Fountainhead, November 8, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 12 pages.
WITN speakerp. 3
World hungerp. 6
Otto Henryp. 7
Pirates rout ASUp. 10
Vd. 53 No. 20
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina.
November 8, 197
SGA establishes
good relations
with city council
Staff Writer
The SGA has established good
relations with the Greenville City
Council, according to Jerry Cox
the appointed student represent-
ative on the council.
Cox is present at all formal
meetings of the city council to
ensure that students' interests
are considered.
Cox gives a report at each
formal meeting concerning
relevant student issues, but said
most of his input comes at the
informal ?'workshops" held prior
to the formal meetings and at
meetings of subcommittees, two
of which Cox is a member.
Cox said he is pleased with the
city council members' receptive-
ness to student input.
"A city council is responsible
for considering and creating city
ordinances, and ECU students
deserve to be represented, since
they make up much of the
population of Greenville said
Cox is a member of both the
joint ECU-City Parking Commit-
tee, and the Bikeways Commit-
"The Parking Committee is
basically a link between the ECU
Traffic and Security Department
and theaty council
Joe Calder, ECU Traffic and
Security Director, is also a
member of the Parking Commit-
tee, whose main function is to
investigate and propose resolu-
tions to existing parking prob-
Cox cited as examples both
the problem of downtown
merchants objecting to having
students park on Reade Street,
and campus-wide violations of
parking ordinances during regist-
ration periods.
In each case, the special needs
of ECU students were oonsidered,
and the city council did what it
could to alleviate the problem by
allowing students to park on
Reade Street, and easing up on
citing parking violators during
A presumed problem by
students that really does not exist
is lack of parking space for day
students, Cox said.
He said much available park-
ing space is not used by students,
especially the spaces near
Mendenhall Student Center.
Cox also serves as a member
of the Bikeways Committee,
which is now considering a
possible paved path between
Minges Coliseum and the main
campus said this idea is in the
pre-planning stage.
The Greenville City Council is
composed of six elected council-
men, and is chaired by Greenville
Mayor Percy Cox.
The idea of student represent-
ation on the city council was
proposed by former SGA
President Tim Sullivan.
Sullivan served as the first
student representative, and
intended the position fa SGA
presidents, but when Neil
Sessoms was elected as SGA
president last year, he assigned
the position a cabinet status so
the student representative could
devote more of his time to the
duties of the position.
FAIR WEA THbH HE IUHNEU to eastern North Carolina yesterday
as rains receded following downpours throughout the eastern part
of the United States. Ten persons are known dead due to flooding in
the N.C. mountains.
Photo by Kirk Kingsbury)
Sessoms cites
plan for speakers
Staff Writer
News Edi tor
SGA President Neil Sessoms
told the legislature Monday night
that he is working on a plan which
would partially fund symposiums.
Sessoms said several depart-
ment chairpersons have express-
ed much concern over his sugges-
tion to eliminate SGA funds for
The plan would provide fa a
committee to screen applicants
who wish to receive SGA funds
for their symposiums. The
amount of money raised by a
department would be matched by
the SGA up to $300, Sessoms
said. A total of $1500 would be
spent on the symposiums, which
is $2000 less than was spent last
The legislature appropriated
over $86,000 to various campus
The Model United Nations
(Model UN) club was appropria-
ted $6,142 after considerable
debate. Most of the debate
centered around a line item in the
proposed budget of $525, which
was to be spent on a reception fa
former Seaetary of State Dean
Rusk, who will speak here during
the Atlantic Coast Model Security
pay annual
property tax
Unable to vote
in Greenville
Staff Writer
Students have puzzled over,
the fact that they have to pay
property taxes in Pitt County, but
can't vae in city elections.
Mrs. Margaret Register, who
waks at the County Board of
Elections, said "The requirement
is that one has to be a permanent
resident of the county to vote"
but, one has to pay taxes where
he or she owns property.
"If they don't want to pay
taxes here, they could just leave
their property at home, but if you
have a car out on the street and
it's stolen or burned up, who are
you going to call?"
Phillip Michaels, county tax
supervisa said that under the
Machinery Act, "If a student has
two a more dwellings where he
might spend the first day of the
year, he has to pay taxes in the
place where he spent the most
time last year
Floyd Little, a tax collector said
he could see the student's point of
view on the issue, but said that
he oouldn't personally comment.
When asked if the city might
be trying to avoid a situation
where the students took over the
city vrting, the officials were
Little said he thought that this
could be so, saying that some
people in the city may think of the
students as a transit body.
Michaels, however, said he didn't
believe that this was the case.
Pros and cons of gubernatorial succession
Editor's Note: The following
article concerns the voting being
held today on two state bonds, a
dean water bond and a highway
bond, and five amendments to the
North Carolina Constitution. Only
students who have obtained ab-
sentee ballots or are residents of
Greenville can vote.
Today the vrters of North
Carolina faoe a crucial decision. A
constitutional amendment is be-
fae the people fa ratification
concerning the right of the
governa and the It. governa of
Nath Carolina to succeed them-
selves in office.
This article is to educate the
reader on both sides of the
question so that he may make an
intelligent decision in the matter
of gubernatorial succession.
-The primary argument fa
succession is that the voters
should have the right to decide
whether the governa and It.
governa have perfamed well in
office and whether they should be
retained fa a second term. This
right is fundamental to demo-
cracy. An official who must
answer to the people at the polls
will be rrxxe responsive to the
wants and needs of the electaate.
-A limitation on the tarn of
the governa reduces the effec-
tiveness of the two-party system
as the party out of power never
has the opportunity to challenge
the incumbent's recad during an
election. All candidates are untes-
ted in the duties and responsibili-
ties of the govana's office.
-When a govana is limited
in his term, he is also limited in
his effectiveness as the state's
chief administrata of policy. The
governa, at present, is a "lame
duck after the first two years of
his term as the chances of his
programs passing are reduced
during the second biennium of
that tarn. This leaves the legisla-
ture the principle controller of
policy in the state. i
-Tarn limitation greatly re-
duces any continuity in state
government as most of the
gubernatorial appointees will
leave office with the expiration of
the govana's tarn.
-The diance of succession fa
the govana increases the clout
of the state in several areas of the
federal government. These strong
state-federal relationships benefit
the state greatly.
-The Genaal Assembly of
Nath Carolina passed legislation
during the 1977 session giving the
people the right to decide this
issue. This proves its confidence
as a body that succession will not
affect the legislature's indepen-
dence from the executive branch
of govartment.
-Only seven states at present
restrict their govanas to one
tarn. Forty-three states either
abandoned or never adopted
one-tarn restrictions In recent
years four states approved suc-
cession amendments which indu-
cted the incumbent govana.
-A one-tarn restridion is no
more indefensible than a two-
tarn restridion. Carrying the
demoaatic ideal to its logical
extreme would prohibit all restric-
tions on the numba of tarns.
-Amendment 3 should na be
approved because it does not
exdude the current govana and
It. govana Iran its provisions.
Succession should be made appli-
cable to future office-holders and
not the incumbents
-The present four-year tarn
does not allow the governor
enough time to build his own
dynasty a political machine.
-Allowing the succession in a
state where one party is tradition-
ally stronga gives the incumbent
govana an unfair advantage,
making it even more difficult fa
the second party to establish
-Removing the one-tarn res-
triction would greatly reduce
competition within an incum-
bent's own party sinoe chaJlen-
gers would be placed in the
position of running against the
-While the one-tarn limitation '
prevents an effedive govana
from succeeding himself, it also
provides a guarantee that a poa
govana cannrt continue in of-
-The one-tarn limitation de-
creases the chance of the gova-
na's using the last years of his
administration to campaign fa
-The one-tarn restridiai pro-
teds the separation of powas
between the executive and legis-
lative branches, maintaining the
independence of the legislature

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD November 8, 1977
'a Off
Republicans Alpha Delta
Canterbury Trick Shots
Attention, all Episcopalians
and other interested students!
The Cantarbury Club invites you
to their Wednesday evening
Communion Service at St. Paul's
Church, 401 E. 4th St at 5:30
p.m. Supper will follow at which
time we will continue our discuss-
ion of the Book of Acts.
Sigma Tau
Sigma Tau Gamma, the new
fraternity at ECU is planning
some activities fa the following
weeks. This Wed Nov. 9, all
prospective brother's and little
sister s iQterested in Sig Tau are
mvjjgl fo attend a meeting
starting at 6:00 p.m. in Brewster
B-102. Also, on November 16, Sig
Tau is having a party at Blimpies
starting at 7:00. Everyone is
invited to attend.
Finally, tickets for the gas
drawing will go out on Monday.
Further information about Sig
Tau will follow in future editions
The Student National Educa-
tion Association will hold it's
monthly meeting Monday, Nov.
14 at 4:30 p.m room 101, in the
Nursing Building. Dean Jones
will be the guest speaker at this
meeting, in celebration of Nation-
al Education Week, Nov. 14-19.
We cordially invite all students
interested in an Education Career
to attend this meeting. Refresh-
ments will be served.
The ECU chapter of the SNEA
is your student professional or-
ganization, and is part of the
largest student membership or-
ganization in the world. For more
information please call Bill Bryan,
Vice President, at 756-0017.
Pie Throw
The Tn-Sigma s annual pie
throw is set for Nov. 8 at Chapter
X from4to630p.m. Come throw
a pie at the Sigma of your choice.
Tickets are .25 from any Sigma or
.50 at the door.
Bridge Club
The Bridge Club meets each
Thursday evening at 730 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center. All
persons interested in playing
bridge are invited to attend.
Circle K
Circle K has returned to East
Carolina and is inviting you to
attend the next meeting, Wed
Nov. 9 at 730 p.m. in Dr.
Steven's office, second floor,
Wright Annex. Circle K is a
service organization for men and
women. Become active in East
Carolina's newest and most
ambitious servioe club.
Paul Gerni, pocket billiard
trick shot champion, will be
performing at Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center in the Multi-Purpose
Room at 8 p.m. Mon Nov. 14.
With one stroke of the cue, Gerni
will amaze you by knocking 12
balls in six different pockets.
Audience participation will en-
hance his trick shot presentation
and make it an event you won't
want to miss. This free exhibition
is presented by Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
Bong Show
ECU Student Union Coffee-
house Committee will hold its
first annual bong show Fri Nov.
18. Anyone with an act can
participate. All types of acts will
be accepted. Prizes and door
prizes will be awarded. Come by
R. 234 and sign up and list your
act, name and phone number.
The public is cordially invited to
attend and win some door prizes.
Free refreshments. Rm 15
Mendenhall. Admission only .50.
Everyone get involved Nov.
10! The most exciting country,
blues, ragtime, pop, folk, original
& bluegrass guitarist will enter-
tain you and your friends. Keith
Craig invites everyone out Iqsing
along with him. Joe Collins will
thrill your soul with a well-
rounded guitar-picking and foot-
stomping night. Free refresh-
ments, .50 admission, Rm. 15
Table Tennis
The Table Tennis Club meets
each Thursday at 8 p.m. in the
Mendenhall Student Center Table
Tennis Rooms. All persons inter-
ested in playing table tennis are
invited to attend.
All students interested in
playing chess should attend the
Chess Club meetings each Tues-
day at 7 30 p.m. in the Menden-
hall Student Center Coffeehouse
located on the- ground floor.
Competition is at all levels.
The ACU-I All-Campus Bil-
liards Tournament will be held
tonight at 6 p.m. in the Menden-
hall Student Center Billiards
Center. Come by and watch the
IDs Found
The following were found at
ie Attic: 760977, 752880,
32960, 761332, 766720, and
Happy Hour at Mendenhall
Student Center is every Monday.
The time is 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. in
Billiards and 1 p.m. until 4 p.m.
in Bowling. Prices are Vi off in
billiards, table tennis, and bowl-
ing. Don't miss it.
The SLAP Department is
sponsoring a Bake sale Thurs
Nov. 10 from 8 a.m. till. It will be
located at the Allied Health (Belk)
blgd. in the lobby. Please oome
and support the SLAP Dept!
Phi Beta
A Phi Beta Lambda meeting
will be held Wed, Nov 9, at 4 p.m.
in Rawl 130. We are asking all
members to please be present.
The ECU Geology Club will
have a meeting Wed Nov. 9 at 7
p.m. in room 301 Graham. Orders
for Geology t-shirts will be taken.
All Geology majors and interested
persons are urged to attend.
Mary Leeman from Depart
-ment of Social Services will
speak on "Child Abuse" Wed
Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. at Real Crisis
Center, 1117 Evans St. Everyone
lz welcome to attend.
There will be a SOULS
meeting Thurs Nov. 10 at the
Afro-American Cultural Center at
7 p.m. Please plan to attend and
to be PROMPT.
Pi Sigma
Pi Sigma Alpha, the, honorary
Political Science Society, will hold
a dinner meeting Thurs Nov. 17,
beginning at 6 p.m. at Parkers
B-B-Q Restaurant located on
South Memorial Drive.
The guest speaker for the
evening will be Mr. Charles
Gaskins, Chairperson of the Pitt
County Board of Commissioners.
Following dinner, Mr.
Gaskins will address the group
concerning such topics as his
job's responsibilities and the
relationship between the Pitt
County Board of Commissioners
and the Greenville City Council.
A quest ionanswer session
with an open discussion period
will follow Mr. Gaskins present-
ation. All members are strongly
advised to attend. Guests are
welcome! Dinner will be served
family style at a cost of $3.75 per
It is recommended that all
members who have not paid
chapter and national dues to do so
at this meeting.
National dues will rise, effect-
ive Dec. 1, 1977, and in order to
avoid paying escalated fees, it is
necessary to pay all dues to the
Nov. 17 meeting.
Fa further information, call
Lynne Yow at 758-1346 or Jim
Teal at 756-0916.
There will be a College
Republican meeting tonight at
7:30. It will be in Brewster B-107.
All members and interested
students are urged to attend.
The Society fa Advancement
of Management will be sponsa-
ing a tour of the Carolina Leaf
Tobacco Company Tues Nov. 8.
There will be a brief business
meeting at 4 p.m. in Rawl-102
preoeeding the tour. All members
are urged to attend and those
with cars are asked to drive.
Membership in SAM is open to
any student interested in
management. The plant is located
on Greene St. Ext. in Greenville.
Happy Hour
The ECU Pom Pom girls will
be sponsaing a happy hour Wed.
Nov. 9 from 7 to 11 at Pantana
Bobs. See you there.
Alpha Delta Mu invites any-
one interested to the Nov. 10
dinner meeting to be held at
Bonanza, Thurs at 5:30. Follow-
ing dinner, Cheryl Coppedge,
Director of Adult Out-Patient
Services at Edgecomb Nash
MHC, will speak on "Assessing
Suicide Potential Remember,
you need not be a member to
come to this meeting. Anyone
interested is encouraged to at-
Flu Vaccine
The Student Health Service is
giving flu vaccine to full-time
students during the months of
October and November. It is
strongly recommended that stu-
dents with asthma, diabetes,
chronic bronchitis, emphysema,
heart disease, and paralytics
receive the vaccine at an early
date. The vaccine will be given
Monday through Friday from 8
a.m. to4 p.m. and the charge will
be $1.50.
Wednesday, October 26, was
a big event fa many exceptional
children fran the Greenville City
Schools. The Student Council fa
Exceptional Children SCE spon-
sored their annual Halloween
Carnival fa these children. The
SCEC would like to thank each
and every one who made the
carnival a wonderful success.
The cooperation displayed by
the SCEC members and the care
shown by students not associated
with the SCEC a the Dept. of
Special Education provided fa an
evening of fun fa the children,
some of their families, their
teachers, and in fact, everyone
Again, thank you fa your
concern and enthusiasm. Each
child felt truly special, but most of
all extremely happy.
Come to room 238 Mendenhall
every Thursday evening at 730 to
learn about how the wald can
becone a planet of racial, educa-
tional, lingual, economic and
familial unity in our lifetimes.
There will be Bahais there to
chat, to show films, and to give
reading material so that you may
exercise your independent inves-
tigations of truth. Everyone is
Rho Epsilon
There will be a Rho Epsilon
Real Estate Fraternity meeting on
Wed Nov. 9, in Rm. 221
Mendenhall Student Center. The
guest speaker will be the new
president of the Greenville-Pitt
County Board of Realtas. All
members are urged to attend.
Food Drive Officials
The Alpha Phi Alpha Annual
Canned Food Drive will start this
week 11-7-77 through 11-22-77.
Help us to make this a Happy
Thanksgiving fa sane underpriv-
ileged families. Give a can!
Check this papa fa a listing
of drop sights. Donations of
non-perishable goods only
The Greenville Officials Asso-
ciation will hold its first meeting
of the season in Elm Street Gym
Wed, Nov. 9 at 730 p.m. Anyone
interested in officiating jr. high
and reaeation basketball please
attend. Fa further infamatiai,
call 752-5214.
The French Press r Paspec-
tive, an exhibit of French maga-
zines and newspapers, is open 3
additional hrs. from 1 to5 the rest
of this week in Joyner Library
Rm. 104. Free materials are
available from the French Embas-
sy toviewas interested in French
A group of students intaested
in the art and spat of fencing are
trying to aganize into a dub. If
you are intaested in learning to
fence, have fenced befae, a
know of any untapped resources
that might help us, please call
Bev a Blake at 758-4357.
The Nath Carolina Student
Legislature (NCSL) will meet
Wed Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. All
members are strongly urged to
attend. Constitutional changes
will be considered.
All faculty-staff members are
invited to participate in the
faculty fitness program which is
being held Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 1200-1100 p.m. in
Memaial Gym. All those interes-
ted in jogging, exaciang, basket-
ball, swimming, etc. should re-
pat to the gymnastics room on
the first floa of Memaial Gym
any Monday, Wednesday, or
Friday at 12.O0.

November 8, 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
WITN promotion mgr. speaks to journalism class
Staff Writer
"American public is getting
exactly what its wanted in tele-
vision said Dick Paul, promot-
ion manager of WITN television
broadcasting station in Washing-
ton, N.C. to an introductory
journalism class last week.
According to Paul, a five-time
winner of the NBC promotion
managers contest, if people don't
like what'son TV, they turn it off.
Continued from p. 1
without undue interference from
the governor.
-Since different governors
represent different constituencies
and political philosophies, the
people are better served by a
nore frequent turnover. Fresh
Continued from p. 1
Council to be held this February.
The legislature voted to delete
$340 per diem line item from
funds for a conference to be held
at the University of Pennsylvania
next week. The move will allow
the $525 to be spent as previously
The SGA executive council
was appropriated $19,558. Some
of the money will be used for
travel to other universities to
observe how other student gov-
ernments operate, as well as
lobbying in Raleigh projects such
as the proposed overpass.
The transit system was appro-
priated $49,735.20 which includes
operation and maintenance of the
buses and bus drivers' salaries.
The budget also covers a new
night route and a van fa the
The REBEL literary magazine
was appropriate $10,952.
Pe cors. field flighty bomber
snorkel tanker i?ck?ts R?inwc?r.
parkas, comoootv work dott-tv
3ihev 1S01 S Evans Stri Open
II ? 5 ?
Downtown Greenville
Iron Horse Trading Co.
merchant & Craftsman on
Fine Gold & Silver Jewelry
on the mall First State Bank
Building Hours 10-6
Handcrafted Jewelry by LES
Weds. Night
Free Admission
with ECU I.D.
Tues. TBA'
Bar k j?h in inon To ii rn
ideas and programs will be
brought in more often.
-North Carolina's system of
state government has worked
well. We have had good govern-
ment and it has been almost free
of corruption. A change in the
governor's term is, therefore, not
This information was com-
piled by Pi Sigma Alpha, the
honorary political science society
These improvements seem to
be worth the investment as,
Channel 7 news now tops its
competitors in Greenville and New
Bern by a margin of over two to
one. Paul attributes part of the
success as a combination of the
anchormen and the news itself.
Channel 7 has 13 cars out
driving between 60 to 8000 miles
per year gathering news in
northeastern North Carolina.
Another factor that may
contribute to the growth of WITN
news is the "happy talk" or
interaction between the news-
casters while on camera.
This, when moderately and
sincerely used, humanizes the
news and allows the people to
identify with their newspeople,
said Paul.
Television aims at entertain-
ment, especially at the young
housewife during the daytime,
and at the blue-collar worker at
night. Aooording to Paul, even
though 65 per cent of the
American population turns to
television for their news souroe,
their main reason for watching is
The emergence of cable TV
may bring an end to the home-
town TV station. This service
started to bring television into
areas where conventional tele-
vision couldn't transmit, and now
reaches m million homes.
These stations rake in national
advertising due to the fact that
their viewing audience is so large
and geographically widespread,
and may eventually affect advert-
ising bought with small stations.
When asked his views on the
war over violence and sex on TV,
Mr. Paul said don t know that
television hurts kidsthere's an
on-and-off button
Paul ujggested that parents
should scrutinize their children's
WITN-TV reachesone-thiro of
all the televisions in North
Carolina. The station hopes to
expand its reception area soon by
building a taller tower.
-K' (
At Hardee's" we're having a special on roast beef sandwiches.
2 for a $1. Even if you're not a roast beef fan,
at these prices you'll become one.
Good at all participating Hardee's.
The place that bnngs you back
coupon per customer pit m
Nov. 21, 1977
- n expires
?- si.

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD November 8, 1977
Civil rights violated
Last Spring two Houston, Tex. police officers
were charged by the state with murdering a young
Mexican-American man whom they beat up and
threw into the Buffalo Bayou, where he drowned.
They said they wanted to scare the man and " see
if a wetback could swim The jury, however, found
them only guilty of "negligent homicide a
misdemeanor, then probated the one year in jail,
$2,000 fine for this crime. The 12 members have said
then, in so many wads, that society condones this
sort of police brutality. And as Houston Rep. Ben
Reyes said, that's sick.
The federal government should, now, bring
indictments for violating Torres' civil rights against
these officers before the entire law enforcement
branch of the United States government becomes
nothing more than a mockery giving police an open
road to misuse their authority at the discretion of
ignorant prejudices.
Joe Campos Torres was first arrested by officers
Terry Denson and Stephen Orlando for public
drunkenness. Minutes later they beat Torres with
their fists and a flashlight so badly that the Houston
city jail supervisor would not let them admit him into
the jail until they took him to a hospital for treatment.
But instead of taking Torres to the hospital, they
took him to a secluded parking lot and beat him more
to, as one of them said, "scare" him. Then they lit
upon the idea of seeing if a "wetback" could swim
and threw him, drunk and beaten as he was, into the
bayou where his drowned body was found two days
Policemen have, in their power, the arm of the
court for teaching people the results of disobeying
the law, as public drunkenness is. They do not,
however, have the right to "scare" anyone through
unwarranted physical violence. Nor do they have the
power to arrest, try and oonvict-or execute-to their
discretion. Beatings and resulting murders are not
punishment fa public drunkenness.
But these two officers obviously had more in mind
than arresting a man fa public drunkenness.Their
racial prejudices were clearly indicated when they
called Tares a "wetback a slanderous term used
fa Mexican-Americans, and by their own admission
of wanting to "scare" Tares. This is enough fa civil
rights action. As Reyes also said, lawandader is not
found by scaring the Mexican-American community.
He called the light verdict and probation "Complete-
ly ridiculousa farce
A serious flaw exists in the law enforcement
institution. This flaw, according to Reyes, is
"allowing people to miscarry justice because we
want lawandader at any cost In this case, the cost
was death. If the Texas state government will not
attempt tocarect this evil, the federal government
must, through federal civil rights prosecution.
Police are endowed with a grave amount of power
over citizens. Fa example, they carry weapons and
have the right to search and seize persons. Because
of this, they must be responsible, fair and above
misusing this power fa persaial vendettas.
The oily way now fa police to be made aware
that they cannot commit "negligent homicide
manslaughter a murder and get away with it, as
Denson and Orlando have, is fa the federal
government to prosecute and make this case a dear
illustration of how far polioe power can go. It must
also make a positive declaration in support of
citizens' civil rights and the results of ignaing these
rights befae this precious aspect of United States
government becomes nothing mae than a passing
joke fa the oountry's so-called "peace officers
Denson and Orlando must be tried and convicted in
this respect. A man s life is worth more than one year
and $2,000 probated.
Recent article called embarrassing
Last night I read with
distress a reoent FOUNTAIN-
HEAD article on Terry Davis and
his soon-to-be-published novel.
As a reoent graduate of ECU's
English and Journalism depart-
ments, and a former FOUNTAIN-
HEAD staff writer, I am,embarras
sed for the school and for the
But as a former student and
current friend of Davis, J am most
of all embarrassed for him.
Davis is a talented and
dedicated writer and teacher, and
one hell of a fine person. Your
writer's depiction of him, al-
though not a total sham, was
certainly one-dimensional, poorly
written, and shot through with
seeming ignorance.
One of my weekly duties here
istowritea personality profile for
our Sunday paper. Most of the
persons I write about are stran-
aers to me. but a thorouah
Forum policy
Forum letters
should be typed or
printed, signed and
include the writer's
address or telephone
number. Letters are
subject to editing for
taste and brevity and
may be sent to FOUN-
TAINHEAD or left at
the Information Desk
in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
interview and a bit of good
judgement makes it possible to
write a story which does not
misrepresent my subject.
I feel the article on Davis not
only misrepresented him, but also
degraded him, his book, and his
status as an English teacher.
I don't know the staffer who
wrote the article, and this is not
an attack on him. What I am
attacking is an attitude which
permits shoddy treatment of a
highly-respr-cted individual in a
publication , ead by thousands of
Out of respect fa the journal-
istic craft, please apply yourself
to the stories you judge fit to
And more importantly, use
judgement and care when writing
about a person, any person. Out
here in the "real world you
learn fast that maintaining good
and honest relations with people
is what it's all about.
John Dayberry
Goldsboro News Argus,
Editor's Note: If any embarrass-
ment was caused to Mr. Davis,
we apologize. The entire FOUN-
7AINHE AD staff respects him a
great deal and would hate to see
his book, his status as a teacher or
himself hurt by our article. Again,
we apologize.
Serving the East Carolina community tor over titty years.
Senior tditorKim J. Devins
Production Manager Bob Glover
Advertising ManagerRobert gm
News EdCindy Broome
Trends EditorDavid W. Trevino
SP?rts EdltorChris Hofloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association of
ECU and is distributed each Wednesday during the summer,
and twice weekly during the school year.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Editorial offices: 757-6386, 757-6367, 757-6309
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually.

November 8, 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Reader displeased with SU Artist Series' Suzuki performance
I would like to express my
displeasure at the inclusion of the
Shinichi Suzuki Talent Education
Tour on the Student Union Artist
Series. Several points concerning
the quality and appropriateness
of the oonoert of last week should
be considered.
Firstly, the music manage-
ment is a highly competitive,
commercfaJ enterprise. Managers
represents a "stable" of artists
whom the freely merchandise fa
an established fee. Selection of
each yearffe attractions requires
much badjround knowledge of
the muise world, as well as
mature financial and intellectual
Secondly, many series ticket
holders, I am certain, were not
aware of what the Suzuki organi-
zatioi represents. The children
who perfamed ai last week's
concert are products of Suzuki's
music education program and his
philosophy of "talent education"
(Suzuki's own term). By Suzuki's
own admission these children are
not being primed fa the concert
stage. He uses these children to
great advantage in his workshops
and demonstrations. His con-
certs, therefore, serve to promote
his method, his organization, his
materials, and his followers.
All oonoert goers are aware of
the precocious child perfamer.
However, this concert did not
serve the mature music lover. The
concert did promote the interests
of a special group of listeners, the
parents and children of the Suzuki
method. Many of the children
perfamed student waks extrac-
ted from Suzuki's method books.
These peices were perfamed in
robotlike fashion with insipid
piano aooompaniment. The pian-
ists, apparently under the um-
brella of Suzuki's talent educa-
tion, struggled unsuccessfully
Picture caption at best cruel'
The caption Campus Fatties
Feed Faces on page 8 of the
Nov. 1 edition, was at best auel.
It totally undid whatever good the
article attempted to aooomplish.
It is obvious someone was
concerned about the hunger
problem. The people in the photo
were probably just as ooncerned,
although they have a problem
themselves with weight. Yet, they
undoubtedly never got to the
article, being totally offended by
the photo and caption. The
caption-writer lost the audience
he was trying to reach. You can't
reach someone by cruelly berat-
ing them in front of 12,000 of their
peers. It just doesn't wak.
One more time
fense of my letter published Oct.
Mr. Klimek-perhaps you
should re-read my letter, fa (and
I take the liberty of quoting
myself) "it is NOT the contes-
tants themselves that I object to,
but rather the CRITERIA on
which they are selected
From the obvious inapplica-
bility of your reply, you either
chose to ignae the very thesis of
my letter or simply couldn't
comprehend it. I rest my case.
"Miss Reese"
It is silly to imply that a person
doesn't care about the hunger
problem simply because he is
overweight. I'm sure if the
caption-writer compared his ratio
of food intake to that of the
undernourished individual, he
would find he had little room to
Unfatunately, this is not the
first time a tasteless photo a
caption has appeared in the
evaluating the impact of the
presentation of material. Sar-
castic anger, no matter how
righteous we deem it, seldom
changes a situation, as it is
certainly proved in this case.
E. Marena Wright
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with literature too demanding fa
their technique and too mature
. fa their minds. The absurdity of
hearing this music perfamed ai
aie-half and three-fourth size
instruments of dubious quality
was only compounded by the
oonoert hall setting.
Thirdly, in view of the special
interest which this method holds
fa local teachers, students, and
parents, I agree that the group
should be heard. Indeed, the
program should be privately
organized by local teachers a
the music education faculty. I
have heard the Suzuki group
befae in a wakshop setting. I
have lived in four states where
they have perfamed. Never have
they appeared on a maja concert
I welcome the opportunity to
hear more fine chamber playing
as Tashi and the Guarneri Quartet
of past seasons. The Artist Series
Committee would wisely sponsa
reknown artists, perfaming wor-
thy literature, on superia instru-
ments, and relegate teaching
methodology to the workshop
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD November 8, 1977
Hunger Coalition to sponsor day of fast
Staff Writer
The Hunger Coalition, a group
of concerned students and
citizens formed on campus last
year to learn more about the
complexities involved in the
hunger issue and to build up
interest among the students and
community, will sponsor a day of
fast Nov. 17.
The fast is in conjunction with
the annual Oxford Committee for
Famine Relief (OXFAM) Fast Fa
A World Harvest in which
participants across the country
will fast for a day and give that
days food money or more to
This non-political and non-
religious affiliation sponsors self-
help development programs in
nations of hunger.
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"Presuming that one is
genuinely concerned, the answer
to world hunger is to study and
understand said Father Charles
Mulhdland, a campus chaplain.
More than 460 million people
in the world are hungry and
undernourished, although most
people with food eat more than
ever before, according to studies
made by OXFAM, an organiza-
tion to oombat hunger.
World hunger is more than a
problem of production and pop-
ulation In fact, many experts
believe that today's agricult e
can produce an adequate diet fa
everyone in the wald.
The real causes of hunger
involve the unequal distribution
of the wald's resouroes. The
solutions to the problem lie not
only in improved food production
and increased food aid, but
primarily in political decisions,
economic policies, and an earnest
willingness to change one's life-
style and values.
"The namal reactioi to the
hunger problem is 'I will give
money said Father
"This will help, but will not do
the job. There has to be a change
in the systems of distribution, and
this means a willingness to share
our own surplus. We must have a
collaboration in the political
"There is enough food, but
na everyone-is getting it said
Steve Kennedy, member of the
Hunger Coalition.
Community Hunger Appeal of
Church Wald Service (CROP)
studies indicate that oily the poa
starve. Rich nations have 45 times
more wealth than the poor
countries with over one-half the
population. In other wads, the
purchasing power is in the hands
of a small elite.
Nath America supplies ap-
proximately 93 per cent of the
grain exports, according to
Deborah Katz, autha of Food:
Where Nutrition Politics and
Culture Meet.
Most of this grain does not go
to the developing nations but
rather to the political powers who
can pay fa it. CROP indicates
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that U.S one of the richest
nations in the world, ranks only
twelfth among the 17 industrializ-
ed countries faming the Develop-
ment Assistance Committee in
the percentage of its GNP that it
provides in assistance to develop-
ing nations.
The productivity of, available
aopland also reflects the complex
factas involved in the hunger
issue. Ironically, the hungry
spend most of their lives growing
food aocading to OXFAM.
Because of the lack of better
agricultural tools, education, and
staage and transportation faoil-
ilities, food production is not
In addition, studies show
about one-tenth of available aop-
land is used by large corporations
to grow crops, such as tobacco,
that have little a no nutritional
value, but produce high expat
Also, 20 million acres wald-
wide and three million aaes in
the U.S. are used to produce
materials for alcoholic beverages.
Another part of the hunger
issue involves the consumption of
grain. Protein, which comes from
grain, isamaja requirement in a
well-balanced diet, and many
people would rather get their
protein indirectly from beef.
CROP indicates that in 1975,
76 per cent of the protein
produced in the U.S. was fed to
livestock to produce beef.
A quarter-pounder-and-
cheese represents enough grain
to feed a Third World person for
five days because cattle require
about 16 pounds of grain to
produce one pound of beef said
John Gardner, member of the
Many other issues are involv-
ed in the wald hunger problem.
The Hunger Coalition will set
up infamation tables at the old
CU, Nov. 16-17. Anyone interest-
ed in waking with the fast,
having members of the Hunger
Coalition speak to one's club,
sorority, fraternity, a group, a
attending a meeting can contact
Sister Happy Shondell, 603 Ninth
St. at 752-4216, a any of the
?Tipus chaplains.
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November 8, 1977 FOUNT AINHEAD
ECU composer writes music of the future
Assistant Trends Editor
Dr. Otto Henry speaks from
his chair in his offioe on the
second floor of Fletcher RedtaJ
Hall. He is surrounded by such a
weird assortment of electrical
gadgets, cords, plugs and tape
reels that one might mistake him
for a clandestine CIA operative.
Actually he is a composermusic-
ologist, East Carolina's oompo-
ser-m-residenoe, and the elec-
tronic paraphenaiia around him
are his musical instruments.
"I've just finished,two pie-
ces he says of his work. "What
I'm trying to do now is to get
away from taped, studio music
and emphasize performing on the
synthesizer One of the pieces
Henry is speaking of is his Bring
Back Yesterday" which was
presented at the "Electronic
Music Plus" Festival held annu-
ally in Chapel Hill. It was
written for the Synthi AKS
Electronic Music Synthesizer with
slides and color wheel. More
often than not Henry provides
visual stimulation as well as aural
in his work. "Yesterday is
accompaniea by negative image
slides against a background of
revolving odors and was com-
posed on one of the newer forms
of keyboard synthesizers in the
ECU Electronic Music Studio.
The Electronic Music Studio
oonsists'of "three rooms full of
electronics" including among
other things four moog (pronoun-
ced with a long o) synthesizers,
ranging from a petite "mini-
moog" to a somewhat more
deluxe model that sells for
Until now most electronic
music composers had to be
connected with a university simp-
ly because of the prohibitive oost
of the synthesizers. Some less
expensive models are ooming out
now but many schools are buying
synthesizers with computers
I could probably fool you into
thinking I had a French Han with
this he says motioning towards
one of the dial-oovered machines,
"but the synthesizer will never
replace the acoustic instrument
Although Henry composes
original electronic music himself,
he lauds the impetus given to
electrically produoed music by the
work of artists such as Walter
Carlos and Tomita, who have
made "electronic realizations" of
traditional dasstcs.
Carlos is a serious oomposer
and theorist. In 1957 he came out
with "Switched on Bach which
was very benefidal and healthy,
but I espedally like Tomita. He's
very musical and sensitive. He
takes liberties. For instance, in
his realization of Hdst's "The
Planets" there are things that
Hdst didn't write, like bursts of
white ndse, among other things.
Tomita uses anything he can get
his hands on, like melotron,
voices and acoustic instruments.
Thus he has a bigger sound-bag
than Carlos
"Electronic realization is
much more than mere imitation of
acoustic instruments. I think the
whde phenomenon is a fresh and
very vigorous renewal of dassical
Dr. Henry articulates some of
his opinions on the diredion
music is taking. " In the last 20 to
30 years we've been too ooncer-
DR. OTTO HENRY, East Carolina's composer-in- residence, demonstrates one of the four moog
synthesizers in the School of Music's Electronic Music Studio. Photo by Kirk Kingsbury
ned with style. Everything origi-
nal and new happened in the first
twenty years of this century. I
think now we're arriving at a
more mature twentieth century.
We' re not so style conscious now,
not so worried about which
movement someone is a part of
"I think George Crumb is
pointing the way. He's hard to
categorize but I think he is
perhaps the major American
composer today. I think,that most
composers now are using a
dramatic approach rather than
the twelve-tone academic ap-
proach that Schoenburg and
Webern used
Downstairs, in the auditorium
which is empty for the afterncxi,
someone is pradiang a Bach
English Suite on the Piano, and
occasionally strains of the intri-
cate baroque music drift through
the open offioe door.
"Composition is the same now
as it was years ago Henry
continues, a wreath of smoke
curling from the pipe in his hand
"The creative experience is the
same now as it was years ago, and
this gives one a Id of oourage. I
feel like I'm ddng the same sort
of thing that Monteverdi, Badi
and Beethoven did. He smiles
"If I knew exadly how I compo-
sed I oould bottle it and sell it. I
guess I aim to satisfy the problem
that is caused by the creative
impulse, and, even though it
might sound selfish, I aim to
please myself
Firef all entertains 'post-frisbee generation'
Staff Writer
Although the misty weather
was no fador, Sunday night's
oonoert in M inges Coliseum prov-
ed to be a pretty damp affair.
A 1970-ish post-frisbee gener-
ation made their way into the hot,
humid building fa a band that
fits snug into the versatile
Southern Califania mdd-Fire-
fall, a group of six musidans with
several past credits in the coun-
try-rock scene.
A Maoon, Geagia, band-
Oconee-lackadaisically started
things off with a thud at 8 p.m
and somehow managed to make
their 55-minutes onstage seem
like faever. The music had no
apparent diredion, no imagina-
tion, and no pdish.
Basically a jazz-influenced
group, Oconee came off as stiff
aew, by missing impatant in-
strumental fills, and intermediat-
ly tossing in very unimaginative
riffs and guitar harmonies. The
vocals were dispensable syrup,
mixing traces of Dave Mason and
America at their most trite.
Although the groups' uneven
instrumental work proved to be
mae interesting, I found myself
mae engrossed in the green
fluaescent lights that were being
tossed from one side of the
coliseum to the other. Oconee
undeniably proves that Maoon,
Geagia, has been sucked dry of
any legitimate talent long befae
now, and that the Duane Allman-
inspired era of Southern music is
long past and remainsonly a vinyl
Firefall aooomplished very lit-
tle to oondude the evening on a
positive note. The band is a
oolledion of famer studio session
musidans as well as two mem-
bers from a couple of country-
rocks' finest groups: drummer
Michael Clarke played with the
aiginal Byrds and Flving Burrito
Brothers; vocalist guitarist Rick
Roberts was once a member of
the Burritos. With the release of
their debut album in '76, promo-
ters billed them as not just
another supergroup; this was an
understatement to say the least.
Firefall should make some
necessary changes a will face a
dim future, oanparable to the
repetitious Doobie Brothers. The
band falls into the Southern
Califania idian, sonewhere be-
tween the extremes of satiric
Warren Zevon and the commer-
dal tach-bearer, Linda Ronstadt.
The Byrds and the Burritos were
the maja influences, and the
results today are a multitude of
imitators with the necessary
hooks-the Eagles, Richie Furay
Band, J.D. Souther, Emmylou
Harris, and the list goes on.
Firefall deserves a place with
the desoendents. Fa them, how-
ever, the Califania idian is nd
just a sound, it is a business.
Their music is well famulated fa
Sett HREF ALL p. 9
ALTHOUGH THE MiSTY weather was no factor, Sunday night's oonoert in Minges Coliseum proved
to be a damp affair. The crowd was immense.
Photo by Pete Podeszwa

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD November 8, 1977
Jack Stamp in Fletcher Hall
Chamber music recital tomorrow
Staff Writer
There will be a Chamber
Muse Recital on Wednesday,
November 9 at 8:15 p.m. featur-
ing the University Brass En-
semble, the University Brass
Quintet, and percussion graduate
assistant, Mr. Jack Stamp.
The program includes
premiere performances of two
recent compositions by Mr.
Stamp, "Journey Past the
Unicorn and "Declamation on a
Hymn tune for Brass and Percus-
where everything is two for the priee of one
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"Journey Past the Unicorn" is
a contemporary musical realiza-
tion of the poem by the same title.
The text was written by Miss
Denise Andrews, now a sopho-
more in the English Department
at East Carolina.
"Declamation on a Hymn
Tune" is based on the ancient
melody, "Vigili et Sancti rr re
commonly known as the four part
hymn, "Ye Watchers and Ye
Holy Ones
Jack Stamp is presently com-
pleting his master's degree in
Percussion Performance in the
ECU School of M usic as a student
of Mr. Harold Jones.
As an undergraduate, Mr.
Stamp studied with Dr. Gary
Olmstead at Indiana University of
Pennsylvania. Jack has also
studied with American band
composer, Robert Washburn, and
Mr. Fred Begun, timpanist fa
the National Symphony.
Mr. Stamp teaches private
percussion, percussion class, and
a percussion ensemble as a
graduate assistant in the ECU
School of Music. He also plays in
Symphonic Wind Ensemble and
directs the East Carolina Varsity
Other highlights of the pro-
gram are Introit for Solo Chimes
and Organ" by Vaclav Nelhybel,
"Fanfare for the Common Man"
by Aaron Copland, and "Three
Turns for a Brass Quintet a
third original composition by Jack
Mr. Stamp composed "Three
Turns for a Brass Quintet" in
1975 while studying with Mr.
Robert Washburn. Mr.
Washburn is an American band
composer in residence at State
University of New York at
Wednesday Nite is Wednesday Nite
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The Nelhybel composition is
one of the few works written for
solo chimes. Mike Regan, a junior
organ student, will accompany
solo percussionist, Jack Stamp.
Fanfare fa the Common Man
will be oonducted by Mr. Andrew
Farnham of the ECU School of
Music faculty. The performance
of this Copland opus is dedicated
to Mr. Fred Begun, timpanist for
the National Symphony.
I he University Brass En-
semble and Quintet are composed
of undergraduate and graduate
music students and faculty
member, Mr. Andrew Farnham.
These musicians are featured
during the second half of Wed-
nesday night s performance.
Other music students who will
perform in the program are Miss
Becky Thompson, a graduate
student in flute; Miss Laurie
Nicholson, a junior clarinet
student; and Miss Belinda
Bryant, a graduate student in
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November 8, 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Reflections on the death of Steve Biko
Special to the Trends Section
I met Steve Biko only onoe but
I remember him very well. I had
come to South Africa in 1971 to
observe two political trials. Two
years before, in 1969, Biko had
helped to found SASO, the South
African Students Organization,
the first step in what was to
become the Black Consciousness
We met in a room in the tiny
medical school near Durham
which each year graduates ten to
fifteen African, Indian and colour-
ed doctors to serve 20 million.
We talked about black theo-
logy. I argued that black theolo-
gians seemed to be saying that
only blacks were capable of
saving the world.
Biko said that was a distort-
ion. I had to understand that
Africans, Indians and coloured
people in South Africa had first to
free themselves from a sense of
inferiority and dependency on
white liberals. He attacked do-
gooders who dainitd that they
feel the oppression as acutely as
blacks. "Blacks do not need a go
between in this struggle fa their
own emancipation
I was reluctant to hear and to
understand his message and yet
in the end I knew he was right.
His personal strength, serious-
ness and warmth gave me a new
sense of what dialogue and
mutual respect between the races
could mean.
And now Steve Biko is dead,
dead and buried, dead at the age
of 30. Dead from being detained
by the South African police. Dead
from causes that may never be
fully known.
In a .sense, Biko isjust one in
a host of mutilated victims of
Apartheid. But in another sense,
Biko's death is unique. He was
the leading thinker in the Black
Consciousness Movement. A man
who inspired fearlessness in a
people who had been utterly
intimidated by overwhelming
force. Yet he was a man of gentle,
soft-spoken warmtn end grace.
Now the American govern-
ment is joining in the tribute to
Biko and calling fa an investiga-
tion to his death. How ironic.
Calling the rfiurderer to investi-
gate one among its thousands of
How much mae appropriate it
would be to pay attention to what
Biko had called fa: an end to
American investment and loans to
South Africa.
Firefall 'failed in attempt for vinyl versions'
Continued from p. 7
radio results, allowing occasion-
al guitar and sax solos (in the
tradition of Loggins and Mes-
sina), and controlled by the
wistfulness of vocalist Rick Ro-
berts meshed with the roughness
of vocalist Larry Burnett.
?' So Long started the perfor-
mance, with Firefall displaying
two of their very few assets: the
overall vocal harmonies and their
inclination (too often restrained)
to rock. Guitartist Jock Bartley let
it be known who would handle
most of the lead wak throughout
the show. Bartley was at his best
on the looser, mae improvisional
material. But he remains mae
show than virtuoso-repetition is
not the mark of a good guitarist.
Bartley fits well, however, into
, the limited structure of the band.
On "Getaway the slide licks
were stolen directly from ex-
Allman Brother "Dicky" Betts,
but Bartley improved on "No
Way Out" with tasty tena sax
response fron Firefall's recent
addition, David Muse. Muse
(alternating on keyboards, sax,
agan, moog synthesizer, flute
and harmonica) along with drum-
mer Clarke and bassist Mark
Andes lay down a functionable, if
maybe not flashy, rhythm fa the
three guitarists out front.
Firefall kept the mae popular
candy-coated radio songs tight,
usually attempting to reaeate the
vinyl versions live. It failed.
Vocally, numbers like "Just
Remember I Love You "Cin-
derella and "You Are the
Woman" lacked a necessary cae,
and came off as very weak.
Two exceptions were the
Stephen Stills' penned number,
"It Doesn't Matter which was
the song that put the band over
the FM progressive waves, and
'Livin' Ain't Livin which was
heightened by Muse's sax display
in a lengthy solo spot.
The band functions much
better on a looser rock basis. This
was proven on the thrusting
rocker, "Even Steven the har-
monica-centered "Sold On You
and the afaementioied "Livin'
Ain't Livin
With their commercial form-
ula at wak, Firefall descends into
the banal. But as a rockimprovi-
sional band, Firefall has poten-
But in ader to sell tickets at 3
and 5 dollars a hit, an average
band like Firefall has to sell
popular teenage recads. And
that also creates the need to
perfam the hits onstage. Firefall
fails because of that expectation.
anyone who has learned anything
from or taught anything to professor
hal j. daniels is invited to a gathering
at the rathskeller.
sun. nov. 13th 400 p.m.
GINSENG, many values
natural invigorator, a potent
herbal aphrodisiac. All wild
root gathered in the
mountains of North Carolina.
Prices: $12.50 ounce,
$20 two ounces, $150 per
pound. Money back
guarantee. Write to: JAKE
Box 514, Greenville, N.C.
Circle K.
214 Wright Annex
7:30 p.m.
November 9,1977
For more information call
Dr. David B. Stevens - 757-6940
P. O. BOX 1B21
Classic by Gant.
The Traditional Dress Shirt
The authentic button-down shirt by Gant in 65
DUPONT DACRON Polyester35 Cotton
Oxford. Available in our Classic Fit in a choice
of Blue, Cream, Maize, Pink and White.
Attention to correct fashion and quality
is always part of
The Gant Attitude.
on the Mall Downtown Greenville

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD November 8, 1977
Pirates rout Mountaineers 45-14
Sports Editor
In what has to be tbe Pirates
best total efforts of the year, East
Carolina intercepted five passes,
reoovered two fumbles and put 45
points on the board in a rout of
Appalachian State. Coach Dye
has been worried all week about
his team and the negative effects
that the loss to Southwestern
Louisiana might have. He also
had in his mind the beating that
the Mountaineers had put on the
Pirates two years ago in Boone.
In that game the ASU offense
ian all over the Pirate defense
running up a 41-7 led before the
Pirates were able to get anything
ng in an eventual 41-25 rout.
This time however Dye's dreams
were sweet ones as the Pirates
increased their record to eight
wins and two losses. In the
process of winning the Pirates
may have once again put them-
selves in contention fa a bowl bid
of some kind.
The game itself started off
rather bad for the Pirates. After
stopping the Mountaineer offense
Gerald Hall was back to receive a
punt. The punt, was fumbled
however and the Mountaineers
reoovered on the ECU 10 yard
line. After a penalty the ASU
ense got back to the ten and
Robby Price hit Scott McConnell
h a touchdown pass. The kick
Davis was ycoo and the
I 'ountaineers, to the delight of
fans, had 7-0 lead.
Their joy was short lived
owever as the lead lasted only
iong enough for the Pirates to get
the ball. After the kickoff return
of Tony Collins put the ball at the
ECU 31 Southerland showed
some of his wishbone magic. On
first down he took the ball around
the left end to about the 40, where
he pitched back to Eddie Hicks
just before he was hit. Hicks then
in the clear ran all the way for a 69
yard touchdown. In that one play
he had a game high fa the
season. It was also the first time
the outside pitch had waked so
well this year. This tied the scae
at 7-7 after a Junia Creech kick
was good.
A few minutes later Hall made
amends fa the dropped punt. He
intercepted a Robby Price pass at
the ASU 47. From there Leander
Green hit Terry Gallaher fa a 16
yard pass. Then Green kept fa 13
more. Theodae Sutton hit the
middle of the Mountaineer line
fa 15 more to the ASU three. Two
plays later Eddie Hicks scaed his
second touchdown of the day. The
PAT was good and made the
scae 14-7 ECU.
Appalachian then drove from
its own 24 to the East Carolina 31
where the drive fizzled out. The
Mountaineers then tried a fake
field goal pass but it was dropped
turning over the ball to the
The East Carolina offense
then proceeded to drive down
field for another score. Sam
Harrell gained 14 yards on the
first play and on a third and three
from the ASU 45, Sutton broke
lose fa a 22 yard gain to the 23
yard line. The drive ended here
in the Pirates 45-14 victory.
however and Junia Creech hit a
35-yard field goal to make the
After a few plays by Appala-
chian Noah Clark reoovered a
Mountaineer fumble at the ASU
34 yard line. Southerland then
drove the Pirates down field
picking up 15 yards on the first
three downs. Then from the four
yard line Green scaed on a
quarterback keeper around the
right side with about five minutes
left in the half. The Creech kick
was good and the scae became
ECU 24-ASU 7.
Only two plays after the kick
to ASU the Pirates were back in
business. Thomas McLaurin in-
tercepted quarterback Chris
Schwecker at the 42 setting up
another scaing chance. Schwec-
ker was in to replace starting
Mountaineer quarterback Robby
Price who received a neck injury
when he was hit by Harold
Randolph and Noah Clark.
With Southerland at the con-
trols the senia fran Wilmington
N.C. picked up 23 yards himself
and then passed to Terry Gal laher
fa 12 mae. The Pirates received
two five-yard penalties on the
drive but were able to overoome
them with Willie Hawkins going
in fa the soae. This made the
scae at the half after another
Creech PAT, ECU 31-ASU 7.
In the second half a mistake
by Harold Randolph allowed the
Mountaineers to receive the
kickoff when East Carolina could
have received it. The Mountain-
eers drove from their 36 to the
ECU 20. It was here that Willie
Hoi ley intercepted a pass and
returned it to the ECU 47 yard
The Pirates onoe again drove
down field fa the soae. The key
plays in the drive were catches by
Gallaher of 23 and 11 yards. This
put the ball on the ASU two yard
See PIRATES p. 11
Gray excited about season
Staff Writer
If one looked at last year's
ECU basketball won loss reoad,
they would be inclined to be
skeptical about this year's team.
With a 10-18 mark, and a squad of
roundball players that were liter-
ally pushed all over the oourt, one
oould only speculate as to how
good this years team would be. It
was obvious that some changes
needed to be made. Well, some
changes have been made. That o
Larry Gillman being appointed
head ooach to a ship of sinking
Pirates, appears to be the biggest
and best improvement this year.
"I'm very excited about this
year's team, and I expect some
fine perfamances by all of our
players commented Gillman.
One player Gillman is expecting a
great deal from is returning
faward, Herb Gray.
"Herb has the potential and
athletic ability to be as good a
player as he wants, I'll be
expecting a la from him this
season commented Gillman
when asked about the 6'712"
sophomore. "Herb must play
hard, be consistent, and be
continually competitive to really
develop into one of the area's
finest big men
Herb agreed, "I know to
develop into an offensive and
defensive threat, I must wak
hard. I'm in the best physical
shape I've ever been in since I
came to ECU "Even our center,
Greg Canelius can outrun many
smaller players
Despite the fact that Herb has
had a stressed fracture in his
right arch, hehasna let that stop
him from practicing.
I tape it every day and refuse
to sit out practice, I'm na going
to baby my injury, a use it as an
excuse to take it easy, I'm really
fired up into playing this year
So one might ask, "What s
the difference in last years team
and this years?" After a moment
of concentration Herb answered,
"This year we have one of the
best college coaches available, we
have an offensive threat, (that of
oourse being junia transfer Oli-
ver Mack) and we have a team
that is always waking at im-
provement "We have utilized
our fast break, and set up our
man to man defense much
However, a key to all this
might still rest in Coach Gillman
He has tightened up what has
returned from last year, and
developed the 'alent that was
often overlooked. With modest
flare Coach Gillman was quick to
add, "Thisteam is going to shock
an awful la of folks, and when we
surprise Indiana, those same
folks are gonna' sit up and take
As Herb summed it up, "We
have enough good players to
finish with an excellent season,
and the type of coach to get us
Amen, Herb.
SOPHOMORE HERB GRA Y will be a key player for the rejuvenated
Pirate cagers.

November 8, 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Pirates bowl hopes rise with rout
Continued from p. 10)
line. From here Southerland
soared on a keeper. Creech came
in and booted another PAT and
the score stood ECU 38-ASU 7.
Later on in the half the Pirates
Purple -
Assistant Sports Editor
With basketball season nearly
at hand, the East Carolina men's
basketball team will undergo
their first full scrimmage this
Thursday evenina at 7:30.
The annual "Purple-Gold"
game, which will be held in the
gymnasium of D.H. Conley High
School, promises to be the most
exciting ever. A preview to the
upcoming season, ooach Larry
Gillman will use this game to
evaluate his teams progress in
practice this year.
Coach Gillman stressed the
importance of student involve-
ment, and hopes for a big turn out
at the scrimmage.
Spectators will get their first
real look at highly touted Oliver
Mack and a completely rejuvena-
ted Pirate squad.
D.H. Conley is located on
Highway 43 towards Vanoeboro.
Not you an build a nacklaca
of everlasting beauty, increasing
in sentiment and valueinexpen-
sivelyone gold bead at a time
Start with one
bead on a chain
Add-A Gold Bead for
other gift occasion
Floyd G. Robinson
it if Oor. ' , h TtXfcToLH'
had another chance to score when
senior Steve Hale intercepted a
pass at the ASU 40. The drive
only got to the 29. A few plays
later however the Pirates got the
ball back again when Matt Jones
hit the Mountaineer halfback and
he fumbled the ball. D.T. Joyner
recovered for the Pirates at the
nine yard line.
From here the Bucs went in
fa another soore in three plays.
Sam Harrell made the touchdown
from two yards out. The Creech
kick was good for the sixth time
and the soore was ECU 45-ASU 7.
In the fourth quarter ASU got
the ball on the ECU 36 line after
forcing the Pirate offense into a
hole on the three. From there the
Mountaineers push the ball down
to the one where Greg Kilday
scored. This finished out the
scoring fa the day fa both teams
making the final score ECU
45-ASU 14.
The Pirates finished the game
with 363 yards total offense. This
was down however from the 406
that they had at the end of the
third quarta. The younger play-
ers took over in the fourth quarta
but wae unable to move the ball
vay effectively.
Eddie Hicks was the leading
rusha fa the Pirates with three
carries fa 73 yards. Theo Sutton
had seven rushes fa 54 yards.
The two Pirate quarterbacks
Leanda Green and Jimmy South-
aland combined fa 60 yards
passing ai eight of ten attempts
with no intaoeptions.
The Pirate defense was out-
standing to say the least. The
Pirate defense picked off five
passes and reoovaed two fum-
bles in a great effat.
The win raised the Pirates
bowl hopes which wae thought at
one time to be gone. Develop-
ments ova the weekend changed
things a bit and a win ova
William and Mary this weekend
might earn the Pirates sane kind
of bowl invitation. Nothing is
known at this time howeva just
what East Carolina's chances are
fa a bowl bid. It is only known
that they do exist.
Oil Chanqe, Oil Fjlter Grease Job $9.99
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Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD November 8, 1977
Don't forget
Who knowssome day, you too
could become a collector's item
A Professional Photographer
Will Be On Campus On
Monday, Nov. 21st and
Tuesday Nov. 22nd to Take
Group Portraits FREE !
In a few weeks color proofs will
be sent to your organizational
address. You may purchase color
prints later. This will be your
Buccaneer photo, so make your
appointments now!
Call 757-6501 -6502 and ask for
Susan for further information.
tors ?
FOR SALE: TB-700 Yamaha
Cassette Deck wddby, peakes
limiter, mike or line recording
capabilities. 1 yr. old, very little
use, calibrated and serviced by
Team Electronics 1 wk. ago.
Retail 275.00, sacrafice 200.00.
Call Hill at 758-7670 or 752-6130.
FOR SALE: 1 Sansui 5050 receiv-
er 1 pair Audioanalyst A-76X
speakers, and 1 Sony TC-1866D
cassette deck. All under one year
old and in excellent oond. $550 fa
entire system. Cost $780.00 new.
Call 752-9778.
FOR SALE: Nikkor 200 mm f4.0
telephoto lens $150.00. Nikkor 28
mm f3.5 wide angle $100.00.
Call 758-1906.
FOR SALE: Two Hi-quality stereo
systems. Call Bill at 752-6733
after 5 p.m. Leave message or
keep trying. (You make an offer).
FOR SALE: New! Waltham 5-
function quartz digital. Regular
$175 will sell for $80 or trade fa
good used 10-speed. Call Lou.
FOR SALE: '71 Toyota Cadla
2-dr. AC, needs carburetor
work. $425 a trade - see Terry at
1406 Broad St.
far icnt jffi
$65 monthly rent plus utilities.
Call 752-1702.
FOR RENT: Roommate needed
fa trailer, completely furnished
at Azalea Gardens Trailer Park.
Call 758-6055 a 752-8163.
sale. Light cola. Maybe early
Xmasgift? Available Nov. 16 but
call now. 752-1026 after 600 p.m.
MISSING: A wooden . Bandsaw
Box was removed from the Wood
Studio (Rm 114 Jenkins Art
Blgd.) on Sun. a Mai. This box
was a graduation present to a
close friend. It was also a needed
piece in my portfolio. If anyone
knows anything about this box,
please contact Biff Bream in J-114
a call 756-6450. NO QUESTIONS
ASKED. I will even make you
another box if you will return this
MUSICIANS: Rock band needs
bass and keyboards, vocals are a
plus. 758-3409.
Anyone interested in a Jazz jam
contact: Whitey at the Line
752-7303 a 752-7901.
LOST: A gold aoss necklace,
it means aia to me because of
sentimental value! The aoss is
gold, about an inch long with
carved lines on it. Please call
758-8561 if found. A reward will
be given.
ALTERATIONS: Fall things too
big, too long? Call Kathy 752-
8444 a 752-8642.
vioe, .75 cents a page. Call Laura
at 752-9207 anytime.
TYPING: Excellent service. .75 to
$1 call Pam at 757-6852 (Day) a
756-0211 (Night).

Fountainhead, November 8, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 08, 1977
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