Fountainhead, January 13, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for 51 years. With a
circulation of 8,500, this
issue is 12 pages.
Inaugural pictorial, p. 6
Help for job hunters, p. 8
Bucs beat Cats, p. 10
Vol. 52, No. 26
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
13 January 1977
Pingston lists
BUC task force
Sports Editor
SGA Vice-President Greg
Pingston announced Wednesday
that a Task Force has been set up
to screen applicants and pick an
editor for the BUCCANEER.
The SGA Legislature voted
Monday night $6,000 fa salaries
of the yearbook staff. Money from
advertising and student subscrip-
tions ranging from eight to 12
dollars will be used to produce the
As of now, the Task Foroe will
oonsist of Lynn Shubert, Jim
Elliot, Bob Glover, Ken Camp-
bell, Craig Hales, Russ Pogue,
Kevin McCourt, and Tommy Joe 3
The Task Foroe will meet on
Jan. 20 for their organizational
meeting and on Jan. 21 to screen
prospective editors.
Applications and resumes are
now being accepted and will be
taken until 5 p.m. on Jan. 20 in
the SGA offices. Pingston stated
that a complete resume is needed
by prospects.
A u467 GLiMPSE at a controversial ECU landmark.
Alexander holds
S Rudolph Alexander, As-
sociate Dean of Student Affairs at
ECU and director of Mendenhall
Student Center, has been elected
to the executive board of the
Association of College, University
and Community Arts Administra-
tors (ACUCAA).
Alexander was named to the
16-member board at the recent
annual ACUCAA conference in
New York City and will serve a
three-year term.
ACUCAA member institutions
include 400 colleges, universities
and art councils in the 50 U.S.
states and Canada.
Alexander has been active in
the ACUCAA since he became
ECU'S representative in 1962. He
has served a previous term on the
executive board and has chaired
the Association's Nominating and
Conference Welcoming Commit-
In 1969hewasan instructor in
a Concert Managers Summer
Workshop at the California Insti-
tute of Technology and has
appeared on conference session
programs as a discussion leader
on contracts, lectures and travel
Alexander is also a member of
the National Entertainment and
Campus Activities Association,
the Association of College
Unions International, and the In-
ternational Platform Association
He has been a member of the
IPA Board of Governors and
received the IPA Drew Pearson
Award in 1974 as the College and
University Programmer of the
The selection will be made on
Jan. 21 and referral will be made
to the student legislature for
"There's a need to get a
publication in progress real soon
to have a quality book ready by
next fall Pingston said. "I think
the committee will choose a
qualified individual who will
produce a quality yearbook.
"But we are looking for an
individual who can oversee cor-
rect spending of student funds in
production of the book Pingston
also said.
persons selected for the BUC task force.
Two coeds assaulted
on campus, one raped
Co-News Editor
Two assaults, one which resul-
ted in rape, were reported
Monday night by two ECU
The rape occurred behind
Rgsdale Hall and the back of
Wright Building shortly after 7
p.m according to Bill Shires of
the ECU News Bureau. "The
victim said that the man who
attacked her had a knife said
Another girl had reported
being aocosted earlier that eve-
ning, in the same area, but polioe
are not sure that it was the same
The rape victim was taken to
Pitt County Memorial Hospital,
treated and released, aocording to
Shires said that the incident is
being investigated by the ECU
Campus polioe, the Greenville
police and the State Bureau of
Investigation (SBI).
Statements and names cannot
be released due to the Buckley
Amendment which protects the
students' right to privacy, accord-
ing to Shires.
Shires said that information
will probably be released after the
suspect is apprehended.
Polioe theorize that the sus-
pected rapist might be the same
man who has been harrassing
students at Duke University and
UNC-Chapel Hill.
of this drainage project nears completion

Need a ride? SociAnth Democrats
13 January 1977
Ice skating and roller skating
lessons are now being taught at
Twin Rinks Recreation Center,
220 East 14th Street. Lessons are
taught on Saturday from 12:15
until 1:15. For more information
oome by Twin Rinks or call
Ice Skating lessons will be
offered Spring quarter through
the Physical Education Dept. In
order to take this class, sign up
for P.E. 12 or P.E. 140. You get
one hour of credit while learning a
fun and exciting sport. Check the
schedule for times and be sure to
pre-register before the classes are
NTE Exam
The National Teacher Exam-
inations (NTE) will be given at
ECU on Feb. 19. Bulletins of
Information describing registra-
tion procedures and containing
registration forms may be ob-
tained from the Testing Center,
Rooms 105-106, Speight Building,
or directly from the National
Teacher Examinations, Educa-
tional Testing Service, Box 911,
Princeton, NJ 08540.
Law Society
SAM meeting
The Society for the Advance-
ment of Management will hold its
first meeting of the New Year on
Thursday, Jan. 13, at 3 p.m. in
Room 102 Rawl. A short business
meeting will be followed by a
plant tour to the Union Carbide
Plant in Greenville. Some trans-
portation will be provided. All
interested persons are invited to
Two buses will go to Minges
Saturday night to the basketball
game. One will leave Tyler at 7
p.m. and one will leave Menden-
hall at 7 p.m. They will oome back
15 minutes after the game.
Hot Ones
Get your red hot Student
Union President Applications at
Mendenhall Student Center. Ap-
plications will be taken through
January 19. It's a fantastic
position. Catch a ride while the
space is available. The position
requires no experience but know-
ledge of programming is useful.
Come on down and join the
student organization made up of
programming student volunteers.
There will be a meeting of the
Sociology Anthropology Club on
Monday, Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. in B-D
302. All majors, minors, and
interested students are invited to
Costa Rica Internships
There are a few more spaces
for students to enroll in the ECU
campus in Costa Rica. Applica-
tions should be made at once;
however, since enrollment capa-
city is expected to be reached
shortly. Students from all depart-
ments and all classifications have
enrolled, and the first organiza-
tional meeting is now scheduled
for Tuesday, Jan. 18th.
The ECU program in Costa
Rica, in its 4th year, overlaps the
fall semester at ECU-the dates
are July 26th-November 7, 1977.
Interested students should see
Dr. Cramer in Brewster A222 fa
applications and additional infa-
Sigma Theta
The ECU Law Society will hold
a meeting Thursday, Jan. 20 at 7
p.m. in 221 Mendenhall. Green-
ville District Attorney, Jim
Hoover will be the featured
speaker. This is a mandatay
meeting of all members. Please
call 757-6940 from 9-5 and give
your excuse if you cannot attend.
The Wake Faest-Carolina trip
will be Qiscussed.
The Beta Nu Chapter of Sigma
Theta Tau, Hona Society fa
Nursing, is having a program
meeting on Monday, Jan. 17,
1977. The guest speaker will be
Mrs. Eloise Lewis, Dean of the
UNC-G School of Nursing. Dean
Lewis will be speaking on "Poli-
tics and Power in Nursing The
meeting will be held in rm. 101 of
the Nursing building at 7 p.m.
Members please try to attend.
Lutheran Grp. Croatan Hours
New meeting night! The
Lutheran Student group has
changed its meeting time to
Wednesdays at 530 p.m. Fa
supper and Table-Talk at 1800 S.
Elm St. Students needing a ride
can call the campus Minister's
office, 756-2058 or home,
756-1166 to arrange fa transpa-
Crisis Center
Positive relationships are
what life is all about. The REAL
House volunteers are trained to
listen and help with problems
such ai, rape, sexuality, drugs,
loneliness, pregnancy, money,
studying. If they can't help, they
know someone who can. Call
The Croatan will operate on
extended hours during the
renovations of the snack shop in
Wright Building. The new hours
are as follows: Monday
through Friday 730 a.m. to9
p.m. and on Saturday 830 a.m. to
1230 p.m.
Free Flick
The Films Committee is proud
to present "Brewster McCloud"
on Friday and Saturday nights,
Jan. 14 and 15, at 7 and 9 p.m.
When this film was shown on
campus previously, no seats were
to be found. If you want to be
entertained to the highest degree,
don't miss this cinematic ex-
perience. Come early The flicks
are jammed
If you are an instate student
and have been to school three
years, you are eligible to apply fa
summer intern program in state
government. Housing is provided
and oollege aedit is offered.
Apply to the Institute of Govern-
ment, Chapel Hill, N.C by Feb.
Model U.N.
There will be a Model U.N.
meeting held in Brewster C101 at
730. All members and interested
persons are urged to attend. This
meeting is a must fa those
planning on attending the up-
ooming Hollands College Con-
ference and participating in the
administration of the ECU Con-
ference to be held in March.
Anyone interested in Real
Estate a who has taken a Real
Estate course and would like to be
a member of a group of pro-
fessional Real Estate students,
please oome to Rho Epsilon's
meeting Tuesday, Jan. 25, at 330
in 221 Mendenhall. A great group
that's interested in the Real
Property profession and you.
Auditions fa the wakshop
production "Over the Top" will
be held Thursday, Jan. 13, at 8
p.m. in one of the rooms on the
second floa of the Drama build-
ing. Anyone can audition. This is
a oomedy review consisting of
material by Monty Python, The
Firesign Theatre, nd Beyond the
Fringe '64. Fa mae info, call
Moonlight bowling is back.
The Mendenhall Student Center
Bowling Center now offers this
unique bowling experience on
Friday and Sunday evenings from
8 p.m. until closing. Come by the
Center and test your skills under
the moonlight. It's a great change
of paoe.
What skills do you have
hidden away? How can you get
paid fa doing what you like,
whatever your major? What
needs doing in the wald? These
and other questions will be a part
of a vocations wakshop to be held
on Monday, Jan. 17, 6-9 p.m. at
the Baptist Student Union, 511
E. 10th St.
There will be a dance-a-thon
Saturday, Jan. 22. We'll play you
a tune all nightall you gotta do
Help get your New Year off to
a rolling start! Become a part of
the Forever Generation! This
week we'll be starting a book
study series with a discussion of
the Book of Philippians. Add to
this infamative time sane good
fellowship, good fun, and good
refreshments, and you'll get F.G.
Friday night at 730, in Menden-
hall Room 244. Join us, won't
Car Wash
There will be a car wash held
at the Shell Station of 264 By-pass
near Pitt Plaza, Jan. 15th, 9-3.
Wax jobs are available. Help
build fa the Lad. Given by the
Holy Trinity Church.
BEOG forms
Basic Educational Oppatun-
ity Grant applications fa the
1977-78 academic year are now
available at the Financial Aid
Office, 201 Whichard Building.
AH students are encouraged to
complete the application as soon
as possible and turn in the
Student Eligibility Report to the
Financial Aid Office as scon as it
is received from the Basic Grant
Program. Students are reminded
that they must first apply fa the
Basic Educational Opportunity
Grant before other types of
financial assistance can be
Crafts Center
Stop by and visit the Crafts
Center in Mendenhall Student
Center. Located on the ground
floa, if s a great place to wak ai
a hobby, make gifts, a learn a
new craft. Whatever your
interest, get into the Crafts
Center. Hours are 2 p.m. until 10
p.m Moiday through Friday.
The ECU Young Democrats
will meet Wed Jan. 19, at 7:30
in Room 244. All persons are
invited to attend.
faces difficult
(LNS)Jose Lopez Portillo,
Mexioo's new president, assumed
office December 1 in the midst of
the most difficult aises yet faced
by the capitalist wald's oldest
single-party state.
Snce Lopez Portillo's election
on July 4, two maja events have
raised serious doubts about the
ruling Institutional Revolutionary
Party's (PRI) ability to oontinue
its traditional vacillation between
populism and repression.
On September 1 the govern-
ment announced the first of a
two-step 100 devaluation of the
peso, anp then on November 19,
outgoing President Luis Echever-
ria expropriated nearly 250,000
acres of private farm land fa
distributiai to angry peasants.
The recent devaluation is the
first since 1954, and points to a
long-time pattern of Mexioo's
inaeasing dependenoe on the
United States market and invest-
Creditas say devaluation is a
step toward balancing the books.
In theay, it is supposed to reduce
imports by making them mae
expensive, and stimulate expats
by making them mae competitive
internationally. In practice, how-
ever, impats�the bulk of which
are necessary fa industry and
fcod consumptioi-cannot be sig-
nificantly reduced without serious
negative effects on the economy.
Coupled with recent wage
freezes, devaluation has led to
higher profits fa capaatiais.
Since it took effect, prices on
many basic consumer items have
nearly doubled while wage in-
aeases have been held dowr to
only 22, leading to inaeases in
oompanies' profit margins.
And there are indications that
wages will be held at this level. At
least since 1974 the Wald Bank
has been pressuring Mexico to
hold down wages, and the
Mexican press recently reported
that a new billion dollar loan from
the International Monetary Fund
was made dependent on wage
freezes and severe cutbacks in
government spending.
Shatly after the devaluation
a wave of land occupations by
mae than 35,000 angry peasants
rocked Mexico's northwestern
states of Sonaa and Sinaloa.
The land seizures were only
the latest incident of a conflict
that has been brewing fa de-
cades as Mexico's half-million
landless peasants have pressured
the government to break up land
holdings of Mexico's powerful
rural oligarchy.
In the past two years the
discontent has grown to aisis
propatiais as thousands of pea-
sants have occupied the rich farm
lands of Mexican growers. Many
of these growers are partners of
U.S. agribusiness oompanies.

Eight film festivals scheduled
Sunday film festivals to
emphasize entertainment
Staff Writer
The Student Union Films
Committee scheduled a series of
eight Sunday film festivals for the
1977 fiscal year emphasizing
"entertaining" films instead of
those of an "artistic nature
According to Larry Romich,
Films Committee chairperson,
this is a break from past
"We have also scheduled
some 'controversial' films for
regular Wednesday night view-
ing Romich said. Such
"thought provoking" films may
emphasize sex or violence.
Romich cited "Manson" and
"Midnight Cowboy" as ex-
Regular weekend films will
LARRY ROMICH - films committee chairperson. Photo by Russ Pogue
Romich added that this com-
mittee is the first to have
"regularly scheduled festivals"
and these will be coordinated with
other Student Union events and
consist of those of a "lighter
vein" such as comedies, he said.
Romich added that some of
the "oontroversial" films sche-
duled "are not necessarily what I
would like to see but the
committee feels there is a re-
sponsibility to appeal to a wide
diversity of interest
While some X-rated film
shown last year drew criticism
from certain groups and indivi-
duals, Romich said he did not
expect such criticism concerning
the present selections.
"The films chosen shouldn't
offend 99 percent of the students
and the other one percent should
stay home out of courtesy to the
The committee conducted re-
search through questionnaires
and random samples to determine
student needs.
Romich emphasized that he
would like to see more student
participation in determining film
Romich said the entire film
budget of $24,000 has been spent
fa this year but suggestions
would be considered for next
year's selections.
He said suggestion sheets
would be posted in the dorms
during winter and spring quarters
and that he oould be reached fa
comment at 238 Mendenhall a at
Films schedules will be pub-
lished in FOUNTAINHEAD and
the Entertainer.
Film warns of gimmicks
Billion Dollar Sell" is a new
15-minute film designed to show
kids "how not to be taken in by
TV commercials Produced by
the Consumer's Union, publisher
of Consumer Repats, the film is
purposefully slick to duplicate
methods used by advertisers, and
features humaous take-offs of
real TV commercials.
In "The Give-Away a
comedian talks about the " dinky"
prizes often used to get kids to
buy cereals. As he rummages
through a box of cereal it spills all
over a table befae he finds his
"dinky" prize.
"Now You See It, .Now You
Don't shows childrentesting an
Evel Knievel stunt toy from the
Ideal Toy Co. and failing to
accomplish what is shown hap-
pening in a commercial. And
"Selling the Star" has a
comedian humaously trying to
duplicate Olympic swimmer Mark
Spitz's hairstyle with a Schick
hair dryer.
Advertising Age, the in-
dustry's weekly magazine, re-
pats that few of the companies
whose ads are mimicked in the
film have seen it yet. But if
Steward Sims, division manager
of Ideal, is any indication, they
will be extremely defensive. Sims
hasn't seen the film but
maintained that the kids in the
sequence must not have followed
instructions. If they had, they
could have perfamed the stunts
seen on televisiai advertising
318 Evans St. Mall
13 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Bo' Weavils'
Sale on select group of novelties,
wool, and synthetics.
15 off on all weaving
Greenville's Only Concert
Bill Deal and the Rhondells
STARBUCK- Jan.20th
National Recording Artist
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209 E. 5th Street 752-4668

Page 4
13 January 1977
Media censorship
Current action in the SGA Legislature to establish
a campus media board offers an ideal opportunity to
structure a committee which could prevent some of
the problems SGA and the publications have
experienced during this year and previous years.
This university had a publications board until last
year when the legislature decided to alter the board's
bylaws. The revision was subsequently vetoed by
SGA President Tim Sullivan who was not satisfied
with the proposed board. H is action came during the
latter part of Spring Quarter. The legislature did not
have a chance to offer any alternatives.
Rather than going back to the pub board as it
existed under the old bylaws, SGA allowed it to
become defunct in the fall. Thus, publications have
been drifting pitiously in the politically hot winds
since the BUCCANEER budget went to legislature in
Instead of spending precious time with their
staffs attempting to insure quality in the publication,
editors of campus media, BUCCANEER, EBONY
been involved in the political tug-of-war which befits
student government, but to which the media should
not be subjected. Pub board was created to act as
liaison between SGA and publications, to end direct
political contact.
Influence peddling is just about the most
unobjective business one can find. FOUNTAIN-
HEAD is a prime target. When News Editor J. Neil
Sessoms was interviewing key figures in student
government about the return of the Sigma Nu
fraternity to ECU and the involvement of some of its
brothers in campus politics, the Senior Editor of this
newspaper was offered a deal. President Sullivan,
who is a member of the fraternity, said, "If you call
off your dogs on this Sigma Nu stay, you' II get your
supplies The stay was published (see FOUNTAIN-
HEAD, Jan. 6, 1977) and the newspaper was faced
to return to the legislature so that it could buy ledger
sheets to keep a recad of advertising accounts. The
oost: $30 - out of a total budget of $57,000.
This harassment and censaship through govern-
ment controlled media can be easily ended via a
powerful, infamed media board.
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years
Senior EditorJim Elliott
Production ManagerJimmy Williams
Business ManagerTeresa Whisenant
Advertising ManagerDennis Leonard
News EditorsDebbie Jackson
J. Neil Sessoms
Trends EditorPat Coyle
Sports EditorSteve Wheeler
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East
Carolina University sponsored by the Student Government
Association oi ECU and is distributed each Tuesday and
Thursday during the school year, weekly during the summer.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C.
Editorial Offices: 757-6366, 757 6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions:$10.00 annually for non-students, $6.00 for
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Getting credit for iittie money
"For every credit, there is an equal and opposite
debit Too late. By the time that twist of Newtonian
logic appears as handwriting on the wall, the
unfortunate debtor often doesn't have a wall left for
it to appear on.
Don't mistake all those "careless with credit"
stories you've heard as tales of some new breed of
immoral deadbeat, however. The "easiest" credit
usually turns into the hardest debt, weighted by
usurious interest rates written in flyspeck print.
Constantly bombarded with ads about the all-new
"absolute necessities" for modern living, we've
been programmed to buy now and balanoe later.
Captivated by the spiel, much of the consumerism
oommunity itself devotes all its time to telling you
about the "best buy" without even a word about
whether you should buy at all. At last count
Americans were charging to the tune of $127 billion
a year that's about $600 of debt fa every man,
woman and child in the U.S.
Not that consumers don't have good models to
follow. Since 1933 the federal government has been
writing checks for money it doesn't have in the name
of deficit spending. And most banks, utility
companies and other corporations, while encoura-
ging you to pay on time, rarely follow that advice
with their own creditors. According to a survey run
by the Wall Street Journal, late payment of bills has
become commonplace in dealings between busines-
ses, because the longer a firm can hold off its
creditors, the longer it can use their money to
finance investments and other schemes.
There's no reason why consumers shouldn't
establish their own cash flow on what banks call the
"fast coming in, slow going out" prindple. In a
future column, I'll talk about bilUpayingand the new
federal credit billing procedures; for the next two
times we'll just concentrate on getting your foot in
the revolving door.
Students of credit. Students have either an easier
or a harder time getting credit than ordinary debtors
depending on where they go to school and what their
financial background (parents' bank account) looks
like. If you live in an area with at least one high
tuition private university, chances are that banks
and retailers will loosen up credit restricitons for all
area students in the somewhat distorted belief that
behind every student lies a wealthy parent.
Wholesale offerings of bank cards like Master
Charge and gasoline credit cards are not uncommon
in these areas.
If one of these offers oomes your way, you might
as well take advantage of it, even if you judiciously
p'ace the plastic in your top dresser drawer and
never use it while a student. Once you graduate,
you' II probably find credit a little harder to come by,
especially if you have to move around looking for a
job. Then, too, if you have as much trouble finding a
job as many grads have, you might as well have
some credit to take with you into the lean times.
Credit breeds credit. Finandal counselors have
proposed two related axioms concerning credit: (1)
Get credit when you need it least. (2) The quickest
way to get credit is to prove you don't need it. To
each in inverse proportion to their needs, you might
Short of that, financial consultants have
suggested various strategies to build a credit rating
without any real material wealth. In The Seven Laws
of Money, former banker Michael Phillips suggests
opening a checking account with the largest amount
possible even if you have to borrow a couple
thousand for one day (like several friends' tuition
checks) and return it the next. Many bankers, says
Phillips, record your opening balance on your
signature card and judge your credit worthiness by it
forevermore, even if that $5000 opener has no
relation to your usual $50 balanoe.
The way up the ladder of credit from there he
says, goes like this: You need a job (occupation:
student), one address, a phone and a checking
account for one year. Wait four months and then
apply for a gasoline credit card. Then apply for
credit at a luxury department store. These stores
usually give credit easily because what they lose on
bad debts they more than make up for on marked-up
prices. After six months, try for a national
department store charge like Sears or Wards. Use
that once or twice and pay promptly. Then after
seven to nine months go for a Bank Americard or
Master Charge.
Once your credit is established, you can move or
switch jobs as often as you like. Note also that if
you're offered one of the bank cards in a spedal
student deal, you've already reached "goal" and
can probably go back and get the rest. Even if you
never use the card, a "zero balanoe" from
non-usage looks the same to most lenders and is
just as good for your credit rating as a well-used,
paid-up acoount.
If Phillips' ladder seems too high, try the more
accelerated and devious method suggested by
Douglas Moore in How to Have Excellent Credit in
Thirty Days: (1) Open a $400 savings account at a
large local bank. (2) At the same bank, take out a
$400 loan secured by your savings account. (3)
Deposit the borrowed $400 in a second savings
account at a different bank. (4) Take out another
$400 loan at that bank. (5) Repeat the process at a
third bank. (6) Promptly pay installments on all
three loans. (7) Apply for all available credit cards.

Howard Lee to join
in local conference
13 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD
Howard Lee, secretary of the
N.C. Department of Natural and
Economic Resources and former
mayor of Chapel Hill, will be
among those participating in a
conference on "Local Life, Public
Policy and the Future of Eastern
North Carolina Jan. 27-28 at
Sponsored by the ECU Divi-
sion of Continuing Education and
the N.C. Humanities Committee,
the conference will bring Eastern
North Carolina residents together
with public policy-makers and
scholars in an effort to get a
better understanding of how the
customs and traditions of small
communities have helped to
shape the life-styles of North
Carolina's people.
Karl Rodabaugh, chairman of
the conference, said local life in
the South is marked by strong
attachments to home communi-
ties, a strong influence of local
institutions such as church con-
gregations and a desire for local
He said that by examining the
nature and impact of these things
that make up localism, policy-
makers will be better able to
determine public priorities and
The conference will be divided
into several sessions with a guest
speaker presenting information
on a dimension of local life.
A discussion period with the
audience will follow each speaker.
Lee will discuss "Tar Heel
Localism, Public Policy and the
Future of Out State" at 930 a.m.
Thursday in the Thomas Willis
Regional Development Institute
Lee's talk will be preceded by
a welcoming address given by Dr.
Leo Jenkins, ECU Chancellor.
Other speakers on Thursday's
program include Dr. John Shelton
Reed, professor of sociology at
the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill and Dr. Robert L.
Bunger, an ECU anthropologist.
On Friday, the conference will
be held at the Carol Belk Allied
Health Building. The speakers
will include Michael Robinson,
director of the N.C. Office of
Citizen Participation; Dr. JoseDh
Barton and Dr. Timothy H.
Breen, historians, Northwestern
University; and Dr. S. Robert
Lichter, a political scientist at
Also participating in panel
discussions will be David Gilles-
pie, director of Governmental
Affairs for the Southern Growth
Policies Board and Dr. Robert
McKenzie, executive assistant to
the secretary of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare.
The conference is free and the
public is encouraged to attend
and participate.
"We hope to have a cross-
section of eitstem North Carolin-
ians present who will help us by
sharing their ideas about local
life said the conference chair-
When the conference is com-
pleted, Rodabaugh said a series
of town meetings will be held in
Edenton, Bath, New Bern and
Belhaven. The meetings will
enable a Local Life Steering
Committee to further assess the
influences and dimensions of
localism in North Carolina.
For more information contact
the ECU Division of Continuing
Education, Greenville 27834 or
call 757-61436148.
Living together termed
fad; trend declining
About 30 percent of the U.S.
college population has lived with
a member of the opposite sex
outside of marriage. But, after
peaking between 1971 and 1975,
the cohabitation trend has re-
versed itself, according to Ohio
State U. Associate Professor of
Sociology Nancy K. Clatworthy
A survey of Clatworthy shows
that the reasons students live
together without marriage aren't
that different from the reasons
students marry. And the partner-
ships aren't that much different
from legal marriages except for
the negative aspects, such as the
pressure of parental disapproval.
"The vast majority of live-ins
feel their relationships are bene-
ficial says Clatworthy, "but
specific questions indicate they
really aren't as happy as they say
they are. Perhaps one reason is
that live-ins don't get from their
relationship what they think they
wili: security And that, she
says, may be the reason cohabit-
ation is becoming less popular.
According to Clatworthy,
many women 26 and older are
breaking off their "live-in" re-
lationships. She notes that most
married women of that age have
had their last child and she
speculates that older women are
beginning to get a bit panicky
about not having any children and
don't want to have them outside
of marriage.
"When live-ins break up it is
almost identical to divorce with
the same emotional problems.
The only difference I can see is
that they don't have legal fees
she said. Most "live-in" relation-
ships break up for the same
reasons marriages do: boredom,
incompatibility, personality and
sexual conflicts. However, there
are the added factors of a partial
commitment by one partner and
the lack of legal bonds.
Surprisingly, only 15 percent
of the partners in a "live-in"
arrangement see it as a prelude to
marriage and approximately the
same percentage actually do
marry their "live-in" partners.
She said that the marriages of
people who lived together before
marriage are less successful but
statistically this is hard to pin-
point. However, she said,
married couples who have never
lived together generally have a
more positive attitude and have
fewer arguments, fewer financial
disagreements, fewer sexual pro-
blems, and less outside pressure.
We have temporarily
relocated in the rear of
Ridgeway Opticians due
to renovations.
Floyd G. Robinson
This Week At The
Elbo Room
Uncle Remus
An exciting new band to this area
formerly The House Band
for Joe Namath's Bachelors III Club
Every Sunday is Ladies Night
v 80() pM
Poet delivers works
Maria Ingram, author of
Maria, will share some of her
poems and experiences in 103
Biology Building on the ECU
campus at 8:00 p.m. Thurs Jan.
20. She will also conduct a
workshop-discussion session in
201 Austin Building Friday morn-
ing, January 21, at 10 XX). There is
no admission charge to either
ev Mit, and the general public is
cordially invited to both.
Maria Ingram's first book,
Maria, was published last
November. Its first printina sold
out within six weeks and the book
is now in its second printing. The
poet has also published poems in
Carolina Quarterly, Southern
Poetry Review, Hed Clay Reader,
The University of Alabama
Review, Beloit Poetry Journal,
and other literary magazines.
Maria, a native of Kerners-
ville, N.C, attended Winthrop
College, Baylor University, UNC
Chapel Hill, and the University of
Florida. She received her B A.
degree in English and drama
from Pfeiffer College in 1966.
The Tree People Proudly
Present the Fine Music of
The O'sville Rainbow
Rick Cornfield- Friday
Mike Edwards- Saturday
Jazz Nite with Duke &
John- Sun. & Mon.
The Tree House Corner of 5th & Cotanche

Page 6 FOmvfTAINHEAD 13 January 1977
Inaugural festivities ?c
Tarheels show
diverse talents
�ONA FID. is 'his fellow who kept
to this barber shop back
hon � is � � barber if he was
ayed bybusy. The barber would say he
Orchestra, towas really busy and the fellow
byleave. The guy kept on
and wife, thefor about four days and
ugurai Bait' Arber c in to
state to beThe barber had this
n the guy fc - -
� . ou find ml .vas ooipo' Yf1 I ri 1
Wei! where did he go? 'To your
saGriffil me of his
�stage after 15
- i snter attention
duo� rte Grandfather
. Jed
� "leei talent

Mh tie
Photos by
Dennis Leonard
Nancy Heefy
� �� �
HOWARD LEE Sec. of Human Resources talks to well-wishers at
inwQur&l Ball
GOV AND MRS JIM HUN I danoe the c ,hVy first

13 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAO
s ion or ne w ao vernor
LI. GOV. and MRS. GREEN - greet the public at reception.
greet om) ,ther at public reception in the Governor's
GOV. AND MRS. HUNT watch the Inaugural Parade as former Gov.
Holhouser looks on.
Hunt sworn in as
64th governor
Staff Writer
On Saturday. January 8, thou-
sands of North Carolinians
gathered on Bicentennial Plaza in
downtown Raleigh to see James
Baxter Hunt be sworn in as the
64th governor of N.C
The inaugural ceremonies be-
gan with the invocation delivered
by the Reverend Lawrence W,
Avant, First
Church, Wilson. N
The oath was admmistei
Jim Hunt by Chief Justice
After Hunt haa tarn
i" 'nere was a 19 g
The salute carro
nonson the jround
ie old
ed ba and ng
explosions Smoke fi ft ' � an-
nons obliteral rov
of the capital
i make North Carolina
the gooduest land under the cope
The National Anthem was
sung by Mrs. Gloria H. Burks of
The East Carolina Symphonic
Wind Ensemble, conducted
Herbert L. Carter performed �
processional music.
of heaven
aid Hun
' You
governor so e
Fo the
State S
ed tb
: he N.C,
jprerrn � � � admin
s of office tc
of sta?e. lieutenant
x and Governor,
uded 40
hi across
The Council of State included
James A. (Jim) Graham. Com-
missioner of Agriculture. A.
Crag Philips. Superintendent
Public instruction; Ryftis.L
Edmmsten. Attorney General;
Harlan E. Boyles, State Treasur-
er ;Thad Eure. Seaetary of State;
Henry L. Bridges, State Auditor.
John R. Ingram, Commissioner of
insurance and John C. Brooks.
Commissioner of Labor.
as in the parade were
sponsored by 40 counties, includ-
ing Pitt County.
ECU and Pitt Technical insti-
tute were represented on the Pitt
Countv float.
Crowds attend
plush reception
nr the C I maiy first waltz at the Inaugural Ball.
SEN. ROBERT MORGA N - was one ot the many political dignitaries at
the Inaugural Ball.
Staff Writer
Following the inaugural pa-
rade on Saturday there was a
reception at the Executive Man-
sion. Friends and weU'wishers
were received by the new gover-
The receiving line included
Governor Hunt, Lt. Governor
Green, the Council of State. Sen.
Helms, Sen Morgan, and the
justices of the Supreme Court.
Thousands crowdo �d-
walks and waited for hours in
near freezing temperatures to
gain entrance to the mansion
shake hands with the governor.
The mansion was furnished
with plush red carpets, oriental
rugs, and huge velvet upholster-
ed sofas.
From the Getting of each room
hung large crystal chandeliers
At the end of the receiving
line was a huge table on which
were large silver platters filled
with country ham biscuits, cheese
rings, cake squares, homemade
mints, and nuts.
a- either end of the table were
two iarge cut crystal bowls filled
with fresh fruit punch.
According to one of tne
mansion hostesses, all of I
servants (except those provided
tfw caterer? are inmates from
the state prison
Outside the mansion FOUN-
NHEAO questioned several
sons who were waiting to
enter the mansion about wh, mey
had come
"It's just a great day in North
Carolina said Emmett Ingram.
who had come from Elizabeth

Seniors urged to register
13 January 1977
Would you believe
Let's refine women's lib
Trends Editor
In the past ten years or so, there has been a social issue (a social
phenomenon, really) which has affected and probably will influence
human society for years to come. That phenomenon is the women's
liberation movement.
Now many of you tend to assume that a female like yourself, with an
interest in media and careers, would be very much into the philosophy
of the feminist movement. You're right.
What I'm not necessarily interested in a in approval of is some of
the manners in which this movement has been manifested. When
Germaine Greer and Betty Friedan first came to public attention, they
were accompanied by "people' burning bras, "people" screaming
against the injustice of the titles "Miss" and "Mrs and "people"
labeling the great majority of males with the equally unjust title of
"male chauvinist pigs
All of this, plus open rebellion by feminists against any courtesy
performed by men for women, were perhaps necessary means of
bringing an issue to the public's attention. Well, the movement, while
not yet accepted universally is definitely known now by about most
Americans. So now, maybe we should refine it a little.
Take for example, the business of bra-burning. Now for some
people this is just fine. But for others it is important to remember that
this particular undergarment serves the purpose of "supporting one's
assets Men have a counterpart item that "supports their assets
and you don't see them setting fire to it.
Next comes the "Ms business. This is also fine, especially in the
South, where both "Mrs and "Miss" are pronounced as "Miz
There are, however, a few advantages to retaining "Miss Sure it's a
label, but there can be times when we'd like to make our lack of
husband perfectly clear.
Next comes the nice, chauvinistic little courtesies many males are
taught to perform for women. I myself am not very crazy with the idea
of someone constantly lighting cigarettes for me. Frankly, this habit
can be so inconvenient that it's worthless.
The same goes for having the man open the car door. I am perfectly
capable of opening my own door, and sometimes it beats the hell out of
sitting there waiting.
Now some things, I do like. Take for example the custom of a man
paying for a lady's meal when he invites her out to dinner. This can be
very constructive, serving the dual purpose of making the man feel
good, and making the lady feel she is being pampered. Forgive me,
Gloria Steinem, but I like people making a fuss over me.
Don't get me wrong. I am not advocating the practice of sponging
off of some poor, unassuming man. I think most of us would naturally
reciprocate in one way or another for the man's generosity. The point is
that the reciprocation ot kindnesses, be they material a emotional, is
one of the nicest facets of a relationship.
When you get down to brass tacks, there are two sexes in the
human race; there always will be, whether we like it or not. Each sex is
endowed by environment and heredity with certain characteristics, and
a great many of these characteristics are, literally and figuratively,
what makes the world go round.
Sure we women are the objects of certain prejudices and
stereotypes. But we're not the ones who need indoctrination now; it's
the men. Until the men become enlightened, we will be discriminated
against. It seems pretty obvious that the best way to change a man's
mind is not to intimidate, irritate, or just plain scare them. If we can't
be honest, competent, and confident, while at the same time living
with and up to our femininity, then we don't want to be liberated
women. We'd end up being poor imitations of men. And who would be
happy with that?
Don't forget
to pre-register
Placement Office
aids job hunters
Staff Writer
"College graduates will find
the job market very tight said
Dr. Funey James of the East
Carolina University Placement
The tight job market is due to
the sagging national economy.
When the economy is down, job
situations are down.
Dr. James related that on the
average 15 to 18 percent of recent
college graduates will report they
are unemployed. Last year, 18
percent of East Carolina's grad-
uates were unemployed. This
figure is somewhat lower now
because some students reported
they had found jobs.
Fa seniors entering the job
market, Dr. James has a few
suggestions. "Register with the
Placement Service; we can help
you. Also, follow up on job
bulletins in professional organi-
zations' newsletters. Visit per-
sonnel offices, apply to schools -
start looking for a job because no
employer will look for you he
Dr. James noted that a
successful job interview was
another important step in getting
a job. Dr. James suggested that
seniors keep in mind the follow-
ing pointers.
1. Know as much as possible
about your perspective employer
and job. Employers are impress-
ed when you take the time to
research their organization or
2. Know and accept as much
as you can about yourself.
3. Be neatly dressed and
4. Be yourself.
5. Have a positive attitude
during the job interview. If you
can convey this attitude to the
employer, you enhance your
chance of getting the job.
In summary, graduating
seniors should register with the
East Carolina Placement Office,
apply for jobs at several places
and present a positive attitude to
perspective employers. If these
suggestions are followed up, they
could be your first steps in getting
a new job.
DR. FURNEY JAMES, ECU Placement Service Photo by Russ Pogue
Maynard Ferguson-Feb. 1
Jazz man coming soon
World renowned jazz
trumpeteer Maynard Ferguson
and His Orchestra will appear in
concert at Wright Auditorium on
Tuesday, February 1, at 8 XX)
P.M. Ferguson, who can be
described as a legend in his own
time, will appear under the
auspices of Mendenhall Student
Ferguson, who first shot to
fame in 1950 with the controvers-
ial Stan Kenton Orchestra, was
born in Verdun, Quebec, Canada
on May 4, 1928. He began his
musical training at four and by
age nine was enrolled in the
French Conse.vatory of Music in
Montreal. It was during this
period that he finally settled on
the trumpet as his principal horn.
Ferguson formed his first band
when he was fifteen. In 1948, he
began working in the United
States with various big band
leaders: Bobby Raeburn, Jimmy
Dorsey, and most often re-
membered, Stan Kenton. In 1953,
he became first call trumpet man
for Paramount Picture in Holly-
wood and later moved to New
York to form his first American
Band. Throughout its years this
band spotlighted the nouveau
talents of some of today's legends
and stars.
Ferguson has released a
series of five albums entitled
M.F. HORN. The big band
superfunk of CHAMELEON top-
ped by the most recent surging
success of PRIMAL SCREAM are
material proof that when Fergu-
son oombines a contemporary
groove with the timeless appeal of
a roaring bass section, the results
are oontagious. His latest album
on Columbia Records has had
higher sale figures in five weeks
than any of his previous albums
achieved in a year.
As a part of his appearance at
ECU, Ferguson and his band
members will conduct an after-
noon clinic for the benefit of area
high school band students. Ad-
ditional information concerning
the clinic may be obtained from
Mr. George Boussard at the
School of Music.
Tickets for the evening con-
cert are available from the ECU
Central Ticket Office and are
priced at $1.00 fa ECU students,
$3.00 fa ECU faculty and staff
members, and $4.00 for the
public. Mail ader requests fa
tickets should include a self-
addressed, stamped envelope and
mailed to: ECU Central Ticket
Office, Mendenhall Student
Center, Greenville, N.C. 27834,
Phone (919) 757-6611.
MA YNARD FERGUSON Fountainhead file photo.)

13 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
Guru inspires IMarada
Staff Writer
Sri Chinmoy, leader of an
Indian religious cult which has
inspired such prominent rock
jazz artists as Carlos Santana and
John McLaughlin, now serves as
inspiration for another, newer,
less prominent, but very promis-
ing jazz artist by the name of
Narada(hisIndian name) Michael
Walden exhibits an Indian
flavor much in the style of
Mahavishnu John McLaughlin in
his new album entitled GARDEN
Although newer to the jazz
scene than many artists, Walden
has been featured in session
work. He was most recently
featured on the Jeff Beck WIRED
album, and is presently touring
with The Jan Hammer Group.
Throughout the album
Walden exhibits a certain knack
for choosing the right session
men. Relatively unknown Ray-
mond Gomez, Stanley Clarke Work
horse, and David Sancious are
featured prominently in the first
cut entitled "White Night This
number also features some en-
dearing symphonic undertones
with the more than ample con-
duction of Michael Gibbs.
Walden dedicates this powerful
number to the American Indian.
The next song, , entitled
Garden of Love Liaht features
some less than desirable vocals
by Walden. The song then breaks
int what can only be described as
a jazz version of " I Want to Take
You Higher" (very tasteless
The entire song sticks out like
a lump and is so incongruent with
the entire concept of the album to
the point of b'asphemy. The
female voices compound pro-
blems, and the entire piece is
saved only by the meticulous
guitar work of Gomez and the
excellent keyboards of Sancious.
"Delightful" is a welcome
respite from the previous un-
mentionable number. Female
voices are again used, but in this
case they are very tactfully done,
and the number oomes out as a
very mellow interlude. Gomez
again features an amazing dex-
terity on this song and Walden's
vocals are infinitely more desir-
The final song of the first side
features Devadip (Indian name)
Carlos Santana on guitar. Again
the Perfection Light Symphony
provides more than enchanting
background for some honey-
smooth licks by Santana. A very
pleasant way to "ease" out of
side one indeed.
The beginning of side two
features "Meditation a short
poem written by Sri Chinmoy as
read by Narada Michael Walden.
Michael Gibbs and the Perfection
Light Symphony again provide
mellow backgrounds to a fitting
Guitar Institute opening
in Hollywood, California
Guitar Institute of Techno-
logy, the first vocational institu-
tion devoted exclusively to the
training of professional guitarists,
will open for classes, March 7,
1977, at 1420 N. Beachwood Dr
Hollywood, Ca 90028.
Curriculum for the new school
has been developed by master
guitarist and music educator
Howard Roberts, who will head
the faculty, according to Pat
Hicks, G.I.T. director and found-
er. Guitarists Joe Diorio, Ron
Eschete and Don Mock also will
be instructors at the Institute,
located in the heart of the music
industry at the former Columbia
Pictures studios.
Roberts, a 35-year veteran of
film, television, recording, con-
certs and teaching, is the author
of several books on guitar
methods. He is a permanent
member of the visiting faculties at
Westminster College, Salt Lake
City, and the University of
Colorado at Denver. The course of
study he has originated for G.I .T.
is a culmination of his experience
conducting Howard Roberts Gui-
tar Seminars in major cities of the
U.S. fa the past ten years.
"G.I.T. will offer an intensive,
five-hours-per-day, five-days-per-
week, 48-week program designed
to produce professional waking
guitarists reveals Hicks, who
previously was national adminis-
trata fa Yamaha Music Schools.
"Our graduates will be trained to
work in every area of the
business he continues. "They
will play here under the identical
conditiois they may expect in
studios, clubs and concert halls,
and they will know rock, classical,
jazz, country and bluegrass guitar
as well as teaching techniques.
Composition, achestration,
music electronics including guitar
synthesizer, film scoring, music
copying, acoompaniment, record
production, mathematical music,
solos and ensemble perfamance,
ear training, single string melodic
techniques, applied harmony and
theory, sightreading, finger-
board harmony, improvisation,
transcription, wak of maja com-
posers, histay of oaitempaary
guitar techniques and 16th
Century counterpoint are among
the 43 subjects to be offered.
The spacious facilities include
study and recording labs and
classrooms equipped with the
latest professional and education-
al equipment such as the tachisti-
scope, which will be utilized to
teach speed reading. Frequent
seminars and wakshops by lead-
ing guitarists and educatas will
augment the classroom schedule
throughout the year.
Applicants must be high
school graduates a the equiva-
lent. An audition-in persoi a ai
tape-is a prerequisite fa admis-
sion No part-time a extensiai
students will be accepted. Ad-
ditional infamatioi is available
from the Admissions Office,
Guitar Institute of Technology.
introduction to the next song
entitled, "The Sun is Dancing
This is a number which
Walden dedicates "to my braher
Mahavishnu John McLaughlin
This piece features Walden pro-
minently as a true master of his
fate - the drums. The best
instrumental piece of the album
(and of anybody's album), "The
Sun is Dancing' also features
solid guitar by Raymond Gomez
with David Sancious handling the
keyboards with great style.
"You Got the Soul" is a
bluesy number featuring some
very tight guitar-playing by Icarus
Johnson, aocompanied by Will
Lee on some " funky" bass. David
Sancious again aooompanies ex-
cellently on the keyboards with
some "right-hand blues piano
Once again Walden provides
some refreshingly mae palatable
vocals in what amounts to a very
prominent song.
The following song, entitled
"The Saint and the Rascal" starts
off with some very familiar guitar
leads. A man by the name of Jeff
Beck (heard of him?) helps out
with his usual meticulous guitar.
Walden again excels on drums,
but Sancious takes away the show
(and your breath) with some
well-played synthesizer and
electric piano.
"You Are Love" is a very
fitting achestral ending to the
album. Walden's vocals (and
lyrics) are at the best. The song
definitely packs a punch as
perhaps the most emotionally
appealing song on the album.
Narada Michael Walden
leaves little doubt that he will be a
permanent and welcome member
of the ever-increading family of
musicians that make up jazz
music today.
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WE CARE about what you
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nice people eat at theTree
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�Yf �
Page 10
13 January 1977
Cain: Athletic
Program built
around students
Assistant Sports Editor
If a sharply dressed, intelli-
genHooking man is seen walking
around the East Carolina Univer-
sity campus searching for views
from students, it probably is
William E. Cain. ECU'S director
of athletics.
Cain, 42. is the third full-time
athletic director at ECU. He is
directly responsible fa all phases
of the althetic program and he has
just completed his first year on
the job.
It would be hard to find an
athletic director on any campus
who oonsiders the opinions of the
student body more important
than does Cain.
"An athletic program should
be built around the needs of the
students said Cain. "To often
they are overlooked. A conscious
effort has to be made to benefit
them because they are the
backbone of any school
Cain does not constantly sit in
his office in Minges Coliseum
isolating himself from the stu-
He attempts to visit the
campus at least twice a week
during his lunch break to confer
with students.
"It's relaxing to me to go to a
place like the library or the
student union to talk with stu-
dents about their feelings con-
cerning our program Cain said.
"When you listen to them, you
find out exactly what the needs
are. They know better than
For example, Cain was recently
ly called a "liar" in a letter to the
editor of the student publication.
A student had a problem obtain-
ing a refund for a ticket to the
re-scheduled Appalachian State
football game. She wrote the
letter to express her displeasure
with the athletic department.
Cain read the letter and
immediately contacted the stu-
dent. She received a refund
despite the fact that she no longer
had the ticket.
"I just wish she had seen me
about it first said Cain. "That's
what I'm here fa. We discussed
the situation and I understood her
One of Cain's first acts when
he became athletic directa was
to visit a meeting of the Student
Government Association to
answer questions.
"Without doubt this was one
of the most fulfilling experiences I
have had since I've been at East
Carolina noted Cain. "The
questions I fielded from them
were among the most pertinent I
have heard. I have encouraged all
our coaches to attend some of
these meetings. The students
have a good understanding of
what our program needs
Another aspect of Bill Cain
that suits him fa the job is that he
has an appreciation fa all spats.
He has coached both maja and
mina spats at ECU.
Cain was a football coach at
ECU in 1968 and 1969. Since
then, he hasalsoooached golf and
'Those experiences have
given me an insight to the overall
program said Cain. "What I
would really like to do is have the
opportunity to coach women
athletes since they have become
so prominent in recent years
The athletic program at ECU
has unlimited potential. With Bill
Cain overlooking the taal oper-
ation, it is easy to see why the
program should experience con-
tinued growth.

Cagers overcome'Cats,
gain first road victory
Sports Edita
East Carolina used a big rally
in the first half Tuesday night to
overtake Davidson and held off
the Wildcats' second half surge to
register a 51-49 oonfetenoe vic-
tay in a road game.
The victay gave the Pirates a
1-2 mark in the league and left
them with a 6-6 overall slate. The
Wildcats fell to 0-3 in the
Southern and 2-13 overall.
"I think the key to our victay
was defense and poise towards
the end of the game Head
Coach Dave Pattern said following
the game. "We finally got our
share of breaks. We also im-
proved on our free throw shooting
(68.8 percent)
The Wildcats jumped out toan
early 15-6 lead befae Pattai
called a time out. The talk during
the time out did the job as the
Pirates scaed the next 12 points
to take a three-point lead. Fresh-
man Herb Gray led the charge
with six points including a siam
dunk on a fast break.
The lead stayed from two to
four points until the Pirates
scaed the last six points of the
half on medium range jumpers by
Gray, Don Whitaker, and Jim
Ramsey. This left the halftime
oount at 32-22.
Gray led the Pirates in that
first half with five of six field
goals fa ten big points. Ramsey,
anaher freshman, added eight.
Coach Dave Prichard's Wild-
cats came out in the second half
and whittled away at the lead until
they took a 41-40 lead with eight
minutes left. The lead changed
hands six times during the last
eight minutes of the oontest.
Davidson led 49-48 with 50
seconds left when Pat Hickert
fouled Greg Cornelius in the act
of shooting. Cornelius missed
both free tosses but center Larry
Hunt picked off the rebound and
laid the ball in to give the Pirates
a 50-49 lead.
The Pirates kept the ball fa
the last 27 seconds after Hickert
missed on a one-and-one chance.
The Wildcats fouled in despera-
tion but the Pirates kept getting
the ball back out-of-bounds be-
cause they were not in the bonus.
East Carolina finally got into
the bonus with six seoonds left as
Ernie Reigel fouled Hunt. The
senia fran Shelby oonverted on
the first toss to give the Pirates
their margin of victay.
Gray finished the game with
14 points to lead the Pirates'
attack. Ramsey had a bad shoot-
ing second half, going zero fa
six, and finished the game with
eight points along with Cornelius
and Whitaker. Hunt's ten re-
bounds led everybody.
Reigel led the Wildcats with
13 points while Rod Owens added
12 and John Gerdy, the confer-
ence' s second leading scaer, ten.
Pattai threw praise ai Cros-
by, Hunt and Cornelius.
"Louis (Crosby) really did a
job on Gerdy. His defense is
fantastic. He held Richmond's
leading scaer (Kevin Eastman)
to four and Gerdy to ten.
"And the Old Reliable (Larry
Hunt) pulled rebounds all night
and scaed our last three points
Patton added.
"I thought Greg Cornelius
also played well down the
stretch Patton also said.
The Pirates will host
Appalachian State Saturday night
in a pivotable Southern Confer-
ence clash. The Mountaineers are
now 2-2 in the league.
"We are goinn to have to play
great to beat 9m Patton
stated. "They are ery tough. We
are going to need a good turnout
Wilkes' wrestlers wallop
Bucs; Appalachian next
East Carolina's wrestling
team faced what may be their
toughest opponent of the season
in Wilkes (Pa.) College. They
came out on the shat end of a
34-9 count.
Wilkes has finished first a
second in the national tournament
in Division Two fa the last five
years. In this, their first seasoi
of Division One oompetitioi, they
are ranked among the nation's
The Pirates had oie wrestler
out during this meet, Paul Thap.
Glynn Mansfield of Wilkes
started the match out with a 10-2
superia decision of John Koe-
nigs. Rick Mahonski then pinned
the Pirate's Wendell Hardy in
234. This gave Wilkes a 10-0
Paul Osman, wrestling at 134,
took a 16-6 decision over Lon
Balum. However, Wilkes' Mark
Densberger pinned Tim Gaghan
at 142 to give the visitas a 16-4
ECU's Frank Schaede was
then pinned at 150 in 335. Steve
Gccde, the Pirates' 158 perfa-
mer, then fought to a draw with
Dennis Jacobs to pull the Pirates
to within 16 at 22-6.
Phil Mueller then ran his mark
to 16-1 with a hard-fought 4-1
victory over Gene demons.
Wilkes took the last three match-
es as Bart Cook, Dave Gregow,
and Don House won over Jay
Dever, John Williams, and D.T.
The grapplers, now 4-2 on the
season, will be out of action until
Jan. 21 when they host
Appalachian State.

.50 a
of exp
View II
mm. Dc

13 January 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Transition is tough for Ramsey
Jim Ramsey has somewhat of
a problem in his basketball
playing this year. He is a
freshman, and is having to make
the transition from high school to
college basketball. This is always
tough, said Ramsey describing
what he considers the toughest
part of it.
"The hardest part is trying to
relax he said. "Most of the
basics are taught in pre-season,
so you learn it all fairly quickly,
but he continued, "it's hard to
get out on the court the first few
times and remember it all. You
get a little tight and you forget
what you've been taught Ram-
sey blames the poor shooting on
Raleigh-Wake County Metro
Player of the Year. He says it has
been a little different in the
beginning at East Carolina.
"In high school, I was the
main scoring fador on the team
explained the 6-3 freshman.
"This year, I have started some,
but I have also oome off the
bench, which is new.
"That hasn't been too hard,
though he oontinued. "The
coaches have shown us that the
team conoept is the best, and as
Coach Patton says, it's not
important who starts the game,
but who finishes it.
"The most difficult part of it,
though, is coming in off the bench
and fitting right in to the flow of
the game without much warmup
ECU is very fortunate to have
Jim Ramsey on the basketball
squad. At this time last year, he
appeared headed for VR.
"I had almost dedded to go
there said Ramsey, "but then
the head coach resigned, and the
assistants went, too, so all the
guys who had recruited me were
"They tried to get me to go
where they went, but I didn't
want to. The ECU coaches then
contaded me and I was im-
pressed with them. They seemed
like they were interested in me off
the court as well as on. If I had a
problem I could go to them with
it. They were really sincere
Last month, Ramsey got an
opportunity to play before the
home folks, when East Carolina
partidpated in the Duke-N.C.
State Holiday double-header in
Ramsey has found that trying
to play basketball and do college
work at the same time is getting
increasingly difficult.
"First quarter, it wasn't too
hard he said, because we were
not playing, and the freshmen
were in study halls. Now that
we're into the season, it's getting
hard to concentrate on basketball
and schoolwork at the same
time Don't fear, though, the
ECU guard said he had a 3.0 first
What does the all-State, all-
Metro Player of the Year want to
accomplish this season?
" I just want to be able to look
back on this season and know I
made a contribution to the team. I
feel like I helped against Western
(10 for 10 from the foul line in the
dosing minutes) and I hope I have
helped in other games as well. I
have a positive attitude for this
season, and that's what you have
to have to be a winner
the youth on the team.
"We're young, and a little
tight he said, "and this shows
up in our shooting. It doesn't
show up as much in our defense,
because there is not a great deal
of form assodated with defense
Ramsey is a native of Cary,
N.C. where he was named to the
Greensboro Daily News all-State
team, and was named the
Greg Cornelius oomes to East
Cardina from Samford University
in Birmingham, Alabama. He
transferred here last year, but
had to sit out a year of basketball
because of eligibility require-
This year, Cornelius is a
valuable addition to the middle of
the Pirate lineup. Along with
Larry Hunt, he provides valuable
rebounding assistance.
"That is one of my main
jobs said the 9 center. "I like
to go after the ball on the boards.
"I'm a fairly physical player
he continued, "and I'm not afraid
to mix it up under the boards.
That is what I'm here for
Cornel i us has oome a long way
in his relatively short basketball
career. He was not a three or four
year star in high school. In fad,
he started playing organized
basketball in his junior year.
"I was a fairly tall kid then
Alice-758-0497 or 757-6366. Only
.50 a page: (exceptions-single
spaced pages & outlines) Plenty
of experience�I need the money!
FOR SALE: Furniture & Appli-
ances, comfortable chair $9.00,
drop-leaf table, hidden drawer
$22.00, toaster oven like new
$15.00, red 9 X 12 Herculon rug
$25.00, Sears 3-speed bike
$35.00, 752-4511-5 to 9 p.m.
FOR SALE: '71 Opel GT low
milage, AC. Excellent condition
32 MPG. Call Maik Hurley at KA
House 758-8999.
FOR SALE: Standard Gibson
Eledric Guitar Grover Heads,
Excellent Condition. 758-7935.
FOR SALE: 4" X 5" Graphic
View II with Schneider Senar 150
mm. Dagor 358 15 holders. 4
developing tanks and 6 negative
holders. $275. Call John 758-
FOR SALE: 1974 Mustang II 2&2
3 Dr. Air Cond Power steering,
Disc brakes 4 speed Manual
trans. 4 new tires. Priced right
$2,350.00. Call 752-5821 after 4
FOR SALE: Sanyo 8-track car
tape player, almost new $75.
FOR SALE: New water distiller.
$55. 758-8216.
If you have something to buy
or sell come to the Red Oak Show
and Sell; We sell on consignment
anything of value, excluding
clothing. Open Mon. - Sat.
11 O0-6.00 Sun. 2-6, dosed Thurs.
Lr ;ated 3 miles west of
Greenville at the intersedion of
264 and Farmville Highway in the
ibid Red Oak church building.
FOR SALE: Craig Cassette Car
Deck in dash. Motobecane
Mirage 10-speed, weinmanr
brakes, santour derrailures. Cal
752-0352 after 400 p.m.
FOR SALE: Great buy 1974
Yamaha. DT 125A only 1600
miles. Two helmets indude, 80
miles per gallon. Make me an
offer. Call 756-7275 after 5 p.m.
Cornelius explained. "I had never
played anything but pickup games.
Ore day, the high school coach
sa me playing. He said he
needed more height on his team
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom
apartments. Newly renovated &
new appliances. Call 752-4154.
WANTED: Male or Female to
share 3 bedroom apartment at
Eastbrook; must be Academically
Indined! Call 758-0219.
WANTED: One or two female
roomates fa Village Green Apt.
$50 per month plus utilities. Call
758-0595 after 3.
FOR RENT: Apartment available
June 1,1977. 2 bedrooms, bath &
a half, kitchen & den. See Ron in
Apt. 202 Georgetown Apts.
to share apt. Rent and util.
$55mo. Call 752-0081.
FOR RENT: Priv?te rooms and 2
baths for male student. Available
on March 1. 758-2585.
and could I oome out, so I did
During his junior year,
Cornelius was used in a reserve
rde. But in his senior year, he
cracked the starting lineup. He
has been a prominent figure on
the basketball court since that
"Coach Patton talked to me in
high school, sol was familiar with
East Carolina he said. "Even
when I dedded to start out at
Samford, he kept in touch. Then,
when ECU had the good year and
went to that tournament, I made
up my mind I wanted to play
basketball here
Cornelius sat out last year and
said that the year off "really
helped me get my head together.
I knew I wanted to play basketball.
One of the most notioeable
features about Cornelius' play on
the court is his intensity. There is
a constant look of determination
on his face, and after espedally
LOST: Gold wristwatch with
brown face. Call 752-9351. $40
LOST: Rust-colored lady's wallet
on Jan. 5 between Greene and the
Croat an. Reward offered. Call
752-9383 or return to 402 Greene.
LOST: 1 pair of dark brown Frye
boots.Lost in Drama dept. dress-
ing room. Reward offered fa
information leading to their
whereabouts. Call 758-7422. No
questions asked
LOST: Class Ring, S.N.S.H. Class
of 75. Lost in Library Dec. 15th.
Inside initials R.H. if found
please oontad Rick Haner in
Aycock 115, phone 752-0465
HELP! I lost a brown deer skin
purse in Jenkins Art Bldg. If you
have any infamatioi oi it please
call 752-6140 after 5 p.m.
big plays, his fist will be raised
high in the air. The look of total
determination oi his faoe refleds
his attitude of being the team
"Every successful team has
someone who can keep the middle
dear he said. "I figure that can
be my job on this team
Cornelius gives a Id of aedit
fa his improvement to teammate
Larry Hunt.
"Larry is a great guy to play
beside he said. "I'm still fairly
new at this game, and Larry is
experienced, sol learn something
different from watching him each
That is a good example of the
spirit that exemplified the East
Cardina squad. The team plays
with spirit and intensity.
"Intensity. That's me said
the New Albany, Ind. native. "I
get wrapped up in the game,
espedally if we win
FOUND: A scarf near Clement
FOUND: A white hat near bidogy
building. 758-8216.
FOUND: A white and blue hat.
FOUND: someone who listens
and helps. You don't have to be in
a aisis to call a cane by the
REAL aisis center. Counseling
and referrals are what they offer.
They're free, too. Call 758-HELP.
personal (g
ICE SKATING: lessons 1215-
1:15 Saturdays by Jill Schwimley
at Twin Rinks, 220 E. 14th St.
752-8449. ($2.00 hour-indudes
skates) Any age-beginning, inter-
mediate, advanced. Strictly figure
PORTRAITS by Jack ffrendle.
RIDING LESSONS: International
balanced seat taught by qualified
professional on your own hase.
Hunters, eventing, dressage.
Regina Kear 758-4706. Free

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 13 January 1977
Lady Pirates lose
East Carolina's Lady Pirates
dropped their fifth straight game
of the season when they traveled
to Chapel Hill. The Tar Heels of
North Carolina beat the Lady
Pirates 81-64.
The Lady Pirates were playing
without star forward Rosie
Thompson in the game. Thomp-
son will be out of action for a few
weeks with a strained fracture in
her leg.
The Tar Heels took a 40-27
lead at the half and never were
threatened by the Lady Pirates.
Debbie Freeman led the Pirates
with 20 points and eight re-
bounds. Gail Kerbaugh added 13
points while Kathy Suggs, taking
Thompson's place, hit for ten
points and pulled eight missed
The Tar Heels were paced by
Joan Leggett and Cathey Daniels
with 16 points each. Cathy
Shoemaker added 14.
As in past games, the Lady
Pirates' downfall proved to be
miscues. East Carolina had 18
turnovers to just nine for the Tar
Heels. Carolina also out-shot the
Lady Pirates 46.4 to 42 percent
from the field.
The Lady Pirates will travel to
Harrisonburg, Va. Friday for
three games. They will face
Illinois State Friday night and
play West Chester State and
Madison on Saturday. They will
return to Minges Coliseum for a
game with UNC-Greensboro on
Student Supply Store
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Fountainhead, January 13, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 13, 1977
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