The East Carolinian, April 18, 1985

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?hc lEast (Earnltntan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.59 No.55
Thursday, April 18, 1985
Greenville, N.C.
14 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Citizens Offer Selection Input
The entrance to Wright Auditorium will soon be accentuated by
chandeliers as another phase of the building's renovations draws to
a close.
Newt Editor
A wide variety of citizens from
eastern North Carolina met with
members of the UNC Board of
Governors' Advisory Search
Committee Tuesday to express
their views on the selection of a
new UNC system president. The
meeting was one of a number of
meetings scheduled throughout
the state to obtain citizens' views
about the new president.
The Advisory Search Commit-
tee has been charged with the
responsiblity of finding a replace-
ment for UNC system President
William Friday, who will retire
following the 1985-86 school
All those speaking expressed a
desire for the committee to ad-
dress the concerns of the eastern
region of the state.
"We are grateful for the ex-
cellent support ECU has given to
our community said Edward
Walker, Chairman of the Pitt-
Greenville Chamber of Com-
merce. "It is relevant that we
continue the emphasis on higher
education and what it can do for
our area. We need a president
sensitive to the needs of this par-
ticular region
Jerry Powell of Branch Bank-
ing and Trust Co also stressed
the importance of a president
who is sensitive to the needs of
the region, stating that the com-
munity "looks to the university
for a great deal of leadership
SGA President John Rainey
said he feels Friday has done an
excellent job of maintaining com-
munications with UNC student
leaders and students "would ap-
preciate continued access" to the
new president.
The need for a president with
academic and administrative ex-
perience and accomplishments
was stressed by Stella Daugherty
of the ECU Math Department.
She said the candidate "should
have an earned doctorate, be
politically astute but not
necessarily a politician, have tact,
judgement and a commitment to
the advancement of the institu-
tion as a whole
Larry Hough of the Depart-
ment of Political Science concur-
red, adding that the person
should be "humane, intelligent,
pragmatic, reasonable, sym-
pathetic and compassionate He
also said the candidate should
have teaching and research ex-
perience and an understanding of
students and faculty and their
Hough went on to say that a
UNC president should be able to
"obtain untapped resources of
the state from public and private
sources and distribute them fairh
and equitably
ECU History Professor Henry
Ferrell said "she should probabiy
be a flexible person Ferrell said
"we are captives of the past" and
pointed out the increased poten-
tial for tension in the UNC
system. "I fear for the UNC
system he said. "The structure
that have served us in the past
may not serve us in the future
To counteract these problems.
Ferrell said a UNC president
should allow diversity, "commit
to the unusual or experimental
and have increasing concern
about administrative accoun-
tability "
Furthermore, said Tom
Caldwell of Elizabeth City State
University, he should have "the
patience of Job, the per-
suasiveness of Clarence Darrow
and the ability to hop, skip and
jump like a Louisiana bullfrog
Social Activists Battle Ideals, Reality In Beating System
"Universities are training
camps for yuppies said former
'60s activist Abbie Hoffman
Tuesday night in Hendrix
Not so, said Jerry Ruben, a
former yippie who's gone yuppie.
Education is vital for young peo-
ple to go out and find jobs, he
said, "and money equals
Battling the ideas of idealism
versus the ideas of what reality is,
the two men debated their
philosophy of life. Each fried to
convince the other how he
thought the system could be
"The '60s are 15 years old. Let
them be; let them die Ruben
said, clad in his business suit,
and, of course, flashing his credit
card. "In the '80s we are an in-
side society which can only
work if the baby boomers ? a
major source of the yippie move-
ment of the '60s ? unite and get
in the system to change the
system, Ruben said.
At the opposite end of the issue
was Hoffman ? hardly what
anyone would call a Hippie. "I
don't wear freaky clothes. I don't
do drugs. I don't have long hair.
The designer brains have a lot of
unfinished business because
their priorities are in Rolexes and
Perrier. "They can have their
fashion Hoffman said.
"Besides, the next word after
fashion is fascist
While Hoffman said he
believes the only way to change
America is to become active,
"not radioactive Ruben simply
said that everyone becomes active
by becoming a part of the infor-
mation age, not the industrial
age, which he said was the
downfall of the Democratic party
in last year's presidential elec-
tions. "The active people
today Ruben said, "are the
professional people Hoffman
replied, "But how are you going
to tell a woman living in Harlem
with lO children" to go sell com-
puters? "Also, once college
students know that trjey can take
risks and begin questioning the
administration's motives, then
can they begin to shake the
Ruben's believes the '60s
counter-culture failed because of
the lack of funds to support the
cause. Therefore, many people
sought employment and entered
the Yuppie movement
"There is another power
besides money Hoffman said.
"The whole Yuppie image is
nothing more than a guilt trip; a
guilt trip because if you don't
succeed, you feel guilty
While both admitted that
America has many problems,
Hoffman does not see that the
answer is in terms of dollars.
"That is a step backwards" he
said. "Education has cheated us
in that they never told us about
the problems with blacks or con-
centration camps. We didn't find
out about those things until we
got of school. Don't pick the
lesser of two eils so that it
becomes the two evils of the
Ruben's forcast of America in-
cluded the election of a Yuppie
president in 1988. as well as the
increase of the number of college
students who will become Yup-
pies. "The yuppie will use
televison to inspire others and
by doing so, "create a society
that heartless Republicans don't
care about
"Where is the Woodstock of
today? I don't trust anvone under
And The Saga Continues
30 and I think college campuses
are nothing more than seething
hotbeds for social unrest Hoff-
man said.
The movement of the '60s
brought about many changes that
have benefitted many people,
both said. However, women's
liberation and concerns about
health did not arise from the pro-
testing '60s activitists were noted
for, Ruben said, because
businesses opened their doors to
make these opportunities
The debate, sponsored by the
ECU Forum Committee, wa-
moderated by Theater Arts facu-
ly member Rick Rhodes.
Emory's Contract Questioned
(UPI) ? Fired ECU Football
coach Ed Emory claims the
university cut off his salary and
benefits before his contract ex-
pired in an attempt to force him
to drop a $1.2 million lawsuit
against the school.
"I don't see how they can stop
paying me when there are three
year: left on my contract
Emory said. "They do better
than that for assistant coaches
University officials said in a
March 22 letter that the school
was obligated to keep paying
Emory only if his contract was
mutually terminated, and that
payments would be cut off if
Emory did not sign a statement
by April 15. Emory refused to
sign the statement.
"AJthough I hate to say so, I
suspect the letter was written to
try and put me in a position from
which 1 could not proceed with
my lawsuit Emory wrote in a
letter to the university. "Neither
I, nor the priniciples this lawsuit
seeks to establish can be bought
so cheaply
Emory said Tuesday economic
pressure forced him to move his
wife to Memphis, Tenn where
he is a volunteer coach for the
Memphis Showboats, and to put
his Greenville house on the
"1 don't have any hospitaliza-
tion. I don't have any retirement.
I've got four kids in school. I
don't see how they can do this
Emory said.
University officials fired
Emory Dec. 10, and in a letter
signed by Chancellor John
Howell, said the school would
Student Services Expanded,
Plans Begin For New Wing
pay his salary for the remaining
contract period, or until he was
hired by another employer.
As an alternative, the school
offered to pay Emory through
Jan. 31 and pay him a lump sum
settlement of $50,000.
But Emory files suit, charging
that ECU officials breached his
contract, maliciously fired him,
caused him severe emotional pro-
blems and libeled and slandered
A motion filed Monday in Pitt
County Superior Court by the
State Attorney General's office,
which represents the school,
seeks the suit's dismissal, saying
the court lacks jurisdiction in the
case and the suit fails to state
claims that could be granted.
"Srwi VMlor
Students living on West Cam-
pus may not have to walk to Col-
lege Hill for their meals in the fall
of 1987 if a proposed addition to
Mendenhall Student Center is
According to Rudolph Alex-
ander, associate dean and direc-
tor of University Unions, the
20,000 square foot planned addi-
tion will include a full-service
dining facility, meeting rooms,
offices and a remodeled snack
Elmer Meyer, vice chancellor
for Student Life, said the need
for the addition has been ap-
parent for some time. "One of
the things happening is that Col-
lege Hill's dining facilities are no
longer sufficient to meet the
needs of students who want to eat
more than snack foods he said.
"We know students who have
meal plans and live on West
Campus cancel out because they
don't want to walk to College
Hill for their meals
The planned dining facility
would seat 400. A dining consul-
tant has been meeting with Alex-
ander and Meyer this week to
discuss plans for the addition.
Alexander said he feels the snack
bar should be remodeled to
"make it more inviting
The cost of the project is
estimated at approximately $3
million. Alexander said some of
the money would be provided
from a reserve fund, some from
dining service profits and some
from a student fee increase. "The
fee increase is not likely to be ex-
orbitant Meyer said, adding
that students have said they
would be willing to pay the extra
money to obtain a new dining
Currently, the addition is just
in the planning process. The
university has asked that it be in-
cluded in the 1985-87 UNC
budget and financed in the
1986-87 budget.
"It is my understanding that
the project has been tentatively
Sorority and fraternity members spent their Tuesday rocking in front of the student supply store to raise
money for charity. The event was part of Greek Week.
Plan Begins In Fall
Quiet Areas Established
approved to get underway after
July 1, 1986 Alexander said.
He added that if construction
were to proceed on schedule, the
addition would be operating in
the fall of 1987.
Suff Writer
The approval of a designated
quiet area in ECU dorms has
been approved by Student Hous-
ing Operations and the Student
Residence Association, said Dan
Wooten, director of housing
operations. The quiet areas will
go in effect this fall.
Originally proposed by SRA in
the spring of 1983, the proposal
was well received by the students.
"We are developing two sec-
tions, one for men and one for
women Wooten said. "If there
is enough interest, then we will
increase the facilities for quiet
The designated areas will in-
clude the back area of Jones
Dorm for male residents and the
sixth floor of Fletcher Hall for
female residents. "This is a step-
by-step process that the universi-
ty will need to grow into
Wooten said.
The original proposal recom-
mended that an entire dorm be
set aside as a quiet area. But ill
feelings arose when some
students felt it would be unfair
for them to have to move out of
their dorms. Jarvis and Fleming
were previously considered for
quiet areas.
Associate Dean of Residence
Life Carolyn Fulghum said the
university has offered the same
program to ECU fraternities and
sororities who do not have com-
mon housing. She stressed that
the approved quiet areas will be
open to "any students who are
interested in them and not just
for honor students
Students who live in the new
quiet areas have received infor-
mation from the Office of Hous-
ing Operations explaining op-
tions available to them. Notices
have also been circulated
throughout the residence halls in-
forming residents of the decision,
Fulghum said.
On The Inside
Announcements2 ?The East Carolinian will
Editorials4 donate ail proceeds from the
Entertainment7 sale of classifieds in our April
Classifieds11 23 paper to aid victims of
Sports12 famine in Africa. Bay a
classified, feed a child.
?For all the latest and hottest
?Barefoot on the Mall start at sports news, see the classy pro-
noon today. For details, see duction of Rick McCormac
News, page 6. and Scott Cooper, page 12.
ip mi M? i mm

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APRIL 18, 1985
Pirate Walk
is now accepting applications for Director,
Ass director, and Treasure positions tor this
tall semester All staff members who are in
terested in applying please do so
Fear of Finals
The ECU Counseling Center is offering a
free Preparing For Finals Workshop to
assist students who experience high levels of
stress which interfere with test perfor
mance Methods of relaxation will be taught
and practiced and strategies for taking
various types of finals will be covered The
workshop will meet on April 17 19,22?3-4
p m 305 Wright Annex Since the workshop
will involve skill building students should
plan to attend all sessions For more mfor
-nation call the ECU Counseling Center
I 757 66611 or stop by room 307 Wright Annex
Sigma Tau Gamma
AN greeks1 Sigma Tau Gamma is selling
'he official Greek Week Cup! Get yours
before it's too late! See any brother or little
sster and have a great week cause it's great
to be greek!
We hao a great trunout at our final
meeting newly elected officers are Andy
VY h.te President Reggie MccarnVie
President Pam Harrington Secretary
Kafhy Edgerton Comptroller Marta Rand
Student Contact Roseann Blum Telefuno
Coordinator Brain Burke Tours coor
dmator cngratulations! Please don't forget
Aiumn. Day April 20 We need everyone's
participation End Of Year party is April 22
Call Teresa for more information
Full-Time Jobs
General Supply Specialists Budget
m . s' Personnel Management Specialist
Cos' Analyst. Public Affairs Specialist
Opening Date April 15 losing Date April 26
Apo; cations from Headquareter Air Force
ogistics Command Aright Patterson AF B.
On.o 45433 Job description on the Govern
mental Opportunities Shelf at the Career
p ann g ano placement Office
Gamma Beta Phi
Honor Society
A I hole induction Ceremonies at the
Ramada inn on Thurs April 16 at 7 p m All
members are urged to attend There will
also be a meeting on April 18, 7 pm. in
? s Audiofium
Honor Board
a be a meeting Thurs Apr ' 18th
Mendennall rm 244 for all students in-
?eresta in being on the Honor board for
??85 86 school year.
Ba'ter up Registration for the IRS home
rn oerby will be held April 9 11. The com
peti'ion will take place on the Lady Pirate
Sofbaii Field adiacen' to the Baseball field.
Look for the ac'on April 18 For more info
call '57 6387 or come by room 204 Memorial
Bym Bring ,our own pitcher
Epsilon Pi Tau
will hold Its spring initiation Banquet for
iev -embers on Fn? April 19 at 5:45 p.m.
Tie initiation will be held in room 244
Menoenhali ano dinner will follow at the
Ramaoa inn initiates must attend in order
to attain membership Banquet reservations
with S8 50 must be received by April 15.
State Government
Positions are available for minorities and
women interested m State Government.
Students should be majors in public ad-
ministration, biology or education For more
information contact Cooperative Education,
Rawi 313
Position available with local manufac-
turer for June Dec full time Students
should be a manufacturing majors and have
a 2 8 GPA Contact Co op Office in 313 Rawl

Aerobic Classes
Drop in and shape your exam blues away
with intramural aerobic fitness classes.
Begmnning April 23 May 1 the classes will be
held in room 10a memorial gym at 4 p m and
5 15
Beta Nu
Beta Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau will
conduct its Spring Induction Ceremony on
April 13, at 11 am in the Jenkins
Auditorium The speaker will be Eldean
Peirce. a faculty member at the School of
Nursing Topic Sigma Theta Tau and you:
partners in excellence
Also, the Annual Spring Banquet on April
18 at 7 p m Registraiton fee Is 111. Dr Max
ine Loom.s from the University or SC. will
speak on Practice Relevant Research
Development Please see any member for
registration information
NC Student Legislature
NCSL will meet Mon April 22 at 7 in
Mendenhail Coffeehouse This is the last
meeting this school year and is very imnpor
tant We will discuss the Mid-exam jam to
be held Sat, the 27 and the ECU delegation
summer retreat All memers are expected to
participate in the NCSL rent an argument
table at Barefoot On the mall Arguments at
the NCSL table will cost 25 cents per minute
ECU Women's Chorus
To all music lovers The ECU Women's
Chorus will be presenting their Spring Con
cert Wed afternoon April 17 at 4 in Fletcher
Auditorium Come out and lend an ear! Eddie
Lupton is a fantastic director!
ECU Surf Team
There will be a contest this Sun at the
islander Motel in Emerald Isle between
ECU and UNC Chapel Hill The contest will
run from about 10 1. Come out with a cooler
and eniov a day at the beach watching the
action There will also be a happy hour next
Tues April 23 from 3 7 at the Attic Videos of
the team trip to Hafteras Easter and of the
upcoming contest will be shown A brand
new surf movie Tales of the 7 Seas' will also
be shown on the 15 foot tv screen Celebrate
the last day of classes and be there!
Golden Girl Tryouts
Come to the Music Building lobby Sat ,
April 20 at 10 with lots of energy for Golden
Girl tryouts Practice will be Sat from 10 12
and 1 3 and Sun. from 1-3. Tryouts will be
Sun at 4 Hope to see ya there.
Gamma Beta Phi
Move A Thon sponsor sheets are now
available in Dr Dunlops office, Brewster A
317 All new members must have a sheet to
raise their funds The Move A Thon is sat
April 20 A reminder: the 2nd Gamma Beta
Phi party is Arpn lvatvp m at the Kingston
Place Clubhouse Members and guests are
welcome for Si each
Video Games Contest
The Student union REereaton Committee
is sponsoring a video Games Contest, going
on now until Fri April 19, at 10 p.m. during
regular operating hours of MSC. All ECU
students, Faculty, staff and their dependents
are eligible to participate. The (lightest
scorer on each machij? ?t th en of the
allotted time Will receive ? troptty. Contact
the bimards Center iff Mendenrtott for more
Summer School Employment
Employment is available to qualified per-
sons enrolled in summer shcool who art In-
terested inbecomlng: Personal care atten-
dants to students in wheelchairs, Readers,
Proofreaders, Tutors. For further deatlls,
contact: Office of Handicapped Student Ser-
vices, 212 Whlchard Building, ECU, Green
ville. NC 27134. 919-757-4799.
Friends University
will hold an unprogramed meeting for
Worship on Sun April 21 at 10:30 a.m. In the
Gazebo Area of the ECU Campus. Very In-
formal Bring blanket or lawn chair to sit on.
in case of rain it will be held at 107 N. Meede
st vistors welcomed
Lighten your loadl
Carry cash instead of books!
All Campus Party
This Fri. from 3 7 p m will be truckloads
of free golden beverage. Get your raffle
tickets for a Peugot Cruiser from any Phi
Tau Brother. Entertainment supplied by
Nantuckef and Maxx Warrior No rain, No
Honors Program
There will be a study break for all
members of the honors program on April 26
starting at 8 p m in the honors lounge Bring
a dollar for the videos and munchies invite a
Theatre Arts Committee
A reminder that there will be a meeting on
April 24 at 4 in rm 241 Mendenhail
Parking at Minges
Owe to the festivities of the purple and gold
weedend, the parking lots for Minges Col
iseum, Pirates's club, sports medicine, and
scales field house will be closed on April 19
and 20 It will be necessary that your vehicle
be out of these lots by 11 p m. on April 18
Any vehicle left in these lots will have to be
Alpha Beta Alpha
Library science is not dead yet on the ECU
campus! Alpha Beta Alpha, the library
science honor society, will be selling buttons
and baked goods during Bare001 on the Mall
this Thurs . April 18 to raise money for new
projects, all providing more from Joyner
Librarv for the ECU Community Stop by
and find out what's going on with Joyner and
Alpha Beta Alpha we'll be looking for you on
the mall!
ECU Campus Crusade
For Christ
It's high time rather, a Prime Time' for
you to join this Thurs, night' Campus
Crusade will be meeting this Thurs night at
8 p m in the auditorium, Jenkins Art
Building Come by and meet your neighbors
and find out how lives have been changed for
the better See you there!
Psi Chi
All new officers are required to meet with
the executive committee, April 18 in the Psi
Chi library at 6 p m Remember also that
scholarship applications are due April 17
New members will be notified by Fri of the
induction date and time
Proudk Presents
Thursday ? Saturday, April 18th - 20th
Nightly Events:
Thur . April 18th - FREE BEER NITE
'Frev draff tstll 30. Haajeaj Hour 1 I 30 til closing
Fri . April 19th ? SHAG CONTEST ? ($200 00-First Prize.
$100 00 2nd Prize.
$50 00 3rd Prip)
Sat April 20th ? SOCK HOP t?me rn?pifawflllij socks at the
door & twist the niqht auav'
Don't Drive! Call the Xihxtu Jui 758-557
Cocyignr "985
Kroger Saw en
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Items and Prices .
600 Greenville Blvd. ? Greenville

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?NeBw Thru Sat
?? 27 1985
- - . - 31 ar ne prescpon - the - Qe- ohaa , !
A wide
. complishmerKv &J
? outgoing SGA P-
Rainey while dc
in office Rajne
' ed by David Browr.j
sworn in Saturday
"I hope 1.
duties c Rail
preciate the conl
dent bod ha
ding me the oppor
as their repre
Rainey said
were based 01
pening during
legislator 1 ork
puter systei
President) Pa
ed that that vt
would reach a
carried or
The SGA c
tion network wa
semester : t
obtain anc strife
more ei(.
Rainey said in I
conference was u
major priorities
groups that receive
ding die
to explain wa-
ding and 1 m
the turnout "
One p- gi tm Ra.
feel ha beer.
the boo ik exchang
neer got ff tl a I
we wanted it I
ferent things
all about
The idea for the b
program and a vari
ideas were obtained
government as
ference which R
He sent representatr
In Do
Doors 0
Concert Al
244 for
being on
85-86 sc!

HP ??
I irsl Priie
'?t-u Sat
I'd Greenville
ipsy Doodle
ICorn Chips
i 3
jmer Sausage
?uctch Garden
Sweet Mustard
items and Prices
Effective Thru Sat
April 27 1985
her Pharmacy with this coupon j
ter Kroger Stores not eitgtbie I
APRI1 18. !98
Rainey Remembers Regime
ew, Mitor
wide variety of ac-
complishments are cited by
outgoing SGA President John
Rainc) while describing his term
in office. Rainey will be succeed-
ed b David Brown, who will be
sworn in Saturday.
"1 hope I've discharged my
duties well Rainey said. "I ap-
v:ute the confidence the stu-
dent bod has shown me in affor-
ding me the opportunity to serve
a their representative
Rainey said all the goals he set
were based on what he saw hap-
pening during his time as an SGA
eg slator. "1 worked on the com-
uter system with (1983-84 SGA
President) Paul Naso and I decid-
ed that that would be one goal I
would reach and I did. I hope it's
carried on by other presidents
The SGA computer informa-
network was installed this
semester to enable the SGA to
obtain and distribute information
re efficiently.
Rainey said initiating a budget
tference was another of his
major priorities. "Many of the
groups that received SGA fun-
ding didn't know the
procedures he said. "1 wanted
to explain ways to receive fun-
ding and 1 was very pleased with
the turnout
One program Rainey does not
feel has been very successful is
the book exchange program. "It
neer got off the ground the way
we wanted it to, but trying dif-
ferent things is what the SGA is
all about
The idea for the book exchange
program and a variety of other
ideas were obtained at a student
government association con-
ference which Rainey attended.
He sent representatives this year
and feels that it has benefitted the
university greatly. "The con-
ference is important in that we
not only work here at school, but
that we also meet with our peers
to discuss our problems with
them he said.
Despite complaints, Rainey
does not feel the legislature has
been significantly apathetic this
year. "When people complained
about the legislature's apathy,
that could in part be attributed to
their youngness and newness
he said. "They have good rap-
port with the students and project
a good image
Rainey said he found it
especially gratifying to get
freshmen involved in the SGA.
"Our best example is Lisa Car-
roll he said. Carroll has served
as freshman class president and
will serve as SGA Secretary next
"One of the most gratifying
things is to see a young person
come in and take the initiative she
has he said.
Rainey said he has especially
enjoyed his work with ECU's
Board of Trustees. "One of the
most important things is for the
SGA president to sit on that
board and project a good image
of the student body he said.
His experience as SGA presi-
dent. Rainey said, has furthered
his appreciation for ECU. "I'm
appreciative of this school he
said. "It is a statewide institu-
tion, one of the heavyweights
Following graduation, Rainey
will attend Campbell University's
School of Law. He said he in-
tends to remain active in universi-
ty affairs. "As years go on, I
hope to give as much back to
ECU as it has given to me he
Rainey said the person he is
most grateful to is David Brooks,
East Carolina Coins & Pawn
Corner 10th & Dickinson Ave
We Buv Gold & Silver
All Transactions Confidential
?o?s Buy?Sell?Trade c0'
TPes. 752-0322 fi&
Pirate Walk
is officially ended
as of April 22nd.
This Way Up
In Downtown Greenville
Free Concert
Saturday, April 20
Doors Open At 8:00
Concert At 9:00
1985-86 Honor Board
There will be a meeting
Thursday April 18th at 4:00 in
Mendenhall Student Center Room
244 for all students interested in
being on the Honor Board for the
85-86 school year.
Classifieds For Africa
All proceeds from classifieds of the
April 23rd paper will be donated to
aid famine victims in Ethiopia.
Buy A Classified
Feed A Child
who worked with him on his cam
paign and has also worked with
him this year.
As for his advice to Davic
Brown, "work hard, but alwavs
be able to get away from it ?
from time to time you have to get
away for a couple of hours, you
have to realize who you are and
be yourself
1007 E. 5TH


















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?he Cant Carolinian
Serving the E "t Carolina campus community since 1925
TOM NORTON, General Manager
GREG HIDEOUT, Managing Editor
Jennifer Jendrasiak, mm & Tom Luvender. Directorof Advertising
Scott Cooper, co spans Editor Anthony Martin, Business Manager
Tina Maroschak, ssw John Peterson, cmmmmm
Bill Mitchell, on !??? Bill Dawson, production Manager
DORIS RANKINS, Secretary RlCK MCCORMAC, Co-Sports Editor
Daniel Maurer, r -i -imn - b? DeChanile Johnson. ,4,
April 18, 1985
Page 4
World Hunger
5w A Classified, Feed A Child
A few months ago, in fact in the
Nov. 29, 1984 edition of The East
Carolinian, we addressed one of
the most serious problems facing
the world ? hunger. Starvation.
Fortunately, the subject had been
deemed newsworthy by the press
establishment because of the
famine occurring in Ethiopia, and
we began to hear the gruesome
details of emaciated tribesman
walking hundreds of miles to relief
stations. We have since learned
famine conditions in Africa had
been known to some for years.
Why had no one done anything?
Well, it's time to start now.
With the recent recordings by
Band Aid and USA For Africa, we
realize that no problem brings out
the human capacity to care more
than hunger. Not the arms race,
not the U.S. national debt, not
raising the drinking age. Hunger
should be an anachronism in our
world of plenty. But it is not.
So, The East Carolinian, under
a plan devised by General Manager
Tom Norton, will give all the pro-
ceeds of the Tuesday, April 23 edi-
tion's classified ads to the cause of
fighting hunger in Africa. It is our
last paper of the spring semester.
We hope every student, staff
member and professor will come
by our offices located across from
Joyner Library in the Old South
Building and buy an ad. For
students the price is two bucks and
for non-students the cost is three
If you have a message for so-
meone or just a regular help
wanted or roommate ad ? that's
fine. But if not, come by anyway
and buy one. You can fill it out
with a message about world
hunger, such as, "I want to help
feed the world A dollar or two
may not seem like much, but,
believe us, they will add up and
make a difference. By buying an
East Carolinian classified ad, you
will show the world and our com-
munity that ECU cares. But most-
ly, you will get satisfaction because
you showed yourself that you
Our contribution, coupled with
the efforts of countless others, is
helping to solve the short-term
problem. Today, we are feeding
the thousands of people we've seen
on the evening news ? the walking
skeletons with big, hollow eyes.
We are hoping to avoid viewing
again the other pictures ? dead,
fly-infested bodies piled on top of
each other, mothers crying because
they can't feed their babies.
But the future calls for many
tough decisions. We must firmly
stand behind an effort to pull the
Third World up to our level of ex-
istence. This, of course, will not
happen overnight, but it will never
occur if we don't start to plan.
First, we must again emphasize
the teaching of farming techniques
that will make Third World coun-
tries self-sufficient. We can't do it
alone. Other industrialized nations
of all political ilks must join in the
cause. In a world with countries
that march to different drummers,
this won't be easy. But with our
country in the lead, we can en-
courage famine-struck countries to
look after their own people first.
There is no feeling like being
hungry. Few Americans have ex-
perienced the total despair that
comes with knowing you having
nothing ? nothing ? to eat. We
are a lucky and privileged people;
we owe it to the world to share a
little bit of our good fortune.
Please, buy a classified, feed a
J?W Hospital
ASpKL ok brTO Bo-
College Press se
Happy Birthday, Vladimir
The East Carolinian would like
to officially commend outgoing
SGA President John Rainey for
the great job he has done during
the past year. Rainey carried out
his responsibilities well as the
students' number one represen-
tative and showed a marked con-
cern for all of his constituents.
John Rainey, thanks for giving
your time and energy to the
students of ECU. Your office was
always open ? something we all
appreciated. The campus will miss
your leadership.
April 22 is the 115th anniversary of
the birth of the founder of the Soviet
Union, Vladimir Ilyitch Ulyanov, who
called himself Lenin.
In Moscow the occassion is observed
with surprising restraint, given the Rus-
sians' quotidian deification of the man.
There are newspaper articles, meetings
and speeches in his honor ? small stuff
compared to the ostentatious celebra-
tions of May Day and Revolution Day.
Nevertheless, the cult of Lenin thrives.
As one of Moscow's many billboards
proclaims, "Lenin Is More Alive Than
All The Living
One way the Soviets manifest Lenin's
immortality is through his tomb. His
embalmed body is displayed in a
magisterial mausoleum just outside the
Kremlin Wall. Four days a week people
are permitted to view the body. One
must wait in line for two hours or more,
directed by brusque police and KGB
guards not to smile or laugh, to tuck in
stray shirttails, to remove one's hat and
one's hands from one's pockets ? to
observe a decorum that is observed
nowhere else in Moscow.
The mausoleum, a squat, square-
topped pyramid of black and redish
stone, was inspired in part by the
mausoleum of Tamerlane. According to
a book by Nina Tumarkin, Lenin Lives
the idea of embalming the revered leader
may have come from the discovery in
Luxor, 15 months before Lenin's death,
of the tomb of Tutankhamen.
More influential still was the Russian
Orthodox tradition of making relics of
its saints, connected with the doctrine of
the resurrection of the flesh, which holds
that if a body does not decay after death
it is that of a saint.
Shortly after Lenin's death in 1924,
the scientist responsible for the embalm-
ing remarked proudly: "The Russian
Church had claimed that it was a miracle
that its saints' bodies endured and were
incorruptible. But we have performed a
feat unknown to modern science We
worked four months and we used certain
chemicals known to science. There is
nothing miraculous about it Science
could now do for a secular saint what
God once did.
The immediate interior of the
mausoleum is a dim chamber of black
marble; one follows a dark stairway
down into the inner crypt, at the center
of which sits a glass-lidded sarcophagus.
Lenin's form ? or as many believe, a
likeness ? is bathed in roseate light. The
expression on his face is pained, or
perhaps concerned. His right hand is
clenched in a loose fist at his side, his left
hand extended. At every step there is a
guard bearing a gun. One departs a bit
dazed by the political kitsch of it all.
Outside the monument are buried
some of the renowned figures of the
Soviet Union and international com-
munism. Like the czars before them, the
leaders of the nation ? from Stalin
(who, from 1953 to 1961, lay embalmed
beside Lenin within the mausoleum) to
Andropov ? are buried in the ground.
Never is a leader cremated. Lesser
dignitaries are, however; they are placed
in urns in the Kremlin Wall. (Those of a
still less exalted rank, such as the depos-
ed Nikita Khrushchev, are immured in
the Novodevichy cemetery on the out-
skirts of Moscow.)
Symbolism breeds symbolism, and
Westerners often find it irresistible. In
1940 the poet Robert Service published
"The Ballad of Lenin's Tomb which
read in part:
They tell you he's a mummy ? don't
you make that bright mistake.
I tell you ? he's a dummy; aye, a fic-
tion and
a fake.
Writing in rather a more earnest vein,
in the British journal Encounter, the
philosopher Leszek Kolakowski con-
cluded a recent essay on the "collapse of
the Soviet empire" with the reflection,
"It might turn out one day that Lenin's
mummy in the Kremlin mausoleum is in
fact made of wax
This prompted one reader to write in
with a tale about an alleged attack on
Lenin's sarcophagus by Estonian
dissidents in early 1980, resulting in the
lopping off of Lenin's nose.
During a recent visit to Moscow I
walked to Red Square very early in the
morning. Several inches of snow had
fallen overnight. Even at this hour there
was a small throng of Russians standing
before Lenin's mausoleum, dodging the
trucks outfitted with snow shovels bar
reling around the square at top speed.
Some of the people appeared to be
peasants from the provinces, some were
tourists and some seemed to have
nothing better to do. They had come to
watch the changing of the guard, which
takes place every hour precisely on the
hour. The entrance to the mausoleum is
guarded round the clock by two young
soldiers who stand rigid and unblinking
Atop the mausoleum an old woman,
dressed in a dark-gray work uniform,
was sweeping the snow from the ledges
and pilasters with a broom made of
birch twigs. Gradually, she worked her
way to the front of the sepulcher, where
Lenin's name is inscribed in large block
Directly below her stood the two
guards in fine gray coats and caracul
hats, their faces flushed with cold. As
the Kremlin bell tower struck the hour,
the two were relieved by two others, with
mechanical precision.
Oblivious to the ritual ? or perhaps
taking a secret pleasure in some ir-
reverence ? the babushka continued to
whisk the snow, which landed squarely
on the guards' high Slavic cheekbones.
The guards endured the torrent without
flinching, and the crowd laughed
(Joseph Finder is the author of Red
tc). IMS. I wtrd Iratara ??4?c?i lac
Gorbachev Offers Real Hope For Detente
With the recent appointment of
Mikhail Gorbachev as general secretary
of the Soviet Communist party, a deluge
of speculative essays has been unleashed
from all quarters ? right, left and
center. The right argues that the Soviet
system is so totalitarian and bent upon
world domination that no substantive
changes can be made in it no matter who
its leader is. Moderates argue that since
Gorbachev is the first Soviet leader since
Lenin to be well-educated and the first
one in recent times to have risen to pro-
minence during the post-Stalin period,
there is a real possibility that his leader-
ship will transform U.SSoviet rela-
From The Left
Jay Stone
In reality, there is some truth to both
of these views, yet they both fail to ad-
dress the real issues that will determine
the future course of the Soviet Union.
The Soviet system is totalitarian and
Gorbachev is a product of that system.
He joined the Communist party when he
was 14 years old and cultivated a friend-
ship with Yuri Andropov later on,
presumably to advance himself. He was
named the new leader of the USSR im-
mediately after the death of Konstantin
Chernenko, signifying a high degree of
concensus within the politburo about
who the new general secretary should be.
Gorbachev, then, is first and foremost
a product of the Soviet Communist par-
ty, and the party consciously and
deliberately groomed him to be its
At the same time, the party is not a
monolith of united opinion as we will see
later. Gorbachev is well-educated, has
traveled extensively in the West and
came of age politically during the post-
Stalin period. These facts are not in-
significant. Gorbachev is likely to have
different ideas about what directions
Soviet society should move in than his
predecessors. In fact, I will argue that he
was put in power precisely because he is
a reformer and has different ideas about
the future course of the USSR.
What is more important than Gor-
bachev's personality (or at least equally
important) are the systematic pressures
at work within the Soviet system. An
essay by Jerry Hough, a professor at
Duke University specializing in Soviet
politics, makes this point clear.
According to Hough, the Soviet
Union has seen its fortunes as a super-
power decline over the past several years
to the point where, economically, it risks
being surpassed even by China. As a
consequence, its economy is no longer
taken seriously as a development model
by Third World countries; Japan's has
supplanted it.
These pressures are felt within the
Soviet Union, too. First, the USSR's ob-
solete economic system has led to
technological backwardness. Since, ac-
cording to Hough, Soviet military com-
manders do not consider the use of
nuclear weapons a serious tactical op-
tion, they are compelled to rely upon
technological innovations to give them
an edge in conventional weaponry. This
is an edge they currently do not have,
and one that present economic ar-
rangements are unlikely to yield. In ad-
dition, there is a rising demand for more
consumer goods and the elimination of
corruption and elite privilege in Soviet
These factors have combined to lead
to a recognition within the Soviet leader-
ship of the need for economic reforms.
It is likely, then, that Gorbachev will
open the Soviet economy to more com-
petition with foreign companies, which
constitutes a measure of capitalism. In
addition, he will be likely to introduce
material incentives into the Soviet
system; i.e more consumer goods,
higher wages for merit and the like in an
attempt to increase productivity.
Gorbachev will be likely to negotiate
deals with foreign firms, such as Toyota,
to build factories in the Soviet Union.
Having been minister of agriculture,
Gorbachev's reforms in that area are
likely to be the most extensive. At pre-
sent, Soviet agriculture is a disaster with
around 70 percent of the average Soviet
citizen's income going for the purchase
of foodstuffs. Hence, Gorbachev pro-
bably will increase private, small farm-
ing and simultaneously encourage the
development of large, mechanized state
farms as well as a number of other
things to radically change this situation.
Yet, as to whether or not his reforms
will be truly substantive or merely
cosmetic, it is too early to say. Will he
work to democratize the Soviet
workplace, for a more humane foreign
policy and for a liberalization of policies
regarding dissident writers and political
Only the next 20 years can yield the
evidence for arguing in favor of one pro-
position or the other. But, because Gor-
bachev is so young ? 54 ? it is likely he
will have 20 years to implement his
policies, whatever they are. Perhaps that
is a cause for hope.
Another point which Hough makes in
his essay is that the Kremlin is not a
unified bloc, free of differences of opi-
nion. There are, in fact, noteworthy dif-
ferences even among fellow com-
munists. According to Hough, there are
currently two groups competing for a
dominant position in the Communist
party, both urging economic reforms.
The first is a pro-American group
which wants Soviet leaders to make
substantive gestures of good will toward
the United States to halt superpower
hostilities and the arms race so the coun-
try's resources can be devoted to its
economic rehabilitations and further
development. They argue that if such
policies are not adopted, the USSR will
continue to decline in its stature as a
world power until it subsides into
relative insignificance.
Simultaneously, according to Hough,
another anti-American group argues
that the United States is hostile to the in-
terests of the Soviet Union and that
gestures of goodwill by the USSR, such
as small reductions in the number of
troops in Eastern Europe, are taken as
signs of weakness by the United States.
As a result, they argue, the Soviet Union
must undertake real initiative to divide
the United States from its NATO allies
and seek more friendly relations with
China to consolidate its sphere of in-
? fluencc in Asia.
Presently, these two camps ? the pro-
American and the anti-American ? are
the major competing forces in the
Kremlin. According to Hough, the new
cold war policies of the Reagan ad-
ministration have helped the anti-
American to carry the day. Yet, he sug-
gests that because Gorbachev appears to
have no firm foreign policy position as
of yet, (all of his experience has involved
domestic affairs), this situation can be
reversed by an American administration
that is willing to undertake bold, new in-
itiatives toward a renewed and in-
vigorated detente.
The future of a
government in the Phill
the topic of discussion
lecture of ECU's Greai
enes Tuesda.
Rodnev Huff, the p
ficer at the U.S Statf
ment's Phiihpines desl
trated rm speech on t
political turn
Since the a-
opposition leader Eter
Yugust 19
pute- have erui
Phillipine ?
the Aquino
troyed th I
Mar.ov regime Thi
unleashed othe
the Phillipine
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life StiTCH,
:en Boies,
jPRH 18, 1985
out one day that Lenin's
Kremlin mausoleum is in
ted one reader to write in
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?phagus by Estonian
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enin's nose
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q .are at top speed.
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the clock by two young
Itand rigid and unblinking.
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the now from the ledges
vith a broom made of
ally, she worked her
the sepulcher, where
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How her stood the two
gray coats and caracul
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ed b two others, with
I on.
the ritual ? or perhaps
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hich landed squarely
high Slavic cheekbones.
Jdured the torrent without
the crowd laughed
aer is the author of Red
tni fulwu xadtrat lar
They argue that if such
adopted, the USSR will
line in its stature as a
until it subsides into
sly, according to Hough,
imencan group argues
States is hostile to the in-
Soviet Union and that
bdwill by the USSR, such
ptions in the number of
:rn Europe, are taken as
ess by the United States,
argue, the Soviet Union
real initiative to divide
es from its NATO allies
friendly relations with
)lidate its sphere of in-
sse two camps ? the pro-
the anti-American ? are
Impeting forces in the
jding to Hough, the new
ies of the Reagan ad-
iave helped the anti-
rry the day. Yet, he sug-
?e Gorbachev appears to
reign policy position as
s experience has involved
rs), this situation can be
IA merican administration
undertake bold, new in-
Kl a renewed and in-
Lecture Focuses On Foreign Relations
Staff Writer
The future of a democratic
government in the Phillipines was
the topic of discussion at the final
lecture of ECU's Great Decision
series Tuesday.
Rodney Huff, the political of-
ficer at the U.S. State Depart-
ment's Phillipines desk, concen-
trated his speech on the growing
political turmoil in the
Since the assasination of chief
opposition leader Benito Aquino
in August 1983, major political
disputes have erupted in the
Phillipines. According to Huff,
the Aquino assasination
destroyed the credibility of the
Marcos regime. This incident also
unleashed other political forces in
the Phillipines.
These interest groups, con-
sisting mostly of businessmen
and professionals, began to push
for economic return. White and
blue collar workers united in ac-
tual demonstrations to protest
the economic instability and the
martial law imposed by the Mar-
cos regime.
Huff stressed that another ma-
jor conflict is evolving in the
Phillipines. "The Phillipines is
the only country in the Organiza-
tion of Southeast Asian Nations
that has a communist
insurgency Huff said.
According to Huff, this "new
people's army" is a Maoist-
oriented form of communism
and is developing an urban base.
Huff said sources in Congress
stated that if the common trends
in communist insurgency con-
tinue, it could mean that a strong
Communist party could threaten
a takeover in future years.
"The Filipinos do not feel that
their country is in a revolutionary
stage Huff said. "The Marcos
regime is becoming more con-
cerned with the communist in-
surgency, but they have no
serious worries as of yet.
The economic difficulties cur-
rently existing in the Phillipines
have roots that go back to the
early '70s.
Overspending by the govern-
ment and mass borrowing have
resulted in "flights of capital out
of the Phillipines Huff said.
The Phillipine government
presently has an outstanding
foreign debt of $1 billion, a
growth rate of -5 percent in 1984
and double-digit inflation.
According to Huff, one of the
State Department's main
priorities has been to institute
economic reforms such as food
credits in order to reestablish
economic growth patterns in the
The United States has had a
relationship with the Phillipines
dating back to the early part of
the century. The U.S. has a uni-
If you plan to live Off Campus in the fall, will you
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If so, eliminate one long line by arranging your utili-
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que bilateral protection agree-
ment, a bond of common suffer-
ing during wartime and strong
trade relationships.
This history and the fact that
the United States has two
strategic military bases in the
Phillipines are the basis for the
United States' concern with the
Filipino government's security.
"A security relationship is
crucial for us to maintain a
balance of power due to the
Soviet presence in Da Nang, Viet-
nam Huff said. "All the coun-
tries in OSEAN depend on us for
"We need to maintain order so
that we can succeed in stopping
and Communist insurgency" in
the Phillipines, Huff said.
New Shipment of Iguanas, Baby B.oas,
and Fresh Water Tropical Fish
are accepted and financing is $
Recreation: Video Games Contest
During regular operating hours MSC
Visual Arts: Graphic Art Show
Program Board: Barefoot on the Mall
12:00 Noon University Mall
Movie: "Karate Kid"
7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. MSC
Movie: "Gone With The Wind"
8:00 p.m. MSC
Sneak Preview: "Creator"
8:00 p.m. MSC
Movie: "2010"EL 26, 27
7:00 p.m.and 9:30 p.m. MSC
April 9-19
April 14-27
April 18
April 18, 19, 20
April 24
April 25
The Student Union

i ?! It?i inliiK
lii i m.i jutt ?m

1HI I AS! ?. R01 IN1AN
APR1I 18, IW
Barefoot On Mall Tickles Fancy, Toes
Staff ???
Springtime is upon us here at
ECU and once again the ECU
Student Union has prepared a
gala celebration of the season ?
Barefoot on the Mall.
Jon Curtis. Assistant Program-
ming Director for Mendenhall
Student Center, said he is really
looking for this vear's event and
feels that it could be one of the
best spring celebrations ECU has
ever had. Not only will The
Chairman of the Board perform,
but, Curtis said, more student
organizations will be par-
ticipating this year in any of the
previous seven years that the Stu-
dent Union has sponsored the
The day's activities will begin
at noon when participating stu-
ECU Escort Service Sound
Record Response Received
nonth after ECU's student
escort service resumed, director
David Brown said 'everything is
going well.
"We're averaging about 10
walks a night and have done over
360 walks this semester Brown
said. "The busier we are, the bet-
ter we get He added that the
major problem facing Pirate
Walk right now is that females
are not taking advantage of the
service. "If the fellas don't get
any caJls, they don't feel useful.
We want the girls to know that
the service is for them.
"It's a lot like wearing
seatbeats he said, "because it's
not uncomfortable and they're
always there if you need it Also
adding that the procedure for ob-
taining an escort is very easy,
Brown said that if a female needs
an escort after night class, all she
has to do is call Pirate Walk and
request that someone will wait
for her. "The escort will then
identify himself by showing an
official Pirate Walk Card and be
wearing a gold jacket.
Due to a lack of funds, Pirate
Walk will not operate this sum-
mer, Brown said, but will resume
in the fall under a new director.
Applications are being accepted
until April 22.
"Pirate Walk also plays an im-
portant part in promoting the
university. Parents like to know
that the campus offers other
prevention to their daughters
Jogging partners are also
available from 6 to 8 p.m. Mon-
day through Thursday, Brown
Regular escort operations are
from Sunday through Thursday,
6 p.m. until midnight. Brown
said. The telephone number for
Pirate Walk is 7S7-AMA
All escorts are selected by ap-
plication, character references
and past employment historv.
dent organizations open their
booths and Carl Rosen, a
Charlotte musician, walks onto
the main stage.
The next main attraction, the
Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band,
which makes regular appearances
at the event, will perform. The
band, originally from the Carri-
bean, now bases itself in
Michigan. The band's members
not only play steel drums, but
anything made of steel.
At 3:15, a duo from
Greensboro, Jim Ritchie and Ge-
jae Fleming, will perform. Their
music is primarily along the lines
of contemporary folk artists such
as James Taylor.
Rounding out the day's main
features at 4:30 will be The
Chairmen of the Board. Curtis
assures the campus that, despite
rumors, the group will definitely
During intermissions, there
will be a demonstration by the
Frisbee Club and the Aerobics
Workshop. At 4, there will be
drawing for door prizes donated
by local businesses. In addition,
for 25 cents, you can have a
caricature made, a fortune told, a
picture taken or a tatttoo
painted, enabling you to become
eligible for the drawing.
AT 4 p.m the new Student
Union logo will be unveiled on
t-shirts to be distributed. Terry
Chappell, the senior Com-
munications Art major who
developed the new logo, will also
be presented with his $200 prize
money from the logo contest by
John Greer, Student Union
Public Relations and Publicity
Committee chairman.
In addition to the day's events,
the Student Union Films Com-
mittee, in conjunction with Col-
lege Hill Residence Association,
will present the popular cult film,
The Rocky Horror Picture Show,
at 8 p.m.
Pirate s
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APRIL 18. 198 Page
Enter Craig Dudley,
Star Of 'Hamlet'
ed c
he s
Muff ? liter
ct I, Scene I
Scene: Messick Theatre Arts Center. A
of trumpets heralds the arrival of the
- ht Hamlet, the tragic hero who will give
to the ECU Playhouse's season finale.
Hamlet, portrayed by Craig Dudley, strides in,
accompanied by Playhouse General
W . ; t'arker. With a polite introduction
e hand clasping, Craig Dudley begins to
wea spell. Exeunt Sect Parker with confi-
dent smile
Dudlev, has arrived as ECU's Hamlet.
nths of search, director Cedric Winchell
id h;s Hamlet in a professional actor from
York. In VVinehell's words, Dudley was singl-
ut, "for his power, his intensity, andwell,
iplj bleu away the competition
loes noi strain belief. Though slight of
Dudley envelops the room. He sits serenly,
ids in lap. undemanding. And yet, he has
deniable presence. Dressed casually in dark,
tdescript cottons, he is not Hamlet. And yet, he
U last Craig Dudley speaks, his elassical-
in d oice could melt too, too sullied flesh.
1 awed and resolved into a dew, I listen in-
aig Dudley spins lofty phrases with elo-
esturing grandly at appropriate inter-
l w hen I think he has gone pretentious on
foi vard with a gaze so sincere and
it i hai !ma.
lis commanding presence, Dudley
iuntenance more in thought than in
is certainly self-aware, but he has a
nabit - i making his listeners feel important. This
istrated in his attitude toward his audience
- Dudley, "When they ask me, 'Are
?od 1 say, "I'm brilliant Laughing,
all, Jo you want a humble doctor, a hum-
iwyer, humble food in a restaurant? I owe it
. 1 w ant everybody around me to be brilliant
,i V bet her you paid $4 or $40, you will get
Brilliance, Dudley seems to offer, but he does
'iQi?JtjwupJay fhe importance of his supporting
"The pioduction must be a unit, must be
? K " he saw 'seriously do not single
t apart except that the play is about Hamlet.
m't discount anyone
Dudley is complimentary of the student cast.
Tin flabbergasted because so many of them are
n the peripheral to becoming actors in the profes-
lal theatre His praises grow warmer discuss-
ig director Cedric Winchell and the herculean set
igned by Robert Alpers. "1 think Cedric has a
inderful eve. He is a very clever man, the type of
lirector who's aware of the actor's creative pro-
ess. Cedric knows the actor must be respected
that everyone must work together like an in-
strument, a symphony
Of the facilities, he continues. "Yes, I'm pleas-
ed. A set like (this) would be astronomical in some
repertory theatres. It's a quite ambitious under-
taking for a school
Dudley is hopeful that this Hamlet will leave its
mark on Greenville. Hopeful that Greenville will
clamor for more productions of this caliber. But,
he is realistic. "You're not going to rouse the en-
tire population; you can't. If we have ten people
that are enthralled during the week we're here,
then I have accomplished something by being
Leaning forward, earnestly, he ponders the peo-
ple who dismiss the arts. "We deny ourselves the
challenge of life; whether we be a doctor or tailor
or banker, it becomes destructive to deny
ourselves for 50, 60, 70 years
Dudley recalls a telephone solicitation received
recently from an insurance company. The
"caller" was a computer. "We are literally
becoming Isaac Asimov he says despairingly. "I
was tempted to call them up and ask 'Is your en-
tire office pinball and Donkey Kong?" If we don't
preserve what we have there won't be a monument
in 100 years. Some people say 'Ah, but we can take
a picture of it Celluloid is not the same as to see
it, to touch it
Mr. Dudley's love of the arts is evident
throughout our conversation. "I've had a great
love for art, writing, advernturing and observing
people. A lot of people achieve greatness and
don't know how to use it. That's why I say that if I
leave here with 10 to 15 converts, it will have been
worthwhile. It isn't going form theatre to theatre
to excrete one's own egomaniacal audacity ? I
want them to forget me and find themselves
He pauses momentarily, smoothing his hair
back against his skull with both hands, a frequent
gesture. This gives me a chance to explore his
background. Born in New York, Craig Dudley
grew up in England and Canada. He is descended
of a circus family ? his grandmother was a
trapeze artist and his great grandfather invented
the frogsuit and received a Victoria Cross from
Queen Victoria. He has appeared in off-Broadway
roles, and has acted in Hamlet once before for the
Players State Theatre.
Tutored by Helen Menken (first wife of Hum-
'phrey Bogart), he received a scholarship to the
American Theatre Wing and graduated from the
American Academy of Dramatic Arts. In addi-
tion, he studied under Philip Burton, father of late
Richard Burton.
From this base, Dudley has honed his craft to
precision, a precision he plans to bring to Hamlet.
Dudley says of his characterization, "This Hamlet
is quite different from the one I did before, which
was drawn from (Lord) Byron. This time I'm
looking at the more darkened side rather than at
an aesthetic, poetic individual. He is caught up in
intellectualization. He identifies with his father,
Craig Dudley
despite their differences. The king is still, in his
eye, the total embodiment of manhood. Hamlet is
trying to become his father. Ironically, Hamlet
becomes the cause he despises. Becomes the
manipulator, the deviousness
Dudley continues a thorough disectLon of
Hamlet's characters, convincing me that Hamlet
could love Ophelia if she were not a pawn, that
Polonius is not a buffoon, but a shrewd diplomat
who gives in to stupidity.
But there are more things in heaven and earth,
friends, than are dreamt of in Hamlet. What does
an actor aspire to after such a role? Shakespeare's
Richard II, according to Dudley. "Richard II is
my favorite role. I hope to play it before I get anv
At the mention of age, Dudley settles back and
adopts a serene look which betrays no particular
age. "We cannot dismiss age. It's a wonderful
thing. You grow into it And, "You have to
grow into playing these parts ? an understanding
of yourself. Hamlet is a very naked part
On this note, Dudley addresses aspiring actors.
"Acting is an innate talent. But one has to develop
and work one's craft. Work, study, take care of
yourself or you'll look 90 before you're 40. I wish
I could give (you) impetus to fly ? to walk it, to
talk it, to love it. Make the voice a great instru-
ment. Create depth and dimension. This will
create charisma as an actor
This generous advice given, Craig Dudley looks
at me and we both sense that time is out of joint.
He rises and gifts me with a hug and kiss. The
matinee is over and I am the solitary audience, ap-
plauding silently.
Exeunt Craig Dudley with a flourish, stage
Comix Convention Features Fanzine
?J gs dripping venom, the
evil Dr. Fiend stood poised
rhe buttons of his Disfnto-
itron Ray. Suddenly,
g eat BOOM that spanned
tges, Steve Hero, alias the
i B eep, came crashing
through the solid steel door.
"You're too late Dr. Fiend
cried, and his finger stabbed at
the firing button. The ray gun
began to hum
Meanwhile, back in
The East Carolina Collectors'
Club will be holding a comic
book and record collectors' con-
?Ti?64Y -Too mcH
vention on April 21. The conven-
tion, running from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m will be at the Ramada Inn
on the By-pass. The convention
will spotlight comic book and
record collecting, but will also
feature dealers selling and trading
gum cards, science fiction
paraphernalia, movie posters,
beer cans and 60s television
memorabilia. Admission to the
public is free.
One highlight of the conven-
tion will be the premiere of the se-
cond issue of Entirely Too Much
Fun Comics, a comic book fan-
zine published by the Nostalgia
News Stand on Dickinson
Avenue. Entirely Too Much Fun
Comics features the work of local
comic artists Sandy Jarrell, Al
Guy, and Jim Johnson, the
creators of "Man-O-Stick
Richard Haselrig, whose
superhero portraits fill one wall
of the Nostalgia News Stand, and
Mike Ernest, publisher of Yuk
Comics. Jimmy Lyle, the
Waynesville artist of "Escape to
the Stars" is expected to attend
the convention.
Charles Lawrence, editor of
Entirely Too Much Fun Comics
and comic book guru of Green-
ville, expects several hundred
people to attend the convention.
Lawrence, who runs the comic
book section of Nostalgia News
Stand, said that comic book col-
lection is no longer considered as
one of the "fringe" types of col-
lecting. "It's gotten to be the
number four or five hobby
behind stamps and coins
Lawrence explained. "It's respec-
table now, institutionalized in
many ways, as in the pricing and
grading. That's one side
"The publishing is the other
side. More than ever the
publishing side acknowledges the
existence of the collector
Lawrence said. He added that for
many years the largest comic
book companies, DC and
Marvel, ignored the collectors.
"They didn't do the market
research he said. However,
pressure from small independents
and the growth of comics as col-
lectors' items rather than
disposable children's literature
has made the comic book
publishers more responsive.
Comic books are being printed
on better paper, more serious
themes are being handled, colors
and lines are more defined,
previously-hard-to-find comics
are being reprinted, and the ar-
tists are getting more artistic con-
A comic book renaissance is
taking place because of the
growth of the independents.
Lawrence said that , although the
independents have a lot of trou-
ble competing with the lower
prices and glossier color printing
of Marvel and DC, the in-
dependents' artistic freedom has
attracted many of the best artists.
"The large majority of the best
talent is in the independents
Lawrence said, adding that
Marvel and DC were beginning to
change in order to attract back
the artists.
Among the newer comic books
expected to be "hot" at the con-
vention are Cerebus the Aard-
vark, American Flagg, The
Rocketeer, Mythadventures, and
exus ? all independents ? as
well as Marvel's Secret Wars and
DCs superhero parody Ambush
Lawrence said there were
always a lot of requests for
Golden Age comics from the 40s,
especially DCs. DC, publisher of
Superman, Batman, and Wonder
Woman, had stylized art deco
logos during the 40s. "The DCs
from the 40s had very attractive
covers. You can hang them on
the wall as art Lawrence said.
Also expected to be "hot" at
the covention are Silver Age
Marvel books such as Spiderman,
The Fantastic Four, andThe
Avengers, books that revived in-
terest in superheroes during the
early 60s.
Lawrence encouraged people
to scour their attics for old com-
ics to bring to the convention to
sell and trade. "The idea is to get
them there, to promote the hob-
bies he said. He added that
there would be no cost as long as
people brought only what they
could carry. "I like to have peo-
ple bring down stuff from their
attics. We've unearthed some
nice stuff that way Lawrence
the Red Bicep fell beneath
the hammer blows of Dr. Fiend's
mighty robot as the ray gun spun
out of control spewing glowing,
green death!
Will Dr. Fiend prevail?
Will the Red Bicep tear his
Find out in the next exciting
issue of Red Bicep Comics. Or
better yet, attend the East
Carolina Record and Comic
Book Collectors' Club Conven-
tion and meet the collectors.
Smell the perfume of old ink on
pulp paper, and take a tour
through the world of capes and
cowls, color and shadow, and
laboratories of wonder and
Due to a technical malfunction in the late phases ?f production, the computer file containing the
review of "Hamlet" was lost. The review, which contended the extraordinary production, will ap-
pear in the next issue of The East Carolinian. Meanwhile, the ECU Playhouse's production of
'Hamlet' will play in McGinnis Theatre April 18-20 at 8:15 p.m. with a matine on the 19th at 1:00
p.m. Tickets are available at the McGinni? Theatre Box Office.

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t Malt
same thing, he predicts.
! 's not something I agrc
as 1 ouisville's Ham
'but it's certainl) making
U and more sense
S Hn rJ
- s
:abeth St.
I Service
ollege Hill
it 2:30
SUff Writer
It has been almost two years
since a small group of
desperate fans stood in a chilly
spring rain at Kenan Staduim in
Chapel Hill waiting for U2 to ap-
pear. Now two years later U2 is
playing 10,000 seat Coliseums all
over the world and every show is
a sell out. The main reasons for
(heir popularity is their past three
albums, which have turned
platinum and gold, and a reputa-
tion for being the most mean-
ingful and enthusiastic live band
in music today.
On Wednesday, April 10, U2
played a sold out show at Hamp-
ton Coliseum in Hampton, VA.
From the first notes of "11
O'clock Tick Tock" the crowd
Proves 'Unfi
APRIL 18, 1985
knew it was going to be an intense
show. The Band appeared to be
energetic and ready for a long
night. Adam Clayton (bassist)
and Larry Mullen (drummer)
pounded out the rhythms that
stabalize the band's music. Dave
'The Edge" Evans' guitar
sounds were powerful and
dominating. Bono (vocalist) took
total control over the audience.
He was appropriately dressed in a
civil war uniform (Confederate
of course) and seemed to fit right
in with the Southern crowd.
The show progressed through
such U2 staples as "New Years
Day "I Will Follow
"Gloria and plenty of material
from the new album The Un-
forgettable Fire. The songs from
The Unforgettable Fire had more
of a raw sound to them live than
the recorded versions. They had
less of a muffled ambient sound
live than what was engineered by
co producers Brian Eno and
Daniel Lanois on the album.
Some of the songs still had a
haunting effect due to Bono's
theatrics. When he introduced
"Bad" he dedicated it to a
childhood friend who recently,
"on his twentyfirst birthday, was
given enough heroin to kill him
This in fact was the only time the
crowd seemed to quiet down dur-
ing the two hour show. To em-
phasize the trauma of the song,
Bono wrapped his microphone
cord around his arm just above
his elbow mocking the preshoot
up activities of an addict.
The highlight of the show was
a cover version of Bob Dylans'
"Knocking on Heaven's Door
During the song Bono asked for
volunteers to come up and lead
the band through the Dylan
classic. A young man from the
audience strolled on the stage and
taking Bono's guitar, conducted
the band and thousands of en-
vious fans in a few bars.
At some points the band
almost seemed to be evangelistic.
Once again, Bono dominated the
stage and picked up a stage light
and slowly shined the beam sec-
tion by section on every member
of the audience. It was a spiritual
sight to see thousands of stret-
ching hands trying to reach into
the light hoping to remain in the
beam as long as possible.
For a final encore the band
played "40" from the War
album. At the closing of the song
Bono took the time to sing a med-
ly of the supergroup singles "We
Are The World" and "Feed The
World The medly got an ex-
tremely enthusiastic response
from the audience.
The opening band, Lone
Justice, was also excellent. They
are a five piece band from
California powered by a guitar
trio and vibrant female lead
singer, who is reminiscent of Tina
Turner early in her career. The
sound of the band was a cross
between the rock n' roll beat of
Jason and the Scorchers and the
country sound of Rank and File.
Within the next two years U2
will be back. Probably not much
will have changed, no pretty boy
hair cuts or dazzling clothes, but
you can guarentee that their live
show will be full of energy and
their music full of faith.
In The
East Carolina University Major Concerts Committee
& Music Media
proudly present
The Godfather of Soul"
James Brown
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Sunday Night, April 21 ? 8:00 P.M.
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?a? ?


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bedrooms Pe's
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ire 3 bedroom dupie?
Utilities. Call 758 1891
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summer Starting first week in May.
$100 per month ? Va utilities. Large
house with central ac, dishwasher,
vard Call 758 5953. Across from
NEEDED: For law firm. Program
ming experience helpful. Call Kim
at 758 6200
parftime waiter, waitress and cook
positions. Call or write- Pizza Hut,
3407 S. Wilmingtion St Raleigh,
N C 27603 772 8107.
WANTED: I male roommate to
share large 2 bedroom apt. 2 pools,
color TV w cable. Private room ?
$125month. 758 2392.
share new condominium townhouse.
Rent is $94 for 4, $125 for 3. All ap
pliances, fireplace, deck, large
bedrooms Pets negotiable. Call
Susan. 757 1352.
WANTED: To sub-lease 2 bedroom
apt for summer or find permanent
roommate. 5 blocks from ECU cam
pus Call anytime! 752 0653.
Would like responsible, clean, neat,
non smoker Twin-Oaks townhouses.
New, well built, roomy, pretty
neighborhood I and '2 bathroom, 2
bedroom. Can move in 2nd week in
May If interested call Tammy:
WANTED: 4tfi non smoking room-
mate for 2 bedroom apt. immediate-
ly to assume I yr. lease. I mile from
campus wfireplace and deck.
Located in quiet neighborhood.
$87.50 per month ? utilities. Call
Lisa or Debbie at 758-2105.
WANTED: Female roommate for
summer at Ringgold Towers. I
bedroom. Call 752 8039.
at Nautilus. Call between 8 and 9
p.m. Mon Fri. only. Applicants not
abiding by these hours will not be
considered Call 758 9584. No stop
And specialist positions available.
Looking for a few junior, senior, or
graduate students to complete our
staff at an exclusive, private, co-ed
summer camp in the scenic moun-
tains of Pennsylvania. Openings for
General Counselors, one male tennis
instructor, and male and female
canoeing, nature, and landsport
counselors. If interested contact:
Camp Starlight, co Hy Schmeckrer,
18 Clinton St Malverne N.Y 11565 -
Phone (516) 599 5239 or Elaine
Shuman at 758-8129.
EARN MONEY: And work on For
tune 500 Companies' marketing pro-
grams on campus. Part time (flexi
ble) hours each week. We give
references. Call I 800 243 6679.
to live without the hassles of sublet
ting? Granville Towers is the place
for you. Air conditioning, 15 meals
per week, swimming pool, great par
ties, planned and weekly maid ser
vice. All of this for only $385 per 5
week session. Sessions run May 19
thru June 25 and June 30 thru Aug 6.
For more details call our business
office at (919)-929-7143. University
Square, Chapel Hill. The place to be
at UNC!
in Atlantic Beach N.C. for the sum
mer. Various locations from Atlan-
tic Beach to Emerald Isle. Salary ?
Commission. Beach Bum Beach Ser
vice. 919 247 6387.
resort promotions in Atlantic Beach
N.C. for the summer.$300? per
week. Only 2 positions left. Call
Beach Bums Beach Services
919247 6387.
ED: For both summer sessions.
Great deal on Wilson Acres Apts.
Call Dawn at 752 8851 or Sherri at
758 8015.
share 3 bedroom duplex. AC. $100?
'3 utilities. Call 758 1893
art a special person, As sweet as you
can be, I'm glad that we have shared
some time, Together just you and
me, But this summer if we're
together, Or if we ara apart, I want
you to remember, You hold a special
Place in my heart. -Love, LAC
ACS: 1 know it's been rough- but I
LOVE YOU iust as much and miss
you even more. Hug WO for me.
HEY PEDRO: Come by the DZ's
nacho booth at Barefoot on the Mall
today and get MUCHO NACHOS for
TAMMY AND PAM: Thanks for do
ing a great job with our all sing skit!
Doreen, thanks for helping "pull" us
to 2nd place Sat. Sonya P you saved
the day at the PI Kapp House! We
love you Sisters of Delta Zeta
DEAR GH-6: Excuse me, are you
going to get any more hits. Love,
CHESTER: The Bitch is Back (so
soon) So does that mean the beach
next weekend is off?
SPE BRIAN: Thanks so much for
my Easter treat guess those green
M 8. M's in your basket got the best
of you. Let's meet again next
Easter. Your Secret Bunny
NO PLANS?: Then mark your
calendar for this Fri. & Sat. to go see
Maxx Warrior and help Marty &
Lisa finalize their matrimony event!
Mustang. Two pickups, tremolo,
blue with mirrored pickguard, case
and strap included. Call 752 0998, ask
for Robert.
TYPING: Experience, quality work,
IBM Selectric typewriter. Call Lanie
Shive, 758 5301.
FOR SALE: General Electric por
table air conditioner. Very good con
dition. Call 752 1989.
TYPING NEEDED?: If you want
someone to type papers for you at
reasonable rates call 355 2510 after
VICE: Word processing. The
DataWorks specializes in student
document services including
reports, term papers, dissertations,
theses, resumes and more. All work
is computer checked against 50,000
work electronic dictionary. Rates
are as low as $1.75 per page, in
eluding paper. (Call for specific
rates.) Call Mark at 757 3440 after
5:30 p.m.
tronic typewriter. Reasonable rates.
Call Janice at 756 4664 evenings or
752 6106 days.
VICE: All typing needs; 7S8-8241 or
FOR SALE: Beautiful Oriental
Couch. Less than a year old. Call
758 4382 ask for Cheryl.
TYPING: Experienced professional
woman will provide all typing ser-
vices. (IBM correcting typewriter)
Call Debbie at 756 6333 for a well
typed paper.
NICE HOME: To share with serious
older student for fall 1985. Female,
non smoker. Call 758-5946.
FOR SALE: 1979 Yamaha IT
$500. Call 752 4039.
FOR RENT: Furnished 2 bedroom
apt. with pool one block from cam
pus for the summers. Call 758 4987.
757 3060.
FOR RENT: I bedroom apt. Less
than I yr. old. Only 3 blocks from
campus. Available May 5. Call
Frank 758 5495.
MOVING SALE: 3 pc. bedroom suit,
sofa and chair, 5 ft. cabinet with 3
cu. ft. Kenmore refrigerator freezer
combo- great for dorm room. And
much more. Saturday April Mth, at
2615 Jefferson Dr. behind Harris
Supermarket. 752 3251.
APT. FOR RENT: Hey you sum
merschool smarty Do you need
that perfect place to stay for sum
mer school? Fully furnished.
Located across from Speight and
beside Alpha Delta Pi on 5th St. Call
758 7123.
STUDENTS: Five guaranteed
sources of scholarships loans
fellowships; you can qualify! For
free information write Academic
Resource Associates, Box 123 Green
briar Road, Tarboro, N.C, 27886.
FOR SALE: Kabuki 10 speed with
center pull brakes. Contact Michael
at 752 6502.
FOR SALE: Twin size bed. Good
cond. $35 or best offer. Call 757 1737
any time.
TYPING: Will do typing for $1.25 to
$1.50 per page. Call 757 0385. Ask for
SALE: Bunkbeds with
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Pirate Tennis Team Finishes
Successful Spring Campaign
PRI1 l" I9M Page 12
?-Sport tdllor
The FCC men's tennis team
completed their 1984-85 season
on a good note by winning the
I C-Wilmington Aalea Tennis
Tournament on April 12-13.
After a slow start in the fall
season, with a 4-5-1 team record.
the Pirate netters played well in
the spring with an 11-5 team stan-
ding. Overall, the squad finished
with a 15-10-1 mark.
Head coach Pat Sherman was
ver pleased with the way the
season went, despite some minor
setbacks earlier in the year.
"I'm very happy with our
season Sherman said. "I'm
pleased with the progress of our
ginv. With the increased level of
difficulty on our schedule, their
level of pla is higher as a
However, the Pirate squad was
not without some setbacks. John
Anthony, a junior from Raleigh,
was missed for a couple oi weeks,
due to an appendicitis illness.
Junior Daid Creech and
sophomore Dan LaMont both
missed some action due to hernia
problems suffered in the spring.
lso, freshman Scott Avery
? drop from the team to
concent ate on his academics.
Creech later decided to leave
school as he found a well-liked
'AYe expect to have Scott
(Avery) back next year Sher-
man said. "He's a very good
player. 1 hope David (Creech)
will consider coming back also.
He has a good job. but an educa-
tion is also important .
raking a look at the individual
stars and their records during the
course of the year.
The No. 1 seed for ECU was
senior Galen Treble. During the
fall season, Treble was 6-5, while
in the spring, he was 9-6. In the
fall. Treble was the No. 4 seed.
However, through hard work and
practice, Treble moved into the
number-one position.
"He was our most experienced
player Sherman commented.
"I've coached him for three
years. He is playing the best ten-
nis of his life.
"He decided to work super
hard and his effort really paid
off Sherman continued. "He
dedicated himself during the spr-
ing, and ended his career on the
highest note possible
Sophomore Greg Loyd went
from his No. 7 seed in the fall to
the No. 2 seed in the spring. In
the fall, Loyd amassed a 4-1
record while the tougher competi-
tion gave Loyd a 4-11 record in
the spring. Despite the record,
coach Sherman has confidence in
"Even though he lost more
matches (in the spring), he won
three of his last five Sherman
said. "He played better than he
ever has
After being the No. 1 seed dur-
ing the fall campaign, sophomore
Greg Willis was the No. 3 seed in
the spring. Willis was 2-10 in the
fall, but the spring fever changed
him around as he was 12-3.
Coach Sherman felt that Willis
needed confidence and ex-
perience to be successful.
"Greg can play at an of the
top levels coach Sherman said.
"He really gained confidence at
the No. 3 level. He is a good serve
and vollever
Sophomore Dan LaMont
finished with an even .500 record
(14-14). He was 5-8 in the fall and
9-6 in the spring. LaMont was the
No. 2 seed in the fall, while mov-
ing to the No. 4 position in the
Mr. Consistency for the Pirates
was sophomore Davis Bagley. In
the fall, Bagley was the No. 6
seed as he finished with the best
Pirate record of 9-3. The spring
was no change for the Durham
native as he went 13-2. His 22
wins is highest on this year's
"Davis has played consistently
all year long coach Sherman
said. "His (22-5) record was fan-
tastic. He was the most consistent
player for us
David Turner was the No. 6
seed for ECU. He recorded the
second most wins with 17.
Turner, as the No. 3 seed in the
fall, was 5-7. He turned it around
in the spring by going 12-3.
Junior John Anthony and
freshmen Pat Campanero and
Kevin Plumb combined for a 12-7
record in the No. 7 and eight
In the doubles area for ECU,
coach Sherman felt that this
would be a trouble spot for the
Pirates, after the loss of the No. 1
seeded team of Avery-Creech.
"We were really weak in this
aspect coach Sherman said.
"We worked real hard at it,
despite losing the No. 1 team. I'm
real pleased with our doubles in
the past weeks
There were three separate No.
See ECU, Page 14
Pictured above is the 1984-85 Pirate tennis team. Front row (from left to right): D. LaMont. J. Anthom
D. Turner and D. Creech. Middle row: Coach P. Sherman, K. Plumh. I). Bagle. H. Kinne C, Treble and
assistant coach L. Redford. Back Row: G. Willis. P. Campanero, ( I d and S. Aer.
Anderson All-America
ECU center Anita Anderson
has been selected honorable men-
tion All-America by Fastbreak
magazine, published by the
American Women's Sports
The senior center from Raleigh
was the leading scorer and shot
blocker for the Lady Pirates last
season. She was also second on
the team in rebounding. Ander-
son averaged 13.3 points and 7.2
rebounds per contest and had 35
blocks on the season.
Fastbreak also bestowed
Anita Anderson
honors on EC!
Manwaring and
Sylvia Br
Manwaring, w
coached 12 Ali-Amei
three sports, was s
All-Americac ad forthesec nd
ear in a row
Bragg made the tasthreak
honor roll in rec gnii
breaking ?? . . ?. p ,jni
- ring barrier this season.
Bragg aKo :ceed the Dailx
Reflector Moo. Valuable Player
award earlier in the week.
Lady Bucs Release Sterlings
Bv RICK MrfORMAf I ?JQnA;nlcu?u,i;?(?? ? -? r-i
ECU center Anita Anderson (42) was named honorable mention All-
America b Fastbreak magazine.
Co-Sporti Kdilor
ECU women's basketball
coach Emily Manwaring has
released the signings of five
players, as well as 'the most dif-
ficult schedule in Lady Pirate
history for the upcoming 1985-86
Heading the list of newcomers
is junior guard Delphine Mabry.
Mabry returns to the Lady Pirate
team after sitting out last season.
In 1983, Mabry was second on
the team in scoring, averaging
10.4 ppg. She also lead the team
in assists with 78 and steals with
50. She played a major role in
ECU winning the first ever
ECAC South tournament cham-
pionship and should contribute
greatly to the Lady Pirate pro-
gram in '85-86. Mabry, is a 5-4
point guard from Rocky Mount,
The Lady Pirates also signed
Greta O'Neal, a 6-2 center from
Williston-Irmo High School in
Williston, SC. O'Neal, a left-
handed shooter, earned 2-A all-
state honors in her senior season
in which she averaged 24.6 ppg
15.5 rebounds and three blocked
shots. She scored over 40 points
on four ocassions and finished
the season as the Fifth leading
scorer in the state. While at
Williston-Irmo, O'Neal scored
1,849 points and hauled in 995 re-
bounds. She also was the state
champion in the shotput each of
the past two years.
Emily Manwaring
Rose Miller, another all-state
performer from South Carolina,
also signed with ECU. Miller,
who is slated to play in the South
Carolina high school all-state
game, averaged 20.7 ppg and
16.4 rebounds in her senior
season at Newberry High School
in Newberry, SC. She pulled
down a school record 362 re-
bounds last season, in which she
also set the single-game reboun-
ding record with 26.
ECU also got Pam Williams, a
5-8 swing guard from Goldsboro
High School. Williams, a team-
mate of freshman center Alma"
Bethea in high school, averaged
15.2 ppc and 8.7 refc i' J n hei
senior season. She was named all-
east and all-conference as well as
being chosen MVP in the D.H.
Conley Christmas Tournament
held last December.
The fifth signee is Cathy Ellis.
Ellis who is a non-scholarship
player, played for two vears at
Peace College in Raleigh. The
Goldsboro native averaged 15.7
and 8.9 rebounds last year and
was named all-Shanendoah
region of the NJCAA region 10.
Ellis is a 5-10 forward.
Manwaring expects to sign one
more player in the 5-11 ? 6-0
range who is capable of playing
either the small or big forward
Manwaring also announced the
schedule for the upcoming
1985-86 season and it's going to
be a difficult one.
The schedule includes games
against the defending champions
and runnerups in both the NCAA
and NW IT tournaments. The
Lady Pirates will play a total of
five games against teams that
were in the NCAA's last year.
ECU will travel to Norfolk,
VA to take on defending nationl
champion Old Dominion, while
NCAA runner-up Georgia will
come to Minges Coliseum to
Orher NCAA tournament
team the schedule are Ten-
nessee, Tennessee TecE and
North Carolina. The La
Pirates will also face womei
NIT runnerup Florida and could
possibl) pia defending W1T
champion LSU in the finals
the Lad Pirate Classic. Other
teams in the Lady Pirate Classic
are Miami and Rhode Island.
In addition to playing in the
Lady Pirate Classic, ECU will
open the season in the Tennessee
Tech Tournament on No. 22-2
The Lad Pirates will once
again play 12 conference game-
against ECAC South opponents,
and will also participate in the
ECAC South Tournament which
will be hosted b L'NC-
Wilmington next ear.
Although the schedule will be
difficult. Manwaring feeb that it
is neccessary for the Lady Pirates
to play the top teams in the coun-
"The schedule will be a realh
big challenge Manwaring said.
"But. in order for us to gam na-
tional recognition, we have to
play those kinds of teams
"If you want to get ranked
with the eagles she continued.
"You can't play the turkes
Boone, Christopher Hurl Pirates Past Tribe
Stiff ?rtlrr
The ECU baseball team swept
a twinbill from William & Mary
yesterday at Harrington Field
behind the strong-arm pitching of
Mike Christopher and Daniel
ECU starter Christopher was
in trouble right away as the In-
dians started the scoring in the
opener of the doubleheader with
two runs in the first inning. Ed
Hohman led off the inning with a
single. One out later, a double by
John O'Keeffe put runners on se-
cond and third. One run scored
on a ground out, then Tom
Nevin's double scored the second
run of the inning.
The Pirates threatened in the
bottom of the frame but failed to
push a run over. With two outs,
Chris Bradberry drew a walk and
moved to third when Winfred
Johnson bounced one over the
two outs, the Pirates got on the
W&M hurler. Mark Cockrell
bounced a double off the wall in
left as Robert Langston followed
with a double down the right-
field line, scoring Cockrell.
Cristopher worked his way out
of a jam in the top of the third
when he gave up another double
to the lead-off batter. However,
two pop outs and a strikeout got
the Pirates out of the inning.
Langston began the Pirate fifth
with a drag-bunt single, then got
all the way to third on a throwing
error. But two pop ups and a
grounder prevented any runs
from comming in.
Cristopher got into trouble
again in the top of the sixth, but
again held the Tribe. After an
out, Ronny Barden blooped a hit
to center. He went to second on a
walk, but two fly balls kept him
ECU finally tied it up in the
fence for a ground-rule double, sixth inning. Johnson led off with
but a pop up ended the inning. a double to the right-field fence
ECU did manage to cut the and was sacrificed to third on a
margin to one in the third. With bunt by Mike Sullivan. Jay
McGraw then scored Johnson
with a hit to right, knotting the
game at 2-2.
The Pirates then won it in the
bottom of the seventh. Mark
Shank got an infield hit ? and
another two-base throwing error
moved him to third with no outs.
After an out, W&M intentionally
walked Bradberry and Johnson
to load the bases for a try at a
possible double play. But pinch
hitter Mike Wells spoiled the In-
dians' plans by driving in the win-
ning run with a hit to right field,
giving the Bucs a 3-2 victory.
Cristopher picked up his eighth
win against no losses for the
Pirates, while Johnson was the
hot hitter with a 2-4 performance
(two doubles).
In the second game, the Pirates
broke on top in the bottom of the
first frame. With two away,
Bradberry doubled off the fence
in left. Johnson then smashed a
hard single off the shortstop,
moving Bradberry to third.
Johnson deliberately drew a
throw to second on a "steal" at-
tempt, but the W&M shortstop
relayed the ball to home ? five
feet over the catcher's head to
give ECU a 1-0 lead.
The Pirates added one in the
second. Cockrell doubled over
the rightfielder's head to start the
inning. After an out, Shank got
on with an error, which moved
Cockrell to third. A sacrifice fly
by Greg Hardison made the score
2-0 at the end of the second.
ECU answered again in the
third. After Johnson singled,
Mont Carter walked. McGraw's
sacrifice bunt moved the runners
over. Jim Riley picked up an RBI
when his sacrifice fly scored
Johnson, giving the Pirates a
comfortable 3-0 lead.
In the fifth, Johnson singled to
open the inning. After two Pirate
strikeouts, a Riley double scored
Johnson from first base.
The Bucs picked up their final
run in the sixth. After Langston
got on and was caught stealing,
Shank drew a walk. Hardison
then doubled, scoring Shank
from first. The Tribe threatened
with two singles, but pitcher
Daniel Boone was too much for
the Indians.
The Pirates got eight hits off
Bill Prezioso. However, Boone
threw a no-hitter through five
and one-third innings, before Ed
Stanko broke in with a single up
the middle.
Boone, now 4-1, struck out
eight and allowed just two hits
(both singles).
The Pirates are now 28-9
overall and 9-3 in the ECAC
South. With the wins, ECU pick-
ed up one game on UNC-W.
W&M is now 10-23 overall and
3-9 in conference play.
The Pirates will next see action
in Fairfax, Ya when thev meet
conference foe George Mason on
Saturday April 20 at 1 pm.
Mike Christopher fires to home in one of the ECU wia. ytlSerilay.
Bv Jr NM I
It's plav '?
IRS is realh
tion. Sem
nis double-
played at the
week I
the toui'
King. B-
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Good. h . i
agair. si tl
Purple-C- Id '
scheduled I
The gai
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ID ar.J a :
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Pirate Out 5
or the Spv
should ?
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applv at tr
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APRII 18,198?
McGuire Summerizes 84-85Basketball Season
It's time for one last recoup,
one final look back at the 1985
college basketball season which
marked the first time the NCAA
invited 64 teams to the tourna-
ment, and which most people will
remember as the year
Georgetown DIDN'T win the
" x' '?

V 1Jm

AI McGuire
From The Stands
The biggest happening of
course, was Coach Rollie
Massimino and the three seniors-
"Big Mac" Dwayne McClain,
"Little Mac" Gary McCLain and
Ed Pinckney. Amid the mint
julips and Kentucky Blue Grass,
they proved once again that
David did have a slingshot and
that we all should read the Bible
So, the Wildcats, the Main
Liners, Nova: Enjoy your mo-
ment in the sun. Take the full
tour, order the filet mignon, taste
the strawberries and whip cream.
It's a time to savor, a time that
for many only comes once in a
lifetime, a time when you find
everyone's your friend, and that
anybody who ever drove by the
school or attended a game on
campus wants to be an alumnus.
Unfortunately, it's the last
tournament we'll see without a
shot clock, and it also proved
that at least every other year the
Final Four should be in a college
town. It gives the amateur touch
and keeps the idea of college
sports in the proper perspective.
A final tip of the hat, too, to
Georgetown, which is without a
doubt, one of the top five teams
in the history of collegiate basket-
ball. But when a team shoots 78
percent against you, there's no
way, Jose.
What I remember most about
the year is Bobby Knight bowling
for dollars in Bloomington, Ind
UCLA's Walt Hazzard going
from a Battan Death March to
the March of Gold at the NIT;
Joey Meyer handling the difficult
job of replacing his legendary
father, which was a tough transi-
tion for him, the players,
everyone at DePaul, where next
year he'll really be able to run his
own show.
Other memories: Gene Sullivan
of Loyola finally being accepted
as a thoroughbred; and of
course, the black eye of the
Tulane point-shaving scandal,
the fourth such scandal in my
lifetime, a problem which must
be faced and cannot-repeat-
cannot be swept under the rug.
1985 was the year, too, when
the dynasties, with the exception
of North Carolina, broke down.
Kentucky, Louisville, Indiana,
UCLA, all broke down, though
UCLA salvaged something with
the NIT. But by putting in the
clock, the NCAA will help bring
ECU Netters Finish Up
Season With Good Play
about the rebirth of the
dynasties, I feel, because the
clock will help the strong get
Another point: I think that the
Big East and the ACC are receiv-
ing too much of the national
media, TV and print. It's giving
them an unfair edge, because it
creates an easier recruiting job
for both money and exposure.
Right now, the Big East and the
ACC are burying everybody else
with their exposure and the
money they are getting.
At this time, too, we should
take note of some freshmen of in-
fluence, guys who tip-toed into
the spotlight for the first time this
year: Danny Manning, the
greatest thing to hit Kansas since
Wilt Chamberlain; David Rivers
of Notre Dame, for putting life
and motion back into the Notre
Dame program; John Williams
of LSU, a manchild in a promis-
ed land; Cedric Henderson of
Georgia, who looks like the Se-
cond Coming of Dominique
Wilkins; and Gary Grant of
Michigan, who's put the bite
back in the Wolverines, and
should propel them to the Final
Four next year.
During 1985, we also saw the
continuation of an off-court
trend: The 1980's has become a
decade in which we're seeing
ballplayers staying at home, go-
ing to school within 1(X) miles of
their high school, realizing that
it's better to make your reputa-
tion where you're going to make
a living, and that the grass isn't
always greener in the next yard or
across town. This will continue. I
feel, and create new dvnasties in
heavily populated cities
Finally, I would like to thank
the Miller Brewing Company for
allowing me to do these columns
also 1 would like to thank both
Rick and Scott for giving me the
chance to run my columns Also I
would like to comment on what
has been an outstanding basket-
ball season. So now, it's time to
get out your surfboards,
bermudas, enjoy the sunshine
and walk in the grass in your ar?
feet. See you next December
Join the Z- Team
WZMB is now accepting applications for
the positions of:
Promotions Director News Director
Program Director Traffic Manager
Business Manager Production Manoger
Pick up application form at WZMB office, 2nd
floor, Old Joyner Library Monday-Friday 10 am -3
p.m. Deadline: April 26.
Continued from page 12
1 doubles seeds throughout the
reason's campaign. In the fall,
Avery-Creech went 2-2 as Treble-
Creech were 0-6. Things picked
up in the spring as the team of
Treble-Willis went 9-6.
In the No. 2 doubles seed,
Campanero-Bagley were 2-1 in
the fall and 9-6 in the spring
season. Turner-Willis were 6-4,
giving the Pirates a fall mark of
$-5 and a 17-11 record for the
Bagley-Treble went 0-3 in the
fall season as the No. 3 doubles
seed. The team of Turner-
Anthony was 7-6 in the spring.
The No. 4 doubles seed was
Plumb-Loyd, which went 3-3 on
the year. They were 1-2 in the fall
and 2-1 in the spring.
With just one senior and one
junior on this year's squad, the
ECl' men's tennis team promises
to return loads of talent and a
successful season in their 1985-86
After being the No. 1 seed dur-
ing the fall campaign, sophomore
Greg Willis was the No. 3 seed in
the spring. Willis was 2-10 in the
fall, but the spring fever changed
him around as he was 12-3.
Coach Sherman felt that Willis
needed confidence and ex-
perience to be successful.
"Greg can play at any of the
top levels coach Sherman said.
"He really gained confidence at
the No. 3 level. He is a good serve
and volleyer
Sophomore Dan LaMont
finished with an even .500 record
(14-14). He was 5-8 in the fall and
9-6 in the spring. LaMont was the
No. 2 seed in the fall, while mov-
ing to the No. 4 position in the
Mr. Consistency for the Pirates
was sophomore Davis Bagley. In
the fall, Bagley was the No. 6
seed as he finished with the best
Pirate record of 9-3. The spring
was no change for the Durham
native as he went 13-2. His 22
wins is highest on this year's
"Davis has played consistently
all year long coach Sherman
said. "His (22-5) record was fan-
tastic. He was the most consistent
player for us
David Turner was the No. 6
seed for ECU. He recorded the
second most wins with 17.
Turner, as the No. 3 seed in the
fall, was 5-7. He turned it around
in the spring by going 12-3.
Junior John Anthony and
freshmen Pat Campanero and
Kevin Plumb combined for a 12-7
record in the No. 7 and eight
In the doubles area for ECU,
coach Sherman felt that this
would be a trouble spot for the
Pirates, after the loss of the No. 1
24 hour Towing Servtc
seed ? Avery-Creech.
"We were really weak in this
aspect coach Sherman said.
"We worked real hard at it,
despite losing the No. 1 team. I'm
real pleased with our doubles in
the past weeks
MTELL (SENT -v ,mu
V U.

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' - ' ' ' IV ? .??. - ? .
" "? ? sl - : ?? hew base
?? ' i-i i.iik-d H.t.i i
I Ik kid h In ri in In
' " llw '? K llli el
St en Spielben
K.IK LeBrook
Mil hael . Fox
I iinin
-1 i i ??-
i .11 l. In .i ntii i ill
Ridle Scott.
?' ' ?' i It I .tiinic' . I
N ?U I mi iu-i issin I In
Robert Red ford Vfervl Streep
Russell Robin illiams
dm H.iiik-
M ii Kc.iti hi. Kurt
I in iwinklt in luh.iM s cm
A.? s rig " H Nev Yoi
. s

v?is the sinniiH'i it 1 Steven
Spiellierg, If .mil moviestruck, took
.1 I li I1 m K id -mdiii iiiui ,md broke
l' rules Peeling tl From the pack, the
ciux. hiii.i high-schtolei staved
thrct extra hours, peering nuo ever
iting roi net i the Ut. I he next
mt loi the remaindei ol thai sum-
Spielberg dressed in .i suit, carried
?in ii i and walked in past the guards
with blithe confidence, a pretendei al-
.i ! ig league edut ation.
hi tin sununei ol 1985, Steven Spiel-
- greatest movie creation, ? Tht
I x il. will return to sci eens aftei
? mi absence. Coincidental Iv, n
happens i . be the bi gges t -
ssing feature in him his-
loi . U nil -i ot In- films
. ?? rk,
Indiana Jones and th
t li - . ? I ? ,? ' i
' ' ? K ? : .ind I I ??
i; the top I'u i?t .ill time.
N erg ? as wi itei. dn et tot
.md pr xtiu ei ? doesn't have
1 .1!1 111. He. I In
1 used li. sneak iiii.i
isl in built an office t.H
!erg"s c unpam . Amblin'
linment. . unplete with
seat screening room and
lall 1 isne Spielbei g
?net told vu. w ,i- m ji.ii -
I ISt Kill e 1 11(1(1(1. .1
' u-w ish-upi init.u "
ir? id runs through Spiel-
H - lift .1- llllk ll .1- II -)i. ,U
igh hi- film tales.
Born in Cincinnati and
? Phoenix with three
mgei sisters, whom he
1 : to terrih with ghastlv,
ginative stories. Spielberg
hed ihe n?tiui i?ne da 1.1
andeei his lathei - li.une
i i unera.
sh-ups i it his own, hei
1 lei ii .mi I he . .iiiui ,i u.t-
.cd low and, in Spielberg's vouthiu
igl ' 'In- model- looked like real be
hem. .ill- m ,i mega-disastei.
M 'I Spiellici u pn kIik tioi
lb plotted e.l. ll .ill .1 -I, H (mi.ii (i
efon filming. One. Batth Squad, endetl
Movie Magic
bv Bvron Laursen
Spielberg, jusl mined 21, brashh i
plied. I ilunk 1. i.i.i. .md wa- launchi
into the world ol I with a Sight Ilalli
episode starring the formidable o;i
( rawford. Remembering his studei
hlmmaking roots, Spielberg has ii.uih
In- own ?i. i. In. i K m (i iiiii.iii Vmblh
1 niei i.uiiiiK in It's logo i- limn E.T. ? ,
l. ii: .i Iuke riding ovei the in. mi.
nibliii I nlet lamuieiil now help- spon
i the annual Nissan ( is (Films u
( ollegc Students) Wards. He's als
.iii(k in help promising people wh
might . 1111 e i w i -e have .t i.?11 '411 tinu
In caking into the film business. I aw
Mine Body Heat, I h, Big Chill
he? a me .1 w ritei and, uiti
tnateh. .1 directot in demand
.it ui Spielbei u bough) ln-
( .11 -( 1 ipi entitled Contim titai
I, idi. then introduced him to
directot (.e. u ge 1 m .1 w hi ?
-uli-( .pn nth tapped Kasdan
to co-wi itc the -( 1 eeiipl.n I. n
Thi I mftiu Striki Bin k. lin-
?'hiiiilni .1 him student al
I . submitted .1 -(1 ipi with .1
gi eal idea in 11 11 bet ame
? it ?. .md iilumbus. wIn 1
li'Hied hi- -kill- through se
eral rewrites, has become .1
pi (i-pel 1 ui- -( 1 ecliu 1 llei .
I In I work in Duel, .1
nu i u 1 it the week pi i iei 1. in
w Iiu Ii .1 maiefit em. unmanned
semi truck 1 liases .111 ihihk em
drivei ihr ugh .1 westei 11 . .111
.iii Dm won the irand l'i i
.11 the I (-n .il .In11 uit 1.1 Fan-
tastic j u e in France. . 1111 nu
othei awards. 1.1-1 impor-
tantly, 11 set ui ed Spielbei g's
li 1 -1 leal 111 e ti Iiu deal. Tht
,i I xp
nu which
I hi 'ru Yorkei enthused
? "i 't the in. 1-1 pheii.inn
? ii ihliiii tilm- in the lu-iiii nt
A coMegmte effort caMed mhn earned the first big break, but a ,1? vies lh, Sugarland Ex
friendly spaeemanbeeame the major milestone. is a lexas chase storv.
leal uriny (ioldic Haw
? choice. bevond being eithei "a what mam critics call hei best film rolt
K k . h a w imp.
fiei the head sununei (.t sneakim
1 in
i the age ol 2fi, Spielberg was in posi-
tion t.H a big-budgel prtKluction. He en-
.he ?d?. lot, Spielberg conceived tered the in leagues with a In
1U7 uax lo tome hr?uKh the Spash: ,? plaved on primordial fears
gates, mhlm . one ol a series ol films he and established new box office records
"h ?? ; ???TO " Literature Fhe litam that Followed helped
, V1 P'elberg stmply at Cal State Long Beach, was a 24-mituue I standards fo, film popularity bui
; m' ?tt m ,he 'ead Mvtwo k,vestruck ??? m ; hueJ.Lnn-
? a
Instant respect. It then occurred to addition to festival prizes it won Sniel , ,t ,
the s,? 11 . .1 , . P'?es, 11 won spi, 1 warmth ui the films centra fantas
'7 SPdbH ,ht Wre ber?a"audlenc ?"?" ghtedstudk, bo, make- frietids with a super-s
imaginations, lh lealied dial he had headneu.n
" outturn a (01 ptigt I 1
i I 111 MlIt i i. h

If this is what a beginner can do with the Nikon FG,
imagine what you could do with a little practice.
Recently we recruited a gn up f
pet ple wh were ra vices at 35mm
SLR photography handed them Nikon
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Their results didn't surprise us in
the least.
Tlh I'liifrrannnrJF(i
Because we designed the FG t be
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Yet we engineered s i many s phis-
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t( N).
Y u see. the F( i is a camera that
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In the pr igrammed m de. just
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i ing an aperture while the camera
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j speed. And in manual. y u can set
" b th f( rc tmplete creative o ntn1.
Whats m ?re. with the F( is extra ?r-
dinary through-the-lens flash meter-
ing system and the pti nal SB-15
Speedlight. even the m st o mplex
flash pictures bec me simplicity
S try (ut an F( i at y ur Nila n
Because in i matter h w temfic
yi u think these pictures are. theres
iK nvhere t i g ? fr an here but up.
greatest pictures.

and Films
ii- is the U'si t times and the
times t.?i hc hase.
"U'Uu mt,h Perform- ,
m. a major him m.mI hdwduled this June Its , return
by Mike Bygrave
' S JI'X't' nru fs ,s
' ' '? k.sed?h tin p.u.ui.n miih (
v le? .Hist- ,ti the age o
?median, who alvvavs want
I).is ins; fHHonie .1 fathei toi the
I turn in two vears ? the vvoi-si oi
ist hase i .in onh spend .1
; ? with his ,u-u daughter, his
( N ?"nl his wife a 111 m
Hoik wood home. He is jetting It
' hl- 'hird film 111 IH months, the
1 v. ith extended sh, tinv in
1 n,tt' "i ?' ion is vvn tough he
- x; " ' "it" .i plush com h .u his
N ' ' ' (i realh rathei have a
' H!l the kiln
' im hs had varied luck in his hltn
I he 01 iginal s . ?. ? . , ?
ht which In was hind as .1
? u'tadualh allowed t pel foi 111
'? ' iaI. made him star, lit
straighi "ii" the liii cornedv-
with (?,ht H.iuii. (,
and ph su ,d (, ?median, fa-
'? 1 la bora te pi.tit.ills. Holly-
; th patina of a romantic
- ' hases subsequent
s wen u ildh in onsistent. .is he
- - ' - '? idmits.
ms I've done thai didn't work
ttse the realh weren't vei
I like I ? ? tht Ratnboi, 01
-?'? ?" I don't see u h
' ' 1 m should Deal oj tht Century.
us hi.H k (onit(l about the
? which Chase described .is his
,rM 11 a?in? role" and for which he
"??? high hopes, also fizzled at the box
' n the othei hand. Xatwnal Lam-
turned out well enough to
- ? vi"l million.
t" rfc u? has t the unm Us
disguises and raucous physical comech
I" a lamas sequence he plavs basketball
ith Kareem bdul-Jabbai and wrestles
1,1 ,lu' ,i,M u dodgers manager.
ii,mn? ? asorda. It's a comedo which
requires acting to a degree. I.m not
tvpe ot undercovei reportei who investi-
gates a drug scheme on the bea h and
then In gets . aught tip in a different
1 hough fu joui nalists arc likeh to
recognize themselves in charactei who
K's around "calling myself at various
l(s- Harrv S. human. Doorleone,
Igoi Stravinsk and fed ugeni and lh-i-
IMs die people I'm .halm- with 1 I?
' l?t'veme( hase is pleased with ,t,h s
tig, hase ss with a grin.
II - about a VVoodward-and-Bernsteii
Chevy, as FUtch. lays a line of auest,onimg on sorm doun-h
?' writer. hase has his un theories
? ,lu relationship of thrillers to
omv su'tngers.

(Above) Cyd, now two years old. bounces
uith Papa Chwy. Her sister, the newest
Chase, is named Calei.
(Above right) This -odd vibrations-
beach box is one of Chevy's many disguises
for Fletch.
tomedv. I think II those Iks
comedies a sense - the fames Bonds,
the Iravis McCk-es. the Fletchcs - thevrc
?l!l aboui the i level matinei in whii h .1
larger-than-life ? harai tei gets through
situations others I us nevei could. n,l
the . h.n.M ids have to use devices .m.
Nls K? by What those Iks
usualh aren't, howcvei. is ver visual, s
llllS have to he adapted to woi k 11 th
si 1 ecu
'? hu 1. this isbase's se ond
with Fletch. Ve-ars ago. his manager
ommended the Iks to hi
wasn't interested 111 them th
nme around, the producer, lanyn
an, u's an old friend and thetcreen
writei Vndrew Bergman. .1 co-writei ol
Hlazinn SaddU ?. Chase agreed to go
ahead. Filming with dim tot Mi hael
R?' hie, .11111, al favorite foi his earb
Minis ,kc ?(induiati and Smile,hase
brier!) had his douhts. Michael films
even angle he can, then with evei lens
evei angle, win, h n vveai .111 ,i toi
i Bui when 1 saw ,u. finished film it
was remarkable how Michael had evened
out in) performance. I realized that he'd
s l11' what he needed to make me
l K ?k g ), I, I
1 he son ol ,i publishei in the New
Vork limes l)k division, Chase grew
up in .1 , ultured, sophisticated household
and started his performing careei .is
musician, playing drums and pi.m Col-
lege (,?ni.ids eased him into cabaret, in .1
show that l.uci became the Groom Tube.
He next toured with National Lampoon's
stage show. Lemmings, foi .1 veai and .1
half, where he met John Beiushi. I hen
came Saturday Sight Livt and show busi-
ness histor. Nevei know 11 foi false
modest) (there was mm h ol the real
Chase in his supercilious V7 anchor-
man who introduced himsell I'mhew
hase . .Mid you're not").hase is now
ai ease with his fame, less prone to ob-
xUv behavior. II, , redits his third
wife. Javni, and fatherhood foi , hanging
remembei vei well not being
h?her, and I don't know what I did with
m) ,mi- - ?' lot ol things which were
waste. Not the comedy, that was work,
but when I wasn't working. I was nevei
u's M" 'a I person. I've alwavs been .1
own writing, ttci ong lavofl h, .
Km k to his desk lasi veai 'I : ? ? hd
changed since 1 stopped, that's how long
11 was") I,in he ss Hollywood's demand
ils perf'01 ming abilities restricts his
output. ? I he hard thing foi me is th
making ol these pictures, the actual film-
ing. s .1 result I'm limiting m writing to
fixing s, ripts. rewriting as we film, ol
ulu' h I '1" a fail amount Still, during
loneb nights in Kurope, he found him-
sell "reading a lot ol novels and thinking
ixn . parth be ause I pla musi .11
home. I don'i know whai I did. I'd just
S"M ol hang out and part 01 something
" and vou tloni do that when you're
?" 1 ied .111,1 h ,? , hildi en. I 1 ealh
wasn 1 fix iisl in ,r ()I a on? mu.
Ii wasn 1 .1 question ol m life is m .111
01 m comedy, because 1,1 already made
"? I hal s (inc. you know. 1 made ii ?
great bui then you think. What more
do I want?' What I always wanted was
something thai fell vei natural to me
Now thai he's got Chases main
problem is finding nine to enjov it. From
Hetch he went straight to Europe to lilm
SationalLampoon's European Vacation. Now
he s packing foi Europe again, costarring
with Dan Aykroyd foi directoi ohn
I andis in Spies Likt i Danny's awfull)
g(K)d .ind I've nevei seen I).mm yet per-
form in his abilities 111 am ol his films. Ii
seems he's taken to playing the straight he's deliberate!) relegated himsell
to that. But he (.in do more, he (.111 stand
on top 1 something. Here I think I'll
probabl) bring out the best in him ? 1
know I (.in - .md 1 think he'll do the
same foi me
Spin Likt written l Aykroyd,
which brings up the question ol Chase's
A masterful physical comedian. Chevy
loves cutting up.
about writing .1 novel. 1 talked to avni
about 11 when she came ovei to visit and
she said I should .4 ahead, perhaps
under .1 different name
Writing .1 novel, playing musu in the
brand-new 16-track recording studio lu- built out his house 01 simph being
with his famih will II have to wait for
the moment, as will am discussion ol
sequels to Fletch. Could Fletch become
his Indiana Jones? "I don't know I hey'd
have to make it worth m while and I
don't even know money is ii anymore
He pauses for thought. "Perhaps it the)
could shoot the next one in m back-
yard. . . ?
l Ml- MO It M (. t

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Michael J. Fox
Work-Life in the Fast Lane
While he filmed the new eomed
adventui e Bat h to tin Futun .
Mi hael . Fox, the film's si.n.
would reach .1 Hollywood IV studio .11
six in the morning, pi.i Alex Keaton in
the !in I series. Family Ties, then head
to .t Sim Fernando Vallev-film studio and
work until midnight as Martv VIcFIv, his
firsi hig s( reen role. "It's like heing thrft-
different characters s.ns Fox during a
welcome break 111 the Filming. "I'm Alex.
then Martv, and lastlv, mvseM ? 1 u to
slip into thai last charactei ever1 now
I then
McFl is a teenagei who travels back in
time to the Fifties and meets his parents
.is high school students. After .1 series o!
adentures and misadventures, lit- risks
life and limb to gel "hack to the future"
the time from which he started.
That's all I (at: tell you about the film
11 now sas Fox, with a laugh. "I'm
not supposed to divulge am ke ston
p unts
On this particulai week Family 75 is
on temporar hiatus. Strangely, Fox feels
moic tired doing onh one project.
When I'm doing both shows. I find mv-
srli with more energy. It's like that
energ) that you have at the beginning of
the (.i when you go to a job thai you
like. Well, I gel thai energy twice a da
10 1 Hi i ? It M (, Nt
instead t 1 hh e
(letting used to him was onh one ol
the challenges Fox land. 1 here was also
tlic schizophrenk frenz 0! creating an
entireh new charactei foi Future, as will
as being Alex on Family Ties. Hut Fox
claims it wasn't difficult. "I've played
Alex lot three vears now. Mrs kind ol
like' a shin that I (.in put on and take
ott. he sas. " 1 hat made 11 easiei to put
energ) into Mart) MeFlv. Plus, this is .1
charactei who's closei to me than am
character I've evei plaved before
A native Canadian, the 23-vear-old
Fox started a ting at 15 in junior high. At
IS. he packed his bags foi Los Angeles.
Fox has appealed m features like Disney's
Midnight Madness, had a recurring role
in TV's short-lived Palmerstown, U.S.A
and guest-starred in such se-iu-s as Trap-
per John, M.I) l.mi Grant and Family.
Despite his sue c ess as a television ai toi .
Fox realizes that a movie such as this one
can have an even biggei effect on his
career. Its realh bizarre Fox s,is.
can sit at home and sa to mvself. What
a giant movie I'm in Hut I have to re-
membei it's a job jusi like am othei jtb,
whether it's a him foi Lockheed 01 a
Steven Spielberg production. Once vou
gel on the set. you go all out. You do the
best you can ? bv Bill Braunstein
Billy Baity
Elfin Roles and a Giant Career
It s not even d.i someone decides to
make a movie with an 8(X)-vear-old,
tree-climbing pixie in an enchanted
forest. Hut whenevei the) do. Bills Bart
is probabh the hist gu) they'll call. Now
60, with ,t show business career launched
in vaudeville before he- was in. Bartv, at
3' (.t is Hollywood's leading presence
among "little people His role as the
diminutive oe to-e entenai ian forest dwell-
er named Screwball occurs in Legend, a
nnths-and-magic fantasia headlined l
lorn (iruise and Mia Sara.
"Its tin- same old story Bartv jests.
"Boy meets girl, girl meets witch, l
saves girl from witch. bo gets girl Yet,
he sas in practiealh the same breath.
Legend is a bit unlike anything else in his
more-than-150-film experience. "The
costumes and makeup were out ol this
world Bart) sas. I had it easy. M
makeup onk took three and a hall hours
to put on. Poor Tim Curry who plays
the villainous Lord ol Darkness took
moic than six hours. And vou could onh
weai the makeup once. Aftei the i.w was
done it had to be thrown away. It cost
$2,5(H) each tune 1 was made up. And I
had one ol the less ditlic uli costumes
Barty, one of L "little people" cast in
the film, found his role quite strenuous.
"In one scene he reports, "a stunt dou-
ble- was supposed to swing ba k and forth
from the limb ol a 11 ee. He ouldn't
bailie out how to do it. sip I ust ended
updoing it myself. When I was finished,
1 went up to him and joked. I'm tired ol
making vou look good
wa from acting, Bart is the driving
foiee- behind an organization he founded
some 28 years ago, " I he I nile People ol
111ei ica along with " 1 he HilK Bam
Foundation which he suited in l7
Both help the medical world studv
dwarfism, and give then members sup
pott 111 overcoming medical and social
pi (ililellls.
"We've had to fighl stereotyping foi
years, Bartv. It used to be- thai vou
didn 1 work in Hollywood until a emus
movie came- around.i come-hristmas
time you'd gel a job in a commercial
pla ing an ell
I hough elfin work is still the- 1101 in.
Barty has compiled credits including
Mm in Wonderland in 1933, Midsummei
Sight's Dream in 1935, Day oj tin Locust
in l and. as the- traveling salesman
(?oldie Ilawn thinks is oui to tnuidei
her, 111 l(.?7,s's Foul Play. Of his latest role,
Bart) remarks, "It's a crazA storv. I lute
?tie a lot of sp(ok things. I am he-
notes with the pride of a seasoned
pi o. "the e oniecU I chef ?
bv Bill Braunstein

Dm Cruise
?ates a Colorful New Role


Like Ills ).( I 1 1IIH 1 ll I I llll i !1 .
w In 'in he inn when i he made
Laps m 1981. 1 -ini uist plavcd Detroit, the pinstripe-suited
proprietoi ol .i floating i .i game in the
musical romedx (u and Dolls. I hese
were high school performances, mind
Mm. Inn both Luis emerged with a deep
desire i hecome professional ,n ini ?
1ikI.iiiiisc ? like lluiion ? is one ol
the iii.iiu forces ui American Htm. iih
I h, Outsiders. ll thi Right Moves and the
highh successful Risk, Business to Ins
credit. Hutton has gone from plaving
schoolboys t portraving spies, hul
( iuisc lias diversified even farther. In
his next film. Legend, Cruise will he a
green man who can talk i? unicorns.
I was fascinated with ack O I In
iiicin Cruise savs ol his siih film
ili.n.uici ilu also plaved a ininoi role in
Endless Loin ). "1 was ahlc to watch as the
charactet developed in the director's
mind and in the sinpt. It's a wonderfully
unusual role.
"Jack O 1 he Green sas Cruise, "is a
mythical charactet and requires a differ-
ent sort of research In spite of his teen
heartthrob looks. Cruise reaches foi
deep detail on each role. He writes up a
background for his character, to create a
sense of history.
lor Risky Business, Cruise dieted and
exercised, losing 14 pounds, to make his
character look like a naive stripling.
Then he purposely added a little layer of
l).ib fat, to mask his musculature with an
innocent, light chubbiness. Foi in
which he played a brutal militate cadet
who goes psveho. Cruise powered down
milkshakes daih until 15 extra pounds
were on his d aim .
Because his father, an electrical en-
gineer, changed o!s frequently. Cruise
went to eight different grade s hools and
three high schools, from upstate ew
Vik to ew (ise toanada to Mis-
souri to Kentucky. Alwavs "the new kid.
( 11use used sx i t ,t .i w.i 11. tit in. even
though the l.umh would usualh move
iisi .is he had made new friends. Espe-
(iall attei lus parents divorced.ruises
energies were poured into athletic s.
One da lie pulled a '410111 muscle and.
knocked out ol action, transferred Ins
involvement to drama ilass. 1 he head
experience ol Guys and sent him
into forward. Without waiting to col-
lect the diploma he'd earned. Cruise
Hew to Manhattan. He bussed t.illes in
restaurants while looking foi the break
that eventualh came in an audition foi
Endless Love. ffirectoi Franco Zefferelli
critiqued his performance with a single
woi(I ? "BellissiiiK ?
i 1111 u has helped me mature
( ruise reflects. "M real training comes
from working with m peers. B taking
chances in roles, I've learned t nust
mvself ? bv Jennifer Bridges
Richard Libertini
long-promised undercovei Mm on drug
traffic at a total beach ? is a welcome
change ol pace foi the performer.
"I'm having tun plaving .1 straight per-
son foi a change Libertini. speak-
ing from a phone booth in I tali aftei a
dav's filming. "Frankly. I like to do stuff
that's closet to mvself. whethei its nun-
ed 01 drama. In recent films. I've spo-
ken with one accent aftei a 1 mt (hi and peo-
ple lo tend to pigeon-hole vou. Fhat's
win I was so glad Michael Michael
Ritchie, who directed etch thought
ol me foi the part. It ma sound hke .1
lii he. but this heen the best unit
I've evei had on a film
I ibertini hails fromhicago. He w.i-
an original membei "t Secondit. the
well-known improvisational group.
which also spawned (iida Radner. ohn
Belushi and several othei comed stars.
Before making his him debut initri 22
(1971). he also worked in a numbei tl
Broadwax plavs sue h as Don't Drini ?
II . '? r. Bud H ibits and Story Theatei In ad-
dition to dozens ol television appear-
ances, his other him roles include those
in - ? ight 1 hi ?. Ra ;? i W ? sky's. I
Sale. Soup foi ? r. D iys I ? en. P ?
!? . f the i and Sharkey's Mad
III which he plaved "Nosh a wiretap ex-
pel t who traded iddish quips with Bui t
Rc in lds.
Such a Character
Richard Libertini, one of the most
populai among Hollywood's
c hat .u tet actors, has 1 ec ently
been a numbei t off-beat characters:
(.eiietal Garcia, the slippery banana re-
public dictatot of Th fn-Laws, Dudley
Moore's instigating Italian manservant
in Unfaithfully Yours, the lisping latino
iustice-of-lhe-peace who marries Bun
Reynolds and (.oldie Hawn in B stFru nds,
Prahka Lasa, the loopy Fai Eastern
myslk alongside Steve Martin in Ml of
Me. Yet. for all these funny, memo-
rable hits. Richard Libertini is hardly a
household name
One reason tor the intense, bearded
actor's hu k ol public recognition is
thai he makes use of a slew of ethnic
accents to bring his rather unusual
characterizations to life. Libeitini's latest
role in FUtek ? he plays an exasperated
newspaper editor anxious to have his star
reporter (Chew (base) turn over a
lhe improvisational background came
in handy on Fletch, when Libertini in-
terplaved with leading man Chase, a
former Saturday Sight Livt writer and
performer. " There were a tew situations
that seemd to call for spontaneous hu-
mor sas Libertini. And for the hist
time in years, I.ibertini was allowed to
speak straight English. It could start a
trend ? by Alan Karp
m- ?mmmmiHHm

111 tin I970N toi the firsi time,
sh telev ivn hi i omniei (ials sui
passed then American euuivalents
in stvle .iMil invention. I hai was the work
ii! .1 Miiall group dl voting directors.
Mill rememliered in the British adver-
tising industiv as a sen of "charmed
circle. Advertisings loss hecame llollv-
vood's gain and the entire ii 11j is
known ii(la toi feature films ? Man
"arkei W i eht ltn. Fame), Hugh audiences are indifferent to Scott's work.
Ridley Scott
Visual Leapsand Stairrase aj?
?.(.?, k. Adrian lien was one ol the most successful sci-
cin c tu lion films cv ii made.
I lii.i-i ui - . ? -
1 nm I ?). lmiv St nil fu Hungt 11
and his brother, the supreme visual m list
'it them all. Rid lev V i iti ago i n the proceeds ?? f his commercials
Mo k . reti-hearded, sottspoken companv, hul he's a ferocious and obses-
Ridlev looks determined sive worker. While he filmed I??. Scott's
enough hi walk through a hi k k vall tamilv once discovered him asleep on the
to hinge on a ciimactk struggle between
good and ev il
lo bring his idea to life, Stoii con-
tacted noveliM and screenwritei William
Hjortsberg in 1980. N'eithei man could
have known u would lake 1 veais and 15
m i lpt revisions to get a workable film.
g tid was filmed in Stoit's native
blngland and captures some of the es-
sence ol thai country's ancient nivths.
Scott, as alwavs, doubled as directoi and
his own camera operatoi ("because 1 uih k
so visuallv. 1 find ii essential"). lorn
St oil could probabh have retired vears Cruise from Taps and Busitu m plavs
fack ()' I he (ireen. who lives a free life
in ilu forest, until he becomes a reluctant
hero and battles the Lord of Darkness
i Inn (in iv ol Rock Homn Shou fame)
given the giant scale ol his produc- staircase, too tired to make n up to the in ordei to save the last unicori
lions. In sometimes has to!). His extra- bedroom.
ordinal v visual prowess makes luin a fa- Ihs new film, Legend, is anothei mas
voritc among his fellow professionals. sic project, opening this summei Ii wa
who realize )iisi whai n lakes in create conceived. Sioti savs. Ihiukii finishing
i in
ilu world. Killing mil the Legend (asi
ait some ol the best, and dehnitelv
souk of the shortest, charactei actors
m the woild. "little people who plav the
' i s ! , i III M V
1 ?' e I e s i
I Bladi Mien and starting Hindi
I had goblins, pixies and leprechauns.
In painteilv palette ol light and the idea of an adventure storv involving When he's not filming one ol Ins spec-
Ihi .?. oi the harsh and magic, goblins, pixies, leprechauns and taculars. Sioii keeps his hand in vsith
ll V si ill i i
Not thai unicorns. I ike all mhIi stories. I wanted n
i ouiiiu iials he celebrated "1984
pplc (oinputei commercial shown din-
ing the 1984 Supei Bowl. foi example,
was his man who slmns personal puh-
litiiv. Stoii has plentv of famous fans
itadv in laud his work, including Petei
llvanis. himself the directoi of three big
special effects films (including the recent
2010). Savs lfvams. I think Sianlev Ku-
hi iik and Ridlev Stoii are the two most
inventive filmmakers in the world lodav
by Mike Bygrave
mM- "???'?
Scott's hallmark: a richly imagined visual
Ht M( IF t (, lF

Iis tluul it the provei bial
, i.i nil t in luu well-liked
ni in blockbusters, directoi
i A mo kis went way ovei the ioj
ii wiili Romancing tin Stone, .t
'Million '41 ossing explosion ol action,
,il .mil romance. However. Zemec-
ias iist turned down a chance t di-
the bound-to-be-successful I ol low up
i don t mean to sound conceited, the
i sonable 32-year-old I M Film School
(1 s,i s (i el .i bl lit hllH h ot pasta.
I . ken and salad, "but I ahead) made
,n film
miin kis' step Forward is an adventure
, , imi ot it (I with the help t Ins
? sin ii ollege w i iting pai tnei Bob
, entitled ?' ?? ' to th, Futurt "It's a
?nit i tul thai is a i ompilation
all the gi i at im sit i ies about time
i,l ititu one Zemeckis enthuses.
filiation and humoi have marked
- woik. which also includes a kinetic.
in In. otiu d . ailed I ars and
lam it ul tn si effort, a low -budget
i i about t( nil Bialliinaiiia. s, Wfl ? '
; You ? II ? ? : 1 he i ?'? 'd
Futurt mi ludis Mi. hail Fox (from
VsFamily 11 t hrisl?phei 1 lovd ?
uu-d-oii! Reverend im), 1 ea I homp-
n i ill rh, Right Mm ? 0 and rispii
nvei (Teachers, Racing -nth th Moon).
he film, now shooting, is supposed to
read) l late in the summci ot 1985.
It's about a teenagei who travels back
time 30 years savs Zeme kis. "1 here
Robert Zemeckis
(.uiiifiK Director Romances Success
In- bumps into his parents as teenagers,
and some quite embarrassing moments
mini when he sees his parents at the
same age he is. It's an unusual situation.
because he's confronted with familial
things, hut they're simultaneously unfa-
miliai because he sees them as they were
m the past, rather than as he knows
them, in the pi esent.
Zemeckis won a Besl Student Film
ia.lim waid in 1973 to his Mac k
. otnedv. Field ? Honor. Is it .httn ult foi a
man in his JOs to relate to the teenage
point ot view? Will. Zemeckis muses, "I
hope I'm m touch with it. I feel liki I am,
but maybe that's because 1 always feel
like I'm IT. but I haven'i been sitting
around thinking about it while I've been
shooting, I've )ust been letting it go )t
Ills yOUthful (.1st. XcllK-l kis ss. ' 1 hl II
wonderful, and 1 think they're really
going to break out in this movie. 1 hey
gel to play such wonderful characters,
the kinds ol parts thai aren't usually in a
typical youth film
The idea oi a teenagei going back to
the time t his parents1 youth has been
rolling in the minds oi Zemeckis and
Gale foi a while. "Boh and l have wanted
to make this picture foi foui years, the
directoi confirms, rhe pail broke into
the big time when they were tapped to
write 1941. Next, Zemeckis and Gale are
set to write Cm Pool, a comedy mystery
to In- directed h Brian de Paima. "Bui
that's still in hist draft stage says
Zemeckis. "It'll have to wait until we nail
down Haik t tin Future ?
by Zan Stewart
USC Film School taught Zemeckis the
machinery of filmmaking.

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Voes z'ez' zzz .attohear
it a; It Jenser :
When you want it all.

The East Carolinian, April 18, 1985
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 18, 1985
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