The East Carolinian, November 10, 1983

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?hc i?ast Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.5 No-21 A 3
Thursday, November 10,1983
Greenville, N.C.
8 Pages,
Circulation 10,000
Faculty Evaluations
Change Causes Confusion
Last month's Faculty Senate
?won to conduct student
evaluations of teacher perfor-
mance in the spring semester in-
cad of the fall is causing some
confusion among department
ids and staff members about
university policies overseeing
eacher evaluation.
The senate decision could mean
at 1983-84 student evaluation
reports will not be included in
.artmental recommendations
acuity promotions and salary
raises, which are due at the end of
pnng semester. The evaluations
are a primary criterion by which
acuity are judged for pay raises
.1 promotions, and if conducted
he spring the results would not
be available until late summer.
To solve the problem, many
department heads are making
contingency plans to conduct their
own student evaluation surveys ?
a process which could be costly
and time consuming for some
According to Vice Chancellor
for Academic Affairs Angelo A.
Volpe, the recommendation to
conduct the survey in the spring
was suggested to his office by the
Faculty Senate after the senate's
Teaching Effectiveness Commit-
tee recommended the action.
Committee members were ac-
ting on the request of some facul-
ty who felt student surveys only in
the fall gave an incomplete picture
of their overall performance. The
student surveys will now be rotate
annually between the fall and spr-
ing semesters.
"There are a number of courses
that are taught in the spring
semester that are not taught in the
fall Volpe said. "You wouldn't
get the total picture if you had on-
ly the fall semester courses that
were being evaluated all of the
James LeRoy Smith, acting
chairman of the philosopy depart-
ment and chairman of the Faculty
Senate, agreed with Volpe, saying
that some professors taught only
introductory level courses in the
fall and advanced courses in the
"The faculty members ?
several of them ? say you're only
looking at half of my professional
performance Smith said.
"What the Teaching Effectiveness
Committee is trying to do this
year is honor that portion of the
faculty who have made the point
that they want to be analyzed over
the long term and have all of their
teaching responsibilities
The senate decision is not being
supported by some faculty who
see the move creating ad-
ministrative burdens for their
departments. "I think it's unfair
to me because I'm supposed to use
that information in making
recommendations in evaluating
the faculty said chairman of the
English department William
Bloodworth. "I won't have that
information to use even though
I'm supposed to use it
Bloodworth said his depart-
ment hopes to conduct its own
student evaluation survey and to
rely more on other methods of
evaluation such as review of facul-
ty syllabi and tests as well as
classroom observation.
According to Bloodworth,
faculty evaluation is conducted in
three parts: teaching, research or
creative activity and service.
"Last year the student opinion
survey was an important source of
information about our instruc-
tors' teaching effectiveness, and
so it's going to be difficult to do
that evaluation the same way as it
was done last year if we do not
have the same kind of informa-
tion available Bloodworth said.
Smith claims that each depart-
ment has the option to conduct its
own student survey if they wish to
do so. "It's up to the unit Smith
said, adding that he was still un-
sure if he would draw up an
evaluation for the philosophy
Smith said he was not "ab-
solutely insistent" that a survey be
conducted in his unit, but he did
admit it was traditional to have
the student opinion survey results
processed before the conclusion
of the academic year.
Ray H. Martinez, chairman of
the health, physical education,
recreation and safety department,
does not believe he has any op-
tions on whether to conduct a fall
survey at the departmental level.
See STUDENT, Page 3
Ex-Ambassador Says
Military Clash Possible
Memorial Day
Cadets in ECU's Army and Air
Fore ROTC units will conduct a
brief Veteran's Day memorial ser-
vice on campus Nov. 11. It will be
at the flag in front of Joyner
Library ?? U a.m.
there is a "dramatic
ol course" on the part of
jve teagan administration in its
Central American policy the
United States will be involved in a
military conflict in the region,
claimed former U.S. Ambassador
to El Salvador Robert White in a
Wednesday night lecture at ECU.
Speaking on the "Roots of the
Crises in Central America
White told his audience in
Mendenhall's Hendrix Theater
that U.S. Central American policy
is really in the hands of the
Defense Department and the CIA
? a policy which could lead the
United States into a war in Cen-
tral America. "I think the logic of
everything we're doing leads us in-
exorably down the path of
military involvement White
White, an ambassador during
the Carter administration, said
"fear of change" is the phrase
that sums up U.S. policy in Cen-
tral America since World War II.
White accused the United States
of participating in the overthrow
of governments and of violating
treaties in the region. "Those who
make peaceful revolution impossi-
ble make violent revolution in-
evitable he said.
White said four factions ? the
rich, the poor, the military and
the church ? were active in Cen-
tral America. The rich control the
country and rule the military
while the church people counsel
the poor to wait and hope, White
When the churcn and the poor
began to work together in Central
America, the beginnings of the
establishment of a more just
society began, White said. When
the poor began to become more
effective in resisting the rich by
forming labor unions and base
communities, the opposition
mounted and the rich reacted
with, "alarm and honor"
characterizing the new opposition
as Marxists and traitors.
White claims this led the rich to
send in military resistence to
spread terror among the poor.
"First they warned, and then they
tortured and then they killed
White said.
White praised the efforts of the
Carter administrarion to forward
Vandalism Affects
All ECU Students
M.ff ? flirt
Ambassador White
peace and justice in the region
noting that a sign of Carter's suc-
cess came when right-wing pro-
testors marched on U.S. em-
bassies and accussed the United
States of Communisim.
White said the recent appoint-
ment of Henry Kissinger to review
U.S. policy in Central America
would do little to change policy.
White referred to Kissinger as
probably being too "intellectually
arrogant" to provide any short-
term solutions in the region. He
added that Kissinger would pro-
bably "rubber stamp" the current
administration's policies.
Though vandalism in the dorms
is not as great as people thirk, it is
affecting all students, dorm
residents as well as commuters,
Director of Housing Operations
Dan Wooten said. Tuition and
fees have to be raised to cover the
cost of fixing damages.
Wooten said the most common
damage is broken window panes.
There are also problems with
destruction of window screens,
sheetroc. -vails and marble parti-
tions in athrooms, as well as
damage to room doors, fire ex-
tinguishers, smoke detectors and
telephones. Vandalism to cars
around dorms is also a problem,
according to Joseph Calder, direc-
tor of the Department of Public
Since Nov. 1 there have been
eight incidents of vandalism in
dorms, Calder said. He added
vandalism in College Hill dorms,
especially in Jones, Ay cock and
Scott, has risen substantially this
Jerry Rhodes, manager of
Thorpe Music and Vending Ser-
vice, which provides vending
machines for the dorms, said
there are numerous cases of van-
dalism to Thorpe's equipment.
The most common problem is
theft of change and cigarette
machines. There is an average of
two break-ins each week with a
loss of $85 to $125 each time.
Each case of vandalism means a
loss of commission to ECU.
In cases involving damage to
dorm rooms, the student occupy-
ing the room is responsible for
any damages, according to
Wooten. The person responsible
is sometimes reported by other
"The only way we find out
(about vandalism) is when other
residents get mad about someone
tearing up their dorm and tell us
said Jones Resident Hall Director
Vanessa Higdon.
The student staff in dorms han-
dle minor vandalism problems,
while the public safety department
handles larger incidents. Calder
said people are taken to court for
damages over $100.
Wooten said some cases of van-
dalism are accidents, often the
person responsible reports it.
Greenville Elects Woman Mayor
But I Don't Want To Get Married
At least not until after I graduate. I'm just not ready to settle down. I mean, my mother still does my
laundry and balances my check book ? not to mention my research papers.
SUff Writer
Greenville voters turned out in
light numbers on Tuesday to
return four incumbents to the City
Council and elect the city's first
woman mayor.
Janice Buck, an ECU graduate,
narrowly defeated A. B. Whitley
for the mayor's office by just over
200 votes. Buck won six of the ci-
ty's 10 precincts.
Voters also chose Edward
Carter as their new mayor pro-
tem, a position which goes to the
councilman who receives the most
votes. Carter's vote total was
3,234, which he says is the highest
vote ever cast for a councilman.
Carter will also be the only black
on the council.
"I'm elated Carter said.
"Especially since I've lost two
very close races before Carter
said his main goal as mayor pro-
tein is "proving to the people that
I'm deserving of their support
The Reverend William Hadden,
ECU's Episcopal chaplain, was
re-elected to his scat on the coun-
cil. Hadden plans to emphasize
downtown revitalization, which
he says will be "better for ECU
"Every city needs a physical
heart Hadden said. "And if it
doesn't have one, it loses its per-
sonality Hadden proposes to
revitalize downtown by getting
more people to live in the area. He
also believes a downtown super-
market should be built, which he
claims would be good for
Buck thinks students should
always be concerned with city
elections. "It's the students' city
too, and they should take pride in
it and give input into city govern-
Other candidates elected to the
council are Judy Greene, Stuart
Shinn, Louis Clark and M.W.
Aldridge. All except Aldridge
were incumbents.
Quality Education Heads Jenkins' Priority List
B, MILLIE WHITE damentals-reading, writing and room for them, we fmd room for one of our biggest Jiness, sh?7J1?ghJe J
Although former ECU
Chancellor Leo Jenkins has not
yet thrown his hat into the gubcr
natorial ring, his campaign is
gearing up. "I'm going to an-
nounce probably as late as I
possibly can. You've heard all of
the others, and if you want to talk
issues, here I am Jenkins said in
a recent interview
calculus He added, "I'm the
only experienced educator among
all the candidates, in both
Another important issue accor-
ding to Jenkins is day-care for the
children of working mothers. He
said North Carolina probably
leads the nation in working
mothers "and there's no use in
talking about productivity; if a
mother is worrying where her little
Among the issues most impor- baby is, her mind's not going to
tant to Jenkins are education, be on working '
everything else
North Carolina should also
consider day-care programs for
the eldery, Jenkins said. Accor-
ding to Jenkins, some nursing
homes cost as much as $1700 a
month. "Many people don't
realize how expensive they are;
many can't afford them he said.
Because family members can't af-
ford to pay for round-the-clock
care, Jenkins suggests day-care
People talk about tobbacco when
they talk about North Carolina
but tobbacco became a billion-
dollar industry about a year or
two ago; the military has been a
muli-billion dollar industry for
years Jenkins added. "We
ought to do all we can to protect
our status with the military
One thing North Carolina does
not do concerning the military, candidacy, it
according to Jenkins, is treat the boys now,
should out-weigh money in an
election. "We ought to elect peo-
ple on issues, their track record,
their experience and not on their
ability to raise money he said.
"Spending hundreds of dollars on
each vote to me is contrary to the
American ideal
Money is one of the reasons
Jenkins has not announced his
I became one of
I'd just have to
To combat this problem,
Jenkins advocates that the state,
as a big employer, set an example, look at that if we possibly can
"We ought to have day-care The military is another big con-
centers at the universities and the cern for Jenkins. "We've got to
,?? , - community colleges, any place look particuilary in North
We've got to take it very serious- where many state workers work Car0"?4, at ?? military, he
ly and concentrate on the fun- Jenkins added, "the state can find said. The military is probably
day-care for both children and
senior citizens, and the rnilitary.
Jenkins, who was the
chancellor of ECU for 18 years,
said quality education is the
primary issue facing the state.
care, jcnKins suggests uay-caic. dtiuiumg iu jciiruk, 13 ?? , - , ? , .? ,lt nft
"If we had day-care for the senior military dependents as citizens of chase around and try to out-spend
citizens many of them would be the state. "The military children, this one and that one
able to come home at night and the dependents, are not treated as JgSSSSlSSd
sleep, so we've got to take a hard citizens in North Carolina - they of North Carolina for all the good
must pay out-of-state tuition it's done for me Jenkins said
Jenkins said. "Some of them are "It's given me a beautiful career
based here four or five years and
they pay out-of-state tuition.
They ought to pay in-state
as senior chancellor for 18 years
here. I feel I owe a little debt, I'm
not climbing anywhere. I just
want to serve
- ,

NOVEMBER 10, 1983
Tna East Carolina Mlcrocom
potar users Group (ECMUG)
will mwt Thursday. Nov 10 at
7 30 p m , Room 106 Rawl, on
ma ECU campus Tha spaaker
will ba Susan Spaar, who will
demonstrate Base Anyone in
terestad In microcomputers is
invited to attend
There are still a tew spaces
available for me Christmas ski
trip to Snowshoe W Va come to
memorial Gym, room 108 Tues
dav at 430 to register and pay
tees This is me last week to sign
up So, all you hot doggers and
ski bunnies get your act
together Bring your friends and
sign up to go with us to Snowshoe
during Christmas break
The American Marketing
Association will be having a
meeting Thursday November
10 1913 at 4 00 PM at
Mendenhall Student Center in
room 221 Northwestern Mutual
Lite Insurance Co will be giving
a sales aptitude 'est and a talk
on "Your future in Sales
The American Marketing
Association win ba sponsoring a
Caretr Placement Registry
November 15 14 from 9 00 2 00
in front of me student store
Piease stop by and see us
The Society of United Liberal
Students will meet Thursday,
November 10, 19t3 at 7 p m Tha
meeting will be held In Room Ml
Mendenhall Your attendance Is
very Important PLEASE GET
The Philosophy club will be
having a meeting on Thursday,
November 10. !e3. In
Mendenhall room 24T Jay Stone
will present a paper entitled:
Politics of Conciousnas and
vice versa the student's role
Everyone Is welcome
The Army and Air Force
ROTC will loin In a ceremony
honoring American Veterans
The ceremony will be held in
front of Joyner Library at 11 00
am on Friday. 11th of
November The general public Is
invited and encouraged to at
NASA Headquarters,
Washington, DC. will be hiring
caop students beginning Spring
194 undergraduate Juniors
malorlng In Accounting or MBA
students should apply Job will
entail a variety of duties but will
be adapted around students' ma
jor. Students who have a 3.0
GPA or higher are urged to app
ly Salary level will be $11,949
for undergraduate juniors and
$13,369 for MBA students In
terested students should contact
Mrs. Carolyn Powell, 311 Rawl
immediately to apply
The Allied Health Professions
Admission Test will be offered
at ECU on Saturday. January
U 1984 Application blanks are
to be completed and mailed to
the Psychological Corp, 304
East 45th Street New York, NY
10017 to arrive by December 9,
193 Applications may be ob
tamed from the ECU Testing
Center Room 105, Speight
The Greouata Management
Admission Tot (GMAT) will b
offered at ECU on Saturday,
January 2 1984. Application
blanks are to be completed and
mailed to GMAT. Educational
Testing Service, Box 966 R.
Princeton N J. 08540 Applica
'ions must be postmarked no
afer than December 26. 1983
Applications may be obtained
? rom the ECU Testing Center,
Room 105, Speight Building,
Greenville, NC 27834
How to take charge of your
Diabetes Monday. November
14 1983, at 6 p m in the Student
Health Center Conference
Room This program Is spon
sored by Student Health Ser
The Preprofeasional Health
Alliance will heat spaaker, Dr.
Angela Stuart, MO, Thursday.
November 10, 1983 at 7:00 p.m.
in tha Ledona Wright Cultural
There will ba an Important
business meeting at t 45 direct
ly before Dr Stuart speak. All
member are asked to attend
This weekend on the Con tern
porary goapel show, tha feature
artist I tha imperials Also,
Saturday Nov. 19th at 1 00 pm
there will ba an Impalrals Fraa
Concert in tha Wright
Auditorium, live via sattelite So
listen to the contemporary
goapel show for more concert In
formation, from 6-10 am on Sun
day morlnlngs, on WZMB 91.3
A student Episcopal Service of
Holy Communion will be
celebrated on Tuesday evening,
Nov. 15th In the Chapel of St
Pauls Episcopal Church, 406
West Fourth St. (One block from
Garrett Dorm.) The service will
be at 5:30 P.M. with the
Episcopal Campus Chaplain,
Tha Rev. Bill Hidden.
If you art looking for
fellowship with people who love
the Lord, then come out to
Jenkins Auditorium on Wednes
day nights at 6:30 and ex
perlence inter varsity Christian
Campus Crusade for Christ Is
sponsoring "Prime Time" this
Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Nurs
ing Buldlng room 101 Please
join us tor tun, fellowship, and
Bible study. W are looking for
ward to meeting you.
Tna ECU Biology Club will
have booth aa up at me Student
Supply Star and ttta Biology
buikMng tabby an Wad Nov H
and ?r1 Maw. Mfront 0:30-1 00
All aoada collected will ba
sMMMM noddy lamina for
Thanaaglvln through tha
OraanwtNa Sadat Service. Do
your good daad by contributing
on ana of tha daalgnatad daysi
The ECSCOTA will be meeting
Wad November 23 at 5 30 p.m.
All Interested students please
com an attend. We are working
on our fund raising projects for
me club and community. The
meeting will be held in Room 205
at the Balk Building.
Keith Mitchell's Heavy metal
arsenal this weekend will
feature the following album
specials: Friday at 2 am, Judas
Priest with, "Unleashed In the
East Saturday at 4 am Its Blue
Oyster Cults brand new release
"Revolution by Night The
Elecric Rainbow Radio Show
can be heard exclusively on 91 3
There will ba ?n organize
tlonal meeting of East
Carolina' Real Estate Frater
nary, Rho-Epslion on Wad. Nov.
16 In Rawl 130. This will fake
place after the Banking
Finance Fraternity meeting All
interested are welcome.
Semi important meeting for all
sort of interested apathetic
studetns. We will kind of get
together for an orglnazatlon
(ha I) meeting In front of the Stu-
dent Store Friday. If your
classes permit It sort of come on
by and try not to let your vote
be heard.
Enter the REBEL art contest.
Bring your entrle by the con
ference room In the office of
Jenkins with a $1.00 entry fee
per work on Monday, 10-5.
Categories include: Ceramics,
Painting, Sculpture, Drawing,
Photography, Design (metals,
wood, add fibers). Graphic Art,
Illustration First place In each
category will be awarded $30.00
and the Best In show will be
awarded $125 00. Prize money
provided by the ATTIC and
BUDWEISER The show and
reception will be held at me Art
and Camera Gallery, Saturday,
Nov 19, from 7 9 p.m. Winners
will be announced there.
Tha Department of University
Unions I sponsoring a Turkey
Shoot in Bowling an Thursday,
Nov. 17, from 7 p.m. until 10p.m.
In tha Mendenhall Student
Cantar Bowling Allay. Tha entry
fee I $2 00 Bowl on ball at a
full cat of pin on ton consecutive
lanes Knock down at least eight
pins on all tan tana and win a
turkey I All ECU students and
Mendenhall Student Center
members may only win one
turkey. Try your luck at bowling
and win a turkey for Thanksglv
Ing. Remember you are what
you eat I For additional Informa
tlon, call ma Craft and REcraa
tlon Offica at 757 Ml 1 ext 20 or
the Bowling Center at ext. 247.
The third meeting for the
1903-84 Sport Club Council will
be held Wednesday November
16, 1903 at 4:00 p.m. In Room
105B of Memorial Gymnasium
Represenatives of active sport
clubs are required to attend and
should have ready to turn in a
Mid Semester update of all club
activities ? budget, fund raisers,
practices, games, trip, etc.
Person or group interested in
the sport club program should
attend thl meeting Sport Club
Council Meeting, Weds. Nov 16,
1903, 4:00 p.m Room 10SB,
Mam. Gym.
important meeting for all
NCSL member who ?r? going
to State Nov 16 Be prepared to
report on your resolution, alo
we will be having a parllmen
tary proceedure proceedure
work shop Let1 gaar up tor a
great showing at the last IC for
tha yaarl Room 212 Mendenhall,
7 pm Monday
This Friday night In the
Wright Auditorium at 7 30 the
Cruse Family will be having a
free concert All are welcome
All full time ECU students
with at least a 2.0 GPA are eilgi
ble to compete in a Table Soccer
(FootsbalD tournament In
Mendenhall Student Center on
Tuesday, Nov 15 at 6 pm
Anyone Interested must sign
hlm?etfhrself up with a part
ner and fill out a registration
form from the MSC Billiards
Center by Tuesday, Nov 15 at 12
noon The entry fee per team is
$4.00. Trophies will be awarded
to the top two teams The winn
Ing team will travel to the ACU I
Regional tournament in
Charlotte on February 9,10, and
11, 194. This Is al all expense
paid trip sponsored by the
Department of University
Unions Stop by the Billiards
Center for any additional infor
This is me final week to apply
for membership in Psi Chi. the
National Honor Society in
Psychology Applications are
available in the Psychology
department office or In the Psi
Chi library If you have already
applied, you will be notified this
week as to whether or not you
have been accepted if you plan
to be a member, the life time
membership is $35 must be paid
on or by Monday, Nov 14 Inltie
tlon will be held Wednesday,
Nov 16 You will be notified
where and when this will take
place You cannot be initiated
unles you have paid your
lifetime membership tee! if you
have any questions, call Trina
Harrison at 758 8552
The Chinese Student Assooa
tion. a new organization whose
purpose '? to provide service to
Chinese students and promote
cultural exhange between
Chinese stuoetns and the com
munity, will be having a
BBZpicnic on Saturday.
November 26 2 PM at Havens
Garden, Washington. NC All
members are interested
studetns and faculty are
welcome to attend We hope to
see you there
we're gtad wa ewttchaoi a
Whopping Big thanks to Burger
King from the Lady Pirates
Volleyball Team for giving j,
our pre game meals
Nov 17 Is the day for
smokers to stop With Alpha Phi
Omega helping, the or. ? be
much easier Come iofn us N
front of me student supply ?tv?
Nov 17 from 9 a m to 4 p m
The Pi Kapps would like to la
vite everyone to come out ?e
Papa Katz every Tuesdey mgM
for Happy Hour
Congratulations to me new'y
elected executive counsel "???.
arm Archon Matt Perry, vice
Archon Steve Hall, VIceArchor
(fund raiser) Cralg King
Treasurer Bill Bullock
Secretary Johnny ?? -(.
Warden Bill Austin. Historian
Mark Holland, and Chaplain
Richard Torres
November 19 is "Pi Kaoc
Day" This is me day all P
Kapps will be recognized Loo
and listen for itl
Don't forget mat ZB iw
Sisters will be taking orders ?or
engraved glass mugs ??.?
Christmas Gifts' 11 See any little
sister for details
m ,i ?
Ui -
There will be a meeting
Thurs , Nov. 10 at 5:00 In Rm.
212 Mendenhall. W will discuss
proiecs for Christmas and
Thanksgiving We need all the
members there to supply their
input and Ideas Please attend
this meeting and become active
in the club
ZBT Little Sisters don't forget
that me meeting for Nov 10 will
be held in Mendenhall 212 at 5
Northern Telecom, Research
Triangle Park, NC ha ad
mlnlstratlv co-op positions In
clerical and technical areas.
Duties and related to electrical
engineering, mechanical
engineering Would also assit
with the routine of shop
documentation and labor
routing utilization, time and mo
tlon studies which require data
collection and tabulation Must
be willing to work three coop
periods and have a 2 9 GPA So
cond semester sophomore or
first semester iunlors are urged
to apply immediately If In-
terested at 313 Rawl
' & Qdau Hm '
J ?
b I- Al Ml L
? ??
Spring Break Cruise
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Latest Styles in
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Would Like to THANK
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$195.00 Abotion from 13
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9 A.M. and S P.M. weekdays
tl 7 WmI Morgans'
lima ? C
Your BSN means ou're 4 profeaaioaal- In the Am , it eJao
means you're an officer. You start as a full-fledged member of oar
medical team. Write: Army Nurse Opportunities.
P.O. Box 7713, Burbank. CA 91510.
Don t settle for pre-
cooked uarmedoii
stsrrtiXKketJ burden
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a!Mihua Garden fresh lettuce.
tumaloes.I mions and all the "firm I are free
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hails and wusage. and freshh, bake! oof-fong
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made to vtxjr order not made tn adiance
The holidays are closer than you think. But
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Lose up to a pound a day while enjoying
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gourmet dofcades featuring such dishes as
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The NirtriSystem trained weight counselors
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CM Today For Froo. No-oMtfatl?i
Coot. From Page 1
Quoting from Appendix C ol
ECU faculty manual, Mar
said: "The quality of teac
must be evaluated by me
data from survev of student
ruon. "
"The best way is to use th
dent opinioneer that's
created by the committee)
teaching effectiveness Mar
said "That's first choice, bv
cond choice, since I don't
that, is conducting our
survev There's no choice. y
got to go by appendix C
"We can live with it
John R Maiolo, chairman
sociology, anthropology
economics department.
got the assessments on most
people, with the newer peot
In the Tuesdav. Nov. 1 e
Carolinian, Barbara Mann
Information Service was
stated that a final warning
to non-registrant v This
occured is that in Septem
series of driver's license let)
to maies who haven't sign
be termed a final notice wj
out if you failed to respoi
license letter.
This final notice would
not return the license letter
possibly be turned over to
Justice From the names
them, a small number cot
further prosecution. This
people would then re.e
termed a "final notice "
the form of a rew
District Attorn-
Now. at any step in this
small possibility that a Fl
you, but it is not likely J
quoted as saying you arl
obligation to talk to the ag(
is that you are under no
talk to the agen, until j
talk with legal counsel.
The East Carolinian
m ltQp,
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IF PREGNANCY .bo-tion from 13
S weeks at ?dditlo?ml
Preflnino lest. Birt
Iontroi. inC Problem
Prtf n??c Council. For
further information rail
I32-4S3S (Toll Free Number
?jl 21 -1568) between
A M and 5 P M weekdays.
? Waal MarcattSt
ai?)?h N C
in ihf nn . il also
li fledged member of oar
i ipportunitiev
Cont. From Page 1
Quoting from Appendix C of the
ECU faculty manual, Martinez
said: 'The quality of teaching
must be evaluated by means of
Jata from survey of student opi-
'The best way is to use the stu-
dent opinioneer that's been
created by the committee for
teaching effectiveness Martinez
said. "That's first choice, but se-
cond choice, since I don't have
that, is conducting our own
survey. There's no choice, you've
got to go by appendix C
"We can live with it said
John R. Maiolo, chairman of the
sociology, anthropology and
economics department. "We've
got the assessments on most of the
people; with the newer people it's
a problem, but we're going to get
around that. It's not something
we're going to worry about
Maiolo plans to avoid the pro-
blem with a "short survey"
primarily for the new members of
his faculty. His department has a
total of 25 faculty, while the
departments of English and
physical education have 47 each.
Philosophy has 14 faculty
Bloodworth said his depart-
ment and others of similar size
would suffer greater inconve-
nience in conducting an internal
survey. The English department
includes approximately 3,000
Ms. Madge S. McGrath, an
assistant medical technology pro-
fessor and chairperson of the
Teacher Effectiveness Committee,
supported her committee's deci-
sion to rotate the student evalua-
tions. In order to begin to give a
more comprehensive look at a
faculty member's "total testing
ability McGrath said the stu-
dent survey should be rotated
because some faculty members
were not being evaluated on their
"major courses" which were be-
ing taught in the spring.
Asked why the Faculty Senate
didn't tecommend a semesterly
student survey as a compromise,
Smith cited "institutional ex-
pense" claiming that ECU's
Department of Institutional
Research could not afford to con-
duct a survey each semester.
But Robert Ussery, director of
institutional research, angrily
denied that his department had
anything to do with the dicision to
not conduct serveys each
semester. Ussery said a decision to
conduct a survey was ultimately
decided by the Faculty Senate.
"Many chairpersons and deans
have called me asking if we were
going to do this survey this fall
Ussery said, "and I've had to say,
'no, university policy prohibits
that this fall
Ussery said his department
could conduct the surveys for the
entire university at a cost of
$3,000 per survey. "That's just
paper cost because the computer
is a resource we have here, and we
don't have to pay for that direct-
ly Ussery said.
Ussery criticized the senate
decision and said that individual
departmental surveys would not
be cost-effective. "What they're
going to do is take the content of
In the Tuesday, Nov. 1 edition of The East
Carolinian, Barbara Mann of the N.C. Draft
Information Service was misquoted. It was
stated that a final warning had been sent out
to non-registrants. This is false. What has
occured is that in September, the third in a
series of driver's license letters was sent out
to males who haven't signed up. What could
be termed a final notice would only be sent
out if you failed to respond to this driver's
license letter.
This final notice would be rare. If you did
not return the license letter, your name could
possibly be turned over to the Department of
Justice. From the names turned over to
them, a small number could be picked for
further prosecution. This small group of
people would then receive what could be
termed a "final notice It would come in
the form of a registered letter from a U.S.
District Attorney.
Now, at any step in this process, there is a
small possibility that a FBI agent will visit
you, but it is not likely. Mann was mis-
quoted as saying you are under no legal
obligation to talk to the agent. W;hat she said
is that you are under no legal obligation to
talk to the agent until m first are able to
talk with legal counsel.
The East Carolinian regrets the error.
Greenville Soup Kitchen Opens
A soup kitchen for
those in need of food
opened Tuesday on
West 5th Street in
Greenville, and its
main goal is "to reach
those who are not be-
ing reached ? the
ones who fall between
the cracks accor-
ding to organizer
Gloria Chestang.
Chestang, who has
worked with the
Greenville Social Ser-
vices for several years,
said there has been a
need for this service
for some time. Lucille
Gorham, a "soup kit-
chen" volunteer,
agreed. "I really do
think there is hunger
in Greenville. We're
trying to get to the
ones that are really
suffering she said.
The service is run
by a group of 21 local
volunteers, including
several ECU faculty
members. Father
Jerry Sherba of St.
Gabriels Catholic
Church said he is try-
ing to get ECU
students involved as
The soup kitchen,
located in the Pope
John XXIII Center, is
open every Tuesday
thru Thursday at 1
p.m. Chestang said
they have the capacity
to serve 24 people at
each 15-minute sit-
ting, or approximate-
ly 100 people each
Anyone wishing to
donate soup or cann-
ed vegetables should
contact Chestang or
that questionaire ? some of the poor evaluation. Ussery added
questions ? type them up on that because student surveys are a
master sheets and then put them sensitive matter, his department
on a mimeograph and grind them would only distribute results when
out, stick them in their classes the faculty is here "en masse" at
Then the real problem starts, that
is, getting that data off those
sheets into some kind of talley
forms that make sense.
"That's going to eat up person
time, and I can tell you it's going
to use several person-months
throughout the campus to com-
bine it all Ussery said. "It's not
Ussery also said the results of
the spring surveys would not be
available for distribution to
departments until nost fall ?
possibly too late to be used in the
determination of salary raises for
Student evaluation results can
not be given to teachers until the
last final exam of the semester is
taken. This is to avoid the chance
of a faculty member being harder
on a class that gives him or her a
"en masse"
the start of the fall semester.
Smith said the chance of a
faculty member being awarded a
salary raise without the aid of a
student evaluation was "possible
but not probable If this were to
occur it would most likely happen
to a first-year faculty member
because other faculty could be
evaluated from previous year's
surveys, he added.
Volpe said all pay raises were
ultimately determined by the State
Legislature and were conditioned
on whether or not state funds
were available to provide for such
Smith acknowledged there was
some confusion over the Faculty
Senate decision, and he would be
working to clear up the problems
Baby Moore Dies After Cancer Struggle ?
Douglas Wayne
Moore II, 20 months,
died Saturday at Pitt
County Memorial
Moore was
diagnosed as having
leukemia last
November and his
family was told that a
bone marrow
transplant would in-
crease his chances for
survival. His sister
had all the qualifica-
tions necessary to be a
donor, but the family
was unable to finance
the operation. An ap-
peal was made and
funds were provided,
including donations
from ECU students.
Moore is survived
by his parents,
Douglas and
Catherine Moore, two
sisters and a brother.
Services are
scheduled at Phillips
Brothers Mortuary at
3:00 p.m. on Nov.10.
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Page 4
Student Apathy
Laziness Not Marketable
What's a State of the University
address? In a precedent setting
move Monday night, SGA Presi-
dent Paul Naso addressed the stu-
dent legislature. The president did
what few politicians ? student or
otherwise ? do: tackle an issue he
promised to during his campaign.
He's after students who are
apathetic. That's the good news;
the bad news is he's found them,
but he's hard put to change them.
As Naso noted in his speech,
students are primarily interested
todav in little more than getting a
job. Their college experience is
oriented toward little more than
vocational training ? whatever
will aid them in bringing home a
bigger paycheck. Interest in cam-
pus activities and organizations is
nominal at best, limited to only a
core of diligent, aware and capable
In fact, students' laziness may
be hurting them, in more ways
than one. Campus organizations
aren't working up to their poten-
tial, and neither are students.
Though student interest in campus
activities and organizations seems
to be declining, presumably
because they are more interested in
classes oriented toward their future
careers, the average gpa has not
gone up over the past 10 years. In-
terest in academics over activities,
it seems, creates only more party
time, not personal advancement.
So, if a student wants to get a
job. We're going to put it to you
this way: If you haven't been in-
volved in campus activities or
haven't held a career-oriented job
? forget it. With nothing to show
for four years of college except a
gpa and summer work, an applica-
tion will be less impressive. There
are opportunities on campus for
students to assume important
management, leadership and com-
mittee duties, and these positions
can develop tangible trade skills
and personal confidence.
Working at a major campus
organization, the student
newspaper, we can assure students
that competent, interested student
staff is hard to come by on all the
campus media, not to mention the
SGA and a myriad of other student
jobs in Mendenhall, university
committees and residence halls.
Naso is right when he says students
will grow socially and emotionally
from campus involvement; many
of the best benefits are somewhat
intangible ? improved awareness
of important issues, ability to work
with a team, to assume respon-
sibility, to carry out far reaching
plans. Intangible, but also in-
valuable. Naso and the SGA are
extending a hand to help students
get involved, but it is the students
themselves who must make an in-
t Hi-
Campus Forum
Candidates Sing Office Blues;
Mondale Looking For'Stuff
The Mondale people are going ga-ga
trying to figure out how to counteract all
the publicity John Glenn is getting from
the film The Right Stuff. The movie hype
has made Glenn a far more serious can-
didate than he was before, and Mondale's
headquarters is running scared.
"What we need said one of
Mondale's top advisers, "is our own film
with Mondale as a hero. We could call it
'The Real Thing "
"The title's fine but what about a story
line? Fritz never orbited into space
"He flew in Air Force One when he was
vice president
"I'm not sure most people would con-
sider that as risky as being an astronaut
Art Buchwald

'But we could make it into a dramatic
story. No one has ever done the thrilling
saga of what goes into becoming a vice
president of the United States. We could
show how they're chosen after rigorous
testing, and how they're trained to handle
one of the most important missions in the
"Yeh, so what role does Fritz play?"
"He's the serious one who rides herd
on the other vice presidential candidates,
who are always horsing around and get-
ting into trouble with their superiors and
sometimes their wives. Fritz is a tru-blu
straight ?' w, because he knows how
much is nding on the vice presidential
"You really think people will pay
money to see that?"
"It all depends on the way it's done.
This has to be a human story and what
makes it human is the vice presidential
candidates' wives who have to support
them, not showing fear and trepidation
whenever their men are sent on a training
mission to raise a million dollars for the
"Joan will be the heroine of our story.
We'll show her trying to keep busy, ignor-
ing the thought that at the very moment
she and her children are watching him on
television, her husband has his band on
the throttle which will open a new federal
dam in New Mexico
"Don't forget the press, and the role
they played in making our vice presidents
America's heroes
"It will be in the script. We'll show an
ordinary guy from the wheat fields of
Minnesota being thrust into the limelight
by a hungry, voracious media. We'll
depict the invasion of his private life, and
how he and Joan were able to handle it.
We'll have a scene in which Fritz chews
out all the other Democratic vice
presidential candidates because they're
partying and living it up, and not taking
their roles seriously
"We don't want Fritz to look too much
like a boy scout
"Why not? The American people
always believed their vice presidents were
boy scouts.
The Real Thing will portray Mondale as
the most serious and the most qualified of
all those who ever had the office
"Yeah, that's all well and good. But
what about drama? How do we match a
guy going into orbit from the top of a
"The drama comes when President
Jimmy Carter chooses Fritz over all the
other members of his staff, and decides he
will be the first American ever to attend
the inauguration of the new chief of state
of Sierra Leone
"Fritz, cramped in Air Force One, sits
waiting for the air controller's count-
down. We cut to Joan nervously biting
her nails. All systems are go and suddenly
the 707 is streaking down the runway. The
world, with bated breath, is waiting as it
wings across the Atlantic Ocean. One of
the engines starts giving trouble, and
President Carter calls Mondale and asks
him if he wants to abort the mission. But
Fritz knows if he fails, the vice presiden-
tial program will be set back for years. He
says he'll keep going. Finally, with barely
enough fuel to make it, Air Force One
sees the Sierra Leone runway and makes a
perfect landing.
"When Fritz gets back to the U.S. he
gets a ticker tape parade down Broadway.
He has proven to America and the world
he has 'The Real Thing "
"It sounds good to me. Does anyone
know somebody in Hollywood who win
make it?"
"Everybody will want to make it. How
many pictures about former vice
presidents have they produced in the last
10 years?"
Viewing the soapbox debate in front
of the Student Store last Thursday, I
was disturbed at the ignorance and
narrow-mindedness of some of the
students attending the forum ?
especially in view of the notion that a
university is a place where young men
and women get to broaden their
horizons through the learning and ex-
changing of new ideas and different
My distaste became ignited as an op-
ponent of the invasion of Grenada,
and a member of the Peace Commit-
tee, was abdridged his right to speak
freely, when supporters of the inva-
sion, gathering in Gestapo style, began
yelling "kill the commies, kill the com-
mies" and other obscenities. I smiled
at their ignorance at first but became
saddened when the Peace Committee
members chose to leave, and smartly,
because the possibly of a fight was evi-
As 1 was about to leave, 1 noticed a
dark-haired, fair-skinned young man
with dark-rimmed glasses wearing a
green sport jacket, blue cords and ten-
nis shoes, was being followed and sur-
rounded .
The young man, wearing buttons on
his jacket exclaiming "If you want
peace, work for justice" and "Take
the toys away from the boys caught
the attention of many onlookers, as he
articulately expressed his views oppos-
ing the invasion of Grenada.
Impressed by his ability to debate, 1
remained for a half an hour to listen to
this person take on seven people at
As the discussion progressed, the
comments of onlookers and passersby
reaffirmed my feeling of disgust. Com-
ments such as "This dude's a jerk"
and "I'd like to put that bastard in
combat boots and see what he is made
of were all blurted without hearing
the entire context of his argument.
One student, who 1 thought perhaps
had a little insight, asked: "Why are
these people not listening to him. It
sounds like he is making sense
I thought to myself, "Why was this
young man being called a 'commie'? It
is obvious, if you listen to him, that he
is not in favor of communism nor is he
less patriotic than anyone else
The young man put it well when he
I said: "I may have had my own opi-
nion, but I waited for other people to
I speak out
I supported the invasion of Grenada.
But how can I, as an intelligent human
being, frivolously disregard opinions
that are crucial in weighing actions in-
volving a dangerous matter, especially
those opinions coming from people
who are genuinely concerned with the
lives of people due to their moral of
religious beliefs?
Ed Nicklas
Senior, Pols
Copyright LA
Hunger Helper
Today's mail brought an amazing
letter from Oxfam America, an inter-
national, self-help hunger relief
organization. I have received their
materials for about seven years and
never before have I seen a letter like
this "Statement on Grenada They
begin by saying that "with the invasion
of over 8000 foreign troops, Grenada's
experiment with political independence
and self-reliant development has ap-
parently been halted
Oxfam has funded grass roots, self-
help development programs on the
island nation since 1980, and these ef-
forts to reduce hunger have succeeded
because they were run by the poor peo-
ple themselves, claims Oxfam.
According to Oxfam, the U.S. inva-
sion following the murder of Prime
Minister Maurice Bishop "destroys
hope that Grenada's people will be able
to reunite and develop their own solu-
tions Discussing the damage to
America caused by the invasion, Ox-
fam stated, "the decision to overthrow
a foreign government by military force
without attempting negotiations, is
seen by much of the world as un-
justified and incomprehensible
This, I believe, is one of the key
issues in this event. I have even been
told by someone quoting a military
source that we invaded the small island
to give our soldiers and marines some
war experience because, except for the
older officers, none had seen actual
combat. What an incredibly awful
reason to invade a sovereign state!
The Oxfam letter then continues:
"We risk making all Third World na-
tions doubt and fear us. The message is
that real problems of the developing
world will not be solved; instead the
political problems will be solved by
sending in the United States Marines
It's interesting that people who have
been working in Grenada did not
"welcome" the invasion, but rather
deplored it. Why is it that development
workers or missionaries, who actually
work with the poor, consistently say
that the answer to the problems of
poor nations is development aid ? not
military aid? And why do we keep
branding these people as naive and
communistic? I believe that we should
trust missionaries and development
workers who have nothing to gain per-
sonally from their efforts to help the
poor. We must stop our attempt at
military control of sovereign nations.
Sister Helen Shondell
Catholic Campus Minister
Mick's Mistake
In response to the male
chauvinistically slanted article written
supposedly to obtain a closer observa-
tion for ECU fans of the "real Golden
Girls I have several comments per-
taining to the article in the last issue
and some suggestions for future repor-
First, I would like to be corrected if I
stand alone in my interpretation of the
article which focuses on the image
change from "Pom-Poms" to
"Golden Girls Was the article's pur-
pose to support the "Golden Girls"
new positive image? If so, it failed.
Moreover, this failure seems to be due
to the reporter's personal opinion. His
opinion, reinforced by rude remarks,
reflects his inabilUity to relate to
women with any form of passion, com-
passion or respect. It especially il-
lustrated the reporters lack of
knowledge of dance and professional
entertainers. Perhaps more
background research in selection of
reporters to cover this type of subject
matter would assist with the effec-
tiveness of the report.
The article was written with some
degree of skill, evidenced by the levels
of interpretation. Perhaps the reporter
attempts to appeal to all audiences with
this scheme. For example, the title
"Golden Girls More Than Half-time
Leg Show" leads to many interpreta-
tions. This alone would be effective
toward stimulating thought; however,
within the closing paragraph the effect
is destroyed due to the "macho's"
comments. Thus, the surface level of
the article is such that it benefits the
"Golden Girls" whereas the underlin-
ing level is so negative the author acts
confused. Are you trying to insult the
readers' intelligence? Frankly, who do
you think you are?
I fed the "Golden Girls" represent
ECU in a positive way, and this type of
foggy, narrow-minded reporting with
it's negative connotations isn't what
any organization needs! These are in-
telligent young women, and each have
qualities that makes them unique in
their individual (non-stereotyped)
character in a respectable members of
any organization. Thus, our university
should be proud to have such "sexually
appealing" dancers representing it.
(Here! Here' Barbara Dobyns)
C. Louise Lilley
Home Economics Education
Mick's My Man
I was deeply offended by Barbara
Dobyns attempt to discredit Mick
LaSalle in the Nov. 8 issue of Campus
Forum. Ms. Dobyns has only damaged
her own reputation by announcing her
lack of perception and sense. The Mick
LaSalle articles are featured in the
Entertainment section and they con-
sistently make this section.
LaSalle's articles are quality. Each
one is well-written with a delightful
humorous slant. Mick LaSalle is the
best thing since Mike Hughes. Dobyns
was right about one thing: LaSalle
gives his opinions. He's not guilty of
bland characterless writing. 1 find him
well-informed, witty and perceptive.
LaSalle is currently the best reason I
know of to pick up a copy of The East
Carolinian. Mick makes sense.
Donna Lynch
Senior, CompSci
Kick Back
In response to Michael Hays' letter
The East Carolinian titled "Soccer
Players Poor Sports" (Tuesday, Nov.
1), I would like to defend the integrity
of the soccer team.
First, Mr. Hays states, soccer is an
aggressive sport. However, Mr. Hays
feels that the team's play against
Methodist College was above and
beyond the bounds of "good, ag-
gressive play I would like to know
whether Mr. Hays has ever played col-
legiate soccer. Having played club,
high school and collegiate soccer, I can
say that soccer at the college level is
typically a rougher game.
In addition, Mr. Hays too quickly
condemns the entire ECU team on the
basis of just a few players' actions. He
also assumes, after seeing just one
match, that the team's poor record is
due to the players' poor attitudes. Yet,
he says nothing of the inadequate soc-
cer budget or the apparent lack of sup-
port the team receives from the univer-
After reading Mr. Hays' letter, I was
very angry. I felt as if the soccer team
had been dealt a very cheap and low
blow. Mr. Hays should have lodged his
complaints with the teams' coach.
Hanging the team out-to-dry the way
he did was unfair and unnecessary.
Jeff Langrehr
Socctr Player
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail
them to or drop them by the
newspaper's offices on the second
floor of the publications building,
across from Joyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all let-
ters must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and signature of authorfs). Letters are
limited to two typewritten pages,
double-spaced or neatly printed. All
letters are subject to editing for brevi-
ty, obscenity and libel. Students, facul-
ty and staff writing letters for this page
arc reminded that they are limited to
one every five issues.
Mick LaSalle hammers out anoth
Thursday's Style section. Tuesdaj
oJonated ? but cleer ? movie
Some people dream about th
glamourus life of Hollywood. but
Beverly Baker has lived the
and now wants to work on I
crew of a NASCAR Grand Ni
tional car.
Periodically during the j
year, the 36-vear-oiu Baktf n.
cleaned engine pans, swept gai
rage floors, waxed cars, kept laj
charts, and hauled gasoline an
tires for drivers Dick Brooks an
rookie Bobby Hillin Jr.
She has also been an inter
for Canadian driver Lauren
Rioux, who recentlv joined M
circuit, but speaks no English.
Although Baker was aroui
stock car racing about a year
part of the crew filming the B;
Reynolds movie Stroker Ace. hi
desire to enter the male dominad
Women In The M
(UPI) 'More and I
women are getting intc 1
ministry said Dr Carl ENai
religious studies professor at U
University of South CarohrJ
"The seminary male-femaie raj
is approaching 50-50 m ma
Martin said there ere
female ministers among Soutl
Baptists 10 years ago. but n
there are about 250.
In the western North CarolJ
conference of United Methodis
there are about 15 ordair
women and another 25 workj
toward ordination. In Georg
about 35 women have pastoratj
"I believe the pastoral do
opening wide to women in
denominations and 1 think t
wind is blowing over us said
Rev. E.B. Turner, president of
General Baptist State Convent
of North Carolina
Southern churches have
East Carol
Acting A
Acting and singing auditij
for the East Carolina Playho
production of Home
scheduled for Thursday and
day, Nov. 17 and 18, in
Messick Theatre Arts Center
the campus of East Carol
University. The auditions
begin at 7:30 p.m. each
rOfn 206.
Home was first produced
great acclaim by the Ne1
Pnsembk Company, and
??iiOi ?miifH?i'?

? s Service
us in't what
eeds! These are in-
nen, and each have
em unique in
? non-stereotyped)
ctablc members of
Thu. our university
esuch "sexually
-er'eseniing it.
C L ouise Lilley
wnics Education
k's My Man
?ended by Barbara
discredit Mick
8 issue of Campus
as only damaged
announcing her
and sense. The Mick
are featured in the
. non and they con-
is section.
lea arc quality. Each
tten with a delightful
Mick LaSalle is the
Mike Hughes. Dobyns
ul one thing: LaSalle
cms. He's not guilty of
terless writing. I find him
- tty and perceptive.
rently the best reason I
- .p a copy of The East
A . k makes sense.
Donna Lynch
Senior. CompSci
ick Back
e to Michael Hays' letter
hman titled "Soccer
I sports" (Tuesda, Nov.
Id like to defend the integrity
leer team
r Hays states, soccer is an
sport. However, Mr. Hays
I the team's play against
College was above and
the bounds of "good, ag-
;av I would like to know
Ir. Havs has ever played col-
:cer Having played club,
1 and collegiate soccer, I can
I soccer at the college level is
a rougher game.
Mtion, Mr. Hays too quickly
the enure ECU team on the
just a few players' actions. He
imes, after seeing just one
hat the team's poor record is
)e players' poor attitudes. Yet,
lothing of the inadequate soc-
Ict or the apparent lack of sup-
Iteam receives from the univer-
reading Mr Hays' letter, I was
ry I felt as if the soccer team
dealt a very cheap and low
Hays should have lodged his
us with the teams' coach.
the team out-to-dry the way
(ras unfair and unnecessary.
Jeff Langrehr
Socc-r Player
I Forum Rules
last Carolinian welcomes letters
?? all points of view. Mail
w or drop them by the
?r's offices on the second
f the publications building,
yom Joyner Library,
trposes of verification, all let-
it include the name, major and
twn, address, phone number
tature of authorfs). Letters are
to two typewritten pages,
spaced or neatly printed. All
re subject to editing for brevi-
rnity and libel. Students, facul-
taff writing letters for this page
inded that they are limited to
five issues.
NOVEMBER 10. 1983 Page 5
Who Are The ECU Campus Studs?
Staff WrMar
Between LaSalle and the un-
skilled masses, there's a whole
category of men: real men, ladies'
men, studs ? call them what you
like. They're Mick LaSalle's kind
of guys.
It's always hard to uncover the
real studs on any campus. Most
guys who talk a good game get
their jollies only from talking. If
you want the real scoop, you've
got to take this question to the
'Making Deadline9
Mick LaSalle hammers out another smoking analysis of life at ECU. Look for Mick's Campos Column In
Thursday's Style section. Tuesday's Entertainment section will continue to feature Mick's highly opi-
nionated ? but clever ? movie reviews.
The charge that a guy gets from
bragging about conquests to his
less fortunate cronies is pathetic
compared to all the things a man
gets from a woman. A real man
respects those things and respects
his woman ? so long as she stays
Still, good news travels. A
broad'U say to me, "Eh, Mick, I
once met a guy almost as cool as
you And that'll be a lead. I'll
walk into a bar ? or, more likely,
Overton's, the Student Supply
Store, Mendenhall, the library ?
and I'll see some guy laying down
his rap. Yeah, it's subtle stuff.
But the guys who are best at this
game are subtle.
Anybody's list of campus
ladies' men would have to include
the following names: Clint Harris,
Free Safety for the Pirates, whom
sources say is the team's number
one man with the women; Johnny
Woods, outgoing and funny Kap-
pa Sig brother, and former pledge
trainer for that fraternity; Paul
Naso, born with the Face that
launched a thousand votes; and
Gordon Ipock, who embodies the
Mick LaSalle dictum, that if
you've got the guts to fight for
your beliefs, women will love you.
David Johnston, a senior in
computer science, also ranks high
on the list of ECU ladies' men. A
renaissance man for the 80s,
Johnston has written and produc-
ed award-winning radio comme;
cials, worked as a disc jockey, and
now designs and builds furniture
for his own company. Several
girls have told me Johnston's sub-
tle but a killer.
There are a few "probable
ladies' men" on campus too.
Guys I hear mentioned now and
again but have been unable to find
out more about. These include
"Jeff-something-or-other who
I'm told is fast becoming the big
man on College Hill (though
nobody knows the guy's last
name); a grad student in Austin
named "AT who at least one co-
ed described as "devastating
Albanese, who combines intellec-
tual brilliance with a winning
sense of humor; Ron Dcmasi.
who has been called "warm,
outgoing and masculine and
Barney Jernigan ? this guy's not
telling you all he knows.
Among the younger guys, guys
under 20 who are making big
waves among the freshman and
sophomore classes, the up-and-
coming stud, according to people
in the know, is Jon Greif. Greif, a
sophomore, ran for Homecoming
Pirate a couple of weeks back.
Who needs a guy as Homecoming
Pirate, right? Still, it's obvious
when you meet this guy that he's
got the looks, the brains and the
charm that legends are made of.
Women are attracted to a wide
variety of men ? and the names
I've mentioned here bear this out.
Still, there's something the
average guy out there can learn.
The men on this list, while all dif-
ferent, share certain
characteristics ? standard things
found in the make-up of just
about any guy who is successfull
with women. They are not afraid
to be themselves. They are not
afraid of rejection. They like
women ? not just sexually. And
they're not afraid to walk ? and
keep walking ? if a woman tries
to give them any woman's game.
Any guy out there can work on
getting these characteristics.
Studs, ladies' men ? whatever the
name ? are rarely the best look-
ing guys around. Most are made
? not born.
HollywoodGlamour For Garage
Some people dream about the
glamourus life of Hollywood, but
Beverly Baker has lived that life
and now wants to work on the
crew of a NASCAR Grand Na-
tional car.
Periodically during the last
year, the 36-year-old Baker has
cleaned engine parts, swept gar-
rage floors, waxed cars, kept lap
charts, and hauled gasoline and
tires for drivers Dick Brooks and
rookie Bobby Hillin Jr.
She has also been an interpreter
for Canadian driver Laurent
Rioux, who recently joined the
circuit, but speaks no English.
Although Baker was around
stock car racing about a year as
part of the crew filming the Burt
Reynolds movie Stroker Ace, her
desire to enter the male dominate
profession didn't solidify until
last September at Darlington, SC,
when she worked in the garage
Baker likes being behind the
scenes ? not on pit road fueling
cars or changing tires.
"Going over the wall is not the
most important thing she said,
"the most important thing to me
is to be accepted as a hard work-
ing crew member. I just want to
be able to work on the car
But Baker is quick to add that
she couldn't work "with someone
I don't believe in
"There are some people I feel
would use me for publicity and I
would not work for their team
she said. "I would have to believe
they took me on because they
believed in me and did not hire me
just from a publicity standpoint
Baker, who says she's not easily
intimidated, said the people on
the NASCAR circuit have been
"I feel they have treated me the
way they would treat any rookie.
Junior Johnson told me he had to
get me another job because I got
dirtier than he did lifting tires
And she has no desire to get
behind the wheel of a Grand Na-
tional racing machine.
"I don't think I could be a fast,
great race car driver. But I would
like to work for one she said.
"To be part of that support
system is as good as it's probably
going to be for me. I can't drive
and I want to be a part of racing. I
don't want to be a star. I prefer to
work for the star
She didn't get paid when she
worked for Hillin and "I don't
think I should she said.
"In North Carolina in racing,
there are thousands of epople who
are better than me and 1 don't
want to take jobs from them.
When I know enough to compete
with them, then 1 should be paid.
"I've met a lot of people who
have worked for years in racing
without a salary until they got to
the point where they felt they were
worth being paid she added.
"For most people on the racing
circuit, it's a real passion. It's not
a job but a passion and they
would give up everything to do
Baker's love for cars was
cultivated by her father when the
family lived in Brazil, the Philip-
pines, and Switzerland.
"Dad encouraged me to drive
fast she said.
While living in Europe, she at-
tended auto races and drove in
"1 used to go to the Formula
races a lot said the 5-foot-6
Baker, who sports waist-length
blonde hair. "I got to know a lot
of drivers because of a friend who
was a mechanic
But is was several years before
she decided to cast her lot with the
good ol boys.
After marriages to actor Peter
Strauss adn Universal Pictures
President Thorn Mount, working
on the sets of Sharkys Machine
and Young Doctors In Love and
being production manager for
commercials and industrial films
Baker turned her back on
"Everything is based on who
you arc married to or what you
do she said. "I was serously
thinking about it (working on a
Grand National Team) when we
were doing Stroker Ace. I just had
to get my personal life together
and do it
Baker said she chose Grand Na-
tional racing because it's safe and
she likes the sport's basic idea.
"Safety is so important
Baker said. "(In the Formula
cars) the ground effects are so
dangerous. It's for only the stupid
or the young who want to go out
and die. Car racing is for the rich.
"But in Grand Nationl racing,
the basic idea is you take a stock
car and race it. I love it because
they look more like street cars
she continued. "They're not
winged monsters
Changes On The Bible Belt
(UPl) ? "More and more
women are getting into the
ministry said Dr. Carl Evans,
religious studies professor at the
University of South Carolina.
"The seminary male-female ratio
is approaching 50-50 in many
Martin said there were no
female ministers among Southern
Baptists 10 years ago, but now
there are about 250.
In the western North Carolina
conference of United Methodists,
there are about 15 ordained
women and another 25 working
toward ordination. In Georgia,
about 35 women have pastorates.
"I believe the pastoral door is
opening wide to women in all
denominations and I think that
wind is blowing over us said the
Rev. E.B. Turner, president of the
General Baptist State Convention
of North Carolina.
Southern churches have also
taken on a new role ? filling
voids in social programs left by
federal budget cuts.
Most large churches have child
care centers and nearly every ma-
jor denomination supports
welfare centers, soup kitchens and
intensified ministries to senior
In Virginia, the United
Methodists have started a pro-
gram to feed the poor with surplus
potatoes from the Eastern Shore.
"We're distributing tons and
tons of potatoes and nearly every
city has and inner-city food pro-
gram said Blackburn.
Religious scholars say the social
programs are helping individual
churches return to their roots ?
working with their neighbors.
Cemetary United Methodist
Church in Richmond is an exam-
ple. It shares a downtown block
with a bookstore, health food
store and a bank. The church
chose not to join the white flight
to surburbia and opted to stay
downtown and minister to the
60,000 business commuters and
the "street people" who sleep in
its doorways by night.
"When someone comes in on a
given day, we sit down and talk
with them and direct them to a
proper agency, and serve them
lunch said the Rev. Dave Jarvis.
"As downtown Richmond chang-
ed, we became more aware of peo-
ple immediately around it. We're
trying to minister to that con-
While Cenetary sufered finan-
cial and membership losses ? on-
ly 200 attend Sunday school and
250 attend wordhip services ?
Jarvis said the church "provides a
place for people to come and have
lunch. We've developed during
the season a certain group of peo-
ple who enjoy coming here. That,
in itself, is a ministry
East Carolina Playhouse Schedules
Acting Auditions For New Play
Acting and singing auditions
for the East Carolina Playhouse
production of Home rc
scheduled for Thursday and Fri-
day, Nov. 17 and 18, in the
Measick Theatre Arts Center on
the campus of East Carolina
University. The auditions will
begin at 7:30 p.m. etch evening in
room 206.
Home was first produced to
great acclaim by the Negro
Ensemble Company, and later
transferred to Broadway. It was
written by North Carolina
Playwright Samm-Art Williams
and deals joyfully with coming of
age of a young black man from
rural South Carolina.
There are roles for one black
man and two black women. All
actors must be capable of playing
ages from the teens to mid-forties.
The women should be prepared to
sing a verse from "Great Gett'in
Up Morning
Scripts of the play are available
to everyone and are on reserve in
Joyner Library on the ECU Cam-
Home is scheduled for pro-
duction on January 25-28, at 8:15
p.m. nightly in the Studio Theatre
of the Messick Theatre Arts
Center. ECU students, faculty,
staff, and local residents are all in-
vited to audition.
For further information call
737-6390 in Greenville.

! i
Ufa I
No, Not Ballet
Scott Takott, Junior, practices Mi phenomenal fr ?, .
ssssstttisssitrtttrtrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrr-? ?????????????????
? mm$m
n?mmi'imi,iim wm
hi ? m i?n
??"i?'? I wmp?iwinnf 0??

NOVEMBER 10, 1983
Best Picture Of The Year 'Gandhi9
Support businesses that support
The East Carolinian
The Best Picture of the Year
New York Film Critics
National Board of Review
Best Actor of the Year
? Ben Kingsley
New York Film Critics
National Board of Review
Ixs Angeles Film Critics Assoc.
It took one British actor Ben
remarkable man to Kingsley as Gandhi
defeat the British Em- captures the very
pire and free a nation essence of the Mahat-
of 350 million ma in what is possibly
peopleGandhi! His the greaest
goal was freedom for biographicl perfor-
India; his strategy was mance in screen
peace; his weapon was
his humanity.
Director Richard
Attenborough worked
for nearly 20 years to
bring to the screen
this extraordinary
motion picture epic
about the Indian
leader who changed
the world forever.
"Once in a long
while, a motion pic-
ture so eloquently ex-
pressive and
technically exquisite
comes along that one
is tempted to hail it as
being near perfect.
Such a film is GAN-
TVs. Air Conditional,
Stereoj. guns, gold A nlvtr,
diamonds, cameras and
equipment, typewriters,
kerosene heaters,
refrigerators (dorm siie on-
ly), video games A car-
tridges, power tools,
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microwave ovens, video
recorders, bicycles, and
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Southern Pawn Shop,
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His triumph changed the world forever.
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2-D Work Must Be Ready for Hanging
r TkVAA l??l laA ?
BESIbI. attic
ECU's Literary-Art Magazine
10AM - 5PM Conference Room, Jenkins Art Building
Design (metals,
wood, fibers)
Graphic Art
Three Works Per Artist.
Entry Fee $1.00 per work.
? Non-placing Entries Must Be Picked
? Up By 5PM Monday, Nov. 21st
? 1st place in each category awarded $20
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East Carolina head coi
Emory still hasn't recuf
from the Pirates' 12-7 last-
loss against sixth-ranked
this weekend.
"As head football cc
should have found some
bring that victorv nor
North Carolina Emor
"We're 13 points awa
ing 9-0 and compel .
tional championship That
it's so damn frustrating '
The Pirates were leadil
against the Hurricanes laU
fourth quarter, but
quarterback Bernie Kosar
the endzone with 1:04
clinch the tightly-piayed g
Emory said the offense
too conservatively in the
half. "We knew v-e needed
than seven points to be
he said, "but if you I ad
that we would hold Miami
points, I would have
were gonna win.
"We've been to-
in all the Florida game- N
halftime against Flo: i
(47-46) and Florida 24
just got too careful.
"If I had to do ti
would've thrown more arc
endzone and in our I
The Pirates did hat
tunities, even in the 1
seconds of the ?.
quarterback Kevin Ing i
this week's ECAC D j
Offensive Player Of the
threw a victory pass to
Adams, but teammate N
Vann collided w
knocking the bail out
Ingram went 12-tor-22
yards, and Emory said th
quarterback played good
mmmi ??om Hue
With the loss of Mi-
Mar? Denkler. ECU
basketball coach Cathy i
is unsure what to expect
1983-84 basketball U
"We could have a got
but we would have to do j
very inexperienced team
druzzi said. "We lost
players to graduation, ar
we're really looking j
is leadership
The Pirates return
players from last
lone senior being Daere
"Darlene has seen limited
in her career fcndnu
"but the one advantage
over the other girls -
knows our style of p
According to Andruzzi.
the leadership will co
sophomores Sylvia
Delphine Mab: an
Bragg is the or i
player to see action
last year. She averageo 9
per game and is consk
have the best outside shoi
The ECU soccer tea
their final game of th
yesterday, dropping a 4 I
to powerful N.C. State
Pirate head coach
Church called the Woifl
toughest team ECU haj
face all year, and was pro
team's play. "Our kids
really hard, and never
whole game. Three goals j
lose by, but you have to
who we were up against
The N.C. State soccer
offers 11 full scholarship
three Nigerian nationi
members on its squad.
State opened the sconj
Nigerian Sam Oktodu pif
by Pirate goalie Georj
dgoney. Playing the entij
Pordgoney had 13 sav
credit on the day.
ECU came right ba;j
Brian Colgan fed a per ft
Mark Hardy, leaving
teams tied at halftime.
The Wolfpack cootn
second half, as David
tc4b. Trey Phuket and
doted out the game's sd
ECU dropped to 3-lj
year, but Church doesnl
m? mm'immmiiB

?Oi'l?i ?i

siitei -

P "w
? to
NOVEMBER 10. 1983
Frustrated Bucs Ready For Rivalry
East Carolina head coach Ed
Fmory still hasn't recuperated
from the Pirates' 12-7 last-minute
loss against sixth-ranked Miami
this weekend.
"As head football coach, I
should have found some way to
bring that victory home to Eastern
North Carolina Emory said.
"We're 13 points away from be-
ing 9-0 and competing for a na-
tional championship. That's why
it's so damn frustrating
The Pirates were leading 7-6
against the Hurricanes late in the
fourth quarter, but Miami
quarterback Bernie Kosar ran into
the endzone with 1:04 left to
clinch the tightly-played game.
Emory said the offense played
too conservatively in the second
half. "We knew we needed more
than seven points to beat Miami
he said, "but if you had told me
that we would hold Miami to 12
points, I would have said that we
were gonna win.
"We've been too conservative
in all the Florida games. We led at
halftime against Florida State
(446) and Florida (24-17) and
just got too careful.
"If I had to do it again, I
would've thrown more around the
endzone and in our territory
The Pirates did have oppor-
tunities, even in the last four
seconds of the game. ECU
quarterback Kevin Ingram, who is
this week's ECAC Division I-A
Offensive Player Of the Week,
threw a victory pass to Stephon
Adams, but teammate Norwood
Vann collided with Adams,
knocking the baT out of his
to win. "He didn't throw any in-
terceptions, and he did a good
job he said. "We just didn't get
the ball in the endzone like we
should have
There were two more missed
opportunities in the First half.
ECU tailback Jimmy Walden
fumbled on Miami's 14-yard line
in the first quarter. Sophomore
Jeff Heath later missed a 49-yard
field goal attempts in the second
quarter and another 21-yard kick
with less than Five minutes re-
maining in the game.
"I just missed the short one
Heath said. "Those cheerleaders
in the endzone fired off a cannon
as I was approaching the ball, and
it really threw me. 1 barely hit the
ball at all
Emory said he thought Miami
should have been penalized for
letting off the cannon. "Heath
has kicked those with his eyes shut
time and time again he said.
"Do you think that (cannon
noise) wouldn't have bothered
any kicker in the country?"
Although the Miami loss dash-
ed the Pirates' hopes of an im-
mediate national ranking and an
automatic bowl bid, Coach
Emory believes the Pirates deserve
to still be considered as a bowl
prospect. "I think we're the best
6-3 team in the country he said.
"If they consider a team in this
state, it's got to be us.
"We're the only Division I
team to play seven teams on the
road, and we've played three of
the top 10 teams in the country
Emory said he would like to see
the Pirates meet one neighboring
Ingram went 12-for 22 for 151 ECU linebacker Mike Grmnt (49) prowls after Miami halfback Keith Griffin daring Saturday's game. Head
yards, and Emory said the senior Football Coach Ed Emory said the Bucs will have to play great defense if they're going to beat William St
quarterback played good enough Man this weekend.
Andruzzi Unsure Of Squad
team in a bowl game. "We'd like
to play Carolina in the Peach
Bowl he said. "We challenge
them today. We'll line up with
anybody. We just want the
Emory said he thinks his
players deserve the opportunity to
play in a bowl. "We've had great
practices this week he said.
"These kids are just amazing. I
can't say enough about them.
They've competed in every
quarter they've played.
"They've played with adversity
that would break other teams
Playing against top-ranked
teams has also gotten the Pirates
something else ? national
recognition. This week, the
Pirates were ranked 25th in U.S.
Today. "We're the only team I
know that has moved up after los-
ing Emory said.
The New York Daily Sews
ranked ECU 19th in the nation a
few weeks ago, and the Pirates
were also featured in Sports Il-
lustrated last month.
But although the Pirates have
been enjoying a little national
limelight, one reporter pointed
out to Coach Emory that the Bucs
still lacked prestige.
"No, we don't have prestige
right now Emory said. "That's
why we're so frustrated, but just
give us a shot. The Pirates will
play with anybody, come rain,
sleet or snow
The Pirates want to gain some
of that prestige by playing in a
bowl, but the Bucs will have to
soundly defeat William & Mary
this Saturday, followed by a
season Finale win against strong
Southern Mississippi.
"If we don't win the next two
games, we don't deserve to go to a
bowl Emory said. "We can't
worry about a bowl, though. If
something comes out of what
we've done, then Fine, but there
are a lot of politics in bowl selec-
tions. People buy their way. They
buy their tickets
Emory said ECU fans shoud
count on seeing another tradi-
tional battle between William &
Mary and the Pirates this Satur-
day. "This will probably be the
best football game in the stadium
in four years he said. "We've
got to score more than seven
points to beat them. They're
(W&M) averaging 20 points a
The Indians, now 5-4, will be
using their strong passing attack
against the Pirates. "They are far
one of the most potent offenses
we have played against to date
he said. "We're gonna have to
play great defense
ECU leads the two teams'
series, 10-4-1.The Pirates' last
home loss came in 1981. That loss
cost the Emory a winning season.
"They've been a thorn in my
side Emory said. "We want this
game bad. We have to get this
Miami game out of our system
Emory said the Pirates can't
look back to what might have
been. "I promise you, 1 would
change some things if I could he
said. "I'd change some travel
plans, some play selections, some
personnel, but you can't do that.
"You've got to go forward
That's easier said than done.
Even when discussing this week's
game against William & Mary
Emory still had those Florida trips
in the back of his mind.
"William & Mary will be a
tough game he said. We're gon-
na have to throw the ball more.
"We're not gonna sit on it like
we have in some of those close
Mutual Hporto MHor
With the loss of All-American
Mary Denkler, ECU women's
basketball coach Cathy Andruzzi
is unsure what to expect from her
1983-84 basketball team.
"Wre could have a good year,
but we would have to do so with a
very inexperienced team An-
druzzi said. "We lost three
players to graduation, and what
we're really looking for right now
is leadership
The Pirates return only four
players from last year with the
lone senior being Darlene Hedges.
"Darlene has seen limited action
in her career Andruzzi said,
"but the one advantage she has
over the other girls is that she
knows our style of play
According to Andruzzi, most of
the leadership will come from
sophomores Sylvia Bragg,
Delphine Mabry and Lisa
Bragg is the only returning
player to see action in all 26 games
last year. She averaged 9.8 points
per game and is considered to
have the best outside shot on the
Mabry returns after sitting out
the last half of the season due to
hand surgery. She started in 10 of
14 games and is the second leading
scorer with 7.3 points per game.
Andruzzi said she is looking for
Mabry to start at point guard this
season, a position which will com-
pliment her tremendous speed and
Lisa Squirewell is the third
returning sophomore, but she was
also injured last season during a
six-game strech. She averaged 5.6
points and 4.3 rebounds per
game, and according to Andruzzi
can play inside or outside.
"The three sophomores along
with Darlene must give us the
East Carolina experience we
need Andruzzi said. "They
know our system, what we expect
on the court and they have to be
our leaders
Transfer student Annette
Phillips from Louisburg Juinor
College is the top newcomer for
the Pirates. Her team went to the
Nationals for two consecutive
years, and Andruzzi feels it's that
kind of experience that will really
help the Pirates. "She has ex-
cellent defensive skills and should
see action immediately Andruz-
zi added.
Another top recruit is 6-0 Anita
Anderson from Chowan College.
"Her height should help us a lot
Andruzzi said. "Once she gets to
know our style of play she should
do very well
Andruzzi said her team has a lot
of potential, but it's going to take
time for the team to blend
together. "Six of our 10 players
are totally unfamilar with the way
we want them to play basketball,
and that's going to take some
Andruzzi said she plans on
playing a fast-tempo game, with
constant breaking and agressive
play on defense. "Our style of
play is so much different from
what the new girls were taught on
the teams they use to play for
Andruzzi said. "It's a frustrating
situation because I know how
hard they're trying. It's just that
they weren't taught the correct
Andruzzi said that she's having
to take some players and com-
pletely start from scratch. "A few
of the girls don't have any concept
of the basic offensive fundamen-
tals and were only taught simple
zones on defense
"It's like taking all the new
players and putting them in the
First grade again Andruzzi add-
ed. "Every practice is a
classroom, and they're learning
each and every day how we want
them to play the game
Andruzzi said the success of the
team will rest largely on how fast
each individual is able to absorb
what she's trying to teach them.
"Once our players reach their in-
dividual potential and get ac-
custommed to our style of play,
we should have a very exciting
The Pirates will play 15 home
games this year, six more than last
year. Old Dominion, Notre
Dame, North Carolina State and
Cheyney State are a few of the na-
tion's elite the Pirates will face,
but Andruzzi is expecting every
game to be a challenge.
The Pirates will open their
season against George University
University, Nov. 20 in Minges
Soccer Team Bows To Pack
AatotaM Som E4M?r
The ECU soccer team played
their Final game of the season
yesterday, dropping a 4-1 decision
to powerful N.C. State.
Pirate head coach Robbie
Church called the Wolfpack the
toughest team ECU has had to
face all year, and was proud of his
team's play. "Our kids played
really hard, and never let up the
whole game. Three goals is a lot to
lose by, but you have to consider
who we were up against
The N.C. State soccer program
offers 11 full scholarships and has
three Nigerian national team
members on its squad.
State opened the scoring when
Nigerian Sam Oktodu put a shot
by Pirate goalie George Por-
dgoney. Playing the entire game,
Pordgoney had 13 saves to his
credit on the day.
ECU came right back when
Brian Colgan fed a perfect pass to
Mark Hardy, leaving the two
teams tied at halftime.
The Wolfpack controlled the
second half, as David Intrabar-
tolo, Trey Plunket and Chris Ogu
closed out the game's scoring.
ECU dropped to 3-16 on the
year, but Church doesn't look at
the season as a failure. "More
then half the team is composed of
freshmen, and I think this year
will help us down the road
Church also said the year was
Filled with a lot of adversity, citing
several disciplinary problems as
well as a high number of injuries
the team suffered.
Foremost among the injuries
was David Skeffington who was
lost for the year with a broken col-
larbone, and Doug Patmore and
Matt Evans who both sat out a
large portion of the season.
Church said there were a lot of
people who played well for the
Pirates during the course of the
year, but goalies George
Podgorney and Grant Pearson
both had exceptional seasons.
Both are freshmen, and Church
added the competition between
the two made each into a better
The Pirates will take two weeks
off before resuming practice for
their indoor season which begins
in January.
Women's Basketball Coach Cathy Andruzzi
Lady Volleyballers End
Year With Bitter Loss
ECU'S Alan Smith (5) takes control against one of the team's earlier
opponents this year. i
Bucs Missing
Did you notice the little Pirate
mascots alongside the road at
ECU's last home game?
Well, a few of the little hit
chhikers got unwanted lifts.
Whoever gave the Mascots a
ride is being asked to return the
miniatrue Pirates back to the
stadium. No questions asked
Seven were stolen from the
stadium two weeks ago.
Call 757-6491 if you'd like to
clear up the missing Pirates'
The ECU women's volleyball
team ended its 1983 home season
by losing to UNC-Chapel Hill,
10-15, 10-15 and 13-15.
"I thought out transition was
improved First-year coach Im-
ogene Turner said. "We worked
hard in practice on our transition
and our serving.
"I think our serving hurt us; if
we could have gotten more serves
in, it would have helped us
In the first game, the Lady
Pirates trailed early, 5-12, and
then ran off five straight points,
making the score 10-12. The Tar
Heels came back with three
unanswered points, ending the
first game 15-10.
ECU opened an early 4-0 lead
in the second game behind the ser-
ving of Kim Halsaver. With the
score, 5-3, UNC ran off six points
due mainly to the serving of Don-
na Meier. The Lady Pirates closed
the gap, 10-13, but the Tar Heels
counterattacked to take the game,
In the third and final game,
ECU opened up a 12-4 lead, but
Carolina battled back, taking the
game and match, 15-13.
As far as individual perfor-
mances, Turner praised the play
of senior Lita Lamas. "Lita
played another strong game
around the net for us Turner
With the loss, the team's record
dropped to 3-19. Turner, who did
not have a chance to recruit any
players before taking over this
season, said her biggest problem
has been dealing with the team's
lack of size. "We have to get out
and recruit taller players she
said. "Every team we play is big-
ger than we are
The team will end the season at
the Wake Forest Quadrangular
tournament on Friday.
t - m

NOVEMBER 10, 1983
LOST: Canon AF35mm Camera.
Vicinity Sigma Tau Oamma
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wood Drive Mooresvllle NC
CHANOE of pace Par 133 M
and ll utilities and phone you
can move into a 1 bdrm apt. at
Langston Parti available In Dae.
Female protorod Call 7H-17S.
WANTED: Student assistants to
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special training Is nsadad. but
science maors, musicians, and
visually impaired students are
encouraged to apply. Pay Is
moo par hour. Call David Lun
nay at 7S7-713 or Robery C.
Morrison at 757711, or leave
your name and telephone
number in the Chen is try Depart
ment office.
NEEDED: On female Rmmat
for Jan. Georgetown Apts. S7S.M
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TBAJM ?OLT surfboard for safe.
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RIDE NEEDED: To Richmond
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professional work. Pre-
ofroadlng, spelling and gram
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after S:3.
SIONAL typing Call Julia
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TYPING: Rush Jab Evenings
Scientific symbol element Pro-
fessional Can 7S?-?p.
typewriter. IS years of ex
parlance. Pull time typing for
faculty and students Call
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Brown, MM. Good condition
Call 7Se-ap41.
AMY: Happy two year anniver-
sary. I love you very much 11
Alas, I am timid. My imagine
Man soars at ponderances of
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what I long to know I Little dove,
your passion flower
RICHARD Welcome back to EC
buddy I Please stayi Ann luvs ya
Vermont ski weeks from SP2.
Sprlngbreak Florida weeks
from tm. Call for yourself or
organiie a group and travel
FREEl LUV Tours ? 34 1004
Ask for Laura.
STUDENTS: Sponsored by the
REBEL magazine. Bring en-
tries by Jenkins conference
roam on Monday, 10-5 Limit 3
entries. SI fee per entry. Rules
posted outside REBEL office on
the 2nd floor of publications
who are maortng In
History and political science
m?or? who have good writing
skills and are knowledgable
about currant events are urged
to apply at THE EAST CAROLI
NIAN for upper level eitorlal
positions for itM-SS school year.
DEPfNDON. ajonmorsfrvKKt
?hG women of rtm V tem?ngCjntei
ovagoto, dcjv ov3 nrjd ?? support arvd unom
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S7c Martin, t
alone S mivmble "
Ruk Springfield's
big-screen debut
Gary Busey
cr the nuht Mr. I
Al fat did stars,
Rritni Dtl'tilrna tin cts
Editor m-l.hief
AsMCMfc t filter
Art Directors
(.initiation Manager
Office Manager
Awt t$ Publisher
Steve Martin (left I illustrates one of many pttfaOs of being a Lonely Guy: sleeping
alone. Rick Springfield and Janet Eilber (right I find and almost lose each other in
Hard to Hold, a rock (s roO love story.
Timothy Hutton is Lindsay
Crouse -tat in Iceman (14);
Where the Nvs Ait- -till It
Lauderdale, Florida) has sand,
int and lift hotls i6?. Ri-jm)
Man 11 I -tar- Harry Ihan
Stanton cjT Emilio Estevez m
L.As auto repossession racket.
Films in tin- wings
Al Pacino as Ii?i Montana,
Cuban Marielito, who takes
Al Pacino in Scarface (left) u the picture of success, gangster-style, while Gary y ms r ut,j( fn st(lim
Busey (right) looks slightly bemused as a uhacko drix-er for a bizarre taxi company
in D.C. Cab.
in Scarface.
President. Sales anil Marketing
Atti ertt.sing Offices
West Coast
1680 North Vine, Su 900
Hollvwixxl. CA 90088
(213) 462-7175
Sales Manager
Sales (loorttinalor
East Coast
134 Lexington Ae . 1 bird Hi
NY 10016 (212) 696-0994
Sales Manager
Account Executives
Marketing (.unsultant
?1983 Alan Weslon Publishing, a division of Alan Weston Communi-
rations. Inc corporate offices - 1680 North Vine. Suite 900. Hol-
lywood, CA 90028, Richard J. Kreuz. President. All rights reserved
Some materials herein are used with permission off then copyright
owner. Universal City Studios, Inc letters become the property off
the publisher and may be edited Publisher assumes no responsibility
for unsolicited manuscripts Published three times during the year
Annual subscription rate is $3.00. lb order subscriptions or notify
change of address, write The Movie Magazxne. 1680 North Vine. Suite
900. Hollywood. CA 90028.
Folks, it disturbing to read
about R. Ben Miami's new
movie, PrivaU School As a stu-
(ietit t marketing, 1 have
learned thai responsibl) catering
to consumei needs is the way to
make money. However, Mr. Ef-
raim lias taken this principle too
I at.
Hud Powell
Sun I- rant in o, CA
Iiealk enjoyed youi review ol
Mtmt Python's I lit lttinmg of
lift and the review ol Going Hn
srik. Being a follower (diehard)
ol SCTV, von can ex-it me to
see Going Hnserk. I was a little
disappointed though with The
Meaning t Life and so were mv
Friends (the) saw it as Ix-mg too
much in the stvle ol Mel Brooks.
i.e the tiger hunt, the restau-
rant, etc.). It seems as though
I he Meaning of Life was missing
the element so vital to all Python
productions, the element ot sui -
prise It appeared that the
Pvthons weren't even going to
sIkh k. titillate ot try to solu it anv
ol the reactions thev got when
we watt lied (and laughed at)
then 1 Y series Now it teems the
Pvthons have in lat reached
(heii pi line: they cannot (nor
i an anvone elsei surpass The Holy
As lor Going Berserh, I hope
that the troupe will lx" xissihlv
hall as tiinnv as the series was
(NBC has canceled the series).
Perhaps the troupe will continue
i hen work and some cable chan-
nel will pick up the tights to the
old sy iidu ated show.
Mu hafl Stranathon
Stous I'll
I read your article on Monty
Python's The Meaning of Lift
and 1 loved it' I'm an avid tan ot
Monty Python, esjK-tiallv Ierrv
Jones. Frit Idle and Graham
PS Your magazine is great!
Keep up the good work!
Sancy Jones
Wohcin. MA
I was fortunate enough to re-
teive a copy ot votii magazine
nxlav. 1 loved it! I'll he honest,
the main reason I loved it was
because Bun Reynolds was in it
? he's the best'
I'am HUiydes
l.anoga Park, CA
r H I l (i I 1 MAGAZINE

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Have you driven a Ford

Steve Martin and Charles Grodin
are sitting on the bakon) ol a
highrise Manhattan apartment,
theii backs to the panoramic,
nighttime Mew A gentle breeze
is blowing ail oss the potted
plants that share the balcony;
Martin is sipping a beer, Grodin
.1 ol.iss ot milk. I he) are talking
to c.u h othei quietly, recounting
past, siighth disastrous dealings
with the opposite sex. Martin re-
calls a particular!) unsuccessful
encountei with a high-school
d.ue in a movie theater, pauses
!ni .1 moment, then adds. "It was
fun, though. . .
ithui HiBei says "Cut Mar-
tin and Grodin stand up, the
breeze suddenh stops and the
lights ot New Vnk are switched
of! It's the last da ol principal
photography foi The lntl (tu
and Martin and Grodin have
just completed one ol a num-
bei ot ad-libbed conversations
that are sprinkled throughout
the tuov ie
'Maybe 30 perceni ol the
scenes between c hmk and me
are ad-libbed savs Martin in his
dressing room later m the Li.
' 1 hese are lnile stories from oui
experience that drop into the
him at an point, just iwo guys
talking It was actualhbuck's
idea, and they've worked out real
well, so it we're on a set, we s.n
Well, let's iiv a loneh gu) story
and we iist sel U up and irv II "
rhese little conversations be-
tween Martin and Grodin repre-
sent one tavet ol creative contri-
bution to a him thai contains the
work ol .i numbei ol very tal-
ented people. Tht Loneh Guy is
based on Bruce a) Friedman's
book Tht Loneh f? (?unit to
I ?? Friedman is a prohtu writer.
perhaps lest known foi his pla
Steambath and for co-writing the
movie Dr. Detroit, which was
based on his sioi v
Directoi Hillei explains how
the movie reached us final form:
I he book was brought to Steve
Martin's attention, and he said
Hey, this should be a movie
Neil Simon created a story from
Friedmans lxok. but he became
tied up with othei projects, so Ed
Weinburgei and Stan Daniels did
the final screenplay (Wem-
burget and Daniels will lx- famil-
ial to I viewers foi their woik
on I fit Mary Tylei Moore Skoin
lux anil Phyllis, foi wlu h thev
accumulated s Emmys foi writ-
ing and pi"iui nig. i
Adding to the contributions ol
Simon. Daniels. Weinburger,
Martin and Grodin is director
producei Arthur Miller, whose
length) screen careei includes
Stlvet Streak, Plaza Suite. The
Out t Tovmers, Loot Story, and The
Americanization of as v II as
the recent Author, Author
1 he story of The Lot h Guy
concerns larrv Hubbard (Mar
Steve Martin in
h i oieve iviarui
His fern is his only friend
(and the fern may be faking it!)
tin) a struggling young writei
from Iowa, who finds his live-in
girlfriend Danielle (Rolnn Doug-
lass, first seen in Breaking An n i
in lx-d with another man Sud-
denh. he is transformed into a
"loneh guv" and there are ropes
to le learned about how one lx
haves m that soi l state
In Warren (Charles Grodin),
Martin finds an experienced
teacher. Grodin, who has ap-
peared in The Great Muppet Caper,
Heaven Can Wait, Cateh-22, and
Albert Brooks' Real Life, among
mam other films, describes Wai-
itMi as a "raaven, prototypical
lonei) guv. the guv who always
looks like he was hit hv a bus '
Martin savs. "I plav a basicallv
optimistu guv who becomes
loneh. while Chuck is die" true
loneh gu, who's kind ot depre-
ssed all the tune, who savs he
never reallv gets su k but always
feels a little su k
(rodin shows Martin the ti u ks
ot the loneliness trade, and here
much of the original lxok is ap-
"Its amazing how man) of the
vignettes from the book have
survived savs Miller "Foi in-
stance, yesterday, we did a se-
quence where Sieve goes into a
restaurant alone, and its about
how you handle leing alone in a
restaurant when you leel that all
the people are looking a! you,
how vou ian take notes and pre-
tend you're a restaurant critic.
1 hal tomes right from the lxok "
I heie is, of course, a not-so-
lonelv guv who fuels the fan-
tasies ot Martin and Grodin.
Played bv singer Steve Lawrence,
this paragon of social success
doesn't just get the girl ? he
seems to get every girl.
Judith Ivev, the Ionv award
winning (foi Steaming) stage ac -
tiess. plavs Martins elusive love
interest in the film. She les ribes
hei character, the six-tune mar-
ried Ins. as a woman who always
marries men she is destined to
divorce Ivev has unbridled en-
thusiasm foi this, hei his! lead-
ing role in a movie "It audiences
have as much tun watching it as
1 did doing it. the film should do
vei v. vei v well "
Martin sees liis as a woman
w hi. in spue ot hei e?en-
ti nines, understands loneh guvs
"She likes me as a person savs
Martin, and thev eventual) get
togethei in a romantk finale
I henv ot New Yoi k figures
piominentlv in the look and the
stoi v ot the movie, with much oi
New Vi k let i catcd on the
soundstage n? pai tii ulai I)
impressive set is a 120-foot-long
section ol the Manhattan bridge,
built m life-size scale, suspended
B feet in the aii with a width ol
1 feet I he budge typifies Mill
ei's attention to detail "We
needed to shoot the scene with a
tot ot tog. and vou taut create
that constant mist out in the
open, and vou i an t sit waking
foi the mist toome
1 he scene u which Millei re-
fers involves a thwarted suicide
attempt bv Grodin. 1 he scene
remains comic, beginning with a
phone message on Mai tins an-
swering machine informing him
that Grodin "can't make the
movies' because lies decided to
end it all Happily, Martin
reaches him in time, although
HiBei teeh thai Grodins charac-
iei probabl) wouldn't have
jumped anvwav.
1 his giav aiea between corn-
ed) and uagedv is particular!)
tilting in New Vork. 1 he i Hv
provides an enlarged backdrop
that illuminates the tuiuuei as-
K- is ot loneliness as well as the
moie serious. "The premise is
that loneliness can strike anyone,
anywhere, al anytime Martin
explains "New Yolk happens to
lx- a good selling to point that
up. its so bustling, it's easy to lx
loneh It's good because it pres-
ents more opportunities for vig-
nettes Fating Chinese food is
just son ot a loneh, thing to do.
but it wouldn't happen in Iowa.
Grodin finds ihat the feelings
in the movie "strike deep chords.
touching everybody He likens
parts of the film to the Fifties
dassit Marty, which explored
loneliness and the pressures ol
"finding somebody" on a group
of single men. "Its a verv gcxxl
part, better than am I've ever
played he savs.
The l.onfh (.m represents an-
other step in Martin's long and
successful career. Aside from the
experimental Pennies from
Heaven, Martin is primarilv as-
sociated with the maniccomic
I H r M () t i MAGAZINE

tilms Tkt (irk. Dead Men Don't
Weai Plaid, and I In Man with lw
Brains tin a comedian who has
two Grammys, .in Emmy, an
Academy Award nomination.
i lui his shot i subjet i hi
hsent-Mmded Waiter) and .1 hcst-
seliing txMik and who is hugely
populai Foi his appearances ?n
Saturday Sight I r. . Fht Lonely
Guy provides .1 different kind l
1 iMii tunitv.
Millet himself thai he i?
extremeh happy with Martin's
woi k in the film "He comes up
with ideas .til the time, and
ihev're terrifk What people are
going to see is Steve Martin play-
ing .1 realistic, straight role, de-
spite 11 being .1 comedy In the
sense t relationships, there are
main scenes dial arc very real
"The original hook was a
guide HiBei tKS n. a series
ol vignettes We do have times
when he (Martin) is alone, water-
ing Ins plains, talking t himself,
eating a can ut tuna. Bui when
you're doing a movie. u need a
sdi. and in oidei ti do dial.
ni need relationships
Martin describes what he's
drawn n lot the pan "Its the
experience t being lonely cjh-
rience with women, dating.
1 lute's a vague feeling that even
when vou're with youi friends,
you're still alone. Its a different
kind oi lite from the matt ted.
family personality. 1 tist teel. 1
think Chuck ami 1 lth teel. that
there's a concept t loneliness
that he and I understand, that
doesn't relate t anything
stK- if it. its iist a general attitude
alxMii life
Steve Martin's girlfriend (soon to be ex-girlfriend). plaed by Robyn
Douglass, is found in bed utth another man (Richard Del Montei. uhich
leaves Martin out in the loneh cold. The pointing man itop) is director
Arthur Hiller. Martin then tries to uoo Judith hey (above). Loneh guys
Martin and Charles C.rodin (left) share a happy moment utth their best
friends -ferns. The Lonely Guy opens Febmar l.
The First Annual
(and Never Again)
Lonely Guy
(or Gal) Contest
EMPTi MAILBOX? Oi an emptv
loom, m ninth the onlv other living
llung is youi pel fern? When vou
walk into .1 restaurant, does everyone
else gel up and leave- lo von teel
von are all alone unattended, un-
appreciated and unwanted?
You're a Lonely Guy. Or
Gal. Or both.
Well, lonelv wretches, here's some-
thing iist tor von a contest no one
else would want!
I here is onlv one prize. 1 That's all
vou deserve.) Heres what some lucky,
lonelv creature's Grand Prize will
iih hide
? An tare tor one to Lot Angeles
(unless die winner lives in l.os
Angeles, m which use we'll p tor
l)us tatel ? No one will sit next to the
winner on the plane ? No tree headset
will he provided ? With any luik. no
meal will he served, either ? The win-
ner will not he met t the airport ? A
single room in a lonelv hotel will
tx- provided ? No ear will he placed
at the winner's disposal ? lire winner
will "etiov" dinner for one at a tine
Lot Angeles restaurant (preferably
empty) ? The winner will attend a
screening tor one (ot l'hf Loneh Ou
nanirallvl ? The winner will receive a
pet tern ? Also a lonelv GuvGal ad-
dress hook - hlank. ot course ? The
winner will not meet Steve Martin
lies loo busy ? I he winner will re-
ceive a poster ot Fhe Ijoneh (.in. not
autographed ? llie winner will receive
two hooks: rhe loneh Gmf's Guidf U
l.ilr hv Bruce av tried man. and Hem
to Win Fritmdl ami lnti:n(t Vtople. bv
Dale Carnegie ? rhe winner will also
All vou need to do is till in tins
torm 101 a Sx5 card) wiih VOU1 name
and address, antl then tell us in J:
words 01 less ipretetablv lessi whv
vou are a lonelv Guv ior Gah
All entries will te judged hv ht
f: j- Waiu imt siatt. .1 piuelv subjec-
I he winnei will he notified hv mail,
or maybe telegram or phone 01
mavhc not at all We ian he prettv
Void where prohibited bv law or
good taste
t Itv
ip Code
Year Phone
Yes. I am a lonelv Guv tjot Gal) because
receive an assortment ot the finest
personal care products deodorant,
mouth wash, dandruff shampoo.
Preparation D. Maalox. Milk ot Mag
nesia. Kaopectate and air freshener ?
The winner will be presented with
Loneh Guv boxer shorts Suitable
tor feminine wear because the flv
doesn't open.
r H I M O V I I
live and vindictive buiuh We promise
not to choose our relatives or pals
dhev all have friends, anyway)
All entries must be received bv
midnight. December 15
All entries become the propenv ot
Alan Wesion (. omuumit ations. liu
1 hey will not he at know ledged or re-
turned ithev II prohahlv be bumed)
M G A I N r
Mail this lompleted -toi m to Loneh I
Contest. 16S0 North Vine. Suite 900, Hol-
lywood, I A 90088, betore mut;
December IS, 19SS Wmne' will be an
Bounced ? the Spring 1V4 issue of I
oe taga:ie

Musician I'songwriter Iactor Rick
Springfield plas rock & roll hero
James Roberts, whose perfor-
mances (left) enthrall thousands,
but whose private life is aimless
and disconnected.
Rock & Roller
General Hospital Heartthrob
Stars in
Odessa, lexas. is oil countrv, tt.ii as .t l;ii1
He and I w l ? h I
Si. Mai ilie natives sa vou can stand on .1
beei an and see 1 ui !? k. 15() miles north
S( 1 hoi .1 politician blistered
more than his careei when he suggested
tint Mm want i" raise a family, go t"
neighboring Midland, and it you want to
raise lull. go to kiessa
1 hai kind nt Imi
lonighi the sign outside 1 he 11 toi
( ount c oliseum reads 92 degrees .ii 6
p.m .imi the (lcm teens lined up two
hours before showtime -a this is the
biggest event since the city fathers banned
an Ix 'in ne 1 on ei 1
( m stage, live, toi one night only,
(iramrm award-winning stai of records,
I. and his soon-to-be-released hrsl Fea-
ture film, Hnd to Hold, the very, very hoi
Mi K11 k Sningneld
1 his stiip is somewhere midway in a
90-day tout supporting this yearsLnvng m
(: LP I h- grueling schedule will be
Springfield's last chance tot a while to
touch base with his rock & mil roots before
jumping from lus established mixed-media
nan ml' 1 a new kind 1 it hi e
It anything its hottet backstage than 11 is
outside Springfields sleeveless 1cm jacket
and sweatpants seem almost formal, given
the temperature, and not even the city
fathers could blame him it he wore a led
Nugent-style loincloth on stae
He wont, nt course rhough right now
his han is short and punkish, controversy,
exploitation, sleaze t any kind, are not
pan nt the image Ki k Springfield knows
how t give a good show without showing
too mm h Attei 15 years of r? k & 1 oil lite.
including 11 years on the American tread-
mill to siKiess. Ru k Springfield is a pro.
His show (backed l si1iiil; youngsters
called I he Fabulous Eels) is a solid pai k-
age, choreographed and timed with no
loom tin erroi From the moment
Springfield appeals m a dry ice t? until
his spectaculai leaps from speakei to
speakei while leading the crowd through
the chorus of Don't lalk to Strangers
the slat Ki?'s llls aM Hits hlast out one
soit attei the other, each tune performed
the way the kids like them, just like the
record, and Springfields exuberant en-
core is a It lumph m Uselt
Retreating to the air-conditioned dies-
sin 100m. Springfield carefully moves
aside debris, clearing space tot conversa-
tion. One-thing-at-a-time, Ins movements
ate relaxed ?-t deliberate, intent When he
sets his toi us on Hard to Hold, n stays
It's a love story he explains, "about a
musician, lames Roberts, who's at the
r n i i 1 y m a g a z i n i

crossroads ol success He's worried aboul
lilt- Inline, uliclhei he ? .til iii.iiiil.nii the
pate, when he meets Diana I awson
I I awson (plaved anel r ilbei I i-
a San r rant ist o t hild jisvt hologisl who, tin
like .ill ilu othei women ovei ti vears.
doesn'l particularly want antes Roberts
sin- has .1 life t het own. .i sense of dire
lion slu- has whal (antes i- missing, and .1-
Springfield tells it. "He's looking i tin- re-
lationshtp with Diana to pul .i mum ol
t n del inn i hi- lite
It the charactei and his quesi sound po
tentiallv autobiographical, u - because
Springfield worked with directoi
Peerce and writei lorn Hedle m the de-
velopmeni of this 1 onsiantine onte
second since vou're vout own hardest i ti-
nt You have in be such .t strivei to !?? an
.it iti
Kit k savs thai In- and the charactei t
lames Roberts don't realh have .tli thai
unit li m tiimmi'ii. unless it's thai contron-
lation In calls The battle between taking
charge .mil ntH taking charge, living l??i
voursell oi whats expected "t vou
llnii- m.t be t i nit v who tlini expeel
unit h "t Springfield's nwrtMHi picture de-
but, classifying him l In- ardent teen au-
dience and somewhai second-class soap
opera success Whal thev re not reckoning
ttii i- thai Springfield 'ike ames Roberts.
i- .1 "striven" .i man with several respected
acting workshops (such a- with Makolm
McDowell and Marv Sieenburgen in I V
undei in- Ih-Ii and who i- indeed hi- own
harshesi tritk. -turn goals In- verv much
intends t t ? 11 till
Setting goals Hi savs. i- aboul living
ti. go further, go deeper l! I'm going t"
reach mv full potential its not going t?i
i inic In mi sitting i m tin real
Will Hard I II he a step toward thai
full potential? Hard to a In addition i
tin- It?v- -toi between antes and Diana
there's .t second storv involving ames co
writei and lormei girlfriend kkv Nides.
piaved l? lormei lashion model Kim Han
sen I urthei conflki comes in the present
of Diana's longshoreman lather. ??hnnv.
brought i" ilu screen b veteran charactei
.Him Ylben Salmi I he alinosi obligattrv
conceri Itiotage introduces twti new
Springfield songs, aking with .1 band in
i liKiing loi mii i hil'i stai bill ?' ? s' . ?
Mumv ?ii keyboards and one-time teem
Im iplte! 1 t ? kt! loll ' ?' ?' ' I -? ' ?
Sale- on guitai
It .?;? H i i- hot box iithc ?' -
will Ik- mon adventures ah? id
Springfield. movie stai Vgents an
ie.tiling scripts, thinking aboul .t set
film without musk i showcase
V ? the Hp phenomena n It not
Springhekl is willing ti see tin- as
necessarv step in the target scheme
things Hi recalls thai anothet muskiai
turned-actt?i gav? this advice to a ?
"Bmgrosbv said the important tl
was lo become multimedia 1 don'i ki
.ill this was pan of a game plan tin m
was n-t l tli.inn- thai I got into
bm now ii leels like it's son e kind I dt
Whatevei happens. vou need t
i.tin tin private place, somewhen
uiit goals, voui secret goals 1 here's i
wav vou tan leel normal as .i recogruzi
personalitv walking down the streei You
have to have that real span when i tet
n tunded again
"That's something James k berts
From ilu t .?'l -mile on Ru k Sprn gl ? e. pin iti and m i ontrol despite all ?
ol heat, he must have figured that mil
ago Hard t H opens Ypril 6
production I he screenpkn is lv Hedlev.
based on a sum hv Hedlev and Rkhard
Rothstein 1 In- stai and his advisors had
input "ii plot, casting, technical authentic-
u Springlield lound n salishing and lun.
.limit ,i luxun in the economics ol shoot
111ti t utit-
I he freedom ol 111 iron ies attei I
was like going titm .i wading pool t" the
ocean Ik- savs "We hat! time to work on
the characters and the scenes When I did
weekb shows (such .i- I Roikford rilr
and Six Million Dollai fai the pace was
Iii-i lu Daytime acting ((irtieru Hospital. ol
11 mi -? u .i- 11 ijtli- i li.ii pat i-
Bui what ilu- movies give in time, the
lake awav in i ontrol It's .i distui bing
though) in .i m.m who like- working akme.
writing songs alone, doesn't even ronsidei
collaboration since he's not interested in
tin compromises thai would entail.
? I he tilm i- iii"i ? "I a puzzle, an
enigma, than an album he considers
"With .in album. 1 see ii thrtmgh .ill its
phases writing, performing, product kin
Whereas with the him 1 was involved in
pre-produt tkin, had more input than 1
expected to have, but then thev take ii .ill
"Filming fell gotid, and it lotiked ii???'?f n
the t.tke- I saw l.i-i spring Bui I tltni ex-
pect tt like mvsell I'm ven rritical t mv
W l 11 k
"One thing I've learned i- not Ui put .i
time limn tn mv I thought success
would happen when 1 arrived m the Matt-
in 72.11 I'd kiion bow king it would take.
1 might not have tried Bui you can't gauge
yourself b others, you'll always come in
Springfield falls for Janet t.ilher 'Mm i.
a capable, secure psychologist uho doesn't
need a flamhoant rock star m her life ?
or so she sas. Model f'atti Hansen (right i
plas Rick's strung-out songunttng part-
ner, the perfect uoman for our hero ? or
so she thinks.
lit v 11 1 t M A C A Z I N I

Gary Busey &
Mr. T: The New
Team in
Screenplays get written in
main was in Hollvwocxi.
Some get adapted Irom
best-selling books, or
long-playing shows. Others are
developed b a writer over a pe-
riod ot months, even years, ot
writing. There is a third meth-
lake writer director Joel
Schumacher Independent pro-
ducer lopper Carew came to
Schumacher with a simple idea.
Would Schumacher be interested
in doing a movie about a cab
company that was located in
Washington, D.C.? Schumacher
said yes. "Fine said Carew. "Go
write it 1 he result is D.C Cab.
which Schumacher not only
wrote, but also directed.
" The idea appealed to me
from the start sas Schumacher,
a sc reenwriting veteran Sptirklr,
Carwash, the screen adaption ot
Broadwav's The 'iz) who made
his directorial debut with The In-
credible Shrinking Woman. "I went
to Washington and spent quite a
bit ot time there with lopper,
who knew Washington extremelv
well. 1 had onlv seen our capital
as a tourist. I never realized that
Washington was 75 per cent
black, or that it had a huge
Cuban population.
I learned that there was this in
credible street lite that Mil-
rounded the monuments, the
museums and the ottice build-
ings. And that's when 1 realized
that no one had ever made a
movie alxuit the real people ot
our nation's capital.
"The storv just sort ot came
together That storv is ).(. Cab.
an ensemble corned) that stars
Mr. 1 and C.arv Busev. but also
teatures Jose Perez. Irene Cara
as herselt and main newcomers
to the screen, as well as some old
television veterans.
The storv concerns a voting
man. plaved bv Adam Baldwin
(who is test remembered as the
bodv guard in Tom Bill's film My
Bodyguard), who arrives in
Washington. DC trom the
.South to join a cab companv that
was owned bv a Vietnam war
buddv ot his late father. When
Baldwin gets to the companv he
discovers that it consists of a
group of bizarre cab drivers,
misfits in one wav or another.
Baldwin manages to instill in the
group a new sense of pride and
helps turn the cab garage into a
respectable business.
However, when Baldwin is
kidnapped, along with two chil-
dren of the Canadian ambas-
sador, the evidence seems to
txiint to the cabbies. The drivers
then hand together into a cohe-
sive unit and search out the kid-
I H E M () V I E
tappers. It is one ot the- tew
times m their lives that thev have
shared a common goal. And this
seems to underscore one ot the
points that Schumacher is living
to make.
1 he storv is about how a
bunch ot misfits find themselves.
Mv philosophy is that most
people go through their lives
with the illusion that once thev
get that big break, thev are going
to lx" great. Well, no one grows
up to want to be a cab driver: It's
a corridor people take in lite on
the wav to doing something else.
The point is that it vou want
other opportunities, you've got
to do whatever it is that vou art-
doing rum- well. Then that will
help vou get those future oppoT
t unities
The opportunity to write an
entire screenplav from virtuallv a
one-sentence idea isn't unusual
tor Schumacher. One of his ear-
liest films came from just one
word ? carwash. Schumacher
got the idea tor the him when he-
was sitting in his car earlv one
Sunday morning in front of a
carwash. He saw a hooker drink-
ing a Ix-er in a paper bag. living,
with much effort, to line up
some business on the phone. In a
Hash Schumacher realized that
there was more to the carwash
than met the eye. He wrote the
screenplay on that simple inspi
M A (I A I N E
Gary Busey (left center) and the
redoubtable Mr. T (right center),
flanked by muscle twins Peter and
David Paul, are rough-and-tumble
drivers for a ramshackle D.C. taxi
li) resean h ).(. Cab, however,
Schumachei found himseli in
New York libraries, reading
every available storv he could on
cab drivers, and then interview-
ing a nunibci ot cabbies. He
found thai the- stories could be
broken down into definite
categories. Cabbies ripping ofl
passengers. Passengers ripping
olt cabbies. Items lost in cabs
"Unbebevabk things are left ill
the bac k of taxis savs
Schumacher. "Everything from a
million doll.ns m (ash to babies.
Stiadivaiius violins, lust drafts
of novels, drugs. 1 hen, theie's
this amazing amount of sexual
activitv that takes place in cabs.
Almost every driver 1 sjMike to
said so. Some ot the stones that
vou heat ate so extreme, are so
insane, vou can't use them I he
audience would never believe
1 he audience should have no
trouble believing the divergent
cast plaving the group ot cabbies.
They come trom almost every
ethnic background. But it was
Mi I. savs Schumachei. who
managed to attract crowds wher-
c-vc-i the new was Riming, par-
ticularly in Washington's heavv
black areas At tunes, remembers
Schumacher, there would Ik- as
many as 1,000 people crowding
in to watch the action, shouting
and chanting Mi. Is name. At
one point in the filming the crew
had to call in a sH-cial scpiad ot
police to help control the crowd.
Mr. I is as surprised as anyone
that he has received this kind of
attention from children. It
seems like I'm a modern i.i
Pied Piper he savs, "because
wherevei I go. thousands and
thousands ot children are pres-
ent. Children respond quicker to
me than adults, because thev are
honest and pure. Their hearts
are open. Thev don't know racial
hatred. Thev don't know preju-
dice. Thev don't know jealousy
or envy. When a kid savs 'I love
you. Mr. T that's coming trom
his heart
It seems these days, though,
that an entire nation has opened
its heart to the man with the
hard looks and soft heart. A
former bodyguard for the likes
of ex-Heavv Weight Champion
I eon Spinks, T made his movie
debut in I'riiitentiarx but he came
to the world's attention as Rocky's
arch nemesis Clubler Tang in
the third round of that con-
tinuing series. And it was his role
in The A Team as B. A. Baraccus
that gave NBC one ot its few cer-
?,H$& a


tifiable hits last season.
). ( Cab presented I with the
opportunity to do something a
little different, naineh a straight
out comedy. "Because this movie
is a comedy, it leis people see m
versatility. 1 can be very funny
when I want to be. It blows
peoples minds And tins was fun.
On The learn, 1 don't smile but
oiue ht episode, and in ). (
Cab. 1 gel to joke and laugh and
lealK have a good time
There was anothei reason l).
( Cab appealed to Mi. I. Ii was
the film's message: II you stick
together, you can accomplish
your goals. "I can sink m teeth
into movies like that,1 I savv
People said I'd never gel ahead
I tome from the ghetto. I didn't
go to the fines! schools. I used to
weai dniv panis and sinks wnh
holes in them. Hut through it all.
I made it. And that's mv message
to othet people: It I (.in m ike it.
you tan too
for actor Gary Busey, whose
varied career as a singer,
songwutei and actor has landed
him roles m films such as The
Huiil Holh Story (for which he
was nominated for an Oscar).
Cartn. . Star l Horn and Hat-
barosa, D.C. (ah presented the
opportunity lor an acting first:
"D.C. Cab was die lust ensemble
corned) that I've done he savs.
"In fact, it was the fust ensemble
acting thai I've done Mine I was
in educational theater years ago
1 he whole experience was .n
education tor me
The character Busev plavs is
named Del Dorado, and Busev
clesc rilx's him as a man who is
"controlled insanitv laced with
panic. He seems to know everv-
thing about everything and he
has in his head thai everything is
a conspiracy. You don't know
whethei he is taking anything se-
riouslv. putting you on all the
way, or is taking everything sen-
oush. Wherever Del is. it's no! on
this planet
Even (hough Busev was the
senior member on the set in
terms of acting experience, he
felt that fK'ing with all the new-
comers in the film was a verv
humbling experience and went
out of his way to help first-time
actors whenever he could. Main
of the new faces that appear in
D.C. Cab came to the film by way
of small comedy clubs around
the country. Bill Maher, for
example, has often appeared on
Tke Tonight Show. Paul Rodriguez
is another stand-up comedian
whose irreverent barrio-stvie
humor has won him a large fol-
lowing at Los Angeles comedv
sjxrts such as the lmprov and the
Comedv Store. Marsha Warfield
was the winner of the 1979 San
Francisco International Stand-up
Comedv Competition. And an-
other comedian. Charlie Barnett,
was literal!) discovered on a
street corner.
"We found him on the streets
of New York remembers
Schumacher. "He was a street
performer who walks up to you
and starts doing his routine right
Mr. T is happy with his role in
D.C. Cab because "I get to joke
and laugh and have a good time.
On The A Team, don't smile but
once per episode
there. Alter about an hour of
impromptu comedv, he passes
around the hat. We signed him
Oilier acting veterans in D.C
Cat include Anne DeSalvo. who
was WcmmIv Aliens sistei in Star
dmf Memories; Max Hail, better
remembered as one of Barnev
Millers detectives on the televi-
sion show of the same name: and
Whitman Mayo, who was a regu-
lar on the Sanford and Son I
"It was alwavs so much tun on
the set because of all these tine
voting comics remembers
Schumacher. " Ihev would alwavs
get up and compete for laughs
against each other. There was
alwavs this liltle show going on
D.C. Cab. opening December
16. was filmed in Los Angeles in
a reconverted garage, and also
in various locations throughout
Washington, including places like
the Washington Monument. Lin-
coln Memorial. Capitol Hill. Ar-
lington National Cemetery, Fm-
bassv Row and. perhaps the most
familiar to Washington's cabbies.
Dulles Airport.
Does Schumacher think that
his send-up of the cab-driving
protession will set back the in-
dustry a tew hundred vearsr
"No. I don't think so he laughs.
"1 hope cab drivers like it. In tact.
I hope everybody likes it. That's
what we made it tor
Producer Topper Carew (top right) asked writerdirector Joel
Schumacher (top Uft) if he'd be interested in working on a comedy about
D.C. cab drivers. "Sure" replied Schumacher. "Go write it said
Carew. The beauties atop the yeBow beast are Marsha Warfield (above
left) and Anne DeSalvo (aboie right).
I H E M O V I E M A (. AIN E

BKI Dl V 1


American dreamtoo well
Director Brian DePalma doesn't
seem upset so much as surprised
when he walks into producer
Martin Bregman's office on the
Universal lot in Los Angeles.
'You'll love this. Mam he savs.
tossing a cop of Variety onto
Bregman's desk. "Here, read it
Bregman scans an article in
the show business trade paper
until he comes to the paragraph
in question. "Thirty-seven mil-
lion dollars he exclaims, not
sounding nearly as amused as
DePalma. "1 hate that. Nobody
checks out anything
Bregman is still standing bv his
desk halt-a-minute later when
his secretarv reaches the article's
author b phone. "Hello, Mr.
McCarthy? This is Martin Breg-
man I'm leading a piece that
you did on (current) gangster
epics where you sa Scarf ace,
which I'm the producer of.
has gone to a budget of S3"
million . . .
'Reportedly b whom- Would
you care to find out what our
budget is? Would you care to
look at out cost runs? Well, whv
don't you get off your little lxt-
tom and get over here and I'll
show you the cost runs, which
are currently at $22 million, and
after haing seen that. I would
loe you to retract that state-
At the other end of the line,
the reporter can very possiblv
smell smoke from the eight-inch
cigar Bregman is waving at the
phone. He promises to get a re-
traction in the paper soon.
"I'm getting to a point in life
where that kind of reporting is
unacceptable Bregman says,
placing his black, half-frame
glasses on the desk in front of
him and settling down for an
interview. His feelings are justifi-
able. In the 10 vears since he
branched out as a talent man-
ager bv producing Serpico. star-
ring his client Al Pacino, he's
earned a reputation as a vigilant
overseer of his projects with a
much-appreciated talent for
keeping costs down.
Having produced films like
Dog Day Afternoon. Simon and The
Four Seasons (starring another
client. Alan Alda). Bregman has
no doubt grappled with compli-
cations before. He dropped out
of college at Indiana and NYU
because it was "too slow and
eventuallv started advising
young actors and entertainers
how to get ahead in show busi-
ness. Among his earlv manager-
ial clients: Candice Bergen, Faye
Dunaway, Liza Minnelli, Bette
Midler and Wood) Allen.
With the adverse conditions
facing him on Srarfnce. its im-
pressive that Bregman was able
to bring it in at any price. The
picture deals with a recent
Cuban immigrant's rise and fall
in south Florida's cocaine busi-
ness. Bregman conceived of the
idea while watching the original
on late-night TV, and instantly
pictured Pacino in the lead role.
He hired Olivet Stone (The
Hand. Midnight Express) to write
the screenplay and later signed
DePalma (Carrie, Drewed to Kill)
to direct.
But when the crew arrived in
Miami to begin filming last vear.
thev round themselves embroiled
in an intense controversv over
how the finished product would
portray south Florida's Latin
community. After weeks of
negotiations with Cuban leaders,
during which time Bregman was
alternatelv granted and denied
permission to begin filming,
word came down that the picture
could roll in Miami ? if he ag-
reed to certain conditions. But
bv then. Bregman and the studio
had decided to avoid the aggra-
vation and moved most of the
production to California.
Pacinos co-star in the film.
Steve Bauer, found the political
uproar particularlv unfortunate.
Bauer is a Cuban-born ex-
Miamian, whose family and
friends still reside in that citv.
"It's too bad there were so many
problems he savs, "because the
Cubans, generally, are a verv
open people with a sense of hu-
mor. Thev take things with a
grain of salt?that's the Cuban
Nevertheless, neither Bauer
nor Bregman was prepared for
the negative reaction Scarface re-
ceived from a small but vocal
part of Miami's Cuban commu-
nity. "There was this one guv
Pere (a citv commissioner), who
made a big political issue out of
it Bregman savs in a voice
made calm bv the grace
of hindsight. "They kept escalat-
ing this as an anti-Cuban movie
Miami's reluctance to serve as
a location stems from a serious
public relations problem the area
has had since the spring of 1980,
when its population was swelled
by the influx of 125,000 new
Cuban exiles from the port of
Mariel. At least a fifth of these
Manelitos were said to be unde-
sirables ? petty thieves, har-
dened criminals and worse ? set
free from prisons and mental in-
stitutions in their native land to
roam the streets of south Florida
and make of their lives what thev
In Scarface. Al Pacino plays
one of these characters, Tony
Montana. "He comes over here
and sees gold in the streets, and
he wants it says Bregman. "He
seizes upon one opportunity
after another; he makes his own
opportunities, and he makes it
happen For himself. But in the

AI Pacino blazing his way to suc-
cess (left) and enjoying the fruits
of his labor (below left). The
wedding party (I. to r.): Mary
Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Michelle
Pfeiffer, Pacino, Steven Bauer.
end he's overwhelmed bv it. I'he
power he achieves becomes a
time bomb
Montana's "gold of course, is
mined in south Florida's runawa
cocaine business, just as the orig-
inal Scarface dealt with the booi-
From Razzle-Dazzle
Violence To "An Epic, A
Character Study"
What attracted director Brian
DePalma to Scarface was simple.
"I've always wanted to make a
gangster picture and I've always
wanted to work with Al Pacino
DePalmas involvement began
a few years ago, when he talked
to Pacino about taking the part
in the movie Blowout (which John
Travolta eventually landed).
Pacino told DePalma he wanted
to do Scarface, which was then
being developed, and showed
him a video cassette of the 1932
version starring Paul Muni.
"Its very challenging to work
with an actor who's as good as
Pacino. He carries such an
ominous film presence with him.
When he starts getting angry, its
truly scary. What you saw him do
in Godfather is nothing compared
to this. It's an entirely different
characterization, because in Scar-
face he's playing a dynamic, dri-
ven, flashy, energetic character.
In Godfather he was a little more
laid back, a little more controlled
in playing a kid rising to take
over his father's empire.
"Here he's a guy arriving in
town on a banana boat and wants
legging fortune amassed bv Al
Capone in the 1930s. But in
Miami the stakes are higher and
the consequences rougher than
in anv Chicago gangster's wildest
"You know how big that busi-
ness is? A hundred billion dol-
lars Bregman savs. "The whole
motion picture business I think is
seven or eight billion. Add an-
other two billion for television
and it's still not one-tenth of the
drug industry in south Florida.
That's crav
Other than 10 das of extenoi
shots filmed in south Florida.
Scarface was filmed in locations
around southern California, in-
cluding the magnificent Santa
Barbara estate where Charlie
Chaplin and Oona O'Neill held
their wedding reception m 191:
Unfortunately, filming in Santa
Barbara was twice interrupted bv
the worst weather to hit Califor-
nia this century.
And the film's violent subject
matter took a toll as well. In one
sequence. Pacino hit the ground
during a shootout, only to land
atop a red-hot machinegun bar-
rel. Filming had to be susjiended
for a week while the stars hand
recovered from serious burns
Possibh even more difficult to
deal with were the psychological
pressures surrounding the new
during their time in south
Florida. For weeks thev mingled
with drug kingpins and govern-
ment agents in a world ot hostil-
itv. paranoia and tear. "Ue had
undercover agents with us most
of the time ? without incident,
but nevertheless there were some
frightening experiences savs
executive producer Stroller, who
often teams with Bregman tor
their New York-based produc-
tion companv.
"One night 1 had gone back to
mv room Stroller continues,
"and 1 told the guv who had been
( i tinned "it f?i?' 1
to own the town as fast as possi-
ble, and he proceeds to do just
that DePalma describes the
Cuban gangsters ai Scarface as "a
little more animalistic, a little
more primitive" than the Cor-
leones of the Godfather films
After a controversial career
that has included offbeat hits like
Carrie, Dressed to Kill and The
Fury, this 42-year-old director
has settled down to make what
he calls "an epic, a character
"I think a director everv once
in a while should go out and di-
rect something that is awav from
what he normally does, to trv
and expand his vision to some
extent. I think I've benefited
from it he says.
That doesn't mean he's thrown
awav the flamboyant camera an-
gles, the slow-motion action se-
quences and the garish color
schemes that marked his other
movies. But all of that takes a
back seat in Scarace, he says.
"It doesn't have the total
cinematic razzle-dazzle of The
Fury and Dressed to Kill. There is
one slow-motion scene, tor
example, but it's very sparingly
used. It does have visually dra-
matic things, but I concentrated
much more on straightforward
storytelling. In the past the visual
things were so strong thev almost
overwhelmed everything else. In
Scarjace. the characters and storv
are so strong that everything
falls into a natural balance.
"I wouldn't say it is as violent
as some of my other movies,
which were visually violent. This
isn't reallv violent because the kil-
lings are mostly done in shoot
outs. No people are being sliced
up or things like that he adds.
DePalmas new stvle comes
after Blowout was an unexpected
191 flop after a string of box
office successes. "I think one of
the primary problems was that
the advertising made it look like
it was another Dressed to Kill, and
it reallv wasn't. Plus it was a verv
somber view of the American
political svstem. and those pic-
tures alwavs have problems A
lot of people don't want to see
that, basicallv
"Now Scarface is the American
dream ? gone crazv a little bit.
but still the American dream
DePalma's next project will be
a "rock ft roll picture" with John
Travolta called Fire, which he is
to begin probably in February
Will it be back to exploding
heads? Our man just laughs and
leaves us in suspense.
Producer Martin Bregman (left),
executive producer Louis Stroller
(center) and director Brian De-
Palma Scarface opens December

Mam films have given us an idea
ot oui distant Future (2001, Out-
land, Stat Wars and one lias
imagined out distant past (Quest
tot t't . but there hasn't been a
him like Iceman, which at once
explores out future and our dis-
tant past.
Iceman is Australian directot
Fred Schepisis passion-filled
science fantas) adventure that
describes what happens when a
cre? from an Amu mining
company discovers a
vear-old man who has been
crvogenkraih preserved deep in
glacial ice. MainU through the
work ol two intrepid scientists ?
anthropologist Dr. Stanlev
Shepard i Iliuothv Hutton) and
cryobiologist Dr Diane Bradv
(I.indsavrouse) ?the Iceman
in thawed out and placed in a
unique environment called the
Vivarium, which simulates out
prehistork landscape, ("here, as
the Iceman and the scientists ob-
set ve and intet a? t t? it h ea h
other, the past and present
met ge
"Iceman is a wa ol looking at
iiv u Schepisi, whose credits
include the chilling Th Chant
?? my Blacksmith, and the off-beat
western, Barbarosa. "There is a
wondet in looking at someone
who is realh us from the Ix'gin-
"When you go to the o mu
see a monkev, u see the
similarities and the differences as
well, fake it a stage further and
vou have a prison who is the
next majoi step . . . not a mon-
kev 01 an ajH- . hut a primitive
human being. How much of
what we were is still there in us
11 ow mm h have we tost? How
m iu h have we layered over?
How much do we accuse other
people of even though its realh
out nature?
"II we can reach a Ix'tter un-
derstanding ot that, we will
reach a lx-ttei understanding ol
oui selves
Iceman is the bra i in hi Id of
ohn Drimmer. a former pro-
du el and iliu umentarv
filmmaket fot CBS News. In-
trigued b news stories about
frozen medicine and tlu- pros-
pect of bringing jxople back to
life aftet years, even centuries,
Drimmer pondered what it would
be like it a prehistoric man were
ast. alive, into the 20th Century.
He scripted his idea but did
nothing with it until he was leav-
ing CBS Then he arranged a
fortuitous meeting with pro-
Timothy Hutton (left) plays an-
thropologist Stanley Shepard who,
with cryobiologist Diane Brady
(played by Lindsay Crouse, above),
discover and nurture, teach and
learn from a unique individual -
a prehistoric human (plaed b
John Lone, below).
Iceman is scheduled for April,
19H4 release.
din er-dn ei tor Norman Jewi-
son i In tin Heat oj the Sight
Ami Justin for All), who also ha. a
personal interest m cryogenics.
An immediate txnid between the
men existed and the project
started to roll. "1 was fascinated
b this viewpoint ewison saw
"Its a look at progress with a
porthole to our past
Together with his partner,
producer Patrick Palmer tttut
Friends), ewison contracted
Schepisi to him the screenplay
written b Drimmer and Chip
Prosser. "We were looking lor
someone who was as committed
to Iceman as we were Palmer
Iimotln Hutton tell the same
w.i ? he wanted verv much to
pla the part of the an-
thropologist Shepard. "It was the
storv. the character and some-
thing I've never done before . - .
I'm playing older sas the 23-
year-old Oscar winner.
The part ot Shepard i ailed for
a 27-year-old but. as Schepisi ac-
knowledges. "We were Hexible
and fun was persuasive. He had
some great ideas. It helped us
broaden the scope. When
everyone was considered, he was
the lx-st
Hutton prepared himself for
his role b immersing himself in
the stud) ot anthropology, and
he adds. "For the lust time. 1 was
into the research from my point
ot view instead ot soleK through
the eyes ol m character
l.indsav Crouse. who also co-
stars with Hutton in Daniel, was
looking tor something different
,uh found Iceman "a refreshing
change in a contemporary story
She sas she liked playing a sci-
entist, exploring a new realm,
and that she discovered that sci-
entists are a lot like actors ? the)
go where the work is.
The visual concept ot the Ice-
man himself came from an
amalgam ot general!) accepted
scholar!) research on earl)
North American native peoples.
This included a lack ol excessive
liodv hair, with layers ot lat sup-
plving necessarv insulation
against the elements. Addition-
ally, a language lor the Iceman
was developed by Philip l.ielx'i-
tnan of Btown University, based
on his theories ot what sounds
the prehistoric voice box. jaw
and tongue might lx- capable ot
John Lone, a classical!) trained
Chinese actor who won an Obie
for I hi Dance and the Railroad.
was chosen for the title role.
"John is reinarkablv talented
savs Schepisi. "Although he's
Oriental by birth, when vou put
make-up on. what vou had was
an indeterminate person . . . not
Oriental, not European . but
sort ot something out ot our
I t
f H I M Y 1 Y M A G A 1 N t

"1 had m friend dressed up as an
LA. cop, with the handcuffs on
his bell and everything says
wtiiri-diif(km Alex Cox. s he
marched me mt this meeting t
studio executives and said. lm
going to give hint ten minutes to
toll you his idoa. then I'm taking
hmi downtown and booking
him Ihon he made a big show
t checking all the ons and he
went out and waited in the hall
wa with his arms folded over his
Alex Cox sold his stotv that
For the past three years, writ-
ing scripts has been Cox's living
tonight, surrounded bv the dr
grass and eucalyptus trees ol Los
Angeles KKsian Park, hesdirect-
ing the hrsi of those se ripts to lx-
put on celluloid, a fast-paced
blaik comed) tailed Repo Mom.
Independeni production is the
miracle that made it happen tot
this voting (28) English storytel-
ler and his likewise voting pro-
ducers, all of whom became
friends at UCLA him school.
While major studios are often af-
raid of adventurous, unusual
projects, thev'll sometimes get
involved alter more daring tvjes
have gotten the ball rolling Eat-
ing Raoul was a completed movie
and already a hit at several him
lestivals belore a big studio came
forth to help with its distribu-
tion. RefH Man got luckv sooner.
Harrv Dean Stan ton, the star, is
one t Hollywood's most
sought-after character actors.
Emilio Estevez, the son ot actor
Mat tin Sheen Apocalypse Now,
Gandhi), plavs a punk who lx
ouies a repo (car reposession)
man. Michael Nesmith. formei
nip star l'7rv. hex we're the Mon-
keesl") and currently an award-
winning producer ot video dips,
provided the timelv financing
help thai escalated Repo Man
from an extreme low-budget
opus to a lull-out feature.
A renegade nudeai scientist is
somewhere in LA. driving a
trunkful of something mvsteri-
ous around in a Chevy Mafibu.
His niece thinks its an L I. on
ice. Others suspect an atomic
bomb Stanton and his tellow ?
repo workers only know that a
$20,000 reward rides with that
tunkv Malibu. lhe storv pivots
n everyones crazed efforts to
get it first
Stanton s careei is based on
playing charismatic loners,
hard-luck guvs from the under-
side He was a rustler in the
western Missouri Break and one
of the fust victims ot the
ratchet-jawed outer space
people-eater in Ahem. More re-
centlv Stanton plaved Brain, the
high I.Q. convut in Escape trom
New York.
Tonight he sits on the pas-
senger side of a clapped-otit
green Impala. alongside another
clunker manned bv fellow repo
specialist Light (plaved bv Sv
Richardson). Stanton tells
Richardson his plans, hnd that
Malibu and go independent with
a rein) vard of his own. buv a
couple ot pit bulls and "let the
I H b M O 1
other punks do the work.
Richardson replies with his own
dream ? a large parcel of land
up in Mendocmo County where,
fie relates with a calculating grin,
hell raise "tomato plants.
hot the uninitiated. Men-
docmo County, up towards the
Oregon border, is one of Ameri-
cas prime marijuana farming
Between takes. Stanton and
Cox discuss whether "othei
punks" works Ix'tter than "other
guvs Earlier, Richardson had
i hanged broccoli into tomatoes
1 don't care it an actot
changes a line (ox observes a
moment later, while a camera
man plots out the next shot trom
the hood ot Rtchardsons car. "As
long as the point gets across, whv
A prized specialist in seed char-
acter roles (Missouri Breaks.
Wise Blood. Alien . Harry Dean
Stanton ibeloui graduates to lead-
ing man in Repo Man.
Emilw Esteiez I left) avs a burr-
headed punk, under pressure to
learn the car repossession racket.
wotrv about it- Lankv, humor-
oiis. with a i iew cut that's grown
out to the length and textun
puppv tut. Cox projects an es-
sentially British antic son
comedy. He'd be- at home in
either the pop musk group
Madness ot the Montv Python
comedy troupe, fonighi he's
dee ked out m heaw lxots. jeans
with tall up-turned eutts and
Mi Goodwrench-stvie mechanic's
smock Formerly an Oxford stu-
dent, he took film classes at the
Old u 1 heat re School m Bii-
tol and acted the lead m a well-
received student film tailed
Xearh Wait Awakt Self-effacing,
he savs "the protagonist" insti
of "the lead, and grimaces shv K
when I mention his reputation is
a wi net
Last night scenes ol gunplav
were filmed in from ol a lit-up
oil refinery Latei tonight, past
midnight, the crew is headed foi
the Stlverlake Lounge. It's a dive,
the perfeci image ot tutv.
comic-book naturalism" that the
producers ot Repo Mem desitc
On many film projects, long
hours of boredom between short
segments of filming graduallx
take their toll With hVe Man.
savs assistant duectoi Allan, the
i tew has ruined a few takes bv
breaking out m laughter Hut,
like the cop stotv. is a tribute to
Alex Cox and his abilitv to
a tough, even jaded audience 1:
lu-s halt no successful with the
general public. Repo Mm could
lx- one of the surprise hit movies
ot earlv 198 f
M A G A Z 1 N I

Mention It 1 auderdale. and a
slv grin might appear on the tau-
nt anyone who has evei partici-
pated m the spring craziness
there. I he Honda coastal city is
a prmiai migration spot toi
hordes ot class-weary northern
college students who arrive en
masse each spnnt; to party, tan
and cavon with the opposite sex.
1 tie bars pull out all the stops.
offering every advertising gim-
mick and contest imaginable to
hue customers awa from the
main othei competing lnhs.
I'heie is ttu Mi Hot Bod Con-
test, the Af Hot Bod Contest.
the Wet lee Stun Contest, beer-
drinking contests, pizza-eating
contests and on into infinity. On
the Ix'aihes. it is sitting loom
I his i ui ions Ainct h an phe-
nomenon was fust depicted on
the screen In Joe Pasternak in
I960 lot MGM in the original
H ?? thi Bt Are. Now. over 20
years later, producer Allan Can.
who presented audiences with
tin- film versions of Tommy,
Grease, (.ant Slop the Musk and
Greast II. returned to Ft.
I.auderdale with director H
Vverback to create a total) new
motion picture, scripted by Stu
Kriegei and Jeff Burkhart.
I had nevei been in Ft.
Laudcrdale during spring break
before isa Hartman, one
ot the film's pniHipal stars. "I
had beard it was incredibly
pat ked w it h people hut
whenevei I saw movies of it. I
always thought they'd put in too
mam extras. I was amazed to find
it really is tint way
Hartman. current!) a popular
actress singer on the television
series Knots Lauding, stars as
Jennie, a reluttant participant in
the Honda spring madness who
is torn between two losers.
played by Russell Eodd (as Sott
Nash) and Daniel McDonald (as
Cainden Roxbui III)
Lorna Luft, an experienced
Broadway performer who made
her stieen debut in Grease II.
portrays Carole, who would like
to Ik- liberated from her jealous
boyfriend. Chip (Howard MeCil-
lin? ? until it actually happens.
Instigating the girls' trip is the
high-spirited Laurie, played by
Lynn-Holly ohnson, whose star-
ring debut in he Casdes was fol-
lowed by a co-starring role with
Roger Moore in Fot Yam Eyes
Only. end Schaal completes
the foursome, playing a high-
brow lexas debutante named
Sandra. S haal lias been a series
regulai on It's a Living and Fan-
tasy Island.
Rounding out the asi are
Xlana Stewart (wife of mckci
Rod Stewart) and Louise Sore!
representing hip members of the
"over 30" i rowd.
We didn't set out to make a
chauvinistic film or an exploita-
tive one clarifies director H
Averback. "Where tin- Bow An at-
tempts to i apt me the teal spirit
of ft. I auderdale during spring
Lorna Luft, Wendy Schaal, Lisa
Hartman and Lynn-Holly Johnson
tbelou. I. to r.) assemble on the fa-
mous Ft. I.auderdale beach. Rus-
sell Todd (left) stars as one of two
men vying for Ms. Hartman's af-
fections (he previously appeared
in Friday the 13th, Part II and
He Knows You're Alone).
break I here are some sexual
scenes, sine, hut that's realistic
and natural ? like driving ears
he sas, chuckling.
Actual filming of the project
went relatively smoothly, despite
the c towels and intermittent
rams. Unexpected occurrences,
however, added comedic touches
not found in the script. In one
scene. lull's character has en-
tered a Hot Bod Contest and is
dancing on a raised platform by
the water.
"Dining the filming of this
contest Hartman remembers,
"one contestant was dancing top-
less. Out production crew
noticed that a big ship carrying
elderly tourists would lx- sailing
right past us. so the crew waited,
hoping to catch on film the hon-
est, shocked reactions from these
people as they see the topless
dam ing.
But. they laved it Hartman
continues, laughing. "Instead ot
bring freaked out. these grand-
mothers were smiling, laughing
? they even started dancing on
the ship! It was great! Shocked
all ot us kids, though savs
Hartman, shaking her head.
"Ibis is a 'crossover1 picture
Averback comments. " People in
their 30s and 4()s remember the
old film tondh and then there is,
ot course, the vouth audience
In any case, starting in March,
moviegoers will surelv see the
difference 23 vears can make on
a eitv and its annual visitors.
(Continued from pap ?)
with me all day that it was sillv
for him to come; 1 could find my
way back. We were staving at a
different hotel from most of the
crew simplv for security reasons.
As I started to walk to mv room,
these two Colombian guvs came
out of a room behind me and
started walking right toward me.
They walked up and said good
evening and just walked right
past. It was nothing, but you
build these things up in your
mind and you never know
Stroller savs the atmosphere of
paranoia is reflected perfectly in
Pacinos performance. "He was
just incredible to work with he
savs. "I used to watch him after a
dav's work. We'd go in and watch
the dailies, and I'd come out
exhausted just seeing how much
he expended
Bauer, who previously starred
in the long-running Que I'asa,
U.S.A.?, a bilingual situation
comedy on public television, savs
some of the humor in the film
derives from the superior at-
titude affected bv the lead
characters upon their arrival in
America ? an attitude common
among the Cuban population. "I
think they have kind of a funny
elitism lie savs. "It's their sense
that in a foreign country, they
feel like thev know more than
the natives. They feel like thev
could own the place within a few
weeks, as soon as thev get the
hang of it
It's this frame of mind that
Pacino reflects, Bauer savs, not
only in his perfectly accented
sjxech, but in the way he moves
as well. "He's very perceptive and
quick, and he just soaked it right
up Bauer says. "All the Cubans
who came on the set in Miami,
like mv family and friends,
they'd get to meet him and
they'd always sav. 'God, he lexiks
so real! He looks so Cuban!
Co-starring with Pacino and
Bauer is Michelle Pfeiffer (Hol-
lywood Knights, Grease 21 as Klvira,
an embodiment of the American
dream for Ibnv upon his arrival.
Several Cuban actors have small
roles in the film as well, a fact
that Bregman finds sadlv ironic.
"It's a shame that we didn't end
up spending all that money in
Miami the producer says, "be-
cause the film really shows
Miami the way it is. I would have
built a club there if we had been
welcomed, but 1 built it here.
Nothing would have looked dif-
ferent, but we would have drop-
ped all that money there instead.
It would have been better for
every body

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Have You Driven A Ford

British actress Francesco Annis
as Jessica, mother of Paul At-
reides and disciple of the Bene
Gesserit sect in Dune.
mightv blade again, with Rn hard
I k-im hei directing Irom .1 Stan
l( Mann s, 1 eenplat
Meant hile, ba? k in I n
Migeles. .11 leasi three othei less
famousonans wield swords ,il
the I inversal Studios Imn 1 hev
1 .ill II .1 'SW I M ll .111(1 SOI 1 (I v SpCl
i.u 111.n 1 111( (lit tel (lit .1st v
i n me peiipit" eai li. im I in) iiil;
( ( .i lissom? female fighter,
tout villains, ont' vert had ill.nn.
.mil ,i wiard latig and lash
mam i in k - : . im ii.ti ed I ' .i
tne Iii .it11iiiu dragon Nexi u
marks I Ik 'i M h annivel s.u (t
the tout, .mil executives are
huddling now t(plan majoi
Im i hdat i elebi atioiis We e
heaiil ,i i nunu 1the ill umv ihe
di inns w ill lIka netn snp-1
?: ii hen w ill be .i tin( mg. ii i.u
H i hesi thumping Km kong
11 n ? hi relieved I d n 1 n i
,tk .tn okes .11v?till going ,ipf
"S i I C to l ll(tl-
i i anothei Stephen King
Ui lM i M ii hlo? khustei s 111 be rendered in
(,ii photogtapl was telhlloid hirestarter. I he voting
s pasi Seiit em her. gtrl with the extraordinary tort h
talent is 1 m evs B.u i moi e 11 mi
. Ik i parents are plaved bv
? was shol in Dtv id Kelt 11 i . ??; ' ' ? ? ?
( i ,isi and i lew .ind Heathei I o kleai (ol I s
ei all eight soundstages at '?? ? . ' and flunk, t i Mark
Ihimh s" dios plus three lestei ditetts from .i screenplat
seis iwu suhsidiatv" lo bt Stanlct Mann
i within Mi Mm it im Duectoi Waltei Hill u-i hn
ludmg 'lu ut dump.ailed ! ished Streets of hire, a luturistu
i 11 u memhers the "dead ro? k-and-roll advent tire lantast
' ? luiiiji and the Sa la mat m a whi? h he co-st ripted with I.arrt
desert neai uaie nd how will Gross, starring Michael Pare and
'i . ? .mil i ompant
:? 11 I 1 ue - w 11 h 111 hi ue
eves Bt (impute!
It aim i eat tire
'I iiai Ii i Kmihali li i w hi i did
? hi n ih aliens in (
? ?'? ? and r 1 himsell i- in
ngeles working on the V Ian i luh Im the movie
i and great sand X-k ?'?' s currenth heing
i ? na slated lot ihi hig
m:m: bin ihct II hati to wail
it tion w i ii k spe-
edilmi; will lake
Diane lane 11 ill soon sta 11 s
work (Hi Ihck Tracy, which he'll
du ei I next 111 mi a M l ipl bv
upash and ai k 1- pps, i U.u
icn Beatt is one ol a tew actors
rnmored tin the role ol the
m ii.11 c aw ed ill mesti ippei.
inmii strip hero t? decades ol
Sunda tunnies readers No
wind vei on the plot, but 1 in
tiild In an uniinpe.K liable source
111.11 mam biarre and lamiliai
i liai .k 1(1 - u ill appeal Breath
less Mahonev. the Blank. Mum-
bles. Primeiace. less fruehearl
11 ai - true h ve I, Biu Bi it and
1 Littop
tict the Ihim Mi Hill deals
with Du k 11 ,k v. he w ill direct the
toiiith version ol I he Magnifi-
cent Sexen (which be has aluadv
to i litcn with I ai i (?! i inx I he
original 1agn hcrnt Seven, le
leased in I960, stai i ed t lie
then ucN s(. McOueen and
( bai Icn Bronson, taimmv N ul
Bl n in I and i i mi pletelv u n
km iw n amesohtirn
Bun Renolds' next will In- the
title lole in Stick, which he's also
directing, 11 im t he Y hm n e
I ei ( d IK ni'l .11h nit all ci HI
vsbu hectimes a chautteui in
Miami Beach a (?eis tangled
up with lux hoss and his glamoi
nils ial it msultanl and a
ccxaine-dealing ihenl ol theirs
I (( Hl.l! d 1 ( ll !( Ills p.lls I IS
doing the screenplav the previ-
ously 1 i ile I.i K ltd and
Cloak and Dagger Ts
Heniv 1 Dabne Col- WarGames and Is Buf-
falo Bill) and Michael Murphv:
it's all about a lxv. an espionage
plot, an im.igmaiv superhero
and a real friend Ruhard
Fianklm directs from a screen-
plat bv loin Holland and Bill
Australia's Mel dihson it he
heai Isioppei in Road H'arrioi mi
I'ii )iiit i! Living Dangerously)
plavs opposite Sisst Spacek in
The River, a lennessee-locationed
tale ot small farmers and big
troubles (iibson ??. born in
America ilus t.uiulv emigrated to
Australia when he 12), so he
shouldn't have anv ditlnullv
tempoi ai ilv losing bis Aussie ,u-
(cut Vcaderm ward nominee
Mat k Rvdell (On Golden Pond) di-
i c( ts Irom a st i eenplav In
Kolxit Dillon ,tnd uhan Baiiv
1(U I Ik ise ot us who m iss
ames tiarner's face on prime-
time television, we'll Ihp able to
see it on the hutjc screen come
spring In Tank, Garnet plavs a
retired imv si Majoi whose
voting son it I homas Howell,
Imiii I h, Outsiders) is falseh im-
prisoned t .ai nei just happens to
have a tullv operational Sherman
lank, and decides to roat to the
rescue (Ah, how otteu on the
tlcewav have 1 ve.lined lot a
tullv operational Shei man
lank Mai in t In Uliskv di-
rec ted 111 mi a 1 a n (.01 don
si t ipi. b ii 1 oi mi.ii ProdiK lions
I im 11 utti hi is enjov ing an un-
( b.u ai ui ist u calm spot in his
career; his next him, Road Show,
has been indehniteh postponed
due to the illness ot direcloi
Ruhaid Biooks (who replaced
hisi directot Martin Kitt because
ot illness) Bui while Hutton
knot ks alxuit Malibu in his red
Porsche and prepares tin Falcon
and the Snowman with Sean lYnti.
tans w ill have two ot his hlnis to
oiiupv then tune Daniel and
Iceman. 1 he latter, filmed in Van-
couver, B.C. undei the direction
ot 1 led Schepisi, has Mutton as a
x(ien!ist who discovers, thaws
and tx'li lends a piehistom hu-
man 1 he screenplay is bv Chip
I'll isei and ohn Di immei
Judith Sims
ilu? i paii ot Mexico
i a ? ? ivat a. to lie ptec isi . i I? 11
' (i ling nder the lol-
(Win. the "ll 11 .ul in ivel bv
ii Hied s( imeto lie-1 e in
t be arid sands (t Mollv wood
I hose readers interested in join-
ing, oi receiving mine informa-
tion, should send name and ,n
Low i v isi reeuplav bv dress to
' ? . i ? ii i I 11e Mm 111 (11 es .i
( ? Bl t ish i i m s u 1. all a
VIlM'I I I 111 ! K . U ho Is
' 1 .i i ? the veal is
? - Ins estranged will (Jai Suite 900
? - B sm ? and In- half
1680 North Vine
in i
Hollywood, CA 90028
Details will tie mailed as soon as
tin-v are available
I I . . 11 a I (? s I 11 (i s e
i I i ? ? soundstages Conan
11 ???' ughl m Arnold StiUsuited u arriors on the planet
I he Dune I right)
eneggei wm
lit M i I h M A G A Z I N I

Without Jensen speakers, you're not all there:
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Customer must pay any sales tax due. Coupon not good in combina-
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Offer good after regular breakfast menu hours through Nov. 16,
C1983 Hardees Food Systems Inc

The East Carolinian, November 10, 1983
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 10, 1983
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