The Teco Echo, February 19, 1944

r ether
� )
Attend T Meets
On Brotherhood
Reserve Ticket
For Jane Eyre
Number 8
I . �-� i
Rouse, Owens Lead 'Y' Groups Sponsor Brotherhood W
Senier Play Cast ReverencJ Charles M. Jones T
Twin Beds
Rons- and Dave Owens
n the leading roles of
�iwkins and Harry Haw-
ie tryouts last Thursday
the senior play, TWIN
n attend the nursery school
� � row, from left to right, Raye
R ffin, LawrenCfe Perkins; back
R berts and Jimmy Patteson.
� -�
Nominations Announced
For Next Year's Leaders
iglas N
� and

waa nominated
Teco Echo. Frances
k ilg . and Jimmie
ated for associat i
ybil Beaman, business
tnd �' Brandenburg,
is, 1. He Husketh, and
Lancaster, associate busi-
oting characterizations will
!i James Warren, as Signor
an Italian tenor; Maribelle
P � �: on, as Signora Monti, middle-
rormer burlesque queen; J. L.
B � dt aa Andrew Larkin, a timid
:� logetic little man; Margaret
! � Harden, as Amanda Larkin, a
h 1 y suspicious. good-looking,
prim-mannered young woman; Mickey
Boyette, as Norah. a round-faced,
maid with a dry sense of humor.
TWIN BEDS is a three-act farce'
w: itten by Margaret Mayo and Salis-
! 1 ury Field. It has been made into a
motion picture.
The production will be directed by
! Clifton Britton, former ECTC direc-
tor. Rehearsals will begin on Mon-
day night. The date for the play has
i not yet been scheduled, but, according
to present plans, it will be given
within the first few weeks of the
spring quarter.
Working backstage will be Stage
Manager Babe Hooks. Hiram Mayo,
! scenery chairman; Elizabeth Kittrell,
properties; Mary Sue Moore, cos-
tomes; Burchie Johnston, publicity;
Grace Taylors, programs; Christine
Pittard, make-up; Frances Brown,
Judges for the tryouts were Miss
Ellen Caldwell and Babe Hooks.
Templeton Favors
Negro Music, Jazz,
Sinatra Crooning
by Jean Goggin and
"College student-
Louise Kiln'o
r: Ia on
i liters;
Whit by.
S trick-
id Nora
�:��� 4)
Dr. Hiilman Speaks
At Chapel Program

nan, din ctor of
f th State Depart-
iest speaker
Febru ury 15.
centered his talk
len - f teaching to-
ttions a good
in education that are
eg of war are also
of � ace stated Dr.
the fact that to-
forced, because of
to employ as
have not yet
eoUege. "However,
ng high uiir stand-
. icl er, that is, get-
eertificate he ex-
Twenty-Five Girls
Take Final Oaths
Of Pi Omega Pi
At a formal initiation dinner last
Saturday night, February 12, in the
Classroom building, twenty-five hon-
. r students in business education who
bad composed the ECTC chapter
the Pi
Iota took the final oaths of
Omega Pi, national business
education fraternity of college and tlUt ne
university groups.
Speaker for the occasion was Dr.
E. R. Browning, head of the business
education department. His topic of
discussion was "Your Chosen Pro-
fession and Its Future in North Caro-
make a more en
thusiastic audience because everyone
seems to have a good time stated
Mr. Alec Templeton, when asked if
he liked to play before college
Before coming to the United
States. Alec Templeton. was a con- j ha
cert pianist in England. However,
then he only played serious music.
He acquired the degrees of Licentiate
of the Royal Academy of Music and
Associate of the Royal College of
Music. Alec Templeton came to the
United States in 1936 with band
leader, Jack Hylton, to do radio
�broadcasts. In 1940, Mr. Templeton
acquired his citizenship papers and
married a Californian.
Mr. Nord. business manager, who
has been with Mr. Templeton ever
since his first concert in Chicago as-
serted that Negro spirituals are a
favorite of Mr. Templeton. When
Mr. Templeton heard his first George
Gershwin tunes, be exclaimed "This
will bring jazz into the parlor
Classics have their inning, but Mr.
Templeton thrills his audience by
mixing the serious and light pieces.
On his Wednesday night programs he
mixes tunes into clever improvisa-
tions and impersonates people.
At the reception held after the con-
ceit Mr. Templeton made up songs
and san� them to Camille Jernigan,
Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Meadows. Mr.
Charles Fisher and Dr. K. V. Gil-
bert. He also did an "Ode to ECTC"
While he was playing one student re-
marked to a woman standing near
her how wonderful he was and how
cute she thought he was. only to find
out later that it was Mrs. Templeton
she had been talking to.
When asked what be thought of
Frank Sinatra, Mr. Templeton stated
that he liked Sinatra's singing and
that most people didn't know Frank,
ure if they knew him as
a personal friend as he did, they
would understand him better. Frankie
is Mr. Templetons favorite singer
and Mr. Templeton confides that
Bing Crosby is Sinatra's favorite.
Picklesimer Article
Appears In Journal
In a recent number of Economic j
Geography, there appeared an article
m "Forest in the New Bright To-
bacco Belt by Dr. P. W. Pickle-
diner, head of the department of
geography at ECTC. His article is
illustrated with maps and pictures of
this section of the state.
During the past few years there
have appeared in various geographi-
cal journals and trade publications a
number of articles by Dr. Pickle-
simer. A recent article of his, en-
titled "Our Changing Geography
been widely published.
Religious Groups
Carry Out Theme
Of Brotherhood
ECTC Alumnus Bailey
At Maxwell Field Base
Toastmistress was Geraldine Tay-
lor Greenville senior and president of : Maxwell Field, AlaGarlan F.
the local Beta Kappa chapter. Miss Bailey, 24. son of Mr. Lee Bailey,
Audrey V. Dempsey welcomed the
guests; President L. R. Meadows ex-
tended greetings to the initiates; and
Dr. K. V. Gilbert played "Romance"
by Wieniawski as a violin solo, ac-
companied by Miss Eleanor Ethridge.

i'i ' J'i
u n person, as an m-
it takes to be a good
:kland; vicc-
ry- 1
: dm mhen at 1 re
Weep No More, My Ladies!
Leap Year Is Here Again
Those students initiated were Ruth
Allen, Annie Bartholomew, Rena
Dr. Hiilman. In Bateman, Gretchen Boswell, Mary I
er to bis query he stated that Bryan, Dixie Chappell, Harriet Chest- J
qualifications or characteristics tmt Amy pioyd, Betsy Hobgood, j
teacher -hould have are u Hearne. Clarine Johnson, Mil- s
tst an average intelligence, per-jdred Johnson. Evelyn Jones, Dorothy
lity, good health, a sense sffj Lewis, Daisy Mayo, Manors Mew
interest in children, charac- born Annie Sue Perry, Ellen Riddick, i
� interest in religion. Maribelle Robertson, Marjorie Rowe,
� � "I think teaching is the; Katherine Russell, Geraldine Taylor,
test; profess ion second to j Frances Tunstall, Jane Vann and
s� Vivian Yclverton. Mrs. Joyce Hill
Hiilman was introduced by Hab?s ana Misses Lena C. Ellis, Velma
Lowe and Tommie Lou Corbitt were
made honorary members.
Dr. Browning and Miss Dempsey,
members of the Zeta Chapter at
Colorado State Teachers college, pre-
sided over the initiation.
Other guests at the dinner were
Mesdames L. R. Meadows and E. R.
College Ave Thomasville. N. C. is
now enrolled as an aviation cadet in
the pre-flight school at Maxwell
Field. Alabama, an installation of the
Army Air Forces Training Command.
Here the cadets are receiving nine
weeks of intensive military, physical
and academic training.
AC Bailey attended East Carolina
j Teachers' College, Greenville, North
Carolina in 1940-1941.
The "Y" vesper programs this
month are carrying out the theme o!
February, "Brotherhood Month" with
various persons speaking on brother-
hood in its many aspects. The climax
of this series of talks and discussions
will be a "Religious Emphasis Week"
February 22-25 with Rev. Charles M.
Jones, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Chapel Hill as leader.
The regular monthy business meet-
ing was held Friday night, February
1. with several officers giving re-
A litany, "Brotherhood Through
Christian Unity"
Spence Watson
chairman, was led by Paula Ross
Sunday night, February (3.
The litany began with "My Coun-
try and was carried out with re-
sponsive readings, prayers, a n d
hymns. Given especial note in the
readings was the verse. "And there
shall be one fold, and one shepherd
Dr. R. L. Hilldrup spoke Sunday
night, February 13,
Brotherhood In the
Dorothy Lewis of Farmville conduc-
ted the devotional and introduced the
speaker. Dr. Hilldrup asked the
question: "Is the spirit of Christian
brotherhood growing in this coun-
try?" and explained that brotherhood
does not necessarily mean equality of
man as is sometimes thought. The
Bible recognizes this fact, he said,
citing the parable of the talents.
"However, each one of us will be held
responsible according to the talents
given us by God.
"Nor is Christian brotherhood a pa
(See VESPERS on Page 4)

Is Center Of
EM Library
Bob Martin
; a -ant
whom on
he-man with the!
and jovial manner, j
es in and about the col-
uranged by Mabel lege library, is none other than Wen-
VWCA program all W. Smiley, successor to Felix
Snider as librarian.
Mr. Smiley is a native North Caro-
linian, I ora at Bryson City. He re-
ceived his education at Marshall high
. ko1, Mars Hill c ilege, and at the
University of North Carolina, where
the A. B. degree in education was
rred him. Turning his interests
a few years later to library science,
on "Christian he again attended University of
United States North Carolina and this time he re-J
ceiced an A. B. in library science
Continuing further in this field, he j
received the M. A. degree in library
science from University of Illinois.
His experience is varied in that he
has 1 een on faculties at Georgia
Teachers college, University of Illi-
nois graduate school and University
of North Carolina, and he comes to
ECTC from Mercer university.
Hobbies of Ins are stamp collect-
ing, fishing (of which he says "gas-
oline rationing cramps my style"),
"Religious Emphasis Week spon-
sored by the YWCA and 1TMCA as a
time for a campus-wide period at
thought and discussion, will open on
the campus next week a four-day
program of formal talks, discussion
meetings, and conferences on various
pects of the theme of "Brother-
od in which all students and mem-
' ers of the faculty and Btaff are in-
vited to participate, according to
Helen Stone and J. C. Shepherd,
ire dents of the two organizations.
The chief speaker, Rev. Charles M.
bmes, pastor of the Presbyterian
�hureh of Chapel Hill, will talk
'irst at chapel on Tuesday, and again
hat night at 6:45 in Austin auditor-
ium. Each day through Friday there
will be a meeting at 12:00 and again
at 0:45.
The speaker comes highly recom-
i ended by a number of students here
�it the college who have heard him
at student conferences and other state
i eligb us meetings.
In an effort to bring home in
practical terms the theme of brother-
iod, the sponsoring organizations
have arranged for a Jewish leader,
Rabbi Harold L. Gelfman from
Raleigh and Father Maurice Tew of
the St. Gabriel Catholic Church in
Greenville to share the programs
with Mr. Jones on Wednesday. At
12:00 on that day the three men will
give brief talks bringing out special
as cts of their respective faiths
bearing on the general theme of
Students are asked to drop ques-
tions into the slot of door 107 in Aus-
tin building any time Monday and
thereafter. Questions turned in will
be discussed at the night meeting
The committee in charge of plans
for the week include Mabel Spence
Watson, chairman, Sam Strickland.
Mary Cameron Dixon, Elsie West,
Clifton Crandell, Mrs. Robert Ram-
sey, Jr Bobbie Brewer and Edna
FTA Organizes Drive
For Salvage Campaign
The paper salvage drive, headed by
the Future Teachers of America, is
now underway on campus. Large
boxes have been placed in all the
dormitories and in the classroom
buildings for the deposit of scrap
paper. It will be collected each week
and turned over for defense needs.
Students and all other persons on
the campus have been asked to save
every scrap of waste paper and thus
do an important part in the war ef-
fort. "If every person on the campus
will join in this drive states Dons
Peebles, Rowlette
Head Freshmen
In Recent Election
lent L. R- Meadows.
Dot Peebles has recently succeeded
John Charlton to the presidency of
the freshman class. Tom Rowlette
has been elected vice-president.
Dot was a member of the National
Honor society at Needham-Broughton
high school in Raleigh. She was a
member of the annual staff, and par- I
ticipated in many student goverment j
activities. Dot is a member of the
na Teachers
college. oves" dancing
chicken raising and dancing. Con-
cerning dancing, he declares that,Sparks, publicity chairman for the
"one of these days I am going to FTA, "the college will meet another
barn to jitterbug He is also a li- j great opportunity for contributing to
censed ground school instructor of I home needs and the war effort. Scrap
tircraft engines. At Mereer he j paper must be saved if groceries are
taught naval aviation cadets. An- to be taken home in bags, if laundry
other talent which this very versatile j is to be wrapped, and, more impor-
man possesses is in wood and metal tant still, if containers are to be
work Recognition of this skill has ready for food, medicine, and blood
made him Buperviser of the campus j plasma for the fighting forces. The
Industrial arts workshop. Besides! FTA Chapter will appreciate full co-
(See SMILEY on Page 4) 'operation in this undertaking
Five ACE Members
Present Program
On Child's Future
Five students participated in the plee cJub at East Caroli
ACE program on the subject "Child college. She "just lov
I Delinquency Tuesday night, Febru- j and prefcrs the Navy to all branches
ary 8. of the service. jjQW T responded to the organ-like
Sybil Beaman, vice-president of theTom is a graduate of Greenville j tripping. finger inns of
association, was in charge of the pro- high scbooL He was a member of the j T ,(,u,n instead I shall tell you
gram and spoke on the subject "Save j basketball team and manager of the j
Neighbors Disturbing Factor
For Classical Music Lovers
Take a typical night at the Campus
weep building. Frances Bassinger, Mary C j
ar! Dixon. Frances Page, and J iirune
-and get Bell rush up to Tom Rowlette-1
"Tommy they drool, "date me to-
already beenj night ' Tom informs them thatBetsy
is. Bear traps,
Yes, the concert thrilled mo. It
exalted me. It caused my face to
flush, my heart to beat so wildly that
I thought it would burst through my
wool dress. But I shall not write of
rt of feminine
Heb-n Bason
�nek. You dig
� deep, smooth it
lece there.
.Irene leaps for y
,n him, drags him out,
, Proc Roebuck, Mary White-
hurt. Jane Vann, and Betty Batson
- already asked him. Sadly they
turn away and suddenly spy Stanfield
Dr. K. V. Gilbert Speaks
To Sigma Pi Alpha
The Phi Sigma chapter of the Sig-
ma Pi Alpha, national honorary fra
He was president of j
disturbing elements�my
aim uuutj t-j � - � r�,
Luckilv. they are the first. tcrnity, held its regular meeting l'eb-
"ami he gracious promises an hour ruary 10, with Dr. K. V. Gilbert as
the Children For What?" She point- j football team. He was president oi j m,j hbors at tho concert.
ed out that everyone must think in , the junior dramateers and won fame al, friends 0f
terms of the security of the whole, and fortune at ECTC as "Little forve them�they i
world during such times as the i Back Sambo This is Tom's first
present. quarter at ECTC and he thinks "it's
Betty Batson spoke on "Problems j Qn the ball �
States President Peebles and Vice-
president Rowlette, "We are planning
various social entertainments and
hope to round out the year by having
the best freshman class that ECTC
has ever had
second time by the knitting brunette
on my right who insisted that "if
that's -all the tune a sonata has to
have, I believe I could write one
By now I realized it was no use to
try to lose myself completely to the
music, so I tried to point out to herj
the theme of Beethoven's "Pathel
que" at each of its entrances.
to the show. Nice
guest speaker.
Dr. Gilbert, head of the music de-
partment, spoke on the topic. ' i
has another device.
I bosh, disguises her
� Home's and lures
r men that pass by, behind
Once behind, sue snaps a
Scuffs on him and off to
�TI he is led!
V � f these methods are a little
for the more conservative and
ful gal at Esse Tesse like Evelyn
1-wis, for instance, who just winks
s records to demonstrate his sub-
In the business session before the
social meeting, it was decided to have
freshman initiation during the spring
quarter. Members of the club were
asked to work at least one hour each
n each one.
The students aren't the only
ones who are taking advantage of
leap year. Miss N fvljj Jions in Music He played vari
D ar- all making pulenty progress. ,v���tratP his sub
The best approach used is one ori-
ginated by Dot Peebles. The night
before she makes eight posters each
bearing the words. "Henry Harris,
how about a date tonite, Love Dot.
These she puts in each booth in the
�Y" store. Not only does she iei aSKetx vu WU1IV � �
Henry know she wants a date but all week in the Red Cross room in the
the other girls too. basement of Austin.
Mabel � J! GrouP ringing and a refreshment
of Mexican Children in the South-
west In Grave Clark's discussion on
"The Responsibility of the School for
Underprivileged Children" she urged
the group to realize that there are
underprivileged children right here in
America, and that there is a grave
need to educate future teachers to
meet community demands wherever
they go.
Mickey Boyette talked on
Negro Child in the World Chaos
Gladvs Davis pointed out in her dis-
cusstn of "Prospect, for Child Wei- I day.February 8. The band �, d,
fare in the United States" that after rected by Dr. K. V. Gilbert, head
the war more clinics, courts and other , the music department.
organizations for delinquent children' The opening number was the
mine, but
Cod forgive them�they don't know-
good music when they hear it, and
furthermore they try their darndest
to keep their associates in the same
uneducated class.
My soul was being uplifted; I wa:
escaping to another world
ing of being in the Wright auditorium
left me when suddenly my spell was
broken by a tug- of my hair and a
high soprano voice at my right ear
shrilling, "Say, Honey, this gruesome
sonata is depressing me. Got a fag?"
' Aroused thus from my dream
A program of music was presented world, I had to force myself to re-
bv the college band at chapel Tues- press the impulse to shout at the
blonde Dumb Dora, "Hell, no, and
shut that damn mouth of yours, you
College Band Appears
At Chapel Assembly
and smiles cozily at Percy and all her "LeBP pYEAR on Page 4) hour closed the program.
fktric� �� n "
will mean more competent personnel
if the United States is really interes-
ted in children.
Following the program of the eve-
ning the members of the ACE were
shown a movie on "Children
little snip But, fortunately or un-
fortunately something reminded me
Spangled Banner This was follow- j that I was' up for election this month,
ed by the "Washington Post March j which called for my being a little
"Metropolis Overture "Hail To sweeter to my future voters 1.quiet-
Teachers College and the "Alma' ly smiled a reply, "Nope, kid, all out.
Mater " The program ended with the I ' Again I departed into a subcon-
"Thunderer March ; ious state, only to be disturbed a
Is the picture clear enougl
Should I continue? Of course,
could include the wigglesome
bead on my left who kept mumblil
something about the coming of
week-end at Carolina and T.
My scorn for her inability to
11 feel- fluiet casts no reflections on
outfit, but�well, you und�
there just wasn't space left f
when I had the famed Alec
ton before me playinj
magnificent sonata,
tion the couple sittir
wing ofN the balcony!
parently thrown int
each other to the et
ment of Debussy's
Yes, I attended
joyed it. too, butj
layers of my bi
ter struggling
reactions. Ci
section of tl
next time the
tee brings a


Religious Tolerance Chief Purpose
For Observance Of Brotherhood Week
F �r a number of years the National
C �uncil of Christiana and Jews have been
�serving February aa the National Brother-
: . d nil nth. Such an observance is especial-
. ei tinent today with the world filled with
and strife.
On th campus next week the YWCA
and YMCA groups are sponsoring a Reli-
gious Emphasis Week program in order that
East Carolina Teachers college students may
advantage of participating in the Na-
al brotherhood program. National
Emphasis week is planned as a practical out-
let for religion.
Not only is there a need for brotherhood
between nations but between groups there
are racial animosities and creed intolerances.
The main purpose for having a time set
apart for brotherhood is to bind the people
of all nations and all creeds together with
greater tolerance for the varied beliefs and
faiths of the world. Such an observance as
Brotherhood month will help to bring people
of good will everywhere to cultivate a better
understanding of groups the world over.
have dealt rather harshly with several
cases, but in all instances we did what we
the u; 31 was best for the student and for the
c llegc. l hope that I have justified or at
1 ast explained a few misconceptions of the
actions of the judiciary in these situations.
Jane Vann, Chairman,
Women's Judiciary
by Bob Martin
Blonde hair, couple of SJKnowIe, better
By The Keyhole Korrespondent
: manner go to make up Virginia
known as "Sit This specimen of tne
feminine sex is vi
science fraternity.
Culture As Educational
As Formal Studies
se ei
s CTiewhat of a mystery why there
v students in the college band. Or-
i school this size would have a band
mea as large as ours.
that the students just are not in-
in playing a musical instrument?
you, the students, think you do not
he time to spare? Or, is it that you
not received a "personal" invitation or
to join the band? There must
some reason for the small number of stu-
participating in the band.
Undoubtedly, in a student body of nine
ldred there will be dozens of students who
re musical talent and- ability. Many
s it tha
ha l
several times and is now at a most lenient
The writer of the editorial also men-
tions that such a "small percentage of the
student body is ever late Truer now than a
year ago. but do you know why? Last year
anyone who called was automatically ex-
cused and some students stayed hdme some-
times as long as a day later, relying on the
call to excuse them. This year, those who
call�for legitimate reasons�are punished
as well as those who don't call, though not
as severly, and this quarter the number of
students returning late from week-end visits
has fallen from approximately 100 to only
two or three.
Those students signing in late from the
Christmas holidays�or at least, some of
them did not read the bulletin boards and
those who did said. "Well, it just reads
'expected to return On a week-end permit
Valentine- Day chad and gone, a few
heart's set afire, and a few broken, ECTC
gates and gals resume their former "carry-
ings on We're full of questions, so have
all the answers ready.
Aren't coincidences funny, or is it a co-
incidence that Vivian Yclverton and Beverly
Whitley will work together on the annual???
We're wondering, y'all . . .
M. Pugh Harden, M. Dudley, M. Lewis
suttinly hated leavin' the practice house. It
must have been 'cause they liked cookin
(Up what, we're asking?)
Ummmmm Tuck, we see you've decided
to go in for movie stars. Now, it's Veronica
Lake Sharpe. Sharpe, indeed
"Pease Porridge Hot" as sung by Proct
Rowbuck. "Pease Porridge Pot . Pease
Porridge Pot" . . Got "Pot" on the brain,
haven't ya Proct?
member of girls' tennis team.
have probably guessed, "Sit"
rlv all
As vou
ports it i. possible for one of the weaker sex to P�?P�
in Shi MT��W�fiK&5S ��
cer, and held hockey. UT wst �
"Basketball and tennis are M games. -iitter-
Either her fon.lnoss for dancing, excluding
The senior class
choice for "most i
Wall c"s (Nor Kan lina) gifts to the world and st range- -
5 crazy about strawberries. In fact, she claims sh
caneatallanybelsejnp gj� .� ph ical rf
In the entertainment world T Dorse
is tops with her. particularly when he plays
"Night and Day" or "It's Always Yon. Ac-
cording to Sit listening to the Lux Radio
Stanfield and Winnie certainly are fish theatre and Information is a migni
� played in their high school bands. vou write the time you expect to return and
that these same students would cer-
be interested in playing in the college
Now is the time for students to realize
that the band affords an opportunity for
tltural education, which is as valuable to a
well-rounded graduate as are required
method courses.
Letters To The Editor
I'm definitely no writer, but I felt�that
in fairness to the Women's judiciary�the
editorial about the unfairness of judiciary
punishments should not go unanswered. I
i mised that the main topic of unfairness
ncerned the punishment of students who
r turned late from the week-ends or Christ-
lays. On argument the writer gave
' thing in the world today abides
iort of rule That is where I be-
jre Lng. Ask a serviceman who re-
camp late if he is punished�even
ilties ���� ��� the cause! Re-
- ci ges i not such a heavy
. . an � ergency arises, I have
tiling to reinstate your social privi-
leges for the occasion. If you're planning to
become teachers, what would your principal
think of his new teacher if she came in late
for the week's classes, having made no ar-
rang ments in case of delay?
- h
v. as th
by any
gin dis
been w
.(�(.( �
nd argument that I disagree
th is the statement that the girls who were
late were punished "by having their social
privi eges removed for a period of three or
four weeks Social privileges are removed
for no longer than three weeks for being
late, instead of the three or four weeks as
published. Of the 121 students who were
late only 46 had their social privileges re-
moved for three weeks and 62 received less
than two weeks! The judiciary has a sched-
ule to follow for late returns, and I would
glad i" explain it to anyone who is in-
terested. This schedule has been revised
The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly hy the Students of East
Carolina Texchers College
Entered as second-class matter December 3,
1925, at the U. S. Postoffice, Greenville,
N. ( under the act of March 3, 1879.
Maribelle Robertson Editor-in-chief
Rosalie Brown, Thomas WilKams, Jean
Goggin, Louise Kilgo. Robert Martin, Jackie
Nancy Wynne. Cornelia Beems, Katie Owen,
Hazel Harris, Frances Congleton, Alta Mae
Thompson, Jimmy Warren, Paula Ross,
Jane Hardy. Helen Wooten, Elsie West,
Kathryn Sprinkle. Charlene Moye.
Clifton Crandell
Mary Sue Moore
John Johnson
then if you're late, you're punished. I've
heard few complaints about that�you ex-
pect punishment! Then, why did you think
this was different?
Some students say that they don't con-
sider themselves under the jurisdiction of
the college until they have registered again.
Well, in such an instance, why not take all
vour possessions home with you when you
leave at the end of each quarter and bring it
all back, if you come back? Miss Morton
asks you to notify her at the end of each
quarter if you aren't expecting to return the
following quarter, and if she receives no
notice she expects you all back. From now
on. if you'd rather take your belongings
home at the end of each quarter and take
your chances on having your room assigned
to someone else rather than make an honest
attempt to return on time, I'm sure it could
be arranged.
You must not forget the fee for late
registration. Of the 121 who were late, ap-
proximately 1 paid the late registration fee
of ne do'
� � v,
The judiciary is not�contrary to the
other writer's opinion�trying to "step in
and coerce the students to cease traveling
We're only asking for a little cooperation
from the students by asking them to realize
the times and difficulties of travel and to
make their arrangements for returning ac-
cordingly. I'm not trying to contend that
the judiciary has been perfect in inflicting
punishments�far from it! Perhaps we
Sports Editor
Fashion Editor
Photography Editor
Sybil Beaman Business Manager
Gladys Davis. Lucille Huskett, Betty Bat-
son, Helen Wooten, June Brandenburg,
Robert Morgan.
Denver E. Baughan Editorial Adviser
Beecher Flanagan Business Adviser
Graham T. Olive Technical Adviser
Xortk Carolina Collegiate Press
Pissocided Go8e6ate Pre$t
Cbfe6kfeDi6e4 ,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
4 to MAOitOH MB. New Yom. N. Y.
lar to Dr. McGinnis and the sched-
posted by Miss Morton at his re-
lovers. Every night they go to the fish pond
and feed fishes. We don't have to ask any
questions about that
Lorraine Moore seemed mightly excited
to see Ed "David" Beddingfield. Plannin'
on being "Claudia Lorraine???
Saturday night, we see Jackie listening
to Jack fling the bull . . . Come Sunday,
and we see Jackie flinging the bull to two
Marines. You could make better progress
together, couldn't, Jack and Jackie??
Ben. who bit you head???? Mimi????
Dot??? or Peggy Rose????? You wouldn't
cut each others throats, would you, girls????
Lucille Oakes�Weren't you surprised to
see your man last week-end? My, but we're
Everytime we turn around Beverly Cut-
ler has a new one. 'Fraid you're too fast for
us. Beverly.
Ellis Bedsworth has at last found real
love in Gotten hall. It's not a "Spark is it
Ellis, or is it?????
Greenville high school. Frances Page thinks
you're just too cute for words That
oughta' be enuff, Bernard.
Btrnice Jenkins, no longer being editor
cf this paper, cannot prevent any dirt about
him from creeping into the headlines. He
certainly seems to have a special twinkle in
his eye every week-end when he comes to see
Betty Batson.
Can you imagine???? Henry Harris
without his trumpet?? Butch without Doo-
ley??? Etna Powell without a date??? Hel
Boyette with black hair? Keith Cummings
not being afraid of girls??? We can't
We've run plumb, spang out of ques-
tions, so for the time being, we'll let you ask
questions, and saw how 'bout a little sure
enuff dirt????
Yours til Dr. Baughan gives his English
class a cut.
nice way to spend one's time. To her Bette
Davis and Don Ameche lead the parade. Ls-
uallv dramatic romances are her type ot
movie, but for a change, "give me the good
old reliable horse opera
Her favorite pastime, when not pursu-
ing the goal of intellectual advancement, of
course, is listening to Camille Jernigan play
the piano: and the height of her ambition is
to acquire "a vocabulary like Dr. Toll s.
Four vears of study are completed for
il recei
iiiiiii tviUcation
science. Then, she says, "I'm oi
make a name for myself Hei
to enter Columbia universil �
woik in physical education.
If any of the male creat ir
place are interested in making a
her. then volunteer to read poetrj
Not only does Sit like to h� ai
she also tries her hand at wril
her own.
Sit declares that she is gob . I
career woman, which, sh-
name for an old maid. But,
an understanding with a certain
geant in the Army?)
Bits o' Fashi
o i: asnion
Y :
by Rosalie Brotvn
At long last, a letter has come again
from "Jungle Jimmie" Whitfield, one time
editor of this paper. Jimmie has been over-
seas for twenty-six months and says "the
natives and monkeys down nere in Central
America have threatened to make me mayor
of a dobe village In addition to his mili-
tary duties he is an authorized correspon-
dent for the Jungle News service in the
Coast Artillery command of the Caribbean
area, and is empowered to collect informa-
tion for official press releases. Having
time for still other conquests, as is so typi-
cal of Jimmie's nature, he has done some
membership work for the Veterans of
Foreign Wars and recently offered a plan
to national headquarters designed to coor-
dinate members of the V. F. W now overseas
with the home front, R. B. Handy, Adju-
tant General, not only commended the pro-
posal, but advised in a personal letter that
it had been adopted by national headquar-
ters and was being put into effect, thus mak-
ing it a worldwide plan, since members are
scattered all over the globe. We extend our
congratulations to you Jimmie and are proud
of you. It's good to see the jungles haven't
harmed that prodigious mind of yours.

Sgt. Vern A. Kuetemeyer, "Some-
where in England writes that he keeps up
with the news and events on the campus via
the paper, which is a "welcome little mes-
senger While writing his letter, Vern was
in charge of quarters and "there is a noisy
discussion going on here in the Orderly
room, I can hardly think he wrote. Be-
ing engaged in the same type of work as
when he was in the states, Vern finds his
duties as an Instrument Specialist very en-
joyable. "Let us hope and pray the new
year will bring something bigger and finer
for all of us and more trouble for Mr.
Hitler he finished.

Pvt. Charles Dan Jordan, class '35,
writes from Wright field, Dayton, Ohio, of
his very interesting work. The laboratory in
which he is working is the only one of its
kind. It is part of the Material command
of the Army Air forces. It is known as the
Aero Medical Research laboratory, but the
nature of the work is secret and restricted.
Dan is in the Physiological branch. His job
is concerned with respiration, necessitating
many flights to high altitudes and to run
analyses on gases and blood. "Believe me
it is a thrilling job. I have been far beyond
our announcer ceiling of 40,200 ft. Much
of the work is done in low pressure cham-
bers, but we do have a B-17 which is a true
flying laboratory and is in constant use.
Many tall and interesting stories go with
that dear old ship he says.
� � �
Cpl. Donald Propst who is stationed
at Fort Bragg writes that he is enjoying
this column very much because it keeps
him in touch with former friends. "Many
of the boys I read about were my class-
mates and it is the first time I have heard
of their whereabouts in a long time
� �
The news of 2nd. Lt. Alvin Wooten's
death saddened many people at school, as he
had many friends, both among students and
faculty here. Alvin began his training in
the CPT program while in school here. He
received his secondary training at Lumber-
ton, N. C afterwards teaching ground
school for a short period. He received his
instructor's rating, commerciaal license,
and radio-telephone license at New Orleans.
Early in 1943 he joined the Army Air
Transport Command, 2nd. Ferrying di-
vision of the Air Corps. He ferried bomb-
ers all over this country, Mexico, South
America, England, and Africaa. He lost
his life in a heavy bomber crash in Grander,

He "doodit" again. Yes, Jimmie
Dempsey has made major. He returned
from the European and North American
theatre a few months ago, after making
captain in the fall. In a year and a half he
has come from second Lt. to major. He is
one of the youngest majors in the United
States, according to his home town paper.

Recent visitors on the campus were:
Nell McCullen, of the WACS; Jack Edwards
who is at State college at the present; West-
ly Johnston and Troy Rouse who had just
completed their training and received their
wings as aerial gunners in the Army Air
Forces; Jerome Butler, now an ensign in the
Naval Reserve. Gilbert Britt is in Rhode
Island awaiting the commissioning of the
new destroyer U. S. S. Hancock, upon which
he has been assigned duty. He severed sever
al months on the U. S. S. Toscaluca
Whether you are schooling, dating, or
traveling, you will be, if you are abb'�bo says
Dame Fashion�wearing a suit. Matters
not if it is a cardigan suit, a box-jacket suit.
a belted tunic suit, a reefer suit, a bolero
suit, or the latest cutaway suit, the glad get-
nut for this year of our Lord nineteen hun-
dred and forty-four will be a suit (as it has
been from ages on end and will be for as
long as Woman sallies forth for jaunts about
the countryside, be it schooling, schoolmarm-
ing, or housewifing). This spring shows
your choice in style, material, and color.
Only one common characteristic need you
find b'twixt your suit and the suit you meet
walking down the street. They're both
proud possessors of slim skirts, "tubes the
fashion magazines call them.
The newest, the prettiest, and the least
practical is the cutaway suit. Vogu'a new
cover shows one in crimson wool. The hip
length jacket, with peplum which gradually
dwindles away from waistline to hipline.
doesn't quite meet in front showing a white
blouse with a little Petr Pan collar. Other
versions of the cutaway suit are hound's-
check wool with a jacket which button with
one button at the collarless Deciding. Such
a suit in black and white check or in brown
and white check with a white blouse peep-
in gout at midriff is oh, so fetching. But in
such a suit, milady's chest is exposed to all
the spring breezes, which, I think, defeats
th real purpose of any suit.
A favorite of the women of chic is the
belted tunic. Over a sheath of a skirt is
worn a long (finger-tip). full jacket, the full-
ness thereof being caught in by a belt at
the waist. Bright wool gabardine in yellow,
green, purple, worn with a neutral skirt in
grey, beige, or black�you'll have a hand-
some twosome. For most of the gals at
ECTC, however, this belted tunic is too
sophisticated, although you'll probably pio-
test the fact.
But there are scores of suits which are
both practical and "just right F'instance
Mile's Design For a Living Contest prize-
winning spring
i ne-button jacket, this
waist, and a collarless neel
wot sled, it's taiion d to a ��� -
over with feminine charm. A sim
and one which any college gal would
one in gn y and white striped w
Vogue. It has a slightly flar
ket with two buttons and a la � I I ar�1
lapel b. ing high and narrow which -
look in lapels.
For the college girl, too, is the I
ket suit Good for the lithe figure. .
for school days, and travel, it's a suit j
lov if you can wear it. A navy-blue
suit lined w i t h blue-and-white
crepe and sporting a matching cap -
blouse proves the axiom of fashion�tl
suit's no better than its lining. Memorai
for a happy spring is a box-jacket
black-and-white wool. The jacket (
shirtwaist sleeves, with wd piping on
cuffs and one the lapel collar. The -
skirt claims a bright red belt. Both v.
with a white crepe blouse with bow-t
throat makes for a super b ttcher.
Th bolero suit with the high-
skirt is tops for attractiveness; the cai
suit brings cheer from the bands!
fly-front suit is easy-on-the-eyes (as tl
are!) the three-piece suit with three quari
length topcoat is a live-in-always b
maker. Suits in checks, in plaids, in stripes
in plains; suits in black, in crimson, in
low, in green, in grey, in beige: suits in w
flannel, in wool gabardine, in wool w
in aralac. Spring motto: SUITS.
But supposing you have a suit of
year or the year before, which is a
daunted but none the worst for wear. A
well and good. Just give old-faithful a
in neutral grey, black, beige, or brown '
liven up the color. Then give it new
with new collar and cuffs and maybe .
piping in some new wool pin-check, stri
' or plain in green or yellow or crimson, or
purple. Presto, your tabby suit has
down and eight to go!
Here's to a suiting spring!
Mann and Carlyle Cox are in the USMCR,
stationed at Duke were here last week-end
for the college dance. Brant Waters is in
Sea School at Camp Elliott, Calif. Bili
Council is in the artillery at Camp Pendel-
ton, Calif.
New Boot
During the fall quarter a total of 323
books were added to the ECTC library. The
names and authors of these books will be
published in this and successive issues of the
Teco Echo. In this issue the juvenile col-
lection is presented as follows:
First Thanksgiving by Barksdale; Ban-
jo the Crow by DuBois; Little Magic Horse
by Ershoff; Wings for Nikias by Black-
stock; Twelve Months Make, a Year by
Coatsworth; David Copperfield by Dickens;
Old Time Stories of the Old North State by
McCorkle; Boys Book of Policemen by
Crump; West Point Today by Banning; Jun-
ior Air Raid Wardens by Bechdolt; An-
napolis Today by Banning; Pony Express
Goes Through by Driggs; Youih and the
Sea; Our Merchant Marine Calls American
Youth by Floherty; A World of Stories for
Children by Clark; Jack Tales by Chase;
Jatuka Tales by Jatakas; Heroes of the
Kalevala by Deutsch; The Tale of the Pro-
Weaver by Baity; Fun for Boys and Gi
by Cleveland; How to Draw Ships by Ana
How Man Made Music by Buchanan; Ba
Bouquet by Crane: Poems for Children bj
De La Mare; Book of Ballad Storie by Bfac-
Leod: George Washington's World by Fes-
ters; Heroines of the Sky by Adams:
Modern Composers for Boys and Girls by
Burch; am a Pueblo Indian Girl by Abeita
Poor Richard by Daughterty; Juarez, Her
of Mexico by Baker; Aulaire, Edgar Par-
in of; Leif the Lucky by Aulaire; Nareissa
Whitman; Pioneer of Oregon by Eaton.
� K
(by Associated Collegiate Press)
"Most college students lead secluded
lives, and a good many years usuallv elapse
before the graduate takes his place as an ac-
tive citizen in his communitv. This lag must
be overcome Dr. William F. Zimmerman,
president of Thiel college, Greenville, Pa
advocates apprenticeships in community ser-
vice and leadership for college men and

"As the colleges responded to the war
methea Moth by Kane; The Tale of a Crow needs by such things as the V-12 program,
by Kane; The Story of Invention by Van they will respond to the needs of postwar re-
Loon; Your Career in Engineering by Car- construction when the time come Postwar
lisle; Tall Timber by Holbrook; Peter and education receives a vote of confidence from
Penny Plant a Garden by DuBois; Your Dr. Walter A. Lunden, former president of
Clyde Career in Chemistry by Carlisle; Man is a Gustavus Adolphus college St Peter Minn.
. I

AKY 19. 1944
Men's Intramural Basketball
Reorganized Into Two Teams
Greenville Five Tops
Navy Quintet 38-33
lariins Upset
Mkn Terrors
a Semi-Pro Game
Terrors Trail I
Marine Air Base
By Score Of 34-27
A very spirited rally in the fourth
period enabled the Greenville Golden
Terrors to defeat the Navy Corpsmen
from the Marine air base at Green-
1 ville for the second time, February 7.
Ti1t. score of the first game was
36-27, the last one much closer end- The Golden Terrors of Greenville
ing m 58-33. The Terrors led most lost their first game of the season,
i of the way. however, and led at the after winning five straights, to the
: d d all quarters except the first, enlisted Marines at the air base by a
rhe sere at the end of the first -lose -core of U-21, in Wright audi-
neriod was 10-9. torium, February 2.
Stuart Tripp led the Terrors scor- The Marines trailed all the way lin-
ing pace again with ll? points. John- til the fourth quarter, when a 13
Williamston Martins, semi-pro son and Harrison were next with point rally won the game. The half-
n Martin county, invaded the eight each. Leiakua led the Navy time score was 16-13.
bruary 14 and upset the with 14. followed
rors by coming from he- eight.
�� last half to win, 41-35.
he second straight loss for
die team.
ripp led the Pitt hoys again
Greenville Navy
Leiakua, !�'
Levin, F
Mattola. '
tints, followed by Johnson ,
J Urumo, d
la with Leading in the scoring, Gardner
made 10 for the Marines, trailed by
l.acky and Allen with seven each.
For the Terrors, it was Stuart Tripp
with eight, and Harrison and Lassiter
with five each.
The box:
7 0
.assiter with nine each. For
mston, Griffin and Gaylord had
ard. C
Stanfield Johnson
en's High Scorer,
Versatile Coed
E. (
issue is
on our
i: 111- ton
J. K. Griffin, F
I. E. Griffin, F
! Manning, C
' F. Griffin, G
j Harrington, G
i lay lord, G
Charlton, G
Rowlette, G
Lasiter, F
Tripp, C
J hnson, F
3 0 1 6;
0 0 0 0
3 1 0 7
5 1 3 11
3 0 0 6
5 1 2 11
19 3 6 41
field J hnson,
Stani I, is an
and a "gift to
Is ft m Conway,
r, ajoring in
I He had planned
� � � -� � that
fi the
Murphy. F
Harrison, G
0 2
0 2
2 9
1 12
S 9
0 0
McCormick, ;
Williams, G
Golden Terrors
Lassiter, F
Johnson, F
j Rowlette. F
! Tripp ,C
Charlton, G
Owens, ti
Harrison, (i
11 5 33
l.ackly. F
Petty, 1-
Gardner, C
Uakefield, C
Allen, G
Hauselman, G
Coleman, G
I Terrors
Harrison, (J
Tripp. G
' Charlton, C
Rowlette, C
Johnson, F
' Lassiter, F
Score by periods:
ft . iiamston 14 6 12 9�41 j
Greenville 5 15 8 6�351
Free throws missed: F. Griffin 4, j
Gaylord 2. Lassiter, and Johnson
Score by periods:
Navy 10 9 10 4 33
Terrors 9 IS ti 8- 3s
Free throws missed: Harrison 2.
1 11 Owens 2. Lassiter, Rowlette, Tripp, Marines
� � Lelakus, Drumb, and Howard. Terrors
7 35
3 10 7
12 11
5 0 1 10
0 0 0 0
3 117
3 0 16
0 0 0 0
15 4 4 34
2 13 5
4 0 0 8
10 0 2
2 0 14
2 13 5
CWiC i
American Hocittv 0 Mayaiine CartoonuU.
WAA To Sponsor Annual Dance
Saturday Night, February 26th
Score by period;
3 8 27
5 13 34
13 1�27
The Women's Athletic association j you want the pu ch?n Margaret Halt
will have its annual dance Saturday and Amanda Etheridee wil
night, February 20. This dance is
expected, by the members of the ;
WAA. to b. dif
wn t
'just punch

majors. Golden Terrors Win
y Ail :� rce, in
him that much.
1' nway, Stan-
.� : � sports c
all : am in
Six Of Nine Games
� Greenville Golden Terrors, lo-
� : i-pp ti am that has een play-
in Wright auditorium for the
ears. During few weeks, publishes a hit of
n thrir activities
I attei I � � arn has played nine games,
g . and I ai (all at ECTC), and has won six of
them Th( t began the season by
ght panics from
ill ai the Marine base
ther semi-pro teams in
�nt from any dance
ampus. Members of the Phi Sigma Sigma
committee is com- Sorority at George Washington uni-
(�i chairmani versity in Washngton, D. , have
nn Hancock given up their meeting rooms and m-
Catherine Brinson v. ted the rent money in Bonds. They
Owens. ' inconvenienc.
c mmitt
. � i ;� ri ;� �'� i - in charg
i fig ire � � i led by President
� ' i . i y Albritton is chair-
;ti committee, aided
y- B ow and Mildred Jordan.
rchestra committee has al-
. ecured an orchestra for the
cca ion- Herb Gupton. Mickey Boy-
and Sit Knowlea were members
f tl co nmittee.
. . M i refreshment chair-
dares to say, "How strong do
. . ppjg think of the aid that War Savings
f will bring to the armed service
forth Carolina. At this
- the team as a whole has
: tripS : .�. tints as compared to 280
The above girls make up the number one intramural basketball
inditing close team from Fleming hall. They are. from left to right: Front row,
("arolvn Register, Polly Taylor. Captain Katherine Abernathy,
n the individual point line-up for Back row, Mozelle Suitt
man, 'ere are eight players on Scarborough.
They are as follows
Penny Smith. Hilda Moore. Jean
"Where TheGangEats"
For Tht Best In
Ice Cream

: -� �� ' ' ' ' : �
���� ai th John
ilar sailors I
� -k to Harrison
: Is all Lassiter
: � Rowlette
: ayed on
"B" team: Thi � brought ,)ur
� , i � t utlt-r
; ft . � ng with Ins
nate, Alton Gray.
� rts, a member
oft ball
Last fall, he cap-
team in
ethall this quarter
. len Ter-
Societies Begin
Elaborate Plans
For May Day Fete
�� , nterf( red. How
. Is 1 me to referee por the past several years ECTC
ral confc has not had May Day exercises but
summer of 1943, Stan-1 this year the May Day exercises will
the Greenville Spin- ; i,0 held early in May with all the
i-pro team. He is pomp and glory of the past years
. .mmittees working on the pro-
pro basketball team joct hope this will he the loveli
ix out of eight of its j one ever witnessed here.
66 Dudley.
63 May 6 has been definitely set as
61 the date and the place will be in
46; front of Wilson dormitory. On the
If night of May six a dance is to be
20 given in the Campus building in honor j
3 of the queen and court.
31 Dr. Gilbert is in charge of music
for the afternoon affair and selected
members from the college music de- j
partment will participate. On the j
music committee with Dr. Gilbert are!
Mary Blane Justus, chairman, Ca
mille Jernigan, Jean Roberson, Hazel,
Williford, Maribelle Robertson, and
Frances Brown.
All the dances are under the di-
rection of Misses Alex and Stalings.
Serving with them are Jerry Albrit-
ton. chairman, Jean Goggin, Ruthie
Winslow, Marie Hinton, Ann Gillam,
Sarah Elliott.
New Spring
you want that glamourlook
See Our
New Suits. New Dresses,
Hats and Accessories
Costumt -1 wt Iry
"Thi Ladies' Store"


visit the
1 SHOP ;
team. ne is j�,r;ip and giory oi trie paai jm. �
the Creenville Golden, xhe committees working on the pro- j� J Q �) Y ' S
tShnp Now For Best Selections
He is the high scorer on, The Court of the United Nations j Headquarters for Suits, 4
. ats to his credit, will be the theme and the Queen of! Coats, Dresses �
vill also reign as Queen 0,$itmAkAmAkk,AtAAilAAA
Members of the court will�
Morton's Bakery
in Bakery Goods
Tues. - Wed.
FEB. 22 - 23
Franchot Tone
. � cope. He Peaa
is v. rk as a represent the Allied Nations and en-
- I �:� V"MCA. This year he tertaimnent for the Queen will be
. as a � ial chairman in the dances from each of the nations
Be joined the Phi j represented.
temity when he was a Sixteen girls will act as attendants
re and was elected president! to the Queen along with the Maid of
tionfot this year. He j Honor, who will be the second high
� . � �
' il r of the Chi Pi players and i� the election. The election, held on
H� r- ,itl the onera: Fobrumrv 17. with twenty-three on
the opera: February 17, with twenty-three on
i in March 1943. the ballot, included the following
! K
Mart � - , i-v
n interesting factor in his life to girls: Mary Emma Jefferson, Doro
thy Davis, "Singe" Alston, Helen
Wooten, "Ruthie" Winslow, Louise
of picture- on the wall
�� his well-decorated room. He likes
st T
d of
I'ark, Ml. ulmi
Fair- j

I! III.were
f one j
Betty Grable best of all. He says
if any of the girls (wolverines)
an collection.
When asked what his favorite pas-
e is, he answered. "Girls, eating,
girls, eating, and girls
t- any idle photos, he
appreciate all donations to his
New Spring Coats, Suits and Dresses
J. C. Penny Co.
In most talked about
mystery in 10 years
"Phantom Lady"
Ella Reines.
Thurs. - Fri.
FEB. 24 - 25
with Ruth Terry
From the song by AI
Kilgo, Mary Windley, Gladys Mum
ford, Kuth Spencer, "Billie" Bryan,
Mickey Boyette, Camille Jernigan,
Louise Wooten, Marguerite Moye,
Elsie Corbett, Worth Lanier, Helen
Thomas Rollins, Morris Flow, Lee
Mae Jones, Charlotte Wooten, Ethel J
Smith, Dorothy Pearsall, Margie j
Stationery Store
Better Quality � Better Prices
The Harding high school ehmr of
I Marion, Ohio, sold $7,600 in Stamps
.nt tu land Bonds as a result of its "Song-
ii s that stu- anu .inging three or four
d the first Smith songs m
' � x semester
u n t col-
ad the scholar-
gave up their Jun-
I the money
War Bonds, and pre-
" m to the college as
r Prom Scholarship
usual concert form, the
�hoir stopped abruptly, explained that
it must sell $1,000 in Bonds in order
to complete the number. If the sing-
ers couldnt sell the audience that
much .they left the song unfinished
and went on to another at a lower
price. Several persons in he audi
ence pooled their funds to "pay for
the more expensive songs.
Patronize the merchants
whose ads you see in
this paper.
Ladies' Bags, Scarfs, Gloves and
Dainty Handkerchiefs
for All Occasions
Greenville, N. C.


For Your Personal Use:
Robert's Rules of Order
College Dictionary:
Funk and Wag&alla Standard College Dictionary
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
English Synonyms, Antonyms and


Chi Pi PlayersjPresent
Jane Eyre Tonight At 8:30
Jane i!re was presented by the
- last night at 810 in
audit num. It will be pre-
� I night
Webster and James War-
leading ttties as Jane
and Rochester. Jane Eyre is
en-year-old gover-
Mi R Chester's ward. Ho-
rn his middle thirties,
i wale social experience and
humor that is nearly always
! a. an elderly gentle-
.ict as housekeeper to
R ester, is played by Mary
El Marybelk Redditt
u � Poole, who is supposedly
tress of the household.
Id schoolmate of Roches-
portrayed by Curtis
Gibson plays the role of
the dashing, regal
county. Blanche's
Ingram, is played by
Kenneth James plays
e clergyman.
�� place in a recep-
� Thornfield hall, the
I Edward Rochester
lyre is an immortal classic
1 ��� Bronte. It was
stag :n a three-act
Who's Who In Jane Eyre
7-7 '�'�
. TW
$i -
'Of i
Backstage Crews
Led By Bergeron
Do Dirty Wok


as MrW

of the arohna
director of the play.
r.rector is Hazel Har-
� " � Chi Pi players.
B 11and J. I Brandt
- -and technical di-

- lesigned by James
at 1 lam! ridge,
luti calling up-
�� � �; � ' : nate to
: � the many tons of
(riven by the (ierman
: n � in storage at - Gem anic museum. � rsity spokesman pe-
.� �tal li - were plaster of
1 1 � res ent bronze.
President Harris
Assists Director
In Staging Drama I
Hazel Harris, of Asheville, is act-
j : a.� assistant director of .TAXI
EYRE. Hazel is president of the
; Chi Pi players.
Since her matriculation at ECTC
in the fall of 1941, Hazel has taken
! an active part in all campus drama-
i tic activities. This fall Hazel por-
trayed the rule of Claudia's mother,
Mrs. Blown in the Chi Pi's produc-
ts n of CLAUDIA.
Hazel was burn in Mississippi but
� �on moved to western North Caro-
lina where she attended high � ol
;� Montreal junior college. She was
a member of the dramatic club there
and appeared in several plays. Her
1 dramatic experiences h a v e been
varied in acting and backstage work.
Next year she plans to tranfer to
the University of North Carolina to
major in dramatic art.
Gretchen Webster, who plays Jane, DEATH and worked backstage on w
a young governess, hails from Lees- DOUBLE DOOR.
burg. While attending grammar
school t ere, she wrote several one-
Mi: � manager of CLAUDIA ; e
plaj ing Fritz. Jimmy also de
d the set for JANE EYRE.
it, CLA1
Jimmy Warren, who portrays
t Rochester, Jane's employer, graduated Josephine Gibson, who i playing
�from Greenville high school last year. Blanche Ingram, the haughty belle Roche
ict plays, which were given in chapel While there be bad participated in of the country, is a product of Green- native
aruscnKa m � .HA. In a
tion to her part, Jo also handled the
publicity for JANE EYRE.
Curtis Butler, who portray- Ma
Rochester's boyhood friend, is a
Kelford. During his four
When she entered high school, she many plays both as an actor and as ville high school. She was a member years at th
moved to Yaneeyville, where she oh a backstage worker. He entered of the Dramateers and Black Mas- he took part in several plays. Cur-
tained considerable experience in ECTC in the winter quarter of last quers and look the leading role in an i comes to ECTC as a ore,
both backstage work and acting- .ear and began his work in drama- operetta there. A freshman here, having attended N. . State last
Gretchen is a Chi Pi player and has j tics here by helping to construct the this is her second performance on the year . This is his first appearai
appeared in VICTORY (� V E R cenery for MARTHA. Last fall he ECTC stage, her fii beine that of the ECTC tage.

' �
J. 1. '
Well ' �

� � . H.
: .
Rats Get Backstage View
Of ECTC Drama In Making
Mary Frances Ellis, who plays
Mrs. Fairfax, Rochester's house-
keeper, comes from Fayetteville.
W ile in high school there, he took
part in the senior play. Now a
at ECTC she worked last
property mistress for
Kenneth James, who has the
part of Mr. Wood, the clergyman,
hails from Winterville. This sopho-
more is a graduate of Winterville
school, where he was active in
dramatics. coming to ECTC
has playe
the role
f Jer
I t red! Just watch-1
gel Chi Pi players
. plaj is : ugh to make
� i rest-cure.
the tl ird fhx r of Aus-
I M visiting my cousin
hustling you've
Si � r�s they were trying
� cc nery ("the) ?)(:)
1 I hi ard a slightly exasper-
n call it) finished
stage. How they stand
: aint, I cannot see;
! had to put on pas masks
� n venturing out of his rathole.
� " bed d '� . � ; : i a bag
watching the go-
. shriek made us
e i i en d out and
� r of the committee
I it in her work-
u '�; never know it;
inder the remains of a
We scurried away with
� nging choes in our ears,
g till we reached the
Green Room and (so I thought) a
There, however, all was bedlam.
Tile costume committee was working
away feverishly, sewing on ruffles
and ripping out sleeves; pinning and
measuring and basting and making
a great deal of fuss. Rowdy almost
smothered while trying to find his
way around a wedding veil, and when
the girls discovered him�! After a
narrow escape we hid in the property
net, but we bumped into one of
the crystal candlesticks, setting its
prisms jangling, and had to flee for
refuge again.
As we raced toward the stage, I
managed to gasp out, "The lighting
room�that's our only hope And
-o it was. The lighting committee
had not Vet begun Work, so We hud-
dled, panting, behind a spotlight and
vowed that never again would we
meddle in the production of a Chi Pi
play. Our days of gremlin drama j
wire over.
CLAUDIA and is a member of the
ays Lady L
Bl nche' i er, claims
; � town just
from New B
school, v. here si � � �. ared in
Mai; e Redditl
: � � G race, sup th
stress for Tl rnfii I, i fn m
ra, Whili Aurora
. . : an opere11 H � r
.1 NK EYRE v II b
first work in ditics at ECTC.

M int H
(Continued from Page One)
builder in the world for feminine ego.
Why, I'd never get a date with Clif-
ton Crandell, if it wasn't for leap

in �
Continued from Pane One
: �
le evidei
i al least one
Leap year is just an older form of
Sadie Hawkins' day�only guns aren't
used, 01 are they? Oh�well�any-
way. "Everyday's leap year" say
Vashti Newman and Mamie Lee
Little. It's nice that way, isn't it
And here's just a word to the wise
'Course, we mean The Ragsdaie
Hall Romeos of the campus. Steer
clear of these wolverines, 'cause if
thej catch ya' you're a goner for a
whole year, and who wants one ECTC
duties he devotes
time to what he
"hobby" of all�
iree boys and one
e a "Bachelor's Paradise"
let those women get a
Warren; business manager,
iggs, Allie Proctor Roebuck,
Continued from Page One
be. II nnant, associate business
DeLysle was nominated for
tor of the Pieces O' Light; for
��' - '� editor, J. L. Brandt and
ai d Inez Simmons; and associate
b iness ms � ���� rs, Laurene Marsh-
Windley, and
Marshals and Cheerleaders
The following were nominated for
marshals: Ruth Winslow, Katherine
Davenport. Katherine White, Mary
Alice I al n, Alice Copeland, Fran-
1 Mary Bryan, Nellie Win-
I, Chris! ne Pittard. Margaret
Mi ��; Y' mg Bass, Laurine
Alta Mae Thompson,
1 irk, Eleanor Phillips, Hen-
rietta Cooper, Marjorie Privott, Char-
lotte Elliott, Janice Fahrless, Eliza-
beth Temple. Frances Temple. Jean
Robertson, Myra Boyce, Lee Mae
Jones, Allie Mitchell Dildey, Dorothy
Lewis, Frances Page. Ruth Baker,
Rebecca Kirkland, and Mary Frances
' ld( r Jackie-DeLysle, Mar-
garet Hall. Dorothy Peebles, Evelyn
Lewi Edna Karle Moore, Katherine
Abernathy, Frances Page, Jean Scar-
borough, Charlott Mason, and Helen
Ruth Sessoms.
Dormitory Officers
Wilson Hall: President, Nancy Kil-
patrick, Bessie Council, and Pat Ed-
wards; vice-president, Mary Blane
Justus; secretary, Dorothy Reade,
Katherine White, and Louise Wooten;
members at large, Margaret Hall,
Mary Frances Ellis, Elgia Scott,
kJRena Averett, Lois Jones, Peggy
Hopkins, Katy Jones, Ann Parker,
and Frances Lewis.
Jarvis Hall: President, Frances
Lakes and Jean Matthews; vice-presi-
dent. Lorraine Davis, Annie Lee Ea-
I son, and Fay Midgette; secretary,
Myree Dunn, Rebecca Kirkland, and
; Charlotte Wooten; members at large,
i Elsie Corbitt, Sybil Eakes, Doris
Franck, Worth Lanier, Omelia Mon-
roe. Rebecca Pridgen, Ellen Riddick.
Virginia Small, and Catherine Wtiod
Fleming Hall: President, Willie
I Mae Daniels, Maxine Pleasant, Doris
Sutton, Catherine White, and Muriel
Whitehurst; vice-president, Katherine
Abernathy, Jessie Earp, and Anne
Woody; secretary, Dahlia Adams,
Fay Jessup, and Grace Walker; mem-
bers at large, Ruth Brown, Catherine
! Dexter, Nora Lee Hinnant, Iris Lee,
i Carolyn Register, Catherine Wilson,
Linear Mae Windley, and Mabel
Cotten Hall: President. Barbara
Parker; vice-president, Dora O'Neil,
Ruby Hudson, Catherine Long, and
Mary Elizabeth Slate; secretary,
Josephine Everett, Joyce Forest, and
Mary Elizabeth Wooten; members at
large, Sybil Beaman, Elsie Biggs,
Jessie Carter, Charlotte Elliott, Ma-
rietta Griffin, Lucille Husketh, Doro-
they Jarvis, Rosa Alice Lancaster,
Mary Frances Stephenson, and Nor-
ma Whitfield.
Ragsdaie Hall: President, Stan-
field Johnson and Beverly Cutler;
vice-president, Ernest Chesson and
Norfleet Hardy; secretary, Leslie
Venters and Joe Lassiter; members
at large, Clifton Crandell, Delton
Creech, Curtis Butler, Ellis Beds-
I worth, Richard David and John John-
hall may
now, but
chance and they'll make it a "Hen-
pecked Hell Yep, Weep no more
my LADY, but you'd better start
weeping now, little man, cause it's
leap year and we're coming after
(Continued from Page One)
ternalistic social order dealing out
work and food and freedom from
struggle and effort. Christians
throughout the centuries have felt
called by God not to a life of safety
and comfort, but to dare to risk their
lives for a master greater than they
said the speaker.
In telling what Christian brother
hood is, Dr. Hilldrup said that it is a j
recognition that all men are of infi
nite value in the eyes of God. "It is j
also he declared, "a spirit of good
will- a willingness to help another
bear his burden so long as he needs
help, but not long enough to weaken
He then gave several evidences of
the growth of Christian brotherhood
such as more social service, increased
church attendance, and the sale of
more Bibles.
Some of the factors working
against brotherhood, said Dr. Hill-
drup are a growing class conscious-
ness, evidenced by the bitterness be-
tween labor and capital, and the ten-
dency to believe the bad about people
have achieved more than others.
these interests an
a great deal of h
says is 1 is biggei
tin- rearing of his
New services of t!ie library started
under the supervision of Librarian
Smiley are furnishing the faculty
with a list of books added to the li-
brary, organization of pamphlets in-
to a material bureau in order that
they may be obtained easily, to be put
in a small room just off the reference
room at the front of the building, the
completion of a graduate seminar
containing usable materials and extra
-pace to hold special classes.
As to his opinion of the college as
a whole. Mr. Smiley feels that "people
here are very nice to work with and
as for the library he says that "it is
the best teachers college library in
'he state, surpassed only by three or
four colleges in the state Accord-
ing to Mr. Smiley the only regret-
table tiling concerning the library is
that students are neglecting or over-
looking the opportunities which it of-
fers, and he urges students to take
advantage of these opportunities
more often.
At present Mr. Smiley holds the
unique distinction of being the only
man on the faculty in 1-A classifica-
�hase of dental work. Furthermore,
e '� wi imen who
lave ntered I profi � � have
�rov d except iccessful, par-
ic ilarly ii fi �' children's
emphasized the
Negro dentists,
ale, and quol
rector of
rry Medical
� � Bob Jones college, l ev and,
ind Hunt ngtoi I In I I c liege
'or university, Upland, Ind
Wl eat n (111.) liege
- lexa? ni � � �
in tl
al wartime work in
Dr. M. Don
dental � I 01 M
eollef. . Fisk mivei ity, as saying
that there are only 2,000 Negro den-
tists, very few of them women, serv-
ing the 12,000,000 Negroes in the
United States.
; � A jsociated Collegiate Press
University of California has estab-
lished a record of putting 50,000 stu-
dents through war courses in 21
Watches � Jewelry
Silver � Gifts
Watch Repairing
"The College Jeueler'
"How can we expect to establish a
world brotherhood if we do not have
the spirit of Christian brotherhood in
ourselves?" he asked in closing.
Hunter college, N. Y featured a
colorful War Bond sale during the in-
termission of the annual all-college
musical production, Sing. Their presi-
dent as master of ceremonies.
men dentists, as scarce now as wo-
men welders were before Pearl Har-
bor, will appear in the future in ever-
increasing numbers, Professor Char-
les W. Creaser, chairman of the pre-
medical and pre-dental committee at
Wayne university, predicts.
Professor Creaser points out thati
of more than 1,400 dentists now prac- I
ticing in Detroit, only 12 are women, '
and that throughout the country
there are 35 men in the profession for
every woman.
"The skill which women in war in-
dustries are displaying in the mani-
pulation of small tools said Profes- '
lie late Gov. Luien 1. Dickinson
Michigan left bequests of $2,000

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the fJ
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'�! al
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The Teco Echo, February 19, 1944
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 19, 1944
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University Archives
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