Eastern reflector, 15 November 1907

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CI Costly.
newspaper, but
today than ever
a big
. but
M . tr-para
i .
. tO
r Bank
. any pay for
editor -before it
up with its ex
Observer hat
r, ;. . COSt in
to . dollars.
which hat
, and most rigid
. n proprietor
balance of
some resource
it behind
trouble at
pie are
account if in
cite one in
Daily Journal, of
. d the services of
him that they
if the paper
i lo put
. it they would
him all the
for twelve months
to this put up
expenses. Before
called the
and informed
i for
hey refused to put
i out to es
Sentinel, the
and the
ting in the
went beyond an
dollars, and
d d there was
to show for it
b list and
lo t will, though
lentil value. The
of the News and
ad to spend
prestige, on i self-
If the cost of
i else had
tHen as now, it
r quired twice that
of establishing
paper in Wilson,
he Tines reviews its
. to sell out at
partial are bent
daily in that
n calls some sage
late l Wm.
i when he was
starting a new
i or buying the
h and being asked
. of it. col.
you are bent
to daily journalism,
paper or.
price. If you
paper, it will be
. id, and before your
to you will
I as much money
can be bought
at mate a bit
it the price is
. thirty, or forty
it is cheap to
bent on running a
The young
. i advice from Col-
later in the dear
that he gave
. i Raleigh News
H. delivered a temper-
address in the Methodist
church Sunday night, and Rev.
M. T. will deliver
in the the Christian church,
Thursday night Ex Gov T. J.
will liver address
hero on the tin d Sunday, We
learn that there u much inters l
campaign large crowds
out to hear the addresses.
Who Mt
are widows and
said man-
for instance, the widow whose
suicide She's
I is, everybody
her as if she were differ
There is a belief abroad,
i o rooted as the everlasting
hills, that it is the easiest thing
n world for a widow to re-
marry. As a general thing this
may be true, but in the case of
the woman whose husband died
by his own hand the belief is a
fallacy. They don't find it easy
to marry again. know three
most estimable women who at-
their widowhood through
the revolver and poison route
husband's tragic taking off
was in nowise attributable to
nerve-racking qualities in
wives. The women didn't nag,
they were not extravagant, they
were not fiCKle. men were
to their rash deeds
by their own cussedness; yet in
the widow was blamed
for his self-destruction and is still
paying the penalty. Each has
oilers from men who fell
victims to their charms; but s
as the prospective
learned that their predecessor
committed suicide they backed
for fear that if they
mated the bargain they might be
driven to the same New
York Press.
P i. t
in will be held i he 26th on the
prohibition. Prof. W
he Fair
The State fair last week was i
great financial success, indeed
greatest ever yet held, but the
exhibits were disappointing. As
an agricultural fair, for the pro-
motion of the agricultural inter-
of I the State, it was not a
success, to out it mildly, and yet
that was no fault of the manage
The farmers themselves
do not seem to take an interest in
the exhibition of their products.
The chief attractions at all fairs
nowadays seem to be the aide-
shows and horse racing. The
people seem to wait them more
than exhibit of agricultural pro-
ducts. Without such attractions
the crowds not be gathered.
The fairs also occasions for
reunions and social s,
when old friends meet and new
acquaintances are made Chat-
ham Record.
f Flitting
There will be a meeting of the
citizens of Pitt county who have
taken block and who may desire
take stock in a Printing
Publishing Company to
in Pitt county, at
m Tuesday the 5th day of No-
1907 at o'clock a. m-,
it the office of F. C. Harding, for
the purpose of perfecting sue
Every person who has already
subscribed for stock or may
to take stock on that day,
s requested to be present
F. C. Harding.
Tobacco Sake far
Following is the report of C.
W, Harvey, secretary of the
Greenville Board
Trade, for
of pounds sold,
average price per
pounds, 11.89; Total
lumber of pounds sold up
-o November 1st t,
American Home the safe-
guard of American
Help these liberties
by owning your home. Our plan
mikes it easy. 4th series now
The Building and Loan
North Carolina, Pitt County,
Mack Manning and wife Martha
R and O
K R.
and O. Moore above
will take notice that an
has been commenced in
court of Pitt county by
plaintiffs above named
the defendants above name d
the purpose joining
the said defendants from
foreclosing and col-
the notes set out and
the complaint in
this cause and the purpose of
having the same declared fraud-
null and void,
said defendant E R.
D. O. Moore will further
take notice that they are
ed to appear at the November
1907, of the Superior court
of Pitt county, to be hold on th
9th Monday after the first Mon-
day in September, it being the
4th day of November 1907, at
the house in said county in
Greenville, N. C. to answer or
demur to the complaint of
plaintiffs in said action, or the
plaintiffs will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said
This 30th day of Sept. 1907.
D- c. Moore,
clerk Superior court of Pitt Co.
S Clark, i
; . N. C.
By of u of the Superior
Court of county in Special Proceed
No. entitled J. R. Hunting vs
Robert the undersigned com-
will sell for cash before the
court house door in Greenville on Mon-
day Set. 1807, the following de-
scribed real estate. One lot in the
town of being the lot now
occupied by J. R. Bunting and the
buildings on said lot, said lot hounded
in the north by Railroad St., on the
cast by the lot owned by M J Grimes
Co., on the south by Muck G Rogers
and and on tho west by
mount store and being
prone was
to cherry Bunting by two
deeds, one M i, T and the
other om
Ono other I it in Bethel bounded
north by R street, on east by Mrs
W ii Bullocks, by the lot own-
ed by Knox co a id G Rogers
and on by J R Nelson property.
one piece or parcel of land
bounded on the north by Railroad
and the Nelson property, on the east by
the Nelson property, on south the
or James, Mack
sT carton, and on the west
by Main containing acres more
or F. G. James, commissioner
To of Liver
Bladder Other
say m bottle and
it cure will
your money. We
full free bottle i
and if it
use SOL until
entitles yo
to a bottle at
Only n limited number -f
given away. op
to test
. .
t-i u.- y.;
i Mp
tO , . . I
on Turns.
Write Coin, to See Us.
y, . rid Sunday. There
much Experienced Bar-
t i by con- Tow-
Having duly ;. . i l of . . .-
com t cleric of Pitt
of the U will and tea n
Mary J. i
hereby to a. indebted b
and all
said nit
sent the name for payment on ti
the day of or this no-
will be plead bur i i
This day of
T. H. Bowers, Mar. J,
is a blessing. Have you
If not, you should wear glasses
w fir yea and i
desired i
C. E. Hour-tree
Optician and hr
of Horology and Optics
. .,
North Carolina county
C-A. Pair wife
VS .
E. and D. O, Moore.
The K
and named
that an action
has been In Burl,
f Pitt county
the ts named for
and the poi
lUst; hi; complaint
n I r arid for tin
Carolina i rCourt
Ben Stewart VS.
The defendant above named
will take notice that an nation
above has
in the- Superior Court of
county to obtain from th
defendant a decree of
lute divorce. And the raid
will further take notice
she is required to appear at the
next term of Superior court of
said county to be held on the
ninth Monday after the first Mon
day in September 1907, it being
the 4th day of November 1907,
at the Court in
and in Greenville and answer
or demur to the complaint in said
action, or the plaintiff will
to the court for; the relief de
minded in
This the 19th day of October
1907. D.
Takes Up.
About 1st there took
up with my stock a male hog,
weighing or pounds,
marked, body white with black
rump and head. I now have this
hog taken up and held for owner
who can get same by proving
property and paying charges.
10th. 1907.
M B. T. Smith,
Greenville. N. C.
K K.
will ;
No r t
t mi i
m , O,
J r
II . , II
II, I., la
ii Id on the i , .
ft . , .
cube . .inn o in a I y
to the cm i .
in sen
.-. ill . u l
ii. ; . . ii . coin-
Th a the i. i s-p i u-
D. C. M.-iii.
Clerk r . i n
m in our town
and gave i
A. D Hill,
ii . . ; ; . stroke of pa
i but lie v. s
ii. , As
sick with typhoid fever
down with the same
they all may soon re-
On Tuesday Mr
Harris and Miss Vivian
married by
Rev. E. Cox, of Greenville,
ii r t past six o'clock, at the
of the bride, Mr. J.
and loft the
train for St. Augustine, Fla.,
they will spend
n ho land of flowers, he
-o; couple arc among the moat
and esteemed or our so-
circles and all who knew
join in wishing them a
and happy journey through life.
Maud and family, of
Saratoga, came down Saturday to
Mr. Pauline
Britt, South
John Warren and wife, of
township, were the
of his brother, Edgar
Warren, R. L. Davis
chief clerk.
Miss and
spent Saturday night and Sunday
I heir aunt, Mis. W. Parker,
near the Green Spring.
L. Crawford and wife spent
with their daughter, Mrs,
J. T. Flanagan.
Mr. J. F, Leggett and Miss
Jennie Wilson, near
will be married morn-
and will leave on the N
train in the afternoon for Macon,
where Mr. Leggett will open
a. wholesale shoe house. Mr.
Leggett is a well known
in community and we
hope joy and sue-
Min Minnie E. is
Mr. W, A. Pollard
ii is
i a II
Duty Dudley was in
n but nobody m
I i b II ire I as he
C ; rep i, dean-
ed and , r.
Every trace of kidney trouble is
. i y
. i
I .
SO well
B, rat
writes a card to a
man in which he say
that the story printed
in York papers that .
Brinkley, of Magnetic City, N.
has the longest beard in C e
world, reaching to a
stands is; that
two m n In Missouri in Pike
county, Elijah and n
tine have beards that
measure nine and twelve feet
Farm Magazine
Baltimore fer
Bishop Potter in making
self equal to a
bishop in shows
he is not contend with the
of leaders n
the of the South.
matte r
. I i leave I Li book
tho b n t r ti c.
the f w d of
N. G.
years in
work guaranteed
Enlarging h
4th, I . i.-i North
Littleton, N. C. Aug.
virtue of authority given in
K. S. and war-
rant of
W. J, Manning Inn mm
him under the Internal Kev-
i ., one tract of
land I- g to laid Manning and
hi. . i tract and contain
. ; i ti i
a i w l
t. upon h ho ;. new
i at u of will
otter ii i tin., bidder
mi Monday at
o m. the Court door
N. C.
J. I
r .-
J m-s Ii. lat
i ii u th
this is to
ill i
lie t in said
o i m to the
d on or I'll
id or this will
plead d in -very
All indebted to said
Mate will please make
lie payment to
the 4th day of
W. Jefferson,
F. t.; James, y.
. an near
Three Daily
m p. m- and p. m.
on Sat-
at p m Colored
admitted only at the two Sat-
afternoon performances,
days exclusively for white
New pay
both old and young.
Come and bring the children.
Admission cents school
in afternoon
II. v.- b fore the
c county hi ad-
; r the . M.
;. ; i hereby
to tho
Ml payment ti
. and p having
., tin i
. the i
for pi; o i or ire tho 28th day
of or this notice
e p in ii roe ivory,
day M 1907
A M. Smith
Ton 4th,
before the
m In the town of
I n public
f r shares of
company belonging
of the kite
M. C,
A d I oral mile
from town limit, I from
graded h Ii h Parties
wishing a good farm write me at
J. L.
is m of W R. Parker who the in and
U. C.
All of repairing
Id any kind of work in
woo . . iron.
work guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
r trace of kidney
i by
will paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md. for any case of Kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word ti the wise.
For Mil by
N. C.
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
In Pi ace U
dollar per V
Notice to Grocery Men of North
Samples of
picked by Taylor Co. of
New Orleans, have been exam-
under the State Food Law,
and were found to be adulterated
with chicory.
This brand of coffee has been
largely and sold in
the state as pure In
some case-, it. been labeled
and but when
so labeled
was in very small type and
would not be noticed by a casual
and therefore does
not comply with the require-
of the Food Law.
are hereby
th-t product labeled
Coil is a com-
pound of an I and
if sold, must be as such,
and not as pure coffee. Such
violation, if detected will be
prosecuted under th j Food Law.
S. L Patterson, Commissioner.
W. M. Allen, Food Chemist.
H. C. of
To Greet Raleigh
On Monday a train from
bearing four
including the governor and
other State officers, the Raleigh
Chamber of Commerce and Sec-
Regiment band, will pass
over Norfolk Southern
railroad from Raleigh to Wash-
and return. The
of the trip is to attend a
the completion of the road be-
tween that town and the State
capital. train will leave
Raleigh at a. m scheduled
to reach Washington at
A st v half an hour will be
made at Greenville, reaching
here somewhere about
The Chamber of Commerce,
graded school,
and as many of the people of
the town generally tan d- so,
should assemble at the depot to
greet and have
a short address by Governor
Glenn, Greenville can and
should make a good showing on
. November I.,. .;
We, the business ten i m approve most
the action taken by tin yesterday
The issuance of t-t .;. take the place
That we realize that such e tot .
of all business interest, i accept cashier's
checks as readily as we u . for n . . nut
the payment of all
J R and J G Frank bite,
Company, CS D D i . Hart, V
J L Wooten, R . ., Pulley
G Greenville g Patrick
C C Vines, J J Cc a; Long, J S Smith, j
F Davenport, J M H L Ca . C Hines, J L
Winslow, W B G E Harris, Wiley Brown,
N. Fleming-, L M , . E
Watson, C D Tunstall, Tobacco Co.; C G
Starkey, S T I W ; W H F C
W H SI H White, W H Kilpatrick.
James Brown, John L Carper, . A B Si Co,
F V Johnston, Evans Book St we, W F E; John Flanagan Buggy Co,
By E G T E Co, C B Rountree, J R Corey, h
H Ricks, B B
to Him Suddenly.
it was a to his
friends in when
telephone i from
he Avon farm.
Mr J. Li .
lied v . i y
it hid been only a few
days since was in Greenville
re .
I in
. J i. h. a i
v hunting a
; return-
i ; I .
pi i pain and a
.- . i head.
ills . in with
aim and hi, . i in the
r n I p k aid,
; of
a tn . w ;.
Daisy Pi , ,
A inter. , . ,;
school at
Capt. T. ,
ton S
B i . n char
her .
S. A.
ville Saturday,
J. I. .;.
t to
The Happy
Sunburned and with the
strength of youth, this glorious
country faces winter and another
year. The account of 1907
been made up. Nothing remains
but to store fruits. Is there
anything melancholy in the
of winter and
weather in a land In the
bard old days winter meant a
living death to the farmer. Now
it is the season of enjoyment,
when thrift feeds on the fatness
it stored up better- Social
pleasure make the dark days
bright, and the roaring fire makes
delightful contrast to the sleety
blast- In the cities there is no
cause for in the
short days and long nights.
They are most welcome to all
men of open mind and cheerful
soul- Especially in Washington,
the nest of winter delights, does
summer end joyfully and autumn
unfold her of sweets.
to Washington as
Robin Hood came to Sherwood
Forest. This brown and jolly
month dances in. his arm
cling the and buxom
waist of Ceres, and the wassail
flows merrily as they whirl
through the t woods Jack
Frost the magician, is master of
the revels. He hangs strange
colors in the trees and conjures
up a mysterious change in the
light. Common be-
gin to seem unreal in Indian
summer The
mortal, before he is aware,
finds himself in a land of fairy,
and must pinch himself to be
certain he is not translated.
Washington .
re, i-,
With the Color People.
The biblical and musical can-
given last night at the G.
S. and O. F. Hall, was indeed a
grand affair Subject
and His Daughter, under
auspices of York's Temple, A.
M. E. Zion church choir, with
Mrs. S. J. Waller, its
tor and manager, f he play, was
given in the interest of the mis-
department of the above
named church, and there was a
nice crowd in attendance to
witness one of richest treats
of season. Each participant
acted them part well, and de-
serves much credit The pastor,
Rev- It Henry Sawyer, Jr.,
only three Sundays here before
his annual conference convenes
in Nov. 27th. His
rally to meet his local and gen
demands will be on the 3rd
Sunday. He will preach his
farewell sermon the fourth
Sunday of this month,
row he will fill his regular
Every member and
is kindly asked lo be
Vandyke, C F White, j H Starkey, S j Nobles, Moseley Bros, L H
Pender, W E H C . I E Stokes, W S Atkins, E B
Tobacco Company, L A Greenville Manufacturing
Company, A B w B Greene, J P
King, J E Carson, E i , J Turnage, C E Bradley, W L
Best, E B Ferguson, D L s, D D S; H A White,
R W King, Julius Brown, m i i. J S Fleming,
Farm ville. N. C. Oct. 1907.
Mr. C. A. Fair, of Ayden, just
settled the death claim of the
rate James R. Jefferson, who had
policy in the Security, Life and
Annuity Co., of N.
C. He only carried the policy
one year. The claim v.- is paid
just sixteen days after
death. in inner in
Which Mr. Pair settled this claim,
reflects great on him as
Well as the Company- We can
cheerfully commend all those
who wish
for the least money, to Mr C- A.
Fair, with the Security Life and
Annuity Co., which is purely a
mutual, Southern company and
stands second to none, in paying
death claims promptly.
of James Ii
of Mr.
The funeral of Mr. J. J. Laugh-
Jr., who died suddenly
Thursday night, was held this
afternoon. Services were con-
ducted by Rev- W. E. Cox at the
residence of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Laughinghouse, on
Pitt street, and the remains were
t taken in charge by the Ma
and Red Men, both lodges
attending in a body, and borne
to Cherry Hill cemetery for in-
with the last honors of
those fraternities. A large
bar of sorrowing friends followed
and their esteem was expressed
in many beautiful floral tributes.
The pall were Messrs.
Frank Wilson, W. H. Jr.;
L. Joyner, J. D. Garden, A.
M. Moseley and T. M. Hooker, of
J. F. Taylor and F.
II. Rollins of Washington.
as his host of friends
familiarly called him, be
missed, and many hearts
are deeply saddened at his death,
The weather was ideal and ti e
attendance of teachers and vi
ors was unusually largo. Th i
devotional exercises . con
ducted by Rev. C. O. Ai i
if Ayden, after which the n i- j
program of day is
Supt. Cale, of
an interesting t ilk on ii .
manage the idle hid
school. He laid down ft m
Keep him L
him by finding what things re
interesting to him. Speak to
the sex separately.
By thus you will ad
his respect.
Miss Randolph
Falkland- gave an excel
on the manner of mar i if
pile in and out of the
Supt. C. L. Coon, of
then introduced by Pr s.
Smith. Mr. Coon has his
in the- education-
of North Carolina
as he speaks of the gr. I
of the teachers of the
earnestness in his
shows that it comes
on fife for the work. Mr
tells things as they are an I
not sugar coat Hum. He
the truths home to the I
his hearers. He
course of study es
the for the public
system and l e with
authority and
the author of it could.
The closed
strong and convincing ti
the importance value
drawing in our school.-. D. W Webb. She
the Webb and ti
drawing flu
Thus closed one of ti, .
sessions in the history of .
By virtue the power of sale
contained in a mortgage deed and
I I x and delivered by
ii- Everett to Webb
. the day of
1900, and duly recorded h
. of deeds office
; North Carolina, h
Bo ;. N-8, page the under
i will expose t; public sale,
tho court house door
for cash, to th
bidder, on Saturday
i day of November 1907,
owing real property, to wit;
A tr id or parcel of land lying
in .-ship,
i h containing om
ed acres more or
and adj the lands . f A-
ton, Harry Whitfield
i and being a part
. . C. Keel land, to satisfy
Th i day of October 1907
el h Mortgagees,
L. Fleming,
Stack to His
Brown, the old
in. an h u
was d
It ., in death
tint he had told some
in i r i e
t a . ii dizziness in
is head i made hi n v
i it no o e anticipated
there to be u sad-
n of
Mr. La house was in his
year a son ii- .; n-
and Mr. . -i- thing
of Or way
r of his father's
plantation, Avon farm,
below town, where he lived,
usually spending Sundays with
parents He
was a man cf strong char-
and integrity and had a
host of with whom he
was very popular. He -j
member o both the Masonic and
Re Men s
and also of Caroline Club
To The Property .
We wish to inform the public n
.,.,. K , Bethel, on Friday, Nov
that we will take cash j at
notes to be issued for cash a lot of
the different banks of Pitt kitchen furniture, o u
If you have not U. S. cur- one horse, carts, bu It,
and wish to of our, Peanut .
goods come in with the bank J T,,
notes. A. B. Ellington Co. den w-
Our city was v .
v.-. k, on. ii g fl . i
J. Whitehurst,
Mount, Friday
many of i .
in Green-, this
Jam a and wife, of
was here a I . while
Big fox hunt la; . S . day,
men, children, . . .-.,;
the foxes could not be
H- A Gray .
at Sui
John Cong . .
Robersonville, spent .
with S. G. William an .;.,.
C. II. Ross, V.; . pent
two days here Ii st w
Lewis t Stokes,
made business c.,. .; .
veteran of three
wars, faithful to hi.
friends the yet more
days which followed tin
tin so conflicts, was
tried in Darlington yesterday,
mi i honors, tho Dar-
n attending in full
. fired over his grave
ii i earned this tribute
Br skin was dark,
cl hi Meter was spotless its whiteness, lie has long beer
liar figure in Darlington,
the annual reunion
federate Veterans. Ii
I th occasions
Id was i-i
y, nothing delighted him
to hold aloft his old
hum sticks while he told
m I over again to his friends,
ti i ins, how he
m de at th-
of Second
loved his folks;
hi manner of his
i ;. of the
in he was held by then-,
such men as he was, e-
is. always h i
.- ii a a and courier.
parents he leaves
me r and Mr ,
J, Bryan Grim s, Raleigh and
Dr Charles and Mr. Ned
Much sympathy is m d
these ii in
The remains were brought
Greenville today to the home of
Laughinghouse, on
Pitt street, and the interment
take place at
day afternoon in Cherry
Give Year j A
Did you live a hard life when
you were you de-
the common pleasures
every healthy by and to which
lie is Then ad the
reason why to your own
boy should be given those thing.
by you. it may that
spirit was not broken or d
by such neglect and injustice,
your own boy may not
will power and
that you did his and you
should run risk in th
him the healthy
I i d . i your youth.
the b a C pr of the
thin.; that m to make th m
happy and will k till th.
better and all better
h every way.
is Miss Winnie m
of Mi id burg, X
was a pass n on the
Line train wrecked near hire
yesterday, was idly hurt
rec i ire I a the . an I Is
i she Inter-
s M . ming la i
;. r of G. P.
city and
from him,
Free Press, 7th
TIME TO mail
The Laying off of the
is tho ii no for locking
up said on
citizen yesterday
almost gathered and
hundreds of i ave liven
laid of jobs and w out
of work. It la i well-known
fact that the avert. ad-about
does not save anything.
from the
communities in which they were
to work for ads, con-
contractors and
return home at times like this
without means of . . With
droves of unemployed and pen-
marching through
the country hens had better
roost high, and i cot-
ton kept under firm lock and
key There has been
m re cotton stolen than is being
taken in this county tin pres-
time Negro., re hauling
Ph i who
i better
their d. It is
now of or i with herds
if t better
will .
lea to their i s . s
v. when tho times
re pr . ire among
t by tho hale.
vi- stuff baled
lock it in the 1.1. or
be en
D .
maxim. word
good a Id The
Bible has no I
i n for Linn who d
not pay his d is
that man, who prays so
fervently in the r-meeting,
has so little influence in the
was asked. he
owes everybody in The
who not pay his do I
i. better pray i l l n
public. Paying is
praying in such a ca
h live by the Bi in i
of common h n . . b .
integrity, s would
be forgotten.- Selected

as eta. i at
C . , of March
You can
always e a
Anything that buys i that he will I
want is as as
Burton got beaten, the i at u
have nothing to care a ,
has told a c r
of the American Ken
per A
. the on paper and i
used i-i the manufacture of pa
If this is the
trust may have to step
i he publishers.
. a
i n
g t
The New Bern Sun is a
people to keep cool, and hen
the middle of
We do not pretend to .-;
the price will be later .
but it looks like if there ever
. a time when the
has i
hi hold
h can
Hearst reminds us of sh mid hold bis cotton
fellow in the fight who is now. No reason can I.
had enough, tiered for the price g.
he was licked. at present, ll
that I e has
When a man is .
to sober him. How
the same remedy to
re .-
Congressmen were
enough to raise
before the pinch came,
they are not hurt
be a-
sometimes occur without in
th- . of
a in relieving
Sam sell the
a auction, He
fore he could ever
e any money,
lost much
Governor Glenn said he was
wondering why no people had
been seen at any other stations
way i he
If we are to have
prices must
down within reach
i n when Greenville was reach-
The folks had all left th
r towns to come and be wit
crowd at
i Person county
a corn husking a few
. an I while from ham
, iv some one broke in house a
money sh
be more Talk connecting b .
w-th the preside i m- around the h use to
Both the railroads and
politicians are to blame
the railroads for not ace.
the cent rate when it was
When air ships become the
fad, the on
not have to wait or.
watch bulletin boards, I can
go when he pleases.
Hearst's Independence League
the so hard
Tuesday should
down quit
about politically.
That fine of ;
of the
district court of California.
posed on the Santa Fe
for rebating, may l r
from giving rebates,
Raleigh will have a election on the 26th of
Tint like r
bye forth
after eggnog
many abusing the that
they will readily vote to I
. as if any-
likely o
rm of amuse-
. The
i r this
, public aw-
Other State of Commerce
Easiness Men and Fraternal , , j .
Or r docs
by halves. Whatever the
at is entered into
i d with a vim
of our penile
on Special i,
The greeting Govern;
Glenn and other Slit officers. I;
I of a
o h the
J- . a claim
and business men of ;
r of
as he through ;
train ,., t, .
spirit enthusiasm. ct; ;., . , j
hundred graded school children
fully as tinny . ,,,
. , ;,
U i I
wire at th
Norfolk Southern d- pot.- and
j such as
does the town credit.
The long tr-in of cars,
gaily rob d into
local station a little
noon, and was greeted with
from a thousands voices.
As soon . the train stopped
Glenn appeared on
i he rear and was given
an ovation the
graded school sang two v. r s
of the governor and
others on the train, as w.-l a
I to and
pen the from
avenue n ; .- i ., but
of . -op i .
i the . . , D
n of Aid
a e o z n
Mayor i
. i
pointed .
cure CO
t ill
tested in 1905 and the
.-,,.cut too deep , . ., ., .--------f , f,;
W less about
. from e beginning
Hi ; .
make capital for .
course State rights should be v n
but all the is, the
roads and the State hare e that
en hurt by the fight
the multitude the outside .-.
joining in the chorus.
the song was over
a cheer given, the Third
Regiment band accompanying
; he train, played an air. Mayer
F. M. Woolen in a few words
cordially welcomed the governor
and .-s to
r in a happy
brief He said he ab
ready know
b st town in Eastern Carolina,
and this outpouring of people
rejoicing over the com
of a great railroad
through the town, had con-
him more than ever that
no town it. He then
congratulated Greenville on
what the town
in the and turn ring to war
the children gathered around t
no i i h
street, and
c n i
and i
. .
I and m . . . ti
l in at
K tO
, the
the c in-
i ;
tow .
in for
bill tor delay,
. d to the
adj it.
The ; made their
.-. .-, r the past
ill d.
Capital hi
taxes but do so
Th rs a town
North Carolina off
the way of medals
exposition. People and firms of
this State were awarded twenty-
six gold medals near
hundred silver and bronze med- a higher court
has I
front rank all through the ex-
out on a case they hate
tali down
more like pr
. . That impress
the recent Pitt u j
I and the
applies to the F V-
who are charged
extracting money from a
r any municipal
. ,. and
ease i
. all tax-
h ford
no lighting
. j its f its
r held in
so th
mail package, o
were they at the
of the defendants in the
latter case, that the people of
Durham, where the preliminary
earing was held, actually
led the court the
id them under heavy bonds to
Mr. Bryan did active cam-
for the Democratic
ticket in Kentucky, and the
State went Mr.
Roosevelt took active
in trying to get i
mayor of Cleveland an I
was beaten by a mi ,
From this it may be inf.
that the leaders have ceased to
cut much figure in effort
to get others elected.
The folly of the telegraph
strike is emphasized
n termination of the matter.
The strike proved a failure and
was declared off, and many of
the strikers applying for rein-
rind that their places
been filled. So the strike
land walking delegates
ones who have prof-
by it, while the men who
had good positions and
gave up part of their earnings to
make big for the
Then, it
know of
there will
o under con-
i pay your
i, with checks
or with cur-
Any cur-
not for actual use
I . I where
. The
. . defend
an in, for h
i i. rs without
the time to stand by
H your bank
ant a-
you i pleasanter
your balance,
a good
of bank
as import-
i no
b times
ho movement.
said in their bright faces Iv
could see great things the future
held in store for Greenville.
Governor Glenn said left
Raleigh determined not to make
i speech on the trip, but such an
as met . here
hot b. i listed After a few could
more witty remarks that brought
frequent bursts of he in
Col. Johnson, president
if the R Chamber of Com-
he said was
to make a Col. John-
son responded in a few happy
remarks, and said that while he-
was not a speaker he would tell
i joke, one the old
asked to change a
and show that he
State Superintendent J. Y.
Joyner also made a few remarks.
and after another selection by
the band there were cries of
and at the train
pulled out for Washington, the
governor waving hats
and at the crowd
as Ions i. train was in
It wan a happy half hour that
the train was here, the people of
I and tho. e on the train
all it.
Col. F. A. Olds, secretary of
the Raleigh Chamber of Com
and special newspaper
kindly furnished
us a list of the officers,
together with names,
out owing to its length and the
late hour we are to print
No doubt this trip through
Eastern North Carolina will be a
revelation to the people of the
capital, and they will return
impressed that we have a
. .,.,
i. ,
. . j
. c
. ; , now
an Loan
X . m r i
t. .; he y it
b i . ii bat th .
W. IV . ill .
Ai . . r,
lion or re .
i Id in I
day . at
J. B.
with the ho
ed by ii i .
on t
n train wit i officers
ind E E h, a
. , . Monday
I one
A . col c of
P the in at the
char of the
I .
first ;
a drive of an
. had
. . . i
, ., I
G i m, i
i- r . v
this th v
i th
-r an
. . lea
j was
to the
. from
. d
i. i
ed At
All persons are hereby warned
penalty of the law, not to
way trespass
my Known as the Wilson
Perkins farms, north of
C T.
find a co. . i
lints in i It i i
nod ts,
Where you
line at all
tn . n . r
cent pure. Don't fail to see
th ii . Heaters,
. . pi; . high . i
E . i Ii is e
place I phi He,
on ha the eel d
i . . i re .-,.,.
lit and dill
. . , I tad-
quart . Ki , . h u
will lino in Iron, ;. v i
d I a w k
their pi i and r i
ts in fa I
every i th Hi r can
b r;
We sell L
the ex,
at cost t
They mu
Miss Bl i
den, cam
and B
chine is or.,
on the mar
you a
Isn't then
The F;
try. There v.
umber d
AH the i a
attended the
Get your
The Vance i.
i spirited
query was,
West will d
from the
We have o
of the
co disaster.
Our price, Us
R. T. Cox and
horn went to
Sunday re
B. T.
your eye.-.
Mrs. F. C. .
ville this me nil
Harrington I
a complete
your next suit.
W-B. Win
G, E. Li
have return
Baptist Ass
at K
wagon and n
J. L. Butt,
New p
enter W.
now n .
ed with a lie
past month, w
a town r
J. L
at the Care
Nice lamp
You talk
cheap but
by the A I
company has b
Barber Co
Now is the
your Box H
are cheap i
r C
them on
. The A C
company art
one in
and barb
est to call to
they buy.
pi pared t
v. also d
must i
i stock
w will ma .
x Bro.
s M
n a,
class work
ion returned
,; earning
We held I
R. I
i hie
spent Sun-
to her
r boots and
no dread
a .
the i
I .
Authorized tor and
at home quite
on I
is are still
a nice
a and
. or
terms j.
i .
. ,
ii .
r brings
. m ,
,. and
is very
mo d
will .
trim for
grit j
. i I. c j
. I
At Home,
Grimesland, r. C.
p go ids go
. i alway
. i
. t he
. n I, It.
. mi
. a
H. Tripp
acre form
-1 easy
Last Friday Mr. Mack
while at work in tho fell
and stuck the spout of an i lean
m his back causing
not a
seems to
. wool
R, ,
; i
. i. e ,.
re one and
and money. Sc.,.
of other brands.
pocket knives M M
latest styles, very
R. Smith Co.
of our people who at-
I the Christian convention
have returned home
Pine cough balsam
lit . cough and
coats at
t fail to see them
and company
E- E-
fr meats,
y . v all suit, we
Go, .
. . . . .
b .
. I for f. would
i .
. . candy at
. C.
e them,
.-. i
Th Ayden M . with all .
mill, till,
machine, el i
mt, with all th
belonging to same will
in . Mis- here D e. 2nd, J,
. . I ;. Smith, to the
. iii t. bidder for cash.
did business and . i
party I, m .,
continue ii h r me
patent ts I
, .
after having w ed
bay horse
stalled and fed.
King, of
r, did
j.,. . .,.
teed not to crack
i i .
Pi. ma Lad him
morning they to
. ,,.; h -feed him again when they die-
, covered th-
. who had i else the horse had grown
Bear Hunter Mistook a far
Wild Animal.
News reached the city hut
nigh a horrible and accident-
M killing at Adams Creek. The
of the accident is as fol-
four gentlemen left
Stonewall, county, ard
hunting. As hunters
do. some go in one
others take
with the
at a certain point On
occasion the hunters separate
in different directions,
of the wild beast One
the hunters was making his
way through a thicket, while one
companions was crawling
under some bushes trying to get
an opening, who was
for a bear by his fellow hunt-
The man on watch took de-
i aim and emptied a load
of buckshot in the unfortunate
man's head, striking on the
and penetrating
The brother hunter was
killed instantly. The tragedy
was purely accidental and deeply
r by all.-New Bern Sum
On Saturday 9th. day of No-
1907 under an execution
issue by J. F. J. P. in
attachment proceedings of J. J.
Hines vs. Ed Rouse and Carrie
Rouse to satisfy said execution I
expose at public sale in the
n of Ayden. N. C. the follow
personal tub and
pump and piping,
. I box and contents,
and contents,
e Cream freezer, bucket,
table, box, bed-
. . sets bed springs, Boy
on, i Jar, stool
This Oct. 1907.
Or Joseph Dixon
and Surgeon
over Bank Building
me had
Anyway the filly O
reached Both rods
the stall. Even
Sort to re-
lime-of the year
. . and hands chap
. i u with it
. .;. drag . . re ,
i . i cream.
did all th,
relieve the human , id . n
grief. ad
I the i n .
him of his j. p
vain. John shed a few
tears, d the
., of i. S II . . II;
. w
y din
I 3.00 H.
I, I. .,
. I of E
furnish .
. . h line
. . n
. . i
f I
n you J.
m pi .
Offer their entire stock of No
Groceries and
for sale in bulk. Terms
i, call on them if wish a
bargain. A nice large large
large brick store in which to con-
business can be rented on
a . terms.
. .
n i ii
Moore, Bro
. H.
in Building
i OF
the due. 1906.
; . . .-. i ired 14.07
i i.;,
. Wt
i i
. .
I, .-,. . . t . IS
.-. r
ill i Payable
Deposits to 29,181.07
Cashier's 1,00.41
B. of do solemnly
above Is to the best of my and U
MM Sauls druggist J
j. e.

i i ii i.
This Department is in of W- R. Parker who is
to represent the Reflector in and vicinity
duly qualified before the
clerk of Pitt county
of I he last will of
J. deceased notice is
hereby given to all person indebted ti
he estate Is make immediate
i and all
against said estate must
stint the same payment on
fie day of Sept. or this no-
will be plead in bar of recovery
V, , of
T. II, lowers, of J.
era 23rd ltd
At both my Ayden and Greenville stable
Lorn the Breeders Raisers of the Wes
in this line be sure to see me as I
c i
ii Line
As i
. an juried
u i have g e
th say
-ties too
. when
I to
. i o lack of
t e roadbed
part of tie
in putting
in road
The Richmond
is hue waking up to the
of the immigration laws.
It than in two recent In-
stances and dairymen
who could find no labor suitable
for their purposes in this
country arranged to have men
brought over from England
The would-be immigrants were
halted at the ports and sent
back hone. citizens
who have invested their money
and labor in enterprises needed
men to work for them. The
f wanted to work and
to come here and be citizens,
adding themselves and their
productive power to the
country. The contract labor
and mutually
desirable transaction. And it
the protection of
labor, it is a burden
News-Leader AS IT WAS,
We wait.
OWN Edison
i; sings, talks,
a cf all
; t . . home for
y Wt as as
cite have no ex-
. . . cay. You can hear the
i BEFORE you buy them.
.; on f
Lome to ice vs.
N. C.
i.- o
I will be to
I notices of
I of the
. . Id not
i m mi
to people of all classes,
unforced its results
and higher, therefore to
add to the prices of farm prod-
and males the working roar
in the cities pay more for every-
thing he eats, drinks and
I wears, The It
,. j wants to go into a further
c the immigration laws.
g not
bottom of the scheme that was
deviled mainly as a to
Southern progress and that was
put through I while the
Southern members were nod-
Wonder how may many people
row living in has issue
thought about how big it was. since las;
Unlike Rome, situate on seven
hills, and the reason is because A.
there are no more hills, if there Kittrell.
was it out roam Rome. I
because it would take in all of
them. Rome was in a very hilly
country, and the seven hills was
all it could tackle. Greenville is
master of any situation that con-
fronts her.
Just see. It is not one tenth as
old as Rome. Has water works
such as they are. Electric light
that go out sometimes on Sunday
nights just at church time. The
biggest dust in dry weather and
the biggest mud in wet
of any nation this side of sun-
down except but Par-
is in two counties,
But Greenville is
soon as the streets get ready for
automobiles, and the mayor can
less time in Tarboro and
more time counting and looking
over the streets and improve
The mayor should either move
r of
I the f
Mai C.
Oscar Andre
Sandy Peel pi
Willie Smith i
Elias James c
.- .
i I
s of Liver or
I Other
say a bottle and if
cure we will refund
. i j. We y
. I MM bottle
I j if it
SOL until
I bis adv entitles yo
in a
a limited number bottles
given away. Don't this op
unity to test
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced liar-
Clean Tow-
i s
ed and pressed.
Parker's Old Stand j
N. C.
All kinds
and W .
i ii kind of
Company will insure any or.
any trace of
Every trace of kidney trouble is
eliminated by.
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md., for any case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word to the wise.
For sale by
. i the safety o
i v
i And
I any damage is
Ii the k
E lie
own property
i acres
i leased for a
to th Des
The com id-
lion dollars.
her c
, which
. 200.0 i
Struck With
g afternoon while main
street was considerably crowded,
E. B. had some
trouble with an unknown
While this trouble was going on
between them Herman
another colored man, ran up
and struck Mr. in the
face with a bottle of whiskey,
and immediately ran off after
striking the blow. bottle
broke when it struck Mr.
face and gave him a severe
cut and bruise under one eye
By virtue of the of sail
in s . re
Deed executed id d i
C. S. d w M Vinson, to N V n
the day r, l
and duly record din ,
of Deeds I county,
North Carolina i . page
the r
to public ,
House door in i-f i .
to Tarboro, or move a part of
It has not yet got near to the Tarboro to Greenville, your
choice, again.
Greenville pays the biggest
taxes to the amount of things
done of any town in the State
Greenville has done some thing i
no town ever did. It has gone
East and West, both in the
All other towns go west. I
said west,
young man, go But he
is new a back number, though a
great man in his day. If he J
come to he would re
verse many things he said, but
7th day of I
certain tn
and Si
It ginning
; bey
east poles
ditch S.
it ii . with sum .
course- d
d i E I
poles to
, -i j th
ml i,
. if
-i a i he
. an-
. ad .-
virtue of of the Superior
, of Pitt county made by C.
Moore, -I Hon. C.
y m Judge presiding at the September
term of Said court in a certain
H. guardian of
Mabel M a minor ex
ill Thursday Di-e, Kith, sell
at before the court house
. In a certain piece or
I; reel I h I'd in I
hip, Pitt county, known as lot No.
ii tho ill lands of Mary
Mil utter, bounded and
as follows, To-wit. Begin
hI stake on road 4th
No. and runs W,
i tea to three gums on the edge of low
. i tame
. low creek
; creek point
re lino from N,
it. will come out to cypress
tree of low grounds; N
. I , ii es to a slake
road; thence N. roan
if. in acres,
Of less. Al o part of said
. No, I en l bar is which
I tic. Bed, . . at
lot ditch
follow It. line
i . to said I. containing
The parcels of
. will Sol i
Om I i and in twelve
option to the pure later to
I i. whole at def
. secured by mortgage on
i . j. i;.
November 1907.
guardian of Mabel
Farmville. N. G.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
J. T. Thorne
Farmville, N. C.
Having duly qualified before
court clerk of Pitt county as ad-
of the M.
Smith, deceased, noticed i hereby
given to all to tho
estate to make Immediate payment
the and all having
claims said re notified
to present the same to t he
fur payment on or the J day
September, or
be in b of rec very.
This day of r. 1907
of M Smith
he is not coming, and Rea to o
cs E.
, b.
degrees to .
his foot prints will be in j, ,. ,,,. n a
other town. The average man gum in
don't know what is going on, thence v i.-. C I
don't care only when election and various courses to
taxes come around. By the way, ,
, , , J her line . u
where does so much tax money g ii a.
By virtue of a decree the Superior
Court of in Special Proceed
1485, J. U. Hunting
I lie undersigned com-
missioner will sell cash
court house door In Or. on Mon-
So-t. the full. Wing
ti r real estate. One lot in
town of Bethel being the atom lot now
occupied by J. K. Bunting and the
buildings on said said lot
the north by I on
east by the lot by M J Grimes
Co., on the south by Mack G
and mi the we-t by
store and hotel, being
the same property that was convoyed
to cherry by two
deeds, one from M L T Davis end tho
other deed from mo
One other -l in Bethel b on
north by Railroad street, on east by Mi s
W II Bullocks, on south by the own-
ed by Ai co Mack G Rogers
and on by J R Nelson
one place or parcel of tend
bounded on the by street
the Christian church property, by
, i l, v I Nelson properly, b tip
Sunday night, NOV.
, I, with the following s i car-on, on the west
CD. I tins l, president. y.
i; Minnie secretary. J
Mis i N Johnson, treasurer.
On lookout
Misses Mamie Ruth
M try Johnson and Lucy
Elect New Officers for Year.
Christian Endeavor
go to Its true the town govern-; satisfy
act of boarding the passenger I But they
to await preliminary hearing I do not all right. But N. C.
by Deputy in the way of salaries of Terms of tale
Sheriff Dudley as he was in the j officers amounts to quite a good
. i
bridge. Other will
be appointed later. All Christian
people are invited to take part in
meetings. Time for meet-
first and third Sunday even-
One black and
hog weighing about seventy or
eighty pound, crop and slit the
lift, fork
the taken up with my hogs
about five months ago. Owner
can him by paying and
proving properly. L. c. Moore.
w. . Stoke, N. C.
D J. Owner.
In to Fiction.
VOL. No.
A Bit of
A day or two ago a
on the
home to Greenville, i
road lost her purse,
it out of t
came some I
m the and .
back to look for it
colored men who t
alone the road behind
asked them about
they saw another i
man pick it up, bu
to tell who he was-
en to town and was t
to Mr. W. C. Him
she om
two red men she
he thought
were pointed
to Mr. when Ii
. Good in New
three story
i k building erected on the
. , of Fourth and
t h. John
. Co., has been
ready for putting in
v. company has
. beg material
. bi and will
Lion there by the begin-
the new year. The
is splendidly arranged
on the large
this popular firm.
are now- wiring th
hi lighting and run-
, by
motor, building is a
the town.
rotated them they also
Ti Report-
ff another man
purse in the
to give his name.
told them he would have
warrant issued for them and
take them tell- The men tried
t out of n before t he
Warrant was obtained, but were
kept and
When taken in they rot
only told the name of the find or
of purse but went with Air.
Rises to his house. All the
Honey was and the
lady was very much delighted.
is a Tree Old.
A sheep's horn that was
bedded a tree years ago is
the that Jason Elder, a
ranger living at Paisley,
Oreg., has delivered to his
at Lake-
view. rambling in the
Woods in 1638 came across
a yellow pine tree in the base of
Which was the horn of
mountain sheep. He did
the have time to make a
examination, but
Becoming forest ranger he had
to go to the vicinity and
he the tree down. He took a
of he trunk contain
the horn to
The horn was a little
side of the of the tree
and ran in a circular km
It was not curled as ;. . th
of mountain I day, but. was
Counting the rings of
the tree was shown to b
years old. Outside t
were rings,
number of years that had t
the mountain
end fast by the
low pine. The horn w i
With pitch. It is ten .
diameter at the, base i
from the tree .
itches. The length of the Ii .
Richmond, Va., Nov.
Saturday will say
for Richmond Va., and
There is change in the
of the market for d-y
goods and kindred lines. Orders
immediate shipment are
small. Dealers in toys and
day goods are having excellent
season and in some instances are
from two to weeks behind
in shipment. Orders for pro-
duce ard provisions show a de-
although prices are lower
generally in this Offerings
of tobacco on the Richmond
considerably the
average at this but for
what has been sold prices show a
better average than last year.
Manufacturers of tobacco are
working at full capacity, in most
the old crop is well
used up. Small quantities of
cotton are being marketed, this is
believed due to the lateness of
the crop and scarcity of cur-
Prices continue good. In
the bankers have been
aWe to care for their
while in some smaller
centers scarcity of currency has
retarded generally trading. Col-
. are not good.
Ill R. ks 1908
Is ready for delivery and excels
jail form . editions beauty and
value. The cover is a beautiful
design in color.;, the entire book
full of line half tones,
engravings and interest-
It contains the
Hicks weather forecasts con.-
r . whole yen-, finely
The by mail is
I on
. I i id Works, the
Rev, . Hicks fine month
, magazine, contains all bis
, from month to month,
together with a vast amount
th. Lest family The
. price is a year and one alma-
i goes a each subscription
I and Works Pub-
Locust street,
t. Louis. Missouri. Write for
rate on almanacs in
Agents wanted.
The doming Winter,
Th who fen tell the
iii I seem to agree t; what
the coming winter will be. The
Winston Sentinel that the
local weather prophets are com-
up with the predictions of a
mild winter, giving all the nu-
signs. On the other
Amos a farmer of
county, Pa., who pins his
f. the goose bone,
will be a cold month,
with an occasional snow storm.
January b a month of
snow, hail and an occasional
cold The dark colors on
the err of the breast bone
that February will he a very
cold month, and there will b
several At on par-
part of bone it is
mo t black, width means that
we will have lots snow and
weather will
continue into March, and
will have a very Id e
Some boys near Black Creek
were playing with a rifle when
i of them shot a little child in
the eye, causing instant death.
Mrs. Nathan of
Apex, was run over and killed
by a freight on the Sea-
board Air Tuesday morning
Sixty bales of cotton on the
f platform of the Atlantic
Coast Line, at were
burned Sunday morning. The
fire was caused by sparks from a
passing engine.
Charlotte, N. C- Nov. i.
President C- C. of
Carolina Division of
reports that twenty-two
houses and holding comp .
he-n and i
are working
In the State as a r
of twelve work.
at Burgaw,
Mount Olive,
and Trenton have
been organized. The i
dent is now on a tour of every
county growing cotton in
State to encourage the farmers
to build warehouses and hod
then- cotton.
Fair tonight with heavy fros
or temperature. Friday
f Gold
the gr
old in the of
I i was made today at the
diggings of the
Channel Gold Mining
miles east of -his
n the American river
ho Lake Tahoe State
I the news of the
this place there was a
or i he district- Men
i i . on horse
k, wagons to out
a .
mine in which
made is owned by local
and San Francisco
i . For many years it
town that deposits
of gravel existed under the lava
; nation caps eastern
; i . if the county.
have spent years in trying
. the pay streak, but the
lead was not found.
drift was cut the
e I far twenty feet and
The gold is coarse
n nuggets, from one
ounces, and was found
Di. patch to San Francisco
Liv Lest New Haven, Cone , Nov.
Flames sweeping through the
rooms on the fifth floor
of the Hotel C this
burn d to death four
fifth man was killed
while the rope of the fire
Four other employees were
slightly None th
k jests were seriously
many of them made
hasty h dense
smoke by me in of ca. j
and fire escape .
Dr. dosed
cab took a aide swipe at the mud
Tuesday.-by the driver making
too a turn with the
No damage was done.
CL Memorial church
is taking steps n have the Sun-
day room remodeled and
several new cl i rooms
necessary to meet
growth of the school,
which has been quite remarkable
the past year. The ladies oldie
church are also planning to in-
stall a n heating plant.
Ha -e.
Register of Deeds R- Williams
recording in his office an ill-
of size, both
as to the number of it
contained and the amount in-
It is a mortgage for
and la given by the Nor-
folk Southern Railway Com-
to the Trust Company of
America, of New York, trustee.
The Instrument contains approx-
words and to
be recorded every county
through which the Norfolk
Southern railroad passes.
James A. a has
been appointed assistant
United States Attorney for the
District of Columbia.
The work of the
homes of North Carolina appeals
strikingly to our judgment and
to our sympathies- It
our heartiest support.
It helping to provide for
orphan children a
home, a Under care, and an
opportunity to obtain
for life, we perform a sen lot the
value of which present
and, in the future, will be
multiplied beyond ire.
The Thanksgiving season has
been set apart by the good
of this State as a time of
special effort for and aid to our
This is a beautiful and
of the spirit
of gratitude and is, we are sure,
pleasing to the great and loving
the fatherless.
at Thanks-
giving are a real factor in the
maintenances and improvement
of our home.
We bespeak for this most
thy work even the greater inter-
est; and of a people who are
signally blessed of God, a people
who have abundant cause for
We believe the offer-
will be made gladly and that
will be truly large and lib-
The committee from the two
white fire companies of the town
met Friday night with a part of
the committee or aldermen to
confer with regard to
of the firemen into one com-
suggestions were
discussed but no definite
was settled upon. It is
likely that both companies will
be called together in a
meeting with the board of
for consultation.
of the good ladies of the
Episcopal church tell us The Re
gave them more credit
are entitled to in say-
had purchased a lot for
a church rectory. The lot has
purchased, but the men
helped Day tor it and are entitled
to part of the credit-
are the greater
number of those
says the Houston t
average people have come to
an American who
unifies a titled foreigner as
a fool. We do not pretend to
offer a that
age these foolish alliances, but
. as Mr. Clews says, with-
of these millions annually
our great business enter-
prises, then surely Mr. Roosevelt
can find a remedy- Mr.
has tackled almost every
problem except this and we do
not doubt he can solve this one
if he ever decides to give his
The best of plans fall out and
the best of friends get married.
A Thrilling Play.
The people of fie
are rehearsing a beau
of society life in New York,
which recently had a run of a
whole year in one of the leading
of that city. The play
is entitled Win-
The are to
devoted to assist i. paying the
heavy interest on new
church, which still has a
At tho
same time the Aid society
of that are collecting
handsome articles for an
orate bazaar to hi opened some
time during the coming year,
possibly not before th j fall.
Friday afternoon Mr. W. H.
Johnson's horse ran away. The
horse was hitched to a buggy,
and near the depot ran
down Dickinson avenue and
through of Evans street,
stopping near J, M.
The runaway had several
ions and did considerable dam-
age to vehicles. No one was in
the buggy, and there was no
personal y.
25th Si T
There will be divine services in
Odd Fellows hall on above date.
Morning services at o'clock,
evening prayer and sermon at
o'clock. All are cordially
invited. Hood, Rector
in charge-
It was announced at the White
House Friday that
Roosevelt will sign the
admitting Oklahoma
Indian Territory to statehood at
o'clock. Sunday morning
The signing of the
will bring the new State into
existence which be
at o'clock. Central time, la
Jack Bryan, son of and
Mrs J W. shot a
ball through the of one
hand morning. He had
his gun sprung when he dropped
it and the weapon was dis-
charged- It is fortunate the
damage was no worse.
An exchange remarks that
time the Governor of
North Carolina is asked to meet
other governors, the Governor
of South Carolina should be in-
in order to make the con-
was likely caused
from the fact that the Governors
of and Alabama, to-
with our own Governor,
met with Governor Smith, of
Georgia, in . to confer
with regard to railroad
and the of
South was not present.
Perhaps if that gentleman had
been the meeting would
have been more lively.
The New York World quotes
labor leaders as saying that
thousands of workmen will be
unable to find employment in
New York city in 1908 owing
the slackening of building opera
due to the financial
Has the financial
shown anything so plainly
as that every man has his duty
in task
of maintaining a A
man gets uneasy about his money
takes it out of his bank, and puts
it under his pillow. harm
is done- But multiply his course
sufficiently and the mischief is to
pay. The of industry
stop, men ore thrown out of em
women and children
are rendered anxious and m
Neck Keep. Oat SaleScotland Neck. N. C. Nov.
Prohibition wins
Neck by six majority- The kill
for saloons met its Waterloo
the polls today. The election
was quiet and orderly. The p-a.
their for-
By ten o'clock the i c-
was conceded by H
The fight has
warmly contested. There was
made a vigorous bat
effort to establish
Scotland Neck, but the victor,
our women, the great speeches
of Governor Glenn and
the active work of the temper-
leaders and hearty co-
operation of every man
in the cause effected the
result. Scotland Neck has t
dared itself in accord with the
temperance sentiment of the
State and is on the water
to Out of era
voters, voted for and
against saloons. Six tots.
The Liquor
sees the South
ground on it and the federal
government determined that Ike-
whiskey it sells he pare
whiskey. Under such adverse
circumstances and while they
nave fallen upon
it would be a idea for Ike
engaged in the
to close out and engage some-
thing more profitable and mere
The Raleigh and
sensibly remarks Ike
present st
wise business man knows
the money is
He is not
down hope, bulls push
his business more vigorously
than when money
freely. The only way
make move
The cotton Journal, la
Jordan's paper and the
o of the Southern
Association, Te u
farmer is holding not less than
bales of today,
is the way our scores
inform an, and
banks are meeting demands
made on them by growers, a
most manner, gen-
Pres. of the Chamber Ce
Greenville, N. C
My Dear
We take this early
of endeavoring to express to yet
and through your
our most sincere appreciation of
us by you and it daring oar
stay in your town
The genuineness of your greeting
was apparent and It i oat
hearts, We assure yon. my dear
sir, that we shall be nappy at
time to endeavor to reciprocate
your courtesies.
You-8 very sincerely,
E. Johnson.
Fred A. Olds.
Ti T

Eastern reflector, 15 November 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 15, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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