Buccaneer 1985

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Copyright ©1985 by Gary D. Patterson and
the East Carolina University Media Board.

Library of Congress ISSN #8756-4394

Printed in the USA by Delmar Printing Co.,
9601 Monroe Road, Matthews, N.C. 28105

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No portion of this
book may be reproduced in any form or by
any means without written permission from
the editor. Inquiries may be addressed to
The Buccaneer. Publications Center, East
Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Specifications available upon request.

The viewpoints expressed within the 1985
Buccaneer are those solely of the staff and
in no way are intended to reflect the policy
of East Carolina University. All characters are
fictitious and no resemblance to any person,
either living or dead, is implied or intended.

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Page 346
Page 423

Student Life




Page 240


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Volume sixty-one of THE BUCCANEER is a pictoral record of
East Carolina University during 1984-85. As editors, we sought to
photographically show the community-campus relationships that
form a unique cosmos within Pitt County.

We trained our cameras on faces and events that you could
find on campus or nearby at most any time during the year. The
events and faces remained somewhat constant, yet their expres-
sion was forever changing. It is that change we sought to seal
within the pages of the 1985 BUCCANEER.











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The Heat Is On...


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ITm going home. Home to Greenville, where I
grew up knowing | could grow up and leave. Now
ITm going home to the smell of tobacco and wet
humid summers, though I doubt ITll see another
one. Whether you love it or hate it, youTve always
got feelings about your hometown. Feelings you
canTt deny, mixed emotions, and a sense of having
roots in the earth of the town where you first
belonged. Greenville is where I learned to walk

and run, laugh and cry, and work and play. As I
_ grew up, I saw the town of Greenville grow up.

Up until I was twelve, I lived out on First Street
where the Town Commons is now. Back then, it
was nothing but rows and rows of houses of folks
just like my family. If you had to go anywhere, you
walked. The roads werenTt paved like they are
today, although we did eventually get sand spread
over the roads. When a tractor would pass through
from one field to another it would create a dust
storm worse than any early morning fog. All the
neighborhood children would run out in the dust
and play hide-and-seek until it settled, and dust on
our skin would turn us all bronze.

Even then, I followed the development of the
East Carolina TeacherTs Training School, because
the school was really the only thing Greenville was
known for. The school was the biggest part of the
town, and I always wished I could go there or send
a daughter there. I kept up with what went on over
there, because I had heard stories about its
beginning, and a lot about GreenvilleTs history too.
I remember every story I ever heard because |
probably told every story a thousand times to
anybody whoTd listen. I guess it was my way of
being a teacher. | ;

In 1909, fifteen thousand dollars was given for
the buildings that became the Training School. Our
county senator in 1907, James Fleming, was the
author of the Training School bill, and he worked
real hard to get the school set up in Greenville. It
paid off and the school opened here. About a

month after it opened, though, Fleming died, so he
never saw how much success the school had. He
was out for an automobile ride on the new sand-
clay road when the driver tried to pass a wagon
and they ran into an old oak tree out at E. B. HiggsT
place. Fleming was thrown out of the back and
landed on his head and it killed him. It killed some
other men in the car, too. It was a great tragedy in
the town, they say.

Most of the buildings on campus today were
named for teachers from the early school, or at
least their descendants. Robert Wright was
president, Mamie Jenkins taught English, Herbert



Austin taught science, Maria Graham taught math,
Kate Lewis taught drawing and they named that
little gallery in Whichard after her, and those
Joyners have been in and out of the school from
the very: beginning.

Back in T16 the school was on a piece of land,
fifty acres, and had only seven or eight buildings,
depending on whether or not you count the Model
School. The town of Greenville built it on the
grounds. They had dormitory space for 250 girls
and a library and a science building. It was later
named Austin and it used to sit facing Fifth Street
where the new art building is now.

Sometimes other poor girls could go to school
there, too. The Pitt County WomenTs Clubs raised
enough money for a few local girls to attend, and
so did the Sallie Southall Cotten division of
WomenTs Clubs. They were letting the girls in at
sixteen and seventeen years old and not all of
them had to have a high school diploma. They
offered an Academic Course because they said not
all students in North Carolina had a chance to go
to a good high school but wanted to become
teachers anyway. Back then, the average course
load was 24 or 25 hours, and I hear students now
complaining about 18. Their courses back then
included the finer things like music and drawing.
Even with all that studying, though, I still get the
feeling that people are smarter now than they were
then. They taught a course in civics for many,
many years so everybody could learn about
government and civilized nations. And they
wanted everybody to know how to spell, too. I
could never spell; it took me a long time to learn
how to read. And the school wanted some of the
girls to learn how to read Latin, too. Of course,
expenses for three terms, a schoolyear, was only
one-hundred and twenty-five dollars. Very few
students came from outside North Carolina. Things
sure have changed. ITve changed a lot, too.

I lived with Mama and Daddy and they always
did the best they could for me and my four sisters.
For Daddy, the best things for us, he thought, was
leaving. He left to find a better way, to find a better
field, and maybe a better family. Shortly after he
left, Uncle John moved in because his wife had left
him and he couldnTt take care of himself, he said.
But I never thought Uncle John was any good,
because he never did much of anything except
complain. I was the oldest and nobody paid much
attention to me because my sisters were prettier
and always had pink bows for their hair. I was
always fixing up something, working on the screen
door or trying to make a flower garden. It seemed
like I could work and work forever and never get
ahead. ThatTs where I learned all those boy?
things, working on MamaTs house. ITm seventy-


seven years old now and canTt recall ever getting a
flower garden to hold, except for the blooms I used
to keep on MamaTs grave twenty years ago.

Mama and John used to go to the Sycamore
Baptist Church not far from our house. Back then
almost everybody who lived in our neightborhood
was poor, and it was expected for us to go to
church. I never went, although my sisters did. I
told Mama I didnTt have any reason to pray or
anybody to pray to. I did go into one church,
though, Red Banks Primitive Baptist Church out
near where Cherry Oaks is now. I had been visiting
a farm out that way and I stopped and went inside
to see what it looked like. I sat in the pew, nothing
more than logs nailed together, and decided I didnTt
need to spend any time there. I saw a funeral
there; I watched from the woods and saw
everybody crying. The family was burying their
baby who hadnTt lived more than a week. Then I
thought that I never wanted to die, ever.

I moved closer to town when I was fourteen, and
took a job doing wash for the Monroes, who lived
on Dickinson Avenue. Back then, Dickinson
Avenue was a fancy part of Greenville, the two
story houses were kept well and the lawns were
always green. I eventually moved in with them
because they were old and needed somebody to
help look after their grandchildren. I certainly had
enough experience, which was what they were
looking for. What Greenville is to me starts when I
moved closer to the center of town and away from
my Mama. Every townTs got a history, and every
townTs got a story. But the storyTs not worth
anything if thereTs no people in it, and itTs our story
that gives the town life.

I always wished my relationship with the
Monroes had been like it was between Mae Lyons
Jacobs and her helper Annette Scott. Whereas I was
just a worker Annette became MaeTs family, and
thatTs a famous story around Greenville. When she
was sixteen, Annette was a Pitt County elementary
school teacher at St. PeterTs, Grimesland, and Holly
Hill and would ride a horse and buggy some ten
miles to teach. One of her favorite pastimes is
telling the story about how she would ride
downtown with her Daddy in his wagon full of
watermelons. He would sell them to the locals for
five cents. As the years went on, Miss Annette
would often accompany Mae to teas and other
functions for proper ladies.

I used to go for walks in the late afternoon and
watch all the different people come and go through
the townTs tourist home. Some stayed there for
quite a while and others only breezed through
Greenville, on their way to a better destination.
Sometimes workers would stop through on their
way to Rocky Mount or Halifax looking for jobs at




the warehouses. Others were hoping for a job in
the Atlantic Coastal railroad line and some were
looking for anything else they could find.

On summer days I used to steal pennies out of
the ashtray Mr. Monroe kept on the mantle. ITd toss
them on the tracks for the trains to flatten out.
Some days I would wait for hours for a train to
come by, but ITd always get tired and go home. For
all those pennies I laid on the tracks I never
actually saw one get run over. ITd go poking around
the track days later and find an oval piece of
copper and put it in my pocket. Sometimes, ITd
wish I hadnTt ruined them so I could spend them.
But it seemed like stealing pennies to throw on the
tracks was a lot more acceptable than stealing
pennies to spend. I kept them in a cedar box Mrs.
Monroe gave me when they bought their new
furniture. It was a gift given to them by the
furniture salesman. I let my first child play with
the coins, hearing the clink-clink of her shaking
them up in her hands.

The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad ran North to
South through Greenville, and Norfolk and
Southern ran East to West. They intersected here
in town. The East Carolina Railroad, from Tarboro,
was completed through to Farmville in 1900. It was
originally a lumber road, until its President, Mr.
Bridges, decided to make a freight and passenger

Honor Or OurS


road and extended it. Later he pushed it all the
way to Hookerton in Greene County.

I also used to enjoy watching the cargo boats
coming near where we lived. I used to wave to the
workers when I was little, just like I waved to the
man on the caboose of the train. The workers were
nicknamed the Tar Workers? partly because of
where they worked and partly because they were
all dark. They werenTt all Black, but even the
white ones had a healthy tan. I wouldnTt ever
imagine being married to one, because it seems
like heTd be gone all the time, up and down the
river. I got to know a few of them real well,
because they came by pretty regularly. I remember
the time one hit a sandbar and it sank. It had been
carrying sugar and for weeks afterward the locals
said they had caught the sweetest fish in the
world. I couldnTt tell the difference, though.

But most of all, I remember GreenvilleTs Indian
summer days the best, and those days when the
leaves had just begun to change colors. I remember
taking the children to the dime store for a soda and
seeing all those girls from the teachersT school.
They all wore white and pink and yellow, and
always were so nice to the children. I guess they
were practicing for when they became real
teachers and had to talk to real children. They
were always so enthusiastic and happy, and I used
to hear them whispering about boys. I used to
think their boyfriends probably all wore white and
pink and yellow, too. I bet not one of them was a
farm boy or ever came near a cargo boat. They all
seemed to live such picture perfect lives and it was
hard for me to think of them as working or
struggling for a living.

I used to like to take the children to WhiteTs Dry
Goods store and they would pick out patterns for
their dresses and shirts. Back then we hand made










everything and after a while I became pretty good
at sewing. If it wasnTt on a Saturday, when a lot of
the school girls were in town, weTd get hot dogs
from the stand-up counter.

I used to listen to the girls talking about their
societies, Rudolph Valentino, and their Ouija board


games. It seems then the campus was divided into
two major societies, the Poe Society and Lanier
Society. I never knew what any of them stood for. I
was familiar with some of the girls who worked
with the Y.W.C.A. because I heard their choir once
when [| had to take the children to church.


Sometimes at Christmas they would come caroling
to the house and theyTd always be invited in. I
donTt think they sang very good, but they always
obliged Mr. Monroe and came in to talk because he
gave so much money to the school. I think he liked
having all the pretty girls around.

At Christmas time I would help pick out a cedar
tree with Mr. Monroe. He had a farm boy to come
with us to help cut it down. To me, that was fun
because I got to ride out into the country and Mr.
Monroe thought I had good taste in Christmas
trees. I told him that where I used to live we
explored in the woods a lot, and when you climb a
tree, you know a tree. Anyway, one Christmas all
twenty members of the faculty from the school
came over for tea and eggnog. That was the first
time I ever met any professors and I was real
nervous about the way I talked. So I didnTt say
much of anything until one of the ladies asked me
if | was mute, and I gave her a funny look. Then
she asked me if I was dumb, and I said, Just
because I donTt go to a fancy school donTt mean ITm
stupid,? and that ITd had a whole lot of education
the way I was raised.? That was the first time I
ever came Close to being fired, because Mr. Monroe
said ITd been sassy. I was so mad that night, that
after I cleaned up, I went out and walked the
tracks to cool off. I used to do that a lot, and I quit
working for Mr. Monroe soon afterward because it
was time for me to move on.

I later got a job at the Flanagan Buggy Company,
on the corner of Cotanche and Fourth Streets. I
job-hopped a lot because I never really found
anything I liked. Besides, I liked seeing Greenville
grow. I got a chance to see the rest of the world
grow, too, by watching B? movies at the White
Theater, now the Park Theater. Eventually I ended
up at the Imperial Tobacco Company on Dickinson,
and I liked the people I worked with.

Everyone seems to take Greenville for granted
these days. I liked it back then when it was simple;
sidewalks were wooden. We had a small steel
bridge across the Tar, it was behind the power
plant. The steel bridge was still fairly new because
they replaced the old wooden one. GreenvilleTs
fires destroyed a lot but new things were built. In
May of 1899, a fire started in an upper room over
CheekTs bar. South of Fourth Street, all the
buildings were burned as far as the James Long
store. On the West side everything was burned as
far as Greenville. I remember my Daddy telling me
about it when I was a child. He had burn scars on
his forearms because he helped put out the blaze.

There was another fire ten years after that, the
year the John Flanagan Buggy Company, where I
worked, caught on fire and the Northeast winds
blew the fire to every house downtown. Everything



was lost except one house in front of the
courthouse. The fire spread across Evans Street
and to the Court and jail, and then to the Masonic
Temple. The Courthouse was only fifty years old
but they had built vaults inside which kept most of
the records from being destroyed.

In 1930, I got married. I was twenty years old
and still working for Imperial when I met Jimmy, a
busboy at the Carolina Grill. 1 remember the night
he proposed to me " we had gone for a walk and
ended up by the river. It was a hot July evening
and he wanted to jump in and swim to
Washington, but the BIG one, DC, and he wanted
me to go with him. I couldnTt think of any reason
why not, and I had an itch to see the world. So I
said yes, and the next day we went to visit my
mama and I told her my plans because I thought
she would want to know. Mama thought I had
gotten hitched a long time ago. I turned to Jimmy
and said, Well, ITve been waiting for the right
one,? when in fact Jimmy had been the first boy ITd
dated. We planned to get married when we
reached DC and found a judge. I call those years I
spent with Jimmy my lost? years because all I
ever accomplished was having six children.

After sixteen years of marriage going nowhere, |
decided to come back to Greenville where I
understood the people better. So I rounded up the
kids, the youngest being only two months old, and
took a train out of there. When I got back to
Greenville, I moved in with one of my sisters on
Cadillac Street. It was only supposed to be a
temporary arrangement, but some things become
permanent before you know it. I got a job working
for another family not too far away and also helped
clean St. GabrielTs, near my sisterTs house. When I
came back I heard ECTC was no longer just a
school for girls who wanted to be teachers, but it
had gotten bigger and they started letting boys in. I
took my kids over to the school one day to show
them around. I took my oldest boy to watch a
baseball game one day and we sat outside the fence
and watched the team play and the people cheer.
Many had brought picnic baskets and coolers and
were drinking Coca-Cola. We stayed through the
whole game even though our team lost. Going to
games became one of the things we did often,
during the little leisure time I had. My two oldest
boys were working then, and as they got older
their lives became filled with other things. They
soon got jobs and moved to Chocowinity. My girls
were looking to get married and I was trying to
discourage them. One ran off to Rocky Mount with
a railroad worker anyway.

Even the politics in Greenville were colorful. I
remember when Greenville had its great little
adventure with Mayor Page. This was the first time

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he tossed his hat into the ring against that rich
man who was sure he was going to win the
election. Mr. Page was putting all his hopes in the
election-eve broadcast over the radio. Then the
rich lawyer arranged to pull all the stations off the
air, which killed Mr. PageTs chances. But that night
Mr. Page climbed up to the broadcast tower and
told everybody what was going on over the air. The
next day, he won the election.

My youngest son was concerned about politics
and growing up to be somebody. In T59 he dragged
me downtown to see Kennedy when he was on his
way campaigning through North Carolina. That
was the first time I voted in an election, mostly
because my son nagged me about it. He was
influenced by his friend Ben Landon, one of the
first persons we ever knew who attended the
college. He was later named to the WhoTs Who
because of his work on the student newspaper and
in student government. That was just before they
started talking about the college becoming a

My son never went to the college. Either he
knew he wasnTt smart enough or he knew we
couldnTt affort it. All he had was a diploma from
Eppes High School, so he got a job at the gas
station. It was a time of unrest all over the country,
and he was right in the middle of it. He
participated in student liberation movements on
the campus with Ben.

The campus and the people were a lot different
then too, or perhaps it was the way I saw things. I
used to wander around the campus and spend a lot
of time watching people. I used to look at studentTs
art work every now and then because I thought it


was good culture, although I never understood
much of their work. That was the time of flower
children and bright colors arid so many drugs
floating around. Sororities and fraternities were
moving in houses down Fifth Street and everything
got so much louder. On warm days you could see
people on their lawns showing off their bodies,
trying to get a suntan. | liked the sounds coming
from the volleyball games by the cafeteria building.
These were good natural sounds of kids having

People seemed richer, then, or maybe as | got
poorer I noticed more poor people. A few of my
friends drive shopping carts, instead of
automobiles, collecting cans and anything usable
or edible. But theyTre trying, trying to hold on to
self-respect and anything else theyTve got. One
time near Christmas a few years ago a lady had
salvaged a Christmas tree from a pile of trash. And
she found some edible goodies too, and you know
what? She was out there on the sidewalk in the
middle of a trashpile and she used a fork. She used
a fork to eat what she had found thrown away by
some of the students! She was probably one of the
original Greenvillians and there she was, trying to
maintain her dignity in the city she not only grew
up in, but grew poorer in.

In 1983 I had to move to Rocky Mount to take
care of one of my younger sisters. Family is still
family, and I took a bus up there and stayed until
my sister died yesterday. Now ITm going home.
Home to Greenville, knowing I could grow up and
leave. Whether you love it or hate it, youTve
always got feelings about your hometown.


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Great party, huh,? Sam said. The beer in his
smurf glass had turned into a nasty shade of gray,
and his eyes had metamorphosized into a
beautifully glazed red tint.

Bill nodded his head, recognizing SamTs ingenius
observation. A crowd of people, adorned in
ceremonial white bed sheets, gave the appearance
that the sky had snowed and the precipitation
somehow missed the ground. The laughter and the
light conversation mixed together and echoed out
into the night along the semi-busy streets.
Occasionally, songs broke out of the crowdTs noises
as the stereo from inside the fraternity house
belched the tunes that everyone had heard at least
a thousand times before.

Do you know anybody here?? Sam asked. His
words moved slowly and cautiously from his
nicotine stained lips. He looked around
suspiciously to see if anyone had bothered to

Just you, Sam,? Bill answered. I thought you
knew some of these people. You know, I donTt feel
right crashing a party.? Bill looked at the crowd.
Especially a fraternity party.?



Ev eryone was.ihere..
Lori brought her frat mug:
There were beer fumes in the ais.

And over in the corner,
Much to my chagrin,
Bobby D. and Sarah C.
Got acquainted again.

Wellmit's party time now.
We've learned our lessons well.
You see you Gan't study all the time

So vou end up: raisinT hell.


I know her,? Sam said as he pointed at a coed
who was trying unsuccessfully to steady herself on
a beer cooler. Nearby, a photographer was stationed
strategically with his camera poised like a serpent
ready to strike with a blinding flash of light. As the
coed fell backwards, the bottom of her toga parted
just enough to give the onlookers an eyeful to gaze
upon. Almost simultaneously, the photographerTs
flash lit up the scene, and he quickly disappeared
into the darkness.

IsnTt life grand?? Sam said as he raised his glass
to salute the situation.

Bill nodded his head again, sipped his beer and
tried to find someone familiar. He had been talking
to Sam all night, and as the evening progressed,
Sam had become more incoherent with each glass -
of beer. Bill felt relatively sober and in need of
someone coherent to talk to.

ITm going to mingle,? Bill said suddenly.

Go for it,? Sam smiled. ITm gonna get some
more beer.?

Bill smiled and shook his head as Sam staggered
over to keg. Focusing his eyes towards the center
of the crowd, Bill unsuccessfully tried to find a face

he knew. Over on the porch, a young coed sat by
her lonesome sipping beer and gazing at the stars.
Her peroxide blonde hair was tied up in a bun, and
the toga she wore snagged BillTs full attention.

Hi,? Bill said. His voice came out in a whisper,
and the girl continued her contemplation of the
heavens. Bill moved closer to the coed and waved
his hand a few inches in front of her face.

Ooh, like, hi,? she said. Her full-toothed smile
gave her face an unnatural animation. Bill thought
she was straining her complexion. The artificial
light from the various lamps in the yard made her
makeup glow, and as her teeth caught the lights,
Bill turned his head for fear of being blinded.

Nice party, huh?? Bill said. I love fraternity
parties, donTt you??

This is my first one,? she giggled. ITm trying to
become a little sister, you know. My boyfriend,
Roger, got me involved. HeTs the one over there.?

Which one??

The guy holding the pony keg with one arm and
a girl with the other.? She frowned.

Oh yeah,? Bill said. The big fellow with no

His newly found conversation partner nodded
her head and drained the rest of her beer.

Can I get you another one??

She nodded her head, flashed her teeth, and
handed him her glass.

YouTre sweet,? she said with a genuine flair of
admiration. ITll have to introduce you to Roger.?

Bill looked over at keg carrier and said, I'll be
back in a second.?

The tapped keg was a few years away and not
hard to miss. Togas surrounded the sacred cask as
if their life depended on the metal cask. There
were big togas, petite togas, revealing togas and
togas that refused to reveal anything at all. The
entire picture resembled an unevenly frosted
bundt cake.

Bill carefully worked his way through the crowd
with a few excuse meTs? and pardon moiTs? while
dodging empty. glasses and fallen bodies. Upon
reaching the sacred ground, he found a huge
student monopolizing the tap with a mug that
looked like a large flower pot: A few grunts and
belches of satisfaction came from the hulk as the
beer closed in on the top of the mug. As the brew
started to flow over the top of the glass, Bill
wondered about how much satisfaction this hulk
could possibly get. Finally, a dark toothed smile
crossed the hulkTs massive face.

Next,? growled the beast as he held out the
spigot. Bill took over the tap and filled both glasses
while wondering if there was anything more fun
and exciting than a fraternity party.

When he reached the girl with the blinding
smile, he noticed she had found another
conversation partner. He could see their heads
bobbing up and down confirming each atherTs



beliefs in politics, religion and how good Miller
tastes after the fifth glass. Bill decided to keep her
mug and the possible variety of diseases inside as
he walked away in search of his original

Sam could not be found, and Bill was slightly
surprised at his absence. Anyone could see the
outline of an Iron Maiden logo shining through the
transparent bedsheet that Sam was wearing.
Hopefully, Sam was wise enough not to enter the

Bill had heard stories about the Greek
establishment. At first, he was slightly wary of
going to the party when Sam mentioned that the
event was Greek in nature. Bill decided to go only
to protect Sam from getting into trouble, and if Sam
was in the house, Sam was probably in trouble.

Bill began to sweat as he reached for a handbook



Overall, this is not a good idea. When youTre

sipping a strangerTs brew and you're not invit-

ed to go and throw down, you are under the

law of the house where no other law applies.

This is especially true if the house is of Greek
persuasion. Unless an invitation has been giv-

en to the entire campus or if you have been
personally invited by a member of the clan,
the crasher is subject to any abuse or misfor-
tune that the house can muster.

If a crasher must crash a Greek party, it is
forbidden to enter the house if the social occa-
sion takes place outside. Greek houses are, in a
way, sacred turf, and very few of the non-Greek
party crashers were mentally capable of recall-
ing ever entering the house. Dexter Whabash
(see Case History #32) tried to bend this rule,
and, as a result of his adventure, he currently
resides in the Westview Mental Estates.

that was currently stutted in his pocket. He began
to read.

This doesnTt look so good,? Bill said.

Figuring there was little he could do about
rescuing Sam, Bill decided to wait. Sit on the front
porch and wait for the screams he thought. He
tossed the smiling coedTs beer in the bushes °
without concern for the plantTs safety, and then
with beer firmly in hand, he sat down and stared
at the crowd.

Glancing at his watch, he realized David
Letterman would soon be on the tube, and if it
weren't for the party, heTd be back in the dorm
resting safely and comfortably on the bed watching
the remainder of Carson. Yes, he lamented, I could
be watching good olT Dave, goshdarnnit.

It might have been the alcohol or maybe the lack
of excitement, but BillTs eyes began to droop. He
positioned himself nicely against the railing on the
porch. Yeah, boy. Good olT Dave. He yawned,
scratched his itch and closed his eyes.

Thanks, Paul,? Dave said. Paul smiled and
waved at the audience as the band busted into one
final chord.

YouTre quite a guy, Dave,? Paul said. Dave
smiled back at Paul displaying prominently the
small gap between his two front teeth.

Dave sat down at his desk, flung a pencil at the
window behind him, and the familiar sound of
breaking glass filled the studio.

Yes, indeed,? Letterman said. WeTve got quite a
fun-filled show ahead of us today, Viewer mail... ?



He was briefly interrupted by a burst of

Viewer mail, tonight,? Dave continued. We also
have Bill Libertini, probably the only person in
modern times who has actually survived crashing
a fraternity party.? The audience showed its

So letTs get started, shall we? He is a mere
freshman at a college in Eastern North Carolina
who dared to do the impossible. LetTs welcome a
true survivor and a veteran of many parties, Mr.
Bill Libertini. Come on out, Bill.?

The gentleman behind Bill gave him a polite
shove, and BillTs body responded awkwardly as he
stumbled into the spotlights. His eyes refused to
adjust as he walked towards the band instead of
the guestTs chair. Steve Gadd, the bassist for the
evening, grabbed BillTs shoulders and guided the
misguided guest to DaveTs desk. The crowd

Hello, Mr. Letterman,? Bill said as he shook
hands his host. ITve always wanted to meet you,
you know.?

Same here, Bill,? Dave said with a grin. He
picked up his ever-present index card and
whistled. A veteran of over 659 parties, eh? What
an extraordinary feat that was. It, uh, must of
taken years to accomplish such a mind-boggling

No, not really,? Bill smiled. He took a pair of
sunglasses out of his jacket. ITm just a freshman,
you know.?

The audience gasped.

Now hold on there,? Dave said as he shifted in
his seat and knitted his brow. Now school has
only been in for six weeks. ThatTs impossible, ITm
afraid. I mean, thatTs close to... What do you
think, Paul. How many parties a day does that
come out to.

Paul could only shake his head and say, Sorry,
Dave. Left the olT calculator at home.?

Someone in the studio screamed 15?.

Damn!? Dave said. How do your parents feel
about this?? Bill smiled and shrugged.

So much for classes, huh, Bill?? Dave took out a
pen and scribbled something on an index card.

What are you doing?? Bill asked cautiously.
Dave turned and faced Bill. A wicked grin adorned
the hostTs face.

This is inexcusable behavior,? he said. ITm
writing a note to your parents.?

The audience laughed as Bill turned a whiter
shade of pale.

No, no,? Dave said as he tossed the card out the
window. Just kidding. Just trying to figure out how
many parties per day you go to. It was fifteen.

Not bad, huh??

And youTre still alive. Uh, what day held the


1G o

most parties for you??

The day classes started.?

And how many parties did you go to on that

TTll have to give you a conservative guess
because, well, I wasnTt really, um... ?

We understand, Bill. Just a rough estimate.?

TTd say, oh, about fifty.?

Oooh, my god,? Letterman said as the audience
oohed? and ahhed?. Hard to believe, Bill!?

It was pretty memorable,? Bill said. There was
this one party that played beach music the whole

You mean stuff like the Beach Boys??

No. The Beach Boys play real music. This was
beach music. People shagginT all over the place. I
almost threw up.?

It must have been a nightmare, Bill.?

There was lots of beer there, though. There was



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another party at this girlTs house. I think her name
was Montana. ITm not really sure. She was a short
woman with black, no, brown hair. It was a pretty
fun party. Lots of dancing, David Bowie and a lot of
other good shit... um... ITm not supposed to say
that word, am I??

Hell if I know, Bill,? Dave said.

But the party, it was really wild.?

Do you do drugs, Bill? ITm not prying, I hope??

ITve done some drugs, but ITve quit now.?

Yeah. How long\has it been since you did your
last drug??

Bout a week.?

When did you start??

TBout two weeks ago.?

Pot, speed, ludes??

Yeah, a little bit of those. Mostly blotter acid,
but ITve quit now.?

And these drugs, they were available at these


Bill shifted restlessly in his chair.

Some were, and some wérenTt,? Bill said, his
voice showing a need for a subject change.

I suppose a change in topic may be advisible
here,? Dave said. Bill nodded his head
enthusiastically. Then tell us about some more of
the parties you participated in.?

Well, Bill said, At East Carolina there is an
almost boundless variety of get-togethers. There
was this C and W party thatI... ?

C-and W??

Country and Western. It was really fun. Lots of
Waylon and Willie, Alabama, and some good slow
dancinT music. Boy-oh-boy.? BillTs face slowly
melted into a smile. It was great. We hoe-downed
some, drank a lot and smoked... ?

DaveTs attention focused on BillTs incomplete




... cigarettes,? Bill said. Lots of cigarettes.?


Then there was this Hawaiian party that was
incredibly realistic. These girls dumped a lot of
sand in the halls of their suite, and they decorated
the walls with flowers and tree branches. Everyone
dressed up in beach gear with Ferrari sunglasses
and Ocean Pacific shirts and shorts. And the
women, yeah, the women. Well, letTs just say there
were lovely.? __

Did you smoke cigarettes here, too.?


What about some more parties??

There was this cast party that was kind of
interesting. You name it, it was there. Gays,
religious zealots, hedonists, philosophers, the
whole bit. Everyone had something to talk about,
no holds barred.?

LetTs talk about that particular fraternity party,
shall we??

I donTt know, Dave,? Bill said. He thought about
his friend, Sam.

Is it true you actually went into a fraternity
house and came out alive??

Well...? Bill started, but a commotion in the
studio audience cut him short. At the top of the
aisles, a man carrying a sub-machine gun was


] | -

running down to the stage.

LIAR!? the man screamed. LIAR!?

Holy... ,? Dave said. His hands gripped the
sides of his desk as his knuckles responsively
turned white.

Sam,? Bill whispered.

You left me there to die, Bill. You left me there
to suffer,? Sam shouted. When he reached the
stage, his automatic weapon gleamed in the

Sam,I...I..., ? Bill stuttered. DaveTs knuckles
began to turn different colors.

Save the crap, Bill,? Sam screamed as tears
began to run down his cheeks. They put me away.
They made me listen to Duran Duran, Bill.? The
tears on SamTs face were dripping on the floor. It
was horrible. They said... they said they wanted
me to party with them and become a brother...
and... listen to Duran Duran and Culture Club.?

Sam ...,? Bill said as he felt his face become

No human should be forced to go through that,
Bill. Look at me. ITm scarred for life.?

Sam raised the gun and pointed it at Bill. Dave
slowly slid himself underneath the desk.

You left me there,? Sam said as the tears began
to dry. Bill started shaking his head and weeping

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


uncontrollably, but SamTs stern look could not be

Good-bye, Bill,? Sam icily said. The bullets
came in spurts; short ratta-tat-tatTs. Sam felt several
of the bullets pierce his...

Bill fell off the fraternity house porch and into
the bushes; holly leaves scratching the sides of his

Shit!? Bill muttered. As he put his hands down
to lift himself up, he discovered that the ground
beneath was much too soft. As he applied more
pressure, the foundation underneath him started to

Get your hands off me!? cried a familiar voice.



The two friends stared at each other.

Where have you been?? Bill asked as he
visually searched Sam for a weapon.

I think I passed out. I really donTt remember.?

I thought you were in the house.?

Do you really take me for a fool.?


No, I guess not. LetTs get back to the dorm. No
more parties for a good while.?

I wonder what time it is. Maybe we can catch
part of Letterman on the tube.?

Yeah,? Bill said quietly.

Great party, huh,? Sam said.

Bill nodded his head in recognition of SamTs
ingenius observation.



CAMPUS, 1912



















Dr. John M. Howell



Angelo A. Volpe


ice Chancellor for Academic Affairs


















Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs C.G. Moore

Vice Chancellor, ECU School of Medicine Dr. Wiliam E. Laupus



Vice Chancellor for Student Life Dr. Elmer E. Meyer

Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement James L. Lanier





Assistant to the Chancellor Charles R. Blake

Assistant to the Chancellor for Public Service James H. Bearden


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Assistant to the Chancellor for Affirmative Action Dr. Mary Ann Rose

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Mon.~Fri. 7 24hr Number
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Director of Security Col. Joseph H. Calder


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Associate Dean and Director of University Unions S. Rudolph Alexander


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Manager of Student Supply Store Joseph O. Clark



Director of Computer and Information Center Larry Wester

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Director of Athletics

Dr. Ken Karr


Robert Fox & Charles Cox

Assistant Directors & Co-Coordinators of IM-REC Services


Dr. David B. Stevens

University Attorney

















University Historian Dr. Mary J. Bratton

Registrar Gilbert Moore


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Morgan Barclay

University Archivist
















Regina Hardee

Student Union President



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Student Government President John Rainey








Faculty & Staff Directory

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at of







Jib e Sp aS gg ESE







Linda Banks

Dr. James Bearden
Charles Blake
Michael Bowman
Melvin Buck
Toni Burkett
Myra Cain

Grace Cannon
Nora Case

Mary Cole
Susan Dudley
Dick Farris
Robert Franke
Cindy Gaskins
Denise Houston
Dr. John Howell
Dixie Jones

Amy Joyner
Emilie Kane
Douglas Moore
Dianna Morris
Carolyn Page
Kristi Pascarella
Sharron Porterfield
Dawn Quimby
Janie Radford
Dr. Angelo Volpe
Patricia Walker
Julie Whitehurst
Elizabeth Whitley
Sandra Wood


TSgt Bruce Barry
Capt Steven BienstocT
TSgt Albert Hammond
Lt Col Paul Knoke
SSgt Phillip Lambert
Harold Moore

Capt Barton Moyer
Maj David C. Patton
Maj David O. Patton
SSgt James Phillips
Joan Phillips

MSgt William Rutchka
Capt George Sholl
Capt Brenda Vereen


Dr. Paul Alston
Teresa Anderson

Dr. Dennis Bagarozzi
Dr. John R. Ball

Dr. Oris Blackwell
Dr. Nian Blount
Mary Bridges

Tony Bright

Pennie Briley

Dr. James Bruner
William Byrd

James Campbell
Donna Clark

Donald Dancy

Doris Davenport
Sue Davenport
Dennis Davis

Dr. Trenton Davis
Dr. Roy Denton

Dr. Sheldon Downes



Dr. Donald Ensley
Hazel Faulkner
Diane Foley

Betty Foreman
Dr. Warren Galke
Dr. Rebecca Garrison
William Gartman
Elaine Georgalis
George Hamilton
Gwendolyn Harris
Verga Harris
Marie Horne

Dr. Garrett Hume
Barbara James
Susan Jones
Brenda Joyner
Marie Joyner
Anna Kamtsiklis
Dr. Bernard Kane
Gretchen Kemmer

_Dr. Constantine Kledaras

Dr. Y. J. Lao
Becky Latham
Patricia Lee

L. F. Lewis

Hazel Lovett
Verga McCotter
Madge McGrath
Boots Mills
James Moran
Chere Moser

Dr. Rachel Nunley
Dr. Kevin OTBrien
Linda OTBrien

Jacquelyne Odom

Cynthia Page

Anne Porter

Sarah Pritchard
Frank Rabey

Phyllis Riggs

Gloria Sanders
Pamela Shivar
Kimberly Smith

Dr. Susan T. Smith
Dr. William C. Smith

Gerald Southerland
Patricia Stavrakas
Arbedella Suggs
Kay Teeter

Mary Templeton

Dr. Ronald Thiele
Dr. Stephen Thomas
Mary Tracy

Betty Ward

Robert Weber

Mary Whelan

Donna White

Joyce Williams
Patricia Wilson
Peggy Wittman
Peggy Wood

Scott Worley
Evangeline Worthington
Christine Zalewski


Page Aman
Carolyn Davis
Susan Dunning
Cynthia Kittrell
James Lanier
Donald Leggett
Jan Lyons

Linda Morton
Rebecca Singletary
Betty Sue Smith
Audrey Strickland
Jane Tripp


Maj Michael Bishop
SFC Terry Boyles
Ray Dillon

Cpt Heldur Livak
Lorenzo Saucedo


Joe Buske
Charles Chamberlain
Wesley Crawley

Dr. Frances Daugherty

Dr. Bonnie Deutsch
Robert Edmiston
Sara Edmiston
Michael Ehlbeck
Ray Elmore

Dr. Biruta Erdmann
Stephanie Evancho
Tom Evans

Janet Fischer
Connie Follmer
Margaret Georgiann
Marilyn Gordley
Tran Gordley

Art Haney

Paul Hartley

Dr. William Holley
Norman Keller

Dr. Richard Laing
Mindy Machanic
Yvonne McLawhorn
Randolph Osman
Dr. Carol Peters
Dr. Betty Petteway
Dr. Phil Phillips
Robert Rasch

Ed Reep

Roxanne Reep
Elizabeth Ross
Dorothy Satterfield
John Satterfield
Donald Sexauer
Terry Smith

Henry Stindt
Leonard Veillette
Michael Voors
Lydia Woolard



Tom Barrise
.Greg Beres

Gay Blocker

Jo Anne Bly
Catherine Bolton
Stuart Briley
Stephen Brody
Waverly Brooks
Dianne Cannon
John Chandler
Rod Compton
Brenda Dickerson
Richard Dupree
Brenda Edwards
Charlie Elmquist
Ed Emory

Faye Everette
Linwood Ferguson
Pamela Forrest
Robert Gennarelli
Mike Gentry
Connie Hall
Charlie Harrison
Dave Hart

Bob Helmick
Pamela Holt
David Jones
Ken Karr

Rex Kipps

Diana Leary
Earline Leggett
Sue Manahan


Emily Manwaring
Ken Matous
Debbie Medlin
Wayne Miller
Ruth Mooney
Don Murry

Gary Overton
Phyllis Parker
David Pendergraft
Faye Pressley
Ken Smith
Brenda Swain
Tom Throckmorton
Imogene Turner
John Zernhelt


Dr. Wendall Allen
Dr. Edward Baptist
Francis Belcik

Ann Bellis

Dr. Vincent Bellis
Dr. Charles Bland
Dr. Mark Brinson
Dawn Cahoon
Thomas Charles

Dr. Robert Christian

James Crosier
Patricia Daugherty
Dr. Graham Davis

Timothy Edmondson
Barbara Entzminger

J. G. Freeman

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Jo Ann Garner
Carolyn Griffin
Arlene Hagar

Dr. Carlton Heckrotte
Dr. Takeru Ito

Dr. Donald Jeffreys
Dr. Claudia Jolls
Martha Jones

Dr. Gerhard Kalmus
Dr. Kathleen Kennedy
Cornelius Keys
Clifford Knight

Dr. John Laurie

Dr. Ernest Matson
Dr. Susan McDaniel
Dr. Charles McDonald
Sheila Noe

Dianne Norris

Dr. Charles OTRear
Terry Purvis

Dr. Edward Ryan
Margaret Schiller

Dr. Prem Sehgal

Dr. Everett Simpson
Dr. James Smith
Rebecca Snider

Dr. Grant Somes
Richard Stanzak
Helen Wolfe

Marston Youngblood


Dr. James O. Smith
Elizabeth Sparrow
Patricia Stallings
Frederick Strom
Roger Suttles

Dr. John Swope
Joan Tomer

Dr. Joseph Tomkiewicz
Dr. Ernest Uhr

Julian Vainright

Dr. Bruce Wardrep
Dr. Edward Wheatley
Henry White

Dr. Tilton Wilcox


Furney James
Marguerite Miller
Susan Tugwell
James Westmoreland


James Harrison
Brenda Lee
Robert Rouse
Nina Smith


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Dr. Dogan Altuner
Dr. Havva Altuner
Delano Berry
Dorothy Brandon
Dr. Charles Broome
Dr. James Buck
Patricia Burrus
Diane Butler
Lonnie Carraway
Dr. Glenn Chappell
Dr. Philip Cheng
Dr. James Collins
Dr. Albert Conley
Dr. Frances Daniels
John Denkler
Thadys Dewar

Dr. William Durham
Dr. Donald Duke
Kevin Eastman

Dr. Louis Eckstein
Beth Everett

Dr. Alton Finch
Kim Fulghum

Dr. David Glascoff
Dr. Carl Gooding
Terri Gray

Dr. Donald Guest
Frankie Gurganus
Dr. Fred Hamblen
Joyce Hardy

Della Harrell
Corinne Heath

Dr. Joseph Hill

Dr. Dan Hines

Dr. James Holloway
Dr. Jerry Hunt

Dr. Ray Jones
Ruth Jones

Dr. R. B. Keusch
Gorman Ledbetter
Dr. James Lemley
Dr. John Longhill
Pauline Mattheis
Dr. Brian OTDoherty
Dr. Edward Powers
Dr. Stanley Sams
Cynthia S. Smith

Dr. Caroline Ayers
Dr. Wayne P. Ayers
Dr. Myron Casper
Dr. Donald Clemens
Gene Collier
William Dawson

Dr. George Evans
Margaret Gemperline
Dr. Paul Gemperline
Dr. James Hix
Owen Kingsbury
Kathryn Kittrell

Dr. Robert Klein

Dr. Robert Lamb
Dr. Chia-y Li

Dr. David Lunney
Judy Mitchum

Chris Newton

Dr. Fred Parham
Dr. Phillip Pekala
Judith Utley

Bruce Whitaker


Deborah Daniel
Peter Fricke

Dr. David Griffith
Loede Harper

Dr. Jeffrey Johnson
Dr. William Queen
Dr. Roger Rulifson
Nancy Sanderlin
Kenneth Sholar
Cynthia Stack

Dr. Donald Stanley
Sandra Tomlinson
Dr. Terry West


Marlene Anderson


q@ Kb

Kathie Beckman
Jane Berg

Robert Bergstedt
Woody Bolton
Terry Boyer
David Brantingham
Janice Brantingham
Barbara Briggs
Beverly Browder
Delois Brown

Dr. Margaret Capen
Gary Cobb

Linda Cobb
Joanne Cole
William Collins
Sharon Colston
Patricia Daniel
Candace Deans
Ann Doty

Donald Dunlap
Beth Eckstein
Ginnie Evans
Charles Fowler

D. H. Garrett
Cynthia Gholson
Kim Goltra

John Griesedieck
Jay Griffith

Dr. Umesh Gulati
Charles Gurganus
Geraldine Higgs
Jewell Hines
Patricia Holanek
Dr. Yuan-Hsi Hsu
Robert Hudson
Barney Jernigan
Dr. Richard Kerns
James Kilburn
Thomas Lamb
James Lee

Jan Maclaga

Dr. Michael McLeod
Ida Moore
Charlotte Nelms
Ray Patrick

Larry Peaden
William Peterson
Freda Pollard
Jane Raynes
Robert Ross

Dr. Robert Schellenberger
Thomas Scherer



Lynne Siddall
Michael B. Smith
Pat Spain

Robert Speer
Anne Suggs
Robert Swords
William Terry

Dr. Jack Thornton
Irma Wagstaff
Jeffrey Warren
Larry Wester
Steven Williams
James Yucha

Dr. Louis Zincone


Jerry Edwards
Lois Leggett
Dr. Wilbert Ball

Dr. Stevens Deters
Peggy Hussey

Dr. Phyllis McAllister
Dr. James Pinkney
Dr. lone Ryan

Dr. Phyllis Smith


Stuart Aronson

Dr. William Barrett
Marianna Briley
Allen Churchill
Carol Collins

Joe Gaddis

Dr. Betsy Harper
Doris Hunt

Doris Langley
Jerry Lotterhos
Jane Maier

James McGee
Mary Miller
Frances Mills
Deborah Morris
Charlotte Murdock
Herman Phelps
Glenda Potts
Carolyn Powell
Daphne Richardson
Dr. Karl Rodabaugh
Gladys Tice

Dr. C. E. VanZandt
Millie Wiggins

Dan Wooten

Dr. Ralph Worthington


Mary Cobb
Mildred Davenport
Danez DeCuzzi

Dr. Patricia Anderson
Dr. James Batten
Dr. Delma Blinson
Anita Brehm

Dr. Robert Brown
Dr. Thomas Chambliss
Ellen Cheng

Dr. Amos Clark

Dr. Charles Coble
Dr. Joseph Congleton
Dr. Connie Darty
Dr. Clinton Downing
Dr. Roger Eldridge
Phyllis Fleming
Mary Fowler

Dr. Frank Fuller
Jean Garris

Dr. Helen Gay

Dr. David Giles
LouAnna Hardee
Dr. Parmalee Hawk
Wanda Henderson
Dr. Keith Hudson
Joan Hunniecutt

Dr. Douglas Jones
LaRee Jones
Elizabeth Jordan
Dr. Wilton Joyner
Dr. Peggy Koonce
Dr. Mabel Laughter
Dr. Leonard Lilley
Dr. Betty Long
Barbara Luce

Dr. William Martin

Judith McCall

Dr. Maylon McDonald
Walter McLendon

Dr. Vincent Mikkelsen
Dr. Peggy Mills

Dr. Dorothy Muller
Edna Murray

Dr. David Powers

Dr. Nicklas Radeka
Dr. John Richards
Gale Sanderson

Dr. William Sanderson
Mary Schmidt

Dr. Donald Spence
Dr. Mary Staton

Dr. James Stone

Dr. Beverly Swanson
Dr. Barr Taylor

Dr. Patricia Terrell
Dr. Connie Tindel
Sherry Tripp

Dr. Richard Warner
Dr. Florence Weaver
Betty White


Jane Adams

Alex Albright

Phillip Arrington

Dr. Karen Baldwin
Carlene Bateman
Geneva Baxter

Dr. Patrick Bizzaro
Violet Blackwelder
Karen Blansfield

Dr. William Bloodworth
William Borden

Dr. Sally Brett

Dr. Eugene Brunelle
Dr. William Bulloch
Dr. Richard Capwell
Dr. William Cherry
Patsy Collier

Dr. Donna Congleton
Nancy Corbett

Dr. Collett Dilworth
Dr. Pail Dowell

Dr. John Ebbs

Dr. Theodore Ellis
Marie Farr

Julie Fay

Dr. Bertie Fearing
William Halberg

Dr. Erwin Hester
Dr. Ronald Hoag
James Holte

Marvin Hunt

Dr. James Kirkland
Dr. Donald Lawler
Dr. Peter Makuck
Phyllis Makuck

Dr. Douglas McMillan
Dr. Frank Motley
Dr. Al Muller

John Patterson
Joyce Pettis

Dr. Ralph Rives

Dr. Norman Rosenfeld
Cheryl Rubino

Dr. David Sanders
Dr. Jeanne Scafella
Dr. Kim Smith

Dr. Malcolm South
Dr. Keats Sparrow
Dr. Charles Sullivan
Dr. McKay Sundwall
Dr. Alfred Wang

Dr. Veronica Wang
Elizabeth Webb
Edith Webber
Kathy Whaley

Luke Whisnaut
Dr. James Wright


Karen Barbee
Carol Barnes
Faye Bland
Robert Boudreaux
Joelle Brunder
Judy Carmack
Debra Cherry
Sandra Hall
Becky Harrison
Pamela Spell
Kenneth Wheeler


Dr. Donald Bailey
Dr. William Cobb
Bobbie Dunn

Jo Ann Jones
Susan Reynolds
Dr. Eugene Ryan


Dr. Stan Riggs

Dr. Scott Snyder

Dr. Richard Spruill

Dr. Richard Stephenson
James Watson

Dr. Mulatu Wubneh

Dr. Charles Ziehr


Dr. Joseph Boyette
Dr. Charles Cullop
Ella Darden

Debra Hudson

Peggy Hursey

Dr. Norman Pendered
Gail Pinkham
Delzora Stringfield


Dr. Simon Baker
Dr. William Buckler
Dr. Ennis Chestang
Dr. Frederick Day
Shirley Evans
William Hankins
Sharon Johnston
Dr. Edward Leahy
Palmyra Leahy
Ellen McGowan


Dr. Charles Brown
Mary Brown

Dr. David Lawrence
Dr. Richard Mauger
Dare Merritt

Dr. Donald Neal

Dr. Lee Otte

Beth Partin


Judy Baker

Dr. Rick Barnes
Gay Blocker
Catherine Bolton
Dr. Stephen Bridges
William Cain

Jean Carson
William Carson

Dr. David Chenoweth
Rodney Compton
Frances Douglas

Dr. Patricia Dunn
Dr. Edgar Hooks

Dr. Richard Israel
Dr. Thomas Johnson
Paula Keatly-Keeton
Dr. Larry Kendrick
Richard Kobe

Dr. Ray Martinez
Jane F. Moore
Pattie Parker

Dr. David Porretta
Rochel Rittgers
Darlene Rose
Jonathan Rose
Josephine Saunders
Ray Schaf

Dr. Ernest Schwartz
Dr. Pat Sherman

Dr. Joe Shrader

Dr. Ralph Steele
Carol Tucker

Jane Waller

John Welborn

Odell Welborn

Dr. Robert Wendling
David White
George Williams

Dr. Anthony Zito


Dr. Philip Adler

Dr. John Atkeson
Evelyn Boyette

Dr. Mary Bratton
Walter Calhoun

Dr. Loren Campion
Dr. John Carter

Dr. Betty Congleton
Dr. Kathleen Dunlop
Dr. John Ellen

Dr. Alvin Fahrner

Dr. Henry Ferrell

Dr. Robert Gowen
Wesley Hall

Dina Hill

Dr. Dale Light

Jane A. Moore

Dr. Bodo Nischan
Dr. Anthony Papalas
Dr. Donald Parkerson
Dr. Fred Ragan

Dr. Herbert Rothfeder
Katherine Ruffin

Dr. Joseph Steelman
Dr. William Still

Dr. Daniel Thorp

Dr. John Tilley
Gordon Watts

Dr. Hugh Wease

Dr. Kenneth Wilburn
Dr. Wilkins Winn


Ebbie Hatton

Dr. Lilla Holsey

Dr. Kathryn Kolasa
Dr. Nash Love
Patsy Lowe

Dr. Edward Markowski
Dr. Patricia Rice
Dr. Vila Rosenfeld
Dr. Jannis Shea
Katherine Shepherd
Dr. Charles Snow
Linda Snyder
Marilyn Steele
Jane Teleki
Sharlene Vainright
Katherine Warsco
Leatrice Welch
Patricia West

Dr. Geneva Yadav
Dr. Eugenia Zallen


Vicki Berger

Renny Cannon
Joseph Derucki

Dr. Evelyn Farrior
Dr. Margie Gallagher


Horace Andrews
Jasper Armfiele
Louis Austin
Mary Barfield
Barbara Barnes
Willie Barnes
Willie Barnhill
James E. Barrett
Lillie B. Barrett
Roy Best
James Blount
Robert Blount
Willie Blount
Hattie Bradley
Fred Braxton |
Rosa Brewington
Donald Browder
Alice Brown
Emma Brown
Marie Brown
Mitchell Brown
Nathaniel Brown
Elsie Bynum
Robert Bynum
James Carney
Marvin Carr
Jesse Chapman
Mamie Cherry
Emma Clemons
Ethel Clemons
Verna Cogdell
James Corey
Willie Cox
James Crandall
James Crandol
Arnell Credred
Gladys Crespin
Herbert Dancy
Warren Daniel
John Daniels
Joseph Daniels
De Lafayette Davis
James Davis
Martha Dixon
Johnny Ebron
Mack Ebon
Louis Edward
Betty Edwards
Eula Ennis
Daniel Evans

L. D. Evans
Chris Fleming
Jessie Foreman
David Frank
Austin Gardener
Joe Gardener
Ernest Gibbs
Staton Godley
Alonza Hall
Robert Hall

os pa

4 /

James Hardy
Richard E. Harris
William H. Hawkins
Willie Hawkins
James Holland
Annie Holley
Sarah Hooker
William House
Julia Howard
George Hunt
Thomas Hunter
Woodrow Jackson
William James
B. W. Johnson
James Johnson
Jessie King
Mattie King
Julius Knight
Matilda Laughinghouse
Moses Levy
Dave Little

Leroy Little

Paul Lynch

Gene Marsh
James Mason
Mary Maye

John McCarter
Rosa Mercer
William Mewborn
Beulah Moore
Ellen Moore
Jimmie Moore
Mary Moore
Robert Moore
Ulysses Moore
Billy Morning
Linda R. Nelson
Richard Parker

Gladys Underhill
Bessie Vines
Lillie Vines
Margaret Vines
Calether Walker
Daniel Ward
James Ward
Vydie Ward
James Warren
Virginia Watts
Clayton Weaver
William Whichard
Esther White
Ruby Whitehurst
Robert Whitley
Charlie Williams
Clifton Williams
Ida Williams
Irene Williams
Neil Williams
Compton Willoughby
Clara Wooten
Shelton Wooten


Debra Adams
Coleen Allen
Beatrice Atkinson
Mary E. P. Atkinson
Ginger Baker
Dennis Bakula
Sharon Bakula
Gordon Barbour
Morgan Barclay
Brenda Battle

Katrina Blount
Helen Brewer
Anne Briley
Dorothy Brockmann
Jacqueline Cannon
Bette Carr
Michael Cotter
Alice Crumpler

A. B. Dougherty
Harriet Edwards
Sharon Egan
Martha Elmore
Myra Farrow

Jill Gooch

Anne Gunn

Pat Guyette

Ann Hall

Kathleen Heeter
Van Henderson
Julia Hesson
Patricia Higson
Jeanne Jenkins
Artemis Kares

Dr. Ruth Katz
Janet Kilpatrick
Martha Lapas
Monica Lemnah
Donald Lennon
Ethel LeRoux
Sallie Mann

Helen McCoy
Leah McGlohon
Trudy McGlohon
Rebecca McGowan
Ingeburg McMillan
Susan Midgette

Marilyn Miller
Judy Moore

Mary Morris
Geogre Moye
Linda Nichols

Lillie Parker
LaVonne Phillips
Rhonda Pierce
Mary Pope

Janice Rice

Ralph Scott

Nancy Shires
Elizabeth H. Smith
Marilyn Stephenson
Ann Stocks

Kath Thomas
Joyce Tripp

Ann Watson
Marguerite Wiggins
S. Ann Wiggins

Jo Ann Wilde

Mary Williams
Sheryletta Williams
Nancy Woods

Jeff Yates


Luis Acevez

Gary Ambert

Dr. Nicole Aronson
Dr.Jose Baro

Dr. Michael Bassman
Manolita Buck
Georganne Davies
Grace Ellenberg

Dr. Mark Farrell
Esther Fernandez

= is
Roy Payton =a Hew tm tee ime Dr. Joseph Fernandez
Charlie Perkins TS Fee 2 f cs Dr. Brian Harris
Denise Perkins 4 ee rs 4) ea Bees Helga Hill

Williams Perkins "ah © iee-odl~. a Dr. Yuri Karageorge

Ernest Peterson
Archie Phillips
Gilbert Pippins
Shirley Pippins
Alton Pitt

Elijah Porter
Louiedell Powell
Timothy Purvis
Sadie Randolph
Ronald Redmond
Ed Roberson
Jimmie Roberson
Doris Rogers
Robbie Sampson
Carrie Sharpe
Clarence Sharpe
Jeanette Sheppard
Almire Smith
Bernitia Smith
Henry Smith
Jimmie Smith
Raymond Smith
William Sneed
Minnie Spain
Darnell Speight _
Cleo Spencer
Willie Stancil
Mageline Staton
Ruth Stephenson
Olivia Streeter
Ronnie Sugg
Mattie Suggs
Mary Taft

Verna Taft
Allean Taylor
Johnnie Taylor
Gladiola Teel
James Teel
Arthur Tyson
Christopher Tyson
James Tyson



Dr. Maria Malby
Raquel Manning

Dr. Nancy Mayberry
Ann Molic
Marguerite Perry
Dr. Bramy Resnik
Martin Schwarz


Emily Boyce

Dianne Catlett

Dr. Donald Collins

Dr. Gene Lanier

Dr. Constance Mellon
Dr. Veronica Pantelidis
Judith Sadler


Wayland Adams
Ken Armstrong
William Baker
Chuck Baldwin
William H. Barnes
Steven Boseman
Edmond Bowers
Daniel Britton
Douglas Caldwell
Eddie Campbell
Richard Campbell
James Carrington
Keith Casper
Anthony Clemons
John Coffey
Thomas Cole
Aaron Coley
Charles Cowan
John Cox

William Craft

Earl Daniels
James Daniels
Edward Daughety
Henry Davis
Hosea Dickens
Earl Downs

Billy Dunn

Jesse Elks
William Fleming
Obie Godley
Roosevelt Green
Douglas Griffin
Marvin Haddock
Bobby Hardee
Samuel Harrell
Melvin Hathaway
Gene Howell
George James
Richard Johnson
Billy Jones

Cecil Langley
Samuel Laws
John Little
Charles Littleton
Hubert Melton
Phillip Mills
Timothy Mosley
George Nelson
Patrick Nelson
Robert Newell
Robert Parker
Robert Peed
Thurman Ramsey
Gerald Riggs
Dennis Roberson
Bevill Searcy
Joseph Smith
Larry Snyder
Paul Spangler
Robert Sprinkle
Frank Stallings
William Stallings
Ricky Stancil
Thurman Stox
Jimmie Sutton
Joseph Svec
Hubert Teel
Charles Tetterton
James Turnage
Johnnie Turner
Lem Wallace
Bobby Whitaker
Jeffery Williams
Cynthia Wilson
Victor Wilson


Lucille Moore

Elmahdy Said

Frank Saunders
Robert Shock

Lela Skinner

Dr. Katye Sowell

Dr. William Spickerman
Ray Staton

Thurza Strag

Dr. Mohammed Tabrizi
Dr. James Wirth
Robert Woodside


David Barnette

Dr. Robert Bernhardt
Oscar Brannon

Dr. John Crammer
Roger Creech

Dr. John Daniels
Nancy Danoff

Stella Daughety

Dr. John Daughtry
Bruce Dearden
Frances Dudley
Elizabeth Dupree
Grace Foster

Dr. Luther Fuller

Pell Fulp

Virginia Grimes
Barbara Grimsley
Paul Haggard
Evelyn Hinnant

Dr. Katharine Hodgin
Dr. Robert Hursey
Dr. Milam Johnson
Dr. Masao Kishore
Dr. Junkyo Miyashita

Dr. Abdel Abdel-Rahman
Dr. Harry Adams
Janice Adams

Robert Adams
Sandra Albertine
Clyde Alexander

Amy Allen

Deede Allen

Edna Allen

Wanda Allen

Dr. E. Jackson Allison
Gloria Amspacher


Judy Ascuee
Deborah Baker
Gwen Baker
William Baker

Dr. Seymour Bakerman
David Balch
Theodore Bales
Karen Ball

Miriam Banks

Dr. Hisham Barakat
Doris Babour

Dr. Donald Barnes
Wanda Barraza
Pamela Barrett
Diane Barwick
Edgar Bass

Paula Bassos

Judi Batchelor
Gloria Batts
Charlotte Bauer
Dr. David Baughan
Judy Bazemore
Vivian Bazemore
Dr. David Beckman
Karen Beehler
Jane Behan

Dr. JoAnn Bell
Stephanie Bell

Ellen Andrews
Kimberly Armfield
John Artois
Linda Atwells
LuAnn Avery
Robin Avery

Dale Aycock


Nancy Bennett
Tom Bennett
Cherie Benson
Dr. Carl Bentzel
Chris Bergren
Jerrie Best

Dr. Paul Biddinger

Edna Bielby

Sue Bixler

David Bjorkman
Cindy Blackman
Sheila Bland

Dr. Lamar Blankenship
Dr. Charles Boklage
Willie Boone

Jerri Borgman
Shirley Bowen

Dr. Allen Bowyer
Susan Bowyer
Connie Boyd

Hilda Boyd

Sharon Brackins
Alan Branigan
Glenda Brannigan
Dr. John Bray

Paul Bredderman
Susie Bredderman
Dr. Christopher Bremer
Louise Briley

Dr. Jack Brinn
Laura Brinson

Dr. Ada Brown
Albert Brown

Gail Brown
Jacqueline Brown
Jane Brown

Janet Brown

Parvin Brown
Peggy Brown

Dr. Ellen Brubeck
Dr. Donald Brunder
Dr. Carlo Bruschi
Ann Bullard

Angela Bullock
Margaret Bunch
Veronica Burch

Dr. Hubert Burden
Dr. Byron Burlington
Cindy Burris

Susan Butler

Joyce Butts

Robert Byrd

Dean Calhoun

Hilda Campbell

Dr. Peter Campbell
Marilyn Capps
Kathy Carawan

Dr. Jose Caro

John Carpenter
Mildred Carraway
Dr. Robert Carroll
Ruth Carson
Pamela Carter
Melinda Carver
Peggy Case

Betty Jo Causey
James Chalmers
Dr. Joseph Chalovich
Dr. Jack K. Chamberlain
Jack K. Chamberlain
Kathy Chan
Nestilene Chance
Hsien-Der Chang
Dr. Thomas Chaplinski
Susie Cheadle
Charles Cheng

Dr. Randolph Chitwood
Kathy Clark

Tina Clark

Diane Clayborne
Judy Cobb

Mary Lou Cole
Jean Colvard

Joyce Compton
Charlene Cone
Caroline Conolly
Richard Cook

Mark Copenhaver
Esther Council
Sylvia Coward



Angie Cox

Ann Cox

Cameron Cox
Norma Cox

Elsie Craddock
Charlene Craft

Dr. Gary Crawford
Barbara Creech
Lou Crisp

Debra Crotts
Robert Crounse
Margaret Crumler
Michael Cruze

Dr. Paul Cunningham
Dr. David Dabbs
Dr. Jascha Danoff
Bonnie Dansey

Dr. Mohammad Dar
Dr. Janice Daugherty
John DaVanzo

Dr. John DaVanzo
Teresa DaVanzo
Vicky Davenport
Marjorie Davis
Deborah Dawson
Gayle Day

Dianna Dean

Joey Dean

Dr. John Diamond
Dr. Merwin Dieckmann
Joyce Dixon

Lau Doan .
Michael Dodge
Rebekah Dodson
Karen Doerr

Dr. Lynis Dohm


ee: »

Kathleen Drabicki
Dr. Albert Driver
Dr. Charles Duckett
Frances Dudley
Barbara Eadie
Donaid Easley
Karen Edwards
Nancy E. Edwards
Nancy Edwards
Brenda Elks
Patricia Elks

Vickie Elliott

Rose Ellis

Dr. Mark Ellison

Dr. Stephen Engelke
Dr. Leonard English
Dr. P. D. Ennis
Carolyn Erwin
Janet Fennessy
Michael Fennessy
Gigi Fields

Dr. James Finley
Lu Fisher

Dr. Ronald Fisher
Donna Flake

Dr. Donald Fletcher
Linda Fleming
Elaine Fletcher

Dr. Paul Fletcher
Dr. Edward Flickinger
Mary Floyd

Dr. William Fore
Mary Forrest

Ruth Forrest
Thomas Fortner
Nannie Foss


i QVe




Maureen Fox
Dewane Frutiger
Robert Frye

Robert Fulghum
Marvelyn Fuller

Dr. Eugene Furth
Dr. Elizabeth Gamble
Sheryl Gardener

Dr. David Garris
Wilma Garris

Dr. Charles Garrison
Diane Gaskins
Valeria George
Elizabeth Gettig
Jean Gibson

Lorna Gillette

Jo Gillin

Cecil Givens

Ursula Glisson

Rose Glover

Phyllis Goforth
Linda Gold

Dr. Donald Goldstein
Dr. Janet Gonder
Dr. Andrew Gorman
Heidi Goy

Hilda J. Grady

Hilda Grady

Kathy Gray

Dr. Roberta Gray
Gwenda Grayiel
Ronald Greene

Dr. Jerry Gregory
Denise Griffin
Elizabeth Grigonis-Deane
Carrie Gurganus

13 14 15 16


Dr. James Gutai
Al AGuthrie
Sharon Hackett
Alma Haddock
Jean Haddock
Lou Ann Haddock

Paula Haigler
Elaine Hale

Ellis Hall

Michael Hall

Peggy Hall

Rick Hall

Regina Hamilton
Mary Hankins

Dr. Robert Hanrahan
Gail Hardee
Kelbert Hardee
Pamela Hardy
Chris Harker

Beth Harman
Diane Harper

Dr. Peter Harris

Dr. Lawrence Harris
Mary Harris

Robin Harris
Teresa Harris
Thomas Harris
Sylvia Harrison
Susan Hartsell
Sami Hassan

Dr. David Hawkins
Jacqueline Hawkins
Dr. Dean Hayek
Marcia Haynes
Steven Hecker
Georgette Hedrick

18 19 20





Linda June

Dr. Harold Kallman
Karin Kalmus

Kathy Karachun

Dr. George Kasperek
Dr. Charles Hodson Dr. Sudesh Kataria
Dr. Donald Hoffman Dr. Yash Kataria
Glen Hoke John Keen

Dr. Tate Holbrook Dr. Richard Kelly

Dr. David Hollander David Kennedy
Teresa Hollis Dr. Jean Kenny

Dr. John Holter Charles Kesler

Anne Holton Harrizene Keyes
Sarah Hooker Dr. Prabhaker Khazanie
Ernie Hooks Larry King

Karen Horton Carol Kipps

Melinda Howard Dr. Charles Knupp
Joanna Howell Dr. Michail Kodroff
Jessica Howells Dr. Arthur Kopelman
Lynn Hudson Dr. Loretta Kopleman
Ramona Hufford Daniel Kornegay
Alice Huggins

Patsy Hellen
David Helms
Holly Henson
Rebecca Hicks
Sherrie Hill

Diane Kostyshyn
Cindy Kukoly

Dr. Theodore Kushnick
Allen Lamb
Myrna Lamb
Linda Lambeth
Sandra Landis
Gigi Lang

Phyllis Langston
Dr. Ernest Larkin
Dr. William Laupus
Anne Law

Dr. Irvin Lawrence
Carla Laws
Charles Lee
Gwendolyn Lee
Marilyn Lee
Nancy K. Leggett
Nancy P. Leggett
Sally Leggett
Marilyn Leonard

Ann Huggins

Dr. George Hughes
Dr. James Hughes
Dr. Andrea Hunter
Dr. Samuel lams
Terri Imershein
Linda Ingalls

Dr. Alphonse Ingenito
Dr. Ralph Ingersoll
Dr. Denise Ireland
Dr. Thomas Irons
Karen James

Tina James
Kenneth Jarman
Doris Johnson
Marie Johnson

Rod Johnson

Dr. Ronald Johnson
Dr. Irwin Johnsrude
Jackie Johnston
Dr. Billy Jones

Dr. Darnell Jones
Debi Jones

Carolyn Jones

Dr. James Jones
Mavis Jones

Susan Jowdy
Diane Joyner

Marie Joyner
Stephen Joyner



Dr. Gary Levine
Thomas Lewis

Dr. Peter Lichstein
Dr. Edward Lieberman
Lila Lilley

Tammy Lockhart
Jacquelyn Loesche
Dr. Willkiam Logan
Kenneth Loud

Mary Louis

Dr. Thomas Louis
Sheila Lucas

Sybil Lucas

Yolanda Lyles

Dr. Jarlath MacKenna
Dr. Sudhakar Madakasira
Dr. Robert Maier
Kynn Mallison

Judith Mangiapane
Dr. Stefano Marcuard
Dr. James Markello
Dr. Richard Marks
Dr. Henry Marrow
Judy Marshburn
Elaine Martin

Dr. James Mathis
Annie May

Donna May

Dr. Harold May
Denise May

Dr. Mona McConnaughey
Dr. Robert McConnell
Susan McDevett
Conor McGaley

Dr. Jacqueline McGinty
Pamela Mcintyre
Frances McKinney
Beverly McLawhorn
Joni McLawhorn
Sandra McLawhorn
Susan McLawhorn
Dr. Evelyn McNeill
Nancy Midlin

Dirtha Meeks

Diane Meelheim

Dr. Paul Mehne
Pragna Mehta
Barbara Mell

Dr. Richard Merrill
Ann Messick

Dr. Zubie Metcalf

Dr. Joyce Mitchell


Dr. Lawrence Moher
Ann Molic
Dr. Edwin Monroe
Donna Moore

Roy Moore

Brenda Moores

Dr. Carl Morgan
Donna Morgan
Amy Morris

Ronnie Morrison

Dr. John Moskop
Larry Mountain
Larry Moy

Lynne Mozingo

Dr. Uwe Muller

Dr. Jamal Mustafa
Dr. Mikio Nakazawa
Melissa Nassea
Ethel Neal

Elizabeth Nelson
Dr. Lynda Nelson
Margaret Nelson
Shirley Nett

Debbie Nichols
Lawrence Nieman
Dr. Linda Nieman
Evangeline Norflett
Dr. Thomas Norris
Dr. Thomas OTBrien
Dr. David Opdyke
Dr. Lynn Orr

Ann Ouellette
Pattie Padley
Marijane Paget
Diane Paramore
Elizabeth Paramore
Sandra Paramore
Dr. Kim H. Park
Karen Parker
Jonathan Pascarella
Anne Pate

Elmer Payne

Dr. James Peden
Shirley Pekala

Dr. Sam Pennington
Mallie Penry

Long Pham

Diane Phelps
Deborah Plueddemann
Janet Pollard

Dr. Max Poole
Linda Pope


| . QC
| AZ

Denise Pope

Dr. Walter Pories
Jacob Postma
John Powell

Dr. Barry Powers
Blake Price
Susan Price
Terry Pridgen

Dr. William Pryor
Dennis Purvis
Dr. Mary Raab
Dr. Spencer Raab
Dr. Vegesena Raju
Deborah Ramey
Brenda Ratliff
Dr. Richard Rawl
Dr. Richard Ray
Jo Ellen Reel
Delores Reeves
Anne Regans
Francis Reilly

Nancy Reinhard
Dr. Randall Renegar
Dr. Dennis Revicki
Clara Richards
Niven Richardson
Debbie Robbins
Debbie Roberson
Jo Roberts
Sandra Roberts
Joy Robertson
Margaret Rodger
Tony Roebuck
Shelby Rogister
Judy Rollins
Ronald Rouse
Sandra Rouse
Alise Rowan
Elizabeth Rowe
Sandra Rowland
Trenece Rowley
Lillian Ruckman

Pam Rudd

Dr. Richard Rumley

Jane Runion

Rocky Russell
Dr. Rita Saldanha :
Janice Sams

Dr. Rafael Sanchez
Reid Sanderson '
Sandy Gale Sanderson ;
Carole Savitt :
Dr. Todd Savitt

Lorena Sawyer

Phillip Scates

Gloria Schneider

Dr. Paula Scott

Katrina Searcey

Nanda Sehgal

Dr. Edward Seidel

Betty Shafer y
Walter Shepherd ;
Peggy Shirley
James Shoe

Dr. Jan Silverman
Dr. Everett Simmons
Dr. Dennis Sinar

Dr. Madhur Sinha
Gale Skinner

Kent Slemmons

Dr. Mason Smith
Carlton Smith

Nicki Smith

Wayne Symth
Nancy Snyder

David Sparks

Trina Spear

Susan Speer

Dr. Samuel Spicer
Dr. Linda Spino
Daniel Sprau

Phillip Stafford
Elizabeth Stallings
Margaret Stangohr
Rhonda Stanley
Catherine Stanton
Beth Staton

Joan Staton

Dr. Carolyn Steglich
Connie Stenquist
Robert Stevens
Joanne Stoddard
Beverly Stokes
Debra Stone


EBC Ronen Meaney


Dr. Henry Stone
Dr. James Tone

Dr. Paul Strausbauch
Ellen Stroop
Margaret Sullivan
Jannette Sumrell
Louise Sutton
Melanie Swain

Dr. Melvin Swanson
Joyce Swartzman
Gregg Tacozza
Helen Talbert
Edward Tapscott
Dr. Allen Taylor
Kathy Taylor

Terry Taylor

Ken Teachey

Ann Tedesco

John Teel

Dr. Francis Thomas
Dr. Judith Thomas
Dr. Roger Thomas
Dr. Rosemary Thomas
Joan Thompson
Susan Thornton
Sydney Thornton
Jane Throckmorton
Dr. Robert Thurber
Dr. Jon Tingelstad
Timothy Tolson
Cheryl Townsend
Dr. Edward Treadwell
Dr. Gordon Trevathan
Rose Tripp

Dr. William Trought
Judy Tucker

Pricilla Tucker
Nancy Turner

Dr. Robert Turner
Marsha Unverferth
Hilda Upton

June Urback
Virginia Uy

Karen Vail-Smith
Mary Valand
Rudolph VanTt Riet
Ellen Vernelson

Dr. Michael Vernon
Doris Vincent

Dr. Alvin Volkman
Evelyn Waddell
Brenda Walden
Linda Walker

Dr. Ray Walker
Regina Wallace
Karen Warren
Peggy Warren

Dr. William Waugh
Ralph Waymer
Diane Weathington
Ben Weaver

Dr. Michael Weaver
Dr. Duane Webb
Marvene Weigand
Dr. Jack Welch
Sharon West

Dr. Lee West
Cornelius Williams
Helen Williams
Jenifer Williams
Johnnie Williams
Sally Williams
Wayne Williams
Chris Williamson
Dr. Joseph Williamson
Barry Willis

Linda Willis

Dr. Stephen Willis
Lois Wilson
Rebecca Wilson
Susan Wilson

Dr. John Wimmer
Mary Jo Windley

James Woltjen
Judy Wood
Angela Woodruff
Dr. Wallace Wooles
Joyce Wooten
John Worthington
Christa Wright
Kim Yates

Betty Young
Marsha Young
Bob Yow


Linda Alexander
Rudolph Alexander
Mary Atkinson
Jon Baker

Linda Barkand
Jesse Battle
Elizabeth Cannon
Beth Carter

Joy Clark

Milton Clemons
Lee Council
Janice Craft
Fannie Croom
Jon Curtis

Ruby Filmore
Kenneth Hammond
Carol Haniotes
Betty Hardee
Kay Jones
Martha Joyner
Pamela Lamb
Jimmie Lee
Florence Moore
Millie Murphrey
Laura Prince
Jacqueline Rush
Julie Skinner
Cary Stephenson
Debra Stevens
Letha Sumerlin
Cleveland Taylor
Eloise Thompson


Julia Allen
Cynthia Barclay

Dr. Charles Bath
Dr. Ruth Boxberger
George Broussard
Janice Brown

Pam Byrd

Kerry Carlin
Herbert Carter
Beatrice Chauncey
Donna Coleman
Antonia Dalapas
Donna Dease

Dr. Joseph Destefano
Dr. Henry Doskey
Terri Everette
Rosemary Fischer
Dr. Rhonda Fleming
Dr. Charles Foley
Edward Glen
Selma Gokcen
thomas Goolsby
Dr. Rosalie Haritun
Robert Hause
David Hawkins
Otto Henry

Dr. Clyde Hiss

Dr. Robert Irwin
Sharon Irwin
Harold Jones

Dr. George Knight
Geraldine Laudati
Marilyn Lucht

Dr. Richard Lucht
James Parnell

Dr. Everett Pittman
Teresa Saieed

Dr. Rodney Schmidt
Charles Schwartz
James Searl
James. Searl

Barry Shank

Ruth Shaw

Dr. Ralph Shumaker
Dr. Charles Stevens
Dr. paul Tardif

Dr. Paul Topper

Dr. Brett Watson
Gladys White
Donald Wigent


Mary E. Noe

Franceine Rees
William Shires
George Threewitts
Leslie Todd
Shirley Williams


Norma Ailred

Alta Andrews

Dr. Hazel Aslakson
Audrey Barbour
Debra Barnett

Dr. Judy Bernhardt
Daisy Best
Charlene Boyd
Joan Brennan
Mary Brewer
Joyce Bright

Helen Brinson
Ruth Broadhurst
Dr. Sylvia Brown
Sandra Conway
Carol Cox

Howard Cummings

Phillip Cummings
Sally Cummings
Sherri Dean
Georgene Eakes
Dr. Frances Eason
Robbie Edwards
Martha Engelke
Lillian Engstrom
Helen Everett

Lou Everett

Sr. Rita Finnen
Louise Goodall
Betty Haddock
Dr. Emilie Henning
Annie Hill

Charla Holbrook
Carol Holloman
Bettie Hooks
Susan Isaac
Martha Jackson
Mary Kirkpatrick
Maria Knupp

Dr. Dixie Koljeski
Karen Krupa

Dr. Therese Lawler



Belinda Lee
Winkie Lee

Dr. Robert Leith
Charlotte Martin
Inez Martinez
Dorothy Merrow
Hazel Morgan
Estelle Morin
Barbara Oyler
Eldean Pierce
Miriam Quick

Jane Randall

Lona Ratcliffe
Marie Ridder

Ann Roberson
Raymond Royal
Jim Ruckman

Dr. Louise Sammons
Sylvene Spickerman
Joanne Suggs

Dr. Pauline Vincent
Lynn Whiteford
Dorothy Williams
Rebecca Wilson
Lou Woodard
Jeannie Yount


Dr. James Higgins
Claudiette Horne
Lindley Joyner

Dr. Thomas Eamon
Dr. Lon Felker
Dr. Lawrence Hough

Dr. Jung Kim Dr. Marsha lronsmith
Rebecca Moye Dr. Thomas Long

Dr. Maurice Simon Dr. John Lutz

Cynthia Smith Dr. C. T. Martoccia
Dr. Young Dahl Song Dr. Susan McCammon
Dr. Robert Thompson Dr. Larry Means

Dr. William Troutman Dr. Charles Mitchell .
Dr. Sandra Wurth-Hough Dr. Charles Moore

Dr. Tinsley Yarbrough Dr. Michael Poteat

Charla Davis-Sizemore

PRINT SHOP Hazel Stapleton
Dr. Robert Tacker
Edna Adams Dr. Raymond Webster

Dr. Karl Wuensch

Donald Carter

Janice Robinson
Malcolm Simpson
Robert Ussery

Dr. Douglas Wilms


Dr. Sue Bowden
Karen Collier

Dr. Robert Dough
Dr. Carol Hampton
Dr. Carolyn Hampton
Michael Jones

Dr. Betty Levey

Dr. Floyd Mattheis

Patsy Cannon
Arthur Colclough
Dr. Alfred King
Susan McGhee
Herbert Oxendine
James Pridgen


Dr. George W. S. Bailey
Dr. Nicholas Georgalis
Dr. Robert Holt

Dr. Henry Jacoby

Dr. Michael Kegerreis
Dr. John Kozy

Dr. Ernest Marshall

Dr. Richard Miller
Frank Murphy

Dr. Gregory Rich

Dr. Jy Roberts

Dr. Gregory Ross

Dr. James LeRoy Smith


Dr. Carl Adler

Dr. George Bissinger
Ronald Bunzey

Dr. Chandrakala Choudhury
Dr. Byron Coulter
Norman Dunn

Dr. James Gaiser

Carl Hartsfield

Bruce Hedreen

Dr. Gordon Jendrasiak
Dr. James Joyce

Dr. Gregory Lapicki
Alan Larkins

Bonnie Main

Dr. Terence McEnally
Dr. Thomas Sayetta
Dr. Edward Seykora
Dr. Paul Varlashkin
Edna Woolard


Peggy Swearingen

Patsy Chappell
Raymond Davis


Mary Gilchrist
Karen B.James
Wayne McCormick
Darlene Peszko
Carolyn Stroud
Dorothy Sullivan

Joseph Calder
Robert Davis
Francis Eddings
Patricia Gertz
Rhonda Gurley
Patricia Hair
Barbara Heath
Arthur McAbee
Kathleen Monahan

Carol Thompson
Ruby Whichard

Dr. Mohammed Ahari
Herbert Carlton

Dr. Dorothy Clayton
Karen DeVol

1G % 5


William Wilkes
Annette Parker
Joseph Pollock
Linwood Wiggins
Robin Bass James Willis
Dr. Larry Bolen
Adele Bowman
Dr. Wilber Castellow R EGIONAL
Dr. Dennis Chestnut DEVELOPMENT

Dr. Rosina Chia
Dr. John Childers Richard Brockett
Dr. John Cope ~ Janice Faulkner
Dr. Boice Daugherty Emily Hall

Dr. Thomas Durham Billy Helton
Bonnie Gaiser Katheryn Lewis
Dr. Jeannie Golden Wayne Lofton

Dr. Robert Graham Eula Moore
Dr. William Grossnickle Talmadge Page
Dr. Monnie Hedges Bill Powell

Rebecca Helms Wanda Roberson


James Nicholson

Dr. Floyd Read

Dr. Moses Sheppard
Jean Taylor


Carol Batts

Deborah Bengala
Dr. Hal Daniel

Dr. Salvatore De Marco
Meta Downes
Melvin Fratzke
Sheila Fratzke

Dr. Gregg Givnes
Dr. Duane Logue

Dr. James McCallum
Robert Muzzarelli
Sheila Porter

Dr. Rich Shine
Carrie Thompson


Dr. Carson Bays
Dr. Vito Blomo

Dr. John Bort

Dr. Robert Bunger
Debbie Costigan
Dr. Gladys Dejesus
Wanda Elks


Dr. Gary Green
Paul Green
Kathryn Grzelkowski
Jean Huryn
Martha Justis

Dr. David Knox
Kuo-yuan Liang
Dr. John Maiolo
Holly Mattews
Joseph Meskey
Dr. James Mitchell
Jane Ollenburger
Michael Orbach
Dr. David Phelps
Dr. J. C. Register
Dr. Christa Reiser
Dr. Buford Rhea
Dr. Avtar Singh
Shirley T. Smith
Dr. Leann Tigges
Dr. Paul Tschetter
Melvin Williams
Dr. Kenneth Wilson


Linda McKeel
Brenda Mills

April Moore

C. G. Moore

Ann Moseley
Christy Mullins
Linda Nelson
Patsy Nichols
Judy Otis

Judy Perry

Alice Register

Dr. Mary Ann Rose
Nanette Stillwell
Marjorie Sutton
Mary Taylor

Jenny Tripp
Virginia Wallace
Lisa Warren
Delores Whitehurst
Shirley Williams


Linda Banks
Toni Burkett
Myra Cain
Grace Cannon
Nora Case
Rosa Edwards
William Edwards
Mary Elks
Nancy Faulkner
Novella Fleming
Karen Frye
Faye Fulford
Harriet Griffin
Gloria Grimes
Brenda Herring
Sarah Hodges
Caroline Hudnell
Della Hudson
Anne Jenkins
Jean Jones
Kathy Jones
Gail Jordan
James Lowry
Anne May
Curtis May

Florence Adams
Doris Andrews
William Bass

Dr. Charles Brady
Willie Brown

Mary Durham

Mary Elesha-Adams
Effie Elmore

Doris Justice

Dr. James McCallum
Amy McGowan

Dr. Harry McLean
Cathy Moran
Elizabeth Proctor
Della Rouse

Shirley Smith

Kelly Styons

Kay Van Nortwick
Kathryn Whitehead
Dr. Shirley Williamson
Barbara Winn

Dr. Alfred Yongue
Dr. Judith Yongue


Kathy Beetham

Kathleen Braswell
Nellie Boyd
Connie Burgess
Brenda Cherry
Charles Cox
William Ehling
Patricia Elks
Clifton Fish
Robert Fox

Inez Fridley
Carolyn Fulghum
Duane Grooms
Gail Hall
Vanessa Higdon
Jacqueline Jackson
Janet Johnson
Donald Joyner
Nancy Lackey
Rebecca Martin
Dr. Elmer Meyer
Jamie Moul
Susan Schatz
Nancy Smith
Rose Smith
Linda Sumerlin
David Susina
Laura Sweet
Robert Warren
Blanche Watson
Dawn Wine
Connie Wrenn
Lucinda Wright


Charles Ayers
Gloria Boswell
Bettye Boyd
Sandra Boyd
Roger Bullock
Katherine Burney
Kathryn Carnes
Ethel Carpenter
Joseph Clark
Willette Darden
Lane Edmondson
Delorse Elks
Virginia Ellison
Doris Faulkner
Ernest Fleming



Jan Foust
Frances Hagan
James Harris
Bonnie Harrison
Eloise Hunsucker
David Jones
Kathie McDonald
Lila McLawhorn
Debra Page
Michael Reid
Viola Rogers
Lillie Ross
Shirley Sherrod
Roy Smith
James Spain
Wendy Stancil
Sue Stoneham
Melga Wainwright
Wanda Westbrook
Jean White
Letitia Willis



Dr. Frederick Broad
Dr. Calfrey Calhoun
Dr. Darryl Davis
Brian Donahue

Dr. Barry DuVall
Dr. Elmer Erber
William Holden

Dr. William Hoots
Edward Keeter

Dr. Douglas Kruger
Dr. John Marshall
Kenneth Mayer

Dr. William McPherson

Ronald Spangler
Corinne Swayze
Dr. Jerry Tester
Paul Waldrop
Sue Williams



Robert Alpers

Dr. Carlton Benz
Leonard Darby
Tracy Donohue
David Downing
Gary Faircloth
Jay Fox

Paula Johnson

Dr. Travis Lockhart
Edgar Loessin
Pama Mitchell
Scott Parker
Paris Peet

May Pegram

Jean Pennucci
Patricia Pertalion
G. Douglas Ray
James Rees
Sandi Shackelford
Dr. Helen Steer
Mary Vars
Patricia Weeks
Dr. Cedric Winchell


Brenda Adams
Kathryn Allen
Bobbie C. Austin
Cathy M. Autry
Bonnie Avery
Elizabeth Avery
Margaret Baker
Peggy Balcome
Penny Baldree

Sandra Barnes
John Bell
Carolyn Britt
Eleanor Bunting
Ann Coward
Cindy Cox

Mary Daniel
John Daniels
Donna DeLuise
Janet Davis
Pamela Dixon
Katherine Ferrell
Mary Garrett
Brenda Garris
Lauraetta Gatlin
Ed Gibson
Deborah Gladson
Arlene Gurganus
Vernicia Haddock
Daphen Harrell
Mary Heartly
Diann Health
Annie Hill
Josephine Holley
Vickie House
Billie Humke
Slay Jackson
Sue Johnson
Sandra Joyner
Ruth Kilburn
Rita Lambert
Willie Langley
Judy Manning
Sandra Matthews
James McPhaul
Kristy Merritt
Christine Mewborn
Gil Moore
James Moore
Darlene Oakley
Lisa Overman
Eugene Owens
Pat Ridenour
Diane Roberson
Charles Seeley
Roddy Seymour
Penny Skinner
Hilda Smith
Laura Smith
Louise Spain

Dr. Ronald Speier
Joan Springer
Pauline Stencil
Mary Stanley
Chery! Sutton
Joan Taylor
Nellie Taylor
Francine Teel
Rosie Thompson
Ann Tillman
Debbie Tyndall
Denise Umphlett
Ben Utley

Janie Vandiford
Amy Waddell
Alonzo Weaver
Judy West
Sandra Williams
Angela Wilson
Horace Worsley



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Student Life

It was Friday night and the semester was
virtually over for Dan Frank. The dorms were
unusually quiet because everyone was either
downtown or in another part of Greenville
celebrating the conclusion of one more year at East
Carolina University. Dan's roommate, Tom, went
home for the weekend; something about a wedding.
Dan wasnTt really sure. The room seemed lifeless
without Tom and his boisterous mannerisms that
were saved exclusively for the weekends. No siree,
never a dull moment with Tom. Dan shook his head
and smiled. He was alone tonight, and the dorm was
disturbingly quiet.

On the desk rested the pressures and the
deadlines that had finally come to terms with him.
Being a freshman wasn't all the guidance counselors
made it up to be. English 1200, Math 1065, and
those other seemingly useless General College
courses, the books waiting there for him to open up
that one last time. The cheap flourescent bulb in the
lamp looming over the unfinished work seemed to
cast a menacing shadow on one of the books
creating a ghastly silhouette of a monster he had
once seen in Hendrix Theater. It was a different type
of monster though; a growing snowball of work that
had appeared as if by magic, creeping up behind
him and then terrifying him with its due dates.
School had caught up with Dan, but Dan had yet to
catch up with school.

The beer he had nursed for the past hour tasted
sour as he finished the last of the golden droplets.
His head was beginning to swim. Earlier, he
promised himself to keep the drinking down to a
minimum. Of course, that rationale dealt with the
amount of work that needed to be completed before
the end of the weekend. Somehow, work ethics
dissolved with each swallow of the golden brew.
Since the refrigerator was close to his bed, the task
of getting the beer was much too simple, and the
drinking was far too easy to do. No need to stumble
across the room and risk injury while the brew was
right there beside the bed. He pulled open the door


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and located another can. It was nice and cold and
ready to be tasted.

As he rested back on the mattress, his mind fell
into a memory of a cool September evening. The
present pressures of studying and working were lost
in an overpowering memory. How could he have
screwed up morals in so short a time? Dan took
another gulp of beer and faded into a cool clear
memory of a night in September. 10:43

Dan, this is Marsha,? Tom said as his wiry body
slipped into the dorm room. Dan remained lying on
his bed, deeply engrossed in a letter he had found in
the September issue of Penthouse. TomTs entrance
went unnoticed.

Hey!? Tom shouted as Dan felt a tug on his
magazine. When he looked up, Tom's eyes were a
bright shade of red. Dan tucked the magazine under
the mattress and sat up.

| was studying,? Dan said. Tom grinned.

This is Marsha,? his roommate announced. I've
talked to you about her before.? Tom winked his
eye, and Dan winked back. Tom liked to talk with
his face.

Dan's face contorted with mock frustration as he


tried to remember this girl named Marsha. Tom was
very drunk that night he talked about the girl in his
English 1100 class. SheTs kind of short, kind of cute
and kind of nice. Dan remembered nodding his head
in good humor as the detailed description paralleled
the gamut of his roommateTs sobriety. All the while,
his slight interest in the girl named Marsha was held
at bay by a girl he knew back home.

But there she was. Kind of short, kind of cute and
kind of ... well, he couldnTt make a hasty
judgement from a first impression. She stood in the
doorway with her head and shoulder resting against
the entrance. Her eyes were focused on her hands,
and she seemed to be extremely fascinated at how
dirty oneTs nails could get. When she glanced up to
meet Dan's curious gaze, he could see that her eyes
had a slight hint of blue and a lot of red.

Hi,? Dan finally said.

Hi,? Marsha said. Her attention then returned to
the study of her cuticles. Tom looked at the match
he had made and smiled.

Marsha asked me to introduce you to her,? Tom
began. Of course, | couldnTt have passed up such
an open opportunity to get you guys together
tonight since both of you donTt have anything
constructive to do on this pleasant Friday evening.?

Tom was at it again, Dan thought. That damn

Last weekend wasn't so long ago, and DanTs
memory was very clear. Tom had set him up with a
girl last Saturday, and Dan reluctantly gave in to the
proposition. He kept the girl back home in the back
of his mind during the entire date, and, as a result,
the evening turned out to be a bore. When Dan
arrived back early, he found Tom and a coed in a
very compromising position, and, thusly, Dan settled
for a room across the hall.

I'm sorry, Marsha,?T Dan said as he picked up
one of his many unused textbooks and flipped
through a few of the pages. The work has really
built up, and I really need to get some stuff done
before the weekend is up.?

Look,? Tom said. Uh ... nobody studies on a
Friday night. Gee, uh, especially at East Carolina. |
was really hoping that you and Marsha would meet
each other tonight and go downtown. |, uh, really
felt you guys might hit it off, you know??

Tom knew about DanTs long distance relationship
with a girl named Crystal. He also knew the wounds
from last weekend were still tender and vulnerable.
Furthermore, he knew that his date was due in
fifteen minutes, and he needed to act fast. Tom
reached for his wallet.

Meanwhile, MarshaTs attention had shifted from
her nails to her hair. Her other arm was now leaning
up against the doorway while her free hand twisted
her long brown hair. She remained relatively quiet
during the conversation except for the occasional
rustling of her purple windbreaker. Tom looked over
at Marsha as he closed in on Dan.

After making sure that MarshaTs attention was
somewhere else, Tom slipped a ten dollar bill into
Dan's book.

No more after this,? Tom said.

This must be serious,? Dan said.

Tom nodded his head.

No more,? Dan said. Promise??

Promise,? Tom answered,

Dan got up from the bed, handed Tom the book
and walked to the door.

Marsha,? he said, ITm sorry about not being too
receptive to a guest. I guess ITm just tired.?

DonTt worry about it,? she said as she slipped
her hands into her jacket pockets. I havenTt been
too congenial either.?

As Dan walked to the closet to get his old jacket,
Tom collapsed on DanTs bed.

Are you 19?? Dan asked Marsha.

Yes, but I donTt drink,? she said.

I'm 18,? Dan admitted. Where do you suggest
we go??

Now, 10:55.

Dan wouldn't have noticed the time if the beer he
was holding had not have spilled on his jeans. The
clock was peering through the monsters on the desk
like a pair of bloodshot eyes. His mind was
digressing, and he didnTt want the wheels to stop
turning. My, my, isnTt college a wonderful
experience? Your mind goes everywhere but never
zeroes in on school. The monsters stared blankly at

Dan's mind refused to act in accordance with his
better judgement. Before he knew it, his brain sent a
message to his legs commanding them to go over to
the desk. His mind then sent another message
asking that he sit down and start looking through
some of the alien texts. The monsters grinned.

Oh God,? he whispered. What is this??

English 1200 " How to Write a Research Paper.
His watery eyes attempted to grasp the printed
page, but the signals became mixed up on the way
to the decoder. As he tried to readjust his vision, his

mind recalled a drab classroom and an
uncomfortable desk located in Austin. If it had not
been for speed and the coffee, Dan might have
missed his first year at ECU.

Dan sipped the remainder of his lukewarm beer
and closed the book. Wheels began to turn.

He thought about the confusion of drop-add. ItTs
just a joke, right? He thought about Pee Dee. How
could a kid really get away with naming the ECU
mascot? ItTs just a joke . .. He thought about the
new drinking age. Another three years till ITm legal?
ItTs just a... He thought about God.

it's just i.

Another memory surfaced and managed to stop
the wheels from turning. It was the kind of memory
that becomes part of you and never wants to leave
you. The voice of his mother began to speak to him
softly and soon the voice grew fervent. He tried to
piece together her words, but the idea was
immediately discarded because he remembered
where the words were coming from. She was reading
from the Bible. He could see his family in the warm
confines of the den listening respectfully to the
words of Jesus. His father and sister sat on the floor
with their heads bowed and eyes tightly shut while
Mom sat on the couch reading on and on... and
Dan sat quietly beside her. He saw her face and the
pain that she held in her eyes.

Don't go astray or the Devil is going to get you,?
he heard her say. Honor your father and mother . . .?

ITm listening, Mom.

Dan recalled the night that Crystal decided to go
all the way; December 31, 1983 at a New YearTs Eve
party. Nature, he thought, was far overdue in
signaling her hormones to interact with his. After all,
they practically shared their adolescence together.
Fourteen years and now sheTs ready. Then for a
moment, just one fleeting second, he wanted to
pounce. Damn, he thought, she was right there all
hot and bothered.

Mom's voice was there that night, too. Calm but
firm. She was reading from the Bible.

Five minutes later, Crystal was back home, and
Dan was still a virgin.

Dan glanced at the clock and wished for another
memory. Let the wheels turn, he decided. DonTt stop
turning... 11:14

Marsha decided to drive, and they both agreed to
boogie down at the Elbo.

Dan had visited downtown once before, and the
experience left a bad taste in his mouth. Before this
first sojourn into the land of nighttime, an
upperclassman told Dan that most of the bars were
slack in carding people, and he shouldn't worry
about getting any beer or liquor. On that first night,
however, GreenvilleTs finest were out in full force
cruising up and down the streets daring the foolish
freshmen to thwart police authority. Uniformed
officers stood watch over each to the bar entrances
just waiting for an unsuspecting freshman. Dan
decided not to thwart police authority and promptly
went back to the dorm. So much for the exciting
Greenville nightlife, he thought.

Dan and Marsha waited in line that extended from
the bar entrance to the corner of Cotanche and
Fifth. It was like drop-add except they knew they
wouldnTt be turned away. They exchanged glances
and pieces of conversation while the line slowly
moved into the gates of Elboland. The topic of
music eventually came up, and Dan learned of





MarshaTs insatiable appetite for Led Zeppelin, David
Bowie, Pink Floyd and the BarKays.

BarKays?? Dan asked.

You can dance to it,? she said.

A heavy set bouncer sat behind a small table just
inside the doorway. While the people herded
themselves inside to graze, the bouncerTs face stared
unemotionally at the incoming cattle.

Once inside the bar itself, Dan experienced a
sensory overload. Lights flashed on and off in a
thick haze, and the music, a God-awful thump,
thump, thump, boomed from gigantic speakers at
maximum offensive intensity. When they finally
reached the bar, he could see the chainsmokers
smoking, the laughers laughing, the criers crying
and the ~haven't | met you somewhere beforeTerTs
trawling. No one at the bar looked familiar. What
faces he saw showed the various stages of

inebriation: bloodshot eyes, dribbling chins, distorted
hairs, and a wonder of where they were. At the far
end of the bar, a group of overly happy sorority
sisters sang songs they'd long since forgotten. The
bartender smiled with approval while he
momentarily forgot about the other customers who
were waving their dollars at the other end of the bar.

People packed the dance floor. Dan caught
glimpses of movement from the center of the stage,
but he refused to regard the slight hints of motion as
a form of dancing. More likely, they were merely
shaking their heads and flailing their arms just to
make sure that everything was functioning properly.
Dan saw Marsha drawing similar conclusions.

It's kind of stuffy in here,? she shouted. A drunk
suddenly stumbled into Dan and spilled beer on his
new sneakers.

IT agree,? Dan shouted. He rubbed his eyes in a
vain attempt to counteract the smoke.

Let's go,? he finally announced. As he moved to
the exit, he felt his feet stick to the floor. Squish,
squish, squish.

Where do you suggest we go?? Marsha asked.
Dan shrugged his shoulders and walked out the

Music,? Dan said as the memory from
September began to fade. It was 11:31.

Under a great deal of effort, Dan removed himself
from the desk, dodged the empty beer bottles and
potato chip bags and soon made his way to the


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


stereo. He wanted music. Shake that feeling, he

... on WZMB, and now more music from the
request line. This is Joe Walsh.?

Joe started singing, and Dan started shaking as
he stared at the speakers. Joe was singing about his
mother. Dan didnTt want to hear this, but Joe
continued to sing about that protective mother who
warned him to be careful and to do the things he
rightfully should do. As the music seemed to grow
in sound, Dan felt the wheels turning.


DonTt worry about me, he thought. | remembered
to pack all my morals in the old kit bag and smile,
smile, smile. He recalled the first week of school and
all of the disoriented students hauling up their
overstuffed suitcases and assorted memorabilia.
When he finally located his room, he threw his
suitcase on the bare mattress and unpacked. He
remembered to pack the morals he had learned back
home, but unpacking the luggage proved to be
fruitless as he searched for his morals. He looked
everywhere including the blender. Where did those
good Tol morals go, Mom?


Dan felt a throbbing begin at the base of his skull,
a throbbing that kept perfect time with the sound of
the music. Thie sound continued to increase until
... Click. The stereo and the room were silent, but
the music played on.

Morals, morals, morals, morals, Dan thought
bitterly. Damn this whole situation!

Calm down Dan

Damn this entire school,? he shouted.


Damn you, Tom. You son-of-a-bitch! You screwed
me up with that, that Marsha. Why??

Mother says...

Dan picked up the stereo and contemplated
violence. He held the receiver tightly as his eyes and
ears observed the empty silence of the dorm room.




He replaced the receiver on the chest and
stumbled over to the refrigerator. A lone beer sat on
the inside of the door.

Damn, he thought, as he fell on his bed. Go,
wheels go. 11:36.

The sidewalk outside the Elbo was sticky to the
soles of their shoes as they walked to MarshaTs car.

The wind picked up a little, and with the wind, the
smell of beer began to dig deep into the air.

Do you smoke?? Marsha asked as she pulled out
a pack of cigarettes from her jacket.

Sure,? Dan said. He didnTt smoke, but he felt a
need to occupy his hands.

She passed the pack over to him while she tried
to locate some matches. With the cigarette firmly in
hand, he placed the filter to his lips. Marsha struck
the new-found match, shielded it carefully against
the wind, and lit his fire. She then lit hers. An
overwhelming coughing spasm struck Dan by
surprise as he took the smoke deeply into his lungs.
His dry lips held the tobacco in place.

You donTt smoke, do you?? she asked. Dan

Can you really tell,? Dan said. Marsha smiled.
Everyone was smiling.

Some things are kind of obvious,? she said.
YouTre not nervous, are you??

Some things are kind of obvious.

No,? he said. Not really.?

gt ey

Just a little frustrated.?

a as

ItTs nothing really.?


He took another lungful of smoke and tried
unsuccessfully to suppress a vicious cough. They
continued walking.

ItTs my roommate,? he finally said. This was fas
becoming the longest conversation of the evening.

Tom?? she said inquisitively. HeTs not such a
bad guy. He hasnTt made you mad.?

~Well,T?T Tom said, to be honest, Tom has a nasty
habit of setting me up on dates when he knows
good and well that...?

dh ... he didnTt tell me you were dating

Well, um, you know a person has obligations
and stuff... and!...um... ITm quite loyal to this
girl back home. ITm really sort of surprised he didnTt
say anything about it.?

Tom's a nice guy,? Marsha said.


HeTs said quite a few good things about you,?
she said. Her eyes were fixed on the pavement. Dan
didn't know where to look. YouTre from Virginia,?
she continued. You graduated in the top ten
percent of your class. You played football for a

Dan rubbed the letter that adorned his jacket.

What else did he say?? Dan asked. Marsha
continued to walk silently. Come on. What else did
he say??

I'm really surprised. | really canTt believe Tom

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didn't say anything about you having a girlfriend. |
mean, why would he suggest to me that youTre

stood agape while her hands fidgeted in her coat

lonely.? pockets.
Dan did not smile. Neither did Marsha. No one ~Maybe I shouldn't have said that,? she said
was smiling. cautiously. ~It was out of place.?

Yeah,? Dan said. Hard to believe.?
Dan took another drag off the cigarette, but, this
time, the smoke barely phased him. MarshaTs mouth

Look,? Dan said as he touched her on the
shoulder, I really donTt mind going out with other
people. In fact, | enjoy meeting new people. | do! ItTs
just that I have loyalties tied up in Virginia, and |
donTt want to take a chance and... ?

Dan felt anger as his voice faded away.


Dan refused to answer verbally and settled for a
symbolic quickening of his pace. Marsha stood still
as he moved further away.

Want to go get a Coke or something?? she called
from behind. ThereTs a sub place not too far from

Dan turned around.

They won't card us or anything,? she said.

lam kind of hungry,? he said sheepishly. You

She smiled and nodded.

It was 11:40.

The vision of MarshaTs smiling face dissolved into
a tile on the ceiling. Dan was lying on his back
trying to decipher the patterns of holes that dotted
each tile. Faces appeared. Mom was there. Dad, sis
and his good friend Mark was there, but another
face that was too familiar refused to surface among
the dots.


Hometown sweethearts have a mysterious effect
when long distance is involved, Dan thought. It had
something to do with distance making the heart
grow fonder, Did it really, now? Dan kept convincing
himself that loyalty to another person was that
special something that kept a relationship going. He
sipped his beer.

Everyone had a sweetheart back home. You end
up going far away to college, and you're separated
from the one person who kept you alive and happy


during those grueling years of high school. In the
back of DanTs mind, he sensed something genuinely
rotten about the whole deal. While basking in the
sunlight of his loyalty, Dan had forgotten to realize
one important thing. The loyalty bit goes both ways.

After two weeks of school, Dan had finally
learned something. 11:43.

You know,? Dan said as he sipped his Dr.
Pepper, ~all of these blind dates that Tom sets me
up with seem to leave me feeling extremely
awkward. | really didnTt want to talk to any girl
because of Crystal.?

That's really sad,? Marsha said.

| don't know. | felt like | was betraying her for
just having innocent conversations with other girls.?

Seriously?? Marsha asked as she lit a new found
cigarette. Do you want another one??

Girlfriend?? Dan said as he felt his face become

No,? she laughed. Of course not.?
at the pack of cigarettes.

Oh,? he sighed. A cigarette. No thanks. OneTs
the limit.?

As you were saying.?

Oh yeah. | feel as if ITm on some massive guilt
trip. Maybe itTs because | haven't seen her in over
three months.?

Three months?? Marsha raised an eyebrow as
Dan stared into his drink.

Ch-huh. Her parents sent her to Europe as sort
of a graduation present. | wish my parents had
money like that.?T He took another sip of his drink.

Anyway,? he continued, I feel her, well,
presence. | canTt seem to shake it.?

It sounds like you might be extremely fond of

Dan was silent.

I'm sorry,? she said. I'll change the subject.
Nice weather we're having.?

No,? Dan said. He looked up at Marsha and
started to say something more.

She pointed



Look,? Marsha said. If this is a tough subject
for you, | understand. | donTt usually make it a habit
talking about personal stuff when | first meet
someone. Why should anyone want to talk to
strangers about their love-life??T

| appreciate the understanding, but sometimes |
canTt even talk to the people | know. My roommate
is a great example. HeTs a hoser, you know.?

Marsha smiled.

You sure do smile an awful lot,? Dan said.

Why not?? she countered. I canTt stand all that
other shit: frowns and stuff like that.?

Well,? he said, Tom is a hoser, and | canTt talk
to hosers because they canTt truly appreciate the
situation. | can't talk to mom or dad because they'll
just say God's testing me.?

Why donTt you talk to Crystal??

Obvious question, Dan thought.

That's too complex,? he said suddenly.

No,? she said. Her eyes flashed up at Dan's and
proceeded to bore a hole in his skull.

Why not talk to Crystal??

You're just a stranger,? Dan said. Why should |
go off and talk to strangers about my love-life??T

Fair enough,? Marsha said. ~But this stranger
would not like to be a stranger.?

Dan sat back in his chair and sighed. For the first
time in the semester, he finally felt comfortable.

The clock showed 11:50.

A Dear John? letter, Dan thought, was
something that a sailor would get when he was out
on maneuvers. Yet, Dan was the farthest thing from
being a sailor, and he couldnTt even swim. When he
got the letter from Crystal, Dan decided to keep the
contents of the envelope secret until he could sort

out all of the hurt, depression and anger; the big
three. All of the emotions were there, some lasting
for hours and other lasting for days afterward.

Her text was brief and concise. She had matured
over the summer, and the time had arrived for her
to move on to other men in her maturity bracket.

Dan looked inside the refrigerator and located a
bottle of wine. When did the letter get here? Wasn't
it the day after? Yes, he remembered, the day after.

The cork popped, and he began filling two

The day after, he thought. How ironic. 11:52.

That's all there is to say,? Dan said as he gulped
down the remainder of his drink. ITve been talking
about me all night. Now itTs your turn.?

ITm a transfer from State,? she said hesitantly.
Dan laughed.

The school there is all right,? she continued,
but it wasnTt for me. The attitude there is so
impersonal. ItTs different in Greenville. Much more
relaxed and inviting.?

You're right,? Dan said nodding his head. ITm
from Richmond where things seem kind of cold

because the city is so big. DonTt get me wrong, now.

| love Richmond a whole lot, but the Greenville
atmosphere is so much more conducive to
relaxation. What about your love-life??T

I've got a boyfriend back home, but we donTt
talk much anymore. | guess you can say things
have grown stale. You probably understand.?

Yeah,? Dan said. Do you want another Coke??

No thanks. | think itTs getting late. | need to get
back to the apartment.?

Where do you live??

Doctor's Park. ItTs right behind the hospital.?


ify, OQ


Dan shook his head and said: ITm afraid ITm not
too familiar with Greenville.?

Tell you what,? Marsha said as she put on her
jacket. ITve got some wine back at the apartment


| thought you didnTt drink.?

| lied.?

It was 11:55.

Beer buzzes are funny things. All of your
inhibitions go flying out the door while half of your
brain cells cry out, Murder!?

Alcohol gave Dan strange mood swings. At one
moment he would want to crash his roommate's
stereo up against the wall. Later, he would find
himself gathering up the garbage that seemed to
decorate the floor like a patchwork quilt. Next thing,
who knows?

The throbbing in his head decided to take a break
which, in turn, allowed him to switch on the stereo
again. The silence was beginning to bug him again.
He glanced over at his desk, and, of course, the
monsters were still there; shadows refusing to
budge. After adjusting the volume on the stereo, he
walked over to the desk and tidied his papers, books
and assorted deadlines into one neat pile. There was
an East Carolinian rolled up in a funnel shape laying
beside the clock. Funny, he thought as he unraveled
the paper. During his entire freshman year, the only
things he considered interesting about the paper
were the cartoons. Doonesbury? was the best.
Trudeau is a genius.

The clock stared at Dan. 11:58.

MarshaTs apartment was sparsely furnished, but it

10 11 12 13 14 15

17 18 19 20 21 22 23


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was nice all the same. The carpet wasnTt sticky, and
the air was clean except for the hint of cigarette

The wine was nice, too. So nice, in fact, that they
polished the bottle off in less than thirty minutes.
Since two oTclock had yet to arrive, they decided
another bottle of wine might be in order, but they
bought two bottles instead . . . just to be on the safe

This is good shit,? Dan said after his seventh
mug. They were sitting on the couch watching a
movie on one of the cable channels. The film wasnTt
that great.

Do you want another glass?? Marsha asked.

No,? he answered. I think ITve had quite
enough, thank you. By the way, what is this

ITm not sure. Do you want to turn it??

That's fine where it is. | donTt think ITm sober
enough to appreciate a change in channels.?

a a

Dan and Marsha sat in silence for a few more

Do you have a roommate?? Dan asked.


Where is she??

She went home for the weekend.?

Oh,? Dan said as he moved closer to Marsha.
Marsha moved closer to Dan.

Oh, said Mrs. Frank. Mother says...


There was a knock on the dorm door. An icy
feeling ran up DanTs back as he felt an entire


process start all over again. Would he hear from her
when sheTs gone during the summer? Would she
remember him? Would she .. . could they both be
... Loyal.

Dan looked at the wine glasses and then at the
door. Dan thought he could take this loyalty thing a
little bit more rationally this time. Things were
different now. He had suffered once but never again.

Experience had proven itself to Dan. He heard the
knock on the door again.

The doorTs open,? he said.

ItTs different in Greenville. Much more relaxed

The door opened. Marsha stepped in. Kind of
cute, kind of short and kind of nice.
... and inviting.


16 17 18 19 20 21







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MOMENTS ... (clockwise from top left)

" ~The ThrillerT, Michael Jackson, along with
his brothers, presented their last tour as the
Jackson Five during 1984.

" Spectators watch the Raynor-Forbes
tobacco warehouse on Dickinson Ave
annihilated by a September blaze.

" Chicago Bears star back, Walter Payton
breaks Jim BrownTs all-time rushing record
with over 12,312 carries.

" ECU students and football players express
outrage to the local press after the sudden
firing of head coach Ed Emory during
December exams.

" The Statue of Liberty begins a two-year
overhaul in preparation for its 1986

; centennial celebration.

PATTERSON " Space Shuttle firsts, included this testing of

the manned maneuvering unit by mission
specialist Bruce McCandless.





Despite a boycott spurred by a
Soviet pull-out, the 1984 Olym-
pics in Los Angeles produced the
most successful U.S. team ever
after netting 174 medals, 83 of
them gold. Among the winners
was Carl Lewis who broke Jesse
OwensTrecord by capturing four
golds in track and field events.
The U.S. Basketball and Volley-
ball Teams went all the way to


Ronald Wilson Reagan, fortieth
President of the United States,
was renominated in Dallas by the
Republican Party. Again, George
Bush shared the ticket.

During the convention, prime
time television swarmed with
campaign coverage by all three
major networks.



win golds in their respective

Mary Decker, a track and field
hopeful, produces the most dra-
matic moment of the T84 games.
She collided with Great BritainTs
Zola Budd in the 3,000 meter run.
At first Budd was disqualified
from the race, but an appeal jury
later reinstated her. RomaniaTs
Maricica Puica finished first in

+ Se,
- &



John DeLorean, former big
name in the automobile industry,
was found not guilty on eight
counts concerning cocaine and
the conspiracy to distribute.

Praise the Lord?, DeLorean
said. Government prosecutors
said little about the verdict.


The Interfraternity Council de-
cided to reinstate wet rush for fra-
ternities for 1984-85. Dan Speier

did not prefer a wet rush, but the
IFC must have approved it for a
good reason.


There was a 3.5 increase in en-
rollment this year, the official
count is 13,827 students. Chan-
cellor Howell commented to the
faculty, ... I appreciate the ef-
forts that all of you have made
and will make in the coming year
to provide an excellent learning
opportunity for these students.?


ECUTs Teacher Education Pro-
gram, the stateTs largest, was
awarded reaccreditation by the
National Council on Accredita-
tion of Teacher Education after a
two-year denial. Two improve-
ments toward reaccreditation
were giving Dean Coble responsi-
bility for teacher education and
creating a Council on Teacher


After 30 years of service to
ECU, James Mallory stepped
down from his position as Associ-
ate Dean of Student Life. Mallory
was replaced by Dr. Ronald P.
Speier, former Dean of Student
Affairs at La Roche College, Pitts-
burg, Pennsylvania.


The Beta House was torn down
by termites with a little help from
machinery this summer. Losing a
fraternity house has not been all
bad because it has helped with
parking behind the library.



Miss America 1983 Vanessa
Williams relinquished her crown
to first runner-up Suzette Charles
after nude photos of Williams, in-

cluding several photos with an-
other woman were published in
the August issue of Penthouse.
Bob Guccione, publisher of the
menTs magazine, reported record


Martina Navratilova, 27 year
old and lefthanded, broke Chris
Everett-LloydTs ten-year record
of winning 56 matches. She went
on to set a new record of winning
60 matches in the Lynda Carter
Maybelline Tennis Classic in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.


On September 15 Lady Diana
gave birth to her second son Hen-
ry Charles Albert David. The new
born weighed 6 pounds 11
ounces. Prince Charles com-
mented, ~~WeTve nearly got
enough for a polo team.? Lady
Diana was given six rooms at St.
MaryTs Hospital to room herself,
body guards and staff.


In Lucama, close to Wilson,
James W. Ward was arrested for
running a child pornography
ring. Over 1000 photos of young
boys and men committing crimes
against nature were found in
WardTs possession. Mr. Ward, 59,
and Doral Ray Mason, 49, were
charged with taking indecent li-
berties with minors and crimes
against nature. The porno ring
was in the third decade of its exis-


On September 24 Black College
Day was observed at the State
Capitol. Speakers consisted of
student government representa-
tives from North Carolina Central
and A&T State Universities and
the head of N.C. Black Leadership
Caucus, Lavonia Allison.




On September 25, WFMY-TV, a
Greensboro station tried to rescue
a construction worker who was
trapped on a water tower. A res-
cue worker was using a welding
torch to dismantle a section of the
tower when part of it fell on him.
Other rescuers tried arial ladders
along with other equipment to
bring the injured down. Later the
TVTs helicopter, Sky 2, was called
to aid in the rescue resulting in
three deaths when a blade hit the
tower and caused the helicopter
to crash.


Ernest Tubb, age 70, died Sep-
tember 6, 1984 in Nashville Ten-
nessee. Tubb introduced the
Honky-Tonk? guitars and earthy
lyrics to country music. His death
was not totally unexpected; Tubb
died of emphysema. Over 250
songs were credited to Tubb in-
cluding his hits like Walking The
Floor Over You? and Waltz
Across Texas?. Tubb is also given
acclaim for Loretta LynnTs singing
career and played himself in her
biography, Coal MinerTs Daugh-




As he was leaving a toga party
at the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity
House at 12:52 a.m., Arthur Alan
Griffin was struck by an auto-
mobile. The driver was charged
with driving while impaired and
with leaving the scene of an acci-

Chris Cohen, GriffinTs room-
mate said, We were walking on
the side of the road. I stopped to
pick up something and the next
thing I heard was a loud thud.?

Griffin was hospitalized in seri-
ous condition. He later recovered
with the aid of physical and psy-
chiatric therapy.


The first Pulitzer Prize winning
comic strip returns after a twen-
ty-month absence. The author
Garry Trudeau says, ... the
characters needed some time to

make the journey from draft beer
and mixers to cocaine and her-
pes.? Doonesbury returned to
newspapers September 30, 1984.






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© 1985 G. B. Tr




The Attic was destroyed by fire
September 9. The fire, presumed
to have started from a smoldering
cigarette, was reported by a pas-
serby at 3:44 a.m. Sunday.

The building and its contents
are a complete loss,? said owner
Tom Haines.

The band had been out 20 to
30 minutes before the fire depart-
ment was called,? Haines said.
We had a full house. Thank God
it didnTt happen while everyone
was here.?

Despite the building being de-
stroyed the Attic stayed open.
The spirit of the Attic continued

as all the bands and attractions
were rescheduled at the King and
Queen North. Only a few acts
were cancelled due to conflicts.

Fortunately, over its 13 years
the Attic made a lot of friends. T-
shirts salvaged from the fire were
traded for donations, and other
gifts were given by friends of the

From those donations the Attic
was able to relocate and reopen in
five weeks on October 19. The At-
tic relocated at its original loca-
tion, 209 East Fifth Street.

At last report, the Attic, bands
and fans are doing fine.














Secretary of Labor, Raymond
Donavan, was indicted October
12, 1984 by a Grand Jury in the
Bronx, New York. The indictment
stemmed from his business deal-
ings as a construction executive.

Donavan said the indictment
was ridiculous, but asked Presi-
dent Reagan for a leave of ab-
sence pending the outcome of the
case. Donavan asked for the leave
in order not to hurt ReaganTs re-
election bid.

Donavan pleaded not guilty for

the 137 count indictment which
charged him with participation in
a multimillion dollar attempt to
defraud the New York Transit Au-


Bishop Desmond Tutu was
crowned in October with the No-
bel Peace Prize. Tutu led a non-
violent opposition to apartheid in
South Africa. The five-member
selection panel was unanimous
in its selection of Tutu for the
prize given by the Swedes.


Sikh religious order member,
belonging to Indira Gandhi's per-
sonal troop of bodyguards, assas-
sinated Gandhi in her own home,
October 31, 1984. The killing, mo-
tivated by religious reasons,
stemmed from hatred since In-

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diaTs independence.

Rajiv, IndiaTs son was her suc-
cessor. The Military was put on
alert immediately after the assas-
sination due to religious fighting
in the streets. During the several
days of rioting against the Sikhs,
over 1000 people were killed.


In what was labeled the most
unclassic Fall Classic, the Tigers
from Detroit beat the Padres from

San Diego in the 1984 World Se-
ries. Lackluster play and down
right embarrassing play charac-
terized the four games-to-one se-


President Reagan and Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro-
myko met three and: one half
hours October 26 at the White
House. During the meeting the
two discussed the difference be-
tween the Soviet Union and the
United States. It was decided that
the two countriesT officials meet
more frequently to improve rela-
tions. It was seen by both coun-
tries as a positive step.


Baby Fae, born prematurely
October 12, 1984, was the first
human to have a somewhat suc-
cessful cross-species organ trans-
plant. The operation removed the
infantTs heart and replaced it with
a baboonTs heart. Dr. Leonard Bai-
ley, the surgeon who performed
the operation, was hailed a medi-
cal hero and accused by some of
experimenting on a dying baby.
Unfortunately, Baby Fae died No-
vember 15 at 9:00 p.m. after her
body began rejecting the heart.
She lived much like a normal in-
fant for the three weeks between
her transplant and her death.


The Board of Governors ap-
proved a seven percent faculty
salary increase to correct the im-
balance that accrued last year
when the General Assembly gave
public school teachers a five per-
cent raise.


Sports Medicine may increase
its program with the help of a pro-
posed facility costing eight mil-
lion dollars. If passed, this sports
medicine physical education fa-
cility will be the first major ex-
pansion of the sports facilities in
17 years.


ECU has requested three major
renovations for 1985-87. The re-
pairs and improvements in facili-
ties are for Memorial Gymnasium
costing $3.8 million, Graham
Building at $1.35 million, and the
Old Cafeteria Building costing


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Jim Martin defeated Rufus Ed-
minsten and became North Caro-
linaTs second Republican Gover-
nor this century. Martin, a former
Mecklenburg County Commis-

sioner and 9th District Congress-
man, led Republicans who dou-
bled their seats in the Senate and
gained 19 House seats for a total of
37 seats.

Surprisingly, Eddie Knox, a for-
mer Charlotte Mayor, lost in the
Democratic primary and became
National Co-Chairman of Demo-
crats for Reagan.


Ronald Reagan and George
Bush buried Walter Mondale and
Geraldine Ferraro in the 1984
Presidential and Vice-Presiden-
tial election. The historic ava-
lance win captured a record 525
electorial college votes. The Rea-
gan-Bush combination carried all
provinces except for MondaleTs
home state Minnesota and Wash-
ington, D.C. Reagan led the polls


from July and became decidedly
popular after the final debate in
October. In the first debate, Rea-
ganTs showing was poor. Mondale
had an overpowering grasp of the
issues where as Reagan seemed
too concerned with knowing
facts. In vast contrast to the first
debate Reagan was the victor. As
MondaleTs popularity waned, his
campaiging became more and

more desperate, and Reagan be-
came quietly confident of victory.
Geraldine FerraroTs expected ap-
peal to minority voters seemed to
have very little effect on the
Democratic teamTs popularity.
Even though ReaganTs popularity
was insurmountable, he contin-
ued to refer to a certain Presi-
dent Dewey?.



A dozen explosions at a gas
storage complex flattened about
20 square blocks in a poor neigh-
borhood on the northern edge of
Mexico City. Over 300 people

were killed and at best 500 were
seriously injured when fireballs
shot from the tanks of petroleum
gas. In the aftermath many homes
were devastated.


The battle was billed as the na-
tionTs greatest this century. Hunt
spent nine million dollars while
Helms spent fifteen million dol-

In the final results, Hunt, the
two-term Governor, lost narrow-
ly to Jesse Helms, the 63 year old
two-term Republican Senator.
Helms commanded 51.3 percent
of the vote with Hunt only three
points behind with 48.3 percent.

Issues were dropped for mud-
slinging hostile television com-
mercials. Viewers found them-
selves in a flood of ads linking
Helms to a Salvadoran leader re-

* ported to be involved with death


squads. Helms used his own line
of defense by branding Hunt as a
Mondale Liberal?.

The opponents pointed to any
perceived weakness or fault.
Hunt pointed to HelmsT allies in
fundamentalist religious circles,
the National Congressional Club,
and other right-wing organiza-
tions. Helms faulted Hunt as a big
spender, a union supporter and a
political enemy to President Rea-

Unable to call the race, poll-
sters labeled it a toss-up, yet Rea-
ganTs coattails gave Helms that
added pull to give him the victo-




Velma Barfield, executed No-
vember 2, 1984, was the first
woman to be executed in the na-
tion since 1962 and the first to be
executed in North Carolina since
1944. Barfield, a 52-year old
grandmother, was convicted for
poisoning her boyfriend and ad-
mitted killing three others in-
cluding her mother. Her case
drew worldwide attention be-
cause of political pressures. Her
lawyers appealed to Governor
Hunt for clemency only days be-
fore HuntTs bid for a national Sen-
ate race with Senator Jesse


Once again the Gate City of
North Carolina, Greensboro, was
ranked number two in the state.
After expanding its city limits by
10.5 square miles, Greensboro
was able to regain its number two
position over the state capital, Ra-
leigh. The expanded area in-
creases GreensboroTs population
by 13,000 people, second only to


Ricky Creech, a senior major-
ing in English, was invited to pre-
sent the paper Independent Liv-
ing and The Aid?. The Premtike
Romich Company contacted
Creech of his invitation to Tel-
Aviv, Israel. PRC is a corporation
dealing with communication aids
for the severely handicapped.
Ricky has helped aid for physical-
ly impaired persons. Creech left
for Israel November 17 and re-
turned to Greenville November
24. SGA and the Office of Institu-
tion of Advancement helped to
fund the trip.




Dr. William C. DeVires,
famous artificial heart surgeon,
implanted his second artificial
heart in William J. Schroeder, a
retired government employee.
Before DeVires implanted the
heart, Schroeder was gasping for
breath and not expected to live
through the next weekend.
Within four days of the seven
hour surgery, Schroeder was
spry enough to drink a beer.
After some touch-and-go
setbacks, including a stroke,
Schroeder was able to be
released from Humana Audobon
Hospital to a specially prepared
apartment a few blocks from the
Louisville hospital. His release
came in April 1985 about five
months after his operation.


Over 2000 people were killed
in Bhopal, India by the deadly
gas methyl isocyanate, which
laked from tanks for 40 minutes
before being stopped. Union
Carbide, owner of the Bhopal
plant, used the chemical in


A fire which began in faulty
conveyor equipment, killed 27
people in an Orangeville, Utah
coal mine December 19, 1984.
The fire started about a mile

inside the Wilberg Mine. After
rescuers recovered a few bodies,
authorities decided to seal the
mine opening to extinquish the
fire and recover the victims.


Coach Ed Emory, Head
football coach at ECU, was
unexpectedly fired December
10, 1984. The surprise action
occured with three years
remaining on EmoryTs contract
and following a less than
desirable 2-9 season in 1984.
Proponents of Emory said the
action, announced by a special
statement by Chancellor
Howell, was a complete surprise

Dr. Karr


and allowed no time for Emory
to defend himself. No clear
reason was given for the
dismissal; however, four
speculative reasons were cited
by state newspapers. One, a
potential drug problem existed
among players. Two, ECU
compiled a 2-9 1984 season.
Three, Emory gambled by red
shirting over 50 players in the
1984 season. Finally, a
personality conflict existed
between Emory and Karr.

fi =a

Coach Emory





Supreme Court Justice Joseph
Branch administered the oath of
office as James G. Martin
became the 65th Governor of
North Carolina. The 49 year old
former Congressman is the
second Republican elected to
that office in this century.
During the festivities, the ECU
Marching Pirates played the
National Anthem.


Gov. Martin


Robert Boudreaux, the first
financial aid director of ECU,
decided to retire after 20 years
of service. Boudreaux said he
had no immediate plans
following his retirement, but
fishing was definitely in his
future. Karen Barbee, an
associate director of Financial
Aid, was appointed acting
director of the department until
a successor could be named.

Greg Rideout, seen here with his editoral that started the controversy about the ECU
mascot Pee Dee, is interviewed by WNCT-TV newswoman Linda Shore.


January saw the approval of
the long awaited major in
communications. The B.S.
degree, approved by the UNC
Board of Governors, will be
available in Fall 85.

Two tracks will be offered
under the major; a print
journalism track and a
broadcasting track. The new
department will have professors
from both the English and
Theatre Arts faculty, and
classrooms will be organized on
the first floor of Whichard

A program currently under
consideration is a new B.S.
major in the Computer Science
Department. The proposal is
currently being considered by
faculty members and campus


Pee Dee died a controversial
death on a cool January
morning. He added more to the
phrase WhatTs in a name??
than any other cartoon figure in
ECU history.

Sources say he was lynched
by a mob of left-wing students
and forcibly taken to Jones
Cafeteria for a final meal. When
the food didnTt kill him,
columnist Greg Rideout and a
band of writers hung him high
over the football stadium and
watched the caricature waste
away in the breeze.

Administration officials were
not available for comment, but
an elementary school is looking
into the situation and possibly
searching for a solution to the



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After his landslide re-election
Ronald Reagan was inaugurated
for his second term on Sunday
January 20, 1985, in a quiet
ceremony at the White House.
In order not to upstage either
the Super Bowl or the Sabbath,
Reagan opted for a private
ceremony on Sunday limited to
the PresidentTs family, the
cabinet, Vice President, and the
PresidentTs invited guests. For
the first time news
photographers were allowed to
cover the event. Later in the
day, Reagan tossed the coin for
the Super Bow] via satelite from
the Oval Office.

MondayTs public ceremony
marked the culmination of a
four day celebration including
several formal Balls, and an
incredible fireworks display.
Millions of people watched on
TV and 140,000 attended the
public ceremony and festivities
on Monday.


Joe Montana and Coach Bill
Walsh guided the San Francisco
49ers to a 38-16 thrashing of
Dan Marino and Don SulaTs
Miami Dolphins. Marino,
heralded as NFL's best second
year quarterback, was treated to
a lesson in football. Instructor
Montana threw for 331 yards,
three touchdowns, rushed for a
six yard score, and ran the ball
for 59 yards. Assistant instructor
Fred Dean taught Marino the
lumps of football as Dean sacked
Marino four times. Marino was
not all bad, SulaTs hurry-up
offense resulted in a typically
impressive scoring drive for

OVER $431,000

After dissatisfaction with a
settlement offered by the
university, EmoryTs attorney,
Mavin Blount Jr., said he would
begin filing a lawsuit against


Even though Emory had three
years remaining on a $50,000-a-
year contract, Blount said
Emory had lost more than
$431,000 in salary benefits
including camps, TV
appearances and other coaching

Andrew Vanore, senior deputy
attorney general, said the figure
offered by the university and
the figure claimed by Emory
were ...a long way apart.?


Eddie Murphy, the 23 year old
blockbuster comedian, starred
in the run away hit Beverly
Hills Cop?. In its first 23 days
the movie grossed 64.5 million
dollars which was more than its
three closest competitors
combined; Dune?, Heat?, and
2001?. In December there were
nearly 70 new releases
competing for the top spot, one
of every three dollars spent for
movies was spent for Beverly
Hills Cop?.



Israeli soldiers (pictured
above) in M-113 armored
vehicles slowly leave the
Lebanese port city of Sidon,
during the first stage of the two-
year long evacuation of
Lebanon. The Army is
redeploying along a temporary
line further to the south.

Although under increasing
international pressure to totally
withdraw, most Israelis want to
keep an anti-terrorist zone to
protect their northern border.



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A cold wave from Canada sent
most North Carolinians
scrambling for winter weather
gear as most of the state
experienced its coldest
temperatures in recorded
history. Precautionary measures
dictated ECUTs opening two
hours late.

Record temperatures were set
in Raleigh and Greensboro. The
coldest place in the state was
Mount Mitchell at a nice and
brisk 34 below.


Forty-two states, including
North Carolina, fell victim to
the worst flu epidemic in four

The Center for Disease
Control said there was a five
percent increase in influenza
and pneumonia related deaths
in January. The figure rose to
nearly seven percent in mid-

The last severe epidemic
occurred in 1980-81 and claimed
almost 52,000 lives.

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After 11 months in captivity,
Jeremy Levin escaped from
abductors in late February.
Levin, 52, a cable news network
correspondent, was captured in
early 1984 and held by the same
Shiite Musum group responsible
for the 1983 bombing of the US
Embassy in Beruit that resulted
in the demise of 241 US service
men. The escape of Levin was
called a release? by his
abductors. Levin slipped out of
the chains that bound him, and
clad only in pajamas led guards
on a foot race down a high
mountain in Lebanon. Once
away from his abductors Levin
turned himself over to Syrian
authorities who in turn, turned
Levin in to the hands of William
Eagleton, the US Ambassador in


Murray Haydon, age 58,
became the third man to receive
an artificial heart transplant.
According to Dr. William
Devries, the surgery couldnTt
have gone any smoother.
HaydonTs surgery lasted a mere
three and one half hours, half
the time it took for William
Schroeder to receive his new
heart, and four hours less than it
took to implant the first artifical
heart. HaydenTs progress was
significantly better than his
predecessors, Schroeder and
Clark. Yet, HaydonTs positive
progresss seemed to inspire
Schroeder. Shortly after Haydon
received his new heart,
Schroeder was released to the
Transitional Care? apartment.
The apartment was designed to
provide both close medical
attention and independent
living for the artificial heart


On February 19, Percy
Moorman, a N. C. State
University quarterback was
found guilty of raping an 18-

year-old freshman, in her dorm.
Percy is a former high school
all-American football player. 18
year old Moorman was
convicted on three charges:
second-degree rape, second-
degree sex offense and
misdemeanor breaking and

MoormanTs attorney said that
the juryTs verdict was
influenced by racism because
the victim and jury were white
and Moorman is black.

There were conflicting stories
about the incident. Moorman
said he mistook the woman for
her roommate in the dimly lit
room. The woman claimed she
was asleep with clothes on and
when she woke up Moorman
was on top of her, raping her.

Her lawyer said that even
though the victim did not fight
to the point of a violent struggle
did not mean she gave her
consent. He elaborated that
submission because of fear of
getting hurt is not consent.

The judge postponed
sentencing until Moorman can
undergo physical and
psychological tests. Moorman
faces a maximum sentence of 82
years in prison for his
conviction on the three charges.
MoormanTs lawyer said he
would appeal the verdict with
one issue being the all white

During the trial MoormanTs
attitude toward women was
shown as influenced through his
childhood. His mother killed his
father when Percy was only
two. The psychiatrist, who
spoke in MoormanTs behalf,
suggested from his observations
that the athelete go through a
re-education program.

The prosecuting lawyer was
concerned about the ordeal the
victim and her family
experienced. He also said the
sentence should consider the
feelings of everyone else on
NCSU campus. To do differently
would make people on that
campus feel they no longer have
the safety and sanctuary of their
own room.?


Doug Flutie, Boston CollegeTs
premier senior quarterback
signed a 7 million dollar
contract with the USFLTs New
Jersey Generals in 1985. FlutieTs
presence in the league would
bring TV profits, and perhaps a
merger with the NFL. According
to some football and business -
experts, the leagueTs teams went
in too deep when purchasing its
players. Herchel Walker signed
with the Generals for 6 million
dollars in 1983. Then Steve
Young signed a 43 year, 36
million dollar deal with the Los
Angeles express. Mike Rozier
got 3 million from the Pittsburg


For over fifty years Clarence
Nash had been the voice of
Donald Duck. Walt Disney
created the character after
hearing NashTs voice during a
radio program. Nash died on
February 21, 1985 at the age of


MCMLXXXV ~Walt Disney Productions?T



General Secretary of the
Central Committee of the
Communist party of the Soviet
Union and President of the
Presidum of the U.S.S.R.
Supreme Soviet, Konstantin
Ustinovich Chernenko died at
7:20 pm, March 10, 1985. The
announcement of his death was
anything but unexpected. After
having been in declining health
since he took office, Chernenko
died of heart failure attributed
to chronic emphysema. The
Kremlin physician signed a
report which also stated that
Chernenko suffered chronic
Hepatitis which finally became

The successor to Chernenko,
Mikhail Gorbachev, was
appointed and publicly
announced on March 11, 1985,
only a day after ChernenkoTs
death. The announcement was
uncharacteristically splashed on
the front of the state run
newsletter, PRAVDA. Also




unlike the two previous U.S.S.R.
heads of state, Gorbachev was
named at a relatively young age
of 54, seemingly indicating a
move to ending an era of weak
and feeble leadership


A tunnel on Interstate 40 in
Haywood County, near
Asheville, collapsed March 5
around 4:40. When authorities
arrived, a tractor-trailer truck
was trapped. The back of the
truck was sticking out. The
driver? ... No injuries. The
repairs took several months to
complete. Meanwhile, one lane
of traffic was detoured and the
other used the remaining


Following up on his promise
made in January, Ed Emory filed
a 1.2 million dollar lawsuit
against ECU. The suit, filed in

Pitt County District Court, came
about because of the
disagreements over a possible
settlement offered by the

Marvin Blount Jr., EmoryTs
attorney, said the options given
by the university did not come
near an estimated $431,000 in
salary and benefits that Emory
would have received if the
coach had lasted three more

According to EmoryTs
contract, a monthly sum equal
to his regular salary would be
paid if his contract was
terminated. The monthly sum
would end when Emory finds
another job. Also, the clause
stated that if his new salary is
less than what he received from
ECU, the university would pay
the difference for the endurance
of the contract.

Emory also had an option to
be paid up until January 31st
and take home a settlement of

As the suit was being filed,
Emory was in Florida on


Before 16,732 fans at The
Omni coliseum Georgia Tech
beat Carolina to become the
1985 ACC champions. With
remarkable determination, the
Yellow Jackets played excellent
man-to-man defense that the
Tarheels found difficult to crack.
Georgia Tech obtained the lead
in the last 52 seconds of the
game and won 57-54.


On Wednesday, March 20,
nearly 2,000 ECV students
elected four new members to
the executive offices of SGA.

Pirate Walk director, David
Brown, won the presidential
position by a substantial margin
over Media Board chairman,
Mike McPartland, and SGA
House Speaker, Kirk Shelley.
Vice-presidential candidate
Chris Tomasic obtained his SGA
office with a comfortable lead
over SGA representatives Lee
Lane and Bryan Lassiter. Junior
classman James Braswell edged
out a victory over fellow
candidates Dwayne Wiseman
and Grant Smith to secure the
office of treasurer. And
freshman class president, Lisa
Carroll, easily walked away
with the title of SGA Secretary
triumphanting over Maryvonne
Draper and Ann Scarborough.
During the weeks prior to the
SGA elections, candidates
campaigned on a variety of
issues. Student apathy and
organizational funding topped
the list of platform issues.
President-elect David Brown
attributed the problem of
student apathy to poor
leadership. He planned to
improve the SGA by motivating
its members in becoming more
active and developing a sound
funding policy for campus

David Brown


organizations. Vice president
Chris Tomasic expressed
concern for the distribution of
funds among campus
organizations and planned to
evaluate this system and also
the present SGA payroll policy.
Tomasic felt the inconsistent
salaries among various SGA
departments, such as the
director of Pirate Walk earning
$150 per semester while
Refrigerator Rentals manager
earned $200 per month for the
same amount of work time,
needed to be reassessed. James
Braswell felt he could best serve
the SGA by utilizing the newly
developed computerized
information system. The
computer science major felt that
the computer would offer better
organization and help the SGA
operate more efficiently, thereby
serving the students more
quickly. Lisa Carroll offered her
dedication and active
participation to her role as


As the ECU track team
returned from a meet in Athens,
Georgia, one ECU sprinter was
killed and 8 others were injured
in a tragic crash on Sunday,
March 24, 1985. The driver
apparently lost control of the
van and it rolled over three
times. According to the State
Highway Patrol, the van left the
road and swerved back on the
road where it flipped three

Of the 8 injured, three were
treated and released at Wilson,
three were admitted to the ©
Wilson hospital, and two were
hospitalized in Greenville. The
five hospitalized were all
reported in fair condition. Those
hospitalized were, Julian
Anderson, 20, for a bruised

chest; Kenneth Daughtry, 21, for
a fractured neck and severe
damage to his upper left arm;
Walter Southerland, 20, for a
fractured spine; Jon Thomas Lee
for a fractured shoulder; and
Christopher Brooks, 20, for a
sprained back. The three treated
and released were, Ruben
Pierce, 20, Dave Parder, 19, and
Phillip Estes, 19.

Erskine Evans, was killed in
the accident which occured in
the early morning Sunday.
Evans died of severe head
injuries received in the crash.
Evans, a Greenville native, was
described by Coach William
Carson as a steady athlete and a
good friend who was well liked
by his teammates. Evans ran
track at Rose High School before
running at ECU on an Athletic

The 21 year old sophomore
was an All Conference
Performer and MVP at Rose.
Evans was continuing his
outstanding performance at
ECU. His events while running
for ECU were 100 and 200 meter
dashes and was a member of the
4 X 100 meter relay.


Burnhard Hugo Goetz, a 37
year old electronics engineer,
pulled out a silver revolver on a
subway and pumped bullets into
four teenagers who asked him
for $5.00. Goetz was labeled The
Subway Shooter, the death wish
vigilante even before the public
knew his real name. The
teenagers who all had criminal
records were carrying
sharpened concealed
screwdrivers possibly to be used
as weapons. Yet, no evidence
was established to indicate the
four had attacked Goetz. Goetz,
after fleeing for nine days
turned himself in to a
Connecticut police station.




ITve been to tournaments and
seen teams supposed to be the
victors lose. Rollie (Massimino)
has a very mature team... ?,
said John Thompson,
GeorgetownTs basketball coach.
Massimino coaching the
underdog Wildcats from
Villanova must have read
Cinderella before the

The Wildcats were not
realistically expected to get past
the first round, but MassiminoTs
senior dominated squad
surprised everyone including
the UNC Tarheels.

As the Georgetown Hoyas had
played all year, they played
during the tournament.
ThompsonTs HoyaTs played at
par efficiency throughout the
tournament, getting excellent
play from Patrick Ewing. Ewing,
a 7T 10? senior, was the mainstay
of the Hoyas offensive attack
during the game as well as
during the season.

Yet, the Hoyas, rated number
one going into the tournament,
could not get past the

exceptional play of Villanova.
The championship game was
close, but the Wildcats out lasted
the Hoyas in the end at 66-64.

ABOVE: With forest fires approaching,
Burke County resident M. Barus
evacuates this tractor and horse from
his home near I-40 and exit 111.
RIGHT: Valdese volunteer rescue
worker, Barbara Thomas treats the eyes
of a weary firefighter. (photos by
Stanley Leary " Hickory Daily Record)


Wind-swept, rain starved
forests burned like paper during
late March and early April.
Governor James Martin declared
thirty-four counties disaster
areas in mid-April after 119,000
plus acres were ravaged by
uncontrollable blazes. Timber
losses were believed to be at
more than $47 million. At least
three businesses and 74 homes
were destroyed, at a cost of $4.7

Fire in Washington, Hyde, and
Terrell counties consumed
94,660 acres and burned deep
into ground that contained
extremely flammable peat.
Officials believed that the
ground fires would continue to
burn for weeks.

Other counties incurring
heavy damages were Carteret,
Brunswick, Burre, Caldwell,
Polk, Wilkes, Alexander,
Rutherford, and Jackson. In May,

Federal authorities denied
disaster loans because of the
lack of commercial damage.


Ringling Bros. and Barnam &
Bailey CircusT star attraction this
year is The Living Unicorn.?
The American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (ASPCA) came to the
conclusion the unicorn? was
just a goat with a surgically
implanted bullTs horn. A federal
inspection said the story of the
star is a goat medically altered
as a kid to give it a single horn.
The U.S. Agriculture
DepartmentTs chief veterinarian
said it was probable that the
goats (there were four) suffered
no pain or cruelty.


Clara Peller, famous for her
WendyTs, WhereTs the Beef??
commercials was fired by
WendyTs for her appearance in a
spaghetti sauce commercial. In
the latter commercial Peller
looks in the sauce and says at
last she has found the beef.
William Welter, executive vice
president of WendyTs
International Inc. said about the
sauce commercial, The
commercial infers that Clara
found the beef at somewhere
other than WendyTs restaurants.?
ClaraTs search seems to have
come to an end and we may
never again hear her ask


Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder,
Lionel Richie, Diana Ross, Billy
Joel, and Michael Jackson were
among forty-six artists to record
an album whose profits were
dedicated solely to the famine
relief in Africa. The first release
from the album, We are the
World? written by Jackson and
Richie, finally was certified as a
multiplatinum release selling
over 4 million copies.

The album, also called We
are the World?, tee-shirts, sweat
shirts, and other merchandise
netted as of April 1985 over $16
million for the USA for Africa
Relief Fund.

On Friday, April 5 at 10:50
EST, the single was broadcasted
around the world in twenty-five
countries, including Canada,
Switzerland, Austria, France,
and Britian. MUZAK, Voice of
America, the Armed Forces
Radio, MTV, and the Associated
Press Radio Network
participated in the 6 minute and
22 second song.


On July 23, 1983 at 10:53 pm
Darlene Clara Peszko was born
to Steve and Wendy Peszko at
Pitt County Memorial Hospital.
Six hours later Darlene died
presumably due to her
anecephlic condition in which
the skull section covering the
top of the head, and sometimes
the upper portion of the brain
are missing. In April of 1985
James Cheatham, a PCMH
attorney and Dr. Ed Moore, a
senior associate dean of East
Carolina University of Medicine
produced information to dispute
the supposed cause of death
which prompted an
investigation by the State
Bureau of Investigations.
DarleneTs death was believed by
doctors to be of natural causes
since most babies born with
anencephaly usually die within
some hours, if not days, after
birth. The PeszkoTs declined the
autopsy requested by the
neonatal unit based on the
reason of natural death. But two
male nurses, Michael E. Grant
and Robert A. Jones indicted on
April 29, 1985 for the death of
the infant, were said to have
manually compressed the chest
in order to cause death. Grant
and Jones were arrested on May
1, 1985 on the charge of murder.


Ervin, one of North CarolinaTs
favorite country lawyers became
a North Carolina Senator in
1954. During his tenure of
twenty years, he achieved fame
as chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee which
conducted the Watergate

ErvinTs doctor said Ervin died
at 4:15 Tuesday, April 23, 1985
at North Carolina Baptist
Hospital of respiratory failure.

Senator Sam Ervin was
heralded as a passionate lover of
the constitution and all for
which it stands. After his official
career as a senator, Ervin
returned to his hometown
where he practied law, wrote a
humorous book about himself,
and went fishing.

The senator, unlike many
public servants was not without
a sense of humor. Even when
making serious comments, his
wisdom and wit combined to
make his comments memorable.
Among the following samples of
ErvinTs oratory, his wit, and
wisdom are evident:

When commenting on why he
appeared in an American
Express commercial: You know,
the government takes 53 ¥%
percent of every dollar I make. I
know the government needed
the money. So I figured ITd make
some more from the commercial
so I could pay my income tax.?

FO aia

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Mrs. Sam Ervin


The 2,500 graduating students
bid farewell to ECU. Guest
speaker U.S. Transportation
Secretary, Elizabeth Dole,
expressed words of

encouragement to the graduates.

North Carolina Celebrates


| Qaqge .

The 16th century style ship, the Elizabeth II,?
was officially commissioned and opened to the
public July 13 by Princess Anne of Great Britian
and Governor Jim Hunt of North Carolina.
Moored in the waters off Manteo, N.C., the ship
was the centerpiece of opening ceremonies for
AmericaTs 400th Anniversary July 13-15, 1984.
The 400th is a three-year commemoration of


the Roanoke Voyages of 1584-1587, which
brought the first English settlers of the new
world to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
The Elizabeth II? was built from descriptions
of the Elizabeth? which sailed to the Outer
Banks from England in 1585. Historians
consider the Elizabeth II? one of the most
authentic of her kind ever reconstructed.


" Anniversary

From April 27, 1984 through August 18, 1987 a
celebration will take place in North Carolina, but the
reason for this celebration has affected all of us. The
activities will commemorate AmericaTs 400th Anni-

The kick-off of the quadricentennial actually start-
ed in Plymouth, England. A sizeable delegation of
North Carolinians and a few other Americans at-
tended the festivities. In Plymouth Harbor a marker
was dedicated and other events were held in Devon-
shire, the home of many of the early Roanoke colo-
nists. Participants watched yacht races, attended ser-
vices in the Cathedral in Exeter in honor of the early
Roanoke Island settlers and the British Library exhi-
bition opened in London. These events began on
April 27, 1984, the 400th anniversary of the depar-
ture for America by the first exploring expedition
sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh, in two vessels under
the command of Captains Philip Amadas and Arthur

In this country activities began on July 13, 1984,
with the commissioning of the ship Elizabeth II, the
dedication of her visitor center, the unveiling of a
plaque on Roanoke Island, the issuance of a com-
memorative stamp, and a special performance of
Paul GreeneTs The Lost Colony.? Dignitaries on hand
included Governor and Mrs. Jim Hunt, H.R.H. Prin-
cess Anne, and former newsman Walter Cronkite.
Later that weekend a festive flotilla was led into
Manteo Harbor by Mr. Cronkite. A Festival of Eliza-
bethan arts and major performances were included
also. The ship Elizabeth II is now a State Historic Site
and a popular tourist attraction.

In March 1985 the North Carolina Museum of His-
tory in Raleigh housed the London British LibraryTs
exhibition Raleigh and Roanoke.? During the sum-
mer of 1985 the exhibit moved to the New York Pub-
lic Library. Raleigh and Roanoke? include 18 of the

John White Drawings, watercolors painted in North
Carolina over 400 years ago, and also maps, books,
prints and objects that were belongings of Sir Walter
Raleigh, Sir Frances Drake, Queen Elizabeth and
other major figures of the era.

North Carolina was the first connection Elizabeth-
ian England had with native Americans over a sus-
tained period of time. It was here they built the first
English village in America, the Cittie of Raleigh.?
Archaeological digs are being conducted to tell us
more about the first colonists and are exciting events
celebrating AmericaTs 400 years. Dr. David Phelps of
ECU searches for the Indian villiage and the National
Park Service searches for the Cittie of Raleigh? look-
ing for our past.

During these major events and others, counties
throughout North Carolina planned local participa-
tion in the overall commemoration. Activities in-
clude performances of music, drama and dance to
allow for the exploration of our Elizabethan connec-
tions. The celebrations last through August 18, 1987,
Virginia DareTs 400th birthday.

Being proud of the heritage of all of her people,
North Carolina will continue her own renaissance in
the arts, humanities education, science, industry and
commerce. Most of the 400th Anniversary activities
have a lasting effect extending far beyond the com-
morative period. Thses include a series of books, per-
iodicals, and pamphlets, the result of the archae-
ological digs, and the reproduction of a 16th century
ship, the Elizabeth II. These activities should help us
to appreciate our history and leave lasting impres-
sions of AmericaTs 400th Anniversary. Being proud of
the first 400 years, North Carolina foresees the next
400 years with the same pride and hope Sir Walter
Raleigh possessed as he implanted the colonies at
Roanoke Island in 1584.


4 au

Her Royal Highness Princess Anne of Great
Britain converses with former Governor Hunt
and his son Baxter at a reception given for the
Princess July 12, 1984 at Morehead House in
Chapel Hill. Governor Hunt invited Princess
Anne to North Carolina to help him officially

Governor Jim Martin (right) watches while Mrs.
Martin and British Consul General Trevor Gatty
cut a ribbon to officially open the Raleigh and
Roanoke? exhibition on March 6 at the N.C.
Museum of History. Raleigh and Roanoke?
premiered at the British Library in London in
April of 1984 and was brought to the N.C.
Museum of History as part of the 400th
Anniversary celebrations. The exhibit
documents EnglandTs challenge to Spain for
conquest of the new world and the experiences
of the first English settlers in America.




begin festivities for AmericaTs 400th
Anniversary on July 13 at Roanoke Island. On
July 13, 1584 the first English explorers and
settlers of the new world landed somewhere on
the Outer Banks and claimed the soil in the
name of Queen Elizabeth I.



Veteran newsman Walter Cronkite (center) and
his wife Betsy are given a tour of the Elizabeth
II? by Horace Whitfield, the shipTs captain.

The captain of the 16th century ship the
Elizabeth II,? Horace Whitfield, is a graduate
of East Carolina, Class of 1973.


400/th ANNIVERSARY/203

"~ -





John White returned to Roanoke Island in 1590
to find that the colony of 1587, of which he was
governor, had disappeared, leaving only the
word CROATOAN?? carved in a tree. The fate
of the colonists remains a mystery. The group
has been dubbed the lost colony? of 1587.

ArtistTs rendition found in The Story of North
Carolina? by Alex Arnett, published 1934.

Early maps of North CarolinaTs coastline, like
this 1585 example, guided expeditions to N.C.Ts
shores and beaches.

400th Anniversary History...

16th century people like Sir Walter Raleigh, Queen
Elizabeth, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Sir Francis Drake,
Thomas Harriot, John White and Virginia Dare
played an exciting part in North CarolinaTs history.
These people should be remembered while celebrat-
ing AmericaTs 400th Anniversary.

Sir Walter Raleigh received the claim to what is
now North Carolina when his half-brother Sir Hum-
phrey Gilbert was lost at sea. Raleigh shared GilbertTs
desire to colonize lands in the New World. On April
27, 1584 RaleighTs first expedition led by Philip Ama-
das and Arthur Barlowe sailed from Plymouth and
arrived at North CarolinaTs Outer Banks on July 13,
1584. This area was claimed in the name of Queen
Elizabeth. Raleigh was knighted and given permis-
sion to call the new land Virginia, in honor of the
Virgin Queen.

A second expedition, led by Sir Richard Grenville
left for America on April 19, 1585. This expedition
included the first full colony which was headed by
Ralph Lane. They arrived June 26, 1585 at Ocracoke
Inlet. One of their ships the Tyger, ran aground and
lost supplies. The colonists chose Roanoke Island as
the site for their settlement because they felt a lesser
threat from the Indians of the Island than from a
confrontation with the Spanish. Sir Richard left Lane
in charge of the colony while he returned to England.

Both men, Sir Richard and Lane led groups that
explored the rivers and sounds of northeastern North
Carolina. Members of the 1585 expedition included
Thomas Harriot, the scientist who described the
area, and John White, the artist who left us his draw-
ings, giving proof of the plants and animals and the
Algonkian Indians of the area.

The colonists had problems with the Indians and
the supply ship was late returning. Sir Francis Drake
came by on his way from Florida and found the wea-
ry colonists. He offered them passage on his ship.
When the supply ship arrived the men aboard found
an abandoned fort. Men and supplies were left to
carry on until a new expedition could arrive.

On May 8, 1587 another ship left for America and
arrived on Roanoke Island July 22, 1587. John White
was to be governor of the newly incorporated Cittie
of Raleigh,? whose colonists consisted of not only
men, but women and children also. Their plans were
to pick up the men left on Roanoke Island and head
for the Chesapeake Bay. The men had disappeared
and Simon Fernando, the pilot, refused to take the
colonists any further.

Therefore, another attempt was made to colonize
Roanoke, but it seemed the odds were against them
from the start. It was too late in the year to plant crops

and their supplies were limited. Problems arose with
the Indians and one colonist was killed while he was

During one of the earlier expeditions, Barlowe
took Manteo and another Indian, Wanchese to Eng-
land and they returned to Roanoke Island with Lane.
Wanchese began to think of the colonists as enemies.
Manteo had again traveled to England when LaneTs
colony traveled home with Drake. Even after the
death of the colonist and WancheseTs actions, the
colonist still remained friends with Manteo. On Au-
gust 13, 1587 he was baptized and made Lord of Roa-
noke. In the New World this'was the first Protestant
baptism and the first granted English title. The
daughter of John White, Eleanor Dare gave birth toa
girl on the 18th of August that same year. Eleanor
was married to Ananias Dare and on August 24 they
christened her Virginia. She was the first child born
to English parents in the New World.

The problem of food and supplies worried the colo-
nists. They urged John White to return to England.
When he arrived he found England harassed by
Spanish attack. Attempts were made by Raleigh and
White to return to America, but their vessels were
stopped each time. John White finally returned to
Roanoke Island in the summer of 1590. He found the
small community of his people deserted and over-
grown. He found the word CROATON carved in a
tree to tell him where the colonists had moved. The
carving did not contain the sign of the cross above it
to show that they left in distress. A violent storm
came up before White could head to Croaton and he
had to make a hasty departure.

For four hundred years the fate of the colonists has
remained a mystery. Many speculations have been
made but none can be proved or disproved. Later
Captain John Smith was told by Chief Powhatan at
Jamestown that most of the colonist had been killed,
but it is still unknown actually what happened to

The beginning of English America in the United
States was at Roanoke Island even if it was not a
permanent settlement. EnglandTs contact with the
New World and its people, plants, and animals was
made possible through Roanoke Island. This was the
place in America where the first American child
with English parents was born, the first American
native was converted to the Church of England and
also the first English government system was set up.
Sir Walter RaleighTs dream later became a reality
with Jamestown and Plymouth, but it was his Roa-
noke Island that laid the path for those and other
permanent settlements in the New World.



400th Anniversary |
In Greenville

Pitt county has played its part in the 400th Anni-
versary celebration. Programs were planned around
art, music and history. East Carolina University fac-
ulty helped with many of the programs. Different
activities in the community such as Sunday in the
Park, Girl Scout programs, the Green Grass Cloggers
Day, the play Hamlet and a Madrigal Dinner were
dedicated to the 400th Anniversary. The Greenville
Quilters Guild designed a beautiful quilt to com-
memorate our 400 years. The quilt shows some of the
history of industry and education in North Carolina.
Included also as part of GreenvilleTs 400 celebration
events are a Tobacco Museum and a log cabin resto-
ration. The Pitt County 400th Anniversary Celebra-
tion Committee has been in operation since 1983.
The committee planned activities and projects that
would have long lasting results. Greenville and East
Carolina University, through these and many other
activities, share their pride for the history of North



" i

Living history activities will be presented
during summer months aboard the Elizabeth
II.? Demonstrations will include regular
maintenance chores as well as recollections of
life aboard ship by the mariners. Visitors are
encouraged to be inquisitive and curious about
the ship and the people who made up the crew
and passengers.-This first person interpretation
will help bring alive this representation of a
16th century sailing vessel.

This engraving by Theodore de Bry of a ritual
Indian dance, done from a 1580s painting by
John White, will be among the items in
Raleigh and Roanoke,? an exhibit held at the
N.C. Museum of History March 8 " June 6.


Special thanks to the North Carolina De-
partment of Cultural Resources in Ra-
leigh for information and pictures.



December 10, 1985

While most students began the day
wondering about upcoming exams and
vacations, Coach Ed Emory found himself
studying possible recruits for the 1985 Pirate
Football season. As the morning faded into
afternoon, Emory was called to Spilman for a
meeting with Chancellor Howell and Athletic
Director Ken Karr.
A press release later in the day stated that
Emory would not return for a 1985 season. No
reason was given for EmoryTs termination
except that the football program needed a
change of pace.
Early in the evening, the football team
scheduled a press conference to be held in front
of Belk dormitory. The press responded with a
couple of reporters and cameramen, and the
campus media decided to send a few of their
respective members to get an emotional
reaction from the team. As the lights from the
cameras waited for something to happen,
someone from the inside of the building called
for the media to meet with the players and
some of the coaching staff in the basement of
Belk. Upon arrival, the media found the
meeting room doors shut. Anxious
photographers and eager writers stood and
waited. Soon the door opened.
As the team filed out of the room, a few of
them looked up at the curious faces of the
pan: some players averting their glazed and
red tinged eyes. Other players stood up straight
mumbling about the decision to fire Emory. A
couple of questions ricocheted off players like
incomplete passes. Menacing and agonizin
stares kept the downstairs interviews short a
Meanwhile, television crews wisely stayed
upstairs waiting for the eventual surfacing of
the Pirates. Bright lamps kicked on and camera
crews started their tapes rolling as the reporters
pointed their once patient mikes at possible
candidates for interviews. A few of the players
volunteered and talked frankly about their
anger and frustration. Others kept their
remarks and emotions to themselves.
By the time the lights flicked on, a crowd
began to form around the team. The mumbles
formed a dull roar, but as the players responded
to the questions the voices were subdued.
As the evening grew darker, one thing
became clear. The players and staff wanted to
know the reason behind EmoryTs dismissal.
They wanted to meet with Karr and discuss
why. They wanted justification and received a
silent reply. The meeting with Karr proved
useless in finding a suitable explanation. Later,
the campus learned that the decision to fire
Emory had been two weeks in the making.
Karr, Howell, and the athletic committee to the
board of trustees introduced the proposal, and
Howell was obligated to fire Emory, who had
three years remaining on his contract.
After Christmas holidays, fireworks flew as a
settlement on EmoryTs contract could not be
agreed upon. As of May 1, a 1.2 million dollar
lawsuit was still pending against the university.



The University fires fifth year head football coach Ed Emory aftei
& 29.

: j

~ading the Pirates to their first Top 20 ranking with a record of 22


ONCE UPON ATIME in a college town, there
lived a football coach named Pat Dye. He was a
good coach with a reputation known throughout the
states. In fact, another university considered his
talents invaluable and offered Sir Dye greener
pastures and greener paychecks. Sir Dye accepted
the offer.

While the college town mourned the loss of Dye,
the wisest men of the university gathered in
Spilman castle to discuss a replacement. As the
applications came in, one name stood out; Ed

HeTs a football alumnus,? cried one wise man.

He has experience,? said another.

HeTs perfect,? declared the King. Fetch him.?

The wise knew the shoes were hard to fill, but
they showed great confidence in the new coach as a
new season was ushered in.

It was not a good season for Sir Emory. Four wins
and seven losses were not what the wise men
anticipated. There were grumblings in the castle
and around campus. Sir Emory stood tall and said
the new program would take time to develop.

Sir EmoryTs next season brought one more victory
and one less loss. The campus had grown distraught
with new coachTs record, and a few banners
declaring Make Emory a Memory? flew about the
campus. The coach remained firm and said:

Next year will be better.? And it was.

The team played eleven games and won seven.
The campus was estatic, and the castle grinned.
Television stations fought over who would air the
Ed Emory Show.? Sir Emory took the admiration in
stride and said:

Next year will be better.? And it was.

Sir Emory won eight games that year.
Tailgating? was introduced into the Greenville
vocabulary. Students and faculty rejoiced in a top-
twenty season. The castle beamed with pride, and
the new king smiled.

Next year might be better, they thought. But it

The jubilant echoes of the past seasons dwindled
as the team brought home two victories. The
reporters shook their heads as attendance for the
games began to fade. Students reminisced about
better days as the castle grumbled.

Christmas Day was not far off when a
proclamation from the castle caught everyone by
surprise. Emory had been fired. Team supporters
demanded an explanation, but the castle refused.
An exhaustive search for an answer uncovered
nothing but rumors, and rumors could not be called
the truth. Emory sought a settlement, but the castle
was firm with its offer.

The college town was saddened by the loss of
Emory, and in Spilman Castle, the wise men
gathered again. As the applications came in, one
stood out. Art Baker.

HeTs a former coach,? cried one wise man.

He has experience,? said another

Fetch him,? declared the King.



Hurricane Diana began as a disturbed weather
pattern north of the Bahamas. When it reached
tropical storm intensity, the storm was roughly off
the coast of Cape Canaveral, Florida. Its top winds
by midnight Sunday were 70 mph.

On September 11, 1984, Hurricane Diana rolled
up the Atlantic Coastline, reaching 95 mph winds


and gaining strength.

Beaches were closing from Florida to North
Carolina. Water along the southeast beaches were a
Hole) am ob ued aXe) mmOetcbeum ele) users) mroleyeetcmselcre) 6) (ems (cl Lamere)elercy unl
while other coastal residents and vacationers were
soaking up the last rays of summer and surfing the
heavy seas. Hurricane Diana crept into North
CarolinaTs shores Tuesday, September 12.

Late that afternoon Diana had become a 225 mile
wide furious hurricane. Her top winds were more

than 130 mph. The National Weather Service said.
ID}Ecboremevoleute Meets} qcmt- bole Me UOMr-Dehtan\aetchuctelclanvclcvel
New Hanover and Carteret Counties. Because of
DianaTs wobbling, predicting her direction was
ebb eu reitUcemulerUucte Must (e(cveLecm uch ucmme-beyberemre vere!
boarding windows, then leaving behind their
homes. There were also those friends and relatives
that refused to leave. Nancy Earwood left her
husband at Wrightsville Beach, just as many others
left close relatives behind, and went to Roland-.
Grise for shelter. Governor James B. Hunt asked.
residents of twelve counties to evacuate low lying
areas. At 11:30 pm Diana was fifteen miles east of
Carolina Beach, pounding North CarolinaTs shores.

S) olop ud Aimrcbiccs um eepCebentcd elem D)t-vet-Molcyer-Demebusiebelcanle
the east and stopped by midmorning about 45 to 50
miles southeast of Wilmington. Her top winds had
decreased to 115 mph.

By Friday, Diana had pulled away from North
CarolinaTs southern coast. With her she took piers,
eTovenkcr-mr-bole Men ct0Ws UAKcrHm\y CopeLO aT Mm niceleele ls er-trcm oles (e) uc
IDDE-bet- Wm vam ebecbreyemeloylt-bucmiVe)udeme) mel benrtscmeelerlel
be repaired. Even more time would have to pass
for people to forget their fears.

Just five weeks short of the thirtieth anniversary
of Hurricane Hazel, Diana caused the most damage
Como} udom@r-bueyeberc Mc Jeleluct es (-VAc) mioullel Que tb un ers
high tide, taking 352 homes and leaving only five
standing on Long Beach. The southern tip of Long
Beach was severed forming an inlet twenty feet
deep and 200 feet wide. The total damage of
Hurricane Hazel was more than 125 million

_ dollars.


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Elections 1985


oe a ,
Beyond the Waste Land =
prt en teen

" "






President Ronald Reagan

"" rs " ce Vice President George Bush
a i U.S. Senator Jesse Helms
IN Governor Jim Martin

Ed USED : CARS : Lt. Governor Bob Jordan

U.S. Congress Walter B. Jones
State Senate Tom F. Taft
State House Edward N. Warren
State House Walter B. Jones, Jr.






A Mss

ECU Marching Pirates play at Governor's request.









Governor James Martin

Council of State


Lt. Governor

Commissioner of Labor
Commissioner of Insurance
Public Instruction (secretary)
Secretary of State

Attorney General

State Treasurer

State Auditor

Commissioner of Agriculture. ..


James G. Martin
Robert B. Jordan Ill
John C. Brooks
James E. Long
Craig Phillips

Thad Eure

Lacy H. Thornburg
Harlan E. Boyles
Edward Renfrow
James (Jim) Graham

Jim Graham


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An Evening of Dance




Choreography... 6a Mavis Ray
Company. Tim Parker, Suzanne Corbitt,
Jami Wilkerson, Suzanne Lacroix, Erin
Shea, Ernest Miller, Pamela Sheffield,
Anna Marie Sistare, Raymond Hair, Kim
Davis, Jennifer Paulson, Jina Yelton,

Ralph Bass, John Perkins, Kim Warlick, ©

Brian Frette, Lisa Freestone, Karen
Bromley, Karen Landcaster.


(©) ale) ¢-Tele | ¢-| 0) 4 \' ena Patricia Pertalion
Company. Kendra Boster, John Perkins,
Sandra Bullock, Kimberly Davis, Marion
Holmes, Ernest Miller, Rachel Zahler,
Tracy Pope.


©] alo) ¢=1efe] ¢- | 0) 8) san Patricia Weeks
Company. . Leigh Albea, Sonja Hodges,
Rhonda Holland, Ernest Miller, Pamela

Sheffield, Traci Winstead, Brian Lewis,
DE-Wile Mm Ct-\94- Wm =glemele).e

Choreography............ WEN ate
Company. Janet Banks, Kendra Boster,
Suzanne Corbitt, Valerie DiSciullo, Amy
Trew, Raymond Hair, Robert Wright,
Jane Holden, Lillian Nordman, Angela


(©) ale) ¢-1eye | ¢-1¢) 4) Aa Jerome Jenkins
Company. Connie Yoder, Anna Sistare,
Ralph Bass, Kendra Boster, Paul Baker,
Mark Brunetz, Calvin Cherry, Kim Davis,
Keith Clarke, Laurie Clawson, Carolynn
Gratale, Valerie Disciullo, Greg Smith,
Lynette Dorn, Tracy Fearington, Monica
Smith, Kenny Moe, Tomi Overcash,
Maria Taylor, Jeni Paulson, Jami




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Janice Schreiber... ............. Reno Sweeney
Pena ae a Billy Crocker T
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Pea ERG oo oi oc ee Sees Reporter
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SAUEOTES Siow ee Mark Burnetz, Keith Clarke,

Kipper Hair, Kennith Mallette, John Perkins

eNotes) =i) C] =1 ns to Ann Coatney, Sonja Hodges,

Lia Councilman, Rebecca Palmer, Monica Smith

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a I eR sate mo heiamatii | jibtibitieaaeeeane aed NT a OO fC PRET

Anything Goes

| I i Director
Baw comets. i oes Musical Director
feonarmd Darby ...........- AI Toi al aller Bc tes Ceo)
" Re oe oa Costume Designer
SIRE NMS oe i. owe oe wie Set Designer
f David Downing... ........ Mel aheiatem B-t-ye lars
, sce Pariere. 2. 1. ees eT Tal Teel VE-larele (16
: Stephanie Berryman ..... Production Manager
' Pamela ttanis............- -.. Stage Manager
~ Jamie Biggers............... House Manager
Wanda Schaffer......... Box Office Manager
Se a Sound Master
Mark Colvin ....... Sek weaken «: Electrician
Barbara Games.............- 'sYoy- 1g m@)el-1¢- 100) 4
Gary Weathersbee............ Shop Foreman

SET CREW: Janice Sitnik, Sidney Hortor, J.
Chester, Sherrie Brewer, Mike Pitts, Michael
Buscemi, Winston Walker, Deanna Campbell, F.
Spencer, William McCluskie, Lindsey Beasley,
Curtis Jones, Mark Zelenz, Debbie Equils

PAINT & PROPS CREW: Diane Woods, Michelle
Sasser, Janice Sitnik, Suzanne Menius, Reid
Jenkins, Julie Zeiler, Ginger Oxendine, B.
Liverman, Karen Hoberg, Beth Whicker, Kim
Fulford, Robert Pearsall

COSTUMES: Susan Bass, Doreen Christofaro,
Jayne Holden, Kathleen Larkin, Connie Sutton,

Sy Ee a

§ : Carl McKay, Lisa McMullen, April Nichols, R.
" we Jenkins, Kimberly Thurston, Bonita Williams,

~ : Susan Tolar, Connie Yoder, Anne Matteson, M.

{ ; Bell

ig TECHNICAL: Melissa Reid, Jim Kradel, Chris


Loncar, Peter Phillips.

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1D) ==} =} C1 =\/1= 110104






Regional Concerts













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Jennifer Youngdail. . ..0.........-. Terry
Sy ONMER ARISTON ss inc en's ws oe Jean
RUNNER ec tes pn Judith
Hazel Stapleton ... 2.22... .". Mrs. Orcutt
Tie ORO ee ee ee Mattie
EURO D e o ele linte a e ein www Olga
Sig 2 | 3) 2 one Big Mary
Rosemary Curtis.......... .. Little Mary
SI WHOS sp wns se ee ee Bernice
Where I se ew Madelaine
Mary Cunmmohant..........-..-: Kaye
Soo.) Sc ic Sarena Linda
Wathee Staion... 4.50... Mrs. Shaw
A ROO icine mnie iy nn wie Bobby
RE ee le pa he oo Louise
aren PIOMeNG ic... ee eee Susan
Comic Wott on eee nk Pat
SOMME ne ca es Shee Kandall
Pometa tials... 2. 2... eae we Tony
SCWCD PARISONS ois en ae ee Ellen
ROUGE GHUGGIR o5 vim nis win nm ws ie te Kingsley
RI Ue ee clin wine = Keith
DOOM MNES a cS cai to ee ee ee Sam
PR oh ww oie ey snes Jimmy
Dwight Eastwood........... Dlemat-larer-
Pe AAR ene we oe mel
Michael McDonald:......:....... Gretzl
fo 100 ag a ee a Lou
UE OR eis Ss a ete Tee Fred
ce ko ities ec Larry
OWE IG IPG, © oe eae cee ec Billy



Cea ns se ni win ee Director
RSE TE MADEN Se Pe Set Designer
cc) Eo aa eres ae Costume Designer
Dai DOWMING .. 2... eo Lighting Designer
leona Darby... 22... 2.5... Bie: alalrer-Um Blige cole
CC eee, ecco eee ee General Manager
Sherrie Brewer............ Production Manager
RC ke S}eTelmUElarlel-ig
SS TIS a ne ee le House Manager
Wanda Schaffer ............ slop @ O)iier-M\UE-lal-lel-18
Copp taeceie. i. ke Business Secretary
re oe Administrative Secretary
Michael McDonald ........... Assistant Director
PAGHOP PN. as ices ken wee Assistant Designer
SN ww napisy bo hae ee Electrician
SNCS odie mnie mide Tole] alo BI-s-31 0 al-1g
Cr-Va"aa'|(-¥-1ta]-16-)0]-|- Shop Foreman

SET CREW: Lindsley Beasley, Andy White, Stacey
Livingston, Chris Loncar, Teresa Morgan, Bill
McLuskie, Ed Toschach, Ann Matteson, Traci
Winstead, Kathryn Briggs, John Dailey, Reid
Jenkins, Curtis Jones, Heath Gill, Beth Whicker,
WE Tal [1 @xele[-1cen

PROPS: Stephanie Berryman, Robin Poole, Ginger
Oxendine, Teresa Brooks, Barbara Barnes, Ginger
Dixon, Carol Adenauer, Pam Vaughan, Rhonda
Sutton, Claudia Wiles, Julie Ziesler.

TECHNICAL: Chris Loncar, Barbara Barnes, Eddie
Blue, Curtis Jones, Janice Sitnik, Allen Williams.






ae ak be

Bradley Beasley...as Buddy Layman

Angela Maynor....as Jennie Mae Layman
Claude West...... as Ferris Layman
Robert Ruffin ..... (tn OM OS) 810) 1-1 6)
Hazel Stapleton ...as Norman Henshaw
Tammy Visconti ...as Darlene Henshaw
Tracy Clark....... as Goldie Short

Rick Marshall ..... as Basil Bennett
Sherrie Brewer....as Luella Bennett
Billy Ray Tyson ...as\ Melvin Wilder

Hal Wells......... as Dewey Maples

Don Gils... 4. Director

a (e)e]-1 4 a \ | ¢)- 6 Set Designer

Keith Lewis......... Costume Designer
BE Wile i Blo)" 7a) a0 pan Mlolal diatom Bl--Jlelal-vg
Ye) T- co is BY- 140) an To alal(er-1mm BJ ic-veice)
scott Parker........ General Manager
Janice Sitnik........ Stage Manager
Jamie Biggers....... House Manager
Grace Glaser........ slo) a Ohio Mm \UE-lar-le]-18
Charles Perry....... Assistant Director
Mark Colvin ........ Electrician

Gary Weathersbee . .. Shop Foreman

SET CREW: Lindsay Beasley, Heath Gill, Jim
Kradel, Ann Matteson, Mike Pitts, John Rose, Scott
Rymer, Winston Walker, Mary Babley, Chris
Haynes, Stephanie Berryman, Sherrie Brewer, Pam
Harris, English Toole, Lovanda Williamson

PROP CREW: Jennifer Grady, Andy White, Jessica
Taylor, Debbie Equils, Mickie Sasser

COSTUMES: Kimberly Thurston, Eddie Blue,

- Boyce Cutchin, Kim Fulford, Lisa Lees, Janet
Horne, Alisa Huggins, Ann Matteson, Betty
Liverman, Diane Woods, April Nichols, Kim Pesikey,
Bonita Williams

TECHNICAL: Barbara Barnes, Pam Harris,
Stephanie Berryman, Eddie Blue, Curtis Jones,
Allen Williams


a ee ae

end Sore .. * Craig Dudley
Gertrude | _...... Janice Schreiber
Chess ok. _ Greg Watkins 3
The Ghost. . | Gary Faircloth Ff
Panes $6.555255 Joey Pollock
Papeteir oS. G _ Austin Garyantes
Ophelia... 6c... NI-lalaliiciam celelare(er- Lal
PRONENO os ok 4 _. Robert Ruffin
Rosencrantz. ......:... Scott Rymer
Guildenstern.......... David Tillman
me) (18) 0) 6- _ Michael McDonald
Voltemand....... ... Brendan Medlin
Cornelius... .. _. . Michael Repeta
ann Michael McDonald
PR Brad Beasley
Franeisee: 2.5. a Alan McCoy? }
{LS oh Spee Areas Sage Mark Colvin §&
Priest ........... Dwight Eastwood
Grave Digger .... ._. Billy Ray Tyson
Army Captain....... Curtis Lee Jones
Player Queen ....... Rebecca Palmer
Player King........ _. Kurt Engstrom
PRE i ...... Janice Sitnik
Servant Woman . . Kathee Staton
Soldiers... .. - Sidney Horton §

Curtis Lee JonesT f"

Kenny Moe ff

_ Stuart Ward
Ladies-in-waiting Kelly Anchors
Sele \ Vala @xey- heal]

Kathleen Larkin

* Courtesy of Actor's Equity Association


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PCs ic usd et Cedric Winchell
Technical Director ....... Yo) at-\ com BY- lg 0)
S) ¢= Tela (e]4) as B) 6-10) (0) Paris Peet
Set Designer. oo. ... 2-2. ia te)el-1a qr all e]-16-)
Costume Designer....... Warren Travis
Lighting Designer........ DE Wi Tole Bley aliale)
General Manager .......... Scott Parker
S) ¢Te [VE lal- (0 [-) Sherrie Brewer
House Manager ......... Jamie Biggers
Toy @) ii(e- 11 - l-\e |=] on eT eTe CIEL 16
Asst. Stage Manager....... DEW ilo at- WV al=)
S) ale) oo se) ¢-1111- | Gary Weathersbee
Fine Canioia i 4s - David Tillman
PIROPNCIIN oe vans Barbara Barnes
Toy: {ce i @) 0) -1¢- | (0) arn Lindsay Beasley
STo)'] Tok ©] 0]-1¢-) Ce) an Cheryl Canby
VOIGOMOIG YS cds we wes Robert Myers
Synthesized Music......... STURT lam =f: lige
Department Secretary........ Mary Vars
Business Secretary ...... Cr lavmar-licelelin

SET CREW ... Debbie Equils, Mike Pitts,
Claudia Wiles, David Miller, B. Ford, Jim
Kradel, John Dailey, Julie Simon, Brad
Marshall, John Smith, Mechelle Jamerson,
Rachel Zahler, Kim Lawson, Jennifer Scott,
Diane Woods, Michael Steiner, Anne
Matteson, Carl McCoy, Pamela McGimpsey,
Kim Thurston, Anna Sistare, Sandy Bullock,
LUT g-10] F- Wal sro}-1e10(- Wm DY --la]aT- Wm @r- 110) 8) 01-11 MYT ALO =)
Cordero, Mark Colvin, Pam Westra, Sylvia
Bowyer, J. Ziesler, Calvin Cherry, Eddie Blue

COSTUMES ... Keith Lewis, April Nichols,
Keith Clarke, Stephanie Berryman, Kim
Peiskey, Janie Williamson, K. Tolson,
Laurilyn McDonald, Stella Dale Moore,
Marylou Dingman, Valerie L. DiSciullo, John
Heslin, Sonja Hodges, K. Peiskey, Betty
Liverman, Angela Norman, Bonita Williams,
Pam Sheffield, Kim Thurston





The Season






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Suzanne Hardy Crystal Fray Renee Roberson
Clothing & Textiles The Ebony Herald Green Dorm

Sandra Bullock Vicki Tharrington Patricia Marquis
Scott Dorm Gamma Beta Phi The Buccaneer






Missy Clayton, 1984
Homecoming Pirate







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When the Pirates played Temple in the first
home game of the 1984 season, the expectations
and hopes of the fans and the press were high.

It was a warm September day at Ficklen. Just
outside the field, Pirate fans stood around their
station wagons and picnic tables sipping their
drinks and munching on the barbecue and fried
chicken. People talked about the recent loss to
Florida State and about EmoryTs successful T83
season. The music of a WROR remote broadcast
filled the air creating a slight roar of voices try-
ing to overcome the loud music. This is called

When J arrived at the press box, the mood
was fun. Reporters renewed aquaintances, spec-
ulated on the dayTs game and cautiously fore-
casted a Pirate victory. After handing an atten-
dant my meal ticket, I stacked my plate with
food and proceeded to my assigned seat in Sec-
tion B. On each of the desk-like counters, a
small sign was placed marked with the report-
erTs name and organization. It was my first time

in the press-box. I looked at the sign that was
taped to my counter. Warren Best " Bucca-
neer,? it read. No problem I thought. I wolfed
down the food and gulped down the tea as I
watched the festivities on the field unfold. I
watched the band come on the field much to
fansT delight. It was a great show, I thought.
Never had I seen such pageantry at ECU as I
saw that afternoon. I went back to the buffet
and picked up some more food.

As I leafed through my press kit, I found the
Pirates to be undefeated against Temple. The
PirateTs record at home over the past six sea-
sons was 19-5, a statistic which placed ECUTs
team at an advantage. I couldnTt help wonder-
ing about the opener against Florida State, and
how the Pirates were literally blown away by
the nationally ranked team. As I watched the
television screen the week before, my mind
kept returning to the 1983 season and how great
the team was. Times change, I thought. After
all, the Pirates lost 14 starters to graduation,



at Florida State


at Central Michigan

at North Carolina State

at Pittsburgh

at Tulsa

at South Carolina

at Southwest Louisiana






and Coach Emory did not have definite starting quarterback
at the beginning of the season. I took a look at the Pirate
home field advantage and prayed for the best.

Somewhere along the line, the prayer took an offramp and
was never heard from again. Temple outplayed the Pirates 17-

The loss to Temple seemed to be an omen for the Pirates, a
BAD omen. | managed to attend all the home games, eating
the free food and drinking a free beverage after the games.
Unfortunately, I missed the away games, but my good friend,
Randy Mews of the EAST CAROLINIAN attended the majority
of the away games. He kept me informed on the PiratesT ef-
forts outside of Ficklen, yet he didnTt have much to say about
the road trips. Every Tuesday I picked up a copy of the paper
and read all there was to say about a Pirate team that couldnTt
win a game on the road. Sure, I was disappointed. I was also
sure that Coach Emory wasnTt thrilled with the Pirate perfor-

The view from the press-box was much different than the
view from the various areas in the bleachers. LetTs face it, the
press have the best seats in the entire stadium. We saw a lot
up there. During the season we saw the various coachesT reac-
tions to the good plays and the bad plays. We saw good calls,
the bad calls and the lack of calls. We had a great view of the
parachutists who decided to drop in on Ficklen and deliver
pizza to the press-box (By the way, the pizza was great, fellas,
Good job!). We were the first to notice when the fans thought
the game was over. The Temple game especially comes to
mind. When 31,479 people came to see the Pirates play, and
the team unsuccessfully tried to score in three quarters of
play. Of course, a substantial number of people left before the
fourth quarter began. Such was the case with Temple, and, in
part, the last home game. However, it was exciting to see the
fans so supportive of the hard-luck Pirates even if we did
lose. From the press-box, one could see the human wave start
at the northern most part of the stands and work its way
around the entire stadium. Despite a 2-9 season, the fans
managed to bring out the Tol team spirit in the face of another
home defeat. I call the wave and fan participation the high-
light of the 1984 Pirate football season.

A lot of action took place in the press-box, section B to be
exact. I donTt know if you saw me or not. I sat on the bottom
row wearing a U.Va. sweatshirt, chain-smoking Marlboro
Lights and drinking ice-cold Pepsi. Usually, to my right was
Randy Mews of the EAST CAROLINIAN. He would type every
now and then and sometimes shake his head trying to deci-
pher what the previous play was all about. He drank Pepsi,
too. On my left, Jim Hickmon, News Director for WZMB, sat
while he sporadically took notes and grumbled occasionally
about the game or about the previous night of drinking. The
campus media sat on the left hand side of the box, while the
professionals occupied the center and right hand side. The TV
people sometimes graced the press-box with their presence
and their cohorts with cameras dominated the top section of
the box desperately trying to get that one shot that would
look great for the 11 oTclock news. Woody Peele, sports writer
for the DAILY REFLECTOR, was there, too. On the second
level of section B, a man with a greying mustache sat in front
of a microphone that was connected to a PA speaker. In a full
rich voice partially subdued by a monotone delivery, he calm-



Robbie Bartlett. .
Darell Speed....

Jeff Heath

Jeff Bolch

Calvin Adams...
Amos Adams...
Dwight RichardsonTB
Ron Jones

Ron Eley

Vernard Wynn....
Tommy Buie.... WR
Tony Kyser

Tony Lee Smith . WR
Stefon Adams... SE
Henry Williams .. FLK
Brent Holbrook... SE
Ellis Dillahunt ... DB
Keith Ford

Gary London.... SS
Ricky Nichols ... FLK
Essray Taliaferro DE
Rolando Caparas DB
Curtis Wyatt.... DE

Vinson Smith ... DE °

Bubba Bunn.... TB
Randy Bost Ss
Bobby Clair RB
Robert Fuller.... TB
Reggie Branch ... FB
Scott Lewis

Pat Bowens

Isiah Hill


Jimmy Walden .. TB
Kevin Walker.... DB
Terry Paige RB
Bubba Waters... DE
George Franklin .. FB
Willie Mack DE
James Martin... DB
Tony Baker TB
Tim Pittman .... DB
Edward Varnes... FS
Jeff Turner DB
Tyrone Johnson .. LB
Steve Jacobs ....LB
Bruce Simpson... LB
David Plum DT
Norman Quick... OG
Tony Smith

Medrick Rainbow NG
John Britt

Stuart Ward

Ronald Reid

Greg Thomas

Robert Washington LB
Donald Reid

Kevin Samuels .. SN
Brad Henson.... OT
Richie Autry .... OG
P. J. Jordan

Mac Powers.... OG
Petey Davis

Chris Santa Cruz NG
Shawn Brady... OL

Tim Mitchell

Paul Hoggard...

T. Livingston....
Rich McMahan ..
Ricky Hilburn ..

Greg SokolohorskyOT
David Kramer....DL
Joe Grinage .... DT
Robert Alexander OL

Greg Quick

Chris McLawhorn FLK
Bryant Porter....TE
Barry Wright

Dave Thomas....
Craig White

Ron Gilliard

John Williamson.

Jeff Patton

Willie Powell....
Damon Pope

Larry Berry

Curtis Struyk ....
Kevin Banks....
Mark Miller

Lawrence Brooks DT
Leon Hall

Bruce Shoemaker. DL
J. C. Plott

William Jennette. . DL
Randy Watts.... DE


ly gave the press the gory details about each play and periodi-
cally reminded us that the elevator would be ready at five
minutes before the end of the game to take us down for post-
game interviews. I think he drank tea; ITm not sure. He once
singled me out during a big Pirate play during the Temple
game. I guess | got excited, and let out a loud jubilant excla-
mation. :

There will be no cheering in the press-box,? he said over
the speaker. So, I refused to cheer during the remainder of the

ITm not saying there werenTt any highlights on the field. Of
course, there were outstanding players shining in an other-
wise lackluster season. Jeff Heath immediately comes to
mind. Throughout the season, Heath found his mark on every
extra point and accurate when it came to field goals, almost
80% accurate. Jimmy Walden had a pretty good year, too; six
touchdowns and an average of four yards per carry. | really
canTt say much about the quarterbacks because there were so
many of them. Robert Bartlett proved to be good, but he was
injured in the Central Michigan game. Ron Jones and Darrell
Speed played consistently because Emory could never keep
one of them on the sidelines for an entire game. Indeed, there
were a few exceptions to that rule, but generally, one gets the
idea that in order to play consistently good, one must play

Admittedly, I donTt know how to coach, and I know I donTt
want to coach. I have no idea on what went through Coach
EmoryTs mind as he paced up and down the sidelines during
those losing games. I imagine thereTs a bit of anger, a touch of
humbleness, and at least a gallon of frustration. Was it the
loss of seniors? Was it the defensive coaching? Who knows?
(All we can do is speculate and hope for a better season next

I remember this big fellow staring out the press window
after the Georgia Southern game. We won that one. He
seemed to be wondering about the PiratesT future as he puffed
on his giant cigar and gazed down at an empty football field.

I also remember the final game of the season. We lost that
one. After the fans had left the stadium, I found a cigarette, lit
it and looked down at the field. Some kids were playing foot-
ball on the field, and I wondered ... maybe next year.


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Bobby Anastasio Jeff Kime

Larry Bennett Jeff Langrehr
Gregory Brandle Christopher Lugo
Brian Colgan David McEwan
Jesse Daugherty Mike McNeal
John Farlow Matthew Markel
Patrick Golden Michael Murray
Palmier Gross David Pere

Rand Hamilton Jamie Reibel
Mark Hardy David Skeffington
Matthew Hermes Rick Spenski
David Jester Carl Andrw Walter

Ormwth ono "





George Mason
Atlantic Christian
Christopher Newport
NC State

Virginia Commonwealth
Old Dominion

American University


Virginia Wesleyan
NC Wesleyan


James Madison

William & Mary 1
UNC-Wilmington 1
NC Wesleyan Classic losses

Record 3-16-2



ie Wot :


Ny Xe

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UNC-Chapel Hill

NC Wesleyan

Wake Forest

Virginia Commonwealth

UNC-Chapel Hill

Wake Forest Invitational ....


UNC-Chapel Hill
Coastal Carolina
St. Andrews
William & Mary
James Madison
ECAC South Tour
William & Mary
George Mason

Record 3-26






seen aor
eee :

11 Kim Adams middle hitter
13 Mary Barmum def. specialist
18 Sheri Brinson outside hitter
6 Tonja Brooks middle blocker
4 Barbara Chadwell def. specialist
7 Ann Guida setter
3 Eva Huges def. specialist
12 Dawn Langley outside hitter
10 Martha McQuillan middle hitter
2 Tammy Riggan
14 Sharon Shank outside hitter
16 Traci Smith outside hitter
17 Donna Zekonis middle blocker



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Tim Baker
Pat Brennan
Bruce Brockschmidt
Jeff Brown
Andy Cook
Paul Durkin
Scott Eagle
Ronald Fleming
Eric Hawkins
Lee Hicks
Kevin Hidalgo
Keith Kaut
Mike Kole
Chema Larranaga
Bill Neal
Chris Pittelli
David Robaczewski
Scott Robinson
Al Smith
Stratton Smith
Scott Strubinger
Richard Wells
Gregor Wray

ee er
if OY

Annette Burton
Joelle Ennis
Jessica Feinberg
Jill Gorenflo
Jennie Halstead
Chris Holman
Tracy Hope
Nancy James
Becky Kerber
Vicki Langrehr
Lori Livingston
Nancy Ludwig
Ellen McPherson
Lori Miller
Scotia Miller
Jennifer Pierson
Caycee Poust
Laura Scharf

ah age




James Madison

at N.C. State

at Navy

at Shippensburg
Florida State

Old Dominion

at UNC-Chapel Hill

University of Richmond
at William & Mary
Eastern Championships










MenTs Basketball





Leon Bass
Derrick Battle
Peter Dam
Herb Dixon
William Grady
Scott Hardy
Keith Sledge
Roy Smith
Jack Turnbill
Curt Vanderhorst

Central Conn. State.... 58
Va. Commonwealth .... 61
at Drexel
Chris. Newport
at Campbell
at Wake Forest

North Texas State
Boston University
George Mason

at Duke

William & Mary

at Richmond

at Howard

James Madison

at George Mason

at UNC-Wilmington ....
at William & Mary

at American
at James Madison





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Starting out with a 2-8 record can do a lot to
your confidence. Also having a new coach can be a
big adjustment. The Lady Pirates seemed to use
this as an advantage, turning it around and
winning 15 games in a row. With another winning
streak, the Lady Bucs won 18 of their last 19
games. They finished the regular conference
season with an 11-1 record and an overall record of

The 1984-85 Lady Pirates Basketball team won
the ECAC South Tournament defeating George
Mason and James Madison. Winning the regular
season championship gave ECU a bye into the
semifinal round.

Playing against George Mason in the semi-finals,
the Lady Pirates walked away with a 77-54 win.

ECU and James Madison, the two top teams of
the regular season, met in the finals. The Lady
Pirates led at the half and finished the game with a
win of 65-59.

ECU used full court pressure defensively and
outrebounded JMU 41-36. Four ECU Ladies scored
with double figures, Lisa Squirewell, Loraine
Foster, Anita Anderson and Sylvia Bragg.

ECU took away more than the tourney. Emily
Manwaring, head coach, received the ECAC South
Coach-of-the-Year honor and three Lady Pirates
were named to the all conference squad.

Receiving all-league honors were Sylvia Bragg "
guard, Lisa Squirewell " forward and Monique
Pompili " forward.

This was ManwaringTs eighth Coach-of-the-Year
award. These have been received in the thirteen
seasons she has been coaching. This is also her
eleventh conference title.

Manwaring had this to say about the Lady
Pirates. I was very satisfied with the overall
performance and effort of the entire team. They
truly reached their highest potential and displayed
it in the championship game.? This was
ManwaringTs first season with the Lady Pirates.


306/SPORTS \~


Anita Anderson
Alma Bethea

Sylvia Bragg

Therese Durkin
Loraine Foster
Cheryl Fout
Crystal Grier
Annette Phillips
Monique Pompili
Shelley Ridgway
Jody Rodriguez
Lisa Squirewell
Victoria Watras


NC State

North Carolina

Fayetteville State


Howard University

Old Dominion University

South Carolina

Morehead State University ...

South Carolina

lona College

Campbell University

William & Mary


George Mason University ....

American University

Radford University

James Madison University. ...


South Florida

Hampton Institute

American University

George Mason University ....

William & Mary

James Madison University. ...



ECAC-South Tournament
George Mason University ..
James Madison University. .

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N.C. State Invit. ......
MacGregor Classic ....
Hargrove Invit. ...

lron Duke Invit. . .


Hilton Head Invit.
The Palmetto......
Univ. South Carolina
lron Duke Invit. ....
Furman Invit.......
UNC-Chapel Hill. . . .



Mark Arcilesi
Mike Bradley
Chris Czaja

Will Dubose
Richard Fields
Dennis Hart
David McKenzie
Roger Newsom
Christopher Riley
Paul Steelman
Kelly Stimart
David Waggoneer







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John Anthony
Scott Avery at Atlantic Christian 3-6

Davis Bagley UNC-Wilmington 7-2
Pat Campanero West Liberty State 8-1
David Creech ° at High Point 4-5
Hank Kinne ; at N.C. State 0-8
Dan LaMont Campbell 5-4
Greg Loyd at Old Dominion 1-8
Kevin Plumb Pfeiffer 9-0
Galen Treble at Campbell 7-2
David Turner St. Andrews
Greg Willis at Azalea Tourney at
at Pfeiffer

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ECAC Regular Season Champions

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Atlantic Christian
St. AugustineTs
Atlantic Christian
Virginia Commonwealth ...
North Carolina State
Eastern Kentucky
at UNC-Wilmington
North Carolina
James Madison
James Madison
at Atlantic Christian
at North Carolina
Richmond a
at North Carolina State ...
North Carolina Wesleyan .
Virginia Wesleyan
William & Mary
at George Mason
at George Mason
UNC Wilmington
at Campbell hoe
Campbell ters
ECAC South Tournament

George Mason

New York Tech

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Mark Shank
Steve Sides
Robert Langston
Mont Carter
Greg Hardison
Mike Sullivan
Mike Wells

Craig Van Deventer
David Mabe
Daniel Boone
Danny Culpepper
Dean Ehehalt
Charles Butler
Jim Peterson
Brian Peterson
Jay McGraw

Mike Christopher
Jim Riley

Mark Cockrell
Chris Bradberry
Winfred Johnson




at UNC-Wilmington

at Atlantic Christian




Ohio Univ.

at UNC-Greensboro


at Guilford



ECAC-South Conference
Tourney at William & Mary


Susie Brown
Heidi Bunting
Sheila Feeley
Karla Hoyle
Ann Manderfield
Susan Montjoy
Ty Myers
Mina Nickel
Janet Russell
Kris Sammons
Laura Zaloudek








PN ee a ae aia Nee

Julian Anderson
Eddie Bradley
Chris Brooks
Ken Daughtry
Phillip Estes
Erskine Evans
John Lee

Willie Fuller
Nathan McCorkle
Jim Paritte

David Parker
Ruben Pierce
Steve Rash

Rob Rice

Walter Southerland



Sonya Baldwin
Jamie Cathrart
Patricia Galbraith
Linda Gillis

Judy Goodyear
Wanda Haythe
Stephanie Ingram
Carolyn Martin

. Jeannine Sles


326/SPORTS (0

Erskine Evans, Coach Bill Carson, and Nathan McCorkle




at Virginia Commonwealth .
Wayne State
Francis Marion
George Mason
Eastern Connecticut State .
at UNC-Wilmington
at Lady Siminole Classic
vs Michigan State
vs Bradley
vs Southern Miss. .......
vs South Florida
vs Georgia State
Virginia Commonwealth... .
N.C. Wesleyan
Ohio University
South Carolina
Canisius College
at UNC-Chapel Hill
at Methodist
Liberty Baptist

ae ee



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328/SPORTS [4°








Jeannie Murray
Tamara Franks
Lisa Parsey
Stacey Boyette
Susie Pierce
Patti Hook
Pam Young
Carla Alphin
Wendy Ozment
Lynda Barrett
Julie Farrow
Phyllis Willis
Dawn Langley
Eva Hughes
Mona Jackson
Robin Graves
Bonnie Smith
Sandy Kee
Suzanne Martin
Liza Zmuda



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Co-Rec Champions Third Regiment
All Campus (men) Bombsquad
All Campus (women) Naturals
Fraternity ~AT Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity B? Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sorority Alpha Omicron Pi
Independent (men) Bombsquad
Independent (women) Naturals
Resident (men)

Resident (women)

All Campus (men) Burnouts
All Campus (women) Alpha Delta Pi
Fraternity ~AT Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity B?T Kappa Sigma
Sorority Alpha Delta Pi
Independent (man) Burnouts
Independent (women) cee S"
Resident (men) Garrett Aces
Resident (women) Clement Part 4Ts


Men (6'1?) James Mann
Men (6'1?) Maurice Thorbs
Chinita Tate

All Champus Champs

Dow Yoyner & Thomas Rogerson
Lisa Ramey & Diane Sweeney

All Campus Paul McMillan & Lou Taft
Raymond Song & David Patton

All Campus (men) Bone Team

rae ;
cate eS


All Campus (women) .... Umstead Jockettes
Fraternity ~~AT Zeta Beta Tau
Fraternity BTT Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma
Independent (men) Bone Team
Independent (women). ... SPE Goldenhearts
Resident (men) HeckerTs Boys
Resident (women) Umstead Jockettes

All Campus (men) Stuart Holland
All Campus (women) Johnnie Prat

All Campus (men) Powerhouse
All Campus (women) Naturals
Fraternity ~AT Sigma Tau Gamma
Fraternity B?T Sigma Tau Gamma
Sorority Delta Zeta
Independent (men) Powerhouse
Independent (women) Naturals
Resident (men) Jones N/S Split
Resident (women) Fletcher Wild Women

All Campus (men) Third Regiment
All Campus (women) Destitutes
Fraternity ~~A?T Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity B? Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma
Independent (men) Third Regiment
Independent (women) Destitutes
Resident (men) .. .» Belk 307 Spikers
Resident (women) TylerTs Terroflock



Sigma Phi Epsilon
All Campus Champs The Shrieks





338/SPORTS \o


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Winners - 10th Annual TKE Boxing Tournament

Scott Francis 130 Ibs Thomas Johnson.... 169 Ibs
Rawley Berry 146 lbs James Thompson.... 175 lbs
Charles Patrick 152 Ibs Warren Williams 197 Ibs
Mark Saieed 155 Ibs Ed Smith

scelheniceanr Piegs, Setentetats inetieaeninated


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International Student Dinner


mm ORBTHERS, LiL Sistersen

TKE Parking Regulations : PATTERSON (2)









_ Tuesday, April 23, 1985
" 4:00 p.m. "

700 East 10th Street





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3rd. Place, Most Creative Greek Group Photo


Row 1 Row 3
Scott Stanley David Evans
Eugene Lowe John Sellars
Jimmy Nash Tim Meigs
Michael Pender Jay Williams
Will Godfrey Todd Carson
Joe Haicke Paul Piche
John Aven Ed Wilkerson
Jack Cohen
Row 2 Jay Breen
Darryl Howery Michael Criscitiello
Scott Forbes Mark Baker
Thomas Taylor Rick Horner
Don Adkins Chris Holland
Bobby Steinberg Mark Schechter
Doug Odell Joe Beairsto
Kerry Scafella Joel Cutchin
Stephan Poplin Bob Ittig
David Smith William Morton
Stephen Frislid Bill Boyd
Rickey Poplin




: ee



Marcus Goodson
Nokomis Evans
Richard Barfield
John Little


Reginald Holliday
Willie Everett
Charles Mackey
Arthur Burks

Carl Purcell


Eem 5 BF


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First Place, Buccaneer Creative Greek Group Photo SIGMA PHI EPSILON



Kent Smothers
Woody Barnes
Bob Armistead
Dana Troutt
Mike Hoard
Mike Geraci
Todd Kirkpatrick
Donald Fail
Tom Greene
Troy Powers
Mike Wahl


Bob Beyert
Mike Upchurch
Phil Chapman

Shawn Monaghan

Clark Smith
Russ Emerson

Lyndon Sidelinger

Jim Mulhern
Micheal Morley

Jim White

Jim Durham
Scott Sirkin
Mark Page
Scott Short
Howard Berger
Michael Leo
Willie Holbert
Tim Fullowan
Alex Camacho
John Cooper
Scott Garrett
Brooke Stoneseifer
Johnny Staley

Yard standing
Peter Broudy
Tim Marion
Michael Liddy
Russ Smith
Mark Simon
Matt Chance
Peter Knill

Jim Boone

Matt Watson

Rusty Shoup

Andy Robbins

Don Taylor

Monty Johnson
Michael Weatherington

Yard sitting

Brad VanZee
Robert Hale
Garry Allm
Randall James
Joeseph Leonard
Bryan Cuntrell
Bill Bagliani
Steve Cunanan
Scott Kane
Glenn Conway
Sam Goforth
Brian Klingenberg
Jared Gelles



Front Row
LeAnne Costin
Andy Sugg
Garrett Ingram
Jeff Torres
Dwayne Blackman
Jeff Thomson
Tom Egan

Back Row
Gene Taylor
Gregg Lamm
Eric Weninger
Rickland Cronland
Lynn Jourden
Tim Mueller
Alan Melvin
Jay Holler
Roger Holmes
Rick Tanner
Jack Seymour


Row 1

Pat McCoy
Chip Little

Terry Smith
John lager

Bill Wooten

Row 2

Jeff Parks
Baily Tucker
Ovid Pierce
Chris Burns
Chris Ratte

Row 3

Ronnie Ennis
Phillip Meggs
Carl Woodruth

Row 4
Don Hicks

Brent Shutz
Dean Holland

Row 5

John McDade
Todd Hunt

Aaron Russell
Bobby Lyne
David Dupree
Wally King
Robert Thompson
Steve Chapell
Phillip King

Row 6

Barry Carter
Mark McDonald
John Aigne
Richard Lomax
John Hooten
Hol Barber


Row 1

Victor Sablan
Tom Feast
Hudson Moore
Pat OTNeal

Rob Brugh
Chris Padgett
Christian Riddle

Row 2

Phil Pyburn
Barry Peele
David Zeph

Dennis Destuabin
Jim Moore
Randy Tyler
David Smith
Ben Wilbanks
Munsey Wheby
Sam Madison
Jim Crowley
John Katsis
Troy Tyner
Ken Teachey
Eric Busby


Row 1

Angela Alcock
Susan Tollefson
Cindy Sleeper
Lisa Faulkner
Yardley Raper
Melanie Redd

Row 2

Vicki Culbertson
Beth Simmons
Lisa Briggs

Jaime Mitchell
Ginny McGrath
Elizabeth Micheals
Dana Doutt

Julie Long

Row 3

Kari Linzel
Melissa Herbert
Lou Maynard
Karen Hinton

Dayna Long
Maria Bell
Pamela Paderick
Susan Henley

Row 4

Miriam Beck
Carolyn Hughes
Betta Pignani
Amie Umphlett
Lee Carson

Sandy Scarborough

Shari Clemens

Row 5

Sara Kerr
Michelle Winowitz
Julie Brogan
Kelly Fullbright
Ashley Graves
Mary Garbett

Kitt Veismann
Mom Roberts


Row 1

Dariene Miles
Brenda Groon
Julie Latimer
Stacey Mnick
Tara Faircloth
Stephanie Paul
Rebecca Lanier
Claudia Sawyer
Joy Wilkins

Row 2
Lisa Walsh
Kim May

Shannon Summerville

Laura Bemant
Pam Forsyth
Christi Clark
Sharon Teague
Cathy Lassiter
Sharon Hancock
Lisa Dwyer
Ellen Lent

Greer Bowen

Ellen Foley

Beth Burleigh
Miss Mary Beverly

Row 3

Cathryn Fletcher
Nancy Jahn
Sarah Butler
Beth Oliver
Karyn Currin
Ann Hawkinson
Laura Ketner
Elaine Erwin
Jill Reynolds
Lisa Veasy
Britt Lowder
Kim Dudley
Kathy Waldrop
Dana Johnson
Chrissy Krause
Judy Koch
Tricia Harris

Row 1
Carol Page

Row 2

Carol Anne Wurst
Maria Hayes
Tracy Hamilton
Karen Howard
Lelsie Ennis
Beth Loeb

Lisa Brown
Sallie Glaner
Dana Draughn
Lisa Gove
Roberta Lepper

Row 3

Jacqueline Kartchner

Beverly Brenner
Linda Pugliese
Nena Burchfield
Susie Hoskins
Debbie Canada
Cindy Michl
Erin Malone
Kim McLoughlin

Row 4

Anne Brooks
Robin Wilson
Amanda Manning
Laurie Ostergard
Barbie Mobley
Susan VanArnam
Diane Abramson
Lisa Downing
Beverly Daniel
Laura Glackin

Row 5

Kathy Dewey
Denese Ballew
Teresa Moore
Lisa Whitfield
Angel Benjamin
Chris Roman
June Gunter
Sherry Keen
Karen Klinedinst
Lynn Knott

Jan Sitton



Row 1

Howard Bowman
Todd Patton
David Goldman
Lingesh Sriraman
Michael Swaim
David Howell
Kelly Farris

John Robins

Row 2

Greg Winchester
Keith Misner
John Weller
Pete Fernald
Chris Crabtree
Mark Heizer
Jim Herring
Eric Davis

Bill Dawson
John Altizer
James Russo

Christopher McNabb

Brian Wessler
Steve Mote
James McNiff
Mike Hayes
Davis Ayscue
David Mason

Row 3

Steven Folmar
Danny Redick
Brennen Collins
Gene Stevens
Mark Bogue
John Rusk
Jeffrey Humbert
James Knight
Scott Lindley
Randall Clayton
Richard Ladd
Mike McPartland
Brett Morris
Darrell Wynne


Little Sisters

Row 1

Cindy Brueck
Lisa Hannah
Patti Washington
Lisa Allen

Linda Yoon

Julie Lattimer

Sandy Sugg

Row 2

Kelli McCurdy
Martha Glenn
Mim Mitchell
Robin Bowman
Gayle Pews
Louise Harris
Amy Wilson

Amanda Davis

Row 3

Angela Saine
Adele Goodman
Maria Bennett
Harriet Lilley
Marina Goldee
Ann Bowen

Mary Hansgen
Laurilyn McDonald
Kendall Lanning
Heather Bogen
Cathrine Seagrave
Kathleen Mylett
Shasta Bridges
Angela Syne
Valerie Meyers
Patricia Cardona





Row 1

Carolyn White
Wanda Dotson
Debra Watkins
Lauren McDowell
Chris James
Harriet Lanier

Row 2

Tammy Stanley
Kathy Flowers
Karen Warren
Catherine Dixon
Gretchen Morgan
Dana Dees
Camille Britt
Dawn Brooks

Row 3

Kim Tointon
Nancy Homa
Dawn Dickerson
Maryanne Parrish
Martha Hudson
Noel Shaughessy
Melanie Huth

Row 4
Amy Jackson
Amy Kopas

Kyle Humbert
Lottie Mozingo
Elizabeth Bilisoly
Cindy Fairbanks
Wendy Wallace
Lee Ann Harris

Row 5
Maryvonne Draper
Carter Chaffin
Kelly Mannix
Isabelle Cosgrove
Stacy Grigg
Katrina Hobby
Kelly Tarr
Maureen Jicka
Tracy Lawson
Denise Mulligan

Row 6

Kim Daniels
Sue Sellers
Cathy Niblock
Ann Johnson
Sarah Boling
Chris Dolan
Polly Wilkinson
Heather Wallace
Laura Uthus
Lisa Jefferson



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Row 1

Wendy Skellie
Teri Baranowski
Suzanne LaCroix
Gail Orsomarso
Cheryl Swanson

Row 2

Martha West
Julie Hammer
Karen Heim
Rebecca Lee
Amy Jo Cooper

Row 3

Barbara Cococchia
Michelle Fischer
Jacque Jirschele


Tina Pilati

Row 1

Tammy Visconti
Jackie Dellinger
Brenda Bowen
Kristy Richardson

Row 2

Gina Troxel
Sonya Pruden
Leslie Boyd
Kim Pesikey
Lynda Rivers
Tracy Rogers
Pam Edwards
Kathy Wells

Row 3

Nancy Croft
Trisha Griffin
Lisa Schuetz
Susan Freeman
Michelle Adams
Shannon Green
Laura Coppedse
Tasha Harmon
Marie Dennis
Kerry ScaFella
Joy Smith

Row 4
Kristen Bauer

Lisa OTDonnell
Chelly DeBone
Robin Langley

Row 4

Crissy Brault
Patti Mayer
Betsy Tucker
Anne Raamot
Melanie Barnes

Row 5

Tracy Clark
Maryanna Eaddy
Isabella Malby
Malby Lisa Stinnett
Luanne Gaddy
Dana Schacht

Sherri Sherman
Liz Wooten
Carolyn Williams
Stacey Rowe
Sonja Shaw

Row 5

Susan Bass

Kim Wall

Michelle Werhan
Cindy Carroway
Amy Blake

Trina Sumrell
Theresa Flemming
Ann Vogel
Shanda Hedrick
Marianne Duggan
Evan Conklin

Row 6

Nanci Joy
Robin Readling
Suzanne Moore
Allison Wilder
Dana Koutras

Row 7

Sherri Pope

Amy Bonesteel
Beth Richardson
Sharon Jackson
Pam Bundy
Doreen MacDougall




Row 1

Tim McCullough
Doug Wynne
Joe Prys

Row 2

Ed Gallagher
Brooks Thomas
Dave Rushing
Steve Kueman

Row 3

Scott Reynolds
Jim Spirek
Howie Sigman


Row 1
Eddie Bradley
Scott Summers

Row 2

Wendell Roberson
Kenny Gibbs
Greg Moore
Ruben Pie

Row 3

Russell McBroom
Odell Hemby
Rick White


Row 1

Jeff Ramey
Kevin Perez
Kevin Simpson
David Pence
Dean Townsend
Troy Fleming

Row 2

Todd Brawlon
Alan Bryant
Rich Texter
Rick Wheeler
Bob Burton

Row 3

Mike Crossant
Porter Hardy
John Meyers
Brent Robins
Scott Gibbs
Rich Ferora
Chris LaGrande

Row 4
Reggie Wray
Jay Clifton
Scott Bounds



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Row 1

Lisa Carroll
Jennifer Brewer
Kim Butler
Donna Breedlove
Lana Helms
Susan Dollar
Kelly Goetze

Mary Ann Sandell
Lynne Mitchell

Row 2

Sonya Hunsucker
Cari Miller
Jennifer Johnson
Dee Dee Glick
Susan Winstead

Sara Watson
Jeanne Campbell
Christy Nettles
Sherri Everhart
Kim Setzer
Kayla Walters
Debbie Edwards
Tonia Herring
Karen Edwards

Stephanie lley
Beth Herrington
Susan Moss

Leigh Anda Summerfield

Kathryn Jeffries
Lillian Nordman

Row 3
Kara Howell

Julie Wells
Paige Luther
Laura Ewing
Nancy Jo Knox
Wendi Terrell
Leanne Tankard
Melinda Adams

Row 4

Marshelle Sickles
Tonia Miller
Dawn Haave
Terri Satterfield
Beth Watson
Sue Baker
Chrissy Keene
Kathleen Mylett
Carol Gilbert


Charles Berry
Clay Brewer

Jamie Briley
Bill Canupp
Charles Carter
Barry Deans
Elvy Forrest

Peter Glynn
Stephen Hall
David Hawkins
Tim Hopper
Thomas Hopper

Dillon Kalkhurt

Jamie Kite
Carl Kratz

Stephen LaRoque

David Lee

Stephen Lewis
Jeffrey Luedeke
John Lyons
Tony McQueen
Kevin Manning

Jeffrey Murphy
Tim Musgrove
Jeffrey Newsome
Robert Schultz
William Simmons

Jonathan Smith
Mark Umstead
Kurt Vogel
Scott Wilson
Robert Woody



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Walter Young
Rich Bramely
Mark France
Butler Daniel
Jeff Cashion

Row 1

Kelly Connor
John Adler
Mike Matthews
John Nelson
Eddie Bowen
Mike Browning
Chris Shore

Row 2
Mark Harris

Rob Simpson
Johnny Martin
Tim Irwin

Row 3
Mike Riley
Mark Stahl

Spencer Meymandi

Kurt Kolesha
Rob Anderson
Scott Overly
Derrell Moore
Lanny Wilson
Todd Barrow
Dwayne Wiseman
Rich Orzol

Rich Hall

Rob Strauss

David Haven
Les Frank
Jimmy Payne
Thomas Cherry

Row 4

Mike Gresham
Kevin Orr

Tim Baldwin
Gene Gillis
Nayan Patel
Jim Johnston
Mike Geiger
Matt Rizzolo
Scott Peroyea
Stuart Teeter
Brett Kassir
Greg Taylor

Deke Penisnack

Row 5

K.C. Loughlin
Stuart Sloan
Jack Mitchell
Roger Baker
Todd Evans
Trey West

Chris Ward

John Hamrick
Bill Kilby

Johnny Chestnutt
Mike Smith

Paul Peckins
Dean McCrickard




Drawings by David Norris


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Dr. John Ebbs
Belinda Stumbough
Faye Marrow

Jack Whittemore
Teresa McLawhorn
David Raye

Vice President


Belinda Adams
Mary Gln Alligood
Phyllis Anderson
Jennifer Archibald
Gretchen Baraer
Jennifer Bennett
Cynthia Blackman
Veronica Bogart
Patrick Brennan
James Brewster
Steven Broadhurst
Stephen Brock
Brian Burke
Kristin Byng
Christina Byrd
Patrick Campanaro
Dana Canter

Jon Carroll

Pam Casey

Michelle Caswick
Steven Ciriano
Nancy Clinkscales
Sally Copeland
Dhedra Cross
Andrea Denston
Melvajean Eason
Michael Eastwood
Heather Eberwine
Judy Everhart
Lisa Ford

Kari Gatlin

Randy Gobble
Andy Goode

- David Green

Carol Greene
Michelle Gunter

Brian Hall _ Kimberly Joyner
Lisa Hammontree Christina Keene
Heidi Harrell
Chartra Hearn
Amanda Hodges
Regina Holley
Patricia Hoots
Sarah Hu

Ruth Knapp
Robin Knox

John Little
Amanda Manning
Monica Manning
Andrea Jeffery John Mansfield
David Jester Kathleen Massey
Elizabeth Johnson Henry Mazzoli
Kevin Johnson Michael McDaniel
Margaret Johnson Edna McLawhorn
Kimberly Jones Teresa McLawhorn
Wesley Jones Janeen Medler
Cindy Jordan Debbie Melton
Sherri Jordan Kimberly Mitts

Christine Maria King

April Moore
Andrea Moore
Pam Morgan
Donna Oxendine
Amy Peebles
Jody Peeler
Michelle Pelletier
Brian Phinizy
Leland Pierce
Frank Rabey
David Raye
William Robinson
Lori Rose

George Rothermel
Karen Salter
Kerry Scafella
Teresa Schallock

Karen Seagraves
Patty Selby
Christy Small
Adria Smith
John Sofie
Sherra Sprinkle
Brenda Summers
Angela Thornton
Alana Tinkham
Kelly Warren
Wilson Waters
Lou Wells

Karen White
Amy Whitehurst
Jack Whittemore
Sammy Wynne
Steven Zakely

Freshman Honor

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Dr. Anthony Papalas Advisor
Mike Ludwick President
Will Willberg Vice President
Tracey Edmundson Secretary

Kim Cagle John Dunn Susan Mathews
Jann Calhoun Jeff Easley J. Paton

Denise Clark William Henson H. Smith

Derek Collins Eric Hight Stuart Teeter
Jim Cox Lloyd Johnson Wilkie Woodard
Lisa Cox James Mclver Woody Wooten



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Vice President

Paul Andrews
Joyce Audlett
Vivian Blue

Dorian Dixon

Maureen Dolan
Jeff Hill

Lisa Kittner
Steve Kucera

Dexter Matthews
Frank Nemanich
James Riggs
Susan Speer

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PI OMEGA PI Mrs. Thadys Dewar
Doris Grubbs

Janet Nethercutt.... Co-President

Jack Edmondson
Donna Herring
Lloyd Gardner
Jane Hill ....


Assistant Historian

Environmental Health & Business Education

Becky Ervin
Jimmy Smith
Vickie Taylor
Jan Tugwell



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Charles Bath

Kay Belangia
Richard Blakemore
Ruth Boxberger
Kery Carlin
Herbert Carter
Ruth Casson
William Chamberlain
Beatrice Chauncey
William Congdon
Valerie Crim
Antonia Delapas
Donna Dease
Elizabeth Faircloth
Rosemary Fischer
Rhonda Fleming
Brad Foley

Mark Gansor
Thomas Goolsby
Carol Green
Rosalie Haritun
Robert Hause
Clyde Hiss


Richard House
Leslie James
Harold Jones
Pamela Jones
Amanda Kartchner
Dottie Knight
George Knight
Richard Lucht
Edward Lupton
Michael Marshall
Karen McCall
Denise Miller
Charles Moore
James Parnell
Everett Pittman
Jane Richardson
Rodney Schmidt
Ruth Shaw
Ralph Shumaker
Charles Stevens
DeVera Thomas


Mr. Charles Schwartz
Rosemary Fischer
Gladys White

Kerry Carlin

George Broussard

Vice President

Cynthia Thompson

Paul Topper


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Mr. William Hallberg Advisor

Michael Baker Melanie Phillips
Susan Baker Elizabeth Page
Jay Barber . Brian Rangely
Ann Cooper Laura Redford
Ricky Creech Ernest Roberts
Nancy Croft Nancy Rogers
Cynthia Damm Eric Sandberg
Michael Gardner Ann Sarginer
Barbara Howlett Scarlett Sears
Melody Hughes Mary Cambel Sloan
Stephanie Iley N. Louise Smith
Susan Kelly Constance Spicey
Hanna Lewis Susan Tacker
Horace McCormick Rene Thompson
Susan Maynard Gloria Vaughan
Benjamin Nelms Elaine Whitman
Almeta Phelps Shirley Williams


Dr. Kathleen Dunlop

Bill Gray
Don Rees

Kimberly Kincheloe

David Bullock
Teresa Barefoot

Rebecca Ace
Hamzah Ahmad
Deborah Albritton
Barbara Allen
Tina Anderson
Lisa Andrek
Mary Armstrong
Sharon Armstrong
Christopher Ayers
Theda Ballard
Gretchen Barber
Joseph Barber
Lisa Barnhill
David Batten
Veronica Borders
Patricia Boyd
Wallace Bradsher
Josie Britt

Jenny Brown
Patricia Brown
Mary Bryan
Thomas Buie
Melanie Bunch
Wanda Capps
Natalie Carawan
Alison Carrerras
Eileen Carreras
Lisa Cason
Lindley Chappell
Susan Chappell
Kim Cincotti
David Coburn
Kenneth Coburn
Jack Cohen
David Conoly
Kathy Coone
Sharon Cox
Debra Crellin
Karren Crockett
Dhedra Cross
Ellen Cureton
Terry Daniels
Elizabeth Darden
Becky Davidson
Kecia Davis

Ellis Daw

Jenna DeGugliemo
Robert Dickinson
Erma Dillinder
Aletta Dixon
Wesley Draper
Debra Eason
Melvajean Elliott
Linda Ellis
Kimberly Ezzell
Mohamed Fakhry
Laura Fazzalari
Tobi Ferguson
Tamara Franks

Academic & Service Honor


Vice President

Georgia Fuller
Carol Garner

Jeri Graham

Kia Grantham
Jennifer Grum
Kathleen Hague
David Hall
Alesia Hancock
Anita Harris
David Harris
Sharon Harris
Samuel Hodges
Michael Hubbard
Kandl Hutchison
Susan Jackson
Sarah Jenkins
Deborah Johnson
Daryl Jones

Lyn Jones

Kim Joyner
Jennisire Kalezynski
Sandy Kee
William Keel
Cassandra Keever
Frances Kelly
William Kidd
Suzy Kinley
Rhonda Knox
Dana Koutras
Marianne Kunz
Stacie Lassiter
John Little

Lukas Lucas

Lisa McDonald
Vicki McIver
Wendy McKeel
Lisa Maness
Keith Marsil
John Martin
Kenneth Martin
Suzanne Martin
Veta Matthews
Lisa Mauney
Darlene Miles
Randy Miller
Lisa Mizell
Karen Mohardt
Christine Moore
Joetta Moore
Pamela Morgan
Vickie Morrow
Pamela Morgan
Vickie Morrow
Amelia Malkey
Wesley Newsome
Christopher Oakley
Blake OTConnor
Erik Ojakaar
Marcus Osterhoudt

Christopher Padgett
Pamela Parker
Lynn Peed

Terri Peele
Michelle Pelletir
Tish Perry ©
Melanie Phillips
Connie Plumley
Katherine Porter
Lori Quesenbery
Marta Rand

Lisa Reason
Susan Reaves
Crystal Register
Frances Ridley
Melanie Robinson
Thomas Robinson
Cheryl Rodemeyer
James Rose

Lori Rose

Angela Rourk

Andrea Russell
Lisa Satterfield
Paul Scanlon
Caroline Scheeren
Lisa Selby

Erin Shea

Donna Shearin
Maryann Shields
George Shingleton
Linda Simonse
Sheri Small
Charles Smith
Olivia Smith
Regina Smith
Margaret Stephens
Rhonda Strickland
Louise Taft

Gina Taylor
Dwayne Taylor
Michael Taylor
Laurie Tippett

Angela Trpp
Carolyn Twisdale
Tia Tyler

Susan Virts

John Ward

Edith Weeks
Pamela Wells
Amy Whitehurst
Charlotte Whitehurst
Sonia Wiggins
Colette Williams
Timothy Williams
Patsy Woodard
Melinda Workman
Sammy Wynne
Pamela Young
Lori Younginer

MAdTaTal &





Rebecca Ace
Mahammed Ahad
Jean Albert
Mary Allen
Darlene Allred
Norma Allred
Mary Anderson
Judith Andresky
Alta Andrews
Edith Averette
Lisa Baltimore
Judy Barnes
Debra Barnett
Genevieve Bartol
Gail Beasley
Ruth Benedict
Frances Bennett
Susan Benson
Judy Bernhardt
Audrey Biggers
Deborah Boyd
Sharon Bradley
Lynda Brewer
Mary Brewer
Helen Brinson
Ruth Broadhurst
Judith Brooks
Anne Brown
Sarah Brown
Sylvia Brown
Beverly Brurrage
Patricia Bunch
Marshall Byrd
Vicki Byrd

Gail Campbell
Linda Carey
Elizabeth Carter
Nancy Causey


Lou Everett
Betty Godwin

Donna Cederberg
Lana Chang
Cheryl Coats
Cheryl Collie

Sue Cooper

Carol Covitz

Carol Cox

Davy Crockett

Gail Crowe

Terry Cuff

Howard Cummings
Candace Currin
Georgianna Cushwa
Sallie Darnell
Carolyn Davenport
Frances Davis
Annette Devito
Susan Dolinar
Bonnie Duldt
Mary Dunn
Georgene Eakes
Frances Eason
Gary Eberhardt
Peggy Edmonson
Diana Elrod

Sister Edna English
Karen Evans

Helen Everett
Pamela Farmer
Mary Ferguson
Margaret Francckhauser
Faye Freeze

Star Fritts

Jaime Gapasin
Martha Giddings
Audrey Giese

Mary Glascoff
Gretchen Gottfried


Karen Gurkin
Aline Hamblen
Evelyn Harris

Kim Harrison
Monique Hellendoorn
Dr. Emilie Henning
Charlotte Hoelzel
Betty Holloman
Serena Honeycutt
Bettie Hooks

Betsy Hoots

Sandra Horne
Virginia House
Patricia Howard
Myra Howell
Gwendolyn Hunter
Terry Hurdle

Janet Ipock

Amy Johnson
Katherine Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Tina Johnson
Debra Johnston
Cynthia Jones
Juanita Jones
Tempsie Jones
Geraldine Jordan
Susan Kallini
Carolyn Keeter
Jeanne Kemppainen
Tina Kennedy
Kimberly King
Helen Koldjeski
Deborah Kornegay
Denise Korniewica
Frances Krom
Karen Krupa

Kay Krusa

Martha Engelke
Eldean Pierce

Judith Kuykendall
Wanda Lancaster
Martha Larson
Rosanne Leahy
Barbara Lee
Belinda Lee
Janice Leggett
Diane Leslie
Mary Lewis
Rebecca Little
Cynthia Luke
Melanie Maddox
Norma Manley
Charlotte Martin
Inez Martinez
Linda Mayne
Mary McCaffrey
Martha McDonald
Rosalind McDonald
Eleanor McGinnis
Cynthia McNeill
Patricia McRae
Edna Merritt
Dorothy Merrow
Eunice Messler
Catherine Minard
Melissa Minteer
Ina ModIn

Joyce Monk
Debra Moore
Hope Moore
Estelle Morin
Ellen Morton
Lenore Morton
Sheryl Moseley
Edith Myers
Paula Needham
Charlotte Oliver

... Vice President

Carol Osman
Barbara Oyler
Polly Padgette
Rose Mary Page
Katherine Paige
Nancy Payne
Virginia Payne
Mallie Penry
Evelyn Perry
Caroline Phillips
Cathy Pittman
Kelly Poe
Frances Porter
Ruth Poust
Evelyn Pruden
Susan Pugh
Miriam Quick
Tammy Quinn
Lynn Rader
Sherry Rawls
Karen Redding
Elizabeth Reeves
Robin Respess
Tara Rich

Leroy Richardson
Marie Ridder
Lucile Roeder
Donnye Rooks
Mary Ann Rose
Marlene Rosenkoetter
Louise Sammons
Maxine Sasser
Marilee Schmelzer
Carol Schroeder
Judith Seamon

Kimberly Sensenbrenner

Lynn Shedrick
Lt. Jay Silvers

Sally Cummings


Elaine Sleva
Robin Small

Amy Smith

Joyce Smith
Michelle Smith
Pamela Smith
Sandra Smith
Sylvene Spickerman
Carol Stanley
Nancy Stehpenson
Barbara Stocks
Sophie Stokes
Melody Sullivan
Carolyn Thomas
Karen Thomas
Tina Thomason
Harriett Thornton
Elizabeth Trought
Sharon Turner
Tammie Tyndall
Jenny Uzzell
Nancy Verzier

Dr. Pauline Vinent
Bonnie Waldrop
Frances Walters
Reba Walters

Eva Warren
Danise Weaver
Beverly Wells
Patricia Wenkman
Douglas Whitfield
Margaret Whittington
Dorothy Williams
Mary Williams
Rebecca Wilsn
Karen Woempner
Jeannie Yount
Artista Zangas


Mr. Robert Whiteside Advisor

Christopher Aminon Barbara Smith

Aletta Dixon
Sandy Kee
Rebecca Leach

Judith Smith
Susan Vick
Lewis Walston


Ernest Marshall
Jeff Whisnant
Hallett Ward
Dell Haymie

Blair Davenport
Robin DeMark
Sharon Flynn
Laura Ann Gentile
Nicholas Georgalis
Richard Grinbergs
Dawyer Gross
Keith Hawley

Lisa Horton

John Kozy

Janice LaBarbera

Philosophy & Mathematics


Vice President

Frank Murphy
Francis Perry
Laura Quisenberry
Greg Rich

Donald Rutledge
Eugene Ryan
James Smith

Ann Taylor

Lee White

Ed Yancey


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Ken Scruggs

Kerry Rodabaugh

David Miller
Denise Gerard
Linda Wilson
Louise Smith
Susan Tacker

Debbie Albritton
David Battin
Phill Bogle
Veronica Borders |
Barbara Chadwell
Jill Clodfelter
Lisa Connerton
Rick Creech
Leigh Ann Doub
John Dunn
Debby Edwards
Clara Ellis

Emily Grant
Angie Humbert
Lyn Jackson
Susan Jarrlee
Susan Kelly
Robin Langley



Vice President

Kathryn Lindsley
Stacy Long
Amecia Massengill
Georgia Mooring
Clayman Norfleet
Melody OTBrien
Clare OTConnor
Jodi Sager

Sherry Salzer

Jeff Scott

Barbie Smith
Jeannie Song
Terry Tingen
Leeann Weeks
Sherrie Weston
David Whitley
Sammy Wynne
Donna Zekonis


Brian Harris

Kristina Vasquez

Jacqueline Thompson Vice President
Jennifer Zeigel .. Secretary-Treasurer

Luis Acevez
Nicole Aronson
Carl Arp

Jose Baro
Lorraine Brown
Mary Cashio
Grace Ellenberg
Janet Fasig
Joseph Fernandez
Patricia Hiner
Karen McMillan
Marguerite Perry
Martin Schwarz
Mrs. Relly Wanderman




Foreign Language & Superior Scholarship

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Home Economics

Carey Atwater
Karen Boyd
Connie Briley
Lisa Brown
Natalie Carawan
Mindy Carr
Barbara Chadwell

Vicki Cope

Denise Crane

Janice Daniel

Becky Davidson
Marianne Duggan
Melanie Elliott
Harriet Farris
Elizabeth Grim
Mary Lynn Haddock

Maria Haga

Marie Harrell
Denise Holder
Joan Hourigan
Melanie Jordan
Francis Kelly
Kathy Lawrence
Isabella Malby
Heidi Mockinhaubt

Joetta Moore
Louise Morris
Kirby McMillan
Peggy Noble
Susan Patterson
Barbetta Pignani
Katherine Porter
Virginia Riddick
Pam Roche

Jodie Sager
Maxine Speight
Jill Tadlock
Karen Taylor
Vicki Weise
Pamela Wells
Carolyn Willis
Patsy Woodard
Dr. Markowski


RRA HES LER RL oech aes SS

Mark Beck
Thomas Blanton
Edward Cashwell
Gary Chilton
Dennis Cook
Charles Daughtridge
Noland Gaubert
Joni Guthrie
Stephen Iampieri
James Johnson
Charles Jones
Doward Jones
William Kern
Lenwood Lewis
John Marshall

James Massey
Michael Naylor
Patrick Pearce
Mark Pebbles
Mason Price
Dennis Sawyer
Johnny Sokolosky
Ronald Spangler
Richard Staples
Rodger Stump
Gina Taylor

Jon Tew

Garland Thomas
Michael Williams
Gregory Winchester



Vice President

Ted Summey
James Lassiter
Paul Davenport
Melford Miller
Robert Leith

Industrial Technology


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Se Sy

PI SIGMA ALPHA Patrice Alexander Rachad Jawhari Areta Moore
William Canuette Mohammed Fakhry Patricia Ristow
Dr. William Troutman ... Advisor Kanya Champion Karen Grimes Donna Rizzuti
Elizabeth Costello Robert Labadie Melonie Tyson
Christopher Deluliis Heldur Liivak Judith Ward
John Edwards Thomas Matchunia Woodrow Wooten

Political Science


Woody Bass

Lisa Cason
Ricky Creech
Marcy Crumbacker
Sylvia Davidson
Robin English
Sandra Gay
Chuck Ingle
Frances Kelly
Ricky Lowe
Julie McGill
Jennifer Meador
Judy Mitchum

Randy Mizelle
Sherrie Patterson
Debra Sue Preston
Jamie Pyles

Lee Quinn

Marta Rand
George Shingleton
Leshia Smith
Laura Souders
Lori Vasquez

Kim Wall

Pam Wells
Richard Zollinger



We siudiomamniiiun




President Elect

Public Relations

Dr. Trenton Davis

Dr. Fred Broadhurst ....
Mr. George Broussard
Dr. John Ebbs

Ms. Emily Boyce

Dr. Mary Ann Rose

Dr. Richard Capwell

Dr. Carl Gooding

Anita Alexander
Virginia Alexander
Rhonda Abbott
Mona Bell

Mary Benton
Sonya Berquist
Stacey Boyette
Paul Braxton


Jane Carraway
Jill Causby
Angela Darling
Deborah Davis
Christine Day
Linda Edmundson
Evan Evans
Matthew Fea
Emily Grant
Robin Graves
Sherri Gray
Charles Green
Jennifer Grum
Craig Hall

Kelly Hardison
Kay Henderson
Kimberly Howard
Stephanie Hoyt
Lynn Jackson
Cynthia Johnson
Cynthia Joyner
Karen Knowles
Sharon Krol
Kevin Link
Clarence Mizelle
Faye Morrow
Stefanie Overmyer
Pamela Palmer
Timothy Parrish
Michael Pulliam
Shaela Ray
Jeanmarie Suman
Peneolpe Taylor
Debbie Wicker
Rebecca Ace
Kathleen Anderson
Rebecca Baker
Lori Baldwin
Theodore Bales
Barbara Barnes
Janet Beach-Daily
Antoinette Bishop
Melissa Blackmon
Linda Bly
Patricia Brown
Steven Brown
Lana Brunk
Patricia Bunch
Corinne Burleson
Carolyn Capps
Robert Carroll
Marsha Carter
Rose Cashio

Ann Cavanaugh
Linda Chamberlin
Sharon Chamblee
Linda Clark
Donna Congleton
Janette Conklin
Melisa Cox
Nancy Croft

Paul Daavenport

Elizabeth Davis
Kathy Davis
Linda Davis

Ellis Daw

Lois Diggs

Aletta Dixon
Carol Evans
Karen Evans
Monica Fornes
Geri Fudala
Bobby Glover
Cynthia Goodwin
Karen Henderson
Thomas Henson
Cecilia Heyerhoff
Tamara Hill
Samuel Hodges
Denise Holder
Patricia Holland
Durwood Holmes
Laura Horne
Joan Hourigan
Richard House
Barbara Howlett
Janice Hoyt
James Hunt
Jennifer Jendrasiak
Virginia Johnson
Tammy Lee
Joanne Legg
Nancy Leggett
Sylvia Lindsay
Leslie Long

Ellie Lunsford
Stuart Lynch
Paul MacMillan
Erin Malone
David Max

Sara McGinnis
Victoria Merritt
Blanche Monroe
Kimberly Morrison
Christopher Oakley
Diane Olsen
Anita Owenby
Susan Peaslee
Terri Peele

Carol Poston
Nina Powell
Jamie Pyles
Virginia Reed
Millard Reese
Betsy Reid

Jane Richardson
Laura Sabados
Edward Sharpe
Donna Shearin
James Sloan
Calverne Smith
Judith Smith
Karen Sneed
John Spagnolo

Ted Summey
Susan Syrdahl

Jill Tadlock

Carol Tait

Cynthia Thompson
Carol Townsend
Georgette Vann
Gordon Vansant
Susan Vick
Catherine Walker-Bailey
Donna Watson
Sherrie Weston

Joy Whichard
Angela Wilcox

So Chung Wong

Faculty Members

Dr. Carolina Ayers

Dr. Paul Ayers

Dr. Simon Baker

Ms. Emily Boyce

Dr. Joseph Boyette

Dr. Mary Jo Bratton

Dr. Frederick Broadhurst

Mr. George Broussard

Mrs. Manolita Buck

Mr. William Byrd

Dr. Richard Capwell

Mr. Herbert Carter

Dr. Rosina Chia

Dr. Kenneth Davis

Dr. Thomas Durham

Dr. John Ebbs

Mrs. Janice Faulkner

Dr. Erwin Hester

Dr. Robert Holt

Mrs. Gladys Howell

Dr. John Howell

Dr. James Kirkland

Dr. John Kozy, Jr.

Dr. William Laupus

Dr. Mabel Laughter

Dr. Robert Maier

Dr. Douglas McMillan

Dr. Elmer Meyer

Mr. Herman Moeller

Dr. Janet Patterson

Dr. Stanley Riggs

Dr. Mary Ann Rose

Dr. Herbert Rothfeder

Dr. Eugene Ryan

Dr. Ione Ryan

Dr. David Sanders

Dr. Young-Dahl Song

Dr. Helen Steer

Dr. Jerry Tester

Dr. Angelo Volpe

Dr. Florence Weaver

Mr. Robert Woodside

Dr. Ralph Worthington

Dr. Tinsley Yarbrough


Holly Matthews
Bill Shepley
Sarah Jenkins
Wanda Flanagan
James Holly

President Elect

Natalie Beason
Barbara Griggs
Suzanne Hoffman
Charles Johnson
James Leo

Penny Taylor

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A Toast for Status Quoism ... Penny Smith T46 Preceptors;

Earle Beasley ~69 George Bacso, Greg Dinkins, Peter Krogh
I'd rather be a could be, Donna Dixon T70 Coxswain;

If I could not be an are; Linda Gardner T73 Gary Patterson
For a could be is a maybe, Gary McCullough ~74 " Noviciate;
With a chance of reaching par. Amy Pickett °81 Beth Davis

But I'd rather be a hasbeen.

Than a might-have-been, by far;

For a might-have-been has never been,
While a hasbeen was once an are.










Row 1

Valarie Gatlin
Cheryl Carter
Heward Manley
Carolyn Jeffries
Odell Hemby

Row 2

Karen Roberts
Charles Mackey
Jeff Canady
Michael Perviso
Tony Richardson


Mrs. Katherine Warsco
Mr. Joe Derucki
Dr. Patricia Rice
Cindy Vickers
Kim Dudley
Marian Wells
Susan Jackson
Denise Holder
Elizabeth Grim
Jody Jones
Janice Love
Julie Long
Melanie Jordan
Janet Lewis


Row 1

Tiffany Patrick
Colleen Lemnah
Melanie Elliot
Angela Amos

Row 2

Dr. Vicki Beyer
Debra Smith
Marion Wills
Diane Gillikin
Lisa Whitfield
Bonita Williams
Jane Harris

Mrs. Judy Simon



Rich Stalland
Charles Turner
Scott Ruedger
George Broussard


John Wright
Matt Minick
Susan Jitzenrider
Alan Atkinson
Ron Hunter
John Pruitt
Cheryl Minck
Robert Wright
Ledford Wilson
Tracy Cain


Row 1

Ed Schutte
Don Edwards
Mark Sutphin
Mike Marshall
Frank Heath

Row 2

Tracy Cain
John Pruitt
Scott Whitley
Mike Pollard

Gordan Nunn
John Wright
Vincent Stout

Row 3

Rich Edwards
Victor Riddick
Jody Stiles

Rich House

Ed Radaskiewicz
George Broussard


Row 1

Ralph Freeman
Joeslyn Hyman
Angela Scarbourgh
Janette Harris
Wesley Cannon
Dwanna McNeely
Lavern Morrisey
Trenita Phifer
Darrly Hicks

Row 2

Douglas Williams
Sharon Outlaw
Melodee Chadwicks
Darlene Shaw

Rose Sutton

Jackie Payton
Tonja Howell
Cynthia Dixon
Paula Portie

Vanessa Allen
Wren Locke

Row 3

Francine Allen
Debbie Boone
Marla Jordan
Rodney Hussey
Rosie Standifer
Arlene Harrison
Wendell Roberson
Keith Horton
Shelia Wooten
Walter Holtzclaw
Jennifer Artis
Richard Dawkins
Sharon Harrison
Rubin Hyman
Angela Mills
Carl Reese



Row 1

Sara Kelly
Karen Hall
Susan Hartley
Leigh Brown
Neil Reaves
Susanne Barr

Row 2

Eric Skinner
Chuck Ingle
James Elkins
Brian Foye
Sam Whitehead
Chris Shore

Row 3

Scot Perry
Mike Aman
Jennifer Cooper


Row 1 Pam Hart

Martin Aita Beth Hand
Ken Hooper Al Carter

Tom Freij

Charles Dewey Row 3
Craig Price Glenn Dixon

Doug Melton
Row 2 Brian Hart
Angela Roberson John Parnell
Pam Gravely Nollie Jones
Kathy Lewis Jeff Parnell

Row 1

Paul Eckerd
Susan Barker
Julie Rambo
Leslie Dixon
Mandy Wise
Howard Bascome
Laura Williamson
Donna Deluise

Row 2

Kevin Jarman
Lisa Larkins
Sherry Brewer
Debbie Leupen
Pam Shipman
Kenny Jenkins
David Clayton
Omega smith
Marcia Burtt


Isla Bunce
Michele Arnold

Bob Rhoads

Row 3

Warren McDowell
Allen OTBriant
Donna Smith
Kathryn Darling
Lisa Schmiege
Stephanie Mann
Glenda Kennedy
Erin Gaydosh
Barbara Edwards
Scott McAndrew
Julia Tabler
Tania Zakrzewski
Karen Hanchey
Liz Werrell


Becky Jones
Susan Branch
Jenny Meador

Debbie Bennett

Phyllis White

Row 4

David Dotson
Mike McGehee
Jeff Buennemeyer
Charles Fernandez
Jay Haskin

Dean Waters

Mary C. Spruill
Tom Walters

Mark Stebbins

Dannie Gurkin
Lori Pate
Petra McBride
Teresa Briley

Will Yarborough

John Lavery
Tim Broadwell

Row 1

Chris Ackliss
Phoebe Caldwell
Kathi Messer
Patricia Sparks
Glenn Perry

Row 2

James Caldwell
Sven Vanbaars
Kirk Shelley


John Simon
Gordan Walker

Row 3

Ben Eckert
Bill Evans
Skip Pascasio
Dale Evans
David Smith
Hugh Carroll
Bryan Lassiter


Row 1 Don Lawrence

Wade Sokolosky

Ben Wilbanks Row 3

Don Fail Greg Idol

Janet Teroith Durwood Hunter

Rob Poole Hoarce McComick

Howard Gray Alan Freeman
Kirk Shelley

Row 2 Bill McVicker

Kurt Yanckenko

Randy Tyler Row 4
Trey Johnson Michelle Perna

Erin Taylor Cpt. Heldur Liivak
Angela Darling Todd Hunt


Landon Corbin
Bernice Gorham
Perry Lide

Esau Waters
Rose Sutton
Steve Cherry

GROUPS/395 |


Row 3

Todd Barr
Roger Stump
Marty Vogler
Stephen Dew
Paula Davenport
Denny Cook

Row 1

Gary Chilton

Greg Howland

Jay Butler

Andre Thorton

Patrick Pearce
Margaretta Muocheller

John Williams
Row 4

Perry Lide
Dale Morrison
Dr. McPherson

Row 2

Roderick Brewer

Tommy Blanton
Thomas Beale


Front Row
Judy Baker
Doris Davenport

Back Row
Greg Lassiter
David Chenoweth


Jenny Cho
Angela Smallwood
David Hooks
Mike Thornton
Jacquéline Miller
Brenda Goss
Sherri Odom
Mary Stevens
Molly Sinclair
Alonza Rhen
Laura Coppedge
Susan Tart
Lissa Gebo
Abby Berg
Susan Michel
Rick Hamilton
Dee Tropeano
Dr. Hancock
Kathy Staton
Candi Rawlins
Renee Felder
Stephen Chappell
Lilani Taghan
Cathy Eyerman
Jeannie Broner
Beth Salieley


Eileen Levy
Carol Carson
Twyla Jones
Lance Connor
Malissa Suggs
Henry Goodson
Patti Parker
John Sugg
Micki Fowler
Dwayne Blackmon
Colby Ferrier
Susan Miller
Dillan Powell
Quentin Warren
Richard Churn
Stephen Smith
Renee Stenroos
Joy Anderson
Teresa Barefoot
Sherry Brewer
Bill Ellis
Stephen Kearney
Jerry Dilsaver
Gene Taylor
Dawn Phillips
Tonya Arrington

Katrina Sanchez
Mary Zacharias
Randy Newman
Jeff Thomson
Sheryl Redman
Billy Woolard
Paul Donnely
Stacey Briley
Laurie Clawson
Bridget Ballent
Dean Foy

Tim Lumpkins
Daniel Keel
Shelby Graham
John Gray
Lynne Lane
Laura Vinccent
Jerry Forbes
Karen Vlahos
Tony Price
Louise Harris
Cynthia Shiley
Maxie Gleaton
Randy Clayton
Terri Imershein



Back Row
Jim Hunt
Chris Amidon

Front Row
Raymond Song
Andy Atman


Row 14

Philip Ritchy

Dave Sgrol

Kevin Mussler

Bill Zimmerman
David Schumacher
Drew Roberson
Alan Blankenship

Row 2

Ralph Compano
Mike Brown
Rick Musgrove
Jim Whitaker
Mark Whitley
John Adler

Bob Tobin

Bob Eason


Taz Cooper
Tracy Delius
James Caldwell
Jon Jordan
Marion Jones
Wilma Case
Jean Credle
David Chiswell
Jane Dawson
Chaplain W.J. Hadden
Tina Anderson

GROUPS/397 |


Row 1

Nancy Bird
Tracy Thomas
Rhonda Bentley
Lisa Bernard
Sherrie Weston

Row 2

Jatana Watson
Shirley Lyerly
Trina Sumrell
Sharon Best
Rick Sena

Row 3

Bones? Martello
Kevin Robinson
Keith Collins
Constance Carroll
James Hunt

Mark Wakai

Jeri Floyd

Al Cujas

Janice Hoyt


Alan Hargett
Todd Glasgow
P.J. Conrad

Bryan King

Rose Marie Flythe
Dennis Kilcoyne
Matt Clark

Sandy Hardy
James Caldwell
Kirk Shelley


Row 1

Teresa Wright
Patricia Earnhart
Richard Beeker

Row 2

Rev. Michelle Burcher
Ricki Grassi

David Windsor
Patricia Alexander

Row 3

Tom Amoreno
Keith Cannon

Rev. Dan Earnhardt
Judy James

Trudy Lewis

Baron Baker

Sheila Beeker



Amy Peebles
Brian Lassiter
Wanda Battle
Marci Green
Ellen Batts
Mike Kleinert
Elizabeth Tyson
Carolyn Gary
Debbie Gembicki
Colleen Conlon


Teresa Barefoot
Cassandra Best
Christopher Brown
Mark Brunetz, Chief
Michelle Dixon
Deborah Hall
Stephanie Hoyt
Cynthia Johnson
Pamela Morgan
Amanda Robinson
Barbara Smith
Norma Smith
Carolyn Twisdale
Jackie Whittemore
Krista Wilson


Row 1

Eileen O'Keeffe

Amy Dickerson
Isabella Malby
Donna Mulik

Dr. Margie Gallagher

Row 2

Sabra Trexler
Scott Strubinger
Susan Patterson
Ms. Sue Daughtry
Anne Allan



Johnny Rainey (seated)... . President
Mike McPartland Vice-President
Lee Lane Secretary
Georgia Mooring Treasurer


ey) Ce






Row 1
Richard Wynn
John Robbins
Bill OTRights

Row 2

Stuart Tector
Mike McPartland:
David Lewis
John Agnew

Dr. Elmer Meyer
Kirk Shelley

Lee Lane

Row 3

Teresa Briley
Coralie Patterson
Jennifer Brewer
Lisa Carroll

Tobi Ferguson
Fran Dickens
Kathy Flowers
Mary Von Draper
David Goldman

Georgia Mooring
Lori Swinson
John Rainey

Row 4

Lisa Roberts
Donald Campbell
Ben Eckert

Phil Ibuster

John Egan
Sharon Camp
Dennis Kilcoyne

David Garwood
Brian Wessler
Carl Kratz
Dwayne Wiseman
Keith Lassiter

Row 5

Sven Vanbaars
Duncan Arp
Gary Barlow
Barry Carter
Grant Smith


GROUPS/401 |


Row 1

Karen Grooms
Anita Dennis
Sharon Jackson
Margaret Bibb
Mary Shannon
Jeanette Hall
Kim Dills
Melinda Willis
Row 2

Jack Whittemore
Tommi Arnold (sec/trea)
Jay Hudgens
Bobby Badary
David Wiggs
Thomas Denton
Tim Hahn

Row 3

Jeff Berkowitz
Derrick Darden
Jamie Brewster
Travis Moore
Carl Murphy
Hank Dunn
Brian Childs
Sammy Jackson
Row 4

Eric Skinner
Johnny Bowden
Wallace Baker
Todd Lochart
David Brown (Director)
Kurt Bubenhofer
Steve Gholson
Chris Tomasic (Asst. Director)



Tim Thornburg
Scotty Mason
Charles Manning
Tammy Johnson
Marshall Tucker
Brennen Collins
Rob Poole

Scott Alford
Lingesh Sriraman
David Brooks

Inside bus
Mike Davis
Craig King



Stuart Teeter... Rules & Judiciary chairman
Dennis Kilcoyne . .. Screenings & Appointments chairman
Kirk Shelley ... SGA Speaker

Coralie Patterson ... Student Welfare chairperson
Lisa Roberts ... Appropriations chairperson

Fran Dickens ... Special Projects chairperson

eee Ae) Left Macon Moye .. . Assistant
| ae, Middle Patti Parker... Public Defender
Right Hank Redecker . .. Assistant

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Left Steve Sherbin ... Asst. Atty. General
Middle Scott Satker ... Atty. General
Right Jeff Cloninger ... Asst. Atty. General


Middle Howard Joyner . .. manager
Left David Brooks ... warehouse manager
Right Craig King . . . copier manager

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Row 1

Lisa Tetterton
Sharon Dixon
Anthony Jackson
Pam Campbell
Annalisa Carawan
Betsy Easterly
Kim Holloman
Jeff Curdts

Susan Thomas
Reggie McCarn

Row 2

Andy White
Roseann Blum
Brian Burke
Howard Lipman
Martha West

Kim Mitts

Ed Yancey

Shawn Brown
Marta Rand
Ginger McLawhorn
Marcy Crumbacker
Elizabeth Frazzelle
Waynah Taylor
Teresa Briley

Row 3

Jim West

Carol Tait
Thomas Denton
Jody Praskac
Amy Cox

Robin Parker
Francine Farmer

Robin Trevathan
Emily Evans

Pam Harrington
Noelle Nock
Michelle Richardson
Krista Burnette
Anita Owenby
Page Aman

Betsy Peters



Vertical Rows

Row 1

Andy White . .. Vice-president

Betsy Easterly ... Promotions chairman
Carol Tait ... Student Contact Coordinator
Reggie McCarn ... Tours Coordinator

Row 2

Jody Praskac ... Points Committee chairman
Anita Owenby .. . Secretary

Noelle Nock ... Programs chairman

Marta Rand ... Membership CoChairman
Anthony Jackson ... Membership CoChairman

Row 3

Howard Lipman ... President

Teresa Briley ... Graduate Assistant
Roseann Blum ... Scrapbook Committee chairman
Page Aman ... Advisor






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Sans Identité

eS ae i. Aa ne mee | SEED ae a | a ie a. ae " So , eee


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Beth Cowan & Beth Davis, The Buccaneer Tim Thornburg, The Rebel


Paula Martone & Jeff Chester, WZMB-FM Ruben Ingram, Expressions



EN OT ef Io gfe


Carolinian Ted Summey & Emily Flynt, The Buccaneer


Glenn Conway Fall Chairman
Mike McPartland Spring Chairman
Cindy Fairbanks Panhellenic President
Regina Hardee Student Union President
Debbi Gembicki SRA President
Karen Griffin SRA Representative
Jimmy Hackett Minority Representative
Kirk Shelley Day Representative
Todd Patton IFC President
Mark Simon IFC Representative
Kay Smith Media Board Secretary
Julie Skinner .... Media Board Financial Advisor
Dr. John Ebbs Faculty Advisor
Dr. Elmer Meyer. ... Vice Chancellor-Student Life
Rudolph Alexander ... Director-University Unions


Most Outstanding Medium .. The East Carolinian
Most Improved Medium The Buccaneer

Ly A

Gary Black & Mike Butzgty, WZMB-FM Mrs. & Dr: John Ebbs, ECU Media Board

Annual Media Board Banquet




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Mary Lou Dingman



1 Vernard Wynne
2 Stephanie Luke,
Production Manager
3 Betty Liverman
4 Lisa Nunes
5 Susan Duncan,
General Manager
6 Pama Mitchell,
Faculty Advisor
7 Jimmy Hackett
8 J.P. Waller
9 James Wilkerson
10 Jackie Freeman
11 Speros Kastopodelis
12 Hugh Whaley

13 Paul Glenn,
Business Manager

14 Alan McCoy

15 Ken Scruggs

16 Sparky Lerner

17 Angie Norrell

18 Debbie Key

19 Gary Black

20 Deidre McEnally

21 Mark Zelenz

22 Tamara Schatz

23 Chris Byrum

24 Debbie Pietruzynski

25 Chris Campbell

26 Kelly Umstead


27 Tim Quinlan

28 Bruce Metheny

29 Hal Wells

30 Mike Buscemi

31 Julie Rosemond,
Traffic Director

32 Jim Hickmon,
News Director

33 Spike Harwood,
Program Director

34 Hugh Eckermann

35 Kerry Brown

36 Mary Lou Dingman,
Promotions Director

37 Jeff Chester,
Jazz Director


Front Row (L-R):

Elizabeth M. Page, Jim

F. Allman, Stephen A.
Cureton, Toni D. Gibbs

Back Row

Will Peterson, Derick
Spruiell, Traci Harris,
Ruben Ingram

Formerly named The
Ebony Herald, which
ceased publication in

Fall of 1984 and whose
staff members included

Chrystal Fray, Teresa

Wright, Sharon Cousar,
Jody Canady, Rufus L.
Tony Brown, Toni Gibbs,
& Sean Herring




ale Discover the award-wing
ae Ty year-long bestvetler

anil _

Bill Keck Katherine Kimberly § Jamie Biggers Tim Thornburg Ellen Moore 1984 ACP National
Art Director Prose Editor Poetry Editor Associate Editor Editor Pacemaker Award

1985 Rebel

ArtistTs Awards: CERAMICS " Jan Tucker, ~~Tea PotTT, DESIGN " Phillip Dismuke, ~~NeckpieceTT, DRAWING " William
Leidenthal, ~Geologic Time #26,? ILLUSTRATION " Todd Coates, ~~Self PortraitT, MIXED MEDIA " Kara Hammond, ~~For
Barb?, PAINTING " William Leidenthal, ~Summer Rain at TwilightT, PHOTOGRAPHY " Joe Champagne, UntitledTT,
SHOW " George McKim, Tone Poem for Arnold?

WriterTs Awards: POETRY " (1st) Lauilrayn McDonald, ~Peppermint RustT, (2nd) Deanya Lattimore-Cobb, ~Fireflies?T, (3rd) J.T.
Pietrzak, ~The Conception CompanyTT,, PROSE " (1st) Horace McCormick, ~~Winters on the ReservoirT, (2nd) Gary Bryant,
~TremorsT, (8rd) Crystal Fray, ~Mothers on the Bus Go Hush Hush HushT?T








(Clockwise from far left);

Jon Jordan (Head Photographer),
Gwyn Dicus, Malgosia Dubinsky,
J. Brian Humbert, Mark Barber,
Michael Smith, G. Neil Johnson



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ee ee ee


(L-R) (Not Pictured)

Tom Norton Harold Joyner
Anthony Martin Bill Mitchell

Jay Stone John Peterson

Bill Dawson Randy Mews

Greg Rideout DeChanile Johnson
Jennifer Jendrasiak Hunter Fisher

Dan Maurer Bill Austin


"" f ae Tina Maroschak J.T. Pietrzak
CENTRALSUPPLY FN on OF : ~Pewee fee Scott Cooper Mike Mayo

ne SELINA ie EBON oe eee gees §= Rick McCormick Elaine Perry
awe EA = 2 : eS

Tom Larender Scott Powers

MANAGEMENT: Hunter Fisher " Fall General Manager,
Tom Norton " Spring General Manager, Greg Rideout
" Managing Editor, Tina Maroschak " Features Editor,
Jennifer Jendrasiak " News Editor, Anthony Martin "
Business Manager, Daniel Maurer " Entertainment
Editor, Randy Mews " Sports Editor, Doris Rankins "
Secretary, Bill Dawson " Production Manager


Tom Norton & Todd Patton



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Scott Cooper & Harold Joyner


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Row 1 (L-R)
Mary Wells
Carla Waters
Gary Patterson
Beth Cowan
Warren Baker
Row 2

Ted Summey
Emily Flynt
Beth Davis
Alan Moffitt





Rebecca Ace
Durham, NC

Carl Andrews
Greenville, NC

William Bagliani
Greenville, NC

Susan Baker
Lansdale, PA

Faye Barwick
Kinston, NC

Mary Adams
Comp. Sci.

Kimberly Andrews

Gina Baird
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Warren Baker
Greenville, NC

Philip Beasley
Bus. Ed.
Benson, NC


Mahdi Al-Qallaf
Greenville, NC

Pamela Aldridge
Comp. Sci.
Colerain, NC

Kendra Allgood

Int. Design

Greenville, NC

Rolly Bannister
Raleigh, NC

Kimberly Beaver
Child Development
Granite Quarry, NC


q a P
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j eS
4 ee.

John Barnes
Lucama, NC

Mark Beck
Lexington, NC

Nora Barnes
Kenly, NC

John Becker
Greenville, NC

Marcia Almond
Kinston, NC

Sharon Armstrong
Middlesex, NC

Linda Baker
Special Ed.
Hickory, NC

Shelia Barnes
Havelock, NC

Carolyn Bennett
Fairfax, VA

Jeffrey Amick
Julian, NC

George Bagley
Williamston, NC

Mark Baker
Raleigh, NC

Anita Barnette
Charlotte, NC

Jeffrey Berkowitz
Raleigh, NC

C2) ot C+


Rose Berntsen
Doylestown, PA

Thomas Blanton
Icard, NC

Lois Bradicich
Thep. Rec.
Havelock, NC

Sherry Brewer
Eagle Springs, NC


Lorraine Brown
Rocky Mount, NC


Scott Berry
Raleigh, NC

Randy Blount
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Donna Branch,
Wallace, NC

John Brigel
Charlotte, NC

Patricia Brown

Med. Rec. Admin.

Fayetteville, NC

Yesim Biricki
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC


Special Ed.
Richmond, VA

iii ll ha ee ail

Antoinette Bishop

Pamela Blackburn
Stoneville, NC

Carol Briggs
Butner, NC

Tony Brown
Greenville, NC

Evelyn Briggs
Graham, NC

William Brown
Env. Health
Raleigh, NC

Farmville native Tiena Everette

Christopher Brown
Comp. Sci.
Clinton, NC

Mark Brunetz
Raleigh, NC

Robin Bland
Bus. Admin.
Durham, NC

Dwayne Blackmon
Leisure Systems
New Bern, NC

Veronica Borders
Shelby, NC

Roseann Blum
English Ed.
Medford, NJ

Clay Brewer Roderick Brewer
Business INDT
Dunn, NC Greenville, NC

Janice Brown
Special Ed.
Tarboro, NC

Jacquelyn Brown
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

John Bulger Wanda Bullock
Music Wilson, NC
Rocky Mount, NC

CC i ble |


Pamela Bunch Melanie Bunch Amy Bunting Roberta Burgess Maureen Bush Elaine Byrd Carol Cade
Business Business Textiles Child Development Business Early Childhood Nursing
Richmond, VA Greenville, NC Holliston, MA Washington, NC ~Charlotte, NC Ahoskie, NC Wilmington, NC


Kimberly Cagle Kelly Caldwell a oe FLA Venita Cale Jeanne Campbell
History Child Development *) a ie FRA ¢ Comp. Sci. Business
Seagrove, NC Gastonia, NC is ee MSP eee A Colerain, NC Charleston, WV

RM i

Donald Cannon Pamela Cannon q a : Benjamin Carver Wilma Case
Phys. Ed. Special Ed. . = Business Biology
Vanceboro, NC Kinston, NC . j EN Secane, PA Goldsboro, NC

Lisa Carson Stephen Cauley Theatre Arts major & owner of a new Raleigh, Jennifer Youngdahi Shelia Cayton Charles Chance
Psychology Business Chocowinity, NC History
New Bern, NC Clayton, NC . New Bern, NC

Anita Chapman Susan Chappell Terry Chappell John Chenault Stevie Cherry Janice Choate Charlotte Clark
Theatre Arts Phys. Ed. Commercial Art Music Psychology Textiles History
Asheville, NC Fayetteville, NC Greenville, NC Greenville, NC Roxobel, NC Jacksonville, NC Zebulon, NC


Christie Clark
Williamston, NC

Tobi Clough
Elem. Ed.
Columbia, NC

Denny Cook
Lenoir, NC

Carolyn Coughenour
Special Ed.
West End, NC

Arlita Croom
Comp. Sci.
Kinston, NC

Christopher Clark
Comp. Sci./French
Red Springs, NC

Deborah Coldren
Pennsville, NJ

Tamara Cooke
Poli. Sci.
Asheville, NC

Melisa Cox
Laurinburg, NC

Rada Crummy
Social Work
Wilmington, NC

Gayle Clark
Prod. Mgmt.
Sanford, NC

Kenneth Cole
Richmond, VA

John Cooper
Wilmington, NC

Scarlett Cox
Theatre Arts
Walnut Cove, NC

Donna Cullipher
Greenville, NC

Jackie Clark
Hookerton, NC

% See rr
- td ss .

Rhonda Collis
Greensboro, NC

Linda Cooper
Early Childhood
Windsor, NC

Katherine Cresswell
English Ed.
Greenville, NC

Boyce Cutchin
Theatre Arts
Whitakers, NC

Allan Clarke
Greenville, NC

Janette Conklin
Fayetteville, NC

James Corbett
Greenville, NC


Lauren Crist
Greenville, NC

Carolyn Cutler
Scotland Neck, NC

Sherry Clarke
Textiles/Home Ec.
Gasburg, VA

Richard Conn
Decision Sci.
Greenville, NC

Ronald Corriher
Mt. Ulla, NC

Karen Crockett
Phys. Ed.
Salisbury, NC

Toni D'Amato
Greenville, NC

Lisa Clifton
Smithfield, NC

Taffy Connett
Alliance, NC

Michael Cotter
Roanoke Rapids, NC


Nancy Croft
Springfield, VA

Mohd Damin
Kelang Sel, Malaysia


Jacqueline Danner

Fayetteville, NC

Michael Davis
Bus. Admin.
Fayetteville, NC

Lorraine Day
Linwood, NJ

Tracy Delius
Lib. Science
Durham, NC

Chauncenette Dixon
Social Work
Greenville, NC

Celia Darden
New Bern, NC

James Darden


Greenville, NC

Becky Davidson

Merry Hill, NC

Elizabeth Davis


Wilmington, NC

Linda Davis

Greenville, NC

Gregory Denton
Greenville, NC

Dorian Dixon
Env. Health
New Bern, NC

428/PORTRAITS \99.°

Halloween Scene & Buccaneer portrait mascot

Brian Detar
Concord, NC

Kimberly Dixon
Morehead, NC

John Dew
Tarboro, NC

Tammy Dixon
Winston-Salem, NC

Lois Diggs
Comp. Sci.
Goldsboro, NC

Darrah Doane
Greenville, NC

Carol Dilworth
Commercial Art
Greenville, NC

Deidre Dockery
Greenville, NC

Melinda Davis
Poli. Sci.
Burgaw, NC

Lori Daw
Home Ec.
Goldsboro, NC

Stephanie Deal
Pinetops, NC

Marybeth Diserafino
Phys. Therapy
Berwyn, PA

Susan Dollar
Sanford, NC


Evelyn Doughtie
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Christopher Durand

Gainesville, GA

Patricia Eaton
Morehead City, NC

Sandra Elingburg
Rocky Mount, NC

Bill Evans
Poli. Sci.
Parkton, NC


Tommie Douglas
Bus. Admin.
Fayetteville, NC

Susan Durrwachter
Phys. Ed.
Williamsport, PA

James Ebert
Pembroke, NC

Susan Ellis
Goldsboro, NC

David Evans
Prod. Mgmt.
Greenville, NC

John Dragonas
Athens, Greece

Charles Drake
Comp. Sci.
Burlington, NC

Kristine Drake

Fyllingen, Norway

Christine England
Wilson, NC

Tiena Everette
Farmville, NC

Halloween Scene

Todd Engels
Comp. Sci.
Alexandria, VA

Lisa Ezzell
Whiteville, NC

Cheryl Erskine
Raleigh, NC

Charlotte Fallon
Yadkinville, NC

Melinda Duke
Early Childhood
Rocky Mount, NC

Carla Dvorak
Lincoln, NE

Regina Edwards
Social Work
Mt. Airy, NC

Cynthia Esposito
Briarcliff, NY

Cynthia Farmer
Fayetteville, NC

Susan Duncan
Mooresville, NC

Maryanna Eaddy
Special Ed.
Gastonia, NC

William Edwards
Comp. Sci.
Fayetteville, NC

James Eudailey
Richmond, Va

Todd Felton
Comp. Sci.
Louisburg, NC


Sharon Felty
Grafton, VA

Kathy Flowers
Ploi. Sci.
Richmond, NC

Eddyee Foskey
Early Childhood
Merritt, NC

Woodrow Fulcher
Washington, NC

Walter Garrett
Poli. Sci.
Raleigh, NC

Thomas Fernandez

Fayetteville, NC

Emily Flynt
Special Ed.
Germanton, NC

Maureen Fowler
Reading, PA

Angela Fussell
Ayden, NC

Nolan Gaubert
Greenville, NC


Susan Fitzenrider
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Wanda Flanagan

Greenville, NC

Lisa Fletcher
Office Admin.
Sanford, NC

Matthew Galvin
Greenville, NC

Michele Genereux
Hockessin, Del.

Jamie Gapasin
Jacksonville, NC

Antoinette Gibbs
Fair Bluff, NC

Lloyd Gardner
Business Ed
Williamston, NC

Joan Gillette
Wilson, NC

Thomas Fliedner
Watchung, NJ

Donald Fontenot
Fayetteville, NC

Tamara Franks
Phys. Ed.
Raleigh, NC

Sonya Gardner
Jamesville, NC

Robin Gillispie
Stoneville, NC

Edward Flores
Greenville, NC

Barbara Ford
Phys. Ed.
Crisfield, MD

Barbara Fulcher
Intermediate Ed.
Morehead City, NC

Wanda Gardner
Wake Forest, NC

Gregory Glover
Raleigh, NC

ee ee ee

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Doris Godley
Intermediate Ed.
Washington, NC

Elaine Gray
Creedmoor, NC

Kate Gregg
Rocky Mount, NC

Joni Guthrie
Beaufort, NC

Ronald Hall
Rocky Mount, NC


Lee Goldberg
Phys. Ed.
Matthews, NC

Kevin Gray
Greenville, NC

Karen Griffin
Graham, NC

Linda Guy
Maplewood, NJ

Terrace Hall
Community Health
Clinton, NC

Brenda Goss Barbara Gould
Recreation Biology
Asheboro, NC Mt. Gilead, NC


Douglas Grady
Kenansville, NC

Future home designer, Janet Lewis

Chip Hachmeister Andre Haddock
Psychology INDT
Evansville, IN Winterville, NC

Susan Halloran Regina Hardee
Nursing Finance
Cary, NC Ayden, NC

Pamela Hairr
Raleigh, NC

Glenda Hardy
Greenville, NC

Terri Grady
Special Ed.
Cove City, NC

William Green
New Bern, NC


Kelly Griffin
Special Ed.
Graham, NC

Connie Hall
Comp. Sci.
Grantsboro, NC



May Hardy
LaGrange, NC

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es . ;

William Grant
Greenville, NC

Laurie Greenwald
Special Ed.
Merritt, NC

Ana Grion
Special Ed.

Greensboro, NC

William Harper
Comp. Sci.
Nashville, NC



Jerri Harrell
Colerain, NC

Thomas Harris
Greenville, NC

Kim R. Harrison
LaGrange, NC

Charles Heath
Kinston, NC

Rena Henry
Comp. Sci.
Dudley, NC

Sherri Harrell
Early Childhood
Colerain, NC

Patricia Harrill
Thomasville, NC

Pamela Harring
Social Work
Greenville, NC

Anita Harris
Goldsboro, NC

Karen Harris
Freeman, VA

Doretta Heggie
Social Work
Oxford, NC

Cecilia Heyerhoff
Fort Dodge, IA


James Heins
Sanford, NC

John Hicks
Comp. Sci.
Highlands, NC

Sarmi Helberg
Health Ed.
Greensboro, NC

Linda Higby
Occu. Therapy
Newark, Del.

Monique Hellendoorn
Belhaven, NC

Michael Highsmith
Fayetteville, NC

Sue Hendershott
Greenville, NC

Mary Ellen Hill
Child Development
Newport, NC

Tammye Harris
Office Admin.
Pinetops, NC

Kim Harrison
Radns, PA

Karen Hartley
Comp. Sci.
Princeton, NC

Eric Henderson
Trenton, NC

Patricia Hiner
Greenville, NC


Angela Hinton
Music Ed.
Raleigh, NC

Lorri Holland
Music Ed.
Pittsboro, NC

Walter Holtzclaw
Bus. Admin.
Charlotte, NC

George Horner
Greenville, NC

Jayne Humphrey
Wilmington, NC


Bonnie Hockaday
Raleigh, NC

David Hodges
Ayden, NC

Jill Holcroft
West Chester, PA

Lewis Holden
Poli. Sci.
Cuba, NY

Jayne Holden .

Jacksonville, NC


Denise Holder
Greensboro, NC

Susan Holton
Home Ec. Ed.
Statesville, NC

Robert Horton
Washington, NC

Ralph Hugerpiller
Hickory, NC

SRA President & Media Board member, Debbi Gembicki

Barbara Howlett
Greenville, NC

Vera Hunt
Comp. Sci.
Raleigh, NC

Stephanie Hoyt
Special Ed.
Elizabeth City, NC

Stephanie Hunter
Office Admin.
Jacksonville, NC

Valerie Hubbard
Comp. Sci.
Dudley, NC

Louann Huriey
Lillington, NC

Kathy Hucks
Goldsboro, NC

Jack Inge
Raleigh, NC

Marie Horne
Social Work
Greenville, NC

Judith Huffman
Jacksonville, NC

Ruben Ingram


Christina loannou
Bethesda, MD

Tracy Jeffries
Comp. Sci.
Elizabeth City, NC

Charlise Johnson
Early Childhood
Nashville, NC

Johanna Johnson
Nags Head, NC

Joel Kendrick
High Point, NC

Leslie Ipock
Phys. Therapy
Bridgeton, NC

Jennifer Jendrasiak
Greenville, NC

Dawn Johnson
Raleigh, NC

Tammy Johnson
Special Ed.
Plymouth, NC

Janet Kennedy
Phys. Ed.
Kinston, NC

434/PORTRAITS (73°

Alberta Jackson
Whiteville, NC

Lynn Jackson
West End, NC

Susan E. Jackson
Health Ed.
Raleigh, NC

English major & Western SteerTs Best, Suzanne Byrd

ia. MOM we

Teresa Johnson

Roanoke Rapids, NC

Michele Kennedy
Greenville, NC

Lynn Jones
Hubert, NC

William Kern
Annandale, VA

Alexander Jukoski
Jacksonville, NC

Proctor Kidwell
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Susan L. Jackson
Dunn, NC

Julia Jenkins
Early Childhood
Vanceboro, NC

George Johnson
Robersonville, NC
Robersonville, NC

Cassandra Keever
Statesville, NC

Dennis Kilcoyne
Poli. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Mechelle Jamerson
Clemmons, NC

Ashley Johnson
Art Ed.
Raleigh, NC

James Johnson
Richmond, VA

Frances Kelly
Child Development
Fayetteville, NC

Jack Kilpatrick
Dover, NC


Catherine Kinane
Business Ed.
Raleigh, NC

Joyce Kunert
Fayetteville, NC

Gail Lane
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Joyce Languell
Tarboro, NC

Clifford Lewman
Poli. Sci.
Greenville, NC


Pamela King
Jacksonville, NC

Daniel Kunkleman
Matthews, NC

Holly Lane
Tyner, NC

Karen Latta
Lansdale, PA

Catherine Lilley
Home Ec.
Hubert, NC

Vicki Kitts
Plymouth, NC

David Knoch
Poli. Sci.
Fayetteville, NC

Annette Kornegay
New Bern, NC

News Bureau photographer, Tony Rumple

Gary Lee
Medical Records
Greenville, NC

Nancy Lloyd
Comp. Sci.
Carrboro, NC


Robert Lee
Jacksonville, NC

Shauna Lodowski
Temple Hills, MD

Carlene Lewis
Thomasville, NC

Denise Lomax
High Point, NC

Martha Kornegay ~Susan Kronz
Comp. Sci. Art
Jacksonville, NC VA Beach, VA

Charlotte Lamm
Sharpsburg, NC

Evelyn Lagillier
Medical Records
Seaford, VA

Suzanne Lane Ronald Langley
Health INDT
Reidsville, NC Greenville, NC

Sharon Lewis
Early Childhood
Atlantic, NC

Joseph Lewis
Criminal Justice
Jacksonville, NC

Ronnie Long Marilee Loughran
INDT Inter. Ed.
Kill Devil Hills, NC Lumberton, NC


Bobby Lowery
Lumber Bridge, NC

Susan Maghan
Arlington, VA

William Mann
Sanford, NC

Tina Maroschak
Fayetteville, NC

Maria Masnari
Raleigh, NC

Mary Luksic
Rocksville, MD

Stephen Mangum
Poli. Sci.
Oxford, NC

Pamela Manning
Business Ed.
Bethel, NC

Keith Marsil
Greenville, NC

Michael Mayo
Garner, NC


Donna Lynch
Comp. Sci.
Fayetteville, NC

Elizabeth Lyon
Wake Forest, NC

Teresa Mabry
Special Ed.
Norwood, NC

Jennifer Tippett

Paul McArthur
Fayetteville, NC

ote he

Russell McBroom
Durham, NC

MBA candidate & originator of the David Hicks Fan Club,

John McCall
Greenville, NC



James Mackey
Greenville, NC

Norma Manley
Aurora, NC

Sally Marburger
Industrial Ed.
Allison Park PA

Pamela Martin
DriverTs Ed.
Walstonburg, NC

Kenneth McDaniel
Greenville, NC

Timothy Madigon
Greenville, NC

Virginia Mann
Poli. Sci.
VA Beach, VA

Kathryn Marshburn
Medical Records
Jacksonville, NC

Suzanne Martin
Richmond, VA

Laurilyn McDonald
Greenville, NC


Leigh McDonald
Charlotte, NC

Roy McKeithan
Criminal Justice
Greenville, NC

Amy Merrell
Winston-Salem, NC

Michael Mills
Greenville, NC

Gilda Moore
Rocky Mount, NC

Lisa McDonald
Hendersonville, NC

Braxton McKoy
Marshall, VA

John Merrett
Phys. Ed.
Durham, NC

Terri Misenheimer
High Point, NC

James Moore
Charlotte, NC

Matt McDonald
Sanford, FLA

Lisa McMullen
Fayetteville, NC

Robert Messer
Comp. Sci.
Rocky Mount, NC

Hugh Mitchum
Poli. Sci.
Charlotte, NC

Kathleen Moore
Marshallberg, NC

Reginald McDonald
Monroe, NC

Valerie McNary
Rec. Therapy
Durham, NC

Ann Miller
Business Admin.
Hillsborough, NC


Warren McDowell
Cary, NC

Laurie McVicker
Home Ec.
Laurinburg, NC

David Miller
Greenville, NC

Randall Mizelle
Hertford, NC

Melissa Moore
Special Ed.

Roanoke Rapids, NC

Loria Modlin
Jamesville, NC

Michael Moore
Comp. Sci.
New Bern, NC

Pamela McGimpsey
Theatre Arts
Morganton, NC

Jennifer Meador
Smithfield, VA

Melford Miller
Hickory, NC

Robert Moffitt
New Bern, NC

Phillip Moore
Wilson, NC

Tracy McGrady
Leisure Systems
Front Royal, VA

Marry Menius
New Bern

Cynthia Mills
Poli. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Teresa Monaghan
Medical Records
Wilson, NC

William Moore
Richmond, Va


Georgia Mooring
Rocky Mount, NC

Milton Moye
Greenville, NC

Sonia Musgrave
Goldsboro. NC

John Myrick
Raleigh, NC

Keith Nickles
Jacksonville, NC

Sebird Morings
Business Ed.
Eure, NC

Michael Morley
Yorktown Heights, NY

Lynn Morris
Social Work
Washington, NC

Nancy Morris
Wendell, NC

Kimberly Morrison

Art Ed.
Statesville, NC

Monica Navarro
VA Beach, VA

Paula Norman
Mt. Airy, NC


Matthew Nease
Greenville, NC

Sherrill Normann
Sanford, NC

Stephen Nelson
Chester, NJ

William Normann
Sanford, NC

Scott Newnam
Greenville, NC

Audrey Oakley
Roxboro, NC

Jeffery Newsome
Rocky Mount, NC

Dawn Ogles
Annandale, VA

Maria Moss
Special Ed.
Raleigh, NC

Rebekah Murphy
Louisburg, NC

Julie Myers
Alexandria, Va

Jacob Ngollo-Njombe
Dudley, NC

Eileen O'Keeffe
Durham, NC


Gregory Oliver
Comp. Sci.
La Grange, NC

Anita Owenby
Elem. Ed.
Fletcher, NC

Carol Page
Special Ed.
Lillington, NC

Patti Parker
Leisure Systems
Richmond, Va

Patrick Pearce
Murfreesboro, NC


Tonya Oliver
Rocky Mount, NC

Beth Ann Owens
VA Beach, VA

erseieges cst

Stephen Parish
Comp. Sci.
Trenton, NC

Bethanie Parler
Bethesda, MD

Thomas Perkins
Raleigh, NC

Kristina Olsen

Dover, Del.

Adel Omar
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Oscar Orozco
Greenville, NC

Mary Parrish
Durham, NC

Trenita Phifer

Poli. Sci.
Kannapolis, NC

Jones resident, Jennifer Austin

Anthony Patterson
Sanford, NC

Jerry Phillips
Dudley, NC

Gary Patterson
Winston-Salem, NC

Melanie Phillips
Swansboro, NC

Henry Outlaw
New Bern, NC

Deborah Owens
Early Childhood
Elizabeth City, NC

Bryan Parker
Trenton, NC

Melanie Patterson
New Bern, NC

Scott Pickard
Comm. Health
Graham, NC

Luanne Outlaw
Elem. Ed.
Morehead City, NC

Elizabeth Page
Raleigh, NC

Jackson Parker
Music Ed.
Hubert, NC

Paula Patterson
Hickory, NC

Mark Pierie
High Point, NC


Mary Pifer Kathleen Pike Robert Piner Shirley Pitchford Mary Pittman Connie Plumley Joseph Poole
Med. Records Accounting Comp. Sci., Child Development Finance Finance INDT
East Aurora, NY New Bern, NC Teachey, NE Enfield, NC Selma, NC Myrtle Beach, SC New Bern, NC

Robin Poole Cynthia Popatak - Amy Porter Benson Porter
Dance Env. Design : Textiles Finance
Belmont, NC Pittsburgh, PA. Or Plymouth, NC VA Beach, VA

Rachel Powell Ruth Powell : Cathy Prevatt Elizabeth Proctor
Sociology Health Ed. Music/Comp. Sci. Occu. Therapy
Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Fayetteville, NC Winston-Salem, NC

James Proctor Julia Queen Lori Quesenberry Clifton Quinn Mark Rabon Paula Radford John Rainey
INDT Nursing Marketing Psychology Poli. Sci. Bus. Ed. Poli. Sci.
Nashville, NC Lawndale, NC Raleigh, NC - Raleigh, NC Chadburn, NC Selma, NC Enfield, NC

Susan Rape Candi Rawlins Cathy Ray Allen Raynor Susan Reaves Keith Reddeck Karen Redding
Early Childhood Leisure Systems Phys. Therapy INDT English INDT Occu. Therapy
Durham, NC Greenacres, FL Raleigh, NC Roper, NC Kinston, NC High Point, NC Dansville, NY


Millard Reese
Phys. Therapy
Kinston, NC

Stuart Rigsbee
Kinston, NC

Wendell Roberson
Comp. Sci.
Beaufort, SC

William Rogers
Hampton, VA

Teri Ryder
Cary, NC


David Regan
Greenville, NC

Annemarie Ripperger
Hampton, VA

Kerry Rodabaugh
Raleigh, NC

Douglas Roman
Greensboro, NC

Judith Sager
Macclesfield, NC

David Reicheneker

Shalimer, FL

Angie Respess
Pantego, NC

Mary Rhodes
Raleigh, NC



Timothy Roney
Burlington, NC

Jeff Sampere
Raleigh, NC

Sandra Root
Greenville, NC

Mary Ann Sandell
Charlottesville, VA

Pamela Rose
Margarettsville, NC

John Savage
Richmond, VA

Jane Richardson
Music Therapy
Tabb, VA

Angela Roach
Ayden, NC


Cheryl Rodemeyer

Torrington, CT

Melanie Russ
Social Work
Shelby, NC

ere: en

Angela Sawyer
Greenville, NC

Virginia Riddick
Greenville, NC


Etzetta Roberson
Fayetteville, NC

Lynn Rodemeyer
Torrington, Ct

Amy Russell
Windsor, NC

Cindy Sawyer
Special Ed.
Hertford, NC


Dennis Sawyer Joel Scales Dana Schacht Susan Schatz Joan Schrader Carl Schreyer Michael Schronce
INDT Business Biochemistry Management Marketing Marketing lron Station, NC
Bayboro, NC Sandy Ridge, NC Colonial Heights, VA Selma, NC Durham, NC Potomac, MD

Lisa Schuetz Mm, nn a 2 4 Theresa Scronce
Nursing ; | a Mathematics
Springfield, VA | i Goldsboro, NC

Richard Seabolt Roanoke Rapids resident, Lynn Thorpe Karen Seal
Marketing Wilmington, NC
Durham, NC

Richard Sena Bradley Shank Allison Shavitz Donna Shearin Nancy Shearin Felicia Sheets Anna Shelley
Phys. Therapy INDT Social Work Finance Sociology Nursing Early Childhood
Greenville, NC Greenville, NC Jamestown, NC Roanoke Rapids, NC Creedmoor, NC Wrightsville Beach, NC Tabor City, NC


William Shepley Tricia Sheridan Maryann Shields Pamela Shipman Walter Shore Beth Sigworth Jeffrey Simmons
Anthropology Accounting SLAP Nursing Psychology Finance Psychology
Greenville, NC Randolph, NJ Greenville, NC Toxaway, NC Yadkinville, NC Raleigh, NC Fayetteville, NC


Marie Simmons
Raleigh, NC

Jonathan Smith
Poli. Sci.
Monroe, NC

Ranette Smith
Dover, NC

Scott Smith
Raleigh, NC

Susan Stalls
Snow Hill, NC

Jean Simpson
Havelock, NC

Beth Singleton
Home Ec. Ed.
Kinston, NC

Sheri Small
Elizabeth City, NC

Alfred Smith
Yadkinville, NC

Brad Smith
Goldsboro, NC

Howard Smith
Mechanicsville, VA

Sharon Smith
Commercial Art
Brooklyn, NY

Ginger Starling
Graham, NC

Susan Smith

Winston-Salem, NC

Suzanne Starling
Greenville, NC

William Smith
Hickory, NC

Michael Steiner
Env. Design
Wilmington, NC

Judith Smith
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Sheila Smitherman

Special Ed.
East Bend, NC

Susan Stepusin
Henderson, NC

Ted Socci
Auburn, NY

Dianne Stetson
Pitman, NJ

Robert Smith
Jamestown, NC

Raymond Song
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Pam Stevens
Raleigh, NC


A444 = on.


Robert Stevens
Greenville, NC

Byron Strickland
Raleigh, NC

Travis Sugg
Snow Hill, NC

Scott Sutker
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Teresa Swanner
Greenville, NC

Margaret Stewart
Child Development

Northfield, NJ

oa te

Weltha Strickland
Early Childhood
Goldsboro, NC

Malissa Suggs
Greenville, NC

Linda Sutton
Greenville, NC

Susan Tacker
Greenville, NC


Rhonda Stokes
Ayden, NC

Todd Stone
Music Ed.
Ashland, NC

James Stone
Poli. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Jill Tadlock
Child Development
Windsor, NC

Carol Tait
Interior Design
Raleigh, NC

Patricia Taliaferro

Comp. Sci.
Fayetteville, NC

Christina Storey
Durham, NC

Roger Stump
Eden, NC

Laurence Summers

Comp. Sci.
Annandale, VA

Lori Svendsen
Early Childhood
Jacksonville, NC

Beverly Taylor
Social Work
Kinston, NC

Donald Stovall
Winston-Salem, NC

Angenette Suarez
Busi. Admin.
St. Croix, Virgin Islands

Ted Summey
Greensboro, NC

Beverly Swain
Special Ed.
Washington, NC

Christine Taylor
Child Development
Elizabeth City, NC


Gregory Taylor
Winston-Salem, NC

Phyllis Thigpen
Phys. Therapy
Kinston, NC

Susan Tolar
Theatre Arts
Fayetteville, NC

Amiegene Umphlett
Washington, NC

Marty Vogler
Winston-Salem, NC

Robert Taylor
Williamston, NC

Renate Thompson
Greenville, NC

Edgar Toney
Jacksonville, NC

Jenny Uzzell
Jacksonville, NC

Victoria von Alten
Greenville, NC

William Taylor
Williamston, NC

Richard Thompson
Comp. Sci.
Whiteville, NC

Philip Torres
Comp. Sci.
Mt. Olive, NC

Thomas Vail
Pikeville, NC

Jeffery Vreugdenhil
Pantego, NC

Andrea Teague
Raleigh, NC

Frank Thornton
Greenville, NC

Ariane Trifunovic
Art History
Burlington, NC

Tanya Vallianos
Wilmington, NC

LeeAnne Waby
Raleigh, NC

Catherine Tedder


Lake Waccamaw, NC

Ellen Thorp
Early Childhood
Oxford, NC

Gregory Tucker
Winston-Salem, NC

Sven VanBaars
Poli. Sci.
New Bern, NC

Tremaine Waddell
Music Ed.
Wilmington, NC

Lisa Tetterton
Bath, NC

Kristi Thrift
New Bern, NC

Mignon Tucker
Raleigh, NC

Richard Vaughan
Lewiston, NC

Ursula Waite
Health Ed.
Fayetteville, NC

Virginia Tharrington
Rocky Mount, NC

Robert Todd
Williamston, NC

Dana Tweed
High Point, NC

Mark Vaughn
Durham, NC

Renee Walden
Conway, NC


Kathryn Waldron
Lake Wylie, SC

Gilbert Watson
Jacksonville, NC

Benjamin Watts
Poli. Sci.
Midlothian, VA


Larry Webb
Wilson, NC

Sondra Wentz
Durham, NC

Terry Wall
Rocky Mount, NC

Patricia Walton
Havelock, NC

Carla Waters
New Bern, NC

Esau Waters
Comp. Sci.
Trenton, NC

Jeff Weiss
Potomac, MD

Lisa Weston
Greensboro, NC


Beverly Wells
Plymouth, NC

Sherrie Weston
Phys. Therapy
Washington, NC

Halloween Scene

Marian Wells
Brevard, NC

Lorna Wetherington
Greenville, NC

Mary Wells
McKenney, VA

Danny White
Cove City, NC

William Waters
Pinetown, NC

Pamela Wells
Child Development
Goldsboro, VA

Janie White
Elem. Ed.
Whiteville, NC

Donna Watson
Phys. Therapy
Hildebran, NC

Sarah Watson
Raleigh, NC

Leslie Weatherly
Greenville, NC

Joseph Wentz
Phys. Ed.
Durham, NC

Angela Wilcox
New Bern, NC

Elizabeth Wilkins
Elem. Ed.
Greenville, NC

Lisa Williams
Windsor, NC

Sarah Williams
Music Ed.
Autryville, NC

John Williamson
Oriental, NC

Linda Woolard
Washington, NC


Barbara Williams

Rose Hill, NC

Connie Yoder
Hickory, NC

Lisa Yow
Seagrove, NC

Joe Winbush
Havelock, NC

Angela Wooten
Comp. Sci.
Greenville, NC

Cecilia Williams

Early Childhood
Greenville, NC

Dawn Williams

Goldsboro, NC

James Williams
Troutman, NC

Kevin Winstead
Grifton, NC

Sharon Wright
Garner, NC

Scott Wood
Chapel Hill, NC

Pamela Wynn
Special Ed.
Ahoskie, NC

Patsy Woodard
Murfreesboro, NC

Ed Yancey
Raleigh, NC

John Williams
DriverTs Ed.
Easley, SC

Candace Young
Commercial Art
Huntersville, NC

Bill Zimmerman
Raleigh, NC

Donna Woodlief
Home Ec.
Kittrell, NC

Linda Yarbrough
Env. Design
Greenville, NC

Larry Williams
VA Beach, VA

Mary Williams
Special Ed.
Cary, NC

Winton Williams
Commercial Art
Moorehead, City

Sherry Woods
Theatre Arts
Winterville; NC

Jina Yelton
Concord, NC

~ ge



Rachel Ace, Durham, NC

Hamzah Ahmad, Penang, Malaysia
Jacqueline Allen,

Wrightsville Beach, NC

Lisa Ambrose, Camden, NC

Lisa Andrews, Trinity, NC

Lyn Antwine, Kinston, NC

Tonya Arrington, High Point, NC
Donna Arthurs, Raleigh, NC

Phyllis Artis, Kinston, NC

Susan Austin, Cary, NC

Kerry Baldwin, Greensboro, NC
Richard Barnes, Springfield, VA
David Barnhart, Planning

Lisa Barnhill, Greenville, NC
Natalyn Battle, Nashville, NC
Mark Belcher, Southern Pines, NC

Annette Benthall, Ahoskie, NC
Shelia Benton, Pikeville, NC

Sonya Berquist, Greensboro, NC
Richard Bevis, Statesville, NC

hey! Birdsong, VA Beach, VA
arry Bishop, Hamlet, NC

Lisa Bissette, Pikeville, NC
Darrell Blackwell, Greenville, NC

James Blizzard, Newport News, VA
eryl Bono, Raleigh, NC

Harold Boothe, Elizabeth City, NC
Anne Boyd, Williamston, NC

Kenneth Braak, Greenville, NC
Rosemary Brewer, Cary, NC

Kim Brinkley, Spring Hope, NC
Pamela Brock, Magnolia, NC
Joseph Brown, Jacksonville, NC
Shawn Brown, Raleigh, NC

Kevin Bugner, Raleigh, NC
Benjamin Buie, Broadway, NC
Isla Bunce, Fayetteville, NC
Sharon Burt, Raleigh, NC
James Caldwell, Greenville, NC
Deborah Cannon, Grifton, NC
Kitty Carrow, Washington, NC
Almeul Casey, Goldsboro, NC

Dena Catlett, Washington, NC
Edna Champagne, Clemmons, NC
Ron Chappell, Rocky Mount, NC
William Chase, Stevensburg, VA
Richard Clark, Goldsboro, NC
David Colby, New Bern, NC
Becky Combs, Mt. Airy, NC
Christopher Commander,
Elizabeth City, NC

Terese Connolly, Madison, NC
David Conoly, Raeford, NC

Kathy Coone, Goldsboro, NC
Terry Copeland, Elizabeth City, NC
LeeAnn Costin, Warsaw, NC

Jean Council, Southern Pines, NC
Beth Cowan, Ahoskie, NC

Jo Crawford, Swansboro, NC


Expressions Assistant Editor
Derrick Spruiell



Joyner Library night manager and distin-
guished ECU Geography graduate (T80), Gor-
don Barbour.


Stephen Crawford, New Bern, NC
Gary Daiger, Greenville, NC

Charles Daughtridge, Rocky Mount, NC
Janie Davis, Gumberry, NC

Carolyn Dawson, Elizabeth City, NC
Christine Day, Linwood, NJ

Flora Dean, Raleigh, NC

Jenna DeGuglielmo, Rocky Mount, NC

Caroline den Boggende, Marlboro, MA
Karen DiBrino, Morganton, NC
Jennifer Dove, Hope Mills, NC

Cindy Driscoli, Gillette, NJ

Kathy Edgerton, Fayetteville, NC
Debby Edwards, Henderson, NC
William Elam, Southern Pines, NC
Donna Elliott, Hertford, NC

Samuel Epperson,-Hubert, NC
David Epting, Greenville, NC

Carol Evans, Elizabeth City, NC
Mohamed Fakhry, Greenville, NC

Jane Farmer, Goldsboro, NC
Yetta Felder, Fayetteville, NC

Charles Felton, Kinston, NC
Virginia Ferguson, Fayetteville, NC

Ashley Ferrell, Greenville, NC
Chad Fields, Greensboro, NC

Tina Marie Fisher, Garner, NC
Patricia Flanagan, Edenton, NC

Richard Forero, Coral Gables, FL
Michael Fox, Jacksonville, NC

Etta Fulcher, Madison, NC
Katrina Herring, Rose Hill, NC
Cynthia Hinton, Greenville, NC
Georgia Fuller, Frisco, NC

Debbie Gembicki, Phoenix, AZ
Scott Gibbs, Fairfax, VA
Jennifer Gillikin, Hamlet, NC
Kathy Goodwin, Greenville, NC
Ricky Graves, Reidsville, NC
Charles Green, Louisburg, NC
Lori Greene, Richmond, VA
Jonathan Greif, Glen Arm, MD

Michael Guerrero, Garner, NC
Kathleen Hague, Mechanicsville, VA
Rhonda Hall, Ayden, NC

Billie Jean Hamilton, Chapel Hill, NC
Richard Hamilton, Charlotte, NC
Sharon Hancock, Columbia, MD
Timothy Harrell, Rocky Mount, NC
Pamela Harrington, Lumberton, NC

David Harris, Burlington, NC
Elizabeth Harris, Durham, NC
Melinda Hartgrove, King, NC
Terry Hasty, Goldsboro, NC
James Hayward, Sanford, NC
Connie Heath, Greenville, NC
Tracey Hedrick, Danville, VA
Sandra Henson, Fayetteville, NC


Alton Hobbs, Sunbury, NC
Pamela Holley, Wilson, NC
Karen Hooks, Kenly, NC
Rebecca Hoover, Denver, NC
Martha Hudson, New Bern, NC
Dwayne Jackson, Kinston, NC
Myra Jacobs, Goldsboro, NC
Kevin Jarman, Beulaville, NC

Maureen Jicka, Marlboro, NJ
Marilyn Johnson, Washington, NC
Teri Johnson, Lansing, NC

Trey Johnson, Raleigh, NC

Anita Jones, Beulaville, NC

Paula Jones, Plymouth, NC
Harold Joyner, Greenville, NC
Speros Katopodis, Charlotte, NC

Keith Kaut, Wilmington, NC

Susan Kelly, Elon College, NC
Robin Kneisley, Jacksonville, NC
Christopher Krainiak, Greenville, NC
Carl Kratz, Warrenton, VA

Jennifer Kuhlman, Athens, GA
Frankie Langley, Plymouth, NC
Robin Langley, Conover, NC

Jeffrey Leary, Ahoskie, NC
Eileen Levy, Newport News, VA

Heward Manley, Enfield, NC
Elizabeth Manning, Greenville, NC

Phyllis Marshall, Ahoskie, NC
Anthony Martin, Mayodan, NC

John Martin, South Boston, VA
Tina Mason, Kings Mountain, NC

Edgar Mathews, Ormond Beach, Fi
Reggie McCarn, Lexington, NC

Lisa McGee, Laurinburg, NC
Linda McKeel, Goldsboro, NC

Michael McNeal, Fairfax, VA
Ralph Meachum, Greensboro, NC
Randy Meetre, Pollocksville, NC
Betsy Middleton, Mocksville, NC
Lisa Midgett, Jacksonville, NC
Tracey Miller, Wilson, NC

William Mitchell, Chapel Hill, NC
Jacqueline Moon, Warsaw, NC

Ellen Moore, Richmond, VA
Mark Moore, Goldsboro, NC
Patrick Mooring, Freemont, NC
Kathleen Mowers, Salem, NJ
Susan Mozdzierz, Greenville, NC
Susan Musgrave, Goldsboro, NC
Robert Nichols, Greenville, NC
Angela Norman, Rose Hill, NC

Jennifer Osborne, Thomasville, NC
Catherine Owen, Raleigh, NC

Terri Peele, Lewiston, NC

Larry Perkins, Harkers Island, NC
Letitia Perry, Creedmoor, NC
William Petty, Raleigh, NC

Linda Phillips, Trenton, NC

James Pittman, Greenville, NC

Robert Pleasants, Cary, NC

John Pruitt, Chesterfield, SC
Mary Prussing, Richmond, VA
Steven Rash, Durham, NC
Joseph Reale, Raleigh, NC
Gabriel Reaves, Robersonville, NC
Carla Roberson, Fayetteville, NC
Macon Robertson, Nashville, NC




Christi Robinson, Greenville, NC
Dawn Robinson, Greenville, NC
Janice Robinson, Mobile, AL
Ervin Rogerson, Kinston, NC
Audrea Russell, Greensboro, NC
Debra Satterfield, Raleigh, NC
Phyllis Sauage, Corapeake, NC
Janet Sawyer, Elizabeth City, NC

Tracy Scopinich, Lighthouse, FL
Lauren Seher, Raleigh, NC

Kirk Shelley, Greenville, NC
William Simmons, Midlothian, VA
Linda Simonse, Raleigh, NC
William Small, Windsor, NC

Lois Smith, Conway, NC

Olivia Smith, Cary, NC

Randall Smith, Wilmington, NC
Sherry Smith, Chapel Hill, NC
Jackie Spake, Manteo, NC

Terri Spencer, Salem, VA

Charles Spruill, Plymouth, NC
Susan Steinman, Newton Square, PA
Mary Stevens, Greenville, NC

Susan Stone, Raleigh, NC

Andy Sugg, Raleigh, NC
Linda Swift, Media, PA

Sharifah Syed-Mustapha, Malaysia
Sherry Talley, Morehead City, NC

Kenneth Tilley, Durham, NC
Rodney Trogdon, Seagrove, NC

Dierdre Tropeano, Marmora, NJ
Carolyn Twisdale, Enfield, NC

Susan Van Arnam, Concord, NC
Laura Varner, High Point, NC

Gloria Vaughan, Murfreesboro, NC
Pamela Vernon, Chapel Hill, NC

Jennifer Walker, Greenville, NC
Denise Walls, Washington, NC
Lillie Walton, Rich Square, NC
Candace Warren, Kenbridge, VA
Patti Waters, Pinetown, NC

Joy Webb, Fayetteville, NC
John Welch, Washington, NC
Hugh Whaley, Maysville, NC

Bradley Wheeler, Durham, NC
Sharon Wheeler, Woodland, NC
Janice Wheless, Greenville, NC
Fred White, Washington, NC
Elaine Whitman, Salisbury, NC
James Wiley, Washington, NC
Cherie Willetts, Wilmington, NC
Bonita Williams, Elizabeth City, NC

Charlene Williams, Plymouth, NC
Betty Williamson, Goldsboro, NC
Sandra Williford, Garner, NC
Karen Wilson, Wilmington, NC
Krista Wilson, Bear Creek, NC
Lanny Wilson, Wilmington, NC
Linda Wilson, Coral Springs, FL
Debby Winston, Fayetteville, NC

Nathan Wolfe, Burgaw, NC
John Wood, Mocksville, NC
Bryan Woolard, Washington, NC
Thomas Woolard, Greenville, NC
John Worrell, Greenville, NC
Achilles Wray, Greenville, NC
Leah Zeichner, Califon, NJ
Carolyn Zook, Eagleville, PA

JUNIORS/451 \~

Cedric Adderly, Columbia, SC
Donald Adkins, Enfield, NC
James Allman, Havelock, NC
Tina Anderson, Bath, NC
William Arthur, New Bern, NC
JoAnne Atstupenas, Edenton, NC
Phillip Averette, Greenville, NC
Glennie Barnett, Kinston, NC

Wanda Battle, Rocky Mount, NC
Dayna Bayles, Erwin, NC
Charlene Beam, Marion, NC

Jan Beaman, Walstonburg, NC
Kasra Behfar, Greenville, NC
Antoinette Berry, Clinton, NC
Darryl Bess, Pinetops, NC

Debby Booher, Winston-Salem, NC

Lydia Bowman, VA Beach, VA
Patricia Boyd, Kinston, NC

Barbara Bradford, Greenville, NC
Wallace Bradsher, Butner, NC

Joseph Breen, Pittsburgh, PA
Phyllis Brimage, Trenton, NC

Jeffrey Britt, Charlotte, NC
Paula Brittingham, Cedar Island, NC

Floyd Brothers, Washington, NC
Patricia Brown, Greenville, NC

Lisa Bryant, Goldsboro, NC
Sharon Bryant, Goldsboro, NC

Nena Burchfield, Siler City, NC
Linda Burgess, Garner, NC

Jo Cynthia Burney, Kinston, IC
Felicia Carlton, Warsaw, NC

Kecia Carraway, Kinston, NC
Karen Carrow, Washington, NC
Laura Caskey, VA Beach, VA
Lynn Cauton, Aurora, NC

Marty Cherry, Williamsburg, VA
Jeffrey Chester, Morganton, NC
Brian Childs, Colonial Heights, VA
Lisa Clark, Danville, VA

Barbara Clayborne, Stantonsburg, NC
Valeria Cloud, Winston-Salem, NC
Kevin Colgan, Cary, NC

Dwayne Conyers, Wilmington, NC

Sally Copeland, Portsmouth, VA
Virgil Corne, Richfield, NC
Monica Cox, Raleigh, NC
Karen Crain, Gastonia, NC
Gina Credle, Englehart, NC
Wendy Croom, Fayetteville, NC
Jill Crowder, Clarksville, VA
Susan Curlings, Windsor, NC


Halloween Scene


Michael Daniel, Washington, NC
Nannette Daniels, Murfreesboro, NC
Elizabeth Davis, Burgaw, NC
Kimberly Davis, Enfield, NC

Sharon Dixon, Greenville, NC

Jill Dove, Roanoke, VA

Mary Draper, Suffolk, VA

Joseph Eaddy, Wallace, NC

Russell Ebelherr, Flanders, NJ
Hugh Eckermann, Greenville, NC
Marc Edlein, Charlotte, NC

Richard Edmundson, Goldsboro, NC
Barbara Edwards, Fayetteville, NC
Emily Edwards, Roseboro, NC
Robert Edwards, Washington, NC
Christopher Egan, Raleigh, NC

Claudia Esselborn, Greenville, NC
Emily Evans, Edenton, NC

Haven Evans, Southern Pines, NC
Fatma Fakhry, Greenville, NC

Jesse Farris, Charlotte, NC
Ronald Ferrell, Durham, NC

Michael Fletcher, Annandale, VA
Laura Frazzelle, Jacksonville, NC

Tracey Fuller, Burlington, NC
Elizabeth George, Springfield, VA

Crystal Gilbert, Vale, NC
Richard Glosson, Fayetteville, NC

Regina Glover, Dunn, NC
Roy Goforth, Fayetteville, NC

William Grady, New Bern, NC
Emma Green, Cameron, NC

Mark Griffin, Butner, NC
Janet Hall, Wake Forest, NC

Alan Hargis, Angier, NC
Elizabeth Harper, Louisburg, NC
Sherri Harper, Winterville, NC
Elvis Harrell, Cofield, NC
Sharon Harris, Aulander, NC
Cecilia Hart, Kinston, NC

David Havens, Clemmons, NC
Vanessa Heckstall, Windsor, NC

Stacy Hickman, Alexandria, VA
Tracy Hinson, Monroe, NC
Cathy Holland, Hickory, NC
Mary Honberger, Greenville, NC
Mark Horton, Morehead City, NC
~ Es Se ~ Martha Hostler, Kinston, NC
: ~s ~ . * SS uz Marcus Howell, Rocky Mount, NC

- i \. ~ Re "7 i Elizabeth Ingram, Moorestown, NJ


Rhonda Jacobs, Hope Mills, NC
Opey Jeanes, Mount Olive, NC
Tracey Jenkins, Monroe, NC
DeChanile Johnson, Greenville, NC
Denise Johnson, Newport, NC
Gerald Johnson, Durham, NC.

Lori Johnson, Aulander, NC

Sonya Johnson, Whitakers, NC

Paris Jones, Enfield, NC

Tammy Jones, Winston-Salem, NC
Janie Jordan, Mount Gilead, NC
Joseph Kennedy, Grifton, NC
Ryan Kivett, Ramseur, NC

Karen Klinedinst, Lancaster, PA
Patricia Knopf, Fairfax, VA
Monica Konarski, Swansboro, NC

Lisa Larkins, Wilmington, NC
Roberta Leppert, Matthews, NC

Deidra Lewis, Durham, NC
Susan Lloyd, Raleigh, NC

Cora Locklear, Maxton, NC
Sandy Makarczyk, Raleigh, NC

Anne Mallory, Ashland, VA
Ann Manderfield, Woodbridge, VA

Monica Manning, Pantego, NC
Laura Manuele, Biscoe, NC

Pamela Martin, Whiteville, NC
Christina Martino, Raeford, NC

John Matthews, Faison, NC
Edward McKeithan, Bolivia, NC

Donald Mentzer, Greensboro, NC
Qwanda Monroe, Fayetteville, NC

Jyronn Moody, Nashville, NC

Robert Moore, Quantico, VA

Clifton Morgan, Macclesfield, NC
William Morton, Durham, NC

Pat Mostella, Fayetteville, NC
Christopher Musselwhite, Wilson, NC
Tyraina Myers, Plainfield, NJ

Tammy Nelms, Smithfield, VA

James Oakley, High Point, NC
Melody OTBrien, Annandale, VA
Melissa Odom, Matthews, NC
Janine Oliver, Fairfax, VA
Vernita Ore, Willaimston, NC
Tracy Parisher, Tarboro, NC
James Parks, Richmond, VA
Keith Parnell, New Bern, NC

Manjo Pantel, Edenton, NC
Cynthia Patterson, Wilson, NC
Linda Paylor, Harkers Island, NC
Lisa Pickinpaugh, Falls Church, VA
Dollene Pinkham, Greenville, NC
Mary Plyler, Statesville, NC

Lisa Pulley, Raleigh, NC

Bridget Ramsey, Roxboro, NC




Patricia Raynor, Benson, NC

Brett Richards, Greenville, NC
Martha Richardson, Greenville, NC
Verna Richardson, Hollister, NC
Joseph Roberson, Rocky Mount, NC
Jennifer Roper, Elizabeth City, NC
Lori Rose, Roper, NC

Melanie Rowland, Washington, NC

Scott Ruedger, Durham, NC

Gina Sandy, Staunton, VA

Hal Sargent, Wendell, NC

Lisa Satterfield, Raleigh, NC
Claudia Sawyer, Camden, NC
Andrea Schnitzler, Salem, NY

Robin Schoolfield, Rocky Mount, NC
Anthony Shanks, Rocky Mount, NC

Ydonna Sheets, Stedman, NC
Yvette Siegel, New Bern, NC

Janet Sitton, Hendersonville, NC
Barbara Smith, Williamston, NC

Debra Smith, Asheboro, NC
Jacqueline Smith, Greenville, NC

Denise Souther, Wilkesboro, NC
Grinder Spencer, Greenville, NC

Tamra Stanley, Lexington, NC
Dewanda Starling, Raleigh, NC

Robert Steinberg, VA Beach, VA
Scott Statts, Charlotte, NC

Lisa Sullivan, Washington, NC
Mathilda Sutton, Camp Lejuene, NC

Kerry Swann, Newport, NC
Thomas Taft, Greenville, NC

Mary Tate, Manteo, NC

Barbara Teachey, Teachey, NC
Reginald Terry, Macon, NC
Vickie Thompson, Sims, NC
William Totty, Durham, NC

Teri Trotman, Hobbsville, NC
Gina Tyler, Hallsboro, NC

Lori Upchurch, Buies Creek, NC

mary Uzzell, Goldsboro, NC
Amy Walker, Takoma Park, MD
Heather Wallace, Alexandria, VA
Julia Waller, Kinston, NC
Frances Ward, Nakina, NC
Wade Ward, Jacksonville, NC
Kimberly Watts, Greensboro, NC
Amy White, Chadbourn, NC

Kathy Williams, Greenville, NC
Renee Wilson, Raleigh, NC

Rachel Winstead, Raleigh, NC
Michelle Wood, Garner, NC
Melinda Workman, Liberty, NC
CarolAnne Wurst, Wilmington, Del.
Samuel Wynne, Greenville, NC
Debby Yaudis, Cary, NC


Jeffrey Adcock, Fuquay-Varina, NC
Debra Allen, Summit, NJ

Francine Allen, Louisburg, NC
Sherry Allen, Advance, NC

Myra Almond, New London, NC
Connie Alston, Whitakers, NC

Carl Apgar, Lancaster, PA

Tracy Appling, Forest City, NC

Leslie Atherholt, VA Beach, VA
Herbert Autry, Suffolk, VA

Lynda Avery, Cleveland, NC

Stephen Baber, Winston-Salem, NC
Allison Baker, Rocky Mount, NC
Sonya Baldwin, Lumberton, NC
Christopher Barber, Spruce Pine, NC
Robin Barnebee, Camp Lejeune, NC

Howard Bascome, New York, NY
Brenda Bass, Mount Olive, NC
Delbert Bauzon, Havelock, NC

Verna Beatty, Elizabeth City, NC
Sherry Beheler, Greenville, NC
Nancy Bennett, Reidsville, NC

Melody Best, Clinton, NC
Margaret Bibb, Charlotte, NC

Alicia Bishop, Wilmington, Del.
Marydale Bizzell, Chester, VA

Philip Blair, Fayetteville, NC
Susan Blanchard, New Hill, NC

Stuart Blount, Shiloh, NC
Christie Bond, Bethesda, MD

Kimberly Boone, Clinton, NC
George Braddy, Washington, NC

John Bradsher, Greensboro, NC
Ramona Brady, Clayton, NC

Jeannie Brewer, Clinton, NC
Stephen Brock, Kinston, NC

Elizabeth Brown, Chapel Hill, NC
Tammy Brown, Jamesville, NC
Zina Brown, Fayetteville, NC
Deborah Bruce, Alexandria, VA
Beth Bryant, VA Beach, VA
Kimberly Bryant, Biscoe, NC
Frederick Bubenhofer, Burke, VA
Toni Budris, Raleigh, NC

Jeff Buennemeyer, Harrisonburg, VA
Brian Burke, Clementon, NJ

Darrell Burnette, Godwin, NC

John Butler, Raleigh, NC

Pamela Campbell, Colerain, NC
Dana Carter, Winston-Salem, NC
Sharon Capehart, Colerain, NC
Annalisa Carawan, Plymouth, NC

Kevin Carpenter, Cherryville, NC
Rhonda Carpenter, Raleigh, NC
Kimberly Carper, VA Beach, VA

Stephanie Carr, Waterford, VA

Angela Carrow, Chocowinity, NC

Kenneth Carson, Richmond, VA
Natalie Carter, Carthage, NC
Lisa Carvana, Cary, NC

Michelle Caswick, Winston-Salem, NC
Melody Chadwick, Paterson, NJ
Theresa Chambers, Clinton, NC

Deborah Chappell, Gatesville, NC
Steven Clark, McLean, VA
Melody Coats, Garner, NC

Melinda Cole, Springfield, VA
Micki Coleman, Greenville, NC


~From the left,TT Jay Stone




Nina Colquitt, Siler City, NC
Maria Compton, Statesville, NC
Candace Connett, Alliance, NC
Caroline Connolly, Greenville, NC
Edward Connor, Fairmont, NC
Charles Cook, Newark, Del.
Carol Cozart, Plymouth, NC

Ona Credle, Winterville, NC

Cynthia Crews, Durham, NC
Denise Crook, Wilmington, NC
Dhedra Cross, Creedmoor, NC
Deborah Davis, Durham, NC
Lisa Davis, Lumberton, NC
Teresa Deal, Durham, NC
Thomas Denton, Louisburg, NC
Teresa Dillman, Raleigh, NC

Andrea Dudley, Chocowinity, NC
Toni Duke, Wake Forest, NC

David Edwards, Cherryville, NC
Pamela Evans, Southern Pines, NC
Jennifer Farmer, Stokes, NC
Kimberly Farrow, Oriental, NC
Robert Fennell, Winston-Salem, NC
Tobi Ferguson, Salisbury, NC

Teri Foreman, Beaufort, NC
Eric Friedfeld, Clarksville, VA
Angelia Frye, Mocksville, NC
Beverly Furman, Vanceboro, NC

Lisa Gay, Wake Forest, NC
Stephen Gholson, Fairfax, VA
Mark Gibson, Alexandria, VA
Gene Gillis, Arden, NC

Elena Gilmore, Hillsborough, NC
Randy Gobble, Winston-Salem, NC
Lisa Goldston, Richmond, VA
Susan Gooch, Durham, NC

Kelley Goode, Shaw A F B, SC
Jill Gorenflo, Charlotte, NC
Jennifer Gray, Jacksonville, NC
Laura Grigg, Raleigh, NC

Stacy Gupton, Greensboro, NC
Renee Gunter, Raleigh, NC
Margaret Gwinnett, Burlington, NC
Jennifer Hall, Clinton, NC

Tracie Halls, Wilmington, NC

Lisa Hammontree, Jacksonville, NC
Karen Hanchey, Wallace, NC
Barbara Harris, Selbyville, Del.

Patricia Harris, Rocky Mount, NC
Teresa Harris, Burgaw, NC
William Harris, Raleigh, NC
Wesley Hart, LaGrange, NC

Mark Hendrix, Plymouth, NC

Sherri Hinton, Hobbsville, NC

Kelly Hobgood, Farmville, NC

Amanda Hodges, Ruffin, NC

Brian Hogan, Farmville, NC

Joanna Hood, Garner, NC

Jennifer Hornbeck, Colonial Heights, VA
Angelia Howard, Jacksonville, NC

Julia Hudson, Cary, NC

Susan Humphrey, Washington, NC
Yvette Jackson, Merry Hill, NC
Christine James, Miami, FL
Amanda Jarrell, Mount Airy, NC
John Jenkins, Nashville, NC

Laura Jenkins, Asheville, NC

Meta Jesinger, Durham, NC

Eric Johnson, Smithfield, NC
Jocelyn Johnson, Apex, NC

Keith Johnson, Princeton Jct., NJ
Mark Johnson, Lansing, NC
Sharon Johnson, Enfield, NC
Stacey Johnson, Coats, NC
David Jones, Centreville, VA
William Jones, Wilmington, NC


Cindy Jordan, Corapeake, NC
Lewis Kendricks, Fayetteville, NC
Glenda Kennedy, Richlands, NC
Tracy Kennington, Waxhaw, NC
Beverly Killian, Fayetteville, NC
Zoe LaFevers, Winston-Salem, NC
Kimberly Langley, Lucama, NC
Lisa Lee, Asheboro, NC

Regina Lee, Macclesfield, NC
Renee Lee, Macclesfield, NC
Tammy Jo Lee, Jamesville, NC
Cynthia Leichte, Cary, NC

Lisa Lemoine, Fredericksburg, VA
Jimmy Leonard, Thomasville, NC
Robin Leonard, Kinston, NC
Heather Lewis, Andover, Mass.

James Lilley, Williamston, NC
Saundra Little, Bethel, NC

Anita Lofton, Mount Olive, NC
Kirsti Lohela, Fayetteville, NC
Douglas Lovette, Raleigh, NC
Kris Lowery, Kings Mountain, NC
Bambi Lyle, Raleigh, NC

Yvette Mariani, Greenville, NC

Timothy Marion, Greensboro, NC
Kevin McCall, Fayetteville, NC

Lisa McClintock, Salisbury, NC
Orrin McDonald, Fayetteville, NC

Patricia McDowell, Greenville, NC
Jacqueline McKeithan, Bolivia, NC

Vickie McLawhorn, Vanceboro, NU
Kimberly McLoughlin, Va Beach, VA

William McLuskie, Camp Lejeune, NC
Jada Meares, Wilson, NC

Charles Mearsheimer, VA Beach, VA
Kerry Mebane, Jamesville, NC
Quintin Meighan, Fayetteville, NC
Tim Meigs, Greenville, NC

Cynthia Middleton, Kenansville, NC
Troy Miller, Raleigh, NC

Kimberly Mills, Suffolk, VA
Kimberly Mitts, Miami, Fla.
Colleen Moore, Castle Haven, NC
Todd Moore, Raleigh, NC

Laura Musselman, Richmond, VA
David Nalesnik, Asheville, NC
Hilda Nixon, Hampstead, NC
Vicky Norman, Greenville, NC

DuRandy Norris, Raleigh, NC

Bonita Odom, Jackson, NC

Scott Oliveri, Oaklyn, NJ

David Onks, Chester, VA

Patricia Ore, Williamston, NC

Marcus Osterhoudt, Rocky Mount, NC
Elizabeth Otte, Richmond, VA

Sharon Outlaw, Windsor, NC

Charles Owens, Goldsboro, NC
Donna Oxendine, Red Springs, NC
Jennifer Page, Durham, NC

Toni Page, Springfield, VA

Mary Palmer, Richmond, VA

Mary Parham, Durham, NC

Karen Parker, WilsonTs Mills, NC
Alisa Parsons, Burlington, NC

Mark Patterson, Coats, NC
James Payne, Arden, NC

Charles Pearson, Tarboro, NC
Melissa Peele, Jacksonville, NC
Amanda Pierce, Sneads Ferry, NC
Jennifer Pierson, Titusville, NC
Kevin Plotkin, Glen Mills, NC
Anne Poole, Fairfax, VA

Robert Poovey, Burlington, NC
Alice Powell, Plymouth, NC
Charrissa Powell, Gastonia, NC
Jennifer Pryor, Greenville, NC
William Puckett, Grantsboro, NC
Judith Pugh, Appomattox, VA
Pamela Pugh, VA Beach, VA
Davandra Reed, Charlotte, NC



Sergeant Charles E. Lawler, ECU Police


Melanie Reid, New London, NC
Robert Rhoads, Lancaster, PA
Patrick Ricci, Wilmington, Del.
Lisa Richardson, Trinity, NC
Michael Richardson, Siler City, NC
Audrey Riddick, Warsaw, NC
Carolyn Riddick, Windsor, NC
Myra Robbins, High Point, NC

Marsha Robertson, Warrenton, NC
Felecia Robinson, Mount Olive, NC
Melanie Robinson, Greenville, NC
William Robinson, Kinston, NC
Michele Roelofs, Fairfax, VA
Timothy Rogerson, Greenville, NC
Gary Rose, Roper, NC

Lynn Ross, Tarboro, NC

Terita Rouse, Pope AFB, NC
Sonya Royster, Fayetteville, NC
Laura Ruffin, Brinklow, MD
Rusty Russ, Greenville, NC
Michelle Sasser, Wilmington, NC
Teresa Schallock, Hertford, NC
Carol Scribner, Bethesda, MD
Anthony Sharpe, Pinetops, NC

Victor Sharpe, Pinetops, NC
Katherine Shearin, Raleigh, NC
Marilyn Shelley, Angier, NC
Gary Sibayan, Yorktown, NC

Gladys Silver, Scotland Neck, NC
Patrick Simcox, Havelock, NC
Christy Small, Kinston, NC

Traci Smith, Greenville, NC

Susan Snyder, Greenville, NC
Wendi Somers, Teachey, NC

Kristen Sparks, Charlotte, NC
Kevin Spector, Richmond, VA

Abby Spicer, Winston-Salem, NC
Stephanie Strother, Winston-Salem, NC
Helen Sutton, Whitakers, NC

Michelle Swain, Washington, NC

Mary Swanner, Chocowinity, NC
Juliette Taliaferro, Fayetteville, NC
Andrew Tate, Berryville, VA

Waynah Taylor, Altamonte Spring, Fla.

Teresa Telesz, Apex, NC

Jeff Theriault, Louisburg, NC
Scott Thomas, Vanceboro, NC
Kathryn Thompson, The Plains, VA

Pennie Thompson, Grifton, NC
Timothy Thornburg, Gastonia, NC
Tarshi Timmons, Winston-Salem, NC
Gary Tompkins, Fayetteville, NC
Valerie Toren, Wellesley, Mass.

Angela Tosto, Beaufort, NC

Vaun Tschieder, Altamonte Springs, Fla.
Kimberly Walker, Greenville, NC

Bambi Walton, Wilmington, NC
Camela Ward, Newport News, VA
Missy Ward, Raleigh, NC

Sheri Ward, Greenville, NC

Kelly Warren, Clinton, NC

Robin Warren, Greenville, NC
Christopher Watkins, Greenville, NC
Teresa Watkins, Raleigh, NC

James West, Newport News, VA
Josephine West, Warrenton, NC
Gary Westbrook, Burlington, NC
Debra Whaley, Maysville, NC
Robert Wheeler, Grifton, NC
Daryl White, Alexandria, VA
Robin White, Greenville, NC
Sonia Wiggins, Kinston, NC

Carolyn Williams, Winterville, NC
Joanna Williams, Roseboro, NC
Margaret Williams, Vanceboro, NC
Orgie Williams, Jacksonville, NC

Dawn Witherspoon, Bessemer City, NC
Adrienne Woods, Eure, NC

Crystal Wright, Fayetteville, NC

Robin Young, Hartford, Conn.


Ashley Acree
Public Admin.
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Sherri Crigger
Health Ed.
Belhaven, NC

Jane Dawson
Wilson, NC

Glenn Dixon
Roanoke Rapids, NC

Mohsen Eghbal
Greenville, NC

Lisa Batten
Guidance Counseling
Whiteville, NC

John Brewington
VA Beach, VA

Vanessa Brinson
Greenville, NC

Tamara Bryan
Greenville, NC

Lela Cahoon
Art Ed.
Grantsboro, NC

Frank Clement
Business Admin.
Medford, NJ

Samira Fakry
Special Ed.
Greenville, NC


Wendy Fountain
Home Economics
Chinquapin, NC

Sharon Hawley
Special Ed.
Wilson, NC

Christopher Hight
Davidson, NC

Eric Hight
Davidson, NC

Trina Holloman
Cooperative Ed.
Greenville, NC

Quida Horton
Greenville, NC

Craig Johnson
Belle Meade, NJ

Mark Kemp
Greenville, NC

Amy Kennedy
Bath, NC

Ruth Kennedy
Winston-Salem, NC

Janet Lewis
Home Economics
Fairport, NC

Vivian Martin
Science Ed.
Greenville, NC

Gretchen Smith

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Catherine Muvensky
Springfield, VA




Lori Pate
Greenville, NC



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Stuart Sloan

Jacksonville, NC

Elizabeth Starling
Raleigh, NC

Norman Tart
Psychology INDT
Fayetteville, NC Kinston, NC

Joanna Tysor
Grimesland, NC

David Whitson
Greenville, NC

Mark Wisniewski
Greenville, NC

William Yarborough
Louisburg, NC



Mr. Alex Albright Dr. Caroline Ayers Mrs. Judy Baker Dr. Simon Baker Dr. Jose Baro Dr. William Bloodworth Ms. Emily Boyce
English Chemistry Health Education Geography Foreign Language English Joyner Library

Dr. Robert Bunger 4 q ~~ | . % hy : oa Dr. John Marshall
Soc/Anthro/Econ _ Vex " | os a History

Dr. Myron Caspar Scuba diver & photographer, Jon Jordan Dr. Dennis Chestnut

ns FA CU L. T ?,? Psychology

Mr. Allen Churchill Dr. Donald Clemens Dr. H. Frances Daniels Dr. Steven Deters Mrs. Thadys Dewar Dr. William Durham Mrs. Lou Everett
Continuing Education Chemistry Business Education Counseling Center Business Education Business Education Nursing

Dr. Lon Felker Mrs. Esther Fernandez _ Dr. Joseph Fernandez Dr. Rolando Fischer Dr. James Holloway Mrs. Marie Horne
Political Science Foreign Language Foreign Language Continuing Education Finance Social Work


Ms. Terri Imershein Dr. Ray Jones
Leisure Systems Studies Marketing

Mrs. Ruth Jones

Dr. Wilton Joyner

Dr. Gene Lanier
-Library Science

Dr. Maylon McDonald

Ms. Judy Moore
Joyner Library

Dr. Veronica Pantelidis Ms. Roxanne Reep
Library Science

Dr. William Smith Ms. Marilyn Stephenson
Social Work Joyner Library


Dr. Jasper Register

Mr. Marion Sykes
Continuing Education

Ms. Judy Sadler
Library Science

Dr. Jack Thornton
Decision Sciences

Dr. Chia-yu Li

Dr. Thomas Sayetta

Ms. Mary K. Thornton

Mr. Ralph Scott
Library Science

Dr. Angelo Volpe
Academic Affairs

Dr. Floyd Mattheis
Science Education

Mr. James McGee
Continuing Education

Ms. Mary F. Morris
Joyner Library

Dr. Moses Sheppard
Science Education


Commencement & Index


Aaron, Donna Gay
Aareseth, Therese
Abbott, Jonathan
Abbott, Kathryn M.
Abbott, Rhonda B.
Abbott, Robert Lee
Abd-Ghafar, Mohd
Abdul-Latif, Rozita
Abdullah, J.

Abel, David Lynn
Abernathy, Kalynn
Abernethy, Kimberly
Ables, Thomas H.
Abrams, Felicia Kim
Abrams, Tawrence
Abramson, Diane R.
Abramson, Holly R.
Abu, Pathooram
Abuhantash, Qasim
Accongio, Gayle L.
Ace, Rachel Ann
Ace, Rebecca Ellen
Ackerson, Nancy M.
Ackiss, Christopher
Acock, Sherilyn
Acra, Rachel Davis
Acra, Yesmin Sue
Acree, Geraldine M.
Adamec, Kathleen A.
Adams, Amos F.
Adams, Angela Marie
Adams, Belinda F.
Adams, Betty Susan
Adams, Calvin A.
Adams, Dawn Cynthia
Adams, Dwight B.
Adams, Elizabeth A.
Adams, Katherine C.
Adams, Kimberly G.
Adams, Leonard G.
Adams, Mary C.
Adams, Melinda Dare
Adams, Mitchell M.
Adams, Pamela S.
Adams, Rodney Baron
Adams, Russell David
Adams, Shelly Deeann
Adams, Sherrie B.
Adams, Stefon Lee
Adams, Timothea
Adams, Tracy Lynne
Adams, Wade Calvin
Adams, William C.
Adcock, Jeffrey C.
Adcock, Karen E.
Adcock, Lisa Diane
Adcock, Mary B.
Adderley, Cedric L.
Adenauer, Carol J.
Adkerson, Norma S.
Adkins, Alice C.
Adkins, Deborah E.
Adkins, Donald M.
Adkins, Susan L.
Admire, Joseph A.
Adrion, Michael S.
Agnew, John Scott
Agranat, Brina Joan
Aguiar, Alexandria
Ahlers, Morgan P.
Ahmad, Hamzah Bin
Ahrens, Brian Karl
Aiken, Jacqueline S.
Aiken, Seroba Ann
Aita, Martin D.
Aitken, Robert S.
Ajmera, Shiv Ratan
Akers, Karen J.
Akers, Ronda S.
Akin, Donna Leigh
Al-Ali, Khalid T.
Al-Hajri, Abdullatif
Al-Khater, Rashid A.
Al-Mershed, Ahmed A.
Al-Naimi, Nabil S.
Al-Nasser, Yousef A.
Al-Rughaib, Anwar H.
Al-Sahlawi, Abdullah
Al-Saleh, Amer A.
Alaklook, Wael A.
Alban, Raymond J.
Albanese, Robert P.
Albert, Misti
Albertine, George E.
Albertson, Joy
Albrecht, William J.
Albright, James C.
Albritton, Deborah
Albritton, Ellen H.
Albritton, Timothy
Alcock, Angela G.
Alderman, Kristin A.
Alderson, Scott E.
Aldridge, Pamela C.
Aldridge, Rodney. G.
Alexander, Amy Dawn
Alexander, Anita A.
Alexander, David R.
Alexander, Edward G.
Alexander, Martha J.
Alexander, Melton E.
Alexander, Mysha L.
Alexander, Patrice E.
Alexander, Robert P.
Alexander, Robin E.
Alexander, Ronald C.
Alexander, Saranne
Alexander, Suzan E.
Alexander, Virginia
Alexander, William D.
Alford, Charles E.
Alford, Wanda Joy
Alford, Wyley Scott
Ali, Kausar

Ali, Mir Ajmal

Ali, Samyra Lea
Aliyetti, Paul Lee
Allan, Anne Margaret
Allan, Jacqueline T.
Allard, Christopher J.
Allen, Angela E.
Allen, Barbara Kaye
Allen, Barry Gene
Allen, Cheryl L.
Allen, Crystal D.
Allen, Cynthia Marie
Allen, Debra Lynn
Allen, Edward A.
Allen, Faila E.
Allen, Gail Atkins
Allen, Glenn Kevin
Allen, Jeffrey Steve
Allen, Joanna R.
Allen, John E.
Allen, Katherine A.
Allen, Kathleen A.
Allen, Kimberly Sue
Allen, Lisa Adele
Allen, Martha S.
Allen, Milton James
, Noel Wendy
, Pamela Gail
, Parrish K.
Pattie A.
Randy S.
, Robert Glenn
, Sally Jane
, Sarah Simpson
Sharon Kay
, Shelia A.
, Sherrice V.
, Sherry Ann
, Sonja Elaine
Stephanie G.
Sylvia Lynn
, Thomas Eric
, Timothy W.
, Vanessa Ann
, Vickie Renee
, Wanda L.
Wende Joyce
Allgood, Kendra Lou
Alligood, Bart Todd
Alligood, Gilbert R.
Alligood, Keith T.
Alligood, Mary Glyn
Allison, Regina Lynn
Allman, James F.
Allmon, Garry Lee
Allred, Darlene D.
Allred, Jolena Beth
Almond, Marcia Jones
Almond, Myra Ann
Alnaji, Raed A.
Aloia, Joseph Thomas
Alphin, Carla G.
Alphin, Carolyn P.
Alqallaf, Mahdik
Alridge, Richard P.
Alston, Connie F.
Alston, Doris Kay
Alston, Lucinda |.
Alston, Paula Chevell
Alston, Virgena G.
Alterini, John Martin
Altizer, John Divine
Altman, Andrew Paul
Altman, Angela Gail
Altman, Francis M.
Altman, Mary C.
Altrueter, Charles D.
Alvey, Carla B.
Ama, Catherine E.
Aman, Bessie Yvonne
Aman, Julie Page
Aman, William A.
Ambert, Eliana R.
Ambrose, Cynthia A.
Ambrose, Lisa Gaye
Amendolara, Ellen P.
Amerman, Karen Lee
Amerson, Karen C.
Amick, Brian A.
Amick, Jeffrey W.
Amick, Michael Todd
Amidon, Christopher
Ammon, Kelly M.
Ammons, Stephen R.
Amoreno, Thomas L.
Amos, Angela Gail
Anastasio, Robert J.
Anchors, Kelly
Anders, Owen James
Andersen, Kathleen
Andersen, Susan G.
Anderson, Anita Rose
Anderson, Anne S.
Anderson, Anzilla K.
Anderson, Danny Ray
Anderson, Dorothy, F.
Anderson, Edward J.
Anderson, Francine D.
Anderson, Gary Glenn
Anderson, James D.
Anderson, James H.
Anderson, Joseph G.
Anderson, Joy Lee
Anderson, Kathleen C.
Anderson, Margaret A.
Anderson, Patricia A.
Anderson, Patricia H.
Anderson, Penny June
Anderson, Phyllis D.
Anderson, Robert C.
Anderson, Robin M.
Anderson, Stacey D.
Anderson, Susan E.
Anderson, Tammy Sue
Anderson, Teresa Ann
Anderson, Tina A.
Andrake, Tamra Ann.
Andre, Carolyn M.
Andrek, Lisa Karen
Andrews, Alvin Brett
Andrews, Andrea E.
Andrews, Carl Lee
Andrews, David Paul
Andrews, Donna L.
Andrews, Hilda L.

Andrews, Jeffrey Todd
Andrews, John Edward
Andrews, Johnny B.
Andrews, Kenneth R.
Andrews, Kimberly Jo
Andrews, Laura Jean

, Lisa Dawn

, Peter A.

, Resa

, Victor

, Yolanda A.
Anelanre, Christine B.
Anello, Salvatore
Ange, Curtis G.
Ange, Troy Hugh
Angel, Amanda Gail
Annas, Lauren Beth
Ansley, John Mark
Ansley, Pamela Lynn
Anthony, Fred Edward
Anthony, Jeffrey J.

Anthony, John N.
Anthony, Victoria M.
Antle, Charles C.
Antwine, Lynwood E.
Apgar, Carl Leon
Apis, Sienna V.
Appiarius, Laura J.
Apple, Stephanie A.
Applegate, Joseph B.
Appling, Tracy Ann
Arata, George Peter
Archer, Avia A.
Archer, Wright R.
Archibald, Jennifer
Archibald, Sharon N.
Arcilesi, Mark V.
Argent, Joseph E.
Argent, Mary Jane
Argent, Robert S.
Ariffin, Mohamad T.
Arledge, James E.
Armistead, Robert L.
Armstrong, Christy L.
Armstrong, Eleanor G.
Armstrong, James E.
Armstrong, Marvin J.
Armstrong, Mary E.
Armstrong, Sharon K.
Armstrong, Tamara J.
Arno, James F.
Arnold, Candy Rose
Arnold, Carl E.
Arnold, Cindy G.
Arnold, Elizabeth M.
Arnold, Lynda Sue
Arnold, Minnie W.
Arnold, Robin C.
Arnold, Sylvia Joy
Arnold, Thomas L.
Arntz, Elizabeth Ann
Aroneo, Gregory J.
Aronson, Philippe G.
Arp, Carl Duncan
Arrington, Deborah T.
Arrington, Sharon L.
Arringtyon, Tonya D.
Arroyo, Yolanda G.
Arthur, Alan Dale
Arthur, Patricia M.
Arthurs, Donna Lynn
Artis, Ava Michelle
Artis, Bobby Ray
Artis, Gloria D.

Artis, Jennifer D.


Artis, Juanita A.
Artis, Phyllis M.

Artis, Susette M.
Asad, Ahmad Abed Rahi
Asbell, Thomas E.
Asbili, Toni Lynn
Ashburn, John W.
Ashe, Pearline
Ashford, Felix D.
Ashley, Thomas Hugh
Ashorn, Stella D.
Ashworth, Cary A.
Ashworth, Robert A.
Askew, Isadora D.
Askew, John Kevin
Askew, Jonathan T.
Askew, Mickey West
Askew, Preston Bryan
Askew, Sherri Lynn
Askew, Sylvia S.
Aslinger, James S.

Aswell, Bobby R.
Atherholt, Leslie F.
Athey, George R.
Atkins, Shirley Ann
Atkinson, Alan Dale
Atkinson, Carla C.
Atkinson, Charles L.
Atkinson, Gene T.
Atkinson, John H.
Atkinson, Permela T.
Atstupenas, Jo Anne
Atterbury, Carolyn A.
Atwater, Carey L.
Atwater, Lisa Jan
Atwater, Tonja F.
Aubry, Lisa Jane
Auch, Timothy W.
Aughenbaugh, Donald
August, Cynthia H.
Aung, Din Kenneth
Ausherman, Charles A.
Austin, Antoinette E.
Austin, Jeffrey G.
Austin, Martin J.
Austin, Wendy Dawn
Austin, William O.
Auton, Robert G.
Autry, Dewey H.
Autry, Jeffrey C.
Autry, Richard G.
Autry, Terri F.

Autry, Tommy Reed
Aven, John Brian
Avent, Neil David
Averette, Barnie W.
Averette, Phillip B.
Averitt, Clarence B.
Avery, Eleanor E.
Avery, Eanest L.
Avery, Laura Ann
Avery, Lynda G.
Avery, Marla G.
Avery, Scott David
Avery, Timothy G.
Avila, Berquis E.
Awang-Saperi, Dayangi
Axberg, William C.
Aycock, Lady Britton
Aycock, Susan E.
Aycock, Teresa Blair
Aydiett, Susan T.
Ayers, Charles E.
Ayers, Christopher L.
Ayers, Claudia L.

Ayers, Jeffrey E.
Ayers, Robin Dawn
Ayscue, David W.


Babb, Laura Lynn
Babcock, David O.
Baber, Stephen G.
Bachman, Sally Ann
Bachman, Heather A.
Backer, Roy A.

Badary, Bobby Lee
Baddad, Moneer Agel
Badger, Teresa D.
Baer, James L.
Baer, Jennifer P.
Baeringer, John C.
Baggett, Freda A.
Baggett, Roy Alden
Baggett, Teresa T.
Bagley, Davis T.
Bagley, George V.
Bagley, Mary W.
Bagliani, William
Bahaudin, Abd Rahman
Bahen, John Martin
Bahen, Julia Ann
Bahniuk, Molly Ann
Bailey, Alan R.
Bailey, Betty Dana
Bailey, Carl W.
Bailey, Carol L.
Bailey, Deborah D.
Bailey, Donald E.
Bailey, Gayle S.
Bailey, James Alan
Bailey, Juanita T.
Bailey, Lester E.
Bailey, Lisa Hazel
Bailey, Phyllis Jean
Bailey, Stella M.
Bailey, Tina S.
Bailey, Willa S.
Bailey, William Ryan
Baines, Bryan Dean
Baird, Gina Gray
Baity, Nancy L.
Baka, Linda K.
Baker, Allison Rose
Baker, Amy Jean
Baker, Aubrey Reid
Baker, Baron D.
Baker, Catherine L.
Baker, Charles Robert
Baker, Chris F.
Baker, Darlene E.
Baker, Debra C.
Baker, Dollinda Ann
Baker, Frances S.
Baker, Gwendolyn E.
Baker, Jacqueline Ann
Baker, Karen A.
Baker, Karen D.
Baker, Kimberly Ann
Baker, Laurie Burke

, Leah L.

, Leigh Michele
, Linda Jean

, Luby D.

, Mark Bryan

, Mary Grace

, Michael B.

, Michael H.

, Nancy D.

, Rebecca P.

, Robert N.

, Roger Alan

, Rosalie K.

, Sherri Beth

, Stephen Alan
, Susan Alison
, Susan Jean

, Susan Marie
, Tethys M.

, Thomas Nelson
, Timothy Byers

Baker, Timothy T.
Baker, Tina Marie
Baker, Tony F.
Baker, Wallace R.
Baker, Warren A.
Bakis, Thomas Andrew
Balcome, Margaret J.
Baldi, Dawn Marie
Baldree, Lou Anne
Baldree, Nelson I.
Baldwin, Boyce D.
Baldwin, David R.
Baldwin, James T.
Baldwin, Jason A.
Baldwin, Kathleen A.
Baldwin, Kerry Ann
Baldwin, Lois Karen
Baldwin, Lori G.
Baldwin, Randall G.
Baldwin, Sandra G.
Baldwin, Sonya D.
Bales, Theodore E.
Balint, Bridget M.
Ball, Dianna Janet
Ball, Michael Todd
Ballance, Connie E.
Ballantyne, Kathryn
Ballard, Barbara A.
Ballard, Roy E.
Ballard, Theda G.
Ballard, Thomas E.
Ballew, Denese D.
Ballinger, Bonner J.
Baltimore, Cynthia D.
Bancale, Kimberly A.
Banks, Carolyn R.
Banks, Cynthia A.
Banks, Janet L.
Banks, John Robert
Banks, Judith Ann
Banks, Keith Lee3
Banks, Kevin A.
Bannerman, Cassandra
Bannister, David
Bannister, Myra
Bannister, Rolly
Bannon, Marion C.
Banta, Bonni Sue
Bantos, Deborah Ann
Banu, Sayeeda
Bager, Taleb
Baranowski, Carol
Baranowski, Teri L.
Barbe, Susan C.

Barbee, Amy Lynne
Barbee, Betty J.
Barbee, Elizabeth
Barbee, Jon Maria
Barbee, Rebecca
Barber, Christopher
Barber, Elizabeth
Barber, Gretchen
Barber, Harold
Barber, Jasper
Barber, Joseph
Barber, Lynn R.
Barber, Michele
Barber, Olive
Barber, Robbie
Barber, Stefanie
Barbour, Beverly
Barbre, Nellie
Barclay, Desmond
Barclay, Theodor
Barczak, Elizabeth

Barden, Camille
Barden, Carole
Bardin, Sharon
Bardwell, John
Bare, Laura
Barefoot, Deirdre
Barefoot, Duncan
Barefoot, Jeffrey
Barefoot, Julius
Barefoot, Ricky
Barefoot, Robert
Barefoot, Teresa
Barefoot, Wynne
Barfield, Debra
Barfield, Jefferey
Barfield, Lanie
Barfield, Richard
Barger, Janet
Barham, Earl Wayne
Barham, Kelley
Barham, Laurie
Barham, Ricky
Barham, William
Bari, Abd Rauf
Barkand, Linda
Barker, Barney
Barker, James
Barker, Kyle
Barker, Lisa
Barker, Mark
Barker, Susan
Barkhurst, Wendy
Barkley, Cynthia
Barkley, Tanya
Barlow, Gary
Barlow, Pamela
Barnard, James
Barnard, Jeffrey
Barnebee, Robin
Barnes, Angel
Barnes, Angela
Barnes, Barbara
Barnes, Belinda
Barnes, Blair
Barnes, Carol
Barnes, Jennifer
Barnes, John Lewis
Barnes, John William
Barnes, Kelly
Barnes, Leatrice
Barnes, Lisa Darlene
Barnes, Lisa Jo
Barnes, Lynn R.
Barnes, Madge Lou

Barnes, Marvin
Barnes, Mary Alice
Barnes, Mary Angelia
Barnes, Mary Frances
Barnes, Matra Michell
Barnes, Melanie Anne
Barnes, Micheie
Barnes, Nora Kay
Barnes, Richard J.
Barnes, Shelia G.
Barnes, Sheridan A.
Barnes, Victor R.
Barnes, Wesley J.
Barnes, William D.
Barnett, Derrel S.
Barnett, Glennie
Barnett, Robert W.
Barnette, Anita R.
Barnette, Daniel C.
Barnette, Nancy C.
Barnhardt, Donna

Barnhardt, John D.
Barnhardt, Stephen
Barnhart, James T.
Barnhart, Todd W.
Barnhill, Elizabeth
Barnhill, Lisa B.
Barnhill, Maureen
Barnhill, William M.
Barnum, Lauralee
Barnwell, Maria E.
Barnwell, Renee P.
Baro, Maria A.
Barone, Syanley
Barr, Christopher
Barr, Susanne M.
Barrett, Beverly Jo
Barrett, Lynda Ann
Barrett, William R.
Barrow, Amy S.
Barrow, Berry Todd
Barrow, Carl Wayne
Barrow, Cindy Lou
Barrow, Hilda Pate
Barrow, Janet B.
Barrow, Katherine M.
Barrow, Robert B.
Bartelt, Aimee J.
Bartha, Sharon
Bartholomew, Arthur
Bartholomew, Betsy
Bartlett, Connie R.
Bartlett, Joanne M.
Bartlett, Michael
Bartlett, Robert A.
Barton, Billie M.
Barton, Jennifer
Barwick, Michael
Barwick, Patricia
Barwick, Randy S.
Barwick, Rhonda F.
Barwick, Robert L.
Barwick, Robin Jo
Barwick, Walter R.
Bascome, Howard
Basinger, Ashlee M.
Basnight, Stephen G.
Bass, Angela L.
Bass, Brenda Gail
Bass, Daniel E.
Bass, David L.
Bass, Deborah A.
Bass, Donald Jay
Bass, Erskine W.
Bass, Frances B.


Bass, Jeffery L.
Bass, Larry E.
Bass, Leon

Bass, Paul Albert
Bass, Robin Gay
Bass, Susan Allison
Bass, Tamara Dawn
Bass, William S.
Bassett, Wendy R.
Batchelor, Alvin
Batchelor, Cheryl
Batchelor, lan J.
Batchelor, Jeffery D.
Batchelor, Rhonda M.
Batchelor, William H.
Bateman, Bruce W.
Bates, Kemberly M.
Bath, Stephen C.
Batson, Cynthia A.
Batten, David H.
Batten, Jeanne G.
Battle, Barbara J.
Battle, Bonita L.
Battle, Derrick M.
Battle, Eric L.
Battle, Kimberly C.
Battle, Natanlyn M.
Battle, Wanda Lynne
Battle, William L.
Batts, Ellen Ruth
Batts, Lynn A.
Batts, Mark Burrel
Batts, Renee G.
Batts, Tammy L.
Batts, William R.
Bauer, David Alan
Bauer, Kristen Anne
Bauer, Robert S.
Baughan, Jennifer
Bauman, Henry J.
Bauzon, Delbert D.
Baverstock, William
Baxter, Diane L.
Bayles, Dayna L.
Bayliss, Thomas A.
Bays, Judy Ann
Baysden Randy G.
Bazemore, Darryl
Bazemore, Vivian
Beach, Patrick C.
Beacham, Helen J.
Beacham Natalie A.
Beairsto, Joseph
Beakey, James E.
Beal, Alice Ann
Beale, John Thomas
Beam, Charlene M.
Beam, Curtis Todd
Beam, David Robert
Beam, Heather A.
Beam, Joel Whitt
Beam, Stuart Alan
Beaman, Carlton R.
Beaman, Jan Kay
Beaman, Kelly Jewel
Beaman, Kimberly G
Beaman, Sally Ann
Beaman, Stephen M.
Beaman, Susan Marie
Beamer, Mark E.
Beamon, James Lee
Bean, Hurbert J.
Bean, Janice P.
Bean, Louis C.
Beard, David Bernon
Beard, Derrick Hamlit
Beard, James A.
Beasley, Bradley C.
Beasley, Cameron S.
Beasley, David J.
Beasley, Kelly L.
Beasley, Laurie L.
Beasley, Lindsay P.
Beasley, Philip D.
Beason, Natalie J.
Beattie, Margaret
Beatty, Harold T.
Beatty, John F.
Beatty, Sharon M.
Beatty, Vernar M.
Beauchaine, Lisa
Beauchamp, Dennis
Beaujean, Michelle
Beaver, Kimberly
Beavers, Rose Marie
Bebber, Van Dorn
Beck, Anita Carol -
Beck, Franklin G.
Beck, Keith C.
Beck, Laurie J.
Beck, Maria D.
Beck, Mark J.

Beck, Miriam B.
Beck, Pamela Sue
Becker, Alison D.
Becker, Richard F.
Becker, Robert J.
Beckman, Michael
Beckner, Elizabeth
Beckwith, Patricia
Becton, Levy M.
Beddingfield, William
Bedell, Kelly Ann
Bedell, Theodore
Bedsole, Pamela
Beech, Lanie E.
Beeker, Richard T.
Beeker, Shelia T.
Beeson, Joel D.
Beetham, Kathleen
Beheler, Sherry D.
Behfar, Kasra
Behrendt, Bruce
Belch, Thomas D.
Belcher, Lisa R.
Belcher, Mark S.
Bell, Connie D.

Bell, Douglas S.
Bell, Gregory S.
Bell, Jeffery A.

Bell, Larry M.

Bell, Maria Ann

Bell, Mary Isabelle
Bell, Michael A.
Bell, Michael K.


Bell, Mona Kay
Bell, Natalie D.
Bell, Rhem S.

Bell, Shelia J.

Bell, Vinetta M.
Bell, William D
Bellis, Vincent J.
Belton, Cleo C.
Belton, Valerie L.
Belvin, Patti R
Bender, Harvey
Benfield, Dwayne
Benfield, Kathy J.
Benfield, Lisa R.
Benjamin, Angela
Bennett, Arthur K.
Bennett, Carolyn S.
Bennett, Deborah L.
Bennett, Jennifer A.
Bennett, Joy Ann
Bennett, Kimberly
Bennett, Larry K.
Bennett, Lori Ann
Bennett, Mary W.
Bennett, Nancy M.
Bennett, Sharon A.
Bennett, Wanda L.
Bennick, Tammy L.
Bennington, James
Benson, Donna M.
Benson, Floyd D.
Benson, Gary Jay
Benson, Martin G.
Benson, Pamela W.
Benson, Tina L.
Benthall, Annette
Benthall, Thomas
Bentley, Rhonda L.
Benton, Arlean L.
Benton, Mary Ruth
Benton, Michael Ray
Benton, Shelia Jo
Benton, Stephanie
Bequette, Kathryn
Berberich, Thomas
Berbert, Ruth A.
Berendsen, Mark S.
Berg, Abby

Berg, Steven A.
Berge, Kari Anne
Bergen, James L
Berger, Howard S.
Bergman, Susan E.
Berquist, Sonya M.
Berkey, Dawn A.
Berkowitz, Jeffrey R.
Bermant, Laura D.
Bernard, Lisa J.
Bernath, Debra E.
Berntsen, Rose D.
Bernwimkler, Joseph
Berrier, Cynthia L.
Berry, Antoinette
Berry, Bruce D.
Berry, Charles D.
Berry, Christopher
Berry, Larry G.
Berry, Lisa D.
Berry, Melinda A.
Berry, Phyllis J.
Berry, Scott C.
Berry, Tracy D.
Berryman, Stephanie
Bertagnolli, Jefferey
Bess, Darryl E.
Bess, Evoria L.
Bessent, Yvette E.
Best, Angela D.
Best, Barbara B.
Best, Cassandra
Best, Civil Suzette
Best, David J.
Best, David Michael
Best, Debra S.
Best, Elaine P.
Best, Janet M.
Best, Jefferey W.
Best, John M.

Best, Marsha L.
Best, Mary Ann
Best, Mary Scott
Best, Melody D.
Best, Priscilla R.
Best, Sharon L.
Best, Shelisa M.
Bethea, Alma J.
Betterton, William O.
Betts, Jill E.

Beverage, Thomas G.

Beveridge, Anna E.
Bevis, Richard A.
Beyert, Robert
Bianco, Donald
Bibb, Margaret
Bienes, Marilee
Biggers, Jamie A.
Biggers, Micheal S.
Beggerstaff, Michael
Biggs, John S.
Biggs, Tammie M.
Biggs, Timothy R.
Biglin, Richard P.
Biles, Arthur L.
Biliouris, Maria L.
Bilisoly, Elizabeth
Billingsley, Rebecca
Bills, Joanne G.
Binder, August R.
Binns, Diane M.
Binns, Frank G.
Bird, Charles K.
Bird, Nancy Jo
Bird, Robert W.
Birdsong, Holly
Biricki, Yesim

Biro, Elizabeth
Bishop, Alicia J.
Bishop, Antoinette
Bishop, Brigette
Bishop, Charles E.
Bishop, Diane M.
Bishop, Garry L.
Bishop, Jaqueline
Bishop, Michael W.
Bishop, Nathan M.

Bishop, Seanne A.
Bishop, William W.
Bissell, Thomas
Bissette, Janet
Bissette, Lisa C.
Bivins, Marydale
Bjorkman, David
Black, James M.
Black, Jody T.
Black, Myron R.
Black, Williard
Blackburn, Pamela
Blackley, Connie D.
Blackley, Karen L.
Blackley, Teresa
Blackman, Cynthia
Blackman, Regina
Blackmon, Dwayne
Blackmon, Melissa
Blackmon, Peggy
Blackmon, Phyllis

Blackmon, Tina A.
Blacknall, Rodney
Blackwelder, Violet
Blackwell, Charles
Blackwell, Darrell
Blackwell, Faith E.
Blackwell, Stephen
Blackwell, Virginia
Blackwell, Wayne C.

Blackwood, Dianne R.

Blahove, Mark
Blaine, Kimberly
Blaine, Stacy Jo
Blair, Carl L.

Blair, Heather
Blair, James S.
Blair, Mott Parks
Blair, Philip A.
Blake, Amy K.
Blake, Susan Marie
Blake, Tempie Sue
Blakley, Shelia R
Blakemore, Richard
Blalock, Charles J.
Blalock, Pamela K.
Blalock, Patricia
Blanchard, Susan E.
Bland, Clarence
Bland, Connie L.
Bland, Coral J.
Bland, John C.
Bland, Patricia
Bland, Raleigh W.
Bland, Robin R.
Blankenship, Alan
Blanks, William K.
Blanton, Duchess M.
Blanton, Kimly S.
Blanton, Modestine
Blanton, Patsy L.
Blanton, Patsy L.
Blanton, Robert W.
Blanton, Thomas
Blassic, James F.
Bledsoe, Mary E.

Blewitt, Donald
Blizzard, Julie M.
Blizzard, Sidney A.
Blizzard, Stephen M.
Blizzard, Susan L.
Bloomer, James G.
Blount, David
Blount, Larry
Blount, Margaret K.
Blount, Randy E

, Robert E

, Stuart T.
Blowe, Charlotte
Blowe, Vicki S.
Blue, Edward O.
Blue, Vivian
Blunt, Barbara A.
Bly, Linda D.
Blythe, Jimmy G.
Blythe, Mary Ellen
Board, Charles F.

Boardman, Elbridge
Bobbins, Steve R.
Bobbit, Wray C.
Bock, Jennifer R.
Bock, Nicholas J.
Boddie, Robin R.
Bode, Donald C.
Bode, Whichard H.
Bodily, Darla M.
Boffelli, Peter
Bogan, Heather M.
Bogart, Veronica A.
Bogdan, Christopher
Boggs, Carl Wayne
Boggs, Heather A.
Boggs, Margaret S.
Boggs, Ronisa D.
Bogle, Phillip
Bogue, Mark David
Bohler, William Todd
Boisvert, Lisa M.
Boiter, James W
Bolch, Jefferey M.
Bloden, Pamela J.
Bolding, Donna K.
Bolen, Paul L.
Bolger, Catherine
Bolin, Mark Anthony
Boling, Sarah R
Boling, Shannon M.
Bollinger, Donna G.
Boltinhouse, Charles
Bolton, Kenneth T.
Bolton, Terral A.
Bolton, William G.
Bolton, William P.
Bond, Carolyn C.
Bond, Felecia V.
Bond, Linda M.
Bonddurant, William
Bone, Wynn R.
Bonesteel, Amy
Boneta, Ingrid
Bonner, Harriet
Bono, Cherly Anne

Bonsignore, Dianne
Booher, Deborah L
Book, John Perry
Booke, Martha E.
Boomer, Frances
Boone, Debra P.
Boone, Edward B.
Boone, Gregory
Boone, Helton C.
Boone, James H.
Boone, Karen D
Boone, Kimberly
Boone, Rebecca A.
Boone, Ricky T.

, Ronda R.

, Susan M.

, Tammy R.

, Terence

, William D

, William T.

, Elaine

Booth, Lari Lyn
Booth, Mary Frances
Boothe, Harold V.
Boots, Constance
Borchert, Patricia
Bordeaux, Marshall
Borders, Veronica
Bosley, Patience E
Bost, Dawne E.
Bost, Donna D.
Bost, Raymond L.
Boster, Kendra
Bostic, Lisa M.
Boswell, Sherry
Boswell, Walter
Bottom, Paul D.
Boudreaux, Joan
Boudreaux, Penny
Boudreaux, Susan
Boulden, Amy Marie
Boulden, Susan D.
Boulware, Travis
Bourgeois, Kenneth
Bousman, Thomas M.
Bousman, William
Bouzigard, Maria
Boward, Martha L.
Bowden, Johnny R.
Bowden, William L.
Bowen, Amy L.
Bowen, Anne W.
Bowen, Bobby Ray
Bowen, Brenda A.
Bowen, Elizabeth
Bowen, Griffin H.
Bowen, Kenneth R.
Bowen, Kevin W.
Bowen, Raleigh
Bowen, Richard D.
Bowen, William
Bowens, Patrick
Bower, Rebecca Jo
Bowers, Anthony W.
Bowers, Judith
Bowers, Kimberly

Bowers, Sophia
Bowles, Andrew
Bowles, Scott
Bowles, Timothy
Bowling, Kenneth
Bowling, Marvin
Bowman, Beth C
Bowman, Kimberly
Bowman, Lydia G
Bowman, Nancy L
Bowman, Ralph
Bowman, Robin
Bowman, Wanda
Bowns, Scott M
Bowyer, Franklin
Bowyer, Karen L.
Boyce, Oneida R
Boyd, Anne H
Boyd, Charlene C.
Boyd, John William
Boyd, Judy Jean

Boyd, Karen L.
Boyd, Leslie R
Boyd, Margaret D.
Boyd, Marie E
Boyd, Patricia L
Boyd, Patricia Lynn
Boyd, Stephen C.
Boyd, Thomas W.
Boyd, William
Boyden, Karen Susan
Boyette, Beverly
Boyette, David G
Boyette, Deanna
Boyette, James A
Boyette, John E.
Boyette, Margaret
Boyette, Mosley G
Boyette, Phyllis
Boyette, Stacey E.
Boykin, Alisa T.
Boykin, Hardy R
Boykin, Linda E.
Boykin, Luther
Boykin, Shannon L.
Boykin, Susan F.
Boylan, Janet M.
Boyle, Christopher
Boyle, Judith M.
Boyle, Michael S
Boyles, Dara L.
Boyles, Kimberly
Boyles, Terry W.
Braak, Kenneth
Brackenhoff, Robert
Brackett, Maranda
Bradberry, Christopher
Braddy, George G
Braddy, Laura A.
Braddy, Leisa C.
Braddy, Nepoleon
Bardford, Barbara
Bradford, Karin
Bradham, Mary E.

Bradicichi, Lois
Bradley, Barbara
Bradley, Brenda
Bradley, David A
Bradley, Eddie P.
Bradley, Ludwig
Bradley, Mary S
Bradley, Michael
Bradley, Robert M
Bradley, Sharon E
Bradshaw, Council
Bradshaw, Cynthia
Bradshaw, Edward
Bradshaw, Jefferey
Bradshaw, Karen E
Bradshaw, Kelly W.
Bradshaw, Pamela
Bradshaw, Pamela S
Bradshaw, Susan C
Bradshaw, Thomas W.
Bradsher, John C

Bradsher, Steven L
Bradsher, Susan S
Bradsher, Wallace
Brady, Elizabeth
Brady, Ramona B.
Brady, Sara L
Brady, Scott J
Brady, Shawn B
Brady, Timothy
Bragg, Edward L
Bragg, Sylvia
Bramble, Alena
Bramble, Victoria
Brame, Thomas F.
Bramley, Richard
Branch, Asa G.
Branch, Carol
Branch, Carolyn
Branch, Darla S
Branch, Donna M.
Branch, Ella J.
Branch, James E
Branch, Lula B
Branch, Mary K.
Branch, Priscilla
Branch, Reginald
Branch, Renee L.
Branch, Ricky K.
Branch, Velma A
Brandenburg, Renee
Brandle, Gregory S
Brandon, Rebecca A.
Brandon, Thomas H.
Brannan, Alan R
Brannan, David C.
Brannan, Helen V.
Brannon, Cathy L
Brannon, Robert
Bransom, Barbara
Brantham, Alan R.
Brantingham, David
Brantley, Claudia
Brantley, Linda B
Brantley, Pamela
Braswell, David C.

Braswell, James A.
Braswell, Janice
Braswell, Kathleen
Braswell, Kenneth
Braswell, Sandra
Bratcher, Wanda
Braudrick, Tersa
Braun, Elayna M
Brawley, Deborah
Brawley, Larry T.
Braxton, Albert
Braxton, Gina D
Braxton, Lori K
Braxton, Paul S
Bray, Timothy W
Brazell, James
Breault, Kristan
Breece, David N
Breedlove, Donna
Breedlove, Kevin
Breen, Joseph A
Bremer, Ruth Y.
Brendle, William
Brenes, Juan M
Breniman, Warren
Brennan, Patrick
Brenner, Beverly
Bretnaill, Lori A
Brett, Lisa L
Brewer, Amy E
Brewer, C. Ann
Brewer, Cecilia
Brewer, Clay D
Brewer, David L
Brewer, Jeannie
Brewer, Jennifer
Brewer, Jo Ann
Brewer, Katrina
Brewer, Lushon W
Brewer, Roderick
Brewer, Rosemary
Brewer, Roy D
Brewer, Sherrie
Brewer, Sherry E
Brewer, Stephanie
Brewer, William J
Brewington, Drusilla
Brewington, James W
Brewington, John H
Brewster, James R
Brewster, Paul R
Brian, Karen

Brice, Marty E
Brickhouse, Linda
Brickhouse, Neal
Brickhouse, Theo
Bridgens, Kimberly
Bridger, Matthew
Bridgers, Cassandra
Bridgers, John M
Bridgers, Scott C
Bridgers, Stephen
Bridges, Christopher
Bridges, Shasta E
Bridgman, Pamela
Brier, Dana W
Brigel, John E
Briggs, Carol D
Briggs, Evelyn
Briggs, Karen D
Briggs, Kathryn
Briggs, Lisa
Bright, Bert S
Bright, Connie
Bright, Michele
Briglia, Michael
Briley, Connie
Briley, Deborah
Briley, Jamie C.
Briley, Mary K
Briley, Rodney L
Briley, Ruby G
Briley, Stacey L
Briley, Stuart E
Briley, Teresa L
Briley, Terri F.
Brimage, Phyllis L
Brinkley, Douglas
Brinkley, Jack D
Brinkley, Kim D
Brinkley, Stephen W
Brinkley, Willie C
Brinkman, Linda E.
Brinn, Debbie M
Brinn, Fentress P.
Brinn, William J
Brinson, Cynthia
Brinson, Frances W
Brinson, Harvey K
Brinson, Katherine
Brinson, Kevin M
Brinson, Laura D
Brinson, Sherri D
Brinson, Vanessa D.
Bristol, Donna F.
Britt, Camille R
Britt, George J
Britt, Holly A

Britt, Jack Brooks
Britt, Jackie Lynn
Britt, Jacqueline
Britt, Janet Lynn
Britt, Jefferey M.
Britt, John Wesley
Britt, Josie L

Britt, Keith A

Britt, Kenneth G
Britt, Pamela M.
Britt, Sara S

Britt, Sylvia M
Britt, William J.
Brittain, Gregory K.
Brittingham, Paula
Brittle, Rebecca A
Britton, M. Elizabeth
Britton, Rhonda J
Britton, Russ N
Broaddus, Helen R
Broadhead, Stephen
Broadhurst, Philip
Broadhurst, Steven K
Broadwell, Timothy J.
Brock, Karen L
Brock, Kimberly A
Brock, Marcus K.


Brock, Pamela G.
Brock, Stephen D.
Brock, Stephen T.
Brock, Sue Ellen
Brock, Timothy W.
Brockman, David
Brockschmitt, Bruce
Brogan, Julie M.
Bronstein, Diane
Brooker, Jennifer
Brooks, Amy M.
Brooks, Anne E.
Brooks, Christopher
Brooks, David W.
Brooks, Dawn Kaye
Brooks, Donna G.
Brooks, Geoffrey
Brooks, Harry Lee
Brooks, Jeanette
Brooks, Lawrence
Brooks, Lisa R.
Brooks, Mark S.
Brooks, Robert W.
Brooks, Teresa A.
Brooks, Teresa L.
Brooks, Tonja D.
Brooks, William T.
Brookshire, Miriam
Brophy, Keira
Brothers, Floyd
Broudy, Peter M.
Browder, Lisa A.
Brower, Jeannie
Brower, Lisa M.
Brown, Amelia K.
Brown, Anthony W.
Brown, Barbara T.
Brown, Bradford
Brown, Bradley C.
Brown, Brenda S.
Brown, Charles E.
Brown, Charles M.
Brown, Christopher
Brown, Cora Cox
Brown, Dallas D.
Brown, Darius N.
Brown, David B.
, David F.
, David W.
, Don Todd
, Donna G.
, Edward T.
, Elizabeth B.
, Elizabeth E.
, Ella Louise
, Ellen C.
, Gary Laverne
, Halcey W.
, Henry E.
, Jacqueline
Jacquelyn L.
, James L.
, Jamie H.
, Janice A.
, Janice M.
, Jayne E.
, Jefferey D.
, Jennifer C.
Jenny L.
, Jill C.
, Joseph T.
, Joy L.
, Kimberly C.
Lamont M.
, Laurie A.
, Lawrence A.
, Leigh A.
, Linda H.
Lisa A.
Lisa C.
, Lorraine M.
, Madeline G.
, Margaret P.
, Mark Edward
, Mark Edwin
, Mark H.
Mark William
, Marva J.
Matthew K.
Melanie L.
Michael A.
, Michael T.
, Michael V.
Michelle A.
Monica P.
Oscar H.
Pamela F.
Brown, Patricia J.
Brown, Patricia P.
Brown, Patricia R.
Brown, Patrick L.
Brown, Rebecca F.
Brown, Richard E.
Brown, Robert
Brown, Robin Lynn
Brown, Sandra B.
Brown, Shawn R.
Brown, Sherry A.
Brown, Sonya K.
Brown, Stephanie
Brown, Steven W.
Brown, Susan E:
Brown, Tammy E.
Brown, Teresa A.
Brown, Thomas B.
Brown, Thomas E.
Brown, Tonya Lynn
Brown, Wayne J.
Brown, Wendy L.
Brown, William D.

Brown, William Douglas

Brown, William H.
Brown, Zina G.
Browne, George H.
Browne, Stephen
Browne, William M.
Browning, Lisa S.
Browning, Michael
Brozinick, Joseph
Brubaker, Jennifer
Bruce, Deborah L.
Bruce, Karen L.
Bruce, Linda Ann
Brueck, Cynthia
Brueggman, Beth

Brugh, Robert C.
Brummitt, Gina D.
Brunetz, Mark H.
Brunk, Lana L.
Brunk, Tracy D.
Brunson, John J.
Brush, Kelli M.
Brush, Scott W.
Bruton, Randy W.
Bryan, Ann Taylor
Bryan, Carolyn F.
Bryan, David Charles
Bryan, Gilbert
Bryan, James A.
Bryan, Joseph S.
Bryan, Mary Holland
Bryan, Paige Ellen
Bryan, Tamara L.
Bryan, Tina M.
Bryant, Alaina
Bryant, Antoinette
Bryant, Becky Jo
Bryant, Bobbi G.
Bryant, Carol Sue
Bryant, Christopher
Bryant, Elizabeth
Bryant, Gary R.
Bryant, John Paul
Bryant, Karen D.
Bryant, Kimberly
Bryant, Laura Marie
Bryant, Leila J.
Bryant, Lisa M.
Bryant, Michael S.
Bryant, Michael Shane
Bryant, Ozell
Bryant, Scotty A.
Bryant, Sharon
Bryant, Stephen W.
Bryant, Wade Leonard
Bryant, Walter A.
Bryant, Walter L.
Bryant, Wayne L.
Brydges, Dean H.
Bryson, Kent P.
Bryson, Marna D.
Bubenhoffer, Frederick
Buchanan, Carol Ann
Buchanan, Gary N.
Buchanan, Tracy L.
Buck, Anita F.

Buck, Barbara A.
Buck, Bryan Hugh
Buck, Gena C.
Buck, Joseph E.
Buck, Joseph G.
Buck, Lisa D.

Buck, Scott M.
Buck, Wanda Sue
Buckhold, Gregory
Buckley, Robert A.
Buday, Kenneth J.
Budris, Toni Jo
Buell, Betsy C.
Buennemeter, Jeffery
Buerkley, Christopher
Bugner, Kevin Charles
Buie, Benjamin E.
Buie, Gwendolyn R.
Buie, Phyllis M.
Buie, Thomas Baxter
Bulger, John Joseph
Bullard, Myra Lynn
Bullard, Pamela S.
Bullard, Stefanie
Bullock, Charles
Bullock, Cindy L.
Bullock, Donna O.
Bullock, Dwight A.
Bullock, Gregory C.
Bullock, Gwen E.
Bullock, Kenneth D.
Bullock, Melissa D.
Bullock, Monica J.
Bullock, Nancy C.
Bullock, Sandra A.
Bullock, Sandra F.
Bullock, Sheila D.
Bullock, Shelby V.
Bullock, Wallace
Bullock, Wanda K.
Bumgarner, Cynthia
Bumgarner, Michael
Bunce, Isla

Bunce, Karen L.
Bunch, Anthony T.
Bunch, Beverly A.
Bunch, Claudia L.
Bunch, John H.
Bunch, Maurice L.
Bunch, Melanie A.
Bunch, Pamela L.
Bunch, Patricia L.
Bundy, Pamela M.
Bundy, William W.
Bunn, David Carl
Bunn, Jacquelyn
Bunn, James Anthony
Bunn, James Arthur
Bunn, James Bruce
Bunn, Miriam E.
Bunn, Sharon Lee
Bunn, William H.
Bunnell, Brenda
Bunnell, Owen S.
Bunt, Stacey L.
Bunting, Amy Lou
Bunting, Christopher
Bunting, Heidi V.
Bunting, William W.
Bunton, Michael E.
Burbage, Gary Roper
Burch, Bonnie M.
Burchall, Barbara J.
Burchard, Pamela C.
Burchfield, Nena M.
Burd, Theresa L.
Burden, Cynthia K.
Burdick, Todd Charles
Buresli, Khalifah A.
Burfeind, James H.
Burgess, Erna Carol
Burgess, Judy Gail
Burgess, Kim L.
Burgess, Linda C.


Burgess, Roberta
Burgess, Trudy Dale
Burgwyn, Elizabeth
Burgwyn, John G.
Burke, Brian P.
Burkett, Lori K.
Burkhart, David Lee
Burks, Arthur Lee
Burks, William N.
Burleigh, Elizabeth
Burleson, Barrett G.
Burleson, Corinne C.
Burley, Helen M.
Burnet, Arthur L.
Burnett, Anthony T.
Burnett, Carey J.
Burnett, Elizabeth D.
Burnette, Darrell
Burnette, Joan E.
Burnette, Krista K.
Burnette, Neil S.
Burnette, Patrick
Burney, Cynthia Jo
Burns, Christopher
Burns, Donald Earl
Burns, Evan Randolph
Burns, Kathleen M.
Burns, Robert C.
Burns, Sandra S.
Burrage, Beverly
Burrell, Martin Clark
Burrell, Robert M.
Burris, Richard R.
Burroughs, Eugenia
Burrus, Amy A.
Burrus, Gruver M.
Burruss, Serna A.
Burt, Sharon D.
Burt, Travis M.
Burton, Annette C.
Burton, David S.
Burton, Robert M.
Burtt, Marcia E.
Busa, Paul Edward
Busam, Carol M.
Busby, Eric O.
Buscemi, Michael A.
Bush, Cameron C.
Bush, Maureen E.
Bush, Sandra D.
Bustle, Brent D.
Bustle, David M.
Butcher, Dennis M.
Butcher, Yolanda L.
Butler, Carla Cox
Butler, Charles E.
Butler, Donna E.
Butler, Jackie C.
Butler, John L.
Butler, Kathleen
Butler, Kimberly A.
Butler, Laura Anne
Butler, Melissa A.

Butler, Sarah Pace
Butler, Shelly E.
Butler, Trudy D.
Butler, Yonnie D.
Butrum, Leanne
Butterworth, Anne
Butzgy, Michael S.
Byars, Robert J.
Byerly, Katherine
Byers, Nancy Berg
Byers, William B.
Bynem, Deirdra F.
Byng, Kristin T.
Bynum, Chris
Bynum, Durant H.
Bynum, Elisabth
Bynum, Laurie L.
Bynum, Manwell L.
Byrd, Anita S.
Byrd, Audrey W.
Byrd, Britton A.
Byrd, Carol H.
Byrd, Carol S.
Byrd, Christina
Byrd, Darlene G.
Elaine K.
, Elaine M.
, Frederick
, Gaynelle
, James William
, Kevin Samuel
, Linda S.
, Megan Lynn
, Michael
, Patricia
, Robert T.
, Travis G.
yrd, Teresa M.
Byrum, David S.

Cabaniss, Sara Lynne
Cabello, Carmen D.
Caddell, Robin B.
Cade, Carol J.

Cagle, Kimberly S.
Cagle, Reginald
Cahoon, Lela Frances
Cahoon, Mark K.
Caibe, Wendy E.
Cain, Joel Lee

Cain, Joseph A.

Cain, Kimberly S.

Cain, Shannon G.
Cain, Shiela M.
Cain, Tracy R.
Calder, Donna M.
Caldwell, Brenda
Caldwell, Claire
Caldwell, James E.
Caldwell, Janae W.
Caldwell, Kelly J.
Cale, Becky Young
Cale, Jerry Lynn
Cale, Venita G.
Calhoun, David W.
Calhoun, Jennifer
Calhoun, Jessamine
Call, Claire J.
Callahan, David G.
Callicoat, Paul E.
Callo, Catherine
Calmes, Marie L.
Caltabellotta, Barbara
Calvert, Teresa
Camacho, Luis A.
Camden, John M.
Cameron, Karen J.
Cameron, Richard H.
Cameron, Sonya G.
Cameron, Sybil G.
Camp, Jeffrey T.
Camp, Sharon P.
Campanaro, Patrick
Campano, Ralph H.
Campbell, Andrea
Campbell, Christopher
Campbell, Crystal L.
Campbell, Deanna J.
Campbell, Donald G.
Campbell, George M.
Campbell, Grady C.
Campbell, Howard B.
Campbell, James A.
Campbell, Jeanne
Campbell, Joseph
Campbell, Karen L.
Campbell, Mark S.
Campbell, Martha C.
Campbell, Michael
Campbell, Pamela L.
Campbell, Rachel E.
Campbell, Sally B.
Campbell, Sonya A.
Campbell, Thomas A.
Camper, Kevin R.
Camper, Tina K.
Campion, Bernadine
Campos, Hector M.
Canada, Deborah E.
Canady, Jeffrey
Canady, Lorie Ann
Canale, Caryn Ann
Canby, Cheryl L.
Canfield, Karen B.
Cann, Monica I.

Cannady, Jody R.
Cannon, Deborah C.
Cannon, Donald K.

, Gregory S.

, Lamont W.

, Margaret A.

, Mary Ellen

, Michael L.

, Pamela K.

, Patricia A.

, Tracy A.

, Wesley
Canter, Dana M.
Cantonwine, Guy
Cantrell, Bryan K.
Canty, Stephanie
Canuette, William G.
Canup, Brenda K.
Canupp, William R.
Caparas, Rolando S.
Capehart, Sharon R.
Capen, Jeffrey Lee
Capes, Kenneth D.
Capillary, Mary E.
Caporizzo, John A.
Capousis, William A.
Capps, Lena C.
Capps, Patricia K.
Capps, Terry Lynn
Capps, Wanda J.
Capron, Mary P.
Caramanica, Victoria
Carawan, Annalisa
Carawan, James O.
Carawan, Kathy L.
Carawan, Natalie
Carawan, Willie M.
Card, Kenneth J.
Cardona, Evelyn C.
Cardona, Patricia C.
Carevic, Ross Allen
Carey, Debra Ann
Carlisle, Lisa C.
Carlson, Charles G.
Carlson, Russell W.
Carlton, Kimberly
Carlton, Virginia
Carlyle, Loretta L.
Carlyle, Wheeler C.
Carmichael, Anthony
Carmichael, Derek D.
Carmichael, Rudolph
Carmon, Pamela D.
Carney, Thomas J.
Caro, Maria D.
Caron, Beth R.
Caroon, Dan Walter
Carpenter, Barry
Carpenter, David
Carpenter, John W.
Carpenter, Kevin
Carpenter, Rhonda
Carper, Kimberly
Carr, Jacqueline
Carr, James Matthew
Carr, Laura Lynn
Carr, McDonald
Carr, Mindy P.

Carr, Myra Allene
Carr, Nancy L.

Carr, Robert T.
Carr, Stephanie
Carraway, Cynthia
Carraway, Deena C.
Carraway, Gregory
Carraway, Jane E.
Carraway, Jimmy D.
Carraway, Karen K.
Carraway, Kecia K.
Carraway, Mary Lisa
Carraway, Shannon M.
Carraway, Shirley A.
Carrea, Ronald A.
Carreras, Alison M.
Carreras, Eileen K.
Carrigan, Dennis D.
Carriker, Charley C.
Carroll, Constance
Carroll, George C.
Carroll, Hugh John
Carroll, James Robert
Carroll, Jamie L.
Carroll, Jon Thomas
Carroll, Lisa Joy
Carroll, Mark Glenn
Carroll, Phyllis Y.
Carroll, Robert P.
Carroll, Teresa L.
Carroll, Wanda F.
Carroll, William J.
Carpos, Nancy Ellen
Carrow, Angela L.
Carrow, Karen L.
Carrow, Kitty Ann
Carson, Amy E.
Carson, A. Elizabeth
Carson, Edward D.
Carson, Elizabeth L.
Carson, Kenneth T.
Carson, Sarah P.
Carson, Susan Carol
Carswell, Lana B.
Carte, Kimberly
Carter, Aaron F.
Carter, Almon H.
Carter, Angela M.
Carter, Angie Lea
Carter, April S.
Carter, Audi Mack
Carter, Barry R.
Carter, Bernice E.
Carter, Carole E.
Carter, Catherine
Carter, Charles R.
Carter, Charlotte F.
Carter, Cheryl L.
Carter, Clint Byron
Carter, Davila
Carter, Dennis J.
Carter, Donna G.
Carter, Keith A.
Carter, Marie C.
Carter, Marsha A.
Carter, Montgomery
Carter, Natalie J.

Carter, Stuart V.
Carter, Tammy T.
Carter, Tracy D.
Carter, Walter G.
Carter, William L.
Cartledge, Brenda
Cartwright, David A.
Cartwright, Katherine
Caruso, Brian John
Carvana, Lisa D.
Carver, Benjamin B.
Carver, John Patrick
Carver, Mark D.
Carver, William J.
Cary, Diane E.
Case, William H.
Case, Wilma E.
Casebrier, Sandra
Casey, Aimeul H.
Casey, Barbara D.
Casey, Brian Scott
Casey, Jewell Lee
Casey, Joann M.
Casey, Karen |.
Casey, Kimberly M.
Casey, Pamela R.
Cash, Angela K.
Cash, Joseph E.
Cash, Laura Lea
Cash, Ted Freeman
Cash, Rose Mary
Cashion, Jeffrey L.
Cashman, Cynthia A.
Cashwell, Edward
Cashwell, Robert B.
Cashwell, Tara C.
Casiday, Judith M.
Caskey, Laura E.
Caskey, Sandra J.
Cason, Lisa Dawn
Cassell, Sharon L.
Cassen, Melody V.
Cassidy, Patricia
Cassidy, Paul R.
Casson, Ruth R.
Castello, Debra G.
Castelloe, Timothy K.
Castellow, Ann E.
Castellow, Beverly
Castellow, Grayson
Castillo, Rosalind
Casto, Kimberly K.
Castrati, John A.
Caswick, Michelle A.
Catalino, David M.
Cathcart, Jamie M.
Catlett, Dena Lynn
Caudill, Laura L.
Caudill, Tammy S.
Caulder, Debbie M.
Caulder, Tamara M.
Cauley, Stephen W.
Causby, Jill G.
Causey, Pamela R.
Cavanaugh, Ann C.
Cavanaugh, Gina C.
Cave, Myra Dawn
Cavenaugh, Alice
Cavender, Cary P.
Caviness, James W.
Caviness, Joyce B.


Cayton, 4
Cayton, Margaret E.
Cayton, Shelia D.
Caywood, Toni Y.
Cecchin, Frank
Cecil, Anita K.
Celidonio, Linda
Centanni, Angela
Certa, Camille
Certa, Sabrina
Chadwell, Barbara
Chadwick, Melody
Chaffin, Elizabeth
Chalmers, Thelma
Chamberland, Linda
Chambers, Leigh A.
Chambers, Pamela E.
Chambers, Paul O.

Chambers, Theresa A.

Chamblee, Carla A.
Chamblee, Darren H.
Chamblee, Debbie K.
Chamblee, Donna L.
Chamblee, Sharon P.
Champagne, Charles
Champagne, Edna Y.
Chan, Christina W.
Chan, Suk Chu
Chance, Charles T.
Chance, Matthew D.
Chandler, David B.
Chandler, Lisa D.
Chandler, Mark S.
Chandler, Timothy L.
Chaney, Charles C.
Chaney, Sandra J.
Chang, John C.
Chang, Nien T.
Chapin, Linda Jo
Chapman, Amy L.
Chapman, Lynne W.
Chapman, Mildred
Chapman, Philip L.
Chapman, Richard F.
Chapman, Victoria
Chapman, Willie L.
Chapoton, Theodore
Chappell, Carl W.
Chappell, Charles
Chappell, David W.
Chappell, Deborah L.
Chappell, Diane S.
Chappell, Lindley
Chappell, Michael W.
Chappell, Perry B.
Chappell, Preston E.
Chappell, Ronnie L.
Chappell, Stephen A.
Chappell, Susan A.
Chappell, Terry B.
Charles, Clinton P.
Charles, Jennell E.

Charlesworth, Yvette
Chase, William C.
Chastain, David M.
Chauncey, Steve B.
Chavers, Jeffrey N.
Chavis, Alton D.
Chavous, Pamela A.
Cheek, Cedric D.
Cheek, Linda W.
Cheek, William H.
Cheitlin, Marlene W.
Chen, Far-Yung
Chen, Jwo-Sheng
Chenault, John B.
Chenery, Richard
Cheng, Ellen Fong
Cherrix, Angela J.
Cherry, Davena G.
Cherry, David Lee
Cherry, Derrick
Cherry, Elizabeth
Cherry, Lawrence E.
Cherry, Linda Ann
Cherry, Linda V.
Cherry, Martha J.
Cherry, Selma D.
Cherry, Steven L.
Cherry, Stevie L.
Cherry, Theanne H.
Cherry, Thomas C.
Cherry, William H.
Chesnutt, Charlyne
Chesson, Fred
Chester, George R.
Chester, Jeffrey-S.
Chestnutt, Johnny W.
Chianese, Eric Paul
Childers, Karen E.
Childres, Harold F.
Childress, Pamela L.
Childs, Brian Keith
Chilton, Gary W.
Chiswell, David B.
Chitmon, James A.
Chitty, Suzanna L.
Chiwona, Linley S.
Cho, Kyung Suk
Choate, Constance R.
Choate, Janice M.
Choate, McLin S.
Chong, Moon Cheong
Chriscoe, Belinda
Chrismon, Mary C.
Christensen, Gregory
Christensen, Jon H.
Christenson, Mark H.
Christian, Stephen J.
Christiano, Bambra L.
Christiansen, Michael
Christofaro, Doreen
Christopher, Michael
Chrysson, Anastasia
Chung, Jae Yong
Church, Geraldine
Church, James K.
Churchill, Levis E.
Churilla, Linda J.
Churn, David K.
Churn, Richard D.
Cieciorka, Rosalie
Cilenti, Lisa J.
Cincotti, Kim T.
Cipriano, Charles
Ciriano, Steven J.
Clair, Robert Lee
Clanton, Danny C.
Clark, Allen R.
Clark, Anne F.
Clark, Barbara K.
Clark, Bonnie C.
Clark, Carolyn D.
Clark, Catherine L.
Clark, Charlotte D.
Clark, Christi J.
Clark, Christie E.
Clark, Christopher
Clark, Cora E.
Clark, Dana Jane
Clark, David A.
Clark, Dawn M.
Clark, Donna L.
Clark, Gayle D.
Clark, Hope V.
Clark, Jackie C.
Clark, James A.
Clark, John P.
Clark, Johnny L.
Clark, Judith O.
Clark, Julie A.
Clark, Karen E.
Clark, Kimberley
Clark, Laura L.
Clark, Lavada K.
Clark, Linda G.
Clark, Lisa E.

Clark, Lori G.

Clark, Margie B.
Clark, Martha J.
Clark, Matilda A.
Clark, Michael S.
Clark, Neidra L.
Clark, Rebecca E.
Clark, Reginald

, Richard F.

, Robert W.

, Robin S.

, Steven A.

, Thomas A.

, Tracie C.

, Tracy C.

, Vann D.
Clarke, Allan K.
Clarke, Jeffrey
Clarke, Matthew
Clarke, Rachel M.
Clary, Kerry L.
Clary, Leigh A.
Clary, Mary L.
Clary, Sherry L.
Clawson, Laurie
Clay, Patti Jean
Clay, Rodney K.
Clay, Susan K.
Clayborne, Barbara
Claybrook, Susan A.


Clayton, Ann E.
Clayton, Christy
Clayton, Hal W.



Cleaves, Eric A.
Clech, Elisabeth
Cleg, Stephen M.
Clemons, Carol S.
Clemens, Shari L.
Clement, Francis
Clement, Meriweather
Clement, Walter F.
Clements, Barbara
Clements, Susan J.
Clemmons, Louis C.
Clemons, Doris M.
Clemons, Glenn E.
Clendenin, Teresa
Clifford, Mark J.
Clifton, Boni E.
Clifton, Lisa J.
Clifton, Roland
Cline, Amy Denise
Cline, Patrick W.
Clingenpeel, Janet
Clinkscale, James
Clinkscales, Nancy
Clodfelter, Brian
Clodfelter, Cheryl
Clodfelter, Jill E.
Clonninger, Jeffrey T.
Clopper, Charles R.
Cloud, Valeria E.
Clough, Tobi L.
Clowar, Stephen C.
Clyde, Robert E.
Coakley, Michael
Coates, Suzanne E.
Coatney, Ann Frances
Coats, Jennifer A.
Coats, Kimberly D.
Coats, Kimberly E.
Coats, Martin L.
Coats, Melody E.
Coats, Robert A.
Coats, Willard T.
Cobb, Anita K.
Cobb, Denise G.
Cobb, Jeffrey S.
Cobb, Paula L.
Cobb, Sally L.
Cobb, Sharone L.
Cobb, Stephen H.
Cobb, Tammy M.
Cobb, Terri R.
Coble, Frances L.
Coburn, David W.
Coburn, Jonathan M.
Coburn, Kenneth E.
Coburn, Sarah E.
Coburn, Scott D.
Cockman, Daniel A.
Cockrell, Mark L.
Cockrell, Wiley T.
Cococcia, Barbara
Cofer, Brian M.
Coggins, Charles S.
Coggins, Jacqueline
Coggins, Leslie M.
Coggins, Miriam V.
Cohen, Alan Neal
Cohen, Douglas D.
Cohen, George C.
Cohen, Holly A.
Cohen, Jack S.
Coker, Donna M.
Colbert, Kathleen
Colborn, Peggie J.
Colby, David K.
Colby, Peter B.
Colclough, Charissa
Coldren, Deborah L.
Cole, Cheryl L.
Cole, Daniel H.
Cole, David A.
Cole, Gregory D.
Cole, Kenneth R.
Cole, Linda D.
Cole, Melinda G.
Cole, Norma Jean
Cole, Robin A.
Cole, Toni L.

Cole, Tonya L.
Cole, Tracy R.
Cole, Wanda D.
Coleman, Alvin
Coleman, Beth M.
Coleman, Crystal R.
Coleman, Debora L.
Coleman, Diane E.
Coleman, Dwayne E.
Coleman, Micki S.
Coleman, Pamela R.
Coleman, Winifred
Coles, John W.
Colevins, Helen G.
Coley, Mark A.
Coley, Rebecca L.
Coley, Towanda
Coley, William D.
Colgan, Brian P.
Colgan, Kevin J.
Colie, Gina D.
Colletto, Tracy
Collevecchio, Vincent
Collie, Jennifer A.
Collie, John C.
Collier, Albert M.
Collier, Charles R.
Collier, John T.
Collings, Betty
Collingwood, Charles
Collins, Bobbie L.
Collins, Burnie F.
Collins, Cheri P.
Collins, Christopher
Collins, Diana B.
Collins, Donald E.
Collins, Harold D.
Collins, Keith D.
Collins, Kimberly W.
Collins, Linda R.
Collins, Lori A.


Collins, Robert N.
Collins, Susan L.
Collis, Rhonda K.
Colquitt, Nina E.
Colston, Sharon N.
Colt, Mary Carroll
Colt, Steven P.
Coltrain, Chrisa A.
Colver, Christine A.
Colvin, Gerale J.
Colvin, Mark D.
Colvin, Polly B.
Colwell, David J.
Colwell, Kay F.
Combs, Jeffrey B.
Combs, Kevine M.
Combs, Rebecca L.
Combs, Samuel M.
Combs, Tammy M.
Combs, Thomas M.
Comer, Robert A.
Comess, Jill E.
Commander, Chris
Compton, Maria B.
Compton, Marsha S.
Conde, Donald F.
Condrey, James K.
Cone, Leah J.
Congdon, William
Congleton, Charles
Congleton, Dan B.
Congleton, Donna
Congleton, Jerry
Congleton, Ray W.
Congleton, Stephanie
Conklin, Evann E.
Conklin, Janette F.
Conley, Gerald M.
Conlon, Thomas F.
Conn, Richard A.
Connell, Joann S.
Conner, Gregory E.
Connerton, Lisa B.
Connett, Taffy J.
Connolly, Caroline
Connolly, James P.
Connolly, Kelle A.
Connolly, Teresa
Connor, Edward D.
Connor, Judith E.
Connor, Kelly C.
Connor, Lance H.
Connor, Patricia
Connor, Teri T.
Connors, James R.
Connoly, Angela K.
Conoly, David E.
Conrad, Beth C.
Conrad, Pamela J.
Conroy, David J.
Consalvinina, E.
Contogiannis, Mary
Convery, Barbara
Conway, Glenn M.
Conway, Guy R.
Conway, Jacobyna
Conway, Joyce E.
Conway, Laura D.
Conway, Timothy G.
Conway, Wendy J.
Conwell, Mark H.
Conyers, Carlton
Conyers, Dwayne
Cook, Charles A.
Cook, Charles D.
Cook, Christine P.
Cook, Dennis S.
Cook, Donna R.
Cook, James A.
Cook, James L.
Cook, Judy D.
Cook, Molly F.
Cook, Randall D.
Cook, Richard A.
Cook, Robin B.
Cook, Virgil

Cook, William E.
Cooke, Betty J.
Cooke, Elizabeth
Cooke, Rhetta J.
Cooke, Tamara A.
Cooley, Carrie L.
Cooley, Christopher
Cooley, Millard F.
Cooley, Sidney W.
Coombe, Jack
Coone, Kathy E.
Cooney, Brian
Cooper, Amy J.
Cooper, Angelia D.
Cooper, Anne C.
Cooper, Clarence C.
Cooper, Cynthia H.
Cooper, Gary Lee
Cooper, George E.
Cooper, Gregory C.
Cooper, Jan R.
Cooper, John A.
Cooper, John E.
Cooper, John T.
Cooper, Linda A.
Cooper, Maxine
Cooper, Melody R.
Cooper, Nora S.
Cooper, Robert S.
Cooper, Scott B.
Cooper; Susan M.
Cooper, Thomas G.
Cooper, Wade H.
Cooper, William H.
Cope, Victoria J.
Copeland, Lillian S.
Copeland, Paula J.
Copeland, Sally
Copeland, Sidney G.
Copeland, Terrance
Copeland, Timothy
Copley, Stephanie
Coppedge, Laura S.
Corbett, Deborah
Corbett, Edgar D.
Corbett, James D.
Corbett, James L.
Corbett, Jeannean
Corbett, Jeffrey

Corbett, Julia F.
Corbin, Landon L.
Corbitt, Christopher
Corbitt, Suzanne A.
Cordero, Manuel I.
Cordioli, Cara R.
Core, Henry Kay
Corey, Julie A.
Corley, Edith E.

Cornelius, Peter
Cornell, Harlan E.
Corney, Dougetta
Cornwell, James T.
Cornwell, Rebecca
Corprew, Adrienne
Corr, Gina L.
Corriher, Ronald
Corris, Robert J.
Cortright, Kenneth
Cosby, Patricia
Cosgrove, Isabelle
Costa, Nancy J.
Costa, Paul M.
Costa, Vivian C.
Costello, Elizabeth
Costin, Barbara S.
Costin, Lee Anne
Coston, Rachel Y.
Cotten, Hosea L.
Cotter, Michael D.
Cotterman, Teddye
Cottingham, Edward
Cottle, Brian L.
Cottle, Kimberly A.
Cottle, Kirsten L.
Cottman, Yvonne M.
Cotton, Donald G.
Cotton, Solon R.
Cotton, William J.
Coughenour, Carolyn
Coulter, Claudia S.
Council, Cynthia E.
Council, David N.
Council, Jean C
Council, Thomas L.
Courie, Anne D.
Courtney, Mia M.
Cousar, Sharon D.
Cousler, Barry J.
Coutlakis, James E.
Cove, David Michael
Coven, Richard G.
Covington, Alan H.
Covington, Catherine
Covington, Dennis D.
Covington, Elizabeth
Cowan, Laurie Beth
Cowell, Carla L
Cowell, Steven H.
Cox, Aleta S.

Cox, Anne M.

Cox, Brenda D.
Cox, Christy L.
Cox, Constance C.
Cox, Eula C.

Cox, George F.

Cox, Glenn L.

Cox, James M.

, Jarrod S.

, Jeffrey W.

, Jennifer A.

, Kathryn M.

, Kimolin R.

, Kristin L.

, Lisa C.

, Mary Dare

, Mayhew P.

, Melisa D.

, Michael A.

, Michael L.

, Monica D.

, Monica F.

, Robert W.

, Scarlett A.

, Sharon N.

, Teresa S.

, William M.

, William P.
Coyle, Kevin J.
Coyle, Pamela M.
Coyne, James J.
Cozart, Carol T.
Cozart, Rachel G.
Cozart, Wanda R.
Cozart, William C.
Crabbe, David L.
Crabtree, Christopher
Crabtree, Michele
Crabtree, Ronnie Y.
Craddock, Marilyn
Craddock, Steven M.
Crafford, Kendall L.
Craft, Blount C.
Craft, Maggie H.
Craig, Analise B.
Craig, Debra N.
Craig, Donald L.
Craig, Kelley C.
Craig, Kelly L.
Craig, Ronald R.
Crain, Karen L.
Cramer, Janice
Cramer, Katherine
Cramer, Thomas B.
Crane, Denise D.
Craner, Sandra L.
Cranwell, Edward A.
Crarelli, Lisa
Cratt, Ricky G.
Craven, Emily A.
Craver, James A.
Craver, Lisa A.
Crawford, Carol A.
Crawford, Edward
Crawford, James A.
Crawford, Janna L.
Crawford, Jo Persis
Crawford, Joy E.
Crawford, Melinda
Crawford, Robert L.
Crawford, Stephen
Crawford, Susan S.
Crawley, Anne J.

Crawley, George E.
Crawley, Melanie E.
Crayton, Kelly M.
Creal, Marylou
Credle, Ella J.
Credle, Gina B.
Credle, Julia Poe
Credle, Michael J.
Credle, Monica R.
Credle, Ona L.
Creech, Charles
Creech, David Jay
Creech, Donna L.
Creech, Helen D.
Creech, Mary E.
Creech, Richard D.
Creech, Wanda J.
Creekmore, Todd M.
Creekmore, Troy M.

Creel, Susan N.
Creger, Robert
Crellin, Debra A.
Crenshaw, J. L.
Crepps, Nancy Lee
Crescitelli, Diane
Cress, Faye P.
Cresswell, Katherine
Crew, Coral M.
Crews, Cynthia
Crews, Randall
Crews, William A.
Crickmore, Curtis
Crigger, Sherri L.
Crim, Valerie D.
Criscitello, Michael
Crisp, James M.
Crisp, Laddie M.
Crisp, Susan K.
Crissman, Teresa A.
Crist, Lauren K.
Crockett, Davy F.
Crockett, Karen L.
Croft, Nancy L.
Cromer, Jeffrey D.
Cromwell, Twila M.
Crone, Marcia K.
Cronk, Cynthia J.

Cronland, Rickard G.

Crook, Denise J.
Croom, Arlita R.
Croom, Christopher
Croom, Jill N.
Croom, Leslie B.
Croom, Lisa V.
Croom, Tammy L.
Croom, Terry W.
Croom, Wendy L.
Cropper, Vicki L.
Cross, Delbert
Cross, Dhedra F.
Cross, Susan M.
Crothers, Cynthia
Crotty, Michelle
Crouch, James A.
Crouse, Nancy J.
Crouse, Sheryl L.
Crousore, Dea J.
Crowder, Jill R.
Crowe, Kevin R.
Crowley, James F.
Crowson, Renee T.
Crozier, Kendyl
Crumbacker, Helen
Crumley, Terri L.
Crummer, James E.
Crummy, Rada P.
Crump, Lejune
Crumpler, Earl
Crumpton, Michael
Crunk, Gaile E.
Crunkleton, Gary
Crutchley, Rebecca
Crute, Jackie M.
Cruz, Gina M.

Cuenca, Rosa E.
Cujas, Albert R.
Culbertson, Mary V.
Culbertson, Stephanie
Culbreth, Julia E.
Cullen, Kathleen
Cullen, Peter E.

Culler, Jeffrey S.
Cullipher, Donna J.
Cullipher, Jerry P.
Cullom, Tammy L.
Culp, Michael T.
Culpepper, Christopher
Culpepper, Roland D.
Culpepper, Sherry
Culpepper, Susan V.
Cumbee, Delmas
Cumbee, Pamela D.
Cumberworth, Terrence

Cumby, Scott G.
Cummings, Michael M.
Cummings, Sheryl L.
Cummings, Steve C.
Cunanan, Stephen R.
Cuningham, Anna K
Cunningham, Jama R.
Cunningham, Joyce
Cunningham, Mark
Cunningham, Marykate
Cuomo, Anna-Marie
Curasi, Steven C.
Curdts, Jeffrey
Cureton, Ellen N.
Cureton, Stephen
Curlings, Susan M.
Curran, Amy |.
Curran, Virginia
Currie, Melinda
Currin, Candace
Currin, Cynthia D.
Currin, Karen R
Curtis, Carol A.
Curtis, Cheryl A.
Curtis, Karen G.
Curtis, Neville
Curtis, Rosemary
Cutchin, Boyce S.
Cutchin, James S.
Cutchin, Joel K.
Cutler, Kevin A.
Cutler, Margaret S.
Cutler, Mark A.
Cutler, S. Carolyn
Cutler, Susan L.
Cutler, Troy A.
Cutler, William T.
Cutlip, David W.
Cutrell, Betty J.

Cyr, Emma S.
Czaja, Christian A.
Czaja, David Paul

D'Amato, Toni L.
D'Angelo, Ralf
Daffin, Deborah J.
Daggerhart, Cindy
Dagrosa, Scott
Daiger, Gary Lee
Dail, Brenda L.
Dail, Phobe L.
Dail, Tony Lee
Dail, William E.
Dailey, John H.

Daily, Janet E.
Daily, Scott C.
Daisey, Sherry
Dale, Alison F.
Dale, Alta D.
Dale, Philip L.
Daley, Elizabeth
Daley, Annette E
Daley, Susan M.
Dallas, Jennifer
Dalrymple, John
Dalton, Dianne
Dalton, Douglas
Dalton, Jerome
Daly, Claudia
Daly, Mary E.
Daly, Robert J.
Daly, Tracy L.
Dam, Peter W.

Damiano, Angela
Damin, Mohd S.
Damm, Cynthia
Damron, John G.
Dance, Felecia
Dancy, Gary M.
Danford, James G.
Daniel, Algernon
Daniel, Beverly S.
Daniel, Dennis K.
Daniel, Hugh R.
Daniel, Janice E.
Daniel, Kimberly
Daniel, Linda A.
Daniel, Mary C.
Daniel, Mary E.
Daniel, Michael A.
Daniel, Patricia
Daniel, Rebecca N.
Daniel, Teresa F.
Daniel, William K.
Daniel, William S.
Daniels, Anita A.
Daniels, Audrey B.
Daniels, Curtis L.
Daniels, Cynthia L.
Daniels, Henry T.
Daniels, Lisa K.
Daniels, Margaret L.
Daniels, Mary K.
Daniels, Nan E.
Daniels, Nancy C
Daniels, Nannette
Daniels, Ouida S.
Daniels, Ralph A.
Daniels, Terry L.
Daniels, Victor R.
Dannehower, Douglas
Danner; Jacqueline
Darden, Celia P.
Darden, Clara L.
Darden, Dana L.
Darden, Elizabeth
Darden, Harold D.
Darden, Patricia
Darden, Richard A.
Darden, Teresa D.
Darensburg, Lilipiana
Dark, Dianne M.
Darling, Angela C.
Darling, Jeanne M.
Darling, Kathryn A.
Darnell, Deena L.
Darr, Bradley S.
Darrow, Michael J.
Darst, Glenn A.
Darwin, Charlotte
Dascombe, Willia
Daskalakis, Sotirios
Daugherty, Lynwood
Daughton, David E.
Daughtridge, Charles
Daughtridge, Leslie
Daughtridge, Tina
Daughtry, Jesse A.

Daughtry, John R.
Daughtry, Kenneth K
Daughtry, Kenneth L.
Daughtry, Lisa L.
Daughtry, Terry L.
Daughtry, Vernon M
Daulton, Cathy M
Daunais, James B
Davanzo, William J.
Davenport, April T.
Davenport, David J.
Davenport, David K.
Davenport, Debra C.
Davenport, Donna C
Davenport, Dwayne E.
Davenport, Elizabeth |
Davenport, Jennifer
Davenport, Joanne G.
Davenport, John C.

Davenport, Judy A.
Davenport, Lisa D.
Davenport, Lomer R
Davenport, Nancy L.
Davenport, Paula D
Davenport, William T.
Davidson, Andrew B.
Davidson, Barbara K.
Davidson, Becky Ann
Davidson, Christopher
Davidson, Jeffrey L
Davidson, Larry S.
Davidson, Sylvia J.
Davidson, Terry Ann
Davidson, Timothy E.
Davies, Carole A.
Davies, Gwynneth H
Davies, Liza L.


, Curtis M.

, Daniel R.

, Dava Lynn

, Deborah G.

, Daborah L.

, Denie J

, Donald R

, Donna B.

, Donna E.

, Donna F.

, Donna L.

, Eleanor

, Elizabeth D

, Elizabeth P.

, Elizabeth S.

, Ernest L.

, Ernest R.

, Fredrick C.

, Garry M.

, George W.

, Gregory E.

, Gwenda C.

, Gwendolyn L.

, Harry Sheldon

, Henry Beech

, Henry C.

, James Robert

, Janie M.

, Jeffrey L.

, Jennifer A.

Alicia R.
Alison M.
Barbara S.
Betsy M.
Betty L
Billie S.
Brenda J
Brent A.
Candace H.
Carol L.
Carolyn G.
Cecila N
Charles B.
Charles E.
Charles M.
Cheryl L.

, Jimmy P.
, John C
, John D
, John F.
, Kandice S.
. Karlanta L
, Kathy S
, Kay A

is, Kecia L
, Kelly S.
, Kenneth R.
, Kimberly D.
. Kimberly R.
, Linda M.
, Lisa M
, Lisa R.
, Lois F.
, Margaret A.
, Mary M.

Davis, Mellany A
Davis, Michael W.
Davis, Nancy S.
Davis, Pamela S.
Davis, Phillip J.
Davis, Robert C
Davis, Robert M.
Davis, Robert S
Davis, Robert T
Davis, Rodney W
Davis, Rosylyn S.
Davis, Sandra A.
Davis, Sharon C
Davis, Sharon F.
Davis, Sheila S.
Davis, Stephen A
Davis, Susan A.
Davis, Tiffany A
Davis, Toni L
Davis, Wayland T.
Davis, Wiley M
Daw, Ellis L.

Daw, Lori R
Dawes, Cynthia J.
Dawkins, Richard K
Dawson, Billy Ray
Dawson, Carolyn R.
Dawson, Charlie
Dawson, Debra L.
Dawson, Elmer
Dawson, Glenda D.
Dawson, Jeffrey S.
Dawson, Jimi
Dawson, Kelly S.
Dawson, Linda K.
Dawson, Mary E.
Dawson, Matthew S.
Dawson, Michelle R.
Dawson, Ronnie R.
Dawson, Sharon E.
Dawson, William S
Day, Charles M.
Day, Christine

Day, John L.

Day, Kimberly C
Day, Suzanne L
Dayal, Ashutosh
De Mendonca, C.
Deal, Kathy D.
Deal, Stephanie
Deal, Stephen B.
Deal, Teresa M.
Dean, Cheryl A.
Dean, David B.
Dean, Dianna L.
Dean, Flora L.
Dean, Julia R.
Dean, Perry E.
Dean, Sherri L.
Dean, Tammy L.
Deane, Frank P.
Deangelis, Vincent
Deans, Barry A.
Deans, John S.
Deans, Kimberly L.


Deans, Lori Ann
Deans, William P.
Deason, James G.
Deaton, Helen D
Deaver, John R.
Deaver, Pamela B.
Debank, Kyle D
Debernard, Kimberly
Debiasi, Donna M.
Debone, Michelle
Deck, Cassandra L.
Deck, Evelyn J
Decker, Martha L.
Decker, Rodger W.
Dees, Charles B
Dees, Michael P.
Deese, Dana C
Deese, Kenneth V
Deforge, Dayle A.
Degaetano, Nancy
Degugielmo, Jenna
Deiuliis, Christopher
Del-Cogliano, Kenneth
Delano, Susan B.
Delappe, Nancy A.
Delay, Cynthia D
Delay, Tony R.
Delgado, James P.
Deluis, Tracy L.
Dellapina, Carolyn
Dellinger, Eric H.
Dellinger, Jacqueline
Deloatch, Kenneth
Deloatch, Marion
Demaggio, Edward
Deman, Robert S.
Deman, Mary J.
Demao, Wendy S
Demarest, Matthew
Demark, John J
Demark, Robin K
Demartin, Francis
Demby, Harod C.
Denault, Michele

Denboggende, Caroline

Denison, David B
Denison, Suzanne A
Denning, Genia L.
Denning, Jan P.
Dennis, Anita L.
Dennis, Carolyn
Dennis, Christopher
Dennis, Deanna
Dennis, Stephen
Dennis, Susan M.
Dennison, Diana
Denston, Andrea
Denston, Keith
Dent, Julie
Denton, Barbara
Denton, Gregory
Denton, Thomas B
Depuy, Margaret
Dermott, Marsha
Derrick, Cynthia
Desalvo, Mark
Deskevich, Beth
Deskevich, Susan
Destaubin, Denis
Detar, Brian R.
Deudney, Heidi
Deupree, Carole E
Devaney, Carl G.
Devary, LiesI R
Devechio, Frances
Devoe, Gregory H
Dew, Angela G
Dew, John G

Dew, Stephanie
Dew, Stephen E
Dew, Thomas A
Dewar, Susan B.
Dewey, Kathleen
Dewitt, Noah C
Dews, Alexine
Diaz, Nina M.
Diaz, Nora F.
Dibble, Todd A.
Dibiaso, Peter A.
Dibrino, Janice
Dickens, Charles
Dickens, Frances
Dickens, Martha
Dickens, Wilbert
Dickens, Amy L.
Dickerson, Catherine
Dickerson, Edward
Dickerson, Lisa A.
Dickerson, Lori A.
Dickerson, Melissa
Dickerson, Ramey
Dickerson, Wendy
Dickerson, William
Dickinson, Celeste
Dickinson, David H
Dickinson, Patricia
Dickinson, Robert
Dickson, Dexter B.
Dickson, Donna
Dickson, Susan W.
Dicristofaro, Lori
Dicus, Gwyn O.
Dicus, James P.
Didomenico, Lisa
Dietz, Theresa
Diffee, Sharon L
Diggs, Lois M.
Dilda, Natalie
Dilday, Joyce A.
Dilday, Karen L.
Dill, William L.
Dillahunt, Carole
Dixon, Harriet L.
Dixon, Herbert S.
Dixon, James T.
Dixon, Jean A
Dixon, Jimmy M.
Dixon, Julie H.
Dixon, Kimberly
Dixon, Lynne M.
Dixon, Michael T.
Dixon, Patrick L.
Dixon, Paul

Dixon, Phyllis K
Dixon, Regina B.

Dixon, Roy G.
Dixon, Sharon M
Dixon, Suzanne W
Dixon, Tammy Sue
Dixon, Teresa E.
Dixon, Tonya Y.
Doane, Darrah L.
Doane, Michael B.
Dobbins, Nancy A
Dobson, Patrick L.
Dockery, Deidre L.
Dodd, Carolyn E.
Dodge, Michael R
Dodson, Daniel C
Doerr, John J.
Doggett, Valerie G.
Dolan, Christine
Dolan, Maureen M
Doles, Anthony S
Doles, George L
Dollah, Nor M
Dollar, Susan D.
Donatelli, James
Donathan, Thomas
Donelick, Lurrene
Donnellan, Ann M.
Donnelly, Paul E
Donohue, Paul J.
Donski, Sylvia J
Doody, Elinor S
Dooley, Avana E.
Dooley, Sharon T.
Dorey, William F.
Dorfeld, Mary E
Dorman, Charles T.
Dorman, Gary Lee
Dorman, Kimberly L.
Dorn, Kaye L.
Dorn, Lisa J
Dorsey, Collette
Dorsey, David W
Dorsey, Kyle H
Dorsey, Thomas B.
Dosher, Kimberly
Doster, Robert N.
Dotson, Lana K.
Dotson, Rodney O.
Dotson, Wanda C
Dotson, William D.
Doub, Leigh Ann
Douds, Andrew R.
Doughtie, Evelyn A.
Doughtie, Glenda L
Doughtie, Michael L
Douglas, Bobbie J
Douglas, Brenda L
Douglas, Judy L
Douglas, Tommie L
Douglas, Ward C
Doutt, Dana L.
Douville-Ricker, P.
Dove, Dalton E
Dove, Jennifer P.
Dove, Jill M

Dover, Scott P.
Dowd, Marybeth
Dowd, Patricia
Dowell, Gary W
Dowell, Juliana
Downes, Deborah
Downes, Meta M
Downey, Judy M.
Downing, Elizabeth
Downs, Donna L.
Dozier, Amy Louise
Dragonas, John
Drake, Arlene
Drake, Charles
Drake, Kristine
Drake, Wendy D
Draper, Howard D
Draper, Mary Y.
Draper, Sandra J
Draper, Wesley L.
Draughn, Dana G
Draughon, Susan M
Dreibholz, Christina
Drew, Michael E
Drew, Sonja C.
Drewry, Banks H
Driscoll, Carolyn
Driscoll, Cynthia M.
Driscoll, Scott O
Driscoll, Sharon K
Driscoll, Susan
Driver, David J
Driver, Deborah L
Driver, James W
Driver, Terri K
Drobinske, Linda
Droege, Kristine
Drummond, Dalee
Dua, Agyeman
Dubel, Thomas C.
Dubinsky, Malgosia
Dubose, William C
Duck, David S.
Duck, Thomas P.
Dudas, Robert J.
Dudley, Andrea M.
Dudley, Kimberly
Dudley, Lisa L.
Dudley, Marion B.
Dudley, Stephen
Duff, Kelly S.
Duffus, Christopher
Duft, Harry W.
Dugdale, George

Duggan, Marianne V.

Dugger, Wanda K
Duggins, Paulette
Duke, George M.
Duke, Jennifer N
Duke, Leroy

Duke, Melinda J.
Duke, Toni F.
Duke, Victor R
Dukes, Pamela A.
Dulski, Theresa
Dumas, Timothy A.
Dunbar, Robert K.
Duncan, Elizabeth
Duncan, James E.
Duncan, Meegan C.
Duncan, Paul M

Duncan, Sarah L
Duncan, Susan M
Dunham, John S
Dunlap, Karen L
Dunlap, Mark
Dunlow, Myra N
Dunlow, Nancy C.
Dunn, Christie W
Dunn, Deborah L
Dunn, Elizabeth G.
Dunn, Henry B
Dunn, John B
Dunn, Laurie A
Dunn, Marjorie B
Dunn, Mary Carole
Dunn, Norman E
Dunn, Timothy J
Dunnum, Linda R
Dunston, Daphne A
Dunston, Shawn S
Dupont, Genette L
Dupree, Charlotte
Dupree, David W.
Dupree, Elizabeth
Dupree, Tammy R.
Durand, Christopher

Durham, Elizabeth
Durham, James M
Durham, Kenneth A
Durham, Sandra D
Durham, Vickie L
Durkin, Paul V.
Durkin, Therese
Durphy, Kristine
Durrwachter, Susan
Dutton, Larry
Dutton, Miriam G
Duval, John W
Duvall, Glenn M
Duvall, Holli D
Duvall, Melissa J.
Dvorak, Carla J
Dwyer, Lisa A
Dwyer, Michael P.
Dye, Cherly A
Dyer, David G
Dyer, Joni L

Dyer, William T.
Dykstra, Carol
Dykstra, June H

Eaddy, Joseph M.
Eaddy, Maryanna
Eadie, Barbara S.
Eadie, James P.
Eagan, John T
Eagle, John J
Eagle, John S.
Eakes, John L.
Eakes, Richie A.
Eanes, Jason R.
Earp, Jeffrey
Earwood, Alfred D.
Easley, Charles S
Easley, Jefferson
Eason, Anita L.
Eason, Brian K.
Eason, Debbie L.
Eason, Ginger M.
Eason, Krisan P.
Eason, Melvajean
Eason, Robert M
East, Brian E.

East, Cherly M.
East, Ronald E.
Easterling, Barriet
Easterly, Elizabeth
Eastwood, Michael K.
Eastwood, William D
Eatmon, Pamela S.
Eaton, Barbara E.
Eaton, Michael P.
Eaton, Michele N.
Eaton, Patricia A.
Eaton, Robin M.
Eaton, Ronald D
Ebelherr, Russell P.
Ebert, Carlyn J.
Ebert, James B.
Eberwine, Heather
Ebner, Elizabeth M
Ebron, Marian T.
Ebron, Sherri D.
Echols, Paula E
Eck, Daniel A
Eckerd, Paul T.
Eckerman, Hugh E.
Eckert, Bennett M.
Eckert, Jennifer D.

Ector, George A
Eddins, Joseph F.
Edens, Kimberly A.
Edge, Lisa L.

Edge, Robert W.
Edgerton, Kathy L.
Edington, Caryl H.
Edlein, Marc A.
Edmondson, Jack G.
Edmondson, Lisa K.
Edmondson, Peggy J.
Edmondson, Robert
Edmunds, Elizabeth
Edmundson, Linda F.
Edmundson, Richard

Edmundson, Tracey D.

Edmundson, Valorie

Edmundson, William H.

Edson, Bruce J.
Edwards, Alice J.
Edwards, Amy L.
Edwards, Anna L
Edwards, Bambi S.
Edwards, Barbara A.
Edwards, Beverly
Edwards, Billy Ray
Edwards, Carmen S.
Edwards, Charlie
Edwards, Cinthia G.
Edwards, Clarence R.
Edwards, David B
Edwards, Debby B.
Edwards, Deborah
Edwards, Donald
Edwards, Douglas
Edwards, Emily J.
Edwards, Finley C.
Edwards, James K.
Edwards, Jeffery
Edwards, John C.
Edwards, Karen J.
Edwards, Karen Lee
Edwards, Kathryn L
Edwards, Keith O
Edwards, Larry D.
Edwards, Lynn E
Edwards, Mariam F.
Edwards, Marianne
Edwards, Mary Jo
Edwards, Mia D.
Edwards, Mickey W.
Edwards, Nancy L.
Edwards, Nelson D.
Edwards, Pamela Jo
Edwards, Patricia K.
Edwards, Paul C
Edwards, Percy D.
Edwards, Rachel E.

Edwards, Rachel L
Edwards, Regina L
Edwards, Ricky D
Edwards, Robert K
Edwards, Ronald E
Edwards, Roslyn L
Edwards, Sheila A
Edwards, Stephanie J
Edwards, Sue G.
Edwards, Susan T.
Edwards, Tammy R.
Edwards, Theresa A
Edwards, Timothy
Edwards, Timothy D
Edwards, Todd T.
Edwards, Virginia
Edwards, Walter R
Edwards, William G
Edwards, William L
Edwards, Wilson B.
Egan, Christopher
Egan, Thomas B
Egerton, Garland
Egerton, James B
Egerton, Jo Anne
Eggers, Loree A.

Eggers, Ronald E
Eggert, Augusta
Eggleton, Richard
Eghbal, Moshen
Ehehalt, Dean E.
Ehrman, Frances J.
Ehrmann, Linda B.
Ehrmann, Robert J
Eichner, Nancy J
Eisenberg, Jay M.
Ekhtiaari, Ellen C
El-Hammouri, Khalid
El-Jawhari, Anwar
El-Jawhari, Rachad
Elam, William M
Elberson, Pamela A
Elder, Ronald T.
Elder, Toni R

Eley, Ronald L
Elgin, Miranda S.
Elgin, Steven W.
Elingburg, Sandra
Elkins, James K
Elkins, Peggy B.
Elko, Marc P.
Elks, David D.
Elks, Kimberly A.
Elks, Wanda T.
Ellen, Elizabeth
Ellenburg, Jeffrey
Eller, Lisa L.

Eller, Robert T.
Elliott, Denise
Elliott, Donna P.
Elliott, George J
Elliott, Kimberly D
Elliott, Lynn E.
Elliott, Melanie
Elliott, Ronald W.
Ellis, Bonnie D
Ellis, Clara A.
Ellis, Dixie G.
Ellis, Douglas V.
Ellis, Duke R.
Ellis, George W.
Ellis, James R.
Ellis, Jeffrey

Ellis, John S.

Ellis, John W.
Ellis, Joy Carroll
Ellis, Linda Kay
Ellis, Meredith
Ellis, Rhonda
Ellis, Rickie W.
Ellis, Susan P.
Ellis, William D.
Ellison, Debra R.
Ellison, Kimberly

Ellison, Kristina
Ellison, Paul S
Ells, Sandra M
Ellstrom, Charles
Elm, Laurie L.
Elmore, Sue C
Elrod, Elizabeth
Elrod, John M.
Elston, Rhonda J
Elswick, Ruth G
Emerson, Karen M.
Emerson, Russell
Emerson-Hambre, D
Emmanuel, James
Enecks, M. Dell
Enfinger, Robert
Engel, Richard
Engels, Todd
England, Christine
English, Cathy L
English, John D
English, Michelle
English, Myron D
English, Robin L
English, Sandra R
Engstrom, Kurt D

Ennis, Joseph R
Ennis, Leslie K
Ennis, Steven D
Ennis, Susan J
Ennis, Thera A
Ennis, Virginia L.
Enright, Patrick
Enroughty, Donna
Ensley, Charles
Entzminger, FA
Epperson, Gregory
Epperson, Samuel
Epps, John M.
Epps, Thelma J
Epting, David S
Equils, Deborah
Erickson, Alan E
Ernest, George D
Erskine, Cheryl
Ervin, Chris L
Ervin, Rebecca H
Erwin, Sarah E
Escobar, Memory B
Espejo, Michael W.
Espinoza, Karen M.
Esposito, Cynthia
Esselborn, Claudia
Essick, Timothy S.
Esslinger, Richard
Estep, Martha S.
Estes, Phillip
Estes, Tammara
Etemad-Moghadam, R
Etheridge, Gena A.
Etheridge, Jerri
Etheridge, William J
Ethridge, Gary D
Eubank, Alonzo D
Eubanks, Donna L.
Eubanks, Rebecca L
Eudailey, James B.
Eutsler, Karen E
Evans, Alan A.
Evans, Angela M
Evans, Austine O
Evans, Carol J
Evans, Charles A.
Evans, Craig A
Evans, David A.
Evans, David T.
Evans, Douglas M.
Evans, Edward F.
Evans, Emily K
Evans, Erskine
Evans, Evan David
Evans, Haven E
Evans, Judson H
Evans, Karen J.

Evans, Kathleen
Evans, Kenneth T.
Evans, Kirby D
Evans, Marcia K
Evans, Marion B
Evans, Marsha W
Evans, Mary C
Evans, Mary E
Evans, Melvin H
Evans, Pamela G
Evans, Patricia
Evans, Paula M.
Evans, Sarah A
Evans, Scott P.
Evans, Susan G
Evans, Thomas E
Evans, William M
Everett, Arlene C
Everett, Dennie A
Everett, Gregory S
Everett, Julie L
Everett, Susan C
Everett, Susan L
Everett, Timothy N
Everette, Evan K
Everette, Tiena M

Everette, Zeno M
Everhart, Christopher
Everhart, Judy D
Everhart, Sherri E
Everidge, Georgianna
Everton, Elizabeth
Everton, Patricia L
Ewing, James Patrick
Ewing, Laura A.
Ewing, Richard S
Ewing, Teresa G.
Eycke, Phillip V.
Eyerman, Catherine A
Ezami, Amir H
Ezami, Cynthia
Ezzell, Kimberly L
Ezzell, Lisa G

Ezzell, Robert L

Fadel, Charles S
Fagundus, Duncan

Fahrenbruch, Gretchen

Fail, Donald H.
Fail, Lysa Ann
Fain, David R
Fain, James R
Fairbanks, Cynthia
Faircloth, Elizabeth
Faircloth, Gary C.
Faircloth, Jacqueline
Faircloth, Kimberly
Faircloth, Robert
Faircloth, Tara D
Fairley, Kipland T.
Faison, Calvin A.
Faison, Kevin W.
Faison, Teresa M.
Fakhry, Fatma N.
Fakhry, Mohamed N
Fakhry, Samira N
Falkner, Lisa M.
Falkowitz, Staci
Fallin, Charlotte
Fallon, David K.
Fallon, Heather M
Falls, Kelley S
Fanelli, Kris K.

Fant, Scarlette
Farfour, George R
Farfour, Jeffrey P.
Fariello, Lisa A
Farlee, David E
Farlow, John M
Farmer, Cynthia G
Farmer, Cynthia M
Farmer, James Lee
Farmer, Jane F.
Farmer, Jeffrey P.
Farmer, Jennifer D
Farmer, Kenneth E
Farmer, Pamela L
Farmer, Patricia
Farmer, Tisha L
Farmer, Vivian A
Farnery, Phillip
Farra, Kimberly A
Farrell, Lynette P.
Farrell, Peter G
Farrior, Christine
Farris, Harriet L
Farris, Jesse L
Farris, Kelly P.
Farris, Margaret L
Farris, Richard S.
Farrow, Juliann
Farrow, Kimberly
Farrow, Marc R
Fasig, Janet C
Faucett, Richard W
Faulconer, John Y.
Faulkner, Andrea G
Faulkner, James S
Faulkner, Kelly J
Faulkner, Lisa O
Faulkner, Pamela G
Faulkner, Rodney D
Faulkner, Sandra A
Faulkner, Tonya M
Fazzalari, Laura
Fea, Matther G
Feagans, John E
Fearing, Inger C
Fearrington, Tracy
Feast, David F.
Feast, Thomas W
Fecho, Jeffry A
Fecho, Susan B
Feeley, Sheila
Feggins, Dytrena
Fehiner, Carol Ann
Feike, Kurt D
Feinburg, Jessica
Feitshans, Jacquelyn
Felder, Yetta R
Felton, Charles P.
Felton, Diane C
Felton, Kelly M
Felton, Leslie H
Felton, Michael C
Felton, Todd A
Felton, Winfred
Felts, Dedric S
Felty, Sharon L
Fenderson, Debra D
Fender, Peter K
Fennell, James A
Fennell, Robert P.
Ferendo, Robert S
Ferguson, Harry S
Ferguson, Michael
Ferguson, Robert J
Ferguson, Tobi R
Ferguson, Virginia
Ferguson, Peter E
Fernandez, Charles
Fernandez, Thomas
Fernholz, Kathryn R.
Ferrell, Ashley R
Ferrell, Carolyn J
Ferrell, Elizabeth
Ferrell, Jacqueline
Ferrell, James L
Ferrell, Jeffrey
Ferrell, Rhonda B
Ferrell, Ronald T
Ferrell, Wilson M.
Ferrier, Colby
Fewell, Susan
Fiackos, Peter
Ficken, Mary Ann
Fidalgo, Betsy
Fields, Carolyn
Fields, Charles
Fields, Christine
Fields, Jeffery
Fields, John A
Fields, Marcus S.
Fields, Richard L.
Filberto, Mary F.
Filip, Charlotte A.
Fillingame, Kimberly
Finch, Angela C.
Finch, Gwendolyn K
Finch, Nora D
Finch, Susan L
Fine, Elizabeth A.
Finkle, Jenny L
Fitzgerald, Michael
Fitzgerald, Shawn P.
Fitzhenry, Stephen
Fix, Molly D

Flack, Patricia
Flanagan, Carolyn
Flanagan, Patricia H
Flanagan, Paula Q
Flanagan, Wanda S
Flannagan, Deborah
Flannagan, Henry
Flannery, Diana
Flannery, Harriet
Flatau, Deborah M.
Fleishman, Louis
Fleming, Annette
Fleming, Donna G.
Fleming, Frank D.
Fleming, Johnny
Fleming, Mary R
Fleming, Murray
Fleming, Patricia
Fleming, Regina
Fleming, Ronald C
Fleming, Susan A



Fleming, Susan C.
Fleming, Suzanne
Fleming, Troy L.

Fleming, William H.

Flemming, Theresa M.

Fletcher, Arthur F.
Fletcher, Catherine
Fletcher, John D.
Fletcher, Michael A.
Flickinger, Richard
Fliender, Thomas S.
Flinchum, Melody S.
Flint, Katrina L.
Flood, Ivy S.
Flood, Merrill P.
Flores, Edward P.
Flowers, Dexter
Flowers, James N.
Flowers, Lori A.
Flowers, Lori S.
Flowers, Mary K.
Flowers, William B.
Floyd, David L.
Floyd, Gregory W.
Floyd, Jeri L.
Floyd, John W.
Floyd, Joseph M.
Floyd, Lattie F.
Floyd, Mary J.
Floyd, Mendle W.
Floyd, Rachel D.
Floyd, Robert D.
Floyd, Vickie C.
Flynn, Carla M.
Flynn, Corbi L.
Flynn, Nadine C.
Flynn, Sharon M.
Flynt, Arnold S.
Flynt, Emily L.
Flythe, Rose M.
Fogt, Mikel J.
Foley, Deborah J.
Foley, Ellen M.
Foley, Joseph M.
Foley, Katherine
Folkers, Lisa Ann
Folmar, Steven J.
Fontenot, Donald
Fonvielle, Chris
Foo, Soon Poon
Forbes, Catherine
Forbes, Jerry W.
Forbes, Jesse G.
Forbes, Sarah E.
Forbes, Scott R.
Forbes, Thompson
Force, Leah M.
Ford, Barbara A.
Ford, Barbara J.
Ford, Carolyn M.
Ford, James F.
Ford, Keith R.
Ford, Leslie A.
Ford, Lisa D.

Ford, Theresa
Ford, Vincent E.
Fordham, Gregory
Fore, Vichie E.
Forehand, Mary
Foreman, Benjamin
Foreman, Teresa
Forereo, Richard
Forgang, Jeffrey
Formy-Duvall, Ken
Fornari, Jacqueline
Fornes, Carol K.
Fornes, Joe Tucker
Fornes, Monica J.
Forrest, Elvy K.
Forrester, Victor
Forsythe, Pamela
Forte, Linda J.
Fortune, Alexander
Foskey, Eddyce
Fossett, Gloria
Foster, Grace P.
Foster, Henry O.
Foster, Jacqueline
Foster, James Dean
Foster, Karen L.
Foster, Kevin J.
Foster, Kimberly J.
Foster, Kimberly S.
Foster, Loraine
Foster, Mark S.
Foster, Rhonda V.
Foster, Robert S.
Foster, Sandra D.
Foster, Susan N.
Fountain, Cleo
Fountain, Michelle
Fountain, Sandra P.
Foushee, :
Foust, Angela D.
Fout, Cherly A.
Fowler, Laura L.
Fowler, Maureen
Fowler, Ricky E.
Fox, Christine
Fox, Edith M.

Fox, Ellen C.

Fox, Greysolynne
Fox, Marguerite
Fox, Michael A.
Foy, Edward D.
Foy, Howard J.
Foy, Michael C.
Foy, William R.
Foye, Brian C.
Foye, Claretta |.
Fralick, Ginny
France, Mark C.
Francis, Consuela
Francis, Donna L.
Francis, Joseph
Francis, Mary E.
Francis, Randolph
Franck, Carol J.
Franck, David
Franck, Leslie
Franck, Patricia
Franco, Dolores
Frank, Jonathan


Frankfort, Edward
Franklin, Bennie
Franklin, Charles
Franklin, George
Franklin, Kevin A.
Franklin, Steven
Franks, David
Franks, Tamara
Franyo, Lisa C.
Fraser, David D.
Fratzke, Melvin
Fray, Chrystal
Frazer, Henry V.
Frazier, David C.
Frazier, Richard T.
Frazzelle, Laura E.
Frederick, Philip
Frederick, Roxanne
Frederick, Veronica
Fredette, Jeanne M.
Freedman, Michael
Freeman, Alice A.
Freman, Darlene
Freeman, Dora A.
Freeman, Gloria A.
Freeman, Jacquelyn
Freeman, Jessie T.
Freeman, Marijake
Freeman, Marshall
Freeman, Susan D.
Freeman, Suson T.
Freman, Tommy T.
Freestone, Lisa
Feezee, James T.
Freij, Toufic
French, Tyresia
Freshley, Karen
Frey, Bradley R.
Frey, Donna J.
Friddle, William
Friedfeld, Eric S.
Friedland, Mindi
Friedlander, Elsie
Frislid, Thoral
Frost, Elroy

Frost, Robin L.
Frutiger, Darrell
Frye, Angelia J.
Frye, Barbara L.
Frye, Lisa A.

Frye, Melissa A.
Frye, Robert W.
Fudala, Geri A.
Fuerst, Katherine
Fulbright, Kelly
Fulcher, Barbara L.
Fulcher, Etta D.
Fulcher, Walter G.
Fulcher, Woodow T.
Fulford, Kimberly
Fulford, Tammy L.
Fulghum, Gregory
Fulghum, James D.
Fulghum, Jeffrey
Fulk, Charles W.
Fuller, Anitra
Fuller, Frederick
Fuller, Georgia R.
Fuller, Robert L.
Fuller, Stephanie
Fuller, Tracey D.
Fuller, Willie T.
Fullowan, Timothy
Fulp, Sylvia K.
Fulton, Laura J.
Funk, Charles M.
Funk, Holly D.
Funk, Zuian W.
Fuqua, Deborah J.
Furlough, Carol A.
Furman, Beverly D.
Furman, Janet C.
Furr, Karin A.

Furr, Tracy M.
Furrey, Theresa
Fussell, Angela
Fussell, Jeffrey
Futch, Jo Lynn
Futreal, Amanda
Futrell, Glenda
Futrell, Kathy
Futrell, Tracy
Futrelle, Conni
Futrelle, David E.

Gabel, Susan R.
Gable, Claire L.
Gable, Walter
Gaddy, Danny J.
Gaddy, Luanne
Gadowski, Paula K.
Gadwah, Ann
Gage, William H.
Gainer, Annie S.
Gaines, Mark W.
Gainey, Glenn
Gaiser, Bryan K.
Gaither, Anthony
Gaither, C. Dawn
Gaither, Daniel C.
Galbraith, Patricia
Gale, Mary Allison
Galke, Jacquelyn
Gallagher, Brigid
Gallagher, Edward
Gallagher, Jennie
Gallagher, Kerri
Gallagher, Theresa
Gallant, Suzanne
Gallaway, Angela
Gallegos, Annie
Galli, Maryann
Gallo, Lisa J.
Gallop, Adrienne

Galloway, Bobbie J.
Galloway, Charles
Galloway, Fred A.
Galloway, Kay H.
Galloway, Michael
Galluzzo, Jean A.
Galowski, John M.
Galvin, Matthew J.
Galvin, Michael J.
Galvin, Tara A.
Galya, Thomas M.
Gambill, Arnold
Gamble, Leychia
Gambrell, Jeannette
Game, Danny E.
Ganey, Tina G.
Gann, Sandra L.
Gansor, Mark C.
Gant, Cheryl L.
Gantt, Robert B.
Gantt, Stuart H.
Gapasin, Jaime
Garbett, Mary H.
Garcia, Marc
Gardner, Franklin
Gardner, Jacqueline

Gardner, Jeffrey G.
Gardner, Lloyd Y.
Gardner, Michael V.
Gardner, Sonya J.

Gardner, Suzanne L.

Gardner, Tracy C.
Gardner, Trudie





Garner, Carol C.
Garner, Jacqueline
Garner, James R.
Garner, Karen S.
Garner, Patricia
Garrell, Alice L.
Garrett, Angela
Garrett, Beverly
Garrett, Joanna
Garrett, John C.
Garrett, Kathleen
Garrett, Nancy J.
Garrett, Scott R.
Garrett, Walter |.
Garris, Brian K.
Garris, Jason A.
Garris, John W.
Garris, Linwood
Garris, Mary S.
Garris, Michael
Garris, Michelle
Garris, Paula T.
Garris, Sharon D.
Garris, Tamala A.
Garris, Tracy S.
Garrison, Allen
Garrison, Christy
Garrison, Robert
Garrou, William
Gartman, Beverly
Gartman, Elizabeth
Garwood, David P.
Gary, Carolyn L.
Garza, David C.
Garzon, Norberto
Gaskill, Grady
Gaskill, James L.
Gaskill, Nancy T.
Gaskill, Paul D.
Gaskins, Cindy
Gaskins, David
Gaskins, Katherine

Gaskins, Thomas H.

Gaspor, Donna U.
Gaspar, Michael
Gaspersohn, Peggy

Gassaway, Julian
Gassaway, Linda
Gaster, Harri K.
Gates, Charlie
Gathers, Alicia
Gathje, Wendy A.
Gatlin, Kari L.
Gatlin, Lisa D.
Gatlin, Valerie
Gattis, David B.
Gatto, Ronald J.
Gaubert, Nolan
Gaul, Barbara M.
Gavlak, Margery
Gay, Alvin K.
Gay, Lisa D.

Gay, Mark L.
Gay, Sandra J.
Gaydosh, Erin
Gaylor, Don L.
Gaylord, Damara
Gaylord, Dorothy
Gaynor, Robert L.
Gebbie, James E.
Gebo, Lissa M.
Gedney, James A.

Ge, Alesia C.
Geer, Webb L.
Geibert, Richard
Geiger, Lori E.
Geiger, Michael E.
Geis, Tracy A.
Gelbin, Adam C.
Gelles, Jared
Gembicki, Deborah
Genreux, Michele
Gentry, Jan M.
Geoghegan, Scott
George, Elizabeth
George, Nanette S.
George, Robert S.
Geraci, Michael O.
Gerard, Denise
Gerber, Steven W.
Gerock, Patricia
Gerow, Colleen S.
Gettig, Linda L.
Gettings, Andrea
Ghant, Roland T.
Ghartey-Tagoe, Nana

Gholson, Stephen
Giallo, Ann Marie
Giannone, Lee Ann
Gibbons, Michele
Gibbs, Allison L.
Gibbs, Antoinette
Gibbs, Carol V.
Gibbs, David H.
Gibbs, Donald R.
Gibbs, Ernest B.

Gibbs, ~
Gibbs, Kenneth W.
Gibbs, Lisa C.
Gibbs, Michael D.
Gibbs, Ray A.
Gibbs, Ricky W.
Gibbs, Tracy S.
Gibson, Ann M.
Gibson, David B.
Gibson, Lisa A.
Gibson, Lorraine
Gibson, Mark E.
Gibson, Michael
Gibson, Sandra E.
Gideons, Sandra
Gietz, Delilah
Gilbert, Carol
Gilbert, Connie
Gilbert, Crystal
Gilbert, Duane K.
Gilbert, James M.

Gilbert, Richard
Gilchrist, Bernard
Gilchrist, Herbert
Gilchrist, Michael
Giles, Brenda K.
Giles, Richard E.
Giles, Timothy D.
Gilgo, Kenneth H.
Gilkey, Karen A.
Gill, David H.
Gillenwater, Robert
Gillespie, Suzanne
Gillette, Joan G.
Gilley, Junior C.
Gilliam, Cynthia A.
Gilliam, James E.
Gilliard, Ronald
Gillikin, Deborah
Gillikin, Diane B.
Gillikin, Jennifer
Gillikin, Mary A.
Gilliland, Durwood
Gillis, Linda A.
Gillis, Mary B.
Gillis, Matthew A.
Gillis, Ralph E.

Gillispie, Robin
Gilmer, Georgia
Gilmore, Alma E.
Gilmore, Cindy L.
Gilmore, Elena D.
Gilmore, Ronald H.
Ginn, Lisa Carmen
Ginty, David D.
Giovine, Andrew
Given, Mary E.
Glackin, Linda M.
Gladden, John A.
Gladson, Kenneth
Gladson, Kimberly
Glaner, Sallie M.
Glasco, Martin D.
Glaser, Grace E.
Glasgow, Judy D.
Glasgow, Michael
Glasgow, Richard
Glassman, Harriet
Gleaton, Maxie O.
Glenn, Andre S.
Glenn, James H.
Glenn, Martha K.
Glenn, Paul G.
Glenn, Tyler E.
Glick, Karen D.
Glick, Philip M.
Glisson, Donna J.
Glisson, William
Glosson, Richard
Glosson, Thomas L.
Glover, Bobby
Glover, Bobby Kent
Glover, Connie S.
Glover, Gregory A.
Glover, Regina B.
Glover, Rodney C.
Gluecker, Audry
Glynn, Michael P.
Glynn, Peter T.
Gobble, Randy J.
Gocke, Susanna F.
Godard, Robert A.
Godette, Benjamin
Godette, Regina
Godfrey, Andrew
Godfrey, William
Godkin, John W.
Godley, Delores
Godley, Doris J.
Godley, Kathy G.
Godley, Stuart M.
Godley, Susan B
Godley, Tammy J.
Godsil, Sharon R.
Godwin, Cecelia J.

Godwin, Cynthia M.
Godwin, Elizabeth
Godwin, Glenda F.
Godwin, Julianne
Godwin, Marcia J.
Godwin, Marsha L.
Godwin, Melanie B.
Goerg, Teresa K.
Goes, Cynthia J.
Goetze, Kelly J.
Goforth, John P.
Goforth, Roy B.
Goforth, Samuel S.
Goins, Joanne M.
Goins, Randall G.
Gold, John F.
Goldberg, Lee A.
Goldberg, Lisa
Golden, Mary A.
Golden, Patrick
Goldey, Marina
Golding, Carl S.
Goldman, David E.
Goldston, Lisa G.
Golightly, William
Gooch, Susan E.

Good, Michael C.
Good, Robert M.
Goode, Andrew J.
Goode, Charles C.
Goode, Kelley L.
Goode, Thomas V.
Goodwin, Mark W.
Gooding, Claudette
Gooding, Demetra J.
Gooding, Michael F.
Goodman, Adele M.

Goodman, Reginald M.

Goodman, Sharon L.
Goodman, Vicki L.
Goodrich, Gail A.
Goodson, Broughton
Goodson, Henry H.
Goodson, James M.
Goodson, Jill L.
Goodson, Paul L.
Goodwin, Amanda L.
Goodwin, Cynthia
Goodwin, Debbie S.
Goodwin, Edward J.
Goodwin, Kathy J.
Goodwin, Susan C.
Goodyear, Judith
Goolsby, Thomas W.
Gorden, Elizabeth
Gordon, Bonnie |.
Gordon, Carey B.
Gordon, Cherry B.
Gordon, Diane G.
Gordon, Donna J.
Gordon, Jeffrey
Gordon, Jimmy W.
Gordon, Judith C.
Gordon, Stacy L.
Gore, Harriet R.
Gore, John Mark
Gore, Ramona K.
Gore, Roger A.
Gore, Sam K
Gorenflo, Jill
Gorham, Bernice
Gorham, Glenn W.
Gorham, James L.
Gorham, Janet E.
Gorka, Kelly A.
Goroway, David
Gorrie, Catherine
Goss, Brenda C.
Goss, Kirsten
Gottschalk, Thomas
Gottshall, Barbara
Gough, John E.
Gould, Barbara J.
Gould, James R.

Gould, Jeffrey
Gouldin, John M.
Gove, Lisa M.
Gowen, Debbie E.
Gower, Kimberly
Gower, Paul E.
Gower, Sheryl
Grabus, Timothy
Grady, Anthony E.
Grady, Cynthia M.
Grady, Donna B.
Grady, Douglas H.
Grady, Herbert B.
Grady, James A.
Grady, James E.
Grady, Jennifer
Grady, Terri M.
Grady, Terry R.
Grady, William D.
Grady, William G.
Grady, William W.
Graepel, Lisa M.
Graham, Debra M.
Graham, Elizabeth


Graham, Laura E.
Graham, Lisa C.
Graham, Lonnie E.

Graham, Marsha L.

Graham, Sharon
Graham, Shelby J.
Graham, Sherri L.
Grainer, Peter G.
Grainger, Elton
Grand, Diane C.
Granger, Laura J.
Grant, Benita
Grant, Douglas H.
Grant, Jacqueline
Grant, Michael E.
Grant, Pearl L.
Grant, Renee
Grant, Terry A.
Grant, William L
Grantham, Charles
Grantham, Kia
Grantham, Mary L.
Grassi, Richard
Gratale, Carolyn
Gravely, Harley A.
Gravely, Pamela K.

Graves, Andrew M.

Graves, Ashley K.
Graves, Dana W.

Graves, Jeffrey S.
Graves, Nelson A.

Graves, Richard M.

Graves, Robin C.
Gray, Bruce E.
Gray, Christopher
Gray, Clement M.
Gray, Debra H.
Gray, Debra L.
Gray, Elaine A.
Gray, Herbert L.
Gray, Howard L.
Gray, Jennifer L.
Gray, John Scott
Gray, Judi M.
Gray, Kevin J.
Gray, Kwan L.
Gray, Laura J.
Gray, Lauren E.
Gray, Lori Anne
Gray, Malcolm
Gray, Maria B.
Gray, Mary L.
Gray, Robert D.
Gray, Scott A.
Gray, Sherri E.
Gray, Stephanie
Gray, Thomas G.
Gray, William H.

Gray-Robertson, Beth
Grayson, Harry B.
Graziosi, Gene S.
Greaney, Kevin J
Greason, Millicent
Greco, Michael A.
Green, Amanda D.
Green, Amy L.
Green, Angela G.
Green, Charles T.
Green, Dana S.
Green, David H

, Deborah A.

, Dorcas C.

, Edwin L.

, Elizabeth

, Emma T.

, Lawrence

, Lynette

. Marcella R.

, Margaret E.

, Marlene A.

, Robert C.

, Rodrick L.

, Stacey E.

, Thomas J.

, Ward C

, William D
Greene, Evelyn C.
Greene, Frances G.
Greene, Gary N.
Greene, Jimmy A
Greene, Kim M.
Greene, Lori H
Greene, Mary E.
Greene, Mary M.
Greene, Nathan B.
Greene, Ronald B.
Greene, Teresa M.
Greene, Tracy L.
Greene, Zane W
Greenfeld, Debra A.
Greenwald, Laurie
Greer, John W.
Greer, Roger J.
Gregg, Kate D
Gregory, Donna
Gregory, Mary K.
Gregory, Sherrie
Gregory, Todd R.
Gregory, Tracy L.
Greif, Jonathan B.
Greiner, Kelly M.
Grembi, David J.
Gresham, Chery!
Gresham, Noah M
Grey, Erica L.
Grice, John R
Grice, Karen L.
Grieb, Heidi
Grier, Crystal
Grieves, Brier
Griffies, Brenda
Griffin, Amy J.
Griffin, Angela
Griffin, Angeline
Griffin, Arthur A.
Griffin, Carlene
Griffin, Cindy J.
Griffin, Dana J
Griffin, Gregory
Griffin, Ida M.
Griffin, James F.
Griffin, Jane K
Griffin, Jennie L.
Griffin, Karen D
Griffin, Kelly S.
Griffin, Kimberly
Griffin, Larry L
Griffin, Mamie L
Griffin, Margaret
Griffin, Mark E.
Griffin, Martin
Griffin, Patricia
Griffin, Phyllis G.
Griffin, Sherry
Griffin, Thomas L.
Griffin, Wendy N.
Griffith, Charles
Griffith, Dale R.
Griffith, Kimberly
Griffith, Walter C.
Grigg, Laura S.
Grigg, Stacey D.
Griggis, Barbara
Griggs, Keven S.
Grill, Amy E.
Grim, Elizabeth
Grimes, Alden P.
Grimes, Bryan
Grimes, Gloria C.
Grimes, Karen L.
Grimes, Nancy B.
Grimesley, Noreen
Grimsley, Daniel
Grinage, Joseph
Grinberg, Richard
Grion, Ana C.
Grissom, Antonio
Grizzard, David
Grogan, Wendy K.
Grolnick, Carol
Groome, Mary L.
Grooms, Karen D.
Grooms, Kelly A.
Groon, Brenda O.
Gross, Andrew
Groos, Donald
Grossi, Palmer
Grossman, Andrew
Grosz, Don E.
Grove, Thomas W.
Grubbs, Darrell
Grubbs, Doris R.
Grubbs, Susan K.
Grum, Jennifer L.
Grunwald, Timothy
Guard, Loretta B.
Guarino, Donna L.
Gudely, Edward M.
Gudger, Julia B.
Guerrero, Michael
Guida, Ann C.
Guidotti, Richard
Guilbault, Joanne


Guilmette, Patricia
Gulley, Thomas L
Gunning, Patrick
Gunter, Doris
Gunter, Gregory
Gunter, Mamie R.
Gunter, Michelle
Gunter, Vickie J.
Gupton, Mable R.
Gupton, Stacy M
Gupton, Wendy D
Gurganus, Brian
Gurganus, David
Gurganus, Doragene
Gurganus, Marcus K
Gurganus, Maryann
Gurganus, Michele
Gurganus, Tammy R

Gurganus, Thomas M

Guritz, Sandra D
Gurkin, Danelle S
Gurkin, Stephen W.
Gurkins, Wanda K
Gurley, Charles R
Gurley, Delorr D.
Gurney, Maureen E
Gurney, Steven D.
Gurtis, James W.
Gurtis, Rhonda H
Gustafson, Ronald
Guthrie, Debra D
Guthrie, Joni J
Gutierrez, Rose M
Guy, Allan F.

Guy, Jennifer A
Guy, Linda R

Guy, Michael T.
Guy, Winston H
Guylitto, Tony L
Gwaltney, Janet K
Gwinnett, Margaret
Gyant, Barnie T.

Haave, Dawn A

Hachmeister, Charles

Hacker, Sara L.
Hackett, Jimmie L.
Hackett, Sheila M
Hackney, Linda W
Hackney, Mary H
Haddock, Andre E
Haddock, Annemarie
Haddock, Mary L.
Haddock, Michael
Haddock, Robin A.
Haddock, Truman D
Hader, Robert L.
Hadley, Hunter B.
Hadley, Mark A
Hadley, Teresa
Hadley, William S.
Haga, Edward W.
Haga, Marie R
Hagan, Barbara G
Hagan, Charles M
Hagan, Ella J.
Hagan, Philip E
Hagarty, Kerry A.
Hagen, Kevin P.
Hager, Gregory L
Hager, Paul Andrew
Hager, Susan C
Hager, Susan S
Haggerty, Beth D.
Haggerty, Edmund
Hagler, Craig J.
Hagood, M. Johnson
Hague, Kathleen E
Hagwood, Joseph P.
Hahn, Paulette C
Hahn, Timothy P.
Hahn, William C
Haigler, Harvey
Haigwood, Sarah W
Haines, Marlyn
Hair, Dale T.

Hair, Raymond A.
Hairr, Pamela C
Hairr, Philip A.
Hairston, Timothy
Haislip, Jeffrey
Haji-Noor, Mohd
Hale, Donald T.
Hale, Kimberly F.
Hale, Michael C.
Hale, Robert T.
Hale, Walter R.
Hales, Carla P.
Hales, Dewey T.
Hales, Jimmy W
Haliburton, Lee
Hall, Brent D

Hall, Brian M.

Hall, Charles F.
Hall, Connie G.
Hall, Craig A.

Hall, David E.

Hall, Deborah F.
Hall, George D
Hall, Janet M.
Hall, Janette

Hall, Jennifer H.
Hall, June C.

Hall, Karen D.
Hall, Kristin A.








Hall, Richard E.

Hall, Robert L

Hall, Ronald J

Hall, Ronda R

Hall, Roy Keith
Hall, Sandra L.
Hall, Sarah L

Hall, Stephen C
Hall, Susan L.

Hall, Terrace P.
Halley, Jill N
Hallinan, Joseph
Halloran, Susan E
Hallow, Louis J
Halls, Tracie L
Halsaver, Kimberly
Halstead, Jennie
Haltom, Michael
Ham, Melody, J
Ham, Rhonda L
Ham, Veta M
Hamad, Eddie F.
Hambridge, Pamela
Hamblen, Lara L
Hambrick, Oliver
Hamby, Rhodney D.
Hamdan, Hazlina
Hamer, Michael J.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Billie J
Hamilton, Billy Joe
Hamilton, Claude C
Hamilton, Cynthia
Hamilton, Donald N
Hamilton, Glenn A
Hamilton, Jane B.
Hamilton, Jeffrey W.
Hamilton, John E
Hamilton, John H
Hamilton, Linda L
Hamilton, Lisa C
Hamilton, Philip
Hamilton, Rand C
Hamilton, Richard J
Hamilton, Tracy S.
Hamilton, Wanda S.
Hamlett, Mitchell
Hamlette, Teresa
Hamlin, Edwina P.
Hammer, Julie A
Hammock, Thomas B
Hammond, Daniel G
Hammond, Kara S.
Hammond, Kenneth R.
Hammonds, Suwanna
Hammontree, Lisa
Hampton, Elizabeth
Hampton, Timothy
Hamrick, John P.
Hamrick, Robin Sue
Hamrock, Jennifer
Hamze, Nabil F
Hance, Susan E
Hanchaikul, Julmate
Hanchey, Karen D.
Hancock, Alesia G.
Hancock, Kelly G.
Hancock, Louis N
Hancock, Sharon L
Hand, Elizabeth E
Hand, Patricia M
Handy, Mary K.
Hanes, Judith R
Haney, William O
Hankins, Amy L
Hankins, David E
Hanna, Lisa D
Hanna, Mark A
Hanna, Murad S
Hannigan, Jacqeline
Hanrick, Maureen J
Hansen, Elizabeth
Hansford, Debbie
Hanson}, Leslie A
Hapgood, Michael
Harbaugh, Kathleen
Harbers, Susan
Harbison, Doris R
Harcum, Lenzie E
Hardcastle, Maile
Hardee, Connie R
Hardee, David P.
Hardee, Janice B
Hardee, Jimmie E.
Hardee, Jo Lynne




Hardee, Shirena A
Hardee, William K
Harden, Julia C
Hardesty, Billie J
Hardin, Jana J.
Hardin, Melissa L
Hardin, Terri C.
Harding, Janice P.
Harding, Stephen C
Hardison, Debbie W.
Hardison, Emily C.
Hardison, Glenda
Hardison, Lori A
Hardison, Mary G
Hardison, Mary L
Hardison, Sarah B.
Hardison, Wanda P.
Hardison, William G.
Hardister, Frank G.
Hardwick, Debbie B
Hardy, Dana E.
Hardy, Daniel F.
Hardy, Dexter A.
Hardy, Edwin M.
Hardy, Glenda K.
Hardy, J. Mozelle
Hardy, Jewel Y.
Hardy, Kathy L.
Hardy, Lee I.

Hardy, Mark A.
Hardy, May S.
Hardy, Milton E
Hardy, Regina
Hardy, Ricky F.
Hardy, Scottie
Hardy, Theresa


Hardy, Tina L
Hardy, Tony L
Hare, Krista K
Hare, Paula L
Hargett, Hollie
Hargett, James C
Hargett, Kinda J
Hargis, Alan D
Hargitt, Joseph
Hargrove, Carol
Hargrove, Patrick
Harkey, Dorothy R
Harlan, Nigel R

Harlow, Susan R
Harman, Noel C
Harmon, Barbara
Harmon, Betty T
Harmon, Tasha J
Harpe, Keith G
Harpe, Robert G
Harper, Diane F.
Harper, Elizabeth
Harper, Eric B
Harper, Julia C.
Harper, Marilynn
Harper, Renee A
Harper, Robert K
Harper, Sherri A


William A
Aubrey A
Clifton S
Dana J
Elvis C
Heidi E
James P.
Jason B
Jerri F.
Kathy G.
Kaye C
Kelly B
Leslie A
Marie L
Molly M
Paul L
Ruth P.
Sherri P.
Terry E

Harrelson, Jeffrey
Harrelson, Martha



, Pamela
ton, Allison
ton, Belinda
ton, Brenda
ton, Donna
ton, Ginger
ton, Pamela
ton, Rhonda
ton, Russell
ton, William
Allyson M
Andrew J
Anita L
Anna M.
Barbara L
Carl S
Charles R.
David A.





David E
David H
David T.
Davis T
Ella T
Evelyn R
Gladys M
Henry C
Hollie L

Janette T.
Janice B
Joseph D.
Karen K
Lauren S
Lee Ann
Lesley P.
Linda L
Linda V.
Louise W.
Cheryl B.
Mark S.
Micah S
Michael L
Michele Y.
Natalie G
Pamela J
Pamela S
Patricia Ann
Robin D
Russell L
Sarah H
Sharon D
Sharon E
Sharon J
Sharon R
Steven D.
Susan E.
Sylvia G.
Tammy F.
Teresa A.
Teresa D
Teresa L
Theresa K.
Thomas C
Thomas M
Tillman A
Traci L.
Trudy B.
William C.
Willie D.
Windell H.

Harrison, Amie C
Harrison, Andrea K
Harrison, Arleen
Harrison, Charlotte
Harrison, Emerson
Harrison, Emily
Harrison, John R.
Harrison, Kim R.
Harrison, Richard
Harrison, Sharon
Harrison, Terry T.
Harrison, Valerie
Harriss, Jane E
Harrold, Michael D.
Hart, Ann Y.

Hart, Brian K.

, Brian R

, Cecila
Charles W

, Dennis J

, James S

, Janis R

, Julia R.

, Kathryn M

, Melissa P.

, Michael G
Michael W

, Nancy J

, Nettie C

Hart, Pamela M
Hart, Pansie L
Hart, Ronald G
Hart, Teresa L
Hart, Tonya R
Hart, Zade W
Harte, Nelson
Harter, Jeffrey
Hartgrove, Melinda
Hartley, Bonnie S
Hartley, Cynthia
Hartley, Karen A
Hartley, Lois E
Hartley, Susan M
Hartline, Kelli

Hartman, Anne E
Hartman, Laura K
Hartman, Thomas M
Hartman, William
Hartmann-Hill, Cynthia
Hartz, Douglas L
Harun, Zurania
Harvey, Elizabeth
Harvey, John W
Harvey, Sheidine
Harvey, Thomas P.
Harward, Arthur
Harward, Kimberly
Haskell, Elissa A.
Haskin, Frederick
Haskins, Peggy
Hassan, Sami A.
Hassell, Alice
Hassell, Lori R
Hassell, Susan L
Hastings, Elizabeth
Hastings, Linda
Hasty, Terry L
Hatch, Mary L
Hatch, Vickie L
Hatchell, Lenster
Hatcher, Tia R.
Hatcher, Walter B.
Hatfield, Norman
Hathaway, Joseph
Hathaway, Regina
Hathorn, Rebecca
Hattem, Alice O
Hattem, Amy Jo
Hattem, William F.
Hatter, Brenda
Hatter, Cynthia
Havesn, David F.
Hawa, John J.
Hawkins, Bonnie S.
Hawkins, David B
Hawkins, David D
Hawkins, Eric D
Hawkins, Jess H
Hawkins, Laurel D
Hawkins, Lisa D.

Hawkins, Lois C
Hawkins, Melvin L
Hawkins, Ralph B
Hawkins, Sharon S
Hawkins, Stephen N
Hawkins, Steven L
Hawkinson, Ann K
Hawley, Jeffrey K
Hawley, Sharon A
Hawley, Teresa G
Hawley, William C
Haworth, Glenn R
Hayes, Carl R

Hayes, Charles E
Hayes, Chris R
Hayes, Debra K
Hayes, Jewel M
Hayes, Johnny W
Hayes, Katherine F.
Hayes, Maria S
Hayes, Marshall D
Hayes, Mary E
Hayes, Nancy S
Hayes, Paula R
Hayes, Michael
Hayes, Sarah V
Hayes, Sheppard D
Haynes, Audrey A
Haynes, Barney S
Haynes, Caroline
Haynes, Jacqueline
Haynie, Mary D
Haythe, Wanda L
Hayward, James B
Haywood, Helen J
Haywood, Terry N
Hayworth, Robert
Hazard, Amanda A
Hazel, Amy M
Hazelton, Susan L
Head, Jorj R
Head, Ralph N
Healy, Colleen
Hearn, Chartra L
Hearne, Ashley C
Heater, David M
Heath, Alicia D
Heath, Charles L
Heath, Clarence
Heath, Connie M
Heath, Donna R
Heath, Frank H
Heath, Freddie L
Heath, Genevieve
Heath, Harriet C
Heath, Jeffery M
Heath, Jonathan A
Heath, Judy K
Heath, Randall K
Heath, Stacey M
Heath, Vernon W
Heath, William S
Heaton, Deborah
Heaton, Pinckney
Hebbard, Leigh G
Hebbard, Robin L
Hedeen, Albert J
Hedgebeth, Thomas

Hedgepeth, Chawana

Hedgepeth, Ella M
Hedges, Melody T
Hedges, Ramon M
Hedrick, Joe H.

Hedrick, Shanda Y.

Hedspeth, Brian R
Heeter, Elizabeth
Hefner, Jane B
Hegel, David H
Heggie, Doretta A
Heim, Karen E
Heim, Victoria
Heinig, Elizabeth
Heinig, Melissa L
Heins, Cynthia L
Heins, James E
Heinz, Daniel D
Heinz, Deborah J

Heiser, Sherri L
Heivilin, Vincent
Heizer, Mark B
Helberg, Sarmi
Held, Andrea S
Hele, Katherine
Hellendoorn, Monique
Hellman, Jill E
Hellmuth, Betsy
Helm, Jennifer E
Helmcamp, Sallie
Helms, Lana L
Helms, Michael G
Hemby, Andre M
Hemby, Odell

Henson, William E
Herald, Frances
Herbert, Lori A
Herman, David J
Herman, Dennice
Herman, Margaret
Herman, Tina Ann
Hermanson, Jill
Hermes, Matthew
Hernandez, Ricardo
Herrera, Jeanette
Herrett, Joan H
Herrin, Gregory
Herring, Alice G
Herring, Crystal
Herring, Cynthia
Herring, David D
Herring, Donna R
Herring, Douglas
Herring, Jacquelyn
Herring, James
Herring, Kathryn N
Herring, Katrina Y
Herring, Quennetta
Herring, Russell
Herring, Sean C
Herring, Tania D
Herrington, Beth
Herron, Nancy K
Herzog, Thomas E
Heslin, John J
Hess, Mark R
Hess, Robin A
Hess, Todd A


Hester, Deborah R
Hester, Jessica O
Hester, Joseph L
Hestkind, Robert
Hetzel, Stephen D
Heustess, James R
Hewett, James B
Hewett, Penny M
Hewett, Tracy A
Hewett, Yolanda D
Hewitt, Sharon
Hewitt, Wylene
Heyde, Christopher
Heyerhoff, Cecilia
Hibbard, David W
Hibner, Marian
Hickman, Ann L
Hickman, Stacy
Hickmon, James E
Hicks, Belinda K
Hicks, Bradley
Hicks, Clyde
Hicks, Darryl
Hicks, Delbert
Hicks, Donald
Hicks, James R
Hicks, John M
Hicks, John W.
Hicks, Robin R.
Hicks, Terrence E
Hicks, Wiley S
Hidalgo, Kevin M
Hiddy, Linda L
Higdon, Charles G
Higgins, Richard
Higgins, Victoria
Higginson, Paul S
Higgs, Anita S
High, Jill C

High, Joseph C
High, Reginald M
Highsmith, Lisa
Highsmith, Terence
Hight, Christopher
Hight, Eric J
Hilburn, Douglas R
Hilburn, Ricky G.
Hildebrand, Douglas
Hile, Silvia M
Hiley, Janis L

Hill, Amy J

Hill, Barbara A

Hemingway, Mary C
Hemingway, Ricky
Hemink, Nancy S
Hemmert, Jean L
Hemric, Carla M
Hemric, Mark E
Hendershott, Kimberly
Henderson, Annette
Henderson, Brenda
Henderson, Cathy L
Henderson, Dawn O
Henderson, Eric D
Henderson, Hayes

, John

, Josephine
Henderson, Karen A
Henderson, Kay L
Henderson, Robert
Henderson, Van M
Hendley, Brenda
Hendricks, Willie
Hendrickson, David
Hendrix, April J
Hendrix, Gerald
Hendrix, Mark T.
Hendrix, Sharon L
Henenilotter, David
Henoford, Patricia
Henley, Elizabeth
Henley, Susan E
Hennemuth, Gregory
Henning, Sandra
Henrickson, Sam B
Henry, Doreen M
Henry, Gary W
Henry, John M
Henry, Marchell
Henry, Rena E
Hensley, Anthony
Henson, Bradley
Henson, Daniel T
Henson, Donald L
Henson, Kyle V.
Henson, Sandra A
Henson, Thomas A.

Hill, Christopher






Debra L
Greta D
Jackie E
Janice M
Jay |
Jeffery E
Jeffrey S
Jennifer S
Jimi C
Karen A
Linda J
Mary E
Nancy J
Shirley M.
Tamara L
Tammy G
Terence M
Tery D
Theresa L
Thomas G
Thomas S
Tonya F.
Valerie E
Wanda D
Wanda L

Hillard, Audrey
Hillard, Ronald G
Hiller, Diana D.
Hillis, Laurie
Hillyer, Helen L.
Hiltabidle, Michael
Hindle, Terry P.
Hindley, James S
Hiner, Carol J
Hiner, Patricia
Hines, Connie R
Hines, George S
Hines, Phyllis F.
Hines, Zatelia
Hing}, Jerilyn
Hinnant, Bettye R.
Hinnant, Carolyn


Hinnant, Cathy L.
Hinnant, Danny L.
Hinnant, Robert W.
Hinsley, Michael
Hinson, Carol K.
Hinson, Freda G.
Hinson, Lea L.
Hinson, Marilyn
Hinson, Mary A.
Hinson, Susan F.
Hinson, Teresa C.
Hinson, Tracy L.
Hinson, William R.
Hinton, Angela
Hinton, Don Lee
Hinton, Erma C.
Hinton, Karen A.
Hinton, Karen L.
Hinton, Ricard F.
Hinton, Sherri L.
Hinton, Tammy J.
Hinton, Theresa
Hipkiss, Georgette
Hipolito, Mildred
Hird, Suzanne M.
Hissong, William
Hite, Barry M.
Hite, Stephen M.
Hj-Kalid, Shamsul
Hj-Katan, Norbay
Ho, Koon Ming
Hoard, Michael
Hobbie, Joey B.
Hobbis, Diane K.
Hobbs, Alton P.
Hobbs, Karen D.
Hobbs, Larry D.
Hobbs, Lee Ann
Hobbs, Mary A.
Hobbs, Richard B.
Hobbs, Thomas C.
Hobby, Cheryl M.
Hobby, Katrina L.
Hoberg, Karen E.
Hobgood, Kelly
Hobson, Barbara
Hobson, John R.
Hochmuth, Ronald
Hockaday, Anita
Hockaday, Bonnie
Hockenberry, Donna
Hodge, Robin R.
Hodge, Ruth A.
Hodges, Amanda C.
Hodges, Angela G.
Hodges, Cecilia
Hodges, David W.
Hodges, Deborah A.

Hodges, Deborah Avery

Hodges, James L.
Hodges, Karen L.
Hodges, Linda K.
Hodges, Linda L.
Hodges, Lynn L.
Hodges, Michael J.
Hodges, Sammy R.
Hodges, Simuel W.
Hodges, Sonja L.
Hodgson, Elizabeth
Hoff, Pamela J.
Hoff, Virginia C.
Hoffman, Allan R.
Hoffman, Charles
Hoffman, Heilig
Hoffman, Paul J.
Hoffman, Renee L.
Hoffman, Stacey
Hoffman, Suzanne
Hoffpauir, Deborah
Hogan, Brian K.
Hogan, Charles E.
Hogan, George T.
Hogan, Karen L.
Hogan, Sherrilyn
Hogan, Warren S.
Hoge, Joan R.
Hoggard, Chery!
Hoggard, Mary L.
Hoggard, Paul M.
Hogue, Todd D.
Hoke, Cynthia A.
Hoke, Laura E.
Hoke, Pamela M.
Hokett, Patricia
Holbert, William H.
Holbrook, Brent
Holcroft, Jill
Holden, Dawn M.
Holden, Kelly D.
Holden, Kibbylyn
Holden, Lewis
Holden, Melva J.
Holden, Paul H.
Holden, Sara M.
Holder, Denise J.
Holder, Gregory
Holder, Joan M.
Holder, Leanna
Holland, Christopher
Holland, Cynthia L.
Holland, Dean M.
Holland, Gary W.
Holland, Gregory
Holland, Joann E.
Holland, Lorri A.
Holland, Mary C.
Holland, Norwood
Holland, Patricia
Holland, Rhonda L.
Holland, Sonja T.
Holland, Stuart
Hollar, Elizabeth
Holleman, Catherine
Holler, Gerald
Hollett, Stephen
Holley, James K.
Holley, James T.
Holley, Linda M.
Holley, Pamela
Holley, Regina
Holleu, Rhonda
Holley, Richard
Holliday, Donna
Holliday, Reginald


Holloman, Carolyn
Holloman, Gina
Holloman, Karen
Holloman, Kimberly
Holloman, Linwood
Holloman, Michael
Holloman, Ronald
Holloman, Steven
Holloman, Trina
Hollon, Faye E.
Holloway, James W.
Holloway, John C.
Hollowell, Lori
Hollowell, Martha
Hollowell, Rebecca
Holman, Christie
Holmes, Donna L.

Holmes, Roger G.
Holmes, Timothy
Holmes, Vernon
Holoman, Jefferey
Holshouser, Marianne
Holt, Bonnie

Holt, Brian

Holt, James A.
Holt, John P.

Holt, Joseph G.
Holt, Reginald
Holt, Willard
Holton, Craig
Holton, James E.
Holton, Susan K.
Holtzcaw, Teresa
Holtzclaw, Walter
Holtzman, Alecia
Holzhauser, Jonathan
Holzman, Joy C.
Holzworth, Kimberly
Homa, Nancy E.
Honbarger, Mary A.
Honea, Audrey K.
Honeycutt, Daniel
Honeycutt, Jeanne
Honeycutt, Lloyd
Honeucutt, Michael
Honeucutt, Thomas
Hood, Joanna M.
Hood, John Lee
Hood, Leonard D.
Hood, Natalie K.
Hood, Robert L.
Hoogmoed, Ronald
Hook, Mary C.
Hook, Melissa A.
Hook, Patricia
Hooks, David M.
Hooks, Elizabeth
Hooks, Heather
Hooks, Karen L.
Hooks, Lisa B.
Hooper, Cassandra
Hooper, John W.
Hooper, Kenneth
Hooper, Sanny E.
Hooten, John R.
Hoots, Patricia
Hoover, Carla L.
Hoover, Jeff W.
Hoover, Jessica N.
Hoover, Mary M.
Hoover, Rebecca
Hope, Tracy L. ~
Hopewell, Joan C.
Hopkins, Robert
Hopkins, William
Hoppa, Jeffrey D.
Hopper, Thomas J.
Hord, Angela M.
Hord, Kenneth L.
Horn, Claude M.
Horn, Janet R.
Horn, Lisa M.
Horn, Mary H.
Hornbeck, Jennifer
Horne, Marie C.
Horne, Laura L.
Horner, George
Horner, Nancy L.
Horner, Richard
Horning, Craig
Horning, Frank
Horowitz, Linda
Horowitz, Suzanne
Horsley, Antonia
Horsman, Karen
Hortman, Karla
Horton, Candace
Hoton, Donald O.
Horton, Gregory
Horton, Leigh S.
Horton, Lisa A.
Horton, Mark S.
Horton, Michael
Horton, Neil
Horton, Ouida G.
Horton, Robert
Horton, Sharon
Horton, Sidney
Horton, Steven S.
Horton, William
Hoskins, Sheila
Hoskins, Susan L.
Hosteller, Franklin
Hostler, Martha M.
Hottinger, Joseph
Houk, Christopher
Hourigan, Joan M.
House, Amy M.
House, Hugh D.
House, Isaac D.
House, Kathryn
House, Richard
Houston, Betty J.
Houston, Carmen
Houston, David C.
Houston, Jody L.
Houston, Jonathan
Houston, Kelly

Houston, Richard
Houston, Sandra
Houston, Stephen
Houtz, Jeannette
Howard, Alan D.
Howard, Albert
Howard, Amy Sue
Howard, Angela
Howard, Cheryl
Howard, Darryl
Howard, Eloise
Howard, George
Howard, Hannah B.
Howard, Jeffrey
Howard, Karen S.
Howard, Kimberly
Howard, Lisa A.
Howard, Lottie
Howard, Lynetta
Howard, Mark C.
Howard, Niles D.
Howard, Patty S.
Howard, Regina
Howad, Rhonda
Howard, Rosanne
Howard, Sheila
Howard, Thomas J.
Howard, Wanda C.
Howard, William E.
Howard, William N.

Howe, Gregg
Howe, Michele
Howell, Angela
Howell, David R.
Howell, Denna K.
Howell, Gwyn L.
Howell, Kara L.
Howell, Marcus
Howell, Robert
Howell, Tonja D.
Howery, Darryl
Howes, Aimee F.
Howland, Charles
Howland, Gregory
Howlett, Barbara
Hoyle, David C.
Hoyle, Karla L.
Hoyt, Janice L.
Hoyt, Stephanie
Hu, Sarah
Hubbard, Michael
Hubbard, Valerie
Hubbell, Patricia
Huber, Jeffrey
Hucks, Kathy A.
Huddleston, Samuel
Hudgens, James E.
Hudgins, Jerry
Hudson, Brenda M.
Hudson, Brenda W.

Hudson, Deborah S.

Hudson, Emma T.
Hudson, Geoffrey
Hudson, Jodi L.
Hudson, Julia M.
Hudson, Lenwood
Hudson, Martha C.
Hudson, Pamela B.
Hudson, Richard
Hudson, Sheila
Hudson, Stacey
Hudson, Susan M.
Hudspeth, James
Hudspeth, Krista
Huff, Mark Alvin
Huffman, Jonathan
Huffman, Judith
Huge, Colleen
Huggett, Robert
Huggins, Alisa
Hughes, Ann C.
Hughes, Brenda
Hughes, Carolyn J.
Hughes, Don P.
Hughes, Donald R.
Hughes, Eric S.
Hughes, Eva M.
Hughes, James R.
Hughes, Jennifer
Hughes, Linda A.
Hughes, Loretta
Hughes, Mary E.
Hughes, Paul J.

Hughes, Robert
Hughes, Sarah
Hughes, Susan
Hughes, Theresa
Hughes, Timothy
Hulbert, Diane
Hulen, Darren
Hull, Terri Lynn
Hulsey, Jennifer
Humbert, Angela
Humbert, Jeffrey
Humbert, John B.
Humbert, Kyle B.
Humbles, Frank
Humienny, Brenda
Humienny, Stanley
Hummel, Jan
Humphrey, Jayne
Humphrey, Juanita
Humphrey, Susan
Hungerpillar, Ralph
Hunnicutt, Carl
Hunsucker, Sonya
Hunsucker, Wayland
Hunt, Calvin L.
Hunt, Doris J.
Hunt, Elbert

Hunt, James M.
Hunt, Marvin T.
Hunt, Richard

Hunt, Vera L.
Hunt, Vernie
Hunter, Crystal
Hunter, Dawn
Hunter, Donny
Hunter, Durwood
Hunter, Ronald
Hunter, Suzanne
Hurd, Deborah L.
Hurd, Theresa
Hurdle, Karen
Hurdle, Rebecca
Hurdle, Sonya
Hurley, Carmen
Hurley, Jeffery
Hurley, Lou Ann
Hurley, Robert J.
Hurst, Robert L.
Huseth, Mark B.
Husketh, Robert
Huss, Webb H.
Hussey, James B.
Hyssey, Joey C.
Hust, Kathryn J.
Hutcherson, Van P.
Hutchins, Rebecca
Hutchins, Wendy
Hutchinson, Bruce
Hutchinson, Robert
Hutchison, Kandl
Hutchisson, William
Huth, Melanie Jill
Hutson, Jerry L.
Hutton, Renee
Hyatt, Cynthia D.
Hyatt, Lisa R.
Hyatt, Robert C.
Hyatt, Teresa M.
Hyman, Joselyn
Hyman, Randall
Hypes, Charles H.

lager, John M.
lager, Lisa F.
lampieri, Stephen
lannucci, Melissa
Ibrahim, Haselina
Idol, Gregory L.
Idol, Scott A.
Ihly, Kurt H.

lley, Stephanie

Illeck, Leslie A.
Ingalls, Lindsay
Ingalls, Maureen
Inge, Jack R.
Ingenito, Diana
Ingerson, Stacey
Ingle, Charles
Ingram, Doreen
Ingram, Edward
Ingram, Elizabeth G.
Ingram, Elizabeth L.
Ingram, Karen E.
Ingram, Michael J.
Ingram, Ruben B.
Ingram, Stephanie
Ingram, Terrance
Ingram, William
Inman, Georgina
Inman, Howard O.
Inson, Gavin
loannou, Christina
Ipock, Leslie
Ipock, Mary W.
Irby, Bruce W.
Irons, Alice

Irvin, Franklin
Irvin, Lesia L.
Irvin, William J.
Irving, Ann

Irwin, Kathleen

Irwin, Scott M.
Irwin, Sharon W.
Irwin, Timothy J.
Isaac, Elizabeth
Islam, Noor M.
Isler, Frances G.
Isley, Robert C.
Isley, Van D.
Ittig, Robert C.
Iverson, Michael J.
Ivey, Charles C.
Ivey, Jeannine M.
Ivey, Lisa D.
Ivey, Mitchell A.
Ivy, Richard D.
Izzo, Eva M.

Jaafar, Mohamed
Jaber, Wail N.
Jackson, Agnes
Jackson, Alberta
Jackson, Amy Ann
Jackson, Andrew C.
Jackson, Angelia

Jackson, Anthony D.
Jackson, Anthony S.

Jackson, Betty W.
Jackson, Cecil L.
Jackson, Connie E.
Jackson, Davin W.
Jackson, Dewey B.
Jackson, Djuana
Jackson, Donald C.
Jackson, Dwayne G.
Jackson, Evelyn J.
Jackson, Felicia Y.
Jackson, Frances A.
Jackson, Gregory S.
Jacobs, Joseph E.
Jacobs, Melanie Lee

Jacobs, Melanie Leigh

Jacobs, Myra J.
Jacobs, Norma J.
Jacobs, Phillip D.
Jacobs, Rhonda R.
Jacobs, Steve
Jacobs, Steven
Jacobs, Theresa
Jacobs, Twyla
Jahn, Nancy A.
Jamali, Faridah

Jamerson, Lucille
James, Barbara J.
James, Christine
James, Christopher
James, Desiree L.
James, Elizabeth
James, Jennifer
James, Joni Lynn
James, Judith C.
James, Karen B.
James, Leslie A.
James, Linda E.
James, Myra A.
James, Nancy C.
James, Pamela K.
James, Paula A.
James, Randall L.
James, Rebecca G.
James, Robert M.
James, Ronald S.
James, Sidney D.
James, Timothy
James, Wayne P.
Jameson, Jody L.
Jamian, Md-Yazid
Janicki, Patricia
Janney, Angela H.
Janney, Elizabeth
Janosko, Kay S.
Janulewicz, Cynthia

Jarema, Jeffrey P.
Jarema, Kimberly
Jarman, Barnett J.
Jarman, Edmond S.
Jarman, Kevin D.
Jarman, Susan M.
Jarman, Teresa A.
Jarman, William G.
Jarrell, Amanda G.
Jarrell, Gilbert
Jarrell, Gregory
Jarrell, Kathy J.
Jarrell, Susan A.
Jarrell, Vicki M.
Jarrett, Anne R.
Jarvis, Hallet W.
Jarvis, Helga M.
Jarvis, Natalie
Jaworski, Doreen
Jayes, Jennifer L.
Jeanes, Opey Dale
Jeanette, Marcus
Jefferies, Carolyn
Jefferies, Edward
Jefferis, Kathleen
Jefferson, Angela
Jefferson, Lisa R.
Jefferson, Virginia
Jefferson, William
Jeffery, Andrea F.
Jeffries, Lori J.
Jeffries, Tracy R.
Jendrasiak, Jennifer
Jenkins, Bertha M.
Jenkins, Carl W.
Jenkins, Carolyn
Jenkins, Clarence
Jenkins, Daniel P.
Jenkins, David C.
Jenkins, Eloise
Jenkins, John W.
Jenkins, Julia J.
Jenkins, Kelley
Jenkins, Kenneth
Jenkins, Laura A.
Jenkins, Lee B.
Jenkins, Linda B.
Jenkins, Louise
Jenkins, Pamela
Jenkins, Reid K.
Jenkins, Sandra
Jenkins, Sarah B.
Jenkins, Tracey
Jenkins, Vickie
Jenkins, Wanda
Jenkins, Wesley
Jenks, Allison K.
Jennette, William
Jennings, Elizabeth
Jennison, Stuart K.
Jensen, Agnes J.
Jensen, Dorothy

Jeremiah, Jan C.
Jerkins, Valerie
Jernigan, Anne G.
Jernigan, Carolyn
Jernigan, David O.
Jernigan, Debra
Jernigan, Gina M.
Jernigan, Mark T.
Jernigan, Merry J.
Jernigan, Michael
Jernigan, Nancy J.
Jernigan, Wendy L.
Jernigan, Zada M.
Jerrett, Kevin J.
Jesinger, Meta L.
Jessup, Glenda L.
Jessup, Sharon E.
Jester, Angela J.
Jester, David M.
Jeter, John Denny
Jewell, Suzanne E.
Jewell, Tracy M.
Jewell, Victoria
Jicka, Maureen F.
Jimenez, Edward K.
Jindra, Christine
Jirschele, Jacqueline
Joerger, Eric G.
Johns, Jackie M.
Johns, Thomas E.
Johnson, Angela C.
Johnson, Anne L.
Johnson, Ardonia
Johnson, Ashley
Johnson, Barbara
Johnson, Boyce E.
Johnson, Brady A.
Johnson, Carla J.
Johnson, Charles E.
Johnson, Charles H.
Johnson, Charles N.
Johnson, Charlise
Johnson, Craig S
Johnson, Cynthia
Johnson, Cynthia D.
Johnson, Cynthia L.
Johnson, Cynthia L.
Johnson, Dana L.
Johnson, David J.
Johnson, Dawn D.
Johnson, Deborah
Johnson, Dechanile
Johnson, Denise
Johnson, Dezette
Johnson, Donna F.
Johnson, Douglas
Johnson, Durwood
Johnson, Elizabeth
Johnson, Elmina L.
Johnson, Eric K.
Johnson, Erik M.
Johnson, Felicia
Johnson, Garland
Johnson, George L.
Johnson, Gerald L.
Johnson, Glenn W.
Johnson, Gregory
Johnson, Greylin
Johnson, Jacqueline
Johnson, James C.
Johnson, James E.
Johnson, James G.
Johnson, James N.
Johnson, James R.
Johnson, James W.

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, Jay A.
Johnson, Jay L.
Johnson, Jeffrey K.
Johnson, Jeffrey S.
Johnson, Jennifer G.
Johnson, Jennifer L.
Johnson, Jesse W.
Johnson, Jessica G.
Johnson, Johanna
Johnson, John R.
Johnson, Jon E.
Johnson, Joycelyn
Johnson, Judy R.
Johnson, Julie
Johnson, June
Johnson, Katherine
Johnson, Keith D.
Johnson, Kevin A.
Johnson, Kevin B.
Johnson, Kimberly
Johnson, Linda J.
Johnson, Lisa R.
Johnson, Lori B.
Johnson, Lori G.
Johnson, Lorie E.
Johnson, Mable F.
Johnson, Margaret A.
Johnson, Margaret M.
Johnson, Marilyn L.
Johnson, Mark E.
Johnson, Melissa
Johnson, Melvin D.
Johnson, Melvin K.
Johnson, Michael H.

Johnson, Montgomery






Johnson, Rodney
Johnson, Ronald M.
Johnson, Royal G.
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Sharon
Johnson, Sharon M.
Johnson, Shelia P.
Johnson, Shelley
Johnson, Sonya D.
Johnson, Stacey F.
Johnson, Susan B.
Johnson, Susan D.
Johnson, Susan L.
Johnson, Tammy L.
Johnson, Teresa F.
Johnson, Teresa L.
Johnson, Teri M.
Johnson, Thomas M.

Johnson, Timothy
Johnson, Tina R.
Johnson, Tommy R.
Johnson, Tracey
Johnson, Tyrone
Johnson, Vanessa
Johnson, Vanessa T.
Johnson, Venitta R.
Johnson, Vicki K
Johnson, Virginia
Johnson, Walter G.
Johnson, Warren D.
Johnson, Wesley R.
Johnson, William C.
Johnson, William E.
Johnson, William T.
Johnson, Wilma S.
Johnson, Winfred
Johnsrude, Christopher
Johnsrude, Wanda D
Johnston, Anita H.
Johnston, Charles
Johnston, David C.
Johnston, Harry C.
Johnston, James M.
Johnston, Johnny J
Johnston, Stephen
Jolley, Rebecca S.
Jolly, Joe F.
Jolly, William
Jon, Keun Pyo
Jones, Barbara R.
Jones, Brenda G.
Jones, Charles A.
Jones, Chiffon M.
Jones, Christopher
Jones, Christopher N.
Jones, Constance H.
Jones, Cora C.
Jones, Curtis L
Jones, Darren K.
Jones, Daryl S.
Jones, David L.
Jones, Deborah
Jones, Debra D
Jones, Debra L.
Jones, Dennis E.
Jones, Donna L.
Jones, Donnie G.
Jones, Doward N.
Jones, Eleanor
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Ellen Mason

, Ellen McLain

, Evelyn P.

, Frank C.

, Franklin L.

, Garry T.

, Gayle L.

, Gena

, Gina L.

. Harry A.

, Helen A.

, Herbert

, James H.

, James T.

, Jane K.

, Jeffrey

, Jeffrey S.

, Jerry M.

, Joseph E.

, Joseph K.

, Joseph R.

, Joyce C.

, Julia A.

, Karen F.

, Keeth G.

, Kelvin

, Kenneth

. Kevin

, Kimberly D.

, Kimberly G.

, Kimberly M.

, Larry D.

, Laurie A.

, Linda A.

, Lisa E.

, Lisa G.

, Lisa R.

, Lonnie

, Loyce H.

, Lynn B.

, Mack V.

, Marion D.

, Marjorie

, Martha B.

, Martha K.

, Mary A.

, Mary K.

, Nollie

, Pamela

, Paris M.

, Patrick

, Paula C.

, Paula J.

, Paula Y.

, Peter A.

, Randall

, Randy C.

, Rebecca E.

, Rebecca V.

, Rhonda G.

, Richard P.

, Ricky R.

, Robert D.

, Robert H.

, Robert P.

, Robyn L.

, Robyn R.

, Ronald D.

, Ronald S.

, Rosalind

, Sandra M.

, Sharon D.

, Sharon L.

, Sherry A.

, Sonja L.


Jones, Stephen W.
Jones, Sufiana A.
Jones, Tamara L.
Jones, Tammy C.
Jones, Thomas A.
Jones, Thomas O.
Jones, Todd F.
Jones, Twyla M.
Jones, Wanda G.
Jones, Warren R.
Jones, Wayne G.
Jones, Wendolen
Jones, Wesley S.
Jones, William C.
Jones, William Curtis
Jones, William E.
Jones, William Edward
Jones, William N.
Jordan, Charles J.
Jordan, Cindy J.
Jordan, Clinton
Jordan, Garland
Jordan, Janet O.
Jordan, Janie C.
Jordan, Joan C.
Jordan, Jon David
Jordan, Kimberly
Jordan, Marla L.
Jordan, Mary D.
Jordan, Melanie D.
Jordan, Michael
Jordan, Percy H.
Jordan, Rachel M.
Jordan, Ronald L.
Jordan, Sarah L.
Jordan, Sherri P.
Joseph, Joseph N.
Joseph, Walter A.
Josey, Ida E.
Joshi, Anu M.
Joslyn, Beth H.
Jourden, Lynn B.
Jourden, Sherry
Jowdy, Dwight
Joy, Nancy L.
Joyce, Jeffrey
Joyce, Kelly F.
Joyce, Tab L.
Joyner, Alicia
Joyner, Barbara
Joyner, Benjamin
Joyner, Cynthia G.
Joyner, David B.
Joyner, Donald C.
Joyner, Edna M.
Joyner, H. Howard
Joyner, Harold R.
Joyner, James C.
Joyner, Jesse J.
Joyner, Jonathan
Joyner, Kimberly
Joyner, Lindley
Joyner, Mark C.
Joyner, Mary C.
Joyner, Michael A.
Joyner, Otha D.
Joyner, Vivian L.
Judge, Brenda L.
Judge, Raymond A.
Judge, Susan M.
Judson, Dana L.
Judy, Mary D. M.
Jukoski, Alexander
Julian, James F.
Julian, Janet L.
Junkersfeld, Colleen
Justice, Carl A.
Justice, Charles L.
Justice, Richard T.
Justis, Christopher
Juwailes, Majed A.

Kadamani, Adel J.
Kahlbaugh, Dawn
Kalkhurst, Dillon
Kallen, Lisa L.
Kalmus, Karin C.
Kamaruddin, Norhayati
Kamen, Roger D.
Kamenetz, Lisa R.
Kaminski, David W.
Kandrotas, Lori A.
Kane, Eric L.
Kane, Scott J.
Kanetzke, Michael
Kanouse, Karin M.
Kantenwein, Shelia
Karakulakis, John
Karl, Colleen M.
Karpinski, Leslie
Karriker, Tara L.
Kartchner, Jacqueline
Kasen, Judith M.
Kasper, John M.
Kass, Barry P.
Kass, Caren A.
Kassim, Rahmat B.
Kassir, Jon B.
Katopodis, Speros
Katsia, John H.
Katsikis, Peter
Kauffman, David
Kaufman, Gregory
Kaufman, Jeffrey
Kaufman, Kevin R.
Kaut, Keith K.

Kay, Karen Hope
Kay, Susan M.
Kaylor, Suzanne
Kea, Gay Dunn
Kearney, Linwood
Kearney, Stephen
Kearns, Jeffrey


Kearns, Ruth M.
Keating, Jean M.
Keck, William D.
Kee, James Kelly
Kee, Sandy L.
Keefe, Katherine
Keefer, Thomas B.
Keel, Micky S.
Keel, Seglenda J.
Keel, William D.
Keen, Sharon H.
Keene, Christina
Keene, Darlene
Keene, Shawn R.
Keeter, Karen W.
Keeter, Lexanne
Keever, Cassandra
Keffer, Stephen
Kegerreis, Betty
Keglovits, David
Keisler, Kellie
Keith, Chan W.
Keller, Daniel
Keller, Jonn W.
Kellerman, Suzanne
Kelley, Susan E.
Kellim, Karen R.
Kellum, Teresa L.
Kelly, Christopher
Kelly, Frances L.
Kelly, Mary Anne
Kelly, Nancy A.
Kelly, Sara P.
Kelly, Shawn L.
Kelly, Susan K.
Kemmis, Robin A.
Kemp, Mark W.
Kemp, Paula M.
Kemp, Thomas H.
Kempf, Denise
Kendall, Elizabeth
Kendall, James E.
Kendall, Robert E.
Kendrick, Joel S.
Kendrick, Leah K.
Kendricks, Lewis
Kennedy, Amy E.
Kenndy, Beth
Kennedy, Cathy J.

Kennedy, Douglas K.

Kennedy, Ethlyn
Kennedy, George
Kennedy, Glenda G.
Kennedy, Janet C.
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph C.
Kennedy, Kay M.
Kennedy, Maurice
Kennedy, Michael
Kennedy, Michele
Kennedy, Ruth L.
Kenney, Toni M.
Kennington, Tracy
Kenny, Diane A.
Kent, Andre R.
Kent, Ann Elise
Kent, Diane

Kent, Karen L.
Kent, Laura L.
Kent, Margot G.
Kent, Regina G.
Keough, Dennis
Keough, Patrick
Keown, Jim M.
Kephart, Beth
Kepner, Robert
Kepple, James
Kepple, Kristine
Kerber, Rebecca
Kern, Macrina H.
Kern, William R.
Kernodle, Sherri
Kerns, Barbara A.
Kerns, William M.
Kerr, Sara Ellen
Kershaw, Susan E.
Kessinger, Kimberly
Ketner, Bruce A.
Ketner, Laura C.
Ketring, Lori J.
Kevil, Virginia
Key, Rebecca R.
Key, Susan M.
Keyes, Eva R.
Keys, Alan C.
Khanna, Mini
Kibler, Patti M.
Kidd, Janet S
Kidd, William
Kidwell, John B.
Kiehl, Thomas L.
Kiernan, Kelly
Kight, Anita D.
Kight, William A.
Kilburn, Gregory
Kilburn, James P.
Kilburn, Ruth C.
Kilby, Bill Gene
Kilcoyne, Dennis
Killawi, Omar R.
Killian, Beverly
Killough, John
Kilpatrick, Caroline
Kilpatrick, Jack H.
Kilpatrick, John R.
Kim, Do Kyung
Kim, Ki Soo
Kimberlin, Jill
Kimberly, David
Kimberly, Katherine
Kimberly, Michael
Kime, Jeffrey D.
Kimrey, Baker L.
Kimrey, Lisa C.
Kinane, Catherine
Kinard, James D.
Kincade, Valerie
Kincheloe, Debra
Kincheloe, Kimberly
Kincheloe, Russell
King, Alison

King, Bridget A.
King, Bridgette M.
King, Bruce H.

King, Bryan A.
King, Carla A.
King, Carol K.
King, Catherine
King, Christine
King, Claude G.
King, Donna A.
King, Donna G.
King, Donna L.
King, Doreen J.
King, Frederick
King, Hal Stewart
King, Helen R.
King, Janice M.
King, Karen M.
King, Karen R.
King, Kathleen
King, Kenneth B.
King, Kevin Charles
Kevin E.

, Laura K.

, Linda J.

, Lori Beth

, Mark A.
King, Matt Polk
King, Michael F.
King, Milton W.
King, Pamela D.
King, Philip
King, Randall J.
King, Rebecca A.
King, Robert A.
King, Roger K.
King, Samuel
King, Scot Alan
King, Shelby J.
King, Steven C.
King, Theodre J.
King, Thornton
King, Wallace N.
King, Willie Lee
Kingsley, Ronald
Kingston, Patricia
Kinker, Lonnie D.
Kinlaw, Deborah
Kinlaw, Tilden D.
Kinlaw, Timothy E.
Kinley, Michael R.
Kinley, Michelle
Kinley, Stephen D.
Kinley, Suzanne M.
Kinne, Harry W.
Kinney, Monique B.
Kinsey, David K.
Kinsey, Nick
Kinter, Sherry L.
Kintz, Donald D.
Kiraly, Karen Y.
Kiraly, Kathryn K.
Kirby, Heather L.
Kirby, Jacqueline
Kirby, Jamie H.
Kirby, John V.
Kirchgasser, Anne T.
Kirchner, Catherine
Kirk, James W.
Kirk, Karen Jean
Kirk, Susan H.
Kirk, Tracy M.
Kirk, Wendi C.
Kirkland, James A.
Kirkland, John K.
Kirkland, Lashella
Kirkland, Randolph
Kirkman, Keith A.
Kirkman, Mary D.
Kirkman, Susan G.
Kirkpatrick, Robert
Kirkpatrick, Shaen
Kirsch, Laureen M.
Kiser, James L.
Kitchens, Darriel
Kite, Cheryl A.
Kite, Helen L.
Kittner, Lisa F.
Kittrell, Jonathan
Kittrell, Robert D.
Kittrick, Kathleen
Kitts, Vicki Jean
Kivett, Ryan B.
Kizziah, Teresa
Kleckner, Terri
Klein, Caroline
Klein, George J.
Klein, Holly A.
Kleinert, Michael
Kleitsch, Deborah
Klinedinst, Karen
Kling, Brian A.
Klingenberg, Brian
Klinger, Pamela
Klink, Gary Lee
Kloeckener, Marc
Kluchki, Christopher
Klumpp, Mark Stephen
Klutey, Anne K.
Knakal, Ronald S.
Knapp, Ruth A.
Kneisley, Robin R.
Knelson, Lise P.
Knickerbocker, Jeff
Knight, Clifford B.
Knight, Donna K.
Knight, Dottie J.
Knight, Eric Peter
Knight, Ginga M.
Knight, James E.
Knight, James E.J.
Knight, Jesse B.
Knight, Julie R.
Knight, Paula Y.
Knill, Franklin
Knoch, David
Knoff, Stuart T.
Knopf, Patricia
Knott, Alice J.
Knott, Christopher
Knott, Lynda M.
Knott, Michele
Knott, Raymond F.
Knott, Sidney R.
Knouse, Lynda H.
Knowles, Karen
Knowlton, Lance

Knox, Janet G.
Knox, Nancy J.
Knox, Rhonda J.
Knox, Robin L.
Koblentz, Christopher
Koch, H. Bruce
Koch, Judith L.
Kocher, Barbara
Kohan, Theresa
Kohlstedt, Laura
Kohskarika, Chaileart
Kolakowski, Sandra
Kolcezynski, Jennisue
Kole, Michael U.
Kolesha, Kurt A.
Kolodziey, Sondra
Konarski, Jamie A.
Konarski, Monica
Konecke, Jeffrey
Koogler, Benjamin
Koon, David Lewis
Koon, James Cecil
Koonce, Johnise A.
Koonce, Karen E.
Koopredechat, Sittisa
Kopas, Amy L.
Kopec, Kelly L.
Kopping, Neil R.
Kornegay, Annette
Kornegay, David S.
Kornegay, Dianna
Kornegay, Edith C.
Kornegay, Ida J.
Kornegay, Martha K.
Kornegay, Mary Ann
Korta, Bonnie B.
Kott, Sharon M.
Kouns, Todd Louis
Koutras, Dana L.

Koutsos, James J.
Kozak, Christine
Kozel, Joan Marie
Kraczon, Cindy M.
Kraczon, Mary S.
Kradel, James S.
Kradel, Richard L.
Krainiak, Christopher
Krainiak, Linda B.
Kramer, Cynthia M.
Kramer, David C.
Krantz, Diana D.
Kraszeski, Daniel
Kraszeski, Debra
Kratz, Carl Dennis
Kraus, William P.
Krause, Christine
Krauss, Helen
Krauss, Katherine
Kravets, Tamara L.
Kraycirik, Emily
Kraycirik, Gloria
Krayeski, Dorothy
Kreeger, Lore M.
Kreienbaum, Rebecca
Krimm, Patricia
Kristy, Carolyn C.
Kroger, Evelyn
Krol, Sharon L.
Kronkoski, Jeffrey
Kronz, Susan L.
Krug, Lisa M.
Kruger, Mary M.
Kruh, Scott A.
Kubanda, Marian
Kucera, Gary T.
Kucera, Stephen
Kuch, Margaret M.
Kue, Melanie V.
Kuhiman, Jennifer
Kuhn, Glenn F.
Kuhn, Shirley M.
Kuipers, Mitchell
Kukula, Raphel M.
Kulynych, Elisabeth
Kunert, Joyce V.
Kunkleman, Daniel
Kunz, Marianne
Kusel, Stewart C.
Kuykendall, Elizabeth
Kuzman, Stefan J.
Kye, Kendall L.

Litalien, David M.
Labadie, Robert L.
Labarbera, Janice
Lacava, Sally Ann
Lacorte, Patricia
Lacroix, Suzanne
Lacy, Carmen Y.
Ladd, Richard H.
Lafata, Robert C.
Lafevers, Zoe K.
Lafleur, Cynthia
Lagarde, Kimberly
Lagasca, Jaime D.
Lagillier, Evelyn
Lagrand, Christopher
Lagrand, Gregory
Laine, Melissa A.
Lakey, Kevin Todd
Lally, Brian F.
Lamas, Graciella
Lamb, Betty M.
Lamb, David H.
Lamb, James M.
Lamb, Pamela R.
Lambdin, James
Lambe, Keith
Lambe, Patricia

Lambert, Carla
Lambert, Clark S.
Lambert, Hilda P.
Lambert, Lonnie
Lambert, Michelle
Lambert, Wanda S.
Lambeth, Jeffrey
Lamielle, David
Lamm, Charlotte
Lamm, Craig D.
Lamm, Drucilla L.
Lamm, Gregory T.
Lamm, James Ray
Lamm, Karen Lynn
Lamm, Laura K.
Lamm, Mary H.
Lamm, Paul D.
Lamm, Stuart B.
Lamm, Thomas K.
Lamm, William C.
Lamont, Alice L.
Lamont, Daniel
Lamora, Heather
Lancaster, Anthony
Lancaster, David
Lancaster, Donald
Lancaster, Jacqueline
Lancaster, James E.
Lancaster, John C.
Lancaster, John K.
Lancaster, Laura R.
Lancaster, Linda F.
Lancaster, Richard
Land, Kenneth D.
Landen, Mitchell E.
Landi, Helen E.
Landino, Leslie A.
Landis, Gerald W.
Landrum, James P.
Landry, Mary M.
Lane, Beverly Y.
Lane, Brenda D.
Lane, Calvin L.
Lane, Charles J.
Lane, Debra K.
Lane, Fred H.
Lane, Holly S.
Lane, Linda L.
Lane, Lynn L.
Lane, Mary

Lane, Patricia
Lane, Peter A.
Lane, Phyllis

Lane, Sharon R.
Lane, Suzanne M.
Lane, Winston E.

Laney, Elizabeth
Laney, James M.
Lang, Angela

Lang, Edward A.
Lang, Karen Beth
Lang, Kennith

Lang, Kevin M.
Lang, William K.
Langdon, Dirk E.
Langley, Alice D.
Langley, Andrew
Langley, Carolyn
Langley, Dawn
Langley, Frankie
Langley, Jewel Cash
Langley, Kimberly
Langley, Larry Lee
Langley, Laura L.
Langley, Patricia
Langley, Robin Marie
Langley, Ronald
Langrehr, Jeffrey
Langrehr, Vicki
Langston, Christopher
Langston, Debra Ann
Langston, George D.
Langston, Robert M.
Languell, Joyce Ann
Lanham, Richard A.
Lanham, Robert J.
Lanier, Donna D.
Lanier, Gary A.
Lanier, Harriet
Lanier, Joann

Lanier, Kimberly
Lanier, Molly Kay
Lanier, Mural

Lanier, Perry

Lanier, Rebecca

Lanier, Valerie
Lankford, Miles
Lanning, Kendall
Lanoza, Camilla
Lansinger, Margery
Larkin, Kathleen
Larkins, Alan
Larkins, Lisa M.
Laroque, Stephen
Larranga, Jose
Larrimore, Jeffery
Larsen, David Paul
Larsen, Pamela
Larsen, William
Larussell, Barbara
Larzelere, Christina
Lashley, William
Lassiter, Amanda
Lassiter, Anna Marie
Lassiter, Bryan K.
Lassiter, Cathy Ray
Lassiter, Charles
Lassiter, Debra
Lassiter, James E.
Lassiter, Jenny P.
Lassiter, Michael
Lassiter, Nora L.
Lassiter, Stacie
Lassiter, Steven
Lassiter, Valeria
Latham, James M.
Latham, Walter
Latimer, Julie
Latou, Paula K.
Latta, Carolyn
Latta, Harold
Latta, Joye

Latta, Karen
Latta, Lydia
Lattanze, Chris
Latter, Montell
Lattimore, Cobb
Lau, Bruce

Lau, Kahing

Lau, Mimi Ma
Laughinghouse, Jane
Laughlin, Arrington
Laughlin, Carlyn
Laughlin, Nancy
Lauver, Suzanne
Lavant, Revardale
Lavery, John
Lavietes, William
Lavigne, David
Law, Gregory
Lawhorne, Stacey

Lawrence, Candace
Lawrence, Christie
Lawrence, Deneen
Lawrence, Donald
Lawrence, Dorothy
Lawrence, Gilbert
Lawrence, Holly
Lawrence, James E.
Lawrence, Jane G.
Lawrence, Joe H.
Lawrence, Kathryn
Lawrence, Melinda
Lawrence, Sherbie
Lawrence, Vironetta
Laws, Lee Anthony
Lawson, Darrell L.
Lawson, James G.
Lawson, Jeffery
Lawson, Kimberly
Lawson, Laura K.
Lawson, Stephanie
Lawson, Tracy E.
Lay, Michael J.
Layne, Elizabeth
Lazzo, James J.
Le, Chu Duc
Leach, Rebecca
Leach, Tonya Y.
League, Frank E.
Leary, Jeffrey
Leary, Wanda K.
Leath, Catherine
Leathers, Beverly
Leavitt, Amy C.
Ledford, Joseph
Ledwell, Julia A.
Lee, Angela D.
Lee, Benjamin G.
Lee, David S.

Lee, Deborah J.
Lee, Douglas C.
Lee, Eric M.
Lee, Felicia A.
Lee, Foster W.
Lee, Freda P.
Lee, Gary D.
Lee, Jerrel V.
Lee, Jimmie F.
Lee, Jo Ann
Lee, Jon Thomas
Lee, Julie King
Keith Wayne
, Kevin Scott
Lesley R.
Linda J.
Marion E.
, Mary E.
, Mitchell D.

, Rebecca C.

, Regina Y.

, Renee C.

, Richard D.

, Robert E.

, Robert

, Roseanna

Sharon L.

, Shree M.

, Suzanne

, Tammy D.

, Tammy J.

, Timothy
Leeper, Kathy
Leerdam, Willa
Lees, Lisa A.
Leesombun, Prachak
Leete, Lisa A.
Leffelman, Dale
Lefler, Marc D.
Legg, Joanne
Leggett, Elizabeth
Leggett, Joseph
Leggett, Linda
Leggett, Little
Leggett, Nancy
Leggett, Sharon
Legrant, Cynthia
Legrice, Yvonne
Lehman, Craig
Leichte, Cynthia
Leidenthal, William
Leigh, Barbara M.
Leigh, Kevin D.
Leitch, William
Leitschuh, Mary

Lemar, Jennifer
Lemaster, Nore
Lemme, Elisabeth
Lemnah, Colleen
Lemoine, Lisa C.
Lennon, Wanda G.
Lennox, John C.
Lent, Ellen S.
Lentz, Dennis R.
Lentz, Heather
Lentz, Kenneth
Leo, James P.
Leo, Michael J.
Leonard, Alix
Leonard, Christopher
Leonard, Jimmy D.
Leonard, John A.
Leonard, Joseph
Leonard, Karen
Leonard, Linda
Leonard, Robin H.
Leone, Angela M.
Lepper, Ted E.
Leppert, Roberta
Lerner, David
Lesesne, David
Lester, Amy M.
Lester, Darwin
Lester, Holley
Lett, Michael
Letts, Patrick
Leupen, Deborah
Leutgens, James
Leverett, Margaret
Levey, Paige S.
Levijoki, Barbara
Levy, Deborah
Levy, Eileen O.
Lewandowski, Stephen
Lewis, Alan C.
Lewis, Betty C.
Lewis, Brian
Lewis, Carla D.
Lewis, Carlene
Lewis, Carmen N.
Lewis, Christopher
Lewis, David D.
Lewis, David W.
Lewis, Deidra
Lewis, Dorinda
Lewis, Dorothy
Lewis, Edith L.
Lewis, Edward E.
Lewis, Elizabeth
Lewis, Franklin
Lewis, Hannah E.
Lewis, Heather
Lewis, Janet R.
Lewis, Joseph
Lewis, Kathleen M.
Lewis, Kathleen S.
Lewis, Kelvin
Lewis, Kitty
Lewis, Lenwood B.
Lewis, Lisa I.
Lewis, Lloyd E.
Lewis, Lois R.
Lewis, Mary H.
Lewis, Michael
Lewis, Natalie
Lewis, Paige U.
Lewis, Patricia
Lewis, Paul C.
Lewis, Phillip
Lewis, Rhonda C.
Lewis, Richard
Lewis, Roy G.
Lewis, Sharon A.
Lewis, Stephen
Lewis, Tommy G.
Lewis, Tonya D.
Lewis, Trudy D.
Lewis, Veronica
Lewis, Vincent
Lewis, William
Lewman, Clifford
Licko, Leanne D.
Lidberg, Mary E.
Liddle, Robert
Liddy, Michael
Lide, Perry L.
Lieberman, Dana
Liebling, Pamela
Liedholm, Eric
Liivak, Heldur
Likosar, Susan
Lile, James D.
Liles, Carolyn
Liles, Gregory
Liles, Mallory
Liles, Markl D.
Liles, Suzanne
Liles, Terry L.
Lilley, Catherine
Lilley, Harriet
Lilley, Holice B.
Lilley, James C.
Lilley, Nancy J.
Lilley, Robert C.
Lilly, Frank M.
Lim, Ai Keow
Lindauer, Kenneth
Linder, Kelly A.
Linder, Mark T.
Lindfors, Douglas
Lindley, John T.
Lindley, Jonathan
Lindquist, Ronald
Lindsay, Anna P.
Lindsay, Jane M.
Lindsay, Miracle
Lindsay, Sylvia
Lindsey, Andrea
Lindsey, George
Linsey, James W.
Lindsey, Jan W.
Lindsey, Macthaddeus
Lindsey, Kathryn
Lineberger, Margaret
Lineberger, Wanda
Lingerfelt, Angela
Link, David W.
Link, Kevin C.
Link, Sandra S.


Linker, Leslie
Linzel, Kari

Lipe, Christopher
Lipe, Gary J.
Lipman, Howard
Lipman, Steven
Lippard, Max
Lippert, Jeffery
Lipuma, Karen
Lisec, Scott
Lister, David
Little, Amy C.
Little, Christopher
Little, Eva B.B.
Little, Jay T.
Little, John E.
Little, John T.
Little, Ken H.
Little, Lori F.
Little, Mary P.
Little, Maxine
Little, Paul B.
Little, Paula M.
Little, Saundra
Little, Tommie
Little, Walter

Liu, Kexi
Liverman, Betty
Liverman, Darla
Liverman, Gloria
Liverman, Kathryn
Liverman, Marion
Liverman, Patricia
Livesay, Sandra

Livingston, Jacqueline

Livingston, James
Livingston, Johnnie
Livingston, Lori

Livingston, Theodore

Livingston, Virginia
Lloyd, Carol Ann
Lloyd, Danny C.
Lloyd, Laurie A.
Lloyd, Linda K.
Lloyd, Nancy
Lloyd, Penelope
Lloyd, Rhonda
Lloyd, Susan
Loatman, Tosacha
Locastro, Alyssia
Locicero, Diane
Lock, Amy I.G.
Lockamy, Linda
Locke, Susan
Lockett, David
Lockhart, Jeffrey
Locklear, Albert


Locklear, Elizabeth
Locklear, Gina L.
Locklear, Jennifer

Lovette, Douglas
Lovick, Terry
Lowder, Britt

, Charlotte

, Eugene

, Jeffrey

le, Karen D.

, Lester V.

, Mitzi

, Richard

, William D.
Lowery, Bobby
Lowery, Kristine
Lowery, Thomas
Lowry, Craig
Lowry, Shelia
Lowry, Syvetra
Lowry, Thomas
Loyd, Walter
Lozo, Don Steven
Lucas, Carter
Lucas, Doris E.
Lucas, Dorothy
Lucas, Frazelle
Lucas, James S.
Lucas, Lukas S.
Lucas, Scott
Lucyk, Mary A.
Ludwick, Michael
Ludwick, Thomas
Ludwig, Nancy
Ludwig, Patricia
Lueck, Sheila
Luedeke, Jeffrey
Luehring, David
Lugo, Christopher
Luke, Stephanie
Lukowski, Jessica
Luksic, Joseph
Luksic, Mary E.
Lum, Phillip
Lum, Tammy L.
Lumpkins, Timothy
Lumpp, Mary K.
Lunsford, Brian
Lunsford, Diane R.
Lunsford, Ellie

Lurvey, Mae Waters
Lusk, Kathleen
Luther, Paige A.
Luton, Katherine
Lutto, Louis

Lutz, Janice

Lutz, Karen E.
Lutz, Kimberly
Luvender, Thomas
Lux, James L.
Lydon, Mary M.
Lyerly, John R.

Mainor, Martha
Maisey, Stephen
Majette, Andy
Makarczyk, Sandy
Malby, Isabella
Malhmood, Nicole
Mallard, Carol
Mallard, Jan A.
Mallette, Patrick
Mallinson, David
Malliosn, Patricia
Mallory, Anne L
Mallory, Tracie
Malone, Chery!
Malone, Erin
Malone, Karen
Malpass, Sandra
Manaf, Mohamad
Manderfield, Ann
Manat, Pamela
Maness, Danny
Maness, Lisa G
Mangano, Arthur
Mangas, Virginia
Mangiere, Richard
Mangum, David
Mangum, Gregory
Mangum, John
Mangum, Stacey
Mangum, Stephen D
Mangum, Stephen V
Mangum, Velvet
Manion, David
Manley, Heward
Manley, Norma
Mann, Bruce K.
Mann, James C.
Mann, Karen
Mann, Marvin
Mann, Sallie
Mann, Sharon
Mann, Stephanie
Mann, Tracey
Mann, Virginia
Mann, William
Manning, Amanda
Manning, Anna
Manning, Bobby
Manning, Carla
Manning, Cheryl
Manning, Danny
Manning, David
Manning, Debra
Manning, Elizabeth
Manning, Kevin
Manning, Marguerite
Manning, Monica
Manning, Pamela
Manning, Phyllis
Manning, Robin
Manning, Shirley
Mannix, Kelley
Mansfield, John

Markham, Marjorie
Markowitz, Gregory

Markowski, Elizabeth

Marks, Roberta
Marlatt, Jeffrey
Marlatt, Terry P.
Marley, Charla
Maroclo, Gerald
Maroschak, Tina
Marquez, Anna
Marquis, Patricia
Marren, Matthew
Marrow, Annette
Marsh, Jacqueline
Marsh, Robert
Marshall, Bradley
Marshall, Cecile
Marshall, Christine
Marshall, Clarence
Marshall, John
Marshall, Jonathan
Marshall, June
Marshall, Michael
Marshall, Miranda
Marshall, Phyllis
Marshburn, Beverly

Marshburn, Catherine

Marshburn, Dianne
Marshburn, James
Marshburn, Kathryn
Marshburn, Pamela
Marsil, Keith
Marsland, Anne
Martello, James
Maritn, Anthony
Martin, Brenda F.
Martin, Brenda S.
Martin, Bruce
Martin, Carolyn
Martin, Charles
Martin, Cheryl
Martin, Christine
Martin, Daniel
Martin, Diana
Martin, George
Martin, Gwendolyn
Martin, James A.
Martin, James E.
Martin, Janna
Martin, Jesse
Martin, Jimmie
Martin, Joe Ann
Martin, John M.
Martin, Jonathan
Martin, Judy
Martin, Kathryn
Martin, Kenneth
Martin, Kimberly
Martin, Loraine
Martin, Margaret
Martin, Martha
Martin, Mary L.

Martin, Vivian S.
Martino, Christina
Martone, Paula
Marunick, Kevin
Masius, William
Masnari, Maria
Masologites, Diane
Mason, Beverly
Mason, David
Mason, Gregory
Mason, Jimmy
Mason, Lloyd
Mason, Pamela
Mason, Rebekah
Mason, Richard
Mason, Tina L
Masotti, Lawrence
Masotti, Renee
Massei, Mark A.
Massengill, Amelia
Massengill, Robert
Massey, Gregory
Massey, James
Massey, Kathleen
Massey, Lorna
Massey, Robert
Massie, Denise
Mast, Joy E.
Masten, Martha
Masten, Vesta
Mastrianni, James
Matalavage, Erin
Matchunis, Thomas
Matheny, Allyson
Matheny, David
Matheny, Milton
Mathews, Donald
Mathews, Edgar
Mathis, Hanna
Mathis, James
Mathisen, Kari
Matkins, John
Matlock, Leigh
Matney, Tamara
Matson, Mernalee
Matson, Terry
Matteson, Anne
Mattey, Gregory
Mattheis, Jane
Mattheis, Joseph
Matthews, Alice
Matthews, Anna
Matthews, Anne
Matthews, Benjamin
Matthews, Dexter
Matthews, Jerry
Matthews, Jill
Matthews, John
Matthews, Juanita
Matthews, Lisa
Matthews, Martha
Matthews, Michael
Matthews, Rebecca

Mauldin, Michelle
Maule, Annette
Mauney, Lisa
Maurer, Daniel
Maus, Martha
Mauthe, John
Maxik, Bernard
Maxson, Whitney
Maxwell, Charles
Maxwell, David
May, Charlene
May, Clarissa
May, Eleanor
May, Ellen K.
May, Sherri
Maye, Carla
Mayer, Jacqueline
Mayer, Nancy
Mayer, Patricia
Mayes, Monica
Maynard, Lou
Maynard, Susan
Maynor, Angela
Maynor, Johanna
Maynor, Melanie
Maynor, Thomas
Mayo, Christopher
Mayo, Michael A.
Mayo, Rosetta
Mayo, Samuel
Mazzoli, Henry
McAdams, Vivenne
McAffity, Curtis
McAleenan, James
McAnaw, Robert
McAndrew, David
McArthue, Brant
McArthur, Jerome
McArthur, Michael
McArthur, Paul
McAuley, Teresa
McAvoy, Leonard
McBrayer, James
McBride, Amy
McBride, Nancy
McBride, William
McBroom, Russell
McBynum, Andrea
McCabe, Keith
McCabe, Laura
McCabe, Robert
McCain, Jeffrey
McCall, Christina
McCall, Gregory
McCall, John
McCall, Karen
McCall, Kevin
McCall, Michael
McCall, Patricia
McCall, Stephen
McCallum, Flint
McCallum, Patricia

McCleneghan, K.F.
McCleney, William
McClintock, Lisa
McClure, William
McCoig, Laura
McCollum, David
McConnell, Kelly
McCord, Lloyd
McCorkle, Nathan
McCormac, Richard

McCormick, Kathleen

McCormick, Horace
McCown, Wallace
McCoy, Alan
McCoy, Patrick
McCrady, Edward
McCrae, Michael
McCray, Saysha
McCree, Paula
McCrick, Dean
McCrickard, Jane
McCright, Deborah
McCrimmon, Todd
McCrory, Michelle
McCuin, Ruth E.
McCulley, Joanne
McCulloh, Tim
McCullough, Michele
McCune, Carrie
McCurdy, Kelli

McCutcheon, Kimberly

McDade, Jeffrey
McDade, John

McDaniel, Christopher

McDaniel, James G
McDaniel, Katrina
McDaniel, Kenneth
McDaniel, Laurie
McDaniel, Maria
McDaniel, Michael
McDaniel, Peter
McDaniel, Rodney
McDermotte, Ellen

McDermott, Kimberly

McDermott, Michael
McDermott, Patricia
McDermott, Teresa
McDevett, Kimberly
McDevitt, Lauren
McDonald, Carol
McDonald, Darryl
McDonald, David
McDonald, Francis
McDonald, John M
McDonald, Johnnie
McDonald, Laurilyn

McDonald, Lawrence

McDonald, Leigh
McDonald, Lisa
McDonald, Margaret
McDonald, Matthew
McDonald, Michele
McDonaid, Orrin

McKeel, Mary
McKeel, Wendy
McKeithan, Beverly
McKeithan, Edward
McKeithan, Jacqueline
McKeithan, Roy
McKeithan, Suzette
McKeithan, William
McKellar, Gordon
McKelvey, Patricia
McKenney, Colleen
McKenzie, David
McKenzie, Gregory
McKenzie, Lisa
McKeon, Bridget
McKethan, Felicia
McKethan, Jennifer
McKibben, John
McKim, George
McKinley, Everette
McKinley, Mary
McKinney, Linda
McKinney, Lynn
McKnight, Marcellous
McKoy, Braxton
McKoy, Carl
McLamb, Mary
McLamb, Rosemary
McLane, Donald
McLane, James
McLane, Janet
McLaughlin, Annette
McLaughlin, John
McLaughlin, Maria
McLaughlin, Matthew
McLaughlin, Thomas
McLaurin, Carl
McLaurin, Donna
McLaurin, Howard
McLaurin, Kelly
McLaurin, Naomi
McLawhorn, Selena
McLawhorn, Christopher
McLawhorn, Christopher
McLawhorn, Cynthia
McLawhorn, Edna
McLawhorn, Ginger
McLawhorn, Melinda
McLawhorn, Sandra
McLawhorn, Sharon
McLawhorn, Teresa A
McLawhorn, Teresa A.
McLawhorn, Vickie
McLean, Elizabeth
McLean, Jeffery
McLean, John
McLean, Mary S
McLean, Susan
McLemore, Bobby
McLendon, Corda
McLeod, Cassandra
McLeod, Dwight
McLeod, Susan

Lyerly, Shirley Martin, Melody McCampbell, Frederick


Lodowski, Shauna
Loeb, Beth J.
Loflin, Rejeanna
Loftin, Donna W.
Loftin, Evelyn
Lofton, Anita F.
Logan, John W.
Logan, Robert
Logan, Stephen
Logue, Kerri R.
Loh, Monica K.
Lohela, Kirsti
Lohne, Jack J.
Lollar, Diana
Lollis, Barry F.
Lomas, Kenneth
Lommatzsch, Jerry
Lommatzsch, Ralph
Loncar, Christopher
London, Gary D.
Long, Alice M.
Long, Dayna D.

, Deborah

, Elaine

, Horace

, James R.

, Jay L.

, Jean E.

, John K.

, Julie E.

, Kathleen

, Leslie

, Linda D.

, Lydia A.

, Meg E.

, Michale R.

, Robert H.

, Ronnie W.

, Stacy A.

, Stephen

, Stuart D.

, Thomas E.

, Vickie E.

, Wendy D.

, Yvonne
Longan-Simmons, A.

Longbottom, Elizabeth

Longobardi, Donna
Loose, Vicky
Lopez, Abraham
Lopez, Ray C.
Lorber, Frederick
Lord, Melissa
Lore, Lynda
Lorimer, Patrick
Losdada, Lynne
Lothspeich, Mary
Lotowycz, Nancy
Loughlin, Kenneth
Loughran, Marilee
Love, Elizabeth
Love, Janice S.
Lovestad, Knut
Lovetri, Charles
Lovett, Gerald


Lyle, Barbara C.
Lyles, Russell
Lyles, Yolanda
Lynam, Wanda L.
Lynch, Angie L.
Lynch, Augusta
Lynch, Charles
Lynch, Daniel A.
Lynch, Daniel R.
Lynch, Diane
Lynch, Donna
Lynch, Jonas
Lynch, Joyce
Lynch, Krista
Lynch, Mark B.
Lynch, Stuart
Lynch, Susan
Lyne, Robert
Lynn, Linda L.
Lyon, Elizabeth
Lyon, Lisa M.
Lyon, Paul E.
Lyon, Tamara
Lyons, Glenda
Lyons, John-Paul
Lyons, Thomas
Lyons, William
Lytle, Phyllis

Mansfield, Kathy
Manuelle, Laura

Mabe, Billy D.
Mabe, Jon D.
Mabe, Kathryn
Mabry, Joseph
Mabry, Teresa
MacDouglas, Doreen
MacDouglas, Sandy
Macino, Deborah
Mack, Willie C.
Mackay, Linda G.
Mackey, Charles
MacVick, Jeffrey
MacMillian, Glen
MacMillan, Paul
MacNeill, Patricia
Madden, Andrew
Madden, Daniel
Maddox, Vivian
Maddux, Randy
Madey, Jeffery
Madigan, Timothy
Madio, Diane

Madison, Christopher

Madison, Samuel
Madre, Carol
Madson, Katherine
Maghan, Susan
Magruder, Lizabeth
Mahoney, Martina
Mahoney, Susan
Maier, Daniel

Marburger, Sally
Marcellino, James
March, Howard
Marchetti, Cynthia
Marcum, Kerry
Marder, Gary
Mare, Charles
Mariani, Yvette
Marion, Timothy
Markarian, Edward
Markarian, Mona
Markel, Matthew

Martin, Nancy
Martin, Pamela A.
Martin, Pamela K.
Martin, Paul
Martin, Robert
Martin, Shelley
Martin, Suzanne
Martin, Teresa
Martin, Terry
Martin, Theresa E.
Martin, Theresa W.
Martin, Timothy
Martin, Vicki
Martin, Vivian E.

gay py pe i
Hast Careline Maiversity

Matthews, Sallie
Matthews, Shelia
Matthews, Susan
Matthews, Veta
Matthews, Wendy

Matthews, William A.

Matthews, William E

Matthewson, Mariam

Mattocks, Katia
Matzen, Matthew
Mau, Sharon
Mauger, Joel
Maughan, Glenn
Mauldin, Linda

McCance, Charles
McCarley, Dewitt
McCarn, Reggie
McCarroll, Scott
McCarthy, Molly
McCarty, Monty
McCauley, John
McCauley, Sharon
McClain, Linda
McClain, Rosemary
McClain, Sonya
McClanahan, Craig
McClanahan, Robert
McCleary, Sandra

McDonald, Patricia A
McDonald, Patricia E
McDonald, Reginald
McDonald, Rosalind
McDonald, Sharon
McDonald, Tammy
McDonald, Velvet
McDowell, Barbara
McDowell, Charles
McDowell, Chris
McDowell, Lauran
McDowell, Warren
McEachern, Angela
McEachern, Kimetha
McElrath, Marsha
McElroy, Shawna
McEnally, Deirdre
McEnally, Terence
McEwan, John
McFall, Paul
McFarland, Ginger
McFarling, Walter
McFayden, Melinda
McFee, Gregory
McGahee, Marnie
McGaley, Conor
McGann, Susan
McGee, John W.
McGee, Lisa K
McGee, Lori L
McGee, Mary S
McGee, Michele
McGee, Sandra
McGehee, George
McGill, Julie
McGimpsey, Pamela
McGinley, Patricia
McGinness, David
McGinnis, Sara
McGlade, Stephen
McGlohon, Elizabeth
McGowan, Jerrie
McGrady, Tracy
McGrath, Ginny
McGraw, Jeffrey
McGriff, Catherine
McGuinness, Mary
McGuire, Nathaniel
McHaney, Norma
McHugh, Joseph
McHugh, Patrick
Mcllwain, Robert
Mcllwean, Tracey
Mclinnis, Elizabeth
Mcinnis, Jeffrey
Mcintosh, Timothy
Mcintyre, Edna K.M
Mcintyre, Gary L.
Mcintyre, Lynnet
Mcintyre, Marvin
Mcintyre, Peter
Mcintyre, Robert
Mcliver, Alexander
Mcliver, James
Mclver, Julie
Mclver, Vicki
McKaraher, Charles
McKechnie, Kevin
McKee, John
McKeel, Jeffrey
McKeel, Linda

McLoud, Jeffrey
McLoughlin, Kimberly
McLuskie, William
McMahan, Richard
McMahon, Kimberly
McMahon, Richard
McManus, Kellie
McMillan, Byron
McMillan, Craig
McMillan, Dora
McMillan, Karen
McMillan, Leone
McMillan, Linda
McMillan, Paul
McMullen, Lisa
McNabb, Christopher
McNair, Joyce
McNary, Valerie
McNeal, Michael
Meneely, Dwanna
McNeil, Betty
McNeil, Beverly
McNeil, Bobbie
McNeil, Dawn
McNeil, Lloyd
McNeil, Stephen
McNeill, Cynthia
McNeill, Daniel
McNeill, Denise
McNeill, Janie
McNeill, Lee
McNeill, Paula
McNeill, Susan
McNeilly, Nina
McNiff, James
McNulty, Kathleen
McOmber, Rebecca
McPartland, Michael
McPhatter, Christopher
McPherson, Arthur
McPherson, Elinor
McPherson, Ellen
McPherson, Joan
McQuaaid, Mark
McQueen, Wyatt
McQuillan, Jennifer
McQuillan, Martha
McRacken, Martha
McRae, David C
McRae, Patricia
McRea, Robert
McRea, Robin
McRoy, Kimberly
McShea, William
McSpadden, Marian
McSwain, Tina
McTiernan, Charles
McTiernan, Jay A
McVeigh, Robin
McVey, William
McVicker, Laurie
McVicker, William
Md-Noh, Mat
Mddali, Shamsulbahri
Meachum, Ralph
Mead, Sallie
Meador, Jennifer
Meador, Louis
Meador, R. David
Meadows, Carolyn
Meadows, Debra


Meadows, Jeffrey
Meadows, Robert
Meadows, Steve
Meads, Jill
Means, Julie
Means, Vivian
Meares, Jada
Mearsheimer, Charles
Mebane, Kerry .
Mecimore, Vanessa
Medford, Cheryl
Medler, Janeen
Medley, Cindy
Medlin, Bobby
Medlin, Brendan
Medlin, Donna
Medlin, Nancy
Meece, Amanda
Meehan, Kathleen
Meek, Charles
Meekins, Charles
Meeks, Anne
Meeks, Mary
Meetre, James
Meggs, David
Meggs, Norwood
Mehaffey, Sharon
Mehta, Madhukar
Meiggs, Sharon G.
Meiggs, Sharon K.
Meighan, Quintin
Meigs, Joseph
Meinickle, Andrea
Meisel, Kevin
Melcher, Mary
Mellott, Kenneth
Melosky, Richard
Melton, Andrea
Melton, Barry
Melton, Betty
Melton, Curtis
Melton, Debbie
Melton, Douglas
Melton, Julie
Melton, Victor
Melvin, Jonathan
Melvin, Julie
Melvin, Lillian
Melvin, Robert
Melvin, Vinson
Melvin, Winslow
Menah, Joy
Menichelli, Laura
Menius, Mary S.
Menius, Suzanne
Mentzer, Donald
Mercer, David
Mercer, Eddie
Mercer, Henry
Mercer, Kimberly
Mercer, Patricia
Mercer, William
Merck, Timothy
Merrell, Amy
Merricks, Patrick
Merrill, Debra A.
Merritt, Creo
Merritt, Joel
Merritt, John
Merritt, Karen
Merritt, Tracy
Merritt, Victoria
Mervin, Carolyn
Merwin, William
Messer, Robert
Messer, Stephen
Messer, Tammy
Messner, Leigh
Metcalf, Caroletta
Metcalf, Maggie
Metts, Lisa C.
Metzler, Keith
Mews, Randolph
Meyer, Marc R.
Meyers, Peter
Meyers, William
Meymandi, Charles
Meymandi, Spencer
Michael, Elizabeth
Michaels, David
Michaelson, Vivian
Michaud, Robert
Michel, Donna M.
Michel, Joseph
Michel, Susan
Micheller, Margareta
Michl, Lucinda
Middleton, Betsy
Middleton, Cynthia
Middleton, Pedro
Midgett, Lisa
Midgette, Debra
Midyette, Benjamin
Midyette, Patricia
Midyette, Sarah
Miele, Christopher
Miess, Michael
Milam, David
Milana, Gina
Miles, Darlene
Miles, Oshellin
Miles, Richard
Milkovits, Joseph
Millar, Karen
Miller, Ann

Miller, Bradley
Miller, Carolyn A.
Miller, Carolyn G.
Miller, Dana P.
Miller, Daniel
Miller, David N.
Miller, David R.
Miller, David W.
Miller, Denise
Miller, Ernest
Miller, Eva

Miller, Gloria
Miller, Gregory
Miller, Jack

Miller, Jacqueline
Miller, Jill

Miller, Jon M.
Miller, Jon W.
Miller, Kristie

Miller, Lisa

Miller, Lori

Miller, Lyle

Miller, Mark
Miller, Mark L.
Miller, Mary Ann
Miller, Melford
Miller, Michele
Miller, N. Karen
Miller, Peter
Miller, Randall
Miller, Robin
Miller, Rodney
Miller, Roger
Miller, Scotia
Miller, Shelia
Miller, Stanley
Miller, Susan
Miller, Timothy
Miller, Tonia
Miller, Tracey
Miller, Troy

Miller, Tyrone
Miller, Wayne
Miller, Wendy
Millner, Sondra
Mills, Alice J.
Mills, Alice R.
Mills, Angela
Mills, Anthony
Mills, Charles
Mills, Christopher
Mills, Cynthia
Mills, Durrell
Mills, Jacqueline
Mills, Jeffrey
Mills, Kimberly
Mills, Kristin
Mills, Lionel

Mills, Michael E.
Mills, Ralph

Mills, Rebecca
Mills, Sammy
Mills, Sandra
Mills, Teresa
Mills, Timothy
Millsaps, Christopher
Milton, Laura
Mims, Roderick
Minck, Cheryl
Miner, Deborah
Minges, John
Minick, Matthew
Minor, Andre
Minschew, James
Minshew, Delmas
Minshew, Mark
Minter, Steven
Minton, Dianne
Mirachi, Stephanee
Miranda, Conrad
Misenheimer, Terri
Misner, Keith
Mitchell, Carolyn
Mitchell, Clyde
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, Heather
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Jamie
Mitchell, Janice
Mitchell, Jeffrey
Mitchell, John G.
Mitchell, John L.
Mitchell, John W.
Mitchell, Kim
Mitchell, Kimberly
Mitchell, Lance
Mitchell, Lisa
Mitchell, Lynne
Mitchell, Marion
Mitchell, Mary
Mitchell, Miriam
Mitchell, Robin
Mitchell, Steven
Mitchell, Timothy
Mitchell, Toya
Mitchell, Valerie
Mitchell, Willaim
Mitchell, Winnifred
Mitchener, Lindbergh
Mitchum, Hugh
Mitchum, Judy
Mitten, William
Mitts, Kimberly
Mix, Victoria
Mizell, Lisa
Mizelle, Clarence
Mizelle, Donald
Mizelle, Janet
Mizelle, Randall
Mizelle, Ronald
Mizelle, Thomas
Mizelle, William
Mizzell, Michael
Mijelde, Stig
Mnick, Stacey
Mobley, Barbara D.
Mobley, Barbara J.
Mobley, Denise
Mobley, Jamie
Mock, Steven
Mockenhaupt, Heidi
Modenbach, John
Modlin, Carla
Modlin, Gloria
Modlin, Loria
Moeller, Martha
Moffitt, Robert A.
Mogenis, Ona
Mohamedali, Firoz
Mohan, Julie
Mohart, Karen
Mohd-Aup, Rosni
Mohd-Diah, Mohd
Mohddaud, Faridah
Molinari, Patrick
Molineaux, Joseph
Mollo, Leonard
Molloy, Patrick
Molyneux, Jeffrey
Monaghan, Judy
Monaghan, Peter
Monaghan, Teresa
Monahan, Kathleen


Moncla, Alfred
Moncla, Andre
Moncla, Claire
Moncourtois, Chris
Monday, Terry
Monds, William
Monette, Lori
Monk, Elizabeth
Monk, Tammy
Monroe, Blanche
Monroe, Qwanda
Monroe, Swannie
Monsees, Michael
Montague, Donna
Montague, Glenn
Montague, Robert
Montague, Vicki
Montez, Laura
Montford, Danny
Montgomery, Brent
Montgomery, Charlene
Montgomery, Chris
Montgomery, Emmett
Montgomery, Marcus
Montjoy, Susan
Moody, Douglas
Moody, Jarrod
Moody, Jyronn
Moody, Lynette
Mooers, Sara
Moon, Sherri
Mooney, Johnny
Mooney, Michael
Mooney, Patrick
Monneyham, Donna
Moore, Andrea
Moore, Angela D.
Moore, Anna
Moore, April L.
Moore, April S.
Moore, Areta
Moore, Barbara
Moore, Benny
Moore, Beverly
Moore, Bryan
Moore, Carol
Moore, Caroline -
Moore, Carolyn
Moore, Christine
Moore, Clarence
Moore, Colleen
Moore, Danetta
Moore, David D.
Moore, David R.
Moore, David Reid
Moore, Denise M.
Moore, Derrell
Moore, Donna K.
Moore, Edgar
Moore, Eleanora
Moore, Ellen
Moore, Eula
Moore, Florence
Moore, Garrie
Moore, Gilda
Moore, Gregory
Moore, Gwendolyn
Moore, Harold
Moore, Jacqueline
Moore, Jacqueline F.
Moore, James C.
Moore, James M.
Moore, Jennifer
Moore, Jerry
Moore, Joetta
Moore, John E.
Moore, John R.
Moore, Karen
Moore, Karla
Moore, Kathleen
Moore, Kelly
Moore, Kimberly
Moore, Kisha
Moore, Laura
Moore, Lillie
Moore, Linda
Moore, Lisa
Moore, Lori
Moore, Lula
Moore, Margaret A.
Moore, Margaret J.
Moore, Maribeth
Moore, Marilyn
Moore, Marion
Moore, Mark Alan
Moore, Mark Anderson
Moore, Mark Edward
Moore, Matthew
Moore, Melissa
Moore, Michael
Moore, Monica
Moore, Natalie
Moore, Paul
Moore, Peggy L.
Moore, Phillip ~
Moore, Rhonda
Moore, Robert
Moore, Sandra
Moore, Sara
Moore, Sheila
Moore, Starla
Moore, Stella
Moore, Susan G.
Moore, Susan K.
Moore, Susanne
Moore, Suzanne
Moore, Teresa Lee
Moore, Teresa Lynne
Moore, Terry L.
Moore, Thomas
Moore, Todd E.
Moore, Travis
Moore, Victoria
Moore, William H.
Moore, William M.
Mooring, Georgia
Mooring, Kimberly
Mooring, Lashell
Mooring, Patrick
Mooring, Timothy
Moran, Barry
Moran, Cathy
Moran, Kevin
Moran, Leann

Moras, William
Moraawski, Michael
More, Tracy
Moretz, Leonard
Morgan, Carla
Morgan, Clifton
Morgan, Doris
Morgan, Douglas
Morgan, Elizabeth
Morgan, Gretchen
Morgan, Jerry
Morgan, Kimberly
Morgan, Linda
Morgan, Mark B.
Morgan, Mark T.
Morgan, Michael
Morgan, Pamela
Morgan, Penelope
Morgan, Ronald
Morgan, Shelley
Morgan, Susan
Morgan, Teresa
Moriarty, James
Morin, Karen
Morings, Sebird
Morketter, Jeffrey
Morley, Michael
Morris, Allison
Morris, Angeline
Morris, Anthony
Morris, Brian
Morris, Debra
Morris, Dinita
Morris, Donna
Morris, Gwendolyn
Morris, James
Morris, Jay
Morris, Jeffrey
Morris, John
Morris, Judith
Morris, Kathy
Morris, Kenneth
Morris, Lisa A.
Morris, Louise
Morris, Lynn
Morris, Melissa
Morris, Nancy A.
Morris, Nancy S.
Morris, Patricia
Morris, Paula
Morris, Robert
Morris, Sylvester
Morris, Timothy
Morris, Tracy
Morris, Warren
Morrisey, Gwendolyn
Morrison, Ann
Morrison, Grant
Morrison, Gregory
Morrison, James
Morrison, Janice
Morrison, Jean
Morrison, Kimberly
Morrison, Melinda
Morrison, Samuel
Morrison, Tommy
Morrison, Tracy
Morrissey, Keisha
Morrow, Faye
Morrow, John H.
Morrow, Vickie
Morse, Tracey
Morsell, Joseph
Mortenson, Shelia
Morton, Amy
Morton, Anne
Morton, Cindy
Morton, Herman
Morton, Janet
Morton, William
Morze, Philip
Mosca, Carolyn
Moseley, Deborah
Moseley, Garry
Mosley, Michael
Moser, Julie
Moses, Kenneth
Mosher, Jodie
Mosley, Jeri
Moss, Bethanie
Moss, Charles
Moss, Edward
Moss, Joy L.
Moss, Maria
Moss, Mary W.
Moss, Robert A.
Moss, Susan M.
Moss, Thomas M.
Mostella, Patricia
Mote, Steven
Motsinger, Jeffrey
Motyka, Patricia
Moul, Jamie
Mould, Linda
Moulton, Susan
Mount, Douglas
Mouzon, Susan
Mowat, Richard
Mowen, Lori
Mowers, Kathleen
Moy, Sheryl
Moye, David W.
Moye, Macon
Moye, Michael
Moye, Milton
Moyer, David
Moyer, Derek
Moyes, Jennifer
Mozdzierz, Susan
Mozingo, Dorothy
Mozingo, Jackie
Mozingo, Kenneth
Mozingo, Lottie
Mozingo, Teresa
Mudra, John
Mueller, Kraig
Mueller, Timothy
Muhle, Douglas
Muir, Karen
Mukamal, Elana
Mukasa, Shem
Mulhern, James
Mulholland, Mary
Mulholland, William

Mulik, Donna
Mulkey, Amelia
Mullaney, Adrienne
Mullen, Judith
Mullennex, William
Mulligan, Denise
Mullinix, Deborah
Mullis, Ronald
Mullis, Sylvia
Mumma, Robert
Muncey, Gail
Munyer, Naomi
Murad, Lisa
Muraglia, Debra
Murdock, Deborah
Murensky, Catherine
Murosky, Mark
Murphrey, Tracey
Murphry, Frances
Murphy, Benita
Murphy, Carl
Murphy, Donna
Murphy, Doris
Murphy, Ellen
Murphy, Franklin
Murphy, Gregory
Murphy, Jean
Murphy, Jeffrey
Murphy, Jennifer
Murphy, Jessica
Murphy, Linda
Murphy, Mary E.
Murphy, Rebecca
Murphy, Rebekah
Murphy, William J.
Murphy, William L.
Murray, Bruce
Murray, Kimberly
Murray, Linda
Murray, Michael
Murray, Sherry
Musgrave, Sonia
Musgrave, Susan
Musgrave, Richard
Musgrave, Timothy
Mushi, Peter
Musselman, Laura
Musselwhite, Angelia
Musselwhite, Chris
Musser, Charles
Mussler, Kevin
Mustgrave, Karen
Mustian, Amy
Muther, Wilhelmina
Myatt, Robin
Myers, John C.
Myers, Julian
Myers, Julie
Myers, Patricia
Myers, Robin
Myers, Sidney
Myers, Steven
Myers, Teresa
Myers, Tyraina
Myers, Valerie
Myers, Valerie M.
Myers, Walter
Mylett, Kathleen
Mylott, Dawn
Myrick, John C.

Nadeau, Catherine
Nadeau, Yvonne
Nader, Mary E.
Nagem, Matthew
Nagle, Warren
Nagy, Paul D.
Nalesnik, David
Nance, Keith
Nance, Todd
Napier, David
Narron, Gregory
Norron, Kimberly
Narvaez, Annmarie
Nasea, Melissa
Nash, Deborah
Nash, James
Nash, John P.
Nash, Melanie
Nast, Amy L.
Natelson, Nancy
Nation, Brett
Naughton, John
Navarro, Monica
Naylor, Donna
Naylor, Michael
Nazarian, Susan
Neagle, Sarah
Neal, Angela
Neal, Ava

Neal, Mark

Neal, Mary L.
Neal, Mary M.
Neal, Troy

Neal, William
Nease, Matthew
Necci, Mary B.
Needham, Margaret
Needham, Paula
Neel, Robert
Neef, Virginia
Nelms, Benjamin
Nelms, Donald
Nelms, Linda
Nelms, Tammy
Nelson, Bruce
Nelson, Carlton
Nelson, Carolyne
Nelson, Cheri
Nelson, Deborah
Nelson, Elizabeth
Nelson, Garret
Nelson, Gregory

Nelson, James G.
Nelson, John J.
Nelson, Joseph
Nelson, Joyce
Nelson, Julia
Nelson, Kimberly
Nelson, Mary K.
Nelson, Michael
Nelson, Nancy
Nelson, Sheila
Nelson, Stephen
Nelson, Thurman
Nemanich, Frank
Nemcosky, Gary
Nesbit, Beverly
Nesbitt, Shirley
Nester, Susannah
Nethercutt, Janet
Nettles, Christine
Neubeck, John H.
Neuhardt, Jonathan
Neuhoff, Loren G.
New, Ricky
Newburn, Margaret
Newborn, Laura
Newborn, Wentiers
Newell, Megan
Newell, Samuel
Newman, Barbara
Newman, Cynthia
Newman, James H.
Newman, Martha
Newman, Nancy
Newman, Perry
Newman, Randall
Newman, Scott
Newsom, Albert
Newsom, Roger
Newsome, Carolyn
Newsome, Dallas
Newsome, Gina
Newsome, Jarvia
Newsome, Jeffery
Newsome, Johnathan
Newsome, Kathryn
Newsome, Lillian
Newsome, Wesley
Newton, Audra
Ng, Anthony
Ngan, Muk-Hing
Ngollo-Njombe, J.
Niblock, Katherine
Nice, Henry Robert
Nicholas, Herbert
Nichols, Anthony
Nichols, April
Nichols, Barbara
Nichols, Dawn
Nichols, Jayne
Nichols, Randy
Nichols, Rebecca
Nichols, Ricky
Nichols, Robert
Nichols, Sammie
Nichols, Sharon
Nicholson, Blake
Nicholson, Cindy
Nicholson, Clyda
Nicholson, Cynthia
Nicholson, Daniel
Nicholson, Kelly
Nicholson, Stephen
Nicholson, Tracey
Nickel, Nina
Nickles, Keith
Nicol, Nancy
Nicolaides, Chris
Nicolle, Michelle
Nieberger, Tamerlane
Niewald, Mark
Nix, John C.
Nixon, Hilda
Noakes, Sally
Noble, Peggy
Noble, Terry
Nobles, Charlene
Nobles, Lorraine
Nobles, Raeford
Noblett, Vann
Nock, Noelle

Noel, David

Nolan, Laurie
Noland, Kristen
Noltemeier, Deborah
Nordbye, Bjoern
Nordman, Lillian
Norfleet, Christine
Norfleet, Clayman
Norfleet, James
Norfleet, Susan
Norkett, Lynnette
Norman, Angela J.
Norman, Betty J.
Norman, Henry C.
Norman, Kimberly
Norman, Lorrie
Norman, Paula
Norman, Samuel
Norman, Victoria
Normanly, Gail
Norman, Sherrill
Norman, William
Norrell, Lisa
Norris, Deborah
Norris, Dianne
Norris, Durandy
Norris, George
Norris, Grady
Norris, Joseph
Norris, Kenneth
Norris, Michael
Norris, Ruby
Norris, Sara
North, John C.
Northcutt, Chery!
Northington, Vicky
Northrop, Mary
Norton, Thomas
Norvell, Angela
Norwood, Christopher
Norwood, William E.
Norwood, William J.
Notti, Peter
Nowell, Kelly

Nugen, Stephanie
Nunes, Lisa Liegh
Nyberg, John R.
Nye, Plummer
Nye, Scarlett

O'Beirne, Lisa
O'Brien, Angie
O'Brien, Michael
O'Hare, Mary
O'Neil, Patrick
Oakes, Glenn
Oakley, Audrey
Oakley, Christopher
Oakley, Dianne
Oakley, Janice
Oakley, Sybil
Oakley, William
Oates, James
Oates, Kimberly
Ober, Ginger
Oberacker, Lori
Obernesser, Paul
Obriant, Allan
Obrien, Constance
Obrien, David P.
Obrien, Kevin
Obrien, Melody
Obrien, Paul
Obrien, Tara
Obryant, Hubert
Oconnell, Daniel
Oconnell, Kevin
Oconnell, Melanie
Oconnor, Charles
Oconnor, Clare
Oconnor, Frederick
Oconnor, J. Michael
Oconnor, Mary C.
Odell, Douglas
Odell, Joy Corbin
Odell, Lou A.
Oden, Donna T.
Oden, Elizabeth
Odom, Anthony
Odom, Bonita
Odom, Hope D.
Odom, Jaquelyne
Odom, Laura
Odom, Melissa
Odom, Michael
Odom, Pamela
Odom, Sharon
Odom, Sherri
Odonnell, Linda
Odonnell, Lisa
Odonnell, William
Ogeary, Jeffrey
Ogles, Dawn C.
Oglesby, Douglas
Oglesby, Elizabeth
Oglesby, Lisa Ann
Ohara, Mary P.
Ohare, Thomas
Ojakaar, Erik
Okeeffe, Eileen
Oldham, Kelly
Oldson, Teressa
Olinck, Joseph
Oliphant, Stuart
Olive, Charles
Olive, Graham
Oliver, Elizbeth
Oliver, Eric
Oliver, Gregory
Oliver, Herbert
Oliver, Janine
Oliver, Kendall
Oliver, Maya
Oliver, Pamela
Oliver, Tammy
Oliver, Timothy
Oliver, Tonya
Oliver, Traci
Oliveri, Scott
Oliveto, Michael
Ollenburger, Jane
Ollice, Michael
Ollison, Wanda
Olp, Janes D.
Olrogge, George
Olrogge, Ruth
Olsen, Diane
Olsen, Kristina
Olsen, Mary K.
Olson, Marc
Olson, Mary A.
Omar, Adel
Oneal, Braxton
Oneal, Diana
Oneal, Frank
Oneal, Jennifer
Oneal, William
Oneal, Wilma
Oneill, Bridget
Oneill, Jeff

Onks, David L.
Ontis, Robert
Oram, Judi

Ore, Patricia
Ore, Terri R.
Ore, Vernita
Orendain, Isabel
Ormes, Robert
Ormond, Edward
Orourke, Noble
Orozco, Joaquin
Orr, Cynthia

Orr, Liston

Orr, Michael

Orr, William
Orrell, Alison
Orringer, David

Orrok, Pamela
Orsi, Michelle
Orsomarso, Gail
Ortiz, Lorrie
Orton, Susan
Oruska, Theresa
Orzol, Richard
Osborne, David
Osborne, George
Osborne, Jennifer
Osborne, Nancy
Osborne, Shelly
Osborne, Timothy
Oshea, Margaret
Oshiro, Angela
Osland, Olav G.
Osman, Rosili
Osswald, Robert
Ostendorf, Andrea
Ostergard, Laurie
Osterhoudt, Marcus
Ostrow, Alissa
Othman, Ghapar
Oti, Onuoha B.
Otim-Nomo, Maurice
Otte, Elizabeth
Otter, Brian

Otto, Elaine
Oyghton, Lisa
Ouimette, Mark
Ouimette, Nina
Outland, Archie
Outland, Deborah
Outland, William
Outlaw, Eric
Outlaw, Henry
Outlaw, Kimberly
Outlaw, Luanne
Outlaw, Sharon
Ovares, Luis

Ove, Sue Ellen
Overcash, Tommi
Overly, Scott
Overman, William
Overmyer, Stefanie
Overton, Carol
Overton, Janet
Overton, Jonathan
Overton, Joyce
Overton, Robert
Overton, Roger
Owen, Carleton
Owen, Catherine
Owen, Hugh
Owen, Josie
Owen, Leeann
Owen, Paul
Owen, Priscilla
Owen, William
Owenby, Anita
Owens, Belinda
Owens, Beth Ann
Owens, Brenda
Owens, Charles
Owens, Deborah
Owens, Gloria
Owens, Gwendolyn
Owens, James Lee
Owens, Louanna
Owens, Pamela
Owens, Richard
Owens, Robyn R.
Owens, Ronald
Owens, Sherrill
Owens, Steven
Owens, Susan
Owens, William
Ownley, Cynthia
Oxendine, Donna
Oxendine, Ginger
Oxendine, Macy
Oxendine, Melanie
Ozment, Timothy
Ozment, Wendy


Pace, Betty

Pace, William
Packard, Rena
Packer, Terry
Packie, Kenneth
Paderick, Pamela
Padgett, Christopher
Padgett, Linda
Padgett, Ronald
Padgette, Jacqueline
Padilla, David
Padilla, Theresa
Paffe, Sarah
Page, Andrea
Page, Carol

Page, Clyde
Page, Elizabeth K.
Page, Elizabeth M.
Page, Jennifer
Page, Mary C.
Page, Pamela
Page, Rodney
Page, Thomas
Page, Toni

Pagel, Robin
Pahel, Laurie
Paige, Donna C.
Paige, Michael
Paige, Terry
Painter, Bryan
Painter, William
Pajak, Paul

Pajer, Michele
Paley, Albert
Palmer, Carol
Palmer, Christy
Palmer, Kimberley
Palmer, Lisa

Palmer, Marshall
Palmer, Mary
Palmer, Pamela
Palmer, Rebecca
Panaro, Julia
Pantazis, Maria
Pantelakos, George
Pantelakos, James
Pantelakos, Steven
Paquette, Barbara
Paramore, Rebecca
Parcells, Dallas
Parham, Charles A.
Parham, Charles K.
Parham, Mary
Paricio, Karen
Parietti, James
Paris, Danielle
Paris, Sandra
Parish, Michele
Parish, Stephen
Parisher, Gary
Parisher, Joseph
Parisher, Tracy
Parker, Angela
Parker, Bryan
Parker, Camille
Parker, Carey
Parker, Carol
Parker, Cora
Parker, Cynthia
Parker, Daniel
Parker, David A.
Parker, David H.
Parker, Donnie
Parker, Jackson
Parker, Jacqueline
Parker, John G.
Parker, Jon C.
Parker, Larry
Parker, Linda
, Lou
. Margaret

, Randall

, Ray H.

, Raymond


, Roger
Parker, Roy
Parker, Steven
Parker, Susan
Parker, Val
Parker, Walter
Parkey, Alison
Parkin, Bonita
Parkin, Mary P.
Parkin, Michelle
Parks, Anita
Parks, James
Parks, Jeffrey
Parks, Kevin
Parks, Lisa
Parler, Bethanie
Parnell, Jeffrey H.
Parnell, Jeffrey R.
Parnell, John
Parnell, Keith
Parnell, Sherrie
Parris, Susan
Parrish, Ann
Parrish, Anthony
Parrish, Brian
Parrish, Clifton
Parrish, Dawn
Parrish, John
Parrish, Leslie
Parrish, Mary
Parrish, Pamela
Parrish, Shayne
Parrish, Timothy
Parrish, Tracy
Parrott, Anna
Parrott, Christie
Parrott, Frances
Parrott, Franklin
Parrott, Helen
Parrott, John
Parson, Alma
Parsons, Abbie
Parsons, Alisa
Parsons, Johanna
Partin, Cindy
Parvin, Linda
Pascarella, Jonathan
Pascarella, Kristi
Pascasio, Emily
Paschal, James
Pash, Joseph
Pash, Michael
Pasini, Philip
Passander, Evelyn
Pate, Chris
Pate, David
Pate, Deborah
Pate, Earl
Pate, Lori
Pate, Margaret
Patel, Dipti
Patel, Himesh
Patel, Hitesh
Patel, Kaushikkumar
Patel, Manoj
Patel, Nayan
Patel, Vijesh
Paterson, Mark
Patrick, Melissa
Patrick, Tiffaney
Patterson, Anthony
Patterson, Coralie
Patterson, Cynthia A.

Patterson, Cynthia W.

Patterson, Gary Dale
Patterson, Gerald
Patterson, James
Patterson, Jody

Patterson, John
Patterson, Lynne
Patterson, Mark
Patterson, Melanie
Patterson, Patricia
Patterson, Paula
Patterson, Rolvix
Patterson, Scott
Patterson, Susan
Patterson, Willie
Patti, James
Patton, Christopher
Patton, Connie

Patton, Lori A.
Patton, Randolph
Paul, Ida A.

Paul, Mack Gibbs
Paul, Richard
Paul, Stephanie
Paul, William
Paulson, Jennifer
Pavco, Deanna
Pavco, Suzanne
Pawlowski, Deborah
Paxton, Deborah
Paylor, Linda
Payne, Bruce
Payne, David R.
Payne, Dean A.
Payne, Donald
Payne, Elmer
Payne, Geneva
Payne, James B.
Payne, James J.
Payne, Joan
Payne, Mary
Payne, Pamela
Payne, Robert


Payton, Hilda
Payton, Jacqueline
Payton, Sheila
Peacock, David
Peacock, Mickey
Peaden, Allison
Peaden, Beverly
Peaden, Melinda
Peak, Damon
Peak, Shannon
Pearce, Bonnie
Pearce, Cheryl
Pearce, Elizabeth

Pearce, James A.
Pearce, James M.
Pearce, Keith
Pearce, Kimber
Pearce, Patrick
Pearce, Paul
Pearce, Richard
Pearcy, Phillip
Pearsall, James
Pearsall, Robert
Pearson, Charles
Pearson, Grant
Pearson, Terrie
Peartree, Bruce
Peaslee, Susan
Peck, Karen P.
Peck, Kathleen
Peck, Richard
Peckens, Paul
Peebles, Amy
Peebles, Lisa
Peebles, Mark
Peed, Betty
Peed, Lydia
Peele, Barry

Peele, Linda
Peele, Louise
Peele, Melissa
Peele, Terri
Peele, Vickie
Peele, Wendy
Peeler, Jody
Peeples, Johnny
Pegram, Bettina
Pegram, Michele
Pegram, Tammy
Peirsel, Thomas
Pelech, Kevin

Pellam, Jenice
Pelletier, Jenny
Pelleiter, Michelle
Pence, David W.
Pender, Michale
Pendergraft, Brian
Pendergraft, Chiquita
Pendergraft, Craig
Pendergraft, Cynthia
Pendergraft, Robert
Pendergrass, Angela
Pendleton, Glenda
Pendry, Carmen
Penicnak, Deke
Penland, Michael
Penland, Pamela
Pennell, Dianne

Penniston, Virginia
Penny, Jo Lee
Penny, Robert
Penry, James B.

Peoples, Barbara
Peoples, Charles
Peoples, Mary L.
Peoples, Ronald
Percise, Donald
Perdue, Martin
Pere, David
Perea, Carolina
Perea, Susana
Perez, Kevin

Pergerson, James

Pergerson, Lisa
Perkins, Anna

Perkins, Dwight
Perkins, Janet
Perkins, John D.
Perkins, Larry
Perkins, Marie
Perkins, Thomas
Perkins, Troy



Perna, Michelle

Peroyea, Martin
Perreira, Simone
Perrey, Mary


James E.

, Lisa

, Stephanie

, Steven

, William G.

, William M.

, Willie

, Yvonne
Person, Leslie
Person, Sarah
Pesarchick, Patricia
Pescatore, Linda

Pesikey, Kimberly
Peters, Ashley
Peters, Betsy
Peters, Frances
Peters, Judith
Peters, Michael
Peterson, Brian
Peterson, Elizabeth
Peterson, James P.
Peterson, John D.
Peterson, Julia
Peterson, Kelly
Peterson, Sandra
Peterson, Sherrie
Peterson, Sheryl
Peterson, Terry
Peterson, Tony
Petkosh, Susan
Petteway, Anita
Pettus, Pamela
Petty, Martha
Petty, Sharon
Petty, Susan
Petty, William
Petzold, Lois

Peynado, Maragrita
Pfohl, Carol
Phaksuwan, P.
Pham, Annie G.
Pharo, Thomas
Phason, Vivian
Phavorachith, K.
Phelan, Bryan
Phelan, Sharon
Phelps, Almeta
Phelps, Jordan
Phelps, Malcolm
Phelps, Shari
Phelps, Sherri
Phifer, Alma
Phifer, Bridget
Phifer, Trenita
Phillips, Bynum
Phillips, Charles
Phillips, Deborah
Phillips, Denise
Phillips, Douglas
Phillips, Glenda
Phillips, James
Phillips, Jenny
Phillips, Jerry
Phillips, Joann
Phillips, Joseph
Phillips, Kenneth
Phillips, Kimberly
Phillips, Kurt
Phillips, Laura
Phillips, Linda
Phillips, Lisa
Phillips, Lucia
Phillips, Lynn
Phillips, Marian
Phillips, Melanie
Phillips, Peter
Phillips, Robbin
Phillips, Sanda
Phillips, Sandra
Phillips, Susan
Phillips, Timothy
Phinizy, Brian
Phinizy, Kimberly
Phipps, Brenda
Phipps, Ervin
Phipps, Jon W.
Piche, Kenneth
Pickard, Lawrence
Pickens, Sonia
Pickerel, Alfred
Pickett, Patty
Pickinpaugh, Lisa
Picton, John M.
Pierce, Amanda
Pierce, Brenda
Pierce, Cathy
Pierce, Cheryl
Pierce, John
Pierce, Kathryn
Pierce, Leland
Pierce, Lonnie
Pierce, Maria
Pierce, Mark
Pierce, Michael R.
Pierce, Michael T.
Pierce, Paul
Pierce, Robert
Pierce, Ruben
Pierce, Ruth
Pierce, Stacey
Pierce, William
Pierce, Kimberly
Pierson, Jennifer
Pietruszynski, Debora
Pietrzak, John T.
Pifer, Mary E.
Pigford, Merry
Pigg, Robin
Pighet, Camille
Pignani, Babetta
Pike, Gerald
Pike, Karol

Pike, Kathleen
Piland, Amanda
Piland, Cherry
Piland, Mary
Pilati, Cristina
Pilkey, Charles
Pillow, Bruce
Pillow, Keith
Piner, Gregory
Piner, Robert
Pinkham, Dollene
Pinner, Brady
Pinner, Johnny
Pipkin, Linda
Pirone, Colleen
Pitchford, Shirley
Pitsenbarger, Robert
Pitt, Connie

Pitt, Demarcus
Pitt, Lori D.

Pitt, Marvin
Pittard, Lisa
Pittard, Melissa
Pittelli, Christopher
Pittman, Cathy
Pittman, Cynthia
Pittman, Darryl
Pittman, Desiree
Pittman, Donna
Pittman, Ginger
Pittman, James A.
Pittman, Janet
Pittman, Mary E.
Pittman, Roy
Pittman, Sandra
Pittman, Timothy
Pitts, Michael
Plasters, Elizabeth
Platt, Dawn
Plawecki, Jude
Pleasant, Larry
Pleasant, Willie
Pleasants, Cynthia
Pleasants, Jacqueline
Pleasants, Robert
Plotkin, Kevin
Ploucha, Laurie
Plum, David
Plumb, Kevin

Plumley, Connie
Plummer, Ernestine
Plummer, Jeanelle
Plunkett, John M.
Plyler, Marty
Plyler, Mary N.
Podgorny, Emanuel
Podgorny, George
Poe, Maru Lou
Poe, Patricia
Poe, Peggy P.
Poindexter, Sarah
Poirier, Suzanne
Poitier, Sonja
Polak, Laural
Poland, Leigh
Polk, Deborah
Polk, Norman
Pollard, David
Pollard, Debby
Pollard, Dorice
Pollard, Gregory
Pollard, Melva
Pollard, Michael
Pollard, Tammy
Pollock, Andrea
Pollock, Lucinda
Pollock, Perry
Pompili, Monique
Pond, Richard
Ponder, Kimberly
Ponder, Michael
Pons, Christopher

, Anne

, Bessie

, Charlotte

, David

, Jane

, Joseph

, Lisa

, Lisa

, Robert

, Robin
Poole, Thelma
Pooler, Charles
Poovey, Mark
Poovey, Robert
Popatak, Cynthia
Pope, Becky Sue
Pope, Damon
Pope, David
Pope, Elizabeth A.
Pope, Elizabeth H.
Pope, Gail A.
Pope, Kevin B.
Pope, Kimberly
Pope, Lloyd
Pope, Myra D.
Pope, Sherri
Pope, Thomas
Pope, Tracy
Pope, Wendy
Pope, William
Popkin, Catherine
Popkin, Matthew
Poplin, Rickey
Poplin, Stephen
Porcelli, Anthony
Porter, Amy L.
Porter, Bryant
Porter, Charles
Porter, Fletcher
Porter, Kathrine
Porter, Sonya

. Timothy
Porter, William
Porterfield, Barry
Porterfield, Sheri
Portie, Paula
Portie, Phyllis
Posse, Joanne
Poston, Carol
Poston, Robert
Potter, Alyce
Potter, Martha
Potter, Ottis
Potter, Timothy
Potts, Patricia
Pou, Regina
Poulos, John
Poulos, Johnnena
Poust, Caycee
Powe, Cleveland
Powell, Agnes
Powell, Alan
Powell, Alice
Powell, Angela
Powell, Angelia
Powell, Cathy
Powell, Charrissa
Powell, Christine
Powell, David
Powell, Dillan
Powell, Gregory
Powell, Iris
Powell, John
Powell, Kimberly
Powell, Kristal
Powell, Melanie
Powell, Melinda
Powell, Nancy
Powell, Nina
Powell, Philip
Powell, Rachel
Powell, Rhonda
Powell, Ruth
Powell, Suzanne
Powell, Terry
Powell, Willie
Power, Katrina
Poythress, David
Prachar, Thomas
Praphailong, Sirikat
Praskac, Jody
Pratt, Barbara
Pratt, David
Pratt, Donna
Pratt, Johnnie


Prayer, Judy
Preast, Dwayne
Preast, Evelyn
Prebula, George
Preddy, William
Prenn, Stacey
Prescott, Beulah
Prescott, Daniel
Prescott, David
Presnell, Donna
Presnell, Johnnie
Presson, Ikie
Preston, Debra
Preston, Frederick
Pretty, William
Prevatt, Cathy
Prevatte, Steven
Prevette, Pamela
Price, Burton
Price, Craig
Price, Danny
Price, David
Price, Helen
Price, Jacque
Price, Jan S.
Price, Jana E.
Price, Jeffery
Price, Jerri

Price, Jerry T.
Price, Laura
Price, Mason
Price, Melissa
Price, Merley
Price, Paula
Price, Robin
Price, Sheila
Price, Sheryl
Price, Stephen
Price, Steven
Price, Terry
Price, Theresa
Price, Tracy
Price, Walter
Pridgen, Ann
Pridgen, Clyde
Pridgen, Jane
Pridgen, Kelly
Pridgen, Teresa
Pridgen, Vivian
Pridgen, William D.
Pridgen, William E.
Priestly, David
Priestly, Lisa
Prigmore, Anita
Primeau, Audrey
Primost, Allen
Pringle, Jonathan
Pritchard, Connie
Pritchard, Gary
Pritchard, James
Pritchard, Terry
Pritchett, Lisa
Pritchett, Suzanne
Privette, Barbara
Privette, Phil
Privott, Daryl
Privott, Raymond
Privott, Willis
Prizzia, James
Proctor, Carolyn
Proctor, Clifton
Proctor, Elizabeth
Proctor, James
Proctor, Jeffrey
Proctor, Kenneth
Proctor, Lisa
Proctor, Lou A.
Prokop, Kathy
Proseus, Lawrence
Prosser, Karen
Prosser, Raymond
Pruden, Evelyn
Pruden, Sonya
Pruette, David
Pruitt, John W.
Pruitt, Lisa
Pruitt, Venetia
Pruneau, Leslie
Prussing, Mary
Pryor, Jennifer
Prys, Jeffrey
Prys, Joseph
Psomadakis, Matthew
Ptak, Valerie
Puckett, Richard
Puckett, William
Pugh, Andrea
Pugh, Bettie
Pugh, Deborah
Pugh, Gina
Pugh, Jennifer
Pugh, Jill

Pugh, Judith
Pugh, Lorrie
Pugh, Pamela
Pugh, Raeford
Pugh, Ronald
Pugliese, Linda
Pulkingham, Nathan
Pulley, Gina
Pulley, Lisa
Pulley, Terri
Pulliam, Michael
Pulliam, Veveca
Pullum, Haliday
Pulsford, Barry
Punte, Mary E.
Purcell, Carl
Purcell, Joseph
Purcell, Peter
Purcell, Theresa

Purgason, Franklin
Purifoy, Stephen
Purington, Earnell
Purser, Charles
Purser, Mark
Purser, William
Purvis, Katherine
Purvis, Reginald
Purvis, Wade S.
Putnam, Lawrence
Putney, Lisa M.
Py, Raymond
Pyburn, Phillip
Pyles, Jamie S.

Quarles, Catherine
Queen, Julia
Quesenberry, Lori
Questell, Alan
Quick, Gregory
Quick, Norman
Quick, Veronica
Quinlan, Timothy
Quinn, Clifton L.
Quinn, James K.
Quinn, John L.
Quinn, John M.
Quinn, Kathleen
Quinn, Michael
Quinn, Mitchell
Quinn, Rita M.
Quinter, Valerie


Raab, Elizabeth
Raamont, Anne
Rabey, Frank
Rabil, Lori

Rabil, Stephen
Rabon, Aubrey
Rabon, Mark
Rabon, Sidney
Rabun, Gloria
Rackley, James
Rackley, Jon
Radaskiewicz, Mark
Radcliff, Stacy
Radfoed, Ellen
Radford, Paula
Radford, Robert
Radford, Terry
Radford, Tony
Ragsdale, Candace
Ragsdale, Sidney
Ragsdale, William
Rahman, Abdullah
Rahman, Mohammed
Raiford, Melissa
Rainbow, Medrick
Raines, Stephanie
Rainey, John S.
Rains, Robert
Rains, Walter
Raju, Pratap
Raju, Vegesena
Raley, Jerry
Ralston, Patricia
Rambo, Julie
Ramey, Jeffery
Ramey, Lisa
Ramey, Timothy

Ramos, Sylvia
Rampersaud, Edward
Ramsey, Barbara
Ramsey, Bridget
Ramsey, Cherie
Ramsey, Richard
Rand, Marshall
Rand, Marta L.
Rand, Stephanie
Randall, Timothy
Randolph, Angela
Ranger, Dhwanendra
Rangeley, Brian
Rankin, Diane
Rankins, Donna
Rankins, Frances
Rankins, James
Ransdell, Princess
Ransone, Verdery
Rape, Susan L.
Raper, Dana E.
Raper, Yardley
Rasbarry, Glenda
Rasberry, James
Rasberry, Maurice
Rasch, Danny
Rascoe, Carla
Rascoe, Ethelene
Rascoe, Shantil
Rash, Steven
Rathke, Andreas
Ratliff, Sechiquita
Rattary, Debra A.
Rattary, Kathleen
Ratte, Christopher
Rau, Patricia

Rawlins, Candi
Rawls, Frankie
Rawls, Robin
Rawls, Thomas
Ray, Cathy

Ray, Diane

Ray, Gavin

Ray, Margaret
Ray, Robert

Ray, Shaela

Ray, Teresa
Raye, David
Rayford, Blanche
Raymond, Elizabeth
Rayner, Elizabeth
Raynor, Allen C.
Raynor, Cathy
Raynor, Dalton
Raynor, Donald
Raynor, Lisa
Raynor, Patricia
Raynor, Rhett
Raynor, Wanda
Razzouk, Joumana
Razzouk, Theo
Rea, Anthony
Read, Ramona
Read, Thomas
Readling, Robin
Reale, Joseph
Reardon, Bobby
Reardon, James
Reason, Karen
Reason, Lisa
Reaves, Derrick
Reaves, Donna

Rechner, Anton
Reckert, Kelli
Record, Mary
Rector, James
Redd, Melanie
Redd, Wanna
Reddeck, Keith
Redden, Douglas
Reddick, Elizabeth
Redding, Karen
Redecker, Henry
Redfearn, Edward
Redfern, Gwendolyn
Redford, Laura
Redick, Daniel
Redman, George
Redman, Renee
Redmon, Sonja
Redmond, Maurice
Redmond, Terence
Reece, Hugh
Reed, Carol A.
Reed, Cynthia L
Reed, Davandra
Reed, Delores
Reed, Kathleen





Reed, Virginia
Reeder, Darin
Reel, Beverly
Rees, Donald
Reese, Christy
Reese, James
Reese, Millard
Reese, Toyka
Regan, David
Regan, Meggi
Register, Crystal
Register, Diana
Register, Rebeca
Reibel, James
Reibel, Jonathan
Reich, Donald
Reich, Eric
Reicheneker, David
Reichstein, William
Reid, Betsy

Reid, Brenda
Reid, Bryan

Reid, Carla






Reid, Raymond
Reid, Robin

Reid, Ronald
Reid, Steven D.
Reid, Steven F.
Reiff, Cynthia
Reigle, Kevin
Reilly, Stephanie
Reinhard, Nancy
Reinhold, Benjamin
Reinhold, Ellen
Relford, Melody
Renfrow, David
Renfrow, J.P.
Renn, Mary D.
Repeta, Michael
Resnik, Rhea
Respess, Angie
Respess, Murphy
Respess, Paula
Resua, Jeanne
Revelle, Brenda
Rexford, Kimberly
Rexford, Nancy
Reynolds, Amy
Reynolds, Courtney
Reynolds, Jennifer
Reynolds, Jill M.
Reynolds, John S.
Reynolds, Lillie
Reynolds, Preston
Reynolds, Robert
Reynolds, Sandy

Reynolds, William
Rhem, Alonza
Rhoads, Robert
Rhodes, Bruce
Rhodes, David B.
Rhodes, David S
Rhodes, James F.
Rhodes, Laura
Rhodes, Mary B
Rhodes, Stacey
Rhodes, Zina
Rhoney, Kelly
Ribeiro, Donald
Riberdy, Michel
Ricci, Patrick
Ricciarelli, Edward
Ricciarelli, Janet
Ricciarelli, Paul

, Adair

, Catherine

, Donna

, Dorothy

, Kathryn

, Robert

, Carole

, Paul J.

, Tara C.
Richards, Angela
Richards, Brett
Richards, Darla
Richards, John
Richards, Kamala
Richards, Kevin
Richards, Robert
Richardson, Angela
Richardson, Beretta
Richardson, Betty
Richardson, Christine
Richardson, Cindy
Richardson, Dwight
Richardson, Elizabeth
Richardson, Frankie
Richardson, James
Richardson, Jane

Richardson, Katherine

Richardson, Kerry
Richardson, Kochie
Richardson, Lisa
Richardson, Loretta
Richardson, M. Anne
Richardson, Mark
Richardson, Martha
Richardson, Michael
Richardson, Shervin
Richardson, Terry C.
Richardson, Thomas
Richardson, Tony
Richardson, Verna
Richardson, Yolanda
Richmond, Julie
Ricketson, Joy
Ricketson, Kendall
Ricks, Donald
Ricks, James
Ricks, Renee
Ricks, Richard
Ricks, Tamara
Ricks, Walter
Riddick, Audrey
Riddick, Carolyn
Riddick, Lisa
Riddick, Lynn
Riddick, Victor
Riddick, Virginia
Riddle, Christian
Riddle, Duncan
Riddle, Jo Ann
Riddle, Michael
Riddle, Pamela
Riddle, Stephen
Riddle, William
Ridenhour, Thomas
Rideout, Gregory
Rider, Franklin
Rider, Lola P.

Rider, Suzanne
Ridgway, Shelley
Ridley, Frances
Riebling, Peggy
Riffle, Teresa
Rigante, Karen
Riggan, Tammy
Riggle, Betty
Riggs, Ellen

Riggs, James
Riggs, Roy

Riggs, Terri

Riggs, Timothy
Riggsbee, Kenneth
Riggsbee, Renee
Rightmyer, Kenneth
Rightmyer, Kirk
Rightmyer, Thomas
Rigsbee, Charles
Rigsbee, Stuart
Rigsby, Paul
Rikard, Julie

Riley, Beverly

Riley, Christopher
Riley, Jackie

Riley, James

Riley, Michael J.
Riley, Michael L
Riley, Michael Louis
Riley, Theresa
Rinaldi, Theresa
Ring, Jennifer
Ringberg, Kristin
Rio, Leslie
Rios-Maldonado, C.
Ripley, Dawn
Ripperger, Annemarie
Risco, Emilia
Ristow, Patricia
Ritchie, Crystal
Ritchie, David
Ritchie, Jeff

Ritchy, Philip
Ritins, Jeffrey
Ritter, Carolyn
Rivenbark, Betsy
Rivenbark, Bryan

Rivenbark, Gary
Ribenbark, James
Rivenbark, Linda
Rivenbark, Marie
Rivenbark, Mitchell
Rivera, Michael
Rivers, Lynda
Rizos, Konstadinos
Rizzolo, Matthew
Rizzuti, Donna
Roach, Deborah
Roach, Michael
Roach, Ronald
Roach, Vivain
Roane, Karen
Roane, Wilton
Robaczewski, David
Robbins, Andrew D.
Robbins, Andrew M.
Robbis, Angela
Robbins, Barry
Robbins, Brent
Robbins, Cynthia
Robbins, Dennis
Robbins, Elessa
Robbins, John
Robbins, Karen
Robbins, Linda
Robbins, Myra
Robbins, Robena
Robbins, Susan
Robbins, Thomas
Roberson, Angela
Roberson, Benjamin
Roberson, Brenda
Roberson, Carla
Roberson, Etzetta
Roberson, Joseph



Roberts, Andrea
Roberts, Barbara
Roberts, Dena L
Roberts, Dolly
Roberts, Donna
Roberts, Ernest
Roberts, Fara
Roberts, Karen
Roberts, Kimberly
Roberts, Laurel
Roberts, Lavern
Roberts, Lisa
Roberts, Troy
Roberts, William




Robinson, Donna
Robinson, Felecia
Robinson, Gail
Robinson, Gary
Robinson, Jacquelyn
Robinson, Janice
Robinson, Laura
Robinson, Lisa
Robinson, Margaret
Robinson, Marye
Robinson, Melanie
Robinson, Michael
Robinson, Mitchell

Robinson, Pamela A.
Robinson, Pamela M.

Robinson, Roscoe
Robinson, Steven
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, Tony
Robinson, Walter
Robinson, William
Robinson, William S
Robison, Elizabeth
Robison, Shelli
Roboz, Tonina
Roche, John
Roche, Pamela
Rock, Thomas
Rodabaugh, Kerry
Rodemeyer, Chery!
Rodemeyer, Lynn
Rodger, Margaret
Rodger, Scott
Rodgers, Andrew
Rodgers, Betty Jo
Rodgers, Bradley
Rodgers, Lissa
Rodri, Jo Anne

Rodriguez, Cynthia
Rodriquez, Jody
Rodwick, Sarah
Roebuck, Paul
Roelofs, Christopher
Roelfs, Michele
Roeske, Kenneth
Roeske, Kirk
Roethling, Catherine
Rogers, Bonita
Rogers, Christine
Rogers, Diane
Rogers, Elizabeth
Rogers, John
Rogers, Leslie
Rogers, Melanie
Rogers, Michael F.
Rogers, Michael T
Rogers, Nancy D
Rogers, Reagan
Rogers, Stefanie
Rogers, Tracy
Rogers, William G
Rogers, William J
Rogers, Wilson
Rogerson, David
Rogerson, Ervin
Rogerson, Holly
Rogerson, Jerry
Rogerson, Kenneth
Rogerson, Michael
Rogerson, Timothy
Rogister, Shelby
Rohletter, Lisa
Rohrer, Karen
Rohrer, Mary E
Rohrer, Raymond
Rolison, Elizabeth


Rollain, Michele
Rollins, Joseph
Roamn, Christine
Roman, Douglas
Roman, Linda
Romito, Pamela
Roney, Brian
Roney, Timothy
Rood, David
Root, Sandra
Roper, Jennifer
Roper, Steven
Rosario, Lydia
Rose, Andrew

, Brian

, Edward

, Gary G.

, James R.

, John R.

, Jonathan

, Lori Ann

, Pamela

, Terry

, Troy
Roseboro, Jacqueline
Rosell, Marisa
Roseman, Bridgette
Rosemond, Julia
Rosen, Sheri
Rosenberg, Mark
Rosenblatt, Michael
Rosenthal, Linda
Rosinski, Theresa
Roslan, Noraini
Ross, Amelia
Ross, April
Ross, Charles
Ross, Deanna


Ross, Deborah
Ross, Joanna
Ross, Kathryn
Ross, Laurie
Ross, Lynne P.
Ross, Marshall
Ross, Rebecca
Ross, Sharon
Ross, Shirletta
Ross, William
Rosser, David
Rossi, Elizabeth
Rossi, Tina
Roswech, Joseph
Roth, Jeannette
Roth, Peter
Rother, Julie
Rothermel, George
Rothermel, Ginger
Rothrock, Terry
Roulhac, Reval
Rounds, John
Rountree, Benita
Rountree, Charles
Rountree, Nancy
Rountree, Beverly
Rourk, Angela
Rourk, Robert
Rouse, Amanda
Rouse, Angela
Rouse, Bernice
Rouse, Cynthia
Rouse, Dennis
Rouse, Eva
Rouse, Jennifer
Rouse, John
Rouse, Laurie
Rouse, Lelia
Rouse, Maleesa
Rouse, Mary G.
Rouse, Monica
Rouse, Peggy
Rouse, Rhonda
Rouse, Ronald
Rouse, Sheila
Rouse, Terita
Rouse, William A.
Rowe, Francis
Rowe, Jacqueline
Rowe, Janis
Rowe, Jessica
Rowe, Kimberly
Rowe, Sherrie
Rowe, Stacey
Rowe, Timothy
Rowe, William
Rowell, Michael
Rowerdink, Neil
Rowland, Lalla
Rowland, Lisa
Rowland, Melanie
Rowley, Wesley
Rowsom, Sonji
Roy, Rita

Royal, Sharon
Royster, Mark
Royster, Sonya
Rozzelle, Jonna
Rucker, Alton
Ruedger, Scott
Ruffin, Anita
Ruffin, Katherine
Ruffin, Laura E.
Ruffin, Mary A.
Ruffin, Robert L.
Ruffin, Robert N.
Ruffin, Valorie M.
Ruisz, Miriam
Rulifson, Gayle
Rullo, Evamarie
Rumney, Steven
Runion, Jane
Rupp, Lynne
Rusch, Kim
Rusevlyan, David
Rush, Kenneth
Rush, Linda
Rushing, David
Rusk, John F.
Russ, Angela
Russ, Carol
Russ, Howard

Russ, Melanie
Russ, Robert
Russ, Roy
Russ, Theresa
Russ, William
Russell, Amy
Russell, Andrea
Russell, Glenn
Russell, Grace
Russell, Grover
Russell, Janet
Russell, John P.
Russell, Novell
Russell, Randolph
Russell, Robin
Russell, Rocky
Russell, Timothy
Russo, Anthony
Russo, James
Russo, Michael
Russo, Suellen
Russwurm, Kari
Rutherford, John
Rutledge, Donald
Ryan, Eleanore
Ryan, Joseph
Ryan, Margaret
Ryburn, Charles
Ryder, Teri L.
Rymer, Scott

Saad, Amgad
Saas, Frank
Sabados, Laura
Sabino, William
Sablan, Victor
Sadd, Karen C
Sadler, Jonathan
Sadler, Robert
Sadlowski, David
Safrit, Gail

Safrit, Kelly
Sager, Judith
Said, Elias
Saieed, Mary
Saifullizan, H.
Saine, Angela
Saine, Drew
Saleeby, Barbara
Saleeby, Eva
Salle, George
Salleh, Hamdan
Sallenger, Robin
Salmons, James
Salter, Alonza
Salter, Glenda
Salter, Karen
Salter, Kathy
Salter, Leon
Salvatore, Thomas
Salzer, Fran
Sammons, Kristine
Sampere, Jeffrey
Sampson, Twyla
Sampson, Tyra
Sampson, Willie
Sameul, Kevin
Sanborn, Marjorie
Sanchez, Katrina
Sanchez, Xenia
Sandberg, Eric
Sandell, Mary A.
Sanderford, Michael
Sanders, Carole
Sanders, Darrell
Sanders, Debra
Sanders, Elizabeth
Sanders, Felicia
Sanders, Gordon
Sanders, Gwendolyn
Sanders, James
Sanders, John W.

Sanders, Paula
Sanders, Sandra
Sanders, Scott
Sanderson, David H.
Sanderson, David L.
Sanderson, Ted
Sanderson, Vickey
Sandlin, June
Sandlin, Susan
Sandy, Gina
Sanmarco, Donna
Sanoba, Michael
Sansome, Margaretina
Santacruz, Chris
Santasiere, Alfred
Santeusanio, Chris
Sanwald, Christina
Sarbaugh, Carol
Sargent, James B
Sargent, Frank
Sarginer, Ann
Sasser, Clara
Sasser, Earl

Sasser, Michelle
Sasser, Richard
Sasser, Wade
Sasser, William
Sasser, Winnifred
Sato, Takao
Satterfield, Deborah
Satterfield, Lisa
Satterfield, Patricia
Satterfield, Terrie
Satterthwaite, Martha
Satz, Marie
Saucedo, Lorenzo
Sauls, Jeffrey
Sauls, Richard
Sauls, Sally

Sauls, Tamara
Saunders, Brian
Saunders, Charles E.
Saunders, Charles L.
Saunders, David M.
Saunders, David M.
Saunders, Lisa
Saunders, Joseph
Saunders, Julie
Saunders, Pamela
Sauter, Mary E.
Savage, Bradley
Savage, Gregory
Savage, John D
Savage, Phyllis
Savage, Robert
Savage, Tracy
Savage, William
Sawyer, Amy
Sawyer, Angela
Sawyer, Cindy
Sawyer, Cindy Lynne
Sawyer, Cindy G.
Sawyer, Covah
Sawyer, Denise
Sawyer, Dennis
Sawyer, James
Sawyer, Janet
Sawyer, John H.
Sawyer, John W.
Sawyer, Linda
Sawyer, Mark
Sawyer, Rae
Sawyer, Teresa
Scache, Catherine
Scafella, Kerry
Scales, Joel

Scales, Karen
Scanlon, Paul
Scarboro, Jan
Scarborough, Angela
Scarborough, Ann
Scarborough, Karla
Scarborough, Quincy
Scarborough, Sandra
Scates, Philip
Scenna, Angela
Scercy, Jill

Scercy, Paul R.
Schacht, Dana
Schaeffer, Jeff
Schaffer, Gary
Schallock, Teresa

Schappell, Ronald
Scharf, Laura
Schatz, Harold
Schatz, Susan
Schauble, Carl
Schebal, Joseph
Schechter, Brett
Schechter, Mark
Scheer, Michaelann
Scheeren, Caroline
Schehr, David
Schenck, John
Schiappa, Chris
Schiebe, Rhonda
Schindeler, Jennifer
Schmid, Page
Schmied, Karin
Schmiege, Lisa
Schmitz, Anne

Schneider, Katherine

Schneider, Marie
Schneider, Michael
Schnell, Marilyn
Schnell, Martin
Schneller, Robert
Schnitzler, Andrea
Schoolfield, Robin
Schoolfield, Rodney
Schoonderwoerd, M
Schoot, Renee
Schoot, Susan
Schrader, Joan
Schreyer, Carl
Schronce, Michael
Schuetz, Lisa
Schulman, Scott
Schultz, Cynthia
Schultz, Robert
Schulz, Brent
Schulz, Deborah
Schulz, Denise
Schulze, Katherine
Schumacher, David
Schuppin, George
Schuster, Nancy
Schuttle, Leo
Schutz, Abbey
Schwandner, Daniel
Schwarz, Shawn
Schwarz, Stephanie
Schwedler, Kristin
Schwidde, Donald
Schwirck, Scott
Sciulli, Janice
Scivally, Juan
Scoggins, Carolyn
Scopinich, Tracy
Scott, Ashley
Scott, Barry
Scott, Clifford
Scott, Danny
Scott, James
Scott, Jeffrey

, Jennifer

, John

, Lizabeth

, Mark D.

, Ralph

, Rufus

, Samuel

, Sandra

, Vera
Scribner, Carol
Scronce, Theresa
Scruggs, Kenneth
Scruggs, Melinda
Scully, Timothy
Sczepanski, David
Seaberg, Shirley
Seagle, Connie
Seagrave, Catherine
Seagraves, Karen
Seagraves, Lisa
Seal, Karen M.
Sealander, John
Sealey, Barry
Sealey, Charles
Sealey, Van B
Searl, Anne
Searl, Lance
Searle, Steven
Searles, Angela
Sears, Howard
Sears, Jerry
Sears, Jill
Sears, Martha
Sears, Mary
Seasholtz, Mark
Seay, Linda
Seay, Tanya
Sebald, Michelle
Seegers, Brenda
Seher, Lauren
Seiferman, Lisa
Seiple, Robin
Seitz, Eugene
Selamat, Mohd
Selby, Lisa G.
Selby, Patricia
Selby, Yvonne
Sellars, Gregory
Sellars, John L.
Sellars, Willis
Sellers, Cathy
Sellers, Melissa
Sellers, Sue Ann
Sells, Kelly
Selph, Stacy
Semenoff, Dayna
Semer, Diane
Sena, Richard
Sena, Robert
Sendek, Curtis
Seright, Eloise
Seroka, Lauren
Servance, Renee
Sessions, Cindy
Sessions, Jennifer
Sessoms, Kevin
Sessoms, Marion
Sessoms, Mark
Sessoms, Rodney
Setser, Edward
Setser, Susan

Setzer, Charles
Setzer, Kimberly
Severs, Nancy E.
Sexton, James R
Seykora, Karie
Seymour, Carol
Seymour, Jack D.
Seymour, Robert
Sgroi, David J
Shackelford, Donald

Schackelford, William
Schackleford, Christy

Shadid, Esam
Shaffer, Amy
Shaffer, Scott
Shaffer, Wanda
Shaffer, William
Shams-Al-Deen, Y.
Shand, John J.
Shane, Thomas
Shanefelter, Mary
Shank, Bradley
Shank, Mark
Shank, Michael
Shank, Sharon
Shanklin, Jeffrey
Shannon, Beverly
Shannon, Elizabeth
Shannon, John
Shannon, Mary
Sharer, David
Sharma, Alka
Sharma, Ranjan
Sharp, Richard
Sharpe, Anthony
Sharpe, Edward
Sharpe, Susan
Sharpe, Timothy
Sharpe, Victor

Shaughnessy, Rebecca

Shaut, Robert
Shaver, Joan
Shaver, Patti
Shaver, Samantha
Shaver, Stephen
Shavitz, Allison
Shavitz, Jay B.
Shavitz, Lori

Shaw, Anne C.
Shaw, Cary

Shaw, Christopher
Shaw, Deborah L.M.
Shaw, Deborah Lynn
Shaw, Elizabeth
Shaw, Lisa S

Shaw, Myra J.
Shaw, Robert M
Shaw, Sonja

Shaw, Sylvia J.
Shea, Erin

Shear, Morris
Sheard, John
Sheard, Michael
Shearin, Donna
Shearin, Katherine
Shearin, Margaret
Shearin, Nancy E
Sheats, Carolyn
Shedden, Elizabeth
Sheeran, Michelle
Sheets, Della
Sheets, Felicia
Sheets, Guy
Sheets, Ydonna
Sheffield, Pamela
Sheldon, Robert
Shelley, Anna
Shelley, Kennedy K
Shelley, Marilyn
Shelley, Sylvia
Shelinut, Holly
Shelton, Connie
Shelton, Jonathan
Shelton, Karen
Shelton, Kimberly
Shelton, Suzanne
Shepard, Alan C.
Shepard, Earlene
Shepard, Patricia
Shepherd, Johnny
Shepley, William
Sheppard, David
Sheppard, Donald
Sherbert, Scot
Sheridan, Tricia
Sheriff, Jennifer
Sherman, Benjamin
Sherman, Joel

Sherman, Rosemarie

Sherman, Sherri
Sherman, Tracey
Sherrill, Julie
Sherill, Timothy
Sherrod, Janet
Sherron, Randall
Sherwood, Rebecca
Shewbridge, Shelly
Shiau, Ming Jin
Shields, Beth Ann
Shields, Maryann
Shields, Robert
Shiley, Cynthia
Shimer, Raye
Shingleton, George
Shingleton, Marney
Shinn, Tracey
Shipman, Pamela
Shipp, Jeffrey
Shirley, Kelly
Shirley, Phyllis

Shivar, Nancy
Shive, Cynthia
Shiver, Jacqueline
Shoemaker, Susan
Shoffner, Linda
Shomaker, Edward
Shook, William
Shooter, Willie
Shore, Christopher
Shore, Jeanna
Shore, Walter
Shores, William
Short, James
Short, Pamela
Short, Robert B
Short, Robert S.
Short, Shannon
Shortt, Wendy
Shoup, Ralph
Shreve, Larry
Shubitz, Jane
Shugart, Michael
Shults, Susan
Shuman, Elaine
Shuman, Susan
Shumate, Cynthia
Shumate, Joanne
Shutt, Lyle C.
Shytle, Michael
Sibayan, Gary
Sibayan, Kurt
Sibbett, Yvonne
Sickenberger, David
Sickles, Elizabeth
Sidelinger, Lyndon
Sidelinger, Nancy
Sides, Mary E.
Sides, Nelson
Sides, Stephen
Sidney, Wayne
Siebelink, Elsie
Siegel, Yvette
Sievert, Kerri
Sigman, Kirk
Sigmon, Barbara
Sigmon, Sandy
Sigmon, Toni
Sigworth, Beth
Sikes, Elizabeth
Sikes, Laurie
Sills, Jonathan
Silver, Chery!
Silver, Gladys
Silver, Phyllis
Silverman, Mary
Silverman, Mischell
Sim, Sook Cheng
Simcox, Patrick
Simmons, Andrea
Simmons, Anna



, Daniel

, Demeatrice

, Eric

, Jeffrey

, Marie

, Patricia

, Teresa

, Timothy

, Tinger

, Tracy

, William B.


William P.
Willie R.

Simon, John F.
Simon, Julie
Simon, Mark
Simon, Scott



Simoneau, John
Simons, Deborah
Simonse, Linda



Simpler, Kim



, Robert
, Sallie
Sims, Richard

Sims, Sandra
Sims, Terry

Sims, Thomas
Sinclair, Mary
Sinclair, William
Singh, Harsharan
Singletary, Abraham
Singleton, Beth Ann
Singleton, David
Sink, Jennifer
Sink, Lisa

Sipe, Steven
Sippel, Dalene
Sirkin, Scott
Sistare, Anna
Sitnik, Janet
Sitton, Janet
Sizemore, Anna
Sizemore, Linda
Sizemore, Patricia
Skaggs, Evelyn

Skefington, David
Skellie, Wendy
Skender, Brenda
Skenteris, Tommy
Skidmore, Mickey
Skiles, Amy J.
Skiles, Gina
Skinner, David
Skinner, Edwin
Skinner, Eric
Skinner, Judith
Skinner, Mary A.
Skinner, Susan
Slacum, Amy C.
Slade, Vivian
Slager, Alida
Slain, Kristina

Slake, Terrence
Slape, Douglas
Slate, Christopher
Slate, Dwana L.
Slate, Warren
Sledge, Keith
Sledge, Russell
Sleeper, Cynthia
Slemmons, Kent
Sles, Jeannine
Slivka, Brenda
Sloan, Albert
Sloan, James C.
Sloan, Mary C.
Sloan, Robin
Sloan, Stuart
Slonaker, Stephen
Slotkin, Tracy
Slozak, Betty
Small, Christy
Small, Edmund
Small, Joe P.
Small, Kathy
Small, Kay
Small, Robert
Small, Sheri
Small, William
Smallwood, Angela
Smallwood, Darla
Smart, Timothy
Smith, Adria
Smith, Alfred G.
Smith, Alfred W.
Smith, Alistair
Smith, Allan
Smith, Allison
Smith, Amanda
Smith, Amy
Smith, Amy Jo
Smith, Andrew

Anthony D.
Anthony L.
Barbara A.
Barbara J.
Bette E.
Bonnie E.
Bonny S.

, Brenda
, Bryan


, Carl


, Carol

Charlene L.
Charles B.
Charles E.
Charles M.
Charles R.
Cindy E.

, Clyde

Darryl C.
Darryl M.

, David Lee

David Lee

David Wesley
David Weston


, Duncan

, Edward J.
, Edward L.
, Edward R.
, Elaine

, Elbert

, Elswick

, Eric

, Esther

, Felicia

, Glenn Alan

, Glenn Allen
, Gregory A.

, Gregory A.

, Gregory P.

, Gretchen

, Herman E.

, Herman T.

, Houston

, Howard

, Irving

, Jacqueline

, James A.

, James Edison
, James Edward
, James Eugene
, James R.

, Jamie

, Janet

, Janice

, Jay

, Jeffrey

, Jennifer

, Jerry

, Joanne

, John Bertram
, John Brady
, John R.

, Jonathan

, Joyce

, Judith

, Julian

, Julie A.

, Julie M.

, Karen

, Katherine G.
, Katherine L.
, Katie

. Kelly

, Kelvin

, Kenneth Larry
, Kenneth Lee
, Laura L.

, Laura M.

, Laurie

, Leshia

, Linda B.

, Linda D.

, Lisa A.

, Lisa W.

, Lois

, Lora

, Margaret

, Mary Louise
, Mary R.

, Melinda

, Melissa

, Michael C.
, Michael E.

, Michael H.
, Miriam

, Monica

, Nina

, Norma

, Oliver

, Olivia A.

, Olivia J.

, Pamela

, Patrick

, Randall

, Ranette

, Raymond E.
, Raymond P.
, Regina A.

, Regina H.

, Rhonda

, Richard

, Ricky

, Robert P.

, Robert T.

, Robin E.

, Robin K.

, Ronald M.

, Rose M.

, Rowland

, Roy N.

, Ruby A.

, Russell

, Samuel

, Sandra D.

, Sandra Dee
, Sandra Denise
, Sandra L.

, Scott A.

, Scott T.

, Sean M.

, Sharon

, Sheila

, Sherri

, Sherry

, Sherry A.

, Sherry K.

, Shirley J.

, Shirley Jones

Smith, Stanley
Smith, Stephanie
Smith, Stephen T.
Smith, Stephen W.
Smith, Susan K.
Smith, Susan L.
Smith, Susan O.
Smith, Susan V.
Smith, Sylvia
Smith, Theresa A.
Smith, Theresa D.
Smith, Theresa R.
Smith, Terry
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Timothy B.
Smith, Timothy V.
Smith, Tony
Smith, Traci
Smith, Vinson
Smith, Wayne
Smith, Wilbourne
Smith, Wilbur
Smith, William E.
Smith, William P.
Smith, Wilton A.
Smith, Yvonne
Smitherman, Sheila
Smithson, Katherine
Smithson, Sandra
Smithwick, David
Smock, Sandra
Smothers, William
Smyth, Judith
Snead, Raymond
Sneed, Iris
Sneed, Karen
Southerland, David
Southerland, Pamela
Southerland, Walter
Southern, Denise
Southern, Eric
Sovelove, Allen
Sowash, Carrie
Sowerby, Anne
Sowers, Kathryn
Sowers, Lisa A.
Sowrey, Lita

Sox, Eric

Spach, Sonya
Spagnolo, John
Spain, Jeffrey
Spain, Reginald
Spain, Sheila
Spainhour, Robert
Spake, Jacquin
Spann, Jennifer
Sparks, Kristen
Sparks, Martha
Sparks, Patricia
Sparling, Michele
Sparrow, Christie
Spear, Diane
Spear, Elbert
Speas, Jeff
Spector, Kevin
Speed, Darrell
Speeney, Francis
Speers, Susan
Speight, George
Speight, Mark
Speight, Maxine
Speight, Robert
Speight, Rodney
Spell, Pamela
Spell, Susan
Speller, Barry
Spence, Brenda
Spence, Constance
Spence, Frances
Spence, Mary
Spence, Ormond
Spence, Pamela
Spencer, Carol
Spencer, Donald
Spencer, Dorothy
Spencer, Freddie
Spencer, James D.
Spencer, Michael
Spencer, Richard
Spencer, Sharon
Spencer, Terri
Spenski, Richard
Spreey, Carla
Spicer, Abby
Spiggle, Martin
Spikes, Frank
Spikes, Mary C.
Spilman, Bernard
Spinelli, James
Spinner, Jacqueline
Spirek, James
Spivey, Constance
Spivey, Jeffrey
Spivey, Judy
Spivey, Lisa
Spivey, Melanie
Spivey, William
Spratley, Karen
Spring, Philip
Springer, David
Springfield, Ray
Sprinkle, Roderick
Sprinkle, Sherra
Spruiell, Derrick
Spruill, Brian
Spruill, Charles
Spruill, Deborah
Spruill, Lisa
Spruill, Mary
Spruill, Norma
Spruill, Rex
Spruill, Susie
Spruill, William
Spurrier, Donna
Squirewell, Lisa
Spiraman, Lingesh
Stabler, William
Stack, Cynthia
Staebler, Lisa
Stafford, Dinah
Stafford, Phillip
Staggs, Kimberly
Stahel, Michelle
Stahl, Shawn

Stainback, Ginger
Staley, John
Stallard, Jack
Stallard, Richard
Stallings, Alice
Stalings, Armenia
Stallings, Gloria
Stallings, Jeffrey
Stallings, Joseph
Stallings, Kathryn
Stallings, Larry
Stallings, Lynn
Stallings, Susan
Stallings, William
Stalls, Benjamin
Stalls, Susan
Stamat, John
Stamey, Leslie
Stanaitis, Sandra
Stancill, Lisa Gail
Stancill, Michael
Stancill, Steven
Stancovich, Jodi
Standifer, Rosemarie
Stanfield, Shelly
Stanford, Dawn
Stanford, Evan
Stanford, James
Stanford, Walter
Stanforth, Ala
Stanghor, Margaret
Stankavage, Lynn
Stanko, Susan
Stanley, Barbara
Stanley, Chris
Stanley, Craig
Stanley, Danny
Stanley, Deborah
Stanley, Dina
Stanley, Jessica
Stanley, Phillip
Stanley, Roslyn
Stanley, Shelia
Stanley, Stephen
Stanley, Tamra
Stanton, Debra Ann
Staples, Richard
Stapleton, Daniel
Stapleton, Norman,
Stapleton, Thomas
Starks, Preston
Starling, Dewanda
Starling, Elizabeth
Starling, Ginger
Starling, Suzanne
Starnes, Connie
Staton, Clayton
Staton, Michelle
Staton, Michelle B.
Staton, Ruby K
Staton, Shelia
Staton, Teresa
Staton, Vickie
Steadman, Dorothy
Stedwell, Patricia
Steed, Cathrine
Steed, Clifton
Steele, Darrell
Steele, Douglas
Steele, Penny
Steele, Robin
Steelman, Stephen
Steffensen, David
Stegall, Karen
Stehlik, Matthew
Stein, Suzanne
Steinberg, Robert
Steiner, Michael
Steinman, Susan
Stenroos, Renee
Stephens, Aleica
Stephens, Darrin
Stephens, David
Stephens, Gary
Stephens, George
Stephens, Katherine
Stephens, Margaret
Stephens, Rhonda
Stephenson, Dawn
Stephenson, Hale
Stephenson, Judy
Stephenson, Lisa
Stephenson, Mary
Stephenson, William
Stephusin, Susan L.
Sterling, Jane F.
Stetson, Dianne
Stevens, Amy D
Stevens, Amy K.
Stevens, Eric
Stevens, Gerald
Stevens, James
Stevens, Mary
Stevens, Nora
Stevens, Pamela
Stevens, Richard
Stevens, Robert H.
Stevens, Robert W.
Stevens, Stacee
Stevens, Stephanie
Stevens, Susan
Stevenson, John
Stevenson, Patricia
Stewart, Albert
Stewart, Angela
Stewart, Charisse
Stewart, Jay
Stewart, John
Stewart, Kennith
Stewart, Margaret
Stewart, Mark
Stewart, Robin
Stewart, Tobb
Stewart, Wayne
St George, Scott
Stikeleather, Lee
Stiles, Joseph
Stiles, Sybil

Still, Robert

Stiller, Stephen
Stilley, Debra
Stillwell, Nanette
Stimart, Kelly
Stinnet, Lisa Dawn

Stinson, Christopher
Stinson, Paul
Stirrup, Barbara
Stith, Jean
Stock, Joanne
Stocks, Alice
Stocks, Barbara
Stocks, Billy W
Stocks, Felton
Stocks, James
Stocks, Leah
Stocks, Rosemary
Stocks, Sara
Stockton, Lynn
Stodard, Ginger
Stoddard, Mary
Stokes, Catharine
Stokes, Diane
Stokes, Kathryn
Stokes, Margaret
Stokes, Paula
Stokes, Rhonda
Stokes, Sandra
Stokes, Von E
Stoll, Alyna
Stone, Catherine
Stone, Christopher
Stone, Cindy
Stone, Harold
Stone, James
Stone, Jimmy
Stone, Michael
Stone, Susan
Stone, Todd
Stone, Walter
Stone, Wendy
Stoneman, Michael
Stonesifer, David
Stonestreet, William
Storey, Catherine
Storey, Christina
Storrs, Jennifer
Story, Michelle
Stoughton, Thomas
Stout, Hal V.
Stout, Helen
Stout, Jeffrey
Stout, Jewel
Stout, Julia
Stovall, Donald
Stovall, Julia
Stow, Mark
Stowe, Donna
Stox, Christopher
Straine, James
Straine, Michael
Strand, Alexander
Strang, James
Strange, Mary
Straras, Byron
Strater, Levern
Straus, Michelle
Strauss, Robert
Strawder, Guy
Strayhorn, Mary
Street, Annette
Streeter, Roswell
Strickland, Bernadine
Strickland, David
Strickland, Judy
Strickland, Linda
Strickland, Martin
Strickland, Michael
Strickland, Rhonda
Strickland, Sharon
Strickland, Sherri
Strickland, Steven
Strickland, Suzanne
Strickland, Terry
Strickland, Wallis
Strickland, Weltha
Stripp, Barry
Strong, Shannon
Strother, James
Strother, Stephanie
Stroud, Barbara
Stroud, Carolyn
Stroud, David
Stroud, Donald
Stroud, Dorothy
Stroud, Henrietta
Stroud, Larry
Stroud, Lemuel
Stroud, Ola
Stroud, Robert
Stroud, Shirley
Stroud, Thomas
Stroup, Diana
Stroupe, Stacey
Stubinger, Scott
Strum, Ethel
Strum, Tammy
Struyk, Curtis
Stryker, Shelle
Stuart, Candice
Stuart, John E.
Stubbs, Tylon
Stuckey, Randall
Stull, Philip
Stumbough, Mary
Stump, Jeffrey
Stump, Roger
Stutts, Scott
Styers, Laura
Stons, Melonie
Styron, Angela
Styron, Mary
Suarez, Angenette
Suess, Scott

, Betty
Sugg, John
Sugg, Katharine
Sugg, Kenneth
Sugg, Lisa
Sugg, Patricia
Sugg, Robert
Sugg, Sandra
Sugg, Travis
Sugg, Warren
Sugg, William
Suggs, Anne
Suggs, Bobbie
Suggs, Edd
Suggs, Leamon



Suggs, Malissa
Suggs, Robert
Suggs, Rodney
Suggs, Wendy
Suitt, Michael
Sulaiman, Siti
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan, Eleanor
Sullivan, Elizabeth
Sullivan, Gregory
Sullivan, Lisa
Sullivan, Margaret
Sullivan, Marsha
Sullivan, Mary
Sullivan, Michael
Sullivan, Timothy
Suman, Jeanmarie
Sumerlin, Melinda
Summerfield, Leigh
Summerlin, Lou
Summers, Adele
Summers, Brenda
Summers, Kim
Summers, Laurence
Summerson, Jan
Summerville, Shannon
Summey, Ted
Sumrell, Trina
Sunderland, George
Surles, Sandra
Surrat, Chris
Surratt, Estella
Sutker, Scott
Sutphin, Mark
Sutphin, Michael
Suttle, John
Sutton, Amanda
Sutton, Amelia
Sutton, Benjamin
Sutton, Connie
Sutton, Dana
Sutton, Earl
Sutton, Gibbie
Sutton, Helen
Sutton, Joe P.
Sutton, Karen
Sutton, Laddeus
Sutton, Linda
Sutton, M. Frances
Sutton, Mathilda
Sutton, Michael
Sutton, Michelle
Sutton, Miriam
Sutton, Rhonda
Sutton, Ronda
Sutton, Sue
Sutton, Terri
Sutton, Thaddeus
Sutton, Valerie
Sutton, Virginia

Svendsen, Lori
Swaim, Michael
Swain, Avalon
Swain, Beverly
Swain, Elwood
Swain, Janet
Swain, Julia
Swain, Martha
Swain, Michelle
Swain, Teresa
Swank, Kimberly
Swann, Kerry
Swann, Marie
Swanner, Clyde
Swanner, Mary B.
Swanner, Terry
Swanson, Cheryl
Swanson, Donna
Swanson, Teresa
Sward, Scott
Swayze, Daphne
Swayze, Joseph
Swearingen, Margaret
Sweat, David
Sweeney, Diann
Sweeney, Jennifer
Sweeney, Seth
Sweeny, Ruth
Sweeting, Donald
Sweezy, Robert
Swick, Sheri
Swierczynski, Barbara
Swift, Linda
Swiggard, Donna
Swinburne, Pamela
Swindell, Gerald
Swindell, Phyllis
Swinson, Jerry
Swinson, Kimberly
Swinson, Melinda
Swinson, Rochelle
Sydnor, Margaret
Syed-Mustapha, Sharif
Sykes, Gale
Sykes, Jimmie
Sykes, Judy
Sykes, Kenneth
Sykes, William
Sylivant, Betty
Sylvia, Karen
Syme, Scott
Symons, Sandra
Syrdahl, Susan
Syverson, Ronnie
Szeker, Susan
Szuchan, Charles

Tabayoyon, Allison
Tabet, Kelly
Tabler, Julia
Tacker, Robert


Tacker, Susan
Tadlock, Jill
Tadlock, Lisa
Tadlock, Tammy
Tadlock, Wayne
Taft, Edgar

Taft, Kathy

Taft, Louise

Taft, Robert
Taghan, Irmengard
Tait, Carol
Talbert, Sandra
Talbert, William
Talcott, Scott
Taliaferro, Essray
Taliaferro, Juliette
Taliaferro, Patricia
Talley, Mark
Talley, Robin
Talley, Sherry
Talton, Lori
Talton, Stephen
Tamvakis, George

Tankard, Rowena
Tankard, Ruth
Tannehill, William
Tanner, Fritz
Tanner, Jon
Tanner, Richard
Tansik, Laura
Tapp, Lisa
Taranto, Alfred
Tarkington, Shirley
Tarlo, Karen

Tart, Susan

Tate, Andrew
Tate, Chinita
Tate, Mary E.
Tatman, Norwood
Tatsis, Alexandra
Tatsis, Michael
Tatum, Bryan
Taylor, A. Sue
Taylor, Alonzo
Taylor, Angela
Taylor, Beverly G.
Taylor, Beverly J.

Taylor, Beverly Joy

Taylor, Carolyn
Taylor, Cherie
Taylor, Christine
Taylor, Clarence
Taylor, Clyde
Taylor, David
Taylor, Deborah A.
Taylor, Deborah E.
Taylor, Diane G.
Taylor, Diane J.
Taylor, Don
Taylor, Douglas
Taylor, Edward
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Erin
Taylor, Gene
Taylor, Geoffrey
Taylor, Gina
Taylor, Gregory C.
Taylor, Gregory D.
Taylor, Harold
Taylor, James D.
Taylor, James H.
Taylor, Janice
Taylor, Jason
Taylor, Jesse
Taylor, Jessica
Taylor, Jeter
Taylor, Jill

Taylor, Jimmy
Taylor, Joey
Taylor, Julia
Taylor, Karen
Taylor, Kathy
Taylor, Kenneth
Taylor, Lowell
Taylor, Maria
Taylor, Mark
Taylor, Maurice
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, Paula
Taylor, Penelope
Taylor, Phillip
Taylor, Retha
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Rodney
Taylor, Ronald
Taylor, Ronnie
Taylor, Rose
Taylor, Roxanne
Taylor, Sarah B.
Taylor, Sarah H.
Taylor, Sherry!
Taylor, Stephanie
Taylor, Stevie
Taylor, Susan
Taylor, Thomas D.
Taylor, Thomas J.
Taylor, Thomas K.
Taylor, Thomas W.

Taylor, Thomas Wayne

Taylor, Vickie
Taylor, Virginia
Taylor, Waynah
Taylor, Wendy
Taylor, William C.
Taylor, William D.
Taylor, Winifred
Teachey, Barbara
Teachey, Virginia
Teague, Andrea
Teague, Norwood
Teague, Rudy
Teague, Sharon
Teague, Todd
Teater, Kelley
Teck, Edward
Tedder, Bregetta
Tedder, Catherine
Tedjadinata, Anna
Tedjadinata, Liana

Teel, Dennis

Teel, Lavorn

Teel, Melanie
Teel, Vanlora
Teer, David
Teeter, Stuart
Teffeteller, Sheila
Telep, Mary
Telesz, Teresa
Temple, Anne
Temple, James
Tepaske, Marianna
Terhaar, Michelle
Terranova, Brenda
Terrell, Andrew

Terrell, Wendi
Terry, Dawna
Terry, Donald
Terry, Randy
Terry, Reginald
Terry, Sheila
Tesh, Frank
Tesh, Patricia
Tesh, Wanda
Teskey, Elizabeth
Testin, Rosemary
Tetterton, Lisa
Tetterton, Marvin
Tetterton, Norma
Tetterton, Patty

Tetterton, Virginia
Tew, Allison

Tew, Christy
Tew, Darrin

Tew, Jon

Tew, ~Valerie

Tharrington, Vicki
Thatch, John
Thaxton, Mary

Theodorakis, Alkeviad
Theodorakis, Margarit

Theriault, Jeffrey
Theroith, Janet
Thigpen, Betsy
Thigpen, Doyle
Thigpen, Edward
Thigpen, Felicia
Thigpen, Gail
Thigpen, Jennifer
Thigpen, Phyllis
Thigpen, Sarah
Thomas, Amanda
Thomas, Betty
Thomas, Bridget
Thomas, Cathy
Thomas, David
Thomas, David A.
Thomas, David C.
Thomas, Dewene
Thomas, Elizabeth A.
Thomas, Elizabeth W.
Thomas, Fletcher
Thomas, Garland
Thomas, Gregory

Thomas, John Bradford
Thomas, John Brooks

Thomas, John W.
Thomas, June
Thomas, Karen
Thomas, Kathy
Thomas, Kerry-Lynn
Thomas, Leigh
Thomas, Martha
Thomas, Mary Beth
Thomas, Millard
Thomas, Patrick
Thomas, Rebecca
Thomas, Rosalyn

Thomas, Sandra
Thomas, Scott
Thomas, Shea
Thomas, Sherrie
Thomas, Stephen
Thomas, Susan D.
Thomas, Susan R.
Thomas, Terri
Thomas, Tonia
Thomas, Tracy
Thomas, Walter
Thomason, William
Thomasson, Julia
Thompson, Ann
Thompson, Barbara
Thompson, Betty
Thompson, Bonnie
Thompson, Bridgette
Thompson, Corinthia
Thompson, Cynthia
Thompson, David
Thompson, Deborah

, Dennis

, Douglas

, Edgar


, Esther

, Evangeline

, Frankie

, Gil

, Gregory
Thompson, J. Carol

Thompson, Jacqueline
Thompson, James
Thompson, Jeffrey
Thompson, Judy
Thompson, Julie A.
Thompson, Julie K.
Thompson, Karen
Thompson, Kathryn
Thompson, Lisa
Thompson, Margie
Thompson, Marvin
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, Neil
Thompson, Pennie
Thompson, Rebecca
Thompson, Renate
Thompson, Richard
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Susan
Thompson, Vickie
Thomson, Hal
Thomson, Jeffrey
Thomson, Laurie
Thomson, Stuart
Thorbin, Michelle
Thorbs, Donald
Thornburg, ~Timothy
Thornbury, Gail
Thornell, Harvey
Thornton, Angela
Thornton, Anne
Thornton, Audra
Thornton, Carlton
Thornton, Deborah
Thornton, Ernest
Thornton, James
Thornton, Jerry
Thornton, Joy
Thornton, Lora
Thornton, Michael
Thornton, Regina
Thornton, Sherry
Thornton, Wanda
Thorp, Ellen
Thorpe, Dianna
Thorpe, Loretta
Thrash, Eugene
Threewitts, David
Thrift, Kristi
Thrower, Freda
Thrower, Kimberly
Thurber, Barbara

Thurber, Karen
Thurber, Michael
Thurman, Lawrence
Thurman, Sandra
Thurston, Kimberly
Thurston, Richard
Tibball, Jeffrey
Tickel, Catherine
Tierney, Laurel
Tilghman, Paula
Tilghman, William
Tillack, Pamela
Tillery, Lisa
Tillett, Sandy
Tilley, Elizabeth
Tilley, Kenneth
Tillman, David E.
Tillman, Tonya
Tillman, WandaT
Tillottson, Nora
Tilson, Heather
Tilton, Kenneth
Timanus, Patricia
Timmerman, George
Timmons, Benson
Timmons, Tarshi
Tingelstad, Paul
Tingen, Terry
Tinkham, Alana
Tinkham, Brenda
Tinkham, Cathy
Tinnes, Michael

Totty, William
Touchberry, Fran
Towe, Catherine
Towe, Edison
Towe, Mary
Townsend, Carol
Townsend, Courtland
Townsend, Karen
Townsend, Michael
Townsend, Stephen
Tracy, Mary

Tracy, Preston
Traflet, Michael
Transou, Scott
Trapasso, Ann
Traveline, Michael
Traylor, Brenda
Treat, Traci

Treble, Charles
Treger, Steven
Tremmel, Richard
Trenda, William
Treon, Toni
Trevathan, Robin
Trew, Amy

Trew, Bryan
Trexler, Sabra
Trexler, Susan

Trifunovic, Robert

Tippett, Jennifer
Tippett, Jill
Tippett, Laurie
Tippett, Penn
Tippette, Kenneth
Tischler, John
Tkach, George
Tkach, Joseph
Tobin, Robert
Tobler, Karen
Todd, Brett

Todd, Jack

Todd, Robert D.
Todd, Robert J.
Toderick, Lee
Toelle, Mark
Tointon, Kim
Tolar, Susan
Tolbert, John
Toler, Hope

Toler, Ladonna
Toler, Lisa

Toler, Ramona
Toler, Ronald
Toler, Ruth
Tollefsen, Susan
Tolson, Katherine
Tolson, Kimberly
Tomasic, George
Tomer, Joan
Tomlinson, Angelia
Tomlinson, Dina
Tomlinson, Dwayne
Tompkins, Cindy
Tompkins, Gary
Tompkins, Kathryn
Tompkins, Stephen
Toney, Edgar
Toole, Barry
Toole, English
Topping, Lisa
Torian, Jacqueline
Toren, Valerie
Torrence, Wendy

Toshach, Edward
Tosto, Angela

Trinkle, Audrey
Triplett, Clifton
Tripp, Angela
Tripp, Cindy
Tripp, Jane
Tripp, Jessica
Tripp, Joseph
Tripp, Kimberly
Tripp, Linda
Tripp, Lisa

Troadec, Jean-Pierre
Trogdon, Rodney
Trollinger, Joseph
Trone, Wendy
Tropeano, Dierdre
Trotman, Teri
Trotta, Robert

Trueblood, Betty
Trueblood, Jean
Trueblood, Karen
Trueblood, Susan
Truesdell, Samuel
Truitt, Reina
Truong, Tien
Truslow, William
Tschieder, Vaun
Tse, Heidi

Tse, Lily L.

Tse, Mei Yu

Tsiatsos, Epamenondas

Tucker, Angela
Tucker, Bailey
Tucker, Elizabeth
Tucker, Eric
Tucker, Gregory
Tucker, Jody
Tucker, Kimberly
Tucker, Lisa M.
Tucker, Mignon
Tucker, Paul
Tucker, Robert
Tucker, Velma
Tuders, Ceclia

Tuders, Charles
Tudor, Jacqueline
Tuggle, Mark
Tugwell, Janice M.
Tugwell, Janice S.
Tullock, Phyllis
Tully, Maicoim
Tupar, Noorhasmy
Turlington, David
Turlington, Scott
Turnage, Deborah
Turnage, Dorothy
Turnage, Michael
Turnage, Mystie
Turnage, Theodore
Turnage, William
Turnbill, Charles
Turnbill, Nina
Turner, A. Catherine
Turner, Carlton
Turner, Cecil
Turner, Charles

, David

, Dorothy


, Jennie

, Leo

, Loretta

, Robert

, Ruth

, Sandra E.
Turner, Sandra K.

Turner, Saundra
Turner, Todd
Turner, Virginia
Turnipseed, Kimberly
Turnipseed, Samuel
Turpin, Tracey
Tutt, Otis

Tuttle, Scott
Tutwiler, George
Twaddell, Jane
Tweed, Dana
Tweed, Robbi
Tweedy, Thomas
Twisdale, Carolyn
Twisdale, David
Tyer, Lou

Tyler, Gina
Tyler, Michael
Tyler, Randolph
Tyler, Tia D.
Tynch, Karen
Tyndall, Barbara
Tyndall, Carolyn
Tyndall, Diane
Tyndall, Kenneth
Tyndall, Larry
Tyndall, Richard
Tyndall, Russell
Tyner, Troy
Tyrance, Judith
Tyree, Kenneth
Tyree, Timothy
Tysinger, Catherine
Tyson, A.J.
Tyson, Elizabeth
Tyson, Harold
Tyson, Harris
Tyson, James
Tyson, Joseph
Tyson, Margie
Tyson, Melonie
Tyson, William
Tysor, Joanna

Uffelman, Davidson
Uhimann, Nancy
Ulmer, Landard
Umphlett, Amiegene
Umphlett, Jeanie
Umstead, Catherine
Umstead, Gregory
Umstead, Kelly
Underwood, Eric
Underwood, James
Ungaro, Hannah
Upchurch, Benjamin
Upchurch, Jeffrey
Upchurch, Lori
Upchurch, William
Ussery, Betsy
Ussery, Sahara
Uthus, Laura

Utley, Judith

Utt, Craig M.

Uzzell, Jenny

Vadala, Michael
Vail, Thomas
Valenti, Louis
Valeri, Catherine
Vallianos, Tanya
Vanarnam, Susan
Vanbaars, Sven
Vanbesien, Peter
Vanbuuren, Leo
Vance, Stephen
Vancleave, Steven

Vanderzell, Sally
Vandeventer, Craig
Vandiford, Laurie
Vandiford, Rhonda
Vanessendelft, B.
Vangordon, Robert
Vanhook, James
Vanhorn, Keith
Vanhoy, Todd
Vann, Georgette
Vann, Ginger
Vann, Tracy
Vansant, Gordon
Vansant, Melanie
Vanstaagen, Peter
Vanstrien, Julie
Vanzee, Bradley
Varker, William
Varlashkin, Charlotte
Varner, Laura
Varnes, Ed
Varney, Donna
Vasquiez, Kristina
Vasquiez, Lori


Vasser, Ojah
Vassil, Katina
Vaughan, Brenda
Vaughan, Gloria

Vaughan, Kimberly B.
Vaughan, Kimberly H.

Vaughan, Pamela
Vaughan, Patricia
Vaughan, Richard
Vaughan, Thomisene
Vaughn, Cleo
Vaughn, Deborah
Vaughn, Jay
Vaughn, Mark
Vaughn, Richard
Vause, Brian
Veasey, Lisa
Vecellio, Russell
Velasquez, Juan
Venable, Rodney
Venters, Leo
Venters, Sara
Vergot, Christina
Vermette, Krista
Vermilyea, Mary
Vermilyea, Scott
Vernelson, Rhonda
Vernon, Arthur
Vernon, Deborah
Vernon, Pamela
Vernon, Susan
Vesce, Francesca
Vesco, Brian
Vester, Michael
Vezina, Amye

Via, Christopher
Via, David

Vick, Bobby

Vick, Craig

Vick, Fritzi

Vick, Gwendolyn
Vick, Katherine
Vick, Nancy

Vick, Rodney
Vick, Susan

Vick, Tracy
Vickers, Angela
Vickers, Brinley
Vickers, Cynthia
Vickers, Karen
Viessmann, Alice
Vigezzi, Lisa
Viglianco, Kathleen
Villegas, Ana
Vincent, Kim
Vincent, Laura
Vines, Beatrice
Vines, Michael
Vinson, Anthony
Vinson, Chery!
Vinson, Delia
Vinson, Gwendolyn
Vinson, Lori
Vinson, Richard
Virts, Susan
Vischetti, Marianne
Visconti, Tamara
Vitek, Gregory
Vitek, Joanne
Vizena, Linda
Viahos, Karen
Vlahos, Lambros
Vliet, Timothy
Voerman, Barbara
Vogel, Ann

Vogel, Kurt
Vogelsang, Anna
Vogler, Martin
Voight, Walter
Voight, William
Vojta, Jeffrey
Vonalten, Victoria
Vonaspern, Sarah
Vonderheide, Cheryl
Vonhausen, Jeffrey
Voorhees, George
Vreugdenhil, Jeffery
Vrooman, Corinne
Vutsinas, Steven
Vyas, Ambrish

Waby, Leeanne
Waddell, Melynn
Wade, Rodney
Wadworth, Frances
Wages, Frances
Waggoner, David
Wagoner, Elizabeth
Wahid, Noorsuriati
Wahl, Michael
Wanl, William
Waida, Edward
Wainwright, Carla
Wainwright, Thomas
Wait, Dan

Waite, Ursula
Wakai, Mark
Waksmunski, Frank
Walden, Donna
Walden, Jimmy
Walden, John
Walden, Mary
Walden, Renee
Waldron, Kathryn
Waldron, Ronald
Waldrop, Catherine
Walker, Aljoeson
Walker, Amy
Walker, Bonnie
Walker, Bradford
Walker, Catherine
Walker, Christopher
Walker, David

Walker, James
Walker, Jennifer Lee
Walker, Jennifer Lynn








Walker, Patricia
Walker, Pauline
Walker, Peggy
Walker, Scott
Walker, Troy
Walker, Winston
Wall, Cynthia
Wall, David

Wall, Deborah
Wall, Gary

Wall, Kimberly
Wall, Nita

Wall, Terrance
Wall, Verna
Wallace, Betsy
Wallace, Deanna
Wallace, Debra
Wallace, Heather
Wallace, Jenni
Wallace, Jennifer
Wallace, Jessica
Wallace, Lawrence
Wallace, Michael
Wallace, Priscilla
Wallace, Samanatha
Wallace, Sara
Wallace, Terrell

Waller, Julia
Waller, Romaine
Walls, Denise
Walls, Helen
Walser, Elizabeth
Walser, Stephen
Walsh, Andrew
Walsh, Bart
Walsh, Daniel
Walsh, Michael
Walsh, Zane
Walston, Denver
Walston, John
Walston, Rhonda
Walter, April
Walter, Carl
Walters, Allison
Walters, Karen
Walters, Kayla
Walters, Lloyd
Walters, Thomas
Walton, Bambi
Walton, Glenda
Walton, Gergory
Walton, Letitia
Walton, Lillie
Walton, Mellony
Walton, Patricia
Walton, Ralph
Walton, Sharon
Warburton, Barbara
Ward, Arlene
Ward, Benny
Ward, Billie
Ward, Camela
Ward, Carolyn
Wards Charles
Ward, Claire
Ward, Demetrice
Ward, Dennis
, Donna
, Douglas
, Edna
, Garcy
. Hallett
, John
, Joseph
, Leon
, Melissa
, Nancy
Ward, Nelonda
Ward, Nonie
Ward, Patricia
Ward, Sheri
Ward, Stuart
Ward, Suzanne
Ward, Terrie
Ward, Vera
Ward, Wade
Warford, Robert
Warlick, Karen
Warlick, Kimberly
Warlick, Stephen
Warmack, Elizabeth
Warmack, Mary
Warren, Andrew
Warren, Anthony
Warren, Candace
Warren, Christine
Warren, Coley
Warren, Deborah
Warren, Felicia
Warren, George
Warren, James
Warren, Jeffrey
Warren, Jeffrey L.
Warren, John
Warren, Karen
Warren, Kelly
Warren, Leigh
Warren, Lindsay










Warren, Tracey
Warren, Wanda
Warren, William
Warrick, Jay
Warrington, Lewis
Warshawsky, Erica
Washalefsky, John
Washalefsky, Lee
Washam, Russell
Washburn, Ivan
Washington, Angelia
Washington, Charetta
Washington, Lettecia
Washington, Mary
Washington, Patricia
Washington, Robert
Washington, Sandra
Washington, Shelia
Waskiewicz, John
Wastila, Lori
Waters, Annie
Waters, Beryl
Waters, Betty
Waters, Carla
Waters, Charles
Waters, Ernest
Waters, Esau
Waters, Franklin
Waters, Kenneth
Waters, Melinda
Waters, Michael
Waters, Pamela
Waters, Patti
Waters, Peggy
Waters, Teresa
Waters, Vickie
Waters, William
Waters, Wilson
Watkins, Allan
Watkins, Ann
Watkins, Christopher
Watkins, Deborah
Watkins, Dorothy
Watkins, Jeffrey
Watkins, John
Watkins, Jonathan
Watkins, Roy
Watkins, Shirley
Watkins, Stuart
Watkins, Teresa
Watras, Victoria
Watson, Britt
Watson, Donna
Watson, Eleanor
Watson, Elizabeth
Watson, Eric
Watson, Gilbert
Watson, Haywood
Watson, Jatana
Watson, Jean
Watson, Joseph
Watson, Kathy
Watson, Kelly
Watson, Lisa
Watson, Matthew
Watson, Maureen
Watson, Sarah
Watson, Stephanie L.
Watson, Stephanie P.
Watson, Terri
Watson, Tracey J.
Watson, Tracey W.
Watters, Jackie
Watts, Benjamin
Watts, Charles
Watts, Kimberly
Watts, Robert
Watts, Roberta
Watts, Thomas
Watts, Tony
Waugh, Stephanie
Waugh, Wanda
Waybright, Jonathan
Waylan, Todd
Weadon, Judith
Weakland, Suzanne
Weatherington, Simon
Watherly, Melissa
Weatherly, Samuel
Weatherman, Jody
Weathers, Harry
Heathers, Rinson
Weathersbee, Gary
Weathington, Althea
Weaver, Brenda
Weaver, Dana
Weaver, Jennifer
Weaver, Kevin
Weaver, Nona
Weaver, Pamela
Weaver, Ronald
Weaver, Theresa
Weaver, Timothy
Weaver, Vanessa
Webb, Carrie
Webb, Deborah
Webb, Ingrid
Webb, Joy

Webb, Justa
Webb, Kathryn
Webb, Larry D.
Webb, Larry L.
Webb, Sandra
Webb, Terry
Webb, Thomas
Webber, Beverly
Weber, Amy
Weber, Nena
Webster, Jane
Webster, Joseph
Webster, Michael
Weeks, Donnie
Weeks, Edith
Weeks, Elizabeth
Weeks, Gregory

Weeks, Gwendolyn
Weiland, Virginia
Weipert, John
Weisner, Larry
Weiss, Jeffrey
Weiss, Victoria
Weissenberger, Nancy
Welborn, Johnny
Welborn, Pamella
Welch, John
Welch, Kenneth
Welch, Kim

Welch, Marie
Welch, Philip
Weller, John
Weller, Robin
Wells, Alfred
Wells, Beverly
Wells, Billy

Wells, Cathy
Wells, Charlotte
Wells, Daniel
Wells, David
Wella, Debra
Wells, Donna
Wells, Donna-Marie
Wells, James
Wells, Julie

Wells, Karen
Wells, Kathleen
Wells, Kathryn
Wells, Kimberly
Wells, Lori

Wells, Lou

Wells, Marian
Wells, Mary Lucinda
Wells, Melinda
Wells, Michael
Wells, Richard
Wells, Tamara
Welsh, Joseph
Wemyss, David
Wemyss, Macon
Wendell, Robert
Wendt, Karen
Weninger, Eric
Wentz, Joseph
Wentz, Sondra
Wentzell, Gregg
Weppel, Thomas
Werdel, John
Werhan, Michelle
Werner, Clinton
Werrell, Elizabeth
Wesley, Bryan
Wesley, Lorna
Wessler, Brian
Wessler, Cheri
Wesson, Vernon
West, Alderman
West, Barbara
West, Barney
West, Cynthia A.
West, Cynthia J.
West, Elizabeth
West, James
West, John

West, Martha
West, Melissa
West, Patricia
West, Sarah
West, Susan
West, Tiffany
West, Wallace
Westbrook, Evelyn
Westbrook, Gary
Westbrook, James
Westbrook, Martha
Westbrook, Susan
Westfall, Robert
Westin, Lisa
Westmoreland, Ronnia
Weston, Lisa
Weston, Sherrie
Westra, Pamela
Wetherington, Lisa
Wetherington, Lorna
Weyer, Brigitta
Whaley, Debra
Whaley, Dixie
Whaley, Hugh
Whaley, Jeffrey
Whaley, Kemper
Whaley, Michael
Whaley, Randy
Whaley, Regina
Whaley, Robin
Whaley, Shelby
Wheatley, Donald
Wheatley, Elizabeth
Wheatley, Pamela
Wheby, Munsey
Whedbee, Dawn
Wheeler, Bradley
Wheeler, Kimberly
Wheeler, Michael A.
Wheeler, Michael S.
Wheeler, Richard
Wheeler, Robert
Wheeler, Robin
Wheeler, Sharon
Wheeler, Walter
Wheless, Janice
Whichard, Debbie
Whichard, John
Whichard, Joy
Whichard, Lisa
Whicker, Norma
Whidbee, Debra
Whipple, Wendy
Whisenant, Patricia
Whisnant, Jeffrey
Whitaker, Iris
Whitaker, James
Whitaker, Nelson
Whitaker, Randy
Whitaker, Sandra
White, Amy
White, Angela
White, Anthony
White, Bryan
White, Carolyn
White, Catharine
White, Craig

White, Cynthia A.
White, Cynthia D.
White, Danny
White, Daryl
White, David
White, Debra
White, Donna
White, Eegee
White, Frances
White, Fred
White, Gordon
White, Gregory
White, Hilda
White, James L.
White, James R.
White, Janie
White, John M.
White, Joseph G.
White, Joseph R.

White, June

White, Karen
White, Katherine
White, Lauren
White, Lee

White, Libby
White, Linda
White, Marshall
White, Martha
White, Mary J.
White, Mary K.
White, Michael
White, Michelle
White, Milton
White, Pamela M.
White, Pamela R.
White, Pamela T.
White, Paul

White, Phyllis
White, Rickey
White, Robin
White, Sandra
White, Stephanie
White, Tammy
White, Thomas
White, William
White, Yolanda
Whitehead, Chery!
Whitehead, Duncan
Whitehead, Joanne
Whitehead, Monica
Whitehead, Paula
Whitehead, Samuel
Whitehurst, Amy
Whitehurst, Anita
Whitehurst, Charles
Whitehurst, Charlotte
Whitehurst, Claudia
Whitehurst, Hardee
Whitehurst, Leon
Whitehurst, Linda
Whitehurst, Shelton
Whitehurst, Ted
Whiteside, David
Whiteside, Susan
Whiteway, Colleen
Whitfield, Bonita

Whitfield, Eugene
Whitfield, Jeffery
Whitfield, Lavonell
Whitfield, Lisa K.
Whitfield, Lisa K.
Whitfield, Mary Beth
Whitfield, Nancy
Whitfield, Susan
Whitfield, Thesia
Whitfield, Tonaris
Whitford, Bonnie
Whitford, Carolyn
Whitford, Judith
Whiting, Thomas
Whitley, Carol
Whitley, David
Whitley, Lisa
Whitley, Mark
Whitley, Melinda

Whitley, Michael
Whitley, Mona
Whitley, Pamela
Whitley, Peggy
Whitley, Robert
Whitley, Sandra
Whitley, Sterling
Whitley, Tracy
Whitley, William D.
Whitley, William S.
Whitley, Yvonne
Whitman, Brian
Whitman, Elaine
Whitman, Ellen
Whitman, Mark
Whitt, John A.
Whitt, Patricia
Whittaker, Sandra
Wittemore, Jackie
Whittington, Douglas
Whittington, Linda
Whittington, William
Whritenour, Kevin
Wiatric, Jill

Wiberg, William
Wicker, Debbie
Widener, Stephanie
Widjaja, Hari
Wiedenbauer, Lisa
Wiehe, Lisa
Wigent, Donald
Wiggins, Beverly
Wiggins, David
Wiggins, Madeline
Wiggins, Sonia
Wiggins, Stephen B.
Wiggins, Stephen P.
Wiggins, Sylvia
Wiggins, Timothy
Wiggs, David
Wigington, Darryl
Wihler, Susan
Wilbanks, Benjamin
Wilburn, Lynne
Wilcox, Angela
Wilcox, Laura
Wilder, Allison

Wilder, Avis

Wilder, Paul

Wilder, Richard
Wilder, Tanya
Wilem, Grace

Wiles, Claudia
Wiley, Amy

Wiley, James

Wiley, Priscilla
Wilhelm, Candy
Wilhelm, Susan
Wilkerson, Catherine
Wilkerson, Dean
Wilkerson, Edward
Wilkerson, Herbert
Wilkerson, James A.
Wilkerson, James T.
Wilkerson, Jami
Wilkerson, Steve

Wilkes, Christine
Wilkie, Kelly
Wilkins, Anthony
Wilkins, Jeffrey
Wilkins, John
Wilkins, Joy
Wilkins, Kimberly
Wilkins, Raymond
Wilkins, Tonya
Wilkins, William E.
Wilkins, William J.
Wilkinson, Joseph
Wilkinson, Polly
Wilkinson, Ralph
Wilkinson, Thomas
Willard, Craig
Willcox, Sarah
Willetts, Cheri
Willey, Beth
Willey, David
Williams, Alana
Williams, Alfred
Williams, Allen
Williams, Amy
Williams, Andrea
Williams, Aretha
Williams, Avery
Williams, Barbara
Williams, Bari
Williams, Becky
Williams, Belinda
Williams, Benjamin
Williams, Billy
Williams, Bonita
Williams, Carolyn
Williams, Cassietta
Williams, Cecile
Williams, Cecilia
Williams, Charlene
Williams, Cindy
Williams, Colette
Williams, Craig
Williams, Crystal
Williams, Crystal L.
Williams, Cynthia
Williams, Darla
Williams, Dawn

Williams, Deborah
Williams, Debra
Williams, Denise
Williams, Donald A.
Williams, Donald B.
Williams, Donna J.
Williams, Donna K.
Williams, Donna N.
Williams, Edna
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Elizabeth A.
Williams, Eric
Williams, Gary F.
Williams, Gary W.
Williams, George
Williams, Geraldine M.
Williams, Geraldine W.
Williams, Gregory
Williams, Gregory J.
Williams, Henry
Williams, James A.
Williams, James G.
Williams, Janet
Williams, Jean
Williams, Jeffrey G.
Williams, Jeffrey L.
Williams, Jennifer A.
Williams, Jennifer E.
Williams, Jennifer L.
Williams, Jill
Williams, Jimmy
Williams, Joanna
Williams, John A.
Williams, John C.
Williams, John R.
Williams, Johnnie
Williams, Jon B.
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Karen
Williams, Kathleen
Williams, Kathy D.
Williams, Kathy S.
Williams, Kelvin
Williams, Kevin
Williams, Larry
Williams, Leigh
Williams, Linda A.
Williams, Linda S.
Williams, Linwood
Williams, Lisa
Williams, Luther
Williams, Margaret
Williams, Mark A.
Williams, Mark D.
Williams, Marion
Williams, Martha
Williams, Mary E.
Williams, Mary M.
Williams, Mary P.
Williams, Maurice
Williams, Melanie
Williams, Michael C.
Williams, Michael W.
Williams, Nancy
Williams, Nathan
Williams, Orgie
Williams, Patricia H.
Williams, Patricia L.
Williams, Patty
Williams, Paul
Williams, Richard A.
Williams, Richard S.
Williams, Richard T.
Williams, Richard W.
Williams, Robert C.
Williams, Robert S.
Williams, Rose
Williams, Sabrina
Williams, Sarah E.
Williams, Sarah G.
Williams, Sarah M.K.
Williams, Shannon
Williams, Sherry A.
Williams, Sherry L.
Williams, Sherry L.
Williams, Stephen
Williams, Stuart
Williams, Susan
Williams, Suzette
Williams, Ted
Williams, Theresa
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Timothy L.
Williams, Timothy N.
Williams, Todd
Williams, Tracy
Williams, Wanda
Williams, Wendy
Williams, Zelbra
Williamson, Amy
Williamson, Betty
Williamson, Brenda
Williamson, Bridgette
Williamson, David
Williamson, Deeda
Williamson, Donna
Williamson, Gene
Williamson, John
Williamson, Johnny
Williamson, Joy
Williamson, Kevin
Williamson, Lovanda
Williamson, Marget
Williamson, Valerie
Williard, Dana
Willford, Christie
Willford, Diedre
Willford, Eric
Willford, James
Willford, Katherine
Willford, Sandra
Willis, Adrienne
Willis, Barry

Willis, Betsy

Willis, Carolyn
Willis, David

Willis, Erica

Willis, Gina

Willis, Gregory
Willis, James

Willis, John A.
Willis, John L.
Willis, Karen

Willis, Mark

Willis, Melinda



Willis, Phyllis
Willis, Robert
Willis, Tomianne
Willis, Wanda
Willoughby, Alicia
Willoughby, James
Wils, Leilani
Wilsey, Robert
Wilson, Amy
Wilson, Anne
Wilson, Brenda
Wilson, Cheryl
Wilson, Christopher
Wilson, Cindy
Wilson, Donald
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Eileen
Wilson, Franklin
Wilson, Gary
Wilson, Gregory
Wilson, Haynes
Wilson, Jane
Wilson, Jayne
Wilson, John
Wilson, Kenneth J.
Wilson, Kenneth M.
Wilson, Krista
Wilson, Lanny
Wilson, Ledford
Wilson, Lewis
Wilson, Linda
Wilson, Lois
Wilson, Mary
Wilson, Mary Etta
Wilson, Melannie
Wilson, Michael
Wilson, Michelle
Wilson, Paul
Wilson, Rebecca
Wilson, Renee
Wilson, Robert S.
Wilson, Robert W.
Wilson, Robin
Wilson, Roderick
Wilson, Sara
Wilson, Shiirley
Wilson, Susan
Wilson, Tony
Wilson, Tonya
Wilson, Wendy
Wilson, William J.
Wilson, William W.
Wimbrough, Robert
Winbourne, Debra
Winbush, Joe
Winchester, Anne
Winchester, Gregory
Windham, Gina
Windham, Terry
Windley, Jonathan
Windley, Saundra
Windley, Stuart
Windsor, David
Wine, Barbara
Winebarger, Ronald
Winegardner, Stephen
Winfield, Catherine
Winfield, Emily
Winfield, William
Winfrey, Barbara
Wing, Erika
Wingard, Robert
Wingate, Lorrie
Wingate, Pamela
Wingler, Paula
Wingo, Charles
Winiewicz, Michelle
Winiewicz, William
Winslow, Emily
Winslow, George
Winstead, Derwood
Winstead, Jill
Winstead, Kevin
Winstead, Linda
Winstead, Rachel
Winstead, Richard
Winstead, Susan B.
Winstead, Susan M.
Winstead, Traci
Winston, Clarence
Winston, Debby
Winston, Trina
Winton, Linda
Wirth, Margaret
Wiscovitch, Amanda
Wise, Amanda
Wise, Eric
Wise, Robert
Wise, Wendy
Wiseman, Dwayne
Wiseman, Katherine
Witherington, David
Witherington, Joyce
Witherspoon, Dawn
Withington, Jonathan
Wittman, William
Wixon, Kristine
Wofford, Pamela
Wojciechowski, Paul
Wolfe, Bruce
Wolfe, Daniel
Wolfe, Nathan
Wolfe, Twila
Wolff, Pamela
Wolford, Dean
Womack, Linda
Womble, Charles
Womble, Cheryl
Womble, Monteith
Wong, So Chun
Wood, Christopher
Wood, Daniel
Wood, David
Wood, Dillon
Wood, Delores

, Janet

, Jennifer

, John A.

, John C.

, Mary

, Michael

, Michelle

, Paula

, Phillip

Wood, Phyllis
Wood, Scott A.
Wood, Scott F.
Wood, Shelley
Wood, Susan
Wood, Tamara
Wood, Wendi
Woodard, Angela
Woodard, Dorothy
Woodard, Helena
Woodard, Karen
Woodard, Linda
Woodard, Patsy
Woodard, Phillip
Woodard, Thomas
Woodard, Wendy
Woodard, Wilkie
Wooden, Denise
Woodley, Reginald
Woodlife, Donna
Woodlief, Joel
Woodruff, Deborah
Woodruff, Matthew
Woods, Adrienne
Woods, David
Woods, Donald
Woods, Johnny
Woods, Melisa
Woods, Sherry
Woods, Teresa
Woodul, Charles
Woodward, Eric
Woodworth, Carl
Woody, Darryl
Woody, Robert
Woolard, Bryan
Woolard, Charlton
Woolard, Donna
Woolard, Ginger
Woolard, Hilton
Woolard, Laurie
Woolard, Lester
Woolard, Linda
Woolard, Lisa
Woolard, Merton
Woolard, Thomas
Woolard, William
Wooster, Lisa
Wooten, Angela
Wooten, Douglas
Wooten, Elizabeth
Wooten, Harvey
Wooten, James
Wooten, Jessie
Wooten, John
Wooten, Larry
Wooten, Lori
Wooten, Sadie
Wooten, Shade
Wooten, Shelia
Wooten, William L.
Wooten, William O.
Wooten, Woodrow
Wooters, Judith
Woozley, Courtney
Wordsworth, James
Workman, Melinda
Workman, Patricia
Worley, Michele
Worley, Patricia
Worrell, John
Worrell, Tereasa
Worsham, Carol
Worsley, Connie
Worsley, Julie
Worthington, Fonda
Worthington, Gary
Worthington, Janet
Worthington, Janice
Worthington, Milton
Worthington, Steven
Worthington, Tull
Wray, Christopher
Wray, Gregor
Wray, Jon

Wray, Joyce
Wreath, Lisa
Wrenn, Debra
Wrenn, Dianne
Wright, Albert
Wright, Andrea
Wright, Carmen
Wright, Catherine
Wright, Chadbourne
Wright, Chery!
Wright, Clifton
Wright, Cristy
Wright, Crystal
Wright, Elva
Wright, Gregory
Wright, James
Wright, Jeffrey
Wright, Jennifer
Wright, John
Wright, Kathie
Wright, Leigh
Wright, Leslie
Wright, Lorie
Wright, Lydia
Wright, Margaret
Wright, Martha
Wright, Patsy
Wright, Rhonda
Wright, Robert
Wright, Sandi
Wright, Sharon
Wright, Stacey
Wright, Steven
Wright, Teresa
Wright, Thomas
Wurst, Carol
Wyatt, Curtis
Wyles, Kimberly
Wyles, Michael
Wynn, David
Wynn, Mary S.
Wynn, Pamela
Wynn, Patrick
Wynne, Darrell
Wynne, Douglas
Wynne, Gloria
Wynne, James
Wynne, Richard A.
Wynne, Richard D.
Wynne, Samuel

Wynne, Scott
Wynne, Susan

Yadlowsky, Peter
Yaeger, Wendy
Yahya, Bazli

Yale, Jacqueline
Yancey, Edwin
Yancey, Michael
Yanchenko, Kurt
Yandle, David
Yarberry, Ralph
Yarborough, Dwight
Yarborough, Mark
Yarborough, Virginia

Yarborough, William H.

Yarborough, William T.
Yarbrough, Clyde
Yarbrough, David
Yarbrough, Keith
Yarbrough, Linda
Yarbrough, Mary A.
Yarbrough, Melissa
Yarrell, Quintin
Yates, Angela
Yates, Jennifer
Yates, Jesse
Yates, Tammy
Yates, Kim
Yaudes, Deborah
Yeager, Catherine
Yeagle, James
Yelton, Jina
Yelverton, Angela
Yoder, Colin

Yoder, Connie
Yoder, Edward
Yohn, Charles
Yoon, Hyekyung
Yoon, Linda

Yopp, Charles
York, Kellie

Yost, Kevin

Yost, Maria
Youmans, David
Young, Candace
Young, Charles
Young, Chery!
Young, Douglas
Young, Glenda
Young, James
Young, Jessica
Young, Kimberly
Young, Laurie
Young, Lewis
Young, Pamela
Young, Robin
Young, Roslyn
Young, Stephen
Young, Susan
Young, Walter
Young, Wendy
Youngblood, Cara
Youngblood, Frances
Youngblood, Harry
Youngblood, Jennifer
Youngblood, Lori
Yount, Philip

Yow, Amy

Yow, Lisa

Yow, Shelby
Yowell, Robert

Yu, Yuehchung
Yucha, Kim

Yung, Adele
Yurachek, Robert
Yurko, Louise *
Yusoff, Saleha

Zacharias, Mary
Zacharias, William
Zadnick, Charles
Zahran, Stephen
Zakara, Zakrimah
Zakely, Steven
Zakrzewski, Katherine
Zaloudek, Laura
Zandy, Kimberly
Zeichner, Leah
Zeigel, Jennifer
Zeilfelder, Veronica
Zeimmer, Jacqueline
Zeko, Kelley
Zekonis, Donna
Zelenz, Mark

Zeph, David
Ziegenfuss, Cathy
Ziegler, Mark
Ziesler, Julie

Zigli, Ann

Zills, Donna
Zimarino, Steven
Zimmer, Timothy
Zimmerman, Heidi
Zimmerman, Jeanette
Zimmerman, William
Zinn, Stepanie
Zmuda, Lisa
Zollinger, Richard
Zook, Carolyn
Zotian, Robert
Zuccalmaglio, Stefani
Zucker, David
Zuidema, Margaret
Zumbach, Suzanne
Zurawski, Joseph


Summa Cum Laude

Kathleen Anderson, David Bradley, Melisa Cox, Valerie Crim, Doris Ervin,
Lloyd Gardner, Sonya Gardner, Linda Gettig, Joan Gilette, Terri Hardin, Robin
Harris, Karen Hartley, Charles Hypes, Charles Johnson Jr., Rodney Johnson,
Pamela King, Shawn Kelly, Laurie Pahel, Rebecca Thomas, Pamela Wells.

Magna Cum Laude

Rebecca Ace, Darlene Allred, Denise Andrews, Sharon Armstrong, Karen
Baker, Sharon Best, Melissa Blackmon, Carol Burleson, Lamont Cannon,
Richard Creech, Nancy Croft, Twila Cromwell, Marsha Carter, Jennifer
Coats, Lena Capps, Ann Cavanaugh, Linda Cooper, Barbara Chadwell,
Robert Carroll, Ellis Daw, Susan Draughon, Elizabeth Davis, John Dragonas,
Dayle DeForge, Meegan Duncan, Karen Evans, Rachad El-Jawhari, Geri
Fudala, Monica Fornes, Joan Frazier, Doris Grubbs, Jason Garris, Bobby
Glover, David Garza, Cecilia Heyerhoff, William Heath, Ursula Hrusovsky,
Marie Horne, Regina Hardee, Marie Harrell, Denise Holder, Janis Hiley, Kim
Harrison, Monique Hellendoorn, Karen Hinton, Beth Ito, Leslie |pock, Jennifer
Jendrasiak, Samuel Johnson, Susan Jackson, Barnett Jarman, Jennifer
Jayes, Marsha Jones, Patricia Jordan, Linda Krainiak, Janet Kidd, Martha
Kinsland, Susan Kronz, Susan Kay, Vicki Kitts, Tammy Lee, Ellie Lunsford,
Stuart Lynch, Alice Long, Tonda Maggard, Susan Matthews, Joy Mast,
Rhonda Moore, Pamela Mandt, Wilhelmina Muther, Kimberly Morrison,
Robert Montague, Jr., Paul MacMillan, Karen Merritt, Mary McLean, Emily
Meares, Joetta Moore, Denise Miller, Norma Manley, Paula Norman, Barbara
Newman, Paula Needham, Gregory Oliver, Melanie Phillips, William Pierce III,
Nina Powell, Mary Parrish, Paula Poppe, Cathy Prevatt, Raymond Prosser,
Kare Russwurm, Kerry Rodabaugh, Eva Rouse, Millard Reese Ill, Elaine
Sioufi, Suzanne Starling, Connie Starnes, Karen Sneed, Edward Sharpe,
Donna Shearin, Vicki Scott, Ted Summey, Lavorn Teel, Carol Townsend,
Caroline Troadec, Carol Tait, Cythia Thompson, Nita Wall, So Wong, Donna
Watson, Sherrie Weston, Larry Webb, Larry Williams, Jr., Wendi Wood, Billie

Cum Laude

Toni Alligood, Barbara Allen, Donna Brown, Steven Brown, Antoinette
Bishop, Mary Bradley, Keith Beck, Patricia Brown, Lee Basilotta, Katie
Champion, Tamara Cooke, Russell Carlson, Alisa Cobb, Lisa Edge, Jack
Edmondson, Kimberly Foster, Woodrow Fulcher, James Grady, Jr., Kelly
Grooms, David Hodges, Diane Hobbis, Van Isley, Donna King, Cassandra
Keever, Catherine Lilley, Rebecca Murphy, Joseph Olinick, Anita Owenby,
John Parnell, James Pearce, Cathy Ray, Nancy Rexford, John Spagnolo,
Deborah Shaw, Lisa Stinnitt, Michael Taylor, Rosalyn Thomas, Ariane
Trifunovic, Jenny Uzzell, Susan VanDervoort, Kristina Vasquez, Robin
Whaley, Kevin Winstead, Patsy Woodard, Richard Witherspoon, Robert



Choices. After all, thatTs what the last 480 or so pages have
been about. Embrace is contents as an alternative, a view
unlike any presented before in the 60 volume history of The

We began with the rather simple premise of presenting what
anyone could see out their window; Residents, migrants, and
a host of transients who somehow came to spend 1985 in

Relating this in the medium of a yearbook was no simple
undertaking. First, we had to find out what you as students
wanted, after all, your media fees were paying the bill. Most of
you requested more pictures, especially color. Some wanted
something new: Less copy, and a wider view of the town we all
shared in 1985.

The recent history of this publication has been a tidal roller-
coaster. Up from the innovations of the early 70Ts, and crash-
ing down during the SGA & political squabbles that led to the
death of the 1977 & 1978 editions.

From this, along with the Media Board in 1978, came a


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publication whose content could certainly be counted on, yet
in the college yearbook trade was ~~E-Pluribus-Unum.T No
doubt, industry generated awards, workshops, and conven-
tions all contributed to this.

The style began to leave little surprise to the student body. It
came to the point that some facet of every academic entity on
campus had to have something written or dreamed up about
it. Often, the best organizational exposure was given to the
staff's pet groups. And the ~fashion?T section was little more
than a photo album of the yearbook staff and their friends.
Perhaps a fellow named Gordon said it best upon looking at a
recent Buccaneer; ~~It looks like The East Carolinian in color.T

After five years of a typical magazine format, The Bucca-
neer reached a turning point. With later and later deliveries
each year, graduates and the Board were fast becoming tired
of the open-ended production schedule. It was becoming ap-
parent that twenty people could no longer crank out the moun-
tain of copy needed for a 432 page magazine.

Enter the 84 Buccaneer. After three editors, a facelift was
needed in order just to deliver it to the class of 1984, and
hopefully shore up our credibility. The smallest yearbook since

1952, yet the T84 contained more color pages than any other
Buccaneer, and something not seen since 1973; a photo essay
layout. The T84 in reality was a rescue mission, yet we hope it
served as a transition for more exciting things to come.

Continuing with the photo easy structure for 1985, the publi-
cation searched for a new identity and acceptance by you the
students. In contrast to the T84, we present the largest book
since 1972, and more color pages (167) than ever before. We
chose simple themes such as ~ResidentT, (dormitory life);
DayTT, (commuter students); and ~NightTT, (activities). We dis-
carded free self-promotionals for academics, and organiza-
tions, but opened our pages to any group that would sign up
for space.

We included things that help make the yearbook the special
record that it should be. To this end we've included a student
index, classes, and a faculty/staff index. The news & sports
sections were reduced to basics. For a roundup of the yearTs
major events, see our newsline section. For the complete play-
by-play, and all the inside political analysis, we refer you to the
old editions of The East Carolinian.

With the change came a new sense of stability to the Bucca-
neer. We consolidated our production on the shoulders of only
nine people. More work yes, but more compensation made the
difference. Nine people making a little, was an improvement
over twenty people making nothing. Meeting deadlines proved
the scaled-down staff could produce a book that would have a
Fall delivery.

Choices. They lie within you, and the appraisal you voice of
your yearbook. New ground for the Buccaneer? Maybe. A new
perspective? Definitely. In the words of Mr. George Bacso,
who showed us another way of seeing the world around us;
We doubt the accomplishment of any all-encompassing to-
tality or any single element of perfection in this book ... but
take measure in what we achieved by such failure rather than
settle for the convenience of a safe but mundane success.T

" Gary Patterson, June 1985

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Gary Patterson

Alan Moffitt Design Editor
Emily Flynt Copy Editor
Mary Wells Classes Editor
Beth Davis Affiliations Editor
Beth Cowan News/Sports Editor
Carla Waters Production Manager
Ted Summey Business Manager
Warren Baker Editorial Writer


Organizations appearing larger than % ofa
page, and Greeks displayed larger than % of
a page, have paid a fee for their space.

Some Greeks were awarded their space
through the BuccaneerTs creative Greek
group photo contest.


At best, it is an attempt to categorize ECU
employees. The vast number of campus sub-
departments required a streamlined version.
Using the telephone book as a source is
bound to (we regret) produce errors.

No complaints will be accepted. However,
corrections and suggestions may be sent
c/o; the organizational editor at the Bucca-
neer office.


Our gratitude is extended to the following
organizations for providing production mate-
rials; ECU News Bureau, ECU Sports Informa-
tion Office, Dept. of Intramural Sports, North
Carolina. Department of Cultural Resources,

The East Carolinian, Joyner Library Archives
& Manuscript Collection, Student Union Pro-
gram Office, ECU Theatre Arts Department,
Rebel Magazine, and The Delmar Printing


Allusions are made to the following artists,
whose achievements have illuminated our
once darken pathways; Peter Krogh, G. Din-
kins, G. Bacso, Will & Deni Mcintyre, Tom
Barnes, Eve Arnold, Mark Dearmon, Ralph
Morse, David Burnett, Linda Gardner.

Recognition is extended to the following
yearbooks whose excellent products have in-
spired us; Northwestern UniversityTs Sylla-
bus, The University of Missouri's Savitar, The
University of North Carolina's Yackety Yack,
and Georgetown University's Ye Domesday


Send requests to; The Buccaneer, East Caro-
lina University, Greenville, N.C. 27834


Pages 24-33, by Ellen Moore

80-87, 134-139, 208-209, & 275-279, by
Warren Baker

182-199, (newsline) by Emily Flynt, Ted
Summey, Beth Davis, Beth Cowan, & War-
ren Baker

Pages 200-209 by Beth Cowan

Pages 210-21 by Emily Flynt


Drawings appearing on pages 372-
389, and on page 487 are by Greenville
resident and former student, David Norris.
You can see more of his work at the
Greenville Art Museum.



Mark Barber, Michael Smith, Neil John-
son, Jon Jordan, Gwyn Discus, Malgosia
Dubinsky, Brian Humbert


Stanley Leary, Mary Wells, Beth Davis, El-
len Murphy, Les Todd, The Associated
Press, Dean Bush, Debbie Gembicki,
Gary Patterson, Tony Rumple, Kevin Dill,
Tracy Delius, Warren Baker. Student por-
traits by Varden Studios " Rochester, NY


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To those, who contributions made the difference; Kay Smith, Dr. Meyer,
Jon Jordan, Mary Wells, Peter Krogh, Stanley Leary, Doris Rankins, Stan
Young, Joel Seigel, Becky Alexander, Gary McCollough, Greg Whalen,
Julie Skinner, Will & Deni Mcintyre, Susan Chatham, Wayne Williams,
John & Nancy Patterson

To three new families formed from the 1985 staff; The Moffits (Carla & Alan),
The Summeys (Ted & Emily), and The Pattersons (Gary & Mary).

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Buccaneer 1985
1985 edition of The Buccaneer, the yearbook of East Carolina University. The first yearbook published by the students of East Carolina Teachers College, The Tecoan, debuted in 1923. The name of the yearbook changed to the Buccaneer in 1953. The Buccaneer suspended publication from 1976-1978 and 1991-2005, finally ceasing in 2018. It was superseded by Anchors Away in 2019. Publication resumed in 2007.
Original Format
school yearbooks
23cm x 31cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
University Archives
This item has been made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Researchers are responsible for using these materials in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code and any other applicable statutes. If you are the creator or copyright holder of this item and would like it removed, please contact us at als_digitalcollections@ecu.edu.
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