Eastern reflector, 8 November 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

he re .
Brooklyn i
ray bill i bad
of f.
his a
i- up
was I it n
TO r . v.
of tho
. in I fa
but you
i. . i
co-it of t
or when i
Tr i
tho i
on . I a i
i. i back
to hi desk and en-
It l i
at i ;
paid for rat
the being i on that
w Am
The Cheap Rate.
o ere in the habit of
,.,. trains know that
calm r about the
I Bi n y at the
i the veriest non-
. V b . believe that
,. i making
money on its passenger
. than it did the first
six months of the year. The
. are not sincere. They
re making this outcry because
. arc afraid the freight rate
be That is the
point, and this accounts
this fuss and about
money. We thought that
was rather too
. c in cutting the rate from
to 21-4 cents. We think
go still, but we confess
the wail that has
up about the bankrupt
that is staring the railroads in
the face, though their trains are
crowded with passengers, has
; us to the radical action
of the legislature. We dare say
i . H railroads could be assured
that the present
rate should be
they would be content to
at the present
rate, and they would easily
d the money to continue their
. The railroad
, i have displayed leas sense
I an we thought they had in the
I their case, and
have largely lost the
y had at the beginning
controversy. Railroads
, not to oppressed but
. the people to be
d -Charity and Children.
The Mm awl the
and K
The real man of size is
by measuring him as he
stands apart from the accident
of position. Among the
dents and misfits which one en-
counters in the course of human
events is the small man in the
large position- Such a man in
sometimes seems
big for a brief day, because of a
connection with a large position
He comes into the position by
accident. He most probably
it as a providence and ac-
cording to the divine of
things. If he does not invest
with all the importance
attaching torus position it a
So small is he as compared
with his position, that he is ab
dependent on the
for power and prestige.
He must do business on the
credit of his position. His glory
is the reflected glory of his
sake The way he shrinks
when separated from his position
is pathetic.
We have known men to go
down from positions where ac-
temporarily placed
them, who endeavored to use the
of that former position
to advance them in their own lit-
When a man is not bigger than
his position he is too small for it.
Only small men have to depend
on large positions for their own
Neck n a Pam Cut.; is is in charge of W Parker who is authorize
to represent the Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
On Thursday afternoon Mr. J.
Frank Allen, of Beaver Dam
township, met with sudden J
He assisting in I lading i
cotton On a cart preparatory to;
to taking it to gin. Mr.
A o
vented In lily I
from getting to . d
on the -art whiled evening, a w I
others were handing up the Las- very much regretted
of cotton for him M empty, avoidable. Thus day i the day
Be accidentally
part, and .
head lira his neck
He leaves a wife
,. off
. i
. is broken
and several
Walked Bi k.
Admiral S kin
war and peace . I Port I
must still go o i, c said.
is not yd I ; i a
developed to pi i et I am
in favor f o e and peace
congresses, for these help
the cause of
bring the day of u o a
little m
I . o
he it
-V,. ho will
peace day, it in
our heart .
their hearts
of Ni-. irk had for I
. kept pi , la
dozen bird an.
the pi r
let out to
it, ill In no
i them
but ho loft I
i .
and J
slowly into the old o in
Tribute to th Ad.
Tho late Will of
Brooklyn, tho i I
Ink, was for n
of the
An ii writer said of
him tho i
Jo n i bad o of ad-
on i his
tongue. lie to I hi
young II ha
of his
two i I
to their
land asked if mi lit
said you
Play re i e, but
make a noise.
leader child don't
N -th Carolina, Pitt county,
Superior court-
Ha Manning and wife Martha
R and D
The defendants E. R.
and D, Moore above named
will take notice that en action
has been commenced in the
court of Pitt county by the
plaintiff above named against
above named for
purpose joining and restrain-
the said defendants from
foreclosing the mortgage and co
Ii the notes set out and
the complaint filed in
this cause and the purpose of
having tho same declared fraud-
null and void, and the
defendant E R-
and D. Moore will further
take notice that they are
ed to appear at the November
1907, of tho Superior court
of Pitt county, to be held on the
9th Monday after the first Mon-
day in September, it being the
II h day of November 1907, at
he house in said county in
N. C, to answer or
to the complaint of
raid action, or
apply to the court
for the relief demanded in
80th day of Sept. 1907.
D- c. Moore,
cit court of Pitt co-
By of a the Superior
Court county in Special Proceed
1485, entitled J. It. Bunting- v
Robert the undersigned com-
loner will Mil tor cash before
. i hi door in Greenville on Mon-
; t. 1907, the following
i r real estate. One lot in the
. being- the store lot now
by J. If. and the
on said lot, lot
I., th.- north by Railroad t. on the
.- I y the lot owned M J Grimes
t , the south by Mack G
and Bros, on the west by
. store and hotel,
me property that was
to cherry Bunting by two
. one M I. T Davis and th
ill c-r ii skI from Bro
i. , other I t in Bethel bounded on
I street, on east by Mr
i . Hocks, south by the lot own-
I by Mack G Rogers
t st by J R Nelson property.
S n one i or of hind
north by street
and the Nelson property, i east by
I ho Nelson on by the
W Mack
c s T and on the west
Main containing acres more
or James,
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as ex-
of the last will and of
Mary J. Bowers, deceased notice is
hereby to all persons indebted to
the estate t make immediate payment
to the undersigned, and all persons
claims against said estate must
sent the same for payment on or before
the day of Sept. 1908, or this no-
will be plead in bar of recovery
This 23rd day of
T. Bowers, Executor of Mary J.
Bowers 23rd ltd
is a blessing. Have you cot it
If not, you should wear glasses
During last few there
has n considers b .felt and expressed b people
and .- m .-. in
i t
prices to-- and today
stone were in
about market
and prospect. Mr. O L. Joyner,
the Farmer Con-
Tobacco Co., was seen
and ed about prices and the
cause of the anxiety, etc. He
said he thought the present
alarm was much moM in the
minds of the public than in the
that while some few
grades of tobacco that had been
selling higher than ever before
was now lower than
they were a week or ten days
-go, yet they hail not
affected the market, the
average of the to-
Co. tho past six days
were as Oct.
Oct. Oct.
Oct. Oct.
These figures certainly do not
show any of s
on the market
Asked about the of
cigarettes in tram it from Dur-
ham to a British concern as
any affect on the t,
Mr. Joyner replied that he knew
nothing except what ho h
the Raleigh
the weekly ; has to be
print.-1 as . th Tl
of the
put in
word came from
station that power would
have to I cat o . for a rt
while r r. to
n . There was
to do b .; but the
I . th-j I . lines
. . i. day, and
r. v. v.-ell before
there any power, so it took
the of tho day to get
off weekly edition. In the
meantime our man went
to bed with a chill. The re
the force were
equal to the task of getting the
cut after night, so the is-
sue to be mil Bed, much
Let me fit your eyes and give the
desired relief.
C. E. Rountree
Optician and Jeweler
Graduate Philadelphia College
of Horology and Optics
To sufferers of Kidney Liver or
Ii ladder Other
say a bottle and if
it we will
your money. We
full size free bottle
and if it benefits
SOL until
This entitles yo
to a bottle
Only a limited
given away. Don't this op
to test
Superior Court
North Carolina
Pitt County
VS. Stewart.
The defendant above
will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been com-
in the Superior Court
Pit county to obtain from the
aid defendant a decree of
divorce. And the said
dint will further take notice that
is required to appear at the
next term of Superior court
said county to be held on the
ninth Monday after the first Mon-
day in September 1907, it
the 4th day of November 1907,
at the Court House in said
and in Greenville and answer
or demur to the complaint in said
action, or the plaintiff will
to tho court for the relief de-
in said complaint
This the 19th of October
1907. D. C. Moore,
it lakes Up.
About August 1st there took
up with my stock a male hog,
weighing or pounds,
marked, body whit with black
rump and head. I now have this
hog taken up and held for owner
who can get by proving
property and paying charges.
This Oct. 10th, 1907.
B. T. Smith,
B. F. D. Greenville, N. C.
Carolina Pitt county
Superior l
C- A. Mid Wife Nellie
E- R. and D.
The E. It
and D. O. Moore d
will take at on action
ha been in the
c of Pitt by the
plaintiffs above named
the defendants above named for
and collecting the set
and described in the complaint
in I his and for
purpose or having the de-
fraudulent and null and
d, and tho defendants
E R. and D .
will take they
are required to at the
r of t up
held on tho 0th Monday in
It being the day
h i
in n-
to answer on demur
to tho complaint of the. i
in t-aid action, or tho
will apply to the court fr
d minded In said com-
s the of S p
D, C. Moor,
On Monday,
roT, at o'clock before the
court house door in the town of
Greenville, I .-ell at public
auction, for shares of
ed c .
to the the Ute
J. M. C.
Clark, Proprietor.
N. C.
guaranteed. Strict
i repaired, clean-
. i
J. G.
All kinds of repairing
In -i am kind of work in
woo I .- i iron.
A work guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
trace of kidney
lated by
Every trace of kidney trouble
of on th
of 1907, ;. Lo notify
ill . nil u
f said deceased
to exhibit th i
on or before October
or this will be
in bar of recovery.
All persons indebted to said
estate will pl a make
ate payment to
This the day of October
Geo W. Jefferson,
F. G
Will lent.- H-.-t.
Rev. J. E. pastor of
the Baptist
went to Rocky Mount to
attend meeting lock
to tin ion of a new
association of churches in
section from the
River Association at the
ti I
ville church,
s on invitation to the new at-
I will i i the following
and the purpose
f collecting tho
county of for year
Carolina township, Sat-
Oct. 1907.
Falkland, Falkland township,
Saturday, Oct. 19th, 1907.
Ayden, township
Saturday, Oct 19th, 1907.
Bells X Roads, town
Oct. 1907
s. Beaver Darn town,
Oct. 1907
Bethel, Bethel township, Sat-
Oct. 1907.
Grimesland, township,
Saturday, Oct. 1907.
Creek town-
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1907.
Farmville, Farmville township,
Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1907. . AI F
township, Ab
Wednesday, 30th. 1907. , horse farm i mile
All owing taxes arc re- fr ii in limit, i mile from
to meet me at these g.- building.
a farm write me at
x ., m. i i on J- L- Robertson,
L. W. Tucker. Sheriff. N. C.
You Should
OW N the E d i t o r,
Phonograph, It sings, talks,
ind plays of all
Let us pot one in your home for
you. them as a
any one die and you
press to pay. hear
BEFORE buy then
Sold on Easy Tc in.;.
Write or Come to See Us.
ft gook Slope
will be paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
for any case of kidney
trouble SOL will not help
A word to the wise.
For sale by
Farmville, N. C.
thousand well burned
slop brick at my factory now
ready for sale at reasonable
prices, R.
I have just returned from the
northern markets, where I
chased a superb and complete
line of millinery, notions, sick
wear, dress trimmings,
and furs. Am prepared to suit all
in quality and price- Will
have my same milliner. Miss
who can trim to
suit the The
public invited to call
and inspect my store.
Mrs. J. F Joyner
Opposite R, L. Davis and Bros
Farmville, N. C.
years in
work guaranteed
Enlarging a
n. nil Carolina.
i N. C. MOT.
ii-. of authority In m-
i ii K. S. and under
it issued Hi,
W, J, for
him w tie Ker-
I one tract of
In id to mi d and
ii ch the flu-k and
sons mars or Ions, th
tract of land h
n I, mill upon which he in now
ii This t-act of land will
Rain lo the his-heat
on Sept. M
in. the Court door
in tho N. C.
R. J.
fr i y I before Sb-
or coil ii of Pitt county ad-
m of tho M.
i's i hereby
lo ill to too
M I I immediate payment to
th r all
o i it r,.
to t tho tho
p .; i cut on or b fore the 28th
. 1908, or thin l
pl in of recovery.
his 28th day of 1907
Administrator Cicero
It Editor and Owner.
Truth in Fiction.
In the southern
of this
Coast Line Market has
n state officers are j The
In- wt in in n county. It has . , , . . , Idle, Bad Boy,
is Mrs stubbed head, with teeth to chosen- In. New Jersey a What done
-me hat . j J
the ore, lies;, woman at; of a porcupine. Mr Cohen next In
of death . which R lode Island,
the point , most The and Kentucky a gov.
and wort
question ,
and she has been de those of a squirrel,
pendent on the , long clawed looking feet.
city- A few
band left
arrangers, are
farm near Low G p w here he re-
until ht h ire by an
officer. c Cut Proposed.
The I lie mat- ,, he . Mr E A
and brought on the charge of peonage,
here for trial, but ave no prosed at the present
for the of hie wife, term of Federal court in New
and her burial in th Mr. Kline was
and Mi;., I to ;. and at the special term
November 1907.
a. m. Devotional
Rev J. E.
Edward Pawn h tho a
on Long Tramp. more college i
Portland, Me., October 29.- to ch-
Planning to repeat his feat
W- H- Grifton school.
Opening exercises, of
her bus- Its have been used curt of appeals; in Pennsylvania, what h consist Mis s
t her am it. battle t. s , state treasurer, and in pair
. for be to his Assembling and Dis-
J Archer, Falkland
two agents of the State p ., H
In Ohio, Utah and
municipal officers are to
elected, while in New Illustrated
and lecture, Mrs. C. W. Read, Nash-
a sheriff are to be voted for.
The Prohibitionists have a
state ticket in all the states, ex-
she dies, return of in Beaufort in
mountain home wit n; but was held on another
seeing the woman h l to charge of the same nature to the
love and protect. law
be inadequate to do justice to
this kind, but as sure there is
God, justice will so
a creature of a
crime. Mt. Airy L
regular term. The case was not
passed for want of evidence.
Oakley. N. C 1907.
Hob. Congleton, of
was a caller in our city Friday.
Will Highsmith was here Sat-
I. H. Little returned from Nor-
folk Saturday and says hi spent
a pleasant time.
J. R. Williams made business
calls in Greenville this week.
J. S. Overton, of Stoke.-, was a
caller in Oakley Saturday.
Dr. of Stokes, was
a in our town
Good many of our young men
went to Parmele Sunday.
F. Q. Hines and little son, Eu-
gene, of Dudley, spent two
days hire this reek with
and friends.
S. R Jenkins and J James
went to Greenville Monday on
William Nelson, of Bethel, was
here Monday.
No church at bi t Sun
T. went to Gr.
Stories have been told f but
tons, tacks an van
substances ind
boxes, but it
that a church r ;
blow so severe as hat de
A Fox dab
The Mosby Hall Fox Hunters
Club was organized at
Springs this week. The officers
are James T. Twitty, Buffalo.
N. Y, president; Mrs. James T.
Twitty, secretary and
vice presidents, J. Jr.,
Eugene Johnston, A. E. Morris,
of Littleton, Sidney Cooper, Hen-
N. C, W O. Coleman,
Macon, N. C, T. Perkinson,
Wise, N, C. Geo. S. Prichard, B.
F. Panacea Springs,
N. C. Geo. E. Lattimer, E. R.
Smith, Buffalo, N Y-. W. P
Weaver Cleveland, Ohio. Murphy
Jackson, Roanoke Rapids, N. C.
The first meet of the club will
be held November 25th to
inclusive, There will be
about fox dogs in the hunt
and some of them prize winners
from meets. All fox hunt-
are cordially invited to at-
tend and bring their dogs.
ville Tana.
The State course of
. study, Supt C. L. Coon, Wilson
p. m. Address, Prof.
N. W. Walker, University of
North Carolina.
The above program, as will be
and city tickets in Cleveland and
Cincinnati, but not in San
or Salt Lake.
The Socialists have tickets,
in all the states, except Miss
and Maryland, and city in promises much for the next
Cincinnati Cleveland and Salt meeting no teacher can
. mil
con .
. .
livered by Amos
on one .
the cl
sermon Hi
whose wont it
ten certs to
of the t
take a blue slip
look at
Then, after a
d-mt in,
the slip, carefully I lid, the box. Deacon who
it, could r
an exclamation
Lord will y u,
Brother he
the sermon was over,
down the aisle to overt
prosperous grocer,
hope- e Mr.
Budd, dryly, I'm afraid you
on that being a
that I in the box. b
a bill
for kerosene that church owed
me last year, and it had been
Of course its
the same an money, though,
when you come to
Youth's Companion.
Pit county
Superior wort
John Dennis and wife
It. J. E Jones D. O.
The defendants E. R.
ind D. O Moore above named
sill notice that an action
been commenced in tho Sup-
i court of Pitt county by the
. defendants above
be so of enjoining and
said defendants
foreclosing the
the notes set
ml described the complaint
in cause and for tin
f having the de-
and null
id. and the said defendants E,
or and D, D. Moore
e take notice that they are
paired to appeal at
term, 1907 of the
Pitt to be b- d
. Mon lay after tho 1st
in September, it
4th day of 1907-
he court h so said
N C. and to answer
or to the complaint of t
tills in said actions or tin
pl will apply to the court
for tho relief demanded in said
tho 30th day of
c. Moore Clark Superior
of Pitt county.
is hereby given that
certificate number one
of the Mutual Aid t Banking
Co., of New Bern, been
lost, application will be made to
nave new certificate in
place of same.
This Oct. 21st 1907.
Lake, but not in San Francisco.
The party has
tickets in Kentucky,
setts and Now Jersey, while
Union Labor made nominations
for city officers in San Francisco.
In Massachusetts there are ten
tickets, five being divided among
Democrats, who are engaged in
a fractional tight with the state
delegation to the
convention next year in
The ballot law commission
that M, Whitney
was the nominee for governor.
In Maryland there will be a
straight contest between the
Democrats and the Republicans
only, the two parties having
nominations for stat
In New York county tho Re-
publicans and the Independence
League forces have
fused on county ticket, which
is made up of a number of
justices arid a sheriff. This give.
unusual interest to the contest.
Soon after tho nominations
were made, Mayor
who had been opposed to the
present Tammany machine, an-
that he would support
the Democratic ticket against
In Cleveland, Congressman
Theodore F. Barton is contesting
the mayoralty with Thomas L.
Johnson. There are four tickets
in Salt e City, the American
or Anti Mormon
made nominations for local
as have the Republicans
ind Democrats and Socialists.
In San Francisco the Demo
forces have combine and
the present acting mayor,
who is opposed by Republican,
as well as a Union
date, and the three cornered
tight is decidedly lively.
fail to miss. These subjects are
all practical. They are a of
the daily of every teacher-
You may expect them to be
treated in a manner that will be
exceedingly helpful to you. The
State of study is to
discussed by the man who
pared it, and probably no man
North Carolina so fully
as he does, or can
sent it in a more helpful manner
to the teachers than he can.
Each teacher will be furnished
with a copy of this course
study so that she may have it
during the discussion and there-
by fully acquaint herself with it
in every detail and thereafter b
able to use it with profit to her-
self and to her pupils. I do hope
to see every teacher in the
present at t his meeting.
believe you will be glad that you
W H.
Co. Supt. Schools.
forty years ago, of walking to
Chicago a distance of 1,250
miles in days, Edward
Weston started at o'clock to
night from the Portland post-
office amid cheers and good
wishes of people who had
gathered to see him start. He years of age. Mr. Weston
was greeted by a number of
friends including former
James P. Baxter, who watched
his departure years ago, and
was accompanied to the
Portland city line by Joseph C.
who, as a police officer,
him over the
rout on the first walk. Mayo
Clifford witnessed his
administered an oath
the conditions of the feat
be complied with
Mr. Weston expects to
it the Chicago at p
Thursday, 27th,
miles a day. He will go by th
way of Boston, Troy, Utica,
Syracuse. Buffalo, an
Cleveland. There was an
if Chicago, to start at
time for Portland.
By virtue the power salt
in a mortgage deed and
ion executed and delivered by
H. Everett to Webb
the day of
and duly recorded In
register of deeds office
Pitt North Carolina, in
Book N-8, page the under
expose to public Bale,
before the court door in
Greenville, for cash, to th-
highest bidder, on Saturday the
day of November 1907, the
fol owing real property, to
A tract or parcel of land lying
in Carolina township, county
Carolina, containing one
hundred acres more or less,
and the lands of A-
B Congleton. Harry Whitfield
others and being a part of
the J. C. Keel land, to satisfy
said mortgage deed.
This 14th day of October 1907
Webb w Mortgagees.
J. L. Fleming,
At last relief seems to be. sight for our tobacco farmers
The American Company,
which has no long ruled the to
world with ruthlessness
of a czar, is now to feel the
of an National
Government, Not only has the
Department of Justice instituted
proceedings looking to the com-
dissolution of the Tobacco
Trust on of its violation
the Sherman Anti-Trust Law,
but the Attorney-General last
week astounded not only th
trust itself but entire country
is well by producing a weapon
if attack so covered with th
lust of what Mr. Cleveland
would call
that few people were aware of
its existence. Yet, there it is
Section of the Sherman Law
the plain mandate of the law
which the Government
Norfolk, last week seized
7.000 worth of trust-made goo h
-and now compels the
Tobacco Company to int
and show cause why
seizures shall not
until it conforms to the laws
the land- Mr. Roosevelt
actively interested in
movements. With the
of the tobacco growers,
Che Trust may now at be
outlawed competition tobacco markets rest-red Pro-
Killed b din.
Tarboro, N. C, Oct
H. Anderson, a young man about
years son of Or. J. H.
Anderson, of No, township,
while attending his father's gin-
this afternoon was
in the belting that operates the
machinery and so badly crushed
that he died a few minutes after
the accident. Young Anderson
was a very industrious young
man and had many friends,
Thought lady
The story printed in our new
today from Luke Park
in county, giving
almost tragic, yet in comic
of the journey of a
white woman all the way
the barren hills of ti
Southern Georgia to marry an
man, the
been made through out
f these infamous
bureaus, again calls attention ti
that nefarious business.
As the story goes, and it it
well authenticated, the
came the long journey
marry Rev. J. J. Roberts,
who turned out to bi
a one-eyed, burnt-
faced, but rather harmless
who, when confronted
situation declared that hi
thought the
was a
If the prudence of single
an does not put these -called
bureaus out of bus
laws of the land
Mrs. Thurman
Wilson, was fatally
by falling into
She was
Miss Pansy Sugg, of Snow Hill
ind had married less
a year.
John a demented
white man confined in the jail a
y hanging himself with B pail
Carl Peace, a 12-year-old b
of High Point, was struck am
instantly killed by a train. Hi
was walking on the true
ind in attempting to get of
the way of one train stepped front of another.
Will a man
of Gastonia, while testing
wires, was killed by
in contact with a heavily ch;
ed wire- A hole four
square was burned through hit
college's r
Anna T.
had pr
of the Gen
of New .
hard nut .
in this .
m-o-n-e-y. I
fore, the
other can hi
effect. But An
that it .
another .-
authorities of
founded and sup;
of the
th it i
among the gr
offer. by the
education is new
Magazine of Bi i
i . LI
lass was organ
lie class had a v.
The following of
Mrs. R. L.
Miss .
Miss Lillian Burch,
ind treasurer
Miss Edith
Mrs. E, Hi
Broke Thumb.
Tarboro, N. C, Oct.
E. Whitehurst of Conetoe,
trashing peanuts for W. A.
pen Wednesday, had the thumb
bone above the second joint
broken by being struck by some
portion of the engine.
The m ill
Adams said
he was
rave than
and I
Not long b
loan out v.
Mr. A. a.
e .
I v,
away from
not hive
brightly nor i
face of tut
his mother.
peculiar way and
sir, all
me owe to my i
For Sal
Dickinson .
its, KOO i
formation apply to

I Lit
Entered as I matter Jan. I,
, . Mr.
frail Wrecked
C . under of March
in to
The papers are saying the
financial trouble is all over, but it
does not that way.
Don't get scared and hide your
money unless you want t make
conditions worse.
Confidence is the word now.
Let everybody have plenty of
it and help tide over the
Don't try to squeeze a dollar
now until the it squeals,
but turn it loose so it can help
to th
coast .s x I
be a.
. . auks
. no
for the
Caused Rails Spreading
Badly But Only Three Slightly Hart.
th ;.
Certain i
the v j
president to c
con; a
a m . ion
c i .
, ix Mills, Nov. 4th, 1907
Oar p have very busy
g their crop and they are,
t done with all but a
cation, that is coming in
expectations. Tobacco
is most all sold.
Miss Roach, of
came yesterday and begin teach-
the house
h e this n . i n
a n Hi ; . ; tween Kins I Weld n, i
church at train was
Mrs. P. C vent the
hi, , . to visit her when spreading I
rails n caused the
Atlantic Coast I.,
train N . pt D.
Hawks con .
of Their
train was mil banks of the
a no ice containing
L .-. . ., . . .-. that th
is now
I Public
i today.
Bright will
would pay drafts in checks,
r- Tc bank
the board i en
ti wreck occur-
As the South Caro-
was not in the conference,
that old yarn has not been re-
in the report;.
It is while to abuse
the gamblers so much. They
could not gamble unless they
somebody in a gambling
A cashier's certificate is
as good as money when it will
buy anything you want or pay
any debt you owe.
With three prosperous
and many flourishing
Greenville should not be con-
tented with her present
Two In Charlotte drop-
ping dead in one day may put
the colored folks to
is a hoodoo in that city.
Good for the peanut. An
physician says they are a
cure for the drink habit. New
let all the tapers go to
What this country needs is a
rest from agitation and settling
down to a solid business
There is too much unrest for toe
general good.
Raleigh folks are anxious
police officers There are twenty
police positions in the city to
filled, and sixty applications
are in for them with more likely
to follow.
what you
U be b . i time I y. n
money as
dependent u; I
keep .;.;.
not be overlooked.
This is . ll .
should kt p ; . .-. d not I
adding to .
the Ci
now It m
and I
a; d relieve
. . ill to
. . . t .
w. it; money
i enter rise he
will col ti .
tan son de-
. n.
Give . all
. r. us. aid there is
of c u i be the Mills
school house, near here, next
.;, . at o'clock and
will speak on educational the embank-
Every invited f pr
,; k- A it i the
were in our three turned about half
Tuesday, N holds
treat We are
our Methodist
friends are arranging for an j aged
organ recital in their beautiful
in the new church on Tuesday evening,
I rs relating November 26th, and that they
have secured the Mr.
Green i
tamp n . ; ; . in .
ch . not give a .
U . R .- i
tide over a
they have . in other
banks Li not available, and o
meet the de; of business.
The i e
banks give , i i. . good as so
much money, and will
s . m rev . i any
lot .
t H. H. i in, the
1st of s Episcopal church,
. making Washington, C. for that
it house It will be remembered
that a recital was given in this
the 7th of last March
who re-when the church was filled to
m . your overflowing It was a soul in
spiring, uplifting evening, which
told upon the
There will be some charming
, , .,, vocal music in connection with
I fill
the organ recital. The evening
will enjoyable and helpful.
.- .,
.- . who tip
, ; ,
There was another considerable
number of people leaving here
.; j this morning for the Jamestown
. . ,. ,. as. Exposition. There are but a few
. , weeks more that the exposition
no ea i b be and those
without working i here may be not been should avail themselves
some truth in stab
it thou ands
e working without being
of the opportunity. It is well
; worth going U see.
One of the most jovial
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in a certain Mortgage
Deed executed and delivered by
C. S. and wife,
business transaction. Let every-1
body keep consent and business i to hunt. Every Saturday night
will go right on inter-
The b. be
commended for this i
i such a .-. p had I
to protect
is ; Id i .
no b v. it
for the past six weeks has nut
on cap and belt
and has taken his gun to go up
and duly recorded in the Register
. W .
cl or
of Deeds office of Pitt county,
North Cardinal in Book page
the undersigned will expose
to public sale, before the Court
r ached House in Greenville, o the
is full
i. highest bidder, on Saturday the
, . tn day of December, a
. certain tract or parcel of land
J being in the county of
Pitt and State North Carolina
To check the rapid rate at
which mot people have been
going since the boasted wave of
prosperity came on, might help
to relieve the financial panic.
If the government took as
much interest in helping farmers
hold their crops from the sharks
as it does in helping Wall street
financial troubles, it would
look more like doing the fair
Urged Not to Held
Colonel Peters, of Calvert,
Tex., president of the Southern
Cotton Association and
cotton authority of Texas,
comes out in an open letter
farmers to sell cotton
present prices, saying that lo
y pa
I th m i he
as follows,
Beginning at a stake on the Tar
By u
In view of
is sugar i
, . I. j be Beginning at a stake on the Tar
. ;,. Emily Manning's form-
. Emily corner
and runs with the Tar road
degrees we, t and 2-5 poles to the
over and fell embank
But for this there would
i several fatalities
to coach
was torn to .-, the
co . .; were not dam-
i. Th was torn
up for it j
v ire ab tit
on i he train at the time,
and were badly fright-
and n only
were injured These were
W. r. a
from . , C. ii.
. . ., and the color-
. , Their in-
only slight
The were taken on
i n and t and
moved to G from which
place y brought in a
car to Gr The
in was sent here from
Parmele to take the through pas-
and mail on up the road,
and wrecking train was sent
down to clear and repair th
Some fifteen years ago a wreck
occurred at the exact point on
the road of the one Oils morning.
checks will be m convenient
amounts of from to the
same as currency, and will be
accepted by any merchant or
other business man- as cash.
night the Chamber of
Commerce held a called meeting
in the court house to take steps
in support of the action of the
banks. Short talks were made
by J. L. Little, F. J. Forbes. H.
A. White. C. S. Carr, J. G.
Dr. and R. C.
A committee consisting of
T. Dr. and H. A.
White was appointed to draft a
resolution expressive of the sense
of the Chamber. The committee
reported as follows, which was
Resolved. That it is the sense
f the of Commerce of
the town of Greenville that the
action taken by the associated
banks of Greenville and
county today, meets with out
hearty approval, and we hereby
pledge ourselves individually and
collectively to in our power
to aid them in protecting the
business interests of Pitt county,
while at the same time furnish-
a safe and adequate medium
by which the business of the
town and county may
carried on.
All persons are forbid,
den, under penalty of the law-
from hunting or in anyway
passing on my land known as the
Swam farm, near Falkland.
Benjamin Craft
Just Arrived At
m r
is that y is-
s hi . ii takes
i n
that a ; m .
are r too much . in
A story from In ii ya
that Mr. banks got his ho
upon the by hi
. on free silver Let's
cocktails weren't in Lei then,
Captain i n's
war will have to be e I
the theatrical
Mr. Taft v.
tine y
understood that he is r I of a
retiring disposition.
That who de-
he was a better hunt r
Roosevelt, was, of .
arrested and asked to ex tin
A-rough baa just be
acting I p
. i.
Capt. A W. Styron, of Wash-
isl i for the purpose
interesting our people in
p fr m and
i . A meet-
of . it Co
I I n ht, In the
courthouse to heir the
. At th . tin
l ting the State
and delegation from
j pass through
head of a ditch, thence with said
and beyond N,
poles t a stake in an-
other ditch, thence with said
S. 1-2 degrees E.
poles to the crook f same, thence
with said the
courses, and distances, 6861-2
ii K 4- poles to crook
of S. degrees E.
poles to another crook S. E.
to another crook, then
S. degrees E. poles to an-
crook of said ditch at a
sweet gum in J. H. Corey's line,
thence with said Corey's line its
various courses to Emily
Manning's corner, thence with
her line to the beginning, con-
l lining acres more or less to
satisfy said mortgage deed.
Terms of sale cash.
This 4th day of November.
James N. Vinson, Mortgagee.
Moore Long, Attorney's.
Greenville, N. C.
cents is impossible and cents is ,; Monday,
Hie general fan- . . u . .,.,
It is believed that the
the financial
Special, to Atlanta
i wrong.
R-port feels a
There was worth of
sold in the fourth series of
The Home Building and Loan
Association that opened Saturday.
f he fourth is the largest of any
since the first and it shows
for the association. The
more more real zing have to fight .
the benefit if is to the community, j Smoke us ins burning Qua caused
Where will find a complete
lineal all times. They handle
I always keeping
I go I quality
tiny pin it per
e pure. fail to see
j their line, of Heelers, cook
, shot tuna
wore at It is the
place to buy They
, i land the
Wire Fence, the kind
that is pig tight and different
i Their place is head-
j quarters for which you
lino in Iron, Gravel,
; Paper a look at
j their and other
ii In fact almost
every want in the Hardware can
be supplied by
Baker Hart
Fire at Electric Don't
About a quarter past nine cheeks that the banks
o'clock night, a in give you in place of m are
moving picture machine at w one hundred cents in the
the Electric caught on not them at a
fire and . i to anybody, do not
to an abrupt It was any d that may be
the night and only a small crowd,
present, and every one m d-i
a rush for the door when the
blaze flashed oat of the machine
to the ceding. A bucket or
of water put the lire Th
film was ruined and the n a -hi.-n-
badly damaged. P i-
for tho firemen that they did not
in a
We wish ti inform the public
t at we will take as cash
t notes to be i.-sued by
If have not U.
v and wish to buy any of our
in with toe bank
notes. A. Ii. on Co.
is in charge of F. C, NYE. who Is authorized to rep
I resent the Eastern Reflector In and territory
and The Carolina Milling Menu- Rubber shoes of all sizes and
her home yesterday afternoon, of
after having spent some time
with Misses and Kate Chap-
Our entire stock of boys suits
at cost for next days.
They must go.-B. F. Manning
J. E- Greene returned from a
his old home near
Thursday evening.
The sewing ma-
chine is one of the best machines
on the market, and it will not
cost a fortune to buy one
either. They range from up-
Isn't there a bargain in these n
those prices-A W. Ange
Rev. Alexander Corey, of
Jamesville, conducted prayer
vice at the Baptist church Wed-
night and spent Thursday
Glass ware and coffee mills just
Miss Anna Little, of Falkland
an old pupil of W- II. S. is visit-
her host of at t
girls dormitory.
Get your meal, fresh from new
Milling and Man-
Mi's Novella Bunting,
music teacher of W. II. S.
for Ayden Friday evening to
visit friends Saturday and Sun-
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual
Our price, B- T. Cox
Woodard left Friday
to spend Sunday at his home
near Kinston.
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
your eyes.
Rev. W. E. Cox will preach
farewell sermon in the
church here Monday night, Nov.
All are cordially invited to be
present Mr. cox will soon be-
gin his work in Wilmington. We
regret so much to give him up.
He may rest assured that he will
have our prayers and best wishes
for his in his new field of
Harrington Barber Co- have
a complete stock of ready made
clothing see him before you get
your next suit
Misses Hattie and Janie Kit
went to Greenville shopping
FOR two horse
wagon and a disc harrow- Mrs.
j. L. Butt, one mile from Win-
Put your money into the bank
for then it is safe and betides
you will save more by depositing
it; for if you have the money in
your pockets you are tempted to
a lot of
If you did not have it
you would not spend it
J L Jackson cashier
of all kinds prepared
at the Carolina Milling
Nice lamps of all
Barber Co.
You talk about good neat and
school desk that are
cheap but I can assure you that
the desk made
by the A G cox Manufacturing
company has all these qualities
Nice dress shoes for ladies and
gentlemen just in at Harrington,
Barber Co-
Now is the time to purchase
your Box Body Carts while they
are cheap. The A. G. Man-
Co., have plenty
them on hand. Call and see them.
Quite a number of our people
attended the quarterly meeting
at Reedy Branch Sunday
The A G Cox Manufacturing
company are selling
welded fence fast
Any one in of good fence
and barb wire will be to in-
est to call to see them
they buy.
go. We must make
room for our
new goods now coming During
the next forty we will make
special prices to all our customers
on our box
B. T. Cox Bro.
T. W. Wood 1907
nips and rutabaga seed can now
be had at the drug of Dr-
B. T. Cox Bro.
We are glad to inform our
friends and depositors that the
business of the bank is the great-
history. People are
learning the convenience and
safety of a bank. They
catch on to a good thing. J. L.
Jackson, cashier of the Bank of
Misses Novella Bunting and
Vivian Roberson spent Sunday
with Miss Blanche of
Have all your wood turning
work done at the Carolina Milling
Mfg. Co First class world
The A- G cox Manufacturing
company have now on file orders
for a few of their old reliable
cox cotton planters and simplex
guano sowers for
Remember that the A- O. Cox
Manufacturing Co. are
the well known Tar Heel
wagons at their usual low price.
Walter Nobles, W. B Wingate,
A-G. Cox, Joe E.
Lineberry and Car-
roll are attending the Neuse
Baptist Association which is
convening in New Bern this
Hunsucker buggies are go-
if you want up-to-
date runabout buggy you had
better give him call
A and lot conveniently
located to business of
Men's fancy silk mufflers for
the cold winter wind at B. F.
Manning Co.
When in need of nice kid
driving gloves, and work
gloves, see B. F- Manning Co.
We learn that the A. G. Cox
Co. are shipping
their well known Co.,
School to different parts
of the State. No school should
be without them
Remember that the A. G. Cox
Manufacturing company are still
making their well known Tar
Heel carts and
The Perfection
dress shoes for at B.
F. Manning's company.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Arch
We the undersigned business
men of Winterville heartily
prove of the action taken by the
associated banks of Pitt county
yesterday, in issuing
checks to be used temporarily as
money, and we hereby pledge
ourselves to accept said checks
in payment of all merchandise
and We believe that
their action was for the beat in-
of everybody.
B T Cox Bro.
B T Cox, M. D.
J H Hudson, M. D.
A W Ange Co.
A G Cox Mfg. co.
J B Carroll Co.
J J Harrington.
Pitt Oil co.
J K Barnhill.
Harrington, Barber Co-
town, for sale. For
Ed Nelson, Winterville
Ward-robe, tables, safes etc.
made to order. Carolina Milling
Mfg. co.
The entertainment by
Man from very good
and attended by a good sized
Nice juniper tabs of all
at Harrington Barber A Co.
The A.
stalk cutter is the best stalk cut-
on the market come and ex-
it and see if will not
with us. B f Manning
Chairs from the nicest willow
r to the single stool chair.
Mrs. Evelyn Cox, Misses Mag-
Cox, Olive Butt
Johnson and Gordon Johnson.
Harvey Cox, and
horn are attending the exposition
this week.
Have your carts, wagons and
put in good trim for the
fall use. All kinds, of repair
work done promptly. Carolina
Milling Mfg. Co.
Rubber shoes and rubber
mfg. at bargains, Harrington
Barber A co
Mrs. H. returned
from a visit to Goldsboro where
she spent sometime with her
sister, Mrs. W. f. Fry.
Gents dress shoes just arrived
at Harrington Barber and com-
Mrs. M. G. Bryan trending
the week at her near
Try a tree brand pocket knife.
They are under guarantee.
They are kept in by B. T.
Cox Bro,
-L. L. Kittrell, R. Croom and
G. E. Jackson have returned
from the
Now is the time to get single
and double bedsteads low down
at A. W. Angle Co.
Miss Laura Cox came In from
Ayden to spend Sunday.
sacks of salt at Harrington
Barber Co.
A new line of plaids and home
Greenville, N. C, Nov.
To our
We have put forth great
effort and incurred expense in
trying to obtain from
the Government, and from banks
in this State, also Richmond,
Norfolk, New York other
points, where we have balances,
and have succeeded in a
small degree.
Our banks are in splendid con-
and in order to keep them
in good we believe it
to take action similar to
that already adopted in Durham.
Winston, Reidsville;
Wilson. Rocky Mount and other
places. ,
We adopt this plan as being
the best remedy for present con-
which we Relieve will
soon change and the plan herein
after In
the meantime we ask your hearty
co-operation in bur efforts, for
our welfare is dependent upon
your prosperity, and this action
is necessary for the protection of
all concerned.
The following resolution has
by the
composed of Green-
ville Banking Trust Company,
The Bank of Greenville. The
of Greenville. The
Bank of Farmville. The Bank of
Winterville. on account of our
inability to obtain from
the of the United
States and from
Banks with whom we have
money on deposit situate in
Richmond, Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and other points, that
none of the undersigned banks
will until further action by the
pay in cur-
more than in any one
day or more than in any
one week on check or checks
drawn on any of said Banks by
As authorized agent for Duly
we take
and writing receipts for
e Id arrears We a lint
i all who receive their mail at
office. We take orders
for printing
E. Hardy and wife, of Greene
county, are visiting their
Mrs. H. C. Ormond.
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they alway
have the best
Miss Jennie Ormond is here on
a visit to relatives.
A Tasteless Chill tonic with
Iron, positive permanent and
effectual relief in chills and
a general only at M. M.
drug store, Ayden, N. C.
Master Will Ormond, a little
son of A. L. Ormond, is spending
sometime in Ayden.
Overcoats at a bargain Big lot
just received. See our line be-
fore you buy. J, R. Turnage and
Dr. Morrill, of Falk-
land, was here Tuesday in at-
upon the Mayo-Brown
J- R- Smith Co. have just re-
a ear load of lime.
F. Lilly went to
Now for a new fall suit. Don't
fail to see our line before you buy
J. R. Turnage and
Mrs. W. J. Hemby, who was
taken so suddenly Sunday is
much better.
Your lady friend would
one of those fancy boxes
of candy at
drug store, Ayden N. C.
There must be some under-
ground railway in and around
Ayden, if one should judge from
the number of hogs that find
their way on our streets. Con-
this is considered a dry
hog town.
Buy a pair of our patent
leather shoes for men. Every
guaranteed not to
I, Turnage and Company.
Miss Norma Whitehead, of
Scotland Neck, is visiting her
sister, Mary Whitehead at the
graded school.
This is the time of the year
that your face and hands chap
so badly don't suffer with it but
call at M- M, drug store
and get a bottle of violet cream,
only per bottle.
candy direct from
factory at Saul's store.
Quite a number of our citizens
are clubbing together and order-
their supply of winter coal
by the car,
Our line of 3.00 Hat
just received- Any style and
shape. Guaranteed. J. R.
and company
J. R. Smith and R. H. Garris
came home Thursday from the
Federal court at
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received a car load of Ellwood
wire fence. Can furnish any
The largest and cheapest line
of stationary in town don't buy
until you have examined M. M
Sec our beautiful line of ladies
dress goods before you buy. J-
R, Turnage and company.
Cotton is coming in slowly.
Guy Taylor and family, of
Winterville, are here on a visit to
friends. They will soon make
Ayden their home.
Keen cutlery and hard-
ware at J. R- Smith co.
Mrs- Guilford Cox, of Green-
ville, is visiting Mrs. J. J. Hines.
Mason fruit jars, taps and rub-
at J. R. Smith co.
Pneumonia Cure at J. R. Smith
Harry Skinner, Jr., and F. C.
Harding, of Greenville, were
here yesterday on professional
. One thirty-seven acre
just outside corporation at
will be sold on easy terr-s.
Ayden Loan a Ins. Co.
patterns at J. R. Smith
Miss Frieda and
Miss Herndon, of Greensboro,
W. C.
Ice cream salt at J. R. Smith
Mrs. W. S. Blount returned
from New Bern Saturday.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders, chickens and
eggs to J. R. Smith Co.
Edwin Tripp made a trip to
Washington last week.
Boys I have a nice line of safe-
razors from 1.00 to you
will do well to one and
save time and money. See my
line of BoWer, and other brands,
of pocket knives M M Sauls
Big lot cots latest styles, very
comfortable at J. R. Smith Co.
Those of our people who at-
tended the Christian convention
at Belhaven have returned home.
Pine Tar cough will re-
your cough and cold Get a
bottle from M M Sauls
So long as there is business
stirring seems destined
to have her share. Our business
men are awake to the times and
are not surpassed in enterprise.
Overcoats and rain coats at
bargains Don't fail to see them
J R Turnage and company
Misses Vivian Roberson and
Novella Bunting, music teachers
of Winterville High school, spent
from Friday until Monday with
Miss Blanch Cannon.
Go to E- E. new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
If you want a new fall suit, we
have them, Latest styles and
prices reasonable. J R Turnage
and company
The mayor on Monday
gated a quartet fight and one
J. M. Blow is in Greenville to
see his brother, A- L. Blow, who
is quite sick.
Mrs. Mattie Willoughby, of
Cumberland county, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. J- A. Griffin.
Mrs. J- R Smith and children
returned yesterday from a visit
to friends in the country.
Walter Gardner and wife, of
were here Monday on
The Ayden Milling Mfg. Co,
with all the machinery,
saw mill, mill, repair shop,
planing machine, electric light
plant, with all the real estate
belonging to same will be sold
here Dec- 2nd, by J. R.
Smith, trustee, to the highest
bidder for cash. This is a
did business, and we hope some
good party buy same and
continue to operate it here same
as before.
Miss Lillie Whitehead, of
Scotland Neck, spent last week
here with her sister, Miss Mary
Special Tonight.
A special meeting of the
Chamber of r a I
men of Greenville is called
to meet at o'clock I i in
the mayor's office, to hear ad-
dresses and a reposition
to the t of a line
of water transportation between
Greenville, Washington and Nor-
folk. Full attendance is desired.
C- E. Bradley, Sec'y.
Whenever you are tempted to
growl against fate or complain of
your lot just look around and
find out what others are bearing.
You will find many with
more brains and better education
worse off than you are. Then
compare your lot with that
such men and if you don't
complaining and go in for re-
wrong with your mental balance
When an obstacle gets a your
way don't waste time and energy
in about it. If you
can, push of your path,
get by it, over it, under around
it any way you leave
the obstacle behind you. The
second obstacle will not appear
half if you gel past the
On Saturday 9th. day of No-
1907 under an execution
issued by J. F. J. P. in
attachment proceedings of J. J.
Hines vs. Ed Rouse and Carrie
Rouse to satisfy said execution I
will expose at public sale in the
town of Ayden. N. O the follow
personal tub and
contents, pump and
stove, box and contents.
and contents, French Horn,
I ice Cream freezer, bucket,
wash pot. table. box, bed
steads, sets bed springs, Boy
wagon, Bench and Jar, stool
chairs. This Oct. 1907.
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Ban; Building
. S. Moore
Offer their entire stock of No
Groceries and Confection-
for sale in hulk. Terms
cash, call on them if wish a
bargain. A nice large large
large brick store in which to con-
duct business can be rented on
easy terms.
D. S. Moore, Bro
W. H.
in Building
any one depositor of said Banks
drawn business in J. P's. court
At the of Aug. 1900.
Loans and
Furniture and
Due from banks and
The Greenville Banking Trust
Co. by C. S cashier.
spun at B F Manning company Jackson, cashier.
Ladies get your gentlemen
friend one our Gillette safety
The National Bank of Greenville, by F. J. Forbes, cashier. for a birthday or
Bank of Greenville, by James mas present, nothing more
L- Little, cashier. M M Sauls druggist
The Bank of Farmville, by J. R. Rev. e. T. Phillips tilled his
appointment here Sun-
Nat. bk notes A other notes 1,335
Capital stock 124,400.00
surplus fund 10.00
Bills Payable
Deposits subject to chic 29.181.07
Cashier's checks ii ding
I J. R. Smith, of the ab bank, do , i
th t the above statement is true to beat of my an ti-

CI Costly.
newspaper, but
today than ever
a big
. but
M . tr-para
i .
. tO
r Bank
. any pay for
editor -before it
up with its ex
Observer hat
r, ;. . COSt in
to . dollars.
which hat
, and most rigid
. n proprietor
balance of
some resource
it behind
trouble at
pie are
account if in
cite one in
Daily Journal, of
. d the services of
him that they
if the paper
i lo put
. it they would
him all the
for twelve months
to this put up
expenses. Before
called the
and informed
i for
hey refused to put
i out to es
Sentinel, the
and the
ting in the
went beyond an
dollars, and
d d there was
to show for it
b list and
lo t will, though
lentil value. The
of the News and
ad to spend
prestige, on i self-
If the cost of
i else had
tHen as now, it
r quired twice that
of establishing
paper in Wilson,
he Tines reviews its
. to sell out at
partial are bent
daily in that
n calls some sage
late l Wm.
i when he was
starting a new
i or buying the
h and being asked
. of it. col.
you are bent
to daily journalism,
paper or.
price. If you
paper, it will be
. id, and before your
to you will
I as much money
can be bought
at mate a bit
it the price is
. thirty, or forty
it is cheap to
bent on running a
The young
. i advice from Col-
later in the dear
that he gave
. i Raleigh News
H. delivered a temper-
address in the Methodist
church Sunday night, and Rev.
M. T. will deliver
in the the Christian church,
Thursday night Ex Gov T. J.
will liver address
hero on the tin d Sunday, We
learn that there u much inters l
campaign large crowds
out to hear the addresses.
Who Mt
are widows and
said man-
for instance, the widow whose
suicide She's
I is, everybody
her as if she were differ
There is a belief abroad,
i o rooted as the everlasting
hills, that it is the easiest thing
n world for a widow to re-
marry. As a general thing this
may be true, but in the case of
the woman whose husband died
by his own hand the belief is a
fallacy. They don't find it easy
to marry again. know three
most estimable women who at-
their widowhood through
the revolver and poison route
husband's tragic taking off
was in nowise attributable to
nerve-racking qualities in
wives. The women didn't nag,
they were not extravagant, they
were not fiCKle. men were
to their rash deeds
by their own cussedness; yet in
the widow was blamed
for his self-destruction and is still
paying the penalty. Each has
oilers from men who fell
victims to their charms; but s
as the prospective
learned that their predecessor
committed suicide they backed
for fear that if they
mated the bargain they might be
driven to the same New
York Press.
P i. t
in will be held i he 26th on the
prohibition. Prof. W
he Fair
The State fair last week was i
great financial success, indeed
greatest ever yet held, but the
exhibits were disappointing. As
an agricultural fair, for the pro-
motion of the agricultural inter-
of I the State, it was not a
success, to out it mildly, and yet
that was no fault of the manage
The farmers themselves
do not seem to take an interest in
the exhibition of their products.
The chief attractions at all fairs
nowadays seem to be the aide-
shows and horse racing. The
people seem to wait them more
than exhibit of agricultural pro-
ducts. Without such attractions
the crowds not be gathered.
The fairs also occasions for
reunions and social s,
when old friends meet and new
acquaintances are made Chat-
ham Record.
f Flitting
There will be a meeting of the
citizens of Pitt county who have
taken block and who may desire
take stock in a Printing
Publishing Company to
in Pitt county, at
m Tuesday the 5th day of No-
1907 at o'clock a. m-,
it the office of F. C. Harding, for
the purpose of perfecting sue
Every person who has already
subscribed for stock or may
to take stock on that day,
s requested to be present
F. C. Harding.
Tobacco Sake far
Following is the report of C.
W, Harvey, secretary of the
Greenville Board
Trade, for
of pounds sold,
average price per
pounds, 11.89; Total
lumber of pounds sold up
-o November 1st t,
American Home the safe-
guard of American
Help these liberties
by owning your home. Our plan
mikes it easy. 4th series now
The Building and Loan
North Carolina, Pitt County,
Mack Manning and wife Martha
R and O
K R.
and O. Moore above
will take notice that an
has been commenced in
court of Pitt county by
plaintiffs above named
the defendants above name d
the purpose joining
the said defendants from
foreclosing and col-
the notes set out and
the complaint in
this cause and the purpose of
having the same declared fraud-
null and void,
said defendant E R.
D. O. Moore will further
take notice that they are
ed to appear at the November
1907, of the Superior court
of Pitt county, to be hold on th
9th Monday after the first Mon-
day in September, it being the
4th day of November 1907, at
the house in said county in
Greenville, N. C. to answer or
demur to the complaint of
plaintiffs in said action, or the
plaintiffs will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said
This 30th day of Sept. 1907.
D- c. Moore,
clerk Superior court of Pitt Co.
S Clark, i
; . N. C.
By of u of the Superior
Court of county in Special Proceed
No. entitled J. R. Hunting vs
Robert the undersigned com-
will sell for cash before the
court house door in Greenville on Mon-
day Set. 1807, the following de-
scribed real estate. One lot in the
town of being the lot now
occupied by J. R. Bunting and the
buildings on said lot, said lot hounded
in the north by Railroad St., on the
cast by the lot owned by M J Grimes
Co., on the south by Muck G Rogers
and and on tho west by
mount store and being
prone was
to cherry Bunting by two
deeds, one M i, T and the
other om
Ono other I it in Bethel bounded
north by R street, on east by Mrs
W ii Bullocks, by the lot own-
ed by Knox co a id G Rogers
and on by J R Nelson property.
one piece or parcel of land
bounded on the north by Railroad
and the Nelson property, on the east by
the Nelson property, on south the
or James, Mack
sT carton, and on the west
by Main containing acres more
or F. G. James, commissioner
To of Liver
Bladder Other
say m bottle and
it cure will
your money. We
full free bottle i
and if it
use SOL until
entitles yo
to a bottle at
Only n limited number -f
given away. op
to test
. .
t-i u.- y.;
i Mp
tO , . . I
on Turns.
Write Coin, to See Us.
y, . rid Sunday. There
much Experienced Bar-
t i by con- Tow-
Having duly ;. . i l of . . .-
com t cleric of Pitt
of the U will and tea n
Mary J. i
hereby to a. indebted b
and all
said nit
sent the name for payment on ti
the day of or this no-
will be plead bur i i
This day of
T. H. Bowers, Mar. J,
is a blessing. Have you
If not, you should wear glasses
w fir yea and i
desired i
C. E. Hour-tree
Optician and hr
of Horology and Optics
. .,
North Carolina county
C-A. Pair wife
VS .
E. and D. O, Moore.
The K
and named
that an action
has been In Burl,
f Pitt county
the ts named for
and the poi
lUst; hi; complaint
n I r arid for tin
Carolina i rCourt
Ben Stewart VS.
The defendant above named
will take notice that an nation
above has
in the- Superior Court of
county to obtain from th
defendant a decree of
lute divorce. And the raid
will further take notice
she is required to appear at the
next term of Superior court of
said county to be held on the
ninth Monday after the first Mon
day in September 1907, it being
the 4th day of November 1907,
at the Court in
and in Greenville and answer
or demur to the complaint in said
action, or the plaintiff will
to the court for; the relief de
minded in
This the 19th day of October
1907. D.
Takes Up.
About 1st there took
up with my stock a male hog,
weighing or pounds,
marked, body white with black
rump and head. I now have this
hog taken up and held for owner
who can get same by proving
property and paying charges.
10th. 1907.
M B. T. Smith,
Greenville. N. C.
K K.
will ;
No r t
t mi i
m , O,
J r
II . , II
II, I., la
ii Id on the i , .
ft . , .
cube . .inn o in a I y
to the cm i .
in sen
.-. ill . u l
ii. ; . . ii . coin-
Th a the i. i s-p i u-
D. C. M.-iii.
Clerk r . i n
m in our town
and gave i
A. D Hill,
ii . . ; ; . stroke of pa
i but lie v. s
ii. , As
sick with typhoid fever
down with the same
they all may soon re-
On Tuesday Mr
Harris and Miss Vivian
married by
Rev. E. Cox, of Greenville,
ii r t past six o'clock, at the
of the bride, Mr. J.
and loft the
train for St. Augustine, Fla.,
they will spend
n ho land of flowers, he
-o; couple arc among the moat
and esteemed or our so-
circles and all who knew
join in wishing them a
and happy journey through life.
Maud and family, of
Saratoga, came down Saturday to
Mr. Pauline
Britt, South
John Warren and wife, of
township, were the
of his brother, Edgar
Warren, R. L. Davis
chief clerk.
Miss and
spent Saturday night and Sunday
I heir aunt, Mis. W. Parker,
near the Green Spring.
L. Crawford and wife spent
with their daughter, Mrs,
J. T. Flanagan.
Mr. J. F, Leggett and Miss
Jennie Wilson, near
will be married morn-
and will leave on the N
train in the afternoon for Macon,
where Mr. Leggett will open
a. wholesale shoe house. Mr.
Leggett is a well known
in community and we
hope joy and sue-
Min Minnie E. is
Mr. W, A. Pollard
ii is
i a II
Duty Dudley was in
n but nobody m
I i b II ire I as he
C ; rep i, dean-
ed and , r.
Every trace of kidney trouble is
. i y
. i
I .
SO well
B, rat
writes a card to a
man in which he say
that the story printed
in York papers that .
Brinkley, of Magnetic City, N.
has the longest beard in C e
world, reaching to a
stands is; that
two m n In Missouri in Pike
county, Elijah and n
tine have beards that
measure nine and twelve feet
Farm Magazine
Baltimore fer
Bishop Potter in making
self equal to a
bishop in shows
he is not contend with the
of leaders n
the of the South.
matte r
. I i leave I Li book
tho b n t r ti c.
the f w d of
N. G.
years in
work guaranteed
Enlarging h
4th, I . i.-i North
Littleton, N. C. Aug.
virtue of authority given in
K. S. and war-
rant of
W. J, Manning Inn mm
him under the Internal Kev-
i ., one tract of
land I- g to laid Manning and
hi. . i tract and contain
. ; i ti i
a i w l
t. upon h ho ;. new
i at u of will
otter ii i tin., bidder
mi Monday at
o m. the Court door
N. C.
J. I
r .-
J m-s Ii. lat
i ii u th
this is to
ill i
lie t in said
o i m to the
d on or I'll
id or this will
plead d in -very
All indebted to said
Mate will please make
lie payment to
the 4th day of
W. Jefferson,
F. t.; James, y.
. an near
Three Daily
m p. m- and p. m.
on Sat-
at p m Colored
admitted only at the two Sat-
afternoon performances,
days exclusively for white
New pay
both old and young.
Come and bring the children.
Admission cents school
in afternoon
II. v.- b fore the
c county hi ad-
; r the . M.
;. ; i hereby
to tho
Ml payment ti
. and p having
., tin i
. the i
for pi; o i or ire tho 28th day
of or this notice
e p in ii roe ivory,
day M 1907
A M. Smith
Ton 4th,
before the
m In the town of
I n public
f r shares of
company belonging
of the kite
M. C,
A d I oral mile
from town limit, I from
graded h Ii h Parties
wishing a good farm write me at
J. L.
is m of W R. Parker who the in and
U. C.
All of repairing
Id any kind of work in
woo . . iron.
work guaranteed.
Company will insure any on
any trace of
r trace of kidney
i by
will paid by the Inter-
state Chemical Co., of Baltimore,
Md. for any case of Kidney
trouble SOL will not help.
A word ti the wise.
For Mil by
N. C.
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
In Pi ace U
dollar per V
Notice to Grocery Men of North
Samples of
picked by Taylor Co. of
New Orleans, have been exam-
under the State Food Law,
and were found to be adulterated
with chicory.
This brand of coffee has been
largely and sold in
the state as pure In
some case-, it. been labeled
and but when
so labeled
was in very small type and
would not be noticed by a casual
and therefore does
not comply with the require-
of the Food Law.
are hereby
th-t product labeled
Coil is a com-
pound of an I and
if sold, must be as such,
and not as pure coffee. Such
violation, if detected will be
prosecuted under th j Food Law.
S. L Patterson, Commissioner.
W. M. Allen, Food Chemist.
H. C. of
To Greet Raleigh
On Monday a train from
bearing four
including the governor and
other State officers, the Raleigh
Chamber of Commerce and Sec-
Regiment band, will pass
over Norfolk Southern
railroad from Raleigh to Wash-
and return. The
of the trip is to attend a
the completion of the road be-
tween that town and the State
capital. train will leave
Raleigh at a. m scheduled
to reach Washington at
A st v half an hour will be
made at Greenville, reaching
here somewhere about
The Chamber of Commerce,
graded school,
and as many of the people of
the town generally tan d- so,
should assemble at the depot to
greet and have
a short address by Governor
Glenn, Greenville can and
should make a good showing on
. November I.,. .;
We, the business ten i m approve most
the action taken by tin yesterday
The issuance of t-t .;. take the place
That we realize that such e tot .
of all business interest, i accept cashier's
checks as readily as we u . for n . . nut
the payment of all
J R and J G Frank bite,
Company, CS D D i . Hart, V
J L Wooten, R . ., Pulley
G Greenville g Patrick
C C Vines, J J Cc a; Long, J S Smith, j
F Davenport, J M H L Ca . C Hines, J L
Winslow, W B G E Harris, Wiley Brown,
N. Fleming-, L M , . E
Watson, C D Tunstall, Tobacco Co.; C G
Starkey, S T I W ; W H F C
W H SI H White, W H Kilpatrick.
James Brown, John L Carper, . A B Si Co,
F V Johnston, Evans Book St we, W F E; John Flanagan Buggy Co,
By E G T E Co, C B Rountree, J R Corey, h
H Ricks, B B
to Him Suddenly.
it was a to his
friends in when
telephone i from
he Avon farm.
Mr J. Li .
lied v . i y
it hid been only a few
days since was in Greenville
re .
I in
. J i. h. a i
v hunting a
; return-
i ; I .
pi i pain and a
.- . i head.
ills . in with
aim and hi, . i in the
r n I p k aid,
; of
a tn . w ;.
Daisy Pi , ,
A inter. , . ,;
school at
Capt. T. ,
ton S
B i . n char
her .
S. A.
ville Saturday,
J. I. .;.
t to
The Happy
Sunburned and with the
strength of youth, this glorious
country faces winter and another
year. The account of 1907
been made up. Nothing remains
but to store fruits. Is there
anything melancholy in the
of winter and
weather in a land In the
bard old days winter meant a
living death to the farmer. Now
it is the season of enjoyment,
when thrift feeds on the fatness
it stored up better- Social
pleasure make the dark days
bright, and the roaring fire makes
delightful contrast to the sleety
blast- In the cities there is no
cause for in the
short days and long nights.
They are most welcome to all
men of open mind and cheerful
soul- Especially in Washington,
the nest of winter delights, does
summer end joyfully and autumn
unfold her of sweets.
to Washington as
Robin Hood came to Sherwood
Forest. This brown and jolly
month dances in. his arm
cling the and buxom
waist of Ceres, and the wassail
flows merrily as they whirl
through the t woods Jack
Frost the magician, is master of
the revels. He hangs strange
colors in the trees and conjures
up a mysterious change in the
light. Common be-
gin to seem unreal in Indian
summer The
mortal, before he is aware,
finds himself in a land of fairy,
and must pinch himself to be
certain he is not translated.
Washington .
re, i-,
With the Color People.
The biblical and musical can-
given last night at the G.
S. and O. F. Hall, was indeed a
grand affair Subject
and His Daughter, under
auspices of York's Temple, A.
M. E. Zion church choir, with
Mrs. S. J. Waller, its
tor and manager, f he play, was
given in the interest of the mis-
department of the above
named church, and there was a
nice crowd in attendance to
witness one of richest treats
of season. Each participant
acted them part well, and de-
serves much credit The pastor,
Rev- It Henry Sawyer, Jr.,
only three Sundays here before
his annual conference convenes
in Nov. 27th. His
rally to meet his local and gen
demands will be on the 3rd
Sunday. He will preach his
farewell sermon the fourth
Sunday of this month,
row he will fill his regular
Every member and
is kindly asked lo be
Vandyke, C F White, j H Starkey, S j Nobles, Moseley Bros, L H
Pender, W E H C . I E Stokes, W S Atkins, E B
Tobacco Company, L A Greenville Manufacturing
Company, A B w B Greene, J P
King, J E Carson, E i , J Turnage, C E Bradley, W L
Best, E B Ferguson, D L s, D D S; H A White,
R W King, Julius Brown, m i i. J S Fleming,
Farm ville. N. C. Oct. 1907.
Mr. C. A. Fair, of Ayden, just
settled the death claim of the
rate James R. Jefferson, who had
policy in the Security, Life and
Annuity Co., of N.
C. He only carried the policy
one year. The claim v.- is paid
just sixteen days after
death. in inner in
Which Mr. Pair settled this claim,
reflects great on him as
Well as the Company- We can
cheerfully commend all those
who wish
for the least money, to Mr C- A.
Fair, with the Security Life and
Annuity Co., which is purely a
mutual, Southern company and
stands second to none, in paying
death claims promptly.
of James Ii
of Mr.
The funeral of Mr. J. J. Laugh-
Jr., who died suddenly
Thursday night, was held this
afternoon. Services were con-
ducted by Rev- W. E. Cox at the
residence of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Laughinghouse, on
Pitt street, and the remains were
t taken in charge by the Ma
and Red Men, both lodges
attending in a body, and borne
to Cherry Hill cemetery for in-
with the last honors of
those fraternities. A large
bar of sorrowing friends followed
and their esteem was expressed
in many beautiful floral tributes.
The pall were Messrs.
Frank Wilson, W. H. Jr.;
L. Joyner, J. D. Garden, A.
M. Moseley and T. M. Hooker, of
J. F. Taylor and F.
II. Rollins of Washington.
as his host of friends
familiarly called him, be
missed, and many hearts
are deeply saddened at his death,
The weather was ideal and ti e
attendance of teachers and vi
ors was unusually largo. Th i
devotional exercises . con
ducted by Rev. C. O. Ai i
if Ayden, after which the n i- j
program of day is
Supt. Cale, of
an interesting t ilk on ii .
manage the idle hid
school. He laid down ft m
Keep him L
him by finding what things re
interesting to him. Speak to
the sex separately.
By thus you will ad
his respect.
Miss Randolph
Falkland- gave an excel
on the manner of mar i if
pile in and out of the
Supt. C. L. Coon, of
then introduced by Pr s.
Smith. Mr. Coon has his
in the- education-
of North Carolina
as he speaks of the gr. I
of the teachers of the
earnestness in his
shows that it comes
on fife for the work. Mr
tells things as they are an I
not sugar coat Hum. He
the truths home to the I
his hearers. He
course of study es
the for the public
system and l e with
authority and
the author of it could.
The closed
strong and convincing ti
the importance value
drawing in our school.-. D. W Webb. She
the Webb and ti
drawing flu
Thus closed one of ti, .
sessions in the history of .
By virtue the power of sale
contained in a mortgage deed and
I I x and delivered by
ii- Everett to Webb
. the day of
1900, and duly recorded h
. of deeds office
; North Carolina, h
Bo ;. N-8, page the under
i will expose t; public sale,
tho court house door
for cash, to th
bidder, on Saturday
i day of November 1907,
owing real property, to wit;
A tr id or parcel of land lying
in .-ship,
i h containing om
ed acres more or
and adj the lands . f A-
ton, Harry Whitfield
i and being a part
. . C. Keel land, to satisfy
Th i day of October 1907
el h Mortgagees,
L. Fleming,
Stack to His
Brown, the old
in. an h u
was d
It ., in death
tint he had told some
in i r i e
t a . ii dizziness in
is head i made hi n v
i it no o e anticipated
there to be u sad-
n of
Mr. La house was in his
year a son ii- .; n-
and Mr. . -i- thing
of Or way
r of his father's
plantation, Avon farm,
below town, where he lived,
usually spending Sundays with
parents He
was a man cf strong char-
and integrity and had a
host of with whom he
was very popular. He -j
member o both the Masonic and
Re Men s
and also of Caroline Club
To The Property .
We wish to inform the public n
.,.,. K , Bethel, on Friday, Nov
that we will take cash j at
notes to be issued for cash a lot of
the different banks of Pitt kitchen furniture, o u
If you have not U. S. cur- one horse, carts, bu It,
and wish to of our, Peanut .
goods come in with the bank J T,,
notes. A. B. Ellington Co. den w-
Our city was v .
v.-. k, on. ii g fl . i
J. Whitehurst,
Mount, Friday
many of i .
in Green-, this
Jam a and wife, of
was here a I . while
Big fox hunt la; . S . day,
men, children, . . .-.,;
the foxes could not be
H- A Gray .
at Sui
John Cong . .
Robersonville, spent .
with S. G. William an .;.,.
C. II. Ross, V.; . pent
two days here Ii st w
Lewis t Stokes,
made business c.,. .; .
veteran of three
wars, faithful to hi.
friends the yet more
days which followed tin
tin so conflicts, was
tried in Darlington yesterday,
mi i honors, tho Dar-
n attending in full
. fired over his grave
ii i earned this tribute
Br skin was dark,
cl hi Meter was spotless its whiteness, lie has long beer
liar figure in Darlington,
the annual reunion
federate Veterans. Ii
I th occasions
Id was i-i
y, nothing delighted him
to hold aloft his old
hum sticks while he told
m I over again to his friends,
ti i ins, how he
m de at th-
of Second
loved his folks;
hi manner of his
i ;. of the
in he was held by then-,
such men as he was, e-
is. always h i
.- ii a a and courier.
parents he leaves
me r and Mr ,
J, Bryan Grim s, Raleigh and
Dr Charles and Mr. Ned
Much sympathy is m d
these ii in
The remains were brought
Greenville today to the home of
Laughinghouse, on
Pitt street, and the interment
take place at
day afternoon in Cherry
Give Year j A
Did you live a hard life when
you were you de-
the common pleasures
every healthy by and to which
lie is Then ad the
reason why to your own
boy should be given those thing.
by you. it may that
spirit was not broken or d
by such neglect and injustice,
your own boy may not
will power and
that you did his and you
should run risk in th
him the healthy
I i d . i your youth.
the b a C pr of the
thin.; that m to make th m
happy and will k till th.
better and all better
h every way.
is Miss Winnie m
of Mi id burg, X
was a pass n on the
Line train wrecked near hire
yesterday, was idly hurt
rec i ire I a the . an I Is
i she Inter-
s M . ming la i
;. r of G. P.
city and
from him,
Free Press, 7th
TIME TO mail
The Laying off of the
is tho ii no for locking
up said on
citizen yesterday
almost gathered and
hundreds of i ave liven
laid of jobs and w out
of work. It la i well-known
fact that the avert. ad-about
does not save anything.
from the
communities in which they were
to work for ads, con-
contractors and
return home at times like this
without means of . . With
droves of unemployed and pen-
marching through
the country hens had better
roost high, and i cot-
ton kept under firm lock and
key There has been
m re cotton stolen than is being
taken in this county tin pres-
time Negro., re hauling
Ph i who
i better
their d. It is
now of or i with herds
if t better
will .
lea to their i s . s
v. when tho times
re pr . ire among
t by tho hale.
vi- stuff baled
lock it in the 1.1. or
be en
D .
maxim. word
good a Id The
Bible has no I
i n for Linn who d
not pay his d is
that man, who prays so
fervently in the r-meeting,
has so little influence in the
was asked. he
owes everybody in The
who not pay his do I
i. better pray i l l n
public. Paying is
praying in such a ca
h live by the Bi in i
of common h n . . b .
integrity, s would
be forgotten.- Selected

Eastern reflector, 8 November 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 08, 1907
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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