The East Carolinian, July 11, 1984

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Serving the East Carolina camn
camPus community since 1925
Teacher Education
rh( Vadnnnl -
National Council for Ac-
:at.on of Teacher Education
has restored full accreditation Xo
teacher education program" at
ECU officiaJs have been confi
John Howell
ECU Chancellor Dr.
Howell said the university has
people of North Carolina in carrv nu-at-c
ing out new goals that have ?? credit toTeCU prof, S ?dUCation? School of Allied
last month. In a letter notifying ?m? ? Scn001 of Home
Dr. Howell of the action, NCATF ?r w ?1CS Scn?o1 of Art, School
interim director George aL 1'? a"d the Colle?e of Arts
Denemark expressed appreciation NCATF-f"Joni 5 ? answer to
'for the fine cooperation received ZtJuvX. L 5? cntlclsms, ECU
from the faculty, staff and ad- FdnStt C?UndI for Teacher
ucaiiy ju ? ministration of your institution " rhlii 5 ? aPP?inted Dr.
teacher education programs was "Thl uv ECU officials said the re chifrl? R Coble dean of the
never m question and thCATE this n i&tonMnSff S-? accredi-n fc retroac iVe ? of ion, as fej
action did not affect certification grea m y? n? Xr rn ??Ver the 1983'84 academic ye S V
0! hCU graduates r, . "Id" ngs tnat Governor and was eramen for a o?rJ "OwelJ said ECU "had ar
;Nowthatwehaveth Hum te General Assembly six oTal IF'umi mf "ed a great deal wl s"
non behind us, we intend to move tcSnrJove ed ?, thl?? year September 1990. fganization for administer-
ahead aggressively to assist the sLI P edUCatlon' H?ell ECU teacher education pro- ?? StS edUuCati?n prorams
grams are located in the School of lion h the new organiza-
tion which was put in place in
ms Re-Accredited
A&iSftffft ? -d dynamic
governance structure ofeacner 'oo5" and for?ed
at.on at ECU had been Cor JSP?? SP,m" an,on? ad'
rected- ssa.? n-v?5ro H2.teachers a"d
answer to the accreditation
criticism will prepare us to do an
even better job.
"In the time we have worked to
perfect this new organization, the
university has developed new and
dynamic leadership and forged a
cooperative spirit among ad-
ministrators, teachers and
Howell said "visions of the
teacher education programs of the
future are already being
demonstrated He cited projects
of the university's Rural Educa-
tion Institute and said the univer-
sity s whole teacher education
Program has "set itself up as a
model" to implement teacher ex-
me 1983 General Assembly
Dr. Angelo Volpe vice
chancellor for academic affairs.
Nrk-rlT extremel' Phased that
rNLATE has accredited all of our
eacher education programs. This
" my opinion, is the culmination
of a great deal of work bv a great
number of people. '
"The cooperative effort that
was put forth by the administra-
tion the faculty leadership the
Faculty Senate, Dean Coble and
the entire education faculty was
an example of how much could be
accomplished b, teanwork "
Open Wide And Take A Big Bite
fir from Pani????- ,?? ?
LM TOOO - ecu Nmi BwrMv
MStS!uStZ2l' t s?mCT "??? scheduled by
mall. And we .11 know ,? ,m food ???. ?? Z? My' ? ??le on tie
M?lSchool To Begin Cardiac Surgery
"he ECU School of kh? J?r academic medical centers and termediate ?? - ?
?C? Tfteajfe Installs System
To Benefit Hearing Impaired
ByJENNffERJENDRASIAK ears and do not interfere wi.h p. ? u
The ECU Summer Theatre and SSSTt M ??3ElM?
the Program for the Hearing Im- rented on a nlJZL r be hear,n8 io"es and with certain
paired have inS,al.ed a wifeless bis and my no. ber-XlT' 'Pof h"g atds. Palker aid
FM sound system in McGinnis advance "Srved ln that on'y newer hearing aids are
iw L The system is designed to The system wa fi, compatible with the system "I
allow theatregoers with hearing Monday's DeVfnrmi 'I dohink we will be abl. to help
problems to enjoy theatre perfor Chicago Accordfn. "t ?f ever Person he said. P
Srt!llfc of ? seating SchreiLr. toecto "of 'the the?th Schreib and Pi? sa,d
"Phonic Ear Theatre FM S5?Stt? SLTSi'ftEidTSjS
System includes a transmitter and formace Thw?g d?d in ,be fu,ure ? he
sssrsaas'ts r?fr?J r,bim-fihe??-
equipment of the theatre"8 S?Und MSSASSi: he Thre ? ??????? M unto
anr5r?TrS in need of heari"8 of thnuslMhefreeomVfnnrr for usc' and' to"
sss psi?? sssasss
Ssones rriVWS d "Stenin8 Sun? Se-TS problem ?2 21 be P-vided. oTeTg
accessories are mconsp cuously is that thm. Tr. .? ,ne Problem background of the Dla- anH
and comfortably worn bPe.ow th T?? Jptio? of CJSS, -
The ECU School of Medicine
and Pitt County Memorial
Hospital will institute full-scale
open heart surgery at the Green-
ville medical center beginning
later this month.
The startup of the cardiac
surgery program represents a ma-
jor addition to the medical
school's education, service and
research activities, according to
Dr. William E. Laupus, ECU vice
chancellor and dean of the School
of Medicine.
Heading the cardiac surgery
program will be Dr. W. Randolph
jor academic medical centers and
at large urban hospitals in
Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro
and Asheville.
Chitwood said the cardiac
surgery team he has assembled
I immediately begin perform-
-vojm uj ine major
arteries nourishing the heart mus-
cle. From there the team will
move into the replacement of
damaged heart valves and other
corrective procedures.
care and six general
surgery during his final year at
Duke. He and his wife, Tamara
have two children.
Duke's cardiac surgery training
program, judged by many to be
the nation's best, is three years
ECU Nes Bureau
care beds.
These facilities, Chitwood said
have been equipped with the best
available open-heart surgical and
monitoring instruments, including
?ng coronary artiry' bypass 'S'S? ' the'seven-Z
surgery, a fairly common p?" "IVe rSivTin ?.?n ?Ump' gram of most medical ceSrs ?
cedure in which blood is rerouted with the LSL? ' P Msed goai is t0 tu" out specialists who
around blockages in the major equipmem we'reJEH ?J are proficien in S cS?m
anenes n?.H.hi ? J ffi?, ????? ?" e laboratory as they arTm
Chitwood's cadTac surgerv ThE? t0?m-
rwnom bassS V-
Chhwood,Jrjgho?e" tTSS" SnttaT Z LESF
Umversity S8chIol of MedWne ST h ,han'wfJPer ??? (operator of the hear in- M'dicine's ???? surgery
The Duke residency training pro! SShrlSS? Sh0U'd, inCrease mne) with15 yelrs exwrilnce 2? !d medical stud?nts.
gram is the longest and among the surS, m ,h WC?nd CUdiK in ?art surgwy tSS? fd .?. m be responsible for
most respected in the nation ShSS i?r wT? after mm,rs included nurk cKn eta SS?1 a research
.We are fortunate to have ob- ChitwoXpe'tt ewT T S " fcW
55?ssa;js sasu-s sasjasw; SrA-1-
of Dr. Chitwood said Laupus A PT L ? , Memorial. g maJ?r ?le in preparing
demoLrated'S-fl prog ???1FS&F BAttS fSSE
ihesSdtsraXnri SS5?SS? sa-rShjsrS rr-
class academic heart surcervnro radl?lolgy and emergency depart- Wytheville v? MrnH K?f Jack Welch- chairman of the
;?Ps? isMi g?i?SH i?ss.H
fdahesta,ehreeotherma- unit with st.elTLIn! Sota m'cc ? S. ?3
It's All Up In The Aii
? or trustees. that eveMo-vltal social life. Mayb
Trr. . the talent this guy has.
?'???UIZm?bJle Fi? Among Week's Incidents
8 ? ?r" HUM.BRT - eCU Ptat. ij.
Two automobiles catching fire
and the theft of a flute topped the
hst of campus crimes this week
Although crime last week was
low, it increased this week.
Crimes reported to the ECU
Public Safety Department for Ju-
ly 2-10 were:
July 2 2:30a.m. - Cpl. Burrus
found the vending machine in the
lobby of Aycock Residence Hall
had been broken into and several
items stolen. 9:30 a.m. ? Patsy
Collier of the English Department
staff reported money had been
stolen from her purse in her desk
in 124 Austin Building.
July 3, 5:47 p.m. ? An
anonymous caller reported there
were two unescorted males on the
? floor of Greene Residence
July 4, 12:40 a.m. ? Tommy
L. Jones, David L. Richardson
and Wayne A. Brown were bann-
ed from campus for suspicious ac-
tivity north of Fletcher Music
Building. 3:35 p.m. ? Ashraf M
Alhanbali of Raleigh was cited for
having an expired license plate ina ?,??? , .
4:46p.m. - A vehicle registered L !n,??$5 S?? ,n the Boney and Hy C. Johnston
to Paula B. Dudley was reported ?w?USt,?d Risldcn? Hall. July 7, 7:34p.m. -XkSL
on fire east of Fletcher Music renJ'tf-T 2. DaJJ 2 PoUcc Department repZ?
Building. The fire department w? ? ?f ? vedc f?tcd the bank of Mend?haU
notified. 6:52 p.m. - A ban gj, S College Student Center was activatedI
camp counselor reported two fill? Apa?men s , ?ught on 7My5, 2:?5a.m. - Greg?rvC
suspicious male juveniles in the aZZZISTZ Gym Jhc flrc Pratt of 622 Ford St. imESmi
area of Umstead and Slay nZ J S0tlcd' 4:45 L
Residence HaUs. 6:58 p.m 1 ?I9rathw Ba??ay of e
Terry A. Dierdre, a band camp l!l Vr SUffu reportcd
student, reported her flute ?2 J?? ?? fromt,h.Pe rcporied
from her 2nd floor locker in Flet- reoorrf .? 7 2 Gien?ch domestic dispute on the 1st floor
cher Music Building. 705 ?? 2E? fonlscat?ng a sign July 10, 2:32 a.m - wSX.
- Three band can?p counselors menffiV? th.cDtraffic Part- A. Trenda of 311-C SumWt S?
and Ptl. Murphy reported observ! Tt. dST ?WI -Sftft
? x ?,u ou was arrested
for not having a drivers' license
and stop sign violation. 12:56
p.m. ? Two residents of Slav
Residence Hall reported a
Announcements ?
Features 5
Sports 7
?ECU swimmer sets Peruvian
national records in South
American games. See Sports
page 7.
?Chicago, presented by ECU's
Summer Theatre, opened Mon-
day. For a review, see Feature,
page 5.

cJpV0"01' Un'Ver,fV COUNSELING
?? mmm woola llke to g
ST Car-r 8rM rt.clp.nh w ,?r?
?boot ft, pr0CM1 ? C8rw dte(tJcn m
"bout ft. maors and carr arM$ wftch ar
sist?nf with interests
The workshop win be he.d on WedneMay .nd
Thurso July ? afK, )2, from 13X pM )n R)om
JW Wright Annex.
East Carolina Gospel CHolr presets Caret's
Unlimited to the city of Greenville the first .11
Male Fashion Show Friday July 20th g oc at
Greenville Sheraton for the fashion conscientious
Man & Woman Tickets can be purchased at the
following locations Shonlfa's Hairstyiing, Can-
non's Men Shop, Chess King, no J.rvls Hall, or
by phoning 758 WSJ ? 7580W7
A I 12 hour workshop on Improving your test
Prformanc. will be conducted by me Counseling
Center, Wednesday July ? 2:00 3.30 PM. Coiv
t.ct the center at 757! tor d.t.i.? No
flon or fees required
M?or national ana North Carolina corporation
has recently begin an internship program tor
lunlor level students m.oring In computer
science For further Information contact Co-op of
fie. 313 Pawl Bldg
What win you be doing In m. wmm?- of IMS?
Now I, not too won to lx.n tor c.rr
.xper.ence with m.or corpor.t.on, and oovrn
mmt .genc??. Opportunity, for v.rl.ty of m
or, in location. Contact Co-op,
313 Rawl.
A study Is being conducted at the ECU Speech
?nd Hearing Clinic to determine the difficulty
hrlng impaired students may have
H?crlmlnatlng words In foreign l.ngu.ges. Hear volunteers II to 20 years of age are
"??otd tor a simple hearing test and word
discrimination tasks No foreign i.ngu.g,
background Is Pie.s. cont.c, Mrs
M.t. Oownn. Department of Speech Language
?nd Auditory pathology, 757 4M1, ext 270
dlmES? and "n,ly" p,8nnl"0 ?"d zoning or
dinar In seaside community. Full time hou,
ing .vb nominal cost Contact ctoof
?h2??tUn,tV deon and conduct a wood
? ZLfZ"??,1? ,lrm ,oca? ? Em?rd
'V,J"b 8f nom,n" CMf Contact
co-op office, 313 Rawl Bldg.
W.mtos Broadway musicals tor froa? u?hor
or ft. E?, Carolna Summr ThMfr s(9n
?ne Mawick Art Center, room 10. This I. your op-
portunity to hove som. fun .nd save money at ttw
.me time.
Appllcflon. .r. reo.ue.hK, from tf prion.
Fan iML!HDANTS ,0 "?l'?" ?tudant? for
gMI ? W. .re particularly ft
mSSL tjSSS. " " ? "ground of
?Misting lndlv.du.1. with ttwlr actlvm of dally
-???? confet: Offfc. of Hand.cap-
K,2 S.rv.c??, 212 Whlcnard Building
East Crollna University, Phone 757 ?7W.
There will be . meeting at 9:00 PM Friday July
13th at the International House. A dinner and a
party will follow the meeting. You may bring your
friends and your own drink or food.
Position, available with m.or defense contra
tor located In Washington. DC tor Spring ,?d
Summor, IttS Opportunity for state of the art?
P?rlanca. Deeoline to appi, October, 14 Con
tactCoopar?,v. Edocat(on ,? Rw(
-SLlUJ MmM is h, .?,? (n
onroct Cop offlc, 313 Rawl Bldg.
ScoSSSltS c,tv Co?
BSU cJToVsilTVIr. JMn U " W?
Programs follow ?"m Slrrt ev?ry week
?ht East QIarnlmiati
Opportunity for good pay ar.1 operierx ojojjj
direct rn.rk.tlng department of m.or leisu
tim. corporation located In R.i.lgh Salary p,v,
mileage and travel bwwflts Aixi, Co-op off f
313 Rawl Bldg
Like canoeing? A local canoe trip is being M
fared July 11 through me Outdoor Recre4t,o,
C??nter. For all additional information ce,
757 Wll or come by Memorial Gym
Positions available in Emerald isle to ass ?
growing and planting flowers and shrubs tor ill!
c.plng Full time, housing av. .t Z?l
cost Contact Co-op office, 313 R awl Bldg
Retail, grocery and fast food positions avau.h.
at Nags Head. Kill Devil Hills ard Myrtle B?
Some with accomodation assistance Contact ?v
op office, 313 Rawl Bldg v.unTect Co-
Date to Begin:
Amount Paid $.
Looking for a place to live this fall?
t I av IV y? .?s. .
Date to End:
At V:e Campus -East Carolina Unwersity
Dale Paid
Students wantmg to hive their parents receive'
ine East Carolinian can fill out the form
above and drop it by The East Carolinian of-
rTlHin" SeC?r"d n??r ?f the Publications
building across from the entrance of Joyner
Library. Rates are S30 for one year and $20 for
Student Condos
camou, tTV" h'V' ' SP P'a? ? ?? ?fall ?ex, w
rh n ?ndom,n,um units Surrounded ?n
available Wed Sm i ' LWlthnP to95? financing
other states. 9 355-2698 (collect) from
105 Commerce Street
P O Drawer 563
Greenville. XC 27354
(919) 355-2698
The East Carolinian classifieds
The campus community's No. 1 marketplace
c Marty, Mike& Jame?
0, Both Men & Women (919) 752 1855
By Appointment
?v noted in m?? 7Z SSVJ1 ???c
"V voo voor choice VcwWSwe ?i2 2S2L" r1' ?
fffftecttng the ume ?vln?o7f2iL21 "Sv"w?
t? vou to purCh?si trVSoVer " ?"?'
Ortce within so o o1rt2,i!20ym,$,
c?Dteo per item v ynK ?uoon win be ?c
i I :
301 EvonsSt
2nd Floor M.nges Bldg
Greenville, N C 27834
Kim Shirley
(919)752-7637 FQshl0n a, a p e
items ana Prices Copy'HUH 1934
Effective Tni-j jflt ?rnger Sjv or
July 14 1984 Oo.ntiry Manrs ? hmm
one SOI0 To DilfVs
We invite you
to compare
We believe that our product far surpasses others in the area
m benefits to students, parents and investors. If you will only com-
pare we think you'll see why. Recent changes in tn laws make
ownmg rather than rennng no. only possible but more tfvT
tageous. We'd like to show you how our product is the iZ'
proving you with your own place to Uve as well as an excellent
?2- only $40'500 en? TEflfc?
S Down Payment fig 0251 F, n " ?"???
No Closing Costs 9 TV ,
Payment w no, increase fClece"0"
? Tax Shelter for Parent or Investor
finn??EJi 2 ,?0URS EVERYDAY
600 Greenville Blvd. - Greenville
? ?-??r
Limit 2 Doz Please
Tide A
49 0Z.
24 0Z.
I 10 South Evans ? Greenville. NC 27834
(919) 7S8-60SO
Vi Gal-
r $109
Btl. ?
2ffi?5SE ?Cheese
'Italian Sausage ?Pepperoni
Meister Brau
b' I ?????? Bur??u
10 02-
deeHnKlniS T Lalha,? a
work their 3
fJL I a deC,S,on wh,ch Latri
Sn B-SJ5
I have realized from observf
otheT f:andhchl,dr" and oth
DeonU 8Vhat S0 ma" vol
PPle are finishing high sch
Md g0I?g l0 colj ? ch
cirtr ? k 3bOUt Ch??
career Latham says.
I here are many who
graduating frorn colleyge ?

nnPSf Z ln the;r late for
"0? former members of
gt some say started i
J5 movement that rock
fc? ,CanpUSeS for
than a decade gathered for a re
"10" at the University
Cdiforma-Berkeiey campus
forh? S?me dlsParagmg ?Q
for the apparent lack of pol-n
activism on todav's caZ"
ending the get-together in rath
raditiona fashon Sunday
U?e cutting of an anniversary
aid a game of soft ball
The anniversary was of
founding of SLATE on tr
.Berkeley campus in 1957 to tn i
integrate fraternities
. Before it voted to dissolve i
-1968, SLATE helpedTnu
nationwide student movement fc
raising money to help t d
nghts Freedom Fighters intr
South staging a national
televised sit-in at a San Francisc
meeting of the notorious Hou
Un-American Activities C3mn
tee, and, by giving birth to tr
famous Free Speech Movemem
Pioneering the long student strug
f LagaTSL Campus control ove
student behavior.
There has been nothing in rm
Me I was involved in that I felt '
Fei3of Thygcson of his auS?
days -ft magnified out It ha
npple effects all aver th
"One of the reasons SLATE
was so effective was that McCar-
tnyism was so effective "
speculated Jim Gallegher, who
now works at the University of
Oregon s Labor Education and
Research Center
"It was a horrible time recall-
ed Ellen Margren, who joinec
H,HnTE, m 1958- "You iiteralh
didn t know what vou could sa
to your neighbor. 0u didn1'
know what you could sav to vou
best friend
Sen. Joseph McCarthy, o
course was the Wisconsii
Republican who publiclv brands
People as communists, usualh
without any evidence )r motiv
besides the publicity value o
making dramatic accusations
Though McCarthy himself diec
the same year SLATE began, th
defamations had broken mam
people and careers ? a gooc
number of them belonging to pro-
fessors ? and even mild forms of
dissent were dropped for fear the
dissenters would be personally
and professionally ruined
rLWaS afraidV' said Jackie
Ooldberg, one of SLATE's
effect. I didn't want to be duped
by anyone. I was 17 and a linJe
afraid. I was attracted to campus
politics because it seemed a little
Those fears kept manv cam-
Puses so Quiet that fifties col-

JOorTumtv tor 9000 pay and experience win
Irect marketing department of maor tel?ur,
Irve .orpormor, located in Raieigrt Salary piut
1 aoe ana travel Deneits Apply Co-op ofict
Sawi BiOfl
?e .anoeing? A local canoe trip is being .
I e3 July 1) tnrough me Outdoor Recreation
Fa an eaa.tionai information c,(,
or come e? Memorial Gym
ms a.a laoie n Emerald isle to assist 1.
ana planting newers and shrubs or i.J,
J FuMMma available at nominT,
' Contact Co op office 313 Raw! Bldg
1 eMraatfoad positions avaiiabi
? -eac K.ii Dev.1 ana Myrtle Beach
- - aomooation assistance Contact r
113 Saw Biog t0"
fall ?

H :
1 ?ned
-newng to -? nil be

? -8 rs can rchase
?rooa? Sj, 3-
?" r tgnts ?e$rvM
fSoaa '0 Deal's
Jvd - Greenville
? . DOZ
'02 Please
? Cheese
Meister Brau
??- I HI h.AS
Lawn Establishes Careers Program
H-nis T. Latham Jr H 1VgIIH
deeply concerned r'sua,man in? dohesakI C 8?" - lcvcls' P??uniai and career planning agencies and Pur. , ?
young rple clfooK ?he P1" ham, who ha, h?ri , "More necd to be done - f ?Ups' includin8 trade and pro " Jamcsr
work People choose the,r life's cril Latham said in presenting gffto fS,?n seti? and asscS a- Lathrn??? aPP?ate Mr.
a J ? a decision which La,h t0r ?f a???info?tio?cSS CSta1b,ishuthe fu"d in honor o?h? 2? Jj can have far-reacWng cocW ?? li' and
feels many yonnprc a,lham which he establishftrTafVi? u?r unc,e. the late Fordyce C Har 2? by Pooling and coor win h? S V James said- "We
2 Wta mrolClUbt f a Greenville attorney who ?- inTh 3?? ?? " promote
S?. -metimrSmll 2? 2? ?SBJSS ST .212.?8 found of ?& r ThTmVr
r?-? T. -?ww?uig a more
mwiimgful, more rewarding pro-
these activities
propriate manner
a most ap-
educUonor- ,?l in their recognizes .r1, C He ? one of th
m-iri?g aiSTtS fe'SxJe8 cesT-? -wardmg pro- l h
?f?h?rathaia?nMd0thers indivuals in makYna2J2 TSt Latham said- Instead of a ciuLS -Ualcs ?f the ECU
People Jefimshin. "ST 23 sions' b" hefeS&fSjf1- Sporadic, spur-of-the momem 2, James- director of ZZ??? "1
d going to 3 J?S sch?J "? coordiniiori of ?i2? Cp,SOde' he " jt sho"?d be "on S?' P,annin8 and Placemen ca?? - gram a"d ?ne of his
slightest idea arW 2 h?Ut the ?? SCT' g?m? over ? years ?" ?51lc5 at ECU, will be director SSSl?i Tf J a pub,ic h001
career Latham Ch??Smg a t Acting on his concern Latham r 2 2? makin? this my Personal g Hafdin? Careers'? o- later ctee" S? NC" A
ng, guidance 'friendship for and confidence in 2S?2 ?f International
rOmUM As4 ? - tidencem Business Machines (IBM). IBM
?"? wunseung, guidance ??f?- j r1" ??'u nc
I laance friendship for and confide
now, former memhJatei?r ?Ians were known as The Sil?.t ?v4
will match Latham's gifts to the
careers program fund.
Latham's uncle for whom the
2;s na?ed worked closely
with Gov. Thomas Jarvis in the
early 1900's to establish the schoo!
which became East Carolina
University at Greenville. Harding
later served on the school's board
of trustees longer than any other
Person. One of Greenville's streets
leading from the heart of the ECU
campus is named Harding Street
in his honor.
Carohna,Q"nding president,3St
JPSL In their late ties
nou, former members of the
group.that some say started Z
New Left movement that rocked
Amencan campuses for more
than a decade gathered for a reu
nion at the University of
California-Berkeley campus ?
forTS S?me disParaging words
for the apparent lack of political
activism on today's campu ef
?S 3ttended a inference before
ending the get-together in rather
heS faShi?n Sunday h
the cutting of an anniversary cake
and a game of softball.
fn I anniversary was of the
founding of SLATE on the
Berkeley campus in 1957 to try to
integrate fraternities
in ?SSre? ?n?d t0 dissoIve itself
in 968, SLATE helped ignite the
Sride StUdem dement by
raising money to help the civil
rights Freedom Fighters i? "h
?.? ? , Stag,ng a nationally-
telev,sed sit-in at a San Francisco
meeting of the notorious fEu?
tee nCun Activities Commit-
?L d,r y gmng birtn to the
famous Free Speech Movement
Pioneering the long student strug-
gle against campus control over
student behavior.
"There has been nothing in mv
Me I was involved in that I felt I
had so much of an effect " L J
days "It magnified out. It had
npple effects all ove the
country ine
"One of the reasons SLATF
was so effective was that McCar
thyism was so effective "
speculated Jim Gallegher, who
now works at the University of
Oregon's Labor Education and
Research Center.
"It was a horrible time recall-
S ATP wh0 Joined
h 7t m 1958- "You literallj
didn t know what you could saj
to your neighbor. You didn'
Sen. Joseph McCarthy, o
RnrKr W3S, the wisconsir
Republican who publicly brandec
People as communists, usually
without any evidence or motivi
besides the publicity value o;
making dramatic accusations
Though McCarthy himself diec
the same year SLATE began, the
defamations had broken mam
People and careers ? a good
number of them belonging to pro-
fessors - and even mild forms of
dissent were dropped for fear the
dissenters would be personally
and professionally ruined
OnMHWaS afraid "M Jackie
Ooldberg, one of SLATE's
e?eiSHHN?CCarthyism had its
effect. I didn't want to be duped
afraid1?6' ! was 17 and a litSe
afraid. I was attracted to campus
politics because it seemed a little
Those fears kept many cam-
puses so quiet that fifties col
&Kknown M The Sil?? ?
JSrxM r S?ssr ?3fto dominate the
s,rf?:i- SSMtess tH"Tr-
?ttS'2?s SSfiSMP- S&S?-3
?s??iSS saSsaa: SSh?-
an annual nationwide surevf JhlS wou,dn,t be happening if a?r e.rally in the Place of the
college freshman polidc?nH here Wasn,t wmethitigVicome " dZt L -l?sdy gating stu-
social views cntende in f TT Paul Kaga1i, now S3. . that animated
telephone interview m a e photographe in Sa? SI?, fl,ts . ?mediate suc-
"The material values of that SSSS " ??X ? the s?vSs SWtieS and "
generation were nowhere nfr ?ntennae of social change rw ?
what they are nowtX? so?me "T1 the co?er ofSSSVS. ?f 3 nUmber
he said. "There was m.Z !?me grounds well, some ?L i that have reinstituted
altruism in the SSeTC! fCent hett10"5 t0 govern st?dent
was considered a Kve&s theT ? SOmc f?ent at &I ? ?VCT the
a5M?-?S ?S?s SES-1
highest in history " ? ????"??"i
Today's students are much less
mterested in political activity tnSi
tfteir predecessors primarily
because they're preoccupied wi!th
tangjblgoals like wealfh, AstM
Another non-SLATEnik
observer Rutgers History Prof
2E" S.usman, who telches a
sixties history course, added
cyrucism keeps many of today's
students on the sidelines. X
Some of the SLATE reuruon
participants also wondered why
today's students aren't more ac
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July II. 1984
Page 4
Financial Aid
Court's Decision A Good One
The Supreme Court last week
upheld by a 6-2 vote the right to
deny student financial aid to voung
men who refuse to register for the
draft. Six college students from
Minnesota had urged the Court to
??n,fud?WVhe Iaw' contending
thai the law forced them to give in
criminating evidence about their
registration status and punished
them without a trial. The Court
disagreed, and so do we.
Court watchers view this as a
tory for the Reagan administra-
n, but the decision is more a win
or fairness. All legal considera-
te about "bills of attainder"
that punish a particular
of people without a hearing
legal under the Constitution)
de, what the question boils
n to is should people who
ise to fight for their country be
n money by it for an educa-
law does not compel in-
clination because financial aid is
mandatory. You don't have to
Ply. Although if you need it and
aren't willing to sign up ?
:1I, tough luck. Sure, people are
hurt by this law, but if their
conscience objects to registration
ours objects to giving over our
hard-earned tax dollars to educate
non-conforming ingrates. How
dare someone expect a country to
educate them when they're not
willing to stick by that same coun-
try. Any rational argument leads
you back to the same conclusion ?
that it's a two-way street, and you
have to ride in both directions to
get what's yours.
But, you say, "poor people are
hurt most. Rich people aren't af-
fected That's true. They're the
ones applying; but a well-off non-
registrant would get the same treat-
ment if he happened to apply. So
the law is uniform; it just doesn't
appear so. We agree with Justice
Thurgood Marshall who chides his
colleagues in a dissenting opinion
for not admitting that the law is a
form of punishment. We agree ?
ft is, but unlike Marshall, we think
it s okay.
Financial aid is valuable, and as
we said before in this space the
program is a good thing for the na-
tion We just don't want it given to
people who break the law
Heredity vs. Education: Family Ties
SIPS Hp-SHS Sa?a?aa
-wSSSbs- ??tM"i SgjgsKSsss
-ggrttsaas scsHS s??Sj?3sk
&?wasses si 55?5rm asarsM?
Art Buchwald
-? 'viutuiuu uuw proua
J2J ?CTC Whcn he ot his MBA You
to d him you were going to make him a
full partner, but I had no idea you were
going to appoint him president "
out m the mailroom, and then worked
hirnself up to underwear and socks.
After two weeks he became restless so I
made him vice president of merchandis-
ing. Before I knew it he put in a whole
new computer system, renovated all
foLnd ??0rS' ad,ded a ladies' fine, and
found a way of earnin. 13 peroant in
tcrest over the weekend on owcashflow
by paying our suppliers through a bank
in Hong Kong. Roger said the one thing
nfnHarnedat?Harvard was y?u either ex
pand or die.
"How old is Roger?" I asked.
He s 28. He came to me about eight ?H
W S StfJSK Br that BI
-Campus Forum- " ?r B,oomin8tafc,s
a w JT, ' "????? "ur image.
and the name Efrem Wrinreb was too
associated!inour customers' minds with
the late '70s. I don't want to be too hard
on him. He worked out a Golden
Parachute' deal with me before we went
public. He said I could stav on at mv
present salary as a consultant and have
"Young Harvard MBA's don't mince
words I said. "Did you tell hin?thU .
business was your whole hfe and yor STS " a consuJtant ?d have
dream had always been fo ?Sd ZJfZT? FCached 55' providin ?
Roger to work as a team?" ? ' .work for a competing store
"Yes, and he said from a . P1 ?say you had t0 work in lhe
standpoint he understood but "SFZ1"
executive of a corporation he had t Q ? ' was m' own choicc- ?'?
- lad to ??? to work back here than to explain
wE. 'tockhoJders first
ow?xders? ? th? ?
? 2 f?rg0t t0 teU vou- Roger took us
public last year. He told me it w? the
? w?. UW.H H?c IU CAJ. Id.
to everyone why we changed the name of
the store
"I think Roger's an ingrate
"I don't blame him and I don't bhme
Harvard. I understand the first thing
SWaSSSSS? ?teach you at any top busi
???? .rying to buy Brooks ssssrs:
blood, you go for the bottom line
1 whm.u,
WZMB Listener Input Encouraged
tor's note: The following is a W7mp ?
Reagan: A Nixon 4
rf!t0r'i n?te: The following is a
response from the ECU Media Board
Dear Ms. Gooch:
I appreciate your letter concerning
he Permanent Wave show on WZMB
faput from the many students who
fasten to WZMB is welcome and ver?
helpful to our programmers.
our iLWaVe muSic is very P"1 with
m and for this reason we
SLE t0 pIay morc new wave
SS8 2 rcgular rock sh?w
programmmg. Because of the amount
of new wave that is being ni? on
we Mi?t?F5 25 Pamming,
Tern w W! Shou,d Umit tfle Permf:
nem Wave show to one night each
Again, we do appreciate your interest
Media Board Chairman
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
?Z Z? ?Ur ?ffiCe in the lica.
iraZLnf? OCross Srom " en-
trance ofJoyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all let-
ten must include the name, major and
ZfaSSZ ?fthe ?"or(s). Utters
rZlT " '? tWO 'yPwritten pages,
itterieCei?r neatly
letters are subject to editing for brevi-
2?!2??? ?dnipersonal
attacks will be permitted. Students
faculty and staff writing letters for this
inLr'mi?ded that the ? limited
to one every five issues.

readers familiar with the term ???Q?i,
votVhwrraMWinkle: Coervatives should
votr or Walter Mondale. You heard me correctlv
a! 'nT5' RepUblicans ?? ? ndCvo eeCfor
Sin'bhh SCrVatiVes shou,d vote for Mondale,
it UJ IK C dtes get the nomination. If Gary Hart
Jesse Jackson or Ted Kennedy should garnerTt cSn
servanves should pull the lever or mart the bX"
even faster for them. 0t
I'B explain my reasoning.
Iewi7' ToT rhin8Sam Donaldson, Anthony
d u 2? Wicker, the editors of The New
,n fh lCThC N,CW! and ?bserver everyone els"
n the media said about Ronald Reagan. Forgeut'
Forget everything you've heard Reagan himself
say. hts jabber about the Soviet-Cuban ffiEt ? cen
tral Amercia, his "evil empire" rhetoric, his-hogwash
about free enterprise. Forget it. Talk is cheap
Instead, Look at the Reagan record
dehr" nfS a P.resident who has run up a national
debt of staggenng proportions. (I've read all the
JfPuMican excuses for it, but forget them as well
Remember, talk is cheap.)
torT Xl a presidcnt who is se"?ng nuclear reac-
ts to Communist China. Actually, selling is a
misnomer. The Chinese don't have billions of dollars
or nard currency to buy them with. They'll get a
ter?tSrUate,dlZ?d "Tc" at a ?"
terest rate - from U.S. banks. A loan that Kissinger
? if he's still around ? will cancel 20 vear? fmm
Plutonium from the rS?or? bU'1' W"h the
doFarhrtelc? funne,ed??of
KomTToc.r " "
didate fondly 5?3 jSi ?henhe ? "?-
diplomatic HrtftftWfSiS 2f SeVerin?
capitalism in the wlTL at 5"le dyno of
bother to VaVAXIS
maSianTecen ChineS? ?-S-? e
? JLSttMSA-rno fl?
Here is a president who, as a candidate foam, ?
he mouth as he attacked Jimmy Carter for tS to
hove strategic inferiority upon the U S. Waf T
II Treaty, but since his election has honoredI thlt
ii 7.? S ! Pr?'dem who could have uMraded
SMS f?rCeS "i,hin " ?f SALTT
?55 o05-s,rbom - aa
of7J!fIf prcsidnct wuo promised to cut the size
of federal government, who promised to slash soS
programs. Government is bigger tadm rW?,
three years ago, and more kSLlS
pro-ams today than was ZZ?
I could go on, but why waste time.
as Reagan.
Alger Hiss
size of the
steidy?nViHrC vS ?S " thc Press W)df and in-
stead focus on his actions, you'll see that Snn.M
Reagan is hardly a conservativl aJK t
Americans think they've 2SUfi?S?
aLst 2rfm ? ?fficc? R?aga7?a pro!
gressive moderate by any standard of lhe definitioT
His presidency resembles Nixon's
Nixon was elected with the same
commie-hating, conservative creditials
Nixon was the man who helped put
behind bars. But Nixon doubled the size of the
federal budget, quadrupled the national debT, gave us
ote??A2? m ictnam' "??? Tai'ww out
of the Umted Nations and ushered Communist Oima
ui, gave us detente and Salt I and even usedTaae a?5
price controls - hardly a laissez-fairrappTotcho
economics. Nixon did things that no DemSSwdd
have done - and so hasRonald Reagan "
All while the establishment press mwDainted horh
men as right-wing conservatives
Contrast Reagan to Jesse Helms, Phil Crane
oS P?nt?n' Jack KemP- Joh? EaS 2TSS
other "real" conservative, and you'll Mthl L y
vative hoax that Ronald ReagJm " " " conser-
His policies promote socialism both at hnm? ?a
abroad. If he continues his presentWi befo?
second term is out, Reagan wffl have SShS
SSKS S S?SLiSthro agent
have ?dvMcJ?S??.He
Americanism. Clal,sm wh,Ie preaching
ThtouTcome'wIi S Sfc"1! Mondaif
and there will be no !n?e " PP5 swfter -
about freetmXCwn?rvative speeches
sionsim. OTlCrpnse thrwarting Soviet expan-
nS MSTit S2?VS hNovcmbCT r -Ukc
American can snot 2S becausc ? averagc
Hart, Mondlk andJactr?" uUke McGovern,
fooled by cCjdeorLfe1' 5M I
so, the average vo?? will f?" md N?on- d
Pie. and Nix VtSJ ff Md a,C
conIuvTf Ucan convention,
record and firmlyLrLfritid2e ?
best way to dous ?Sn?1?,SC,Ves from E?
Although it'srX5? J2! ? ? conservative,
least itTould 222155: S" uceed. at
to the American dcoS,11,1 " demonstrate
true coiifthaf h? Rca?lul h not a
servative policies. P0" ?? not con-
TshouId VOtc for
servative movementv.?t0 Pf8 the con-
win a sure etectio? tnatlSft ,Rcag,U1' ?" t0
ment. mt wU1 on,y doom the move-
is left of the rqmbBc " to W h?i
Roxie (Maun
Circumstances aren
what they seem. Al
sometimes seems that y
A simple misunderst
missed assumption can
meone into an embarras
tion so fast that he da
realize that he's making
Such was the case
friend Buck Penrv. B
joker through and" thrc
specialty is mind gam
thrives on the art of o
which makes it doubl
when he finds himself th
his own joke.
Once upon last Wi
mght, at about 10:30, rr
rang. Buck was close
phone, so he answered
17-year-old sister Lori wa
other end. I took the ph
talked to her.
I knew that Buck often
talk trash to the ori
Duo 'Sqi
In 1978, amid Britain's
"new wave" invasion, a
called Squeeze made
unheralded debut. Little d
suspect that in the followii
years they would become
the most respected names i
Squeeze was the "critics
ings and much of that
was due to the bri
songwriting of Chris Diffor
Crlen Tilbrook. The team's
tious lyrics and pop hooks
simply irresistable, and thev
soon tagged "a modern U
and McCartney
After two formative all
MT Squeeze and Cool For
the band released Argybargy
from there it seemed they
do no wrong. This BeaUesqi
fort was followed bv the inc
Me iSaff Side Story, consider
many to be their masterpiece,
album featured their biggest
? hit 'Tempted with
vocals by keyboardist Paul
rack. Soon afterwards, Car
left Squeeze to pursue his
career, following in the foots
of the mad genius Jools HolL
the band's original ivory tkkl
The group pulled itself t
together for what was to beo

mily Ties
r MB As
the details, except
i use Roger Weinreb as a
pany to threaten takeovers
es. His roommate, who
estment banker who
Averaged buvouts
tuu means
"derstand Roger wan-
?ead, but whv would he
Weinreb & Son to Roger
. Father
: wanted to be in the
-hange our image
? Weinreb was too
"omers' minds with
I want to be too hard
iced out a 'Golden
h me before we went
rould stay on at my
as a consultant and have
-hed 55, providing I
mpeting store
nad to work in the
' z
vas m owti choice. It's
ark Dack here than to explain
M Nhy ve changed the name of
tk Roger's an ingrate
: Mame him d I don't blame
1 understand the first thing
- at any top business
you have to choose bet-
s and your own flesh and
or the bottom line
?J points of view. Mail or
our office in the Publica-
tmg, across from the en-
yner Library.
Yeses of verification, all let-
It de the name, major and
n, address, phone number
ye oj the authorfs. Letters
to two typewritten pages,
?ed or neatly printed. All
rubject to editing for brevi-
J -d libel, and no personal
V be permitted. Students,
staff writing letters for this
Winded that they are limited
five issues.
ftral America through his agent
ve busted the economy. He will
?cialism while preaching
now socialist like Mondale.
ie same ? perhaps swifter ?
pon fusing conservative speeches
land thrwarting Soviet expan-
-w this November - just like
yat s because the average
heft-wmgers like McGovern,
ickson; but, they are genuinely
?ke Reagan and Nixon. And
I will vote for mom and apple
eagans every time.
Itional Republican convention,
sharply criticize the Reagan
rate themselves from it. The
nominate a real conservative.
such a move would suceed, at
cord straight and demonstrate
e that Ronald Reagan is not a
nat his policies are not con-
servatives should vote for
tar better to preserve the con-
y sacrificing Reagan, than to
at will only doom the move-
I ship has gone down, the na-
?vauve leaders to salvage what
'20s Of 'Chicago
Summer Musical Shimmers With Excitement
Roxie (M.ureen Kerrigan) reaches for the stars.
Shimmy on back to the days
when jazz was hot, passion was
intense and women were
merciless-back to Chicago of the
1920s. Once again the East
Carolina Summer Theatre cap-
tured the spirit of Broadway with
its second 1984 summer perfor-
mance, Chicago, Based on the
drama by Maurine Dallas
Watkins, Chicago relates a tale of
murder, fervor and fortune-
Maureen Kerrigan stars in the
play as Roxie Hart, a club singer
who kills her faithless lover and is
thrown in jail with six other sexy
and seductive jailbirds (Su-Su
Corbitt as Liz; Connie Yoder as
Annie; Jamie Wilkerson as June-
Paula Johnson as Hunyak
Patricia Weeks as Mona; Jennifer
Paulson as Stella).
David Heckert portrays Billy
Flynn, the fast-talking, fortune-
seeking lawyer who helps acquit
Roxie and her somewhat jelouse
soon-to-be sidekick, Velma Kelly
(Barbara Gulan).
At first hot-tempered Velma
treats newcomer Roxie with con-
tempt . And once Flynn puts her
case on the back burner to attend
to Roxie's, Velma becomes
jelouse and outraged. Being the
thrill-seeker she is, she attempts to
pursuade Roxie to team up with
her (only so she can share in Rox-
ie's newfound attention.) Refus-
ing at first, Roxie finally gives in
when someone else steals the
spotlight, and the two show their
stuff in the final song and dance
number "Nowadays
Flynn makes his grand entrance
on stage with the song "All I Care
About. It is through this song
that we learn just how suave and
facetious Mr. Billy Flynn really is
Throughout the play Flynn
manipulates Roxie's very passive
husband Amos (Gary Lamb), in-
trigues the press - especially the
gullible, singing reporter, Mary
Sunshine (J. Loeffelholz) ? and
twists and turns Roxie's alibi to
serve his own desire for fame
This musical vaudville incor-
porates flappers and gangsters
with colorful tunes like "All That
Jazz "We Both Reached for the
?7 Roie "dazzle
Dazzle and "Nowadays "
Music Director Barry Shank led
tne company through the
Throughout the play Master of
?rm0n,CS ,John Person
periodically enlightened the au-
dience with tidbits of helpful, yet
comically obvious information
Janice Schreiber should also be
commended for an excellent job
portraying the crooked jail
matron, Mrs. Morton.
Chicago was directed and
choreographed by Broadway
veteran Jay Fox. Robert Alpers
brilliantly designed the scenery for
the toddhn' town" of Windy Ci-
Theend of the play contains
one unique surprise that shocked
the audience tremendously but
HI leave things at that. The East
Carolina Summer Theatre's rendi-
tion of Chicago is packed with
seductive dance numbers, comedy
and intrigue that should not be
m ssed.
Tickets are available for the
Wednesday through Saturday per-
formances (July 11-14) and may
be purchased at McGinnis Theatre-
from 10 a.m. until 8:30 p.m or
reserved by calling 757-6390 Per-
formances begin at 8:15 p.m
I lungs Aren t Always What They SeemOr Are Thev
?"?? freshman girls. Since I ori u ,k ?
Circumstances aren't always
what they seem. At least it
sometimes seems that way.
A simple misunderstanding of
missed assumption can hurdle so-
meone into an embarrassing situa-
tion so fast that he doesn't even
realize that he's making a fool of
Such was the case with my
friend Buck Penry. Buck is a
joker through and through. His
specialty is rnind games. Buck
thrives on the art of confusion,
which makes it doubly funny
when he finds himself the butt of
his own joke.
Once upon last Wednesday
mght, at about 10:30, my phone
rang. Buck was close to the
Phone, so he answered it. My
17-year-old sister Lori was on the
ftHerend- l t00k the Phone and
talked to her.
I knew that Buck often liked to
talk trash to the orientating
freshman girls. Since Lori is that
age, I decided to put her on the
spot by putting Buck back on the
So I said, "Hold on" to Lori
and threw the phone on the bed
beside Buck.
"Here I said, "Talk to my
sister. Her name's Lori
Buck picked up the phone and
said, "Hello Lori ? hello?"
"Hey said Buck, "How are
you doing?"
"Fine, how are you?"
"Oh, I'm okay. You sound ter-
rible. Are you tired or
"Well, yes, I am tired. I've
done a lot today
"Or it might be that you just
don t want to talk to me said
Buck. He was loosening up.
"No, it's not that I
"I bet you even hate me, don't
"I don't hate you
"Yes you do, I can tell
"I don't hate you
Duo 'Squeezes' A Hit
I decided to contribute to the
conversation. "She hates all black
"Brian said you hate all black
People said Buck.
"I don't hate black people
"Brian said you did said
Buck. "Is that why you hate me,
because you hate black people?"
Buck waited; the other end of
the phone was covered. He heard
laughter in the background, then
the voice again.
"I don't hate you and I don't
hate black people she said.
"Well, that's okay, because I'm
not black said Buck.
"I didn't think so. You don't
sound black
"I don't sound black?" Buck
looked at me; I shrugged my
"How does a black person
sound?" Buck asked.
"Well you know
"Yeah, like fer sure Buck
began to unwind a string of Valley
t ui t. ly gnar,y- y'know?
Like, I m from California
y know, and I've got this really'
tubular tan, y'know? And like I
bSTSS? h?W people can really
yrem- ItS Iike' stelJ
I figured that Lori and Buck
had had enough long-distance fun
at my parents'expense, so I wav-
ed my hand in gesture for the
'Like, Brian wants to talk to
him the phone, okay? Later "
Buck handed me the phone I
said, "Like, hello
on"thel!?" My mother was than
? hete- talked to her for a
while then to my grandmother,
then to my sister again. After
that, I hung up the phone.
Buck was stretched comfor-
tably out on my bed with one arm
cradled behind his head. He look-
ed at me with a perplexed look
and said, 'You know, Brian, your
sister sure does sound - older
Staff Wrtlcr
In 1978, amid Britain's initial
"new wave" invasion, a group
called Squeeze made their
unheralded debut. Little did they
suspect that in the following five
years they would become one of
the most respected names in rock
Squeeze was the "critics' darl-
ings and much of that praise
was due to the brilliant
songwriting of Chris Difford and
Glen Tilbrook. The team's infec-
tious lyrics and pop hooks were
simply irresistable, and they were
soon tagged "a modern Lennon
and McCartney
After two formative albums,
UK Squeeze and Cool For Cats,
the band released Argybargy, and
from there it seemed they could
do no wrong. This Beatlesque ef-
fort was followed by the incredi-
ble East Side Story, considered by
many to be their masterpiece. The
album featured their biggest U.S.
chart hit "Tempted with lead
vocals by keyboardist Paul Car-
rack. Soon afterwards, Carrack
left Squeeze to pursue his own
career, following in the footsteps
of the mad genius Jools Holland,
the band's original ivory tickler.
The group pulled itself back
together for what was to become
the last Squeeze album, Sweets
From A Stranger. After spending
most of 1982 touring the U.S. the
band seemed to be on its way to
international stardom. Then out
of nowhere, came the shocking
announcement: Squeeze was
breaking up. While the rock world
mourned the loss of the group,
Difford and Tilbrook were busy
finding a new outlet for their
songs ? namely themselves.
The biggest surprise about the
duos self-titled debut album is
that there is no real surprise. The
basic Squeeze sound is still there
? catchy melodies that stick in
you head. However, it is nice to
see how the boys' writing has pro-
gressed. These songs are among
the most profound they have ever
Tilbrook's smooth vocals are as
ovely as ever, echoing the
kmhness in "On My Mind
Tonight "The silence of the
telephonedoesn't bother meBut
I wish that it would ringI'm con-
fined to quartersI'm in
solitaryI'm the man who would
be kingthe small hand's on the
fiveI've got you on my mind
Particulary effective is the sub-
tle approach to heartbreak
presented in the touching "You
Can't Hurt the Girl "Her
heart's been broken too many
I thought about Lori's voice.
She sounded seventeen to me He
said she sounded older. When he
handed me the phone, my mother
was on the line.
The thought hit me then.
"When I gave you the phone,
you said 'hello' twice before you
got an answer, didn't you9"
"Yes said Buck.
"J bet you were talking to my
mother I said.
Buck's eyes nearly popped out
of his face. He bolted upright in
the bed.
"Oh, my God he exclaimed,
That was your mother
I laughed so hard I couldn't
talk Tears streaked my cheeks.
Buck had covered his face with his
hands, but I could see that his face
and neck were bright red.
"Does your sister have sort of a
low voice?"
I shook my head. Buck looked
at me.
"How old is she?"
"Seventeen I said between
"Oh, no
"My mother is fifty-seven "
fJr -?ndS Went bak over the
2Sl was talkin? t0 your
mother! I think I've done
something very foolish
Buck made me caJl home to
SS-Ck Te ?that he reaJ1y was
2 hJ-fLZn a?SWCT?I and I ask-
ed her if she talked to Buck
?I don't know she replied
If that was him thai answered
the phone, then I gues I did "
It was " I said, "Then I talk-
ed to you for a while "
"Then I said hold on
MAnd I gave the phone to
I started laughing again. Buck
covered his face and moaned Bet-
w?en,the daughter, I told Lori that
I had to go. I laughed and Buck
The moral of the story:
before you leap.
lllbfook ?d Difford m Mktag ? OB 0WB
??- ?? -
timesYou can't hurt the girlAnd
not cry The team's brilliant use
of imagery can also be found in
this song: "She cried for a week
the wound remains openHer
heart turned to oak, she wept like
a willowYou can't hurt the
girlAnd not cry on her pillow "
Producer Tony Visconti's string
arrangements greatly enhance the
mid-tempo tunes like "Action
Speaks Faster "Man for All
Seasons and the McCartney-
mfluenced ballad, "The Apple
Even the up-tempo numbers
nave an underlying sadness to
them: "Picking Up the Pieces"
opens with the lines "Words
escape me now, I'm in
prisonSentenced to life of
tearsNow she hates me, that's
ner decisionwaiting for the
smoke to clear And the fallacies
of a corrupt love affair are
presented in "Tears for Atten-
tion "Tears for attention dry
upon a smiling faceKisses of af-
fection, lips that touch without a
traceThe idea of conception puts
the smile back on my face
However, in the tradition of the
Beatles, Difford and Tilbrook's
topsy-turvy love story ends in a
positive note. In "Love's
Crashing Waves Tilbrook sings:
Love s crashing waves upon the
rocksIs seen by some, by you it's
notBut you won't drown, love is
your townWhen love is found
for all to want Chris Difford
and Glen Tilbrook share a vision,
and in the end they are merely
echoing the desperate voice of
generations past: "All you need is
The Difford and Tilbrook
debut LP is available at the
Record Bar in Carolina East Mall
and the Plaza.
Novel Concentrates On
Present, Not Future
Staff Writer
fire . pcop.e ?tempt to draal.Kw'isTnThc E5
and the actual events of the year 1984 However to mlL .
TwfiSlu "PW18" nP for ten years. puiLsnabl?
of the state which promoted blind loyalty; completelv unof. ,Vlt,cs
member so it was all the more shockina when it ml ?J? dcal p?rty
was guilty of thoughtcrime mSSSLSS VZESSll? he
consciously. He, without bdn ae oHt hadtbv?1 su
and muttered "Down with Bii Brother" in S,?SSP WShti
tWhh? TrhWd Wm, promptly turned ZkfiT?TZ&.
that he was proud of his daughter for ctfrwiSy
See WARNING, Page 6.

Stmtt Witter
The Marshall Tucker Band
began their career in Spartanburg,
South Carolina as a group called
?" T?y Factory, with Toy
Caldwell (guitar, steel guitar
vocals); Doug Gray (vocals); and
Jerry Eubanks (sax, flute, vocals)
With the addition of Tommy
Caldwell (bass), George Mc-
Sk Crhytnm guitar), and Paul
Riddle (drums), they transformed
into The Marshall Tucker Band in
1971; the new name came either
from a key Toy found or from a
pie Marshall Tucker Band was
released in 1973 as their debut
album ? going gold after two
years. "Can't You See" became a
minor hit off the album.
Later during the same year they
A History
began opening for The Allman
Brothers Band, and such tunes as
Take the Highway "24 Hours
at a Time" and "Fire On the
Mountain" gained the band FM
exposure, with the latter song at-
197T8 nUmbCr 38 ?n the Charts in
Two albums released in 1974 A
ew Life and Where We All
Belong also went gold. Even more
success followed the next year
with the platinum Searchin'For A
Rainbow, which included the very
popular title song.
In 1976 Long Hard Ride was
released; however, it did not
match the success of its predessor.
Again the best known cut was the
title song. The Marshall Tucker
Band peaked in 1977 with another
platinum album, Carolina
Dreams, which included the big
seller "Heard It In A Love
Song The song went 14th and
became the highest rated single.
The album also included the
favorite cut "Never Trust A
Stranger "Can't You Sec" was
re-released during this time and
again made the charts.
In January, 1977 the band
played for Jimmy Carter's in-
Further albums include
Together Forever, (1978); Runn-
ing Like the Wind, (1979); and
Tenth, (1980)-
Tragedy struck with the death
of Tommy Caldwell on April 28,
1980. A year later Dedicated was
released in his honor. Caldwell?s
place was taken by Frank Wilkie
a former member of the Toy Fac-
Dedicated Guitarist Receives Praise
T M.r.h.11 M. Itod ?????, ??,? h, ???? Tuckerlud n m2
Send your message in the Classifieds
Bart Walsh
? ?? ?
B?rt W?tah Is jamming his wiv to ultimate success.
Warning Is
Still Relevant
Continued From Page 5.
However, that is not the way it
was in Russia in the 1970s. People
could poke fun at Brezhner, the
Soviet leader, and tell anecdotes
about him with impunity.
Staff Writer
Another one on ECU's
laianted and Dedicated" list is
Bart Walsh, a Winston-Salem
guitarist majoring in psychology
A serious guitarist since the age of
16 Bart played in bar-bands
(under age) while in high school,
when he arrived at ECU in 1981
he met bassist Steve Cambell and
drummer Scott Patters. Together
with a few others, they formed the
band Threshhold. After receiving
an enthusiastic response from a
??ni Room CTOwd ?n April
1982, they were called back to
Greenville to open at the Attic for
bands such as States and Animus
Pile (ex-Lynyrd Skynyrd drum-
mer). They were approached by
Driver to join that band, but
decided to stay in school
By May of ?83 all three were
members of Driver and stayed
with the band until "cir-
cumstances" broke them up in
Nov. They then took a break from
school for a semester.
Finishing school is a common
Ba?l I?' .SteVe ? Scott.
Back m Jan. of '84 they finally
12:45, 2:50
4:55, 7:00,9:05
An outrageous new
comedy from the creators of
"Police Academy" and the
?ar of "Splash R
Such a slackening of
totalitarian controls may make it
seem that totalitarianism does not
necessarily last. Thankfully, there
is no guarantee that it will endure.
But we should not let ourselves
get lulled into complacency
Orwell's warning is still relevant
as is shown by the degree of
repression which still exists in
Haiti. There, people can face im-
prisonment of three years for
speaking out against President-
for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier or
his family. That is why Orwell's
warning should be heeded for now
and the years to come and not be
treated as a Cassandra warning
Open 11:00-Starts 11:30pm

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fc S$ai twtafa
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recorded a tune Bart wrote when
he was 17 - "Day of
Reckoning Currently, "Day of
Reckoning" is played on WZMB
WQDR and WKNC (N.C. State)
They hope to have an EP ready in
a few months.
Bart says that his early in-
fluences came from Eric Clapton
and Richie Blackmore. His con-
temporary influences came from
Eddy VanHalen and Randy
Rhoades. Rhoades was a member
of the original Quiet Riot and also
played on Ozzy Osborn's first two
solo albums.
Bart is basically a "heavy
metal" guitarist, though he
doesn't like the terminology and
plays a variety of styles. The songs
he writes vary with his moods, he
said; he even has a couple mushy
ones he plays on a twelve string
If you're thinking about im-
PuM,Vmg (0r ginning) your guitar
skills, Bart also teaches and his
prices are negotiable. Rocket
Music refers many customers to
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Telephone 757-1971
Peruvian national record holder
and ECU recruit Chema Lar-
ranaga recently quaJified for the
Peru Olympic Swimming Tear
the South American Games
Swimming in the 1500-mete-
freestyle event, Larranaga placed
fourth with a qualifying time
16.03 minutes. The Peru Olvrr
Swimming Team will hopefully be
participating in 1984 Olvrr
Games held in Los Angeles this
"Chema set a Peruvian na-
tional record with his suim and
we are real proud of him head
swim coach Rick Kobe said "I
proud and I'm sure the whole
university is proud because he is a
Larranaga already hole
Peruvian national record and
competed in both the 1980 Olym-
pics held in Moscow and tin
ttorld Games under his native
flag of Peru.
After an outstanding freshman ear
upcoming football season.
Blacks Fan
(CPS) ? Some football coaches
tend to consign black players to
certain positions, while ieing
more central "decision-making"
positions for white plavers, a
study of Southeastern Conference
football teams has found.
Though the researchers w ho did
the study of SEC team rosters
from 1973 to 1983 disagree over
whether the "stacking" of black
players at wide receiver, running
back is deliberate, all stress their
study didn't ask why the teams
have been "segregated bv posi-
. The report "is not an attack
it s a study says Joan Paul, one
of the three professors who did
the research.
The three defined "central"
positions as linebacker, guard
center and quarterback.
"The positions farthest from
the center of operations were
stacked with black plavers says
Paul, who teaches at Southeast
(Louisiana University and co-
authored the study with Richard
McGehee of the same school and
Helen Fant of Louisiana State.
Two-thirds of the athletes who
played the "periphery" positions
on SEC teams in 1983 were black
while 73 percent of the plavers in
"central" positions were white.
"The accusation was made
years ago that people were trying
to keep blacks on the periphery "
Fant says. "That seems
fallacious. Who would want to
move a black person 10 yards
back? It's not deliberate, or at
least not now A ,
"There is no way (stacking) W?
oould be by chance counter w
Paul. "Some of the possible
leasons might be skill differences
!? prejudice, but not by chance
"It seems unlikely that coaches
Could do such a thing observes
PJ Maure, just-retired coach at
Wittenberg University in Ohio
gnd current head of the American
football Coaches Association.
Maure hadn't seen or heard of
? study Unking race and posi-
n, but added "coaches try to
velop balance, to do what's best
v the team and the individual. If
best to have three black


?HMD '?? ? '?
J. in 1982.
m the Classifieds
RING '20s"
8:15 p.m.
all 757-6390.
urn Village!
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Records Broken
Larranaga sets sights on Olympics
JULY 11, 1984
"taU?l Sport. E4lior
Peruvian national record holder
and ECU recruit Chema Lar-
ranaga recently qualified for the
Peru Olympic Swimming Team at
the South American Games.
Swimming in the 1500-meter
freestyle event, Larranaga placed
tourth with a qualifying time of
16.03 minutes. The Peru Olympic
Swimming Team will hopefully be
participating in 1984 Olympic
Games held in Los Angeles this
"Chema set a Peruvian na-
tional record with his swim and
we are real proud of him head
swim coach Rick Kobe said. "I'm
proud and I'm sure the whole
university is proud because he is a
Larranaga already holds two
Peruvian national records and
competed in both the 1980 Olym-
pics held in Moscow and the 1982
World Games under his native
flag of Peru.
In the '80 Olympics Larranaga
swam in two events ? the 400 and
the 1500-meter freestyle. "I got
17th in the 400 and 15th in the
1500. I broke the Peruvian record
in the 1500, so we were pretty hap
py he said
He qualified for the 1980 Olym-
pics by making the cuts in the
Peru open trials and then going on
to make the final cuts just before
the Olympics.
"They cut the swim team down
to just four two guys and two
girls because the Moscow games
were very expensive ? all the way
to the other side of the world
Larranaga said. "They weren't
going to send the swim team at all,
but our cuts were pretty good and
the Russians were giving smaller
countries financial aid to go.
According to Larranaga, only
the Peru track and volleyball
teams are going to the '84 Olym-
pics so far due to financial dif-
ficulties. "You know with the
Moscow Olympics swimming only
went because of the financial aic
we got
If Peru can afford to send the
swimming team or receives finan-
cial aid, then Larranaga will have
yet another chance to break a
record. "I think we would go up
to Los Angeles around July 21, if
everything goes right Lar-
ranaga said. "Those who make
the Olympic qualifying cuts and
place either first of second get to
In addition to his many honors,
Larranaga enrolled at Daytona
Beach Community College where,
in 1982, he became the NJCAA
(National Junior College Athelic
Association) champion in the 500
and 1650 yard free-style events.
Born on July 7, 1963 to Javier
and Mayte Larranaga in Lima,
Peru, Chema is presently enrolled
at ECU on a swimming scholar-
ship and is majoring in computer
science. He will be returning in the
fall to finish his senior year.
Blacks Farthest From Center???
(CPS) ? Some football coaches
tend to consign black players to
certain positions, while ieaving
more central "decision-making"
positions for white players, a
study of Southeastern Conference
football teams has found.
Though the researchers who did
the study of SEC team rosters
from 1973 to 1983 disagree over
whether the "stacking" of black
players at wide receiver, running
back is deliberate, all stress their
study didn't ask why the teams
have been "segregated by posi-
The report "is not an attack,
it's a study says Joan Paul, one
of the three professors who did
the research.
The three defined "central"
positions as linebacker, guard,
center and quarterback.
"The positions farthest from
the center of operations were
stacked with black players says
Paul, who teaches at Southeast
Louisiana University and co-
authored the study with Richard
McGehee of the same school and
Helen Fant of Louisiana State.
Two-thirds of the athletes who
played the "periphery" positions
on SEC teams in 1983 were black,
while 73 percent of the players in
"central" positions were white.
"The accusation was made
years ago that people were trying
to keep blacks on the periphery
Fant says. "That seems
fallacious. Who would want to
move a black person 10 yards
back? It's not deliberate, or at
least not now
"There is no way (stacking)
could be by chance counters
Paul. "Some of the possible
reasons might be skill differences
or prejudice, but not by chance
"It seems unlikely that coaches
could do such a thing observes
Dave Maure, just-retired coach at
Wittenberg University in Ohio
and current head of the American
Football Coaches Association.
Maure hadn't seen or heard of
the study linking race and posi-
tion, but added "coaches try to
develop balance, to do what's best
for the team and the individual. If
it's best to have three black
A study of the Southeastern Football Conference haTdeTthtt
St? Tuttar "stedposltions "E ZZZ
action takes place - What will Whitey think up next?
tailbacks or three white, that's
never been a concern of coaches
Paul, however, notes "many
coaches may say 'We do it (assign
positions) by skill. A lot of things
may happen that are sub-
conscious. People aren't always
aware of stereotyping
"We weren't trying to say the
sports establishment is racist
she adds. "We don't want to
make the coaches defensive. We
just wanted to see 'what is' in col-
Paul, McGehee and Fant are
now beginning another study that!
hopes to uncover the dynamics of
how position segregation occurs.
They also found that whole
sports are segregated, too, in the
The researchers found no black
swimmers or golfers, and only
three black tennis players com-
peting in conference play in 1983.
They're also unsure about why
sports segregation happens.
Dumas, All-America
lomore Year?
ZZZXSSZZZ ? ?" Dun"? " ?"? ? ? A?- ??? for ??
Tim Dumas was so impressive
in his first year on the Pirate foot-
ball team that ECU coaches con-
sider the 6'6 290-pound offen-
sive tackle a prime candidate for
All-America honors this fall.
"Tim should have been on the
freshman All-America team last
year Pirate head coach Ed
Emory said. "I thought he was
the best freshman offensive
lineman in the country last year
"He's a real smart player and
understands his place in the
overall unit, which is exceptional
for a freshman Emory added.
"Most players take a year to get a
good concept of what their par-
ticular function is
Although Dumas was hurt in
the ninth game of the season
against eventual national-
-champion Miami, just to start as a
freshman is indicative of the
regard Emory has for Dumas. The
head coach usually uses the
freshman season for building a
basis for playing in later years.
"Tim really developed a great
technique last year Emory said.
"If he stays healthy and adds to
his strength and maturity over the
next three years he will become a
great player
"He held his own against some
of the finest defensive linemen in
college last year Emory con-
tinued, "and he played his best
against teams like Missouri and
Florida State
Offensive Line Coach John
Zernhelt also praised Dumas,
commenting on his excellent field
presence, ability to adjust to
changing defenses and the tremen-
dous amount of intensity he
displays while on the field
Tim Dumas
"Tim played well above the
level we had anticipated Zer-
nhelt said. "If he continues to im-
prove he can be as good as any
lineman in the country ? his level
of play was very near that of last
year's stars Terry Long and John
Dumas doesn't feel the pressure
of being promoted as a potential
Major League Baseball
All-American will affect him I
much. "The team is like a famih .
we all pull for each other, so whe
one gets publicity we're all har
for him
Publicity is part of what
brought Dumas to ECU. "Sincr
ECU plays bigger schools,
thought I'd get more oppt
tunities to get into the pros he
said. "That's my goal in the
future. I feel God has given me
this talent and I want to use it
the best ad van-age
Dumas also used his talent
his best advantage in high scho-
as he was named all-state in
senior year and led East Guilfc
High School to the 3-A east cham-
p i o n s h i p
Now that he's playing or I
collegiate level, Dumas sa
there's a lot more pressure involv-
ed. "In high school you couid
fool around more, so it's less fur.
in that way, but college is better
because it's mere exciting
According io Dumas, "the
team has high spirits" and doubts
about their ability to bea:
anybody has been replaced by a
high degree of optimism.
If Tim Dumas can continue to
perform as he did throughout fa
first year, everybody associat
with Pirate football should be op-
timistic about what's in store for
ECU in '84.
With the great Carl Hubbell look-
ing on, Fernando Valenzuela and
Dwight Gooden put on a dazzling
strikeout display by fanning a
club record six straight batters in
the middle innings Tuesday night
to lead the National League to a
3-1 victory over the American
League in the 55th all-star game.
Homeruns by Gary Carter and
Dale Murphy were the margin of
victory but it was strong pitching
of Valenzuela, Gooden, Mario
Soto and Rick Gossage that enabl-
ed the National League to win for
the 12th time in the last 13 years
and the 20th time in the last 22
seasons. The NL leads the overall
series 35-19-1.
Except for George Brett's
420-foot homer to center field off
Charlie Lea in the second inning,
the AL was completely stymied by
the NL pitchers. The AL managed
but seven hits off five pitchers and
three times failed to come up with
a base hit with runners in scoring
position and less than two outs.
In the first inning, Lou Whit-
taker led off with a double, but
was stranded as Lea retired the
next three batters. In the third, the
American League failed to score
after putting runners on first and
third with no outs; and in the sixth
the AL was unable to score again
after putting a runner on second
with one out.
The tone of the game and the
most dramatic moments,
however, occured in the fourth
and fifth innings when Valenzuela
and Gooden, at 19, the youngest
player in all-star history, took
turns in striking out the side to
delight of the 57,756 fans who
turned out for the first all-star
game in Candlestick Park since
Valenzuela, who relived Lea in
Gooden Awesome
the second inning, struck out
Dave Winfield, Reggie Jackson
and Brett in the fourth, and
Gooden followed by fanning
Lance Parrish, Chet Lemon and
Alvin Davidson in the fifth.
That string set an all-star record
for the most consecutive strike
outs by a team. Fittingly, Hub-
bell, who was celebrating the 50th
anniversary of his record-setting
five consecutive strike outs in the
1934 all-star game, was one of two
guests to throw out the first ball.
In all, a record 21 batters were
struck out. The NL fanned eleven
with Gossage approriately nailing
down the final out by striking out
Ricky Henderson after Winfield
stroked a two-out double to left
off the glove of a diving Tim
In addition to not coming up
with the clutch hit, the AL was
guilty of errors ? both physical
and mental. Fielding errors by
Jackson and Parrish enabled the
NL to score a run in the first.
The AL also took itself out of
possible scoring chances by hav-
ing a runner thrown out at the
plate after breaking too late and
having another runner picked off
of first base.
After starter Dave Stieb retired
the first two batters of the game
on groundouts, Steve Garvey lin-
ed a single to right and went to se-
cond when the ball bounced off
Jackson's foot and went through
his legs.
Murphy singled to left and
Winfield appeared to have Garvey
at the plate, but Parrish sensing a
collision with Garvey took his eye
off the ball and dropped it while
Garvery scored. Murphy went to
second on the error but was
stranded when Stieb struck out
Mike Schmidt.
Brett tied it with his one-out
homer in the second, but Carter
quickly put the NL back in front
by hitting the first pitch thrown tc
him over the left field fence. It
was Carter's thrd homer in ail-
Star competition and earned him
the most valuable player award.
Carter was also the MVP of the
1981 all-star game when he hit two
homeruns in Cleveland.
The AL put runners on first and
third with no out in the third on
singles by Ancre Dawson and
Whittaker, but failed to score.
Rod Carew grounded to Garvey
who stepped on first and threw
home to Carter. The Montreal
catcher blocked vhe plate and tag-
ged Thorton to camplete the dou-
ble play. Thorton delaved in
breaking after the ball was hit,
and might have scored if he had
taken off immediately.
Whittaker went to second, but
was stranded when third baseman
Schmidt snagged Cal Ripken's
grounder and got the Baltimore
shortstop. A wind-aided double
by Eddie Murray in the sixth put
the AL in scoring position for the
first time since the third inning,
but Gooden bor down and got
Ripken on a bouncer to third ana
retired Winfield on a fly to left.
The NL put runners on first and
second against lUichard Dotson
with one out in the sixth, but did
not score. Clauclell Washington
doubled with one out and Cartei
walked. Ozzie Smith then hut
apparent double-play grounder to
Garcia, but the bull was dropped
in attempting the relay. Smith
then stole second, the record
setting fourth stolen base of the
game for the NL, but Bob Brendlv
struck out to end the inning
Lea, who worked the first two
innings was credited with the vic-
tory and Gossage earned the save
after striking out two in the ninth
Stieb, the winner of last year's all
star game, was th: loser

JULY 11, 1984
Tiger s Probation Reconsideration Rejected
J ,9??lso" " lo? its supporting factors like attendance h?h ? ?? . ?
(UPI) ? Clemson has lost its
bid to get off the Atlantic Coast
Conference's probationary hook,
and now look to do the rest of
their talking on the football field.
The ACC membership, which
rejected a Clemson request last
week to have its conference pro-
bation reconsidered, is looking at
another mighty mean Tiger for
the upcoming football season.
Two seasons of no bowls and
reduced scholarships have failed
to blunt Clemson's dominance in
ACC football. In fact, some
coaches around the league believe
Danny Ford and his coaching
staff, working under enormous
pressures, have actually made the
Tiger program stronger.
"They've done an incredible
job. There's no question about
that said an assistant coach who
asked not to be named.
Last season there wasn't a team
in the ACC, and few in the coun-
try, that could match the Tigers'
manpower, execution, and all the
supporting factors like attendance
and financial contributions.
They lost 31-16 to a surprising
Boston College team, tied Georgia
16-16, and beat everyone else.
They really bushwhacked North
Carolina and Maryland, whipping
both teams at a time when each
had one loss and was hoping for a
trip to a major bowl. The Tigers
beat a North Carolina team 16-3
that was regarded as the Tar
Heels' best ever, and defensive
lineman William DeVane trotted
off the field and told reporters:
"We work hard for the money
They drilled Maryland 52-27,
and have won five of the last
seven games against North
Carolina which has aspirations of
its own for national prominence
in football.
When the 1984 season begins,
the Tigers will be working on 19
straight wins over ACC teams,
and a 20-game unbeaten streak at
home. Ford's record in six years
at Clemson is now 45-11-2 and in-
cludes a national championship. with Clemson's request last week,
The Tiger program continues to the Tigers would have been eligi-
fhTVfS m,UCh SUPP?u? at h?mc ble for a bowl bid this season.
Jl?" wcrc able con- Now they will have to wait until
vince Wake Forest to move its up- the end of 1985
SEX VSF afrt5.sf CIfmson to The Clemson battle cry all
Death Valley. There the Tigers along has been to let the punish-
spent their probation building a ment fit the crime. And many
new upper deck and increasing
seating to 80,000. That made the
stadium the eighth largest on-
campus facility in the country,
and often last year it was full.
The initial NCAA penalty put
the Tigers on a two-year proba-
tion for recruiting violations. It
reduced the number of scholar-
ships they could offer during each
year by 10 and disallowed live
television appearances and bowl
games. The ACC membership, led
by North Carolina and Virginia,
didn't feel that was enough. They
added an additional year on to the
Tiger fans will go to the grave
feeling like the ACC penalties
were motivated by something
more than a desire to punish them
for past transgressions.
"The additional sanctions, in
our opinion, were not ap-
propriate said Clemson Presi-
dent Dr. Bill Atchley in a state-
ment released after the ACC
voted down the appeal at a secret
meeting in Chicago last Thursday
night. The Tigers appeal was bas-
ed on the contention they had
cleaned up their act.
"I don't know if there is any
anybody was trying to make it
tough to win at Clemson, that has
been done. I would think if
anyone is caught and convicted in
the future they would have to pay
the same price as Clemson. But
there is no guarantee the price will
be the same as what Clemson has
had to pay
have played on teams that have a
composite record of 30-2-2.
On offense quarterback Mike
Eppley will be playing out his
senior year, and the Tigers are
already promoting him for All-
America. He completed 99 of 166
passes last year for 1,410 yards
and his "efficiency rating was
Ford is usually subdued in his third best in the nation and tops in
the ACC. The Tigers are excep-
tionally deep at running back with
Stacey Driver, Kenny Flowers,
Terrence Flagler and Steve Griffin
assessments of his teams, but says
this can be "a good football
team" if it doesn't rest on its
"We won't be afraid of anyone
because I think we have the
numbers and the depth to com- fill on the defensiveTine j
pete with anyone says Ford. tional Clemson strength' But at-
There are 15 starters back and tribution has never been as bia a
50 lettermen from last year's 9-1-1 problem for the Tigers as it has
team. The seniors on board will been for other teams.
Ford does have some holes
?? ?? - . ? ? ?? ?? "ivn, u oil
NCAA probation which expires at motive involved aside from pro
tne end of the coming regular viding punishment for wrongdo-
season ing said Clemson assistant head
If the league had gone along coach Tom Harper. "But if
Tarkanian Remains As UNLV Coach
(CPS) Likening the National
Collegiate Athletic Association's
behavior to the Ayatollah Kho-
meini's, a Nevada state judge has
ruled the NCAA can not force the
University of Nevada at Las
Vegas to fire its head basketball
In a strongly-worded ruling
against the NCAA. Nevada
District Judge Paul Goldman said
NCAA officials acted like "ar-
rogant lords of the manor" in try-
ing to suspend UNLV basketball
coach Jerry Tarkanian.
The NCAA put the university
on probation for two years in
for 80 alleged rules viola-
tions. 11 of them involving Tarka-
It also thought UNLV and
Tarkanian's supposed misdeeds
outrageous enough to demand
that UNLV suspend the coach for
the same two-year period, a
punishment meted out to onlv
three other coaches in NCAA
Instead, Tarkanian and UNLV
tookthe NCAA to court, arguing
the 750-member collegiate sports
organization violated Tarkanian's
due process rights by ordering the
school to fire him.
After a seven-year trek through
the courts, the case finally reached
Goldman ruled the NCAA
denied Tarkanian's rights to due
process by not giving him a
"neutral forum" in which to de-
fend himself.
The NCAA is an association
which exists for the purpose of
seeing that there is fair play. It
also has the obligation to play
fairly Goldman said.
The NCAA, says NCAA in-
IRS Activities
Require You
Start Wrttn
CHARGE: Participation in the
Softball Tournament to be held
July 16.
LAST SEEN: Enjoying other in-
tramural activities.
REWARD: T-shirts, enjoyment,
For any information regarding
the whereabouts of several
women's co-rec and men's soft-
ball teams, please contact the IRS
(Intramural Recreational Ser-
vices) at 757-6387.
These criminals may be armed
with bats and are considered
dangerous. They are notorious for
knocking singles, hitting homers,
and turning double plays.
They've been seen stealing
bases and are often thrown out.
They always wear gloves to cover
up the crime. If sighted at home
they will make another score.
They are usually spotted in
groups of 10 or more. They hang
out on fields of dirt or grass and
can be seen practicing swinging
their bats.
Please do not withhold infor-
mation regarding their
whereabouts. Come by room 204
Memorial Gym to identify any
suspects. The IRS needs your
H I HOHM l) I l ? "I I' ? I ?l
I OI I S MtKlllll ? HM? l l
EXPfRT a;K?v
vestigator DavidI Berst, charged coaching) he says. "And there
Tarkanian and UNLV made " ef- are lots of other penalties given
torts to discourage witnesses to out involving other coaching staff
report violations to the NCAA members, freezing coaches-
gave an athlete 'airline transpor- salaries, or restricting coaches' in-
tation between the university and volvements with recruiting "
his home and made "ar-
rangements for a student athlete
to receive items of clothing
without cost to the athlete
Tarkanian argued those and
other allegations were trumped up
by the NCAA, which has harassed
him since he first wrote a column
criticising the NCAA 15 years
ago, a UNLV sports spokesman
In 1963, the NCAA placed the
University of California at Long
Beach on probation shortly after
Tarkanian left his coaching job
But the NCAA's Berst says it is
"common for the NCAA to im-
pose penalties" like those placed
on UNLV and Tarkanian.
"Four head basketball coaches,
including Tarkanian, have had
similar penalties (of being
suspended or disassociated from
Berst believes the Nevada ruling
applies only to the Tarkanian
case, so it will not affect the
NCAA's abnity to discipline other
Others are not sure. "Now a
coach can get in dutch and go to
court and get off Indiana
University football coach Bill
Mallory says.
The NCAA, however, has
"plans to appeal the decision to
the Nevada Supreme Court
Berst says.
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The East Carolinian, July 11, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 11, 1984
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