10. Laid Back (3-2)
Any team is capable of
defeating another but it looks like
your best bet would be the Scott
Pleasers and Old and Slow in the
With this being the final week
of intramurals there looks to be
alot of excitement. In softball and
basketball the tournaments will
be made up of teams that can
defeat each other on any given
night. It should be very interest-
ing to see if the teams with
unscored reoordscan remain that
way or will some team that just
made it to the playoffs come
around and blow the other team
off the oourt or field (according to
what the case may be.)
Sports Editor
Progress on ECU's Ficklin
Stadium is coming along well. As
of last Tuesday all the steel work
had been oompleted except for
some last minute welding.
All the seating has been
comnietfd m the pressbox side of
the siadiur 'art of the student
side ot the stadium seating is now
finished and ah seating should be
completed by the end of next
Currently new sidewalks are
being built under and around the
stadium. The actual painting of
the stadium is expected to start
within a few weeks.
The pressbox is ooming along
on schedule. The elevator is now
installed and will be operational
soon. Most of the first floor press
area has been completed. All of
the windows have been put into
the front of the pressbox with the
exception of a few on the second
The second floor, which will
include the radio booths, will be
cornpleted by University personel
in time for the home opener
against Western Carolina.
The new scoreboard will be
installed sometime just before the
beginning of the season.
The stadium except fa a few
small details is expected to be
finished ahead of schedule on or
about the end of Julv.
snorfc?4. tankar lack, r
partial, cofTtbootv, w h. Cfc
dWm. 191 S. Evm Mm Opan
September 2
September 9
September 16
September 23
September 30
Nebraska at Alabama National
UCLA at Washington National
Penn State at Ohio State Regional
Baylor at Georgia Regional
San Jose State at Stanford Regional
Idaho State at Northern Arizona Regional
Syracuse at North Carolina St. Regional
Michigan at Notre Dame Regional
Yale at Brown Regional
Florida State at Miami (Florida) Regional
Colorado State at Brigham Young Regional
- and -
Southern Cal at Alabama National
North Carolina at Pittsburgh Regional
Nebraska at Indiana Regional
Tennessee at Auburn Regional
Washington at Oregon State Regional
Alcorn State at South Carolina State Regional
Boise State at Montana StateRegional
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12 FQUNTAINHEAD 21 June 1978
mpic Committe afti
The Association has rejoined
the United States Olympic Com-
mittee, an organization from
which it withdrew six years ago.
Aftor discussions which span-
ned several months, the NCAA
applied for admission for USOC
Group B April 3. The USOC's
Board of Delegates granted the
application April 14 at a meeting
in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
The NCAA was represented
by President J. Neils Thompson;
Dave Maggard, chairman of the
International Relations Commit-
tee; and Micnael Scott of the legal
firm Cox, Langford and Brown.
The Association's decision to
renew its membership came after
a significant reorganination of the
USOC. Notably, multi-sport
organizations such as the NCAA
and the Amateur Athletic Union
may not serve as national govern-
ing bodies for international pur-
poses. Henoeforth, such govern-
ing bodies will be required to be
autonomous organizations and to
meet detailed standards set forth
in the revised USOC Consitution.
Also, new procedures have
been established by which a
national governing body's control
of a sport can be challenged and
the challenge heard by an impart-
ial board of arbitrators. The
United States Wrestling Federat-
ion has already commenced a
challenge against the right of the
Wrestling Division of the AAU to
be the national governing body
for the sport (NCAA NEWS,

Be Somebody
at 4:00
Pantana Bob's ?sb
Memorial Drive
March 1) although that contest is
being conducted under previous
USOC procedures.
Serious discussions concern-
ing the Associaiton's rejoining of
the USOC began late in 1977. In a
February 15,1978, letter to USOC
Executive Director F. Don Miller,
NCAA Executive Director Walter
Byers identified the bases upon
which the NCAA would rejoin the
The USOC would not seek or
win it attempt to exercise (excpet
with referenoeto trials for the Pan
American or Olympic Games),
direct or indirect jurisdiction over
domestic amateur athletic comp-
The USIC would vigorously
enforce the new criteria for USOC
Group A membership (national
governing body) and will not
simply rely fa such enforcement
on the oomplaint and franchise
arbitration procedures now con-
tained in the USOC Constitution.
"We cannot overemphasize the
importance of this consideration
to the NCAA and, in our
judgement, to the integrity of the
vertical structure' principle of
the USOC 1977 reorganization
Byers said.
Greenville Country Club
The UOSC would replace
current Sections 6 through 9 of
Article II of its Constitution with a
statement of circumstances in
which a USOC member will not
interfere with competitive athletic
opportunity. Essentially, "protec-
ted" competition will now include
the Olympic and Pan American
Games, world championships,
international competition involv-
inr and fficial national team and
ceitai qualifying events.
In granting development
funds to Group A members that
are not financially self-sufficient,
the USOC would maintain a
distinction between those which
are in such state (a) because of
the nature of and US interest in
the particular spon. on the one
hand, and (b) because of the
ineffective discharge oi me Group
A responsibility, on the other
The USOC would give particu-
lar attention to the need for
appointment to its various com-
mittees of additional knowledg-
able representatives of the school
-college membership.
"I am confident that the
NCAA'saffiliation with the USOC
will do much to enhance our
? mutual interests in improving
upon the United States' posture
in international amateur sports
Miller said.
The breakway from the USOC
occurred October 25, 1972, fol-
lowing the Munich Olympics. The
NCAA, which had attempted to
make changes within the USOC
for approximately 10 years, con-
cluded that any further attempts
were futile and withdrew. At the
time, the NCAA claimed the
USOC did not serve the needs of
the athlete, amateur ports or the
national interest.
Pointed USOC rejection of
the college' interests isdifficult to
understand, said then NCAA
President Earl Ramer, "and we
will not accept membership in the
USOC as it is now constituted. As
an organization, the NCAA will
not contriDuie to or support the
program of the USOC. Each
member of the NCAA and the
saff members and student-
?iietics of each member, of
course, are free to determine
heir own policies and positions in
light ol ihe record of the United
States Olympic organization
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Fountainhead, June 21, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 21, 1978
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