Fountainhead, June 14, 1978

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Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 4,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
?i?w rcraanuillA Nnrth Carolina 14 June 1978
Student jobs end . p.3
William Faulkner . . . p.6
Hitchcock . . . p.7
Arrants reappointed . . p 10
Vol. No. 53, No.JST East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
Titl IX showdown -
Committee holds discrimination
News Editor
Students and university ottio
ials met before a three-member
committee at ECU Monday and
Tuesday afternoons to present
and hear witnesses to substant-
uate claims that ECU has failed to
comply with requirements to
eliminate discrimination in the
athletic program.
The hearing ended yesterday
with a granted 20-day continu-
ance and will reconvene on July 6.
Hearing committee members
are Dr. Artemus Kares, chair-
person, Dr. lone Ryan, chosen by
the students as their representat-
ive, and Dr. Robert Barnes,
university administration repres-
entative. The two oommittee
appointees chose the chairperson
as the required third member of
the hearing committee
The women's grievance com-
mittee was represented by a
Greenville attorney, Charles
McLawhorn, Jr. The university
was represented by Dick Farris,
assistant personnel director in
employee relations at ECU.
On May 2, a formal letter of
grievances was sent to Dr. Leo
Jenkins by a committee repres-
enting ECU'S women athletics.
The letter contained a number
of areas which the women ath-
letes felt were not receiving equal
treatment with male athletes at
ECU under Title IX.
Title IX of the Education
Amendments Act became law on
July 21, 1972, with implementa-
tion going into effect in July of
The hearing began Monday
with a reading of a section of Title
No per son in the United States
shall, on thr basis of sex, be
excluded from participating in, he
denied the benefit of, or be
subjected to discrimnation under
any education program or activity
receiving Federal financial assist-
In Monday's proceedings the
committee presented evidence to
substantuate the areas of alleged
discrimination: (1) provision of
equipment and supplies; (2)
scheduling of games and practice
time; (3) travel and per diem
allowance; (4) locker rooms,
practice, and competitive facili-
ties; (5) assignment and pay of
coaches; (6) publicity; and (7)
athletic scholarships.
Women athletes and coaches
testified Monday before a filled
assembly room in Mendenhall
Student Center on all the areas of
alleged discrimination.
Some of the most prominent
allegations of disaimination oc-
curred in the testimony concern-
ing the pay of coaches, travel and
per diem allowance, and athletic
Debby Newby, a former JV
women's basketball player, pre-
sented the evidence concerning
the pay of coaches.
According to Newby, statistics
showed that men's coaches'
salaries were substantially larger
than the women's except in track
and tennis.
The figures showed that last
year's gymnastic coach received
only a $100 supplement to her
teaching pay to coach the gym-
nastics team.
Stevie Chepko, the former
gymnastics coach, verified this
next on the stand. Chepko
resigned her teaching and coach-
ing position at ECU last spring
she said, because of the inade-
quate funding of women's athle-
Chepko also testified on travel
and per diem allowances.
She explained that since there
are only four gymnastics teams in
the state, most of their meets are
"Because of our travel allow-
ance we cannot go to some
meets she said. "Our travel
allowance last year was $900
"We spent one-third ot our
budget going to the Georgia
Invitational,and that was with
cutting costs as much as possible.
We went to a meet at Appalach-
ian this past year in which we had
to drive up and bach because we
couldn't affad to stay over-
night Chepko added.
Chepko oommented in an
interview later that women's
spats, such as gymnastics, could
generate revenue but that it took
money going into the program to
produce a program that would
generate that revenue.
"It'slikeavidousarde she
In the area of athletic scholar-
ships, figures were presented
that showed the amount of money
from the athletic budget that went
into the scholarship funds of
individual sports.
Figures showed that 282 male
athletes and 111 female athletes
participated in varsity spats
during 1977-78.
See HEARING, p- 2)
LOCAL OPTION LIQUOR by the drink passed the N.C. House of
Representatives last Friday. If the Senate passes three amendments to
the bill, citizens may no longer need to brownbag, but may be able to
have a single drink in a bar.
Afro-American Culture
Center named for Wright
,r,o fart that FCU'S C
Z.T. wrote in complaining about
the new policy on refunding
tuition fa summer school course
work. INTERCESSOR first con-
tacted James Mallay, dean of
student affairs, concerning the
Dean Mallay said that his
office had nrthing to do with
refund policy and suggested that
we contact Julian Vainright,
business manager fa the univer-
INTERCESSOR told Vainright
that the student had felt that he
had been kept in the dark
concerning the new refund dead-
line, and wished an explanation
from the university. The student
had withdrawn from summer
school Monday, June 5, and felt
that he had at least a partial
tuition refund due him.
Vainright replied that the
policy on tuition refund, which is
in effect fa the first time this
year, fabade refunds beyoid the
final day of tuition.
Commenting that "refunds fa
summer are a headache Vain-
right noted that the new refund
policy is fair to both the university
and to the students. The univer-
sity has been troubled in the past
with tuition refunds due to the
shat span of the summer ses-
sions and the paperwak neces-
sary fa such things as refunds of
Under the old tuition refund
policy, students could receive a
partial tuition on a pro-rated baas
from the first day of class into the
third week of the session.
The new policy replaces the
pro-rated schedule with an ex-
tended refund schedule runninq
Board names
Staff Repater
The Media Board hasre-elect-
ed Luke Whisnant, senia English
maja, to become next year's
editor of the REBEL, campus
literary-art magazine of ECU.
Whisnant, who is from Char-
lotte, has waked with the maga-
zine fa two years and served as
edita last year.
He recently received the
Russel M. Christman Scholarship
from the ECU English Depart-
ment, his poetry has appeared
in several N.C. magazines.
Next years staff of contribut-
ing editas will consist of Karen
Brock, Renee Dixon and Robert
I he REBEL has been public -
mg student art wak and litera-
ture fayears.
"I am very pleased with the
success of the last issue, Whisn-
ant said. "We distributed over
5,000 REBELS in less than two
weeks, which indicates a tremen-
dous response from the student
ECU News Bureau
The Afro-American Culture
Center at ECU has been dedicat-
ed to the late Ledonia Smith
Wright, until her death in June,
1976, a member of the community
health faculty in the ECU School
of Allied Health and Social
The ECU Board of Trustees
vaed at its spring meeting to
rename the center.
The action "recognized and
honaed a minaity woman pro-
tessa who was committed to
students, the university commun-
ity and the community at large
said Dr. Donald Ensley, also of
the ECU community health facu-
?Her yeoman-like drive in
assisting ECU s Health Affairs
Division in the establishment of
the campus center fa Student
Oppatunmes is indicative of her
commitment to increase the num-
ber of minaities in the health
services field he added.
Accading to Dr. Danoy, chair-
person of the ECU Department of
Community Health, Mrs. Wright
was an active counsela of
minaity students during her
tenure as a faculty member.
?She was most effective in
maivating students to wak hard,
plan ahead and prepare them-
selves fa careers in the health
ine fact that ECU'S degree
program in community health
now has a larger percentage of
black students than any aher on
campus can be largely attributed
to Mrs. Wright's efforts he
Mrs. Wright has also been
recognized by the establishment
of the Ledonia S. Wright Mem-
orial Scholarship Fund.
Individuals a aganizatiais
who wish to contribute to the fund
or desire further infamatiai
about it may write to Mary L.
Wiinamsat ECU sJoyner Library
or to Dr Lilla Holsey of the ECU
School of Home Economics.
The scholarship is designed
fa first-year students at ECU
who are members of a minaity
race. Annual awards will be
based 'on academic merit and
financial need.
Befae joining the ECU faculty
in 1974, Mrs. Wriflht had taught
at Roxbury Community College,
Simmons College, Boston Univer-
sity, Tufts University and Har-
vard University.
From 1970 to 1973 she was
Chief of Governmental and Pri-
vate Secta Relations for the U.a
Office of Eoonomic Oppatuntty,
New England Regioi. She had
aiso been an administrata fa
Self-Help, Inc Brockton, Mass,
and served on a special commit-
tee appointed by Massachusetts
Governa Peabody to evaluate the
See WRIGHT, p.2

Paoe 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 June 1978
give to the
march of Dimes
mothers march
Buy 2 short subs
and get 1 free
Call in Orders from pay phones
and get your .20 back.
MONDAY thru THURSDAY11:30 a.m. til 1:00 a.m
FRIDAY and SATURDAY11:30 a.m. til 2:00 a.m.
SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. til 12:00 p.m.
Any student interested in doing
volunteer woik for Senator Jesse
Helms re-election should attend
the organizational meeting on
Wed. June 14 at 7:00 pjn. on
the 2nd floor of the Minges
Building (above the First State
Bank on the Evans St Mall
downtown, across from Big
Refreshments will be served.
Media Board discusses finances
Staff Writer
The Media Board discussed
several financial matters at it?
meeting yesterday.
John Jeter, WECU manager,
requested a $649.89 transfer from
loop charges to AP wire charges.
"There is a financial matter
with Associated Press in New
York regarding our AP wire
service for 1978-79. The matter is
being investigated now and, will
soon be resolved Jeter said.
Doug White,
quested a transfer from printing
to membership fa magazine
subscriptions to Newsweek and
The American Film Institute.
The Board approved both
A major topic of discussion
and debate at the Media Board
meeting concerned the position of
Media Board secretary. Tommy
Joe Payne, SGA president said,
"We're workina on making
Michelle Daniels,
FOUNTAINHEAD secretary, the
secretary fa the Media Board.
This change will make her a state
employee The Board is invest-
igating further the job design and
description befae making the
final decisioi.
Jeter and White made the
suggestion to put restrictas on
the WECU and
FOUNTAINHEAD phones;event-
ually, all the media phones
may arid these restrictas to
prevent longdistance calls.
Continued from p. 1
The propatioiate share fa
wanen of the funds allocated fa
the purpose of grant-in-aid fa all
spats was 28 peroent and that
women received only 4 peroent of
those funds.
Recommendations by the wo-
men's grievance committee were
submitted to the hearing commit-
tee during Tuesday's meeting.
The committee recommended
implementation of affirmative ac-
tion plans, including updating,
renovation and oonstructiai of
facilities, hiring a full-time in-
formation assistant to cover wo-
men's athletics, evaluation of
coaching needs and recommenda-
tions fa inaeases in salary
allotments to provide fa assistant
coaches, funds fa recruiting,
comparable mode with men's
spats of travel and expense
allowances and mae athletic
scholarship funds available fa
1978-79 with total propatioiate
funding by 1979-80.
A continuance of 2U days was
asked fa by Dick Farns and
received fa the university to
consider the reoanmendatiais.
The hearing will reconvene en
July 6 at 1 p.m. in Room 221 at
Mendenhall Student Center.
Charles McLawhan, attaney
fa the wanen's grievance com-
mittee, said that the action taken
at ECU will have far-reaching
effects on schools in the Univer-
sity of Nath Carolina system.
"Women athletes are going to
see what is happening here and
take a look at their own pro-
grams McLawhan said. "This
is definitely setting a precedent
here, in this state and probably
over the nation
Continued from p. 1
effectiveness of the state's Com-
missioi Against Discrimination.
Her career also included a
oonsultantship fa the New Yak
Medical Committee fa Human
Rights; an assistantship at
Boston's United Community Ser-
vices, where she was also an
associate health eriucata; re-
search duties at Rosweli Park
Memorial Institute, Buffalo; and
an assistant directaship of the
Erie County, N.C. health depart-
From 1951 to 1953 she super-
vised the?Guiifad County, N.C.
Health Uepdiimeni s public
neann education proyiam fa the
area b UidCK population.
Mrs. Wright held degrees
fron N.C Central and Shaw
Universities, and did additioial
study at the UNC-Chapel Hill
School ot puDiicHealth and at
Boston and Yale Universities.
Customer Appreciation
3-5 p.m. Monday thru Frilay.
Your favorite golden
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14Junu1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Five hundred part-time jobs terminated
? Staff Reporter
At least 500 ECU students
participating in the College Work-
Study Program found their part-
time jobs temporarily terminated
on April 20 because the Financial
Aid Office here ran short of
federal funds.
As a result of .the shortage,
those students were not permit-
ted to work the last ten days of
April and during the entire
months of May and June.
"We didn't have enough
money to go through another two
months said Robert M.
Boudreaux, financial aid officer.
"We raised their salaries Jan. 1 -
that's why we came up short
"But, it (the program) will
start again the second session of
summer school on July 1 he
Boudreaux explained that an
increase in the federal minimum
hourly wage from $2.30 to $2.65
was authorized Nov. 1,1977 when
President Carter signed the fed-
eral minimum wage law (Public
Law 95-51). However, he
further explained that it did not
become effective until Jan. 1,
"We started working out this
work-study program in early
spring, (nearly March of 77-not
taking this increase into
account Boudreaux explained.
"We planned this program for
900 students, and when President
Carter signed into law this
minimum wage law, most of the
programs here had been complet-
He then added that the
minimum wage increase also
affected the self-help program
here. But, he explained that the
departments in that program
hired their own student help and
Summer busy for med students
Staff Reporter
ECU'S first four-year class of
medical students have finished
exams and some are working this
summer in Greenville in medical
related jobs.
This class of 28 students
received attention upon their
arrival at ECU last August.
During this past year, rumors
spread that the class was closely
knit" and spent little time with
Continued from p. 1
through registration days, which
for this session were May 22
tnrough May 25 Withdrawal an er
the last day of registration
warrants no refund under the new
According to Vainright,
changes in summer school policy
are the responsibility of the
Vice-Chancel lor for Academic
Affairs and the Vice-Chancel lor
for Business. There is no faculty
approval necessary for such
changes. Vainright noted that
summer sessions are self-
supporting and therefore more
"local authority" is used in
the other students at ECU.
Mary Beth Foil, a medical
student, agrees the class spent
much time together. All of their
classes were with all the other
medical students and no one else.
Mary Beth explained that her
days were so busy that she and
the others did not have time fa
Mary Beth is working this
summer with Dr. Sakerman in the
Department of Pathology at the
Medical School.
Also working on campus are
Thomas L. Beatty, Jr Frances
Doyle, and Phillip D. Burton, in
the Department of Anatomy at
the medical school.
David R. Faber joins one of
the several students working
in area hospitals. Faber works
mornings at Pitt County Memor-
ial Hospital and evenings at
Beaufort County Hospital.
Miss Foil says the attitude of
most students is to learn more
about medicine this summer. She
said her first year was not "too
hard" and knows the next one
will not be any easier.
paid their salaries entirely from
their own respective budgets.
"We made a commitment to
the students earlier - they didn't
have to Boudreaux emphasiz-
"This work-study program is
a federal program, and we get an
allocation each year from the
federal government which covers
80 percent of the student employ-
ment - this institution puts up the
remaining 20 percent he ex-
Now the self-help program -
don't get the two mixed up - that
is funded strictly by this institut-
ion Boudreaux further explain-
The federal government con-
tributed $405,911 dollars (80
percent) towards the work-study
program during the 1977-78
school year, according to
"We had something like
$480,000 dollars all total, includ-
ing the 20 percent paid by this
institution he explained. "In
other words, dose to half-a-
million dollars.
Boudreaux stressed that the
Financial Aid office now knows
what the minimum hourly wage
increase will be next year and will
be able to take it into considera-
tion, whereas last year they were
unable to do so.
He also said the work-study
program would definitely begin
again July 1. And, he added the
program received "a healthy
increase" in its federal govern-
ment allocation for next year.
"Thefederal allocation for '78
and '79 will be $446,592 dollars
Boudreaux added.
Students participating in the
work-study program work about
10 hours each week. As a result,
their monthly paychecks average
around $120 dollars, about $440
dollars each semester.
The new wage law will
gradually increase federal hourly
wages until 1981, at which time
the minimum hourly wage will be
determining policy.
Concerning the student's
complaint of being ill-informed
about the policy change,
Vainright told INTERCESSOR
that the policy change was mailed
to students who did not pre-
register for the summer session.
Fa those who had pre-registered,
the policy was stated in the
summer school bulletin, oopies of
which were available bah at
registration and the cashier's
will be glad to help you with any
problems concerning university
policy or student lite in general.
Simply state your problem and
note the steps you have taken, if
any, to find an answer. Address
all correspondence to Editor,
do FOUNTAINHEAD, and drop
the letter by FOUNTAINHEAD
offices in Old South Building.
proudly presents
in Concert
Sat, June 17th, 9pm
msmm mmm
4t sab- y
HOUKo " Tm;fcs- sat
jJbl)ni vilri.TONNITONKM. lhb! TO JUt?L?
wd?u hum wmmiwmmi Bfciw

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 June 1978
Women score TKO
Women have been discriminated against in many
fields throughout .history, particularly in intercol-
legiate athletics. Hopefully, the university adminis-
tration will take advantage of the opportunity
presented by the recent Title IX grievance (see story
page 1) and rectify this unfair situation.
The university is clearly in violation of Title IX by
evidence of the grossly disproportionate funding of
male and female athletic programs.
Aocording to the department of Institutional
Research, 55 percent of ECU students are female.
The athletic department's present budget states that
there are approximately 282 male athletes participat-
ing in nine sports, while there are approximately 111
female athletes participating in eight sports.
Yet, according to Stevie Chepko, former ECU
gymnastics coach, only four percent of the athletic
department's budget is devoted to female athletics;
the other 96 peroent, less administrative oosts, goes
to the men.
The university's attitude, or, more specifically,
the athletic department's attitude reflects the same
chauvinism as a Connecticut judge who, in a 1971
decision denying women the right to participate on a
cross country team, said "athletic competition builds
character in our boys. We do not need that kind of
character in our girls, the women of tomorrow
The question is no longer one of eoonomics, of
whether or not the athletic department can afford to
fund women's athletics; instead, the athletic
department has procrastinated until the final
deadline for compliance with Title IX is only a month
away. The question is now a legal issue.
Male athletes have six locker rooms, whereas
females have only one. One locker room in Minges
Coliseum in which women must prepare for
gymnastic practice (in Memorial Gym on the other
side of campus) and field hockey games (played in a
field 500 yards away, with a busy five-lane
thoroughfare between the two locations).
Last year, there was a total of $287,003 available
for men's scholarships; women were given $11,718
worth of crumbs.
There can be no rationalization for such officially
sanctioned sexism on the part of the athletic
department. It's time women got out of the kitchen
and onto the playing field.
Serving the East Carolina community for war fifty years.
Were it left to ma to decide whether we should have
a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thomas Jefferson
itorDoug White
ing EditorLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
News EditorsJeannie Williams
Jim Barnes
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
Sports EditorChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the stt dent newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU and is
distributed each Tuesday and Thursday, weakly during the
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C. 2834.
Editorial offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6308.
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually.
Comin' "through, Doc
HERALD Sports Editor angered
After reading the editorial,
oouid not help feeling as though
Id been attacked by a dose of
good ole southern racism.
As a staff writer for the
EBONY HERALD I can justifiably
say that thiseditorial was not only
racist but grossly inaccurate.
FOUNTAINHEAD does not de-
pict all sides of student life at
Realizing this, a group of
concerned black students formed
HERALD reveals that black stud-
ents are alive, tnnving, and
producing in other areas of
coueye nte than athletics at ECU.
You won't find this by reading
The claim that the
HERALD reproduces
FOUNTAINHEAD is a he. Proper
analysis of the HERALD would
reveal this.
T his is free country, soif gays,
Jews or other minorities want a
paper, they have a right to pursue
their interests the way we have.
The fact is, we are the largest
racial minority on campus. Our
interests have been ignored long
enough and the HERALD'S pur-
pose is to fill that otherwise
empty vacum.
The statistics presented by the
editorial were also inaccurate.
February s issue ot the HERALD
accurately states black enrollment
at 1089. This was 8.6 peroent of
the student body which is not 14
percent as was stated.
There were 22 Indians, 16
Asianband 5 students of Hispanic
origin. So obviously East Carolina
does not possess a melting pot.
I here are simply few racial
minorities at ECU. Is that our
No other minorities have
offered the HERALD their
services. Their input would be
gladly welcomed.
Just exactly what does
tempt to appease us by reserving
a sea ion for Colored News?
Ttus wouid effectively still voices
and opinions which should be
Gerald Barnes
Sports Editor
HERALD writer disputes editorial
The editorial concerning
the efflaency and necessity of the
EBONY HERALD (June 7 issue,
Page 4) lacks both rationalization
and content. It was an extremely
biased article.
Not only did it clearly state
that the HERALD isa waste but it
also implied the incompetence of
the Media Board.
Though the HERALD appears
shoddy" and of "elementary
content to FOUNTAINHEAD, it
is widely read by minority
students, some faculty members,
and yes, a few white students as
As a writer of the EBONY
HEARALD, I know that it is not
entirely devoted to the coverage
of blacks and black-related
activities. FOUNi AiNMtAu t.
conception ot that (third para-
graph) is totally incorrect.
Several past articles to vali-
date my knowledge and indicate
FOUNTAINHEAD s misrepres-
entation are: "Alexander: Artist
Series Has Successful Year
Sessoms Advocates Change
and "Human Relations Special-
ly Joins GAC Staff
in conclusion, the HERALD
does not "merely duplicate the
(paragraph 7). When does
achievements, and endeavors of
minority sororities and fraternit-
ies? When does it recognize
minority student leadership (ex-
cluding S.O.U.L.S.)?
but the EBONY HERALD does.
Sheila D. Mendoza

School system shortchanges students, society
A ruling by a Hew York City
trial judge and an enquiry by a
prospective law school student
could bring considerable pressure
to bear on an already weakened
system of education in America,
both at the high school and
university levels.
Consider for a moment the
following two instances:
-Judge Irving Kirschenbaum
ruled last week in New York that
the New Yak City School Board
must either pay fa a famer
student's private education a
enroll him in a remedial program
by June 30. The oomplaint? The
student claimed that he is too
illiterate to oomplete a job
-A prospective law student
petitioned the admissions office
of a Nath Carolina law school to
reconsider her graduating aver-
age of 1968 in light of current
grading standards. She was told
that her average upon graduation
in 1968, around 2.75, would now
be equal to an average of 3.0, a
even higher, by today's standards
of grading.
These two examples, and one
dares not call them isolated,
pant out two symptoms of
serious illness in American educ-
ation: social promotioi and grade
Ten years ago, one would
have thought it rare indeed fa a
high school student to be unable
to fill out a job application, i.e. to
show evidence of basic literacy.
Yet, nationwide we see a contin-
uous thread of evidence that mae
and mae of today's high school
graduates are not, in fact, armed
with the basic educational skillsto
enable them to oope in a modern,
competitive society, let alone to
suoceed in a university exper-
High schools across the nation
are quietly pushing aside their
consciousness-raising kits and
reaching once again fa pencil
and paper; if Johnny can charm
em to death behind the oounter
of the local market, it's no good if
he cannot count out change fa his
Even those hallowed halls of
Harvard and Yale are re-
instituting mandatay oomposit-
lon oourses fa their entering
freshmen. The reason? The stud-
ents' capabilities in written oom-
municaticn can no longer be
assumed to be adequate.
So, how does someone grad-
uate from high school and not
possess the ability to fill out a job
application? There is, admittedly,
no one answer. Our school lump
together students jta. ranges of
intellect, thus facing leacners 10
find a mean of presentation which
will neither befuddle na bae
their pupils.
This lumping is caused, in
part, by a failure of the schools to
handle properly the needs of
exceptional children (and "ex-
ceptional as we sometime fa-
get, means exceptionally bright,
as well as exceptionally dull,
Granting this and other valid
aspects of the question, one still
finds far too many unprepared,
uneducated students being
"graduated" from today's high
schools, and social promotion
loons guiltily in the background.
Today's mass market ooncept
of public education needs social
promaioi practices in ader to
exist. One must succeed in this
society- "You, you're the one
And failing, whether in business
a the tenth grade, just doesn't fit
It is far easier fa the teacher
to "pass on" a student from one
grade to the next than it is to
oonfront a student, a parent, and
ultimately a system, with failure.
Students should first be child-
ren who have learned that human
beings sometimes fail, that often
the reward oomes in the effat
itself. So long as we place
dispropationate value on the
economics of education, i.e. grad-
uation, sccial promotion will be
necessary fa schools which con-
tinue to grind out candidates fa
the labor face.
The case of the aspiring law
student brings another aspect (or
symptom) of today's educational
situation:grade inflation. If a2.75
grade point average in 1968 is
wath a 3.0 a better today, what
does this say about the universit-
ies? It is not surprising that an
Notioe is hereby given that
on Wed May 24, 1978, East
Carolina University tendered an
application to the Federal Com-
munications Commission in
Washington D.C requesting a
construction permit fa a new
Educational FM Broadcasting
Station in Greenville, Nath Car-
olina to operate on FM Channel
217D, 91.3 M Hz, with a transmit-
ter power output of 10 watts and
an effective radiated power of
18.78 watts from an antenna
radiation oanter 134 feet above
average terrain. The proposed
studios and transmitter will be
located on the campus of East
Carolina University in Greenville.
The proposed antenna suppat
structure will extend a total of 139
feet above ground level. A oopy of
the above referenced application
which contains a complete listing
of the applicants, officers, and
governing board is on file fa
public inspection during namal
business hours at the offices of
John Jeter, General Manager of
WECU, and Tommy Joe Payne,
President of the ECU Student
Government Association at Men-
denhall Student Center.
educational system which allows
widespread social promotion would
aiso embrace grade inflation.
Bah problems- social promo-
tion and grade inflation - imply a
shift in standards. If perfamance
of students matched the expectat-
ions of their teachers, then
neither of these problems would
thrive. Yet our society condones
an obvious decline in student
achievement - it is immediately
mae simple than attacking the
root causes.
Fatunately, there are indiv-
iduals and groups which do na
accept so readily these condit-
ions. Schools are concentrating
again on the three R's: these are
positive signs. Yet there is much
that needs to be done, fa the
ultimate losers in this situation
are the students who canna fill
out a job application and the
society which must deal with
illiterate youth.
It is quite possible that we are
long overdue fa an honest
re-evaluatiai of the role of
education in our society. I f we are
to diminish the meaning of a
certain diploma to the point of its
standing fa little a nahing, then
so be it - but stop the pretense.
Conversely, if we are able to
value education as a distinguish-
ing mark of civilization, we must
oome to grips with the fact that
such education has never been,
na can ever be. truly democratic.
True education in the traditional
sense of the wad, will never fit
the Big Mac mold.
It seems to be a matter of
philosophies - on the one hand
the cherished ideal of democracy,
the fervent desire to equalize
human oppatunity at all cost. On
the other hand we find the
imoompatable fact that we, as
individuals, are quite unequal in
our various abilities. And some-
where between those two ideas
lies our present educational sys-
tem - and somewhere else lies the
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 June 1978
Critical essay redresses balance
between writer's worth; reputation
Assistant Trends Editor
Malcolm Cowley is, an out-
standing novelist, poet and cril
He graduated from Harvard in
1920 ano then joined the expatri-
ate American writers in Paris.
He belongs to the lost generat-
ion of Hemingway, Wolfe. Cum-
mings and William Faulkner
among others.
The Faulkner-Cowley File is a
collection of correspondence be-
tween the writers, along with
liberal reminiscing on Cowley's
part. Cowley first approached
Faulker with the intention of
writing an essay on him.
In 1944 Faulkner had yet to be
recognized, at least in America,
as the genius he was, and
Cowley wished to redress the
balance between Faulkner s
worth and his reputation with
a critical essay.
Thus began a long and unique
relationship between a distin-
guished critic and one of the
country's greatest unapproach-
able writers.
One of the most salient of
Faulkner s characteristics to arise
from the book is his love of
privacy. He turned down offers
from Life and Vogue to do stories
on him. (Life eventually did do a
sotry on Hemingway, where
Hemingway was pictured in his
pajamas in oed sprinkling pepper
in his morning eggs, Faulknei
declares, "I am more convinced
and determined than ever that
this is not for me.
"I will protest to the last: no
photographs, no recorded docu-
ments. It is my aim, and every
effortbent, that the sum and
history of my life, which in the
same sentence is my orbit and
epitaph too. shall be them both:
He made the books and he died
Faulkner saysof hisown style,
"I'm trying to say it all in one
a 'book of
Shakespeare in one
pocket and a bottle
of whiskey in the
other "
sentence, between one Cap and
one period. I'm still trying to put
it all, if possible in a new way.
"I'm inclined to think that my
material, the South, is not very
important to me. I just happen to
know it, and don't have time in
one life to learn another one and
write at the same time
Faulkner wrote a seven-novel
cycle about Yoknapatawpha
County, one of the twentieth
century's most astounding liter-
ary feats, in an effort to get it all
down "in one sentence
Yoknapatawpha County is a
mythical place that was gradually
to become an enormous metaphor
not only for the whole Southern
society but also, in many res-
pects, for the world itself.
In one letter Faulkner speaks
about the nature of art and the
Ait is simpler than people
think because there is so little to
write about.
'All the moving things are
eternal in man's history and have
been written before, and if a man
writes hard enough, sincerely
enough, humbly enough, and
with the unalterable determinat-
ion never never never to be quite
satisfied with it he will repeat
them, because art like poverty
takes care of its own, shares its
Faulkner was a Mississippi
' farmer in the style of the
antebellum plantation owner. He
called his estate in Mississippi
250 acres and 11 head of negro'
in a letter to Cowley.
In the 1920' s when it was chic
to move to Pans to begin a writing
career Faulkner never left home
except fa long stints of script-
writing in Hollywood.
During those times he would
work in Hollywood for six months
in order to make enough money
to live in Oxford, Miss, the other
last no photographs, no recorded documents
"I will protest to the
six months.
He was very much a Southern
Gentleman, with a book of
Shakespeare in one pocket and a
bottle ot whiskey in the other
pocket who maintained a dis-
tinctly British mustache his whole
Faulkner always maintained
that he wrote about the life he
knew, and of it he says in a letter
to Cowley, "Though the one I
know is probably as good as
another, life is a phenomenon but
not a novelty, (it is) the same
frantic steeplechase toward noth-
ing everywhere and man stinks
r no matter where
He was a highly distinguisi i
author who had. in his
we I mded 1 yea h
University ot Mississippi I .
at ion for i
troups, studying European
lidn't like schcx"
And yet the lad-
iucation did not stunl
agination with which
so richly people a count
and a literature with such discern-
meni ol eaning and irony.
Marc Jordan's first album
'There is still a place for
the relaxed sentimentalist1
MARC JORDAN'S MA NNEQUIN his first album, "is quality right
down the line, from the technical aspects of its recording to the
freshness ot the sound, and one look at the credits will explain why.
Staff Writer
In a musical world at the brink
of being absorbed by its pop
extremes, disco on the one hand
and punk rook on the other, it's
oomforting to know there is still a
plaoe for the relaxed sentimenta-
lists (i.e. James Taylor, Paul
Simon, Jackson Browne etc.)
In a field overrun with con-
trived lyrics, overworked themes,
and repetitive melodies it is also
nice to know that occasionally a
breath of fresh air circulates into
the studios of this big business.
In this case the proverbial
breath of fresh air comes from a
newcomer, namely Marc Jordan,
and not since the fall of '76 with
the release of the debut album by
the Sandford-Townsend Band has
an album done more to redeem
my faith in today's pop music.
Mannequin, Jordan's first al-
bum, is quality right down the
line, from the technical aspects of
its recording to the freshness of
the sound, and one look at the
credits will immediately explain
Produced by the impeccable
Gary Katz, (the unsung third of
Steely Dan) in one of his very few
outside projects, Katz cut no
corners in producing the exact
sound he wanted.
Utilizing such studio veterans
as Harvey Mason, Tom Scott.
Chuck Rainey and Larry Carlton
to name a few, the album flows
flawlessly through both sides,
with its inherent professionalism
apparent throughout.
It is very hard to describe
Jordan's sound, fa it is truly
Centered around his effatless
vocal style, the music is diverse
enough to be interesting, yet
similar enough to be seducing.
Smooth guitar lines, full har-
monies and everyday lyrics grace
all ten cuts of this totally class
The music is soothing, the
lyrics intriguing, the recading
superb, and the perfamance
Stay away from this coe
unless you are a die-hard Mason
fan. Where Let it Flow was a
sturdy step fa ward. Manposa de
Oro is three a four shaky steps in
With famer bass player
Bud Cookrell replaced adequately
by Bruce Day, the Pablo Cruise
sound is basically unaffected.
Album is pretty solid all around,
plays very much like A Place In
The Sun. Look fa "Love Will
Find A Way" as a summertime
A first-rate perfromaoe from a
second-rate group. No real flaws
except for songwriting stability.
Fa every good song there is an
equally bad one. Poa writing is
'hi! has kept them from the top
in previous two LP's, no changes
in 3. Best cut is a remake of
"Stand By Me
Imagine a sound combining
traits of Earth Wind and Fire,
Little Feat and The Crusaders. A
good pick.

to the
Hitchcock enjoys a star image at the box-office
14 June 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Hitchcock: 'one of the great professionals'
Trends Editor
We can start by saying that
Alfred Hitchcock is one of the
great professionals in the movie
business?probably the greatest. I
use the word professional in its
most favorable sense: movies are
entertainment, and no one enter-
tains more consistently than
The public is well aware of
this and many devout fans are
anxiously awaiting the release of
his next film - probably his last.
His most recent effort, Family
Plot, is regarded by some critics
as one of his best films. In
relation toother Hitchcock films,
ALFRED HITCHCOCK ON the set of " Psycho "There is still a
market for the Hitchcock brand of thriller
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Family Plot did poorly at the box
office. But Hitchoock is still one of
a very few directors whose name
is more important in the commer-
cial sense than the names of his
There is still a market for the
Hitchoock brand of thriller as
filmmakers like Brian DePalma
have shown us. He is still a
popular director (Mel Brooks
dedicated his latest film, High
Anxiety, to Hitchoock and it
contains many ingeniously funny
allusions to the master's most
rpnowned works).
If the master shows us any-
thing, it is the psychological
world of the twentieth century
Two defining characteristics
of the thriller, are its setting,
which Hitchoock always renders
as alien, and its hero, who is
typically a victim rather than an
The third characteristic fol-
lows from the first two: the hero
must be invisibly supported dur-
ing his adventures.
The point here is that from
The 39 Steps to Family Plot: no
matter what the hero does, it
turns out all right in the end
Heroic invincibility must be
considered the most important
characteristic of the thriller. The
audience identifies with the hero
as he seeks a way out of the
nightmare in which he finds
His eventual success-the
eternally satisfying happy end-
mg-is the payoff. It is a way of
saying that no matter how terrible
the world may seem, there is a
hidden foroe at work that guaran-
tees the eventual triumph of
Herein lies the secret of the
Hitchoock popularity
In a career extending over
fifty years in Britain and Holly-
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Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 June 1978
Hitchcock fosters 'shrewd but smiling' image
Continued from p. 7
wood, Hitchcock has often contri-
buted to the writing of his films,
sometimes served as his own
producer and constantly made
tiny cameo performancesas a
sort of trademark), but neverthe-
less he remains the epitome of the
pure professional movie director.
For thirty years his films
have been major Hollywood pro-
ductions backed by the resources
of a big studio. Generally too they
have been based on popular
novels and plays (i.e. Robert
Bloch's Psycho).
He himself fostered the image
of the shrewd but smiling profes-
Yet his films show that there is
still, beneath the surface of the
bland, rotund figure of the
mature Hitchcock, more than a
trace of the child of four terrified
by being sent by his parents to
spend a night at the police station
as a punishment fa some minor
misbehavior, and of the twenty-
three-year-old aspiring director
who had written his first film
script (Woman to Woman) but
had never touched alcohol or been
out with a woman.
Fa a long time, however, the
outward image was all that
concerned audiences and aitics,
Free Flick, Black Sunday, to be
shown on Mall, Tuesday night
This corning Tuesday night
the fourth Free Flick of the
summer will be Black Sunday
The movie will be shown on the
mall, Tuesday just after dark.
Based on the powerful best-
seller by Thomas Harris, Black
Sunday is a chilling tale of
political terraism, realistic in
concept and disturbing in its
An Israeli kommando (Robert
Shaw of Jaws uncovers a plot by
Palestinian terraists who intend
to use the famous Goodyear blimp
to slaughter 80,000 spectatas at
the Super Bowl.
Martha Keller, one of the
plot's masterminds and the lone
surviva of an Israeli raid oi
terraist headquarters, persuades
a deranged famer P.O.W.(Bruce
Dern) to pilot the blimp as they
attempt to call attention to their
"cause" through a mass murder
at the Flaida stadium.
Acclaimed directa John
Frankenheimer aeates an un-
bearably suspenseful film of
political terra.
Frankenheimer builds his pac-
cing to an exauciatingly tense
scene where Shaw pursues a top
terraist through the streets of
Miami; but this scene is just a
warm-up fa the ruthlessly excit-
ing Super Bowl climax.
Set in Beirut, Tel Aviv,
Washington, New Yak and
Miami, the saipt exhibits consid-
erable political savvy as the CIA,
the Israeli Mossad and the
Egyptian Seaet Service poll
resources to prevent the terraists
fran succeeding.
Next week's Free Flick on the
Mall is Chinatown, starring Jack
Nicholson and Faye Dunnaway.
Rain site will be Wright Auditor-
Orientation Special
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'He stresses the growth of contact
and the way the characters overcome
their weaknesses and problems'
as attentioi was focused on his
skill as a directa.
After ten years as a filmmaker
in Britain, these qualities were
strikingly apparent as he made an
internatioial reputatioi with half-
a-dozen thrillers fa the British
studios, inciuaincj The 39 Steps in
1935 and The Lady Vanishes in
English aitic Robin Wood
(Robin Wood, Hitchcock's Films
A Zwemmer, London and A.B.
Barnes, New Yak, 1965) has
looked at Hitchonck's films in
terms of the nature and depth of
the relationship binding the hero
and heroine, a the love relation-
ship inherent in all of his romantic
He stresses the growth of
contact as each film unfolds and
the way which the characters
overoome their weaknesses and
problems by living through diffi-
cult situations together.
This is a theme that he finds
oommai to such otherwise widely
different films as Suspicion,
Vertigo and The Birds.
If Wood's argument is accept-
ed, then the customary dismissal
of Hitchcock is turned upside
down and he emerges as a deeply
maal artist concerned with many
of the great problems of the
twentieth century. Psycho, fa
lexample, becomes "one of the
key wads of our age
The careersof men like Alfred
Hitchcock are at the heart of what
we mean by the wad Hollywood.
Any film by a great directa
demands aitical investigation and
will reward anyone who is seeking
to understand some of the basic
impulses behind the directas
There are those who oonsider
Family Plot a bad film. But a bad
film may even be more revealing
than a good one, simply because
the ambitions and intentions
behind it are more obvious.
Re-evaluation must be con-
stant, and there are many in-
stances of films which were
neglected when first released but
whichnow. after twenty years a
mae, look infinitely betta than
aher mae celebrated waks of
the period.
Each of Hitchcock's films is
wathy of the same aitical
attention. There are few that do
not warrant repeated viewings.
The Student Union Films
Committee here at ECU will be
presenting a Hitchcock film fest-
ival in the fall. Showing will be
The 39 Steps starring Robert
Donat and Madeleine Carrol,
Psycho starring Janet Leigh and
Anthony Perkins, and Mamie
starring Tippi Hedren and Sean
We may scoff at some popular
entertainment, we may even be
ashamed of it. but when a
Hitchcock film is revived at a
film festival a on the late show,
we usually find ourselves watch-
ing it. We usually find our friends
there too.
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'Foreign students are important to campus9
14 June 1978 FQUNTAINHEAD Page 9
International students diversify life at ECU
. . ? i i , r i - ii.ii irrm omhaccu noronnnpl Rlflkp
Staff Writer
ECU, as it grows and matures
ds. a university, is constantly
being compared to otner somjois.
Many different factors are involv-
ed to equal our success in this
growth. Foreign students, with all
they have to offer East Carolina,
make up a very important part of
our university.
How do we compare with
other universities on the foreign
student issue? In this year's Fall
enrollment of 12,398, we have
only 19 "faeign students" at
ECU. There is, however, an
additional list of international
students who are permanent
residents a U.S. atizens who
were ban a have lived outside
the U.S.
Last year, approximately 574
international students attended
Nath Carolina State University,
while another 222 went to school
at the University of Nath
So what?' , you may ask. But
have you ever taken time to
seriously think about faeign
students? This reporter set out to
answer some questions about
faeign students earlier this
school year, and the knowledge
gained from the answers opened
up a new wald to me: an
exciting, faeign wald within the
wald we all know as ECU.
My first encounter with
faeign students was at the
university-owned International
House on Ninth Street. After
finding the house deserted on my
first two visits, I knocked loudly
one day around lunchtime to have
my banging answered by Ken
Aung-Din of Burma. Ken invited
me inside. He and another
foreign student, Bea-Sheue Lin
( oetter known as Alice) of
Idiwan, were having lunch in a
very international atmosphere. To
my amazement, they were actual-
ly eating spaghetti with chop-
M y desire to know mae about
these students from all over the
wald became greater with each
question I asked. My first quest-
ioi was why they chose to come to
Greenville, to ECU, of all places.
Ken, a senia in Biology, replied
that he had gone abroad to
American schools his entire
schoa-aged life, so he felt it was
natural that he continue his
education in the United States.
Alice chose ECU because she was
offered an assistantship a
schaarship here. She also notod
that the people here are friendly,
but added that she misses her
After answering my questions
(and asking me a few), Alice and
Ken suggested I go to Ayoock
Dam, where quite a few of
ECU's international students live.
Ron Scronce is the Ftesidence
Counsela at Ayoock, and waks a
great deal with faeign students.
Since l first talked with Scronoe
ID0U1 met students, he has
been appointed Coadinata of
lincniatiaial Student Affairs.
I ended up spending an entire
afternoon at Ayoock talking,
asking questions, and making
friends. This is when I really
began to understand what an
asset faeign students are to East
Carolina, and how much they
have to share. These students
have positive attitudes about
school and life. They give us an
opportunity to learn about faeign
cultures; and they give us a
chance to share our way of life,
too. Faeign students can,
indeed, be a learning experience;
and they can learn from us as we
learn from them.
The next faeign student I
met was James Chan fron Fng
Koig. James has an uncle in San
Francisco and an uncle in Rober-
sonville, N.C but he chose not to
go to San Francisco because he
hates big cities. James attended
high school at Hobgood
Academy, about 35 miles from
Greenville, befae caning to
Though he finds
Americans friendly, it was James
who first brought it to my
attention that international
students sometimes feel unwant-
ed and out of place. He naed that
a "hello" a a smile to a faeign
student could really brighten
their day, espeaaiiy one of those
homesick days.
Javier Blanco, from San Jose,
Costa Rica, was one of the next to
join our group. He is part of an
exchange student program be-
tween ECU and Nacional Univer-
sity in Heredia.
Javier said that he came here
to learn English (which he already
speaks as well as many
Americans) and to take "differ-
ent" courses, such as biology,
geography, and geology: Javier
attended Stonewall Jackson High
School of Manassass, Va. his
junia year in high school. He
would eventually like to attend
Nath Carolina State University
fa Faestry, and says that he
isn t honesick because he knows
that a diploma from the United
States is very impatant in his
native oountry.
I asked Javier of his impres-
sion of people here, and he
replied that they were young and
Javier waks in the Langauge
Labaatay in the Graham Build-
ing and says that he would like to
teach a speaal course in English
as a Faeign Language taught for
faeign students. Aocading to
Gary Ambert, Academic Advisa
fa faeign students, a course of
this type may be offered fa aedit
in the near future. In addition, the
Division of Continuing Education
will probably offer a similar
non-aedit oourse in English
which will be open to all members
of the community.
There is yet another side to
the faeiqn student issue. ECU
Chancellor Leo Jenkins keeps in
oaitact with faeign student
matters through his aid, Col.
Charles R. Blake.
Accading to Blake, faeign
students act as "missionaries"
fa the United States when they
return hone. These students will
be leaders, as will many of ECU's
American students. Many of our
current wald industrial and
political representatives develop-
ed international friendships dur-
ing faeign study. Hopefully,
lasting relationships can be fam-
ed bewteen our American and
faeign students that may affect
future international situations.
Blake also said that our successful
football season drew enough
attention to ECU to warrant calls
from embassy personnel. Blake
and Jenkins frequently visit
faeign embassies on ECU'S
behalf when in Washington to see
if faeign oountnes can use our
school fa educating their young
So, in ader to help ECU grow,
what can be done to improve our
international student program?
Colonel Blake has several
ideas fa improving our program,
and would like to see the program
invave 60 to 80 students instead
of the present 20.
Blake also feels that a system-
wide program should be waked
out so that ideas can be shared
and mae cohesiveness can be
obtained fa faeign student
programs within the entire
university system.
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form well, and youll be paid well. too. It's worth for
You can get there through the Air Force ROTC program In fact,
we have a scholarship plan that will net you $100 a month tax free
and pay for all tuition, books and lab fees And that will free you to
concentrate on your studies so you can get well prepared for where
you're headed .
Check it OUl Fhd out how you can get into a graduate pro
qram like the Air Force It's a great way to serve your country, and
possibly find your formal education extended at Air Ion e expanse
as wefi
Goteway to a great way of life.

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 June 1978
By Andy Stewart
Four teams remain
undefeated in Softball
As of last week in softball there were still four teams without a
IrHast week's games Lumber and Lightening defeated Kappa Sigma
Cold Beers 14-2 while Dead End Kids defeated Laid Back 11-8. In other
softball action the Strokers defeated Once Again 13-3.
The Supersonics played a double header and won both games. They
defeated Delta Sigma 13-1 and Summer Time Blues 14-6.
The final game of the evening was a close one, but Delta Sigma Phi
edged Nads by one run, 11-10.
Tuesday night's games were cancelled due to poor weather
conditions and are rescheduled for this Tuesday night.
At this time the ratings of the top five teams are:
1. Strokers 2-0
2. Delta Sigma Phi 2-0
3. Lumber and Lightening 2-0
4. Supersonics 2-0
5. Summer Time Blues 1-1
The intramural office wants to thank the officials who have been
helping Ginger and Leigh. If you are interested in volunteering to
umpire some games, please sign up in the intramural office.
The thirty mile jog is going strong. There are twelve people in the
club as of Fri June 9.
The men's leader is Pat Cox with 26 miles and Kathy Cox is pacing
the women with 16 miles.
If you are into swimming you ought to join the five mile swim dub.
You swim on your own time and periodically report your laps or
mileage, in Minges pool 65 laps is equal to one mile.
Aron Karo and Tim Madigan lead the way with three miles apiece.
In racquetball, Joe Downer took over first position from his
roommate Lew Ditto. Brian Jones beat Al Tyson and is beginning to
make his way up the ladder.
If you are interested in playing the intramural department is still
taking entries.
Tennis got off to a slow start due to the resurfacing of the oourts,
but they are ready now! Come on by the intramural office and make a
challenge and work your way up the ladder.
The intramural department has asked that the following rules be
observed when using ECU'S pools.
1. All persons must wear a bathing suit. No T-shirt or gym shorts
2. All persons swimming must inter thru dressing rooms and must
present ID card or pool pass to the lifeguard.
3. All persons with hair falling below the collar must wear a bathing
Last week's equipment room hours were incorrect. The hours are as
In M
M-Th M5-4O0
Fn. 7 45- 7.00
Sat. 1200- 7.00
Sun. 200- 7.00
Mon. - Thur , 4XX 10.00
Arrants reappointed
Sports Editor
Laurie Arrants, the women's
field hockey and track coach has
been named ECU'S Coordinator
of Women's Athletics by Pirate
Athletic Director, Bill Cain.
The women's program at ECU
now includes eight varsity sports.
Bill Cain in announcing his
decision was pleased to have a
person as capable as Arrants to
appoint to the position.
"We are glad to have some-
one with Laurie Arrants' abilities
and energy for this assignment
Cain stated.
"People are really beginning
to appreciate women's athletics
all across the country Arrants
said. "Eastern North Carolina
has a great potential in women's
athletics. We want to develop our
program to reach its fullest
Arrants is a 1972 graduate of
Winthrop College and earned her
graduate degree from Florida
She has served as an officer in
the Deep South Field Hockey
Association. She has been a meet
director for the Special Olympics
here in Greenville and chaired the
state AIAW committees for field
hockey and track.
Arrants has been a member of
the ECU athletic staff since
Cain announces new cage slate
Sports Editor
This past weekend the ECU
78-79 basketball schedule was
announced by Athletic Director,
Bill Cain.
The schedule includes the
most attractive home schedule in
eight years. Some of the teams
that will play in Minges Coliseum
are South Carolina (NIT partici-
pant), Georgia Tech (new ACC
member) and University of
Detroit (nationally ranked over
the last three years).
The schedule which has 27
games includes 12 home games.
Also included will be berths in
two basketball tournaments. They
are the Hatter Classic with
Indiana State (featuring Larry
Bird) meeting ECU in the opening
round of the tournament, Stetson
and Cleveland State.
The other teams in the UConn
Classic include Manhatten, Kent
State, and Connecticut.
Another feature of the sche-
dule will be tough road games
against national powers NC State,
Notre Dame, Tennessee, lonaand
Six of the opponents the
Pirates will face this year will be
met twice. They are William and
Mary, Virginia Commonwealth
(another NIT participant),
Tennessee-Chattanooga, UNC-
Wilmington, Georgia Tech and
Old Dominion.
In commenting on the sche-
dule, Athletic Directu, Bril Cain
was very pleased with it.
"We feel like this is probably
the best schedule ECU has ever
had for basketball Cain said.
"We will be meeting a
number of the top teams in the
region as well as the nation
Nov. 25 - UNC- Asheville; 27 - St.
Leo's; Dec. 2-William and Mary;
5 - at Tennessee; 8-9 - Hatter
Classic at Deland Fla (with
Indiana St Cleveland St Stet-
son): 12-Lynchburg; 16 - at
Maryland; 29-30 - UConn Classic
at New Haven, Conn, (with
Manhatten, Kent St Conn.):
Jan. 2 - at lona; 10-South
Carolina; 13-Virginia Common-
wealth; 15 - at Tennessee-
Chatanooga; 18-Detroit; 23-at
N.C. State; 25-UNC-Wilmington;
27-at Georgia Tech; 30-Wilham
and Mary; Feb. 3-CHd Dominion;
7-at Virginia Commonwelath; 10-
S.C; 19-at Old Dominion; 25-
Notre Dame.
All home games 730 p.m.
THE PIRATES WILL open their 27 game cage slate at home against
UNC-Asheville on November 25. Photo by Kirk Kingsbury
Tyson in East-West game
Sports Editor
Al Tyson. a 6-10 senior and
ECt. bask (ball signee has been
seleo?uo io play in the East-West
All-Star game in Greensboro this
Tyson was not among the
original list of players picked for
Tyson's coach Shelly Marsh
said he had been told late last
the game but it has been noted
that his omission had been an
week that Tyson had been picked
to be in the game.
Tyson, Larry Gillman s first
signee this year was a standout
for the Vikings of DH Conley. He
averaged 18.1 points per game in
leading Conley to the 3A basket-
ba'l playoffs.

14 June 1978 FOUNTAINHEAO Page 11
Texas-Arlington to give Pirates tough contest
Sports Editor
This is the fourth in a series of
scouting reports on ECU'S 1978
football opponents. Next week we
will scout the Indians of Williams
and Mary.
Not many people have heard
of the University of Texas-
Arlington here at ECU. In fact
most people just brush them off
as just another pushover team
that has come into to town for a
Saturday slaughter at the hands
of the Pirates.
Well my friends if you have
that attitude (most of my friends
seem to) then I hope to change
your minds about UTA
UTA is from the Southland
Conference. I hat is the $aire that
brought you another unknown
called Southwestern Louisiana.
As a matter of fact UTA tied USL
for second place in the Southland
Conference last year. In case you
havj forgotten USL handed the
Pirates one of meir three losses
last year In a 9-7 setback. With
this in mind it would be wise to
take UTA seriously.
UTA has some things in
common with ECU. For one thing
they are currently building a new
stadium. The stadium was sup-
pose to be ready by the 1979
season but it appears that it won't
be ready until 1980. The stadium
will hold 35,000 strong making
UTA a possible entry in the
NCAA's division 1-A if indeed the
NCAA is ever split.
But what about the team
The Movin Mavericks have
been steadly improving since they
joined the Southland Conference.
This year the Mavs are expected
to post their first winning season
since 1968.
The reason for their optimism
is the number of lettermen
returning from last year's tear.i
(38). The Mavs did lose 12
starters, five on offense and
seven on defense but there are
experienced lettermen to take
over the missing graduates as
well as coach Bud Elliott's best
freshman recruits ever.
On offense the baokfield re-
turns quarterback Roy Dewalt a
6'2" 205 pound junia. Dewalt
ran the Mav's wishbone with
authaity last year and will be a
dependable back this year. The
other returning starter in the
backfield is runningback Tony
Felder a 5' 10" sophomae from
San Antonio.
One hole that will be hard to
fill will be the fullback slot where
All-American Derrick Jensen has
At split end the return of Scott
Burt a 5'10" junia will keep what
air game there will be rolling.
The entire offensive line re-
turns this time around also.
Dewey Wakefield was the big
reason fa UTA's effective rush-
ing game last year and all SLC is
back fa his senia year. Not to be
overlooked are the other hold-
overs which include center Jack
Radfad, 6'2" 220 offensive tack-
le Andy Anding, 6'2" 225, John
Curry a 6'2" 220, Guard and Bill
Harris, 6'3" 250. Wakefield by
the way is the largest returning
starter at 6'3" 270 pounds!
On defense as mentioned
befae there are oily four return-
ing starters which has to cause
coach Elliott some ccncern. He
does feel however that there is
enough experience back to have a
solid defense.
A big reason to feel good
WCU defense returns 10 starters
Spats Edita
This year it appears that the
Western Carolina defense will be
tougher on the opposition than
ever befae. The reasons fa this
are varied.
First of all the Cats return no
less than ten defensive starters
of a unit that seemed to oome of
age late in the season. Secondly
most of the backup depth is back
also as the Cats only lost 3
The standouts on defense fa
the WCU Catamounts are Ty
Smith, middle guard, Thomas
Gunn. defensive back and Willie
Carpenter also a defensive back.
The Cats use a 5-2 defense as
does ECU.
So this coming season if there
is indeed strength in numbers
then WCU will have it made on
defense. Another reason head
coach Bob Waters should be
smiling is because almost all of
the backup depth will return.
All things said then the
Catamounts should have one of
the better defensive teams on the
ECU schedule this season and
maybe the best in the Southern
Conference this season.
about the Mav defense is Willie
Thomas. Thomas, twice named to
the All-SLC first team will be back
at the linebacker spot fa his
junia year at UTA. Thanas is
6'1" 195. Also returning at the
linebacker position is junia Rob
Micheisen who was honaable
mentiai All-SLC. Micheisen was
the leading tackier en the team
last year averaging 104 tackles
while Thomas was second with
The aher two returnees are
defensive end Tom Slaughter
6'3 235andGuy Davis6'0" 185.
On the specialty teams all
three specialty men return. They
are punter Richard Wilkinson,
punt returner Mike Guadagnolo,
and place kicker Tom Skauppa.
Guadagnolo by the way is 5'3"
In summing up the possibilit-
ies fa UTA this year it seems that
a la will depend oi how fast the
new defensive starters develop.
Also replacing a fullback like
Jensen will be a hard task. Still
things look pretty good fa the
Mavs and that elusive winning
season and a possible Southland
Conference Championship and
its berth to the Independence
Bowi could be within reach at
HandballRacquetball reservations
HandballRacquetball reser-
vations ia court ff1 win oe made
in the Intramural Office (Room
204, Memaial Gym) fron 8:15
a.m. through 11 O0 a.m. Monday
through Friday fa the duratiai of
summer school 1978. Reservat-
ions fa court 2 will be made
from 8:00 a.m. through 1100
a.m. Monday through Friday in
the Equipment Room (Room 137)
located in Minges Coliseum.
Valid ECU ID cards and
current activity cards must be
presented by full time students to
reserve a court. Faculty and Staff
must present a current Faculty,
Staff Utilization card to obtain a
court reservation.
Reservations are limited to
one reservation period (45 min.)
per day. Singles, doubles a any
combination may be played oi
either court, however, no consec-
utive reservations may be made
by any member of a playing
Reservation slips furnished by
the Intramural Spats Depart-
ment at the time the reservation
is made must be presented upoi
demand aloig with the appro-
priate identification, to verify the
court reservation. Reserved
courts which are not claimed by te
person whose name appears on
the reservation slip within 15
minutes are free courts.
Physical education classes and
Intramural activities take pnaity
over individual reservations.
The Intramural Spats De-
partment will supervise the
HandballRacquetball Courts in
Minges Coitaeum. if you need
assistance a wish to make a
suggestion, please call the Intra-
mural Office, in Room 204
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Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 14 June 1978
Ficklen Stadium expansion answers dreams
Sports Editor
This fall a dream come true
will be realized fa all fans of
Pirate football and Pirate athle-
tics. Ficklin Stadium will become
the facility that had always been
dreamed about. The stadium by
the home opener with Western
Carolina will hold 35,000 and
have one of the finest pressbox
facilities in the state of North
But what about this dream?
Just how did it start and when.
The story of Ficklin Stadium is the
story of ECU athletics over the
last fifteen years as well.
Ficklin Stadium became a goal
of then East Carolina College in
1961. It was at a meeting of the
Society of Buccaneers, (now
known as the Pirates' Club), in
October of that year that the new
president of the college Dr. Leo
W. Jenkins announced the origin-
al dream.
A fund raising drive was
launched to raise $200,000 to
build the stadium.
A year later $283,387 had
been raised and the original part
of Ficklin Stadium was built.
The original stadium that was
built contained the south stands,
the press box that was torn down
recently and an old lighting
system that was located on six
poles on the inner part of the
stadium. The visitor stands were
made up of old bleachers from the
Pirates' oldstadium located where
the School of Music building is
now. The capacity was about
The stadium was dedicated in
front of 17,000 fans on September
21, 1963 with East Carolina
defeating Wake Forest 20-10 in
the only meeting between the two
schools. Ironicaly Wake Forest
will return to the stadium in the
next few years to continue the
In 1968 Ficklin Stadium grew
again. It was that year that the
north side stands (student side)
were built raising the capacity to
The stadium experienced
more growth in 1975 when a new
lighting system was installed.
The system is a combination of
metallic and incandescent lights
on six 162 foot towers. The
system enabled the Pirates to
play a Thanksgiving night game
with Appalachian Sate in 1976
for the Pirates final Southern
Conference title. The system naa
a total cost of $450,000.
Also in 1975 the current
scoreboard replaced the original
Now in 1978 the dream is
finally being realized. A new press
box to rival any facility, expanded
seating to 35,000 and even more.
A new scoreboard wil" grace
Ficklin Stadium this season as
well. The scoreboard will be fully
computerized and have a mes-
sageboard readout. The score-
board itseld will be 42 feet long
and 18 feet high. It will stand 18
feet above the ground on two gold
poles. The scoreboard will be the
second largest that this company
has ever built being rivaled only
by a larger board at the Univer-
sity of Nebraska stadium.
A double messageboard will
also be placed in the 264 by-pass.
So today we find that the
dream of a few men has become
something which all fans of ECU
can be proud of. To Pirate fans
everywhere the results were
worth the wait.
Salad Bar Special
at the Tree House
All You Can Eat
Wed. From 6:00 - 8.00
5 .
? ?5
Phil Martin in tryouts
Sports Editor
Phil Martin the leading scorer
on this past year's ECU soccer
team has been invited to tryout
for the Southern Selection Soccer
Be Somebody
at 4:00
Pantana Bob's
The team is the first step
toward a berth on the U.S.
Olympic team.
Martin, who is a sophomore
from Greensboro, N.C. averaged
nine goals and three assists this
past season. He is the first ECU
player to ever be invited to
participate in this event.
The event itself was scheduled
fa Sunday, June 11 at Emory
University in Atlanta, Georgia.
Teams w.ll be selected from
all four geographical regions of
the U.S.
WQIRVED the ring sale,
save up to $2200
one week only!
June 19-23
College Jewelry by
World-famous tor
diamond and wedding rings
Student Supply Store,
Wright Building.
Men's traditional Siladium rings and selected women's fashion rings are an
unusual buy at $5995. If you want really outstanding savings, now is the time to buy
your college ring.
You can charge your Art Carved college jewelry on
Master Charge or Visa.

Fountainhead, June 14, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 14, 1978
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