Eastern reflector, 22 November 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i i ii i.
This Department is in of W- R. Parker who is
to represent the Reflector in and vicinity
duly qualified before the
clerk of Pitt county
of I he last will of
J. deceased notice is
hereby given to all person indebted ti
he estate Is make immediate
i and all
against said estate must
stint the same payment on
fie day of Sept. or this no-
will be plead in bar of recovery
V, , of
T. II, lowers, of J.
era 23rd ltd
At both my Ayden and Greenville stable
Lorn the Breeders Raisers of the Wes
in this line be sure to see me as I
c i
ii Line
As i
. an juried
u i have g e
th say
-ties too
. when
I to
. i o lack of
t e roadbed
part of tie
in putting
in road
The Richmond
is hue waking up to the
of the immigration laws.
It than in two recent In-
stances and dairymen
who could find no labor suitable
for their purposes in this
country arranged to have men
brought over from England
The would-be immigrants were
halted at the ports and sent
back hone. citizens
who have invested their money
and labor in enterprises needed
men to work for them. The
f wanted to work and
to come here and be citizens,
adding themselves and their
productive power to the
country. The contract labor
and mutually
desirable transaction. And it
the protection of
labor, it is a burden
News-Leader AS IT WAS,
We wait.
OWN Edison
i; sings, talks,
a cf all
; t . . home for
y Wt as as
cite have no ex-
. . . cay. You can hear the
i BEFORE you buy them.
.; on f
Lome to ice vs.
N. C.
i.- o
I will be to
I notices of
I of the
. . Id not
i m mi
to people of all classes,
unforced its results
and higher, therefore to
add to the prices of farm prod-
and males the working roar
in the cities pay more for every-
thing he eats, drinks and
I wears, The It
,. j wants to go into a further
c the immigration laws.
g not
bottom of the scheme that was
deviled mainly as a to
Southern progress and that was
put through I while the
Southern members were nod-
Wonder how may many people
row living in has issue
thought about how big it was. since las;
Unlike Rome, situate on seven
hills, and the reason is because A.
there are no more hills, if there Kittrell.
was it out roam Rome. I
because it would take in all of
them. Rome was in a very hilly
country, and the seven hills was
all it could tackle. Greenville is
master of any situation that con-
fronts her.
Just see. It is not one tenth as
old as Rome. Has water works
such as they are. Electric light
that go out sometimes on Sunday
nights just at church time. The
biggest dust in dry weather and
the biggest mud in wet
of any nation this side of sun-
down except but Par-
is in two counties,
But Greenville is
soon as the streets get ready for
automobiles, and the mayor can
less time in Tarboro and
more time counting and looking
over the streets and improve
The mayor should either move
r of
I the f
Mai C.
Oscar Andre
Sandy Peel pi
Willie Smith i
Elias James c
.- .
i I
s of Liver or
I Other
say a bottle and if
cure we will refund
. i j. We y
. I MM bottle
I j if it
SOL until
I bis adv entitles yo
in a
a limited number bottles
given away. Don't this op
unity to test
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced liar-
Clean Tow-
i s
ed and pressed.
Parker's Old Stand j
N. C.
All kinds
and W .
i ii kind of
Company will insure any or.
any trace of
Every trace of kidney trouble is
eliminated by.
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md., for any case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word to the wise.
For sale by
. i the safety o
i v
i And
I any damage is
Ii the k
E lie
own property
i acres
i leased for a
to th Des
The com id-
lion dollars.
her c
, which
. 200.0 i
Struck With
g afternoon while main
street was considerably crowded,
E. B. had some
trouble with an unknown
While this trouble was going on
between them Herman
another colored man, ran up
and struck Mr. in the
face with a bottle of whiskey,
and immediately ran off after
striking the blow. bottle
broke when it struck Mr.
face and gave him a severe
cut and bruise under one eye
By virtue of the of sail
in s . re
Deed executed id d i
C. S. d w M Vinson, to N V n
the day r, l
and duly record din ,
of Deeds I county,
North Carolina i . page
the r
to public ,
House door in i-f i .
to Tarboro, or move a part of
It has not yet got near to the Tarboro to Greenville, your
choice, again.
Greenville pays the biggest
taxes to the amount of things
done of any town in the State
Greenville has done some thing i
no town ever did. It has gone
East and West, both in the
All other towns go west. I
said west,
young man, go But he
is new a back number, though a
great man in his day. If he J
come to he would re
verse many things he said, but
7th day of I
certain tn
and Si
It ginning
; bey
east poles
ditch S.
it ii . with sum .
course- d
d i E I
poles to
, -i j th
ml i,
. if
-i a i he
. an-
. ad .-
virtue of of the Superior
, of Pitt county made by C.
Moore, -I Hon. C.
y m Judge presiding at the September
term of Said court in a certain
H. guardian of
Mabel M a minor ex
ill Thursday Di-e, Kith, sell
at before the court house
. In a certain piece or
I; reel I h I'd in I
hip, Pitt county, known as lot No.
ii tho ill lands of Mary
Mil utter, bounded and
as follows, To-wit. Begin
hI stake on road 4th
No. and runs W,
i tea to three gums on the edge of low
. i tame
. low creek
; creek point
re lino from N,
it. will come out to cypress
tree of low grounds; N
. I , ii es to a slake
road; thence N. roan
if. in acres,
Of less. Al o part of said
. No, I en l bar is which
I tic. Bed, . . at
lot ditch
follow It. line
i . to said I. containing
The parcels of
. will Sol i
Om I i and in twelve
option to the pure later to
I i. whole at def
. secured by mortgage on
i . j. i;.
November 1907.
guardian of Mabel
Farmville. N. G.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
J. T. Thorne
Farmville, N. C.
Having duly qualified before
court clerk of Pitt county as ad-
of the M.
Smith, deceased, noticed i hereby
given to all to tho
estate to make Immediate payment
the and all having
claims said re notified
to present the same to t he
fur payment on or the J day
September, or
be in b of rec very.
This day of r. 1907
of M Smith
he is not coming, and Rea to o
cs E.
, b.
degrees to .
his foot prints will be in j, ,. ,,,. n a
other town. The average man gum in
don't know what is going on, thence v i.-. C I
don't care only when election and various courses to
taxes come around. By the way, ,
, , , J her line . u
where does so much tax money g ii a.
By virtue of a decree the Superior
Court of in Special Proceed
1485, J. U. Hunting
I lie undersigned com-
missioner will sell cash
court house door In Or. on Mon-
So-t. the full. Wing
ti r real estate. One lot in
town of Bethel being the atom lot now
occupied by J. K. Bunting and the
buildings on said said lot
the north by I on
east by the lot by M J Grimes
Co., on the south by Mack G
and mi the we-t by
store and hotel, being
the same property that was convoyed
to cherry by two
deeds, one from M L T Davis end tho
other deed from mo
One other -l in Bethel b on
north by Railroad street, on east by Mi s
W II Bullocks, on south by the own-
ed by Ai co Mack G Rogers
and on by J R Nelson
one place or parcel of tend
bounded on the by street
the Christian church property, by
, i l, v I Nelson properly, b tip
Sunday night, NOV.
, I, with the following s i car-on, on the west
CD. I tins l, president. y.
i; Minnie secretary. J
Mis i N Johnson, treasurer.
On lookout
Misses Mamie Ruth
M try Johnson and Lucy
Elect New Officers for Year.
Christian Endeavor
go to Its true the town govern-; satisfy
act of boarding the passenger I But they
to await preliminary hearing I do not all right. But N. C.
by Deputy in the way of salaries of Terms of tale
Sheriff Dudley as he was in the j officers amounts to quite a good
. i
bridge. Other will
be appointed later. All Christian
people are invited to take part in
meetings. Time for meet-
first and third Sunday even-
One black and
hog weighing about seventy or
eighty pound, crop and slit the
lift, fork
the taken up with my hogs
about five months ago. Owner
can him by paying and
proving properly. L. c. Moore.
w. . Stoke, N. C.
D J. Owner.
In to Fiction.
VOL. No.
A Bit of
A day or two ago a
on the
home to Greenville, i
road lost her purse,
it out of t
came some I
m the and .
back to look for it
colored men who t
alone the road behind
asked them about
they saw another i
man pick it up, bu
to tell who he was-
en to town and was t
to Mr. W. C. Him
she om
two red men she
he thought
were pointed
to Mr. when Ii
. Good in New
three story
i k building erected on the
. , of Fourth and
t h. John
. Co., has been
ready for putting in
v. company has
. beg material
. bi and will
Lion there by the begin-
the new year. The
is splendidly arranged
on the large
this popular firm.
are now- wiring th
hi lighting and run-
, by
motor, building is a
the town.
rotated them they also
Ti Report-
ff another man
purse in the
to give his name.
told them he would have
warrant issued for them and
take them tell- The men tried
t out of n before t he
Warrant was obtained, but were
kept and
When taken in they rot
only told the name of the find or
of purse but went with Air.
Rises to his house. All the
Honey was and the
lady was very much delighted.
is a Tree Old.
A sheep's horn that was
bedded a tree years ago is
the that Jason Elder, a
ranger living at Paisley,
Oreg., has delivered to his
at Lake-
view. rambling in the
Woods in 1638 came across
a yellow pine tree in the base of
Which was the horn of
mountain sheep. He did
the have time to make a
examination, but
Becoming forest ranger he had
to go to the vicinity and
he the tree down. He took a
of he trunk contain
the horn to
The horn was a little
side of the of the tree
and ran in a circular km
It was not curled as ;. . th
of mountain I day, but. was
Counting the rings of
the tree was shown to b
years old. Outside t
were rings,
number of years that had t
the mountain
end fast by the
low pine. The horn w i
With pitch. It is ten .
diameter at the, base i
from the tree .
itches. The length of the Ii .
Richmond, Va., Nov.
Saturday will say
for Richmond Va., and
There is change in the
of the market for d-y
goods and kindred lines. Orders
immediate shipment are
small. Dealers in toys and
day goods are having excellent
season and in some instances are
from two to weeks behind
in shipment. Orders for pro-
duce ard provisions show a de-
although prices are lower
generally in this Offerings
of tobacco on the Richmond
considerably the
average at this but for
what has been sold prices show a
better average than last year.
Manufacturers of tobacco are
working at full capacity, in most
the old crop is well
used up. Small quantities of
cotton are being marketed, this is
believed due to the lateness of
the crop and scarcity of cur-
Prices continue good. In
the bankers have been
aWe to care for their
while in some smaller
centers scarcity of currency has
retarded generally trading. Col-
. are not good.
Ill R. ks 1908
Is ready for delivery and excels
jail form . editions beauty and
value. The cover is a beautiful
design in color.;, the entire book
full of line half tones,
engravings and interest-
It contains the
Hicks weather forecasts con.-
r . whole yen-, finely
The by mail is
I on
. I i id Works, the
Rev, . Hicks fine month
, magazine, contains all bis
, from month to month,
together with a vast amount
th. Lest family The
. price is a year and one alma-
i goes a each subscription
I and Works Pub-
Locust street,
t. Louis. Missouri. Write for
rate on almanacs in
Agents wanted.
The doming Winter,
Th who fen tell the
iii I seem to agree t; what
the coming winter will be. The
Winston Sentinel that the
local weather prophets are com-
up with the predictions of a
mild winter, giving all the nu-
signs. On the other
Amos a farmer of
county, Pa., who pins his
f. the goose bone,
will be a cold month,
with an occasional snow storm.
January b a month of
snow, hail and an occasional
cold The dark colors on
the err of the breast bone
that February will he a very
cold month, and there will b
several At on par-
part of bone it is
mo t black, width means that
we will have lots snow and
weather will
continue into March, and
will have a very Id e
Some boys near Black Creek
were playing with a rifle when
i of them shot a little child in
the eye, causing instant death.
Mrs. Nathan of
Apex, was run over and killed
by a freight on the Sea-
board Air Tuesday morning
Sixty bales of cotton on the
f platform of the Atlantic
Coast Line, at were
burned Sunday morning. The
fire was caused by sparks from a
passing engine.
Charlotte, N. C- Nov. i.
President C- C. of
Carolina Division of
reports that twenty-two
houses and holding comp .
he-n and i
are working
In the State as a r
of twelve work.
at Burgaw,
Mount Olive,
and Trenton have
been organized. The i
dent is now on a tour of every
county growing cotton in
State to encourage the farmers
to build warehouses and hod
then- cotton.
Fair tonight with heavy fros
or temperature. Friday
f Gold
the gr
old in the of
I i was made today at the
diggings of the
Channel Gold Mining
miles east of -his
n the American river
ho Lake Tahoe State
I the news of the
this place there was a
or i he district- Men
i i . on horse
k, wagons to out
a .
mine in which
made is owned by local
and San Francisco
i . For many years it
town that deposits
of gravel existed under the lava
; nation caps eastern
; i . if the county.
have spent years in trying
. the pay streak, but the
lead was not found.
drift was cut the
e I far twenty feet and
The gold is coarse
n nuggets, from one
ounces, and was found
Di. patch to San Francisco
Liv Lest New Haven, Cone , Nov.
Flames sweeping through the
rooms on the fifth floor
of the Hotel C this
burn d to death four
fifth man was killed
while the rope of the fire
Four other employees were
slightly None th
k jests were seriously
many of them made
hasty h dense
smoke by me in of ca. j
and fire escape .
Dr. dosed
cab took a aide swipe at the mud
Tuesday.-by the driver making
too a turn with the
No damage was done.
CL Memorial church
is taking steps n have the Sun-
day room remodeled and
several new cl i rooms
necessary to meet
growth of the school,
which has been quite remarkable
the past year. The ladies oldie
church are also planning to in-
stall a n heating plant.
Ha -e.
Register of Deeds R- Williams
recording in his office an ill-
of size, both
as to the number of it
contained and the amount in-
It is a mortgage for
and la given by the Nor-
folk Southern Railway Com-
to the Trust Company of
America, of New York, trustee.
The Instrument contains approx-
words and to
be recorded every county
through which the Norfolk
Southern railroad passes.
James A. a has
been appointed assistant
United States Attorney for the
District of Columbia.
The work of the
homes of North Carolina appeals
strikingly to our judgment and
to our sympathies- It
our heartiest support.
It helping to provide for
orphan children a
home, a Under care, and an
opportunity to obtain
for life, we perform a sen lot the
value of which present
and, in the future, will be
multiplied beyond ire.
The Thanksgiving season has
been set apart by the good
of this State as a time of
special effort for and aid to our
This is a beautiful and
of the spirit
of gratitude and is, we are sure,
pleasing to the great and loving
the fatherless.
at Thanks-
giving are a real factor in the
maintenances and improvement
of our home.
We bespeak for this most
thy work even the greater inter-
est; and of a people who are
signally blessed of God, a people
who have abundant cause for
We believe the offer-
will be made gladly and that
will be truly large and lib-
The committee from the two
white fire companies of the town
met Friday night with a part of
the committee or aldermen to
confer with regard to
of the firemen into one com-
suggestions were
discussed but no definite
was settled upon. It is
likely that both companies will
be called together in a
meeting with the board of
for consultation.
of the good ladies of the
Episcopal church tell us The Re
gave them more credit
are entitled to in say-
had purchased a lot for
a church rectory. The lot has
purchased, but the men
helped Day tor it and are entitled
to part of the credit-
are the greater
number of those
says the Houston t
average people have come to
an American who
unifies a titled foreigner as
a fool. We do not pretend to
offer a that
age these foolish alliances, but
. as Mr. Clews says, with-
of these millions annually
our great business enter-
prises, then surely Mr. Roosevelt
can find a remedy- Mr.
has tackled almost every
problem except this and we do
not doubt he can solve this one
if he ever decides to give his
The best of plans fall out and
the best of friends get married.
A Thrilling Play.
The people of fie
are rehearsing a beau
of society life in New York,
which recently had a run of a
whole year in one of the leading
of that city. The play
is entitled Win-
The are to
devoted to assist i. paying the
heavy interest on new
church, which still has a
At tho
same time the Aid society
of that are collecting
handsome articles for an
orate bazaar to hi opened some
time during the coming year,
possibly not before th j fall.
Friday afternoon Mr. W. H.
Johnson's horse ran away. The
horse was hitched to a buggy,
and near the depot ran
down Dickinson avenue and
through of Evans street,
stopping near J, M.
The runaway had several
ions and did considerable dam-
age to vehicles. No one was in
the buggy, and there was no
personal y.
25th Si T
There will be divine services in
Odd Fellows hall on above date.
Morning services at o'clock,
evening prayer and sermon at
o'clock. All are cordially
invited. Hood, Rector
in charge-
It was announced at the White
House Friday that
Roosevelt will sign the
admitting Oklahoma
Indian Territory to statehood at
o'clock. Sunday morning
The signing of the
will bring the new State into
existence which be
at o'clock. Central time, la
Jack Bryan, son of and
Mrs J W. shot a
ball through the of one
hand morning. He had
his gun sprung when he dropped
it and the weapon was dis-
charged- It is fortunate the
damage was no worse.
An exchange remarks that
time the Governor of
North Carolina is asked to meet
other governors, the Governor
of South Carolina should be in-
in order to make the con-
was likely caused
from the fact that the Governors
of and Alabama, to-
with our own Governor,
met with Governor Smith, of
Georgia, in . to confer
with regard to railroad
and the of
South was not present.
Perhaps if that gentleman had
been the meeting would
have been more lively.
The New York World quotes
labor leaders as saying that
thousands of workmen will be
unable to find employment in
New York city in 1908 owing
the slackening of building opera
due to the financial
Has the financial
shown anything so plainly
as that every man has his duty
in task
of maintaining a A
man gets uneasy about his money
takes it out of his bank, and puts
it under his pillow. harm
is done- But multiply his course
sufficiently and the mischief is to
pay. The of industry
stop, men ore thrown out of em
women and children
are rendered anxious and m
Neck Keep. Oat SaleScotland Neck. N. C. Nov.
Prohibition wins
Neck by six majority- The kill
for saloons met its Waterloo
the polls today. The election
was quiet and orderly. The p-a.
their for-
By ten o'clock the i c-
was conceded by H
The fight has
warmly contested. There was
made a vigorous bat
effort to establish
Scotland Neck, but the victor,
our women, the great speeches
of Governor Glenn and
the active work of the temper-
leaders and hearty co-
operation of every man
in the cause effected the
result. Scotland Neck has t
dared itself in accord with the
temperance sentiment of the
State and is on the water
to Out of era
voters, voted for and
against saloons. Six tots.
The Liquor
sees the South
ground on it and the federal
government determined that Ike-
whiskey it sells he pare
whiskey. Under such adverse
circumstances and while they
nave fallen upon
it would be a idea for Ike
engaged in the
to close out and engage some-
thing more profitable and mere
The Raleigh and
sensibly remarks Ike
present st
wise business man knows
the money is
He is not
down hope, bulls push
his business more vigorously
than when money
freely. The only way
make move
The cotton Journal, la
Jordan's paper and the
o of the Southern
Association, Te u
farmer is holding not less than
bales of today,
is the way our scores
inform an, and
banks are meeting demands
made on them by growers, a
most manner, gen-
Pres. of the Chamber Ce
Greenville, N. C
My Dear
We take this early
of endeavoring to express to yet
and through your
our most sincere appreciation of
us by you and it daring oar
stay in your town
The genuineness of your greeting
was apparent and It i oat
hearts, We assure yon. my dear
sir, that we shall be nappy at
time to endeavor to reciprocate
your courtesies.
You-8 very sincerely,
E. Johnson.
Fred A. Olds.
Ti T

at N
Entered M
Now it is the
Wedding of
N. C, Nov
A wedding of much interest u
the people of North
will be that of Miss Elba
youngest daughter of Mr
Mrs. Robert Randolph Cotten
to Mr. Douglas B. Wesson
Springfield, Mass. which .
take place at the
home of the bride, n November
This will be preceded
. . This win
; , . ,. University party at
who wants where many guests will assent
Not only have living cm
inc-cased, but e
to die and be
I g be for
Whether the coins have .
motto on them or not. we v.
T . are oaring in
i predicts a of
hank cake, and only the
fellow plenty of
. para to indulge in Christ-
to see them passing ,.
President Roosevelt can get, money came
some good points from I ., people teem to
Glenn for Thanksgiving . conclusion that
writing. man has no needs.
would not care if they
Greensboro's proposed d their minds m this par
packinghouse was only a
ti and would pass some
this way once in a
The Herald intimates
Durham consume; a lot of
through the prescript on ,
Must be a very to
G completed h
auditorium, and the
says she is ready for the Den
State contention.
g there-
La i
Mrs. Cirri-- h
n H
Temp rune-
the Union thinks her work with
t entitles ha- to .
. me t m. The fame may
i expected of the
. What is most
; e keep their heads
. I try to destroy
. Do not make matters
worse by hiding your money.
. in the ordinary
. I; d business.
The North
in session at
bury, ad a n s-
a conference orphanage.
thing the people of His
State firmly believe in is
for the care of orphans.
Mr. Bryan has set the
at rest by saying he will
accept the Democratic
for president if it is offered
him. At the same time he say
he will neither ask nor make u
it, neither will babe
disappointed nor if
goes to somebody
Governor Glenn ha i proclamation setting apart Thurs-
day, inst, as of thanks
giving and prayer. The
is an excellent one and its
sentiments should fin an echo
in the heart of every
of his home and country. It
appeal elsewhere today.
Bourke the
Tammany Hall orator and con-
was arrested in New
York city the other day for
legal registration. It is given as
the probable cause of his failure
to vote that the same man had
registered as a Democrat, a
Republican, a and i
r Tillman, of South Car-
o . . ported as saying
P . Roosevelt will not ac-
i term, and that
r non will be the
nominee for
dent. Ho also says that Mr.
Bryan will be the Democratic
no without a doubt, aid
declares the latter to e
st living Democrat and
the proper man to entrust with
the affairs of our
A convention of
c Democrats held at Nashville.
inaugurate a move
looking to the nomination
if a Southern men as the Demo-
It re mains to -c s, en
other States give this
But from past ex-
o i i ii looks like the party
do as well with a
man as its candidate as with ore
from other section.
from several States.
The participants in the well
known hospitality of
will be Mr. and Mrs- Joseph
Miss Wesson, Mr.
Douglas Mr- and Mrs
William Taylor and Mr. Flynt
Lincoln, all of Springfield.
Mr. Harold Miss
and Miss all of
Pa.; Miss Murray, of
Columbia. S- C ; Miss
Baltimore, Md-; Mar-
Elliott, of Charleston, S.
C; Miss Gertrude
van, of Savannah,
Miss Julia Worth, Wilmington.
N. C.; Miss Bernice Boyer, Day-
ton, Ohio; Mrs. William
of Newport News, Va.; Miss
Mary Stearns, Newport News,
Va.; Miss Margaret Skinner.
Greenville, N. C.; Miss Annie
Gray Nash, Tarboro, N. C.; Miss
Clark, Tarboro, N. Mr
Taylor. Norfolk, Va.;
Mr. Charles F. Cook, Princeton,
N. J.; Mr. Henry P.
Pa.; Mr. Preston
Cotten, Norfolk. Va.; Lieut.
Bruce Cotten, New London,
Conn.; Mr. and Mrs- Julian B.
Timberlake, Raleigh, N. C; Mr.
and Mrs. Russell B.
Boston. Mass.
The Old Not th State will be
by Messrs. George
Pennington, Samuel Clark, Theo.
Cheshire and Dr, Bass,
all of Tarboro, and Mr- Frank
Wooten, Walter Harry
Skinner, Ben Higgs and Charley
James, all of Greenville. N- C.
Cr to t
rich harvest for sharpen. Some
ago a reputed clairvoyant
grew rich by working a game on
ladies of that city, arid re-
the men have been falling
victims to checks.
If the reason given by the
president holds that
God we should
be eliminated from our coin be
cause they are frequently used
lightly by the joker or punster.
same reason might be giver
to oat the books of Jonah from
the because the jest
has grown out of the big lib.
Cox's Mill, N. C. Nov.
of our people attended
church at Black Jack Sunday.
Madison is sick with
typhoid fever. Hope he will
COD recover.
Chas. Evan's is all smiles. It
is a boy.
Mr and Mrs. Z. T. Evans, of
Haddock's X Roads, spent
day night and Sunday with their
A. C Evans has bought a new
will be a wedding in this
Go to
A good living is
n en in
or life,
n thin; is more easy ac-
, on the farm. Be-
sides, there is a pleasure in
and embellishing the
earth, Improving and increasing
its products and thus adding to
the aggregate of human
neat. Why, then, should
hesitate to be farmers It
profitable and
It is the nearest
to independence that a man
can make. A gentleman farmer
-and all farmers are, or should
be, to an
of nobility that is not in-
to holders for in-
and may, if he
shoos, be ranked
benefactors of the
race Let the idle young
n -n goto work on the farms,
seeking third and fourth
rate clerkships. In short go to
fanning and quit begging.
The undersigned Administratrix will
sell for the Mill about
mile from Greenville on Thursday,
December 5th, sale to begin at
o'clock A. M., the following
ed property,
About of one
several cattle, wagons, on.- lot
locomotive horsepower, one
Machine trimmer and edger,
me double edger, one cotton
separate-, pair cotton scales, two
mills, two lumber trucks, 3-
of steel rails, one mowing ma-
hint, one GO horse power boiler and
horse engine, one number Knight
aw Mill, one Van Winkle System Gin
two Harrows, one Disc
row, new Cox Cotton
d several Guano Distributors, two
Corn Planters, a large quantity of
cultural Implements,
shop with full equipment, about
barrel of corn and a lot of fodder,
one Iron Safe and some
tore fixtures and of
November the 1907.
Q. V. Bland, Administratrix.
F. G. Attorney.
V, bard N. C, Nov. 19th
G. N ; Sunday
a Ev
l and some
time.- i Borne dry
t, we don't
Mr. r I Mr L A. Whichard
morning for the
C. L. Will is
for the exposition N
Mrs. M ft, left
yesterday for V ere she
will with her
-s here
turk u e almost gone.
J. It. . -V of Atlanta.
Ga., and C hard, of
J. R ii, Jr.,
Sunday father, near
Oak Grove,
Mrs. i spent
Mrs. E. B.
L T. . l was
with us
Our clever master, J-
E Hines, spent the
day v
Since our S. Con-
i-1 from Mis-
I to
Oakley, N. C, Nov. 1907.
Eli Rogers m; d business calls
in Kinston last
II- A. Gray, ;. Jenkins and
T. F. Nelson e business calls
in Greenville last week.
James I n, of
of Which-
aid, -t here S
One man in will not wash
his face, for when he docs every-
body to knew he is
Gordon went to Tarboro
are glad to note Mrs. T. F.
Nelson is able to be out again.
J. K. Barnhill, of Winterville,
was here Saturday and Sunday.
J. Williams made business
calls in Robersonville last week.
J. I. James went to Greenville
Mrs. Belcher spent Sun-
day here with her daughter, Mrs.
S. G- Williams.
Eli of Hamilton, came
in Monday night to spend a few
days with
Z. V. and Miss
Jenkins visited at Stokes
Jim Taylor has returned
where he has been
for a good while at school. He
will remain on farm.
A telephone message to The
Reflector from Grifton says that
Governor Jarvis Sunday night
the ever
seen in that town. His speech
on prohibition was a logical gem
and made lasting impressions on
the young
Governor will at
Grifton on next Monday,
at 2.30 o'clock.
Having ; .
S. n. c. t. I. A. de-
ceased, late oft I of Pitt, North
tin n; notify all persons
having claims i of the
I to exhibit before the
within one year from this
or notice be pleaded in
bar of their recovery.
All per the said es-
t make immediate pay-
This of Oct. 1907.
Q V. Bland, Administratrix.
F, G Jam's. Attorney.
Property Sale
At my home miles from
Bethel, on Friday, November
29th. will sell at public auction
section before long, but I was n of household and
asked not to tell who. kitchen furniture, one mule.
Ii. A. Moore recently made a
to Washington on business.
O. Armstrong will preach
at Hose Hill second Sunday morn-
kitchen furniture, one mule,
one horse, carts, buggies, one
peanut weeder, and other
utensils, corn and
Resolutions of
Whereas, it has pleased the
Great Spirit in His infinite
to remove from our midst
Brother J. J. Jr,,
of Grimesland Tribe, I- R. M-
Therefore, be it resolved,
1st, That in the death of
brother Jack we
have lost a good citizen, a true
friend, and a brother who was a
Man in its highest sense.
2nd. That we the members of
Tribe No. ex-
tend to our brother, Ned Laugh-
his family our sin
and heartfelt sympathy, and
commend them in the hour of
sorrow to Him who alone can
give them comfort.
3rd- That a copy of these
be spread upon our min-
a copy be sent to Brother
Ned La and a copy
be sent to The Reflector with
request to publish same.
S. T. White,
R. . Flanagan,
V S Move.
t Committee
Attempted Suicide
Farmville, N C. Nov.
Walter Farmer, col, near
Toddy, on Mr. B F. rug
farm, shot and killed his wife
about o'clock last night and
then tried end his own life by
shooting himself. He aimed too
low and instead of putting the
in his brain he got it in and
under the chin. He was brought
to and Dr. C. C- Joy-
treated the wound, which, he
says, would pro e fatal. The
of the deed was jealousy,
Farmer's wife too intimate
with another man. It seems that
the two men had an altercation
last Sunday. Walter at the
other man twice but did not get
W. W. Owens died last night
at his home, near Fountain. Mr.
Owens was a well-to-do farmer
and was about years of age.
He leaves a wife and several
Miss the trained nurse
who he d been with Mrs. K
for six weeks, left
Washington last Saturday. Mrs.
is considered out of all
danger, we are glad to note.
Rat and Hack
Hearne, of Greenville, spent
Sunday with W. H. Wilkinson,
who is still quite sick.
The financial panic docs not
seem to diminish business much
in our town.
The ladies M. E.
gave an apron party and oyster
supper last Friday night for the
benefit of the parsonage. Quite
a large crowd of young people
were present and the occasion
was very much enjoyed all,
Tho proceeds to
Mis Mary Farmer, of Wilson,
is visiting Mrs. F. M. Davis
Not Quite
How often yon pet a
thing done- a
X nail or . driver o
Have a good
L box and be prepared for
W Our line of tools
Is a you could desire, and
will see that your tool
X box does not lack a
You get Harness
Horse Goods t c
J. P.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging
Ti always on
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W. p
North Carolina.
Notice to Creditors
Having qualified before
court Clerk of county ex-
of the last will and testament
Mary L. Campbell, deceased,
given to all persons indebted to
the estate to make immediate
to the undersigned, and all persons
claims against estate are
to present the same to the under-
signed for payment on or before the 18th
of November, 1908, or this
will be plead in bar of
L. W. Tucker,
of Mary L.
Having duly qualified before the So
Court Clerk of Pitt county,
administratrix of the estate of D. H.
Moore, deceased, notice is hereby given
to all persons indebted to the estate to
make payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
against said estate are notified to
sent the same to the undersigned for
payment on or before the 18th day of
November, 1908, or this notice will be
plead in try.
This 18th day of Nov. 1907. Martha A. Moore,
of D. H. Moore.
t d. wof Personal Property,
On Wednesday, Dec. 11th, at the late
of Moore, deceased,
near mill.
auction for cash a lot of aid
kitchen furniture, farming
loam, hogs, cattle, corn a-d fodder,
Nov. MM
Mrs. Martha A. Moore,
of H- Moore.
Just Arrived At
Land for Sale.
On Tuesday, Dec 10th, I will
sell at public auction before th
court in Greenville, or
privately that date,
parcels of wooded land in
or tracts, to suit
The is situated
miles from Greenville and if
crossed by the Norfolk South-
Terms, one third or one half
cash, balance in one and
years. J. L-Elks.
Where you will find a complete
line at all times. They handle
paints in car lots always keeping
good assortments, quality
guarantee it per
pure. Don't fail to see
their line, of Heaters, cook
shot guns, high-grade
Enamel ware It is the
place to buy your shells. They
also keep on hand celebrated
Fence, the kind
that is pig tight and different
height. Their is
quarters for Roofing, which you
will in Iron,
and Paper Take a look at
their plows and other
Implements fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied
Baker Hart
is in charge of F. C. NYE, who is authorize I to rep
resent the Eastern Reflector in and t
We Hell Laughlin, Eclipse an Carolina Milling
fountain pens. Co. are prepared to
B T. Cox Bro. grind first class meal for you at
of Chapel any time- Wood also a
here with his ., u p n I stock of station-
Mrs. Nye . must go. We must make
Our entire stock of boys rm of
Hill, spent Friday
at cost for the next
They must goB. F.
ft Co.
Miss Vivian Roberson left
Friday to spend
art Cold Point, her home.
sewing ma-
chine is one of the best machines
the market, and it will not
a fortune to buy one
They range from up
there a bargain in these st
those W.
Miss Hattie Kittrell left Fri-
to Sunday with Miss
House, near House
Glass ware and coffee mills just
Harrington, Barber
Vance literary society
another lively debate last
Get your- meal, fresh from new
Milling and Man-
Rollins went to Ayden
Friday on business.
have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price 91.60.
Our price, B- T. Cox
ft Bra
I. A- White- of Greenville,
i here Friday.
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
Mrs. J. K. Barnhill, from near
spent Friday with
fear sen, K. Barnhill.
Harrington Barber Co- have
a complete stock of ready made
see him before you get
your next suit
Rollins to Green
Although we have been threat-
ad a financial panic for the
month, we are glad to say
that the Bank of Winterville is
in excellent condition. Bring on
your deposits. A bank is one of
the most useful institutions that
a team and community can
J. L. Jackson, Cashier.
will pay per
Cent premium on cashier's
till Dec 1907.
B. F. Manning Co.,
Winterville, N. C
of all kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling mfg.
Some days ago, Geo. Kittrell
hipped a pony to New Hill,
lamps of all
Barber Co,
We are impressed with the ex-
spirit the people are
toward the banks of
Too talk about good neat and
comfortable school desk that are
cheap but I can assure you that
Vie school desk made
by the A G cox Manufacturing
company has all these qualities
Elizabeth Boushall went
to Greenville today.
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
just in at Harrington,
B- E. Stanfield filled his
regular appointment at the
Methodist church Sunday
and night. His work on this
will soon close, this being
his fourth year- We regret to
The work under
ii has made steady
There was no
when he came to
and now his congregation
in one the best
In town.
The A G Cox Manufacturing
Company are selling
welded fence fast
Any one in need of good fence
and barb wire will be to their in-
eat to call to see them before
they buy.
Gents dress shoes just arrived
at Harrington Barber com-
room for our immense
new goods now coming During
the next forty days we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box papers-
B. T. Cox Bro.
Mr- and Mrs. G. T. Tyson,
from the country, were here
Wednesday to visit their son
and daughter, who are in school.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
nips and can now
be had at the drug store of Dr-
B. T. Cox Bro.
H- B. of Ayden.
was here Saturday evening.
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. First work
A. B. Litchfield, of Plymouth,
spent here with his many
friends. He is an old pupil
of W. H. S. and now holds
a prominent position in the bank
of Plymouth.
he cold weather is coming on
get your heavy underwear at
Harrington, Barber Co.
G. Tucker Co, have
chased the stock of goods owned
by H. L. Johnson and will con-
tho business in the same
store- We regret to see Mr.
Johnson go out of business, as
he is one of our cleverest and
best business men.
The A- G cox Manufacturing
company have now on orders
for a few of their old reliable
cox cotton planters and simplex
guano sowers for spring ship-
Several of our people went to
Hancock's Sunday to hear Rev.
Mr. Hassell, from Martin
county- He is reported to have
preached an excellent sermon on
the divinity of Christ,
Get a pair of rubber boots and
sloppy no dread
Harrington, Barber and Co.
J- E- Greene spent Sunday
Grifton with relatives.
Hunsucker buggies are still go-
if you want a nice up-to-
date runabout buggy you had
better give him an early call-
Dr. J. H. left Tuesday
morning for the exposition. He
was accompanied by H. B.
Lawhorn, who went to the bed-
side if his brother, Charlie, who
house and lot conveniently
located to business section of
town, for sale. For terms see
Ed Nelson,
Oar business men not only take
cashier's checks, but they offer
one per cent. on
A ten dollar check Is worth
The cold weather brings no
dread to those having plenty bed-
ding, blankets and l a
specialty at A. W Ange and Co.
Ward-robe, tables, safes
made to order. Carolina Mill
Mfg. co.
Nice juniper tubs of all sizes
at Harrington Barber Co.
The famous A.
cutter is the best stalk cut-
on the market, come and ex-
it and see if you will not
agree with us. B F Manning
Hive your carts, wagons and
buggies put in good trim for the
fall use. Al kinds of repair
work done promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg, Co.
Try a tree pocket knife-
Th.-y under guarantee,
this They are kept in stock by B. T.
Cox Bro,
Nov.- is the time to get single
and low down
at A. W. Angle Co-
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
Rubber shoes of all sizes and
rubber coats at B. F Manning
Men's fancy mufflers for
the cold winter wind at B. F.
Manning Co.
When in need of nice kid
gloves, driving gloves, work
gloves, see B. F. Manning Co.
Remember that the A. G. Cox
Manufacturing company are still
making their well known Tar
Heel carts and wagons.
dross shoes for at B.
F. Manning's company.
When a man goes to purchase
a home he generally considers
the location and the value as well
as the price, therefore why not
when you are thinking to
purchase saddles by calling
on the A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. for handy Economic
Back Band which is cheap be-
sides being durable.
From my farm on Saturday
before the second Sunday in
October, a black male hog,
weight about pounds,
mark id slit in each ear.
Would appreciate information
leading to recovery and pay in-
formant for trouble,
Mrs. N. E. Tucker.
R. F. D. Winterville, N- C.
The A. G. Cox Co. will
allow a premium of per cent for
all Cashiers checks received on or
before December 1st payment
of accounts or in the purchase of
anything in their line.
Land Sale
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent for Ayden and
will sell at public sale at Bethel,
Pitt county, N, C. on Saturday the
day of November. A. D. at
o'clock A. M. my farm situated in
Bethel Township one mile east of
Bethel on Coast L Rail-
road, the lands of J. W. Ed-
H. Ward land and the
of tho late D. Carson
ceased, and others, about.
Two hundred acres or less, and
being the tract of I now
live. Terms of sale one half cash
in months by mortgage
on the land.
This 15th 1907,
Mary E.
A- fur DAILY
incl we take
and receipts for
win arrears We have a list
. all who receive their mail at
his office. We also orders
for printing
Walter Hooks, Esq., has re-
turned from Kenly, where he
has been to visit his family.
J- R. Smith and
Hodges went to the
meeting last week.
We have not seen any of the
ear marks of J. R. Whichard on
the Reflector yet
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they alway
have the best.
Is the present panic one of Mr.
Roosevelt's pet occasions, or is it
the devil this time
There is much complaint as to
the gates leading out of town.
A Tasteless Chill tonic with
Iron, positive permanent and
effectual relief in and
a general tonic only at M. M.
drug store, Ayden, N. C.
There was a sale of personal
Friday seemed to be hog catch-
time in Ayden-
Overcoats at a bargain Big lot
just received. See our line be-
fore you buy. J. R.
All semblance of diphtheria has
disappeared from our midst so
far as we can learn.
Wednesday evening
united two souls and
made two hearts beat as one.
Tripp, Hart Co., are now in
possession of the old white horse
that Peter owned.
J- R. Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime.
Now for a new fall suit.
fail to see our line before you buy
J. R. Turnage and, Company
Your lady friend would
one of those fancy boxes
candy at Sauls
drug store, Ayden N. C.
Buy a pair of our patent
It improves a girl's looks
to be rich.
Afflicted Family.
On Nov. 14th the of the
Lo-d entered the home of Mr
Mrs. C- W- Bailey and took
away their beloved son, J. T.
Bailey, aged
leather shoes for men. Every
pair guaranteed not to crack
R. Turnage and Company.
This is the time of the year
that your face and hands chap
so badly don't suffer with it but
call at M- M, drug store
and get a bottle of violet cream,
only per bottle.
candy direct from
factory at Saul's drug store.
Our line of 3.00 Hat
just received. Any style and
I shape. J- R.
On October they lost one Son have
of their daughters, Mrs.
of aged She left a
A new line of plaids and home
spun at B F Manning company
Now is the time to purchase
your Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. G. Cox Man-
Co., have plenty of
husband and two children.
Another member of the
is very low with typhoid
The parents have our greatest
Broke Hi Buggy.
In driving up the early
Tuesday night, Mr. Frank Stokes
made too short a turn at the
of Evans and Third streets,
and ran into the iron corner post.
The front wheel of the buggy
that the post was broken
in pieces.
Blaze in Cotton Samples.
Tuesday night about
o c k a g e t. o m a n was
coming out of the office of
Co., near Five Points,
and struck a match on the door-
to light a cigarette. In-
a of fire flashed
over a largo pile of cotton
in tho front window, sup-
posed to be caused by a part of
the match head flying in the
cotton. There was some lively
hustling on the part of those
present to get the burning cotton
out of tho building and prevent
; them on hand. Call and see them, o
Sale of Personal
I will offer for sale on Wednesday
Dec. 4th 1907, my personal property
consisting of wagons, buggies
and farming implements of every de-
F Smith
received a car load of Ellwood
wire fence. Can furnish any
The largest and cheapest line
of stationary in town don't buy
until you have examined M. M-
Sauls stock.
See our beautiful line of ladies
dress goods before you buy. J-
R, Turnage and company.
Cotton is coming in slowly.
Keen cutlery and hard-
ware at J. R. Smith co-
Mason fruit jars, taps
i at J. R Smith co-
Pneumonia Cure at J. R. Smith
Li dies get your gentlemen
friend one of our Gillette safety
razors for a. birthday or Christ-
mas present, nothing more
M M Sauls druggist
If you want a new fall suit, we
have them. Latest styles and
prices reasonable. J R Turnage
and company
The Ayden Milling Mfg. Co,
with all the machinery,
saw mill, mill, repair shop,
planing machine, electric light
plant, with all the estate
belonging to same will be sold
here 2nd, 1907. by J. R.
Smith, trustee, to the highest
bidder for cash. This is a
did business, and we hope some
good party buy same and
continue to operate it here same
as before.
patterns at J. R. Smith
Go to E- E. new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
J. H. Tripp is at home
One thirty-seven acre form
Just outside corporation at
will be on easy
Ayden a Ins. Co-
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders, chickens and
eggs to J. R. Smith Co.
Boys I have a nice line of safe-
razors from 1.00 to 6.50, you
do well to one and
save time and money. See my
line of and other brands,
of pocket knives M M Sauls
Big lot cots latest styles, very
comfortable at J. R. Smith Co.
Pine Tar cough balsam will re-
your cough and cold Get a
bottle from M M Sauls
Overcoats and rain coats at
bargains Don't fail to see them
J R Turnage and company
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. M
M. Sauls, accompanied by her
sister, Miss Myrtle and
little daughter, Miss
Sauls, went in the country in
quest of a turkey for
upon which errand they were
successful. On their return,
the town gate, Mrs,
Sauls proposed to get out and
open and close the gate, handing
the reins to Miss Myrtle, who
in attempting to turn the horse
so as to make more room to get
out backed the animal in a ditch,
throwing the little girl out and
under the buggy in water chin
deep. The mother at once sprang
in the water, waist high, to the
rescue of her child. In the mean
time the horse had gotten in
deeper water and fallen down
being unable to get up, Mrs.
Sauls, replaced the little girl in
the buggy telling her sister to
keep her until she could secure
assistance. As the mother ran
away for help, the little one
cried, run. I'll
keep I'll Soon in com-
with three gentlemen,
whom she found near, the
was rescued unhurt, the
badly broken. Miss Myrtle in
her element, high and dry, while
the mother and one true to
their instincts of were
safely landed at home not much
the worse for their narrow es
cape, While a little tremulous
over passed events they are now
enjoying themselves in the an-
of a big fat turkey
Thanksgiving day with the min-
perhaps, another, to
help them pass that occasion
pleasantly away.
cashes all its
checks dollars for dollar.
Dr. R- J- and W. J.
Fair, of Atlantic City, N. J.,
who have been visiting C. A-
Fair, left for their home Sunday
Mrs. M. L. Cox, of Winter-
ville, is here on a visit to
Mrs. A. W. Ange. of Winter-
ville, spent from Saturday until
Monday with relatives in I
Auction sales in Ayden
becoming to be an every
day occurrence,
There will many
in and around Ayden next year. I
There is a constant hue and cry i
for more houses.
If a yo business
merchant of A. , should at an
early data . to his home
from a sister I a blushing
for there is something in the air.
Game Warden, W. C. Hines,
was here from
J. II. Cobb and son, of Stan-
spent Sunday with friends
Miss Myrtle Burris, of Rich-
after several pleasant
weeks spent with friends,
ft for her home Monday She
was accompanied by sister,
M. M. Sauls and Bur-
Sauls who will spend a
of weeks with her,
Harry Whedbee, Esq., of
Greenville, was here Mo. Jay on
professional business in a
court. b
The coming of Gov. R. B
Glenn to Greenville next Sunday
and the two addresses will
sliver i n Jarvis
will be an occasion of
our people. Every who
can do so should be out t hear
the governor that day.
Prohibition Election.
Grifton is thoroughly aroused
over the prohibition election to
to be held in that next
Tuesday. There will he speak-
every night this and
Governor Glenn will be present
and speak next
A telegram from Rocky
Tuesday afternoon,
the death of the infant on of
Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
formerly of Greenville. This is
the second child they ht-e lost
residing in that town
There seems to be a of
small change, but Christmas will
find it.
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
. Moore
Offer their entire stock f No
Groceries and
for sale in bulk. Terms
cash, call on them if you a
bargain. A nice large large
large brick store in which to con-
business can be on
easy terms.
D. S. Moore, Bro
ft. H. A TRICK
Office Rink
At the of business
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 14.07
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Due from banks and bankers
Cash items
Gold coin 1211.00
Silver coin 1.872.06
Nat. bk notes 1,335.00
surplus fund
Dills if
Deposits subject to U 181.07
Cashier's checks outstanding
I J. B. Smith, of the do sweat
hat the above Is true to the best cf my and be-
J- R.

This Department is in charge of V . ,
to represent the in j
Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Clean Tow-
Gents x repaired, clean
ed and pressed.
At both my Ayden and Greenville stables
Direct from the Breeders and Raisers of the W
need anything in this line be sure to see me as I
you money.
N. C
c ; ;
Jo years Pint
work guaranteed
N. C.
. y trouble is
An old time-honored om
of th President of the Nation
and the Governors of various
States is to issue year a
Thanksgiving i
More miles of have
been built; more factories
every desolation more
looms, spindles, planes, saws
and furnaces in operation,
until the year 1907 has become
the in our history in
rial development and in
on the people . give progressive
passion by words ff praise farm haTe com-
higher prices than
I heretofore, which, entail-
upon them by an all- , on
wise and good God To me this I has gain
is a most beautiful maintain-
custom, for if a State or
gratitude to their j
of the
them by an
State or
will only compare their
many blessings the r few
ills, each will find the good
bestowed is far in excess of the
evil, and therefore a mater for
profoundest rejoicing.
While since tin last
some have
curred in the State are to
be and some f I
engendered that may have left j
the parity of wealth. Money
has been obtainable on easy
terms, and not the
of Wall Street has
to any great extent our
financial condition. Invest
have declared d
and fine returns have
been on every of
work both in t
and industrial
u Never before the history
a sting, still when these disturb-
and excitement ore for- j of the State has there bean such
gotten, or only taken in public
having taught lessons of patriot- while a temperance w
ism and peace. has swept over the entire Co n-
plenty and blessings of the past showing that
great and small, must obey its
The mercies thus shown us by
a bountiful Creator have been so
prodigious, and the percentage
of increase-agriculturally, in-
educationally and
wonderful, that it
has attracted not only the notice
of our nation, but of the entire
world, and has made it our duty
to magnify the name of who
has thus as the increase.
For the purpose, therefore, of
giving in opportunity of ex-
pressing and love,
R, B. Glenn, governor North
Carolina do join the
dent of the United States in pro-
claiming Thursday, the twenty-
eighth day of November, 1907.
.; a day of thanksgiving
prayer rejoicing
On this day I earnestly hope
and ask that every kind of
be suspended and a holiday
given, and that the as-
at their usual places of
worship and offer thanks to Al-
mighty for His many mer-
and there renew their vows
and dedicate themselves afresh
to lives of thrift and honor and
o of their State, their
and their God- I like-
wise respectfully that the
ministers of all churches that
have on Thanksgiving
day read this proclamation to
virtue of the pow r of sale
contained in a c . Mortgage
Deed executed d red by
ft S. and . ii a,
Vinson, to James N. Vinson on
the 23rd day of November, 1906,
and duly -riled in th i
of office of county,
North Carolina. page
the undersigned w ill expose
to public sale, b
House in Gr ill . t the
bidder, on Saturday the
7th day of December, a
certain tract or . reel of land
lying and being the of
Pitt and Si of forth
and as follows, to
Beginning art.-kn the
road near Manning's f m-
Emily Mel
run.-; Tar road
degrees we and poles to the
head of a with said
ditch and ; id N,
east poles t i stake in an-
other ditch, with said
ditch S. I degrees
poles of same, thence
with aitch the fallowing
courses. d . 1-2
degrees E. 4-5 poles to crook
of ch S deg s E.
poles to another crook E.
duly before the
clerk of Pitt county as
of the but will of
J. notice is
hereby -On to all pOI a indebted to
st .- make i
u and ill
sent on e
of or thin no-
will i i bar of recovery
T, IT. Bowers, Executor of Mary
Ry virtue of the power of
in a executed
and by Oscar H.
A. on tie Slat day
November. and
the of deeds of Put
North in rook
page i c
to public sale, th
door in for cash to
bidder, on Monday, the
of the
real property t A cert an tract
of land fifty acre
or less, the of C.
A. Randolph, tie e Spain
heirs, th-- of J. J.
away and as the
sail tract of land in
Pitt county, of No th
said mortgage
This 13th day of 1907.
L. A. mortgage.
J. L. Fleming. Atty.
Mil.trouble U A . v, I'd help.
pole.; to
S. d
r crook of
et gum J.
thence with said
year will be as have millions for people, making such com I various
cause for the expression of our. vestments, improvements and upon it as to them seems. ear
deepest gratitude to the author education, they arc tired and right on such an
of all good. money squandered for of praise and
No pestilence or drink, that only brings In particular also do I ask that
of sickness has vi shame, for they have this day of thanksgiving we
afflicted, the widows and
.--. ., j- or.
people, but unusual health and i ascertained that the true worth the poor, the
freedom from disease have been a nation or State is afflicted the
enjoyed throughout the entire
State, and a manifestation of
kindly consideration and love for
the sick, the unfortunate and
afflicted has been exhibited in of its
building of new hospitals and in Isaiah said,
the better equipment of our man more precious than fine
institutions. I In the hour of our great
The demand for laborers in prosperity w; must not forget
department of business we are with souls.
to be by the
amount of its finances, the
strength of its army, or the value
of its products, but by the char-
men and women-
will make a
has been so great that good
wages for reasonable hours have
been given all who toil, and
there has been no excuse for
any able-bodied person eating
the bread of idleness being
dependent on charity.
Peace and have ex-
between capital and labor,
and employers and employees
as well as men, for
soundness of heart and purity
of life are the State's greatest
bulwark of safety.
Law and order have been main-
and no unlawful mobs as-
but the people have
been quiet and given up to deeds
of industry and thrift.
While trying to do full justice
enjoyed closer relations to all and protecting every class,
ever before-each high ard low, during the year
brotherly love doing
duty to the other.
his full the State has maintained that it
is supreme, and that both
orphans, and all others in dis-
tress, and at the collection en
give to their wants as the Lord
has prospered us. Let us
remember on day of thanks-
giving and rejoicing to d j
in reflecting on the name of our
State, but let us bear ourselves
as patriotic citizens
and faithful Christian people.
In witness whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the Great Seal of the State to be
Done in City of Raleigh,
this the eleventh day of
id t the one
and thirty second year of
our American Independence.
By the
A- H. Arlington,
private Secretary.
P m
Moore Lo
poles to an-
id at a
Corey's line,
. Mrs Emily
r to
r d j.
of N
e M. C.
.; Of
Today lo
out i
t or. v.
baskets I
with a
c several large
cotton and
one- of the baskets fell off in the
mud lie tried to gather up the
seed there was too much
mud a quantity of thorn
w e lest- They may help the
Policeman G i ire Clark says
there is a in fattening
for The -r. That's go. d
If we can scare up a yam potato
to go along with it by the
la ready, there
v. id Lea feast
By virtue of a decree of. the Superior
Curt of Pitt special Proceed
entitled J. it. Ta
Robert S the com-
will sell or before the
court house door in Greenville on on
day Se-t. toe following d.
scribed estate. One it,
of being the store lot now j
occupied by J. Bunting and the
buddings on said said lot
o i th north by st. on ti .
by th lot owned by V. Crimea I
CO., on the south by Mock
id Bros, on the by
it A and hotel,
that l
to cherry Bunting two
s o. e M I- i I. the
other deed u.-o
One in hounded i
north by street, on by
II the lot
by co flack G t
on west by Nelson
Also one or of
by Railroad sir et
a id the Nelson on the cast by
tie properly, tH
in Gear n, Mai k
and on the west
by Main st. containing acres mo-e
or ens, V.
. . -i
N. C.
of. Carts
d of work In
ire aw on
To of Live.- or
r . Other
fact tin s s and if
U car
your u f. v Make
full fr d bottle
if it . then
m entitles yd
to it u Ai
Only a Until c number f
given away, U . this op
put i unity a
You Should
OWN the wonderful Edison
Phonograph. it sins, talks,
and music of ail
v x
1.1 home for
tr m as as
you have
. -i hem the
. you buy them,
. N. C. ;
Having duly qualified before the Pr-
clerk of Fit toe Hy i
of i.
given to to the
estate to make
undersigned, and all having
claims said estate
ti same to ed
payment or th
of September, 1908, J
be in of recovery.
This 28th day of September. 1907
Jesse Cannon,
Administrator of Cicero M. Smith
One black and spotted male
weighing about or
crop and slit the
left, swallow fork and
the taken up with my hogs
about five months ago. Owner
can him by cost and
proving property. L. c. Moore.
I Superior
-by U. C.
I I y Hon. C.
Sail o in a
herein e.
t ti ;
ex I
in or
i i in l
l .
I. In the if th i land of
.- bounded
-.- i r . i . mill i SB W,
om the same d,
, down said creek point
, will col I'M cypress
on e rounds; thence H
. , I stake
, . s
I i , I
mo e Al o part, of said
;. with bit a and Darns which,
be d Bed, at.
point lot ditch
i- a i road, containing
1.1. . he two parcels or
i v ill b s -1
i i . . I b in twelve
ii ii- tho to
i., i . i once,
an I by mortgagee
e pr pi it.
., . of November
W, II.
Court held cut the full two
term did not
until today. More was
done than at civil term held
here in time.
o -l
D J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
if f
VOL. No.
The most popular business man
is always the man who minds his
o n business.
The couple that marries in
haste on a short purse seldom
has any leisure in which to re-
If this Democratic prohibition
sweeps on. Tammany may
have to vote with the Republicans
R. G. Dunn Co., in their
weekly trade review, report con-
improvement in the
financial and industrial situation.
Thanksgiving day i I
spent unless you remember the
orphans, Get in read-
to give then next
day, and your donation be
In addition to the general pro-
bill passed by the Ala-
Legislature, the Senate has
passed t bill prohibiting the sell
or giving away of strong
drink by clubs. The
should be passed by tho House
and placed upon the statute
Charlotte Observer, has
had homicides in
last three years, and not a
hanging. If the ratio was a
little nearer together the number
of homicides might, decrease. In
other words if there were more
hangings would be fewer
Whenever there is a
election, the advocates of
in their desperation are
apt to do very foolish
things to try to carry their side
of it, end such acts always turn
against them. You do
not want any better evidence of
this than the recent election in
Scotland Neck. It seems hard
to convince saloon advocates that
their business is doomed-
From the way certain large
concerns are reducing
wages, it looks like the wage
earners are to be made to bear
the brunt of the financial
And in most cases they
are the ones who can the least
afford to bear it. If the wage
earner is to get less pay, a re-
in the cost of
that make up his living expenses
necessarily follow.
If policemen come up
to the requirements of the
lice s. that city
will have a good set of uniform
wearers. The commissioners de-
courage, intelligence, good
good temper, promptitude,
impartiality and pleasant address
are the essential requisites of b
good Tho man
who measures up to that cede is
all right.
pf the r who refrains from
too many too many
would probably he denounced
from the while
fake except for the c tint
the his
A poet recently died
worth This proves
that writing poetry does not
interfere with successful
One advantage about not hold-
the offices is that the
can charge up about all the
in public life to the
Republicans, and there's a
In discussing the new ten
gold pieces a good many
newspaper men are of a
they know nothing what-
r about
Both branches of the f Alabama
legislature have passed a
bill for that State,
law to be effective January 1st,
Bishop Morrison, who presided
at the recent session of the
Western North Carolina Confer-
at gave the
preachers a considerable shaking
up when he read the list of
The bishop acted
on the idea that about is
fair and prefaced reading
the appointments a remark
that the preachers who had been
holding fat positions should be
willing to take a lean one. and
give the others a chance Of
course a preacher is
expected to go wherever the
bishop saws, but if reports are
true the appointments as read
at Salisbury considerable
Some the are
ad. people of small mean
who have money hid away to
get it out and invest it the
certificates soon to be issued by
the These
will be Issued In
of and will bear per
interest. The person who
has hid away make a
good investment by giving it for
one of these and at
the same time be putting hie
money in circulation and draw
interest on it To keep money
in hiding about the home does
nobody any good, not even the
holder of it yet It keeps him in
constant danger of being robbed,
but to put it in circulation helps
everybody. If you have a
plus invest it in the government
certificates or make a time de
posit in the basks and get inter-
est on it
The morning papers of
The Star end The
have announced that
they will keep hands off the
, ml. iii it ion campaign in that
city and let the people fight it
themselves. A more re-
position for a news-
paper to take is to get on ire
or the other, and not be op
the fence. If the Wilmington
papers are in
they should
to say so, and if they
re for it they should have the
i to their
Receives Credit For the He Hat
Dane Toward Securing Inland
Water Route.
Philadelphia, Nov. 20.-The
prominent part taken by North
Carolina in the Atlantic deeper
waterways conference is a mat-
of interest to all North Caro-
Congressman John H
Small receives all the credit
which he so richly deserves as he
has worked for the project in
season, and has obtained the first
appropriation from Congress for
the construction of any portion
for water ways. The
outlining the plans
conference and calling upon
Congress for tho necessary
appropriations for the Boston-
Beaufort waterway, presented
for the committee by its chair-
mar, Prof. Collier Cobb, were
upon motion of Mr. George W-
Morton, of Wilmington, amend-
ed to extend the project to Key
Fla. In the permanent
organization Mr. J. H. Leroy, of
Elizabeth City, was made vice-
president for North Carolina, and
Mr. delegate at large.
After adjournment delegates
from Virginia, North and South
Carolina, met and agreed upon
January 1908, as the date and
Charleston the place for the next
meeting of the
Another Peabody
Announcement is made that at
the next meeting of the trustees
of the Peabody fund, to be held
within a month, a grant cf a
million dollars be for
the establishment of a
college in connection with the
Peabody Normal school at Nash-
This grant to the Nashville
college, it is been
delayed because of the technical
differences between the trustees,
on the one hand, and the state of
Tennessee and the city of Nash-
ville, on the other, but through
the good offices of Richard A.
and Joseph H. Choate
these differences have now been
settled, and the grant will be
This is a magnificent gift and
comes to supplement the
benefactions of the great
philanthropist whose legacy has
done so much for the cause
of education It the south The
fund he left for the furtherance
of education in the south has
been well and wisely administer-
ed and thousands of teachers
have prepared themselves for a
life of usefulness through the
kindness of Peabody.
Students of education have
long since learned that
can be no efficient system of
training the youthful mind which
not with the education of
teaser for the work in hand
Pedagogy increasingly
of the most complex
and far-reaching of all sciences,
and the need for scientific train-
training on the part of those
are to the fresh in-
o'er the is being
more freely recognized
Nashville is already a great ed-
center, and there is
invidious desire on the part of
any of the cities of the south to
minimize her good fortune. It is
a source of genuine satisfaction
to the south that she is to
get this million dollar gnu t, and
we feel sure that it will result in
great good to the cause of
A grand jury in Oklahoma in-
a man for calling another
a liar. Perhaps this is the real
reason why President Roosevelt
does not like Oklahoma ways.
North and South Join Hands and Hearts.
At one o'clock this afternoon,
the charming
try home of Col. and Mrs. R R.
Cotten. their youngest daughter,
Miss Elba Brown Cotten, was
given in marriage to Mr. Douglas
Bertram Wesson, of Springfield,
Mass., Rev. W. E. Cox, of Green-
ville, being the officiating clergy-
The day was i Jo and the
for the marriage
were beautifully planned. A
chapel-erected on the lawn for
the ceremony-was trimmed in
white and decorated with cedar,
evergreens and potted plants.
Special guests of honor were
Mr. and Mrs. Wesson, parents of
the bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs.
William C. Taylor.
The maid of honor was Miss
Eleanor Wesson, sister of the
bridegroom, and the best man
Mr. Flynt Lincoln, both of
Springfield, Mass.
The bridesmaids were, Misses
Annie Gray Nash, Tarboro; Ger-
Sullivan. Birmingham.
Ala; Janie Murray, Columbia,
S- C. Kathleen
Baltimore, Md.; Marj Stearnes,
Newport News, Va.; Julia
Worth, Wilmington, N. C; Edna
Philadelphia; Rena
Clark, Tarboro; Louise
Philadelphia; Margaret Skinner,
Greenville; Boyer Day-
ton, Margaret Elliott, Wash-
D- C-
Dames of Mrs. Julian
Timberlake. Raleigh; Mrs.
sell Boston; both sisters
of the bride.
Flower girl Miss Agnes Cotten
Timberlake, Raleigh; niece of
the bride.
Lieut Cotten,
U. S. A i Harold
Russell Boston;
Julian Timberlake, Raleigh; Pres-
ton Cotten, Julian Tim-
Jr., Raleigh; F. M.
Wooten, Greenville.
bride's gown was white
chiffon, embroidered in white
morning glories, on satin panels,
trimmed in white lace,
an heirloom of her
grandmother. She carried a
shower bouquet of lilies of the
The gown of the maid of honor
was white dotted chiffon, trim-
med in gold and cut mother of
pearl, and she carried pink roses.
The gowns of the dames of
Timberlake white
Irish lace and diamonds; Mrs.
in her wedding dress of
white satin, embroidered in
pearls. They carried roses.
The bridesmaids were all
dressed in white and carried pink
roses and maidenhair ferns.
The gown of Mrs. Wesson,
mother of the bridegroom, was
green chiffon with emeralds,
Mrs, Taylor's gown was green
chiffon, trimmed in pale blue
cloth. Mrs. Cotten, mother of
the bride was gowned in white
crepe de chine-
A dinner party was given
Wednesday night by Mr. and
Mrs. Cotten at which there were
forty-two covers. This was also
the anniversary of the
of their daughter, Mrs,
Numerous toasts wen
offered by the guests to the
bride of a year ago and
bride of today. Ital-
band furnished music it
the dinner party and marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesson came
Greenville this afternoon
leave on the six o'clock train
an extended southern tour,
which they will be at home at
An That Will Help
-cumulating from
Due to the energy and public no foundation for
spirit of Governor Jarvis Mess, or business depression. Ex-
i ti ire due absolute-
and entirely to a lack of
the people.
i as confidence is re-
R J. Cobb, O L and
other prominent citizens of
Greenville, this city has obtained
new plant of the
Veneer Company, b will
their mill at the site and the people who have
the A. C. L. tracks and the withdrawn their deposits from
fronting on r. to circulation.
the present stringency will be at
an end, without-waiting for the
river, formerly owned by Mr.
C. D. Rountree.
As the company has acquired
external timber holdings on Tar
river, this site is admirably lo
their logs coming in
river, or by rail.
A sawmill will form a part of
one else to
come to our rescue.
There could be no higher
as to the condition of the
country than the National
the plant, which will be much of Credit Men, whose
appreciated in Greenville for
local use.
The veneer plant will
equipped with most modern
labor saving plans to produce
fine furniture veneers from oak
and gum, such as is used by
High Point, N. C. and Northern
furniture makers, in thickness
from 1-32 up to 3-16.
No basket veneers will be
The owners, of this plant are
practical and experienced men
thoroughly versed in it, and in
the manufacture of built up
veneers into panels, which will
also be made.
About hands will be cm-
st is to their fingers on
pulse of the country, and at
a meeting of that
held at Indianapolis, the
I, That from trust-
trade and financial in-
formation received from every
section of the country, the
ion unhesitatingly declares
general conditions to be
fundamentally sound, and be-
the present financial dis-
notwithstanding the
stringency of the currency, will
be of short duration- Be i
Resolved, That the association
calls on all its member to sup-
port one another in an to
ployed and it will be great restore the confidence of
benefit to the whole country, to
have a river and rail mill, fur
pie, so unnecessarily shaken at
this moment, and to urge upon
for logs everyone the necessity of up-
points, holding business interests by
Hitherto owners of river their money now, as
have had to sell at Washing-
ton, N. C , miles
This enterprise deserves to,
and no doubt will, receive the
cordial support of this section
and no man should obtain or sell
his timber of any kind without
consulting them and giving them
Let our timber be
at homo. A large force
work grading the site
which has been rapidly cleared
The company will have e
finest site in this a
large natural pond of several
acres, made by filling up the
river edge, and damming the
creek now running through
the ravine, whose sides will
make the walls of the pond.
They have come here on strict
business principles without seek-
bonus or gift, and the fact
that Mr R. J. Cobb is an officer
and a director will at once give
the enterprise public confidence.
It is now proposed to u
checks instead of greenbacks
because there are no microbes o.
the checks, though a tainted
greenback is better than a
against a balance when
Senator is still think-
of himself as a
If he remains a
candidate he will certainly re-
something at the hands of
his party, but he may not want
it when he gets it.
Since the and fire in
San Francisco, eighteen months
ago, the sum of has
been spent for rehabilitation and
in the past, in the banks of their
cities and towns, to
the end that it may be used for
its legitimate purposes, viz, the
carrying on of the vast business
of the country. it
Resolved further. That this
association pledges every
to do all in his power to re-
u the confidence of public
at large in the solvency and
prosperity of cur
This is a clean cut and con-
from a body of
men who know what they are
talking about. They are not
whistling to keep their courage
up. and certainly they are not
attempting to deceive the
Great weight should be
attached to tho cheerful and
encouraging resolutions they
hive adopted
The city of Tacoma, Washing-
ton, a population of only
I, is to have the largest
t in th world. It will be
twenty-four stories high, feet
broad, feet long, and will
r with it. roof an area of
forty-eight acres,
General Isaac Sherwood,
who was elected to Congress
from the Toledo, Ohio, district,
returns to that body after thirty-
four years He was re-elected
after three attempt
Wesley who
government as a mes-
boy in War Depart-
in 1835, i now, at the age
of l years, serving the gov-
as in
the Forest Service, Department
of Agriculture. He ha; served
the government for

Eastern reflector, 22 November 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 22, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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