The East Carolinian, July 8, 1981

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atye lEaat (Earoliman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925 L
6 Pages
Wednesday, July 8,1981
Student Health Center
Gets Needed Renovation
Workmen Add To Infirmiry
Assistant News Editor
The bulding which houses the ECU
Student Health Center Is currently
undergoing renovations to "increase
confidentiality, decrease
institutionally, make it more
attractive and give it more
function"according to Kay Van
Nortwick, administrative assistant at
.he Infirmiry.
According to Van Nortwick, the
renovations are being paid by "some
reserve fees which accumulated" over
the past years. The cost of the
renovations is estimated to run about
50,000 dollars.
The infirmiry had asked for and
received increased funding in 1980.
The renovations are needed,
according to Van Nortwick, due to a
"trend in college healththat the in-
patient load is lower and the out-
patient load is higher
Before the renovations began there
UNC Settlement Challenged
were "around fifty" in-patient beds,
according to Van Nortwick. This
number should be reduced at the end of
the summer, when the renovations are
expected to be complete, to about 21
Van Nortwick stated that in the past
only an average of 5 patients ever
occupied in-patient beds, and even in
peak periods there were rarely over
One reason that is believed
responsible for the change is the fairly
new innovation of students cooking in
their rooms. In the past, if a student
were ill they still had to walk to Jones
cafeteria for all of their meals or check
into the infirmiry and have meals
brought to them. But now that students
are allowed to cook in their rooms, the
walk to Jones is unnecesary and they
can receive out-patient care.
The renovations will include a larger
reception area, an interview room, an
emergency room, and increased office
treatment rooms.
The larger reception room will
include the current reception room and
the office space directly behind it.
Students will be expected to wait there
to be called into the doctor's office
rather than waiting in the hall which
has previously been the policy.
Another reception room will be
established on the second floor.
The interview room will be added
directly across the hall from the
receiving desk and will be separated
by partitions for the use of nurses to
interview students. The reason for the
change is cited as an effort to increase
the privacy of the students.
A new emergency room will also be
included in this area.
The expansion of the patient
treatment rooms is probably the
biggest change. Half of the doctor's
offices will be moved upstairs and half
will remain downstairs. Van Nortwick
believes that the changes would enab'?
doctors to see patients more quickly
than had been possible in the past.
The laboratory will also be
expanded, and a small lab will be
added upstairs. The two will be
connected by a dumbwaiter.
The renovations were planned last
year by a senior art major as her
senior project. "She got an A too.
We're very proud said Van
Other changes planned include new
carpeting, chairs, and upholstery.
Staff Writer
Attorneys for the University of North
Carolina and the U. S. Department of
Education agreed Wednesday to add a
phrase to the 34 page consent
agreement for the U.N.C.
desegregation settlement.
The document had been presented to
U.S. Attorney General William French
Smith for approval on June 20, but
approval was denied when, after a
thorough examination, a member of
Smith's staff felt some of the language
should be changed.
Smith was told that if the decree was
signed as it was June 20, the UNC
system would be found to be in
compliance with the 14th Amendment
and Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, which prohibit discrimination on
the grounds of race. According to
Smith's staff members, this finding
would establish a precedent which
would be difficult to oppose in
desegregation agreements with other
Attorneys from the NAACP Igal
Defense and Education Fund charged
that the decree, if passed, would fail to
uphold President Reagan's Civil
Rights laws, and asked for an order to
block the decree. The order was
denied, but NAACP attorneys plan to
appeal the decision.
UNC president William Friday said
that no change in the June 20
agreement would be accepted.
However, after pressure was applied
by North Carolina Senators Jesse
Helms and John East, UNC attorneys
and Friday agreed Wednesday to the
addition of a new phrase which
clarifies the language concerning the
Hth Amendment and Title IV of the
1964 Civil Rights Act.
The document was signed and sealed
Thursday July 2, under authorization
from U.S. Education Secretary Terrel
Bell, and will go for final approval to
US District Court Judge Franklin T.
Dupree this week.
The decree, when signed by Dupree,
will end an 11 year battle between the
UNC system and Federal Education
officials over discrimination on 16
UNC campuses. Passage of the
settlement will increase the number of
academic programs on traditional
black campuses and increase the
enrollment of minority students in all
UNC schools.
The decree would also continue
federal funding of approximately $90
million per year to the UNC system.
Joseph L. Rauh, attorney for the
NAACP, called the document a
"sellout of civil rights" and filed a
motion with the U.S. Court of Appeals
challenging the legality of the
East Carolina Chancelor Thomas
Brewer said that he felt it was good
that a settlement had been reached,
but that he "would not envision us
(East Carolina) being affected by it
He stated that ECU has increased its
minority enrollment from 7.4 percent
to 10.1 percent in recent years.
Chancelor Brewer also felt that
some universities will have to work
harder than others to increase
minority requirements, and
speculated on the possibility of a goal
being set for each university.
Charles & Diana
Wedding Soon
Dr. Tinsely Yarbrough
Poli-Sci Professor
Publishes New Book
Alabama Judge Frank Johnson,
noted for controversial anti-
segregation decisions, as the subject of
a new book by East Carolina
University political scientist Tinsley
Eugene Yarbrough.
Yarbrough's book JUDGE FRANK
AI.ABAMA (University of Alabama
Press), examines the impact of
Johnson's court upon racially
discriminatory policies in
transportation facilities, voter
registration, education and other
public programs and institutions.
"His impact on human rights police
in Alabama was not confined to a
racial context Yarbrough notes.
"Among other significant
developments, hee ordered massive
reforms of Alabama's prisons and
mental institutions
Johnson was chief judge to the Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in 1979.
According to Yarbrough, Johnson's
appointment to the bench, which
closely followed the historic "Brown
vs. Board of Education" decision, ws
perhaps President Eisenhower's
"most significant appointment to the
lower court
While his decisions earned respect in
legal circles across the nation,
Johnson was feared and hated by
many white Alabamians, and he and
his family were shunned and
frequently suffered threats and
The book follows Johnson's career
through the end of the Wallace era and
the judge's appointment to the Fifth
Circuit Court.
A Decatur, Ala native with degrees
from the University of Alabama,
Yarbrough has been a member of the
ECU faculty since 1967. He was
appointed chairman of the ECU
Department of Political Science last
Yarbrough is a specialist in
constitutional law and judical politics
and is the author of numerous articles
in law journals on the impact of court
decisions upon civil liberties and
criminal justice.
UPI Senior Editor
LONDON (UPI) Though the
cameras may be focused elsewhere,
much of stately royal London will pass
before those who watch the Charles-
Diana wedding July 29.
Buckingham Palace, with its vast
grey facade, stands at one end of a
broad 3,412-foot-long boulevard known
as The Mall. Queen Elizabeth's
standard will flutter on the palace
flagpole to proclaim she is in
Directly in front of this huge man-
sion of more than 400 rooms, the of-
ficial residence of the ruler for 144
years, is one of the most impressive
statuary groups in the kingdom, the
Victoria Memorial Londoners call it
"the wedding cake
The royal family and its royal guests
will travel to St. Paul's Cathedral
about 2-4 miles away in automobile
and carriage processions, from
Buckingham Palace and from St.
James's Palace and Clarence House, a
few yards further along The Mall.
The wedding machinery gets under
way at 10:15 a.m. (5:15 a.m. EDT)
when the younger members of the
royal family leave St. James's Palace
by automobile. Ten minutes later
another motorcade leaves
Buckingham Palace with foreign
crowned heads. At 10:20 a.m. (5:20
a.m. EDT) the bridesmaids and pages
will leave Clarence House.
With these preliminaries out of the
way, the main event begins.
At 10:22 a.m. (5:22 a.m. EDT) a
Captain's Escort of the Household
Cavalry in crimson jackets, plumed
and burnished helmets, will clatter
through the gilded gates of
Buckingham Palace leading an open
state landau drawn by two bay horses.
Its occupants will be Queen Mother
Elizabeth and her grandson, Prince
Edward, youngest brother of Prince
Then a mighty Sovereign's Escort of
this spectacular unit of the armed
forces will ride out bracketing an open
semi-state landau with Queen
Elizabeth and her husband Prince
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Liveried coachmen and footmen in
knee breeches, tricorne hats and gold-
frogged frock coats will control the
four grey horses of the monarch's
carriage and serve as attendants to the
queen and her consort.
Then still another escort of the
cavalry on matched black horses will
emerge escorting the State Postillion
Landau, specially built for King
Edward VII in 1902, with the
bridegroom, Prince Charles, and his
brother, Prince Andrew, who with
Prince Edward will act as "sup-
porters or best men.
The processions will make a half
circle around the Queen Victoria
monument and roll along the Mall
towards the huge crowds that will
throng Trafalgar Square three-fifths of
a mile away.
See WEDDING, Page 2
; v. 7 T
A Pattern Of Lines
ECU Grad Is Named
Miss North Carolina
By KIT KIMBERLY Miss Williford was the first runner-
Staff Writer up in the 1979 Miss North Carolina
An East Carolina graduate, Lynn Pageant. Due to a rule which prohibits
Marie Williford, won the Miss North competitors to run two years
Carolina Pageant Saturday. June 27. consecutively from the same place
Competing as Miss Wilmington, however, she did not enter the 1980
Miss Williford's win in the swimsuit contest Instead, she spent a year
preliminaries Thursday night
qualified her as a semi-finalist.
For the talent competition, which
comprises 50 percent of the judging,
Miss Williford did a self-
choreographed Jazz dance routine. A
dancing professionally in New York.
Miss Williford will receive $3,000 in
scholarship funds and an additional
$11,000 in prizes.
The runners-up in the pageant were:
first runner-up - Miss Wake County,
SSSSS in h School oTbance, Elna Carolyn Green, second runner-up
Miss WUhford was also a majorette in Miss Columbus County, Dorrame
the ECU Marching Pirates.
Paper Thankful For
Aid In Breakdown
The staff of The East
Carolinian would like to apologize
for the fact that last weeks's issue did
not appear.
This was due to the fact that our
typesetting machinery was not
working. We would like to apologize for
any inconvenience caused to our
advertisers or readers.
We should also like to thank
publisher Mr. J. "Son" Creech and the
staff of The Daily Southerner ,
without whom the printing of this
week's issue would have been
Kay Jacobs; third runner-up Miss
Bladen County, Oma Kathleen
Memory, also an East Carlina
graduate; and fourth runner-up - Miss
Durham, Julia Caudle, who was also
named Miss Congeniality.
Miss Williford graduated from New
Hanover High School in Wilmington.
On The Inside
Features ? ? ?

lulv 8 1981
British Naming System Confusing
the British, who live
surrounded by I-ord
This, Lady That and
Ouke and Duchess Thus
and Such, the July 29
wedding of Prince
Charles and Lady Diana
Spencer stirs barely the
slightest interest in royal
familj names
The British know
Charles does not have a
There are. however,
the colonials Americans
whose curiosity about
things Anglo-Saxon
rekindles cyclically with
royal births, weddings
and deaths
The burden of
satisfying this curiosity
falls, almost singularly,
upon the officially
delighted but admittedly
weary Debrett's
Peerage Ltd
extraordinary since 1769.
"We get all of that
every day, a thousand
times a day said
Harold Brooks-Baker,
managing director of
Debrett's, to a question
about Prince Charles's
last name.
From America?
"Of course. From the
moment they wake up
over there
Any peculiar
"This question about
last names is something
people never seem to
understand. Members of
royal families do not
have last names. They
Wedding Party Is
Highly Visible
Continued Prom Page 1
On this part of the journey they will
pass, on their left, Lancaster House,
once a mansion so magnificent it
- ? ited the envy of Queen Victoria,
who told the Duke of Sutherland: "I
have come from my house to your
palace " It is now used for in-
ational conferences.
ilong the Mall ts the white pile
of Clarence House, home of the Queen
Mother who has been tutoring her
Lady Diana Spencer, in
art of being royal.
n tht left but partly hidden by
ibbery is the squat redbrick palace
of King Henry VIII. the Palace of St.
i riooked by Marlborough
Houst the headquarters of the
wealth organization. The
f Marlborough ordered her
alt higher than St. James's so
- uld look down on the queen.
: 10 35 a.m. 535 a.m. EDT) as the
al carriages move away, Lady
Diana will leave Clarence House with
? ther, Earl Spencer, in the
romantu Coach, used for all
; lings since it was built 70 years
has large windows and special
interior lighting to give the crowds a
? ir view of the bride and, for the first
? her wedding gown.
: eir rmht as the processions along the Mall is beautiful St.
James's Park where Nell Gwynn
sported and across which King Charles
I. ancestor of Lad Diana, walked to
beheading in 1649 The end of the
? is signaled by a squat fortress-
ructure built a a last-ditch
ker in World War II and still
The processions pass into Trafalgar
Square through Admiralty Arch, also
built as a memorial to Queen Victoria.
The square is unmistakable if only for
its famous monument to Admiral Ixrd
Nelson, victor of Trafalgar.
The processions then move into a
busy commercial street. The Strand,
so called because it was once the bank
of the Thames before the river was
embanked farther downhill.
Along on the right is the Savoy
Theater, the first to be lighted by
electricity, and the Savoy Hotel, built
with monej earned from the Gilbert
and Sullivan operas first staged in that
The Strand runs into Fleet Street,
mam highwaj of the newspaper in-
dustry The huge mock medieval
building to the left at the start of Fleet
Street is the High Courts of Justice. A
statue in the middle of the street
marks the border of the City of Lon-
don, the original square mile of the
metropolis, m which St. Paul's stands.
The statue is called Temple Bar and.
by tradition, the sovereign is not
supposed to pass it without the per-
mission of the lord mayor of London.
This dates back to the days when
members of Parliament sought refuge
in the City from King Charles when
their votes or debates offended him.
From Fleet Street, lined with the
buildings of newspapers and allied
anizations, the wedding party can
see the great dome of St. Paul's.
Christopher Wren's masterpiece, and
site of the wedding.
only have house names
Today, tomorrow,
most days from now
until the wedding and
again when Charles and
Diana produce children,
Brooks-Baker or another
Debrett's employee will
answer the phone or
open the mail and face
the same inquiry:
What is Charles's
Debrett's Peerage,
that Bible of royal and
noble protocol, lists his
"styles" this way.
"His Royal Highness
Prince Charles Philip
Arthur George, Knight of
the Garter, Knight
Commander of the Order
of Bath, Prince of Wales
and Earl of Chester,
Duke of Cornwall and
Rothesay, Earl of
Carrick, and Baron of
Renfrew, Ix)rd of the
Isles and Great Steward
of Scotland
But that is not his
He is Charles, Prince
of Wales. By noon on
July 29, his bride will be
Diana, Princess of
He is n-o-t Charles
Windsor, although he is
of the House of Windsor.
In 1917 King George V
acted to restrict royal
names, or "princely
styles to members of
the immediate royal
family and in doing so
bumped others of his
relatives forever into the
realm of Smiths and
George created for
those just outside th,?
elite group the English
name Windsor. He might
have preferred Hanover
SMrU Stating Bags. Backpacks
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The Fleming Center we're here when
j o 11
the German house to
which his family
belonged, but Britain
was at war with
Germany at the time.
Those entitled to be
called royal highness
retain single names.
For example, the Duke
of Kent, cousin of the
queen, is a royal
highness and signs
Edward His first-
born son and heir, who
will succeed to the royal
dukedom, is listed in
Debrett's as George
Philip Nicholas. Earl of
St. Andrews. He signs
"St. Andrews" now and
will sign "George" when
he becomes Duke of
His younger brother,
who is not and barring
accidents will not be a
eoyal highness, is Ixrd
Nicholas Charles
Edward Jonathan
All clear No? Harold
Brooks-Baker, Debrett's
Peerage, 23 Mossop St
Ixmdon, says, "We are
delighted to help any one
in any part of the world
Eight federally funded
traineeships will be
available during 1981 8?
for full time graduate
students in community
mental health nursing at
East Carolina Univer
Trainees selected for
the program will receive
420 monthly stipends
plus tuition and fees
under a continuation
grant just renewed by
the National Institute of
Mental Health, ac
cording to Evelyn Perry,
Dean of the School of
Interested applicants
should make inquiry to
the graduate program,
ECU School of Nursing,
Perry said
The grants project for
community mental
health nursing was
begun m 1978 for five
years with a goal of
filling the requtrments of
community mental
health centers in under
served areas Although
recent federal budget
cutbacks reduced grant
funds allocated for
faculty and other per
sonnel costs this year,
money for the reainee
stipends, tuition and tees
will continue
Eastern North Carolina
nurses whose professinal
interest is cancer nur
sing are invited to join a
new organization
sponsored Oy the ECU
school of nursing
The Oncology Nursing
interest Group is being
developed to "promote
sharing of ideas,
techniques and concerns
among nurses interested
in the care of cancer
patients" said Mary Ann
Rose of the ECU School
of Nursing
interested persons will
gather July 9 at the
Cinnamon Tree
Restaurant m Greenvile
for a 7 p m 'get
acquainted" dinner and
planning session, she
Nurses who wish to
attend the dinner or who
desire further in
formation about the
proposed organization
may telephone Ms Rose
at 757 6061
Students who wish to
apply tor a maior In
social work or correc
tions should call tne
Department of Social
Work Correr'
Services to make an
appointment for the
required interviews
(Call 757 6961 Mrs
Joyner) To be eligible to
apply, the student is
expected to have at least
a 2 5 QPA and should
have had at least one
course in social work or
corrections Students
enrolled In summer
school are ent ouraged to
have the interview
during the summer
others should make an
appointment as soon as
possible after the
beginning of the fall
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'All That Jazz' Coming To Hendrix Monday
Ann Relnking co-stars with Roy Scheider In the dazzling autobiography of entertainer Bob Foue, "All
That Jazz The film will be shown Monday, July 13, at 9 p.m. in Mendenhall Student Center's Hendrix
Theatre. Tonight at 9 p.m. in Hendrix, the wildly satirical science fiction spoof of serials, "Flash Gor-
don" will be shown. The soundtrack is highlighted by music from rock group Queen. All summer films
will be shown on Monday and Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. Admission to Hendrix Theatre is by Student
ID and Activity Card or by Mendenhall Student Center Membership Card for faculty and staff members
on campus. All summer films are sponsored by the Student Union Films Committee. The film for next
Wednesday, July 15, is the Sixties classic "Woodstock
Changing times
Book Compares Students
Of The 60,s And The 80,s
Staff Writer
In the 1960's there was The
Graduate . with its hero, Ben-
jamin Braddock, a serious-minded
young man returning home from his
Ivy League school "to face a world
depicted as tawdry in its wealth,
hypocritical in its personal
relationships, and lacking in
meaningful life choices Benjamin
runs away from it all at the film's
end, applauded and lauded by the
college generation.
College students of the eighties
have flocked to cheer the capers of
the party-hearty gang in Animal
House , ironically set in the
1960's). Our hero is one John
Blutarsky, a young man with a
propensity for engaging in food
fights and using his head "largely
as a beer can compactor A social
deviant Well, he marries one of
the most popular girls on campus
and goes on to become a U.S.
The times, they have a-changed.
Prepared as a technical report for
the Carnegie Council on Policy
Studies in Higher Education,
When Dreams and Heroes Died:
A Portrait of Today's College
Student , by Dr. Arthur Levine, is
a biography of most college
students today. In his 147-page book.
Dr. Levine primarily compares and
contrasts the students of the 60's
and the 80's.
Both groups, he feels, have been
mythologized and stereotyped to
such a degree that the reality of
these students has been tost. To
enlighten us, he presents us with
(hopefully) scientifically collected
data demonstrating the differences
between undergraduates today and
those of nearly two decades ago.
First, Dr. Levine tries to present
an accurate portrait of the typical
college student in the 1960's. In all
fairness, it must be said that Dr.
Levine bends his data a bit to suit
his purposes. Consider the
following: "The fact of the matter is
and during the week of the most
widespread campus unrest in
history following the Kent and
Jackson State shootings, 43 percent
of the nation's colleges and
universities were unaffected
(Peterson and Bilorusky, 1971, p.
Dr. Irvine does not emphasize the
fact that 57 percent of colleges and
universities were affected by the
widespread campus unrest. And 28
percent of all the college students in
the United States is not a figure to
be sneezed at.
Certainly if such a proportion of
students on the ECU campus were
involved in some type of demon-
stration there would be plenty of
concern among administrators
Despite some biased language.
Dr. Levine does demonstrate that
students in the 60's were more
altruistic, more concerned about
developing a philosophy of life,
more concerned with making a
contribution to society, and more
concerned with successful personal
lives (marriage and family) than
students of the 80's.
This does not mean that today's
average college student is
hopelessly self-centered. In fact,
Dr. Levine shows us data to prove
that students today want to help
others and are perceived as
friendlier than their predecessors of
the 60's.
But those of us in college today
are, without question, part of the
"me generation Majors chosen by
college students indicate they are
seeking careers in fields where
there is money to be made.
According to Levine's data, there
was a four percent increase in the
number of degrees awarded in
business between 1964 and 19754- not
a tremendous increase, but in-
dicative of a growing trend,
that in 1969 only 28 percent of college
students had participated in a
demonstration of any type while in
college (Gallup International, 1969),
L?AAJ?a. A&OVT CoiL?G?. 7h? Ha0 Aj
Even though college students
today do not feel very' positively
about this country, they seem to be
optimistic about their personal
futures and determined to have a
bright future a phenomenon
Levine cleverly calls "going first
class on the Titanic
Why do we feel we are on the
Titanic Levine thinks it is because
we have seen so much victimization
and are afraid of becoming the
victims ourselves. Where did we
learn this From Vietnam,
Watergate, and on campus, from
competition for grades, and career
pressures. "Perhaps David
Michaelis (a Princeton student
interviewed by Levine) was wrong
when he said that beer was his
generation's great equalizer. The
great equalizer may instead be fear
of becoming one of the victims
Dr. Levine's book should be of
special interest to anyone involved
in, or seeking to become involved in,
higher education today. In addition
to telling us all about the college
students of the 80's, Dr. Levine also
offers a proposal as to how he feels
they should be educated. He
proposes a course of study which
would most likely make the average
undergraduate blanch with horror,
but which would undoubtedly
provide the true liberal education
that so many institutes of higher
learning deny their students in the
name of their own "economic and
political needs
The "death of altruism" among
young adults today, Levine feels,
should alert colleges and
univeristies to the need for liberal
education.As he saysThe future of
our world and the next college
generation depends upon it
Note: When Dreams and
Heroes Died: A Portrait of Today's
CoUege Student by Arthur Levine
(San Francisco: Josey-Bass
Publishers, 1980) is available in
ECU's Joyner Library.
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Stye East OTaniHtrtati
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1923
Paul Collins. ?wcw
Jimmy Dupree, ??? b,
Chris Lichok,
Alison Bartel, ammm
William Yelverton ????
Steve Bachner, ,w??,
July 8 1981
Page 4
Court Decision Exempts Women
Sadly, it seems that the Supreme Court
is following the two other branches of the
federal government in taking a lurch to
the right. Last week the court decided that
it is not unconstitutional for Congress to
register only men for the draft and this
decision speaks ill of the courts attitude
toward equality of the sexes and perhaps
human rights in general.
In practical terms, this decision is a
little frightening for college-age men
since Congress is more likely to continue
draft registration or even to institute the
draft now that it has been assured that it
is not required to draft women also. To
hese men the decision may seem unfair.
Why should they be required to bear the
burden of defending their country when
more than 50 percent of the population is
automatically exempt
But the decision is also a blow to groups
supporting equal rights for women.
"Every time there is an exception (to
equality), people are going to get hurt
Eleanor Smeal, president of the National
Organization for Women, said of the
ruling. "This is how things actually
Logically there would would seem to be
little basis for such a ruling. It
automatically assumes that all men are
more fit for combat than any woman.
In writing the majority opinion.
Associate Justice William Rehnquist
noted that federal law and military policy
prohibit women from serving in combat.
Therefore, he reasoned, drafting women
would be "detrimental to the important
goal of military flexibility
But, truly, this line of reasoning is little
more than a smokescreen hiding the real
issue: sexual discrimination. Justice
Thurgood Marshall hit the nail on the
head when he wrote in a dissenting
opinion thnat the opinion of the majority
"places its imprimatur on one of the most
potent remaining public expressions
about the proper role of women When it
comes to war a woman's place is still at
home, the Supreme Court has told us by a
6-3 vote.
With the deadline for passage of the
ERA less than a year away, chances for
its passage look bleak, and the Supreme
Court has as much as said that under the
Constitution men and women are equal.
The need for the Equal Rights Amend-
ment has never been more clear.
President Reagan has indicated that he
is pleased with the court's decision, which
is in keeping with his general attitude
about the proper status of women.
The retirement of Justice Potter
Stewart gives Reagan his first op-
portunity to appoint a member of the
court, and 4- ironically 4- he has indicated
that he mightappoint a woman to the
position. Somehow, one doubts, however,
that such an appointment would do much
to advance the cause of women.
Rehnquist summed up the court's un-
fortunate attitude toward women when he
said, "The Constitution requires that
Congress treat similarily situated persons
similarly, not that it engage in gestures of
artificial equality
What a sad commentary it is that the
court feels that allowing women to par-
ticipate in this basic obligation of
citizenship would be a gesture of artificial
IEJN '8i
fcoCK'V MTW.
College P'ess Service
-Campus Forum
Student Frustrated
I think it's high time the students stopped
getting ripped-off by the Students Supply
Store and unscrupulous teachers. I am
referring to several practices.
In the case of the Students Supply Store,
it's habit of continually marking up the
price of used books each time they buy
them back in direct contrast to the used-
book policy they print in the campus
calender. This policy maintains that upon
reselling your books to them they will pay
you one half of the price you paid for the
book then they sell it at 75 percent of the
original price. This process is repeated
upon each resell.
This is a crock, however, as I found upon
buying Modern Spanish Prose by
Custave W. Andrian, which had been sold
by the Students Supply Store for the fourth
time. I discovered that the previous prices
had not been completely marked out and
although the original price was faded out,
the first time they resold the book for $5.65,
the second time for 16.75 and the third time
I had to pay $7.50. Where will it end
Another problem that needs looking into
is that of uncaring teachers forcing
students to buy books and using them for
only one session. This happened to me last
summer in my sociology class. Although
solely based on conjecture, it is my opinion
that kickbacks are given to such teachers
by book companies that need to unload a
large quantity of otherwise useless books.
Since their chances of getting caught are
nill, it is not an unlikely explanation.
These are not isolated cases. The student
is at the complete mercy of the teacher.
There should be some protection against
such procedures.
Senior, Biology
Nine Justices
Reference is made to the editorial
cartoon in the June 25 issue depicting 12
U.S. Supreme Court justices.
Nearly every school boy knows that the
court is limited to nine Justices.
Greenville attorney
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'Raiders' To Be Box Office Smash
The kids in the darkened theater cheer
when the hero mounts his white horse and
gallops after the bad guys. The grown-ups do
the same, squirming in their seats with
excitement. The popcorn is fresh, the Yanks
are winning and all is right with the world.
It's a Saturday matinee in America, 1981. The
movie is the new megabuck release from
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg,
Raiders of the Ixst Ark
It's gonna be a monster, as they say in show
biz. Meaning it's going to make as much
money as Lucas' and Spielberg's biggest
previous productions Star Wars and
Jaws , respectively) and do a great deal
to shape our national fantasies for the next
year or two, besides. From a strictly
entertainment point of view that's fine.
Raiders is a socko movie, brilliantly
edited to a staccato, thrill-a-minute clip, with
great sight-gags and a Dolby soundtrack that
makes every punch and slap sound like
bombs bursting in air.
Viewed in a political perspective, however,
Raiders of the Ixst Ark is less
enchanting. The more-American-than-apple-
pie hero? who bears the felicitous name
Indiana Jones- lashes his way through a
variety of Third-World locales, scattering
crowded marketplaces and demolishing
construction sites in his quest to outmuscle
the villians and rescue the damsel in distress.
Of course, the simple natives love him
anyway, because Jones sticks it to the realy
evil guys German Nazis, circa 1936. We can
tell they're evil because they speak in
menacing accents and wear uniforms. Jones,
he wears old clothes and this boyish beard,
and his speech is Midwestern, direct, flat.
So, there are no troubling questions of
conscience in this movie, no unsettling
ambiguities. We are the good guys, and they
are the bad guys. And we beat the bejeesus
out of them, period. Raiders of the lxst
Ark , despite its big-budget gloss, is a
conventional action picture, artistically and
politically conservative, drenched in
nostalgia for a time when Americans believed
themselves to be politically pure and
militarily omnipotent
Raider is of a piece with Lucas'
earlier films, such as American Graffiti .
a nostalgic look back at the director's high
school days? made when he was still in his
twenties? and Star Wars and The
Empire Strikes Back , in which the values
of an idealized American past are set in a
futuristic conception of outer space.
Spielberg's track record is more complex.
It includes pictures that explore ambiguity
and doubt, such as The Sugarland
Express and even Close Encounters of
the Third Kind , in which the benevolence of
the saucer people is left up in thei air until the
film's climatic moments. With Raiders
Spielberg appears to be turning his back
only temporarily, one hopes? on subtle
colorations of character for the simple clarity
of a world viewed in black and white.
Raiders of the Lost Ark depicts not just a
quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant but an
invocation of lost innocence? the Golden Age
of America's past, when we outproduced
everybody and won all the ars. In a scene
toward the end of the film, Jones (played by
Empire's leading man, Harrison Ford)
is nearly run over by a German plane that
fortuitously bursts into flames before it can
do any harm. Although I'm sure it is
coincidental, the wreckage of that plane looks
!ike nothing so much as the famous
photograph of the smoldering American
helicopters in the Iranian desert that were
widely circulated last year. In the movies,
where wishes come true, it's the other side's
aircraft that crack up and burn.
It is, perhaps, a sign of the times that these
popcorn passion plays are being produced by
young directors - Spielberg and Lucas are
both in their thirties. Despite the recent
example of the experimental cinema of the
1960s, with which they are undoubtedly
familiar, Lucas and Spielberg have forsaken
risk to stick to the safe commercial formulae
of the 1940s
Of course, one can argue as the
filmmakiers themselves do that
Raiders . like their other work, is "only a
movie only entertainment and not meant to
be taken seriously. That Raiders of the
IxxstArk Is an entertaining picture, there is
no doubt, but we're being more than
entertained when we cheer the hero on the
white charger. Lest we forget, Nixon watched
Patton several times just before he
decided to invade Cambodia, and a star of
grade B oatbumers has taken his place in the
White House, itchy trigger finger and all.
Praise the Raisinettes and pass the
Africa More Than 'Tarzan Land'
What is it about Atnca that creates tne
image of "Tarzan Land" miles upon miles
of jungle land with monkeys jumping from
one branch of a tree to another and the
natives running around half naked, save the
piece of zebra skin for loin cloth .
It has never ceased to amaze me the extent
to which ignorance and sterotyping has been
cultivated in the average American about
foreign countries and especially Africa. Asa
second-year African student in the United
States, it came as a surprise to me to be
cofronted with social prejudices from both the
white and the black races in this country. Of
course with my prior knowledge of the United
States as a modern Rome and a peace loving
country, I was sure that my stay here would
be academically rewarding and that socially,
I would be judged according to my individual
personality and not by the trivial media
stereotyping. However, I was taken aback to
find that even my most intelligent classmates
viewed Africa as being like the TV show
But as it turned out, I discovered that it is
not the youth of this country who intentionally
choose to despise foreign cultures and
tradition; it is the media and the government,
in their attempt to promote partiotism, which
portray a one-sided image of the rest of the
world. For instance, Africa is to a large
extent still what Elspeth Huxley described in
her book, The Flame Trees of Thika . In
this book, Huxley recalls her impressions of
Africa as it appeared when she arrived there
as a child in 1913:
The enormous vastness of Africa
seemed to go on forever and ever; beyond
each range of hills lay aother far horizon
There was no break and no order, no road and
no town, no place even; just marks on a map
which, when you got there, turned out to be
merely an expanse of bush or plain exactly
like the rest of the landscape.
What Huxley did not know was that within
this enormous vastness lay a hidden wealth?
a sophisticated civilization that would require
study and exploration. Beyond each hill is a
rich culture and a people unknown to the rest
of the world. They are there, just like sleeping
lions that will awaken at anytime and resume
their positions as kings and queens.
In the interest of improving the lot of the
international student, not to mention
international relations between the United
States and Africa, I have gathered here
several differences that exist between the
American youth and the down-to-earth
African youth.
The American youth of today has learned
to enjoy the wealth that is handed to him by
his parents. There is no clear cut distinction
between what the adults enjoy as the fruit of
their efforts at work, and what the child sees
as his due. (The average Americn youth jeers
at the fact that the average African college
student does not drive to school. As a matter
of fact, the American youth has been able to
enjoy this luxury only after the benefits of the
second world war.)
The African youth realizes and involves
himself or herself, with the problems that
face his or her nation and the continent as a
whole. In most African countries, we (college
age) are the first post-independence
generation. It should not be surprising,
therefore, if, on occasion, you find us a little
more concerned about where we go and what
we do. There is a heavy burden of expectation
and responsibility on many African children
as compared to American.
Social prejudices can take one of many
forms that exist. I have observed that the
majority of white people in this country are
more receptive to an African than to a black
American. They are inquisitive and warm,
but at times patronizing because "the poor
Africans live in the jungles and are not
privileged with the modern luxuries found in
this country
On the other hand, some black Americans
in North Carolina, or at least a few that I have
met, take little or no interest in the affairs of
Africa or the African. It seems to me that
they strive to overcome their identification
with the Third World, the land of their roots.
Consequently, there seems to be a lack of
communication between the African student
and the Americn. The African student
dismisses the black American as proud and
unwelcoming, while the black American
brushes the African off as being backward
and not so "cool
But all this is by the way. In higher places,
there exist strong ties between white
Americans, black Americans and Africans.
Whenever the wall between the foreigner and
the American is overcome, there exists a fast
friendship and understanding. The foreigner
learns that this country can broaden his
intellectual horizon. Indeed, I have many
accounts of very warm and friendly
receptions given me during my stay here, but
I have never ceased to long for that land that
so many call the "jungle Maybe what I miss
most is the closeness and the confidence of
that society.
(Safari Mathenge is an ECU student from Mom
basa. Kenya He is a junior SLAP maor)
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or drop
them by our office in the Old South
Building, across from Joyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all letters
must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number and
signature of the author! s). Letters are
limited to two typewritten pages, double-
spaced, or neatly printed. All letters are
subject to editing for brevity, obscenity and
libel, and no personal attacks will be
permitted. Letters by the same author are
limited to one each 30 days.
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The newest member of "the All-England
I .awn Tennis and Croquet Club's couldn't be
happier. Unfortunately, the same thing can't
be said of the All-England Club.
The 1981 Wimbledon champion, John
Patrick McEnroe was supposed to have been
at the Championship dinner Sunday, but he
was no where to be found. Where was he He
was partying with his friends, celebrating his
magnificent triumph over Bjorn Borg. And
who could blame him.
The 22-year-old lefthander was belittled by
the press, the British Broadcasting
Corporation, Wimbledon officials and
spectators the entire tournament (even in
years past). For what Just for a heated
discussion with referee Fred Hoyles and
breaking his racquet.
Admittedly, calling Hoyles an
incompetent fool" was a very poor taste in
sportsmanship, but had the tournament been
held in any other city in the world besides
aristocratic Ixndon, the response would have
been mild.
Compared to baseball, football and
basketball players' responses to a
questionable call, McEnroe's comment was
hardly defamatory.
The fact that tennis has long been a mostly
upper-class sport in England is a big reason
for the harsh response. In professional
baseball and football games, there is no way
you can hear a manager or coach lashing out
at an umpire or referee. But in tennis,
spectators are supposed to be serene and
McEnroe's primary outburst occurred in
his first-round match against Tom Gullickson
and resulted in a $1500 fine. Wimbledon
officials have decided that wasn't enough and
decided to up the purse to $14,500 and give
McEnroe a year's vacation. All this just for
questioning line calls Come on!
The International Tennis Council is due to
meet during the U.S. Open Championships in
September to study report from Wimbledon.
However, the Council is not suposed to take
extreme action as this.
McEnroe is a high-strung player who
sometimes lets emotion overtake him on the
court. He wants to win so badly his behavior
becomes questionable. But tennis is only a
game and has no outcome on worldly affairs,
so why make such a big deal
McEnroe was a constant target of the press
during the two-week tournament. At an
international press conference, he stormed
out after being hassled by reporters from
Undon's imitations of The National
Enquirers The Star and The Sun. The
questions had nothing to do with tennis but
with McEnroe's personal life. The situatin
went like this.
Ts it true what we hear that Stacy
i Margolin, a California tennis pro who had
been eliminated early in singles and doubles
competition! will be going back to America
and not staying for your next match " The
Sun correspondent asked.
T don't een want to wste time talking
about that McEnroe snapped. "It's people
like vou who drive nice people away
Well, we've heard she's not been well,
the journalist from The Star said
?It's none of your damn business,
deadpanned McEnroe. ,
Wimbledon, being Wimbledon, people are
as much interested in your private life as in
your tennis continued The Star reporter
?That's why it's called a private life said
McEnroe, sharply. "It's you guys who should
understand why we want a private life.
The badgering continued for several
minutes, then McEnroe said, 'You're a
disgrace to the press. You ought to be
ashamed of yourself. Mister. Go stick your
head in the sand. That's where it belongs.
McEnroe's treatment at the press
conference was typical of Past Wunbledon
tournaments he has played in He has been
called "The Incredible Sulk "Superbrat
and -McTantrum" for years in England This
ridicule reached a pinnacle when a Pronunent
London newspaper ran this banner headline.
???ne Shame of John McEnroe This was on
the front page.
Early in the tournament, McEnroe was in a
car driven bv double's partner Peter Flenung
Eventual champions, that was ticketed or
speeding. However, the papers said McEnroe
was the culprit the next morning.
The biggest surprise is the BBC, who seems
to hive anew hit record. A recording of the
McEnroe-Hovles incident is being played on
Brit sh airways, complete with background
mus? AnTl thought England was a country
of pride and grace. ?
-They asked for my consent to Play it,
McFnroe was quoted as saying. "I wouldn t
give it1 this morning I hear it on the radio.
McFnrT'isn't the only professional
frlstSeTwiSTthe situation at Wimbledon.
SSSpLyer led by JWg-J
accused officials of overly strict officiating
tnH hiased scheduling favoring Borg. He
lysThis matches on Centre Court and
Court No 1. (No member is allowed to pUy on
CenJre Court. The only time it is used to
AZvZToLecnU,e matches on
the 2dXn courts. The grass is better and
morfconsistent, and there are usually large
crowds. The last time he didn't play on either
of the courts was in a second-round match in
1977 with Mark Edmondson.
John Hallow in action against league leading Campbell.
Curlings Leads Pirates To Win
'? ?. retrieved.
Sports Editor
PetePersico and John Hallow each went two-
for-three to lead the Pirates of East Carolina to
a 4-1 victory over N.C. State at Doak Field in
Raleigh Monday night.
Jack Curlings was the big gun, driving in two
of the Pirates' four runs.
Robbie Harper, 1-1, was the winning pitcher
with relief help from Kirk Parsons in the sixth
John Mirabelli suffered his first defeat of the
season after winning his first three decisions.
East Carolina took a 1-0 lead in the fourth
inning when Persico singled in Hallow, who had
joined the team two weeks ago. Jay Carraway,
Mike Sorrell and Curlings drove in two more
runs in the fifth to put the Bucs up 3-0.
State got their only run in the sixth when
Tracey Black walked advanced to second on
Ronnie Lee's single and scored on Tun
Barbour's hit.
The victory evened the Pirates record at 10-10,
while State dropped to 8-9. East Carolina is now
in second place in the North State league.
The Pirates were not as fortunate Sunday,
however, as the Seahawks of UNC-Wilmington.
despite being outhit in both contests, swept a
double-header from ECU, 5-1 and 2-0.
The Bucs' downfall in the twin-bill was the
fact they left 14 men on base, including 9 in the
second game
Wilmington erupted for four runs in the
second inning to ice the contest. Clyde HoUey
opened with a single, moving to second on an
error. Johnnny Slaughter then reached on a
fielder's choice. Mike Antle followed with a
single to score HoUey, and Tommy Phillips' fly
to right moved Slaughter to third. He scored on
third baseman David Price's single.
Tim Whitehead and Paul Murr singled,
scoring Antle. Price scored the fourth run when
Roger Hudson reached first on an error.
The Pirates' only run came in their half of the
seventh when Carraway scored on Robert
Wells' two-bagger.
In the second game the Pirates' inability to
drive in runners spoiled superb pitching
performances by Kirk Parsons and Charlie
Smith, who only allowed two hits.
Wilmington scored two runs in the fifth when
Richard Fov scored on a passed ball. Whitehead
drove in O'DonneU, who had walked, with a
single, and Wilmington had all the runs they
The Pirates had runners on base every inning
except the third, even loading the bases in the
sixth with two outs on two walks and a single by
Curlings. Carraway grounded to short to end the
The Pirates picked up a big win last Monday
night when Rick Ramey hurled a four-hitter and
his teammates scored two runs in the fifth on a
bases-loaded error for a 4-2 over State at
Harrington Field.
State jumped out to a 1-0 lead in the first, but
Ramev settled down for the next three innings
The senior right-hander struck out six and
walked just two in going the full seven ?nmngs.
The Pirates' winning rally came in the fifth,
after the Wolfpack had taken a 2-1 lead in the top
of the inning. Hallow singled up the middle and
went to second on Todd Evans' single He
advanced to third on Curlings' sacrifice fly.
Persico walked, loading the bases, and
Smith's grounder went through Black's legs,
scoring Hallow and Evans. The Pirates were up
East Carolina's offensive burst wasn't the
only fireworks in the inning. State coach
Francis Combs and catcher Jim Toman were
ejected for arguing with the umpire over balls
and strikes.
State scored in the first inning after Ken Sears
reached first base on an error but was thrown
out trying to steal by Curlings. Black then
doubled and later scored when Toman singled to
In the State fifth. lo Thomas reached first on
an error, and Moe Barbour followed with a
sacrifice bunt that Ramey fielded cleanly,
throwing to Sorrell for the out. Then, confusion
Sorrell, seeing Thomas off second, threw for
the attempted pickoff. only no one was covering
the bag Thomas scored before the ball was
Robert Wells had two hits for the Rues,
followed by Hendley, Hallow, Evans and
Curlings with one each.
The Pirates split a double-header wi
Wilmington last Sunday, winning the opener, 9-
5 before dropping a 3-2 decision in the nightcap
' In the opener, the Bucs erupted for five runs in
the fifth inning when Hendley opened with a
double and went to third on Hallow's single.
Hendlev later scored on Evans' sacrifice fly.
Curlings Persico and Smith connected for
consecutive singles to score Hallow and Dave
Wells, running for Curlings. Persico scored on
Carrawav's sacrifice fly. After Robert ells
walked. Sorrell singled to score pinch-runner
Glenn McConnell for the final run of the inning.
Evans, Curlings and Smith collected two hits
each for the Pirates, and Charlie Smith picked
up the win, his secondof the campaign
In the nightcap, Ron Inman tossed a three-
hitter and Roger Hudson belted a home run in
the last inning to give the Seahawks a s-i
victory. n ?;
The Pirates had taken a 1-0 lead in the first
when Sorrell walked and moved to second on
Hendleys sacrifice, scoring on a single by John
Hallow. .
The next four innings turned out to be a
pitching duel between ECU'S Kirk Parsons and
Inman. The Pirates added another run in the top
of the six on a homer by Hendley.
Football '81
Assistant Sports Editor
These are the fourth and fifth parts in a
series covering East Carolina's 1981 football
opponents. This week's stories focus on the
Toledo Rockets and the Duke Blue Devils.
When Toledo head coach Chuck Stobart
arrived on the scene from the University of
Michigan, the Rockets were at an all-time low.
Toledo, during the 1971 and '72 football
seasons, and the longest winning streak in the
country and a national ranking. The wins
became fewer, however, while the tough Mid-
American Conference got stronger, leaving the
Rockets in the dust.
Stobart put out the word, however, that he
would bring the Rockets back to the greatness
they enjoyed in the early 70's. By 1979 Toledo
had gone from a 2-9 record in Stobart's first year
to 7-3-1 and a second-place finish in the MAC.
Unfortunately, the momentum didn't carry
over into 1980 as injuries and lack of depth on the
defensive line threw the Rockets for a loss.
Toledo finished the season with a 4-7 mark and a
3-6 league record.
This year, with the return of 17 starters off of
last years team, Stobart feels that the Rockets
may be able to blast off into the MAC first
division once again this year.
On offense, Toledo played quite a few
freshmen last year so it is hoped that the
experience they gained will begin to pay off. The
Rocket offense will need help at the running
back position.
One place that last year's freshman class will
help out is at the quarteroack position. Thus far,
two players are running neck and neck for the
signal calling-duties. They are sophmore Jim
Kelso and senior Maurice Hall. The tailback and
fullback positions will also be manned by
second-year players, Jerome Rivers and Melvui
TUCker J t V,A
Sidney Fuller, Buth Hunyadi and Junior Rod
Achter are the top receivers returning for the
traditionally strong Rocket passing attack.
The offensive line, the strength of the Rocket
football team, returns several outstanding
players They include David Menefee, a second-
team aU-MAC selection at guard, Chris
Hohenberger at center and Greg Habzda at
Duke, Toledo Ready For Tough Foes
iLmmmm ?Marlm"wh0 lolaled 143.
Anthony Collins scores against Duke.
On the defensive side of the ball the Rockets
depth problem could be greatly helped by the
return of AU-American candidate Mike
Kennedy, who missed last season with an
injury. Kennedy, who is a three-year starter at
strong safety, could be the Rocket's best
defensive player ever.
Other returning players on defense inciuae
linebackers Jack Laroway (150 tackles last
season) and Marlin Russell, who totaled 143
stops in 1980.
At defensive end positon, Jeff Jackson and
Mike Russell return to make life tough for
opposing quarterbacks. A total of eight starters
will be back on defense, so Stobart is expecting
a lot of improvement from this group.
In summing up the outlook for the Rockets
this year, Toledo should have a better team
because of the number of returning starters and
lettermen. Depth, a real problem last year,
could hurt Toledo again this year if injuries hit
the defensive line and backfield.
Ust season Duke University opened its
season with East Carolina, a team many
experts predicted would be the Blue Devils first
victim of the year.
The experts were wrong, however, and tne
Blue Devils suffered their worst defeat of the
season, 35-10.
The Duke football players and fans have not
forgotten that game and are now looking
forward to playing the Pirates again.
But what do the Blue Devils have this year
that can make a difference The answer is
experience. Duke returns 19 starters this year
including conference Rookieof-the-Year Ben
Bennett. . . .
The return of so much experience has head
coach Red Wilson finally looking forward to
taking the football field. After two seasons of
constant beatings he now feels the Blue Devils
are ready to chaUenge anyone on the schedule
"We are now at the point in our program
where we could take the people we have
returning this year and play a game today not
having to depend on any incoming freshmen,
says Wilsor. "This is the first year that we have
been in that type of situation, and it is one that
we have been looking forward to. We are
beginning to have enough depth to be
The offense will be in the hands of Bennett.
Last year he completed 174 of 330 passes for
2,060 yards and 11 touchdowns-f a 52.7 percent
Although Bennett did throw 25 interceptions,
most of those can be attributed to freshman
mistakes. This year things should improve in
this department.
Bennett won't be hurt with a lack of people to
See TOLEDO, Page 8
a r

July 8. 1981

tBftfS&Tfti ;SB
students 1019 E. Wright
Rd. Call 752-6733
Fast, accurate,
professional typing.
Research papars,
resumes, letters, ate.
FOR SALE: 1979
wood 12x0 in
park 10 minutes from
bedroom, heat
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GE range,
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ECU, 2
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clntract to 4 83
Duke quarterback Ben Bennett throws under attack
set, all like new $2500
down balance owner
financed at 13 percent.
752-6735 or 467-2354.
NEEDED: Georgetown
Apts. Call 752-2374.
FOR SALE: A 48 in. roll
away bed with matress,
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Call 758 3330.
Professional typist with
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p.m. 756-3660.
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local act, established
artist. Mostly weekends
ALL: Yard sale, lots of
goodies of quality I
Sunday July 5th, 7:00
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Wedding Dress(slze 5),
train, vail, and
protector. Call 752 4959
FOR SALE: Air con
ditloner, 18500 BTU, used
one and half years, $400.
Three carpets, one blue,
one green, one creme.
Call 7S6-47I0 or 754231
after 5:00.
for summer session
needed to rent room in
four bedroom, two bath
house located two blocks
from campus. M5 per
month. Call 750-7010 or
in Fayettevllle l-tOO-602
3460 ask for Mrs. J.
FOR SALE: ladles
bicycle, 5 speed. S60.
Call 757 3436.
Accurate, professional
typing. Reasonable
rates. Call 752-9665.
J.J If I did'nt care so
much, little things
wouln'nt matter so
Continued From Page 5
throw the ball to, either, as the receiver corp
returns intact. They are led by Ron Fredrick (a
transfer from East Carolina in 1978), Cedric
Jones, a kick-off return threat, and Chris
Castor. These three players combined for 71
catches. 1,094 yards, and 12 touchdowns. In fact,
each player caught at least one bomb of 50 yards
of more.
In the rushing area the Blue Devils return last
years rushers, Greg Boone, Mike Grayson and
Bobby Brower, but that may not be such good
news. The reason being that Duke averaged just
a paltry 2.2 yards, and Brower finished with 212
The tailback problem could be solved by this
fall, however, with frosh Mike Atkins of
Princeton High School, expected to win a
starting nod. Atkins rushed for over 6,000 yards
luring his high school days.
On the offensive line, the Devils return
e erybody, but it is still a rather young unit as
far as experience is concerned.
At the guards, Brian Baldinger and Greg
Bamberger offer Duke the most experience on
the line as both are seniors with several years of
playing time. The tackles will be juniors Tim
Bumgarner and Robert Oxendine, who moved
up to starting position after Dukes loss to East
The center position will once again belong to
Tee Moorman.
The place-kicking will be handled by Scott
McKinney, who is on the verge of breaking the
ACC mark for consecutive PATs and will no
doubt set school marks for most field goals and
scoring. Last year he was 28-of-28 on extra
points and hit six-of-nine field goal attempts.
On the defensive side of the ball the Blue
Devils have nine starters back. The group is led
by ALL-ACC defensive back Dennis Tabron.
Tabron led the team in interceptions with five
and was the fourth leading tackier as well. He
also handles punt and kickoff returns.
Also in the backfield will be Keith Crenshaw,
but two replacements must be found for the
other backfield spots vacated by Ed Brown and
Gary Garstkiewicz.
The rest of the defensive team returns intact
including the front line of tackle F.A. Martin
1235 pounds), Paul Heisohn (245), Dan Yellwett
1230), Greg Black well (215) and Charles Bowser
At the linebacker positions Jummy Tuson, the
teams tackier, and Emmett Tilly return.
At the punter position a replacement needs to
be found for four-year starter Ricky Brumitt.
Thus, it appears that the Blue Devils are back
on the road to respectability with the return of
most of last year's team. Even though Duke
finished 2-9, the Blue Devils beat Clemson (34-
17), beat Georgia Tech (17-12) and lost to
Maryland and Wake Forest by a total of six
The only real problem the Blue Devils will
face this year will be the schedule. Once again,
Duke has one of the nation's toughest as they
open the season at Ohio State. Then Duke will
play South Carolina, and Virginia before
playing at home against East Carolina.
The game with the Pirates will be the last one
between the two schools for some time to come,
since the contract with Duke runs out at the end
of the season.
Overall, Duke needs to have an injury-free
season and a good running game to have a good
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The East Carolinian, July 8, 1981
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 08, 1981
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