Deed of land from Willliam Wright and Humphrey Wright to Edmund Brinkley

Deed of land from Willliam Wright and Humphrey Wright to Edmund Brinkley
Indenture deeding land to Edmund Brinkley from William Wright and Humphrey Wright. Deed for sale of land in Chowan County, North Carolina, adjacent to James Roberts' fields, on the West Side of the Virginia Road. Signed 7/10/1834. Copy certified 7/4/1888 by the Office of Register of Deeds, Edenton, N.C.
July 10, 1834
Original Format
financial records
20cm x 31cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Jonathan Dembo Apr 25 2013

Here is a transcript of the indenture:    This Indenture made the 10th day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty four between William & Humphrey Wright of the one part and Edmund Brinkley of the other part, all of the State of North Carolina and County of Chowan, Witnesseth that the said William & Humphrey Wright for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty dollars to us in hand paid by the said Edmund Brinkley the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge ourselves fully satisfied, contented and paid, therefore doth bargain and sell and hath bargained and sold unto the said Edmund Brinkley a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County and state aforesaid butted and bounded as follows: viz: beginning at a hickory in Jas. Roberts field on the west side of the Va Road John & Saml Jacksons line thence along said line S. 70 ½ E. 132 poles to a pine 9 thence N. 44° E. 112 poles to a pine, thence S. 80 l/2 E. 70. Poles to a pine, thence S. 5 W. 21 poles to a pine, thence S. 32 W. 64 poles to a red oak, thence S. 65 W 147 poles to five pines, thence N. 51 l/2 W. 150 poles to the Va. Road, thence W. 7 l/2 E. 18 poles to the first station, containing one hundred and six acres more or less. To have and to hold the above bargained premises unto him the said Edmund Brinkley his heirs and assigns forever, and we the said William and Humphrey Wright do for ourselves, Executors Administrators, and assigns warrant and forever defend the right and title of the above bargained premises unto the said Edmund Brinkley his heirs and assigns forever.  In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals in the day and date above written.  Witnesses:    Jno Bush William Wright [Seal]  James Blanchard Humphrey Wright [Seal]      State of North Carolina--Chowan County Court  August Term 1834    The foregoing deed was exhibited in this Court proved by the oath of John Bush one of the subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be registered. Edmd. Hoskins, Clerk  Registered  28  Jany  1835   Edm Bond    Register     Office  Register f  Deeds   Edenton N. C. July 4,  1888  I certify  that  the  foregoing is a  true  copy  of  a  deed Registered  in this office in Book  "K"  Pages  522 & 523  T.M. Small Register of Deeds  for Chowan Co. N.C.      

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