Eastern reflector, 27 December 1907

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Board of Commissioners
day e t k- Ska-
Tier Court Cm of Pitt .
of then of l. H.
I to the estate to
i i Bent to the r
pad. and s i claims Commissioners county, number of days each member has
t Mid estate are i attended, amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
rate I o. or before day of ending Bee. 1st.
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Board of
iv r. o n lice will be
d in
day of
Martin A. Moore.
of H. Moore.
id. SI
Notice to Creditors.
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
as commissioner
for day as committeemen
miles traveled at
The Clerk of the Sop, Court of j Amount allowed R. Home for day as com-
t count having letters of ad- .,., J
i. me. onh of November. I for 2-1 miles at
ate of wade w. deceased. ., e Is here to all parsons Amount allowed J K. Spier for day as
estate to make
V a. c.
.,, ,, miles traveled at
Amount allowed J. R. for Jay as com-
for days as committeemen at
for miles traveled at
o. i I
notice, or
I d n bar if re c cry.
i N .- r
Bailie U .
to the i s
U .
Just Arrived At
allowed R. W King, chairman for
days as commissions at
for days as committeeman
.,, eon- for miles traveled at
V . D r Am allowed John H Brooks for days as
Poi i . th nay of
-d duly re I in the for days as c
. in gap at
Amount allowed M. T. Spier for com-
missioner at 2.00
fr as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
i . J
r will .
i i i in
. . e I .-i bid-
i. ii y. the i Jan-
. I. a in re . ; i .
situ Count;
I .- west lid
Hi l
. i I Ford.
ton i
d. Clark then with
Amount allowed D Holland for
commissioner at
r i days as committeeman at 2.00
days as
l miles traveled at
Amount N T. Cox for days as com-
,, mar m the r
i for days as committeeman at 2.00
n Poll line, then
i II . line ;. o . d
. II be . ;.
in i i,
o; .
I i h X .
Harding A. .
mills at
you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cent pure. Don't fail to see
their line, of Betters,
shot guns,
enamel ware etc. It is the
place to buy your They
also keep on hand the celebrated
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig and different
heights. Their place is head
for Roofing, which you
will in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
I I e supplied
bi k.
rota amount allowed Board
State of North Carolina, i county.
. Richard Williams, t Deeds and ex-officio clerk of
the Board Commissioners for the aforesaid do certify that
the is a statement doth of record
Given under my hand and seal of said Board of Commission-
at office in Greenville, this day i November
R. WILLIAMS, Clerk Board Com. for Co.
Agent tor
a an Range,,
No ice to Creditors
d. Iv b f ire the
Clerk i i
r of the last ,,. . ,, , .
L. Campbell, deceased. . Board Com. Pitt Co. N. C
i .
is .
w II make application i
i n Dr.
in January, to Kw be
terminates is
of and bowel
quickly end this condition
first in . . . r
n tail liquors in the town of
N C.
This Dec.
W. W.
case or money
I'M.,, at drug store.
lice is hereby given I will make
applications to of com-
a, their meeting on
first Monday in January, for
to retail r in the town of
Stokes, N. C.
This Nov. 27th, 1907.
t d t v. C. K.
Having duly before
the Superior court clerk of Pitt
county as executor of the last
and of J. J.
Laughinghouse. Jr. deceased,
notice M hereby given to all par-
ties indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons
having cl against the estate
are notified to present the same
payment undersigned
en or before the of
or this notice will
be plead in bar of recovery.
Ibis 8th day of Dec. 1907.
J. J.
of o. J. Jr.
Painfully Bind Metal.
Phis morning Mr. T. A. Vick
w is doing some plumbing work
at Dr. J. L. Wooten's residence
and was using a Ice tie of melted
Bolder in making joints. He
went to replenish the metal in
the dropping in a
solder that was wet it
made the metal moss sputter,
throwing fragments of it on his
m and face. He was pain
fully burred where every
of the metal struck the shin.
j i his injury is not serious.
n No limitation is to placid
height of New York's tall
buildings of the future. Instead
i f hold to legal re-
builder hereafter
sen .-. raper to
in y stories a--.
d his .-u
form as
amount of Ii
Tl i. the
in .
code which
And Provisions
Cotton and
chooses, pro-
tuns is of such
on nil sides.
f an amend-
i i k building
will be
seemed to
of argument
of Ii nil future
shout twenty stories
and e problem pr at
deal of
here and abroad.
illume tip
I of Count
v. fL ,
One often hears the expressions .
child cold which low often you can set a
developed into the V SC kept ton-
truth ill tin; cold had simply left
la-- one particularly S
to the germs p
when Chamberlain a Cough Remedy is
given it cures the cold and lea-
Fine land for any crops and good tens the danger diphtheria v-r any w
if about acres in one
meeting on the first
n y for license j
ii ii , stables and Darn, water.
tad liquor in the town
K. C.
is fee. 2nd. j
r or
a good A
prepared ,
I location Will sell reasonable for
W. II.
R. F D. N. C.
otter germ disease being contracted.
For sale by all dealers in
of Personal Property.
is hereby given that the
administrator, will
the 20th of De-
North Carolina
Pitt county
In Superior
South Dakota, with its rich silver
mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and
strange formations, is a
. able At in
the home of Mr. E. U. a won-
Pitt county to obtain
i the
hold and kitchen tho
one mowing machine and
This sale will begin at
; A. II. and continue till all
aforesaid property is sold.
; the day of November,
Zeno Allen.
of Vacant Land.
-no. F. C
g, Atty. enters and claims about
s, m r.- or less, of vacant land
c- eek township, Pitt county. N.
swamp, on both
reek, adjoining the lands of M.
band A. if. Garris on the south;
veil and It. II. Garrison the west;
i known as OH north,
Anders and lie
the i
B. II. Garris.
by F. C Harding, Atty.
or persons claiming title
area In foregoing
tile their protest In writing
within the next thirty days, or
be barred by law,
e required to appear at the next
term of Superior Court of
county to be held on the
second Monday in January
and completely cured bun.
colds, throat an J
gist, and 91.00, Trial
or screw
tool box and K
emergencies. Our line of tools
la a you could desire, and
we will see that your
box does a single,
Of .
You get s
Horse c
J. P.
w I . c n
D. W. Harden,
N or t h C a roll n a.
This drama, that is
r- by home
talent under the direction of Mrs.
.;. be present-
ed in house on
New A treat is in
Bl for our a d
A Home Made Happy by i
About two months ago cur
is given that I
application to the
f county commissioners
Monday in January.
r license to retail liquors
own of Oakley, N. C-
Dec. 2nd. 1907.
. i. E. Carson.
at the Court House of said had settled on her lungs
in Greenville, N. C, and ans- a severe
or demur to the complaint
in said action, or she would went to eight
will apply to the Court the different states to a
relief demanded in said com had
, f to get it, when one of the
insisted that
This the 30th- day of Cough I did
1907. I IS and well today, .
D. C. Moore, C. S C iv N. C. For sale Notice Cf Sale Of
F. G. James. for Plaintiff.
O. S. of tho bet
known merchants of La N
Y., says- If you are ever troubled
with piles, apply
Salve. It cured m tot good
or abrasions. at Jno.
Wooten's drug store.
Property of W. H.
Sale of Town Lot By virtue of power vested
Notice. . , c. in me by law, administrate
By virtue of the power of R-v, the Superior of H. White,
Mortgage deed ex will to sale to the
therein pending, entitled C ,. to
I will, on Mon-, for cash, before
day. nth. , the court ho door, and at the
i the town of the sales stables, lately
and delivered by Oscar H.
to i,. A. the 21st day
November, and in
the Register of deeds of
county, North Carolina, in book to the hid a certain lot
page i-ii. the undersigned will m W low
to public sale, before the
door in Greenville, for cash v
highest bidder, on Monday, the I lot number ,
day of December. 1907 the
real property to A
occupied by the W, H.
i p viii, i ii. I, i .
rt Greenville, county, and known in White, On 31st day
to the the plan said town and December. 1907, a portion of
lie-1 the personal estate of W. H.
containing fifty acres said W feet; numb r of horses and
less, adjoining the land, of C. with i mules and certain vehicles
I . . . I t .
satisfy said
This 13th day of November, 1907.
I. A. Randolph, mortgage.
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
number one hundred and
one-fourth of a n acre, or less
Terms of cash.
R. J. Cobb, Commissioner,
Thin the 12th of
S. T. White, of
W. H. White, deceased.
When Bo Homo.
From the Ind,
out, v. u
want.- go borne. When you
want fun mo,
to show other i that you have reformed,
go home and lot your family net ac
with when
want to show at beat go
home and do act ere, you
I go home
nil children
first. i n you want to shin I with
extra brilliancy go home and Ugh tho
whole To which we. Would
add, when you h a cold go home
and take Chamberlain's Cough
and n quick cure is certain, sale
by all and Dealers in Patent
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
the court clerk of Pitt
county as administratrix of the
Albert Moore, deceased,
notice is hereby to all per-
sons indebted to to
make Immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons
claims against said estate
are notified to present tho same
to tho undersigned for payment
on or before the 17th of
December, 1908 or this notice
of recovery.
will be
This 17th day of Dec. 1907.
of Albert Moore.
From my farm on
before the second Sunday in
October, a black male hop-,
about pounds,
marked slit in each car.
Would appreciate information
leading to recovery and pay in
for trouble.
Mrs. N. E. Tucker.
R. F. D. Winterville, N.
Pepper Curt
A now mill Immediate remedy for
discovered at tho
hospital recently by
Dr. Peters, by whom George
years, of
Quarry reel, was cured of
which two days be-
fore ii pinch of popper,
had tried nil kinds of
before to tho hos-
but without avail. Two hos-
were but the treat-
ho received apparently us
little good a tho he had
en homo, lie weaker and
and could not oat sleep.
It was iii this condition that ho
appeared at the hos-
is something that you
said Dr. Peters. He gave
man n pinch of The
man was violently at
tho time, but managed to Inhale the
stimulant. Tears from his
eyes OS ha did, and ho sneezed
J Io sneezed and when
he was through sneezing the
coughs were gone. Philadelphia
Tho Montreal Gurgle.
said a Pitts-
burs ii very per-
son. To get along with him you
must mighty particular about
etiquette must shave twice a
dress for that sort
of thing. If you don't conic up to
hi.- standard, ho is ant to say some
very cutting things about you.
once sat beside Air. at a
dinner at tho Union in
York. Mr, when the soup
on begun to east sneering
at a stout, red faced chap
opposite us, and ho whisper-
ed to
man is from Montreal. I
can tell it by his
Ins said I.
the man hasn't
Fish's lip curled in a scorn-
had ho said,
tho accent with which ho cat his
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to .
VOL. No.
Ii T. b Frank Tl
ST. resting
From l cl lit,
The had all been given,
Tho were
And, doling in armchair,
With his cat upon his knees,
flood smoked his honest
And took
But something roused him quickly.
Ho i-om his
A bold, n
Wore kneeling at his fast,
maiden cried,
my fearful plight
Since dreadful night
When left in the
Of being I not
She paused. The soldier raised his
And blush with
e behold.
But the way I hive n treated
my run cold.
and cod
I've and sung sleep
. .
a a
i .,. a. ma
Oh, we j I net a I
I'd like v
I think I
rAnd h en a i
J And ill Y
Ch .-
a a in ; v
to .
This e
And then J n
I grieve la pi In,
B t i. ; . j . year
All shall L
.; . i
When are i
I will put a the
Where you c- L
And him, tabbed.
it i y I
But, hunted high I low
And searched far and near,
Tho maiden bold
seen no that
la W. T.
Ad. by Greenville No.
A. F. A. M.
bi r 1907.
Whereas Death, the reaper,
has once more entered our
I and removed from us our
j worthy brother and friend. Willis
T. Fleming, who while on his
way to the mountains of North
Carolina seeking health was, on
the 16th inst. at Old Fort,
stricken and died.
Therefore, he it resolved.
j we I he members of Green-
Lodge No. knowing and
I appreciating the virtues of our
departed friends do hereby enter
of record this expression of our
regret at his untimely death in
the prime of his manhood. We
knew him as a true, tried and
trusty Mason, a devoted son ard
brother, respect-d and useful
That we extend to his
father and mother and a devoted
sister our sympathies in this
their hour of bereavement.
I a pane the minutes
of this Lodge apart for
the of these resolutions,
and that a copy of the same be
sent to the family of Brother
Fleming, and that the same be
furnished to tho Oxford Orphans
Friend and The Reflector with
the request to publish the same.
A. Andrews
T. R- Moore
B. Wilson.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has the following licenses
Willis and Ella Ross.
Dunn and Ella Hales.
Harvey Boyd and Mary Adams.
Thomas Jackson and Annie
The Great Spirit in His
P. A. and Nannie Briley.
Richard Cannon and Eva
A. F Cox and Nancy E. Tripp.
of its
Eye Defects.
I you have eye troubles, don't
put them off, but see Dr. Taylor,
of Greensboro, who will be at his
old office in Ayden, Monday and
Tuesday, Dec. and for tho
correcting eye defects.
Don't fail to see him. Small eye
troubles make big ones when
neglected. All work guaranteed.
and merciful has
seen fit. to take from our midst
our brother, Willis T. Fleming,
therefore ho it
1st. That
Tribe No. I. O. R. M. has
heard with sincerest sorrow and
deepest regret of the death of
our beloved brother, Willis T.
Fleming. In Brother Fleming
we feel that we have lost not
only a good and tine Red Man,
but a kind, noble, sympathetic
friend; the community an hon-
est, upright and excellent citizen.
2nd. That we extend to his
aged parents, and his
sister our sincere sympathy, and
direct them to Him in their hour
of who alone has power
to soothe their aching hearts.
3rd. That a copy of res-
be spread upon our min-
a be sent to the family
of Brother Fleming, and a copy
be given to The Reflector with
request to publish the same.
C Flanagan
J. H- Harris
W. S.
Roy B. Gardner and Meta
II. EL Nobles and Margaret A-
Wiley N. Stancill and Myrtle
Stray Taken Up-
I have taken up a female hog
unmarked, color black and white,
weighing about pounds,
owner can get same by proving
Property and paying cost.
21.1007. M
J. L a
Henry and Maggie
J. Kirk.
James G. Wilson and Delia
Joseph and Maggie
and Martha
Ann Taft.
Luther Locke and
John I Spell and Florence
Cornelius Moore and Roxie A.
Oscar Taylor and
S P Williams Mayo.
El Howell and E.
James Daniel and Annie Can-.
West Foreman and Minnie
Nicholson and Fan-
Willie and Bessie
James D and Mary Phil-
Howell and Iredell Gray.
Elbert Yancey and
marriage and Hg
Henry Ada
repressions of Sympathy.
The Cradle Roll of the
dist Sunday has been
,,,;,. Sn
Alfred slipped
from us on the morning of
r Ha
most promising child and the
idol of fond parents The or
ed father dear
mother feels robbed of their
hearts best treasure, and left
sitting in the of an aw-
grief. They and
waited, and still watched but the
morning never came, save the
one that swept the
from their arms into
eternal day. It is Inexpressibly
sad. still we would suffer
little children to go to Dim who
can care for them far better than
we, though going the
heart almost broken.
extend our sympathy and
would remember in prayers
the devoted father and mother
Waco, Texas, Dec. 17th, 1907
An old man, born miles from
Greenville, Pitt county, N. C. in
the woods, Nov. 10th,
went to and taught school in
Lenoir, Greene and Pitt counties
but mostly in last, and was
from Wake Forest college,
in class of 1850; wants all Ids
students and fellow students to
whom this may come, to write to
him, if but a line, telling him
how they have passed these many
The world has been good o inc.
much better I have been to
it- Never was sued, never sued
any one; never owed cent
not pay on demand. Have, net
and never had an
from tho crowd's
My sober wishes never learned ti
sequestered vale m
I have the noiseless tenor my
Have never been seriously
Have been healthy and happy
these many years. I have had
all the in
reasonably have expected. in t
seen children and I
grow up, settled in life, res
and doing well.
I still enjoy life as much
as an octogenarian could I.
and gratified for its prolongation,
t i ;
when time comes, satisfied, with
hearted, good old
world, Ii live ii.
, ,. ,,
none, I've made the beat
old life much in . i
I think often and tenderly of
you. May good attend you oil
Your long ago
D. R. Wallace.
and all
and friends, reminding
Todays weather will make the
burden of holiday shopping
heavier tomorrow. AU that is
now left will have to be done
then, Christmas not going
to wait for weather or anything
Men who always pay cash
owe an apology.
Hungry men are seldom
troubled with indigestion.
Heavy Loss on Eve of
Mr. J. G. Watson left Sunday
morning for Norfolk whereto-
morrow he is to wed Miss Mary
The before his
departure he met a serious mis-
fortune that is calculated to rob
him of much anticipated pleas-
For sometime Mr. Watson
had been saving his earnings in
readiness for his
holiday honeymoon. Saturday I
he took his savings, out
trunk and placed them in a j
bill book in the breast of his coat, I
Intending to deposit the i
part of it in bank and take years, well
remainder with him on his trip- L having left
He came down town from his j my consent, all persona are
room, made several stops, and hereby warned, under
loom, mo of the law. not to employ, shelter
before reaching bank a
his pocket only to the book home.
and money gone. He made oil-; Herbert
search for it, but with- F. D. Grimesland, N. C-
out success. It is a heavy loss.
cm of
tho one Comforter in our every
hour of sorrow. Through His
power and grace the grave
in Cherry Bill is but the gateway
to glory and to a larger life.
ii no stars go
To rise upon some other shore.
Where, safe In heaven's jeweled
They shine
Our school cannot forget the
little flower that bloomed for a
short space on before
being transplanted the gar-
den of the skies
M. T Plyler,
Mrs. G. S Pritchard,
Mrs. James.
Had His Neck
A colored boy, Charles Wilson.
about years, who has
employed pa a stevedore at
the champion compress, Buffered
a terrible accident t hi
day morning, i will
in his deathWilson, while d his
work, in some manner was
beneath a bile of cotton,
grown . neck
The small boy tho
nights are the longest of
the year Christ is to
Santa Claus plenty time to get
He id I and
Mi. Literary
On Friday night the boys of
the W debating
society of the graded school, had
an debate in the
chapel. They had as
guests for the evening the girls
the literary
and entertained them most hand-
The query for debate was
that the passenger
fare rate is The
sneakers were Charles
Frank Brown and Bruce
Booker, and the negative rad
Ben Taylor and Royce
Tucker. Each of the boys ac-
himself most creditably,
both in speech and rejoinder, and
the contest v OS a close one.
The decision of the judges
Rev. J. L. Dr. R. L.
Can- and Mr. Julius Brown- was
in favor of the
After the debate the two
ties formed in couples by drawing
cards, and held a peanut contest
was very amusing. A
peanuts were thrown on
U-c which w re to pick-
ed up with a table knife and
to a chair at the end
of the hall, a going to
one who placed tho most peanuts
on the chair in a minute and a
half Miss Sadie Exam was tho
winner and was presented a hand-
Borne volume of toasts.
games were for
some lime ice cream and
fruits were served.
Board of Gives
As the tobacco industry is the
most important enterprise of
Greenville and Pitt county, the
Tobacco Board of Trade is the
leading business organization of
the town. The seventy odd men
composing this organization are
not oily leaders in making
for the c nut also
take front rank w hen it comes to
Tobacco market closed for the
holidays or. Friday. 20th, and
that night the Tobacco Hoard if
gave a t in the
of the K B. Tobacco
o., to which many other re
invited, each member having the
privilege to invite a friend.
Tables were arranged that bore
a most tempting spread, the me-
nu consisting of ham sand-
turkey, quail on toast,
oysters, i sauce, pickles,
celery and c i u d
after the
Mr- R O, president
of tho Tobacco Board of Trade,
being yet lame from his aw
. months . requested
Mr i. V o net as
ma r of n i
mat-t -r, ho did ac-
lie i one of these
who fits in where
and fills t to ;
In the absence of a minister he
said grace ed
I him-
self made the bi bi
The responded to were
as follows, all the be-
timely and well
Relation of the tobacco man
and the banker C.
The tobacco man ard in-
man- II. A. White.
The tobacco man ad tho post-
master C.
Relation between the tobacco
man and tho bar J. L Fleming,
The tobacco
-E. B.
Virginia-U C.
North Carolina i. A- Person
Toast Master in tis
gave a brief f
the tobacco market i-i be-
ginning in 1891, ad ll-o w
and the town years The v-.
set son y 500.000
will be paid to the f for
while the op rating
and salaries of
will foot up
more, making a total of
paid out through this one in-
The tub market has
to Greenville a large
number of business men and
of whom the may well
feel proud.
pits tip kinds.
A cl mortgage has been
filed in the register of deeds of-
that embraces this list
property, except a bl inn left for
Bl M
th -i
is t
Hod T, G.
Ex Thomas G.
Skinner, of Hertford, who has
been in health, died Sun-
j day in a hi at Baltimore. Ho
v. a i some over CO years of age,
lend a hi other of Messrs. Charles
and Harry Skinner, of Greenville.
Mr. represented this
district in congress f r Owe.
I terms, and the i
I a more popular .

i ors
Q in; ,
of I . i
. . given in ,. i
i i
t f
i .
r j
i . .
ado M ,
. i
; .
Bed M
V i III-.
h .
. t
. i present Hi
to the sweet young lady,
i or the , h ;.
. or
Of Unusual, Not the First
A Young II h The Wilkesboro Chronicle tells
With the Profane and Vulgar In- the marriage of a couple in
and Familiarity the other day. the mother
the of Many the bride the father of the
Young groom being husband and wife
, , A widower with children and a
lib not men to appear as widow with children married and
holding to ideas,
id bar n
. y.
P. M.
n I O. s.
ll o
. .
. i
am distrusted at certain
of present time because
are so radically different
from what my was used
to. There is a took of refinement
and elegance in the conversation
cf some of oar young people
where I and are
gathered together. If vulgarity
is not spoken coarse hints of it
are made. This especially
true as to some of the young men.
Of course they sneak in a way
of an execution that is sub
led to the undersigned
P . Pin counts
of Execution Sale.
f North
Ii the Superior Court.
vs. Allen-
a daughter of t he woman by a
former marriage and a son of the
man by a former marriage, got
married. The Chronicle leaves
it to its readers to figure out
relationship. That is
In an address delivered at his
home of Danville, III., last
year Speaker Joseph G. Cannon
attributed our abundant national
prosperity to the continuance of
. I i I act
ill. ray of
it M.
r in Green-
Pit i sell to the
I sh to s
I execution, till ; hi title
said John
the fol-
d .
-.- . i
h n .
misjudges it to
is too common to hem- an
oath in a lady's parlor. If one
s not call a spade a spade or
say T swear, h. say
a very harsh synonym that means
the same. The ladies are ad-1
An t how Liquor Makes a
of a Man.
said a booze
I never expect to drink
another drop. A man makes
an ass of himself when drunk.
Now here's me. I got pretty the Republican party in power,
fair sense when I'm sober but I and reminded his hearers that
when I am. drunk a perfect under the Democratic regime in
1893 If
tanked up, and bought two dog- working-men were out of
gone calves, and never knew it. j employment. This, was a char-
I had tied and put in the bit of Republican
were meS to spell binders to take credit
no blood keep from and l the of Nature
but no blood nation and he me what and to insist that the shines
years ago a couple in Iredell, i aimed to do with them blasted more brightly and the dew falls
occupying an exactly and I be jumped up if I ,.
relationship married. A minis- didn't deny that I calves, .
e i. , all the time I can auspices. recent
ground the Mp Cannon and
such marriages calves and stuck to it and cussed may come when he will wish he
had not been so quick to identify
years ago to
in the
United States at the present
cousins, for instance, who are
related by blood.
Coma fat
Washington, C. Dec.,
r f said
familiarity. is too rarely
prefixed to a young lady's rime
and so far as to
endearing I such as
dressed sometimes with too much Gould- of district
Supreme Court, today cited
B. Secretary of the
Treasury, to appear in court Fri-
day, January 1908, to show
cause why he should not be en-
joined from turn Drover or de-
the . cf the
of the Panama
is only Bonds to certain banks and per-
in bad taste, but the announced
am i. Th i ;
re ears.
The Tobacco Board
of Trade has ordered a quantity
of h best, varieties of bright
Tobacco Seed, White Stem,
and other sort--, which they
moment, and there are likely to
be more. Chairman Fowler, of
committee on banking
and currency, who has just been
appointed by Speaker Cannon,
puts th; possible number of the
unemployed at two millions,
Will in the hands of the j and he can hardly be called
Greenville and
drug stores to be given to all far-
who may ask for them ho
a prejudiced prophet, and if
the Democratic administration
was responsible for the condition
have been raising what is of things in 1892. it is only fair
Tobacco as well to hold the R publican
other kinds. None of buy- responsible for the
like to buy Cobb Tobacco and I of tilings now, and the
the Tobacco Board of Trade has worse the condition of
ordered seed to give away to tilings becomes the more
m order to induce them not should the Speaker of the House
to raise any more Tobacco. of Representatives he
So when you get ready to sow had not so volubly attributed
your plant bed, do not the panic of 1893 and and its
but to Green-j of idle factories to the
ville and get free of cost a better. wicked Democrats. Providence
. Landmark.
; . , ,,.
. .
i. W. v,. .
waste time hunting
the face value of
He avers he had
agreed to rate of 103.-
and accrued interest per one
around aimlessly for what you hundred dollars and on notice of
the acceptance and his
stands ready to deposit the
amount with the Assistant Treas-
at New York.
want. Read the
in Reflector and learn where
to go for your Christmas goods.
Miss Nannie E. Tripp and Mr.
to Creditors
Having duly before the
at o'clock, at the homo of the to make immediate payment, to the
bride on Dickinson A and all persona haying
e aim against said estate are
that they present the same, duly
few were present to
the ceremony. Co the undersigned for
Hie COUple left immediately for payment on or I the 12th day
the Mr. Cox, near r this be
f,.;,,,, u lea-l in bar of the r
many mends
wish much success, and a I White.
long happy life. w. h. white.
. r .
In It t.
us c ti
Mrs ii Ii ; ,.
e with her line
n ,,
. n
I;,,.;, ., .
n the late G A Mi
at the rime of his .town .-, tin .
e, one ting ,
.-;,. . the
an l lot where . t ,
wan .
. ., .
in the -i it
till I
t Die . a . . .ii ft fr nit u
t. a id In Ci
; it; f,.
w. id tin of ch
sale one ha I cash on j
sale, ; a pa in I
to o ii- by
age ho pro
December the 1907.
V. Bland,
Commission r.
. James Attorney.
Land Sale.
of a nun ex
and red y
and wife, j
J. on the 2nd I
January. and record-
he register of deeds
. county in Boon T-7 page
sell for
the court house door
on Monday, the
of December, 1907, the
piece, parcel
laid, lying in Beaver
township, containing
or less, adjoining the
f Geo. Hemby, Ben
and other and being
land deeded to J. B.
and wife, reference to
ed is hereby made for an
i description,
the 13th day of Dec. 1907
J. R. J. G.
.-lines, Attorney.
Are you Prepared for His Coming
wait another day, but apply for an insurance Policy in
the best Company in the world at once. Nothing to be gained by
delay, but possible poverty for those nearest to you heart. It
is a sin to put it off, it is your religious duty to insure, get the
best policy.
Office 4th St. No. Greenville, N. C.
Lola Will Wed Rev.
William Edward Cox, Jan.
Mrs. James an
the engagement and
marriage of her
Lula, to Rev. William
Edward Cox, of Wilmington, N.
C, the wedding to be solemnized
on the morning of Thursday,
January at St. John's
church of this city. Rev.
Walter C. Whitaker rector of St.
John's church will officiate and
the details of the wedding will
be as simple as possible on
count of the death of the father
of the bride-elect which occurred
a year ago.
Miss is the
of the late Col. James
and has always made
her home in this city, where she
has scores of friends. She is a
graduate of the city schools, and
of the Miller school of
For several years she has
been a successful teacher in the
city schools where she has won
for herself the love and respect
of all.
Mr. Cox was formerly
of St. Paul's Episcopal church.
Greenville, N. C., but is now of j
the St. Wilmington
N. C. He is an alumnus of the
University of North Carolina,
having taken the B- A. degree
from that institution. He also
holds the B. D. degree from the
University of the South at Se-
and has taken special
at the Theological
Seminary of Now York City. He
was at one called to assist
Rev. Samuel D. D. in
this city.
D the past summer ho was
in temporary charge of Christ's
church, Nashville, during the
cation of the rector.
The announcement of the wed-
ding of these- two young people
will be heard interest by
many in this
, Sentinel-
Richmond is holding a
convention- -Many learned
men have given their views
the dreadful disease. One of
them comment d on the dangers
of contracting tuberculosis lion
the germs breathed and spit upon
the air in cities. A most hopeful
note was the statement that
these germs, even if breathed
into the lungs, will not give the
disease unless the patient is
already weakened in fit con-
to absorb the poison, show-
the importance of maintain-
the general health. This
serves to remind that a v 1st deal
of the sickness and death could
be averted if
were kept up to the
standard. Unfortunately the
average person regards his con-
as exceptionally strong
Statistics Fall of
Just Closed.
The following is the list
pupils who have made a grade of
S on all their work during Dec.
ember, and have not been absent
nor tardy.
First Andrews,
Sheppard Andrews, Virginia
Arthur, Gladys Bagwell, Ger-
Elks, Ruby Evans, Leslie j
Peed, William Harding,
Higgs, Don Jenkins, Bert
D. D. Sallie
Francis Whedbee, Lucile Ran-
Advanced First
Harris, Lemuel Clara
Evelyn Hodges.
Emily Little, Bernice
Gardner, Edward Foley.
Second be th
Forbes, Ruth Brinkley, Novella
Exum, Warren, Adelaide
Frank Perkins, Lily Dell
Torn Moore, Annie
Higgs, Ralph Fleming, Ivor Shel-
burn, Dorothy Norman, Jack
Hunter, James Fickle-
Third Grade Perkins,
Verna Potter. Willie
Jackson, Laughinghouse,
Ellen Douglas Arthur.
Fourth Greene,
H. Shepherd.
Fifth Grade, Sec.
King, Francis Alfred
Kennedy, Frank Brinkley, Pattie
Fifth Grade Lelia Higgs,
Pearl Jefferson, Whit Brown,
Ethel Bowling, Spain
Jas Haskett, Churchill Hodges,
Burch, Christine Johnston, Min-
Rives, Norman.
Sixth Grade
Ruth Edwards, Bessie Con y,
Nellie Susie Move, Al-
lie Hives, Henry Haskett, Seth
Hooker, Joe
Arthur, Louis
Arthur, Carl Williams.
Seventh Grade
Eloise Ellington, Nina
Harris, Mary Lucy Dupree, Inez
Pitman, Betty Pearl Fleming,
Maggie . Linda Smith,
Ben Taylor, Adrian Brown, Alex-
Harper, Mary Brown.
Eight Grade Lillian Carr,
Whichard, Frank Brown, Si-
Exum, Agnes Spain, Carl
Tenth Tucker,
Lillian Burch, Conrad Lt
Jamie Bryan.
Chat the Telephone.
are you.
is your name,
what is your
say my name is
well; I'm coming t see
right. Are you
are you, then,
you tell me your name,
say my name
I beg your
you will be in if I come
Then they were cut off by the
exchange, and Knott wants to
know if Watt will be in or not.
Philadelphia Record.
Don't leave the cost marks on
Don't let money dominate your
Christmas giving.
Don't let Christmas giving d-2-
into a trade.
Don't embarrass yourself by
giving more than you can afford.
Don't try to pay debts or re-
turn obligations by your
I mas giving.
Don't trashy things.
Many an attic could tell strange
stories about Christmas its.
Don't make presents which
your friends will not know
to do with and which would
men Iv the h -me.
The hand of death has fallen
heavily on Mr. and Mrs M. H
Quinnerly in taking their only
child, little Stephen Alfred,
passed away at this
morning, aged months.
The child had been sick about a
month, and white for several
its death was almost mo-
expected, the end of
its life is a sad blow to the
parents, and every heart throws
in sympathy for them in their
great sorrow- Little Stephen
Alfred was the joy of the home
and a favorite with a large
circle of relatives and friends,
and his death brings pain to
many hearts.
The funeral will take place at
o'clock Saturday afternoon,
interment in Cherry Hill
Big Frost and Fog.
This morning one of the
kind that put people to running
their minds back to inquire they had ever seen one like it be-
fore. To with there was
an unusually heavy treat, one
that looked like a light snow,
and on top this was as dense
a fog as ever comes in this sec-
Up to o'clock
could not be distinguished a few
yards away. With the other
mixture it was decidedly
He Rested
A clergyman who baa a small
a. walking round
tending when he cum.- up to his
plowman, who was resting his
ii, c you mi old
-ii kit- i weeds in
while you
Frederick Grant's Story About
His Famous Father.
General Frederick Dent Grant,
besides being commander of the de-
of the east, holds es-
high u a dinner
exclusive New York society cir-
On an average he dines out
every other night He is ranted
not for Die- sort of after dinner
that M.
was v. to give, for the general
himself ii frank to adroit mat be
not peculiar kind
of gastronomic e. The gen-
however, a special of
and that while other
may be able to stand all sorts
of abuse and misuse of their
strength, he can. A person
who and persistently
cultivates a good condition of
general health is able to resist
disease. One who permits him-
self to remain in state of
health tails an easy prey to
most any serious malady that
may come in his way, Greens-
The fall session of th
will come to a today at 2.30.
Two weeks vacation will be
given; the spring n will be-
gin on Monday Jan. 6th.
The total enrollment to date
has been The report
At the Opera House New Year's
A beautiful drama entitled
the will be
presented on New Year's night
in Masonic Temple opera house
This is a play worthy of advanced
praise, and to say the least it is
going to be one of the best plays
presented to Greenville people
this season. It was selected and
is being prepared by strictly
and then- work
on the stage heretofore speaks for
itself. Remember the night, and
get as near the front as
for December shows that the
was with an aver-
age attendance of in other
words, 93.72 per cunt of the en-
was present every day
during the month.
Last December the enrollment
was with an average
dance of it will be seen
that the increase this December
over the corresponding month of
last year is children, or
per cent. The increase in the
daily average attendance has
been per cent over last De-
The heavy increase in
dance is beginning to make house
room a serious problem, and the
Board of Trustees will culled
upon summer to provide for
the accommodation of more
than the present building will
seat, unless the chapel be utilized.
The present rate of growth de-
one extra room and one
additional teacher each year.
Eye Defects.
you have eye troubles, el
put them off, b-it see Dr. Taylor,
of Greens . who will be at h
old office in Ayden, Monday and
Dec. and for the
correcting eye defects,
Don't fail see I Small
troubles make ones n
neglected. All work guaranteed.
Sale of Land for Partition.
North Carolina Pitt county.
Noah Forbes, Winnie Forbes,
Rosa Forbes and Allen
he la it two minors by their Next
By of a power of
contained in a D scree of the
Superior curt of Pitt c u
made by D. C. Moor, c
th foregoing special din f,
the undersigned c
will expose to public sale I
the court house door ii.
ville, to the highest bidder I
cash, on Saturday the
of January, 1908, . i;
noon, the following parcel ct
Lying and
own v , Car
i lino; land I
I Charles A ice C. Move,
E . Ev
more or less, and the tr
or parcel of land known as the
Mill tract near Greenville,
This sale will be made for
This the 16th day of Dec. 1907-
F. C. Harding Commissioner.
. ; . a
. . ;.
i .
Pod .
, ., . I
the .
sent I ;
. pi y
., , i-. , , . , . , . lite
n , ; to had;
I i hadn't
., n
lot men t to r
There I frees of
. Chi
.- . I-. r
, . .ting in a i
As .
I I; . . .
. ,
The of U
maker and Full of Action.
One person represents lie bun
man. The other players call tin
after some part of a Inn
man's, For
one is the cap, another the ho
others the powder flask, gun, c
A of chairs are
in the middle of the room, as I th
must be one chair less an I
number of players, not conning ;
The players then seat
around the room, while the
man stand; in the center and
in, at a time, in t is
flask At a
and, going behind i
hunt-man, takes hold
E u h p
represents thee n 1st I
and take hold of the
before him until at
huntsman ha- a h line i
him. lie
around the chain until id kc
when the players
course re
not e player is I
., and lie t pay a
or change pi lie
T ; I I
Here is i
. id
must . The I . x
. . a
I go
ii ,
Star, lie m
. i t .
are es
ill Jo
. -1
. . . tr
i n I'm-
r mi
The government re-
port issued today places the
number of of cotton ginned
to Dec. 15th This la
below last year.
Valuable Farm For
Near rail road. Vi
miles from cove city, good water
good neighborhood, school
and church in neighborhood.
acres, acres cleared and in
good state of cultivation. Terms
easy. Apply to F. C. Harding.
Sale Land to Make Assets
By of the authority
in a decree D. Moor
clerk r
county, n the eleventh day of
i. a a in
aid court, I. Fleming, Ad-
of Mary Manning,
against L. Manning, or. U
Skinner, Io Manning a.
general guardian for Lee Han
undersigned will expo e 1-
sale to the bidder, for cash,
before the court-house door In the
town of Greenville, on the 13th
day January, It the first
of the January term of of lit
county curl, the f
described tract of land, to wit-
certain tract or parcel
land, situate in Pitt county, North Car-
in Township, a
described as the Mar J
mow in the d-
vi-ion Of the late Dennis land
and home and adjoining lands
of Jim Jones on the North, B. A.
Jones on the West, Louisa Jackson and
Jessie on the South, and on the
North and East the lands of J. L.
it acres
excepting 8-4 acres heretofore con-
to S. iv Harrington, ten said
acres lying on th North East
Terms of sate cash.
j. I. Fleming, r.
Toll the day of
I,. I . n
. or altar around it.
Tho n their
it tore
I c. . on their way.
Bad B I.
. i . I .
yon mu o i i hi at tho
i do yon we to J
you make
m u
you said it watt in
polite to tor things twice at the
London Humor.
The omnibus is in progress when
tho following takes
n Si I.
Conductor- All In. sir. Om-
up in tho middle of a
road. Her. . are, sir,
a little to the pave-
ii . 1.-
all j
j higher hill. r .
. or
is known n- the . I r
the . .
of I then 1-
lip l
. Ural Siva
, c
on the Inn aimed in a
How a
; ,
j in-in Id drew
who even
, .- l I
. . mini tor l
I.- I ho minis-
had I. u n by
i . of mulch Unit had
seemed entirely his. Hut after play-
In superbly ho fell oft tho end,
and opponent bent him out,
This weighed on tho minister's
mind, and when ho rose in tho
To tho driver, pit Hie morning to
hut in n loud voice, must he began solemnly,
close the Hill, at II profit a man U ha gain the
gentleman cleans whole world and lose the tail
London Telegraph,
. Ii
. , III
. Ill
. I
., and I
i the
iv VII
V ilia
. on A lib
hi Hal
t his b-
hood iii and it was. I
village Unit
had in mind g i
I know a
And .
II. . ho la
Hi. iv in II II.
He owns It, I
On., terminus l
III . ll

T. J. WHICHARD. editor and Proprietor
as second cU . matter Jan. 1907 at the at N
C under Congress of March 1879
in to
Davis star has The Fleet Is making pretty
in the game.
Taft has re turned and his next
move will be trying to get on
the lid-
good time.
Calling a man a liar is an
for a blow, even in con-
Wilson has been selected as the
place for holding the
State convention of 1908-
What a delightful rest Sunday
gave coming tween the busy
times of last week and this week.
Faces i f absent ones turn
horn ward now far Chris s
and it is a time of joy every-
f th i rate natter is
Bottled the lines proposed.
Gov n or will be the fore-
most man in th Carolina.
candidates for governor
m to have exhausted their
in before
. stations
the c are kept bu
; . . i m from .
With the holidays and a pro-
on at the same
time Raleigh should be anything
else than a town.
Joy and sorrow are close com-
and are seldom
far from each other. We
are joyous today and sorrowful
tomorrow. Weeping may en-
for a right, joy cometh
in the Ore part of
the world rejoices, while another
part of it mourns. Life is made
up of and shadow.
God made it so, and He knows
what is best-
These meditations to
mind as this present season
Yes. here it is Christ-
holidays will loosen some mas, the most joyous time of the
of the purse strings and do that
much good toward relieving the
financial situation.
year, and the time looked for-
to all the year with more
pleasure than any other. So
many hearts, young and old. hail
it delight, and we hope their
full to over-
Si a signed
m. a e is not
T r I . i thou as
b ti re lie mi de the statement.
presents that have been
laid away since last Christmas of joy will be
may be brushed up and given to flowing,
somebody else. But is i. joy for all Not so.
Some are coning to this Christ-
Mr. Taft is back in time to mas with hearts all crushed and
hang up his stocking and he bleeding with sorrow, because
aw the the shadow of death or
Hal nomination in it. tune as crossed the threshold.
I ever so, and will be until
Uncle Sam says he does not the end of time,
mean anything; by it, so God pity those whose hearts
he is just doing it to let the are under the shadow, and com-
e what fine ships we have and fort them with presence
how our can sail them. Christ cam to bless those who
mourn, and was never too busy
e have heard of people killing to comfort the sad hearted. Let
th. because of financial those who rejoice not forget to
troubles, that is because they had have a thought for those who
money than they thought
they needed, but Ohio mar.
who burned up in bills
and then took- himself off sets a Candidates are just now in the
new precedent, It is to be hoped ms-of holiday festivities, but
i others will attempt to imitate will loom up early in the
him, especially while money is
scarce enough.
John H. Small,
according to the Washington
respondent of the News and Ob-
server, has been treated any-
thing else but courteously by
Speaker of the House Cannon, in
the failure to give him an
on the rivers and
Congressman Small
is the originator and
ed leader of the movement for the
inland waterway and ought to be
on the committee under whose
consideration matters of that
kind most directly come. The
speaker gave no reason for not
appointing him even after being
recommended, and it is not well
understood why he was thus
At a meeting of Mecklenburg
county medical association. Dr.
CA of Charlotte,
read a paper that stirred up a
sensation. But the doctor utter-
ed truths and said some things
along lines that people have
ready been thinking, and it
plies to some other sections
side of We quote
sending so-called
nurses out. of town to wait on
sick people is a disgrace to
the nurse's profession and to the
medical profession. To sen I a
young woman to a b brother
physician in a distant town under
the assumed name of a trained
nurse and cause the family to
pay four and six dollars p day
for common labor is not right
Let the doctors say whether she
is a trained nurse or a good
woman who is nursing as
best she and it will be
better for all
From Pupils.
Christmas started in at th
graded school on Friday, the
superintendent and teachers be
given presents by the
The Mistletoe
I i are the talk about
a crusade to do away with giving and
presents Christmas. What had a list fight on closed for the
us are concerned in is a floor of the house, Thursday and
1907, by
yon Hep the
-r from
V v ;
. O . I ;
i , ,. i ,,. .,. ,
little I .
; ii In . .
ill a. . ,.; .
i th. t . the place whore the hook has
This tip green and
n pushes up, In n few weeks
twig of mistletoe is
a stem and long leaf or
After this mistletoe cornea rapid-
Into Its in takes posses-
Won. The i Ii will otter
mid ks the
branch, la of
toe having under the hark to
-i , It
trawls until the whole
w Ion. fine hunt-tea
p i
I .
. holidays.
boys rid Instead
of b . . in the
National i ail, i. might
a year; marriages take
i about re
tr n the w of cutting
i . Ii
i ; the
outer week or
is the matter with in-
birthday parties also
me oftener than wed-
; national
gaged in.
for of our
makers to be en-
With rs, d
roads, and
biles in New the people
should not be put to much
about something to ride
in while the cab drivers are on a
it seems probable that
nor Glenn will call the legislature
in extra sometime in Jan-
to consider the compromise
of the rate matter with the
railroads. We hope the matter
will come to an early settlement
somehow, as the agitation has
been prolonged until it is hurtful
to business generally.
One of the ministers at a
Methodist conference in
hit Speaker Cannon a
knock out blow. He is a
disgrace and an outrage that a
man whose lips drip with
and whose energies are
to the furthering of the
liquor interests of the country
should occupy a position of power
only second to that of the
The speaker ought to
feel like thirty cents after that
he will he a simple bur-
d n bearer for others as long as
lie lives, a leach on society, or
whether he will a broad
minded, useful, and successful
man. If the boy at this age I as
no ambition to be anybody and is
content to simply let things
flicker and take his chance with
others just like him,
aw his opportunities to acquire
knowledge and caring only for
the trivialities of life, he can
make up his mind to carry a
hod, ride on the brake beams of
a freight car, or dodge
lice as long as he lives, or ho can
resolve to be a man in the high-
est sense, seek every means for
physical, mental and moral
growth and development and
graduate into the ever widening
field of utility and success. It
matters little what his boyhood
environment may be. If he but
has the ambition and well
grounded purpose he will climb
out of Press.
His Only
Tl ere h a i o i
. in
I iI .
i .
i ,
. re .
I .
i .
i .
The Reflector prints a letter
ti day citizen of long years
ago, we know will be read
with keen interest by in my of
our older citizens. It i. from Dr.
David R. Wallace, cf Waco,
Texas. While the editor did toe
live far enough back to personally i
know Dr. before he left
here, yet we have heard the older
people speak of him so often that
it almost feels like he is an old
j acquaintance. We hope- many
letters will be sent in response to j ,
his request for a line from his ,
fellow students
These mine explosions are
something horrible. Three have
recently occurred that were at-
tended by great loss of life, one
in West Virginia, one in Ala-
and one in Pennsylvania.
Under present conditions of
el l-.-n on o
r the -I
have I de his . -i
y, in
i o
In v
-ii , i In i i-
i i
I from Hit
II I the
I d
ii pie
Report of the Condition of
In the State of Carolina, at the close of business Dec. 3rd. 1907.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured 8,105.74 o co
Overdrafts 808.84
Furniture and 1,630.50
Due from Banks and
Hankers 34,499.18
Cash items 7.063
Gold coin 640.00
Silver coin, including
minor coin currency 870.90
National bank notes
and other U. S. notes 4,174.00
Capital stock 10,000.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
expenses and
fr i a, prop-
para It tally,
i- well known, m the
In Its ii mil
I, inn from it tree.
I o hi ii be .
tin ha lime
i carry ii- j
i lion of trees ;
nil ll growth, la
In toe north
England. Tho gardener between I
thumb not of the-
little of u-
it that Us Juice out
It of n branch
of tin- tree, he a
branch, on which the hark is and
If older branch
the bark is
on The berry it
Sol bark. which
ii In in place- by
own sum.
Late April or May is the- proper
on fur in, th The- loon
the n little
or root, u bending in
toward the branch the- tree, appear.
i Mi
the i
a ti I l
ml .
I I I s . ; . r
I I , ;
, . ; . . . .
, .
am -in i f
Ml v p nil
Of I Hid , row
I l-v In .,.,,.
of Si n . ,
ls i- ml h i
to the u ii.,.
n hi
e or
taxes paid
Dividends unpaid
Time certificates of
Deposits sub. to
checks out-
safety men who go down in a
When all is lost save their in
some men get on their dignity. hands.
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, J. R Davis, Cashier of the above named bank, do
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge
A L i , , . I I I I . . L . v
and belief-
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 6th day of Dec
J. A.
Notary Public
J. R. Davis, Cashier,
W. J. Turnage
R. L. Davis
F. M. Davis,
n considerable period
which looks like a small
ticking the tree from tho top of
the- hook, fulls off. Tho
thinks It la nil over, hut the
gardener knows hotter. lie
knows that after a the branch
will twain to at the point of In-
gradually rising to
from counties. The o
this name is exceedingly fond of the
mistletoe berry, After anting Us till
Hie bird to another tree. Being
cleanly, u uses the branch of the tree
upon which it for n napkin,
wiping thereon.
a is thus
and to tho hark. Then
the reproductive process follows
An Inquiry to whether
is still t found on oak
treat, as in days, m
the discovery of oaks in on
county of bearing the par
site. mistletoe has come.
to i- rather
When the and the miss,
the u-i in the proper
the with kiss.
Willy's Hot Christmas.
said In, Nag,
sometimes talked
you had a hot time on
T say i replied Willy.
Clans Oiled my so full
that they fell down Into
on lire, pit up f
up the scraps that left
found paw there r do
thing, got in hands
burned I had f In lied nil day,
then licked mo fer up
is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
We sell Eclipse and
fountain pens.
B. T.
C. J- Jackson from Wake For-
est College. H. J- Langston from
Whitsett Institute and Misses
Minnie and Dora Cox from the
Baptist tor Women are
at home for the holidays.
Our stock of boys suits
at cost for the next days.
They must go -B. F. Manning
Prof. G. E- Lineberry and his
two little girls Ruth and Mar-
left this morning Siler
City where they will spend the
holidays with relatives.
A new lot of the best lime
in. A. W. Ange Co.
All the boarding pupils of W.
H. S. left for their respective
Friday. The dormitories
have a lonely appearance now.
Prospects for the spring are
Glass ware and coffee mills just
Mills one of Black Jack's
most prosperous farmer was in
town Friday.
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San j
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B. T. Cox i
d. Bro.
Last night Miss Homier Kit-
school at Reedy Branch j
church gave a very interesting
Christmas entertainment. After
several Bongs and recitations
been rendered, a short talk was
made by F. C. Nye on the
of good citizenship. At
the close of his talk he also
a nice Testament to Miss I
Meta for having read
through the Bible during the
past year, one each to Mrs. Jesse
Braxton, Mrs. Enoch Braxton
and Miss Letha Harris in behalf
of the Sunday school for their
faithful attendance during the
past year.
Fork time is here. Get
your salt at A. W. Ange and Co.
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. ox Bro, Don't neglect
your eye
Rainy sloppy weather
no dread to those who are well
provided with good rubber shoes
and boots. We have the best
Harrington, Barber
and company.
Harrington Barber Co, have
a complete k Of ready made
clothing see him before you get
your next suit.
There were regular s- at
the Free Will Baptist church
Sunday morning.
NOTICE-We will pay per
cent, premium on cashier's
checks till Dec. 1907.
B. F. Manning Co,
Winterville, N. C
of ell kinds prepared
at the Milling mfg.
You talk about good neat and
comfortable school that are
cheap but I can assure you that
the desk made
by the A c cox Manufacturing
company has all these qualities
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
gentlemen just in at Harrington,
Barber o-
The A Q ox Manufacturing
company are selling
welded fence fast
Any one in need of good fence
and barb wire will be to their in-
est to call to see them before
they buy.
The famous A.
stalk cutter is the best stalk cut-
on the market, come and ex-
it and see if you will not
agree with us. B F Manning
Have your carts, wagons and
buggies put in good trim for the
fall use. All kinds of repair
promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg. o .
Try a tree brand pocket knife.
hey are sold under guarantee.
They are kept in stock by B. T.
Now is the time to get single
and double low down
at A. W. Angle Co.
of station-
must go. We must make
room for our immense stock cf
new goods now coming During
the next forty days we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers.
B. T. Cox Bro.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
nips and seed can now
be had at the drug store of Dr
B. T. Cox Bro.
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. First class work
The A. G Manufacturing
company have now on file orders
for a few of their old reliable
Cox cotton planters and simplex
guano sowers for spring ship
Hunsucker buggies are still go-
if you want a nice up-to-
date buggy you had
better give him an call
See B. F. Manning co. for
the nicest of all
Harrington, Harbor Co., are
having a large double story ware-
house erected just back of their
store. This will add greatly to
their convenience.
The cold weather brings no
dread to those having plenty bed-
ding, blankets and a
specialty at A. W Ange and
We have a large line of nice
oak suits of couches,
chairs, tables stoves etc.,
must go at some price during the.
next few days. A. W. Ange
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
Misses Kate and Chapman
went to Greenville today.
Misses Kate Chapman,
Chapman Hulda Cox are at
home from their respective
schools for the holidays.
A new line of plaids and home
span at B F Manning company
We ate ready to open our forge j
line of Christmas goods- I
us a call. Harrington, Barber i
Now is the time to purchase
your Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. G. ox Man-
Co., have plenty of
them on hand. Gall and see them,
Another large lot of i n's and
Shoes just opened. Come
and examine them
Harrington, Barber . Co,
Don't you need some furniture.
Make wife glad by
home with u a i rock
couch A. W. Ange co,
The on has n I in-
to make many spend
necessary money if they have it
along with them, Put it
Bank of Winterville and it
be absolutely safe and at
same lime cause you to .
more of it. J. L. Jackson.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. made a large shipment
their well known Economic
yesterday Would advise
all our customers to place their
order as early as practicable.
Rubber shoes of all sizes and
rubber coats at B. F Manning
When in need of nice kid
gloves, driving glove-, and work
gloves, see B. F. o.
dress shoes for gentlemen at B.
F. Manning's company.
When a man goes to purchase
a home he generally considers
the location and the well
as the price, therefore why not
when you arc ti inking to
purchase saddles by calling
on the A. G. Cox Mai
Co. for their handy Economic
Back Band which is cheap be-
sides being durable.
The A. G. Manufacturing
Co. have just a solid car
of the famous Pittsburgh Fence.
Call and see them before you buy
for prices that are in-
be afraid of the banks
during the panic and hoard up
your money at home. We read
almost daily occurrence s where
money is stolen from the house or
destroyed by lire. Put it into
the Tank of Winterville, give the
benefit of its circulation and at
the same time it is perfectly
J. L Jacks n, Cashier.
Lime and salt at A. W.
For acres of
land which is known as the
homestead of Fred White farm,
consisting of about two horse
farm of nice, cleared land, one
dwelling, one barn and
necessary out houses. farm
is Mutable for cotton, corn, to-
peas, etc For further
particulars apply to A- Cox or
Ollie Winterville, N. C.
Stray T Up-I have taken
up a stray cow, red color, butt
headed, marked swallow fork in
right ear. Owner can get same
by proving pi, and paying
C. R. Galloway,
R. F. D. No. N. C.
i Pope i st
to Li i . I bin
. .- i- i Hi in fro-
i ., . was
with r ll-o
i I. r
I r
. i
. i
I I i
el nil . are m
i ti
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized A c for Ayden and
and we . m,
a- -1 receipts outside corporation at
i i i .
I out
i Ii at you
i In i It
el the Ion Tit-Bit i.
Report of the Condition of
The Bank of Winterville
In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Dec.
Loans and discounts 10.0811.70
Furniture and
Due Banks
Silver coin including
minor coin
National bank notes
other U. S-
18,282.91 Total
Capital stock . 5,000.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
current expenses
and taxes paid 41.47
Time certificates of
Deposits sub. to 10,688.78
cashier's checks out-
standing 1,800.78
In arrears We have
all receive tin n
for printing
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they
have the best.
A Tasteless Chill tonic with
Iron, positive permanent and
effectual relief in and
a general tonic only M.
drug store, Ayden, N. C.
Your lady friend would
of those fancy boxes
of candy at Sauls
drug store, Ayden N. C.
See our line of books and
for holiday presents.
J. R. Smith Co.
We will have a full line
Candies, also apples,
oranges, banana, raisins,
and anything you want in
and Christmas goods.
J N. Alexander and Co.
Boys I have a nice line of safe-
from 1.00 to you
I d i well to procure one m d
time and money- See my
line of Sober, and other brand.
of pocket knives M M
Carload of Portland cement,
lime and plastering hair at J,
Smith Co,
The Ayden Milling and Mi i
factoring plant was sold a p
lie auction her.- yesterday an
was bid in by J. F.
J, N. Alexander and Co.
Car of h and soft c I
by R. Smith. Co,
Pine will r
cold a
bottle from M M
Those beautiful bas-
containing such d i s
candy i . d
to please many a maiden fair-
patterns kept on hand,
latest styles. -I. It. Smith Co.
The largest and cheapest line
of stationary in town don't buy
until you have examined M. M-
J. E I wards Son
received a ear load of El
wire fence. Can furnish J
Carload cotton seed meal and
Hulls at J R Smith co.
big opening
our Christmas goods Dec. 12th.
J. N.
will have you
want Christmas for your moth r,
father, brother, s. broth-
and all for;
J. N, an o
Go to E E n
market for beef, h m
and fresh
The pr I by caps
cloaks in town at Smith
Tripp, S o. are in
lion and
in m line I i w
eat or life ha Try
n I i Wad
boar, weighs about I ,
has been mark d so I
can't tell I r
paving damage and the cost of
th v., can have i am
D . 1907. I.
Ayden, N. c
A choice lino of community
silver ware for Christmas
trade -I K Smith company
-iii In
ft Ins.
Mill supplies, belting, valves,
team Smith Co
L me
and a full of El
R. Sn
Hart and Co have re
d and daily r
the nicest and freshest line
on the market
D Joseph Di n
Physician and Surgeon
. C.
the aches
Contain No
. , i p its and
t . B.
. m's.
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt, I
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J- L- JACKSON, Cashier.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn
to b
fore me, this 10th day of De-
James R. Johnson,
Notary Public.
A. G. Cox,
G. E, Lineberry,
J. P, Harrington.
Light and heavy groceries,
cigars and tobacco at Tripp Hart
and company.
A lot of cool in . and heat-
stoves at J. R. Smith
Car load fine and coarse
salt at J It Smith Co.
Man Who W C i Col
i i in
. .
, .
Very Feat
Strength Well Bravery.
Field .
I in
i noble
It i night had fall
The ad
p a
. in i w, es
ire of i
I i
V. came
aid. ire .
a. . I. It i
, v .
I examined I
In the Slate of N Carol
We have the line
Christmas goods ever came f
Ayden; come to see us
For goods and pres-
for your children, friends
and sweethearts don't fail to sec
Hart and company, they
can please and you
A full line carpenters tools
and mill fittings. J. R. Smith
Windows, doors, Minds, locks
and butts, J. R. Smith
Co. I
B ire
line from B i an I
. , . ;,
. . . i
t to
. Oil .
MA in e A A.
I Smith. Cashier of the ; bank, do swear
the above .- t my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Dec.
Notary Public

What About
With the the season to all our
readers m ask you the question of the hour
The children are it with wondering
expectations of what Santa
is likely to bring them.
The older people are asking it, not so much
in speculation regarding the
tint I will bring to them, but
a an inquiry as to how they are to pro-
suitable and satisfactory presents for
relatives and friends without too heavy
upon their time and
Kay we help you solve the problem and
Pit you in the way of doing your Christmas
shopping with pleasure satisfaction and
W r of selection that
can c he found in a very extensive snow-
ii I I goods- We take pleasure
and will do all in our
power to help you to just the right article at
price, so th it you may leave our
came, and perfectly
your purchases in every respect.
i to ail a cordial invitation to call
and i line of
every reader at our store at an
dab . and wishing one and all a very
I we remain,
Yours truly
J. R. J. G
lit ll
i U I- II ;. .
ii as ; . y,,. . .,
Ill I V I ll i, , . I
I . . U,
We are th Plumbers
d t. it. B
. ii, ;. make
as little as and
I in the eke i time in
j on can done.
C A Dickens
Heavenly Visitor
than we
the time of
Trouble with your Tinning and
We m things right so
and thorough-
a now the ti
begun before it , ended.
i is worth a
big but you'll find oar
as moderate as if the work had
as rely a-
Shop in rear of M. Fleming's
You can find chickens ,
day, and turkeys they can Ladles ard Gentlemen s Tailor,
be had, at my store near A. C L Greenville, N. c.
. Pressing. Altering, Repairing.
on had Dyeing-
on had. C. C and Dry c
i Satisfaction or no charges.
X and Fleming
III. lip
horse, a lot of hogs, corn, fodder
and hay, wagon, carts, plows,
hoes and shovels, cultivators,
mowing machine and rake. Sale
to take place Jan. 3rd, 1908. at
o'clock a. m., at Mrs.
son's farm.
J. C
Barber Shop.
Having been away for several
months wish to announce to
my friends and patrons of the
of Pitt that I am still
connected with the firm of Chas.
M. and if are
allowed to misuse happy
term home as a synonym for a
out I still call
Greenville my home, and while I
intend to be away from Green-
ville a great deal of my time
this fall a postal care of b-x
Greenville, will reach me
within a day or two We now
have a number of slightly used
pianos, some of which
have been rented during the
months, which
were temporarily used by artists
the exposition and for
work, at bargain a.
also offer a special school
piano for fully measuring
up in to any
instrument. This piano is es-
built for college and
school work the special price
named above is full
teed by my firm for years.
Those interested in a school piano
or in a good slightly used
for the home should write
me at and will profit
by u. and as ever I am always
of my
and interest as well as my
firm's interest Grateful of past
I patronage. Very
G. G.
B N. C.
brood sows, horse, j
cow, two-horse Hackney wagon
a number of plows, cotton plant
gears, etc.
turkeys, S C.
brown incubator and
Farmville, N. C.
R. F. D. No
I the
in Winslow's Stables
Direction For tho Car of
The first tooth, like second,
are required for the proper
of the food, which is all the
more necessary in the growing child,
who needs more nourishment in
proportion than an older person of,
twice his size. As soon as the teeth j
appear they should be cleansed with
a soft cloth, and when the child is
old enough a little brush should be
given to him, and he should be
taught how to use it. After this
the mother or nurse should see that
it is used regularly, The month of
even child should be examined
or three times u year by the dentist,.
and any little cavities discovered
should be stopped with temporary
filling. Indeed, as much care should
be taken of i lie first as of the second
set of teeth, for they are just as
necessary to health, beauty and com-
value of being well
dressed; everybody
It grows of out the tact that
people have to judge
ability and standing by the
way you look, until you give
them something else to judge
That Means
w e
are in a position to increase
the business value of every
man in this town; we've got
Hart, Marx
clothes for you; and if you
live up to your looks in these
clothes, you'll be a sure
cs s
Wholesale and ii n r
Cleaning Soiled Ribbon. Fur.
Pick out nil pieces of thread. Lay Turkeys, Egg,
ribbon down right side up on cloth steads, , Mattresses, Pa So
worn done
promptly and satisfactorily
Chickens, Turkeys. and
Ducks for sale at Rainbow
Stables, in front of market
covered table, the ribbon is
wide, pin down smooth as possible.
small piece of n hits soap in
a or saucer, then put in a little
cold water, Make a pad of old
muslin. With this a little of
the soap and water tog Com
e one end of the ribbon
Saturate a little at a time, rubbing
hard on soiled places and where
creases arc op ribbon smooth.
It the cloth underneath the ribbon
becomes too wet, move the ribbon.
When ii is perfectly clean and
smooth dry without any pressing.
cleaned this way will look
nearly like new.
II very In in cm
Baby Carnages,
sails Table.
and K
i Life Tobacco Key
i. i.-, -M.
Pine Apples, i up,
Flour, Sugar, C
Mario Food, Matches
Seed Meal H
tor i . Is, rm, . ,
Peaches, currants,
Glass ware Tip
den ware, cakes
crackers, Macaroni,
i New Sewing m .
rid d.
; . ; f
c ah. c mo c. me.
Norfolk Cotton and Peanuts, i
J. W. Perry Co., Cotton
Strict Middling n
1-1 ll
Low 1-S ll
Middling ii i
Low tirade
Wire I Cobb Bros Co.
1-4 to 8-8
and Jan. r
Jan. T
May Ribs
v I to i Mai
Round Tickets on Sale December
31st. and,
January 1st. Final limit 6th
For further information communicate nearest
Agent, or write
W. J. White, G P A
Buying A Mighty Good Thing For Everybody Rut
We will give away
one holding the most
sweet-toned Organ
this 20-days sale.
V, he only want, to honest
morning of T
to money,
Bedstead FREE
To the one holding the
lucky number, we will
give absolutely free a
Handsome Bedstead
this 20-days sale.
hen you buy your gifts
Ir Christmas you should
to give some-
nice however small
not quantity
your motto.
this in view
hen we bought our
lay and we have
daintiest ard most
A gift should be
to him who re-
better impress-
of your
also something that will
keep that impression in
mind. You surely will
find gift you want in
our stock.
space is too small to give you a list of everything we have. Suffice
to say that we have the largest and most elaborate line
of holiday goods we have ever had.
of toilet and manicure
The use of can at
h as
We also have a line of
e m
a d
Report of Condition of
fl n-i up of to-
y i
Carolina, at the close of
At Greenville, in the state of North .-1 m
nerves get weak, then
fail. the
Dec. Stomach, nor a tin or
RESOURCES That i. i. .-.-.
Loans and Discounts i live.
Due from
reserve agents i
Due from State Hanks a. n
checks and other cash
Exchanged for
of other National
and cents
Lawful money reserve i.
Legal-tender notes
fund . S.
Treasurer per cent of
health is k. .-. w c u- i-
A successful man is one who
makes his mistakes when they
don't count him
lino t
In Bach pretty too
Our from
men's pocket books and closely with the
tempt you to invest bill books o suit, and day as Santa
from to that are reasonable, himself We have n line
ran from has I
is binding. A n leather
ways a
., novel, j,
Capital Stock paid in i
Surplus Finds 6,000.11
profits ox-
prate and taxes pall 1.188.6
National bank
Time ilea
deposit 12,981.12
3,018.50 86,728.81
Bonds borrowed i
i. ills Io,
The of paper be
that i- at
i- .
is the o. w to
the s
Cure is taken acting
y upon the mu .-
of lean, the
e .-- . tho
ti in doing
r so
. i powers that
offer s for an
that It fails lo for
list i r test
P. J. i- i O.
Sold by i , c.
I for
m and
at the Christmas
f Carolina
Tho the Fr
Not man I have the ache,
I, P. j. i- c., Cashier of the above If every t
regular holiday editions,
I colors of leather
the pi
for a of
old, We picture , Illus-
ion from holiday
ard everything usu-
We- found in the Book line
call attention t
our line of Chris
w year cards, an.
our holiday boxes
o have a complete
holly tags and
complete without
named bank, do swear
the above i.- true t the
knowledge and
I i I
S a i to 9th day D C.
ti, KOld eta
Of Mi
Tea. Wooten's Drug Store.
Be sure to
see line
of Post Card
Albums Ev-
needs one, In bisque figures we have
and nothing something that will appeal
pocket book, how
gift Ask to ever small or large it
to see them be
The line consists of French I
plate on gold and
silver and in triple
mirrors with frames of
some materials Our prices
are very reasonable on Ibis
Report of ii of
in she State of North Carolina, at the clone of by mess D c
es, d oils, ti to; s etc.
Loans and discounts
B and
I All other Bond
Bl S
if from
i items
Si coin,
H minor coin cum
notes and
i her i
Capital . ck
l n In . ,
IS 239.71
t a i
Our souvenir goods in
and white metal arc tho
most of the whole line,
have hundreds of i i
antique brass, gun metal and copper,
that will appeal to every shopper Greenville
and the vicinity. Dainty and original, you may be sure
the person to whom they are given has like them
We have heard nothing but exclamations of delight
of C county or s
I. J
a t the above
know and f.
Subscribed sworn to
. JO h .-y of
Notary Public.
I. I
it V. KIN
. ;.
i n ct r.
Report cf the
whenever they have been shown We also have articles in tho State of North Carolina, at
of the same without the souvenir feature that 8------
close business Dec.
are creations of beauty, jewelry cases, candelabras,
puff boxes, trays, ink stands, pin is
The talking machine is a
Mr Man
you can do better
than buy one now The
whole family w enjoy It.
and tn family more
than you. handle both
and the Victor
Prussia, the delicate hand painted Nippon machine sand a full line of
are from Japan, the brightly colored and artistic records for each
of our assortment, and the g
creations from the German When you We have been very frugal in king I
see us don't leave the store until you have as and believe the of the community
line of blue cobalt from Germany, this line j
ornamental prices contain-will appreciate the fact You lo store h
s of Greenville. When you give a gift out you we the real holiday All goods will be
e that will give local touch to
receives it prices marked
Loans and discounts 762,876.60
Overdrafts secured
All other stocks Ponds
Due Banks and
Cash items
Silver coin including
all miner coin currency
National bunk
and other U. S.
Capital sleek
Surplus Fund
current ; i
s paid
i M
89.305 Duo m and
I Cashier's i
State pf North Carolina, county of Pitt,
I, C. S. Carr, of the above named bank, do
above is true I i the b a of ago
and belief. C S. It, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn l fore
me this day of Dee. 1907-
Notary Public.
My com. expires

Ural Frederick Grant's Story About
Famous Father.
I n i ;. Dent Grant,
r of the de-
i the east, es-
high i . dinner guest
exclusive York society
L On an a out
other night Be is wanted
sort of after dinner
that M.
s wont u fur the general
is frank to admit that lie
Ken that peculiar kind
gastronomic eloquence. Tl
however, a forte of
Having duly i before the
i Court Clerk of Pitt county,
of the of l. H.
Moore, deceased, notice is hereby given
to the estate to
mike in-mediate to
and pi claims
estate arc notified to re-
the same to the undersigned fir
the of
or this notice will be
plead r of
This day of Nov. 1907.
Martha A. Moore,
of D. H. Moore,
t d. o t w.
Notice to Creditors.
Superior Court of
I n e. the undersigned, on
th f November, 1907, on the
e . Owens, deceased.
vi ail persons
t d to make
t, to the undersigned,
of state to pres-
i s. within months
. if this i or this no-
bar if their re
x 1907,
lie . Ow. us,
i to the estate of
. ;. ,
of the Board of Commissioners
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Board of
Commissioners for Pitt county, number of days each member has
attended, an l amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
the fiscal year ending 1st, 1901.
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
as commissioner 2.00
for day as committeemen
miles traveled at
I of the .
I . n a
i it is a v i son that
Tat. have never I
L mi .
to c . I
. i .
. . i, I -red.
e it i fr i . he
ed ; . when I
. ,
Ry virtue i f power of con-
age Deed ex-
I . i y II. l.
For i i the 11th day of
r, bi d duly recorded in the
of Deed n I Pitt
North Carolina, in Book J B, page
oil. lo ;
House door in
for cash, I . highest bid-
lay, the lay of Jan-
. I in I he i of
o Swamp,
t. on
. too
, .a iv i
i I
. i at tho
or. S
line, then
e a- . i . con-
. said
Tl . of Novel r,
Ml I
. i I
en is
At tho time ho of
follow i civil war,
o sit in I o Wash-
on, a woman entered
i on I ii d to see him, lie
i I ad come to ask
tho Ion of her .- m, who was
pi for a serious
Tl o . did n l vain
her, Ii he felt that the
I an I did i
to I the mother's feel-
-V lie culled to his
and i j to
a dot n the buck
l c o ; tr am n it
W Au or
Amount allowed W. R. Home for day as com-
missioner 2.00
for miles traveled at 1.20
Amount allowed J- R. Spier for day as com-
missioner 2.00
for day as committeeman 2.00
for miles traveled at 2.00
Amount allowed J. R. Barnhill for day as com
missioner 2.00
for days as committeemen at 2.00 6.00
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed R. King, chairman for
b as commissioner at 82.00 f 44.00
for days as committeeman 42.00
for miles traveled at 17.05
Amount allowed John Z. Brooks days as
J 44.00.
fur days as committeeman 24.00
for miles traveled at 46.50
Amount allowed M. T. Spier com-
missioner at 2.00 44.00
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed D. J. Holland for days
commissioner at S 12.00
days as committeeman at 2.00
miles traveled at 39.70
allowed N. r. . ox for days as i-
r at
LI days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at , 6.70
Just Arrived At
Where you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, they guarantee it per
cent pure. Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters, cook
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware etc It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the celebrated
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig and different
heights. Their place is head-
quarters for Roofing, which you
will find in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied by
No to Creditors
. i
. I, notice r i i; i ii i
I, i I nil e
I . i .
I to pi
, or this notice
r i
. V. i .-i
I v.
Total amount Board
State of Carolina, Pitt county.
I, Richard Williams, of Deeds ex-officio of
the Board Commissioners for the county said do certify that
the foregoing correct statement as doth record in
my office.
Given under my hand and seal of said Board of Commission-
at office in Greenville, this 25th day of November 1907.
R. WILLIAMS, Clerk Beard Com. for Pitt Co.
Com. Pitt Co. N. C
Notice is hereby given that I
to the
at their meeting the
1908, r license
lay m
in the town
This 2nd 1907.
W. R. Whitehead.
Notice is hereby given I
will make application to the board
of counts commissioners on the
first Monday in January, to
retail liquors in the town of
N. C.
This Dec. 1907.
Mi n .
group i tin men
ii S i it the late
. rd M
Ir. M one,
t, a did
in society, but the
had i prop t and be-
i on ii dignity
it id to unduly fa-
. o all know, rather
Ho i I. from ts or
any allusion to his bald-
is hereby given that
make w plication to the
ard of county
n i he fir Mi i d in January,
1808, for lie- to retail
in the town of Oakley, N. C.
This Dec. 2nd 1907-
l L. Canon.
Farm of about acres in one
mile of Small house,
stables and barn, and water.
Fine land any crops and good
location Will sell reasonable for
cash. Clayton
R. P. N. C.
sometimes terminates is
the stoppage of liver and bowel
To q end this condition
without disagreeable
Kn-a New Life Pills should always he
remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
Satisfactory in every case or money
at Jno. L. drag
Baker Hart
Agent for
Lead Zinc Paint. Jewel Stoves and Ranges.
farm Implements sower
Edge Tools.
Notice is v. that will make
to torn- i
R their the i
first Monday in u for Ii-1
to r in the
Stokes, N. c. i
This Nov. 27th, 1907.
C. F.
And Provisions
Bow Diphtheria ii-
One hears the expressions; v
cold which
into when
truth was the cold had simply left to
the c one particularly
to the wandering diphtheria germs
when Chamberlains Cough Remedy is I
t quickly cures and W
sens the of diphtheria or any
other germ disease being contracted.
tor sale by all druggists and dealers in
patent medicines.
I Not Quite I
at a party a man
up behind this p
him with a vho k and exclaimed in a
Hello. How are yon
I -i e you you get balder
ans drew himself up. He
at tho
ha . . don't know
Having duly qualified before
Superior court clerk of Pitt
county a executor of the last
will and of J.
Laughinghouse, Jr., deceased,
notice is hereby given to all par
ties indebted to the to
it artist, I make immediate payment to the
and ail persons
you are, but very time
i . get ruder and
Golf In His
I J, I the humor-
caused a Los An-
to make a terrible
i tho pulpit the other
previous afternoon tho
been i heartbroken by
of n match game that had
entirely his. Hut after
fen at the end,
his him out.
weighed on the minister's
. when he m the
next to
he began solemnly,
i it profit a man he gain the
world and lose the last
having against the estate
are notified to the same
for payment to the undersigned
on or before the De-
1908, or this notice will
be in bar of recovery.
This 18th of Dec.
J. J.
Ex. of j. J. Laughinghouse, Jr.
For yoke of good
work oxen and cart. Will sell
cheap. C. E. Tripp,
R. P. D. Greenville, N. C
7-2-t-d 2-t-w.
North In Superior
Pitt county i Court.
Mary Drown vs. Richard Brown.
The defendant above named
will take notice that an action
entitled as above hits been com
in the Superior Court of
Pitt county to obtain from the
d a decree of absolute
divorce for Statutory causes set
in the complaint that he L
required to appear the next
term of the Superior Court of
I county to be held on the
second Monday in January 1908,
at the Court House of said
Dakota, with its rich
ROW often vim can vet a
nail or sore, driver or
lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
line of tools
Is a you desire, and
we will that your
box does not lack a single
mines-, bonanza far;, s, wide S
strange natural formations, is a V
wonderland. At Mound City, in
the home of Mrs. K. a won-
has lately occur-
red. near death
lung and threat , S
coughing spells every
giving King's New i.
great medicine, that saved his
and completely
by J. I.
gist. and 81.00. Trial
; ca;.;
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Lour Si
You got s
Horse Goods c
About two months ago our girl
measles which settled on her
in Greenville, N. C, and ans- last it suited in a severe attack
J. P.
When IO Co Home.
From the Ind.,
tired out, When you
want consolation, When you
want fun. home. When you want
to show others that you have
go home and let your family get ac-
with the When you
show at your go
homo and do act there. When you
feel like being extra liberal go home
on your wife and children
first.-When you want to with
ext brilliancy go home and light up the
j whole To which we would
I add, when you have a bad cold
take Chamberlain's Cough
and a quick is certain. For sole
O. S. one of tho best by all Druggists and Dealers in Patent
known Le N.
relief demanded
in said com
This the 30th. day of c
K. I did
and well today.
D. C. Moore, C. S C
F. G. James. for Plaintiff.
bad to me ard, or abrasions. at Jno.
ed to get it, when one of the store- drug store,
try Chamber-
m and our
. Geo. W.
by all I and
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
I tho Superior court clerk of Pitt
county as administratrix of the
estate of Albert Moore, deceased.
Some Will be Stopped.
There some people to whom
The Reflector will not be sent
next year, unless they have paid
us something before the new
year comes in. We have waited
on their repeated promises to pay,
but cannot afford to continue to
send them the paper and get
. nothing for it
Two cows, one butt headed,
color black with white star in
forehead, two white feet, mark-
ed crop in right ear, hole in left.
The other brown color,
feet and lens white, marked over
bit and under bit in both ears,
horned and had on bell Suitable
reward for leading
to recovery. G. N. Baker,
d t w. Greenville, N. C.
Sale of Town
By the power vested
By vi of a of the in mo by law, rs administrator
a certain special pro- of W. If. White, deceased, I
I j to Public sale, to the
day, fell before the bidder for cash, before
The public school house in one
district of Randolph county has
been burned three times in the
past year.
court do r in the of Green-
to the highest bid or, a certain lot
u col of lid, situate in the town of
Pitt county, and known in
the plan Of the old pan of said town and
part of Be-
ginning m Washington street at the
corner lot and running
with said street north eighty-ova feet;
I hence an easterly parallel with
I street, one and thirty-
two t to line lot number
a course
feet to the corner
numbers; the line of lot
number one hundred and thirty-two
feet beginning containing
one-fourth of a nacre, more or less
Terms of sale cash.
n. J. Cobb, commissioner,
aV Attorneys. i
sale Notice of Sale of to all per
balers in Patent , . ,, to the estate to
Property or W. H. make immediate payment to the
Deceased. undersigned, and nil persons
having claims said estate
are notified to present the same
to the undersigned for payment
on or before the 17th day of
December, 1908, or this notice
will be in bar of recovery.
This 17th day of Dec. 1907-
Lorena Moore,
of Albert Moore.
From my form on
before the second Sunday in
October, a black male hog,
weight about pounds,
marked slit in each ear.
Would appreciate information
leading to recovery and pay in-
formant for trouble.
Mrs. N. E. Tucker.
R. F. D. Winterville, N. C
the court door, and at the
door of the sales stables, lately
occupied by the said W. H.
White, on Tuesday, the 31st day
of December. 1907, a portion of
the personal estate of W. H.
White, deceased, consisting of a
numb r of good horses and
mules and certain
gear, saddles, etc., a
part of which can be seen at any
time at the stables in front of the
court house door.
This the 12th day of
S. T. White, Administrator of
W. H. White, deceased.

Eastern reflector, 27 December 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 27, 1907
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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