Eastern reflector, 20 December 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Office of the Board of Commissioners
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Boa of
Commissioners for Pitt county, number of days each member has
. amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
i ,, i tow
A D. M
Notice to Creditors.
the r an
the fiscal year ending 1st,
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
as commissioner
for day as committeemen
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed W. R. Home for day as com-
for miles traveled at
. of Sap
Pitt co i u h ring
. . ,. . . eel, on
u w Owe p. A ceased.
N- ti i to a I i n . . allowed J- R. Spier for day as com-
for day as
I for miles traveled at
in mo
cit t the and n
,,. ,;. .- mi whoa-
. i
-1 l- n their re
t n. v r
a he I.
A .
Amount allowed J. R. Barnhill for day com-
for ; days as committeemen at 2.00
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed R. W. King, chairman for
s as at
for days a--- committeeman
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed John Z. Brooks for days as
J .
days as. committeeman
for miles traveled at
, . do r
f Jan-
I . I
a .
i I
Amount allowed M. T. Spier for day J as com-
missioner at 2-00
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed D J. Holland for days as
commissioner at
at 2.00
Ami u X T. Cox for days as com-
. r ac
for ll lays committeeman at 2.00
S 12.00
Just Arrived At
aid .
T ,. i . . vi b r,
I . . . .
i lard
ill the,
dies travel at
. . ,. .
. Total amount allowed Board
f North Carolina. county.
I, Williams, Regis U i of Deeds and ox-officio clerk of
Commissioners for the aforesaid do certify that
e foregoing is a correct statement as doth record appear in
n y .
I liven under my hand and of said Board of Commission-
in Greenville, this 26th day of November 1907.
Where you will find a complete
line at all limes. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cent pure- Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters, cook
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig tight and different
heights. Their place is head-
quarters for Roofing, which you
will in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almosT
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied
i I
R. WILLIAMS. Clerk Board Com. for Pitt Co.
Pit N. C
. oncE.
i i Inn by n that
will ma application to I.
i . , commissioners the
fir Monday in January, L to
terminates fatally, is
the stoppage of liver and bowel tune-
lions. To quickly end this
without tens n ions,
King's N v. i. t i i la should always i.
Sole Agent for
Lead Paint. Jewel Stoves and Ranges. Syracuse
farm fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
Campbell, retail liquors in the town of lour remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
. in every case or money
i n a- t store, j
N it
i r that I
make i tn the
of C C m
H t
, tin 1908, r lie
i r, tail Ii town
u . C.
Tl Ii
W. Andrews.
Christmas just two weeks off
I Farm of about acres in one
mile of Small
stables and barn, and water.
i Fine for any crops and good
Will for
i cash. Clayton
One the
developed into when the
truth was that the cold h id limply left
the one
when Chamberlain s Cough
R. F. N. C. given quickly the cold and
ale of Personal Property.
Notice i; h given that the
administrator, will
Friday of Do-
r, 1907, for public
.- the r of the late
in Bi r Dam Town
Pitt i . . North
,. all the I- property of
i. . state of the said J. F. Allen,
of mules, horse-,
hogs, one cattle beast,
fodder, cotton seed and
and kits h. n
one mowing machine and
This sale will begin at
A. M. and continue till all
the n laid property in sold.
This the 30th day of November,
Zeno Alien,
J. F. Allen,
Entry of Vacant Land.
Entry no. S I. R. by F. C
i ii r, M ; , enters and claims about
, i less, i f vacant land
.-, rt i c u Pitt county. N.
. swamp, on both
the lands of M,
. on the so
m. K. H.
. lands known a on north,
, ii and he
i, a d the i
This No , .
It. II.
Any person I r persons claiming title
file their protest in writing
next thirty or
. will be barred by law.
, t-ens tho diphtheria any
other germ contracted. ,
For Male all and dealers in I
There is quite a contrast in the
Weather this week and last.
A All
North Carolina I In Superior
Pitt county I Court.
Mary Brown vs. Richard Brown.
The defendant above named
will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been com South Dakota, with in rich silver
in tho Superior Court of j mine, torn i tarn a, wide ranges and
Pitt county to obtain h
defendant a decree absolute u Mr- B o.
divorce for statutory causes set has
in complaint that he LI red. seemed near death with
required to appear at next ;
term of the Court
county to be held on the.
second Monday in January
at the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and ans-
or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the
will to the Court tor the
relief demanded in said com
This the 30th day of
C, Moore, C. S C
F. G. James. for
Spoils every
minute , writes Mrs. I
begin giving Dr. King's Now
cry, th-.- great his
and con
J. I,
gist. and Lottie
Notice is hereby given that I
ill make application to the
of county commissioners
t the first Monday in January.
for license to retail
i the town of Oakley, N. C
This Dec. 2nd- 1907-
x E. Carson.
By of the power of sale con
in a Mortgage deed executed
and delivered by Oscar H. Hathaway
to. A. the 21st day
November, and recorded in
tho Bitter of deeds of
county, North in book P-S,
page the undersigned
to public sale, before the court
door in Greenville, for cash to the
highest bidder, on Monday, the 16th
day of December, 1907 the following
real property to A certain tract
of land fifty acres,
more or less, ad joining the of C.
A. Spain
heirs. th homestead of J. J. Hath-
away and known as the
said tract of land situated in
township, Pitt county. State of North
Carolina, to said mortgage
This 13th of November, 1907.
L. A. Randolph, mortgage.
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
Just a
little bit cooler than it
I wish to Pay to many
friends I am now with the
Carolina Milling and
company, where you can
all kinds of repair work done on
short notice. Thanking you for
your past favors. I also solicit a
liberal share of your future pat-
Yours to
Jas. A. Manning.
Notice is hereby given will make
applications to the i card of county com-
meeting on the
first Monday in 1908, for
to I r in the town of
Stokes, N. c.
This Nov. 27th,
t d w. C. F. Page.
I Not Quite
How often you can got a
nail or screw driver or
ft. Mr lucking. Have a good
T and be prepared for
M emergent Our line of tools
is a could and
we see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
D. W. a
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country j
Produce Bought and Sold
of Four
Washington, N. C, Dec.
Four Russian emigrants arrived
in a few days ago- These ,
men could not speak a word of
English and were almost starved
when they arrived. Through an
interpreter they told of the many
hardships they had encountered
since their arrival in North Caro-
According to their story
they were taken to some point,
the name of which they could not
remember, by a railroad agent to
work on a railroad. On arrival
there they found all the vacancies
filled and the agent discharged
them, without a cent of pay and
n in the way of food. Next
they applied to a captain of an
oyster boat for work and went
aboard, but after a day or two of
this the captain finding them not
acquainted with the work, put
them off on an island, presumably
Indian Island, at mouth of
Pamlico river, about forty miles
from this city.
Without a scrap of food and no
money their condition grew
and finding an old
dated row boat on the island, all
four embarked, hoping that they
might be picked up by a passing
vessel Without any oars and
no sail they drifted a out for
forty hours or longer until finally
a current carried the boat upon a
beach, which they found to be
the main land. They then
walked until they reached a
road and followed it until they
arrived in this city.
When they arrived here they
were well nigh had not
a cent of money and were unable
to speak a word of English,
to communicate signs,
an interpreter could be
found, when through him I hey
told their pitiful tale. The four
men were given lodging at the
city hall and a collection was
taken up among the city officers,
and they were given enough for
meals. The spokesman
of the party says that they would
like to settle here if they can
obtain work. Tn men are all
men of pleasing
and no doubt u make
good laborers.
D. W.
North Carolina.
Ii Hutu-
I .
ii hi
I Of
You net ;.
Horse c .
I Corey
Tuesday night a white man,
named Will Dunn, while
struck his wife in the face
with an and cut her quite
severely. Hi was arrested and
held for trial.
Al out two our girl
had s settled i n her lunge i
hut a severe
of U. We laid two doctors but
no wan obtained.
th, would i went to eight
a n remedy
which had I to mi and
ed to gel it, one of the
insisted that try Chamber-
he .
baby is well today. W.
springs, N. c tale
by an i
Advertisements in The
tor are good trade
n i b.
S. r, one of the best
known f I.-i N.
Y,, says- If are ever troubled
with pit, h. apply
It cure I me of them for good
go for sores,
burns or at Jno. I.
Wooten's drug store.
Sale V Town Lot
H vi of a de roe of the
Court, made in a c special
c.-e therein pa entitled J. C.
a . ex, I Will, on Mon-
i , -elf the
court home do r in the of Green
or, a certain lot
p of I o ii, i in the town of
Pitt county, and known in
the plan of
part of
n Street at the
nor corner o lot and running
with said street north i i feet;
I an easterly course, parallel with
street, one hundred and thirty-
two Kl f o t to line of lot number to,
a y e eighty-five
feel to the
then o with the line of lot
number one d and thirty two
feet to the beginning containing;
line fourth of or less
Terms of silo cash.
p. J.
Jarvis Attorneys.
W hull to So Homo.
Trim the Ind ,
tired out, go home. When you
want go home. When you
want fun. i o home. When you want
to show others that you have reformed,
go home and let your family get ac-
with the When you
want to show at your best go
home and do the act there. When you
feel like being liberal go home
and practice on your wife and children
first. When you want to thine with
extra brilliancy go me and
whole To which we would
you have a bad cold
and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and a quick cure certain. For sale
by nil and Dealers in
The meeting of the county
association here on Sat-
14th, promises to be a
very interesting
A from any is
quickly by Dr. Cough
Mid it is thoroughly
I and that Dr. tells others
to give it without
young lubes. The
green and tender
stems of a mountainous
shrub, furnish the curative properties
to cure. It calms
the cough, and heals the sore and sen-
bronchial membranes. No opium,
chloroform, nothing to in-
or Simply a resinous
plant extract, that helps to heal aching
lungs. Tho Spaniards call this shrub
which the Doctor uses,
demand Dr.
cough cure, Store.
An effort is being made
have ex-Cashier T. W. Dewey,
who a few years defaulted
for a amount at New Bi
and was sent to the penitentiary,
pardoned by the governor. The
New Bern Sun says a delegation
from city has gone to
to protest against the pro
The Weldon Light
has been mustered the
National Guard of the Slate.
The company has
A new hospital, the gift of C.
W. Watts, is to be built at Dur-
ham at a cost of something like
a half million dollars.
A bill has been presented in
congress by Hon. W. W. Kitchin,
to make Guilford Battle Ground,
near Greensboro, a
Resolutions Respect.
Whereas Great Spirit has
seen fit in his infinite love and
mercy to take our Bro.
S. T. White his beloved r.
Therefore be it
1st. That we. of
Tribe No.
to Bro. White our heartfelt
sympathy in this his sad hour t f
bereavement and assure him
that in some measure we feel
2nd. That we commend him
to the Great Spirit who
all well as being the only
true comforter in such sorrow.
3rd. That a copy of these res-
be sent Bro. White, a
copy be spread upon our minis-
and a copy sent to The Re-
for publication.
W. S.
J. E.
i R. G. Flanagan.
D J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
in Preference to Fiction.
Rev. R- L Davis to Large
Rev. R. L. Davis, State organ-
of the Anti-Saloon League,
preached in Memorial
church morning, and at
night made an ad
said prohibition is the
paramount, issue that confronts
the churches of North Carolina
for next i months-
not that other
not important,
prohibition is more important
because much depends on
the Stat. of
license evil.
Mr. Davis took the ground
that no State or municipality his
the right to license a business
that destroys manhood and
weeks homes, that there i.-; no
civil law that is not subordinate
to Divine law. Housed quota-
not only front the Bible, th-
foundation of law, but also from
the declaration of
the constitution of the United
States, from the legal writ
sustain this
Re pointed out the fact that more
than half the places in North j
in which liquor is
sold ; re located in half a dozen
Counties, in this immediate
Pitt being one of them, and
with this condition it is no won-
that the State boards of the
different have to
help pay for tho being
preached in these counties
Mr Davis said State
is one of the certainties of
th i ear future and North Can
will see it with the begin-
of the year 1910. There are
row hut twenty five counties in
North Carolina in which liquor is
legally sold, and the seven-
three counties will say
twenty five in the next
lure must come over with
us and rid North Carolina of the
sale of
The objection some people make
to prohibition because some
Stater, that had it bad abandons d
it, was fully answered. Mr.
Davis said the mistake, those
s made was in thinking the
enforce itself. The
Away at Old Fort While
Telegrams from Old Fort an-
that Mr. Willis T Flem-
of Greenville, died there
this morning, no further
particulars were given.
This sad intelligence was in-
deed a shock to Mr. Fleming's
host of friends here
at his home. He had been in
poor health several Two
weeks ago he went to a hospital
in Baltimore for treatment, but
th -re was advised that he would
obtain more benefit at a
sanitarium and he returned
home. Last Thursday
he left here to go to Asheville,
but his death at Old
Fort it inferred that he must
have been taken worse
and stopped there. The re
mains will be shipped
probably reaching here Tuesday
evening or y no in
Fleming was years
and a s n of Mr. and Mrs. K. II.
who with on-;
Miss Lennie Fleming,
vive him To aged parents
and the sister all hearts go out
Mr. Fleming was
of the mercantile firm of
Fleming Mooring, who did a
large business here, lie was a
young man of spotless character
and was held in
high esteem by every one. He
was a prominent member of both
tho Masonic and Red
The congregation of the
Christian church at Grifton last
State Expiates.
legislative for
the inspection and comparison of
the books and vouchers in the
office of the State have
found the records correctly and
Claim to With Their
This is not a piece of
but ii. is a solemn fact,
that dancing and card
customs which are professedly and warrants and
and ; the earth vouchers to correspond, all intact.
bad en Ugh in their They enter the following as the
effects upon those who care of the treasury at the
for from a close of
worldly view point, but when end of
com.-s to church members and General on hand
Sunday school teachers and December 1906,
teachers receipts for fiscal year ending
names published if it
were an as ha danced
or it -mi
one should in i
We the modest
to stop and c
what effect will this have on
their usefulness Surely the
mentioned is not without
some of the
of Jesus. your light
for fiscal year
November 293.33;
total receipts for the fiscal ear
ending November o . 1907,
to November
Farmville, Dec- Two People Under
On Monday, the 9th inst, just
as the sun was sinking behind the L Mao-
western hills, there was a little Not.-
group around a bed of one of his eyes considerably
suffering in the home of Mr. W. i the reporter asked him
H. Wilkinson, two miles from an He said that
Farmville. With tear dimmed Sunday his .
eyes and sorrowing hearts, they Ward, with one of
stood eagerly watching the last was
faint spark of life as it slowly
flickered away firm th manly
f. rm of a young man just as he
had reached his 28th year,
Moss Wilkinson.
from her h me to herd
at Meeting Mr
Satterthwaite his home she
told him her horse had b come
so skittish and was shying so
On the 0th of last June flt the road
young man was at his of she had become afraid of the
duty as a of the county him to g . n t.,
Mr Satterthwaite suggested a
so shine before men that
may see your good receipts, ville, and a few days later
son Messenger. 885.51; disbursements, removed to his father's hi
Resolutions of
The Architect of i he
universe having visited cur lodge
with death and called from labor
tin- soul of our brother,
W. II White, Lodge
No a A. F. A M. sires to
express this testimonial of es-
teem toll is memory.
Resolved, That in the death of
White this lodge has lost
presented the Rev. W. Y. its most faithful
pastor of the Method- one true principles
1st church, a set silver ho Practiced the
and forks, an expression of Masonry. He was
their appreciation of the brother, a true friend,
courageous manner in which upright citizen, and while we
prohibition in hum-
victory in the recent to will of God
at Grifton. Mr- things well. We
was untiring in his efforts to cherish his memory
cur hearts, and commend his
1907, ; camp, when quick as a
on hand, fund, D.-c he was stricken with pa-
1,1907,1295,585.53. and fell helpless to the
Educational in ground. It was thought fur
treasury December 1906 .- quite a while he would not
receipts December the but he buggy at
to November 1907, j rallied and was taken to went without
was trouble, but the nor i
fen . o home. nervous and
The Messenger might also have Der to November With parental care, loving
in the those church words ho
members are ,. 1907, proved so he could be out to
as of ts Total balance, general j extent for a few
In this age it is to educational, funds in to his bed
the world I worse until angels cam
aid the church. his spirit through
. j portals above,
During his long K h
exceedingly meek
change or buggies to give more
room, and hitched the horse to
j his own top buggy. saving Mr.
than usual Returning home
that afternoon, the horse .-hied
if baskets by the roadside
ti m do a heavy lunge
y complete-
a handling
tat tort
Ii down before the
U c both
I .
purge Grifton of the liquor c.
Mr. Even on was to
the circuit for th-; en-
suing year, at the Methodist con-
in and will
law was simply the from Grifton
some day this brother our ,.
in their I
. as an
worthy of emulation.
Resolved further, That we ex-
I tend to the widow,
broth-rs and sister of our d-
id Mrs. Ward under it.
On November 8th, 1907, at the
Washington Hospital, washing- ,, h him and ex. off end perhaps serious
ton, died Mrs. W- a d where he
Harrell, wife of our worthy should be buried,
brother, W. T. Among many
Remedies were unavailing and always a favorite on all
as a last resort she was sent to these he will be
Washington, where she spent ,,,. four
two weeks in uncomplaining a for his broth.
Gods ways are CL, Wilkinson, of Greenville,
injuring t hem. A s it was they
with only few
aid a very black eye for Mr.
clear to our human understand-
We can only that, n
His and wisdom, He
saw to up higher tho soul
of young woman, leaving
part of the time being in a branch
store in Tarboro, In both of
these town he made a ho.-t
Father, mother, four sisters
behind on earth a devoted, and two brothers survive
and took men to enforce it.
Mr Davis spoKe for
in hour, his address being inter-
and full of sound
hand, two loving children, other
loved many friend-.
Whereas. It has pleased the
Supreme Master of the n t
summons cur friend, from la
in the earthly of this
to eternal rest, in the
not made with hands And
Whereas, we deeply feel loss
and bow in humble submits on to
Hint, all things the
therefore be it Received,
them to w
That we th members
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds II. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last
Fred J. Forbes and Blanche C.
Charles Annie
Joshua and Florence
W. G. Hales and Maggie Dunn.
Moses E Kennedy and
Robert Pollard and Lena Vass
John Cox and Rachael Nobles.
W. A. Langley and
Lawrence Hines and Lillie
Fleming and Annie
Nelson and Pearly
Tobacco Market Holiday.
The Greenville tobacco market
will close for the Christmas
days from Friday, Dec. 20th, to
Monday. Jan and there will
Voice Capt. Swift v.-
Mr. H. E. C. Bryant writing I
to the Charlotte from
Washington, refers to a well
known and well beloved citizen
of Greene county in the follow-
Rev. Edward Everett Hale,
chaplain of the senate, is unique
in appearance. With his deep,
mellow bass voice,
his long, trimmed hair,
he looks like a relic of a century
ago. His voice, when praying,
alone cm them
great sorrow.
Resolved further, That a copy
of this testimonial be sent tho
widow of our brother, and copies
furnished The Reflector and The
Friend publication.
D. J. Whichard
A. J. Griffin
C. C Vines.
Goes to
Rev. W. Y. and family
. O. F.
I extend to the bereaved d,
his two children and other loved
one.; our heartfelt sympathy in
their affliction commend to
them the hope and con-
of the resurrection.
Resolved, that those resolutions
be spread on the records of our
Lodge, a copy be font to the
Dally Reflector for publication
and a copy be sent to our broths r
the bereaved husband.
Geo. II. Cole
D. C.
W. T. Sledge.
The funeral took place in
iI. service be-
by Rev. D W.
Arnold, of The pail
Messrs. J T,
Ii. K. A. S. J
an, B. Smith, S. Smith
and Jack Smith,
At Monday afternoon,
, at the homo of her son in South
Greenville, Fain
p s-.-d after an illness of
right weeks, w was years
old and two sons, Mi
D. S. Smith and W. J.
I one Miss Fannie
one sister, Mrs. Bettie
Tucker. She was an excellent
I woman her death is mourned
thy friends.
remains were taken to
I county today for inter
Oakley. N. C. -i 17th,
Mrs S. A, is quite
Little Irma Hines is sick this
J. R. Jenkins made
calls in R 4-. and Green-
last week.
Mrs E Roper and little son,
jam in, spent week in
Rs Mount.
Reddick and family t
Sunday here.
Andrews, of Rocky
Mount, is spending this week
with r.
Gray Cony wont to One
J J. is I trilling n.
house just of present
Section Master F. A, Manning
has moved in town.
Mrs Sarah of
spent Sunday herewith tors. S.
G- Williams
Benjamin Manning and sister.
with friends.
Parker has returned
in the family burial ground Virginia.
Marion place. Jo Gurganus spent a
is not unlike that of Capt. Swift through this morning
Galloway, of Greene county, going from
when speaking to a Democratic his charge, Mr. his
state convention. Mr. Hale is a do; e a good work at Grifton and
man of ripe old age; in his hosts of friends there. He
younger days he was a to leave there,
force in the religious world and but owing to tho condition of his I Greene who is on
Oakley last week.
Z no Briley
It Is a b
Miss Mil
day in
happy mar.
Mother Is Worth Most,
In a recent suit Miss Minnie has
Com. j brought in the State of New I gone to Norfolk lo i n few
Jersey by two small children,
whose patents had killed in Leon of
Monday afternoon Mr. wreck, the award was
and Mrs. was a
of the fl of while few says la t week in Winter-
a giant in the pulpit. He wears it to crew of the local allowed daughter. J.
his hair long and cut as
did men in the time of Washing-
ton, tho and
Free Press.
Eye Defects
F you have eye troubles, don't
put them but Dr. Taylor,
have her people, system, was at work put-
the recent conference changed ting a telephone in a
While driving c i through h
parcel in knob on which o fasten
the wire, the knob and n
This brings up the K.
quest of mother
to small In New
ii v.-. that not a
very value i i pi
Jim Taylor id
on the list.
I of W. V. Fuming.
Therein ii W. Fleming,
him in and yet it is the
Mr. R. L has moved m- The injury to Ins aye was of that at Old Fort Monday
to his handsome new residence J go that he went to Norfolk rules reached here on Tues-
of who will at his c Eighth streets; for
old in Ayden. Monday is completion. to his eye will not be
Tuesday, Dec. and for the has an and it is an
correcting eye defects.
Don't fail t j see Small eye
troubles make bit when
be no sales between those dates, i neglected. Ail work guaranteed-
ornament to tho t
Apples, and banana.-, candies.
assortment of nuts and
J. 1- Johnston-
of evening's train and the in-
allowed o'clock
should b
father, and bu. . after in Cherry Hill
is problem for He was
women, at to by many Lodge, service
Danville . . conducted by Rev. J. E. .

-V, K
Come in and look Them Over
from. Come to sec us for new
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Glass Ware,
Groceries, i
ware, We can and
you both in i u an i
All persons are hereby warned,
under penalty of the law, not to
hunt or in any way trespass upon
any of my lands near the town
of Greenville, either the on
South side of the river or
grounds on north of the
river. Frank Johnston.
The store and one warehouse
at present occupied by F. V,
will for rent Jan 1st.
J- A. Andrews.
You can find chickens every
day. and turkeys mien they can
be had, at my store near A. C- L-
Full stock of groceries always
on had. C. C.
been away for several
months to announce to
my friends and patrons of the
of Pitt that I am till
connected with the of Chas.
M. and if bachelors are
allowed to misuse the happy
term home as a synonym for a
out still call
Greenville my home, and while
into d to be away from Green-
ville a great deal of my
in this fall. postal care of bx
Greenville, will reach me
within a or two We now
have a number of slightly used
upright pianos, some of which
have been rented during the
summer months, others which
were temporarily artists
at the exposition and for
work, at bargain prices.
We also offer a special school
piano for Oil fully
up in to any
instrument. This piano is es-
built for college and
work l r price
named above and is full
I by my firm for lo years-
Inter in a school pi.
in a go used
for the hon should write
mo at and will profit
by it. and as ever I am always
mindful of my
and interest is well as my
ii Grateful of past
I patrons v. V
G. G.
Box N. C.
Masonic Opera
The Laugh Event of the Season
A Comedy of Rural
Indiana with the
In the Best Part she has had
in many seasons.
All the Posey county characters
will be there.
and cents.
Seats on Sale Friday
tor Book store.
fa m
. ;
i I
I i w i l
i low
of in
. t ll , I
;. I
; i
We a j h
Heed .
PI r lit .
ii .-.- . i .
lot . in
i i i I i C A Dickens
No Heavenly Visitor
aid more welcome than
in the time of
Trouble with your Tinning and
We make right so
quickly and thorough.
o know the trouble
i as begun b fore it Is
Tl at kind of work Is worth a
bi price, i j find our bi I
i the work had
been done as possible
In rear of M Fleming's
Robert Spell
Shot in Wins Stables on
Fourth All worn done
and satisfactorily
Chickens, Turkeys- Geese and
Ducks for sale at Rainbow
Stables, in front of market
For Sale.
Com meal, cracked corn, hay,
cotton seed meal and hulls,
at the gin on corner of Fifth
and streets, mar-
W. B.
Harry Skinner. Skinner,
Beginning Monday, December
2nd. we will free to the
first rs that buy
or more of Holiday g of
these presents free. Only
to a customer. Remember
this is for Holliday goods, only,
and does not apply to other
Our holiday stock is
ready for you to see. so come in,
make your selections and
one of these beautiful presents.
Only a limited to
en away. Come quick.
Strict Ml I
Low Middling
to 3-S
Strictly S l-s
Grade 7-S
future; market
.-. a
. .
We will .
i ins this
L the
the most
u; i l
C. T.
Bides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Raj
Turkeys, Egg, .
Par u
suits ten
Gail a A
i Lite Tobacco Ky
pies. Pine Apples, Syrup,
Meat Flour,
in Seed and
Harden or
Nuts, Dr ,
Peaches, Prunes, Kai
sins a Tip
an p. Wooden Ware, cake and
Macaroni, l
Butter, i Ma
Quality and f r
sue mo.
Wired Cobb Co., Banker
lap. Ill
Hay IS
it Dee.
Inn. ;
May M
I o ti M ii t. by
in 1-
Atlantic Coast Line
Round trip Tickets on Sale December
31st. and
January 1st. Final limit January 6th
For further information nearest
Agent, or write ,
W. J. TC A
Buying A Mighty Good Thing For
H has gone to work and loaded hit with about four times
mere goods than he needed, owing to the short season we have
had, now he owes for them, and the only way to get rut or the
hole is to slay the prices in order that he may realize money quick
to meet his obligations. Be is looking forward to making moo
he only wants to his debit; and to raise some quick money or began on die
morning of December opened to the world and said are here to raise money, not
to make money, during this 20-day sale. Come One, Come all, to this mighty
Bedstead FREE
To the one holding the
lucky Dumber, we will
give absolutely free a
Handsome Bedstead
this sale.
When you buy your sifts
for Christmas you should
endeavor to some-
thing nice however small
Quality not quantity
should be your motto.
We kept this in view
when we bought our
line and we have
the daintiest most
that can
he given.
A gift should be
that gives to him re-
better impress-
or your friendship, and
also something that will
keep that impression in
mind. You will
find Lie gift you want in
our stock.
Central Barber Shop.
in i b
the town. Four chair,
in operation and one
sided over by a skilled I I
Our place is inviting,
sharp. Our in. We
thank you for past
and ask to call en
good work is wanted
L. MOORE 11-
Moore and Long
ll R K N V I I. N
If a man is
ford to m-
Heart, I
Stomach, nor I C i
h prescription
everywhere a U
i i.
., m
en m I
Dr. Sh II ,
C I r. , .
quest w to
i v n m
. . Hi
r gs ab .
I we have. Suffice
This space is too small to give you a list
to that we have the largest and most line
of holiday goods we
Our line of toilet and
sets is without doubt.
The use of candies at the
is as
Boa era-
. an
A have
a line
pocket books identified with pretty designs too
will tempt you to I-,, suit, as Santa
We have them from to that are reasonable. we nave . ,
without rival ranging
A book of to 3.00 per
Barber Shop.
Next to Sharp
clean and good
work guaranteed
H it android Baths-
one and all for your past pat-
e t for your j
n to w .S J NOBLE
a i ii i,,.
The aw pip
on i ii re i a l
,. , i in i . I I Co i
f the only
mi nil I i I i
ti i. II
Cure .- i.
upon if the
. i . i i . i
Le h . CLEAD r
in it I
ems In a
of mirror been
; If
, .
lull tori .
k In leather good,,
, . m
. th. leather.
Bibles at the
i ton I
i a.
for Bibles at the Christmas ;,,. , . , .;
season. . t. ., ; .
ti for ,
either young or e f
have them from 3.60 , ,.
B ,., v.
especially. . I
tn L.
. ,
and w.-.,
also to holiday boxes
have -1.
line of holly tags and labels
No gift is compete
.- sun
n . In i hi
. ;,; that will .
. N. ;
small .;
to the
; and
l lit triple
. . on this
ire .
No where
will you
find such a
collect i o d
In china
goods as at
our store.
Our shelves
are profuse
with t h t
rich and
of hand
painted Old
It f
souvenir goods in i
. . . of art
that appeal to every h I
and the vicinity. Dainty and
the person to whom they are I n
We have heard nothing b
they have been s
of the same materials Ir e
are creations of beauty, jewelry
V pin trays, Ink stand p in i
-.- a The machine is ;.
. to the family. Mr Mar.
you can do nothing better f-
than buy one now The
whole family Will enjoy it.
land none of family more
than yon. We handle both
the Victor
t rs
from Prussia, the delicate hand painted Nippon machines and a full line
from the colored and
pieces of our the
, ;
pretty creations from the German toe. When you
come to see us don't leave the store until you have sees
our souvenir line of blue cobalt Germany. hi. line
consists of dozens of useful ornamental prices
views of Greenville. When you give a gift out of
town give something that will give local touch to the
one who receives it
POt .
, i
We have been very frugal in marking our line of Christ
mas goods and we believe the people of the community
will appreciate the fact You must come to our store
Notary Public.
if you see the real holiday line All goods be sold
at prices marked
Corn et-
My com. expires

r. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor
matter Jan. at the at Greenville. N
C r Congress of March 1879
in to
has said that new
in the United States Sen-
ate were expected to observe a
degree of silence, be seen but
little and heard less, letting; the
heads have the floor and
give the new ones lessons. But
Senator Jeff Davis, the new
from Arkansas, pave
precedence a jolt, and waded in
for a speech when he had been
there only a few days that made
the old heads sit up and take
notice. He waded in to trusts
and extravagance in high places,
an took a fall out of the
dent for jetting salary,
alone not bang considered
and In addition g t-
ting for traveling ex-
living Too for
a family with five to be
blowing in for living expenses
thinks S Davis, and he is
These- two quotations from his
speech are something think
is is an when men
have cone mad th fr
effort i forth ll his is an
age m y i; d
when is d re
God. v, aid sell our
less i
no r
. i
ii I
As the president has settled
the matter of his not being
candidate the rest of them
can make him the scape goat to
bear the sins of the party.
If the Boston
that the of the devil
on earth will cease in eight
years, comes true some folks
are going to lose their jobs.
Speaker E. J. Justices letter to
Glenn relative to the
proposed retirement from
counsel for the State in the
road rate matter, makes the re
effective in the event
the legislature is called in extra
session to consider a compromise
Story of th Plant's
Into E. gland.
Not long ago there appeared
Wis Child's Comment About
tho English Language.
The following illustration of
There is a touching phrase in the
poet last letter to the
London Times which ought to cause
A who was hanged in
Nebraska, picked a tune on his
banjo just before going from the
to the gallows. Guess he
thought he would be happy as
eras ho could.
Who th Democratic national
convention will nominate for
is pretty w II assured,
It out of it
At every session of congress
some fellow bobs up with a bill
to reduce Southern rep-
A good indication
that all the fools are not dead.
Some of these days they will
learn that the South is the big-
end of the country.
Some papers are already talk-
about what the next
will do in the way of rail-
road rates. Far better will it be
to settle the matter now for all
time let the controversy be
a, an end.
potato or a remarkably said the mother,
turnip, and whichever it was who was teaching her little
she did not like it. She summoned seven years old, to spell.
but with Mr Iv
sea uncertainty.
Mr. Edgar S Carlton, of
made head of the
leaf buying department of the
Imperial Tobacco Company in the I.
United States, to succeed the
late Mr. W. C. Red.
sup of the
rad d shoo of Lumberton has
i a that will doubt-
less call d i much wrath upon
his by ordering
that the seven young ladies who
compose the of tho school
refrain from receiving company
any time between Monday
and Friday afternoon.
s say lent
Roosevelt h is already I me
Planning a European tour as
as his term of office expires.
he wants to st
m e so
As President Roosevelt has
r h rated the fact that he
positively will not accept a
m as
H Bryant, special Wash-
correspondent of the
Charlotte writes
there is more talk of opposition
ii among Democrats of all
there has b en for
v i. He says Governor J
i, is
n for the n . a
; and time m is
. With n
the doors of are
closed, the doors are
soul. Yes, even in some in-
the or c
do i. t
th man ; as
the man ; i i
R m pr v-.--.-i-
i . t down to
hi in d C,
This mi n will wail until
Christi an exam-
some folk
d r
an I the hot headed
i advocates should keep
To of the foolishness of
hoarding money makes little
on the fellow who has
none to board-
There is a prospect that labor
will not be . o hard t get Tor the
coming year as it has been the
past year.
Some other fellow comes for-
ward with the suggestion of
Bryan and Hearst as running
long as Mr. Roosevelt
not have it. we guess there is
hardly a doubt that he
who it shall be.
people who patch up
excuses to keep m paving
bills make times worse than they
would . and in
-y i o would pay from
I do can lot I
is due
When Christmas giving is re-
to a mere swapping of
presents much of the
is lost. The Bible teaches
is more blessed to give n
to follow this ideal
and let your best giving
where you expect nothing in re-
Senator Tillman after get-
ting an investigation of recent
proceedings of the of
the treasury in connection with
the currency panic. But an in-
is just what the sec-
and some others close to
him in official circles do not want
S Tillman, of South Caro-
expressed himself as
ashamed of the spectacle the . w
senator of , made of
in his maiden ch.
Perhaps the
not consider how often he him-
self has brought a blush. May-
be he is j that the Ai-
will take his laurels
lie cook, and inquiry presently re-
vealed, to her dismay, that it was
neither, but some of her choicest
dahlias, innocently mistaken
for a vegetable.
The error disastrous than
the famous one of the Dutch house-
keeper who during the prevalence
of the tulip mania
tally boiled for onions a handful of
tulip bulbs worth a fortune. Hut it
was certainly vexatious as well as
According to historic tradition,
the original introduction of the
into England occurred through
an error exactly opposite in
It was imported for a
and turned out a flower.
A little over a century ago, so the
story runs. Lady Holland, traveling
in the south of Europe, was regaled
Upon a soup of delicious
which her hostess informed her was
called because its
chief ingredient was the Jerusalem
Lady Holland, always on the
alert for interesting novelties, or-
a root of the artichoke to be
sent to hi r garden r at Holland
House. done, as every-
body supposed, but when the strong
shoots, thrusting up boldly in the
garden, and, tend I under
I . i-i, of gar . . cook
and v v-. lady, arrived at maturity
and . they bore a new and
splendid flower, inedible, but
The plant was transferred to the
parterre and became the pride of
the Ion, all hough at first Lady
I's were mixed, for
she i n like to Io or
tine so when a London
. e to Io and o
for the it I or
la-t tr I vanish-
ed, and her husband's . I tr
was soon pa ,
lip Io the
draw . of I a. i I
i I touch to her a i.
L Ii who ha I n pr .
b n . wrote g
I ; i
forever shall
ct as y
A. colors bright I -s ch
Co D .
answered the child.
dear, that's not right.
it sounds like
know it, but you cannot go by
Then in order to enforce the
proposition the mother called upon
her daughter to spell froze.
said the child.
You're again. This
time we do use the and spell the
exclaimed the child.
spell said the moth
The child hesitated. Finally she
said, don't know whether to say
r-o-z-c or
it said the moth-
there is another word
pronounced just like it that's spell-
ed r-o-c-s. That word is the name
of the spawn
The child looked perplexed.
one word said the
mother. me how you spell
said the little girl, who
had had quite enough nonsense, as
she viewed it, from her mother and
had suddenly made up her mind to
pay back in kind, spell it three
ways. spell it 5-1-o-s-e for break-
fast, b-1-o-c-s far dinner and
U-1-o-z-e for
spell it said the
rouse the slumbering spirit of the
nation by I must admit my-
self that I have not the faintest rec-
of any appeal that Alfred
has made to my slumbering spirit,
and I can only conclude, with shame
that my slumber was deep that
I did not even hear his modest pipe
calling me to the war dance. This
confession applies, so far as I am
concerned, to all the bards who, it
we arc to believe the laureate, have
been playing the same tune. The
way he puts it suggests that the
slumbering public is to blame lot
not having woke up and faced the
music. But it is just possible that
the fault may be with the music or
the musicians. One remembers many
patriotic poets, from to
de Lisle, who have had no
reason to complain that when they
piped the audience did not dance.
London Truth.
Mexico In London.
announces that
a Mexican national exhibition on a
larger scale of importance than any
previous event of the kind is now
purposed to be held at the Crystal
palace, London, from May to
of next year. The directors of
the Crystal palace have extended
an invitation to President to
and i such an ex-
n in I hope of strengthen-
I lie i c between the
two countries and of largely
the commercial, financial and
relationships that have begun
to n. The invitation was
The child was silent for a minute j seated by John W.
as if wrapped in thought Then,
looking up, she solemnly remarked.
think, that the English
. i lade for persons very,
well ed
had I i Sunday
and had
in the I hi,
round ; n die test lot ; . i
in the Lord
commissioner, on behalf of the
Crystal palace, through the British
minister, Mr. Tower, is now be-
red. It offers practically
the whole available floor space of
the immense structure to
ind to assume the entire expense
tho exhibits are installed. It
will I d a an ex
. i i other country being
Speaker a J. Justice
issue with th and all
. the ed
i n of the railroad rate
matter, and he will
draw m th i case rather than
a party to the compromise
And the governor says he can
withdraw if he wants to.
i i
he re-
. . . i she found
ling tho
.; Sue
I ii were
. resent
. p .
A Agent.
the gentleman i
a red fa i an ii ti id
O I II I n i id iv lit o ti
I vigor, he ha I I
i time ho . mi
lie. s re I tho
i was I e n u
hind i, v gave vent to .
tin tho ti ind . was
Al last the eh man turned i h
he id i ,
ore one of In
re ii .
I i who cont I
Hie hi ml
V ;.
i. . of
. . .
ii so is
I'm very much
r had on
i finish my jelly
. . . i
said the
little air.
times says a
days of our no do-
i a homelike, cozy n
v. a to
. k. h was this gen-
i emphasized the
of the place People bad no
in those days. Today the
of a machine ticking oil
the i and striking the hours
is a of worry and
Time is going, but they do wish
to be n d of it continually.
clock i- bi than the ticking
i o lie. And now to meet the re-
could hi . . . b . . I of th nervous a
only hi Sunday S is a
I to pat our In an article
i i j t. . i .
. in con
This year's record is almost
made. Greenville should a
mighty hump on for great
things in the coming year.
It is said that the Southern and
Seaboard Air Line railways and
Governor Glenn have reached an
agreement, but that the Atlantic
Coast Line will likely block a
compromise of the rate matter.
When the saloon keepers of
Asheville recently applied to the
aldermen of the city for an ex-
tension of time in which to close
their business, and were refused,
they applied to Judge Guion for a
mandamus compelling the alder-
President Roosevelt has
pointed a commission to
gate recent horrible W it
Virginia mine disaster. What's
the use now Better to have
had the investigation before half
a thousand people lost their lives.
That is usually the order, how-
ever, investigate after a disaster
has occurred instead of looking
into conditions beforehand to
prevent it.
The Atlantic fleet is all in
readiness for the voyage from
Hampton Roads to the Pacific
coast, and will sail Monday. A
rather incident has
occurred in the dismissal of all
the Japanese, several of whom
were employed as cooks and
on the vessels, and their
the ; . n i . . the one I
ii i Id a I
his i
I'd soon i that i i
i that window,
even i e I. in or the conduct-
subject an aper
h made
and some
of the i . were
lo us, a . we will find a way to
o tho and to in the
. sound ii tho rustling
i from
Origin of tho
i . ii on shipboard is
of the spoils from to
; in tho evening or from C
to i break the monotony of the
regular four hour watches, so that
the same men will not stand watch
tho hours every day.
you should ask the most
ii person of your
all the nautical
P-e . why this is so called,
you would probably find them
able to toll The true answer
is is a corruption
of watch, The was
, civic, i I. d led, d i-
, eve. i . eye, j
I, . noon,
;. . p, pap, re-
fer, . , is,
sexes, i. is, tut, lit, toot.
leads us to ask, is the matter
with Her name i also
i d Dr.
me is equally capable of being
But can not
add lo the ah Adam's id-
i Eve, I'm
Ada an I Napoleon's was I
ere saw should be barred on
account of a
Each player l t choose a trade
end go i the motions of
working sit it. for instance, if ho is
a tailor he must pretend to sew or
iron; if
n. ,
to hammer
The Moon's Movements.
The moon is the nearest and, be-
tho i, appears to us, with
the single exception of the sun, the
large.-t, although it is in reality one-
of the smallest of tho heavenly
bodies. Just as the earth goes round
the sun and the period of revolution
men to grant the time asked for. being
Judge Guion decided that the
aldermen had no authority to
grant the extension asked for,
and the saloon men will appeal
to Supreme court. They are
only wasting time and money by
this course.
As the appearance of the fleet in
the Pacific is somewhat expected
to be a flaunt in the face of
Japan, perhaps Uncle Sam
the wise course was not
to take chances with any of the
Mikado's subjects on his ships
the routine or to doing dodge
Love Lasts.
Oh, the dear hats of my girlhood,
the kind I wore at school I really
thought them pretty. I must have
been a fool. And yet I used to
think myself on hats a tasteful miss.
Perhaps I was, as fashion went. But
what was that to this Oh, the love-
little pancake, the charming little
mat It makes my head look fetch-
when tilted from the flat. Oh,
a sister's love is charming, as every-
body knows, a handsome
love is is, I should
suppose. And the love of a true
lover is the love that cannot pall.
four hours, thus causing the alter-
nations of light darkness, day
and night, the moon takes a month
to revolve on hers, so that she
ways presents the same or very
the same surface to us.
Ha Cut It Short.
It was growing very late, but the
young man in the parlor scene show-
ed no signs of making a home run.
evidently have a very vivid
imagination, Mr. said the
dear girl as she made an
attempt to strangle a yawn.
do you think queried
the unsuspecting
thought perhaps you imagined
, yourself in the arctic regions, where
but the love of a stylish new hat the nights arc six months
lasts longer than them City
don Scraps.
bar of iron or a horse. One is
the king, and he, chooses a
livery one works away as hard
as he can until the king suddenly
gives up his and takes up that
of ii one else. Then all must
except the one whose business
i king has and he must
with the k work. The
on the king chooses to go
back In his own trade, when all be-
gin working again. Any one who
fails to stop m- to begin again at
the r time must pay a forfeit.
His Majesty's Knee.
A Norwegian journal tells the
about the crown
prince of Norway. Too much at-
from those about him made
little Prince Olaf somewhat bead-
strong and, like most children, in-
to be a little tyrannical to-
ward his playfellows. The other day
he became angry with another little
boy who had placed himself on a
certain chair. mustn't sit
he cried. my father's
King happened to
be present and took the offending
boy on his own knee by way of con-
Prince Olaf was angrier
than ever. mustn't sit there
he insisted. my moth-
Said It First.
woman can marry any man
says Gertrude
in her new book. Probably this is
as true now as it was when
first said it, though he put it
stronger by saying that she could
do it even when handicapped with
a York Sun.
Department is in NYE, who is authorized to rep
resent the Reflector in and territory
v . a of station- Rubber shoes of all sizes and
We sell Edit an d Our r
room our immense stock cf Co-
. fountain pens.
B. T. Cox Bro.
, Our of boy- suits
at cost for next days. special prices to customers
must go-B. F. Manning, on oar box papers
Co. , ,; ., . , .
new lot of the best tame oust-
i i A. W.
Glass ware and coffee mills just
The Wilmington Band
gave a most-delightful concert in
the auditorium of Winterville
High school Wednesday night
under the auspices of the- Red
Men. We are under many
indeed to this excellent done
order for this rare treat.
When in need of nice kid
gloves, driving gloves, and work
gloves, see B. F. Manning Co.
The hall was beautifully
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent for Ayden Vic
B. T. Cox Bro.
Crawford has ac
a position in the post were excellent,
As went tor Daily, BARGAINS IN REAL
take acre form
receipt for corporation at
arrears We have -ill
mail at Ayden Lot-n Co
Petitions arc being circulated
for printing our the
went to Kin- board of en call
at an date for an election
. E. E. C., they alway J- T- Keel , moved his
the critic, remarked that have the best. den Lumber Co- commissary
T. W. Wood Sons 1.907 the members had made wonder-
nips and rutabaga seed can now
be had at the drug store of Dr-
B. T. Cox Bro.
F. A. Edmondson wen- to
Greenville today.
Have all your wood turning
We h the
Christmas goods vet
come to see us
J. N. Alexander an I C .
get get
friend one our Gillette
razors birthday or
present, nothing m r
M M Pauls
candy fr
factory at Saul's drug store.
Sf-e our line of
Rev. N. C Duncan left this
morning for his home near
The Odd Fellows had an oyster i Ayden and opened in the Lyon dress goods yon .
improvement during the j supper Monday night. There building. K- and company.
fall term. were a large number of the and
The and right ma- -y i and tobacco at ., I r
dress shoes for at is. , ,. r , ., j. . p
F. Manning's company. the occasion L h;.
presence, Mess full line of hardware
it. Smith Co.
Mrs. Gay Dixon and Miss
Olivia Berry after attending the.
work done at tho Carolina Milling G c who always knows
Mfg. First work , , . ,, j
i how to mane the students glad,
We have on hand a copies
of the history of the San spend th
co disaster. Usual pries He will fill his regular
Our price. B- Cox at and,
-Bro- . leave for home from there. he generally . considers
At the close of the exercises, prince, George and Fred
ard, r and others made
interesting which were
was on hand a lot of
fresh roasted Boys. I. A in Greenville for several
, , . . positive- permanent and containing cloth
you II have to come again, for j effectual relief in chills and days came home
those girls are hard to beat. ;, general tonic only at M. M. Tripp Hart and Co have re
drug store, Ayden, N.
An Italian string
ton left hero
week Scotland Neck
some work thy had left
undone- They placed r
When a man goes to hue
in the second car with
things. When they went
are daily receiving,
the nicest and freshest line them some kind friend
on the market, them of the grip.
of W.
I friend would
Mr Butt, of Beaufort
part of the w with Mrs. W. Hamilton Fort Barn- The fall
ts near well is spending some time with win Dec. 20th. one of I hose c; a
The famous Hawks glasses at relatives here, term will open Dec. 30th. The of at Sauls
RT. Cox ft Bro Don't neglect j Tho heavy rain Saturday and faculty drug store,
your eye vented our fro n and-
R. Carroll to Kinston
Thursday is rd
1st, .
and pres
trustees . for your children, Is ., -i ,
at the nor books and don't fail to . . . .
land work of the students during for holiday presents. and company, .-.
spring term. A good i. R. Smith Co. can please and you.
buggies of students are expected.
will h .
Rainy weal
no dread to those who are wen nice up-to The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
provided with good rubber date buggy you had Co. have just received a Hold car
and boots. We the him an
Harrington, Barber I F ft-r
and company. the nicest c f all
Miss Laura COx came in Friday kinds. ; L. L. to
Co., are; on business Tuesday.
She was by Mies having a large double be afraid the banks
i erect I just back during the hoard
Han Bar Co- have This will greatly to your money at home.
their .
The cold weather brings .
full line of
a.- s,
of,; Pittsburgh Fence. u in
t r iv , . d
for they offer J N. Al binder and C-j.
P and family,
who have h
have c m i ;.
Mrs. V.- L. Brown earns
ii v from s vi
r I .
I .
Ni field, cf r- pr
. ;.;. ;
eve; in;
. m
h a stock of ready made
him before you
clothing see
your next suit.
Miss spent
There were regular
the B church
Miss Lola came in
a night f m Stokes to spend
NOTICE -W will pay I per from a visit to
, on cashier's afternoon
A new line of pi
almost daily occurrence s where
money stolen the house or
destroyed by fire. it into
line of .
See ml J ,
brand .
the of . the
to those h n bed-
ding, blankets and of its circulation and at
specialty at A. W At . the same it is perfectly
We have a mi nice J. L. Jackson, Cashier,
oak, . Tripp
of socket knives M Sauls
load of
lime and plastering hair at J, Light ; y originate in i
Smith Co. rs and tobacco at Tripp .
turn . . -j,.;,,., The Ayden Milling and Maim-and con
Kinston Tuesday evening plant was sold at pub W M. Butt, board
iv few Z W spent sever lie auction here . , ,
K. r W. i c spent a p
Mrs. Pattie Sutton returned rollfrom a visit to Kinston Lime and salt at A. W. Ange r , a hi lot of coo in and
. Co.
; it N. C i n p
Willi , is vis- us c
line of las Is
FoE-Sale About
land which is known
,. a i Fred White
consist of two I.
r J, CO.
c re-
sold Get a
I j n Sauls
Miss IV ion, P c-
. r
and, in Ayden during th past
of kinds prepared came up day ion
at the Carolina Milling mfg. Another large lot of Men's
Some days ago,
shipped a pony to New Hill.
N. C.
You talk about good neat
comfortable school are
cheap but I can assure you that
Shoes just opened.
and examine them
Harrington, Barber Co,
attended la
patterns kept n hand,
the school desk made I home with you a nice rocker or
by the A G cox Manufacturing
has all these qualities Rev- T H. Monday
Nice dress shoes for ladies and f lo
A l f COT .
. .,,.
sch Is for I
is n
H Blow cl
of the Unite
furnishing Is. i
Co. E
I .
of this same time
more of it.
Nice dress
gentlemen just in at Harrington,
Barber Co.
The A G Cox Manufacturing
company are selling
welded fence fast.
Any one in need of good fence
and barb wire will be to their in-
est to call to see them before
they buy.
The famous A.
stalk cutter is the best stalk cut-
on the market, come and ex-
it and see if you will not
agree with us. B F Manning
Have your carts, wagons and
buggies put in good trim for the
fall use. All kinds of repair
promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg. Co.
Try a tree brand pocket knife-
They are under guarantee.
are kept in stock by B. T.
Cox Bro,
Now is the time to get single
and double De low down
at A. W. Angle Co.
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
Sunday in v It h .-.;
J. Edwards Son have
. , ,. rs rec a car Ellwood
Taken large black any
boar, weighs about or lbs, .-.-i,.
has been marked but ear so m , . ,
Carload cotton seed meal
i -I II Smith co.
David Gibb has returned from
The holiday season has a torn can't tell. The owner by
many spend
,., . paying damage and the cost
necessary money if they can
along with them. Put it in the i h. G. Mumford.
Bank of and it will Ayden, N. C
be absolutely safe and at the
cause you to save
J. L.
Dr Joseph
Di ion
Last Saturday night the
literary society gave one,
of the best in its j
history. The members of the- Office over Building
Vance literary society were pres-1 M r
The boys
elated over the excellent debate
reported some time ago, J PI
exercises had not proceeded
Saturday before all COLDS
had departed. w p p p it Removal
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing the
Co. made a large shipment of
their well known Economic Back-
yesterday. Would advise
all our customers to place their
order as early as practicable.
Fancy Raisins, coca nuts and
grapes, just received at J. B.
our Christmas goods
J. N.
Rev- Mr. the new
preacher for an, will
move his family here in a
We will have anything you
want Christmas for your mother,
father, brother, sister and broth-
sister and best of ail for your
J. N, Alexander and
M. 0- Bryan, postmaster -u
Winterville, was hero Thursday
on business.
Miss Pattie Sutton. of Winter-
ville is visiting relatives in town.
Go to E E now
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
The prettiest baby caps and
cloaks in town at J R Smith co.
In the State of North Carolina, the
LI. .
Lo n and I
. . d
w I
Silver incl all minor
coin currency
k out . .-
I j II Smith Cashier of above bank, do
the above to the beat my knowledge and
SMITH. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 6th. day of Dec.
Notary Public

Owing to the bad weather the
at the meeting of the
association today was
small, but the exercises won
v. i
Foust. president of
the Normal
Greensboro, d- livered an
on arousing
Ft in community pride. I
said if that don
North the log
house would l ever have
this idea into the school.
basing school discipline on t
principles of
thus raising up a generation , i
people who will take interest
their community and see that i
has rood school buildings, .
es, good houses and i
upright people.
lira- R. R. Gotten made n in
talk on the .
parents in school buildings and
strongly emphasized the need
good building in which to children.
Mrs. of
president of the Woman's Bel
Association of the State
addressed the meeting on
Hit Announcement Big Surprise to
on Both Side.
Although President
Roosevelt's third term statement
was expected to be made some
time before the convention should
meet it came today as a big
to politicians on both sides
ii fence.
d with
and t c general belief
expressed is th the president
I our, but
i ins differ as to who or
what i reap for the
may be the
l;. i use of the announcement
all the s I the various can
are quick an m-
of strength f the
booms they are i
Hi i i
hat he costive y
pt a i n r
Dec. 1907
This splendid body of Odd
Fellows, the personnel of which
cannot be excelled, was promptly
called to order Tuesday after-
noon by our president, W. F
Evans, in whom every Odd
low should and does feel a great
pride as he was educated at our
Home and reflects great credit
meeting was made
interesting the
attendance from the different
lodges in the district, and also by
the presence of two of the
lodge officers, Grand Master
Busbee and Grand Secretary
The following lodges
Phalanx No
Covenant No. Eclipse No.
No. Bethel
No Ayden No, Aurora
No. bay View Eagle
report of all the ledges
Contemplated it
It was stated in The Reflector
early last week that at a meeting
of the Memorial
previous, the pastor, Rev. J- E.
announced that he would
res ency.
work of the association and the.
good to be accomplished through lg .
. T.
, N C Dec.
i . . visited
town S i I D i. 8th, and
neighbors Mrs. W T
vi encouraging, we
II-ad to greater achieve-
Is in res
m business session
The meeting re-
; at at which time
Evans made known law. he expressed much
for the evening.
like to be
charge of the church by the first
of next March. This announce-
was received with regret
by persons both in and out of the
church, and it was generally
discussed and agreed that a mis-
take would be made if he was
allowed Greenville at
this time.
Last Sunday morning a meet-
of the church was held to
c insider the matter, and a
was unanimously adopted
instructing the hoard deacons
to wait on the pastor with
inducements get him to
remain. Monday night the
cons met at the. parsonage and
advised Mr. of the action
of the church, and at the prayer
meeting Wednesday night, at
which the attendance was
N w Funeral Car.
The John Flanagan fry
Company have just received a
new- funeral ear for
their It i g i e
were I
She was a wife, a d
the address
. was eloquently
and rend red by Rev.
bi ; with
. i Vi
h r n to A
sing in moat beau-
voted mot; r true I I of our Banks-
She lea mum for in having our visit- The Reflector today will be
appreciation of feeling
toward him by the church and
and announced that he
Would continue them as
The car is modern design in solid
e ; color, highly polished, i h
silver trimmings and heavy Sad
draperies. It is an exceedingly loved her.
handsome car and reflects rt
on the enterprising firm.
to min
V. I ,
.- C
The if of Fr L
Dancy, who die I in I n d
Thursday morning, reached
G vi on the midday in in
today, accompanied by th-
Mr. J. J. Dancy. The body
was taken from the depot to
of his mother, Mrs. P
E, Dancy, on Pitt street
Th ; L e v n
. i g on i r y
i i n t y. s bi
i Rev. J. E
Th b rs Ft
I . . n, II. W. HA. I
. , Prank V
. R. C
L James,
No Holiday in lb. State
. co all
awls I . i
with untiring em . , ., .
. lit. Al
inti i she
r . I r i or c m
in. ,; i tier
r dies,
.Pi e I Is i
S . . n I i
. . .-. accompanied
th m to I II. A.
Kind statements of Green-
three banks as made on the
r n-
J. B.
. . . close of business Dec. -in
ton. . . , . . ,
Our la late financial
for a of their condition
d a
. I . i I in
hip. ii ; a
I . nu -i it.
r ;.
v, talk was
. Brother I. d-
; . . I . .
ii . h. i- James, of I.
; nailed upon id
. , humorous i of h person-
g e-. many banks in the State,
re, because t i
they had on i in No i Vi
banks was held and would r i
be on demand, had to r
of script to
drafts them. The hanks of
were among those ad-
o ting measure
if t heir customers and them-
g until the New York .;
i d loose the money
u to the local banks. By
this action all interests i i
well cared for and business kept
ran ling chow-
and th to In
Compounding It.
Even if a man never took his
off hit plate he ought to know
of his location as soon as he goes
south of Mason and Dixon's line.
Any one with a trace of sense could
tell it by, the okra.
, Okra is as common in the south
.-t is rare in the north. It is said
to be synonymous with gumbo,
though tome authorities declare
gumbo involves the presence of
other items than merely okra. As
latter appears in American seed
under at least fifty
there seems to be
room for confusion.
It is said that okra came original-
from Africa, and indeed it has
been proved that the Egyptians used
it long ago. Tons of it are grown
in Turkey and the northern part of
Africa, and it is a staple article of
food in the West Indies and Central
In this country its principal use i
in making the various gumbo soups.
The pods not only give on agreeable
but n peculiar
consistency, which is highly prized
those who like it.
Sometimes the young seeds arc
cooked a vegetable, as green
are. Sometimes they are boiled and
served French dressing a-
According to directions issued
the department of agriculture, no
copper, or iron cooking
should Used in preparing
okra. The metal will discolor the
and a i I m poison-
o I agate, porcelain
earthen ware.
The Sew i
book foil a . for
chick One i i, one
i pod pepper
with ; Is, two pints of okra,
or i I . Ii. es
leaf, one f rail y,
om I i and
. i I
I .
ii, y and
. . In i
. . ; i
layers .
I and i the
i i pi
my era-
i them. Look over
and will
hat th a 11-
i- all d
ii rates r the
go h 20th, but
the n I applies only to in-
Slates- Tickets for points
wit e State, which are sold
at t-. rate cents a mile, will
b old the r of one and
for the Oxford,
trip. there la no reduction Durham,
for within the State.
Tickets are n sold at cent;
and the railroad people think
lo id .
program en i a
c turn was . in I a a
C i off i the
d ii . Gold B
i ,, i .; I., county as of i
I Vincent, .,.
la , . H.
fullest confidence.
r cl k B h as;
mail; th .-. .,,,.,. is to ail
his year the rates owing meeting, all indebted to estate to
order n I, th . I to the banquet hall and m t. the
and all persons
claims against said es-
are notified to present t hi-1
. authenticated, to the
or before the h
day of December, 1908 or this
notice be plead in bar of re-
i .
This Doc. 7th,
. I. prevent
tho I when
.; I . . Of
d i
. I It
. . . . the
. M
i I i
. i
The ii it n
ll . i I-
id add
. . i re to
. . I .
Round . i i for
. bill
-of pounds of leaf to-11 enjoyed a a and
o I first Win- a
, i -Sail m, 1,788; n, manner.
2.512,181; Hi reporting
. l, ; i. Mi l enjoyable
and b one.
B. B.
this is low enough.
Land Sale.
Ty virtue of a mortgage ex-
and delivered by
and wife. Sarah Hemby,
to J. R. J. G. Move on the 2nd
day of January, and record-
ed in the register of deeds office
of Pitt county in Book T-7 page
the undersigned will sell for
cash before the court house door
in Greenville on Monday, the
30th day of December, 1907, the
following described piece, parcel
or tract of land, lying in Beaver
Dam township, containing
acres more or less, adjoining the
lands of Geo. Hemby, Ben
and other and being
the same land deeded to J. B.
Hemby and wife, reference to
their deed is hereby made for an
accurate description.
This the 13th day of Dec. 1907
J. R. J. G.
F. G. James, Attorney.
F. L. bead
A telegram .
this morning, announced the
death in that city of Mr. Frank
L. Dancy, of pneumonia. He
was the youngest son of Mrs. P.
E. Dancy and brother of Mrs,
M. M, Nelson, of Greenville, for
whom much sympathy is ex-
pressed in their sorrow.
The remains will be brought to
Greenville on the midday train
Friday, and the burial will prob-
ably take place in the afternoon.
Notice to Creditors
duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county ad-
of the of W. It.
White, deceased, notice is hereby
en to all indebted co the estate
to make immediate payment, to the
and all persons having
against said estate are notified
that they present the same, duly
authenticated, to the undersigned for
on or lore the 12th day
Hi is, or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This Dec. 12th.
w. ii. white
Sale Land to Make Assets
By ii of the author co.
in a decree made by C. Mu iv.
. r court of Pitt
county, n the eleventh day of
j special
said court, L. Fleming, Ad-
I Mai.,
. L Manning, or. I., c,
guardian for Lee Man-
undersigned will expo e lo pub-
sale lo the highest r. for
before the court-house door in the
town of Greenville, on Monday the
ii., of January, it being
d of the January term of of .
, Superior court, the following
tract of land, to wit-
certain tract or parcel of
land, situate in Pitt county. North Car-
II din c Township,
described as
Dennis share in the
of the lute land
and home place; and adjoining the
of Jones on the North, B. A.
on tho West. Louisa Jackson and
Jessie on the South, and on the
North hast by the of J. I.
containing acres more or less,
excepting K 11-4 acres heretofore con-
to S. Harrington, ten said
lying on th.
Terms of sale cash.
J. L. Fleming, commissioner.
This the 11th day of December,
mind tho cl i is the
Le.-t Ha . Post.
Money That is W
This morning Mr. P. J.
cashier of the National Bank of
Greenville, showed us some bilLs
of money, in denominations
from SI to that were in
pretty bad condition. Portions
of bills were eaten away by
iron rust and mold, showing that
they had been hid away in some
place unfit to keep them. The
bills were not in condition for
circulation and had to be sent to
the United States treasury for
redemption. It shows the
of people keeping money hid
away in any kind of an old place
regardless of its safety. The
owner of the bills in question
had kept them hid until they
were almost worthless and while
hid were doing nobody any good.
M I Ad
I i
may . a be i i ac-
cording to tho let
An in of
ch as an ac aunt f a i i
re d in an d
i,. ire to the tho I
than tho one rho deli d
A I. Swedish l . I
a i . and de-
to a i on
i of .-in and its i , s.
lie enlarged upon tho of Ad-
am, the apple i th I ill. His
language vivid ,
and made a on
red At the end of the sermon
an Indian on tor a id i
you have told is all very
good. i. indeed bad to a it apples.
It is better to make them all into
cider, We are obliged for
your kindness in coming so far to
tell us these things which you have
heard your
Th by Which Thy Ar. Pro-
In Japan.
On the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan,
there is a little colony of native
artists who a specialty of
growing dwarf maples,
beeches, apple trees and many
perfect in every detail and pro-
portion, but no bigger than shrubs,
in and used as
ornaments for dining tables. Of
the process a writer
how these tiny trees are produced
is known only to a score or of in-
But the
to the successful dwarf tree
grower is infinite pa-
backed by a fund of calm
resignation unknown to the west-
mind. Fifty years is named as
the shortest period which a real-
good and salable dwarf tree may
be grown, while a lifetime is not
long enough to produce the highest
examples of the art. Dwarf trees .
are produced from seed or, in cases
where l- practicable, from
carefully selected cuttings. When
the young plant begins to grow it
, I ceaseless care, and
from the commencement of its ca-
it- natural tendencies are sub-
to the will of its muster.
j , each leaf, as it makes
appearance becomes the object of
the i scrutiny. Shall it be
and, so, in what
direction. ii not advisable
t cut it away altogether and en-
i ill i i here
. similar
d of the
an list, a their correct
sol . the value
the t for I. perfect the
i-t posse is a ad
i lo the life sued
as his dis-
i of trail
adds the
. for
id prunes his
. but ah
a fore-
a the I
, i.-o, the tree
their turn
much i n as
; rear
, col ll rate
. narrowest
i . III t,
, i tree
I to i. its
, . y to
. . r .
i- . i tiny
, t . i
i i the-
r liberty. i News,
i lid
I .
I . i . lad to that
that I was
I in thin that I
I l I i .
i i thinking I
. . . i mistaken
in think l . taken a I
wasn't i, I is j lad And
i I thought
or, r, I . taken
when I . i .
I have i n mi taken.
Well, . ; rs i lad. i.-
as it we Log have rains
of C up I at
There are r and s
now th n th it
are and
the heart f world.
Bethel fl
v. i w c vi n
of tie in i of Mr Fr d J,
s, ; He, ind Mi-s
, of E co
i f till- I r Ill
v The
bad be
decorated s was
for the artistic i-i-ill n
n .
fern.-- and p l s, c
giving a
R r iron
the arch just
the a i i.
beautiful I e ea.-h
entwined in a
the union if h
that b- as one r
By th. time for the marriage
every available t in
the house had been crowded with
people. Bethel awl
round community had turned
out to attest their re-
for these two young
At the appointed hour the
party the church in
the following id. r and
down each , in
front the idler in I n rear
end cf the church; ushers,
C. B Mayo and Vi,
tho groomsmen,
Messrs- John and Hurry
Jr , th
Lizzie StOKes
Patti the
sweet little Mark
Cherry, the brine
Miss Lizzie Brown of
bridal presents at the home
of bride numerous and
y. Barely have we seen
h beautiful collection of
lovely thing given by the
friends both of
I o groom, Mr. F J. Forbes,
cashier of the National Bank
and few
Cox's Mill, Dec. 13th.
Miss Halie Page spent last Sun-
day in Greenville v. her sister,
H. L,
H. A. Moore went to Green-
ville and Winterville today.
We are to say Madison
who has been very ill
with typhoid fever, is improving
young now
John Cox, Jr. is
It is a boy.
Eddie Moore carried
L. F.
men have Ix-i n raised in the town
who were more than he.
, Mi.-s Blanche Mayo,
of Mr. John Mayo,
county, is easily, to Kinston hospital Tues
of I prettiest, most to an,
i and winsome women
for We hope Mr
Everett will be well and back
home soon.
Land Sale.
this one,
Last seen about the 20th of
November. Dark liver color,
cross between bull and pointer.
Liberal reward for return. W.
H. Harrington, Greenville, N- C.
Many Meanings of Balloon.
The word balloon has many mean-
although it is now almost en-
confined to its aeronautical
n balloon was
a large inflated bull like a foot-
from it m be
plied to the game in which it mi
used. A large short necked glass
vessel and a method of
fruit trees are also its mean-
while the of Slum
els in his which is,
a state barge of gorgeous
A chi,. , woman had served ac-
as of the club
n little a year, and that was
exceptional r
you lane in
she replied.
it's the easiest thins in the,
world. just add up what have
received and from that
what I have paid to show what
ii due tho club, and then I make my
husband give mo a cheek for tho
amount. There really nothing
hard about keeping books when you
A Kind.
A gloomy looking wagon bad
drawn up in front of the home of
the pastor's most devout and liberal
me, dear cried the
good man who had just turned tho
con r. looks very much like
undertaker vehicle. I
hurry forward and see what the
And he arrived just as the
real driver took in tin beer.
I i on the
undo Mr. J
Mrs. W. J. Little, r of the
The groom with hi-
Mr. H. entered from
the or of p .-tors study on
the of I and in I
pi by W, E.
Cox, rector of SI. J
church, Wilmington, N, In
impressive mariner, using the
beautiful ceremony of the
church he these two
young people in the holy
was beautifully
-d ill tin
gown Airline
trimmed in lace wearing
the d orange blossoms
worn by
of yearn Her
oily ornament was a diamond
ii, ii of
and which
of one of her girl
her bridal was a
r of bride loses
of the valley,
carried white
lied with blue tulle
and were gowned in while radium
Miss in her
usual graceful manner presided
the organ,
a the guests of honor
II g processional and
as then
the friends were leaving the
r nests of honor were
Sophia Jarvis,
i n- . E Join .
Miss V Bertha
vi,;. Mia Carey Mi ya,
he t town present
were C,
Forbes, Harry S it ii Jr., Carey
Bertha aid Sophia Jar
vis Mr.
Cherry, f Messrs
and of Tar-
Mi- and Marl
and daughter of Mount Olive,
Cherry, Mr. Mayo
Mr. Frank Chi it. an sister, i f
Mrs. Allie G. Little, of
Mr. ind Mr-. W,
J. of Mr.
., has ever pro-
due d.
The marriage had
ceded by a party for
s Mi s s virtue of a de of the
i Brown Pattie d Superior in case
Sydney ii, Sophia Q V Band,
. ,, ,, . , A K M a
and .
couples married who j sell at
started wedded journey public auction before court
more Hearty good wishes House in Greenville on Mon
from;, larger circle of friends of the fol-
. I tracts or par
i . f
One in Town
hip known a as o part of the
George Moor.- lauds,
The . leaning up of the n tho la of Mr- P r-
between the and the M T
c, L
, ear the river, c.
d in in
of of the town
i i hen Put in
Tit-- installment of new
gold i- ha been shipped
from i u mi it n Philadelphia to
were 115.-
OnO of their
value being l,
one side the cm is an
eagle the other
is a
coins were made concave,
the figures being in high relief,
j nine
in New
, and r of
George Moore land,
Plant ,,,,,,,.,, by M eon-
la a tinning loss.
A I i
ville III -0
of a. as a
. a I of the pi b
ill tot of -1
A Tripp, n in lo- in.
of Red
on et . MeG v.
a , or
a edge Or ditch, being the
lino a d o No lb by
r ad, in
ll st.
Also one oilier piece of
a part of the original Hat
ton place and i on main
and road,
minded oil the. south, West
f R press b by the rosin county road
, , i . iii d on tho east by the
ti to make them. ,, A W , v-
one stroke will be , more
and thus the just or ad being
circulated will From whereon tho mill,
to in circulation
o a us
Dark and ii pan,
hounded wist ind no th
by the county and an
Mourn farm, on the east by the
The company composing this A an and and on the
act here from New the lino, con-
Bern today and will appear in a
Masonic house tonight. w M, ,,
was n the west by tho
day night, v. ml the Star says it of J A of
was a better show than the title
t c land if K
the by a e to nu
a gum comer U II land
s- to the
tin north
line acres
ore o
Ala other tract lying on
said in road load from
at A point Hie side if
sad ; lino be-
lams of Mrs
and U A
Gowan and running
with sad in tin road its
to whore it the
line, v. a
southerly with
the ,
u various said
creek a wester y direction to the
ii K line,
with her
In Ilia i tho
less, being home place
win i. on g A
veil at the of his d
A s.-two town lots in town
of o, one fronting on
avenue and the
an i lot. the said
L A live i at o time
her death, the bi the
In the rear of home
lot street,
i feet ard
k and the lot oil
street feet
d running foot,
A description each
of can at office of K G Junes,
Terms f one half on
day of sale, balance payable In
months to be s cured
on the
This the 1.1
Q. V.
r, i.
F. G. James, Attorney.
Fight on the street.
Oppose improvement.
Mistrust public men.
Go to some other town to trade.
Run the town down to
Refuse to advertise in your
rot invest a cent; lay out
your money elsewhere.
Be particular to distrust the
motives of public spirited men
Lengthen your face when a
stranger speaks of locating in
your town.
If a min wants to buy your
property ask him two prices for
he wants anybody , in-
and discourage him.
Refuse to see the merit in any
scheme that does not exactly
t fit you.
Run down your news
Run down your
Run down and
everybody but Number One
Notice of Execution
of th Carolina,
Pitt county.
In the Superior
J. F. Stokes vs. John Alb n.
of an execution
I directed to the from
the Superior court of Pitt county
in th-- above entitled action, I
will, on Tuesday th day of
1908, at o'clock M,
the hi use dour in Green
Pitt county, soil to the
highest bidder for cash to .
said execution, all the
and Interest tho said Jo n
Alton defendant, has in tho
described real estate,
at a forked per
tree, and running north
with said John Allen lino i
the north east corn r of sad
tract land, a westward-
direction with the said John
Allen to Jesse U
line thence . southerly direction
with Jesse L. line to Hi
homestead of John Men.
thence east the
line to a forked
acres 1.1 re or I- ;. ,. h all of
the tract of land co t-1
John Aden by J. M. and
which deed In
ii I, page the
of Pitt county,
except thirty acres t la said
land which was allotted to John
as his the said
nil the
the mid John
of land.
This day 1907.
L. W.
of an Irish Coal Who Fall Worn by One Sat of
Down a Shaft. Bey
That I A- a role, boy are not disposed to
J. Hid, the Schopenhauer of j he of their clothes, but a
American finance, after remarking whose Sunday suit some
would seem to indicate The
sale of seats for tonight
large even if
it is Saturday night.
. i
Friday night's storm was one
of them. The night cold
and looked much like snow. A
little sleet or hail fell, but about
BO o'clock it began raining and
a warm wave followed There
was rain and high wind all
night, and it did some
to fences and windows.
The streets were badly washed.
The life of a good woman is
one thing more than
ill others in all that conspires to
maintain the higher civilization
of mankind, and the one thine
which, when removed from its
sphere society, can be
ed only of tho depths of
aching heart There is nothing
in all earth that can
the family circle, the church and
society at large for the
in the death of a good
woman, especially one who has
been consecrated to the duties of
wife mother.--By.
For mules, one
a lot of hogs, corn, fodder
and hay, carts, plows,
hoes and shovels, cultivators
mowing machine and .-;
o tile place Jan. 3rd,
o'clock a. m. at Mrs.
M v.- farm,
U It
. ,, of strong, calm hand to
guide making incidentally
the a card player makes
when he holds a straight flush,
street with tho
that be does Dot see how stocks can
go much lower. Bis opinion was
the occasion tie other day for a
of comment in speculative
James It. Keens said it reminded
him of coal miner who fell
down the shaft. had a curious
experience. The shaft was a new
one seventy-fire feet deep,
and when Irishman tumbled in
he did not go the whole distance
mediately, lb- lodged about a third
of the down, and his fellow
workmen struggled to save bun, Pat
the operations. Just
j In led he
crashed do . n r twenty-five
a an ob n caught
him, sod the campaign was
begun with greater
When they Were- S see, mi I
lime on the point of I to the
dismay of the rescuing
wont headlong tho lower deep.
was sound from
Leaning far over of the
shaft, tho foreman shouted through
a I say,
Prom tho and
of tho I. the solitary
yo i much I
am not,
are yo,
hero are yo, Pal re th
am I re am I
be to I'm on In i
The storm Friday night brought
out the street force this morning
to clean out that had be-
come choked and caused flooding
of the sidewalks. Another case
of waiting until aft n to do what
should have been done before.
. i .
e lie,
t. I.
, I
. . i . I
, . . I
lion, . i i ilium
i m i . i we i i met ;
. . the . stun
. I
i ,
and is of so striking a character
that it i- considered unsafe for him
to walk in it alone might be
excused for being a trifle
London every Sunday there
who an thus
habited. They are
n cl lo his
majesty's chapel in St. pal-
ace, and truly gorgeous are they
when arrayed in their
Si cloth ii the of
the costume, and bands of royal
purple rows of heavy old
lace the adorning of it. Grand-
est all. I lace ruffles are worn
at the neck and wrists, hut these are
i and difficult to replace
that it must ti special occasion
warrant their being donned, while
lawn bends being substituted as a
gen ml thing.
A boy has to exercise great care
over his state suit, for i; m it last
him three his undress
t i- r, placed every eight
The choir of this royal chapel is
one of the historical institution of
Britain, and many of its old tune
customs, including the of the
. are retained to this day.
curious customs peculiar to
m. choristers rosy men-
most interesting of
,. is the right of the bend boy to
a guinea as
from any officer entering tho chapel
wearing spurs.
It is related that when Sir Arthur
Sullivan was head boy the of
Wellington would always come to
t I in his spun in order to
; of paying the for-
tho Wedding.
, Anna, is
very cozy, bill rather small.
I f your mother should wont to
stay with US,
will lo sleep out
On Clinch.
very rest-
this said the senior
replied tho inn-
see, I asked
to drop in today and pay mo
he OWeS
you're afraid he won't
afraid ho x. ill and
row m I Standard and
A Treasons Ship.
I nibble I sec that
-1 new ship Lucy
Tanner I her
. tons coal,
By ginger It's
a thing there ain't no
tho days
A Cocci
What would happen if
could take with
tin i into tho nest world, do you
i Why, it would
burn in their pockets.
Why is ii the letter
Be . , . i i ken
., do boys
in I
On which aide of pitcher i;
the The
Why i-- a proud girl like a
book . Sh full t
Why i- the Idler p like a Bah
it eel feel.--
journalistic slips are fun-
Seventy per cent of the Hun-
population are forced to live
in one room, according to Mail.
A roomy room In its obituary of
Lord Brampton the
says there i.- hardly a race
horse in the kingdom on i his
well known figure has not been
i , kit ha line i i. in
mi . I'd tho i
once in aw i nearly so
i, n row up to think ll
. of i I in tho
lb i i Post.
e journeymen writers write
i i all that almost Americans
read, This i- a fact that love to
fool ourselves about. We talk about
and we talk about
h . . implying that tho
reading do is of literature.
The truth tho while is ,. rend
el than the writing of tho
ha ks, living hacks-that K men
worm n t for pay. We
may hug the notion our life
and ii-u really affected
iv current literature, that rend
the living writers only for
and that our real in-
,, . . is i d by the great
dead writer. our hugging ties
delusion does not change the fuel
that tho life oven
educated persons, and certain-
of muss of tho population, is
fed chiefly by ti writers oar own
time. us hope that the great
ten of the do et the stand-
whereby a few judge the writ-
of tho present. if
be it is -till true also that the
Ufa of the American
i.- chiefly shaped by current
ll. in
Couldn't ; Him.
When the jury had in for at
least the fourth time, with no
of coming to an in tho
bribery case, the distrusted judge
rose up and slid, discharge this
At this one sensitive
stung to the quick by this abrupt
and ill sounding decision, obstinate-
can't discharge me,
he retorted.
asked the astonished
announced the mica-
man, pointing to the defendant's
lawyer. paid by that man
, . t Risk,
was ti old did;
no n for his
in th
-r. , i h i.-,.,., ho was
a guide I hunt-
Tho and His Piles.
aid an at
r on
with tho lures for
,; co lid bi or buy,
an to i his a
old ;. iv, ace, met
I'm I
In r I dress
am Is that
I .
con yo them up
n for replied
Id, I ere i n p d ran
two them
Dundee Advertiser.
Tho company had been discussing
new cook the social rise of u man of millions
be fully extravagant. I who had begun as a laborer.
Wife- -Why do you think so owes it all to his
seems to think dared one of the number.
have victual
to burn. Detroit
The Drummer The of
writ in paper has gone up.
The Merchant Why, I always
thought it
go i t Youth's Companion.
The regarded
soon as he was . I eel-
she explained, ft
about exchanging his I for
ii coal of arms. Hy the tune I was
worth two millions she
the trade. The rest was

Board of Commissioners
day e t k- Ska-
Tier Court Cm of Pitt .
of then of l. H.
I to the estate to
i i Bent to the r
pad. and s i claims Commissioners county, number of days each member has
t Mid estate are i attended, amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
rate I o. or before day of ending Bee. 1st.
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Board of
iv r. o n lice will be
d in
day of
Martin A. Moore.
of H. Moore.
id. SI
Notice to Creditors.
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
as commissioner
for day as committeemen
miles traveled at
The Clerk of the Sop, Court of j Amount allowed R. Home for day as com-
t count having letters of ad- .,., J
i. me. onh of November. I for 2-1 miles at
ate of wade w. deceased. ., e Is here to all parsons Amount allowed J K. Spier for day as
estate to make
V a. c.
.,, ,, miles traveled at
Amount allowed J. R. for Jay as com-
for days as committeemen at
for miles traveled at
o. i I
notice, or
I d n bar if re c cry.
i N .- r
Bailie U .
to the i s
U .
Just Arrived At
allowed R. W King, chairman for
days as commissions at
for days as committeeman
.,, eon- for miles traveled at
V . D r Am allowed John H Brooks for days as
Poi i . th nay of
-d duly re I in the for days as c
. in gap at
Amount allowed M. T. Spier for com-
missioner at 2.00
fr as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
i . J
r will .
i i i in
. . e I .-i bid-
i. ii y. the i Jan-
. I. a in re . ; i .
situ Count;
I .- west lid
Hi l
. i I Ford.
ton i
d. Clark then with
Amount allowed D Holland for
commissioner at
r i days as committeeman at 2.00
days as
l miles traveled at
Amount N T. Cox for days as com-
,, mar m the r
i for days as committeeman at 2.00
n Poll line, then
i II . line ;. o . d
. II be . ;.
in i i,
o; .
I i h X .
Harding A. .
mills at
you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cent pure. Don't fail to see
their line, of Betters,
shot guns,
enamel ware etc. It is the
place to buy your They
also keep on hand the celebrated
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig and different
heights. Their place is head
for Roofing, which you
will in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
I I e supplied
bi k.
rota amount allowed Board
State of North Carolina, i county.
. Richard Williams, t Deeds and ex-officio clerk of
the Board Commissioners for the aforesaid do certify that
the is a statement doth of record
Given under my hand and seal of said Board of Commission-
at office in Greenville, this day i November
R. WILLIAMS, Clerk Board Com. for Co.
Agent tor
a an Range,,
No ice to Creditors
d. Iv b f ire the
Clerk i i
r of the last ,,. . ,, , .
L. Campbell, deceased. . Board Com. Pitt Co. N. C
i .
is .
w II make application i
i n Dr.
in January, to Kw be
terminates is
of and bowel
quickly end this condition
first in . . . r
n tail liquors in the town of
N C.
This Dec.
W. W.
case or money
I'M.,, at drug store.
lice is hereby given I will make
applications to of com-
a, their meeting on
first Monday in January, for
to retail r in the town of
Stokes, N. C.
This Nov. 27th, 1907.
t d t v. C. K.
Having duly before
the Superior court clerk of Pitt
county as executor of the last
and of J. J.
Laughinghouse. Jr. deceased,
notice M hereby given to all par-
ties indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons
having cl against the estate
are notified to present the same
payment undersigned
en or before the of
or this notice will
be plead in bar of recovery.
Ibis 8th day of Dec. 1907.
J. J.
of o. J. Jr.
Painfully Bind Metal.
Phis morning Mr. T. A. Vick
w is doing some plumbing work
at Dr. J. L. Wooten's residence
and was using a Ice tie of melted
Bolder in making joints. He
went to replenish the metal in
the dropping in a
solder that was wet it
made the metal moss sputter,
throwing fragments of it on his
m and face. He was pain
fully burred where every
of the metal struck the shin.
j i his injury is not serious.
n No limitation is to placid
height of New York's tall
buildings of the future. Instead
i f hold to legal re-
builder hereafter
sen .-. raper to
in y stories a--.
d his .-u
form as
amount of Ii
Tl i. the
in .
code which
And Provisions
Cotton and
chooses, pro-
tuns is of such
on nil sides.
f an amend-
i i k building
will be
seemed to
of argument
of Ii nil future
shout twenty stories
and e problem pr at
deal of
here and abroad.
illume tip
I of Count
v. fL ,
One often hears the expressions .
child cold which low often you can set a
developed into the V SC kept ton-
truth ill tin; cold had simply left
la-- one particularly S
to the germs p
when Chamberlain a Cough Remedy is
given it cures the cold and lea-
Fine land for any crops and good tens the danger diphtheria v-r any w
if about acres in one
meeting on the first
n y for license j
ii ii , stables and Darn, water.
tad liquor in the town
K. C.
is fee. 2nd. j
r or
a good A
prepared ,
I location Will sell reasonable for
W. II.
R. F D. N. C.
otter germ disease being contracted.
For sale by all dealers in
of Personal Property.
is hereby given that the
administrator, will
the 20th of De-
North Carolina
Pitt county
In Superior
South Dakota, with its rich silver
mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges and
strange formations, is a
. able At in
the home of Mr. E. U. a won-
Pitt county to obtain
i the
hold and kitchen tho
one mowing machine and
This sale will begin at
; A. II. and continue till all
aforesaid property is sold.
; the day of November,
Zeno Allen.
of Vacant Land.
-no. F. C
g, Atty. enters and claims about
s, m r.- or less, of vacant land
c- eek township, Pitt county. N.
swamp, on both
reek, adjoining the lands of M.
band A. if. Garris on the south;
veil and It. II. Garrison the west;
i known as OH north,
Anders and lie
the i
B. II. Garris.
by F. C Harding, Atty.
or persons claiming title
area In foregoing
tile their protest In writing
within the next thirty days, or
be barred by law,
e required to appear at the next
term of Superior Court of
county to be held on the
second Monday in January
and completely cured bun.
colds, throat an J
gist, and 91.00, Trial
or screw
tool box and K
emergencies. Our line of tools
la a you could desire, and
we will see that your
box does a single,
Of .
You get s
Horse c
J. P.
w I . c n
D. W. Harden,
N or t h C a roll n a.
This drama, that is
r- by home
talent under the direction of Mrs.
.;. be present-
ed in house on
New A treat is in
Bl for our a d
A Home Made Happy by i
About two months ago cur
is given that I
application to the
f county commissioners
Monday in January.
r license to retail liquors
own of Oakley, N. C-
Dec. 2nd. 1907.
. i. E. Carson.
at the Court House of said had settled on her lungs
in Greenville, N. C, and ans- a severe
or demur to the complaint
in said action, or she would went to eight
will apply to the Court the different states to a
relief demanded in said com had
, f to get it, when one of the
insisted that
This the 30th- day of Cough I did
1907. I IS and well today, .
D. C. Moore, C. S C iv N. C. For sale Notice Cf Sale Of
F. G. James. for Plaintiff.
O. S. of tho bet
known merchants of La N
Y., says- If you are ever troubled
with piles, apply
Salve. It cured m tot good
or abrasions. at Jno.
Wooten's drug store.
Property of W. H.
Sale of Town Lot By virtue of power vested
Notice. . , c. in me by law, administrate
By virtue of the power of R-v, the Superior of H. White,
Mortgage deed ex will to sale to the
therein pending, entitled C ,. to
I will, on Mon-, for cash, before
day. nth. , the court ho door, and at the
i the town of the sales stables, lately
and delivered by Oscar H.
to i,. A. the 21st day
November, and in
the Register of deeds of
county, North Carolina, in book to the hid a certain lot
page i-ii. the undersigned will m W low
to public sale, before the
door in Greenville, for cash v
highest bidder, on Monday, the I lot number ,
day of December. 1907 the
real property to A
occupied by the W, H.
i p viii, i ii. I, i .
rt Greenville, county, and known in White, On 31st day
to the the plan said town and December. 1907, a portion of
lie-1 the personal estate of W. H.
containing fifty acres said W feet; numb r of horses and
less, adjoining the land, of C. with i mules and certain vehicles
I . . . I t .
satisfy said
This 13th day of November, 1907.
I. A. Randolph, mortgage.
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
number one hundred and
one-fourth of a n acre, or less
Terms of cash.
R. J. Cobb, Commissioner,
Thin the 12th of
S. T. White, of
W. H. White, deceased.
When Bo Homo.
From the Ind,
out, v. u
want.- go borne. When you
want fun mo,
to show other i that you have reformed,
go home and lot your family net ac
with when
want to show at beat go
home and do act ere, you
I go home
nil children
first. i n you want to shin I with
extra brilliancy go home and Ugh tho
whole To which we. Would
add, when you h a cold go home
and take Chamberlain's Cough
and n quick cure is certain, sale
by all and Dealers in Patent
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
the court clerk of Pitt
county as administratrix of the
Albert Moore, deceased,
notice is hereby to all per-
sons indebted to to
make Immediate payment to the
undersigned, and all persons
claims against said estate
are notified to present tho same
to tho undersigned for payment
on or before the 17th of
December, 1908 or this notice
of recovery.
will be
This 17th day of Dec. 1907.
of Albert Moore.
From my farm on
before the second Sunday in
October, a black male hop-,
about pounds,
marked slit in each car.
Would appreciate information
leading to recovery and pay in
for trouble.
Mrs. N. E. Tucker.
R. F. D. Winterville, N.
Pepper Curt
A now mill Immediate remedy for
discovered at tho
hospital recently by
Dr. Peters, by whom George
years, of
Quarry reel, was cured of
which two days be-
fore ii pinch of popper,
had tried nil kinds of
before to tho hos-
but without avail. Two hos-
were but the treat-
ho received apparently us
little good a tho he had
en homo, lie weaker and
and could not oat sleep.
It was iii this condition that ho
appeared at the hos-
is something that you
said Dr. Peters. He gave
man n pinch of The
man was violently at
tho time, but managed to Inhale the
stimulant. Tears from his
eyes OS ha did, and ho sneezed
J Io sneezed and when
he was through sneezing the
coughs were gone. Philadelphia
Tho Montreal Gurgle.
said a Pitts-
burs ii very per-
son. To get along with him you
must mighty particular about
etiquette must shave twice a
dress for that sort
of thing. If you don't conic up to
hi.- standard, ho is ant to say some
very cutting things about you.
once sat beside Air. at a
dinner at tho Union in
York. Mr, when the soup
on begun to east sneering
at a stout, red faced chap
opposite us, and ho whisper-
ed to
man is from Montreal. I
can tell it by his
Ins said I.
the man hasn't
Fish's lip curled in a scorn-
had ho said,
tho accent with which ho cat his
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to .
VOL. No.
Ii T. b Frank Tl
ST. resting
From l cl lit,
The had all been given,
Tho were
And, doling in armchair,
With his cat upon his knees,
flood smoked his honest
And took
But something roused him quickly.
Ho i-om his
A bold, n
Wore kneeling at his fast,
maiden cried,
my fearful plight
Since dreadful night
When left in the
Of being I not
She paused. The soldier raised his
And blush with
e behold.
But the way I hive n treated
my run cold.
and cod
I've and sung sleep
. .
a a
i .,. a. ma
Oh, we j I net a I
I'd like v
I think I
rAnd h en a i
J And ill Y
Ch .-
a a in ; v
to .
This e
And then J n
I grieve la pi In,
B t i. ; . j . year
All shall L
.; . i
When are i
I will put a the
Where you c- L
And him, tabbed.
it i y I
But, hunted high I low
And searched far and near,
Tho maiden bold
seen no that
la W. T.
Ad. by Greenville No.
A. F. A. M.
bi r 1907.
Whereas Death, the reaper,
has once more entered our
I and removed from us our
j worthy brother and friend. Willis
T. Fleming, who while on his
way to the mountains of North
Carolina seeking health was, on
the 16th inst. at Old Fort,
stricken and died.
Therefore, he it resolved.
j we I he members of Green-
Lodge No. knowing and
I appreciating the virtues of our
departed friends do hereby enter
of record this expression of our
regret at his untimely death in
the prime of his manhood. We
knew him as a true, tried and
trusty Mason, a devoted son ard
brother, respect-d and useful
That we extend to his
father and mother and a devoted
sister our sympathies in this
their hour of bereavement.
I a pane the minutes
of this Lodge apart for
the of these resolutions,
and that a copy of the same be
sent to the family of Brother
Fleming, and that the same be
furnished to tho Oxford Orphans
Friend and The Reflector with
the request to publish the same.
A. Andrews
T. R- Moore
B. Wilson.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has the following licenses
Willis and Ella Ross.
Dunn and Ella Hales.
Harvey Boyd and Mary Adams.
Thomas Jackson and Annie
The Great Spirit in His
P. A. and Nannie Briley.
Richard Cannon and Eva
A. F Cox and Nancy E. Tripp.
of its
Eye Defects.
I you have eye troubles, don't
put them off, but see Dr. Taylor,
of Greensboro, who will be at his
old office in Ayden, Monday and
Tuesday, Dec. and for tho
correcting eye defects.
Don't fail to see him. Small eye
troubles make big ones when
neglected. All work guaranteed.
and merciful has
seen fit. to take from our midst
our brother, Willis T. Fleming,
therefore ho it
1st. That
Tribe No. I. O. R. M. has
heard with sincerest sorrow and
deepest regret of the death of
our beloved brother, Willis T.
Fleming. In Brother Fleming
we feel that we have lost not
only a good and tine Red Man,
but a kind, noble, sympathetic
friend; the community an hon-
est, upright and excellent citizen.
2nd. That we extend to his
aged parents, and his
sister our sincere sympathy, and
direct them to Him in their hour
of who alone has power
to soothe their aching hearts.
3rd. That a copy of res-
be spread upon our min-
a be sent to the family
of Brother Fleming, and a copy
be given to The Reflector with
request to publish the same.
C Flanagan
J. H- Harris
W. S.
Roy B. Gardner and Meta
II. EL Nobles and Margaret A-
Wiley N. Stancill and Myrtle
Stray Taken Up-
I have taken up a female hog
unmarked, color black and white,
weighing about pounds,
owner can get same by proving
Property and paying cost.
21.1007. M
J. L a
Henry and Maggie
J. Kirk.
James G. Wilson and Delia
Joseph and Maggie
and Martha
Ann Taft.
Luther Locke and
John I Spell and Florence
Cornelius Moore and Roxie A.
Oscar Taylor and
S P Williams Mayo.
El Howell and E.
James Daniel and Annie Can-.
West Foreman and Minnie
Nicholson and Fan-
Willie and Bessie
James D and Mary Phil-
Howell and Iredell Gray.
Elbert Yancey and
marriage and Hg
Henry Ada
repressions of Sympathy.
The Cradle Roll of the
dist Sunday has been
,,,;,. Sn
Alfred slipped
from us on the morning of
r Ha
most promising child and the
idol of fond parents The or
ed father dear
mother feels robbed of their
hearts best treasure, and left
sitting in the of an aw-
grief. They and
waited, and still watched but the
morning never came, save the
one that swept the
from their arms into
eternal day. It is Inexpressibly
sad. still we would suffer
little children to go to Dim who
can care for them far better than
we, though going the
heart almost broken.
extend our sympathy and
would remember in prayers
the devoted father and mother
Waco, Texas, Dec. 17th, 1907
An old man, born miles from
Greenville, Pitt county, N. C. in
the woods, Nov. 10th,
went to and taught school in
Lenoir, Greene and Pitt counties
but mostly in last, and was
from Wake Forest college,
in class of 1850; wants all Ids
students and fellow students to
whom this may come, to write to
him, if but a line, telling him
how they have passed these many
The world has been good o inc.
much better I have been to
it- Never was sued, never sued
any one; never owed cent
not pay on demand. Have, net
and never had an
from tho crowd's
My sober wishes never learned ti
sequestered vale m
I have the noiseless tenor my
Have never been seriously
Have been healthy and happy
these many years. I have had
all the in
reasonably have expected. in t
seen children and I
grow up, settled in life, res
and doing well.
I still enjoy life as much
as an octogenarian could I.
and gratified for its prolongation,
t i ;
when time comes, satisfied, with
hearted, good old
world, Ii live ii.
, ,. ,,
none, I've made the beat
old life much in . i
I think often and tenderly of
you. May good attend you oil
Your long ago
D. R. Wallace.
and all
and friends, reminding
Todays weather will make the
burden of holiday shopping
heavier tomorrow. AU that is
now left will have to be done
then, Christmas not going
to wait for weather or anything
Men who always pay cash
owe an apology.
Hungry men are seldom
troubled with indigestion.
Heavy Loss on Eve of
Mr. J. G. Watson left Sunday
morning for Norfolk whereto-
morrow he is to wed Miss Mary
The before his
departure he met a serious mis-
fortune that is calculated to rob
him of much anticipated pleas-
For sometime Mr. Watson
had been saving his earnings in
readiness for his
holiday honeymoon. Saturday I
he took his savings, out
trunk and placed them in a j
bill book in the breast of his coat, I
Intending to deposit the i
part of it in bank and take years, well
remainder with him on his trip- L having left
He came down town from his j my consent, all persona are
room, made several stops, and hereby warned, under
loom, mo of the law. not to employ, shelter
before reaching bank a
his pocket only to the book home.
and money gone. He made oil-; Herbert
search for it, but with- F. D. Grimesland, N. C-
out success. It is a heavy loss.
cm of
tho one Comforter in our every
hour of sorrow. Through His
power and grace the grave
in Cherry Bill is but the gateway
to glory and to a larger life.
ii no stars go
To rise upon some other shore.
Where, safe In heaven's jeweled
They shine
Our school cannot forget the
little flower that bloomed for a
short space on before
being transplanted the gar-
den of the skies
M. T Plyler,
Mrs. G. S Pritchard,
Mrs. James.
Had His Neck
A colored boy, Charles Wilson.
about years, who has
employed pa a stevedore at
the champion compress, Buffered
a terrible accident t hi
day morning, i will
in his deathWilson, while d his
work, in some manner was
beneath a bile of cotton,
grown . neck
The small boy tho
nights are the longest of
the year Christ is to
Santa Claus plenty time to get
He id I and
Mi. Literary
On Friday night the boys of
the W debating
society of the graded school, had
an debate in the
chapel. They had as
guests for the evening the girls
the literary
and entertained them most hand-
The query for debate was
that the passenger
fare rate is The
sneakers were Charles
Frank Brown and Bruce
Booker, and the negative rad
Ben Taylor and Royce
Tucker. Each of the boys ac-
himself most creditably,
both in speech and rejoinder, and
the contest v OS a close one.
The decision of the judges
Rev. J. L. Dr. R. L.
Can- and Mr. Julius Brown- was
in favor of the
After the debate the two
ties formed in couples by drawing
cards, and held a peanut contest
was very amusing. A
peanuts were thrown on
U-c which w re to pick-
ed up with a table knife and
to a chair at the end
of the hall, a going to
one who placed tho most peanuts
on the chair in a minute and a
half Miss Sadie Exam was tho
winner and was presented a hand-
Borne volume of toasts.
games were for
some lime ice cream and
fruits were served.
Board of Gives
As the tobacco industry is the
most important enterprise of
Greenville and Pitt county, the
Tobacco Board of Trade is the
leading business organization of
the town. The seventy odd men
composing this organization are
not oily leaders in making
for the c nut also
take front rank w hen it comes to
Tobacco market closed for the
holidays or. Friday. 20th, and
that night the Tobacco Hoard if
gave a t in the
of the K B. Tobacco
o., to which many other re
invited, each member having the
privilege to invite a friend.
Tables were arranged that bore
a most tempting spread, the me-
nu consisting of ham sand-
turkey, quail on toast,
oysters, i sauce, pickles,
celery and c i u d
after the
Mr- R O, president
of tho Tobacco Board of Trade,
being yet lame from his aw
. months . requested
Mr i. V o net as
ma r of n i
mat-t -r, ho did ac-
lie i one of these
who fits in where
and fills t to ;
In the absence of a minister he
said grace ed
I him-
self made the bi bi
The responded to were
as follows, all the be-
timely and well
Relation of the tobacco man
and the banker C.
The tobacco man ard in-
man- II. A. White.
The tobacco man ad tho post-
master C.
Relation between the tobacco
man and tho bar J. L Fleming,
The tobacco
-E. B.
Virginia-U C.
North Carolina i. A- Person
Toast Master in tis
gave a brief f
the tobacco market i-i be-
ginning in 1891, ad ll-o w
and the town years The v-.
set son y 500.000
will be paid to the f for
while the op rating
and salaries of
will foot up
more, making a total of
paid out through this one in-
The tub market has
to Greenville a large
number of business men and
of whom the may well
feel proud.
pits tip kinds.
A cl mortgage has been
filed in the register of deeds of-
that embraces this list
property, except a bl inn left for
Bl M
th -i
is t
Hod T, G.
Ex Thomas G.
Skinner, of Hertford, who has
been in health, died Sun-
j day in a hi at Baltimore. Ho
v. a i some over CO years of age,
lend a hi other of Messrs. Charles
and Harry Skinner, of Greenville.
Mr. represented this
district in congress f r Owe.
I terms, and the i
I a more popular .

Eastern reflector, 20 December 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 20, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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