Eastern reflector, 13 December 1907

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Having a- Administratrix d.
b. n. c. t. a. ff F-. A de
ceased, late of the County in Pitt, North
Carolina, this s to p-rs-p-
claims again-t the estate of the
said d to exhibit them before he
undersigned within one year from this
date o-Um . i. will De in
bar of their recovery.
All to the said es
will pk make immediate
i his the 7th day of Oct.
Q V. Wand, Administratrix
F, G Janus, Attorney.
Having duly qualified before the fol miles traveled at
per., . .-- of Colin y, m
of to H
notice is given
to ; r- in t- the estate
i to the u
and all having
aid estate are notified t,
Office of the Board of Commissioners
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Board of
Commissioners for Pitt county, number of days each member has
attended, amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
the fiscal year ending
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
for day as committeemen
t ed i
Bay . f n In I the I n
r. W .,
pie. i in h r i
i I
Martha A. Moore.
Notice t
i . . .
th . sin
Sup Co
i .
f . undersign d,
r, , Ll .,
to a i
Amount allowed W. R. Homo for day as com-
missioner 2.00
for miles traveled at 1.-0
i i .-,.
v i-
, i the to In
. . c
. i .
. I A h A , ;,.
notice, no
ice . re .
i ,.
S e L. I
t the i I i
w. us, d.
Land for Sale.
v. Dec h.
ii i
.; m
I i Ii date,
parcels of wooded land i Cl
V a i ;
The i s
miles from .-h.
crossed by the Norfolk South-
Terms, one third or one
a- . . ,. . i. and i
f . J. L
By of the power of sale con-
in-- ac-r pi Mortgage Deed a
and delivered by H. D. Forties
to Elizabeth 11th day of
October. and duly recorded in the
of Deeds office Pitt
Carolina, in Book J page
Got undersigned will expose to public
ale. the House door in
Greenville, to the bid-
. day of .-
nary. 1908, t u ;.; r
Sit i l i of
sinning i we-
I , , p.- Old Purl,
N i on stake
. Kiln link a corner, with
w, r-.
. th n E,
o a sweet tie
ea .-. . ii c
S K. to line, the
With foil -I In; t a d
, n
i- , ., ore or
Said ill be made
This la r, ;
. . a i
Amount allowed J. R Spier for day as com-
for l day as c
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed J. R. Barnhill f day as com-
for days as committeemen at 2.00
miles traveled at
Amount allowed R. King, chairman for
as commissioner at
for days as committeeman
for I miles traveled at
Amount allowed John Z. r days as
for I- days as
fur miles traveled at
Amount allowed M. T. Spier f r days as com-
missioner at 2-00
r as committeeman
V traveled at
Ami allowed D J. Holland for days as
commissioner at
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles at
Amount allowed N, T-Cox for days as com-
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
; -woo
S 44.00
Bobby's For Tolling His Mother
a Falsehood.
Treatment For Tender and
Four-year-old Bob teas playing A splendid cooling and
with a little girl named May who healing, is made by dissolving two
lived next door when tome one saw ounces each of rock salt and
little May begin to cry and hurry with one of powdered alum. Put
A Boy's Method of Capturing
Heinze in the course
Of -on board his yacht Re
laid of a certain mooted
home. Knowing Master Bob's pro. this in a wide mouthed bottle and Wining
for rough games, his moth- use a to each gallon yea, it would be a good thing
called him to her and questioned of water, soaking the feet well. f It could be done, but there is no
him carefully as to did to Where the feet perspire a possible way to do it. Ask these re-
v the formers how they are going to put
t do to was the skin soft. A healing, soothing pow- ;.only satisfaction she could obtain that should be used after a
from the youngster. soaking and drying is made of;
His was not satisfied, how-; ten grains each of powdered alum
ever, and when luncheon was served and two-thirds of an ounce
there happened to be on the table I each of powdered borax and starch,
a kind of cake of which Bab was ex- j a fifth of an ounce of acid,
sifted with two ounces of best
cum powder.
Sift well many times through a
hair sieve and be quite sure to reach
every part of the feet, especially be-
tween the toes. If the is
taken at bedtime, the feet dried and
this powder used I lie relief is won-
Such a treatment modifies
all disagreeable odors from
Total amount Board
State of North Carolina, Pitt county.
I, Richard Williams, Register of Deeds and of
the Board Commissioners for toe county aforesaid do certify
the is a correct statement as doth of record my office.
Given under my hand and seal of said Hoard of n-
at office in Greenville, this 25th day of November 1907.
R. WILLIAMS, Clerk Board Com. for Pitt Co.
Com. Pitt Co. N. C-
fond. said she.
you will tell me what you did to
May will give you a piece of
The little fellow hesitated a mo-
then answered
just raised up my shovel, and
it hit her
In accordance with her promise
his mother gave him the cake and
also a score reprimand. After
luncheon ho was washed and dressed
and taken in ceremony to apologize
to which he did with due so-
i didn't hit me with his
May with
fell down and hurl
I go
cried his
did you toll
you hit your shovel
wanted tho an-
the youthful diplomat.
I I'd do it some
Notice is given that
will make application to the board
of conn in , i-i.-i pi. .- i ii i
first M in January, 1908, tn
liquors in the town of Pat-
N C.
This Dec. 1907.
W. W. Andrews.
No to Creditors
before the
county as ex-
lat will and of
. i. m I, notice is
ere Up to i to
e-- v. ., and
i estate are
en. the to th
I on r before the 18th
of November, or notice
of Mary L. Campbell.
Farm of about acres in on
mile of Farmville
ard barn, and water
locution Will for
Clayton Joyner,
K. F Farmville, N. C.
Notice is hereby that I
ill application to th
of Commissioners
t their m the first
in v 1908, for license
retail liquor in the town
N. C.
Dec 2nd, 1907.
W. R. Whitehead.
of Personal Property.
Notice is hereby riven that the
administrator, will
i n Friday tin 20th of De-
. 1907. offer for public
lie at the residence of the late
T F- Allen in Beaver Dam Town-
-nip, Pitt county, North
a, all the personal property of
t estate of the said J. F. Allen,
of mules, horses,
hogs, one cattle beast
fodder, cotton seed and
and furniture,
one mowing machine and
This sale will begin at
A. M. and continue till all
, f the aforesaid property is sold.
This the 30th of November,
1907. Zeno Allen,
Administrator J. F. Allen,
North In Superior
Pitt county I Court.
Mary Brown vs. Richard Brown.
above named
will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been com
in the Superior Court of
Pitt county to obtain from the
I a decree of absolute
divorce for statutory causes set
out in the complaint that he L
required to it the next I
term of the Court of
I to be hold on i
second Monday in January 1908,
at the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and ans-
or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the plaintiff
will apply to the Court the
relief demanded in said com
This the 30th day of
D. C. Moore, C. S- C.
F. G. James.
Notice is hereby that I
will make application to the
board of county commissioners
on the first Monday in
1908, for license to retail liquors
in the town of Oakley, N. C-
This Dec. 2nd- 1907-
is hereby given that will make
applications to the of
their meeting on the
first Monday in J for
to retail liquor in the town of
Stokes, N. Ci
This Nov. 27th, 1907.
C. F. Page.
H Gives His Friend a Tip on How to
Jewels Abroad.
Two millionaires, very smart in
their now London lounge suits,
stood on tho pier awaiting the
tom.- examination of their luggage.
the first said
having my wife a
tiara in Paris, was
course I'd have smuggled
it in. But, hang it all, when we
men of property try to smuggle in
so frequently get caught.
my friend, for in-
he had to pay tho govern-
last year, let alone the
didn't go about it
said the other millionaire.
wife's jewels are worth a quarter
a million. They were all bought
abroad, but never a cent of duty hat
been paid on
And now I'll toll you where
you and men like you make a mis-
take. buy your jewels
ill one place. You buy them in the
Hue do hi in Paris. And you
give your name to the jeweler, your
hold address, even your home ad-
dress. And what is the result
Why, the secret service men are on
to you at once. They out just
what you have bought, and on your
arrival here in York a revenue
man is wailing for yon with a list
all your purchases. Then what
scene Then how you
said the other,
you hay jewels to the value of many
thousands your French jeweler is
not such a fool as to tell a secret
service agent about
of course not. It is to the
jeweler's interest to keep mum.
He wants to retain your custom, and
he does keep mum. But how about
his clerks Doesn't he half
a at salaries of
a week or so And can't a secret
service agent get next to one of
these men he for SO or
francs out from the clerk all
he wants to know He can; he does,
And it is in that way, through
bribing of underpaid clerks, that so
many cases of jewel smuggling or
can smuggle safely,
making the Jeweler meet you
somewhere than has shop
jam Win t
and by that stereos
doubly secret a fake
name Then-
But suddenly- officer
peered, and the
to welcome weft
on out with
Don't you see I'm study
of the speeches delivered
in congress are only a waste of
answered the thrifty
statesman; great many speeches
are delivered gratis which would
command liberal compensation from
n lei lure
To Hemstitch on tho Sewing Machine.
Hemstitching which can hardly
be distinguished from the hand
work and which may be done much
more speedily may done on the
sewing machine in this First
draw tho number of threads desired
in tho goods to be hemstitched, then
fold the hem over and baste th
edge of the hem in the center of the
drawn threads. loosen the ten-
on the sewing machine am
stitch exactly along the edge of the
hem. Pull tho out and.
taking good- in one hand and
the hem in the other, pull tho edge
of the hem to the bottom of the
drawn threads, and your work is
and they
give you answers that are about as
practical as the little boy's method
of catching tho mule.
was once, you know, a
mule in a large field that refused to
lie caught by its owner. Round and
round the field the mule galloped.
The owner tore along behind, red
and angry, swinging a halter in his
band and swearing passionately.
mule would let him draw
near, almost near enough to throw
I love is
makes you think
we were on our honey-
moon ho broke two teeth trying to
eat my biscuits. he soaks
them in hot tea for half an
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ho Got In.
did you get into this
asked a reporter of a China-
man. it through the
through n replied
tho Mongolian Li- .
For Cleaning Varnish.
Tea loaves arc invaluable as u
means of cleaning varnished paint.
V. hen enough have been laid aside
for the work they should he put into
the basin of water and left to steep
for half nil hour. The strained lea
is used instead of water to clean
varnished surfaces. The
acid loft h. tea leaves after all
is wholesome in them been ox
acts quickly upon grime and
Got a pail of water, not too hot,
with a few drops of ammonia and a
nice soft flannel. Wash the walls
down with soap mid flannel and dry
well with n soft cloth. When the
walls are thoroughly dried get an-
other pail of warm water, with a
few drops of ammonia, and go over
the walls with a wash leather, which
gives a brilliant polish.
are spoiled by
embroidered edge split
having tho
and frayed a careless laundress.
The garment made to last
twice ion and many dollars
saved by stitching around tho
lops twice, having a tension.
This makes n edge and
does not detract from its appear-
the halter over its head; then it
would kick up its legs merrily and
run away like wind.
hoy, his face wreathed in
smiles watched the unequal chase
for an hour or so; then he entered
the field and
tell you how to catch that
mule, mister, if you'll give me a
panted the man.
your nickel. Now tell
behind that thick hedge
over said the boy, make
a noise like a
Jealous Woman.
Mrs. say Mrs. Van
is tho most jealous woman in
Mrs. I should say so.
She wouldn't oven let fortune smile
at her
Of Course.
widow that mar-
has seven children of assorted
sines. They're just like steps when
they're lined
They're his step
If a child is so ill that it h
to him in bod and
there is of fever, add
a little vine; to the cool water,
it has a effect upon n
Instead of vinegar put
e bilking soda into tho water if
there are any eruptions on the body.
It is cooling and allays any
Boggy Miss
I feel us though I am cut out for
your husband.
Miss certainly are cut
out, Reggy. Dick is just ahead of
Louis Republic.
poor, sir, but I
love your daughter.
Old Tut. tut, young
man I You can't make money as
quick as that in this
On Thing r tS. ens.
mi B
Nail Wound.
Grate potato and thicken
the lire in vinegar until it
the consistency of salve. Apply as
salve on cloth and bind to any rusty
nail wound, wire cut, etc. This has
been known to prevent lockjaw and
blood poisoning until n physician
could be called to give treatment.
Stains on
A lotion which will remove the
yellow stains on the neck caused
tight or high collars is made as fol-
Alcohol, four ounces;
two ounces; tincture of
fifteen drops. Apply several
times a day with a little sponge.
A Technical One.
late Angelo said
a Philadelphia scientist, a
most learned and u most lucid mind.
He not merely master a
be could lay it so clearly be-
fore you that in a short while
became master of it too.
claimed that
they who could not explain a sub-
perfectly did not that
subject perfectly, and he used to
tell a story on this head.
said two commercial travel-
on tho way from Beading to
Philadelphia got into an
over tho action of the vacuum
inflation of the tube
tho said tho first
1.1 traveler.
shouted the
second. tho output of the ex-
they wrangled for an hour,
and then, on the arrival in
Philadelphia, they agreed to sub-
the matter for settlement to the
engineer, leaning
from the window of bit
cab, listened with attentive frown
to the two traveler statement of
their Then he smiled,
shook his head and
gents, both wrong
about tho of the vacuum
broke. Yet it's very simple and
easy to understand. It works like
When we want to stop the
train we just turn this here tap,
and then fill pipe with
Bigelow, the brilliant
author and journalist, said the
day of the chicken farm that he
is about to set up at
I hope we succeed with this
farm. I hope our experience won't
Washing Stockings.
Wash woolen stockings quickly in
a lukewarm lather and do not lot
them lie in the water to soak. If
they seem very much soiled, n
borax in tho water will quickly cut closely resemble that of my old
the dirt. Rinse in tho same temper- friend Horatio Rogers,
of water. I Rogers lived in the sub-
On the suburban train one
Marking morning he said to me, with a sour
Write your initials or name in
then carefully stitch over something nobody else
lines on your sewing machine, has got, Mr.
red or white marking cotton you. It ash said I.
can be used a close and is It
coarse threads give best remits. said Rogers,
dollar incubator hut
, v. worth
r U a glass tumbler very out a blue bottle
M water-must be poured is set on , H frowned, then sighed.
m tray or table during the f he said, I've set
dollar blue
D J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
coming as
gun accidents are be-j Speaking of an elastic currency
way to make it elastic is to
cease employing bank-
with an conscience.
as rail
If whiskey does not row see
its finish in North Carolina, it is
more blind than the tiger.
Good afternoon Have you
finished rearing that thirty-
thousand moral message yet
King Oscar, of the
oldest test loved of He
European is reported
to be dying.
has been named by
the committee as the place for
g the next national
convention. The date is
June 16th.
The things now
to the success of the Democratic
ticket are the selection of a vice
president a majority of the
electoral votes.
An exchange aptly remarks
that message to congress
was really an address to the Amer-
people people on the
of the universe.
The New Bern Sun has
changed from a to
afternoon paper. The
given is that the mails out of
New Bern advantageous
for a morning piper.
The Jim Crow car bill has
passed both houses of the Okla-
legislature and now awaits
the signature of the governor to
become a It goes int
effect sixty days after being
What's pot matter in Ken-
What they call
men who are masked
and armed, arc creating
terror in that State. Five
of them d on Hop-
and destroyed property
to the value f
It is just like Republican luck
to have the chance of setting the
currency question when every-
body is howling for its solution.
Of course, they also serve who
only stand and wait, but they
should not ask for a tip that is
bigger than the price of the din-
Some time the freshman's cl
in the United senate is
going to outnumber the seniors
and then it will pass some roles
of its own.
In being thankful that we are
still In the land of the living we
do not mean to say that we are
glad we are in land of the
high living.
This is the time the year
when query is
at head of the man
who leaves tho door
in a
Senator Rayner says we need
more business and less politics.
Put into the form of a resolution
that would mean a motion for
congress to r instanter.
Harry C New, of Indianapolis,
Indiana, has been elected chair-
man of the R- national
committee, to succeed Secretary
George B. resigned.
The Seattle exposition is not
to for government aid. This
make it such an
show that it will be worth going
miles to see it.
A Missouri woman wants a
because her husband
ways makes merry after a
She wants to be sure
that he will not treat her that
In looking over th- list of con-
who were left at home
lost time, it would seem that a
good many people decided that
they wanted men to rep-
resent them.
Jurors for January Term of Court-
First B Joyner, S J
Brewer, J C V Staton,
W R J A Davenport, J W
Martin, Jr., T B Bryant,
James, J C Griffin, J B L
H Wetherington, E E J J
Hines, R C Tripp, Jesse Cannon,
F M Davis, B S Smith, Ashley
T W Skinner, James
Evans, W T Fleming, T J Cox.
W P Josephus R T
Evans, R B Johnson, B A Gard-
R A Walls, Iredell Moore, J
F M C Smith, Isaac
Second Week-J A Which-
ard, E B Whichard,
Boyd, Adam Gaskins, N A Bu
C M Buck, George n,
J M Edwards, Josephus Gaskins,
J P W A B Hearne, J T
A J Tyson, T R Moore,
W F Evans, Franklin
Jesse J S Pitt man.
peonies on
Card of Thanks. Got What He Needed.
Mrs. Julia Wilson and An incident that happened on
take this method to tender the W is not Monday C Ob-
people of Greenville. be be printed. Bays the f the only Mom n
Grimesland, Chocowinity and
Washington, and to their friends
in the vicinity of Grimesland,
their sincere and thanks
for the many kindnesses
ed to them during the sickness,
death and burial of the late
Robert T. Wilson, and i bey de-
sire further to assure
friends, that they do warmly
appreciate every act of kindness
extended to thorn in their sore
Mr. H of Chat lotto,
who has been here seven m.
for tho Central
Carolina Construction Company
the building of the freight and
passenger depots the Norfolk
Southern com-
the work and turned the
building-- over to the railway
The passenger is an
especially pretty building
brick with tile roof. It is
ably arranged, the waiting roams
being largo and led with
every needed comfort. The
building is creditable, both to the
contractors and tho railroad and
is an ornament to the town.
Mr. Rogers has male many
friends during his stay in Green-
ville, and says he was in a
town whoso people wire more
clever than are found here.
Rev. Mr.
The bishop in making appoint
meats for tho coining year at the
session of North
Conference at Now Bern,
returned Rev. M. T Ply r to
Jam's Memorial church ii Green-
The are just about to vile. While this was expected,
make up minds that this much
gambling with other to o-
money shall stop, even if it if i whim r. Una o
countenanced by the New
Stock exchange.
Both the North Carolina Con-
of the Methodist church,
and the State Convention, of the
The o liter of the
Record is in a peculiar position,
since lie can reject no
scripts, however worthless, that
come to him through the regular
Congressional channels
during p-t
year. He is held in highest
esteem by every one.
v i Mil fur
county, the Gusto
News, is a leader in industry.
She lead with fifty-five cotton
mills in Operation and about a
in course of ruction.
By the first of the year she will
have over This
not only North Carolina but the
General George Gill, preside
of tho Mercantile Trust
of Baltimore, suggests on
nation by the Democrats of Judge
Greensboro Record. A gentle- paper printed in tho
man who lives in Greensboro bad the following
and accidents occurring on
u I
been up to High Point and was
returning on the noon train. The
train was filled to overflowing.
Behind the Greensboro gentleman I while
came a lady with a baby in her losses and t , me t
arms- She had in the pressing obligations, com
aisle near a big, brutish suicide by r himself with
; at this moment the train a pistol,
started with a jerk and threw the At ,
woman down and she fell on this marshal was shot; an I
man, he cursed, using whom he
some exceedingly ugly words. At
his juncture the Greensboro m n
told him he was a hog. then the
bully made him but was floored
by a center drive from the right
hand course there was con-
commotion a-s he arose
to try before the Greens
man could fix himself I'm
another drive, two young
old the gentleman
to stand back, that
they would attend to the
this one cf said
and in a second they had the hog
down in the aisle and were
him good. Then he
for pardon and sued for
j everything
the and her
George Gray, of
William seat.
Bryan, of Nebraska, for vice I
Gray has the confidence
of the people, they in
the banking, commercial or the
laboring said Mr Gil.
recognize as
has reiterated over and
over tho fact free
silver is no r needed. I have
read his on the subject and
am to accept them with
made. radicalism
this vital point h
ed, we may accept his
opinions on some r national
issues without the fear of disturb-
sentiment nor public
As six thousand bills were
Baptist church, declared for pro- in the first
at their annual meetings
last week. With these two
largest in the bodies of
Christians actively enrolled in
the cause of prohibition tho
loons and mutt co.
May the day come
Latest reports from
W. Va , place the number of
killed in the mine explosions at
between and In the
first reports of the disaster no
account was taken of the teams-
and boys in the mine, all of
whom lost their lives. The work
of rescue is very much hindered
by the nauseous and by
fire- Only about bodies
had been recovered up
two days of the session, ft is per-
haps j as well that t he speaker
does not allow lengthy speeches
on each one of by all the
Col. William Elliott, who was
appointed by
to take charge of the mark-
of the Confederate graves
north, died suddenly at Beaufort,
S C. Thursday, where he was
with a hunting party.
United States troops have been
ordered from San to
Nevada. preserve
pace between the union and
nor-union miners. is
in the heart of th new mining
and has been in anal-
most, continual for the
past two years. A number of
outbreaks have occurred and
several persons killed.
On Monday about
o'clock, Mr. W. M. Wilkinson,
son of Mr. Wilkinson,
at bis father's home, near Farm-
ville. Last spring while serving
as a d of i be county
camp he suffered a stroke of
paralysis and since b in
a feeble condition, lie was a
young man of many good
ties and a brother of Mr i . L
Wilkinson, Greenville.
Tho funeral was hi Id
LaGrange Dry.
A prohibition election was held
in Monday, r; d car-
for pro by a vote of placing i
to in a registered vote of
The government today issued
its estimate of the cotton crop
Not Peonage
The Nashville American speaks
a parable when it.
an employer down
South to makes
out money him
passage to employ-
or for board or other things
along comes a official to
prosecute him fr
North of the river nothing
ii done. There is, as a
U r of fact, no any-
where the and
Snipes, but Mr Roosevelt's
crowd reeds do something,
to earn their i
is a fair statement of too
case, e it and
el i agents of the government to
i i i
Wilmington Star.
cuts for the Washing-
ton are a i
Presiding A. Me
J. M.
Aurora, A
Swan Quarter, B. C. S II.
It. P.
J. L.
Gr M
Farmville, W. A. Forbes.
B. Head.
Betel, J. V.
o, II.
Rocky m- .
South U II
Nashville. W. II
Spring Hone and Pleas
ant, B. w
II. E.
Fremont, C R.
Mis i i, y ii o. II.
Former i es
n the following
It. I-. John, presiding older of
J A.
G P. Smith, Hay Pi j-
N M. Watson, II; w River.
M Carthage.
L. I. Na h. Gibson-
N. II.
To I be
Family in
A remarkable family is that of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Braswell.
who live in this county, near
Creek Baptist church, in
Goos- Creek township, and who
held a family on Thanks
Mr. is in
his year, and has never
been sick a day in his life. He
now living within two miles of
the place cf his birth- There
are 1.3 living children, all of
whom were present at the
reunion Thursday, and
most of
were also present. Only
e child and three
live over miles from
their parents. Mr. and Mrs
Braswell, children and a major-
of their grandchildren are all
members of
Mrs. M, ,,
Mrs. Mo ; .
of M.
a little before midnight Monday,
a. their , Carolina township.
About ago Mrs.
big red a of
an I b en in poor
she suffered n
in stroke, which caused her
husband she
i av s six and
is f, on of the latter M
I. s. Mooring, of Greenville.
l -J
mag- it
. Of
., i
wrong d
to n p in c e-
A Methodist
Chester, S. C.
Prank a i
wife and then c
A train on i ho
a I lilting
at the throttle, a
the Lehigh railroad
into another train near
Allentown, Pa . and several
trainmen were hurt.
body of a young mar. who
had suicide was found
i a swamp
were killed and
en injured by r
near Mexico City.
In New York an torn bile
tacked over an embankment,
a woman an
two mer.
Throe persons were to
another injured in i
lire in Boston.
Two steamers collide in t--
and seven
were drowned-
breaking a to
her, Charles Handle w i
fatally shot by Miss Ida M
Br w At Blue Creek,
record for one day, ard
also a cf
smaller accidents.
L Mill I nil.
i Mill N-
A. win V ash in
t ill W .
Miss lb I- n i. lit
a with
Wilson, near II
i Evans en
There n g
last F. n I Mil s
i Ii i sac I lime v as
Most of our people
h gs It is a ft I i n I-1
I, I has been very
u. to say he is
ow r,
. a Town.
is constantly growing. We have
spoke n several times of what has
accomplish in this way by
fit . Ga., and
Settle, Th.
Record of last week told
f what had been accomplished
in this way by Cincinnati, Ohio.
Advertising is a splendid thing.
be advertising by a
m I
old idea that the
of a city w ill be found
ml in regular course of events
tin erroneous one. i
i s red here us well as at
p In r points aid the t that,
b ugh an i
calls attention to its
is the town that will
the greatest number of
i; I is to share these
. S
j. .- to i
daughter, or a
Christmas present of a sewing
chine, th i Singer or Wheeler
ft best. Soil y
I Peed, cash or on easy
Office in front
Lei Bertha. d till
Rye aid F. V.
i . s.
P Taken Up-I have take
a stray cow, red color, butt
headed, marked swallow fork in
right ear. Owner can
by proving property
expenses. C. R. Callow
R. F. D. No. Winterville, N. C

. LO
L is e
;. , i the Eastern S,
I i Slid th-
. i a; above i i
i ace i
. . i i i .
Dec. publishes an
i a special c o u
text of which we ;. i
in today's ll
the beginning The R-
flee i r i as had faith in this c n
and the mo we have s
of i th-; our a
We firmly ill it i i
farmers would
in business I
I the principles
opportunity of
safeguarding inter
and practical i j.
The editor of The
I officers and r
I of the
Tobacco Company He
f the unselfish n i .
I-. Joyner to the cause of i i
company, has it on the
of the directors i;
i ms that he has .
refused to allow his salary t
n- i paid for his .
bas never yet as I
any . o
he i. when o; a-
King bis own warehouse. It i
his of purpose, this
j loyalty and devotion to the inter-
est of the tobacco grower i h
f Mr. . . to a
ire extent, the cause i f cur
ail-, in the
a- Ci y.
In dollar lo ii g it is
for the average man to
he it of self s that
shown by the promo-
company. It is this
coupled with rs
of and
results it is pro that
evincing for the company n
measure of its well d-
. success.
cannot destroy a
I gradually the tobacco far-
hers are coming to realize and
the advantages of
is company and as they do so
show faith by their
as the rapidly growing
of the company attests-.
-is founded on the right
It is a good thing and we
It pleasure in helping to
One thousand bills introduced
n a day in congress, which was
record lay, looks
, the members would do
thin if could. But
of those will never set
While the supreme court of
State reversed the action
. ,. i Long
Southern Railway
for selling tickets at a
rate higher than that prescribed
by ii the court held
that the Federal courts have no
r enjoining the State
Prom prosecuting of
; he law. Si i it seems the size of
he fine Judge Long imposed is
the only point on which he
was rev, d.
Till in Paragraphs
; i message of
before the j. int in of both
s i the Sixth United
States congress, contains thirty
X h I
Ii i r national el
fr c s
e commends that any re-
of the tariff be postponed
i ft r the election
pro . .- I at th c
Pi n pi e mi y iv
the i s f the
-.- I s in pr I .
are pointed to as being
reason enough for the country
to pay particular attention to the
de v el o of its interior
liability, western
frauds, savings bank system
and many other matters of
special interest to the public
welfare are dealt with at con-
-M, length in the message.
Of more than passing interest is
recommendation that fourth
class postmasters be placed
d r civil service.
Citizenship to the people of
Rico is suggested;
mail subsidy to the far east is
discussed at length; The Hague
conference is reviewed along with
ha that the
in Japan in 1912 will afford
h United States a magnificent
which he hopes to
improved; the tariff agree-
recently extended by Ger-
many, is made subject of serious-
. v ;
A the
The board of county
met in regular session on
Monday, 2nd, all the mom
being present. R. King
reflected chairman of the board
tor ensuing j ear,
The usual monthly
f r w re lo.
Dr. J. E
h, and S. T. White,
t.- filed th Ir monthly
a lie
Of most vital importance from lie
e viewpoint of the President is
Evans, constable
h n in r .
township, tendered his
on of t which was accepted,
. methods. p. O. White was elected to
The author of the message m vacancy. The latter
urges action as to a d e- official
A z n and Mai
Ca from Earth.
Mr W. H White, whose deaf
afternoon, v
in v fr m
and us
la i
Of ll
Mr. IV
w ; C . . and he i
and Mr
y a
was a nun v.
i many r. Is. H
family and
of his
at all times
show his i t rest in and
meat to them, As a
man he was very successful F
some years lie was a
merchant ii-re. but being c
ed with he quit the mer
a few year
and in farm
r life and s
more i to s he d n.
During the winters he engaged
la the u. having a
interest in a large business
that For two h w i tn r
of th town, e induct
w th st h iv-
sickness was only
a week's duration He hid
. at i was p.-
kidney and while he
much from this
a Get Home,
Sheriff S. I.
h i ii id been to Raleigh to carry
the State hospital,
home, at o'clock
night and had a
experience on the
trip. He left Raleigh on
Norfolk Southern train,
to reach home in the
noon- At Zebulon, a station
a from capital,
. . for dinner. It
. i Dudley kept his feet
th table most too long,
to when he walked out of the
lie saw the train puffing
, d road.
ii thought the was
him so far as getting homo
. time that day wan concerned.
i ii m hearing before
that some officers
road re to pans by on a
s i lime e
. d ii led
i r in the h n of in r
i if. lie went i in
and sat d on the
and wait. It
Mb b n
chances at letting
; ran by he w s
.; to V out. so e
. I . i . ;.
. i ; mo car
running very
i it down, ex-
was no alarm about his p his the
i., board, aid per-
m the i lent.
I live to the currency plan,
The new State of Oklahoma
off well.
r bills have been introduced in
lie legislature.
Mrs. Bradley adds one more to
of women acquitted of
charge of murder when she
Ll slain the man who had
The man pressed for time did
lit feel like taking two hours
ltd a half to read that
though the approved
minutia o ,. re- the oath of office administered.
no tangible on , r- win
meeting was elected con-
stable of de-
in.-i of
. after the
be passed.
The president follows I i. i r-1 which had been
to enable its speedy e list to per
i t;.
The plans and specifications of
us as t s
and corporations, advocating all
the possible in
to inside workings of
corporations the
He emphatically urged federal
i . .
which, together with a
wholesome governmental super-
ion, he believes would prevent
a great dishonesty which
has been prevalent in the past in
the various channels of business
and do.
The pr-s system, the
president says, is responsible for
excellent balance which pro
between our expenditures
pointing with pride
to the yearly average of
He is of the opinion that the
lurid system should be given
scrutiny to prevent any
to growing abuses in
the administration of this
feature of the govern-,
The president is in
tax, though
e Bays speaks
due to the contrary decision of
the United States Supreme court
on the subject
It Is the opinion of the
dent that recent prosecutions
have successfully denied the old
reasons given that it had been
impossible to punish dishonesty
where the guilty were men of
great wealth.
In discussing railroad
the president declares that more
people are being killed on the
great steam highways of the
country than are claimed in the
prohibition thrust of the world He
He is doubtless looking that the federal government in-
r Wilmington to get the thrust., railroad accidents.
net for the sake of The lessons learned from his
word message to con-
fess just because the president
He learn to be
Hie t Id man of the Wilmington
facetiously remarks few
ties are born great, some
thieve greatness and others
p's reputation.
i recent down the
submitted to the war department
of the government, were re-
turned approved.
L. W. fucker, man
his report of laid off ;
public road in
as ordered at
A petition was present- d
for a public road to be established
in Bethel and Greenville town-
ships, commencing at a point on
the road on G. L. Moore's land,
known as Louis ave-
running to the
road, a distance of about
miles. Proper notice was
ordered to be given.
C N, Warren and J. II. Me-
Gowan were permanently re
leased from poll tax, and H. L.
and Richard Sutton
were released for the year 1907
W. A Hobgood was released
from payment of special school
tax in Farmville township,
J. R. agent, was re-
leased from tax on one
in erroneously charged.
Josephus was released
from tax on one town lot in Win
erroneously listed.
The board examined the
official bonds of county and
township officers on record an
ill were deemed except
that of L. Taylor constable of
Bethel township,
thereon being dead. He was no-
to strengthen his bond by
the first Monday in January,
A prize fighter is
now pastor of a church in Ne-
The people who
e need to be certain that he
has reformed
until night when he b
came n the right
am sank into
from which he never rallied
In February, 1892. Mr
of Greene county, and soon after
ma-ala.; t a splendid home
Dickinson avenue- Besides
the and I parents, he is
survived by four brothers.
Messrs. and
R C. . and one sister. Air
J. L. Fleming. Many
f sympathy have
these in r o v.
A- Mr. R. C. White, who
Ml- cannot I tint
tonight, the f; i i- i not
until 12.31
o'clock. S .- will
the re . i item; n in Oh r
mission come t Greenville
with them. The officers ex-
pressed thorns; as at
Treatment For and
A and
healing, is made by dissolving two
ounce- each of rock salt and borax
with one of powdered alum,
this in a wide mouthed bottle and
use a to each gallon
of water, soaking the feet well.
Where the feet perspire a great
deal v are always tender and the
skin A healing, soothing pow-
that should be used after a
soaking and drying is made
ten grains of powdered alum
and two-thirds of an ounce
each of powdered and starch,
a of mi ounce of acid,
sifted with two ounces of best
cum powder.
Sift well many times through a
hair sieve and lie quite sure to reach
every part of the feet, especially be-
tween the toes. If the is
taken at bedtime, the feet dried and
this powder used the relief is won-
Such a treatment modifies
all disagree odors from
To on the Sewing Machine.
Hemstitching which can hardly
he from hand
work and be done much
more speedily may be done on the
sewing mm ill this First
draw the number of threads desired
in the goods to be hemstitched, thou
fold the hem over and haste the
edge of the in the tenter of the
drawn threads. Now loosen the ten-
d on the sewing machine and
stitch along the edge of the
Pull tho out and,
liking the floods ill one hand and
the hem in the other, pull the edge
of the lo the bottom of the
drawn threads, and your work is
For Cleaning
Tea . invaluable as u
means of varnished paint.
When enough hove been laid aside
for the work they should put into
having to deny the request, ,; v- to
the was air i-.- s d i n
It would hardly run and could not
e its load. Mr. Dudley at
first v.- is I low
that killed but in re-
covered from the shock and
asked to shown the trouble
with glad
.- t
r it tied,
i iv the
i instead f water to clean
surfaces. Tho
a, i-i tea leaves after nil that
is who in them has been ex-
line a is quickly upon grime and
w lie
The Taft boom differs from
th j raker one in that the lat-
is invisible to the naked eye
Hill Maggie th.-
Mr. A
In early morning hours o
1907, at o'clock,
at the Lome of Mr. and
Hardy Smith, of Black Jack, N
C a quiet home wedding was
It was occasion when
A. O. Clark, of Grimesland, ltd
Miss Smith to the altar
pledged their vows
l to other. Rev. E. Si
; of Ayden, pastor of the
ill church, in
presence of a few friends.
the bride and groom are
very popular young people and
e the esteem and
of a of friends and
acquaintances. Mr.
popular and efficient r-p r
for the firm of J O Proctor
Bro., of Grimesland, and has won
an reputation by his
steady and quiet disposition and
habits, and ail, by
fidelity to truth. Mi s
the bride, is a very beautiful an I
attractive young lady,
very popular in hr community.
Her amiable
s i-i shiny i i in his w in f r
her a circle of friends.
Immediately -r
bride aid gr
to W an there board id
tho N S. train N and
and success
i heir lives- X.
ii.- key , .
lived i i
hi i i ; .
thin w
with i his
a pa ; oil water, not too hot,
with a f i -i- of ammonia and a
nice I. the walls
ii ll inn.-I and dry
i . i v. a t i When the
v. Is are thoroughly dried gel an-
pail of warm water, with a
few of and go over
j . .gives a . polish.
is b.- i off, n i r n
ii en in m the b i-i i r- I
i- -I j b v. clone,
aboard ard tin em;
along, i; Green-
ville o'clock. Did -j
glad enough to hem .
a id his wife was I.
f or s i tin
in with-
o it him -.-. of
hi i delay.
A physician says it is imp
hie for a gum-chewing man to
think, bur. of a
gum-chewing man.
O reason that New York's
animate feather duster is poi u
is that ha Ins swept the
cobwebs out of his brain.
The kind of currency
this country needs is the kind
that will stretch from New
to the cotton fields without
of V Town lot.
n of a decree of the Sui
mini in u certain pro-
therein din.-, entitled J. C.
on Mon-
J r , tell the
mart nut do r in the tow i of
at bid u certain lot
or i it I ind, in the town of
Pitt county, and known in
the plan of the oil pi. t of
m r. the
r lot S Hit I
said street north eighty-five feet;
an easterly parallel wit.
i street, one id.-ed and thirty-
t v., line of lot
the a course
feet of lot
The tr i that the line of lot
t wants A com-
Many arc by
tie edge split
and frayed by a laundress.
Tho made to last
a. Ion ; and many dollars
I tho
lop i . r, ha ; a tension.
in firm and
docs n a .-. I from its appear-
If . ill is
iii bed and
there- is n i fever, add
a i. lie i. cool water,
it -.- n upon a
hot I of vine put
some akin into the water if
are ii iv on body.
It is allays any
Rudy Nail
Crate potato and thicken over
the lire iii vinegar until it becomes
consistency of salvo. Apply as
salve on and bind to any rusty
nail wound, cut, etc. This has
been known to proven lockjaw and
blood until a physician
could be called lo give treatment.
en the Neck.
A lotion which will remove the
stains on tho lie. k caused by
or high collars is made as fol-
Alcohol, ounces; rose
two ounces; tincture of
loin, fifteen drops. Apply several
time; a day with a sponge.
Wash woolen quickly in
a do not let
them in tho water to seal;. If
they loom very much soiled, a little
in tho water will quickly cut
the dirt. Rinse in tho same temper-
of water.
Marking Linen.
Write your initials or name in
then carefully stitch over
these lines on your sewing machine.
Either red or white marking cotton
can be used as a close stitch, and
coarse threads give best results.
you know, is excuse to of an at re, or
issue m bonds for the P
of buying him OUt. Attorneys.
A Hint,
i If n glass tumbler into which very
hot water must poured is set on
s tray or during the process
instead of being hold the hand it
much apt to break.
Ll an
I rink
i to
-g in
Report of the Condition of
At the state of
Carolina, at the close of business
Loan. and
cured ,
O. S. to ., . ,,
. e .,
Due from I
of m
Treasurer IS per
When December's icy fingers
Have forest
It's time ti tone your system
By taking H
Mountain Tea.
There is no great
singing in the next flat
you are away from yours.
V. hen the Stomach. Heart, or Ki.
nerves then
always faiL Don't drug th
stomach, nor simulate the
Kid That is simply a
Get a prescription known to
The is
for these weak nerves.
en these nerves, build them up
see how quickly
Free sample sen- on r-
ones, by Or You.
health is to .
Drug Store.
Harry tinner.
Another-s Card, but No
Harm Came of tho Blunder.
It is well to look at your
Tinting card before you Bind it in.
A personal friend of
Fish, who is also a personal friend
of E and bus managed
to steer a middle course during the
war between the two men. received
a visiting card in the
course of social relations at a
time when the warfare was at its
height Ho never knew just how it
happened, but several days later,
desiring to see Mr. Fish on a
Stock paid in
Surplus Funds
. I'm
National bans
to ,
. . . A ti.
Robert Spell
Fourth street. AU d
promptly and
M. U
Com Attest
i-- i-
Especially adapted to cotton
Apply I
p. C .
Raleigh, N. C.
A. kin of all kinds of choice cut
. ml; lie--
S. M.
Wholesale and retail am;
Hides, Cotton -1 ; .-;
Egg, etc. Bop
h .
C v
,. Pine Pies, Syrup
Meat .
. C
,. , . . .
. . ,
x ; to
A i in--
; ii
.- is ho
v and
. I .
. L.
Edmond Fleming Props.
Located in main sec-
of the town.
e only you
abundant banking
finance bu
can give you valuable an
;,. the advantages
Having been away tor
months wish to announce to
near OB n
boss matter, ho called at tho letter's
house and handed the butler a card
cw later Hr, tun av-
tho head the stairway
and peered over the rail. Apparent-
at what he saw be-low,
started down slowly. Ha
down ho again and with a
expression on Ins
ii-- visitor's
Then ho proceeded the mo
iii face was still I
a doubtful way win
drawing room, and ii in an
awkward, hesitating way,
in one band. Unit ho
In c to Ins
i is it What do you
lid Mr. . In
over tho card.
His friend took it awl
the face. U bore tho in
M,, Twain a
,.,.,. j . York talked
porting in Virgil
trying a I
ho said, all
tho hi r, I pall
ivy h
with nils ,
-I mil ill rather
tin t .
and ll
time back on
ti. pot
cue r
bis I
, nil I Ir. I
I. This
. been I
,. . . that no . v. -i
my friends and patrons
of that I am still
M and if
to misuse
the town.
j t
thank you for past patronage
and ask to call again when
good work is wanted
i intend to be away from Green-1
this fall a p care
Greenville, will mo
within a day or two. We now
have a number of slightly used
p, I-. Bi
I .,., ., , ,,.
. ; . ,. fail, ml Si
m I . Ho re-
mind i v
to t.
, , , arty,
and i and
the I I l
well of him. After
. gave a I id In
ii MN N
in tin
were temporarily used by
at the exposition and tor
work, at bargain prices.
also offer a special school
piano for fully
up in to any
instrument This piano is
built for college and
school work tor the special
named above and
teed by my firm tor yearn
Those interested in a school piano
in a good slightly used
for the home should
me at once and will
by it, and as ever I am always
mindful of my patrons
lion and interest as well as m
firm's Grateful of pas
patronage. Very
S J Box N.
. . the pay.
job, and
. . a v,.
Barber Shop.
Next to Sharp
clean towels and
work guaranteed
Hot and Cold ThanKing
one and all for your past pat-
and hoping, for you.
continuance, I remain yours to
. I V
Ion. I
ml dis-
finicky attack that
had boon made on
who or is blameless.
I, is like tho case tho Scotti
lien. ,
An old Scottish woman wished
to -ill lion to a neighbor.
toll tho neighbor
j, a bud
Hi,, ante, at
the other old
woman has got one
She will lay the
Yen want iii l to know
you are in Business
Do you
want more
Answer the first
yes, an it
ally follows that the
other two have
the same answer. Ii
you are in business
you people to
know it and you want
the way
Tell people t
your business i h
Did you know that the
l i . this
lily and
are read
c It is
a in no other
. can you t
you . i-i
by so iii my p
tis i
H i-l .
The ii lie. wants
your r for
This department Iris
been overhauled,
more help secured, and
is n do your
Advertise and Subscribe
When baby lost s flesh. looks
pale i- and i me
; . . be . en a s
t. r
; j
. r
.- r
ed u
r .
i- .
toBrides the
J ride will be . pro. I
v.-r;. good W
;, f
. i
. of
of a
the I
. I
pretty fl
m, J
,,.;. tho on,
Id l h
, .-.-ii.
, i-
,. . , , . .

. I
r. J. WHICHARD, Proprietor
t n e. I s ; matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C Congress of March 1879
in to
Daily R fleet r is thirteen
years old, and today begins its
fourteenth year. The Eastern
Reflector our weekly edition, is
twice that age and will
be t with the coming
of January.
years The Reflector
has seen of the ups and
From a recent article by
Hubbard in which he sums
up his in a tour
through . States, we
the following extracts,
believing thy are timely and
will be helpful to those who read
The people of America never
downs of newspaper life, but it were healthy and pros-
has weathered the storms and
gone steadily forward doing a
It could for the progress of
and Pitt county.
Its aim was to useful, and the
people know whether it has sue-
in this . o those
who with their patronage have
;. d us ugh these year.-.
and by words of encouragement
h , e h to strengthen
. r we ever feel
. . Th R I torn is many
I'm I id are ,
d it B a i one of
m, We feel glad on this an-
i i. in . i lie b en of
s me th b n
f. r which it I bi r.
Ai ,; has fallen in
,. f II, King f
cc Sunday
His Oscar
l . him
. . i iv
in H ion R pa a
. i much-
r. o tort Pa
i- I
his w i
iv ivied
in .
as they are iv-
Never before have we had so
much to be thankful for.
Never future so
Never bi fore was the
of intelligence so high.
The workers AN W
Factory, forest, farm and min
are calling for rs- The
cost of living has d, but
wages have mi re than kept
savings banks fittest it
There is no such thin in Amer
as problem of the
The stocking may be better
than i My advice put
all your spare in
and lei it i th t ,
bills by check. The
-rs- f this c n n r. i-
believe in and on-
r pi lays in.-
When you buy your gifts
for Christmas you should
endeavor to give some-
thing nice however small
Quality not quantity
should be your motto.
We kept this in view
n we bought our
line and we have
the and most
that can
be given.
A gift should be
that gives to him who re-
It a better
of your friendship, and
also something that will
keep that impression in
mind. You surely will
find Lie girt you want in
our stock.
. L.
This space is small t you a list of everything we have. Suffice
to say that we have the largest and most elaborate line
of holiday goods we have i v r hid.
Our i f toilet and manicure
c i is without doubt something
The use of candles at the
Christmas season Is as
will tern
e them to that are himself We have n lint
We also have a line of
pocket books with the
books o suit, and the holiday as clans
e m
sets are
again sty
we have
them in
in such designs too
Our prices are from 1.59 3.50
without rival ran ting from
ways a
e a t
ll i n d
bat the
season, Bib e
a mo. t it- gift o
. . .,, ,. always carry a
A book of to per dozen
ems in a
a new novel,
and all the
Never before has such a
line of mirrors been
displayed In Greenville
In leather
we have a com
lino of lad-
in all the popular
Our .
m to
that famous titter young or old, .
. in r. I have them from mi
been doing business with banks I b holiday
year pi and
it will
. W .-
. . s
the end
I a d an
sheet. If -i owe any man any-
, i ; . if you can. and
can., i r int i the n w
year I hind. If
you ; i it will
. , . if a fail to
pay d pend-
on you Start
the ; I v an I do not
leave for
the la
city had a day out
of the ordinary on Sunday.
Under a new construction of a
law I many years ago
and BO long overlooked as to be
almost forgotten, all places of
public amusement in the city
were closed on Sunday. Reports
say it was the quietest day the
city has known. It is also stated
that to prevent a repetition of
such a quiet Sunday the alder-
men will meet and modify the
law. Right there a mistake will
be made, for what New York,
and almost the entire country,
needs perhaps more than any-
thing else, is a stricter
of the Sabbath. The
that forgets God and His
is leading toward delay-
for years a r
Ken ripped up e back
a r. Be frank with
vi r d he will be f
and with you.
The who imagine the
. . clock
. safer
money i n
are i marks f r
sharks, also tor
and fir . A I r's
e thing, and that la protecting
his depositors, and American
hankers, i I . II man, now i .
it It is ii i d working polity
to it i in your I in
consult i He
give; ii u . I advice
the cl are, he's I t,
A l of which i- the i of a
man who has vi r a
to who I as fail d
had a fire, and who while
with money has
he needs, i If i. a he
We are learning how to
our health, h n to
our tempera, how to i h i d
h ti give and take-
I Honesty as a business
everywhere recognized,
Mutuality, reciprocity and
operation are words that loom
We believe In education,
gr development, evolution.
We read, we study, we
we think. The literature of ex-
and defamation has been
overdone; the yellow journals
have been needlessly yellow.
They have shot too low.
Things are on the uplift;
thought is in the saddle; the
country is sate. The people are
ac work, and paid for
their work, and through their
work are learning to do better
work. Evolution is the Divine
Law and evolution is everywhere
manifest. We are facing the
We especially found In the Book n
call to.
our n -c of Chris
i i a
our ca m-
new c u ;.
our boxer;
ab o a Complete l
e ,;,
N gift is complete without
Be i
see on II i
of Post i
post .,
colic, or
needs .
to pocket book, how-
line consists o French
s on gild and
and in triple f
v. with i ; of the
materials Our sea
tr . reasonable on this
v figures have
gift to or it
to see pecking
D- es, d oils, tin toys etc.
No where
y o u
d such a
collect i o n
in china
good i as at
our store.
Cur shelve;
with t h e
rich and
modest line
cf hand
painted Old
Our souvenir goods in silver, brass
gnu metal, white meta are the i-
most tempting or the whole line. We I
have hundreds of articles silver,
antique brass, gin metal and copper,
that will appeal to every shopper in Greenville
and the vicinity. Dainty and original,
the person to whom they are given has nothing like them
We have heard nothing but exclamations of delight
y whenever they have been shown We also have articles
of the Same materials without the souvenir feature that
are creations or beauty, jewelry cases, candelabras,
puff boxes pin trays, ink stands, pin etc.
They may ring in a pinochle
deck on Speaker Cannon during
a poker game, but when confess
is in session he is the one gen-
accused of stacking the
The talking machine is a
gift to the family. Mr Man
you can do better
than buy one now The
whole family will enjoy it.
and none of the family more
than you. We handle both
from Prussia, the delicate hand painted
Ware from Japan, the brightly colored and artistic-records for each
ally pieces of our assortment, and
pretty creations from the German line. When you We have been very frugal in marking our line of Christ-
come to see us don't leave the store until you have seen
our souvenir line of blue cobalt from Germany. This line mas goods and we belIeve the PeoPle of community
consists of dozens of ornamental prices contain-will the fact You must come to our store
j views of Greenville. When you give a gift out of.
I town give something that will give local touch to the
one who receives it
you sec the real holiday line All goods be sold
at prices marked
is in charge F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep.
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
The Vance Literary Society
We-ell Eclipse an Vance literary society Rubber shoes of all sizes .
fountain pens. gave the best debate of the sea- rubber coats at B. F x.
B T. son last night. The query was Co. Ki
Our stock of suits Resolved, that North Carolina
at cost for next days.
They must go -B. F.
A. G. Cox returned from New-
Bern and Morehead v.
f IA new lot of the best lime
in. A. W. Ange Co.
Miss Kate Gold Warren, .
Tarboro, spent some time t
week with the girls at the d-r
She is an old pupil a-d
we are always p-lad to
Glass ware and coffee mills just
Harrington, Barber
Misses Alice of Pam-
county, and Eva of
Stokes, are visiting at the girls
cement at
A- W. Ange and Co,
P. H. Kittrell and Luther Win
gate went to Greenville today.
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price W
Our price, B T. Cox
S. D. Chapman, of
spent last night with his parents
and returned this morning.
Pork saving time is here.
your salt at A Ange and Co.
Miss Novella Bunting
Tuesday evening to he present
at the Forbes-Mayo marriage at
Bethel today.
The famous Hawks glasses
B. T. Cox Bro Don't
your eye.-.
Prof G. E. filled
Rev. T. II. King's appointment
at Ayden Sunday morning.
Rainy weather brings
no dread to those who are well
provided with good rubber shoes
and boots. We have the best
Harrington, Barber
and company,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cox went
to Greenville Saturday afternoon
to visit
Harrington Barber Co- have
a complete k of ready made
clothing see him before you get
your next suit.
There were regular s at
the Free Will Baptist church
Sunday morning.
NOTICE-We will pay per
cent, premium on cashier's
Checks till Dee. 1907.
B. F. Manning Co,
Winterville, N. P.
Our cotton buyers have been
busy for the past few This
will greatly relieve the merchants
who have their hills to meet.
of ell kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling mfg.
Some days ago, Geo. Kittrell
shipped a to New Hill,
You talk about good neat and
comfortable school desk that are
cheap but I can assure you that
the school desk made
by the A G cox Manufacturing
company has all these qualities
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
gentlemen just in at Harrington,
Barber Co-
The A Q Cox
company arc selling their famous
welded fence fast
Any one in need or good fence
and barb wire will be to their in-
est to call to see them before
they buy.
The famous A.
stalk cutter is the best stalk cut-
on the market, come and ex-
it and see if you will not
agree with us. B F Manning
Have your carts, wagons and
buggies put in good trim for the
fall use. All kinds of repair
work done promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg. Co.
Try a tree brand pocket knife-
They are sold under guarantee.
They are kept in stock by B. T.
Cox Bro,
Now is the time to get single
and double low down
at A. W. A Co-
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
should have a compulsory
The affirmative
was ably represented by Messrs.
Joe Tyson, J. D. Rodgers, Has-
sell House and Paul Taylor; the
negative equally as well by
Messrs Walter Smith, Roy Cox.
F. G. Dixon and N. C. Duncan
he girls of the
were present to cheer and en-
courage the speakers. If there is
any eloquence in a fellow cheers
from a crowd of school girls will
bring it out. The boys were
eloquent and logical as well.
D. Cox. one of our best honor-
members, was present also,
and made an excellent little talk
encouraging the boys to do their
The school is now equipped
with an excellent library and one
of the best reading rooms of any
high school in the State- This is
having a wonderful effect on the
Society work. When a
boy is assigned a on a query
and has no literature whatever
on it, not much work may be ex-
from him If he has
something to read on the subject,
this puts him to thinking and
then his mind is developed.
The need for men who can
speak is as great now as
time in our history. Realizing
this Winterville High School puts
special emphasis on this part of
a training while r it
John Smith, of
spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs
A Cox.
It. Smith. n, v
here T u
A. ; v i to New
Tuesday on business connected
with the Baptist association work.
bI ck of station-
must go. We
room for our immense stocked
new goods now coming
the next forty days we will
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers-
B. T. Cox Bro,
T. W. Sons 1907
nips and rutabaga set J can n
be had at the drug store of Dr.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Have all your wood turn in f
work done at the Carolina B
Mfg. First class work
G. Tucker C . have
chased the of goods owned
by H. L. Johnson and will con-
the business in the
store- We regret to see Mr.
Johnson go out of business, as
he is one of our cleverest and
best business men.
The A- cox
company have now on file orders
for a few their old
cox cotton and simple;,
guano sowers for spring ship
Hunsucker buggies are still go-
if you want a nice up-to
date runabout buggy you had
better give him an early call-
The cold weather brings no
dread to those having plenty bed-
ding, blankets and a
specialty at A. W Ange and Co.
A new line of plaids and home
spun at B F Manning v company
Now is the time to purchase
your Box Body Carts while t hey
are cheap. The A. G. ox Man-
Co., have plenty of
them on hand. Gall and see them.
Another large lot Men's and
Shoes just opened. Come
and examine them
Harrington, Barber Co,
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Vicinity.
Men's fancy silk mufflers for
Hie cold winter wind at B. F.
Manning Co.
When in need of nice kid
driving gloves, and
gloves, see B. F. Manning Co.
Remember that the A. G. Cox
As for Daily
we take
unit writing receipts for
in arrears We hare a
all receive mail at
office. orders
for i
Rev. B. E Stanfield, wife and
Manufacturing company are still
making their well known Tar
Heel carts and wagons.
dress shoes for gentlemen at B.
p. Manning's company.
When a man goes to purchase
a home he generally considers
and the value as well
as the price, therefore why not
when you are thinking to
purchase saddles calling
n the A. Co Manufacturing
Co. for their handy Economic
Back Band which is cheap be-
sides being durable.
From my form on
before the second Sunday in
October, a black male hog,
weight about pounds,
marked slit in each ear.
Would appreciate information
leading to recovery pay in-
formant for trouble.
Mrs. N. E. Tucker.
R. F. D. Winterville. N C.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
; have just received b solid car
of the famous I .
nil and see tin m h re you
r th y offer prices that are in-
The A. c ix M
Co. made i f
their w ll Rack
yesterday. W i.-e
all i liners to place their
a n
Po I Card n
t Barber Co
the M. E. Conference at New
Bern, N. C.
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. t Co., they alway
have the best.
Monk Jones, who has been
for some days, is
A Tasteless Chill tonic with
Iron, positive permanent and
effectual relief in and f. v-
a general tonic only at M. M
drug store, Ayden, N. C.
Rev. J. Marvin left
Wednesday evening for the M
E. Conference at New Bern.
J- W. Dixon, Kinston. is
here for a few days.
Tripp, Co., are row in
possession of the old white horse
that Peter owned.
Ed Garris is now manager of
the old Ayden Milling
J- R- Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime.
H. A. White, one of Green-
popular business m was
here Tuesday. We are
glad to have Herbert with us
Miss Nonna S I
with Miss May
Car loud aid Cement a
J. K. Smith
All the members of Bur ; i
Lodge, K. of P. No are
quested to m et pr mp I; n x
lay evening in their Ci
tie Hall, as there is work
and and third ranks.
lady friend would
One thirty-seven acre form
just outside corporation at S
ho on
Ayden A Ins. Co
E-The Junior i
Society of the Ayden hr in
church request all of its
to be present Friday H,
Member at o'clock to a
social. Please all come Sunday.
i r came to
; c to us before
T. N. Co.
I nod i
R. Smith
y g
razors for a
There have been more than mas present, . ,.
Don i be a id of the
during the panic and hoard U
your money horn . We read
d c i e ; where
money is stolen from house or
n ye . it into
ink of give I
hen fit i f its cir and a
the me time is ; i f i a e.
i. Jack Cashier.
salt W. Ange
. lb ; res of
I v. i; kn as the
ad of I White farm,
two horse
farm of . cl i I d, one
h i d
n-c fa .
is i tor cotton, corn, to-
, etc. F
to A Cox
W rill, C,
bales of cotton sold on this m
within the last days.
patterns at J. It. Smith
Mr. Reuben Wall and Mrs
Cash were united in man.
last Wednesday out near
Esquire J. E. Cannon
formed the ceremony.
We will have anything yon
want Christmas for your mother,
father, brother, sister and broth-
sister and best of all for your
J- N, Alexander and o
There Missionary Baptist church her
Sunday conduct d by Pi .
G. E. Lineberry, of
W have heard several c
of a very high order com
i sermon. Pr if.
berry is not only a very
r, but is very I
and convincing in all he .
M M .
Augustus l- Maple
press, it S .-. with
brother, F. Lilly.
i ,; r
factory at I's
Mil Lore a i
in Gr
, i a lino
dress goods re you bi y. J
i an , company.
W ill Edwards and
of .
here a short
Ku I
B. ii-
and H, .
his stead.
e bi r on
our Christmas goods D c. I
. X. Al . c- am
The convicts are now
the near .
work has b in
our re vi i
p ;
ever th . ; I
J. J, E Is S
r c n
. f, , .,
i w an i
of I int, i ix a
ca. at S mis
drug store, Ayden N. C.
Mrs. J. A Mis
lie Rives have bought out the
millinery Mrs. G. VI
and will co duel business it her and .
th by Mrs Davis. largest and ch
Thad Hart and Roscoe Fl m- . , i
d with p out
m fa .
isn't full of
girls, let
.- ,
Croup Pneumonia Dangerous dis-
eases. Require prompt treatment.
Emergency Doctor in your home. Delights or
your money back. trial size at drug stores.
State Normal Students.
Miss Lewis Dull the
of the
of the State Normal College,
will be here next Saturday to
address the County Teach-
Association. All former
dents of the State Normal Col-
and persons interested in
its work, are requested to be
present to hear Miss
H. B. Smith,
inn have returned iron a
trip to Northampton and
other counties.
W. O has been off a few
days looking after his new i-
site at Mi N C.
will have a full line
Can lies, also s,
oranges, bananas, r ii in i nuts
and you want in
and Christ m is g .
N. and C .
Sheriff here Tues-
day after a p who had
forfeit i hi d,
him to . fl ace
was char d i
poi d of the ; r.
Miss f in,
Mrs. Ch
Walt r n, w hi
b I D r a in, com
Verdict Plaintiff,
I of ii. T l against
the Raleigh Sound
railroad for services
rendered in the years 1902-03 W
in promoting the railroad, was
tried in i hi r Tues lay
the jury awarded the plaintiff
Boys I have n i
A postal earl from Miss Delia
1.1 . i
a s us in the honor roil
cf her sen u one day
lust the name of
omitted. We are
make this r-it eggs R. Smith Co.
justice to whose name
should appeared with the
others on th j honor
razors from 1.00 t G
i d w ii t procure o
save time and m .- i i;
line of and-other
of pocket knives
Rev. B. E, SI I I h
finished his pastorate lure, will
assigned by th c i u
a new Held next y Under
his i in A; is church
has n I I From
a very small hip it is
now one of the largest in to
It is with much regret p . pie
give him up We wish bun sac-
wherever he go.
Bring us your beeswax. w
hams, shoulders, chickens and
J. A. h
Baltimore on .
The Ayden
plan i
lie auction her .
bid in by J. F
. N A .
I of II
spent the Sib .
-I. Edwards,
Ii i your c ugh
b . MM
Mrs M.
i i
the pas
. h and
I one m re.
I- ml i
.- ; at Si .
to i
. c
ton. ha
i I
J. L
No Court
Jurors summoned to serve the
second week of the present term
court need attend, as no court
will be held next week.
C. Moore, Clerk.
The graded school children are
to talk Christmas
day-. They will get two weeks. community in which he lived.
Big lot latest styles, very
comfortable at J. K. Smith Co
Anything, everything, the
present you want and the pres-
you do not want in our
Mr. Wyatt Jones, whom we
reported in our last as having
been very sick, hut at that time
much better, died Thursday and
was buried Friday. Mr. Jones
was an honest, industrious,
hard working man and a useful
citizen. He will missed in the
Smith, of
i visitor
the c i An
i l
Loam discounts
furniture and
an t I
Silver coin
1.1. It. Smith, C swear
the above statement i tr to I knowledge belief.

tamers Consolidated Tobacco Company
What it is And Whit it i of this Move of the
North Growers, and the Men at the
of it Affairs.
A of the
Southern Tobacco Journal,
Winston, has the following to
v a a
In or panic
e. as a rule. disposed to
lose heir and do run
things, and he a w
man who keeps cool in the
of and counsel
calmness and discretion.
Every tobacco grower in
price of 1903
the summer and m
year, man. m
growers wen
em section with
v i am
,,., . tobacco i
such meeting was
Mount. a tor
made, M- O. L J
the low
i -i
in th- Bat
i f 11.1
i an
. v
,. r. on
i t the . e
you the i
; . your pin
i i ;
warehouse business The
being supported entirely by
farmers offered the best
possible outlay of
promised a sure re
turn on the investment. If the
farmers were really in earnest if
they wanted to organize ct-
and in such a way as to
produce lasting benefits, and at
same time build up a
lies of their own that would at
all Hi profitable returns,
surely there was no more
field than the warehouses,
business, a business that from
, . .; and moral standpoint
h j had a right to engage in.
after can fully n-
. th r an i with a
r k no weld; of th
the movement v.-
r w s
, r C ma .
;. y began
, ii In fore men-
i and u
i . practically
i s the N C
i ,. m
its foundation sure as it goes. himself squarely in the fight
wins its way by common to make a home market
business method.
The Farmers Consolidated To-
Company is no sense of
the word a trust, nor is it making
a fight against anybody or any
interest. It is simply an organ-
of tobacco farmers who
have corns together in their own
interest to conduct the business
of uniting them in a their crop themselves
business proposition with putting the profits arising
from the business back into their
own pockets. It does not desire
a monopoly of the warehouse
business, but it does seek to en-
list a majority of the
growers so as to in position to
hive enough voice in the control
of prices to insure remunerative
return from their labor. A com-
of price; tobacco at
the time the Company was organ
with ; now is an
cation of whit the Company is
worth to the growers It
ha helped not only those who
are m of the organization
but every tobacco grower has
m ii i by it an In the
ii s hi-; thousands
rs for them.
record the Far-
. has made was not
without a straggle. While
it looks like grower of to-
would to unite with
n his own interest, such i i
the case. Around every tobacco
market there ard leeches who
is absolutely in th their existence out of the
;. i
r and grow fat by
i and of the pro Its
rs to i should go to him. This
.-. The term occupation slipping
. , d cl spire
s if.
din . rs.
action by the
, hold n ire th i
. i
to hut
of sh ;
more pi r
ck to corner
i i . c
. V
i hem in this i
if m a id they be m
my i their Forts to
the pr tors of the i j
. i i pr th
of. hos th
1.1 to i ; ;.
have cried
ting the ind war
f h . and i
i stuff a a y .
lie to i
the dark aid attempt to injure
of tn ; corny
boring market, in which strong Some of
r, .
i . rs
, s i for any
P-r j
f t
. i in th
; to e
business methods in
to i .
; ah .
he s the
i i n a en i i
affairs of The Farmers
Ta lace i i
he kept it up until the
Greenville market took leading
This spirit of deter-
to win or die in the
effort makes every undertaking
he puts his hard to, and to him
is largely due the success the
Company meeting.
Mr- J. J. V-
President, is one of Pitt's largest
and most successful farmers, and
is also one of this county's rep-
in the legislature.
His ability has been recognized
in his appointment as a member
of the State Board of
director of State
the and National
Agricultural Conventions He is
man of integrity and influence.
Mr. W- H. Jr., Secretary,
is a young man of finest
and business qualifications
who has had much experience in
the tobacco warehouse business.
Such a bead for business as his
is not found on the average man.
Mr. It. J- Treasurer, is a
son of the soil and spent his early
years on the farm,, became
a merchant and later a banker,
at present being president of the
Greenville Banking Trust Co.
In ail his career as farmer, mer-
chant, banker, he has made
marked success, few men being
found who are his equal in
Of the directors Messrs. J-
Marshall Cox, E- E. and S.
V. Joyner are all prosperous and
well to do farmers who know
now to make success of whatever
they Mr. S. M.
Jones is also a large farmer and
the county's
m the Mr.
w. s for d
farmer and is now n pr p
cant. Mr. C. , a
. in th
. g with great . i
Dr. M i
rest d in fanning but b
his personal i in to he
practice medicine and . a
successful physician, Mr. . A.
Forbes is a a has p
. his co in the
He b. id .
Honor Roll
The honor roll for Pine Hill
school, district No a
township, for the month of No-
was as
Lottie Estelle
ton, Jerry Worthington. Floyd
Ellis, and Dewey
Lottie Ellis made the high-
est average.
Delia Smith, teacher.
Saturday will say
for Richmond Va. and
As usual at this season little is
being done in the dry
goods line Manufacturers ard
wholesalers of shoes and rubber
goods continue to receive
factory orders for spring ship-
The local tobacco market
is more active, offerings are
larger than at any previous time
this season and satisfactory prices
are received for all grades
In southern Virginia and North
Carolina peanuts are lower than
at a comparative period of last
year, cotton in in rat case-
is higher. Lumber continues
less active, but prices have been
comparatively well maintained
by curtailment of production.
Produce and provisions are in
fair demand, dealers look
for better conditions in this line
as the holiday season approaches.
The supply of money in b inks is
r than for me time
past and merchants obtain ac-
with greater ease
Business conditions ; i
have a r i i k. detail
trade s h
C ill w
. m i I
i I
, for tin f
you fee. your
la n little or
feel Hint it is not in good order
by mean headaches
. la I and I
son and
I- nothing better the
for a
. preparation of
lions, I with vegetable acid
juices found
he it L
tied to give is
it will mike you feel fin.-
Beating what you eat. Sol I by
When a woman passes
the seal, s it's a race back
between her age and
Abram Brown, of N
ha a very
one said I
it k
blood poison, fifth stomach
bill none of them hi
me; so my ed trying
which arc
f. ct bottle i i
rood than all the d
Guaranteed for pol
weakness and
It is just as well to
most of the promises
make to you.
The of paper will
oil to learn that there i at
been able to cure In all
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
i- the only positive cure now known
the medical fraternity. Catarrh b
i disease, requires a
Cure is taken acting dirT
y upon the blood and
of the system, thereby
and giving
patient strength by building up the
g nature in
it- work. Tl. i pr i i-tor-
much faith alive
lay offer One Hundred for J
that it f to cur. Send I
n.-l i-f testimony.
J. CO.,
a M
by i , . c,
t Mils
Money is the grease paint
. I.
. . r .
had i i i ;
,. c ,, ;, . , ,. . . ,
ire known Th y are men of
as I ; character, influence,
is; to teach
l to
. icing their.-
id vised t a
I line of
the f i did other
The for give the
reader idea
r l
ion i
Oct. 13th
1903 man who
ii e
Mr, f i. a time
when the farmers
were in a -late of frenzy a; e
head of the organization, it was
not difficult to foresee what its
policy could be.
fIt was Mr. A. A. Forbes, how-
was engaged with
Mr- Joyner in the tobacco ware-
house who first ad-
the idea of uniting a ma
Ii ii a
i broad
y . land i id a
the i Ii y with which it
t c had from the .
T e am
paid the first
is ind
mo . i; If mad
men who I their
and and
by n of the
C While all this is
with the warehouse
in Greenville in the
history of the market and
sh been active in to
the market.
These are the men whom
stockholders of the . rs
Tobacco Com
s to manage
lira of tho
a mi .
. and I u
. Ion. -i en I
. i ;. Or.
i Life . . r u
, r n n d a. i . I
f in . or n y
i . t Jno. W n ii I ; -la-.
a ii actor If
Warhol v-i Witch II j
l the e. I i
.- b- Gel Di Wilt's.
i- piles, Id by J, L,
. tor,.
ii is
rill ad-
d h. n
dime novels.
. fie
treatments are bi
pr a
v .
y know h
safe and well looked after in the
I . . less
h i . i of
h yet the; h
in the Company th in the
die t and the hum I
holder in it. These men
L, Joyner.
V-President, J. Laughing-
i W H. Jr.
. J. C
O. L. r, J.
ti J h of
R of
J. J. Tin Age
; ii. Cox, E. E. C.
comp my i I its bu in
one i sec-
year th to
7.280 and the n was
per cent. Tho year the
stock readied and the
was percent
In third a second ware-
house was purchased. The
fourth year the stock grew to
and the dividend was
per cent.
When the company started the
first year it had only eleven stock-
holders, but the number has in-
of the tobacco farmers in creased each year until it is now
a great Stock Company, and
cure their interest and co-opera-
by getting them to make a
small investment with primary
money on the
hen to employ
aiding far-
nearly thousand. For four
years the Company confined its
operations to the Greenville mar-
but in this, its fifth year, in
addition to the two warehouses
on the Greenville market it also
has two in Robersonville. Over-
have come from other East-
markets for the Company to
go into those towns also. While
the ultimate aim to enlarge
of operations to other
the policy of the Com-
D. Smith, S. V. Joyner, S. M.
J mes, W. H. Jr.
A. A- Forbes.
Mr. L. Joyner, President of
the company, was railed on the
farm and knows tho toil and
trial incident to the life a far-
mer. It has always been his
to lighten these bur-
dens and bring the farmer up to
his deserved sphere of success
and independence, his interest
ever being the farmer's interest.
Ho was among the pioneer to-
on the
on the Greenville market, and is
one of the few men who began
with the market in 1891 and has
stuck to it through all its career.
Bat for his energy, coupled with
the support given him by his
county paper, the would
have failed in its early history,
for at the outset it met the op-
position of established
markets that wanted to sell the
Pitt County crop, and even the
.;.;. wan I
t th. rs ; no
,., and lot j I in . d I
, . . v ii II like v nu
, . . practice on your wife and child
VT ,, . ,,., you wont to with
Grimesland, N. C, NOV. . I extra brilliancy go
Whereas the Great Spirit has I To we would
,,.,. . , . , I a 1.1, h cold if
in His infinite wisdom, Cough
from Our tribe our Brother J. J. U certain. For tale
,. , T , i by all Druggists and Dealers In Patent
Laughinghouse, Jr., who was a Medicines.
follower of the Trail.
Therefore, resolved by Shaw-
Tribe, No Improved order
of Red Men, that we extend to
the family fin friends of Brother
Laughinghouse cur
in the to of one so loved Man
by them, and while we how in natural formations, In a
humble submission to the will of able w;,. , I. At Mound City In
the home of r. U. a
the Great Spirit, we share With boa has lately
l i e
. it value of this
I i known to
. I h. p's
II i Sol I iv Drug
i r I i fall
love th
should a kick be-
cause he bas his ups and downs
The umbrella doesn't.
them tho mingled sadness and
sorrow that his young and robust
red. seemed near death with
lung and throat trouble.
coughing every
could not be spared
longer. the urea, medicine, that bis
further tint n and completely
copy eMs, throat
of these resolution be sent to the lung trouble, by J. I. Woolen,
family of Brother Laughing- f-
house, and a copy be sent to the.
Reflector with request to publish; when , girl she
James C. Galloway
Dr. C. M. Jones
W. W. Moore.
is all the world to him it
means that he wants the earth.
a Holm Mads Happy
About two months ago our girl
had measles which settled on her lungs
and at last in a severe attack
of bronchitis. We had two doctors but
no relief was obtained. Everybody
thought she would die. I went
different stores to certain remedy
which had been recommended to me and
ll i . i i
O. of the
Y. If you lire ever trout
w pitas, .-. ply
Salve. It cured mo of them for
for nor
burns or abrasions. at Jno.
W i i store.
Beware of the man who is f
ever hurt on his honesty.
Arc you having trouble y
There of
they have pi
across the hack, why they are tired;
lacking in energy ambition.
kidneys i re They need ref
without T kc Do Witt's
and Pills; are fir
ache a ml weak kidneys, sold by
back, inflammation of
ache a oil weak
His Satanic majesty loves
cheerful grafter.
The finest Substitute
has recently been
of You
have to bod it twenty or thirty
in a says the
is really the
coffee Imitation ever yet
Not real coffee in it
coffee is made f
pure toasted cereals or grains,
malt, nuts, etc. Really it would
ha to unknowingly d
t for coffee. E. Hooker co.
A tickling cough, from any cause, is
quickly stopped by Dr. Cough
cure And it harmless
and safe, that Dr. tells mothers
everywhere to give it without
eves lo very young babes. The
green leaves and tender
stems of a mountainous
shrub, furnish the curative properties
to Dr. cough cure. It calms
the cough, and heals the and sen-
bronchial membranes. No opium,
Iain's Cough Remedy. I did so and our
local business men withheld their I is
. . . . , I Springs, N. For sale
influence for some time. But by alt Druggists and Patent
slowly and as not to be daunted and throw- Medicine.
; .
ed to get it, when one of the store- chloroform, nothing harsh used to in-
keepers insisted that try Chamber- o. a
plant extract, that helps to
lung.-. The Spaniards call this
which tho Doctor uses, Sacred
Alway. Dr.
cough cure. Drug Store.
Fully two-thirds of
people hand you is hot air.
How Diphtheria tr-ii.
One often hears the express
My child cold w
developed into when
truth was that the cold had simply
the little one particularly
to the wandering i g.
when Chamberlain's Cough
given t quickly cures the cold and
the danger of diphtheria tr
other germ disease being
For sale by all druggists and
patent medicines.
Come in and lock
Fine Assortment, to select
from. Come see us for new
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Ii it-,
House o s
Glass Ware,
Groceries. Kin.-,
ware, can will use
you both in and
Y is licit
For Sale.
Corn meal, cracked corn, hay,
cotton seed and null,
at the gin on corner of Fifth
and streets, neat mar-
W. B.
All persons are hereby warned,
under penalty of the law, not to
hunt or in any way trespass upon
any of my lands near ti
of Greenville, either the fat m m
South of the river or the
grounds on north side of the
river. Frank Johnston.
For Rent
The stole and one warehouse
at present occupied h F. V.
will be for rent Jan 1st.
J A. Andrews.
Persons ordering hacks or
wagons from me for passengers
or will please hold for
my hack or wagon to arrive. I
have recently been put to much
trouble by people letting other
hacks or wagons serve them
placing the order with me,
W. J. Turnage.
We will sell easy terms the
known as the
ville Livery , consisting of
horses, nice carriages, bug-
ail harness, etc. I
r can have privilege of
renting or leading brick
on Fifth street, near
house. In which the business is
conducted. Good location
will be patronized. I
for selling other business
demands all our time.
The Greenville Livery Co.,
Parties interested can apply
On Monday night some one tam-
with one of the s
on lane, causing Hie
i wire to drop j
It would be
death to any person or animal to
in contact with one of
wires. While this is very
dangerous from this standpoint,
it also caused d; ma-c to the
light to th amount in
and cents re be-
tween and We
offer a reward of
to any person or who
will report i
with the lights of the
with sufficient evidence I
to convict tho same. We wish
to give fail warning that we .
have several parties acting as
I private detectives and we hope
the next occurrence will Ir; teen
by some of our employers.
Water Light Commission.
J. Cobb.
i t
Bath Room Comfort
Every member of the family
enjoys the comfort and
a modem bath room
provides. plumbing make
your bath room modern, comfortable and
When you remodel or build, let us
estimate on your plumbing contract. High
v grade fixtures and our first class
work assure you satisfaction and future saving.
Our service is prompt; our prices reasonable.
I R Mountain
j purifies the blood, regulates the
aids the kidneys, cures
troubles, builds up the
; makes you well
and happy. cents, or
Drug St re.
wonderful E Id
in your home of
hi i We p -i- it
tor you for sum down
i I v,. . or the i
.; i s I -it. n-
value of being well
dressed; everybody
It grows nit th i tact th; t
people have i judge your
ability standing by t e
way you look, until you
them something lo judge
That Means ;
are in position to increase
the business value of eve y
man m this town; we've got
Hart, ft
clothes for you; and
live up to your I in the c
clothes, you'll be it sure v.--
Property Sale.
On Dee. 12th. at the
of the late R, S. Evans. S
from I sell
at public auction for cash of
cum, fodder, farming
wagons, n
and one horse. will begin
at o'clock
Mrs. M. A. Eva-s,
d and w
to be giveaway Ga Tickets sale
November 27th. For further
nearest agent or
rs buy J. P I
r more Holiday i
resents one
giver- to custom r
Roods, only,
and does not apply to other i r i-
T White, G P A
Report of the Condition of
. o p- ,,
in, Trust
make and get
a; i.
n if pr i
a limited r to o i
en away. Com i,
A. B. Cc.
in the State of Carolina, at the d n 07-
seen the of
Dirk liver color,
I pointer.
r iv n.
Gr C.
for Branch
wish to locate in Green-
Address, with references
i if I . . ; ;
Ii i ii J, M i i. i s i
re I o I . III . I I in , I ,
Ii . I rent i. in
i r f i , y in
Bock X-. . i. I
I i-l iii i n i .,
Livery mi Saturday, r
in., tho following
I o properly, tn One
mare m now seven oh,
to mid lien note.
This November
j s mo
F. G. Attorney.
I. -I. b and c -m t.
I- s
Di ink-
Gold coin
coin, ii nil
minor c
, S j
I BOO r p
no Tim c ii i
If y lo a f. the Bo k
line tho rim iii n at, if it g in my other U. S,
firms. ii j; in
I -.- i. Ii M , , U. . Total
State of i h Carolina, . i
hat the above m lilt to th.- b st of my re
W. II. Cashier
tribe I and w before me, this Oh. day of December
S. T. CARSON, Public.
M. O. mil. B Stat
N ii M .-. .-
bus and Hi. i . ii-
on is a i Come earl and y .
be ore thy rush is on,
.- .
ii .
y i .
Extravagant Buying A Thing; For hod
will give away to the
one holding the most
coupons, a
sweet-t- mil Organ
this sale.
He has j- one work and loaded h store
more than he needed, h rt
had, now he owes for them, j only to ii, i u. of i
hole is to prices in may .,.; ct,
lo meet his obligations. He is r to n
wants to pay his honest and to raise quick o begin.;,
of December opened the doors the world and we are here lo money, not
to ii during this sale. Coma One, to this mighty
. stead
To one hold in .
lucky number,
in sale.

Office of the Board of Commissioners
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Boa of
Commissioners for Pitt county, number of days each member has
. amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
i ,, i tow
A D. M
Notice to Creditors.
the r an
the fiscal year ending 1st,
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
as commissioner
for day as committeemen
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed W. R. Home for day as com-
for miles traveled at
. of Sap
Pitt co i u h ring
. . ,. . . eel, on
u w Owe p. A ceased.
N- ti i to a I i n . . allowed J- R. Spier for day as com-
for day as
I for miles traveled at
in mo
cit t the and n
,,. ,;. .- mi whoa-
. i
-1 l- n their re
t n. v r
a he I.
A .
Amount allowed J. R. Barnhill for day com-
for ; days as committeemen at 2.00
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed R. W. King, chairman for
s as at
for days a--- committeeman
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed John Z. Brooks for days as
J .
days as. committeeman
for miles traveled at
, . do r
f Jan-
I . I
a .
i I
Amount allowed M. T. Spier for day J as com-
missioner at 2-00
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed D J. Holland for days as
commissioner at
at 2.00
Ami u X T. Cox for days as com-
. r ac
for ll lays committeeman at 2.00
S 12.00
Just Arrived At
aid .
T ,. i . . vi b r,
I . . . .
i lard
ill the,
dies travel at
. . ,. .
. Total amount allowed Board
f North Carolina. county.
I, Williams, Regis U i of Deeds and ox-officio clerk of
Commissioners for the aforesaid do certify that
e foregoing is a correct statement as doth record appear in
n y .
I liven under my hand and of said Board of Commission-
in Greenville, this 26th day of November 1907.
Where you will find a complete
line at all limes. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cent pure- Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters, cook
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig tight and different
heights. Their place is head-
quarters for Roofing, which you
will in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almosT
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied
i I
R. WILLIAMS. Clerk Board Com. for Pitt Co.
Pit N. C
. oncE.
i i Inn by n that
will ma application to I.
i . , commissioners the
fir Monday in January, L to
terminates fatally, is
the stoppage of liver and bowel tune-
lions. To quickly end this
without tens n ions,
King's N v. i. t i i la should always i.
Sole Agent for
Lead Paint. Jewel Stoves and Ranges. Syracuse
farm fertilizer sower
Edge Tools.
Campbell, retail liquors in the town of lour remedy. Guaranteed absolutely
. in every case or money
i n a- t store, j
N it
i r that I
make i tn the
of C C m
H t
, tin 1908, r lie
i r, tail Ii town
u . C.
Tl Ii
W. Andrews.
Christmas just two weeks off
I Farm of about acres in one
mile of Small
stables and barn, and water.
i Fine for any crops and good
Will for
i cash. Clayton
One the
developed into when the
truth was that the cold h id limply left
the one
when Chamberlain s Cough
R. F. N. C. given quickly the cold and
ale of Personal Property.
Notice i; h given that the
administrator, will
Friday of Do-
r, 1907, for public
.- the r of the late
in Bi r Dam Town
Pitt i . . North
,. all the I- property of
i. . state of the said J. F. Allen,
of mules, horse-,
hogs, one cattle beast,
fodder, cotton seed and
and kits h. n
one mowing machine and
This sale will begin at
A. M. and continue till all
the n laid property in sold.
This the 30th day of November,
Zeno Alien,
J. F. Allen,
Entry of Vacant Land.
Entry no. S I. R. by F. C
i ii r, M ; , enters and claims about
, i less, i f vacant land
.-, rt i c u Pitt county. N.
. swamp, on both
the lands of M,
. on the so
m. K. H.
. lands known a on north,
, ii and he
i, a d the i
This No , .
It. II.
Any person I r persons claiming title
file their protest in writing
next thirty or
. will be barred by law.
, t-ens tho diphtheria any
other germ contracted. ,
For Male all and dealers in I
There is quite a contrast in the
Weather this week and last.
A All
North Carolina I In Superior
Pitt county I Court.
Mary Brown vs. Richard Brown.
The defendant above named
will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been com South Dakota, with in rich silver
in tho Superior Court of j mine, torn i tarn a, wide ranges and
Pitt county to obtain h
defendant a decree absolute u Mr- B o.
divorce for statutory causes set has
in complaint that he LI red. seemed near death with
required to appear at next ;
term of the Court
county to be held on the.
second Monday in January
at the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and ans-
or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the
will to the Court tor the
relief demanded in said com
This the 30th day of
C, Moore, C. S C
F. G. James. for
Spoils every
minute , writes Mrs. I
begin giving Dr. King's Now
cry, th-.- great his
and con
J. I,
gist. and Lottie
Notice is hereby given that I
ill make application to the
of county commissioners
t the first Monday in January.
for license to retail
i the town of Oakley, N. C
This Dec. 2nd- 1907-
x E. Carson.
By of the power of sale con
in a Mortgage deed executed
and delivered by Oscar H. Hathaway
to. A. the 21st day
November, and recorded in
tho Bitter of deeds of
county, North in book P-S,
page the undersigned
to public sale, before the court
door in Greenville, for cash to the
highest bidder, on Monday, the 16th
day of December, 1907 the following
real property to A certain tract
of land fifty acres,
more or less, ad joining the of C.
A. Spain
heirs. th homestead of J. J. Hath-
away and known as the
said tract of land situated in
township, Pitt county. State of North
Carolina, to said mortgage
This 13th of November, 1907.
L. A. Randolph, mortgage.
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
Just a
little bit cooler than it
I wish to Pay to many
friends I am now with the
Carolina Milling and
company, where you can
all kinds of repair work done on
short notice. Thanking you for
your past favors. I also solicit a
liberal share of your future pat-
Yours to
Jas. A. Manning.
Notice is hereby given will make
applications to the i card of county com-
meeting on the
first Monday in 1908, for
to I r in the town of
Stokes, N. c.
This Nov. 27th,
t d w. C. F. Page.
I Not Quite
How often you can got a
nail or screw driver or
ft. Mr lucking. Have a good
T and be prepared for
M emergent Our line of tools
is a could and
we see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
D. W. a
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country j
Produce Bought and Sold
of Four
Washington, N. C, Dec.
Four Russian emigrants arrived
in a few days ago- These ,
men could not speak a word of
English and were almost starved
when they arrived. Through an
interpreter they told of the many
hardships they had encountered
since their arrival in North Caro-
According to their story
they were taken to some point,
the name of which they could not
remember, by a railroad agent to
work on a railroad. On arrival
there they found all the vacancies
filled and the agent discharged
them, without a cent of pay and
n in the way of food. Next
they applied to a captain of an
oyster boat for work and went
aboard, but after a day or two of
this the captain finding them not
acquainted with the work, put
them off on an island, presumably
Indian Island, at mouth of
Pamlico river, about forty miles
from this city.
Without a scrap of food and no
money their condition grew
and finding an old
dated row boat on the island, all
four embarked, hoping that they
might be picked up by a passing
vessel Without any oars and
no sail they drifted a out for
forty hours or longer until finally
a current carried the boat upon a
beach, which they found to be
the main land. They then
walked until they reached a
road and followed it until they
arrived in this city.
When they arrived here they
were well nigh had not
a cent of money and were unable
to speak a word of English,
to communicate signs,
an interpreter could be
found, when through him I hey
told their pitiful tale. The four
men were given lodging at the
city hall and a collection was
taken up among the city officers,
and they were given enough for
meals. The spokesman
of the party says that they would
like to settle here if they can
obtain work. Tn men are all
men of pleasing
and no doubt u make
good laborers.
D. W.
North Carolina.
Ii Hutu-
I .
ii hi
I Of
You net ;.
Horse c .
I Corey
Tuesday night a white man,
named Will Dunn, while
struck his wife in the face
with an and cut her quite
severely. Hi was arrested and
held for trial.
Al out two our girl
had s settled i n her lunge i
hut a severe
of U. We laid two doctors but
no wan obtained.
th, would i went to eight
a n remedy
which had I to mi and
ed to gel it, one of the
insisted that try Chamber-
he .
baby is well today. W.
springs, N. c tale
by an i
Advertisements in The
tor are good trade
n i b.
S. r, one of the best
known f I.-i N.
Y,, says- If are ever troubled
with pit, h. apply
It cure I me of them for good
go for sores,
burns or at Jno. I.
Wooten's drug store.
Sale V Town Lot
H vi of a de roe of the
Court, made in a c special
c.-e therein pa entitled J. C.
a . ex, I Will, on Mon-
i , -elf the
court home do r in the of Green
or, a certain lot
p of I o ii, i in the town of
Pitt county, and known in
the plan of
part of
n Street at the
nor corner o lot and running
with said street north i i feet;
I an easterly course, parallel with
street, one hundred and thirty-
two Kl f o t to line of lot number to,
a y e eighty-five
feel to the
then o with the line of lot
number one d and thirty two
feet to the beginning containing;
line fourth of or less
Terms of silo cash.
p. J.
Jarvis Attorneys.
W hull to So Homo.
Trim the Ind ,
tired out, go home. When you
want go home. When you
want fun. i o home. When you want
to show others that you have reformed,
go home and let your family get ac-
with the When you
want to show at your best go
home and do the act there. When you
feel like being liberal go home
and practice on your wife and children
first. When you want to thine with
extra brilliancy go me and
whole To which we would
you have a bad cold
and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and a quick cure certain. For sale
by nil and Dealers in
The meeting of the county
association here on Sat-
14th, promises to be a
very interesting
A from any is
quickly by Dr. Cough
Mid it is thoroughly
I and that Dr. tells others
to give it without
young lubes. The
green and tender
stems of a mountainous
shrub, furnish the curative properties
to cure. It calms
the cough, and heals the sore and sen-
bronchial membranes. No opium,
chloroform, nothing to in-
or Simply a resinous
plant extract, that helps to heal aching
lungs. Tho Spaniards call this shrub
which the Doctor uses,
demand Dr.
cough cure, Store.
An effort is being made
have ex-Cashier T. W. Dewey,
who a few years defaulted
for a amount at New Bi
and was sent to the penitentiary,
pardoned by the governor. The
New Bern Sun says a delegation
from city has gone to
to protest against the pro
The Weldon Light
has been mustered the
National Guard of the Slate.
The company has
A new hospital, the gift of C.
W. Watts, is to be built at Dur-
ham at a cost of something like
a half million dollars.
A bill has been presented in
congress by Hon. W. W. Kitchin,
to make Guilford Battle Ground,
near Greensboro, a
Resolutions Respect.
Whereas Great Spirit has
seen fit in his infinite love and
mercy to take our Bro.
S. T. White his beloved r.
Therefore be it
1st. That we. of
Tribe No.
to Bro. White our heartfelt
sympathy in this his sad hour t f
bereavement and assure him
that in some measure we feel
2nd. That we commend him
to the Great Spirit who
all well as being the only
true comforter in such sorrow.
3rd. That a copy of these res-
be sent Bro. White, a
copy be spread upon our minis-
and a copy sent to The Re-
for publication.
W. S.
J. E.
i R. G. Flanagan.
D J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
in Preference to Fiction.
Rev. R- L Davis to Large
Rev. R. L. Davis, State organ-
of the Anti-Saloon League,
preached in Memorial
church morning, and at
night made an ad
said prohibition is the
paramount, issue that confronts
the churches of North Carolina
for next i months-
not that other
not important,
prohibition is more important
because much depends on
the Stat. of
license evil.
Mr. Davis took the ground
that no State or municipality his
the right to license a business
that destroys manhood and
weeks homes, that there i.-; no
civil law that is not subordinate
to Divine law. Housed quota-
not only front the Bible, th-
foundation of law, but also from
the declaration of
the constitution of the United
States, from the legal writ
sustain this
Re pointed out the fact that more
than half the places in North j
in which liquor is
sold ; re located in half a dozen
Counties, in this immediate
Pitt being one of them, and
with this condition it is no won-
that the State boards of the
different have to
help pay for tho being
preached in these counties
Mr Davis said State
is one of the certainties of
th i ear future and North Can
will see it with the begin-
of the year 1910. There are
row hut twenty five counties in
North Carolina in which liquor is
legally sold, and the seven-
three counties will say
twenty five in the next
lure must come over with
us and rid North Carolina of the
sale of
The objection some people make
to prohibition because some
Stater, that had it bad abandons d
it, was fully answered. Mr.
Davis said the mistake, those
s made was in thinking the
enforce itself. The
Away at Old Fort While
Telegrams from Old Fort an-
that Mr. Willis T Flem-
of Greenville, died there
this morning, no further
particulars were given.
This sad intelligence was in-
deed a shock to Mr. Fleming's
host of friends here
at his home. He had been in
poor health several Two
weeks ago he went to a hospital
in Baltimore for treatment, but
th -re was advised that he would
obtain more benefit at a
sanitarium and he returned
home. Last Thursday
he left here to go to Asheville,
but his death at Old
Fort it inferred that he must
have been taken worse
and stopped there. The re
mains will be shipped
probably reaching here Tuesday
evening or y no in
Fleming was years
and a s n of Mr. and Mrs. K. II.
who with on-;
Miss Lennie Fleming,
vive him To aged parents
and the sister all hearts go out
Mr. Fleming was
of the mercantile firm of
Fleming Mooring, who did a
large business here, lie was a
young man of spotless character
and was held in
high esteem by every one. He
was a prominent member of both
tho Masonic and Red
The congregation of the
Christian church at Grifton last
State Expiates.
legislative for
the inspection and comparison of
the books and vouchers in the
office of the State have
found the records correctly and
Claim to With Their
This is not a piece of
but ii. is a solemn fact,
that dancing and card
customs which are professedly and warrants and
and ; the earth vouchers to correspond, all intact.
bad en Ugh in their They enter the following as the
effects upon those who care of the treasury at the
for from a close of
worldly view point, but when end of
com.-s to church members and General on hand
Sunday school teachers and December 1906,
teachers receipts for fiscal year ending
names published if it
were an as ha danced
or it -mi
one should in i
We the modest
to stop and c
what effect will this have on
their usefulness Surely the
mentioned is not without
some of the
of Jesus. your light
for fiscal year
November 293.33;
total receipts for the fiscal ear
ending November o . 1907,
to November
Farmville, Dec- Two People Under
On Monday, the 9th inst, just
as the sun was sinking behind the L Mao-
western hills, there was a little Not.-
group around a bed of one of his eyes considerably
suffering in the home of Mr. W. i the reporter asked him
H. Wilkinson, two miles from an He said that
Farmville. With tear dimmed Sunday his .
eyes and sorrowing hearts, they Ward, with one of
stood eagerly watching the last was
faint spark of life as it slowly
flickered away firm th manly
f. rm of a young man just as he
had reached his 28th year,
Moss Wilkinson.
from her h me to herd
at Meeting Mr
Satterthwaite his home she
told him her horse had b come
so skittish and was shying so
On the 0th of last June flt the road
young man was at his of she had become afraid of the
duty as a of the county him to g . n t.,
Mr Satterthwaite suggested a
so shine before men that
may see your good receipts, ville, and a few days later
son Messenger. 885.51; disbursements, removed to his father's hi
Resolutions of
The Architect of i he
universe having visited cur lodge
with death and called from labor
tin- soul of our brother,
W. II White, Lodge
No a A. F. A M. sires to
express this testimonial of es-
teem toll is memory.
Resolved, That in the death of
White this lodge has lost
presented the Rev. W. Y. its most faithful
pastor of the Method- one true principles
1st church, a set silver ho Practiced the
and forks, an expression of Masonry. He was
their appreciation of the brother, a true friend,
courageous manner in which upright citizen, and while we
prohibition in hum-
victory in the recent to will of God
at Grifton. Mr- things well. We
was untiring in his efforts to cherish his memory
cur hearts, and commend his
1907, ; camp, when quick as a
on hand, fund, D.-c he was stricken with pa-
1,1907,1295,585.53. and fell helpless to the
Educational in ground. It was thought fur
treasury December 1906 .- quite a while he would not
receipts December the but he buggy at
to November 1907, j rallied and was taken to went without
was trouble, but the nor i
fen . o home. nervous and
The Messenger might also have Der to November With parental care, loving
in the those church words ho
members are ,. 1907, proved so he could be out to
as of ts Total balance, general j extent for a few
In this age it is to educational, funds in to his bed
the world I worse until angels cam
aid the church. his spirit through
. j portals above,
During his long K h
exceedingly meek
change or buggies to give more
room, and hitched the horse to
j his own top buggy. saving Mr.
than usual Returning home
that afternoon, the horse .-hied
if baskets by the roadside
ti m do a heavy lunge
y complete-
a handling
tat tort
Ii down before the
U c both
I .
purge Grifton of the liquor c.
Mr. Even on was to
the circuit for th-; en-
suing year, at the Methodist con-
in and will
law was simply the from Grifton
some day this brother our ,.
in their I
. as an
worthy of emulation.
Resolved further, That we ex-
I tend to the widow,
broth-rs and sister of our d-
id Mrs. Ward under it.
On November 8th, 1907, at the
Washington Hospital, washing- ,, h him and ex. off end perhaps serious
ton, died Mrs. W- a d where he
Harrell, wife of our worthy should be buried,
brother, W. T. Among many
Remedies were unavailing and always a favorite on all
as a last resort she was sent to these he will be
Washington, where she spent ,,,. four
two weeks in uncomplaining a for his broth.
Gods ways are CL, Wilkinson, of Greenville,
injuring t hem. A s it was they
with only few
aid a very black eye for Mr.
clear to our human understand-
We can only that, n
His and wisdom, He
saw to up higher tho soul
of young woman, leaving
part of the time being in a branch
store in Tarboro, In both of
these town he made a ho.-t
Father, mother, four sisters
behind on earth a devoted, and two brothers survive
and took men to enforce it.
Mr Davis spoKe for
in hour, his address being inter-
and full of sound
hand, two loving children, other
loved many friend-.
Whereas. It has pleased the
Supreme Master of the n t
summons cur friend, from la
in the earthly of this
to eternal rest, in the
not made with hands And
Whereas, we deeply feel loss
and bow in humble submits on to
Hint, all things the
therefore be it Received,
them to w
That we th members
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds II. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last
Fred J. Forbes and Blanche C.
Charles Annie
Joshua and Florence
W. G. Hales and Maggie Dunn.
Moses E Kennedy and
Robert Pollard and Lena Vass
John Cox and Rachael Nobles.
W. A. Langley and
Lawrence Hines and Lillie
Fleming and Annie
Nelson and Pearly
Tobacco Market Holiday.
The Greenville tobacco market
will close for the Christmas
days from Friday, Dec. 20th, to
Monday. Jan and there will
Voice Capt. Swift v.-
Mr. H. E. C. Bryant writing I
to the Charlotte from
Washington, refers to a well
known and well beloved citizen
of Greene county in the follow-
Rev. Edward Everett Hale,
chaplain of the senate, is unique
in appearance. With his deep,
mellow bass voice,
his long, trimmed hair,
he looks like a relic of a century
ago. His voice, when praying,
alone cm them
great sorrow.
Resolved further, That a copy
of this testimonial be sent tho
widow of our brother, and copies
furnished The Reflector and The
Friend publication.
D. J. Whichard
A. J. Griffin
C. C Vines.
Goes to
Rev. W. Y. and family
. O. F.
I extend to the bereaved d,
his two children and other loved
one.; our heartfelt sympathy in
their affliction commend to
them the hope and con-
of the resurrection.
Resolved, that those resolutions
be spread on the records of our
Lodge, a copy be font to the
Dally Reflector for publication
and a copy be sent to our broths r
the bereaved husband.
Geo. II. Cole
D. C.
W. T. Sledge.
The funeral took place in
iI. service be-
by Rev. D W.
Arnold, of The pail
Messrs. J T,
Ii. K. A. S. J
an, B. Smith, S. Smith
and Jack Smith,
At Monday afternoon,
, at the homo of her son in South
Greenville, Fain
p s-.-d after an illness of
right weeks, w was years
old and two sons, Mi
D. S. Smith and W. J.
I one Miss Fannie
one sister, Mrs. Bettie
Tucker. She was an excellent
I woman her death is mourned
thy friends.
remains were taken to
I county today for inter
Oakley. N. C. -i 17th,
Mrs S. A, is quite
Little Irma Hines is sick this
J. R. Jenkins made
calls in R 4-. and Green-
last week.
Mrs E Roper and little son,
jam in, spent week in
Rs Mount.
Reddick and family t
Sunday here.
Andrews, of Rocky
Mount, is spending this week
with r.
Gray Cony wont to One
J J. is I trilling n.
house just of present
Section Master F. A, Manning
has moved in town.
Mrs Sarah of
spent Sunday herewith tors. S.
G- Williams
Benjamin Manning and sister.
with friends.
Parker has returned
in the family burial ground Virginia.
Marion place. Jo Gurganus spent a
is not unlike that of Capt. Swift through this morning
Galloway, of Greene county, going from
when speaking to a Democratic his charge, Mr. his
state convention. Mr. Hale is a do; e a good work at Grifton and
man of ripe old age; in his hosts of friends there. He
younger days he was a to leave there,
force in the religious world and but owing to tho condition of his I Greene who is on
Oakley last week.
Z no Briley
It Is a b
Miss Mil
day in
happy mar.
Mother Is Worth Most,
In a recent suit Miss Minnie has
Com. j brought in the State of New I gone to Norfolk lo i n few
Jersey by two small children,
whose patents had killed in Leon of
Monday afternoon Mr. wreck, the award was
and Mrs. was a
of the fl of while few says la t week in Winter-
a giant in the pulpit. He wears it to crew of the local allowed daughter. J.
his hair long and cut as
did men in the time of Washing-
ton, tho and
Free Press.
Eye Defects
F you have eye troubles, don't
put them but Dr. Taylor,
have her people, system, was at work put-
the recent conference changed ting a telephone in a
While driving c i through h
parcel in knob on which o fasten
the wire, the knob and n
This brings up the K.
quest of mother
to small In New
ii v.-. that not a
very value i i pi
Jim Taylor id
on the list.
I of W. V. Fuming.
Therein ii W. Fleming,
him in and yet it is the
Mr. R. L has moved m- The injury to Ins aye was of that at Old Fort Monday
to his handsome new residence J go that he went to Norfolk rules reached here on Tues-
of who will at his c Eighth streets; for
old in Ayden. Monday is completion. to his eye will not be
Tuesday, Dec. and for the has an and it is an
correcting eye defects.
Don't fail t j see Small eye
troubles make bit when
be no sales between those dates, i neglected. Ail work guaranteed-
ornament to tho t
Apples, and banana.-, candies.
assortment of nuts and
J. 1- Johnston-
of evening's train and the in-
allowed o'clock
should b
father, and bu. . after in Cherry Hill
is problem for He was
women, at to by many Lodge, service
Danville . . conducted by Rev. J. E

Eastern reflector, 13 December 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 13, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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