Fountainhead, May 31, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity fa over 50 years.
With a circulation of 4,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
ON THE IN3DE . . .
$10,000 gift . . .p. 3
Gospel Choir . . .p. 5
An Unmarried Woman . p. 6
Wolfpack preview . . . p.10
Vd. No. 53 No 53"
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
31 May 1978
Mendenhall theatre
named for banker
Staff Writer
The theatre located in Mend-
enhall Student Center was ded-
icated and named the J. Curtis
Hendrix Theatre during ceremon-
ies here Wednesday in honor of
James Curtis Hendrix who died
October 7, 1977.
The dedicatory address was
presented by Julian R. Vainright,
business manager of ECU.
During recent Alumni Day
activities, he was posthumously
honored as the recipient of the
ECU Alumni Association's Out-
standing Alumni Award.
In the address, Vainright
described Hendrix as a man who
was a doer, a man who accom-
plished things and simultaneous-
ly gained the respect and love of
friendsand strangers, young and
oia, rich and poor, black and
And, he added that Hendrix
was able to do so because of his
love of God, hard work, dedicat-
ion, character, loyalty, honesty,
and sincerity.
"I think members of the
Board of Trustees are to be
commended for their foresight
and wisdom by so appropriately
naming the -1 Curtis Hendrix
Tl ?trt Vainright said.
"His amiiy can always be
proud and ever remined that his
many and long hours of absence
and their generous sacrifices
were fruitful and have been duly
recognized and recorded for
posterity he said.
The theatre, located on the
west wing of the building, is
designed primarily for the view-
ing of films, and holding lectures
and concerts by small musical
With a seating capacity of 760
persons, it is one of the most
heavily used facilities in Menden-
hall and since its opening four
years ago, more than 280,000
persons have attended programs
presented there.
Hendrix received a bachelor's
degree from ECC in 1959 and a
master's degree from Estonia
Graduate School of Banking in
New Brunswick, N.J. in 1962.
He began his professional
career with the State Bank of
Greenville which later became
North Carolina National Bank.
During his service with NCNB he
advanced to the position of City
Executive, in 1974 accepting the
position of Vioe President and
member of the Board of Directors
of First State Bank of Greenville.
In 1969 Hendrix was appoint-
ed by the North Carolina Com-
missioner of I nsurance to serve on
the Fireman's Relief Fund Board
of Trustees. He was also a
member of the American Institute
of Banking, and was honored as
the Pitt County Key Rankw for
the North Carolina Banker's Asso-
ciation in 1976.
The Greenville Jaycees hon-
ored him in 1963 by naming him
the recipient of the Distinguished
Service Award.
Hendrix served with the Unit-
ed States Army Signal Corps from
1954 to 1956, and in 1977 he was
appointed civilian aid to the
Secretary of the Army fa Nath
Carolina. At his death, he was
Vice Chairman of the NCBA Bank
Management Committee.
Have you ever been inconven-
ienced by some university policy
or official? Do you often find
yourself at a loss as to how to
tackle the red tape which is
involved in so many student-uni-
versity inter-actions
If so, then you are the typical
student, faced with the some-
times baffling bureauaacy of
ECU. It is fa you that this
oolumn, INTERCESSOR was
The meaning of intacessa'
is aie who prays a mediates in
behalf of another. And these
days, it seems that all of us need
intercession of some fam at aie
time a another.
The purpose of INTERCES-
SOR is to faciliate the exchange
of infamatiai between ECU
students and the university al-
leges, departments and adminis-
tration with which the students
interact daily.
If you have any problems,
from registration to towed cars to
roaches in the dam, drop us a
note addressed to "Editor, IN-
TERCESSOR" and tell us about
the problem, a call 757-6366 and
a to speak to the INTERCES-
SOR editor. A staff member will
research the problem and future
oolumns will print both the
question and the proper avenue
fa satisfactiai of the grievance a
DEDICA TION OF THE J. Curtis Hendrix Theatre at
Mendenhall was attended by Dr. Leo Jenkins, Mrs.
Hendrix, Alison C. Hendrix and James C. Hendrix
Jr. ECU News Bureau Photo
Jeter coordinates WECUFM
News Edita
The Media Board approved
John Jeta as general manager
fa radio station WECU at its
weekly meeting Wednesday.
The station was recently ap-
proved to convert to FM by the
Media Board in late April.
Jeter, a junia fran Wilming-
tai, N.C is a drama, speech and
broadcasting maja who has been
a chief proponent of the FM
Jeter discussed upcoming
changes at the station and his role
'n the conversion to FM.
"First, we're keeping up with
the CM licensing requirements
Jeter said.
"I've already mailed the
application and put a legal ntf ice
in the local papa he added.
Jeta said that copies a tne
application are available at radio
station WECU, Dean Tucka's
office, and the SGA president's
"We should begin construct-
ion in Octoba. We'll be rebuild-
ing the station and we'll be
getting a la of new equipment -
$18,000 worth he said.
Jeta added that the station
would be doing their own news and
will have the UPI wire installed.
Jeta explained that the stat-
ion would be off the air and
preparing fa the switchova,
which he projected to be around
"We'll be starling at 18.78
watts and will go to 50,000 watts
eventually he said.
"The 45-foot towa that will
be built on top of Tyla dam
should cova Pitt County with no
problem. The sound will be the
best in the area because our
equipment will be the best
Jeta said.
"We will be needing people
with third-class licenses who are
qualified and able to do the job.
They must be full-time students
a grad students Jeta said.
See JETER, p. 3
JOHN JETER, general manager of WECU. Photo by John Grogan
Media Board approves heads
News Edita
The Media Board approved the
1978-79 WECU genaal managa
and Ebony Herald edita at its
weekly meeting last Wednesday.
John Jeta was approved as
genaal managa fa WECU. The
statiai was given approval by the
Media Board last April to convat
Jeta, 20, is a junia fran
Wilmington, majaing in
drama, speech and broadcasting.
Jary Simmais was approved
as edita of the EBONY HERALD
Simmons is a junia from
Tommy Joe Payne, Student
Govanmoit President and mem-
ba of the Media Board said that
the board will go ova the EBONY
HERALDand BUG budgets
fa next year at the next board
meeting, on Monday.
Payne said that an edita fa
the BUC has not been
detamined yet because the board
has received oily aie application
and the applicant is not in
summer school and cannot be
constdaed yet

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1978
Lib Sci
Speed reading NTE
ECU students will have an
opportunity to at least double
their reading rates while improv-
ing comprehension at a speed
reading oourse being offered this
Class sessions will meet 7:30
to 930 p.m. on Monday and
Thursday evening of June 5, 8,
12, 15, 26, 29, and July 6 and 10.
Instructor will be Mr. Homer
Yearick, Associate Professor in
the Department of SociaJ Work
and Correctional Services, School
of Allied Health and Social
More information can be
obtained by writing: Non-Credit
Programs, Division of Continuing
Education. ECU, Greenville. N.C.
27834 or by calling 757-614a.
Registration must be received
no later than June 2.
The National Teachers Exam-
inations (NTE) will be given at
ECU on July 15, 1978.
Bulletins describing registra-
tion procedures and containing
registration forms may be obtain-
ed from the ECU Testing Center,
Speight Bldg 105, Mr. John
Childers, Director, or directly
from the National Teachers
Examinations, Educational Test-
ing Service, Box 911, Pronceton,
NJ 08541.
Applications fa Summer
School Honor Council are being
accepted now in the Student
Government Association office,
Mendenhall. until May 30.
A basic scuba certification
oourse will be offered beginning
in July to ECU students.
The oourse will be offered July
through Aug. 1 from 7 to 10 p.m
and will be taught at Minges
Coliseum, Room 145.
Fee is $45 per person with a
maximum of 20 students to be
Each student must have his
own flippers, mask and snorkel.
The remainder of the equipment,
including the air may be
obtained from the instructor for
$32.50 for the oourse duration.
Instructor will be Mr. Robert
Eastep, who is recognized as one
of the outstanding scuba instruct-
ors in the Southeast. He has
taught the Los Angeles County
Certification Program for several
For more inofrmation contact:
Non-Credit Programs, Division of
Continuing Education, ECU,
Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Registration must be received
no later than July 5.
Welcome E.C.U. Students!
Located 2 blocks from E.C.U- at the
corner of 3rd ? Jarvis. We have
everyday low prices that are more than
competitive with any other store, large
or small. A free cart service is available
to push your groceries home. We accept
Master Charge and Visa.
We are your hometown food store away from
home. We appreciate your business and strive to
please in every way possible. Thank you for
shopping Overton's.
The home of Greenville's best meats!
The ECU Department of Lib-
rary Scienoe Alumni Association
is sponsoring a one day workshop
in cooperation with Lenoir Com-
munity College on June 20.
The summer workshop will
concentrate on library commu-
nity relations and is called,
"Operation Inform: Working
With The Library Community
The program begins at 9:00
a.m. in the Student Union Build-
ing on the Lenoir Community
College campus, Kinston, N.C.
People attending the work-
shop may receive Vfc ECU credit if
approved by their local schools.
There will be a small registration
fee for participants desiring
Pre-registration forms fa the
workshop should be mailed by
June 15 and may be requested by
writing Ms. Millie Matthis,
Learning Resources Center
Lenoir Community College, P.O.
Box 188, Kinston, NC 28501 a
the Department of Library
Scienoe, ECU, Greenville, NC.
Sign language
The ECU Program" or Hearing
Impaired Students will present
non-credit sign language classes
for interested students, staff, and
faculty this summer session.
There will be no charge for the
sign language classes. Classes
will be limited to 25 persons.
Classes began on Thurs May
25. The last day of registration is
Thurs June 1st.
One class (3-4 pm) will be
team-taught by Ruth Aleskovsky
and Mike Ernest Monday through
Thurs. each week.
This will be an intensive class
for the beginning sign language
st udent.
Less intensive beginning and
intermediate classes will also be
offered. A Basic Course In
Manual Communication will be
used as the text for all classes.
It is available at the Student
Supply Store. Sign language class
schedules are as follows: Begin-
ning Class 11 30-1230 TTh Brew-
ster B-104. Beginning Class 3:00-
4:00 MTWTh Brewster B-203.
I ntermediate Class 4 00-5:00 TTh
Brewster B-203.
The following changes have
been made in the 13 miles
marathon sponsored by the
Washington Jayoees' fa June 11,
in Washington, N.C.
The race is still scheduled fa
Sun June 11, at 5:30 p.m. and
will run fa 10,000 meters (6.2
miles). The starting point will be
Havens Gardens and a fee of $3
will be charged each contestant.
This gives each runner a number-
ed souvenia bib to wear during
the race.
Three trophies will be given to
the first, seoond and third place
runner in each age bracket.
The age brackets are 25 and
under, 26 to 35, and 36 and over.
Fa more infamatiai write:
Mayhew Cox, P.O. Box 521,
Washington, N.C.27889.
REAL Crisis
REAL will be starting another
course in crisis intervention be-
ginning June 12 at 6 p.m. Those
who are not familiar with the
oourse, REAL teaches the dyn-
amics of Crias Intervention
concentrating effats in many
different problem areas such m
drugs suicide, rape, alcohol, etc.
and teaching shat term counsel
skills. REAL wilt be offering a
shat course this summer lasting
only 5 weeks instead of the usual
12 week session.
Dance classes
Several non-aedit programs
in ballet and jazz dance will be
offered to ECU students this
They are: Beginning ballet
June 5-28, Mon. and Wed 2-3
p.m. Intermediate ballet June
1-27, Tues. and Thurs 8-9 p.m.
Beg,nrvng jazz dance exercise,
June 1-27. Tues and Thurs 7-8
p.m. intermediate jazz dance
exercise June 5-28. Mon and
Tuition of each dass is $18.
Registration is limited and pre-
registration required on a pria
to the day befae the class is
scheduled to begin. ,
Fa more infamatiai contact:
Non-Credit Programs, Division of
Continuing Education, ECU,
Greenville, N.C. 27834 a call
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Moving? Thinking about selling your home?
Call us for appraisal without obligation.
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Federal grants awarded
31 May 1978 FOUNTAIN HEAD Pag 3
Alumni presents $10,000 gift
ECU News Bureau
Sperry-Rand, a multi-national
oorpaation, has made an unres-
tricted gift of $10,000 to East
Carolina University to enooutage
development "in any way the
university feels is most benefic-
Two officials of Sperry-Univac
a subsidiary, pteaenieu ;he funds
to ECU Chancellor Leo W.
Jenkins. Jenkins said the money
will be put to "good use" through
the ECU Foundation
A.C. Greene of Atlanta, reg-
ional director for Sperry-Univac in
the 10-state Southeast region,
and Ray Richardson of Raleigh,
state manager, met with Jenkins
to present the gift. Greene, a
native of Maxton, N.C and 1961
graduate of ECU, said it is the
policy of Sperry Rand to make
financial contributions to assist
development of quality programs
by institutions of higher learning.
"We are very happy to have
chosen ECU, my alma mater, as a
recipient of this contribution
Summer school enrollment
equals last year s total
Staff Writer
First session summer school
enrollment is expected to equal
last year's record of 4,448 stud-
ents, according to Diana Morris
of the University Department of
Institutional Research.
Although enrollment is ex-
pected to be the same as last,
year's, there is a chance that the
change from quarter to semester
system will cause enrollment to
be lower fa first session, Maris
Many teachers usually attend-
summer school, accading to
Maris. This year, many area
schools are still insession so some
teachers are unable to attend the
first session.
"Last summer mae students
attended the first session than the
second but we may have a
conplete switchover Maris
It will be at least two weeks
befae actual enrollment figures
can Decompiled, Maris said.
Greene said. "We are confident it
will be put to good use, in any
way the university feels is most
Dr. Jenkins naed that
Greene, a regional executive of
the company fa 10 years, was
among the first graduates of East
Carolina after Jenkins became
president in 1960.
Sperry Univac specializes in
data processing systems.
A total of $132,875 in federal
grants was awarded to ECU
during April to support four
research projects.
The largest grants were
awarded two projects in the ECU
School of Medicine. Dr. Edward
Lieberman received $74,879 from
the National Science Foundation
fa his study of the influence of
sodium potassium transpat ai
membrane potential.
Dr. Jo Tingelstad received
$54,946 from the National Instit-
ute of Heath to suppat a study
of components of milk given to
The National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
awarded $1,650 to Dr. Charles
O' Rear of the biology faculty and
$1,400 to Dr. Michael O'Connor
of the geology faculty fa their
coastal-related scientific studies.
Continued from p. 1)
"Although we won't be able
to pay the operatas, that is in the
budget fa next year Jeter
Jeter explained that the oily
paid positions would be the
executives, which are the general
manager, chief engineer, assist-
ant manager, program directa,
news and public service directa,
business manager and the coun-
seling engineer.
Jeter stressed that the station
belongs to the students and that
all oomments and suggestions
would be weloome.
"This station belongs to the
students Jeter said.
"We'll be playing what the
students want to hear. Basically,
our famat will be good music
programming 24 hours a day, and
no advertisino except 'a public
service announcements. We'll be
playing a lormat ot album rock
and ooitempaary jazz Jeter
get approve fa the statiai to
convert to FM
"I've been waking sinoe last
summer dang reseatch. I ve put
in a la of time and I'vesacraficed
a la, inlcuding some grades he
"If it hadn't been fa the
Media Board, it probably
wouldn't have happened. The
SGA took away most of our funds
last year and we just saaped
along the best we could Jeter
"It was definitely a la of hard
wak and time, but definitely
wath it
Jeter said that he begai.
waking in radio when he was
about 14 and has been constantly
For Sale
one slightly wrecked 1970 Ford Galaxy 500. "?w from
quater paneling is completely smashed. Engine is fine, it is not
damaged. Car iril ran (if the battery is charged). H wi roll.
2 door hardtop, power disc brakes, power steering, automatic
transmission, air conditioning. Call 758-7724 between 5 p. .n.
and 8 p. m.
MEMORIAL DAY WORK schedules confused many, especially this
regular of a local snack bar.
Summer is 'quiet time'
for campus police
thefts within the girls' dams
Calder said.
Staff Writer
Though the regular academic
year may bring much car towing,
bump ups and occasional mass
confusion, "summertime is a very
quiet time accading to Joe
Calder, Chief of Police at ECU.
The most prominent incid-
ent during the summer, accading
to Calder is stealing.
"There are many bicycles
stolen and also a great number of
With summertime free fa
high school students, many are
found trespassing and there is a
problem with students wandering
through the damitay halls,
accading to Calder.
Calder urges that anyone
seeing someone suspicious in the
dams to oontact the campus
involved since. He built and
operated station WBHS at his
famer high school in Raleigh,
T.S. Brought on.
Jeter was a chief engineer at
WECU last year.
Art & Camera Shop
12 Exp. Color Film
Developed and Printed
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20 Exp.
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. VALUABLE ??? ,

. X
Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1978
Liquor by the drink,
liquor by the gallon
Next month the North Carolina Assembly will
be given the chance to move one step further into the
twentieth century when they decide on whether or
not to legalize liquor by the drink on a local option
The bill passed the Senate last year, and since
next month's session is technically a continuation of
last year's, the bill only has to face the House before,
hopefully, it is voted into law.
To date, the House seems evenly divided, and
both the wets and the drys claim to have the
necessary votes to swing the bill in their favor.
North Carolina is the only state without some
form of liquor by the drink, discounting Oklahoma,
where the practice flourishes despite unenforoed
laws against it. Passage of this bill will surely
improve the tourist and convention trades in the
state, aside from enhancing the image so many of our
officials keep mouthing off about. And does anyone
seriously believe the streets of our cities will be
littered with careening drunks, as so much of the dry
propaganda implies?
Under the present brown-bagging arrangement,
the state of North Carolina forces oonsumers to buy
at least a pint of liquor when all they wanted was one
and a half ounces. Once purchased the consumer is
encouraged to drink the entire pint since it is illegal
to carry a liquor bottle with an open seal in the
passenger compartment of an automobile.
Mixed drinks could also improve the restaurant
industry in the state. Many restaurants outside North
Carolina are able to stay in business only because of
the profit made on mixed drinks.
As one brown-bagging critic once said, "This
state doesn't have liquor by the drink; It's got liqua
by the gallon
Governmental attempts to legislate morality have
al ways failed and will oontinue to do so. Prohibition is
perhaps the best such example. If anything, such
attempts serve only to unwittingly encourage that
which is legally immoral.
North Carolina can no longer cherish the ideal of a
state free from the evils of "demon rum An
abstaining North Carolina may be a fine fundamen-
talist philosophy; it is also a Utopian one.
Serving the East Carolina community tor over fifty years.
"Waraitlaft to me to deade whether we should nave
a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thomas Jefferson
EditorDoug White
Managing EditorLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
NewsEditorsJeannie Williams
Jim Barnes
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
Sports EditorChris Hoiloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponeored by the Media Board of ECU and is
distributed each Tuesday and Thursday, weakly during the
Mailing addrees: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Editorial offices: 757-6386, 757-6387, 757-6309.
Subscriptions $10 annually, alumni $6 annually.
"Uh, mom, Ijost asked for A DRINK

U.S. Nazis: whither Hitler?
CROSSWINDS, a column which will appear from
time to time in these pages, is a random
commentary on issues of the day. The opinions
expressed are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinion of FOUNTAINHEAD.
Adolph Hitler is in the news again. In June,
Nazis plan to parade in the predominantly Jewish
suburb of Skokie, Illinois. In the midst of the conflict
aroused by the march permits for Skokie, NBC
recently aired its miniseries Holocaust over several
nights of prime time television. Looming largely
behind all of this is the mystique and peronality of
Adolph Hitler and the genocidal nightmare which
was Eastern Europe under his reign of terra.
I do not plan to go to Skokie, nor did I view
Holocaust, but like almost everyone else, I have an
interest in the historical facts ooncerning Hitler and
the society which allowed his ascent to power. This
seems especially relevant to the current times,
where in the Middle East, irrationality and
nationalism all tooften mask as religious dedication.
Basic to the entire debate is, it seems, the
existence of the nation of Israel. It is absolutely
essential to the survival of Israel that the world never
forgets the fate of the Jews inWbrld War 11. And for
this, there seems to be one man the Jews and I srael
must never forget: Adolph Hitler.
So long as Israel can keep vivid the ever-present
danger of a modern day version of the holocaust, her
citizens will keep the vigilance necessary to survive
autonomously in the Middle East.
To others, whose emotional involvement in the
Middle East is minimal or peripheral, Adolph Hitler
possesses a detached, almost clinical allure. What is
it in us, as human society, that not only fosters
Hitlerian consciousness but actually in some cases
accepts willingly such behavior as beneficial to some
external object or goal?
There are those who view Hitler and his effect on
the German people as some psycho-social aberra-
tion, a mutation of the body politic. Against this
self-assured, "it-will-never-happen-to-us" attitude
stands the daily vigilance of the nation of Israel, that
attitude which some choose to see as paranoiac.
Depth psychology seems to lean toward the
argument of the Israelis: Hitler was not an isolated
psyche, alone in the splendor of his megalomania.
He was a member of a society; and as such he no
doubt drew from and contributed to the general
consciousness of that society.
Writing in Escape From Freedom, psychotherap-
ist Erich Fromm reasons that so far as Germany
under Hitler was concerned, the German people to a
degree had to weloome the advent of the strongly
paternalistic Nazism. The disaster of the Wiemar
Republic left unfulfilled in Germany the desire fa a
collective social identity, a national unity.
Hitler provided that unity. It was he around
whom the Germans could rally to hear of the
greatness of their society and, finally, of the
supremacy of their race.
Jung writes in an essay entitled "The Relations
Between the Ego and the Unconscious" that tne
building up of prestige is always a product of
collective compromise: not only must there be one
who wants prestige, there must also be a public
seeking somebody on whom to oonfer prestige
I am not a psychologist, nor am I unaware of the
dangers inherent to lay inte , etationsof psychoan-
alytic theay. But, even with these qualifications, it
is not far-fetched to presume a connection between
the ideas of psychology and the theay that Hitler
was not a unique mutant, but a type of personality
which, when properly aligned with vulnerable
social-political oonditiais and collective approval,
can bring about what is know as "holocaust
Therefae, it would seem the proper question not
to ask "Could there be another Hitler?" but "Will
we allow another Hitler?"
The fura over the proposed Nazi march through
the Jewish community of Skokie indicates that the
feaiful and, fa a few, appealing connotations of
Nazism are still with our society. This purposeful

News Editor
The Search Committee for the
new dean of the ECU School of
Art has voted to extend the search
for an additional year, according
to Frances Daugherty, chairman
of the committee.
"The committee decided to
extend the search because two of
of the four final candidates
withdrew their applications due to
unforeseeable circumstances
Daugherty said.
She explained that the re-
maining two candidates were
acceptable, but it was necessary
for the faculty to submit two
candidates to the chancellor for
"The faculty had no choice
but to extend the search
Daugherty said.
She said that the faculty
wanted to have a larger field to
make the choice from and not feel
that they were pushed to make a
"The position is currently
being filled by Tran Gordley. He
is very capable as the acting
dean Daugherty added.
ECU Gospel Ensemble
THE FAMIIY PRACTICE Center will hold open house on Sun June 4.
Continued from p. 4
attack on the human sanctity of the residents of
Skokie has even some hard-line constitutionalists
advising a denial of permit fa the march.
Is, then, Hitler played out? What are the roots of
the morbid fascination with a single man who
engineered the murder of millions of people and
propelled the modern world into one of its darkest
We now know more, intellectually, about the
human psyche than did our ancestors. What we
choose to accept about ourselves, personally and
socially, will determine whether in the public mind
Hitler will remain as a psychological anomaly a as a
reminder of an active, darker side of the human and
collective psyche.
Skokie and the production Holocaust brings
these questions before us again; fa a moment we
remember mae vividly. And perhaps that is the
goal of Israel-to remember. Or, to paraphrase
Santayana, those who do not learn from the mistake
that was Nazi Germany will be condemned to repeat
Choir fills transitional needs
31 May 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Family Practice
Center holds
open house
ECU Med School
The Eastern Carolina Family
Practice Center and the Eastern
Area Heai'h Education Center
will hold open house on Sun
June 4. The public is invited to
The buildings are located
adjacent to Pitt County Memaial
The Family Practice Center, a
$1.8 million facility designed to
provide primary health care, is
operated by the ECU Department
of Family Medicine under con-
tract with Eastern AHEC.
In addition to offering patient
services, the center also serves as
the educational facility fa the
ECU medical school's family
practice residency program.
The facility was constructed
with funds provided by Eastern
AHEC, an agency which provides
continuing education to health
professionals in 23 counties in
eastern North Carolina. Eastern
AHEC also coadinates field
placement fa students in the
health disciplines.
Participating in the 2 p.m.
ribbon-cutting will be Dr. Leo
Jenkins, ECU Chancel la and
various members of the ECU Med
School, School of Nursing, School
of Allied Health, AHEC and
Staff Writer
Transition from high school to
college can be very difficult fa
some students. They do not have
the old, familiar environment to
cling to, and there is usually a
tremendous void in their lives.
Some students learn to live with
the void in their lives, while
others try to fill the void.
One student who decided to
fill the void rather than live with it
is Johnice Johnson, founder
directa of the ECU Gospel
"Many students were involv-
ed in churches at home, and when
they oome to school, they miss the
experience of praising the Lad
she said.
Ms. Johnson, a Music maja
fran Gddsbao, N.C. said the
Gospel Ensemble consisted of
approximately twenty students.
"We strive fa unity, dedicat-
ion and peace, and there is a bond
of love between us she related.
The Gospel Ensemble, a cont-
empaary gospel group, has
perfamed in various churches
in the area.
The group was famed Feb-
ruary 1978 and was invited to
participate in the Spring Gospel
Concert at Mendenhall Student
Center. The group tentatively
plans to give ooncerts at Nath
Carolina State, and University of
Nath Carolina and Goldsbao.
The Gospel Ensemble is con-
ducted and co-directed by Lawler
Crawfad, who feels that the
group provides students with a
form of musical self-expression.
The Gospel Ensemble in-
cludes such musicians as Willie
Maris, saxophone; Harvey
Stokes on electric bass; Ray
Everett on piano and agan;
Samuel Johnson on drums; and
directa Johnice Johnson; piano.
While the Gospel Ensemble is
basically a contempaary group,
Ms. Johnson believes that the
group will broaden its haizois
next year.
"We plan to do some tradit-
ional gospel pieces next year and
to do some wak with men's
quartets and trios she said.
This year the group perfamed
waks by James Cleveland,
Andrea Crouch, The New Yak
Canmunity Choir and The Gospel
Wakshop, along with the rther
The Gospel Ensemble is open
fa membership, Ms, Johnsai
stated. An audition is desired,
and previous gospel group exper-
ience is helpful.
919 Dickinson Ave.
Parking on 10th St.
Trade Paperback Books
Hours Daily 9-7 Sun 2-6
msii2 mimm
400 P.M.

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1978
Clayburgh excells in An Unmarried Woman
Assistant Trends Edita
What does the mother of a
teen-age daughter and wife of
seventeen years do when her
husband suddenly tearfully con-
fesses that he has fallen in love
with a woman only slightly older
than his daughter? Well, first of
all she throws-up, and then she
painstakingly begins to construct
a new life.
An Unmarried Woman is the
story of a contemporary woman in
New Yak who because of circum-
stances and her own sensitivity
realizes that she cannot be happy
in the traditional role of wife.
But Erica (Jill Claybugh) is no
tough-minded man-hater, she
only knows that she must find a
man who will not try to dominate
her, and who will not assume that
she automatically take the sub-
ordinate position in the relation-
Erica's world is the New York
of today. She lives and works in
the artists' section, Soho, and is
surrounded by abstract expres-
sionist painters and sculpters.
The sparkling presence of the
city all around Erica gives the film
a sense of comtemporaneity with-
out making it trendy.
Erica's friends are sophisticat-
ed city women. Their importance
to her is underlined in the film
several times.
She talks with them sitting at
a bar, having lunch in a restaurant
and lounging around her own
apartment about what course her
life should take. Her friends with
their divergent opinions, repres-
ent the play of thoughts that is in
Erica's own mind.
Patti (Lisa Lucas), Erica's
daughter, is a young version of
her mother with a younger sense
of what is going on. She tells her
Mother candidly, without being
asked, that she is still a virgin
even though most of her class-
mates aren't.
IT'S A NEW day for Erica Jill Clayburgh) when she learns to live
without her husband.
Play or movie?
'Unimaginative presentation
'Equus is little more than a
hollow, self-effacing imitation'
Trends Editor
On October 24, 1974, Equus,
the play, opened on Broadway
with Anthony Hopkins as the
psychiatrist, Martin Dysart, and
with Peter Firth re-creating his
original role.
Not sinoe the now-historic
openings of the early Arthur
Miller and Tennessee Williams
masterpieces has a play received
such an ecstatic reception.
It has already played more
than 1,100 performances, making
it one of the longest running
non-musical plays in the history
of the Broadway stage.
Equus also won more than a
half dozen of the major theatrical
awards for the 1974-75 season,
including the New Yak Drama
Critics Circle Award fa Best Play
of the Season.
So, with virtually no change
in the dialogue and certainly no
alteration a compromise with its
aiginal premise and oontent,
playwright Peter Shaffer has
attempted to move his play from
the theatrical confines of a
proscenium stage to the visual
advantages of film.
Equus was shot on location in
the vicinity of Ontario, Canada,
meadows, homes, stables, hos-
pital sand other sites which in the
theatre are evoked entirely by
Jescriptive dialogue.
Unfortunately the pretty locat
ion footage does little to justify
this very incinematic translation
as film. Directa Sidney Lumet
never really made up his mind
whether to shoot a play a a
The perfamances throughout
the film are solid, especially
young Peter Firth's as Alan
Strang, a confused boy caught in
the turmoil of "mental illness
who raises unanswerable quest-
ions about the oonventional
meaning of "namal
But screenwriter Shaffer re-
fuses to give an inch and Lumet
seems content to let Richard
Burton soliloquize at length dir-
ectly into a stationary camera.
Gone also is the gut wrench-
ing pace of the play that gave it
the feel of a detective stay as we
ached to unravel the mystery of
Strang's harible aime, the
blinding of six hases.
Shaffer was certainly less
involved in the scripting of a film
than in the rewriting of his play.
Our traditionally literary cin-
ema usually has a fairly rigid
division of creative roles seperat-
ing the directas (usually reauit-
ed from stage a, mae recently,
television) and the scriptwriters,
whose first commitment remains
to literature - in this case, to the
The whole problem of relating
experimental work in other media
to the cinema is exemplified by
the wak done here fa Equus.
Shaffer's play ranks amoig the
most brilliantly conceived in the
modern theatre. It breaks totally
with the oonventional notions of
action, character and presenta-
But in the cinema he has been
limited to turning the play into an
unsuccessful film without a basic
naturalistic fam.
Shaffer's screenplay offers a
deliberate dedramatazation and
the attitudes of the characters are
simply stated, not realized in
emotional and dramatic terms.
As a sad result there is a gap
between what the film represent
fa its maker and what is actually
conveyed to the audience - a gap
that directa Lumet conveyed
without any problem whatsoever
in Serpioo, Murder on the Orient
Express, Dog Day A fternoon, and
Network, na all of which were
filmed with the idea of using
aiginal screen material.
As a play, Equus is powerful
and expertly inconclusive. Equus,
the movie, is little mae than a
hollow, self-effacing imitation of
itself and na even the phao-
graphy can save it from its
unimaginative presentation.
What we have hae are the
bare bones of the aiginal.
JILL CLA VBURGH AND Alan Bates co-star in An Unmarried Woman.
Also she pertly opines to Erica
and her friends that the dominate
sexual model developing today is
the bi-sexual one, although she
herself isna bi-sexual.
She does eventually meet a
suocessful and sensual man
There is a love without posses-
sion. Saul, admirably played by
A1 an Bates, must go to Vermont
fa the summer to paint, the only
place he can wak.
abandaied by her husband.
These scenes required an
intelligent control who survives a
cauterizing divace is taally
upsparing in it's self-examina-
Paul Mazursky, the writer-
di recta of Unmarried Woman,
has an excpetional sense of how
But Erica realizes that her life
is in the city. "Why don't you and
Patti oome visit me fa a few
months? he asks. "Why don't you
come visit us?" she answers.
Jill Qayburgh's perfamance
of a woman wno suddenly finds
that she must build a new life fa
herself is sensitive and very
believable. The mae difficult
moments fa her to ad came in
getting aaoss on the screen the
subtle, meaningful changes that
take place in her after she is
to illustrate his character's inter-
ia life through dialogue and
cinematically. Under his guid-
ance, Jill Clayburgh strips away
the poses and pretenses that
mask honestly-felt anga and
The result is that An Unmarri-
ed Woman isna so much a male
view of today's woman as it is a
full-length, fully dimensional pa-
trait in which a woman's indiv-
iduality evolves on screen in all its
shading and complexities.
RICHARD BURTON COMFORTS Peter Firth in a scene from EQUUS.
"Shaffer was certainly less involved in the scripting of a film than in
the re-writing of his play. Our traditionally literary cinema usually has
a fairly rigid division of creative roles separating the directors (usually
recruited from the stage or, more itcently, television) and the
scriptwriters, whose first commitment remains to literature-in this
case, to the theatre. The whole problem of relating experimental work
in other media to the cinema is exemplified by the work done here for

m J :
'Fantasia Suite for Two Guitars' is album's highlight.
31 May 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
Al Di Meola is master of the guitar on Casino
Al Di Meola is an undisputed
master of the guitar.
Ever since his formative days
with Return to Forever, Di Meola
has matured as a musicain
perfecting his individual style.
That style reached fruition
with his latest release Casino and
last year's Elegant Gypsy. Al-
though by no means a perfect
album, Elegunt Gypsy was super-
ior to his latest venture.
Di Meola's forte is his rapid
attack and sinewy melodic prog-
ressions, coupled with a keen
rhythmic sense. These elements
combine to create the soaring
solos which characterize his play-
ing. He has been responsible fa
some of the most invigorating
guitar solos in jazz.
Sadly, such cannot be said fa
his skills as a composer.
Di Meola appears unable to
grasp the concept of underlying
musical themes in his composit-
ions. Instead of delcicately honed
musical structures, Di Meola is
content to merely establish a
rhythm ova which to display his
These rhythms, albeit com-
plex and engaging, are no
substitute fa the absence of a
CASINO ISAI Di Meola's latest album. Ever sinoe his formative days
with RETURN TO FOREVER Di Meola has matured as a musician
sounds as though it's being
played at the wrong speed. Much
of Di Meola's playing haeaeems
more egotistical than artistic.
"Chasin' the Voodoo" follows
in the same mold, only with more
achestratioi. Here, also, the
rhythm is somewhat simpla than
its predecessa.
"Dark Eye Tango" breaks
from the pattern established by
the first two tracks on this side
with its smoothly sensuous latino
rhythm. This is the type song that
fAl Di Meola (is) one of
the foremost flamenco
guitarists currently re-
cording in the jazz idiom
definite theme.
Side oie opens with "Egypt-
ian Danza a vaguely extfic
piece which sounds like belly
dance music from grade B desert
movie. Ba.y Miles' keyboards
sound altanately like a rolla rink
agan a a band of uandaing
Arab musicians from Damascus.
The song progresses from a
supposedly mysterious opening,
gradually building tempo until it
best displays Di Meola s skill on
electric guitar, from the lucid
staccato notes to the uplifting
uppa register spinal vibratos.
Side two starts with a compos-
ition by Di Meola' sformer menta
Chick Caea, "Sena Mouse
This rendition makes the leap
from keyboard based piece, as it
was aiginally written , to one
centered around a guitar, with
relative ease, although that god-
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awful rolla rink agan aops up
The album's highlight, how-
eva is the "Fantasia Suite fa
Two Guitars written and pa-
famed by Di Meola. He seems
most at ease hae, both in his
composition and his playing.
The listena can imagine Di
Meola's fingers rippling ova the
strings of his acoustic guitar. The
influence of flamenco guitarists
such as Paco DeLucia, and othas,
is clearly evident hae.
Ratha than mere imitation,
his pafamance hae is a genuine
tribute to the artists who inspired
The title track doses the
album, and, regrettably, Di
Meola falls back into his vice of
soloing ova a basic percussive
pattan. Although he avoids the
showy pyrotechnicsof some of his
solos earlia ai the album, he is
still unable to enliven this work.
Di Meola has surrounded
himself with some of the best
session musicians available,
waking with a basic ensemble
oomposed of Steve Gadd on
drums, Anthony Jackson on bass,
Barry Miles on keyboards, and
Mingo Lewis on percussion.
Eddie Colon makes a brief
appearance on "Casino playing
timbales and rtf o toms.
Di Meola has succeeded in
perfecting his individual style.
establishing himself as one of the
faemost flamenco guitarists cur-
rently recading in the jazz idoim.
, He would be well advised to
continue in this direction and use
his electric guitar sparingly.
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Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1978
Wolfpack returns 12 starters for 78
Staff Writer
This is the second of a series
of scouting reports on ECU'S 1978
football opponents. Next week we
will scout the Catamounts of
Western Carolina.
Last years NC State football
team was certainly a reversal
from the previous team in 1976.
In 76 the Wolfpack was
expected to have a banner year
and ended up with a 3-7-1 mark
for the year. In comparision, last
year the Pack finished with a 8-4
mark and a Peach Bowl thrashing
of Iowa State.
The only losses suffered by
the Wolfpack last year were at the
handsof ECU, Qemson, UNC-Ch
and Penn State.
This voar NC State returns 12
starters from last year's team,
seven on offense and five on
When you speak of the State
offense the first name that usually
comes to mind is their explosive
runningback, Ted Brown. Last
year Brown gained 1,251 yards
and pushed his carrier total to
3,252 yards for a 5.7 average per
carry. Brown is being tabbed by
State as a legitimate Heisman
Trophy candidate.
Also back in the State back-
field along with Brown are his
running mates Ricky Adams and
Billy Ray Vickers.
Of course the kind of offen-
sive fireworks State created last
year could not have been done
without a solid offensive line and
most of that line oomes back this
The interior line returns cen-
ter Jim Ritcher, tackles Frank
Hitt and Chris Dieterich and one
guard Tim Gillespie. Check Stone
is expected to take over for the
departed Ed Callaway at the other
guard slot.
In the tight end department,
Lin Dawson, who had nine
catches fa 21.9 yards last season
will likely get the starting nod. If
he doesn't however, Fred Sherril
BILLY RA Y WASHINGTON runs this pass reception
in for a touchdown in last year's victory over NC
a walkon can certainly get the job won out in a three to four man
done, battle fa the spot.
Wide receiver Randy Hall
returns to the State lineup this
year, so a proven tight end will be
on hand.
One of State's offensive prob-
lems is replacing tiid Mar shall,
who accounted fa 418 yards last
year. The replacements include
Lee Jukes and Buster Ray who
was famerly a runningback.
Probably the biggest problem
on offense is trying to replace
Johnny Evans. Last year Evans
accounted fa 1,541 yards in total
offense and either passed a ran
fa 10 touchdowns.
His replacement will very
likely be Scott Smith a 6-1 180
pound 4.7 sprinter. As far as
experience goes, Scott has virt-
ually none but in spring drills he
Quarterback then loans as the
weakest part of the Wolfpack
As far as placekicking is
concerned, the replacement of
Jay Sherrill (nine of 16 attempts
and 28 PATS) will be tough. Also
the replacement of Johnny Evans
as a punter (42.2 yards on 58
punts) will be even tougher.
Nathan Ritter is expected to
takeover the placekicking duties
and Brian O'Doherty is a possibi-
lity at punter.
The NC State defense, unlike
the offense, has some big holes to
fill on the line and in the
secondary. The line returns nose-
guard Joe Hannah, and tackle,
Simon Gupton. Replacements
See GREEN p. 12
Probable NC State lineup
East Carolina vs. NC State September 9, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. Game
series: 4-5 in f'or of State. Location of game; Carter Stadium Raleigh,
N.C. Last year's scae:East Carolina 28-NC State 23.
Randy Hall SE 6-0 179 Senia
Chris Deiterich LT 6-3 244 Junia
Tim Gillespie LG 6-3 236 Junia
Chuck Stone RG 6-2 255 Junia
Frank Hitt RT fr4 248 Senia of rfJWli
Lin Dawson TE 6-3 212 Sophomore WM-C UJ-JLC;iJ.O
Scott Smith QB 6-1 180 Junia
Billy Ray Vickers FB 6-0 201 Junia
Ted Brown RB 5-10 188 Senia
Buster Ray FLK 5-9 177 Senia
Nathan Ritter PLK 5-10 160 Sophomae
Jon Hall RE 6-3 211 Senia
Brian O'Doherty RT 6-2 238 Junia
Joe Hannah NG 6-2 223 Junia
Simon Guptai LT 6-1 254 Junia
James Butler LE 6-0 219 Junia
Kyle Wescoe LB 6-0 225 Senia
Bill Cowher LB (A) 216 Senia
Rainie Lee CB 5-10 175 Sophomae
Dainie LeGrande CB 5-10 175 Sophomae
Woodrow Wilson FS 5-9 181 Junia
Mike Nail SS6-1 170 Senia
Brian O'Doherty P 6-2 238 Junia
State defense
RUFFIN McNEIL' 44, makes the game saving
tackle against State last year.
ROBERT DO REIN looks towards next season, his third at State

'?'f0ym' ESEjp
Simply Sports
31 May 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Wake Forest coach
interested in Lee
candidates who has been inteviewed for an assistant position at Wake
Forest University. Lee, who resignec after a frustrating season with
Pirate head coach Larry Gillman, is considered one of the brightest
young coaches in the business today. He has also been mentioned as a
possible candidate fa the head coaching job at Pembroke State and
Garder-Webb College.
WILLIE PATRICK, a former student assistant in the ECU
Sports Information Offioe, has resigned after two years as the Sports
Information Director at the Univesity of Tennessee-Chattanooga.
Patrick was one of several candidates interviewed for the vacant Pirate
SID job. His 1976 ECU Swimming Press Guide was voted best in the
nation by (COS!DA) College Sports Information Directors of America.
Patrick isexpected to take a position as the assistant sports information
director at West Virginia within the next month.
sports information directors over the past years. Eight different sports
publicists have left ECU during the last 14 years. Ken Smith, who
resigned last month to enter private business in Greensboro stayed
four years which was longer than any previous SID. Franc White,a
former sports information director at ECU, is now the host of the
Southern Sportsman a popular outdoors television show which
appears weekly on Channel 9.
ECU WRboTLERS Butch Revilsand Vic Northrup have recently
been named to the Amateur Wrestling News All-Freshmen team.
Revils a Norfolk, Va. product, was named to the first team while
Northrup recieved honorable mention. Revils finished the season with
an 18 5-1 record and won two tournament titles. Northrup compiled an
18-9 record and competed in the NCAA Championships held in College
Park, Md.
ECU WRESTLING COACH BILL HILL has now signed three prep
standouts to grant-in-aids fa the 1978-79 season. All three wrestlers
Hill has signed will compete in the lower weight classes where they will
be desperately needed next season. Mark Twigg from Sayre, Pa. will
probably replace Paul Osman at 134, while Thomas Robinson, a native
of Apalachm, N.Y. will be at 126. Hill's most recent signee, Steven
Milanese, will wrestle at 118 a 126.
ALTHOUGH THE 1978-79 BASKETBALL schedule has not been
released yet ECU already has four very impressive home games
scheduled next season. Detroit, South Carolina, and Virginia
Commonwelath, who all played in the NIT last season, will appear in
Minges Colesium along with new Atlantic Coast Conference member
Geagia Tech Once again, the Pirates face a treacherous road schedule
which includes games with Maryland, N.C. State, Notre Dame, and
CATHY ANDRUZZI, the new women's basketball coach, is
expected to name Dee C ee Mayes sometime within the next week as
her assistant coach fa next season. Mayes, a graduate of Ithica
College and a native of New Hampshire, has assisted Andruzzi with
her summer camps at Wagner College fa the past few year
And get three games for only $1.25.
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New SID to be named today
Assistant Spats Edita
Walt Atkins, the assistant
spats infamatiai directa at
N.C. State fa the last six years,
was expected to be named the
new spats infamatiai directa at
ECU in a press ooiference held
this maning.
Atkins succeeds Ken Smith
who resigned last month to enter
private business in Greensbao.
Smith served as the sports
infamatiai directa at ECU fa
four years befae resigning.
A native of Atlanta, Ga
Atkins received his B.S. in
Journalism from the University of
Maryland in 1972. He also waked
as a student assistant fa four
years in the Maryland sports
infamatiai offioe.
Britt and Gates honored
Two ECU baseball palyers were named in the All-South
Independent baseball team Monday.
Pirate pitcher Mickey Britt was named to the second team and
Eddie Gates received Honaable Mentioi.
Other area players named oi the team were Robet Sutton of
UNCW, oohn Maruardt of USC, Dennis Duff of Virginia Tech, and
Campbell College's Mo Turner.
The teams were chosen by the southern independent spats
infamatiai directas in the southeast.
Pirate football
ticket sales
The ECU Business Offioe repats
seasai tickets aders are pouring
in at a recad pace.
Anyone who wishes to ader
season tickets to all Pirates home
games next fall should mail their
check a maiey ader to the ECU
Athletic Deparment as soon as
ECU has five home games in
Ficklin Stadium. The Pirate's
home opener is Sept. 2 against
Western Carolina University.
Atkins has waked with 16
NCAA championship teams in
five diffaent spats while at
Maryland and N.C. State. He has
also waked five bowl awards
during his six years at N.C. State.
He has received two awards
fa his swimming press guides at
N.C. Sate from COS DA (College
Spats Infamatiai Directas of
America) and also received nat-
ional recognition fa aie of his
wrestling press guides while at
Atkins is a member of the
Atlantic Coast Conference Sports-
writers Association and also holds
membership in COS1DA.
ECU athletic directa Bill Cain
said mae than 25 applications
were received fa the posit iai
although it was reported only six
candidates were actually inter-
viewed fa the job.
Sources inside the athletic
department said Atkins and
Jimmy Wilder, the spats infa-
matiai directa at The Citadel
were the final two candidates fa
the position.
Willie Patrick, the famer
spats infamatiai directa at the
University of Tennessee-
Chattanooga, Bruce Herman, the
SID at Wake Faest and BoBo
Champion, the famer 3D at
Mississippi were also interview-
Atkins is expected to begin
wak at ECU June 15.
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Pag 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 31 May 1978
Averett leaves ECU to take tennis post at Rice
Cynthia Averett, the women's
tennis coach at East Carolina
University for the past two years,
has been named to a similar
position at Rice University in
Houston effective August 1.
The 24-year-old Greenville
native is a 1975 graduate of East
Carolina with a B.S. degree in
biology. She will receive her M.A.
degree in physical education from
ECU this year.
During her collegiate career at
ECU, Averett was the number
one singles player durina. her
senior year. As a coach, Averett
offered the first two women's
sports schoalrships outside of
"The opportunity Rice Un-
iversity is offering me is just too
much to turn dowm said
Averett. "It is their goal to be
nationally ranked within three to
four years. I'll have the tools and
money thereto let me develop the
type of program I want. Here at
ECU, one just doesn't have the
tods or money to work with
Averett will be competing in
the Southwest Conference where
three memebrs of the league
played in the national women's
tournament thiu year, Trinity
College, Texas A&M and Bayloy.
Averett is ranked 18th in
singles in North Carolina and is
ranked second in doubles with
Suzanne Belk of Rocky Mount.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Arnold Averett of 2004
Brook Road. She attended Rose
High and played two years of
tennis there at the number two
singles position.
Green's return could aid Wolfpack defense
JiMM Y SOUTHERLA ND TURNS the corner against State.
Photo by Pete Podeszwa)
Welcome back students.
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Continued from p. 10
The strength of the State
defense will probably be in the
linebacking department. There
the Pack returns three year
letterman Bill Cowher and Kyle
The replacements on the line
if Green does not return will be
Joe Hall at one end, Brian
O'Doherty at tackle and James
Butler at the other end.
The weakest area of the State
defense appears to be the sec-
ondary where three of the four
starters were lost. The likes of
Richard Carter, Tommy London
and Ralph Stringer will be hard to
replace but Coach Rein does have
some experienced letterman to
work with. They are Larry Eber-
heart, Donnie LeGrande, and
Mike Nail. The lone returnee is
Woodrow Wilson.
In summing up this years
chances for the NC State Wdf-
pack a lot of what happens to this
team will depend on some new
and unproven performers. The
must be found at the ends and the
other tackle. One of the tackle
spots could be taken care of if
Bubba Green a, 6'5. 275 pound
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HUUKo "TMufcs- sat mo
monster was healthy enough to
return. Green was a starter in '76
and thus a Droven player,
real weakness of this team is at
quarterback but the solid back-
field may help to offset some of
the lack of experience there. The
defense while not weak certainly
doesn't look as solid as Coach
Rein would like.
As far as the schedule is
concerned State will have their
first three games in Carter
Stadium but none of the teams
(ECU, West Virginia, and
Syracuse) can be overlooked by
the Wolfpack.
What it all boils down to is
that State will be as good as the
quick development of its young
quarteback, defensive line and
Bill Hill
signs new
East Carolina wrestling coach
Bill Hill announced the signing of
Steven Milanese to a grant-in-aid
for the 1978-79 season.
Milanese, a native of Cinnam-
inson, New Jersey wrestled for
four years at Cinnaminson High
School,compiling an overall mark
of 67-19. The 67 wins were the
most ever in the school's history.
Milanese finished his senior
season with a 24-1 record. He
captured first place in the High-
land Invitational Christmas tour-
nament and was named the
tourney's Most Outstanding
Wrestler. He also won his district
championship and took third in
the regionals.
Milanese was named to the
coaches all star divisional team
second team all-country, and
third team all-South Jersey.
Milanese was voted the school's
Outstanding Wrestler this
M ilanese was also a four year
letterman at Cinnaminson wrest-
ling in the 101-115, and 124
pound weight classes. During the
spring, he has wrestled in three
tournaments winning the Edge-
wood tournament and the U.S.
Region iFcjr Championship.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander Milanese of Cinnamin-

Fountainhead, May 31, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 31, 1978
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