Eastern reflector, 17 November 1905

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Y. M. B. O. D.
But Blues and are hero to Stay. Th medium with
rent in back, single or doable is the coat you
wear this Reason, It should be ma with Military shoulders and
to fit the body medium loose. We have it, in all the now
fabrics Of course blacks and blues are good this season, yet a
dark blue ground with a slight tint of. green, makes an attractive
suit And the have come t stay; everything will be
next season
PRICES, 37.50 TO
M. C coal is the only coat well dress
ed i w this coat is light in weight, It gives you
comfort a count many times it's weight.
The Man's Outfitter
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds arc
as the best
Remember every Royal Elastic Mattress and
bed is sold under not the best, price re-
Floor Covering of every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Book Cases,; Parlor and Chairs of all
You will be consulting the Interest cf your pocket book
to Investigate our stock. Our and
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. H. T
Re preservative Greenville
Homo Companies. Special attention to Life,
Health and Accident Insurance.
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAKING SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. It has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours Respectfully,
C T.
I have taken a stray shoat
that has running with my
stock about two The
shoat Is sandy red color, weighs
pound, ha silt in right
ear and boo tailed. Owner is
notified to call for and pay
charges. EVANS.
near ville.
Pits an End to It All.
A grievous wail conies
as a result of pain from
over taxed
Backache, Liver complaint
constipation. But thanks to Dr.
King's New Lift Pills they pat as
end to it all. are gentle hut
thorough. Try then. Only
Guaranteed by Jno. L.
The Death Penally.
little thing resales A Mt plane for at
in death. Thus a mere the
insignificant or j the heel handled by the
hare paid the death penalty. p Co, height
is wise to hare Backless Month by a who
Salve ever handy. It's the best n forte lost his little
en earth and will prevent willing a boa.
when seres, ulcers i-ed Cash time, apply
end threaten. P. . Moot
L. Wooten's Drug S
End of Bitter Fight.
physicians had a long and
stubborn fight with an on
my right F. Hughes
of Ga. gave me up.
Everybody thought my time had
As a last resort I tried Dr.
I King's New Discovery for Con-
The benefit I received
I was if I watt on my feet
few days. Hew I've entirely
all and throat and
L. druggist. Price
l, Trial battles free.
Suicide Prevented.
A startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will many.
A run down system, or
invariably precede suicide and
ban been tumid that
will prevent that condition which
wakes suicide likely. At the first
thought of self destruction take
Electric It being a great
will strengthen
the nerves and up the system.
It's alee a sweat stomach, liver and
kidney Only Sat-
by Jan, L.
shawls, all
la black. D.
Os. It C.
you can aw Sheets at
than half the Sam
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
-J. . .
Contest on Pitt County History
Hon. J. Bryan Grime, of ;
been offering two or three
yea is n gold medal for best
paper on t,. history
written by y in
nit bin coil my. s of-
again year and a subject
for your paper is suggested to you.
You car select write
any one of the following bi g.
Pioneer Pin
or Tar liver.
Historic home, of County,
Historic Graveyards of Pitt
Pitt in devolution.
Pitt County in the
Congresses of North
Life and Services of John
Pitt County Soldier el the Bat-
of A
Pitt County Hie War 1812
It will be that all of these
refer to Pitt county and
are very timely end practical. I
trust that at least fifty hope and
girls will enter this contest this
year. I would the teachers
especially to see that their boys
and girls arc encouraged to write
upon one or other of these sub-
Mr. L. C. Arthur, a member of
the of Education, also
a gold medal for the beat paper
Progress of County for
the past five Let fifty
more write upon this subject.
The following conditions most
be observed by those who enter
this First, they be
a student one of the schools of
this county during the present
term. they must
names to me by the 15th of
December. Third, the paper must
be written by the contestants
Fourth, papers
must be me by the first day
of February 1906, Yon CM enter
the contest only of these
A gold pen will also be given by-
Mr. A. G. Cox, Chairman of the
Board of Education, for the second
best paper upon of the sub.
jets suggested lie
Be sure to send Id Join name by
16th of December if you wish
to write. W. If.
Co. Supt. Schools.
Instillation of the New
There will I special services
this week in the chute for the
ordination of Mr. the
ministry, and for his
installation as pastor the Pres-
Church in this place.
The commission which has been
charged with this work c insists of
Rev. W. D. Morton, D. D. of
Rocky Mount, Rev. Isaac Camp-
bell. D. D. of Kinston, Rev. R. W.
Alexander, of Tarboro, and Elder
W. B. Dove, of Greenville.
The ordination service be
at on the evening
of Thursday the at and
the installation service on the night
of Friday the 17th at
To both of these services all
Christian people and the public
generally are most cordially
Engagement of Popular Couple An-
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Suttle, of
Shelby, announce the engagement
daughter, Leila, to Mr.
Charles of Greenville, N.
C, the wedding to take place early
In January.
Bottle is easily one of
most and attractive
women of the state. She
graduated from I he Baptist
Women in 1903 and
has often in Raleigh, where
she is quite a favorite. She is
known for her beauty and is a
favorite wherever she visits.
Mr. Forbes is a very popular
prominent young business man
and is well known in social circles
n Eastern Carolina. News
and Observer.
Greenville feels much interest
this announcement. Miss Suttle
was a in the graded school
here last session an d was
favorite, A cordial welcome
awaits her return to make this
place her home. Mr. Forbes is a
prominent and prosperous mer-
chant, a raised among
us, and one who stands high is
business and social circles.
marriage take place January
the 3rd.
Vehicle. en County Bridge.
County Superintendent W. H.
had a narrow escape from
injury, if not death, while retain-
Tuesday evening from a two
to schools in
township He was crossing
county bridge had just reached
Booth of the draw when
met a team of that bad
become by the
driver losing his reins. The mules
ran in to Prof. buggy
for a few there was a
tangle between the two teams.
Fortunately Prof. got
his out of the tangle without
the vehicle being upset. Had his
buggy turned over on the narrow
draw he would have likely been
seriously injured or thrown over
into the river. After getting by
the mules ran on the
the driver out of the
All Three Convicted.
United States Attorney Harry
Skinner has from
where he bad been
prosecuting in the Federal court
the who mutinied at sea
and in ii n c .- I the officers the
schooner Unwind. All three of
the were convicted and
will be hanged the of
The have highly
complimented Col, Skinner on
the which he
the case.
Honor Roll.
The honor roll the school for
District No. I, town-
ship, Nov. Jackson
and Ruby Heath.
Large Orders for Crape Vines.
E. Warren has gone to
Southern and
where he has the contract to
and plant a thirty acre
vineyard of Pitt county's famous
grape From there
Mr, Warren goes to to
plant out fifteen acres in
Hong vines fr a development com-
Keeps Improving.
Vi. J. the transfer mare
keeps improving his service. He
has recently added a handsome
canopy top for the of
Interest Increases.
Saturday Nov. a
large number of teachers and vi -it-
in auditorium of
the school build-
to hold their second
meeting for the year
1905-1906. The fine weather must
have Imparted hope and cheer
to for each one seem-
ed to be in good spirits.
The exercises with she
tool stirring hymn, lit I the
Power of
which Rev. Mr. read the
one and fourth Psalm and
lead in The minutes of
the last meeting were then
and the roll was called, about one
hundred answering to
The first discussed
Encountered in
School On this subject
Miss Delia Smith read a very in-
paper, which was
drawn in an original and
style a very pathetic, but true,
picture of some of trials of a
public teacher. Miss Flor-
Felton and Miss Nancy Cow-
ard read on the same subject pa-
which revealed and
earnestness. Prof. G. E. Line-
berry, Prof. W. H. and
Prof. G. W. then made
Interesting and helpful talks on
These Difficulties may be
No thoughtless school
teacher could have heard
talks and not have been been
by them.
Five minute papers on
encountered in Greeted
School were read by Miss
Ada Tyson, Miss Dora
Miss Olivia Cox and Miss Neva
These papers brought
to view a number perplexing
difficulties that a graded school
teacher face, and showed
clearly the Instructor in the
rural district is not the one
who must and
However, the rough
places made smooth by Prof.
T. C. Candler, Prof. W. B. Dove,
and Pi of, J. M. who die-
lolly and forcibly
Difficulties may be Over-
Prof. then loin of the
offer a medal from Hon. J.
Bryan Grimes for the boy or girl
in Pitt county who will write the
best historical paper on either of
four subjects he had named, each
subject bearing Pitt
history, so of the offer of a prize
from L. C Arthur, a member of
the county board of education
At a quarter past one o'clock,
the adjourned, t
again December 2nd 1905.
Is full zeal
the great educational question, and
he aids greatly in making the
Association of Pitt
inspiring and beneficial
institution that it is. No doubt
the association is
great the work
go on, and may Pitt county
become lines the
foremost county the old
Dora A.
factories Draw Them.
There were several people from
the who took the train
here this morning for to
work is a factory there. Green
ville might be her pop-
if we had factories to draw
people here and give them employ-
H. A. Store and
On Tuesday night a little paw
o'clock, the store of H. A.
at Galloway's Cross
Roads, miles from Green-
ville, by lire. It is
not known how the fire originated,
a the roof of th.- was
was filling in neighbor first
discovered it. The main and
were only separated by
partition, and flames spread
so rapidly through the building
that nothing saved.
Mr. ram ore lives in Greenville
and as at home here at the
was advised by telephone
of the fire. H- left midnight
to go down he had a stock
of in the store valued at
and only
ins race. The .- is a heavy one
on him and omen, sympathy Is
expressed fur him.
To the Pitt.
A committee from the
Association have been carefully
considering the question of supple-
readers for the schools.
They unanimously recommend
following books for the grades
List of supplementary readers
grade, Hiawatha Primer,
3rd grade, Stories.
grade, Old Greek
grade, Makers of
can History, Carpenter's Geo-
graphical Reader
6th Little Nell,
The association this
at Its Saturday
teachers to use these
books. Every dealer in the County
is asked to keep them
stock so that they may be had
called for.
W. H.
County Supt. Schools.
A Duck Potato.
The vegetable kingdom some
times gets very close to the animal,
shape, if nothing else, and
of kind or another are
not unusual. The best imitation
along this line we have seen was a
sweet potato which J. S. Edwards,
of township, brought The
In shape it was as
muck like a duck, the feet,
as if it was real thing. No
Imitation was ever more perfect la
it a real
Eire In Tobacco Section.
Saturday sparks from the
set lire to the root of the four
story prize house by J.
N. Gorman and others and known
as the old Hooker Bernard
Employee the
can Tobacco Co., saw the lire and
out with a reel coupled
on to the hydrant near by bad
a stream on inside of a minute.
The fire was quickly put out. So
much for having a good system of
water works. This convenience
doubtless saved a considerable
of property.
Coin in Cow s Maw.
The other Whichard
showed us a silver quarter found
the maw of a cow ho
The coin was almost black.
The date on it was but of
course that had nothing to do with
how long the cow had been wearing
it her
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples last
Jas. Curtis Harrington
Margaret Ann Forbes.
Green Case and Celia Tyson.
R. B, and Mary E.
Alonzo and Victoria
Wiley P. Harris and
and Hattie Brown.
Wilson Boyd and Kiln Gorham,
Jesse and Jen-
11.1 13th.
Mi-s went to
t morning,
C. L. Wilkinson went
E. G. Barrett, of Kinston, spent
Sunday here.
J. W. Allen went to
Brown f
Mount this morning.
J. W- Bryan and wife returned
Saturday evening Plymouth.
Mrs. H. children
returned Saturday evening from
Mrs. D. J. Whichard returned
Sunday evening from a visit to
U. Harry Skinner
came borne evening
Miss Lena little
Miss Christine Tyson
R. W. Bawls, of who
has been Joseph
left this morning.
Miss Annie Lamb, of William
who has at W.
B. Wilson's, left this Morning.
Tuesday 14th.
K. A. wont this
L A. of
over morning.
W. . to
Tarboro this morning.
Rev. W. this
morning Irons
Mrs. KB. Moore, of Washing,
ton. who has been Mrs. H.
M. left this
Miss Lucy of Louisburg,
is visiting the family of ii. A.
Timberlake, at ll Hi Washington
K. Hyman, chief of the tire
department, is making an
cf the buildings town. It
is a good thing.
F. W. Mahler, of came
in Tuesday evening.
F. of
came in Tuesday evening.
Alfred Tyson Tuesday
evening from a trip up the road.
T. I. of Durham, came
in Tuesday evening to visit R. O,
Mrs. B, H. child re-
turned Tuesday evening from
Jam i lie.
w. ll. Harrington returned
Tm-day evening from a trip up
the road.
Misses and
of Ayden, spent Monday and
Tuesday in Greenville.
Miss Olive Gaskill, of
who has been visiting Nell
Skinner, left this
Walter Burton left this morning
for to be present at the
funeral of his father, who died
One Them Cuts Conductor.
Tuesday e Atlantic
Cues the Plymouth branch
C in i. and Bethel,
panic- on t flagged
down. a i stopped
two white tramps on second
class passage
to refusing to nay tare.
Passengers I of Con-
am the
were put off. The train moved on
who two n climbed
rm I he coach and
took its .
h- fa i again
went to in
both b lug i o
cot him on tin-h out wire
several ladies among
on this car, and ins- came
so alarmed m inductor de-
from further effort to put
Mil i it i i- r. tramps
left the train at
A passenger on who
I he foregoing facts
lbs Sick.
John sou of Mr. and
Mrs. E H. -ho has been
confined typhoid fever the
two quite
sick. A trained nurse has been
D. D. Is also quite sick
with typhoid
daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Jr., who has
bad lever some nine, is
Twenty five dollars reward will
be paid for the delivery of Sam
to L. W. Tucker, Sheriff
of Pitt N. C. Description;
mulatto, weigh about or
pounds, all around good made
years old, when last seen
wore low, crown slouch hat,
pails hair in middle, lips tolerably
thick; talks clear and distinct, like
up country from where he
specially fond of the ladles.
He escaped from convict camp
1905. The above
reward will be promptly avid for
for bis return by Joseph
Supt Public Roads, Pitt
will Close for
tobacco market
will be closed on Nov.
Thanksgiving day, and on
Friday, Dec. 1st will
please note so as to have
co in on those days.
A. O., Nov.
Mi-s Olivia Cox, who is teaching
at Sunday with her
Hint her, Mrs. E. E. Cox.
A. S. Jones, of Baltimore, was
town ids week selling goods.
John Nichols spent a few days
last week.
Hill Vincent went to
Sunday and Sunday night
A largo crowd from
attended Sunday.
Weirs Lulu Lena of
Coin-toe. are visiting their sister,
Airs. J, Jackson.
W, K. preached one
his excellent sermons in the
last Monday night.
It was greatly enjoyed by all.
Mi-s Clarence of
Ayden, was in town Mon-
Fernando Whichard, of
entered school here last Monday.
The High school will
bring them in from all parts of the
Mrs. Sack Ross, of Aurora, is
visiting Mrs, G. Bryant.
Slightly Used High Grade Piano.
This Instrument was sold
months ago and recently
Will at per
month or per quarter without
interest. An unusual good bar-
gain. Address O. O.
Box Greenville, N C.
I have a stray male shoat in
lot with my hogs. The shoat
spotted, unmarked, and weighs
or sounds. Owner is notified
call earns pay charges.

The Tia-i. G.,;.
In t
On i ill j. Long In-
land, long
. ere
by .-
tar, tide
a, I
big u .
piece I
i. , I in
th big
turn lo loiter
free ha
his small .-.-
.-. .
Still. .
Crab was I
that .
. . .
had been i , still . . jig
crab by to fro I .
striking out or m h .- . pi .-
fit mi a
He had
b t retreat
ton e
Therefore i I
their i
. . its
b in . until the; t
rt . . urn
young r
it was i him or i
him, ii he, .
I .a sin x ii he h, i .;
able I i w ore a in sue
No i r did the I i.
crab . . i
an ; up in him, i i J i.-
of food l . minified.
that his .-. overcome, the
bi fell m up any attempts i
and devoted If to eating
as as possible.
In the was
the was r. Hut
way of l. dins t fur both par-
ties the battle. Civilization has
it- .-. and Stream.
Some Word o Advice From a Doctor
on This Subject.
The following brief
from Its
by Taylor, in
and i . i
. Far ho full r i of
sleep . n tin
. n of n .
the .- nor-
. . w pi .
cf cos
. best position to assume in
to invite the least
he functions of the great or-
.- is on the abdomen, or nearly
obscure forms of digestive
disorders may have
initiated infancy through
i upon the back.
. temperature all parts
equalized before retiring.
. et delay scouring
i; and it is shallow
. i.
It is m -i overfill the
stomach before retiring; this
. I as much a.-
but moderate eating before
is hurtful, and is
. nary.
So Ticked
It may be
chances arc Us cs u.
one d
r. a per c.
ones car .
by, and
B. B. CO
L. leaves
Bl a. w. for Greenville; leaves
at a. for
Southern for
and all oilier
North. a Norfolk
joints West.
via Norfolk, care
A Southern K. R.
subject to change
without notice.
T. H. Agent.
J. J.
ville, M. C.
H. General T. and
if. Norfolk.
If you are too fat it is because your food
it should turns to fat instead of
If you are too lean the fat producing foods
not dense, the you eat are not properly digested
i never wool assimilated.
next to Lean, stringy people do not hare
should not be too Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
. . i . i , people have too much Pepsin and not
close i texture, blankets being pref-
to d .-
not . too closely. Air
sh aid be allowed to pass occasion-
ally under tin -.- at least as one
or less
rising i a salutary custom,
a in i tin day comes early,
Mr. J,., r,. in r proportions necessary to
quired in the stomach and organs
to est and assimilate foods that may
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all the digestive juices that are
found in a healthy stomach, and in
had i.
The e
. .- being
eaten. is not only a perfect
I lie CO . but it is a tis-
building tonic as well. cures
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Ibis be . Heartburn. of the Heart and
id to mean I m may safe- Constipation. You will like
i Id. v. ca.
In the i t of . Digests What You Eat
it certain
t i-l
Ii -.-. r I i
.;., no . i iv an
nil night. Artificial I i lid. bi ; with till
Irish air ire of th
n be at r near or
some even CO degrees .
Rests the stomach, rebuilds the
tissues and gives firm flesh.
ft k.
or cant ill.
A Costly
The want of punctuation in
grams sometimes been I
by serious complications. A i .
case occurred some time back
when a certain nobleman, while at
his house in the west end, dispatched
a wire to a celebrated Edinburgh
the favorite doctor of his;
wife. Almost immediately follow-
the of this telegram
i owed it stating that the
not be required in the
i ti
ionic. Too
The telegraphist made the mes-
con . I
The I n truing this
as haste,
an. . I in Lo . i his fee
and i l n i to
and ;. r i dings obtained
The Snails,
There nut i examples of
names which denote physical or
mental in person who
ore tin m. Striking instances
the old English
the old i . strong;
I Marvell, meaning prodigy; Swift,
Mi pro i
; from the old strong,
IA remarkable northern name is
or which represents
I the old Norse Scotch
meaning quick, cl r, d occur-
ring in the ire dialect as
In Bay
I a quick d man is
as a is, sharp as
gimlet. Every one of these
there are more of the
same certainly derived
from the mental or physical good
qualities of an
men's Magazine.
Insect; and Animals.
I natural, of
co r e, in It on the ride of the
hi creature,
ed lie had n head, for the organ of
hearing. Such how-
ever, no how thorough, would
be void of many instances.
In the elm . ii Is found in the base
In- or In the moat iS
grasshoppers it i-. in the fore leg, x
several of I
in the wing. Lobsters and crabs all i
of . feelers.
R. L. Kara.
N. C.
Following Instruction.
A father going into his stable, one
day found ills little son, with a slate
and pencil in bu hand, astride
of the horses.
ho exclaimed,
are you
a was the
why don't you write it
answered the little fol-
low, master told me to write
a composition on a
Dog Fur In Manchuria.
One of the leading industries of
Manchuria the breeding of dogs
for the sake of the skins, the breed
cultivated being remarkable for the
length and tine quality of the hair.
There are thousands of dog farms,
keeping from a to several
dogs each. The animals are
strangled in midwinter that
may he got in the best condition,
but they must be at eight
months old. Eight dogs
for one robe.
1-t I ill
red to private .-
ill to fill
i persona in
each The will
run hotels lo
a; depot and wharf on
fl that will be phone m
Greenville, N. C.
Iron Fencing; Sold
virtue of the power of sale cantata-
I in de
-d In- I. and wife
t P. one dated
April and recorded In Hook
X page the other dated 4th
may and duly recorded in the
Register Deeds office f
in K page
the undersigned will to public
before th- house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder on
Dee. 2nd a
Iran or and lying
in the county of and State of
Carolina a- follows, to
That tract land in to en-
ship upon which James Si-.,
of the said J. ii now reside,
adjoining the lands of . Haddock,
Abner Smith, Smith's heirs
and others, to satisfy said mortgage
deed. Terms of sue cash. Tin, 1st
day Nov. 1806,
F. G. JAMES, Mortgagee
Having duly qualified toe
Superior Court clerk of Pitt county
as executor of the last will and
of Elizabeth t lark, deceased,
notice l hereby n lo all persons
Indebted to the estate to make
payment to the undersigned, and
against said
estate must present the same for pay-
meat on or before the 31st day of
or this notice plead
in bar of recovery.
Tins 31st day her, 1906.
C. F. Chapman,
Executor Elizabeth
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, see how
quickly you will find relief.
1st. 1902. I
down and dropsy,
and worse. I was told
my Hint case
My and
had mo lip to die. My
and body were swollen to one-
larger normal size,
had my heart.
1-or at least three I had lo sit
I i up in I tn k , ;, from
I sent fr s of
Miles- Heart Cure, and by the time I
had them I was entirely
cured. I feel better than I have for
twenty years, and am to do
any kind of work on my farm. My
attending physician told me If U
hadn't been fur Dr. Heart Cure
would now he In my
L. T. CURD. Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure Is said by
your druggist, who will that
the first will benefit. If It falls
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
D. W.
I And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
North I
Pitt County,
In Court.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers In
Cotton, and
Private Wires to New York
Chicago and Kw Orleans.
Will Cousins.
The above named will
take notice that an action entitled as
above hat been commenced In the
Court Pitt to
a divorce from the bonds of
fore solemnized between
defendant, on the grounds
of adultery, the defendant
will further take notice that he is re-
quired to appear at the next term of
the Superior Court of said county, to
be held on the seventh before
the Bret Monday in March, it being
the day of January, and
answer or demur lo the complaint in
said action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the court for the relief de-
in said complaint.
This 24th day of October,
D. Clerk Superior Court.
I A. for PUT.
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a cent
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality. We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. c.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
reface old Brass Col
and Head Rules,
t. and thicker, and make
fully as good now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the hot
D. W.
North Carol
How Many People You
Reach Without
leaving your own office
Rules regular lengths each
L. S. Coitus
Head Ruled inches
and over
per lb;
A sample of re faced
Rule, wile full
will he cheerfully
sent on application.
North I
offer mid get a
year's good reading at price
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It.
For Rates
Home Telephone and
Printers Supply Co
Type and
High Grade Printing Material
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, p
Not Quite
How often you get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies. Our line tools
Is all desire,
we will see that your tool
box does nut a single
useful article.
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
Having this day as executor
of tho last will and testament of
Tyson, before D. C. Moore,
clerk of the Superior court of Pitt
notice is hereby given to all persons
indebted to estate of Moses Tyson,
deceased, to make immediate payment
to the undersigned executor, no-
is hereby given to all persons
claims against said estate to
the same with the undersigned ex-
properly authenticated, within
mil. from the or this
notice will be bar of recovery.
This the 21st day of October,
N. w. Tyson, Executor
of the estate of Moses Tyson, deceased.
F. C. Harding, Attorney.
Quarrier Petersburg Grey Granite,
Fencings, Iron Vases,
Monumental Work and Cemetery
Work With Pneumatic Tools.
J. M. BLOW, and Agent-
. . . H. O. -e -av I
A of
yea, and
Salt at J. B. . Bro.
treat fa
in arrears. a
nil mail at
Miss f
Wall Mi
here fro
loaf bread right
shoe are Mi j
Mist ;
W. C.
line for
, J mm MM at J. B.
awl art ;,, , Br,.
right from rho
Mrs. Hall, of
wee ween the family
wt mar here,
to her home.
a oar, meal, hall, lime
w and at J
R A Bro
liner than rho and
W fa
now hack
Optical h
a in- If yon the way
the science of of Tin ware
to see as, Hart Jenkins,
to fro- i
Mrs. John D. Cox, f have been visiting the
wit j. w. here, left
Mrs. F. O. or
We are
at J shin b Bro
m H. B. Ball sew
Bar ,
m, t B. M.
at far Kale by an
and a
Hue of
everything a
grocery. J. H.
Bed steads,
single and
A Bro
the eye, fa tat
of I teal tally ale a pa-
con with I win
take any ease of weak eye
or eyes,
bad or low ea a
to relieve the We mo New Sinner Sew-
and give entire the on J.
patient or not Bro.
largest per cent,
r. if J.
Is leak at,
the heat
ff yen
want M spied a hear go
so see the.
headaches and
from of refraction and eye
strain. It is to pro
when eyes for
assistance. Glasses are the only
remedy for errors of refraction
weak eyes. Any style or form of
given desired. As
references as are the county
furnished on application.
J. Taylor,
Cannon invites
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
O, Hooks, of gave
the town u cull
We attention to our
line of harness,
Wear Corliss for
J. B.
Buy furniture of
Tyson, they have the best and
W. C. showing
the most complete line of
and suit's ever
shown in the low not Ayden. Give
them a trial. They are sure
they pi you as the style
and quality.
Joe of Greenville,
was here among his
Camion Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes in town.
and Gingham at I easts
per yard, great redactions in white
slippers and goods, at J.
K. Smith St Bro.
painting them with
Town lead
and fall line of kept at J.
K. Smith Bra.
A big Una of Overalls,
and the best line of pants
for the money on the market at
J. B. Smith a. Bro.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
bent on the market at J. B. Smith
Oranges, apples, all
fruits kept by
Old Fashion Hand-made
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. It.
Smith ft Bro,
Our line of Groceries Con-
fer i is complete. CU and
see J, If. Tripp ft Bro.
prices paid for chickens
and eggs and all country produce
by J. H. Tripp Bro.
Call on Hart A Jenkins for a liar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be had anywhere.
Latest styles, in cloaks and wrap
pen for Mis-es and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
at J. B. Smith Bro.
Buy one of our Hawes
Hats. Sold under a
J. B. Turnage.
Come to see Hart Jenkins
when you need to dress
your feet, we can save you money
you something to the
foot. We carry the nicest best
shoe you ever saw. Try a
pair and lie convinced.
Dre goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J It Sin Bro
I always keep on hand a full
feed stuff at cash
prices as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
and staff.
five Hi-
Benton, a trained n have
from Wilson to take of
several ease of fever In
of J. Me. time
she has handled
eases In family, skew
entirely and the
others are so as so
need the no
Miss Benton left for her
Friday carrying with the
regard ft f.-.
a- to iV
f, is .-in
expert in her
R. E. Dall Co. will do
possible to please yon
their new line of heavy and
Friday evening the freight
were abiding here, T. I.
n very narrow
escape from deal by being
while standing on a.
A peril
called lo him and also
just as the ear dished by. Mr.
showed appreciation
of the act by liberally rewarding
Che night was dark
and the car was not seen only
In time.
n lull line of meat, lard and
goods. before
men trial. Frank Lilly.
Mrs. F. G.
Brown and Fief.
smoking U . C.
J. Smith Bad
of Maple were hens ft-
a them
Miss Isabella
Ob 1st I will
business la sad
sell my stock Try
boys and children's slotting.
groceries I offer thing
at All I ask Is ad
see, what I have to offer., Will
sell all, or I of stock and
J. F.
Nov. Ayden N
our highly friend
Dr. SI, gave one of the
mint r
came into oar end pin-
us with of
a pretty i
that have pleased us
more. Thanks, certainly thank
It ts
d a
of h night
broke tho home
Deal. We not to
only ; t or
i j HI
. . r.-o
, ;
.- . ,.
, . .-i . .- ;. . . t.
, . .
hemes mattered
. I
and i i
peer .-
not stone
th.- I i
sale by Cannon and
i- i i . set d
eel f bi .
P. I.
j Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Ma i
M. c.
AT. .
A full of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, hand bag
nits Bates at J B A Bro
your at
non ft Tyson, they have best.
The service the Bails
are still progress an I v i-
learn some very able sermons are
being preached.
V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with Inn; or short joints
pipe at J. It. Smith Bro.
J. A. L. Templeton is in Kinston
on a visit.
Bee our line of ladies and
cloaks. J. It.
Mrs. Lafayette Cox from the
was in town shopping
You should see our line lace
curtains before buying K.
For rugs, carpeting, mattings
see our J. B,
Hart, a pupil at
school, while playing ball last
was accidentally struck
the eye with a bat in the
hands of another lad and
an wound. The bad
In rake several stitches In dressing
the wound.
At- of business 1903
. f
ether I I
paid ,
. . U
i I l
t t
I. J. B. Bum, hat tax tea l . it be-
J. B
Km tar of it.
j. b. turn.
B .
Man Wants ere
Bet Wants
Mp make it a rule to keep Hip quality
goods, as good goods always
a car can lit with a at fries,
We soil DOLLY i
many other Popular Brands n
Try The I States S. you will
r. a .,
are s for i. In
and prices before you buy
Is. s Bettor A
i ours poet fully,
J. J. EDWARDS SON, Ayden, N. J.
that Strike Hone
l ha earn to do
yon that he vary little about bulk he
yon. Bow he know, whim it originally cane
how it With What
or when It yon hoy
loose by the pound, how eon
you parity and uniform
ALL to
For A
g A
baa the standard In
S -r sum
at i it ts a.
get one
P T let
r at Times.
specially ob-
, lex, i u m
S; upon Watch
id ran fee him
lone and
end oilier blows oil
-i-j.-f h hope that
mar m whereby
mg t
wind i
spider an
h along
F r the
p to
, Slid, i
sewing no h
it, he iv
it S I r
end which
kind pole hi
if if set
it e. its I
will tear it down.
ii- ma
will m. s ray I
Us c I.
Br-w f-W r,
a, m
m I
Cf I
h W
j IV
wet g she
the the
a at
day i
h a
J begun at
h ., .
An Odd Ow-tom.
j is i MM
i-j wilt rat
h-vis s and .-.-
r to
exit evil spirit-- who,
good, .- mortal
. would bow
Ones out-
won to own planes
of sad nobody was further
and Fresh Water.
in islands
much h
of the
When a
u found the
is soon by
made by
in journeys to and from
The sometimes
flow from volcanic rocks a
hut the general
. I
ave yet of the ah
CT Charles I. that ill ad-
to the.
asked ii he
U so to
eves to mu

id oil counties.
.; . VII
I .
has burned some more
cotton, but this time it ma accident
At Athena 1,500 bales were de-
st roved in big warehouse
in l i
for Election of Officer for The
i ion
a money panic i
threatening New York. Wonder if
it grew out of the fact that payment
the time the election bet are held back until
with contest between and lie-
Congress on band, is determined.
If Russia as as
with herself
she would be in
the government puts its
down on what will
become the weather bureau
An idea how rapidly cotton
I marketed when the price recent-
reached eleven can be had
from the record of receipts
On Tuesday the receipts reached
nearly thousand bales.
Prince Louis thinks Sew York
would be as to break up as an
With turkeys eggs . f ,
chickens any old priceThanKsgiving dinner will make y
ed him more than anything else in
this country and lie says war would
be disastrous to that city.
i i preacher win
a week in an I
a ,.,., , bet. is a g i to
be kept there.
The Durham Herald's
on the the
gives room I r much
be men the lines.
you Tom
j . a ins plan lessen the
large f lea
j is a g
As . Louis has told it right
out where nor
oilier nations will know where to
Strike in case they t mad with u
President of the
Association is now
to hold the unsold
portion of the crop for cents
Phis advice is based on the
r port of Secretary Wilson, of the
r cultural department, which
that the crop will not exceed
ten million bales.
i r the pin p. as re electing
Civil Sub Division, Militia District
and Town-ship officers for the en-
suing year, meetings are called to
voting precinct, or
c central point, of the named
n the cotton
on S in in
i.-. 1906.
The officers Civil
Militia District or
township, President, Secretary and
Treasurer. Also, from two to five
shall be elected, or
chosen, at this meeting for the
nose of attending the county or
i meeting which will be called
PR County C House, or their
regular place of meeting, the
see Saturday in December, 1905,
which will be the t i ii day, for the
of electing county, or parish
rs for the ensuing year.
These county officers shall,
of President, Secretary and
Treasurer. At these county or par-
meetings, which will be held on
the 9th day of December,
or delegates to the State or
Territorial Convention will be chosen
or the purpose of meeting at their
respective capitols on the first Wed-
in January, 1900. Each
county or pariah will elect one or
three delegates to attend the annual
state meetings called to meet at the
State Capitols on the first
day in January, 1906, which is the
third day.
These State meetings will be held
for the purpose of electing
for the ensuing year and
of the Executive Committee
the Southern Cotton Association as
For the State of Alabama
three, two, Florida one.
Georgia three. three.
Missouri one. North Carolina two.
Our Jury System.
Charlotte Ministerial
end the Heckle- I Fair
lire doing s. me resolution
pro and . The subject of the
query in at the
The Washington
in a type ma
chin., new tin I taking
tin- afternoon ; lies.
paper i- improve.
Tho Times, Raleigh's splendid
paper, has made a great
stride forward. Since taking over
the plan of the it has increased
n size, gives the full afternoon As-
Press service, and shows
milked improvement along all lines.
The aim of the Times is t. be the
lea-ling afternoon paper between
Washington and Atlanta and it bids
fair reach this distinction.
Perhaps some day a North Caro-
Legislature may awake to the
of so amending the jury sys-
as not to require the unanimous
agreement of twelve men to reach a
verdict. Some provision ought to
be to prevent the stopping
a prolonged case where a member i
the jury happens to be taken sick,
also to prevent mistrials w In
one juror holds out against all the
i . rs. lire, mi. rot.
There is no that there
should lie sonic changes made in our
sent system of trial by jury. Ex-
in the qualification of jurors
and the method of their selection the
system is today just what it was
several hundred years ago, when
c. were so different from
what they are now. Then- have been
changes for the better and to suit
the altered conditions in all the
other of the practice and
administration of the law, but
people slick with surprising and in-
comprehensive tenacity to the old
lime rules of trial by jury The
trial by jury is theoretically the best
that could be devised It would
a great blow lo the liberties to
the of the rights of the
people to do away with this system
Still there are some features of the
present mode of conducting these
trials which should be done away
with. One of these is the require-
of ii unanimous verdict of the
twelve men composing that body
another is the rule which requires a
mistrial when one of the jurors be
cornea incapacitated to serve by
son of sickness or some other cause
occurring after the jury has been
empaneled. Time and again of late
years the effort has been made to
amend the law regarding jurors in
these respects, but such effort has
met with defeat There
should certainly 1-e a law which
Texas live. Virginia one,
one. Oklahoma one, Indian Territory
. no.
ill lo ti b or o.
Thin town held another
--a the of
and open i ad a huge
majority toted for lbs town to
With its issue of Sunday morning
the Raleigh Post suspended
It has been absorbed by the
Times, the afternoon paper in that
at least the latter paper has
S Carolina two, Tennessee one.
i would prevent one man tram balking
the action of the other eleven on tho
jury with him- We do not
that the majority rule should be
adopted, especially in trials for
criminal but we wish
to see the day come when a ease can
be proceeded with, notwithstanding
one of jurors becomes
and when it does not take the
consent of all twelve men on In-
jury to decide a civil suit or a
case of minor magnitude. We
believe sentiment is being led
in that direction and that the time
is not distant when the people
who now stand so jealously by the
old rules will see that it is to their
interest and to the good of the gen-
public that these strict rules are
relaxed This would be DO greater
innovation than many other changes
which have been made in the
before courts inaugurated for the
greater dispatch of business and for
the benefit litigants and of the
genera public Mes-
More distinctively each year
Thanksgiving Day is growing to be
in Carolina
A grateful, liberal people, greatly
blessed or make, at this season,
special offerings which materially
aid in maintain inn the
of the State. These
merit generous, hearty
support. They an- performing an
important, a necessary service for
the homeless orphan children of
h Carolina. They are a means
of blessing to many boys and girls
and their influence is being multi-
plied through these children. Who
can calculate the results
from the work of a well-conducted
Home We have in North
Carolina and in other States many
leased the mechanical outfit of Christian who
. . without the benefits of such U in
Post and will out its existing
Tin- are with
common raising a fund to
relieve their greatly persecuted
brethren in Russia It proposed
to raise a million liars f r this
and subscription con-
tracts, Post has nude a long
and hard struggle for existence, but
result shows that even in a place
as large as Raleigh two morn-
papers cannot be supported prof
We shall miss the visits of
the Post.
fever has appeared in
claim is made that it
was carried there by means boxes
hipped from New Orleans contain
electrical apparatus for use in a
many being lib
orated when the boxes were opened.
The Charlotte t thinks the
j in our naval equipment
should be vigorously pushed, in
order t police the MM at either end
of the Panama canal If that is the
only pushing to secure a
larger navy, there is time enough
yet, as our present ships will likely
be worn out with old age by the time
the canal is completed.
The wisdom of Greenville having
I good system of water works was
well exemplified Saturday morning
The tallest building in the tobacco
in the town as to that-
caught fire on the roof, and by the
convenience a hydrant and fire
hose it was put out before the fire
department could get half way to
the scene from down town. It
would not have taken long for fire
in a building like the one in question
with its contents to have been be-
control, and judging by losses
that have occurred by tire in the to-
district of the town, enough
property was saved in this one in-
stance to cover the cost of the entire
water plant. Being able to act
is what counts most when a
fire occurs. Greenville has made a
would probably lie burdens
upon and to the common-
wealth. An orphanage has been
one of the means employed by
in rescuing their lives from ruin, in
forming their characters, in saving
and equipping them for service to
Him the world.
The increased interest in this
cause and the enlarged support to
it will help to improve these
to extend their useful-
d's approval of this work and
lbs blessings upon it are clearly
As He has prospered us am as
He prompts us, let us, a responsive,
thankful people, cheerfully and
generously give to aid our Orphan
Surely a gift for these little ones,
prompted by gratitude, will be ac-
by the Father of the father-
Hearst has got his nerve with him.
He says if the courts do not decide
the contest by January first he will
take the oath as mayor of New York
and demand possession of the office.
will do the same tiling,
and if the contest is not settled in
the meantime the new year will be
good investment in her water plant, showing some lively developments.
What B and L ii doing for
As illustrating the benefits of a
building and loan association to a
town. The Mooresville Enterprise
says that during the existence of two
and a half of the association
there, it has made loans to fifty four
stockholders representing that many
new homes business houses,
of which could never have
been built had not the possessors
borrowed through the building and
That paper, by way of ex-
says that stock-
holder pays weekly cents on each
of stock and can carry as
many shares as he likes. Ho can
borrow to the amount of shares be
carries and pay the principal with
per cent, interest every week, and
at the maturity of the stock, his
home is paid for, and he has not
paid one cent more than the lawful
sum of per cent on his The
building and loan association is es-
to the prosperity of any town
Fully one-third of the houses in
Charlotte have been built through
this agency. It is both an aid to
the horns builder and an
that creates money savers. The
history of the building and loan at
Mooresville is the history the
building and loan in every town
where it
H. A. White,
Insurance. Greenville, C
Send your tiling and to me. I the best Irtish
and return tho work promptly. Bead -i trial order to
W. H. Photo-Artist,
Elizabeth City, N. C
V.; a
and as a
r .
yield cow peas from
. y riven soil, a
on of Potash is necessary.
The best methods leading to certain success arc fully
in the 65-page illustrated book, which we send
free lo farmers who write for it It t Sis of the remarkable
results attained with upon Potash.
imu of
This department is in charge of J. H. FRY. who is authorized to rep-
the Easter; i Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Just received by R. O. Chapman
cur load of which
they will cell very cheap.
For Holt time alarm
docks and R. G-
Chapman m Co.
ton tax books an- now
at the store of R. G. Chapman
Co. Let all come pay
Our line of fall Winter,
now In, our
The Clerk of Superior Court,
Pitt having oft
Administration lo tin- undersigned
on th. day of Dot. , on the I
Notice is to persons
indebted lo tho to nuke
dials the
H H i-Oaf to pie-
sent properly
after the date
Ni-i-- mill h. r l tar ill
I it in we are A -1-. N t
, . . . Tb k i let.
right for there an plenty of t A. . v s M
cats, shoes, and boots, t re are them the Mia-.-
A. to.
Co r, t., n A
Fur nice apples, Rubber c
bananas and outs to v , lee lot
B, , . three
of new furniture lull A. W. and
. . .-------,,. Kinston on the
regret to note that Mrs.
condition is yet
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
many r for buggies
now to. . ad they have
fore yon to plea. A.
W. Co. of
J. R. and sister, their
Pearl, gave a cobweb patty at his
home one mile from town Friday
evening. There was a large crowd
of young people present.
of all were served. The
was spent in social games.
large of shoes
all styles and sire and prices very
White's Black Liniment, spec-
recommended for the human
family, fine for perfectly
Nice tine of freak groceries
ways on hand Hal Barber
Beet hosiery fur children at H,
L. Johnson's.
On Wednesday evening the 8th,
Mr. and Mrs. Corey gave a
birthday party In honor of
daughter, Ladle. It being
lier 18th birthday. Supper was-
served at enjoying the
buy elsewhere
Several from here the
Will Baptist
Gum Swamp
Just ctr load flour, nice
Harrington Barber Co,
When yo want goods
urn to n-ate go lo A.
W y Co they hare a
.-1 . i-- -1. -11
ton Vis
also to rent or lease
horse farm, or will decide to rail the
renter in smaller
t . n a houses tobacco barns
pack house all
rounded with if
rim- stock ranges tor sheep
cattle the Dover Is
It. K. Jive miles -if Dover
I a health unit food water
Apply to H N. C
Nice Bilk cheap at
Barber ft Co.
Z. V. and C. H.
went to Bethel Monday.
If you want laundry to look
nice long take it to H. L.
Johnson who represents the
aloe sapper the the, j -t .
balanced, subcutaneous , WM , dancing. get one of the good heaters at A., and M; north,
Y W. Co. are Cheap.
shoes Chapman j
ft are offering cut price on When in to see me
their large stock shoes ran a fir., livery feed
mast within a few days In stable. l. House. RAT K
Hike room for their new
For sale by
B. T. Cox Bro.
Don't forget the nice furniture
at A W Ange Co
II virtue of the power in a
certain Dead executed and de-
livered by E, to E.
Gardner on the 24th day of 1906,
and recorded in Register of
North Caro-
in Hook 0-7 page the under-
signed will expose
the court house, door in Greenville, to
on Thursday, Dee.
a certain parcel of land
the county of and
as follows, to wit. That lot or parcel
of land in the tow n of on south
Main street adjoining the
I of It. C. on west, Gertrude
If you want summer all winter w
and Main street on north, containing
I of an acre, more or less, to satisfy said
Mortgage deed. Terms of sale cash.
This day of Nov. 1905.
F. Ii. JAMBS, Greenville, H,
order to
If yon expect to exchange your
Med far meal you can same time
The had preaching
Post Oak Grove Sunday, w be received. I seed far meal you can sane time I By virtue of the power and
usual results, one strange taking meal far your seed When j vested Last Will
tried bis new one, Will
in several
Colic and Kidney Care,
the combination medicine
for u sure
at the Drag Store
Big line Of hats and caps JUSt .
latest styles. Harrington. at toe before
I Pill On Mill the court House do r in the town of
Bather ft Co. at public sale, to the
Mi. and Corey went
For hay, corn nod oat-, go to
We have the assort
stationary ever brought to Win-
B. T. Cox ft
If the turning of machinery
means anything the A. U. Cox.
must lie making lorn
wagons, carts and far
they have been keeping a
of late special es on hat
ware mill supplies for next
days W. L. House.
Eli wife spent Bun-
day lo section.
load school were
kipped out of A. Q. Mfg On
All colors of paint, and
Harrington Barber
Don't be on bad Hour
when you can get at A W
Clyde Carson, of Bethel, was In
town S u i a j .
Nicest and cheapest line of men's
ties at Harrington Barber Co.
International stock food
horses and cattle at Harrington
Barber Co.
Special; prices on guns far the
days L. House.
J. Cherry and of
Stokes, Sunday with J. B.
Nico line of boys suits at H. L.
yards standard calicoes at
per yard, Harrington, Barber A
Floor oil cloth at A W
Co see their stock before you buy.
More school better
school desks ate being made and
sold by the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
J. E. Hines returned Sunday
from Kinston where he had spent
Friday and on business
Nice Robes at Harrington
Barber Co.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. has just
unloaded a oar load of wire
of best grade different
heights now is your time to select
the style yon want.
When in need of a good sewing
Machine see A. W. Ange ft Go.
they have nice one cheap.
sell at public sale, to the
at,, t and the following tracts or
Mr Ki am in am
spent and Sunday township, wit,
ii . A tract the lands of J,
H. tor shoes, home Bethel. w
I he has a nice lot just received, . . . ,. . .,
are nice.
There is no Better Suit made than the
Ml i-
Suit made by Co., and sold by
Go where you will now days and ;, p
you will I
Clothing everywhere and on all well dressed people.
Have your size in Suit and Overcoats.
n outers, .
and Bead arc being made in-i acres, more- or less.
r. rt an joining the lands of J s
Nice Dictate frame and by the A. i. Cox Mfg. Co. ; the Smith land and others, con-
. v.- acres, more or less, and
Call at B. L. and ex-
bit line of Hosiery
Ladles and
E. B.
ii Harrington Barber ft t other, containing ii- acres, more or
and known us a part of w II
t Smith
in acres, more or
Try a lie of Kid-1 known as the Harris Land,
. i i. A tract adjoining the lands of the
for all w .,. , .,,,
troubles it Barber others, containing acres, more or
J less, and known as apart of Ola
Co. I Smith
Congleton, of Which
beat shots we have been hunting
with They A second large of hate the lands of b
and did the this season and Norman. C Ii P and
,,,;,,,.,. others known us Tyson
and gave u. j newest style Barb- r pM. or
quail squirrel to List a week. Co.
Trunks and at Herring- Toms oath
A W. ft Co., have
received a new lot of shoos. Be Barber A Co.
sine to e.- and gel
I yon buy
K. J.
j. conn,
of the last will
of c
About the cleanest thing appear-
International poultry fowl at in any newspaper since the bat I North Carolina j in Superior
Harrington Barber tie of Tuesday is the manly editorial f Before the clerk.
r I . v. W A. Manning, and Mary Mag
For bargains in pants go to H. -statement m the New w R
, I demanding lair for Mr. Hearst. I wife Blount, it. it White.
. a. it is remembered that Mr.
B, T. Cox Bra have u line .
of papers, , , , h it u
. , and wife Maggie i arson,
tablets, that they have r Baker and wife Mollie linker
ledgers, books, tin- within a Fernando Plaintiffs.
chalk, crayons, school bags ti,. World is r t r
shawl straps. Come see what
they have before bringing else- .
wen- to see in our
them, tho utterance of The World is
comforting, showing, as it does, that
it believes in the purity of ballot
K V H Williams.
C II and wife
Annie A. M,
Jenkins, j Bowers, w K Bo wen,
mi. ti. rs
Pulley Bowen
New Shirt Waist Silks, Ladies Woolen Goods in all
he latest styles and weaves.
Boys and and
Novelty Suits.
You want style in your shoes. Ultra shoes have just as much
snap in them as any shoe, and our own design
rs are all the time producing styles which are later copied by
houses all over tho country. Style is tho consideration, but
if the shoe does not tit, you will not buy it for the alone.
Tho qualities are what is necessary to a shoe, and In
this the ULTRA
Our pattern and last makers are undoubtedly the best in their re-
, , ., j Thomas G
however much a u TB
i . . . U kill i.
might thereby. That thing
last week J. puts Tin- out of the
who is sh Times.
good f-r and j
old Pitt county.
Just paper,
lice of fresh pencils
hand ntH. L. cords, royal glue, visiting
and m-w line of at
M rs. L. A. Sparks has opened
her complete line of
goods, trimmings and notions in
one of the new
and is ready, willing and waiting
to fill any order that may come to
her. has a well selected line
of everything needed lo the
business, and price to suit
Mrs. Lilly Is very snack
Men's and youth's pants, nil
at Co.
Nice line of winter underwear
for men H. L. John-
A new line of just re-
by K. O. Chapman A Co.
Be sure not to forget the
turn and tho iron bedsteads at
A. W.
Book Store
Wakefield ind
plants for salt
Apply B. King.
My Friend, Ii Worth
You Stop and
N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
in stating that your
has entirely cared our little girl of
a very had case of eczema, which
covered u great part of her body.
She had from
the time she three old.
she six years old. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
that I cannot speak highly of
it. She has not had a symptom of
it for six Bes pent fully,
. wife
S Jesse W
Manning, K II W A
Tailor, M. C. K Mann-
U. O. Mo. G. Ford,
Mary Ward,
Wads Williams, A J and Wile
M Manning,
Moore, j Carton, Harriett L
Ward, T L
N M wife
Hammond, w j James, G w
w A
Matthews and wife K. Mat-
thews, J. R. Hunting S T
Carson, Major Manning.
W O Manning, Carrie
Wills Dav-
the last with-
out guardian, Defendant.
C who i a defendant in the
above cause, -ill take notice
that a entitled as
above, has been in the Sup-
Court of County, before the
Clerk, to incorporate a Canal Com-
the said defendant will further
lake notice that he It required to appear
before the Clerk of the superior Court
of County, at his Green-
ville, on the day of December
answer the petition complaint
which will he deposited in the of
the said Clerk within ten days after the
of this summons. And tho said
defendant will alas take notice, that if
he fails to said petition
complaint within the time
by law, the Plaintiffs will to the
court the relief the
petition and
under my hand, at in
Greenville, en this the day of N
D. C.
Clerk Superior of county
Horses and Mules
Winslow Mills.
The being bond when yon will want some borons
or mules to meet your needs o. season we solicit
We have BALE STABLES at Greenville and Ayden
we will carry B foil stock of HORSES and MULES
during the season. to and we will show
bat it is a saving for yen to trade with for we get our
stock direct from i be stock thereby earing yon the prof-
its that the dealer- have m winch you
by buying from us. Ii would nor take much of your tine
to pay visit and gel familiar with our methods of doing
business as we feel that it would result in making you a per-
customer, and sun- can make it benefit yon
so doing. Wt are prepared to suit your needs and what is
more we guarantee
Winslow Mills,
Horses and Mules. Sales Stables. and Greenville.

This Chance.
This is a why the boys sell with as Read and do likewise.
. .
n Prices.
Big Bargains to Those
Who Come First.
J H.
USe IS 1258 B
22-i per pound.
M. S.
pounds at
pounds at.
at .pounds at.
7-1 pounds at
. c.
pounds at.
tO pound at .pounds at
pounds at
pounds at.
Average cents pound. I
pounds at.
pounds at . l
pounds at
per pound j
Average per
pounds at
pounds at
pounds at
pounds at,
Average cants par
C. J
pounds at .
pounds at.
pounds at.
pounds .
pounds at
pounds at
pounds at
pounds at
pounds at
Average per
pounds at
pounds av
pounds at
pounds at
ts par
H, n. c.
We have a splendid collection of Dress Goods of this season's purchases
and nave decided to reduce stock, and in order to do so
quickly, we make the following reduction In prices
Extra fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 2.00 to 1.25
Fine Chiffon Broadcloth, regular value 1.50 reduced to
All Wool regular value 1.50 to
Silk Dot black only, regular value 1.50 reduced to 1.10.
All Wool Novelty Suitings, regular value to
Satin black only, regular value reduced to
All Wool Chiffon Broadcloths, in black and all colors, regular value
reduced to
All Wool Broadcloth, In several colors, reg. value reduced to
all-wool Cheviots, in black and navy blue, regular value 1.00, reduced to
Gilbert Flannels, all wool, regular value reduced to
Kin all-wool Pebble Cloth, in Mack only, regular value 1.25. reduced to
all-wool Panama Suitings, regular value reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns, regular value 1.00, reduced to
Novelty Voile, choice patterns 1.50 value, reduced to
Crepe Cloth, black only, regular value reduced to
all-wool Henrietta, all colors, regular value reduced to
Also regular value 81.00. reduced to
Also a splendid collection of Black Dress Goods, including the newest and prettiest
values not included in the above number at greatly reduced prices.
Come at once and be pleasantly surprised at the Bargains we have in store for
Woman's Home
. Companion
We are very fortunate in be-
to arrange with the pub-
of these well known mag
to offer a subscription for
the Coming year at this
price. We have led
to let readers have tho full
advantage of the reduction in
order to get quickly a large body
of paid in advance
Don't Neglect This
J. B.
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that fiction and
art publication, the Review
if Reviews is Bub
American men and
men are going to keep up with
the times and they are going to
take the shortest cut which is
the Review of Reviews.
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for is years
With the recent change of owner
ship ii has been improved. It is
far bettor in every and
aims tone the best in the Held.
Every year or so there's one
notable advance In the forward
movement among the many mag
acmes. This year it is the Cos
Woman's Home Companion
The Woman's Home Companion
is for every member of the
our bright, earnest,
cultured, homo loving American
woman it is an ideal entertainer
and helper In a thousand
ways; but the fathers and
brothers and sons join in its
perusal by the fireside; children
eagerly turn to tho pages that
are written for them.
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper the country, and pertains
to farming, live stock and poultry raising. Every tanner should have it
you get all tour of these papers with Daily a year for 5.00. or all tour
Eastern a year tor
Apparently Dead, but a Very Wide j They Are Caused by Nerves, Eye
Awake, Hungry Bivalve.
Perhaps the most
three main onuses headache, and
ll c of these to do u the
A hi i.-,
body will Ii J a very
en. of nerve strain. In
the and and -i rain mid
is the
It is u Unit is
to say, it has two shells, which are
open at both ends, and at each end
is a cover which tits over the ope
inc. The stays always in
Ir. apparently without any life stress of life to our poor nervous
or movement, but it is really a wide
awake, hungry creature.
the covers to it- can open
close them just when it wants
the scurrying ceaselessly
mi chance, no moment
mis inaction from time
i we arise in the morning till we go to
at night. The pursuit of pleas-
to, and out of opening
thrusts twelve lung, crooked hairy
anus in search its Eight
I . J
of of
in fl
and by K. W.
wife . K
j. d day of October 1908
North Car-
the under-
expose i public sale,
the Court door Green
to the b
day Nov. l. lots .
land rand being in the
county of Pitt Slate of North
and . to
lots it; the town of
N. Lot.
a stake feel from Pitt
st. g s -r, i-; feet,
On- ,. s
smaller arms are generally tucked
Sway inside the
The is found in all sorts
of at the bot-
tom of the sea, sometimes hidden
away in lumps earth, sometimes,
lodged, shell and all, in the heart
me . to ,,,,.
one place to another in of ,,. the beginning,
amusement, the fact that a certain
class of people find life a bore unless
they are in a whirl of excitement
will often account for the
headache, the headache of the
society woman. Work,
properly so called, will never pro-
duce n headache. It is one of the
of the hardest marble, for the preventives of headache.
powers of the fish are truly incessant worrying over
will certainly cause the headache
of as any harassed,
and household head of
If you the photos out of its
it looks like a soft, round
ding, with no instrument for boring
into even the softest substances.
Its two are so placed as to be
useless fer the purpose; so arc the
covers to its shells. The
which it uses is a broad, fleshy
foot, which issues from one end or
other of its shell, and its method of
boring suggested to the great en-
Brunei, in 1811. the way to
make the Thames tunnel, and served
as u model for the machines used
in boring the Mont Cents tunnel.
The works Fixing
itself firmly by its powerful foot, it
it OS a center bit, around which
it makes the shell revolve; the soft
edges of the shell begin the per-
which is afterward enlarged
by the action of the rough
interior. Though constantly worn
down, it is replaced by a new
from the animal, so that it is
always kept in good condition for
Irish Typos.
Three types at least are
iii the south of
tho dark Italian looking Celt,
found in Devon; secondly, the tall.
yellow haired Danish type, and,
thirdly, the aboriginal Aryan of the
Volga, with red or auburn hair and
blue or green eyes, who may also
lie found in Cornwall.
The dark aquiline type of Wales
differs considerably from that of the
Irish, and tho Irish language is near-
akin to Cornish than to Welsh.
The traditional Irishman of
is not often seen in the south,
though this type is not unknown
even among the upper classes.
The and bright eyes
of the modest peasant women
sent many varieties of beauty, and
the mingled race of Cork and Kerry
fairer, as a rule, than that of the
far as vigorous as any in
Scotland or in
wood's Magazine.
A Strong Wind.
Mr. am told the
wind blows quite strongly here at
Prominent yes;
that is so. I've it to blow
for twelve days and nights on a
stretch, and hold a sheep up against
the side of a barn fourteen feet
from the ground all that time, and
never once let him fall. And an-
other time it blew so hard that the
crows in Farmer corn-
field couldn't fly back to the rookery,
but they had to walk home. And
another time it blew so hard that
when young was crossed
in love and tried to kill himself by
jumping over a precipice the wind
blew him back again every time.
I assure you, stranger, the wind can
blow in these parts.
His Fears Realized.
After acquiring B considerable
amount of money in the United
States a young Manchester man re-
home and decided to give
old father a treat by taking him to
London to see the sights. It was a
great event for the father, who had
never been in u train before, and he
commenced the journey with
and many outspoken
of dire events to follow. All
went well until the train suddenly
dashed into a tunnel. Bang went
the old man's fist on his son's nose
as he told you something
would happen, you young villain
I'm struck Mail.
u large family will testify to. The
headache of common
enough among young girls of low vi-
is due to a nervous system ill
nourished, with impoverished blood.
Many obscure neuralgias have thus a
very simple explanation.
second of head-
ache is eye strain. Many a man who
is suffering from eye -train assures
hi- doctor that his eyes are certainly
not at fault, as he has
It is not his nerve- of Bight
which are affected, but the nerve
and minute muscle of
which he is constantly and
consciously fatiguing in order to
make hi- eight as good a.- he believes
it to be. The error is in the shape
of the eve. which requires continual
muscular strain to rectify, and prop-
glasses would immediately remove
the need for this continual strain.
This form of headache follows close
eye work, such as reading, writing
or Ii is worse night
is practically absent in the morning,
differing from other forms of head-
ache. It may be taken for grained
i. . present in the morn-
is hi if at all lo
. . strain. Ail sufferers from head-
ache should have their eyes exam-
by an oculist.
very large number of head-
aches come under the third
headaches due to
in the blood. The
Is often caused by
what medical men call over blood
pressure or too high blood pressure
due to impurities or toxins
in the blood. They generally
arise from disorders of digestion in
the stomach mid bowels from
proper diet, the overeating of meat
and rich dishes, imperfect
foul teeth and lack of
Relief not be permanent
so long as toxins are being pro-
is. so long as we persist
in overeating rich dishes and
the rah of
Second N. s
of Water St. a. pump iii J J . r
and runs S. K. down .
street i St.,
with Bridge St. K-35 E. feel to a
stake first corner, thence
N. W. to a slake
line to Chapman's 3rd corner.
thence and M. i.
I in.- to a stake ii.
M. L. and J. J. B. Cox's line,
Water street the be-
containing i acre, more or
i.-s to satisfy died.
Turn a sale cash.
This the day October
I. E. JENKINS, Mortgagee.
F. Attorney,
Greenville, N.
How the Poet Deed to impress Some
of His Visitor.
Some reminiscences oaf
gene well known poet,
of u way in he I
amuse some of hi.- visit-
ors, lie would reserve for such use
Borne carefully written bit of
His associate, who told the story,
would figure as his when
he was not personally known to
would be talking with his
visitor about some commonplace
says narrator the
i. sudden he would stop,
a long linger to his brow, as
smitten with o new thought, and
spook my name in a commanding
J, my desk dose to
snatch a pad and give
attention to him.
Then, with enough hesitation to
make impressive, Field
would repeating from memory
m which may have cost hint
hoar- of the most painstaking
to compose.
lines or stanzas he
would bad to his
Letter Testamentary upon the
lo Hi- undersigned by Hi
Clerk of the Superior Court of Pit
county, and qualified
executors or the
James notice i
hereby to persons holding
said estate to I
ilium to the undersigned for
Inly authenticated, on or before
day of October, or this no-
iii-., will be plead hi bar of their
cover. All persons Indebted to sail
c are requested to make Immediate
payment to us.
This the 1st-, day of October,
II. J.
Kt ; f i km i. i
Blow, Attorneys.
Ad Johnson I
VI Not
Jacob Johnson I
defendant above name will lake
notice that an entitled as above
in the Superior
Pitt Count to obtain a
from the bonds of matrimony
heretofore between
and defendant, on the grounds of
adultery, and said defendant will
lift is required
appear at the next term of
Court of said county, t i- held
On seventh M before the
Monday in March, it being the 16th
day of and answer
demur to the complaint in action,
or plaintiff will to the court
for the demanded in com-
This 85th day of October,
D. C Clerk superior Court,
A. for Pig.
The Ugly
The ale not
How could I hey when by their
own confession national ancestry
runs hack to the king of the
keys and a hobgoblin
says of them, very hears are
better The type is mid-
way between the and the
Cl e. Broad, fiat noses, without
visible no eyebrows, wide
mouths, full lips, oily skins, hair as
coarse and straight as horsehair and
short, square, ungainly figures
these are tho elements of the
pleasing picture.
The Abbe's
A good story is told of Mgr.
land, the predecessor of Cardinal
in the archbishopric of
louse. He was passing one day
through the pig market when a man
shouted at him, are only
priests and pigs in tins The
as he then was, stopped and
said to the mini. friend, arc you
a returned the
other. said the
naturally arc the other
London Globe.
By of a power of sale con-
in a certain Mortgage Deed
executed by R. A to J. W.
on the day of Feb.,
and recorded in n
in X page
The undersigned will on Saturday, the
Stilt Of Nov., at VI o'clock,
M., expose to pub lie sale before tin
court house door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder for cash, the
described real property to The
par.-cl of land situated In Swift Creek
township, county, Carolina,
and described as Hounded on
the south by lands of
on the north by the lands of Allen
mm Dues k
if tile reeling off Of each
poetry were the easiest possible
;. mere ml apt to i
at nay moment,
most of
his t.-J and mine was to refrain
from laughing at the amazement
on the visitor's face.
the in was completed
I road it over to Field, who,
with an expression of beatific
on his face, would bit as if
watching closely for a word to
change. Of course, he never found
The next morning, when the
verses appeared unaltered in the col-
of a paper, that visitor would
start telling all who would listen
how the wonderful Field had
this classic, not only in a few
minutes, but in the midst of a con-
which was scarcely inter-
Grist Mills.
The city Home was supplied
with no fewer than fourteen
ducts, not necessarily for drinking
purposes, because it always had the
river, which afforded a copious flood
of fresh water, but for the sake of
convenience and especially to supply
the baths and drive the water mills,
most of which were located under
Mount It was these
water mills which made a
great manufacturing city. They
were employed in Innumerable arts,
and gave rise to endless mechanical
inventions and improvements. hen,
in the sixth century, the Goths
siege to mid cut off the
duct water. Ii a
series of flouting bout mills on the
Tiber, which, being driven by the
current, enabled the accustomed in-
to be Grist mills
driven by streams or the wind were
common in the rural districts, the
more ancient one- pounding tho
corn in gigantic mortars, the
proved ore- grinding it between re-
Greenville Banking
Trust Company
W Wan your Account.
No Trouble Answer Questions.
We Art- Always I To See Our Friends And
We Will Lend You Money
When You Want
We Pay per cent, on Time Deposits Months
. J. Cashier
. ii.
We will keep a full stock of and mules on band
all season. We are prepared to furnish an j kind
of horse you want, draft horses, line drivers and farm
We keep finest mules that can be bought. We Mil
buy or trade for any kind of mules or horses.
will buy anything from a plug to driver.
Come to see us. If we have not got what you want we
will get it.
R. L. CO.
A Collage Robin.
Brought up iii the society of the
learned members of faculty of a
western university, Marie has been
accustomed all her short life to
hearing her father and his guests
dignify each other with full
She was out in the yard one day,
Watching a pair of birds busy with
their nest building.
culled her mother,
Fitting out she
Doctor and Sirs,
The Pet Joke.
never do thing- by re-
marked the waiter at
his elbow put on an expectant grin.
lie had only a ll cent lip-
maybe the gentleman would give
him more. was Bail
pushing back his chair and
accepting his ha, never do things
halves, especially in lipping.
always use quarters. Here you
Detroit Tribune.
on the east by Conic
creek, en west by the lands of W.
A. G. containing IS acres
more or less and better known as a
one-third undivided interest in a
acre tract land formerly belonging
to This sale Is made
to satisfy the terms of said mortgage
deed. This 23rd day of October, 1905.
J. W. Mortgagee
By J. C. Assignee.
P. . Attorney
virtue of the power of con-
in mortgage deed ex-
and delivered by Fred Crawford
and wile, to Henry
the 30th day of Nov.
and dale recorded in the Register of
Deeds of Pitt county, North Car-
in Hook K ii Page the
will expose to public sale
before the house door in Green-
ville, to th highest bidder on
Nov. 11th, a certain tract
or parcel of land lying and being lo
the county of Pitt and state of North
Carolina and described as follows, to
That parcel of land In beaver
Dam adjoining the
place and Others, containing SO res
more or less and being deeded
. Sheppard
nod wile and this mortgage taken to
secure tin purchase money, lo satisfy
said mortgage Terms of
This day of UFay
,. Q.
On the Ocean For Days.
In Mar, . the American con-
Southampton while traveling
from Montevideo to via
York placed his card, together
with of several other
on the steamship Tennyson, in
a bottle and stilted that the under
on returning it would receive u re-
ward of a The bottle was
thrown latitude de-
minutes north and
OS degrees minutes west.
After a journey lasting days it
was found on the coast of
Ireland, and the cards it contained
were duly returned as instructed.
The bottle hod evidently been car-
In the gulf stream along the
north of the American coast, then
by that the across the
Atlantic. Approximately tho dis-
it covered was made the
rate live miles a day.
I Now I
Everything you want in the way of
nice Groceries, Canned Goods, Pickles,
Fruits, Candies, Nuts. can be had at
our store
We carry a large supply of the Best
The Cash Grocers.
A Spider.
The superintendent of the Lon-
don zoological gardens has called
attention to a remarkable habit of
the Australian spiders of tho
spiders live in the
crevices of rocks between time
marks on the shore and by spin-
a closely woven sheet of silk
ever the entrance imprison a mass
. iii they arc able to live
luring flood tide.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handler-, of
Bugging, Ties and Bags.
A Lawbreaker.
Justin was once show-
n young American married
lady over the house of commons,
In passing through the library
mentioned to her. as a more or less
Interesting fact, that it was again-i
the rules for a woman to sit down
that really a law of tho
asked the American lady,
With wide open and innocent eves.
very answered Mr.
said the visitor calmly,
but determinedly, see me break
And. drawing up a chair, she
down at the table.
For t Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Stutters. In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Needs Legal Remedy.
am slightly in said a
physician to a lawyer who was
to whether yours is a
disease or
the patient
heaven's sake, doctor, have
got to go to the i of
pealing to United States
to find out whether it
Vow York
The Reflector
The Is Read By Everybody in and
it roaches people money to pay for what want.
If you have what they want it and you are sore to
get a part of their money.

Y. M. B. O. D.
But i are hero to . The with
Tent in .; or I is coat you should
wear this season, it should be made with Military shoulders and
to tit the b i medium loose. o have it, made in all the now
fabrics course blacks and blued are good this season, yet a
dark blue with a slight tint of green, an attractive
suit And the to stay; everything will be
PRICES, 97.50 TO
COATS is the only well
d this coal is light in weight, yet It gives yon
than many times it's weight.
The Man's Outfitter
Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses are
to all others.
Our piece Enamel Iron Beds are
as the best
Remember every Royal Mattress and
bed is under guarantee-If not the best, price re-
Floor Covering o every description, Sideboards, China
Closets, Hook Parlor Suits and Chairs of all
You will be consulting the interest of your pocket book
to Investigate oar stock. Our and
Springs are perfection in making. Try a pair.
A. H.
F. M, Hornaday,
Companies. Special attention given to Fire
Health and
Every day is a day with us. Don't wait a minute. There is
reason in all things. There a Good Substantial Reason why I can sell you the same
goods for 1-3 less than you can buy them elsewhere, and make our competitors
wonder how we do it. It is are Wholesale Prices less than Retail
That's The Whole Story. Don't be blind or
Think, Look and Use the good Common Sense with which nature has endowed you.
We have now in full blast a most RECORD-BREAK NO SALE which has done
more to boast Greenville throughout this and counties than any trade
event of recent years.
The Tremendous Money-Saving Proposition
has been hailed with every evidence of popular approval everywhere. II has garnished the
name and fame of Greenville as the most liberal and Progressive Commercial Center in
Eastern North
The Mercantile Magnet will Continue to Draw Crowds Where Bargains are BEST AND
BIGGEST. Were you at the RUSH that visited our store during the past week If so and
you couldn't get waited on come again, call our attention to the fact and we will see that you
get what you want. Yours
C T.
I have taken up a stray shoat
that has running with my
two month. The
shoat Is sandy red color,
ha right
ear and bob
notified o call
tailed. Owner in
for imp
near Greenville.
Pete an It All.
A grievous wail
a a result of unbearable pain from
over lazed organ.
Backache, Liver
But thanks to Dr.
King's New Lite Pill they pat
to it all. They are hut
thorough. Try them.
by L.
A little thing
death. a mere
insignificant rate or bell-.
nave paid the death
i wise to have
Salve ever handy, raw
on earth and will fa-
amt threaten.
A M plane for a
f lbs Bakes handled by
by a who
o lost bit
as a a aft
Mats, apply
End Bitter
physicians a long and
stubborn fight with an
my right F. Hughes
Font, gave me up.
thought my hail
Ah a at resort I tried Dr.
King's Discovery for Con-
The I received
I was on my
la a few Say- Now I've entirely
all and throat and
I by
Jae. Weaken,
ft, m fa aft. trial Battle ht-.
Suicide Prevented.
A announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
discovered will interest many.
I A down system, or
I c; precede suicide and
has been that
will prevent that condition which
I wakes likely. At the first
; thought of self destruction take
I It being a great
will strengthen
I up the system
It's also a i liver and
Only Sat-
by L.
lam D.
w r.
Why when
Sam Want.
J. WHICHARD, Editor and
VOL. No.
In Honor of Mrs Sue Hume of
Mrs, Herbert A. White enter-
honor of
her Mrs Sun
. The
home darkened and
lighted can and we
decorated with
America i nod
arrived and at front
where received a
by White,
-.-us and hand-
gowned in lavender and
old then i the library Where
White d from M
very Mis-
a white
Miss Alice While
in violet and
lace and
el with palms, ferns
candles the whole
From Ike hall
In the drawing room
Beauties, whore ail were
introduced to the guest of honor,
Mrs. Home, in
voile, with real and
hand embroidery.
AH guests present were given
hand painted and after
the of
Mrs Jarvis Mrs. B
King for the a
powder box
which was drawn by Mrs. King
and presented to Mrs. Hume.
The consolation was won
by a gold
pill, and Miss S-inner
same to Miss Alice White, of
The dining room was a of
beauty and with
l cut and silver
in long
of the
--Mil-1. . . III.
The End of the Book
held its regular meeting
Tuesday afternoon the home of
Mrs. Chas. The
being absent, the vice-
president, Mrs. Little,
The subject for the after-
noon France, three
read as follows-. of
Interest in and around by
M. of
Note in Mrs.
Carl Fleming. Vis-
were Sum
oral, Hume, While and
Misses Hat and Winnie Skin-
Alice White.
Alter the adjournment the
refreshments were
by the hostess.
The club will be entertained by
Mrs. E. A. Move Tuesday, Nov.
Mm Great Work.
We desire to congratulate
J. T. Joyner upon his work. More
has been for our free
schools under his
than any other
dent Calvin Wiley. Of
ha has had a better chance.
But it is something to make the
best of one's is much
to do well with them as Mr.
Joyner has has spared
himself. He has
diligently as a More-
over, he has managed his forces
it tact. He has also
strengthened his office. fact
every way he baa advanced oar
free schools. Perhaps no one is
so as
the comely hits of the
will at the
opera on evening
Nov. entitled hut
written by of the
fame Abbott
as a sporty
The menu very dainty Ml- is a very
am, consisted of i ;
appeared tor few
number of large
Those preset.
Herbert White, Sue Borne, a
F W Claire, R J B as In
W Mark Opera Co.
Ray wood Q J
Woodward, Vine H Bat
Ian, If Jim hie, II purpose, only,
U Asa i of catchy song-,
bright lines and
The supporting is
posed selected night. I here
and dancing artists of ability, tonight.
especially engaged
talent portraying j
n artistic comedy and musical,
The man
8.1 May
Paine Ned
And as Pastor of Church.
The appointed by
Alexander, of Tarboro, Dr. W.
Morton, of Mount, Dr. Isaac
Campbell, of and Elder
W. B. Dove, of or-
and f. D
as pastor at Greenville,
in Presbyterian church here at
o'clock on Wednesday evening
and with
the chairman, Dr. W. D.
Bey. Mr. delivered his
trial sermon before the commission
from He was examined
and sustained on the following
abject Experimental Religion,
Philosophy, Theology,
History, Greek and Hebrew
languages, Church
The sermon was
preached by Dr. Isaac Campbell
from John his theme
The usual constitutional
were propounded to the
pastor by Li
after which Mr. Visa
was ordained and Installed by the
laying on of hands of the
tery, the candidate
Dr. Morton leading prayer.
The charge to the pastor
delivered by Dr. and to
the by Dr. Alexander.
Both of these charges were
in word and earnest la
and made a
the large
The entire public service was meet
Mr. ha bees
Greenville a short while, but ha
a strong esteem
and affection of the people of
He is a
of scholarly attainments
pleasant address
Christian character. The
here Is fortunate in securing him
as pastor.
The commission in charge Hi
ordination of Mr.
its work last night Kev.
W. Morton, D D., of
Mount will tonight.
Farmers to at Price.
S I . i h.- . j
not recall ever having la- i
fore in Pitt count has
Mr-. C. B.
Thursday, Nov. 16th.
i Kinston, spent
On with Ola
V. is
i id child, of
visiting her
Several times g the past week.
It i- farmer their
to market and hauling it back
. i, , ,, . N. R. n.
co mug in tell
have nut team- hack. Miss Nash, of
h n, and one n who visiting
I the Court
t in sec mil
, at
were mi.--
II i h back ;
owners had been
I evening
for U and finding
the below mat took the hospital.
cotton back home before they
would for less. is
kind determination on the part
of the tamers that will win out in
the against low priced cotton.
The farmers of county are able
to bold their cotton do
have to sell it they to.
In little Margaret
Howard who called to
her horn the mom-
lug November the third, there-
be it
That we, the
of of the Century
Club, do oar
to our beloved member
her husband in their sad bereave-
That while e do deeply
sympathize with this sorrowing
we know that dot
all right,
in His pray
that Hi may comfort them
in dark hour.
That a of these
be sent to the parents, a
copy be sent to the Daily
a copy upon the
of our club.
Mk. M. l v.
Mus. E. A.
Mks. B. W. Williams,
To the Cotton Growers and
Men cf Pitt County.
roil are hereby requested to bold
a meeting each township
in December z,
P. M. to mine from
t en i t.-,. a
g he . .;
II in
in II ii mil
I'd mi . c-i i r
i h union
In ,, and to
r ill n Association which
meets in Raleigh
In January County
will be
as outlined
win elect a
Secretary and Treasurer.
Friday, Nov. 17th. The hem Col ton ion
Col. Harry Skinner went to is now as u prominent
this factor in in cotton
Jesse returned Thursday In keeping
evening from Raleigh, the ,., paying
this I
W. T. Burton and
little Miss went to
Wednesday to be
present at the funeral of his lather.
J. M.
spent Thursday in Greenville.
came in this
to assist F. D,
a meeting.
T. D. of who
beau visiting R. O.
left this morning.
M. L. Brown, secretary of the
National Correspondence school,
came in Thursday evening.
Mrs. T. B. Wilkinson and child-
who have visiting Mrs.
W. T. left this morning
or their in
Nov. 18th.
K. A. returned
Miss A. L. Irwin went to Kin-
Mrs. J. S. Keel returned Friday
from Hamilton.
ii Ices the slay In
basis, and all who are
interested will and give us
i heir
a. u.
Vice first District,
North Carolina Cotton Growers
Reported for Reflector,
At the horn- of Mrs. on
Nov. Hi-s Skinner
most delightfully the
at o'clock the
meeting as called to order by the
president. The part of the
wit, devoted lo
the reading of the of
previous meeting, report of several
com mil lees the distribution of
new books. The literary feature
of l he afternoon was an instructive
and interesting Ketch of Charles
Mrs. E. L. went to by Winnie
this morning. We were very glad lo as a
W. F, Wyatt, of Goldsboro, J member Miss Cobb.
spent Friday he hostess served dainty
Court will probably adjourn this refreshments after we ad.
afternoon for the term. It has A ms went
and therefore Friday evening. . a
afforded little interest to the pub-1 l. L. Smith went West this
lie, as no cases of much to purchase stock.
of sickness among some
expecting to take part, the ladies
cf the Baptist have
decided postpone the exhibition
of Mrs. . Works that
had been for next
were the docket. A consider-
able amount of business was
Tim people of the
c very fond of Judge K. R.
Jones would like him to
come this way again t bold court.
Miss Lucy of
j burg, who ha been at H.
A left ibis S. Nov. 1905,
Pr-d Harding, of the A. Miss Mae Brooks spent Saturday
ml came tight and Sunday in with
While, Greensboro,
Virgin i, Lin
ii r.
To Retire Three Million Hales
New Nov. -Follow-
t rival of P it
. .,, it pis for for Christmas
off he What would lie with-
in by i the its r with the
of pledges ail ed plum i
Dr. W. H. Bagwell this
a telegram from hi-
guarantees this
now or m
; ii;
Miss Frances, Is e i-
Female Seminary,
tin- building had
ii . i I., n
tin second lo I c
. ii d late
will not to
i e lot of
con is the
Ts live i
I y
eon N
Eight in Coil Mine.
Moil Pa. Nov.
IS In col sequence of an
this evening in the new shaft of
the Coal e
are dead and three badly
I he d id hi I he
of which is badly
with debris is tiling a
,, n in
i. h . , , ml . i. Ty
. i his to
the vii i of h nu .
i i lug
ii. n. in t the
in eve dug to
Big Ad.
ins her parents.
B. E. and
attended conn in Greenville ibis
Kev. Mr. King Breached
g preached
big advertisement is school house Sunday afternoon
a read and act on II. Corbitt, of A n.
i aim profit. He has the goods Sunday -school at Bethany Sunday
wants to get rid of them, and p ices afternoon.
have beau put at a figure that will Mr. and Mrs. and
move them. at his j daughter, Miss
sine is taking advantage of day in Greenville.
Enjoys II m Mr i.
W. J, i. is . is .
st i i ,
spin; have all nu
He h I IS c its i r
. in i- hit pi it i
will the rs t -j
they hive a.
their calculations
I- I . . v.
. i
I i o where I
; i. a
i Ga., in
. in. Mao I . I mg-
attended I
nil in
well ass. to add to
M nit and made
holiday and
decorations for children's Christ-
mas this very
able department of
A . A S I
. the n de .; in
lie from convict I lot with my hogs. The shoal is
1905. The weigh
promptly pound-. i- notified
for his return by Joseph K sail lot same pay charges,
horn, Public Roads, Pitt j Cox.
B. C.
i r
i i
walk the ox, four days these Chronicle gives showing
set together en every that the population of
case no, om of the d reaches but
objected to and stool . a little more than half of them
re the corporate of
aside by either plaintiff or
i the

Eastern reflector, 17 November 1905
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 17, 1905
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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