Fountainhead, February 1, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for 51 years with a
circulation of 8,500, this
issue is 16 pages.
Vol. 52 NorfrK?-2- East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina 1 February 1977
Sullivan, p. 3
Language, p. 3
UNC downed, p. 12
BUC price
drops to $5
Assistant News Editor
Subscriptions for the 1976-7?
BUCCANEER have been lowere
from $10 to $5, according t
Susan Rogerson, newly appointee
Rogerson explained that the
publishing company fa the BUC
determined the book will not be
as expensive as expected.
"Our contract with the Hunter
Publishing Company does not
include all the fancy stuff, like
color, special effects, that make
the books so expensive
By lowering the publishing
oosts, Rogerson expects the new
BUC to be larger. She estimated
it will include at least 224 pages.
Exactly how many sub-
scriptions will be needed to
publish at all, Rogerson oould not
say. It will depend on the
advertising sales, she said.
"But I do hope we will sell at
least 3,000 subscriptions she
Rogerson served as assistant
BUC editor under Monika Suther-
land before the previous staff
resigned this fall.
"I Game back because I felt
that if we didn't have a BUC this
year of any kind, the tradition
might stop altogether
Sutherland's staff resigned
because they felt the appropri-
ated funds for the BUC were not
sufficient for a quality yearbook.
The money formally appropri-
ated fa the BUC has now been
appropriated to other functions.
So the new BUC staff is SGA
funded fa staff salaries and one
month's office operating ex-
penses only.
After these operating funds
run out, all office expenses will
have to oome from ad sales and
subscriptions, according to
Rogerson's staff now consists
of advertising and subscriptions
managas and their assistants,
different sections editas, a copy
edita and 11 volunteer staff
The new staff will begin full
operations Monday, Jan. 31 at
430 p.m.
SGA to hold forum
Assistant News Edita
Four SGA executives will appear Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 730
p.m. in Fleming Hall fa an open faum to answer questions from
interested students concerning SGA policies and actions.
The four executives include Tim Sullivan, SGA president, Karen
Harlo�, attaney general, Greg Pingston, vice-president, and Tim
McLec secretary of student affairs.
Jane Biddix, Fleming Hall legislata, is spaisaing the faum
mainly fa Fleming residents. But the student body is invited.
Biddix arranged the faum so the residents she represents may
obtain "first-hand answers" to questiois they have been asking
her, she said.
Most of the residents' questions ooncern the ECU yearbook,
BUCCANEER, and SGA appropriated funds in general, accading
to Biddix.
"I didn't have all the answers, so I thought the questions oould
be best waked out this way she said.
Although the faum was initiated fa the Fleming residents,
Biddix hopes mae of the student body will participate.
"I am publicizing this so that we will have a aowd, not just a
few she said.
Accading to Biddix, the SGA executives have said they will
attend the faum oily if a good sized aowd "mae than 20"
SGA President Tim Sullivan said he is very much in fava of the
infamal meeting, but voiced concern over student interest.
Accading to Sullivan, such meetings have been attempted in
the past, but with little student participation.
However, Biddix said she and the Fleming House Council
coadinata feel this type of infamal meeting to be one of the best
means in which students may obtain infamatioi about SGA actions
and policies.
LOCA TED ADJACENT TO Pitt Memorial Hospital,
the ECU medical complex will be shared between
the University and the County. Photo by Kirk
Med school approved
Staff Writer
A survey team representing
the Liaison Committee at Medi-
cal Education (LCME) will recom-
mend that ECU'S medical school
be approved fa classes beginning
this fall, accading to University
of North Carolina (UNC) officials.
The LCME is the accrediting
agency fa the Amaican Medical
Association (AMA) and the Asso-
ciation of American Medical
The survey team inspected the
school Jan. 18th and 19th.1
The favaable report will be
made to the full 15 member
LCME in April.
In a news conference Thurs-
day, Chancella Leo Jenkins said
he was pleased with the report.
The survey team will recom-
mend approval fa a limited
number of students, accading to
a UNC source.
The med-school could be
ready fa classes by September if
approval is granted in April,
accading to ECU officials.
The school could operate
without accreditation, but grad-
uates would have problems ob-
taining residency positions.
The medical school addition at
the new Pitt County Memaial
Hospital should be completed this
summer, accading to Dr. Wil-
liam Laupus, dean of the Medical
ECU did not seek accredita-
tion fa the school na request an
oi-stte visit until it felt the school
oould meet the strict require-
ments, Dr. Laupus said.
Members of the survey team
were Dr. Andrew Hunt, dean,
Michigan State Medical School;
Dr. John Stetson, dean, Univer-
sity of Flaida at Gainesville, and
Dr. Ira Singer, directa of medical
research fa the AMA.
April deadline to pass
Bike path needs property
Co-News Edita
The bikeway system which the
Greenville Planning Department
and the SGA have been waking
ai fa eight months will na meet
the April deadline, accading to
SGA Vice-President Greg Pings-
Pingston said they are having
problems acquiring certain tracts
of property which the bikeway
would aoss.
"John Schofield, Skip
Browder (of the Planning De-
partment) and myself met with
the Property Committee of the
ECU Board of Trustees.
"We plan on reviewing the
entire area with the Board in
The property must be obtain-
ed on a 25-year lease a daiated
to fulfill the requirements of the
Bureau of Outdoa Reaeation.
"The city is waking ai the
individual land ownas, and the
SGA is waking with the Board of
Trustees to gain adequate control
of land
Pingston said that they hope
to get the Board's approval in
April and short fa a mid-summa
The proposed bikeway would
run from the campus to the Allied
Health Building and Arlington
"It would provide a cheap
means of transportatioi, a fam of
reaeation fa students and citi-
zens, and hopefully ease our
parking problems on campus
said Pingston.
Media Board plans
in working stage
Plans fa a Communications
Board involving all campus media
are still in the waking stages,
accading to SGA Vice-President
Greg Pingston.
"A bill providing for the
construction of the bylaws has
been introduced to the SGA
Legislature but has na gone to
Rules and Judiciary Committee
Pingston, who is heading up
the project, said that he has met
with all SGA parties that would be
involved and plans to meet with
the heads of the aganizatiens to
be involved.
"The purpose of this is to get
feedback from all concerned
parties in hopes of ooming up
with a flexible and influential
Board to be submitted to the
Legislature fa their approval

Coffeehouse Tours
Page 2
1 February 1977
Crisis Center Summer work
The REAL Crisis Center has a
program to counsel victims of
rape, and to educate students and
the community about rape. If you
need a friendly, confidential hand
or some information, contact
The ECU Student Volunteer
Association has been reactivated!
The office is located at the
Methodist Student Center on 5th
St. Office hours are M-W at 1-3
p.m. and T-Th at 10 a.m2 p.m.
If you have previously filed an
application or wish to fill out an
application, please come by so we
can place you in an agency.
Faculty and graduate students
are also welcome.
Leon Mandell, Professor of
Chemistry at Emory University,
will present a seminar on "Syn-
thetic Organic-Electro Chemis-
try" on Feb. 4, at 2 p.m. in rm.
201 Flanagan. Refreshments will
be served in the conference room
at 3 p.m.
Art show
The ECU Art Faculty Show
will be held Feb. 3-28 in the
gallery of the ECU School of Art
Building, the Leo W. Jenkins
Fine Arts Center.
The exibition, entitled "New
Space is the first to be held in
the gallery which is part of the
new!y-oonstructed second wing of
the art facility.
About 30 ECU art faculty will
contribute to the show. They will
display examples of their works in
ceramics, sculpture, painting,
print-making, drawing, weaving,
jewelry and mixed media.
The show opens Feb. 3 at 8
p.m. The public is invited. The
gallery will also be open Monday-
Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Construction of the spacious
gi ,ery was completed early this
year. It is located on the second
floor of the new wing. The first
wing of the building, containing
classrooms and studios, was
completed two years ago.
The Art building will be
dedicated this spring in honor of
Dr. Leo Jenkins, ECU'S Chan-
cellor. The gallerv portion of the
building is to be named fa Or.
Wellington B. Gray, dean of the
ECU School of Art since 1956.
Students interested in work-
ing full time in the Summer
Orientation Program can pick up
an application in the Dean of
Men's office, Whichard building,
room 210. Students working in
the program will not be allowed to
attend summer school, and must
be at least a rising Senior.
Rock hounds
The recently formed Eastern
Carolina Mineralogical Society
welcomes all ECU students,
faculty and staff to join the
society. The society's purpose is
to stimulate interest in the field of
mineralogy and to gain know-
ledge in the intended area by
carrying out field trips and other
activites associated with miner-
als. All interested persons are
invited to attend the next meeting
on Monday, Feb. 7, in rm. 301 of
Graham, at 730 p.m.
Dr. Michael O'Connor will be
the guest speaker for the evening
and will be speaking on the
"Geology and Mineralogy of the
Wing Hill Garnet Deposit at
Rangely, Maine
Gamma Phi
The Gamma Beta Phi Society
will meet at 7 p.m Thursday,
Feb. 3, in the Multi-purpose room
in MendenhaJI. We are planning
our project for the Tutorial
program, all members are urged
to attend.
Phi Sigma Pi
Phi Sigma Pi, National House
Fraternity, will hold its monthly
business meeting and also a
formal initiation ceremony on
Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 5:45 p.m.
at the Baptist Student Union
Auditorium. All brothers are
urged to attend. Coat and tie are
suggested as appropriate dress.
Attention Sam
Ail business majors who plan
to join the Society for the
Advancement of Management
this year, please go by Dr.
Willoox' office, Rawl 110, and fill
out an application for member-
ship. If you plan to renew your
membership, leave your name
with him. Please do so by Friday,
Feb. 5.
The Roxy Music Arts & Crafts
Center presents the Sweet Soulful
Gospel Rumblings of the Sensa-
tional Nightingales of Philadel-
phia, Pa. This group which
epitomizes the Old Roots Black
Gospel Circuit are ranked among
the nation's best. On the same
program will be the Gospel Pearl
Family of Greenville and the
Men's Fellowship Gospel Chorus
of Kinston. The show will be
hosted by Andy Herring of
Kinston's radio shows, the Gos-
pel Hour. This program begins
Wednesday. Feb. 2, at 8 p.m.
Donations are $2.50; under 12,
Representative Jim Edwards
will discuss issues facing this
year's General Assembly, Wed-
nesday night, Feb. 2, at 730 p.m.
in rm. 244 Mendenhall. The
session will be completely open
for any questions oonoerning this
year's General Assembly. All
persons are invited to attend.
Johnny Dollar
The second annual Johnny
Dollar party will take place on
Friday, Feb. 4. Bring your own
bottle. King Kong will appear in
Alpha Delta
Alpha Epsilon Delta, the
pre-medical honor society, is
preparing fa an initiation in the
spring. The requirements for
entrance into AED is a 3.0 overall
average, a 3.0 science average,
participation is a month-long
pledge period, and a willingness
to attend and participate in AED
meetings and projects. Any inter-
ested persons can get furtha
information from Dr. Wayne
Ayers in Flanagan a pre-med
advisay office BA-303.
Like going out fa dinner?
How about eating in candlelight
and listening to music? Then this
offer should interest you Stu-
dents majaing in Foods, Nutri-
tion, and Institutional Manage-
ment prepare delicious meals
which include an appetizer, en-
tree, vegetables, dessert, hot
rolls, and unlimited refills on tea
a coffee; and the whole meal cost
just $3. Serving time is at 630
p.m. in the Inst. Management
Dining Room. The dates fa these
meals are Feb. 2, Feb. 9, and
Feb. 14.
Fa reservation fa 1, 2, a all
of these days, send your money,
include your address to: SDA co
Donna Hill, Dept. of Home
Economics, ECU, Greenville.
Reservations are limited. Make
checks payable to SDA. Tickets
will be mailed to you.
Do you like blue grass,
country, rock-n-roll, a do you like
just plain old boogie music? If you
do, the Coffeehouse is the place
to be Friday and Saturday, Jan.
28 & 29 at 8 p.m. in Mendenhall
rm. 15. Admission isonly 25cents
and there are plenty of refresh-
Adopt a pet
Last year, the Greenville
Animal Shelter found homes fa
over 300 dogs. Many of these are
animals that would have starved
to death a died fran disease.
The adoption fee is only five
dollars fa dogs and two fa cats.
Strays are kept fa 3 days if they
are scrawny and 7 days if they are
healthy, befae they are put to
sleep. Dogs that are picked up in
violation of Greenville's leash law
are kept at a charge to the owner
of $1 per day if they are wearing a
tag indicating ownership. If the
animal is na picked up, the
owner is given 24 hours to do so
befae the animal is put up fa
This week the dogs at the
Animal Shelter include two bird
dogs; one brown and white, one
white with black spots; two brown
and white; one black and white;
one brown extremely friendly
dog; and four puppies, two of
which are very fluffy and may be
part collie. There is one huge
black and white torn cat, one
small black cat, and one small
white cat.
If you are interested in getting
a pet, please check the animal
shelter first. These animals need
you as badly as you need them.
The Black Christian Fellow-
ship will meet Wednesday night,
Feb. 2, at 730 in the Afro-
American Culture Center. If you
are interested, come on by and
check it out and join us in singing,
fellowship, and Bible study.
Student Dnion
The following committee
meetings will be held from
Monday, Jan. 31, thru Monday,
Feb. 7: Tuesday, Feb. 1-Coffee-
house, 430 p.m. in rm. 236;
Monday, Feb. 7-Theatre Arts, 5
p.m. in rm. 236; Wednesday,
Feb. 2-Special Entertainment, 4
p.m. in rm. 236; and Thursday,
Feb. 3Entertainer, 430 p.m. in
rm. 238.
Forum meets
Thae will be an open faum
ai recent SGA policies at 730
p.m Wednesday, February 2 in
the Fleming Hall lobby. Tim
Sullivan, Karen Harloe, Greg
Pingston, Tim McLeod and Jane
Biddix will be there to discuss
issues involving SGA. Bring a
friend (s) and find out what SGA
is doing fa you-get involved!
If you like to travel, you may
be interested in going to Flaida
8 days fa $89, a tfie Bahamas 6
days fa $289. The price is based
on quad occupancy. Reservations
are Feb. 1-Mar. 10. There is a $25
deposit on the Flaida Tour, and a
$100 deposit on the Bahamas
cruise. For more information
oontact Bill Martin, Travel Chair-
WRC meets
The "Father of Cooperative
Education" J. Dudley Dawson,
will be oi the ECU campus
Tuesday through Thursday, Feb.
1-3. Dr. Dawson will speak to the
Women's Residence Council on
Tuesday at 5 p.m. in room 221,
Mendenhall Student Center. All
interested students are invited to
Eta Chi
Mrs. Janice Faulkner of the
ECU English Department will be
the featured speaker at the
meeting of the Eta Chi Chapta of
Kappa Delta Pi. The meeting will
be Feb. 10, at 630 p.m at Three
Steers Restaurant. All members
are reminded to return their
banquet reservations to Mr. Ellen
Cheng, Room 133 Speight, by
Feb. 7.
Founders Day
Delta Sigma Theta' s Founders
Day Weekend is Friday, Feb. 4.
Thae will be a variety show in
Wright Auditaium at 8-930 p.m.
Thae is a party at Tar Riva
Party House with a .25 admission,
10-until, on Feb. 5. Any pasons
intaested in participating in the
variety show, oontact Pam.Cathey
a Denise Carta at 752-8062.
Law Society
Thae is an ECU Law Society
meeting on Thursday, Feb. 3.
Dean Haing of Campbell College
Law School will speak. Law
Society T-shirts are ready and will
be distributed. The meeting is in
rm. 221 Mendenhall at 7 p.m.
Auditiois will be held fa the
last time fa the comedy review
Ova The Top in the east wing
of the Drama building, 2nd flea,
roan 214 ai Feb. 3, at 730 p.m.
The mataials being used are
from Mrjnthy Pythoi, The Fire-
sign Theatre, and Beyond the
"Fringe '64. This is your last
chance to become a memba of a
hilarious comedy revue and to
play such funny charactas as Mr.
D.P. Gumby, Don. G.O.Vonny,
and Sir Kenneth Clark. Scripts
will be provided fa the reading.
If you can't make it but would like
to audition, call Gary Carta at
758-7876. Sary, but no poofta's
� .��!��'

1 February FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Topic of colonial house restoration
City to host Tryon Palace symposiom
Restoration and decoration of
houses in the colon al period is
the chief topic of the ninth annual
Tryon Palace Symposium here
March 20-2?.
Specific aspects of restoration
to be discussed at the sympo&dm
are historic preservation, fur-
nishings, floor ooverings, house-
hold textiles and colonial-style
Foreign language
requirement holds
ECU will retain foreign lan-
guage requirements for all bache-
lor of arts (A.B.) degree pro-
ECU trustees voted Wednes-
day on a recommendation to this
effect by its Academic Programs
committee which conducted ex-
tensive hearings and study on a
request that the present foreign
language requirements be drop-
Tim Sullivan, president of the
Student Government
Assn. (SGA), which made the
request, said he would vote
against retention because "there
is still some problem" and added
that the request will be submitted
again, perhaps in another form.
Eddie K. Green of Dunn,
Academic Programs chairman,
indicated the problem arose be-
cause many high schools in the
state no longer require foreign
language credits for graduation.
Most bachelor of science (BS)
degree programs at ECU also do
not require foreign language
Sullivan to face
Honor Council
SGA President Tim Sullivan
will appear before the Honor
Council Tuesday evening Feb. 1
to face a charge of embezzlement
of student government funds,
according to SGA Attorney
General Karen Harloe.
Harloe stated that Sullivan is
charged with violating Section 5,
Subsection G of the ECU Code of
According to Harloe, ECU
freshman Robert M. Swaim filed
the charqe acaisina Sullivan of
not returning a refund check of
$26.98 to Student Fund Account-
ing office when Sullivan dropped
out of second session summer
school last summer.
According to Harloe, who will
prosecute the case, two Honor
Council members have disquali-
fied themselves due to lack of
objectivity. One of the members
is a fraternity brother of Sulli-
Harloe stated two alternates
have been selected.
Symposium sessions will be
held in the Tryon Palace Auditor-
ium at the corner of Pollock and
George Streets, and several tours
will be made of the Tryon Palace
Complex, which includes the
colonial Stanly and Stevenson
Houses as well as the Palace
Presentation topics and sym-
posium speakers are:
"Historic Preservation and
Restoration, and Urban Plan-
ning Nathaniel P. Neblett,
historical architect for the Nation-
al Trust for Historic Preservation,
Washington, D.C.
"Restoration7of a Period
House Conover Fitch of Perry
Dean Partners, Inc Boston,
"Furniture for the Period
House Marvin D. Schwartz,
lecturer at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York;
Floor Coverings in American
Houses, 1760-1830 Ruth C.
Page, Concord, N.H author,
editor and lecturer;
"North Carolina Furniture
Carolyn J. Weekley, assistant fa
special projects, Virginia
Museum of Fine Arts;
"Household Textiles Rita
Adrosko, curator of textiles at the
Smithsonian Institution, Wash-
ington, D.Cand
"Landscaping the Period
House Daniel J. Foley, Salem,
Mass. landxape architect and
The symposium will also
feature a Sunday evening dinner
at the opening session and a
social and light buffet Monday
evening in the Jones House.
Music will be provided by the
ECU Collegium Musicum.
The annual Tryon Palace
Symposium on Colonial Living
and the Decorative Arts is
presented each spring by the
Tryon Palace Commission and
Restoration and the ECU Division
of Continuing Education, in co-
operation with the N.C. Division
of Archives and History.
The symposium is designed
for professionals and lay persons
interested in the decorative arts
and lifestyles of the colonial
Tryon Palace was a colonial
capitol and the first state capitol
of North Carolina. The Palace and
its gardens, along with the John
Wright Stanly House and the
early 19th century Stevenson
House comprise the Tryon Palace
Restoration Complex.
Symposium fee is $51 per
person, which includes Sunday
and Monday dinners. Since only
150 participants can be accepted,
early registration is advised.
Further information and regis-
tration materials are available
from "Symposium Division of
Continuing Education, ECU,
Greenville, N.C. 27834.
SGA schedules
spring elections
SGA executive elections are
scheduled for the end of March,
according to Greg Pingston, SGA
"The exact date will be set by
the elections chairperson and the
SGA president and approved by
the Legislature in accordance
with the SGA general election
rules said Pingston.
Applications for elections
chairperson are being accepted
this week through 5 p.m. Thurs-
day, Feb. 10.
According to Pingston, the
elections chairperson will handle
the election and set up the rules.
The SGA Executive Council
will screen the applications on
Friday, Feb. 11, and await the
approval of the Legislature.
Pingston noted that SGA
President Tim Sullivan could have
appointed a student to the
position of elections-chairperson.
However, he decided on the idea
of applications in order to give
more students a chance at the

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Page 4
1 February 1977
After B-1, curb the atom
If the track record of the Greenville Peace
Committee runs true to form, President Carter will
announce sometime this month an end to the
controversial B-1 bomber project.
Organized in 1970 by Lou Paul, wife of celebrated
attorney Jerry Paul, the GPC from its inception urged
the pullout of American forces from Vietnam. There
were never any mass rallies in Greenville of
hundreds of persons calling for an end to the war, but
the oommittee persisted in its low-key opposition to
this tragic American mistake and eventually the war
did end-although several years and thousands of
lives too late.
After the war was over the oommittee called for
amnesty to be granted to those Americans who had
resisted the war. Again the committee's position
presaged popular opinion and Carter's pardoning of
the Vietnam-era draft evaders, one of his first official
acts in the office of president in fulfillment of a
campaign promise.
According to oommittee member Father Charles
Mulholland, the GPC has been a consistent opponent
to the "immorality of nuclear arms Now that at
least two of the primary objectives of the oommittee
have been realized, and a third, the fate of the B-1
bomber project seemsimminent,the committee can
now turn its prescient attention to another equally
pertinent issue, the insidious spread of nuclear
weapons and their associated technologies.
Carter has indicated his opposition to nuclear
armaments and will probably act to scale down the
U.S. arsenal of these weapons. But an effective
nonpro!iteration policy on nuclear arms must also
include the control of the technology associated with
the "peaceful" use of the atom.
One of the waste products of nuclear-powered
electrical generating plants is plutonium, an element
from which atomic bombs can be made. Unless there
are safeguards on this material when the industria-
lized countries sell nuclear plants to developing
countries, it is impossible to guarantee non-prolifera-
tion. And these sales are projected to increase yearly.
The GPC should use its foresight to demonstrate
to the citizens of Greenville and their representatives
in Washington, the dangers of uncontrolled trade
in nuclear technology.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Business ManagerTeresa Nhisenant
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
News EditorsDebbie Jackson
J. Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports Editor Anne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Student Government
Association of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions:$10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
I alumni.
WO SflVS TffRES fl G-R5 SM�!
Transit boss explains system
This is an open letter from the
Transit Manager to inform stu-
dents on the type of transit
service we are running and the
amount of people moved.
An average week for transit is
to move around 9,000 to 10,000
passengers. The oombined aver-
age oost per student per day to
ride the bus is .07.
The transit service has a 150
hour operating week. Last week
the total time that buses were out
of service was 3 hours. Operating
time for the week was 147 hours.
This is quite excellent sinoe the
Not all are students
Regarding your article in last
page 5, concerning the plight of
the International House.
Nine, count them, nine times
you use the term foreign students
in your article. Yet I have it on
good authority that a foreign
professor is living there, paying
the same rate as students.
Wouldn't it be fairer to charge
higher rates to professors who are
receiving handsome salaries?
Then there would be more income
for repairs. That is, if a professor
should live there in the first
It's good that SGA has a new
oommittee on International Pro-
grams. This one item needs some
looking into.
in the interest of fairness,
I. Wonder
Jones Dorm
servioe is run by students and
they are not professionals.
The cause of the missed time
was oold weather, one bus would
not start, frozen air brake lines
and a broken starter.
It is the policy of the transit
service to give the most oomplete
service that is possible. We
sometimes fail because of mec-
hanical breakdowns. The buses
run 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.
The drivers nor I can oontrol a
mechaniral breakdown. But when
one does oocur we try to get
service restored as quick as
I would like to thank my
drivers for doing a fine job and for
doing that extra work that must
be done when a bus does break
It is my opinion that a finer
servioe can not be found that is
run for students by students. To
the students who missed a bus
due to breakdown I am sorry but
these things can not be helped.
But I assure you that when a
breakdown does oocur my drivers
and myself move as fast as we can
to get servioe restored.
Thank you for your support,
Gary Miller
P.S. Transit System has two
buses that carry students to and
from basketball games. One
parks at the girls dorm and the
other at the top of the hill.
Student Union policies need input
I'd like to thank Jim Elliott for
expressing his opinion of ways to
better entertain students (Ed-
itorial, January 27, 1977). It's
good to see that someone has an
opinion on that subject.
The Student Union has asked
for student's opinions all year and
hopefully we'll get some now. Do
Forum Policy
Forum letters should be
typed or printed and they must
be signed and include the
writer's address. Names will
be withheld upon request.
Letters may be sent to Foun-
tainhead or left at the Informa-
tion Desk in Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center.
the students want more concerts,
more films? We want to serve you
in the best possible ways. Do you
have a form of alternative or
creative programming? Do you
want to see more cultural pro-
grams? What about theatre?
What about travel? What about
Please let us know! Come by
our offices in Mendenhall Student
Center (234), write us a letter, or
give us a call. Your opinion does
With a new administration to
be selected soon, the time is right
for new ideas. Committees will
soon be programming for the next
academic year and we need to
know what you want.
Barry Robinson
Student Union President

Wasteful spending criticized
As a student and employee of
ECU I have come to notice
divisions on campus. The people
in charge of the divisions are not
totally responsible for the waste-
fulness of student funds and
taxpayers dollars.
I have been told by oertain
individuals on campus that many
things the campus uses is bought
on contract with firms delivering
bids to the University. Some firms
however, do not give out the so
Sullivan sees conspiracy
This letter will be short, and
not too sweet. If you have notioed
a pattern in the "ooverage" your
student government has gotten
last month, you are not halluci-
When the student legis-
lature's appropriation committee
refused Editor Jim Elliott's staff
salary increase (it totaled $28,000
last year) and his $800 "con-
vention trip" to Chicago, Mr.
Elliott mentioned to the oommit-
tee that there were "anti-SGA
feelings" on his staff already, and
that such cuts would cause these
feelings "to surface At first I
and others at SGA felt that he
meant this bias would surface, as
it obviously has, through negative
or twisted news and editorial
comment, but Mr. Elliott is more
resouroeful than that.
Jim Elliott has had a
FOUNTAINHEAD reporter on his
payroll, Robert Swaim, bring
charges of embezzlement against
me to the Honor Council this
Tuesday. And how much is
FOUNTAINHEAD stating that I
"embezzled?" $26.98 is the grand
total. Someone might ask why I
would steal that kind of money -
through an easily-identifiable
ECU check - when five months
before I had my monthly salary
cut $25, but not FOUNTAIN-
HEAD. So when you read any
"articles" on this trial, please
recall that we are being enter-
tained by Mr. Elliott and his
Who knows: this may be more
fun than going to Chicago, Jim.
Tim Sullivan
Student Body Prez
KAs rescue damsel in distress
The purpose of this letter is to
let the students here at ECU know
that there are still some really
nioe people left in this world.
What I am referring to is the day
of January 17, 1977 when my
friend named Herb and some
guys from the Kappa Alpha
Order, located on Charles and
11th, came to my rescue. The
story goes as follows:
My car was broke down
because of all the cold weather we
have been experiencing here in
Greenville. Jim, my friend, and I
tried to push my car with his car
to possibly start it. Some how or
another our bumpers became
locked together. We attempted to
un-do the damage but without
any luck. A friend of mine named
Herb came driving up and
stopped to assist us. After several
attempts of bouncing on the
bumpers, we gave up. Herb
decided that he would try to get
some assistance from the Kappa
Alpha Order which was down the
street. In a matter of minutes,
five or six guys came out to see
what they could do to help. One
guy did not even have a coat on
and I know it was about 20
degrees a so out there at the
time. After checking out ta
problem, Herb and the Kapn
Alpha Order guys picked up m
front end of my volkswagon and
presto- the bumpers unlocked.
They then set my car back down
and pushed it until I got it
running. During the whole or-
deal, these guys did not complain
about the coldness or anything.
Both Herb and the Kappa
Alpha Order were a real blessing
sent to me as far as I am
concerned. The words "thank
you can not express how much I
appreciate their patronage. If
Herb or any Kappa Alpha Order
guy reads this letter, I want you to
know that in about two weeks Jim
and I shall drop off a small gift to
show our appreciation.
Most Gratefully Yours,
Pamela J. Carter
Pirates lose what I?
In my days as a big city
newspaper proofreader there
were only two things to look
forward to. One was who would
get to read the Buchwald column,
and the other was watching the
Sports Department try to come up
with new ways to say "beaten
The opposition has been
trounced, stomped, mauled,
bruised, bombed, whipped, pun-
ished, shellacked, romped by,
stomped by, roared by, stormed
by, demolished, demoralized,
mortified, humiliated, and routed
into oblivion. Fortunately,
nothing so inglorious even befalls
the home team.
They may be edged, nudged,
squeaked by, slipped by, or as the
always tactful DAILY REFLECT-
OR recently put it "PIRATE
ing that the home town boys
really should have won but for
fate, spiteful officials, or an
improperly waxed court.
I would be the last to
complain; I am entertained by
athletic rhetoric but wouldn't you
like to see just once, HOME
Cecil Frost
called bids.
My division recently purcha-
sed some tools for my use in
upkeep and repair of the machin-
ery I run. The tools sold for
approximately $17. After making
the order I discovered that a set
containing a larger number of
parts sold for $2.50 less in
January's sale catalogue from the
same oompany which is issued to
customers throughout the United
States. The same set sold for the
regular $17. in another catalogue
showing absolutely no discount
whatsoever to ECU.
Upon inquiring I found that
another article bought two to
three months prior to my hiring
oost approximately $140; to my
surprise I found the very same
article made by the same oom-
pany in another catalogue oosting
$49.95. Any mathematician can
tell you someone is screwing up.
I am not qualified to say that
all other divisions and depart-
ments on campus do the same but
I believe it needs some looking
Being a student I hate to see
my money wasted as much as
anyone else. I honestly believe
that if the administration of this
great school of knowledge would
do a little more research they
would find they oould cut down
spending and increase the
amount of money available to
other uses in the ECU system.
1 February FOUNTAINHEAD Paga 5
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 1 February 1977
ECU professor remembers Pearl Harbor
Production Manager
If one were to ask Dr. Al A.
Fahrner of the ECU history
department just what he was
doing on the morning of Dec. 7,
1941, his reply would be, " I was
unaware in my underwear
Dr. Fahrner was an Ensign
assigned to the battleship USS
California, at the time of the
Japanese surprise attack on the
U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor.
"I was asleep when it started,
but I was awake in a few
minutes Fahrner noted. "I was
going to skip breakfast that
morning so I could sleep-in
Fahrner wasn't really in his
underwear, but was wearing a
pair of short military pajamas
when the attack occurred.
So many alerts had been
issued that when the real thing
came Fahrner could only feel
shock and surprise.
"Finally, the wolf had come
said Fahrner.
Dr. Fahrner, a personable
man with a good sense of humor,
talked easily about that day.
But war is war and one is able
to detect a note of sorrow in
Fahrner's words.
"When you were close to
those people, it wasn't funny at
all Fahrner explained.
As far as the Japanese war
effort was concerned, the histor-
ian feels that the attack hurt them
more than it helped.
"The surprise attack made it
easier to unify our nation he
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said. "The people had a slogan
with which they could rally
behind the President, Remember
Pearl Harbor
"The Japanese thought they
would win Fahrner noted.
"They wanted to immobilize us
so they could move through
Southeast Asia
Fahrner remembers 1942 as a
dark year when the U.S. was
doing good to hold its own.
"In 1943, weT be east of the
Mississippi and waving good-bye
to St. Louis Fahrner remem-
bered a fellow serviceman saying
while listening to a Winston
Churchill speech one evening in
World War II was an era
which ended with the beginning
of the nuclear age.
"Nuclear war woujd be so
terrible that it probably won't
happen. No one would win
Farhner noted.
The fact that he experienced
the war helps Dr. Fahrner make
the war's history oome alive for
his students.
It makes history realistic,
Fahrner explained.
And Fahrner succeeds in that
if the opinions of his students are
"As a professor, he was
extremely interesting com-
mented a recent student of U.S.
"All sorts of nice things
happen to the people he oomes in
contact with noted a history
graduate student.
Dr. Fahrner did his under-
graduate work at Hampden-
Sydney College in Virginia. He
then went to Midshipman's
School and spent seven years on
active duty.
He achieved reserve status in
1947 and received his masters and
doctorate from the University of
North Carolina.
��� . � � "
Photo by Pete Podeszwa
Freaks and pigs
to battle again
The Second Annual Freaks
versus Pigs basketball game is
scheduled for Wednesday, March
23, according to Greg Pingston,
SGA vice-president.
The event is sponsored by
Easter Seals and the SGA.
There will be two games, men
and women, with the women's
game being played first.
Pingston said that he will
coach the men students and that
Lieutenant Pate will coach the
Highway Patrol.
"This is one of my all-time
favorite projects, and we have a
great time putting on It ought
to he a treat fa everyone to
see said Pingston.
Tickets will go on sale in
mid-February fa a dollar.
The game will be played in
Mingesand is open to all students
and the public.
Animal controllers relate
After college, what will I
That's a question a lot of
young people ask themselves
these days.
But a two-year Air Force
' ROTC scholarship can help
provide the answers. Succes-
sful completion of the pro-
gram gets you an Air Force
commission along with an
excellent starting salary, a
challenging job, promotion
opportunities, and a secure
future with a modern Air
Force. If you have two
academic years remaining,
find out today about the
two-year Air Force ROTC
Scholarship Program. It's a
great way to serve your
country and a great way to
help pay for your college
Capt. Richard Rowan
ECU Wright Annex 206
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comical experiences
Staff Writer
Lassoing cows, tracking down
bulls, rounding up hogs and
turkeys, and catching slithering
snakes provide quite a challenge
fa the Greenville Animal Control
The four-member team of the
City Animal Shelter on E. Second
Street has had some comic
experiences in the three years the
shelter has been open.
Audro Barrett, 33, has been
with Animal Control since April of
1974. One of his first unusual
cases was to catch a loose turkey
near Five Points in downtown
"I got the bird in the truck and
Lautares Jewelers
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See George Lautares
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took him to the shelter said
Barrett. "The owner later came
and claimed him
This past spring, two hogs
jumped out of a farmer's truck
while enroute to market. They
frolicked with their freedom and
evaded polioe and animal oontrol
officers behind Baroni'sat Fourth
and Reade Streets.
The hogs played a little too
hard to get and the owner
requested that they be shot.
Hunting fa an injured bull
roaming lost in Lake Ellswath
section of town can be a knee-
knocking experience.
The bull had dented a car and
chased an elderly man by the time
the animal oontrol aew isolated
him in a field.
"He had been shot several
times when we found him and our
.22 caliber rifle finally brought
him down said Darrell Hoover,
of the Animal Control Depart-
In ana her episode, Pet King-
dom called the shelter personnel
one bright Saturday maning in
August when a pythoi escaped
from his aquarium.
The polioe were called to the
scene to hold back the aowd and
Barrett tranqualized the snake
with a needle.
Na all days are filled with
such intrique and adventure at
the shelter. Accading to the
oontrol officers, some are rather
"We answer some strange
callsandoomplaints said Peggy
Carter, 18. "There are an average
of 20 to 25 calls a day
There is an adventure in
having a woman in the depart-
ment. Thisrepater's dog, Tasha,
will na go to the three male dog
catchers, but all Peggy has to do
is say "c'mon baby and Tasha
jumps right in the truck.
According to Barrett, the
oontrol officers pick up as many
as 150 dogs a week when the
shelter first opened. Because of
educating the public about the
Greenville leash law, they now
only pick-up an average of 25
dogs a week.
"We try to educate the public
more than harass it said
Many people oomplain about
the leash law, but from the
"ontrd officer's point of view, it is
better to keep a dog leashed than
to see it mutilated by a car a shot
by an angered persoi fa getting
into trash cans a rose gardens.
- 1 iV- �:�. �


N.C. professors boost
ERA and salary hikes
The North Carolina Confer-
ence of the American Association
of University Professors NCAA-
UP is urging members of the
North Carolina General Assembly
to ratify the proposed Equal
Rights Amendment and to sup-
port pay increases for teaching
NCAAUP President Anne Bri-
ley of ECU has sent letters on the
ERA toevery member of the
legislature, on behalf of the
The letter reports the 1974
passage of a resolution in favor of
ERA, which was reaffirmed by
the state AAUP at its 1975 and
1976 meetings.
The AAUP policy is that
ratification of the Equal Rights
Amendment "will have a positive
effect in high education and in
society the letter states.
In a letter to Sen. Livingstone
Stallings(D-Craven), chairman of
the Joint Committee to Study
Salaries and Other Benefits of
Teachers, the AAUP requests the
Committee to recommend a ten
per cent pay increase for 1977-78
and another ten per cent increase
for 1978-79.
The letter quotes a national
salary survey conducted by the
Washington office of AAUP
which reveals that faculties of the
UNC system have lost "purchas-
ing power" during the past five
"A total increase of over 30
per cent during the two years of
the biennium would be needed to
restore purchasing power to 1972
levels the letter says. "Yet only
20 percent is requested
The American Association of
University Professors is the prin-
cipal professional organization for
faculty members in the U.S. Its
membership includes teachers,
research scholars, professional
librarians, counselors and grad-
uate students at institutions of
higher learning.
The N.C. AAUP Conference
consists of active local chapters at
36 North Carolina oolleges and
Tenants and Community
struggle to save hotel
The International Hotel in San
Franciso is symbolic of a system
which neglects low-income peo-
ple. For nine years, elderly
tenants of the International Hotel
have been battling to save the
only fortress they know, and the
only home they can afford.
created a unique community in
which they feel comfortable, the
Four Seas Investment corpor-
ation, a company based in Hong
' ong and Thailand, has other
plans fa the International Hotel.
As owners of the hotel and
most of the block on which it
stands, Four Seas intends to
ly the Asian Community Center
and the Workers Committee,
which share the same building.
The judge, in the meantime,
ordered an immediate eviction,
though temporary stays protected
the tenants for awhile. Vowing
that "WE WON'T MOVEthe
tenants then began pressuring
Located in San Francisco's
Chinatown, the hotel is all that
remains of what used to be
Manilatown. Once encompassing
many blocks, Manilatown was a
striving "hangout" for Filipino
immigrants who came to San
Francisco. But things have
changed since the active days of
pre-World War II when Kearny
Street, where the hotel still
stands, was "the" place. Because
of big businesses and corpor-
ations, Manilatown has been
reduced to a single block.
And that single block is now
threatened by big business.
The 75 tenants, mostly elderly
Filipinos and Chinese, can barely
afford to pay the $45-a-month
rent on their low incomes. The
Kearny Street area is the only
part of town they are familiar
with; friends, cafes and stores are
within steps of their homes.
While the tenants have
"develop" the site into a money-
making venture: a multi-story
shopping center. Across the
street from the International
Hotel stands a sign of a previous
defeat: the Holiday Inn, which
was built years ago in the heart of
Chinatown. Protests against its
construction did not prevent the
huge skyscraper from going up.
When Four Seas bought the.
International Hotel from Walter
Shorestein, one of the largest
realtors in California, in 1973, the
retired tenants refused to vacate
and began the long struggle
against eviction.
After the International Hotel
Tenants Association (IHTA).which
formed to organize against evict-
ion, lost their suit against Four
Seas last year, fresh, eviction
notices were again posted.
Numerous protests and demon-
strations were organized by the
IHTA and supporters, particular-
the new San Francisco mayor,
George Monsoone.
The city has the power of
eminent domain to buy the hotel
fromFour Seas and sell it to the
tenants. Although the Board of
Supervisors originally refused to
buy the building, after numerous
demonstrations by tenants and
supporters, the Board finally
voted to transfer funds to the San
Francisco Housing Authority to
purchase the building. The Hous-
ing Authority filed December 24
for immediate possession of the
building, stating its intention to
lease the hotel to the tenants fa
$1.3 million.
But the tenants argue that
poa people simply cannot affad
to buy such a hotel and insist that
the money be derived from
Community Development Con-
tingent Funds, which would not
require the tenants to repay the
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Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 1 February 1977
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Joyner Library joins
computer revolution
Staff Writer
Joyner Library has joined the
computer revolution.
The library, which students
onoe thought of as a dark, dusty,
quiet place, has begun to use
computer terminals to catalogue
ECU joined the Southeastern
Library Network (SOLINET) in
June, 1975.
One hundred and twenty
schools and public libraries are in
library filled out a profile card to
inform the computer of the
program needed.
Books can be located by five
methods in the data base said
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Smith, cata-
loging director. "First, they can
be located by author's name,
title, the international standard
book number, and Library of
Congress card number.
"It scared us at first said
Smith. "It's a new language, but
it's not that hard
book in the mail shortly. A
program will have to be written
first to enable this, Smith said.
Now, only monographs
(books) can be catalogued be-
cause of the computer program,
but future cataloging will include
audio-visual material, sound re-
cor' ngs, maps, manuscripts, and
serials, said Smith. The serials
computer program may be ready
by this Spring.
The oost of using the com-
puter seemed high at first, said
COMPUTER TERMINAL in Joyner Library Photo by Pete Podeszwa
SOLI NET. ECU hastwooomputer
terminals in the cataloging de-
partment, which are used to call
the data base and get Library of
Congress call numbers for new
SOLI NET is located in Atlanta
but has no computer as of yet.
Instead, it has a four year contract
to use the Ohio College Library
Center (OCLC) data base. Nine-
teen other library networks also
are using the OCLC oomputer
Over 2.5 million titles are
stored in the OCLC oomputer.
Joyner librarians save much
time by simply calling the com-
puter to get the Library of
Congress call number of a book
rather than create one and later
chanae it.
The computer is programmed
to print the number of cards ECU
needs and in the format desired.
When ECU joined SOLI NET, the
The Library of Congress class-
ification system and the oomputer
cataloging are both the best for a
growing academic library because
of the possibilities for expansion
and saving time, according to
If the call numcer of a book is
not in the data base and ECU has
it, then the number can be sent
via computer and added to the
data base. This reciprocal agree-
ment applies to all members of
SOLI NET and other library net-
Some other services will be
available from the computer
terminals in the future.
Interlibrary loans, which are
now done manually, oould be
simplified by calling up the
oomputer and finding out which
libraries have the book needed
and by requesting it through the
terminal. The other library can
answer in minutes and have the
Smith, but it boils down to about
$1.50 to catalogue each book.
The oost is around $2,000 a
month to use the OCLC oomputer
data base. Every call to the
oomputer costs $1.27, which is
part of the overall oost.
"The largest advantage of the
computer is that it saves time to
use a catalog number that is
already on file said Smith.
"We hope to use the oom-
puter for reclassifying the old
books from Dewey (Decimal
System) to Library of Congress in
the future said Smith. It costs
half the regular fee to use the
computer for reclassifying old
Another future possibility may
be a Computer Output Microfilr,
Catalog (COM). This would be
like the serial microfiches we now
have, said Smith.
Elections chairperson sought
SGA Correspondent
Applications for elections
chairperson will be accepted,
February 1-10, announced Greg
Pingston, SGA Vice-President in
last evening's legislature meet-
The candidates will be
screened by the Executive Coun-
cil and their selection will be
submitted to the legislature for
The chairperson will be in
charge of conducting the elect-
tions, setting the dates for filing
and elections, and presiding over
the actual balloting.
"We're shooting for the
elections to be held the end of
March, but that will be decided
by the chairperson said Ping-
In remarks to the legislature,
SGA President Tim Sullivan
commented or the progress of the
over-pass at 10th and College Hill
Drive, and discussed the recent
board of trustees meeting, at
which the board went on record in
favor of the overpass.
A decision on the overpass is
due in April.
In other business, the legisla-
ture appropriated $75.00 to the
BUCCANNEER for office ex-
Things are looking very
optimistic as far as getting the
book out on time, and having a
quality book said Pingston.
According to Pingston, the
'7677 BUCCANNEER will now
cost approximately $5, and will
include underclass pictures.
The annual is scheduled to be
released in late October.

Teaching days help sisters
run new downtown toy store
Co-News Editor
A big canopy waves over the
doorway to greet shoppers with
"Happily Ever After and
welcoming them into a childlike
world of odors, sounds, and
This is no typical store.
The atmosphere of Green-
ville' s only toy store is more like
that of Disneyland than the
businesslike, hurried, and slight-
ly impersonal air which often
confronts the consumer.
"Happily Ever After" is on
the town Mall and is run by two
sisters, Carolyn Creekmore and
Linda O'Connors, who both were
special education teachers until
about three months ago.
O'Conner is a young woman
with dark curly hair who seems to
smile all the time.
According to O Connor, they
got the idea for the toy store at
the end of last September and
resigned from their teaching
positions, found an empty build-
II !
ing on the mall downtown, and
opened for business by the end of
Most of the toys are creative
and uncomplicated.
Paddle balls, marbles, octa-
soopes, and handpuppets are a
few of the old-fashioned toys to be
found there.
O'Conner said that she keeps
a file fa new ideas. The children
often tell her about toys that they
have seen elsewhere and would
like to have.
According to O'Conner, her
background with children has
been a great help.
She previously specialized in
learning disabilities in the county
school system.
"Here, we're trying to reme-
diate with pleasure. So many toys
are available for this purpose
O'Conner noted that the store
doesn't carry nationally adver-
tised products, because they can
be purchased just about any-
"If parents will dare to try our
toys, thev'll love them
i i r
HAPPILY EVER AFTER, a new toy store on the mall, houses the
dreams of every child. Photo by Pete Podeszwa
Prototypes of all the toys are
placed within easy roach of small
O'Conner feels that the child-
ren come faithfully every Satur-
day because they are allowed to
handle the toys, sit on the floor,
and play in a playhouse in the
back of the store marked "Kids
One little boy in a hooded blue
jacket sat on the floor playing
with a wooden soldier while
O'Conner talked to him.
"We give the kids something
to do with the other eleven
months of the year after Christ-
mas said OConner.
In fact, the store seems more
like a nice place to spend
Saturday afternoon and play than
a business.
The little boy's blue eyes
widened as he picked up a bright
orange wooden duck from
Most of our things are from
other countries. Other countries
show more care and concern for
A doll house from Sweden has
everything from lights that really
work to a shower massage. And
there are miniature finger pup-
pets from Italy adorning one wall.
O'Conner claimed that the
store has been quite successful
and attributes that to the fact that
they offer toys that cannot be
found elsewhere in the state.
"We had people here at
Christmas from Raliegh who were
unable to find what they wanted
O'Conner also said that the
children and toys are fun to work
"It has been the most fun and
that's the truth. Toys are so
pleasant. It doesn't matter if it
doesn't fit or if it's not the right
The motive for buying toys is
pleasure and people who oome to
shop are in a really good mood
According to 0'Conner, her
major motive is to help reinforce
basic developmental skills.
"We're trying to prove that
learning can be fun
Any by the looks on the
children's faces in "Happily Ever
After she'sddng just that.
PHYEdept. now offers course
in 'good old square dancin'
Staff Writer
Classrooms can be used fa
fun and entertainment, at least
when used by the East Cardina
University Square Dancers.
At 7 30 on Tuesday nights, the
group changes a classroom in the
basement of Memaial Gym into a
square dance hall.
Nelson Jarvis, the caller, uses
a record player, speakers, a
miaophone and a odlection of
recads to get things rdling.
Jarvis, 16, is from Ayden and
is the center of the activity.
With a miaophone in his right
hand with his fod patting to the
music, he makes the calls to keep
pairs moving.
I started square dandng two
years ago said Jarvia "At
schod everyone thinks you're
square to be a square dancer, but
I enjoyed it and was proud d it. I
kept at it, and now I'm a caller fa
Eastern Nath Cardina
After "squaring up where
four couples face in to fam a
square the calling begins.
Couples perfam what seemed to
be complicated routines with
grace, while responding to each
call given. If a call is unclear,
Jarvis explains it at the end d the
"It looks complicated, but it's
simple if you know your left from
your right said Jarvis. "Clog-
ging is hard, but I oould teach
anyone to square danoe
The ECU Square Dancers is
an intramural dass that students
can audit.
Anyone is welcome to take the
dass, which is infamal and has
about 10 to 30 students, said
Nancy Brown, dass coadinata.
"I've been square dandng fa
about seven years said Brown.
"Being in charge of this dass
means I cdled the fees fa
refreshments and bring the Kod-
Acading to Jarvis, the dass
learns the basic 75 moves of
Western style square dandng.
See DANCING, pg. 10
Page 9
1 February 1977
'A Star'is com
Presenting the greatest threat to diabetics since the invention of
French pastry, the film "A Star is Ban" opened in Greenville.
The only surprise in thisfilm isthat there are simply no surprises in
this film. It can be classified as the greatest American resource of
blatant symbolism, maudlin phrases and melodramatic conventions.
The only tragedy in thisfilm isthat a great star should stoop to doing a
mere star vehide and that a talented composer should be made to look
like a ctoss between Jim Marison and Dennis the Menace.
The songs, which are the only occasional strengths of the film,
parallel the emotional situations of the leads and explicate changes in
pld direction. It isoperettalike in that there is a great deal of musical
narration, and all adion ceases when Kristofferson a Streisand
The adion of the film oommenoes with the mental and physical
degeneration of John Norman Howard (Kris Kristofferson). On his
cocaine and alcohd engendered road-to-ruin, he meets Esther
Hoffman (I swear one day she'll play a gentile) (Barbra Streisand), who
is an undiscovered 25-ish singer of enamous talent. In no particular
ader, they then proceed to : fall in love, he stops drinking, they get
married, he goes on tour, she steals the show (unintentional), she
becomes great, he resents it, she still loveshim, he starts drinking, she
goes on tour, Lassie and this movie bdh die in the process and John, to
the tune of Esther's biggest hit, slams his Alfa Romeo into the side d
the road, dying that she might live and grow. If anyone is still left in
the theater at this time they see the gross finale of Esther doing a
medley of John's last songs written to her.
And I thought the Indians gave us can.
Joan Didion and Frank Pierson combine to aeate tne wast
saeenplay since "Abbd and Costello Meet the Godfather The
dialogue is pretentious and sentimental. They allow it to run rampant
with lines the likes of:
"hearing you sing is like hooking a big Marlin"
"if you ever die, I'll kill you"
"if you love me, I'll hate you"
Evocative theatre being obviously nd the intent of thisfilm, there is
still little in the lines that can be associated with true affedions and
judgments. The gaudy over-publicized love-stay is little mae than a
weak vessel fa Miss Streisand's voice and Mr. Kristofferson'ships (a
Miss Streisand is non-pareil as a dramatic singer but years on the
Schmaltz" circuit have rendered her unable to rock and rdl. Her
jagger-like motions are faced and too achestrated and she appears
fcolish. Without one of the most magnificent sets of pipes of this
generation, these flacid and melodramatic songs would have
collapsed of their own weight.
Kris Kristofferson simply cannd ad. In the early part of film,
where all he must do is stagger around drunk, depressed and stoned,
he is adequate. He has been a John Naman befae. He cannd,
however, find the necessary emdion in himself to play parts that face
him to move from his adual charader. That fs the essenoe of acting
and he simply lacks the spark. The songs he is made to perfam
subvert what is a genuine musical talent and it is no small surprise that
as executive producer, Miss Streisand had a say in the editing
This is star oriented cinema at its wast. Miss Streisand evokes
none of the emotions of her earlier films and the music is nowhere near
as strong. I give this movie ate star, Vz fa a soundtrack that inductee
far too much saeaming and Vi fa the excellent phdography.
Maynard Ferguson

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 1 February 1977
Preservation Hall excels at Cajun jazz
Staff Writer
The Preservation Hall Jazz
Band had lousy intonation, no
dynamic contrast and a lack of
precision in their performance at
Mendenhail Student Theatre last
Thursday night-and I couldn't
care less!
Because they had something-
call it soul, call it spirit, call it
whatever you like-but that
"something" turned a potentially
dull jazz concert by some antique
pro's into a foot-stomping, finger-
snapping, hand-dapping, head-
nodding, hip-wriggling night of
These seven grandfathers in
the gray wrinkled suits played
New Orleans jazz-nothing re-
fined or subtle or sophisticated,
just blaring Dixieland straight out
of a Bourbon Street saloon.
Even the names are straight
out of the Dixie past: Alonzo, the
scene stealer on drum set with the
acrobatic sticks, Chester on bass
fiddle with his dassy, swooping
pizzicato, Hank the ivory-tinkler
with his topless upright, Father
Al chomping gum in rhythm with
his banjo-strumming, Manny
shooting runs out of the barrel of
his darinet, one-legged Ernie
blasting out old-fashioned trum-
pet licks,and last but not least,
Preston, sliding the trombone and
ducking and bobbing to acknow-
ledge the applause and the
laughter and the delighted re-
"Basie St. Blues "China
Boy "You're Nobody's Sweet-
heart Nowthe Band zipped
through about twenty of those old
tunes. A short intro, a raspy
vocal, a quick lick by each of the
old charmers and a snappy finale
of pure homemade musical fun.
Even the old Baptist standard
"Just A Closer Walk With Thee"
fit into the pattern and was
strangely appropriate amidst the
saloon jingles.
Typical was "Rambled" �
"He rambled all aroun In an'
out of town, 'Til the butcher got
him down
The sing-along "I Ate Up the
Apple Tree" was another crowd-
pleaser- "Sittin' with relaxation,
Lookin' at the apple temptation, I
ate up the apple tree Need I say
The mischievous spunk of the
jazz men spurred the overflowing
audience into an equally bold
mischief, espedally during the
overwhelming favorite "When
The Saints Go Marching In
The popular piece started with
a standing ovation, induded a
25-people chain through the
aisles led by Manny, Preston and
Father Al, and ended up with a
free-for-all dance session on the
It was fun and it was wild-the
third smashing success in a row of
Artist Series oonoerts.
Artist Series, I don't know
how you do it, but keep it up! I
can't wait 'til your next produc-
Continued from pg. 9
After graduating, a danoer should
be able to dance under any caller.
The dass does an American
form of square dandng, accord-
ing to Brown. Steps come from
different countries and are
incorporated into square, drde,
and single dandng.
"Square dandng is becoming
more popular said Jarvis. "At
one time it was mostly an adult
form of entertainment, but now
more younger people are starting
to enjoy it
Having a good time is what
everyone is after while dandng as
Jarvis sings the calls to "Honkey
Tonk Square Dance Blues
The dass consists of about
half ECU students and half
" I do it for the enjoyment and
to have a good time said a
member of the Tar River Twilers
of Greenville.
"I took square dandng in
physical education class and
continue to take such dasses
because it's good entertainment,
and it's a way to meet people
while getting some exerdse
said an ECU biology student.
During the 1800s, square
dandng was a form of organized
recreation and entertainment. A
lack of transportation and sodal
groups enhanoed its importance.
A barn or flat outside area oould
be formed into a dance floor and
callers often played the fiddle.
In Eastern North Carolina,
dubs often meet in different
towns every Saturday night,
according to Brown.
Jarvis' last call is "Grand-
mama's Feather Bed
This is a fast number that
some danoers look puzzled over
during the calls.
At the end, the dancers pitch
in to sweep the floor and put the
desks back in order.
The danoe floor loses its spirit
and is quickly transformed back
toadassroom, until next Tuesday

rr �
1st time in Greenville in 2yrs.
Featuring Harley Hogg & The Rockers
TUES.& WED. 10th AVE

1 February FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Bishop andDoheny show ingenuity,
'What's Wrong'has plenty wrong
Staff Writer
Looking like a youthful Bob
Dylan and sounding more like
Paul Simon than Paul himself,
Stephen Bishop has made his
debut into the recording field with
a pleasant and carefully made
album. CARELESS is comprised
of 11 original songs which touch
on a variety of pop music's styles,
but tends to oonoern itself mainly
with soft acoustic tunes made to
order for Bishop's creamy tenor
While shining on guitar and
vocals himself, Bishop is aided in
his efforts by such names as Eric
Clapton, Larry Cariton, Chaka
Khan and Art Garfunkel to name
a few. Each guest proves their
individual virtuosity as is best
exemplified by Chaka Khan's
vocals at the end of "Save It Fa
A Rainy Day" or Art Garfunkel's
soothing harmonies throughout,
where at times he and Bishop
team up to remind us of the old
Simon and Garfunkel sound with
a new twist.
While the arrangements are
all fitting and the caliber of
performance extremely high, the
album as a whole lacks a kind of
productive ap-
proaches greatness at times but
then again it leaves the listener to
bridge the gaps and fill the holes
with one's own instinctive imag-
ination. This is not such a tragic
flaw however, and there are
definitely enough positive attri-
butes to keep CARELESS on most
critics' good side. The best cuts
are the bouncy "Save It For A
Rainy Day" and the gentle title
cut "Careless While his name
is not well known, Stephen
Bishop is a first-rate singer-song-
writer, and CARELESS is an
album well worth listening to.
Andrew Gold's cover oxioept
PICTURE? is an extremely clever
one, asking the reader to find the
many oddities contained on the
cover photo, such as a floating
chair, a hot dog in a hamburger
bun, anc an electric guitar
plugged into a telephone to name
only a few. However the compli-
ments stop here, for once the
needle is put on the disc it is
evident that a more suitable title
would be WHAT'S WRONG
WITH THIS ALBUM?, tor there
are equally as many things wrong
with it as the oover photo.
Gold came to be known
through being the mainstay of
Linda Ronstadt's band, and with
Linda's growing popularity in the
past few years, so came more
recognition fa Gold. It got to the
point where Gold put out a solo
album in the fail of last year
simply entitled ANDREW GOLD.
The album was musically sound
and came off much like a
Ronstadt album with a male
singing lead vocals, for the
musicians and style were pract-
ically identical fa both. All in all,
except fa the pea lyrics, it was a
pretty fair first effort and left
good reason to believe that with a
little more solo recading exper-
ience and some diligent wak in
the lyrics department, his second
album might really be something
to anticipate.
With all of this grandeur
preceeding, it would be quite an
understatement then to call
WHAT'S WRONG a disappoint-
ment. The music while containing
a few bright spas, is basically
extremely baing and the lyrics
areharible, epitimized in Gold's
poetic lines, "I feel down, down
on the ground loosely taken for
a "Dick and Jane See Spot Run"
episode. Gold himself has a part
in the producing, arranging,
writing and playing. He has
previously proven that he is a
talented musician along with the
other people in his band, but good
musicians don't usually sound so
great unless they have good
music to play, and that is the
problem here. Gdd'ssongwriting
has simply regressed, and while
producer Peter Asher does his
best to salvage what he can, the
cards are heavily stacked against
him. The thing that seems so
incongruous is that there is some
first-rate mataial on this album,
which tells us that Gold is still
capable of writing good songs.
"Lonely Boy "Must Be Crazy"
and "Go Back Home Again" all
have qualities of brilliance, how-
ever three songs can't carry an
album. Through it all however,
Gdd's voioe does maintain a
steady bright spot on the album
and helps to compensate fa sane
of theaher weaknesses. Even so,
the album would have to be
considered a disappointment, but
maybe we were expecting too
The past few years has seen
pop music go through a type of
stylistic fusion mixing jazz, rock,
soul and folk and making it nearly
impossible to put a label on most
of today's music. The reason fa
this lies mainly in the fact that
certain types of music have
gained more exposure and be-
cause public taste has beoome so
Such is the case with HARD
CANDY by Ned Doheny, fa it
encompasses a variety of styles
with each song adding a new twist
to the overall effect. The most
redeeming features of the album
are Doheny's smooth voioe and
the effortless way he presents his
songs. The production and song-
writing are aspects of the album
which take a little more time to
appreciate, but are equally as
unique in their presentation.
Doheny does nearly all of the
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guitar wak and guests like the
incomparable Tom Scat and the
Eagles' Glenn Frey and Don
Henley, help to make the instru-
mental end of HARD CANDY
extremely impressive. While his
style is very diverse, imagine a
musician who lies somewhere
between Van Morrison and Boz
Scaggs and that would most
closely resemble Doheny. The
best tunes are the haunting "Get
It Up Fa Love" and "If You
Should Fall but the whole
albumdeservesan onen �ar
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Page 12
1 February 1977
Welborn enjoys
winning ways
Assistant Sports Editor
A sign above the offioe door
reads, "Wrestling Spoken
This statement sums up the
drive and determination of the
man who occupies that room.
He is John Welborn, East
Carolina University's head wrest-
ling coach, assistant athletic
director, and chairman of the
Southern Conference Wrestling
Since coming to ECU in 1967,
Welborn, 38, had coached his
team to a phenomenal 86-10-3
"I can't come right out and
say that our success has foroed
some schools to re-evaluate their
wrestling programs Welborn
said. "It wouldn't be fair to say
that outright. I am proud of our
success and it does give you a
feeling of satisfaction to know
that teams make it a goal to beat
East Carolina
Evidence of ECU's -success
under Welborn is clear since the
Pirates have been able to upgrade
their schedule every year.
Already this season, ECU has
wrestled three of the nation's
traditionally better teams,
Lehigh, ranked fifth in the
� -
dual meet record. His teams
have won five straight Southern
Conference Championships and
have sent five teams to the
National Collegiate Athletic
Association Championships.
"Our wrestling program has
been a source of pride for
everyone involved with ECU ever
since John Welborn took over as
coach said Bill Cain, ECU'S
director of athletics.
"He is loyal to East Carolina
and he is a class individual
Welborn took over a program
that had little money to work with
and was far from successful.
Welborn still has the obstacle
of a limited budget, but ECU now
has one of the finest wrestling
programs in the South.
"The formula we use here is
really quite simple Welborn
" I just try to put the best team
together with the material we
have to work with and with the
money we have available. We try
to recruit a kid we think can
compete on the college level.
After that it's just simply a lot of
hard work
Wei born's hard work has paid
off. Since he became head coach,
ECU has dominated the sport of
wrestling in the Southern Con-
ference and the state of North
Many say Welborn's success
k,as had a lot to do with the fact
?hat athletic programs at some
other schools within the state
have only recently started to
omphasize wrestling.
national polls, Wilkes and West
"We got West Chester on the
schedule five years ago Wel-
born said. "That was a great step
for our program. Getting Lehigh
and Wilkes to compete against us
shows the improvement we've
made. They wrestle some of the
finest teams in the oountry
ECU's budget does not enable
Welborn to recruit the nation's
top notch wrestlers.
Welborn recruits mainly in the
East, and concentrates his efforts
in the states of North Carolina,
Virginia, and New Jersey.
"These states have provided
us with most of our athletes
said Welborn. "In the future we
may recruit Pennsylvania and
New Yak and possibly Ohio
ECU lost a wealth of talent
last season, and Weiban is in the
midst of a rebuilding year.
"We have a lot of new faces
on our team this year and we will
not be favored in as many
matches this season as we have
been in the past Weiban said.
"We will just have to wak that
much harder
As ECU'S assistant athletic
director, he aganizes schedules
fa all spots, except football and
basketball, and serves as Bill
Cain's right-hand man.
Hard work usually brings
In the case of John Weiban,
this has to be true.
The recad speaks fa itself.
Pirates beat Davidson,
break losing streak
Staff Writer
East Carolina played a near-
perfect second hald Saturday
night against Davidson and broke
a four-game losing streak with a
76-56 romp over the Wildcats in
Minges Coliseum befae 2,500
The Wildcats dominated the
Bucs in the first half, running out
to an 11 point lead early and
holding a five point advantage at
the half.
But in the second half, the
Pirates shot 60 peroent from the
floa and outrebounded the Wild-
cats 28-5 to roll up the big win.
"This is the first time this
season we've gotten total pro-
duction from everybody in-
volved said a happy Dave
Pattern after the game. "We
played like we have been playing
in the first half. But in the second
half we ga after 'em. That is the
first time this year things have
gone our way in the second half
The Pirates' defense was so
tough in the second half the
Wildcatsshot only 30 percent and
committed 11 turnovers. The
Bucs pressed all over the court
and Davidson could not break it
effectively. Davidson mentor
Dave Pritchett called that the key.
"Their press sure won the
game fa them. We could not
break it. And it hurt our rebound-
ing. We did not get an offensive
rebound in the second half
Patton too thought the de-
fense was the key saying, "We
have been living and dying by the
defense this year. So goes the
defense, so goes East Carolina
The Pirates started out very
slowly as the Wildcats ran out to a
17-6 lead. ECU came back to
make it 17-16 befae Davidsai
lenathened their lead back out
The scae stood 32-27 at the half.
With Davidson leading 36-31
early in the second half, the
Pirates ran off ten oonsecutive
points to take a 41-36 lead. The
Wildcats dosed the gap to one at
41-40 befae the Pirates ran off
six more unanswered points.
East Carolina gradually
lengthened the lead out to the
final margin of 20.
Davidson's John Gerdy, the
Southern Conference's leading
scaer, finished the game with 21
points to lead all scorers. Marvin
Lively added 12 fa the Wildcats.
Herb Gray, caning off several
sub-par perfamances, led the
Pirates with 15 points while Jim
Ramsey added 14 and Larry Hunt
13. Billy Dineen ran the offense to
near perfection, hitting on four
long-range jumpers, dishing off
five assists and not making a
The Pirates outrebounded
Davidson 51-22 in the game. Hunt
led with 15 while Greg Canelius
pulled 13 and Gray eight. No
Wildcat had ever five retrieves.
After shooting 30 percent
during the first half, the Pirates
finished the game with a 45.1
percentage. Davidson shot 58
peroent fa the first half but
ended up with just 44 percent of
their shas going through the
hoop fa the gme.
East Carolina will not play
again until Saturday night when
they travel to Cullowee to face
Western Carolina. The Pirates
came from behind earlier this
year to defeat the Catamounts
70-62 in Minges Coliseum.
Pirate grapplers whip
favored Tarheels, 22-14
Staff Writer
The old saying 'On any given
day' was put into proper per-
spective Friday night by the East
Carolina wrestling team. The
Pirates were heavy underdogs to
lose their first match eva to
North Carolina. They just wot
not allow that to happen, taking a
22-14 win over the 19th ranked
Tar Heels befae 2,500 saeaming
fans in Minges Coliseum.
"I'm just as elated as I can be
to beat Carolina this year said a
very happy John Weiban follow-
ing the intense match. "They've
put all kinds of money into their
program and built it up enough to
be ranked in the top 20. I really
didn't think we had much of a
chance. They were the big
favaite and we just out-wrestled
"I'm really tickled to death.
This was definitely a team
victay. It ranks among the best of
wins fa East Carolina. Two years
ago, ve beat Cal-Poly and they
were ranked seventh in the
nation. This one rates with that
one, only this one is much
sweeter because it was
There were three turning
points in the match, in the 142,
158 and 177 pound weight
At 142, Tim Gaghan was
leading Tim Reaume by a 4-3
count when he injured his arm
with just 1.17 left in the match.
After an injury time out, Gaghan
told Weiban he wanted to keep
going. Reaume used Gaghan's
injury to reverse him to take a 5-4,
lead. Obviously in pain, Gaghan
managed to escape with just 17
seconds in the match to insure a
tie. Welborn said Gaghan
"snowed a lot of guts continuing
with the injured arm
Another big turning point
came when Steve Goode beat
Mike Benzei in the 158 pound
class. Benzei is a highly touted
wrestler who usually goes at 167,
but made weight at 158 fa this
match. Benzei had a 9-2 mark
coming into this match, but
Goode gave him a sound beating,
Jay Dever, the Pirates 177
pounder, has been known to get
up fa the big matches. But trying
to think of him beating an ACC
champion sounds a little far-
fetched. Dever, however, proved
everybody wrong again. Dever
and Dean Bria fought to no
scae in the first period. With
Bria ai top in the second period,
Dever quickly escaped and took
Bria down. This gave him three
points, enough fa victay. Bria
managed to escape in the second
and third periods, but Dever won
the match 3-2. Bria came in with
a 13-2 mark.
Paul Osman showed a lot of
determination in his match at 134.
Osman injured his ankle in
practice on Tuesday. Weiban
listed him a doubtful all week and
even on Friday was not sure his
star could move enough to win.
Osman was steadfast in that he
was going to wrestle. And wrestle
he did. He stopped Chris Conk-
wright with a 7-3 decision.
Conkwright came in with a 13-2
record and was confident of
victay until Osman got a hold of
Otha Pirate victaies were
Phil Mueller with a superia
decision over Carter Mario at 167,
9-1, John Williams' superia 19-8
win over Nam Walker at 190, and
heavyweight D.T. Joyner's 7-0
win over Charlie Quaile.
Carolina's victaies came at
118, 126, and 150. Scott Conk-
wright, braher of Chris, punea
out a 9-2 decision over Wendell
Hardy in the opening match. Joe
Galli pinned the Pirates' John
Koenigs in the 126 pound match
in 1 39 while the Tar Heels' Jeff
Reintgen, who came in with a
16-1 recad, scaed with a 13-6
decision of Frank Schaede in the
150 pound weight class.
See WRESTLING, page 13)

Fayetteville Freshman
1 February FOUNTAINHEAD Page 13
Powers plays with desire
Kyle Powers, former star for
Pine Forest High School, was a
determined young man when he
enrolled at ECU last fail. His
objective was to prove some
people wrong about his basketball
playing ability on the major
college level.
That determination, which has
resulted in hustle with reckless
abandon, has produced to a great
degree the results Powers had in
mind when basketball practice
opened for the Pirates on Oct. 15.
The timid, youthful faced
forward has started the last five
games for East Carolina, eight of
the 17 games played this year,
including the season's opener.
That is far more than most folks
had expected, according to
Powers, and perhaps more than
he himself had expected.
"Lots of folks back home
didn't think I oould oome up here
and play noted Powers. "Most
thought I should be at a smaller
school. In fact, some of the other
college coaches asked me when
recruiting me if I wanted to come
here and sit out for two years. I
guess I was a little brainwashed
myself with all that talk.
"I fully expected to play here,
but I figured it would be later in
the season when most of my
playing time came. Starting that
first game was a real surprise, but
one that I think I earned with my
preseason play. It s good to be
playing as much as I am, and I do
like the starting role. I think I play
better as a starter than as a man
off the bench
While statistics do not reflect
his true role in the East Carolina
attack, they are edging up
weekly. Through 17 games,
Powers is averaging 4.1 points
per game and 1.7 rebounds per
game. Maybe that's nothing to
brag about, but something that
could be far better if his shooting
touch would just return.
"I don't understand what's
happened to my shooting he
moaned. "I've looked at it on
film, I've practiced on itbut the
ban just is not going down for me.
Right now, I'm only shooting 35
percent from the floor and I'm a
far better shooter than that. In
high school offense was my game.
It was the defense I was worried
about here. But it seems every-
thing has been just the opposite
from what I expected
Despite his shooting being
less than expected, Pirate Coach
Dave Patton definitely is pleased
with the way Powers is playing
overall and the positive attitude
he has displayed from day one.
"Kyle is playing with more
maturity right now than at
anytime this year noted Patton.
"This maturity is the reason Kyle
is playing so well for us. I just
wish all of our players would start
with the maturity that Kyle is
While some may have
questioned his immense desire to
attend East Carolina, Kyle was
making an impression on Dave
Patton that strongly re-enforced
Patton's own feelings about his
signing Kyle.
" Kyle came into my off ice one
day before we had decided to give
him a grant-in-aid. He said that
whether he got the scholarship or
not, he was going to attend East
Carolina, that he would make the
team and that he would contri-
bute even as a starter.
"That's when I knew Kyle
Powers was my kind of player.
His positive attitude and his great
desire to play for East Carolina
oonvinoed me that we would make
Continued from page 12
The crowd, in a big way,
helped each Pirate wrestler in
their matches. Welborn said,
"The supporters really helped us
in this one. We're going to need
the same kind of support from the
students and wrestling from the
kids next Monday night against
State. Heck, they're defending
ACC champs
The Pirates now stand 6-2 in
dual meets this year while
Carolina drops to 7-4. N.C. State
will invade Minges Coliseum
Monday night, Feb. 5 to bat .
the Pirates. The Wolf pack has
beaten ECU just once in the
series between the two schools.
In last Thursday's FOUNTAINHEAD it was reported that Ted
-Nieman was January's Athlete-of-the-Month. Nieman was actually the
Athlete-of-the-Month for December.
the right decision by giving him a
grant-in-aid. And we did
If one had to tab the outstand-
ing mark of Kyle Powers on the
basketball court for ECU, it likely
would be the same thing Kyle
says is his biggest asset.
" Hustle-that's what I got
going fa me right now states
Powers very firmly. "It was
hustle that got me the starting
role in the opening game and it
was hustle that got me back into
the starting role five games ago
And Patton fully agrees. "Oh,
yes, very definitely it was the way
Kyle came on and got after it in
preseason that earned him his
position. Through his hustle,
Kyle learned quickly about de-
fense, the one item lacking from
his game. Man-to-man defense is
a great deal hustle and that's
what Kyle had played too little
of in high school
While the early season games
favored Powers, a slump set in.
The seventh game found Powers
on the bench all night. And that
was the last game before Christ-
mas break, a long time for Powers
to think and ponder what had
"I just went through a let-
down explained Powers. "I
guess my offense wasn't there,
and for me at the time, if my
offense was not there, my game
was gone. Then I decided I was
tired of not playing. I told myself
that I had to forget about the
offense and regain my con-
fidence. So I just started working
harder and once again that has
paid off
Over the last five games, the
toughest stretch of the season to
date for the Pirates, Kyle has
averaged 27 minutes per game
playing time.
The latest dividends came on
Wednesday night against Old
Dominion University. He scored
a career high 13 points, hitting
seven of eight from the line. He
also had two assists and only
three turnovers in 29 minutes of
For Kyle Powers, hustle has
become a way of life at ECU. In
fact, Kyle has hustled himself
Across from
113 Grande Ave.
right into a starting berth with the
purple and gold.
For those who said it oouldn't
be done, Kyle Powers has done it!
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Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 1 February 1977
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Pirates shellacked by
Old Dominion ,86-74
Staff Writer
Old Dominion picked up their
15th victory of the season against
just two losses Wednesday night
with an 86-74 win over East
Carolina in Minges Coliseum.
The Monarchs used a 19 point
surge to take the lead in the first
half of the regionally televised
game and never relinquished it
"We really played terrible
tonight said a dejected Pirate
coach Dave Patton following the
game. "We just cannot get
everybody playing together in any
one night. Tonight they were just
better than we thought
The Monarchs, in first place in
the East Coast Athletic Con-
ference, fell behind the Pirates by
ten points in the early going and
looked as if the Pirates might be
able to pull off the upset.
After Louis Crosby's jumper
from the corner put the Pirates on
top 16-6, freshman star Ronny
Valentine hit two quick baskets to
close the gap to six. Kyle Powers
then hit on a jumper and that was
all the scoring ECU oould manage
for five minutes. In those five
minutes, Ronny Valentine and
Wilson Washington hit on a
variety of shots until the Monarch
lead reached 11 at 29-18.
One of the factors in ODU's
success was Pirate center Larry
Hunt having to sit on the bench
with three fouls. The lead reached
14 points a oouple of times and
stood at 44-30 at the half.
The Pirates cut the lead down
to ten early in the second half at
58-48 before the Monarchs went
on a 23-7 tear to open up their
biggest lead at 81-55.
East Carolina outscored the
Monarchs 19-5 for the remainder
of the game mainly because of
Greg Cornelius. The sophomore
transfer continually drove to the
22 turnovers to just 13 for ODU.
The Monarchs picked off 54
rebounds to just 47 for the
Pirates. Washington led Old
GREG CORNELIUS scores two against ODU.
basket late in the game and
picked up a couple of three point
Valentine ended up being the
game's leading scorer with 25
points while Washington added
18 for Old Dominion.
Cornelius led the Pirates with
21 points while Hunt added 14.
Freshman forward Kyle Powers
hit 14 to round out the double-
figure scorers for East Carolina.
Bad shooting hampered the
Pirates once again as they shot
only 36.4 percent to 45.7 for the
Monarchs. ECU also committed
Dominion with 14 while Valentine
grabbed ten. Hunt with 15 and
Cornelius with 13 led ECU.
The Monarchs, who earlier
won a tournament which included
undefeated Wake Forest and
Mississippi State, were the fourth
team in a row the Pirates faced
which has been a big winner. East
Carolina had faced VMI, William
and Mary, and Furman, the
Southern Conference's three
leading teams, on the road in
The oombined record
of the four was 48-16.
athletes announced
Staff Writer
Cary Godette, Susan Helmer,
Jill Dill, Kathy Zwigard, Tom
Long, Gale Kerbaugh, Cathy
Callahan, and Heather Jones
head up FOUNTAINHEAD's list
of Fall sports stars on ECU'S
Godette won the football
award by about two to one over
Pete Conaty in the voting by
FOUNTAINHEAD'S sports staff
and the Sports Information Of-
fice. Behind Conaty came line-
backer Harold Randolph running
back Eddie Hicks, defensive end
Zack Valentine, quarterback Mike
Weaver, and defensive backs
Ernest Madison and Reggie Pink-
Godette was named third
team all-America by the Associ-
ated Press and has been all-
conference for three years in the
Southern Conference. He led the
team in quarterback sacks and
tackles for loss of yardage this
season. The Pirates finished with
the third best defensive in the
Helmer was named Athlete-
of-the-Month in October for her
fine efforts in tennis. Helmer
finished the season with a fine
14-2 record and led her team to a
fine 10-3 season. She was the only
nominee from women's tennis.
Dill came through in the
clutch in cross country and
finished 15th in the conference
meet. This enabled the ECU team
to finish fifth in the conference,
their best finish in quite a few
Zwigard dosed out the field
hockey season as the team's
leading scorer and landed a berth
on the second team all-Souh
squad. She won over Gail Betton,
a first team all-South member, in
very close balloting. Linda
Christian, a defensive specialist
on the team, was also nominated.
Tom Long has been one of the
top defensive players on the
soccer team for quite a while and
this year garnered all-Southern
Conference accolades for the first
time. He was picked the top
soccer player over Pete Angus by
a large margin. Angus finished
the season as the ai! time leading
scorer at ECU and was picked
second team all-Southern Con-
ference by the coaches.
Gale Kerbaugh showed that
all volleyball players did not have
to be real tall. At 5-6, Kerbaugh
led the Lady Pirates in volleyball
even though they suffered
through a losing season. She was
the only nominee.
Cathy Callahan won the award
for women's swimming for her
work in the diving events. She
finished third in the three-meter
dicing at the state meet in
December. That was highest
finish of any swimmer or diver on
the team. She won over Cindy
Sailor and Patti Redeen.
Heather Jones, a freshman
from Cary, N.C, rounds out the
fall sports stars with her good
year in women s gent. Jones led
the golf team throughout most of
the year and finished eighth in
the state tournament. She won
the award over Marsha Person.
All of the Fall sports stars, by
virtue of their being selected, will
be in the running for the
Athlete-of-the-Year to be voted
upon in May.

puts in two against four
Davidson defenders in last
Saturday night's game.
Gray led the Pirates with 15
points and had eight re-
Phto by Pete Podeszwa)
1 February FOUNTAINHEAD Pttga 15
Track team breaks
5 indoor records
Staff Writer
East Carolina's indoor track
team traveled up to the Pitt
Invitational this weekend and
came away with some sterling
Marvin Rankins and Herman
Mclntyre won an event each for
the Pirates, but the Bucs set three
school records, one meet mark,
and one track record in what
Head Coach Bill Carson called the
"best indoor performances in a
large meet we've ever had
Rankins won the 50 yard high
hurdles with a fine time of 6.2
while Mclntyre shattered the
school, meet, and track record
with a 50-911A jump in the triple
jump on Friday. For his efforts
Mclntyre was named the out-
standing performer in the field
events for the meet.
Other top performances in-
cluded Otis Mel vin's second place
in the 50 yard dash with a time of
5.4 and James Freeman being
runner-up in the 600 yard run in
111.7. Freeman's time set a new
school record.
James McCollough finished
third in the 600 with a time of
1:12.5, while George Jackson also
took third in the triple jump with a
49 foot effort.
Calvin Alston finished fourth
in the 440 yard dash, eclipsing the
previous school mark with a 50.1
clocking. Charlie Moss, who
finished fifth in the same race,
had a 50.1 in the semi-finals but
could manage just a 50.2 in the
The Pirate mile relay team
rounded out the placers by
finishing fourth with a time of
tor sale (&
Alice-758-0497 a 757-6366. Only
.50 a page: (exceptions-single
spaced pages & outlines) Plenty
of experience�I need the money!
FOR SALE: '68 Volkswagon fast
back $350. or best offer. Call
FOR SALE: Collection of 25
albums. Including albums by Yes,
Beach Boys, Hendrix, ELP and
many more. Prices from $2 to $3.
Come by room 415 Aycock any
day after 3CO p.m. now for best
FOR SALE: Texas instruments
SR-51 a electronic calculator.
Adaptor, two owner, manuals,
two operating guides and two
carrying cases included free. Call
752-9905 and ask for Jeff.
FOR SALE: 74 VW Bug $2200.
Contemp. furniture & doublebed
Exoellent condition. Call 752-0903
after 430.
FOR SALE: Fender Princeton
Reverb Guitar amp. $150. Electric
Guitar Fuzz-Wah-Volume Pedal.
4 wans and fuzz sustain, volume,
and intensity oontrols. $60. Send
reply to: Box 3067, Greenville.
FOR SALE: 1968 Chev. Impala.
55,000 little old lady back and
forth to church miles. Air, power
steer needs minor repairs$500.
758-1437 after 930 niahts.
FOR SALE: Peugeot Bicycle,
Blue, like new, best offer. 758-
fect condition. Fa more informa-
tion. Call 758-0794.
FOR SALE: 19" color t.v. $100.00
Electric heater 3 speed $20.00.
typist. 758-3106 (Jane) before 5.
FOR SALE: 4" X 5" Graphic
View II with Schneider Xenar 150
mm. Dagor 358 15 holders. 4
developing tanks and 6 negative
holders. $275. Call John 758-
FOR SALE: Gibson Les Paul
guitar with case and an Ampeg
Amplifier VT-40 worth over
$1,300. All interested people call
FOR SALE: 1964 Triumph Spit-
fire. Will accept best offer - call
758-7415 after 2:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: '71 Opel GT Low
milage, AC, exoellent condition
32 MPG. Call Mark Hurley at KA
House. 758-8999.
FOR SALE: Pioneer receiver 50
wattsRmspr. channel, 2 channel.
AR-2AX speakers. Excellent con-
dition. $350 Call 756-1547.
FOR SALE: 10 week old male
German Shepherd puppy. $60
including collar, leash, & bowl.
Call 758-5364.
FOR SALE: One New Pioneer
Reverberation Amp. Got it for
Christmas, must sell wwarranty
$95.00. Phone 752-4379.
FOR SALE: 1972 Harley David-
son 125 Rapiado. Fair cond.
$225.00. Kasino bass amp. $250.
Call 758-0250 evenings
FOR SALE: 1969 Red Fiat 124
Excellent Cond. 75,000 miles
$200 take up $36mo. payments-
$550 left call 757-6690 9p.m
12p.m Sun-Thiir�
WANTED: A good oook that can
cook fa about 20 guys. Good pay.
Call Sigma Phi Epsiloi at 752-
2941. Hours are 4-6 p.m. Sun
FOR SALE: Janspat Backpack
and Frostline Tent, both Brand
new and super light. Also Dynaco
Amp. contact Jim at 1305 S.
Cotanche St (near Twin Rinks)
upstairs. Come by anytime.
FOR SALE: Wilson T3000 Tennis
Racket-$25.00 Lonny House-758-
FOR SALE: Telecaster guitar,
and J.V.C. Turntable. Call 758-
FOR SALE: Yahama Guitar, good
oondition. Exoellent fa begin-
ners. I50.00 contact Nancy
through ad in Fountainhpan
FOR SALE: 1975 Yamaha �)
Endura. Exoellent oondition 2500
miles $675. 758-9063.
FOR SALE: 1975 Fiat Spider,
AM-FM Stereo, tape player, wire
wheels, excellent condition,
$3,850 call 756-6768 after 530.
FOR SALE: 2 Tennis Rackets, 1
10-speed bike. Cheap 752-6439.
FOR SALE: '66 VW great fa in
town would need wak fa trips.
$350 a best offer. 752-4479
MUST SELL: Sunn studio lead
amp hardly used. $175.00. Call
Maria 752-9022 fa more infam-
FOR SALE: New-Clairol "Kind-
ness 3-way Hairsetta" with mist
a regular oontrol. Pins & Condi-
tioning mist treatment included.
Only $20.00, call 758-9225.
FOR SALE: Texas Inst jments
SR-51 A scientific calculata. Trig
functions, slopeinteroept, three
memaies much more. Canplete
with Operating Guide, Owner's
Manual, carrying case and AC
adapta. Rechargable and still
under warranty. Definitely a
bargain at $42.00. Call Jeff at
752-9905 a come by 411 Jones
WANTED: One a two female
roommates for Village Gr.Apt.
$50 pa month plus utilities. Call
758-0595 afta 3.
NEEDED: Male roommate to
share apartment $47.50 per
month plus utilities, must be
dean and adaly. Call 752-3853.
to share apt. Rent and util.
$55mo. Call 752-0081.
NEEDED: Roommate fa Spring
Quarter. Big house. Call Decky a
Larry afta 6.00 p.m. 752-2859.
FOR RENT: Private roans and 2
baths fa male student. Available
on March 1. 758-2585.
LOST: Ladies wrap around swea-
ter. Brown with diffaent oolaed
stripes around it and a Navy blue
tie belt. Lost in Jolly Rogas. If
found call 752-9907 a bring by
818 Greene Dam.
LOST: Pumpkin oolaed shat
ooat wfur collar. Lost at Elbo
Room Friday (1-21) No questions
asked. Call 758-9728.
L.OST: Watch-Blue band, blue
face Between Memorial and
Aycock. 75&6S24.
LOST: Brown cowhide wallet.
Cal 1-758-9895, 618 Tyla. Lost in
the vicinity of Speight a Brews-
LOST: A brownish-green scarf.
Very old and has holes. Of great
sentimental value. Arah VenaWe,
Call 758-6120, Clement Hall.
FOUND: Pair of glasses at the
track. Call 752-0424.
FOUND: someone who listens
and helps. You don't have to be in
a aisis to call a cane by the
REAL aisis centa. Counseling
and refaralsare what they offa.
They're free, too. Call 758-HELP.
personal (X
NEEDED: Someone to sub lease
apartment March-to August, 127
Avay, Apt. 6, 758-4771 afta
"PORTRAITS by Jack Brendle.
YOGA LESSONS: exacises to
calm the mind and slim the body -
way of life. Classes faming now.
Call Sunshine, 752-5214 afta 9O0
p.m. ai Maid, and Wed afta
530 all aha nights
this year's resolution be a betta
figure! Call Sunshine, 752-5214
afta 930p.m. onMon.andWed.
afta 530 p.m. all aha nites.
student would like to prepare
income tax returns evenings and
weekends Reasonable rates. Call
756-4180. Typing services also
RIDE NEEDED: To Charlotte
Friday. Can leave anytime, Janet
Pope 423 Tyla, 758-9670.
NOTES NEEDED: Despaately
need oomplete & legible notes fa
HIST 50, (unda Dr. Still fall
quarta) to clear up an incom-
plete! Please call 758-6700 NOW,
if you can help! Will pay fa good
NEEDED: Twin bed with mat-
tress. 752-9340.

Page 16 FOUNTAINHEAD 1 February 1977
11:00 TO 10:00
11:00 TO 11:00
U.S.DA choice beef cut fresh daily
For the full month of February, No. 12 will be on
special Mon.�Thur Lunch and Dinner

Fountainhead, February 1, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 01, 1977
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