Eastern reflector, 6 December 1907

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This Department is in charge cf V I
Tonsorial J ft
N. C.
m I ad. Strict-
Exp Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow
. i n -sod.
N. C.
N. c.
repairing of
and W
any kind of work in
I I iron.
A work
work guaranteed
J. T.
Company will insure any on ha
trace of
At my Ayden and stables
Direct from the Breeders and Raisers of the West
anything in this line
you money.
the power of sale con
in a deed executed
; aid d Oscar H.
to see me as
I v W the
J U November. in
w I. of Pitt
will be paid by the Inter-
for any ease of kidney
trouble will not help
A word to the wise.
For sale by
Sol Will
i. re c art
, to the
. Monday, the
day or D
real property to A certain tract
or land containing fifty
MOW or I W. adjoining the of C.
LAY S . the benefit of arguing funds l a library in the
State and
from Cure in-
Mr. -a-
t r I was m
to devil bis
;. and say whit good we
get out of his too.
But look here Let
em How happy I am this day s I liked to forgot
of our Lord, Nov., 1907 Battle in town
I would the death f
the and quit
foolishness; but while the will
the is o. way
look here; let me tell you i
Jule, an 1.1
S you Bro.
take an the better
of the of
land. Amen.
The Jacksonville, Florida,
Times-Union thinks it would be
conditions of
h th horn of J. J. Hath-
away and kn n the
fa-d tract land situated in
of No-th
This 13th
, . A.
J. L. riming, Arty.
run oil With a
toe way from th top i, a-en bales than that
to the bottom of heS, and 1908 there is no reason
why the farmers no; re-
a r price for the .
While I feel like VS
journey I have come Kinston, was with u, of population and the
the conclusion that I would be an ms view of of civilization, and the
glad to make it a journey a expressed in his I cl
instead of a short one- I'm for an hour or ,
having too much fun had to under bier, whose interest it is to
now to want to kick off this Wows down price i until the crop is out
Bat I .-, f
M my part to old all reports false th.
now tin
wouldn't it, with Roosevelt run- ,
hog weighing about seventy or
on Bryan's platform and about
Bryan running on
Come to think of it -S and
yes. we believe it mM UP hogs
about five months ago. Owner
him by paying cost and
To Liver or
; Other
a bottle and if
we will refund
money. We take
foil free
and if it then
use SOL until
This advertisement entitles yo
to a bottle
Only a limited number -f bottles
given away. Don't this op
to test
The sheriff of Harnett county property. L c. Moore.
the first tr, full settle- N. C
of taxes with
several years, but the honor now
to Harnett.
Grifton is having such a good j Hon. ,
time in more ways than one. night last, h his I is
take the and happy style iV , i .
on i, M ; S l
town, now, I thin t f any we have had
of the and be should
full value for his
now the reason
days and who net
it in a number of years, the
improvements ard changes are
boom, in the than to those
of the Washington City Herald, have remained here v
hardly be flutter it the seen the work g, on day by day.
Had stepped upon it There la no the fact and pT mo all
Himself. it must be . u . . rinds.
town has improved In one in or
It has broadened, VIi sell th m as cheap at
any one else and you have no ex-
any one here wants to
fore the agony is all t
This is strange logic, a man
to want to travel a
road instead of a abort one, and
to continue a life in t
continual agony; but there is
where the fun comes in. i is
funny to see so n my
lawyers up h
merits and demerits of the
option Watts liquor law. Some
Tim id forbid my i
any elaborate view of his breech,
tell you he.
was here and covered t
widened and gone out
j even, than its own people are
posed that it had received its reason to be
Baltimore American
are to spelling J
it seems, fr the r
in good music and
lovely smiles as a token of the
good will on all these occasions.
of them say and So, n
some say and Thus, aid I y to be as
thing. So long. Toledo, blow when I of their work, or to be
Now, Mr. I mu . ., novelist, while the went
for the ladies. T., of San la a poet Mil.
all the meeting-, I however, claims to I ave
their all rivals a in
that has been j J
solicited to go into vaudeville far a month
A Monroe county farmer, s
tell you it is to make th
man cuss to see how much
fuss is being made by
them who don't know whit they
think they know. Some say
haven't got no gov-
and some
have; and I am almost come i
the that it may
may not be so.
You see the pint, Mr. Editor,
with Vanderbilt. Be is not
for trouble. But if
comes to he will be on
the right side without fail.
Some say that I've got to make
a speech before the
closes. If I must, I must,
look here, let me tell you the
If they draw me out I
shall take up sides and
from both standpoints. While
sentinels at the forks of th
roads through life to guide men
in the right direction. It looks
me like she thinks it duty
do this as a on
her part for getting Adam into
an apple. If
she can do nothing better than
to see that her influence should
be used the benefit of man
in every way she can to make
pleasant for him here, as some
us can't expect the minister,
angels to soothe the fevered
brow, or the parched lips m
the world to com
Why, bless their dear
and souls, the ladies of the town
and vicinity are going to give us
an historical entertainment at
the graded school house on the
evening of the 27th to raise
full grown yet. it never wilt
reach a state of perfect com
i a room
this winter, or for a year, a widening out and building
discouraged over I lie progress
made. Of course the t isn't
The cotton of 1907. c up let all who
can u b and his wood, I., . , , ,
in the
surely all are interested Like
courage, draw a good
breath, and pull together for
further progress.
ling to the estimate of I ii I
States of A . and
Work r., at their recent session
press to pay. You can hear the
record's BEFORE you buy them,
Sold on Easy Teams.
Write or Conic to Sec U.
meal, eked corn,
at Columbia, S. C, i 11,412.829 d meal null,
is 2.026,906 bales l. t the gin on corner of Fifth
less than the crop of
MaW Coming.
The Wilmington Star of y
i is announced that the Rev.
streets, neat
For Rent
The store and one warehouse
W. b F V
who .,. . .-., be for rent 1st.
J- A. Andrews.
who recently accepted a t,
the of St. John's par
in this city, will arrive in
to conduct the services the
first Sunday in r He
I h r hand, torn.
Your health i
Co drink some
Wooten's Drug Store.
street early In tho new or in any trespass
year, bringing his bride to as th Wilson
at that time. Perkins farms, north of the
. C, T.
An every night all year round
All persons are hereby warned to take,
results, h's
T-a, the treat-
I M Tea i
Wooten's i
r W. II.
, u of
Ry virtue of n decree of the Superior
coil, to. Pitt county made by I. C.
Moore, approve i C.
presiding at
of said court In a certain
proceed a- en-
Mabel M Cotter, a minor I
III on Thursday U. c. I sell
it public tale before the court boom
in a piece or
parcel of lend situate in i
t known an lot No.
I. in the of i f Mary
B. I
described as follows. to-it.
at a on reed
of lot No.
piles to three i the of low
r ti am a e . g,
bank; than e down point
. r. will come out to a s
on the.- m of low thorn N
poles to a stake of
N. 161-8 with d a
Inning, e ii i . acre
that art of mid
tot. No. with i i
to said d . ;.
a , lobe
follows H.
hack to mid i a
acre. The two parcels i
land will be B lately.
One half and the a
months. With Option to the pure it
pa, the whole union, tat once, d-f red
payments to he cured by
pr. pert
D J. Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Preparing to More Forward
Rev. W. J. pastor or
the Methodist church at Grifton.
is a very happy man. His pleas-
was already great over the
result of the recent prohibition
election in that town, and an
incident occurred Sunday morn-
that filled his cup of joy to
overflowing. Just as the morn-
in his church was
about to conclude. Prof. Cole,
superintendent of the graded
school, arose in the congregation
and in behalf of the people of the
town presented Mr.
with a gold watch in
of his efforts in the
campaign In accepting the
watch the minister expressed his
gratitude at such an expression
of esteem from the people among
whom he labored-
Mr. was in Greenville
today, and in talking with The
Reflector the effect of pro-
on the town and
ton's prospects, said the town is
already taking on new life and
everything points to a bright
future. He says that in the next
year Grifton will more
erect more buildings nod
rate more business enterprises
than in any year in its history,
and that prohibition is going to
help the town's progress-
Mr. R. T Witt Dead.
Mr. Robert T. Wilson this
morning at o'clock at hi
home near Grimesland He was
years of age and one of the
county's most highly respected
and useful citizens. He leaves a
wife and two children, one of
the latter being Mrs W. H.
Ricks, of Greenville. The
will take place at Chocowinity
Wednesday at noon.
Colored Man Killed.
Early Saturday night Mr.
Henry Alien was going from
Greenville to his home a few
miles in the country Riding
with him on the cart was a col-
man named Hardy
Out near the Mo ye place
the horse took fright and ran
away, throwing the colored man
the cart and breaking his
neck in the fall
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
since last report.
Fernando Taylor and
die Tripp.
H. E. Elks and Maggie Moore.
A. Clark and Maggie L.
J. J.
Mayo Mattie Wilson
Hilliard and Cora
James Knight and Sallie Cox.
This completes the fiscal year
during which time the total
of licenses issued was
being more than during the
preceding fiscal year-
Court Nest Week.
The December term of Pitt
Superior Court will begin next
Monday. 9th, and The Reflector
hopes a large number of it sub-
throughout the county
will come in and settle for their
paper- So far this fall we have
not had opportunity to send out
subscription account., but we
hope none will hold back waiting
for a statement.
Rumor of Railroad
There is a rumor current on
streets today that the Nor-
folk Southern Railroad had
sold out its entire business, in-
all rolling stock, equip-
etc., and all right title and
interest in all its roads, etc. to
the A-C. L.
Free Press, 2nd.
La Foliate Beaten hi Debits by
It is not generally known that
I the wife of Senator La
, took her university degree in the
same class with her husband,
says the December
As Miss Belle Case she van-
La in a
l joint oratorical contest at the
I University of Wisconsin She
then permitted herself to be won
i by the doughty young student,
and in turn pointed the way to
the governorship of his native
state, and, later the United
States Senate.
Before her marriage this Bad-
girl had been admitted
to the practice of law, and the
partnership was followed
by a business one, for a shingle,
reading, La Fol-
announced to the good
people of that the newly-
couple had opened an
attractive office and were ready
for any legal clients who might
Calling in Certificates.
The determination to call in
the clearing house certificates
and resume specie payment has
taken on very definite shape,
says the Atlanta Journal.
Chicago has already destroyed
twenty-five thousand dollars
worth of the certificates which
have been paid back into the
banks, and this will be continued
as fast as they find their way
bad- to the banks.
Chicago is not alone in her
to follow- this course.
The bank officials of that city
have sent out one thousand let-
to banks in the south and
west, asking their opinion of
calling in the certificates.
hundred and ninety-eight of
these have promptly expressed
their willingness to resume pay-
in currency, and only two
have temporized about the m it-
With the exception of the-e
two banks, they are one and all
ready and willing to go back to
real They realize that
the storm is over and that the
only thing which stands in the
way is a certain lack of
This cannot be restored
absolutely and completely until
the certificates have been called
in and the banks once more re-
specie payment
A significant feature of this
of opinion taken by
the Chicago banks is the fact
that the banks of the south and
west, where the scarcity of
money has been most deeply felt,
are as as those of any
other section of the country in
their consent to the resumption
of currency payments.
Facts like these cannot be dis-
counted. It is a substantial and
convincing evidence that the
worst of the financial stringency
is over and that business will
resume its normal sway as soon
as the people themselves make
up their minds completely that
there is nothing more to fear-
Oakley, N. C. Dec. 3rd-
I J. Williams and J. J. James
i went to Greenville Monday.
i Elma Parker is spending this
week in Goldsboro.
Congleton and wife, of
Robersonville, spent Sunday here
I with his brother, S A.
I W A. James, of Asheville,
visited his father here Saturday
The town was shocked by the
death of Mr. Tom Morris last
Thursday morning. He was
sick only a few days, his death
caused by heart trouble.
He leaves a wife and several
j We are glad to note
Jenkins is improving- He has
been quite for ten days
, past
Sim of
was a caller here Thanksgiving.
James, of Washington,
was here Friday.
S. Williams and family
spent Sunday at Everett
Mrs. Eli Rogers went to
Bethel Friday.
Miss Minnie spent
last week in Stokes.
David Whitehurst has moved
to Hobgood, and accepted a
with the A. C. L. Railroad.
C. Carson and Zeb Whitehurst
went to House Monday.
Lester Jones and wife, of
Washington, were callers in town
Monday afternoon.
Program for Teacher's
Dec. 1907.
a. m. Devotional
M. T. Plyler.
Reading of minutes.
11.10 Methods cf Inter-
Patrons in the Betterment
Movement. Miss Betty Wright.
11.20 a. m. Address. Mrs. W-
State Pres. of Better-
m. I. Foust.
President of State Normal Col-
Short business session.
p. m. Adjournment.
It will be seen from above
program that this meeting has
been given entirely to the Bet-
work. I
should regret very much if all of
the teachers do not avail them-
selves of the privilege of hearing
the State President. Mrs. W-
R. I can you
that you will be with
her and will be fully
sated for any trouble or expense
you may incur in attending this
President Foust of
the State Normal College, will
also with us and talk to the
Remember the date of the
December 14th. Some
have idea that the meetings
are on before the sec-
Sunday. Not so, they are
always held on the second
day. Let us make this a great
meeting. We have only
ranged for a session to last
hour and thirty minutes. Be
present at o'clock.
Perhaps the dentist wouldn't
look a gift horse in the mouth,
but he doesn't apply the same
rule to his patients.
Begins Wednesday 11th.
The bazaar to be held by the
ladies of the Christian church in
j opera house, will begin
on Wednesday night, Dec, 11th,
instead of Tuesday night; s first
intended, This change is due to
Odd Fellows arranging for a
banquet on Tuesday night- The
bazaar is going to be very inter-
and there will be many
Christmas articles on
sale. The ladies should be given
a liberal patronage.
Taken to
Mr. W. H. Rouse, who on st
suddenly afflict-
led of the
was take to Raleigh to-
y Deputy Sheriff S.
Dudley, admission in the
State hospital
Preacher Campbell's belief that
the story of the loaves and fishes
is not to be taken literally
ed angry protest from people
who lean to the loaves and fishes
Resolution Respect
Grimesland, N. c Nov.
Whereas Almighty God in His
Infinite wisdom has seen fit to
lay His hand upon our member-
ship and take from our midst our
beloved brother J. J- Laughing-
Jr., who was an upright
and faithful brother among us
Now, therefore, b; it resolved
by Grimesland Lodge A. F. A-
M. No. that while we bow in
humble submission to the wonts
and will of Great Architect
of the Universe, still we are sad-
by the death of
and extend to his
bereaved family our deepest
sympathy in this their great
and share with the n
the comfort in knowing that
all things
Resolved further, that a copy
these resolutions be sent to h I
family and a copy be sent to th
I Greenville Reflector with request
to publish the same.
W. S. Galloway
Dr. C. M. Jones
J. J. Elks
It is quite natural for a man to
look downcast when he is on bis
Wilmington Entertains
Tuesday night The Reflector
received the following
Wilmington. N. C , Dec.
To the Baptists of North
With th assistance of the com-
tend by the mayor, a
sufficient amount has been raised
and homes secured to entertain
the Baptist State Convention ct
G. E.
W. C. Pine-son,
C. C. Brown,
Commute-- on Hospitality.
The members of Tar River
Lodge No. Knights of
are hereby of the
banquet which is In given
in Hall . night
The banquet been arranged
with a good deal of care, and the
committee is hopeful of a full at-
attendance of the membership.
the Prophets.
Policeman Clark is
figuring for a chair in the school
of prophets with good
of being fleeted. This morning
he remarked in a confidential
stage whisper will snow-
here in less than twelve
About two hours later
snow was falling, and now
George says t
Fought With i.
men. William liar
and Dudley, had
a falling out today and decided
the matter with their
They passed a few lively
round t and were separated with-
out any damage of
to either.
The Panama bonds were
subscribed for many times over
and the prices offered were above
the present market No
allotment of the bonds was
when the bids were opened.
The private yacht Madeline,
o unreported. bound from
B to Jacksonville, is aground
Roanoke sound Life re-
pi-t all well on b
but not names
In the of th Louisville
aid others, involving th- right
of th- defendants tn
scalping the tick-is
tho S
train on the
ville Ki
r I
there we
President Moore's
Charlotte. N. C. 1907.
Permit me to call the attention
, of your readers to the important
meeting to he held in your
court house on Saturday.
I December
On that day there will be
, meetings all over the south to
j discuss the situation.
; the relations of banks to farmer-;,
the of changing the
for annual settlement of
to and
February, and matters of
great imp t the farmers.
President secretary and -r
officers of the county cotton as-
are to be elected on
day. Every mm in the
county who is in
maintaining a fair price for cot
ton should be interested in
of officers to serve for tin
next twelve months. The
influential men of the
should he to serve a
officers, and when elected,
Should give their very best efforts
to make the county association
means of help to every one in
The name and address of
newly elected officers b
forwarded to his at one
Even the speculators and t h
foreign spinners admit that the
cotton association has been i f
great benefit to the southern
people. It is conceded
there been no cotton
organization, the prices of cot-
ton this season would
ranged below seven cents
pound. This being so. it be-
hooves every man in the south
to take part and make the move-
and more useful.
All over th; south, mas
meets will be held on
day. A determined effort will
be made to hold cotton now r
the hands of farmers for
cents per pound, Reader, will
you help i Kit
The matter of collecting the
and bale levy should
considered next Saturday. Our
work has been sadly
capped for want of funds to
cover expenses. We should at
once create a fund ample to
cover all expenses for the next
twelve months. Every farmer
in your county will cheerfully
contribute cents a bale en the
production of ids lands, if the
matter is properly presented t
Mr. what are you do-
to try to maintain a fair
price for your cotton Will you
go to court house next Sat-
C C. Moore,
Preside t N. C. Div. S. C. A.
Most Nerd
do things
ridiculous our
fathers did remarked a
man today, we go on doing
year after without
asking ourselves why we do so.
A c in p int is the matter of
advertising, which today is
necessity in the business
If will notice it you
will find the average
man in of dullness
i begins
to retrench in tho mater of his
his adv r
it because h's r
did it and because he argues
h; cm lop it off and rest re it
less inconvenience than
he can other expenses But if
he think for a moment and
w the matter as a cold
n proposition involving dolls
cents he is bound to a
his retrenchment had best begin
advertising is a good bus-
practice at any time -iv
h is valuable when the
are buying for if its
object is to attract the purchaser
and get him into the store,
there must be greater
effort expended in that direction
when the public is buying least
No matter how severe periods of
depression are, and how
gent the money market be.
people will spend what they
must, and naturally they are at
such times more quickly at
by the offerings of ad-
as they are eager to
have their expenditures bring the
best Editor a J
D o i.-., s
N. C., D c.
Thanks riving is m w
and heard
i to at
. or no
Among he
w- i-i
i vi j US a
u m of our
land, n I me of the you i
men say.
In our we th
usual exercises
with exceptional
All business was ex-
of course it was
not Anti-Saloon League. And I
heard that their time was too
or short, to lose the
H v.-ever, they were thankful
fur all such occasions. The only
accident reported worthy note
was from Beaver Dam The son
of Mr. S. V. Joyner, out
with u of other
ads about is a shot at a
and accidentally shot his boot,
but g an amateur marksman,
he only got it th t hall of
hi longest toe was y
W. M, W

.,. n
Sale c t Personal Property.
I will offer for sale on Wednesday
4th 1907. my personal property
consisting of carts, wagons, buggies
farming implements of every de-
F M. Smith
fr n.
to select
to see us for now
, M ; . Ops,
C .
For Rent
The store and one warehouse
at present occupied by F. V.
will be for rent Jan- 1st.
J A. Andrews.
Last seen about the 20th of
Dark liver color,
cross between bull and pointer.
Liberal reward for W
H. Harrington, Greenville, N- C.
Com meal, cracked corn. hay.
cotton seed meal and hulls,
at the gin on corner of Fifth
and streets, near mar-
Notice is herein given that I will make
applications to com-
their moating on the
Monday in January, for
to retail in the town of
Stokes, c.
This Nov. 27th, 1907.
C. F. Page
Harry Skinner.
LAWYERS Greenville, N
We will sell easy terms the
business known as the Green-
ville Livery Co , consisting of IS
horses, nice
tries, all harness, etc.
Purchaser can have privilege of
renting or brick
on Filth street, near market
house, ;, which the business i.-
Good location and
will be patronized.
for selling other business
demands our time.
The Greenville Livery Co.,
Parties interested can apply
value of being well
dressed; everybody
grows out of the tact that
people have to judge your
ability and standing by the
way you look, until you give
them something else to judge
That Means
w e
Morris Wholesale
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Wanted Manager for Branch C
Office we wish to locate in Green j
ville. Address, with reference s j
i , ca ,
X ft
Strayed- Since last Way from
near one
cattle beast, ; years old,
unmarked. Suitable reward for
information leading to recovery.
J. S.
M, N f
Bath Room Comfort
Every member of the family
., dEfT the comfort and
a modem room
. .; your I mod
fixtures make
All persons arc hereby warned,
under of the law, not to
hunt or in any way trespass upon
any of my lands near
of Greenville, either the farm
South id of the river or the
grounds on north of the
river. Frank Johnston.
we- E .-
in your for the amuse o
you a . family. c
you i r small Bum down and
. i . y ; . f r the I
ma i look
are in a position to increase
the business value of every
man m this town; got
Hart, Schaffner Marx
clothes for you; and if you
live up to your looks in these
clothes, you'll be a sure
I ill . O
Vi you remodel build, let us
estimate your plumbing contract. huh
grade fixtures and our first class
work you satisfaction and future saving.
is prompt; our prices reasonable.
I tr
ordering hacks or
wagons from me for passengers
or will please hold fur
my hack or wagon to arrive. I
have recently been put to much
Double by people lotting other
or serve them
placing the order with me,
Account Foot Ball Games. Tickets on sale
27th. final limit November 29th. For further
agent or write
l that buy W. J. Crate, j C White G P A
v more of goods i
presents Only
for goods, only,
and does not apply to other
tides. Our holiday stock
for you to see. so come in,
make selections and get
one of these beautiful presents, i
Only limited to be
en away. Come quick-
A. B. Ellington December
your wife would
virtue of a no e
your M
., . . ml in col
K ,
Go . . i it
. . I rug
Sal relay, D r
v. . , . . . ,.
No After Dec. 1st our l m seven
t . th
gin on p rated
Tue- and d i
t d
County Oil
F. C. James
J .-
Is but little more than weeks off. No doubt i
are wondering what that gift must he We have
for all occasions A shipment of now silk umbrellas hist
in. Something that you can take down and pack into
your traveling case. The design is new in gold and
sterling handles. Come early make your selection and
let us have it engraved for you ready for
Comedy Pantomime.
And the Black Dwarf
Headed by America's peerless
Supported by a company of
all star and high class
The- most
scene ever put upon a stage
The Birth Of Dawn.
sale Monday at
Norfolk Cotton and wired
; W. Perry it to.,
Strict Middling
Low Mi
Low Middling
I Strictly
Low Grades
Id 7-
1-1 to 8-8
J 7-8
Wire I Bra Co.,
and Broken, Norfolk.
n m
Die When 3-S
Dec Corn 1-4
May Ribs SO
Jan J
o to Mar
J O.
. . a
. .,,
for G
S w
Report of the Condition of
At Greenville, In the of North
Carolina, at the of
August 1907
Loam and Discount
Overdraft secured and
S. Bonds to secure
Premiums on D S. BoLds
Banking house,
and fixtures
Due from National
Due State Banks
checks and other cash items
Exchanges for house
Notes other No
and cents
money reserve 1-
with U. S.
Treasurer per cent of
circulation ,
Bad breath is a offer-ire
ailment, irritates as w as
Mountain Tea bad
from the mouth,, removes the
cause, purifies
cents, Tea or
N. C.
. kinds of all k of choice cut flow
era in season S attention give
to Wedding and Funeral Decoration-
Bulb stock, Pot j for Winter
Surplus paid in
National bind taxes paid
I and bills
V, A
J. L. Cashier.
J. W. Cashier of the above
bank, do swear that
above is true to tho best
my knowledge and belief.
J. W, Cashier an I
Capital S
Next to having money, the
most important thing is how to
I take care of it -how to in-
vest it.
A banking institution f this
j. kind care it your
to before day of Aug. a
Notary Public,
J. E.
II. W.
Elides, Fur, Co ton
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bop
steads, i Snit-;
Lounges, is ,.
Life Key West
pies. Pine a pies, Syrup,
bleat Meat
dye Io d,
Seed an i
.-Is, Oranges,
Nuts, Cr. ; Di
Peaches, Prunes, car ants,
Glass a o i . Tip
era k M c ii, ; s-
on- i
come .- me.
way-giving you
abundant banking in
department of
can you valuable aid
ind advice i win on
a; i i j-;., that
Having been away for
months to inn i c
my n I p is i E I
o P that I am s
conn d nil i the ii to of .
M . i. an I i i
allow to misuse ha mi
term home a or
out i still
my h d while
into u to he i from
ville a great d of my time
in this fall postal care of I
On will retch m
within a day or two
hi a v of slightly t
upright pianos, soma of .
have ; sen rented during
They Should B Mentally
Built Up Physically.
All those with cart
of the young faced by a grave
problem in the case of children
who inherit or display precocity.
The to maturity of th
pimple, normal child, who passes
from stage to stage of its
is a comparatively
easy matter. The trouble largely
that the nature of precocity is not
understood. Most parents, for
hail tho signs of it with de-
and do all they can to foster
them. They treat precocity as a
gold mine, to be for all it
is hut here they make a
great mistake.
There are several types of
children, presenting varying
degrees of peril to the training sys-
and this peril is greatly lesson-
ed by a capacity to classify the
types. There are certain
of healthy and intellectual
stock, with lino physiques. They
inherit usually very active nerve
centers, imply, among
things, quick and eager brain
These children hailed
with justice as tho legitimate flow-
of their heredity, and then all
concerned, including, of course, the
poor child itself, hasten to work
with tho fair prospect by a
cruel and shortsighted system of
These children, being naturally
strong and well, can bear
amount of the stem with-
out down, Ii I I hi do not
make tho men m they
would have mode under wise re-
They should be kepi much with
oilier children, noticed little by
their elders, interested in physical
pursuits and molded into symmetry
by a persistent holding .
There may be much wrong
with tho child who reads the
Testament four years age,
there is certainly something
with the parents who Ii m.
There is another d
type of n. These
the oil ten or
tuberculous parents inherit,
ii -i .
i . . The; i n hen i i-
en children of I
m ital m , T
I .
i expel e of all
mental . it
sir i i for any
sustained el t, a I r a
i w I I Ii m-
i In to
lead i Ii es, every i
in r I I o i
A country I -t n no-
i in i case, I the mental
a foul
j union.
iv. re I u
n. L
or .
i P ices-
i ; s In o
i piano E
. I to i M
instrument This is
,, ; for tho
I d is full
.-r-n. I rm v
;. p . p
SI or in a id at id
for the home should writ
Barber Shop.
Edmond Fleming Props.
Located in main business sec-
of the town. Four chairs
in operation and each ore
sided over by a skilled barber.
Our place is razors
sharp. Our towels clean. We
thank you for past patronage
and ask to call again when
good work is wanted
by it.
and will
mind of my pi
and in at as well as m
firm's interest Grateful of
Very .
G. G. n,
Greenville. N. C
L. I.
Moore and
Ci B K N N C
Barber Shop.
Next to Sharp
clean towels and good
work guaranteed
Hot and Cold Baths-
one and all for your past pat-
and hoping for your
continuance, I remain yours to
mod Administratrix v ill
. fores the
mile from Greenville on
I i i to
o'clock A M the following
personal property,
About head of one h r o
several cattle, several wagons, one la
locomotive ii one
I Machine and ed c .
, one double edger, one cotton .
W B LONG one pair cotton scales, two
grist mills, two lumber trucks,
I pieces of steel rails, mowing ma
. one hone power boiler and
horse engine, one number
Saw Mill, Van Winkle System ilia
Complete, two Harrows, line Disc
row, new Cox Cotton planter.-, sever-
several Guano Distributors, two
Corn Planters, a large quantity of
cultural one
shop with full equipment, about
barrels of corn and a of fodder,
one Iron Safe and
store fixtures and articles of
This November the
Q. V. Bland, Administratrix.
P. G. James, Attorney.
How to I L
a few r I
i rt into i
i or .
i , l into i
i .
I your p .
i .
. . , i .
i . . . . An I
on i ill . n
. i
with r. T
i . of will
h pointed
I . i i ,;
to d I
it ii i i .
ice It it;
Lo hi .
To . h
bI it
., begin then to I cup i lee
one-half i i sweet
Robert Spell
Shop in Window Stables on
Fourth Street. All worn done
promptly and satisfactorily
nil and I .
tie Mid c well
Ii and tin ;
e I
each i before
dish v.
cloth. The i o i lie oil into
tho wood, and you will he I
at tho polish you will have on
floors. only have In i n
o in weeks. i ml then
wipe up the floors with a
when they need it, and they
mirrors. Sew York
Needle Threading
A machine which threads a thou-
sand needles a i- work in
a Swiss factory, Tho purpose
he machine is to thread needles
that are placed afterward in a loom
for making lace. Tho device is
most entirely automatic. Ii
the needle, carries it along, threads
it, ties the knot, cuts the thread oil
a uniform length, then carries tho
needle across open space and
places it in u rack. The work of
threading these needles was former-
done by Hand.
Do You want people to know
you are in Business
Do you
want more
Answer the
yes. and it
ally follows that the
other two should have
the same answer. It
you are in business
you want the people to
know it and you want
ere is
Tell the people
your business
I you know
two editions
per. Daily and IV
are read
. . j.
every we
way can you
you ; v. to
by s many
Heel i.-.
This department has
just been overhauled,
more help secured, and
is ready a
Advertise and Subscribe.
saw a funny thing in re-
liter f a in lie Grand
I Canyon tho D
who has jut returned from trip
through the west stepped up
I the desk to register when
entry just above the
to filL The line n ad us
and Mrs. John Jones, Ar-
words two not
in ii e same that
giving the names of the
rivals. A wild idea fins ed
my mind that the hotel clerk
the habit of char; I
guests. My natural prompt-
ed me to inquiries, j
-Oh, the
j ; .- of the
n dial Mr. I r
are going to ride I n canyon
Quito ;
the trip. Would yon like
I had If fee-
him after
York Pr .
A man named fill 1-
Bel .
; ;
on .
, . .
the ed
slowly I I
ho they null nib r-
Telephone and Telegraph
Recent estimates give
miles of telephone and telegraph
pole line in the United States, At
average of forty to
mile there are in u e,
and. assuming that tho life of a
is twelve yours, there are needed
each year more than polos.
Woodcraft. m

D. J. WHICHARD, Proprietor
Entered as second cl matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C. under Congress of March 1879
in to fiction
he railroad question has
a discussed matter
ring recent month, and there
have time and again been
of suggested compromiser,; that
the governor would likely call an
extra session of the legislature
to confirm such
The legislature passed the law
making the rate
cents, and all the authority tin-
governor had was that the
law i obeyed. That he has
been firm in doing and the
have applauded his acts
While not a few of the people
think the rate should not have
made lower than cents,
the legislature saw lit to make it
lower, hence they believed as the
had been made the railroads
should obey the law.
The governor has no
offer a compromise to the rail-
roads, nor a right to accept a
compromise, but if the railroad
should one that is deemed
consistent he has the authority
to call the legislature together to
confirm or reject the offer- And
along this line The Reflector is
going to i a We
believe if the railroads would
offer co pat on a cent rate,
would one thousand mile
tickets good in the State for
two thousand mile
inter-State tickets for
ard five hundred mile tickets
for use by families on local
reads at stop all the
controversy, that the legislature
would quick to ratify such a
compromise and it would
the approval of the people. Ard
the railroads could make money
at such rates.
They never get too old, it
seems. is made
that Senator H. G. of
West Virginia, who is years
old. will take unto himself a
wife about Ne a Year.
Cotton may be quoted at ten
cents but no loyal farmer can
quoted as agreeing to that
Tie country has
its hands once more.
Tho game la a- does not protect .
people against getting shot-
People will never get good
roads until they want them and
are no longer content to drive
along through the mud.
In issuing bonds for currency
in time of peace, Mr. Roosevelt
has proved that he is not above
purloining one article of
Cleveland's wardrobe,
Joe Cannon will be
Speaker of the short session of
congress, which convened at
nun today. He has been
by the Republican caucus
as his own successor, and with
the large Republican majority
the nomination means an
The Democratic members of
the House of Representatives in
caucus named Hon. John Sharp
Williams, of Mississippi, as their
candidate for speaker. This
means that Mr. Williams will be
the floor leader of the Democrats
at the present session of congress
and, in our opinion, a better
could not have been
made. The caucus also adopted
resolutions calling for an
mediate revision of the tariff. ;
Recently The Reflector printed
a news item taken from an ex-
change in reference to the con
the government postal
are having over the fact
that so few white men stand ex-
in the railway mail service. The
reason given for this, and the
authorities themselves should be
able to see it, is that the service
has been thrown open to
and they are flocking to it in such
numbers that self respecting
white men turn from
than be humiliated by having u
work in close companionship with
The news item referred
to also spoke of the inefficiency
of mail clerks, and under
work the mail service was
retrograding. The postal
have only themselves to
for such a condition, and if
they want to maintain the
of the mail sen ice they
must inaugurate changes in this
For some time one of the rail-
way mail clerks on the run be-
tween Weldon and Kinston has
been a and recently an-
other has been added.
This last one is an ex-preacher
who gave up the ministry to go
into the mail service.
Since the service has b en
open to them many schools
are making instruction in
mail service a course of study so
as to force as many of the race
into it as but even with
this school training they art
inefficient as mail clerks, fur
they are incapable of performing
the duties. No one can
the white men for keeping cut
of it when the service is being
crowded with
It is time the congressmen
themselves were- interfering and
in some objections to this
condition, unless they want to
see the mail service further
Now it is claimed that the
economy of the shopping women
who used to spend their pin
money more freely, is the real
cause of the panic. We knew
the men would succeed in putting
the blame on the women some
Some Chicago married women being endowed with the mind
have agreed not to kiss their which has produced such won-
. . . . ,. , world That there
husbands if there is the odor of j was such a power
certain. When we a house
we know that there was a
liquor on the masculine breath.
Now suppose the husbands
fer the foaming to
The fact that the bonds to be
issued by the government were
over subscribed by people who
want to invest in them, shows
that there is yet money in the
land. If the money in hiding
was brought out and put in cir-
there would be no more
danger of financial panics.
Three hundred and fifty mil
lion cold storage eggs are to be
turned loose in Chicago, to offset
the supply taken from the hold
of the Atlantic liner, which aided
the British hen in becoming a
a contemporary of the American
For once Speaker Cannon's
of economy bubbled in
the right direction. He says
the parcels post matter is not to
be considered now. And it
should not be considered at any
other time, except to put it in
the pigeon hole and let it stay
A young man in Mecklenburg
county shot and killed a young
lady, and after being arrested
confessed his crime- Yet when
the investigated
the verdict of the jury was
that the young woman was shot
by some party unknown. That
seems to about reach the limit.
The young man was certainly
taking chances his life to
ell such a lie on himself.
Perhaps the reason that Mr
Bryan does not want a campaign
committee next time he runs is
that he may be able to let down
Chairman K. Jones with-
out hurting his feelings.
After getting licked in the
election, Asheville saloon keepers
appealed to the aldermen to give
them a few months longer to do
business. The aldermen sat
down on the proposition-
The Herald intimates
that the ministry is open to Gov-
Glenn if he does not get
what lie wants after his term
expires- If the ministry should
get him there is no question
about it having a good man who
would honor the calling,
A society has been organized
at Paterson, N. J., that has for
its object the breaking up of the
secret orders of the country.
Perhaps this is only another of
the anarchistic for
. aim
has become awarded the credit for it which
Tits fine
The Coastal Canal and Mr. Small.
Abolish Cape is
the title of an interesting article
on the Atlantic inland water-way
in The Technical World Magazine
for December, which is
by a picture of Hon. John
H- Small, Representative in Con-
of the first district of North
Carolina, who is spoken of as
father of the inland water-
and the of whose
seven right is confidently
foreshadowed. A; d upon this
great enterprise and its foremost
promoter The Norfolk Virginian-
the proposed coastal
canal become an accomplished
fact in the near future, and there
is reasonable ground for
that it will, no small measure
of credit will be due
Representative John H. Small,
cf the first North Carolina dis-,
Ever since his initial en-1
trance into Congress several
years ago, Mr- Small, while
striving particularly in behalf of
the Norfolk Beaufort link, has
labored indefatigably to impress
upon his colleagues in that body
and upon the country at large
the importance and value of con-
up the chain of interior
water-ways which nature has
provided along the Atlantic sea-
board from to
Florida. To this end he has
from the first persistently urged
just such concert of action and
effort which is now assured as a
result of the Philadelphia con-
of last week. Had his
plea been heeded when first
made, it is a statement that
the project would now be well
on the way towards
When it is consummated
there will be credit enough for
all, but to the man who first
the movement and has for
years battled in behalf of the
project, alone and single handed,
assuredly an especial measure of
credit will be justly due
This great will assuredly
one day be effected if for no other
reason than the undisputed
merit of the proposition. We
trust that Mr. Small will live to
see the consummation, but
so or not he has had the
good fortune to live to see
public interest thoroughly enlist-
ed in the enterprise and himself
The board of trade of Norfolk
will hold a meeting next Tuesday
to consider the matter of reopen-
the Jamestown exposition for
four months during next sum-
mer. We hope the movement
in that direction will reach
The second battleship
Texas, the first armor-clad
of the modern United States
navy, has been placed on the
retired list at the Norfolk navy-
yard- The hail with de-
light the bells
rung on the Texas, although
conspicuous in the battle of San-
the vessel has always bet n
regarded as a
builder, and all the theories of
scientists and all the negations
of agnostics cannot destroy that
knowledge and no argument can
that tact. When we
see an oak tree we know that it
was built after a fashion that no
human builder could achieve,
but is built by a Builder never-
Now, the question which the
scientists and skeptics and
have never even attempt-
ed to answer is, What has become
of the great Builder of the
verse Is it reasonable to sup
pose that such a Being was
and has died or ceased to ex-
Is it conceivable that after
having created so prodigious and
wonderful a man with a spirit
for which a kingdom is too small
a bond, that the Creator should,
if living, retire and lose interest
in the work of his hands
And such a theory would be too
hard a tax upon human credulity;
What, though in solemn silence, all
Move round the dark ball;
What though no real voice nor
Amid their radiant orbs be
In reason's ear they rejoice,
And utter forth glorious voice
Forever singing as they shine
The Hand that makes us is divine.
Entry of Vacant Land.
Entry no. 614.-R. H. by F. C
Harding, Atty., enters and claims about
or land
. township, Pitt county, N.
i amp on both sides
creek adjoining the lands of M.
N. B. on the south-
K. M. H. Garrison the
land- k nova as on north,
by Laura and Little
John lands on the east.
This Nov.
R. H.
by F. C Harding, Atty.
Any person or persons claiming title
to or interest in the foregoing described
land must file their protest in writing
with me within the next thirty days, or
they will be barred by law.
Entry Taker
By the power of sale coo
tamed in a Mortgage deed executed
and delivered by Oscar H.
to i. A. Randolph on the 21st
November, 1906 and duly rec-
the Register of deeds o
county. North
page the undersign
to public sale, before
door in Greenville,
highest bidder, on M
day of December, ,
real property to
of containing
more or less, adjoining
A. Randolph, the Fa
heirs, the home i
said tract of land
township, Pitt
Carolina, to satisfy
This 13th day of
L. A. Randolph,
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
famous in late years.
his Observer.
Whether we agree or disagree
I with the political theories of Mr.
William J. Bryan, the
more Sun, no one car. deny his
marvelous power as an orator.
And it is certain that such
that which he delivered
in Baltimore Sunday afternoon
are a powerful influence upon
young men for upholding and
sustaining good morals and the
Christian religion. King David
wrote lone ago that fool
hath said in his heart there is no
and a celebrated preacher
added that but a fool
would have said Mr. Bryan
seized upon the manifest weak
points in the argument of those
who deny the existence of God,
and he dwelt upon it and
pressed it upon his audience with
brilliant rhetoric- Great scion
have assailed the Mosaic
account of the creation and the
whole narrative upon which the
Christian religion is founded.
But they have never advanced
any other reasonable theory to
account for the facts as we have
them. The theory of evolution
is a reasonable theory as far as it
goes, and does not contradict the
essential doctrine of the
But the weak point in the doc-
indeed, it can be called
a the skeptic is the
absence of any theory as to a
I primal cause. It is perfectly
conceivable that with matter in
existence, endowed with all the
various properties that it is
known to possess, the universe
as it now exists may have been
But what marvelous
and incomprehensible Power was
it that first created matter and
endowed it with those latent
which finally caused it
to grow into the vast and
able universe, scattered through
boundless space, with the mys-
force of gravity, the
nature of which no man knows,
to keep the earth and the
bodies in their everlasting
course What inconceivable
intelligence was it that framed,
or created, or evolved so marvel-
a mechanism as a human
You Should
OWN the Wonderful
Phonograph. it talks,
laugh plays music all
Let us put one in your home for
you. cell them as as
any one else you have no ex-
press to pay. You can hear the
records BEFORE you buy them.
Sold on Easy
Write or Come to See Us.
Not Quite I
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Is a you could desire, not
we will see that your tool
box not a
The undersigned Administratrix will
sell for Mill about
t mile from Greenville on Thursday,
December 6th. Hale to begin at
A ., the following
ed i to
About of one horse,
several cattle wagons,
gin-r one
Machine ti and
one edger, id
on pair i
grit mills, two lumber true-ks,
ea of steel rails, one mowing ma
chine, one horse power boiler and
horse engine, number Knight
Saw one Van Winkle System Gin
complete, two Harrows, On Disc
row, new Cox Cotton planter.-, sever-
several Guano Distributors, two
Corn Planters, a large quantity of
cultural Implements, one blacksmith
shop with full equipment, about
barrels of corn and a lot of fodder
one Iron Safe and some
store fixtures and articles of
This November the 19th 1907.
Q. V. Bland, Administratrix.
P. G. James, Attorney.
You get Harriers
Horse Goods i c
j p
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on
Fresh Good kept con-
Ill in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Just Arrived At
Where you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
celled, guarantee it per
cert pure. Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters, cook
stoves, shot guns,
Enamel ware etc. It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand the celebrated
American Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig tight and different
heights. Their place is head-
quarters for Roofing, which you
will find in Iron, Gravel,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
implements In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied by
Baker Hart
is in
rid r
C. NYE, who is authorized
resent the Eastern in Winterville and territory
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse an
fountain pens.
B. T.
Mr. and Mrs. las of
Seven Springs, I to
home Friday
having spent i me
Mrs. E- E. Cox.
Our entire of b
at cost for tn I -x
They must go B. V.
Rev. W. E Cox let
morning to take
new field in
best wishes go
PA new It t of best j
in. A. W. Ange Co.
Quite a numb r of . . i
of Winterville High School w-.
to their n in--- i
Glass coffee j t
Miss Novella Bunting went t
Bethel to spend g
with her parents.
cement at
A- W. and Co.
Misses Mollie Bryan. K.
Chapman, and Laura Cox,
spent Thanksgiving day at
We have on hard a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price
Our price, B T. Cos
There were services at all
churches here Thursday-
exercises were held at the
Free Will Baptist church at night
which very enjoyable.
Perk paving time is here.
your salt at A W. Ange and Co
Misses Cora Forbes and Eliza
beth Boushall spent
day with Mrs J. O. Bobbitt,
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
Rainy weather brings
no dread to those who are we
Co. are prepared to
meal for you at
Wood also a
A I; x went to New Bern
,. . , business connected
A n . let association work.
. . Dur of station-
, .,. We must make
, immense stock
coming During
we will make
to all our customers
B. T. Cox Bro.
v i is past and all
b back and are
work, looking forward
mile o st, Christmas.
of new pupils
rooms for the
M i
i .- of all sizes
t F Manning
i mufflers
wind at B. F
I of
th. . . G. Cox
ll Ta
i. engaged
T W Sons 1907
a . can now
the drug store of Dr-
B. T. Cox Bro.
Mis Louise Fleming, of House,
spent Monday night with Miss
Janie Kittrell.
Have all your wood turning
v, at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. First class work
A. G. Cox R. H.
r attended the sale of the
Milling and
Co. Monday
G. Co. have
chased ck of goods owned
by H. L and will con-
business in the same
ore- t to see Mr.
it th
n at J.
m any
i e
y c
v w I
ft re why no
thinking r
.-audits by
i- handy
cheap be
j ruble.
J. M. BLOW, iv an an i d
k.-. Daily
receipts for
r have a lift
ill v tin mail at
its office. We also take orders
fort i
Johnson u out of business,
i, one f our and
best business men.
Rev. N. C. Duncan filled hit
regular appointment at the
i morning.
the A g Manufacturing
company have now on file orders
for a few of their old reliable
cox cotton planters and simplex
sowers for spring ship-
A. G. Cox, Mrs- G. E.
provided with good rubber R Carroll went
to Greenville Sunday to visit rel-
on y
second Sunday in
black male hog,
about pounds,
--lit in each ear.
to pay in-
V. E. Tucker.
R. F D. Winterville, N C.
x Manufacturing
r- a solid ear
r- Pittsburgh Fence.
h before you buy
prices that are in-
Cox Co. will
i I percent for
chocks on or
t in payment
i's or in purchase
in line.
, Post Card-at
H Bather
i n i
afraid of the banks
panic and hoard up
and boots. We have the best
Harrington, Barber
and company.
Harrington Barber Co have.
a complete stock of ready made
clothing see him before you get
your next suit.
Mrs. J. L. Jackson and Miss
Roland Cobb are spending some
time with relatives at C
Miss Cox returned to
Galloway's cross roads to begin
work in her school.
will pay per
cent, premium on cashier's
checks till Dec. 1907.
B. F. Co.,
Winterville, N. C
of all kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling mfg.
Some days ago, Geo. Kittrell
shipped a pony to New Hill,
You talk about good neat and
comfortable school desk that are
cheap but I can assure you that
the desk made
by the A G cox Manufacturing
company has all these qualities
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
gentlemen just in at Harrington,
Barber Co-
The A G Cox Manufacturing
company are selling their famous
welded fence fast
Any one in need of good fence
and barb wire will be to their in-
call to see them before
they buy.
The famous A.
stalk cutter is the best stalk cut-
on the market, come and ex-
it and see if you will not
agree with us. B F Manning
Have your carts, wagons and
buggies put in good trim for the
fall use. All kinds of repair
work done promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg. Co.
Try a tree brand pocket knife.
They are under guarantee.
They are kept in stock by B. T.
Cox Bro,
Now is the time to get single
and double low down
at A. W. Angle Co.
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
a aves.
buggies are
if you want a nice up-to
date runabout you had
better give him an early call
Monday a strange came
to our town and sold John Spark
man a bicycle for ten dollars.
Sparkman suspicioned something
wrong, as ten dollars was o
cheap for a wheel of that grade.
He immediately phoned to Kin-
in regard to the matter
learned that a had stolen a
wheel and clothes there.
Sparkman attempted to catch the
but the latter had too much
speed. Mr. of Greenville,
was phoned for immediately and
came with blood hounds. They
trailed the to a
between Winterville and Green-
ville but had to stop on account
of darkness.
Mrs- Susan Jackson is having a
residence erected near Dr- Cox's
A. house and lot conveniently
located to business section of
town, for sale. For terms see
Ed Nelson, Winterville
The cold weather brings no
dread to those having plenty bed-
ding, blankets and i a
specialty at A. W Ange and Co.
A new line of plaids and home
spun at B F Manning company
Now is the time to purchase
your Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. G. Cox Man-
Co., have plenty of
them on hand. Call and see them.
Another large lot of Men's and
just opened. Come
and examine them
Harrington. Barber Co,
to say t my many
friends that I am now with the
Carolina Milling and
company, where you can get
all kinds of repair work done on
short notice. Thanking you for
your past favors. I also solicit a
The road hands were treated
They are now
work on what is known as the
Swamp section in th s
So well are they
work the
them a dinner
They had a fifty two pound
of beef and Mr Dick Co
thirty seven potato custard
them-one custard i
hand The way w
things furnished
he occasion, disappeared in th
man was indeed
These poor fellows know
i w to appreciate a good
swell as poor mortals
if they only have
food man of God to have W
hem the meaning of Thanks-
much it might
to the occasion
For fresh and cheap goods go
O E. E. Co., they alway
have the best.
Cotton is coming in more rap-
than some time past.
George and family
relatives in
A. Tasteless Chill tonic with
ion, positive permanent
relief in chills and I v
i general tonic only at U. M.
store, Ayden, N.
gladly welcome the
f Walter Barfield and I
their old home, Ayden. They
nave been living near
for the vast year.
Overcoats at a bargain Bit lot
just received. See our line be-
buy. J. R
Mrs Whitty, of Newborn, is
visit to her mother at hot-1
Tripp, are now possession of the old white
that Peter owned.
Mrs. Martha Stocks is visiting
friends in Williamston.
J. R. Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime.
Mack Taylor is, we ire pleased
to learn, very much better.
Now for a new fall suit.
fail to see our line before you buy
R. Turnage and
Car load Portland Cement at
J. R. Smith
Frank Jordan is off for the
Your lady friend would
one of those fancy box-s
of candy at Sauls
drug store, Ayden N. C.
F. Lilly and Mrs. Lilly
spending Thanksgiving with
their parents at Maple Cypress.
See our beautiful line of ladies
dress goods before you buy. J-
R, Turnage and company.
Mrs. W. J. Boyd and Lilla
are in Greensboro visiting
the family of E- G. Cox.
Keen cutlery and hard-
ware at J. R- Smith co
A great many left
home yesterday and a large
number of visitors came here to
spend Thanksgiving.
Buy a pair of our patent
leather shoes for men. Every
guaranteed not to crack
R. Turnage and Company.
We spent the day yesterday
with our relative. J. J. Edwards,
and had an excellent dinner and
a good time.
This is the time of the year
that your face and hands chap
so badly don't suffer with it but
call at M. M. drug store
and get a bottle of violet cream,
only per bottle.
Croup Pneumonia Dangerous dis-1 Gray Moore, of swift creek,
eases. Require prompt treatment, here Thursday.
Emergency Doctor hi your home. Delights or j and fresh fish.
trial it drug stores, if reports are true another of
One thirty-seven acre t rm
just outside corporation at
Ayden Lon C
NOTICE-The Junior Builder
of the Ayden Christian
chi request all of its
I s to be present Friday night
m r i, at o'clock to
social Please all come Sunday
Glad to see our good friend
Mr. J. J. Edwards, out again
has to M
for several days.
Dr. Marshall, of Atlantic
. i hi re mi a to C. A.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
ams, shoulders, ant.
eggs to J R. Smith Co.
A tenement house out in
n caught fire and w
urned last Wednesday
of the fire is
i .
iV i
; coin to
J. N- Alexander i
Sm 1.1-1 n . an I
i a i
t home. We read
almost daily s where
money is stolen the house or
by fire. Put it into
of give the
benefit of its circulation and
the same time i is
J. L. Jackson, Cashier.
Cotton seed meal and
F. V. Johnston's.
See F. V. Johnston for
thing in the way of fed.
Sadness is often jollity gone to
Mingle a little gaiety with
your grave pursuits. Horace.
There are more currency
remedies than cures for that tired
Under the present rules foot-
ball sterns to be a thing of the
Every man has a r lace in the
world, but most of them have a
lot of trouble finding it
plan of currency re-
form congress adopts will
with criticism from about forty
million voters, each of whom has
a plan of his own.
Chicago aldermen balked at
taxing the baby It
would probably have been vetoed
by anti-race suicide president
have been ft
occupied the house. It
he property of Richard -ion
-on, col., and we learn was in-
Boys I have a nice line of
razors from 1.00 t
I d well to one d
ave time and money See m
of and r brand
if pocket M M
child of Mr.
who lives in Green
last Saturday
here Sunday
and buried in
Big cots latest styles,
at J. R. Smith
Ira T. of
spent Sunday
will have a full
oyster's Candies, also
in tea, bananas, raisins
ind want in
an I co
J N. Alexander and C
A certain young
in town la-1. Sunday or
acting as to
h he could secure for a c-
he was a
investment for a noble purpose.
Anything, everything,
resent you want and
you do not want in our
C hist mas stock-
The Milling and
factoring plant was sold at pub
lie auction here
was bid in J. F for
J. N. Alexander and
J- R. Turnage has been to and
returned from Kinston lately.
There were a large number i
visitors in Ayden Monday from
Pine far cough balsam will re-
your cough and cold a
bottle from M M Sauls
J. L. Smith, of
was a at Squire
and rain coats
fail to see them
J R and company
These beautiful willow bas-
containing such
candy at seems d
to please many a maiden fair.
The way painters are
around here adds
considerable to the appearance of
our town.
-i r t
razors for a or
., more
M M Sauls druggist
. n
. her mo her e
left for her home in New-
barn Monday
The report of the dis-
--v for tho -.- i
total resources or
d of living
to the town of
man who was drank
other day our in
drunk would lock him-
and save the chief the
bas been
with her . L.
v. I.
on market that has bi
s m time.
a n
iV n 1--
. been, will;. be, in the
U I ii i
. .- . . . and
forget, it-
Miss f
if. i visiting Mrs. G
the smiles
, -i beaming
visits f whom
lam rumor is m . sell
iV will
ii is
i broth r,
i. an I
X, x lo
s candy i from
at Saul's -ii .-
R. F Johnson and
i Monday.
Car H
their entire stock Xe-
Groceries and Confection-
for sale in bulk. Terms
cash, call on them if you wish a
bargain- A nice large large
large brick store in which to eon
duct business can be reused on
easy terms.
i Haw Hat
i-t received style
-a Guarantee I. S
i me and
. Martin, i G
Sunday night here. He
next morning with -i
and serene.
bin i f
Christmas good . 12th.
J R. Turnage . one day
last week a bale of
from W H. weigh-
p which they
paid ii; h I bile
to is
that en other col in s
for cents W farm-
just know how
-I. Son
received a car load of
wire fence,
The largest and cheapest line
of stationary in town d buy
until you have examined M. M-
Sale of Personal Property,
On Wednesday, Dec. 11th, at the late
of H. Moore, deceased,
near mill, will sell at public
auction for cash a lot of household and
kitchen furniture, farming utensils,
team, cattle, corn and fodder.
This 18th day of Nov. 1907.
Mrs. Martha A. Moore.
of D. H. Moore.
prince merchants will be
whistling We
If you want a new fall suit, we
have them, Latest styles and
prices reasonable. J R Turnage
and company
One of the worst things about
liberal share of your future pat- any money is how restless
Yours to serve,
Jas. A. Manning.
you are to spend it so you won't J
have any.
Dr Joseph Di
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
At the of
Loam discount stock
Overdraft secured 14.07
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Duo from banks and bankers 4,601.81
cash items
Gold coin 120.00
Silver coin
Nat. bk notes other 1,335.00
Deposits subject to shot it 181.07
cashier's checks outstanding
I. R. Smith, Cashier of the bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.

The following editorial from
the Atlanta Journal so com-
and tersely states the
causes of the present financial
condition, as well as the means
by which its evil influence has
been counteracted, that we
place to it full, believing that
the editorial columns of The Re-
cannot be used to bettor
advantage. The Journal,
The true inwardness of the
recent crisis has now
become known and no doubt re-
considered, in the most pros-
condition it has enjoyed
for years. And yet such is the
plain, fact
It is the story of the fight that
failed, an New York con-
are covered with con-
That the shrinkage in values
will continue for some little time
to come is not only natural but
bl- At the sane time it
is equally certain that the worst
of the Stringency is over. Money
is beginning to reach the west
with which to move grain
crop and in a I lime it will be
coming south to move the cotton
As soon as the latter
buds who are honorable A SOCIAL
who can do something- Dudes
should be discarded in every. Winterville, N. C. Nov. 1907,
particular. Our young men A most enjoyable occasion
should seek wives who know how was the birthday party last Fri
to govern a home and be able day night, given Misses
and Cox at their
home in honor of Messrs.
mains in the minds of those who movement is well under way we
Z familiar with the facts that J expect to
the was shrewdly man-
in New York.
It was an organized assault on
the Room administration.
Dudes and butterflies and
are forgotten. Men and women
are not forgotten.
N. C
Duncan and Harvey Cox.
The invited guests arrived at
North Carolina in 1870 one early hour and were cordially
of the poorest and most illiterate, greeted, soon were lost in
States in the union. Now she the amusements provided
the policies it
cotton advance materially and
business in general resume its
normal condition.
There i n to indulge
a hop I and to
At the Hi the c
in general will n-. i forget
ii was the the Wall street icy
most despicable I
by Messrs,
cooked up by the New York
banks to bring about
and embarrassment As
the cl become known
it is
deep and
conspiracy ever entered into b
the fir . inti rests of New
The lie already familiar
with of I e c B of the
n. know Ion
, N I h d
is . deposits by
v- r
longs i i in
. mi I in
th rial c pit long i
had w in
from Europe,
banks . i in . ii i
to the sou h d
the cotton and
i . lit
ti . i n o -.-
i. ti ; m m
. y ;.;,
ch i of I him to verify .
mil is ion, i j govern be it,
. at is n y for
the . Ii n in the i I p p of th C r i a
their w i has been
Up t . poi I privilege of the writer to
v be in
t h
t .
stands second in cotton
second to the countries of
the world in th- manufacture
of furniture. She is second in
the production and manufacture
of tobacco- She has a greater
diversity of crops than any other
State in the and has water
power enough to turn the factory
wheels of the world.
The older men must soon pass
Directions For Car of
The first teeth, like the second,
re required for the proper
of the food, which is all the
more necessary in the growing child,
who needs more nourishment in
proportion than an older person of
twice his size. As soon as the teeth
appear they should be cleansed with
a soft cloth, and when the child is
old enough a little brush should be
given to him, and he should be
taught how to use it. After this
for the evening. Several games, the mother or nurse should see that
were played and some excellent it is used The mouth of
music was rendered. Mr. Dun-
can is good j a, id toasts.
Many faces turned red as. he
gave them some of his
t on. We will mention a
That is a group all inter-
i ii each t the two young
men with thus girls on the sofa,
away, the destiny of the State are just from the dormitory, and
will be in the hands of its young are laughing up th sleeves,
men and women. Its future and Henry can give th.-
depends upon what they are. younger boys a few points on
every child should be examined two
or three times a year by the dentist,
and any little cavities discovered
should be stopped with temporary
tilling. Indeed, as much care should
be taken of the first as of the second
set of teeth, for they are just as
necessary to health, beauty and com-
One only has to look into the
face of G Glenn and see
Miss Olive is not a politician
the great heart of a man who is I but it's plain to see that she's
willing to stand for truth even fond of Bryan, and has a
the face of the hardest mania for
The day will be long re-1
fruits especially
HOC;, by the students of Miss Roland is dreaming by the
I lie High School and F
mil . . v v, 26.1 of the town and community.
alone will reveal the
and the Fountain
forth a stream of
quern language of the dream.
Miss Jam thinks it a
party, and Roy- well he's
busy now. Will ask him later.
Magdalene is over there ask-
about the moon, perhaps
If the president takes chances I can tell her how to
estimate of this address.
The governor left immediately
for where he delivered a
W. H. and D J.
Whichard arrived Green-1
m few the powerful speech on temperance.
and n of the
com at throwing and spoon in it.
coins, he has no right to Miss Elsie has caught a
North Si d I complain if his boy should try but Theodore enjoying
school, ii was m's luck at a game of poKer or the fun.
introduced by Prof. I a rounds at cotton In the midst of these
way. II i. i an
ii . more r
Cleaning Soiled Ribbon.
Pick out all pieces of thread, lay
ribbon down right side up on cloth
covered table. If the ribbon is
wide, pin down smooth as possible.
Put a small piece of white soap in
a dish or saucer, then put in a little
cold water. Make a soft pad of old
muslin. With this rub a little of
the and water together. Com-
at one end of the ribbon.
Saturate a little at a time,
hard on soiled and whore
creases are. Keep ribbon smooth.
If the cloth underneath the ribbon
becomes too wot, move the ribbon.
When it is perfectly clean and
smooth dry without any pressing.
Ribbon cleaned this way will look
nearly like new.
the a bell
that there
While examining into the
fairs the Trust
New York it was shown to the
m that the trust
To Clean Light Gloves.
Provide yourself with a of
l pure while soap, a little skim milk
and sonic clean soft rags. After
I placing the glove on the hand dip n
j piece of rag into the milk and rub
d on the soap. Scrub the gloves
thoroughly, the rags at
they become soil.,. using as little
as to to wot
the I in this
manner dry i and look like
While this may b
h r i f the ding orators
if the United S i efforts will b
v J. .- have
news to Uncle
common p o-
especially those who pro--;
handle the tobacco crop.
have known for years that
was true. Mow that govern
Sam's the
all Miss
with Mr. l-v
Magdalene C i
C ix, Miss with
Mr. a. C- Du .-ii a m
with Ii
horn. Miss Elsie Vi
Mr Then lore Cox, MUs
i a r
. into too
. of his words
i net clot in
mi i
la h
like a boll I
. . that w
. I i
I . vi , and it
i in a
the certificates
, if n i the Pan-
I But the of
the was pp establish-
ed the willingness of the
com to for I h i
s p demon-
t .
over ; . i c
tension h had existed in
for the past three
weeks immediately began to re-
lax and the business of
try to assume a more hope-
Improved feeling has gone
on every day
since the announcement of the
new issue was made and the
result is that in well informed
circles the feeling prevails that
the stringency b practically over.
It was a question as to whether
the banks would go to the
dent or the go to
the it was the latter
who had to knuckle under.
It is difficult to find language
in which to describe the
of the financial interests in
New York in furtherance
of the policy of reaction against
the administration crusade, was
willing to strangle the
interests of the whole
try and bring on a period of
demoralization at a time when
the country itself, substantially
deeply I
. ire
I -i
He . along t line of
C with Mr. Fountain Cox.
made to remedy Kittrell Mr. R
Miss Carrie Johnson h
Mr. Henry Miss Kati i
Belle Henderson with Mr
Jesse Rollins, Miss
i. with Mr. J
Miss Corinne thorn
with Mr. X
room was
. r and the con-1
and delicious
all bountifully
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in c. rage
Deed executed u d d red ,
C. S. and wife,
Vinson, to N. Vinson
, . it in 23rd day r, LI
and -w I ;
, North in Book page la
t ,; will expose .
ind to develop to public sale, before the me of which
bod. the P
the refreshments
me answering
th when w go to our hying
tomes, i Pitt
mind develop by hard Rn
u i, it, . . should not afraid on the
i i en to the
Broiled Salt Mackerel.
shell ii nun i re I . soaking it
lit in i water. Dry in a
place III down in a
hi. well buttered trying pan; brown
a in- side, tin n turn and In-own
m the r, n. more butter as
Win ii through add
from one-third to one-half cupful
thin cream and let ii up well.
Remove the to a hot platter,
pour r ii the gravy and
with parsley.
Cement For
Add one pin I of vinegar one
pint of milk and the
the whey. Mix the whey with
the v. of five i . . Hi at it
to In and sift into a m . in of
lime ii into a thick paste,,
Broken or china men d
ill I re a,
v, re i t the i of lira and
Flee- Finish.
To make n n look like
hard . ; v,
two of deep yellow paint.
I one quart will do it. Then
. p
edge must be stored up in order
to make new r .
The soul must cultivated.
It is this that connects us with
the Spirit of ruling and guiding
it. Queen Victoria, the greatest
queen that the world has r
seen, was a devout Christian
Wm. E. Gladstone, the greatest
premier of the age. went into
ids secret chamber times a
day and there communed with
his God. The great General
Robert E. Lee was a most hum-
and devout Christian. The
men whose lives stand out a
great monuments of the ages are
those whose lives were in touch
with God.
Our grand old State needs men
and women whose lives are
dominated by two principles.
unto others as you would
have them do unto and
thy neighbor as thy self
Then we should have little need
of j a i penitentiaries and
The State also needs men and
women who are willing to do
something. All work well done is
honorable, even from the
lest boot black to the governor.
Our daughters should only con-
sider the young men for
Emily corner
and runs with the Tar road
t and 2-5 poles to the
h . of i ditch, thence with said
and beyond N.
east poles t a in an-
other ditch, thence with said
ditch S. E.
poles to the crook of same, thence
with aitch the
c and distances,
degrees E. 4-6 poles to crook-
of same ditch S. degrees E.
poles to another crook S. E.
poles to another crook, then
degrees E. poles to an-
other crook of said ditch at a
sweet gum in J. H. Corey's line,
thence with said Corey's line its
various courses to Mrs. Emily
Manning's corner, thence with
her line to the beginning, con-
acres more or less to
satisfy said mortgage deed.
of sale cash.
This 4th day of November,
James N. Vinson, Mortgagee.
Moore Long, Attorneys.
Greenville, N. C.
around the table. Take a cloth just large enough to
o over
prize for the most of;
i i m v m kerosene i I and
these, was carried oil by Mr. N
C- Duncan
Mr. Duncan and Mr. Cox
Jordan Mow
Will be
President Jordan, of
the Southern Cotton association
written a letter to the farm-
throughout the South urging
to their cotton until
the prices reach their proper
Mr. Jordan points out
he money stringency is fast
being relieved and conditions
soon be as good as ever and
hen there is no reason why cot-
ton should not bring more
Following is the letter written
to the different
Association, Atlanta, Ga. No-
1907. -In the face of
the present monetary
and the strenuous effort's of bear-
manipulation to depress prices
for spot cotton, the cotton grow-
all over the South are stand-
firm, in their heroic purpose
to maintain the market and
vent the anticipated panic of
sales, so confidently hoped
for from certain speculative
sources. The records show that
the crop moved freely, until
quite recently, and the year's
due by the formers,
largely liquidated. Every bank-
merchant and business inter-
est in the South should now give
every aid to growers
in the present holding movement,
the price of spot cotton
reaches the high level it should
and force the payment of
its full intrinsic value.
recent census
report does not indicate a crop in
excess of 11.000,000 bales, due to
very short yield
in foreign
ties is reported at least
bales short as compared with
last year. Exports of
e i ton i see bales
in the last twelve months, and
the continues unabated.
The money stringency is fast
relieved and the business
soon assume its normal
-el Sail no cotton that can
financed, or held, at present
prices. The future strength of
the cotton growing interests of
South depends upon winning
the victory in the present
Let every man in the South
do his full duty and the reward
will be sure and swift in the
realization of higher prices.
merchants, hankers
and interests generally
the holding move-
should hold mass meetings
at once in their r
ties or parish s and determine
upon a concentrated effort and
effective CO operation.
Yours truly,
Southern Cotton As-
oil will look
Farm of about acres in one
mile of Farmville. Small house,
stables and barn, and water.
Fine land for any crops and good
location Will sell reasonable for
cash. Clayton Joyner,
K. F. Farmville, N. C.
with cloth free from lint. So
the recipients of many after
and useful presents, and the
roods wishes of for many
of the day.
The Misses certainly know
how to delightfully entertain,
and everybody expressed them-
selves as having had a most
pleasant evening.
The report of the Isthmian
feel at a time. Then Commission, which gives
hot f and Map, wiping detail the progress of work on
Press dispatches from New
York state th it the banks of that
city and throughout the country
will soon resume the payment
of currency in place of
In the opinion of men
prominent in the financial world,
the issuance of treasury
and the activity of the
great corporations of the country
in promptly taking them up, has
led the banks to the
bank note circulation, thus re-
the situation.
Stale Bread,
To make old bread like new when
yon find bread is getting stale
or dry just the loaves and let
water run mi thorn for a second,
hack into the bread tins and
for twenty minutes.
To Splinters.
Splinters may be removed by pour-
hot water in a wide mouthed
bottle and holding
against the the splinter
the Panama canal for the fiscal
year just closed, discloses the
remarkable fact that no yellow
fever on the canal zone
during the year. All of us here
thought yellow jack had its
native home and flourished down
there. The report shows what
revolutions common sense
and a slight regard for
health conditions will
is. The steam will scion remove it.
Polishing the Stove.
T -e boiled linseed oil on the steel
parts, rubbing on with woolen cloth.
Clean nickel with whiting and am-
and good stove polish for the
Cheese Salad.
In Washington City confidence
is felt over the success of the
treasury plans to relieve dressing and garnish with
money stringency. National
banks are taking the new treas-
certificates as a oasis of cir-
the Chicago banks
chasing of the new
issue for that purpose.
Fish, former pres-
of the Illinois Central Rail-
road, and one of few New
York financiers who operated a
great railroad system for the
benefit of all the people along
its line, as well as for the best
interest of its stockholders, be-
that there can be no res-
of public confidence
until the State and Federal
a small cake of cottage I send to jail the men
cheese in a bed of shredded lettuce. who have looted corporations.
Cover with a thick mayonnaise. It would not surprise us at all
if Mr. Fish hasn't struck the
true solution of the problem.
To set colon. The placing of some of the
If fabrics are green, add vinegar big thieves behind prison bars
to the water; if lilac or pink, a little would likely relieve the situation,
ammonia. Salt will set the color of , It would at least make honest
black and white muslin. men rest easy.
Grifton. N. C, Nov. 1907.
Mr. prohibition
election has come and gone
and the question forever
I settled so far as Grifton is con-
It was a battle royal
between the devil's forces and
Cod's children. There were
three elements that were warring
with each other up to the last
hour prior to the to
The saloon element,
led I won't say who;
the dispensary element, whose
leader I will not mention, and
the prohibitionists will say
were led by W. Z Over-
ton, Methodist preacher
I here.
The whiskey m- n were like the
feller was who up be-
hind the old sow which was a
very vicious critter Hi taking
hold of her hind leg made her
mad and she tried to turn around
I to him- So he held on for dear
I life seared to death- and com-
hollering for some one
I to come and help him turn the
I old sow loose. But nobody
would go his rescue until just
before the sow was about to get
I loose from him, when some good
Samaritan came to his relief.
The open saloon men caught the
leg of the sow when they
brought in their petition before
the board for election for
loons and worked and
like whiskey men will do When
I the situation to loom up
I before them they began whistling
I to keep up their courage, and
I the nearer they approached the
I crisis and saw their utter de-
they commenced look-
for some one to help
them loose the hold of open
loons. But they had put their
foot in it, and, Bro. Editor, the
prohibition leaders very
offered them protection
wings of prohibition
land took them in of the
I with the understanding
that they would go the
or and the poor,
I scared fellows did CO.
They call themselves now the
Mollie, what
la name A man could call him-
a of a with
las good a face and equal sense.
They remind me of the colonel
the war. The colonel hired
men to build him a house
land every day or two he would
have them tear up and alter the
plans until one day the men said
we believe
you know what you do
The colonel replied he might not
what he wanted, but ho
i d d if he did know
be didn't The whiskey
wanted whiskey l s t.
last and all the if tiny
Mild get saloons, in to
the dispensary. Seeing
they would be beaten by the
dispensary and prohibition
ions they sacrificed their idol
voted for
not that they loved whiskey
less, but that they hated
more. Now they are in-
to claim the victory of
prohibition when they only did
their made them do,
for which no credit is due them
t was a case where the Good
sent us a blessing, but the
who brought it was
devil So we accept His
if it does come through the i
All we want to know is
Eat it is from God. Himself, for
in a mysterious way
wonders to
Oh, whiskey man, you
and sit You
claim any honor in this;
Wilt, if did vote for
You sacrificed
and had to as you did
your neighbor, the
or take Pat
a of a beat-
If there was any chance
you to get open saloons again
would go to the devil
i far as you are concerned in
that your wishes could be
So, now, we will bid you adieu
the devil won't take you I
know what you'll do-
Your true friend.
back home again
An in Ship.-
feels that it is
once in that it
is printed on own press
past month been
one troubles and annoy-
a roller cot out of
place our and broke the
roller, and one wheel
p. out. of use for
the being. A telegram was
to the factory for
new parts to be shipped by ex-
press, and the order was filled
promptly, but the express com-
lost the shipment
it was a long box weighing
and kept us in ignorance
of for two weeks
the factory v as tracing it Then
a duplicate order was sent, and
there was some more
the finally coming and the
press getting in shape for work
in exactly a month niter the ac-
It was only the kind-
of Mr II. T King in per-
us to use his press that
the paper could be printed
the month, but having t
transfer the forms from one of-
to day
much extra expense
and o.---. if time, and cause the
paper to be ton late for mas
day, as well as cu i-
the weekly edition to
Mail subscribers can now
why the paper has
reached them so irregularly
month- We are glad the
trouble is over and hope there
will be no more of it.
The slayer of Ella who
was shot to death at her home,
in Mecklenburg Monday
night, has been captured. He
is a young white man
Helms, and Is said to be a
former lover of the young
woman, Helms the
killing to the Charlotte jailer
but claims that it was an
dent According to his story he
I was passing by the Pryor home
, and saw a gun by the fence. In
a spirit of ho picked up the
gun, winch he thought to be
single barreled, it,
took n shell and knocked
at the door. the young
woman Into view
as he thought, the
loaded gun, and was so badly
frightened when it fired and she
fell that he ran off as fast as lie
could. Hems also says that he
believed at the time that
the mother and not Miss Pryor,
whom he had shot.
M ti if Si Win
Salem Street had a
remarkably narrow escape from
death Wednesday. While in-
stalling n new transmitter at the
power pi mt he cams n contact
with of electricity
and was knocked senseless, but
recovered consciousness in a few
seconds. The injury to Capt.
of a badly burned
hand and a blister on the
left side of hi; head.
. birthday,
Memorial day and the Fourth of
fall on; Saturday, thus
the public double holidays.
Ordinarily these three, do not come
on the day the week, but
by the Feb. this
your i birthday falls
hist fourteen earlier than
which regularly
comes five weeks before the Fourth
of The advantage to the busy
public of having these holidays fall
Saturday, so that they have two
days of leisure together, is obvious.
In last
day-advantage of this principle
was taken in the selection of the-
Monday instead of a selected
day of the month. In 1909 Wash-
birthday falls on Monday;
May and the Fourth of July on
Sunday, which will mean a Monday
observance, so that for two years in
succession double holidays arc as-
sured. In the latter year Christmas
will also fall on Saturday, thereby
affording the most complete trial of
the double holiday possible in our
Canned Shark.
can shark in said
a butcher. make of
flesh a very palatable and nourish-
meat extract. For several years
business has been going on, and
there are now several factorial en-
gaged in it. The stuff exact-
like extract of beef. The fish
taste is eliminated, a secret process.
The sharks, which arc plentiful in
those waters, are first chopped up
fine in big hoppers and afterward
boiled down to a liquid of the con-
of thin gruel. The oil is
skimmed off, a second boiling fol-
lows, then a filtering. A clear fluid
then remains. This is evaporated
to the thickness of molasses, sea-
with Bait and sugar and sealed
up in jars after the addition of some
unknown chemical. It is an excel-
lent meat extract. It hasn't a
of fishiness about it. It builds
up a consumptive or per-
son as well as the best beef would
Angeles Times.
Was a Luxury.
Thrift i- the great trait of the
Dutch of Pennsylvania. It shows
up in many odd In one line,
clean farmhouse in Lancaster
says a writer in Boston
Transcript, some visitors were
at seeing a large porcelain
lined, nickel hound refrigerator
standing in the parlor. Ono of them
asked if might look inside.
hut we only keep
ors in said the wife.
he likes me to have a
line refrigerator, but he got
such a cool collar don't lo
no money on ice at all, so
use it that
it turned out, was
at that moment off trading
A Luncheon and a Critic.
The following is offered as a prize
drape fruit an
strained chicken gumbo
soup, broiled squab chicken,
toes macaroni
fried eggplant, lettuce hearts with
French dressing, cheese, crackers,
diplomat pudding.
If there is anything so tasteless
as a heart, name it. Grape
with maraschino is a fraud,
i e crackers are not lit for the
fourth stomach of an And who
ever hear I of strained chicken gum-
soup I served to a
might as well servo
strained clam chowder
Maryland diamond back
York Press.
According to the statement
Col, Chief of the
Bureau of the
value of -he annual production of
the of the United
States is fifteen billions of dollars
The aggregate value of domestic
last year
was an inc. ease of
the preceding
Sylvester leader of
the int for prohibition in
that the for it
against will
be to one. Mayor
i the vote
that a. pro-
against. N.
Juries prominent at or-
Prohibition work-
says mass of the
and intend
to have it. To all of which v. e
gay n. ,
Affected Mo
According to a Danish medical
journal, I he rays were re-
used upon a boy live years
old. who . treated in hospital for
a disease hair. After twenty-
live applications of the rays the lad
sent homo cured. But whereas
I nature had previously been
bright and intelligent, now ho be-
came- and unreliable
and was sent back to the hospital.
has been for some time sines
under medical observation, and the
o of the doctors at-
j the case i- that tho
i raj can c. lily the
thin scalp of a and an
undesirable influence on the brain.
Thanksgiving day was a red
letter day to the members of the
Junior Order of United American
Mechanics of Winterville Council
No- time
decided to present to the
school it a flap; and
a Bible, so Thursday morning it
was the great pleasure of about
thirty five of the members to
take them to the school above-
mentioned. On their arrival they
were greeted by a large crowd of
the citizens and children of the
At 10-45 the exercises began
with the song by
the school, after which the
was led in prayer by Rev.
Mr. Armstrong, of Ayden. Next
came the address of the by
Prof. G. E- Lineberry. who was
at his best. He reviewed the
leading principles for which the
stands on the rejection of
foreign immigration to our
shores, temperance and
The audience gave the
speaker their undivided
thus showing their
of this excellent
Prof. Lineberry was follow, d
by Prof. W. H- who
r the flag in behalf of the
school. He was delighted with
everything for his very
portrayed tho emotions
within heart,
the history of the school and the
rapid towards advance-
j that have been made in
this community. The Bible
presented by P. C. Nye.
After the ex raises i n the house
were closed, the Juniors raised
the Hag.
came the most interest
part the program,
as it was getting late, and
that was a dinner that i fit for
a king Every Junior present
did full justice to sumptuous
dinner, for which wish to
express highest appreciation
t Mrs. Bobbitt and the ladies of
the community for so kindly re-
C Harvey, of
The Cause of Indian Summer and
gin cf Its Name.
As the all know,
we usually have a season of
mild, hazy weather some
lime in November, to which has
been given the name of Indian sum-
mer. Familiar as the phenomenon
is, however, few people know what
causes it, chiefly perhaps because
they have never tried to find out.
Most of the scientists attribute the
mildness of the air at that time to
a change in the condition of the at-
which confines to the
lower strata the heat radiated from
the earth's surface. This
is not wholly satisfactory to a
layman, but it seems to be the host
that the scientists can do for us.
The hazy condition of the air at
that time is more easily explained.
It is due to the decay or the slow
chemical combustion of leaves,
grasses and other vegetable matter
under the combined action frost
and the sun. As to the name, In-
summer, several explanations
have- been given of that, the most
plausible being that the early set-
called it BO because they be-
that the smoky appearance
at that time n-as caused
and prairie fires kindled by the In-
Some people think that the
name came from the fact that the
Indians took advantage of that
to lay their winter supply of
A Trusting Monkey.
Poor little monkeys They get
hungry and tired and sleepy just
children. Here is a story of
who lives in Buffalo, lie be-
longed to an organ grinder who
in front of a veranda where
c. kind hearted gentleman sat. When
lie and held out his little
cap r a of money tho gentle-
man, who is very fond of animals,
gave him a red chi apple.
The monkey jumped upon his lap
and the apple, and between the
bites he fixed his bright eyes on the
face of his new friend. lie must
have made up his mind that he
could him. for as he finished
tho apple lie laid his head against
the gentle and fell asleep.
The kind friend of animals paid the
organ grinder to play a long time,
that the tired little monkey could
have his .;. When he awoke his
master tho chain, and he fol-
lowed I lie or again, much bright-
for the kindness
shown to
Board of
Trade, reports the sales of leaf
on the Greenville market
for the month of November to be
1,964,63-1 pounds at an average
of per hundred. Tho
for the t date were
pounds at an average
price of p hundred. This
makes the large sun of
out for l
In four months Iron Aug. t-
Dec. is a
f r one crop.
paper that has ii in started
at Beaufort with II-
editor. The i h
very creditable one h is fill
of Beaufort
has long needed a g paper.
Tho Water Mark In
If you will hold up to light a
shoot of writing paper you will, as a
see the brand of the paper
the name of the manufacturer in it.
This is called the water mark, but
it might with equal propriety he
called the wire mark. It is made by
wires placed in tho molds, which
have of making the paper
thinner than anywhere e.
The wires are fashioned so as to
produce tho figure or letters
the maker desires to show. The
cross marks seen in many kinds of
paper are likewise made by wires.
Ai Old Problem.
If a bottle and a cork cost
and costs a dollar more
than the cork, how much must tho
cork co-t
cents. Because
the costs more than the
cork and e cork costs B cents the
bottle must cost 91.03. Therefore
the live coat cork and the bot-
must cost
Tho Cat and the Jack-
An to
Admiral praised a certain
successful business
of his said Dewey,
from his neat getting
lo do what ho wants them
to. They say that if
fellow of twenty-two no open l
a trimming he
this trait. Thus if you went info
his tiny and asked
lie would i a Quarter om half
dollar for you he would reply, with
a courteous
madam. And. how
will you have it-
Zeb Dead.
Mr. Bland, none
man who
of the; comity
there Friday. funeral too;
pi today,
by Rev. D. WAn i Cow
The two
b In th Stat will hold
their annual meetings com-
the N Carolina
at and
the C us
in i . . h
. ,. i at
, i a , , .
Tip n Press not
by th I'm
issue th- r Thanks-
like and most
s themselves, to
find out that i; W's
They are in
who r member to be
, lit
Tie ts tell that the
eating of spider is simply
If a man should cal as
much, their relative weight being
considered, he would eat in a j
day four of a d n
he u hoop and two oxen.
Think of it
Suppose should
F, r brave and ins.
Who'd have tho x
When a to do.
th was nice
always. lo do.
I If tho would
Contain note from you
editor in Kansas City was
recently discharged and in his
anger ids pistol was, also.
The frightening of wolves with
a bag pipe does not sou id like a
nature fake to those who
ever heard it.
A South Carolina paper
a mule's hind feet
editor evidently wished for
some one else to make the exam-
The elections in New York
city and Cleveland year were
purely local contests while tho
result in Kentucky is of grave
national importance.
The Washington Herald
es and says that the devil is the
great original demander of re-
bates. Is this a sly thrust at
Mr. Rockefeller
If the president want-; his mes-
sage read this year let him con-
fine himself to the of the
tariff, as Grover Cleve did
twenty years ago.
At any rate the financial crisis
v ems to have kept the president
m taking that bear hunt
An w k and
h . on hi
hand with m ire in
n th i r of o
Give how-
iv .-. tor having telegraphed his
on the election
a D mayor in San
inst of a grafter.
seems the n
of rarity.
i; m is a m irked man by
of heaven.
. I
.- the National
told his Sunday School
a that he would
r e in did not
o i in tho words God We
preferring to
to currency
Perhaps he
for the present cur-
Lieutenant . S. Grant,
third, of the engineer corps of
the United States Army, and Miss
Hoot, daughter of
of Slate were
in Now V- this week, if
I G- and a d- ,
the late President and G
J i . n ; .-.-
o n.-i. v- d the
S .
injured u or .-
i. i . .-.
a -id i m ; is i t t ho
iv- u a pi to his .
laughingly said the
they do Tin trigger Was
pulled, the weapon discharged
and fell -o the ground
with in his brain.
Professor Alexander Graham
Ceil, of telephone fame, is of
opinion that he has p n
flying machine. But he
have more tr . it in
mid-air, than ho experienced in
II ti mi ma,
n that in
firs put re I . u
the e.
rho ear h p .
r. i of
of i
I fill . . j . i.
h-v i
i .- .m was
I a i i i an th-
l lo . ope i say
go about in
I and a quantity of
rs took the horse
of Dr. with
which to make their es.
in being found next
Oak GUy.

Having a- Administratrix d.
b. n. c. t. a. ff F-. A de
ceased, late of the County in Pitt, North
Carolina, this s to p-rs-p-
claims again-t the estate of the
said d to exhibit them before he
undersigned within one year from this
date o-Um . i. will De in
bar of their recovery.
All to the said es
will pk make immediate
i his the 7th day of Oct.
Q V. Wand, Administratrix
F, G Janus, Attorney.
Having duly qualified before the fol miles traveled at
per., . .-- of Colin y, m
of to H
notice is given
to ; r- in t- the estate
i to the u
and all having
aid estate are notified t,
Office of the Board of Commissioners
for Pitt County
Statement of the number of meetings held by the Board of
Commissioners for Pitt county, number of days each member has
attended, amounts allowed for services as Commissioners for
the fiscal year ending
Amount allowed J. J. Elks chairman, for day
for day as committeemen
t ed i
Bay . f n In I the I n
r. W .,
pie. i in h r i
i I
Martha A. Moore.
Notice t
i . . .
th . sin
Sup Co
i .
f . undersign d,
r, , Ll .,
to a i
Amount allowed W. R. Homo for day as com-
missioner 2.00
for miles traveled at 1.-0
i i .-,.
v i-
, i the to In
. . c
. i .
. I A h A , ;,.
notice, no
ice . re .
i ,.
S e L. I
t the i I i
w. us, d.
Land for Sale.
v. Dec h.
ii i
.; m
I i Ii date,
parcels of wooded land i Cl
V a i ;
The i s
miles from .-h.
crossed by the Norfolk South-
Terms, one third or one
a- . . ,. . i. and i
f . J. L
By of the power of sale con-
in-- ac-r pi Mortgage Deed a
and delivered by H. D. Forties
to Elizabeth 11th day of
October. and duly recorded in the
of Deeds office Pitt
Carolina, in Book J page
Got undersigned will expose to public
ale. the House door in
Greenville, to the bid-
. day of .-
nary. 1908, t u ;.; r
Sit i l i of
sinning i we-
I , , p.- Old Purl,
N i on stake
. Kiln link a corner, with
w, r-.
. th n E,
o a sweet tie
ea .-. . ii c
S K. to line, the
With foil -I In; t a d
, n
i- , ., ore or
Said ill be made
This la r, ;
. . a i
Amount allowed J. R Spier for day as com-
for l day as c
for miles traveled at
Amount allowed J. R. Barnhill f day as com-
for days as committeemen at 2.00
miles traveled at
Amount allowed R. King, chairman for
as commissioner at
for days as committeeman
for I miles traveled at
Amount allowed John Z. r days as
for I- days as
fur miles traveled at
Amount allowed M. T. Spier f r days as com-
missioner at 2-00
r as committeeman
V traveled at
Ami allowed D J. Holland for days as
commissioner at
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles at
Amount allowed N, T-Cox for days as com-
for days as committeeman at 2.00
for miles traveled at
; -woo
S 44.00
Bobby's For Tolling His Mother
a Falsehood.
Treatment For Tender and
Four-year-old Bob teas playing A splendid cooling and
with a little girl named May who healing, is made by dissolving two
lived next door when tome one saw ounces each of rock salt and
little May begin to cry and hurry with one of powdered alum. Put
A Boy's Method of Capturing
Heinze in the course
Of -on board his yacht Re
laid of a certain mooted
home. Knowing Master Bob's pro. this in a wide mouthed bottle and Wining
for rough games, his moth- use a to each gallon yea, it would be a good thing
called him to her and questioned of water, soaking the feet well. f It could be done, but there is no
him carefully as to did to Where the feet perspire a possible way to do it. Ask these re-
v the formers how they are going to put
t do to was the skin soft. A healing, soothing pow- ;.only satisfaction she could obtain that should be used after a
from the youngster. soaking and drying is made of;
His was not satisfied, how-; ten grains each of powdered alum
ever, and when luncheon was served and two-thirds of an ounce
there happened to be on the table I each of powdered borax and starch,
a kind of cake of which Bab was ex- j a fifth of an ounce of acid,
sifted with two ounces of best
cum powder.
Sift well many times through a
hair sieve and be quite sure to reach
every part of the feet, especially be-
tween the toes. If the is
taken at bedtime, the feet dried and
this powder used I lie relief is won-
Such a treatment modifies
all disagreeable odors from
Total amount Board
State of North Carolina, Pitt county.
I, Richard Williams, Register of Deeds and of
the Board Commissioners for toe county aforesaid do certify
the is a correct statement as doth of record my office.
Given under my hand and seal of said Hoard of n-
at office in Greenville, this 25th day of November 1907.
R. WILLIAMS, Clerk Board Com. for Pitt Co.
Com. Pitt Co. N. C-
fond. said she.
you will tell me what you did to
May will give you a piece of
The little fellow hesitated a mo-
then answered
just raised up my shovel, and
it hit her
In accordance with her promise
his mother gave him the cake and
also a score reprimand. After
luncheon ho was washed and dressed
and taken in ceremony to apologize
to which he did with due so-
i didn't hit me with his
May with
fell down and hurl
I go
cried his
did you toll
you hit your shovel
wanted tho an-
the youthful diplomat.
I I'd do it some
Notice is given that
will make application to the board
of conn in , i-i.-i pi. .- i ii i
first M in January, 1908, tn
liquors in the town of Pat-
N C.
This Dec. 1907.
W. W. Andrews.
No to Creditors
before the
county as ex-
lat will and of
. i. m I, notice is
ere Up to i to
e-- v. ., and
i estate are
en. the to th
I on r before the 18th
of November, or notice
of Mary L. Campbell.
Farm of about acres in on
mile of Farmville
ard barn, and water
locution Will for
Clayton Joyner,
K. F Farmville, N. C.
Notice is hereby that I
ill application to th
of Commissioners
t their m the first
in v 1908, for license
retail liquor in the town
N. C.
Dec 2nd, 1907.
W. R. Whitehead.
of Personal Property.
Notice is hereby riven that the
administrator, will
i n Friday tin 20th of De-
. 1907. offer for public
lie at the residence of the late
T F- Allen in Beaver Dam Town-
-nip, Pitt county, North
a, all the personal property of
t estate of the said J. F. Allen,
of mules, horses,
hogs, one cattle beast
fodder, cotton seed and
and furniture,
one mowing machine and
This sale will begin at
A. M. and continue till all
, f the aforesaid property is sold.
This the 30th of November,
1907. Zeno Allen,
Administrator J. F. Allen,
North In Superior
Pitt county I Court.
Mary Brown vs. Richard Brown.
above named
will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been com
in the Superior Court of
Pitt county to obtain from the
I a decree of absolute
divorce for statutory causes set
out in the complaint that he L
required to it the next I
term of the Court of
I to be hold on i
second Monday in January 1908,
at the Court House of said
in Greenville, N. C, and ans-
or demur to the complaint
in said action, or the plaintiff
will apply to the Court the
relief demanded in said com
This the 30th day of
D. C. Moore, C. S- C.
F. G. James.
Notice is hereby that I
will make application to the
board of county commissioners
on the first Monday in
1908, for license to retail liquors
in the town of Oakley, N. C-
This Dec. 2nd- 1907-
is hereby given that will make
applications to the of
their meeting on the
first Monday in J for
to retail liquor in the town of
Stokes, N. Ci
This Nov. 27th, 1907.
C. F. Page.
H Gives His Friend a Tip on How to
Jewels Abroad.
Two millionaires, very smart in
their now London lounge suits,
stood on tho pier awaiting the
tom.- examination of their luggage.
the first said
having my wife a
tiara in Paris, was
course I'd have smuggled
it in. But, hang it all, when we
men of property try to smuggle in
so frequently get caught.
my friend, for in-
he had to pay tho govern-
last year, let alone the
didn't go about it
said the other millionaire.
wife's jewels are worth a quarter
a million. They were all bought
abroad, but never a cent of duty hat
been paid on
And now I'll toll you where
you and men like you make a mis-
take. buy your jewels
ill one place. You buy them in the
Hue do hi in Paris. And you
give your name to the jeweler, your
hold address, even your home ad-
dress. And what is the result
Why, the secret service men are on
to you at once. They out just
what you have bought, and on your
arrival here in York a revenue
man is wailing for yon with a list
all your purchases. Then what
scene Then how you
said the other,
you hay jewels to the value of many
thousands your French jeweler is
not such a fool as to tell a secret
service agent about
of course not. It is to the
jeweler's interest to keep mum.
He wants to retain your custom, and
he does keep mum. But how about
his clerks Doesn't he half
a at salaries of
a week or so And can't a secret
service agent get next to one of
these men he for SO or
francs out from the clerk all
he wants to know He can; he does,
And it is in that way, through
bribing of underpaid clerks, that so
many cases of jewel smuggling or
can smuggle safely,
making the Jeweler meet you
somewhere than has shop
jam Win t
and by that stereos
doubly secret a fake
name Then-
But suddenly- officer
peered, and the
to welcome weft
on out with
Don't you see I'm study
of the speeches delivered
in congress are only a waste of
answered the thrifty
statesman; great many speeches
are delivered gratis which would
command liberal compensation from
n lei lure
To Hemstitch on tho Sewing Machine.
Hemstitching which can hardly
be distinguished from the hand
work and which may be done much
more speedily may done on the
sewing machine in this First
draw tho number of threads desired
in tho goods to be hemstitched, then
fold the hem over and baste th
edge of the hem in the center of the
drawn threads. loosen the ten-
on the sewing machine am
stitch exactly along the edge of the
hem. Pull tho out and.
taking good- in one hand and
the hem in the other, pull tho edge
of the hem to the bottom of the
drawn threads, and your work is
and they
give you answers that are about as
practical as the little boy's method
of catching tho mule.
was once, you know, a
mule in a large field that refused to
lie caught by its owner. Round and
round the field the mule galloped.
The owner tore along behind, red
and angry, swinging a halter in his
band and swearing passionately.
mule would let him draw
near, almost near enough to throw
I love is
makes you think
we were on our honey-
moon ho broke two teeth trying to
eat my biscuits. he soaks
them in hot tea for half an
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ho Got In.
did you get into this
asked a reporter of a China-
man. it through the
through n replied
tho Mongolian Li- .
For Cleaning Varnish.
Tea loaves arc invaluable as u
means of cleaning varnished paint.
V. hen enough have been laid aside
for the work they should he put into
the basin of water and left to steep
for half nil hour. The strained lea
is used instead of water to clean
varnished surfaces. The
acid loft h. tea leaves after all
is wholesome in them been ox
acts quickly upon grime and
Got a pail of water, not too hot,
with a few drops of ammonia and a
nice soft flannel. Wash the walls
down with soap mid flannel and dry
well with n soft cloth. When the
walls are thoroughly dried get an-
other pail of warm water, with a
few drops of ammonia, and go over
the walls with a wash leather, which
gives a brilliant polish.
are spoiled by
embroidered edge split
having tho
and frayed a careless laundress.
The garment made to last
twice ion and many dollars
saved by stitching around tho
lops twice, having a tension.
This makes n edge and
does not detract from its appear-
the halter over its head; then it
would kick up its legs merrily and
run away like wind.
hoy, his face wreathed in
smiles watched the unequal chase
for an hour or so; then he entered
the field and
tell you how to catch that
mule, mister, if you'll give me a
panted the man.
your nickel. Now tell
behind that thick hedge
over said the boy, make
a noise like a
Jealous Woman.
Mrs. say Mrs. Van
is tho most jealous woman in
Mrs. I should say so.
She wouldn't oven let fortune smile
at her
Of Course.
widow that mar-
has seven children of assorted
sines. They're just like steps when
they're lined
They're his step
If a child is so ill that it h
to him in bod and
there is of fever, add
a little vine; to the cool water,
it has a effect upon n
Instead of vinegar put
e bilking soda into tho water if
there are any eruptions on the body.
It is cooling and allays any
Boggy Miss
I feel us though I am cut out for
your husband.
Miss certainly are cut
out, Reggy. Dick is just ahead of
Louis Republic.
poor, sir, but I
love your daughter.
Old Tut. tut, young
man I You can't make money as
quick as that in this
On Thing r tS. ens.
mi B
Nail Wound.
Grate potato and thicken
the lire in vinegar until it
the consistency of salve. Apply as
salve on cloth and bind to any rusty
nail wound, wire cut, etc. This has
been known to prevent lockjaw and
blood poisoning until n physician
could be called to give treatment.
Stains on
A lotion which will remove the
yellow stains on the neck caused
tight or high collars is made as fol-
Alcohol, four ounces;
two ounces; tincture of
fifteen drops. Apply several
times a day with a little sponge.
A Technical One.
late Angelo said
a Philadelphia scientist, a
most learned and u most lucid mind.
He not merely master a
be could lay it so clearly be-
fore you that in a short while
became master of it too.
claimed that
they who could not explain a sub-
perfectly did not that
subject perfectly, and he used to
tell a story on this head.
said two commercial travel-
on tho way from Beading to
Philadelphia got into an
over tho action of the vacuum
inflation of the tube
tho said tho first
1.1 traveler.
shouted the
second. tho output of the ex-
they wrangled for an hour,
and then, on the arrival in
Philadelphia, they agreed to sub-
the matter for settlement to the
engineer, leaning
from the window of bit
cab, listened with attentive frown
to the two traveler statement of
their Then he smiled,
shook his head and
gents, both wrong
about tho of the vacuum
broke. Yet it's very simple and
easy to understand. It works like
When we want to stop the
train we just turn this here tap,
and then fill pipe with
Bigelow, the brilliant
author and journalist, said the
day of the chicken farm that he
is about to set up at
I hope we succeed with this
farm. I hope our experience won't
Washing Stockings.
Wash woolen stockings quickly in
a lukewarm lather and do not lot
them lie in the water to soak. If
they seem very much soiled, n
borax in tho water will quickly cut closely resemble that of my old
the dirt. Rinse in tho same temper- friend Horatio Rogers,
of water. I Rogers lived in the sub-
On the suburban train one
Marking morning he said to me, with a sour
Write your initials or name in
then carefully stitch over something nobody else
lines on your sewing machine, has got, Mr.
red or white marking cotton you. It ash said I.
can be used a close and is It
coarse threads give best remits. said Rogers,
dollar incubator hut
, v. worth
r U a glass tumbler very out a blue bottle
M water-must be poured is set on , H frowned, then sighed.
m tray or table during the f he said, I've set
dollar blue
D J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
coming as
gun accidents are be-j Speaking of an elastic currency
way to make it elastic is to
cease employing bank-
with an conscience.
as rail
If whiskey does not row see
its finish in North Carolina, it is
more blind than the tiger.
Good afternoon Have you
finished rearing that thirty-
thousand moral message yet
King Oscar, of the
oldest test loved of He
European is reported
to be dying.
has been named by
the committee as the place for
g the next national
convention. The date is
June 16th.
The things now
to the success of the Democratic
ticket are the selection of a vice
president a majority of the
electoral votes.
An exchange aptly remarks
that message to congress
was really an address to the Amer-
people people on the
of the universe.
The New Bern Sun has
changed from a to
afternoon paper. The
given is that the mails out of
New Bern advantageous
for a morning piper.
The Jim Crow car bill has
passed both houses of the Okla-
legislature and now awaits
the signature of the governor to
become a It goes int
effect sixty days after being
What's pot matter in Ken-
What they call
men who are masked
and armed, arc creating
terror in that State. Five
of them d on Hop-
and destroyed property
to the value f
It is just like Republican luck
to have the chance of setting the
currency question when every-
body is howling for its solution.
Of course, they also serve who
only stand and wait, but they
should not ask for a tip that is
bigger than the price of the din-
Some time the freshman's cl
in the United senate is
going to outnumber the seniors
and then it will pass some roles
of its own.
In being thankful that we are
still In the land of the living we
do not mean to say that we are
glad we are in land of the
high living.
This is the time the year
when query is
at head of the man
who leaves tho door
in a
Senator Rayner says we need
more business and less politics.
Put into the form of a resolution
that would mean a motion for
congress to r instanter.
Harry C New, of Indianapolis,
Indiana, has been elected chair-
man of the R- national
committee, to succeed Secretary
George B. resigned.
The Seattle exposition is not
to for government aid. This
make it such an
show that it will be worth going
miles to see it.
A Missouri woman wants a
because her husband
ways makes merry after a
She wants to be sure
that he will not treat her that
In looking over th- list of con-
who were left at home
lost time, it would seem that a
good many people decided that
they wanted men to rep-
resent them.
Jurors for January Term of Court-
First B Joyner, S J
Brewer, J C V Staton,
W R J A Davenport, J W
Martin, Jr., T B Bryant,
James, J C Griffin, J B L
H Wetherington, E E J J
Hines, R C Tripp, Jesse Cannon,
F M Davis, B S Smith, Ashley
T W Skinner, James
Evans, W T Fleming, T J Cox.
W P Josephus R T
Evans, R B Johnson, B A Gard-
R A Walls, Iredell Moore, J
F M C Smith, Isaac
Second Week-J A Which-
ard, E B Whichard,
Boyd, Adam Gaskins, N A Bu
C M Buck, George n,
J M Edwards, Josephus Gaskins,
J P W A B Hearne, J T
A J Tyson, T R Moore,
W F Evans, Franklin
Jesse J S Pitt man.
peonies on
Card of Thanks. Got What He Needed.
Mrs. Julia Wilson and An incident that happened on
take this method to tender the W is not Monday C Ob-
people of Greenville. be be printed. Bays the f the only Mom n
Grimesland, Chocowinity and
Washington, and to their friends
in the vicinity of Grimesland,
their sincere and thanks
for the many kindnesses
ed to them during the sickness,
death and burial of the late
Robert T. Wilson, and i bey de-
sire further to assure
friends, that they do warmly
appreciate every act of kindness
extended to thorn in their sore
Mr. H of Chat lotto,
who has been here seven m.
for tho Central
Carolina Construction Company
the building of the freight and
passenger depots the Norfolk
Southern com-
the work and turned the
building-- over to the railway
The passenger is an
especially pretty building
brick with tile roof. It is
ably arranged, the waiting roams
being largo and led with
every needed comfort. The
building is creditable, both to the
contractors and tho railroad and
is an ornament to the town.
Mr. Rogers has male many
friends during his stay in Green-
ville, and says he was in a
town whoso people wire more
clever than are found here.
Rev. Mr.
The bishop in making appoint
meats for tho coining year at the
session of North
Conference at Now Bern,
returned Rev. M. T Ply r to
Jam's Memorial church ii Green-
The are just about to vile. While this was expected,
make up minds that this much
gambling with other to o-
money shall stop, even if it if i whim r. Una o
countenanced by the New
Stock exchange.
Both the North Carolina Con-
of the Methodist church,
and the State Convention, of the
The o liter of the
Record is in a peculiar position,
since lie can reject no
scripts, however worthless, that
come to him through the regular
Congressional channels
during p-t
year. He is held in highest
esteem by every one.
v i Mil fur
county, the Gusto
News, is a leader in industry.
She lead with fifty-five cotton
mills in Operation and about a
in course of ruction.
By the first of the year she will
have over This
not only North Carolina but the
General George Gill, preside
of tho Mercantile Trust
of Baltimore, suggests on
nation by the Democrats of Judge
Greensboro Record. A gentle- paper printed in tho
man who lives in Greensboro bad the following
and accidents occurring on
u I
been up to High Point and was
returning on the noon train. The
train was filled to overflowing.
Behind the Greensboro gentleman I while
came a lady with a baby in her losses and t , me t
arms- She had in the pressing obligations, com
aisle near a big, brutish suicide by r himself with
; at this moment the train a pistol,
started with a jerk and threw the At ,
woman down and she fell on this marshal was shot; an I
man, he cursed, using whom he
some exceedingly ugly words. At
his juncture the Greensboro m n
told him he was a hog. then the
bully made him but was floored
by a center drive from the right
hand course there was con-
commotion a-s he arose
to try before the Greens
man could fix himself I'm
another drive, two young
old the gentleman
to stand back, that
they would attend to the
this one cf said
and in a second they had the hog
down in the aisle and were
him good. Then he
for pardon and sued for
j everything
the and her
George Gray, of
William seat.
Bryan, of Nebraska, for vice I
Gray has the confidence
of the people, they in
the banking, commercial or the
laboring said Mr Gil.
recognize as
has reiterated over and
over tho fact free
silver is no r needed. I have
read his on the subject and
am to accept them with
made. radicalism
this vital point h
ed, we may accept his
opinions on some r national
issues without the fear of disturb-
sentiment nor public
As six thousand bills were
Baptist church, declared for pro- in the first
at their annual meetings
last week. With these two
largest in the bodies of
Christians actively enrolled in
the cause of prohibition tho
loons and mutt co.
May the day come
Latest reports from
W. Va , place the number of
killed in the mine explosions at
between and In the
first reports of the disaster no
account was taken of the teams-
and boys in the mine, all of
whom lost their lives. The work
of rescue is very much hindered
by the nauseous and by
fire- Only about bodies
had been recovered up
two days of the session, ft is per-
haps j as well that t he speaker
does not allow lengthy speeches
on each one of by all the
Col. William Elliott, who was
appointed by
to take charge of the mark-
of the Confederate graves
north, died suddenly at Beaufort,
S C. Thursday, where he was
with a hunting party.
United States troops have been
ordered from San to
Nevada. preserve
pace between the union and
nor-union miners. is
in the heart of th new mining
and has been in anal-
most, continual for the
past two years. A number of
outbreaks have occurred and
several persons killed.
On Monday about
o'clock, Mr. W. M. Wilkinson,
son of Mr. Wilkinson,
at bis father's home, near Farm-
ville. Last spring while serving
as a d of i be county
camp he suffered a stroke of
paralysis and since b in
a feeble condition, lie was a
young man of many good
ties and a brother of Mr i . L
Wilkinson, Greenville.
Tho funeral was hi Id
LaGrange Dry.
A prohibition election was held
in Monday, r; d car-
for pro by a vote of placing i
to in a registered vote of
The government today issued
its estimate of the cotton crop
Not Peonage
The Nashville American speaks
a parable when it.
an employer down
South to makes
out money him
passage to employ-
or for board or other things
along comes a official to
prosecute him fr
North of the river nothing
ii done. There is, as a
U r of fact, no any-
where the and
Snipes, but Mr Roosevelt's
crowd reeds do something,
to earn their i
is a fair statement of too
case, e it and
el i agents of the government to
i i i
Wilmington Star.
cuts for the Washing-
ton are a i
Presiding A. Me
J. M.
Aurora, A
Swan Quarter, B. C. S II.
It. P.
J. L.
Gr M
Farmville, W. A. Forbes.
B. Head.
Betel, J. V.
o, II.
Rocky m- .
South U II
Nashville. W. II
Spring Hone and Pleas
ant, B. w
II. E.
Fremont, C R.
Mis i i, y ii o. II.
Former i es
n the following
It. I-. John, presiding older of
J A.
G P. Smith, Hay Pi j-
N M. Watson, II; w River.
M Carthage.
L. I. Na h. Gibson-
N. II.
To I be
Family in
A remarkable family is that of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Braswell.
who live in this county, near
Creek Baptist church, in
Goos- Creek township, and who
held a family on Thanks
Mr. is in
his year, and has never
been sick a day in his life. He
now living within two miles of
the place cf his birth- There
are 1.3 living children, all of
whom were present at the
reunion Thursday, and
most of
were also present. Only
e child and three
live over miles from
their parents. Mr. and Mrs
Braswell, children and a major-
of their grandchildren are all
members of
Mrs. M, ,,
Mrs. Mo ; .
of M.
a little before midnight Monday,
a. their , Carolina township.
About ago Mrs.
big red a of
an I b en in poor
she suffered n
in stroke, which caused her
husband she
i av s six and
is f, on of the latter M
I. s. Mooring, of Greenville.
l -J
mag- it
. Of
., i
wrong d
to n p in c e-
A Methodist
Chester, S. C.
Prank a i
wife and then c
A train on i ho
a I lilting
at the throttle, a
the Lehigh railroad
into another train near
Allentown, Pa . and several
trainmen were hurt.
body of a young mar. who
had suicide was found
i a swamp
were killed and
en injured by r
near Mexico City.
In New York an torn bile
tacked over an embankment,
a woman an
two mer.
Throe persons were to
another injured in i
lire in Boston.
Two steamers collide in t--
and seven
were drowned-
breaking a to
her, Charles Handle w i
fatally shot by Miss Ida M
Br w At Blue Creek,
record for one day, ard
also a cf
smaller accidents.
L Mill I nil.
i Mill N-
A. win V ash in
t ill W .
Miss lb I- n i. lit
a with
Wilson, near II
i Evans en
There n g
last F. n I Mil s
i Ii i sac I lime v as
Most of our people
h gs It is a ft I i n I-1
I, I has been very
u. to say he is
ow r,
. a Town.
is constantly growing. We have
spoke n several times of what has
accomplish in this way by
fit . Ga., and
Settle, Th.
Record of last week told
f what had been accomplished
in this way by Cincinnati, Ohio.
Advertising is a splendid thing.
be advertising by a
m I
old idea that the
of a city w ill be found
ml in regular course of events
tin erroneous one. i
i s red here us well as at
p In r points aid the t that,
b ugh an i
calls attention to its
is the town that will
the greatest number of
i; I is to share these
. S
j. .- to i
daughter, or a
Christmas present of a sewing
chine, th i Singer or Wheeler
ft best. Soil y
I Peed, cash or on easy
Office in front
Lei Bertha. d till
Rye aid F. V.
i . s.
P Taken Up-I have take
a stray cow, red color, butt
headed, marked swallow fork in
right ear. Owner can
by proving property
expenses. C. R. Callow
R. F. D. No. Winterville, N. C

Eastern reflector, 6 December 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 06, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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