Fountainhead, January 25, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for 51 years. With a
circulation of 8,500, this
issue is 12 pages.
Gilmore, p. 6
Rape lecture, p. 7
Visit Argentina, p. 8
Vol. 52, No.fl
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
25 January 1977
Task Force
picks editor
SGA Correspondent
The SGA, Monday evening, named Susan Roger son as 1977-78
"She impressed us quite a lot, and she has a lot of good ideas
said SGA Vice-President Greg Pingston, chairman of the BUCCA-
NEER Task Force.
"It was a unanimous vote by the Task Force to bring her in as '77
BUC Editor concluded Pingston.
Rogerson informed the legislature that, as the situation is now.
there will be only senior individual pictures in this year's annual.
"We felt the students would rather see student life and student
activities rather than the pictures added Vice-President Pingston.
"We will have to charge $10 per book, and they will not be as large
as usual according to Editor Rogerson.
According to Rogerson, a representative of Hunter Publishing Co.
will meet with Her on Wednesday to discuss specifics of this year's
In other business, Tommy Thomason, SGA Treasurer announced to
the legislature there was $2,125.00 in overdue emergency loans.
The SGA Emergency Loan is an interest-free loan available to
students by the SGA.
In an effort to instigate payments on the loans, Thomason
announced students would work on a commission basis in the Student
Fund Accounting Office, calling students with over-due loans,
probably on a daily basis.
"If the loans have not been paid back by February, I will present
this back to you (the legislature) to see if some legal action can be taken
or an investigation made on the matter concluded Thomason.
In addition, the legislature passed a resolution to the Faculty
Senate requesting some type of time limit set regarding the return of
test papers to students.
"We want to recommend this to the Faculty Senate to think about,
and also to think about the effect (the late return of papers) has on the
students said Legislator Sam Collier.
New Hanover
leads black male
New Hanover County, home
of the Wilmington 10, has the
highest rate of imprisonment for
black men of any Norm Carolina
county, according to a newly
released study by the North
Carolina Social Research Cor-
The rate of imprisonment in
state prisons for all of New
Hanover's black men was 2.3
percent on September 16, 1976.
Following New Hanover were
Henderson, Stanly, Union, Lin-
coln, Buncombe, Mecklenburg,
Forsyth, Catawba, and Ruther-
ford Counties in order.
Rates of imprisonment for
black men in these counties
ranged from 2.2 percent to 1.5
percent. Other populous counties
with high rates were Governor
Jim Hunt's nome county, Wilson,
which was11th place; Durham (in
15th); Wake (in 19th); Nash
(21st); Lenoir (22nd); and Guil-
ford (25th).
The study shows current rates
of imprisonment for both black
men and white men fa all 100
North Carolina counties on
September 16, 1976. The study
ind that all but seven counties
I. J higher rates of imprisonment
fa black men than white; these
seven counties were small west-
ern counties with virtually non-
existent black populations.
North Carolina counties vary
widely in how heavily they are
imprisoning black males, but they
vary far less in how heavily they
are imprisoning white males.
The highest county rates of
imprisonment fa white males are
oily about 0.5 percent. And
there are 84 out of Nath
Carolina's 100 counties which
have higher rates of imprison-
ment fa black men than even the
highest county rate of imprison-
ment fa white men.
Eastern counties were found
to have very much higher rates of
imprisonment, in general, than
western counties; but this ap-
pears to be due statistically to the
fact that mae blacks live in the
east propatioiately than in the
THE REAL CRISIS Center has set up a program to educate ECU students on the problems of rape.
Real Crisis Center offers
rape education and aid
Co-News Edita
A rape aisis group has been
famed at REAL Crisis Center to
help educate and aid ECU
students in the problems of rape,
according to Mary, a REAL
The group was aganized last
spring in response to the rape
scare that occurred at that time.
However, REAL wakers are
coicerned that students are na
aware of their services.
"We want to let people know
that we exist, because people are
becoming panicky cva the recent
reported rapes said Mary.
"It we can't prevent a rape, at
least we can help the victim cope
with it
REAL of fas two maja ser-
vices fa rape victims.
The first service is a rape
victim companion, which may be
either male a female.
"Their primary function is to
be a friend. It's important fa the
victim to have someone with
them accading to Mary.
Wakas at REAL feel that a
dose friend is na necessarily what
a rape victim needs after such an
"Being raped is obviously a
traumatic experience, and it is not
always easy to face people that
you know said Mary.
She said that the companiat
can undastand the reactions that
An article in Thursday's
paper entitled "Drinking,
Accidents Related left the
impression that the wreck
in which ECU Student
Susan Underhill and six
aha young people wae
killed was the result of
drinking. However, this
was not the case. No
alcohol had been consumed
befae the accident.
the girl is undergoing and at the
same time ok at the problem
voiced n hospital and police
procedures so they can let the girl
know ahead of time what to
"We can help them get into a
mae ratiaial state
The function of the rape aisis
group is to educate students
about rape.
"The educatas go out to
groups to talk about rape. We tell
them about some of the myths
about rape, such as certain girls
are asking fa it and that the way
a girl dresses has a la to do with
Accading to Mary, thae is a
REAL counsela on call 24 hours a
day so students should na be
afraid to contact the office at any
"The reason that we want
people to know about us is
because we care
Research grants
total $235,899
A total of $235,889 was
awarded ECU during December
to support several coastal-
related research projects and
service programs.
All funds aiginated from the
National Oceanic and Aeronautic
Administration Sea Grant pro-
gram except fa $28,000 fran
Texasgulf, Inc.
The Texasgulf award will
suppot a study of the ecology of
the Pamlico River Estuary to be
directed by Dr. William H. Queen
of the ECU Institute fa Coastal
and Marine Resources.
A NOAA grant of $120,938
was awarded the ECU Division of
Continuing Education to continue
ECU'S continuing education pro-
gram fa commacial fishamen.
Otha NOAA funds will sup-
pat research projects in biology,
chemistry and geology, all of
which relate to the environment
of the Nath Carolina coast.
The largest amount, $41,486, is
earmarked fa a study of shae-
line erosion and accretion to Le
conducted by Dr. Vincent J. Bellis
of the ECU biology faculty ana
Drs. Michael 0"Gonna and Stan-
ley Rigs of the geology faculty.
John W. Osbane of Durham
has been named Area 36 chair-
man fa the ECU stadium fund
raising campaign, accading to
general chairman R.L. (Roddy)
Osbane will head the fund
raising effot in Durham, Orange,
Person and Caswell counties,
Jones said.
A native of Bethel Park,
Penn Osbane is a 1969 grad-
uate of ECU'S School of Business
with a B.S. BA in economics. His
ECU alumni activities include
being a leada of Pirate Club
activities in Fayetteville and
Durham fa the past six years,
serving on the executive commit-
tee and board of directas of the
Pirate Club and as a memba of
the ECU Athletic Council.
The fund-raising drive is
designed to raise at least $2.5
million to inaease seating capa-
city of Ficklen Stadium to nearly
40,000 and provide aha stadium

Alpha Delta Wrestling
Page 2
25 January 1977
Crisis Center Alpha Phi
The REAL Crisis Center has a
program to oounsel victims of
rape, and to educate students and
the community about rape. If you
need a friendly, confidential hand
or some information, contact
Crafts Show
It was announced today by
Eastern Carolina Shows that two
arts and crafts shows are sche-
duled in Greenville for 1977. The
first show will be held in Pitt
Plaza shopping center on April 8
and 9. The second show has been
scheduled to be held in the Evans
Street Mall on July 8 and 9. Both
shows are open mainly to North
Carolina arts and craftsmen.
Eastern Carolina Shows is mainly
interested in promoting show fa
Carolina Artists and Craftsmen.
There are eighty spaces available
for exhibitors who wish to enter
either show. Those artists and
craftsmen who are interested in
exhibiting at this show should
contact Eastern Carolina Arts and
Crafts Promotions Rt. 7 Box 340,
Greenville, N.C. 27834. The entry
fee is $15 per space for instate
craftsmen and artists and $25 fa
out of state people.
BUC staff
The 1977 BUCCANEER needs
a staff! Money has been appro-
priated by the SGA fa salaries fa
the following positions: Activities
Edita, Athletic Edita, Academic
Editor, Organizations Editor,
Copy Edita, Advertising Mana-
ger, Asst. Ad. Mgr and Sub-
scriptions Manager. Anyone
wishing to apply fa these posi-
tions can do so by ooming to the
BUC off ioe from 9-11 a 3-5, a by
calling 757-6501 between these
hours. Also needed is volunteer
help. If there aren't enough
applicants by Jan. 28, there will
be NO BUC, so apply now!
Moonlight bowling is back.
The Mendenhall Student Center
Bowling Center now offers this
unique bowling experience on
Friday and Sunday evenings from
8 p.m. until closing. Come by the
Center and test your skills under
the moonlight. It'sagreot change
of pace.
Alpha Phi is sponsaing a
FONZ-look-a-like contest Tues
Jan. 25, from 830-1 in the Elbo
Room. Cost is 25 cents in
advance, 50 cents at the doa a
25 cents if in 50's dress. Prizes
include a $10 gift certificate at the
Recad Bar, a case of beer, an
Elbo Pass and a $10 gift certifi-
cate at 3 Steers a the Raffle
winner. The coitest is at 10, the
raffle drawing at 1030.
There will be a meeting of the
Special Entertainment Committee
Thursday, Jan. 27 at 4 in the
Student Union Lounge. Future
bookings will be made.
A series of discussions on
comparative religion will begin
Thursday, Jan. 27, at 730 p.m. in
Rm. 238 Mendenhall Student
Center spoisaed by the Bahai
Association. A filmstrip on
Buddhism will be shown. Guests
are weloome.
Good men
Anyone interested in starting
a new national social fraternity on
the ECU campus, call 758-8997
and ask fa Bob, a 758-0260 and
ask fa Jerry a John.
Rho Epsilon Real Estate Fra-
ternity will meet on Tuesday,
January 25, at Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. Plans fa the Winter
Quarter Initiation Banquet will be
discussed. Everyone's attend-
ance is requested.
Co-op Name
Would you like to win a $5 gift
certificate to Daryl's? The Coop-
erative Education Of f ice needs an
aiginal, eye-catching title fa
their newsletter.Turn in your idea
fa a oo-op newsletter name to the
Co-op Office in 313 Rawl any day
from 8 until 5. All entries must be
in by noon, Jan. 28. The winner of
the $5 Daryl's gift certificate will
be announced in the February 1
edition of The Fountainhead.
Like going out fa dinner?
How about eating in candlelight
and listening to music? Then this
offer should interest you Stu-
dents majaing in Foods, Nutri-
tion, and Institutional Manage-
ment prepare delicious meals
which include an appetizer, en-
tree, vegetables, dessert, hot
rolls, and unlimited refills on tea
a oof fee; and the whole meal oost
just $3. Serving time is at 630
p.m. in the Inst. Management
Dining Room. The dates fa these
meals are Feb. 2, Feb. 9, and
Feb. 14.
Fa reservations fa 1, 2, a all
of these days, send your money,
include your address to: SDA co
Donna Hill, Dept. of Home
Economics, ECU, Greenville.
Reservations are limited. Make
checks payable to SDA. Tickets
will be mailed to you.
Organ donors
The next meeting of Alpha
Epsilon Delta will be Tuesday,
Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. in Flanagan
307. The speaker fa the evening
will be Dr. Schweisthal, chairman
of the department of anatomy at
ECU'S medical school. The topic
fa the evening will be agan
donas, and all interested persons
are invited to attend.
Wall Cheer
The Pirates can use all the
support you can give. Here's a
suggestion: A good way to
psych-out Old Dominion (a any-
oieelse) when ECU plays them at
hone, in Minges, would be to
give the "WALL CHEER Here
is how to do it: When the visitas
are having their names announ-
ced and their team introduced;
everyone turn and face the
bleachers with their backs to the
court and cheer real loud,
(applause is awfully effective)
Everyone get involved. We oould
also have balloon night where
everyone is given balloons to
throw, (not water) The "Wall
Cheer" was used at V.P.I, last
year and was very successful
when they routed Wake Faest.
The Jan. meeting of the ECU
League of Scholars will take place
Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 730 p.m.
in Austin 209. Mr. Boudreaux will
be present to discuss the future
membership of the League. Also,
plans will be discussed fa a
symposium in the Spring. Please
Angel Flight
ECU Angel Flight will hold its
spring rush on Jan. 25 and 26.
Everyone interested in finding
out about Angel Flight please
oome to Wright Annex 201 at 6
p.m. on the 25 and 26. Refresh-
ments will be served.
Alpha Epsilon Delta, the
pre-medical honor society, is
preparing fa an initiation in the
spring. The requirements for
entrance into AED is a 3.0 overall
average, a 3.0 science average,
participation in a month long
pledge period, and a willingness
to attend and participate in AED
meetings and projects. Any inter-
ested persons can get further
information from Dr. Wayne
Ayers in Flanagan a pre-med
advisay office BA-303.
East Carolina's NCSL delega-
tion was at UNC-Charlrtte this
past weekend attending the Jan.
Interim-Council. There was a
great deal of important infama-
tioi exchanged at the meeting so
all ECUNCSL'ers are asked to
stop by the Multi-Purpose room
in Mendenhall at 7:30 p.m. on
Jan. 25, to finalize our legislation
and begin preparations fa the
1977 Session in Raleigh.
Do you like blue grass,
oountry, rock-n-roll, a do you like
just plain old boogie music? If you
do, the Coffeehouse is the place
to be Friday and Saturday, Jan.
28 & 29 at 8 p.m. in Mendenhall
rm. 15. Admission isonly 25cents
and there are plenty of refresh-
Acct. Society
There is a VITA meeting
Thursday, Jan. 27, from 7 to 9 in
Rawl 204. There will be an
introductay lecture on the VITA
Alpha Phi
There will be a meeting of
Alpha Phi Gamma on Wed Jan.
26. The meeting will be held at
5:00 in the FOUNTAINHEAD
office. All members who wish to
make the Nashville trip are urged
to attend.
MRC Dance
The MRC is having a dance
February 10, at the American
Legion building. The group fea-
tured will be "The Embers
Tickets will be $3 per couple.
Proceeds go to the stadium drive.
So gals, find you a date from the
hill and oome along. Fa mae
infamatiai, contact any dam
house oouncil member a dam
oounsela. Tickets are at first
come first serve basis.
ECU'S wrestling team will
host Carolina this weekend in
what is to be one of the Pirate's
biggest matches of the season.
The match will be held this Friday
night at 8 p.m. at Minges.
Everyone is urged to oome out
and suppat the team.
ECU'S chapter of the Psycho-
logy Hona Society (PSI-CHI) is
spaisaing a retreat Saturday,
Jan. 29 oi Sunday, Jan. 30 at the
Ramada Inn, Atlantic Beach. Its
purpose is to learn mae about
communication and other psycho-
logy subjects in an informal
environment. A Bus will leave
from in front of Speight at 8 a.m
Saturday, Jan. 29 and will return
participants to campus Sunday,
Jan. 30, at 4 p.m. All interested
students should apply no later
than noon, Jan. 28.
There will be a symposium
oommittee meeting Wednesday,
Jan. 26 at 5 p.m. in room 228
Mendenhall Student Center. All
those interested in attending
please call Tim McLeod pria to
the meeting.
Poetry contest
Complete rules fa entering
the annual poetry contest spon-
sored by the North Carolina
Poetry Society, Inc are now
available to anyone wishing to
submit poems for the 1977
competition. Winners will receive
cash awards and their poems will
be published in the Poetry
Society's annual A ward- Winning
There are eleven contest
categories which include a variety
of subjects and poetic forms
ranging from the sonnet to Haiku.
Two special contests are reserved
fa students, ate fa grades 3-8
and the other fa high school and
college students.
Seven categories have N.C.
residency requirements while the
other four are open to poets
anywhere writing in English. The
deadline for submissions is
March 5. Membership in the N.C.
Poetry Society is not a prerequi-
site fa entering the oontest.
Anyaie who wishes to receive
the complete oontest rules may do
so by addressing an inquiry to
Isaac S. Lassiter, P.O. Box 552,
Canoor, N.C. 27229. PLEASE
Need a job?
All persons interested in a
high-paying position with WECU,
contact the station at 757-6656.
This involves sales with a 20
commission rate.

Historical Assoc.
seeks membership
25 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
The 43-year-old Southern
Historical Association, a national
organization which publishes the
Journal of Southern History, is
actively conducting a campaign to
increase membership.
Dr. Joseph F. Steelman, pro-
fessor of history and director of
graduate studies in histay at
ECU, is chairman of a 32-member
national committee on member-
ship for the association. The
membership campaign, Steelman
said, is directed at graduate
students in histay and institu-
tional memberships fa municipal
and county libraries.
Library memberships make
the journal generally available to
the public, Steelman said.
The committee also is seeking
sponsoring memberships from
businesses, corporations and
foundations, he said.
Nath Carolina membership
applications may be obtained
from Dr. David Eliades, professa
of histay, Pembroke State Uni-
versity, who is directing the
membership campaign in the
Nationally, the Southern
Histaical Association now has
approximately 5,000 members.
The quarterly journal, first pub-
lished in 1935, has been sponsor-
ed successively by Louisiana
State Univasity, Vanderbilt Uni-
versity, the University of
Kentucky and now The Rice
University, Houston.
The association is devoted to
the encouragement of teaching
and research in Southern histay
and in preservatioi of recads of
the South's past.
The Journal of Southern
histay circulates in ail of the
United States and some 25
faeign countries. Generally, it
carries artides relating to the
South and also features an
exoellent book review section as
well as news and naes about the
histaical profession.
In addition, the association
awards four prizes on a regular
basis fa books and articles on
Southern histay.
Dr. Richard L. Watsot Jr of
Duke University, is 1976-77
president of the Southan Hista-
ical Assoc.
SNOW, HUH? Promises, promises.
Photo by Russ Pogue)
CIA link to Brooklyn
professor revealed
Brooklyn College political science
department charged in early
January that a fellow faculty
member had violated academic
standards and "would warrant
removal" because he had agreed
to "oovat intelligence-gathering
activity fa the Central' Intelli-
gence Agency
Michael I. Selzer, a political
science professa, is described by
colleagues as "a specialist in
psychological profiles of political
extremists Some of the col-
lege's faculty members specu-
lated that Selzer's relationship
with the Agency involves ex-
change of infamatioi pertaining
to Selzer's psychohistaical re-
search. Selzer once confided to a
fellow professa that he had done
work fa the CIA in Europe,
where he has been researching
the psychological recads of Bel-
gian and Danish oollabaatas
with Nazi occupiers during Wald
War II.
A spokespason fa "Counter-
spy" magazine in Washington,
D.C. characterized Selzer's re-
lation to the CIA as "standard
operating procedure" for the
Agency's university connections.
In the past year, a Senate
oommittee investigation caused a
flurry on U.S. campuses when it
disclosed that the CIA maintains
contacts with individuals on more
than a hundred campuses across
the oountry.
The "Counterspy" spokes-
person cited a number of ob-
jectives of the CIA in universities,
among them, suppating research
trips to gather intelligence on
faeign oountries, receiving ad-
vice on how to manipulate
societies to the advantage of the
U.S. government, and spying on
faeign students.
When oontacted by LNS, an
official at the CIA headquarters in
McLean, Va refused to comment
on the Agency's relationship with
Selzer, but admitted that the CIA
maintains ties with faculty mem-
bers at a number of universities.
Although he maintained that the
connection was not oonsidaed a
"covert operation" and was
unclassified, he said that he could
na release names of univasities
a professas with CIA ties unless
faced to do so by a successful
challenge under the Freedom of
Infamatioi Act.
Sports wo rid
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Tuesdays-Lady's Night 6:30-11:00
All ladies admitted for $1.00
(includes skate rental)
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Free skate rental with
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For more information call 756-6000
Bo' Weavils'
1100 Myrtle Avenue
nusucd Yarns by
Come by and see our complete
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"VCplu8 tax MonThurs.
Crabcakes. slaw, french fries plus
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Fish, slaw french fries, hushpuppies.
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
Open 4:30-9:00 MonSat. 752-3172
2 miles east on highway 264
(out 10th St.)
Lautares Jewelers
Registered Jewelers Certified Gemologist
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See George Lautares
ECU Class'41

" j. � � � ' � . � - 'kit tii �
Page 4
25 January 1977
Objectivity and politics
The editorial which appeared in FOUNTAIN-
HEAD on Thursday, Jan. 20, mistakenly criticized
SGA Speaker Ricky Price for not informing the
legislature of their "legal duty" to screen seven new
Publications Board members. Since the constitutions
or bylaws of all SGA sponsored organizations require
annual approval and the legislature apparently had
not given Pub Board's bylaws the yearly okay when
amendments to it were vetoed last Spring quarter,
then pub board was officially defunct. Contrary to the
previous editorial, Price would have been outside his
legal authority to have directed the legislature to
appoint new board members.
Although legally in the clear, Price is nonetheless
guilty of not forewarning the legislature of the
possible consequences of not reestablishing a
publications board. And just about the worst of
consequences has occurred, especially to the
BUCCANEER, in the absence of a credible authority
which should be relatively free from political
pressures. Without this technically informed liaison
between SGA and the publications the latter must
seek their operating funds by direct request from the
same student government on which it should be
objectively reporting. This applies to the student
newspaper more so than to other publications.
Such a system is a journalist's nightmare, a
tainted experience fa any student contemplating a
career with the "socially responsible" press. For
student journalists preparing to enter the profes-
sional world, a setup in which the media has to
politically shake the hand that feeds them, the same
hand which may require an editorial slap now and
then, provides a firsthand look at First Amendment
freedoms gone awry.
Granted, there has to be student input into
publications which operate with student funds. But
this control should be vested in an authority either
directly or indirectly chosen by the student body, yet
free from daily political manipulation. An authority
which is empowered to oversee the day-to-day
operation of the publications and to act as a
technically informed lobby for both the publications
and the SGA. How many more BUCCANEER-type
debacles must students suffer before Price realizes
that direct SGA control of publications is a mistake?
Serving the East Carolina community fa over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Business ManagerTeresa Whisenant
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
Nevvs EditorsDebbie Jackson
J. Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports Editor Anne Hogge
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Student Government
Association of ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Otfkm: 77-636, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscription: SKLWerwHtaHy tor aon-studmth $6.06 tor
Unfair screenings charge denied
I am writing in response to
allegations that the Screenings
Committee was unfair in the
screening of a day student, Soott
Bright. I placed a FLASH in the
Fountainhead on Thursday,
December 16, 1976, to inform
students that there were day
student positions open and that a
Screenings meeting would be
held the week following Christ-
mas vacation. I placed another
FLASH in Tuesday, January 4th,
1977s paper.
Speaker Price blasts editor

Mr. Elliott, I see you are a
person of your word. You said on
November 11, 1976 during a
budget hearing of the Appropria-
tions Committee, that if the SGA
denied your requested salary
increases and convention trip and
general travel budget: "There
already exists anti-SGA feeling
among my staff. If you do this
(deny te increases it will cause
them to surface
Comments like that are very
revealing, and I think that the
students of ECU have a right to
know the real reason for your
constant, biased coverage of
Student Government. You ob-
viously resent having to ask for
funds from the student body
through student government, but
the cuts I've made show the type
of Editor you are.
The major reductions were in
salaries, conventions, and travel.
When the new SGA Executive
officers came in this past Spring
they faced a horrible situation.
SGA had spent over $n9,000 in
salaries last year. Among other
things, the SGA President cut his
own salary by $25. a month.
When you and your ataff like
everyone eiee, were asked fa
'A�ry cuts, you wjMd have
thought the world was coming to
an end. That, though, was not the
worst thing we did, we cut out a
little trip to Chicago you and a
oouple of staff members had
planned. (By the way, not a single
SGA person has used student
funds to travel out of state, but,
then, you are special.)
The way you' ve distorted the
Buc issue, your obviously hostile
Pub Soar abides, and your
editorials rnearfirjhe )�, "The
anti-SGA feelings (will) surface'
They have!
Mr. Elliott, you have refused
to print letters that criticized you.
When I asked you why letters are
not printed you said "we cannot
print just any old letter or we wW
have nine pages of forum
Maybe nine pages of what
students think is better than one
paragraph of what you "know
Ricky Price
Forum Policy
Forum letters should be
typed or printed and they must
be signed and include the
writer's address. Names will
be withheld upon request.
Letters may be sent to Foun-
tainhead or left at. the Informa-
tion Desk In (i6mhojt Stu-
dent Ceptm. vr fe.
I personally contacted 11 out
of the 13 applicants to inform
them of the meetings to be
held on Wednesday, January 5 at
7XX) p.m and on Thursday,
January 6 at 4XX) p.m. The other
two applicants did not have phone
numbers on their applications, so
we posted a sign on the SGA
offioe door and informed the
Executive Secretary so that if
those without a phone got in
contact with the SGA office, the
proper information oould be given
to them.
One of the applicants without
a phone was interested enough to
find out when the oommittee
meeting was and came to the
oommittee to be screened. We
received no response from Scott
Mr. Bright stated Hi Ms latter
that Hob Bent on, another appK-
aanUflbived no contact from the
SGA Screenings Committee; in
fact, Mr. Benton was contacted
by fhe and made the meeting and
watjreened for the position!
mi Obviously Mr.
It not interested in repre-
senting the student body, merely
In amazing the SGA Screenings
The 9GA Screenings Commit-
tee has taken the stand that those
wfJlre truly interested in a
Leplwfor position will get in
touch with the SGA offioe to get
the proper information.
ti.�Ji �
:2? -a

- ' '
Student government
racial quotas overruled
25 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Staff Writer
The United States Fourth
Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled
that the use of racial criteria and
quotas in student governments
cannot be justified under the
Constitution and has declared
minimum quotas for Blacks at the
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill both unlawful and
A three judge panel, speaking
Thursday, Jan. 6, in the case
involving Lawrence A. Uzzell
against UNC President William
C. Friday, held that the Univer-
sity requirement of a minimum
number of Black members of the
student government oouncil, and
the provision for a mandatory
majority of Black judges for any
University oourt trying a Black
student, blatantly fouls the
letter and the spirit of both the
Civil Rights Acts and the Four-
teenth Amendment
The plaintiffs, two UNC stu-
dents, argued that racial dis-
crimination is wrong, not only
when it is practiced against
Blacks, but also against whites.
The decision overruled an
earlier opinion of federal District
Court Judge Eugene A. Gordon,
of Greensboro, N.C which con-
tended that the quota provisions,
were in no way discriminating
toward the plaintiffs
Boy-girl problem
listed number one
Kent, Ohio - (I.P.)Male-
female relationships is problem
Numero Uno says one Resident
Director at Kent State University,
and she's supported by others in
counseling positions. College age
students, they believe, are
searching for definition in many
ways, and sex roles can become a
souroe of real anxiety.
Another student problem is a
crisis in identity, in personal or
goal orientation. Dr. John T.
Akamatsu, director of the Psycho-
logical Clinic, sees the identity
problem as a function of leaving
home and ooming to a place
where the value system is dif-
ferent from the one the student
has known.
Many students seek non-
professional help - an instructor,
their academic adviser. A col-
league shakes his head and adds,
"you've got to decide, without
any training, 'What do I tell this
student?' Where do we draw the
line? It's like playing with fire.
It's so damned hard to know what
to do with them because you're
not trained. We can explore
alternatives, but I will not play
with a student's mind
264 By-Pass
Next to Pitt Plaza
Present this ad to your waitress, with
your choice of the specials below.
Reg.Less 10
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time to February, 1977.
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Wilson J. Bryan, Jr
Secretary of the North Carolina
Fund for Individual Rights, hailed
the ruling.
"The oourt finally states un-
equivocally that the provisions of
the Civil Rights Acts and the
Fourteenth Amendment prohibit
discrimination against White as
well as Black citizens
The ruling will have no effect
on ECU since it was never
required to have a minimum
number of Blacks in student
government or the judiciary.
" We' ve never been concerned
with this. They've never given us
any quotas to follow said James
H. Tucker, Dean of Student
According to James Mallory,
Dean of Men, Friday's rule never
concerned ECU.
"We have no quotas said
News desk: Thurs4:15,
staff writers meeting
Be there!
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t-i -

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 25 January 1977
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Titliest and Topflite Golf Balls regularly $16.50 now $11.50.
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Gilmore first criminal
executed in ten years
United States' first execution in
over ten years took place January
17 when Gary Gilmore was shot
before a Utah firing squad. The
case had captured nationwide
attention over the past few
months ever since Gilmore an-
nounced his desire to die rather
than face a life of imprisonment.
Toward the end, the situation
took on what many have de-
scribed as a "carnival atmos-
phere with Gilmore's suidde
attempts thwarted by prison
authorities and the rights to his
story bought up by movie agents.
"The exploiters were all around
him said one observer LNS
spoke to. "There's something
very sad about the way his body
gets parcelled out and how his
story gets parcelled out and the
whole thing becomes a kind of
oommerdal enterprise
In the aftermath of the
execution LNS oontaded several
groups and individuals outspoken
in their opposition to the death
penalty. Most people expressed
the belief that some psychological
barrier had been broken in
executing Gilmore that would
make it easier for other exe-
cutions to follow.
"It will all be routine again
said Aryeh Neier, executive di-
redor of ACLU, which waged a
legal battle to try to stop the
Gilmore execution. "They will be
cyphers rather than real human
beings, and it's much easier to
execute a cypher
In many ways, death penalty
critics pointed out, the Gilmore
case was able to mobilize the
public's emotions in favor of the
death penalty. "It's significant
because it's dearly a typical case
and therefore public opinion is
affeded in a way that distorts the
nature of the punishment said
one legal worker for the NAACP
Legal Defense Fund, which has
been in the forefront of the fight
against the death penalty.
I mean that Gilmore is not by
any means a typical death row
inmate. Most people on death row
do not want to die
"My off-the-cuff readion is
that Gilmore adually made it
easier fa the death penalty to
The Tree People give you
food for thought.
Pizza Salads
Sandwiches &
Italian Style Dinners
WE CARE about what you
put in your tummy because
nice people eat at the Tree
House. What about you?
oome back by acquiesdng (to his
execution instead of filing for
appeals) Daniel Steinbeck of
the New York Prisoners Legal
Services said. "It probably made
it easier to have the first
execution one where the prisoner
himself asked fa it, rather than
some poa black man in the South
who's a more likely candidate
Of the approximately 400
people now on death row in the
U.S almost half of them are
black, and all are poa. "Clarence
Darrow onoe said that no rich man
was ever executed and I suppose
that's right ACLU's Neier told
In 1972 a Supreme Court
decision effectively voided all
existing death penalty statutes on
the grounds that they had been
"wantonly and freakishly" ap-
plied to blacks, other minaities
and the poa. But in its July, 1976
reversal of this decision the
Supreme Court upheld the death
penalty in states that provide fa
sane fam of independent sen-
tendng hearing afer a guilty
verdid. Most critics feel that this
will not prevent the disaimin-
atay application of the death
"Unfortunately the dis-
aiminatay impact goes beyond
just the issuance of the death
penalty explained Vida Goode
of the National Conference of
Black Lawyers (NCBL). "For
example, the way crimes are
investigated, who is actually
charged with a capital offense,
the way juries are oomposed in a
capital offense case. Through
every step of the judidal process
there is much, much work left to
be done to insure that minaity
group people, women, young
people - a basic aoss-sedion of
sodety - are well involved in the
process and radsm gets elimi-
Goode dted the example of
rape oonvidions in the South. An
analysis of 3,000 rape oonvidions
in nearly a dozen southern states
between 1945 and 1965 revealed
that blacks were almost seven
times as likely to be executed
than were whites found guilty of
the same aime. But the dis-
ai mi nation goes even beyond
that, Goode pointed out, since
often whites aren't charged with
lower offenses - fa example,
In its 1976 decision, the
Supreme Court majaity dted two
prindple purposes of the death
penalty: retribution and de-
terrence. However, even those In
fava of the death penalty admit
that statistics on its effediveness
are inconclusive. During the
years when executions did take
place in the U.S Neier pointed
out, neighboring states with
oomparable populations - one
with the death penalty and one
without the death penalty �
would have no difference in aime
Everyone is ooncerped about
aime now stressed Goode. "It
was an issue that was thrust into
national prominence with the first
Nixon eledion - his pledge to
combat aime on the street, the
massive amounts of money that
have been poured into police
departments, and the national
media attention that's been given
to sensational aiminal events .
"And then the aime statistics
themselves, particularly in urban
areas, keep getting wase. People
are looking fa sanething to
believe in that the situation will
get better
"The real dilemma is that
very little analysis has done about
aime as it relates to the sodal
strudure of our sodety Goode
oontinued. "What we (NCBL)
have discovered is that aime,
even ai a small scale, is usually
eccnanically aiented and tied to
the economic strudure of this
oountryFa example, there's a
relationship between crimes
against property and the unem-
ployment rate in the country.
"Furthermae, what people
don't realize is that the American
culture accepts a relatively high
degree of violence as legitimate.
It's only when the violence spills
over into what are defined as
"illegitimate" activities that
there's shock, dismay and con-
"The aiminal justice system
has always been removed from
the scrutiny of the general
population oonduded Gcode.
"As long as this continues,
people will be the vidims not only
of aime, but of that system
AFROTC honors
cadet airman
Sharon Elizabeth Boyd of
Rocky Mount, ECU aophomae
and cadet in the ECU Air Face
ROTC detachment, has been the
detachment's "Cadet Airman of
the Quarter
The title, awarded three times
each year to an outstanding
student in the AFROTC eaps, is
based on leadership ability,
military bearing, military court-
esy and disdpline, and ability to
Cadet Boyd is adive in the
campus rtOTC Cda Guard and
was a ledger in the recent Red
Drive sponsaed by
iment. She is the
tint Griffin of 106
rt, ftecky Mount,
graduate of Rocky
High School.
The detachment also an-
nounced eleven cadet appoint-
ments for the fall quarter.
AFROTC Cadet Caps positions
are assigned as part of leadership
training and are rotated each
quarter during the academic year.

� �
Staff Writer
Frederick Storaska, Executive
Director of the National Organiza-
tion for the Prevention of Rape
and Assault, will deliver a lecture
on "How To Say No To a
Rapist-And Survive
The program will be held in
Wright Auditorium at 8 p.m. on
Wed. Jan. 26.
Storaska's program is de-
signed to provide both men and
women with a realistic understan-
ding of the elements that consti-
tute an assault and to give women
the psychological preparedness
and physical techniques neces-
sa y-no-to-rape
set for Jan. 26
25 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Papa 7
sary to thwart any possible future
confrontation with rape or ass-
Deploring the usual "scare
tactics" employed when dealing
with rape, Storaska instead cre-
ates an atmosphere in his pro-
gram that allows this difficult
subject to be discussed easily and
effectively, according to a Student
Union press release.
It is this effectiveness of his
style oomplimented by his wealth
of infamation that is responsible
for the confidence he instills in his
audience and in their ability to
handle the assault situation.
The program will challenge
several prevailing attitudes and
myths among men and women in
our society that promote and
enoourage rape, such as: women
are helpless and cannot deal with
rape and assault, a woman who
hitchhikes wants to be raped, and
one man cannot rape one woman
she must have participated.
Storaska points out that well
over half of all assaults on women
are by someone the woman
Many of l.iese occur in the
dating environment.
Storaska's appearance is
under the sponsorship of the
Student Union Lecture Series
Committee. Admission is by ID
and Activity cards.
Little's Chop Shop
N.E. Bypass 2 Mi. North of
Hastings Ford
We repair all makes and models of
Wesell custom partsand accessories
We do custom painting.
We have pick-up service.
Coming soon- van accessories
Measurable properties
relate to intelligence
Staff Writer
East Carolina psychology pro-
fessor Charles E. Cliett recently
completed research indicating
intelligence is related to certain
measurable physiological pro-
perties of the brain.
Cliett and master's candidate
Harry Youngblood compared the
IQs of female oollege students to
their reaction times to a noise
lasting .04 seconds.
According to Cliett, this
reaction time oould be measured
by a brain wave pattern which
varied according to IQ.
The subjects' IQs, ranging
from 105 to 123, showed a
positive correlation to this brain-
wave pattern, said Cliett.
The subject with an IQ of 105
reacted to the noise in 0.96
seconds, Cliett stated.
The subject with an IQ of 123
reacted to the noise in .062
According to Cliett, 18-year-
old female students were used as
subjects in order to control
variables (differences).
'� lb. Royal Rib Ey� 5t�ak Dinner
Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden
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Regular $2.79 ONLY
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3 Pieces of Flounder, cocktail sauce or tarter sauce, lemon
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Regular $2.39 ONLY
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SALAD BAR r. W 9Wtf' ,k7
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500 W. Greenville Blvd
ECU'S VERSION OF the Alaskan Pipeline mil carry drainage water in
the low lying area between Joyner and Mendenhall.

Page 8
25 January 1977
Crafts give chance
to do your thing
For all of you non-art majors
who have wanted to take a jewel ry
course but couldn't get in; for
those of you who have been trying
since your Freshman year to take
SCIE 111: Photography, but
always got closed out; and for the
would-be potters on the faculty or
staff who have always wanted to
try throwing a pot but have had
no place to try; the Crafts Center
has the answer for you.
Several short, beginning-level
workshops, in various crafts, are
being offered at the Mendenhall
Student Center Crafts Center.
The workshops, taught by stu-
dents in the School of Art, are
available to all students, faculty
and staff.
All interested persons must
register fa the workshops at the
Crafts Center during the regular
operating hours, 2:00 p.m. until
10:00 p.m Monday through
Friday. The last day to register is
Friday. January 28 and class
space is limited.
The workshops available this
quarter are:
BATIK (7100 p.m. -9:00 p.m.
February 2, 9, 16. Basic steps to
resist dye techniques fa produc-
ing designs on fabric. Possibili-
ties include: hangings, yardage,
pillows, scarves, lampshades.
CLASS SIZE: limited to 12
(7O0 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.)February
1, 8, 15. Basic instruction in
darkroom techniques. Students
will develop and print their own
film. CLASS SIZE: limited to 12
p.m. - 9O0 p.m.) February 3, 10,
17. Beginning techniques in
metal wak. Materials, tools, and
equipment used in jewelry con-
struction will be discussed. Pro-
ject possibilities include rings,
bracelets, earrings.
(700 p.m. - 900 p.m.) February
1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17. Basic
instruction in wheel-throwing
techniques, glazing, and firing of
stoneware. Demonstrations and
dasswak will enable the student
to aeate hisher own pottery.
CLASS SIZE: limited to 8
(6O0 p.m. - 9O0 p.m.) February
2, 9, 16. Construct your own
frame loom and learn weaving
techniques fa a craft that can be
fun and inexpensive. CLASS
SIZE: limited to 12 persons.
(6O0 p.m. - 9O0 p.m.) February
3, 10, 17. Learn to use a
four-harnessfloa loom. Making a
warp, warping the loom and
techniques of weaving will be
included in the discussions.
CLASS SIZE: limited to 8 per-
THE KITCHEN will be one of three plays performed by The Acting
Company this week at ECU. The company, led by acclaimed actor John
Houseman, will also perform "Love's Labours Lost" bv Shakespeare,
and "Cammo Heal" by Williams. Photo by Martha Swope
Traveladventure film
Come "visit"Argentina
Clay Francisco will present his
film "All About Argentina" at
Mendenhall Student Center
Theatre on Monday, February 14,
1977, at 8O0 p.m. The film is part
of the Travel-Adventure Film
Series and is under the sponsa-
ship of the East Carolina Univer-
sity Student Union Travel Com-
Francisco opens his film by
briefly reviewing the saga of Juan
Peron, his rise, exile, return, and
the stay of his re-entry into
today's Argentina. The film then
oovers traditional Guacho, and
the Pampa, an almost endless
plain without trees a staies-just
loamy soil, yards deep.
The towering Andes separate
Argentina from Chile, and high in
the mountains is Bariloche, one of
the wff Id's best winter resats. In
Alpine, aie finds huge chocolate
specialities, artisans, a thriving
fashion industry, and lots of night
life where the international ski set
danoe to the Argentine beat.
Clay Francisco is recognized
as one of the leaders in the
film-lecture industry. His travels
have taken him to mae than faty
countries. He has filmed detailed
stories of the most diverse
people, from the primitive Urubu
Indians of the Amazon to the
turbaned Uzbeks of Central Asia,
and the highly complex West
Germans. Among his most adven-
turous expeditions was a four
thousand mile motor journey
through Soviet Union. Today he
devotes all his time to the
Music festival
production of film lectures.
Tickets fa the program are
priced at $1.00 fa the public and
are available from the East
Carolina University Central Tic-
ket Office. East Carolina Univer-
sity students will be admitted by
their ID and Activity Cards and
East Carolina University faculty
and staff members by their
Mendenhall Student Center
Membership Card.
CLA Y FRANCISCO communicates to penguin friend in this scene from
his travel film, "All A bout A rgentina playing Feb. 14 at Mendenhall.
Blue Grass draws crowd
Staff Writer
Although bluegrass and old
time music have deaeased in
popularity through the years in
competition with modern music,
there are still many adamant
fans; the majaity of which must
have been present at the Fourth
Annual One to One Blue Grass
and Old Time Music Festival at
the Attic on Saturday.
By 1 a.m a beginning group
of about 25 people had grown to a
aowd of close to 800.
The bands, the Blue Grass
Experience, the Plank Road
String Band, the the Violet Hill
Swamp Donkeys, took turns per-
faming; each occasionally play-
ing a 'special one' fa the Green
Grass Cloggers.
From an 11 a.m. practice
befae the festival until the last
tune was played, the Green Grass
Cloggers danced non-stop. Their
routines, especially their famous
high kicks which drew extra
applause, were a tremendous
success with everyone. Even
when they weren't perfaming,
they were still ai the dance floor
keeping the aowd hopping.
The Blue Grass Experience, a
band that included a cellist-
turned-comedian who added
humaous introductions to their
songs, played a variety of music
from old classics such as "Your
Cheat in' Heart" and "Hey Good
Looking" to popular songs like
"Rocky Top
The final soig they played
was "Dixie a very appropriate
song because it reflects the
sentiments of all who were there.
Unlike a great bit of American
music whose aigin can be traced
to Britain, this type of music is
southern; it's ours and here is
where it is loved. After all, as
Denes Agay composer said,
"Could 'Dixie' have been written
in any other part of the wald?"
A praninent part of the Plank
Road String Band's perfamanoe
was a solo by their bass oellist.
His description of his perfam-
ance as "something that goes
round and round; and each time it
goes round, you get off on it was
extremely true. They also played
a special "Green Grass Clogger
oommemaation song
As well as being a great fiddle
player, Steve Hickman of the
Violet Hill Swamp Donkeys, is
also good at calling. He demon-
strated this in several square-
dance tunes during which those
not familiar with the fam of
dancing could participate. The
band also offered a fantastic
piano player.
One thing this repater oould
not forget after leaving the
festival was the tremendous
amount of smiling faces there.
What is it about this genre of
music that makes it so illusive;
that makes everyone so free and
spontaneous? As one blue grass
lover put it, "It feels like fun, like
summertime in the country and
sitting on the pach in a rocking
chair chewing a piece of grass
Maybe it's because this sim-
ple, basic talent comes from the
hearts of natural, furr-loving
people and this is sensed by those
listening; a perhaps the answer
lies mainly in ourselves, because
in our complex society in which
everyone seems to have a collage
of masks to put on in the
maning, seeing the seemingly
simplistic nature of the enter-
tainers stimulates one to faget
the past, faget the future, and
live it up now.
Editor's Note
Marquee, the TRENDS entertainment review column, will nc
appear in today's paper. Marquee reviewer David R. Bosnick will,
instead, review the Acting Company's perfamance of Love's Labours
Lost" in Thursday's paper.
We'd like to remind you not to miss the Acting Company's
perfamances at ECU. The perfamances give us a rare chance to see
top-flight drama.

Leisure Learning
1. physically con-
6. where letters are
11. Roman household
12. ex-UPS competitor
13 opposite of
16. delayed for time
19. to exist by begging
20. college in Virginia
21. flat bottomed con-
My massacre
Brenda or Ringo
compass point
string and waxed
to the same degree
Pope's forte
country songstress
"A Bell for "
loose fitting tunic
gas rating
UPI competitor
marine shelter
cause to be (suffix)
their multiples are
81; 729; 6561
villain of TV com-
voter's affiliation
pressure (abbr.)
beetle or bumble-
loom lever
"on a Jet
Rushmore sculp-
tor's medium
to reach by calcu-
4 monarch's seal
5 solid carbon diox-
ide (2 wds)
6 "Pride & Preju-
dice" author
7 takes forcibly
3. electric fish
ship's stabilizer
firewood support
actor's direction
peaceful contem-
"you in Spanish
18. Van Gogh's tragic
"event" in Latin
type of moulding
printer's measure
30. cylinder for hold-
ing thread
35 the Captain's Toni
36. wound covering
O'Neill drama:
"The Hairy "
prefix: threefold
indigo plant liquid
63 religious trans-
64 Hillary's quest
65. treat with regard
1. dry, white wine
2 nourishes or sus-
3. Coward lyric:
" � Dogs and
a first principle
64 across is noted
for it
48. chemical ending
49. unneighborly
"Leaves of"
wrestling arena
tin (abbr.)
56. a coordinating
59. "to see" in Span-
61. shot of liquor
Verdi's Fastaff
Music dept. presents opera
Verdi's comic opera "Fal-
staff" will be presented by the
East Carolina University Opera
Theatre Feb. 2, 3, 4 and 5 at 8
p.m. each evening in the A.J.
Fletcher Music Center Recital
The opera is based on the
adventures of Sir John Falstaff as
adapted from Shakespeare's
comedy, "The Merry Wives of
Windsor and its action oenters
on the well-deserved downfall of
the would-be ladies' man, Fal-
staff, and the eventual union of a
pair of young lovers.
The ECU production, sung in
English, will feature Alan Jones
of Snow Hill as Falstaff, and
Jeffrey Krantz of Charlotte as
Pistol. Other principal roles and
performers include:
Ford, Robert Edwards of
Wilmington; Mistress Alioe Fad,
Lynn Hicks of Hamlet and Joyce
Ford of Travelers Rest, S.C. (on
alternate evenings); Nanetta, the
Fords' daughter, Nancy Thomas
of Wilmington and Christy Sluss
of Charlotte (on alternate eve-
nings) ; Fenton, Steve Walence of
Marshallberg;Dr. Caius, Norman
Alexander Miller III of Wilming-
ton; Mistress Meg Page, Susan
Elaine West of Wilmington and
Claire Hurley of Dayton, Ohio;
Dame Quickly, Susan Hill Pair
and Diane Pickett, both of
Greenville; Bardolph, William
White of Woodbine, Iowa; Fairy
Queen, Robin Kinton of Fuquay
Varina; Host of the Garter Inn,
George Anthony King of White-
ville; Robin, Falstaff s page,
Jerry Deaton of Silver Springs,
Md and Falstaff's servant,
William Ballance Jr. of Fremont.
Accompanists for the produc-
tion are Donna Roman of Utioa,
Chorus members include:
Jane Orrell of Wilmington, Alysa
Smith of Wendell, Cindy Barfield
of Plymouth, Terry Leggett of
Greenville, Gerald Murphy of
Oxon Hill, Md Michael McDon-
ald of Round Hill, Va Linda
Clark of Chesapeake, Va Rhona
Katzof Arlington, Va Katherine
Bearinger of Hagerstown, Md
Jane Harper and Alisa Wether-
ington of Kinston, Cynthia Hotton
of Henderson, Doug Newell of
Roxboro, Stan Benton of Garland,
Keith Henry of Raleigh, Peter
Ward of Cary and Katherine
Griffen of Charlotte.
Tickets for "Falstaff" are $2
each, with seats reserved. They
are available at the campus
Central Ticket Office in Menden-
hall Student Center.
Redish Brown Male
Doberman Answers to Spirit
Lost Monday Jan 17
Near Ice House on 14th
Call Alan 758-3763
25 January 1977 FOUWTAlNHEAD Pagt
uqstjte Qardeii Cetfttr
LKMtf I V� mi to.
All wicker furniture, baskets,
and ceramic pots 26
through January 31
Come see your new store.
�r RECORD W0RM!fi 11

Page 10
25 January 1977
Arm Wrestling tourney
Registration forthe Intramural Arm Wrestling tournament will run
through February 4. The competition in the four weight classes will
begin on February 7 and the championship finals will be held at
halftime of the East Carolina varsity basketball game with William and
Mary on February 10.
This year's competition will feature a special challenge match
between two famous personalities from the Greenville area. Their
names will be disclosed at a later date, when final arrangements have
been made.
Once again those dates for registration are from now until Feb. 4, in
the Intramural Office in room 204 of Memorial Gymnasium.
A number of other events will be starting in the near future. Re-
gistration for women's racquetball doubles closes on Thursday and
registration for men's soccer will begin on January 31.
It was not originally intended to be women's competition in soooer
but the requests have been such that an attempt will be made at a
women's league, too. Their registration will begin on January 31 and it
will run through Feb. 4. There must be five teams in order to form a
women's league, but if five teams don't sign up all teams that have
signed up will be allowed to play in the men's leagues.
Men's organizations might be reminded that soccer will count as a
sport towards the Chancellor's Cup in each division. Team points will
be awarded for each team participating.
Also in the offing isthe men'sand women's swimming tournament.
Registration will open February 7 and run through February 14. The
meets will be held on February 17.
Bucs fall into 'The Pits
lose second straight
Staff Writer
"The Pit VMI's basketball
field house, has been called
several things in its long exist-
ence, among them "Hell, or the
place the snakes are, or the
dungeon A visiting team play-
ing there finds it a very hard place
to win.
East Carolina journeyed there
to place the Southern Conference
leader Saturday and came away
much the same way other teams
do - losing. The Keydets ran
their record to 14-1 and a perfect
5-0 in the SC with a 67-58 win
over the Pirates.
The Keydets, NCAA quarter-
finalists last year with four
returning starters, ran off a lead
of 22 midway in the second half
before the Pirates ran off one last
surge to cup the gap to the final
nine points.
"If we oould just play 40
minutes we'd be OK said Head
Coach Dave Pattern following the
game. "We only played ball for
ten or 12 minutes. We got loose in
the last eight minutes and played
like we can.
"I'm proud of them fa not
folding and in coming back like
they did. This is the toughest
place in the world to play, and we
played real well except in
spurts. The difference in the
game was in the shooting
Shooting was definitely the
difference in the game as the
Keydets hit on 28 of 53 shots from
the field for a 52.8 shooting
percentage while the Pirates hit
just 26 of 67 for only 38.8 percent.
Neither team burned up the free
throw line as VMI hit just half of
their 22 tries while the Pirates
connected on six of ten.
The Pirates out-rebounded the
Keydets 43-38 with Larry Hunt
leading the way with 13. Turn-
overs haunted the Pirates all
night as they oommitted 20 to just
14 for VMI.
The game was real dose for
the first 12 minutes with VMI
leading most of the way by one to
three points. The Keydets then
hit a hot streak and pulled out to a
nine point advantage. The lead
fluctuated between five and nine
for the remainder of the half with
the Keydets going into the locker
room with a 35-26 lead.
In the first nine minutes of the
second half the Keydets stretched
their lead out little by little until it
reached 22 at 56-34. Patton called
a time out and the team re-
sponded by shuting VMI out fa-
four minutes while they them-
selves scored seven points to cut
the margin to 15 at 56-41.
During the last five minutes of
the game the Pirates slowly cut
the lead down, largely of the
shooting of freshman sharp-
shooter Herb Krusen, who had all
of his eight points in the final
minutes. Billy Dineen's layup at
the buzzer cut in to the final
margin of nine.
Ron Carter led VMI's scoring
with 19 points, 13 in the first half,
while Will Bynum added 16 and
John Krovic13.
The Pirates were on the road
again last night as they travel-
led down to Greenville, S.C. to
face the tough Paladins of Fur-
man. Tomorrow night they will
host Old Dominion, a team which
beat Mississippi State in a
Christmas tournament.
Mississippi State had beat eighth-
ranked Wake Forest for the
chance to meet Old Dominion.
The newest sport around these days is the Ice Ball program and it
seems those who are playing this chilly sport are beginning to get the
hang of it. Fifteen teams in all are competing in two divisions and the
play is really exciting. The best teams so far seem to be the Intramural
Staff team in the Dorm-Independent division and the Kappa Alpha
Checkers in the Fraternity division.
The Intramural Staff team exploded to a 20-2 win over the Follies on
Wednesday as Sonny Gundlach increased his scoring lead by scoring
10 points. He now has 20 points on the season. The week's high soorer
was Daryll Smith of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Slips and Slides. Smith
scored 13 points in one game as he led his team to a 17-7 win over the
Teke Bruins.
The only unbeaten teams beside the Checkers and the I MS are the
Sweepers, as upsets have been common so far in the league's short
three weeks schedule.
Howard Parker continues to be the top bowler in the Intramural
Men s Bowling league. Parker hasa high game of 222, a high set of 601
and a high average of 200.
Parker's counterpart in the women's bowling league is Robin
Griffin. Griffin holds down the top performance in the race for high
game, high set and high average. Her high game is 192, her high set is
455 and her average if 152.
The first of four key intramural men's basketball games will be
featured prior to Wednesday night's basketball game between Old
Dominion and East Carolina. The contest will match fraternity leaders
Kaopa Alpha Psi against Kappa Alpha. The KA Psis are 6-0 on the
season and have beaten the Kappa Alphas for the past two years. It is
always a closely oontested game.
For Kappa Alpha Psi, it is a crucial game. They have already beaten
Pi Kappa Phi, 44-41, and the Kappa Sigmas.
Kappa Alpha Psi is led by the men's fifth-leading scorer in Stephen
Smith. Kappa Alpha is led by men's one-on-one champion Robert Guy
and Mac Alphin. Game time will be at 6 p.m.
In women's basketball play most of the teams will be finishing up
their regular season schedule in preparation for the women's playoffs
and individual players will be making one last effort at a spot on the
two women's intramural all-star teams.
Still ranked as the top women'steam are the Baptist Student Union
women Paced by intramural scoring leader Kim Michael and strong
inside player Jean Evans, the BSU team has romped past every
opponent this year. This week they close out their seaoon with a 4 p.m.
game on Thursday against the Fleming Flyers. If the BSU team wins, it
will finish its season at 6-0 and clinch first-place in the Jump League
and a playoff berth.
Tankers defeat Richmond,
lose to UNCin weekend action
Staff Writer
ECU men's swim was busy
this weekend when they hosted
the University of Richmond on
Saturday and travelled to Chapel
Hill on Sunday to take on the
Tarheels. The Pirates pulled off
an easy win against Richmond,
downing them 65-47. However,
the tables were reversed when
the Bucs travelled to Chapel Hill,
with UNC winning the meet
ECU now stands 6-1, but they
have not lost a Southern Con-
ference meet. ECU stands 4-0
against league foes. The loss to
Carolina was disappointing after
their upset victory over Maryland
"This is a tough one, we won
all the free styles as expected but
we needed a break in the other
events and didn't get it Coach
Ray Scharf said. "Coming into
this meet, they were better on
paper and it turned out they were
better in the water too. Our kids
swam well and I'm proud of them.
We just got beat by a better
Several members of the swim
team are having an outstanding
season thus far and are tearing up
the record books. Freshman Ted
Nieman is making a name for
himself here at ECU. Nieman, a
native of Winter Park, Fla. now
holds four varsity reoords, four
pool marks, and three frosh
standards which have been com-
piled in a period of two months.
Against the Tar Heels, Nieman
won the 1000 yard freestyle and
the 500 yard freestyle.
Another standout is John
McCauley who won the 100 yard
freestyle, 50 yard freestyle and
was in the 400 yard freestyle relay
which ECU won. McCauley
stands six in the NCAA rankings
in the 50 yard freestyle.
John Tudor stands 11th in the
NCAA in the 200 individual
medley. Tudor won the 200 yard
freestyle event with a time of
ECU won the 400 yard free-
style relay with a time of 312.10
which was compiled by Mc-
Cauley, Nieman, Thorne and
Tudor. UNC won the 400 yard
medley relay.
In other events UNC swept the
board by winning the 200 yard
individual medley, 200 yard but-
terfly, 200 yard backstroke, and
the 200 yard breaststroke. ECU
won every freestyle event at the
In diving, Stewart Mann took
second on the three meter while
Jim Brunner took second on the
one meter board. Craig of UNC
won both of the number one spots
on the boards.
PIRA TE TANKERS suffered a disappointing loss to Carolina Foes


Pirates miss Rosie Thompson
25 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAO
Lady Pirates lose to State,93-72
Staff Writer
ECU'S Lady Pirates dropped
their tenth game of the season
Thursday night when they travel-
led to Raleigh to meet the 15th
ranked Wolfpack of N.C. State.
The 500 fans in Reynolds
Coliseum saw their highly touted
balldub whip the Lady Pirates by
a 93-72 count.
The Lady Pirates, badly miss-
ing injured Rosie Thompson,
went to Debbie Freeman and Gale
Kerbaugh for almost 75 percent
of their shots. Freeman finished
the game as the leading soorer
with 31 points. She hit on 14 of 28
tries from the field and three of
six from the foul line. Kerbaugh
hit only five of 16 from the field
but hit 13 of 16 at the charity
stripe for 23 points.
The powerful Pack played
their starters for only an average
of 16 minutes in the game as all
15 players saw considerable
the Wolfpack.
The Lady Pirates dropped to
0-10 with the loss.
The Lady Pirates return home
for a non-conferenoe game to-
night in Minges against Elon
action. As a matter of fact, all but
one of the Lady Wolfpack players
saw at least ten minutes of
playing time.
All-America Cristy Earnhardt
led State with 14 points in only 15
Freshman center Genia
Beasley and Sherri Pickard pop-
ped 12 apiece while Donna
Andrews added ten.
The Lady Pirates, however,
hit 26 of 39 from the free throw
line while State hit seven of 12.
The boards were ruled by the
Wolfpack as they pulled 54
missed shots to just 41 fa the
Lady Pirates.
East Carolina shot just 38.3
percent from the field while the
Pack hit on 49.4 percent of their
Linda McClellan, a freshman
center, pulled 11 to lead all
rebounders while Earnhardt and
Beasley grabbed ten apiece fa THE LADY PIRATE'S lost their tenth game of the season last Thursday.
Game time is 7 p.m.
Photo by Kip Sloan
Alice-758-0497 a 757-6366. Only
.50 a page: (exceptions-single
spaced pages & outlines) Plenty
of experience�I need the money!
FOR SALE: '68 Volkswagon fast
back $350. a best offer. Call
FOR SALE: Collection of 25
albums. Including albums by Yes,
Beach Boys, Hendrix, ELP and
many more. Prices from $2 to $3.
Come by room 415 Ayoock any
day after 300 p.m. now fa best
rOR SALE: Texas instruments
SR-51 a electronic calculator.
Adapta, two owners manuals,
two operating guides and two
carrying cases included free. Call
752-9905 and ask fa Jeff.
FOR SALE: 74 VW Bug $2200.
Caitemp. furniture & doubleoed
Excellent condition. Call 752-0903
after 430.
FOR SALE: Fender Princeton
Reverb Guitar amp. $150. Electric
Guitar Fuzz-Wan-Volume Pedal.
4 wans and fuzz sustain, volume,
and intensity controls. $60. Send
reply to: Box 3067, Greenville.
FOR SALE: 1968 Chev. Impala.
55,000 little old lady back and
forth to church miles. Air, power
steer needsmina repairs$500.
758-1437 after 930 nights.
FOR SALE: 4" X 5" Graphic
View II with Schneider Senar 150
mm. Daga 358 15 holders. 4
developing tanks and 6 negative
holders. $275. Call John 758-
FOR SALE: Furniture & Appli-
ances, oomfatable chair $9.00,
drop-leaf table, hidden drawer
$22.00, toaster oven like new
$15.00, red 9 X 12 Herculon rug
$25.00, Sears 3-speed bike
$35.00, 752-4511- 5 to 9 p.m.
FOR SALE: Gibson Les Paul
guitar with case and an Ampeg
Amplifier VT-40 worth over
$1,300. All interested people call
FOR SALE: 1964 Triumph Spit-
fire. Will accept best offer - call
758-7415 after 2:00 p.m.
MUST SELL: Sunn studio lead
amp hardly used. $175.00. Call
Maria 752-9022 fa mae infam-
FOR SALE: 1968 CheyImpala
55,000. Little old lady back and
forth to church miles.
FOR SALE: Pioneer receiver 50
watts Rms pr. channel, 2 channel.
AR-2AX speakers. Excellent con-
dition. $350 Call 756-1547.
FOR SALE: 10 week old male
German Shepherd puppy. $60
including collar, leash, & bowl.
Call 758-5364.
FOR SALE: One New Pioneer
Reverberation Amp. Got it fa
.Christmas, must sell wwarranty
$95.00. Phone 752-4379.
FOR SALE: 1972 Harley David-
son 125 Rapiado. Fair cond.
$225.00. Kasino bass amp. $250.
Call 758-0250 evenings.
FOR SALE: New-Clairol "Kind-
ness 3-way Hairsetta" with mist
a regular control. Pins & Condi-
tioning mist treatment included.
Only $20.00, call 758-9225.
FOR SALE: Pontiac 1966
LeMans. Runs good. $250.
Yamaha CLarinet. Excellent con-
dition. $100. Phone-758-9378.
FOR SALE: 3 piece Spanish style
living room suit - swivel rocker,
chair, couch, black vinyl, 1 yr.
dd. Good oondition. Paid $5.00 -
want $2.00. Call 756-7881 nights
and 758-3436 ext. 495 days. Ask
fa Chariate.
FOR SALE: 1974 Mustang II 2&2
3 Dr. Air Cond Power steering,
Disc brakes 4 speed Manual
trans. 4 new tires. Priced right
$2,350.00. Call 752-5821 after 4
FOR SALE: Great buy 1974
Yamaha. DT 125A only 1600.
miles. Two helmets include, 80
miles per gallon. Make me an
offer. Call 756-7275 after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: Pioneer Car Stereo.
FM and Cassette tape player.
Like new. Call Dale 752-0734.
FOR SALE: New water distiller.
$55. 758-8216.
FOR SALE: '66 VW great fa in
town would need wak fa trips.
$350 a best offer. 752-4479
WANTED: A good cook that can
cook fa about 20 guys. Good pay.
Call Sigma Phi Epsilon at 752-
2941. Hours are 4-6 p.m. Sun
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments. Newly renovated &
new appliances. Call 752-4154.
WANTED: One a two female
roomates fa Village Green Apt.
$50 per month plus utilities. Call
75&0595 afta 3.
NEEDED: Male roommate to
share apartment $47.50 per
month plus utilities, must be
clean and aderly. Call 752-3853.
to share apt. Rent and util.
$55mo. Call 752-0081.
NEEDED: Roommate fa Spring
Quarter. Big house. Call Decky a
Larry after 600 p.m. 752-2859.
FOR RENT: Private rooms and 2
baths fa male student. Available
on March 1. 758-2585.
tVANTED: Male a Female to
share 3' bedroom apartment at
Eastbrook; must be Academically
Inctined! Call 758-0219.
LOST: 1 pair of dark brown Frye
boots.Lost in Drama dept. dress-
ing room. Reward offered fa'
information leading to their
whereabouts. Call 758-7422. No
questions asked.
LOST: Class ring, blue stone,
inside initial A S. Reward offered.
If found see Alvin Simmons in 118
LOST: Gold wristwatch with
brown face. Call 752-9351. $40
LOST: Brown cowhide wallet.
Call-758-9895, 618 Tyler. Lost in
the vicinity of Speight a Brews-
FOUND: A scarf near Clement.
FOUND: A white hat near biology
building. 7583216.
FOUND: A white and blue hat.
FOUND: someone who listens
and helps. You don't have to be in
a crisis to call a cane by the
REAL cpsis center. Counseling
and referrals are what they offer.
They're free, too. Call 758-HELP.
personal (J
YOGA LESSONS: exacises to
calm the mind and slim the body -
way of life. Classes faming now.
Call Sunshine, 752 d214 after 900
p.m. on Mond. and Wed after
530 all other nights.
this year's resolution be a better
figure! Call Sunshine, 752-5214
after 900 p.m. on Mon. and Wed.
after 5O0 p.m. all other nites.
ICE SKATING: lessons 12:15-
1.15 Saturdays by Jill Schwimiey
at Twin Rinks, 220 E. 14th a.
752-8449. ($2.00 hour-includes
skates) Any age-beginning, inter-
mediate, advanced. Strictly figure
HELP WANTED: Parttime office
wak. Must be a veteran, a
fulltime ECU student, and must
be oommuting from Washington,
N.C. a nearby. Contact Fton
Brown, VA Representative, 206
Whichard, in person. No calls.

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 25 January 1977
Grapplers open league
season with victory
Staff Writer
East Carolina's six-time de-
fending Southern Conference
champion wrestling team opened
their league season Friday night
with a big 37-3 win over Appala-
chian State in Minges Coliseum
before 200 fans.
The Mountaineers won the
opening match at 118 but could
win no more as the Pirates
dominated with superior deci-
sions and a couple of pins.
The pins came at 190 and
heavyweight as John Williams
pinned Jeff Stanley in 4 50 to win
at 190. and D.7. Joyner pinned
Steve Reep in the heavyweight
division in just a minute.
Wendell Hardy picked up a
win by injury default over Hank
Hardin at 126 while Steve Goode
won on a superior decision over
Ed Rollins at 158.
The best match of the night by
far was between Phil Mueller and
Frank Cody at 167. The two men
could manage but an escape
apiece and the score stood 1-1 at
the end of the match. However,
Mueller had a superior riding
time and won the match by a 2-1
Paul Osman continued his
winning ways with a 10-5 win over
Andre Massey in the 134 pound
class. Osman has not lost in his
last 16 matches.
Tim Gaghan, Frank Schaede
and Jay Dever picked up the other
victories for the Pirates to make
the final oount.
The Pirates must now get
ready for an invasion of Minges
Coliseum Friday night by 18th
ranked North Carolina. The Tar
Heels have never beaten East
Carolina but will be the favorite
come Friday night.
Across from
113 Grande Ave
Good Things
For Gentle People
318 Evans St. Mall
Photo by Kip Sloan
Track team places second in
weekendtri-meet event
Staff Writer
ECU's track team journeyed
to Chapel Hill Saturday for a
tri-meet with North Carolina and
South Carolina. The Pirates came
gymnasts -
third place
Staff Writer
ECU women's gymnasts
travelled to Harrisonburg, Va. to
meet Madison College and
William and Mary this past
Saturday. Madison won the meet
with 92 points, with William and
Mary having 68.75 points and
ECU falling to third with 54.30.
Coach Stevie Chepko com-
mented "that the girls did not do
bad at all considering it was the
first gymnastics meet fa five of
the six girls on the team
Betsy Adkins of ECU is the
only girl on the team with
experience and she made an
excellent showing.
The team travels to Puke next
Sat. to compete with them and
U.S.C. also.
away from the Tin Can with
second place.
The Tar Heels won the meet
with 81 points while the Pirates
garnered 49 and the Gamecocks
finished with 16.
George Jackson, Herman Mo-
Intyre and James Freeman claim-
ed victories for ECU. Jackson won
the long jump with a leap of 23-8
while Mike Hodge (22-4 78) took
third and Mclntyre (22-2 58)
Mclntyre took the triple jump
with a jump of 49-12 while
Jackson took third in 47-1 38 and
Hodge fourth with a leap of
46-4 V2.
Freeman ran to victory in the
600 yard run with a time of
1.13.16. Pirates Ben Dunkenfield
(113.4) and James McCollough
(1.13.7) placed third and fourth,
Tom Watson (49-5) and Mike
Harris (47-7) took second and
third in the shot put while Marvin
Rankins placed third in the 60
yard high hurdles with a time of
Charlie Moss and Calvin
Alston did well in the 440 yard
dash, taking second and third
with times of 51.03 and 51.2,
respectively. Keith Urquhard
(220.8) placed third in the 1000
yard run while teammate James
Willett took fourth in 223.4.
The Pirates also did well in the
60 yard dash with Donnie Mack
(6.3) taking second and Otis
Melvin placing third in 6.32.
James Dill finished in third place
in the two miles run with a fine
time of 930.6.
Pirates Otis Melvin, Larry
Austin, Marvin Rankins, Carter
Suggs and the mile relay team
will travel to the prestigious
Knights of Columbus, (Ohio) meet
next weekend.

PIRA TE SPRINTER Marvin Rankins.
Every Tuesday and Wednesday
All Day At Bonanza
(Includes your choice of potato or vegetable Texas Toast
and salad from oui all-you-can-eat salad bar)
520 Greenville Blvd.
Greenville, N.C. 27834

Fountainhead, January 25, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 25, 1977
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