Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1990 (1/2)

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Judy -

when the final numbers come in, if you will, just for our own

internal purposes, not to distribute to the board, please draft a

~- this will be helpful

to us next year when we plan for that conf. -

we went over budget on

a n-mber of items and I don't want to do that again - overall, I'm

delighted with the outcome of the conf. financially, except I think

the expenses were a little high compared to previous years (excepting

1989 which was an exception) - thanks



Managers, Promoters and Directors Conference

October 5-7, 1990

Initial & Tentative Conf. Budget

$4,750 - Registration Fees $95x50 people
EXPENSES | OD oy peel

$800 - Indian Meal - $14.50x55 people Acfes al comes pink, ite : ay oR 2 FE im
800 - Seafood Buffet - $15.00x53 people gepaal COM aa OS pie le tl.

100 - Sat. Coffee and Donuts - $2.00x50 people A¢fa nf�?T one Kel RIES Oe =f
100 - Sat. Coke Break - $2.00x5C people ~- Ackil�?T | ey /, foe Ll fae £3.77
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100 - Holiday Inn Contingency

200 - State Car for Staff - .22x900 miles

210 - Staff Rooms - $70x 1 room x 3 nights

125 - Bus Friday Night

220 - Comp Meals Saturday Night - $14.50x15 people

300 - Comp Meals (or flat fee) for Reach of Song Company - $15.00x20 people

200 - Brochure Postage

400 - Brochure Printing

100 - Type-set and Print Program

100 - Sat. Night Entertainment

Loo = Continuing Education Li

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$4,725 - Total

plarl sof lack : 6% @ 6d" = 363 2

Managers, Directors, and Promoters Conference, 1990 (1/2)
News Clipping, Letter, Pamphlets
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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